******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 11:35:07.564138 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 6 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ creating /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 11:35:07.604323 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file netcdf already existing : /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200731.12.tropical_cyclone.nc !!!removing submitted_surge ret= 0 False ============================================ processing netcdf file for running delft3d ============================================ 2. process netcdf files and run at 2020-08-03 11:35:07.608929 nt 12 ...creating forcing data TIF from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200731.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ... # times: 73 title: Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) np.amin(lon),np.amax(lon),np.amin(lat),np.amax(lat) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/MAXVEL.jpg V Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 255 319 255.0 319.0 savemap /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/MAXVEL.jpg calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/TIF_MAXVEL.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/ /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF delft3d31-07-2020 12:00& ..2.1 converting netcdf to txt... nt= 12 ************************* /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200731.12.tropical_cyclone.nc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/ 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 12 1 ...reprojecting netcdf on the calculation window for ... .....time 0 / 72 .....time 1 / 72 .....time 2 / 72 .....time 3 / 72 .....time 4 / 72 .....time 5 / 72 .....time 6 / 72 .....time 7 / 72 .....time 8 / 72 .....time 9 / 72 .....time 10 / 72 .....time 11 / 72 .....time 12 / 72 .....time 13 / 72 .....time 14 / 72 .....time 15 / 72 .....time 16 / 72 .....time 17 / 72 .....time 18 / 72 .....time 19 / 72 .....time 20 / 72 .....time 21 / 72 .....time 22 / 72 .....time 23 / 72 .....time 24 / 72 .....time 25 / 72 .....time 26 / 72 .....time 27 / 72 .....time 28 / 72 .....time 29 / 72 .....time 30 / 72 .....time 31 / 72 .....time 32 / 72 .....time 33 / 72 .....time 34 / 72 .....time 35 / 72 .....time 36 / 72 .....time 37 / 72 .....time 38 / 72 .....time 39 / 72 .....time 40 / 72 .....time 41 / 72 .....time 42 / 72 .....time 43 / 72 .....time 44 / 72 .....time 45 / 72 .....time 46 / 72 .....time 47 / 72 .....time 48 / 72 .....time 49 / 72 .....time 50 / 72 .....time 51 / 72 .....time 52 / 72 .....time 53 / 72 .....time 54 / 72 .....time 55 / 72 .....time 56 / 72 .....time 57 / 72 .....time 58 / 72 .....time 59 / 72 .....time 60 / 72 .....time 61 / 72 .....time 62 / 72 .....time 63 / 72 .....time 64 / 72 .....time 65 / 72 .....time 66 / 72 .....time 67 / 72 .....time 68 / 72 .....time 69 / 72 .....time 70 / 72 .....time 71 / 72 .....time 72 / 72 ...printing files header ...writing time 0 / 12 ...writing time 1 / 12 ...writing time 2 / 12 ...writing time 3 / 12 ...writing time 4 / 12 ...writing time 5 / 12 ...writing time 6 / 12 ...writing time 7 / 12 ...writing time 8 / 12 ...writing time 9 / 12 ...writing time 10 / 12 ...writing time 11 / 12 ...writing time 12 / 12 ************************* ..2.2 prepare files for run and launch... start= 1 ...initializing calculation for delft3d ...path: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/ run attributes lons=[116.0, 134.0], lats=[18.0, 40.5], ni=271, nj=338, resolution=0.0664206642066 decimal degrees (4.0 minutes) Set bathymetry create grid7 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/TIF_MAXVEL.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 0.026299 million >> 5. count the popolation in each cell and assign to the class and write to output in PP classifying 0 257 >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/popDensValues.xml TS 2694 (wind>17 and <=33) Japan 17 and <=33]]> Japan TS 2694 2694 CAT. 1 0 (wind>33 and <=43) 33 and <=43]]> CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 (wind>43 and <=50) 43 and <=50]]> CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 (wind>50 and <=58) 50 and <=58]]> CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 (wind>58 and <=70) 58 and <=70]]> CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 (wind>70 and <=1000) 70 and <=1000]]> CAT. 5 0 path= /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/ -- Bathym file -- /mnt/output/SSCS//BATHYMETRY/OPER/gebco30d.nc Bathymetry done Set gridmn= (338, 271) 338 271 Grid done Set enc Enc done Set observation points...creating obs file calc_dir: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/ basename: calc Observation points done Set mdf mdf doneInput file size is 43200, 21600 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done. /home/critechuser/operational/bin -i -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/ Reading file: /home/critechuser/operational/bin/config.txt Line 1: **************** Line 2: *Output options Line 3: **************** Line 4: * Line 5: outTxt =false Line 6: * Line 7: outHTif_exec_SWAN =true Line 8: outHTif_exec_TILES=false Line 9: outHTif_post =false Line 10: * Line 11: outuvTif_exec_SWAN =true Line 12: outuvTif_exec_TILES=false Line 13: outuvTif_post =false Line 14: * Line 15: outBMP =false Line 16: outJPG =false Line 17: * Line 18: outGIF_exec_SWAN =true Line 19: outGIF_exec_TILES =false Line 20: outGIF_post_SWAN =false Line 21: outGIF_post_HYFLUX =true Line 22: outGIF_post_NAMIDANCE =true Line 23: outGIF_post_MOST =true Line 24: outGIF_post_CORR =false Line 25: #outGIF_post_EASYWAVE =true Line 26: * Line 27: checkWatchPoints_exec_SWAN =true Line 28: checkWatchPoints_exec_TILES=true Line 29: checkWatchPoints_post_SWAN =false Line 30: checkWatchPoints_post_HYFLUX =true Line 31: checkWatchPoints_post_NAMIDANCE =true Line 32: checkWatchPoints_post_MOST =true Line 33: checkWatchPoints_post_CORR =true Line 34: checkWatchPoints_post_EASYWAVE=true Line 35: * Line 36: outkml_exec_SWAN =true Line 37: outkml_exec_TILES =false Line 38: outkml_post_SWAN =false Line 39: outkml_post_HYFLUX =true Line 40: outkml_post_NAMIDANCE =true Line 41: outkml_post_MOST =true Line 42: outkml_post_CORR =false Line 43: * Line 44: outGifAnimation_exec =false Line 45: outGifAnimation_post =true Line 46: outGifAnimation_post_CORR=false Line 47: * Line 48: intermediateAnimation =false Line 49: intermediateAnimation_CORR =false Line 50: * Line 51: tifH2netcdf_exec_SWAN =true Line 52: tifH2netcdf_exec_TILES=false Line 53: tifH2netcdf_post_SWAN =false Line 54: tifH2netcdf_post_HYFLUX=true Line 55: tifH2netcdf_post_NAMIDANCE=true Line 56: tifH2netcdf_post_CORR=false Line 57: * Line 58: tifuv2netcdf =false Line 59: * Line 60: writeWPtxtFiles_exec_SWAN=true Line 61: writeWPtxtFiles_exec_TILES=true Line 62: writeWPtxtFiles_post_SWAN=false Line 63: writeWPtxtFiles_post_HYFLUX=true Line 64: writeWPtxtFiles_post_NAMIDANCE=true Line 65: writeWPtxtFiles_post_MOST=true Line 66: writeWPtxtFiles_post_CORR=true Line 67: * Line 68: inFormat =GTiff Line 69: inFormat_NAMIDANCE =netcdf Line 70: inFormat_MOST =netcdf_NOAA Line 71: inFormat_EASYWAVE =netcdf Line 72: * Line 73: outFormat =GTiff Line 74: outFormat_CORR =netcdf Line 75: outFormat_NAMIDANCE =netcdf Line 76: outFormat_MOST =netcdf_NOAA Line 77: outFormat_EASYWAVE =netcdf Line 78: * Line 79: tarFilesAndDelete =true Line 80: deleteAnimFiles =true Line 81: deleteAnimFiles_NAMIDANCE=false Line 82: deleteAnimFiles_MOST=false Line 83: * Line 84: outTTT_TILES=false Line 85: * Line 86: * HYFLUX flags Line 87: mapfmt = PCRaster Line 88: mapext = .map Line 89: outfmt = GTiff Line 90: outext = .tif Line 91: radius=6378388. Line 92: houtmin = 1e-7 Line 93: voutmin = 1e-7 End of Reading file: /home/critechuser/operational/bin/config.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin -i -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/ **** Start of file : /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt Line 1: ********************************************* Line 2: * Storm Surge input deck Line 3: ********************************************* Line 4: * General data Line 5: Title=GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF Storm Surge Calculation Line 6: * Line 7: DateTsunami= 01 Jan 2020 00:00 * bulDate is the date of the bulletin on which is based the time, Line 8: i.e. date of fromBul Line 9: idCalc=20200101.00 Line 10: * Line 11: * Last position at time * Line 12: Lat= -1 * degree Line 13: Lon= -1 * degree Line 14: Mag= 0 * Cyclone s Line 15: * Calculation parameters * Line 16: InTime= 0 * h Line 17: FinTime= 72 * h Line 18: Tsave= 60. * min Line 19: fanning=0.015 Line 20: * Line 21: faultform=-1 * modifica variab Line 22: * Line 23: * Grid parameters * Line 24: batgrid= 4.0 * min Line 25: lonmin=116.0 Line 26: lonmax=134.0 Line 27: latmin=18.0 Line 28: latmax=40.5 Line 29: bathymetry=GEBCO30 **** End of file : /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt ---| batmode = 3 gdal_translate -srcwin 35519 5938 2161 2703 /home/critechuser/operational/DATA/gebco30.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid//clipFile.tif *** Interpolating clipped bathymetry. Dataset /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid//clipFile.tif ncols=270, nrows=337 ix=10/270 ix=20/270 ix=30/270 ix=40/270 ix=50/270 ix=60/270 ix=70/270 ix=80/270 ix=90/270 ix=100/270 ix=110/270 ix=120/270 ix=130/270 ix=140/270 ix=150/270 ix=160/270 ix=170/270 ix=180/270 ix=190/270 ix=200/270 ix=210/270 ix=220/270 ix=230/270 ix=240/270 ix=250/270 ix=260/270 ix=270/270 Writing gdal file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid//bathymetry.tif with factor=-1.000000 Fault number 1 Calling Okada with depth=0.000000 ! calling gdal factor 1 Writing gdal file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid//deformation.tif with factor=1.000000 Writing gdal file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid//base.bmp with factor=-1.000000 End of programme /home/critechuser/operational/bin/preProcessing -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/ All done ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/config_d_hydro.xml in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/config_d_hydro.xml ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.mdf in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/calc.mdf ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.grd in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/calc.grd ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.enc in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/calc.enc ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.obs in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/calc.obs ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.dep in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/calc.dep ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh ****** SETTING DT ***** 1.0 start run ./run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh 10 launching case: /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/MPICH_INTEL/bin/mpiexec -np 10 /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/5740/bin/lnx64/flow2d3d/bin/d_hydro.exe config_d_hydro.xml MPI process number 000 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 001 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 002 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 003 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 004 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 005 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 006 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 007 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 008 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 009 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deltares, FLOW2D3D Version, May 3 2016, 09:52:23 libflow2d3d.so entry Flow2D3D::Run -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part I - Initialisation Time Dep. Data module... runid : calc Part II - Creating intermediate files... Part III - Initialisation of the Execution module... Part IV - Reading complete MD-file... Part V - Initialisation & checking input... Part VI - Initialisation & checking second part... Part VII - Initialisation output... Part VIII - Start Simulation... Time to finish 0s, 0.0% completed, time steps left 720 Time to finish 3m 52s, 0.1% completed, time steps left 719 Time to finish 2m 22s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 718 Time to finish 1m 52s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 717 Time to finish 1m 36s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 716 Time to finish 1m 29s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 715 Time to finish 1m 26s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 714 Time to finish 1m 23s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 713 Time to finish 1m 19s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 712 Time to finish 1m 15s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 711 Time to finish 1m 13s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 710 Time to finish 1m 12s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 709 Time to finish 1m 11s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 708 Time to finish 1m 10s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 707 Time to finish 1m 9s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 706 Time to finish 1m 7s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 705 Time to finish 1m 16s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 704 Time to finish 1m 15s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 703 Time to finish 1m 14s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 702 Time to finish 1m 12s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 701 Time to finish 1m 12s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 700 Time to finish 1m 11s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 699 Time to finish 1m 10s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 698 Time to finish 1m 9s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 697 Time to finish 1m 9s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 696 Time to finish 1m 8s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 695 Time to finish 1m 8s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 694 Time to finish 1m 7s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 693 Time to finish 1m 7s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 692 Time to finish 1m 7s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 691 Time to finish 1m 6s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 690 Time to finish 1m 11s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 689 Time to finish 1m 11s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 688 Time to finish 1m 10s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 687 Time to finish 1m 10s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 686 Time to finish 1m 9s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 685 Time to finish 1m 9s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 684 Time to finish 1m 8s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 683 Time to finish 1m 8s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 682 Time to finish 1m 7s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 681 Time to finish 1m 7s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 680 Time to finish 1m 7s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 679 Time to finish 1m 6s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 678 Time to finish 1m 6s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 677 Time to finish 1m 6s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 676 Time to finish 1m 5s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 675 Time to finish 1m 8s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 674 Time to finish 1m 8s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 673 Time to finish 1m 8s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 672 Time to finish 1m 8s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 671 Time to finish 1m 8s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 670 Time to finish 1m 7s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 669 Time to finish 1m 7s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 668 Time to finish 1m 6s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 667 Time to finish 1m 6s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 666 Time to finish 1m 6s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 665 Time to finish 1m 5s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 664 Time to finish 1m 5s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 663 Time to finish 1m 5s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 662 Time to finish 1m 5s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 661 Time to finish 1m 4s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 660 Time to finish 1m 7s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 659 Time to finish 1m 7s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 658 Time to finish 1m 6s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 657 Time to finish 1m 6s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 656 Time to finish 1m 6s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 655 Time to finish 1m 5s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 654 Time to finish 1m 5s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 653 Time to finish 1m 5s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 652 Time to finish 1m 4s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 651 Time to finish 1m 4s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 650 Time to finish 1m 4s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 649 Time to finish 1m 4s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 648 Time to finish 1m 4s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 647 Time to finish 1m 4s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 646 Time to finish 1m 4s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 645 Time to finish 1m 6s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 644 Time to finish 1m 5s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 643 Time to finish 1m 5s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 642 Time to finish 1m 5s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 641 Time to finish 1m 5s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 640 Time to finish 1m 4s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 639 Time to finish 1m 4s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 638 Time to finish 1m 4s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 637 Time to finish 1m 4s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 636 Time to finish 1m 3s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 635 Time to finish 1m 3s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 634 Time to finish 1m 3s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 633 Time to finish 1m 3s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 632 Time to finish 1m 3s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 631 Time to finish 1m 3s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 630 Time to finish 1m 4s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 629 Time to finish 1m 3s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 628 Time to finish 1m 3s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 627 Time to finish 1m 3s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 626 Time to finish 1m 3s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 625 Time to finish 1m 3s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 624 Time to finish 1m 2s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 623 Time to finish 1m 2s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 622 Time to finish 1m 2s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 621 Time to finish 1m 2s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 620 Time to finish 1m 2s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 619 Time to finish 1m 2s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 618 Time to finish 1m 1s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 617 Time to finish 1m 1s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 616 Time to finish 1m 1s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 615 Time to finish 1m 2s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 614 Time to finish 1m 2s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 613 Time to finish 1m 2s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 612 Time to finish 1m 2s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 611 Time to finish 1m 1s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 610 Time to finish 1m 1s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 609 Time to finish 1m 1s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 608 Time to finish 1m 1s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 607 Time to finish 1m 1s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 606 Time to finish 60s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 605 Time to finish 60s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 604 Time to finish 60s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 603 Time to finish 60s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 602 Time to finish 60s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 601 Time to finish 60s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 600 Time to finish 1m 1s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 599 Time to finish 1m 1s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 598 Time to finish 1m 1s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 597 Time to finish 1m 1s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 596 Time to finish 1m 1s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 595 Time to finish 1m 1s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 594 Time to finish 60s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 593 Time to finish 60s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 592 Time to finish 60s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 591 Time to finish 60s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 590 Time to finish 60s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 589 Time to finish 59s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 588 Time to finish 59s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 587 Time to finish 59s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 586 Time to finish 59s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 585 Time to finish 59s, 18.9% completed, time 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Time to finish 9s, 87.1% completed, time steps left 93 Time to finish 9s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 92 Time to finish 9s, 87.4% completed, time steps left 91 Time to finish 9s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 90 Time to finish 8s, 87.6% completed, time steps left 89 Time to finish 8s, 87.8% completed, time steps left 88 Time to finish 8s, 87.9% completed, time steps left 87 Time to finish 8s, 88.1% completed, time steps left 86 Time to finish 8s, 88.2% completed, time steps left 85 Time to finish 8s, 88.3% completed, time steps left 84 Time to finish 8s, 88.5% completed, time steps left 83 Time to finish 8s, 88.6% completed, time steps left 82 Time to finish 8s, 88.8% completed, time steps left 81 Time to finish 8s, 88.9% completed, time steps left 80 Time to finish 7s, 89.0% completed, time steps left 79 Time to finish 7s, 89.2% completed, time steps left 78 Time to finish 7s, 89.3% completed, time steps left 77 Time to finish 7s, 89.4% completed, time steps left 76 Time to 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92.1% completed, time steps left 57 Time to finish 5s, 92.2% completed, time steps left 56 Time to finish 5s, 92.4% completed, time steps left 55 Time to finish 5s, 92.5% completed, time steps left 54 Time to finish 5s, 92.6% completed, time steps left 53 Time to finish 5s, 92.8% completed, time steps left 52 Time to finish 5s, 92.9% completed, time steps left 51 Time to finish 5s, 93.1% completed, time steps left 50 Time to finish 5s, 93.2% completed, time steps left 49 Time to finish 5s, 93.3% completed, time steps left 48 Time to finish 4s, 93.5% completed, time steps left 47 Time to finish 4s, 93.6% completed, time steps left 46 Time to finish 4s, 93.8% completed, time steps left 45 Time to finish 4s, 93.9% completed, time steps left 44 Time to finish 4s, 94.0% completed, time steps left 43 Time to finish 4s, 94.2% completed, time steps left 42 Time to finish 4s, 94.3% completed, time steps left 41 Time to finish 4s, 94.4% completed, time steps left 40 Time to finish 4s, 94.6% completed, time steps left 39 Time to finish 4s, 94.7% completed, time steps left 38 Time to finish 4s, 94.9% completed, time steps left 37 Time to finish 3s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 36 Time to finish 3s, 95.1% completed, time steps left 35 Time to finish 3s, 95.3% completed, time steps left 34 Time to finish 3s, 95.4% completed, time steps left 33 Time to finish 3s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 32 Time to finish 3s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 31 Time to finish 3s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 30 Time to finish 3s, 96.0% completed, time steps left 29 Time to finish 3s, 96.1% completed, time steps left 28 Time to finish 3s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 27 Time to finish 2s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 26 Time to finish 2s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 25 Time to finish 2s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 24 Time to finish 2s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 23 Time to finish 2s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 22 Time to finish 2s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 21 Time to finish 2s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 20 Time to finish 2s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 19 Time to finish 2s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 18 Time to finish 2s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 17 Time to finish 2s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 16 Time to finish 1s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 15 Time to finish 1s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 14 Time to finish 1s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 13 Time to finish 1s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 12 Time to finish 1s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 11 Time to finish 1s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 10 Time to finish 1s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 9 Time to finish 1s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 8 Time to finish 1s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 7 Time to finish 1s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 6 Time to finish 0s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 5 Time to finish 0s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 4 Time to finish 0s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 3 Time to finish 0s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 2 Time to finish 0s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINISHED Delft3D-FLOW runid : calc date, time : 2020-08-03, 13:37:00 SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 1 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 2 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 3 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 4 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 5 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 6 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 7 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 8 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 9 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 10 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D_Hydro [1596454620.664486] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596454620.664811] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596454620.664425] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596454620.664911] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596454620.664992] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596454620.665126] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596454620.668546] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596454620.668426] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596454620.668485] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596454620.678428] >> d_hydro shutting down normally ..2.3 finalize for current run ... 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-07-31 12:00:00 False delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/ (49, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Jiazi 22.40734 71 1 Jiazi 13.09244 72 1 Jiazi 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Changqingwei 22.40734 71 1 Changqingwei 13.09244 72 1 Changqingwei 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 19.728532 72 3 Shenquan 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 6.7835538 74 4 6.7835538 74 4 Donghong 4.4844703 74 5 4.4844703 74 5 Jinghai 18.914914 73 6 Jinghai 17.571704 76 9 Jinghai 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Ch'ao-yang-hsien 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Haimen 17.571704 76 9 Haimen 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Shantou 8.4375967 78 11 Shantou 7.0718507 79 12 Shantou 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Dahao 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Aotou 8.4375967 78 11 Aotou 7.0718507 79 12 Aotou 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Daitou 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Guangao 19.161279 76 10 Guangao 12.697454 77 10 Guangao 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Siwei 7.0718507 79 12 Siwei 3.7670093 80 12 Siwei 6.6530483 82 14 6.6530483 82 14 Ch'ien-tung-hsu 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Qiandong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Jingzhou 6.6530483 82 14 Jingzhou 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanglong 12.30569 81 14 Huanglong 6.6530483 82 14 Huanglong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanggang 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Houzhai 14.158554 79 13 Houzhai 7.4188071 80 13 Houzhai 12.30569 81 14 Houzhai 6.6530483 82 14 Houzhai 6.391558 83 16 6.391558 83 16 Raoping 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Zhelin 6.6530483 82 14 Zhelin 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Shenao 12.310144 80 14 Shenao 12.30569 81 14 Shenao 6.6530483 82 14 Shenao 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Nanao 19.543308 79 15 Nanao 14.736534 80 15 Nanao 14.438193 81 15 Nanao 10.298399 82 15 Nanao 6.391558 83 16 6.391558 83 16 Chelim 10.298399 82 15 Chelim 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Gongkou 6.391558 83 16 Gongkou 25.143746 84 16 25.143746 84 16 Sidu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Dongshan 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Ssu-tu 4.0256123 85 20 4.0256123 85 20 Gongqiancun 16.571469 82 19 Gongqiancun 12.984636 83 19 Gongqiancun 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chencheng 16.571469 82 19 Chencheng 12.984636 83 19 Chencheng 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Hsing-ch'en 4.0256123 85 20 Hsing-ch'en 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Chendai 4.0256123 85 20 Chendai 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Hsi-pu 12.984636 83 19 Hsi-pu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chengguanzhen 22.062022 84 22 Chengguanzhen 3.7540171 87 25 Chengguanzhen 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Guleitou 22.062022 84 22 Guleitou 3.7540171 87 25 Guleitou 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Gangkou 14.166745 86 25 Gangkou 3.7540171 87 25 Gangkou 7.1344484 88 25 Gangkou 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Hsia-mei 3.7540171 87 25 Hsia-mei 7.1344484 88 25 Hsia-mei 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Jiuzhen 10.293507 89 26 Jiuzhen 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Liu'ao 3.7540171 87 25 Liu'ao 7.1344484 88 25 Liu'ao 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Shentu 7.1344484 88 25 Shentu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Chihu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Fotan 8.2773537 91 29 Fotan 7.5801579 92 30 7.5801579 92 30 Fugong 9.1224387 93 31 Fugong 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Haicang 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Guankou 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Gangwei 9.1224387 93 31 Gangwei 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Songyu 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Hsing-lin 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Xucuo 9.1224387 93 31 Xucuo 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Gulangyu 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Xiamen 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Chen-hai 7.5801579 92 30 Chen-hai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Daomei 9.1224387 93 31 Daomei 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Dianqian 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Jiangtou 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Zhenhai 7.5801579 92 30 Zhenhai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Hecuo 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Liuwudian 2.7981704 97 31 Liuwudian 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Aotou 11.680956 96 33 Aotou 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Xindian 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 An-ting 12.486394 94 33 An-ting 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Ma-chiang 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Chin-men 12.486394 94 33 Chin-men 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Lianhe 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Ch'ing-hsu 15.995085 96 34 Ch'ing-hsu 4.474861 97 34 Ch'ing-hsu 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Shijing 4.474861 97 34 Shijing 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Chin-men Tao 11.81395 95 34 Chin-men Tao 15.995085 96 34 Chin-men Tao 4.474861 97 34 Chin-men Tao 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Yang-chai 11.81395 95 34 Yang-chai 15.995085 96 34 Yang-chai 4.474861 97 34 Yang-chai 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Anhai 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Tung-shih 37.719502 98 36 Tung-shih 3.88525 98 37 Tung-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Weitou 16.40076 96 37 Weitou 3.88525 98 37 Weitou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Chin-ching 16.40076 96 37 Chin-ching 3.88525 98 37 Chin-ching 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Shih-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Yakou 3.88525 98 37 Yakou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Yongning 2.6544592 98 38 Yongning 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Shihu 19.961478 101 42 Shihu 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dongyuan 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Hsiang-chih 23.464508 99 41 Hsiang-chih 12.088851 100 41 Hsiang-chih 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Zhangban 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Fengting 19.992729 107 45 Fengting 40.385472 108 45 40.385472 108 45 Qian'an 19.961478 101 42 Qian'an 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dongsha 19.992729 107 45 Dongsha 40.385472 108 45 40.385472 108 45 Dawu 3.4065137 103 43 Dawu 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Chongwu 19.961478 101 42 Chongwu 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Lingchuan 19.992729 107 45 Lingchuan 40.385472 108 45 Lingchuan 51.854925 108 46 51.854925 108 46 Fengwei 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hsiao-tso 12.914359 102 43 Hsiao-tso 3.4065137 103 43 Hsiao-tso 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Zhongmen 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hushi 40.385472 108 45 Hushi 51.854925 108 46 Hushi 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 P'u-hsi 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hanjiang 4.884141 111 49 Hanjiang 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Meizhou 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Chiang-k'ou 4.884141 111 49 Chiang-k'ou 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Daitou 26.365664 107 46 Daitou 51.854925 108 46 Daitou 26.166377 108 47 Daitou 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Pinghai 26.166377 108 47 Pinghai 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Yuxi 3.7875229 112 49 Yuxi 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Tangbian 4.884141 111 49 Tangbian 3.7875229 112 49 Tangbian 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Shicheng 6.7393053 107 48 Shicheng 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Jiangjing 4.884141 111 49 Jiangjing 3.7875229 112 49 Jiangjing 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Nanri 18.09116 106 50 Nanri 7.0734505 107 50 Nanri 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Longtian 4.547549 112 50 Longtian 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Gangtou 5.4590452 111 50 Gangtou 4.547549 112 50 Gangtou 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Chu-kao-wan 60.854161 86 51 Chu-kao-wan 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 San Shah 3.150623 111 51 San Shah 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Guhuai 10.731328 116 55 Guhuai 9.6953481 117 55 Guhuai 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Feng-kuei-li 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Gaoshan 20.832558 110 51 Gaoshan 3.150623 111 51 Gaoshan 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Fuye 21.813694 106 51 Fuye 4.2004307 109 51 Fuye 20.832558 110 51 20.832558 110 51 Ch'ang-an 60.854161 86 51 Ch'ang-an 58.867813 87 51 Ch'ang-an 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 P'eng-hu-erh-ts'un 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Langqi 7.4873876 119 56 Langqi 2.4030428 121 56 2.4030428 121 56 Chiang-t'ien 10.731328 116 55 Chiang-t'ien 9.6953481 117 55 Chiang-t'ien 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Changmen 2.4030428 121 56 2.4030428 121 56 Ma-kung 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Ch'eng-ch'ien 58.147418 86 52 Ch'eng-ch'ien 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Chu-mu-shui 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Chi-pei 58.147418 86 52 Chi-pei 72.156355 87 52 Chi-pei 55.671692 88 52 Chi-pei 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Tantou 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Fengwo 7.4873876 119 56 Fengwo 2.4030428 121 56 2.4030428 121 56 Chang-chiang 9.6953481 117 55 Chang-chiang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Yunlong 7.4873876 119 56 Yunlong 2.4030428 121 56 2.4030428 121 56 Tung-tai 3.7675423 122 56 Tung-tai 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chin-feng 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Ta-ch'iu 7.8729078 109 53 7.8729078 109 53 Baisheng 2.4030428 121 56 2.4030428 121 56 Mabi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Lung-men 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Guanban 3.7675423 122 56 Guanban 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Wuhang 9.6953481 117 55 Wuhang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Chien-chiang 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Beicuo 14.408223 110 55 Beicuo 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Guanjing 8.1494594 114 55 Guanjing 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Cao Yu 21.453363 109 54 21.453363 109 54 Qingfeng 8.1494594 114 55 Qingfeng 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Pingtan 8.1494594 114 55 Pingtan 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Ting-hai 3.7675423 122 56 Ting-hai 6.73443 123 56 Ting-hai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Anhai 16.488406 124 58 Anhai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Tung-ch'ung 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Xinan 6.1076887 128 59 6.1076887 128 59 Houtian 6.0111747 111 56 Houtian 9.2331172 115 56 Houtian 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 15.033168 120 57 15.033168 120 57 Xiahu 49.118844 127 58 Xiahu 12.731007 129 61 12.731007 129 61 Hanjiang 6.3065462 130 62 Hanjiang 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Songcheng 3.3149429 131 62 Songcheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Da'ao 23.861571 126 59 Da'ao 32.880177 127 59 Da'ao 12.731007 129 61 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Wuqu 6.3065462 130 62 Wuqu 3.3149429 131 62 Wuqu 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Yung-lung 13.577678 79 61 Yung-lung 10.147977 80 61 Yung-lung 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Luxia 14.317131 128 61 Luxia 12.731007 129 61 12.731007 129 61 Chiang-chun 13.577678 79 61 Chiang-chun 10.147977 80 61 10.147977 80 61 Fu-hsing 13.577678 79 61 Fu-hsing 10.147977 80 61 Fu-hsing 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Pu-tai 13.577678 79 61 Pu-tai 10.147977 80 61 Pu-tai 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Yacheng 5.0918143 132 62 Yacheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Chang-t'an 13.577678 79 61 Chang-t'an 10.147977 80 61 Chang-t'an 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Wu-nan 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Chung-ch'i 17.818267 88 63 Chung-ch'i 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Sansha 5.0918143 132 62 Sansha 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 San-hsing 17.818267 88 63 San-hsing 21.484342 89 63 San-hsing 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 T'ai-hsi 39.461745 90 62 T'ai-hsi 21.484342 89 63 T'ai-hsi 39.062347 90 63 T'ai-hsi 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Sha-shan 17.818267 88 63 Sha-shan 21.484342 89 63 Sha-shan 39.062347 90 63 Sha-shan 39.840433 91 63 Sha-shan 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Ch'ing-tao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Wang-kung 17.818267 88 63 Wang-kung 21.484342 89 63 Wang-kung 39.062347 90 63 Wang-kung 39.840433 91 63 Wang-kung 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Sifang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Chengyang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Huang-ch'i 5.9611803 134 64 5.9611803 134 64 Qingdao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Shacheng 16.520509 136 65 Shacheng 6.4179121 135 66 Shacheng 3.0645214 138 68 3.0645214 138 68 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Xiaguan 16.520509 136 65 Xiaguan 6.8238841 137 67 Xiaguan 3.0645214 138 68 3.0645214 138 68 Lu-kang 15.016012 90 64 Lu-kang 44.911292 92 64 Lu-kang 10.707506 91 65 Lu-kang 4.9192683 92 66 4.9192683 92 66 Pucheng 16.520509 136 65 Pucheng 6.8238841 137 67 Pucheng 3.0645214 138 68 3.0645214 138 68 Sha-fan-chieh 6.1811061 139 69 Sha-fan-chieh 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 I-shan 3.3968236 141 70 I-shan 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Ching-shui 18.89506 94 67 Ching-shui 48.638053 95 67 Ching-shui 47.572319 96 67 Ching-shui 46.81908 96 68 46.81908 96 68 Jinxiang 6.1811061 139 69 Jinxiang 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Hai huang 18.89506 94 67 Hai huang 48.638053 95 67 Hai huang 47.572319 96 67 Hai huang 63.810636 97 67 Hai huang 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Gexiang 24.330988 143 70 Gexiang 2.2889198 145 71 2.2889198 145 71 Yuan-li 11.849512 95 68 Yuan-li 46.81908 96 68 Yuan-li 47.231968 97 68 Yuan-li 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Tung-hsiao 11.849512 95 68 Tung-hsiao 46.81908 96 68 Tung-hsiao 47.231968 97 68 Tung-hsiao 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Chang'ao 17.697269 148 73 Chang'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Ch'i-ting 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Xiabu 17.697269 148 73 Xiabu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Banling 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 24.953155 147 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 17.697269 148 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Kaiyangtu 17.697269 148 73 Kaiyangtu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Ling-hsia 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Huangwan 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Longwan 24.953155 147 73 Longwan 17.697269 148 73 Longwan 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Gao'ao 17.697269 148 73 Gao'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Siqianjie 24.953155 147 73 Siqianjie 17.697269 148 73 Siqianjie 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Xiaodoumen 24.953155 147 73 Xiaodoumen 17.697269 148 73 Xiaodoumen 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Baixiang 17.697269 148 73 Baixiang 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Shan-ch'ien 17.697269 148 73 Shan-ch'ien 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Jiangtan 24.953155 147 73 Jiangtan 17.697269 148 73 Jiangtan 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Ganpu 25.4412 184 73 Ganpu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Chu-nan 40.862512 100 71 Chu-nan 2.2544865 101 73 2.2544865 101 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Ch'ien-tzu-chiao 40.862512 100 71 Ch'ien-tzu-chiao 2.2544865 101 73 2.2544865 101 73 Hsieh-t'ang 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Haiyan 17.456245 185 73 Haiyan 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsia-chia-fou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-chia-fou 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Changchuanba 25.4412 184 73 Changchuanba 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Baizhuzhen 4.6144463 187 75 Baizhuzhen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ch'eng-ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dituan 17.697269 148 73 Dituan 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Beilong 5.9811912 144 73 Beilong 4.2607895 145 73 Beilong 24.953155 147 73 24.953155 147 73 Shih-ma-chuang 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Linshan 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Changqian 4.6144463 187 75 Changqian 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Xitang 4.6144463 187 75 Xitang 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Baiyan 38.790019 152 76 Baiyan 49.926487 153 77 Baiyan 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Baisha 61.424401 150 75 Baisha 49.926487 153 77 Baisha 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 38.790019 152 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 49.926487 153 77 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 4.6144463 187 75 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Fu-jung 49.926487 153 77 Fu-jung 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Chou-hung-ch'iu 2.4716733 184 74 Chou-hung-ch'iu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Cheng-chia-tai 4.6144463 187 75 Cheng-chia-tai 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Heng-pa-ts'un 2.4716733 184 74 Heng-pa-ts'un 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 P'u-ch'i 61.424401 150 75 P'u-ch'i 49.926487 153 77 P'u-ch'i 72.485656 154 77 P'u-ch'i 48.404472 154 78 48.404472 154 78 Kuan-yin 3.3316499 103 74 3.3316499 103 74 Hsiung-ting-yu 2.4716733 184 74 Hsiung-ting-yu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Zhapu 4.6144463 187 75 Zhapu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Qingjiang 38.790019 152 76 Qingjiang 49.926487 153 77 Qingjiang 72.485656 154 77 Qingjiang 48.404472 154 78 48.404472 154 78 Xihuzui 10.211338 314 78 Xihuzui 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Niu-ch'iao-shih 4.6144463 187 75 Niu-ch'iao-shih 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Touyan 7.9364271 147 75 Touyan 10.419949 148 75 Touyan 2.0500631 149 75 2.0500631 149 75 Banping 15.445253 145 75 Banping 6.6582175 146 75 Banping 7.9364271 147 75 Banping 10.419949 148 75 Banping 2.0500631 149 75 2.0500631 149 75 Bei'ao 15.445253 145 75 Bei'ao 6.6582175 146 75 Bei'ao 7.9364271 147 75 Bei'ao 10.419949 148 75 Bei'ao 2.0500631 149 75 2.0500631 149 75 Dajing 72.485656 154 77 Dajing 48.404472 154 78 48.404472 154 78 Chenyu 2.0500631 149 75 Chenyu 49.926487 153 77 Chenyu 8.5062756 153 78 Chenyu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Tieshan 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Hsing-hsing-chen 4.6144463 187 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Baixi 49.926487 153 77 Baixi 72.485656 154 77 Baixi 48.404472 154 78 Baixi 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chou-chia-peng 7.4155752 188 76 7.4155752 188 76 Huanshan 5.5698927 150 76 Huanshan 49.926487 153 77 Huanshan 72.485656 154 77 Huanshan 48.404472 154 78 Huanshan 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Lushun 10.211338 314 78 Lushun 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Kanmen 12.148678 150 77 Kanmen 16.272936 151 77 Kanmen 49.926487 153 77 Kanmen 8.5062756 153 78 Kanmen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Ch'ing-chiang 49.926487 153 77 Ch'ing-chiang 72.485656 154 77 Ch'ing-chiang 48.404472 154 78 Ch'ing-chiang 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chumen 16.272936 151 77 Chumen 49.926487 153 77 Chumen 72.485656 154 77 Chumen 48.404472 154 78 Chumen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Wenqiao 49.926487 153 77 Wenqiao 72.485656 154 77 Wenqiao 48.404472 154 78 Wenqiao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 San Juan 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Sanguanmiao 32.53914 320 82 32.53914 320 82 Ducun 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 5.995365 315 80 Xinzhaizi 13.14841 316 80 Xinzhaizi 10.263241 316 81 Xinzhaizi 10.655565 317 81 Xinzhaizi 5.1844298 316 82 Xinzhaizi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Fugu 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Wudao 11.730245 319 81 Wudao 17.172111 319 82 Wudao 32.53914 320 82 Wudao 18.318481 319 83 18.318481 319 83 Shuishiying 28.152081 311 79 Shuishiying 56.880607 311 83 Shuishiying 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Lingmen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Aohuan 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Dalu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 5.995365 315 80 Yingchengzi 13.14841 316 80 Yingchengzi 10.263241 316 81 Yingchengzi 10.655565 317 81 Yingchengzi 5.1844298 316 82 Yingchengzi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Naguilian 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Guan'ao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Jiaoliudao 11.730245 319 81 Jiaoliudao 17.172111 319 82 Jiaoliudao 32.53914 320 82 Jiaoliudao 18.318481 319 83 Jiaoliudao 35.730376 319 84 Jiaoliudao 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Abulug 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Panlong 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dongdayang 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baoshan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Wu-tao 11.730245 319 81 Wu-tao 17.172111 319 82 Wu-tao 32.53914 320 82 Wu-tao 18.318481 319 83 Wu-tao 35.730376 319 84 Wu-tao 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Xinmin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 39.563689 311 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 47.633161 311 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 52.1369 311 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 56.880607 311 83 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Cabuluan 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Cao'antou 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsin-k'ai-ho 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 10.655565 317 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 3.9836386 316 83 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 Gezhenpu 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Catuguran 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Beishenjiazhai 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Youcheqiao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 3.9836386 316 83 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 Dalian 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 3.9836386 316 83 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 Nanguanling 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Linao 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Shih-t'ang 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Qianjin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Songmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Nanbu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Bisagu 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Yangyuan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gaodong 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 Xinghaitun 56.880607 311 83 Xinghaitun 15.459068 312 83 Xinghaitun 35.617666 312 85 Xinghaitun 41.345126 312 86 Xinghaitun 29.26988 313 86 Xinghaitun 9.8166156 314 86 Xinghaitun 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Panshi 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 3.9836386 316 83 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 Dayandao 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 3.9836386 316 83 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Aparri 14.661471 5 86 14.661471 5 86 Gulu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gangyan 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 Dal'niy 15.459068 312 83 Dal'niy 35.617666 312 85 Dal'niy 41.345126 312 86 Dal'niy 29.26988 313 86 Dal'niy 9.8166156 314 86 Dal'niy 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Alilinu 14.661471 5 86 14.661471 5 86 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 38.89369 318 84 Gongjialu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 Dingguanzhai 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Dongxing 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hexing 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsiang-hua 4.4113937 201 84 Hsiang-hua 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 Qianyangjiacun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Punta 14.661471 5 86 14.661471 5 86 Qianwei 4.4113937 201 84 Qianwei 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Sizhoutou 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Yuansha 4.4113937 201 84 Yuansha 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Xianxiang 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Balza 14.661471 5 86 14.661471 5 86 Shigaotang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Ch'en-chia 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Fumin 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Beiqigen 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Hsin-min 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Niupeng 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 29.26988 313 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 3.9477531 315 86 Dagushan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Sanshan 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 3.9477531 315 86 Wanli 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 3.9477531 315 86 Dongjiagou 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Daxu 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 29.26988 313 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 3.9477531 315 86 Nianyuwan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Buguey 14.661471 5 86 Buguey 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Zhuxi 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Ch'ai-ch'iao 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Qiancang 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Gonzaga 22.144727 5 88 Gonzaga 24.144903 5 89 Gonzaga 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 Dalijia 13.870654 317 93 Dalijia 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 Teng-sha-ho 13.870654 317 93 Teng-sha-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Bawa 24.144903 5 89 Bawa 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Cabiraoan 24.144903 5 89 Cabiraoan 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Casambalangan 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 San Vincente 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 11.443164 318 94 Ch'ing-shui-ho 19.965156 319 94 Ch'ing-shui-ho 24.627669 320 95 24.627669 320 95 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 Wujiatun 13.870654 317 93 Wujiatun 6.2568556 318 93 Wujiatun 11.443164 318 94 Wujiatun 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 24.627669 320 95 Pikou 7.6443932 320 97 7.6443932 320 97 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 Jiaxinzi 24.627669 320 95 Jiaxinzi 7.6443932 320 97 Jiaxinzi 12.836438 320 98 Jiaxinzi 46.554234 321 98 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 19.266314 317 98 Fangshentun 12.836438 320 98 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 Fangshentun 12.719806 320 100 Fangshentun 11.765007 320 101 11.765007 320 101 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 Zhuanghe 30.237123 324 105 30.237123 324 105 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 5.3016982 323 103 Dafangshen 30.237123 324 105 30.237123 324 105 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 30.237123 324 105 30.237123 324 105 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 10.749466 322 104 Wangjia 7.5158755 323 104 Wangjia 4.1820704 323 105 Wangjia 12.767096 322 106 Wangjia 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 7.0071058 324 110 Nanjian 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 22.551549 327 116 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 Dadong 2.0012454 326 122 Dadong 2.6932739 326 124 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 2.0039199 326 121 Chogumsa 2.0012454 326 122 Chogumsa 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 5.3139678 322 128 Yongsapo 8.7710941 323 128 Yongsapo 9.4064872 324 128 Yongsapo 3.2745183 324 129 Yongsapo 15.644561 325 129 Yongsapo 8.6037931 324 131 Yongsapo 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Chandae-dong 67.952825 297 128 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 38.107732 300 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 19.200451 303 131 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 3.2745183 324 129 Changya-dong 15.644561 325 129 Changya-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Changya-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 22.606289 310 133 Arang-dong 8.2722777 310 134 8.2722777 310 134 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 21.953468 305 131 Sogon-ni 2.8138241 306 131 Sogon-ni 22.711163 307 131 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Sinmi-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 16.008163 302 131 Monggumpo-ri 19.200451 303 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.579912 304 131 Monggumpo-ri 20.233065 304 132 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 4.9813939 305 133 4.9813939 305 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 4.9813939 305 133 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 17.458806 309 133 Chosa-dong 22.606289 310 133 Chosa-dong 15.884596 311 133 Chosa-dong 6.3796517 311 134 Chosa-dong 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 Amdu-ri 13.110716 325 133 13.110716 325 133 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 8.2722777 310 134 An-ch'on 2.5881107 307 135 An-ch'on 7.5753806 310 138 7.5753806 310 138 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 7.3877235 300 135 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 15.802247 295 141 Changdae 19.267599 295 142 19.267599 295 142 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 5.7636397 322 138 Changp'o 44.567608 323 138 44.567608 323 138 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 5.8961564 320 139 Yung-ni 28.075365 322 139 Yung-ni 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 Hwajin-ni 19.473088 318 139 Hwajin-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Hwajin-ni 5.8961564 320 139 Hwajin-ni 15.181629 320 140 15.181629 320 140 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 Chungang-ni 22.069283 319 140 Chungang-ni 15.181629 320 140 15.181629 320 140 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 14.521966 296 151 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.5759047 296 153 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.5759047 296 153 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Dongmun 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 18.679295 284 154 Oe-dong 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 16.590515 288 153 Chawol-li 4.0459529 289 153 Chawol-li 32.197626 289 154 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 24.938064 289 156 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 3.5759047 296 153 Chungjang 13.911663 275 157 Chungjang 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 3.6487155 295 154 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 3.2321102 285 157 Hasambong 9.4314594 286 158 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 Hasambong 16.390027 286 159 Hasambong 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Aech'an-ni 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 14.372923 290 158 Chonghyon-dong 20.027044 289 159 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 Chonghyon-dong 21.66388 289 160 Chonghyon-dong 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Changsin 2.241903 267 159 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Janghang 2.6159405 268 159 2.6159405 268 159 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 2.6159405 268 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 2.241903 267 159 Okhu 2.6159405 268 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 3.9684399 286 160 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.6159405 268 159 Gunsan 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 13.369013 247 166 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 13.369013 247 166 Changsu 9.261633 248 166 Changsu 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chinch'ang 13.369013 247 166 Chinch'ang 9.261633 248 166 Chinch'ang 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Aya-ri 13.369013 247 166 Aya-ri 9.261633 248 166 Aya-ri 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Ch'ongam 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chungbang 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Ch'angch'on 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Yeosu 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Chukp'o 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Hangch'on 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Namhae 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Chindu 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Ungcheon 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Jinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chuktori 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Jangseunpo 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Daiko 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Meihama 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Saitosaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuoka 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Mitoma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Kashii 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Harumachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Tsuyazaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Shingu 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukumamachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Katae 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Moriyama 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Wataricho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Tonoecho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Watari 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Shichirui 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Takenouchicho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Sakai-Minato 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Fukuura 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yoshizu 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 O-Shinozucho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kumozu 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kamiguchi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Higuchi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Goto 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kamidani 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Mihonoseki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Mihonseki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Abe 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yonago 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Higashi-Fukuhara 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kami-fukubara 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kaike-Onsen 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kuzumo 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Soda 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kaya 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kawaoka 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Odaka 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Sueyoshi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Muki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yodoe 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/CalcInputDeck.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin/coastalImpact -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/ > /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/outCostalImpact.txt SELECT id, SHAPE_LENG,AsText(Geometry) FROM shoreline WHERE MBRContains(BuildMBR(116.0,18.0,134.0,40.5), geometry) 100 / 285 200 / 285 plottype GDACS drawing CoastalImpact /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/ /mnt/output/SSCS/DATA/coastal.db 100 / 285 200 / 285 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000688/ECMWF/2020073112/all_inpData.txt error track file-->map without track ECMWF 1000688 trackfile 0 OUT_umax.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0000.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0024.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! ....remove.... case delft3d 2020-07-31 12:00:00 ret= 0 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ creating /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 11:38:27.878154 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file being created already, stopping /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/submitted_surge.txt removing submitted_surge ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 11:45:09.018374 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 6 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 11:45:09.058409 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file netcdf already existing : /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200801.00.tropical_cyclone.nc !!!removing submitted_surge ret= 0 False ============================================ processing netcdf file for running delft3d ============================================ 2. process netcdf files and run at 2020-08-03 11:45:09.064151 nt 12 ...creating forcing data TIF from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200801.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ... # times: 73 title: Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) np.amin(lon),np.amax(lon),np.amin(lat),np.amax(lat) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/MAXVEL.jpg V Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 255 319 255.0 319.0 savemap /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/MAXVEL.jpg calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/TIF_MAXVEL.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/ /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF delft3d01-08-2020 00:00& ..2.1 converting netcdf to txt... nt= 12 ************************* /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200801.00.tropical_cyclone.nc 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/ 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 12 1 ...reprojecting netcdf on the calculation window for ... .....time 0 / 72 .....time 1 / 72 .....time 2 / 72 .....time 3 / 72 .....time 4 / 72 .....time 5 / 72 .....time 6 / 72 .....time 7 / 72 .....time 8 / 72 .....time 9 / 72 .....time 10 / 72 .....time 11 / 72 .....time 12 / 72 .....time 13 / 72 .....time 14 / 72 .....time 15 / 72 .....time 16 / 72 .....time 17 / 72 .....time 18 / 72 .....time 19 / 72 .....time 20 / 72 .....time 21 / 72 .....time 22 / 72 .....time 23 / 72 .....time 24 / 72 .....time 25 / 72 .....time 26 / 72 .....time 27 / 72 .....time 28 / 72 .....time 29 / 72 .....time 30 / 72 .....time 31 / 72 .....time 32 / 72 .....time 33 / 72 .....time 34 / 72 .....time 35 / 72 .....time 36 / 72 .....time 37 / 72 .....time 38 / 72 .....time 39 / 72 .....time 40 / 72 .....time 41 / 72 .....time 42 / 72 .....time 43 / 72 .....time 44 / 72 .....time 45 / 72 .....time 46 / 72 .....time 47 / 72 .....time 48 / 72 .....time 49 / 72 .....time 50 / 72 .....time 51 / 72 .....time 52 / 72 .....time 53 / 72 .....time 54 / 72 .....time 55 / 72 .....time 56 / 72 .....time 57 / 72 .....time 58 / 72 .....time 59 / 72 .....time 60 / 72 .....time 61 / 72 .....time 62 / 72 .....time 63 / 72 .....time 64 / 72 .....time 65 / 72 .....time 66 / 72 .....time 67 / 72 .....time 68 / 72 .....time 69 / 72 .....time 70 / 72 .....time 71 / 72 .....time 72 / 72 ...printing files header ...writing time 0 / 12 ...writing time 1 / 12 ...writing time 2 / 12 ...writing time 3 / 12 ...writing time 4 / 12 ...writing time 5 / 12 ...writing time 6 / 12 ...writing time 7 / 12 ...writing time 8 / 12 ...writing time 9 / 12 ...writing time 10 / 12 ...writing time 11 / 12 ...writing time 12 / 12 ************************* ..2.2 prepare files for run and launch... start= 0 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/config_d_hydro.xml in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/config_d_hydro.xml ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.mdf in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/calc.mdf ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.grd in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/calc.grd ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.enc in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/calc.enc ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.obs in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/calc.obs ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.dep in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/calc.dep ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/tri-rst.calc.20200801.000000 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/tri-rst.restart.20200801.000000 ****** SETTING DT ***** 1.0 start run ./run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh 10 launching case: /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/MPICH_INTEL/bin/mpiexec -np 10 /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/5740/bin/lnx64/flow2d3d/bin/d_hydro.exe config_d_hydro.xml MPI process number 000 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 001 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 002 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 003 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 004 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 005 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 006 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 007 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 008 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 009 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deltares, FLOW2D3D Version, May 3 2016, 09:52:23 libflow2d3d.so entry Flow2D3D::Run -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part I - Initialisation Time Dep. Data module... runid : calc Part II - Creating intermediate files... Part III - Initialisation of the Execution module... Part IV - Reading complete MD-file... Part V - Initialisation & checking input... Part VI - Initialisation & checking second part... Part VII - Initialisation output... Part VIII - Start Simulation... Time to finish 0s, 0.0% completed, time steps left 720 Time to finish 6m 30s, 0.1% completed, time steps left 719 Time to finish 3m 53s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 718 Time to finish 2m 58s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 717 Time to finish 2m 39s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 716 Time to finish 2m 25s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 715 Time to finish 2m 13s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 714 Time to finish 2m 4s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 713 Time to finish 1m 58s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 712 Time to finish 1m 52s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 711 Time to finish 1m 46s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 710 Time to finish 1m 42s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 709 Time to finish 1m 38s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 708 Time to finish 1m 36s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 707 Time to finish 1m 35s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 706 Time to finish 1m 32s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 705 7 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/TIF_MAXVEL.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 0.24905 million >> 5. count the popolation in each cell and assign to the class and write to output in PP classifying 0 771 >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/popDensValues.xml TS 225445 (wind>17 and <=33) China, Japan 17 and <=33]]> China, Japan TS 225445 223056 2389 CAT. 1 0 (wind>33 and <=43) 33 and <=43]]> CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 (wind>43 and <=50) 43 and <=50]]> CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 (wind>50 and <=58) 50 and <=58]]> CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 (wind>58 and <=70) 58 and <=70]]> CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 (wind>70 and <=1000) 70 and <=1000]]> CAT. 5 0 Time to finish 1m 42s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 704 Time to finish 1m 40s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 703 Time to finish 1m 37s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 702 Time to finish 1m 35s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 701 Time to finish 1m 33s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 700 Time to finish 1m 31s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 699 Time to finish 1m 30s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 698 Time to finish 1m 29s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 697 Time to finish 1m 28s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 696 Time to finish 1m 27s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 695 Time to finish 1m 26s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 694 Time to finish 1m 25s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 693 Time to finish 1m 25s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 692 Time to finish 1m 24s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 691 Time to finish 1m 23s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 690 Time to finish 1m 26s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 689 Time to finish 1m 26s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 688 Time to finish 1m 25s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 687 Time to finish 1m 25s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 686 Time to finish 1m 24s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 685 Time to finish 1m 24s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 684 Time to finish 1m 24s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 683 Time to finish 1m 24s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 682 Time to finish 1m 23s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 681 Time to finish 1m 23s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 680 Time to finish 1m 22s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 679 Time to finish 1m 22s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 678 Time to finish 1m 21s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 677 Time to finish 1m 20s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 676 Time to finish 1m 19s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 675 Time to finish 1m 22s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 674 Time to finish 1m 21s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 673 Time to finish 1m 20s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 672 Time to finish 1m 20s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 671 Time to finish 1m 19s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 670 Time to finish 1m 18s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 669 Time to finish 1m 18s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 668 Time to finish 1m 17s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 667 Time to finish 1m 17s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 666 Time to finish 1m 16s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 665 Time to finish 1m 16s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 664 Time to finish 1m 15s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 663 Time to finish 1m 15s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 662 Time to finish 1m 15s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 661 Time to finish 1m 14s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 660 Time to finish 1m 19s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 659 Time to finish 1m 19s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 658 Time to finish 1m 19s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 657 Time to finish 1m 19s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 656 Time to finish 1m 18s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 655 Time to finish 1m 18s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 654 Time to finish 1m 18s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 653 Time to finish 1m 17s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 652 Time to finish 1m 17s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 651 Time to finish 1m 16s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 650 Time to finish 1m 16s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 649 Time to finish 1m 15s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 648 Time to finish 1m 15s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 647 Time to finish 1m 15s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 646 Time to finish 1m 14s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 645 Time to finish 1m 15s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 644 Time to finish 1m 15s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 643 Time to finish 1m 14s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 642 Time to finish 1m 14s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 641 Time to finish 1m 13s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 640 Time to finish 1m 13s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 639 Time to finish 1m 12s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 638 Time to finish 1m 12s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 637 Time to finish 1m 12s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 636 Time to finish 1m 11s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 635 Time to finish 1m 11s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 634 Time to finish 1m 10s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 633 Time to finish 1m 10s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 632 Time to finish 1m 10s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 631 Time to finish 1m 10s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 630 Time to finish 1m 11s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 629 Time to finish 1m 10s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 628 Time to finish 1m 10s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 627 Time to finish 1m 10s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 626 Time to finish 1m 9s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 625 Time to finish 1m 9s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 624 Time to finish 1m 9s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 623 Time to finish 1m 9s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 622 Time to finish 1m 8s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 621 Time to finish 1m 8s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 620 Time to finish 1m 8s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 619 Time to finish 1m 8s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 618 Time to finish 1m 8s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 617 Time to finish 1m 7s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 616 Time to finish 1m 7s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 615 Time to finish 1m 8s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 614 Time to finish 1m 8s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 613 Time to finish 1m 7s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 612 Time to finish 1m 7s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 611 Time to finish 1m 7s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 610 Time to finish 1m 7s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 609 Time to finish 1m 6s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 608 Time to finish 1m 6s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 607 Time to finish 1m 6s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 606 Time to finish 1m 5s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 605 Time to finish 1m 5s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 604 Time to finish 1m 5s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 603 Time to finish 1m 5s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 602 Time to finish 1m 4s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 601 Time to finish 1m 4s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 600 Time to finish 1m 5s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 599 Time to finish 1m 5s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 598 Time to finish 1m 5s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 597 Time to finish 1m 4s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 596 Time to finish 1m 4s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 595 Time to finish 1m 4s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 594 Time to finish 1m 4s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 593 Time to finish 1m 4s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 592 Time to finish 1m 4s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 591 Time to finish 1m 4s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 590 Time to finish 1m 3s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 589 Time to finish 1m 3s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 588 Time to finish 1m 3s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 587 Time to finish 1m 3s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 586 Time to finish 1m 2s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 585 Time to finish 1m 3s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 584 Time to finish 1m 3s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 583 Time to finish 1m 3s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 582 Time to finish 1m 2s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 581 Time to finish 1m 2s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 580 Time to finish 1m 2s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 579 Time to finish 1m 2s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 578 Time to finish 1m 1s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 577 Time to finish 1m 1s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 576 Time to finish 1m 1s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 575 Time to finish 1m 1s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 574 Time to finish 60s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 573 Time to finish 60s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 572 Time to finish 60s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 571 Time to finish 60s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 570 Time to finish 1m 1s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 569 Time to finish 1m 1s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 568 Time to finish 60s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 567 Time to finish 60s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 566 Time to finish 60s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 565 Time to finish 60s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 564 Time to finish 60s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 563 Time to finish 59s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 562 Time to finish 59s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 561 Time to finish 59s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 560 Time to finish 59s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 559 Time to finish 59s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 558 Time to finish 59s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 557 Time to finish 59s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 556 Time to finish 58s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 555 Time to finish 59s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 554 Time to finish 59s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 553 Time to finish 59s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 552 Time to finish 59s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 551 Time to finish 58s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 550 Time to finish 58s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 549 Time to finish 58s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 548 Time to finish 58s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 547 Time to finish 58s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 546 Time to finish 57s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 545 Time to finish 57s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 544 Time to finish 57s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 543 Time to finish 57s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 542 Time to finish 56s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 541 Time to finish 56s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 540 Time to finish 57s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 539 Time to finish 57s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 538 Time to finish 57s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 537 Time to finish 56s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 536 Time to finish 56s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 535 Time to finish 56s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 534 Time to finish 56s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 533 Time to finish 56s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 532 Time to finish 56s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 531 Time to finish 55s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 530 Time to finish 55s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 529 Time to finish 55s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 528 Time to finish 55s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 527 Time to finish 55s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 526 Time to finish 55s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 525 Time to finish 55s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 524 Time to finish 55s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 523 Time to finish 55s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 522 Time to finish 55s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 521 Time to finish 55s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 520 Time to finish 54s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 519 Time to finish 54s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 518 Time to finish 54s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 517 Time to finish 54s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 516 Time to finish 54s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 515 Time to finish 54s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 514 Time to finish 54s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 513 Time to finish 53s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 512 Time to finish 53s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 511 Time to finish 53s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 510 Time to finish 53s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 509 Time to finish 53s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 508 Time to finish 53s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 507 Time to finish 53s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 506 Time to finish 53s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 505 Time to finish 52s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 504 Time to finish 52s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 503 Time to finish 52s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 502 Time to finish 52s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 501 Time to finish 52s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 500 Time to finish 52s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 499 Time to finish 51s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 498 Time to finish 51s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 497 Time to finish 51s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 496 Time to finish 51s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 495 Time to finish 51s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 494 Time to finish 51s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 493 Time to finish 51s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 492 Time to finish 51s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 491 Time to finish 51s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 490 Time to finish 50s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 489 Time to finish 50s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 488 Time to finish 50s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 487 Time to finish 50s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 486 Time to finish 50s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 485 Time to finish 50s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 484 Time to finish 49s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 483 Time to finish 49s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 482 Time to finish 49s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 481 Time to finish 49s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 480 Time to finish 50s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 479 Time to finish 50s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 478 Time to finish 50s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 477 Time to finish 49s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 476 Time to finish 49s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 475 Time to finish 49s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 474 Time to finish 49s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 473 Time to finish 49s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 472 Time to finish 49s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 471 Time to finish 49s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 470 Time to finish 49s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 469 Time to finish 49s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 468 Time to finish 49s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 467 Time to finish 49s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 466 Time to finish 49s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 465 Time to finish 49s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 464 Time to finish 49s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 463 Time to finish 49s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 462 Time to finish 49s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 461 Time to finish 49s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 460 Time to finish 49s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 459 Time to finish 49s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 458 Time to finish 49s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 457 Time to finish 48s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 456 Time to finish 48s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 455 Time to finish 48s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 454 Time to finish 48s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 453 Time to finish 48s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 452 Time to finish 48s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 451 Time to finish 48s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 450 Time to finish 48s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 449 Time to finish 48s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 448 Time to finish 48s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 447 Time to finish 47s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 446 Time to finish 47s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 445 Time to finish 47s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 444 Time to finish 47s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 443 Time to finish 47s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 442 Time to finish 47s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 441 Time to finish 47s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 440 Time to finish 47s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 439 Time to finish 46s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 438 Time to finish 46s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 437 Time to finish 46s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 436 Time to finish 46s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 435 Time to finish 46s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 434 Time to finish 46s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 433 Time to finish 46s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 432 Time to finish 46s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 431 Time to finish 46s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 430 Time to finish 45s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 429 Time to finish 45s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 428 Time to finish 45s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 427 Time to finish 45s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 426 Time to finish 45s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 425 Time to finish 45s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 424 Time to finish 45s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 423 Time to finish 44s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 422 Time to finish 44s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 421 Time to finish 44s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 420 Time to finish 44s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 419 Time to finish 44s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 418 Time to finish 44s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 417 Time to finish 44s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 416 Time to finish 44s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 415 Time to finish 44s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 414 Time to finish 44s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 413 Time to finish 43s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 412 Time to finish 43s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 411 Time to finish 43s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 410 Time to finish 43s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 409 Time to finish 43s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 408 Time to finish 43s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 407 Time to finish 43s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 406 Time to finish 42s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 405 Time to finish 43s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 404 Time to finish 42s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 403 Time to finish 42s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 402 Time to finish 42s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 401 Time to finish 42s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 400 Time to finish 42s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 399 Time to finish 42s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 398 Time to finish 42s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 397 Time to finish 41s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 396 Time to finish 41s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 395 Time to finish 41s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 394 Time to finish 41s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 393 Time to finish 41s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 392 Time to finish 41s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 391 Time to finish 41s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 390 Time to finish 41s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 389 Time to finish 41s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 388 Time to finish 40s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 387 Time to finish 40s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 386 Time to finish 40s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 385 Time to finish 40s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 384 Time to finish 40s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 383 Time to finish 40s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 382 Time to finish 40s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 381 Time to finish 40s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 380 Time to finish 39s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 379 Time to finish 39s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 378 Time to finish 39s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 377 Time to finish 39s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 376 Time to finish 39s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 375 Time to finish 39s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 374 Time to finish 39s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 373 Time to finish 39s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 372 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completed, time steps left 354 Time to finish 37s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 353 Time to finish 36s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 352 Time to finish 36s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 351 Time to finish 36s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 350 Time to finish 36s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 349 Time to finish 36s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 348 Time to finish 36s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 347 Time to finish 36s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 346 Time to finish 36s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 345 Time to finish 36s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 344 Time to finish 36s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 343 Time to finish 35s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 342 Time to finish 35s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 341 Time to finish 35s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 340 Time to finish 35s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 339 Time to finish 35s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 338 Time to finish 35s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 337 Time to finish 35s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 336 Time to finish 35s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 335 Time to finish 34s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 334 Time to finish 34s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 333 Time to finish 34s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 332 Time to finish 34s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 331 Time to finish 34s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 330 Time to finish 34s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 329 Time to finish 34s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 328 Time to finish 34s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 327 Time to finish 34s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 326 Time to finish 33s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 325 Time to finish 33s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 324 Time to finish 33s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 323 Time to finish 33s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 322 Time to finish 33s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 321 Time to finish 33s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 320 Time to finish 33s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 319 Time to finish 33s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 318 Time to finish 33s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 317 Time to finish 32s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 316 Time to finish 32s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 315 Time to finish 32s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 314 Time to finish 32s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 313 Time to finish 32s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 312 Time to finish 32s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 311 Time to finish 32s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 310 Time to finish 32s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 309 Time to finish 32s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 308 Time to finish 31s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 307 Time to finish 31s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 306 Time to finish 31s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 305 Time to finish 31s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 304 Time to finish 31s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 303 Time to finish 31s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 302 Time to finish 31s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 301 Time to finish 31s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 300 Time to finish 31s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 299 Time to finish 31s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 298 Time to finish 30s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 297 Time to finish 30s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 296 Time to finish 30s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 295 Time to finish 30s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 294 Time to finish 30s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 293 Time to finish 30s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 292 Time to finish 30s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 291 Time to finish 30s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 290 Time to finish 30s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 289 Time to finish 29s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 288 Time to finish 29s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 287 Time to finish 29s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 286 Time to finish 29s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 285 Time to finish 29s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 284 Time to finish 29s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 283 Time to finish 29s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 282 Time to finish 29s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 281 Time to finish 29s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 280 Time to finish 29s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 279 Time to finish 28s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 278 Time to finish 28s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 277 Time to finish 28s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 276 Time to finish 28s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 275 Time to finish 28s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 274 Time to finish 28s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 273 Time to finish 28s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 272 Time to finish 28s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 271 Time to finish 27s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 270 Time to finish 27s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 269 Time to finish 27s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 268 Time to finish 27s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 267 Time to finish 27s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 266 Time to finish 27s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 265 Time to finish 27s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 264 Time to finish 27s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 263 Time to finish 27s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 262 Time to finish 27s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 261 Time to finish 26s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 260 Time to finish 26s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 259 Time to finish 26s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 258 Time to finish 26s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 257 Time to finish 26s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 256 Time to finish 26s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 255 Time to finish 26s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 254 Time to finish 26s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 253 Time to finish 26s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 252 Time to finish 26s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 251 Time to finish 25s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 250 Time to finish 25s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 249 Time to finish 25s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 248 Time to finish 25s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 247 Time to finish 25s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 246 Time to finish 25s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 245 Time to finish 25s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 244 Time to finish 25s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 243 Time to finish 24s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 242 Time to finish 24s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 241 Time to finish 24s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 240 Time to finish 24s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 239 Time to finish 24s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 238 Time to finish 24s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 237 Time to finish 24s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 236 Time to finish 24s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 235 Time to finish 24s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 234 Time to finish 24s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 233 Time to finish 24s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 232 Time to finish 23s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 231 Time to finish 23s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 230 Time to finish 23s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 229 Time to finish 23s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 228 Time to finish 23s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 227 Time to finish 23s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 226 Time to finish 23s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 225 Time to finish 23s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 224 Time to finish 23s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 223 Time to finish 22s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 222 Time to finish 22s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 221 Time to finish 22s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 220 Time to finish 22s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 219 Time to finish 22s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 218 Time to finish 22s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 217 Time to finish 22s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 216 Time to finish 22s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 215 Time to finish 22s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 214 Time to finish 21s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 213 Time to finish 21s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 212 Time to finish 21s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 211 Time to finish 21s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 210 Time to finish 21s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 209 Time to finish 21s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 208 Time to finish 21s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 207 Time to finish 21s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 206 Time to finish 21s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 205 Time to finish 21s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 204 Time to finish 20s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 203 Time to finish 20s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 202 Time to finish 20s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 201 Time to finish 20s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 200 Time to finish 20s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 199 Time to finish 20s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 198 Time to finish 20s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 197 Time to finish 20s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 196 Time to finish 20s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 195 Time to finish 20s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 194 Time to finish 19s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 193 Time to finish 19s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 192 Time to finish 19s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 191 Time to finish 19s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 190 Time to finish 19s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 189 Time to finish 19s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 188 Time to finish 19s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 187 Time to finish 19s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 186 Time to finish 19s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 185 Time to finish 18s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 184 Time to finish 18s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 183 Time to finish 18s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 182 Time to finish 18s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 181 Time to finish 18s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 180 Time to finish 18s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 179 Time to finish 18s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 178 Time to finish 18s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 177 Time to finish 18s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 176 Time to finish 18s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 175 Time to finish 17s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 174 Time to finish 17s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 173 Time to finish 17s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 172 Time to finish 17s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 171 Time to finish 17s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 170 Time to finish 17s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 169 Time to finish 17s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 168 Time to finish 17s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 167 Time to finish 17s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 166 Time to finish 16s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 165 Time to finish 16s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 164 Time to finish 16s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 163 Time to finish 16s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 162 Time to finish 16s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 161 Time to finish 16s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 160 Time to finish 16s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 159 Time to finish 16s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 158 Time to finish 16s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 157 Time to finish 16s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 156 Time to finish 16s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 155 Time to finish 15s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 154 Time to finish 15s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 153 Time to finish 15s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 152 Time to finish 15s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 151 Time to finish 15s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 150 Time to finish 15s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 149 Time to finish 15s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 148 Time to finish 15s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 147 Time to finish 15s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 146 Time to finish 14s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 145 Time to finish 14s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 144 Time to finish 14s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 143 Time to finish 14s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 142 Time to finish 14s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 141 Time to finish 14s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 140 Time to finish 14s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 139 Time to finish 14s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 138 Time to finish 14s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 137 Time to finish 14s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 136 Time to finish 13s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 135 Time to finish 13s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 134 Time to finish 13s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 133 Time to finish 13s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 132 Time to finish 13s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 131 Time to finish 13s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 130 Time to finish 13s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 129 Time to finish 13s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 128 Time to finish 13s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 127 Time to finish 13s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 126 Time to finish 12s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 125 Time to finish 12s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 124 Time to finish 12s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 123 Time to finish 12s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 122 Time to finish 12s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 121 Time to finish 12s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 120 Time to finish 12s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 119 Time to finish 12s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 118 Time to finish 12s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 117 Time to finish 12s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 116 Time to finish 11s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 115 Time to finish 11s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 114 Time to finish 11s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 113 Time to finish 11s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 112 Time to finish 11s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 111 Time to finish 11s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 110 Time to finish 11s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 109 Time to finish 11s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 108 Time to finish 11s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 107 Time to finish 11s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 106 Time to finish 10s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 105 Time to finish 10s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 104 Time to finish 10s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 103 Time to finish 10s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 102 Time to finish 10s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 101 Time to finish 10s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 100 Time to finish 10s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 99 Time to finish 10s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 98 Time to finish 10s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 97 Time to finish 10s, 86.7% completed, time steps left 96 Time to finish 9s, 86.8% completed, time steps left 95 Time to finish 9s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 94 Time to finish 9s, 87.1% completed, time steps left 93 Time to finish 9s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 92 Time to finish 9s, 87.4% completed, time steps left 91 Time to finish 9s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 90 Time to finish 9s, 87.6% completed, time steps left 89 Time to finish 9s, 87.8% completed, time steps left 88 Time to finish 9s, 87.9% completed, time steps left 87 Time to finish 9s, 88.1% completed, time steps left 86 Time to finish 8s, 88.2% completed, time steps left 85 Time to finish 8s, 88.3% completed, time steps left 84 Time to finish 8s, 88.5% completed, time steps left 83 Time to finish 8s, 88.6% completed, time steps left 82 Time to finish 8s, 88.8% completed, time steps left 81 Time to finish 8s, 88.9% completed, time steps left 80 Time to finish 8s, 89.0% completed, time steps left 79 Time to finish 8s, 89.2% completed, time steps left 78 Time to finish 8s, 89.3% completed, time steps left 77 Time to finish 8s, 89.4% completed, time steps left 76 Time to finish 7s, 89.6% completed, time steps left 75 Time to finish 7s, 89.7% completed, time steps left 74 Time to finish 7s, 89.9% completed, time steps left 73 Time to finish 7s, 90.0% completed, time steps left 72 Time to finish 7s, 90.1% completed, time steps left 71 Time to finish 7s, 90.3% completed, time steps left 70 Time to finish 7s, 90.4% completed, time steps left 69 Time to finish 7s, 90.6% completed, time steps left 68 Time to finish 7s, 90.7% completed, time steps left 67 Time to finish 7s, 90.8% completed, time steps left 66 Time to finish 6s, 91.0% completed, time steps left 65 Time to finish 6s, 91.1% completed, time steps left 64 Time to finish 6s, 91.2% completed, time steps left 63 Time to finish 6s, 91.4% completed, time steps left 62 Time to finish 6s, 91.5% completed, time steps left 61 Time to finish 6s, 91.7% completed, time steps left 60 Time to finish 6s, 91.8% completed, time steps left 59 Time to finish 6s, 91.9% completed, time steps left 58 Time to finish 6s, 92.1% completed, time steps left 57 Time to finish 6s, 92.2% completed, time steps left 56 Time to finish 5s, 92.4% completed, time steps left 55 Time to finish 5s, 92.5% completed, time steps left 54 Time to finish 5s, 92.6% completed, time steps left 53 Time to finish 5s, 92.8% completed, time steps left 52 Time to finish 5s, 92.9% completed, time steps left 51 Time to finish 5s, 93.1% completed, time steps left 50 Time to finish 5s, 93.2% completed, time steps left 49 Time to finish 5s, 93.3% completed, time steps left 48 Time to finish 5s, 93.5% completed, time steps left 47 Time to finish 5s, 93.6% completed, time steps left 46 Time to finish 4s, 93.8% completed, time steps left 45 Time to finish 4s, 93.9% completed, time steps left 44 Time to finish 4s, 94.0% completed, time steps left 43 Time to finish 4s, 94.2% completed, time steps left 42 Time to finish 4s, 94.3% completed, time steps left 41 Time to finish 4s, 94.4% completed, time steps left 40 Time to finish 4s, 94.6% completed, time steps left 39 Time to finish 4s, 94.7% completed, time steps left 38 Time to finish 4s, 94.9% completed, time steps left 37 Time to finish 4s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 36 Time to finish 3s, 95.1% completed, time steps left 35 Time to finish 3s, 95.3% completed, time steps left 34 Time to finish 3s, 95.4% completed, time steps left 33 Time to finish 3s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 32 Time to finish 3s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 31 Time to finish 3s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 30 Time to finish 3s, 96.0% completed, time steps left 29 Time to finish 3s, 96.1% completed, time steps left 28 Time to finish 3s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 27 Time to finish 3s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 26 Time to finish 2s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 25 Time to finish 2s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 24 Time to finish 2s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 23 Time to finish 2s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 22 Time to finish 2s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 21 Time to finish 2s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 20 Time to finish 2s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 19 Time to finish 2s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 18 Time to finish 2s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 17 Time to finish 2s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 16 Time to finish 1s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 15 Time to finish 1s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 14 Time to finish 1s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 13 Time to finish 1s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 12 Time to finish 1s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 11 Time to finish 1s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 10 Time to finish 1s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 9 Time to finish 1s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 8 Time to finish 1s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 7 Time to finish 1s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 6 Time to finish 0s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 5 Time to finish 0s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 4 Time to finish 0s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 3 Time to finish 0s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 2 Time to finish 0s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINISHED Delft3D-FLOW runid : calc date, time : 2020-08-03, 13:46:54 SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 1 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 2 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 3 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 4 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 5 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 6 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 7 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 8 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 9 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 10 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D_Hydro [1596455215.003867] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596455215.003823] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596455215.003909] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596455215.004214] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596455215.004367] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596455215.004774] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596455215.005468] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596455215.005558] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596455215.006020] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596455215.015062] >> d_hydro shutting down normally ..2.3 finalize for current run ... 2020-08-01 00:00:00 2020-08-01 00:00:00 False delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/ (49, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Jiazi 22.40734 71 1 Jiazi 13.09244 72 1 13.09244 72 1 Changqingwei 22.40734 71 1 Changqingwei 13.09244 72 1 13.09244 72 1 Shenquan 19.728532 72 3 Shenquan 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 6.7835538 74 4 6.7835538 74 4 Donghong 4.4844703 74 5 Donghong 17.571704 76 9 Donghong 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Jinghai 18.914914 73 6 Jinghai 17.41186 74 8 Jinghai 20.430613 75 9 Jinghai 17.571704 76 9 Jinghai 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Ch'ao-yang-hsien 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Haimen 17.571704 76 9 Haimen 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Shantou 8.4375967 78 11 Shantou 10.111701 78 12 Shantou 7.0718507 79 12 Shantou 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Dahao 11.231968 77 9 Dahao 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Aotou 8.4375967 78 11 Aotou 10.111701 78 12 Aotou 7.0718507 79 12 Aotou 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Daitou 11.231968 77 9 Daitou 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Guangao 19.161279 76 10 Guangao 12.697454 77 10 Guangao 7.0718507 79 12 Guangao 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Siwei 7.0718507 79 12 Siwei 3.7670093 80 12 Siwei 6.6530483 82 14 6.6530483 82 14 Ch'ien-tung-hsu 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Qiandong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Jingzhou 6.6530483 82 14 Jingzhou 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanglong 12.30569 81 14 Huanglong 6.6530483 82 14 Huanglong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanggang 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Houzhai 14.158554 79 13 Houzhai 7.4188071 80 13 Houzhai 12.30569 81 14 Houzhai 6.6530483 82 14 Houzhai 6.391558 83 16 Houzhai 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Raoping 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Zhelin 6.6530483 82 14 Zhelin 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Shenao 12.310144 80 14 Shenao 12.30569 81 14 Shenao 6.6530483 82 14 Shenao 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Nanao 19.543308 79 15 Nanao 14.736534 80 15 Nanao 14.438193 81 15 Nanao 10.298399 82 15 Nanao 6.391558 83 16 Nanao 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Chelim 10.298399 82 15 Chelim 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Gongkou 6.391558 83 16 Gongkou 25.143746 84 16 25.143746 84 16 Sidu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Dongshan 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Ssu-tu 4.0256123 85 20 4.0256123 85 20 Gongqiancun 16.571469 82 19 Gongqiancun 12.984636 83 19 Gongqiancun 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chencheng 16.571469 82 19 Chencheng 12.984636 83 19 Chencheng 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Hsing-ch'en 4.0256123 85 20 Hsing-ch'en 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Chendai 4.0256123 85 20 Chendai 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Hsi-pu 12.984636 83 19 Hsi-pu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chengguanzhen 22.062022 84 22 Chengguanzhen 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Erdaogou 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Binhaicun 19.666559 309 24 Binhaicun 23.439165 311 24 23.439165 311 24 Tangjiahe 19.666559 309 24 Tangjiahe 23.439165 311 24 23.439165 311 24 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 23.439165 311 24 23.439165 311 24 Lijiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Guleitou 22.062022 84 22 Guleitou 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Gangkou 14.166745 86 25 Gangkou 3.7540171 87 25 Gangkou 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 23.439165 311 24 Zhaojiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Liuhongbo 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Xujiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Hsia-mei 3.7540171 87 25 Hsia-mei 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 2.2402331 315 27 Pehtang 3.998393 316 27 Pehtang 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Jiuzhen 10.293507 89 26 Jiuzhen 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Liu'ao 3.7540171 87 25 Liu'ao 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 3.998393 316 27 Qingtuozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 3.998393 316 27 Caijiapu 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Shentu 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Chihu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Fotan 8.2773537 91 29 Fotan 7.5801579 92 30 7.5801579 92 30 Fugong 9.1224387 93 31 Fugong 3.3501788 96 31 Fugong 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 Shuangqiaozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Haicang 3.3501788 96 31 Haicang 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Guankou 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Gangwei 9.1224387 93 31 Gangwei 3.3501788 96 31 Gangwei 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Songyu 3.3501788 96 31 Songyu 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Hsing-lin 3.3501788 96 31 Hsing-lin 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Xucuo 9.1224387 93 31 Xucuo 3.3501788 96 31 Xucuo 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 3.3331067 316 30 Bijiaquan 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Gulangyu 3.3501788 96 31 Gulangyu 2.7981704 97 31 Gulangyu 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Xiamen 3.3501788 96 31 Xiamen 2.7981704 97 31 Xiamen 11.518433 98 33 Xiamen 7.7343858 99 33 7.7343858 99 33 Chen-hai 7.5801579 92 30 Chen-hai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Daomei 9.1224387 93 31 Daomei 3.3501788 96 31 Daomei 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Dianqian 3.3501788 96 31 Dianqian 2.7981704 97 31 Dianqian 11.518433 98 33 Dianqian 7.7343858 99 33 7.7343858 99 33 Jiangtou 3.3501788 96 31 Jiangtou 2.7981704 97 31 Jiangtou 11.518433 98 33 Jiangtou 7.7343858 99 33 7.7343858 99 33 Zhenhai 7.5801579 92 30 Zhenhai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 Heiyanzi 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Hecuo 3.3501788 96 31 Hecuo 2.7981704 97 31 Hecuo 11.518433 98 33 Hecuo 7.7343858 99 33 7.7343858 99 33 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Liuwudian 2.7981704 97 31 Liuwudian 11.518433 98 33 Liuwudian 7.7343858 99 33 7.7343858 99 33 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 12.215648 314 32 Beipu 9.3410776 314 33 Beipu 4.4217633 315 33 Beipu 6.845291 314 34 Beipu 4.2868011 314 35 4.2868011 314 35 Aotou 11.680956 96 33 Aotou 11.518433 98 33 Aotou 7.7343858 99 33 7.7343858 99 33 Xindian 11.518433 98 33 Xindian 7.7343858 99 33 7.7343858 99 33 An-ting 11.680956 96 33 An-ting 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Ma-chiang 11.518433 98 33 Ma-chiang 7.7343858 99 33 7.7343858 99 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 14.169633 313 34 Hei-yang-ho-pao 6.845291 314 34 Hei-yang-ho-pao 14.928271 313 35 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.2868011 314 35 Hei-yang-ho-pao 8.6054073 314 36 Hei-yang-ho-pao 8.1249051 315 36 8.1249051 315 36 Chin-men 11.680956 96 33 Chin-men 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Lianhe 11.518433 98 33 Lianhe 7.7343858 99 33 7.7343858 99 33 Ch'ing-hsu 15.995085 96 34 Ch'ing-hsu 4.474861 97 34 Ch'ing-hsu 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Shijing 4.474861 97 34 Shijing 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Chin-men Tao 15.995085 96 34 Chin-men Tao 4.474861 97 34 Chin-men Tao 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Yang-chai 15.995085 96 34 Yang-chai 4.474861 97 34 Yang-chai 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Anhai 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Tung-shih 37.719502 98 36 37.719502 98 36 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 Nancaoji 3.7314449 316 38 Nancaoji 2.4201547 316 39 Nancaoji 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Weitou 3.88525 98 37 Weitou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Chin-ching 3.88525 98 37 Chin-ching 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Shih-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Yakou 3.88525 98 37 Yakou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 Liu-tsan 2.4201547 316 39 Liu-tsan 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Yongning 2.6544592 98 38 2.6544592 98 38 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 Dazhuanghe 2.4201547 316 39 Dazhuanghe 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Shihu 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dongyuan 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Hsiang-chih 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Zhangban 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Fengting 19.992729 107 45 Fengting 40.385472 108 45 40.385472 108 45 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 6.5440418 316 41 Yang-chiao 6.7658682 289 45 6.7658682 289 45 Qian'an 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dongsha 19.992729 107 45 Dongsha 40.385472 108 45 40.385472 108 45 Dawu 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Chongwu 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Lingchuan 19.992729 107 45 Lingchuan 40.385472 108 45 40.385472 108 45 Fengwei 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hsiao-tso 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Zhongmen 11.886261 106 45 Zhongmen 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 Hushi 40.385472 108 45 Hushi 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 P'u-hsi 11.886261 106 45 P'u-hsi 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 Hanjiang 4.884141 111 49 Hanjiang 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 11.886261 106 45 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 Meizhou 11.886261 106 45 Meizhou 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 Chiang-k'ou 4.884141 111 49 Chiang-k'ou 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Daitou 26.365664 107 46 Daitou 51.854925 108 46 Daitou 26.166377 108 47 Daitou 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 Tuanlin 13.48162 322 49 Tuanlin 5.0929623 323 50 Tuanlin 2.4748921 324 50 Tuanlin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Pinghai 26.166377 108 47 Pinghai 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 2.4748921 324 50 Dapuhe 2.0881419 325 50 Dapuhe 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Yuxi 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Tangbian 4.884141 111 49 Tangbian 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 Xihenancun 2.0881419 325 50 Xihenancun 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Shicheng 6.7393053 107 48 Shicheng 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Jiangjing 4.884141 111 49 Jiangjing 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Nanri 6.1359086 108 50 Nanri 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Longtian 4.547549 112 50 4.547549 112 50 Gangtou 5.4590452 111 50 Gangtou 4.547549 112 50 4.547549 112 50 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 22.703977 326 51 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 22.703977 326 51 Beidaihehaibin 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 Guidizhai 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 San Shah 3.150623 111 51 San Shah 10.627915 112 51 San Shah 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Guhuai 10.731328 116 55 10.731328 116 55 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 Shandongpu 5.2521402 328 54 Shandongpu 9.4273718 328 55 9.4273718 328 55 Gaoshan 20.832558 110 51 Gaoshan 3.150623 111 51 Gaoshan 10.627915 112 51 Gaoshan 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Fuye 4.2004307 109 51 Fuye 20.832558 110 51 20.832558 110 51 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 Ch'ien-ma-fang 5.2521402 328 54 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.4273718 328 55 9.4273718 328 55 Langqi 7.4873876 119 56 Langqi 2.4030428 121 56 Langqi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chiang-t'ien 10.731328 116 55 Chiang-t'ien 9.2331172 115 56 9.2331172 115 56 Changmen 2.4030428 121 56 Changmen 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 Qinhuangdao 5.2521402 328 54 Qinhuangdao 9.4273718 328 55 9.4273718 328 55 Tantou 5.5278715 118 55 Tantou 2.4030428 121 56 2.4030428 121 56 Fengwo 7.4873876 119 56 Fengwo 2.4030428 121 56 Fengwo 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chang-chiang 9.6953481 117 55 Chang-chiang 5.5278715 118 55 Chang-chiang 2.4030428 121 56 2.4030428 121 56 Yunlong 7.4873876 119 56 Yunlong 2.4030428 121 56 Yunlong 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Tung-tai 3.7675423 122 56 Tung-tai 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chin-feng 5.5278715 118 55 Chin-feng 2.4030428 121 56 2.4030428 121 56 Ta-ch'iu 7.8729078 109 53 Ta-ch'iu 11.298118 110 53 11.298118 110 53 Baisheng 2.4030428 121 56 Baisheng 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Mabi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Guanban 3.7675423 122 56 Guanban 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Wuhang 9.6953481 117 55 Wuhang 5.5278715 118 55 Wuhang 2.4030428 121 56 2.4030428 121 56 Chien-chiang 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Beicuo 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Guanjing 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 Shanhaiguan 5.2521402 328 54 Shanhaiguan 9.4273718 328 55 Shanhaiguan 3.1789176 329 57 Shanhaiguan 12.996902 329 58 12.996902 329 58 Qingfeng 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 Nanhai 9.4273718 328 55 Nanhai 3.1789176 329 57 Nanhai 12.996902 329 58 Nanhai 8.5678236 329 59 Nanhai 16.026875 330 59 16.026875 330 59 Pingtan 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Ting-hai 3.7675423 122 56 Ting-hai 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Hutouya 2.0267187 287 55 Hutouya 4.9986603 288 55 Hutouya 7.0180362 289 55 7.0180362 289 55 Anhai 16.488406 124 58 16.488406 124 58 Tung-ch'ung 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Xinan 6.1076887 128 59 6.1076887 128 59 Houtian 9.2331172 115 56 9.2331172 115 56 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 Wan-chia-t'un 13.614078 328 57 Wan-chia-t'un 3.1789176 329 57 Wan-chia-t'un 12.996902 329 58 Wan-chia-t'un 8.5678236 329 59 Wan-chia-t'un 16.026875 330 59 Wan-chia-t'un 2.1211945 330 60 2.1211945 330 60 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 13.614078 328 57 Qiangzili 3.1789176 329 57 Qiangzili 12.996902 329 58 Qiangzili 8.5678236 329 59 Qiangzili 16.026875 330 59 Qiangzili 2.1211945 330 60 2.1211945 330 60 Dayuan 2.3497869 288 57 Dayuan 5.3992911 289 57 5.3992911 289 57 Tsang-shang 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 5.3992911 289 57 5.3992911 289 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 15.033168 120 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 7.1594537 121 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 12.384673 122 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Xiahu 49.118844 127 58 Xiahu 12.731007 129 61 Xiahu 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 6.3065462 130 62 Hanjiang 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 5.0918143 132 62 Hanjiang 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Songcheng 3.3149429 131 62 Songcheng 5.0918143 132 62 Songcheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Da'ao 23.861571 126 59 Da'ao 31.895555 125 60 Da'ao 12.731007 129 61 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 3.3149429 131 62 Changchun 5.0918143 132 62 Changchun 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Wuqu 6.3065462 130 62 Wuqu 3.3149429 131 62 Wuqu 5.0918143 132 62 Wuqu 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Luxia 14.317131 128 61 Luxia 12.731007 129 61 Luxia 3.3149429 131 62 Luxia 5.0918143 132 62 5.0918143 132 62 Yacheng 5.0918143 132 62 Yacheng 2.2784232 133 62 Yacheng 5.9611803 134 64 5.9611803 134 64 Hsin-chuang 9.3603672 292 61 Hsin-chuang 12.014129 293 61 Hsin-chuang 12.997511 294 61 12.997511 294 61 Chung-ch'i 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Sansha 5.0918143 132 62 Sansha 2.2784232 133 62 Sansha 5.9611803 134 64 5.9611803 134 64 Qimudao 12.014129 293 61 Qimudao 12.997511 294 61 Qimudao 14.473726 295 61 Qimudao 16.196943 296 61 Qimudao 16.596236 297 61 16.596236 297 61 San-hsing 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 T'ai-hsi 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 Huangshanguan 11.083768 293 62 Huangshanguan 11.868902 294 62 Huangshanguan 13.992018 295 62 13.992018 295 62 Sha-shan 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Wang-kung 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 Beima 9.4647169 294 63 Beima 17.022284 295 63 Beima 15.492343 296 63 15.492343 296 63 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 9.4647169 294 63 Longkou 17.022284 295 63 Longkou 15.492343 296 63 15.492343 296 63 Huang-ch'i 5.9611803 134 64 5.9611803 134 64 Shacheng 16.520509 136 65 Shacheng 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Xiaguan 16.520509 136 65 16.520509 136 65 Pucheng 16.520509 136 65 16.520509 136 65 Sha-fan-chieh 6.1811061 139 69 Sha-fan-chieh 9.5777037 139 70 Sha-fan-chieh 6.3861227 140 70 6.3861227 140 70 I-shan 3.3968236 141 70 I-shan 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 Shahousuo 13.788877 336 69 Shahousuo 6.1154367 336 70 6.1154367 336 70 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 Niejia 11.988108 297 67 Niejia 15.08473 298 67 15.08473 298 67 Jinxiang 6.1811061 139 69 Jinxiang 9.5777037 139 70 Jinxiang 6.3861227 140 70 6.3861227 140 70 Gexiang 24.330988 143 70 Gexiang 2.2889198 145 71 2.2889198 145 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 Beigou 11.988108 297 67 Beigou 15.08473 298 67 15.08473 298 67 Chang'ao 17.697269 148 73 Chang'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Xiabu 17.697269 148 73 Xiabu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Banling 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 10.773334 298 69 Dengzhou 9.6202231 299 70 9.6202231 299 70 Zhuangyuanqiao 24.953155 147 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Kaiyangtu 17.697269 148 73 Kaiyangtu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 10.773334 298 69 Penglai 9.6202231 299 70 9.6202231 299 70 Ling-hsia 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Longwan 24.953155 147 73 Longwan 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Gao'ao 17.697269 148 73 Gao'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Siqianjie 24.953155 147 73 Siqianjie 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Xiaodoumen 24.953155 147 73 Xiaodoumen 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Baixiang 17.697269 148 73 Baixiang 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Shan-ch'ien 17.697269 148 73 Shan-ch'ien 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Jiangtan 24.953155 147 73 Jiangtan 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Hsia-chia-fou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-chia-fou 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Ch'eng-ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dituan 17.697269 148 73 Dituan 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Beilong 2.0272748 146 73 Beilong 24.953155 147 73 24.953155 147 73 Shih-ma-chuang 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Baiyan 49.926487 153 77 Baiyan 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Baisha 49.926487 153 77 Baisha 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 49.926487 153 77 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Fu-jung 49.926487 153 77 Fu-jung 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 30.075156 297 74 P'u-ch'i 49.926487 153 77 P'u-ch'i 72.485656 154 77 P'u-ch'i 48.404472 154 78 48.404472 154 78 Qingjiang 49.926487 153 77 Qingjiang 72.485656 154 77 Qingjiang 48.404472 154 78 48.404472 154 78 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 Xihuzui 47.743442 312 75 Xihuzui 44.199686 313 75 Xihuzui 22.593072 314 75 Xihuzui 32.925733 315 75 Xihuzui 25.426262 315 76 Xihuzui 16.387197 315 77 Xihuzui 10.211338 314 78 Xihuzui 12.188971 315 79 12.188971 315 79 Dajing 72.485656 154 77 Dajing 48.404472 154 78 48.404472 154 78 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 Ku-hsien 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Chenyu 49.926487 153 77 Chenyu 8.5062756 153 78 Chenyu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 Tieshan 57.569361 310 75 Tieshan 57.945619 311 75 Tieshan 47.743442 312 75 Tieshan 44.199686 313 75 Tieshan 38.42566 313 76 38.42566 313 76 Baixi 49.926487 153 77 Baixi 72.485656 154 77 Baixi 48.404472 154 78 Baixi 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Huanshan 49.926487 153 77 Huanshan 72.485656 154 77 Huanshan 48.404472 154 78 Huanshan 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 32.548758 321 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.164329 322 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.497974 323 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.437812 324 77 Wang-chia-tun 28.796951 324 78 Wang-chia-tun 23.133033 324 79 Wang-chia-tun 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 Lushun 3.0519991 314 77 Lushun 10.211338 314 78 10.211338 314 78 Kanmen 49.926487 153 77 Kanmen 8.5062756 153 78 Kanmen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Ch'ing-chiang 49.926487 153 77 Ch'ing-chiang 72.485656 154 77 Ch'ing-chiang 48.404472 154 78 Ch'ing-chiang 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chumen 49.926487 153 77 Chumen 72.485656 154 77 Chumen 48.404472 154 78 Chumen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Wenqiao 49.926487 153 77 Wenqiao 72.485656 154 77 Wenqiao 48.404472 154 78 Wenqiao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 Chu-chi 13.195624 294 79 Chu-chi 8.1078418 293 82 8.1078418 293 82 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.336422 322 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 32.415091 323 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.796951 324 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.158743 325 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 18.485006 325 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 San Juan 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 31.400401 321 78 Sanguanmiao 28.336422 322 78 Sanguanmiao 32.415091 323 78 Sanguanmiao 28.796951 324 78 Sanguanmiao 23.133033 324 79 Sanguanmiao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 Yantai 13.195624 294 79 Yantai 8.1078418 293 82 8.1078418 293 82 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 Zhifuzhen 8.1078418 293 82 Zhifuzhen 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 12.273618 317 79 Xinzhaizi 5.995365 315 80 Xinzhaizi 13.14841 316 80 Xinzhaizi 11.288903 317 80 Xinzhaizi 10.263241 316 81 Xinzhaizi 10.655565 317 81 Xinzhaizi 5.1844298 316 82 Xinzhaizi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Fugu 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 4.4584824 320 79 Wudao 5.1811351 322 79 Wudao 22.803787 320 80 Wudao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 Shuishiying 28.152081 311 79 Shuishiying 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Lingmen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Aohuan 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Dalu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 Cheefoo 8.1078418 293 82 Cheefoo 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 12.273618 317 79 Yingchengzi 5.995365 315 80 Yingchengzi 13.14841 316 80 Yingchengzi 11.288903 317 80 Yingchengzi 10.263241 316 81 Yingchengzi 10.655565 317 81 Yingchengzi 5.1844298 316 82 Yingchengzi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Naguilian 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Guan'ao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 Qianqikuang 8.1078418 293 82 Qianqikuang 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 22.803787 320 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Abulug 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 22.803787 320 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 Donggang 19.728978 326 80 Donggang 27.469715 327 80 Donggang 27.010173 328 80 Donggang 28.740014 328 81 Donggang 26.59513 328 82 Donggang 14.940887 328 83 Donggang 13.620834 328 84 13.620834 328 84 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 39.563689 311 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Cabuluan 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 Mashanshangzhai 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 Santang 14.850288 326 82 14.850288 326 82 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 10.655565 317 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 3.9836386 316 83 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 Gezhenpu 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Catuguran 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 14.850288 326 82 Ma-chia-tun 18.061906 327 82 Ma-chia-tun 26.59513 328 82 Ma-chia-tun 26.096062 329 82 Ma-chia-tun 17.645477 329 83 Ma-chia-tun 13.620834 328 84 Ma-chia-tun 13.205547 329 84 Ma-chia-tun 11.090321 329 85 Ma-chia-tun 4.2163928 329 86 4.2163928 329 86 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 3.9836386 316 83 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 Dalian 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 3.9836386 316 83 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 Nanguanling 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Muping 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Linao 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Bisagu 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 Xinghaitun 15.459068 312 83 Xinghaitun 29.26988 313 86 Xinghaitun 9.8166156 314 86 Xinghaitun 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 3.9836386 316 83 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 Dayandao 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 3.9836386 316 83 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 Dal'niy 15.459068 312 83 Dal'niy 29.26988 313 86 Dal'niy 9.8166156 314 86 Dal'niy 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 18.318481 319 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 Fu-chou-wan 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 Dingguanzhai 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 Qianyangjiacun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 14.744342 292 84 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 Jianggezhuang 16.98741 292 87 Jianggezhuang 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 29.26988 313 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 29.26988 313 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 Huatong 4.6995199 332 89 Huatong 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 Beidianzi 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 Guizhou 4.6995199 332 89 Guizhou 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 Dalijia 13.870654 317 93 Dalijia 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 Teng-sha-ho 13.870654 317 93 Teng-sha-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 Weihai 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 Panyuchwan 3.7448453 335 92 3.7448453 335 92 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 Lu-chia-t'un 8.8660103 336 91 Lu-chia-t'un 3.7448453 335 92 Lu-chia-t'un 4.3393171 336 92 Lu-chia-t'un 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 8.8660103 336 91 Wangzhai 3.7448453 335 92 Wangzhai 4.3393171 336 92 Wangzhai 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 Wujiatun 13.870654 317 93 Wujiatun 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 Jiaxinzi 46.554234 321 98 46.554234 321 98 Xizhuang 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Jiurongcheng 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 8.7644452 321 99 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 19.266314 317 98 Fangshentun 12.836438 320 98 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 6.7260334 319 99 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 10.749466 322 104 Wangjia 7.5158755 323 104 7.5158755 323 104 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 7.0071058 324 110 Nanjian 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 22.551549 327 116 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 Dadong 2.0012454 326 122 Dadong 2.6932739 326 124 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 2.0039199 326 121 Chogumsa 2.0012454 326 122 Chogumsa 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 5.3139678 322 128 Yongsapo 8.7710941 323 128 Yongsapo 9.4064872 324 128 Yongsapo 3.2745183 324 129 Yongsapo 15.644561 325 129 Yongsapo 8.1506313 322 131 Yongsapo 5.481458 323 131 Yongsapo 8.6037931 324 131 Yongsapo 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 56.892045 301 129 Chandae-dong 34.749838 300 130 Chandae-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Chandae-dong 23.864916 301 131 23.864916 301 131 Kaju-dong 63.668785 297 129 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 38.107732 300 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 44.911389 303 130 Ch'angam-dong 19.200451 303 131 Ch'angam-dong 16.67789 303 132 16.67789 303 132 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 3.2745183 324 129 Changya-dong 15.644561 325 129 Changya-dong 5.481458 323 131 Changya-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Changya-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 16.22582 306 133 Arang-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Arang-dong 14.042692 307 134 Arang-dong 17.803123 308 134 17.803123 308 134 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 21.953468 305 131 Sogon-ni 2.8138241 306 131 Sogon-ni 22.711163 307 131 Sogon-ni 16.438775 306 132 Sogon-ni 6.7326396 307 132 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 4.1624577 307 133 Sogon-ni 14.042692 307 134 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Sinmi-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 16.008163 302 131 Monggumpo-ri 19.200451 303 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.579912 304 131 Monggumpo-ri 16.67789 303 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.233065 304 132 Monggumpo-ri 2.9718768 304 133 2.9718768 304 133 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 4.9813939 305 133 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 6.7326396 307 132 Sagi-ri 8.0695346 308 132 Sagi-ri 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 4.1624577 307 133 Sagi-ri 14.042692 307 134 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 14.042692 307 134 Chosa-dong 17.803123 308 134 Chosa-dong 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.9718768 304 133 2.9718768 304 133 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 Amdu-ri 13.110716 325 133 13.110716 325 133 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 4.1624577 307 133 Pungchon 14.042692 307 134 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 Sondup'yong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 3.9592761 296 138 Sogang-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 3.9592761 296 138 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 7.624715 295 139 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 15.802247 295 141 Changdae 19.267599 295 142 19.267599 295 142 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 5.7636397 322 138 Changp'o 44.567608 323 138 44.567608 323 138 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 5.8961564 320 139 Yung-ni 28.075365 322 139 28.075365 322 139 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 Hwajin-ni 20.802088 317 139 Hwajin-ni 19.473088 318 139 Hwajin-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Hwajin-ni 5.8961564 320 139 Hwajin-ni 15.181629 320 140 Hwajin-ni 12.974002 320 141 12.974002 320 141 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 28.075365 322 139 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 Chungang-ni 22.069283 319 140 Chungang-ni 15.181629 320 140 Chungang-ni 12.974002 320 141 12.974002 320 141 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 18.046339 295 145 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 8.9062797 297 146 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 15.178247 295 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 28.085299 287 147 Etsuu 14.286725 288 147 Etsuu 15.461356 287 148 Etsuu 42.246294 288 148 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Oejongsan 6.7631004 279 153 Oejongsan 8.7245816 278 154 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 Anmal 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.5759047 296 153 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Jindo 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.5759047 296 153 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Aenang-ni 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 Dongmun 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 25.057613 285 153 Oe-dong 18.679295 284 154 Oe-dong 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 16.590515 288 153 Chawol-li 4.0459529 289 153 Chawol-li 32.197626 289 154 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 24.938064 289 156 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 3.5759047 296 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 Chungjang 13.911663 275 157 Chungjang 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 5.6885666 267 158 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changdong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 3.6487155 295 154 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Anjong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 10.688657 285 156 Chogumjin-ni 3.2321102 285 157 3.2321102 285 157 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 12.568597 274 157 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 3.2321102 285 157 Hasambong 22.332942 287 157 Hasambong 9.4314594 286 158 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 Hasambong 16.390027 286 159 Hasambong 4.1419281 285 160 Hasambong 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 4.4998898 274 158 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 14.372923 290 158 Chonghyon-dong 20.027044 289 159 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 Chonghyon-dong 21.66388 289 160 Chonghyon-dong 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 5.6885666 267 158 Changsin 2.241903 267 159 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 2.6159405 268 159 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 2.241903 267 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 4.1419281 285 160 Chunghung-ni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 4.1419281 285 160 Kooni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 13.369013 247 166 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 13.369013 247 166 Changsu 9.261633 248 166 Changsu 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chinch'ang 13.369013 247 166 Chinch'ang 9.261633 248 166 Chinch'ang 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Aya-ri 13.369013 247 166 Aya-ri 9.261633 248 166 Aya-ri 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Ch'ongam 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Changdo-ri 5.839203 249 174 5.839203 249 174 Wonsan 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Aech'o-ri 8.7810788 248 173 8.7810788 248 173 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anp'o 8.7810788 248 173 Anp'o 5.839203 249 174 Anp'o 9.6005619 249 175 Anp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Anp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Pongch'on 6.6323313 317 173 Pongch'on 13.180096 317 175 13.180096 317 175 Chungbang 4.5239592 250 175 Chungbang 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chabong 8.7810788 248 173 Chabong 5.839203 249 174 Chabong 9.6005619 249 175 Chabong 4.5239592 250 175 Chabong 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Ch'angch'on 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 Kuge-ri 13.180096 317 175 13.180096 317 175 Yeosu 5.839203 249 174 Yeosu 9.6005619 249 175 Yeosu 4.5239592 250 175 Yeosu 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chukp'o 9.6005619 249 175 Chukp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Chukp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Ando 9.6005619 249 175 9.6005619 249 175 Hangch'on 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Namhae 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Cholge 16.620474 251 184 Cholge 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Chabup'o 16.620474 251 184 16.620474 251 184 Chop'o 16.620474 251 184 Chop'o 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Goseong 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Chamgae 16.620474 251 184 Chamgae 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Irun 16.620474 251 184 Irun 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Meihama 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Saitosaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuoka 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Mitoma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Kashii 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Harumachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Tsuyazaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Shingu 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukumamachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Shimo-Tashima 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Niinauri 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Haruguchi 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Takanabe 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Uwae 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Tsuno 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Katae 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Moriyama 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Wataricho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Tonoecho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Watari 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Shichirui 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Takenouchicho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Sakai-Minato 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Fukuura 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yoshizu 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 O-Shinozucho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kumozu 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kamiguchi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Higuchi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Goto 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kamidani 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Mihonoseki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Mihonseki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Abe 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yonago 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Higashi-Fukuhara 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kami-fukubara 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kaike-Onsen 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kuzumo 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Soda 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kaya 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kawaoka 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Odaka 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Sueyoshi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Muki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yodoe 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/CalcInputDeck.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin/coastalImpact -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/ > /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/outCostalImpact.txt SELECT id, SHAPE_LENG,AsText(Geometry) FROM shoreline WHERE MBRContains(BuildMBR(116.0,18.0,134.0,40.5), geometry) 200 / 278 plottype GDACS drawing CoastalImpact /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/ /mnt/output/SSCS/DATA/coastal.db 200 / 278 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000688/ECMWF/2020080100/all_inpData.txt error track file-->map without track ECMWF 1000688 trackfile 0 OUT_umax.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0000.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0024.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! ....remove.... case delft3d 2020-08-01 00:00:00 ret= 0 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ creating /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 11:48:21.535351 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file being created already, stopping /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/submitted_surge.txt removing submitted_surge ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 11:55:10.922391 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 6 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 11:55:10.958046 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file netcdf already existing : /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200801.12.tropical_cyclone.nc !!!removing submitted_surge ret= 0 False ============================================ processing netcdf file for running delft3d ============================================ 2. process netcdf files and run at 2020-08-03 11:55:10.962157 nt 12 ...creating forcing data TIF from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200801.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ... # times: 73 title: Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) np.amin(lon),np.amax(lon),np.amin(lat),np.amax(lat) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/MAXVEL.jpg V Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 255 319 255.0 319.0 savemap /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/MAXVEL.jpg calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/TIF_MAXVEL.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/ /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF delft3d01-08-2020 12:00& ..2.1 converting netcdf to txt... nt= 12 ************************* /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200801.12.tropical_cyclone.nc 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/ 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 12 1 ...reprojecting netcdf on the calculation window for ... .....time 0 / 72 .....time 1 / 72 .....time 2 / 72 .....time 3 / 72 .....time 4 / 72 .....time 5 / 72 .....time 6 / 72 .....time 7 / 72 .....time 8 / 72 .....time 9 / 72 .....time 10 / 72 .....time 11 / 72 .....time 12 / 72 .....time 13 / 72 .....time 14 / 72 .....time 15 / 72 .....time 16 / 72 .....time 17 / 72 .....time 18 / 72 .....time 19 / 72 .....time 20 / 72 .....time 21 / 72 .....time 22 / 72 .....time 23 / 72 .....time 24 / 72 .....time 25 / 72 .....time 26 / 72 .....time 27 / 72 .....time 28 / 72 .....time 29 / 72 .....time 30 / 72 .....time 31 / 72 .....time 32 / 72 .....time 33 / 72 .....time 34 / 72 .....time 35 / 72 .....time 36 / 72 .....time 37 / 72 .....time 38 / 72 .....time 39 / 72 .....time 40 / 72 .....time 41 / 72 .....time 42 / 72 .....time 43 / 72 .....time 44 / 72 .....time 45 / 72 .....time 46 / 72 .....time 47 / 72 .....time 48 / 72 .....time 49 / 72 .....time 50 / 72 .....time 51 / 72 .....time 52 / 72 .....time 53 / 72 .....time 54 / 72 .....time 55 / 72 .....time 56 / 72 .....time 57 / 72 .....time 58 / 72 .....time 59 / 72 .....time 60 / 72 .....time 61 / 72 .....time 62 / 72 .....time 63 / 72 .....time 64 / 72 .....time 65 / 72 .....time 66 / 72 .....time 67 / 72 .....time 68 / 72 .....time 69 / 72 .....time 70 / 72 .....time 71 / 72 .....time 72 / 72 ...printing files header ...writing time 0 / 12 ...writing time 1 / 12 ...writing time 2 / 12 ...writing time 3 / 12 ...writing time 4 / 12 ...writing time 5 / 12 ...writing time 6 / 12 ...writing time 7 / 12 ...writing time 8 / 12 ...writing time 9 / 12 ...writing time 10 / 12 ...writing time 11 / 12 ...writing time 12 / 12 ************************* ..2.2 prepare files for run and launch... start= 0 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/config_d_hydro.xml in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/config_d_hydro.xml ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.mdf in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/calc.mdf ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.grd in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/calc.grd ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.enc in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/calc.enc ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.obs in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/calc.obs ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.dep in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/calc.dep ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/tri-rst.calc.20200801.120000 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/tri-rst.restart.20200801.120000 ****** SETTING DT ***** 1.0 start run ./run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh 10 launching case: /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/MPICH_INTEL/bin/mpiexec -np 10 /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/5740/bin/lnx64/flow2d3d/bin/d_hydro.exe config_d_hydro.xml MPI process number 000 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 001 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 003 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 005 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 007 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 008 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 002 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 004 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 009 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 006 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deltares, FLOW2D3D Version, May 3 2016, 09:52:23 libflow2d3d.so entry Flow2D3D::Run -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part I - Initialisation Time Dep. Data module... runid : calc Part II - Creating intermediate files... Part III - Initialisation of the Execution module... Part IV - Reading complete MD-file... 7 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/TIF_MAXVEL.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 0.043746 million >> 5. count the popolation in each cell and assign to the class and write to output in PP classifying 0 485 >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/popDensValues.xml TS 20141 (wind>17 and <=33) China, Taiwan, Japan 17 and <=33]]> China, Taiwan, Japan TS 20141 11722 1587 6832 CAT. 1 0 (wind>33 and <=43) 33 and <=43]]> CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 (wind>43 and <=50) 43 and <=50]]> CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 (wind>50 and <=58) 50 and <=58]]> CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 (wind>58 and <=70) 58 and <=70]]> CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 (wind>70 and <=1000) 70 and <=1000]]> CAT. 5 0 Part V - Initialisation & checking input... Part VI - Initialisation & checking second part... Part VII - Initialisation output... Part VIII - Start Simulation... Time to finish 0s, 0.0% completed, time steps left 720 Time to finish 4m 8s, 0.1% completed, time steps left 719 Time to finish 2m 43s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 718 Time to finish 2m 11s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 717 Time to finish 1m 54s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 716 Time to finish 1m 44s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 715 Time to finish 1m 36s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 714 Time to finish 1m 30s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 713 Time to finish 1m 27s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 712 Time to finish 1m 23s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 711 Time to finish 1m 21s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 710 Time to finish 1m 18s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 709 Time to finish 1m 17s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 708 Time to finish 1m 15s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 707 Time to finish 1m 13s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 706 Time to finish 1m 15s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 705 Time to finish 1m 28s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 704 Time to finish 1m 26s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 703 Time to finish 1m 24s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 702 Time to finish 1m 23s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 701 Time to finish 1m 22s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 700 Time to finish 1m 21s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 699 Time to finish 1m 19s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 698 Time to finish 1m 19s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 697 Time to finish 1m 18s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 696 Time to finish 1m 17s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 695 Time to finish 1m 16s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 694 Time to finish 1m 16s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 693 Time to finish 1m 15s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 692 Time to finish 1m 14s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 691 Time to finish 1m 14s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 690 Time to finish 1m 27s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 689 Time to finish 1m 26s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 688 Time to finish 1m 25s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 687 Time to finish 1m 24s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 686 Time to finish 1m 23s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 685 Time to finish 1m 22s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 684 Time to finish 1m 21s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 683 Time to finish 1m 20s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 682 Time to finish 1m 19s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 681 Time to finish 1m 19s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 680 Time to finish 1m 18s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 679 Time to finish 1m 17s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 678 Time to finish 1m 17s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 677 Time to finish 1m 16s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 676 Time to finish 1m 16s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 675 Time to finish 1m 20s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 674 Time to finish 1m 19s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 673 Time to finish 1m 18s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 672 Time to finish 1m 18s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 671 Time to finish 1m 17s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 670 Time to finish 1m 17s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 669 Time to finish 1m 16s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 668 Time to finish 1m 15s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 667 Time to finish 1m 15s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 666 Time to finish 1m 14s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 665 Time to finish 1m 14s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 664 Time to finish 1m 13s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 663 Time to finish 1m 13s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 662 Time to finish 1m 12s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 661 Time to finish 1m 12s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 660 Time to finish 1m 16s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 659 Time to finish 1m 16s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 658 Time to finish 1m 15s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 657 Time to finish 1m 15s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 656 Time to finish 1m 14s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 655 Time to finish 1m 14s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 654 Time to finish 1m 13s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 653 Time to finish 1m 13s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 652 Time to finish 1m 12s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 651 Time to finish 1m 12s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 650 Time to finish 1m 11s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 649 Time to finish 1m 11s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 648 Time to finish 1m 11s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 647 Time to finish 1m 10s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 646 Time to finish 1m 10s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 645 Time to finish 1m 11s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 644 Time to finish 1m 11s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 643 Time to finish 1m 10s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 642 Time to finish 1m 10s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 641 Time to finish 1m 10s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 640 Time to finish 1m 9s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 639 Time to finish 1m 9s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 638 Time to finish 1m 9s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 637 Time to finish 1m 8s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 636 Time to finish 1m 8s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 635 Time to finish 1m 8s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 634 Time to finish 1m 7s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 633 Time to finish 1m 7s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 632 Time to finish 1m 7s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 631 Time to finish 1m 6s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 630 Time to finish 1m 8s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 629 Time to finish 1m 7s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 628 Time to finish 1m 7s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 627 Time to finish 1m 7s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 626 Time to finish 1m 6s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 625 Time to finish 1m 6s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 624 Time to finish 1m 6s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 623 Time to finish 1m 5s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 622 Time to finish 1m 5s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 621 Time to finish 1m 5s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 620 Time to finish 1m 5s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 619 Time to finish 1m 4s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 618 Time to finish 1m 4s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 617 Time to finish 1m 4s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 616 Time to finish 1m 3s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 615 Time to finish 1m 4s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 614 Time to finish 1m 4s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 613 Time to finish 1m 4s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 612 Time to finish 1m 4s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 611 Time to finish 1m 3s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 610 Time to finish 1m 3s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 609 Time to finish 1m 3s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 608 Time to finish 1m 3s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 607 Time to finish 1m 3s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 606 Time to finish 1m 2s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 605 Time to finish 1m 2s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 604 Time to finish 1m 2s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 603 Time to finish 1m 2s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 602 Time to finish 1m 1s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 601 Time to finish 1m 1s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 600 Time to finish 1m 2s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 599 Time to finish 1m 2s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 598 Time to finish 1m 2s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 597 Time to finish 1m 2s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 596 Time to finish 1m 1s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 595 Time to finish 1m 1s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 594 Time to finish 1m 1s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 593 Time to finish 1m 1s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 592 Time to finish 1m 1s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 591 Time to finish 60s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 590 Time to finish 60s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 589 Time to finish 60s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 588 Time to finish 60s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 587 Time to finish 59s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 586 Time to finish 59s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 585 Time to finish 60s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 584 Time to finish 60s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 583 Time to finish 60s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 582 Time to finish 59s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 581 Time to finish 59s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 580 Time to finish 59s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 579 Time to finish 59s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 578 Time to finish 59s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 577 Time to finish 58s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 576 Time to finish 58s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 575 Time to finish 58s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 574 Time to finish 58s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 573 Time to finish 58s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 572 Time to finish 57s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 571 Time to finish 57s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 570 Time to finish 58s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 569 Time to finish 58s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 568 Time to finish 57s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 567 Time to finish 57s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 566 Time to finish 57s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 565 Time to finish 57s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 564 Time to finish 57s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 563 Time to finish 57s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 562 Time to finish 56s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 561 Time to finish 56s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 560 Time to finish 56s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 559 Time to finish 56s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 558 Time to finish 55s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 557 Time to finish 55s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 556 Time to finish 55s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 555 Time to finish 56s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 554 Time to finish 55s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 553 Time to finish 55s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 552 Time to finish 55s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 551 Time to finish 55s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 550 Time to finish 55s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 549 Time to finish 55s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 548 Time to finish 55s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 547 Time to finish 54s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 546 Time to finish 54s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 545 Time to finish 54s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 544 Time to finish 54s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 543 Time to finish 54s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 542 Time to finish 54s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 541 Time to finish 53s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 540 Time to finish 54s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 539 Time to finish 54s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 538 Time to finish 54s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 537 Time to finish 54s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 536 Time to finish 54s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 535 Time to finish 54s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 534 Time to finish 54s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 533 Time to finish 53s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 532 Time to finish 53s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 531 Time to finish 53s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 530 Time to finish 53s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 529 Time to finish 53s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 528 Time to finish 53s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 527 Time to finish 53s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 526 Time to finish 53s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 525 Time to finish 53s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 524 Time to finish 53s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 523 Time to finish 53s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 522 Time to finish 52s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 521 Time to finish 52s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 520 Time to finish 52s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 519 Time to finish 52s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 518 Time to finish 52s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 517 Time to finish 52s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 516 Time to finish 52s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 515 Time to finish 51s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 514 Time to finish 51s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 513 Time to finish 51s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 512 Time to finish 51s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 511 Time to finish 51s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 510 Time to finish 51s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 509 Time to finish 51s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 508 Time to finish 51s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 507 Time to finish 51s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 506 Time to finish 51s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 505 Time to finish 50s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 504 Time to finish 50s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 503 Time to finish 50s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 502 Time to finish 50s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 501 Time to finish 50s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 500 Time to finish 50s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 499 Time to finish 49s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 498 Time to finish 49s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 497 Time to finish 49s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 496 Time to finish 49s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 495 Time to finish 49s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 494 Time to finish 49s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 493 Time to finish 49s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 492 Time to finish 49s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 491 Time to finish 49s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 490 Time to finish 49s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 489 Time to finish 49s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 488 Time to finish 48s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 487 Time to finish 48s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 486 Time to finish 48s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 485 Time to finish 48s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 484 Time to finish 48s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 483 Time to finish 48s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 482 Time to finish 47s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 481 Time to finish 47s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 480 Time to finish 48s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 479 Time to finish 48s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 478 Time to finish 47s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 477 Time to finish 47s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 476 Time to finish 47s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 475 Time to finish 47s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 474 Time to finish 47s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 473 Time to finish 47s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 472 Time to finish 47s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 471 Time to finish 46s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 470 Time to finish 46s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 469 Time to finish 46s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 468 Time to finish 46s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 467 Time to finish 46s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 466 Time to finish 46s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 465 Time to finish 46s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 464 Time to finish 46s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 463 Time to finish 46s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 462 Time to finish 46s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 461 Time to finish 45s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 460 Time to finish 45s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 459 Time to finish 45s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 458 Time to finish 45s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 457 Time to finish 45s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 456 Time to finish 45s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 455 Time to finish 45s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 454 Time to finish 45s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 453 Time to finish 44s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 452 Time to finish 44s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 451 Time to finish 44s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 450 Time to finish 44s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 449 Time to finish 44s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 448 Time to finish 44s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 447 Time to finish 44s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 446 Time to finish 44s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 445 Time to finish 44s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 444 Time to finish 44s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 443 Time to finish 43s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 442 Time to finish 43s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 441 Time to finish 43s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 440 Time to finish 43s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 439 Time to finish 43s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 438 Time to finish 43s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 437 Time to finish 43s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 436 Time to finish 42s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 435 Time to finish 43s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 434 Time to finish 43s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 433 Time to finish 42s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 432 Time to finish 42s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 431 Time to finish 42s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 430 Time to finish 42s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 429 Time to finish 42s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 428 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completed, time steps left 410 Time to finish 40s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 409 Time to finish 40s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 408 Time to finish 40s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 407 Time to finish 39s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 406 Time to finish 39s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 405 Time to finish 39s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 404 Time to finish 39s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 403 Time to finish 39s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 402 Time to finish 39s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 401 Time to finish 39s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 400 Time to finish 39s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 399 Time to finish 39s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 398 Time to finish 39s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 397 Time to finish 38s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 396 Time to finish 38s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 395 Time to finish 38s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 394 Time to finish 38s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 393 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completed, time steps left 375 Time to finish 36s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 374 Time to finish 36s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 373 Time to finish 36s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 372 Time to finish 36s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 371 Time to finish 36s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 370 Time to finish 36s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 369 Time to finish 35s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 368 Time to finish 35s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 367 Time to finish 35s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 366 Time to finish 35s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 365 Time to finish 35s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 364 Time to finish 35s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 363 Time to finish 35s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 362 Time to finish 35s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 361 Time to finish 35s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 360 Time to finish 35s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 359 Time to finish 35s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 358 Time to finish 34s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 357 Time to finish 34s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 356 Time to finish 34s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 355 Time to finish 34s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 354 Time to finish 34s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 353 Time to finish 34s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 352 Time to finish 34s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 351 Time to finish 34s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 350 Time to finish 34s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 349 Time to finish 33s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 348 Time to finish 33s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 347 Time to finish 33s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 346 Time to finish 33s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 345 Time to finish 33s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 344 Time to finish 33s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 343 Time to finish 33s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 342 Time to finish 33s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 341 Time to finish 33s, 52.8% 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Time to finish 20s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 217 Time to finish 20s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 216 Time to finish 20s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 215 Time to finish 20s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 214 Time to finish 20s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 213 Time to finish 20s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 212 Time to finish 20s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 211 Time to finish 20s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 210 Time to finish 20s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 209 Time to finish 20s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 208 Time to finish 20s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 207 Time to finish 19s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 206 Time to finish 19s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 205 Time to finish 19s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 204 Time to finish 19s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 203 Time to finish 19s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 202 Time to finish 19s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 201 Time to finish 19s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 200 Time to finish 19s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 199 Time to finish 19s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 198 Time to finish 18s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 197 Time to finish 18s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 196 Time to finish 18s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 195 Time to finish 18s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 194 Time to finish 18s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 193 Time to finish 18s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 192 Time to finish 18s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 191 Time to finish 18s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 190 Time to finish 18s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 189 Time to finish 18s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 188 Time to finish 18s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 187 Time to finish 17s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 186 Time to finish 17s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 185 Time to finish 17s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 184 Time to finish 17s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 183 Time to finish 17s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 182 Time to finish 17s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 181 Time to finish 17s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 180 Time to finish 17s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 179 Time to finish 17s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 178 Time to finish 17s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 177 Time to finish 17s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 176 Time to finish 16s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 175 Time to finish 16s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 174 Time to finish 16s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 173 Time to finish 16s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 172 Time to finish 16s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 171 Time to finish 16s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 170 Time to finish 16s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 169 Time to finish 16s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 168 Time to finish 16s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 167 Time to finish 16s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 166 Time to finish 15s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 165 Time to finish 15s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 164 Time to finish 15s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 163 Time to finish 15s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 162 Time to finish 15s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 161 Time to finish 15s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 160 Time to finish 15s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 159 Time to finish 15s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 158 Time to finish 15s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 157 Time to finish 15s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 156 Time to finish 15s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 155 Time to finish 14s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 154 Time to finish 14s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 153 Time to finish 14s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 152 Time to finish 14s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 151 Time to finish 14s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 150 Time to finish 14s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 149 Time to finish 14s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 148 Time to finish 14s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 147 Time to finish 14s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 146 Time to finish 14s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 145 Time to finish 13s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 144 Time to finish 13s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 143 Time to finish 13s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 142 Time to finish 13s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 141 Time to finish 13s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 140 Time to finish 13s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 139 Time to finish 13s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 138 Time to finish 13s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 137 Time to finish 13s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 136 Time to finish 13s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 135 Time to finish 13s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 134 Time to finish 12s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 133 Time to finish 12s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 132 Time to finish 12s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 131 Time to finish 12s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 130 Time to finish 12s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 129 Time to finish 12s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 128 Time to finish 12s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 127 Time to finish 12s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 126 Time to finish 12s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 125 Time to finish 12s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 124 Time to finish 11s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 123 Time to finish 11s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 122 Time to finish 11s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 121 Time to finish 11s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 120 Time to finish 11s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 119 Time to finish 11s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 118 Time to finish 11s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 117 Time to finish 11s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 116 Time to finish 11s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 115 Time to finish 11s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 114 Time to finish 11s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 113 Time to finish 10s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 112 Time to finish 10s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 111 Time to finish 10s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 110 Time to finish 10s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 109 Time to finish 10s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 108 Time to finish 10s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 107 Time to finish 10s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 106 Time to finish 10s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 105 Time to finish 10s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 104 Time to finish 10s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 103 Time to finish 10s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 102 Time to finish 9s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 101 Time to finish 9s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 100 Time to finish 9s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 99 Time to finish 9s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 98 Time to finish 9s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 97 Time to finish 9s, 86.7% completed, time steps left 96 Time to finish 9s, 86.8% completed, time steps left 95 Time to finish 9s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 94 Time to finish 9s, 87.1% completed, time steps left 93 Time to finish 9s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 92 Time to finish 8s, 87.4% completed, time steps left 91 Time to finish 8s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 90 Time to finish 8s, 87.6% completed, time steps left 89 Time to finish 8s, 87.8% completed, time steps left 88 Time to finish 8s, 87.9% completed, time steps left 87 Time to finish 8s, 88.1% completed, time steps left 86 Time to finish 8s, 88.2% completed, time steps left 85 Time to finish 8s, 88.3% completed, time steps left 84 Time to finish 8s, 88.5% completed, time steps left 83 Time to finish 8s, 88.6% completed, time steps left 82 Time to finish 8s, 88.8% completed, time steps left 81 Time to finish 7s, 88.9% completed, time steps left 80 Time to finish 7s, 89.0% completed, time steps left 79 Time to finish 7s, 89.2% completed, time steps left 78 Time to finish 7s, 89.3% completed, time steps left 77 Time to finish 7s, 89.4% completed, time steps left 76 Time to finish 7s, 89.6% completed, time steps left 75 Time to finish 7s, 89.7% completed, time steps left 74 Time to finish 7s, 89.9% completed, time steps left 73 Time to finish 7s, 90.0% completed, time steps left 72 Time to finish 7s, 90.1% completed, time steps left 71 Time to finish 7s, 90.3% completed, time steps left 70 Time to finish 6s, 90.4% completed, time steps left 69 Time to finish 6s, 90.6% completed, time steps left 68 Time to finish 6s, 90.7% completed, time steps left 67 Time to finish 6s, 90.8% completed, time steps left 66 Time to finish 6s, 91.0% completed, time steps left 65 Time to finish 6s, 91.1% completed, time steps left 64 Time to finish 6s, 91.2% completed, time steps left 63 Time to finish 6s, 91.4% completed, time steps left 62 Time to finish 6s, 91.5% completed, time steps left 61 Time to finish 6s, 91.7% completed, time steps left 60 Time to finish 5s, 91.8% completed, time steps left 59 Time to finish 5s, 91.9% completed, time steps left 58 Time to finish 5s, 92.1% completed, time steps left 57 Time to finish 5s, 92.2% completed, time steps left 56 Time to finish 5s, 92.4% completed, time steps left 55 Time to finish 5s, 92.5% completed, time steps left 54 Time to finish 5s, 92.6% completed, time steps left 53 Time to finish 5s, 92.8% completed, time steps left 52 Time to finish 5s, 92.9% completed, time steps left 51 Time to finish 5s, 93.1% completed, time steps left 50 Time to finish 5s, 93.2% completed, time steps left 49 Time to finish 4s, 93.3% completed, time steps left 48 Time to finish 4s, 93.5% completed, time steps left 47 Time to finish 4s, 93.6% completed, time steps left 46 Time to finish 4s, 93.8% completed, time steps left 45 Time to finish 4s, 93.9% completed, time steps left 44 Time to finish 4s, 94.0% completed, time steps left 43 Time to finish 4s, 94.2% completed, time steps left 42 Time to finish 4s, 94.3% completed, time steps left 41 Time to finish 4s, 94.4% completed, time steps left 40 Time to finish 4s, 94.6% completed, time steps left 39 Time to finish 4s, 94.7% completed, time steps left 38 Time to finish 3s, 94.9% completed, time steps left 37 Time to finish 3s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 36 Time to finish 3s, 95.1% completed, time steps left 35 Time to finish 3s, 95.3% completed, time steps left 34 Time to finish 3s, 95.4% completed, time steps left 33 Time to finish 3s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 32 Time to finish 3s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 31 Time to finish 3s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 30 Time to finish 3s, 96.0% completed, time steps left 29 Time to finish 3s, 96.1% completed, time steps left 28 Time to finish 3s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 27 Time to finish 2s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 26 Time to finish 2s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 25 Time to finish 2s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 24 Time to finish 2s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 23 Time to finish 2s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 22 Time to finish 2s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 21 Time to finish 2s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 20 Time to finish 2s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 19 Time to finish 2s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 18 Time to finish 2s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 17 Time to finish 1s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 16 Time to finish 1s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 15 Time to finish 1s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 14 Time to finish 1s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 13 Time to finish 1s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 12 Time to finish 1s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 11 Time to finish 1s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 10 Time to finish 1s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 9 Time to finish 1s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 8 Time to finish 1s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 7 Time to finish 1s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 6 Time to finish 0s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 5 Time to finish 0s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 4 Time to finish 0s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 3 Time to finish 0s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 2 Time to finish 0s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINISHED Delft3D-FLOW runid : calc date, time : 2020-08-03, 13:56:46 SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 1 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 2 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 3 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 4 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 5 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 6 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 7 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 8 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 9 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 10 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D_Hydro [1596455806.210542] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596455806.210990] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596455806.211839] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596455806.212712] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596455806.212695] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596455806.213002] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596455806.212923] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596455806.213311] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596455806.213594] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596455806.223656] >> d_hydro shutting down normally ..2.3 finalize for current run ... 2020-08-01 12:00:00 2020-08-01 12:00:00 False delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/ (49, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Jiazi 22.40734 71 1 22.40734 71 1 Changqingwei 22.40734 71 1 22.40734 71 1 Shenquan 19.728532 72 3 Shenquan 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 14.727232 73 4 Shenquan 6.7835538 74 4 6.7835538 74 4 Donghong 4.4844703 74 5 4.4844703 74 5 Jinghai 18.914914 73 6 Jinghai 8.9099668 74 7 Jinghai 17.571704 76 9 Jinghai 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Ch'ao-yang-hsien 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Haimen 17.571704 76 9 Haimen 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Shantou 8.4375967 78 11 Shantou 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Dahao 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Aotou 8.4375967 78 11 Aotou 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Daitou 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Guangao 19.161279 76 10 Guangao 12.697454 77 10 12.697454 77 10 Siwei 7.0718507 79 12 Siwei 3.7670093 80 12 Siwei 6.6530483 82 14 6.6530483 82 14 Ch'ien-tung-hsu 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Qiandong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Jingzhou 6.6530483 82 14 Jingzhou 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanglong 12.30569 81 14 Huanglong 6.6530483 82 14 Huanglong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanggang 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Houzhai 14.158554 79 13 Houzhai 7.4188071 80 13 Houzhai 12.310144 80 14 Houzhai 12.30569 81 14 Houzhai 6.6530483 82 14 Houzhai 6.391558 83 16 6.391558 83 16 Raoping 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Zhelin 6.6530483 82 14 Zhelin 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Shenao 12.310144 80 14 Shenao 12.30569 81 14 Shenao 6.6530483 82 14 Shenao 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Nanao 19.543308 79 15 Nanao 14.736534 80 15 Nanao 14.438193 81 15 Nanao 10.298399 82 15 Nanao 6.391558 83 16 6.391558 83 16 Chelim 10.298399 82 15 Chelim 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Gongkou 6.391558 83 16 Gongkou 25.143746 84 16 25.143746 84 16 Sidu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Dongshan 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Gongqiancun 16.571469 82 19 Gongqiancun 12.984636 83 19 Gongqiancun 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chencheng 16.571469 82 19 Chencheng 12.984636 83 19 Chencheng 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Hsi-pu 12.984636 83 19 Hsi-pu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Erdaogou 9.4160888 308 24 Erdaogou 23.439165 311 24 Erdaogou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Binhaicun 19.666559 309 24 Binhaicun 23.439165 311 24 Binhaicun 2.0007161 312 25 Binhaicun 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Tangjiahe 19.666559 309 24 Tangjiahe 23.439165 311 24 Tangjiahe 2.0007161 312 25 Tangjiahe 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 23.439165 311 24 Baishuitou 2.0007161 312 25 Baishuitou 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Lijiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Lijiapu 20.704947 307 25 20.704947 307 25 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 Gaoshalingcun 2.0007161 312 25 Gaoshalingcun 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Zhaojiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Zhaojiapu 20.704947 307 25 20.704947 307 25 Liuhongbo 9.4160888 308 24 Liuhongbo 20.704947 307 25 20.704947 307 25 Xujiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Xujiapu 20.704947 307 25 20.704947 307 25 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 Dagu 18.882857 313 25 Dagu 2.2402331 315 27 Dagu 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 18.882857 313 25 Tanggu 2.2402331 315 27 Tanggu 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 2.2402331 315 27 Pehtang 3.998393 316 27 Pehtang 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 3.998393 316 27 Qingtuozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 3.998393 316 27 Caijiapu 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Fugong 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 Shuangqiaozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Haicang 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Guankou 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Gangwei 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Songyu 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Hsing-lin 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Xucuo 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 2.0574275 317 30 Bijiaquan 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Gulangyu 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Xiamen 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Chen-hai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Daomei 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Dianqian 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Jiangtou 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Zhenhai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 Heiyanzi 2.0574275 317 30 Heiyanzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Hecuo 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Liuwudian 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 8.895146 315 31 Beipu 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Aotou 37.719502 98 36 37.719502 98 36 Xindian 37.719502 98 36 37.719502 98 36 An-ting 37.719502 98 36 37.719502 98 36 Ma-chiang 37.719502 98 36 37.719502 98 36 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 9.3410776 314 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Chin-men 37.719502 98 36 37.719502 98 36 Lianhe 37.719502 98 36 37.719502 98 36 Ch'ing-hsu 37.719502 98 36 37.719502 98 36 Shijing 37.719502 98 36 37.719502 98 36 Chin-men Tao 37.719502 98 36 37.719502 98 36 Yang-chai 37.719502 98 36 37.719502 98 36 Tung-shih 37.719502 98 36 37.719502 98 36 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 Nancaoji 2.0003162 315 38 Nancaoji 3.7314449 316 38 Nancaoji 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 Liu-tsan 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 Dazhuanghe 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Fengting 19.992729 107 45 Fengting 40.385472 108 45 40.385472 108 45 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 6.5440418 316 41 Yang-chiao 6.7658682 289 45 6.7658682 289 45 Dongsha 19.992729 107 45 Dongsha 40.385472 108 45 40.385472 108 45 Dawu 11.886261 106 45 Dawu 19.992729 107 45 Dawu 26.365664 107 46 26.365664 107 46 Lingchuan 19.992729 107 45 Lingchuan 40.385472 108 45 40.385472 108 45 Fengwei 11.886261 106 45 Fengwei 19.992729 107 45 Fengwei 40.385472 108 45 40.385472 108 45 Hsiao-tso 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Zhongmen 11.886261 106 45 Zhongmen 19.992729 107 45 Zhongmen 40.385472 108 45 40.385472 108 45 Hushi 40.385472 108 45 40.385472 108 45 P'u-hsi 11.886261 106 45 P'u-hsi 19.992729 107 45 P'u-hsi 40.385472 108 45 40.385472 108 45 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 11.886261 106 45 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 19.992729 107 45 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 40.385472 108 45 40.385472 108 45 Meizhou 11.886261 106 45 Meizhou 19.992729 107 45 Meizhou 40.385472 108 45 40.385472 108 45 Yancangcheng 23.186493 252 48 Yancangcheng 2.6775291 255 49 2.6775291 255 49 Hsing-chuang 21.052187 251 48 Hsing-chuang 2.6775291 255 49 Hsing-chuang 7.7704588 255 50 7.7704588 255 50 Haitou 23.186493 252 48 Haitou 2.6775291 255 49 Haitou 7.7704588 255 50 7.7704588 255 50 Shiqiao 24.730519 253 48 Shiqiao 4.3282092 254 48 Shiqiao 4.2425918 254 49 Shiqiao 2.6775291 255 49 Shiqiao 7.7704588 255 50 7.7704588 255 50 Hsia-k'ou 21.052187 251 48 Hsia-k'ou 7.7798718 254 50 7.7798718 254 50 Jiuliqi 24.730519 253 48 Jiuliqi 4.3282092 254 48 Jiuliqi 4.2425918 254 49 Jiuliqi 2.6775291 255 49 Jiuliqi 7.7704588 255 50 7.7704588 255 50 Daitou 26.365664 107 46 Daitou 51.854925 108 46 51.854925 108 46 Che-wang 4.3282092 254 48 Che-wang 4.2425918 254 49 Che-wang 2.6775291 255 49 Che-wang 7.7704588 255 50 7.7704588 255 50 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 Tuanlin 12.504902 321 51 12.504902 321 51 Fenshui 4.3282092 254 48 Fenshui 4.2425918 254 49 Fenshui 2.6775291 255 49 Fenshui 7.7704588 255 50 Fenshui 10.755241 256 51 10.755241 256 51 Pinghai 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 6.4757876 323 51 6.4757876 323 51 Andongwei 4.3282092 254 48 Andongwei 4.2425918 254 49 Andongwei 2.6775291 255 49 Andongwei 7.7704588 255 50 Andongwei 10.755241 256 51 10.755241 256 51 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 Xihenancun 6.9512095 324 51 Xihenancun 6.3968294 325 51 Xihenancun 22.703977 326 51 Xihenancun 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 Xugou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Lanshantou 4.3282092 254 48 Lanshantou 4.2425918 254 49 Lanshantou 2.6775291 255 49 Lanshantou 7.7704588 255 50 Lanshantou 10.755241 256 51 10.755241 256 51 Taolekow 4.2500724 257 51 Taolekow 7.0120592 258 52 7.0120592 258 52 Liujiazhai 7.0120592 258 52 7.0120592 258 52 Dongxi Liandao 2.4063058 251 50 Dongxi Liandao 8.5516014 253 51 Dongxi Liandao 3.3571967 250 53 Dongxi Liandao 6.3886063 251 53 6.3886063 251 53 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 6.3968294 325 51 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 22.703977 326 51 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 5.642133 326 52 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 9.922763 325 53 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 13.12519 325 54 13.12519 325 54 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 6.3968294 325 51 Beidaihehaibin 22.703977 326 51 Beidaihehaibin 5.642133 326 52 Beidaihehaibin 9.922763 325 53 Beidaihehaibin 13.12519 325 54 13.12519 325 54 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 Guidizhai 5.642133 326 52 Guidizhai 7.9041175 326 53 Guidizhai 10.861902 326 54 Guidizhai 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 Shandongpu 5.642133 326 52 Shandongpu 7.9041175 326 53 Shandongpu 10.861902 326 54 Shandongpu 5.2521402 328 54 Shandongpu 13.538204 326 55 13.538204 326 55 Shijiusuo 7.0120592 258 52 7.0120592 258 52 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 Ch'ien-ma-fang 5.2521402 328 54 Ch'ien-ma-fang 12.323748 327 55 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.4273718 328 55 Ch'ien-ma-fang 14.508937 327 56 14.508937 327 56 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 Qinhuangdao 7.9041175 326 53 Qinhuangdao 10.861902 326 54 Qinhuangdao 5.2521402 328 54 Qinhuangdao 13.538204 326 55 Qinhuangdao 14.920797 326 56 14.920797 326 56 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 Shanhaiguan 5.2521402 328 54 Shanhaiguan 12.323748 327 55 Shanhaiguan 9.4273718 328 55 Shanhaiguan 14.508937 327 56 Shanhaiguan 15.799307 327 57 Shanhaiguan 13.614078 328 57 Shanhaiguan 3.1789176 329 57 Shanhaiguan 17.595143 327 58 Shanhaiguan 15.073959 328 58 Shanhaiguan 12.996902 329 58 12.996902 329 58 Yanweigang 3.7995859 249 55 3.7995859 249 55 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 Nanhai 9.4273718 328 55 Nanhai 14.508937 327 56 Nanhai 15.799307 327 57 Nanhai 13.614078 328 57 Nanhai 3.1789176 329 57 Nanhai 17.595143 327 58 Nanhai 15.073959 328 58 Nanhai 12.996902 329 58 Nanhai 8.5678236 329 59 Nanhai 16.026875 330 59 16.026875 330 59 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 5.8558936 263 55 5.8558936 263 55 Hutouya 2.0267187 287 55 Hutouya 4.9986603 288 55 Hutouya 7.0180362 289 55 7.0180362 289 55 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 Wan-chia-t'un 13.614078 328 57 Wan-chia-t'un 3.1789176 329 57 Wan-chia-t'un 15.073959 328 58 Wan-chia-t'un 12.996902 329 58 Wan-chia-t'un 8.5678236 329 59 Wan-chia-t'un 16.026875 330 59 Wan-chia-t'un 14.64445 329 60 Wan-chia-t'un 2.1211945 330 60 2.1211945 330 60 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 13.614078 328 57 Qiangzili 3.1789176 329 57 Qiangzili 15.073959 328 58 Qiangzili 12.996902 329 58 Qiangzili 8.5678236 329 59 Qiangzili 16.026875 330 59 Qiangzili 14.64445 329 60 Qiangzili 2.1211945 330 60 2.1211945 330 60 Xiahecheng 10.073142 263 56 10.073142 263 56 Zhangjialou 7.463872 265 59 Zhangjialou 38.636578 266 59 38.636578 266 59 Dayuan 2.3497869 288 57 Dayuan 5.3992911 289 57 Dayuan 2.9688208 290 57 2.9688208 290 57 Tsang-shang 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 5.3992911 289 57 Tsang-shang 2.9688208 290 57 Tsang-shang 7.1362104 291 57 Tsang-shang 10.996878 292 57 10.996878 292 57 Hongshiya 4.0704735 272 62 Hongshiya 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Lingshanwei 6.2537308 267 61 6.2537308 267 61 Hsin-chuang 9.3603672 292 61 9.3603672 292 61 Houwan 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Yantaiqian 6.2537308 267 61 6.2537308 267 61 Xianlang 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Qimudao 12.014129 293 61 12.014129 293 61 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 7.0709729 292 62 Beizhuang 18.338013 267 62 Beizhuang 22.421399 267 64 Beizhuang 24.269815 270 64 Beizhuang 19.271288 271 64 19.271288 271 64 Ch'ing-tao 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 2.0228224 272 63 Ch'ing-tao 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Sifang 6.4712836 271 63 Sifang 2.0228224 272 63 Sifang 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Chengyang 2.0228224 272 63 Chengyang 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 Beima 9.4647169 294 63 Beima 12.225514 296 67 12.225514 296 67 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 9.4647169 294 63 Longkou 12.225514 296 67 12.225514 296 67 Qingdao 6.4712836 271 63 Qingdao 2.0228224 272 63 Qingdao 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Fushansuo 11.126148 269 64 Fushansuo 24.269815 270 64 Fushansuo 19.271288 271 64 Fushansuo 2.5193449 272 64 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Ts'ang-k'ou 24.269815 270 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 19.271288 271 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 2.5193449 272 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 19.271288 271 64 Hsien-chia-chai 2.5193449 272 64 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Xinyanggang 2.0820892 234 69 2.0820892 234 69 Shazikou 11.033439 270 66 11.033439 270 66 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 Shahousuo 13.788877 336 69 Shahousuo 6.1154367 336 70 6.1154367 336 70 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 Niejia 6.4326869 296 68 Niejia 6.0252144 297 70 Niejia 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Wanggezhuang 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 Beigou 6.4326869 296 68 Beigou 6.0252144 297 70 Beigou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Aoshanwei 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 10.773334 298 69 Dengzhou 6.0252144 297 70 Dengzhou 3.3854309 297 71 Dengzhou 11.497985 297 72 11.497985 297 72 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 10.773334 298 69 Penglai 6.0252144 297 70 Penglai 3.3854309 297 71 Penglai 11.497985 297 72 11.497985 297 72 Chin-chia-k'ou 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Wangcun 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Wali 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Shih-ma-chuang 49.926487 153 77 49.926487 153 77 Baiyan 49.926487 153 77 Baiyan 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Baisha 49.926487 153 77 Baisha 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 49.926487 153 77 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Fu-jung 49.926487 153 77 Fu-jung 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 Dajijia 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 P'u-ch'i 49.926487 153 77 P'u-ch'i 72.485656 154 77 P'u-ch'i 48.404472 154 78 48.404472 154 78 Qingjiang 49.926487 153 77 Qingjiang 72.485656 154 77 Qingjiang 48.404472 154 78 48.404472 154 78 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 57.945619 311 75 Dajing 72.485656 154 77 Dajing 48.404472 154 78 48.404472 154 78 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 Chenyu 49.926487 153 77 Chenyu 8.5062756 153 78 Chenyu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 65.913351 309 75 Baixi 49.926487 153 77 Baixi 72.485656 154 77 Baixi 48.404472 154 78 Baixi 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Huanshan 49.926487 153 77 Huanshan 72.485656 154 77 Huanshan 48.404472 154 78 Huanshan 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Fengcheng 6.2295642 280 79 6.2295642 280 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 32.548758 321 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.164329 322 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.497974 323 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.437812 324 77 35.437812 324 77 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 60.563683 310 77 Kanmen 49.926487 153 77 Kanmen 8.5062756 153 78 Kanmen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Ch'ing-chiang 49.926487 153 77 Ch'ing-chiang 72.485656 154 77 Ch'ing-chiang 48.404472 154 78 Ch'ing-chiang 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chumen 49.926487 153 77 Chumen 72.485656 154 77 Chumen 48.404472 154 78 Chumen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Wenqiao 49.926487 153 77 Wenqiao 72.485656 154 77 Wenqiao 48.404472 154 78 Wenqiao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.336422 322 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 32.415091 323 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.796951 324 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.158743 325 78 23.158743 325 78 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 31.400401 321 78 Sanguanmiao 28.336422 322 78 Sanguanmiao 32.415091 323 78 Sanguanmiao 28.796951 324 78 28.796951 324 78 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 11.129701 316 79 Xinzhaizi 12.273618 317 79 Xinzhaizi 10.655565 317 81 Xinzhaizi 5.1844298 316 82 Xinzhaizi 6.3229915 317 82 6.3229915 317 82 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 4.4584824 320 79 Wudao 5.1811351 322 79 Wudao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 55.605209 310 79 Lingmen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Aohuan 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Dalu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 11.129701 316 79 Yingchengzi 12.273618 317 79 Yingchengzi 10.655565 317 81 Yingchengzi 5.1844298 316 82 Yingchengzi 6.3229915 317 82 6.3229915 317 82 Guan'ao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 22.803787 320 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Qiganshi 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 22.803787 320 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 Donggang 17.671672 325 80 Donggang 19.728978 326 80 Donggang 27.469715 327 80 Donggang 27.010173 328 80 27.010173 328 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 57.731312 310 80 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 8.1078418 293 82 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 Santang 15.055862 325 81 Santang 17.89596 326 81 17.89596 326 81 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 10.655565 317 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 6.3229915 317 82 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 Gezhenpu 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 14.850288 326 82 Ma-chia-tun 18.061906 327 82 Ma-chia-tun 26.59513 328 82 Ma-chia-tun 26.096062 329 82 Ma-chia-tun 11.090321 329 85 Ma-chia-tun 4.2163928 329 86 4.2163928 329 86 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 Dalian 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 6.3229915 317 82 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 Nanguanling 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Muping 10.482945 292 83 Muping 14.744342 292 84 14.744342 292 84 Hai-yang-so 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Nanhong 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 Xinghaitun 9.8166156 314 86 Xinghaitun 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Baishatan 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 Dayandao 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 6.3229915 317 82 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 Dal'niy 9.8166156 314 86 Dal'niy 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 18.318481 319 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 Fu-chou-wan 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 Dingguanzhai 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 Dongshanbeitou 17.635887 293 83 17.635887 293 83 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 Qianyangjiacun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 14.744342 292 84 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 Jianggezhuang 15.876607 293 85 Jianggezhuang 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Langnuankou 3.1296165 283 88 Langnuankou 2.9754361 283 89 2.9754361 283 89 Xiaoguan 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 2.9754361 283 89 Xiaoguan 3.3238095 283 90 Xiaoguan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 29.26988 313 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 29.26988 313 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Xilangnuan 3.1296165 283 88 Xilangnuan 2.9754361 283 89 Xilangnuan 3.3238095 283 90 Xilangnuan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 4.3923145 329 87 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 Beidianzi 15.906104 293 87 Beidianzi 17.917704 292 88 Beidianzi 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 Guizhou 6.2332251 332 88 Guizhou 10.634702 333 88 Guizhou 8.1513821 333 89 Guizhou 32.719378 332 90 Guizhou 4.6892478 333 90 4.6892478 333 90 Wuleidao 3.1296165 283 88 Wuleidao 2.9754361 283 89 Wuleidao 3.3238095 283 90 Wuleidao 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Zeku 2.9754361 283 89 Zeku 3.3238095 283 90 Zeku 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 Dalijia 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 Teng-sha-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 Weihai 19.976431 294 90 Weihai 20.982913 294 91 Weihai 29.513482 293 92 Weihai 21.846028 294 92 21.846028 294 92 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 Panyuchwan 4.6892478 333 90 Panyuchwan 7.7167885 334 90 Panyuchwan 9.8942845 335 90 9.8942845 335 90 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 Lu-chia-t'un 7.9845756 334 91 Lu-chia-t'un 5.5322527 335 91 Lu-chia-t'un 8.8660103 336 91 Lu-chia-t'un 4.3393171 336 92 Lu-chia-t'un 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 7.9845756 334 91 Wangzhai 5.5322527 335 91 Wangzhai 8.8660103 336 91 Wangzhai 4.3393171 336 92 Wangzhai 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Jinghaiwei 15.213907 280 91 Jinghaiwei 5.8361838 282 91 Jinghaiwei 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Huangshan 5.8361838 282 91 Huangshan 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 Zaobu 23.987306 293 94 Zaobu 18.963316 292 95 Zaobu 10.598257 291 96 10.598257 291 96 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 24.627669 320 95 24.627669 320 95 Jen-ho-chi 12.273248 281 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.5358904 282 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.8003059 282 93 Jen-ho-chi 23.623298 281 96 Jen-ho-chi 16.853075 282 96 16.853075 282 96 Qiandao 15.566538 281 93 Qiandao 7.8003059 282 93 Qiandao 23.623298 281 96 Qiandao 16.853075 282 96 Qiandao 10.974932 283 97 10.974932 283 97 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 Wujiatun 13.870654 317 93 Wujiatun 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 24.627669 320 95 24.627669 320 95 Ch'ih-shan-chi 16.853075 282 96 Ch'ih-shan-chi 10.974932 283 97 Ch'ih-shan-chi 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 Jiaxinzi 24.627669 320 95 Jiaxinzi 46.554234 321 98 46.554234 321 98 Shidao 16.14937 281 94 Shidao 23.623298 281 96 Shidao 16.853075 282 96 Shidao 10.974932 283 97 Shidao 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Laoshantun 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Xizhuang 18.963316 292 95 Xizhuang 10.598257 291 96 Xizhuang 2.134831 291 97 Xizhuang 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Ning-ching-so 16.853075 282 96 Ning-ching-so 10.974932 283 97 Ning-ching-so 2.918996 284 98 Ning-ching-so 15.0606 285 99 Ning-ching-so 13.836769 286 99 13.836769 286 99 Dazhuang 18.398227 281 95 Dazhuang 23.623298 281 96 Dazhuang 16.853075 282 96 Dazhuang 10.974932 283 97 Dazhuang 2.918996 284 98 Dazhuang 15.0606 285 99 15.0606 285 99 Jiurongcheng 10.598257 291 96 Jiurongcheng 2.134831 291 97 Jiurongcheng 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 Xiaogangnantou 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Wolongcun 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 19.266314 317 98 Fangshentun 12.836438 320 98 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 6.7260334 319 99 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 Zhuanghe 30.237123 324 105 30.237123 324 105 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 5.3016982 323 103 Dafangshen 30.237123 324 105 30.237123 324 105 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 30.237123 324 105 30.237123 324 105 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 10.749466 322 104 Wangjia 7.5158755 323 104 7.5158755 323 104 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 7.0071058 324 110 Nanjian 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 22.551549 327 116 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 22.551549 327 116 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 Dadong 2.0012454 326 122 Dadong 2.6932739 326 124 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 2.0039199 326 121 Chogumsa 2.0012454 326 122 Chogumsa 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 5.3139678 322 128 Yongsapo 8.7710941 323 128 Yongsapo 9.4064872 324 128 Yongsapo 8.247528 323 129 Yongsapo 3.2745183 324 129 Yongsapo 15.644561 325 129 Yongsapo 8.1506313 322 131 Yongsapo 5.481458 323 131 Yongsapo 8.6037931 324 131 Yongsapo 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Chandae-dong 23.864916 301 131 Chandae-dong 24.830385 298 132 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 23.864916 301 131 Ch'angam-dong 16.008163 302 131 Ch'angam-dong 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 20.322722 300 133 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 3.2745183 324 129 Changya-dong 15.644561 325 129 Changya-dong 5.481458 323 131 Changya-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Changya-dong 19.453847 325 132 Changya-dong 13.110716 325 133 13.110716 325 133 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 19.453847 325 132 Ansan-dong 13.110716 325 133 Ansan-dong 79.998784 324 134 79.998784 324 134 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 41.10869 309 131 Arang-dong 40.371133 310 131 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 16.22582 306 133 Arang-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Arang-dong 14.042692 307 134 Arang-dong 17.803123 308 134 17.803123 308 134 Sogon-ni 16.67789 303 132 Sogon-ni 20.233065 304 132 Sogon-ni 22.175476 305 132 Sogon-ni 16.438775 306 132 Sogon-ni 6.7326396 307 132 Sogon-ni 2.9718768 304 133 Sogon-ni 4.9813939 305 133 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 4.1624577 307 133 Sogon-ni 14.042692 307 134 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Sinmi-dong 19.453847 325 132 Sinmi-dong 13.110716 325 133 Sinmi-dong 79.998784 324 134 Sinmi-dong 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 16.008163 302 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.370203 300 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.322722 300 133 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 Monggumpo-ri 2.1832035 301 134 Monggumpo-ri 7.3877235 300 135 7.3877235 300 135 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 2.9718768 304 133 Ch'am-ch'on 4.9813939 305 133 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 6.7326396 307 132 Sagi-ri 2.9718768 304 133 Sagi-ri 4.9813939 305 133 Sagi-ri 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 4.1624577 307 133 Sagi-ri 14.042692 307 134 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 14.042692 307 134 Chosa-dong 17.803123 308 134 Chosa-dong 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 7.6957089 310 137 Chosa-dong 13.50636 311 137 13.50636 311 137 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.1832035 301 134 Sanggun-dong 7.3877235 300 135 7.3877235 300 135 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 Amdu-ri 13.110716 325 133 Amdu-ri 79.998784 324 134 Amdu-ri 34.369154 324 135 Amdu-ri 31.80967 323 136 Amdu-ri 18.259714 323 137 18.259714 323 137 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 4.1624577 307 133 Pungchon 14.042692 307 134 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 Hyu-dong 7.3877235 300 135 7.3877235 300 135 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 Chungga-dong 7.3877235 300 135 7.3877235 300 135 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 2.5881107 307 135 An-ch'on 7.6957089 310 137 An-ch'on 7.5753806 310 138 7.5753806 310 138 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 Choyang-ni 31.80967 323 136 Choyang-ni 18.259714 323 137 Choyang-ni 44.567608 323 138 Choyang-ni 28.075365 322 139 28.075365 322 139 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 7.3877235 300 135 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 5.7636397 322 138 Changp'o 44.567608 323 138 Changp'o 28.075365 322 139 Changp'o 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 5.8961564 320 139 Yung-ni 28.075365 322 139 Yung-ni 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 Hwajin-ni 20.802088 317 139 Hwajin-ni 19.473088 318 139 Hwajin-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Hwajin-ni 5.8961564 320 139 Hwajin-ni 15.181629 320 140 Hwajin-ni 12.974002 320 141 12.974002 320 141 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 Chungang-ni 22.069283 319 140 Chungang-ni 15.181629 320 140 Chungang-ni 12.974002 320 141 12.974002 320 141 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 35.015504 297 148 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 35.015504 297 148 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 12.153723 284 148 Etsuu 36.790222 284 149 Etsuu 54.858225 284 150 Etsuu 40.881065 284 151 Etsuu 56.094568 285 151 56.094568 285 151 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 Ch'onggye-ri 3.5759047 296 153 Ch'onggye-ri 2.1021063 297 153 2.1021063 297 153 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 Chondang-ni 3.5759047 296 153 Chondang-ni 2.1021063 297 153 2.1021063 297 153 Oejongsan 45.829966 282 151 Oejongsan 23.722503 282 152 Oejongsan 11.15504 278 153 Oejongsan 6.7631004 279 153 Oejongsan 8.7245816 278 154 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 Anmal 3.5759047 296 153 Anmal 2.1021063 297 153 2.1021063 297 153 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.5759047 296 153 Muji-ni 2.1021063 297 153 Muji-ni 8.7542506 297 156 8.7542506 297 156 Jindo 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.5759047 296 153 Kyodo 2.1021063 297 153 Kyodo 8.7542506 297 156 8.7542506 297 156 Aenang-ni 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Dongmun 23.722503 282 152 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.7631004 279 153 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Oe-dong 23.722503 282 152 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 2.064454 284 153 Oe-dong 18.679295 284 154 Oe-dong 20.370363 285 154 Oe-dong 26.844518 285 155 26.844518 285 155 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 26.659371 286 153 Chawol-li 14.446983 287 153 Chawol-li 30.334367 286 154 Chawol-li 39.784957 286 155 Chawol-li 16.053941 287 155 Chawol-li 16.953998 287 156 Chawol-li 8.6274924 288 156 Chawol-li 24.938064 289 156 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 15.512703 277 153 Sinsong 11.15504 278 153 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 Pususan-dong 2.1021063 297 153 Pususan-dong 8.7542506 297 156 Pususan-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Chungjang 15.512703 277 153 Chungjang 11.15504 278 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 Chungjang 13.911663 275 157 Chungjang 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Kan 5.8870833 266 157 Kan 6.1827551 266 158 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 5.6885666 267 158 Tongmokp 10.937449 277 154 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 10.937449 277 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 Samch'on 5.1575874 296 155 5.1575874 296 155 Changdong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 Changch'u-dong 5.1575874 296 155 Changch'u-dong 8.7542506 297 156 Changch'u-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 5.8870833 266 157 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 Kanghwa 5.1575874 296 155 Kanghwa 8.7542506 297 156 Kanghwa 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Anjong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 26.844518 285 155 Chogumjin-ni 3.2321102 285 157 3.2321102 285 157 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 12.568597 274 157 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 3.2321102 285 157 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 Hasambong 16.390027 286 159 Hasambong 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 10.115317 270 157 Aech'an-ni 9.1861162 271 157 Aech'an-ni 20.453098 272 157 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 Aech'an-ni 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 14.372923 290 158 Chonghyon-dong 20.027044 289 159 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 Chonghyon-dong 21.66388 289 160 21.66388 289 160 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Changsin 5.8870833 266 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 10.848643 269 158 Janghang 6.1226123 270 158 Janghang 5.1750682 271 158 Janghang 2.5792614 270 159 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 6.1827551 266 158 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 6.1827551 266 158 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 2.241903 267 159 Okhu 2.5792614 270 159 2.5792614 270 159 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 3.9684399 286 160 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 21.66388 289 160 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.5792614 270 159 Gunsan 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 21.66388 289 160 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 9.261633 248 166 Changsu 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chinch'ang 9.261633 248 166 Chinch'ang 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Aya-ri 9.261633 248 166 Aya-ri 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Ch'ongam 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Wonsan 18.792407 318 172 Wonsan 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Pongch'on 18.792407 318 172 Pongch'on 6.6323313 317 173 Pongch'on 13.180096 317 175 13.180096 317 175 Chungbang 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chabong 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Ch'angch'on 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 Kuge-ri 13.180096 317 175 13.180096 317 175 Yeosu 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chukp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Hangch'on 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Tongch-on 23.537237 316 177 23.537237 316 177 Namhae 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Meihama 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Saitosaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuoka 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Mitoma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Kashii 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Harumachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Tsuyazaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Shingu 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukumamachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/CalcInputDeck.