Input file size is 43200, 21600 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done. Reading inline arguments -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2022/GDACS/1000933/1_GFS/delft3d/20221006.18/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2022/GDACS/1000933/1_GFS/delft3d/20221006.18/ Reading file: /home/critechuser/operational/bin/config.txt Line 1: **************** Line 2: *Output options Line 3: **************** Line 4: * Line 5: outTxt =false Line 6: * Line 7: outHTif_exec_SWAN =true Line 8: outHTif_exec_TILES=false Line 9: outHTif_post =false Line 10: * Line 11: outuvTif_exec_SWAN =true Line 12: outuvTif_exec_TILES=false Line 13: outuvTif_post =false Line 14: * Line 15: outBMP =false Line 16: outJPG =false Line 17: * Line 18: outGIF_exec_SWAN =true Line 19: outGIF_exec_TILES =false Line 20: outGIF_post_SWAN =false Line 21: outGIF_post_HYFLUX =true Line 22: outGIF_post_NAMIDANCE =true Line 23: outGIF_post_MOST =true Line 24: outGIF_post_CORR =false Line 25: #outGIF_post_EASYWAVE =true Line 26: * Line 27: checkWatchPoints_exec_SWAN =true Line 28: checkWatchPoints_exec_TILES=true Line 29: checkWatchPoints_post_SWAN =false Line 30: checkWatchPoints_post_HYFLUX =true Line 31: checkWatchPoints_post_NAMIDANCE =true Line 32: checkWatchPoints_post_MOST =true Line 33: checkWatchPoints_post_CORR =true Line 34: checkWatchPoints_post_EASYWAVE=true Line 35: * Line 36: outkml_exec_SWAN =true Line 37: outkml_exec_TILES =false Line 38: outkml_post_SWAN =false Line 39: outkml_post_HYFLUX =true Line 40: outkml_post_NAMIDANCE =true Line 41: outkml_post_MOST =true Line 42: outkml_post_CORR =false Line 43: * Line 44: outGifAnimation_exec =false Line 45: outGifAnimation_post =true Line 46: outGifAnimation_post_CORR=false Line 47: * Line 48: intermediateAnimation =false Line 49: intermediateAnimation_CORR =false Line 50: * Line 51: tifH2netcdf_exec_SWAN =true Line 52: tifH2netcdf_exec_TILES=false Line 53: tifH2netcdf_post_SWAN =false Line 54: tifH2netcdf_post_HYFLUX=true Line 55: tifH2netcdf_post_NAMIDANCE=true Line 56: tifH2netcdf_post_CORR=false Line 57: * Line 58: tifuv2netcdf =false Line 59: * Line 60: writeWPtxtFiles_exec_SWAN=true Line 61: writeWPtxtFiles_exec_TILES=true Line 62: writeWPtxtFiles_post_SWAN=false Line 63: writeWPtxtFiles_post_HYFLUX=true Line 64: writeWPtxtFiles_post_NAMIDANCE=true Line 65: writeWPtxtFiles_post_MOST=true Line 66: writeWPtxtFiles_post_CORR=true Line 67: * Line 68: inFormat =GTiff Line 69: inFormat_NAMIDANCE =netcdf Line 70: inFormat_MOST =netcdf_NOAA Line 71: inFormat_EASYWAVE =netcdf Line 72: * Line 73: outFormat =GTiff Line 74: outFormat_CORR =netcdf Line 75: outFormat_NAMIDANCE =netcdf Line 76: outFormat_MOST =netcdf_NOAA Line 77: outFormat_EASYWAVE =netcdf Line 78: * Line 79: tarFilesAndDelete =true Line 80: deleteAnimFiles =true Line 81: deleteAnimFiles_NAMIDANCE=false Line 82: deleteAnimFiles_MOST=false Line 83: * Line 84: outTTT_TILES=false Line 85: * Line 86: * HYFLUX flags Line 87: mapfmt = PCRaster Line 88: mapext = .map Line 89: outfmt = GTiff Line 90: outext = .tif Line 91: radius=6378388. Line 92: houtmin = 1e-7 Line 93: voutmin = 1e-7 End of Reading file: /home/critechuser/operational/bin/config.txt Reading inline arguments -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2022/GDACS/1000933/1_GFS/delft3d/20221006.18/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2022/GDACS/1000933/1_GFS/delft3d/20221006.18/ Reading file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2022/GDACS/1000933/1_GFS/delft3d/20221006.18/CalcInputDeck.txt Line 1: ********************************************* Line 2: * Storm Surge input deck Line 3: ********************************************* Line 4: * General data Line 5: Title=GDACS/1000933/1_GFS Storm Surge Calculation Line 6: * Line 7: DateTsunami= 01 Jan 2022 00:00 * bulDate is the date of the bulletin on which is based the time, Line 8: i.e. date of fromBul Line 9: idCalc=20220101.00 Line 10: * Line 11: * Last position at time * Line 12: Lat= -1 * degree Line 13: Lon= -1 * degree Line 14: Mag= 0 * Cyclone s Line 15: * Calculation parameters * Line 16: InTime= 0 * h Line 17: FinTime= 72 * h Line 18: Tsave= 60. * min Line 19: fanning=0.015 Line 20: * Line 21: faultform=-1 * modifica variab Line 22: * Line 23: * Grid parameters * Line 24: batgrid= 4.0 * min Line 25: lonmin=-105.82 Line 26: lonmax=-52.74 Line 27: latmin=2.0 Line 28: latmax=30.2 Line 29: bathymetry=GEBCO30 End of Reading file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2022/GDACS/1000933/1_GFS/delft3d/20221006.18/CalcInputDeck.txt fnamePlaces=/home/critechuser/operational/DATA/adminCodes.csv Reading bathymetry Reading Arrival Time **** this file does not exists or cannot be read by GDAL: /mnt/output/SSCS/2022/GDACS/1000933/1_GFS/delft3d/20221006.18//TIF_Arrival_Time.tif Reading Max Height Reading Time of Max Height **** this file does not exists or cannot be read by GDAL: /mnt/output/SSCS/2022/GDACS/1000933/1_GFS/delft3d/20221006.18//TIF_Maximum_Time.tif gdal_translate -srcwin 8900 7174 6372 3386 /home/critechuser/operational/DATA/coastalIndices.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2022/GDACS/1000933/1_GFS/delft3d/20221006.18//clipFileCI.tif *** Interpolating clipped bathymetry. Dataset /mnt/output/SSCS/2022/GDACS/1000933/1_GFS/delft3d/20221006.18//clipFileCI.tif ncols=796, nrows=423 ix=10/796 ix=20/796 ix=30/796 ix=40/796 ix=50/796 ix=60/796 ix=70/796 ix=80/796 ix=90/796 ix=100/796 ix=110/796 ix=120/796 ix=130/796 ix=140/796 ix=150/796 ix=160/796 ix=170/796 ix=180/796 ix=190/796 ix=200/796 ix=210/796 ix=220/796 ix=230/796 ix=240/796 ix=250/796 ix=260/796 ix=270/796 ix=280/796 ix=290/796 ix=300/796 ix=310/796 ix=320/796 ix=330/796 ix=340/796 ix=350/796 ix=360/796 ix=370/796 ix=380/796 ix=390/796 ix=400/796 ix=410/796 ix=420/796 ix=430/796 ix=440/796 ix=450/796 ix=460/796 ix=470/796 ix=480/796 ix=490/796 ix=500/796 ix=510/796 ix=520/796 ix=530/796 ix=540/796 ix=550/796 ix=560/796 ix=570/796 ix=580/796 ix=590/796 ix=600/796 ix=610/796 ix=620/796 ix=630/796 ix=640/796 ix=650/796 ix=660/796 ix=670/796 ix=680/796 ix=690/796 ix=700/796 ix=710/796 ix=720/796 ix=730/796 ix=740/796 ix=750/796 ix=760/796 ix=770/796 ix=780/796 ix=790/796 fname=/mnt/output/SSCS/2022/GDACS/1000933/1_GFS/delft3d/20221006.18//coastalIndex.tif -105.820000 -52.740002 2.000000 30.200001 796 423 end of interpolation Interpoation completed fname=/mnt/output/SSCS/2022/GDACS/1000933/1_GFS/delft3d/20221006.18//coastalImpact.tif fname=/mnt/output/SSCS/2022/GDACS/1000933/1_GFS/delft3d/20221006.18//coastalImpactMax.tif