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin/coastalImpact -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/ > /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/outCostalImpact.txt SELECT id, SHAPE_LENG,AsText(Geometry) FROM shoreline WHERE MBRContains(BuildMBR(116.0,18.0,134.0,40.5), geometry) 100 / 223 200 / 223 plottype GDACS drawing CoastalImpact /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/ /mnt/output/SSCS/DATA/coastal.db 100 / 223 200 / 223 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000688/ECMWF/2020080112/all_inpData.txt /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000688/ECMWF/2020080112/all_inpData.txt ECMWF 1000688 trackfile 0 OUT_umax.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0000.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0024.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! ....remove.... case delft3d 2020-08-01 12:00:00 ret= 0 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ creating /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 11:58:09.908462 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file being created already, stopping /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/submitted_surge.txt removing submitted_surge ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 12:05:07.416153 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 6 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 12:05:07.457477 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file netcdf already existing : /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200802.00.tropical_cyclone.nc !!!removing submitted_surge ret= 0 False ============================================ processing netcdf file for running delft3d ============================================ 2. process netcdf files and run at 2020-08-03 12:05:07.460755 nt 12 ...creating forcing data TIF from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200802.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ... # times: 73 title: Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) np.amin(lon),np.amax(lon),np.amin(lat),np.amax(lat) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/MAXVEL.jpg V Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 255 319 255.0 319.0 savemap /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/MAXVEL.jpg calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/TIF_MAXVEL.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/ /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF delft3d02-08-2020 00:00& ..2.1 converting netcdf to txt... nt= 12 ************************* /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200802.00.tropical_cyclone.nc 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/ 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 12 1 ...reprojecting netcdf on the calculation window for ... .....time 0 / 72 .....time 1 / 72 .....time 2 / 72 .....time 3 / 72 .....time 4 / 72 .....time 5 / 72 .....time 6 / 72 .....time 7 / 72 .....time 8 / 72 .....time 9 / 72 .....time 10 / 72 .....time 11 / 72 .....time 12 / 72 .....time 13 / 72 .....time 14 / 72 .....time 15 / 72 .....time 16 / 72 .....time 17 / 72 .....time 18 / 72 .....time 19 / 72 .....time 20 / 72 .....time 21 / 72 .....time 22 / 72 .....time 23 / 72 .....time 24 / 72 .....time 25 / 72 .....time 26 / 72 .....time 27 / 72 .....time 28 / 72 .....time 29 / 72 .....time 30 / 72 .....time 31 / 72 .....time 32 / 72 .....time 33 / 72 .....time 34 / 72 .....time 35 / 72 .....time 36 / 72 .....time 37 / 72 .....time 38 / 72 .....time 39 / 72 .....time 40 / 72 .....time 41 / 72 .....time 42 / 72 .....time 43 / 72 .....time 44 / 72 .....time 45 / 72 .....time 46 / 72 .....time 47 / 72 .....time 48 / 72 .....time 49 / 72 .....time 50 / 72 .....time 51 / 72 .....time 52 / 72 .....time 53 / 72 .....time 54 / 72 .....time 55 / 72 .....time 56 / 72 .....time 57 / 72 .....time 58 / 72 .....time 59 / 72 .....time 60 / 72 .....time 61 / 72 .....time 62 / 72 .....time 63 / 72 .....time 64 / 72 .....time 65 / 72 .....time 66 / 72 .....time 67 / 72 .....time 68 / 72 .....time 69 / 72 .....time 70 / 72 .....time 71 / 72 .....time 72 / 72 ...printing files header ...writing time 0 / 12 ...writing time 1 / 12 ...writing time 2 / 12 ...writing time 3 / 12 ...writing time 4 / 12 ...writing time 5 / 12 ...writing time 6 / 12 ...writing time 7 / 12 ...writing time 8 / 12 ...writing time 9 / 12 ...writing time 10 / 12 ...writing time 11 / 12 ...writing time 12 / 12 ************************* ..2.2 prepare files for run and launch... start= 0 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/config_d_hydro.xml in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/config_d_hydro.xml ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.mdf in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/calc.mdf ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.grd in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/calc.grd ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.enc in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/calc.enc ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.obs in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/calc.obs ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.dep in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/calc.dep ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/tri-rst.calc.20200802.000000 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/tri-rst.restart.20200802.000000 ****** SETTING DT ***** 1.0 start run ./run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh 10 launching case: /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/MPICH_INTEL/bin/mpiexec -np 10 /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/5740/bin/lnx64/flow2d3d/bin/d_hydro.exe config_d_hydro.xml MPI process number 001 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 002 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 003 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 004 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 005 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 007 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 008 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 009 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 000 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 006 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deltares, FLOW2D3D Version, May 3 2016, 09:52:23 libflow2d3d.so entry Flow2D3D::Run -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part I - Initialisation Time Dep. Data module... runid : calc Part II - Creating intermediate files... Part III - Initialisation of the Execution module... Part IV - Reading complete MD-file... Part V - Initialisation & checking input... Part VI - Initialisation & checking second part... Part VII - Initialisation output... Part VIII - Start Simulation... Time to finish 0s, 0.0% completed, time steps left 720 Time to finish 3m 30s, 0.1% completed, time steps left 719 Time to finish 2m 16s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 718 Time to finish 1m 51s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 717 Time to finish 1m 38s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 716 Time to finish 1m 30s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 715 Time to finish 1m 24s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 714 Time to finish 1m 20s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 713 Time to finish 1m 17s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 712 Time to finish 1m 14s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 711 Time to finish 1m 14s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 710 Time to finish 1m 12s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 709 Time to finish 1m 10s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 708 Time to finish 1m 10s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 707 Time to finish 1m 9s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 706 Time to finish 1m 8s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 705 7 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/TIF_MAXVEL.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 0.192502 million >> 5. count the popolation in each cell and assign to the class and write to output in PP classifying 0 1026 >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/popDensValues.xml TS 168897 (wind>17 and <=33) China, Taiwan, Japan 17 and <=33]]> China, Taiwan, Japan TS 168897 105587 4569 58741 CAT. 1 0 (wind>33 and <=43) 33 and <=43]]> CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 (wind>43 and <=50) 43 and <=50]]> CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 (wind>50 and <=58) 50 and <=58]]> CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 (wind>58 and <=70) 58 and <=70]]> CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 (wind>70 and <=1000) 70 and <=1000]]> CAT. 5 0 Time to finish 1m 17s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 704 Time to finish 1m 17s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 703 Time to finish 1m 16s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 702 Time to finish 1m 16s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 701 Time to finish 1m 15s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 700 Time to finish 1m 14s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 699 Time to finish 1m 13s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 698 Time to finish 1m 13s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 697 Time to finish 1m 13s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 696 Time to finish 1m 13s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 695 Time to finish 1m 12s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 694 Time to finish 1m 12s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 693 Time to finish 1m 12s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 692 Time to finish 1m 12s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 691 Time to finish 1m 11s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 690 Time to finish 1m 16s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 689 Time to finish 1m 15s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 688 Time to finish 1m 14s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 687 Time to finish 1m 13s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 686 Time to finish 1m 13s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 685 Time to finish 1m 12s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 684 Time to finish 1m 11s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 683 Time to finish 1m 11s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 682 Time to finish 1m 11s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 681 Time to finish 1m 10s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 680 Time to finish 1m 10s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 679 Time to finish 1m 10s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 678 Time to finish 1m 9s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 677 Time to finish 1m 9s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 676 Time to finish 1m 9s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 675 Time to finish 1m 12s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 674 Time to finish 1m 11s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 673 Time to finish 1m 11s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 672 Time to finish 1m 11s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 671 Time to finish 1m 11s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 670 Time to finish 1m 11s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 669 Time to finish 1m 11s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 668 Time to finish 1m 10s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 667 Time to finish 1m 10s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 666 Time to finish 1m 10s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 665 Time to finish 1m 9s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 664 Time to finish 1m 9s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 663 Time to finish 1m 9s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 662 Time to finish 1m 9s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 661 Time to finish 1m 8s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 660 Time to finish 1m 13s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 659 Time to finish 1m 12s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 658 Time to finish 1m 12s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 657 Time to finish 1m 11s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 656 Time to finish 1m 11s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 655 Time to finish 1m 11s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 654 Time to finish 1m 10s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 653 Time to finish 1m 10s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 652 Time to finish 1m 9s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 651 Time to finish 1m 9s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 650 Time to finish 1m 8s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 649 Time to finish 1m 8s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 648 Time to finish 1m 8s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 647 Time to finish 1m 7s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 646 Time to finish 1m 7s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 645 Time to finish 1m 9s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 644 Time to finish 1m 8s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 643 Time to finish 1m 8s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 642 Time to finish 1m 7s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 641 Time to finish 1m 7s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 640 Time to finish 1m 7s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 639 Time to finish 1m 7s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 638 Time to finish 1m 7s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 637 Time to finish 1m 6s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 636 Time to finish 1m 6s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 635 Time to finish 1m 6s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 634 Time to finish 1m 6s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 633 Time to finish 1m 5s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 632 Time to finish 1m 5s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 631 Time to finish 1m 5s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 630 Time to finish 1m 6s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 629 Time to finish 1m 6s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 628 Time to finish 1m 5s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 627 Time to finish 1m 5s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 626 Time to finish 1m 5s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 625 Time to finish 1m 5s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 624 Time to finish 1m 4s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 623 Time to finish 1m 4s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 622 Time to finish 1m 4s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 621 Time to finish 1m 3s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 620 Time to finish 1m 3s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 619 Time to finish 1m 3s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 618 Time to finish 1m 2s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 617 Time to finish 1m 2s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 616 Time to finish 1m 2s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 615 Time to finish 1m 3s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 614 Time to finish 1m 2s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 613 Time to finish 1m 2s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 612 Time to finish 1m 2s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 611 Time to finish 1m 1s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 610 Time to finish 1m 1s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 609 Time to finish 1m 1s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 608 Time to finish 1m 1s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 607 Time to finish 60s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 606 Time to finish 60s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 605 Time to finish 60s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 604 Time to finish 60s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 603 Time to finish 60s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 602 Time to finish 59s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 601 Time to finish 59s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 600 Time to finish 1m 1s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 599 Time to finish 60s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 598 Time to finish 60s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 597 Time to finish 60s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 596 Time to finish 60s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 595 Time to finish 59s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 594 Time to finish 59s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 593 Time to finish 59s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 592 Time to finish 59s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 591 Time to finish 59s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 590 Time to finish 58s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 589 Time to finish 58s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 588 Time to finish 58s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 587 Time to finish 58s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 586 Time to finish 58s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 585 Time to finish 59s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 584 Time to finish 58s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 583 Time to finish 58s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 582 Time to finish 58s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 581 Time to finish 58s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 580 Time to finish 57s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 579 Time to finish 57s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 578 Time to finish 57s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 577 Time to finish 57s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 576 Time to finish 57s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 575 Time to finish 56s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 574 Time to finish 56s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 573 Time to finish 56s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 572 Time to finish 56s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 571 Time to finish 56s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 570 Time to finish 56s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 569 Time to finish 56s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 568 Time to finish 56s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 567 Time to finish 56s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 566 Time to finish 56s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 565 Time to finish 56s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 564 Time to finish 55s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 563 Time to finish 55s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 562 Time to finish 55s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 561 Time to finish 55s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 560 Time to finish 55s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 559 Time to finish 55s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 558 Time to finish 55s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 557 Time to finish 55s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 556 Time to finish 54s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 555 Time to finish 55s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 554 Time to finish 55s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 553 Time to finish 55s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 552 Time to finish 55s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 551 Time to finish 54s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 550 Time to finish 54s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 549 Time to finish 54s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 548 Time to finish 54s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 547 Time to finish 54s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 546 Time to finish 53s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 545 Time to finish 53s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 544 Time to finish 53s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 543 Time to finish 53s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 542 Time to finish 53s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 541 Time to finish 52s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 540 Time to finish 53s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 539 Time to finish 53s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 538 Time to finish 53s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 537 Time to finish 53s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 536 Time to finish 53s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 535 Time to finish 53s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 534 Time to finish 52s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 533 Time to finish 52s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 532 Time to finish 52s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 531 Time to finish 52s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 530 Time to finish 52s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 529 Time to finish 52s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 528 Time to finish 52s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 527 Time to finish 52s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 526 Time to finish 52s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 525 Time to finish 53s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 524 Time to finish 52s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 523 Time to finish 52s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 522 Time to finish 52s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 521 Time to finish 52s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 520 Time to finish 52s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 519 Time to finish 52s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 518 Time to finish 52s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 517 Time to finish 52s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 516 Time to finish 52s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 515 Time to finish 51s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 514 Time to finish 51s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 513 Time to finish 51s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 512 Time to finish 51s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 511 Time to finish 51s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 510 Time to finish 51s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 509 Time to finish 51s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 508 Time to finish 51s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 507 Time to finish 51s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 506 Time to finish 51s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 505 Time to finish 51s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 504 Time to finish 51s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 503 Time to finish 50s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 502 Time to finish 50s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 501 Time to finish 50s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 500 Time to finish 50s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 499 Time to finish 50s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 498 Time to finish 50s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 497 Time to finish 50s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 496 Time to finish 50s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 495 Time to finish 50s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 494 Time to finish 50s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 493 Time to finish 50s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 492 Time to finish 50s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 491 Time to finish 50s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 490 Time to finish 50s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 489 Time to finish 50s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 488 Time to finish 49s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 487 Time to finish 49s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 486 Time to finish 49s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 485 Time to finish 49s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 484 Time to finish 49s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 483 Time to finish 49s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 482 Time to finish 49s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 481 Time to finish 48s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 480 Time to finish 49s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 479 Time to finish 49s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 478 Time to finish 49s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 477 Time to finish 49s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 476 Time to finish 48s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 475 Time to finish 48s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 474 Time to finish 48s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 473 Time to finish 48s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 472 Time to finish 48s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 471 Time to finish 48s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 470 Time to finish 48s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 469 Time to finish 47s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 468 Time to finish 47s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 467 Time to finish 47s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 466 Time to finish 47s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 465 Time to finish 47s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 464 Time to finish 47s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 463 Time to finish 47s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 462 Time to finish 47s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 461 Time to finish 47s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 460 Time to finish 47s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 459 Time to finish 46s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 458 Time to finish 46s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 457 Time to finish 46s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 456 Time to finish 46s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 455 Time to finish 46s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 454 Time to finish 46s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 453 Time to finish 46s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 452 Time to finish 46s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 451 Time to finish 45s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 450 Time to finish 46s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 449 Time to finish 46s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 448 Time to finish 45s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 447 Time to finish 45s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 446 Time to finish 45s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 445 Time to finish 45s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 444 Time to finish 45s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 443 Time to finish 45s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 442 Time to finish 45s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 441 Time to finish 44s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 440 Time to finish 44s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 439 Time to finish 44s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 438 Time to finish 44s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 437 Time to finish 44s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 436 Time to finish 44s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 435 Time to finish 44s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 434 Time to finish 44s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 433 Time to finish 44s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 432 Time to finish 44s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 431 Time to finish 44s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 430 Time to finish 44s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 429 Time to finish 43s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 428 Time to finish 43s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 427 Time to finish 43s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 426 Time to finish 43s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 425 Time to finish 43s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 424 Time to finish 43s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 423 Time to finish 43s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 422 Time to finish 42s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 421 Time to finish 42s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 420 Time to finish 43s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 419 Time to finish 43s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 418 Time to finish 43s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 417 Time to finish 42s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 416 Time to finish 42s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 415 Time to finish 42s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 414 Time to finish 42s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 413 Time to finish 42s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 412 Time to finish 42s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 411 Time to finish 42s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 410 Time to finish 42s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 409 Time to finish 41s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 408 Time to finish 41s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 407 Time to finish 41s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 406 Time to finish 41s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 405 Time to finish 41s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 404 Time to finish 41s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 403 Time to finish 41s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 402 Time to finish 41s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 401 Time to finish 41s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 400 Time to finish 41s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 399 Time to finish 41s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 398 Time to finish 41s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 397 Time to finish 41s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 396 Time to finish 40s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 395 Time to finish 40s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 394 Time to finish 40s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 393 Time to finish 40s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 392 Time to finish 40s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 391 Time to finish 40s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 390 Time to finish 40s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 389 Time to finish 40s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 388 Time to finish 40s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 387 Time to finish 40s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 386 Time to finish 40s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 385 Time to finish 39s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 384 Time to finish 39s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 383 Time to finish 39s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 382 Time to finish 39s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 381 Time to finish 39s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 380 Time to finish 39s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 379 Time to finish 39s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 378 Time to finish 39s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 377 Time to finish 38s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 376 Time to finish 38s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 375 Time to finish 38s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 374 Time to finish 38s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 373 Time to finish 38s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 372 Time to finish 38s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 371 Time to finish 38s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 370 Time to finish 38s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 369 Time to finish 38s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 368 Time to finish 37s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 367 Time to finish 37s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 366 Time to finish 37s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 365 Time to finish 37s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 364 Time to finish 37s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 363 Time to finish 37s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 362 Time to finish 37s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 361 Time to finish 36s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 360 Time to finish 37s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 359 Time to finish 37s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 358 Time to finish 36s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 357 Time to finish 36s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 356 Time to finish 36s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 355 Time to finish 36s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 354 Time to finish 36s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 353 Time to finish 36s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 352 Time to finish 36s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 351 Time to finish 35s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 350 Time to finish 35s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 349 Time to finish 35s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 348 Time to finish 35s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 347 Time to finish 35s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 346 Time to finish 35s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 345 Time to finish 35s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 344 Time to finish 35s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 343 Time to finish 35s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 342 Time to finish 35s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 341 Time to finish 34s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 340 Time to finish 34s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 339 Time to finish 34s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 338 Time to finish 34s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 337 Time to finish 34s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 336 Time to finish 34s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 335 Time to finish 34s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 334 Time to finish 34s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 333 Time to finish 33s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 332 Time to finish 33s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 331 Time to finish 33s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 330 Time to finish 33s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 329 Time to finish 33s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 328 Time to finish 33s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 327 Time to finish 33s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 326 Time to finish 33s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 325 Time to finish 33s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 324 Time to finish 32s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 323 Time to finish 32s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 322 Time to finish 32s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 321 Time to finish 32s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 320 Time to finish 32s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 319 Time to finish 32s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 318 Time to finish 32s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 317 Time to finish 32s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 316 Time to finish 31s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 315 Time to finish 32s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 314 Time to finish 31s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 313 Time to finish 31s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 312 Time to finish 31s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 311 Time to finish 31s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 310 Time to finish 31s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 309 Time to finish 31s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 308 Time to finish 31s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 307 Time to finish 31s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 306 Time to finish 30s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 305 Time to finish 30s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 304 Time to finish 30s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 303 Time to finish 30s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 302 Time to finish 30s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 301 Time to finish 30s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 300 Time to finish 30s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 299 Time to finish 30s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 298 Time to finish 30s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 297 Time to finish 30s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 296 Time to finish 29s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 295 Time to finish 29s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 294 Time to finish 29s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 293 Time to finish 29s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 292 Time to finish 29s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 291 Time to finish 29s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 290 Time to finish 29s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 289 Time to finish 29s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 288 Time to finish 28s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 287 Time to finish 28s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 286 Time to finish 28s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 285 Time to finish 28s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 284 Time to finish 28s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 283 Time to finish 28s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 282 Time to finish 28s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 281 Time to finish 28s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 280 Time to finish 28s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 279 Time to finish 28s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 278 Time to finish 27s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 277 Time to finish 27s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 276 Time to finish 27s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 275 Time to finish 27s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 274 Time to finish 27s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 273 Time to finish 27s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 272 Time to finish 27s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 271 Time to finish 27s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 270 Time to finish 27s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 269 Time to finish 26s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 268 Time to finish 26s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 267 Time to finish 26s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 266 Time to finish 26s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 265 Time to finish 26s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 264 Time to finish 26s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 263 Time to finish 26s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 262 Time to finish 26s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 261 Time to finish 26s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 260 Time to finish 25s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 259 Time to finish 25s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 258 Time to finish 25s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 257 Time to finish 25s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 256 Time to finish 25s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 255 Time to finish 25s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 254 Time to finish 25s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 253 Time to finish 25s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 252 Time to finish 25s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 251 Time to finish 25s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 250 Time to finish 24s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 249 Time to finish 24s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 248 Time to finish 24s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 247 Time to finish 24s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 246 Time to finish 24s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 245 Time to finish 24s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 244 Time to finish 24s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 243 Time to finish 24s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 242 Time to finish 24s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 241 Time to finish 23s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 240 Time to finish 23s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 239 Time to finish 23s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 238 Time to finish 23s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 237 Time to finish 23s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 236 Time to finish 23s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 235 Time to finish 23s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 234 Time to finish 23s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 233 Time to finish 23s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 232 Time to finish 23s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 231 Time to finish 23s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 230 Time to finish 22s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 229 Time to finish 22s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 228 Time to finish 22s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 227 Time to finish 22s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 226 Time to finish 22s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 225 Time to finish 22s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 224 Time to finish 22s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 223 Time to finish 22s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 222 Time to finish 22s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 221 Time to finish 22s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 220 Time to finish 21s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 219 Time to finish 21s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 218 Time to finish 21s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 217 Time to finish 21s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 216 Time to finish 21s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 215 Time to finish 21s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 214 Time to finish 21s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 213 Time to finish 21s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 212 Time to finish 21s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 211 Time to finish 20s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 210 Time to finish 20s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 209 Time to finish 20s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 208 Time to finish 20s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 207 Time to finish 20s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 206 Time to finish 20s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 205 Time to finish 20s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 204 Time to finish 20s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 203 Time to finish 20s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 202 Time to finish 20s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 201 Time to finish 19s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 200 Time to finish 19s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 199 Time to finish 19s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 198 Time to finish 19s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 197 Time to finish 19s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 196 Time to finish 19s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 195 Time to finish 19s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 194 Time to finish 19s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 193 Time to finish 19s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 192 Time to finish 19s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 191 Time to finish 19s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 190 Time to finish 18s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 189 Time to finish 18s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 188 Time to finish 18s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 187 Time to finish 18s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 186 Time to finish 18s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 185 Time to finish 18s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 184 Time to finish 18s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 183 Time to finish 18s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 182 Time to finish 18s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 181 Time to finish 18s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 180 Time to finish 18s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 179 Time to finish 17s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 178 Time to finish 17s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 177 Time to finish 17s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 176 Time to finish 17s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 175 Time to finish 17s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 174 Time to finish 17s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 173 Time to finish 17s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 172 Time to finish 17s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 171 Time to finish 17s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 170 Time to finish 17s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 169 Time to finish 16s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 168 Time to finish 16s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 167 Time to finish 16s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 166 Time to finish 16s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 165 Time to finish 16s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 164 Time to finish 16s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 163 Time to finish 16s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 162 Time to finish 16s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 161 Time to finish 16s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 160 Time to finish 16s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 159 Time to finish 16s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 158 Time to finish 15s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 157 Time to finish 15s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 156 Time to finish 15s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 155 Time to finish 15s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 154 Time to finish 15s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 153 Time to finish 15s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 152 Time to finish 15s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 151 Time to finish 15s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 150 Time to finish 15s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 149 Time to finish 15s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 148 Time to finish 15s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 147 Time to finish 15s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 146 Time to finish 15s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 145 Time to finish 14s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 144 Time to finish 14s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 143 Time to finish 14s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 142 Time to finish 14s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 141 Time to finish 14s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 140 Time to finish 14s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 139 Time to finish 14s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 138 Time to finish 14s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 137 Time to finish 14s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 136 Time to finish 13s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 135 Time to finish 13s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 134 Time to finish 13s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 133 Time to finish 13s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 132 Time to finish 13s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 131 Time to finish 13s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 130 Time to finish 13s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 129 Time to finish 13s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 128 Time to finish 13s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 127 Time to finish 13s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 126 Time to finish 13s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 125 Time to finish 12s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 124 Time to finish 12s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 123 Time to finish 12s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 122 Time to finish 12s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 121 Time to finish 12s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 120 Time to finish 12s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 119 Time to finish 12s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 118 Time to finish 12s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 117 Time to finish 12s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 116 Time to finish 12s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 115 Time to finish 12s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 114 Time to finish 11s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 113 Time to finish 11s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 112 Time to finish 11s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 111 Time to finish 11s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 110 Time to finish 11s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 109 Time to finish 11s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 108 Time to finish 11s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 107 Time to finish 11s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 106 Time to finish 11s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 105 Time to finish 11s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 104 Time to finish 10s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 103 Time to finish 10s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 102 Time to finish 10s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 101 Time to finish 10s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 100 Time to finish 10s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 99 Time to finish 10s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 98 Time to finish 10s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 97 Time to finish 10s, 86.7% completed, time steps left 96 Time to finish 10s, 86.8% completed, time steps left 95 Time to finish 10s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 94 Time to finish 9s, 87.1% completed, time steps left 93 Time to finish 9s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 92 Time to finish 9s, 87.4% completed, time steps left 91 Time to finish 9s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 90 Time to finish 9s, 87.6% completed, time steps left 89 Time to finish 9s, 87.8% completed, time steps left 88 Time to finish 9s, 87.9% completed, time steps left 87 Time to finish 9s, 88.1% completed, time steps left 86 Time to finish 9s, 88.2% completed, time steps left 85 Time to finish 9s, 88.3% completed, time steps left 84 Time to finish 8s, 88.5% completed, time steps left 83 Time to finish 8s, 88.6% completed, time steps left 82 Time to finish 8s, 88.8% completed, time steps left 81 Time to finish 8s, 88.9% completed, time steps left 80 Time to finish 8s, 89.0% completed, time steps left 79 Time to finish 8s, 89.2% completed, time steps left 78 Time to finish 8s, 89.3% completed, time steps left 77 Time to finish 8s, 89.4% completed, time steps left 76 Time to finish 8s, 89.6% completed, time steps left 75 Time to finish 8s, 89.7% completed, time steps left 74 Time to finish 7s, 89.9% completed, time steps left 73 Time to finish 7s, 90.0% completed, time steps left 72 Time to finish 7s, 90.1% completed, time steps left 71 Time to finish 7s, 90.3% completed, time steps left 70 Time to finish 7s, 90.4% completed, time steps left 69 Time to finish 7s, 90.6% completed, time steps left 68 Time to finish 7s, 90.7% completed, time steps left 67 Time to finish 7s, 90.8% completed, time steps left 66 Time to finish 7s, 91.0% completed, time steps left 65 Time to finish 6s, 91.1% completed, time steps left 64 Time to finish 6s, 91.2% completed, time steps left 63 Time to finish 6s, 91.4% completed, time steps left 62 Time to finish 6s, 91.5% completed, time steps left 61 Time to finish 6s, 91.7% completed, time steps left 60 Time to finish 6s, 91.8% completed, time steps left 59 Time to finish 6s, 91.9% completed, time steps left 58 Time to finish 6s, 92.1% completed, time steps left 57 Time to finish 6s, 92.2% completed, time steps left 56 Time to finish 6s, 92.4% completed, time steps left 55 Time to finish 5s, 92.5% completed, time steps left 54 Time to finish 5s, 92.6% completed, time steps left 53 Time to finish 5s, 92.8% completed, time steps left 52 Time to finish 5s, 92.9% completed, time steps left 51 Time to finish 5s, 93.1% completed, time steps left 50 Time to finish 5s, 93.2% completed, time steps left 49 Time to finish 5s, 93.3% completed, time steps left 48 Time to finish 5s, 93.5% completed, time steps left 47 Time to finish 5s, 93.6% completed, time steps left 46 Time to finish 5s, 93.8% completed, time steps left 45 Time to finish 4s, 93.9% completed, time steps left 44 Time to finish 4s, 94.0% completed, time steps left 43 Time to finish 4s, 94.2% completed, time steps left 42 Time to finish 4s, 94.3% completed, time steps left 41 Time to finish 4s, 94.4% completed, time steps left 40 Time to finish 4s, 94.6% completed, time steps left 39 Time to finish 4s, 94.7% completed, time steps left 38 Time to finish 4s, 94.9% completed, time steps left 37 Time to finish 4s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 36 Time to finish 4s, 95.1% completed, time steps left 35 Time to finish 3s, 95.3% completed, time steps left 34 Time to finish 3s, 95.4% completed, time steps left 33 Time to finish 3s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 32 Time to finish 3s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 31 Time to finish 3s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 30 Time to finish 3s, 96.0% completed, time steps left 29 Time to finish 3s, 96.1% completed, time steps left 28 Time to finish 3s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 27 Time to finish 3s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 26 Time to finish 3s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 25 Time to finish 2s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 24 Time to finish 2s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 23 Time to finish 2s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 22 Time to finish 2s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 21 Time to finish 2s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 20 Time to finish 2s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 19 Time to finish 2s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 18 Time to finish 2s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 17 Time to finish 2s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 16 Time to finish 2s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 15 Time to finish 1s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 14 Time to finish 1s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 13 Time to finish 1s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 12 Time to finish 1s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 11 Time to finish 1s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 10 Time to finish 1s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 9 Time to finish 1s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 8 Time to finish 1s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 7 Time to finish 1s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 6 Time to finish 1s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 5 Time to finish 0s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 4 Time to finish 0s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 3 Time to finish 0s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 2 Time to finish 0s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINISHED Delft3D-FLOW runid : calc date, time : 2020-08-03, 14:06:47 SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 1 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 2 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 3 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 4 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 5 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 6 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 7 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 8 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 9 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 10 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D_Hydro [1596456408.050113] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596456408.051178] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596456408.051317] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596456408.051496] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596456408.051671] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596456408.051699] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596456408.051672] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596456408.051725] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596456408.051779] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596456408.058786] >> d_hydro shutting down normally ..2.3 finalize for current run ... 2020-08-02 00:00:00 2020-08-02 00:00:00 False delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/ (49, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Jiazi 22.40734 71 1 22.40734 71 1 Changqingwei 22.40734 71 1 22.40734 71 1 Shenquan 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 14.727232 73 4 Shenquan 6.7835538 74 4 6.7835538 74 4 Donghong 4.4844703 74 5 4.4844703 74 5 Ch'ien-tung-hsu 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Qiandong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Jingzhou 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanglong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanggang 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Raoping 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Zhelin 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Shenao 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Chelim 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Gongkou 25.143746 84 16 25.143746 84 16 Erdaogou 9.4160888 308 24 Erdaogou 19.666559 309 24 Erdaogou 19.610813 310 24 Erdaogou 23.439165 311 24 Erdaogou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Binhaicun 19.666559 309 24 Binhaicun 19.610813 310 24 Binhaicun 23.439165 311 24 Binhaicun 2.0007161 312 25 Binhaicun 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Tangjiahe 19.666559 309 24 Tangjiahe 19.610813 310 24 Tangjiahe 23.439165 311 24 Tangjiahe 2.0007161 312 25 Tangjiahe 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 23.439165 311 24 Baishuitou 2.0007161 312 25 Baishuitou 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Lijiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Lijiapu 19.666559 309 24 19.666559 309 24 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 Gaoshalingcun 2.0007161 312 25 Gaoshalingcun 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Zhaojiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Zhaojiapu 19.666559 309 24 19.666559 309 24 Liuhongbo 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Xujiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 Dagu 18.882857 313 25 Dagu 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 18.882857 313 25 Tanggu 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 2.2402331 315 27 Pehtang 3.998393 316 27 Pehtang 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 3.998393 316 27 Qingtuozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 3.998393 316 27 Caijiapu 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 Shuangqiaozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 2.0574275 317 30 Bijiaquan 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 Heiyanzi 2.0574275 317 30 Heiyanzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 8.895146 315 31 Beipu 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 9.3410776 314 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 Nancaoji 3.7314449 316 38 Nancaoji 2.4201547 316 39 Nancaoji 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 Liu-tsan 2.4201547 316 39 Liu-tsan 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 Dazhuanghe 2.4201547 316 39 Dazhuanghe 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 Daqinghe 19.528808 317 44 19.528808 317 44 Yang-chiao 6.7658682 289 45 6.7658682 289 45 Yancangcheng 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Hsing-chuang 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Haitou 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Shiqiao 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Hsia-k'ou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Jiuliqi 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Che-wang 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 Tuanlin 2.4748921 324 50 Tuanlin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Fenshui 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 2.4748921 324 50 Dapuhe 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Andongwei 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 Xihenancun 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Xugou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Lanshantou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Taolekow 4.2500724 257 51 4.2500724 257 51 Dongxi Liandao 2.4063058 251 50 2.4063058 251 50 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 Ch'ien-ma-fang 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 Shanhaiguan 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 Nanhai 9.4273718 328 55 9.4273718 328 55 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 38.636578 266 59 38.636578 266 59 Hutouya 2.0267187 287 55 Hutouya 6.8491467 287 56 Hutouya 2.3497869 288 57 Hutouya 4.3856313 289 58 4.3856313 289 58 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Xiahecheng 38.636578 266 59 38.636578 266 59 Zhangjialou 38.636578 266 59 38.636578 266 59 Dayuan 2.3497869 288 57 Dayuan 4.3856313 289 58 4.3856313 289 58 Tsang-shang 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 4.3856313 289 58 4.3856313 289 58 Hongshiya 4.0704735 272 62 Hongshiya 6.4712836 271 63 Hongshiya 2.0228224 272 63 Hongshiya 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Lingshanwei 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Hsin-chuang 9.3603672 292 61 Hsin-chuang 12.014129 293 61 Hsin-chuang 12.997511 294 61 Hsin-chuang 7.0709729 292 62 Hsin-chuang 6.5918041 293 63 Hsin-chuang 2.2447267 294 64 2.2447267 294 64 Houwan 4.0704735 272 62 Houwan 6.4712836 271 63 Houwan 2.0228224 272 63 2.0228224 272 63 Yantaiqian 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Xianlang 4.0704735 272 62 Xianlang 6.4712836 271 63 Xianlang 2.0228224 272 63 2.0228224 272 63 Qimudao 12.014129 293 61 Qimudao 12.997511 294 61 Qimudao 11.083768 293 62 Qimudao 6.5918041 293 63 Qimudao 2.2447267 294 64 2.2447267 294 64 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 Huangshanguan 6.5918041 293 63 Huangshanguan 2.2447267 294 64 2.2447267 294 64 Beizhuang 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 2.0228224 272 63 Ch'ing-tao 8.8871129 273 63 Ch'ing-tao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Sifang 6.4712836 271 63 Sifang 2.0228224 272 63 Sifang 8.8871129 273 63 Sifang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Chengyang 2.0228224 272 63 Chengyang 8.8871129 273 63 Chengyang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 Beima 2.2447267 294 64 2.2447267 294 64 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 2.2447267 294 64 2.2447267 294 64 Qingdao 6.4712836 271 63 Qingdao 2.0228224 272 63 Qingdao 8.8871129 273 63 Qingdao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Fushansuo 24.269815 270 64 Fushansuo 19.271288 271 64 Fushansuo 2.5193449 272 64 Fushansuo 4.427021 272 65 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Ts'ang-k'ou 24.269815 270 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 19.271288 271 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 2.5193449 272 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 4.427021 272 65 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 19.271288 271 64 Hsien-chia-chai 2.5193449 272 64 Hsien-chia-chai 4.427021 272 65 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Shazikou 11.033439 270 66 11.033439 270 66 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 Shahousuo 13.788877 336 69 13.788877 336 69 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 Niejia 11.988108 297 67 Niejia 6.4326869 296 68 Niejia 6.7060874 297 69 Niejia 6.0252144 297 70 Niejia 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Wanggezhuang 7.8042088 274 71 Wanggezhuang 2.1714545 275 71 Wanggezhuang 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 Beigou 11.988108 297 67 Beigou 6.4326869 296 68 Beigou 6.7060874 297 69 Beigou 6.0252144 297 70 Beigou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Aoshanwei 7.8042088 274 71 Aoshanwei 2.1714545 275 71 Aoshanwei 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 6.0252144 297 70 Dengzhou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 6.0252144 297 70 Penglai 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Chin-chia-k'ou 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Wangcun 2.1714545 275 71 Wangcun 12.805352 276 71 Wangcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Wali 7.8042088 274 71 Wali 2.1714545 275 71 Wali 12.805352 276 71 Wali 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Xingcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Ta-shan 4.9173076 277 75 Ta-shan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Dashan 4.9173076 277 75 Dashan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 30.075156 297 74 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 Xihuzui 39.375721 311 76 Xihuzui 10.211338 314 78 Xihuzui 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 Tieshan 61.438968 309 76 Tieshan 57.725596 309 77 Tieshan 59.312674 309 78 Tieshan 64.366144 309 79 64.366144 309 79 Fengcheng 3.4258447 278 76 Fengcheng 6.2295642 280 79 6.2295642 280 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 Fushan 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 32.548758 321 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.164329 322 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.497974 323 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.437812 324 77 Wang-chia-tun 6.8199729 321 80 Wang-chia-tun 13.338671 324 80 Wang-chia-tun 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 Lushun 57.589942 310 78 Lushun 55.605209 310 79 Lushun 28.152081 311 79 Lushun 57.731312 310 80 Lushun 62.579912 310 81 Lushun 47.633161 311 81 47.633161 311 81 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.336422 322 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 32.415091 323 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.796951 324 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.158743 325 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 18.485006 325 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 6.8199729 321 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 13.338671 324 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 31.400401 321 78 Sanguanmiao 28.336422 322 78 Sanguanmiao 32.415091 323 78 Sanguanmiao 28.796951 324 78 Sanguanmiao 23.133033 324 79 Sanguanmiao 6.8199729 321 80 Sanguanmiao 13.338671 324 80 Sanguanmiao 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 Zhifuzhen 15.120449 295 79 15.120449 295 79 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 5.995365 315 80 Xinzhaizi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 5.1811351 322 79 Wudao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 Shuishiying 28.152081 311 79 Shuishiying 57.731312 310 80 Shuishiying 62.579912 310 81 Shuishiying 47.633161 311 81 Shuishiying 64.441351 310 82 Shuishiying 52.1369 311 82 Shuishiying 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 Cheefoo 15.120449 295 79 15.120449 295 79 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 5.995365 315 80 Yingchengzi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 Qianqikuang 17.93544 294 80 Qianqikuang 10.482945 292 83 Qianqikuang 17.635887 293 83 17.635887 293 83 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 22.803787 320 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Qiganshi 4.7120089 280 80 Qiganshi 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 22.803787 320 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 Donggang 19.728978 326 80 Donggang 27.469715 327 80 Donggang 27.010173 328 80 Donggang 7.8201171 324 81 Donggang 14.850288 326 82 Donggang 13.620834 328 84 13.620834 328 84 Ju-shan-k'ou 4.7120089 280 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 62.579912 310 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 47.633161 311 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 64.441351 310 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 52.1369 311 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 Mashanshangzhai 10.482945 292 83 Mashanshangzhai 17.635887 293 83 Mashanshangzhai 14.744342 292 84 Mashanshangzhai 14.570182 292 85 14.570182 292 85 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 Santang 14.850288 326 82 14.850288 326 82 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 3.9836386 316 83 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 Gezhenpu 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 14.850288 326 82 Ma-chia-tun 13.620834 328 84 Ma-chia-tun 4.2163928 329 86 4.2163928 329 86 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 15.459068 312 83 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 Dalian 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 3.9836386 316 83 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 Nanguanling 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Muping 10.482945 292 83 Muping 14.744342 292 84 Muping 14.570182 292 85 Muping 16.021553 292 86 16.021553 292 86 Hai-yang-so 8.0972223 280 82 Hai-yang-so 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Nanhong 14.615235 279 82 Nanhong 8.0972223 280 82 Nanhong 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 Xinghaitun 15.459068 312 83 Xinghaitun 29.26988 313 86 Xinghaitun 9.8166156 314 86 Xinghaitun 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Baishatan 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 15.459068 312 83 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 Dayandao 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 3.9836386 316 83 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 Dal'niy 15.459068 312 83 Dal'niy 29.26988 313 86 Dal'niy 9.8166156 314 86 Dal'niy 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 38.89369 318 84 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 Dingguanzhai 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 Dongshanbeitou 17.635887 293 83 Dongshanbeitou 14.744342 292 84 Dongshanbeitou 14.570182 292 85 Dongshanbeitou 16.021553 292 86 16.021553 292 86 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 Qianyangjiacun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 Shang-chuang 14.570182 292 85 Shang-chuang 16.021553 292 86 Shang-chuang 17.917704 292 88 17.917704 292 88 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 Jianggezhuang 16.021553 292 86 Jianggezhuang 17.917704 292 88 Jianggezhuang 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Langnuankou 6.1199551 281 85 Langnuankou 8.536177 281 87 Langnuankou 4.9587606 282 87 Langnuankou 6.1302265 282 88 Langnuankou 3.1296165 283 88 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 4.9587606 282 87 Xiaoguan 6.1302265 282 88 Xiaoguan 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 29.26988 313 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 3.9477531 315 86 Dagushan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 3.9477531 315 86 Wanli 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 3.9477531 315 86 Dongjiagou 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 29.26988 313 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 3.9477531 315 86 Nianyuwan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Xilangnuan 4.9587606 282 87 Xilangnuan 6.1302265 282 88 Xilangnuan 3.1296165 283 88 Xilangnuan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 Huatong 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 Beidianzi 15.906104 293 87 Beidianzi 17.917704 292 88 Beidianzi 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 Guizhou 4.6995199 332 89 Guizhou 8.1513821 333 89 Guizhou 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Wuleidao 9.0202245 281 88 Wuleidao 6.1302265 282 88 Wuleidao 3.1296165 283 88 Wuleidao 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Zeku 5.956488 282 89 Zeku 2.9754361 283 89 Zeku 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 Dalijia 8.4064301 316 91 Dalijia 18.52296 316 92 Dalijia 17.040036 316 93 Dalijia 13.870654 317 93 Dalijia 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 Teng-sha-ho 18.52296 316 92 Teng-sha-ho 17.040036 316 93 Teng-sha-ho 13.870654 317 93 Teng-sha-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 21.521515 293 90 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 Lu-chia-t'un 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Jinghaiwei 15.213907 280 91 Jinghaiwei 9.4992308 281 91 Jinghaiwei 5.8361838 282 91 Jinghaiwei 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Huangshan 5.8361838 282 91 Huangshan 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 19.965156 319 94 Ch'ing-shui-ho 24.627669 320 95 Ch'ing-shui-ho 2.936693 320 96 2.936693 320 96 Jen-ho-chi 12.273248 281 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.5358904 282 92 7.5358904 282 92 Qiandao 15.566538 281 93 Qiandao 7.8003059 282 93 7.8003059 282 93 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 Wujiatun 13.870654 317 93 Wujiatun 6.2568556 318 93 Wujiatun 19.965156 319 94 Wujiatun 13.580446 319 96 13.580446 319 96 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 24.627669 320 95 Pikou 2.936693 320 96 2.936693 320 96 Ch'ih-shan-chi 16.853075 282 96 Ch'ih-shan-chi 22.261497 282 97 Ch'ih-shan-chi 10.974932 283 97 Ch'ih-shan-chi 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 Jiaxinzi 24.627669 320 95 Jiaxinzi 2.936693 320 96 Jiaxinzi 46.554234 321 98 46.554234 321 98 Shidao 16.14937 281 94 Shidao 16.853075 282 96 Shidao 22.261497 282 97 Shidao 10.974932 283 97 Shidao 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Laoshantun 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Xizhuang 18.963316 292 95 Xizhuang 22.457447 292 97 Xizhuang 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Ning-ching-so 16.853075 282 96 Ning-ching-so 22.261497 282 97 Ning-ching-so 10.974932 283 97 Ning-ching-so 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Dazhuang 18.398227 281 95 Dazhuang 23.623298 281 96 Dazhuang 16.853075 282 96 Dazhuang 22.261497 282 97 Dazhuang 10.974932 283 97 Dazhuang 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Jiurongcheng 10.598257 291 96 Jiurongcheng 22.457447 292 97 Jiurongcheng 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 Xiaogangnantou 22.457447 292 97 Xiaogangnantou 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 22.457447 292 97 Dashijiapo 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 8.7644452 321 99 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Wolongcun 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 19.266314 317 98 Fangshentun 12.836438 320 98 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 6.7260334 319 99 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 10.749466 322 104 Wangjia 7.5158755 323 104 7.5158755 323 104 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 7.0071058 324 110 Nanjian 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 17.53831 326 114 17.53831 326 114 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 17.53831 326 114 Huangtukan 15.816522 326 115 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 22.551549 327 116 Huangtukan 3.0258564 326 117 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 22.551549 327 116 Pei-ching-tzu 3.0258564 326 117 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 Dadong 2.0012454 326 122 Dadong 2.6932739 326 124 2.6932739 326 124 Ishigaki 18.659994 96 124 18.659994 96 124 Fubai 18.659994 96 124 18.659994 96 124 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 2.0039199 326 121 Chogumsa 2.0012454 326 122 Chogumsa 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 3.3889949 326 125 Chogumsa 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Shirafu 18.659994 96 124 18.659994 96 124 Ibarama 18.659994 96 124 18.659994 96 124 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 3.3889949 326 125 Yongampo-ri 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 16.828935 326 128 16.828935 326 128 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 3.3889949 326 125 Genjo 2.9019132 327 125 Genjo 16.828935 326 128 16.828935 326 128 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 5.3139678 322 128 Yongsapo 8.7710941 323 128 Yongsapo 9.4064872 324 128 Yongsapo 3.2745183 324 129 Yongsapo 15.644561 325 129 Yongsapo 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Chandae-dong 67.952825 297 128 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 56.892045 301 129 Chandae-dong 34.749838 300 130 Chandae-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Chandae-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Chandae-dong 23.864916 301 131 Chandae-dong 24.830385 298 132 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 63.668785 297 129 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 16.283558 297 131 Kaju-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Kaju-dong 33.314541 297 132 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 38.107732 300 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 44.911389 303 130 Ch'angam-dong 23.864916 301 131 Ch'angam-dong 16.008163 302 131 Ch'angam-dong 19.200451 303 131 Ch'angam-dong 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 16.67789 303 132 Ch'angam-dong 20.322722 300 133 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 3.2745183 324 129 Changya-dong 15.644561 325 129 Changya-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 3.7005488 324 132 Ansan-dong 19.453847 325 132 Ansan-dong 79.998784 324 134 79.998784 324 134 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 40.371133 310 131 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 22.606289 310 133 Arang-dong 13.296947 309 134 Arang-dong 8.2722777 310 134 8.2722777 310 134 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 21.953468 305 131 Sogon-ni 2.8138241 306 131 Sogon-ni 22.711163 307 131 Sogon-ni 16.438775 306 132 Sogon-ni 6.7326396 307 132 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 4.1624577 307 133 Sogon-ni 14.042692 307 134 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Sinmi-dong 3.7005488 324 132 Sinmi-dong 19.453847 325 132 Sinmi-dong 79.998784 324 134 Sinmi-dong 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 16.008163 302 131 Monggumpo-ri 19.200451 303 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.579912 304 131 Monggumpo-ri 16.67789 303 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.233065 304 132 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 Monggumpo-ri 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 4.9813939 305 133 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 6.7326396 307 132 Sagi-ri 8.0695346 308 132 Sagi-ri 4.1624577 307 133 Sagi-ri 8.4014419 308 133 Sagi-ri 14.042692 307 134 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Chosa-dong 17.458806 309 133 Chosa-dong 22.606289 310 133 Chosa-dong 15.884596 311 133 Chosa-dong 8.2722777 310 134 Chosa-dong 6.3796517 311 134 Chosa-dong 13.899396 310 135 Chosa-dong 7.8538984 311 135 Chosa-dong 16.57922 310 136 Chosa-dong 6.2135734 311 136 Chosa-dong 13.50636 311 137 13.50636 311 137 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 Amdu-ri 13.110716 325 133 Amdu-ri 79.998784 324 134 Amdu-ri 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 4.1624577 307 133 Pungchon 8.4014419 308 133 Pungchon 14.042692 307 134 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 13.296947 309 134 An-ch'on 8.2722777 310 134 An-ch'on 2.5881107 307 135 An-ch'on 13.899396 310 135 An-ch'on 16.57922 310 136 An-ch'on 7.6957089 310 137 An-ch'on 7.5753806 310 138 7.5753806 310 138 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 3.9592761 296 138 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 5.7636397 322 138 Changp'o 44.567608 323 138 44.567608 323 138 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 5.8961564 320 139 Yung-ni 28.075365 322 139 28.075365 322 139 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 Hwajin-ni 20.802088 317 139 Hwajin-ni 19.473088 318 139 Hwajin-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Hwajin-ni 5.8961564 320 139 5.8961564 320 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 28.075365 322 139 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 Chungang-ni 22.069283 319 140 Chungang-ni 15.181629 320 140 15.181629 320 140 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 8.9062797 297 146 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 9.6271908 284 147 Etsuu 27.647417 285 147 Etsuu 13.93856 286 147 Etsuu 28.085299 287 147 Etsuu 14.286725 288 147 Etsuu 42.246294 288 148 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Oejongsan 35.76981 281 151 Oejongsan 45.829966 282 151 Oejongsan 23.722503 282 152 Oejongsan 6.7631004 279 153 Oejongsan 8.7245816 278 154 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 14.521966 296 151 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.5759047 296 153 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Jindo 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.5759047 296 153 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Aenang-ni 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Dongmun 13.622337 279 152 Dongmun 2.7457444 280 152 Dongmun 23.722503 282 152 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 Dongmun 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 23.722503 282 152 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 25.057613 285 153 Oe-dong 20.370363 285 154 Oe-dong 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 26.844518 285 155 Oe-dong 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 18.722716 290 153 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 24.938064 289 156 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 15.512703 277 153 Sinsong 11.15504 278 153 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 3.5759047 296 153 Chungjang 15.512703 277 153 Chungjang 11.15504 278 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 Chungjang 13.911663 275 157 Chungjang 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Kan 5.8870833 266 157 Kan 6.1827551 266 158 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 5.6885666 267 158 Tongmokp 10.937449 277 154 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 10.937449 277 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changdong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 3.6487155 295 154 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 5.8870833 266 157 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Anjong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 26.844518 285 155 Chogumjin-ni 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 12.568597 274 157 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 22.332942 287 157 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 Hasambong 16.390027 286 159 Hasambong 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 9.1861162 271 157 Aech'an-ni 20.453098 272 157 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 Aech'an-ni 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 5.3185053 291 159 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Changsin 5.8870833 266 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 10.848643 269 158 Janghang 6.1226123 270 158 Janghang 5.1750682 271 158 Janghang 2.5792614 270 159 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 6.1827551 266 158 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 6.1827551 266 158 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 2.241903 267 159 Okhu 2.5792614 270 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 5.9539673 290 160 5.9539673 290 160 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.5792614 270 159 Gunsan 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 5.9539673 290 160 5.9539673 290 160 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 5.9539673 290 160 5.9539673 290 160 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Wonsan 18.792407 318 172 Wonsan 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Songhung-ni 23.785546 322 173 23.785546 322 173 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Pongch'on 18.792407 318 172 Pongch'on 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 Kuge-ri 13.180096 317 175 13.180096 317 175 Tongch-on 23.537237 316 177 Tongch-on 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Kuum-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Hadajon-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Changjon 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Heunghae 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Pohang 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Segae-dong 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Taech'on 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Guryongpo 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Nakatsuwara 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Fuju 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Aogi 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Midoro 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Tsuzu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Tsutsu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Otake 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Waki 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Kuba 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Imazu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Shioya 20.488224 243 244 Shioya 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hama 20.488224 243 244 Hama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hataguchi 20.488224 243 244 Hataguchi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Morimune 20.488224 243 244 Morimune 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Atada 20.488224 243 244 Atada 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Jigozen 20.488224 243 244 Jigozen 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Shimonohama 20.488224 243 244 Shimonohama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Miyajima 20.488224 243 244 Miyajima 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hatsukaichi 20.488224 243 244 Hatsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Nakaji 20.488224 243 244 Nakaji 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Itsukaichi 20.488224 243 244 Itsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Mino 20.488224 243 244 Mino 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Korenaga 20.488224 243 244 Korenaga 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Nakanohama 20.488224 243 244 Nakanohama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hata 20.488224 243 244 Hata 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kanokawa 20.488224 243 244 Kanokawa 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Osu 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Nakago 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Nakamachi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hiroshima 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Tsukumo 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Fukae 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Obara 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Oko 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Umesako 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kakinoura 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hitonose 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Etajima 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kirikushi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Okimi 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Koyo 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Sugewa 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Ryoshida 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kamigumi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Sakioku 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Arikiyo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hamazaki 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Ondo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Fujinowaki 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Takasu 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kaita 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Muroo 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Hatami 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kaigoshi 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Karoto 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Okujo 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hiradani 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kure 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Osako 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Jin'yama 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hiromachi 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Shimojima 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Ojizo 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Kawajiri 4.7740481 243 248 Kawajiri 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Sannose 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Osaki-kami-jima 4.7740481 243 248 Osaki-kami-jima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/CalcInputDeck.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin/coastalImpact -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/ > /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/outCostalImpact.txt SELECT id, SHAPE_LENG,AsText(Geometry) FROM shoreline WHERE MBRContains(BuildMBR(116.0,18.0,134.0,40.5), geometry) 100 / 229 200 / 229 plottype GDACS drawing CoastalImpact /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/ /mnt/output/SSCS/DATA/coastal.db 100 / 229 200 / 229 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000688/ECMWF/2020080200/all_inpData.txt /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000688/ECMWF/2020080200/all_inpData.txt ECMWF 1000688 trackfile 0 OUT_umax.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0000.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0024.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! ....remove.... case delft3d 2020-08-02 00:00:00 ret= 0 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ creating /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 12:08:14.069471 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file being created already, stopping /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/submitted_surge.txt removing submitted_surge ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 12:15:06.944732 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 6 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 12:15:06.985211 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file netcdf already existing : /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200802.12.tropical_cyclone.nc !!!removing submitted_surge ret= 0 False ============================================ processing netcdf file for running delft3d ============================================ 2. process netcdf files and run at 2020-08-03 12:15:06.988884 nt 12 ...creating forcing data TIF from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200802.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ... # times: 73 title: Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) np.amin(lon),np.amax(lon),np.amin(lat),np.amax(lat) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/MAXVEL.jpg V Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 255 319 255.0 319.0 savemap /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/MAXVEL.jpg calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/TIF_MAXVEL.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/ /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF delft3d02-08-2020 12:00& ..2.1 converting netcdf to txt... nt= 12 ************************* /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200802.12.tropical_cyclone.nc 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/ 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 12 1 ...reprojecting netcdf on the calculation window for ... .....time 0 / 72 .....time 1 / 72 .....time 2 / 72 .....time 3 / 72 .....time 4 / 72 .....time 5 / 72 .....time 6 / 72 .....time 7 / 72 .....time 8 / 72 .....time 9 / 72 .....time 10 / 72 .....time 11 / 72 .....time 12 / 72 .....time 13 / 72 .....time 14 / 72 .....time 15 / 72 .....time 16 / 72 .....time 17 / 72 .....time 18 / 72 .....time 19 / 72 .....time 20 / 72 .....time 21 / 72 .....time 22 / 72 .....time 23 / 72 .....time 24 / 72 .....time 25 / 72 .....time 26 / 72 .....time 27 / 72 .....time 28 / 72 .....time 29 / 72 .....time 30 / 72 .....time 31 / 72 .....time 32 / 72 .....time 33 / 72 .....time 34 / 72 .....time 35 / 72 .....time 36 / 72 .....time 37 / 72 .....time 38 / 72 .....time 39 / 72 .....time 40 / 72 .....time 41 / 72 .....time 42 / 72 .....time 43 / 72 .....time 44 / 72 .....time 45 / 72 .....time 46 / 72 .....time 47 / 72 .....time 48 / 72 .....time 49 / 72 .....time 50 / 72 .....time 51 / 72 .....time 52 / 72 .....time 53 / 72 .....time 54 / 72 .....time 55 / 72 .....time 56 / 72 .....time 57 / 72 .....time 58 / 72 .....time 59 / 72 .....time 60 / 72 .....time 61 / 72 .....time 62 / 72 .....time 63 / 72 .....time 64 / 72 .....time 65 / 72 .....time 66 / 72 .....time 67 / 72 .....time 68 / 72 .....time 69 / 72 .....time 70 / 72 .....time 71 / 72 .....time 72 / 72 ...printing files header ...writing time 0 / 12 ...writing time 1 / 12 ...writing time 2 / 12 ...writing time 3 / 12 ...writing time 4 / 12 ...writing time 5 / 12 ...writing time 6 / 12 ...writing time 7 / 12 ...writing time 8 / 12 ...writing time 9 / 12 ...writing time 10 / 12 ...writing time 11 / 12 ...writing time 12 / 12 ************************* ..2.2 prepare files for run and launch... start= 0 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/config_d_hydro.xml in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/config_d_hydro.xml ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.mdf in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/calc.mdf ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.grd in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/calc.grd ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.enc in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/calc.enc ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.obs in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/calc.obs ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.dep in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/calc.dep ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/tri-rst.calc.20200802.120000 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/tri-rst.restart.20200802.120000 ****** SETTING DT ***** 1.0 start run ./run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh 10 launching case: /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/MPICH_INTEL/bin/mpiexec -np 10 /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/5740/bin/lnx64/flow2d3d/bin/d_hydro.exe config_d_hydro.xml MPI process number 000 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 001 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 002 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 003 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 004 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 005 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 006 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 008 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 009 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deltares, FLOW2D3D Version, May 3 2016, 09:52:23 libflow2d3d.so entry Flow2D3D::Run -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part I - Initialisation Time Dep. Data module... MPI process number 007 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami runid : calc Part II - Creating intermediate files... Part III - Initialisation of the Execution module... Part IV - Reading complete MD-file... 7 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/TIF_MAXVEL.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 0.66292 million >> 5. count the popolation in each cell and assign to the class and write to output in PP classifying 0 1449 >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/popDensValues.xml TS 639315 (wind>17 and <=33) China, Japan, Taiwan 17 and <=33]]> China, Japan, Taiwan TS 639315 548007 87218 4090 CAT. 1 0 (wind>33 and <=43) 33 and <=43]]> CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 (wind>43 and <=50) 43 and <=50]]> CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 (wind>50 and <=58) 50 and <=58]]> CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 (wind>58 and <=70) 58 and <=70]]> CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 (wind>70 and <=1000) 70 and <=1000]]> CAT. 5 0 Part V - Initialisation & checking input... Part VI - Initialisation & checking second part... Part VII - Initialisation output... Part VIII - Start Simulation... Time to finish 0s, 0.0% completed, time steps left 720 Time to finish 3m 28s, 0.1% completed, time steps left 719 Time to finish 2m 10s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 718 Time to finish 1m 45s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 717 Time to finish 1m 40s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 716 Time to finish 1m 31s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 715 Time to finish 1m 25s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 714 Time to finish 1m 21s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 713 Time to finish 1m 21s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 712 Time to finish 1m 21s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 711 Time to finish 1m 19s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 710 Time to finish 1m 18s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 709 Time to finish 1m 16s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 708 Time to finish 1m 15s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 707 Time to finish 1m 15s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 706 Time to finish 1m 15s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 705 Time to finish 1m 23s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 704 Time to finish 1m 22s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 703 Time to finish 1m 20s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 702 Time to finish 1m 19s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 701 Time to finish 1m 17s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 700 Time to finish 1m 16s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 699 Time to finish 1m 15s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 698 Time to finish 1m 15s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 697 Time to finish 1m 14s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 696 Time to finish 1m 14s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 695 Time to finish 1m 13s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 694 Time to finish 1m 12s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 693 Time to finish 1m 11s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 692 Time to finish 1m 11s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 691 Time to finish 1m 10s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 690 Time to finish 1m 16s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 689 Time to finish 1m 15s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 688 Time to finish 1m 14s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 687 Time to finish 1m 14s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 686 Time to finish 1m 14s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 685 Time to finish 1m 13s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 684 Time to finish 1m 13s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 683 Time to finish 1m 13s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 682 Time to finish 1m 12s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 681 Time to finish 1m 12s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 680 Time to finish 1m 12s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 679 Time to finish 1m 11s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 678 Time to finish 1m 11s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 677 Time to finish 1m 11s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 676 Time to finish 1m 11s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 675 Time to finish 1m 14s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 674 Time to finish 1m 13s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 673 Time to finish 1m 13s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 672 Time to finish 1m 13s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 671 Time to finish 1m 12s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 670 Time to finish 1m 12s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 669 Time to finish 1m 11s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 668 Time to finish 1m 11s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 667 Time to finish 1m 10s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 666 Time to finish 1m 10s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 665 Time to finish 1m 10s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 664 Time to finish 1m 9s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 663 Time to finish 1m 9s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 662 Time to finish 1m 9s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 661 Time to finish 1m 8s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 660 Time to finish 1m 11s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 659 Time to finish 1m 11s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 658 Time to finish 1m 11s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 657 Time to finish 1m 11s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 656 Time to finish 1m 11s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 655 Time to finish 1m 10s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 654 Time to finish 1m 10s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 653 Time to finish 1m 10s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 652 Time to finish 1m 10s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 651 Time to finish 1m 10s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 650 Time to finish 1m 10s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 649 Time to finish 1m 9s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 648 Time to finish 1m 9s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 647 Time to finish 1m 9s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 646 Time to finish 1m 9s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 645 Time to finish 1m 10s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 644 Time to finish 1m 10s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 643 Time to finish 1m 9s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 642 Time to finish 1m 9s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 641 Time to finish 1m 9s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 640 Time to finish 1m 8s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 639 Time to finish 1m 8s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 638 Time to finish 1m 8s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 637 Time to finish 1m 7s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 636 Time to finish 1m 7s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 635 Time to finish 1m 7s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 634 Time to finish 1m 7s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 633 Time to finish 1m 7s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 632 Time to finish 1m 7s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 631 Time to finish 1m 6s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 630 Time to finish 1m 8s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 629 Time to finish 1m 8s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 628 Time to finish 1m 7s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 627 Time to finish 1m 7s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 626 Time to finish 1m 7s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 625 Time to finish 1m 7s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 624 Time to finish 1m 6s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 623 Time to finish 1m 6s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 622 Time to finish 1m 6s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 621 Time to finish 1m 6s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 620 Time to finish 1m 5s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 619 Time to finish 1m 6s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 618 Time to finish 1m 6s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 617 Time to finish 1m 5s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 616 Time to finish 1m 5s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 615 Time to finish 1m 6s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 614 Time to finish 1m 6s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 613 Time to finish 1m 6s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 612 Time to finish 1m 5s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 611 Time to finish 1m 5s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 610 Time to finish 1m 5s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 609 Time to finish 1m 5s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 608 Time to finish 1m 4s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 607 Time to finish 1m 4s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 606 Time to finish 1m 4s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 605 Time to finish 1m 4s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 604 Time to finish 1m 4s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 603 Time to finish 1m 3s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 602 Time to finish 1m 3s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 601 Time to finish 1m 3s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 600 Time to finish 1m 4s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 599 Time to finish 1m 4s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 598 Time to finish 1m 4s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 597 Time to finish 1m 4s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 596 Time to finish 1m 4s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 595 Time to finish 1m 4s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 594 Time to finish 1m 3s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 593 Time to finish 1m 3s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 592 Time to finish 1m 3s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 591 Time to finish 1m 3s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 590 Time to finish 1m 3s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 589 Time to finish 1m 3s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 588 Time to finish 1m 2s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 587 Time to finish 1m 2s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 586 Time to finish 1m 2s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 585 Time to finish 1m 3s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 584 Time to finish 1m 3s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 583 Time to finish 1m 2s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 582 Time to finish 1m 2s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 581 Time to finish 1m 2s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 580 Time to finish 1m 2s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 579 Time to finish 1m 2s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 578 Time to finish 1m 1s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 577 Time to finish 1m 1s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 576 Time to finish 1m 1s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 575 Time to finish 1m 1s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 574 Time to finish 60s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 573 Time to finish 60s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 572 Time to finish 60s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 571 Time to finish 60s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 570 Time to finish 1m 1s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 569 Time to finish 1m 1s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 568 Time to finish 1m 1s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 567 Time to finish 60s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 566 Time to finish 60s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 565 Time to finish 60s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 564 Time to finish 60s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 563 Time to finish 59s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 562 Time to finish 59s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 561 Time to finish 59s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 560 Time to finish 59s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 559 Time to finish 59s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 558 Time to finish 59s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 557 Time to finish 58s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 556 Time to finish 58s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 555 Time to finish 59s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 554 Time to finish 59s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 553 Time to finish 59s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 552 Time to finish 58s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 551 Time to finish 58s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 550 Time to finish 58s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 549 Time to finish 58s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 548 Time to finish 58s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 547 Time to finish 57s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 546 Time to finish 57s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 545 Time to finish 57s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 544 Time to finish 57s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 543 Time to finish 57s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 542 Time to finish 57s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 541 Time to finish 56s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 540 Time to finish 57s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 539 Time to finish 57s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 538 Time to finish 57s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 537 Time to finish 57s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 536 Time to finish 57s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 535 Time to finish 57s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 534 Time to finish 56s, 26.0% 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time steps left 41 Time to finish 4s, 94.4% completed, time steps left 40 Time to finish 4s, 94.6% completed, time steps left 39 Time to finish 4s, 94.7% completed, time steps left 38 Time to finish 4s, 94.9% completed, time steps left 37 Time to finish 3s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 36 Time to finish 3s, 95.1% completed, time steps left 35 Time to finish 3s, 95.3% completed, time steps left 34 Time to finish 3s, 95.4% completed, time steps left 33 Time to finish 3s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 32 Time to finish 3s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 31 Time to finish 3s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 30 Time to finish 3s, 96.0% completed, time steps left 29 Time to finish 3s, 96.1% completed, time steps left 28 Time to finish 3s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 27 Time to finish 2s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 26 Time to finish 2s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 25 Time to finish 2s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 24 Time to finish 2s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 23 Time to finish 2s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 22 Time to finish 2s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 21 Time to finish 2s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 20 Time to finish 2s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 19 Time to finish 2s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 18 Time to finish 2s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 17 Time to finish 2s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 16 Time to finish 1s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 15 Time to finish 1s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 14 Time to finish 1s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 13 Time to finish 1s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 12 Time to finish 1s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 11 Time to finish 1s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 10 Time to finish 1s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 9 Time to finish 1s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 8 Time to finish 1s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 7 Time to finish 1s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 6 Time to finish 0s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 5 Time to finish 0s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 4 Time to finish 0s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 3 Time to finish 0s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 2 Time to finish 0s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINISHED Delft3D-FLOW runid : calc date, time : 2020-08-03, 14:16:42 SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 1 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 2 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 3 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 4 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 5 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 6 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 7 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 8 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 9 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 10 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D_Hydro [1596457002.659533] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596457002.660759] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596457002.661195] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596457002.661408] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596457002.661703] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596457002.664590] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596457002.664634] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596457002.665124] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596457002.665178] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596457002.688448] >> d_hydro shutting down normally ..2.3 finalize for current run ... 2020-08-02 12:00:00 2020-08-02 12:00:00 False delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/ (49, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Jiazi 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Changqingwei 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Ch'ien-tung-hsu 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Qiandong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Jingzhou 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanglong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanggang 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Houzhai 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Raoping 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Zhelin 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Shenao 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Nanao 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Chelim 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Gongkou 25.143746 84 16 25.143746 84 16 Dongshan 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Erdaogou 19.610813 310 24 Erdaogou 23.439165 311 24 Erdaogou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Binhaicun 19.610813 310 24 Binhaicun 23.439165 311 24 Binhaicun 2.0007161 312 25 Binhaicun 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Tangjiahe 19.610813 310 24 Tangjiahe 23.439165 311 24 Tangjiahe 2.0007161 312 25 Tangjiahe 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 23.439165 311 24 Baishuitou 2.0007161 312 25 Baishuitou 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 Gaoshalingcun 2.0007161 312 25 Gaoshalingcun 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 Dagu 18.882857 313 25 Dagu 2.2402331 315 27 Dagu 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 18.882857 313 25 Tanggu 2.2402331 315 27 Tanggu 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 2.2402331 315 27 Pehtang 3.998393 316 27 Pehtang 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 3.998393 316 27 Qingtuozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 3.998393 316 27 Caijiapu 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 Shuangqiaozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 2.0574275 317 30 Bijiaquan 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 Heiyanzi 2.0574275 317 30 Heiyanzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 8.895146 315 31 Beipu 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 9.3410776 314 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 8.1249051 315 36 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 Liu-tsan 2.4201547 316 39 Liu-tsan 3.8697362 317 39 Liu-tsan 8.1210928 316 40 Liu-tsan 6.5440418 316 41 6.5440418 316 41 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 Dazhuanghe 2.4201547 316 39 Dazhuanghe 3.8697362 317 39 Dazhuanghe 8.1210928 316 40 Dazhuanghe 6.5440418 316 41 6.5440418 316 41 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 6.5440418 316 41 Hanjiang 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Yancangcheng 23.186493 252 48 Yancangcheng 2.5537409 252 49 2.5537409 252 49 Hsing-chuang 21.052187 251 48 Hsing-chuang 31.357847 251 49 Hsing-chuang 2.4063058 251 50 2.4063058 251 50 Haitou 23.186493 252 48 Haitou 2.5537409 252 49 2.5537409 252 49 Shiqiao 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Chiang-k'ou 4.884141 111 49 Chiang-k'ou 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Hsia-k'ou 21.052187 251 48 Hsia-k'ou 31.357847 251 49 Hsia-k'ou 2.4063058 251 50 2.4063058 251 50 Jiuliqi 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Daitou 4.884141 111 49 Daitou 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Che-wang 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 Tuanlin 13.48162 322 49 Tuanlin 6.0829517 321 50 Tuanlin 7.5588307 322 50 Tuanlin 5.0929623 323 50 Tuanlin 2.4748921 324 50 Tuanlin 6.4757876 323 51 Tuanlin 6.9512095 324 51 Tuanlin 6.3968294 325 51 6.3968294 325 51 Fenshui 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Pinghai 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 2.4748921 324 50 Dapuhe 6.4757876 323 51 Dapuhe 6.9512095 324 51 Dapuhe 6.3968294 325 51 Dapuhe 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Andongwei 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tangbian 4.884141 111 49 Tangbian 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 Xihenancun 6.9512095 324 51 Xihenancun 6.3968294 325 51 Xihenancun 22.703977 326 51 Xihenancun 8.6993404 324 52 Xihenancun 9.1477709 325 52 9.1477709 325 52 Xugou 21.052187 251 48 Xugou 31.357847 251 49 Xugou 2.4063058 251 50 2.4063058 251 50 Shicheng 4.884141 111 49 Shicheng 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Lanshantou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Taolekow 4.2500724 257 51 4.2500724 257 51 Jiangjing 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Liujiazhai 7.0120592 258 52 7.0120592 258 52 Dongxi Liandao 2.4063058 251 50 2.4063058 251 50 Nanri 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 6.3968294 325 51 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 22.703977 326 51 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 9.1477709 325 52 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 9.922763 325 53 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 7.9041175 326 53 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 13.12519 325 54 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 10.861902 326 54 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 9.9637259 327 54 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 6.3968294 325 51 Beidaihehaibin 22.703977 326 51 Beidaihehaibin 9.1477709 325 52 Beidaihehaibin 9.922763 325 53 Beidaihehaibin 7.9041175 326 53 Beidaihehaibin 13.12519 325 54 Beidaihehaibin 10.861902 326 54 Beidaihehaibin 9.9637259 327 54 Beidaihehaibin 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 Guidizhai 5.642133 326 52 Guidizhai 7.9041175 326 53 Guidizhai 10.861902 326 54 Guidizhai 9.9637259 327 54 Guidizhai 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 San Shah 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Guhuai 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 Shandongpu 5.642133 326 52 Shandongpu 7.9041175 326 53 Shandongpu 10.861902 326 54 Shandongpu 9.9637259 327 54 Shandongpu 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Gaoshan 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Shijiusuo 7.0120592 258 52 7.0120592 258 52 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 Ch'ien-ma-fang 5.2521402 328 54 Ch'ien-ma-fang 14.508937 327 56 Ch'ien-ma-fang 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Langqi 2.4030428 121 56 Langqi 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Chiang-t'ien 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Changmen 2.4030428 121 56 Changmen 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 Qinhuangdao 7.9041175 326 53 Qinhuangdao 10.861902 326 54 Qinhuangdao 9.9637259 327 54 Qinhuangdao 5.2521402 328 54 Qinhuangdao 14.508937 327 56 Qinhuangdao 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Tantou 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Fengwo 2.4030428 121 56 Fengwo 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Chang-chiang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Yunlong 2.4030428 121 56 Yunlong 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Tung-tai 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Chin-feng 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Baisheng 2.4030428 121 56 Baisheng 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Mabi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Guanban 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Wuhang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Beicuo 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Guanjing 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 Shanhaiguan 5.2521402 328 54 Shanhaiguan 14.508937 327 56 Shanhaiguan 11.833441 328 56 Shanhaiguan 15.799307 327 57 Shanhaiguan 13.614078 328 57 Shanhaiguan 3.1789176 329 57 Shanhaiguan 17.595143 327 58 Shanhaiguan 15.073959 328 58 Shanhaiguan 12.996902 329 58 12.996902 329 58 Qingfeng 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 Nanhai 9.4273718 328 55 Nanhai 14.508937 327 56 Nanhai 11.833441 328 56 Nanhai 15.799307 327 57 Nanhai 13.614078 328 57 Nanhai 3.1789176 329 57 Nanhai 17.595143 327 58 Nanhai 15.073959 328 58 Nanhai 12.996902 329 58 Nanhai 18.752666 327 59 Nanhai 16.817266 328 59 Nanhai 8.5678236 329 59 Nanhai 16.026875 330 59 16.026875 330 59 Pingtan 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Ting-hai 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 18.689931 263 57 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 17.060082 263 58 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 38.636578 266 59 38.636578 266 59 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 Wan-chia-t'un 13.614078 328 57 Wan-chia-t'un 3.1789176 329 57 Wan-chia-t'un 15.073959 328 58 Wan-chia-t'un 12.996902 329 58 Wan-chia-t'un 16.817266 328 59 Wan-chia-t'un 8.5678236 329 59 Wan-chia-t'un 16.026875 330 59 Wan-chia-t'un 17.650814 328 60 17.650814 328 60 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 13.614078 328 57 Qiangzili 3.1789176 329 57 Qiangzili 15.073959 328 58 Qiangzili 12.996902 329 58 Qiangzili 16.817266 328 59 Qiangzili 8.5678236 329 59 Qiangzili 16.026875 330 59 Qiangzili 17.650814 328 60 17.650814 328 60 Xiahecheng 18.689931 263 57 Xiahecheng 17.060082 263 58 Xiahecheng 38.636578 266 59 38.636578 266 59 Zhangjialou 7.463872 265 59 Zhangjialou 38.636578 266 59 38.636578 266 59 Xiahu 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 5.0918143 132 62 Hanjiang 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Songcheng 3.3149429 131 62 Songcheng 5.0918143 132 62 Songcheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Changchun 3.3149429 131 62 Changchun 5.0918143 132 62 Changchun 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Wuqu 3.3149429 131 62 Wuqu 5.0918143 132 62 Wuqu 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Hongshiya 4.0704735 272 62 Hongshiya 6.4712836 271 63 Hongshiya 2.0228224 272 63 2.0228224 272 63 Luxia 3.3149429 131 62 Luxia 5.0918143 132 62 5.0918143 132 62 Lingshanwei 8.956475 268 63 Lingshanwei 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Yacheng 5.0918143 132 62 Yacheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Hsin-chuang 7.0709729 292 62 Hsin-chuang 6.5918041 293 63 Hsin-chuang 2.2447267 294 64 2.2447267 294 64 Houwan 4.0704735 272 62 Houwan 6.4712836 271 63 Houwan 2.0228224 272 63 2.0228224 272 63 Sansha 5.0918143 132 62 Sansha 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Yantaiqian 8.956475 268 63 Yantaiqian 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Xianlang 4.0704735 272 62 Xianlang 6.4712836 271 63 Xianlang 2.0228224 272 63 2.0228224 272 63 Qimudao 6.5918041 293 63 Qimudao 2.2447267 294 64 Qimudao 12.425694 295 65 12.425694 295 65 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 Huangshanguan 6.5918041 293 63 Huangshanguan 2.2447267 294 64 Huangshanguan 12.425694 295 65 12.425694 295 65 Beizhuang 8.956475 268 63 Beizhuang 6.4712836 271 63 Beizhuang 29.922588 267 66 29.922588 267 66 Ch'ing-tao 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 2.0228224 272 63 Ch'ing-tao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Sifang 6.4712836 271 63 Sifang 2.0228224 272 63 Sifang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Chengyang 2.0228224 272 63 Chengyang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 Beima 2.2447267 294 64 Beima 12.425694 295 65 Beima 6.7495183 296 66 Beima 12.225514 296 67 12.225514 296 67 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 2.2447267 294 64 Longkou 12.425694 295 65 Longkou 6.7495183 296 66 Longkou 12.225514 296 67 12.225514 296 67 Qingdao 6.4712836 271 63 Qingdao 2.0228224 272 63 Qingdao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Fushansuo 24.269815 270 64 Fushansuo 19.271288 271 64 Fushansuo 2.5193449 272 64 Fushansuo 4.427021 272 65 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Ts'ang-k'ou 24.269815 270 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 19.271288 271 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 2.5193449 272 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 4.427021 272 65 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 19.271288 271 64 Hsien-chia-chai 2.5193449 272 64 Hsien-chia-chai 4.427021 272 65 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Shazikou 20.069832 269 66 Shazikou 21.232042 269 67 Shazikou 26.667751 269 68 Shazikou 29.557382 269 69 Shazikou 27.534442 269 70 27.534442 269 70 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 Shahousuo 13.788877 336 69 Shahousuo 6.1154367 336 70 6.1154367 336 70 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 Niejia 6.4326869 296 68 Niejia 6.7060874 297 69 Niejia 6.0252144 297 70 Niejia 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Wanggezhuang 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 Beigou 6.4326869 296 68 Beigou 6.7060874 297 69 Beigou 6.0252144 297 70 Beigou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Aoshanwei 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 6.0252144 297 70 Dengzhou 3.3854309 297 71 Dengzhou 11.497985 297 72 11.497985 297 72 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 6.0252144 297 70 Penglai 3.3854309 297 71 Penglai 11.497985 297 72 11.497985 297 72 Chin-chia-k'ou 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Wangcun 12.805352 276 71 Wangcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Wali 12.805352 276 71 Wali 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Xingcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Ta-shan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Dashan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 Dajijia 17.458593 297 75 Dajijia 14.503721 296 76 Dajijia 16.990276 296 77 Dajijia 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 Xihuzui 47.743442 312 75 Xihuzui 44.199686 313 75 Xihuzui 22.593072 314 75 Xihuzui 32.925733 315 75 Xihuzui 25.426262 315 76 Xihuzui 16.387197 315 77 Xihuzui 10.211338 314 78 10.211338 314 78 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 Tieshan 57.569361 310 75 Tieshan 57.945619 311 75 Tieshan 47.743442 312 75 Tieshan 44.199686 313 75 Tieshan 38.42566 313 76 38.42566 313 76 Fengcheng 3.4258447 278 76 Fengcheng 6.2295642 280 79 6.2295642 280 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 32.548758 321 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.164329 322 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.497974 323 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.437812 324 77 Wang-chia-tun 28.796951 324 78 Wang-chia-tun 23.133033 324 79 Wang-chia-tun 13.338671 324 80 Wang-chia-tun 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 Lushun 3.0519991 314 77 Lushun 10.211338 314 78 10.211338 314 78 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.336422 322 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 32.415091 323 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.796951 324 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.158743 325 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 18.485006 325 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 13.338671 324 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 17.671672 325 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 15.055862 325 81 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 5.1173799 325 82 5.1173799 325 82 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 31.400401 321 78 Sanguanmiao 28.336422 322 78 Sanguanmiao 32.415091 323 78 Sanguanmiao 28.796951 324 78 Sanguanmiao 23.133033 324 79 Sanguanmiao 13.338671 324 80 Sanguanmiao 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 Zhifuzhen 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 11.129701 316 79 Xinzhaizi 12.273618 317 79 Xinzhaizi 13.14841 316 80 Xinzhaizi 10.263241 316 81 10.263241 316 81 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 4.4584824 320 79 Wudao 5.1811351 322 79 Wudao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 Shuishiying 28.152081 311 79 Shuishiying 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 Cheefoo 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 11.129701 316 79 Yingchengzi 12.273618 317 79 Yingchengzi 13.14841 316 80 Yingchengzi 10.263241 316 81 10.263241 316 81 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 Qianqikuang 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 22.803787 320 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Abulug 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Qiganshi 4.7120089 280 80 4.7120089 280 80 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 22.803787 320 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 Donggang 17.671672 325 80 Donggang 19.728978 326 80 Donggang 27.469715 327 80 Donggang 27.010173 328 80 Donggang 28.740014 328 81 Donggang 26.59513 328 82 Donggang 14.940887 328 83 Donggang 13.620834 328 84 13.620834 328 84 Ju-shan-k'ou 4.7120089 280 80 4.7120089 280 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 39.563689 311 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 47.633161 311 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Cabuluan 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 Mashanshangzhai 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 Santang 15.055862 325 81 Santang 17.89596 326 81 Santang 14.850288 326 82 14.850288 326 82 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 Gezhenpu 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Catuguran 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 14.850288 326 82 Ma-chia-tun 18.061906 327 82 Ma-chia-tun 26.59513 328 82 Ma-chia-tun 26.096062 329 82 Ma-chia-tun 17.645477 329 83 Ma-chia-tun 13.205547 329 84 Ma-chia-tun 11.090321 329 85 11.090321 329 85 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 3.9836386 316 83 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 Dalian 18.261161 316 85 Dalian 9.8166156 314 86 Dalian 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 6.3229915 317 82 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 Nanguanling 18.261161 316 85 Nanguanling 9.8166156 314 86 Nanguanling 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Muping 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Linao 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Hai-yang-so 8.0972223 280 82 Hai-yang-so 5.0342894 281 82 Hai-yang-so 9.8475499 280 83 Hai-yang-so 7.3238534 281 84 7.3238534 281 84 Bisagu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Nanhong 14.615235 279 82 Nanhong 7.3238534 281 84 Nanhong 21.235994 279 85 Nanhong 21.684893 279 86 21.684893 279 86 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 Xinghaitun 15.459068 312 83 Xinghaitun 29.26988 313 86 Xinghaitun 9.8166156 314 86 Xinghaitun 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Baishatan 5.0342894 281 82 Baishatan 7.3238534 281 84 7.3238534 281 84 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 3.9836386 316 83 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 Dayandao 18.261161 316 85 Dayandao 9.8166156 314 86 Dayandao 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 6.3229915 317 82 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 18.261161 316 85 Houyantun 9.8166156 314 86 Houyantun 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Aparri 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 Dal'niy 15.459068 312 83 Dal'niy 29.26988 313 86 Dal'niy 9.8166156 314 86 Dal'niy 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Alilinu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 18.318481 319 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 Fu-chou-wan 35.730376 319 84 Fu-chou-wan 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 Dingguanzhai 18.261161 316 85 Dingguanzhai 9.8166156 314 86 Dingguanzhai 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 Qianyangjiacun 18.261161 316 85 Qianyangjiacun 9.8166156 314 86 Qianyangjiacun 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 18.261161 316 85 Jinzhou 9.8166156 314 86 Jinzhou 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Punta 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 Shang-chuang 16.98741 292 87 Shang-chuang 17.917704 292 88 17.917704 292 88 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Balza 14.661471 5 86 14.661471 5 86 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 Jianggezhuang 16.98741 292 87 Jianggezhuang 17.917704 292 88 17.917704 292 88 Langnuankou 6.1199551 281 85 6.1199551 281 85 Xiaoguan 4.9587606 282 87 Xiaoguan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 29.26988 313 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 29.26988 313 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Buguey 14.661471 5 86 14.661471 5 86 Xilangnuan 4.9587606 282 87 Xilangnuan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 Huatong 3.3097357 330 87 Huatong 4.2314052 331 87 Huatong 8.2989087 332 87 Huatong 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 Beidianzi 17.917704 292 88 17.917704 292 88 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 Guizhou 6.2332251 332 88 Guizhou 10.634702 333 88 Guizhou 8.1513821 333 89 Guizhou 32.719378 332 90 Guizhou 4.6892478 333 90 Guizhou 43.369556 333 91 43.369556 333 91 Wuleidao 9.0202245 281 88 Wuleidao 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Zeku 3.3238095 283 90 Zeku 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 Dalijia 13.870654 317 93 Dalijia 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 Teng-sha-ho 13.870654 317 93 Teng-sha-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 Weihai 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 Panyuchwan 4.6892478 333 90 Panyuchwan 7.7167885 334 90 Panyuchwan 9.8942845 335 90 Panyuchwan 5.5322527 335 91 Panyuchwan 3.7448453 335 92 3.7448453 335 92 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 Lu-chia-t'un 7.9845756 334 91 Lu-chia-t'un 5.5322527 335 91 Lu-chia-t'un 8.8660103 336 91 Lu-chia-t'un 4.3393171 336 92 Lu-chia-t'un 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 7.9845756 334 91 Wangzhai 5.5322527 335 91 Wangzhai 8.8660103 336 91 Wangzhai 4.3393171 336 92 Wangzhai 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Jinghaiwei 15.213907 280 91 Jinghaiwei 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Huangshan 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 Zaobu 10.598257 291 96 10.598257 291 96 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 24.627669 320 95 Ch'ing-shui-ho 2.936693 320 96 2.936693 320 96 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 Wujiatun 13.870654 317 93 Wujiatun 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 24.627669 320 95 Pikou 2.936693 320 96 Pikou 7.6443932 320 97 7.6443932 320 97 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 Jiaxinzi 24.627669 320 95 Jiaxinzi 2.936693 320 96 Jiaxinzi 7.6443932 320 97 Jiaxinzi 12.836438 320 98 Jiaxinzi 46.554234 321 98 46.554234 321 98 Xizhuang 18.963316 292 95 Xizhuang 10.598257 291 96 10.598257 291 96 Ning-ching-so 15.0606 285 99 Ning-ching-so 13.836769 286 99 13.836769 286 99 Dazhuang 15.0606 285 99 15.0606 285 99 Jiurongcheng 10.598257 291 96 10.598257 291 96 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Wolongcun 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 19.266314 317 98 Fangshentun 12.836438 320 98 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 6.7260334 319 99 Kubura 127.9115 97 106 Kubura 321.59536 98 106 Kubura 858.42707 99 106 858.42707 99 106 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 10.749466 322 104 Wangjia 7.5158755 323 104 7.5158755 323 104 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 Anzishan 33.424868 326 111 33.424868 326 111 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 33.424868 326 111 33.424868 326 111 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 7.0071058 324 110 Nanjian 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 33.424868 326 111 Nanjian 6.1437471 326 112 Nanjian 43.471441 326 113 Nanjian 17.53831 326 114 17.53831 326 114 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 17.53831 326 114 Huangtukan 22.551549 327 116 Huangtukan 3.0258564 326 117 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Sakiyama 203.57826 92 113 Sakiyama 72.627692 93 113 Sakiyama 302.0695 94 113 Sakiyama 699.64857 95 113 Sakiyama 1111.3887 96 113 Sakiyama 103.90006 92 116 Sakiyama 2.4595049 95 116 2.4595049 95 116 Hoshitate 333.96525 94 114 Hoshitate 413.40275 95 114 Hoshitate 1093.2539 97 114 Hoshitate 1268.8146 98 114 Hoshitate 2.4595049 95 116 2.4595049 95 116 Shirabaramitake 169.79837 92 115 Shirabaramitake 242.33275 93 115 Shirabaramitake 103.90006 92 116 103.90006 92 116 Honai 186.85737 94 115 Honai 80.362833 95 115 Honai 360.20269 96 115 Honai 1001.6358 97 115 Honai 1354.1759 98 115 Honai 2.4595049 95 116 Honai 89.209781 96 119 89.209781 96 119 Toyohara 103.90006 92 116 Toyohara 2.4595049 95 116 Toyohara 89.209781 96 119 89.209781 96 119 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 22.551549 327 116 Pei-ching-tzu 7.668749 325 117 Pei-ching-tzu 3.0258564 326 117 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Kobama 69.96834 93 118 Kobama 154.28997 97 118 Kobama 89.209781 96 119 Kobama 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Agarisuji 441.89003 91 118 Agarisuji 518.13912 92 118 Agarisuji 69.96834 93 118 Agarisuji 178.621 93 120 Agarisuji 14.096433 95 120 Agarisuji 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 Dadong 2.0012454 326 122 Dadong 2.6932739 326 124 2.6932739 326 124 Ishigaki 178.621 93 120 Ishigaki 14.096433 95 120 Ishigaki 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Fubai 14.755579 94 121 Fubai 63.403 96 121 Fubai 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 2.0039199 326 121 Chogumsa 2.0012454 326 122 Chogumsa 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 3.3889949 326 125 Chogumsa 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Shirafu 557.31901 93 122 Shirafu 2.02093 94 122 Shirafu 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Ibarama 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Hirano 55.288835 97 123 Hirano 89.043398 97 125 89.043398 97 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 3.3889949 326 125 Yongampo-ri 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 16.828935 326 128 16.828935 326 128 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 3.3889949 326 125 Genjo 2.9019132 327 125 Genjo 16.828935 326 128 16.828935 326 128 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 5.3139678 322 128 Yongsapo 8.7710941 323 128 Yongsapo 9.4064872 324 128 Yongsapo 3.2745183 324 129 Yongsapo 15.644561 325 129 Yongsapo 5.481458 323 131 Yongsapo 8.6037931 324 131 Yongsapo 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Chandae-dong 67.952825 297 128 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 38.636737 299 129 Chandae-dong 38.107732 300 129 Chandae-dong 56.892045 301 129 Chandae-dong 34.749838 300 130 Chandae-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Chandae-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Chandae-dong 23.864916 301 131 Chandae-dong 33.314541 297 132 Chandae-dong 24.830385 298 132 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 63.31624 295 129 Kaju-dong 64.222239 296 129 Kaju-dong 63.668785 297 129 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 16.283558 297 131 Kaju-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Kaju-dong 33.314541 297 132 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 23.000835 298 133 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 38.107732 300 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 34.749838 300 130 Ch'angam-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Ch'angam-dong 16.949776 302 130 Ch'angam-dong 42.219176 300 131 Ch'angam-dong 23.864916 301 131 Ch'angam-dong 16.008163 302 131 Ch'angam-dong 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 20.322722 300 133 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 3.2745183 324 129 Changya-dong 15.644561 325 129 Changya-dong 5.481458 323 131 Changya-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Changya-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 40.371133 310 131 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 16.22582 306 133 Arang-dong 22.606289 310 133 Arang-dong 14.042692 307 134 Arang-dong 13.296947 309 134 Arang-dong 8.2722777 310 134 8.2722777 310 134 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 16.67789 303 132 Sogon-ni 22.175476 305 132 Sogon-ni 16.438775 306 132 Sogon-ni 2.9718768 304 133 Sogon-ni 4.9813939 305 133 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 14.042692 307 134 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Sinmi-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 16.008163 302 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.370203 300 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.322722 300 133 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 Monggumpo-ri 2.1832035 301 134 Monggumpo-ri 7.3877235 300 135 7.3877235 300 135 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 2.9718768 304 133 Ch'am-ch'on 4.9813939 305 133 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 2.9718768 304 133 Sagi-ri 4.9813939 305 133 Sagi-ri 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 14.042692 307 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 22.606289 310 133 Chosa-dong 15.884596 311 133 Chosa-dong 8.2722777 310 134 Chosa-dong 6.3796517 311 134 Chosa-dong 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 13.899396 310 135 Chosa-dong 7.8538984 311 135 Chosa-dong 16.57922 310 136 Chosa-dong 6.2135734 311 136 Chosa-dong 7.6957089 310 137 Chosa-dong 13.50636 311 137 13.50636 311 137 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.1832035 301 134 Sanggun-dong 7.3877235 300 135 7.3877235 300 135 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 9.4330686 324 133 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 14.042692 307 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 Hyu-dong 7.3877235 300 135 7.3877235 300 135 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 Chungga-dong 7.3877235 300 135 7.3877235 300 135 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 13.296947 309 134 An-ch'on 8.2722777 310 134 An-ch'on 2.5881107 307 135 An-ch'on 13.899396 310 135 An-ch'on 16.57922 310 136 An-ch'on 7.6957089 310 137 An-ch'on 7.5753806 310 138 7.5753806 310 138 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 3.9592761 296 138 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 5.7636397 322 138 Changp'o 44.567608 323 138 Changp'o 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 5.8961564 320 139 Yung-ni 28.075365 322 139 Yung-ni 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 Hwajin-ni 20.802088 317 139 Hwajin-ni 19.473088 318 139 Hwajin-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Hwajin-ni 5.8961564 320 139 Hwajin-ni 15.181629 320 140 Hwajin-ni 12.974002 320 141 12.974002 320 141 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 Chungang-ni 22.069283 319 140 Chungang-ni 15.181629 320 140 Chungang-ni 12.974002 320 141 12.974002 320 141 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 8.9062797 297 146 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 8.0198453 294 145 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 15.178247 295 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 2.4021282 296 150 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 2.4021282 296 150 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 9.6271908 284 147 Etsuu 27.647417 285 147 Etsuu 13.93856 286 147 Etsuu 28.085299 287 147 Etsuu 14.286725 288 147 Etsuu 42.246294 288 148 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Hwangdo 40.254339 274 147 Hwangdo 61.071724 275 147 Hwangdo 41.48292 275 148 Hwangdo 46.001713 275 149 Hwangdo 30.769436 275 150 Hwangdo 20.580264 274 151 Hwangdo 26.023157 275 151 26.023157 275 151 Och'ong 59.378444 273 149 Och'ong 38.956148 273 150 Och'ong 26.781251 272 151 Och'ong 32.111425 270 152 Och'ong 24.548753 271 152 Och'ong 23.725931 272 152 Och'ong 35.515611 273 152 35.515611 273 152 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.1021063 297 153 2.1021063 297 153 Ikkum-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 Chondang-ni 2.1021063 297 153 2.1021063 297 153 Changgo 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chogun-mal 14.111078 257 151 Chogun-mal 7.5382908 258 151 Chogun-mal 7.283544 257 152 Chogun-mal 7.7479813 258 152 Chogun-mal 16.596585 257 153 Chogun-mal 9.5205128 258 153 Chogun-mal 12.540473 257 154 Chogun-mal 2.0395579 258 154 Chogun-mal 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Tengan-ri 14.111078 257 151 Tengan-ri 7.5382908 258 151 Tengan-ri 7.283544 257 152 Tengan-ri 7.7479813 258 152 Tengan-ri 4.5439559 254 153 Tengan-ri 16.596585 257 153 Tengan-ri 9.5205128 258 153 Tengan-ri 12.540473 257 154 Tengan-ri 2.0395579 258 154 2.0395579 258 154 Oejongsan 24.294911 278 151 Oejongsan 22.350351 279 151 Oejongsan 30.865036 280 151 Oejongsan 35.76981 281 151 Oejongsan 45.829966 282 151 Oejongsan 23.722503 282 152 Oejongsan 11.15504 278 153 Oejongsan 6.7631004 279 153 Oejongsan 8.7245816 278 154 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 Anmal 3.5759047 296 153 Anmal 2.1021063 297 153 Anmal 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Soko-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.5759047 296 153 Muji-ni 2.1021063 297 153 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 Muji-ni 8.7542506 297 156 8.7542506 297 156 Songnyong-ni 7.283544 257 152 Songnyong-ni 7.7479813 258 152 Songnyong-ni 4.5439559 254 153 Songnyong-ni 16.596585 257 153 Songnyong-ni 9.5205128 258 153 Songnyong-ni 12.540473 257 154 Songnyong-ni 2.0395579 258 154 2.0395579 258 154 Jindo 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.5759047 296 153 Kyodo 2.1021063 297 153 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 Kyodo 8.7542506 297 156 8.7542506 297 156 Aenang-ni 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Dongmun 13.622337 279 152 Dongmun 2.7457444 280 152 Dongmun 23.722503 282 152 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.7631004 279 153 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Oe-dong 23.722503 282 152 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 18.679295 284 154 Oe-dong 20.370363 285 154 Oe-dong 26.844518 285 155 Oe-dong 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Hwadong-ni 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Ch'al-tong 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 4.0459529 289 153 Chawol-li 18.722716 290 153 Chawol-li 32.197626 289 154 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 24.938064 289 156 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 15.512703 277 153 Sinsong 11.15504 278 153 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 Pususan-dong 2.1021063 297 153 Pususan-dong 8.7542506 297 156 Pususan-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Chungjang 18.939911 275 153 Chungjang 19.490962 276 153 Chungjang 15.512703 277 153 Chungjang 11.15504 278 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 Chungjang 13.911663 275 157 Chungjang 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Kan 17.058279 265 154 Kan 19.152435 266 154 Kan 37.328593 267 154 Kan 21.786611 268 154 Kan 25.060669 269 154 Kan 15.999725 266 155 Kan 16.67066 267 155 Kan 21.624888 268 155 Kan 18.647344 269 155 Kan 10.168835 265 156 Kan 9.5269236 266 156 Kan 15.272654 269 156 Kan 8.1344753 265 157 Kan 5.8870833 266 157 Kan 6.1827551 266 158 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 5.6885666 267 158 Tongmokp 10.937449 277 154 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 10.937449 277 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 P'i-dong 12.540473 257 154 12.540473 257 154 Taeya 2.0395579 258 154 Taeya 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changdong 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Chisa-ri 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 Changch'u-dong 5.1575874 296 155 Changch'u-dong 8.7542506 297 156 Changch'u-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Onmok 8.2578121 259 155 Onmok 4.6834766 260 155 Onmok 6.8610422 262 155 Onmok 6.3000664 261 156 Onmok 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 4.6834766 260 155 Changho 6.8610422 262 155 Changho 8.7681729 263 155 Changho 8.6657853 264 155 Changho 6.3000664 261 156 Changho 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 5.961837 263 156 Changho 7.7888463 264 156 Changho 2.0153163 263 157 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.8610422 262 155 Chongam 8.7681729 263 155 Chongam 8.6657853 264 155 Chongam 15.999725 266 155 Chongam 5.0866135 262 156 Chongam 5.961837 263 156 Chongam 7.7888463 264 156 Chongam 9.5269236 266 156 Chongam 2.0153163 263 157 Chongam 8.1344753 265 157 Chongam 5.8870833 266 157 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 Kanghwa 8.7542506 297 156 Kanghwa 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Anjong 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 26.844518 285 155 Chogumjin-ni 10.688657 285 156 Chogumjin-ni 3.2321102 285 157 3.2321102 285 157 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 12.568597 274 157 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 3.2321102 285 157 Hasambong 22.332942 287 157 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 Hasambong 16.390027 286 159 Hasambong 4.1419281 285 160 Hasambong 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Chonmak 2.0153163 263 157 Chonmak 8.1344753 265 157 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 10.115317 270 157 Aech'an-ni 9.1861162 271 157 Aech'an-ni 20.453098 272 157 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 4.4998898 274 158 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 20.027044 289 159 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 Chonghyon-dong 5.9539673 290 160 Chonghyon-dong 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Changsin 2.0153163 263 157 Changsin 8.1344753 265 157 Changsin 5.8870833 266 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 2.241903 267 159 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 2.4882243 268 158 Janghang 10.848643 269 158 Janghang 6.1226123 270 158 Janghang 5.1750682 271 158 Janghang 2.5792614 270 159 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 6.1827551 266 158 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 6.1827551 266 158 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 6.1226123 270 158 Okhu 2.241903 267 159 Okhu 2.5792614 270 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 5.9539673 290 160 Masan-ni 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.5792614 270 159 Gunsan 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 4.1419281 285 160 Chunghung-ni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 4.1419281 285 160 Kooni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 5.9539673 290 160 Wonha-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 5.9539673 290 160 Namyang 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chinch'ang 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Aya-ri 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Wonsan 18.792407 318 172 Wonsan 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Tongho-ri 25.508662 324 174 Tongho-ri 14.531539 325 174 14.531539 325 174 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Yongpo-ri 25.508662 324 174 Yongpo-ri 14.531539 325 174 14.531539 325 174 Songhung-ni 23.785546 322 173 Songhung-ni 31.272494 322 174 Songhung-ni 14.531539 325 174 14.531539 325 174 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Pongch'on 18.792407 318 172 Pongch'on 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Chakto-dong 14.531539 325 174 14.531539 325 174 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Hungsang-ni 23.221014 326 175 Hungsang-ni 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Yongyon-ni 22.452733 326 176 Yongyon-ni 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Tongch-on 23.537237 316 177 Tongch-on 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Kuum-ni 26.656877 314 179 Kuum-ni 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Hongwon 29.49569 328 179 Hongwon 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Hadajon-ni 26.656877 314 179 Hadajon-ni 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Yuktae-dong 24.445944 328 180 Yuktae-dong 30.921472 329 180 Yuktae-dong 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Changjon 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Gaken-ri 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Honam-ni 46.05045 328 182 Honam-ni 32.450534 329 182 Honam-ni 8.0039205 330 182 8.0039205 330 182 Hongsong 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Soho-ri 23.762415 330 184 23.762415 330 184 Singhang 12.608055 331 186 Singhang 43.739011 332 189 43.739011 332 189 Kojin-ni 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Pongho-ri 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Chaho 55.981306 331 187 Chaho 43.739011 332 189 Chaho 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Kuum-ni 43.739011 332 189 Kuum-ni 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Poktokkumi 77.245503 333 191 Poktokkumi 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Tanchon 77.678648 334 192 Tanchon 52.635641 336 195 52.635641 336 195 Chungch'on 65.011648 335 194 Chungch'on 52.635641 336 195 52.635641 336 195 Heunghae 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Pohang 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Segae-dong 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Taech'on 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Guryongpo 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Meihama 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Saitosaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuoka 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Mitoma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Kashii 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Harumachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Tsuyazaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Shingu 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukumamachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/CalcInputDeck.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin/coastalImpact -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/ > /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/outCostalImpact.txt SELECT id, SHAPE_LENG,AsText(Geometry) FROM shoreline WHERE MBRContains(BuildMBR(116.0,18.0,134.0,40.5), geometry) 100 / 248 200 / 248 plottype GDACS drawing CoastalImpact /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/ /mnt/output/SSCS/DATA/coastal.db 100 / 248 200 / 248 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000688/ECMWF/2020080212/all_inpData.txt /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000688/ECMWF/2020080212/all_inpData.txt ECMWF 1000688 trackfile 0 OUT_umax.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0000.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0024.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! ....remove.... case delft3d 2020-08-02 12:00:00 ret= 0 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ creating /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 12:18:06.784235 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file netcdf already existing : /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.00.tropical_cyclone.nc !!!removing submitted_surge ret= 0 False ============================================ processing netcdf file for running delft3d ============================================ 2. process netcdf files and run at 2020-08-03 12:18:06.807796 7 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/TIF_MAXVEL.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 2.392125 million >> 5. count the popolation in each cell and assign to the class and write to output in PP classifying 0 2980 >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/popDensValues.xml TS 2368520 (wind>17 and <=33) North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan 17 and <=33]]> North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan TS 2368520 22686 1478684 841587 22579 2984 CAT. 1 0 (wind>33 and <=43) 33 and <=43]]> CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 (wind>43 and <=50) 43 and <=50]]> CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 (wind>50 and <=58) 50 and <=58]]> CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 (wind>58 and <=70) 58 and <=70]]> CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 (wind>70 and <=1000) 70 and <=1000]]> CAT. 5 0 nt 72 ...creating forcing data TIF from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ... # times: 73 title: Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) np.amin(lon),np.amax(lon),np.amin(lat),np.amax(lat) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/MAXVEL.jpg V Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 255 319 255.0 319.0 savemap /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/MAXVEL.jpg calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/TIF_MAXVEL.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/ /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF delft3d03-08-2020 00:00& ..2.1 converting netcdf to txt... nt= 72 ************************* /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.00.tropical_cyclone.nc 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/ 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 72 1 ...reprojecting netcdf on the calculation window for ... .....time 0 / 72 .....time 1 / 72 .....time 2 / 72 .....time 3 / 72 .....time 4 / 72 .....time 5 / 72 .....time 6 / 72 .....time 7 / 72 .....time 8 / 72 .....time 9 / 72 .....time 10 / 72 .....time 11 / 72 .....time 12 / 72 .....time 13 / 72 .....time 14 / 72 .....time 15 / 72 .....time 16 / 72 .....time 17 / 72 .....time 18 / 72 .....time 19 / 72 .....time 20 / 72 .....time 21 / 72 .....time 22 / 72 .....time 23 / 72 .....time 24 / 72 .....time 25 / 72 .....time 26 / 72 .....time 27 / 72 .....time 28 / 72 .....time 29 / 72 .....time 30 / 72 .....time 31 / 72 .....time 32 / 72 .....time 33 / 72 .....time 34 / 72 .....time 35 / 72 .....time 36 / 72 .....time 37 / 72 .....time 38 / 72 .....time 39 / 72 .....time 40 / 72 .....time 41 / 72 .....time 42 / 72 .....time 43 / 72 .....time 44 / 72 .....time 45 / 72 .....time 46 / 72 .....time 47 / 72 .....time 48 / 72 .....time 49 / 72 .....time 50 / 72 .....time 51 / 72 .....time 52 / 72 .....time 53 / 72 .....time 54 / 72 .....time 55 / 72 .....time 56 / 72 .....time 57 / 72 .....time 58 / 72 .....time 59 / 72 .....time 60 / 72 .....time 61 / 72 .....time 62 / 72 .....time 63 / 72 .....time 64 / 72 .....time 65 / 72 .....time 66 / 72 .....time 67 / 72 .....time 68 / 72 .....time 69 / 72 .....time 70 / 72 .....time 71 / 72 .....time 72 / 72 ...printing files header ...writing time 0 / 72 ...writing time 1 / 72 ...writing time 2 / 72 ...writing time 3 / 72 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/mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/calc.mdf ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.grd in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/calc.grd ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.enc in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/calc.enc ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.obs in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/calc.obs ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.dep in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/calc.dep ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/tri-rst.calc.20200803.000000 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/tri-rst.restart.20200803.000000 ****** SETTING DT ***** 1.0 start run ./run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh 10 launching case: /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/MPICH_INTEL/bin/mpiexec -np 10 /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/5740/bin/lnx64/flow2d3d/bin/d_hydro.exe config_d_hydro.xml MPI process number 000 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 001 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 002 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 003 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 004 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 005 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 006 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 008 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 007 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 009 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deltares, FLOW2D3D Version, May 3 2016, 09:52:23 libflow2d3d.so entry Flow2D3D::Run -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part I - Initialisation Time Dep. Data module... runid : calc Part II - Creating intermediate files... Part III - Initialisation of the Execution module... Part IV - Reading complete MD-file... Part V - Initialisation & checking input... Part VI - Initialisation & checking second part... Part VII - Initialisation output... Part VIII - Start Simulation... Time to finish 0s, 0.0% completed, time steps left 4320 Time to finish 40m, 0.0% completed, time steps left 4319 Time to finish 23m, 0.0% completed, time steps left 4318 Time to finish 17m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4317 Time to finish 14m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4316 Time to finish 12m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4315 Time to finish 11m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4314 Time to finish 10m, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4313 Time to finish 9m 46s, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4312 Time to finish 9m 18s, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4311 Time to finish 8m 56s, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4310 Time to finish 8m 37s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4309 Time to finish 8m 20s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4308 Time to finish 8m 6s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4307 Time to finish 7m 55s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4306 Time to finish 7m 44s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4305 Time to finish 8m 38s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4304 Time to finish 8m 27s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4303 Time to finish 8m 17s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4302 Time to finish 8m 9s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4301 Time to finish 8m 6s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4300 Time to finish 8m 10s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4299 Time to finish 8m 9s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4298 Time to finish 8m 11s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4297 Time to finish 8m 14s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4296 Time to finish 8m 14s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4295 Time to finish 8m 15s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4294 Time to finish 8m 13s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4293 Time to finish 8m 13s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4292 Time to finish 8m 10s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4291 Time to finish 8m 6s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4290 Time to finish 8m 35s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4289 Time to finish 8m 28s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4288 Time to finish 8m 22s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4287 Time to finish 8m 26s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4286 Time to finish 8m 23s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4285 Time to finish 8m 17s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4284 Time to finish 8m 12s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4283 Time to finish 8m 6s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4282 Time to finish 8m 1s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4281 Time to finish 7m 56s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4280 Time to finish 7m 52s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4279 Time to finish 7m 49s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4278 Time to finish 7m 45s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4277 Time to finish 7m 41s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4276 Time to finish 7m 36s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4275 Time to finish 7m 50s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4274 Time to finish 7m 48s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4273 Time to finish 7m 43s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4272 Time to finish 7m 39s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4271 Time to finish 7m 36s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4270 Time to finish 7m 33s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4269 Time to finish 7m 30s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4268 Time to finish 7m 26s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4267 Time to finish 7m 25s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4266 Time to finish 7m 22s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4265 Time to finish 7m 18s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4264 Time to finish 7m 17s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4263 Time to finish 7m 15s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4262 Time to finish 7m 12s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4261 Time to finish 7m 11s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4260 Time to finish 7m 31s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4259 Time to finish 7m 28s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4258 Time to finish 7m 26s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4257 Time to finish 7m 25s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4256 Time to finish 7m 24s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4255 Time to finish 7m 23s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4254 Time to finish 7m 23s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4253 Time to finish 7m 20s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4252 Time to finish 7m 18s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4251 Time to finish 7m 15s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4250 Time to finish 7m 13s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4249 Time to finish 7m 11s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4248 Time to finish 7m 9s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4247 Time to finish 7m 6s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4246 Time to finish 7m 4s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4245 Time to finish 7m 19s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4244 Time to finish 7m 16s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4243 Time to finish 7m 14s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4242 Time to finish 7m 13s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4241 Time to finish 7m 11s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4240 Time to finish 7m 11s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4239 Time to finish 7m 9s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4238 Time to finish 7m 7s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4237 Time to finish 7m 6s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4236 Time to finish 7m 4s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4235 Time to finish 7m 3s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4234 Time to finish 7m 2s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4233 Time to finish 7m 1s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4232 Time to finish 7m 1s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4231 Time to finish 7m 0s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4230 Time to finish 7m 9s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4229 Time to finish 7m 9s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4228 Time to finish 7m 8s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4227 Time to finish 7m 7s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4226 Time to finish 7m 6s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4225 Time to finish 7m 4s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4224 Time to finish 7m 3s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4223 Time to finish 7m 2s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4222 Time to finish 7m 0s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4221 Time to finish 7m 0s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4220 Time to finish 6m 58s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4219 Time to finish 6m 57s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4218 Time to finish 6m 57s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4217 Time to finish 6m 55s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4216 Time to finish 6m 54s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4215 Time to finish 7m 1s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4214 Time to finish 7m 0s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4213 Time to finish 6m 58s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4212 Time to finish 6m 58s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4211 Time to finish 6m 56s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4210 Time to finish 6m 55s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4209 Time to finish 6m 54s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4208 Time to finish 6m 52s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4207 Time to finish 6m 51s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4206 Time to finish 6m 50s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4205 Time to finish 6m 49s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4204 Time to finish 6m 47s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4203 Time to finish 6m 46s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4202 Time to finish 6m 45s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4201 Time to finish 6m 44s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4200 Time to finish 6m 56s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4199 Time to finish 6m 55s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4198 Time to finish 6m 54s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4197 Time to finish 6m 53s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4196 Time to finish 6m 52s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4195 Time to finish 6m 51s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4194 Time to finish 6m 50s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4193 Time to finish 6m 49s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4192 Time to finish 6m 49s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4191 Time to finish 6m 48s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4190 Time to finish 6m 48s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4189 Time to finish 6m 47s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4188 Time to finish 6m 46s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4187 Time to finish 6m 45s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4186 Time to finish 6m 44s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4185 Time to finish 6m 50s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4184 Time to finish 6m 50s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4183 Time to finish 6m 51s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4182 Time to finish 6m 51s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4181 Time to finish 6m 51s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4180 Time to finish 6m 50s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4179 Time to finish 6m 49s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4178 Time to finish 6m 48s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4177 Time to finish 6m 48s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4176 Time to finish 6m 47s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4175 Time to finish 6m 46s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4174 Time to finish 6m 45s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4173 Time to finish 6m 44s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4172 Time to finish 6m 43s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4171 Time to finish 6m 42s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4170 Time to finish 6m 47s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4169 Time to finish 6m 46s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4168 Time to finish 6m 45s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4167 Time to finish 6m 44s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4166 Time to finish 6m 43s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4165 Time to finish 6m 42s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4164 Time to finish 6m 41s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4163 Time to finish 6m 40s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4162 Time to finish 6m 42s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4161 Time to finish 6m 41s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4160 Time to finish 6m 52s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4159 Time to finish 7m 8s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4158 Time to finish 7m 7s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4157 Time to finish 7m 6s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4156 Time to finish 7m 5s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4155 Time to finish 7m 20s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4154 Time to finish 7m 19s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4153 Time to finish 7m 18s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4152 Time to finish 7m 17s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4151 Time to finish 7m 16s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4150 Time to finish 7m 40s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4149 Time to finish 7m 40s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4148 Time to finish 7m 40s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4147 Time to finish 7m 39s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4146 Time to finish 7m 38s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4145 Time to finish 7m 38s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4144 Time to finish 7m 37s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4143 Time to finish 7m 36s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4142 Time to finish 7m 35s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4141 Time to finish 7m 34s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4140 Time to finish 8m 42s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4139 Time to finish 8m 41s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4138 Time to finish 8m 40s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4137 Time to finish 8m 38s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4136 Time to finish 8m 37s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4135 Time to finish 8m 37s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4134 Time to finish 8m 36s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4133 Time to finish 8m 35s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4132 Time to finish 8m 34s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4131 Time to finish 8m 33s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4130 Time to finish 8m 32s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4129 Time to finish 8m 31s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4128 Time to finish 8m 30s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4127 Time to finish 8m 28s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4126 Time to finish 8m 27s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4125 Time to finish 8m 33s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4124 Time to finish 8m 32s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4123 Time to finish 8m 30s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4122 Time to finish 8m 29s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4121 Time to finish 8m 28s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4120 Time to finish 8m 27s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4119 Time to finish 8m 26s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4118 Time to finish 8m 25s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4117 Time to finish 8m 24s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4116 Time to finish 8m 23s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4115 Time to finish 8m 22s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4114 Time to finish 8m 21s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4113 Time to finish 8m 21s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4112 Time to finish 8m 20s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4111 Time to finish 8m 20s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4110 Time to finish 8m 53s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4109 Time to finish 8m 52s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4108 Time to finish 8m 51s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4107 Time to finish 8m 49s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4106 Time to finish 8m 48s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4105 Time to finish 8m 48s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4104 Time to finish 8m 47s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4103 Time to finish 8m 45s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4102 Time to finish 8m 44s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4101 Time to finish 8m 43s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4100 Time to finish 8m 42s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4099 Time to finish 8m 41s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4098 Time to finish 8m 40s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4097 Time to finish 8m 39s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4096 Time to finish 8m 38s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4095 Time to finish 8m 43s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4094 Time to finish 8m 42s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4093 Time to finish 8m 41s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4092 Time to finish 8m 41s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4091 Time to finish 8m 40s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4090 Time to finish 8m 39s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4089 Time to finish 8m 39s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4088 Time to finish 8m 38s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4087 Time to finish 8m 37s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4086 Time to finish 8m 36s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4085 Time to finish 8m 35s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4084 Time to finish 8m 35s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4083 Time to finish 8m 34s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4082 Time to finish 8m 33s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4081 Time to finish 8m 33s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4080 Time to finish 8m 46s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4079 Time to finish 8m 45s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4078 Time to finish 8m 44s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4077 Time to finish 8m 43s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4076 Time to finish 8m 42s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4075 Time to finish 8m 41s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4074 Time to finish 8m 40s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4073 Time to finish 8m 39s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4072 Time to finish 8m 38s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4071 Time to finish 8m 37s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4070 Time to finish 8m 36s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4069 Time to finish 8m 35s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4068 Time to finish 8m 34s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4067 Time to finish 8m 33s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4066 Time to finish 8m 32s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4065 Time to finish 8m 36s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4064 Time to finish 8m 35s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4063 Time to finish 8m 34s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4062 Time to finish 8m 33s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4061 Time to finish 8m 32s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4060 Time to finish 8m 32s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4059 Time to finish 8m 31s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4058 Time to finish 8m 30s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4057 Time to finish 8m 29s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4056 Time to finish 8m 29s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4055 Time to finish 8m 28s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4054 Time to finish 8m 27s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4053 Time to finish 8m 26s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4052 Time to finish 8m 25s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4051 Time to finish 8m 24s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4050 Time to finish 8m 27s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4049 Time to finish 8m 27s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4048 Time to finish 8m 26s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4047 Time to finish 8m 25s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4046 Time to finish 8m 24s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4045 Time to finish 8m 23s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4044 Time to finish 8m 22s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4043 Time to finish 8m 21s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4042 Time to finish 8m 20s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4041 Time to finish 8m 20s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4040 Time to finish 8m 19s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4039 Time to finish 8m 18s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4038 Time to finish 8m 17s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4037 Time to finish 8m 16s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4036 Time to finish 8m 15s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4035 Time to finish 8m 17s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4034 Time to finish 8m 16s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4033 Time to finish 8m 16s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4032 Time to finish 8m 16s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4031 Time to finish 8m 15s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4030 Time to finish 8m 14s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4029 Time to finish 8m 14s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4028 Time to finish 8m 14s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4027 Time to finish 8m 14s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4026 Time to finish 8m 14s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4025 Time to finish 8m 13s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4024 Time to finish 8m 13s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4023 Time to finish 8m 12s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4022 Time to finish 8m 11s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4021 Time to finish 8m 11s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4020 Time to finish 8m 14s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4019 Time to finish 8m 13s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4018 Time to finish 8m 12s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4017 Time to finish 8m 12s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4016 Time to finish 8m 11s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4015 Time to finish 8m 10s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4014 Time to finish 8m 9s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4013 Time to finish 8m 8s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4012 Time to finish 8m 7s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4011 Time to finish 8m 7s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4010 Time to finish 8m 6s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4009 Time to finish 8m 5s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4008 Time to finish 8m 4s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4007 Time to finish 8m 3s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4006 Time to finish 8m 3s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4005 Time to finish 8m 5s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4004 Time to finish 8m 4s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4003 Time to finish 8m 3s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 4002 Time to finish 8m 3s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 4001 Time to finish 8m 2s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 4000 Time to finish 8m 1s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 3999 Time to finish 8m 0s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3998 Time to finish 7m 59s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3997 Time to finish 7m 59s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3996 Time to finish 7m 58s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3995 Time to finish 7m 57s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3994 Time to finish 7m 57s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3993 Time to finish 7m 56s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3992 Time to finish 7m 56s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3991 Time to finish 7m 55s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3990 Time to finish 7m 58s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3989 Time to finish 7m 57s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3988 Time to finish 7m 57s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3987 Time to finish 7m 58s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3986 Time to finish 7m 58s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3985 Time to finish 7m 57s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3984 Time to finish 7m 56s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3983 Time to finish 7m 55s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3982 Time to finish 7m 55s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3981 Time to finish 7m 54s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3980 Time to finish 7m 53s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3979 Time to finish 7m 53s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3978 Time to finish 7m 52s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3977 Time to finish 7m 51s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3976 Time to finish 7m 51s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3975 Time to finish 7m 55s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3974 Time to finish 7m 54s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3973 Time to finish 7m 53s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3972 Time to finish 7m 53s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3971 Time to finish 7m 52s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3970 Time to finish 7m 51s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3969 Time to finish 7m 51s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3968 Time to finish 7m 50s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3967 Time to finish 7m 50s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3966 Time to finish 7m 50s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3965 Time to finish 7m 49s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3964 Time to finish 7m 48s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3963 Time to finish 7m 48s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3962 Time to finish 7m 47s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3961 Time to finish 7m 47s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3960 Time to finish 7m 50s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3959 Time to finish 7m 50s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3958 Time to finish 7m 49s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3957 Time to finish 7m 49s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3956 Time to finish 7m 48s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3955 Time to finish 7m 47s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3954 Time to finish 7m 47s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3953 Time to finish 7m 46s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3952 Time to finish 7m 46s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3951 Time to finish 7m 46s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3950 Time to finish 7m 46s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3949 Time to finish 7m 45s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3948 Time to finish 7m 45s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3947 Time to finish 7m 44s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3946 Time to finish 7m 44s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3945 Time to finish 7m 45s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3944 Time to finish 7m 45s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3943 Time to finish 7m 44s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3942 Time to finish 7m 43s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3941 Time to finish 7m 43s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3940 Time to finish 7m 42s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3939 Time to finish 7m 42s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3938 Time to finish 7m 41s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3937 Time to finish 7m 40s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3936 Time to finish 7m 40s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3935 Time to finish 7m 39s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3934 Time to finish 7m 39s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3933 Time to finish 7m 38s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3932 Time to finish 7m 38s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3931 Time to finish 7m 37s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3930 Time to finish 7m 39s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3929 Time to finish 7m 38s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3928 Time to finish 7m 38s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3927 Time to finish 7m 37s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3926 Time to finish 7m 37s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3925 Time to finish 7m 37s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3924 Time to finish 7m 36s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3923 Time to finish 7m 36s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3922 Time to finish 7m 35s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3921 Time to finish 7m 35s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3920 Time to finish 7m 35s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3919 Time to finish 7m 34s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3918 Time to finish 7m 34s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3917 Time to finish 7m 34s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3916 Time to finish 7m 34s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3915 Time to finish 7m 36s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3914 Time to finish 7m 35s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3913 Time to finish 7m 35s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3912 Time to finish 7m 35s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3911 Time to finish 7m 34s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3910 Time to finish 7m 33s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3909 Time to finish 7m 33s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3908 Time to finish 7m 32s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3907 Time to finish 7m 32s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3906 Time to finish 7m 31s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3905 Time to finish 7m 31s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3904 Time to finish 7m 30s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3903 Time to finish 7m 30s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3902 Time to finish 7m 30s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3901 Time to finish 7m 29s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3900 Time to finish 7m 32s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3899 Time to finish 7m 32s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3898 Time to finish 7m 32s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3897 Time to finish 7m 31s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3896 Time to finish 7m 31s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3895 Time to finish 7m 31s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3894 Time to finish 7m 30s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3893 Time to finish 7m 30s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3892 Time to finish 7m 30s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3891 Time to finish 7m 29s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3890 Time to finish 7m 29s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3889 Time to finish 7m 28s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3888 Time to finish 7m 28s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3887 Time to finish 7m 27s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3886 Time to finish 7m 27s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3885 Time to finish 7m 29s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3884 Time to finish 7m 28s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3883 Time to finish 7m 28s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3882 Time to finish 7m 27s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3881 Time to finish 7m 27s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3880 Time to finish 7m 26s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3879 Time to finish 7m 25s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3878 Time to finish 7m 25s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3877 Time to finish 7m 24s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3876 Time to finish 7m 24s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3875 Time to finish 7m 24s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3874 Time to finish 7m 23s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3873 Time to finish 7m 23s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3872 Time to finish 7m 22s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3871 Time to finish 7m 22s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3870 Time to finish 7m 23s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3869 Time to finish 7m 22s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3868 Time to finish 7m 22s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3867 Time to finish 7m 22s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3866 Time to finish 7m 21s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3865 Time to finish 7m 21s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3864 Time to finish 7m 21s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3863 Time to finish 7m 20s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3862 Time to finish 7m 20s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3861 Time to finish 7m 19s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3860 Time to finish 7m 19s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3859 Time to finish 7m 18s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3858 Time to finish 7m 18s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3857 Time to finish 7m 18s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3856 Time to finish 7m 17s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3855 Time to finish 7m 19s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3854 Time to finish 7m 18s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3853 Time to finish 7m 18s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3852 Time to finish 7m 18s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3851 Time to finish 7m 18s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3850 Time to finish 7m 17s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3849 Time to finish 7m 17s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3848 Time to finish 7m 16s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3847 Time to finish 7m 16s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3846 Time to finish 7m 16s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3845 Time to finish 7m 15s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3844 Time to finish 7m 15s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3843 Time to finish 7m 15s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3842 Time to finish 7m 14s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3841 Time to finish 7m 14s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3840 Time to finish 7m 16s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3839 Time to finish 7m 15s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3838 Time to finish 7m 16s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3837 Time to finish 7m 15s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3836 Time to finish 7m 15s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3835 Time to finish 7m 14s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3834 Time to finish 7m 14s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3833 Time to finish 7m 14s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3832 Time to finish 7m 13s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3831 Time to finish 7m 13s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3830 Time to finish 7m 13s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3829 Time to finish 7m 12s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3828 Time to finish 7m 12s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3827 Time to finish 7m 11s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3826 Time to finish 7m 11s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3825 Time to finish 7m 13s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3824 Time to finish 7m 12s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3823 Time to finish 7m 12s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3822 Time to finish 7m 11s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3821 Time to finish 7m 11s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3820 Time to finish 7m 11s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3819 Time to finish 7m 10s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3818 Time to finish 7m 10s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3817 Time to finish 7m 9s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3816 Time to finish 7m 9s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3815 Time to finish 7m 8s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3814 Time to finish 7m 8s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3813 Time to finish 7m 7s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3812 Time to finish 7m 7s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3811 Time to finish 7m 6s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3810 Time to finish 7m 8s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3809 Time to finish 7m 7s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3808 Time to finish 7m 7s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3807 Time to finish 7m 6s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3806 Time to finish 7m 6s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3805 Time to finish 7m 5s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3804 Time to finish 7m 5s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3803 Time to finish 7m 4s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3802 Time to finish 7m 4s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3801 Time to finish 7m 3s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3800 Time to finish 7m 3s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3799 Time to finish 7m 3s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3798 Time to finish 7m 2s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3797 Time to finish 7m 2s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3796 Time to finish 7m 1s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3795 ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 12:19:52.288249 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 6 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Time to finish 7m 3s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3794 Time to finish 7m 3s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3793 Time to finish 7m 2s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3792 Time to finish 7m 2s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3791 Time to finish 7m 1s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3790 Time to finish 7m 1s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3789 Time to finish 7m 1s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3788 Time to finish 7m 1s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3787 Time to finish 7m 0s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3786 Time to finish 7m 0s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3785 Time to finish 7m 0s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3784 Time to finish 6m 59s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3783 Time to finish 6m 59s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3782 Time to finish 6m 58s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3781 Time to finish 6m 58s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3780 Time to finish 7m 0s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3779 Time to finish 7m 0s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3778 Time to finish 6m 59s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3777 Time to finish 6m 59s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3776 Time to finish 6m 58s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3775 Time to finish 6m 58s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3774 Time to finish 6m 58s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3773 Time to finish 6m 57s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3772 Time to finish 6m 57s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3771 Time to finish 6m 57s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3770 Time to finish 6m 56s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3769 Time to finish 6m 56s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3768 Time to finish 6m 55s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3767 Time to finish 6m 55s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3766 Time to finish 6m 54s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3765 Time to finish 6m 56s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3764 Time to finish 6m 55s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3763 Time to finish 6m 55s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3762 Time to finish 6m 55s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3761 Time to finish 6m 54s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3760 Time to finish 6m 54s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3759 Time to finish 6m 54s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3758 Time to finish 6m 54s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3757 Time to finish 6m 53s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3756 Time to finish 6m 53s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3755 Time to finish 6m 52s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3754 Time to finish 6m 52s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3753 Time to finish 6m 52s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3752 Time to finish 6m 51s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3751 Time to finish 6m 51s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3750 Time to finish 6m 53s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3749 Time to finish 6m 52s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3748 Time to finish 6m 52s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3747 Time to finish 6m 52s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3746 Time to finish 6m 52s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3745 Time to finish 6m 51s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3744 Time to finish 6m 51s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3743 Time to finish 6m 51s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3742 Time to finish 6m 51s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3741 Time to finish 6m 51s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3740 Time to finish 6m 50s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3739 Time to finish 6m 50s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3738 Time to finish 6m 50s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3737 Time to finish 6m 49s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3736 Time to finish 6m 49s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3735 Time to finish 6m 50s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3734 Time to finish 6m 49s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3733 Time to finish 6m 49s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3732 Time to finish 6m 49s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3731 Time to finish 6m 48s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3730 Time to finish 6m 48s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3729 Time to finish 6m 47s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3728 Time to finish 6m 47s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3727 Time to finish 6m 47s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3726 Time to finish 6m 46s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3725 Time to finish 6m 46s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3724 Time to finish 6m 46s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3723 Time to finish 6m 45s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3722 Time to finish 6m 45s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3721 Time to finish 6m 45s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3720 Time to finish 6m 46s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3719 Time to finish 6m 46s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3718 Time to finish 6m 46s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3717 Time to finish 6m 45s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3716 Time to finish 6m 45s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3715 Time to finish 6m 45s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3714 Time to finish 6m 44s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3713 Time to finish 6m 44s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3712 Time to finish 6m 44s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3711 Time to finish 6m 44s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3710 Time to finish 6m 43s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3709 Time to finish 6m 43s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3708 Time to finish 6m 43s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3707 Time to finish 6m 42s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3706 Time to finish 6m 42s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3705 Time to finish 6m 43s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3704 Time to finish 6m 42s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3703 Time to finish 6m 42s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3702 Time to finish 6m 42s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3701 Time to finish 6m 42s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3700 Time to finish 6m 41s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3699 Time to finish 6m 41s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3698 Time to finish 6m 41s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3697 Time to finish 6m 40s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3696 Time to finish 6m 40s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3695 Time to finish 6m 40s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3694 Time to finish 6m 39s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3693 Time to finish 6m 39s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3692 Time to finish 6m 38s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3691 Time to finish 6m 38s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3690 Time to finish 6m 39s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3689 Time to finish 6m 39s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3688 Time to finish 6m 38s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3687 Time to finish 6m 38s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3686 Time to finish 6m 38s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3685 Time to finish 6m 38s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3684 Time to finish 6m 37s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3683 Time to finish 6m 37s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3682 Time to finish 6m 37s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3681 Time to finish 6m 36s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3680 Time to finish 6m 36s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3679 Time to finish 6m 36s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3678 Time to finish 6m 35s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3677 Time to finish 6m 35s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3676 Time to finish 6m 35s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3675 Time to finish 6m 36s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3674 Time to finish 6m 35s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3673 Time to finish 6m 35s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3672 Time to finish 6m 35s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3671 Time to finish 6m 35s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3670 Time to finish 6m 35s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3669 Time to finish 6m 34s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3668 Time to finish 6m 34s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3667 Time to finish 6m 34s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3666 Time to finish 6m 34s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3665 Time to finish 6m 34s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3664 Time to finish 6m 33s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3663 Time to finish 6m 33s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3662 Time to finish 6m 33s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3661 Time to finish 6m 32s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3660 Time to finish 6m 34s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3659 Time to finish 6m 33s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3658 Time to finish 6m 33s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3657 Time to finish 6m 33s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3656 Time to finish 6m 33s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3655 Time to finish 6m 32s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3654 Time to finish 6m 32s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3653 Time to finish 6m 32s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3652 Time to finish 6m 32s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3651 Time to finish 6m 31s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3650 Time to finish 6m 31s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3649 Time to finish 6m 31s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3648 Time to finish 6m 31s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3647 Time to finish 6m 30s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3646 Time to finish 6m 30s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3645 Time to finish 6m 31s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3644 Time to finish 6m 31s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3643 Time to finish 6m 30s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3642 Time to finish 6m 30s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3641 Time to finish 6m 30s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3640 Time to finish 6m 29s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3639 Time to finish 6m 29s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3638 Time to finish 6m 29s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3637 Time to finish 6m 29s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3636 Time to finish 6m 28s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3635 Time to finish 6m 28s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3634 Time to finish 6m 28s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3633 Time to finish 6m 27s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3632 Time to finish 6m 28s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3631 Time to finish 6m 27s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3630 Time to finish 6m 28s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3629 Time to finish 6m 28s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3628 Time to finish 6m 28s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3627 Time to finish 6m 27s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3626 Time to finish 6m 27s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3625 Time to finish 6m 27s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3624 Time to finish 6m 26s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3623 Time to finish 6m 26s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3622 Time to finish 6m 26s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3621 Time to finish 6m 25s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3620 Time to finish 6m 25s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3619 Time to finish 6m 25s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3618 Time to finish 6m 25s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3617 Time to finish 6m 24s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3616 Time to finish 6m 24s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3615 Time to finish 6m 25s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3614 Time to finish 6m 24s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3613 Time to finish 6m 24s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3612 Time to finish 6m 24s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3611 Time to finish 6m 24s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3610 Time to finish 6m 23s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3609 Time to finish 6m 23s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3608 Time to finish 6m 23s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3607 Time to finish 6m 23s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3606 Time to finish 6m 22s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3605 Time to finish 6m 22s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3604 Time to finish 6m 22s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3603 Time to finish 6m 22s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3602 Time to finish 6m 21s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3601 Time to finish 6m 21s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3600 Time to finish 6m 23s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3599 Time to finish 6m 22s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3598 Time to finish 6m 22s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3597 Time to finish 6m 22s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3596 Time to finish 6m 21s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3595 Time to finish 6m 21s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3594 Time to finish 6m 21s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3593 Time to finish 6m 21s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3592 Time to finish 6m 20s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3591 Time to finish 6m 20s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3590 Time to finish 6m 20s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3589 Time to finish 6m 20s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3588 Time to finish 6m 19s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3587 Time to finish 6m 19s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3586 Time to finish 6m 19s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3585 Time to finish 6m 19s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3584 Time to finish 6m 19s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3583 Time to finish 6m 19s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3582 Time to finish 6m 19s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3581 Time to finish 6m 19s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3580 Time to finish 6m 18s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3579 Time to finish 6m 18s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3578 Time to finish 6m 18s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3577 Time to finish 6m 18s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3576 Time to finish 6m 18s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3575 Time to finish 6m 17s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3574 Time to finish 6m 17s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3573 Time to finish 6m 17s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3572 Time to finish 6m 17s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3571 Time to finish 6m 17s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3570 Time to finish 6m 17s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3569 Time to finish 6m 17s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3568 Time to finish 6m 17s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3567 Time to finish 6m 17s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3566 Time to finish 6m 16s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3565 Time to finish 6m 16s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3564 Time to finish 6m 16s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3563 Time to finish 6m 16s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3562 Time to finish 6m 15s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3561 Time to finish 6m 15s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3560 Time to finish 6m 15s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3559 Time to finish 6m 15s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3558 Time to finish 6m 15s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3557 Time to finish 6m 14s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3556 Time to finish 6m 14s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3555 Time to finish 6m 15s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3554 Time to finish 6m 14s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3553 Time to finish 6m 14s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3552 Time to finish 6m 14s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3551 Time to finish 6m 14s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3550 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3549 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3548 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3547 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3546 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3545 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3544 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3543 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3542 Time to finish 6m 11s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3541 Time to finish 6m 11s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3540 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3539 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3538 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3537 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3536 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3535 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3534 Time to finish 6m 11s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3533 Time to finish 6m 11s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3532 Time to finish 6m 11s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3531 Time to finish 6m 11s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3530 Time to finish 6m 11s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3529 Time to finish 6m 10s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3528 Time to finish 6m 10s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3527 Time to finish 6m 10s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3526 Time to finish 6m 10s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3525 Time to finish 6m 11s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3524 Time to finish 6m 11s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3523 Time to finish 6m 10s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3522 Time to finish 6m 10s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3521 Time to finish 6m 10s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3520 Time to finish 6m 9s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3519 Time to finish 6m 9s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3518 Time to finish 6m 9s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3517 Time to finish 6m 9s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3516 Time to finish 6m 9s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3515 Time to finish 6m 9s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3514 Time to finish 6m 8s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3513 Time to finish 6m 8s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3512 Time to finish 6m 8s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3511 Time to finish 6m 8s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3510 Time to finish 6m 8s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3509 Time to finish 6m 8s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3508 Time to finish 6m 8s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3507 Time to finish 6m 8s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3506 Time to finish 6m 7s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3505 Time to finish 6m 7s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3504 Time to finish 6m 7s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3503 Time to finish 6m 7s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3502 Time to finish 6m 6s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3501 Time to finish 6m 6s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3500 Time to finish 6m 6s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3499 Time to finish 6m 6s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3498 Time to finish 6m 6s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3497 Time to finish 6m 5s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3496 Time to finish 6m 5s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3495 Time to finish 6m 6s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3494 Time to finish 6m 6s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3493 Time to finish 6m 5s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3492 Time to finish 6m 5s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3491 Time to finish 6m 5s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3490 Time to finish 6m 5s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3489 Time to finish 6m 5s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3488 Time to finish 6m 4s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3487 Time to finish 6m 4s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3486 Time to finish 6m 4s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3485 Time to finish 6m 4s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3484 Time to finish 6m 3s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3483 Time to finish 6m 3s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3482 Time to finish 6m 3s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3481 Time to finish 6m 3s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3480 Time to finish 6m 4s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3479 Time to finish 6m 3s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3478 Time to finish 6m 3s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3477 Time to finish 6m 3s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3476 Time to finish 6m 3s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3475 Time to finish 6m 3s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3474 Time to finish 6m 2s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3473 Time to finish 6m 2s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3472 Time to finish 6m 2s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3471 Time to finish 6m 2s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3470 Time to finish 6m 2s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3469 Time to finish 6m 1s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3468 Time to finish 6m 1s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3467 Time to finish 6m 1s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3466 Time to finish 6m 1s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3465 Time to finish 6m 1s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3464 Time to finish 6m 1s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3463 Time to finish 6m 1s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3462 Time to finish 6m 1s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3461 Time to finish 6m 1s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3460 Time to finish 6m 0s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3459 Time to finish 6m 0s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3458 Time to finish 6m 0s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3457 Time to finish 6m 0s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3456 Time to finish 5m 59s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3455 Time to finish 5m 59s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3454 Time to finish 5m 59s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3453 Time to finish 5m 59s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3452 Time to finish 5m 58s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3451 Time to finish 5m 58s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3450 Time to finish 5m 59s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3449 Time to finish 5m 58s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3448 Time to finish 5m 58s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3447 Time to finish 5m 58s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3446 Time to finish 5m 58s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3445 Time to finish 5m 58s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3444 Time to finish 5m 57s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3443 Time to finish 5m 57s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3442 Time to finish 5m 57s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3441 Time to finish 5m 57s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3440 Time to finish 5m 57s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3439 Time to finish 5m 56s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3438 Time to finish 5m 56s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3437 Time to finish 5m 56s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3436 Time to finish 5m 56s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3435 Time to finish 5m 56s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3434 Time to finish 5m 56s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3433 Time to finish 5m 56s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3432 Time to finish 5m 56s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3431 Time to finish 5m 56s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3430 Time to finish 5m 56s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3429 Time to finish 5m 55s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3428 Time to finish 5m 55s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3427 Time to finish 5m 55s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3426 Time to finish 5m 55s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3425 Time to finish 5m 54s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3424 Time to finish 5m 54s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3423 Time to finish 5m 54s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3422 Time to finish 5m 54s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3421 Time to finish 5m 53s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3420 Time to finish 5m 55s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3419 Time to finish 5m 54s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3418 Time to finish 5m 54s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3417 Time to finish 5m 54s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3416 Time to finish 5m 54s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3415 Time to finish 5m 54s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3414 Time to finish 5m 53s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3413 Time to finish 5m 53s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3412 Time to finish 5m 53s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3411 Time to finish 5m 53s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3410 Time to finish 5m 53s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3409 Time to finish 5m 52s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3408 Time to finish 5m 52s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3407 Time to finish 5m 52s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3406 Time to finish 5m 52s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3405 Time to finish 5m 53s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3404 Time to finish 5m 53s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3403 Time to finish 5m 53s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3402 Time to finish 5m 53s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3401 Time to finish 5m 53s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3400 Time to finish 5m 52s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3399 Time to finish 5m 52s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3398 Time to finish 5m 52s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3397 Time to finish 5m 52s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3396 Time to finish 5m 52s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3395 Time to finish 5m 52s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3394 Time to finish 5m 52s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3393 Time to finish 5m 51s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3392 Time to finish 5m 51s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3391 Time to finish 5m 51s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3390 Time to finish 5m 52s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3389 Time to finish 5m 51s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3388 Time to finish 5m 51s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3387 Time to finish 5m 51s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3386 Time to finish 5m 51s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3385 Time to finish 5m 51s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3384 Time to finish 5m 50s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3383 Time to finish 5m 50s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3382 Time to finish 5m 50s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3381 Time to finish 5m 50s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3380 Time to finish 5m 49s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3379 Time to finish 5m 49s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3378 Time to finish 5m 49s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3377 Time to finish 5m 49s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3376 Time to finish 5m 49s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3375 Time to finish 5m 49s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3374 Time to finish 5m 49s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3373 Time to finish 5m 49s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3372 Time to finish 5m 48s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3371 Time to finish 5m 48s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3370 Time to finish 5m 48s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3369 Time to finish 5m 48s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3368 Time to finish 5m 48s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3367 Time to finish 5m 47s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3366 Time to finish 5m 47s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3365 Time to finish 5m 47s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3364 Time to finish 5m 47s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3363 Time to finish 5m 46s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3362 Time to finish 5m 46s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3361 Time to finish 5m 46s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3360 Time to finish 5m 47s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3359 Time to finish 5m 47s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3358 Time to finish 5m 47s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3357 Time to finish 5m 47s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3356 Time to finish 5m 46s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3355 Time to finish 5m 46s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3354 Time to finish 5m 46s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3353 Time to finish 5m 46s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3352 Time to finish 5m 46s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3351 Time to finish 5m 45s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3350 Time to finish 5m 45s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3349 Time to finish 5m 45s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3348 Time to finish 5m 45s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3347 Time to finish 5m 44s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3346 Time to finish 5m 44s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3345 Time to finish 5m 45s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3344 Time to finish 5m 45s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3343 Time to finish 5m 44s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3342 Time to finish 5m 44s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3341 Time to finish 5m 44s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3340 Time to finish 5m 44s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3339 Time to finish 5m 44s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3338 Time to finish 5m 43s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3337 Time to finish 5m 43s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3336 Time to finish 5m 43s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3335 Time to finish 5m 43s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3334 Time to finish 5m 43s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3333 Time to finish 5m 42s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3332 Time to finish 5m 42s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3331 Time to finish 5m 42s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3330 Time to finish 5m 43s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3329 Time to finish 5m 42s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3328 Time to finish 5m 42s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3327 Time to finish 5m 42s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3326 Time to finish 5m 42s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3325 Time to finish 5m 42s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3324 Time to finish 5m 42s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3323 Time to finish 5m 41s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3322 Time to finish 5m 41s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3321 Time to finish 5m 41s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3320 Time to finish 5m 41s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3319 Time to finish 5m 41s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3318 Time to finish 5m 41s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3317 Time to finish 5m 40s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3316 Time to finish 5m 40s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3315 Time to finish 5m 41s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3314 Time to finish 5m 41s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3313 Time to finish 5m 40s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3312 Time to finish 5m 40s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3311 Time to finish 5m 40s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3310 Time to finish 5m 40s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3309 Time to finish 5m 40s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3308 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3307 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3306 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3305 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3304 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3303 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3302 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3301 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3300 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3299 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3298 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3297 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3296 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3295 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3294 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3293 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3292 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3291 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3290 Time to finish 5m 37s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3289 Time to finish 5m 37s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3288 Time to finish 5m 37s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3287 Time to finish 5m 37s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3286 Time to finish 5m 37s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3285 Time to finish 5m 37s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3284 Time to finish 5m 37s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3283 Time to finish 5m 37s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3282 Time to finish 5m 36s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3281 Time to finish 5m 36s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3280 Time to finish 5m 36s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3279 Time to finish 5m 36s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3278 Time to finish 5m 35s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3277 Time to finish 5m 36s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3276 Time to finish 5m 35s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3275 Time to finish 5m 35s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3274 Time to finish 5m 35s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3273 Time to finish 5m 35s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3272 Time to finish 5m 35s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3271 Time to finish 5m 34s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3270 Time to finish 5m 35s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3269 Time to finish 5m 35s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3268 Time to finish 5m 35s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3267 Time to finish 5m 35s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3266 Time to finish 5m 34s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3265 Time to finish 5m 34s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3264 Time to finish 5m 34s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3263 Time to finish 5m 34s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3262 Time to finish 5m 34s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3261 Time to finish 5m 34s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3260 Time to finish 5m 33s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3259 Time to finish 5m 33s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3258 Time to finish 5m 33s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3257 Time to finish 5m 33s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3256 Time to finish 5m 33s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3255 Time to finish 5m 33s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3254 Time to finish 5m 33s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3253 Time to finish 5m 33s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3252 Time to finish 5m 32s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3251 Time to finish 5m 32s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3250 Time to finish 5m 32s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3249 Time to finish 5m 32s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3248 Time to finish 5m 32s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3247 Time to finish 5m 31s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3246 Time to finish 5m 31s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3245 Time to finish 5m 31s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3244 Time to finish 5m 31s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3243 Time to finish 5m 31s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3242 Time to finish 5m 31s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3241 Time to finish 5m 30s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3240 Time to finish 5m 31s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3239 Time to finish 5m 31s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3238 Time to finish 5m 31s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3237 Time to finish 5m 31s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3236 Time to finish 5m 31s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3235 Time to finish 5m 30s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3234 Time to finish 5m 30s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3233 Time to finish 5m 30s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3232 Time to finish 5m 30s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3231 Time to finish 5m 30s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3230 Time to finish 5m 29s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3229 Time to finish 5m 29s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3228 Time to finish 5m 29s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3227 Time to finish 5m 29s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3226 Time to finish 5m 29s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3225 Time to finish 5m 29s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3224 Time to finish 5m 29s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3223 Time to finish 5m 29s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3222 Time to finish 5m 29s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3221 Time to finish 5m 28s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3220 Time to finish 5m 28s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3219 Time to finish 5m 28s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3218 Time to finish 5m 28s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3217 Time to finish 5m 28s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3216 Time to finish 5m 27s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3215 Time to finish 5m 27s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3214 Time to finish 5m 27s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3213 Time to finish 5m 27s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3212 Time to finish 5m 26s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3211 Time to finish 5m 26s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3210 Time to finish 5m 27s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3209 Time to finish 5m 26s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3208 Time to finish 5m 26s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3207 Time to finish 5m 26s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3206 Time to finish 5m 26s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3205 Time to finish 5m 26s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3204 Time to finish 5m 26s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3203 Time to finish 5m 25s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3202 Time to finish 5m 25s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3201 Time to finish 5m 25s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3200 Time to finish 5m 25s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3199 Time to finish 5m 25s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3198 Time to finish 5m 24s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3197 Time to finish 5m 24s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3196 Time to finish 5m 24s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3195 Time to finish 5m 25s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3194 Time to finish 5m 25s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3193 Time to finish 5m 24s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3192 Time to finish 5m 24s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3191 Time to finish 5m 24s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3190 Time to finish 5m 24s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3189 Time to finish 5m 24s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3188 Time to finish 5m 23s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3187 Time to finish 5m 23s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3186 Time to finish 5m 23s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3185 Time to finish 5m 23s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3184 Time to finish 5m 23s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3183 Time to finish 5m 22s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3182 Time to finish 5m 22s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3181 Time to finish 5m 22s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3180 Time to finish 5m 23s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3179 Time to finish 5m 23s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3178 Time to finish 5m 22s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3177 Time to finish 5m 22s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3176 Time to finish 5m 22s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3175 Time to finish 5m 22s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3174 Time to finish 5m 22s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3173 Time to finish 5m 22s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3172 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3171 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3170 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3169 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3168 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3167 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3166 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3165 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3164 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3163 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3162 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3161 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3160 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3159 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3158 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3157 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3156 Time to finish 5m 19s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3155 Time to finish 5m 19s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3154 Time to finish 5m 19s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3153 Time to finish 5m 19s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3152 Time to finish 5m 19s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3151 Time to finish 5m 19s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3150 Time to finish 5m 19s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3149 Time to finish 5m 19s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3148 Time to finish 5m 18s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3147 Time to finish 5m 18s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3146 Time to finish 5m 18s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3145 Time to finish 5m 18s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3144 Time to finish 5m 18s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3143 Time to finish 5m 17s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3142 Time to finish 5m 17s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3141 Time to finish 5m 17s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3140 Time to finish 5m 17s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3139 Time to finish 5m 17s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3138 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3137 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3136 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3135 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3134 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3133 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3132 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3131 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3130 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3129 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3128 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3127 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3126 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3125 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3124 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3123 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3122 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3121 Time to finish 5m 14s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3120 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3119 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3118 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3117 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3116 Time to finish 5m 14s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3115 Time to finish 5m 14s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3114 Time to finish 5m 14s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3113 Time to finish 5m 14s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3112 Time to finish 5m 14s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3111 Time to finish 5m 14s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3110 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3109 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3108 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3107 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3106 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3105 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3104 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3103 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3102 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3101 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3100 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3099 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3098 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3097 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3096 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3095 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3094 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3093 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3092 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3091 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3090 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3089 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3088 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3087 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3086 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3085 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3084 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3083 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3082 Time to finish 5m 9s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3081 Time to finish 5m 9s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3080 Time to finish 5m 9s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3079 Time to finish 5m 9s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3078 Time to finish 5m 9s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3077 Time to finish 5m 9s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3076 Time to finish 5m 9s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3075 Time to finish 5m 9s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3074 Time to finish 5m 9s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3073 Time to finish 5m 8s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3072 Time to finish 5m 8s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3071 Time to finish 5m 8s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3070 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3069 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3068 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3067 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3066 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3065 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3064 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3063 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3062 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3061 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3060 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3059 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3058 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3057 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3056 Time to finish 5m 6s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3055 Time to finish 5m 6s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3054 Time to finish 5m 6s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3053 Time to finish 5m 6s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3052 Time to finish 5m 6s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3051 Time to finish 5m 6s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3050 Time to finish 5m 5s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3049 Time to finish 5m 5s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3048 Time to finish 5m 5s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3047 Time to finish 5m 5s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3046 Time to finish 5m 5s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3045 Time to finish 5m 5s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3044 Time to finish 5m 5s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3043 Time to finish 5m 5s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3042 Time to finish 5m 4s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3041 Time to finish 5m 4s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3040 Time to finish 5m 4s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3039 Time to finish 5m 4s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3038 Time to finish 5m 4s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3037 Time to finish 5m 4s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3036 Time to finish 5m 4s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3035 Time to finish 5m 3s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3034 Time to finish 5m 3s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3033 Time to finish 5m 3s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3032 Time to finish 5m 3s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3031 Time to finish 5m 3s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3030 Time to finish 5m 3s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3029 Time to finish 5m 3s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3028 Time to finish 5m 3s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3027 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3026 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3025 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3024 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3023 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3022 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3021 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3020 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3019 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3018 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3017 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3016 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3015 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3014 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3013 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3012 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3011 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3010 Time to finish 5m 0s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3009 Time to finish 5m 0s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3008 Time to finish 5m 0s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3007 Time to finish 5m 0s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3006 Time to finish 5m 0s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3005 Time to finish 4m 59s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3004 Time to finish 4m 59s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3003 Time to finish 4m 59s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3002 Time to finish 4m 59s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3001 Time to finish 4m 59s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 3000 Time to finish 4m 59s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2999 Time to finish 4m 59s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2998 Time to finish 4m 59s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2997 Time to finish 4m 59s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2996 Time to finish 4m 59s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2995 Time to finish 4m 59s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2994 Time to finish 4m 58s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2993 Time to finish 4m 58s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2992 Time to finish 4m 58s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2991 Time to finish 4m 58s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2990 Time to finish 4m 58s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2989 Time to finish 4m 58s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2988 Time to finish 4m 58s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2987 Time to finish 4m 58s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2986 Time to finish 4m 57s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2985 Time to finish 4m 58s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2984 Time to finish 4m 58s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2983 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2982 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2981 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2980 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2979 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2978 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2977 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2976 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2975 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2974 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2973 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2972 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2971 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2970 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2969 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2968 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2967 Time to finish 4m 55s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2966 Time to finish 4m 55s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2965 Time to finish 4m 55s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2964 Time to finish 4m 55s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2963 Time to finish 4m 55s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2962 Time to finish 4m 55s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2961 Time to finish 4m 54s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2960 Time to finish 4m 54s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2959 Time to finish 4m 54s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2958 Time to finish 4m 54s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2957 Time to finish 4m 54s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2956 Time to finish 4m 54s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2955 Time to finish 4m 54s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2954 Time to finish 4m 54s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2953 Time to finish 4m 54s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2952 Time to finish 4m 54s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2951 Time to finish 4m 54s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2950 Time to finish 4m 53s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2949 Time to finish 4m 53s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2948 Time to finish 4m 53s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2947 Time to finish 4m 53s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2946 Time to finish 4m 53s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2945 Time to finish 4m 53s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2944 Time to finish 4m 53s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2943 Time to finish 4m 53s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2942 Time to finish 4m 52s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2941 Time to finish 4m 52s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2940 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2939 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2938 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2937 Time to finish 4m 52s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2936 Time to finish 4m 52s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2935 Time to finish 4m 52s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2934 Time to finish 4m 52s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2933 Time to finish 4m 52s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2932 Time to finish 4m 52s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2931 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2930 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2929 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2928 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2927 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2926 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2925 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2924 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2923 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2922 Time to finish 4m 50s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2921 Time to finish 4m 50s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2920 Time to finish 4m 50s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2919 Time to finish 4m 50s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2918 Time to finish 4m 50s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2917 Time to finish 4m 50s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2916 Time to finish 4m 50s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2915 Time to finish 4m 50s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2914 Time to finish 4m 49s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2913 Time to finish 4m 49s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2912 Time to finish 4m 49s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2911 Time to finish 4m 49s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2910 Time to finish 4m 49s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2909 Time to finish 4m 49s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2908 Time to finish 4m 49s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2907 Time to finish 4m 49s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2906 Time to finish 4m 49s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2905 Time to finish 4m 49s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2904 Time to finish 4m 48s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2903 Time to finish 4m 48s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2902 Time to finish 4m 48s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2901 Time to finish 4m 48s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2900 Time to finish 4m 48s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2899 Time to finish 4m 48s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2898 Time to finish 4m 47s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2897 Time to finish 4m 47s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2896 Time to finish 4m 47s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2895 Time to finish 4m 47s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2894 Time to finish 4m 47s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2893 Time to finish 4m 47s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2892 Time to finish 4m 47s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2891 Time to finish 4m 47s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2890 Time to finish 4m 47s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2889 Time to finish 4m 47s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2888 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2887 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2886 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2885 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2884 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2883 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2882 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2881 Time to finish 4m 45s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2880 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2879 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2878 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2877 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2876 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2875 Time to finish 4m 45s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2874 Time to finish 4m 45s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2873 Time to finish 4m 45s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2872 Time to finish 4m 45s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2871 Time to finish 4m 45s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2870 Time to finish 4m 45s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2869 Time to finish 4m 44s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2868 Time to finish 4m 44s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2867 Time to finish 4m 44s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2866 Time to finish 4m 44s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2865 Time to finish 4m 44s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2864 Time to finish 4m 44s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2863 Time to finish 4m 44s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2862 Time to finish 4m 44s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2861 Time to finish 4m 44s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2860 Time to finish 4m 43s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2859 Time to finish 4m 43s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2858 Time to finish 4m 43s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2857 Time to finish 4m 43s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2856 Time to finish 4m 43s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2855 Time to finish 4m 43s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2854 Time to finish 4m 42s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2853 Time to finish 4m 42s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2852 Time to finish 4m 42s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2851 Time to finish 4m 42s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2850 Time to finish 4m 42s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2849 Time to finish 4m 42s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2848 Time to finish 4m 42s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2847 Time to finish 4m 42s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2846 Time to finish 4m 42s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2845 Time to finish 4m 42s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2844 Time to finish 4m 41s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2843 Time to finish 4m 41s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2842 Time to finish 4m 41s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2841 Time to finish 4m 41s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2840 Time to finish 4m 41s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2839 Time to finish 4m 41s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2838 Time to finish 4m 41s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2837 Time to finish 4m 40s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2836 Time to finish 4m 40s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2835 Time to finish 4m 41s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2834 Time to finish 4m 40s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2833 Time to finish 4m 40s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2832 Time to finish 4m 40s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2831 Time to finish 4m 40s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2830 Time to finish 4m 40s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2829 Time to finish 4m 40s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2828 Time to finish 4m 39s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2827 Time to finish 4m 39s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2826 Time to finish 4m 39s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2825 Time to finish 4m 39s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2824 Time to finish 4m 39s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2823 Time to finish 4m 39s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2822 Time to finish 4m 39s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2821 Time to finish 4m 38s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2820 Time to finish 4m 39s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2819 Time to finish 4m 39s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2818 Time to finish 4m 39s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2817 Time to finish 4m 39s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2816 Time to finish 4m 38s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2815 Time to finish 4m 38s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2814 Time to finish 4m 38s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2813 Time to finish 4m 38s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2812 Time to finish 4m 38s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2811 Time to finish 4m 38s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2810 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2809 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2808 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2807 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2806 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2805 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2804 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2803 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2802 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2801 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2800 Time to finish 4m 36s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2799 Time to finish 4m 36s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2798 Time to finish 4m 36s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2797 Time to finish 4m 36s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2796 Time to finish 4m 36s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2795 Time to finish 4m 36s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2794 Time to finish 4m 36s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2793 Time to finish 4m 35s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2792 Time to finish 4m 35s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2791 Time to finish 4m 35s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2790 Time to finish 4m 35s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2789 Time to finish 4m 35s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2788 Time to finish 4m 35s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2787 Time to finish 4m 35s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2786 Time to finish 4m 35s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2785 Time to finish 4m 35s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2784 Time to finish 4m 34s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2783 Time to finish 4m 34s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2782 Time to finish 4m 34s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2781 Time to finish 4m 34s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2780 Time to finish 4m 34s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2779 Time to finish 4m 34s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2778 Time to finish 4m 34s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2777 Time to finish 4m 33s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2776 Time to finish 4m 33s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2775 Time to finish 4m 34s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2774 Time to finish 4m 33s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2773 Time to finish 4m 33s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2772 Time to finish 4m 33s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2771 Time to finish 4m 33s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2770 Time to finish 4m 33s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2769 Time to finish 4m 33s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2768 Time to finish 4m 33s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2767 Time to finish 4m 33s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2766 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2765 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2764 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2763 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2762 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2761 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2760 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2759 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2758 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2757 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2756 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2755 Time to finish 4m 31s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2754 Time to finish 4m 31s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2753 Time to finish 4m 31s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2752 Time to finish 4m 31s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2751 Time to finish 4m 31s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2750 Time to finish 4m 31s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2749 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2748 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2747 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2746 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2745 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2744 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2743 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2742 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2741 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2740 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2739 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2738 Time to finish 4m 29s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2737 Time to finish 4m 29s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2736 Time to finish 4m 29s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2735 Time to finish 4m 29s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2734 Time to finish 4m 29s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2733 Time to finish 4m 29s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2732 Time to finish 4m 29s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2731 Time to finish 4m 29s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2730 Time to finish 4m 29s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2729 Time to finish 4m 29s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2728 Time to finish 4m 28s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2727 Time to finish 4m 28s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2726 Time to finish 4m 28s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2725 Time to finish 4m 28s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2724 Time to finish 4m 28s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2723 Time to finish 4m 28s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2722 Time to finish 4m 28s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2721 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2720 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2719 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2718 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2717 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2716 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2715 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2714 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2713 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2712 Time to finish 4m 26s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2711 Time to finish 4m 26s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2710 Time to finish 4m 26s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2709 Time to finish 4m 26s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2708 Time to finish 4m 26s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2707 Time to finish 4m 26s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2706 Time to finish 4m 26s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2705 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2704 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2703 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2702 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2701 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2700 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2699 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2698 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2697 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2696 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2695 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2694 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2693 Time to finish 4m 24s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2692 Time to finish 4m 24s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2691 Time to finish 4m 24s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2690 Time to finish 4m 24s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2689 Time to finish 4m 24s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2688 Time to finish 4m 24s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2687 Time to finish 4m 24s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2686 Time to finish 4m 23s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2685 Time to finish 4m 24s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2684 Time to finish 4m 24s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2683 Time to finish 4m 24s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2682 Time to finish 4m 23s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2681 Time to finish 4m 23s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2680 Time to finish 4m 23s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2679 Time to finish 4m 23s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2678 Time to finish 4m 23s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2677 Time to finish 4m 23s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2676 Time to finish 4m 23s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2675 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2674 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2673 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2672 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2671 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2670 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2669 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2668 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2667 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2666 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2665 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2664 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2663 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2662 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2661 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2660 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2659 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2658 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2657 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2656 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2655 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2654 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2653 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2652 Time to finish 4m 20s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2651 Time to finish 4m 20s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2650 Time to finish 4m 20s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2649 Time to finish 4m 20s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2648 Time to finish 4m 20s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2647 Time to finish 4m 20s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2646 Time to finish 4m 20s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2645 Time to finish 4m 19s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2644 Time to finish 4m 19s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2643 Time to finish 4m 19s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2642 Time to finish 4m 19s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2641 Time to finish 4m 19s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2640 Time to finish 4m 19s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2639 Time to finish 4m 19s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2638 Time to finish 4m 19s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2637 Time to finish 4m 19s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2636 Time to finish 4m 19s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2635 Time to finish 4m 19s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2634 Time to finish 4m 19s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2633 Time to finish 4m 19s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2632 Time to finish 4m 18s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2631 Time to finish 4m 18s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2630 Time to finish 4m 18s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2629 Time to finish 4m 18s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2628 Time to finish 4m 18s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2627 Time to finish 4m 18s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2626 Time to finish 4m 18s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2625 Time to finish 4m 18s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2624 Time to finish 4m 18s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2623 Time to finish 4m 18s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2622 Time to finish 4m 17s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2621 Time to finish 4m 17s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2620 Time to finish 4m 17s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2619 Time to finish 4m 17s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2618 Time to finish 4m 17s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2617 Time to finish 4m 17s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2616 Time to finish 4m 17s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2615 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2614 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2613 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2612 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2611 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2610 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2609 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2608 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2607 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2606 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2605 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2604 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2603 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2602 Time to finish 4m 15s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2601 Time to finish 4m 15s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2600 Time to finish 4m 15s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2599 Time to finish 4m 15s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2598 Time to finish 4m 15s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2597 Time to finish 4m 15s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2596 Time to finish 4m 15s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2595 Time to finish 4m 15s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2594 Time to finish 4m 15s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2593 Time to finish 4m 15s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2592 Time to finish 4m 14s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2591 Time to finish 4m 14s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2590 Time to finish 4m 14s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2589 Time to finish 4m 14s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2588 Time to finish 4m 14s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2587 Time to finish 4m 14s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2586 Time to finish 4m 14s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2585 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2584 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2583 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2582 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2581 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2580 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2579 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2578 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2577 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2576 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2575 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2574 Time to finish 4m 12s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2573 Time to finish 4m 12s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2572 Time to finish 4m 12s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2571 Time to finish 4m 12s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2570 Time to finish 4m 12s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2569 Time to finish 4m 12s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2568 Time to finish 4m 12s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2567 Time to finish 4m 12s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2566 Time to finish 4m 11s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2565 Time to finish 4m 12s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2564 Time to finish 4m 11s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2563 Time to finish 4m 11s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2562 Time to finish 4m 11s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2561 Time to finish 4m 11s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2560 Time to finish 4m 11s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2559 Time to finish 4m 11s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2558 Time to finish 4m 11s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2557 Time to finish 4m 10s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2556 Time to finish 4m 10s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2555 Time to finish 4m 10s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2554 Time to finish 4m 10s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2553 Time to finish 4m 10s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2552 Time to finish 4m 10s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2551 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2550 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2549 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2548 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2547 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2546 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2545 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2544 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2543 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2542 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2541 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2540 Time to finish 4m 8s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2539 Time to finish 4m 8s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2538 Time to finish 4m 8s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2537 Time to finish 4m 8s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2536 Time to finish 4m 8s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2535 Time to finish 4m 8s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2534 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2533 Time to finish 4m 8s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2532 Time to finish 4m 8s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2531 Time to finish 4m 8s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2530 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2529 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2528 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2527 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2526 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2525 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2524 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2523 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2522 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2521 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2520 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2519 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2518 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2517 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2516 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2515 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2514 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2513 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2512 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2511 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2510 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2509 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2508 Time to finish 4m 9s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2507 Time to finish 4m 9s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2506 Time to finish 4m 9s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2505 Time to finish 4m 9s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2504 Time to finish 4m 9s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2503 Time to finish 4m 9s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2502 Time to finish 4m 9s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2501 Time to finish 4m 9s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2500 Time to finish 4m 9s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2499 Time to finish 4m 9s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2498 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2497 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2496 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2495 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2494 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2493 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2492 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2491 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2490 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2489 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2488 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2487 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2486 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2485 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2484 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2483 Time to finish 4m 7s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2482 Time to finish 4m 7s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2481 Time to finish 4m 7s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2480 Time to finish 4m 7s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2479 Time to finish 4m 7s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2478 Time to finish 4m 7s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2477 Time to finish 4m 7s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2476 Time to finish 4m 7s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2475 Time to finish 4m 7s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2474 Time to finish 4m 7s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2473 Time to finish 4m 7s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2472 Time to finish 4m 7s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2471 Time to finish 4m 7s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2470 Time to finish 4m 6s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2469 Time to finish 4m 6s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2468 Time to finish 4m 6s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2467 Time to finish 4m 6s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2466 Time to finish 4m 6s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2465 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2464 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2463 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2462 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2461 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2460 Time to finish 4m 7s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2459 Time to finish 4m 7s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2458 Time to finish 4m 7s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2457 Time to finish 4m 7s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2456 Time to finish 4m 7s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2455 Time to finish 4m 7s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2454 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2453 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2452 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2451 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2450 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2449 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2448 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2447 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2446 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2445 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2444 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2443 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2442 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2441 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2440 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2439 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2438 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2437 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2436 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2435 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2434 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2433 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2432 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2431 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2430 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2429 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2428 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2427 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2426 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2425 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2424 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2423 Time to finish 4m 4s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2422 Time to finish 4m 4s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2421 Time to finish 4m 4s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2420 Time to finish 4m 4s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2419 Time to finish 4m 4s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2418 Time to finish 4m 4s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2417 Time to finish 4m 4s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2416 Time to finish 4m 3s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2415 Time to finish 4m 4s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2414 Time to finish 4m 3s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2413 Time to finish 4m 3s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2412 Time to finish 4m 3s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2411 Time to finish 4m 3s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2410 Time to finish 4m 3s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2409 Time to finish 4m 3s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2408 Time to finish 4m 3s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2407 Time to finish 4m 3s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2406 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2405 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2404 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2403 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2402 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2401 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2400 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2399 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2398 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2397 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2396 Time to finish 4m 1s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2395 Time to finish 4m 1s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2394 Time to finish 4m 1s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2393 Time to finish 4m 1s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2392 Time to finish 4m 1s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2391 Time to finish 4m 1s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2390 Time to finish 4m 1s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2389 Time to finish 4m 1s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2388 Time to finish 4m 1s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2387 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2386 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2385 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2384 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2383 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2382 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2381 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2380 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2379 Time to finish 4m 0s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2378 Time to finish 3m 59s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2377 Time to finish 3m 59s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2376 Time to finish 3m 59s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2375 Time to finish 3m 59s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2374 Time to finish 3m 59s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2373 Time to finish 3m 59s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2372 Time to finish 3m 59s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2371 Time to finish 3m 59s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2370 Time to finish 3m 59s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2369 Time to finish 3m 59s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2368 Time to finish 3m 58s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2367 Time to finish 3m 58s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2366 Time to finish 3m 58s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2365 Time to finish 3m 58s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2364 Time to finish 3m 58s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2363 Time to finish 3m 58s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2362 Time to finish 3m 58s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2361 Time to finish 3m 58s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2360 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2359 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2358 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2357 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2356 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2355 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2354 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2353 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2352 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2351 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2350 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2349 Time to finish 3m 56s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2348 Time to finish 3m 56s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2347 Time to finish 3m 56s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2346 Time to finish 3m 56s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2345 Time to finish 3m 56s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2344 Time to finish 3m 56s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2343 Time to finish 3m 56s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2342 Time to finish 3m 55s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2341 Time to finish 3m 55s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2340 Time to finish 3m 56s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2339 Time to finish 3m 55s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2338 Time to finish 3m 55s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2337 Time to finish 3m 55s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2336 Time to finish 3m 55s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2335 Time to finish 3m 55s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2334 Time to finish 3m 55s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2333 Time to finish 3m 55s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2332 Time to finish 3m 55s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2331 Time to finish 3m 54s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2330 Time to finish 3m 54s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2329 Time to finish 3m 54s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2328 Time to finish 3m 54s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2327 Time to finish 3m 54s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2326 Time to finish 3m 54s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2325 Time to finish 3m 54s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2324 Time to finish 3m 54s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2323 Time to finish 3m 54s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2322 Time to finish 3m 54s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2321 Time to finish 3m 54s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2320 Time to finish 3m 54s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2319 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2318 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2317 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2316 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2315 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2314 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2313 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2312 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2311 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2310 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2309 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2308 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2307 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2306 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2305 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2304 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2303 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2302 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2301 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2300 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2299 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2298 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2297 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2296 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2295 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2294 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2293 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2292 Time to finish 3m 52s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2291 Time to finish 3m 52s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2290 Time to finish 3m 52s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2289 Time to finish 3m 52s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2288 Time to finish 3m 52s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2287 Time to finish 3m 52s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2286 Time to finish 3m 52s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2285 Time to finish 3m 52s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2284 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2283 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2282 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2281 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2280 Time to finish 3m 52s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2279 Time to finish 3m 52s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2278 Time to finish 3m 52s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2277 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2276 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2275 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2274 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2273 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2272 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2271 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2270 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2269 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2268 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2267 Time to finish 3m 50s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2266 Time to finish 3m 50s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2265 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2264 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2263 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2262 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2261 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2260 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2259 Time to finish 3m 50s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2258 Time to finish 3m 50s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2257 Time to finish 3m 50s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2256 Time to finish 3m 50s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2255 Time to finish 3m 50s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2254 Time to finish 3m 50s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2253 Time to finish 3m 50s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2252 Time to finish 3m 50s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2251 Time to finish 3m 50s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2250 Time to finish 3m 51s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2249 Time to finish 3m 51s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2248 Time to finish 3m 51s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2247 Time to finish 3m 51s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2246 Time to finish 3m 51s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2245 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2244 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2243 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2242 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2241 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2240 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2239 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2238 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2237 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2236 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2235 Time to finish 3m 53s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2234 Time to finish 3m 53s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2233 Time to finish 3m 53s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2232 Time to finish 3m 53s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2231 Time to finish 3m 53s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2230 Time to finish 3m 53s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2229 Time to finish 3m 53s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2228 Time to finish 3m 53s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2227 Time to finish 3m 53s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2226 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2225 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2224 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2223 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2222 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2221 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2220 Time to finish 3m 54s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2219 Time to finish 3m 54s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2218 Time to finish 3m 53s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2217 Time to finish 3m 53s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2216 Time to finish 3m 53s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2215 Time to finish 3m 53s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2214 Time to finish 3m 53s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2213 Time to finish 3m 53s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2212 Time to finish 3m 53s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2211 Time to finish 3m 53s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2210 Time to finish 3m 53s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2209 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2208 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2207 Time to finish 3m 52s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2206 Time to finish 3m 52s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2205 Time to finish 3m 52s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2204 Time to finish 3m 52s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2203 Time to finish 3m 52s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2202 Time to finish 3m 52s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2201 Time to finish 3m 52s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2200 Time to finish 3m 52s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2199 Time to finish 3m 52s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2198 Time to finish 3m 52s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2197 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2196 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2195 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2194 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2193 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2192 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2191 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2190 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2189 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2188 Time to finish 3m 50s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2187 Time to finish 3m 50s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2186 Time to finish 3m 50s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2185 Time to finish 3m 50s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2184 Time to finish 3m 50s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2183 Time to finish 3m 50s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2182 Time to finish 3m 50s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2181 Time to finish 3m 49s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2180 Time to finish 3m 49s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2179 Time to finish 3m 49s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2178 Time to finish 3m 49s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2177 Time to finish 3m 49s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2176 Time to finish 3m 49s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2175 Time to finish 3m 52s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2174 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2173 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2172 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2171 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2170 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2169 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2168 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2167 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2166 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2165 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2164 Time to finish 3m 51s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2163 Time to finish 3m 51s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2162 Time to finish 3m 51s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2161 Time to finish 3m 51s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2160 Time to finish 3m 56s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2159 Time to finish 3m 56s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2158 Time to finish 3m 56s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2157 Time to finish 3m 56s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2156 Time to finish 3m 56s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2155 Time to finish 3m 56s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2154 Time to finish 3m 55s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2153 Time to finish 3m 55s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2152 Time to finish 3m 55s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2151 Time to finish 3m 55s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2150 Time to finish 3m 55s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2149 Time to finish 3m 55s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2148 Time to finish 3m 55s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2147 Time to finish 3m 55s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2146 Time to finish 3m 54s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2145 Time to finish 3m 56s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2144 Time to finish 3m 57s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2143 Time to finish 3m 57s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2142 Time to finish 3m 57s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2141 Time to finish 3m 57s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2140 Time to finish 3m 57s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2139 Time to finish 3m 57s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2138 Time to finish 3m 57s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2137 Time to finish 3m 57s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2136 Time to finish 3m 58s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2135 Time to finish 3m 58s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2134 Time to finish 3m 58s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2133 Time to finish 3m 58s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2132 Time to finish 3m 58s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2131 Time to finish 3m 58s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2130 Time to finish 4m 1s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2129 Time to finish 4m 1s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2128 Time to finish 4m 1s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2127 Time to finish 4m 1s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2126 Time to finish 4m 1s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2125 Time to finish 4m 1s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2124 Time to finish 4m 1s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2123 Time to finish 4m 0s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2122 Time to finish 4m 0s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2121 Time to finish 4m 0s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2120 Time to finish 4m 0s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2119 Time to finish 4m 0s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2118 Time to finish 4m 0s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2117 Time to finish 4m 0s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2116 Time to finish 4m 0s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2115 Time to finish 4m 0s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2114 Time to finish 3m 59s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2113 Time to finish 3m 59s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2112 Time to finish 3m 59s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2111 Time to finish 3m 59s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2110 Time to finish 3m 59s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2109 Time to finish 3m 59s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2108 Time to finish 3m 59s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2107 Time to finish 3m 59s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2106 Time to finish 3m 58s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2105 Time to finish 3m 58s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2104 Time to finish 3m 58s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2103 Time to finish 3m 58s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2102 Time to finish 3m 58s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2101 Time to finish 3m 58s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2100 Time to finish 3m 58s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2099 Time to finish 3m 58s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2098 Time to finish 3m 58s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2097 Time to finish 3m 58s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2096 Time to finish 3m 58s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2095 Time to finish 3m 58s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2094 Time to finish 3m 57s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2093 Time to finish 3m 57s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2092 Time to finish 3m 57s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2091 Time to finish 3m 57s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2090 Time to finish 3m 57s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2089 Time to finish 3m 57s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2088 Time to finish 3m 57s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2087 Time to finish 3m 57s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2086 Time to finish 3m 57s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2085 Time to finish 3m 57s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2084 Time to finish 3m 57s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2083 Time to finish 3m 57s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2082 Time to finish 3m 56s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2081 Time to finish 3m 56s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2080 Time to finish 3m 56s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2079 Time to finish 3m 56s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2078 Time to finish 3m 56s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2077 Time to finish 3m 56s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2076 Time to finish 3m 56s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2075 Time to finish 3m 55s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2074 Time to finish 3m 55s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2073 Time to finish 3m 55s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2072 Time to finish 3m 55s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2071 Time to finish 3m 55s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2070 Time to finish 3m 55s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2069 Time to finish 3m 55s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2068 Time to finish 3m 55s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2067 Time to finish 3m 55s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2066 Time to finish 3m 55s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2065 Time to finish 3m 54s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2064 Time to finish 3m 54s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2063 Time to finish 3m 54s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2062 Time to finish 3m 54s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2061 Time to finish 3m 54s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2060 Time to finish 3m 54s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2059 Time to finish 3m 53s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2058 Time to finish 3m 53s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2057 Time to finish 3m 53s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2056 Time to finish 3m 53s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2055 Time to finish 3m 53s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2054 Time to finish 3m 53s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2053 Time to finish 3m 53s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2052 Time to finish 3m 53s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2051 Time to finish 3m 53s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2050 Time to finish 3m 52s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2049 Time to finish 3m 52s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2048 Time to finish 3m 52s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2047 Time to finish 3m 52s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2046 Time to finish 3m 52s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2045 Time to finish 3m 52s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2044 Time to finish 3m 52s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2043 Time to finish 3m 52s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2042 Time to finish 3m 51s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2041 Time to finish 3m 51s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2040 Time to finish 3m 51s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2039 Time to finish 3m 51s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2038 Time to finish 3m 51s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2037 Time to finish 3m 51s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2036 Time to finish 3m 51s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2035 Time to finish 3m 51s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2034 Time to finish 3m 51s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2033 Time to finish 3m 50s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2032 Time to finish 3m 50s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2031 Time to finish 3m 50s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2030 Time to finish 3m 50s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2029 Time to finish 3m 50s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2028 Time to finish 3m 50s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2027 Time to finish 3m 50s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2026 Time to finish 3m 49s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2025 Time to finish 3m 49s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2024 Time to finish 3m 49s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2023 Time to finish 3m 49s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2022 Time to finish 3m 49s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2021 Time to finish 3m 49s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2020 Time to finish 3m 49s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2019 Time to finish 3m 49s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2018 Time to finish 3m 49s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2017 Time to finish 3m 48s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2016 Time to finish 3m 48s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2015 Time to finish 3m 48s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2014 Time to finish 3m 48s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2013 Time to finish 3m 48s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2012 Time to finish 3m 48s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2011 Time to finish 3m 48s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2010 Time to finish 3m 48s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2009 Time to finish 3m 47s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2008 Time to finish 3m 47s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2007 Time to finish 3m 47s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2006 Time to finish 3m 47s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2005 Time to finish 3m 47s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2004 Time to finish 3m 47s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2003 Time to finish 3m 47s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 2002 Time to finish 3m 46s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 2001 Time to finish 3m 46s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 2000 Time to finish 3m 46s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 1999 Time to finish 3m 46s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1998 Time to finish 3m 46s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1997 Time to finish 3m 46s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1996 Time to finish 3m 46s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1995 Time to finish 3m 46s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1994 Time to finish 3m 46s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1993 Time to finish 3m 45s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1992 Time to finish 3m 45s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1991 Time to finish 3m 45s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1990 Time to finish 3m 45s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1989 Time to finish 3m 45s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1988 Time to finish 3m 45s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1987 Time to finish 3m 44s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1986 Time to finish 3m 44s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1985 Time to finish 3m 44s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1984 Time to finish 3m 44s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1983 Time to finish 3m 44s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1982 Time to finish 3m 44s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1981 Time to finish 3m 44s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1980 Time to finish 3m 44s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1979 Time to finish 3m 44s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1978 Time to finish 3m 44s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1977 Time to finish 3m 43s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1976 Time to finish 3m 43s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1975 Time to finish 3m 43s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1974 Time to finish 3m 43s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1973 Time to finish 3m 43s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1972 Time to finish 3m 43s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1971 Time to finish 3m 43s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1970 Time to finish 3m 43s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1969 Time to finish 3m 43s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1968 Time to finish 3m 42s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1967 Time to finish 3m 42s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1966 Time to finish 3m 42s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1965 Time to finish 3m 42s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1964 Time to finish 3m 42s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1963 Time to finish 3m 42s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1962 Time to finish 3m 42s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1961 Time to finish 3m 42s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1960 Time to finish 3m 42s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1959 Time to finish 3m 41s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1958 Time to finish 3m 41s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1957 Time to finish 3m 41s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1956 Time to finish 3m 41s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1955 Time to finish 3m 41s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1954 Time to finish 3m 41s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1953 Time to finish 3m 41s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1952 Time to finish 3m 40s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1951 Time to finish 3m 40s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1950 Time to finish 3m 40s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1949 Time to finish 3m 40s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1948 Time to finish 3m 40s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1947 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1946 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1945 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1944 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1943 Time to finish 3m 39s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1942 Time to finish 3m 39s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1941 Time to finish 3m 39s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1940 Time to finish 3m 39s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1939 Time to finish 3m 39s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1938 Time to finish 3m 39s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1937 Time to finish 3m 39s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1936 Time to finish 3m 38s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1935 Time to finish 3m 38s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1934 Time to finish 3m 38s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1933 Time to finish 3m 38s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1932 Time to finish 3m 38s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1931 Time to finish 3m 38s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1930 Time to finish 3m 38s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1929 Time to finish 3m 38s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1928 Time to finish 3m 37s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1927 Time to finish 3m 37s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1926 Time to finish 3m 37s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1925 Time to finish 3m 37s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1924 Time to finish 3m 37s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1923 Time to finish 3m 37s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1922 Time to finish 3m 36s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1921 Time to finish 3m 36s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1920 Time to finish 3m 36s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1919 Time to finish 3m 36s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1918 Time to finish 3m 36s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1917 Time to finish 3m 36s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1916 Time to finish 3m 36s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1915 Time to finish 3m 36s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1914 Time to finish 3m 36s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1913 Time to finish 3m 35s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1912 Time to finish 3m 35s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1911 Time to finish 3m 35s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1910 Time to finish 3m 35s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1909 Time to finish 3m 35s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1908 Time to finish 3m 35s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1907 Time to finish 3m 35s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1906 Time to finish 3m 34s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1905 Time to finish 3m 34s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1904 Time to finish 3m 34s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1903 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1902 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1901 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1900 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1899 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1898 Time to finish 3m 33s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1897 Time to finish 3m 33s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1896 Time to finish 3m 33s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1895 Time to finish 3m 33s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1894 Time to finish 3m 33s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1893 Time to finish 3m 33s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1892 Time to finish 3m 33s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1891 Time to finish 3m 32s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1890 Time to finish 3m 32s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1889 Time to finish 3m 32s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1888 Time to finish 3m 32s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1887 Time to finish 3m 32s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1886 Time to finish 3m 32s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1885 Time to finish 3m 32s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1884 Time to finish 3m 32s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1883 Time to finish 3m 31s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1882 Time to finish 3m 31s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1881 Time to finish 3m 31s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1880 Time to finish 3m 31s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1879 Time to finish 3m 31s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1878 Time to finish 3m 31s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1877 Time to finish 3m 31s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1876 Time to finish 3m 30s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1875 Time to finish 3m 30s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1874 Time to finish 3m 30s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1873 Time to finish 3m 30s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1872 Time to finish 3m 30s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1871 Time to finish 3m 30s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1870 Time to finish 3m 30s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1869 Time to finish 3m 30s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1868 Time to finish 3m 29s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1867 Time to finish 3m 29s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1866 Time to finish 3m 29s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1865 Time to finish 3m 29s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1864 Time to finish 3m 29s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1863 Time to finish 3m 29s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1862 Time to finish 3m 29s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1861 Time to finish 3m 29s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1860 Time to finish 3m 29s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1859 Time to finish 3m 29s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1858 Time to finish 3m 28s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1857 Time to finish 3m 28s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1856 Time to finish 3m 28s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1855 Time to finish 3m 28s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1854 Time to finish 3m 28s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1853 Time to finish 3m 28s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1852 Time to finish 3m 28s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1851 Time to finish 3m 27s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1850 Time to finish 3m 27s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1849 Time to finish 3m 27s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1848 Time to finish 3m 27s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1847 Time to finish 3m 27s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1846 Time to finish 3m 27s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1845 Time to finish 3m 27s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1844 Time to finish 3m 27s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1843 Time to finish 3m 27s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1842 Time to finish 3m 26s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1841 Time to finish 3m 26s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1840 Time to finish 3m 26s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1839 Time to finish 3m 26s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1838 Time to finish 3m 26s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1837 Time to finish 3m 26s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1836 Time to finish 3m 26s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1835 Time to finish 3m 26s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1834 Time to finish 3m 26s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1833 Time to finish 3m 25s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1832 Time to finish 3m 25s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1831 Time to finish 3m 25s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1830 Time to finish 3m 25s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1829 Time to finish 3m 25s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1828 Time to finish 3m 25s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1827 Time to finish 3m 25s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1826 Time to finish 3m 25s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1825 Time to finish 3m 25s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1824 Time to finish 3m 25s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1823 Time to finish 3m 24s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1822 Time to finish 3m 24s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1821 Time to finish 3m 24s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1820 Time to finish 3m 24s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1819 Time to finish 3m 24s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1818 Time to finish 3m 24s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1817 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1816 Time to finish 3m 23s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1815 Time to finish 3m 27s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1814 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1813 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1812 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1811 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1810 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1809 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1808 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1807 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1806 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1805 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1804 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1803 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1802 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1801 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1800 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1799 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1798 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1797 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1796 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1795 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1794 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1793 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1792 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1791 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1790 Time to finish 3m 23s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1789 Time to finish 3m 23s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1788 Time to finish 3m 23s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1787 Time to finish 3m 23s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1786 Time to finish 3m 23s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1785 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1784 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1783 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1782 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1781 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1780 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1779 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1778 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1777 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1776 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1775 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1774 Time to finish 3m 24s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1773 Time to finish 3m 24s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1772 Time to finish 3m 24s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1771 Time to finish 3m 24s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1770 Time to finish 3m 26s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1769 Time to finish 3m 26s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1768 Time to finish 3m 26s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1767 Time to finish 3m 26s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1766 Time to finish 3m 26s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1765 Time to finish 3m 26s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1764 Time to finish 3m 26s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1763 Time to finish 3m 26s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1762 Time to finish 3m 25s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1761 Time to finish 3m 25s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1760 Time to finish 3m 25s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1759 Time to finish 3m 25s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1758 Time to finish 3m 25s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1757 Time to finish 3m 25s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1756 Time to finish 3m 25s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1755 Time to finish 3m 25s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1754 Time to finish 3m 25s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1753 Time to finish 3m 24s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1752 Time to finish 3m 24s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1751 Time to finish 3m 24s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1750 Time to finish 3m 24s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1749 Time to finish 3m 24s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1748 Time to finish 3m 24s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1747 Time to finish 3m 24s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1746 Time to finish 3m 23s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1745 Time to finish 3m 23s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1744 Time to finish 3m 23s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1743 Time to finish 3m 23s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1742 Time to finish 3m 23s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1741 Time to finish 3m 23s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1740 Time to finish 3m 23s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1739 Time to finish 3m 23s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1738 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1737 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1736 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1735 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1734 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1733 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1732 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1731 Time to finish 3m 21s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1730 Time to finish 3m 21s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1729 Time to finish 3m 21s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1728 Time to finish 3m 21s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1727 Time to finish 3m 21s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1726 Time to finish 3m 21s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1725 Time to finish 3m 21s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1724 Time to finish 3m 21s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1723 Time to finish 3m 20s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1722 Time to finish 3m 20s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1721 Time to finish 3m 20s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1720 Time to finish 3m 20s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1719 Time to finish 3m 20s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1718 Time to finish 3m 20s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1717 Time to finish 3m 20s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1716 Time to finish 3m 20s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1715 Time to finish 3m 19s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1714 Time to finish 3m 19s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1713 Time to finish 3m 19s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1712 Time to finish 3m 19s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1711 Time to finish 3m 19s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1710 Time to finish 3m 19s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1709 Time to finish 3m 19s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1708 Time to finish 3m 19s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1707 Time to finish 3m 18s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1706 Time to finish 3m 18s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1705 Time to finish 3m 18s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1704 Time to finish 3m 18s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1703 Time to finish 3m 18s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1702 Time to finish 3m 18s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1701 Time to finish 3m 18s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1700 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1699 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1698 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1697 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1696 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1695 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1694 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1693 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1692 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1691 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1690 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1689 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1688 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1687 Time to finish 3m 16s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1686 Time to finish 3m 16s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1685 Time to finish 3m 15s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1684 Time to finish 3m 15s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1683 Time to finish 3m 15s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1682 Time to finish 3m 15s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1681 Time to finish 3m 15s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1680 Time to finish 3m 15s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1679 Time to finish 3m 15s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1678 Time to finish 3m 15s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1677 Time to finish 3m 15s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1676 Time to finish 3m 14s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1675 Time to finish 3m 14s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1674 Time to finish 3m 14s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1673 Time to finish 3m 14s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1672 Time to finish 3m 14s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1671 Time to finish 3m 14s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1670 Time to finish 3m 14s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1669 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1668 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1667 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1666 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1665 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1664 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1663 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1662 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1661 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1660 Time to finish 3m 12s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1659 Time to finish 3m 12s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1658 Time to finish 3m 12s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1657 Time to finish 3m 12s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1656 Time to finish 3m 12s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1655 Time to finish 3m 12s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1654 Time to finish 3m 12s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1653 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1652 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1651 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1650 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1649 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1648 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1647 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1646 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1645 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1644 Time to finish 3m 10s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1643 Time to finish 3m 10s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1642 Time to finish 3m 10s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1641 Time to finish 3m 10s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1640 Time to finish 3m 10s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1639 Time to finish 3m 10s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1638 Time to finish 3m 10s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1637 Time to finish 3m 9s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1636 Time to finish 3m 9s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1635 Time to finish 3m 9s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1634 Time to finish 3m 9s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1633 Time to finish 3m 9s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1632 Time to finish 3m 9s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1631 Time to finish 3m 9s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1630 Time to finish 3m 9s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1629 Time to finish 3m 8s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1628 Time to finish 3m 8s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1627 Time to finish 3m 8s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1626 Time to finish 3m 8s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1625 Time to finish 3m 8s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1624 Time to finish 3m 8s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1623 Time to finish 3m 8s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1622 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1621 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1620 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1619 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1618 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1617 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1616 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1615 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1614 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1613 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1612 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1611 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1610 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1609 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1608 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1607 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1606 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1605 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1604 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1603 Time to finish 3m 5s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1602 Time to finish 3m 5s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1601 Time to finish 3m 5s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1600 Time to finish 3m 5s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1599 Time to finish 3m 5s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1598 Time to finish 3m 5s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1597 Time to finish 3m 5s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1596 Time to finish 3m 4s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1595 Time to finish 3m 4s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1594 Time to finish 3m 4s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1593 Time to finish 3m 4s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1592 Time to finish 3m 4s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1591 Time to finish 3m 4s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1590 Time to finish 3m 4s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1589 Time to finish 3m 4s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1588 Time to finish 3m 3s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1587 Time to finish 3m 3s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1586 Time to finish 3m 3s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1585 Time to finish 3m 3s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1584 Time to finish 3m 3s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1583 Time to finish 3m 3s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1582 Time to finish 3m 3s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1581 Time to finish 3m 3s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1580 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1579 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1578 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1577 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1576 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1575 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1574 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1573 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1572 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1571 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1570 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1569 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1568 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1567 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1566 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1565 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1564 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1563 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1562 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1561 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1560 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1559 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1558 Time to finish 3m 0s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1557 Time to finish 3m 0s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1556 Time to finish 2m 59s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1555 Time to finish 2m 59s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1554 Time to finish 2m 59s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1553 Time to finish 2m 59s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1552 Time to finish 2m 59s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1551 Time to finish 2m 59s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1550 Time to finish 2m 59s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1549 Time to finish 2m 58s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1548 Time to finish 2m 58s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1547 Time to finish 2m 58s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1546 Time to finish 2m 58s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1545 Time to finish 2m 58s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1544 Time to finish 2m 58s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1543 Time to finish 2m 58s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1542 Time to finish 2m 58s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1541 Time to finish 2m 57s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1540 Time to finish 2m 57s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1539 Time to finish 2m 57s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1538 Time to finish 2m 57s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1537 Time to finish 2m 57s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1536 Time to finish 2m 57s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1535 Time to finish 2m 57s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1534 Time to finish 2m 57s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1533 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1532 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1531 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1530 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1529 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1528 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1527 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1526 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1525 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1524 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1523 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1522 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1521 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1520 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1519 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1518 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1517 Time to finish 2m 54s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1516 Time to finish 2m 54s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1515 Time to finish 2m 54s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1514 Time to finish 2m 54s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1513 Time to finish 2m 54s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1512 Time to finish 2m 54s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1511 Time to finish 2m 54s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1510 Time to finish 2m 54s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1509 Time to finish 2m 53s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1508 Time to finish 2m 53s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1507 Time to finish 2m 53s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1506 Time to finish 2m 53s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1505 Time to finish 2m 53s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1504 Time to finish 2m 53s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1503 Time to finish 2m 53s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1502 Time to finish 2m 52s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1501 Time to finish 2m 52s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1500 Time to finish 2m 52s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1499 Time to finish 2m 52s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1498 Time to finish 2m 52s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1497 Time to finish 2m 52s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1496 Time to finish 2m 52s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1495 Time to finish 2m 52s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1494 Time to finish 2m 52s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1493 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1492 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1491 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1490 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1489 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1488 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1487 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1486 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1485 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1484 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1483 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1482 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1481 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1480 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1479 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1478 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1477 Time to finish 2m 49s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1476 Time to finish 2m 49s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1475 Time to finish 2m 49s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1474 Time to finish 2m 49s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1473 Time to finish 2m 49s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1472 Time to finish 2m 49s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1471 Time to finish 2m 49s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1470 Time to finish 2m 49s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1469 Time to finish 2m 49s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1468 Time to finish 2m 48s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1467 Time to finish 2m 48s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1466 Time to finish 2m 48s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1465 Time to finish 2m 48s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1464 Time to finish 2m 48s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1463 Time to finish 2m 48s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1462 Time to finish 2m 48s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1461 Time to finish 2m 47s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1460 Time to finish 2m 47s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1459 Time to finish 2m 47s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1458 Time to finish 2m 47s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1457 Time to finish 2m 47s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1456 Time to finish 2m 47s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1455 Time to finish 2m 47s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1454 Time to finish 2m 47s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1453 Time to finish 2m 46s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1452 Time to finish 2m 46s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1451 Time to finish 2m 46s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1450 Time to finish 2m 46s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1449 Time to finish 2m 46s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1448 Time to finish 2m 46s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1447 Time to finish 2m 46s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1446 Time to finish 2m 46s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1445 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1444 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1443 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1442 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1441 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1440 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1439 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1438 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1437 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1436 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1435 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1434 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1433 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1432 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1431 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1430 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1429 Time to finish 2m 43s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1428 Time to finish 2m 43s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1427 Time to finish 2m 43s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1426 Time to finish 2m 43s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1425 Time to finish 2m 43s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1424 Time to finish 2m 43s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1423 Time to finish 2m 43s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1422 Time to finish 2m 43s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1421 Time to finish 2m 42s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1420 Time to finish 2m 42s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1419 Time to finish 2m 42s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1418 Time to finish 2m 42s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1417 Time to finish 2m 42s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1416 Time to finish 2m 42s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1415 Time to finish 2m 42s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1414 Time to finish 2m 42s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1413 Time to finish 2m 41s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1412 Time to finish 2m 41s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1411 Time to finish 2m 41s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1410 Time to finish 2m 41s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1409 Time to finish 2m 41s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1408 Time to finish 2m 41s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1407 Time to finish 2m 41s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1406 Time to finish 2m 41s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1405 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1404 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1403 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1402 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1401 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1400 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1399 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1398 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1397 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1396 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1395 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1394 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1393 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1392 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1391 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1390 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1389 Time to finish 2m 38s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1388 Time to finish 2m 38s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1387 Time to finish 2m 38s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1386 Time to finish 2m 38s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1385 Time to finish 2m 38s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1384 Time to finish 2m 38s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1383 Time to finish 2m 38s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1382 Time to finish 2m 38s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1381 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1380 Time to finish 2m 38s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1379 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1378 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1377 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1376 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1375 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1374 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1373 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1372 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1371 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1370 Time to finish 2m 36s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1369 Time to finish 2m 36s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1368 Time to finish 2m 36s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1367 Time to finish 2m 36s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1366 Time to finish 2m 36s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1365 Time to finish 2m 36s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1364 Time to finish 2m 36s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1363 Time to finish 2m 36s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1362 Time to finish 2m 36s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1361 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1360 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1359 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1358 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1357 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1356 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1355 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1354 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1353 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1352 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1351 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1350 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1349 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1348 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1347 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1346 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1345 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1344 Time to finish 2m 33s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1343 Time to finish 2m 33s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1342 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1341 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1340 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1339 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1338 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1337 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1336 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1335 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1334 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1333 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1332 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1331 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1330 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1329 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1328 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1327 Time to finish 2m 31s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1326 Time to finish 2m 31s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1325 Time to finish 2m 31s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1324 Time to finish 2m 31s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1323 Time to finish 2m 31s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1322 Time to finish 2m 31s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1321 Time to finish 2m 31s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1320 Time to finish 2m 31s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1319 Time to finish 2m 31s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1318 Time to finish 2m 30s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1317 Time to finish 2m 30s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1316 Time to finish 2m 30s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1315 Time to finish 2m 30s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1314 Time to finish 2m 30s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1313 Time to finish 2m 30s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1312 Time to finish 2m 30s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1311 Time to finish 2m 30s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1310 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1309 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1308 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1307 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1306 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1305 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1304 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1303 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1302 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1301 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1300 Time to finish 2m 28s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1299 Time to finish 2m 28s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1298 Time to finish 2m 28s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1297 Time to finish 2m 28s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1296 Time to finish 2m 28s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1295 Time to finish 2m 28s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1294 Time to finish 2m 28s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1293 Time to finish 2m 28s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1292 Time to finish 2m 27s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1291 Time to finish 2m 27s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1290 Time to finish 2m 27s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1289 Time to finish 2m 27s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1288 Time to finish 2m 27s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1287 Time to finish 2m 27s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1286 Time to finish 2m 27s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1285 Time to finish 2m 27s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1284 Time to finish 2m 27s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1283 Time to finish 2m 26s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1282 Time to finish 2m 26s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1281 Time to finish 2m 26s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1280 Time to finish 2m 26s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1279 Time to finish 2m 26s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1278 Time to finish 2m 26s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1277 Time to finish 2m 26s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1276 Time to finish 2m 26s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1275 Time to finish 2m 26s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1274 Time to finish 2m 25s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1273 Time to finish 2m 25s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1272 Time to finish 2m 25s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1271 Time to finish 2m 25s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1270 Time to finish 2m 25s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1269 Time to finish 2m 25s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1268 Time to finish 2m 25s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1267 Time to finish 2m 25s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1266 Time to finish 2m 24s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1265 Time to finish 2m 24s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1264 Time to finish 2m 24s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1263 Time to finish 2m 24s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1262 Time to finish 2m 24s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1261 Time to finish 2m 24s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1260 Time to finish 2m 24s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1259 Time to finish 2m 24s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1258 Time to finish 2m 24s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1257 Time to finish 2m 23s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1256 Time to finish 2m 23s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1255 Time to finish 2m 23s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1254 Time to finish 2m 23s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1253 Time to finish 2m 23s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1252 Time to finish 2m 23s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1251 Time to finish 2m 23s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1250 Time to finish 2m 23s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1249 Time to finish 2m 22s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1248 Time to finish 2m 22s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1247 Time to finish 2m 22s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1246 Time to finish 2m 22s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1245 Time to finish 2m 22s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1244 Time to finish 2m 22s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1243 Time to finish 2m 22s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1242 Time to finish 2m 22s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1241 Time to finish 2m 22s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1240 Time to finish 2m 21s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1239 Time to finish 2m 21s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1238 Time to finish 2m 21s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1237 Time to finish 2m 21s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1236 Time to finish 2m 21s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1235 Time to finish 2m 21s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1234 Time to finish 2m 21s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1233 Time to finish 2m 21s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1232 Time to finish 2m 20s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1231 Time to finish 2m 20s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1230 Time to finish 2m 20s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1229 Time to finish 2m 20s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1228 Time to finish 2m 20s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1227 Time to finish 2m 20s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1226 Time to finish 2m 20s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1225 Time to finish 2m 20s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1224 Time to finish 2m 20s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1223 Time to finish 2m 20s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1222 Time to finish 2m 19s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1221 Time to finish 2m 19s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1220 Time to finish 2m 19s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1219 Time to finish 2m 19s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1218 Time to finish 2m 19s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1217 Time to finish 2m 19s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1216 Time to finish 2m 19s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1215 Time to finish 2m 19s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1214 Time to finish 2m 19s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1213 Time to finish 2m 18s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1212 Time to finish 2m 18s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1211 Time to finish 2m 18s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1210 Time to finish 2m 18s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1209 Time to finish 2m 18s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1208 Time to finish 2m 18s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1207 Time to finish 2m 18s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1206 Time to finish 2m 18s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1205 Time to finish 2m 17s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1204 Time to finish 2m 17s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1203 Time to finish 2m 17s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1202 Time to finish 2m 17s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1201 Time to finish 2m 17s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1200 Time to finish 2m 17s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1199 Time to finish 2m 17s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1198 Time to finish 2m 17s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1197 Time to finish 2m 17s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1196 Time to finish 2m 16s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1195 Time to finish 2m 16s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1194 Time to finish 2m 16s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1193 Time to finish 2m 16s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1192 Time to finish 2m 16s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1191 Time to finish 2m 16s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1190 Time to finish 2m 16s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1189 Time to finish 2m 16s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1188 Time to finish 2m 15s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1187 Time to finish 2m 15s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1186 Time to finish 2m 15s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1185 Time to finish 2m 15s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1184 Time to finish 2m 15s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1183 Time to finish 2m 15s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1182 Time to finish 2m 15s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1181 Time to finish 2m 15s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1180 Time to finish 2m 15s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1179 Time to finish 2m 15s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1178 Time to finish 2m 14s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1177 Time to finish 2m 14s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1176 Time to finish 2m 14s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1175 Time to finish 2m 14s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1174 Time to finish 2m 14s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1173 Time to finish 2m 14s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1172 Time to finish 2m 14s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1171 Time to finish 2m 14s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1170 Time to finish 2m 14s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1169 Time to finish 2m 14s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1168 Time to finish 2m 14s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1167 Time to finish 2m 14s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1166 Time to finish 2m 14s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1165 Time to finish 2m 13s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1164 Time to finish 2m 13s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1163 Time to finish 2m 13s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1162 Time to finish 2m 13s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1161 Time to finish 2m 13s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1160 Time to finish 2m 13s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1159 Time to finish 2m 13s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1158 Time to finish 2m 13s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1157 Time to finish 2m 13s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1156 Time to finish 2m 12s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1155 Time to finish 2m 12s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1154 Time to finish 2m 12s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1153 Time to finish 2m 12s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1152 Time to finish 2m 12s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1151 Time to finish 2m 12s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1150 Time to finish 2m 12s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1149 Time to finish 2m 12s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1148 Time to finish 2m 12s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1147 Time to finish 2m 11s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1146 Time to finish 2m 11s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1145 Time to finish 2m 11s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1144 Time to finish 2m 11s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1143 Time to finish 2m 11s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1142 Time to finish 2m 11s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1141 Time to finish 2m 11s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1140 Time to finish 2m 11s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1139 Time to finish 2m 11s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1138 Time to finish 2m 11s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1137 Time to finish 2m 11s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1136 Time to finish 2m 11s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1135 Time to finish 2m 11s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1134 Time to finish 2m 11s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1133 Time to finish 2m 11s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1132 Time to finish 2m 10s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1131 Time to finish 2m 10s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1130 Time to finish 2m 10s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1129 Time to finish 2m 10s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1128 Time to finish 2m 10s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1127 Time to finish 2m 10s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1126 Time to finish 2m 10s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1125 Time to finish 2m 10s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1124 Time to finish 2m 10s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1123 Time to finish 2m 9s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1122 Time to finish 2m 9s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1121 Time to finish 2m 9s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1120 Time to finish 2m 9s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1119 Time to finish 2m 9s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1118 Time to finish 2m 9s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1117 Time to finish 2m 9s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1116 Time to finish 2m 9s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1115 Time to finish 2m 9s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1114 Time to finish 2m 8s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1113 Time to finish 2m 8s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1112 Time to finish 2m 8s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1111 Time to finish 2m 8s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1110 Time to finish 2m 8s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1109 Time to finish 2m 8s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1108 Time to finish 2m 8s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1107 Time to finish 2m 8s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1106 Time to finish 2m 8s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1105 Time to finish 2m 7s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1104 Time to finish 2m 7s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1103 Time to finish 2m 7s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1102 Time to finish 2m 7s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1101 Time to finish 2m 7s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1100 Time to finish 2m 7s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1099 Time to finish 2m 7s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1098 Time to finish 2m 7s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1097 Time to finish 2m 6s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1096 Time to finish 2m 6s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1095 Time to finish 2m 6s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1094 Time to finish 2m 6s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1093 Time to finish 2m 6s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1092 Time to finish 2m 6s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1091 Time to finish 2m 6s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1090 Time to finish 2m 6s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1089 Time to finish 2m 5s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1088 Time to finish 2m 5s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1087 Time to finish 2m 5s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1086 Time to finish 2m 5s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1085 Time to finish 2m 5s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1084 Time to finish 2m 5s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1083 Time to finish 2m 5s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1082 Time to finish 2m 5s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1081 Time to finish 2m 4s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1080 Time to finish 2m 4s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1079 Time to finish 2m 4s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1078 Time to finish 2m 4s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1077 Time to finish 2m 4s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1076 Time to finish 2m 4s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1075 Time to finish 2m 4s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1074 Time to finish 2m 4s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1073 Time to finish 2m 4s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1072 Time to finish 2m 3s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1071 Time to finish 2m 3s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1070 Time to finish 2m 3s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1069 Time to finish 2m 3s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1068 Time to finish 2m 3s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1067 Time to finish 2m 3s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1066 Time to finish 2m 3s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1065 Time to finish 2m 3s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1064 Time to finish 2m 3s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1063 Time to finish 2m 2s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1062 Time to finish 2m 2s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1061 Time to finish 2m 2s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1060 Time to finish 2m 2s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1059 Time to finish 2m 2s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1058 Time to finish 2m 2s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1057 Time to finish 2m 2s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1056 Time to finish 2m 2s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1055 Time to finish 2m 1s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1054 Time to finish 2m 1s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1053 Time to finish 2m 1s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1052 Time to finish 2m 1s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1051 Time to finish 2m 1s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1050 Time to finish 2m 1s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1049 Time to finish 2m 1s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1048 Time to finish 2m 1s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1047 Time to finish 2m 0s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1046 Time to finish 2m 0s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1045 Time to finish 2m 0s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1044 Time to finish 2m 0s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1043 Time to finish 2m 0s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1042 Time to finish 2m 0s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1041 Time to finish 2m 0s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1040 Time to finish 2m 0s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1039 Time to finish 1m 59s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1038 Time to finish 1m 59s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1037 Time to finish 1m 59s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1036 Time to finish 1m 59s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1035 Time to finish 1m 59s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1034 Time to finish 1m 59s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1033 Time to finish 1m 59s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1032 Time to finish 1m 59s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1031 Time to finish 1m 59s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1030 Time to finish 1m 58s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1029 Time to finish 1m 58s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1028 Time to finish 1m 58s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1027 ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 12:25:12.919357 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 6 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours Time to finish 1m 58s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1026 rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Time to finish 1m 58s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1025 Time to finish 1m 58s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1024 Time to finish 1m 58s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1023 Time to finish 1m 58s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1022 Time to finish 1m 57s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1021 Time to finish 1m 57s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1020 Time to finish 1m 57s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1019 Time to finish 1m 57s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1018 Time to finish 1m 57s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1017 Time to finish 1m 57s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1016 Time to finish 1m 57s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1015 Time to finish 1m 57s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1014 Time to finish 1m 56s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1013 Time to finish 1m 56s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1012 Time to finish 1m 56s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1011 Time to finish 1m 56s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1010 Time to finish 1m 56s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1009 Time to finish 1m 56s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1008 Time to finish 1m 56s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1007 Time to finish 1m 56s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1006 Time to finish 1m 56s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1005 Time to finish 1m 55s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1004 Time to finish 1m 55s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1003 Time to finish 1m 55s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1002 Time to finish 1m 55s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1001 Time to finish 1m 55s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 1000 Time to finish 1m 55s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 999 Time to finish 1m 55s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 998 Time to finish 1m 55s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 997 Time to finish 1m 54s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 996 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 995 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 994 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 993 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 992 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 991 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 990 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 989 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 988 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 987 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 986 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 985 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 984 Time to finish 1m 53s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 983 Time to finish 1m 53s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 982 Time to finish 1m 53s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 981 Time to finish 1m 53s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 980 Time to finish 1m 53s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 979 Time to finish 1m 53s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 978 Time to finish 1m 53s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 977 Time to finish 1m 53s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 976 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 975 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 974 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 973 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 972 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 971 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 970 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 969 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 968 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 967 Time to finish 1m 51s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 966 Time to finish 1m 51s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 965 Time to finish 1m 51s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 964 Time to finish 1m 51s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 963 Time to finish 1m 51s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 962 Time to finish 1m 51s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 961 Time to finish 1m 51s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 960 Time to finish 1m 51s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 959 Time to finish 1m 50s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 958 Time to finish 1m 50s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 957 Time to finish 1m 50s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 956 Time to finish 1m 50s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 955 Time to finish 1m 50s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 954 Time to finish 1m 50s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 953 Time to finish 1m 50s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 952 Time to finish 1m 50s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 951 Time to finish 1m 49s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 950 Time to finish 1m 49s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 949 Time to finish 1m 49s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 948 Time to finish 1m 49s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 947 Time to finish 1m 49s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 946 Time to finish 1m 49s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 945 Time to finish 1m 49s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 944 Time to finish 1m 49s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 943 Time to finish 1m 49s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 942 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 941 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 940 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 939 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 938 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 937 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 936 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 935 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 934 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 933 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 932 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 931 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 930 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 929 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 928 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 927 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 926 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 925 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 924 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 923 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 922 Time to finish 1m 46s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 921 Time to finish 1m 46s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 920 Time to finish 1m 46s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 919 Time to finish 1m 46s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 918 Time to finish 1m 46s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 917 Time to finish 1m 46s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 916 Time to finish 1m 46s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 915 Time to finish 1m 46s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 914 Time to finish 1m 46s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 913 Time to finish 1m 45s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 912 Time to finish 1m 45s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 911 Time to finish 1m 45s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 910 Time to finish 1m 45s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 909 Time to finish 1m 45s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 908 Time to finish 1m 45s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 907 Time to finish 1m 45s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 906 Time to finish 1m 45s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 905 Time to finish 1m 44s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 904 Time to finish 1m 44s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 903 Time to finish 1m 44s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 902 Time to finish 1m 44s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 901 Time to finish 1m 44s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 900 Time to finish 1m 44s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 899 Time to finish 1m 44s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 898 Time to finish 1m 44s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 897 Time to finish 1m 44s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 896 Time to finish 1m 43s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 895 Time to finish 1m 43s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 894 Time to finish 1m 43s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 893 Time to finish 1m 43s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 892 Time to finish 1m 43s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 891 Time to finish 1m 43s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 890 Time to finish 1m 43s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 889 Time to finish 1m 43s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 888 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 887 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 886 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 885 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 884 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 883 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 882 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 881 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 880 Time to finish 1m 41s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 879 Time to finish 1m 41s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 878 Time to finish 1m 41s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 877 Time to finish 1m 41s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 876 Time to finish 1m 41s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 875 Time to finish 1m 41s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 874 Time to finish 1m 41s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 873 Time to finish 1m 41s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 872 Time to finish 1m 41s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 871 Time to finish 1m 40s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 870 Time to finish 1m 40s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 869 Time to finish 1m 40s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 868 Time to finish 1m 40s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 867 Time to finish 1m 40s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 866 Time to finish 1m 40s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 865 Time to finish 1m 40s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 864 Time to finish 1m 40s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 863 Time to finish 1m 40s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 862 Time to finish 1m 39s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 861 Time to finish 1m 39s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 860 Time to finish 1m 39s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 859 Time to finish 1m 39s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 858 Time to finish 1m 39s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 857 Time to finish 1m 39s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 856 Time to finish 1m 39s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 855 Time to finish 1m 39s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 854 Time to finish 1m 38s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 853 Time to finish 1m 38s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 852 Time to finish 1m 38s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 851 Time to finish 1m 38s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 850 Time to finish 1m 38s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 849 Time to finish 1m 38s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 848 Time to finish 1m 38s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 847 Time to finish 1m 38s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 846 Time to finish 1m 38s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 845 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 844 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 843 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 842 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 841 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 840 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 839 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 838 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 837 Time to finish 1m 36s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 836 Time to finish 1m 36s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 835 Time to finish 1m 36s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 834 Time to finish 1m 36s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 833 Time to finish 1m 36s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 832 Time to finish 1m 36s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 831 Time to finish 1m 36s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 830 Time to finish 1m 36s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 829 Time to finish 1m 35s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 828 Time to finish 1m 35s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 827 Time to finish 1m 35s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 826 Time to finish 1m 35s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 825 Time to finish 1m 35s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 824 Time to finish 1m 35s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 823 Time to finish 1m 35s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 822 Time to finish 1m 35s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 821 Time to finish 1m 35s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 820 Time to finish 1m 35s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 819 Time to finish 1m 34s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 818 Time to finish 1m 34s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 817 Time to finish 1m 34s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 816 Time to finish 1m 34s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 815 Time to finish 1m 34s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 814 Time to finish 1m 34s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 813 Time to finish 1m 34s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 812 Time to finish 1m 34s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 811 Time to finish 1m 33s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 810 Time to finish 1m 33s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 809 Time to finish 1m 33s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 808 Time to finish 1m 33s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 807 Time to finish 1m 33s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 806 Time to finish 1m 33s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 805 Time to finish 1m 33s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 804 Time to finish 1m 33s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 803 Time to finish 1m 33s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 802 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 801 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 800 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 799 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 798 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 797 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 796 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 795 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 794 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 793 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 792 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 791 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 790 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 789 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 788 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 787 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 786 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 785 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 784 Time to finish 1m 30s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 783 Time to finish 1m 30s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 782 Time to finish 1m 30s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 781 Time to finish 1m 30s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 780 Time to finish 1m 30s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 779 Time to finish 1m 30s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 778 Time to finish 1m 30s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 777 Time to finish 1m 30s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 776 Time to finish 1m 30s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 775 Time to finish 1m 29s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 774 Time to finish 1m 29s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 773 Time to finish 1m 29s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 772 Time to finish 1m 29s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 771 Time to finish 1m 29s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 770 Time to finish 1m 29s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 769 Time to finish 1m 29s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 768 Time to finish 1m 29s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 767 Time to finish 1m 28s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 766 Time to finish 1m 28s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 765 Time to finish 1m 28s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 764 Time to finish 1m 28s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 763 Time to finish 1m 28s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 762 Time to finish 1m 28s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 761 Time to finish 1m 28s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 760 Time to finish 1m 28s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 759 Time to finish 1m 28s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 758 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 757 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 756 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 755 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 754 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 753 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 752 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 751 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 750 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 749 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 748 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 747 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 746 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 745 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 744 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 743 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 742 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 741 Time to finish 1m 25s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 740 Time to finish 1m 25s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 739 Time to finish 1m 25s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 738 Time to finish 1m 25s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 737 Time to finish 1m 25s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 736 Time to finish 1m 25s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 735 Time to finish 1m 25s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 734 Time to finish 1m 25s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 733 Time to finish 1m 25s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 732 Time to finish 1m 24s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 731 Time to finish 1m 24s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 730 Time to finish 1m 24s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 729 Time to finish 1m 24s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 728 Time to finish 1m 24s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 727 Time to finish 1m 24s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 726 Time to finish 1m 24s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 725 Time to finish 1m 24s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 724 Time to finish 1m 23s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 723 Time to finish 1m 23s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 722 Time to finish 1m 23s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 721 Time to finish 1m 23s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 720 Time to finish 1m 23s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 719 Time to finish 1m 23s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 718 Time to finish 1m 23s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 717 Time to finish 1m 23s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 716 Time to finish 1m 23s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 715 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 714 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 713 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 712 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 711 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 710 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 709 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 708 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 707 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 706 Time to finish 1m 21s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 705 Time to finish 1m 21s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 704 Time to finish 1m 21s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 703 Time to finish 1m 21s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 702 Time to finish 1m 21s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 701 Time to finish 1m 21s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 700 Time to finish 1m 21s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 699 Time to finish 1m 21s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 698 Time to finish 1m 21s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 697 Time to finish 1m 20s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 696 Time to finish 1m 20s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 695 Time to finish 1m 20s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 694 Time to finish 1m 20s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 693 Time to finish 1m 20s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 692 Time to finish 1m 20s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 691 Time to finish 1m 20s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 690 Time to finish 1m 20s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 689 Time to finish 1m 20s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 688 Time to finish 1m 19s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 687 Time to finish 1m 19s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 686 Time to finish 1m 19s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 685 Time to finish 1m 19s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 684 Time to finish 1m 19s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 683 Time to finish 1m 19s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 682 Time to finish 1m 19s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 681 Time to finish 1m 19s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 680 Time to finish 1m 18s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 679 Time to finish 1m 18s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 678 Time to finish 1m 18s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 677 Time to finish 1m 18s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 676 Time to finish 1m 18s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 675 Time to finish 1m 18s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 674 Time to finish 1m 18s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 673 Time to finish 1m 18s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 672 Time to finish 1m 18s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 671 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 670 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 669 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 668 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 667 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 666 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 665 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 664 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 663 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 662 Time to finish 1m 16s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 661 Time to finish 1m 16s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 660 Time to finish 1m 16s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 659 Time to finish 1m 16s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 658 Time to finish 1m 16s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 657 Time to finish 1m 16s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 656 Time to finish 1m 16s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 655 Time to finish 1m 16s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 654 Time to finish 1m 16s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 653 Time to finish 1m 15s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 652 Time to finish 1m 15s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 651 Time to finish 1m 15s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 650 Time to finish 1m 15s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 649 Time to finish 1m 15s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 648 Time to finish 1m 15s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 647 Time to finish 1m 15s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 646 Time to finish 1m 15s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 645 Time to finish 1m 14s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 644 Time to finish 1m 14s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 643 Time to finish 1m 14s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 642 Time to finish 1m 14s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 641 Time to finish 1m 14s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 640 Time to finish 1m 14s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 639 Time to finish 1m 14s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 638 Time to finish 1m 14s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 637 Time to finish 1m 14s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 636 Time to finish 1m 13s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 635 Time to finish 1m 13s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 634 Time to finish 1m 13s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 633 Time to finish 1m 13s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 632 Time to finish 1m 13s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 631 Time to finish 1m 13s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 630 Time to finish 1m 13s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 629 Time to finish 1m 13s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 628 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 627 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 626 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 625 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 624 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 623 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 622 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 621 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 620 Time to finish 1m 11s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 619 Time to finish 1m 11s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 618 Time to finish 1m 11s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 617 Time to finish 1m 11s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 616 Time to finish 1m 11s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 615 Time to finish 1m 11s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 614 Time to finish 1m 11s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 613 Time to finish 1m 11s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 612 Time to finish 1m 11s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 611 Time to finish 1m 10s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 610 Time to finish 1m 10s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 609 Time to finish 1m 10s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 608 Time to finish 1m 10s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 607 Time to finish 1m 10s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 606 Time to finish 1m 10s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 605 Time to finish 1m 10s, 86.0% completed, time 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Time to finish 17s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 151 Time to finish 17s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 150 Time to finish 17s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 149 Time to finish 17s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 148 Time to finish 17s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 147 Time to finish 17s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 146 Time to finish 17s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 145 Time to finish 16s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 144 Time to finish 16s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 143 Time to finish 16s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 142 Time to finish 16s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 141 Time to finish 16s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 140 Time to finish 16s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 139 Time to finish 16s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 138 Time to finish 16s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 137 Time to finish 16s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 136 Time to finish 15s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 135 Time to finish 15s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 134 Time to finish 15s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 133 Time to finish 15s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 132 Time to finish 15s, 97.0% completed, time steps left 131 Time to finish 15s, 97.0% completed, time steps left 130 Time to finish 15s, 97.0% completed, time steps left 129 Time to finish 15s, 97.0% completed, time steps left 128 Time to finish 15s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 127 Time to finish 14s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 126 Time to finish 14s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 125 Time to finish 14s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 124 Time to finish 14s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 123 Time to finish 14s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 122 Time to finish 14s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 121 Time to finish 14s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 120 Time to finish 14s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 119 Time to finish 13s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 118 Time to finish 13s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 117 Time to finish 13s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 116 Time to finish 13s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 115 Time to finish 13s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 114 Time to finish 13s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 113 Time to finish 13s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 112 Time to finish 13s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 111 Time to finish 13s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 110 Time to finish 12s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 109 Time to finish 12s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 108 Time to finish 12s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 107 Time to finish 12s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 106 Time to finish 12s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 105 Time to finish 12s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 104 Time to finish 12s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 103 Time to finish 12s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 102 Time to finish 12s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 101 Time to finish 11s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 100 Time to finish 11s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 99 Time to finish 11s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 98 Time to finish 11s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 97 Time to finish 11s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 96 Time to finish 11s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 95 Time to finish 11s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 94 Time to finish 11s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 93 Time to finish 11s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 92 Time to finish 10s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 91 Time to finish 10s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 90 Time to finish 10s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 89 Time to finish 10s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 88 Time to finish 10s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 87 Time to finish 10s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 86 Time to finish 10s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 85 Time to finish 10s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 84 Time to finish 9s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 83 Time to finish 9s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 82 Time to finish 9s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 81 Time to finish 9s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 80 Time to finish 9s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 79 Time to finish 9s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 78 Time to finish 9s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 77 Time to finish 9s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 76 Time to finish 9s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 75 Time to finish 8s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 74 Time to finish 8s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 73 Time to finish 8s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 72 Time to finish 8s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 71 Time to finish 8s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 70 Time to finish 8s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 69 Time to finish 8s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 68 Time to finish 8s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 67 Time to finish 8s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 66 Time to finish 7s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 65 Time to finish 7s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 64 Time to finish 7s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 63 Time to finish 7s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 62 Time to finish 7s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 61 Time to finish 7s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 60 Time to finish 7s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 59 Time to finish 7s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 58 Time to finish 7s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 57 Time to finish 6s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 56 Time to finish 6s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 55 Time to finish 6s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 54 Time to finish 6s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 53 Time to finish 6s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 52 Time to finish 6s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 51 Time to finish 6s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 50 Time to finish 6s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 49 Time to finish 5s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 48 Time to finish 5s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 47 Time to finish 5s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 46 Time to finish 5s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 45 Time to finish 5s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 44 Time to finish 5s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 43 Time to finish 5s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 42 Time to finish 5s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 41 Time to finish 5s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 40 Time to finish 4s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 39 Time to finish 4s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 38 Time to finish 4s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 37 Time to finish 4s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 36 Time to finish 4s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 35 Time to finish 4s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 34 Time to finish 4s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 33 Time to finish 4s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 32 Time to finish 4s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 31 Time to finish 3s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 30 Time to finish 3s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 29 Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 28 Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 27 Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 26 Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 25 Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 24 Time to finish 3s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 23 Time to finish 3s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 22 Time to finish 2s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 21 Time to finish 2s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 20 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 19 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 18 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 17 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 16 Time to finish 2s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 15 Time to finish 2s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 14 Time to finish 1s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 13 Time to finish 1s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 12 Time to finish 1s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 11 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 10 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 9 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 8 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 7 Time to finish 1s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 6 Time to finish 1s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 5 Time to finish 0s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 4 Time to finish 0s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 3 Time to finish 0s, 100.0% completed, time steps left 2 Time to finish 0s, 100.0% completed, time steps left 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINISHED Delft3D-FLOW runid : calc date, time : 2020-08-03, 14:27:07 SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 1 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 2 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 3 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 4 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 5 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 6 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 7 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 8 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 9 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 10 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D_Hydro [1596457628.112265] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596457628.114631] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596457628.115262] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596457628.115656] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596457628.126539] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596457628.127479] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596457628.139332] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596457628.139703] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596457628.139736] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596457628.149198] >> d_hydro shutting down normally ..2.3 finalize for current run ... 2020-08-03 00:00:00 2020-08-03 00:00:00 False delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/ (289, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Jiazi 22.40734 71 1 Jiazi 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Changqingwei 22.40734 71 1 Changqingwei 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 6.7835538 74 4 6.7835538 74 4 Donghong 4.4844703 74 5 Donghong 8.9099668 74 7 Donghong 17.571704 76 9 17.571704 76 9 Jinghai 8.9099668 74 7 Jinghai 17.571704 76 9 17.571704 76 9 Ch'ao-yang-hsien 11.231968 77 9 Ch'ao-yang-hsien 8.4375967 78 11 8.4375967 78 11 Haimen 17.571704 76 9 17.571704 76 9 Shantou 8.4375967 78 11 Shantou 7.0718507 79 12 7.0718507 79 12 Dahao 11.231968 77 9 Dahao 8.4375967 78 11 Dahao 7.0718507 79 12 7.0718507 79 12 Aotou 8.4375967 78 11 Aotou 7.0718507 79 12 7.0718507 79 12 Daitou 11.231968 77 9 Daitou 8.4375967 78 11 Daitou 7.0718507 79 12 7.0718507 79 12 Guangao 19.161279 76 10 Guangao 16.244833 77 11 Guangao 8.4375967 78 11 Guangao 7.0718507 79 12 7.0718507 79 12 Siwei 7.0718507 79 12 7.0718507 79 12 Ch'ien-tung-hsu 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Qiandong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Jingzhou 6.6530483 82 14 Jingzhou 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanglong 12.30569 81 14 Huanglong 6.6530483 82 14 Huanglong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanggang 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Houzhai 14.158554 79 13 Houzhai 7.4188071 80 13 Houzhai 6.6530483 82 14 Houzhai 6.391558 83 16 Houzhai 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Raoping 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Zhelin 6.6530483 82 14 Zhelin 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Shenao 12.310144 80 14 Shenao 12.30569 81 14 Shenao 6.6530483 82 14 Shenao 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Nanao 19.543308 79 15 Nanao 14.736534 80 15 Nanao 14.438193 81 15 Nanao 10.298399 82 15 Nanao 6.391558 83 16 Nanao 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Chelim 10.298399 82 15 Chelim 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Gongkou 6.391558 83 16 Gongkou 25.143746 84 16 25.143746 84 16 Sidu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Dongshan 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Ssu-tu 48.599614 86 20 48.599614 86 20 Gongqiancun 16.571469 82 19 Gongqiancun 12.984636 83 19 Gongqiancun 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chencheng 16.571469 82 19 Chencheng 12.984636 83 19 Chencheng 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Hsing-ch'en 48.599614 86 20 48.599614 86 20 Chendai 48.599614 86 20 48.599614 86 20 Hsi-pu 12.984636 83 19 Hsi-pu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Huqiu 48.599614 86 20 48.599614 86 20 Chengguanzhen 15.231575 85 21 Chengguanzhen 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Erdaogou 9.4160888 308 24 Erdaogou 19.610813 310 24 Erdaogou 23.439165 311 24 Erdaogou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Binhaicun 19.666559 309 24 Binhaicun 19.610813 310 24 Binhaicun 23.439165 311 24 Binhaicun 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tangjiahe 19.666559 309 24 Tangjiahe 19.610813 310 24 Tangjiahe 23.439165 311 24 Tangjiahe 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 23.439165 311 24 Baishuitou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Lijiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Guleitou 22.062022 84 22 Guleitou 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Gangkou 14.166745 86 25 Gangkou 3.7540171 87 25 Gangkou 7.1344484 88 25 Gangkou 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 Gaoshalingcun 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Zhaojiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Liuhongbo 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Xujiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Hsia-mei 3.7540171 87 25 Hsia-mei 7.1344484 88 25 Hsia-mei 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Jiuzhen 10.293507 89 26 Jiuzhen 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Liu'ao 3.7540171 87 25 Liu'ao 7.1344484 88 25 Liu'ao 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Shentu 7.1344484 88 25 Shentu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Chihu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Fotan 8.2773537 91 29 Fotan 8.3090515 92 31 Fotan 9.1224387 93 31 9.1224387 93 31 Fugong 9.1224387 93 31 Fugong 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 Shuangqiaozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Haicang 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Guankou 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Gangwei 9.1224387 93 31 Gangwei 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Songyu 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Hsing-lin 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Xucuo 9.1224387 93 31 Xucuo 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 3.3331067 316 30 3.3331067 316 30 Gulangyu 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Xiamen 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Chen-hai 7.5801579 92 30 Chen-hai 8.3090515 92 31 Chen-hai 9.1224387 93 31 Chen-hai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Daomei 9.1224387 93 31 Daomei 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Dianqian 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Jiangtou 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Zhenhai 7.5801579 92 30 Zhenhai 8.3090515 92 31 Zhenhai 9.1224387 93 31 Zhenhai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 3.3331067 316 30 Hecuo 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Liuwudian 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 8.895146 315 31 Beipu 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Aotou 11.680956 96 33 Aotou 11.518433 98 33 Aotou 7.7343858 99 33 7.7343858 99 33 Xindian 11.518433 98 33 Xindian 7.7343858 99 33 7.7343858 99 33 An-ting 12.486394 94 33 An-ting 14.103032 95 33 An-ting 11.680956 96 33 An-ting 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Ma-chiang 11.518433 98 33 Ma-chiang 7.7343858 99 33 7.7343858 99 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 9.3410776 314 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Chin-men 12.486394 94 33 Chin-men 14.103032 95 33 Chin-men 11.680956 96 33 Chin-men 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Lianhe 11.518433 98 33 Lianhe 7.7343858 99 33 7.7343858 99 33 Ch'ing-hsu 15.995085 96 34 Ch'ing-hsu 4.474861 97 34 Ch'ing-hsu 34.935424 98 34 Ch'ing-hsu 3.88525 98 37 Ch'ing-hsu 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Shijing 4.474861 97 34 Shijing 34.935424 98 34 Shijing 3.88525 98 37 Shijing 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Chin-men Tao 11.81395 95 34 Chin-men Tao 15.995085 96 34 Chin-men Tao 4.474861 97 34 Chin-men Tao 34.935424 98 34 Chin-men Tao 3.88525 98 37 Chin-men Tao 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Yang-chai 11.81395 95 34 Yang-chai 15.995085 96 34 Yang-chai 4.474861 97 34 Yang-chai 34.935424 98 34 Yang-chai 3.88525 98 37 Yang-chai 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Anhai 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Tung-shih 37.719502 98 36 Tung-shih 3.88525 98 37 Tung-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 Nancaoji 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Weitou 16.40076 96 37 Weitou 3.88525 98 37 Weitou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Chin-ching 16.40076 96 37 Chin-ching 3.88525 98 37 Chin-ching 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Shih-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Yakou 3.88525 98 37 Yakou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Yongning 2.6544592 98 38 Yongning 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Shihu 19.961478 101 42 Shihu 6.4812559 102 42 Shihu 3.4065137 103 43 3.4065137 103 43 Dongyuan 6.4812559 102 42 Dongyuan 3.4065137 103 43 3.4065137 103 43 Hsiang-chih 23.464508 99 41 Hsiang-chih 12.088851 100 41 Hsiang-chih 6.4812559 102 42 Hsiang-chih 3.4065137 103 43 3.4065137 103 43 Zhangban 6.4812559 102 42 Zhangban 3.4065137 103 43 3.4065137 103 43 Fengting 19.992729 107 45 Fengting 40.385472 108 45 Fengting 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 Daqinghe 4.8916688 316 43 Daqinghe 19.528808 317 44 19.528808 317 44 Yang-chiao 6.7658682 289 45 6.7658682 289 45 Qian'an 19.961478 101 42 Qian'an 6.4812559 102 42 Qian'an 3.4065137 103 43 3.4065137 103 43 Dongsha 19.992729 107 45 Dongsha 40.385472 108 45 Dongsha 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Dawu 3.4065137 103 43 Dawu 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Chongwu 19.961478 101 42 Chongwu 6.4812559 102 42 Chongwu 3.4065137 103 43 3.4065137 103 43 Lingchuan 19.992729 107 45 Lingchuan 40.385472 108 45 Lingchuan 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Fengwei 11.886261 106 45 Fengwei 40.385472 108 45 Fengwei 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Hsiao-tso 12.914359 102 43 Hsiao-tso 3.4065137 103 43 Hsiao-tso 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Zhongmen 11.886261 106 45 Zhongmen 40.385472 108 45 Zhongmen 98.135065 109 45 Zhongmen 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 Hushi 40.385472 108 45 Hushi 98.135065 109 45 Hushi 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 P'u-hsi 11.886261 106 45 P'u-hsi 40.385472 108 45 P'u-hsi 98.135065 109 45 P'u-hsi 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 Hanjiang 4.884141 111 49 Hanjiang 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 11.886261 106 45 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 40.385472 108 45 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 98.135065 109 45 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 Meizhou 11.886261 106 45 Meizhou 40.385472 108 45 Meizhou 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 Yancangcheng 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Hsing-chuang 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Haitou 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Shiqiao 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Chiang-k'ou 4.884141 111 49 Chiang-k'ou 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Hsia-k'ou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Jiuliqi 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Daitou 26.365664 107 46 Daitou 51.854925 108 46 Daitou 26.166377 108 47 Daitou 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Che-wang 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 3.5553451 321 49 Fenshui 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Pinghai 26.166377 108 47 Pinghai 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Yuxi 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Andongwei 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tangbian 4.884141 111 49 Tangbian 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 Xihenancun 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Xugou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Shicheng 6.7393053 107 48 Shicheng 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Lanshantou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Taolekow 4.2500724 257 51 Taolekow 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Jiangjing 4.884141 111 49 Jiangjing 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Liujiazhai 7.0120592 258 52 Liujiazhai 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Dongxi Liandao 3.7698366 249 50 Dongxi Liandao 2.4063058 251 50 2.4063058 251 50 Nanri 18.09116 106 50 Nanri 7.0734505 107 50 Nanri 6.1359086 108 50 Nanri 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Longtian 4.547549 112 50 Longtian 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Gangtou 5.4590452 111 50 Gangtou 4.547549 112 50 Gangtou 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 Guidizhai 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 San Shah 3.150623 111 51 San Shah 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Guhuai 10.731328 116 55 Guhuai 9.6953481 117 55 Guhuai 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 Shandongpu 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 Gaoshan 20.832558 110 51 Gaoshan 3.150623 111 51 Gaoshan 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Fuye 21.813694 106 51 Fuye 13.391062 107 51 Fuye 22.560333 108 51 Fuye 4.2004307 109 51 Fuye 20.832558 110 51 20.832558 110 51 Shijiusuo 7.0120592 258 52 Shijiusuo 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 9.9637259 327 54 Langqi 7.4873876 119 56 Langqi 2.4030428 121 56 Langqi 3.7675423 122 56 Langqi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chiang-t'ien 10.731328 116 55 Chiang-t'ien 9.6953481 117 55 Chiang-t'ien 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Changmen 2.4030428 121 56 Changmen 3.7675423 122 56 Changmen 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 Tantou 5.5278715 118 55 Tantou 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Fengwo 7.4873876 119 56 Fengwo 2.4030428 121 56 Fengwo 3.7675423 122 56 Fengwo 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chang-chiang 9.6953481 117 55 Chang-chiang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Yunlong 7.4873876 119 56 Yunlong 2.4030428 121 56 Yunlong 3.7675423 122 56 Yunlong 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Tung-tai 3.7675423 122 56 Tung-tai 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chin-feng 5.5278715 118 55 Chin-feng 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Ta-ch'iu 7.8729078 109 53 Ta-ch'iu 11.298118 110 53 11.298118 110 53 Baisheng 2.4030428 121 56 Baisheng 3.7675423 122 56 Baisheng 6.73443 123 56 Baisheng 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Mabi 6.73443 123 56 Mabi 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Guanban 3.7675423 122 56 Guanban 6.73443 123 56 Guanban 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Wuhang 9.6953481 117 55 Wuhang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Chien-chiang 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Beicuo 14.408223 110 55 Beicuo 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Guanjing 8.1494594 114 55 Guanjing 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Cao Yu 21.453363 109 54 21.453363 109 54 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 9.9637259 327 54 Qingfeng 8.1494594 114 55 Qingfeng 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Yanweigang 3.7995859 249 55 Yanweigang 2.1817413 247 57 2.1817413 247 57 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 12.323748 327 55 Pingtan 8.1494594 114 55 Pingtan 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Ting-hai 3.7675423 122 56 Ting-hai 6.73443 123 56 Ting-hai 14.298635 123 57 Ting-hai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 5.8558936 263 55 5.8558936 263 55 Hutouya 2.0267187 287 55 2.0267187 287 55 Anhai 16.488406 124 58 Anhai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Tung-ch'ung 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Xinan 6.1076887 128 59 6.1076887 128 59 Houtian 6.0111747 111 56 Houtian 9.2331172 115 56 Houtian 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Xiahecheng 10.073142 263 56 Xiahecheng 47.227135 264 56 Xiahecheng 38.636578 266 59 38.636578 266 59 Zhangjialou 7.463872 265 59 Zhangjialou 38.636578 266 59 38.636578 266 59 Dayuan 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 7.1362104 291 57 7.1362104 291 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 15.033168 120 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 7.1594537 121 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 12.384673 122 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Xiahu 49.118844 127 58 Xiahu 6.1076887 128 59 Xiahu 14.317131 128 61 Xiahu 12.731007 129 61 Xiahu 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 6.3065462 130 62 Hanjiang 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Songcheng 3.3149429 131 62 Songcheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Da'ao 23.861571 126 59 Da'ao 14.317131 128 61 Da'ao 12.731007 129 61 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 3.3149429 131 62 Changchun 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Wuqu 6.3065462 130 62 Wuqu 3.3149429 131 62 Wuqu 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Hongshiya 4.0704735 272 62 Hongshiya 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Luxia 14.317131 128 61 Luxia 12.731007 129 61 Luxia 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Lingshanwei 6.2537308 267 61 Lingshanwei 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Hsin-chiang 13.771487 86 62 13.771487 86 62 Hsia-lun 13.771487 86 62 13.771487 86 62 Sa-ti 13.771487 86 62 Sa-ti 15.909404 87 62 15.909404 87 62 Yacheng 5.0918143 132 62 Yacheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Hai-kou 13.771487 86 62 Hai-kou 15.909404 87 62 15.909404 87 62 Hsin-chuang 9.3603672 292 61 Hsin-chuang 7.0709729 292 62 7.0709729 292 62 Chung-ch'i 13.771487 86 62 Chung-ch'i 15.909404 87 62 Chung-ch'i 17.818267 88 63 Chung-ch'i 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Houwan 6.7995416 268 62 Houwan 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Sansha 5.0918143 132 62 Sansha 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Yantaiqian 6.2537308 267 61 Yantaiqian 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Xianlang 6.7995416 268 62 Xianlang 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Qimudao 12.014129 293 61 Qimudao 12.997511 294 61 12.997511 294 61 Liuduo 3.6349543 242 65 Liuduo 3.0238823 243 65 Liuduo 3.3140068 240 66 3.3140068 240 66 San-hsing 13.771487 86 62 San-hsing 15.909404 87 62 San-hsing 30.598862 89 62 San-hsing 17.818267 88 63 San-hsing 21.484342 89 63 San-hsing 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 T'ai-hsi 13.771487 86 62 T'ai-hsi 15.909404 87 62 T'ai-hsi 30.598862 89 62 T'ai-hsi 17.818267 88 63 T'ai-hsi 21.484342 89 63 T'ai-hsi 2.7854318 88 64 T'ai-hsi 15.016012 90 64 15.016012 90 64 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 7.0709729 292 62 Ta-yu-chien 4.1783146 246 62 Ta-yu-chien 5.6590537 245 63 Ta-yu-chien 3.6349543 242 65 Ta-yu-chien 3.0238823 243 65 3.0238823 243 65 Beizhuang 18.338013 267 62 Beizhuang 6.7995416 268 62 Beizhuang 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Sha-shan 17.818267 88 63 Sha-shan 21.484342 89 63 Sha-shan 2.7854318 88 64 Sha-shan 15.016012 90 64 15.016012 90 64 Ch'ing-tao 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Wang-kung 17.818267 88 63 Wang-kung 21.484342 89 63 Wang-kung 2.7854318 88 64 Wang-kung 15.016012 90 64 15.016012 90 64 Sifang 6.4712836 271 63 Sifang 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Chengyang 2.0228224 272 63 Chengyang 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 Beima 2.2447267 294 64 2.2447267 294 64 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 2.2447267 294 64 2.2447267 294 64 Huang-ch'i 5.9611803 134 64 Huang-ch'i 16.520509 136 65 Huang-ch'i 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Qingdao 6.4712836 271 63 Qingdao 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Fushansuo 11.126148 269 64 Fushansuo 24.269815 270 64 Fushansuo 19.271288 271 64 Fushansuo 2.5193449 272 64 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Shacheng 16.520509 136 65 Shacheng 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Huangshagang 12.410759 238 67 12.410759 238 67 Shuangyangzha 14.317102 239 66 Shuangyangzha 3.3140068 240 66 3.3140068 240 66 Ts'ang-k'ou 24.269815 270 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 19.271288 271 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 2.5193449 272 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 19.271288 271 64 Hsien-chia-chai 2.5193449 272 64 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Xiaguan 16.520509 136 65 16.520509 136 65 T'ang-sheng-chiang 12.410759 238 67 12.410759 238 67 Dongxiaohai 14.317102 239 66 14.317102 239 66 Lu-kang 15.016012 90 64 15.016012 90 64 Pucheng 16.520509 136 65 16.520509 136 65 Xinyanggang 7.5299407 236 68 Xinyanggang 2.0820892 234 69 2.0820892 234 69 Sha-fan-chieh 6.1811061 139 69 Sha-fan-chieh 9.5777037 139 70 Sha-fan-chieh 6.3861227 140 70 Sha-fan-chieh 3.3968236 141 70 Sha-fan-chieh 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shazikou 20.069832 269 66 Shazikou 11.033439 270 66 11.033439 270 66 I-shan 3.3968236 141 70 I-shan 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 32.329881 335 69 Ching-shui 18.89506 94 67 Ching-shui 11.849512 95 68 11.849512 95 68 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 Niejia 6.4326869 296 68 Niejia 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Jinxiang 6.1811061 139 69 Jinxiang 9.5777037 139 70 Jinxiang 6.3861227 140 70 Jinxiang 3.3968236 141 70 Jinxiang 24.330988 143 70 Jinxiang 2.0945312 143 71 2.0945312 143 71 Hai huang 18.89506 94 67 Hai huang 11.849512 95 68 11.849512 95 68 Gexiang 24.330988 143 70 Gexiang 2.0945312 143 71 2.0945312 143 71 Wanggezhuang 22.958528 272 71 Wanggezhuang 6.6305521 273 71 Wanggezhuang 7.8042088 274 71 Wanggezhuang 2.1714545 275 71 Wanggezhuang 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 Beigou 6.4326869 296 68 Beigou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Yuan-li 11.849512 95 68 11.849512 95 68 Tung-hsiao 11.849512 95 68 11.849512 95 68 Aoshanwei 6.6305521 273 71 Aoshanwei 7.8042088 274 71 Aoshanwei 2.1714545 275 71 Aoshanwei 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Chang'ao 17.697269 148 73 17.697269 148 73 Lo-yu 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Ch'i-ting 41.814635 97 69 Ch'i-ting 20.768209 98 70 Ch'i-ting 3.2748181 100 72 Ch'i-ting 2.2544865 101 73 2.2544865 101 73 Xiabu 17.697269 148 73 17.697269 148 73 Jingliuwei 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 25.4412 184 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Banling 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 6.0252144 297 70 Dengzhou 9.6202231 299 70 Dengzhou 3.3854309 297 71 Dengzhou 11.497985 297 72 Dengzhou 17.148748 299 73 17.148748 299 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 24.953155 147 73 24.953155 147 73 Kaiyangtu 17.697269 148 73 17.697269 148 73 Changyinsha 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chao-feng-chen 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Qianduanjiawei 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 6.0252144 297 70 Penglai 9.6202231 299 70 Penglai 3.3854309 297 71 Penglai 11.497985 297 72 Penglai 17.148748 299 73 17.148748 299 73 Chin-chia-k'ou 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Ling-hsia 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Huangwan 25.4412 184 73 Huangwan 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Longwan 24.953155 147 73 24.953155 147 73 Lu-ching-chiang 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Gao'ao 17.697269 148 73 17.697269 148 73 Siqianjie 24.953155 147 73 24.953155 147 73 Dongtaihezha 28.464559 222 74 28.464559 222 74 Nantong 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Liulishe 21.476786 219 74 Liulishe 12.4975 219 75 12.4975 219 75 Xiaodoumen 24.953155 147 73 Xiaodoumen 10.419949 148 75 Xiaodoumen 2.0500631 149 75 Xiaodoumen 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Baixiang 17.697269 148 73 Baixiang 10.419949 148 75 Baixiang 2.0500631 149 75 Baixiang 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Shan-ch'ien 17.697269 148 73 Shan-ch'ien 10.419949 148 75 Shan-ch'ien 2.0500631 149 75 Shan-ch'ien 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Wangcun 2.1714545 275 71 Wangcun 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Wali 7.8042088 274 71 Wali 2.1714545 275 71 Wali 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Jiangtan 24.953155 147 73 Jiangtan 10.419949 148 75 Jiangtan 2.0500631 149 75 Jiangtan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ganpu 25.4412 184 73 Ganpu 17.456245 185 73 Ganpu 4.6144463 187 75 Ganpu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Zhaoqiao 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chu-nan 40.862512 100 71 Chu-nan 3.2748181 100 72 Chu-nan 2.2544865 101 73 2.2544865 101 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 10.419949 148 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 2.0500631 149 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ch'ien-tzu-chiao 40.862512 100 71 Ch'ien-tzu-chiao 3.2748181 100 72 Ch'ien-tzu-chiao 2.2544865 101 73 2.2544865 101 73 Hsieh-t'ang 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Liu-tsao 21.476786 219 74 Liu-tsao 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Xingcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Haiyan 17.456245 185 73 Haiyan 4.6144463 187 75 Haiyan 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsia-chia-fou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-chia-fou 10.419949 148 75 Hsia-chia-fou 2.0500631 149 75 Hsia-chia-fou 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Changchuanba 25.4412 184 73 Changchuanba 17.456245 185 73 Changchuanba 4.6144463 187 75 Changchuanba 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Bixishi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Xizhoushi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsin-k'ai-kang 9.9643812 209 73 Hsin-k'ai-kang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Baizhuzhen 5.4299814 186 75 Baizhuzhen 4.6144463 187 75 Baizhuzhen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ch'eng-ao 3.2494402 149 73 Ch'eng-ao 2.0500631 149 75 Ch'eng-ao 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Dituan 17.697269 148 73 Dituan 10.419949 148 75 Dituan 2.0500631 149 75 Dituan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Beilong 9.5466128 143 73 Beilong 5.9811912 144 73 Beilong 4.2607895 145 73 Beilong 2.0272748 146 73 2.0272748 146 73 Shih-ma-chuang 3.2494402 149 73 Shih-ma-chuang 2.0500631 149 75 Shih-ma-chuang 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ta-shan 4.9173076 277 75 Ta-shan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Linshan 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Changqian 5.4299814 186 75 Changqian 4.6144463 187 75 Changqian 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Xitang 4.6144463 187 75 Xitang 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lao-wu-shih 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 21.476786 219 74 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Dashan 4.9173076 277 75 Dashan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Baiyan 38.790019 152 76 Baiyan 49.926487 153 77 Baiyan 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Baisha 61.424401 150 75 Baisha 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Da'an 9.9643812 209 73 Da'an 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 38.790019 152 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 49.926487 153 77 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 4.6144463 187 75 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ri'aitang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Fu-jung 49.926487 153 77 Fu-jung 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Laochangbu 9.9643812 209 73 Laochangbu 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chou-hung-ch'iu 2.4716733 184 74 Chou-hung-ch'iu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Cheng-chia-tai 4.6144463 187 75 Cheng-chia-tai 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Heng-pa-ts'un 2.4716733 184 74 Heng-pa-ts'un 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 Dajijia 17.458593 297 75 Dajijia 14.503721 296 76 14.503721 296 76 P'u-ch'i 61.424401 150 75 P'u-ch'i 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Lo-ho-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Kuan-yin 3.3316499 103 74 Kuan-yin 63.697385 107 76 Kuan-yin 49.965501 107 77 Kuan-yin 27.281443 107 78 27.281443 107 78 Hsiung-ting-yu 2.4716733 184 74 Hsiung-ting-yu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Zhapu 4.6144463 187 75 Zhapu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lixinzha 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qingjiang 38.790019 152 76 Qingjiang 49.926487 153 77 Qingjiang 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Zhangjiaxiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huangang 21.476786 219 74 Huangang 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 Xihuzui 47.743442 312 75 Xihuzui 44.199686 313 75 Xihuzui 22.593072 314 75 Xihuzui 32.925733 315 75 Xihuzui 40.605648 312 76 Xihuzui 38.42566 313 76 Xihuzui 37.061167 314 76 Xihuzui 25.426262 315 76 Xihuzui 3.0519991 314 77 Xihuzui 16.387197 315 77 Xihuzui 10.211338 314 78 10.211338 314 78 Sanhezhen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Niu-ch'iao-shih 4.6144463 187 75 Niu-ch'iao-shih 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsiao-an-chieh 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Touyan 7.9364271 147 75 Touyan 10.419949 148 75 Touyan 2.0500631 149 75 Touyan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Banping 15.445253 145 75 Banping 6.6582175 146 75 Banping 7.9364271 147 75 Banping 10.419949 148 75 Banping 2.0500631 149 75 Banping 16.294285 148 78 Banping 10.201052 149 78 10.201052 149 78 Bei'ao 15.445253 145 75 Bei'ao 6.6582175 146 75 Bei'ao 7.9364271 147 75 Bei'ao 10.419949 148 75 Bei'ao 2.0500631 149 75 Bei'ao 16.294285 148 78 Bei'ao 10.201052 149 78 10.201052 149 78 Dajing 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wei-chiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hu-chia-lu 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 Ku-hsien 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Chenyu 2.0500631 149 75 Chenyu 61.424401 150 75 Chenyu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 Tieshan 57.569361 310 75 Tieshan 57.945619 311 75 Tieshan 47.743442 312 75 Tieshan 44.199686 313 75 Tieshan 39.375721 311 76 Tieshan 40.605648 312 76 Tieshan 38.42566 313 76 Tieshan 57.589942 310 78 Tieshan 55.605209 310 79 Tieshan 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Hsing-hsing-chen 4.6144463 187 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Baixi 49.926487 153 77 Baixi 72.485656 154 77 Baixi 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chiu-ch'u-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Dujiaqiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chien-chen 7.6550516 218 76 7.6550516 218 76 Chou-chia-peng 7.4155752 188 76 7.4155752 188 76 Fou-ch'iao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Sanli 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hai-men-hsien 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huanshan 5.5698927 150 76 Huanshan 72.485656 154 77 Huanshan 9.2223275 153 79 Huanshan 5.7323609 151 80 5.7323609 151 80 Fengcheng 3.4258447 278 76 3.4258447 278 76 Liujiazhai 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Ch'ing-lung-chiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qianjing 5.0762899 205 78 Qianjing 16.878731 204 79 Qianjing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 Fushan 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 32.548758 321 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.164329 322 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.497974 323 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.437812 324 77 Wang-chia-tun 28.796951 324 78 Wang-chia-tun 23.133033 324 79 Wang-chia-tun 6.8199729 321 80 Wang-chia-tun 13.338671 324 80 Wang-chia-tun 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 Lushun 3.0519991 314 77 Lushun 10.211338 314 78 10.211338 314 78 Liuhe 16.878731 204 79 16.878731 204 79 Tiaobanqiao 5.0762899 205 78 Tiaobanqiao 16.878731 204 79 Tiaobanqiao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Xincun 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Kanmen 12.148678 150 77 Kanmen 16.272936 151 77 Kanmen 49.926487 153 77 Kanmen 8.5062756 153 78 Kanmen 9.2223275 153 79 Kanmen 5.7323609 151 80 5.7323609 151 80 Ch'ing-chiang 49.926487 153 77 Ch'ing-chiang 72.485656 154 77 Ch'ing-chiang 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Caopeng 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Ch'ang-sha 5.9733643 218 77 5.9733643 218 77 Chumen 16.272936 151 77 Chumen 49.926487 153 77 Chumen 72.485656 154 77 Chumen 9.2223275 153 79 Chumen 5.7323609 151 80 5.7323609 151 80 Wenqiao 49.926487 153 77 Wenqiao 72.485656 154 77 Wenqiao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chung-fu 27.281443 107 78 Chung-fu 18.124242 107 79 Chung-fu 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Jinshanwei 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Chenxing 16.878731 204 79 16.878731 204 79 Wan'an 5.0762899 205 78 Wan'an 16.878731 204 79 Wan'an 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 Chu-chi 13.195624 294 79 Chu-chi 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.336422 322 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 32.415091 323 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.796951 324 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.158743 325 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.133033 324 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 18.485006 325 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 6.8199729 321 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 13.338671 324 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 31.400401 321 78 Sanguanmiao 28.336422 322 78 Sanguanmiao 32.415091 323 78 Sanguanmiao 28.796951 324 78 Sanguanmiao 23.133033 324 79 Sanguanmiao 6.8199729 321 80 Sanguanmiao 13.338671 324 80 Sanguanmiao 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-shan-tsui 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Shanyang 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 5.0762899 205 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 16.878731 204 79 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Meng-chiang-miao 5.0762899 205 78 Meng-chiang-miao 16.878731 204 79 Meng-chiang-miao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Hongxing 5.0762899 205 78 Hongxing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 Yantai 13.195624 294 79 Yantai 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Hsin-p'u 9.6093348 185 79 9.6093348 185 79 Ducun 16.878731 204 79 Ducun 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 Zhifuzhen 17.93544 294 80 Zhifuzhen 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 5.995365 315 80 Xinzhaizi 10.263241 316 81 Xinzhaizi 10.655565 317 81 Xinzhaizi 5.1844298 316 82 Xinzhaizi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Haiyou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 4.4584824 320 79 Wudao 5.1811351 322 79 Wudao 22.803787 320 80 Wudao 6.8199729 321 80 Wudao 32.53914 320 82 Wudao 18.318481 319 83 18.318481 319 83 Chongming 16.878731 204 79 Chongming 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 Shuishiying 28.152081 311 79 Shuishiying 39.563689 311 80 Shuishiying 47.633161 311 81 Shuishiying 52.1369 311 82 Shuishiying 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Lingmen 9.2223275 153 79 Lingmen 5.7323609 151 80 Lingmen 3.9519262 152 82 Lingmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Aohuan 9.2223275 153 79 Aohuan 3.9519262 152 82 Aohuan 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Dalu 9.2223275 153 79 Dalu 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Shaliu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Caojing 12.151612 189 79 Caojing 14.339612 190 80 Caojing 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Changzheng 16.878731 204 79 Changzheng 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 Cheefoo 17.93544 294 80 Cheefoo 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 5.995365 315 80 Yingchengzi 10.263241 316 81 Yingchengzi 10.655565 317 81 Yingchengzi 5.1844298 316 82 Yingchengzi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Ko-ao-wang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Fang-ch'ien 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chiang-tzu-p'ing 18.124242 107 79 Chiang-tzu-p'ing 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Huqiao 14.339612 190 80 Huqiao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 14.466696 203 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Shih-she-chang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Dong'ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Guan'ao 9.2223275 153 79 Guan'ao 3.9519262 152 82 Guan'ao 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Houjiazhen 16.878731 204 79 Houjiazhen 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 Qianqikuang 17.93544 294 80 Qianqikuang 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Ling-chiao-ch'en 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaojiang 41.209149 159 83 Jiaojiang 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Shan-shang-fang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Tan-shui 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Ch'uan-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 22.803787 320 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 Jiaoliudao 32.53914 320 82 Jiaoliudao 18.318481 319 83 Jiaoliudao 35.730376 319 84 35.730376 319 84 Wudongzha 9.1161185 184 83 Wudongzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Hsia-feng-ch'a 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Abulug 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Qiansuo 41.209149 159 83 Qiansuo 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Pai-chia-chuang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Panlong 14.466696 203 80 Panlong 4.9383975 204 80 Panlong 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsia-jo-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsi-yen 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hua-shan-t'ou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chia-shih 41.209149 159 83 San-chia-shih 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Che-lin 14.339612 190 80 Che-lin 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Dongdayang 4.907592 202 82 Dongdayang 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baoshan 14.466696 203 80 Baoshan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Dongfeng 14.466696 203 80 Dongfeng 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Qiganshi 4.7120089 280 80 Qiganshi 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 22.803787 320 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 Wu-tao 32.53914 320 82 Wu-tao 18.318481 319 83 Wu-tao 35.730376 319 84 35.730376 319 84 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 Donggang 7.8201171 324 81 Donggang 13.620834 328 84 13.620834 328 84 Yeh-chia 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Ch'i-shih-chieh 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chih 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Ch'ang-yang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsueh-mou-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Taipingzha 9.1161185 184 83 Taipingzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Xinmin 14.466696 203 80 Xinmin 4.9383975 204 80 Xinmin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ju-shan-k'ou 4.7120089 280 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 39.563689 311 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 47.633161 311 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 52.1369 311 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Cabuluan 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cao'antou 4.907592 202 82 Cao'antou 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsin-k'ai-ho 2.1981926 203 81 Hsin-k'ai-ho 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 Mashanshangzhai 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ch'ing 41.209149 159 83 Chin-ch'ing 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Changjiang 2.1981926 203 81 2.1981926 203 81 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 10.655565 317 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 3.9836386 316 83 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 Gezhenpu 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Feng-p'u-ao 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Ch'ien-chia-ch'iao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Catuguran 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Beishenjiazhai 4.907592 202 82 Beishenjiazhai 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Chayuan 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Youcheqiao 4.907592 202 82 Youcheqiao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 14.940887 328 83 Ma-chia-tun 17.645477 329 83 Ma-chia-tun 13.620834 328 84 Ma-chia-tun 4.2163928 329 86 4.2163928 329 86 Ch'iu-wang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 3.9836386 316 83 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 Dalian 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Shangpan 41.209149 159 83 Shangpan 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Jiankangtang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 3.9836386 316 83 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 Nanguanling 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Ch'ing-shui-hu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Su-chia 6.1446035 191 82 6.1446035 191 82 Muping 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Linao 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Shih-t'ang 3.9519262 152 82 Shih-t'ang 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Sichalu 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Qianjin 4.907592 202 82 Qianjin 3.1855034 203 83 Qianjin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hai-yang-so 8.0972223 280 82 Hai-yang-so 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Songmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Nanbu 4.907592 202 82 Nanbu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsieh-fu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Lipu 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Bisagu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Liyang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Wantang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Yangyuan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gaodong 4.907592 202 82 Gaodong 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanhong 14.615235 279 82 Nanhong 8.0972223 280 82 Nanhong 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 Xinghaitun 15.459068 312 83 Xinghaitun 41.345126 312 86 Xinghaitun 29.26988 313 86 Xinghaitun 9.8166156 314 86 Xinghaitun 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Chien-t'iao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chin-shan 24.212938 109 82 Chin-shan 94.726282 110 84 Chin-shan 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Panshi 4.907592 202 82 Panshi 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baishatan 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 3.9836386 316 83 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 Dayandao 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 3.9836386 316 83 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Aparri 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 San-chiao-t'ang 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Gulu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gangyan 3.1855034 203 83 Gangyan 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 Dal'niy 15.459068 312 83 Dal'niy 41.345126 312 86 Dal'niy 29.26988 313 86 Dal'niy 9.8166156 314 86 Dal'niy 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Alilinu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Daxingzhen 4.5413906 204 87 Daxingzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 38.89369 318 84 Wan-li 78.355792 110 83 Wan-li 94.726282 110 84 Wan-li 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Gongjialu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanqinghe 4.5413906 204 87 Nanqinghe 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 Dingguanzhai 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Dahu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Dongxing 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hexing 3.1855034 203 83 Hexing 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Lao-yu-tang 7.1464408 191 84 Lao-yu-tang 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Ch'ang-chieh 61.646954 168 84 61.646954 168 84 Hsiang-hua 4.4113937 201 84 Hsiang-hua 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 Qianyangjiacun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Punta 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cailu 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Bailonggang 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Qianwei 4.4113937 201 84 Qianwei 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 Shang-chuang 14.570182 292 85 Shang-chuang 15.906104 293 87 Shang-chuang 17.917704 292 88 Shang-chuang 17.977716 293 88 17.977716 293 88 Chi-lung 78.095275 109 85 Chi-lung 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Ping'an 7.1464408 191 84 Ping'an 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Sizhoutou 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Yuansha 4.4113937 201 84 Yuansha 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ch'iang-t'ou 9.4721285 170 89 Ch'iang-t'ou 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xianxiang 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Shigaotang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Wusi 6.0627425 191 85 Wusi 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Ch'en-chia 10.775334 200 85 Ch'en-chia 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Ch'ang-t'an-li 78.095275 109 85 Ch'ang-t'an-li 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Ch'iu-chia-chai 8.8782186 198 87 8.8782186 198 87 Fumin 10.775334 200 85 Fumin 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Dong'anzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Tou-cheng 72.613429 101 88 Tou-cheng 90.66635 102 88 Tou-cheng 39.260628 103 88 39.260628 103 88 Chia-li-wan 30.464002 100 88 30.464002 100 88 Beiqigen 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Tanglugang 6.34959 206 89 6.34959 206 89 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 Jianggezhuang 15.906104 293 87 Jianggezhuang 17.917704 292 88 Jianggezhuang 17.977716 293 88 Jianggezhuang 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Dingtang 7.84858 167 85 7.84858 167 85 Guoyuan 6.0627425 191 85 Guoyuan 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Fengle 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Niupeng 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Hsin-tsao-chen 4.5413906 204 87 Hsin-tsao-chen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Langnuankou 6.1199551 281 85 Langnuankou 4.9587606 282 87 Langnuankou 3.1296165 283 88 3.1296165 283 88 Yinyang 4.5413906 204 87 Yinyang 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Su-ao 30.464002 100 88 30.464002 100 88 Beilungang 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Lao-chiang 6.0394592 197 88 Lao-chiang 11.746561 193 89 Lao-chiang 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Xiaoguan 4.9587606 282 87 Xiaoguan 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 29.26988 313 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 3.9477531 315 86 Dagushan 23.386034 314 89 Dagushan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Sanshan 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Donghai 6.8080325 191 86 Donghai 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Shuyuan 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 3.9477531 315 86 Wanli 23.386034 314 89 Wanli 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 3.9477531 315 86 Dongjiagou 23.386034 314 89 Dongjiagou 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Daxu 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Daniwan 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 29.26988 313 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 3.9477531 315 86 Nianyuwan 23.386034 314 89 Nianyuwan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Zhuxi 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Lao-tung 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Danmen 9.4721285 170 89 Danmen 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xilangnuan 4.9587606 282 87 Xilangnuan 3.1296165 283 88 Xilangnuan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Hepu 10.516434 165 87 Hepu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Ch'ai-ch'iao 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 4.3923145 329 87 Chiu-nan-t'ien 10.516434 165 87 Chiu-nan-t'ien 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Shihphu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 Beidianzi 15.906104 293 87 Beidianzi 17.917704 292 88 Beidianzi 17.977716 293 88 Beidianzi 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Qiancang 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Fu-lien 39.260628 103 88 39.260628 103 88 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 2.1625192 331 88 Wuleidao 9.0202245 281 88 Wuleidao 6.1302265 282 88 Wuleidao 3.1296165 283 88 Wuleidao 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Guoju 7.4258866 175 89 Guoju 28.771507 177 92 Guoju 41.640815 178 93 Guoju 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Zeku 5.956488 282 89 Zeku 2.9754361 283 89 Zeku 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 Dalijia 13.870654 317 93 Dalijia 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 Teng-sha-ho 18.52296 316 92 Teng-sha-ho 17.040036 316 93 Teng-sha-ho 13.870654 317 93 Teng-sha-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Chung-tse 37.812105 176 90 Chung-tse 5.4334006 177 90 Chung-tse 28.771507 177 92 Chung-tse 41.640815 178 93 Chung-tse 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Dinghai 41.640815 178 93 Dinghai 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 21.521515 293 90 Chiao-t'ou 5.7902978 174 90 Chiao-t'ou 6.6960528 175 90 Chiao-t'ou 37.812105 176 90 Chiao-t'ou 5.4334006 177 90 Chiao-t'ou 28.771507 177 92 Chiao-t'ou 41.640815 178 93 41.640815 178 93 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Ganlan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 Lu-chia-t'un 3.7448453 335 92 Lu-chia-t'un 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 3.7448453 335 92 Wangzhai 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Litang 6.2692201 169 91 Litang 6.0665923 170 91 6.0665923 170 91 Jinghaiwei 15.213907 280 91 Jinghaiwei 9.4992308 281 91 Jinghaiwei 5.8361838 282 91 Jinghaiwei 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Da'ao 7.1140451 174 91 Da'ao 9.1525077 175 91 Da'ao 8.855008 177 91 Da'ao 28.771507 177 92 Da'ao 41.640815 178 93 41.640815 178 93 Huangshan 5.8361838 282 91 Huangshan 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 Zaobu 27.026601 293 93 27.026601 293 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Luomen 41.640815 178 93 Luomen 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Jen-ho-chi 12.273248 281 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.5358904 282 92 7.5358904 282 92 Ta-chan 41.640815 178 93 Ta-chan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 P'u-t'o 10.816907 177 93 P'u-t'o 41.640815 178 93 P'u-t'o 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Qiandao 15.566538 281 93 Qiandao 7.8003059 282 93 7.8003059 282 93 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 Wujiatun 13.870654 317 93 Wujiatun 6.2568556 318 93 Wujiatun 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Ch'ih-shan-chi 16.853075 282 96 Ch'ih-shan-chi 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 Jiaxinzi 46.554234 321 98 46.554234 321 98 Shidao 16.14937 281 94 16.14937 281 94 Laoshantun 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Xizhuang 18.963316 292 95 Xizhuang 10.598257 291 96 Xizhuang 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Ning-ching-so 16.853075 282 96 Ning-ching-so 2.918996 284 98 Ning-ching-so 13.836769 286 99 13.836769 286 99 Dazhuang 18.398227 281 95 Dazhuang 16.853075 282 96 Dazhuang 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Jiurongcheng 10.598257 291 96 Jiurongcheng 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 8.7644452 321 99 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Wolongcun 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 19.266314 317 98 Fangshentun 12.836438 320 98 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 Fangshentun 13.39868 319 101 13.39868 319 101 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 Zhuanghe 4.1820704 323 105 Zhuanghe 30.237123 324 105 30.237123 324 105 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 30.237123 324 105 30.237123 324 105 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 4.1820704 323 105 Shishan 30.237123 324 105 30.237123 324 105 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 4.1820704 323 105 Wangjia 12.767096 322 106 Wangjia 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 7.0071058 324 110 Nanjian 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 22.551549 327 116 Huangtukan 3.0258564 326 117 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Honai 89.209781 96 119 89.209781 96 119 Toyohara 89.209781 96 119 89.209781 96 119 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 22.551549 327 116 Pei-ching-tzu 3.0258564 326 117 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Kobama 89.209781 96 119 89.209781 96 119 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 Dadong 2.0012454 326 122 Dadong 2.6932739 326 124 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 2.0039199 326 121 Chogumsa 2.0012454 326 122 Chogumsa 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 3.3889949 326 125 Chogumsa 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 3.3889949 326 125 Yongampo-ri 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 3.3889949 326 125 Genjo 2.9019132 327 125 Genjo 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 5.3139678 322 128 Yongsapo 8.7710941 323 128 Yongsapo 9.4064872 324 128 Yongsapo 3.2745183 324 129 Yongsapo 15.644561 325 129 15.644561 325 129 Chandae-dong 67.952825 297 128 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 56.892045 301 129 Chandae-dong 34.749838 300 130 Chandae-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Chandae-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Chandae-dong 23.864916 301 131 Chandae-dong 33.314541 297 132 Chandae-dong 24.830385 298 132 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 63.31624 295 129 Kaju-dong 64.222239 296 129 Kaju-dong 63.668785 297 129 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Kaju-dong 33.314541 297 132 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 38.107732 300 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 16.949776 302 130 Ch'angam-dong 44.911389 303 130 Ch'angam-dong 23.864916 301 131 Ch'angam-dong 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 20.322722 300 133 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 3.2745183 324 129 Changya-dong 15.644561 325 129 15.644561 325 129 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 40.371133 310 131 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 22.606289 310 133 22.606289 310 133 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 21.953468 305 131 Sogon-ni 2.8138241 306 131 Sogon-ni 22.711163 307 131 Sogon-ni 6.7326396 307 132 Sogon-ni 4.9813939 305 133 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 4.1624577 307 133 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Sinmi-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.579912 304 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.370203 300 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.322722 300 133 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 Monggumpo-ri 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 4.9813939 305 133 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 6.7326396 307 132 Sagi-ri 8.0695346 308 132 Sagi-ri 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 4.1624577 307 133 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 17.458806 309 133 Chosa-dong 22.606289 310 133 Chosa-dong 15.884596 311 133 Chosa-dong 6.3796517 311 134 6.3796517 311 134 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 Amdu-ri 13.110716 325 133 13.110716 325 133 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 4.1624577 307 133 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Hang-ni 96.623511 239 134 96.623511 239 134 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 13.296947 309 134 An-ch'on 8.2722777 310 134 An-ch'on 2.5881107 307 135 An-ch'on 13.899396 310 135 13.899396 310 135 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Kuninaka 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Chukhang 86.399991 248 136 Chukhang 80.351742 249 136 Chukhang 90.798639 250 136 Chukhang 89.803826 251 136 Chukhang 87.38565 252 136 87.38565 252 136 Ichimasui 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Karimata 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Sugama 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Hirara 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 3.9592761 296 138 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 15.802247 295 141 Changdae 19.267599 295 142 19.267599 295 142 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 5.7636397 322 138 Changp'o 44.567608 323 138 44.567608 323 138 Arasato 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 5.8961564 320 139 Yung-ni 28.075365 322 139 28.075365 322 139 Amch'on 58.813706 247 139 Amch'on 54.504601 248 139 Amch'on 63.115709 249 139 Amch'on 84.831717 250 139 Amch'on 82.053899 251 139 82.053899 251 139 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 Hwajin-ni 20.802088 317 139 Hwajin-ni 19.473088 318 139 Hwajin-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Hwajin-ni 5.8961564 320 139 5.8961564 320 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 28.075365 322 139 Bora 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 Chungang-ni 22.069283 319 140 Chungang-ni 15.181629 320 140 15.181629 320 140 Banzaito-ri 94.211327 241 140 94.211327 241 140 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 8.9062797 297 146 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Chehang-ni 36.746051 251 145 Chehang-ni 29.4564 251 147 Chehang-ni 19.363829 251 148 19.363829 251 148 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 35.015504 297 148 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Chibuk 29.4564 251 147 Chibuk 21.956516 252 147 Chibuk 19.363829 251 148 Chibuk 3.0825982 252 148 Chibuk 12.796815 252 149 Chibuk 10.200227 252 150 10.200227 252 150 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 35.015504 297 148 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 9.6271908 284 147 Etsuu 27.647417 285 147 Etsuu 13.93856 286 147 Etsuu 28.085299 287 147 Etsuu 14.286725 288 147 Etsuu 42.246294 288 148 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Hwangdo 52.68561 271 147 Hwangdo 52.015145 272 147 Hwangdo 57.406962 273 147 Hwangdo 40.254339 274 147 Hwangdo 61.071724 275 147 Hwangdo 46.001713 275 149 Hwangdo 30.769436 275 150 Hwangdo 26.023157 275 151 26.023157 275 151 Doko-ri 28.577934 250 148 Doko-ri 19.363829 251 148 Doko-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Doko-ri 21.03612 253 148 Doko-ri 12.796815 252 149 Doko-ri 21.810351 253 149 Doko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Doko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ant'ae 28.577934 250 148 Ant'ae 4.1033031 250 152 4.1033031 250 152 Och'ong 35.99735 269 148 Och'ong 42.348337 270 148 Och'ong 53.312852 271 148 Och'ong 52.760284 272 148 Och'ong 52.172978 273 148 Och'ong 59.378444 273 149 Och'ong 38.956148 273 150 Och'ong 32.111425 270 152 Och'ong 24.548753 271 152 Och'ong 23.725931 272 152 Och'ong 35.515611 273 152 35.515611 273 152 Bunkai-ri 19.363829 251 148 Bunkai-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Bunkai-ri 21.03612 253 148 Bunkai-ri 18.363187 254 148 Bunkai-ri 12.048456 255 148 Bunkai-ri 19.348215 254 149 Bunkai-ri 16.851478 255 149 Bunkai-ri 10.563465 255 150 Bunkai-ri 4.85565 255 151 Bunkai-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Ach'on 12.796815 252 149 Ach'on 21.810351 253 149 Ach'on 4.1033031 250 152 Ach'on 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 11.590677 251 150 Ikkum-ni 10.200227 252 150 Ikkum-ni 21.320522 254 150 Ikkum-ni 10.563465 255 150 Ikkum-ni 4.85565 255 151 Ikkum-ni 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Changgo 10.200227 252 150 Changgo 21.320522 254 150 Changgo 10.563465 255 150 Changgo 23.586617 256 150 Changgo 8.6752272 253 152 Changgo 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chogun-mal 12.795995 257 150 Chogun-mal 14.982607 258 150 Chogun-mal 16.037022 259 150 Chogun-mal 7.5382908 258 151 Chogun-mal 13.58434 259 151 Chogun-mal 7.283544 257 152 Chogun-mal 10.376184 260 152 Chogun-mal 16.596585 257 153 Chogun-mal 9.5205128 258 153 Chogun-mal 12.540473 257 154 Chogun-mal 2.0395579 258 154 Chogun-mal 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Tengan-ri 6.7307922 254 151 Tengan-ri 4.85565 255 151 Tengan-ri 14.111078 257 151 Tengan-ri 7.5382908 258 151 Tengan-ri 7.283544 257 152 Tengan-ri 4.5439559 254 153 Tengan-ri 12.540473 257 154 Tengan-ri 2.0395579 258 154 2.0395579 258 154 Oejongsan 24.294911 278 151 Oejongsan 22.350351 279 151 Oejongsan 30.865036 280 151 Oejongsan 35.76981 281 151 Oejongsan 45.829966 282 151 Oejongsan 23.722503 282 152 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 14.521966 296 151 Soko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Soko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 Soko-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.6487155 295 154 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Songnyong-ni 7.283544 257 152 Songnyong-ni 4.5439559 254 153 Songnyong-ni 12.540473 257 154 Songnyong-ni 2.0395579 258 154 2.0395579 258 154 Jindo 8.4904397 249 154 Jindo 8.4344916 248 155 Jindo 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.6487155 295 154 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Aenang-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Aenang-ni 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Dongmun 13.622337 279 152 Dongmun 2.7457444 280 152 Dongmun 23.722503 282 152 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 Dongmun 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 23.722503 282 152 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 25.057613 285 153 Oe-dong 18.679295 284 154 Oe-dong 20.370363 285 154 Oe-dong 26.844518 285 155 Oe-dong 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Hwadong-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Hwadong-ni 9.3593266 252 153 9.3593266 252 153 Ch'al-tong 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'al-tong 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 4.0459529 289 153 Chawol-li 18.722716 290 153 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 15.512703 277 153 Sinsong 11.15504 278 153 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 3.5759047 296 153 Chungjang 18.939911 275 153 Chungjang 19.490962 276 153 Chungjang 15.512703 277 153 Chungjang 11.15504 278 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Kan 17.058279 265 154 Kan 19.152435 266 154 Kan 37.328593 267 154 Kan 21.786611 268 154 Kan 25.060669 269 154 Kan 21.624888 268 155 Kan 18.647344 269 155 Kan 15.272654 269 156 Kan 8.1344753 265 157 Kan 5.8870833 266 157 Kan 6.1827551 266 158 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 5.6885666 267 158 Tongmokp 10.937449 277 154 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 10.937449 277 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mogpo 8.4904397 249 154 Mogpo 14.054734 251 154 Mogpo 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 P'i-dong 2.7531991 253 154 P'i-dong 12.540473 257 154 12.540473 257 154 Taeya 2.0395579 258 154 Taeya 3.5386389 259 154 Taeya 6.3000664 261 156 Taeya 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changdong 8.4904397 249 154 Changdong 8.4344916 248 155 Changdong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chisa-ri 8.4904397 249 154 Chisa-ri 14.054734 251 154 Chisa-ri 8.4344916 248 155 Chisa-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 3.6487155 295 154 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Onmok 8.2578121 259 155 Onmok 4.6834766 260 155 Onmok 6.9462647 261 155 Onmok 6.8610422 262 155 Onmok 6.3000664 261 156 Onmok 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 4.6834766 260 155 Changho 6.9462647 261 155 Changho 6.8610422 262 155 Changho 8.7681729 263 155 Changho 6.3000664 261 156 Changho 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 5.961837 263 156 Changho 7.7888463 264 156 Changho 2.0153163 263 157 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.8610422 262 155 Chongam 8.7681729 263 155 Chongam 15.999725 266 155 Chongam 5.0866135 262 156 Chongam 5.961837 263 156 Chongam 7.7888463 264 156 Chongam 10.168835 265 156 Chongam 2.0153163 263 157 Chongam 8.1344753 265 157 Chongam 5.8870833 266 157 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.1827551 266 158 6.1827551 266 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Weolam-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Anjong 8.4344916 248 155 Anjong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 26.844518 285 155 Chogumjin-ni 10.688657 285 156 Chogumjin-ni 3.2321102 285 157 3.2321102 285 157 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 11.650704 286 157 Hasambong 22.332942 287 157 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 15.476757 287 158 Chonmak 2.0153163 263 157 Chonmak 8.1344753 265 157 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 10.115317 270 157 Aech'an-ni 9.1861162 271 157 Aech'an-ni 20.453098 272 157 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 4.4998898 274 158 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 5.3185053 291 159 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Changsin 2.0153163 263 157 Changsin 8.1344753 265 157 Changsin 5.8870833 266 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 6.1827551 266 158 Changsin 5.6885666 267 158 Changsin 2.241903 267 159 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 2.4882243 268 158 Janghang 6.1226123 270 158 Janghang 5.1750682 271 158 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 6.1827551 266 158 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 6.1827551 266 158 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 6.1226123 270 158 Okhu 2.5792614 270 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 5.9539673 290 160 5.9539673 290 160 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.5792614 270 159 Gunsan 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 5.9539673 290 160 5.9539673 290 160 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 5.9539673 290 160 5.9539673 290 160 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 9.261633 248 166 Changsu 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chinch'ang 9.261633 248 166 Chinch'ang 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Aya-ri 9.261633 248 166 Aya-ri 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Ch'ongam 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 Bumpyo 18.792407 318 172 18.792407 318 172 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 18.792407 318 172 18.792407 318 172 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 15.694487 319 172 Anhung-ni 7.7401278 321 173 7.7401278 321 173 Wonsan 18.792407 318 172 Wonsan 6.6323313 317 173 Wonsan 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Tongho-ri 25.508662 324 174 Tongho-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 Sin-ch'on 15.694487 319 172 Sin-ch'on 7.7401278 321 173 7.7401278 321 173 Yongpo-ri 25.508662 324 174 Yongpo-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Songhung-ni 23.785546 322 173 Songhung-ni 25.508662 324 174 Songhung-ni 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 Kalgoch'i-ri 18.792407 318 172 Kalgoch'i-ri 6.6323313 317 173 Kalgoch'i-ri 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Anp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Anp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Pongch'on 18.792407 318 172 Pongch'on 6.6323313 317 173 Pongch'on 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Chungbang 4.5239592 250 175 Chungbang 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chakto-dong 14.531539 325 174 Chakto-dong 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Chabong 4.5239592 250 175 Chabong 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Yeosu 4.5239592 250 175 Yeosu 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chukp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Chukp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Hungsang-ni 23.221014 326 175 Hungsang-ni 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Hangch'on 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Yongyon-ni 22.452733 326 176 Yongyon-ni 20.032461 327 176 Yongyon-ni 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Tongch-on 23.537237 316 177 Tongch-on 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Kuum-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Hongwon 29.49569 328 179 Hongwon 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Hadajon-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Yuktae-dong 24.445944 328 180 Yuktae-dong 30.921472 329 180 Yuktae-dong 6.5649757 330 180 Yuktae-dong 8.0039205 330 182 8.0039205 330 182 Changjon 38.393959 313 181 Changjon 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Gaken-ri 58.289958 313 182 Gaken-ri 53.537643 312 183 Gaken-ri 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Honam-ni 46.05045 328 182 Honam-ni 32.450534 329 182 Honam-ni 8.0039205 330 182 8.0039205 330 182 Hongsong 53.537643 312 183 Hongsong 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Soho-ri 60.993912 329 184 Soho-ri 12.608055 331 186 12.608055 331 186 Singhang 83.466108 329 185 Singhang 14.066341 330 185 Singhang 12.608055 331 186 Singhang 43.739011 332 189 43.739011 332 189 Kojin-ni 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Pongho-ri 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Chindu 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Ungcheon 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chaho 55.981306 331 187 Chaho 43.739011 332 189 Chaho 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Kuum-ni 43.739011 332 189 Kuum-ni 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Jinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chuktori 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Jangseunpo 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Daiko 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Poktokkumi 77.245503 333 191 Poktokkumi 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Tanchon 77.678648 334 192 Tanchon 18.25587 335 193 18.25587 335 193 Chungch'on 65.011648 335 194 65.011648 335 194 Heunghae 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Pohang 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Segae-dong 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Taech'on 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Guryongpo 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Hama 26.622322 227 214 26.622322 227 214 Tara 26.622322 227 214 Tara 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Suminoe 26.622322 227 214 Suminoe 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Okawa 26.622322 227 214 Okawa 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Meihama 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Saitosaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuoka 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Mitoma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Setaka 26.622322 227 214 Setaka 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Omuta 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Kashii 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Harumachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Tsuyazaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Shingu 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukumamachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Katae 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Moriyama 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Wataricho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Tonoecho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Watari 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Shichirui 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Takenouchicho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Sakai-Minato 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Fukuura 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yoshizu 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 O-Shinozucho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kumozu 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kamiguchi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Higuchi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Goto 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kamidani 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Mihonoseki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Mihonseki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Abe 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yonago 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Higashi-Fukuhara 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kami-fukubara 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kaike-Onsen 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kuzumo 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Soda 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kaya 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kawaoka 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Odaka 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Sueyoshi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Muki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yodoe 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in 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OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! ....remove.... case delft3d 2020-08-03 00:00:00 ret= 0 newcase= True forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False finalizing for TAT ... 2020-08-03 00:00:00 2020-08-03 00:00:00 False delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/ (289, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Jiazi 22.40734 71 1 Jiazi 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Changqingwei 22.40734 71 1 Changqingwei 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 6.7835538 74 4 6.7835538 74 4 Donghong 4.4844703 74 5 Donghong 8.9099668 74 7 Donghong 17.571704 76 9 17.571704 76 9 Jinghai 8.9099668 74 7 Jinghai 17.571704 76 9 17.571704 76 9 Ch'ao-yang-hsien 11.231968 77 9 Ch'ao-yang-hsien 8.4375967 78 11 8.4375967 78 11 Haimen 17.571704 76 9 17.571704 76 9 Shantou 8.4375967 78 11 Shantou 7.0718507 79 12 7.0718507 79 12 Dahao 11.231968 77 9 Dahao 8.4375967 78 11 Dahao 7.0718507 79 12 7.0718507 79 12 Aotou 8.4375967 78 11 Aotou 7.0718507 79 12 7.0718507 79 12 Daitou 11.231968 77 9 Daitou 8.4375967 78 11 Daitou 7.0718507 79 12 7.0718507 79 12 Guangao 19.161279 76 10 Guangao 16.244833 77 11 Guangao 8.4375967 78 11 Guangao 7.0718507 79 12 7.0718507 79 12 Siwei 7.0718507 79 12 7.0718507 79 12 Ch'ien-tung-hsu 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Qiandong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Jingzhou 6.6530483 82 14 Jingzhou 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanglong 12.30569 81 14 Huanglong 6.6530483 82 14 Huanglong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanggang 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Houzhai 14.158554 79 13 Houzhai 7.4188071 80 13 Houzhai 6.6530483 82 14 Houzhai 6.391558 83 16 Houzhai 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Raoping 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Zhelin 6.6530483 82 14 Zhelin 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Shenao 12.310144 80 14 Shenao 12.30569 81 14 Shenao 6.6530483 82 14 Shenao 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Nanao 19.543308 79 15 Nanao 14.736534 80 15 Nanao 14.438193 81 15 Nanao 10.298399 82 15 Nanao 6.391558 83 16 Nanao 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Chelim 10.298399 82 15 Chelim 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Gongkou 6.391558 83 16 Gongkou 25.143746 84 16 25.143746 84 16 Sidu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Dongshan 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Ssu-tu 48.599614 86 20 48.599614 86 20 Gongqiancun 16.571469 82 19 Gongqiancun 12.984636 83 19 Gongqiancun 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chencheng 16.571469 82 19 Chencheng 12.984636 83 19 Chencheng 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Hsing-ch'en 48.599614 86 20 48.599614 86 20 Chendai 48.599614 86 20 48.599614 86 20 Hsi-pu 12.984636 83 19 Hsi-pu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Huqiu 48.599614 86 20 48.599614 86 20 Chengguanzhen 15.231575 85 21 Chengguanzhen 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Erdaogou 9.4160888 308 24 Erdaogou 19.610813 310 24 Erdaogou 23.439165 311 24 Erdaogou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Binhaicun 19.666559 309 24 Binhaicun 19.610813 310 24 Binhaicun 23.439165 311 24 Binhaicun 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tangjiahe 19.666559 309 24 Tangjiahe 19.610813 310 24 Tangjiahe 23.439165 311 24 Tangjiahe 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 23.439165 311 24 Baishuitou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Lijiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Guleitou 22.062022 84 22 Guleitou 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Gangkou 14.166745 86 25 Gangkou 3.7540171 87 25 Gangkou 7.1344484 88 25 Gangkou 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 Gaoshalingcun 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Zhaojiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Liuhongbo 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Xujiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Hsia-mei 3.7540171 87 25 Hsia-mei 7.1344484 88 25 Hsia-mei 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Jiuzhen 10.293507 89 26 Jiuzhen 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Liu'ao 3.7540171 87 25 Liu'ao 7.1344484 88 25 Liu'ao 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Shentu 7.1344484 88 25 Shentu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Chihu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Fotan 8.2773537 91 29 Fotan 8.3090515 92 31 Fotan 9.1224387 93 31 9.1224387 93 31 Fugong 9.1224387 93 31 Fugong 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 Shuangqiaozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Haicang 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Guankou 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Gangwei 9.1224387 93 31 Gangwei 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Songyu 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Hsing-lin 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Xucuo 9.1224387 93 31 Xucuo 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 3.3331067 316 30 3.3331067 316 30 Gulangyu 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Xiamen 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Chen-hai 7.5801579 92 30 Chen-hai 8.3090515 92 31 Chen-hai 9.1224387 93 31 Chen-hai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Daomei 9.1224387 93 31 Daomei 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Dianqian 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Jiangtou 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Zhenhai 7.5801579 92 30 Zhenhai 8.3090515 92 31 Zhenhai 9.1224387 93 31 Zhenhai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 3.3331067 316 30 Hecuo 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Liuwudian 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 8.895146 315 31 Beipu 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Aotou 11.680956 96 33 Aotou 11.518433 98 33 Aotou 7.7343858 99 33 7.7343858 99 33 Xindian 11.518433 98 33 Xindian 7.7343858 99 33 7.7343858 99 33 An-ting 12.486394 94 33 An-ting 14.103032 95 33 An-ting 11.680956 96 33 An-ting 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Ma-chiang 11.518433 98 33 Ma-chiang 7.7343858 99 33 7.7343858 99 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 9.3410776 314 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Chin-men 12.486394 94 33 Chin-men 14.103032 95 33 Chin-men 11.680956 96 33 Chin-men 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Lianhe 11.518433 98 33 Lianhe 7.7343858 99 33 7.7343858 99 33 Ch'ing-hsu 15.995085 96 34 Ch'ing-hsu 4.474861 97 34 Ch'ing-hsu 34.935424 98 34 Ch'ing-hsu 3.88525 98 37 Ch'ing-hsu 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Shijing 4.474861 97 34 Shijing 34.935424 98 34 Shijing 3.88525 98 37 Shijing 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Chin-men Tao 11.81395 95 34 Chin-men Tao 15.995085 96 34 Chin-men Tao 4.474861 97 34 Chin-men Tao 34.935424 98 34 Chin-men Tao 3.88525 98 37 Chin-men Tao 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Yang-chai 11.81395 95 34 Yang-chai 15.995085 96 34 Yang-chai 4.474861 97 34 Yang-chai 34.935424 98 34 Yang-chai 3.88525 98 37 Yang-chai 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Anhai 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Tung-shih 37.719502 98 36 Tung-shih 3.88525 98 37 Tung-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 Nancaoji 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Weitou 16.40076 96 37 Weitou 3.88525 98 37 Weitou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Chin-ching 16.40076 96 37 Chin-ching 3.88525 98 37 Chin-ching 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Shih-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Yakou 3.88525 98 37 Yakou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Yongning 2.6544592 98 38 Yongning 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Shihu 19.961478 101 42 Shihu 6.4812559 102 42 Shihu 3.4065137 103 43 3.4065137 103 43 Dongyuan 6.4812559 102 42 Dongyuan 3.4065137 103 43 3.4065137 103 43 Hsiang-chih 23.464508 99 41 Hsiang-chih 12.088851 100 41 Hsiang-chih 6.4812559 102 42 Hsiang-chih 3.4065137 103 43 3.4065137 103 43 Zhangban 6.4812559 102 42 Zhangban 3.4065137 103 43 3.4065137 103 43 Fengting 19.992729 107 45 Fengting 40.385472 108 45 Fengting 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 Daqinghe 4.8916688 316 43 Daqinghe 19.528808 317 44 19.528808 317 44 Yang-chiao 6.7658682 289 45 6.7658682 289 45 Qian'an 19.961478 101 42 Qian'an 6.4812559 102 42 Qian'an 3.4065137 103 43 3.4065137 103 43 Dongsha 19.992729 107 45 Dongsha 40.385472 108 45 Dongsha 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Dawu 3.4065137 103 43 Dawu 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Chongwu 19.961478 101 42 Chongwu 6.4812559 102 42 Chongwu 3.4065137 103 43 3.4065137 103 43 Lingchuan 19.992729 107 45 Lingchuan 40.385472 108 45 Lingchuan 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Fengwei 11.886261 106 45 Fengwei 40.385472 108 45 Fengwei 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Hsiao-tso 12.914359 102 43 Hsiao-tso 3.4065137 103 43 Hsiao-tso 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Zhongmen 11.886261 106 45 Zhongmen 40.385472 108 45 Zhongmen 98.135065 109 45 Zhongmen 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 Hushi 40.385472 108 45 Hushi 98.135065 109 45 Hushi 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 P'u-hsi 11.886261 106 45 P'u-hsi 40.385472 108 45 P'u-hsi 98.135065 109 45 P'u-hsi 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 Hanjiang 4.884141 111 49 Hanjiang 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 11.886261 106 45 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 40.385472 108 45 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 98.135065 109 45 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 Meizhou 11.886261 106 45 Meizhou 40.385472 108 45 Meizhou 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 Yancangcheng 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Hsing-chuang 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Haitou 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Shiqiao 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Chiang-k'ou 4.884141 111 49 Chiang-k'ou 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Hsia-k'ou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Jiuliqi 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Daitou 26.365664 107 46 Daitou 51.854925 108 46 Daitou 26.166377 108 47 Daitou 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Che-wang 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 3.5553451 321 49 Fenshui 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Pinghai 26.166377 108 47 Pinghai 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Yuxi 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Andongwei 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tangbian 4.884141 111 49 Tangbian 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 Xihenancun 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Xugou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Shicheng 6.7393053 107 48 Shicheng 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Lanshantou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Taolekow 4.2500724 257 51 Taolekow 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Jiangjing 4.884141 111 49 Jiangjing 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Liujiazhai 7.0120592 258 52 Liujiazhai 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Dongxi Liandao 3.7698366 249 50 Dongxi Liandao 2.4063058 251 50 2.4063058 251 50 Nanri 18.09116 106 50 Nanri 7.0734505 107 50 Nanri 6.1359086 108 50 Nanri 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Longtian 4.547549 112 50 Longtian 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Gangtou 5.4590452 111 50 Gangtou 4.547549 112 50 Gangtou 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 Guidizhai 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 San Shah 3.150623 111 51 San Shah 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Guhuai 10.731328 116 55 Guhuai 9.6953481 117 55 Guhuai 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 Shandongpu 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 Gaoshan 20.832558 110 51 Gaoshan 3.150623 111 51 Gaoshan 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Fuye 21.813694 106 51 Fuye 13.391062 107 51 Fuye 22.560333 108 51 Fuye 4.2004307 109 51 Fuye 20.832558 110 51 20.832558 110 51 Shijiusuo 7.0120592 258 52 Shijiusuo 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 9.9637259 327 54 Langqi 7.4873876 119 56 Langqi 2.4030428 121 56 Langqi 3.7675423 122 56 Langqi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chiang-t'ien 10.731328 116 55 Chiang-t'ien 9.6953481 117 55 Chiang-t'ien 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Changmen 2.4030428 121 56 Changmen 3.7675423 122 56 Changmen 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 Tantou 5.5278715 118 55 Tantou 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Fengwo 7.4873876 119 56 Fengwo 2.4030428 121 56 Fengwo 3.7675423 122 56 Fengwo 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chang-chiang 9.6953481 117 55 Chang-chiang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Yunlong 7.4873876 119 56 Yunlong 2.4030428 121 56 Yunlong 3.7675423 122 56 Yunlong 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Tung-tai 3.7675423 122 56 Tung-tai 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chin-feng 5.5278715 118 55 Chin-feng 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Ta-ch'iu 7.8729078 109 53 Ta-ch'iu 11.298118 110 53 11.298118 110 53 Baisheng 2.4030428 121 56 Baisheng 3.7675423 122 56 Baisheng 6.73443 123 56 Baisheng 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Mabi 6.73443 123 56 Mabi 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Guanban 3.7675423 122 56 Guanban 6.73443 123 56 Guanban 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Wuhang 9.6953481 117 55 Wuhang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Chien-chiang 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Beicuo 14.408223 110 55 Beicuo 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Guanjing 8.1494594 114 55 Guanjing 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Cao Yu 21.453363 109 54 21.453363 109 54 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 9.9637259 327 54 Qingfeng 8.1494594 114 55 Qingfeng 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Yanweigang 3.7995859 249 55 Yanweigang 2.1817413 247 57 2.1817413 247 57 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 12.323748 327 55 Pingtan 8.1494594 114 55 Pingtan 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Ting-hai 3.7675423 122 56 Ting-hai 6.73443 123 56 Ting-hai 14.298635 123 57 Ting-hai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 5.8558936 263 55 5.8558936 263 55 Hutouya 2.0267187 287 55 2.0267187 287 55 Anhai 16.488406 124 58 Anhai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Tung-ch'ung 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Xinan 6.1076887 128 59 6.1076887 128 59 Houtian 6.0111747 111 56 Houtian 9.2331172 115 56 Houtian 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Xiahecheng 10.073142 263 56 Xiahecheng 47.227135 264 56 Xiahecheng 38.636578 266 59 38.636578 266 59 Zhangjialou 7.463872 265 59 Zhangjialou 38.636578 266 59 38.636578 266 59 Dayuan 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 7.1362104 291 57 7.1362104 291 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 15.033168 120 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 7.1594537 121 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 12.384673 122 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Xiahu 49.118844 127 58 Xiahu 6.1076887 128 59 Xiahu 14.317131 128 61 Xiahu 12.731007 129 61 Xiahu 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 6.3065462 130 62 Hanjiang 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Songcheng 3.3149429 131 62 Songcheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Da'ao 23.861571 126 59 Da'ao 14.317131 128 61 Da'ao 12.731007 129 61 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 3.3149429 131 62 Changchun 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Wuqu 6.3065462 130 62 Wuqu 3.3149429 131 62 Wuqu 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Hongshiya 4.0704735 272 62 Hongshiya 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Luxia 14.317131 128 61 Luxia 12.731007 129 61 Luxia 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Lingshanwei 6.2537308 267 61 Lingshanwei 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Hsin-chiang 13.771487 86 62 13.771487 86 62 Hsia-lun 13.771487 86 62 13.771487 86 62 Sa-ti 13.771487 86 62 Sa-ti 15.909404 87 62 15.909404 87 62 Yacheng 5.0918143 132 62 Yacheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Hai-kou 13.771487 86 62 Hai-kou 15.909404 87 62 15.909404 87 62 Hsin-chuang 9.3603672 292 61 Hsin-chuang 7.0709729 292 62 7.0709729 292 62 Chung-ch'i 13.771487 86 62 Chung-ch'i 15.909404 87 62 Chung-ch'i 17.818267 88 63 Chung-ch'i 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Houwan 6.7995416 268 62 Houwan 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Sansha 5.0918143 132 62 Sansha 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Yantaiqian 6.2537308 267 61 Yantaiqian 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Xianlang 6.7995416 268 62 Xianlang 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Qimudao 12.014129 293 61 Qimudao 12.997511 294 61 12.997511 294 61 Liuduo 3.6349543 242 65 Liuduo 3.0238823 243 65 Liuduo 3.3140068 240 66 3.3140068 240 66 San-hsing 13.771487 86 62 San-hsing 15.909404 87 62 San-hsing 30.598862 89 62 San-hsing 17.818267 88 63 San-hsing 21.484342 89 63 San-hsing 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 T'ai-hsi 13.771487 86 62 T'ai-hsi 15.909404 87 62 T'ai-hsi 30.598862 89 62 T'ai-hsi 17.818267 88 63 T'ai-hsi 21.484342 89 63 T'ai-hsi 2.7854318 88 64 T'ai-hsi 15.016012 90 64 15.016012 90 64 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 7.0709729 292 62 Ta-yu-chien 4.1783146 246 62 Ta-yu-chien 5.6590537 245 63 Ta-yu-chien 3.6349543 242 65 Ta-yu-chien 3.0238823 243 65 3.0238823 243 65 Beizhuang 18.338013 267 62 Beizhuang 6.7995416 268 62 Beizhuang 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Sha-shan 17.818267 88 63 Sha-shan 21.484342 89 63 Sha-shan 2.7854318 88 64 Sha-shan 15.016012 90 64 15.016012 90 64 Ch'ing-tao 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Wang-kung 17.818267 88 63 Wang-kung 21.484342 89 63 Wang-kung 2.7854318 88 64 Wang-kung 15.016012 90 64 15.016012 90 64 Sifang 6.4712836 271 63 Sifang 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Chengyang 2.0228224 272 63 Chengyang 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 Beima 2.2447267 294 64 2.2447267 294 64 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 2.2447267 294 64 2.2447267 294 64 Huang-ch'i 5.9611803 134 64 Huang-ch'i 16.520509 136 65 Huang-ch'i 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Qingdao 6.4712836 271 63 Qingdao 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Fushansuo 11.126148 269 64 Fushansuo 24.269815 270 64 Fushansuo 19.271288 271 64 Fushansuo 2.5193449 272 64 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Shacheng 16.520509 136 65 Shacheng 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Huangshagang 12.410759 238 67 12.410759 238 67 Shuangyangzha 14.317102 239 66 Shuangyangzha 3.3140068 240 66 3.3140068 240 66 Ts'ang-k'ou 24.269815 270 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 19.271288 271 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 2.5193449 272 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 19.271288 271 64 Hsien-chia-chai 2.5193449 272 64 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Xiaguan 16.520509 136 65 16.520509 136 65 T'ang-sheng-chiang 12.410759 238 67 12.410759 238 67 Dongxiaohai 14.317102 239 66 14.317102 239 66 Lu-kang 15.016012 90 64 15.016012 90 64 Pucheng 16.520509 136 65 16.520509 136 65 Xinyanggang 7.5299407 236 68 Xinyanggang 2.0820892 234 69 2.0820892 234 69 Sha-fan-chieh 6.1811061 139 69 Sha-fan-chieh 9.5777037 139 70 Sha-fan-chieh 6.3861227 140 70 Sha-fan-chieh 3.3968236 141 70 Sha-fan-chieh 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shazikou 20.069832 269 66 Shazikou 11.033439 270 66 11.033439 270 66 I-shan 3.3968236 141 70 I-shan 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 32.329881 335 69 Ching-shui 18.89506 94 67 Ching-shui 11.849512 95 68 11.849512 95 68 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 Niejia 6.4326869 296 68 Niejia 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Jinxiang 6.1811061 139 69 Jinxiang 9.5777037 139 70 Jinxiang 6.3861227 140 70 Jinxiang 3.3968236 141 70 Jinxiang 24.330988 143 70 Jinxiang 2.0945312 143 71 2.0945312 143 71 Hai huang 18.89506 94 67 Hai huang 11.849512 95 68 11.849512 95 68 Gexiang 24.330988 143 70 Gexiang 2.0945312 143 71 2.0945312 143 71 Wanggezhuang 22.958528 272 71 Wanggezhuang 6.6305521 273 71 Wanggezhuang 7.8042088 274 71 Wanggezhuang 2.1714545 275 71 Wanggezhuang 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 Beigou 6.4326869 296 68 Beigou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Yuan-li 11.849512 95 68 11.849512 95 68 Tung-hsiao 11.849512 95 68 11.849512 95 68 Aoshanwei 6.6305521 273 71 Aoshanwei 7.8042088 274 71 Aoshanwei 2.1714545 275 71 Aoshanwei 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Chang'ao 17.697269 148 73 17.697269 148 73 Lo-yu 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Ch'i-ting 41.814635 97 69 Ch'i-ting 20.768209 98 70 Ch'i-ting 3.2748181 100 72 Ch'i-ting 2.2544865 101 73 2.2544865 101 73 Xiabu 17.697269 148 73 17.697269 148 73 Jingliuwei 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 25.4412 184 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Banling 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 6.0252144 297 70 Dengzhou 9.6202231 299 70 Dengzhou 3.3854309 297 71 Dengzhou 11.497985 297 72 Dengzhou 17.148748 299 73 17.148748 299 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 24.953155 147 73 24.953155 147 73 Kaiyangtu 17.697269 148 73 17.697269 148 73 Changyinsha 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chao-feng-chen 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Qianduanjiawei 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 6.0252144 297 70 Penglai 9.6202231 299 70 Penglai 3.3854309 297 71 Penglai 11.497985 297 72 Penglai 17.148748 299 73 17.148748 299 73 Chin-chia-k'ou 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Ling-hsia 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Huangwan 25.4412 184 73 Huangwan 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Longwan 24.953155 147 73 24.953155 147 73 Lu-ching-chiang 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Gao'ao 17.697269 148 73 17.697269 148 73 Siqianjie 24.953155 147 73 24.953155 147 73 Dongtaihezha 28.464559 222 74 28.464559 222 74 Nantong 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Liulishe 21.476786 219 74 Liulishe 12.4975 219 75 12.4975 219 75 Xiaodoumen 24.953155 147 73 Xiaodoumen 10.419949 148 75 Xiaodoumen 2.0500631 149 75 Xiaodoumen 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Baixiang 17.697269 148 73 Baixiang 10.419949 148 75 Baixiang 2.0500631 149 75 Baixiang 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Shan-ch'ien 17.697269 148 73 Shan-ch'ien 10.419949 148 75 Shan-ch'ien 2.0500631 149 75 Shan-ch'ien 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Wangcun 2.1714545 275 71 Wangcun 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Wali 7.8042088 274 71 Wali 2.1714545 275 71 Wali 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Jiangtan 24.953155 147 73 Jiangtan 10.419949 148 75 Jiangtan 2.0500631 149 75 Jiangtan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ganpu 25.4412 184 73 Ganpu 17.456245 185 73 Ganpu 4.6144463 187 75 Ganpu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Zhaoqiao 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chu-nan 40.862512 100 71 Chu-nan 3.2748181 100 72 Chu-nan 2.2544865 101 73 2.2544865 101 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 10.419949 148 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 2.0500631 149 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ch'ien-tzu-chiao 40.862512 100 71 Ch'ien-tzu-chiao 3.2748181 100 72 Ch'ien-tzu-chiao 2.2544865 101 73 2.2544865 101 73 Hsieh-t'ang 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Liu-tsao 21.476786 219 74 Liu-tsao 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Xingcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Haiyan 17.456245 185 73 Haiyan 4.6144463 187 75 Haiyan 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsia-chia-fou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-chia-fou 10.419949 148 75 Hsia-chia-fou 2.0500631 149 75 Hsia-chia-fou 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Changchuanba 25.4412 184 73 Changchuanba 17.456245 185 73 Changchuanba 4.6144463 187 75 Changchuanba 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Bixishi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Xizhoushi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsin-k'ai-kang 9.9643812 209 73 Hsin-k'ai-kang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Baizhuzhen 5.4299814 186 75 Baizhuzhen 4.6144463 187 75 Baizhuzhen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ch'eng-ao 3.2494402 149 73 Ch'eng-ao 2.0500631 149 75 Ch'eng-ao 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Dituan 17.697269 148 73 Dituan 10.419949 148 75 Dituan 2.0500631 149 75 Dituan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Beilong 9.5466128 143 73 Beilong 5.9811912 144 73 Beilong 4.2607895 145 73 Beilong 2.0272748 146 73 2.0272748 146 73 Shih-ma-chuang 3.2494402 149 73 Shih-ma-chuang 2.0500631 149 75 Shih-ma-chuang 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ta-shan 4.9173076 277 75 Ta-shan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Linshan 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Changqian 5.4299814 186 75 Changqian 4.6144463 187 75 Changqian 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Xitang 4.6144463 187 75 Xitang 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lao-wu-shih 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 21.476786 219 74 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Dashan 4.9173076 277 75 Dashan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Baiyan 38.790019 152 76 Baiyan 49.926487 153 77 Baiyan 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Baisha 61.424401 150 75 Baisha 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Da'an 9.9643812 209 73 Da'an 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 38.790019 152 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 49.926487 153 77 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 4.6144463 187 75 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ri'aitang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Fu-jung 49.926487 153 77 Fu-jung 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Laochangbu 9.9643812 209 73 Laochangbu 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chou-hung-ch'iu 2.4716733 184 74 Chou-hung-ch'iu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Cheng-chia-tai 4.6144463 187 75 Cheng-chia-tai 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Heng-pa-ts'un 2.4716733 184 74 Heng-pa-ts'un 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 Dajijia 17.458593 297 75 Dajijia 14.503721 296 76 14.503721 296 76 P'u-ch'i 61.424401 150 75 P'u-ch'i 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Lo-ho-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Kuan-yin 3.3316499 103 74 Kuan-yin 63.697385 107 76 Kuan-yin 49.965501 107 77 Kuan-yin 27.281443 107 78 27.281443 107 78 Hsiung-ting-yu 2.4716733 184 74 Hsiung-ting-yu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Zhapu 4.6144463 187 75 Zhapu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lixinzha 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qingjiang 38.790019 152 76 Qingjiang 49.926487 153 77 Qingjiang 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Zhangjiaxiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huangang 21.476786 219 74 Huangang 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 Xihuzui 47.743442 312 75 Xihuzui 44.199686 313 75 Xihuzui 22.593072 314 75 Xihuzui 32.925733 315 75 Xihuzui 40.605648 312 76 Xihuzui 38.42566 313 76 Xihuzui 37.061167 314 76 Xihuzui 25.426262 315 76 Xihuzui 3.0519991 314 77 Xihuzui 16.387197 315 77 Xihuzui 10.211338 314 78 10.211338 314 78 Sanhezhen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Niu-ch'iao-shih 4.6144463 187 75 Niu-ch'iao-shih 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsiao-an-chieh 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Touyan 7.9364271 147 75 Touyan 10.419949 148 75 Touyan 2.0500631 149 75 Touyan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Banping 15.445253 145 75 Banping 6.6582175 146 75 Banping 7.9364271 147 75 Banping 10.419949 148 75 Banping 2.0500631 149 75 Banping 16.294285 148 78 Banping 10.201052 149 78 10.201052 149 78 Bei'ao 15.445253 145 75 Bei'ao 6.6582175 146 75 Bei'ao 7.9364271 147 75 Bei'ao 10.419949 148 75 Bei'ao 2.0500631 149 75 Bei'ao 16.294285 148 78 Bei'ao 10.201052 149 78 10.201052 149 78 Dajing 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wei-chiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hu-chia-lu 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 Ku-hsien 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Chenyu 2.0500631 149 75 Chenyu 61.424401 150 75 Chenyu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 Tieshan 57.569361 310 75 Tieshan 57.945619 311 75 Tieshan 47.743442 312 75 Tieshan 44.199686 313 75 Tieshan 39.375721 311 76 Tieshan 40.605648 312 76 Tieshan 38.42566 313 76 Tieshan 57.589942 310 78 Tieshan 55.605209 310 79 Tieshan 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Hsing-hsing-chen 4.6144463 187 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Baixi 49.926487 153 77 Baixi 72.485656 154 77 Baixi 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chiu-ch'u-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Dujiaqiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chien-chen 7.6550516 218 76 7.6550516 218 76 Chou-chia-peng 7.4155752 188 76 7.4155752 188 76 Fou-ch'iao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Sanli 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hai-men-hsien 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huanshan 5.5698927 150 76 Huanshan 72.485656 154 77 Huanshan 9.2223275 153 79 Huanshan 5.7323609 151 80 5.7323609 151 80 Fengcheng 3.4258447 278 76 3.4258447 278 76 Liujiazhai 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Ch'ing-lung-chiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qianjing 5.0762899 205 78 Qianjing 16.878731 204 79 Qianjing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 Fushan 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 32.548758 321 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.164329 322 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.497974 323 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.437812 324 77 Wang-chia-tun 28.796951 324 78 Wang-chia-tun 23.133033 324 79 Wang-chia-tun 6.8199729 321 80 Wang-chia-tun 13.338671 324 80 Wang-chia-tun 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 Lushun 3.0519991 314 77 Lushun 10.211338 314 78 10.211338 314 78 Liuhe 16.878731 204 79 16.878731 204 79 Tiaobanqiao 5.0762899 205 78 Tiaobanqiao 16.878731 204 79 Tiaobanqiao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Xincun 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Kanmen 12.148678 150 77 Kanmen 16.272936 151 77 Kanmen 49.926487 153 77 Kanmen 8.5062756 153 78 Kanmen 9.2223275 153 79 Kanmen 5.7323609 151 80 5.7323609 151 80 Ch'ing-chiang 49.926487 153 77 Ch'ing-chiang 72.485656 154 77 Ch'ing-chiang 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Caopeng 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Ch'ang-sha 5.9733643 218 77 5.9733643 218 77 Chumen 16.272936 151 77 Chumen 49.926487 153 77 Chumen 72.485656 154 77 Chumen 9.2223275 153 79 Chumen 5.7323609 151 80 5.7323609 151 80 Wenqiao 49.926487 153 77 Wenqiao 72.485656 154 77 Wenqiao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chung-fu 27.281443 107 78 Chung-fu 18.124242 107 79 Chung-fu 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Jinshanwei 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Chenxing 16.878731 204 79 16.878731 204 79 Wan'an 5.0762899 205 78 Wan'an 16.878731 204 79 Wan'an 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 Chu-chi 13.195624 294 79 Chu-chi 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.336422 322 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 32.415091 323 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.796951 324 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.158743 325 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.133033 324 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 18.485006 325 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 6.8199729 321 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 13.338671 324 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 31.400401 321 78 Sanguanmiao 28.336422 322 78 Sanguanmiao 32.415091 323 78 Sanguanmiao 28.796951 324 78 Sanguanmiao 23.133033 324 79 Sanguanmiao 6.8199729 321 80 Sanguanmiao 13.338671 324 80 Sanguanmiao 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-shan-tsui 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Shanyang 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 5.0762899 205 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 16.878731 204 79 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Meng-chiang-miao 5.0762899 205 78 Meng-chiang-miao 16.878731 204 79 Meng-chiang-miao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Hongxing 5.0762899 205 78 Hongxing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 Yantai 13.195624 294 79 Yantai 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Hsin-p'u 9.6093348 185 79 9.6093348 185 79 Ducun 16.878731 204 79 Ducun 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 Zhifuzhen 17.93544 294 80 Zhifuzhen 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 5.995365 315 80 Xinzhaizi 10.263241 316 81 Xinzhaizi 10.655565 317 81 Xinzhaizi 5.1844298 316 82 Xinzhaizi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Haiyou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 4.4584824 320 79 Wudao 5.1811351 322 79 Wudao 22.803787 320 80 Wudao 6.8199729 321 80 Wudao 32.53914 320 82 Wudao 18.318481 319 83 18.318481 319 83 Chongming 16.878731 204 79 Chongming 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 Shuishiying 28.152081 311 79 Shuishiying 39.563689 311 80 Shuishiying 47.633161 311 81 Shuishiying 52.1369 311 82 Shuishiying 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Lingmen 9.2223275 153 79 Lingmen 5.7323609 151 80 Lingmen 3.9519262 152 82 Lingmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Aohuan 9.2223275 153 79 Aohuan 3.9519262 152 82 Aohuan 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Dalu 9.2223275 153 79 Dalu 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Shaliu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Caojing 12.151612 189 79 Caojing 14.339612 190 80 Caojing 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Changzheng 16.878731 204 79 Changzheng 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 Cheefoo 17.93544 294 80 Cheefoo 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 5.995365 315 80 Yingchengzi 10.263241 316 81 Yingchengzi 10.655565 317 81 Yingchengzi 5.1844298 316 82 Yingchengzi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Ko-ao-wang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Fang-ch'ien 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chiang-tzu-p'ing 18.124242 107 79 Chiang-tzu-p'ing 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Huqiao 14.339612 190 80 Huqiao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 14.466696 203 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Shih-she-chang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Dong'ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Guan'ao 9.2223275 153 79 Guan'ao 3.9519262 152 82 Guan'ao 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Houjiazhen 16.878731 204 79 Houjiazhen 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 Qianqikuang 17.93544 294 80 Qianqikuang 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Ling-chiao-ch'en 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaojiang 41.209149 159 83 Jiaojiang 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Shan-shang-fang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Tan-shui 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Ch'uan-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 22.803787 320 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 Jiaoliudao 32.53914 320 82 Jiaoliudao 18.318481 319 83 Jiaoliudao 35.730376 319 84 35.730376 319 84 Wudongzha 9.1161185 184 83 Wudongzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Hsia-feng-ch'a 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Abulug 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Qiansuo 41.209149 159 83 Qiansuo 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Pai-chia-chuang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Panlong 14.466696 203 80 Panlong 4.9383975 204 80 Panlong 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsia-jo-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsi-yen 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hua-shan-t'ou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chia-shih 41.209149 159 83 San-chia-shih 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Che-lin 14.339612 190 80 Che-lin 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Dongdayang 4.907592 202 82 Dongdayang 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baoshan 14.466696 203 80 Baoshan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Dongfeng 14.466696 203 80 Dongfeng 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Qiganshi 4.7120089 280 80 Qiganshi 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 22.803787 320 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 Wu-tao 32.53914 320 82 Wu-tao 18.318481 319 83 Wu-tao 35.730376 319 84 35.730376 319 84 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 Donggang 7.8201171 324 81 Donggang 13.620834 328 84 13.620834 328 84 Yeh-chia 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Ch'i-shih-chieh 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chih 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Ch'ang-yang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsueh-mou-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Taipingzha 9.1161185 184 83 Taipingzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Xinmin 14.466696 203 80 Xinmin 4.9383975 204 80 Xinmin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ju-shan-k'ou 4.7120089 280 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 39.563689 311 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 47.633161 311 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 52.1369 311 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Cabuluan 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cao'antou 4.907592 202 82 Cao'antou 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsin-k'ai-ho 2.1981926 203 81 Hsin-k'ai-ho 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 Mashanshangzhai 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ch'ing 41.209149 159 83 Chin-ch'ing 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Changjiang 2.1981926 203 81 2.1981926 203 81 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 10.655565 317 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 3.9836386 316 83 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 Gezhenpu 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Feng-p'u-ao 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Ch'ien-chia-ch'iao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Catuguran 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Beishenjiazhai 4.907592 202 82 Beishenjiazhai 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Chayuan 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Youcheqiao 4.907592 202 82 Youcheqiao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 14.940887 328 83 Ma-chia-tun 17.645477 329 83 Ma-chia-tun 13.620834 328 84 Ma-chia-tun 4.2163928 329 86 4.2163928 329 86 Ch'iu-wang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 3.9836386 316 83 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 Dalian 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Shangpan 41.209149 159 83 Shangpan 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Jiankangtang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 3.9836386 316 83 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 Nanguanling 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Ch'ing-shui-hu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Su-chia 6.1446035 191 82 6.1446035 191 82 Muping 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Linao 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Shih-t'ang 3.9519262 152 82 Shih-t'ang 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Sichalu 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Qianjin 4.907592 202 82 Qianjin 3.1855034 203 83 Qianjin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hai-yang-so 8.0972223 280 82 Hai-yang-so 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Songmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Nanbu 4.907592 202 82 Nanbu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsieh-fu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Lipu 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Bisagu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Liyang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Wantang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Yangyuan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gaodong 4.907592 202 82 Gaodong 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanhong 14.615235 279 82 Nanhong 8.0972223 280 82 Nanhong 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 Xinghaitun 15.459068 312 83 Xinghaitun 41.345126 312 86 Xinghaitun 29.26988 313 86 Xinghaitun 9.8166156 314 86 Xinghaitun 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Chien-t'iao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chin-shan 24.212938 109 82 Chin-shan 94.726282 110 84 Chin-shan 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Panshi 4.907592 202 82 Panshi 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baishatan 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 3.9836386 316 83 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 Dayandao 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 3.9836386 316 83 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Aparri 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 San-chiao-t'ang 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Gulu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gangyan 3.1855034 203 83 Gangyan 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 Dal'niy 15.459068 312 83 Dal'niy 41.345126 312 86 Dal'niy 29.26988 313 86 Dal'niy 9.8166156 314 86 Dal'niy 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Alilinu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Daxingzhen 4.5413906 204 87 Daxingzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 38.89369 318 84 Wan-li 78.355792 110 83 Wan-li 94.726282 110 84 Wan-li 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Gongjialu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanqinghe 4.5413906 204 87 Nanqinghe 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 Dingguanzhai 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Dahu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Dongxing 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hexing 3.1855034 203 83 Hexing 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Lao-yu-tang 7.1464408 191 84 Lao-yu-tang 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Ch'ang-chieh 61.646954 168 84 61.646954 168 84 Hsiang-hua 4.4113937 201 84 Hsiang-hua 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 Qianyangjiacun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Punta 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cailu 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Bailonggang 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Qianwei 4.4113937 201 84 Qianwei 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 Shang-chuang 14.570182 292 85 Shang-chuang 15.906104 293 87 Shang-chuang 17.917704 292 88 Shang-chuang 17.977716 293 88 17.977716 293 88 Chi-lung 78.095275 109 85 Chi-lung 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Ping'an 7.1464408 191 84 Ping'an 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Sizhoutou 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Yuansha 4.4113937 201 84 Yuansha 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ch'iang-t'ou 9.4721285 170 89 Ch'iang-t'ou 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xianxiang 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Shigaotang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Wusi 6.0627425 191 85 Wusi 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Ch'en-chia 10.775334 200 85 Ch'en-chia 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Ch'ang-t'an-li 78.095275 109 85 Ch'ang-t'an-li 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Ch'iu-chia-chai 8.8782186 198 87 8.8782186 198 87 Fumin 10.775334 200 85 Fumin 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Dong'anzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Tou-cheng 72.613429 101 88 Tou-cheng 90.66635 102 88 Tou-cheng 39.260628 103 88 39.260628 103 88 Chia-li-wan 30.464002 100 88 30.464002 100 88 Beiqigen 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Tanglugang 6.34959 206 89 6.34959 206 89 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 Jianggezhuang 15.906104 293 87 Jianggezhuang 17.917704 292 88 Jianggezhuang 17.977716 293 88 Jianggezhuang 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Dingtang 7.84858 167 85 7.84858 167 85 Guoyuan 6.0627425 191 85 Guoyuan 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Fengle 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Niupeng 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Hsin-tsao-chen 4.5413906 204 87 Hsin-tsao-chen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Langnuankou 6.1199551 281 85 Langnuankou 4.9587606 282 87 Langnuankou 3.1296165 283 88 3.1296165 283 88 Yinyang 4.5413906 204 87 Yinyang 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Su-ao 30.464002 100 88 30.464002 100 88 Beilungang 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Lao-chiang 6.0394592 197 88 Lao-chiang 11.746561 193 89 Lao-chiang 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Xiaoguan 4.9587606 282 87 Xiaoguan 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 29.26988 313 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 3.9477531 315 86 Dagushan 23.386034 314 89 Dagushan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Sanshan 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Donghai 6.8080325 191 86 Donghai 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Shuyuan 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 3.9477531 315 86 Wanli 23.386034 314 89 Wanli 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 3.9477531 315 86 Dongjiagou 23.386034 314 89 Dongjiagou 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Daxu 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Daniwan 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 29.26988 313 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 3.9477531 315 86 Nianyuwan 23.386034 314 89 Nianyuwan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Zhuxi 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Lao-tung 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Danmen 9.4721285 170 89 Danmen 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xilangnuan 4.9587606 282 87 Xilangnuan 3.1296165 283 88 Xilangnuan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Hepu 10.516434 165 87 Hepu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Ch'ai-ch'iao 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 4.3923145 329 87 Chiu-nan-t'ien 10.516434 165 87 Chiu-nan-t'ien 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Shihphu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 Beidianzi 15.906104 293 87 Beidianzi 17.917704 292 88 Beidianzi 17.977716 293 88 Beidianzi 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Qiancang 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Fu-lien 39.260628 103 88 39.260628 103 88 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 2.1625192 331 88 Wuleidao 9.0202245 281 88 Wuleidao 6.1302265 282 88 Wuleidao 3.1296165 283 88 Wuleidao 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Guoju 7.4258866 175 89 Guoju 28.771507 177 92 Guoju 41.640815 178 93 Guoju 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Zeku 5.956488 282 89 Zeku 2.9754361 283 89 Zeku 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 Dalijia 13.870654 317 93 Dalijia 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 Teng-sha-ho 18.52296 316 92 Teng-sha-ho 17.040036 316 93 Teng-sha-ho 13.870654 317 93 Teng-sha-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Chung-tse 37.812105 176 90 Chung-tse 5.4334006 177 90 Chung-tse 28.771507 177 92 Chung-tse 41.640815 178 93 Chung-tse 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Dinghai 41.640815 178 93 Dinghai 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 21.521515 293 90 Chiao-t'ou 5.7902978 174 90 Chiao-t'ou 6.6960528 175 90 Chiao-t'ou 37.812105 176 90 Chiao-t'ou 5.4334006 177 90 Chiao-t'ou 28.771507 177 92 Chiao-t'ou 41.640815 178 93 41.640815 178 93 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Ganlan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 Lu-chia-t'un 3.7448453 335 92 Lu-chia-t'un 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 3.7448453 335 92 Wangzhai 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Litang 6.2692201 169 91 Litang 6.0665923 170 91 6.0665923 170 91 Jinghaiwei 15.213907 280 91 Jinghaiwei 9.4992308 281 91 Jinghaiwei 5.8361838 282 91 Jinghaiwei 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Da'ao 7.1140451 174 91 Da'ao 9.1525077 175 91 Da'ao 8.855008 177 91 Da'ao 28.771507 177 92 Da'ao 41.640815 178 93 41.640815 178 93 Huangshan 5.8361838 282 91 Huangshan 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 Zaobu 27.026601 293 93 27.026601 293 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Luomen 41.640815 178 93 Luomen 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Jen-ho-chi 12.273248 281 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.5358904 282 92 7.5358904 282 92 Ta-chan 41.640815 178 93 Ta-chan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 P'u-t'o 10.816907 177 93 P'u-t'o 41.640815 178 93 P'u-t'o 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Qiandao 15.566538 281 93 Qiandao 7.8003059 282 93 7.8003059 282 93 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 Wujiatun 13.870654 317 93 Wujiatun 6.2568556 318 93 Wujiatun 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Ch'ih-shan-chi 16.853075 282 96 Ch'ih-shan-chi 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 Jiaxinzi 46.554234 321 98 46.554234 321 98 Shidao 16.14937 281 94 16.14937 281 94 Laoshantun 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Xizhuang 18.963316 292 95 Xizhuang 10.598257 291 96 Xizhuang 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Ning-ching-so 16.853075 282 96 Ning-ching-so 2.918996 284 98 Ning-ching-so 13.836769 286 99 13.836769 286 99 Dazhuang 18.398227 281 95 Dazhuang 16.853075 282 96 Dazhuang 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Jiurongcheng 10.598257 291 96 Jiurongcheng 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 8.7644452 321 99 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Wolongcun 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 19.266314 317 98 Fangshentun 12.836438 320 98 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 Fangshentun 13.39868 319 101 13.39868 319 101 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 Zhuanghe 4.1820704 323 105 Zhuanghe 30.237123 324 105 30.237123 324 105 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 30.237123 324 105 30.237123 324 105 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 4.1820704 323 105 Shishan 30.237123 324 105 30.237123 324 105 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 4.1820704 323 105 Wangjia 12.767096 322 106 Wangjia 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 7.0071058 324 110 Nanjian 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 22.551549 327 116 Huangtukan 3.0258564 326 117 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Honai 89.209781 96 119 89.209781 96 119 Toyohara 89.209781 96 119 89.209781 96 119 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 22.551549 327 116 Pei-ching-tzu 3.0258564 326 117 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Kobama 89.209781 96 119 89.209781 96 119 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 Dadong 2.0012454 326 122 Dadong 2.6932739 326 124 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 2.0039199 326 121 Chogumsa 2.0012454 326 122 Chogumsa 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 3.3889949 326 125 Chogumsa 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 3.3889949 326 125 Yongampo-ri 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 3.3889949 326 125 Genjo 2.9019132 327 125 Genjo 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 5.3139678 322 128 Yongsapo 8.7710941 323 128 Yongsapo 9.4064872 324 128 Yongsapo 3.2745183 324 129 Yongsapo 15.644561 325 129 15.644561 325 129 Chandae-dong 67.952825 297 128 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 56.892045 301 129 Chandae-dong 34.749838 300 130 Chandae-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Chandae-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Chandae-dong 23.864916 301 131 Chandae-dong 33.314541 297 132 Chandae-dong 24.830385 298 132 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 63.31624 295 129 Kaju-dong 64.222239 296 129 Kaju-dong 63.668785 297 129 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Kaju-dong 33.314541 297 132 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 38.107732 300 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 16.949776 302 130 Ch'angam-dong 44.911389 303 130 Ch'angam-dong 23.864916 301 131 Ch'angam-dong 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 20.322722 300 133 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 3.2745183 324 129 Changya-dong 15.644561 325 129 15.644561 325 129 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 40.371133 310 131 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 22.606289 310 133 22.606289 310 133 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 21.953468 305 131 Sogon-ni 2.8138241 306 131 Sogon-ni 22.711163 307 131 Sogon-ni 6.7326396 307 132 Sogon-ni 4.9813939 305 133 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 4.1624577 307 133 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Sinmi-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.579912 304 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.370203 300 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.322722 300 133 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 Monggumpo-ri 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 4.9813939 305 133 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 6.7326396 307 132 Sagi-ri 8.0695346 308 132 Sagi-ri 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 4.1624577 307 133 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 17.458806 309 133 Chosa-dong 22.606289 310 133 Chosa-dong 15.884596 311 133 Chosa-dong 6.3796517 311 134 6.3796517 311 134 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 Amdu-ri 13.110716 325 133 13.110716 325 133 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 4.1624577 307 133 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Hang-ni 96.623511 239 134 96.623511 239 134 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 13.296947 309 134 An-ch'on 8.2722777 310 134 An-ch'on 2.5881107 307 135 An-ch'on 13.899396 310 135 13.899396 310 135 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Kuninaka 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Chukhang 86.399991 248 136 Chukhang 80.351742 249 136 Chukhang 90.798639 250 136 Chukhang 89.803826 251 136 Chukhang 87.38565 252 136 87.38565 252 136 Ichimasui 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Karimata 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Sugama 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Hirara 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 3.9592761 296 138 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 15.802247 295 141 Changdae 19.267599 295 142 19.267599 295 142 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 5.7636397 322 138 Changp'o 44.567608 323 138 44.567608 323 138 Arasato 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 5.8961564 320 139 Yung-ni 28.075365 322 139 28.075365 322 139 Amch'on 58.813706 247 139 Amch'on 54.504601 248 139 Amch'on 63.115709 249 139 Amch'on 84.831717 250 139 Amch'on 82.053899 251 139 82.053899 251 139 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 Hwajin-ni 20.802088 317 139 Hwajin-ni 19.473088 318 139 Hwajin-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Hwajin-ni 5.8961564 320 139 5.8961564 320 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 28.075365 322 139 Bora 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 Chungang-ni 22.069283 319 140 Chungang-ni 15.181629 320 140 15.181629 320 140 Banzaito-ri 94.211327 241 140 94.211327 241 140 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 8.9062797 297 146 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Chehang-ni 36.746051 251 145 Chehang-ni 29.4564 251 147 Chehang-ni 19.363829 251 148 19.363829 251 148 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 35.015504 297 148 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Chibuk 29.4564 251 147 Chibuk 21.956516 252 147 Chibuk 19.363829 251 148 Chibuk 3.0825982 252 148 Chibuk 12.796815 252 149 Chibuk 10.200227 252 150 10.200227 252 150 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 35.015504 297 148 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 9.6271908 284 147 Etsuu 27.647417 285 147 Etsuu 13.93856 286 147 Etsuu 28.085299 287 147 Etsuu 14.286725 288 147 Etsuu 42.246294 288 148 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Hwangdo 52.68561 271 147 Hwangdo 52.015145 272 147 Hwangdo 57.406962 273 147 Hwangdo 40.254339 274 147 Hwangdo 61.071724 275 147 Hwangdo 46.001713 275 149 Hwangdo 30.769436 275 150 Hwangdo 26.023157 275 151 26.023157 275 151 Doko-ri 28.577934 250 148 Doko-ri 19.363829 251 148 Doko-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Doko-ri 21.03612 253 148 Doko-ri 12.796815 252 149 Doko-ri 21.810351 253 149 Doko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Doko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ant'ae 28.577934 250 148 Ant'ae 4.1033031 250 152 4.1033031 250 152 Och'ong 35.99735 269 148 Och'ong 42.348337 270 148 Och'ong 53.312852 271 148 Och'ong 52.760284 272 148 Och'ong 52.172978 273 148 Och'ong 59.378444 273 149 Och'ong 38.956148 273 150 Och'ong 32.111425 270 152 Och'ong 24.548753 271 152 Och'ong 23.725931 272 152 Och'ong 35.515611 273 152 35.515611 273 152 Bunkai-ri 19.363829 251 148 Bunkai-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Bunkai-ri 21.03612 253 148 Bunkai-ri 18.363187 254 148 Bunkai-ri 12.048456 255 148 Bunkai-ri 19.348215 254 149 Bunkai-ri 16.851478 255 149 Bunkai-ri 10.563465 255 150 Bunkai-ri 4.85565 255 151 Bunkai-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Ach'on 12.796815 252 149 Ach'on 21.810351 253 149 Ach'on 4.1033031 250 152 Ach'on 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 11.590677 251 150 Ikkum-ni 10.200227 252 150 Ikkum-ni 21.320522 254 150 Ikkum-ni 10.563465 255 150 Ikkum-ni 4.85565 255 151 Ikkum-ni 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Changgo 10.200227 252 150 Changgo 21.320522 254 150 Changgo 10.563465 255 150 Changgo 23.586617 256 150 Changgo 8.6752272 253 152 Changgo 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chogun-mal 12.795995 257 150 Chogun-mal 14.982607 258 150 Chogun-mal 16.037022 259 150 Chogun-mal 7.5382908 258 151 Chogun-mal 13.58434 259 151 Chogun-mal 7.283544 257 152 Chogun-mal 10.376184 260 152 Chogun-mal 16.596585 257 153 Chogun-mal 9.5205128 258 153 Chogun-mal 12.540473 257 154 Chogun-mal 2.0395579 258 154 Chogun-mal 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Tengan-ri 6.7307922 254 151 Tengan-ri 4.85565 255 151 Tengan-ri 14.111078 257 151 Tengan-ri 7.5382908 258 151 Tengan-ri 7.283544 257 152 Tengan-ri 4.5439559 254 153 Tengan-ri 12.540473 257 154 Tengan-ri 2.0395579 258 154 2.0395579 258 154 Oejongsan 24.294911 278 151 Oejongsan 22.350351 279 151 Oejongsan 30.865036 280 151 Oejongsan 35.76981 281 151 Oejongsan 45.829966 282 151 Oejongsan 23.722503 282 152 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 14.521966 296 151 Soko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Soko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 Soko-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.6487155 295 154 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Songnyong-ni 7.283544 257 152 Songnyong-ni 4.5439559 254 153 Songnyong-ni 12.540473 257 154 Songnyong-ni 2.0395579 258 154 2.0395579 258 154 Jindo 8.4904397 249 154 Jindo 8.4344916 248 155 Jindo 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.6487155 295 154 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Aenang-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Aenang-ni 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Dongmun 13.622337 279 152 Dongmun 2.7457444 280 152 Dongmun 23.722503 282 152 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 Dongmun 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 23.722503 282 152 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 25.057613 285 153 Oe-dong 18.679295 284 154 Oe-dong 20.370363 285 154 Oe-dong 26.844518 285 155 Oe-dong 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Hwadong-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Hwadong-ni 9.3593266 252 153 9.3593266 252 153 Ch'al-tong 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'al-tong 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 4.0459529 289 153 Chawol-li 18.722716 290 153 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 15.512703 277 153 Sinsong 11.15504 278 153 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 3.5759047 296 153 Chungjang 18.939911 275 153 Chungjang 19.490962 276 153 Chungjang 15.512703 277 153 Chungjang 11.15504 278 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Kan 17.058279 265 154 Kan 19.152435 266 154 Kan 37.328593 267 154 Kan 21.786611 268 154 Kan 25.060669 269 154 Kan 21.624888 268 155 Kan 18.647344 269 155 Kan 15.272654 269 156 Kan 8.1344753 265 157 Kan 5.8870833 266 157 Kan 6.1827551 266 158 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 5.6885666 267 158 Tongmokp 10.937449 277 154 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 10.937449 277 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mogpo 8.4904397 249 154 Mogpo 14.054734 251 154 Mogpo 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 P'i-dong 2.7531991 253 154 P'i-dong 12.540473 257 154 12.540473 257 154 Taeya 2.0395579 258 154 Taeya 3.5386389 259 154 Taeya 6.3000664 261 156 Taeya 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changdong 8.4904397 249 154 Changdong 8.4344916 248 155 Changdong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chisa-ri 8.4904397 249 154 Chisa-ri 14.054734 251 154 Chisa-ri 8.4344916 248 155 Chisa-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 3.6487155 295 154 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Onmok 8.2578121 259 155 Onmok 4.6834766 260 155 Onmok 6.9462647 261 155 Onmok 6.8610422 262 155 Onmok 6.3000664 261 156 Onmok 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 4.6834766 260 155 Changho 6.9462647 261 155 Changho 6.8610422 262 155 Changho 8.7681729 263 155 Changho 6.3000664 261 156 Changho 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 5.961837 263 156 Changho 7.7888463 264 156 Changho 2.0153163 263 157 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.8610422 262 155 Chongam 8.7681729 263 155 Chongam 15.999725 266 155 Chongam 5.0866135 262 156 Chongam 5.961837 263 156 Chongam 7.7888463 264 156 Chongam 10.168835 265 156 Chongam 2.0153163 263 157 Chongam 8.1344753 265 157 Chongam 5.8870833 266 157 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.1827551 266 158 6.1827551 266 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Weolam-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Anjong 8.4344916 248 155 Anjong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 26.844518 285 155 Chogumjin-ni 10.688657 285 156 Chogumjin-ni 3.2321102 285 157 3.2321102 285 157 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 11.650704 286 157 Hasambong 22.332942 287 157 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 15.476757 287 158 Chonmak 2.0153163 263 157 Chonmak 8.1344753 265 157 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 10.115317 270 157 Aech'an-ni 9.1861162 271 157 Aech'an-ni 20.453098 272 157 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 4.4998898 274 158 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 5.3185053 291 159 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Changsin 2.0153163 263 157 Changsin 8.1344753 265 157 Changsin 5.8870833 266 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 6.1827551 266 158 Changsin 5.6885666 267 158 Changsin 2.241903 267 159 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 2.4882243 268 158 Janghang 6.1226123 270 158 Janghang 5.1750682 271 158 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 6.1827551 266 158 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 6.1827551 266 158 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 6.1226123 270 158 Okhu 2.5792614 270 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 5.9539673 290 160 5.9539673 290 160 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.5792614 270 159 Gunsan 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 5.9539673 290 160 5.9539673 290 160 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 5.9539673 290 160 5.9539673 290 160 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 9.261633 248 166 Changsu 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chinch'ang 9.261633 248 166 Chinch'ang 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Aya-ri 9.261633 248 166 Aya-ri 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Ch'ongam 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 Bumpyo 18.792407 318 172 18.792407 318 172 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 18.792407 318 172 18.792407 318 172 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 15.694487 319 172 Anhung-ni 7.7401278 321 173 7.7401278 321 173 Wonsan 18.792407 318 172 Wonsan 6.6323313 317 173 Wonsan 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Tongho-ri 25.508662 324 174 Tongho-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 Sin-ch'on 15.694487 319 172 Sin-ch'on 7.7401278 321 173 7.7401278 321 173 Yongpo-ri 25.508662 324 174 Yongpo-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Songhung-ni 23.785546 322 173 Songhung-ni 25.508662 324 174 Songhung-ni 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 Kalgoch'i-ri 18.792407 318 172 Kalgoch'i-ri 6.6323313 317 173 Kalgoch'i-ri 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Anp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Anp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Pongch'on 18.792407 318 172 Pongch'on 6.6323313 317 173 Pongch'on 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Chungbang 4.5239592 250 175 Chungbang 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chakto-dong 14.531539 325 174 Chakto-dong 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Chabong 4.5239592 250 175 Chabong 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Yeosu 4.5239592 250 175 Yeosu 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chukp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Chukp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Hungsang-ni 23.221014 326 175 Hungsang-ni 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Hangch'on 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Yongyon-ni 22.452733 326 176 Yongyon-ni 20.032461 327 176 Yongyon-ni 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Tongch-on 23.537237 316 177 Tongch-on 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Kuum-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Hongwon 29.49569 328 179 Hongwon 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Hadajon-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Yuktae-dong 24.445944 328 180 Yuktae-dong 30.921472 329 180 Yuktae-dong 6.5649757 330 180 Yuktae-dong 8.0039205 330 182 8.0039205 330 182 Changjon 38.393959 313 181 Changjon 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Gaken-ri 58.289958 313 182 Gaken-ri 53.537643 312 183 Gaken-ri 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Honam-ni 46.05045 328 182 Honam-ni 32.450534 329 182 Honam-ni 8.0039205 330 182 8.0039205 330 182 Hongsong 53.537643 312 183 Hongsong 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Soho-ri 60.993912 329 184 Soho-ri 12.608055 331 186 12.608055 331 186 Singhang 83.466108 329 185 Singhang 14.066341 330 185 Singhang 12.608055 331 186 Singhang 43.739011 332 189 43.739011 332 189 Kojin-ni 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Pongho-ri 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Chindu 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Ungcheon 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chaho 55.981306 331 187 Chaho 43.739011 332 189 Chaho 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Kuum-ni 43.739011 332 189 Kuum-ni 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Jinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chuktori 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Jangseunpo 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Daiko 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Poktokkumi 77.245503 333 191 Poktokkumi 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Tanchon 77.678648 334 192 Tanchon 18.25587 335 193 18.25587 335 193 Chungch'on 65.011648 335 194 65.011648 335 194 Heunghae 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Pohang 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Segae-dong 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Taech'on 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Guryongpo 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Hama 26.622322 227 214 26.622322 227 214 Tara 26.622322 227 214 Tara 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Suminoe 26.622322 227 214 Suminoe 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Okawa 26.622322 227 214 Okawa 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Meihama 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Saitosaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuoka 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Mitoma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Setaka 26.622322 227 214 Setaka 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Omuta 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Kashii 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Harumachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Tsuyazaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Shingu 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukumamachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Katae 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Moriyama 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Wataricho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Tonoecho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Watari 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Shichirui 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Takenouchicho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Sakai-Minato 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Fukuura 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yoshizu 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 O-Shinozucho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kumozu 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kamiguchi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Higuchi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Goto 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kamidani 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Mihonoseki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Mihonseki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Abe 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yonago 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Higashi-Fukuhara 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kami-fukubara 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kaike-Onsen 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kuzumo 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Soda 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kaya 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kawaoka 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Odaka 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Sueyoshi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Muki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yodoe 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in 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/mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/trim-calc.nc ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/ (529, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Jiazi 22.40734 71 1 Jiazi 13.09244 72 1 Jiazi 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Changqingwei 22.40734 71 1 Changqingwei 13.09244 72 1 Changqingwei 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 19.728532 72 3 Shenquan 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 6.7835538 74 4 6.7835538 74 4 Donghong 4.4844703 74 5 4.4844703 74 5 Jinghai 18.914914 73 6 Jinghai 17.571704 76 9 Jinghai 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Ch'ao-yang-hsien 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Haimen 17.571704 76 9 Haimen 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Shantou 8.4375967 78 11 Shantou 7.0718507 79 12 Shantou 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Dahao 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Aotou 8.4375967 78 11 Aotou 7.0718507 79 12 Aotou 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Daitou 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Guangao 19.161279 76 10 Guangao 12.697454 77 10 Guangao 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Siwei 7.0718507 79 12 Siwei 3.7670093 80 12 Siwei 6.6530483 82 14 6.6530483 82 14 Ch'ien-tung-hsu 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Qiandong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Jingzhou 6.6530483 82 14 Jingzhou 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanglong 12.30569 81 14 Huanglong 6.6530483 82 14 Huanglong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanggang 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Houzhai 14.158554 79 13 Houzhai 7.4188071 80 13 Houzhai 12.30569 81 14 Houzhai 6.6530483 82 14 Houzhai 6.391558 83 16 Houzhai 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Raoping 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Zhelin 6.6530483 82 14 Zhelin 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Shenao 12.310144 80 14 Shenao 12.30569 81 14 Shenao 6.6530483 82 14 Shenao 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Nanao 19.543308 79 15 Nanao 14.736534 80 15 Nanao 14.438193 81 15 Nanao 10.298399 82 15 Nanao 6.391558 83 16 Nanao 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Chelim 10.298399 82 15 Chelim 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Gongkou 6.391558 83 16 Gongkou 25.143746 84 16 25.143746 84 16 Sidu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Dongshan 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Ssu-tu 4.0256123 85 20 Ssu-tu 48.599614 86 20 48.599614 86 20 Gongqiancun 16.571469 82 19 Gongqiancun 12.984636 83 19 Gongqiancun 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chencheng 16.571469 82 19 Chencheng 12.984636 83 19 Chencheng 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Hsing-ch'en 4.0256123 85 20 Hsing-ch'en 48.599614 86 20 Hsing-ch'en 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Chendai 4.0256123 85 20 Chendai 48.599614 86 20 Chendai 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Hsi-pu 12.984636 83 19 Hsi-pu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Huqiu 48.599614 86 20 48.599614 86 20 Chengguanzhen 15.231575 85 21 Chengguanzhen 22.062022 84 22 Chengguanzhen 3.7540171 87 25 Chengguanzhen 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Erdaogou 9.4160888 308 24 Erdaogou 19.610813 310 24 Erdaogou 23.439165 311 24 Erdaogou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Binhaicun 19.666559 309 24 Binhaicun 19.610813 310 24 Binhaicun 23.439165 311 24 Binhaicun 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tangjiahe 19.666559 309 24 Tangjiahe 19.610813 310 24 Tangjiahe 23.439165 311 24 Tangjiahe 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 23.439165 311 24 Baishuitou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Lijiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Guleitou 22.062022 84 22 Guleitou 3.7540171 87 25 Guleitou 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Gangkou 14.166745 86 25 Gangkou 3.7540171 87 25 Gangkou 7.1344484 88 25 Gangkou 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 Gaoshalingcun 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Zhaojiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Liuhongbo 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Xujiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Hsia-mei 3.7540171 87 25 Hsia-mei 7.1344484 88 25 Hsia-mei 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Jiuzhen 10.293507 89 26 Jiuzhen 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Liu'ao 3.7540171 87 25 Liu'ao 7.1344484 88 25 Liu'ao 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Shentu 7.1344484 88 25 Shentu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Chihu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Fotan 8.2773537 91 29 Fotan 7.5801579 92 30 7.5801579 92 30 Fugong 9.1224387 93 31 Fugong 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 Shuangqiaozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Haicang 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Guankou 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Gangwei 9.1224387 93 31 Gangwei 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Songyu 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Hsing-lin 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Xucuo 9.1224387 93 31 Xucuo 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 3.3331067 316 30 3.3331067 316 30 Gulangyu 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Xiamen 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Chen-hai 7.5801579 92 30 Chen-hai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Daomei 9.1224387 93 31 Daomei 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Dianqian 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Jiangtou 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Zhenhai 7.5801579 92 30 Zhenhai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 3.3331067 316 30 Hecuo 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Liuwudian 2.7981704 97 31 Liuwudian 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 8.895146 315 31 Beipu 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Aotou 11.680956 96 33 Aotou 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Xindian 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 An-ting 12.486394 94 33 An-ting 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Ma-chiang 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 9.3410776 314 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Chin-men 12.486394 94 33 Chin-men 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Lianhe 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Ch'ing-hsu 15.995085 96 34 Ch'ing-hsu 4.474861 97 34 Ch'ing-hsu 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Shijing 4.474861 97 34 Shijing 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Chin-men Tao 11.81395 95 34 Chin-men Tao 15.995085 96 34 Chin-men Tao 4.474861 97 34 Chin-men Tao 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Yang-chai 11.81395 95 34 Yang-chai 15.995085 96 34 Yang-chai 4.474861 97 34 Yang-chai 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Anhai 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Tung-shih 37.719502 98 36 Tung-shih 3.88525 98 37 Tung-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 Nancaoji 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Weitou 16.40076 96 37 Weitou 3.88525 98 37 Weitou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Chin-ching 16.40076 96 37 Chin-ching 3.88525 98 37 Chin-ching 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Shih-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Yakou 3.88525 98 37 Yakou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Yongning 2.6544592 98 38 Yongning 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Shihu 19.961478 101 42 Shihu 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dongyuan 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Hsiang-chih 23.464508 99 41 Hsiang-chih 12.088851 100 41 Hsiang-chih 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Zhangban 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Fengting 19.992729 107 45 Fengting 40.385472 108 45 Fengting 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 Daqinghe 4.8916688 316 43 Daqinghe 19.528808 317 44 19.528808 317 44 Yang-chiao 6.7658682 289 45 6.7658682 289 45 Qian'an 19.961478 101 42 Qian'an 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dongsha 19.992729 107 45 Dongsha 40.385472 108 45 Dongsha 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Dawu 3.4065137 103 43 Dawu 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Chongwu 19.961478 101 42 Chongwu 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Lingchuan 19.992729 107 45 Lingchuan 40.385472 108 45 Lingchuan 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Fengwei 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hsiao-tso 12.914359 102 43 Hsiao-tso 3.4065137 103 43 Hsiao-tso 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Zhongmen 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hushi 40.385472 108 45 Hushi 98.135065 109 45 Hushi 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 P'u-hsi 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hanjiang 4.884141 111 49 Hanjiang 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Meizhou 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Yancangcheng 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Hsing-chuang 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Haitou 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Shiqiao 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Chiang-k'ou 4.884141 111 49 Chiang-k'ou 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Hsia-k'ou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Jiuliqi 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Daitou 26.365664 107 46 Daitou 51.854925 108 46 Daitou 26.166377 108 47 Daitou 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Che-wang 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 3.5553451 321 49 Fenshui 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Pinghai 26.166377 108 47 Pinghai 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Yuxi 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Andongwei 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tangbian 4.884141 111 49 Tangbian 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 Xihenancun 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Xugou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Shicheng 6.7393053 107 48 Shicheng 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Lanshantou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Taolekow 4.2500724 257 51 Taolekow 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Jiangjing 4.884141 111 49 Jiangjing 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Liujiazhai 7.0120592 258 52 Liujiazhai 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Dongxi Liandao 3.7698366 249 50 Dongxi Liandao 2.4063058 251 50 2.4063058 251 50 Nanri 18.09116 106 50 Nanri 7.0734505 107 50 Nanri 6.1359086 108 50 Nanri 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Longtian 4.547549 112 50 Longtian 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Gangtou 5.4590452 111 50 Gangtou 4.547549 112 50 Gangtou 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 Guidizhai 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 Chu-kao-wan 60.854161 86 51 Chu-kao-wan 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 San Shah 3.150623 111 51 San Shah 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Guhuai 10.731328 116 55 Guhuai 9.6953481 117 55 Guhuai 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 Shandongpu 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 Feng-kuei-li 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Gaoshan 20.832558 110 51 Gaoshan 3.150623 111 51 Gaoshan 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Fuye 21.813694 106 51 Fuye 22.560333 108 51 Fuye 4.2004307 109 51 Fuye 20.832558 110 51 20.832558 110 51 Shijiusuo 7.0120592 258 52 Shijiusuo 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Ch'ang-an 60.854161 86 51 Ch'ang-an 58.867813 87 51 Ch'ang-an 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 P'eng-hu-erh-ts'un 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 9.9637259 327 54 Langqi 7.4873876 119 56 Langqi 2.4030428 121 56 Langqi 3.7675423 122 56 Langqi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chiang-t'ien 10.731328 116 55 Chiang-t'ien 9.6953481 117 55 Chiang-t'ien 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Changmen 2.4030428 121 56 Changmen 3.7675423 122 56 Changmen 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Ma-kung 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Ch'eng-ch'ien 58.147418 86 52 Ch'eng-ch'ien 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Chu-mu-shui 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 Chi-pei 58.147418 86 52 Chi-pei 72.156355 87 52 Chi-pei 55.671692 88 52 Chi-pei 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Tantou 5.5278715 118 55 Tantou 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Fengwo 7.4873876 119 56 Fengwo 2.4030428 121 56 Fengwo 3.7675423 122 56 Fengwo 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chang-chiang 9.6953481 117 55 Chang-chiang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Yunlong 7.4873876 119 56 Yunlong 2.4030428 121 56 Yunlong 3.7675423 122 56 Yunlong 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Tung-tai 3.7675423 122 56 Tung-tai 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chin-feng 5.5278715 118 55 Chin-feng 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Ta-ch'iu 7.8729078 109 53 Ta-ch'iu 11.298118 110 53 11.298118 110 53 Baisheng 2.4030428 121 56 Baisheng 3.7675423 122 56 Baisheng 6.73443 123 56 Baisheng 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Mabi 6.73443 123 56 Mabi 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Lung-men 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Guanban 3.7675423 122 56 Guanban 6.73443 123 56 Guanban 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Wuhang 9.6953481 117 55 Wuhang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Chien-chiang 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Beicuo 14.408223 110 55 Beicuo 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Guanjing 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Cao Yu 21.453363 109 54 21.453363 109 54 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 9.9637259 327 54 Qingfeng 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Yanweigang 3.7995859 249 55 Yanweigang 2.1817413 247 57 2.1817413 247 57 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 12.323748 327 55 Pingtan 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Ting-hai 3.7675423 122 56 Ting-hai 6.73443 123 56 Ting-hai 14.298635 123 57 Ting-hai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 5.8558936 263 55 5.8558936 263 55 Hutouya 2.0267187 287 55 2.0267187 287 55 Anhai 16.488406 124 58 Anhai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Tung-ch'ung 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Xinan 6.1076887 128 59 6.1076887 128 59 Houtian 6.0111747 111 56 Houtian 9.2331172 115 56 Houtian 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Xiahecheng 10.073142 263 56 Xiahecheng 47.227135 264 56 Xiahecheng 38.636578 266 59 38.636578 266 59 Zhangjialou 7.463872 265 59 Zhangjialou 38.636578 266 59 38.636578 266 59 Dayuan 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 7.1362104 291 57 7.1362104 291 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 15.033168 120 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 7.1594537 121 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 12.384673 122 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Xiahu 49.118844 127 58 Xiahu 6.1076887 128 59 Xiahu 14.317131 128 61 Xiahu 12.731007 129 61 Xiahu 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 6.3065462 130 62 Hanjiang 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Songcheng 3.3149429 131 62 Songcheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Da'ao 23.861571 126 59 Da'ao 14.317131 128 61 Da'ao 12.731007 129 61 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 3.3149429 131 62 Changchun 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Wuqu 6.3065462 130 62 Wuqu 3.3149429 131 62 Wuqu 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Hongshiya 4.0704735 272 62 Hongshiya 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Yung-lung 13.577678 79 61 Yung-lung 10.147977 80 61 Yung-lung 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Luxia 14.317131 128 61 Luxia 12.731007 129 61 Luxia 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Chiang-chun 13.577678 79 61 Chiang-chun 10.147977 80 61 10.147977 80 61 Lingshanwei 6.2537308 267 61 Lingshanwei 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Hsin-chiang 13.771487 86 62 13.771487 86 62 Fu-hsing 13.577678 79 61 Fu-hsing 10.147977 80 61 Fu-hsing 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Pu-tai 13.577678 79 61 Pu-tai 10.147977 80 61 Pu-tai 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Hsia-lun 13.771487 86 62 13.771487 86 62 Sa-ti 13.771487 86 62 Sa-ti 15.909404 87 62 15.909404 87 62 Yacheng 5.0918143 132 62 Yacheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Chang-t'an 13.577678 79 61 Chang-t'an 10.147977 80 61 Chang-t'an 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Wu-nan 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Hai-kou 13.771487 86 62 Hai-kou 15.909404 87 62 15.909404 87 62 Hsin-chuang 9.3603672 292 61 Hsin-chuang 7.0709729 292 62 7.0709729 292 62 Chung-ch'i 13.771487 86 62 Chung-ch'i 15.909404 87 62 Chung-ch'i 17.818267 88 63 Chung-ch'i 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Houwan 6.7995416 268 62 Houwan 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Sansha 5.0918143 132 62 Sansha 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Yantaiqian 6.2537308 267 61 Yantaiqian 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Xianlang 6.7995416 268 62 Xianlang 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Qimudao 12.014129 293 61 Qimudao 12.997511 294 61 12.997511 294 61 Liuduo 3.6349543 242 65 Liuduo 3.0238823 243 65 Liuduo 3.3140068 240 66 3.3140068 240 66 San-hsing 13.771487 86 62 San-hsing 15.909404 87 62 San-hsing 30.598862 89 62 San-hsing 17.818267 88 63 San-hsing 21.484342 89 63 San-hsing 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 T'ai-hsi 13.771487 86 62 T'ai-hsi 15.909404 87 62 T'ai-hsi 30.598862 89 62 T'ai-hsi 17.818267 88 63 T'ai-hsi 21.484342 89 63 T'ai-hsi 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 7.0709729 292 62 Ta-yu-chien 4.1783146 246 62 Ta-yu-chien 5.6590537 245 63 Ta-yu-chien 3.6349543 242 65 Ta-yu-chien 3.0238823 243 65 3.0238823 243 65 Beizhuang 18.338013 267 62 Beizhuang 6.7995416 268 62 Beizhuang 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Sha-shan 17.818267 88 63 Sha-shan 21.484342 89 63 Sha-shan 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Ch'ing-tao 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Wang-kung 17.818267 88 63 Wang-kung 21.484342 89 63 Wang-kung 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Sifang 6.4712836 271 63 Sifang 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Chengyang 2.0228224 272 63 Chengyang 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 Beima 2.2447267 294 64 2.2447267 294 64 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 2.2447267 294 64 2.2447267 294 64 Huang-ch'i 5.9611803 134 64 Huang-ch'i 16.520509 136 65 Huang-ch'i 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Qingdao 6.4712836 271 63 Qingdao 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Fushansuo 11.126148 269 64 Fushansuo 24.269815 270 64 Fushansuo 19.271288 271 64 Fushansuo 2.5193449 272 64 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Shacheng 16.520509 136 65 Shacheng 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Huangshagang 12.410759 238 67 12.410759 238 67 Shuangyangzha 14.317102 239 66 Shuangyangzha 3.3140068 240 66 3.3140068 240 66 Ts'ang-k'ou 24.269815 270 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 19.271288 271 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 2.5193449 272 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 19.271288 271 64 Hsien-chia-chai 2.5193449 272 64 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Xiaguan 16.520509 136 65 16.520509 136 65 T'ang-sheng-chiang 12.410759 238 67 12.410759 238 67 Dongxiaohai 14.317102 239 66 14.317102 239 66 Lu-kang 15.016012 90 64 15.016012 90 64 Pucheng 16.520509 136 65 16.520509 136 65 Xinyanggang 7.5299407 236 68 Xinyanggang 2.0820892 234 69 2.0820892 234 69 Sha-fan-chieh 6.1811061 139 69 Sha-fan-chieh 9.5777037 139 70 Sha-fan-chieh 6.3861227 140 70 Sha-fan-chieh 3.3968236 141 70 Sha-fan-chieh 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shazikou 20.069832 269 66 Shazikou 11.033439 270 66 11.033439 270 66 I-shan 3.3968236 141 70 I-shan 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 32.329881 335 69 Ching-shui 18.89506 94 67 Ching-shui 48.638053 95 67 Ching-shui 47.572319 96 67 Ching-shui 46.81908 96 68 46.81908 96 68 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 Niejia 6.4326869 296 68 Niejia 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Jinxiang 6.1811061 139 69 Jinxiang 9.5777037 139 70 Jinxiang 6.3861227 140 70 Jinxiang 3.3968236 141 70 Jinxiang 24.330988 143 70 Jinxiang 2.0945312 143 71 2.0945312 143 71 Hai huang 18.89506 94 67 Hai huang 48.638053 95 67 Hai huang 47.572319 96 67 Hai huang 63.810636 97 67 Hai huang 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Gexiang 24.330988 143 70 Gexiang 2.0945312 143 71 2.0945312 143 71 Wanggezhuang 22.958528 272 71 Wanggezhuang 6.6305521 273 71 Wanggezhuang 7.8042088 274 71 Wanggezhuang 2.1714545 275 71 Wanggezhuang 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 Beigou 6.4326869 296 68 Beigou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Yuan-li 11.849512 95 68 Yuan-li 46.81908 96 68 Yuan-li 47.231968 97 68 Yuan-li 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Tung-hsiao 11.849512 95 68 Tung-hsiao 46.81908 96 68 Tung-hsiao 47.231968 97 68 Tung-hsiao 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Aoshanwei 6.6305521 273 71 Aoshanwei 7.8042088 274 71 Aoshanwei 2.1714545 275 71 Aoshanwei 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Chang'ao 17.697269 148 73 17.697269 148 73 Lo-yu 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Ch'i-ting 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Xiabu 17.697269 148 73 17.697269 148 73 Jingliuwei 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 25.4412 184 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Banling 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 6.0252144 297 70 Dengzhou 9.6202231 299 70 Dengzhou 3.3854309 297 71 Dengzhou 11.497985 297 72 Dengzhou 17.148748 299 73 17.148748 299 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 24.953155 147 73 24.953155 147 73 Kaiyangtu 17.697269 148 73 17.697269 148 73 Changyinsha 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chao-feng-chen 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Qianduanjiawei 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 6.0252144 297 70 Penglai 9.6202231 299 70 Penglai 3.3854309 297 71 Penglai 11.497985 297 72 Penglai 17.148748 299 73 17.148748 299 73 Chin-chia-k'ou 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Ling-hsia 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Huangwan 25.4412 184 73 Huangwan 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Longwan 24.953155 147 73 24.953155 147 73 Lu-ching-chiang 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Gao'ao 17.697269 148 73 17.697269 148 73 Siqianjie 24.953155 147 73 24.953155 147 73 Dongtaihezha 28.464559 222 74 28.464559 222 74 Nantong 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Liulishe 21.476786 219 74 Liulishe 12.4975 219 75 12.4975 219 75 Xiaodoumen 24.953155 147 73 Xiaodoumen 10.419949 148 75 Xiaodoumen 2.0500631 149 75 Xiaodoumen 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Baixiang 17.697269 148 73 Baixiang 10.419949 148 75 Baixiang 2.0500631 149 75 Baixiang 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Shan-ch'ien 17.697269 148 73 Shan-ch'ien 10.419949 148 75 Shan-ch'ien 2.0500631 149 75 Shan-ch'ien 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Wangcun 2.1714545 275 71 Wangcun 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Wali 7.8042088 274 71 Wali 2.1714545 275 71 Wali 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Jiangtan 24.953155 147 73 Jiangtan 10.419949 148 75 Jiangtan 2.0500631 149 75 Jiangtan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ganpu 25.4412 184 73 Ganpu 17.456245 185 73 Ganpu 4.6144463 187 75 Ganpu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Zhaoqiao 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chu-nan 40.862512 100 71 Chu-nan 2.2544865 101 73 2.2544865 101 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 10.419949 148 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 2.0500631 149 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ch'ien-tzu-chiao 40.862512 100 71 Ch'ien-tzu-chiao 2.2544865 101 73 2.2544865 101 73 Hsieh-t'ang 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Liu-tsao 21.476786 219 74 Liu-tsao 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Xingcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Haiyan 17.456245 185 73 Haiyan 4.6144463 187 75 Haiyan 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsia-chia-fou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-chia-fou 10.419949 148 75 Hsia-chia-fou 2.0500631 149 75 Hsia-chia-fou 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Changchuanba 25.4412 184 73 Changchuanba 17.456245 185 73 Changchuanba 4.6144463 187 75 Changchuanba 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Bixishi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Xizhoushi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsin-k'ai-kang 9.9643812 209 73 Hsin-k'ai-kang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Baizhuzhen 5.4299814 186 75 Baizhuzhen 4.6144463 187 75 Baizhuzhen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ch'eng-ao 3.2494402 149 73 Ch'eng-ao 2.0500631 149 75 Ch'eng-ao 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Dituan 17.697269 148 73 Dituan 10.419949 148 75 Dituan 2.0500631 149 75 Dituan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Beilong 9.5466128 143 73 Beilong 5.9811912 144 73 Beilong 4.2607895 145 73 Beilong 2.0272748 146 73 2.0272748 146 73 Shih-ma-chuang 3.2494402 149 73 Shih-ma-chuang 2.0500631 149 75 Shih-ma-chuang 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ta-shan 4.9173076 277 75 Ta-shan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Linshan 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Changqian 5.4299814 186 75 Changqian 4.6144463 187 75 Changqian 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Xitang 4.6144463 187 75 Xitang 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lao-wu-shih 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 21.476786 219 74 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Dashan 4.9173076 277 75 Dashan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Baiyan 38.790019 152 76 Baiyan 49.926487 153 77 Baiyan 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Baisha 61.424401 150 75 Baisha 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Da'an 9.9643812 209 73 Da'an 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 38.790019 152 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 49.926487 153 77 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 4.6144463 187 75 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ri'aitang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Fu-jung 49.926487 153 77 Fu-jung 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Laochangbu 9.9643812 209 73 Laochangbu 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chou-hung-ch'iu 2.4716733 184 74 Chou-hung-ch'iu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Cheng-chia-tai 4.6144463 187 75 Cheng-chia-tai 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Heng-pa-ts'un 2.4716733 184 74 Heng-pa-ts'un 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 Dajijia 17.458593 297 75 Dajijia 14.503721 296 76 14.503721 296 76 P'u-ch'i 61.424401 150 75 P'u-ch'i 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Lo-ho-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Kuan-yin 3.3316499 103 74 Kuan-yin 27.281443 107 78 27.281443 107 78 Hsiung-ting-yu 2.4716733 184 74 Hsiung-ting-yu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Zhapu 4.6144463 187 75 Zhapu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lixinzha 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qingjiang 38.790019 152 76 Qingjiang 49.926487 153 77 Qingjiang 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Zhangjiaxiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huangang 21.476786 219 74 Huangang 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 Xihuzui 47.743442 312 75 Xihuzui 44.199686 313 75 Xihuzui 22.593072 314 75 Xihuzui 32.925733 315 75 Xihuzui 40.605648 312 76 Xihuzui 38.42566 313 76 Xihuzui 37.061167 314 76 Xihuzui 25.426262 315 76 Xihuzui 3.0519991 314 77 Xihuzui 16.387197 315 77 Xihuzui 10.211338 314 78 10.211338 314 78 Sanhezhen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Niu-ch'iao-shih 4.6144463 187 75 Niu-ch'iao-shih 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsiao-an-chieh 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Touyan 7.9364271 147 75 Touyan 10.419949 148 75 Touyan 2.0500631 149 75 Touyan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Banping 15.445253 145 75 Banping 6.6582175 146 75 Banping 7.9364271 147 75 Banping 10.419949 148 75 Banping 2.0500631 149 75 Banping 16.294285 148 78 Banping 10.201052 149 78 10.201052 149 78 Bei'ao 15.445253 145 75 Bei'ao 6.6582175 146 75 Bei'ao 7.9364271 147 75 Bei'ao 10.419949 148 75 Bei'ao 2.0500631 149 75 Bei'ao 16.294285 148 78 Bei'ao 10.201052 149 78 10.201052 149 78 Dajing 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wei-chiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hu-chia-lu 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 Ku-hsien 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Chenyu 2.0500631 149 75 Chenyu 61.424401 150 75 Chenyu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 Tieshan 57.569361 310 75 Tieshan 57.945619 311 75 Tieshan 47.743442 312 75 Tieshan 44.199686 313 75 Tieshan 39.375721 311 76 Tieshan 40.605648 312 76 Tieshan 38.42566 313 76 Tieshan 57.589942 310 78 Tieshan 55.605209 310 79 Tieshan 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Hsing-hsing-chen 4.6144463 187 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Baixi 49.926487 153 77 Baixi 72.485656 154 77 Baixi 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chiu-ch'u-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Dujiaqiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chien-chen 7.6550516 218 76 7.6550516 218 76 Chou-chia-peng 7.4155752 188 76 7.4155752 188 76 Fou-ch'iao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Sanli 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hai-men-hsien 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huanshan 5.5698927 150 76 Huanshan 72.485656 154 77 Huanshan 9.2223275 153 79 Huanshan 5.7323609 151 80 5.7323609 151 80 Fengcheng 3.4258447 278 76 3.4258447 278 76 Liujiazhai 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Ch'ing-lung-chiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qianjing 5.0762899 205 78 Qianjing 16.878731 204 79 Qianjing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 Fushan 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 32.548758 321 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.164329 322 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.497974 323 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.437812 324 77 Wang-chia-tun 28.796951 324 78 Wang-chia-tun 23.133033 324 79 Wang-chia-tun 6.8199729 321 80 Wang-chia-tun 13.338671 324 80 Wang-chia-tun 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 Lushun 3.0519991 314 77 Lushun 10.211338 314 78 10.211338 314 78 Liuhe 16.878731 204 79 16.878731 204 79 Tiaobanqiao 5.0762899 205 78 Tiaobanqiao 16.878731 204 79 Tiaobanqiao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Xincun 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Kanmen 12.148678 150 77 Kanmen 16.272936 151 77 Kanmen 49.926487 153 77 Kanmen 8.5062756 153 78 Kanmen 9.2223275 153 79 Kanmen 5.7323609 151 80 5.7323609 151 80 Ch'ing-chiang 49.926487 153 77 Ch'ing-chiang 72.485656 154 77 Ch'ing-chiang 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Caopeng 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Ch'ang-sha 5.9733643 218 77 5.9733643 218 77 Chumen 16.272936 151 77 Chumen 49.926487 153 77 Chumen 72.485656 154 77 Chumen 9.2223275 153 79 Chumen 5.7323609 151 80 5.7323609 151 80 Wenqiao 49.926487 153 77 Wenqiao 72.485656 154 77 Wenqiao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chung-fu 27.281443 107 78 Chung-fu 18.124242 107 79 Chung-fu 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Jinshanwei 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Chenxing 16.878731 204 79 16.878731 204 79 Wan'an 5.0762899 205 78 Wan'an 16.878731 204 79 Wan'an 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 Chu-chi 13.195624 294 79 Chu-chi 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.336422 322 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 32.415091 323 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.796951 324 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.158743 325 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.133033 324 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 18.485006 325 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 6.8199729 321 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 13.338671 324 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 San Juan 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 31.400401 321 78 Sanguanmiao 28.336422 322 78 Sanguanmiao 32.415091 323 78 Sanguanmiao 28.796951 324 78 Sanguanmiao 23.133033 324 79 Sanguanmiao 6.8199729 321 80 Sanguanmiao 13.338671 324 80 Sanguanmiao 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-shan-tsui 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Shanyang 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 5.0762899 205 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 16.878731 204 79 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Meng-chiang-miao 5.0762899 205 78 Meng-chiang-miao 16.878731 204 79 Meng-chiang-miao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Hongxing 5.0762899 205 78 Hongxing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 Yantai 13.195624 294 79 Yantai 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Hsin-p'u 9.6093348 185 79 9.6093348 185 79 Ducun 16.878731 204 79 Ducun 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 Zhifuzhen 17.93544 294 80 Zhifuzhen 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 5.995365 315 80 Xinzhaizi 10.263241 316 81 Xinzhaizi 10.655565 317 81 Xinzhaizi 5.1844298 316 82 Xinzhaizi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Haiyou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Fugu 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 4.4584824 320 79 Wudao 5.1811351 322 79 Wudao 22.803787 320 80 Wudao 6.8199729 321 80 Wudao 32.53914 320 82 Wudao 18.318481 319 83 18.318481 319 83 Chongming 16.878731 204 79 Chongming 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 Shuishiying 28.152081 311 79 Shuishiying 39.563689 311 80 Shuishiying 47.633161 311 81 Shuishiying 52.1369 311 82 Shuishiying 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Lingmen 9.2223275 153 79 Lingmen 5.7323609 151 80 Lingmen 3.9519262 152 82 Lingmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Aohuan 9.2223275 153 79 Aohuan 3.9519262 152 82 Aohuan 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Dalu 9.2223275 153 79 Dalu 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Shaliu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Caojing 12.151612 189 79 Caojing 14.339612 190 80 Caojing 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Changzheng 16.878731 204 79 Changzheng 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 Cheefoo 17.93544 294 80 Cheefoo 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 5.995365 315 80 Yingchengzi 10.263241 316 81 Yingchengzi 10.655565 317 81 Yingchengzi 5.1844298 316 82 Yingchengzi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Naguilian 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Ko-ao-wang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Fang-ch'ien 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chiang-tzu-p'ing 18.124242 107 79 Chiang-tzu-p'ing 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Huqiao 14.339612 190 80 Huqiao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 14.466696 203 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Shih-she-chang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Dong'ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Guan'ao 9.2223275 153 79 Guan'ao 3.9519262 152 82 Guan'ao 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Houjiazhen 16.878731 204 79 Houjiazhen 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 Qianqikuang 17.93544 294 80 Qianqikuang 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Ling-chiao-ch'en 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaojiang 41.209149 159 83 Jiaojiang 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Shan-shang-fang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Tan-shui 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Ch'uan-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 22.803787 320 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 Jiaoliudao 32.53914 320 82 Jiaoliudao 18.318481 319 83 Jiaoliudao 35.730376 319 84 35.730376 319 84 Wudongzha 9.1161185 184 83 Wudongzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Hsia-feng-ch'a 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Abulug 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Qiansuo 41.209149 159 83 Qiansuo 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Pai-chia-chuang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Panlong 14.466696 203 80 Panlong 4.9383975 204 80 Panlong 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsia-jo-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsi-yen 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hua-shan-t'ou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chia-shih 41.209149 159 83 San-chia-shih 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Che-lin 14.339612 190 80 Che-lin 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Dongdayang 4.907592 202 82 Dongdayang 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baoshan 14.466696 203 80 Baoshan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Dongfeng 14.466696 203 80 Dongfeng 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Qiganshi 4.7120089 280 80 Qiganshi 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 22.803787 320 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 Wu-tao 32.53914 320 82 Wu-tao 18.318481 319 83 Wu-tao 35.730376 319 84 35.730376 319 84 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 Donggang 7.8201171 324 81 Donggang 13.620834 328 84 13.620834 328 84 Yeh-chia 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Ch'i-shih-chieh 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chih 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Ch'ang-yang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsueh-mou-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Taipingzha 9.1161185 184 83 Taipingzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Xinmin 14.466696 203 80 Xinmin 4.9383975 204 80 Xinmin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ju-shan-k'ou 4.7120089 280 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 39.563689 311 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 47.633161 311 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 52.1369 311 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Cabuluan 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Cao'antou 4.907592 202 82 Cao'antou 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsin-k'ai-ho 2.1981926 203 81 Hsin-k'ai-ho 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 Mashanshangzhai 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ch'ing 41.209149 159 83 Chin-ch'ing 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Changjiang 2.1981926 203 81 2.1981926 203 81 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 10.655565 317 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 3.9836386 316 83 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 Gezhenpu 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Feng-p'u-ao 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Ch'ien-chia-ch'iao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Catuguran 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Beishenjiazhai 4.907592 202 82 Beishenjiazhai 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Chayuan 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Youcheqiao 4.907592 202 82 Youcheqiao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 14.940887 328 83 Ma-chia-tun 17.645477 329 83 Ma-chia-tun 13.620834 328 84 Ma-chia-tun 4.2163928 329 86 4.2163928 329 86 Ch'iu-wang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 3.9836386 316 83 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 Dalian 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Shangpan 41.209149 159 83 Shangpan 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Jiankangtang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 3.9836386 316 83 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 Nanguanling 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Ch'ing-shui-hu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Su-chia 6.1446035 191 82 6.1446035 191 82 Muping 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Linao 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Shih-t'ang 3.9519262 152 82 Shih-t'ang 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Sichalu 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Qianjin 4.907592 202 82 Qianjin 3.1855034 203 83 Qianjin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hai-yang-so 8.0972223 280 82 Hai-yang-so 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Songmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Nanbu 4.907592 202 82 Nanbu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsieh-fu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Lipu 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Bisagu 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Liyang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Wantang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Yangyuan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gaodong 4.907592 202 82 Gaodong 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanhong 14.615235 279 82 Nanhong 8.0972223 280 82 Nanhong 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 Xinghaitun 15.459068 312 83 Xinghaitun 41.345126 312 86 Xinghaitun 29.26988 313 86 Xinghaitun 9.8166156 314 86 Xinghaitun 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Chien-t'iao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chin-shan 24.212938 109 82 Chin-shan 94.726282 110 84 Chin-shan 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Panshi 4.907592 202 82 Panshi 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baishatan 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 3.9836386 316 83 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 Dayandao 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 3.9836386 316 83 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Aparri 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 San-chiao-t'ang 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Gulu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gangyan 3.1855034 203 83 Gangyan 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 Dal'niy 15.459068 312 83 Dal'niy 41.345126 312 86 Dal'niy 29.26988 313 86 Dal'niy 9.8166156 314 86 Dal'niy 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Alilinu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Daxingzhen 4.5413906 204 87 Daxingzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 38.89369 318 84 Wan-li 78.355792 110 83 Wan-li 94.726282 110 84 Wan-li 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Gongjialu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanqinghe 4.5413906 204 87 Nanqinghe 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 Dingguanzhai 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Dahu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Dongxing 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hexing 3.1855034 203 83 Hexing 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Lao-yu-tang 7.1464408 191 84 Lao-yu-tang 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Ch'ang-chieh 61.646954 168 84 61.646954 168 84 Hsiang-hua 4.4113937 201 84 Hsiang-hua 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 Qianyangjiacun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Punta 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cailu 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Bailonggang 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Qianwei 4.4113937 201 84 Qianwei 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 Shang-chuang 14.570182 292 85 Shang-chuang 15.906104 293 87 Shang-chuang 17.917704 292 88 Shang-chuang 17.977716 293 88 17.977716 293 88 Chi-lung 78.095275 109 85 Chi-lung 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Ping'an 7.1464408 191 84 Ping'an 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Sizhoutou 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Yuansha 4.4113937 201 84 Yuansha 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ch'iang-t'ou 9.4721285 170 89 Ch'iang-t'ou 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xianxiang 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Balza 14.661471 5 86 14.661471 5 86 Shigaotang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Wusi 6.0627425 191 85 Wusi 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Ch'en-chia 10.775334 200 85 Ch'en-chia 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Ch'ang-t'an-li 78.095275 109 85 Ch'ang-t'an-li 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Ch'iu-chia-chai 8.8782186 198 87 8.8782186 198 87 Fumin 10.775334 200 85 Fumin 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Dong'anzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Tou-cheng 72.613429 101 88 Tou-cheng 90.66635 102 88 Tou-cheng 39.260628 103 88 39.260628 103 88 Chia-li-wan 30.464002 100 88 30.464002 100 88 Beiqigen 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Tanglugang 6.34959 206 89 6.34959 206 89 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 Jianggezhuang 15.906104 293 87 Jianggezhuang 17.917704 292 88 Jianggezhuang 17.977716 293 88 Jianggezhuang 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Dingtang 7.84858 167 85 7.84858 167 85 Guoyuan 6.0627425 191 85 Guoyuan 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Fengle 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Niupeng 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Hsin-tsao-chen 4.5413906 204 87 Hsin-tsao-chen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Langnuankou 6.1199551 281 85 Langnuankou 4.9587606 282 87 Langnuankou 3.1296165 283 88 3.1296165 283 88 Yinyang 4.5413906 204 87 Yinyang 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Su-ao 30.464002 100 88 30.464002 100 88 Beilungang 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Lao-chiang 6.0394592 197 88 Lao-chiang 11.746561 193 89 Lao-chiang 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Xiaoguan 4.9587606 282 87 Xiaoguan 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 29.26988 313 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 3.9477531 315 86 Dagushan 23.386034 314 89 Dagushan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Sanshan 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Donghai 6.8080325 191 86 Donghai 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Shuyuan 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 3.9477531 315 86 Wanli 23.386034 314 89 Wanli 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 3.9477531 315 86 Dongjiagou 23.386034 314 89 Dongjiagou 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Daxu 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Daniwan 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 29.26988 313 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 3.9477531 315 86 Nianyuwan 23.386034 314 89 Nianyuwan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Buguey 14.661471 5 86 Buguey 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Zhuxi 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Lao-tung 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Danmen 9.4721285 170 89 Danmen 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xilangnuan 4.9587606 282 87 Xilangnuan 3.1296165 283 88 Xilangnuan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Hepu 10.516434 165 87 Hepu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Ch'ai-ch'iao 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 4.3923145 329 87 Chiu-nan-t'ien 10.516434 165 87 Chiu-nan-t'ien 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Shihphu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 Beidianzi 15.906104 293 87 Beidianzi 17.917704 292 88 Beidianzi 17.977716 293 88 Beidianzi 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Qiancang 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Fu-lien 39.260628 103 88 39.260628 103 88 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 2.1625192 331 88 Gonzaga 22.144727 5 88 Gonzaga 24.144903 5 89 Gonzaga 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Wuleidao 9.0202245 281 88 Wuleidao 6.1302265 282 88 Wuleidao 3.1296165 283 88 Wuleidao 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Guoju 7.4258866 175 89 Guoju 28.771507 177 92 Guoju 41.640815 178 93 Guoju 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Zeku 5.956488 282 89 Zeku 2.9754361 283 89 Zeku 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 Dalijia 13.870654 317 93 Dalijia 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 Teng-sha-ho 18.52296 316 92 Teng-sha-ho 17.040036 316 93 Teng-sha-ho 13.870654 317 93 Teng-sha-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Bawa 24.144903 5 89 Bawa 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Cabiraoan 24.144903 5 89 Cabiraoan 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Chung-tse 37.812105 176 90 Chung-tse 5.4334006 177 90 Chung-tse 28.771507 177 92 Chung-tse 41.640815 178 93 Chung-tse 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Dinghai 41.640815 178 93 Dinghai 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 21.521515 293 90 Chiao-t'ou 5.7902978 174 90 Chiao-t'ou 6.6960528 175 90 Chiao-t'ou 37.812105 176 90 Chiao-t'ou 5.4334006 177 90 Chiao-t'ou 28.771507 177 92 Chiao-t'ou 41.640815 178 93 41.640815 178 93 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Ganlan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Casambalangan 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 San Vincente 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 Lu-chia-t'un 3.7448453 335 92 Lu-chia-t'un 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 3.7448453 335 92 Wangzhai 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Litang 6.2692201 169 91 Litang 6.0665923 170 91 6.0665923 170 91 Jinghaiwei 15.213907 280 91 Jinghaiwei 9.4992308 281 91 Jinghaiwei 5.8361838 282 91 Jinghaiwei 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Da'ao 7.1140451 174 91 Da'ao 9.1525077 175 91 Da'ao 8.855008 177 91 Da'ao 28.771507 177 92 Da'ao 41.640815 178 93 41.640815 178 93 Huangshan 5.8361838 282 91 Huangshan 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 Zaobu 27.026601 293 93 27.026601 293 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Luomen 41.640815 178 93 Luomen 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Jen-ho-chi 12.273248 281 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.5358904 282 92 7.5358904 282 92 Ta-chan 41.640815 178 93 Ta-chan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 P'u-t'o 10.816907 177 93 P'u-t'o 41.640815 178 93 P'u-t'o 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Qiandao 15.566538 281 93 Qiandao 7.8003059 282 93 7.8003059 282 93 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 Wujiatun 13.870654 317 93 Wujiatun 6.2568556 318 93 Wujiatun 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Ch'ih-shan-chi 16.853075 282 96 Ch'ih-shan-chi 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 Jiaxinzi 46.554234 321 98 46.554234 321 98 Shidao 16.14937 281 94 16.14937 281 94 Laoshantun 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Xizhuang 18.963316 292 95 Xizhuang 10.598257 291 96 Xizhuang 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Ning-ching-so 16.853075 282 96 Ning-ching-so 2.918996 284 98 Ning-ching-so 13.836769 286 99 13.836769 286 99 Dazhuang 18.398227 281 95 Dazhuang 16.853075 282 96 Dazhuang 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Jiurongcheng 10.598257 291 96 Jiurongcheng 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 8.7644452 321 99 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Wolongcun 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 19.266314 317 98 Fangshentun 12.836438 320 98 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 Fangshentun 13.39868 319 101 13.39868 319 101 Kubura 127.9115 97 106 Kubura 321.59536 98 106 Kubura 858.42707 99 106 858.42707 99 106 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 Zhuanghe 4.1820704 323 105 Zhuanghe 30.237123 324 105 30.237123 324 105 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 30.237123 324 105 30.237123 324 105 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 4.1820704 323 105 Shishan 30.237123 324 105 30.237123 324 105 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 4.1820704 323 105 Wangjia 12.767096 322 106 Wangjia 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 7.0071058 324 110 Nanjian 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 22.551549 327 116 Huangtukan 3.0258564 326 117 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Sakiyama 203.57826 92 113 Sakiyama 72.627692 93 113 Sakiyama 302.0695 94 113 Sakiyama 699.64857 95 113 Sakiyama 1111.3887 96 113 Sakiyama 103.90006 92 116 Sakiyama 2.4595049 95 116 2.4595049 95 116 Hoshitate 333.96525 94 114 Hoshitate 413.40275 95 114 Hoshitate 1093.2539 97 114 Hoshitate 1268.8146 98 114 Hoshitate 2.4595049 95 116 2.4595049 95 116 Shirabaramitake 169.79837 92 115 Shirabaramitake 242.33275 93 115 Shirabaramitake 103.90006 92 116 103.90006 92 116 Honai 186.85737 94 115 Honai 80.362833 95 115 Honai 360.20269 96 115 Honai 1001.6358 97 115 Honai 1354.1759 98 115 Honai 2.4595049 95 116 Honai 89.209781 96 119 89.209781 96 119 Toyohara 103.90006 92 116 Toyohara 2.4595049 95 116 Toyohara 89.209781 96 119 89.209781 96 119 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 22.551549 327 116 Pei-ching-tzu 3.0258564 326 117 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Kobama 69.96834 93 118 Kobama 154.28997 97 118 Kobama 89.209781 96 119 Kobama 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Agarisuji 441.89003 91 118 Agarisuji 518.13912 92 118 Agarisuji 69.96834 93 118 Agarisuji 178.621 93 120 Agarisuji 14.096433 95 120 Agarisuji 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 Dadong 2.0012454 326 122 Dadong 2.6932739 326 124 2.6932739 326 124 Ishigaki 178.621 93 120 Ishigaki 14.096433 95 120 Ishigaki 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Fubai 14.755579 94 121 Fubai 63.403 96 121 Fubai 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 2.0039199 326 121 Chogumsa 2.0012454 326 122 Chogumsa 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 3.3889949 326 125 Chogumsa 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Shirafu 557.31901 93 122 Shirafu 2.02093 94 122 Shirafu 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Ibarama 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Hirano 55.288835 97 123 Hirano 89.043398 97 125 89.043398 97 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 3.3889949 326 125 Yongampo-ri 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 3.3889949 326 125 Genjo 2.9019132 327 125 Genjo 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 5.3139678 322 128 Yongsapo 8.7710941 323 128 Yongsapo 9.4064872 324 128 Yongsapo 3.2745183 324 129 Yongsapo 15.644561 325 129 15.644561 325 129 Chandae-dong 67.952825 297 128 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 56.892045 301 129 Chandae-dong 34.749838 300 130 Chandae-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Chandae-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Chandae-dong 23.864916 301 131 Chandae-dong 33.314541 297 132 Chandae-dong 24.830385 298 132 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 63.31624 295 129 Kaju-dong 64.222239 296 129 Kaju-dong 63.668785 297 129 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Kaju-dong 33.314541 297 132 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 38.107732 300 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 16.949776 302 130 Ch'angam-dong 44.911389 303 130 Ch'angam-dong 23.864916 301 131 Ch'angam-dong 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 20.322722 300 133 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 3.2745183 324 129 Changya-dong 15.644561 325 129 15.644561 325 129 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 40.371133 310 131 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 22.606289 310 133 22.606289 310 133 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 21.953468 305 131 Sogon-ni 2.8138241 306 131 Sogon-ni 22.711163 307 131 Sogon-ni 6.7326396 307 132 Sogon-ni 4.9813939 305 133 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 4.1624577 307 133 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Sinmi-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.579912 304 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.370203 300 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.322722 300 133 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 Monggumpo-ri 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 4.9813939 305 133 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 6.7326396 307 132 Sagi-ri 8.0695346 308 132 Sagi-ri 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 4.1624577 307 133 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 17.458806 309 133 Chosa-dong 22.606289 310 133 Chosa-dong 15.884596 311 133 Chosa-dong 6.3796517 311 134 6.3796517 311 134 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 Amdu-ri 13.110716 325 133 13.110716 325 133 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 4.1624577 307 133 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Hang-ni 96.623511 239 134 96.623511 239 134 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 13.296947 309 134 An-ch'on 8.2722777 310 134 An-ch'on 2.5881107 307 135 An-ch'on 13.899396 310 135 13.899396 310 135 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Kuninaka 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Chukhang 86.399991 248 136 Chukhang 80.351742 249 136 Chukhang 90.798639 250 136 Chukhang 89.803826 251 136 Chukhang 87.38565 252 136 87.38565 252 136 Ichimasui 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Karimata 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Sugama 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Hirara 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 3.9592761 296 138 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 15.802247 295 141 Changdae 19.267599 295 142 19.267599 295 142 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 5.7636397 322 138 Changp'o 44.567608 323 138 44.567608 323 138 Arasato 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 5.8961564 320 139 Yung-ni 28.075365 322 139 28.075365 322 139 Amch'on 58.813706 247 139 Amch'on 54.504601 248 139 Amch'on 63.115709 249 139 Amch'on 84.831717 250 139 Amch'on 82.053899 251 139 82.053899 251 139 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 Hwajin-ni 20.802088 317 139 Hwajin-ni 19.473088 318 139 Hwajin-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Hwajin-ni 5.8961564 320 139 5.8961564 320 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 28.075365 322 139 Bora 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 Chungang-ni 22.069283 319 140 Chungang-ni 15.181629 320 140 15.181629 320 140 Banzaito-ri 94.211327 241 140 94.211327 241 140 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 8.9062797 297 146 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Chehang-ni 36.746051 251 145 Chehang-ni 29.4564 251 147 Chehang-ni 19.363829 251 148 19.363829 251 148 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 35.015504 297 148 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Chibuk 29.4564 251 147 Chibuk 21.956516 252 147 Chibuk 19.363829 251 148 Chibuk 3.0825982 252 148 Chibuk 12.796815 252 149 Chibuk 10.200227 252 150 10.200227 252 150 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 35.015504 297 148 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 9.6271908 284 147 Etsuu 27.647417 285 147 Etsuu 13.93856 286 147 Etsuu 28.085299 287 147 Etsuu 14.286725 288 147 Etsuu 42.246294 288 148 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Hwangdo 52.68561 271 147 Hwangdo 52.015145 272 147 Hwangdo 57.406962 273 147 Hwangdo 40.254339 274 147 Hwangdo 61.071724 275 147 Hwangdo 46.001713 275 149 Hwangdo 30.769436 275 150 Hwangdo 26.023157 275 151 26.023157 275 151 Doko-ri 28.577934 250 148 Doko-ri 19.363829 251 148 Doko-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Doko-ri 21.03612 253 148 Doko-ri 12.796815 252 149 Doko-ri 21.810351 253 149 Doko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Doko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ant'ae 28.577934 250 148 Ant'ae 4.1033031 250 152 4.1033031 250 152 Och'ong 35.99735 269 148 Och'ong 42.348337 270 148 Och'ong 53.312852 271 148 Och'ong 52.760284 272 148 Och'ong 52.172978 273 148 Och'ong 59.378444 273 149 Och'ong 38.956148 273 150 Och'ong 32.111425 270 152 Och'ong 24.548753 271 152 Och'ong 23.725931 272 152 Och'ong 35.515611 273 152 35.515611 273 152 Bunkai-ri 19.363829 251 148 Bunkai-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Bunkai-ri 21.03612 253 148 Bunkai-ri 18.363187 254 148 Bunkai-ri 12.048456 255 148 Bunkai-ri 19.348215 254 149 Bunkai-ri 16.851478 255 149 Bunkai-ri 10.563465 255 150 Bunkai-ri 4.85565 255 151 Bunkai-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Ach'on 12.796815 252 149 Ach'on 21.810351 253 149 Ach'on 4.1033031 250 152 Ach'on 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 11.590677 251 150 Ikkum-ni 10.200227 252 150 Ikkum-ni 21.320522 254 150 Ikkum-ni 10.563465 255 150 Ikkum-ni 4.85565 255 151 Ikkum-ni 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Changgo 10.200227 252 150 Changgo 21.320522 254 150 Changgo 10.563465 255 150 Changgo 23.586617 256 150 Changgo 8.6752272 253 152 Changgo 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chogun-mal 12.795995 257 150 Chogun-mal 14.982607 258 150 Chogun-mal 16.037022 259 150 Chogun-mal 7.5382908 258 151 Chogun-mal 13.58434 259 151 Chogun-mal 7.283544 257 152 Chogun-mal 10.376184 260 152 Chogun-mal 16.596585 257 153 Chogun-mal 9.5205128 258 153 Chogun-mal 12.540473 257 154 Chogun-mal 2.0395579 258 154 Chogun-mal 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Tengan-ri 6.7307922 254 151 Tengan-ri 4.85565 255 151 Tengan-ri 14.111078 257 151 Tengan-ri 7.5382908 258 151 Tengan-ri 7.283544 257 152 Tengan-ri 4.5439559 254 153 Tengan-ri 12.540473 257 154 Tengan-ri 2.0395579 258 154 2.0395579 258 154 Oejongsan 24.294911 278 151 Oejongsan 22.350351 279 151 Oejongsan 30.865036 280 151 Oejongsan 35.76981 281 151 Oejongsan 45.829966 282 151 Oejongsan 23.722503 282 152 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 14.521966 296 151 Soko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Soko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 Soko-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.6487155 295 154 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Songnyong-ni 7.283544 257 152 Songnyong-ni 4.5439559 254 153 Songnyong-ni 12.540473 257 154 Songnyong-ni 2.0395579 258 154 2.0395579 258 154 Jindo 8.4904397 249 154 Jindo 8.4344916 248 155 Jindo 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.6487155 295 154 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Aenang-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Aenang-ni 8.4344916 248 155 Aenang-ni 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Dongmun 13.622337 279 152 Dongmun 2.7457444 280 152 Dongmun 23.722503 282 152 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 Dongmun 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 23.722503 282 152 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 25.057613 285 153 Oe-dong 18.679295 284 154 Oe-dong 20.370363 285 154 Oe-dong 26.844518 285 155 Oe-dong 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Hwadong-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Hwadong-ni 9.3593266 252 153 Hwadong-ni 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Ch'al-tong 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'al-tong 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 4.0459529 289 153 Chawol-li 18.722716 290 153 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 15.512703 277 153 Sinsong 11.15504 278 153 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 3.5759047 296 153 Chungjang 18.939911 275 153 Chungjang 19.490962 276 153 Chungjang 15.512703 277 153 Chungjang 11.15504 278 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Kan 17.058279 265 154 Kan 19.152435 266 154 Kan 37.328593 267 154 Kan 21.786611 268 154 Kan 25.060669 269 154 Kan 21.624888 268 155 Kan 18.647344 269 155 Kan 15.272654 269 156 Kan 8.1344753 265 157 Kan 5.8870833 266 157 Kan 6.1827551 266 158 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 5.6885666 267 158 Tongmokp 10.937449 277 154 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 10.937449 277 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mogpo 8.4904397 249 154 Mogpo 14.054734 251 154 Mogpo 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 P'i-dong 2.7531991 253 154 P'i-dong 12.540473 257 154 12.540473 257 154 Taeya 2.0395579 258 154 Taeya 3.5386389 259 154 Taeya 6.3000664 261 156 Taeya 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changdong 8.4904397 249 154 Changdong 8.4344916 248 155 Changdong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chisa-ri 8.4904397 249 154 Chisa-ri 14.054734 251 154 Chisa-ri 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 3.6487155 295 154 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Onmok 8.2578121 259 155 Onmok 4.6834766 260 155 Onmok 6.9462647 261 155 Onmok 6.8610422 262 155 Onmok 6.3000664 261 156 Onmok 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 4.6834766 260 155 Changho 6.9462647 261 155 Changho 6.8610422 262 155 Changho 8.7681729 263 155 Changho 6.3000664 261 156 Changho 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 5.961837 263 156 Changho 7.7888463 264 156 Changho 2.0153163 263 157 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.8610422 262 155 Chongam 8.7681729 263 155 Chongam 15.999725 266 155 Chongam 5.0866135 262 156 Chongam 5.961837 263 156 Chongam 7.7888463 264 156 Chongam 10.168835 265 156 Chongam 2.0153163 263 157 Chongam 8.1344753 265 157 Chongam 5.8870833 266 157 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.1827551 266 158 6.1827551 266 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Weolam-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Anjong 8.4344916 248 155 Anjong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 26.844518 285 155 Chogumjin-ni 10.688657 285 156 Chogumjin-ni 3.2321102 285 157 3.2321102 285 157 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 11.650704 286 157 Hasambong 22.332942 287 157 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 15.476757 287 158 Chonmak 2.0153163 263 157 Chonmak 8.1344753 265 157 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 10.115317 270 157 Aech'an-ni 9.1861162 271 157 Aech'an-ni 20.453098 272 157 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 4.4998898 274 158 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 5.3185053 291 159 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Changsin 2.0153163 263 157 Changsin 8.1344753 265 157 Changsin 5.8870833 266 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 6.1827551 266 158 Changsin 5.6885666 267 158 Changsin 2.241903 267 159 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 2.4882243 268 158 Janghang 6.1226123 270 158 Janghang 5.1750682 271 158 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 6.1827551 266 158 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 6.1827551 266 158 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 6.1226123 270 158 Okhu 2.5792614 270 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 5.9539673 290 160 5.9539673 290 160 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.5792614 270 159 Gunsan 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 5.9539673 290 160 5.9539673 290 160 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 5.9539673 290 160 5.9539673 290 160 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 13.369013 247 166 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 13.369013 247 166 Changsu 9.261633 248 166 Changsu 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chinch'ang 13.369013 247 166 Chinch'ang 9.261633 248 166 Chinch'ang 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Aya-ri 13.369013 247 166 Aya-ri 9.261633 248 166 Aya-ri 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Ch'ongam 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Changdo-ri 5.839203 249 174 5.839203 249 174 Wonsan 18.792407 318 172 Wonsan 6.6323313 317 173 Wonsan 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Tongho-ri 25.508662 324 174 Tongho-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Aech'o-ri 8.7810788 248 173 8.7810788 248 173 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Yongpo-ri 25.508662 324 174 Yongpo-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Songhung-ni 23.785546 322 173 Songhung-ni 25.508662 324 174 Songhung-ni 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anp'o 8.7810788 248 173 Anp'o 5.839203 249 174 Anp'o 9.6005619 249 175 Anp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Anp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Pongch'on 18.792407 318 172 Pongch'on 6.6323313 317 173 Pongch'on 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Chungbang 4.5239592 250 175 Chungbang 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chakto-dong 14.531539 325 174 Chakto-dong 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Chabong 8.7810788 248 173 Chabong 5.839203 249 174 Chabong 9.6005619 249 175 Chabong 4.5239592 250 175 Chabong 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Ch'angch'on 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Yeosu 5.839203 249 174 Yeosu 9.6005619 249 175 Yeosu 4.5239592 250 175 Yeosu 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chukp'o 9.6005619 249 175 Chukp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Chukp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Hungsang-ni 23.221014 326 175 Hungsang-ni 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Ando 9.6005619 249 175 9.6005619 249 175 Hangch'on 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Yongyon-ni 22.452733 326 176 Yongyon-ni 20.032461 327 176 Yongyon-ni 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Tongch-on 23.537237 316 177 Tongch-on 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Namhae 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Kuum-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Hongwon 29.49569 328 179 Hongwon 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Hadajon-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Yuktae-dong 24.445944 328 180 Yuktae-dong 30.921472 329 180 Yuktae-dong 6.5649757 330 180 Yuktae-dong 8.0039205 330 182 8.0039205 330 182 Cholge 16.620474 251 184 Cholge 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Changjon 38.393959 313 181 Changjon 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Chabup'o 16.620474 251 184 16.620474 251 184 Gaken-ri 58.289958 313 182 Gaken-ri 53.537643 312 183 Gaken-ri 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Honam-ni 46.05045 328 182 Honam-ni 32.450534 329 182 Honam-ni 8.0039205 330 182 8.0039205 330 182 Chop'o 16.620474 251 184 Chop'o 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Hongsong 53.537643 312 183 Hongsong 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Goseong 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Chamgae 16.620474 251 184 Chamgae 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Soho-ri 60.993912 329 184 Soho-ri 23.762415 330 184 Soho-ri 12.608055 331 186 12.608055 331 186 Irun 16.620474 251 184 Irun 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Singhang 83.466108 329 185 Singhang 14.066341 330 185 Singhang 12.608055 331 186 Singhang 43.739011 332 189 43.739011 332 189 Kojin-ni 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Pongho-ri 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Chindu 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Ungcheon 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chaho 55.981306 331 187 Chaho 43.739011 332 189 Chaho 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Kuum-ni 43.739011 332 189 Kuum-ni 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Jinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chuktori 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Jangseunpo 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Daiko 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Poktokkumi 77.245503 333 191 Poktokkumi 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Tanchon 77.678648 334 192 Tanchon 18.25587 335 193 18.25587 335 193 Chungch'on 65.011648 335 194 65.011648 335 194 Heunghae 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Pohang 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Segae-dong 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Taech'on 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Guryongpo 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Hama 26.622322 227 214 26.622322 227 214 Tara 26.622322 227 214 Tara 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Suminoe 26.622322 227 214 Suminoe 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Okawa 26.622322 227 214 Okawa 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Meihama 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Saitosaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuoka 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Mitoma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Setaka 26.622322 227 214 Setaka 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Omuta 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Kashii 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Harumachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Tsuyazaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Shingu 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukumamachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Shimo-Tashima 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Niinauri 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Haruguchi 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Takanabe 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Uwae 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Tsuno 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Nakatsuwara 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Fuju 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Aogi 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Midoro 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Tsuzu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Tsutsu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Otake 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Waki 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Kuba 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Imazu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Shioya 20.488224 243 244 Shioya 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hama 20.488224 243 244 Hama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hataguchi 20.488224 243 244 Hataguchi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Morimune 20.488224 243 244 Morimune 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Atada 20.488224 243 244 Atada 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Jigozen 20.488224 243 244 Jigozen 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Shimonohama 20.488224 243 244 Shimonohama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Miyajima 20.488224 243 244 Miyajima 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hatsukaichi 20.488224 243 244 Hatsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Nakaji 20.488224 243 244 Nakaji 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Itsukaichi 20.488224 243 244 Itsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Mino 20.488224 243 244 Mino 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Korenaga 20.488224 243 244 Korenaga 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Nakanohama 20.488224 243 244 Nakanohama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hata 20.488224 243 244 Hata 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kanokawa 20.488224 243 244 Kanokawa 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Osu 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Nakago 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Nakamachi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hiroshima 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Tsukumo 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Fukae 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Obara 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Oko 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Umesako 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kakinoura 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hitonose 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Etajima 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kirikushi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Okimi 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Koyo 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Sugewa 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Ryoshida 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kamigumi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Sakioku 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Arikiyo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hamazaki 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Ondo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Fujinowaki 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Takasu 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kaita 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Muroo 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Hatami 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kaigoshi 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Karoto 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Okujo 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hiradani 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kure 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Osako 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Jin'yama 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hiromachi 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Shimojima 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Ojizo 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Kawajiri 4.7740481 243 248 Kawajiri 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Sannose 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Osaki-kami-jima 4.7740481 243 248 Osaki-kami-jima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Katae 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Moriyama 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Wataricho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Tonoecho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Watari 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Shichirui 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Takenouchicho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Sakai-Minato 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Fukuura 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yoshizu 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 O-Shinozucho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kumozu 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kamiguchi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Higuchi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Goto 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kamidani 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Mihonoseki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Mihonseki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Abe 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yonago 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Higashi-Fukuhara 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kami-fukubara 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kaike-Onsen 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kuzumo 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Soda 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kaya 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kawaoka 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Odaka 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Sueyoshi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Muki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yodoe 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/CalcInputDeck.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin/coastalImpact -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ > /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/outCostalImpact.txt SELECT id, SHAPE_LENG,AsText(Geometry) FROM shoreline WHERE MBRContains(BuildMBR(116.0,18.0,134.0,40.5), geometry) 100 / 387 200 / 387 300 / 387 plottype GDACS drawing CoastalImpact /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ /mnt/output/SSCS/DATA/coastal.db 100 / 387 200 / 387 300 / 387 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000688/ECMWF/2020080300/all_inpData.txt /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000688/ECMWF/2020080300/all_inpData.txt ECMWF 1000688 trackfile 0 OUT_umax.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0000.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0024.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/TIF_MAXVEL_END.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ /mnt/output/SSCS/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF delft3d from 31-07-2020 12:00 to 03-08-2020 00:00& start issueBulletin listWindows: folder0 : http://webcritech.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ModellingOutput/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/ folderFinal0 : http://webcritech.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ModellingOutput/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ savepath: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00// ******************************************************* * Case Completed * ******************************************************* Case starterd at: 2020-08-03 12:15:06.944732 UTC Cas completed at: 2020-08-03 12:33:35.580507 UTC **********E N D O F J O B*********************** 12 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/TIF_MAXVEL_END.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 3.033706 million >> 5. count the popolation in each cell and assign to the class and write to output in PP classifying 0 3759 >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popDensValues.xml TS 2956618 (wind>17 and <=33) North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan 17 and <=33]]> North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan TS 2956618 42430 1863493 949750 98321 2624 CAT. 1 0 (wind>33 and <=43) 33 and <=43]]> CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 (wind>43 and <=50) 43 and <=50]]> CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 (wind>50 and <=58) 50 and <=58]]> CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 (wind>58 and <=70) 58 and <=70]]> CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 (wind>70 and <=1000) 70 and <=1000]]> CAT. 5 0 ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 12:35:15.429289 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 6 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 12:45:07.268783 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 6 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 12:55:12.159380 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 6 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 13:05:07.264703 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 6 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 13:15:10.410060 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 6 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 13:25:11.806501 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ creating /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 13:25:11.852424 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 13:35:08.601017 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 13:35:08.644225 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 13:45:08.102861 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 13:45:08.146833 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 13:55:11.154889 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 13:55:11.200600 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 14:15:09.033115 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 14:15:09.097682 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 14:25:11.405666 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 14:25:11.448247 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 14:35:08.364141 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 14:35:08.411622 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 14:54:08.078304 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 14:54:08.137694 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 14:55:12.371602 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 14:55:12.416670 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 15:05:07.153935 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 15:05:07.193780 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 15:15:10.380030 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 15:15:10.420832 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 15:25:14.239602 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 15:25:14.287816 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 15:35:08.669126 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 15:35:08.723161 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 15:45:09.789548 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 15:45:09.865124 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 15:55:16.737555 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 15:55:16.844608 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 16:05:08.355205 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 16:05:08.399467 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 16:15:16.746629 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 16:15:16.789243 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 16:25:21.995420 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 16:25:22.038788 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 16:35:11.848149 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 16:35:11.934304 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 16:45:07.386383 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 16:45:07.421000 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 16:55:15.062352 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 16:55:15.139963 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 17:05:07.667981 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 17:05:07.705423 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 17:16:08.257765 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 17:16:08.338687 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 17:25:11.375767 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 17:25:11.422864 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 17:35:08.498542 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 17:35:08.577999 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 17:45:08.604015 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 17:45:08.676215 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 17:55:12.900956 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 17:55:13.000385 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 18:05:07.822746 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 18:05:07.866603 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 18:15:08.565037 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 18:15:08.658437 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 18:25:15.051437 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 18:25:15.133389 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 18:35:07.912464 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 18:35:07.983926 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 18:45:07.666970 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 18:45:07.718221 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 18:55:11.824285 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 18:55:11.918743 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 19:05:07.550457 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 19:05:07.615029 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 19:15:07.231654 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 19:15:07.429323 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 19:25:12.275382 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 19:25:12.324458 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 19:35:08.127060 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 19:35:08.181268 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 19:45:07.420601 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 19:45:07.473609 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 19:55:11.905356 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 19:55:11.954161 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 20:05:07.366612 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 20:05:07.422907 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 20:15:08.757564 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 20:15:08.835007 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 20:25:12.325417 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 20:25:12.387209 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 20:35:08.512003 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 20:35:08.560982 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 20:45:08.391370 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 20:45:08.450569 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/03/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 21:05:07.687577 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 21:05:07.745347 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file being created already, stopping /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/submitted_surge.txt removing submitted_surge ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 21:06:44.184175 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-03 21:06:44.304897 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file netcdf already existing : /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc !!!removing submitted_surge ret= 0 False ============================================ processing netcdf file for running delft3d ============================================ 2. process netcdf files and run at 2020-08-03 21:06:44.348148 7 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/TIF_MAXVEL.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 0.703304 million >> 5. count the popolation in each cell and assign to the class and write to output in PP classifying 0 1630 >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/popDensValues.xml TS 679699 (wind>17 and <=33) North Korea, South Korea, China 17 and <=33]]> North Korea, South Korea, China TS 679699 255 23845 655599 CAT. 1 0 (wind>33 and <=43) 33 and <=43]]> CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 (wind>43 and <=50) 43 and <=50]]> CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 (wind>50 and <=58) 50 and <=58]]> CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 (wind>58 and <=70) 58 and <=70]]> CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 (wind>70 and <=1000) 70 and <=1000]]> CAT. 5 0 nt 72 ...creating forcing data TIF from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ... # times: 73 title: Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) np.amin(lon),np.amax(lon),np.amin(lat),np.amax(lat) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/MAXVEL.jpg V Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 255 319 255.0 319.0 savemap /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/MAXVEL.jpg calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/TIF_MAXVEL.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/ /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF delft3d03-08-2020 12:00& ..2.1 converting netcdf to txt... nt= 72 ************************* /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200803.12.tropical_cyclone.nc 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/ 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 72 1 ...reprojecting netcdf on the calculation window for ... .....time 0 / 72 .....time 1 / 72 .....time 2 / 72 .....time 3 / 72 .....time 4 / 72 .....time 5 / 72 .....time 6 / 72 .....time 7 / 72 .....time 8 / 72 .....time 9 / 72 .....time 10 / 72 .....time 11 / 72 .....time 12 / 72 .....time 13 / 72 .....time 14 / 72 .....time 15 / 72 .....time 16 / 72 .....time 17 / 72 .....time 18 / 72 .....time 19 / 72 .....time 20 / 72 .....time 21 / 72 .....time 22 / 72 .....time 23 / 72 .....time 24 / 72 .....time 25 / 72 .....time 26 / 72 .....time 27 / 72 .....time 28 / 72 .....time 29 / 72 .....time 30 / 72 .....time 31 / 72 .....time 32 / 72 .....time 33 / 72 .....time 34 / 72 .....time 35 / 72 .....time 36 / 72 .....time 37 / 72 .....time 38 / 72 .....time 39 / 72 .....time 40 / 72 .....time 41 / 72 .....time 42 / 72 .....time 43 / 72 .....time 44 / 72 .....time 45 / 72 .....time 46 / 72 .....time 47 / 72 .....time 48 / 72 .....time 49 / 72 .....time 50 / 72 .....time 51 / 72 .....time 52 / 72 .....time 53 / 72 .....time 54 / 72 .....time 55 / 72 .....time 56 / 72 .....time 57 / 72 .....time 58 / 72 .....time 59 / 72 .....time 60 / 72 .....time 61 / 72 .....time 62 / 72 .....time 63 / 72 .....time 64 / 72 .....time 65 / 72 .....time 66 / 72 .....time 67 / 72 .....time 68 / 72 .....time 69 / 72 .....time 70 / 72 .....time 71 / 72 .....time 72 / 72 ...printing files header ...writing time 0 / 72 ...writing time 1 / 72 ...writing time 2 / 72 ...writing time 3 / 72 ...writing time 4 / 72 ...writing time 5 / 72 ...writing time 6 / 72 ...writing time 7 / 72 ...writing time 8 / 72 ...writing time 9 / 72 ...writing time 10 / 72 ...writing time 11 / 72 ...writing time 12 / 72 ...writing time 13 / 72 ...writing time 14 / 72 ...writing time 15 / 72 ...writing time 16 / 72 ...writing time 17 / 72 ...writing time 18 / 72 ...writing time 19 / 72 ...writing time 20 / 72 ...writing time 21 / 72 ...writing time 22 / 72 ...writing time 23 / 72 ...writing time 24 / 72 ...writing time 25 / 72 ...writing time 26 / 72 ...writing time 27 / 72 ...writing time 28 / 72 ...writing time 29 / 72 ...writing time 30 / 72 ...writing time 31 / 72 ...writing time 32 / 72 ...writing time 33 / 72 ...writing time 34 / 72 ...writing time 35 / 72 ...writing time 36 / 72 ...writing time 37 / 72 ...writing time 38 / 72 ...writing time 39 / 72 ...writing time 40 / 72 ...writing time 41 / 72 ...writing time 42 / 72 ...writing time 43 / 72 ...writing time 44 / 72 ...writing time 45 / 72 ...writing time 46 / 72 ...writing time 47 / 72 ...writing time 48 / 72 ...writing time 49 / 72 ...writing time 50 / 72 ...writing time 51 / 72 ...writing time 52 / 72 ...writing time 53 / 72 ...writing time 54 / 72 ...writing time 55 / 72 ...writing time 56 / 72 ...writing time 57 / 72 ...writing time 58 / 72 ...writing time 59 / 72 ...writing time 60 / 72 ...writing time 61 / 72 ...writing time 62 / 72 ...writing time 63 / 72 ...writing time 64 / 72 ...writing time 65 / 72 ...writing time 66 / 72 ...writing time 67 / 72 ...writing time 68 / 72 ...writing time 69 / 72 ...writing time 70 / 72 ...writing time 71 / 72 ...writing time 72 / 72 ************************* ..2.2 prepare files for run and launch... start= 0 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/config_d_hydro.xml in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/config_d_hydro.xml ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.mdf in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/calc.mdf ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.grd in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/calc.grd ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.enc in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/calc.enc ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.obs in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/calc.obs ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.dep in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/calc.dep ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/tri-rst.calc.20200803.120000 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/tri-rst.restart.20200803.120000 ****** SETTING DT ***** 1.0 start run ./run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh 10 launching case: /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/MPICH_INTEL/bin/mpiexec -np 10 /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/5740/bin/lnx64/flow2d3d/bin/d_hydro.exe config_d_hydro.xml MPI process number 002 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 003 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 005 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 006 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 007 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 008 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 001 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 009 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 000 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 004 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deltares, FLOW2D3D Version, May 3 2016, 09:52:23 libflow2d3d.so entry Flow2D3D::Run -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part I - Initialisation Time Dep. Data module... runid : calc Part II - Creating intermediate files... Part III - Initialisation of the Execution module... Part IV - Reading complete MD-file... Part V - Initialisation & checking input... Part VI - Initialisation & checking second part... Part VII - Initialisation output... Part VIII - Start Simulation... Time to finish 0s, 0.0% completed, time steps left 4320 Time to finish 26m, 0.0% completed, time steps left 4319 Time to finish 16m, 0.0% completed, time steps left 4318 Time to finish 12m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4317 Time to finish 10m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4316 Time to finish 9m 29s, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4315 Time to finish 8m 59s, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4314 Time to finish 8m 22s, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4313 Time to finish 7m 55s, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4312 Time to finish 7m 40s, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4311 Time to finish 7m 29s, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4310 Time to finish 7m 15s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4309 Time to finish 7m 9s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4308 Time to finish 6m 59s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4307 Time to finish 6m 55s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4306 Time to finish 7m 1s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4305 Time to finish 7m 54s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4304 Time to finish 7m 53s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4303 Time to finish 7m 44s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4302 Time to finish 7m 40s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4301 Time to finish 7m 36s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4300 Time to finish 7m 33s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4299 Time to finish 7m 30s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4298 Time to finish 7m 29s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4297 Time to finish 7m 28s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4296 Time to finish 7m 26s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4295 Time to finish 7m 24s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4294 Time to finish 7m 22s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4293 Time to finish 7m 17s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4292 Time to finish 7m 12s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4291 Time to finish 7m 8s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4290 Time to finish 7m 32s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4289 Time to finish 7m 27s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4288 Time to finish 7m 23s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4287 Time to finish 7m 19s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4286 Time to finish 7m 15s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4285 Time to finish 7m 12s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4284 Time to finish 7m 10s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4283 Time to finish 7m 8s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4282 Time to finish 7m 5s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4281 Time to finish 7m 3s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4280 Time to finish 7m 0s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4279 Time to finish 6m 58s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4278 Time to finish 6m 55s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4277 Time to finish 6m 54s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4276 Time to finish 6m 52s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4275 Time to finish 7m 19s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4274 Time to finish 7m 16s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4273 Time to finish 7m 14s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4272 Time to finish 7m 12s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4271 Time to finish 7m 10s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4270 Time to finish 7m 7s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4269 Time to finish 7m 5s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4268 Time to finish 7m 3s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4267 Time to finish 7m 1s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4266 Time to finish 6m 58s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4265 Time to finish 6m 56s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4264 Time to finish 6m 54s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4263 Time to finish 6m 52s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4262 Time to finish 6m 50s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4261 Time to finish 6m 48s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4260 Time to finish 7m 20s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4259 Time to finish 7m 18s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4258 Time to finish 7m 16s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4257 Time to finish 7m 14s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4256 Time to finish 7m 12s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4255 Time to finish 7m 10s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4254 Time to finish 7m 8s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4253 Time to finish 7m 6s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4252 Time to finish 7m 4s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4251 Time to finish 7m 3s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4250 Time to finish 7m 1s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4249 Time to finish 6m 59s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4248 Time to finish 6m 58s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4247 Time to finish 6m 56s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4246 Time to finish 6m 54s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4245 Time to finish 7m 20s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4244 Time to finish 7m 19s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4243 Time to finish 7m 18s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4242 Time to finish 7m 18s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4241 Time to finish 7m 16s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4240 Time to finish 7m 16s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4239 Time to finish 7m 16s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4238 Time to finish 7m 15s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4237 Time to finish 7m 14s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4236 Time to finish 7m 14s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4235 Time to finish 7m 15s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4234 Time to finish 7m 15s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4233 Time to finish 7m 14s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4232 Time to finish 7m 14s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4231 Time to finish 7m 13s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4230 Time to finish 7m 22s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4229 Time to finish 7m 22s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4228 Time to finish 7m 21s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4227 Time to finish 7m 21s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4226 Time to finish 7m 20s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4225 Time to finish 7m 19s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4224 Time to finish 7m 17s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4223 Time to finish 7m 16s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4222 Time to finish 7m 14s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4221 Time to finish 7m 13s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4220 Time to finish 7m 13s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4219 Time to finish 7m 11s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4218 Time to finish 7m 10s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4217 Time to finish 7m 9s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4216 Time to finish 7m 7s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4215 Time to finish 7m 13s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4214 Time to finish 7m 12s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4213 Time to finish 7m 11s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4212 Time to finish 7m 11s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4211 Time to finish 7m 9s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4210 Time to finish 7m 9s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4209 Time to finish 7m 8s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4208 Time to finish 7m 6s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4207 Time to finish 7m 6s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4206 Time to finish 7m 5s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4205 Time to finish 7m 5s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4204 Time to finish 7m 5s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4203 Time to finish 7m 4s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4202 Time to finish 7m 4s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4201 Time to finish 7m 4s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4200 Time to finish 7m 15s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4199 Time to finish 7m 14s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4198 Time to finish 7m 13s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4197 Time to finish 7m 12s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4196 Time to finish 7m 10s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4195 Time to finish 7m 9s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4194 Time to finish 7m 8s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4193 Time to finish 7m 7s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4192 Time to finish 7m 5s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4191 Time to finish 7m 4s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4190 Time to finish 7m 3s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4189 Time to finish 7m 2s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4188 Time to finish 7m 1s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4187 Time to finish 7m 0s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4186 Time to finish 7m 3s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4185 Time to finish 7m 9s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4184 Time to finish 7m 7s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4183 Time to finish 7m 6s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4182 Time to finish 7m 6s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4181 Time to finish 7m 5s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4180 Time to finish 7m 4s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4179 Time to finish 7m 3s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4178 Time to finish 7m 2s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4177 Time to finish 7m 1s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4176 Time to finish 7m 0s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4175 Time to finish 6m 59s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4174 Time to finish 6m 58s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4173 Time to finish 6m 57s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4172 Time to finish 6m 56s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4171 Time to finish 6m 55s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4170 Time to finish 7m 2s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4169 Time to finish 7m 1s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4168 Time to finish 7m 0s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4167 Time to finish 6m 59s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4166 Time to finish 6m 59s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4165 Time to finish 6m 58s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4164 Time to finish 6m 57s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4163 Time to finish 6m 56s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4162 Time to finish 6m 55s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4161 Time to finish 6m 54s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4160 Time to finish 6m 54s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4159 Time to finish 6m 53s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4158 Time to finish 6m 52s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4157 Time to finish 6m 51s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4156 Time to finish 6m 50s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4155 Time to finish 6m 56s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4154 Time to finish 6m 56s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4153 Time to finish 6m 55s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4152 Time to finish 6m 54s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4151 Time to finish 6m 53s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4150 Time to finish 6m 52s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4149 Time to finish 6m 51s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4148 Time to finish 6m 51s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4147 Time to finish 6m 50s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4146 Time to finish 6m 49s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4145 Time to finish 6m 48s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4144 Time to finish 6m 48s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4143 Time to finish 6m 47s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4142 Time to finish 6m 46s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4141 Time to finish 6m 45s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4140 Time to finish 6m 52s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4139 Time to finish 6m 52s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4138 Time to finish 6m 52s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4137 Time to finish 6m 52s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4136 Time to finish 6m 52s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4135 Time to finish 6m 52s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4134 Time to finish 6m 51s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4133 Time to finish 6m 52s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4132 Time to finish 6m 51s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4131 Time to finish 6m 51s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4130 Time to finish 6m 50s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4129 Time to finish 6m 49s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4128 Time to finish 6m 49s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4127 Time to finish 6m 48s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4126 Time to finish 6m 47s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4125 Time to finish 6m 54s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4124 Time to finish 6m 54s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4123 Time to finish 6m 54s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4122 Time to finish 6m 54s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4121 Time to finish 6m 53s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4120 Time to finish 6m 52s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4119 Time to finish 6m 51s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4118 Time to finish 6m 50s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4117 Time to finish 6m 50s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4116 Time to finish 6m 49s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4115 Time to finish 6m 49s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4114 Time to finish 6m 48s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4113 Time to finish 6m 48s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4112 Time to finish 6m 47s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4111 Time to finish 6m 47s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4110 Time to finish 6m 51s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4109 Time to finish 6m 50s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4108 Time to finish 6m 50s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4107 Time to finish 6m 50s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4106 Time to finish 6m 49s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4105 Time to finish 6m 49s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4104 Time to finish 6m 49s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4103 Time to finish 6m 49s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4102 Time to finish 6m 49s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4101 Time to finish 6m 49s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4100 Time to finish 6m 48s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4099 Time to finish 6m 48s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4098 Time to finish 6m 48s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4097 Time to finish 6m 48s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4096 Time to finish 6m 48s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4095 Time to finish 6m 52s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4094 Time to finish 6m 52s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4093 Time to finish 6m 51s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4092 Time to finish 6m 51s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4091 Time to finish 6m 50s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4090 Time to finish 6m 50s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4089 Time to finish 6m 49s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4088 Time to finish 6m 49s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4087 Time to finish 6m 48s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4086 Time to finish 6m 48s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4085 Time to finish 6m 47s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4084 Time to finish 6m 47s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4083 Time to finish 6m 47s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4082 Time to finish 6m 46s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4081 Time to finish 6m 46s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4080 Time to finish 6m 50s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4079 Time to finish 6m 50s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4078 Time to finish 6m 49s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4077 Time to finish 6m 48s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4076 Time to finish 6m 48s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4075 Time to finish 6m 47s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4074 Time to finish 6m 47s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4073 Time to finish 6m 46s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4072 Time to finish 6m 45s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4071 Time to finish 6m 45s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4070 Time to finish 6m 44s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4069 Time to finish 6m 44s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4068 Time to finish 6m 43s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4067 Time to finish 6m 43s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4066 Time to finish 6m 42s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4065 Time to finish 6m 48s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4064 Time to finish 6m 47s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4063 Time to finish 6m 47s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4062 Time to finish 6m 46s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4061 Time to finish 6m 46s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4060 Time to finish 6m 48s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4059 Time to finish 6m 47s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4058 Time to finish 6m 47s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4057 Time to finish 6m 46s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4056 Time to finish 6m 46s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4055 Time to finish 6m 45s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4054 Time to finish 6m 45s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4053 Time to finish 6m 44s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4052 Time to finish 6m 43s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4051 Time to finish 6m 43s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4050 Time to finish 6m 48s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4049 Time to finish 6m 48s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4048 Time to finish 6m 48s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4047 Time to finish 6m 47s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4046 Time to finish 6m 47s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4045 Time to finish 6m 47s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4044 Time to finish 6m 47s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4043 Time to finish 6m 47s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4042 Time to finish 6m 46s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4041 Time to finish 6m 46s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4040 Time to finish 6m 45s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4039 Time to finish 6m 45s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4038 Time to finish 6m 44s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4037 Time to finish 6m 44s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4036 Time to finish 6m 44s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4035 Time to finish 6m 50s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4034 Time to finish 6m 50s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4033 Time to finish 6m 49s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4032 Time to finish 6m 49s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4031 Time to finish 6m 48s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4030 Time to finish 6m 48s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4029 Time to finish 6m 47s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4028 Time to finish 6m 47s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4027 Time to finish 6m 46s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4026 Time to finish 6m 46s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4025 Time to finish 6m 45s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4024 Time to finish 6m 45s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4023 Time to finish 6m 44s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4022 Time to finish 6m 44s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4021 Time to finish 6m 44s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4020 Time to finish 6m 47s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4019 Time to finish 6m 47s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4018 Time to finish 6m 46s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4017 Time to finish 6m 46s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4016 Time to finish 6m 46s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4015 Time to finish 6m 46s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4014 Time to finish 6m 45s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4013 Time to finish 6m 45s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4012 Time to finish 6m 45s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4011 Time to finish 6m 45s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4010 Time to finish 6m 44s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4009 Time to finish 6m 43s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4008 Time to finish 6m 43s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4007 Time to finish 6m 42s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4006 Time to finish 6m 42s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4005 Time to finish 6m 44s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4004 Time to finish 6m 43s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4003 Time to finish 6m 43s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 4002 Time to finish 6m 42s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 4001 Time to finish 6m 44s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 4000 Time to finish 6m 43s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 3999 Time to finish 6m 43s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3998 Time to finish 6m 42s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3997 Time to finish 6m 41s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3996 Time to finish 6m 41s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3995 Time to finish 6m 40s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3994 Time to finish 6m 40s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3993 Time to finish 6m 39s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3992 Time to finish 6m 39s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3991 Time to finish 6m 38s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3990 Time to finish 6m 40s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3989 Time to finish 6m 40s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3988 Time to finish 6m 40s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3987 Time to finish 6m 40s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3986 Time to finish 6m 39s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3985 Time to finish 6m 39s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3984 Time to finish 6m 39s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3983 Time to finish 6m 38s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3982 Time to finish 6m 38s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3981 Time to finish 6m 38s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3980 Time to finish 6m 38s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3979 Time to finish 6m 38s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3978 Time to finish 6m 37s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3977 Time to finish 6m 37s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3976 Time to finish 6m 37s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3975 Time to finish 6m 39s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3974 Time to finish 6m 38s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3973 Time to finish 6m 38s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3972 Time to finish 6m 37s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3971 Time to finish 6m 37s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3970 Time to finish 6m 37s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3969 Time to finish 6m 36s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3968 Time to finish 6m 36s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3967 Time to finish 6m 36s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3966 Time to finish 6m 35s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3965 Time to finish 6m 35s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3964 Time to finish 6m 34s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3963 Time to finish 6m 34s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3962 Time to finish 6m 34s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3961 Time to finish 6m 33s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3960 Time to finish 6m 38s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3959 Time to finish 6m 38s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3958 Time to finish 6m 37s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3957 Time to finish 6m 37s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3956 Time to finish 6m 36s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3955 Time to finish 6m 36s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3954 Time to finish 6m 36s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3953 Time to finish 6m 35s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3952 Time to finish 6m 35s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3951 Time to finish 6m 35s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3950 Time to finish 6m 34s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3949 Time to finish 6m 34s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3948 Time to finish 6m 33s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3947 Time to finish 6m 33s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3946 Time to finish 6m 33s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3945 Time to finish 6m 37s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3944 Time to finish 6m 37s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3943 Time to finish 6m 36s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3942 Time to finish 6m 36s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3941 Time to finish 6m 36s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3940 Time to finish 6m 35s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3939 Time to finish 6m 35s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3938 Time to finish 6m 35s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3937 Time to finish 6m 34s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3936 Time to finish 6m 34s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3935 Time to finish 6m 33s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3934 Time to finish 6m 33s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3933 Time to finish 6m 33s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3932 Time to finish 6m 32s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3931 Time to finish 6m 32s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3930 Time to finish 6m 37s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3929 Time to finish 6m 36s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3928 Time to finish 6m 36s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3927 Time to finish 6m 36s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3926 Time to finish 6m 35s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3925 Time to finish 6m 35s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3924 Time to finish 6m 35s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3923 Time to finish 6m 34s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3922 Time to finish 6m 34s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3921 Time to finish 6m 34s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3920 Time to finish 6m 33s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3919 Time to finish 6m 33s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3918 Time to finish 6m 33s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3917 Time to finish 6m 33s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3916 Time to finish 6m 33s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3915 Time to finish 6m 34s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3914 Time to finish 6m 34s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3913 Time to finish 6m 34s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3912 Time to finish 6m 34s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3911 Time to finish 6m 34s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3910 Time to finish 6m 34s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3909 Time to finish 6m 33s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3908 Time to finish 6m 33s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3907 Time to finish 6m 32s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3906 Time to finish 6m 32s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3905 Time to finish 6m 32s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3904 Time to finish 6m 31s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3903 Time to finish 6m 31s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3902 Time to finish 6m 30s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3901 Time to finish 6m 30s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3900 Time to finish 6m 33s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3899 Time to finish 6m 33s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3898 Time to finish 6m 33s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3897 Time to finish 6m 32s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3896 Time to finish 6m 32s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3895 Time to finish 6m 32s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3894 Time to finish 6m 32s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3893 Time to finish 6m 32s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3892 Time to finish 6m 31s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3891 Time to finish 6m 31s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3890 Time to finish 6m 31s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3889 Time to finish 6m 31s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3888 Time to finish 6m 31s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3887 Time to finish 6m 30s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3886 Time to finish 6m 30s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3885 Time to finish 6m 32s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3884 Time to finish 6m 31s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3883 Time to finish 6m 31s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3882 Time to finish 6m 31s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3881 Time to finish 6m 30s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3880 Time to finish 6m 30s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3879 Time to finish 6m 29s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3878 Time to finish 6m 29s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3877 Time to finish 6m 29s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3876 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3875 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3874 Time to finish 6m 27s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3873 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3872 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3871 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3870 Time to finish 6m 30s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3869 Time to finish 6m 30s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3868 Time to finish 6m 29s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3867 Time to finish 6m 29s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3866 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3865 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3864 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3863 Time to finish 6m 27s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3862 Time to finish 6m 27s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3861 Time to finish 6m 27s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3860 Time to finish 6m 27s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3859 Time to finish 6m 26s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3858 Time to finish 6m 26s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3857 Time to finish 6m 26s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3856 Time to finish 6m 25s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3855 Time to finish 6m 27s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3854 Time to finish 6m 27s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3853 Time to finish 6m 27s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3852 Time to finish 6m 26s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3851 Time to finish 6m 26s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3850 Time to finish 6m 26s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3849 Time to finish 6m 25s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3848 Time to finish 6m 25s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3847 Time to finish 6m 25s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3846 Time to finish 6m 24s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3845 Time to finish 6m 24s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3844 Time to finish 6m 23s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3843 Time to finish 6m 23s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3842 Time to finish 6m 23s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3841 Time to finish 6m 22s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3840 Time to finish 6m 26s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3839 Time to finish 6m 26s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3838 Time to finish 6m 26s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3837 Time to finish 6m 25s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3836 Time to finish 6m 25s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3835 Time to finish 6m 24s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3834 Time to finish 6m 24s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3833 Time to finish 6m 24s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3832 Time to finish 6m 24s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3831 Time to finish 6m 24s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3830 Time to finish 6m 23s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3829 Time to finish 6m 23s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3828 Time to finish 6m 23s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3827 Time to finish 6m 23s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3826 Time to finish 6m 22s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3825 Time to finish 6m 24s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3824 Time to finish 6m 24s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3823 Time to finish 6m 23s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3822 Time to finish 6m 23s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3821 Time to finish 6m 23s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3820 Time to finish 6m 22s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3819 Time to finish 6m 22s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3818 Time to finish 6m 22s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3817 Time to finish 6m 21s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3816 Time to finish 6m 21s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3815 Time to finish 6m 21s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3814 Time to finish 6m 20s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3813 Time to finish 6m 20s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3812 Time to finish 6m 20s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3811 Time to finish 6m 21s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3810 Time to finish 6m 22s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3809 Time to finish 6m 22s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3808 Time to finish 6m 21s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3807 Time to finish 6m 21s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3806 Time to finish 6m 21s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3805 Time to finish 6m 20s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3804 Time to finish 6m 20s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3803 Time to finish 6m 20s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3802 Time to finish 6m 20s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3801 Time to finish 6m 20s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3800 Time to finish 6m 20s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3799 Time to finish 6m 20s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3798 Time to finish 6m 19s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3797 Time to finish 6m 19s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3796 Time to finish 6m 19s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3795 Time to finish 6m 20s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3794 Time to finish 6m 20s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3793 Time to finish 6m 20s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3792 Time to finish 6m 20s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3791 Time to finish 6m 20s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3790 Time to finish 6m 20s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3789 Time to finish 6m 19s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3788 Time to finish 6m 19s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3787 Time to finish 6m 19s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3786 Time to finish 6m 19s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3785 Time to finish 6m 19s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3784 Time to finish 6m 19s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3783 Time to finish 6m 18s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3782 Time to finish 6m 18s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3781 Time to finish 6m 18s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3780 Time to finish 6m 20s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3779 Time to finish 6m 20s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3778 Time to finish 6m 19s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3777 Time to finish 6m 19s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3776 Time to finish 6m 19s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3775 Time to finish 6m 19s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3774 Time to finish 6m 18s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3773 Time to finish 6m 18s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3772 Time to finish 6m 18s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3771 Time to finish 6m 18s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3770 Time to finish 6m 17s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3769 Time to finish 6m 17s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3768 Time to finish 6m 17s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3767 Time to finish 6m 16s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3766 Time to finish 6m 16s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3765 Time to finish 6m 18s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3764 Time to finish 6m 18s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3763 Time to finish 6m 18s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3762 Time to finish 6m 18s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3761 Time to finish 6m 17s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3760 Time to finish 6m 17s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3759 Time to finish 6m 17s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3758 Time to finish 6m 17s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3757 Time to finish 6m 16s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3756 Time to finish 6m 16s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3755 Time to finish 6m 16s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3754 Time to finish 6m 15s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3753 Time to finish 6m 15s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3752 Time to finish 6m 15s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3751 Time to finish 6m 14s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3750 Time to finish 6m 17s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3749 Time to finish 6m 16s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3748 Time to finish 6m 16s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3747 Time to finish 6m 16s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3746 Time to finish 6m 15s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3745 Time to finish 6m 15s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3744 Time to finish 6m 15s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3743 Time to finish 6m 16s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3742 Time to finish 6m 15s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3741 Time to finish 6m 15s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3740 Time to finish 6m 15s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3739 Time to finish 6m 15s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3738 Time to finish 6m 14s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3737 Time to finish 6m 14s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3736 Time to finish 6m 14s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3735 Time to finish 6m 15s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3734 Time to finish 6m 15s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3733 Time to finish 6m 15s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3732 Time to finish 6m 15s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3731 Time to finish 6m 15s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3730 Time to finish 6m 14s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3729 Time to finish 6m 14s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3728 Time to finish 6m 14s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3727 Time to finish 6m 14s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3726 Time to finish 6m 14s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3725 Time to finish 6m 14s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3724 Time to finish 6m 14s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3723 Time to finish 6m 13s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3722 Time to finish 6m 13s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3721 Time to finish 6m 13s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3720 Time to finish 6m 15s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3719 Time to finish 6m 15s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3718 Time to finish 6m 14s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3717 Time to finish 6m 14s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3716 Time to finish 6m 14s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3715 Time to finish 6m 14s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3714 Time to finish 6m 14s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3713 Time to finish 6m 13s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3712 Time to finish 6m 13s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3711 Time to finish 6m 13s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3710 Time to finish 6m 13s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3709 Time to finish 6m 13s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3708 Time to finish 6m 13s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3707 Time to finish 6m 12s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3706 Time to finish 6m 12s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3705 Time to finish 6m 14s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3704 Time to finish 6m 13s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3703 Time to finish 6m 13s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3702 Time to finish 6m 13s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3701 Time to finish 6m 13s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3700 Time to finish 6m 12s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3699 Time to finish 6m 12s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3698 Time to finish 6m 12s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3697 Time to finish 6m 11s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3696 Time to finish 6m 11s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3695 Time to finish 6m 11s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3694 Time to finish 6m 11s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3693 Time to finish 6m 10s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3692 Time to finish 6m 10s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3691 Time to finish 6m 10s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3690 Time to finish 6m 12s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3689 Time to finish 6m 12s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3688 Time to finish 6m 11s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3687 Time to finish 6m 11s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3686 Time to finish 6m 11s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3685 Time to finish 6m 11s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3684 Time to finish 6m 10s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3683 Time to finish 6m 10s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3682 Time to finish 6m 10s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3681 Time to finish 6m 10s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3680 Time to finish 6m 9s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3679 Time to finish 6m 10s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3678 Time to finish 6m 10s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3677 Time to finish 6m 10s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3676 Time to finish 6m 10s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3675 Time to finish 6m 12s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3674 Time to finish 6m 12s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3673 Time to finish 6m 12s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3672 Time to finish 6m 12s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3671 Time to finish 6m 12s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3670 Time to finish 6m 11s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3669 Time to finish 6m 11s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3668 Time to finish 6m 11s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3667 Time to finish 6m 11s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3666 Time to finish 6m 11s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3665 Time to finish 6m 10s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3664 Time to finish 6m 10s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3663 Time to finish 6m 10s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3662 Time to finish 6m 10s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3661 Time to finish 6m 9s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3660 Time to finish 6m 13s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3659 Time to finish 6m 13s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3658 Time to finish 6m 13s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3657 Time to finish 6m 13s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3656 Time to finish 6m 13s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3655 Time to finish 6m 13s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3654 Time to finish 6m 12s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3653 Time to finish 6m 12s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3652 Time to finish 6m 12s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3651 Time to finish 6m 12s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3650 Time to finish 6m 12s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3649 Time to finish 6m 11s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3648 Time to finish 6m 11s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3647 Time to finish 6m 11s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3646 Time to finish 6m 11s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3645 Time to finish 6m 14s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3644 Time to finish 6m 14s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3643 Time to finish 6m 14s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3642 Time to finish 6m 14s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3641 Time to finish 6m 14s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3640 Time to finish 6m 14s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3639 Time to finish 6m 13s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3638 Time to finish 6m 13s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3637 Time to finish 6m 13s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3636 Time to finish 6m 13s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3635 Time to finish 6m 13s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3634 Time to finish 6m 12s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3633 Time to finish 6m 12s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3632 Time to finish 6m 12s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3631 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3630 Time to finish 6m 14s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3629 Time to finish 6m 14s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3628 Time to finish 6m 13s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3627 Time to finish 6m 13s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3626 Time to finish 6m 13s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3625 Time to finish 6m 13s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3624 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3623 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3622 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3621 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3620 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3619 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3618 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3617 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3616 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3615 Time to finish 6m 13s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3614 Time to finish 6m 13s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3613 Time to finish 6m 13s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3612 Time to finish 6m 13s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3611 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3610 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3609 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3608 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3607 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3606 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3605 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3604 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3603 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3602 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3601 Time to finish 6m 12s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3600 Time to finish 6m 14s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3599 Time to finish 6m 14s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3598 Time to finish 6m 14s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3597 Time to finish 6m 14s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3596 Time to finish 6m 14s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3595 Time to finish 6m 13s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3594 Time to finish 6m 13s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3593 Time to finish 6m 13s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3592 Time to finish 6m 13s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3591 Time to finish 6m 13s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3590 Time to finish 6m 13s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3589 Time to finish 6m 13s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3588 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3587 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3586 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3585 Time to finish 6m 14s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3584 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3583 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3582 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3581 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3580 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3579 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3578 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3577 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3576 Time to finish 6m 11s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3575 Time to finish 6m 11s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3574 Time to finish 6m 11s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3573 Time to finish 6m 11s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3572 Time to finish 6m 11s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3571 Time to finish 6m 10s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3570 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3569 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3568 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3567 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3566 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3565 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3564 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3563 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3562 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3561 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3560 Time to finish 6m 11s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3559 Time to finish 6m 11s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3558 Time to finish 6m 11s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3557 Time to finish 6m 11s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3556 Time to finish 6m 11s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3555 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3554 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3553 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3552 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3551 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3550 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3549 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3548 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3547 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3546 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3545 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3544 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3543 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3542 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3541 Time to finish 6m 11s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3540 Time to finish 6m 14s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3539 Time to finish 6m 14s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3538 Time to finish 6m 14s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3537 Time to finish 6m 14s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3536 Time to finish 6m 14s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3535 Time to finish 6m 13s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3534 Time to finish 6m 13s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3533 Time to finish 6m 13s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3532 Time to finish 6m 13s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3531 Time to finish 6m 13s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3530 Time to finish 6m 13s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3529 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3528 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3527 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3526 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3525 Time to finish 6m 13s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3524 Time to finish 6m 13s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3523 Time to finish 6m 13s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3522 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3521 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3520 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3519 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3518 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3517 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3516 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3515 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3514 Time to finish 6m 11s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3513 Time to finish 6m 11s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3512 Time to finish 6m 11s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3511 Time to finish 6m 11s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3510 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3509 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3508 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3507 Time to finish 6m 12s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3506 Time to finish 6m 11s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3505 Time to finish 6m 11s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3504 Time to finish 6m 11s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3503 Time to finish 6m 11s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3502 Time to finish 6m 11s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3501 Time to finish 6m 10s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3500 Time to finish 6m 10s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3499 Time to finish 6m 10s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3498 Time to finish 6m 10s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3497 Time to finish 6m 9s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3496 Time to finish 6m 9s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3495 Time to finish 6m 10s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3494 Time to finish 6m 10s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3493 Time to finish 6m 10s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3492 Time to finish 6m 11s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3491 Time to finish 6m 10s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3490 Time to finish 6m 10s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3489 Time to finish 6m 10s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3488 Time to finish 6m 10s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3487 Time to finish 6m 10s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3486 Time to finish 6m 10s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3485 Time to finish 6m 10s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3484 Time to finish 6m 9s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3483 Time to finish 6m 9s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3482 Time to finish 6m 9s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3481 Time to finish 6m 9s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3480 Time to finish 6m 10s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3479 Time to finish 6m 10s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3478 Time to finish 6m 10s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3477 Time to finish 6m 10s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3476 Time to finish 6m 9s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3475 Time to finish 6m 9s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3474 Time to finish 6m 9s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3473 Time to finish 6m 9s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3472 Time to finish 6m 8s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3471 Time to finish 6m 8s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3470 Time to finish 6m 8s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3469 Time to finish 6m 8s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3468 Time to finish 6m 7s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3467 Time to finish 6m 7s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3466 Time to finish 6m 7s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3465 Time to finish 6m 8s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3464 Time to finish 6m 8s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3463 Time to finish 6m 7s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3462 Time to finish 6m 7s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3461 Time to finish 6m 7s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3460 Time to finish 6m 7s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3459 Time to finish 6m 6s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3458 Time to finish 6m 6s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3457 Time to finish 6m 6s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3456 Time to finish 6m 6s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3455 Time to finish 6m 5s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3454 Time to finish 6m 5s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3453 Time to finish 6m 5s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3452 Time to finish 6m 5s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3451 Time to finish 6m 4s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3450 Time to finish 6m 5s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3449 Time to finish 6m 5s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3448 Time to finish 6m 4s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3447 Time to finish 6m 4s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3446 Time to finish 6m 4s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3445 Time to finish 6m 4s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3444 Time to finish 6m 3s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3443 Time to finish 6m 3s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3442 Time to finish 6m 3s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3441 Time to finish 6m 2s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3440 Time to finish 6m 2s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3439 Time to finish 6m 2s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3438 Time to finish 6m 2s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3437 Time to finish 6m 2s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3436 Time to finish 6m 2s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3435 Time to finish 6m 3s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3434 Time to finish 6m 2s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3433 Time to finish 6m 2s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3432 Time to finish 6m 2s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3431 Time to finish 6m 2s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3430 Time to finish 6m 1s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3429 Time to finish 6m 1s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3428 Time to finish 6m 1s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3427 Time to finish 6m 1s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3426 Time to finish 6m 0s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3425 Time to finish 6m 0s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3424 Time to finish 6m 0s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3423 Time to finish 6m 0s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3422 Time to finish 5m 59s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3421 Time to finish 5m 59s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3420 Time to finish 6m 0s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3419 Time to finish 6m 0s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3418 Time to finish 5m 59s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3417 Time to finish 5m 59s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3416 Time to finish 5m 59s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3415 Time to finish 5m 59s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3414 Time to finish 5m 58s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3413 Time to finish 5m 58s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3412 Time to finish 5m 58s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3411 Time to finish 5m 58s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3410 Time to finish 5m 58s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3409 Time to finish 5m 57s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3408 Time to finish 5m 57s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3407 Time to finish 5m 57s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3406 Time to finish 5m 57s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3405 Time to finish 5m 58s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3404 Time to finish 5m 57s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3403 Time to finish 5m 57s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3402 Time to finish 5m 57s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3401 Time to finish 5m 57s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3400 Time to finish 5m 57s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3399 Time to finish 5m 57s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3398 Time to finish 5m 57s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3397 Time to finish 5m 56s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3396 Time to finish 5m 56s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3395 Time to finish 5m 56s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3394 Time to finish 5m 56s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3393 Time to finish 5m 56s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3392 Time to finish 5m 56s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3391 Time to finish 5m 55s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3390 Time to finish 5m 56s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3389 Time to finish 5m 56s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3388 Time to finish 5m 55s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3387 Time to finish 5m 55s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3386 Time to finish 5m 55s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3385 Time to finish 5m 55s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3384 Time to finish 5m 55s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3383 Time to finish 5m 55s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3382 Time to finish 5m 55s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3381 Time to finish 5m 55s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3380 Time to finish 5m 55s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3379 Time to finish 5m 54s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3378 Time to finish 5m 54s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3377 Time to finish 5m 54s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3376 Time to finish 5m 54s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3375 Time to finish 5m 55s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3374 Time to finish 5m 55s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3373 Time to finish 5m 54s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3372 Time to finish 5m 54s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3371 Time to finish 5m 54s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3370 Time to finish 5m 54s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3369 Time to finish 5m 54s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3368 Time to finish 5m 54s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3367 Time to finish 5m 53s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3366 Time to finish 5m 53s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3365 Time to finish 5m 53s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3364 Time to finish 5m 53s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3363 Time to finish 5m 53s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3362 Time to finish 5m 53s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3361 Time to finish 5m 52s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3360 Time to finish 5m 53s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3359 Time to finish 5m 53s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3358 Time to finish 5m 53s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3357 Time to finish 5m 53s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3356 Time to finish 5m 53s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3355 Time to finish 5m 53s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3354 Time to finish 5m 52s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3353 Time to finish 5m 52s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3352 Time to finish 5m 52s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3351 Time to finish 5m 52s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3350 Time to finish 5m 52s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3349 Time to finish 5m 52s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3348 Time to finish 5m 51s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3347 Time to finish 5m 51s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3346 Time to finish 5m 51s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3345 Time to finish 5m 52s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3344 Time to finish 5m 52s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3343 Time to finish 5m 51s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3342 Time to finish 5m 51s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3341 Time to finish 5m 51s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3340 Time to finish 5m 51s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3339 Time to finish 5m 50s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3338 Time to finish 5m 50s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3337 Time to finish 5m 50s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3336 Time to finish 5m 50s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3335 Time to finish 5m 49s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3334 Time to finish 5m 49s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3333 Time to finish 5m 49s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3332 Time to finish 5m 49s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3331 Time to finish 5m 49s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3330 Time to finish 5m 50s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3329 Time to finish 5m 50s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3328 Time to finish 5m 50s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3327 Time to finish 5m 49s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3326 Time to finish 5m 49s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3325 Time to finish 5m 49s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3324 Time to finish 5m 49s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3323 Time to finish 5m 49s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3322 Time to finish 5m 48s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3321 Time to finish 5m 48s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3320 Time to finish 5m 48s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3319 Time to finish 5m 48s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3318 Time to finish 5m 48s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3317 Time to finish 5m 48s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3316 Time to finish 5m 51s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3315 Time to finish 6m 0s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3314 Time to finish 5m 59s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3313 Time to finish 5m 59s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3312 Time to finish 5m 59s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3311 Time to finish 5m 59s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3310 Time to finish 5m 59s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3309 Time to finish 5m 58s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3308 Time to finish 5m 58s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3307 Time to finish 5m 58s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3306 Time to finish 5m 58s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3305 Time to finish 5m 58s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3304 Time to finish 5m 57s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3303 Time to finish 5m 57s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3302 Time to finish 5m 57s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3301 Time to finish 5m 57s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3300 Time to finish 5m 59s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3299 Time to finish 5m 58s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3298 Time to finish 5m 58s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3297 Time to finish 5m 58s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3296 Time to finish 6m 1s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3295 Time to finish 6m 6s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3294 Time to finish 6m 8s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3293 Time to finish 6m 8s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3292 Time to finish 6m 8s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3291 Time to finish 6m 7s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3290 Time to finish 6m 7s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3289 Time to finish 6m 7s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3288 Time to finish 6m 7s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3287 Time to finish 6m 7s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3286 Time to finish 6m 7s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3285 Time to finish 6m 8s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3284 Time to finish 6m 8s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3283 Time to finish 6m 8s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3282 Time to finish 6m 8s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3281 Time to finish 6m 8s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3280 Time to finish 6m 7s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3279 Time to finish 6m 7s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3278 Time to finish 6m 9s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3277 Time to finish 6m 12s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3276 Time to finish 6m 12s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3275 Time to finish 6m 12s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3274 Time to finish 6m 12s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3273 Time to finish 6m 12s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3272 Time to finish 6m 12s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3271 Time to finish 6m 12s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3270 Time to finish 6m 20s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3269 Time to finish 6m 21s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3268 Time to finish 6m 21s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3267 Time to finish 6m 21s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3266 Time to finish 6m 20s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3265 Time to finish 6m 20s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3264 Time to finish 6m 20s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3263 Time to finish 6m 20s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3262 Time to finish 6m 19s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3261 Time to finish 6m 19s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3260 Time to finish 6m 19s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3259 Time to finish 6m 18s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3258 Time to finish 6m 18s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3257 Time to finish 6m 18s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3256 Time to finish 6m 18s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3255 Time to finish 6m 18s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3254 Time to finish 6m 18s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3253 Time to finish 6m 18s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3252 Time to finish 6m 18s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3251 Time to finish 6m 18s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3250 Time to finish 6m 17s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3249 Time to finish 6m 17s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3248 Time to finish 6m 17s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3247 Time to finish 6m 17s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3246 Time to finish 6m 17s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3245 Time to finish 6m 17s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3244 Time to finish 6m 16s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3243 Time to finish 6m 16s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3242 Time to finish 6m 16s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3241 Time to finish 6m 16s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3240 Time to finish 6m 17s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3239 Time to finish 6m 16s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3238 Time to finish 6m 16s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3237 Time to finish 6m 16s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3236 Time to finish 6m 16s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3235 Time to finish 6m 15s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3234 Time to finish 6m 15s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3233 Time to finish 6m 15s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3232 Time to finish 6m 15s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3231 Time to finish 6m 14s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3230 Time to finish 6m 14s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3229 Time to finish 6m 14s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3228 Time to finish 6m 14s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3227 Time to finish 6m 14s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3226 Time to finish 6m 13s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3225 Time to finish 6m 14s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3224 Time to finish 6m 13s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3223 Time to finish 6m 13s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3222 Time to finish 6m 13s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3221 Time to finish 6m 13s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3220 Time to finish 6m 13s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3219 Time to finish 6m 13s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3218 Time to finish 6m 12s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3217 Time to finish 6m 12s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3216 Time to finish 6m 12s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3215 Time to finish 6m 12s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3214 Time to finish 6m 12s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3213 Time to finish 6m 11s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3212 Time to finish 6m 11s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3211 Time to finish 6m 11s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3210 Time to finish 6m 11s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3209 Time to finish 6m 11s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3208 Time to finish 6m 11s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3207 Time to finish 6m 11s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3206 Time to finish 6m 10s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3205 Time to finish 6m 10s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3204 Time to finish 6m 10s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3203 Time to finish 6m 10s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3202 Time to finish 6m 9s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3201 Time to finish 6m 9s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3200 Time to finish 6m 9s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3199 Time to finish 6m 9s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3198 Time to finish 6m 8s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3197 Time to finish 6m 8s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3196 Time to finish 6m 8s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3195 Time to finish 6m 8s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3194 Time to finish 6m 8s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3193 Time to finish 6m 8s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3192 Time to finish 6m 8s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3191 Time to finish 6m 7s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3190 Time to finish 6m 7s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3189 Time to finish 6m 7s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3188 Time to finish 6m 7s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3187 Time to finish 6m 7s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3186 Time to finish 6m 6s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3185 Time to finish 6m 6s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3184 Time to finish 6m 6s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3183 Time to finish 6m 6s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3182 Time to finish 6m 5s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3181 Time to finish 6m 5s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3180 Time to finish 6m 7s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3179 Time to finish 6m 7s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3178 Time to finish 6m 7s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3177 Time to finish 6m 7s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3176 Time to finish 6m 7s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3175 Time to finish 6m 6s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3174 Time to finish 6m 6s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3173 Time to finish 6m 6s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3172 Time to finish 6m 6s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3171 Time to finish 6m 6s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3170 Time to finish 6m 6s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3169 Time to finish 6m 5s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3168 Time to finish 6m 5s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3167 Time to finish 6m 5s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3166 Time to finish 6m 5s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3165 Time to finish 6m 7s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3164 Time to finish 6m 7s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3163 Time to finish 6m 6s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3162 Time to finish 6m 6s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3161 Time to finish 6m 6s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3160 Time to finish 6m 6s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3159 Time to finish 6m 6s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3158 Time to finish 6m 5s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3157 Time to finish 6m 5s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3156 Time to finish 6m 5s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3155 Time to finish 6m 5s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3154 Time to finish 6m 4s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3153 Time to finish 6m 4s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3152 Time to finish 6m 4s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3151 Time to finish 6m 4s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3150 Time to finish 6m 4s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3149 Time to finish 6m 4s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3148 Time to finish 6m 4s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3147 Time to finish 6m 4s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3146 Time to finish 6m 4s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3145 Time to finish 6m 4s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3144 Time to finish 6m 4s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3143 Time to finish 6m 3s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3142 Time to finish 6m 3s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3141 Time to finish 6m 3s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3140 Time to finish 6m 3s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3139 Time to finish 6m 3s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3138 Time to finish 6m 2s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3137 Time to finish 6m 2s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3136 Time to finish 6m 2s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3135 Time to finish 6m 2s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3134 Time to finish 6m 2s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3133 Time to finish 6m 2s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3132 Time to finish 6m 2s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3131 Time to finish 6m 2s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3130 Time to finish 6m 2s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3129 Time to finish 6m 1s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3128 Time to finish 6m 1s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3127 Time to finish 6m 1s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3126 Time to finish 6m 1s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3125 Time to finish 6m 0s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3124 Time to finish 6m 0s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3123 Time to finish 6m 0s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3122 Time to finish 6m 0s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3121 Time to finish 6m 0s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3120 Time to finish 6m 1s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3119 Time to finish 6m 0s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3118 Time to finish 6m 0s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3117 Time to finish 6m 0s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3116 Time to finish 6m 0s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3115 Time to finish 6m 0s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3114 Time to finish 6m 0s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3113 Time to finish 5m 59s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3112 Time to finish 5m 59s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3111 Time to finish 5m 59s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3110 Time to finish 5m 59s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3109 Time to finish 5m 59s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3108 Time to finish 5m 59s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3107 Time to finish 5m 58s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3106 Time to finish 5m 58s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3105 Time to finish 5m 59s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3104 Time to finish 5m 59s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3103 Time to finish 5m 58s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3102 Time to finish 5m 58s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3101 Time to finish 5m 58s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3100 Time to finish 5m 58s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3099 Time to finish 5m 58s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3098 Time to finish 5m 58s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3097 Time to finish 5m 57s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3096 Time to finish 5m 57s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3095 Time to finish 5m 57s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3094 Time to finish 5m 57s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3093 Time to finish 5m 57s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3092 Time to finish 5m 56s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3091 Time to finish 5m 56s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3090 Time to finish 5m 56s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3089 Time to finish 5m 56s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3088 Time to finish 5m 56s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3087 Time to finish 5m 56s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3086 Time to finish 5m 56s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3085 Time to finish 5m 56s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3084 Time to finish 5m 55s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3083 Time to finish 5m 55s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3082 Time to finish 5m 55s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3081 Time to finish 5m 55s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3080 Time to finish 5m 55s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3079 Time to finish 5m 55s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3078 Time to finish 5m 54s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3077 Time to finish 5m 54s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3076 Time to finish 5m 54s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3075 Time to finish 5m 56s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3074 Time to finish 5m 56s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3073 Time to finish 5m 55s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3072 Time to finish 5m 55s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3071 Time to finish 5m 55s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3070 Time to finish 5m 55s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3069 Time to finish 5m 55s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3068 Time to finish 5m 55s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3067 Time to finish 5m 54s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3066 Time to finish 5m 54s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3065 Time to finish 5m 54s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3064 Time to finish 5m 54s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3063 Time to finish 5m 54s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3062 Time to finish 5m 54s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3061 Time to finish 5m 54s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3060 Time to finish 5m 54s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3059 Time to finish 5m 54s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3058 Time to finish 5m 54s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3057 Time to finish 5m 54s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3056 Time to finish 5m 54s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3055 Time to finish 5m 54s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3054 Time to finish 5m 53s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3053 Time to finish 5m 53s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3052 Time to finish 5m 53s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3051 Time to finish 5m 53s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3050 Time to finish 5m 53s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3049 Time to finish 5m 53s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3048 Time to finish 5m 52s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3047 Time to finish 5m 52s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3046 Time to finish 5m 52s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3045 Time to finish 5m 52s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3044 Time to finish 5m 52s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3043 Time to finish 5m 52s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3042 Time to finish 5m 52s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3041 Time to finish 5m 52s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3040 Time to finish 5m 52s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3039 Time to finish 5m 52s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3038 Time to finish 5m 51s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3037 Time to finish 5m 51s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3036 Time to finish 5m 51s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3035 Time to finish 5m 51s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3034 Time to finish 5m 51s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3033 Time to finish 5m 51s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3032 Time to finish 5m 50s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3031 Time to finish 5m 50s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3030 Time to finish 5m 51s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3029 Time to finish 5m 50s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3028 Time to finish 5m 50s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3027 Time to finish 5m 50s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3026 Time to finish 5m 50s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3025 Time to finish 5m 50s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3024 Time to finish 5m 49s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3023 Time to finish 5m 49s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3022 Time to finish 5m 49s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3021 Time to finish 5m 49s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3020 Time to finish 5m 48s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3019 Time to finish 5m 48s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3018 Time to finish 5m 48s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3017 Time to finish 5m 48s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3016 Time to finish 5m 48s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3015 Time to finish 5m 49s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3014 Time to finish 5m 48s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3013 Time to finish 5m 48s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3012 Time to finish 5m 48s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3011 Time to finish 5m 48s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3010 Time to finish 5m 48s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3009 Time to finish 5m 47s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3008 Time to finish 5m 47s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3007 Time to finish 5m 47s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3006 Time to finish 5m 47s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3005 Time to finish 5m 47s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3004 Time to finish 5m 47s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3003 Time to finish 5m 46s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3002 Time to finish 5m 46s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3001 Time to finish 5m 46s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 3000 Time to finish 5m 47s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2999 Time to finish 5m 46s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2998 Time to finish 5m 46s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2997 Time to finish 5m 46s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2996 Time to finish 5m 46s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2995 Time to finish 5m 46s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2994 Time to finish 5m 45s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2993 Time to finish 5m 45s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2992 Time to finish 5m 45s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2991 Time to finish 5m 45s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2990 Time to finish 5m 45s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2989 Time to finish 5m 45s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2988 Time to finish 5m 44s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2987 Time to finish 5m 44s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2986 Time to finish 5m 44s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2985 Time to finish 5m 44s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2984 Time to finish 5m 44s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2983 Time to finish 5m 44s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2982 Time to finish 5m 44s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2981 Time to finish 5m 44s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2980 Time to finish 5m 43s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2979 Time to finish 5m 43s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2978 Time to finish 5m 43s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2977 Time to finish 5m 43s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2976 Time to finish 5m 43s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2975 Time to finish 5m 43s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2974 Time to finish 5m 42s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2973 Time to finish 5m 42s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2972 Time to finish 5m 42s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2971 Time to finish 5m 42s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2970 Time to finish 5m 42s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2969 Time to finish 5m 42s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2968 Time to finish 5m 42s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2967 Time to finish 5m 42s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2966 Time to finish 5m 42s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2965 Time to finish 5m 42s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2964 Time to finish 5m 41s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2963 Time to finish 5m 41s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2962 Time to finish 5m 41s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2961 Time to finish 5m 41s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2960 Time to finish 5m 41s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2959 Time to finish 5m 40s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2958 Time to finish 5m 40s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2957 Time to finish 5m 40s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2956 Time to finish 5m 40s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2955 Time to finish 5m 40s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2954 Time to finish 5m 40s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2953 Time to finish 5m 40s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2952 Time to finish 5m 40s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2951 Time to finish 5m 40s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2950 Time to finish 5m 39s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2949 Time to finish 5m 39s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2948 Time to finish 5m 39s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2947 Time to finish 5m 39s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2946 Time to finish 5m 39s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2945 Time to finish 5m 38s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2944 Time to finish 5m 38s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2943 Time to finish 5m 38s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2942 Time to finish 5m 38s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2941 Time to finish 5m 38s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2940 Time to finish 5m 38s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2939 Time to finish 5m 38s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2938 Time to finish 5m 38s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2937 Time to finish 5m 38s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2936 Time to finish 5m 38s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2935 Time to finish 5m 37s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2934 Time to finish 5m 37s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2933 Time to finish 5m 37s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2932 Time to finish 5m 37s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2931 Time to finish 5m 37s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2930 Time to finish 5m 37s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2929 Time to finish 5m 36s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2928 Time to finish 5m 36s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2927 Time to finish 5m 36s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2926 Time to finish 5m 36s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2925 Time to finish 5m 36s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2924 Time to finish 5m 36s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2923 Time to finish 5m 36s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2922 Time to finish 5m 36s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2921 Time to finish 5m 35s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2920 Time to finish 5m 35s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2919 Time to finish 5m 35s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2918 Time to finish 5m 35s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2917 Time to finish 5m 35s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2916 Time to finish 5m 34s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2915 Time to finish 5m 34s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2914 Time to finish 5m 34s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2913 Time to finish 5m 34s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2912 Time to finish 5m 34s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2911 Time to finish 5m 33s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2910 Time to finish 5m 34s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2909 Time to finish 5m 34s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2908 Time to finish 5m 33s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2907 Time to finish 5m 33s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2906 Time to finish 5m 33s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2905 Time to finish 5m 33s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2904 Time to finish 5m 33s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2903 Time to finish 5m 33s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2902 Time to finish 5m 33s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2901 Time to finish 5m 32s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2900 Time to finish 5m 32s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2899 Time to finish 5m 32s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2898 Time to finish 5m 32s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2897 Time to finish 5m 32s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2896 Time to finish 5m 32s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2895 Time to finish 5m 32s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2894 Time to finish 5m 32s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2893 Time to finish 5m 32s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2892 Time to finish 5m 31s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2891 Time to finish 5m 31s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2890 Time to finish 5m 31s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2889 Time to finish 5m 31s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2888 Time to finish 5m 31s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2887 Time to finish 5m 31s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2886 Time to finish 5m 30s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2885 Time to finish 5m 30s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2884 Time to finish 5m 30s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2883 Time to finish 5m 30s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2882 Time to finish 5m 30s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2881 Time to finish 5m 30s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2880 Time to finish 5m 30s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2879 Time to finish 5m 30s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2878 Time to finish 5m 30s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2877 Time to finish 5m 30s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2876 Time to finish 5m 30s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2875 Time to finish 5m 30s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2874 Time to finish 5m 29s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2873 Time to finish 5m 29s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2872 Time to finish 5m 29s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2871 Time to finish 5m 29s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2870 Time to finish 5m 29s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2869 Time to finish 5m 28s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2868 Time to finish 5m 28s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2867 Time to finish 5m 28s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2866 Time to finish 5m 28s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2865 Time to finish 5m 28s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2864 Time to finish 5m 28s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2863 Time to finish 5m 28s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2862 Time to finish 5m 28s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2861 Time to finish 5m 28s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2860 Time to finish 5m 27s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2859 Time to finish 5m 27s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2858 Time to finish 5m 27s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2857 Time to finish 5m 27s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2856 Time to finish 5m 27s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2855 Time to finish 5m 26s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2854 Time to finish 5m 26s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2853 Time to finish 5m 26s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2852 Time to finish 5m 26s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2851 Time to finish 5m 26s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2850 Time to finish 5m 26s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2849 Time to finish 5m 26s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2848 Time to finish 5m 26s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2847 Time to finish 5m 26s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2846 Time to finish 5m 25s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2845 Time to finish 5m 25s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2844 Time to finish 5m 25s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2843 Time to finish 5m 25s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2842 Time to finish 5m 25s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2841 Time to finish 5m 25s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2840 Time to finish 5m 25s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2839 Time to finish 5m 25s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2838 Time to finish 5m 25s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2837 Time to finish 5m 24s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2836 Time to finish 5m 24s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2835 Time to finish 5m 24s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2834 Time to finish 5m 24s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2833 Time to finish 5m 24s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2832 Time to finish 5m 24s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2831 Time to finish 5m 24s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2830 Time to finish 5m 24s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2829 Time to finish 5m 24s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2828 Time to finish 5m 24s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2827 Time to finish 5m 23s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2826 Time to finish 5m 23s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2825 Time to finish 5m 23s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2824 Time to finish 5m 23s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2823 Time to finish 5m 23s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2822 Time to finish 5m 23s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2821 Time to finish 5m 22s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2820 Time to finish 5m 23s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2819 Time to finish 5m 23s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2818 Time to finish 5m 23s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2817 Time to finish 5m 22s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2816 Time to finish 5m 22s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2815 Time to finish 5m 22s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2814 Time to finish 5m 22s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2813 Time to finish 5m 22s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2812 Time to finish 5m 21s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2811 Time to finish 5m 21s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2810 Time to finish 5m 21s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2809 Time to finish 5m 21s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2808 Time to finish 5m 21s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2807 Time to finish 5m 21s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2806 Time to finish 5m 20s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2805 Time to finish 5m 21s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2804 Time to finish 5m 21s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2803 Time to finish 5m 20s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2802 Time to finish 5m 20s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2801 Time to finish 5m 20s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2800 Time to finish 5m 20s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2799 Time to finish 5m 20s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2798 Time to finish 5m 20s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2797 Time to finish 5m 19s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2796 Time to finish 5m 19s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2795 Time to finish 5m 19s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2794 Time to finish 5m 19s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2793 Time to finish 5m 19s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2792 Time to finish 5m 19s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2791 Time to finish 5m 19s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2790 Time to finish 5m 19s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2789 Time to finish 5m 19s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2788 Time to finish 5m 19s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2787 Time to finish 5m 19s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2786 Time to finish 5m 18s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2785 Time to finish 5m 18s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2784 Time to finish 5m 18s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2783 Time to finish 5m 18s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2782 Time to finish 5m 18s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2781 Time to finish 5m 18s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2780 Time to finish 5m 18s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2779 Time to finish 5m 18s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2778 Time to finish 5m 17s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2777 Time to finish 5m 17s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2776 Time to finish 5m 17s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2775 Time to finish 5m 17s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2774 Time to finish 5m 17s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2773 Time to finish 5m 17s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2772 Time to finish 5m 17s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2771 Time to finish 5m 17s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2770 Time to finish 5m 17s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2769 Time to finish 5m 16s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2768 Time to finish 5m 16s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2767 Time to finish 5m 16s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2766 Time to finish 5m 16s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2765 Time to finish 5m 16s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2764 Time to finish 5m 16s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2763 Time to finish 5m 15s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2762 Time to finish 5m 15s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2761 Time to finish 5m 15s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2760 Time to finish 5m 17s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2759 Time to finish 5m 16s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2758 Time to finish 5m 16s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2757 Time to finish 5m 16s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2756 Time to finish 5m 16s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2755 Time to finish 5m 16s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2754 Time to finish 5m 15s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2753 Time to finish 5m 15s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2752 Time to finish 5m 15s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2751 Time to finish 5m 15s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2750 Time to finish 5m 15s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2749 Time to finish 5m 15s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2748 Time to finish 5m 14s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2747 Time to finish 5m 14s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2746 Time to finish 5m 14s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2745 Time to finish 5m 15s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2744 Time to finish 5m 15s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2743 Time to finish 5m 14s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2742 Time to finish 5m 14s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2741 Time to finish 5m 14s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2740 Time to finish 5m 14s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2739 Time to finish 5m 14s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2738 Time to finish 5m 13s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2737 Time to finish 5m 13s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2736 Time to finish 5m 13s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2735 Time to finish 5m 13s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2734 Time to finish 5m 13s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2733 Time to finish 5m 13s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2732 Time to finish 5m 12s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2731 Time to finish 5m 12s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2730 Time to finish 5m 13s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2729 Time to finish 5m 13s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2728 Time to finish 5m 12s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2727 Time to finish 5m 12s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2726 Time to finish 5m 12s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2725 Time to finish 5m 12s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2724 Time to finish 5m 12s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2723 Time to finish 5m 11s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2722 Time to finish 5m 11s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2721 Time to finish 5m 11s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2720 Time to finish 5m 11s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2719 Time to finish 5m 11s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2718 Time to finish 5m 10s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2717 Time to finish 5m 10s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2716 Time to finish 5m 10s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2715 Time to finish 5m 11s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2714 Time to finish 5m 10s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2713 Time to finish 5m 10s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2712 Time to finish 5m 10s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2711 Time to finish 5m 10s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2710 Time to finish 5m 10s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2709 Time to finish 5m 10s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2708 Time to finish 5m 9s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2707 Time to finish 5m 9s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2706 Time to finish 5m 9s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2705 Time to finish 5m 9s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2704 Time to finish 5m 9s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2703 Time to finish 5m 9s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2702 Time to finish 5m 8s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2701 Time to finish 5m 8s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2700 Time to finish 5m 9s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2699 Time to finish 5m 9s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2698 Time to finish 5m 8s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2697 Time to finish 5m 8s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2696 Time to finish 5m 8s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2695 Time to finish 5m 8s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2694 Time to finish 5m 8s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2693 Time to finish 5m 8s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2692 Time to finish 5m 7s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2691 Time to finish 5m 7s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2690 Time to finish 5m 7s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2689 Time to finish 5m 7s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2688 Time to finish 5m 7s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2687 Time to finish 5m 7s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2686 Time to finish 5m 6s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2685 Time to finish 5m 7s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2684 Time to finish 5m 7s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2683 Time to finish 5m 7s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2682 Time to finish 5m 6s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2681 Time to finish 5m 6s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2680 Time to finish 5m 6s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2679 Time to finish 5m 6s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2678 Time to finish 5m 6s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2677 Time to finish 5m 6s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2676 Time to finish 5m 6s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2675 Time to finish 5m 5s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2674 Time to finish 5m 5s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2673 Time to finish 5m 5s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2672 Time to finish 5m 5s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2671 Time to finish 5m 5s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2670 Time to finish 5m 5s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2669 Time to finish 5m 5s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2668 Time to finish 5m 5s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2667 Time to finish 5m 5s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2666 Time to finish 5m 4s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2665 Time to finish 5m 4s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2664 Time to finish 5m 4s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2663 Time to finish 5m 4s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2662 Time to finish 5m 4s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2661 Time to finish 5m 4s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2660 Time to finish 5m 4s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2659 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2658 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2657 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2656 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2655 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2654 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2653 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2652 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2651 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2650 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2649 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2648 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2647 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2646 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2645 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2644 Time to finish 5m 1s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2643 Time to finish 5m 1s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2642 Time to finish 5m 1s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2641 Time to finish 5m 1s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2640 Time to finish 5m 1s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2639 Time to finish 5m 1s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2638 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2637 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2636 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2635 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2634 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2633 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2632 Time to finish 5m 0s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2631 Time to finish 5m 0s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2630 Time to finish 5m 0s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2629 Time to finish 5m 0s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2628 Time to finish 5m 0s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2627 Time to finish 5m 0s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2626 Time to finish 5m 0s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2625 Time to finish 5m 0s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2624 Time to finish 5m 0s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2623 Time to finish 5m 0s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2622 Time to finish 5m 0s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2621 Time to finish 4m 59s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2620 Time to finish 4m 59s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2619 Time to finish 4m 59s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2618 Time to finish 4m 59s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2617 Time to finish 4m 59s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2616 Time to finish 4m 59s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2615 Time to finish 4m 58s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2614 Time to finish 4m 58s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2613 Time to finish 4m 58s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2612 Time to finish 4m 58s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2611 Time to finish 4m 58s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2610 Time to finish 4m 58s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2609 Time to finish 4m 58s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2608 Time to finish 4m 58s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2607 Time to finish 4m 58s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2606 Time to finish 4m 57s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2605 Time to finish 4m 57s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2604 Time to finish 4m 57s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2603 Time to finish 4m 57s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2602 Time to finish 4m 57s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2601 Time to finish 4m 57s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2600 Time to finish 4m 56s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2599 Time to finish 4m 56s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2598 Time to finish 4m 56s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2597 Time to finish 4m 56s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2596 Time to finish 4m 56s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2595 Time to finish 4m 56s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2594 Time to finish 4m 56s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2593 Time to finish 4m 56s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2592 Time to finish 4m 56s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2591 Time to finish 4m 56s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2590 Time to finish 4m 55s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2589 Time to finish 4m 55s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2588 Time to finish 4m 55s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2587 Time to finish 4m 55s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2586 Time to finish 4m 55s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2585 Time to finish 4m 55s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2584 Time to finish 4m 54s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2583 Time to finish 4m 54s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2582 Time to finish 4m 54s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2581 Time to finish 4m 54s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2580 Time to finish 4m 54s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2579 Time to finish 4m 54s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2578 Time to finish 4m 54s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2577 Time to finish 4m 54s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2576 Time to finish 4m 53s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2575 Time to finish 4m 53s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2574 Time to finish 4m 53s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2573 Time to finish 4m 53s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2572 Time to finish 4m 53s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2571 Time to finish 4m 53s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2570 Time to finish 4m 52s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2569 Time to finish 4m 52s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2568 Time to finish 4m 52s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2567 Time to finish 4m 52s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2566 Time to finish 4m 52s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2565 Time to finish 4m 52s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2564 Time to finish 4m 52s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2563 Time to finish 4m 52s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2562 Time to finish 4m 52s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2561 Time to finish 4m 51s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2560 Time to finish 4m 51s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2559 Time to finish 4m 51s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2558 Time to finish 4m 51s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2557 Time to finish 4m 51s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2556 Time to finish 4m 50s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2555 Time to finish 4m 50s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2554 Time to finish 4m 50s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2553 Time to finish 4m 50s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2552 Time to finish 4m 50s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2551 Time to finish 4m 50s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2550 Time to finish 4m 50s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2549 Time to finish 4m 50s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2548 Time to finish 4m 49s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2547 Time to finish 4m 49s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2546 Time to finish 4m 49s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2545 Time to finish 4m 49s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2544 Time to finish 4m 49s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2543 Time to finish 4m 49s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2542 Time to finish 4m 48s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2541 Time to finish 4m 48s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2540 Time to finish 4m 48s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2539 Time to finish 4m 48s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2538 Time to finish 4m 48s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2537 Time to finish 4m 48s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2536 Time to finish 4m 47s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2535 Time to finish 4m 48s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2534 Time to finish 4m 48s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2533 Time to finish 4m 48s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2532 Time to finish 4m 48s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2531 Time to finish 4m 47s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2530 Time to finish 4m 47s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2529 Time to finish 4m 47s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2528 Time to finish 4m 47s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2527 Time to finish 4m 47s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2526 Time to finish 4m 47s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2525 Time to finish 4m 46s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2524 Time to finish 4m 46s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2523 Time to finish 4m 46s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2522 Time to finish 4m 46s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2521 Time to finish 4m 46s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2520 Time to finish 4m 46s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2519 Time to finish 4m 46s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2518 Time to finish 4m 46s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2517 Time to finish 4m 46s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2516 Time to finish 4m 46s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2515 Time to finish 4m 46s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2514 Time to finish 4m 46s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2513 Time to finish 4m 45s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2512 Time to finish 4m 45s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2511 Time to finish 4m 45s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2510 Time to finish 4m 45s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2509 Time to finish 4m 45s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2508 Time to finish 4m 45s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2507 Time to finish 4m 44s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2506 Time to finish 4m 44s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2505 Time to finish 4m 45s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2504 Time to finish 4m 45s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2503 Time to finish 4m 44s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2502 Time to finish 4m 44s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2501 Time to finish 4m 44s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2500 Time to finish 4m 44s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2499 Time to finish 4m 44s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2498 Time to finish 4m 44s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2497 Time to finish 4m 43s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2496 Time to finish 4m 43s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2495 Time to finish 4m 43s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2494 Time to finish 4m 43s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2493 Time to finish 4m 43s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2492 Time to finish 4m 43s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2491 Time to finish 4m 43s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2490 Time to finish 4m 43s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2489 Time to finish 4m 43s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2488 Time to finish 4m 43s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2487 Time to finish 4m 42s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2486 Time to finish 4m 42s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2485 Time to finish 4m 42s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2484 Time to finish 4m 42s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2483 Time to finish 4m 42s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2482 Time to finish 4m 42s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2481 Time to finish 4m 42s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2480 Time to finish 4m 41s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2479 Time to finish 4m 41s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2478 Time to finish 4m 41s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2477 Time to finish 4m 41s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2476 Time to finish 4m 41s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2475 Time to finish 4m 41s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2474 Time to finish 4m 41s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2473 Time to finish 4m 41s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2472 Time to finish 4m 41s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2471 Time to finish 4m 40s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2470 Time to finish 4m 40s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2469 Time to finish 4m 40s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2468 Time to finish 4m 40s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2467 Time to finish 4m 40s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2466 Time to finish 4m 39s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2465 Time to finish 4m 39s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2464 Time to finish 4m 39s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2463 Time to finish 4m 39s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2462 Time to finish 4m 39s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2461 Time to finish 4m 39s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2460 Time to finish 4m 39s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2459 Time to finish 4m 39s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2458 Time to finish 4m 39s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2457 Time to finish 4m 38s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2456 Time to finish 4m 38s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2455 Time to finish 4m 38s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2454 Time to finish 4m 39s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2453 Time to finish 4m 41s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2452 Time to finish 4m 42s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2451 Time to finish 4m 42s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2450 Time to finish 4m 42s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2449 Time to finish 4m 42s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2448 Time to finish 4m 42s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2447 Time to finish 4m 42s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2446 Time to finish 4m 41s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2445 Time to finish 4m 42s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2444 Time to finish 4m 42s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2443 Time to finish 4m 42s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2442 Time to finish 4m 42s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2441 Time to finish 4m 41s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2440 Time to finish 4m 41s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2439 Time to finish 4m 41s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2438 Time to finish 4m 41s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2437 Time to finish 4m 41s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2436 Time to finish 4m 41s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2435 Time to finish 4m 41s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2434 Time to finish 4m 40s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2433 Time to finish 4m 40s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2432 Time to finish 4m 40s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2431 Time to finish 4m 40s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2430 Time to finish 4m 45s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2429 Time to finish 4m 45s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2428 Time to finish 4m 45s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2427 Time to finish 4m 45s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2426 Time to finish 4m 44s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2425 Time to finish 4m 44s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2424 Time to finish 4m 44s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2423 Time to finish 4m 44s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2422 Time to finish 4m 44s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2421 Time to finish 4m 44s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2420 Time to finish 4m 43s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2419 Time to finish 4m 43s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2418 Time to finish 4m 43s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2417 Time to finish 4m 43s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2416 Time to finish 4m 43s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2415 Time to finish 4m 47s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2414 Time to finish 4m 47s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2413 Time to finish 4m 47s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2412 Time to finish 4m 47s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2411 Time to finish 4m 47s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2410 Time to finish 4m 47s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2409 Time to finish 4m 47s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2408 Time to finish 4m 47s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2407 Time to finish 4m 47s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2406 Time to finish 4m 47s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2405 Time to finish 4m 46s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2404 Time to finish 4m 46s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2403 Time to finish 4m 46s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2402 Time to finish 4m 46s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2401 Time to finish 4m 46s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2400 Time to finish 4m 47s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2399 Time to finish 4m 46s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2398 Time to finish 4m 46s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2397 Time to finish 4m 46s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2396 Time to finish 4m 46s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2395 Time to finish 4m 46s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2394 Time to finish 4m 46s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2393 Time to finish 4m 45s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2392 Time to finish 4m 45s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2391 Time to finish 4m 45s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2390 Time to finish 4m 45s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2389 Time to finish 4m 45s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2388 Time to finish 4m 45s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2387 Time to finish 4m 44s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2386 Time to finish 4m 44s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2385 Time to finish 4m 44s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2384 Time to finish 4m 44s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2383 Time to finish 4m 44s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2382 Time to finish 4m 44s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2381 Time to finish 4m 44s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2380 Time to finish 4m 44s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2379 Time to finish 4m 43s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2378 Time to finish 4m 43s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2377 Time to finish 4m 43s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2376 Time to finish 4m 43s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2375 Time to finish 4m 43s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2374 Time to finish 4m 43s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2373 Time to finish 4m 42s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2372 Time to finish 4m 42s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2371 Time to finish 4m 42s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2370 Time to finish 4m 42s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2369 Time to finish 4m 42s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2368 Time to finish 4m 42s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2367 Time to finish 4m 42s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2366 Time to finish 4m 42s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2365 Time to finish 4m 42s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2364 Time to finish 4m 41s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2363 Time to finish 4m 41s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2362 Time to finish 4m 41s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2361 Time to finish 4m 41s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2360 Time to finish 4m 41s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2359 Time to finish 4m 41s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2358 Time to finish 4m 40s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2357 Time to finish 4m 40s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2356 Time to finish 4m 40s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2355 Time to finish 4m 40s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2354 Time to finish 4m 40s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2353 Time to finish 4m 40s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2352 Time to finish 4m 40s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2351 Time to finish 4m 40s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2350 Time to finish 4m 39s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2349 Time to finish 4m 39s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2348 Time to finish 4m 39s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2347 Time to finish 4m 39s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2346 Time to finish 4m 39s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2345 Time to finish 4m 39s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2344 Time to finish 4m 39s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2343 Time to finish 4m 38s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2342 Time to finish 4m 38s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2341 Time to finish 4m 38s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2340 Time to finish 4m 38s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2339 Time to finish 4m 38s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2338 Time to finish 4m 38s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2337 Time to finish 4m 38s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2336 Time to finish 4m 38s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2335 Time to finish 4m 37s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2334 Time to finish 4m 37s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2333 Time to finish 4m 37s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2332 Time to finish 4m 37s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2331 Time to finish 4m 37s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2330 Time to finish 4m 37s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2329 Time to finish 4m 37s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2328 Time to finish 4m 36s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2327 Time to finish 4m 36s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2326 Time to finish 4m 36s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2325 Time to finish 4m 36s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2324 Time to finish 4m 36s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2323 Time to finish 4m 36s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2322 Time to finish 4m 36s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2321 Time to finish 4m 36s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2320 Time to finish 4m 36s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2319 Time to finish 4m 35s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2318 Time to finish 4m 35s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2317 Time to finish 4m 35s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2316 Time to finish 4m 35s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2315 Time to finish 4m 35s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2314 Time to finish 4m 35s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2313 Time to finish 4m 35s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2312 Time to finish 4m 34s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2311 Time to finish 4m 34s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2310 Time to finish 4m 35s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2309 Time to finish 4m 34s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2308 Time to finish 4m 34s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2307 Time to finish 4m 34s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2306 Time to finish 4m 34s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2305 Time to finish 4m 34s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2304 Time to finish 4m 34s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2303 Time to finish 4m 34s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2302 Time to finish 4m 33s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2301 Time to finish 4m 33s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2300 Time to finish 4m 33s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2299 Time to finish 4m 33s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2298 Time to finish 4m 33s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2297 Time to finish 4m 33s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2296 Time to finish 4m 32s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2295 Time to finish 4m 33s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2294 Time to finish 4m 33s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2293 Time to finish 4m 32s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2292 Time to finish 4m 32s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2291 Time to finish 4m 32s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2290 Time to finish 4m 32s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2289 Time to finish 4m 32s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2288 Time to finish 4m 32s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2287 Time to finish 4m 31s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2286 Time to finish 4m 31s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2285 Time to finish 4m 31s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2284 Time to finish 4m 31s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2283 Time to finish 4m 31s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2282 Time to finish 4m 31s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2281 Time to finish 4m 31s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2280 Time to finish 4m 31s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2279 Time to finish 4m 31s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2278 Time to finish 4m 30s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2277 Time to finish 4m 30s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2276 Time to finish 4m 30s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2275 Time to finish 4m 30s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2274 Time to finish 4m 30s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2273 Time to finish 4m 30s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2272 Time to finish 4m 30s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2271 Time to finish 4m 29s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2270 Time to finish 4m 29s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2269 Time to finish 4m 29s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2268 Time to finish 4m 29s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2267 Time to finish 4m 29s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2266 Time to finish 4m 29s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2265 Time to finish 4m 29s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2264 Time to finish 4m 29s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2263 Time to finish 4m 28s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2262 Time to finish 4m 28s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2261 Time to finish 4m 28s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2260 Time to finish 4m 28s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2259 Time to finish 4m 28s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2258 Time to finish 4m 28s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2257 Time to finish 4m 27s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2256 Time to finish 4m 27s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2255 Time to finish 4m 27s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2254 Time to finish 4m 27s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2253 Time to finish 4m 27s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2252 Time to finish 4m 27s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2251 Time to finish 4m 26s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2250 Time to finish 4m 27s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2249 Time to finish 4m 26s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2248 Time to finish 4m 26s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2247 Time to finish 4m 26s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2246 Time to finish 4m 26s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2245 Time to finish 4m 26s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2244 Time to finish 4m 26s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2243 Time to finish 4m 25s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2242 Time to finish 4m 25s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2241 Time to finish 4m 25s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2240 Time to finish 4m 25s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2239 Time to finish 4m 25s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2238 Time to finish 4m 25s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2237 Time to finish 4m 24s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2236 Time to finish 4m 24s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2235 Time to finish 4m 25s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2234 Time to finish 4m 24s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2233 Time to finish 4m 24s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2232 Time to finish 4m 24s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2231 Time to finish 4m 24s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2230 Time to finish 4m 24s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2229 Time to finish 4m 24s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2228 Time to finish 4m 23s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2227 Time to finish 4m 23s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2226 Time to finish 4m 23s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2225 Time to finish 4m 23s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2224 Time to finish 4m 23s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2223 Time to finish 4m 23s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2222 Time to finish 4m 22s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2221 Time to finish 4m 22s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2220 Time to finish 4m 22s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2219 Time to finish 4m 22s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2218 Time to finish 4m 22s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2217 Time to finish 4m 22s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2216 Time to finish 4m 22s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2215 Time to finish 4m 22s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2214 Time to finish 4m 21s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2213 Time to finish 4m 21s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2212 Time to finish 4m 21s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2211 Time to finish 4m 21s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2210 Time to finish 4m 21s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2209 Time to finish 4m 21s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2208 Time to finish 4m 20s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2207 Time to finish 4m 20s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2206 Time to finish 4m 20s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2205 Time to finish 4m 20s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2204 Time to finish 4m 20s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2203 Time to finish 4m 20s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2202 Time to finish 4m 20s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2201 Time to finish 4m 20s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2200 Time to finish 4m 19s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2199 Time to finish 4m 19s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2198 Time to finish 4m 19s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2197 Time to finish 4m 19s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2196 Time to finish 4m 19s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2195 Time to finish 4m 19s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2194 Time to finish 4m 18s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2193 Time to finish 4m 18s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2192 Time to finish 4m 18s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2191 Time to finish 4m 18s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2190 Time to finish 4m 18s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2189 Time to finish 4m 18s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2188 Time to finish 4m 18s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2187 Time to finish 4m 18s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2186 Time to finish 4m 18s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2185 Time to finish 4m 17s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2184 Time to finish 4m 17s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2183 Time to finish 4m 17s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2182 Time to finish 4m 17s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2181 Time to finish 4m 17s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2180 Time to finish 4m 17s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2179 Time to finish 4m 16s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2178 Time to finish 4m 16s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2177 Time to finish 4m 16s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2176 Time to finish 4m 16s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2175 Time to finish 4m 16s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2174 Time to finish 4m 16s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2173 Time to finish 4m 16s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2172 Time to finish 4m 15s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2171 Time to finish 4m 15s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2170 Time to finish 4m 15s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2169 Time to finish 4m 15s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2168 Time to finish 4m 15s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2167 Time to finish 4m 15s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2166 Time to finish 4m 14s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2165 Time to finish 4m 14s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2164 Time to finish 4m 14s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2163 Time to finish 4m 14s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2162 Time to finish 4m 14s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2161 Time to finish 4m 14s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2160 Time to finish 4m 14s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2159 Time to finish 4m 14s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2158 Time to finish 4m 14s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2157 Time to finish 4m 13s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2156 Time to finish 4m 13s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2155 Time to finish 4m 13s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2154 Time to finish 4m 13s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2153 Time to finish 4m 13s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2152 Time to finish 4m 13s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2151 Time to finish 4m 13s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2150 Time to finish 4m 12s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2149 Time to finish 4m 12s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2148 Time to finish 4m 12s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2147 Time to finish 4m 12s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2146 Time to finish 4m 12s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2145 Time to finish 4m 12s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2144 Time to finish 4m 12s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2143 Time to finish 4m 12s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2142 Time to finish 4m 11s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2141 Time to finish 4m 11s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2140 Time to finish 4m 11s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2139 Time to finish 4m 11s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2138 Time to finish 4m 11s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2137 Time to finish 4m 11s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2136 Time to finish 4m 10s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2135 Time to finish 4m 10s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2134 Time to finish 4m 10s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2133 Time to finish 4m 10s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2132 Time to finish 4m 10s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2131 Time to finish 4m 10s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2130 Time to finish 4m 10s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2129 Time to finish 4m 10s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2128 Time to finish 4m 9s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2127 Time to finish 4m 9s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2126 Time to finish 4m 9s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2125 Time to finish 4m 9s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2124 Time to finish 4m 9s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2123 Time to finish 4m 9s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2122 Time to finish 4m 8s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2121 Time to finish 4m 8s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2120 Time to finish 4m 8s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2119 Time to finish 4m 8s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2118 Time to finish 4m 8s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2117 Time to finish 4m 8s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2116 Time to finish 4m 8s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2115 Time to finish 4m 8s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2114 Time to finish 4m 7s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2113 Time to finish 4m 7s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2112 Time to finish 4m 7s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2111 Time to finish 4m 7s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2110 Time to finish 4m 7s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2109 Time to finish 4m 7s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2108 Time to finish 4m 7s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2107 Time to finish 4m 6s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2106 Time to finish 4m 6s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2105 Time to finish 4m 6s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2104 Time to finish 4m 6s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2103 Time to finish 4m 6s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2102 Time to finish 4m 6s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2101 Time to finish 4m 6s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2100 Time to finish 4m 6s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2099 Time to finish 4m 6s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2098 Time to finish 4m 6s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2097 Time to finish 4m 5s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2096 Time to finish 4m 5s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2095 Time to finish 4m 5s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2094 Time to finish 4m 5s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2093 Time to finish 4m 5s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2092 Time to finish 4m 5s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2091 Time to finish 4m 5s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2090 Time to finish 4m 4s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2089 Time to finish 4m 4s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2088 Time to finish 4m 4s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2087 Time to finish 4m 4s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2086 Time to finish 4m 4s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2085 Time to finish 4m 4s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2084 Time to finish 4m 4s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2083 Time to finish 4m 4s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2082 Time to finish 4m 4s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2081 Time to finish 4m 3s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2080 Time to finish 4m 3s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2079 Time to finish 4m 3s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2078 Time to finish 4m 3s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2077 Time to finish 4m 3s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2076 Time to finish 4m 3s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2075 Time to finish 4m 3s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2074 Time to finish 4m 2s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2073 Time to finish 4m 2s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2072 Time to finish 4m 2s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2071 Time to finish 4m 2s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2070 Time to finish 4m 2s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2069 Time to finish 4m 2s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2068 Time to finish 4m 2s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2067 Time to finish 4m 2s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2066 Time to finish 4m 2s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2065 Time to finish 4m 1s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2064 Time to finish 4m 1s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2063 Time to finish 4m 1s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2062 Time to finish 4m 1s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2061 Time to finish 4m 1s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2060 Time to finish 4m 1s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2059 Time to finish 4m 0s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2058 Time to finish 4m 0s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2057 Time to finish 4m 0s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2056 Time to finish 4m 0s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2055 Time to finish 4m 0s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2054 Time to finish 4m 0s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2053 Time to finish 4m 0s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2052 Time to finish 4m 0s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2051 Time to finish 3m 59s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2050 Time to finish 3m 59s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2049 Time to finish 3m 59s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2048 Time to finish 3m 59s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2047 Time to finish 3m 59s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2046 Time to finish 3m 59s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2045 Time to finish 3m 58s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2044 Time to finish 3m 58s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2043 Time to finish 3m 58s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2042 Time to finish 3m 58s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2041 Time to finish 3m 58s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2040 Time to finish 3m 58s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2039 Time to finish 3m 58s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2038 Time to finish 3m 58s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2037 Time to finish 3m 58s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2036 Time to finish 3m 57s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2035 Time to finish 3m 57s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2034 Time to finish 3m 57s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2033 Time to finish 3m 57s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2032 Time to finish 3m 57s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2031 Time to finish 3m 57s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2030 Time to finish 3m 57s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2029 Time to finish 3m 56s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2028 Time to finish 3m 56s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2027 Time to finish 3m 56s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2026 Time to finish 3m 56s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2025 Time to finish 3m 56s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2024 Time to finish 3m 56s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2023 Time to finish 3m 56s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2022 Time to finish 3m 56s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2021 Time to finish 3m 55s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2020 Time to finish 3m 55s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2019 Time to finish 3m 55s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2018 Time to finish 3m 55s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2017 Time to finish 3m 55s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2016 Time to finish 3m 55s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2015 Time to finish 3m 54s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2014 Time to finish 3m 54s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2013 Time to finish 3m 54s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2012 Time to finish 3m 54s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2011 Time to finish 3m 54s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2010 Time to finish 3m 54s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2009 Time to finish 3m 54s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2008 Time to finish 3m 54s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2007 Time to finish 3m 53s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2006 Time to finish 3m 53s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2005 Time to finish 3m 53s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2004 Time to finish 3m 53s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2003 Time to finish 3m 53s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 2002 Time to finish 3m 53s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 2001 Time to finish 3m 53s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 2000 Time to finish 3m 52s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 1999 Time to finish 3m 52s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1998 Time to finish 3m 52s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1997 Time to finish 3m 52s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1996 Time to finish 3m 52s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1995 Time to finish 3m 52s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1994 Time to finish 3m 52s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1993 Time to finish 3m 52s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1992 Time to finish 3m 51s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1991 Time to finish 3m 51s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1990 Time to finish 3m 51s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1989 Time to finish 3m 51s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1988 Time to finish 3m 51s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1987 Time to finish 3m 51s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1986 Time to finish 3m 51s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1985 Time to finish 3m 50s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1984 Time to finish 3m 50s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1983 Time to finish 3m 50s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1982 Time to finish 3m 50s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1981 Time to finish 3m 50s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1980 Time to finish 3m 50s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1979 Time to finish 3m 50s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1978 Time to finish 3m 50s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1977 Time to finish 3m 49s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1976 Time to finish 3m 49s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1975 Time to finish 3m 49s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1974 Time to finish 3m 49s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1973 Time to finish 3m 49s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1972 Time to finish 3m 49s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1971 Time to finish 3m 49s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1970 Time to finish 3m 48s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1969 Time to finish 3m 48s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1968 Time to finish 3m 48s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1967 Time to finish 3m 48s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1966 Time to finish 3m 48s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1965 Time to finish 3m 48s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1964 Time to finish 3m 48s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1963 Time to finish 3m 48s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1962 Time to finish 3m 47s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1961 Time to finish 3m 47s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1960 Time to finish 3m 47s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1959 Time to finish 3m 47s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1958 Time to finish 3m 47s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1957 Time to finish 3m 47s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1956 Time to finish 3m 47s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1955 Time to finish 3m 46s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1954 Time to finish 3m 46s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1953 Time to finish 3m 46s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1952 Time to finish 3m 46s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1951 Time to finish 3m 46s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1950 Time to finish 3m 46s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1949 Time to finish 3m 46s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1948 Time to finish 3m 46s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1947 Time to finish 3m 45s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1946 Time to finish 3m 45s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1945 Time to finish 3m 45s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1944 Time to finish 3m 45s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1943 Time to finish 3m 45s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1942 Time to finish 3m 45s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1941 Time to finish 3m 44s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1940 Time to finish 3m 44s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1939 Time to finish 3m 44s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1938 Time to finish 3m 44s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1937 Time to finish 3m 44s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1936 Time to finish 3m 44s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1935 Time to finish 3m 44s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1934 Time to finish 3m 44s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1933 Time to finish 3m 43s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1932 Time to finish 3m 43s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1931 Time to finish 3m 43s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1930 Time to finish 3m 43s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1929 Time to finish 3m 43s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1928 Time to finish 3m 43s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1927 Time to finish 3m 43s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1926 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1925 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1924 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1923 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1922 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1921 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1920 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1919 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1918 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1917 Time to finish 3m 41s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1916 Time to finish 3m 41s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1915 Time to finish 3m 41s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1914 Time to finish 3m 41s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1913 Time to finish 3m 41s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1912 Time to finish 3m 41s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1911 Time to finish 3m 41s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1910 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1909 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1908 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1907 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1906 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1905 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1904 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1903 Time to finish 3m 40s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1902 Time to finish 3m 39s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1901 Time to finish 3m 39s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1900 Time to finish 3m 39s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1899 Time to finish 3m 39s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1898 Time to finish 3m 39s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1897 Time to finish 3m 39s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1896 Time to finish 3m 39s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1895 Time to finish 3m 38s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1894 Time to finish 3m 38s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1893 Time to finish 3m 38s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1892 Time to finish 3m 38s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1891 Time to finish 3m 38s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1890 Time to finish 3m 38s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1889 Time to finish 3m 38s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1888 Time to finish 3m 38s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1887 Time to finish 3m 37s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1886 Time to finish 3m 37s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1885 Time to finish 3m 37s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1884 Time to finish 3m 37s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1883 Time to finish 3m 37s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1882 Time to finish 3m 37s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1881 Time to finish 3m 37s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1880 Time to finish 3m 36s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1879 Time to finish 3m 36s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1878 Time to finish 3m 36s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1877 Time to finish 3m 36s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1876 Time to finish 3m 36s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1875 Time to finish 3m 36s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1874 Time to finish 3m 36s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1873 Time to finish 3m 36s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1872 Time to finish 3m 35s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1871 Time to finish 3m 35s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1870 Time to finish 3m 35s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1869 Time to finish 3m 35s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1868 Time to finish 3m 35s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1867 Time to finish 3m 35s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1866 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1865 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1864 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1863 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1862 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1861 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1860 Time to finish 3m 34s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1859 Time to finish 3m 34s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1858 Time to finish 3m 34s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1857 Time to finish 3m 33s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1856 Time to finish 3m 33s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1855 Time to finish 3m 33s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1854 Time to finish 3m 33s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1853 Time to finish 3m 33s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1852 Time to finish 3m 33s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1851 Time to finish 3m 33s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1850 Time to finish 3m 33s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1849 Time to finish 3m 32s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1848 Time to finish 3m 32s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1847 Time to finish 3m 32s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1846 Time to finish 3m 32s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1845 Time to finish 3m 32s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1844 Time to finish 3m 32s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1843 Time to finish 3m 32s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1842 Time to finish 3m 32s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1841 Time to finish 3m 31s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1840 Time to finish 3m 31s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1839 Time to finish 3m 31s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1838 Time to finish 3m 31s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1837 Time to finish 3m 31s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1836 Time to finish 3m 31s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1835 Time to finish 3m 31s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1834 Time to finish 3m 30s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1833 Time to finish 3m 30s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1832 Time to finish 3m 30s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1831 Time to finish 3m 30s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1830 Time to finish 3m 30s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1829 Time to finish 3m 30s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1828 Time to finish 3m 30s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1827 Time to finish 3m 30s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1826 Time to finish 3m 29s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1825 Time to finish 3m 29s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1824 Time to finish 3m 29s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1823 Time to finish 3m 29s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1822 Time to finish 3m 29s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1821 Time to finish 3m 29s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1820 Time to finish 3m 29s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1819 Time to finish 3m 28s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1818 Time to finish 3m 28s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1817 Time to finish 3m 28s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1816 Time to finish 3m 28s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1815 Time to finish 3m 28s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1814 Time to finish 3m 28s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1813 Time to finish 3m 28s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1812 Time to finish 3m 28s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1811 Time to finish 3m 27s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1810 Time to finish 3m 27s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1809 Time to finish 3m 27s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1808 Time to finish 3m 27s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1807 Time to finish 3m 27s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1806 Time to finish 3m 27s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1805 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1804 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1803 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1802 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1801 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1800 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1799 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1798 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1797 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1796 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1795 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1794 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1793 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1792 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1791 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1790 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1789 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1788 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1787 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1786 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1785 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1784 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1783 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1782 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1781 Time to finish 3m 23s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1780 Time to finish 3m 23s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1779 Time to finish 3m 23s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1778 Time to finish 3m 23s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1777 Time to finish 3m 23s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1776 Time to finish 3m 23s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1775 Time to finish 3m 23s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1774 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1773 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1772 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1771 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1770 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1769 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1768 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1767 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1766 Time to finish 3m 21s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1765 Time to finish 3m 21s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1764 Time to finish 3m 21s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1763 Time to finish 3m 21s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1762 Time to finish 3m 21s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1761 Time to finish 3m 21s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1760 Time to finish 3m 21s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1759 Time to finish 3m 20s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1758 Time to finish 3m 20s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1757 Time to finish 3m 20s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1756 Time to finish 3m 20s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1755 Time to finish 3m 20s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1754 Time to finish 3m 20s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1753 Time to finish 3m 20s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1752 Time to finish 3m 20s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1751 Time to finish 3m 19s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1750 Time to finish 3m 19s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1749 Time to finish 3m 19s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1748 Time to finish 3m 19s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1747 Time to finish 3m 19s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1746 Time to finish 3m 19s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1745 Time to finish 3m 19s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1744 Time to finish 3m 18s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1743 Time to finish 3m 18s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1742 Time to finish 3m 18s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1741 Time to finish 3m 18s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1740 Time to finish 3m 18s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1739 Time to finish 3m 18s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1738 Time to finish 3m 18s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1737 Time to finish 3m 18s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1736 Time to finish 3m 18s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1735 Time to finish 3m 17s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1734 Time to finish 3m 17s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1733 Time to finish 3m 17s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1732 Time to finish 3m 17s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1731 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1730 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1729 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1728 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1727 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1726 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1725 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1724 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1723 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1722 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1721 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1720 Time to finish 3m 15s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1719 Time to finish 3m 15s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1718 Time to finish 3m 15s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1717 Time to finish 3m 15s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1716 Time to finish 3m 15s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1715 Time to finish 3m 15s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1714 Time to finish 3m 15s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1713 Time to finish 3m 14s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1712 Time to finish 3m 14s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1711 Time to finish 3m 14s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1710 Time to finish 3m 14s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1709 Time to finish 3m 14s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1708 Time to finish 3m 14s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1707 Time to finish 3m 14s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1706 Time to finish 3m 14s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1705 Time to finish 3m 13s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1704 Time to finish 3m 13s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1703 Time to finish 3m 13s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1702 Time to finish 3m 13s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1701 Time to finish 3m 13s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1700 Time to finish 3m 13s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1699 Time to finish 3m 13s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1698 Time to finish 3m 12s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1697 Time to finish 3m 12s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1696 Time to finish 3m 12s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1695 Time to finish 3m 12s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1694 Time to finish 3m 12s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1693 Time to finish 3m 12s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1692 Time to finish 3m 12s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1691 Time to finish 3m 12s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1690 Time to finish 3m 11s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1689 Time to finish 3m 11s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1688 Time to finish 3m 11s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1687 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1686 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1685 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1684 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1683 Time to finish 3m 10s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1682 Time to finish 3m 10s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1681 Time to finish 3m 10s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1680 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1679 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1678 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1677 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1676 Time to finish 3m 10s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1675 Time to finish 3m 10s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1674 Time to finish 3m 10s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1673 Time to finish 3m 10s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1672 Time to finish 3m 10s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1671 Time to finish 3m 10s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1670 Time to finish 3m 10s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1669 Time to finish 3m 9s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1668 Time to finish 3m 9s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1667 Time to finish 3m 9s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1666 Time to finish 3m 9s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1665 Time to finish 3m 9s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1664 Time to finish 3m 9s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1663 Time to finish 3m 9s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1662 Time to finish 3m 9s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1661 Time to finish 3m 9s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1660 Time to finish 3m 8s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1659 Time to finish 3m 8s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1658 Time to finish 3m 8s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1657 Time to finish 3m 8s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1656 Time to finish 3m 8s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1655 Time to finish 3m 8s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1654 Time to finish 3m 8s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1653 Time to finish 3m 7s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1652 Time to finish 3m 7s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1651 Time to finish 3m 7s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1650 Time to finish 3m 8s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1649 Time to finish 3m 8s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1648 Time to finish 3m 8s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1647 Time to finish 3m 7s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1646 Time to finish 3m 7s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1645 Time to finish 3m 7s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1644 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1643 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1642 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1641 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1640 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1639 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1638 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1637 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1636 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1635 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1634 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1633 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1632 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1631 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1630 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1629 Time to finish 3m 5s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1628 Time to finish 3m 5s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1627 Time to finish 3m 5s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1626 Time to finish 3m 5s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1625 Time to finish 3m 5s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1624 Time to finish 3m 5s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1623 Time to finish 3m 5s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1622 Time to finish 3m 5s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1621 Time to finish 3m 4s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1620 Time to finish 3m 4s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1619 Time to finish 3m 4s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1618 Time to finish 3m 4s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1617 Time to finish 3m 4s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1616 Time to finish 3m 4s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1615 Time to finish 3m 4s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1614 Time to finish 3m 4s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1613 Time to finish 3m 3s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1612 Time to finish 3m 3s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1611 Time to finish 3m 3s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1610 Time to finish 3m 3s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1609 Time to finish 3m 3s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1608 Time to finish 3m 3s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1607 Time to finish 3m 3s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1606 Time to finish 3m 3s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1605 Time to finish 3m 3s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1604 Time to finish 3m 2s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1603 Time to finish 3m 2s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1602 Time to finish 3m 2s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1601 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1600 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1599 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1598 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1597 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1596 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1595 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1594 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1593 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1592 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1591 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1590 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1589 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1588 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1587 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1586 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1585 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1584 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1583 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1582 Time to finish 2m 59s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1581 Time to finish 2m 59s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1580 Time to finish 2m 59s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1579 Time to finish 2m 59s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1578 Time to finish 2m 59s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1577 Time to finish 2m 59s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1576 Time to finish 2m 59s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1575 Time to finish 2m 59s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1574 Time to finish 2m 59s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1573 Time to finish 2m 58s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1572 Time to finish 2m 58s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1571 Time to finish 2m 58s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1570 Time to finish 2m 58s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1569 Time to finish 2m 58s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1568 Time to finish 2m 58s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1567 Time to finish 2m 58s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1566 Time to finish 2m 57s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1565 Time to finish 2m 57s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1564 Time to finish 2m 57s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1563 Time to finish 2m 57s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1562 Time to finish 2m 57s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1561 Time to finish 2m 57s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1560 Time to finish 2m 57s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1559 Time to finish 2m 57s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1558 Time to finish 2m 57s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1557 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1556 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1555 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1554 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1553 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1552 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1551 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1550 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1549 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1548 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1547 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1546 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1545 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1544 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1543 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1542 Time to finish 2m 54s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1541 Time to finish 2m 54s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1540 Time to finish 2m 54s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1539 Time to finish 2m 54s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1538 Time to finish 2m 54s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1537 Time to finish 2m 54s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1536 Time to finish 2m 54s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1535 Time to finish 2m 54s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1534 Time to finish 2m 53s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1533 Time to finish 2m 53s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1532 Time to finish 2m 53s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1531 Time to finish 2m 53s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1530 Time to finish 2m 53s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1529 Time to finish 2m 53s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1528 Time to finish 2m 53s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1527 Time to finish 2m 53s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1526 Time to finish 2m 52s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1525 Time to finish 2m 52s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1524 Time to finish 2m 52s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1523 Time to finish 2m 52s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1522 Time to finish 2m 52s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1521 Time to finish 2m 52s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1520 Time to finish 2m 52s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1519 Time to finish 2m 52s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1518 Time to finish 2m 51s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1517 Time to finish 2m 51s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1516 Time to finish 2m 51s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1515 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1514 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1513 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1512 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1511 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1510 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1509 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1508 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1507 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1506 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1505 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1504 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1503 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1502 Time to finish 2m 49s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1501 Time to finish 2m 49s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1500 Time to finish 2m 49s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1499 Time to finish 2m 49s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1498 Time to finish 2m 49s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1497 Time to finish 2m 49s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1496 Time to finish 2m 49s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1495 Time to finish 2m 49s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1494 Time to finish 2m 49s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1493 Time to finish 2m 48s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1492 Time to finish 2m 48s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1491 Time to finish 2m 48s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1490 Time to finish 2m 48s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1489 Time to finish 2m 48s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1488 Time to finish 2m 48s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1487 Time to finish 2m 48s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1486 Time to finish 2m 47s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1485 Time to finish 2m 47s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1484 Time to finish 2m 47s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1483 Time to finish 2m 47s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1482 Time to finish 2m 47s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1481 Time to finish 2m 47s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1480 Time to finish 2m 47s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1479 Time to finish 2m 47s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1478 Time to finish 2m 46s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1477 Time to finish 2m 46s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1476 Time to finish 2m 46s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1475 Time to finish 2m 46s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1474 Time to finish 2m 46s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1473 Time to finish 2m 46s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1472 Time to finish 2m 46s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1471 Time to finish 2m 46s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1470 Time to finish 2m 46s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1469 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1468 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1467 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1466 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1465 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1464 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1463 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1462 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1461 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1460 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1459 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1458 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1457 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1456 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1455 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1454 Time to finish 2m 43s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1453 Time to finish 2m 43s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1452 Time to finish 2m 43s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1451 Time to finish 2m 43s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1450 Time to finish 2m 43s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1449 Time to finish 2m 43s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1448 Time to finish 2m 43s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1447 Time to finish 2m 43s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1446 Time to finish 2m 42s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1445 Time to finish 2m 42s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1444 Time to finish 2m 42s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1443 Time to finish 2m 42s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1442 Time to finish 2m 42s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1441 Time to finish 2m 42s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1440 Time to finish 2m 42s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1439 Time to finish 2m 42s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1438 Time to finish 2m 42s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1437 Time to finish 2m 41s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1436 Time to finish 2m 41s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1435 Time to finish 2m 41s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1434 Time to finish 2m 41s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1433 Time to finish 2m 41s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1432 Time to finish 2m 41s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1431 Time to finish 2m 41s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1430 Time to finish 2m 40s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1429 Time to finish 2m 40s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1428 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1427 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1426 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1425 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1424 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1423 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1422 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1421 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1420 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1419 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1418 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1417 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1416 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1415 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1414 Time to finish 2m 38s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1413 Time to finish 2m 38s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1412 Time to finish 2m 38s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1411 Time to finish 2m 38s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1410 Time to finish 2m 38s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1409 Time to finish 2m 38s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1408 Time to finish 2m 38s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1407 Time to finish 2m 38s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1406 Time to finish 2m 38s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1405 Time to finish 2m 37s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1404 Time to finish 2m 37s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1403 Time to finish 2m 37s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1402 Time to finish 2m 37s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1401 Time to finish 2m 37s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1400 Time to finish 2m 37s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1399 Time to finish 2m 37s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1398 Time to finish 2m 36s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1397 Time to finish 2m 36s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1396 Time to finish 2m 36s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1395 Time to finish 2m 36s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1394 Time to finish 2m 36s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1393 Time to finish 2m 36s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1392 Time to finish 2m 36s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1391 Time to finish 2m 36s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1390 Time to finish 2m 36s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1389 Time to finish 2m 35s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1388 Time to finish 2m 35s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1387 Time to finish 2m 35s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1386 Time to finish 2m 35s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1385 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1384 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1383 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1382 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1381 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1380 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1379 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1378 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1377 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1376 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1375 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1374 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1373 Time to finish 2m 33s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1372 Time to finish 2m 33s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1371 Time to finish 2m 33s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1370 Time to finish 2m 33s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1369 Time to finish 2m 33s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1368 Time to finish 2m 33s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1367 Time to finish 2m 33s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1366 Time to finish 2m 33s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1365 Time to finish 2m 32s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1364 Time to finish 2m 32s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1363 Time to finish 2m 32s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1362 Time to finish 2m 32s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1361 Time to finish 2m 32s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1360 Time to finish 2m 32s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1359 Time to finish 2m 32s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1358 Time to finish 2m 32s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1357 Time to finish 2m 31s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1356 Time to finish 2m 31s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1355 Time to finish 2m 31s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1354 Time to finish 2m 31s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1353 Time to finish 2m 31s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1352 Time to finish 2m 31s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1351 Time to finish 2m 31s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1350 Time to finish 2m 31s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1349 Time to finish 2m 31s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1348 Time to finish 2m 30s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1347 Time to finish 2m 30s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1346 Time to finish 2m 30s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1345 Time to finish 2m 30s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1344 Time to finish 2m 30s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1343 Time to finish 2m 30s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1342 Time to finish 2m 30s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1341 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1340 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1339 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1338 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1337 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1336 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1335 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1334 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1333 Time to finish 2m 29s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1332 Time to finish 2m 28s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1331 Time to finish 2m 28s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1330 Time to finish 2m 28s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1329 Time to finish 2m 28s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1328 Time to finish 2m 28s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1327 Time to finish 2m 28s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1326 Time to finish 2m 28s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1325 Time to finish 2m 28s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1324 Time to finish 2m 27s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1323 Time to finish 2m 27s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1322 Time to finish 2m 27s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1321 Time to finish 2m 27s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1320 Time to finish 2m 27s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1319 Time to finish 2m 27s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1318 Time to finish 2m 27s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1317 Time to finish 2m 27s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1316 Time to finish 2m 26s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1315 Time to finish 2m 26s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1314 Time to finish 2m 26s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1313 Time to finish 2m 26s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1312 Time to finish 2m 26s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1311 Time to finish 2m 26s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1310 Time to finish 2m 26s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1309 Time to finish 2m 26s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1308 Time to finish 2m 25s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1307 Time to finish 2m 25s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1306 Time to finish 2m 25s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1305 Time to finish 2m 25s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1304 Time to finish 2m 25s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1303 Time to finish 2m 25s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1302 Time to finish 2m 25s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1301 Time to finish 2m 25s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1300 Time to finish 2m 25s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1299 Time to finish 2m 24s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1298 Time to finish 2m 24s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1297 Time to finish 2m 24s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1296 Time to finish 2m 24s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1295 Time to finish 2m 24s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1294 Time to finish 2m 24s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1293 Time to finish 2m 24s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1292 Time to finish 2m 24s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1291 Time to finish 2m 23s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1290 Time to finish 2m 23s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1289 Time to finish 2m 23s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1288 Time to finish 2m 23s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1287 Time to finish 2m 23s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1286 Time to finish 2m 23s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1285 Time to finish 2m 23s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1284 Time to finish 2m 23s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1283 Time to finish 2m 23s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1282 Time to finish 2m 22s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1281 Time to finish 2m 22s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1280 Time to finish 2m 22s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1279 Time to finish 2m 22s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1278 Time to finish 2m 22s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1277 Time to finish 2m 22s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1276 Time to finish 2m 22s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1275 Time to finish 2m 22s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1274 Time to finish 2m 22s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1273 Time to finish 2m 21s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1272 Time to finish 2m 21s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1271 Time to finish 2m 21s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1270 Time to finish 2m 21s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1269 Time to finish 2m 21s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1268 Time to finish 2m 21s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1267 Time to finish 2m 21s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1266 Time to finish 2m 21s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1265 Time to finish 2m 20s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1264 Time to finish 2m 20s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1263 Time to finish 2m 20s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1262 Time to finish 2m 20s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1261 Time to finish 2m 20s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1260 Time to finish 2m 20s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1259 Time to finish 2m 20s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1258 Time to finish 2m 20s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1257 Time to finish 2m 19s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1256 Time to finish 2m 19s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1255 Time to finish 2m 19s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1254 Time to finish 2m 19s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1253 Time to finish 2m 19s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1252 Time to finish 2m 19s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1251 Time to finish 2m 19s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1250 Time to finish 2m 19s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1249 Time to finish 2m 18s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1248 Time to finish 2m 18s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1247 Time to finish 2m 18s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1246 Time to finish 2m 18s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1245 Time to finish 2m 18s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1244 Time to finish 2m 18s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1243 Time to finish 2m 18s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1242 Time to finish 2m 18s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1241 Time to finish 2m 18s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1240 Time to finish 2m 17s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1239 Time to finish 2m 17s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1238 Time to finish 2m 17s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1237 Time to finish 2m 17s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1236 Time to finish 2m 17s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1235 Time to finish 2m 17s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1234 Time to finish 2m 17s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1233 Time to finish 2m 17s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1232 Time to finish 2m 16s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1231 Time to finish 2m 16s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1230 Time to finish 2m 16s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1229 Time to finish 2m 16s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1228 Time to finish 2m 16s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1227 Time to finish 2m 16s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1226 Time to finish 2m 16s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1225 Time to finish 2m 16s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1224 Time to finish 2m 16s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1223 Time to finish 2m 15s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1222 Time to finish 2m 15s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1221 Time to finish 2m 15s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1220 Time to finish 2m 15s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1219 Time to finish 2m 15s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1218 Time to finish 2m 15s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1217 Time to finish 2m 15s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1216 Time to finish 2m 15s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1215 Time to finish 2m 14s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1214 Time to finish 2m 14s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1213 Time to finish 2m 14s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1212 Time to finish 2m 14s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1211 Time to finish 2m 14s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1210 Time to finish 2m 14s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1209 Time to finish 2m 14s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1208 Time to finish 2m 14s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1207 Time to finish 2m 13s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1206 Time to finish 2m 13s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1205 Time to finish 2m 13s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1204 Time to finish 2m 13s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1203 Time to finish 2m 13s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1202 Time to finish 2m 13s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1201 Time to finish 2m 13s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1200 Time to finish 2m 13s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1199 Time to finish 2m 13s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1198 Time to finish 2m 12s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1197 Time to finish 2m 12s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1196 Time to finish 2m 12s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1195 Time to finish 2m 12s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1194 Time to finish 2m 12s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1193 Time to finish 2m 12s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1192 Time to finish 2m 12s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1191 Time to finish 2m 12s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1190 Time to finish 2m 11s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1189 Time to finish 2m 11s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1188 Time to finish 2m 11s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1187 Time to finish 2m 11s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1186 Time to finish 2m 11s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1185 Time to finish 2m 11s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1184 Time to finish 2m 11s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1183 Time to finish 2m 11s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1182 Time to finish 2m 11s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1181 Time to finish 2m 10s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1180 Time to finish 2m 10s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1179 Time to finish 2m 10s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1178 Time to finish 2m 10s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1177 Time to finish 2m 10s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1176 Time to finish 2m 10s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1175 Time to finish 2m 10s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1174 Time to finish 2m 10s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1173 Time to finish 2m 9s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1172 Time to finish 2m 9s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1171 Time to finish 2m 9s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1170 Time to finish 2m 9s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1169 Time to finish 2m 9s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1168 Time to finish 2m 9s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1167 Time to finish 2m 9s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1166 Time to finish 2m 9s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1165 Time to finish 2m 9s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1164 Time to finish 2m 8s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1163 Time to finish 2m 8s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1162 Time to finish 2m 8s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1161 Time to finish 2m 8s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1160 Time to finish 2m 8s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1159 Time to finish 2m 8s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1158 Time to finish 2m 8s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1157 Time to finish 2m 8s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1156 Time to finish 2m 7s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1155 Time to finish 2m 7s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1154 Time to finish 2m 7s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1153 Time to finish 2m 7s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1152 Time to finish 2m 7s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1151 Time to finish 2m 7s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1150 Time to finish 2m 7s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1149 Time to finish 2m 7s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1148 Time to finish 2m 6s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1147 Time to finish 2m 6s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1146 Time to finish 2m 6s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1145 Time to finish 2m 6s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1144 Time to finish 2m 6s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1143 Time to finish 2m 6s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1142 Time to finish 2m 6s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1141 Time to finish 2m 6s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1140 Time to finish 2m 6s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1139 Time to finish 2m 5s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1138 Time to finish 2m 5s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1137 Time to finish 2m 5s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1136 Time to finish 2m 5s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1135 Time to finish 2m 5s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1134 Time to finish 2m 5s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1133 Time to finish 2m 5s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1132 Time to finish 2m 5s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1131 Time to finish 2m 4s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1130 Time to finish 2m 4s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1129 Time to finish 2m 4s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1128 Time to finish 2m 4s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1127 Time to finish 2m 4s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1126 Time to finish 2m 4s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1125 Time to finish 2m 4s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1124 Time to finish 2m 4s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1123 Time to finish 2m 4s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1122 Time to finish 2m 3s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1121 Time to finish 2m 3s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1120 Time to finish 2m 3s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1119 Time to finish 2m 3s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1118 Time to finish 2m 3s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1117 Time to finish 2m 3s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1116 Time to finish 2m 3s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1115 Time to finish 2m 3s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1114 Time to finish 2m 2s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1113 Time to finish 2m 2s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1112 Time to finish 2m 2s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1111 Time to finish 2m 2s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1110 Time to finish 2m 2s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1109 Time to finish 2m 2s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1108 Time to finish 2m 2s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1107 Time to finish 2m 2s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1106 Time to finish 2m 2s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1105 Time to finish 2m 1s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1104 Time to finish 2m 1s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1103 Time to finish 2m 1s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1102 Time to finish 2m 1s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1101 Time to finish 2m 1s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1100 Time to finish 2m 1s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1099 Time to finish 2m 1s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1098 Time to finish 2m 1s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1097 Time to finish 2m 0s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1096 Time to finish 2m 0s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1095 Time to finish 2m 0s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1094 Time to finish 2m 0s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1093 Time to finish 2m 1s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1092 Time to finish 2m 1s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1091 Time to finish 2m 1s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1090 Time to finish 2m 1s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1089 Time to finish 2m 1s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1088 Time to finish 2m 1s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1087 Time to finish 2m 0s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1086 Time to finish 2m 0s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1085 Time to finish 2m 0s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1084 Time to finish 2m 0s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1083 Time to finish 2m 0s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1082 Time to finish 2m 0s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1081 Time to finish 2m 0s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1080 Time to finish 2m 0s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1079 Time to finish 2m 0s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1078 Time to finish 1m 59s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1077 Time to finish 1m 59s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1076 Time to finish 1m 59s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1075 Time to finish 1m 59s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1074 Time to finish 1m 59s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1073 Time to finish 1m 59s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1072 Time to finish 1m 59s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1071 Time to finish 1m 59s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1070 Time to finish 1m 58s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1069 Time to finish 1m 58s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1068 Time to finish 1m 58s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1067 Time to finish 1m 59s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1066 Time to finish 1m 59s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1065 Time to finish 1m 59s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1064 Time to finish 1m 59s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1063 Time to finish 1m 59s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1062 Time to finish 1m 59s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1061 Time to finish 1m 59s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1060 Time to finish 1m 58s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1059 Time to finish 1m 58s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1058 Time to finish 1m 58s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1057 Time to finish 1m 58s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1056 Time to finish 1m 58s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1055 Time to finish 1m 58s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1054 Time to finish 1m 58s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1053 Time to finish 1m 58s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1052 Time to finish 1m 57s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1051 Time to finish 1m 57s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1050 Time to finish 1m 58s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1049 Time to finish 1m 58s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1048 Time to finish 1m 58s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1047 Time to finish 1m 58s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1046 Time to finish 1m 58s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1045 Time to finish 1m 58s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1044 Time to finish 1m 57s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1043 Time to finish 1m 57s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1042 Time to finish 1m 57s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1041 Time to finish 1m 57s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1040 Time to finish 1m 57s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1039 Time to finish 1m 57s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1038 Time to finish 1m 57s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1037 Time to finish 1m 57s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1036 Time to finish 1m 57s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1035 Time to finish 1m 57s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1034 Time to finish 1m 57s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1033 Time to finish 1m 57s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1032 Time to finish 1m 56s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1031 Time to finish 1m 56s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1030 Time to finish 1m 56s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1029 Time to finish 1m 56s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1028 Time to finish 1m 56s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1027 Time to finish 1m 56s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1026 Time to finish 1m 56s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1025 Time to finish 1m 56s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1024 Time to finish 1m 55s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1023 Time to finish 1m 55s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1022 Time to finish 1m 55s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1021 Time to finish 1m 55s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1020 Time to finish 1m 55s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1019 Time to finish 1m 55s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1018 Time to finish 1m 55s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1017 Time to finish 1m 55s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1016 Time to finish 1m 54s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1015 Time to finish 1m 54s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1014 Time to finish 1m 54s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1013 Time to finish 1m 54s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1012 Time to finish 1m 54s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1011 Time to finish 1m 54s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1010 Time to finish 1m 54s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1009 Time to finish 1m 54s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1008 Time to finish 1m 54s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1007 Time to finish 1m 53s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1006 Time to finish 1m 53s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1005 Time to finish 1m 53s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1004 Time to finish 1m 53s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1003 Time to finish 1m 53s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1002 Time to finish 1m 53s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1001 Time to finish 1m 53s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 1000 Time to finish 1m 53s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 999 Time to finish 1m 52s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 998 Time to finish 1m 52s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 997 Time to finish 1m 52s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 996 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 995 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 994 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 993 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 992 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 991 Time to finish 1m 51s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 990 Time to finish 1m 51s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 989 Time to finish 1m 51s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 988 Time to finish 1m 51s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 987 Time to finish 1m 51s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 986 Time to finish 1m 51s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 985 Time to finish 1m 51s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 984 Time to finish 1m 51s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 983 Time to finish 1m 51s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 982 Time to finish 1m 50s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 981 Time to finish 1m 50s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 980 Time to finish 1m 50s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 979 Time to finish 1m 50s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 978 Time to finish 1m 50s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 977 Time to finish 1m 50s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 976 Time to finish 1m 50s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 975 Time to finish 1m 50s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 974 Time to finish 1m 50s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 973 Time to finish 1m 49s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 972 Time to finish 1m 49s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 971 Time to finish 1m 49s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 970 Time to finish 1m 49s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 969 Time to finish 1m 49s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 968 Time to finish 1m 49s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 967 Time to finish 1m 49s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 966 Time to finish 1m 49s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 965 Time to finish 1m 48s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 964 Time to finish 1m 48s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 963 Time to finish 1m 48s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 962 Time to finish 1m 48s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 961 Time to finish 1m 48s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 960 Time to finish 1m 48s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 959 Time to finish 1m 48s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 958 Time to finish 1m 48s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 957 Time to finish 1m 47s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 956 Time to finish 1m 47s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 955 Time to finish 1m 47s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 954 Time to finish 1m 47s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 953 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 952 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 951 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 950 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 949 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 948 Time to finish 1m 46s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 947 Time to finish 1m 46s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 946 Time to finish 1m 46s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 945 Time to finish 1m 46s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 944 Time to finish 1m 46s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 943 Time to finish 1m 46s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 942 Time to finish 1m 46s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 941 Time to finish 1m 46s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 940 Time to finish 1m 46s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 939 Time to finish 1m 45s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 938 Time to finish 1m 45s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 937 Time to finish 1m 45s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 936 Time to finish 1m 45s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 935 Time to finish 1m 45s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 934 Time to finish 1m 45s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 933 Time to finish 1m 45s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 932 Time to finish 1m 45s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 931 Time to finish 1m 44s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 930 Time to finish 1m 45s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 929 Time to finish 1m 44s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 928 Time to finish 1m 44s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 927 Time to finish 1m 44s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 926 Time to finish 1m 44s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 925 Time to finish 1m 44s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 924 Time to finish 1m 44s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 923 Time to finish 1m 44s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 922 Time to finish 1m 44s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 921 Time to finish 1m 43s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 920 Time to finish 1m 43s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 919 Time to finish 1m 43s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 918 Time to finish 1m 43s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 917 Time to finish 1m 43s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 916 Time to finish 1m 43s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 915 Time to finish 1m 43s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 914 Time to finish 1m 43s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 913 Time to finish 1m 43s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 912 Time to finish 1m 42s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 911 Time to finish 1m 42s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 910 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 909 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 908 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 907 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 906 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 905 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 904 Time to finish 1m 41s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 903 Time to finish 1m 41s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 902 Time to finish 1m 41s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 901 Time to finish 1m 41s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 900 Time to finish 1m 41s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 899 Time to finish 1m 41s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 898 Time to finish 1m 41s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 897 Time to finish 1m 41s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 896 Time to finish 1m 41s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 895 Time to finish 1m 40s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 894 Time to finish 1m 40s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 893 Time to finish 1m 40s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 892 Time to finish 1m 40s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 891 Time to finish 1m 40s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 890 Time to finish 1m 40s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 889 Time to finish 1m 40s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 888 Time to finish 1m 40s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 887 Time to finish 1m 39s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 886 Time to finish 1m 39s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 885 Time to finish 1m 39s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 884 Time to finish 1m 39s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 883 Time to finish 1m 39s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 882 Time to finish 1m 39s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 881 Time to finish 1m 39s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 880 Time to finish 1m 39s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 879 Time to finish 1m 39s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 878 Time to finish 1m 38s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 877 Time to finish 1m 38s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 876 Time to finish 1m 38s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 875 Time to finish 1m 38s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 874 Time to finish 1m 38s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 873 Time to finish 1m 38s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 872 Time to finish 1m 38s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 871 Time to finish 1m 38s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 870 Time to finish 1m 37s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 869 Time to finish 1m 37s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 868 Time to finish 1m 37s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 867 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 866 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 865 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 864 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 863 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 862 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 861 Time to finish 1m 36s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 860 Time to finish 1m 36s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 859 Time to finish 1m 36s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 858 Time to finish 1m 36s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 857 Time to finish 1m 36s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 856 Time to finish 1m 36s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 855 Time to finish 1m 36s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 854 Time to finish 1m 36s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 853 Time to finish 1m 35s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 852 Time to finish 1m 35s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 851 Time to finish 1m 35s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 850 Time to finish 1m 35s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 849 Time to finish 1m 35s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 848 Time to finish 1m 35s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 847 Time to finish 1m 35s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 846 Time to finish 1m 35s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 845 Time to finish 1m 34s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 844 Time to finish 1m 34s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 843 Time to finish 1m 34s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 842 Time to finish 1m 34s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 841 Time to finish 1m 34s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 840 Time to finish 1m 34s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 839 Time to finish 1m 34s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 838 Time to finish 1m 34s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 837 Time to finish 1m 34s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 836 Time to finish 1m 33s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 835 Time to finish 1m 33s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 834 Time to finish 1m 33s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 833 Time to finish 1m 33s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 832 Time to finish 1m 33s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 831 Time to finish 1m 33s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 830 Time to finish 1m 33s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 829 Time to finish 1m 33s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 828 Time to finish 1m 32s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 827 Time to finish 1m 32s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 826 Time to finish 1m 32s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 825 Time to finish 1m 32s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 824 Time to finish 1m 32s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 823 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 822 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 821 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 820 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 819 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 818 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 817 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 816 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 815 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 814 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 813 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 812 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 811 Time to finish 1m 30s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 810 Time to finish 1m 30s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 809 Time to finish 1m 30s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 808 Time to finish 1m 30s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 807 Time to finish 1m 30s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 806 Time to finish 1m 30s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 805 Time to finish 1m 30s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 804 Time to finish 1m 30s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 803 Time to finish 1m 30s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 802 Time to finish 1m 29s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 801 Time to finish 1m 29s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 800 Time to finish 1m 29s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 799 Time to finish 1m 29s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 798 Time to finish 1m 29s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 797 Time to finish 1m 29s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 796 Time to finish 1m 29s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 795 Time to finish 1m 29s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 794 Time to finish 1m 29s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 793 Time to finish 1m 28s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 792 Time to finish 1m 28s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 791 Time to finish 1m 28s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 790 Time to finish 1m 28s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 789 Time to finish 1m 28s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 788 Time to finish 1m 28s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 787 Time to finish 1m 28s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 786 Time to finish 1m 28s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 785 Time to finish 1m 27s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 784 Time to finish 1m 27s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 783 Time to finish 1m 27s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 782 Time to finish 1m 27s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 781 Time to finish 1m 27s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 780 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 779 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 778 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 777 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 776 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 775 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 774 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 773 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 772 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 771 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 770 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 769 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 768 Time to finish 1m 25s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 767 Time to finish 1m 25s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 766 Time to finish 1m 25s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 765 Time to finish 1m 25s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 764 Time to finish 1m 25s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 763 Time to finish 1m 25s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 762 Time to finish 1m 25s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 761 Time to finish 1m 25s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 760 Time to finish 1m 25s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 759 Time to finish 1m 24s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 758 Time to finish 1m 24s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 757 Time to finish 1m 24s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 756 Time to finish 1m 24s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 755 Time to finish 1m 24s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 754 Time to finish 1m 24s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 753 Time to finish 1m 24s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 752 Time to finish 1m 24s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 751 Time to finish 1m 23s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 750 Time to finish 1m 23s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 749 Time to finish 1m 23s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 748 Time to finish 1m 23s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 747 Time to finish 1m 23s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 746 Time to finish 1m 23s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 745 Time to finish 1m 23s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 744 Time to finish 1m 23s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 743 Time to finish 1m 23s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 742 Time to finish 1m 22s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 741 Time to finish 1m 22s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 740 Time to finish 1m 22s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 739 Time to finish 1m 22s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 738 Time to finish 1m 22s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 737 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 736 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 735 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 734 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 733 Time to finish 1m 21s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 732 Time to finish 1m 21s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 731 Time to finish 1m 21s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 730 Time to finish 1m 21s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 729 Time to finish 1m 21s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 728 Time to finish 1m 21s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 727 Time to finish 1m 21s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 726 Time to finish 1m 21s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 725 Time to finish 1m 20s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 724 Time to finish 1m 20s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 723 Time to finish 1m 20s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 722 Time to finish 1m 20s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 721 Time to finish 1m 20s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 720 Time to finish 1m 20s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 719 Time to finish 1m 20s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 718 Time to finish 1m 20s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 717 Time to finish 1m 20s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 716 Time to finish 1m 19s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 715 Time to finish 1m 19s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 714 Time to finish 1m 19s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 713 Time to finish 1m 19s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 712 Time to finish 1m 19s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 711 Time to finish 1m 19s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 710 Time to finish 1m 19s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 709 Time to finish 1m 19s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 708 Time to finish 1m 19s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 707 Time to finish 1m 18s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 706 Time to finish 1m 18s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 705 Time to finish 1m 18s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 704 Time to finish 1m 18s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 703 Time to finish 1m 18s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 702 Time to finish 1m 18s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 701 Time to finish 1m 18s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 700 Time to finish 1m 18s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 699 Time to finish 1m 18s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 698 Time to finish 1m 17s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 697 Time to finish 1m 17s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 696 Time to finish 1m 17s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 695 Time to finish 1m 17s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 694 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 693 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 692 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 691 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 690 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 689 Time to finish 1m 16s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 688 Time to finish 1m 16s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 687 Time to finish 1m 16s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 686 Time to finish 1m 16s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 685 Time to finish 1m 16s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 684 Time to finish 1m 16s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 683 Time to finish 1m 16s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 682 Time to finish 1m 16s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 681 Time to finish 1m 15s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 680 Time to finish 1m 15s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 679 Time to finish 1m 15s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 678 Time to finish 1m 15s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 677 Time to finish 1m 15s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 676 Time to finish 1m 15s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 675 Time to finish 1m 15s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 674 Time to finish 1m 15s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 673 Time to finish 1m 15s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 672 Time to finish 1m 14s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 671 Time to finish 1m 14s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 670 Time to finish 1m 14s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 669 Time to finish 1m 14s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 668 Time to finish 1m 14s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 667 Time to finish 1m 14s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 666 Time to finish 1m 14s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 665 Time to finish 1m 14s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 664 Time to finish 1m 13s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 663 Time to finish 1m 13s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 662 Time to finish 1m 13s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 661 Time to finish 1m 13s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 660 Time to finish 1m 13s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 659 Time to finish 1m 13s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 658 Time to finish 1m 13s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 657 Time to finish 1m 13s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 656 Time to finish 1m 13s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 655 Time to finish 1m 12s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 654 Time to finish 1m 12s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 653 Time to finish 1m 12s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 652 Time to finish 1m 12s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 651 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 650 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 649 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 648 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 647 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 646 Time to finish 1m 11s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 645 Time to finish 1m 11s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 644 Time to finish 1m 11s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 643 Time to finish 1m 11s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 642 Time to finish 1m 11s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 641 Time to finish 1m 11s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 640 Time to finish 1m 11s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 639 Time to finish 1m 11s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 638 Time to finish 1m 11s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 637 Time to finish 1m 10s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 636 Time to finish 1m 10s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 635 Time to finish 1m 10s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 634 Time to finish 1m 10s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 633 Time to finish 1m 10s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 632 Time to finish 1m 10s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 631 Time to finish 1m 10s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 630 Time to finish 1m 10s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 629 Time to finish 1m 10s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 628 Time to finish 1m 9s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 627 Time to finish 1m 9s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 626 Time to finish 1m 9s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 625 Time to finish 1m 9s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 624 Time to finish 1m 9s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 623 Time to finish 1m 9s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 622 Time to finish 1m 9s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 621 Time to finish 1m 9s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 620 Time to finish 1m 8s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 619 Time to finish 1m 8s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 618 Time to finish 1m 8s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 617 Time to finish 1m 8s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 616 Time to finish 1m 8s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 615 Time to finish 1m 8s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 614 Time to finish 1m 8s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 613 Time to finish 1m 8s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 612 Time to finish 1m 8s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 611 Time to finish 1m 7s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 610 Time to finish 1m 7s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 609 Time to finish 1m 7s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 608 Time to finish 1m 7s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 607 Time to finish 1m 7s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 606 Time to finish 1m 7s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 605 Time to finish 1m 7s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 604 Time to finish 1m 7s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 603 Time to finish 1m 7s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 602 Time to finish 1m 6s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 601 Time to finish 1m 6s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 600 Time to finish 1m 6s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 599 Time to finish 1m 6s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 598 Time to finish 1m 6s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 597 Time to finish 1m 6s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 596 Time to finish 1m 6s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 595 Time to finish 1m 6s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 594 Time to finish 1m 6s, 86.3% completed, time steps left 593 Time to finish 1m 5s, 86.3% completed, time steps left 592 Time to finish 1m 5s, 86.3% completed, time steps left 591 Time to finish 1m 5s, 86.3% completed, time steps left 590 Time to finish 1m 5s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 589 Time to finish 1m 5s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 588 Time to finish 1m 5s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 587 Time to finish 1m 5s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 586 Time to finish 1m 5s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 585 Time to finish 1m 5s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 584 Time to finish 1m 4s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 583 Time to finish 1m 4s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 582 Time to finish 1m 4s, 86.6% completed, time steps left 581 Time to finish 1m 4s, 86.6% completed, time steps left 580 Time to finish 1m 4s, 86.6% completed, time steps left 579 Time to finish 1m 4s, 86.6% completed, time steps left 578 Time to finish 1m 4s, 86.6% completed, time steps left 577 Time to finish 1m 4s, 86.7% completed, time steps left 576 Time to finish 1m 3s, 86.7% completed, time steps left 575 Time to finish 1m 3s, 86.7% completed, time steps left 574 Time to finish 1m 3s, 86.7% completed, time steps left 573 Time to finish 1m 3s, 86.8% completed, time steps left 572 Time to finish 1m 3s, 86.8% completed, time steps left 571 Time to finish 1m 3s, 86.8% completed, time steps left 570 Time to finish 1m 3s, 86.8% completed, time steps left 569 Time to finish 1m 3s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 568 Time to finish 1m 3s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 567 Time to finish 1m 2s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 566 Time to finish 1m 2s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 565 Time to finish 1m 2s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 564 Time to finish 1m 2s, 87.0% completed, time steps left 563 Time to finish 1m 2s, 87.0% completed, time steps left 562 Time to finish 1m 2s, 87.0% completed, time steps left 561 Time to finish 1m 2s, 87.0% completed, time steps left 560 Time to finish 1m 2s, 87.1% completed, time steps left 559 Time to finish 1m 2s, 87.1% completed, time steps left 558 Time to finish 1m 1s, 87.1% completed, time steps left 557 Time to finish 1m 1s, 87.1% completed, time steps left 556 Time to finish 1m 1s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 555 Time to finish 1m 1s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 554 Time to finish 1m 1s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 553 Time to finish 1m 1s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 552 Time to finish 1m 1s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 551 Time to finish 1m 1s, 87.3% completed, time steps left 550 Time to finish 1m 1s, 87.3% completed, time steps left 549 Time to finish 60s, 87.3% completed, time steps left 548 Time to finish 60s, 87.3% completed, time steps left 547 Time to finish 60s, 87.4% completed, time steps left 546 Time to finish 60s, 87.4% completed, time steps left 545 Time to finish 60s, 87.4% completed, time steps left 544 Time to finish 60s, 87.4% completed, time steps left 543 Time to finish 60s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 542 Time to finish 60s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 541 Time to finish 60s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 540 Time to finish 59s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 539 Time to finish 59s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 538 Time to finish 59s, 87.6% completed, time steps left 537 Time to finish 59s, 87.6% completed, time steps left 536 Time to finish 59s, 87.6% completed, time steps left 535 Time to finish 59s, 87.6% completed, time steps left 534 Time to finish 59s, 87.7% completed, time steps left 533 Time to finish 59s, 87.7% completed, time steps left 532 Time to finish 59s, 87.7% completed, time steps left 531 Time to finish 58s, 87.7% completed, time steps 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left 110 Time to finish 12s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 109 Time to finish 12s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 108 Time to finish 12s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 107 Time to finish 12s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 106 Time to finish 12s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 105 ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 21:15:19.317982 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours Time to finish 12s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 104 rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Time to finish 11s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 103 Time to finish 11s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 102 Time to finish 11s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 101 Time to finish 11s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 100 Time to finish 11s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 99 Time to finish 11s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 98 Time to finish 11s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 97 Time to finish 11s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 96 Time to finish 11s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 95 Time to finish 10s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 94 Time to finish 10s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 93 Time to finish 10s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 92 Time to finish 10s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 91 Time to finish 10s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 90 Time to finish 10s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 89 Time to finish 10s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 88 Time to finish 10s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 87 Time to finish 10s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 86 Time to finish 9s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 85 Time to finish 9s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 84 Time to finish 9s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 83 Time to finish 9s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 82 Time to finish 9s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 81 Time to finish 9s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 80 Time to finish 9s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 79 Time to finish 9s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 78 Time to finish 9s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 77 Time to finish 8s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 76 Time to finish 8s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 75 Time to finish 8s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 74 Time to finish 8s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 73 Time to finish 8s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 72 Time to finish 8s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 71 Time to finish 8s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 70 Time to finish 8s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 69 Time to finish 8s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 68 Time to finish 7s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 67 Time to finish 7s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 66 Time to finish 7s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 65 Time to finish 7s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 64 Time to finish 7s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 63 Time to finish 7s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 62 Time to finish 7s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 61 Time to finish 7s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 60 Time to finish 7s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 59 Time to finish 6s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 58 Time to finish 6s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 57 Time to finish 6s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 56 Time to finish 6s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 55 Time to finish 6s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 54 Time to finish 6s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 53 Time to finish 6s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 52 Time to finish 6s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 51 Time to finish 6s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 50 Time to finish 5s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 49 Time to finish 5s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 48 Time to finish 5s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 47 Time to finish 5s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 46 Time to finish 5s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 45 Time to finish 5s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 44 Time to finish 5s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 43 Time to finish 5s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 42 Time to finish 5s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 41 Time to finish 4s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 40 Time to finish 4s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 39 Time to finish 4s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 38 Time to finish 4s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 37 Time to finish 4s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 36 Time to finish 4s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 35 Time to finish 4s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 34 Time to finish 4s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 33 Time to finish 4s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 32 Time to finish 3s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 31 Time to finish 3s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 30 Time to finish 3s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 29 Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 28 Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 27 Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 26 Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 25 Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 24 Time to finish 3s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 23 Time to finish 2s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 22 Time to finish 2s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 21 Time to finish 2s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 20 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 19 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 18 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 17 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 16 Time to finish 2s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 15 Time to finish 2s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 14 Time to finish 1s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 13 Time to finish 1s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 12 Time to finish 1s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 11 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 10 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 9 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 8 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 7 Time to finish 1s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 6 Time to finish 1s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 5 Time to finish 0s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 4 Time to finish 0s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 3 Time to finish 0s, 100.0% completed, time steps left 2 Time to finish 0s, 100.0% completed, time steps left 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINISHED Delft3D-FLOW runid : calc date, time : 2020-08-03, 23:15:31 SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 1 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 2 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 3 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 4 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 5 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 6 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 7 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 8 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 9 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 10 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D_Hydro [1596489331.949355] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596489331.957369] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596489331.958519] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596489331.958690] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596489331.959268] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596489331.959312] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596489331.959316] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596489331.959495] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596489331.959813] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596489331.974171] >> d_hydro shutting down normally ..2.3 finalize for current run ... 2020-08-03 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 False delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/ (289, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Jiazi 7.7360289 72 2 Jiazi 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Changqingwei 7.7360289 72 2 Changqingwei 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 6.7835538 74 4 6.7835538 74 4 Donghong 8.9099668 74 7 Donghong 20.430613 75 9 Donghong 17.571704 76 9 Donghong 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Jinghai 8.9099668 74 7 Jinghai 20.430613 75 9 Jinghai 17.571704 76 9 Jinghai 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Ch'ao-yang-hsien 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Haimen 17.571704 76 9 Haimen 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Shantou 8.4375967 78 11 8.4375967 78 11 Dahao 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Aotou 8.4375967 78 11 8.4375967 78 11 Daitou 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Guangao 19.161279 76 10 Guangao 12.697454 77 10 Guangao 8.4375967 78 11 8.4375967 78 11 Siwei 7.0718507 79 12 Siwei 12.310144 80 14 Siwei 6.6530483 82 14 6.6530483 82 14 Ch'ien-tung-hsu 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Qiandong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Jingzhou 6.6530483 82 14 Jingzhou 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanglong 12.30569 81 14 Huanglong 6.6530483 82 14 Huanglong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanggang 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Houzhai 14.158554 79 13 Houzhai 7.4188071 80 13 Houzhai 12.310144 80 14 Houzhai 6.6530483 82 14 Houzhai 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Raoping 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Zhelin 6.6530483 82 14 Zhelin 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Shenao 12.310144 80 14 Shenao 6.6530483 82 14 Shenao 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Nanao 19.543308 79 15 Nanao 14.736534 80 15 Nanao 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Chelim 10.298399 82 15 Chelim 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Gongkou 6.391558 83 16 Gongkou 25.143746 84 16 Gongkou 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Sidu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Dongshan 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Gongqiancun 16.571469 82 19 Gongqiancun 12.984636 83 19 Gongqiancun 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chencheng 16.571469 82 19 Chencheng 12.984636 83 19 Chencheng 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Hsing-ch'en 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Chendai 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Hsi-pu 12.984636 83 19 Hsi-pu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chengguanzhen 22.062022 84 22 Chengguanzhen 17.554813 85 23 Chengguanzhen 3.7540171 87 25 Chengguanzhen 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Erdaogou 9.4160888 308 24 Erdaogou 19.666559 309 24 Erdaogou 19.610813 310 24 Erdaogou 23.439165 311 24 Erdaogou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Binhaicun 19.666559 309 24 Binhaicun 19.610813 310 24 Binhaicun 23.439165 311 24 Binhaicun 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tangjiahe 19.666559 309 24 Tangjiahe 19.610813 310 24 Tangjiahe 23.439165 311 24 Tangjiahe 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 23.439165 311 24 Baishuitou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Lijiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Lijiapu 19.666559 309 24 19.666559 309 24 Guleitou 22.062022 84 22 Guleitou 17.554813 85 23 Guleitou 3.7540171 87 25 Guleitou 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Gangkou 3.7540171 87 25 Gangkou 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 Gaoshalingcun 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Zhaojiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Zhaojiapu 19.666559 309 24 19.666559 309 24 Liuhongbo 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Xujiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Hsia-mei 3.7540171 87 25 Hsia-mei 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 2.2402331 315 27 Pehtang 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Jiuzhen 10.293507 89 26 Jiuzhen 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Liu'ao 3.7540171 87 25 Liu'ao 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Shentu 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Chihu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Fotan 8.2773537 91 29 Fotan 7.5801579 92 30 Fotan 9.1224387 93 31 9.1224387 93 31 Fugong 9.1224387 93 31 Fugong 3.3501788 96 31 Fugong 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 Shuangqiaozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Haicang 3.3501788 96 31 Haicang 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Guankou 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Gangwei 9.1224387 93 31 Gangwei 3.3501788 96 31 Gangwei 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Songyu 3.3501788 96 31 Songyu 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Hsing-lin 3.3501788 96 31 Hsing-lin 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Xucuo 9.1224387 93 31 Xucuo 3.3501788 96 31 Xucuo 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Gulangyu 3.3501788 96 31 Gulangyu 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Xiamen 3.3501788 96 31 Xiamen 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Chen-hai 7.5801579 92 30 Chen-hai 9.1224387 93 31 Chen-hai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Daomei 9.1224387 93 31 Daomei 3.3501788 96 31 Daomei 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Dianqian 3.3501788 96 31 Dianqian 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Jiangtou 3.3501788 96 31 Jiangtou 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Zhenhai 7.5801579 92 30 Zhenhai 9.1224387 93 31 Zhenhai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 Heiyanzi 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Hecuo 3.3501788 96 31 Hecuo 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Liuwudian 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 8.895146 315 31 Beipu 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Aotou 11.680956 96 33 Aotou 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Xindian 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 An-ting 12.486394 94 33 An-ting 14.103032 95 33 An-ting 11.680956 96 33 An-ting 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Ma-chiang 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 9.3410776 314 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Chin-men 12.486394 94 33 Chin-men 14.103032 95 33 Chin-men 11.680956 96 33 Chin-men 11.518433 98 33 Chin-men 3.88525 98 37 3.88525 98 37 Lianhe 11.518433 98 33 Lianhe 3.88525 98 37 Lianhe 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Ch'ing-hsu 15.995085 96 34 Ch'ing-hsu 4.474861 97 34 Ch'ing-hsu 34.935424 98 34 Ch'ing-hsu 3.88525 98 37 Ch'ing-hsu 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Shijing 4.474861 97 34 Shijing 34.935424 98 34 Shijing 3.88525 98 37 Shijing 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Chin-men Tao 11.81395 95 34 Chin-men Tao 15.995085 96 34 Chin-men Tao 4.474861 97 34 Chin-men Tao 34.935424 98 34 Chin-men Tao 3.88525 98 37 Chin-men Tao 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Yang-chai 11.81395 95 34 Yang-chai 15.995085 96 34 Yang-chai 4.474861 97 34 Yang-chai 34.935424 98 34 Yang-chai 3.88525 98 37 Yang-chai 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Anhai 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Tung-shih 37.719502 98 36 Tung-shih 3.88525 98 37 Tung-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 Nancaoji 3.7314449 316 38 Nancaoji 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Weitou 16.40076 96 37 Weitou 3.88525 98 37 Weitou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Chin-ching 16.40076 96 37 Chin-ching 3.88525 98 37 Chin-ching 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Shih-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Yakou 3.88525 98 37 Yakou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 Liu-tsan 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Yongning 2.6544592 98 38 2.6544592 98 38 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 Dazhuanghe 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Shihu 19.961478 101 42 Shihu 12.914359 102 43 12.914359 102 43 Dongyuan 6.4812559 102 42 Dongyuan 12.914359 102 43 12.914359 102 43 Hsiang-chih 23.464508 99 41 Hsiang-chih 19.961478 101 42 Hsiang-chih 12.914359 102 43 12.914359 102 43 Zhangban 6.4812559 102 42 Zhangban 12.914359 102 43 12.914359 102 43 Fengting 19.992729 107 45 Fengting 40.385472 108 45 Fengting 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 6.5440418 316 41 Yang-chiao 6.7658682 289 45 6.7658682 289 45 Qian'an 19.961478 101 42 Qian'an 12.914359 102 43 12.914359 102 43 Dongsha 19.992729 107 45 Dongsha 40.385472 108 45 Dongsha 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Dawu 3.4065137 103 43 Dawu 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Chongwu 19.961478 101 42 Chongwu 12.914359 102 43 Chongwu 20.044976 104 46 Chongwu 11.867636 105 46 11.867636 105 46 Lingchuan 19.992729 107 45 Lingchuan 40.385472 108 45 Lingchuan 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Fengwei 11.886261 106 45 Fengwei 40.385472 108 45 Fengwei 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Hsiao-tso 12.914359 102 43 Hsiao-tso 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Zhongmen 11.886261 106 45 Zhongmen 40.385472 108 45 Zhongmen 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Hushi 40.385472 108 45 Hushi 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 P'u-hsi 11.886261 106 45 P'u-hsi 40.385472 108 45 P'u-hsi 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Hanjiang 4.884141 111 49 Hanjiang 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 11.886261 106 45 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 40.385472 108 45 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Meizhou 11.886261 106 45 Meizhou 40.385472 108 45 Meizhou 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 Yancangcheng 23.186493 252 48 Yancangcheng 24.730519 253 48 Yancangcheng 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Hsing-chuang 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Haitou 23.186493 252 48 Haitou 24.730519 253 48 Haitou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Shiqiao 24.730519 253 48 Shiqiao 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Chiang-k'ou 4.884141 111 49 Chiang-k'ou 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Hsia-k'ou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Jiuliqi 24.730519 253 48 Jiuliqi 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Daitou 26.365664 107 46 Daitou 51.854925 108 46 Daitou 26.166377 108 47 Daitou 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Che-wang 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 Tuanlin 13.48162 322 49 13.48162 322 49 Fenshui 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Pinghai 26.166377 108 47 Pinghai 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 2.0881419 325 50 Dapuhe 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Yuxi 3.7875229 112 49 Yuxi 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Andongwei 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tangbian 4.884141 111 49 Tangbian 3.7875229 112 49 Tangbian 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 Xihenancun 2.0881419 325 50 Xihenancun 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Xugou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Shicheng 6.7393053 107 48 Shicheng 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Lanshantou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Taolekow 4.2500724 257 51 Taolekow 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Jiangjing 4.884141 111 49 Jiangjing 3.7875229 112 49 Jiangjing 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Liujiazhai 7.0120592 258 52 Liujiazhai 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Dongxi Liandao 3.7698366 249 50 Dongxi Liandao 2.4063058 251 50 2.4063058 251 50 Nanri 18.09116 106 50 Nanri 7.0734505 107 50 Nanri 6.1359086 108 50 Nanri 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Longtian 4.547549 112 50 Longtian 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Gangtou 5.4590452 111 50 Gangtou 4.547549 112 50 Gangtou 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 San Shah 3.150623 111 51 San Shah 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Guhuai 10.731328 116 55 Guhuai 9.6953481 117 55 Guhuai 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Gaoshan 20.832558 110 51 Gaoshan 3.150623 111 51 Gaoshan 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Fuye 21.813694 106 51 Fuye 13.391062 107 51 Fuye 22.560333 108 51 Fuye 4.2004307 109 51 Fuye 20.832558 110 51 20.832558 110 51 Shijiusuo 7.0120592 258 52 Shijiusuo 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 Ch'ien-ma-fang 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Langqi 7.4873876 119 56 Langqi 2.4030428 121 56 Langqi 3.7675423 122 56 Langqi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chiang-t'ien 10.731328 116 55 Chiang-t'ien 9.6953481 117 55 Chiang-t'ien 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Changmen 2.4030428 121 56 Changmen 3.7675423 122 56 Changmen 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 Tantou 5.5278715 118 55 Tantou 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Fengwo 7.4873876 119 56 Fengwo 2.4030428 121 56 Fengwo 3.7675423 122 56 Fengwo 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chang-chiang 9.6953481 117 55 Chang-chiang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Yunlong 7.4873876 119 56 Yunlong 2.4030428 121 56 Yunlong 3.7675423 122 56 Yunlong 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Tung-tai 3.7675423 122 56 Tung-tai 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chin-feng 5.5278715 118 55 Chin-feng 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Ta-ch'iu 7.8729078 109 53 7.8729078 109 53 Baisheng 2.4030428 121 56 Baisheng 3.7675423 122 56 Baisheng 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Mabi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Guanban 3.7675423 122 56 Guanban 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Wuhang 9.6953481 117 55 Wuhang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Chien-chiang 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Beicuo 14.408223 110 55 14.408223 110 55 Guanjing 8.1494594 114 55 Guanjing 10.731328 116 55 Guanjing 14.527044 116 56 Guanjing 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Cao Yu 21.453363 109 54 Cao Yu 14.408223 110 55 14.408223 110 55 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 Shanhaiguan 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Qingfeng 8.1494594 114 55 Qingfeng 10.731328 116 55 Qingfeng 14.527044 116 56 Qingfeng 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Yanweigang 3.7995859 249 55 3.7995859 249 55 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 Nanhai 9.4273718 328 55 9.4273718 328 55 Pingtan 8.1494594 114 55 Pingtan 6.0111747 111 56 Pingtan 9.2331172 115 56 Pingtan 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Ting-hai 3.7675423 122 56 Ting-hai 6.73443 123 56 Ting-hai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 5.8558936 263 55 5.8558936 263 55 Hutouya 2.0267187 287 55 2.0267187 287 55 Anhai 16.488406 124 58 Anhai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Tung-ch'ung 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Xinan 6.1076887 128 59 6.1076887 128 59 Houtian 6.0111747 111 56 Houtian 9.2331172 115 56 Houtian 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Xiahecheng 10.073142 263 56 Xiahecheng 47.227135 264 56 47.227135 264 56 Zhangjialou 7.463872 265 59 7.463872 265 59 Dayuan 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 15.033168 120 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 7.1594537 121 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 12.384673 122 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Xiahu 49.118844 127 58 Xiahu 32.880177 127 59 Xiahu 6.1076887 128 59 Xiahu 14.317131 128 61 Xiahu 12.731007 129 61 Xiahu 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 6.3065462 130 62 Hanjiang 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Songcheng 3.3149429 131 62 Songcheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Da'ao 23.861571 126 59 Da'ao 14.317131 128 61 Da'ao 12.731007 129 61 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 3.3149429 131 62 Changchun 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Wuqu 6.3065462 130 62 Wuqu 3.3149429 131 62 Wuqu 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Hongshiya 4.0704735 272 62 Hongshiya 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Luxia 14.317131 128 61 Luxia 12.731007 129 61 Luxia 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Lingshanwei 6.2537308 267 61 Lingshanwei 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Yacheng 5.0918143 132 62 Yacheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Hsin-chuang 9.3603672 292 61 9.3603672 292 61 Houwan 6.7995416 268 62 Houwan 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Sansha 5.0918143 132 62 Sansha 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Yantaiqian 6.2537308 267 61 Yantaiqian 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Xianlang 6.7995416 268 62 Xianlang 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Qimudao 12.014129 293 61 12.014129 293 61 Liuduo 3.6349543 242 65 3.6349543 242 65 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 7.0709729 292 62 Ta-yu-chien 4.1783146 246 62 Ta-yu-chien 3.6349543 242 65 3.6349543 242 65 Beizhuang 18.338013 267 62 Beizhuang 6.7995416 268 62 Beizhuang 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Sha-shan 10.707506 91 65 10.707506 91 65 Ch'ing-tao 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 8.8871129 273 63 Ch'ing-tao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Wang-kung 10.707506 91 65 10.707506 91 65 Sifang 6.4712836 271 63 Sifang 8.8871129 273 63 Sifang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Chengyang 2.0228224 272 63 Chengyang 8.8871129 273 63 Chengyang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Huang-ch'i 5.9611803 134 64 Huang-ch'i 16.520509 136 65 Huang-ch'i 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Qingdao 6.4712836 271 63 Qingdao 8.8871129 273 63 Qingdao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Fushansuo 11.126148 269 64 Fushansuo 24.269815 270 64 Fushansuo 19.271288 271 64 Fushansuo 2.5193449 272 64 Fushansuo 4.427021 272 65 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Shacheng 16.520509 136 65 Shacheng 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Huangshagang 12.410759 238 67 12.410759 238 67 Shuangyangzha 14.317102 239 66 Shuangyangzha 4.5126978 241 66 4.5126978 241 66 Ts'ang-k'ou 24.269815 270 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 19.271288 271 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 2.5193449 272 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 4.427021 272 65 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 19.271288 271 64 Hsien-chia-chai 2.5193449 272 64 Hsien-chia-chai 4.427021 272 65 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Xiaguan 16.520509 136 65 Xiaguan 20.385519 136 66 Xiaguan 8.8425181 136 67 Xiaguan 3.0645214 138 68 3.0645214 138 68 T'ang-sheng-chiang 12.410759 238 67 12.410759 238 67 Dongxiaohai 14.317102 239 66 14.317102 239 66 Lu-kang 10.707506 91 65 10.707506 91 65 Pucheng 16.520509 136 65 Pucheng 20.385519 136 66 Pucheng 8.8425181 136 67 Pucheng 3.0645214 138 68 Pucheng 11.816396 137 69 Pucheng 6.1811061 139 69 6.1811061 139 69 Xinyanggang 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Sha-fan-chieh 6.1811061 139 69 Sha-fan-chieh 9.5777037 139 70 Sha-fan-chieh 3.3968236 141 70 Sha-fan-chieh 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shazikou 20.069832 269 66 Shazikou 11.033439 270 66 11.033439 270 66 I-shan 3.3968236 141 70 I-shan 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 Shahousuo 13.788877 336 69 13.788877 336 69 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 Niejia 6.4326869 296 68 Niejia 6.0252144 297 70 Niejia 10.207871 298 70 Niejia 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Jinxiang 6.1811061 139 69 Jinxiang 9.5777037 139 70 Jinxiang 3.3968236 141 70 Jinxiang 24.330988 143 70 Jinxiang 2.0945312 143 71 2.0945312 143 71 Gexiang 24.330988 143 70 Gexiang 2.0945312 143 71 2.0945312 143 71 Wanggezhuang 22.958528 272 71 Wanggezhuang 6.6305521 273 71 Wanggezhuang 7.8042088 274 71 Wanggezhuang 2.1714545 275 71 Wanggezhuang 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 Beigou 6.4326869 296 68 Beigou 6.0252144 297 70 Beigou 10.207871 298 70 Beigou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Aoshanwei 6.6305521 273 71 Aoshanwei 7.8042088 274 71 Aoshanwei 2.1714545 275 71 Aoshanwei 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Chang'ao 17.697269 148 73 Chang'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Lo-yu 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Xiabu 17.697269 148 73 Xiabu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Jingliuwei 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 25.4412 184 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Banling 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 6.0252144 297 70 Dengzhou 10.207871 298 70 Dengzhou 9.6202231 299 70 Dengzhou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Zhuangyuanqiao 24.953155 147 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 17.697269 148 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Kaiyangtu 17.697269 148 73 Kaiyangtu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Changyinsha 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chao-feng-chen 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Qianduanjiawei 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 6.0252144 297 70 Penglai 10.207871 298 70 Penglai 9.6202231 299 70 Penglai 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Chin-chia-k'ou 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Ling-hsia 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Huangwan 25.4412 184 73 Huangwan 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Longwan 24.953155 147 73 Longwan 17.697269 148 73 Longwan 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Lu-ching-chiang 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Gao'ao 17.697269 148 73 Gao'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Siqianjie 24.953155 147 73 Siqianjie 17.697269 148 73 Siqianjie 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dongtaihezha 8.3752368 226 73 8.3752368 226 73 Nantong 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Liulishe 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xiaodoumen 24.953155 147 73 Xiaodoumen 17.697269 148 73 Xiaodoumen 3.2494402 149 73 Xiaodoumen 10.419949 148 75 Xiaodoumen 2.0500631 149 75 Xiaodoumen 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Baixiang 17.697269 148 73 Baixiang 3.2494402 149 73 Baixiang 10.419949 148 75 Baixiang 2.0500631 149 75 Baixiang 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Shan-ch'ien 17.697269 148 73 Shan-ch'ien 3.2494402 149 73 Shan-ch'ien 10.419949 148 75 Shan-ch'ien 2.0500631 149 75 Shan-ch'ien 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Wangcun 2.1714545 275 71 Wangcun 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Wali 7.8042088 274 71 Wali 2.1714545 275 71 Wali 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Jiangtan 24.953155 147 73 Jiangtan 17.697269 148 73 Jiangtan 3.2494402 149 73 Jiangtan 10.419949 148 75 Jiangtan 2.0500631 149 75 Jiangtan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ganpu 25.4412 184 73 Ganpu 17.456245 185 73 Ganpu 5.4299814 186 75 Ganpu 4.6144463 187 75 Ganpu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Zhaoqiao 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 3.2494402 149 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 10.419949 148 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 2.0500631 149 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Hsieh-t'ang 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Liu-tsao 21.476786 219 74 Liu-tsao 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Xingcun 26.671514 278 75 Xingcun 3.4258447 278 76 3.4258447 278 76 Haiyan 17.456245 185 73 Haiyan 5.4299814 186 75 Haiyan 4.6144463 187 75 Haiyan 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsia-chia-fou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-chia-fou 3.2494402 149 73 Hsia-chia-fou 10.419949 148 75 Hsia-chia-fou 2.0500631 149 75 Hsia-chia-fou 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Changchuanba 25.4412 184 73 Changchuanba 17.456245 185 73 Changchuanba 5.4299814 186 75 Changchuanba 4.6144463 187 75 Changchuanba 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Bixishi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Xizhoushi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsin-k'ai-kang 9.9643812 209 73 Hsin-k'ai-kang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Baizhuzhen 5.4299814 186 75 Baizhuzhen 4.6144463 187 75 Baizhuzhen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ch'eng-ao 3.2494402 149 73 Ch'eng-ao 2.0500631 149 75 Ch'eng-ao 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Dituan 17.697269 148 73 Dituan 3.2494402 149 73 Dituan 10.419949 148 75 Dituan 2.0500631 149 75 Dituan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Beilong 9.5466128 143 73 Beilong 5.9811912 144 73 Beilong 4.2607895 145 73 Beilong 2.0272748 146 73 2.0272748 146 73 Shih-ma-chuang 3.2494402 149 73 Shih-ma-chuang 2.0500631 149 75 Shih-ma-chuang 61.424401 150 75 Shih-ma-chuang 49.926487 153 77 49.926487 153 77 Ta-shan 4.9173076 277 75 Ta-shan 26.671514 278 75 Ta-shan 3.4258447 278 76 Ta-shan 2.0684823 279 77 2.0684823 279 77 Linshan 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Changqian 5.4299814 186 75 Changqian 4.6144463 187 75 Changqian 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Xitang 4.6144463 187 75 Xitang 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lao-wu-shih 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 21.476786 219 74 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Dashan 4.9173076 277 75 Dashan 26.671514 278 75 Dashan 3.4258447 278 76 Dashan 2.0684823 279 77 2.0684823 279 77 Baiyan 38.790019 152 76 Baiyan 49.926487 153 77 Baiyan 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Baisha 61.424401 150 75 Baisha 49.926487 153 77 Baisha 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Da'an 9.9643812 209 73 Da'an 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 38.790019 152 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 49.926487 153 77 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 4.6144463 187 75 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ri'aitang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Fu-jung 49.926487 153 77 Fu-jung 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Laochangbu 9.9643812 209 73 Laochangbu 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chou-hung-ch'iu 2.4716733 184 74 Chou-hung-ch'iu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Cheng-chia-tai 4.6144463 187 75 Cheng-chia-tai 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Heng-pa-ts'un 2.4716733 184 74 Heng-pa-ts'un 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 Dajijia 17.458593 297 75 Dajijia 14.503721 296 76 Dajijia 16.990276 296 77 Dajijia 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 P'u-ch'i 61.424401 150 75 P'u-ch'i 49.926487 153 77 P'u-ch'i 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Lo-ho-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiung-ting-yu 2.4716733 184 74 Hsiung-ting-yu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Zhapu 4.6144463 187 75 Zhapu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lixinzha 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qingjiang 38.790019 152 76 Qingjiang 49.926487 153 77 Qingjiang 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Zhangjiaxiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huangang 21.476786 219 74 Huangang 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 Xihuzui 39.375721 311 76 Xihuzui 16.387197 315 77 Xihuzui 10.211338 314 78 Xihuzui 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Sanhezhen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Niu-ch'iao-shih 4.6144463 187 75 Niu-ch'iao-shih 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsiao-an-chieh 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Touyan 7.9364271 147 75 Touyan 10.419949 148 75 Touyan 2.0500631 149 75 Touyan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Banping 15.445253 145 75 Banping 6.6582175 146 75 Banping 7.9364271 147 75 Banping 10.419949 148 75 Banping 2.0500631 149 75 Banping 16.294285 148 78 Banping 10.201052 149 78 10.201052 149 78 Bei'ao 15.445253 145 75 Bei'ao 6.6582175 146 75 Bei'ao 7.9364271 147 75 Bei'ao 10.419949 148 75 Bei'ao 2.0500631 149 75 Bei'ao 16.294285 148 78 Bei'ao 10.201052 149 78 10.201052 149 78 Dajing 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wei-chiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hu-chia-lu 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 Ku-hsien 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Chenyu 2.0500631 149 75 Chenyu 61.424401 150 75 Chenyu 49.926487 153 77 Chenyu 8.5062756 153 78 Chenyu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 Tieshan 61.438968 309 76 Tieshan 57.725596 309 77 Tieshan 59.312674 309 78 Tieshan 64.366144 309 79 Tieshan 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Hsing-hsing-chen 4.6144463 187 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Baixi 49.926487 153 77 Baixi 72.485656 154 77 Baixi 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chiu-ch'u-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Dujiaqiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chien-chen 7.6550516 218 76 7.6550516 218 76 Chou-chia-peng 7.4155752 188 76 7.4155752 188 76 Fou-ch'iao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Sanli 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hai-men-hsien 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huanshan 5.5698927 150 76 Huanshan 49.926487 153 77 Huanshan 72.485656 154 77 Huanshan 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Fengcheng 3.4258447 278 76 Fengcheng 2.0684823 279 77 2.0684823 279 77 Liujiazhai 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Ch'ing-lung-chiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qianjing 5.0762899 205 78 Qianjing 16.878731 204 79 Qianjing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 32.548758 321 77 Wang-chia-tun 22.803787 320 80 Wang-chia-tun 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 Lushun 57.589942 310 78 Lushun 55.605209 310 79 Lushun 28.152081 311 79 Lushun 39.563689 311 80 Lushun 62.579912 310 81 Lushun 47.633161 311 81 47.633161 311 81 Liuhe 16.878731 204 79 Liuhe 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Tiaobanqiao 5.0762899 205 78 Tiaobanqiao 16.878731 204 79 Tiaobanqiao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Xincun 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Kanmen 12.148678 150 77 Kanmen 16.272936 151 77 Kanmen 49.926487 153 77 Kanmen 8.5062756 153 78 Kanmen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Ch'ing-chiang 49.926487 153 77 Ch'ing-chiang 72.485656 154 77 Ch'ing-chiang 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Caopeng 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Fu-hsin-tsao 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Ch'ang-sha 5.9733643 218 77 5.9733643 218 77 Chumen 16.272936 151 77 Chumen 49.926487 153 77 Chumen 72.485656 154 77 Chumen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Wenqiao 49.926487 153 77 Wenqiao 72.485656 154 77 Wenqiao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chung-fu 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Nankan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Dong'anzhen 15.928197 213 81 Dong'anzhen 5.1456271 215 81 Dong'anzhen 11.95893 216 81 11.95893 216 81 Jinshanwei 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Chenxing 16.878731 204 79 Chenxing 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Wan'an 5.0762899 205 78 Wan'an 16.878731 204 79 Wan'an 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Haiyanzhen 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 Chu-chi 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 4.4584824 320 79 Sanguanmiao 22.803787 320 80 Sanguanmiao 6.8199729 321 80 Sanguanmiao 32.53914 320 82 32.53914 320 82 Chin-shan-tsui 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Shanyang 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 5.0762899 205 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 16.878731 204 79 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Meng-chiang-miao 5.0762899 205 78 Meng-chiang-miao 16.878731 204 79 Meng-chiang-miao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Hongxing 5.0762899 205 78 Hongxing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Beikan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 Yantai 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Hsin-p'u 9.6093348 185 79 9.6093348 185 79 Ducun 16.878731 204 79 Ducun 4.9383975 204 80 Ducun 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 11.129701 316 79 Xinzhaizi 12.273618 317 79 Xinzhaizi 13.14841 316 80 Xinzhaizi 11.288903 317 80 Xinzhaizi 10.263241 316 81 Xinzhaizi 10.655565 317 81 Xinzhaizi 5.1844298 316 82 Xinzhaizi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Haiyou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 9.738003 319 80 Wudao 6.8199729 321 80 Wudao 32.53914 320 82 Wudao 18.318481 319 83 18.318481 319 83 Chongming 16.878731 204 79 Chongming 7.4608971 205 79 Chongming 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 Shuishiying 28.152081 311 79 Shuishiying 39.563689 311 80 Shuishiying 62.579912 310 81 Shuishiying 47.633161 311 81 Shuishiying 64.441351 310 82 Shuishiying 52.1369 311 82 Shuishiying 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Lingmen 9.2223275 153 79 Lingmen 3.9519262 152 82 Lingmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Aohuan 9.2223275 153 79 Aohuan 3.9519262 152 82 Aohuan 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Dalu 9.2223275 153 79 Dalu 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Shaliu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Caojing 12.151612 189 79 12.151612 189 79 Changzheng 16.878731 204 79 Changzheng 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 11.129701 316 79 Yingchengzi 12.273618 317 79 Yingchengzi 13.14841 316 80 Yingchengzi 11.288903 317 80 Yingchengzi 10.263241 316 81 Yingchengzi 10.655565 317 81 Yingchengzi 5.1844298 316 82 Yingchengzi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Ko-ao-wang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Fang-ch'ien 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chiang-tzu-p'ing 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Huqiao 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 14.466696 203 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 2.1981926 203 81 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Shih-she-chang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Dong'ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Guan'ao 9.2223275 153 79 Guan'ao 3.9519262 152 82 Guan'ao 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Houjiazhen 16.878731 204 79 Houjiazhen 7.4608971 205 79 Houjiazhen 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Ling-chiao-ch'en 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaojiang 41.209149 159 83 Jiaojiang 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Shan-shang-fang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Tan-shui 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Ch'uan-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 Jiaoliudao 32.53914 320 82 Jiaoliudao 18.318481 319 83 Jiaoliudao 35.730376 319 84 Jiaoliudao 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Wudongzha 5.1131623 183 83 Wudongzha 9.1161185 184 83 Wudongzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Hsia-feng-ch'a 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Abulug 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Qiansuo 41.209149 159 83 Qiansuo 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Pai-chia-chuang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Panlong 14.466696 203 80 Panlong 4.9383975 204 80 Panlong 3.1855034 203 83 Panlong 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsia-jo-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsi-yen 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hua-shan-t'ou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chia-shih 41.209149 159 83 San-chia-shih 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Che-lin 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Dongdayang 4.907592 202 82 Dongdayang 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baoshan 14.466696 203 80 Baoshan 2.1981926 203 81 Baoshan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Dongfeng 14.466696 203 80 Dongfeng 4.9383975 204 80 Dongfeng 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Donggangcun 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Qiganshi 4.7120089 280 80 Qiganshi 5.9018837 280 81 Qiganshi 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 Wu-tao 32.53914 320 82 Wu-tao 18.318481 319 83 Wu-tao 35.730376 319 84 Wu-tao 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 Donggang 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Yeh-chia 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Ch'i-shih-chieh 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chih 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Ch'ang-yang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsueh-mou-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Taipingzha 5.1131623 183 83 Taipingzha 9.1161185 184 83 Taipingzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Xinmin 14.466696 203 80 Xinmin 4.9383975 204 80 Xinmin 3.1855034 203 83 Xinmin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ju-shan-k'ou 4.7120089 280 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.9018837 280 81 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 39.563689 311 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 62.579912 310 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 47.633161 311 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 64.441351 310 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 52.1369 311 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Cabuluan 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cao'antou 4.907592 202 82 Cao'antou 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsin-k'ai-ho 2.1981926 203 81 Hsin-k'ai-ho 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 Mashanshangzhai 10.482945 292 83 Mashanshangzhai 14.570182 292 85 14.570182 292 85 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ch'ing 41.209149 159 83 Chin-ch'ing 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Changjiang 2.1981926 203 81 Changjiang 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Xining 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 10.655565 317 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 3.9836386 316 83 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 Gezhenpu 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Feng-p'u-ao 5.1131623 183 83 Feng-p'u-ao 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Ch'ien-chia-ch'iao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Catuguran 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Beishenjiazhai 4.907592 202 82 Beishenjiazhai 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Chayuan 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Youcheqiao 4.907592 202 82 Youcheqiao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 13.620834 328 84 Ma-chia-tun 11.090321 329 85 Ma-chia-tun 4.2163928 329 86 4.2163928 329 86 Ch'iu-wang 5.1131623 183 83 Ch'iu-wang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 3.9836386 316 83 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 Dalian 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Shangpan 41.209149 159 83 Shangpan 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Jiankangtang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Lusi 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 3.9836386 316 83 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 Nanguanling 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Ch'ing-shui-hu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Su-chia 6.1446035 191 82 6.1446035 191 82 Muping 10.482945 292 83 Muping 14.570182 292 85 Muping 16.021553 292 86 16.021553 292 86 Linao 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Shih-t'ang 3.9519262 152 82 Shih-t'ang 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Sichalu 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Qianjin 4.907592 202 82 Qianjin 3.1855034 203 83 Qianjin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hai-yang-so 8.0972223 280 82 Hai-yang-so 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Songmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Nanbu 4.907592 202 82 Nanbu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsieh-fu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Lipu 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Bisagu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Liyang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Wantang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Yangyuan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gaodong 4.907592 202 82 Gaodong 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanhong 14.615235 279 82 Nanhong 8.0972223 280 82 Nanhong 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 Xinghaitun 15.459068 312 83 Xinghaitun 41.345126 312 86 Xinghaitun 29.26988 313 86 Xinghaitun 9.8166156 314 86 Xinghaitun 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Chien-t'iao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chin-shan 94.726282 110 84 94.726282 110 84 Panshi 4.907592 202 82 Panshi 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baishatan 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 3.9836386 316 83 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 Dayandao 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 3.9836386 316 83 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Aparri 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 San-chiao-t'ang 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Gulu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gangyan 3.1855034 203 83 Gangyan 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 Dal'niy 15.459068 312 83 Dal'niy 41.345126 312 86 Dal'niy 29.26988 313 86 Dal'niy 9.8166156 314 86 Dal'niy 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Alilinu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Daxingzhen 4.5413906 204 87 Daxingzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Gongjiazhen 9.5464842 212 83 9.5464842 212 83 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 18.318481 319 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 Fu-chou-wan 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Wan-li 94.726282 110 84 94.726282 110 84 Gongjialu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanqinghe 4.5413906 204 87 Nanqinghe 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 Dingguanzhai 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Dahu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chen-hai 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Dongxing 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hexing 3.1855034 203 83 Hexing 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 Dongshanbeitou 14.570182 292 85 Dongshanbeitou 16.021553 292 86 16.021553 292 86 Lao-yu-tang 7.1464408 191 84 Lao-yu-tang 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Ch'ang-chieh 61.646954 168 84 61.646954 168 84 Hsiang-hua 4.4113937 201 84 Hsiang-hua 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 Qianyangjiacun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Punta 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cailu 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Bailonggang 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Qianwei 4.4113937 201 84 Qianwei 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 Shang-chuang 14.570182 292 85 Shang-chuang 16.021553 292 86 16.021553 292 86 Zhenhai 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Ping'an 7.1464408 191 84 Ping'an 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Sizhoutou 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Yuansha 4.4113937 201 84 Yuansha 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ch'iang-t'ou 9.4721285 170 89 Ch'iang-t'ou 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xianxiang 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Shigaotang 4.8035103 180 86 Shigaotang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Jiangjia 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Wusi 6.0627425 191 85 Wusi 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Ch'en-chia 10.775334 200 85 Ch'en-chia 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Ch'iu-chia-chai 8.8782186 198 87 Ch'iu-chia-chai 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Fumin 10.775334 200 85 Fumin 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Dong'anzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Beiqigen 4.8035103 180 86 Beiqigen 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Tanglugang 6.34959 206 89 6.34959 206 89 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 Jianggezhuang 16.021553 292 86 16.021553 292 86 Dingtang 7.84858 167 85 7.84858 167 85 Ligang 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Guoyuan 6.0627425 191 85 Guoyuan 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Fengle 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Niupeng 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Hsin-tsao-chen 4.5413906 204 87 Hsin-tsao-chen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Langnuankou 6.1199551 281 85 Langnuankou 7.6359121 281 86 Langnuankou 4.9587606 282 87 Langnuankou 3.1296165 283 88 Langnuankou 2.9754361 283 89 2.9754361 283 89 Yinyang 4.5413906 204 87 Yinyang 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Beilungang 4.8035103 180 86 Beilungang 5.0451305 181 86 Beilungang 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Lao-chiang 6.0394592 197 88 Lao-chiang 11.746561 193 89 Lao-chiang 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Xiaoguan 4.9587606 282 87 Xiaoguan 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 2.9754361 283 89 Xiaoguan 3.3238095 283 90 Xiaoguan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 29.26988 313 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 3.9477531 315 86 Dagushan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Sanshan 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Donghai 6.8080325 191 86 Donghai 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Shuyuan 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 3.9477531 315 86 Wanli 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 3.9477531 315 86 Dongjiagou 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Daxu 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Daniwan 4.8035103 180 86 Daniwan 5.0451305 181 86 Daniwan 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 29.26988 313 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 3.9477531 315 86 Nianyuwan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Zhuxi 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Danmen 9.4721285 170 89 Danmen 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xiaoli'ao 4.8035103 180 86 Xiaoli'ao 5.0451305 181 86 5.0451305 181 86 Xilangnuan 4.9587606 282 87 Xilangnuan 3.1296165 283 88 Xilangnuan 2.9754361 283 89 Xilangnuan 3.3238095 283 90 Xilangnuan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Hepu 10.516434 165 87 Hepu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Ch'ai-ch'iao 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 Huatong 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Chiu-nan-t'ien 10.516434 165 87 Chiu-nan-t'ien 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Shihphu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 Beidianzi 15.906104 293 87 15.906104 293 87 Qiancang 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 Guizhou 6.2332251 332 88 Guizhou 10.634702 333 88 Guizhou 4.6995199 332 89 Guizhou 8.1513821 333 89 Guizhou 32.719378 332 90 Guizhou 43.369556 333 91 43.369556 333 91 Wuleidao 9.0202245 281 88 Wuleidao 6.1302265 282 88 Wuleidao 3.1296165 283 88 Wuleidao 2.9754361 283 89 Wuleidao 3.3238095 283 90 Wuleidao 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Guoju 7.4258866 175 89 Guoju 28.771507 177 92 Guoju 41.640815 178 93 Guoju 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 Tiancun 19.124347 293 89 Tiancun 21.521515 293 90 Tiancun 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Zeku 5.956488 282 89 Zeku 2.9754361 283 89 Zeku 3.3238095 283 90 Zeku 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 Dalijia 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 Teng-sha-ho 13.870654 317 93 Teng-sha-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 Yuanyaocun 19.124347 293 89 Yuanyaocun 21.521515 293 90 Yuanyaocun 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Chung-tse 37.812105 176 90 Chung-tse 5.4334006 177 90 Chung-tse 28.771507 177 92 Chung-tse 41.640815 178 93 Chung-tse 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Dinghai 41.640815 178 93 Dinghai 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 Weihai 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Chiao-t'ou 5.7902978 174 90 Chiao-t'ou 6.6960528 175 90 Chiao-t'ou 37.812105 176 90 Chiao-t'ou 5.4334006 177 90 Chiao-t'ou 28.771507 177 92 Chiao-t'ou 41.640815 178 93 41.640815 178 93 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 Panyuchwan 43.369556 333 91 Panyuchwan 7.9845756 334 91 Panyuchwan 5.5322527 335 91 Panyuchwan 3.7448453 335 92 3.7448453 335 92 Ganlan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 Lu-chia-t'un 7.9845756 334 91 Lu-chia-t'un 5.5322527 335 91 Lu-chia-t'un 8.8660103 336 91 Lu-chia-t'un 3.7448453 335 92 Lu-chia-t'un 4.3393171 336 92 Lu-chia-t'un 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 7.9845756 334 91 Wangzhai 5.5322527 335 91 Wangzhai 8.8660103 336 91 Wangzhai 3.7448453 335 92 Wangzhai 4.3393171 336 92 Wangzhai 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Litang 6.2692201 169 91 Litang 6.0665923 170 91 Litang 5.0002155 171 91 Litang 5.6681767 173 91 5.6681767 173 91 Jinghaiwei 15.213907 280 91 Jinghaiwei 9.4992308 281 91 Jinghaiwei 5.8361838 282 91 Jinghaiwei 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Da'ao 7.1140451 174 91 Da'ao 9.1525077 175 91 Da'ao 8.855008 177 91 Da'ao 28.771507 177 92 Da'ao 41.640815 178 93 41.640815 178 93 Huangshan 5.8361838 282 91 Huangshan 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Luomen 41.640815 178 93 Luomen 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Jen-ho-chi 12.273248 281 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.5358904 282 92 7.5358904 282 92 Ta-chan 41.640815 178 93 Ta-chan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 P'u-t'o 10.816907 177 93 P'u-t'o 41.640815 178 93 P'u-t'o 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Qiandao 15.566538 281 93 Qiandao 7.8003059 282 93 7.8003059 282 93 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 Wujiatun 13.870654 317 93 Wujiatun 6.2568556 318 93 Wujiatun 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 7.6443932 320 97 7.6443932 320 97 Ch'ih-shan-chi 16.853075 282 96 Ch'ih-shan-chi 10.974932 283 97 Ch'ih-shan-chi 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 Jiaxinzi 7.6443932 320 97 Jiaxinzi 12.836438 320 98 Jiaxinzi 46.554234 321 98 46.554234 321 98 Shidao 16.14937 281 94 Shidao 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Laoshantun 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Xizhuang 18.963316 292 95 Xizhuang 10.598257 291 96 Xizhuang 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Ning-ching-so 16.853075 282 96 Ning-ching-so 10.974932 283 97 Ning-ching-so 2.918996 284 98 Ning-ching-so 18.710073 284 99 Ning-ching-so 15.0606 285 99 Ning-ching-so 13.836769 286 99 13.836769 286 99 Dazhuang 18.398227 281 95 Dazhuang 16.853075 282 96 Dazhuang 10.974932 283 97 Dazhuang 2.918996 284 98 Dazhuang 18.710073 284 99 Dazhuang 15.0606 285 99 15.0606 285 99 Jiurongcheng 10.598257 291 96 Jiurongcheng 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 8.7644452 321 99 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Wolongcun 17.371456 291 98 Wolongcun 23.988816 292 98 Wolongcun 4.5171047 288 99 Wolongcun 10.740165 289 99 10.740165 289 99 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 19.266314 317 98 Fangshentun 12.836438 320 98 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 6.7260334 319 99 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 Zhuanghe 30.237123 324 105 Zhuanghe 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 5.3016982 323 103 Dafangshen 30.237123 324 105 Dafangshen 12.767096 322 106 Dafangshen 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 30.237123 324 105 Shishan 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 10.749466 322 104 Wangjia 7.5158755 323 104 Wangjia 12.767096 322 106 Wangjia 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 7.0071058 324 110 Nanjian 2.9041663 325 113 2.9041663 325 113 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 22.551549 327 116 Huangtukan 3.0258564 326 117 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 7.668749 325 117 Pei-ching-tzu 3.0258564 326 117 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 Dadong 2.6932739 326 124 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 3.3570784 325 122 Chogumsa 2.6192342 325 123 Chogumsa 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 4.8090197 325 125 Chogumsa 3.3889949 326 125 Chogumsa 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 3.3889949 326 125 Yongampo-ri 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 4.8090197 325 125 Genjo 3.3889949 326 125 Genjo 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 7.2149272 322 129 Yongsapo 8.247528 323 129 Yongsapo 3.9270985 321 130 Yongsapo 6.6077831 321 131 Yongsapo 8.1506313 322 131 Yongsapo 5.481458 323 131 Yongsapo 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Chandae-dong 67.952825 297 128 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 38.636737 299 129 Chandae-dong 56.892045 301 129 Chandae-dong 34.749838 300 130 Chandae-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Chandae-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Chandae-dong 33.314541 297 132 Chandae-dong 24.830385 298 132 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 63.31624 295 129 Kaju-dong 64.222239 296 129 Kaju-dong 63.668785 297 129 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Kaju-dong 18.567548 296 132 Kaju-dong 33.314541 297 132 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 34.749838 300 130 Ch'angam-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Ch'angam-dong 16.949776 302 130 Ch'angam-dong 44.911389 303 130 Ch'angam-dong 23.864916 301 131 Ch'angam-dong 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 20.322722 300 133 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 5.481458 323 131 Changya-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 68.086418 308 131 Arang-dong 41.10869 309 131 Arang-dong 40.371133 310 131 Arang-dong 8.0695346 308 132 Arang-dong 20.041426 309 132 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Arang-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Arang-dong 17.458806 309 133 Arang-dong 14.042692 307 134 Arang-dong 17.803123 308 134 17.803123 308 134 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 21.953468 305 131 Sogon-ni 2.8138241 306 131 Sogon-ni 22.711163 307 131 Sogon-ni 16.438775 306 132 Sogon-ni 6.7326396 307 132 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 4.1624577 307 133 Sogon-ni 14.042692 307 134 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.370203 300 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.322722 300 133 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 Monggumpo-ri 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 6.7326396 307 132 Sagi-ri 8.0695346 308 132 Sagi-ri 4.1624577 307 133 Sagi-ri 8.4014419 308 133 Sagi-ri 14.042692 307 134 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Chosa-dong 17.458806 309 133 Chosa-dong 14.042692 307 134 Chosa-dong 17.803123 308 134 Chosa-dong 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 9.4330686 324 133 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 4.1624577 307 133 Pungchon 8.4014419 308 133 Pungchon 14.042692 307 134 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 Hyu-dong 17.890888 297 136 Hyu-dong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Hang-ni 96.623511 239 134 96.623511 239 134 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 Sondup'yong 17.890888 297 136 Sondup'yong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 17.890888 297 136 Sogang-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Chukhang 86.399991 248 136 Chukhang 80.351742 249 136 Chukhang 87.38565 252 136 87.38565 252 136 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 5.7636397 322 138 Changp'o 44.567608 323 138 44.567608 323 138 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 28.075365 322 139 28.075365 322 139 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 Hwajin-ni 20.802088 317 139 Hwajin-ni 19.473088 318 139 Hwajin-ni 11.13778 318 140 Hwajin-ni 15.181629 320 140 Hwajin-ni 18.837876 319 141 18.837876 319 141 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 28.075365 322 139 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 Chungang-ni 15.181629 320 140 Chungang-ni 18.837876 319 141 18.837876 319 141 Banzaito-ri 94.211327 241 140 94.211327 241 140 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 8.9062797 297 146 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 2.4021282 296 150 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Chibuk 3.0825982 252 148 Chibuk 12.796815 252 149 Chibuk 10.200227 252 150 Chibuk 7.9765838 251 151 Chibuk 2.0501242 252 151 2.0501242 252 151 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 2.4021282 296 150 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 9.6271908 284 147 Etsuu 27.647417 285 147 Etsuu 13.93856 286 147 Etsuu 28.085299 287 147 Etsuu 14.286725 288 147 Etsuu 42.246294 288 148 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Hwangdo 52.68561 271 147 Hwangdo 52.015145 272 147 Hwangdo 57.406962 273 147 Hwangdo 40.254339 274 147 Hwangdo 61.071724 275 147 Hwangdo 30.769436 275 150 Hwangdo 26.023157 275 151 26.023157 275 151 Doko-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Doko-ri 21.03612 253 148 Doko-ri 12.796815 252 149 Doko-ri 21.810351 253 149 Doko-ri 10.200227 252 150 Doko-ri 7.9765838 251 151 Doko-ri 2.0501242 252 151 Doko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Doko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ant'ae 6.734872 248 152 Ant'ae 4.1033031 250 152 4.1033031 250 152 Och'ong 35.99735 269 148 Och'ong 42.348337 270 148 Och'ong 53.312852 271 148 Och'ong 52.760284 272 148 Och'ong 52.172978 273 148 Och'ong 59.378444 273 149 Och'ong 38.956148 273 150 Och'ong 23.725931 272 152 Och'ong 35.515611 273 152 35.515611 273 152 Bunkai-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Bunkai-ri 21.03612 253 148 Bunkai-ri 18.363187 254 148 Bunkai-ri 12.048456 255 148 Bunkai-ri 19.348215 254 149 Bunkai-ri 16.851478 255 149 Bunkai-ri 10.563465 255 150 Bunkai-ri 4.85565 255 151 Bunkai-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Ach'on 12.796815 252 149 Ach'on 21.810351 253 149 Ach'on 10.200227 252 150 Ach'on 7.9765838 251 151 Ach'on 2.0501242 252 151 Ach'on 4.1033031 250 152 Ach'on 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Sep'o 6.734872 248 152 Sep'o 15.413641 248 153 15.413641 248 153 Ikkum-ni 10.200227 252 150 Ikkum-ni 21.320522 254 150 Ikkum-ni 10.563465 255 150 Ikkum-ni 4.85565 255 151 Ikkum-ni 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Changgo 10.200227 252 150 Changgo 21.320522 254 150 Changgo 10.563465 255 150 Changgo 23.586617 256 150 Changgo 8.6752272 253 152 Changgo 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chogun-mal 12.795995 257 150 Chogun-mal 14.982607 258 150 Chogun-mal 16.037022 259 150 Chogun-mal 7.5382908 258 151 Chogun-mal 13.58434 259 151 Chogun-mal 9.5205128 258 153 Chogun-mal 2.0395579 258 154 Chogun-mal 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Tengan-ri 6.7307922 254 151 Tengan-ri 4.85565 255 151 Tengan-ri 7.5382908 258 151 Tengan-ri 7.7479813 258 152 Tengan-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Oejongsan 24.294911 278 151 Oejongsan 22.350351 279 151 Oejongsan 30.865036 280 151 Oejongsan 35.76981 281 151 Oejongsan 45.829966 282 151 Oejongsan 23.722503 282 152 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 Anmal 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Soko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Soko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 Soko-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.5759047 296 153 Muji-ni 3.6487155 295 154 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Songnyong-ni 7.283544 257 152 Songnyong-ni 7.7479813 258 152 Songnyong-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Jindo 6.734872 248 152 Jindo 15.413641 248 153 Jindo 8.4904397 249 154 Jindo 8.4344916 248 155 Jindo 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.5759047 296 153 Kyodo 3.6487155 295 154 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Aenang-ni 6.734872 248 152 Aenang-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Aenang-ni 8.4344916 248 155 Aenang-ni 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Dongmun 13.622337 279 152 Dongmun 2.7457444 280 152 Dongmun 23.722503 282 152 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 Dongmun 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 23.722503 282 152 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 25.057613 285 153 Oe-dong 18.679295 284 154 Oe-dong 20.370363 285 154 Oe-dong 26.844518 285 155 Oe-dong 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Hwadong-ni 6.734872 248 152 Hwadong-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Hwadong-ni 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Ch'al-tong 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'al-tong 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 4.0459529 289 153 Chawol-li 18.722716 290 153 Chawol-li 32.197626 289 154 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 24.938064 289 156 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 15.512703 277 153 Sinsong 11.15504 278 153 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 Pususan-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Chungjang 18.939911 275 153 Chungjang 19.490962 276 153 Chungjang 15.512703 277 153 Chungjang 11.15504 278 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 Chungjang 13.911663 275 157 Chungjang 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Kan 17.058279 265 154 Kan 19.152435 266 154 Kan 37.328593 267 154 Kan 21.786611 268 154 Kan 25.060669 269 154 Kan 16.67066 267 155 Kan 21.624888 268 155 Kan 18.647344 269 155 Kan 13.065519 268 156 Kan 15.272654 269 156 Kan 5.8870833 266 157 Kan 9.4156985 269 157 Kan 6.1827551 266 158 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 5.6885666 267 158 Tongmokp 10.937449 277 154 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 10.937449 277 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mogpo 8.4904397 249 154 Mogpo 14.054734 251 154 Mogpo 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 P'i-dong 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 Taeya 2.0395579 258 154 Taeya 3.5386389 259 154 Taeya 6.3000664 261 156 Taeya 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changdong 8.4904397 249 154 Changdong 8.4344916 248 155 Changdong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chisa-ri 8.4904397 249 154 Chisa-ri 14.054734 251 154 Chisa-ri 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 Changch'u-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Onmok 8.2578121 259 155 Onmok 4.6834766 260 155 Onmok 6.9462647 261 155 Onmok 6.8610422 262 155 Onmok 6.3000664 261 156 Onmok 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 4.6834766 260 155 Changho 6.9462647 261 155 Changho 6.8610422 262 155 Changho 8.6657853 264 155 Changho 6.3000664 261 156 Changho 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 5.961837 263 156 Changho 7.7888463 264 156 Changho 2.0153163 263 157 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.8610422 262 155 Chongam 8.6657853 264 155 Chongam 13.708281 265 155 Chongam 15.999725 266 155 Chongam 5.0866135 262 156 Chongam 5.961837 263 156 Chongam 7.7888463 264 156 Chongam 9.5269236 266 156 Chongam 2.0153163 263 157 Chongam 5.8870833 266 157 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Weolam-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Anjong 8.4344916 248 155 Anjong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 26.844518 285 155 Chogumjin-ni 10.688657 285 156 Chogumjin-ni 3.2321102 285 157 3.2321102 285 157 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 12.568597 274 157 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Katsuto 9.4869628 246 156 9.4869628 246 156 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 11.650704 286 157 Hasambong 22.332942 287 157 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 Hasambong 16.390027 286 159 Hasambong 4.1419281 285 160 Hasambong 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Chonmak 2.0153163 263 157 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 10.115317 270 157 Aech'an-ni 9.1861162 271 157 Aech'an-ni 20.453098 272 157 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 Aech'an-ni 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 5.3185053 291 159 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Changsin 2.0153163 263 157 Changsin 5.8870833 266 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 2.241903 267 159 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 2.4882243 268 158 Janghang 10.848643 269 158 Janghang 6.1226123 270 158 Janghang 5.1750682 271 158 Janghang 2.5792614 270 159 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 6.1827551 266 158 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 6.1827551 266 158 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 6.1226123 270 158 Okhu 2.241903 267 159 Okhu 2.5792614 270 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 5.9539673 290 160 Masan-ni 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.5792614 270 159 Gunsan 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 4.1419281 285 160 Chunghung-ni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 4.1419281 285 160 Kooni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 5.9539673 290 160 Wonha-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 5.9539673 290 160 Namyang 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Chamdu 4.0346637 247 165 4.0346637 247 165 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 4.0346637 247 165 Changjong-ni 13.369013 247 166 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 4.0346637 247 165 Changsu 13.369013 247 166 Changsu 9.261633 248 166 Changsu 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chinch'ang 4.0346637 247 165 Chinch'ang 13.369013 247 166 Chinch'ang 9.261633 248 166 Chinch'ang 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Aya-ri 13.369013 247 166 Aya-ri 9.261633 248 166 Aya-ri 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Ch'ongam 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Wonsan 18.792407 318 172 Wonsan 15.694487 319 172 Wonsan 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Tongho-ri 25.508662 324 174 Tongho-ri 14.531539 325 174 Tongho-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Yongpo-ri 25.508662 324 174 Yongpo-ri 14.531539 325 174 Yongpo-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Songhung-ni 23.785546 322 173 Songhung-ni 25.508662 324 174 Songhung-ni 14.531539 325 174 Songhung-ni 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Anp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Pongch'on 18.792407 318 172 Pongch'on 6.6323313 317 173 Pongch'on 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Chungbang 4.5239592 250 175 Chungbang 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chakto-dong 14.531539 325 174 Chakto-dong 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Chabong 4.5239592 250 175 Chabong 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Yeosu 4.5239592 250 175 Yeosu 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chukp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Chukp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Hungsang-ni 23.221014 326 175 23.221014 326 175 Hangch'on 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Yongyon-ni 22.452733 326 176 Yongyon-ni 20.032461 327 176 20.032461 327 176 Tongch-on 23.537237 316 177 Tongch-on 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Namhae 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Kuum-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Hongwon 29.49569 328 179 Hongwon 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Pit'o 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Samcheongpo 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Hadajon-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Yuktae-dong 24.445944 328 180 Yuktae-dong 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Cholge 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Changjon 38.393959 313 181 Changjon 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Gaken-ri 58.289958 313 182 Gaken-ri 53.537643 312 183 Gaken-ri 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Honam-ni 46.05045 328 182 Honam-ni 8.0039205 330 182 Honam-ni 95.940647 328 184 Honam-ni 109.10504 328 185 Honam-ni 83.466108 329 185 Honam-ni 86.094229 329 186 86.094229 329 186 Hongsong 53.537643 312 183 Hongsong 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Soho-ri 60.993912 329 184 Soho-ri 83.466108 329 185 Soho-ri 86.094229 329 186 86.094229 329 186 Singhang 83.466108 329 185 Singhang 86.094229 329 186 86.094229 329 186 Kojin-ni 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Pongho-ri 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Changch'on 101.68137 304 189 101.68137 304 189 Yangyang 92.656554 302 190 Yangyang 266.94438 303 190 Yangyang 92.10238 301 191 92.10238 301 191 Chaho 55.981306 331 187 Chaho 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Kuum-ni 43.739011 332 189 Kuum-ni 109.91747 332 191 Kuum-ni 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Hagwangjong-ni 92.656554 302 190 Hagwangjong-ni 92.10238 301 191 92.10238 301 191 Jumunjin 88.499872 300 192 88.499872 300 192 Poktokkumi 77.245503 333 191 Poktokkumi 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Tanchon 77.678648 334 192 77.678648 334 192 Gangneung 130.72343 298 194 Gangneung 142.14821 297 195 Gangneung 338.05271 298 195 Gangneung 381.44852 297 196 381.44852 297 196 Kennan-ri 142.14821 297 195 Kennan-ri 381.44852 297 196 381.44852 297 196 Chungch'on 65.011648 335 194 Chungch'on 52.635641 336 195 Chungch'on 176.64607 336 197 176.64607 336 197 Mugho 94.965767 295 196 94.965767 295 196 Samchok 70.964763 294 197 Samchok 233.18554 294 198 233.18554 294 198 Samcheog 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Si-dong 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Kuma 117.67533 291 199 Kuma 58.479251 287 201 Kuma 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Haosan 58.479251 287 201 Haosan 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Imweonjin 100.99595 290 200 Imweonjin 58.479251 287 201 Imweonjin 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Heunghae 46.587638 274 201 Heunghae 17.033825 275 201 Heunghae 20.027861 271 202 Heunghae 37.226898 272 202 37.226898 272 202 Pohang 20.027861 271 202 Pohang 37.226898 272 202 37.226898 272 202 Ganggu 46.587638 274 201 Ganggu 17.033825 275 201 17.033825 275 201 Ulijin 106.41455 283 202 Ulijin 88.162087 285 202 Ulijin 85.309642 286 202 85.309642 286 202 Pyonggok-tong 82.191999 278 202 Pyonggok-tong 66.223288 279 202 66.223288 279 202 Yeonghae 93.232853 276 202 Yeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Yeonghae 66.223288 279 202 66.223288 279 202 Chukpyon 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Mangyang-ni 106.41455 283 202 106.41455 283 202 Segae-dong 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Chugsan-dong 17.033825 275 201 17.033825 275 201 Pyeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Pyeonghae 66.223288 279 202 Pyeonghae 124.48957 282 203 124.48957 282 203 Gampo 6.655122 268 203 6.655122 268 203 Taech'on 20.027861 271 202 Taech'on 37.226898 272 202 37.226898 272 202 Guryongpo 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Hama 26.622322 227 214 26.622322 227 214 Tara 26.622322 227 214 Tara 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Suminoe 26.622322 227 214 Suminoe 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Okawa 26.622322 227 214 Okawa 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Meihama 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Saitosaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuoka 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Mitoma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Setaka 26.622322 227 214 Setaka 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Omuta 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Kashii 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Harumachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Tsuyazaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Shingu 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukumamachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Namyang-dong 2179.4052 290 220 Namyang-dong 2084.0219 291 220 Namyang-dong 1937.6108 292 220 Namyang-dong 1785.7039 293 220 Namyang-dong 1591.7211 294 220 1591.7211 294 220 Namyang 2075.8262 290 221 Namyang 1897.4515 291 221 Namyang 1304.2365 292 221 Namyang 1666.7511 293 221 Namyang 2103.6251 294 221 Namyang 2041.6499 294 225 2041.6499 294 225 Nari 2075.8262 290 221 Nari 1897.4515 291 221 Nari 1304.2365 292 221 Nari 1666.7511 293 221 Nari 2103.6251 294 221 Nari 2041.6499 294 225 2041.6499 294 225 Dodong 2143.7278 290 222 Dodong 1457.4611 291 222 Dodong 28.845367 292 222 Dodong 760.4324 293 222 Dodong 2171.8023 294 222 Dodong 1831.4403 294 223 Dodong 1470.3643 294 224 Dodong 2041.6499 294 225 Dodong 2160.5065 294 226 2160.5065 294 226 Higashi-fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kawajiri 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Tateishi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Furuichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kihado 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Hommura 65.446379 252 228 Hommura 60.591734 253 228 Hommura 67.188382 252 229 Hommura 93.145648 253 229 93.145648 253 229 Fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Senzaki 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Misumi-ichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kayoi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Susa 92.4939 251 232 Susa 93.443639 252 232 Susa 96.781686 252 233 96.781686 252 233 Esaki 90.998687 251 233 Esaki 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Takatsu 26.521006 250 236 Takatsu 98.256777 252 236 Takatsu 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Masuda 26.521006 250 236 Masuda 98.256777 252 236 Masuda 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Tsuda 26.521006 250 236 Tsuda 98.256777 252 236 Tsuda 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Misumi 86.230975 252 237 Misumi 112.80373 253 237 112.80373 253 237 Murotani 62.759955 252 238 Murotani 107.34727 253 238 Murotani 126.28386 254 238 126.28386 254 238 Chiwa 62.759955 252 238 Chiwa 107.34727 253 238 Chiwa 126.28386 254 238 126.28386 254 238 Hinashi 62.759955 252 238 Hinashi 107.34727 253 238 Hinashi 126.28386 254 238 Hinashi 133.73524 255 238 133.73524 255 238 Tabase 44.788984 252 239 Tabase 96.372439 253 239 Tabase 120.49405 254 239 120.49405 254 239 Iwami-naganama 44.788984 252 239 Iwami-naganama 96.372439 253 239 Iwami-naganama 120.49405 254 239 Iwami-naganama 134.50477 255 239 134.50477 255 239 Nagahama 44.788984 252 239 Nagahama 96.372439 253 239 Nagahama 120.49405 254 239 Nagahama 134.50477 255 239 134.50477 255 239 Hamada 44.788984 252 239 Hamada 96.372439 253 239 Hamada 120.49405 254 239 Hamada 134.50477 255 239 134.50477 255 239 Kami-Kurokawa 115.85467 254 240 Kami-Kurokawa 128.95952 255 240 128.95952 255 240 Shimoko 115.85467 254 240 Shimoko 128.95952 255 240 Shimoko 137.47363 256 240 137.47363 256 240 Togane 115.85467 254 240 Togane 128.95952 255 240 Togane 137.47363 256 240 137.47363 256 240 Okubo 115.85467 254 240 Okubo 128.95952 255 240 Okubo 137.47363 256 240 137.47363 256 240 Odani 115.85467 254 240 Odani 128.95952 255 240 128.95952 255 240 Hashi 115.85467 254 240 Hashi 128.95952 255 240 Hashi 137.47363 256 240 137.47363 256 240 Uyagawa 88.151072 254 241 Uyagawa 113.63255 255 241 Uyagawa 136.50853 256 241 Uyagawa 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Shimo-Arifuko 88.151072 254 241 Shimo-Arifuko 113.63255 255 241 Shimo-Arifuko 136.50853 256 241 Shimo-Arifuko 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Tsunozu 88.151072 254 241 Tsunozu 113.63255 255 241 Tsunozu 136.50853 256 241 Tsunozu 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Waki 88.151072 254 241 Waki 113.63255 255 241 Waki 136.50853 256 241 Waki 140.49983 257 241 140.49983 257 241 Gotsu 88.151072 254 241 Gotsu 113.63255 255 241 Gotsu 136.50853 256 241 Gotsu 140.49983 257 241 140.49983 257 241 Shioya 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Asari 115.67638 256 242 Asari 137.13152 257 242 Asari 126.64215 257 243 Asari 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Hama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Ichimura 115.67638 256 242 Ichimura 137.13152 257 242 Ichimura 126.64215 257 243 Ichimura 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Hataguchi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Naka-Tsuchi 94.807198 256 243 Naka-Tsuchi 126.64215 257 243 Naka-Tsuchi 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Morimune 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Atada 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Jigozen 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Shimonohama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Miyajima 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kuromatsu 94.807198 256 243 Kuromatsu 126.64215 257 243 Kuromatsu 138.01833 258 243 138.01833 258 243 Hatsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hazum-Hongo 94.807198 256 243 Hazum-Hongo 126.64215 257 243 Hazum-Hongo 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Kohama 94.807198 256 243 Kohama 126.64215 257 243 Kohama 138.01833 258 243 138.01833 258 243 Ichi 94.807198 256 243 Ichi 126.64215 257 243 Ichi 138.01833 258 243 138.01833 258 243 Yunotsu 94.807198 256 243 Yunotsu 126.64215 257 243 Yunotsu 138.01833 258 243 138.01833 258 243 Nakaji 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Itsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kami-Ida 94.807198 256 243 Kami-Ida 126.64215 257 243 Kami-Ida 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Nakagumi 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Mino 3.2965007 245 246 Mino 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Omori 76.080611 256 244 Omori 143.45926 259 244 143.45926 259 244 Korenaga 3.2965007 245 246 Korenaga 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nishita 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Nimamachi 76.080611 256 244 Nimamachi 143.45926 259 244 143.45926 259 244 Takuno 76.080611 256 244 Takuno 143.45926 259 244 143.45926 259 244 Nakanohama 3.2965007 245 246 Nakanohama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Takunomachi 76.080611 256 244 Takunomachi 143.45926 259 244 143.45926 259 244 Hata 3.2965007 245 246 Hata 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kanokawa 3.2965007 245 246 Kanokawa 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hashirajima 2.1518934 242 248 2.1518934 242 248 Ihota 51.856313 241 249 51.856313 241 249 Osu 3.2965007 245 246 Osu 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakago 3.2965007 245 246 Nakago 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakamachi 3.2965007 245 246 Nakamachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiroshima 3.2965007 245 246 Hiroshima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tsukumo 3.2965007 245 246 Tsukumo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Oura 127.196 258 245 Oura 136.60019 259 245 136.60019 259 245 Fukae 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Obara 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Oko 2.1518934 242 248 Oko 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Hira 127.196 258 245 Hira 136.60019 259 245 Hira 144.97144 260 245 144.97144 260 245 Umesako 3.2965007 245 246 Umesako 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kakinoura 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Yumbe 127.196 258 245 Yumbe 136.60019 259 245 136.60019 259 245 Hitonose 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Torii 127.196 258 245 Torii 136.60019 259 245 Torii 144.97144 260 245 144.97144 260 245 Etajima 3.2965007 245 246 Etajima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kirikushi 3.2965007 245 246 Kirikushi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Okimi 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Koyo 3.2965007 245 246 Koyo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Yukitsune 127.196 258 245 Yukitsune 136.60019 259 245 136.60019 259 245 Sugewa 2.1518934 242 248 Sugewa 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Kutemachi 137.14329 260 246 137.14329 260 246 Ryoshida 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kamigumi 3.2965007 245 246 Kamigumi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Sakioku 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Arikiyo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hamazaki 3.2965007 245 246 Hamazaki 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ondo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Fujinowaki 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Takasu 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hane 137.14329 260 246 137.14329 260 246 Kaita 3.2965007 245 246 Kaita 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Muroo 2.1518934 242 248 Muroo 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Ideguchi 137.14329 260 246 137.14329 260 246 Hatami 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kaigoshi 2.1518934 242 248 Kaigoshi 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Karoto 2.1518934 242 248 Karoto 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Okujo 3.2965007 245 246 Okujo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiradani 3.2965007 245 246 Hiradani 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kure 3.2965007 245 246 Kure 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Osako 2.1518934 242 248 Osako 4.7740481 243 248 Osako 72.875108 243 251 72.875108 243 251 Jin'yama 8.6907422 244 247 Jin'yama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tagimachi 130.08853 261 247 130.08853 261 247 Kushi-taki 130.08853 261 247 130.08853 261 247 Obama 51.856313 241 249 Obama 42.40165 240 250 Obama 41.929864 241 251 41.929864 241 251 Hiromachi 8.6907422 244 247 Hiromachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Uryu 122.62579 261 248 Uryu 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Hatari 51.856313 241 249 Hatari 42.40165 240 250 Hatari 41.929864 241 251 41.929864 241 251 Hinomi-saki 122.62579 261 248 Hinomi-saki 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Mutsuki 51.856313 241 249 Mutsuki 42.40165 240 250 Mutsuki 41.929864 241 251 41.929864 241 251 Shimojima 2.1518934 242 248 Shimojima 4.7740481 243 248 Shimojima 72.875108 243 251 Shimojima 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Ojizo 2.1518934 242 248 Ojizo 4.7740481 243 248 Ojizo 72.875108 243 251 Ojizo 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Washigasu 42.40165 240 250 42.40165 240 250 Jige 122.62579 261 248 Jige 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Sagiura 122.62579 261 248 Sagiura 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Taisha 122.62579 261 248 Taisha 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Saginoura 122.62579 261 248 Saginoura 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Arakayacho 122.62579 261 248 Arakayacho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Ojimacho 122.62579 261 248 Ojimacho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Kawajiri 2.1518934 242 248 Kawajiri 4.7740481 243 248 Kawajiri 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ebisu 122.62579 261 248 122.62579 261 248 Sannose 2.1518934 242 248 Sannose 4.7740481 243 248 Sannose 72.875108 243 251 Sannose 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Osaki-kami-jima 2.1518934 242 248 Osaki-kami-jima 4.7740481 243 248 Osaki-kami-jima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Inomecho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Harahata 16.64552 242 249 Harahata 4.3081145 243 249 Harahata 26.376706 242 251 Harahata 72.875108 243 251 Harahata 8.7747184 244 252 Harahata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyazakari 51.856313 241 249 Miyazakari 16.64552 242 249 Miyazakari 4.3081145 243 249 Miyazakari 41.929864 241 251 Miyazakari 26.376706 242 251 Miyazakari 72.875108 243 251 Miyazakari 8.7747184 244 252 Miyazakari 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Koyo 51.856313 241 249 Koyo 16.64552 242 249 Koyo 4.3081145 243 249 Koyo 41.929864 241 251 Koyo 26.376706 242 251 Koyo 72.875108 243 251 Koyo 8.7747184 244 252 Koyo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Tado 51.856313 241 249 Tado 16.64552 242 249 Tado 4.3081145 243 249 Tado 41.929864 241 251 Tado 26.376706 242 251 Tado 72.875108 243 251 Tado 8.7747184 244 252 Tado 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hiraki 16.64552 242 249 Hiraki 4.3081145 243 249 Hiraki 26.376706 242 251 Hiraki 72.875108 243 251 Hiraki 8.7747184 244 252 Hiraki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchinoumi 16.64552 242 249 Uchinoumi 4.3081145 243 249 Uchinoumi 26.376706 242 251 Uchinoumi 72.875108 243 251 Uchinoumi 8.7747184 244 252 Uchinoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oura 51.856313 241 249 Oura 16.64552 242 249 Oura 4.3081145 243 249 Oura 42.40165 240 250 Oura 41.929864 241 251 Oura 26.376706 242 251 Oura 72.875108 243 251 Oura 8.7747184 244 252 Oura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Upporoi 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Oi 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Mitsuguchi 16.64552 242 249 Mitsuguchi 4.3081145 243 249 Mitsuguchi 26.376706 242 251 Mitsuguchi 72.875108 243 251 Mitsuguchi 8.7747184 244 252 Mitsuguchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozucho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Horie 42.40165 240 250 42.40165 240 250 Kami-Oda 72.875108 243 251 Kami-Oda 8.7747184 244 252 Kami-Oda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hojo 42.40165 240 250 Hojo 41.929864 241 251 41.929864 241 251 Kazahaya 8.0319931 242 250 Kazahaya 26.376706 242 251 Kazahaya 72.875108 243 251 Kazahaya 8.7747184 244 252 Kazahaya 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kuchi-Ukacho 66.238282 262 251 Kuchi-Ukacho 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Komatsubara 8.0319931 242 250 Komatsubara 26.376706 242 251 Komatsubara 72.875108 243 251 Komatsubara 8.7747184 244 252 Komatsubara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchiura 42.40165 240 250 Uchiura 41.929864 241 251 Uchiura 26.376706 242 251 Uchiura 72.875108 243 251 Uchiura 8.7747184 244 252 Uchiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kanashi 72.875108 243 251 Kanashi 8.7747184 244 252 Kanashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Asanamihar 42.40165 240 250 Asanamihar 41.929864 241 251 Asanamihar 26.376706 242 251 Asanamihar 7.2322222 242 252 7.2322222 242 252 Agejima 66.238282 262 251 Agejima 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Mitsu 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsu 26.376706 242 251 Mitsu 72.875108 243 251 Mitsu 8.7747184 244 252 Mitsu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 66.238282 262 251 Hama 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Nada 66.238282 262 251 Nada 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Kubi 42.40165 240 250 Kubi 41.929864 241 251 Kubi 26.376706 242 251 Kubi 72.875108 243 251 Kubi 8.7747184 244 252 Kubi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okitomo 29.86239 240 251 Okitomo 41.929864 241 251 Okitomo 26.376706 242 251 Okitomo 72.875108 243 251 Okitomo 8.7747184 244 252 Okitomo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 29.86239 240 251 Hama 41.929864 241 251 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 7.2322222 242 252 7.2322222 242 252 Ocho 29.86239 240 251 Ocho 41.929864 241 251 Ocho 26.376706 242 251 Ocho 72.875108 243 251 Ocho 8.7747184 244 252 Ocho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okushi 41.929864 241 251 Okushi 26.376706 242 251 Okushi 72.875108 243 251 Okushi 8.7747184 244 252 Okushi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Daicho 29.86239 240 251 Daicho 41.929864 241 251 Daicho 26.376706 242 251 Daicho 72.875108 243 251 Daicho 8.7747184 244 252 Daicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakaura 66.238282 262 251 Sakaura 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Matsuo 29.86239 240 251 Matsuo 41.929864 241 251 Matsuo 26.376706 242 251 Matsuo 7.2322222 242 252 7.2322222 242 252 Mitarai 29.86239 240 251 Mitarai 41.929864 241 251 Mitarai 26.376706 242 251 Mitarai 72.875108 243 251 Mitarai 8.7747184 244 252 Mitarai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 72.875108 243 251 Hama 8.7747184 244 252 Hama 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Akashi 41.929864 241 251 Akashi 26.376706 242 251 Akashi 72.875108 243 251 Akashi 8.7747184 244 252 Akashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sukune 72.875108 243 251 Sukune 8.7747184 244 252 Sukune 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Nakano 41.929864 241 251 Nakano 26.376706 242 251 Nakano 72.875108 243 251 Nakano 8.7747184 244 252 Nakano 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozakai 66.238282 262 251 Kozakai 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Obe 24.619908 240 252 Obe 34.767233 241 252 Obe 7.2322222 242 252 Obe 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Okiura 34.767233 241 252 Okiura 7.2322222 242 252 Okiura 19.349629 243 252 Okiura 8.7747184 244 252 Okiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakata 24.619908 240 252 Sakata 34.767233 241 252 Sakata 7.2322222 242 252 Sakata 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Takehara 19.349629 243 252 Takehara 8.7747184 244 252 Takehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kinoe 34.767233 241 252 Kinoe 7.2322222 242 252 Kinoe 19.349629 243 252 Kinoe 8.7747184 244 252 Kinoe 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Onashi 19.349629 243 252 Onashi 8.7747184 244 252 Onashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shiramizu 7.2322222 242 252 Shiramizu 19.349629 243 252 Shiramizu 8.7747184 244 252 Shiramizu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oi 24.619908 240 252 Oi 34.767233 241 252 Oi 7.2322222 242 252 Oi 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Takasakicho 19.349629 243 252 Takasakicho 8.7747184 244 252 Takasakicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Ono 24.619908 240 252 Ono 34.767233 241 252 Ono 7.2322222 242 252 7.2322222 242 252 Takasaki 19.349629 243 252 Takasaki 8.7747184 244 252 Takasaki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Namikata 24.619908 240 252 Namikata 34.767233 241 252 Namikata 7.2322222 242 252 Namikata 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Munagata 34.767233 241 252 Munagata 7.2322222 242 252 Munagata 19.349629 243 252 Munagata 8.7747184 244 252 Munagata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Fukuda 19.349629 243 252 Fukuda 8.7747184 244 252 Fukuda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hasihama 24.619908 240 252 Hasihama 34.767233 241 252 Hasihama 7.2322222 242 252 Hasihama 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Kuchisubo 34.767233 241 252 Kuchisubo 7.2322222 242 252 Kuchisubo 19.349629 243 252 Kuchisubo 8.7747184 244 252 Kuchisubo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Aikamachi 82.589962 263 254 Aikamachi 57.606975 264 256 57.606975 264 256 Kinehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Etomo 82.589962 263 254 Etomo 57.606975 264 256 Etomo 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tadanoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Higai 72.484521 242 253 Higai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyanoura 39.500802 241 253 Miyanoura 72.484521 242 253 Miyanoura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Terasu 82.589962 263 254 Terasu 57.606975 264 256 Terasu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tamagi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Imabari 39.500802 241 253 Imabari 72.484521 242 253 Imabari 53.506904 242 254 Imabari 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Sada-Miyauchi 82.589962 263 254 Sada-Miyauchi 57.606975 264 256 Sada-Miyauchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Inokuchi 72.484521 242 253 Inokuchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mukuna 39.500802 241 253 Mukuna 72.484521 242 253 Mukuna 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shimogumi 82.589962 263 254 Shimogumi 57.606975 264 256 Shimogumi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kitaura 39.500802 241 253 Kitaura 72.484521 242 253 Kitaura 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Sakai 72.484521 242 253 Sakai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Noji 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Go-Sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Hama-sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Ryomei 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minamiura 53.506904 242 254 Minamiura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Saiwaishinden 53.506904 242 254 Saiwaishinden 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Seto 53.506904 242 254 Seto 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Niregi 82.589962 263 254 Niregi 57.606975 264 256 Niregi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Hama 82.589962 263 254 Hama 57.606975 264 256 Hama 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yosokuni 53.506904 242 254 Yosokuni 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Wadacho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuwaki 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Miyakubo 53.506904 242 254 Miyakubo 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Tomoura 53.506904 242 254 Tomoura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Sunamicho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kone 53.506904 242 254 Kone 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Setoda 53.506904 242 254 Setoda 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Tako 82.589962 263 254 Tako 57.606975 264 256 Tako 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Nonami 57.606975 264 256 Nonami 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Chikumi 57.606975 264 256 Chikumi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Mambara 57.606975 264 256 Mambara 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Katae 57.606975 264 256 Katae 61.355419 264 257 Katae 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Moriyama 57.606975 264 256 Moriyama 61.355419 264 257 Moriyama 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Wataricho 57.606975 264 256 Wataricho 61.355419 264 257 Wataricho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Tonoecho 57.606975 264 256 Tonoecho 61.355419 264 257 Tonoecho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Watari 57.606975 264 256 Watari 61.355419 264 257 Watari 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Shichirui 57.606975 264 256 Shichirui 61.355419 264 257 Shichirui 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kamisato 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Mukoyama 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Tsudo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Takenouchicho 61.355419 264 257 Takenouchicho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Sakai-Minato 61.355419 264 257 Sakai-Minato 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Fukuura 61.355419 264 257 Fukuura 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yoshizu 61.355419 264 257 Yoshizu 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 O-Shinozucho 61.355419 264 257 O-Shinozucho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kumozu 61.355419 264 257 Kumozu 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Utagi 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kamiguchi 61.355419 264 257 Kamiguchi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kamo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kambi 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Higuchi 61.355419 264 257 Higuchi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Goto 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Harada 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kamidani 61.276459 264 258 Kamidani 56.677483 264 259 Kamidani 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Mihonoseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonoseki 56.677483 264 259 Mihonoseki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Ikeda 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Nishida 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Mihonseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonseki 56.677483 264 259 Mihonseki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Minoura 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Abe 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Misaki 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Araki 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Yonago 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Takei 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Sei 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Togo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Iida 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Higashi-Fukuhara 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kami-fukubara 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kaike-Onsen 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Saigo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Inugu 160.1488 271 261 Inugu 170.09492 271 263 Inugu 155.17309 272 263 155.17309 272 263 Kama 160.1488 271 261 Kama 170.09492 271 263 Kama 155.17309 272 263 155.17309 272 263 Oku 160.1488 271 261 Oku 170.09492 271 263 Oku 155.17309 272 263 155.17309 272 263 Kuzumo 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Soda 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kaya 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kawaoka 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Odaka 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Sueyoshi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Muki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yodoe 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Nawa 17.849925 262 261 Nawa 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Kami Daison 17.849925 262 261 Kami Daison 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Shitatsubo 17.849925 262 261 Shitatsubo 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Takahashi 17.849925 262 261 Takahashi 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Nagano 17.849925 262 261 Nagano 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Uwaichi 17.849925 262 261 Uwaichi 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Akasaka 38.59997 263 262 Akasaka 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Uematsu 38.59997 263 262 Uematsu 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Hata 38.59997 263 262 Hata 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Notsu 38.59997 263 262 Notsu 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Idekami 38.59997 263 262 Idekami 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Yawata 38.59997 263 262 Yawata 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Bessho 38.59997 263 262 Bessho 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Akasaki Ko 38.59997 263 262 Akasaki Ko 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Miyaki 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Yabase 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Ho 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Urayasu 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Kogane 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in 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OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! ....remove.... case delft3d 2020-08-03 12:00:00 ret= 0 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False finalizing for TAT ... 2020-08-03 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 False delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/ (289, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Jiazi 7.7360289 72 2 Jiazi 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Changqingwei 7.7360289 72 2 Changqingwei 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 6.7835538 74 4 6.7835538 74 4 Donghong 8.9099668 74 7 Donghong 20.430613 75 9 Donghong 17.571704 76 9 Donghong 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Jinghai 8.9099668 74 7 Jinghai 20.430613 75 9 Jinghai 17.571704 76 9 Jinghai 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Ch'ao-yang-hsien 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Haimen 17.571704 76 9 Haimen 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Shantou 8.4375967 78 11 8.4375967 78 11 Dahao 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Aotou 8.4375967 78 11 8.4375967 78 11 Daitou 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Guangao 19.161279 76 10 Guangao 12.697454 77 10 Guangao 8.4375967 78 11 8.4375967 78 11 Siwei 7.0718507 79 12 Siwei 12.310144 80 14 Siwei 6.6530483 82 14 6.6530483 82 14 Ch'ien-tung-hsu 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Qiandong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Jingzhou 6.6530483 82 14 Jingzhou 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanglong 12.30569 81 14 Huanglong 6.6530483 82 14 Huanglong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanggang 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Houzhai 14.158554 79 13 Houzhai 7.4188071 80 13 Houzhai 12.310144 80 14 Houzhai 6.6530483 82 14 Houzhai 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Raoping 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Zhelin 6.6530483 82 14 Zhelin 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Shenao 12.310144 80 14 Shenao 6.6530483 82 14 Shenao 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Nanao 19.543308 79 15 Nanao 14.736534 80 15 Nanao 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Chelim 10.298399 82 15 Chelim 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Gongkou 6.391558 83 16 Gongkou 25.143746 84 16 Gongkou 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Sidu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Dongshan 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Gongqiancun 16.571469 82 19 Gongqiancun 12.984636 83 19 Gongqiancun 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chencheng 16.571469 82 19 Chencheng 12.984636 83 19 Chencheng 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Hsing-ch'en 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Chendai 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Hsi-pu 12.984636 83 19 Hsi-pu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chengguanzhen 22.062022 84 22 Chengguanzhen 17.554813 85 23 Chengguanzhen 3.7540171 87 25 Chengguanzhen 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Erdaogou 9.4160888 308 24 Erdaogou 19.666559 309 24 Erdaogou 19.610813 310 24 Erdaogou 23.439165 311 24 Erdaogou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Binhaicun 19.666559 309 24 Binhaicun 19.610813 310 24 Binhaicun 23.439165 311 24 Binhaicun 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tangjiahe 19.666559 309 24 Tangjiahe 19.610813 310 24 Tangjiahe 23.439165 311 24 Tangjiahe 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 23.439165 311 24 Baishuitou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Lijiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Lijiapu 19.666559 309 24 19.666559 309 24 Guleitou 22.062022 84 22 Guleitou 17.554813 85 23 Guleitou 3.7540171 87 25 Guleitou 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Gangkou 3.7540171 87 25 Gangkou 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 Gaoshalingcun 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Zhaojiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Zhaojiapu 19.666559 309 24 19.666559 309 24 Liuhongbo 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Xujiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Hsia-mei 3.7540171 87 25 Hsia-mei 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 2.2402331 315 27 Pehtang 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Jiuzhen 10.293507 89 26 Jiuzhen 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Liu'ao 3.7540171 87 25 Liu'ao 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Shentu 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Chihu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Fotan 8.2773537 91 29 Fotan 7.5801579 92 30 Fotan 9.1224387 93 31 9.1224387 93 31 Fugong 9.1224387 93 31 Fugong 3.3501788 96 31 Fugong 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 Shuangqiaozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Haicang 3.3501788 96 31 Haicang 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Guankou 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Gangwei 9.1224387 93 31 Gangwei 3.3501788 96 31 Gangwei 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Songyu 3.3501788 96 31 Songyu 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Hsing-lin 3.3501788 96 31 Hsing-lin 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Xucuo 9.1224387 93 31 Xucuo 3.3501788 96 31 Xucuo 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Gulangyu 3.3501788 96 31 Gulangyu 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Xiamen 3.3501788 96 31 Xiamen 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Chen-hai 7.5801579 92 30 Chen-hai 9.1224387 93 31 Chen-hai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Daomei 9.1224387 93 31 Daomei 3.3501788 96 31 Daomei 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Dianqian 3.3501788 96 31 Dianqian 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Jiangtou 3.3501788 96 31 Jiangtou 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Zhenhai 7.5801579 92 30 Zhenhai 9.1224387 93 31 Zhenhai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 Heiyanzi 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Hecuo 3.3501788 96 31 Hecuo 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Liuwudian 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 8.895146 315 31 Beipu 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Aotou 11.680956 96 33 Aotou 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Xindian 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 An-ting 12.486394 94 33 An-ting 14.103032 95 33 An-ting 11.680956 96 33 An-ting 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Ma-chiang 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 9.3410776 314 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Chin-men 12.486394 94 33 Chin-men 14.103032 95 33 Chin-men 11.680956 96 33 Chin-men 11.518433 98 33 Chin-men 3.88525 98 37 3.88525 98 37 Lianhe 11.518433 98 33 Lianhe 3.88525 98 37 Lianhe 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Ch'ing-hsu 15.995085 96 34 Ch'ing-hsu 4.474861 97 34 Ch'ing-hsu 34.935424 98 34 Ch'ing-hsu 3.88525 98 37 Ch'ing-hsu 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Shijing 4.474861 97 34 Shijing 34.935424 98 34 Shijing 3.88525 98 37 Shijing 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Chin-men Tao 11.81395 95 34 Chin-men Tao 15.995085 96 34 Chin-men Tao 4.474861 97 34 Chin-men Tao 34.935424 98 34 Chin-men Tao 3.88525 98 37 Chin-men Tao 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Yang-chai 11.81395 95 34 Yang-chai 15.995085 96 34 Yang-chai 4.474861 97 34 Yang-chai 34.935424 98 34 Yang-chai 3.88525 98 37 Yang-chai 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Anhai 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Tung-shih 37.719502 98 36 Tung-shih 3.88525 98 37 Tung-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 Nancaoji 3.7314449 316 38 Nancaoji 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Weitou 16.40076 96 37 Weitou 3.88525 98 37 Weitou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Chin-ching 16.40076 96 37 Chin-ching 3.88525 98 37 Chin-ching 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Shih-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Yakou 3.88525 98 37 Yakou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 Liu-tsan 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Yongning 2.6544592 98 38 2.6544592 98 38 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 Dazhuanghe 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Shihu 19.961478 101 42 Shihu 12.914359 102 43 12.914359 102 43 Dongyuan 6.4812559 102 42 Dongyuan 12.914359 102 43 12.914359 102 43 Hsiang-chih 23.464508 99 41 Hsiang-chih 19.961478 101 42 Hsiang-chih 12.914359 102 43 12.914359 102 43 Zhangban 6.4812559 102 42 Zhangban 12.914359 102 43 12.914359 102 43 Fengting 19.992729 107 45 Fengting 40.385472 108 45 Fengting 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 6.5440418 316 41 Yang-chiao 6.7658682 289 45 6.7658682 289 45 Qian'an 19.961478 101 42 Qian'an 12.914359 102 43 12.914359 102 43 Dongsha 19.992729 107 45 Dongsha 40.385472 108 45 Dongsha 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Dawu 3.4065137 103 43 Dawu 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Chongwu 19.961478 101 42 Chongwu 12.914359 102 43 Chongwu 20.044976 104 46 Chongwu 11.867636 105 46 11.867636 105 46 Lingchuan 19.992729 107 45 Lingchuan 40.385472 108 45 Lingchuan 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Fengwei 11.886261 106 45 Fengwei 40.385472 108 45 Fengwei 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Hsiao-tso 12.914359 102 43 Hsiao-tso 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Zhongmen 11.886261 106 45 Zhongmen 40.385472 108 45 Zhongmen 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Hushi 40.385472 108 45 Hushi 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 P'u-hsi 11.886261 106 45 P'u-hsi 40.385472 108 45 P'u-hsi 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Hanjiang 4.884141 111 49 Hanjiang 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 11.886261 106 45 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 40.385472 108 45 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Meizhou 11.886261 106 45 Meizhou 40.385472 108 45 Meizhou 26.166377 108 47 26.166377 108 47 Yancangcheng 23.186493 252 48 Yancangcheng 24.730519 253 48 Yancangcheng 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Hsing-chuang 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Haitou 23.186493 252 48 Haitou 24.730519 253 48 Haitou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Shiqiao 24.730519 253 48 Shiqiao 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Chiang-k'ou 4.884141 111 49 Chiang-k'ou 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Hsia-k'ou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Jiuliqi 24.730519 253 48 Jiuliqi 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Daitou 26.365664 107 46 Daitou 51.854925 108 46 Daitou 26.166377 108 47 Daitou 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Che-wang 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 Tuanlin 13.48162 322 49 13.48162 322 49 Fenshui 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Pinghai 26.166377 108 47 Pinghai 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 2.0881419 325 50 Dapuhe 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Yuxi 3.7875229 112 49 Yuxi 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Andongwei 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tangbian 4.884141 111 49 Tangbian 3.7875229 112 49 Tangbian 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 Xihenancun 2.0881419 325 50 Xihenancun 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Xugou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Shicheng 6.7393053 107 48 Shicheng 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Lanshantou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Taolekow 4.2500724 257 51 Taolekow 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Jiangjing 4.884141 111 49 Jiangjing 3.7875229 112 49 Jiangjing 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Liujiazhai 7.0120592 258 52 Liujiazhai 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Dongxi Liandao 3.7698366 249 50 Dongxi Liandao 2.4063058 251 50 2.4063058 251 50 Nanri 18.09116 106 50 Nanri 7.0734505 107 50 Nanri 6.1359086 108 50 Nanri 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Longtian 4.547549 112 50 Longtian 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Gangtou 5.4590452 111 50 Gangtou 4.547549 112 50 Gangtou 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 San Shah 3.150623 111 51 San Shah 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Guhuai 10.731328 116 55 Guhuai 9.6953481 117 55 Guhuai 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Gaoshan 20.832558 110 51 Gaoshan 3.150623 111 51 Gaoshan 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Fuye 21.813694 106 51 Fuye 13.391062 107 51 Fuye 22.560333 108 51 Fuye 4.2004307 109 51 Fuye 20.832558 110 51 20.832558 110 51 Shijiusuo 7.0120592 258 52 Shijiusuo 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 Ch'ien-ma-fang 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Langqi 7.4873876 119 56 Langqi 2.4030428 121 56 Langqi 3.7675423 122 56 Langqi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chiang-t'ien 10.731328 116 55 Chiang-t'ien 9.6953481 117 55 Chiang-t'ien 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Changmen 2.4030428 121 56 Changmen 3.7675423 122 56 Changmen 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 Tantou 5.5278715 118 55 Tantou 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Fengwo 7.4873876 119 56 Fengwo 2.4030428 121 56 Fengwo 3.7675423 122 56 Fengwo 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chang-chiang 9.6953481 117 55 Chang-chiang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Yunlong 7.4873876 119 56 Yunlong 2.4030428 121 56 Yunlong 3.7675423 122 56 Yunlong 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Tung-tai 3.7675423 122 56 Tung-tai 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chin-feng 5.5278715 118 55 Chin-feng 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Ta-ch'iu 7.8729078 109 53 7.8729078 109 53 Baisheng 2.4030428 121 56 Baisheng 3.7675423 122 56 Baisheng 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Mabi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Guanban 3.7675423 122 56 Guanban 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Wuhang 9.6953481 117 55 Wuhang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Chien-chiang 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Beicuo 14.408223 110 55 14.408223 110 55 Guanjing 8.1494594 114 55 Guanjing 10.731328 116 55 Guanjing 14.527044 116 56 Guanjing 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Cao Yu 21.453363 109 54 Cao Yu 14.408223 110 55 14.408223 110 55 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 Shanhaiguan 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Qingfeng 8.1494594 114 55 Qingfeng 10.731328 116 55 Qingfeng 14.527044 116 56 Qingfeng 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Yanweigang 3.7995859 249 55 3.7995859 249 55 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 Nanhai 9.4273718 328 55 9.4273718 328 55 Pingtan 8.1494594 114 55 Pingtan 6.0111747 111 56 Pingtan 9.2331172 115 56 Pingtan 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Ting-hai 3.7675423 122 56 Ting-hai 6.73443 123 56 Ting-hai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 5.8558936 263 55 5.8558936 263 55 Hutouya 2.0267187 287 55 2.0267187 287 55 Anhai 16.488406 124 58 Anhai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Tung-ch'ung 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Xinan 6.1076887 128 59 6.1076887 128 59 Houtian 6.0111747 111 56 Houtian 9.2331172 115 56 Houtian 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Xiahecheng 10.073142 263 56 Xiahecheng 47.227135 264 56 47.227135 264 56 Zhangjialou 7.463872 265 59 7.463872 265 59 Dayuan 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 15.033168 120 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 7.1594537 121 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 12.384673 122 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Xiahu 49.118844 127 58 Xiahu 32.880177 127 59 Xiahu 6.1076887 128 59 Xiahu 14.317131 128 61 Xiahu 12.731007 129 61 Xiahu 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 6.3065462 130 62 Hanjiang 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Songcheng 3.3149429 131 62 Songcheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Da'ao 23.861571 126 59 Da'ao 14.317131 128 61 Da'ao 12.731007 129 61 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 3.3149429 131 62 Changchun 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Wuqu 6.3065462 130 62 Wuqu 3.3149429 131 62 Wuqu 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Hongshiya 4.0704735 272 62 Hongshiya 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Luxia 14.317131 128 61 Luxia 12.731007 129 61 Luxia 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Lingshanwei 6.2537308 267 61 Lingshanwei 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Yacheng 5.0918143 132 62 Yacheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Hsin-chuang 9.3603672 292 61 9.3603672 292 61 Houwan 6.7995416 268 62 Houwan 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Sansha 5.0918143 132 62 Sansha 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Yantaiqian 6.2537308 267 61 Yantaiqian 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Xianlang 6.7995416 268 62 Xianlang 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Qimudao 12.014129 293 61 12.014129 293 61 Liuduo 3.6349543 242 65 3.6349543 242 65 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 7.0709729 292 62 Ta-yu-chien 4.1783146 246 62 Ta-yu-chien 3.6349543 242 65 3.6349543 242 65 Beizhuang 18.338013 267 62 Beizhuang 6.7995416 268 62 Beizhuang 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Sha-shan 10.707506 91 65 10.707506 91 65 Ch'ing-tao 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 8.8871129 273 63 Ch'ing-tao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Wang-kung 10.707506 91 65 10.707506 91 65 Sifang 6.4712836 271 63 Sifang 8.8871129 273 63 Sifang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Chengyang 2.0228224 272 63 Chengyang 8.8871129 273 63 Chengyang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Huang-ch'i 5.9611803 134 64 Huang-ch'i 16.520509 136 65 Huang-ch'i 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Qingdao 6.4712836 271 63 Qingdao 8.8871129 273 63 Qingdao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Fushansuo 11.126148 269 64 Fushansuo 24.269815 270 64 Fushansuo 19.271288 271 64 Fushansuo 2.5193449 272 64 Fushansuo 4.427021 272 65 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Shacheng 16.520509 136 65 Shacheng 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Huangshagang 12.410759 238 67 12.410759 238 67 Shuangyangzha 14.317102 239 66 Shuangyangzha 4.5126978 241 66 4.5126978 241 66 Ts'ang-k'ou 24.269815 270 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 19.271288 271 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 2.5193449 272 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 4.427021 272 65 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 19.271288 271 64 Hsien-chia-chai 2.5193449 272 64 Hsien-chia-chai 4.427021 272 65 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Xiaguan 16.520509 136 65 Xiaguan 20.385519 136 66 Xiaguan 8.8425181 136 67 Xiaguan 3.0645214 138 68 3.0645214 138 68 T'ang-sheng-chiang 12.410759 238 67 12.410759 238 67 Dongxiaohai 14.317102 239 66 14.317102 239 66 Lu-kang 10.707506 91 65 10.707506 91 65 Pucheng 16.520509 136 65 Pucheng 20.385519 136 66 Pucheng 8.8425181 136 67 Pucheng 3.0645214 138 68 Pucheng 11.816396 137 69 Pucheng 6.1811061 139 69 6.1811061 139 69 Xinyanggang 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Sha-fan-chieh 6.1811061 139 69 Sha-fan-chieh 9.5777037 139 70 Sha-fan-chieh 3.3968236 141 70 Sha-fan-chieh 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shazikou 20.069832 269 66 Shazikou 11.033439 270 66 11.033439 270 66 I-shan 3.3968236 141 70 I-shan 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 Shahousuo 13.788877 336 69 13.788877 336 69 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 Niejia 6.4326869 296 68 Niejia 6.0252144 297 70 Niejia 10.207871 298 70 Niejia 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Jinxiang 6.1811061 139 69 Jinxiang 9.5777037 139 70 Jinxiang 3.3968236 141 70 Jinxiang 24.330988 143 70 Jinxiang 2.0945312 143 71 2.0945312 143 71 Gexiang 24.330988 143 70 Gexiang 2.0945312 143 71 2.0945312 143 71 Wanggezhuang 22.958528 272 71 Wanggezhuang 6.6305521 273 71 Wanggezhuang 7.8042088 274 71 Wanggezhuang 2.1714545 275 71 Wanggezhuang 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 Beigou 6.4326869 296 68 Beigou 6.0252144 297 70 Beigou 10.207871 298 70 Beigou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Aoshanwei 6.6305521 273 71 Aoshanwei 7.8042088 274 71 Aoshanwei 2.1714545 275 71 Aoshanwei 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Chang'ao 17.697269 148 73 Chang'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Lo-yu 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Xiabu 17.697269 148 73 Xiabu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Jingliuwei 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 25.4412 184 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Banling 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 6.0252144 297 70 Dengzhou 10.207871 298 70 Dengzhou 9.6202231 299 70 Dengzhou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Zhuangyuanqiao 24.953155 147 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 17.697269 148 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Kaiyangtu 17.697269 148 73 Kaiyangtu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Changyinsha 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chao-feng-chen 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Qianduanjiawei 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 6.0252144 297 70 Penglai 10.207871 298 70 Penglai 9.6202231 299 70 Penglai 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Chin-chia-k'ou 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Ling-hsia 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Huangwan 25.4412 184 73 Huangwan 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Longwan 24.953155 147 73 Longwan 17.697269 148 73 Longwan 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Lu-ching-chiang 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Gao'ao 17.697269 148 73 Gao'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Siqianjie 24.953155 147 73 Siqianjie 17.697269 148 73 Siqianjie 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dongtaihezha 8.3752368 226 73 8.3752368 226 73 Nantong 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Liulishe 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xiaodoumen 24.953155 147 73 Xiaodoumen 17.697269 148 73 Xiaodoumen 3.2494402 149 73 Xiaodoumen 10.419949 148 75 Xiaodoumen 2.0500631 149 75 Xiaodoumen 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Baixiang 17.697269 148 73 Baixiang 3.2494402 149 73 Baixiang 10.419949 148 75 Baixiang 2.0500631 149 75 Baixiang 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Shan-ch'ien 17.697269 148 73 Shan-ch'ien 3.2494402 149 73 Shan-ch'ien 10.419949 148 75 Shan-ch'ien 2.0500631 149 75 Shan-ch'ien 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Wangcun 2.1714545 275 71 Wangcun 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Wali 7.8042088 274 71 Wali 2.1714545 275 71 Wali 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Jiangtan 24.953155 147 73 Jiangtan 17.697269 148 73 Jiangtan 3.2494402 149 73 Jiangtan 10.419949 148 75 Jiangtan 2.0500631 149 75 Jiangtan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ganpu 25.4412 184 73 Ganpu 17.456245 185 73 Ganpu 5.4299814 186 75 Ganpu 4.6144463 187 75 Ganpu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Zhaoqiao 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 3.2494402 149 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 10.419949 148 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 2.0500631 149 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Hsieh-t'ang 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Liu-tsao 21.476786 219 74 Liu-tsao 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Xingcun 26.671514 278 75 Xingcun 3.4258447 278 76 3.4258447 278 76 Haiyan 17.456245 185 73 Haiyan 5.4299814 186 75 Haiyan 4.6144463 187 75 Haiyan 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsia-chia-fou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-chia-fou 3.2494402 149 73 Hsia-chia-fou 10.419949 148 75 Hsia-chia-fou 2.0500631 149 75 Hsia-chia-fou 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Changchuanba 25.4412 184 73 Changchuanba 17.456245 185 73 Changchuanba 5.4299814 186 75 Changchuanba 4.6144463 187 75 Changchuanba 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Bixishi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Xizhoushi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsin-k'ai-kang 9.9643812 209 73 Hsin-k'ai-kang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Baizhuzhen 5.4299814 186 75 Baizhuzhen 4.6144463 187 75 Baizhuzhen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ch'eng-ao 3.2494402 149 73 Ch'eng-ao 2.0500631 149 75 Ch'eng-ao 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Dituan 17.697269 148 73 Dituan 3.2494402 149 73 Dituan 10.419949 148 75 Dituan 2.0500631 149 75 Dituan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Beilong 9.5466128 143 73 Beilong 5.9811912 144 73 Beilong 4.2607895 145 73 Beilong 2.0272748 146 73 2.0272748 146 73 Shih-ma-chuang 3.2494402 149 73 Shih-ma-chuang 2.0500631 149 75 Shih-ma-chuang 61.424401 150 75 Shih-ma-chuang 49.926487 153 77 49.926487 153 77 Ta-shan 4.9173076 277 75 Ta-shan 26.671514 278 75 Ta-shan 3.4258447 278 76 Ta-shan 2.0684823 279 77 2.0684823 279 77 Linshan 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Changqian 5.4299814 186 75 Changqian 4.6144463 187 75 Changqian 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Xitang 4.6144463 187 75 Xitang 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lao-wu-shih 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 21.476786 219 74 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Dashan 4.9173076 277 75 Dashan 26.671514 278 75 Dashan 3.4258447 278 76 Dashan 2.0684823 279 77 2.0684823 279 77 Baiyan 38.790019 152 76 Baiyan 49.926487 153 77 Baiyan 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Baisha 61.424401 150 75 Baisha 49.926487 153 77 Baisha 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Da'an 9.9643812 209 73 Da'an 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 38.790019 152 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 49.926487 153 77 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 4.6144463 187 75 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ri'aitang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Fu-jung 49.926487 153 77 Fu-jung 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Laochangbu 9.9643812 209 73 Laochangbu 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chou-hung-ch'iu 2.4716733 184 74 Chou-hung-ch'iu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Cheng-chia-tai 4.6144463 187 75 Cheng-chia-tai 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Heng-pa-ts'un 2.4716733 184 74 Heng-pa-ts'un 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 Dajijia 17.458593 297 75 Dajijia 14.503721 296 76 Dajijia 16.990276 296 77 Dajijia 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 P'u-ch'i 61.424401 150 75 P'u-ch'i 49.926487 153 77 P'u-ch'i 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Lo-ho-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiung-ting-yu 2.4716733 184 74 Hsiung-ting-yu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Zhapu 4.6144463 187 75 Zhapu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lixinzha 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qingjiang 38.790019 152 76 Qingjiang 49.926487 153 77 Qingjiang 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Zhangjiaxiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huangang 21.476786 219 74 Huangang 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 Xihuzui 39.375721 311 76 Xihuzui 16.387197 315 77 Xihuzui 10.211338 314 78 Xihuzui 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Sanhezhen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Niu-ch'iao-shih 4.6144463 187 75 Niu-ch'iao-shih 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsiao-an-chieh 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Touyan 7.9364271 147 75 Touyan 10.419949 148 75 Touyan 2.0500631 149 75 Touyan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Banping 15.445253 145 75 Banping 6.6582175 146 75 Banping 7.9364271 147 75 Banping 10.419949 148 75 Banping 2.0500631 149 75 Banping 16.294285 148 78 Banping 10.201052 149 78 10.201052 149 78 Bei'ao 15.445253 145 75 Bei'ao 6.6582175 146 75 Bei'ao 7.9364271 147 75 Bei'ao 10.419949 148 75 Bei'ao 2.0500631 149 75 Bei'ao 16.294285 148 78 Bei'ao 10.201052 149 78 10.201052 149 78 Dajing 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wei-chiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hu-chia-lu 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 Ku-hsien 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Chenyu 2.0500631 149 75 Chenyu 61.424401 150 75 Chenyu 49.926487 153 77 Chenyu 8.5062756 153 78 Chenyu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 Tieshan 61.438968 309 76 Tieshan 57.725596 309 77 Tieshan 59.312674 309 78 Tieshan 64.366144 309 79 Tieshan 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Hsing-hsing-chen 4.6144463 187 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Baixi 49.926487 153 77 Baixi 72.485656 154 77 Baixi 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chiu-ch'u-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Dujiaqiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chien-chen 7.6550516 218 76 7.6550516 218 76 Chou-chia-peng 7.4155752 188 76 7.4155752 188 76 Fou-ch'iao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Sanli 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hai-men-hsien 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huanshan 5.5698927 150 76 Huanshan 49.926487 153 77 Huanshan 72.485656 154 77 Huanshan 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Fengcheng 3.4258447 278 76 Fengcheng 2.0684823 279 77 2.0684823 279 77 Liujiazhai 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Ch'ing-lung-chiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qianjing 5.0762899 205 78 Qianjing 16.878731 204 79 Qianjing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 32.548758 321 77 Wang-chia-tun 22.803787 320 80 Wang-chia-tun 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 Lushun 57.589942 310 78 Lushun 55.605209 310 79 Lushun 28.152081 311 79 Lushun 39.563689 311 80 Lushun 62.579912 310 81 Lushun 47.633161 311 81 47.633161 311 81 Liuhe 16.878731 204 79 Liuhe 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Tiaobanqiao 5.0762899 205 78 Tiaobanqiao 16.878731 204 79 Tiaobanqiao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Xincun 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Kanmen 12.148678 150 77 Kanmen 16.272936 151 77 Kanmen 49.926487 153 77 Kanmen 8.5062756 153 78 Kanmen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Ch'ing-chiang 49.926487 153 77 Ch'ing-chiang 72.485656 154 77 Ch'ing-chiang 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Caopeng 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Fu-hsin-tsao 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Ch'ang-sha 5.9733643 218 77 5.9733643 218 77 Chumen 16.272936 151 77 Chumen 49.926487 153 77 Chumen 72.485656 154 77 Chumen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Wenqiao 49.926487 153 77 Wenqiao 72.485656 154 77 Wenqiao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chung-fu 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Nankan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Dong'anzhen 15.928197 213 81 Dong'anzhen 5.1456271 215 81 Dong'anzhen 11.95893 216 81 11.95893 216 81 Jinshanwei 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Chenxing 16.878731 204 79 Chenxing 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Wan'an 5.0762899 205 78 Wan'an 16.878731 204 79 Wan'an 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Haiyanzhen 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 Chu-chi 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 4.4584824 320 79 Sanguanmiao 22.803787 320 80 Sanguanmiao 6.8199729 321 80 Sanguanmiao 32.53914 320 82 32.53914 320 82 Chin-shan-tsui 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Shanyang 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 5.0762899 205 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 16.878731 204 79 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Meng-chiang-miao 5.0762899 205 78 Meng-chiang-miao 16.878731 204 79 Meng-chiang-miao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Hongxing 5.0762899 205 78 Hongxing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Beikan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 Yantai 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Hsin-p'u 9.6093348 185 79 9.6093348 185 79 Ducun 16.878731 204 79 Ducun 4.9383975 204 80 Ducun 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 11.129701 316 79 Xinzhaizi 12.273618 317 79 Xinzhaizi 13.14841 316 80 Xinzhaizi 11.288903 317 80 Xinzhaizi 10.263241 316 81 Xinzhaizi 10.655565 317 81 Xinzhaizi 5.1844298 316 82 Xinzhaizi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Haiyou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 9.738003 319 80 Wudao 6.8199729 321 80 Wudao 32.53914 320 82 Wudao 18.318481 319 83 18.318481 319 83 Chongming 16.878731 204 79 Chongming 7.4608971 205 79 Chongming 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 Shuishiying 28.152081 311 79 Shuishiying 39.563689 311 80 Shuishiying 62.579912 310 81 Shuishiying 47.633161 311 81 Shuishiying 64.441351 310 82 Shuishiying 52.1369 311 82 Shuishiying 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Lingmen 9.2223275 153 79 Lingmen 3.9519262 152 82 Lingmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Aohuan 9.2223275 153 79 Aohuan 3.9519262 152 82 Aohuan 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Dalu 9.2223275 153 79 Dalu 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Shaliu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Caojing 12.151612 189 79 12.151612 189 79 Changzheng 16.878731 204 79 Changzheng 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 11.129701 316 79 Yingchengzi 12.273618 317 79 Yingchengzi 13.14841 316 80 Yingchengzi 11.288903 317 80 Yingchengzi 10.263241 316 81 Yingchengzi 10.655565 317 81 Yingchengzi 5.1844298 316 82 Yingchengzi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Ko-ao-wang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Fang-ch'ien 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chiang-tzu-p'ing 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Huqiao 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 14.466696 203 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 2.1981926 203 81 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Shih-she-chang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Dong'ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Guan'ao 9.2223275 153 79 Guan'ao 3.9519262 152 82 Guan'ao 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Houjiazhen 16.878731 204 79 Houjiazhen 7.4608971 205 79 Houjiazhen 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Ling-chiao-ch'en 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaojiang 41.209149 159 83 Jiaojiang 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Shan-shang-fang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Tan-shui 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Ch'uan-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 Jiaoliudao 32.53914 320 82 Jiaoliudao 18.318481 319 83 Jiaoliudao 35.730376 319 84 Jiaoliudao 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Wudongzha 5.1131623 183 83 Wudongzha 9.1161185 184 83 Wudongzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Hsia-feng-ch'a 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Abulug 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Qiansuo 41.209149 159 83 Qiansuo 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Pai-chia-chuang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Panlong 14.466696 203 80 Panlong 4.9383975 204 80 Panlong 3.1855034 203 83 Panlong 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsia-jo-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsi-yen 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hua-shan-t'ou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chia-shih 41.209149 159 83 San-chia-shih 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Che-lin 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Dongdayang 4.907592 202 82 Dongdayang 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baoshan 14.466696 203 80 Baoshan 2.1981926 203 81 Baoshan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Dongfeng 14.466696 203 80 Dongfeng 4.9383975 204 80 Dongfeng 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Donggangcun 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Qiganshi 4.7120089 280 80 Qiganshi 5.9018837 280 81 Qiganshi 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 Wu-tao 32.53914 320 82 Wu-tao 18.318481 319 83 Wu-tao 35.730376 319 84 Wu-tao 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 Donggang 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Yeh-chia 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Ch'i-shih-chieh 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chih 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Ch'ang-yang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsueh-mou-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Taipingzha 5.1131623 183 83 Taipingzha 9.1161185 184 83 Taipingzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Xinmin 14.466696 203 80 Xinmin 4.9383975 204 80 Xinmin 3.1855034 203 83 Xinmin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ju-shan-k'ou 4.7120089 280 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.9018837 280 81 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 39.563689 311 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 62.579912 310 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 47.633161 311 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 64.441351 310 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 52.1369 311 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Cabuluan 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cao'antou 4.907592 202 82 Cao'antou 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsin-k'ai-ho 2.1981926 203 81 Hsin-k'ai-ho 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 Mashanshangzhai 10.482945 292 83 Mashanshangzhai 14.570182 292 85 14.570182 292 85 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ch'ing 41.209149 159 83 Chin-ch'ing 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Changjiang 2.1981926 203 81 Changjiang 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Xining 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 10.655565 317 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 3.9836386 316 83 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 Gezhenpu 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Feng-p'u-ao 5.1131623 183 83 Feng-p'u-ao 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Ch'ien-chia-ch'iao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Catuguran 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Beishenjiazhai 4.907592 202 82 Beishenjiazhai 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Chayuan 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Youcheqiao 4.907592 202 82 Youcheqiao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 13.620834 328 84 Ma-chia-tun 11.090321 329 85 Ma-chia-tun 4.2163928 329 86 4.2163928 329 86 Ch'iu-wang 5.1131623 183 83 Ch'iu-wang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 3.9836386 316 83 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 Dalian 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Shangpan 41.209149 159 83 Shangpan 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Jiankangtang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Lusi 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 3.9836386 316 83 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 Nanguanling 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Ch'ing-shui-hu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Su-chia 6.1446035 191 82 6.1446035 191 82 Muping 10.482945 292 83 Muping 14.570182 292 85 Muping 16.021553 292 86 16.021553 292 86 Linao 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Shih-t'ang 3.9519262 152 82 Shih-t'ang 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Sichalu 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Qianjin 4.907592 202 82 Qianjin 3.1855034 203 83 Qianjin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hai-yang-so 8.0972223 280 82 Hai-yang-so 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Songmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Nanbu 4.907592 202 82 Nanbu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsieh-fu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Lipu 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Bisagu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Liyang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Wantang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Yangyuan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gaodong 4.907592 202 82 Gaodong 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanhong 14.615235 279 82 Nanhong 8.0972223 280 82 Nanhong 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 Xinghaitun 15.459068 312 83 Xinghaitun 41.345126 312 86 Xinghaitun 29.26988 313 86 Xinghaitun 9.8166156 314 86 Xinghaitun 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Chien-t'iao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chin-shan 94.726282 110 84 94.726282 110 84 Panshi 4.907592 202 82 Panshi 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baishatan 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 3.9836386 316 83 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 Dayandao 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 3.9836386 316 83 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Aparri 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 San-chiao-t'ang 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Gulu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gangyan 3.1855034 203 83 Gangyan 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 Dal'niy 15.459068 312 83 Dal'niy 41.345126 312 86 Dal'niy 29.26988 313 86 Dal'niy 9.8166156 314 86 Dal'niy 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Alilinu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Daxingzhen 4.5413906 204 87 Daxingzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Gongjiazhen 9.5464842 212 83 9.5464842 212 83 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 18.318481 319 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 Fu-chou-wan 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Wan-li 94.726282 110 84 94.726282 110 84 Gongjialu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanqinghe 4.5413906 204 87 Nanqinghe 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 Dingguanzhai 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Dahu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chen-hai 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Dongxing 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hexing 3.1855034 203 83 Hexing 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 Dongshanbeitou 14.570182 292 85 Dongshanbeitou 16.021553 292 86 16.021553 292 86 Lao-yu-tang 7.1464408 191 84 Lao-yu-tang 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Ch'ang-chieh 61.646954 168 84 61.646954 168 84 Hsiang-hua 4.4113937 201 84 Hsiang-hua 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 Qianyangjiacun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Punta 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cailu 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Bailonggang 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Qianwei 4.4113937 201 84 Qianwei 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 Shang-chuang 14.570182 292 85 Shang-chuang 16.021553 292 86 16.021553 292 86 Zhenhai 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Ping'an 7.1464408 191 84 Ping'an 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Sizhoutou 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Yuansha 4.4113937 201 84 Yuansha 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ch'iang-t'ou 9.4721285 170 89 Ch'iang-t'ou 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xianxiang 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Shigaotang 4.8035103 180 86 Shigaotang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Jiangjia 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Wusi 6.0627425 191 85 Wusi 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Ch'en-chia 10.775334 200 85 Ch'en-chia 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Ch'iu-chia-chai 8.8782186 198 87 Ch'iu-chia-chai 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Fumin 10.775334 200 85 Fumin 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Dong'anzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Beiqigen 4.8035103 180 86 Beiqigen 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Tanglugang 6.34959 206 89 6.34959 206 89 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 Jianggezhuang 16.021553 292 86 16.021553 292 86 Dingtang 7.84858 167 85 7.84858 167 85 Ligang 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Guoyuan 6.0627425 191 85 Guoyuan 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Fengle 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Niupeng 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Hsin-tsao-chen 4.5413906 204 87 Hsin-tsao-chen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Langnuankou 6.1199551 281 85 Langnuankou 7.6359121 281 86 Langnuankou 4.9587606 282 87 Langnuankou 3.1296165 283 88 Langnuankou 2.9754361 283 89 2.9754361 283 89 Yinyang 4.5413906 204 87 Yinyang 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Beilungang 4.8035103 180 86 Beilungang 5.0451305 181 86 Beilungang 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Lao-chiang 6.0394592 197 88 Lao-chiang 11.746561 193 89 Lao-chiang 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Xiaoguan 4.9587606 282 87 Xiaoguan 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 2.9754361 283 89 Xiaoguan 3.3238095 283 90 Xiaoguan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 29.26988 313 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 3.9477531 315 86 Dagushan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Sanshan 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Donghai 6.8080325 191 86 Donghai 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Shuyuan 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 3.9477531 315 86 Wanli 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 3.9477531 315 86 Dongjiagou 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Daxu 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Daniwan 4.8035103 180 86 Daniwan 5.0451305 181 86 Daniwan 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 29.26988 313 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 3.9477531 315 86 Nianyuwan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Zhuxi 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Danmen 9.4721285 170 89 Danmen 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xiaoli'ao 4.8035103 180 86 Xiaoli'ao 5.0451305 181 86 5.0451305 181 86 Xilangnuan 4.9587606 282 87 Xilangnuan 3.1296165 283 88 Xilangnuan 2.9754361 283 89 Xilangnuan 3.3238095 283 90 Xilangnuan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Hepu 10.516434 165 87 Hepu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Ch'ai-ch'iao 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 Huatong 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Chiu-nan-t'ien 10.516434 165 87 Chiu-nan-t'ien 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Shihphu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 Beidianzi 15.906104 293 87 15.906104 293 87 Qiancang 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 Guizhou 6.2332251 332 88 Guizhou 10.634702 333 88 Guizhou 4.6995199 332 89 Guizhou 8.1513821 333 89 Guizhou 32.719378 332 90 Guizhou 43.369556 333 91 43.369556 333 91 Wuleidao 9.0202245 281 88 Wuleidao 6.1302265 282 88 Wuleidao 3.1296165 283 88 Wuleidao 2.9754361 283 89 Wuleidao 3.3238095 283 90 Wuleidao 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Guoju 7.4258866 175 89 Guoju 28.771507 177 92 Guoju 41.640815 178 93 Guoju 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 Tiancun 19.124347 293 89 Tiancun 21.521515 293 90 Tiancun 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Zeku 5.956488 282 89 Zeku 2.9754361 283 89 Zeku 3.3238095 283 90 Zeku 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 Dalijia 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 Teng-sha-ho 13.870654 317 93 Teng-sha-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 Yuanyaocun 19.124347 293 89 Yuanyaocun 21.521515 293 90 Yuanyaocun 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Chung-tse 37.812105 176 90 Chung-tse 5.4334006 177 90 Chung-tse 28.771507 177 92 Chung-tse 41.640815 178 93 Chung-tse 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Dinghai 41.640815 178 93 Dinghai 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 Weihai 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Chiao-t'ou 5.7902978 174 90 Chiao-t'ou 6.6960528 175 90 Chiao-t'ou 37.812105 176 90 Chiao-t'ou 5.4334006 177 90 Chiao-t'ou 28.771507 177 92 Chiao-t'ou 41.640815 178 93 41.640815 178 93 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 Panyuchwan 43.369556 333 91 Panyuchwan 7.9845756 334 91 Panyuchwan 5.5322527 335 91 Panyuchwan 3.7448453 335 92 3.7448453 335 92 Ganlan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 Lu-chia-t'un 7.9845756 334 91 Lu-chia-t'un 5.5322527 335 91 Lu-chia-t'un 8.8660103 336 91 Lu-chia-t'un 3.7448453 335 92 Lu-chia-t'un 4.3393171 336 92 Lu-chia-t'un 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 7.9845756 334 91 Wangzhai 5.5322527 335 91 Wangzhai 8.8660103 336 91 Wangzhai 3.7448453 335 92 Wangzhai 4.3393171 336 92 Wangzhai 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Litang 6.2692201 169 91 Litang 6.0665923 170 91 Litang 5.0002155 171 91 Litang 5.6681767 173 91 5.6681767 173 91 Jinghaiwei 15.213907 280 91 Jinghaiwei 9.4992308 281 91 Jinghaiwei 5.8361838 282 91 Jinghaiwei 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Da'ao 7.1140451 174 91 Da'ao 9.1525077 175 91 Da'ao 8.855008 177 91 Da'ao 28.771507 177 92 Da'ao 41.640815 178 93 41.640815 178 93 Huangshan 5.8361838 282 91 Huangshan 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Luomen 41.640815 178 93 Luomen 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Jen-ho-chi 12.273248 281 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.5358904 282 92 7.5358904 282 92 Ta-chan 41.640815 178 93 Ta-chan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 P'u-t'o 10.816907 177 93 P'u-t'o 41.640815 178 93 P'u-t'o 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Qiandao 15.566538 281 93 Qiandao 7.8003059 282 93 7.8003059 282 93 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 Wujiatun 13.870654 317 93 Wujiatun 6.2568556 318 93 Wujiatun 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 7.6443932 320 97 7.6443932 320 97 Ch'ih-shan-chi 16.853075 282 96 Ch'ih-shan-chi 10.974932 283 97 Ch'ih-shan-chi 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 Jiaxinzi 7.6443932 320 97 Jiaxinzi 12.836438 320 98 Jiaxinzi 46.554234 321 98 46.554234 321 98 Shidao 16.14937 281 94 Shidao 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Laoshantun 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Xizhuang 18.963316 292 95 Xizhuang 10.598257 291 96 Xizhuang 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Ning-ching-so 16.853075 282 96 Ning-ching-so 10.974932 283 97 Ning-ching-so 2.918996 284 98 Ning-ching-so 18.710073 284 99 Ning-ching-so 15.0606 285 99 Ning-ching-so 13.836769 286 99 13.836769 286 99 Dazhuang 18.398227 281 95 Dazhuang 16.853075 282 96 Dazhuang 10.974932 283 97 Dazhuang 2.918996 284 98 Dazhuang 18.710073 284 99 Dazhuang 15.0606 285 99 15.0606 285 99 Jiurongcheng 10.598257 291 96 Jiurongcheng 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 8.7644452 321 99 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Wolongcun 17.371456 291 98 Wolongcun 23.988816 292 98 Wolongcun 4.5171047 288 99 Wolongcun 10.740165 289 99 10.740165 289 99 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 19.266314 317 98 Fangshentun 12.836438 320 98 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 6.7260334 319 99 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 Zhuanghe 30.237123 324 105 Zhuanghe 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 5.3016982 323 103 Dafangshen 30.237123 324 105 Dafangshen 12.767096 322 106 Dafangshen 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 30.237123 324 105 Shishan 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 10.749466 322 104 Wangjia 7.5158755 323 104 Wangjia 12.767096 322 106 Wangjia 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 7.0071058 324 110 Nanjian 2.9041663 325 113 2.9041663 325 113 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 22.551549 327 116 Huangtukan 3.0258564 326 117 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 7.668749 325 117 Pei-ching-tzu 3.0258564 326 117 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 Dadong 2.6932739 326 124 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 3.3570784 325 122 Chogumsa 2.6192342 325 123 Chogumsa 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 4.8090197 325 125 Chogumsa 3.3889949 326 125 Chogumsa 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 3.3889949 326 125 Yongampo-ri 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 4.8090197 325 125 Genjo 3.3889949 326 125 Genjo 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 7.2149272 322 129 Yongsapo 8.247528 323 129 Yongsapo 3.9270985 321 130 Yongsapo 6.6077831 321 131 Yongsapo 8.1506313 322 131 Yongsapo 5.481458 323 131 Yongsapo 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Chandae-dong 67.952825 297 128 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 38.636737 299 129 Chandae-dong 56.892045 301 129 Chandae-dong 34.749838 300 130 Chandae-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Chandae-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Chandae-dong 33.314541 297 132 Chandae-dong 24.830385 298 132 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 63.31624 295 129 Kaju-dong 64.222239 296 129 Kaju-dong 63.668785 297 129 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Kaju-dong 18.567548 296 132 Kaju-dong 33.314541 297 132 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 34.749838 300 130 Ch'angam-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Ch'angam-dong 16.949776 302 130 Ch'angam-dong 44.911389 303 130 Ch'angam-dong 23.864916 301 131 Ch'angam-dong 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 20.322722 300 133 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 5.481458 323 131 Changya-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 68.086418 308 131 Arang-dong 41.10869 309 131 Arang-dong 40.371133 310 131 Arang-dong 8.0695346 308 132 Arang-dong 20.041426 309 132 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Arang-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Arang-dong 17.458806 309 133 Arang-dong 14.042692 307 134 Arang-dong 17.803123 308 134 17.803123 308 134 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 21.953468 305 131 Sogon-ni 2.8138241 306 131 Sogon-ni 22.711163 307 131 Sogon-ni 16.438775 306 132 Sogon-ni 6.7326396 307 132 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 4.1624577 307 133 Sogon-ni 14.042692 307 134 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.370203 300 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.322722 300 133 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 Monggumpo-ri 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 6.7326396 307 132 Sagi-ri 8.0695346 308 132 Sagi-ri 4.1624577 307 133 Sagi-ri 8.4014419 308 133 Sagi-ri 14.042692 307 134 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Chosa-dong 17.458806 309 133 Chosa-dong 14.042692 307 134 Chosa-dong 17.803123 308 134 Chosa-dong 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 9.4330686 324 133 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 4.1624577 307 133 Pungchon 8.4014419 308 133 Pungchon 14.042692 307 134 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 Hyu-dong 17.890888 297 136 Hyu-dong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Hang-ni 96.623511 239 134 96.623511 239 134 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 Sondup'yong 17.890888 297 136 Sondup'yong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 17.890888 297 136 Sogang-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Chukhang 86.399991 248 136 Chukhang 80.351742 249 136 Chukhang 87.38565 252 136 87.38565 252 136 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 5.7636397 322 138 Changp'o 44.567608 323 138 44.567608 323 138 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 28.075365 322 139 28.075365 322 139 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 Hwajin-ni 20.802088 317 139 Hwajin-ni 19.473088 318 139 Hwajin-ni 11.13778 318 140 Hwajin-ni 15.181629 320 140 Hwajin-ni 18.837876 319 141 18.837876 319 141 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 28.075365 322 139 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 Chungang-ni 15.181629 320 140 Chungang-ni 18.837876 319 141 18.837876 319 141 Banzaito-ri 94.211327 241 140 94.211327 241 140 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 8.9062797 297 146 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 2.4021282 296 150 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Chibuk 3.0825982 252 148 Chibuk 12.796815 252 149 Chibuk 10.200227 252 150 Chibuk 7.9765838 251 151 Chibuk 2.0501242 252 151 2.0501242 252 151 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 2.4021282 296 150 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 9.6271908 284 147 Etsuu 27.647417 285 147 Etsuu 13.93856 286 147 Etsuu 28.085299 287 147 Etsuu 14.286725 288 147 Etsuu 42.246294 288 148 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Hwangdo 52.68561 271 147 Hwangdo 52.015145 272 147 Hwangdo 57.406962 273 147 Hwangdo 40.254339 274 147 Hwangdo 61.071724 275 147 Hwangdo 30.769436 275 150 Hwangdo 26.023157 275 151 26.023157 275 151 Doko-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Doko-ri 21.03612 253 148 Doko-ri 12.796815 252 149 Doko-ri 21.810351 253 149 Doko-ri 10.200227 252 150 Doko-ri 7.9765838 251 151 Doko-ri 2.0501242 252 151 Doko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Doko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ant'ae 6.734872 248 152 Ant'ae 4.1033031 250 152 4.1033031 250 152 Och'ong 35.99735 269 148 Och'ong 42.348337 270 148 Och'ong 53.312852 271 148 Och'ong 52.760284 272 148 Och'ong 52.172978 273 148 Och'ong 59.378444 273 149 Och'ong 38.956148 273 150 Och'ong 23.725931 272 152 Och'ong 35.515611 273 152 35.515611 273 152 Bunkai-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Bunkai-ri 21.03612 253 148 Bunkai-ri 18.363187 254 148 Bunkai-ri 12.048456 255 148 Bunkai-ri 19.348215 254 149 Bunkai-ri 16.851478 255 149 Bunkai-ri 10.563465 255 150 Bunkai-ri 4.85565 255 151 Bunkai-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Ach'on 12.796815 252 149 Ach'on 21.810351 253 149 Ach'on 10.200227 252 150 Ach'on 7.9765838 251 151 Ach'on 2.0501242 252 151 Ach'on 4.1033031 250 152 Ach'on 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Sep'o 6.734872 248 152 Sep'o 15.413641 248 153 15.413641 248 153 Ikkum-ni 10.200227 252 150 Ikkum-ni 21.320522 254 150 Ikkum-ni 10.563465 255 150 Ikkum-ni 4.85565 255 151 Ikkum-ni 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Changgo 10.200227 252 150 Changgo 21.320522 254 150 Changgo 10.563465 255 150 Changgo 23.586617 256 150 Changgo 8.6752272 253 152 Changgo 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chogun-mal 12.795995 257 150 Chogun-mal 14.982607 258 150 Chogun-mal 16.037022 259 150 Chogun-mal 7.5382908 258 151 Chogun-mal 13.58434 259 151 Chogun-mal 9.5205128 258 153 Chogun-mal 2.0395579 258 154 Chogun-mal 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Tengan-ri 6.7307922 254 151 Tengan-ri 4.85565 255 151 Tengan-ri 7.5382908 258 151 Tengan-ri 7.7479813 258 152 Tengan-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Oejongsan 24.294911 278 151 Oejongsan 22.350351 279 151 Oejongsan 30.865036 280 151 Oejongsan 35.76981 281 151 Oejongsan 45.829966 282 151 Oejongsan 23.722503 282 152 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 Anmal 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Soko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Soko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 Soko-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.5759047 296 153 Muji-ni 3.6487155 295 154 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Songnyong-ni 7.283544 257 152 Songnyong-ni 7.7479813 258 152 Songnyong-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Jindo 6.734872 248 152 Jindo 15.413641 248 153 Jindo 8.4904397 249 154 Jindo 8.4344916 248 155 Jindo 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.5759047 296 153 Kyodo 3.6487155 295 154 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Aenang-ni 6.734872 248 152 Aenang-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Aenang-ni 8.4344916 248 155 Aenang-ni 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Dongmun 13.622337 279 152 Dongmun 2.7457444 280 152 Dongmun 23.722503 282 152 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 Dongmun 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 23.722503 282 152 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 25.057613 285 153 Oe-dong 18.679295 284 154 Oe-dong 20.370363 285 154 Oe-dong 26.844518 285 155 Oe-dong 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Hwadong-ni 6.734872 248 152 Hwadong-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Hwadong-ni 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Ch'al-tong 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'al-tong 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 4.0459529 289 153 Chawol-li 18.722716 290 153 Chawol-li 32.197626 289 154 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 24.938064 289 156 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 15.512703 277 153 Sinsong 11.15504 278 153 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 Pususan-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Chungjang 18.939911 275 153 Chungjang 19.490962 276 153 Chungjang 15.512703 277 153 Chungjang 11.15504 278 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 Chungjang 13.911663 275 157 Chungjang 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Kan 17.058279 265 154 Kan 19.152435 266 154 Kan 37.328593 267 154 Kan 21.786611 268 154 Kan 25.060669 269 154 Kan 16.67066 267 155 Kan 21.624888 268 155 Kan 18.647344 269 155 Kan 13.065519 268 156 Kan 15.272654 269 156 Kan 5.8870833 266 157 Kan 9.4156985 269 157 Kan 6.1827551 266 158 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 5.6885666 267 158 Tongmokp 10.937449 277 154 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 10.937449 277 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mogpo 8.4904397 249 154 Mogpo 14.054734 251 154 Mogpo 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 P'i-dong 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 Taeya 2.0395579 258 154 Taeya 3.5386389 259 154 Taeya 6.3000664 261 156 Taeya 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changdong 8.4904397 249 154 Changdong 8.4344916 248 155 Changdong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chisa-ri 8.4904397 249 154 Chisa-ri 14.054734 251 154 Chisa-ri 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 Changch'u-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Onmok 8.2578121 259 155 Onmok 4.6834766 260 155 Onmok 6.9462647 261 155 Onmok 6.8610422 262 155 Onmok 6.3000664 261 156 Onmok 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 4.6834766 260 155 Changho 6.9462647 261 155 Changho 6.8610422 262 155 Changho 8.6657853 264 155 Changho 6.3000664 261 156 Changho 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 5.961837 263 156 Changho 7.7888463 264 156 Changho 2.0153163 263 157 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.8610422 262 155 Chongam 8.6657853 264 155 Chongam 13.708281 265 155 Chongam 15.999725 266 155 Chongam 5.0866135 262 156 Chongam 5.961837 263 156 Chongam 7.7888463 264 156 Chongam 9.5269236 266 156 Chongam 2.0153163 263 157 Chongam 5.8870833 266 157 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Weolam-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Anjong 8.4344916 248 155 Anjong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 26.844518 285 155 Chogumjin-ni 10.688657 285 156 Chogumjin-ni 3.2321102 285 157 3.2321102 285 157 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 12.568597 274 157 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Katsuto 9.4869628 246 156 9.4869628 246 156 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 11.650704 286 157 Hasambong 22.332942 287 157 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 Hasambong 16.390027 286 159 Hasambong 4.1419281 285 160 Hasambong 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Chonmak 2.0153163 263 157 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 10.115317 270 157 Aech'an-ni 9.1861162 271 157 Aech'an-ni 20.453098 272 157 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 Aech'an-ni 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 5.3185053 291 159 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Changsin 2.0153163 263 157 Changsin 5.8870833 266 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 2.241903 267 159 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 2.4882243 268 158 Janghang 10.848643 269 158 Janghang 6.1226123 270 158 Janghang 5.1750682 271 158 Janghang 2.5792614 270 159 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 6.1827551 266 158 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 6.1827551 266 158 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 6.1226123 270 158 Okhu 2.241903 267 159 Okhu 2.5792614 270 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 5.9539673 290 160 Masan-ni 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.5792614 270 159 Gunsan 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 4.1419281 285 160 Chunghung-ni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 4.1419281 285 160 Kooni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 5.9539673 290 160 Wonha-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 5.9539673 290 160 Namyang 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Chamdu 4.0346637 247 165 4.0346637 247 165 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 4.0346637 247 165 Changjong-ni 13.369013 247 166 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 4.0346637 247 165 Changsu 13.369013 247 166 Changsu 9.261633 248 166 Changsu 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chinch'ang 4.0346637 247 165 Chinch'ang 13.369013 247 166 Chinch'ang 9.261633 248 166 Chinch'ang 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Aya-ri 13.369013 247 166 Aya-ri 9.261633 248 166 Aya-ri 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Ch'ongam 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Wonsan 18.792407 318 172 Wonsan 15.694487 319 172 Wonsan 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Tongho-ri 25.508662 324 174 Tongho-ri 14.531539 325 174 Tongho-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Yongpo-ri 25.508662 324 174 Yongpo-ri 14.531539 325 174 Yongpo-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Songhung-ni 23.785546 322 173 Songhung-ni 25.508662 324 174 Songhung-ni 14.531539 325 174 Songhung-ni 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Anp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Pongch'on 18.792407 318 172 Pongch'on 6.6323313 317 173 Pongch'on 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Chungbang 4.5239592 250 175 Chungbang 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chakto-dong 14.531539 325 174 Chakto-dong 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Chabong 4.5239592 250 175 Chabong 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Yeosu 4.5239592 250 175 Yeosu 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chukp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Chukp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Hungsang-ni 23.221014 326 175 23.221014 326 175 Hangch'on 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Yongyon-ni 22.452733 326 176 Yongyon-ni 20.032461 327 176 20.032461 327 176 Tongch-on 23.537237 316 177 Tongch-on 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Namhae 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Kuum-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Hongwon 29.49569 328 179 Hongwon 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Pit'o 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Samcheongpo 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Hadajon-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Yuktae-dong 24.445944 328 180 Yuktae-dong 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Cholge 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Changjon 38.393959 313 181 Changjon 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Gaken-ri 58.289958 313 182 Gaken-ri 53.537643 312 183 Gaken-ri 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Honam-ni 46.05045 328 182 Honam-ni 8.0039205 330 182 Honam-ni 95.940647 328 184 Honam-ni 109.10504 328 185 Honam-ni 83.466108 329 185 Honam-ni 86.094229 329 186 86.094229 329 186 Hongsong 53.537643 312 183 Hongsong 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Soho-ri 60.993912 329 184 Soho-ri 83.466108 329 185 Soho-ri 86.094229 329 186 86.094229 329 186 Singhang 83.466108 329 185 Singhang 86.094229 329 186 86.094229 329 186 Kojin-ni 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Pongho-ri 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Changch'on 101.68137 304 189 101.68137 304 189 Yangyang 92.656554 302 190 Yangyang 266.94438 303 190 Yangyang 92.10238 301 191 92.10238 301 191 Chaho 55.981306 331 187 Chaho 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Kuum-ni 43.739011 332 189 Kuum-ni 109.91747 332 191 Kuum-ni 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Hagwangjong-ni 92.656554 302 190 Hagwangjong-ni 92.10238 301 191 92.10238 301 191 Jumunjin 88.499872 300 192 88.499872 300 192 Poktokkumi 77.245503 333 191 Poktokkumi 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Tanchon 77.678648 334 192 77.678648 334 192 Gangneung 130.72343 298 194 Gangneung 142.14821 297 195 Gangneung 338.05271 298 195 Gangneung 381.44852 297 196 381.44852 297 196 Kennan-ri 142.14821 297 195 Kennan-ri 381.44852 297 196 381.44852 297 196 Chungch'on 65.011648 335 194 Chungch'on 52.635641 336 195 Chungch'on 176.64607 336 197 176.64607 336 197 Mugho 94.965767 295 196 94.965767 295 196 Samchok 70.964763 294 197 Samchok 233.18554 294 198 233.18554 294 198 Samcheog 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Si-dong 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Kuma 117.67533 291 199 Kuma 58.479251 287 201 Kuma 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Haosan 58.479251 287 201 Haosan 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Imweonjin 100.99595 290 200 Imweonjin 58.479251 287 201 Imweonjin 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Heunghae 46.587638 274 201 Heunghae 17.033825 275 201 Heunghae 20.027861 271 202 Heunghae 37.226898 272 202 37.226898 272 202 Pohang 20.027861 271 202 Pohang 37.226898 272 202 37.226898 272 202 Ganggu 46.587638 274 201 Ganggu 17.033825 275 201 17.033825 275 201 Ulijin 106.41455 283 202 Ulijin 88.162087 285 202 Ulijin 85.309642 286 202 85.309642 286 202 Pyonggok-tong 82.191999 278 202 Pyonggok-tong 66.223288 279 202 66.223288 279 202 Yeonghae 93.232853 276 202 Yeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Yeonghae 66.223288 279 202 66.223288 279 202 Chukpyon 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Mangyang-ni 106.41455 283 202 106.41455 283 202 Segae-dong 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Chugsan-dong 17.033825 275 201 17.033825 275 201 Pyeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Pyeonghae 66.223288 279 202 Pyeonghae 124.48957 282 203 124.48957 282 203 Gampo 6.655122 268 203 6.655122 268 203 Taech'on 20.027861 271 202 Taech'on 37.226898 272 202 37.226898 272 202 Guryongpo 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Hama 26.622322 227 214 26.622322 227 214 Tara 26.622322 227 214 Tara 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Suminoe 26.622322 227 214 Suminoe 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Okawa 26.622322 227 214 Okawa 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Meihama 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Saitosaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuoka 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Mitoma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Setaka 26.622322 227 214 Setaka 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Omuta 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Kashii 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Harumachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Tsuyazaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Shingu 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukumamachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Namyang-dong 2179.4052 290 220 Namyang-dong 2084.0219 291 220 Namyang-dong 1937.6108 292 220 Namyang-dong 1785.7039 293 220 Namyang-dong 1591.7211 294 220 1591.7211 294 220 Namyang 2075.8262 290 221 Namyang 1897.4515 291 221 Namyang 1304.2365 292 221 Namyang 1666.7511 293 221 Namyang 2103.6251 294 221 Namyang 2041.6499 294 225 2041.6499 294 225 Nari 2075.8262 290 221 Nari 1897.4515 291 221 Nari 1304.2365 292 221 Nari 1666.7511 293 221 Nari 2103.6251 294 221 Nari 2041.6499 294 225 2041.6499 294 225 Dodong 2143.7278 290 222 Dodong 1457.4611 291 222 Dodong 28.845367 292 222 Dodong 760.4324 293 222 Dodong 2171.8023 294 222 Dodong 1831.4403 294 223 Dodong 1470.3643 294 224 Dodong 2041.6499 294 225 Dodong 2160.5065 294 226 2160.5065 294 226 Higashi-fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kawajiri 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Tateishi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Furuichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kihado 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Hommura 65.446379 252 228 Hommura 60.591734 253 228 Hommura 67.188382 252 229 Hommura 93.145648 253 229 93.145648 253 229 Fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Senzaki 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Misumi-ichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kayoi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Susa 92.4939 251 232 Susa 93.443639 252 232 Susa 96.781686 252 233 96.781686 252 233 Esaki 90.998687 251 233 Esaki 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Takatsu 26.521006 250 236 Takatsu 98.256777 252 236 Takatsu 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Masuda 26.521006 250 236 Masuda 98.256777 252 236 Masuda 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Tsuda 26.521006 250 236 Tsuda 98.256777 252 236 Tsuda 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Misumi 86.230975 252 237 Misumi 112.80373 253 237 112.80373 253 237 Murotani 62.759955 252 238 Murotani 107.34727 253 238 Murotani 126.28386 254 238 126.28386 254 238 Chiwa 62.759955 252 238 Chiwa 107.34727 253 238 Chiwa 126.28386 254 238 126.28386 254 238 Hinashi 62.759955 252 238 Hinashi 107.34727 253 238 Hinashi 126.28386 254 238 Hinashi 133.73524 255 238 133.73524 255 238 Tabase 44.788984 252 239 Tabase 96.372439 253 239 Tabase 120.49405 254 239 120.49405 254 239 Iwami-naganama 44.788984 252 239 Iwami-naganama 96.372439 253 239 Iwami-naganama 120.49405 254 239 Iwami-naganama 134.50477 255 239 134.50477 255 239 Nagahama 44.788984 252 239 Nagahama 96.372439 253 239 Nagahama 120.49405 254 239 Nagahama 134.50477 255 239 134.50477 255 239 Hamada 44.788984 252 239 Hamada 96.372439 253 239 Hamada 120.49405 254 239 Hamada 134.50477 255 239 134.50477 255 239 Kami-Kurokawa 115.85467 254 240 Kami-Kurokawa 128.95952 255 240 128.95952 255 240 Shimoko 115.85467 254 240 Shimoko 128.95952 255 240 Shimoko 137.47363 256 240 137.47363 256 240 Togane 115.85467 254 240 Togane 128.95952 255 240 Togane 137.47363 256 240 137.47363 256 240 Okubo 115.85467 254 240 Okubo 128.95952 255 240 Okubo 137.47363 256 240 137.47363 256 240 Odani 115.85467 254 240 Odani 128.95952 255 240 128.95952 255 240 Hashi 115.85467 254 240 Hashi 128.95952 255 240 Hashi 137.47363 256 240 137.47363 256 240 Uyagawa 88.151072 254 241 Uyagawa 113.63255 255 241 Uyagawa 136.50853 256 241 Uyagawa 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Shimo-Arifuko 88.151072 254 241 Shimo-Arifuko 113.63255 255 241 Shimo-Arifuko 136.50853 256 241 Shimo-Arifuko 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Tsunozu 88.151072 254 241 Tsunozu 113.63255 255 241 Tsunozu 136.50853 256 241 Tsunozu 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Waki 88.151072 254 241 Waki 113.63255 255 241 Waki 136.50853 256 241 Waki 140.49983 257 241 140.49983 257 241 Gotsu 88.151072 254 241 Gotsu 113.63255 255 241 Gotsu 136.50853 256 241 Gotsu 140.49983 257 241 140.49983 257 241 Shioya 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Asari 115.67638 256 242 Asari 137.13152 257 242 Asari 126.64215 257 243 Asari 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Hama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Ichimura 115.67638 256 242 Ichimura 137.13152 257 242 Ichimura 126.64215 257 243 Ichimura 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Hataguchi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Naka-Tsuchi 94.807198 256 243 Naka-Tsuchi 126.64215 257 243 Naka-Tsuchi 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Morimune 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Atada 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Jigozen 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Shimonohama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Miyajima 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kuromatsu 94.807198 256 243 Kuromatsu 126.64215 257 243 Kuromatsu 138.01833 258 243 138.01833 258 243 Hatsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hazum-Hongo 94.807198 256 243 Hazum-Hongo 126.64215 257 243 Hazum-Hongo 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Kohama 94.807198 256 243 Kohama 126.64215 257 243 Kohama 138.01833 258 243 138.01833 258 243 Ichi 94.807198 256 243 Ichi 126.64215 257 243 Ichi 138.01833 258 243 138.01833 258 243 Yunotsu 94.807198 256 243 Yunotsu 126.64215 257 243 Yunotsu 138.01833 258 243 138.01833 258 243 Nakaji 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Itsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kami-Ida 94.807198 256 243 Kami-Ida 126.64215 257 243 Kami-Ida 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Nakagumi 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Mino 3.2965007 245 246 Mino 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Omori 76.080611 256 244 Omori 143.45926 259 244 143.45926 259 244 Korenaga 3.2965007 245 246 Korenaga 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nishita 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Nimamachi 76.080611 256 244 Nimamachi 143.45926 259 244 143.45926 259 244 Takuno 76.080611 256 244 Takuno 143.45926 259 244 143.45926 259 244 Nakanohama 3.2965007 245 246 Nakanohama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Takunomachi 76.080611 256 244 Takunomachi 143.45926 259 244 143.45926 259 244 Hata 3.2965007 245 246 Hata 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kanokawa 3.2965007 245 246 Kanokawa 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hashirajima 2.1518934 242 248 2.1518934 242 248 Ihota 51.856313 241 249 51.856313 241 249 Osu 3.2965007 245 246 Osu 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakago 3.2965007 245 246 Nakago 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakamachi 3.2965007 245 246 Nakamachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiroshima 3.2965007 245 246 Hiroshima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tsukumo 3.2965007 245 246 Tsukumo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Oura 127.196 258 245 Oura 136.60019 259 245 136.60019 259 245 Fukae 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Obara 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Oko 2.1518934 242 248 Oko 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Hira 127.196 258 245 Hira 136.60019 259 245 Hira 144.97144 260 245 144.97144 260 245 Umesako 3.2965007 245 246 Umesako 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kakinoura 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Yumbe 127.196 258 245 Yumbe 136.60019 259 245 136.60019 259 245 Hitonose 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Torii 127.196 258 245 Torii 136.60019 259 245 Torii 144.97144 260 245 144.97144 260 245 Etajima 3.2965007 245 246 Etajima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kirikushi 3.2965007 245 246 Kirikushi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Okimi 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Koyo 3.2965007 245 246 Koyo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Yukitsune 127.196 258 245 Yukitsune 136.60019 259 245 136.60019 259 245 Sugewa 2.1518934 242 248 Sugewa 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Kutemachi 137.14329 260 246 137.14329 260 246 Ryoshida 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kamigumi 3.2965007 245 246 Kamigumi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Sakioku 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Arikiyo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hamazaki 3.2965007 245 246 Hamazaki 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ondo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Fujinowaki 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Takasu 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hane 137.14329 260 246 137.14329 260 246 Kaita 3.2965007 245 246 Kaita 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Muroo 2.1518934 242 248 Muroo 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Ideguchi 137.14329 260 246 137.14329 260 246 Hatami 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kaigoshi 2.1518934 242 248 Kaigoshi 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Karoto 2.1518934 242 248 Karoto 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Okujo 3.2965007 245 246 Okujo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiradani 3.2965007 245 246 Hiradani 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kure 3.2965007 245 246 Kure 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Osako 2.1518934 242 248 Osako 4.7740481 243 248 Osako 72.875108 243 251 72.875108 243 251 Jin'yama 8.6907422 244 247 Jin'yama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tagimachi 130.08853 261 247 130.08853 261 247 Kushi-taki 130.08853 261 247 130.08853 261 247 Obama 51.856313 241 249 Obama 42.40165 240 250 Obama 41.929864 241 251 41.929864 241 251 Hiromachi 8.6907422 244 247 Hiromachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Uryu 122.62579 261 248 Uryu 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Hatari 51.856313 241 249 Hatari 42.40165 240 250 Hatari 41.929864 241 251 41.929864 241 251 Hinomi-saki 122.62579 261 248 Hinomi-saki 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Mutsuki 51.856313 241 249 Mutsuki 42.40165 240 250 Mutsuki 41.929864 241 251 41.929864 241 251 Shimojima 2.1518934 242 248 Shimojima 4.7740481 243 248 Shimojima 72.875108 243 251 Shimojima 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Ojizo 2.1518934 242 248 Ojizo 4.7740481 243 248 Ojizo 72.875108 243 251 Ojizo 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Washigasu 42.40165 240 250 42.40165 240 250 Jige 122.62579 261 248 Jige 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Sagiura 122.62579 261 248 Sagiura 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Taisha 122.62579 261 248 Taisha 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Saginoura 122.62579 261 248 Saginoura 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Arakayacho 122.62579 261 248 Arakayacho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Ojimacho 122.62579 261 248 Ojimacho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Kawajiri 2.1518934 242 248 Kawajiri 4.7740481 243 248 Kawajiri 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ebisu 122.62579 261 248 122.62579 261 248 Sannose 2.1518934 242 248 Sannose 4.7740481 243 248 Sannose 72.875108 243 251 Sannose 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Osaki-kami-jima 2.1518934 242 248 Osaki-kami-jima 4.7740481 243 248 Osaki-kami-jima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Inomecho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Harahata 16.64552 242 249 Harahata 4.3081145 243 249 Harahata 26.376706 242 251 Harahata 72.875108 243 251 Harahata 8.7747184 244 252 Harahata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyazakari 51.856313 241 249 Miyazakari 16.64552 242 249 Miyazakari 4.3081145 243 249 Miyazakari 41.929864 241 251 Miyazakari 26.376706 242 251 Miyazakari 72.875108 243 251 Miyazakari 8.7747184 244 252 Miyazakari 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Koyo 51.856313 241 249 Koyo 16.64552 242 249 Koyo 4.3081145 243 249 Koyo 41.929864 241 251 Koyo 26.376706 242 251 Koyo 72.875108 243 251 Koyo 8.7747184 244 252 Koyo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Tado 51.856313 241 249 Tado 16.64552 242 249 Tado 4.3081145 243 249 Tado 41.929864 241 251 Tado 26.376706 242 251 Tado 72.875108 243 251 Tado 8.7747184 244 252 Tado 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hiraki 16.64552 242 249 Hiraki 4.3081145 243 249 Hiraki 26.376706 242 251 Hiraki 72.875108 243 251 Hiraki 8.7747184 244 252 Hiraki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchinoumi 16.64552 242 249 Uchinoumi 4.3081145 243 249 Uchinoumi 26.376706 242 251 Uchinoumi 72.875108 243 251 Uchinoumi 8.7747184 244 252 Uchinoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oura 51.856313 241 249 Oura 16.64552 242 249 Oura 4.3081145 243 249 Oura 42.40165 240 250 Oura 41.929864 241 251 Oura 26.376706 242 251 Oura 72.875108 243 251 Oura 8.7747184 244 252 Oura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Upporoi 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Oi 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Mitsuguchi 16.64552 242 249 Mitsuguchi 4.3081145 243 249 Mitsuguchi 26.376706 242 251 Mitsuguchi 72.875108 243 251 Mitsuguchi 8.7747184 244 252 Mitsuguchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozucho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Horie 42.40165 240 250 42.40165 240 250 Kami-Oda 72.875108 243 251 Kami-Oda 8.7747184 244 252 Kami-Oda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hojo 42.40165 240 250 Hojo 41.929864 241 251 41.929864 241 251 Kazahaya 8.0319931 242 250 Kazahaya 26.376706 242 251 Kazahaya 72.875108 243 251 Kazahaya 8.7747184 244 252 Kazahaya 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kuchi-Ukacho 66.238282 262 251 Kuchi-Ukacho 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Komatsubara 8.0319931 242 250 Komatsubara 26.376706 242 251 Komatsubara 72.875108 243 251 Komatsubara 8.7747184 244 252 Komatsubara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchiura 42.40165 240 250 Uchiura 41.929864 241 251 Uchiura 26.376706 242 251 Uchiura 72.875108 243 251 Uchiura 8.7747184 244 252 Uchiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kanashi 72.875108 243 251 Kanashi 8.7747184 244 252 Kanashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Asanamihar 42.40165 240 250 Asanamihar 41.929864 241 251 Asanamihar 26.376706 242 251 Asanamihar 7.2322222 242 252 7.2322222 242 252 Agejima 66.238282 262 251 Agejima 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Mitsu 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsu 26.376706 242 251 Mitsu 72.875108 243 251 Mitsu 8.7747184 244 252 Mitsu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 66.238282 262 251 Hama 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Nada 66.238282 262 251 Nada 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Kubi 42.40165 240 250 Kubi 41.929864 241 251 Kubi 26.376706 242 251 Kubi 72.875108 243 251 Kubi 8.7747184 244 252 Kubi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okitomo 29.86239 240 251 Okitomo 41.929864 241 251 Okitomo 26.376706 242 251 Okitomo 72.875108 243 251 Okitomo 8.7747184 244 252 Okitomo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 29.86239 240 251 Hama 41.929864 241 251 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 7.2322222 242 252 7.2322222 242 252 Ocho 29.86239 240 251 Ocho 41.929864 241 251 Ocho 26.376706 242 251 Ocho 72.875108 243 251 Ocho 8.7747184 244 252 Ocho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okushi 41.929864 241 251 Okushi 26.376706 242 251 Okushi 72.875108 243 251 Okushi 8.7747184 244 252 Okushi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Daicho 29.86239 240 251 Daicho 41.929864 241 251 Daicho 26.376706 242 251 Daicho 72.875108 243 251 Daicho 8.7747184 244 252 Daicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakaura 66.238282 262 251 Sakaura 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Matsuo 29.86239 240 251 Matsuo 41.929864 241 251 Matsuo 26.376706 242 251 Matsuo 7.2322222 242 252 7.2322222 242 252 Mitarai 29.86239 240 251 Mitarai 41.929864 241 251 Mitarai 26.376706 242 251 Mitarai 72.875108 243 251 Mitarai 8.7747184 244 252 Mitarai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 72.875108 243 251 Hama 8.7747184 244 252 Hama 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Akashi 41.929864 241 251 Akashi 26.376706 242 251 Akashi 72.875108 243 251 Akashi 8.7747184 244 252 Akashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sukune 72.875108 243 251 Sukune 8.7747184 244 252 Sukune 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Nakano 41.929864 241 251 Nakano 26.376706 242 251 Nakano 72.875108 243 251 Nakano 8.7747184 244 252 Nakano 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozakai 66.238282 262 251 Kozakai 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Obe 24.619908 240 252 Obe 34.767233 241 252 Obe 7.2322222 242 252 Obe 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Okiura 34.767233 241 252 Okiura 7.2322222 242 252 Okiura 19.349629 243 252 Okiura 8.7747184 244 252 Okiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakata 24.619908 240 252 Sakata 34.767233 241 252 Sakata 7.2322222 242 252 Sakata 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Takehara 19.349629 243 252 Takehara 8.7747184 244 252 Takehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kinoe 34.767233 241 252 Kinoe 7.2322222 242 252 Kinoe 19.349629 243 252 Kinoe 8.7747184 244 252 Kinoe 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Onashi 19.349629 243 252 Onashi 8.7747184 244 252 Onashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shiramizu 7.2322222 242 252 Shiramizu 19.349629 243 252 Shiramizu 8.7747184 244 252 Shiramizu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oi 24.619908 240 252 Oi 34.767233 241 252 Oi 7.2322222 242 252 Oi 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Takasakicho 19.349629 243 252 Takasakicho 8.7747184 244 252 Takasakicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Ono 24.619908 240 252 Ono 34.767233 241 252 Ono 7.2322222 242 252 7.2322222 242 252 Takasaki 19.349629 243 252 Takasaki 8.7747184 244 252 Takasaki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Namikata 24.619908 240 252 Namikata 34.767233 241 252 Namikata 7.2322222 242 252 Namikata 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Munagata 34.767233 241 252 Munagata 7.2322222 242 252 Munagata 19.349629 243 252 Munagata 8.7747184 244 252 Munagata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Fukuda 19.349629 243 252 Fukuda 8.7747184 244 252 Fukuda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hasihama 24.619908 240 252 Hasihama 34.767233 241 252 Hasihama 7.2322222 242 252 Hasihama 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Kuchisubo 34.767233 241 252 Kuchisubo 7.2322222 242 252 Kuchisubo 19.349629 243 252 Kuchisubo 8.7747184 244 252 Kuchisubo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Aikamachi 82.589962 263 254 Aikamachi 57.606975 264 256 57.606975 264 256 Kinehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Etomo 82.589962 263 254 Etomo 57.606975 264 256 Etomo 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tadanoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Higai 72.484521 242 253 Higai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyanoura 39.500802 241 253 Miyanoura 72.484521 242 253 Miyanoura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Terasu 82.589962 263 254 Terasu 57.606975 264 256 Terasu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tamagi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Imabari 39.500802 241 253 Imabari 72.484521 242 253 Imabari 53.506904 242 254 Imabari 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Sada-Miyauchi 82.589962 263 254 Sada-Miyauchi 57.606975 264 256 Sada-Miyauchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Inokuchi 72.484521 242 253 Inokuchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mukuna 39.500802 241 253 Mukuna 72.484521 242 253 Mukuna 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shimogumi 82.589962 263 254 Shimogumi 57.606975 264 256 Shimogumi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kitaura 39.500802 241 253 Kitaura 72.484521 242 253 Kitaura 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Sakai 72.484521 242 253 Sakai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Noji 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Go-Sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Hama-sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Ryomei 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minamiura 53.506904 242 254 Minamiura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Saiwaishinden 53.506904 242 254 Saiwaishinden 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Seto 53.506904 242 254 Seto 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Niregi 82.589962 263 254 Niregi 57.606975 264 256 Niregi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Hama 82.589962 263 254 Hama 57.606975 264 256 Hama 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yosokuni 53.506904 242 254 Yosokuni 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Wadacho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuwaki 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Miyakubo 53.506904 242 254 Miyakubo 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Tomoura 53.506904 242 254 Tomoura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Sunamicho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kone 53.506904 242 254 Kone 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Setoda 53.506904 242 254 Setoda 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Tako 82.589962 263 254 Tako 57.606975 264 256 Tako 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Nonami 57.606975 264 256 Nonami 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Chikumi 57.606975 264 256 Chikumi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Mambara 57.606975 264 256 Mambara 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Katae 57.606975 264 256 Katae 61.355419 264 257 Katae 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Moriyama 57.606975 264 256 Moriyama 61.355419 264 257 Moriyama 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Wataricho 57.606975 264 256 Wataricho 61.355419 264 257 Wataricho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Tonoecho 57.606975 264 256 Tonoecho 61.355419 264 257 Tonoecho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Watari 57.606975 264 256 Watari 61.355419 264 257 Watari 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Shichirui 57.606975 264 256 Shichirui 61.355419 264 257 Shichirui 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kamisato 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Mukoyama 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Tsudo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Takenouchicho 61.355419 264 257 Takenouchicho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Sakai-Minato 61.355419 264 257 Sakai-Minato 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Fukuura 61.355419 264 257 Fukuura 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yoshizu 61.355419 264 257 Yoshizu 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 O-Shinozucho 61.355419 264 257 O-Shinozucho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kumozu 61.355419 264 257 Kumozu 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Utagi 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kamiguchi 61.355419 264 257 Kamiguchi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kamo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kambi 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Higuchi 61.355419 264 257 Higuchi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Goto 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Harada 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kamidani 61.276459 264 258 Kamidani 56.677483 264 259 Kamidani 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Mihonoseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonoseki 56.677483 264 259 Mihonoseki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Ikeda 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Nishida 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Mihonseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonseki 56.677483 264 259 Mihonseki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Minoura 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Abe 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Misaki 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Araki 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Yonago 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Takei 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Sei 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Togo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Iida 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Higashi-Fukuhara 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kami-fukubara 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kaike-Onsen 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Saigo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Inugu 160.1488 271 261 Inugu 170.09492 271 263 Inugu 155.17309 272 263 155.17309 272 263 Kama 160.1488 271 261 Kama 170.09492 271 263 Kama 155.17309 272 263 155.17309 272 263 Oku 160.1488 271 261 Oku 170.09492 271 263 Oku 155.17309 272 263 155.17309 272 263 Kuzumo 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Soda 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kaya 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kawaoka 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Odaka 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Sueyoshi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Muki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yodoe 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Nawa 17.849925 262 261 Nawa 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Kami Daison 17.849925 262 261 Kami Daison 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Shitatsubo 17.849925 262 261 Shitatsubo 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Takahashi 17.849925 262 261 Takahashi 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Nagano 17.849925 262 261 Nagano 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Uwaichi 17.849925 262 261 Uwaichi 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Akasaka 38.59997 263 262 Akasaka 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 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data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/ (577, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Jiazi 22.40734 71 1 Jiazi 13.09244 72 1 Jiazi 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Changqingwei 22.40734 71 1 Changqingwei 13.09244 72 1 Changqingwei 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 19.728532 72 3 Shenquan 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 6.7835538 74 4 6.7835538 74 4 Donghong 4.4844703 74 5 4.4844703 74 5 Jinghai 18.914914 73 6 Jinghai 17.571704 76 9 Jinghai 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Ch'ao-yang-hsien 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Haimen 17.571704 76 9 Haimen 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Shantou 8.4375967 78 11 Shantou 7.0718507 79 12 Shantou 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Dahao 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Aotou 8.4375967 78 11 Aotou 7.0718507 79 12 Aotou 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Daitou 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Guangao 19.161279 76 10 Guangao 12.697454 77 10 Guangao 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Siwei 7.0718507 79 12 Siwei 3.7670093 80 12 Siwei 6.6530483 82 14 6.6530483 82 14 Ch'ien-tung-hsu 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Qiandong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Jingzhou 6.6530483 82 14 Jingzhou 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanglong 12.30569 81 14 Huanglong 6.6530483 82 14 Huanglong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanggang 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Houzhai 14.158554 79 13 Houzhai 7.4188071 80 13 Houzhai 12.30569 81 14 Houzhai 6.6530483 82 14 Houzhai 6.391558 83 16 Houzhai 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Raoping 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Zhelin 6.6530483 82 14 Zhelin 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Shenao 12.310144 80 14 Shenao 12.30569 81 14 Shenao 6.6530483 82 14 Shenao 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Nanao 19.543308 79 15 Nanao 14.736534 80 15 Nanao 14.438193 81 15 Nanao 10.298399 82 15 Nanao 6.391558 83 16 Nanao 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Chelim 10.298399 82 15 Chelim 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Gongkou 6.391558 83 16 Gongkou 25.143746 84 16 25.143746 84 16 Sidu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Dongshan 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Ssu-tu 4.0256123 85 20 4.0256123 85 20 Gongqiancun 16.571469 82 19 Gongqiancun 12.984636 83 19 Gongqiancun 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chencheng 16.571469 82 19 Chencheng 12.984636 83 19 Chencheng 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Hsing-ch'en 4.0256123 85 20 Hsing-ch'en 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Chendai 4.0256123 85 20 Chendai 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Hsi-pu 12.984636 83 19 Hsi-pu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chengguanzhen 22.062022 84 22 Chengguanzhen 3.7540171 87 25 Chengguanzhen 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Erdaogou 9.4160888 308 24 Erdaogou 19.666559 309 24 Erdaogou 19.610813 310 24 Erdaogou 23.439165 311 24 Erdaogou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Binhaicun 19.666559 309 24 Binhaicun 19.610813 310 24 Binhaicun 23.439165 311 24 Binhaicun 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tangjiahe 19.666559 309 24 Tangjiahe 19.610813 310 24 Tangjiahe 23.439165 311 24 Tangjiahe 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 23.439165 311 24 Baishuitou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Lijiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Lijiapu 19.666559 309 24 19.666559 309 24 Guleitou 22.062022 84 22 Guleitou 3.7540171 87 25 Guleitou 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Gangkou 14.166745 86 25 Gangkou 3.7540171 87 25 Gangkou 7.1344484 88 25 Gangkou 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 Gaoshalingcun 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Zhaojiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Zhaojiapu 19.666559 309 24 19.666559 309 24 Liuhongbo 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Xujiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Hsia-mei 3.7540171 87 25 Hsia-mei 7.1344484 88 25 Hsia-mei 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 2.2402331 315 27 Pehtang 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Jiuzhen 10.293507 89 26 Jiuzhen 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Liu'ao 3.7540171 87 25 Liu'ao 7.1344484 88 25 Liu'ao 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Shentu 7.1344484 88 25 Shentu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Chihu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Fotan 8.2773537 91 29 Fotan 7.5801579 92 30 7.5801579 92 30 Fugong 9.1224387 93 31 Fugong 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 Shuangqiaozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Haicang 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Guankou 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Gangwei 9.1224387 93 31 Gangwei 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Songyu 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Hsing-lin 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Xucuo 9.1224387 93 31 Xucuo 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Gulangyu 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Xiamen 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Chen-hai 7.5801579 92 30 Chen-hai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Daomei 9.1224387 93 31 Daomei 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Dianqian 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Jiangtou 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Zhenhai 7.5801579 92 30 Zhenhai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 Heiyanzi 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Hecuo 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Liuwudian 2.7981704 97 31 Liuwudian 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 8.895146 315 31 Beipu 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Aotou 11.680956 96 33 Aotou 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Xindian 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 An-ting 12.486394 94 33 An-ting 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Ma-chiang 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 9.3410776 314 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Chin-men 12.486394 94 33 Chin-men 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Lianhe 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Ch'ing-hsu 15.995085 96 34 Ch'ing-hsu 4.474861 97 34 Ch'ing-hsu 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Shijing 4.474861 97 34 Shijing 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Chin-men Tao 11.81395 95 34 Chin-men Tao 15.995085 96 34 Chin-men Tao 4.474861 97 34 Chin-men Tao 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Yang-chai 11.81395 95 34 Yang-chai 15.995085 96 34 Yang-chai 4.474861 97 34 Yang-chai 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Anhai 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Tung-shih 37.719502 98 36 Tung-shih 3.88525 98 37 Tung-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 Nancaoji 3.7314449 316 38 Nancaoji 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Weitou 16.40076 96 37 Weitou 3.88525 98 37 Weitou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Chin-ching 16.40076 96 37 Chin-ching 3.88525 98 37 Chin-ching 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Shih-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Yakou 3.88525 98 37 Yakou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 Liu-tsan 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Yongning 2.6544592 98 38 Yongning 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 Dazhuanghe 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Shihu 19.961478 101 42 Shihu 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dongyuan 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Hsiang-chih 23.464508 99 41 Hsiang-chih 12.088851 100 41 Hsiang-chih 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Zhangban 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Fengting 19.992729 107 45 Fengting 40.385472 108 45 Fengting 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 6.5440418 316 41 Yang-chiao 6.7658682 289 45 6.7658682 289 45 Qian'an 19.961478 101 42 Qian'an 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dongsha 19.992729 107 45 Dongsha 40.385472 108 45 Dongsha 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Dawu 3.4065137 103 43 Dawu 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Chongwu 19.961478 101 42 Chongwu 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Lingchuan 19.992729 107 45 Lingchuan 40.385472 108 45 Lingchuan 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Fengwei 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hsiao-tso 12.914359 102 43 Hsiao-tso 3.4065137 103 43 Hsiao-tso 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Zhongmen 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hushi 40.385472 108 45 Hushi 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 P'u-hsi 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hanjiang 4.884141 111 49 Hanjiang 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Meizhou 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Yancangcheng 23.186493 252 48 Yancangcheng 24.730519 253 48 Yancangcheng 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Hsing-chuang 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Haitou 23.186493 252 48 Haitou 24.730519 253 48 Haitou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Shiqiao 24.730519 253 48 Shiqiao 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Chiang-k'ou 4.884141 111 49 Chiang-k'ou 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Hsia-k'ou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Jiuliqi 24.730519 253 48 Jiuliqi 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Daitou 26.365664 107 46 Daitou 51.854925 108 46 Daitou 26.166377 108 47 Daitou 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Che-wang 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 Tuanlin 13.48162 322 49 13.48162 322 49 Fenshui 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Pinghai 26.166377 108 47 Pinghai 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 2.0881419 325 50 Dapuhe 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Yuxi 3.7875229 112 49 Yuxi 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Andongwei 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tangbian 4.884141 111 49 Tangbian 3.7875229 112 49 Tangbian 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 Xihenancun 2.0881419 325 50 Xihenancun 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Xugou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Shicheng 6.7393053 107 48 Shicheng 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Lanshantou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Taolekow 4.2500724 257 51 Taolekow 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Jiangjing 4.884141 111 49 Jiangjing 3.7875229 112 49 Jiangjing 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Liujiazhai 7.0120592 258 52 Liujiazhai 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Dongxi Liandao 3.7698366 249 50 Dongxi Liandao 2.4063058 251 50 2.4063058 251 50 Nanri 18.09116 106 50 Nanri 7.0734505 107 50 Nanri 6.1359086 108 50 Nanri 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Longtian 4.547549 112 50 Longtian 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Gangtou 5.4590452 111 50 Gangtou 4.547549 112 50 Gangtou 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Chu-kao-wan 60.854161 86 51 Chu-kao-wan 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 San Shah 3.150623 111 51 San Shah 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Guhuai 10.731328 116 55 Guhuai 9.6953481 117 55 Guhuai 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Feng-kuei-li 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Gaoshan 20.832558 110 51 Gaoshan 3.150623 111 51 Gaoshan 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Fuye 21.813694 106 51 Fuye 4.2004307 109 51 Fuye 20.832558 110 51 20.832558 110 51 Shijiusuo 7.0120592 258 52 Shijiusuo 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Ch'ang-an 60.854161 86 51 Ch'ang-an 58.867813 87 51 Ch'ang-an 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 P'eng-hu-erh-ts'un 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 Ch'ien-ma-fang 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Langqi 7.4873876 119 56 Langqi 2.4030428 121 56 Langqi 3.7675423 122 56 Langqi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chiang-t'ien 10.731328 116 55 Chiang-t'ien 9.6953481 117 55 Chiang-t'ien 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Changmen 2.4030428 121 56 Changmen 3.7675423 122 56 Changmen 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Ma-kung 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Ch'eng-ch'ien 58.147418 86 52 Ch'eng-ch'ien 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Chu-mu-shui 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 Chi-pei 58.147418 86 52 Chi-pei 72.156355 87 52 Chi-pei 55.671692 88 52 Chi-pei 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Tantou 5.5278715 118 55 Tantou 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Fengwo 7.4873876 119 56 Fengwo 2.4030428 121 56 Fengwo 3.7675423 122 56 Fengwo 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chang-chiang 9.6953481 117 55 Chang-chiang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Yunlong 7.4873876 119 56 Yunlong 2.4030428 121 56 Yunlong 3.7675423 122 56 Yunlong 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Tung-tai 3.7675423 122 56 Tung-tai 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chin-feng 5.5278715 118 55 Chin-feng 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Ta-ch'iu 7.8729078 109 53 Ta-ch'iu 11.298118 110 53 11.298118 110 53 Baisheng 2.4030428 121 56 Baisheng 3.7675423 122 56 Baisheng 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Mabi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Lung-men 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Guanban 3.7675423 122 56 Guanban 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Wuhang 9.6953481 117 55 Wuhang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Chien-chiang 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Beicuo 14.408223 110 55 Beicuo 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Guanjing 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Cao Yu 21.453363 109 54 21.453363 109 54 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 Shanhaiguan 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Qingfeng 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Yanweigang 3.7995859 249 55 3.7995859 249 55 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 Nanhai 9.4273718 328 55 9.4273718 328 55 Pingtan 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Ting-hai 3.7675423 122 56 Ting-hai 6.73443 123 56 Ting-hai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 5.8558936 263 55 5.8558936 263 55 Hutouya 2.0267187 287 55 2.0267187 287 55 Anhai 16.488406 124 58 Anhai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Tung-ch'ung 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Xinan 6.1076887 128 59 6.1076887 128 59 Houtian 6.0111747 111 56 Houtian 9.2331172 115 56 Houtian 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Xiahecheng 10.073142 263 56 Xiahecheng 47.227135 264 56 47.227135 264 56 Zhangjialou 7.463872 265 59 7.463872 265 59 Dayuan 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 15.033168 120 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 7.1594537 121 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 12.384673 122 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Xiahu 49.118844 127 58 Xiahu 32.880177 127 59 Xiahu 6.1076887 128 59 Xiahu 14.317131 128 61 Xiahu 12.731007 129 61 Xiahu 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 6.3065462 130 62 Hanjiang 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Songcheng 3.3149429 131 62 Songcheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Da'ao 23.861571 126 59 Da'ao 14.317131 128 61 Da'ao 12.731007 129 61 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 3.3149429 131 62 Changchun 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Wuqu 6.3065462 130 62 Wuqu 3.3149429 131 62 Wuqu 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Hongshiya 4.0704735 272 62 Hongshiya 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Yung-lung 13.577678 79 61 Yung-lung 10.147977 80 61 Yung-lung 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Luxia 14.317131 128 61 Luxia 12.731007 129 61 Luxia 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Chiang-chun 13.577678 79 61 Chiang-chun 10.147977 80 61 10.147977 80 61 Lingshanwei 6.2537308 267 61 Lingshanwei 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Fu-hsing 13.577678 79 61 Fu-hsing 10.147977 80 61 Fu-hsing 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Pu-tai 13.577678 79 61 Pu-tai 10.147977 80 61 Pu-tai 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Yacheng 5.0918143 132 62 Yacheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Chang-t'an 13.577678 79 61 Chang-t'an 10.147977 80 61 Chang-t'an 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Wu-nan 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Hsin-chuang 9.3603672 292 61 9.3603672 292 61 Chung-ch'i 17.818267 88 63 Chung-ch'i 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Houwan 6.7995416 268 62 Houwan 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Sansha 5.0918143 132 62 Sansha 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Yantaiqian 6.2537308 267 61 Yantaiqian 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Xianlang 6.7995416 268 62 Xianlang 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Qimudao 12.014129 293 61 12.014129 293 61 Liuduo 3.6349543 242 65 3.6349543 242 65 San-hsing 17.818267 88 63 San-hsing 21.484342 89 63 San-hsing 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 T'ai-hsi 39.461745 90 62 T'ai-hsi 21.484342 89 63 T'ai-hsi 39.062347 90 63 T'ai-hsi 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 7.0709729 292 62 Ta-yu-chien 4.1783146 246 62 Ta-yu-chien 3.6349543 242 65 3.6349543 242 65 Beizhuang 18.338013 267 62 Beizhuang 6.7995416 268 62 Beizhuang 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Sha-shan 17.818267 88 63 Sha-shan 21.484342 89 63 Sha-shan 39.062347 90 63 Sha-shan 39.840433 91 63 Sha-shan 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Ch'ing-tao 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 8.8871129 273 63 Ch'ing-tao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Wang-kung 17.818267 88 63 Wang-kung 21.484342 89 63 Wang-kung 39.062347 90 63 Wang-kung 39.840433 91 63 Wang-kung 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Sifang 6.4712836 271 63 Sifang 8.8871129 273 63 Sifang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Chengyang 2.0228224 272 63 Chengyang 8.8871129 273 63 Chengyang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Huang-ch'i 5.9611803 134 64 Huang-ch'i 16.520509 136 65 Huang-ch'i 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Qingdao 6.4712836 271 63 Qingdao 8.8871129 273 63 Qingdao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Fushansuo 11.126148 269 64 Fushansuo 24.269815 270 64 Fushansuo 19.271288 271 64 Fushansuo 2.5193449 272 64 Fushansuo 4.427021 272 65 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Shacheng 16.520509 136 65 Shacheng 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Huangshagang 12.410759 238 67 12.410759 238 67 Shuangyangzha 14.317102 239 66 Shuangyangzha 4.5126978 241 66 4.5126978 241 66 Ts'ang-k'ou 24.269815 270 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 19.271288 271 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 2.5193449 272 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 4.427021 272 65 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 19.271288 271 64 Hsien-chia-chai 2.5193449 272 64 Hsien-chia-chai 4.427021 272 65 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Xiaguan 16.520509 136 65 16.520509 136 65 T'ang-sheng-chiang 12.410759 238 67 12.410759 238 67 Dongxiaohai 14.317102 239 66 14.317102 239 66 Lu-kang 15.016012 90 64 Lu-kang 44.911292 92 64 Lu-kang 10.707506 91 65 Lu-kang 4.9192683 92 66 4.9192683 92 66 Pucheng 16.520509 136 65 16.520509 136 65 Xinyanggang 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Sha-fan-chieh 6.1811061 139 69 Sha-fan-chieh 9.5777037 139 70 Sha-fan-chieh 3.3968236 141 70 Sha-fan-chieh 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shazikou 20.069832 269 66 Shazikou 11.033439 270 66 11.033439 270 66 I-shan 3.3968236 141 70 I-shan 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 Shahousuo 13.788877 336 69 13.788877 336 69 Ching-shui 18.89506 94 67 Ching-shui 48.638053 95 67 Ching-shui 47.572319 96 67 Ching-shui 46.81908 96 68 46.81908 96 68 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 Niejia 6.4326869 296 68 Niejia 6.0252144 297 70 Niejia 10.207871 298 70 Niejia 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Jinxiang 6.1811061 139 69 Jinxiang 9.5777037 139 70 Jinxiang 3.3968236 141 70 Jinxiang 24.330988 143 70 Jinxiang 2.0945312 143 71 2.0945312 143 71 Hai huang 18.89506 94 67 Hai huang 48.638053 95 67 Hai huang 47.572319 96 67 Hai huang 63.810636 97 67 Hai huang 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Gexiang 24.330988 143 70 Gexiang 2.0945312 143 71 2.0945312 143 71 Wanggezhuang 22.958528 272 71 Wanggezhuang 6.6305521 273 71 Wanggezhuang 7.8042088 274 71 Wanggezhuang 2.1714545 275 71 Wanggezhuang 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 Beigou 6.4326869 296 68 Beigou 6.0252144 297 70 Beigou 10.207871 298 70 Beigou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Yuan-li 11.849512 95 68 Yuan-li 46.81908 96 68 Yuan-li 47.231968 97 68 Yuan-li 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Tung-hsiao 11.849512 95 68 Tung-hsiao 46.81908 96 68 Tung-hsiao 47.231968 97 68 Tung-hsiao 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Aoshanwei 6.6305521 273 71 Aoshanwei 7.8042088 274 71 Aoshanwei 2.1714545 275 71 Aoshanwei 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Chang'ao 17.697269 148 73 Chang'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Lo-yu 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Ch'i-ting 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Xiabu 17.697269 148 73 Xiabu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Jingliuwei 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 25.4412 184 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Banling 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 6.0252144 297 70 Dengzhou 10.207871 298 70 Dengzhou 9.6202231 299 70 Dengzhou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Zhuangyuanqiao 24.953155 147 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 17.697269 148 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Kaiyangtu 17.697269 148 73 Kaiyangtu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Changyinsha 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chao-feng-chen 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Qianduanjiawei 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 6.0252144 297 70 Penglai 10.207871 298 70 Penglai 9.6202231 299 70 Penglai 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Chin-chia-k'ou 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Ling-hsia 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Huangwan 25.4412 184 73 Huangwan 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Longwan 24.953155 147 73 Longwan 17.697269 148 73 Longwan 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Lu-ching-chiang 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Gao'ao 17.697269 148 73 Gao'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Siqianjie 24.953155 147 73 Siqianjie 17.697269 148 73 Siqianjie 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dongtaihezha 8.3752368 226 73 8.3752368 226 73 Nantong 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Liulishe 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xiaodoumen 24.953155 147 73 Xiaodoumen 17.697269 148 73 Xiaodoumen 3.2494402 149 73 Xiaodoumen 10.419949 148 75 Xiaodoumen 2.0500631 149 75 Xiaodoumen 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Baixiang 17.697269 148 73 Baixiang 3.2494402 149 73 Baixiang 10.419949 148 75 Baixiang 2.0500631 149 75 Baixiang 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Shan-ch'ien 17.697269 148 73 Shan-ch'ien 3.2494402 149 73 Shan-ch'ien 10.419949 148 75 Shan-ch'ien 2.0500631 149 75 Shan-ch'ien 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Wangcun 2.1714545 275 71 Wangcun 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Wali 7.8042088 274 71 Wali 2.1714545 275 71 Wali 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Jiangtan 24.953155 147 73 Jiangtan 17.697269 148 73 Jiangtan 3.2494402 149 73 Jiangtan 10.419949 148 75 Jiangtan 2.0500631 149 75 Jiangtan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ganpu 25.4412 184 73 Ganpu 17.456245 185 73 Ganpu 5.4299814 186 75 Ganpu 4.6144463 187 75 Ganpu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Zhaoqiao 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chu-nan 40.862512 100 71 Chu-nan 2.2544865 101 73 2.2544865 101 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 3.2494402 149 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 10.419949 148 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 2.0500631 149 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ch'ien-tzu-chiao 40.862512 100 71 Ch'ien-tzu-chiao 2.2544865 101 73 2.2544865 101 73 Hsieh-t'ang 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Liu-tsao 21.476786 219 74 Liu-tsao 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Xingcun 26.671514 278 75 Xingcun 3.4258447 278 76 3.4258447 278 76 Haiyan 17.456245 185 73 Haiyan 5.4299814 186 75 Haiyan 4.6144463 187 75 Haiyan 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsia-chia-fou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-chia-fou 3.2494402 149 73 Hsia-chia-fou 10.419949 148 75 Hsia-chia-fou 2.0500631 149 75 Hsia-chia-fou 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Changchuanba 25.4412 184 73 Changchuanba 17.456245 185 73 Changchuanba 5.4299814 186 75 Changchuanba 4.6144463 187 75 Changchuanba 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Bixishi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Xizhoushi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsin-k'ai-kang 9.9643812 209 73 Hsin-k'ai-kang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Baizhuzhen 5.4299814 186 75 Baizhuzhen 4.6144463 187 75 Baizhuzhen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ch'eng-ao 3.2494402 149 73 Ch'eng-ao 2.0500631 149 75 Ch'eng-ao 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Dituan 17.697269 148 73 Dituan 3.2494402 149 73 Dituan 10.419949 148 75 Dituan 2.0500631 149 75 Dituan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Beilong 9.5466128 143 73 Beilong 5.9811912 144 73 Beilong 4.2607895 145 73 Beilong 2.0272748 146 73 2.0272748 146 73 Shih-ma-chuang 3.2494402 149 73 Shih-ma-chuang 2.0500631 149 75 Shih-ma-chuang 61.424401 150 75 Shih-ma-chuang 49.926487 153 77 49.926487 153 77 Ta-shan 4.9173076 277 75 Ta-shan 26.671514 278 75 Ta-shan 3.4258447 278 76 Ta-shan 2.0684823 279 77 2.0684823 279 77 Linshan 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Changqian 5.4299814 186 75 Changqian 4.6144463 187 75 Changqian 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Xitang 4.6144463 187 75 Xitang 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lao-wu-shih 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 21.476786 219 74 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Dashan 4.9173076 277 75 Dashan 26.671514 278 75 Dashan 3.4258447 278 76 Dashan 2.0684823 279 77 2.0684823 279 77 Baiyan 38.790019 152 76 Baiyan 49.926487 153 77 Baiyan 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Baisha 61.424401 150 75 Baisha 49.926487 153 77 Baisha 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Da'an 9.9643812 209 73 Da'an 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 38.790019 152 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 49.926487 153 77 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 4.6144463 187 75 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ri'aitang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Fu-jung 49.926487 153 77 Fu-jung 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Laochangbu 9.9643812 209 73 Laochangbu 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chou-hung-ch'iu 2.4716733 184 74 Chou-hung-ch'iu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Cheng-chia-tai 4.6144463 187 75 Cheng-chia-tai 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Heng-pa-ts'un 2.4716733 184 74 Heng-pa-ts'un 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 Dajijia 17.458593 297 75 Dajijia 14.503721 296 76 Dajijia 16.990276 296 77 Dajijia 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 P'u-ch'i 61.424401 150 75 P'u-ch'i 49.926487 153 77 P'u-ch'i 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Lo-ho-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Kuan-yin 3.3316499 103 74 Kuan-yin 27.281443 107 78 27.281443 107 78 Hsiung-ting-yu 2.4716733 184 74 Hsiung-ting-yu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Zhapu 4.6144463 187 75 Zhapu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lixinzha 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qingjiang 38.790019 152 76 Qingjiang 49.926487 153 77 Qingjiang 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Zhangjiaxiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huangang 21.476786 219 74 Huangang 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 Xihuzui 39.375721 311 76 Xihuzui 16.387197 315 77 Xihuzui 10.211338 314 78 Xihuzui 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Sanhezhen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Niu-ch'iao-shih 4.6144463 187 75 Niu-ch'iao-shih 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsiao-an-chieh 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Touyan 7.9364271 147 75 Touyan 10.419949 148 75 Touyan 2.0500631 149 75 Touyan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Banping 15.445253 145 75 Banping 6.6582175 146 75 Banping 7.9364271 147 75 Banping 10.419949 148 75 Banping 2.0500631 149 75 Banping 16.294285 148 78 Banping 10.201052 149 78 10.201052 149 78 Bei'ao 15.445253 145 75 Bei'ao 6.6582175 146 75 Bei'ao 7.9364271 147 75 Bei'ao 10.419949 148 75 Bei'ao 2.0500631 149 75 Bei'ao 16.294285 148 78 Bei'ao 10.201052 149 78 10.201052 149 78 Dajing 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wei-chiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hu-chia-lu 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 Ku-hsien 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Chenyu 2.0500631 149 75 Chenyu 61.424401 150 75 Chenyu 49.926487 153 77 Chenyu 8.5062756 153 78 Chenyu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 Tieshan 61.438968 309 76 Tieshan 57.725596 309 77 Tieshan 59.312674 309 78 Tieshan 64.366144 309 79 Tieshan 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Hsing-hsing-chen 4.6144463 187 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Baixi 49.926487 153 77 Baixi 72.485656 154 77 Baixi 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chiu-ch'u-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Dujiaqiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chien-chen 7.6550516 218 76 7.6550516 218 76 Chou-chia-peng 7.4155752 188 76 7.4155752 188 76 Fou-ch'iao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Sanli 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hai-men-hsien 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huanshan 5.5698927 150 76 Huanshan 49.926487 153 77 Huanshan 72.485656 154 77 Huanshan 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Fengcheng 3.4258447 278 76 Fengcheng 2.0684823 279 77 2.0684823 279 77 Liujiazhai 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Ch'ing-lung-chiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qianjing 5.0762899 205 78 Qianjing 16.878731 204 79 Qianjing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 32.548758 321 77 Wang-chia-tun 22.803787 320 80 Wang-chia-tun 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 Lushun 57.589942 310 78 Lushun 55.605209 310 79 Lushun 28.152081 311 79 Lushun 39.563689 311 80 Lushun 62.579912 310 81 Lushun 47.633161 311 81 47.633161 311 81 Liuhe 16.878731 204 79 Liuhe 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Tiaobanqiao 5.0762899 205 78 Tiaobanqiao 16.878731 204 79 Tiaobanqiao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Xincun 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Kanmen 12.148678 150 77 Kanmen 16.272936 151 77 Kanmen 49.926487 153 77 Kanmen 8.5062756 153 78 Kanmen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Ch'ing-chiang 49.926487 153 77 Ch'ing-chiang 72.485656 154 77 Ch'ing-chiang 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Caopeng 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Fu-hsin-tsao 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Ch'ang-sha 5.9733643 218 77 5.9733643 218 77 Chumen 16.272936 151 77 Chumen 49.926487 153 77 Chumen 72.485656 154 77 Chumen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Wenqiao 49.926487 153 77 Wenqiao 72.485656 154 77 Wenqiao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chung-fu 27.281443 107 78 Chung-fu 18.124242 107 79 Chung-fu 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Nankan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Dong'anzhen 15.928197 213 81 Dong'anzhen 5.1456271 215 81 Dong'anzhen 11.95893 216 81 11.95893 216 81 Jinshanwei 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Chenxing 16.878731 204 79 Chenxing 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Wan'an 5.0762899 205 78 Wan'an 16.878731 204 79 Wan'an 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Haiyanzhen 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 Chu-chi 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 San Juan 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 4.4584824 320 79 Sanguanmiao 22.803787 320 80 Sanguanmiao 6.8199729 321 80 Sanguanmiao 32.53914 320 82 32.53914 320 82 Chin-shan-tsui 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Shanyang 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 5.0762899 205 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 16.878731 204 79 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Meng-chiang-miao 5.0762899 205 78 Meng-chiang-miao 16.878731 204 79 Meng-chiang-miao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Hongxing 5.0762899 205 78 Hongxing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Beikan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 Yantai 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Hsin-p'u 9.6093348 185 79 9.6093348 185 79 Ducun 16.878731 204 79 Ducun 4.9383975 204 80 Ducun 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 11.129701 316 79 Xinzhaizi 12.273618 317 79 Xinzhaizi 13.14841 316 80 Xinzhaizi 11.288903 317 80 Xinzhaizi 10.263241 316 81 Xinzhaizi 10.655565 317 81 Xinzhaizi 5.1844298 316 82 Xinzhaizi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Haiyou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Fugu 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 9.738003 319 80 Wudao 6.8199729 321 80 Wudao 32.53914 320 82 Wudao 18.318481 319 83 18.318481 319 83 Chongming 16.878731 204 79 Chongming 7.4608971 205 79 Chongming 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 Shuishiying 28.152081 311 79 Shuishiying 39.563689 311 80 Shuishiying 62.579912 310 81 Shuishiying 47.633161 311 81 Shuishiying 64.441351 310 82 Shuishiying 52.1369 311 82 Shuishiying 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Lingmen 9.2223275 153 79 Lingmen 3.9519262 152 82 Lingmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Aohuan 9.2223275 153 79 Aohuan 3.9519262 152 82 Aohuan 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Dalu 9.2223275 153 79 Dalu 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Shaliu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Caojing 12.151612 189 79 12.151612 189 79 Changzheng 16.878731 204 79 Changzheng 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 11.129701 316 79 Yingchengzi 12.273618 317 79 Yingchengzi 13.14841 316 80 Yingchengzi 11.288903 317 80 Yingchengzi 10.263241 316 81 Yingchengzi 10.655565 317 81 Yingchengzi 5.1844298 316 82 Yingchengzi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Naguilian 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Ko-ao-wang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Fang-ch'ien 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chiang-tzu-p'ing 18.124242 107 79 Chiang-tzu-p'ing 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Huqiao 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 14.466696 203 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 2.1981926 203 81 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Shih-she-chang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Dong'ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Guan'ao 9.2223275 153 79 Guan'ao 3.9519262 152 82 Guan'ao 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Houjiazhen 16.878731 204 79 Houjiazhen 7.4608971 205 79 Houjiazhen 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Ling-chiao-ch'en 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaojiang 41.209149 159 83 Jiaojiang 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Shan-shang-fang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Tan-shui 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Ch'uan-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 Jiaoliudao 32.53914 320 82 Jiaoliudao 18.318481 319 83 Jiaoliudao 35.730376 319 84 Jiaoliudao 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Wudongzha 5.1131623 183 83 Wudongzha 9.1161185 184 83 Wudongzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Hsia-feng-ch'a 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Abulug 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Qiansuo 41.209149 159 83 Qiansuo 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Pai-chia-chuang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Panlong 14.466696 203 80 Panlong 4.9383975 204 80 Panlong 3.1855034 203 83 Panlong 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsia-jo-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsi-yen 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hua-shan-t'ou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chia-shih 41.209149 159 83 San-chia-shih 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Che-lin 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Dongdayang 4.907592 202 82 Dongdayang 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baoshan 14.466696 203 80 Baoshan 2.1981926 203 81 Baoshan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Dongfeng 14.466696 203 80 Dongfeng 4.9383975 204 80 Dongfeng 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Donggangcun 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Qiganshi 4.7120089 280 80 Qiganshi 5.9018837 280 81 Qiganshi 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 Wu-tao 32.53914 320 82 Wu-tao 18.318481 319 83 Wu-tao 35.730376 319 84 Wu-tao 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 Donggang 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Yeh-chia 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Ch'i-shih-chieh 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chih 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Ch'ang-yang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsueh-mou-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Taipingzha 5.1131623 183 83 Taipingzha 9.1161185 184 83 Taipingzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Xinmin 14.466696 203 80 Xinmin 4.9383975 204 80 Xinmin 3.1855034 203 83 Xinmin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ju-shan-k'ou 4.7120089 280 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.9018837 280 81 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 39.563689 311 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 62.579912 310 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 47.633161 311 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 64.441351 310 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 52.1369 311 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Cabuluan 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Cao'antou 4.907592 202 82 Cao'antou 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsin-k'ai-ho 2.1981926 203 81 Hsin-k'ai-ho 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 Mashanshangzhai 10.482945 292 83 Mashanshangzhai 14.570182 292 85 14.570182 292 85 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ch'ing 41.209149 159 83 Chin-ch'ing 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Changjiang 2.1981926 203 81 Changjiang 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Xining 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 10.655565 317 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 3.9836386 316 83 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 Gezhenpu 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Feng-p'u-ao 5.1131623 183 83 Feng-p'u-ao 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Ch'ien-chia-ch'iao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Catuguran 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Beishenjiazhai 4.907592 202 82 Beishenjiazhai 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Chayuan 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Youcheqiao 4.907592 202 82 Youcheqiao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 13.620834 328 84 Ma-chia-tun 11.090321 329 85 Ma-chia-tun 4.2163928 329 86 4.2163928 329 86 Ch'iu-wang 5.1131623 183 83 Ch'iu-wang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 3.9836386 316 83 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 Dalian 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Shangpan 41.209149 159 83 Shangpan 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Jiankangtang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Lusi 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 3.9836386 316 83 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 Nanguanling 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Ch'ing-shui-hu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Su-chia 6.1446035 191 82 6.1446035 191 82 Muping 10.482945 292 83 Muping 14.570182 292 85 Muping 16.021553 292 86 16.021553 292 86 Linao 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Shih-t'ang 3.9519262 152 82 Shih-t'ang 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Sichalu 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Qianjin 4.907592 202 82 Qianjin 3.1855034 203 83 Qianjin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hai-yang-so 8.0972223 280 82 Hai-yang-so 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Songmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Nanbu 4.907592 202 82 Nanbu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsieh-fu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Lipu 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Bisagu 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Liyang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Wantang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Yangyuan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gaodong 4.907592 202 82 Gaodong 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanhong 14.615235 279 82 Nanhong 8.0972223 280 82 Nanhong 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 Xinghaitun 15.459068 312 83 Xinghaitun 41.345126 312 86 Xinghaitun 29.26988 313 86 Xinghaitun 9.8166156 314 86 Xinghaitun 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Chien-t'iao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chin-shan 24.212938 109 82 Chin-shan 94.726282 110 84 Chin-shan 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Panshi 4.907592 202 82 Panshi 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baishatan 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 3.9836386 316 83 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 Dayandao 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 3.9836386 316 83 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Aparri 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 San-chiao-t'ang 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Gulu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gangyan 3.1855034 203 83 Gangyan 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 Dal'niy 15.459068 312 83 Dal'niy 41.345126 312 86 Dal'niy 29.26988 313 86 Dal'niy 9.8166156 314 86 Dal'niy 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Alilinu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Daxingzhen 4.5413906 204 87 Daxingzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Gongjiazhen 9.5464842 212 83 9.5464842 212 83 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 18.318481 319 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 Fu-chou-wan 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Wan-li 78.355792 110 83 Wan-li 94.726282 110 84 Wan-li 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Gongjialu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanqinghe 4.5413906 204 87 Nanqinghe 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 Dingguanzhai 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Dahu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chen-hai 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Dongxing 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hexing 3.1855034 203 83 Hexing 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 Dongshanbeitou 14.570182 292 85 Dongshanbeitou 16.021553 292 86 16.021553 292 86 Lao-yu-tang 7.1464408 191 84 Lao-yu-tang 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Ch'ang-chieh 61.646954 168 84 61.646954 168 84 Hsiang-hua 4.4113937 201 84 Hsiang-hua 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 Qianyangjiacun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Punta 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cailu 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Bailonggang 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Qianwei 4.4113937 201 84 Qianwei 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 Shang-chuang 14.570182 292 85 Shang-chuang 16.021553 292 86 16.021553 292 86 Chi-lung 78.095275 109 85 Chi-lung 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Zhenhai 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Ping'an 7.1464408 191 84 Ping'an 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Sizhoutou 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Yuansha 4.4113937 201 84 Yuansha 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ch'iang-t'ou 9.4721285 170 89 Ch'iang-t'ou 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xianxiang 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Balza 14.661471 5 86 14.661471 5 86 Shigaotang 4.8035103 180 86 Shigaotang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Jiangjia 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Wusi 6.0627425 191 85 Wusi 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Ch'en-chia 10.775334 200 85 Ch'en-chia 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Ch'ang-t'an-li 78.095275 109 85 Ch'ang-t'an-li 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Ch'iu-chia-chai 8.8782186 198 87 Ch'iu-chia-chai 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Fumin 10.775334 200 85 Fumin 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Dong'anzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Tou-cheng 72.613429 101 88 Tou-cheng 90.66635 102 88 Tou-cheng 39.260628 103 88 39.260628 103 88 Chia-li-wan 30.464002 100 88 30.464002 100 88 Beiqigen 4.8035103 180 86 Beiqigen 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Tanglugang 6.34959 206 89 6.34959 206 89 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 Jianggezhuang 16.021553 292 86 16.021553 292 86 Dingtang 7.84858 167 85 7.84858 167 85 Ligang 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Guoyuan 6.0627425 191 85 Guoyuan 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Fengle 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Niupeng 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Hsin-tsao-chen 4.5413906 204 87 Hsin-tsao-chen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Langnuankou 6.1199551 281 85 Langnuankou 7.6359121 281 86 Langnuankou 4.9587606 282 87 Langnuankou 3.1296165 283 88 Langnuankou 2.9754361 283 89 2.9754361 283 89 Yinyang 4.5413906 204 87 Yinyang 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Su-ao 30.464002 100 88 30.464002 100 88 Beilungang 4.8035103 180 86 Beilungang 5.0451305 181 86 Beilungang 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Lao-chiang 6.0394592 197 88 Lao-chiang 11.746561 193 89 Lao-chiang 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Xiaoguan 4.9587606 282 87 Xiaoguan 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 2.9754361 283 89 Xiaoguan 3.3238095 283 90 Xiaoguan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 29.26988 313 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 3.9477531 315 86 Dagushan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Sanshan 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Donghai 6.8080325 191 86 Donghai 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Shuyuan 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 3.9477531 315 86 Wanli 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 3.9477531 315 86 Dongjiagou 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Daxu 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Daniwan 4.8035103 180 86 Daniwan 5.0451305 181 86 Daniwan 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 29.26988 313 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 3.9477531 315 86 Nianyuwan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Buguey 14.661471 5 86 Buguey 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Zhuxi 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Lao-tung 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Danmen 9.4721285 170 89 Danmen 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xiaoli'ao 4.8035103 180 86 Xiaoli'ao 5.0451305 181 86 5.0451305 181 86 Xilangnuan 4.9587606 282 87 Xilangnuan 3.1296165 283 88 Xilangnuan 2.9754361 283 89 Xilangnuan 3.3238095 283 90 Xilangnuan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Hepu 10.516434 165 87 Hepu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Ch'ai-ch'iao 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 Huatong 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Chiu-nan-t'ien 10.516434 165 87 Chiu-nan-t'ien 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Shihphu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 Beidianzi 15.906104 293 87 15.906104 293 87 Qiancang 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Fu-lien 39.260628 103 88 39.260628 103 88 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 Guizhou 6.2332251 332 88 Guizhou 10.634702 333 88 Guizhou 4.6995199 332 89 Guizhou 8.1513821 333 89 Guizhou 32.719378 332 90 Guizhou 43.369556 333 91 43.369556 333 91 Gonzaga 22.144727 5 88 Gonzaga 24.144903 5 89 Gonzaga 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Wuleidao 9.0202245 281 88 Wuleidao 6.1302265 282 88 Wuleidao 3.1296165 283 88 Wuleidao 2.9754361 283 89 Wuleidao 3.3238095 283 90 Wuleidao 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Guoju 7.4258866 175 89 Guoju 28.771507 177 92 Guoju 41.640815 178 93 Guoju 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 Tiancun 19.124347 293 89 Tiancun 21.521515 293 90 Tiancun 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Zeku 5.956488 282 89 Zeku 2.9754361 283 89 Zeku 3.3238095 283 90 Zeku 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 Dalijia 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 Teng-sha-ho 13.870654 317 93 Teng-sha-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Bawa 24.144903 5 89 Bawa 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 Yuanyaocun 19.124347 293 89 Yuanyaocun 21.521515 293 90 Yuanyaocun 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Cabiraoan 24.144903 5 89 Cabiraoan 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Chung-tse 37.812105 176 90 Chung-tse 5.4334006 177 90 Chung-tse 28.771507 177 92 Chung-tse 41.640815 178 93 Chung-tse 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Dinghai 41.640815 178 93 Dinghai 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 Weihai 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Chiao-t'ou 5.7902978 174 90 Chiao-t'ou 6.6960528 175 90 Chiao-t'ou 37.812105 176 90 Chiao-t'ou 5.4334006 177 90 Chiao-t'ou 28.771507 177 92 Chiao-t'ou 41.640815 178 93 41.640815 178 93 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 Panyuchwan 43.369556 333 91 Panyuchwan 7.9845756 334 91 Panyuchwan 5.5322527 335 91 Panyuchwan 3.7448453 335 92 3.7448453 335 92 Ganlan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Casambalangan 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 San Vincente 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 Lu-chia-t'un 7.9845756 334 91 Lu-chia-t'un 5.5322527 335 91 Lu-chia-t'un 8.8660103 336 91 Lu-chia-t'un 3.7448453 335 92 Lu-chia-t'un 4.3393171 336 92 Lu-chia-t'un 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 7.9845756 334 91 Wangzhai 5.5322527 335 91 Wangzhai 8.8660103 336 91 Wangzhai 3.7448453 335 92 Wangzhai 4.3393171 336 92 Wangzhai 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Litang 6.2692201 169 91 Litang 6.0665923 170 91 Litang 5.0002155 171 91 Litang 5.6681767 173 91 5.6681767 173 91 Jinghaiwei 15.213907 280 91 Jinghaiwei 9.4992308 281 91 Jinghaiwei 5.8361838 282 91 Jinghaiwei 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Da'ao 7.1140451 174 91 Da'ao 9.1525077 175 91 Da'ao 8.855008 177 91 Da'ao 28.771507 177 92 Da'ao 41.640815 178 93 41.640815 178 93 Huangshan 5.8361838 282 91 Huangshan 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Luomen 41.640815 178 93 Luomen 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Jen-ho-chi 12.273248 281 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.5358904 282 92 7.5358904 282 92 Ta-chan 41.640815 178 93 Ta-chan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 P'u-t'o 10.816907 177 93 P'u-t'o 41.640815 178 93 P'u-t'o 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Qiandao 15.566538 281 93 Qiandao 7.8003059 282 93 7.8003059 282 93 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 Wujiatun 13.870654 317 93 Wujiatun 6.2568556 318 93 Wujiatun 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 7.6443932 320 97 7.6443932 320 97 Ch'ih-shan-chi 16.853075 282 96 Ch'ih-shan-chi 10.974932 283 97 Ch'ih-shan-chi 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 Jiaxinzi 7.6443932 320 97 Jiaxinzi 12.836438 320 98 Jiaxinzi 46.554234 321 98 46.554234 321 98 Shidao 16.14937 281 94 Shidao 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Laoshantun 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Xizhuang 18.963316 292 95 Xizhuang 10.598257 291 96 Xizhuang 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Ning-ching-so 16.853075 282 96 Ning-ching-so 10.974932 283 97 Ning-ching-so 2.918996 284 98 Ning-ching-so 18.710073 284 99 Ning-ching-so 15.0606 285 99 Ning-ching-so 13.836769 286 99 13.836769 286 99 Dazhuang 18.398227 281 95 Dazhuang 16.853075 282 96 Dazhuang 10.974932 283 97 Dazhuang 2.918996 284 98 Dazhuang 18.710073 284 99 Dazhuang 15.0606 285 99 15.0606 285 99 Jiurongcheng 10.598257 291 96 Jiurongcheng 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 8.7644452 321 99 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Wolongcun 17.371456 291 98 Wolongcun 23.988816 292 98 Wolongcun 4.5171047 288 99 Wolongcun 10.740165 289 99 10.740165 289 99 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 19.266314 317 98 Fangshentun 12.836438 320 98 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 6.7260334 319 99 Kubura 127.9115 97 106 Kubura 321.59536 98 106 Kubura 858.42707 99 106 858.42707 99 106 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 Zhuanghe 30.237123 324 105 Zhuanghe 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 5.3016982 323 103 Dafangshen 30.237123 324 105 Dafangshen 12.767096 322 106 Dafangshen 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 30.237123 324 105 Shishan 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 10.749466 322 104 Wangjia 7.5158755 323 104 Wangjia 12.767096 322 106 Wangjia 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 7.0071058 324 110 Nanjian 2.9041663 325 113 2.9041663 325 113 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 22.551549 327 116 Huangtukan 3.0258564 326 117 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Sakiyama 203.57826 92 113 Sakiyama 72.627692 93 113 Sakiyama 302.0695 94 113 Sakiyama 699.64857 95 113 Sakiyama 1111.3887 96 113 Sakiyama 103.90006 92 116 Sakiyama 2.4595049 95 116 2.4595049 95 116 Hoshitate 333.96525 94 114 Hoshitate 413.40275 95 114 Hoshitate 1093.2539 97 114 Hoshitate 1268.8146 98 114 Hoshitate 2.4595049 95 116 2.4595049 95 116 Shirabaramitake 169.79837 92 115 Shirabaramitake 242.33275 93 115 Shirabaramitake 103.90006 92 116 103.90006 92 116 Honai 186.85737 94 115 Honai 80.362833 95 115 Honai 360.20269 96 115 Honai 1001.6358 97 115 Honai 1354.1759 98 115 Honai 2.4595049 95 116 Honai 89.209781 96 119 89.209781 96 119 Toyohara 103.90006 92 116 Toyohara 2.4595049 95 116 Toyohara 89.209781 96 119 89.209781 96 119 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 7.668749 325 117 Pei-ching-tzu 3.0258564 326 117 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Kobama 69.96834 93 118 Kobama 154.28997 97 118 Kobama 89.209781 96 119 Kobama 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Agarisuji 441.89003 91 118 Agarisuji 518.13912 92 118 Agarisuji 69.96834 93 118 Agarisuji 178.621 93 120 Agarisuji 14.096433 95 120 Agarisuji 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 Dadong 2.6932739 326 124 2.6932739 326 124 Ishigaki 178.621 93 120 Ishigaki 14.096433 95 120 Ishigaki 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Fubai 14.755579 94 121 Fubai 63.403 96 121 Fubai 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 3.3570784 325 122 Chogumsa 2.6192342 325 123 Chogumsa 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 4.8090197 325 125 Chogumsa 3.3889949 326 125 Chogumsa 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Shirafu 557.31901 93 122 Shirafu 2.02093 94 122 Shirafu 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Ibarama 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Hirano 55.288835 97 123 Hirano 89.043398 97 125 89.043398 97 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 3.3889949 326 125 Yongampo-ri 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 4.8090197 325 125 Genjo 3.3889949 326 125 Genjo 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 7.2149272 322 129 Yongsapo 8.247528 323 129 Yongsapo 3.9270985 321 130 Yongsapo 6.6077831 321 131 Yongsapo 8.1506313 322 131 Yongsapo 5.481458 323 131 Yongsapo 8.6037931 324 131 Yongsapo 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Chandae-dong 67.952825 297 128 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 38.636737 299 129 Chandae-dong 56.892045 301 129 Chandae-dong 34.749838 300 130 Chandae-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Chandae-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Chandae-dong 33.314541 297 132 Chandae-dong 24.830385 298 132 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 63.31624 295 129 Kaju-dong 64.222239 296 129 Kaju-dong 63.668785 297 129 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Kaju-dong 18.567548 296 132 Kaju-dong 33.314541 297 132 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 34.749838 300 130 Ch'angam-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Ch'angam-dong 16.949776 302 130 Ch'angam-dong 44.911389 303 130 Ch'angam-dong 23.864916 301 131 Ch'angam-dong 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 20.322722 300 133 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 5.481458 323 131 Changya-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Changya-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 68.086418 308 131 Arang-dong 41.10869 309 131 Arang-dong 40.371133 310 131 Arang-dong 8.0695346 308 132 Arang-dong 20.041426 309 132 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Arang-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Arang-dong 17.458806 309 133 Arang-dong 14.042692 307 134 Arang-dong 17.803123 308 134 17.803123 308 134 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 21.953468 305 131 Sogon-ni 2.8138241 306 131 Sogon-ni 22.711163 307 131 Sogon-ni 16.438775 306 132 Sogon-ni 6.7326396 307 132 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 4.1624577 307 133 Sogon-ni 14.042692 307 134 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Sinmi-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.370203 300 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.322722 300 133 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 Monggumpo-ri 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 6.7326396 307 132 Sagi-ri 8.0695346 308 132 Sagi-ri 4.1624577 307 133 Sagi-ri 8.4014419 308 133 Sagi-ri 14.042692 307 134 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Chosa-dong 17.458806 309 133 Chosa-dong 14.042692 307 134 Chosa-dong 17.803123 308 134 Chosa-dong 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 9.4330686 324 133 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 4.1624577 307 133 Pungchon 8.4014419 308 133 Pungchon 14.042692 307 134 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 Hyu-dong 17.890888 297 136 Hyu-dong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Hang-ni 96.623511 239 134 96.623511 239 134 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 Sondup'yong 17.890888 297 136 Sondup'yong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 17.890888 297 136 Sogang-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Kuninaka 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Chukhang 86.399991 248 136 Chukhang 80.351742 249 136 Chukhang 87.38565 252 136 87.38565 252 136 Ichimasui 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Karimata 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Sugama 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Hirara 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 5.7636397 322 138 Changp'o 44.567608 323 138 Changp'o 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Arasato 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 28.075365 322 139 Yung-ni 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 Hwajin-ni 20.802088 317 139 Hwajin-ni 19.473088 318 139 Hwajin-ni 11.13778 318 140 Hwajin-ni 15.181629 320 140 Hwajin-ni 18.837876 319 141 18.837876 319 141 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Bora 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 Chungang-ni 15.181629 320 140 Chungang-ni 18.837876 319 141 18.837876 319 141 Banzaito-ri 94.211327 241 140 94.211327 241 140 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 8.9062797 297 146 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 2.4021282 296 150 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Chibuk 3.0825982 252 148 Chibuk 12.796815 252 149 Chibuk 10.200227 252 150 Chibuk 7.9765838 251 151 Chibuk 2.0501242 252 151 2.0501242 252 151 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 2.4021282 296 150 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 9.6271908 284 147 Etsuu 27.647417 285 147 Etsuu 13.93856 286 147 Etsuu 28.085299 287 147 Etsuu 14.286725 288 147 Etsuu 42.246294 288 148 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Hwangdo 52.68561 271 147 Hwangdo 52.015145 272 147 Hwangdo 57.406962 273 147 Hwangdo 40.254339 274 147 Hwangdo 61.071724 275 147 Hwangdo 30.769436 275 150 Hwangdo 26.023157 275 151 26.023157 275 151 Doko-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Doko-ri 21.03612 253 148 Doko-ri 12.796815 252 149 Doko-ri 21.810351 253 149 Doko-ri 10.200227 252 150 Doko-ri 7.9765838 251 151 Doko-ri 2.0501242 252 151 Doko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Doko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ant'ae 6.734872 248 152 Ant'ae 4.1033031 250 152 4.1033031 250 152 Och'ong 35.99735 269 148 Och'ong 42.348337 270 148 Och'ong 53.312852 271 148 Och'ong 52.760284 272 148 Och'ong 52.172978 273 148 Och'ong 59.378444 273 149 Och'ong 38.956148 273 150 Och'ong 23.725931 272 152 Och'ong 35.515611 273 152 35.515611 273 152 Bunkai-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Bunkai-ri 21.03612 253 148 Bunkai-ri 18.363187 254 148 Bunkai-ri 12.048456 255 148 Bunkai-ri 19.348215 254 149 Bunkai-ri 16.851478 255 149 Bunkai-ri 10.563465 255 150 Bunkai-ri 4.85565 255 151 Bunkai-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Ach'on 12.796815 252 149 Ach'on 21.810351 253 149 Ach'on 10.200227 252 150 Ach'on 7.9765838 251 151 Ach'on 2.0501242 252 151 Ach'on 4.1033031 250 152 Ach'on 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Sep'o 6.734872 248 152 Sep'o 15.413641 248 153 15.413641 248 153 Ikkum-ni 10.200227 252 150 Ikkum-ni 21.320522 254 150 Ikkum-ni 10.563465 255 150 Ikkum-ni 4.85565 255 151 Ikkum-ni 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Changgo 10.200227 252 150 Changgo 21.320522 254 150 Changgo 10.563465 255 150 Changgo 23.586617 256 150 Changgo 8.6752272 253 152 Changgo 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chogun-mal 12.795995 257 150 Chogun-mal 14.982607 258 150 Chogun-mal 16.037022 259 150 Chogun-mal 7.5382908 258 151 Chogun-mal 13.58434 259 151 Chogun-mal 9.5205128 258 153 Chogun-mal 2.0395579 258 154 Chogun-mal 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Tengan-ri 6.7307922 254 151 Tengan-ri 4.85565 255 151 Tengan-ri 7.5382908 258 151 Tengan-ri 7.7479813 258 152 Tengan-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Oejongsan 24.294911 278 151 Oejongsan 22.350351 279 151 Oejongsan 30.865036 280 151 Oejongsan 35.76981 281 151 Oejongsan 45.829966 282 151 Oejongsan 23.722503 282 152 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 Anmal 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Soko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Soko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 Soko-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.5759047 296 153 Muji-ni 3.6487155 295 154 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Songnyong-ni 7.283544 257 152 Songnyong-ni 7.7479813 258 152 Songnyong-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Jindo 6.734872 248 152 Jindo 15.413641 248 153 Jindo 8.4904397 249 154 Jindo 8.4344916 248 155 Jindo 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.5759047 296 153 Kyodo 3.6487155 295 154 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Aenang-ni 6.734872 248 152 Aenang-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Aenang-ni 8.4344916 248 155 Aenang-ni 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Dongmun 13.622337 279 152 Dongmun 2.7457444 280 152 Dongmun 23.722503 282 152 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 Dongmun 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 23.722503 282 152 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 25.057613 285 153 Oe-dong 18.679295 284 154 Oe-dong 20.370363 285 154 Oe-dong 26.844518 285 155 Oe-dong 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Hwadong-ni 6.734872 248 152 Hwadong-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Hwadong-ni 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Ch'al-tong 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'al-tong 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 4.0459529 289 153 Chawol-li 18.722716 290 153 Chawol-li 32.197626 289 154 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 24.938064 289 156 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 15.512703 277 153 Sinsong 11.15504 278 153 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 Pususan-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Chungjang 18.939911 275 153 Chungjang 19.490962 276 153 Chungjang 15.512703 277 153 Chungjang 11.15504 278 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 Chungjang 13.911663 275 157 Chungjang 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Kan 17.058279 265 154 Kan 19.152435 266 154 Kan 37.328593 267 154 Kan 21.786611 268 154 Kan 25.060669 269 154 Kan 16.67066 267 155 Kan 21.624888 268 155 Kan 18.647344 269 155 Kan 13.065519 268 156 Kan 15.272654 269 156 Kan 5.8870833 266 157 Kan 9.4156985 269 157 Kan 6.1827551 266 158 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 5.6885666 267 158 Tongmokp 10.937449 277 154 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 10.937449 277 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mogpo 8.4904397 249 154 Mogpo 14.054734 251 154 Mogpo 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 P'i-dong 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 Taeya 2.0395579 258 154 Taeya 3.5386389 259 154 Taeya 6.3000664 261 156 Taeya 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changdong 8.4904397 249 154 Changdong 8.4344916 248 155 Changdong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chisa-ri 8.4904397 249 154 Chisa-ri 14.054734 251 154 Chisa-ri 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 Changch'u-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Onmok 8.2578121 259 155 Onmok 4.6834766 260 155 Onmok 6.9462647 261 155 Onmok 6.8610422 262 155 Onmok 6.3000664 261 156 Onmok 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 4.6834766 260 155 Changho 6.9462647 261 155 Changho 6.8610422 262 155 Changho 8.6657853 264 155 Changho 6.3000664 261 156 Changho 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 5.961837 263 156 Changho 7.7888463 264 156 Changho 2.0153163 263 157 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.8610422 262 155 Chongam 8.6657853 264 155 Chongam 13.708281 265 155 Chongam 15.999725 266 155 Chongam 5.0866135 262 156 Chongam 5.961837 263 156 Chongam 7.7888463 264 156 Chongam 9.5269236 266 156 Chongam 2.0153163 263 157 Chongam 5.8870833 266 157 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Weolam-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Anjong 8.4344916 248 155 Anjong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 26.844518 285 155 Chogumjin-ni 10.688657 285 156 Chogumjin-ni 3.2321102 285 157 3.2321102 285 157 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 12.568597 274 157 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Katsuto 9.4869628 246 156 9.4869628 246 156 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 11.650704 286 157 Hasambong 22.332942 287 157 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 Hasambong 16.390027 286 159 Hasambong 4.1419281 285 160 Hasambong 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Chonmak 2.0153163 263 157 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 10.115317 270 157 Aech'an-ni 9.1861162 271 157 Aech'an-ni 20.453098 272 157 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 Aech'an-ni 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 5.3185053 291 159 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Changsin 2.0153163 263 157 Changsin 5.8870833 266 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 2.241903 267 159 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 2.4882243 268 158 Janghang 10.848643 269 158 Janghang 6.1226123 270 158 Janghang 5.1750682 271 158 Janghang 2.5792614 270 159 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 6.1827551 266 158 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 6.1827551 266 158 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 6.1226123 270 158 Okhu 2.241903 267 159 Okhu 2.5792614 270 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 5.9539673 290 160 Masan-ni 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.5792614 270 159 Gunsan 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 4.1419281 285 160 Chunghung-ni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 4.1419281 285 160 Kooni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 5.9539673 290 160 Wonha-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 5.9539673 290 160 Namyang 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Chamdu 4.0346637 247 165 4.0346637 247 165 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 4.0346637 247 165 Changjong-ni 13.369013 247 166 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 4.0346637 247 165 Changsu 13.369013 247 166 Changsu 9.261633 248 166 Changsu 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chinch'ang 4.0346637 247 165 Chinch'ang 13.369013 247 166 Chinch'ang 9.261633 248 166 Chinch'ang 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Aya-ri 13.369013 247 166 Aya-ri 9.261633 248 166 Aya-ri 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Ch'ongam 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Changdo-ri 5.839203 249 174 5.839203 249 174 Wonsan 18.792407 318 172 Wonsan 15.694487 319 172 Wonsan 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Tongho-ri 25.508662 324 174 Tongho-ri 14.531539 325 174 Tongho-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Aech'o-ri 8.7810788 248 173 8.7810788 248 173 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Yongpo-ri 25.508662 324 174 Yongpo-ri 14.531539 325 174 Yongpo-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Songhung-ni 23.785546 322 173 Songhung-ni 25.508662 324 174 Songhung-ni 14.531539 325 174 Songhung-ni 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anp'o 8.7810788 248 173 Anp'o 5.839203 249 174 Anp'o 9.6005619 249 175 Anp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Anp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Pongch'on 18.792407 318 172 Pongch'on 6.6323313 317 173 Pongch'on 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Chungbang 4.5239592 250 175 Chungbang 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chakto-dong 14.531539 325 174 Chakto-dong 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Chabong 8.7810788 248 173 Chabong 5.839203 249 174 Chabong 9.6005619 249 175 Chabong 4.5239592 250 175 Chabong 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Ch'angch'on 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 4.8124172 317 174 Yeosu 5.839203 249 174 Yeosu 9.6005619 249 175 Yeosu 4.5239592 250 175 Yeosu 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chukp'o 9.6005619 249 175 Chukp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Chukp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Hungsang-ni 23.221014 326 175 23.221014 326 175 Ando 9.6005619 249 175 9.6005619 249 175 Hangch'on 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Yongyon-ni 22.452733 326 176 Yongyon-ni 20.032461 327 176 20.032461 327 176 Tongch-on 23.537237 316 177 Tongch-on 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Namhae 13.692325 251 177 Namhae 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Kuum-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Hongwon 29.49569 328 179 Hongwon 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Pit'o 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Samcheongpo 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Hadajon-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Yuktae-dong 24.445944 328 180 Yuktae-dong 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Cholge 9.9727668 252 181 Cholge 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Changjon 38.393959 313 181 Changjon 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Chabup'o 16.620474 251 184 16.620474 251 184 Gaken-ri 58.289958 313 182 Gaken-ri 53.537643 312 183 Gaken-ri 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Honam-ni 46.05045 328 182 Honam-ni 8.0039205 330 182 Honam-ni 95.940647 328 184 Honam-ni 109.10504 328 185 Honam-ni 83.466108 329 185 Honam-ni 86.094229 329 186 86.094229 329 186 Chop'o 16.620474 251 184 Chop'o 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Hongsong 53.537643 312 183 Hongsong 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Goseong 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Chamgae 16.620474 251 184 Chamgae 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Soho-ri 60.993912 329 184 Soho-ri 83.466108 329 185 Soho-ri 86.094229 329 186 86.094229 329 186 Irun 16.620474 251 184 Irun 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Singhang 83.466108 329 185 Singhang 86.094229 329 186 86.094229 329 186 Kojin-ni 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Pongho-ri 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Chindu 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Changch'on 101.68137 304 189 101.68137 304 189 Yangyang 92.656554 302 190 Yangyang 266.94438 303 190 Yangyang 92.10238 301 191 92.10238 301 191 Ungcheon 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chaho 55.981306 331 187 Chaho 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Kuum-ni 43.739011 332 189 Kuum-ni 109.91747 332 191 Kuum-ni 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Jinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chuktori 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Hagwangjong-ni 92.656554 302 190 Hagwangjong-ni 92.10238 301 191 92.10238 301 191 Jangseunpo 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Jumunjin 88.499872 300 192 88.499872 300 192 Daiko 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Poktokkumi 77.245503 333 191 Poktokkumi 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Tanchon 77.678648 334 192 77.678648 334 192 Gangneung 130.72343 298 194 Gangneung 142.14821 297 195 Gangneung 338.05271 298 195 Gangneung 381.44852 297 196 381.44852 297 196 Kennan-ri 142.14821 297 195 Kennan-ri 381.44852 297 196 381.44852 297 196 Chungch'on 65.011648 335 194 Chungch'on 52.635641 336 195 Chungch'on 176.64607 336 197 176.64607 336 197 Mugho 94.965767 295 196 94.965767 295 196 Samchok 70.964763 294 197 Samchok 233.18554 294 198 233.18554 294 198 Samcheog 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Si-dong 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Kuma 117.67533 291 199 Kuma 58.479251 287 201 Kuma 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Haosan 58.479251 287 201 Haosan 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Imweonjin 100.99595 290 200 Imweonjin 58.479251 287 201 Imweonjin 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Heunghae 46.587638 274 201 Heunghae 17.033825 275 201 Heunghae 20.027861 271 202 Heunghae 37.226898 272 202 37.226898 272 202 Pohang 20.027861 271 202 Pohang 37.226898 272 202 37.226898 272 202 Ganggu 46.587638 274 201 Ganggu 17.033825 275 201 17.033825 275 201 Ulijin 106.41455 283 202 Ulijin 88.162087 285 202 Ulijin 85.309642 286 202 85.309642 286 202 Pyonggok-tong 82.191999 278 202 Pyonggok-tong 66.223288 279 202 66.223288 279 202 Yeonghae 93.232853 276 202 Yeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Yeonghae 66.223288 279 202 66.223288 279 202 Chukpyon 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Mangyang-ni 106.41455 283 202 106.41455 283 202 Segae-dong 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Chugsan-dong 17.033825 275 201 17.033825 275 201 Pyeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Pyeonghae 66.223288 279 202 Pyeonghae 124.48957 282 203 124.48957 282 203 Gampo 6.655122 268 203 6.655122 268 203 Taech'on 20.027861 271 202 Taech'on 37.226898 272 202 37.226898 272 202 Guryongpo 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Hama 26.622322 227 214 26.622322 227 214 Tara 26.622322 227 214 Tara 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Suminoe 26.622322 227 214 Suminoe 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Okawa 26.622322 227 214 Okawa 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Meihama 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Saitosaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuoka 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Mitoma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Setaka 26.622322 227 214 Setaka 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Omuta 4.8188866 227 215 4.8188866 227 215 Kashii 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Harumachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Tsuyazaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Shingu 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukumamachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Namyang-dong 2179.4052 290 220 Namyang-dong 2084.0219 291 220 Namyang-dong 1937.6108 292 220 Namyang-dong 1785.7039 293 220 Namyang-dong 1591.7211 294 220 1591.7211 294 220 Namyang 2075.8262 290 221 Namyang 1897.4515 291 221 Namyang 1304.2365 292 221 Namyang 1666.7511 293 221 Namyang 2103.6251 294 221 Namyang 2041.6499 294 225 2041.6499 294 225 Nari 2075.8262 290 221 Nari 1897.4515 291 221 Nari 1304.2365 292 221 Nari 1666.7511 293 221 Nari 2103.6251 294 221 Nari 2041.6499 294 225 2041.6499 294 225 Dodong 2143.7278 290 222 Dodong 1457.4611 291 222 Dodong 28.845367 292 222 Dodong 760.4324 293 222 Dodong 2171.8023 294 222 Dodong 1831.4403 294 223 Dodong 1470.3643 294 224 Dodong 2041.6499 294 225 Dodong 2160.5065 294 226 2160.5065 294 226 Higashi-fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kawajiri 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Tateishi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Furuichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kihado 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Hommura 65.446379 252 228 Hommura 60.591734 253 228 Hommura 67.188382 252 229 Hommura 93.145648 253 229 93.145648 253 229 Fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Senzaki 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Misumi-ichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kayoi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Shimo-Tashima 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Niinauri 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Haruguchi 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Takanabe 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Uwae 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Tsuno 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Susa 92.4939 251 232 Susa 93.443639 252 232 Susa 96.781686 252 233 96.781686 252 233 Esaki 90.998687 251 233 Esaki 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Takatsu 26.521006 250 236 Takatsu 98.256777 252 236 Takatsu 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Masuda 26.521006 250 236 Masuda 98.256777 252 236 Masuda 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Tsuda 26.521006 250 236 Tsuda 98.256777 252 236 Tsuda 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Misumi 86.230975 252 237 Misumi 112.80373 253 237 112.80373 253 237 Murotani 62.759955 252 238 Murotani 107.34727 253 238 Murotani 126.28386 254 238 126.28386 254 238 Chiwa 62.759955 252 238 Chiwa 107.34727 253 238 Chiwa 126.28386 254 238 126.28386 254 238 Hinashi 62.759955 252 238 Hinashi 107.34727 253 238 Hinashi 126.28386 254 238 Hinashi 133.73524 255 238 133.73524 255 238 Tabase 44.788984 252 239 Tabase 96.372439 253 239 Tabase 120.49405 254 239 120.49405 254 239 Iwami-naganama 44.788984 252 239 Iwami-naganama 96.372439 253 239 Iwami-naganama 120.49405 254 239 Iwami-naganama 134.50477 255 239 134.50477 255 239 Nagahama 44.788984 252 239 Nagahama 96.372439 253 239 Nagahama 120.49405 254 239 Nagahama 134.50477 255 239 134.50477 255 239 Hamada 44.788984 252 239 Hamada 96.372439 253 239 Hamada 120.49405 254 239 Hamada 134.50477 255 239 134.50477 255 239 Kami-Kurokawa 115.85467 254 240 Kami-Kurokawa 128.95952 255 240 128.95952 255 240 Shimoko 115.85467 254 240 Shimoko 128.95952 255 240 Shimoko 137.47363 256 240 137.47363 256 240 Togane 115.85467 254 240 Togane 128.95952 255 240 Togane 137.47363 256 240 137.47363 256 240 Okubo 115.85467 254 240 Okubo 128.95952 255 240 Okubo 137.47363 256 240 137.47363 256 240 Odani 115.85467 254 240 Odani 128.95952 255 240 128.95952 255 240 Hashi 115.85467 254 240 Hashi 128.95952 255 240 Hashi 137.47363 256 240 137.47363 256 240 Uyagawa 88.151072 254 241 Uyagawa 113.63255 255 241 Uyagawa 136.50853 256 241 Uyagawa 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Shimo-Arifuko 88.151072 254 241 Shimo-Arifuko 113.63255 255 241 Shimo-Arifuko 136.50853 256 241 Shimo-Arifuko 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Nakatsuwara 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Fuju 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Tsunozu 88.151072 254 241 Tsunozu 113.63255 255 241 Tsunozu 136.50853 256 241 Tsunozu 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Aogi 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Midoro 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Waki 88.151072 254 241 Waki 113.63255 255 241 Waki 136.50853 256 241 Waki 140.49983 257 241 140.49983 257 241 Tsuzu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Tsutsu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Otake 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Waki 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Kuba 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Gotsu 88.151072 254 241 Gotsu 113.63255 255 241 Gotsu 136.50853 256 241 Gotsu 140.49983 257 241 140.49983 257 241 Imazu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Shioya 20.488224 243 244 Shioya 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Asari 115.67638 256 242 Asari 137.13152 257 242 Asari 126.64215 257 243 Asari 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Hama 20.488224 243 244 Hama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Ichimura 115.67638 256 242 Ichimura 137.13152 257 242 Ichimura 126.64215 257 243 Ichimura 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Hataguchi 20.488224 243 244 Hataguchi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Naka-Tsuchi 94.807198 256 243 Naka-Tsuchi 126.64215 257 243 Naka-Tsuchi 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Morimune 20.488224 243 244 Morimune 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Atada 20.488224 243 244 Atada 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Jigozen 20.488224 243 244 Jigozen 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Shimonohama 20.488224 243 244 Shimonohama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Miyajima 20.488224 243 244 Miyajima 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kuromatsu 94.807198 256 243 Kuromatsu 126.64215 257 243 Kuromatsu 138.01833 258 243 138.01833 258 243 Hatsukaichi 20.488224 243 244 Hatsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hazum-Hongo 94.807198 256 243 Hazum-Hongo 126.64215 257 243 Hazum-Hongo 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Kohama 94.807198 256 243 Kohama 126.64215 257 243 Kohama 138.01833 258 243 138.01833 258 243 Ichi 94.807198 256 243 Ichi 126.64215 257 243 Ichi 138.01833 258 243 138.01833 258 243 Yunotsu 94.807198 256 243 Yunotsu 126.64215 257 243 Yunotsu 138.01833 258 243 138.01833 258 243 Nakaji 20.488224 243 244 Nakaji 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Itsukaichi 20.488224 243 244 Itsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kami-Ida 94.807198 256 243 Kami-Ida 126.64215 257 243 Kami-Ida 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Nakagumi 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Mino 20.488224 243 244 Mino 3.2965007 245 246 Mino 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Omori 76.080611 256 244 Omori 143.45926 259 244 143.45926 259 244 Korenaga 20.488224 243 244 Korenaga 3.2965007 245 246 Korenaga 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nishita 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Nimamachi 76.080611 256 244 Nimamachi 143.45926 259 244 143.45926 259 244 Takuno 76.080611 256 244 Takuno 143.45926 259 244 143.45926 259 244 Nakanohama 20.488224 243 244 Nakanohama 3.2965007 245 246 Nakanohama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Takunomachi 76.080611 256 244 Takunomachi 143.45926 259 244 143.45926 259 244 Hata 20.488224 243 244 Hata 3.2965007 245 246 Hata 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kanokawa 20.488224 243 244 Kanokawa 3.2965007 245 246 Kanokawa 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hashirajima 2.1518934 242 248 2.1518934 242 248 Ihota 51.856313 241 249 51.856313 241 249 Osu 3.2965007 245 246 Osu 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakago 3.2965007 245 246 Nakago 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakamachi 3.2965007 245 246 Nakamachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiroshima 3.2965007 245 246 Hiroshima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tsukumo 3.2965007 245 246 Tsukumo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Oura 127.196 258 245 Oura 136.60019 259 245 136.60019 259 245 Fukae 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Obara 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Oko 2.1518934 242 248 Oko 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Hira 127.196 258 245 Hira 136.60019 259 245 Hira 144.97144 260 245 144.97144 260 245 Umesako 3.2965007 245 246 Umesako 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kakinoura 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Yumbe 127.196 258 245 Yumbe 136.60019 259 245 136.60019 259 245 Hitonose 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Torii 127.196 258 245 Torii 136.60019 259 245 Torii 144.97144 260 245 144.97144 260 245 Etajima 3.2965007 245 246 Etajima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kirikushi 3.2965007 245 246 Kirikushi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Okimi 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Koyo 3.2965007 245 246 Koyo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Yukitsune 127.196 258 245 Yukitsune 136.60019 259 245 136.60019 259 245 Sugewa 2.1518934 242 248 Sugewa 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Kutemachi 137.14329 260 246 137.14329 260 246 Ryoshida 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kamigumi 3.2965007 245 246 Kamigumi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Sakioku 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Arikiyo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hamazaki 3.2965007 245 246 Hamazaki 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ondo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Fujinowaki 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Takasu 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hane 137.14329 260 246 137.14329 260 246 Kaita 3.2965007 245 246 Kaita 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Muroo 2.1518934 242 248 Muroo 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Ideguchi 137.14329 260 246 137.14329 260 246 Hatami 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kaigoshi 2.1518934 242 248 Kaigoshi 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Karoto 2.1518934 242 248 Karoto 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Okujo 3.2965007 245 246 Okujo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiradani 3.2965007 245 246 Hiradani 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kure 3.2965007 245 246 Kure 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Osako 2.1518934 242 248 Osako 4.7740481 243 248 Osako 72.875108 243 251 72.875108 243 251 Jin'yama 8.6907422 244 247 Jin'yama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tagimachi 130.08853 261 247 130.08853 261 247 Kushi-taki 130.08853 261 247 130.08853 261 247 Obama 51.856313 241 249 Obama 42.40165 240 250 Obama 41.929864 241 251 41.929864 241 251 Hiromachi 8.6907422 244 247 Hiromachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Uryu 122.62579 261 248 Uryu 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Hatari 51.856313 241 249 Hatari 42.40165 240 250 Hatari 41.929864 241 251 41.929864 241 251 Hinomi-saki 122.62579 261 248 Hinomi-saki 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Mutsuki 51.856313 241 249 Mutsuki 42.40165 240 250 Mutsuki 41.929864 241 251 41.929864 241 251 Shimojima 2.1518934 242 248 Shimojima 4.7740481 243 248 Shimojima 72.875108 243 251 Shimojima 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Ojizo 2.1518934 242 248 Ojizo 4.7740481 243 248 Ojizo 72.875108 243 251 Ojizo 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Washigasu 42.40165 240 250 42.40165 240 250 Jige 122.62579 261 248 Jige 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Sagiura 122.62579 261 248 Sagiura 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Taisha 122.62579 261 248 Taisha 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Saginoura 122.62579 261 248 Saginoura 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Arakayacho 122.62579 261 248 Arakayacho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Ojimacho 122.62579 261 248 Ojimacho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Kawajiri 2.1518934 242 248 Kawajiri 4.7740481 243 248 Kawajiri 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ebisu 122.62579 261 248 122.62579 261 248 Sannose 2.1518934 242 248 Sannose 4.7740481 243 248 Sannose 72.875108 243 251 Sannose 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Osaki-kami-jima 2.1518934 242 248 Osaki-kami-jima 4.7740481 243 248 Osaki-kami-jima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Inomecho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Harahata 16.64552 242 249 Harahata 4.3081145 243 249 Harahata 26.376706 242 251 Harahata 72.875108 243 251 Harahata 8.7747184 244 252 Harahata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyazakari 51.856313 241 249 Miyazakari 16.64552 242 249 Miyazakari 4.3081145 243 249 Miyazakari 41.929864 241 251 Miyazakari 26.376706 242 251 Miyazakari 72.875108 243 251 Miyazakari 8.7747184 244 252 Miyazakari 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Koyo 51.856313 241 249 Koyo 16.64552 242 249 Koyo 4.3081145 243 249 Koyo 41.929864 241 251 Koyo 26.376706 242 251 Koyo 72.875108 243 251 Koyo 8.7747184 244 252 Koyo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Tado 51.856313 241 249 Tado 16.64552 242 249 Tado 4.3081145 243 249 Tado 41.929864 241 251 Tado 26.376706 242 251 Tado 72.875108 243 251 Tado 8.7747184 244 252 Tado 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hiraki 16.64552 242 249 Hiraki 4.3081145 243 249 Hiraki 26.376706 242 251 Hiraki 72.875108 243 251 Hiraki 8.7747184 244 252 Hiraki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchinoumi 16.64552 242 249 Uchinoumi 4.3081145 243 249 Uchinoumi 26.376706 242 251 Uchinoumi 72.875108 243 251 Uchinoumi 8.7747184 244 252 Uchinoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oura 51.856313 241 249 Oura 16.64552 242 249 Oura 4.3081145 243 249 Oura 42.40165 240 250 Oura 41.929864 241 251 Oura 26.376706 242 251 Oura 72.875108 243 251 Oura 8.7747184 244 252 Oura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Upporoi 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Oi 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Mitsuguchi 16.64552 242 249 Mitsuguchi 4.3081145 243 249 Mitsuguchi 26.376706 242 251 Mitsuguchi 72.875108 243 251 Mitsuguchi 8.7747184 244 252 Mitsuguchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozucho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Horie 42.40165 240 250 42.40165 240 250 Kami-Oda 72.875108 243 251 Kami-Oda 8.7747184 244 252 Kami-Oda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hojo 42.40165 240 250 Hojo 41.929864 241 251 41.929864 241 251 Kazahaya 8.0319931 242 250 Kazahaya 26.376706 242 251 Kazahaya 72.875108 243 251 Kazahaya 8.7747184 244 252 Kazahaya 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kuchi-Ukacho 66.238282 262 251 Kuchi-Ukacho 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Komatsubara 8.0319931 242 250 Komatsubara 26.376706 242 251 Komatsubara 72.875108 243 251 Komatsubara 8.7747184 244 252 Komatsubara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchiura 42.40165 240 250 Uchiura 41.929864 241 251 Uchiura 26.376706 242 251 Uchiura 72.875108 243 251 Uchiura 8.7747184 244 252 Uchiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kanashi 72.875108 243 251 Kanashi 8.7747184 244 252 Kanashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Asanamihar 42.40165 240 250 Asanamihar 41.929864 241 251 Asanamihar 26.376706 242 251 Asanamihar 7.2322222 242 252 7.2322222 242 252 Agejima 66.238282 262 251 Agejima 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Mitsu 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsu 26.376706 242 251 Mitsu 72.875108 243 251 Mitsu 8.7747184 244 252 Mitsu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 66.238282 262 251 Hama 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Nada 66.238282 262 251 Nada 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Kubi 42.40165 240 250 Kubi 41.929864 241 251 Kubi 26.376706 242 251 Kubi 72.875108 243 251 Kubi 8.7747184 244 252 Kubi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okitomo 29.86239 240 251 Okitomo 41.929864 241 251 Okitomo 26.376706 242 251 Okitomo 72.875108 243 251 Okitomo 8.7747184 244 252 Okitomo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 29.86239 240 251 Hama 41.929864 241 251 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 7.2322222 242 252 7.2322222 242 252 Ocho 29.86239 240 251 Ocho 41.929864 241 251 Ocho 26.376706 242 251 Ocho 72.875108 243 251 Ocho 8.7747184 244 252 Ocho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okushi 41.929864 241 251 Okushi 26.376706 242 251 Okushi 72.875108 243 251 Okushi 8.7747184 244 252 Okushi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Daicho 29.86239 240 251 Daicho 41.929864 241 251 Daicho 26.376706 242 251 Daicho 72.875108 243 251 Daicho 8.7747184 244 252 Daicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakaura 66.238282 262 251 Sakaura 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Matsuo 29.86239 240 251 Matsuo 41.929864 241 251 Matsuo 26.376706 242 251 Matsuo 7.2322222 242 252 7.2322222 242 252 Mitarai 29.86239 240 251 Mitarai 41.929864 241 251 Mitarai 26.376706 242 251 Mitarai 72.875108 243 251 Mitarai 8.7747184 244 252 Mitarai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 72.875108 243 251 Hama 8.7747184 244 252 Hama 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Akashi 41.929864 241 251 Akashi 26.376706 242 251 Akashi 72.875108 243 251 Akashi 8.7747184 244 252 Akashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sukune 72.875108 243 251 Sukune 8.7747184 244 252 Sukune 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Nakano 41.929864 241 251 Nakano 26.376706 242 251 Nakano 72.875108 243 251 Nakano 8.7747184 244 252 Nakano 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozakai 66.238282 262 251 Kozakai 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Obe 24.619908 240 252 Obe 34.767233 241 252 Obe 7.2322222 242 252 Obe 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Okiura 34.767233 241 252 Okiura 7.2322222 242 252 Okiura 19.349629 243 252 Okiura 8.7747184 244 252 Okiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakata 24.619908 240 252 Sakata 34.767233 241 252 Sakata 7.2322222 242 252 Sakata 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Takehara 19.349629 243 252 Takehara 8.7747184 244 252 Takehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kinoe 34.767233 241 252 Kinoe 7.2322222 242 252 Kinoe 19.349629 243 252 Kinoe 8.7747184 244 252 Kinoe 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Onashi 19.349629 243 252 Onashi 8.7747184 244 252 Onashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shiramizu 7.2322222 242 252 Shiramizu 19.349629 243 252 Shiramizu 8.7747184 244 252 Shiramizu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oi 24.619908 240 252 Oi 34.767233 241 252 Oi 7.2322222 242 252 Oi 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Takasakicho 19.349629 243 252 Takasakicho 8.7747184 244 252 Takasakicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Ono 24.619908 240 252 Ono 34.767233 241 252 Ono 7.2322222 242 252 7.2322222 242 252 Takasaki 19.349629 243 252 Takasaki 8.7747184 244 252 Takasaki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Namikata 24.619908 240 252 Namikata 34.767233 241 252 Namikata 7.2322222 242 252 Namikata 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Munagata 34.767233 241 252 Munagata 7.2322222 242 252 Munagata 19.349629 243 252 Munagata 8.7747184 244 252 Munagata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Fukuda 19.349629 243 252 Fukuda 8.7747184 244 252 Fukuda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hasihama 24.619908 240 252 Hasihama 34.767233 241 252 Hasihama 7.2322222 242 252 Hasihama 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Kuchisubo 34.767233 241 252 Kuchisubo 7.2322222 242 252 Kuchisubo 19.349629 243 252 Kuchisubo 8.7747184 244 252 Kuchisubo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Aikamachi 82.589962 263 254 Aikamachi 57.606975 264 256 57.606975 264 256 Kinehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Etomo 82.589962 263 254 Etomo 57.606975 264 256 Etomo 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tadanoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Higai 72.484521 242 253 Higai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyanoura 39.500802 241 253 Miyanoura 72.484521 242 253 Miyanoura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Terasu 82.589962 263 254 Terasu 57.606975 264 256 Terasu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tamagi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Imabari 39.500802 241 253 Imabari 72.484521 242 253 Imabari 53.506904 242 254 Imabari 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Sada-Miyauchi 82.589962 263 254 Sada-Miyauchi 57.606975 264 256 Sada-Miyauchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Inokuchi 72.484521 242 253 Inokuchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mukuna 39.500802 241 253 Mukuna 72.484521 242 253 Mukuna 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shimogumi 82.589962 263 254 Shimogumi 57.606975 264 256 Shimogumi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kitaura 39.500802 241 253 Kitaura 72.484521 242 253 Kitaura 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Sakai 72.484521 242 253 Sakai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Noji 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Go-Sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Hama-sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Ryomei 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minamiura 53.506904 242 254 Minamiura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Saiwaishinden 53.506904 242 254 Saiwaishinden 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Seto 53.506904 242 254 Seto 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Niregi 82.589962 263 254 Niregi 57.606975 264 256 Niregi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Hama 82.589962 263 254 Hama 57.606975 264 256 Hama 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yosokuni 53.506904 242 254 Yosokuni 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Wadacho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuwaki 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Miyakubo 53.506904 242 254 Miyakubo 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Tomoura 53.506904 242 254 Tomoura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Sunamicho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kone 53.506904 242 254 Kone 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Setoda 53.506904 242 254 Setoda 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Tako 82.589962 263 254 Tako 57.606975 264 256 Tako 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Nonami 57.606975 264 256 Nonami 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Chikumi 57.606975 264 256 Chikumi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Mambara 57.606975 264 256 Mambara 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Katae 57.606975 264 256 Katae 61.355419 264 257 Katae 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Moriyama 57.606975 264 256 Moriyama 61.355419 264 257 Moriyama 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Wataricho 57.606975 264 256 Wataricho 61.355419 264 257 Wataricho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Tonoecho 57.606975 264 256 Tonoecho 61.355419 264 257 Tonoecho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Watari 57.606975 264 256 Watari 61.355419 264 257 Watari 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Shichirui 57.606975 264 256 Shichirui 61.355419 264 257 Shichirui 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kamisato 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Mukoyama 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Tsudo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Takenouchicho 61.355419 264 257 Takenouchicho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Sakai-Minato 61.355419 264 257 Sakai-Minato 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Fukuura 61.355419 264 257 Fukuura 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yoshizu 61.355419 264 257 Yoshizu 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 O-Shinozucho 61.355419 264 257 O-Shinozucho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kumozu 61.355419 264 257 Kumozu 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Utagi 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kamiguchi 61.355419 264 257 Kamiguchi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kamo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kambi 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Higuchi 61.355419 264 257 Higuchi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Goto 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Harada 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kamidani 61.276459 264 258 Kamidani 56.677483 264 259 Kamidani 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Mihonoseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonoseki 56.677483 264 259 Mihonoseki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Ikeda 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Nishida 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Mihonseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonseki 56.677483 264 259 Mihonseki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Minoura 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Abe 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Misaki 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Araki 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Yonago 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Takei 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Sei 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Togo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Iida 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Higashi-Fukuhara 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kami-fukubara 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kaike-Onsen 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Saigo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Inugu 160.1488 271 261 Inugu 170.09492 271 263 Inugu 155.17309 272 263 155.17309 272 263 Kama 160.1488 271 261 Kama 170.09492 271 263 Kama 155.17309 272 263 155.17309 272 263 Oku 160.1488 271 261 Oku 170.09492 271 263 Oku 155.17309 272 263 155.17309 272 263 Kuzumo 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Soda 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kaya 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kawaoka 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Odaka 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Sueyoshi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Muki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yodoe 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Nawa 17.849925 262 261 Nawa 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Kami Daison 17.849925 262 261 Kami Daison 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Shitatsubo 17.849925 262 261 Shitatsubo 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Takahashi 17.849925 262 261 Takahashi 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Nagano 17.849925 262 261 Nagano 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Uwaichi 17.849925 262 261 Uwaichi 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Akasaka 38.59997 263 262 Akasaka 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Uematsu 38.59997 263 262 Uematsu 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Hata 38.59997 263 262 Hata 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Notsu 38.59997 263 262 Notsu 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Idekami 38.59997 263 262 Idekami 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Yawata 38.59997 263 262 Yawata 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Bessho 38.59997 263 262 Bessho 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Akasaki Ko 38.59997 263 262 Akasaki Ko 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Miyaki 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Yabase 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Ho 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Urayasu 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 Kogane 39.254898 263 263 39.254898 263 263 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/CalcInputDeck.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin/coastalImpact -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ > /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/outCostalImpact.txt SELECT id, SHAPE_LENG,AsText(Geometry) FROM shoreline WHERE MBRContains(BuildMBR(116.0,18.0,134.0,40.5), geometry) 100 / 416 300 / 416 400 / 416 plottype GDACS drawing CoastalImpact /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ /mnt/output/SSCS/DATA/coastal.db 100 / 416 300 / 416 400 / 416 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000688/ECMWF/2020080312/all_inpData.txt /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000688/ECMWF/2020080312/all_inpData.txt ECMWF 1000688 trackfile 0 OUT_umax.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0000.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0024.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! ....remove.... calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/TIF_MAXVEL_END.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ /mnt/output/SSCS/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF delft3d from 31-07-2020 12:00 to 03-08-2020 12:00& start issueBulletin listWindows: folder0 : http://webcritech.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ModellingOutput/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/ folderFinal0 : http://webcritech.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ModellingOutput/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ savepath: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12// ******************************************************* * Case Completed * ******************************************************* Case starterd at: 2020-08-03 21:06:44.184175 UTC Cas completed at: 2020-08-03 21:22:45.005844 UTC **********E N D O F J O B*********************** 12 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/TIF_MAXVEL_END.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 0.896531 million >> 5. count the popolation in each cell and assign to the class and write to output in PP classifying 0 2603 >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popDensValues.xml TS 819443 (wind>17 and <=33) North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan 17 and <=33]]> North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan TS 819443 353 34927 683218 98321 2624 CAT. 1 0 (wind>33 and <=43) 33 and <=43]]> CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 (wind>43 and <=50) 43 and <=50]]> CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 (wind>50 and <=58) 50 and <=58]]> CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 (wind>58 and <=70) 58 and <=70]]> CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 (wind>70 and <=1000) 70 and <=1000]]> CAT. 5 0 ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-03 21:25:12.882580 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-03 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 7 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 00:55:12.324801 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ creating /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 00:55:12.373254 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 01:05:09.640797 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 01:05:09.736730 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 01:15:08.559636 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 01:15:08.604668 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 01:25:11.542370 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 01:25:11.660821 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 01:35:08.288268 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 01:35:08.336366 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 01:45:07.712210 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 01:45:07.766527 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 01:55:11.991423 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 01:55:12.050443 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 02:05:08.424734 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 02:05:08.478043 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 02:15:08.664364 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 02:15:08.715922 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 02:25:11.361885 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 02:25:11.410703 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 02:35:07.938698 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 02:35:07.989608 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 02:45:08.340347 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 02:45:08.396280 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 02:55:12.171147 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 02:55:12.226552 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 03:05:07.457671 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 03:05:07.509255 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 03:15:08.541781 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 03:15:08.599196 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 03:25:11.692604 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 03:25:11.742805 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 03:35:08.627180 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 03:35:08.690560 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 03:45:07.480687 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 03:45:07.536491 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 03:55:11.885526 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 03:55:11.932807 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 04:05:08.243167 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 04:05:08.298894 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 04:15:07.791910 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 04:15:07.851602 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 04:25:11.996644 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 04:25:12.047464 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 04:35:08.496444 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 04:35:08.543821 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 04:45:08.292388 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 04:45:08.345597 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 04:55:11.751202 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 04:55:11.805314 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 05:05:08.557911 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 05:05:08.609327 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 05:15:07.929285 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 05:15:07.984616 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 05:25:12.882143 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 05:25:12.939428 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 05:35:13.809986 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 05:35:13.869904 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 05:45:09.231042 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 05:45:09.306262 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 05:55:15.853455 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 05:55:15.960660 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 06:05:08.479436 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 06:05:08.556067 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 06:15:07.069071 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 06:15:07.120342 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 06:25:11.680777 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 06:25:11.738733 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 06:35:07.550284 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 06:35:07.621935 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 06:45:08.270700 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 06:45:08.323865 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 06:55:11.616390 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 06:55:11.673980 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 07:05:08.635599 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 07:05:08.679530 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 07:15:08.829435 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 07:15:08.883820 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 07:25:13.113761 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 07:25:13.173999 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 07:35:07.484982 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 07:35:07.530976 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 07:45:08.954631 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 07:45:09.005723 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 07:55:12.122301 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 07:55:12.162198 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 08:05:08.106314 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 08:05:08.157336 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 08:15:29.980476 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 08:15:30.039655 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 08:25:32.031611 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 08:25:32.093192 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 08:35:08.285530 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 08:35:08.354057 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 08:45:09.018286 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 08:45:09.074593 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 09:04:58.018154 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 09:04:58.070342 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file netcdf already existing : /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc !!!removing submitted_surge ret= 0 False ============================================ processing netcdf file for running delft3d ============================================ 2. process netcdf files and run at 2020-08-04 09:04:58.089808 ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 09:05:07.846170 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Calculation already submitted_surge (file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/submitted_surge.txt, **exiting** ret= -1 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False another job is running, thus I stop here 7 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/TIF_MAXVEL.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 1.038589 million >> 5. count the popolation in each cell and assign to the class and write to output in PP classifying 0 2202 >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/popDensValues.xml TS 1014984 (wind>17 and <=33) North Korea, South Korea, China 17 and <=33]]> North Korea, South Korea, China TS 1014984 532 479624 534828 CAT. 1 0 (wind>33 and <=43) 33 and <=43]]> CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 (wind>43 and <=50) 43 and <=50]]> CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 (wind>50 and <=58) 50 and <=58]]> CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 (wind>58 and <=70) 58 and <=70]]> CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 (wind>70 and <=1000) 70 and <=1000]]> CAT. 5 0 nt 72 ...creating forcing data TIF from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ... # times: 73 title: Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) np.amin(lon),np.amax(lon),np.amin(lat),np.amax(lat) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/MAXVEL.jpg V Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 255 319 255.0 319.0 savemap /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/MAXVEL.jpg calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/TIF_MAXVEL.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/ /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF delft3d04-08-2020 00:00& ..2.1 converting netcdf to txt... nt= 72 ************************* /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.00.tropical_cyclone.nc 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/ 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 72 1 ...reprojecting netcdf on the calculation window for ... .....time 0 / 72 .....time 1 / 72 .....time 2 / 72 .....time 3 / 72 .....time 4 / 72 .....time 5 / 72 .....time 6 / 72 .....time 7 / 72 .....time 8 / 72 .....time 9 / 72 .....time 10 / 72 .....time 11 / 72 .....time 12 / 72 .....time 13 / 72 .....time 14 / 72 .....time 15 / 72 .....time 16 / 72 .....time 17 / 72 .....time 18 / 72 .....time 19 / 72 .....time 20 / 72 .....time 21 / 72 .....time 22 / 72 .....time 23 / 72 .....time 24 / 72 .....time 25 / 72 .....time 26 / 72 .....time 27 / 72 .....time 28 / 72 .....time 29 / 72 .....time 30 / 72 .....time 31 / 72 .....time 32 / 72 .....time 33 / 72 .....time 34 / 72 .....time 35 / 72 .....time 36 / 72 .....time 37 / 72 .....time 38 / 72 .....time 39 / 72 .....time 40 / 72 .....time 41 / 72 .....time 42 / 72 .....time 43 / 72 .....time 44 / 72 .....time 45 / 72 .....time 46 / 72 .....time 47 / 72 .....time 48 / 72 .....time 49 / 72 .....time 50 / 72 .....time 51 / 72 .....time 52 / 72 .....time 53 / 72 .....time 54 / 72 .....time 55 / 72 .....time 56 / 72 .....time 57 / 72 .....time 58 / 72 .....time 59 / 72 .....time 60 / 72 .....time 61 / 72 .....time 62 / 72 .....time 63 / 72 .....time 64 / 72 .....time 65 / 72 .....time 66 / 72 .....time 67 / 72 .....time 68 / 72 .....time 69 / 72 .....time 70 / 72 .....time 71 / 72 .....time 72 / 72 ...printing files header ...writing time 0 / 72 ...writing time 1 / 72 ...writing time 2 / 72 ...writing time 3 / 72 ...writing time 4 / 72 ...writing time 5 / 72 ...writing time 6 / 72 ...writing time 7 / 72 ...writing time 8 / 72 ...writing time 9 / 72 ...writing time 10 / 72 ...writing time 11 / 72 ...writing time 12 / 72 ...writing time 13 / 72 ...writing time 14 / 72 ...writing time 15 / 72 ...writing time 16 / 72 ...writing time 17 / 72 ...writing time 18 / 72 ...writing time 19 / 72 ...writing time 20 / 72 ...writing time 21 / 72 ...writing time 22 / 72 ...writing time 23 / 72 ...writing time 24 / 72 ...writing time 25 / 72 ...writing time 26 / 72 ...writing time 27 / 72 ...writing time 28 / 72 ...writing time 29 / 72 ...writing time 30 / 72 ...writing time 31 / 72 ...writing time 32 / 72 ...writing time 33 / 72 ...writing time 34 / 72 ...writing time 35 / 72 ...writing time 36 / 72 ...writing time 37 / 72 ...writing time 38 / 72 ...writing time 39 / 72 ...writing time 40 / 72 ...writing time 41 / 72 ...writing time 42 / 72 ...writing time 43 / 72 ...writing time 44 / 72 ...writing time 45 / 72 ...writing time 46 / 72 ...writing time 47 / 72 ...writing time 48 / 72 ...writing time 49 / 72 ...writing time 50 / 72 ...writing time 51 / 72 ...writing time 52 / 72 ...writing time 53 / 72 ...writing time 54 / 72 ...writing time 55 / 72 ...writing time 56 / 72 ...writing time 57 / 72 ...writing time 58 / 72 ...writing time 59 / 72 ...writing time 60 / 72 ...writing time 61 / 72 ...writing time 62 / 72 ...writing time 63 / 72 ...writing time 64 / 72 ...writing time 65 / 72 ...writing time 66 / 72 ...writing time 67 / 72 ...writing time 68 / 72 ...writing time 69 / 72 ...writing time 70 / 72 ...writing time 71 / 72 ...writing time 72 / 72 ************************* ..2.2 prepare files for run and launch... start= 0 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/config_d_hydro.xml in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/config_d_hydro.xml ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.mdf in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/calc.mdf ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.grd in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/calc.grd ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.enc in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/calc.enc ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.obs in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/calc.obs ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.dep in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/calc.dep ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/tri-rst.calc.20200804.000000 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/tri-rst.restart.20200804.000000 ****** SETTING DT ***** 1.0 start run ./run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh 10 launching case: /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/MPICH_INTEL/bin/mpiexec -np 10 /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/5740/bin/lnx64/flow2d3d/bin/d_hydro.exe config_d_hydro.xml MPI process number 000 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 002 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 003 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 004 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 005 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 007 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 001 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 006 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 008 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 009 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deltares, FLOW2D3D Version, May 3 2016, 09:52:23 libflow2d3d.so entry Flow2D3D::Run -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part I - Initialisation Time Dep. Data module... runid : calc Part II - Creating intermediate files... Part III - Initialisation of the Execution module... Part IV - Reading complete MD-file... Part V - Initialisation & checking input... Part VI - Initialisation & checking second part... Part VII - Initialisation output... Part VIII - Start Simulation... Time to finish 0s, 0.0% completed, time steps left 4320 Time to finish 27m, 0.0% completed, time steps left 4319 Time to finish 16m, 0.0% completed, time steps left 4318 Time to finish 13m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4317 Time to finish 11m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4316 Time to finish 10m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4315 Time to finish 9m 13s, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4314 Time to finish 8m 36s, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4313 Time to finish 8m 9s, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4312 Time to finish 7m 48s, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4311 Time to finish 7m 32s, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4310 Time to finish 7m 20s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4309 Time to finish 7m 8s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4308 Time to finish 6m 59s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4307 Time to finish 6m 52s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4306 Time to finish 6m 44s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4305 Time to finish 7m 39s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4304 Time to finish 7m 28s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4303 Time to finish 7m 19s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4302 Time to finish 7m 10s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4301 Time to finish 7m 2s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4300 Time to finish 7m 1s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4299 Time to finish 6m 56s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4298 Time to finish 6m 51s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4297 Time to finish 6m 47s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4296 Time to finish 6m 43s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4295 Time to finish 6m 41s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4294 Time to finish 6m 37s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4293 Time to finish 6m 33s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4292 Time to finish 6m 31s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4291 Time to finish 6m 28s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4290 Time to finish 6m 54s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4289 Time to finish 6m 50s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4288 Time to finish 6m 47s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4287 Time to finish 6m 47s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4286 Time to finish 6m 47s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4285 Time to finish 6m 44s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4284 Time to finish 6m 42s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4283 Time to finish 6m 41s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4282 Time to finish 6m 41s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4281 Time to finish 6m 38s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4280 Time to finish 6m 35s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4279 Time to finish 6m 33s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4278 Time to finish 6m 31s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4277 Time to finish 6m 29s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4276 Time to finish 6m 26s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4275 Time to finish 6m 45s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4274 Time to finish 6m 43s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4273 Time to finish 6m 41s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4272 Time to finish 6m 39s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4271 Time to finish 6m 37s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4270 Time to finish 6m 34s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4269 Time to finish 6m 34s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4268 Time to finish 6m 32s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4267 Time to finish 6m 32s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4266 Time to finish 6m 32s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4265 Time to finish 6m 32s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4264 Time to finish 6m 32s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4263 Time to finish 6m 34s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4262 Time to finish 6m 32s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4261 Time to finish 6m 32s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4260 Time to finish 6m 53s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4259 Time to finish 6m 53s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4258 Time to finish 6m 53s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4257 Time to finish 6m 52s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4256 Time to finish 6m 51s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4255 Time to finish 6m 51s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4254 Time to finish 6m 51s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4253 Time to finish 6m 51s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4252 Time to finish 6m 50s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4251 Time to finish 6m 50s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4250 Time to finish 6m 50s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4249 Time to finish 6m 50s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4248 Time to finish 6m 48s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4247 Time to finish 6m 47s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4246 Time to finish 6m 45s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4245 Time to finish 6m 56s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4244 Time to finish 6m 55s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4243 Time to finish 6m 53s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4242 Time to finish 6m 52s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4241 Time to finish 6m 50s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4240 Time to finish 6m 50s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4239 Time to finish 6m 49s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4238 Time to finish 6m 47s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4237 Time to finish 6m 48s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4236 Time to finish 6m 47s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4235 Time to finish 6m 47s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4234 Time to finish 6m 47s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4233 Time to finish 6m 46s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4232 Time to finish 6m 46s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4231 Time to finish 6m 46s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4230 Time to finish 6m 54s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4229 Time to finish 6m 54s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4228 Time to finish 6m 54s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4227 Time to finish 6m 54s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4226 Time to finish 6m 53s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4225 Time to finish 6m 53s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4224 Time to finish 6m 53s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4223 Time to finish 6m 52s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4222 Time to finish 6m 52s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4221 Time to finish 6m 52s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4220 Time to finish 6m 52s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4219 Time to finish 6m 51s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4218 Time to finish 6m 51s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4217 Time to finish 6m 50s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4216 Time to finish 6m 49s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4215 Time to finish 6m 55s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4214 Time to finish 6m 54s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4213 Time to finish 6m 53s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4212 Time to finish 6m 51s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4211 Time to finish 6m 50s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4210 Time to finish 6m 49s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4209 Time to finish 6m 48s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4208 Time to finish 6m 48s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4207 Time to finish 6m 47s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4206 Time to finish 6m 46s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4205 Time to finish 6m 46s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4204 Time to finish 6m 45s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4203 Time to finish 6m 45s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4202 Time to finish 6m 44s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4201 Time to finish 6m 43s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4200 Time to finish 6m 54s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4199 Time to finish 6m 53s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4198 Time to finish 6m 52s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4197 Time to finish 6m 52s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4196 Time to finish 6m 51s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4195 Time to finish 6m 50s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4194 Time to finish 6m 50s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4193 Time to finish 6m 50s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4192 Time to finish 6m 50s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4191 Time to finish 6m 50s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4190 Time to finish 6m 49s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4189 Time to finish 6m 49s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4188 Time to finish 6m 49s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4187 Time to finish 6m 49s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4186 Time to finish 6m 49s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4185 Time to finish 6m 55s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4184 Time to finish 6m 54s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4183 Time to finish 6m 54s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4182 Time to finish 6m 53s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4181 Time to finish 6m 52s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4180 Time to finish 6m 51s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4179 Time to finish 6m 50s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4178 Time to finish 6m 49s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4177 Time to finish 6m 48s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4176 Time to finish 6m 48s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4175 Time to finish 6m 47s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4174 Time to finish 6m 46s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4173 Time to finish 6m 46s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4172 Time to finish 6m 45s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4171 Time to finish 6m 44s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4170 Time to finish 6m 50s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4169 Time to finish 6m 49s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4168 Time to finish 6m 59s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4167 Time to finish 7m 0s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4166 Time to finish 6m 59s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4165 Time to finish 6m 59s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4164 Time to finish 6m 58s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4163 Time to finish 6m 57s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4162 Time to finish 6m 57s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4161 Time to finish 6m 56s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4160 Time to finish 6m 56s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4159 Time to finish 6m 56s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4158 Time to finish 6m 55s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4157 Time to finish 6m 54s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4156 Time to finish 6m 53s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4155 Time to finish 6m 58s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4154 Time to finish 6m 57s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4153 Time to finish 6m 56s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4152 Time to finish 6m 55s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4151 Time to finish 6m 54s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4150 Time to finish 6m 53s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4149 Time to finish 6m 52s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4148 Time to finish 6m 52s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4147 Time to finish 6m 51s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4146 Time to finish 6m 50s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4145 Time to finish 6m 49s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4144 Time to finish 6m 48s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4143 Time to finish 6m 48s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4142 Time to finish 6m 48s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4141 Time to finish 6m 48s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4140 Time to finish 7m 10s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4139 Time to finish 7m 10s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4138 Time to finish 7m 9s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4137 Time to finish 7m 9s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4136 Time to finish 7m 9s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4135 Time to finish 7m 9s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4134 Time to finish 7m 10s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4133 Time to finish 7m 9s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4132 Time to finish 7m 8s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4131 Time to finish 7m 8s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4130 Time to finish 7m 7s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4129 Time to finish 7m 7s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4128 Time to finish 7m 6s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4127 Time to finish 7m 6s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4126 Time to finish 7m 5s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4125 Time to finish 7m 19s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4124 Time to finish 7m 18s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4123 Time to finish 7m 17s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4122 Time to finish 7m 16s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4121 Time to finish 7m 16s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4120 Time to finish 7m 15s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4119 Time to finish 7m 14s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4118 Time to finish 7m 13s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4117 Time to finish 7m 13s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4116 Time to finish 7m 12s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4115 Time to finish 7m 12s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4114 Time to finish 7m 11s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4113 Time to finish 7m 11s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4112 Time to finish 7m 10s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4111 Time to finish 7m 10s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4110 Time to finish 7m 14s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4109 Time to finish 7m 13s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4108 Time to finish 7m 13s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4107 Time to finish 7m 13s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4106 Time to finish 7m 12s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4105 Time to finish 7m 12s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4104 Time to finish 7m 12s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4103 Time to finish 7m 12s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4102 Time to finish 7m 11s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4101 Time to finish 7m 11s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4100 Time to finish 7m 11s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4099 Time to finish 7m 10s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4098 Time to finish 7m 10s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4097 Time to finish 7m 10s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4096 Time to finish 7m 9s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4095 Time to finish 7m 12s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4094 Time to finish 7m 11s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4093 Time to finish 7m 11s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4092 Time to finish 7m 10s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4091 Time to finish 7m 9s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4090 Time to finish 7m 8s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4089 Time to finish 7m 7s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4088 Time to finish 7m 7s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4087 Time to finish 7m 6s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4086 Time to finish 7m 5s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4085 Time to finish 7m 5s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4084 Time to finish 7m 4s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4083 Time to finish 7m 3s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4082 Time to finish 7m 2s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4081 Time to finish 7m 2s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4080 Time to finish 7m 6s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4079 Time to finish 7m 6s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4078 Time to finish 7m 5s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4077 Time to finish 7m 6s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4076 Time to finish 7m 5s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4075 Time to finish 7m 5s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4074 Time to finish 7m 5s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4073 Time to finish 7m 4s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4072 Time to finish 7m 4s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4071 Time to finish 7m 4s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4070 Time to finish 7m 3s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4069 Time to finish 7m 3s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4068 Time to finish 7m 3s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4067 Time to finish 7m 2s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4066 Time to finish 7m 2s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4065 Time to finish 7m 5s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4064 Time to finish 7m 4s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4063 Time to finish 7m 3s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4062 Time to finish 7m 3s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4061 Time to finish 7m 2s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4060 Time to finish 7m 2s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4059 Time to finish 7m 1s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4058 Time to finish 7m 0s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4057 Time to finish 7m 0s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4056 Time to finish 6m 59s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4055 Time to finish 6m 59s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4054 Time to finish 6m 58s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4053 Time to finish 6m 57s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4052 Time to finish 6m 57s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4051 Time to finish 6m 57s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4050 Time to finish 6m 59s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4049 Time to finish 6m 59s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4048 Time to finish 6m 58s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4047 Time to finish 6m 58s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4046 Time to finish 6m 57s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4045 Time to finish 6m 57s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4044 Time to finish 6m 57s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4043 Time to finish 6m 56s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4042 Time to finish 6m 56s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4041 Time to finish 6m 56s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4040 Time to finish 6m 55s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4039 Time to finish 6m 55s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4038 Time to finish 6m 55s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4037 Time to finish 6m 55s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4036 Time to finish 6m 54s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4035 Time to finish 6m 58s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4034 Time to finish 6m 58s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4033 Time to finish 6m 57s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4032 Time to finish 6m 56s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4031 Time to finish 6m 56s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4030 Time to finish 6m 55s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4029 Time to finish 6m 55s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4028 Time to finish 6m 54s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4027 Time to finish 6m 54s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4026 Time to finish 6m 53s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4025 Time to finish 6m 53s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4024 Time to finish 6m 52s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4023 Time to finish 6m 51s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4022 Time to finish 6m 51s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4021 Time to finish 6m 50s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4020 Time to finish 6m 53s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4019 Time to finish 6m 53s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4018 Time to finish 6m 52s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4017 Time to finish 6m 52s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4016 Time to finish 6m 52s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4015 Time to finish 6m 51s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4014 Time to finish 6m 51s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4013 Time to finish 6m 50s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4012 Time to finish 6m 50s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4011 Time to finish 6m 50s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4010 Time to finish 6m 49s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4009 Time to finish 6m 49s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4008 Time to finish 6m 49s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4007 Time to finish 6m 48s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4006 Time to finish 6m 48s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4005 Time to finish 6m 50s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4004 Time to finish 6m 50s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4003 Time to finish 6m 50s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 4002 Time to finish 6m 49s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 4001 Time to finish 6m 49s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 4000 Time to finish 6m 49s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 3999 Time to finish 6m 49s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3998 Time to finish 6m 48s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3997 Time to finish 6m 48s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3996 Time to finish 6m 47s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3995 Time to finish 6m 46s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3994 Time to finish 6m 46s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3993 Time to finish 6m 46s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3992 Time to finish 6m 45s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3991 Time to finish 6m 44s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3990 Time to finish 6m 46s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3989 Time to finish 6m 46s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3988 Time to finish 6m 45s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3987 Time to finish 6m 45s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3986 Time to finish 6m 44s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3985 Time to finish 6m 44s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3984 Time to finish 6m 44s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3983 Time to finish 6m 43s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3982 Time to finish 6m 43s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3981 Time to finish 6m 43s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3980 Time to finish 6m 42s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3979 Time to finish 6m 42s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3978 Time to finish 6m 42s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3977 Time to finish 6m 42s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3976 Time to finish 6m 42s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3975 Time to finish 6m 43s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3974 Time to finish 6m 43s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3973 Time to finish 6m 43s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3972 Time to finish 6m 43s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3971 Time to finish 6m 43s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3970 Time to finish 6m 42s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3969 Time to finish 6m 42s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3968 Time to finish 6m 42s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3967 Time to finish 6m 41s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3966 Time to finish 6m 41s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3965 Time to finish 6m 40s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3964 Time to finish 6m 40s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3963 Time to finish 6m 39s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3962 Time to finish 6m 39s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3961 Time to finish 6m 38s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3960 Time to finish 6m 41s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3959 Time to finish 6m 41s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3958 Time to finish 6m 41s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3957 Time to finish 6m 41s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3956 Time to finish 6m 40s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3955 Time to finish 6m 40s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3954 Time to finish 6m 40s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3953 Time to finish 6m 39s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3952 Time to finish 6m 39s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3951 Time to finish 6m 39s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3950 Time to finish 6m 39s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3949 Time to finish 6m 38s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3948 Time to finish 6m 38s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3947 Time to finish 6m 38s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3946 Time to finish 6m 38s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3945 Time to finish 6m 40s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3944 Time to finish 6m 40s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3943 Time to finish 6m 40s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3942 Time to finish 6m 39s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3941 Time to finish 6m 39s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3940 Time to finish 6m 39s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3939 Time to finish 6m 38s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3938 Time to finish 6m 38s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3937 Time to finish 6m 38s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3936 Time to finish 6m 37s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3935 Time to finish 6m 37s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3934 Time to finish 6m 36s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3933 Time to finish 6m 36s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3932 Time to finish 6m 36s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3931 Time to finish 6m 35s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3930 Time to finish 6m 37s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3929 Time to finish 6m 36s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3928 Time to finish 6m 36s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3927 Time to finish 6m 35s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3926 Time to finish 6m 35s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3925 Time to finish 6m 35s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3924 Time to finish 6m 35s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3923 Time to finish 6m 34s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3922 Time to finish 6m 34s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3921 Time to finish 6m 34s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3920 Time to finish 6m 33s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3919 Time to finish 6m 33s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3918 Time to finish 6m 32s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3917 Time to finish 6m 32s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3916 Time to finish 6m 32s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3915 Time to finish 6m 34s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3914 Time to finish 6m 33s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3913 Time to finish 6m 33s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3912 Time to finish 6m 33s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3911 Time to finish 6m 33s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3910 Time to finish 6m 32s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3909 Time to finish 6m 32s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3908 Time to finish 6m 32s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3907 Time to finish 6m 32s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3906 Time to finish 6m 31s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3905 Time to finish 6m 31s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3904 Time to finish 6m 30s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3903 Time to finish 6m 30s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3902 Time to finish 6m 30s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3901 Time to finish 6m 29s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3900 Time to finish 6m 31s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3899 Time to finish 6m 31s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3898 Time to finish 6m 31s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3897 Time to finish 6m 30s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3896 Time to finish 6m 30s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3895 Time to finish 6m 30s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3894 Time to finish 6m 29s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3893 Time to finish 6m 29s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3892 Time to finish 6m 29s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3891 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3890 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3889 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3888 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3887 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3886 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3885 Time to finish 6m 30s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3884 Time to finish 6m 29s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3883 Time to finish 6m 29s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3882 Time to finish 6m 29s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3881 Time to finish 6m 29s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3880 Time to finish 6m 29s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3879 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3878 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3877 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3876 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3875 Time to finish 6m 28s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3874 Time to finish 6m 27s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3873 Time to finish 6m 27s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3872 Time to finish 6m 26s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3871 Time to finish 6m 26s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3870 Time to finish 6m 27s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3869 Time to finish 6m 27s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3868 Time to finish 6m 26s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3867 Time to finish 6m 26s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3866 Time to finish 6m 26s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3865 Time to finish 6m 25s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3864 Time to finish 6m 25s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3863 Time to finish 6m 25s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3862 Time to finish 6m 24s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3861 Time to finish 6m 24s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3860 Time to finish 6m 24s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3859 Time to finish 6m 23s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3858 Time to finish 6m 23s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3857 Time to finish 6m 23s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3856 Time to finish 6m 23s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3855 Time to finish 6m 24s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3854 Time to finish 6m 24s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3853 Time to finish 6m 24s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3852 Time to finish 6m 24s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3851 Time to finish 6m 23s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3850 Time to finish 6m 23s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3849 Time to finish 6m 23s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3848 Time to finish 6m 23s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3847 Time to finish 6m 23s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3846 Time to finish 6m 23s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3845 Time to finish 6m 23s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3844 Time to finish 6m 22s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3843 Time to finish 6m 22s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3842 Time to finish 6m 22s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3841 Time to finish 6m 22s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3840 Time to finish 6m 24s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3839 Time to finish 6m 23s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3838 Time to finish 6m 23s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3837 Time to finish 6m 23s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3836 Time to finish 6m 22s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3835 Time to finish 6m 22s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3834 Time to finish 6m 22s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3833 Time to finish 6m 21s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3832 Time to finish 6m 21s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3831 Time to finish 6m 21s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3830 Time to finish 6m 20s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3829 Time to finish 6m 20s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3828 Time to finish 6m 20s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3827 Time to finish 6m 19s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3826 Time to finish 6m 19s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3825 Time to finish 6m 20s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3824 Time to finish 6m 20s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3823 Time to finish 6m 20s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3822 Time to finish 6m 20s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3821 Time to finish 6m 20s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3820 Time to finish 6m 19s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3819 Time to finish 6m 19s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3818 Time to finish 6m 19s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3817 Time to finish 6m 19s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3816 Time to finish 6m 19s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3815 Time to finish 6m 18s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3814 Time to finish 6m 18s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3813 Time to finish 6m 18s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3812 Time to finish 6m 18s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3811 Time to finish 6m 18s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3810 Time to finish 6m 19s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3809 Time to finish 6m 19s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3808 Time to finish 6m 19s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3807 Time to finish 6m 18s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3806 Time to finish 6m 18s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3805 Time to finish 6m 18s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3804 Time to finish 6m 17s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3803 Time to finish 6m 17s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3802 Time to finish 6m 17s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3801 Time to finish 6m 17s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3800 Time to finish 6m 16s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3799 Time to finish 6m 16s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3798 Time to finish 6m 16s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3797 Time to finish 6m 15s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3796 Time to finish 6m 15s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3795 Time to finish 6m 16s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3794 Time to finish 6m 16s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3793 Time to finish 6m 16s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3792 Time to finish 6m 16s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3791 Time to finish 6m 16s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3790 Time to finish 6m 16s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3789 Time to finish 6m 15s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3788 Time to finish 6m 15s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3787 Time to finish 6m 15s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3786 Time to finish 6m 15s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3785 Time to finish 6m 15s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3784 Time to finish 6m 15s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3783 Time to finish 6m 15s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3782 Time to finish 6m 15s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3781 Time to finish 6m 15s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3780 Time to finish 6m 17s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3779 Time to finish 6m 16s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3778 Time to finish 6m 16s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3777 Time to finish 6m 16s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3776 Time to finish 6m 15s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3775 Time to finish 6m 15s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3774 Time to finish 6m 15s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3773 Time to finish 6m 14s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3772 Time to finish 6m 14s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3771 Time to finish 6m 14s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3770 Time to finish 6m 13s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3769 Time to finish 6m 13s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3768 Time to finish 6m 13s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3767 Time to finish 6m 13s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3766 Time to finish 6m 13s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3765 Time to finish 6m 14s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3764 Time to finish 6m 13s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3763 Time to finish 6m 13s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3762 Time to finish 6m 13s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3761 Time to finish 6m 13s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3760 Time to finish 6m 13s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3759 Time to finish 6m 13s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3758 Time to finish 6m 12s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3757 Time to finish 6m 12s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3756 Time to finish 6m 12s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3755 Time to finish 6m 12s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3754 Time to finish 6m 12s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3753 Time to finish 6m 12s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3752 Time to finish 6m 12s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3751 Time to finish 6m 11s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3750 Time to finish 6m 13s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3749 Time to finish 6m 12s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3748 Time to finish 6m 12s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3747 Time to finish 6m 12s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3746 Time to finish 6m 11s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3745 Time to finish 6m 11s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3744 Time to finish 6m 11s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3743 Time to finish 6m 11s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3742 Time to finish 6m 10s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3741 Time to finish 6m 10s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3740 Time to finish 6m 10s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3739 Time to finish 6m 9s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3738 Time to finish 6m 9s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3737 Time to finish 6m 9s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3736 Time to finish 6m 8s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3735 Time to finish 6m 10s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3734 Time to finish 6m 9s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3733 Time to finish 6m 9s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3732 Time to finish 6m 9s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3731 Time to finish 6m 9s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3730 Time to finish 6m 9s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3729 Time to finish 6m 9s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3728 Time to finish 6m 8s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3727 Time to finish 6m 8s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3726 Time to finish 6m 8s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3725 Time to finish 6m 8s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3724 Time to finish 6m 8s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3723 Time to finish 6m 8s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3722 Time to finish 6m 8s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3721 Time to finish 6m 8s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3720 Time to finish 6m 9s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3719 Time to finish 6m 9s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3718 Time to finish 6m 9s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3717 Time to finish 6m 9s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3716 Time to finish 6m 8s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3715 Time to finish 6m 8s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3714 Time to finish 6m 8s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3713 Time to finish 6m 8s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3712 Time to finish 6m 7s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3711 Time to finish 6m 7s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3710 Time to finish 6m 7s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3709 Time to finish 6m 7s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3708 Time to finish 6m 7s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3707 Time to finish 6m 7s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3706 Time to finish 6m 7s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3705 Time to finish 6m 8s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3704 Time to finish 6m 8s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3703 Time to finish 6m 7s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3702 Time to finish 6m 7s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3701 Time to finish 6m 7s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3700 Time to finish 6m 7s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3699 Time to finish 6m 7s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3698 Time to finish 6m 7s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3697 Time to finish 6m 6s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3696 Time to finish 6m 6s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3695 Time to finish 6m 6s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3694 Time to finish 6m 6s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3693 Time to finish 6m 6s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3692 Time to finish 6m 6s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3691 Time to finish 6m 5s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3690 Time to finish 6m 7s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3689 Time to finish 6m 6s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3688 Time to finish 6m 6s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3687 Time to finish 6m 6s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3686 Time to finish 6m 5s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3685 Time to finish 6m 5s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3684 Time to finish 6m 5s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3683 Time to finish 6m 5s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3682 Time to finish 6m 4s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3681 Time to finish 6m 4s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3680 Time to finish 6m 4s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3679 Time to finish 6m 3s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3678 Time to finish 6m 3s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3677 Time to finish 6m 3s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3676 Time to finish 6m 3s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3675 Time to finish 6m 4s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3674 Time to finish 6m 5s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3673 Time to finish 6m 6s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3672 Time to finish 6m 6s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3671 Time to finish 6m 6s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3670 Time to finish 6m 5s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3669 Time to finish 6m 5s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3668 Time to finish 6m 5s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3667 Time to finish 6m 5s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3666 Time to finish 6m 5s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3665 Time to finish 6m 4s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3664 Time to finish 6m 4s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3663 Time to finish 6m 4s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3662 Time to finish 6m 4s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3661 Time to finish 6m 3s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3660 Time to finish 6m 5s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3659 Time to finish 6m 5s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3658 Time to finish 6m 4s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3657 Time to finish 6m 4s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3656 Time to finish 6m 4s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3655 Time to finish 6m 4s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3654 Time to finish 6m 4s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3653 Time to finish 6m 3s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3652 Time to finish 6m 3s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3651 Time to finish 6m 3s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3650 Time to finish 6m 3s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3649 Time to finish 6m 3s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3648 Time to finish 6m 5s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3647 Time to finish 6m 5s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3646 Time to finish 6m 5s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3645 Time to finish 6m 7s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3644 Time to finish 6m 7s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3643 Time to finish 6m 6s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3642 Time to finish 6m 6s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3641 Time to finish 6m 6s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3640 Time to finish 6m 6s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3639 Time to finish 6m 6s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3638 Time to finish 6m 5s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3637 Time to finish 6m 5s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3636 Time to finish 6m 5s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3635 Time to finish 6m 5s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3634 Time to finish 6m 5s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3633 Time to finish 6m 4s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3632 Time to finish 6m 4s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3631 Time to finish 6m 6s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3630 Time to finish 6m 8s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3629 Time to finish 6m 8s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3628 Time to finish 6m 7s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3627 Time to finish 6m 7s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3626 Time to finish 6m 7s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3625 Time to finish 6m 7s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3624 Time to finish 6m 6s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3623 Time to finish 6m 6s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3622 Time to finish 6m 6s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3621 Time to finish 6m 5s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3620 Time to finish 6m 5s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3619 Time to finish 6m 5s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3618 Time to finish 6m 5s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3617 Time to finish 6m 5s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3616 Time to finish 6m 4s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3615 Time to finish 6m 6s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3614 Time to finish 6m 5s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3613 Time to finish 6m 5s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3612 Time to finish 6m 5s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3611 Time to finish 6m 5s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3610 Time to finish 6m 4s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3609 Time to finish 6m 4s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3608 Time to finish 6m 4s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3607 Time to finish 6m 4s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3606 Time to finish 6m 4s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3605 Time to finish 6m 4s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3604 Time to finish 6m 3s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3603 Time to finish 6m 3s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3602 Time to finish 6m 3s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3601 Time to finish 6m 3s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3600 Time to finish 6m 5s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3599 Time to finish 6m 5s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3598 Time to finish 6m 4s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3597 Time to finish 6m 4s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3596 Time to finish 6m 4s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3595 Time to finish 6m 4s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3594 Time to finish 6m 4s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3593 Time to finish 6m 3s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3592 Time to finish 6m 3s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3591 Time to finish 6m 3s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3590 Time to finish 6m 3s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3589 Time to finish 6m 2s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3588 Time to finish 6m 2s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3587 Time to finish 6m 2s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3586 Time to finish 6m 2s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3585 Time to finish 6m 2s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3584 Time to finish 6m 2s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3583 Time to finish 6m 2s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3582 Time to finish 6m 2s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3581 Time to finish 6m 1s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3580 Time to finish 6m 1s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3579 Time to finish 6m 1s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3578 Time to finish 6m 1s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3577 Time to finish 6m 1s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3576 Time to finish 6m 0s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3575 Time to finish 6m 0s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3574 Time to finish 6m 0s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3573 Time to finish 6m 0s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3572 Time to finish 6m 0s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3571 Time to finish 6m 0s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3570 Time to finish 6m 1s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3569 Time to finish 6m 1s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3568 Time to finish 6m 0s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3567 Time to finish 6m 0s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3566 Time to finish 6m 0s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3565 Time to finish 6m 0s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3564 Time to finish 6m 0s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3563 Time to finish 6m 0s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3562 Time to finish 5m 59s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3561 Time to finish 5m 59s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3560 Time to finish 5m 59s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3559 Time to finish 5m 59s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3558 Time to finish 5m 59s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3557 Time to finish 5m 58s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3556 Time to finish 5m 58s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3555 Time to finish 5m 59s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3554 Time to finish 5m 59s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3553 Time to finish 5m 58s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3552 Time to finish 5m 58s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3551 Time to finish 5m 58s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3550 Time to finish 5m 58s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3549 Time to finish 5m 58s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3548 Time to finish 5m 58s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3547 Time to finish 5m 57s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3546 Time to finish 5m 57s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3545 Time to finish 5m 57s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3544 Time to finish 5m 57s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3543 Time to finish 5m 56s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3542 Time to finish 5m 56s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3541 Time to finish 5m 56s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3540 Time to finish 5m 57s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3539 Time to finish 5m 57s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3538 Time to finish 5m 57s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3537 Time to finish 5m 57s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3536 Time to finish 5m 57s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3535 Time to finish 5m 57s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3534 Time to finish 5m 57s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3533 Time to finish 5m 56s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3532 Time to finish 5m 56s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3531 Time to finish 5m 56s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3530 Time to finish 5m 56s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3529 Time to finish 5m 56s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3528 Time to finish 5m 55s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3527 Time to finish 5m 55s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3526 Time to finish 5m 55s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3525 Time to finish 5m 56s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3524 Time to finish 5m 56s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3523 Time to finish 5m 56s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3522 Time to finish 5m 55s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3521 Time to finish 5m 55s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3520 Time to finish 5m 55s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3519 Time to finish 5m 55s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3518 Time to finish 5m 54s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3517 Time to finish 5m 54s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3516 Time to finish 5m 54s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3515 Time to finish 5m 54s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3514 Time to finish 5m 53s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3513 Time to finish 5m 53s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3512 Time to finish 5m 53s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3511 Time to finish 5m 53s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3510 Time to finish 5m 54s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3509 Time to finish 5m 53s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3508 Time to finish 5m 53s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3507 Time to finish 5m 53s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3506 Time to finish 5m 53s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3505 Time to finish 5m 53s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3504 Time to finish 5m 53s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3503 Time to finish 5m 53s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3502 Time to finish 5m 52s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3501 Time to finish 5m 52s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3500 Time to finish 5m 52s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3499 Time to finish 5m 52s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3498 Time to finish 5m 52s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3497 Time to finish 5m 52s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3496 Time to finish 5m 51s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3495 Time to finish 5m 52s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3494 Time to finish 5m 52s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3493 Time to finish 5m 52s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3492 Time to finish 5m 51s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3491 Time to finish 5m 51s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3490 Time to finish 5m 51s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3489 Time to finish 5m 51s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3488 Time to finish 5m 50s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3487 Time to finish 5m 50s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3486 Time to finish 5m 50s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3485 Time to finish 5m 50s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3484 Time to finish 5m 50s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3483 Time to finish 5m 49s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3482 Time to finish 5m 49s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3481 Time to finish 5m 49s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3480 Time to finish 5m 50s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3479 Time to finish 5m 50s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3478 Time to finish 5m 50s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3477 Time to finish 5m 50s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3476 Time to finish 5m 49s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3475 Time to finish 5m 49s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3474 Time to finish 5m 49s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3473 Time to finish 5m 49s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3472 Time to finish 5m 49s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3471 Time to finish 5m 49s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3470 Time to finish 5m 49s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3469 Time to finish 5m 49s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3468 Time to finish 5m 49s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3467 Time to finish 5m 49s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3466 Time to finish 5m 48s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3465 Time to finish 5m 49s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3464 Time to finish 5m 49s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3463 Time to finish 5m 49s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3462 Time to finish 5m 48s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3461 Time to finish 5m 48s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3460 Time to finish 5m 48s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3459 Time to finish 5m 48s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3458 Time to finish 5m 47s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3457 Time to finish 5m 47s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3456 Time to finish 5m 47s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3455 Time to finish 5m 47s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3454 Time to finish 5m 47s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3453 Time to finish 5m 47s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3452 Time to finish 5m 46s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3451 Time to finish 5m 46s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3450 Time to finish 5m 47s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3449 Time to finish 5m 46s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3448 Time to finish 5m 46s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3447 Time to finish 5m 46s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3446 Time to finish 5m 46s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3445 Time to finish 5m 46s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3444 Time to finish 5m 46s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3443 Time to finish 5m 46s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3442 Time to finish 5m 46s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3441 Time to finish 5m 45s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3440 Time to finish 5m 45s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3439 Time to finish 5m 45s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3438 Time to finish 5m 45s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3437 Time to finish 5m 45s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3436 Time to finish 5m 45s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3435 Time to finish 5m 45s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3434 Time to finish 5m 45s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3433 Time to finish 5m 45s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3432 Time to finish 5m 45s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3431 Time to finish 5m 45s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3430 Time to finish 5m 44s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3429 Time to finish 5m 44s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3428 Time to finish 5m 44s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3427 Time to finish 5m 44s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3426 Time to finish 5m 43s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3425 Time to finish 5m 43s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3424 Time to finish 5m 43s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3423 Time to finish 5m 43s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3422 Time to finish 5m 43s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3421 Time to finish 5m 43s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3420 Time to finish 5m 43s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3419 Time to finish 5m 43s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3418 Time to finish 5m 43s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3417 Time to finish 5m 43s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3416 Time to finish 5m 43s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3415 Time to finish 5m 43s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3414 Time to finish 5m 43s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3413 Time to finish 5m 43s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3412 Time to finish 5m 43s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3411 Time to finish 5m 42s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3410 Time to finish 5m 42s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3409 Time to finish 5m 42s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3408 Time to finish 5m 42s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3407 Time to finish 5m 42s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3406 Time to finish 5m 41s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3405 Time to finish 5m 42s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3404 Time to finish 5m 42s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3403 Time to finish 5m 42s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3402 Time to finish 5m 42s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3401 Time to finish 5m 42s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3400 Time to finish 5m 42s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3399 Time to finish 5m 41s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3398 Time to finish 5m 41s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3397 Time to finish 5m 41s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3396 Time to finish 5m 41s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3395 Time to finish 5m 40s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3394 Time to finish 5m 40s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3393 Time to finish 5m 40s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3392 Time to finish 5m 40s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3391 Time to finish 5m 39s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3390 Time to finish 5m 40s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3389 Time to finish 5m 40s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3388 Time to finish 5m 40s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3387 Time to finish 5m 40s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3386 Time to finish 5m 39s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3385 Time to finish 5m 39s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3384 Time to finish 5m 39s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3383 Time to finish 5m 39s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3382 Time to finish 5m 39s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3381 Time to finish 5m 39s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3380 Time to finish 5m 38s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3379 Time to finish 5m 38s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3378 Time to finish 5m 38s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3377 Time to finish 5m 38s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3376 Time to finish 5m 38s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3375 Time to finish 5m 38s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3374 Time to finish 5m 38s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3373 Time to finish 5m 38s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3372 Time to finish 5m 38s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3371 Time to finish 5m 38s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3370 Time to finish 5m 38s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3369 Time to finish 5m 37s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3368 Time to finish 5m 37s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3367 Time to finish 5m 37s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3366 Time to finish 5m 37s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3365 Time to finish 5m 37s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3364 Time to finish 5m 36s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3363 Time to finish 5m 36s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3362 Time to finish 5m 36s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3361 Time to finish 5m 36s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3360 Time to finish 5m 37s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3359 Time to finish 5m 36s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3358 Time to finish 5m 36s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3357 Time to finish 5m 36s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3356 Time to finish 5m 36s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3355 Time to finish 5m 36s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3354 Time to finish 5m 35s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3353 Time to finish 5m 35s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3352 Time to finish 5m 35s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3351 Time to finish 5m 35s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3350 Time to finish 5m 35s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3349 Time to finish 5m 35s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3348 Time to finish 5m 34s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3347 Time to finish 5m 34s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3346 Time to finish 5m 34s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3345 Time to finish 5m 34s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3344 Time to finish 5m 34s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3343 Time to finish 5m 34s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3342 Time to finish 5m 34s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3341 Time to finish 5m 34s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3340 Time to finish 5m 34s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3339 Time to finish 5m 34s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3338 Time to finish 5m 34s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3337 Time to finish 5m 33s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3336 Time to finish 5m 33s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3335 Time to finish 5m 33s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3334 Time to finish 5m 33s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3333 Time to finish 5m 33s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3332 Time to finish 5m 33s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3331 Time to finish 5m 33s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3330 Time to finish 5m 33s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3329 Time to finish 5m 33s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3328 Time to finish 5m 33s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3327 Time to finish 5m 33s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3326 Time to finish 5m 33s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3325 Time to finish 5m 32s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3324 Time to finish 5m 32s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3323 Time to finish 5m 32s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3322 Time to finish 5m 32s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3321 Time to finish 5m 32s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3320 Time to finish 5m 32s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3319 Time to finish 5m 32s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3318 Time to finish 5m 31s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3317 Time to finish 5m 31s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3316 Time to finish 5m 31s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3315 Time to finish 5m 32s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3314 Time to finish 5m 32s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3313 Time to finish 5m 31s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3312 Time to finish 5m 31s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3311 Time to finish 5m 31s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3310 Time to finish 5m 31s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3309 Time to finish 5m 31s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3308 Time to finish 5m 31s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3307 Time to finish 5m 31s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3306 Time to finish 5m 30s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3305 Time to finish 5m 30s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3304 Time to finish 5m 30s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3303 Time to finish 5m 30s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3302 Time to finish 5m 30s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3301 Time to finish 5m 30s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3300 Time to finish 5m 31s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3299 Time to finish 5m 30s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3298 Time to finish 5m 30s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3297 Time to finish 5m 30s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3296 Time to finish 5m 30s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3295 Time to finish 5m 30s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3294 Time to finish 5m 30s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3293 Time to finish 5m 30s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3292 Time to finish 5m 30s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3291 Time to finish 5m 29s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3290 Time to finish 5m 29s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3289 Time to finish 5m 29s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3288 Time to finish 5m 29s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3287 Time to finish 5m 29s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3286 Time to finish 5m 29s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3285 Time to finish 5m 29s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3284 Time to finish 5m 29s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3283 Time to finish 5m 29s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3282 Time to finish 5m 29s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3281 Time to finish 5m 29s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3280 Time to finish 5m 29s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3279 Time to finish 5m 28s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3278 Time to finish 5m 28s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3277 Time to finish 5m 28s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3276 Time to finish 5m 28s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3275 Time to finish 5m 28s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3274 Time to finish 5m 28s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3273 Time to finish 5m 28s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3272 Time to finish 5m 27s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3271 Time to finish 5m 27s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3270 Time to finish 5m 28s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3269 Time to finish 5m 28s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3268 Time to finish 5m 28s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3267 Time to finish 5m 27s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3266 Time to finish 5m 27s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3265 Time to finish 5m 27s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3264 Time to finish 5m 27s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3263 Time to finish 5m 27s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3262 Time to finish 5m 27s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3261 Time to finish 5m 27s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3260 Time to finish 5m 27s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3259 Time to finish 5m 26s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3258 Time to finish 5m 26s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3257 Time to finish 5m 26s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3256 Time to finish 5m 26s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3255 Time to finish 5m 26s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3254 Time to finish 5m 26s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3253 Time to finish 5m 26s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3252 Time to finish 5m 26s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3251 Time to finish 5m 26s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3250 Time to finish 5m 26s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3249 Time to finish 5m 26s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3248 Time to finish 5m 26s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3247 Time to finish 5m 25s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3246 Time to finish 5m 25s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3245 Time to finish 5m 25s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3244 Time to finish 5m 25s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3243 Time to finish 5m 25s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3242 Time to finish 5m 25s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3241 Time to finish 5m 25s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3240 Time to finish 5m 25s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3239 Time to finish 5m 25s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3238 Time to finish 5m 25s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3237 Time to finish 5m 25s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3236 Time to finish 5m 25s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3235 Time to finish 5m 25s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3234 Time to finish 5m 25s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3233 Time to finish 5m 24s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3232 Time to finish 5m 24s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3231 Time to finish 5m 24s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3230 Time to finish 5m 24s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3229 Time to finish 5m 24s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3228 Time to finish 5m 24s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3227 Time to finish 5m 24s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3226 Time to finish 5m 23s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3225 Time to finish 5m 24s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3224 Time to finish 5m 24s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3223 Time to finish 5m 24s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3222 Time to finish 5m 23s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3221 Time to finish 5m 23s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3220 Time to finish 5m 23s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3219 Time to finish 5m 23s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3218 Time to finish 5m 23s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3217 Time to finish 5m 23s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3216 Time to finish 5m 23s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3215 Time to finish 5m 23s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3214 Time to finish 5m 23s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3213 Time to finish 5m 23s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3212 Time to finish 5m 22s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3211 Time to finish 5m 22s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3210 Time to finish 5m 23s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3209 Time to finish 5m 23s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3208 Time to finish 5m 23s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3207 Time to finish 5m 23s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3206 Time to finish 5m 22s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3205 Time to finish 5m 22s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3204 Time to finish 5m 22s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3203 Time to finish 5m 22s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3202 Time to finish 5m 22s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3201 Time to finish 5m 22s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3200 Time to finish 5m 22s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3199 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3198 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3197 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3196 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3195 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3194 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3193 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3192 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3191 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3190 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3189 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3188 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3187 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3186 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3185 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3184 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3183 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3182 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3181 Time to finish 5m 19s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3180 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3179 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3178 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3177 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3176 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3175 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3174 Time to finish 5m 19s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3173 Time to finish 5m 19s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3172 Time to finish 5m 19s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3171 Time to finish 5m 19s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3170 Time to finish 5m 19s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3169 Time to finish 5m 19s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3168 Time to finish 5m 19s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3167 Time to finish 5m 18s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3166 Time to finish 5m 18s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3165 Time to finish 5m 19s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3164 Time to finish 5m 19s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3163 Time to finish 5m 18s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3162 Time to finish 5m 18s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3161 Time to finish 5m 18s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3160 Time to finish 5m 18s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3159 Time to finish 5m 18s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3158 Time to finish 5m 17s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3157 Time to finish 5m 17s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3156 Time to finish 5m 17s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3155 Time to finish 5m 17s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3154 Time to finish 5m 17s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3153 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3152 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3151 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3150 Time to finish 5m 17s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3149 Time to finish 5m 17s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3148 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3147 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3146 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3145 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3144 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3143 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3142 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3141 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3140 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3139 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3138 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3137 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3136 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3135 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3134 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3133 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3132 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3131 Time to finish 5m 14s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3130 Time to finish 5m 14s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3129 Time to finish 5m 14s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3128 Time to finish 5m 14s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3127 Time to finish 5m 13s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3126 Time to finish 5m 13s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3125 Time to finish 5m 13s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3124 Time to finish 5m 13s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3123 Time to finish 5m 13s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3122 Time to finish 5m 13s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3121 Time to finish 5m 13s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3120 Time to finish 5m 13s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3119 Time to finish 5m 13s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3118 Time to finish 5m 14s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3117 Time to finish 5m 14s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3116 Time to finish 5m 14s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3115 Time to finish 5m 14s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3114 Time to finish 5m 14s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3113 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3112 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3111 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3110 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3109 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3108 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3107 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3106 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3105 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3104 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3103 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3102 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3101 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3100 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3099 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3098 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3097 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3096 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3095 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3094 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3093 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3092 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3091 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3090 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3089 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3088 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3087 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3086 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3085 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3084 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3083 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3082 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3081 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3080 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3079 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3078 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3077 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3076 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3075 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3074 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3073 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3072 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3071 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3070 Time to finish 5m 10s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3069 Time to finish 5m 10s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3068 Time to finish 5m 10s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3067 Time to finish 5m 10s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3066 Time to finish 5m 10s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3065 Time to finish 5m 10s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3064 Time to finish 5m 9s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3063 Time to finish 5m 9s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3062 Time to finish 5m 9s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3061 Time to finish 5m 9s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3060 Time to finish 5m 10s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3059 Time to finish 5m 10s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3058 Time to finish 5m 9s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3057 Time to finish 5m 9s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3056 Time to finish 5m 9s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3055 Time to finish 5m 9s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3054 Time to finish 5m 9s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3053 Time to finish 5m 9s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3052 Time to finish 5m 9s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3051 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3050 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3049 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3048 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3047 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3046 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3045 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3044 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3043 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3042 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3041 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3040 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3039 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3038 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3037 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3036 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3035 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3034 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3033 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3032 Time to finish 5m 6s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3031 Time to finish 5m 6s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3030 Time to finish 5m 6s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3029 Time to finish 5m 6s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3028 Time to finish 5m 6s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3027 Time to finish 5m 6s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3026 Time to finish 5m 6s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3025 Time to finish 5m 6s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3024 Time to finish 5m 6s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3023 Time to finish 5m 5s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3022 Time to finish 5m 5s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3021 Time to finish 5m 5s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3020 Time to finish 5m 5s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3019 Time to finish 5m 5s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3018 Time to finish 5m 5s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3017 Time to finish 5m 5s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3016 Time to finish 5m 4s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3015 Time to finish 5m 5s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3014 Time to finish 5m 5s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3013 Time to finish 5m 4s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3012 Time to finish 5m 4s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3011 Time to finish 5m 4s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3010 Time to finish 5m 4s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3009 Time to finish 5m 4s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3008 Time to finish 5m 4s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3007 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3006 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3005 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3004 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3003 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3002 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3001 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 3000 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2999 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2998 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2997 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2996 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2995 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2994 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2993 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2992 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2991 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2990 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2989 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2988 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2987 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2986 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2985 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2984 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2983 Time to finish 5m 1s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2982 Time to finish 5m 1s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2981 Time to finish 5m 1s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2980 Time to finish 5m 0s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2979 Time to finish 5m 0s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2978 Time to finish 5m 0s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2977 Time to finish 5m 0s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2976 Time to finish 5m 0s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2975 Time to finish 5m 0s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2974 Time to finish 5m 0s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2973 Time to finish 4m 59s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2972 Time to finish 4m 59s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2971 Time to finish 4m 59s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2970 Time to finish 4m 59s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2969 Time to finish 4m 59s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2968 Time to finish 4m 59s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2967 Time to finish 4m 59s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2966 Time to finish 4m 59s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2965 Time to finish 4m 59s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2964 Time to finish 4m 59s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2963 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2962 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2961 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2960 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2959 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2958 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2957 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2956 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2955 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2954 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2953 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2952 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2951 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2950 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2949 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2948 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2947 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2946 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2945 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2944 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2943 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2942 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2941 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2940 Time to finish 4m 57s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2939 Time to finish 4m 57s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2938 Time to finish 4m 57s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2937 Time to finish 4m 57s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2936 Time to finish 4m 56s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2935 Time to finish 4m 56s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2934 Time to finish 4m 56s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2933 Time to finish 4m 56s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2932 Time to finish 4m 56s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2931 Time to finish 4m 56s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2930 Time to finish 4m 56s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2929 Time to finish 4m 55s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2928 Time to finish 4m 55s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2927 Time to finish 4m 55s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2926 Time to finish 4m 55s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2925 Time to finish 4m 55s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2924 Time to finish 4m 55s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2923 Time to finish 4m 55s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2922 Time to finish 4m 55s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2921 Time to finish 4m 55s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2920 Time to finish 4m 55s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2919 Time to finish 4m 55s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2918 Time to finish 4m 55s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2917 Time to finish 4m 55s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2916 Time to finish 4m 54s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2915 Time to finish 4m 54s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2914 Time to finish 4m 54s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2913 Time to finish 4m 54s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2912 Time to finish 4m 54s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2911 Time to finish 4m 54s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2910 Time to finish 4m 54s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2909 Time to finish 4m 54s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2908 Time to finish 4m 54s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2907 Time to finish 4m 54s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2906 Time to finish 4m 54s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2905 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2904 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2903 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2902 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2901 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2900 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2899 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2898 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2897 Time to finish 4m 52s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2896 Time to finish 4m 52s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2895 Time to finish 4m 53s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2894 Time to finish 4m 53s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2893 Time to finish 4m 53s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2892 Time to finish 4m 52s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2891 Time to finish 4m 52s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2890 Time to finish 4m 52s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2889 Time to finish 4m 52s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2888 Time to finish 4m 52s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2887 Time to finish 4m 52s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2886 Time to finish 4m 52s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2885 Time to finish 4m 52s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2884 Time to finish 4m 51s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2883 Time to finish 4m 51s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2882 Time to finish 4m 51s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2881 Time to finish 4m 51s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2880 Time to finish 4m 52s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2879 Time to finish 4m 51s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2878 Time to finish 4m 51s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2877 Time to finish 4m 51s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2876 Time to finish 4m 51s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2875 Time to finish 4m 51s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2874 Time to finish 4m 51s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2873 Time to finish 4m 51s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2872 Time to finish 4m 51s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2871 Time to finish 4m 50s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2870 Time to finish 4m 50s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2869 Time to finish 4m 50s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2868 Time to finish 4m 50s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2867 Time to finish 4m 50s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2866 Time to finish 4m 50s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2865 Time to finish 4m 50s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2864 Time to finish 4m 50s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2863 Time to finish 4m 50s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2862 Time to finish 4m 50s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2861 Time to finish 4m 50s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2860 Time to finish 4m 49s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2859 Time to finish 4m 49s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2858 Time to finish 4m 49s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2857 Time to finish 4m 49s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2856 Time to finish 4m 49s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2855 Time to finish 4m 49s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2854 Time to finish 4m 49s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2853 Time to finish 4m 49s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2852 Time to finish 4m 48s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2851 Time to finish 4m 48s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2850 Time to finish 4m 48s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2849 Time to finish 4m 48s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2848 Time to finish 4m 48s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2847 Time to finish 4m 48s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2846 Time to finish 4m 48s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2845 Time to finish 4m 48s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2844 Time to finish 4m 48s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2843 Time to finish 4m 48s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2842 Time to finish 4m 48s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2841 Time to finish 4m 47s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2840 Time to finish 4m 47s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2839 Time to finish 4m 47s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2838 Time to finish 4m 47s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2837 Time to finish 4m 47s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2836 Time to finish 4m 47s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2835 Time to finish 4m 47s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2834 Time to finish 4m 47s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2833 Time to finish 4m 47s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2832 Time to finish 4m 47s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2831 Time to finish 4m 46s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2830 Time to finish 4m 46s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2829 Time to finish 4m 46s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2828 Time to finish 4m 46s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2827 Time to finish 4m 46s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2826 Time to finish 4m 46s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2825 Time to finish 4m 46s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2824 Time to finish 4m 46s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2823 Time to finish 4m 45s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2822 Time to finish 4m 45s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2821 Time to finish 4m 45s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2820 Time to finish 4m 46s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2819 Time to finish 4m 45s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2818 Time to finish 4m 45s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2817 Time to finish 4m 45s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2816 Time to finish 4m 45s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2815 Time to finish 4m 45s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2814 Time to finish 4m 45s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2813 Time to finish 4m 45s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2812 Time to finish 4m 45s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2811 Time to finish 4m 44s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2810 Time to finish 4m 44s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2809 Time to finish 4m 44s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2808 Time to finish 4m 44s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2807 Time to finish 4m 44s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2806 Time to finish 4m 44s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2805 Time to finish 4m 44s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2804 Time to finish 4m 44s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2803 Time to finish 4m 44s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2802 Time to finish 4m 44s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2801 Time to finish 4m 44s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2800 Time to finish 4m 44s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2799 Time to finish 4m 43s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2798 Time to finish 4m 43s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2797 Time to finish 4m 43s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2796 Time to finish 4m 43s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2795 Time to finish 4m 43s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2794 Time to finish 4m 43s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2793 Time to finish 4m 43s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2792 Time to finish 4m 42s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2791 Time to finish 4m 42s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2790 Time to finish 4m 43s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2789 Time to finish 4m 42s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2788 Time to finish 4m 42s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2787 Time to finish 4m 42s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2786 Time to finish 4m 42s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2785 Time to finish 4m 42s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2784 Time to finish 4m 42s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2783 Time to finish 4m 42s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2782 Time to finish 4m 42s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2781 Time to finish 4m 41s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2780 Time to finish 4m 41s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2779 Time to finish 4m 41s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2778 Time to finish 4m 41s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2777 Time to finish 4m 41s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2776 Time to finish 4m 41s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2775 Time to finish 4m 41s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2774 Time to finish 4m 41s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2773 Time to finish 4m 41s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2772 Time to finish 4m 41s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2771 Time to finish 4m 41s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2770 Time to finish 4m 40s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2769 Time to finish 4m 40s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2768 Time to finish 4m 40s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2767 Time to finish 4m 40s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2766 Time to finish 4m 40s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2765 Time to finish 4m 40s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2764 Time to finish 4m 39s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2763 Time to finish 4m 39s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2762 Time to finish 4m 39s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2761 Time to finish 4m 39s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2760 Time to finish 4m 39s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2759 Time to finish 4m 39s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2758 Time to finish 4m 39s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2757 Time to finish 4m 39s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2756 Time to finish 4m 39s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2755 Time to finish 4m 39s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2754 Time to finish 4m 39s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2753 Time to finish 4m 38s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2752 Time to finish 4m 38s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2751 Time to finish 4m 38s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2750 Time to finish 4m 38s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2749 Time to finish 4m 38s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2748 Time to finish 4m 38s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2747 Time to finish 4m 38s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2746 Time to finish 4m 38s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2745 Time to finish 4m 38s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2744 Time to finish 4m 38s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2743 Time to finish 4m 38s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2742 Time to finish 4m 38s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2741 Time to finish 4m 37s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2740 Time to finish 4m 37s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2739 Time to finish 4m 37s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2738 Time to finish 4m 37s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2737 Time to finish 4m 37s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2736 Time to finish 4m 37s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2735 Time to finish 4m 36s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2734 Time to finish 4m 36s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2733 Time to finish 4m 36s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2732 Time to finish 4m 36s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2731 Time to finish 4m 36s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2730 Time to finish 4m 36s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2729 Time to finish 4m 36s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2728 Time to finish 4m 36s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2727 Time to finish 4m 36s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2726 Time to finish 4m 35s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2725 Time to finish 4m 35s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2724 Time to finish 4m 35s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2723 Time to finish 4m 35s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2722 Time to finish 4m 35s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2721 Time to finish 4m 35s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2720 Time to finish 4m 35s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2719 Time to finish 4m 34s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2718 Time to finish 4m 34s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2717 Time to finish 4m 34s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2716 Time to finish 4m 34s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2715 Time to finish 4m 34s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2714 Time to finish 4m 34s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2713 Time to finish 4m 34s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2712 Time to finish 4m 34s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2711 Time to finish 4m 34s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2710 Time to finish 4m 34s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2709 Time to finish 4m 33s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2708 Time to finish 4m 33s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2707 Time to finish 4m 33s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2706 Time to finish 4m 33s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2705 Time to finish 4m 33s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2704 Time to finish 4m 33s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2703 Time to finish 4m 32s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2702 Time to finish 4m 32s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2701 Time to finish 4m 32s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2700 Time to finish 4m 33s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2699 Time to finish 4m 32s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2698 Time to finish 4m 32s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2697 Time to finish 4m 32s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2696 Time to finish 4m 32s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2695 Time to finish 4m 32s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2694 Time to finish 4m 32s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2693 Time to finish 4m 31s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2692 Time to finish 4m 31s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2691 Time to finish 4m 31s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2690 Time to finish 4m 31s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2689 Time to finish 4m 31s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2688 Time to finish 4m 31s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2687 Time to finish 4m 30s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2686 Time to finish 4m 30s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2685 Time to finish 4m 30s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2684 Time to finish 4m 30s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2683 Time to finish 4m 30s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2682 Time to finish 4m 30s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2681 Time to finish 4m 30s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2680 Time to finish 4m 30s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2679 Time to finish 4m 30s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2678 Time to finish 4m 29s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2677 Time to finish 4m 29s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2676 Time to finish 4m 29s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2675 Time to finish 4m 29s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2674 Time to finish 4m 29s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2673 Time to finish 4m 29s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2672 Time to finish 4m 29s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2671 Time to finish 4m 28s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2670 Time to finish 4m 29s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2669 Time to finish 4m 29s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2668 Time to finish 4m 29s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2667 Time to finish 4m 28s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2666 Time to finish 4m 28s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2665 Time to finish 4m 28s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2664 Time to finish 4m 28s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2663 Time to finish 4m 28s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2662 Time to finish 4m 28s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2661 Time to finish 4m 27s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2660 Time to finish 4m 27s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2659 Time to finish 4m 27s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2658 Time to finish 4m 27s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2657 Time to finish 4m 27s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2656 Time to finish 4m 27s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2655 Time to finish 4m 27s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2654 Time to finish 4m 27s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2653 Time to finish 4m 27s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2652 Time to finish 4m 26s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2651 Time to finish 4m 26s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2650 Time to finish 4m 26s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2649 Time to finish 4m 26s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2648 Time to finish 4m 26s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2647 Time to finish 4m 26s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2646 Time to finish 4m 26s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2645 Time to finish 4m 25s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2644 Time to finish 4m 25s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2643 Time to finish 4m 25s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2642 Time to finish 4m 25s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2641 Time to finish 4m 25s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2640 Time to finish 4m 25s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2639 Time to finish 4m 25s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2638 Time to finish 4m 25s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2637 Time to finish 4m 25s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2636 Time to finish 4m 25s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2635 Time to finish 4m 25s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2634 Time to finish 4m 24s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2633 Time to finish 4m 24s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2632 Time to finish 4m 24s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2631 Time to finish 4m 24s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2630 Time to finish 4m 24s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2629 Time to finish 4m 24s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2628 Time to finish 4m 24s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2627 Time to finish 4m 23s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2626 Time to finish 4m 23s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2625 Time to finish 4m 24s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2624 Time to finish 4m 24s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2623 Time to finish 4m 23s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2622 Time to finish 4m 23s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2621 Time to finish 4m 23s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2620 Time to finish 4m 23s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2619 Time to finish 4m 23s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2618 Time to finish 4m 23s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2617 Time to finish 4m 22s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2616 Time to finish 4m 22s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2615 Time to finish 4m 22s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2614 Time to finish 4m 22s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2613 Time to finish 4m 22s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2612 Time to finish 4m 22s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2611 Time to finish 4m 22s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2610 Time to finish 4m 22s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2609 Time to finish 4m 22s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2608 Time to finish 4m 22s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2607 Time to finish 4m 22s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2606 Time to finish 4m 21s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2605 Time to finish 4m 21s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2604 Time to finish 4m 21s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2603 Time to finish 4m 21s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2602 Time to finish 4m 21s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2601 Time to finish 4m 21s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2600 Time to finish 4m 21s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2599 Time to finish 4m 21s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2598 Time to finish 4m 20s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2597 Time to finish 4m 20s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2596 Time to finish 4m 20s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2595 Time to finish 4m 20s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2594 Time to finish 4m 20s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2593 Time to finish 4m 20s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2592 Time to finish 4m 20s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2591 Time to finish 4m 20s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2590 Time to finish 4m 20s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2589 Time to finish 4m 20s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2588 Time to finish 4m 20s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2587 Time to finish 4m 19s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2586 Time to finish 4m 19s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2585 Time to finish 4m 19s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2584 Time to finish 4m 19s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2583 Time to finish 4m 19s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2582 Time to finish 4m 19s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2581 Time to finish 4m 19s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2580 Time to finish 4m 19s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2579 Time to finish 4m 19s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2578 Time to finish 4m 19s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2577 Time to finish 4m 19s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2576 Time to finish 4m 19s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2575 Time to finish 4m 18s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2574 Time to finish 4m 18s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2573 Time to finish 4m 18s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2572 Time to finish 4m 18s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2571 Time to finish 4m 18s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2570 Time to finish 4m 18s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2569 Time to finish 4m 18s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2568 Time to finish 4m 18s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2567 Time to finish 4m 17s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2566 Time to finish 4m 17s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2565 Time to finish 4m 17s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2564 Time to finish 4m 17s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2563 Time to finish 4m 17s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2562 Time to finish 4m 17s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2561 Time to finish 4m 17s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2560 Time to finish 4m 17s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2559 Time to finish 4m 17s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2558 Time to finish 4m 17s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2557 Time to finish 4m 17s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2556 Time to finish 4m 16s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2555 Time to finish 4m 16s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2554 Time to finish 4m 16s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2553 Time to finish 4m 16s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2552 Time to finish 4m 16s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2551 Time to finish 4m 16s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2550 Time to finish 4m 16s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2549 Time to finish 4m 16s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2548 Time to finish 4m 16s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2547 Time to finish 4m 16s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2546 Time to finish 4m 15s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2545 Time to finish 4m 15s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2544 Time to finish 4m 15s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2543 Time to finish 4m 15s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2542 Time to finish 4m 15s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2541 Time to finish 4m 15s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2540 Time to finish 4m 14s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2539 Time to finish 4m 14s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2538 Time to finish 4m 14s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2537 Time to finish 4m 14s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2536 Time to finish 4m 14s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2535 Time to finish 4m 14s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2534 Time to finish 4m 14s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2533 Time to finish 4m 14s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2532 Time to finish 4m 14s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2531 Time to finish 4m 13s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2530 Time to finish 4m 13s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2529 Time to finish 4m 13s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2528 Time to finish 4m 13s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2527 Time to finish 4m 13s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2526 Time to finish 4m 13s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2525 Time to finish 4m 13s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2524 Time to finish 4m 13s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2523 Time to finish 4m 12s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2522 Time to finish 4m 12s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2521 Time to finish 4m 12s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2520 Time to finish 4m 13s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2519 Time to finish 4m 12s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2518 Time to finish 4m 12s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2517 Time to finish 4m 12s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2516 Time to finish 4m 12s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2515 Time to finish 4m 12s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2514 Time to finish 4m 12s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2513 Time to finish 4m 12s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2512 Time to finish 4m 12s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2511 Time to finish 4m 11s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2510 Time to finish 4m 11s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2509 Time to finish 4m 11s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2508 Time to finish 4m 11s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2507 Time to finish 4m 11s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2506 Time to finish 4m 11s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2505 Time to finish 4m 11s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2504 Time to finish 4m 11s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2503 Time to finish 4m 11s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2502 Time to finish 4m 11s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2501 Time to finish 4m 11s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2500 Time to finish 4m 11s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2499 Time to finish 4m 11s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2498 Time to finish 4m 11s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2497 Time to finish 4m 11s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2496 Time to finish 4m 10s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2495 Time to finish 4m 10s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2494 Time to finish 4m 10s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2493 Time to finish 4m 10s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2492 Time to finish 4m 10s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2491 Time to finish 4m 10s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2490 Time to finish 4m 10s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2489 Time to finish 4m 10s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2488 Time to finish 4m 10s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2487 Time to finish 4m 9s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2486 Time to finish 4m 9s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2485 Time to finish 4m 9s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2484 Time to finish 4m 9s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2483 Time to finish 4m 9s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2482 Time to finish 4m 9s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2481 Time to finish 4m 9s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2480 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2479 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2478 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2477 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2476 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2475 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2474 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2473 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2472 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2471 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2470 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2469 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2468 Time to finish 4m 8s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2467 Time to finish 4m 7s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2466 Time to finish 4m 7s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2465 Time to finish 4m 7s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2464 Time to finish 4m 7s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2463 Time to finish 4m 7s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2462 Time to finish 4m 7s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2461 Time to finish 4m 7s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2460 Time to finish 4m 7s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2459 Time to finish 4m 7s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2458 Time to finish 4m 7s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2457 Time to finish 4m 7s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2456 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2455 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2454 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2453 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2452 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2451 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2450 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2449 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2448 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2447 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2446 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2445 Time to finish 4m 6s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2444 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2443 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2442 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2441 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2440 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2439 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2438 Time to finish 4m 5s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2437 Time to finish 4m 4s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2436 Time to finish 4m 4s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2435 Time to finish 4m 4s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2434 Time to finish 4m 4s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2433 Time to finish 4m 4s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2432 Time to finish 4m 4s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2431 Time to finish 4m 4s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2430 Time to finish 4m 4s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2429 Time to finish 4m 4s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2428 Time to finish 4m 3s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2427 Time to finish 4m 3s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2426 Time to finish 4m 3s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2425 Time to finish 4m 3s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2424 Time to finish 4m 3s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2423 Time to finish 4m 3s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2422 Time to finish 4m 3s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2421 Time to finish 4m 3s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2420 Time to finish 4m 3s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2419 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2418 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2417 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2416 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2415 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2414 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2413 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2412 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2411 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2410 Time to finish 4m 2s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2409 Time to finish 4m 1s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2408 Time to finish 4m 1s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2407 Time to finish 4m 1s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2406 Time to finish 4m 1s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2405 Time to finish 4m 1s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2404 Time to finish 4m 1s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2403 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2402 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2401 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2400 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2399 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2398 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2397 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2396 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2395 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2394 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2393 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2392 Time to finish 4m 0s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2391 Time to finish 3m 59s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2390 Time to finish 3m 59s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2389 Time to finish 3m 59s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2388 Time to finish 3m 59s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2387 Time to finish 3m 59s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2386 Time to finish 3m 59s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2385 Time to finish 3m 59s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2384 Time to finish 3m 59s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2383 Time to finish 3m 59s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2382 Time to finish 3m 59s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2381 Time to finish 3m 58s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2380 Time to finish 3m 58s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2379 Time to finish 3m 58s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2378 Time to finish 3m 58s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2377 Time to finish 3m 58s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2376 Time to finish 3m 58s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2375 Time to finish 3m 58s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2374 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2373 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2372 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2371 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2370 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2369 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2368 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2367 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2366 Time to finish 3m 57s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2365 Time to finish 3m 56s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2364 Time to finish 3m 56s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2363 Time to finish 3m 56s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2362 Time to finish 3m 56s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2361 Time to finish 3m 56s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2360 Time to finish 3m 56s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2359 Time to finish 3m 56s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2358 Time to finish 3m 56s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2357 Time to finish 3m 55s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2356 Time to finish 3m 55s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2355 Time to finish 3m 55s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2354 Time to finish 3m 55s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2353 Time to finish 3m 55s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2352 Time to finish 3m 55s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2351 Time to finish 3m 55s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2350 Time to finish 3m 55s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2349 Time to finish 3m 55s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2348 Time to finish 3m 54s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2347 Time to finish 3m 54s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2346 Time to finish 3m 54s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2345 Time to finish 3m 54s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2344 Time to finish 3m 54s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2343 Time to finish 3m 54s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2342 Time to finish 3m 54s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2341 Time to finish 3m 54s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2340 Time to finish 3m 54s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2339 Time to finish 3m 54s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2338 Time to finish 3m 54s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2337 Time to finish 3m 53s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2336 Time to finish 3m 53s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2335 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2334 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2333 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2332 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2331 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2330 Time to finish 3m 53s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2329 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2328 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2327 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2326 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2325 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2324 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2323 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2322 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2321 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2320 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2319 Time to finish 3m 52s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2318 Time to finish 3m 51s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2317 Time to finish 3m 51s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2316 Time to finish 3m 51s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2315 Time to finish 3m 51s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2314 Time to finish 3m 51s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2313 Time to finish 3m 51s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2312 Time to finish 3m 51s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2311 Time to finish 3m 51s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2310 Time to finish 3m 51s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2309 Time to finish 3m 50s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2308 Time to finish 3m 50s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2307 Time to finish 3m 50s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2306 Time to finish 3m 50s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2305 Time to finish 3m 50s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2304 Time to finish 3m 50s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2303 Time to finish 3m 50s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2302 Time to finish 3m 50s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2301 Time to finish 3m 49s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2300 Time to finish 3m 49s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2299 Time to finish 3m 49s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2298 Time to finish 3m 49s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2297 Time to finish 3m 49s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2296 Time to finish 3m 49s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2295 Time to finish 3m 49s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2294 Time to finish 3m 49s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2293 Time to finish 3m 49s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2292 Time to finish 3m 49s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2291 Time to finish 3m 49s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2290 Time to finish 3m 48s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2289 Time to finish 3m 48s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2288 Time to finish 3m 48s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2287 Time to finish 3m 48s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2286 Time to finish 3m 48s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2285 Time to finish 3m 48s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2284 Time to finish 3m 48s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2283 Time to finish 3m 48s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2282 Time to finish 3m 48s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2281 Time to finish 3m 47s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2280 Time to finish 3m 48s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2279 Time to finish 3m 48s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2278 Time to finish 3m 47s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2277 Time to finish 3m 47s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2276 Time to finish 3m 47s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2275 Time to finish 3m 47s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2274 Time to finish 3m 47s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2273 Time to finish 3m 47s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2272 Time to finish 3m 47s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2271 Time to finish 3m 47s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2270 Time to finish 3m 46s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2269 Time to finish 3m 46s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2268 Time to finish 3m 46s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2267 Time to finish 3m 46s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2266 Time to finish 3m 46s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2265 Time to finish 3m 46s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2264 Time to finish 3m 46s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2263 Time to finish 3m 46s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2262 Time to finish 3m 46s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2261 Time to finish 3m 46s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2260 Time to finish 3m 46s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2259 Time to finish 3m 45s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2258 Time to finish 3m 45s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2257 Time to finish 3m 45s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2256 Time to finish 3m 45s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2255 Time to finish 3m 45s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2254 Time to finish 3m 45s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2253 Time to finish 3m 45s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2252 Time to finish 3m 45s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2251 Time to finish 3m 44s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2250 Time to finish 3m 45s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2249 Time to finish 3m 44s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2248 Time to finish 3m 44s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2247 Time to finish 3m 44s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2246 Time to finish 3m 44s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2245 Time to finish 3m 44s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2244 Time to finish 3m 44s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2243 Time to finish 3m 44s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2242 Time to finish 3m 44s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2241 Time to finish 3m 44s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2240 Time to finish 3m 43s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2239 Time to finish 3m 43s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2238 Time to finish 3m 43s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2237 Time to finish 3m 43s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2236 Time to finish 3m 43s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2235 Time to finish 3m 43s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2234 Time to finish 3m 43s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2233 Time to finish 3m 43s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2232 Time to finish 3m 43s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2231 Time to finish 3m 43s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2230 Time to finish 3m 43s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2229 Time to finish 3m 42s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2228 Time to finish 3m 42s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2227 Time to finish 3m 42s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2226 Time to finish 3m 42s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2225 Time to finish 3m 42s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2224 Time to finish 3m 42s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2223 Time to finish 3m 42s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2222 Time to finish 3m 42s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2221 Time to finish 3m 42s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2220 Time to finish 3m 42s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2219 Time to finish 3m 42s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2218 Time to finish 3m 42s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2217 Time to finish 3m 41s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2216 Time to finish 3m 41s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2215 Time to finish 3m 41s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2214 Time to finish 3m 41s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2213 Time to finish 3m 41s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2212 Time to finish 3m 41s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2211 Time to finish 3m 41s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2210 Time to finish 3m 41s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2209 Time to finish 3m 41s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2208 Time to finish 3m 41s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2207 Time to finish 3m 40s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2206 Time to finish 3m 40s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2205 Time to finish 3m 41s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2204 Time to finish 3m 40s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2203 Time to finish 3m 40s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2202 Time to finish 3m 40s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2201 Time to finish 3m 40s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2200 Time to finish 3m 40s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2199 Time to finish 3m 40s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2198 Time to finish 3m 40s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2197 Time to finish 3m 40s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2196 Time to finish 3m 40s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2195 Time to finish 3m 39s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2194 Time to finish 3m 39s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2193 Time to finish 3m 39s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2192 Time to finish 3m 39s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2191 Time to finish 3m 39s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2190 Time to finish 3m 39s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2189 Time to finish 3m 39s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2188 Time to finish 3m 39s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2187 Time to finish 3m 39s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2186 Time to finish 3m 39s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2185 Time to finish 3m 39s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2184 Time to finish 3m 38s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2183 Time to finish 3m 38s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2182 Time to finish 3m 38s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2181 Time to finish 3m 38s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2180 Time to finish 3m 38s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2179 Time to finish 3m 38s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2178 Time to finish 3m 38s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2177 Time to finish 3m 38s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2176 Time to finish 3m 38s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2175 Time to finish 3m 38s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2174 Time to finish 3m 38s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2173 Time to finish 3m 37s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2172 Time to finish 3m 37s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2171 Time to finish 3m 37s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2170 Time to finish 3m 37s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2169 Time to finish 3m 37s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2168 Time to finish 3m 37s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2167 Time to finish 3m 37s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2166 Time to finish 3m 37s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2165 Time to finish 3m 37s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2164 Time to finish 3m 36s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2163 Time to finish 3m 36s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2162 Time to finish 3m 36s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2161 Time to finish 3m 36s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2160 Time to finish 3m 36s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2159 Time to finish 3m 36s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2158 Time to finish 3m 36s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2157 Time to finish 3m 36s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2156 Time to finish 3m 36s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2155 Time to finish 3m 36s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2154 Time to finish 3m 36s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2153 Time to finish 3m 36s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2152 Time to finish 3m 35s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2151 Time to finish 3m 35s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2150 Time to finish 3m 35s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2149 Time to finish 3m 35s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2148 Time to finish 3m 35s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2147 Time to finish 3m 35s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2146 Time to finish 3m 35s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2145 Time to finish 3m 35s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2144 Time to finish 3m 35s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2143 Time to finish 3m 35s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2142 Time to finish 3m 35s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2141 Time to finish 3m 34s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2140 Time to finish 3m 34s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2139 Time to finish 3m 34s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2138 Time to finish 3m 34s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2137 Time to finish 3m 34s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2136 Time to finish 3m 34s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2135 Time to finish 3m 34s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2134 Time to finish 3m 34s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2133 Time to finish 3m 34s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2132 Time to finish 3m 33s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2131 Time to finish 3m 33s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2130 Time to finish 3m 33s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2129 Time to finish 3m 33s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2128 Time to finish 3m 33s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2127 Time to finish 3m 33s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2126 Time to finish 3m 33s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2125 Time to finish 3m 33s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2124 Time to finish 3m 33s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2123 Time to finish 3m 33s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2122 Time to finish 3m 32s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2121 Time to finish 3m 32s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2120 Time to finish 3m 32s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2119 Time to finish 3m 32s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2118 Time to finish 3m 32s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2117 Time to finish 3m 32s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2116 Time to finish 3m 32s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2115 Time to finish 3m 32s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2114 Time to finish 3m 32s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2113 Time to finish 3m 32s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2112 Time to finish 3m 32s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2111 Time to finish 3m 31s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2110 Time to finish 3m 31s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2109 Time to finish 3m 31s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2108 Time to finish 3m 31s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2107 Time to finish 3m 31s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2106 Time to finish 3m 31s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2105 Time to finish 3m 31s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2104 Time to finish 3m 31s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2103 Time to finish 3m 30s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2102 Time to finish 3m 30s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2101 Time to finish 3m 30s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2100 Time to finish 3m 30s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2099 Time to finish 3m 30s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2098 Time to finish 3m 30s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2097 Time to finish 3m 30s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2096 Time to finish 3m 30s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2095 Time to finish 3m 30s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2094 Time to finish 3m 30s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2093 Time to finish 3m 30s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2092 Time to finish 3m 30s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2091 Time to finish 3m 29s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2090 Time to finish 3m 29s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2089 Time to finish 3m 29s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2088 Time to finish 3m 29s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2087 Time to finish 3m 29s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2086 Time to finish 3m 29s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2085 Time to finish 3m 29s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2084 Time to finish 3m 29s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2083 Time to finish 3m 29s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2082 Time to finish 3m 29s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2081 Time to finish 3m 28s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2080 Time to finish 3m 28s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2079 Time to finish 3m 28s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2078 Time to finish 3m 28s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2077 Time to finish 3m 28s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2076 Time to finish 3m 28s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2075 Time to finish 3m 28s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2074 Time to finish 3m 28s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2073 Time to finish 3m 28s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2072 Time to finish 3m 27s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2071 Time to finish 3m 27s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2070 Time to finish 3m 27s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2069 Time to finish 3m 27s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2068 Time to finish 3m 27s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2067 Time to finish 3m 27s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2066 Time to finish 3m 27s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2065 Time to finish 3m 27s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2064 Time to finish 3m 27s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2063 Time to finish 3m 26s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2062 Time to finish 3m 26s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2061 Time to finish 3m 26s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2060 Time to finish 3m 26s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2059 Time to finish 3m 26s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2058 Time to finish 3m 26s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2057 Time to finish 3m 26s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2056 Time to finish 3m 26s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2055 Time to finish 3m 26s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2054 Time to finish 3m 26s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2053 Time to finish 3m 25s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2052 Time to finish 3m 25s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2051 Time to finish 3m 25s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2050 Time to finish 3m 25s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2049 Time to finish 3m 25s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2048 Time to finish 3m 25s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2047 Time to finish 3m 25s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2046 Time to finish 3m 25s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2045 Time to finish 3m 25s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2044 Time to finish 3m 24s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2043 Time to finish 3m 24s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2042 Time to finish 3m 24s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2041 Time to finish 3m 24s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2040 Time to finish 3m 24s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2039 Time to finish 3m 24s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2038 Time to finish 3m 24s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2037 Time to finish 3m 24s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2036 Time to finish 3m 24s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2035 Time to finish 3m 24s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2034 Time to finish 3m 24s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2033 Time to finish 3m 23s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2032 Time to finish 3m 23s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2031 Time to finish 3m 23s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2030 Time to finish 3m 23s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2029 Time to finish 3m 23s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2028 Time to finish 3m 23s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2027 Time to finish 3m 23s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2026 Time to finish 3m 23s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2025 Time to finish 3m 23s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2024 Time to finish 3m 23s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2023 Time to finish 3m 23s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2022 Time to finish 3m 23s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2021 Time to finish 3m 23s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2020 Time to finish 3m 22s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2019 Time to finish 3m 22s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2018 Time to finish 3m 22s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2017 Time to finish 3m 22s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2016 Time to finish 3m 22s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2015 Time to finish 3m 22s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2014 Time to finish 3m 22s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2013 Time to finish 3m 22s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2012 Time to finish 3m 22s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2011 Time to finish 3m 21s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2010 Time to finish 3m 22s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2009 Time to finish 3m 21s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2008 Time to finish 3m 21s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2007 Time to finish 3m 21s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2006 Time to finish 3m 21s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2005 Time to finish 3m 21s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2004 Time to finish 3m 21s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2003 Time to finish 3m 21s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 2002 Time to finish 3m 21s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 2001 Time to finish 3m 21s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 2000 Time to finish 3m 21s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 1999 Time to finish 3m 21s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1998 Time to finish 3m 20s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1997 Time to finish 3m 20s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1996 Time to finish 3m 20s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1995 Time to finish 3m 20s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1994 Time to finish 3m 20s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1993 Time to finish 3m 20s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1992 Time to finish 3m 20s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1991 Time to finish 3m 20s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1990 Time to finish 3m 20s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1989 Time to finish 3m 20s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1988 Time to finish 3m 19s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1987 Time to finish 3m 19s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1986 Time to finish 3m 19s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1985 Time to finish 3m 19s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1984 Time to finish 3m 19s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1983 Time to finish 3m 19s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1982 Time to finish 3m 19s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1981 Time to finish 3m 19s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1980 Time to finish 3m 19s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1979 Time to finish 3m 19s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1978 Time to finish 3m 18s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1977 Time to finish 3m 18s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1976 Time to finish 3m 18s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1975 Time to finish 3m 18s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1974 Time to finish 3m 18s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1973 Time to finish 3m 18s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1972 Time to finish 3m 18s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1971 Time to finish 3m 18s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1970 Time to finish 3m 17s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1969 Time to finish 3m 17s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1968 Time to finish 3m 17s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1967 Time to finish 3m 17s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1966 Time to finish 3m 17s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1965 Time to finish 3m 17s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1964 Time to finish 3m 17s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1963 Time to finish 3m 17s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1962 Time to finish 3m 17s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1961 Time to finish 3m 17s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1960 Time to finish 3m 16s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1959 Time to finish 3m 16s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1958 Time to finish 3m 16s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1957 Time to finish 3m 16s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1956 Time to finish 3m 16s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1955 Time to finish 3m 16s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1954 Time to finish 3m 16s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1953 Time to finish 3m 17s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1952 Time to finish 3m 17s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1951 Time to finish 3m 18s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1950 Time to finish 3m 19s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1949 Time to finish 3m 18s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1948 Time to finish 3m 18s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1947 Time to finish 3m 18s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1946 Time to finish 3m 18s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1945 Time to finish 3m 18s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1944 Time to finish 3m 18s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1943 Time to finish 3m 18s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1942 Time to finish 3m 18s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1941 Time to finish 3m 18s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1940 Time to finish 3m 17s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1939 Time to finish 3m 17s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1938 Time to finish 3m 17s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1937 Time to finish 3m 17s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1936 Time to finish 3m 17s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1935 Time to finish 3m 17s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1934 Time to finish 3m 17s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1933 Time to finish 3m 17s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1932 Time to finish 3m 17s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1931 Time to finish 3m 16s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1930 Time to finish 3m 16s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1929 Time to finish 3m 16s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1928 Time to finish 3m 16s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1927 Time to finish 3m 16s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1926 Time to finish 3m 16s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1925 Time to finish 3m 16s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1924 Time to finish 3m 16s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1923 Time to finish 3m 15s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1922 Time to finish 3m 15s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1921 Time to finish 3m 15s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1920 Time to finish 3m 15s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1919 Time to finish 3m 15s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1918 Time to finish 3m 15s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1917 Time to finish 3m 15s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1916 Time to finish 3m 15s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1915 Time to finish 3m 15s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1914 Time to finish 3m 15s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1913 Time to finish 3m 14s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1912 Time to finish 3m 14s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1911 Time to finish 3m 14s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1910 Time to finish 3m 14s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1909 Time to finish 3m 14s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1908 Time to finish 3m 14s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1907 Time to finish 3m 14s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1906 Time to finish 3m 13s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1905 Time to finish 3m 13s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1904 Time to finish 3m 13s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1903 Time to finish 3m 13s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1902 Time to finish 3m 13s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1901 Time to finish 3m 13s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1900 Time to finish 3m 13s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1899 Time to finish 3m 13s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1898 Time to finish 3m 13s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1897 Time to finish 3m 12s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1896 Time to finish 3m 12s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1895 Time to finish 3m 12s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1894 Time to finish 3m 12s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1893 Time to finish 3m 12s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1892 Time to finish 3m 12s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1891 Time to finish 3m 12s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1890 Time to finish 3m 12s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1889 Time to finish 3m 12s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1888 Time to finish 3m 11s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1887 Time to finish 3m 11s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1886 Time to finish 3m 11s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1885 Time to finish 3m 11s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1884 Time to finish 3m 11s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1883 Time to finish 3m 11s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1882 Time to finish 3m 11s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1881 Time to finish 3m 11s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1880 Time to finish 3m 10s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1879 Time to finish 3m 10s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1878 Time to finish 3m 10s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1877 Time to finish 3m 10s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1876 Time to finish 3m 10s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1875 Time to finish 3m 10s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1874 Time to finish 3m 10s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1873 Time to finish 3m 10s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1872 Time to finish 3m 10s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1871 Time to finish 3m 9s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1870 Time to finish 3m 9s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1869 Time to finish 3m 9s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1868 Time to finish 3m 9s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1867 Time to finish 3m 9s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1866 Time to finish 3m 9s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1865 Time to finish 3m 9s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1864 Time to finish 3m 9s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1863 Time to finish 3m 8s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1862 Time to finish 3m 8s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1861 Time to finish 3m 8s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1860 Time to finish 3m 8s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1859 Time to finish 3m 8s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1858 Time to finish 3m 8s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1857 Time to finish 3m 8s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1856 Time to finish 3m 8s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1855 Time to finish 3m 8s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1854 Time to finish 3m 8s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1853 Time to finish 3m 8s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1852 Time to finish 3m 7s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1851 Time to finish 3m 7s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1850 Time to finish 3m 7s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1849 Time to finish 3m 7s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1848 Time to finish 3m 7s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1847 Time to finish 3m 7s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1846 Time to finish 3m 7s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1845 Time to finish 3m 7s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1844 Time to finish 3m 7s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1843 Time to finish 3m 6s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1842 Time to finish 3m 6s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1841 Time to finish 3m 6s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1840 Time to finish 3m 6s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1839 Time to finish 3m 6s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1838 Time to finish 3m 6s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1837 Time to finish 3m 6s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1836 Time to finish 3m 6s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1835 Time to finish 3m 6s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1834 Time to finish 3m 5s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1833 Time to finish 3m 5s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1832 Time to finish 3m 5s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1831 Time to finish 3m 5s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1830 Time to finish 3m 5s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1829 Time to finish 3m 5s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1828 Time to finish 3m 5s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1827 Time to finish 3m 5s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1826 Time to finish 3m 5s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1825 Time to finish 3m 5s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1824 Time to finish 3m 4s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1823 Time to finish 3m 4s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1822 Time to finish 3m 4s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1821 Time to finish 3m 4s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1820 Time to finish 3m 4s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1819 Time to finish 3m 4s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1818 Time to finish 3m 4s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1817 Time to finish 3m 4s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1816 Time to finish 3m 3s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1815 Time to finish 3m 4s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1814 Time to finish 3m 3s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1813 Time to finish 3m 3s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1812 Time to finish 3m 3s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1811 Time to finish 3m 3s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1810 Time to finish 3m 3s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1809 Time to finish 3m 3s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1808 Time to finish 3m 3s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1807 Time to finish 3m 3s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1806 Time to finish 3m 2s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1805 Time to finish 3m 2s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1804 Time to finish 3m 2s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1803 Time to finish 3m 2s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1802 Time to finish 3m 2s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1801 Time to finish 3m 2s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1800 Time to finish 3m 2s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1799 Time to finish 3m 2s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1798 Time to finish 3m 2s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1797 Time to finish 3m 2s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1796 Time to finish 3m 1s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1795 Time to finish 3m 1s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1794 Time to finish 3m 1s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1793 Time to finish 3m 1s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1792 Time to finish 3m 1s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1791 Time to finish 3m 1s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1790 Time to finish 3m 1s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1789 Time to finish 3m 1s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1788 Time to finish 3m 1s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1787 Time to finish 3m 0s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1786 Time to finish 3m 0s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1785 Time to finish 3m 0s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1784 Time to finish 3m 0s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1783 Time to finish 3m 0s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1782 Time to finish 3m 0s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1781 Time to finish 3m 0s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1780 Time to finish 3m 0s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1779 Time to finish 3m 0s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1778 Time to finish 3m 0s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1777 Time to finish 2m 59s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1776 Time to finish 2m 59s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1775 Time to finish 2m 59s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1774 Time to finish 2m 59s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1773 Time to finish 2m 59s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1772 Time to finish 2m 59s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1771 Time to finish 2m 59s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1770 Time to finish 2m 59s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1769 Time to finish 2m 59s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1768 Time to finish 2m 59s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1767 Time to finish 2m 58s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1766 Time to finish 2m 58s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1765 Time to finish 2m 58s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1764 Time to finish 2m 58s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1763 Time to finish 2m 58s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1762 Time to finish 2m 58s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1761 Time to finish 2m 58s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1760 Time to finish 2m 58s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1759 Time to finish 2m 57s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1758 Time to finish 2m 57s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1757 Time to finish 2m 57s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1756 Time to finish 2m 57s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1755 Time to finish 2m 57s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1754 Time to finish 2m 57s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1753 Time to finish 2m 57s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1752 Time to finish 2m 57s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1751 Time to finish 2m 57s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1750 Time to finish 2m 57s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1749 Time to finish 2m 56s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1748 Time to finish 2m 56s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1747 Time to finish 2m 56s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1746 Time to finish 2m 56s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1745 Time to finish 2m 56s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1744 Time to finish 2m 56s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1743 Time to finish 2m 56s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1742 Time to finish 2m 56s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1741 Time to finish 2m 55s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1740 Time to finish 2m 56s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1739 Time to finish 2m 55s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1738 Time to finish 2m 55s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1737 Time to finish 2m 55s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1736 Time to finish 2m 55s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1735 Time to finish 2m 55s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1734 Time to finish 2m 55s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1733 Time to finish 2m 55s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1732 Time to finish 2m 55s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1731 Time to finish 2m 54s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1730 Time to finish 2m 54s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1729 Time to finish 2m 54s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1728 Time to finish 2m 54s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1727 Time to finish 2m 54s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1726 Time to finish 2m 54s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1725 Time to finish 2m 54s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1724 Time to finish 2m 54s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1723 Time to finish 2m 54s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1722 Time to finish 2m 54s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1721 Time to finish 2m 54s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1720 Time to finish 2m 53s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1719 Time to finish 2m 53s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1718 Time to finish 2m 53s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1717 Time to finish 2m 53s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1716 Time to finish 2m 53s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1715 Time to finish 2m 53s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1714 Time to finish 2m 53s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1713 Time to finish 2m 53s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1712 Time to finish 2m 53s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1711 Time to finish 2m 53s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1710 Time to finish 2m 53s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1709 Time to finish 2m 52s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1708 Time to finish 2m 52s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1707 Time to finish 2m 52s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1706 Time to finish 2m 52s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1705 Time to finish 2m 52s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1704 Time to finish 2m 52s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1703 Time to finish 2m 52s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1702 Time to finish 2m 52s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1701 Time to finish 2m 51s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1700 Time to finish 2m 51s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1699 Time to finish 2m 51s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1698 Time to finish 2m 51s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1697 Time to finish 2m 51s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1696 Time to finish 2m 51s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1695 Time to finish 2m 51s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1694 Time to finish 2m 51s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1693 Time to finish 2m 51s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1692 Time to finish 2m 51s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1691 Time to finish 2m 50s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1690 Time to finish 2m 50s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1689 Time to finish 2m 50s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1688 Time to finish 2m 50s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1687 Time to finish 2m 50s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1686 Time to finish 2m 50s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1685 Time to finish 2m 50s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1684 Time to finish 2m 50s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1683 Time to finish 2m 50s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1682 Time to finish 2m 49s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1681 Time to finish 2m 49s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1680 Time to finish 2m 49s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1679 Time to finish 2m 49s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1678 Time to finish 2m 49s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1677 Time to finish 2m 49s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1676 Time to finish 2m 49s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1675 Time to finish 2m 49s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1674 Time to finish 2m 49s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1673 Time to finish 2m 49s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1672 Time to finish 2m 48s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1671 Time to finish 2m 48s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1670 Time to finish 2m 48s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1669 Time to finish 2m 48s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1668 Time to finish 2m 48s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1667 Time to finish 2m 48s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1666 Time to finish 2m 48s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1665 Time to finish 2m 48s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1664 Time to finish 2m 48s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1663 Time to finish 2m 48s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1662 Time to finish 2m 47s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1661 Time to finish 2m 47s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1660 Time to finish 2m 47s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1659 Time to finish 2m 47s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1658 Time to finish 2m 47s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1657 Time to finish 2m 47s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1656 Time to finish 2m 47s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1655 Time to finish 2m 47s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1654 Time to finish 2m 46s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1653 Time to finish 2m 46s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1652 Time to finish 2m 46s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1651 Time to finish 2m 46s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1650 Time to finish 2m 46s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1649 Time to finish 2m 46s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1648 Time to finish 2m 46s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1647 Time to finish 2m 46s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1646 Time to finish 2m 46s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1645 Time to finish 2m 45s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1644 Time to finish 2m 45s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1643 Time to finish 2m 45s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1642 Time to finish 2m 45s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1641 Time to finish 2m 45s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1640 Time to finish 2m 45s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1639 Time to finish 2m 45s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1638 Time to finish 2m 45s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1637 Time to finish 2m 45s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1636 Time to finish 2m 44s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1635 Time to finish 2m 44s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1634 Time to finish 2m 44s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1633 Time to finish 2m 44s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1632 Time to finish 2m 44s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1631 Time to finish 2m 44s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1630 Time to finish 2m 44s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1629 Time to finish 2m 44s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1628 Time to finish 2m 44s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1627 Time to finish 2m 44s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1626 Time to finish 2m 43s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1625 Time to finish 2m 43s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1624 Time to finish 2m 43s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1623 Time to finish 2m 43s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1622 Time to finish 2m 43s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1621 Time to finish 2m 43s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1620 Time to finish 2m 43s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1619 Time to finish 2m 43s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1618 Time to finish 2m 43s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1617 Time to finish 2m 43s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1616 Time to finish 2m 42s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1615 Time to finish 2m 42s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1614 Time to finish 2m 42s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1613 Time to finish 2m 42s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1612 Time to finish 2m 42s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1611 Time to finish 2m 42s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1610 Time to finish 2m 42s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1609 Time to finish 2m 42s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1608 Time to finish 2m 42s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1607 Time to finish 2m 41s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1606 Time to finish 2m 41s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1605 Time to finish 2m 41s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1604 Time to finish 2m 41s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1603 Time to finish 2m 41s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1602 Time to finish 2m 41s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1601 Time to finish 2m 41s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1600 Time to finish 2m 41s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1599 Time to finish 2m 41s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1598 Time to finish 2m 41s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1597 Time to finish 2m 40s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1596 Time to finish 2m 40s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1595 Time to finish 2m 40s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1594 Time to finish 2m 40s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1593 Time to finish 2m 40s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1592 Time to finish 2m 40s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1591 Time to finish 2m 40s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1590 Time to finish 2m 40s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1589 Time to finish 2m 40s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1588 Time to finish 2m 39s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1587 Time to finish 2m 39s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1586 Time to finish 2m 39s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1585 Time to finish 2m 39s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1584 Time to finish 2m 39s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1583 Time to finish 2m 39s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1582 Time to finish 2m 39s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1581 Time to finish 2m 39s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1580 Time to finish 2m 39s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1579 Time to finish 2m 38s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1578 Time to finish 2m 38s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1577 Time to finish 2m 38s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1576 Time to finish 2m 38s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1575 Time to finish 2m 38s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1574 Time to finish 2m 38s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1573 Time to finish 2m 38s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1572 Time to finish 2m 38s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1571 Time to finish 2m 38s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1570 Time to finish 2m 37s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1569 Time to finish 2m 37s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1568 Time to finish 2m 37s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1567 Time to finish 2m 37s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1566 Time to finish 2m 37s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1565 Time to finish 2m 37s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1564 Time to finish 2m 37s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1563 Time to finish 2m 37s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1562 Time to finish 2m 37s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1561 Time to finish 2m 36s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1560 Time to finish 2m 36s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1559 Time to finish 2m 36s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1558 Time to finish 2m 36s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1557 Time to finish 2m 36s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1556 Time to finish 2m 36s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1555 Time to finish 2m 36s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1554 Time to finish 2m 36s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1553 Time to finish 2m 36s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1552 Time to finish 2m 36s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1551 Time to finish 2m 35s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1550 Time to finish 2m 35s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1549 Time to finish 2m 35s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1548 Time to finish 2m 35s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1547 Time to finish 2m 35s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1546 Time to finish 2m 35s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1545 Time to finish 2m 35s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1544 Time to finish 2m 35s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1543 Time to finish 2m 35s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1542 Time to finish 2m 35s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1541 Time to finish 2m 34s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1540 Time to finish 2m 34s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1539 Time to finish 2m 34s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1538 Time to finish 2m 34s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1537 Time to finish 2m 34s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1536 Time to finish 2m 34s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1535 Time to finish 2m 34s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1534 Time to finish 2m 34s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1533 Time to finish 2m 34s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1532 Time to finish 2m 33s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1531 Time to finish 2m 33s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1530 Time to finish 2m 33s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1529 Time to finish 2m 33s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1528 Time to finish 2m 33s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1527 Time to finish 2m 33s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1526 Time to finish 2m 33s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1525 Time to finish 2m 33s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1524 Time to finish 2m 33s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1523 Time to finish 2m 32s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1522 Time to finish 2m 32s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1521 Time to finish 2m 32s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1520 Time to finish 2m 32s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1519 Time to finish 2m 32s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1518 Time to finish 2m 32s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1517 Time to finish 2m 32s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1516 Time to finish 2m 32s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1515 Time to finish 2m 32s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1514 Time to finish 2m 32s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1513 Time to finish 2m 31s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1512 Time to finish 2m 31s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1511 Time to finish 2m 31s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1510 Time to finish 2m 31s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1509 Time to finish 2m 31s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1508 Time to finish 2m 31s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1507 Time to finish 2m 31s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1506 Time to finish 2m 31s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1505 Time to finish 2m 31s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1504 Time to finish 2m 30s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1503 Time to finish 2m 30s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1502 Time to finish 2m 30s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1501 Time to finish 2m 30s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1500 Time to finish 2m 30s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1499 Time to finish 2m 30s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1498 Time to finish 2m 30s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1497 Time to finish 2m 30s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1496 Time to finish 2m 30s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1495 Time to finish 2m 30s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1494 Time to finish 2m 30s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1493 Time to finish 2m 30s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1492 Time to finish 2m 29s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1491 Time to finish 2m 29s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1490 Time to finish 2m 29s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1489 Time to finish 2m 29s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1488 Time to finish 2m 29s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1487 Time to finish 2m 29s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1486 Time to finish 2m 29s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1485 Time to finish 2m 29s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1484 Time to finish 2m 29s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1483 Time to finish 2m 29s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1482 Time to finish 2m 29s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1481 Time to finish 2m 28s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1480 Time to finish 2m 28s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1479 Time to finish 2m 28s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1478 Time to finish 2m 28s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1477 Time to finish 2m 28s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1476 Time to finish 2m 28s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1475 Time to finish 2m 28s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1474 Time to finish 2m 28s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1473 Time to finish 2m 28s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1472 Time to finish 2m 28s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1471 Time to finish 2m 27s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1470 Time to finish 2m 28s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1469 Time to finish 2m 28s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1468 Time to finish 2m 27s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1467 Time to finish 2m 27s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1466 Time to finish 2m 27s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1465 Time to finish 2m 27s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1464 Time to finish 2m 27s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1463 Time to finish 2m 27s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1462 Time to finish 2m 27s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1461 Time to finish 2m 27s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1460 Time to finish 2m 27s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1459 Time to finish 2m 26s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1458 Time to finish 2m 26s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1457 Time to finish 2m 26s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1456 Time to finish 2m 26s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1455 Time to finish 2m 26s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1454 Time to finish 2m 26s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1453 Time to finish 2m 26s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1452 Time to finish 2m 26s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1451 Time to finish 2m 26s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1450 Time to finish 2m 26s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1449 Time to finish 2m 26s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1448 Time to finish 2m 26s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1447 Time to finish 2m 25s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1446 Time to finish 2m 25s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1445 Time to finish 2m 25s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1444 Time to finish 2m 25s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1443 Time to finish 2m 25s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1442 Time to finish 2m 25s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1441 Time to finish 2m 25s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1440 Time to finish 2m 25s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1439 Time to finish 2m 25s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1438 Time to finish 2m 25s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1437 Time to finish 2m 25s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1436 Time to finish 2m 25s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1435 Time to finish 2m 24s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1434 Time to finish 2m 24s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1433 Time to finish 2m 24s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1432 Time to finish 2m 24s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1431 Time to finish 2m 24s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1430 Time to finish 2m 24s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1429 Time to finish 2m 24s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1428 Time to finish 2m 24s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1427 Time to finish 2m 24s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1426 Time to finish 2m 23s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1425 Time to finish 2m 24s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1424 Time to finish 2m 23s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1423 Time to finish 2m 23s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1422 Time to finish 2m 23s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1421 Time to finish 2m 23s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1420 Time to finish 2m 23s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1419 Time to finish 2m 23s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1418 Time to finish 2m 23s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1417 Time to finish 2m 23s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1416 Time to finish 2m 23s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1415 Time to finish 2m 23s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1414 Time to finish 2m 22s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1413 Time to finish 2m 22s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1412 Time to finish 2m 22s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1411 Time to finish 2m 22s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1410 Time to finish 2m 22s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1409 Time to finish 2m 22s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1408 Time to finish 2m 22s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1407 Time to finish 2m 22s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1406 Time to finish 2m 22s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1405 Time to finish 2m 22s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1404 Time to finish 2m 21s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1403 Time to finish 2m 21s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1402 Time to finish 2m 21s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1401 Time to finish 2m 21s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1400 Time to finish 2m 21s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1399 Time to finish 2m 21s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1398 Time to finish 2m 21s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1397 Time to finish 2m 21s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1396 Time to finish 2m 21s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1395 Time to finish 2m 21s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1394 Time to finish 2m 21s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1393 Time to finish 2m 21s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1392 Time to finish 2m 20s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1391 Time to finish 2m 20s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1390 Time to finish 2m 20s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1389 Time to finish 2m 20s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1388 Time to finish 2m 20s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1387 Time to finish 2m 20s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1386 Time to finish 2m 20s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1385 Time to finish 2m 20s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1384 Time to finish 2m 20s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1383 Time to finish 2m 19s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1382 Time to finish 2m 19s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1381 Time to finish 2m 19s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1380 Time to finish 2m 19s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1379 Time to finish 2m 19s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1378 Time to finish 2m 19s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1377 Time to finish 2m 19s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1376 Time to finish 2m 19s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1375 Time to finish 2m 19s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1374 Time to finish 2m 19s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1373 Time to finish 2m 19s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1372 Time to finish 2m 19s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1371 Time to finish 2m 18s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1370 Time to finish 2m 18s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1369 Time to finish 2m 18s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1368 Time to finish 2m 18s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1367 Time to finish 2m 18s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1366 Time to finish 2m 18s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1365 Time to finish 2m 18s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1364 Time to finish 2m 18s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1363 Time to finish 2m 18s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1362 Time to finish 2m 18s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1361 Time to finish 2m 17s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1360 Time to finish 2m 17s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1359 Time to finish 2m 17s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1358 Time to finish 2m 17s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1357 Time to finish 2m 17s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1356 Time to finish 2m 17s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1355 Time to finish 2m 17s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1354 Time to finish 2m 17s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1353 Time to finish 2m 17s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1352 Time to finish 2m 17s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1351 Time to finish 2m 16s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1350 Time to finish 2m 16s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1349 Time to finish 2m 16s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1348 Time to finish 2m 16s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1347 Time to finish 2m 16s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1346 Time to finish 2m 16s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1345 Time to finish 2m 16s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1344 Time to finish 2m 16s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1343 Time to finish 2m 16s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1342 Time to finish 2m 16s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1341 Time to finish 2m 15s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1340 Time to finish 2m 15s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1339 Time to finish 2m 15s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1338 Time to finish 2m 15s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1337 Time to finish 2m 15s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1336 Time to finish 2m 15s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1335 Time to finish 2m 15s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1334 Time to finish 2m 15s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1333 Time to finish 2m 15s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1332 Time to finish 2m 15s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1331 Time to finish 2m 14s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1330 Time to finish 2m 14s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1329 Time to finish 2m 14s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1328 Time to finish 2m 14s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1327 Time to finish 2m 14s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1326 Time to finish 2m 14s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1325 Time to finish 2m 14s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1324 Time to finish 2m 14s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1323 Time to finish 2m 14s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1322 Time to finish 2m 14s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1321 Time to finish 2m 13s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1320 Time to finish 2m 13s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1319 Time to finish 2m 13s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1318 Time to finish 2m 13s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1317 Time to finish 2m 13s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1316 Time to finish 2m 13s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1315 Time to finish 2m 13s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1314 Time to finish 2m 13s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1313 Time to finish 2m 13s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1312 Time to finish 2m 13s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1311 Time to finish 2m 12s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1310 Time to finish 2m 12s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1309 Time to finish 2m 12s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1308 Time to finish 2m 12s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1307 Time to finish 2m 12s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1306 Time to finish 2m 12s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1305 Time to finish 2m 12s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1304 Time to finish 2m 12s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1303 Time to finish 2m 12s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1302 Time to finish 2m 12s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1301 Time to finish 2m 12s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1300 Time to finish 2m 11s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1299 Time to finish 2m 11s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1298 Time to finish 2m 11s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1297 Time to finish 2m 11s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1296 Time to finish 2m 11s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1295 Time to finish 2m 11s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1294 Time to finish 2m 11s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1293 Time to finish 2m 11s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1292 Time to finish 2m 11s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1291 Time to finish 2m 10s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1290 Time to finish 2m 11s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1289 Time to finish 2m 10s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1288 Time to finish 2m 10s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1287 Time to finish 2m 10s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1286 Time to finish 2m 10s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1285 Time to finish 2m 10s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1284 Time to finish 2m 10s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1283 Time to finish 2m 10s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1282 Time to finish 2m 10s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1281 Time to finish 2m 10s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1280 Time to finish 2m 9s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1279 Time to finish 2m 9s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1278 Time to finish 2m 9s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1277 Time to finish 2m 9s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1276 Time to finish 2m 9s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1275 Time to finish 2m 9s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1274 Time to finish 2m 9s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1273 Time to finish 2m 9s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1272 Time to finish 2m 9s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1271 Time to finish 2m 9s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1270 Time to finish 2m 8s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1269 Time to finish 2m 8s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1268 Time to finish 2m 8s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1267 Time to finish 2m 8s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1266 Time to finish 2m 8s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1265 Time to finish 2m 8s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1264 Time to finish 2m 8s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1263 Time to finish 2m 8s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1262 Time to finish 2m 8s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1261 Time to finish 2m 7s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1260 Time to finish 2m 8s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1259 Time to finish 2m 7s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1258 Time to finish 2m 7s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1257 Time to finish 2m 7s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1256 Time to finish 2m 7s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1255 Time to finish 2m 7s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1254 Time to finish 2m 7s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1253 Time to finish 2m 7s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1252 Time to finish 2m 7s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1251 Time to finish 2m 7s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1250 Time to finish 2m 6s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1249 Time to finish 2m 6s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1248 Time to finish 2m 6s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1247 Time to finish 2m 6s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1246 Time to finish 2m 6s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1245 Time to finish 2m 6s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1244 Time to finish 2m 6s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1243 Time to finish 2m 6s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1242 Time to finish 2m 6s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1241 Time to finish 2m 6s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1240 Time to finish 2m 5s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1239 Time to finish 2m 5s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1238 Time to finish 2m 5s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1237 Time to finish 2m 5s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1236 Time to finish 2m 5s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1235 Time to finish 2m 5s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1234 Time to finish 2m 5s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1233 Time to finish 2m 5s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1232 Time to finish 2m 5s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1231 Time to finish 2m 5s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1230 Time to finish 2m 5s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1229 Time to finish 2m 4s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1228 Time to finish 2m 4s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1227 Time to finish 2m 4s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1226 Time to finish 2m 4s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1225 Time to finish 2m 4s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1224 Time to finish 2m 4s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1223 Time to finish 2m 4s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1222 Time to finish 2m 4s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1221 Time to finish 2m 4s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1220 Time to finish 2m 3s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1219 Time to finish 2m 3s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1218 Time to finish 2m 3s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1217 Time to finish 2m 3s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1216 Time to finish 2m 3s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1215 Time to finish 2m 3s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1214 Time to finish 2m 3s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1213 Time to finish 2m 3s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1212 Time to finish 2m 3s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1211 Time to finish 2m 3s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1210 Time to finish 2m 3s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1209 Time to finish 2m 2s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1208 Time to finish 2m 2s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1207 Time to finish 2m 2s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1206 Time to finish 2m 2s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1205 Time to finish 2m 2s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1204 Time to finish 2m 2s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1203 Time to finish 2m 2s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1202 Time to finish 2m 2s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1201 Time to finish 2m 2s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1200 Time to finish 2m 2s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1199 Time to finish 2m 2s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1198 Time to finish 2m 1s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1197 Time to finish 2m 1s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1196 Time to finish 2m 1s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1195 Time to finish 2m 1s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1194 Time to finish 2m 1s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1193 Time to finish 2m 1s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1192 Time to finish 2m 1s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1191 Time to finish 2m 1s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1190 Time to finish 2m 1s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1189 Time to finish 2m 0s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1188 Time to finish 2m 0s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1187 Time to finish 2m 0s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1186 Time to finish 2m 0s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1185 Time to finish 2m 0s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1184 Time to finish 2m 0s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1183 Time to finish 2m 0s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1182 Time to finish 2m 0s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1181 Time to finish 2m 0s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1180 Time to finish 2m 0s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1179 Time to finish 2m 0s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1178 Time to finish 2m 0s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1177 Time to finish 1m 59s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1176 Time to finish 1m 59s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1175 Time to finish 1m 59s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1174 Time to finish 1m 59s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1173 Time to finish 1m 59s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1172 Time to finish 1m 59s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1171 Time to finish 1m 59s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1170 Time to finish 1m 59s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1169 Time to finish 1m 59s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1168 Time to finish 1m 59s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1167 Time to finish 1m 58s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1166 Time to finish 1m 58s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1165 Time to finish 1m 58s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1164 Time to finish 1m 58s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1163 Time to finish 1m 58s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1162 Time to finish 1m 58s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1161 Time to finish 1m 58s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1160 Time to finish 1m 58s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1159 Time to finish 1m 58s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1158 Time to finish 1m 58s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1157 Time to finish 1m 57s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1156 Time to finish 1m 57s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1155 Time to finish 1m 57s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1154 Time to finish 1m 57s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1153 Time to finish 1m 57s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1152 Time to finish 1m 57s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1151 Time to finish 1m 57s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1150 Time to finish 1m 57s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1149 Time to finish 1m 57s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1148 Time to finish 1m 57s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1147 Time to finish 1m 57s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1146 Time to finish 1m 56s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1145 Time to finish 1m 56s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1144 Time to finish 1m 56s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1143 Time to finish 1m 56s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1142 Time to finish 1m 56s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1141 Time to finish 1m 56s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1140 Time to finish 1m 56s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1139 Time to finish 1m 56s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1138 Time to finish 1m 56s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1137 Time to finish 1m 56s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1136 Time to finish 1m 56s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1135 Time to finish 1m 55s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1134 Time to finish 1m 55s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1133 Time to finish 1m 55s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1132 Time to finish 1m 55s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1131 Time to finish 1m 55s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1130 Time to finish 1m 55s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1129 Time to finish 1m 55s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1128 Time to finish 1m 55s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1127 Time to finish 1m 55s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1126 Time to finish 1m 54s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1125 Time to finish 1m 54s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1124 Time to finish 1m 54s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1123 Time to finish 1m 54s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1122 Time to finish 1m 54s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1121 Time to finish 1m 54s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1120 Time to finish 1m 54s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1119 Time to finish 1m 54s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1118 Time to finish 1m 54s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1117 Time to finish 1m 54s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1116 Time to finish 1m 54s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1115 Time to finish 1m 53s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1114 Time to finish 1m 53s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1113 Time to finish 1m 53s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1112 Time to finish 1m 53s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1111 Time to finish 1m 53s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1110 Time to finish 1m 53s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1109 Time to finish 1m 53s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1108 Time to finish 1m 53s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1107 Time to finish 1m 53s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1106 Time to finish 1m 53s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1105 Time to finish 1m 52s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1104 Time to finish 1m 52s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1103 Time to finish 1m 52s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1102 Time to finish 1m 52s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1101 Time to finish 1m 52s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1100 Time to finish 1m 52s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1099 Time to finish 1m 52s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1098 Time to finish 1m 52s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1097 Time to finish 1m 52s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1096 Time to finish 1m 52s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1095 Time to finish 1m 52s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1094 Time to finish 1m 51s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1093 Time to finish 1m 51s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1092 Time to finish 1m 51s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1091 Time to finish 1m 51s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1090 Time to finish 1m 51s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1089 Time to finish 1m 51s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1088 Time to finish 1m 51s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1087 Time to finish 1m 51s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1086 Time to finish 1m 51s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1085 Time to finish 1m 50s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1084 Time to finish 1m 50s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1083 Time to finish 1m 50s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1082 Time to finish 1m 50s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1081 Time to finish 1m 50s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1080 Time to finish 1m 50s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1079 Time to finish 1m 50s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1078 Time to finish 1m 50s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1077 Time to finish 1m 50s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1076 Time to finish 1m 50s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1075 Time to finish 1m 50s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1074 Time to finish 1m 49s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1073 Time to finish 1m 49s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1072 Time to finish 1m 49s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1071 Time to finish 1m 49s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1070 Time to finish 1m 49s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1069 Time to finish 1m 49s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1068 Time to finish 1m 49s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1067 Time to finish 1m 49s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1066 Time to finish 1m 49s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1065 Time to finish 1m 49s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1064 Time to finish 1m 49s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1063 Time to finish 1m 48s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1062 Time to finish 1m 48s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1061 Time to finish 1m 48s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1060 Time to finish 1m 48s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1059 Time to finish 1m 48s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1058 Time to finish 1m 48s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1057 Time to finish 1m 48s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1056 Time to finish 1m 48s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1055 Time to finish 1m 48s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1054 Time to finish 1m 47s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1053 Time to finish 1m 47s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1052 Time to finish 1m 47s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1051 Time to finish 1m 47s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1050 Time to finish 1m 47s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1049 Time to finish 1m 47s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1048 Time to finish 1m 47s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1047 Time to finish 1m 47s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1046 Time to finish 1m 47s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1045 Time to finish 1m 47s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1044 Time to finish 1m 47s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1043 Time to finish 1m 47s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1042 Time to finish 1m 46s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1041 Time to finish 1m 46s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1040 Time to finish 1m 46s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1039 Time to finish 1m 46s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1038 Time to finish 1m 46s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1037 Time to finish 1m 46s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1036 Time to finish 1m 46s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1035 Time to finish 1m 46s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1034 Time to finish 1m 46s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1033 Time to finish 1m 46s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1032 Time to finish 1m 45s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1031 Time to finish 1m 45s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1030 Time to finish 1m 45s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1029 Time to finish 1m 45s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1028 Time to finish 1m 45s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1027 Time to finish 1m 45s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1026 Time to finish 1m 45s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1025 Time to finish 1m 45s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1024 Time to finish 1m 45s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1023 Time to finish 1m 44s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1022 Time to finish 1m 44s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1021 Time to finish 1m 44s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1020 Time to finish 1m 44s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1019 Time to finish 1m 44s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1018 Time to finish 1m 44s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1017 Time to finish 1m 44s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1016 Time to finish 1m 44s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1015 Time to finish 1m 44s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1014 Time to finish 1m 44s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1013 Time to finish 1m 44s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1012 Time to finish 1m 43s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1011 Time to finish 1m 43s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1010 Time to finish 1m 43s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1009 Time to finish 1m 43s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1008 Time to finish 1m 43s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1007 Time to finish 1m 43s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1006 Time to finish 1m 43s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1005 Time to finish 1m 43s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1004 Time to finish 1m 43s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1003 Time to finish 1m 43s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1002 Time to finish 1m 42s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1001 Time to finish 1m 42s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 1000 Time to finish 1m 42s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 999 Time to finish 1m 42s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 998 Time to finish 1m 42s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 997 Time to finish 1m 42s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 996 Time to finish 1m 42s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 995 Time to finish 1m 42s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 994 Time to finish 1m 42s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 993 Time to finish 1m 41s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 992 Time to finish 1m 41s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 991 Time to finish 1m 41s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 990 Time to finish 1m 41s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 989 Time to finish 1m 41s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 988 Time to finish 1m 41s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 987 Time to finish 1m 41s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 986 Time to finish 1m 41s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 985 Time to finish 1m 41s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 984 Time to finish 1m 41s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 983 Time to finish 1m 41s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 982 Time to finish 1m 41s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 981 Time to finish 1m 40s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 980 Time to finish 1m 40s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 979 Time to finish 1m 40s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 978 Time to finish 1m 40s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 977 Time to finish 1m 40s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 976 Time to finish 1m 40s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 975 Time to finish 1m 40s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 974 Time to finish 1m 40s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 973 Time to finish 1m 40s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 972 Time to finish 1m 40s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 971 Time to finish 1m 40s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 970 Time to finish 1m 39s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 969 Time to finish 1m 39s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 968 Time to finish 1m 39s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 967 Time to finish 1m 39s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 966 Time to finish 1m 39s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 965 Time to finish 1m 39s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 964 Time to finish 1m 39s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 963 Time to finish 1m 39s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 962 Time to finish 1m 39s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 961 Time to finish 1m 38s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 960 Time to finish 1m 38s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 959 Time to finish 1m 38s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 958 Time to finish 1m 38s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 957 Time to finish 1m 38s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 956 Time to finish 1m 38s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 955 Time to finish 1m 38s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 954 Time to finish 1m 38s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 953 Time to finish 1m 38s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 952 Time to finish 1m 38s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 951 Time to finish 1m 37s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 950 Time to finish 1m 37s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 949 Time to finish 1m 37s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 948 Time to finish 1m 37s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 947 Time to finish 1m 37s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 946 Time to finish 1m 37s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 945 Time to finish 1m 37s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 944 Time to finish 1m 37s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 943 Time to finish 1m 37s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 942 Time to finish 1m 37s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 941 Time to finish 1m 37s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 940 Time to finish 1m 36s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 939 Time to finish 1m 36s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 938 Time to finish 1m 36s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 937 Time to finish 1m 36s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 936 Time to finish 1m 36s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 935 Time to finish 1m 36s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 934 Time to finish 1m 36s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 933 Time to finish 1m 36s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 932 Time to finish 1m 36s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 931 Time to finish 1m 35s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 930 Time to finish 1m 35s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 929 Time to finish 1m 35s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 928 Time to finish 1m 35s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 927 Time to finish 1m 35s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 926 Time to finish 1m 35s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 925 Time to finish 1m 35s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 924 Time to finish 1m 35s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 923 Time to finish 1m 35s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 922 Time to finish 1m 35s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 921 Time to finish 1m 34s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 920 Time to finish 1m 34s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 919 Time to finish 1m 34s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 918 Time to finish 1m 34s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 917 Time to finish 1m 34s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 916 Time to finish 1m 34s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 915 Time to finish 1m 34s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 914 Time to finish 1m 34s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 913 Time to finish 1m 34s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 912 Time to finish 1m 34s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 911 Time to finish 1m 33s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 910 Time to finish 1m 33s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 909 Time to finish 1m 33s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 908 Time to finish 1m 33s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 907 Time to finish 1m 33s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 906 Time to finish 1m 33s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 905 Time to finish 1m 33s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 904 Time to finish 1m 33s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 903 Time to finish 1m 33s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 902 Time to finish 1m 32s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 901 Time to finish 1m 32s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 900 Time to finish 1m 32s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 899 Time to finish 1m 32s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 898 Time to finish 1m 32s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 897 Time to finish 1m 32s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 896 Time to finish 1m 32s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 895 Time to finish 1m 32s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 894 Time to finish 1m 32s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 893 Time to finish 1m 32s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 892 Time to finish 1m 31s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 891 Time to finish 1m 31s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 890 Time to finish 1m 31s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 889 Time to finish 1m 31s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 888 Time to finish 1m 31s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 887 Time to finish 1m 31s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 886 Time to finish 1m 31s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 885 Time to finish 1m 31s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 884 Time to finish 1m 31s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 883 Time to finish 1m 31s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 882 Time to finish 1m 30s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 881 Time to finish 1m 30s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 880 Time to finish 1m 30s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 879 Time to finish 1m 30s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 878 Time to finish 1m 30s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 877 Time to finish 1m 30s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 876 Time to finish 1m 30s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 875 Time to finish 1m 30s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 874 Time to finish 1m 30s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 873 Time to finish 1m 29s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 872 Time to finish 1m 29s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 871 Time to finish 1m 29s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 870 Time to finish 1m 29s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 869 Time to finish 1m 29s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 868 Time to finish 1m 29s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 867 Time to finish 1m 29s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 866 Time to finish 1m 29s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 865 Time to finish 1m 29s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 864 Time to finish 1m 29s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 863 Time to finish 1m 28s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 862 Time to finish 1m 28s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 861 Time to finish 1m 28s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 860 Time to finish 1m 28s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 859 Time to finish 1m 28s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 858 Time to finish 1m 28s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 857 Time to finish 1m 28s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 856 Time to finish 1m 28s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 855 Time to finish 1m 28s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 854 Time to finish 1m 28s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 853 Time to finish 1m 27s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 852 Time to finish 1m 27s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 851 Time to finish 1m 27s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 850 Time to finish 1m 27s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 849 Time to finish 1m 27s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 848 Time to finish 1m 27s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 847 Time to finish 1m 27s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 846 Time to finish 1m 27s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 845 Time to finish 1m 27s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 844 Time to finish 1m 26s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 843 Time to finish 1m 26s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 842 Time to finish 1m 26s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 841 Time to finish 1m 26s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 840 Time to finish 1m 26s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 839 Time to finish 1m 26s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 838 Time to finish 1m 26s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 837 Time to finish 1m 26s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 836 Time to finish 1m 26s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 835 Time to finish 1m 26s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 834 Time to finish 1m 25s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 833 Time to finish 1m 25s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 832 Time to finish 1m 25s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 831 Time to finish 1m 25s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 830 Time to finish 1m 25s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 829 Time to finish 1m 25s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 828 Time to finish 1m 25s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 827 Time to finish 1m 25s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 826 Time to finish 1m 25s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 825 Time to finish 1m 25s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 824 Time to finish 1m 24s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 823 Time to finish 1m 24s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 822 Time to finish 1m 24s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 821 Time to finish 1m 24s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 820 Time to finish 1m 24s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 819 Time to finish 1m 24s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 818 Time to finish 1m 24s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 817 Time to finish 1m 24s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 816 Time to finish 1m 24s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 815 Time to finish 1m 23s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 814 Time to finish 1m 23s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 813 Time to finish 1m 23s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 812 Time to finish 1m 23s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 811 Time to finish 1m 23s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 810 Time to finish 1m 23s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 809 Time to finish 1m 23s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 808 Time to finish 1m 23s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 807 Time to finish 1m 23s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 806 Time to finish 1m 23s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 805 Time to finish 1m 22s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 804 Time to finish 1m 22s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 803 Time to finish 1m 22s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 802 Time to finish 1m 22s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 801 Time to finish 1m 22s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 800 Time to finish 1m 22s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 799 Time to finish 1m 22s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 798 Time to finish 1m 22s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 797 Time to finish 1m 22s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 796 Time to finish 1m 21s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 795 Time to finish 1m 21s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 794 Time to finish 1m 21s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 793 Time to finish 1m 21s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 792 Time to finish 1m 21s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 791 Time to finish 1m 21s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 790 Time to finish 1m 21s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 789 Time to finish 1m 21s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 788 Time to finish 1m 21s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 787 Time to finish 1m 21s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 786 Time to finish 1m 20s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 785 Time to finish 1m 20s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 784 Time to finish 1m 20s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 783 Time to finish 1m 20s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 782 Time to finish 1m 20s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 781 Time to finish 1m 20s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 780 Time to finish 1m 20s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 779 Time to finish 1m 20s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 778 Time to finish 1m 20s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 777 Time to finish 1m 20s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 776 Time to finish 1m 19s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 775 Time to finish 1m 19s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 774 Time to finish 1m 19s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 773 Time to finish 1m 19s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 772 Time to finish 1m 19s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 771 Time to finish 1m 19s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 770 Time to finish 1m 19s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 769 Time to finish 1m 19s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 768 Time to finish 1m 19s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 767 Time to finish 1m 18s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 766 Time to finish 1m 18s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 765 Time to finish 1m 18s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 764 Time to finish 1m 18s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 763 Time to finish 1m 18s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 762 Time to finish 1m 18s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 761 Time to finish 1m 18s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 760 Time to finish 1m 18s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 759 Time to finish 1m 18s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 758 Time to finish 1m 17s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 757 Time to finish 1m 17s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 756 Time to finish 1m 17s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 755 Time to finish 1m 17s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 754 Time to finish 1m 17s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 753 Time to finish 1m 17s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 752 Time to finish 1m 17s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 751 Time to finish 1m 17s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 750 Time to finish 1m 17s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 749 Time to finish 1m 17s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 748 Time to finish 1m 16s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 747 Time to finish 1m 16s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 746 Time to finish 1m 16s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 745 Time to finish 1m 16s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 744 Time to finish 1m 16s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 743 Time to finish 1m 16s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 742 Time to finish 1m 16s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 741 Time to finish 1m 16s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 740 Time to finish 1m 16s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 739 Time to finish 1m 15s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 738 Time to finish 1m 15s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 737 Time to finish 1m 15s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 736 Time to finish 1m 15s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 735 Time to finish 1m 15s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 734 Time to finish 1m 15s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 733 Time to finish 1m 15s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 732 Time to finish 1m 15s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 731 Time to finish 1m 15s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 730 Time to finish 1m 15s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 729 Time to finish 1m 14s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 728 Time to finish 1m 14s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 727 Time to finish 1m 14s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 726 Time to finish 1m 14s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 725 Time to finish 1m 14s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 724 Time to finish 1m 14s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 723 Time to finish 1m 14s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 722 Time to finish 1m 14s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 721 Time to finish 1m 14s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 720 Time to finish 1m 14s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 719 Time to finish 1m 13s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 718 Time to finish 1m 13s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 717 Time to finish 1m 13s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 716 Time to finish 1m 13s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 715 Time to finish 1m 13s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 714 Time to finish 1m 13s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 713 Time to finish 1m 13s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 712 Time to finish 1m 13s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 711 Time to finish 1m 13s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 710 Time to finish 1m 12s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 709 Time to finish 1m 12s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 708 Time to finish 1m 12s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 707 Time to finish 1m 12s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 706 Time to finish 1m 12s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 705 Time to finish 1m 12s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 704 Time to finish 1m 12s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 703 Time to finish 1m 12s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 702 Time to finish 1m 12s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 701 Time to finish 1m 12s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 700 Time to finish 1m 11s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 699 Time to finish 1m 11s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 698 Time to finish 1m 11s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 697 Time to finish 1m 11s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 696 Time to finish 1m 11s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 695 Time to finish 1m 11s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 694 Time to finish 1m 11s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 693 Time to finish 1m 11s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 692 Time to finish 1m 11s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 691 Time to finish 1m 11s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 690 Time to finish 1m 10s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 689 Time to finish 1m 10s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 688 Time to finish 1m 10s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 687 Time to finish 1m 10s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 686 Time to finish 1m 10s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 685 Time to finish 1m 10s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 684 Time to finish 1m 10s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 683 Time to finish 1m 10s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 682 Time to finish 1m 10s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 681 Time to finish 1m 9s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 680 Time to finish 1m 9s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 679 Time to finish 1m 9s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 678 Time to finish 1m 9s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 677 Time to finish 1m 9s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 676 Time to finish 1m 9s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 675 Time to finish 1m 9s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 674 Time to finish 1m 9s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 673 Time to finish 1m 9s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 672 Time to finish 1m 9s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 671 Time to finish 1m 8s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 670 Time to finish 1m 8s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 669 Time to finish 1m 8s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 668 Time to finish 1m 8s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 667 Time to finish 1m 8s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 666 Time to finish 1m 8s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 665 Time to finish 1m 8s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 664 Time to finish 1m 8s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 663 Time to finish 1m 8s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 662 Time to finish 1m 8s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 661 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 660 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 659 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 658 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 657 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 656 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 655 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 654 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 653 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 652 Time to finish 1m 6s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 651 Time to finish 1m 6s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 650 Time to finish 1m 6s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 649 Time to finish 1m 6s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 648 Time to finish 1m 6s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 647 Time to finish 1m 6s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 646 Time to finish 1m 6s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 645 Time to finish 1m 6s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 644 Time to finish 1m 6s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 643 Time to finish 1m 6s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 642 Time to finish 1m 5s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 641 Time to finish 1m 5s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 640 Time to finish 1m 5s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 639 Time to finish 1m 5s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 638 Time to finish 1m 5s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 637 Time to finish 1m 5s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 636 Time to finish 1m 5s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 635 Time to finish 1m 5s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 634 Time to finish 1m 5s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 633 Time to finish 1m 5s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 632 Time to finish 1m 4s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 631 Time to finish 1m 4s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 630 Time to finish 1m 4s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 629 Time to finish 1m 4s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 628 Time to finish 1m 4s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 627 Time to finish 1m 4s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 626 Time to finish 1m 4s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 625 Time to finish 1m 4s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 624 Time to finish 1m 4s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 623 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 622 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 621 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 620 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 619 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 618 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 617 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 616 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 615 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 614 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 613 Time to finish 1m 2s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 612 Time to finish 1m 2s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 611 Time to finish 1m 2s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 610 Time to finish 1m 2s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 609 Time to finish 1m 2s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 608 Time to finish 1m 2s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 607 Time to finish 1m 2s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 606 Time to finish 1m 2s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 605 Time to finish 1m 2s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 604 Time to finish 1m 2s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 603 Time to finish 1m 1s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 602 Time to finish 1m 1s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 601 Time to finish 1m 1s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 600 Time to finish 1m 1s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 599 Time to finish 1m 1s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 598 Time to finish 1m 1s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 597 Time to finish 1m 1s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 596 Time to finish 1m 1s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 595 Time to finish 1m 1s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 594 Time to finish 1m 1s, 86.3% completed, time steps left 593 Time to finish 60s, 86.3% completed, time steps left 592 Time to finish 60s, 86.3% completed, time steps left 591 Time to finish 60s, 86.3% completed, time steps left 590 Time to finish 60s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 589 Time to finish 60s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 588 Time to finish 60s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 587 Time to finish 60s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 586 Time to finish 60s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 585 Time to finish 60s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 584 Time to finish 60s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 583 Time to finish 59s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 582 Time to finish 59s, 86.6% completed, time steps left 581 Time to finish 59s, 86.6% completed, time steps left 580 Time to finish 59s, 86.6% completed, time steps left 579 Time to finish 59s, 86.6% completed, time steps left 578 Time to finish 59s, 86.6% completed, time steps left 577 Time to finish 59s, 86.7% completed, time steps left 576 Time to finish 59s, 86.7% completed, time steps left 575 Time to finish 59s, 86.7% completed, time steps left 574 Time to finish 58s, 86.7% completed, time steps left 573 Time to finish 58s, 86.8% completed, time steps left 572 Time to finish 58s, 86.8% completed, time steps left 571 Time to finish 58s, 86.8% completed, time steps left 570 Time to finish 58s, 86.8% completed, time steps left 569 Time to finish 58s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 568 Time to finish 58s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 567 Time to finish 58s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 566 Time to finish 58s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 565 Time to finish 58s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 564 Time to finish 57s, 87.0% completed, time steps left 563 Time to finish 57s, 87.0% completed, time steps left 562 Time to finish 57s, 87.0% completed, time steps left 561 Time to finish 57s, 87.0% completed, time steps left 560 Time to finish 57s, 87.1% completed, time steps left 559 Time to finish 57s, 87.1% completed, time steps left 558 Time to finish 57s, 87.1% completed, time steps left 557 Time to finish 57s, 87.1% completed, time steps left 556 Time to finish 57s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 555 Time to finish 57s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 554 Time to finish 56s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 553 Time to finish 56s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 552 Time to finish 56s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 551 Time to finish 56s, 87.3% completed, time steps left 550 Time to finish 56s, 87.3% completed, time steps left 549 Time to finish 56s, 87.3% completed, time steps left 548 Time to finish 56s, 87.3% completed, time steps left 547 Time to finish 56s, 87.4% completed, time steps left 546 Time to finish 56s, 87.4% completed, time steps left 545 Time to finish 55s, 87.4% completed, time steps left 544 Time to finish 55s, 87.4% completed, time steps left 543 Time to finish 55s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 542 Time to finish 55s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 541 Time to finish 55s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 540 Time to finish 55s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 539 Time to finish 55s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 538 Time to finish 55s, 87.6% completed, time steps left 537 Time to finish 55s, 87.6% completed, time steps left 536 Time to finish 55s, 87.6% completed, time steps left 535 Time to finish 55s, 87.6% completed, time steps left 534 Time to finish 54s, 87.7% completed, time steps left 533 Time to finish 54s, 87.7% completed, time steps left 532 Time to finish 54s, 87.7% completed, time steps left 531 Time to finish 54s, 87.7% completed, time steps left 530 Time to finish 54s, 87.8% completed, time steps left 529 Time to finish 54s, 87.8% completed, time steps left 528 Time to finish 54s, 87.8% completed, time steps left 527 Time to finish 54s, 87.8% completed, time steps left 526 Time to finish 54s, 87.8% completed, time steps left 525 Time to finish 53s, 87.9% completed, time steps left 524 Time to finish 53s, 87.9% completed, time steps left 523 Time to finish 53s, 87.9% completed, time steps left 522 Time to finish 53s, 87.9% completed, time steps left 521 Time to finish 53s, 88.0% completed, time steps left 520 Time to finish 53s, 88.0% completed, time steps left 519 Time to finish 53s, 88.0% completed, time steps left 518 Time to finish 53s, 88.0% completed, time steps left 517 Time to finish 53s, 88.1% completed, time steps left 516 Time to finish 53s, 88.1% completed, time steps left 515 Time to finish 52s, 88.1% completed, time steps left 514 Time to finish 52s, 88.1% completed, time steps left 513 Time to finish 52s, 88.1% completed, time steps left 512 Time to finish 52s, 88.2% completed, time steps left 511 Time to finish 52s, 88.2% completed, time steps left 510 Time to finish 52s, 88.2% completed, time steps left 509 Time to finish 52s, 88.2% completed, time steps left 508 Time to finish 52s, 88.3% completed, time steps left 507 Time to finish 52s, 88.3% completed, time steps left 506 Time to finish 52s, 88.3% completed, time steps left 505 Time to finish 51s, 88.3% completed, time steps left 504 Time to finish 51s, 88.4% completed, time steps left 503 Time to finish 51s, 88.4% completed, time steps left 502 Time to finish 51s, 88.4% completed, time steps left 501 Time to finish 51s, 88.4% completed, time steps left 500 Time to finish 51s, 88.4% completed, time steps left 499 Time to finish 51s, 88.5% completed, time steps left 498 Time to finish 51s, 88.5% completed, time steps left 497 Time to finish 51s, 88.5% completed, time steps left 496 Time to finish 50s, 88.5% completed, time steps left 495 Time to finish 50s, 88.6% completed, time steps left 494 Time to finish 50s, 88.6% completed, time steps left 493 Time to finish 50s, 88.6% completed, time steps left 492 Time to finish 50s, 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left 474 Time to finish 48s, 89.1% completed, time steps left 473 Time to finish 48s, 89.1% completed, time steps left 472 Time to finish 48s, 89.1% completed, time steps left 471 Time to finish 48s, 89.1% completed, time steps left 470 Time to finish 48s, 89.1% completed, time steps left 469 Time to finish 48s, 89.2% completed, time steps left 468 Time to finish 48s, 89.2% completed, time steps left 467 Time to finish 47s, 89.2% completed, time steps left 466 Time to finish 47s, 89.2% completed, time steps left 465 Time to finish 47s, 89.3% completed, time steps left 464 Time to finish 47s, 89.3% completed, time steps left 463 Time to finish 47s, 89.3% completed, time steps left 462 Time to finish 47s, 89.3% completed, time steps left 461 Time to finish 47s, 89.4% completed, time steps left 460 Time to finish 47s, 89.4% completed, time steps left 459 Time to finish 47s, 89.4% completed, time steps left 458 Time to finish 47s, 89.4% completed, time steps left 457 Time to finish 46s, 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left 439 Time to finish 45s, 89.9% completed, time steps left 438 Time to finish 44s, 89.9% completed, time steps left 437 Time to finish 44s, 89.9% completed, time steps left 436 Time to finish 44s, 89.9% completed, time steps left 435 Time to finish 44s, 90.0% completed, time steps left 434 Time to finish 44s, 90.0% completed, time steps left 433 Time to finish 44s, 90.0% completed, time steps left 432 Time to finish 44s, 90.0% completed, time steps left 431 Time to finish 44s, 90.0% completed, time steps left 430 Time to finish 44s, 90.1% completed, time steps left 429 Time to finish 44s, 90.1% completed, time steps left 428 Time to finish 43s, 90.1% completed, time steps left 427 Time to finish 43s, 90.1% completed, time steps left 426 Time to finish 43s, 90.2% completed, time steps left 425 Time to finish 43s, 90.2% completed, time steps left 424 Time to finish 43s, 90.2% completed, time steps left 423 Time to finish 43s, 90.2% completed, time steps left 422 Time to finish 43s, 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left 404 Time to finish 41s, 90.7% completed, time steps left 403 Time to finish 41s, 90.7% completed, time steps left 402 Time to finish 41s, 90.7% completed, time steps left 401 Time to finish 41s, 90.7% completed, time steps left 400 Time to finish 41s, 90.8% completed, time steps left 399 Time to finish 40s, 90.8% completed, time steps left 398 Time to finish 40s, 90.8% completed, time steps left 397 Time to finish 40s, 90.8% completed, time steps left 396 Time to finish 40s, 90.9% completed, time steps left 395 Time to finish 40s, 90.9% completed, time steps left 394 Time to finish 40s, 90.9% completed, time steps left 393 Time to finish 40s, 90.9% completed, time steps left 392 Time to finish 40s, 90.9% completed, time steps left 391 Time to finish 40s, 91.0% completed, time steps left 390 Time to finish 40s, 91.0% completed, time steps left 389 Time to finish 39s, 91.0% completed, time steps left 388 Time to finish 39s, 91.0% completed, time steps left 387 Time to finish 39s, 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left 369 Time to finish 37s, 91.5% completed, time steps left 368 Time to finish 37s, 91.5% completed, time steps left 367 Time to finish 37s, 91.5% completed, time steps left 366 Time to finish 37s, 91.6% completed, time steps left 365 Time to finish 37s, 91.6% completed, time steps left 364 Time to finish 37s, 91.6% completed, time steps left 363 Time to finish 37s, 91.6% completed, time steps left 362 Time to finish 37s, 91.6% completed, time steps left 361 Time to finish 37s, 91.7% completed, time steps left 360 Time to finish 37s, 91.7% completed, time steps left 359 Time to finish 36s, 91.7% completed, time steps left 358 Time to finish 36s, 91.7% completed, time steps left 357 Time to finish 36s, 91.8% completed, time steps left 356 Time to finish 36s, 91.8% completed, time steps left 355 Time to finish 36s, 91.8% completed, time steps left 354 Time to finish 36s, 91.8% completed, time steps left 353 Time to finish 36s, 91.9% completed, time steps left 352 Time to finish 36s, 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left 299 Time to finish 30s, 93.1% completed, time steps left 298 Time to finish 30s, 93.1% completed, time steps left 297 Time to finish 30s, 93.1% completed, time steps left 296 Time to finish 30s, 93.2% completed, time steps left 295 Time to finish 30s, 93.2% completed, time steps left 294 Time to finish 30s, 93.2% completed, time steps left 293 Time to finish 30s, 93.2% completed, time steps left 292 Time to finish 30s, 93.3% completed, time steps left 291 Time to finish 29s, 93.3% completed, time steps left 290 Time to finish 29s, 93.3% completed, time steps left 289 Time to finish 29s, 93.3% completed, time steps left 288 Time to finish 29s, 93.4% completed, time steps left 287 Time to finish 29s, 93.4% completed, time steps left 286 Time to finish 29s, 93.4% completed, time steps left 285 Time to finish 29s, 93.4% completed, time steps left 284 Time to finish 29s, 93.4% completed, time steps left 283 Time to finish 29s, 93.5% completed, time steps left 282 Time to finish 29s, 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left 264 Time to finish 27s, 93.9% completed, time steps left 263 Time to finish 27s, 93.9% completed, time steps left 262 Time to finish 27s, 94.0% completed, time steps left 261 Time to finish 26s, 94.0% completed, time steps left 260 Time to finish 26s, 94.0% completed, time steps left 259 Time to finish 26s, 94.0% completed, time steps left 258 Time to finish 26s, 94.1% completed, time steps left 257 Time to finish 26s, 94.1% completed, time steps left 256 Time to finish 26s, 94.1% completed, time steps left 255 Time to finish 26s, 94.1% completed, time steps left 254 Time to finish 26s, 94.1% completed, time steps left 253 Time to finish 26s, 94.2% completed, time steps left 252 Time to finish 25s, 94.2% completed, time steps left 251 Time to finish 25s, 94.2% completed, time steps left 250 Time to finish 25s, 94.2% completed, time steps left 249 Time to finish 25s, 94.3% completed, time steps left 248 Time to finish 25s, 94.3% completed, time steps left 247 Time to finish 25s, 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left 229 Time to finish 23s, 94.7% completed, time steps left 228 Time to finish 23s, 94.7% completed, time steps left 227 Time to finish 23s, 94.8% completed, time steps left 226 Time to finish 23s, 94.8% completed, time steps left 225 Time to finish 23s, 94.8% completed, time steps left 224 Time to finish 23s, 94.8% completed, time steps left 223 Time to finish 23s, 94.9% completed, time steps left 222 Time to finish 22s, 94.9% completed, time steps left 221 Time to finish 22s, 94.9% completed, time steps left 220 Time to finish 22s, 94.9% completed, time steps left 219 Time to finish 22s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 218 Time to finish 22s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 217 Time to finish 22s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 216 Time to finish 22s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 215 Time to finish 22s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 214 Time to finish 22s, 95.1% completed, time steps left 213 Time to finish 22s, 95.1% completed, time steps left 212 Time to finish 21s, 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left 194 Time to finish 20s, 95.5% completed, time steps left 193 Time to finish 19s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 192 Time to finish 19s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 191 Time to finish 19s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 190 Time to finish 19s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 189 Time to finish 19s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 188 Time to finish 19s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 187 Time to finish 19s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 186 Time to finish 19s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 185 Time to finish 19s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 184 Time to finish 19s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 183 Time to finish 18s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 182 Time to finish 18s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 181 Time to finish 18s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 180 Time to finish 18s, 95.9% completed, time steps left 179 Time to finish 18s, 95.9% completed, time steps left 178 Time to finish 18s, 95.9% completed, time steps left 177 Time to finish 18s, 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left 159 Time to finish 16s, 96.3% completed, time steps left 158 Time to finish 16s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 157 Time to finish 16s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 156 Time to finish 16s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 155 Time to finish 16s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 154 Time to finish 16s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 153 Time to finish 15s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 152 Time to finish 15s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 151 Time to finish 15s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 150 Time to finish 15s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 149 Time to finish 15s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 148 Time to finish 15s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 147 Time to finish 15s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 146 Time to finish 15s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 145 Time to finish 15s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 144 Time to finish 15s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 143 Time to finish 14s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 142 Time to finish 14s, 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left 124 Time to finish 12s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 123 Time to finish 12s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 122 Time to finish 12s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 121 Time to finish 12s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 120 Time to finish 12s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 119 Time to finish 12s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 118 Time to finish 12s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 117 Time to finish 12s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 116 Time to finish 12s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 115 Time to finish 12s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 114 Time to finish 11s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 113 Time to finish 11s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 112 Time to finish 11s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 111 Time to finish 11s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 110 Time to finish 11s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 109 Time to finish 11s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 108 Time to finish 11s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 107 Time to finish 11s, 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completed, time steps left 52 Time to finish 5s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 51 Time to finish 5s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 50 Time to finish 5s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 49 Time to finish 5s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 48 Time to finish 5s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 47 Time to finish 5s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 46 Time to finish 5s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 45 Time to finish 4s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 44 Time to finish 4s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 43 Time to finish 4s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 42 Time to finish 4s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 41 Time to finish 4s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 40 Time to finish 4s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 39 Time to finish 4s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 38 Time to finish 4s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 37 Time to finish 4s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 36 Time to finish 4s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 35 Time to finish 3s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 34 Time to finish 3s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 33 Time to finish 3s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 32 Time to finish 3s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 31 Time to finish 3s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 30 Time to finish 3s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 29 Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 28 Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 27 Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 26 Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 25 Time to finish 2s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 24 Time to finish 2s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 23 Time to finish 2s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 22 Time to finish 2s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 21 Time to finish 2s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 20 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 19 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 18 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 17 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 16 Time to finish 2s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 15 Time to finish 1s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 14 Time to finish 1s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 13 Time to finish 1s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 12 Time to finish 1s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 11 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 10 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 9 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 8 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 7 Time to finish 1s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 6 Time to finish 1s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 5 Time to finish 0s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 4 Time to finish 0s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 3 Time to finish 0s, 100.0% completed, time steps left 2 Time to finish 0s, 100.0% completed, time steps left 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINISHED Delft3D-FLOW runid : calc date, time : 2020-08-04, 11:13:01 SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 1 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 2 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 3 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 4 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 5 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 6 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 7 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 8 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 9 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 10 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D_Hydro [1596532381.479139] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596532381.479333] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596532381.479431] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596532381.479617] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596532381.479630] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596532381.479610] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596532381.479884] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596532381.480185] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596532381.480345] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596532381.490956] >> d_hydro shutting down normally ..2.3 finalize for current run ... 2020-08-04 00:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 False delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/ (289, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Erdaogou 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Binhaicun 19.666559 309 24 19.666559 309 24 Tangjiahe 19.666559 309 24 19.666559 309 24 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 23.439165 311 24 23.439165 311 24 Lijiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Lijiapu 32.536843 305 26 32.536843 305 26 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 23.439165 311 24 Zhaojiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Zhaojiapu 32.536843 305 26 32.536843 305 26 Liuhongbo 9.4160888 308 24 Liuhongbo 32.536843 305 26 32.536843 305 26 Xujiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Xujiapu 32.536843 305 26 32.536843 305 26 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 2.2402331 315 27 Pehtang 3.998393 316 27 Pehtang 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 3.998393 316 27 Qingtuozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 3.998393 316 27 Caijiapu 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 Shuangqiaozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 Heiyanzi 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 8.895146 315 31 Beipu 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 9.3410776 314 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 Nancaoji 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 6.5440418 316 41 Yang-chiao 6.7658682 289 45 6.7658682 289 45 Yancangcheng 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Hsing-chuang 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Haitou 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Shiqiao 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Hsia-k'ou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Jiuliqi 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Che-wang 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 Tuanlin 2.4748921 324 50 Tuanlin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Fenshui 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 2.4748921 324 50 Dapuhe 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Andongwei 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 Xihenancun 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Xugou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Lanshantou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Taolekow 4.2500724 257 51 Taolekow 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Liujiazhai 7.0120592 258 52 Liujiazhai 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Dongxi Liandao 3.7698366 249 50 Dongxi Liandao 2.4063058 251 50 2.4063058 251 50 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 Guidizhai 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 Shandongpu 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Shijiusuo 7.0120592 258 52 Shijiusuo 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 Ch'ien-ma-fang 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 Qinhuangdao 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 Shanhaiguan 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Yanweigang 3.7995859 249 55 Yanweigang 2.1817413 247 57 2.1817413 247 57 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 Nanhai 9.4273718 328 55 9.4273718 328 55 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 5.8558936 263 55 5.8558936 263 55 Hutouya 2.0267187 287 55 2.0267187 287 55 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Xiahecheng 10.073142 263 56 10.073142 263 56 Zhangjialou 7.463872 265 59 Zhangjialou 38.636578 266 59 38.636578 266 59 Dayuan 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Hongshiya 4.0704735 272 62 Hongshiya 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Lingshanwei 6.2537308 267 61 6.2537308 267 61 Hsin-chuang 9.3603672 292 61 9.3603672 292 61 Houwan 6.7995416 268 62 Houwan 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Yantaiqian 6.2537308 267 61 6.2537308 267 61 Xianlang 6.7995416 268 62 Xianlang 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Qimudao 12.014129 293 61 12.014129 293 61 Liuduo 3.6349543 242 65 Liuduo 3.0238823 243 65 3.0238823 243 65 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 7.0709729 292 62 Ta-yu-chien 4.1783146 246 62 Ta-yu-chien 5.6590537 245 63 5.6590537 245 63 Beizhuang 18.338013 267 62 Beizhuang 6.7995416 268 62 Beizhuang 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Sifang 6.4712836 271 63 Sifang 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Chengyang 2.0228224 272 63 Chengyang 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Qingdao 6.4712836 271 63 Qingdao 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Fushansuo 11.126148 269 64 Fushansuo 24.269815 270 64 Fushansuo 19.271288 271 64 Fushansuo 2.5193449 272 64 Fushansuo 4.427021 272 65 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Huangshagang 12.410759 238 67 Huangshagang 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Shuangyangzha 14.317102 239 66 Shuangyangzha 3.3140068 240 66 Shuangyangzha 4.5126978 241 66 4.5126978 241 66 Ts'ang-k'ou 24.269815 270 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 19.271288 271 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 2.5193449 272 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 4.427021 272 65 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 19.271288 271 64 Hsien-chia-chai 2.5193449 272 64 Hsien-chia-chai 4.427021 272 65 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 T'ang-sheng-chiang 12.410759 238 67 T'ang-sheng-chiang 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Dongxiaohai 14.317102 239 66 Dongxiaohai 12.410759 238 67 Dongxiaohai 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Lu-kang 4.9192683 92 66 4.9192683 92 66 Xinyanggang 7.5299407 236 68 Xinyanggang 2.0820892 234 69 2.0820892 234 69 Shazikou 20.069832 269 66 Shazikou 11.033439 270 66 11.033439 270 66 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 Shahousuo 11.244679 335 70 Shahousuo 6.1154367 336 70 6.1154367 336 70 Ching-shui 11.849512 95 68 11.849512 95 68 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 Niejia 6.4326869 296 68 Niejia 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Hai huang 11.849512 95 68 11.849512 95 68 Wanggezhuang 22.958528 272 71 Wanggezhuang 6.6305521 273 71 Wanggezhuang 7.8042088 274 71 Wanggezhuang 2.1714545 275 71 Wanggezhuang 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 Beigou 6.4326869 296 68 Beigou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Yuan-li 11.849512 95 68 11.849512 95 68 Tung-hsiao 11.849512 95 68 11.849512 95 68 Aoshanwei 6.6305521 273 71 Aoshanwei 7.8042088 274 71 Aoshanwei 2.1714545 275 71 Aoshanwei 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Chang'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Lo-yu 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Xiabu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Jingliuwei 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 25.4412 184 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Banling 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 6.0252144 297 70 Dengzhou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Zhuangyuanqiao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Kaiyangtu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Changyinsha 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chao-feng-chen 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Qianduanjiawei 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 6.0252144 297 70 Penglai 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Chin-chia-k'ou 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Ling-hsia 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Huangwan 25.4412 184 73 Huangwan 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Longwan 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Lu-ching-chiang 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Gao'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Siqianjie 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dongtaihezha 8.3752368 226 73 8.3752368 226 73 Nantong 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Liulishe 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xiaodoumen 3.2494402 149 73 Xiaodoumen 61.424401 150 75 Xiaodoumen 58.30363 151 75 58.30363 151 75 Baixiang 3.2494402 149 73 Baixiang 61.424401 150 75 Baixiang 58.30363 151 75 58.30363 151 75 Shan-ch'ien 3.2494402 149 73 Shan-ch'ien 61.424401 150 75 Shan-ch'ien 58.30363 151 75 58.30363 151 75 Wangcun 2.1714545 275 71 Wangcun 12.805352 276 71 Wangcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Wali 7.8042088 274 71 Wali 2.1714545 275 71 Wali 12.805352 276 71 Wali 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Jiangtan 3.2494402 149 73 Jiangtan 61.424401 150 75 Jiangtan 58.30363 151 75 58.30363 151 75 Ganpu 25.4412 184 73 Ganpu 17.456245 185 73 Ganpu 4.6144463 187 75 Ganpu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Zhaoqiao 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 3.2494402 149 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 61.424401 150 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 58.30363 151 75 58.30363 151 75 Hsieh-t'ang 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Liu-tsao 21.476786 219 74 Liu-tsao 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Xingcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Haiyan 17.456245 185 73 Haiyan 4.6144463 187 75 Haiyan 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsia-chia-fou 3.2494402 149 73 Hsia-chia-fou 61.424401 150 75 Hsia-chia-fou 58.30363 151 75 Hsia-chia-fou 38.790019 152 76 38.790019 152 76 Changchuanba 25.4412 184 73 Changchuanba 17.456245 185 73 Changchuanba 4.6144463 187 75 Changchuanba 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Bixishi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Xizhoushi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsin-k'ai-kang 9.9643812 209 73 Hsin-k'ai-kang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Baizhuzhen 5.4299814 186 75 Baizhuzhen 4.6144463 187 75 Baizhuzhen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ch'eng-ao 3.2494402 149 73 Ch'eng-ao 61.424401 150 75 Ch'eng-ao 58.30363 151 75 Ch'eng-ao 38.790019 152 76 38.790019 152 76 Dituan 3.2494402 149 73 Dituan 61.424401 150 75 Dituan 58.30363 151 75 Dituan 38.790019 152 76 38.790019 152 76 Shih-ma-chuang 3.2494402 149 73 Shih-ma-chuang 61.424401 150 75 Shih-ma-chuang 58.30363 151 75 Shih-ma-chuang 38.790019 152 76 Shih-ma-chuang 49.926487 153 77 49.926487 153 77 Ta-shan 4.9173076 277 75 Ta-shan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Linshan 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Changqian 5.4299814 186 75 Changqian 4.6144463 187 75 Changqian 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Xitang 4.6144463 187 75 Xitang 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lao-wu-shih 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 21.476786 219 74 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Dashan 4.9173076 277 75 Dashan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Baiyan 38.790019 152 76 Baiyan 49.926487 153 77 Baiyan 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Baisha 61.424401 150 75 Baisha 58.30363 151 75 Baisha 38.790019 152 76 Baisha 49.926487 153 77 Baisha 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Da'an 9.9643812 209 73 Da'an 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 38.790019 152 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 49.926487 153 77 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 4.6144463 187 75 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ri'aitang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Fu-jung 49.926487 153 77 Fu-jung 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Laochangbu 9.9643812 209 73 Laochangbu 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chou-hung-ch'iu 2.4716733 184 74 Chou-hung-ch'iu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Cheng-chia-tai 4.6144463 187 75 Cheng-chia-tai 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Heng-pa-ts'un 2.4716733 184 74 Heng-pa-ts'un 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 Dajijia 14.503721 296 76 Dajijia 16.990276 296 77 Dajijia 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 P'u-ch'i 61.424401 150 75 P'u-ch'i 58.30363 151 75 P'u-ch'i 38.790019 152 76 P'u-ch'i 49.926487 153 77 P'u-ch'i 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Lo-ho-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiung-ting-yu 2.4716733 184 74 Hsiung-ting-yu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Zhapu 4.6144463 187 75 Zhapu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lixinzha 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qingjiang 38.790019 152 76 Qingjiang 49.926487 153 77 Qingjiang 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Zhangjiaxiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huangang 21.476786 219 74 Huangang 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 Xihuzui 39.375721 311 76 Xihuzui 10.211338 314 78 Xihuzui 12.188971 315 79 12.188971 315 79 Sanhezhen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Niu-ch'iao-shih 4.6144463 187 75 Niu-ch'iao-shih 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsiao-an-chieh 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Touyan 61.424401 150 75 Touyan 58.30363 151 75 58.30363 151 75 Dajing 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wei-chiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hu-chia-lu 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 Ku-hsien 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Chenyu 61.424401 150 75 Chenyu 58.30363 151 75 Chenyu 38.790019 152 76 Chenyu 49.926487 153 77 Chenyu 8.5062756 153 78 Chenyu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 Tieshan 61.438968 309 76 Tieshan 57.725596 309 77 Tieshan 59.312674 309 78 Tieshan 64.366144 309 79 Tieshan 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Hsing-hsing-chen 4.6144463 187 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Baixi 49.926487 153 77 Baixi 72.485656 154 77 Baixi 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chiu-ch'u-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Dujiaqiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chien-chen 7.6550516 218 76 7.6550516 218 76 Chou-chia-peng 7.4155752 188 76 7.4155752 188 76 Fou-ch'iao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Sanli 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hai-men-hsien 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huanshan 5.5698927 150 76 Huanshan 2.0429891 151 76 Huanshan 38.790019 152 76 Huanshan 49.926487 153 77 Huanshan 72.485656 154 77 Huanshan 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Fengcheng 3.4258447 278 76 Fengcheng 2.0684823 279 77 Fengcheng 6.2295642 280 79 6.2295642 280 79 Liujiazhai 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Ch'ing-lung-chiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qianjing 5.0762899 205 78 Qianjing 16.878731 204 79 Qianjing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 Fushan 19.563933 294 81 19.563933 294 81 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 32.548758 321 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.164329 322 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.497974 323 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.437812 324 77 Wang-chia-tun 28.796951 324 78 Wang-chia-tun 23.133033 324 79 Wang-chia-tun 13.338671 324 80 Wang-chia-tun 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 Lushun 57.589942 310 78 Lushun 10.211338 314 78 Lushun 39.563689 311 80 Lushun 62.579912 310 81 Lushun 47.633161 311 81 47.633161 311 81 Liuhe 16.878731 204 79 Liuhe 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Tiaobanqiao 5.0762899 205 78 Tiaobanqiao 16.878731 204 79 Tiaobanqiao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Xincun 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Kanmen 49.926487 153 77 Kanmen 8.5062756 153 78 Kanmen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Ch'ing-chiang 49.926487 153 77 Ch'ing-chiang 72.485656 154 77 Ch'ing-chiang 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Caopeng 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Fu-hsin-tsao 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Ch'ang-sha 5.9733643 218 77 5.9733643 218 77 Chumen 49.926487 153 77 Chumen 72.485656 154 77 Chumen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Wenqiao 49.926487 153 77 Wenqiao 72.485656 154 77 Wenqiao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Nankan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Dong'anzhen 15.928197 213 81 Dong'anzhen 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Jinshanwei 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Chenxing 16.878731 204 79 Chenxing 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Wan'an 5.0762899 205 78 Wan'an 16.878731 204 79 Wan'an 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Haiyanzhen 15.928197 213 81 Haiyanzhen 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 Chu-chi 13.195624 294 79 Chu-chi 19.563933 294 81 Chu-chi 8.1078418 293 82 8.1078418 293 82 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.336422 322 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 32.415091 323 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.796951 324 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.158743 325 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.133033 324 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 18.485006 325 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 13.338671 324 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 31.400401 321 78 Sanguanmiao 28.336422 322 78 Sanguanmiao 32.415091 323 78 Sanguanmiao 28.796951 324 78 Sanguanmiao 23.133033 324 79 Sanguanmiao 13.338671 324 80 Sanguanmiao 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-shan-tsui 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Shanyang 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 5.0762899 205 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 16.878731 204 79 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Meng-chiang-miao 5.0762899 205 78 Meng-chiang-miao 16.878731 204 79 Meng-chiang-miao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Hongxing 5.0762899 205 78 Hongxing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Beikan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 Yantai 13.195624 294 79 Yantai 19.563933 294 81 Yantai 8.1078418 293 82 8.1078418 293 82 Hsin-p'u 9.6093348 185 79 9.6093348 185 79 Ducun 16.878731 204 79 Ducun 4.9383975 204 80 Ducun 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 Zhifuzhen 19.563933 294 81 Zhifuzhen 8.1078418 293 82 Zhifuzhen 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 5.995365 315 80 Xinzhaizi 10.263241 316 81 Xinzhaizi 10.655565 317 81 Xinzhaizi 5.1844298 316 82 Xinzhaizi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Haiyou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 5.1811351 322 79 Wudao 9.738003 319 80 Wudao 6.8199729 321 80 Wudao 11.730245 319 81 Wudao 17.172111 319 82 Wudao 32.53914 320 82 Wudao 18.318481 319 83 18.318481 319 83 Chongming 16.878731 204 79 Chongming 7.4608971 205 79 Chongming 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 Shuishiying 28.152081 311 79 Shuishiying 57.731312 310 80 Shuishiying 39.563689 311 80 Shuishiying 62.579912 310 81 Shuishiying 47.633161 311 81 Shuishiying 64.441351 310 82 Shuishiying 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Lingmen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Aohuan 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Dalu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Shaliu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Caojing 12.151612 189 79 12.151612 189 79 Changzheng 16.878731 204 79 Changzheng 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 Cheefoo 19.563933 294 81 Cheefoo 8.1078418 293 82 Cheefoo 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 5.995365 315 80 Yingchengzi 10.263241 316 81 Yingchengzi 10.655565 317 81 Yingchengzi 5.1844298 316 82 Yingchengzi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Ko-ao-wang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Fang-ch'ien 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Huqiao 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 14.466696 203 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 4.907592 202 82 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Shih-she-chang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Dong'ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Guan'ao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Houjiazhen 16.878731 204 79 Houjiazhen 7.4608971 205 79 Houjiazhen 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 Qianqikuang 19.563933 294 81 Qianqikuang 8.1078418 293 82 Qianqikuang 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Ling-chiao-ch'en 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaojiang 41.209149 159 83 Jiaojiang 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Shan-shang-fang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Ch'uan-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 Jiaoliudao 11.730245 319 81 Jiaoliudao 17.172111 319 82 Jiaoliudao 32.53914 320 82 Jiaoliudao 18.318481 319 83 Jiaoliudao 35.730376 319 84 35.730376 319 84 Wudongzha 5.1131623 183 83 Wudongzha 9.1161185 184 83 Wudongzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Hsia-feng-ch'a 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Abulug 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Qiansuo 41.209149 159 83 Qiansuo 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Pai-chia-chuang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Panlong 14.466696 203 80 Panlong 4.9383975 204 80 Panlong 3.1855034 203 83 Panlong 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsia-jo-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsi-yen 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hua-shan-t'ou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chia-shih 41.209149 159 83 San-chia-shih 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Che-lin 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Dongdayang 4.907592 202 82 Dongdayang 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baoshan 14.466696 203 80 Baoshan 4.907592 202 82 Baoshan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Dongfeng 14.466696 203 80 Dongfeng 4.9383975 204 80 Dongfeng 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Donggangcun 15.928197 213 81 Donggangcun 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Qiganshi 4.7120089 280 80 Qiganshi 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 Wu-tao 11.730245 319 81 Wu-tao 17.172111 319 82 Wu-tao 32.53914 320 82 Wu-tao 18.318481 319 83 Wu-tao 35.730376 319 84 35.730376 319 84 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 Donggang 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Yeh-chia 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Ch'i-shih-chieh 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Ch'ang-yang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsueh-mou-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Taipingzha 5.1131623 183 83 Taipingzha 9.1161185 184 83 Taipingzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Xinmin 14.466696 203 80 Xinmin 4.9383975 204 80 Xinmin 3.1855034 203 83 Xinmin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ju-shan-k'ou 4.7120089 280 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 39.563689 311 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 62.579912 310 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 47.633161 311 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 64.441351 310 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Cabuluan 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cao'antou 4.907592 202 82 Cao'antou 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsin-k'ai-ho 2.1981926 203 81 Hsin-k'ai-ho 4.907592 202 82 Hsin-k'ai-ho 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 Mashanshangzhai 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ch'ing 41.209149 159 83 Chin-ch'ing 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Changjiang 2.1981926 203 81 Changjiang 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Xining 15.928197 213 81 Xining 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 10.655565 317 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 3.9836386 316 83 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Feng-p'u-ao 5.1131623 183 83 Feng-p'u-ao 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Ch'ien-chia-ch'iao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Catuguran 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Beishenjiazhai 4.907592 202 82 Beishenjiazhai 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Chayuan 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Youcheqiao 4.907592 202 82 Youcheqiao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 13.620834 328 84 Ma-chia-tun 4.2163928 329 86 4.2163928 329 86 Ch'iu-wang 5.1131623 183 83 Ch'iu-wang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 3.9836386 316 83 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Shangpan 41.209149 159 83 Shangpan 2.3471824 160 83 Shangpan 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Jiankangtang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Lusi 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 3.9836386 316 83 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Ch'ing-shui-hu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Su-chia 6.1446035 191 82 6.1446035 191 82 Muping 10.482945 292 83 Muping 16.021553 292 86 16.021553 292 86 Linao 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Shih-t'ang 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Sichalu 2.3471824 160 83 Sichalu 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Qianjin 4.907592 202 82 Qianjin 3.1855034 203 83 Qianjin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hai-yang-so 8.0972223 280 82 Hai-yang-so 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Songmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Nanbu 4.907592 202 82 Nanbu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsieh-fu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Lipu 3.8277706 163 85 Lipu 4.1670014 166 86 4.1670014 166 86 Bisagu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Liyang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Wantang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Yangyuan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gaodong 4.907592 202 82 Gaodong 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanhong 14.615235 279 82 Nanhong 8.0972223 280 82 Nanhong 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 Xinghaitun 15.459068 312 83 Xinghaitun 29.26988 313 86 Xinghaitun 9.8166156 314 86 9.8166156 314 86 Chien-t'iao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Panshi 4.907592 202 82 Panshi 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baishatan 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 3.9836386 316 83 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 3.9836386 316 83 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Aparri 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 San-chiao-t'ang 3.8277706 163 85 San-chiao-t'ang 4.1670014 166 86 4.1670014 166 86 Gulu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gangyan 3.1855034 203 83 Gangyan 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 Dal'niy 15.459068 312 83 Dal'niy 29.26988 313 86 Dal'niy 9.8166156 314 86 9.8166156 314 86 Alilinu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Daxingzhen 4.5413906 204 87 Daxingzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Gongjiazhen 9.5464842 212 83 Gongjiazhen 8.2518531 211 86 Gongjiazhen 5.3834567 210 87 5.3834567 210 87 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 38.89369 318 84 Gongjialu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanqinghe 4.5413906 204 87 Nanqinghe 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Dahu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chen-hai 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Dongxing 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hexing 3.1855034 203 83 Hexing 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 Dongshanbeitou 16.021553 292 86 Dongshanbeitou 16.98741 292 87 16.98741 292 87 Lao-yu-tang 7.1464408 191 84 Lao-yu-tang 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Ch'ang-chieh 61.646954 168 84 61.646954 168 84 Hsiang-hua 4.4113937 201 84 Hsiang-hua 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dong'an 7.8946614 211 84 Dong'an 8.2518531 211 86 Dong'an 5.3834567 210 87 Dong'an 4.5737854 209 88 4.5737854 209 88 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Punta 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cailu 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Bailonggang 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Qianwei 4.4113937 201 84 Qianwei 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 Shang-chuang 14.570182 292 85 Shang-chuang 16.021553 292 86 Shang-chuang 16.98741 292 87 16.98741 292 87 Zhenhai 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Ping'an 7.1464408 191 84 Ping'an 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Sizhoutou 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Yuansha 4.4113937 201 84 Yuansha 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsing-i-ts'un 7.8946614 211 84 Hsing-i-ts'un 8.2518531 211 86 Hsing-i-ts'un 5.3834567 210 87 Hsing-i-ts'un 4.5737854 209 88 4.5737854 209 88 Ch'iang-t'ou 9.4721285 170 89 Ch'iang-t'ou 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xianxiang 8.597725 175 88 Xianxiang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Shigaotang 4.8035103 180 86 Shigaotang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Jiangjia 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Wusi 6.0627425 191 85 Wusi 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Ch'en-chia 10.775334 200 85 Ch'en-chia 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Ch'iu-chia-chai 8.8782186 198 87 Ch'iu-chia-chai 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Fumin 10.775334 200 85 Fumin 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Dong'anzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Beiqigen 4.8035103 180 86 Beiqigen 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Tanglugang 5.3834567 210 87 Tanglugang 4.5737854 209 88 4.5737854 209 88 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 Jianggezhuang 16.021553 292 86 Jianggezhuang 16.98741 292 87 16.98741 292 87 Dingtang 7.84858 167 85 7.84858 167 85 Ligang 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Guoyuan 6.0627425 191 85 Guoyuan 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Fengle 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Niupeng 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Hsin-tsao-chen 4.5413906 204 87 Hsin-tsao-chen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Langnuankou 6.1199551 281 85 Langnuankou 4.9587606 282 87 Langnuankou 3.1296165 283 88 3.1296165 283 88 Yinyang 4.5413906 204 87 Yinyang 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Beilungang 4.8035103 180 86 Beilungang 5.0451305 181 86 Beilungang 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Lao-chiang 6.0394592 197 88 Lao-chiang 11.746561 193 89 Lao-chiang 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Xiaoguan 4.9587606 282 87 Xiaoguan 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 29.26988 313 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 23.386034 314 89 Dagushan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Sanshan 8.597725 175 88 Sanshan 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Donghai 6.8080325 191 86 Donghai 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Shuyuan 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 23.386034 314 89 Wanli 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 23.386034 314 89 Dongjiagou 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Daxu 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Daniwan 4.8035103 180 86 Daniwan 5.0451305 181 86 Daniwan 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 29.26988 313 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 23.386034 314 89 Nianyuwan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Zhuxi 8.597725 175 88 Zhuxi 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Danmen 9.4721285 170 89 Danmen 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xiaoli'ao 4.8035103 180 86 Xiaoli'ao 5.0451305 181 86 5.0451305 181 86 Xilangnuan 4.9587606 282 87 Xilangnuan 3.1296165 283 88 Xilangnuan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Hepu 10.516434 165 87 Hepu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Ch'ai-ch'iao 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 Huatong 4.6995199 332 89 Huatong 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Chiu-nan-t'ien 10.516434 165 87 Chiu-nan-t'ien 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Shihphu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 16.98741 292 87 Qiancang 8.597725 175 88 Qiancang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 Guizhou 6.2332251 332 88 Guizhou 10.634702 333 88 Guizhou 4.6995199 332 89 Guizhou 8.1513821 333 89 Guizhou 32.719378 332 90 Guizhou 43.369556 333 91 43.369556 333 91 Ch'en-chia-lu 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Wuleidao 9.0202245 281 88 Wuleidao 6.1302265 282 88 Wuleidao 3.1296165 283 88 Wuleidao 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Guoju 7.4258866 175 89 7.4258866 175 89 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Zeku 5.956488 282 89 Zeku 2.9754361 283 89 Zeku 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 Dalijia 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 Teng-sha-ho 13.870654 317 93 Teng-sha-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Chung-tse 37.812105 176 90 Chung-tse 5.4334006 177 90 Chung-tse 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Dinghai 14.431663 182 92 Dinghai 41.640815 178 93 Dinghai 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 21.521515 293 90 Chiao-t'ou 5.7902978 174 90 Chiao-t'ou 6.6960528 175 90 Chiao-t'ou 37.812105 176 90 Chiao-t'ou 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 Panyuchwan 43.369556 333 91 Panyuchwan 7.9845756 334 91 Panyuchwan 5.5322527 335 91 Panyuchwan 3.7448453 335 92 3.7448453 335 92 Ganlan 14.431663 182 92 Ganlan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Dongsha 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 Lu-chia-t'un 7.9845756 334 91 Lu-chia-t'un 5.5322527 335 91 Lu-chia-t'un 8.8660103 336 91 Lu-chia-t'un 3.7448453 335 92 Lu-chia-t'un 4.3393171 336 92 Lu-chia-t'un 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 7.9845756 334 91 Wangzhai 5.5322527 335 91 Wangzhai 8.8660103 336 91 Wangzhai 3.7448453 335 92 Wangzhai 4.3393171 336 92 Wangzhai 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Gaoting 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Litang 6.0665923 170 91 Litang 5.6681767 173 91 5.6681767 173 91 Nanfeng 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Jinghaiwei 15.213907 280 91 Jinghaiwei 9.4992308 281 91 Jinghaiwei 5.8361838 282 91 Jinghaiwei 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Da'ao 7.1140451 174 91 Da'ao 9.1525077 175 91 Da'ao 8.855008 177 91 8.855008 177 91 Huangshan 5.8361838 282 91 Huangshan 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 Zaobu 27.026601 293 93 Zaobu 18.963316 292 95 Zaobu 10.598257 291 96 10.598257 291 96 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Luomen 14.431663 182 92 Luomen 41.640815 178 93 Luomen 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Changtu 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Jen-ho-chi 12.273248 281 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.5358904 282 92 7.5358904 282 92 Ta-chan 14.431663 182 92 Ta-chan 41.640815 178 93 Ta-chan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 P'u-t'o 10.816907 177 93 P'u-t'o 41.640815 178 93 P'u-t'o 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Qiandao 15.566538 281 93 Qiandao 7.8003059 282 93 7.8003059 282 93 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 Wujiatun 13.870654 317 93 Wujiatun 6.2568556 318 93 Wujiatun 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 7.6443932 320 97 7.6443932 320 97 Ch'ih-shan-chi 16.853075 282 96 16.853075 282 96 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 Jiaxinzi 7.6443932 320 97 Jiaxinzi 12.836438 320 98 Jiaxinzi 46.554234 321 98 46.554234 321 98 Shidao 16.14937 281 94 Shidao 16.853075 282 96 16.853075 282 96 Laoshantun 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Xizhuang 18.963316 292 95 Xizhuang 10.598257 291 96 Xizhuang 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Ning-ching-so 16.853075 282 96 Ning-ching-so 13.836769 286 99 13.836769 286 99 Dazhuang 18.398227 281 95 Dazhuang 16.853075 282 96 16.853075 282 96 Jiurongcheng 10.598257 291 96 Jiurongcheng 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 8.7644452 321 99 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Wolongcun 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 19.266314 317 98 Fangshentun 12.836438 320 98 Fangshentun 13.275256 318 99 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 Fangshentun 13.39868 319 101 13.39868 319 101 Shengshan 37.840837 190 103 Shengshan 38.171205 191 103 Shengshan 28.43705 192 103 Shengshan 45.432781 189 104 Shengshan 43.684208 190 104 Shengshan 39.593077 191 104 Shengshan 35.588364 192 104 35.588364 192 104 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 Zhuanghe 7.5158755 323 104 Zhuanghe 4.1820704 323 105 Zhuanghe 30.237123 324 105 Zhuanghe 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 5.3016982 323 103 Dafangshen 7.5158755 323 104 Dafangshen 4.1820704 323 105 Dafangshen 30.237123 324 105 Dafangshen 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 7.5158755 323 104 Shishan 4.1820704 323 105 Shishan 30.237123 324 105 Shishan 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 10.749466 322 104 Wangjia 7.5158755 323 104 Wangjia 4.1820704 323 105 Wangjia 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 7.0071058 324 110 Nanjian 11.232284 324 113 Nanjian 2.9041663 325 113 2.9041663 325 113 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 17.53831 326 114 Huangtukan 15.816522 326 115 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 22.551549 327 116 Huangtukan 3.0258564 326 117 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 7.668749 325 117 Pei-ching-tzu 3.0258564 326 117 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 Dadong 2.6932739 326 124 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 3.3570784 325 122 Chogumsa 2.6192342 325 123 Chogumsa 4.8090197 325 125 4.8090197 325 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 3.3889949 326 125 Yongampo-ri 2.8026673 326 126 Yongampo-ri 16.828935 326 128 16.828935 326 128 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 4.8090197 325 125 Genjo 12.637426 325 126 Genjo 16.828935 326 128 16.828935 326 128 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 5.3139678 322 128 Yongsapo 8.7710941 323 128 Yongsapo 9.4064872 324 128 Yongsapo 7.2149272 322 129 Yongsapo 3.2745183 324 129 Yongsapo 3.9270985 321 130 Yongsapo 6.6077831 321 131 Yongsapo 8.1506313 322 131 Yongsapo 5.481458 323 131 Yongsapo 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Chandae-dong 67.952825 297 128 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 48.92898 298 129 Chandae-dong 38.636737 299 129 Chandae-dong 38.107732 300 129 Chandae-dong 56.892045 301 129 Chandae-dong 34.749838 300 130 Chandae-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Chandae-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Chandae-dong 33.314541 297 132 Chandae-dong 24.830385 298 132 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 63.31624 295 129 Kaju-dong 64.222239 296 129 Kaju-dong 63.668785 297 129 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 4.7590613 297 130 Kaju-dong 13.726467 298 130 Kaju-dong 16.283558 297 131 Kaju-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Kaju-dong 18.567548 296 132 Kaju-dong 33.314541 297 132 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 38.107732 300 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 34.749838 300 130 Ch'angam-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Ch'angam-dong 44.911389 303 130 Ch'angam-dong 42.219176 300 131 Ch'angam-dong 23.864916 301 131 Ch'angam-dong 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 20.322722 300 133 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 3.2745183 324 129 Changya-dong 5.481458 323 131 Changya-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 41.10869 309 131 Arang-dong 40.371133 310 131 Arang-dong 20.041426 309 132 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Arang-dong 17.458806 309 133 Arang-dong 22.606289 310 133 Arang-dong 17.803123 308 134 Arang-dong 13.296947 309 134 Arang-dong 8.2722777 310 134 8.2722777 310 134 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 2.8138241 306 131 Sogon-ni 22.711163 307 131 Sogon-ni 20.233065 304 132 Sogon-ni 22.175476 305 132 Sogon-ni 16.438775 306 132 Sogon-ni 6.7326396 307 132 Sogon-ni 2.9718768 304 133 Sogon-ni 4.9813939 305 133 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 4.1624577 307 133 Sogon-ni 14.042692 307 134 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.370203 300 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.322722 300 133 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 Monggumpo-ri 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 2.9718768 304 133 Ch'am-ch'on 4.9813939 305 133 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 6.7326396 307 132 Sagi-ri 8.0695346 308 132 Sagi-ri 4.1624577 307 133 Sagi-ri 8.4014419 308 133 Sagi-ri 14.042692 307 134 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Chosa-dong 17.458806 309 133 Chosa-dong 22.606289 310 133 Chosa-dong 15.884596 311 133 Chosa-dong 17.803123 308 134 Chosa-dong 13.296947 309 134 Chosa-dong 8.2722777 310 134 Chosa-dong 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 7.8538984 311 135 Chosa-dong 16.57922 310 136 Chosa-dong 7.6957089 310 137 Chosa-dong 13.50636 311 137 13.50636 311 137 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 Amdu-ri 13.110716 325 133 13.110716 325 133 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 4.1624577 307 133 Pungchon 8.4014419 308 133 Pungchon 14.042692 307 134 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 Hyu-dong 17.890888 297 136 Hyu-dong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Hang-ni 96.623511 239 134 96.623511 239 134 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 13.296947 309 134 An-ch'on 8.2722777 310 134 An-ch'on 2.5881107 307 135 An-ch'on 16.57922 310 136 An-ch'on 7.6957089 310 137 An-ch'on 7.5753806 310 138 7.5753806 310 138 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 Sondup'yong 17.890888 297 136 Sondup'yong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 17.890888 297 136 Sogang-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 19.267599 295 142 19.267599 295 142 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 5.7636397 322 138 Changp'o 44.567608 323 138 Changp'o 28.075365 322 139 Changp'o 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 28.075365 322 139 Yung-ni 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 Hwajin-ni 20.802088 317 139 Hwajin-ni 11.13778 318 140 11.13778 318 140 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 11.13778 318 140 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 8.9062797 297 146 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 15.178247 295 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 35.015504 297 148 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Chibuk 12.796815 252 149 12.796815 252 149 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 35.015504 297 148 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 9.6271908 284 147 Etsuu 27.647417 285 147 Etsuu 13.93856 286 147 Etsuu 28.085299 287 147 Etsuu 14.286725 288 147 Etsuu 42.246294 288 148 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Hwangdo 52.68561 271 147 Hwangdo 52.015145 272 147 Hwangdo 57.406962 273 147 Hwangdo 40.254339 274 147 Hwangdo 61.071724 275 147 Hwangdo 41.48292 275 148 Hwangdo 46.001713 275 149 Hwangdo 30.769436 275 150 Hwangdo 26.023157 275 151 26.023157 275 151 Doko-ri 12.796815 252 149 Doko-ri 21.810351 253 149 Doko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Doko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ant'ae 4.1033031 250 152 4.1033031 250 152 Och'ong 35.99735 269 148 Och'ong 42.348337 270 148 Och'ong 53.312852 271 148 Och'ong 52.760284 272 148 Och'ong 52.172978 273 148 Och'ong 59.378444 273 149 Och'ong 38.956148 273 150 Och'ong 24.548753 271 152 Och'ong 23.725931 272 152 Och'ong 35.515611 273 152 35.515611 273 152 Bunkai-ri 18.363187 254 148 Bunkai-ri 12.048456 255 148 Bunkai-ri 16.851478 255 149 Bunkai-ri 21.320522 254 150 Bunkai-ri 10.563465 255 150 Bunkai-ri 4.85565 255 151 Bunkai-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Ach'on 12.796815 252 149 Ach'on 21.810351 253 149 Ach'on 4.1033031 250 152 Ach'on 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 21.320522 254 150 Ikkum-ni 10.563465 255 150 Ikkum-ni 4.85565 255 151 Ikkum-ni 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Changgo 21.320522 254 150 Changgo 10.563465 255 150 Changgo 23.586617 256 150 Changgo 4.85565 255 151 Changgo 8.6752272 253 152 Changgo 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chogun-mal 12.795995 257 150 Chogun-mal 14.982607 258 150 Chogun-mal 16.037022 259 150 Chogun-mal 14.111078 257 151 Chogun-mal 7.5382908 258 151 Chogun-mal 13.58434 259 151 Chogun-mal 9.5205128 258 153 Chogun-mal 2.0395579 258 154 Chogun-mal 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Tengan-ri 6.7307922 254 151 Tengan-ri 4.85565 255 151 Tengan-ri 14.111078 257 151 Tengan-ri 7.5382908 258 151 Tengan-ri 7.7479813 258 152 Tengan-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Oejongsan 24.294911 278 151 Oejongsan 22.350351 279 151 Oejongsan 30.865036 280 151 Oejongsan 35.76981 281 151 Oejongsan 45.829966 282 151 Oejongsan 23.722503 282 152 Oejongsan 8.7245816 278 154 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 Anmal 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Soko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Soko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 Soko-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.5759047 296 153 Muji-ni 3.6487155 295 154 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Songnyong-ni 7.283544 257 152 Songnyong-ni 7.7479813 258 152 Songnyong-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Jindo 8.4904397 249 154 Jindo 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.5759047 296 153 Kyodo 3.6487155 295 154 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Aenang-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Aenang-ni 10.501459 251 153 Aenang-ni 14.054734 251 154 Aenang-ni 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Dongmun 13.622337 279 152 Dongmun 2.7457444 280 152 Dongmun 23.722503 282 152 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 Dongmun 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 23.722503 282 152 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 25.057613 285 153 Oe-dong 18.679295 284 154 Oe-dong 20.370363 285 154 Oe-dong 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 26.844518 285 155 Oe-dong 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Hwadong-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Hwadong-ni 10.501459 251 153 Hwadong-ni 9.3593266 252 153 Hwadong-ni 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Ch'al-tong 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'al-tong 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 4.0459529 289 153 Chawol-li 18.722716 290 153 Chawol-li 32.197626 289 154 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 24.938064 289 156 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 15.512703 277 153 Sinsong 11.15504 278 153 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 Pususan-dong 8.7542506 297 156 Pususan-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Chungjang 18.939911 275 153 Chungjang 19.490962 276 153 Chungjang 15.512703 277 153 Chungjang 11.15504 278 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 Chungjang 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Kan 17.058279 265 154 Kan 19.152435 266 154 Kan 37.328593 267 154 Kan 21.786611 268 154 Kan 25.060669 269 154 Kan 21.624888 268 155 Kan 18.647344 269 155 Kan 13.065519 268 156 Kan 15.272654 269 156 Kan 5.8870833 266 157 Kan 9.4156985 269 157 Kan 6.1827551 266 158 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 5.6885666 267 158 Tongmokp 10.937449 277 154 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 10.937449 277 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mogpo 8.4904397 249 154 Mogpo 14.054734 251 154 Mogpo 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 P'i-dong 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 Taeya 2.0395579 258 154 Taeya 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changdong 8.4904397 249 154 Changdong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chisa-ri 8.4904397 249 154 Chisa-ri 14.054734 251 154 Chisa-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 Changch'u-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Onmok 8.2578121 259 155 Onmok 4.6834766 260 155 Onmok 6.9462647 261 155 Onmok 6.8610422 262 155 Onmok 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 4.6834766 260 155 Changho 6.9462647 261 155 Changho 6.8610422 262 155 Changho 8.7681729 263 155 Changho 8.6657853 264 155 Changho 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 5.961837 263 156 Changho 7.7888463 264 156 Changho 2.0153163 263 157 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.8610422 262 155 Chongam 8.7681729 263 155 Chongam 8.6657853 264 155 Chongam 13.708281 265 155 Chongam 15.999725 266 155 Chongam 7.7888463 264 156 Chongam 10.168835 265 156 Chongam 9.5269236 266 156 Chongam 5.8870833 266 157 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Weolam-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Anjong 8.4344916 248 155 Anjong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 26.844518 285 155 Chogumjin-ni 10.688657 285 156 Chogumjin-ni 3.2321102 285 157 3.2321102 285 157 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 12.568597 274 157 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 11.650704 286 157 Hasambong 22.332942 287 157 Hasambong 9.4314594 286 158 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 Hasambong 16.390027 286 159 Hasambong 4.1419281 285 160 Hasambong 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Chonmak 2.0153163 263 157 Chonmak 8.1344753 265 157 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 10.115317 270 157 Aech'an-ni 9.1861162 271 157 Aech'an-ni 20.453098 272 157 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 4.4998898 274 158 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 14.372923 290 158 Chonghyon-dong 20.027044 289 159 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 Chonghyon-dong 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Changsin 2.0153163 263 157 Changsin 8.1344753 265 157 Changsin 5.8870833 266 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 5.6885666 267 158 Changsin 2.241903 267 159 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 2.4882243 268 158 Janghang 10.848643 269 158 Janghang 6.1226123 270 158 Janghang 5.1750682 271 158 Janghang 2.5792614 270 159 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 6.1827551 266 158 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 6.1827551 266 158 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 6.1226123 270 158 Okhu 2.5792614 270 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 5.9539673 290 160 Masan-ni 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.5792614 270 159 Gunsan 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 4.1419281 285 160 Chunghung-ni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 4.1419281 285 160 Kooni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 5.9539673 290 160 Wonha-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 5.9539673 290 160 Namyang 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Chamdu 4.0346637 247 165 4.0346637 247 165 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 4.0346637 247 165 Changjong-ni 13.369013 247 166 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 4.0346637 247 165 Changsu 13.369013 247 166 Changsu 9.261633 248 166 Changsu 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chinch'ang 4.0346637 247 165 Chinch'ang 13.369013 247 166 Chinch'ang 9.261633 248 166 Chinch'ang 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Aya-ri 13.369013 247 166 Aya-ri 9.261633 248 166 Aya-ri 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Ch'ongam 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Wonsan 18.792407 318 172 Wonsan 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Tongho-ri 25.508662 324 174 Tongho-ri 14.531539 325 174 Tongho-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Yongpo-ri 25.508662 324 174 Yongpo-ri 14.531539 325 174 Yongpo-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Songhung-ni 23.785546 322 173 Songhung-ni 14.531539 325 174 Songhung-ni 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Pongch'on 18.792407 318 172 Pongch'on 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Chungbang 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chakto-dong 14.531539 325 174 Chakto-dong 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Chabong 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 Kuge-ri 13.180096 317 175 Kuge-ri 9.3671151 317 176 9.3671151 317 176 Yeosu 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chukp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Hungsang-ni 23.221014 326 175 23.221014 326 175 Hangch'on 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Yongyon-ni 22.452733 326 176 Yongyon-ni 20.032461 327 176 Yongyon-ni 19.878387 327 177 Yongyon-ni 38.866655 326 178 Yongyon-ni 35.486548 327 179 Yongyon-ni 29.49569 328 179 Yongyon-ni 17.433934 329 179 Yongyon-ni 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Tongch-on 23.537237 316 177 Tongch-on 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Kuum-ni 26.656877 314 179 Kuum-ni 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Hongwon 29.49569 328 179 Hongwon 17.433934 329 179 Hongwon 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Hadajon-ni 26.656877 314 179 Hadajon-ni 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Yuktae-dong 24.445944 328 180 Yuktae-dong 30.921472 329 180 Yuktae-dong 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Changjon 38.393959 313 181 Changjon 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Gaken-ri 58.289958 313 182 Gaken-ri 64.710206 313 183 Gaken-ri 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Honam-ni 46.05045 328 182 Honam-ni 8.0039205 330 182 8.0039205 330 182 Hongsong 53.537643 312 183 Hongsong 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Soho-ri 60.993912 329 184 Soho-ri 23.762415 330 184 Soho-ri 14.066341 330 185 Soho-ri 12.608055 331 186 12.608055 331 186 Singhang 83.466108 329 185 Singhang 14.066341 330 185 Singhang 12.608055 331 186 12.608055 331 186 Kojin-ni 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Pongho-ri 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Chindu 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Changch'on 101.68137 304 189 101.68137 304 189 Masan 6.5417645 256 190 6.5417645 256 190 Yangyang 92.656554 302 190 92.656554 302 190 Ungcheon 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chaho 55.981306 331 187 Chaho 43.739011 332 189 Chaho 128.64132 331 190 Chaho 201.29485 331 191 Chaho 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Kuum-ni 43.739011 332 189 Kuum-ni 109.91747 332 191 Kuum-ni 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Jinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chuktori 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Hagwangjong-ni 92.656554 302 190 92.656554 302 190 Jangseunpo 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Jumunjin 88.499872 300 192 Jumunjin 96.754011 299 193 96.754011 299 193 Daiko 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Poktokkumi 77.245503 333 191 Poktokkumi 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Noksan 5.0314923 255 191 5.0314923 255 191 Tanchon 77.678648 334 192 77.678648 334 192 Gangneung 130.72343 298 194 Gangneung 142.14821 297 195 Gangneung 94.965767 295 196 94.965767 295 196 Kennan-ri 142.14821 297 195 Kennan-ri 94.965767 295 196 94.965767 295 196 Chungch'on 65.011648 335 194 Chungch'on 52.635641 336 195 52.635641 336 195 Mugho 94.965767 295 196 Mugho 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Samchok 70.964763 294 197 Samchok 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Haeundae 8.4793305 259 199 8.4793305 259 199 Samcheog 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Si-dong 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Gijang 8.4793305 259 199 8.4793305 259 199 Kuma 117.67533 291 199 Kuma 100.99595 290 200 Kuma 58.479251 287 201 Kuma 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Ulsan 31.978345 261 201 Ulsan 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Nasa 8.4793305 259 199 Nasa 78.013329 260 201 Nasa 31.978345 261 201 Nasa 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Haosan 58.479251 287 201 Haosan 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Imweonjin 100.99595 290 200 Imweonjin 58.479251 287 201 Imweonjin 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Heunghae 46.587638 274 201 Heunghae 17.033825 275 201 Heunghae 20.027861 271 202 Heunghae 37.226898 272 202 37.226898 272 202 Byeongyeong 31.978345 261 201 Byeongyeong 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Pohang 20.027861 271 202 Pohang 37.226898 272 202 37.226898 272 202 Ganggu 46.587638 274 201 Ganggu 17.033825 275 201 17.033825 275 201 Ulijin 106.41455 283 202 Ulijin 88.162087 285 202 Ulijin 85.309642 286 202 85.309642 286 202 Pyonggok-tong 77.981283 277 202 Pyonggok-tong 82.191999 278 202 Pyonggok-tong 66.223288 279 202 Pyonggok-tong 115.66766 280 203 Pyonggok-tong 109.51849 281 203 109.51849 281 203 Yeonghae 93.232853 276 202 Yeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Yeonghae 66.223288 279 202 Yeonghae 115.66766 280 203 115.66766 280 203 Chukpyon 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Mangyang-ni 106.41455 283 202 106.41455 283 202 Bangeojin 78.013329 260 201 Bangeojin 31.978345 261 201 Bangeojin 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Segae-dong 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Chugsan-dong 17.033825 275 201 17.033825 275 201 Pyeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Pyeonghae 66.223288 279 202 Pyeonghae 115.66766 280 203 Pyeonghae 109.51849 281 203 Pyeonghae 124.48957 282 203 124.48957 282 203 Chukchon 6.2203324 263 202 Chukchon 79.747847 263 203 Chukchon 63.573531 264 203 Chukchon 55.040343 265 203 Chukchon 111.34147 264 204 Chukchon 99.203069 265 204 Chukchon 95.09201 266 204 Chukchon 91.170309 267 204 91.170309 267 204 Gampo 55.040343 265 203 Gampo 6.655122 268 203 6.655122 268 203 Taech'on 20.027861 271 202 Taech'on 37.226898 272 202 37.226898 272 202 Guryongpo 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Namyang-dong 2179.4052 290 220 Namyang-dong 2084.0219 291 220 Namyang-dong 1937.6108 292 220 Namyang-dong 1785.7039 293 220 Namyang-dong 1591.7211 294 220 1591.7211 294 220 Namyang 2075.8262 290 221 Namyang 1897.4515 291 221 Namyang 1304.2365 292 221 Namyang 1666.7511 293 221 Namyang 2103.6251 294 221 2103.6251 294 221 Nari 2075.8262 290 221 Nari 1897.4515 291 221 Nari 1304.2365 292 221 Nari 1666.7511 293 221 Nari 2103.6251 294 221 2103.6251 294 221 Dodong 2143.7278 290 222 Dodong 1457.4611 291 222 Dodong 28.845367 292 222 Dodong 760.4324 293 222 Dodong 2171.8023 294 222 Dodong 2041.6499 294 225 Dodong 2160.5065 294 226 2160.5065 294 226 Higashi-fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kawajiri 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Tateishi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Furuichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kihado 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Hommura 119.19037 251 225 Hommura 125.03673 252 225 Hommura 117.15727 253 225 Hommura 91.670215 253 226 Hommura 36.227222 251 227 Hommura 51.904146 252 227 Hommura 62.811021 253 227 Hommura 76.023371 251 228 Hommura 65.446379 252 228 Hommura 67.188382 252 229 67.188382 252 229 Fukawa 25.254784 246 227 Fukawa 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Senzaki 25.254784 246 227 Senzaki 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Misumi-ichi 25.254784 246 227 Misumi-ichi 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Kayoi 25.254784 246 227 Kayoi 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Soto 69.179309 247 228 Soto 48.941218 247 229 Soto 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Sammiura 69.179309 247 228 Sammiura 48.941218 247 229 Sammiura 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Hagi 48.941218 247 229 Hagi 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Hommura 48.941218 247 229 Hommura 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Nako 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Kiyo 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Uta 20.137293 247 231 Uta 88.368792 250 231 Uta 83.779042 250 233 Uta 69.542137 250 234 Uta 48.31583 250 235 48.31583 250 235 Susa 55.069102 248 232 Susa 86.255886 250 232 Susa 92.4939 251 232 Susa 93.443639 252 232 Susa 96.781686 252 233 Susa 97.564128 252 234 Susa 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Esaki 74.069933 249 233 Esaki 83.779042 250 233 Esaki 90.998687 251 233 Esaki 90.529231 251 234 Esaki 48.31583 250 235 Esaki 87.564787 251 235 Esaki 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Takatsu 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Masuda 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Tsuda 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Misumi 55.604755 251 237 Misumi 86.230975 252 237 Misumi 112.80373 253 237 112.80373 253 237 Murotani 62.759955 252 238 Murotani 107.34727 253 238 Murotani 120.49405 254 239 120.49405 254 239 Chiwa 62.759955 252 238 Chiwa 107.34727 253 238 Chiwa 120.49405 254 239 120.49405 254 239 Hinashi 62.759955 252 238 Hinashi 107.34727 253 238 Hinashi 133.73524 255 238 Hinashi 113.63255 255 241 Hinashi 95.004958 255 242 95.004958 255 242 Tabase 44.788984 252 239 Tabase 96.372439 253 239 Tabase 120.49405 254 239 120.49405 254 239 Iwami-naganama 44.788984 252 239 Iwami-naganama 96.372439 253 239 Iwami-naganama 120.49405 254 239 Iwami-naganama 134.50477 255 239 Iwami-naganama 113.63255 255 241 Iwami-naganama 95.004958 255 242 Iwami-naganama 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Nagahama 44.788984 252 239 Nagahama 96.372439 253 239 Nagahama 120.49405 254 239 Nagahama 134.50477 255 239 Nagahama 113.63255 255 241 Nagahama 95.004958 255 242 Nagahama 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hamada 44.788984 252 239 Hamada 96.372439 253 239 Hamada 120.49405 254 239 Hamada 134.50477 255 239 Hamada 113.63255 255 241 Hamada 95.004958 255 242 Hamada 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Kami-Kurokawa 60.64226 253 240 Kami-Kurokawa 115.85467 254 240 Kami-Kurokawa 128.95952 255 240 Kami-Kurokawa 113.63255 255 241 Kami-Kurokawa 95.004958 255 242 Kami-Kurokawa 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shimoko 60.64226 253 240 Shimoko 115.85467 254 240 Shimoko 128.95952 255 240 Shimoko 137.47363 256 240 Shimoko 113.63255 255 241 Shimoko 136.50853 256 241 Shimoko 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Togane 60.64226 253 240 Togane 115.85467 254 240 Togane 128.95952 255 240 Togane 137.47363 256 240 Togane 113.63255 255 241 Togane 136.50853 256 241 Togane 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Okubo 60.64226 253 240 Okubo 115.85467 254 240 Okubo 128.95952 255 240 Okubo 137.47363 256 240 Okubo 113.63255 255 241 Okubo 136.50853 256 241 Okubo 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Odani 60.64226 253 240 Odani 115.85467 254 240 Odani 128.95952 255 240 Odani 113.63255 255 241 Odani 95.004958 255 242 Odani 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hashi 60.64226 253 240 Hashi 115.85467 254 240 Hashi 128.95952 255 240 Hashi 137.47363 256 240 Hashi 113.63255 255 241 Hashi 136.50853 256 241 Hashi 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Uyagawa 88.151072 254 241 Uyagawa 113.63255 255 241 Uyagawa 136.50853 256 241 Uyagawa 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shimo-Arifuko 88.151072 254 241 Shimo-Arifuko 113.63255 255 241 Shimo-Arifuko 136.50853 256 241 Shimo-Arifuko 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Tsunozu 88.151072 254 241 Tsunozu 113.63255 255 241 Tsunozu 136.50853 256 241 Tsunozu 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Waki 88.151072 254 241 Waki 113.63255 255 241 Waki 136.50853 256 241 Waki 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Gotsu 88.151072 254 241 Gotsu 113.63255 255 241 Gotsu 136.50853 256 241 Gotsu 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shioya 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Asari 95.004958 255 242 Asari 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Ichimura 95.004958 255 242 Ichimura 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hataguchi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Naka-Tsuchi 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Morimune 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Atada 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Jigozen 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Shimonohama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Miyajima 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kuromatsu 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hatsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hazum-Hongo 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Kohama 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Ichi 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Yunotsu 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Nakaji 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Itsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kami-Ida 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Nakagumi 76.080611 256 244 Nakagumi 108.16557 257 244 Nakagumi 135.47116 258 244 Nakagumi 96.867382 258 246 96.867382 258 246 Mino 3.2965007 245 246 Mino 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Omori 76.080611 256 244 Omori 108.16557 257 244 Omori 135.47116 258 244 Omori 136.60019 259 245 Omori 127.97669 259 246 Omori 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Korenaga 3.2965007 245 246 Korenaga 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nishita 76.080611 256 244 Nishita 108.16557 257 244 Nishita 135.47116 258 244 Nishita 96.867382 258 246 96.867382 258 246 Nimamachi 76.080611 256 244 Nimamachi 108.16557 257 244 Nimamachi 135.47116 258 244 Nimamachi 136.60019 259 245 Nimamachi 127.97669 259 246 Nimamachi 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Takuno 76.080611 256 244 Takuno 108.16557 257 244 Takuno 135.47116 258 244 Takuno 136.60019 259 245 Takuno 127.97669 259 246 Takuno 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Nakanohama 3.2965007 245 246 Nakanohama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Takunomachi 76.080611 256 244 Takunomachi 108.16557 257 244 Takunomachi 135.47116 258 244 Takunomachi 136.60019 259 245 Takunomachi 127.97669 259 246 Takunomachi 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Hata 3.2965007 245 246 Hata 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kanokawa 3.2965007 245 246 Kanokawa 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Osu 3.2965007 245 246 Osu 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakago 3.2965007 245 246 Nakago 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakamachi 3.2965007 245 246 Nakamachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiroshima 3.2965007 245 246 Hiroshima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tsukumo 3.2965007 245 246 Tsukumo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Oura 85.859273 257 245 Oura 127.196 258 245 Oura 136.60019 259 245 Oura 127.97669 259 246 Oura 102.98478 259 247 Oura 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Fukae 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Obara 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Oko 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Hira 85.859273 257 245 Hira 127.196 258 245 Hira 136.60019 259 245 Hira 127.97669 259 246 Hira 102.98478 259 247 Hira 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Umesako 3.2965007 245 246 Umesako 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kakinoura 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Yumbe 85.859273 257 245 Yumbe 127.196 258 245 Yumbe 136.60019 259 245 Yumbe 127.97669 259 246 Yumbe 102.98478 259 247 Yumbe 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Hitonose 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Torii 85.859273 257 245 Torii 127.196 258 245 Torii 136.60019 259 245 Torii 127.97669 259 246 Torii 102.98478 259 247 Torii 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Etajima 3.2965007 245 246 Etajima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kirikushi 3.2965007 245 246 Kirikushi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Okimi 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Koyo 3.2965007 245 246 Koyo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Yukitsune 85.859273 257 245 Yukitsune 127.196 258 245 Yukitsune 136.60019 259 245 Yukitsune 127.97669 259 246 Yukitsune 102.98478 259 247 Yukitsune 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Sugewa 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Kutemachi 96.867382 258 246 Kutemachi 127.97669 259 246 Kutemachi 102.98478 259 247 Kutemachi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Oda 96.867382 258 246 Oda 127.97669 259 246 Oda 102.98478 259 247 Oda 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Ryoshida 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kamigumi 3.2965007 245 246 Kamigumi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Sakioku 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Arikiyo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hamazaki 3.2965007 245 246 Hamazaki 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ondo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Fujinowaki 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Takasu 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hane 96.867382 258 246 Hane 127.97669 259 246 Hane 102.98478 259 247 Hane 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Kaita 3.2965007 245 246 Kaita 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Muroo 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Ideguchi 96.867382 258 246 Ideguchi 127.97669 259 246 Ideguchi 102.98478 259 247 Ideguchi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Hatami 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kaigoshi 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Karoto 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Okujo 3.2965007 245 246 Okujo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiradani 3.2965007 245 246 Hiradani 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kure 3.2965007 245 246 Kure 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Osako 4.7740481 243 248 Osako 29.86239 240 251 Osako 26.376706 242 251 Osako 72.875108 243 251 72.875108 243 251 Jin'yama 8.6907422 244 247 Jin'yama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tagimachi 12.538645 258 247 Tagimachi 102.98478 259 247 Tagimachi 122.62579 261 248 Tagimachi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Kushi-taki 12.538645 258 247 Kushi-taki 102.98478 259 247 Kushi-taki 122.62579 261 248 Kushi-taki 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Nakagori 12.538645 258 247 Nakagori 102.98478 259 247 Nakagori 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Harido 12.538645 258 247 Harido 102.98478 259 247 Harido 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Obama 42.40165 240 250 Obama 29.86239 240 251 29.86239 240 251 Hiromachi 8.6907422 244 247 Hiromachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Uryu 59.786272 259 248 Uryu 98.667583 260 248 Uryu 122.62579 261 248 Uryu 21.176113 259 249 Uryu 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Hatari 42.40165 240 250 Hatari 29.86239 240 251 Hatari 34.767233 241 252 34.767233 241 252 Hinomi-saki 59.786272 259 248 Hinomi-saki 98.667583 260 248 Hinomi-saki 122.62579 261 248 Hinomi-saki 21.176113 259 249 Hinomi-saki 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Mutsuki 42.40165 240 250 Mutsuki 29.86239 240 251 Mutsuki 34.767233 241 252 34.767233 241 252 Shimojima 4.7740481 243 248 Shimojima 29.86239 240 251 Shimojima 26.376706 242 251 Shimojima 72.875108 243 251 Shimojima 7.2322222 242 252 Shimojima 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Ojizo 4.7740481 243 248 Ojizo 29.86239 240 251 Ojizo 26.376706 242 251 Ojizo 72.875108 243 251 Ojizo 7.2322222 242 252 Ojizo 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Washigasu 42.40165 240 250 Washigasu 29.86239 240 251 29.86239 240 251 Jige 59.786272 259 248 Jige 98.667583 260 248 Jige 122.62579 261 248 Jige 21.176113 259 249 Jige 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Sagiura 59.786272 259 248 Sagiura 98.667583 260 248 Sagiura 122.62579 261 248 Sagiura 21.176113 259 249 Sagiura 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Taisha 59.786272 259 248 Taisha 98.667583 260 248 Taisha 122.62579 261 248 Taisha 21.176113 259 249 Taisha 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Saginoura 59.786272 259 248 Saginoura 98.667583 260 248 Saginoura 122.62579 261 248 Saginoura 21.176113 259 249 Saginoura 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Arakayacho 59.786272 259 248 Arakayacho 98.667583 260 248 Arakayacho 122.62579 261 248 Arakayacho 21.176113 259 249 Arakayacho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Ojimacho 59.786272 259 248 Ojimacho 98.667583 260 248 Ojimacho 122.62579 261 248 Ojimacho 21.176113 259 249 Ojimacho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Kawajiri 4.7740481 243 248 Kawajiri 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ebisu 59.786272 259 248 Ebisu 98.667583 260 248 Ebisu 122.62579 261 248 Ebisu 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Sannose 4.7740481 243 248 Sannose 29.86239 240 251 Sannose 26.376706 242 251 Sannose 72.875108 243 251 Sannose 7.2322222 242 252 Sannose 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Osaki-kami-jima 4.7740481 243 248 Osaki-kami-jima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Inomecho 21.176113 259 249 Inomecho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Harahata 4.3081145 243 249 Harahata 8.0319931 242 250 Harahata 26.376706 242 251 Harahata 72.875108 243 251 Harahata 7.2322222 242 252 Harahata 19.349629 243 252 Harahata 72.484521 242 253 Harahata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyazakari 4.3081145 243 249 Miyazakari 31.536176 241 250 Miyazakari 8.0319931 242 250 Miyazakari 41.929864 241 251 Miyazakari 26.376706 242 251 Miyazakari 72.875108 243 251 Miyazakari 7.2322222 242 252 Miyazakari 19.349629 243 252 Miyazakari 72.484521 242 253 Miyazakari 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Koyo 4.3081145 243 249 Koyo 31.536176 241 250 Koyo 8.0319931 242 250 Koyo 41.929864 241 251 Koyo 26.376706 242 251 Koyo 72.875108 243 251 Koyo 7.2322222 242 252 Koyo 19.349629 243 252 Koyo 72.484521 242 253 Koyo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Tado 4.3081145 243 249 Tado 31.536176 241 250 Tado 8.0319931 242 250 Tado 41.929864 241 251 Tado 26.376706 242 251 Tado 72.875108 243 251 Tado 7.2322222 242 252 Tado 19.349629 243 252 Tado 72.484521 242 253 Tado 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hiraki 4.3081145 243 249 Hiraki 8.0319931 242 250 Hiraki 26.376706 242 251 Hiraki 72.875108 243 251 Hiraki 7.2322222 242 252 Hiraki 19.349629 243 252 Hiraki 72.484521 242 253 Hiraki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchinoumi 4.3081145 243 249 Uchinoumi 8.0319931 242 250 Uchinoumi 26.376706 242 251 Uchinoumi 72.875108 243 251 Uchinoumi 7.2322222 242 252 Uchinoumi 19.349629 243 252 Uchinoumi 72.484521 242 253 Uchinoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oura 4.3081145 243 249 Oura 42.40165 240 250 Oura 29.86239 240 251 Oura 26.376706 242 251 Oura 72.875108 243 251 Oura 7.2322222 242 252 Oura 19.349629 243 252 Oura 72.484521 242 253 Oura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Upporoi 53.057323 260 249 Upporoi 42.2413 261 249 Upporoi 2.841304 260 250 Upporoi 89.136776 262 250 Upporoi 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Oi 53.057323 260 249 Oi 42.2413 261 249 Oi 2.841304 260 250 Oi 89.136776 262 250 Oi 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Mitsuguchi 4.3081145 243 249 Mitsuguchi 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsuguchi 26.376706 242 251 Mitsuguchi 72.875108 243 251 Mitsuguchi 7.2322222 242 252 Mitsuguchi 19.349629 243 252 Mitsuguchi 72.484521 242 253 Mitsuguchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozucho 21.176113 259 249 Kozucho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Horie 42.40165 240 250 Horie 29.86239 240 251 29.86239 240 251 Kami-Oda 72.875108 243 251 Kami-Oda 19.349629 243 252 Kami-Oda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hojo 42.40165 240 250 Hojo 29.86239 240 251 Hojo 34.767233 241 252 Hojo 39.500802 241 253 39.500802 241 253 Kazahaya 8.0319931 242 250 Kazahaya 26.376706 242 251 Kazahaya 72.875108 243 251 Kazahaya 7.2322222 242 252 Kazahaya 19.349629 243 252 Kazahaya 72.484521 242 253 Kazahaya 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kuchi-Ukacho 2.841304 260 250 Kuchi-Ukacho 89.136776 262 250 Kuchi-Ukacho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Komatsubara 8.0319931 242 250 Komatsubara 26.376706 242 251 Komatsubara 72.875108 243 251 Komatsubara 7.2322222 242 252 Komatsubara 19.349629 243 252 Komatsubara 72.484521 242 253 Komatsubara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchiura 42.40165 240 250 Uchiura 29.86239 240 251 Uchiura 26.376706 242 251 Uchiura 72.875108 243 251 Uchiura 7.2322222 242 252 Uchiura 19.349629 243 252 Uchiura 72.484521 242 253 Uchiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kanashi 72.875108 243 251 Kanashi 19.349629 243 252 Kanashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Asanamihar 42.40165 240 250 Asanamihar 29.86239 240 251 Asanamihar 26.376706 242 251 Asanamihar 7.2322222 242 252 Asanamihar 72.484521 242 253 Asanamihar 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Agejima 2.841304 260 250 Agejima 89.136776 262 250 Agejima 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Mitsu 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsu 26.376706 242 251 Mitsu 72.875108 243 251 Mitsu 7.2322222 242 252 Mitsu 19.349629 243 252 Mitsu 72.484521 242 253 Mitsu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 2.841304 260 250 Hama 89.136776 262 250 Hama 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Nada 2.841304 260 250 Nada 89.136776 262 250 Nada 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Kubi 42.40165 240 250 Kubi 29.86239 240 251 Kubi 26.376706 242 251 Kubi 72.875108 243 251 Kubi 7.2322222 242 252 Kubi 19.349629 243 252 Kubi 72.484521 242 253 Kubi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okitomo 29.86239 240 251 Okitomo 26.376706 242 251 Okitomo 72.875108 243 251 Okitomo 7.2322222 242 252 Okitomo 19.349629 243 252 Okitomo 72.484521 242 253 Okitomo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 29.86239 240 251 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 7.2322222 242 252 Hama 72.484521 242 253 Hama 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Ocho 29.86239 240 251 Ocho 26.376706 242 251 Ocho 72.875108 243 251 Ocho 7.2322222 242 252 Ocho 19.349629 243 252 Ocho 72.484521 242 253 Ocho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okushi 41.929864 241 251 Okushi 26.376706 242 251 Okushi 72.875108 243 251 Okushi 7.2322222 242 252 Okushi 19.349629 243 252 Okushi 72.484521 242 253 Okushi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Daicho 29.86239 240 251 Daicho 26.376706 242 251 Daicho 72.875108 243 251 Daicho 7.2322222 242 252 Daicho 19.349629 243 252 Daicho 72.484521 242 253 Daicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakaura 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Matsuo 29.86239 240 251 Matsuo 26.376706 242 251 Matsuo 7.2322222 242 252 Matsuo 72.484521 242 253 Matsuo 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Mitarai 29.86239 240 251 Mitarai 26.376706 242 251 Mitarai 72.875108 243 251 Mitarai 7.2322222 242 252 Mitarai 19.349629 243 252 Mitarai 72.484521 242 253 Mitarai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 72.875108 243 251 Hama 7.2322222 242 252 Hama 19.349629 243 252 Hama 72.484521 242 253 Hama 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Akashi 41.929864 241 251 Akashi 26.376706 242 251 Akashi 72.875108 243 251 Akashi 7.2322222 242 252 Akashi 19.349629 243 252 Akashi 72.484521 242 253 Akashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sukune 72.875108 243 251 Sukune 19.349629 243 252 Sukune 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Nakano 41.929864 241 251 Nakano 26.376706 242 251 Nakano 72.875108 243 251 Nakano 7.2322222 242 252 Nakano 19.349629 243 252 Nakano 72.484521 242 253 Nakano 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozakai 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Obe 24.619908 240 252 Obe 34.767233 241 252 Obe 7.2322222 242 252 Obe 19.349629 243 252 Obe 72.484521 242 253 Obe 53.506904 242 254 Obe 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Okiura 34.767233 241 252 Okiura 7.2322222 242 252 Okiura 19.349629 243 252 Okiura 72.484521 242 253 Okiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakata 24.619908 240 252 Sakata 34.767233 241 252 Sakata 7.2322222 242 252 Sakata 19.349629 243 252 Sakata 72.484521 242 253 Sakata 53.506904 242 254 Sakata 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Takehara 19.349629 243 252 Takehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kinoe 34.767233 241 252 Kinoe 7.2322222 242 252 Kinoe 19.349629 243 252 Kinoe 72.484521 242 253 Kinoe 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Onashi 19.349629 243 252 Onashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shiramizu 7.2322222 242 252 Shiramizu 19.349629 243 252 Shiramizu 72.484521 242 253 Shiramizu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oi 24.619908 240 252 Oi 34.767233 241 252 Oi 7.2322222 242 252 Oi 19.349629 243 252 Oi 72.484521 242 253 Oi 53.506904 242 254 Oi 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Takasakicho 19.349629 243 252 Takasakicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Ono 24.619908 240 252 Ono 34.767233 241 252 Ono 7.2322222 242 252 Ono 72.484521 242 253 Ono 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Takasaki 19.349629 243 252 Takasaki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Namikata 24.619908 240 252 Namikata 34.767233 241 252 Namikata 7.2322222 242 252 Namikata 19.349629 243 252 Namikata 72.484521 242 253 Namikata 53.506904 242 254 Namikata 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Munagata 34.767233 241 252 Munagata 7.2322222 242 252 Munagata 19.349629 243 252 Munagata 72.484521 242 253 Munagata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mitabe 164.86729 269 252 Mitabe 136.07093 272 254 Mitabe 91.853673 272 255 Mitabe 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Fukuda 19.349629 243 252 Fukuda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Dozen 164.86729 269 252 Dozen 136.07093 272 254 Dozen 91.853673 272 255 Dozen 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hasihama 24.619908 240 252 Hasihama 34.767233 241 252 Hasihama 7.2322222 242 252 Hasihama 19.349629 243 252 Hasihama 72.484521 242 253 Hasihama 53.506904 242 254 Hasihama 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuchisubo 34.767233 241 252 Kuchisubo 7.2322222 242 252 Kuchisubo 19.349629 243 252 Kuchisubo 72.484521 242 253 Kuchisubo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Aikamachi 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Kinehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Chinzaki 144.14125 269 253 Chinzaki 146.82765 270 253 Chinzaki 173.95197 272 253 Chinzaki 111.72703 270 254 Chinzaki 136.07093 272 254 Chinzaki 91.853673 272 255 Chinzaki 72.084719 272 256 Chinzaki 77.981532 269 257 77.981532 269 257 Etomo 91.852351 263 253 Etomo 98.315461 264 253 Etomo 82.589962 263 254 Etomo 58.761116 263 255 Etomo 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tadanoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Urago 144.14125 269 253 Urago 146.82765 270 253 Urago 173.95197 272 253 Urago 111.72703 270 254 Urago 136.07093 272 254 Urago 91.853673 272 255 Urago 72.084719 272 256 Urago 77.981532 269 257 77.981532 269 257 Higai 72.484521 242 253 Higai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyanoura 39.500802 241 253 Miyanoura 72.484521 242 253 Miyanoura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Terasu 91.852351 263 253 Terasu 98.315461 264 253 Terasu 82.589962 263 254 Terasu 58.761116 263 255 Terasu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tamagi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Imabari 39.500802 241 253 Imabari 72.484521 242 253 Imabari 53.506904 242 254 Imabari 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Sada-Miyauchi 91.852351 263 253 Sada-Miyauchi 98.315461 264 253 Sada-Miyauchi 82.589962 263 254 Sada-Miyauchi 58.761116 263 255 Sada-Miyauchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Funakoshi 144.14125 269 253 Funakoshi 146.82765 270 253 Funakoshi 173.95197 272 253 Funakoshi 111.72703 270 254 Funakoshi 136.07093 272 254 Funakoshi 91.853673 272 255 Funakoshi 72.084719 272 256 Funakoshi 77.981532 269 257 77.981532 269 257 Hashi 144.14125 269 253 Hashi 146.82765 270 253 Hashi 173.95197 272 253 Hashi 111.72703 270 254 Hashi 136.07093 272 254 Hashi 91.853673 272 255 Hashi 72.084719 272 256 Hashi 77.981532 269 257 77.981532 269 257 Inokuchi 72.484521 242 253 Inokuchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mukuna 39.500802 241 253 Mukuna 72.484521 242 253 Mukuna 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shimogumi 91.852351 263 253 Shimogumi 98.315461 264 253 Shimogumi 82.589962 263 254 Shimogumi 58.761116 263 255 Shimogumi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kitaura 39.500802 241 253 Kitaura 72.484521 242 253 Kitaura 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Sakai 72.484521 242 253 Sakai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Urumi 133.67207 268 253 Urumi 90.540608 268 255 Urumi 91.853673 272 255 Urumi 72.084719 272 256 Urumi 78.245891 268 257 Urumi 77.981532 269 257 77.981532 269 257 Niburi 133.67207 268 253 Niburi 90.540608 268 255 Niburi 91.853673 272 255 Niburi 72.084719 272 256 Niburi 78.245891 268 257 Niburi 77.981532 269 257 77.981532 269 257 Noji 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Go-Sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Hama-sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Ryomei 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minamiura 53.506904 242 254 Minamiura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Mitajiri 121.19467 269 254 Mitajiri 111.72703 270 254 Mitajiri 136.07093 272 254 Mitajiri 91.853673 272 255 Mitajiri 72.084719 272 256 Mitajiri 77.981532 269 257 Mitajiri 96.292275 271 258 Mitajiri 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Beppu 121.19467 269 254 Beppu 111.72703 270 254 Beppu 136.07093 272 254 Beppu 91.853673 272 255 Beppu 72.084719 272 256 Beppu 77.981532 269 257 Beppu 96.292275 271 258 Beppu 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Kori 118.2324 268 254 Kori 90.540608 268 255 Kori 91.853673 272 255 Kori 72.084719 272 256 Kori 78.245891 268 257 Kori 77.981532 269 257 Kori 96.292275 271 258 Kori 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Saiwaishinden 53.506904 242 254 Saiwaishinden 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Oyama 121.19467 269 254 Oyama 111.72703 270 254 Oyama 136.07093 272 254 Oyama 91.853673 272 255 Oyama 72.084719 272 256 Oyama 77.981532 269 257 Oyama 96.292275 271 258 Oyama 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Seto 53.506904 242 254 Seto 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Niregi 82.589962 263 254 Niregi 58.761116 263 255 Niregi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kuratani 121.19467 269 254 Kuratani 111.72703 270 254 Kuratani 136.07093 272 254 Kuratani 91.853673 272 255 Kuratani 72.084719 272 256 Kuratani 77.981532 269 257 Kuratani 96.292275 271 258 Kuratani 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Usuge 118.2324 268 254 Usuge 90.540608 268 255 Usuge 91.853673 272 255 Usuge 72.084719 272 256 Usuge 78.245891 268 257 Usuge 77.981532 269 257 Usuge 96.292275 271 258 Usuge 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Hama 82.589962 263 254 Hama 58.761116 263 255 Hama 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yosokuni 53.506904 242 254 Yosokuni 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuranotani 121.19467 269 254 Kuranotani 111.72703 270 254 Kuranotani 136.07093 272 254 Kuranotani 91.853673 272 255 Kuranotani 72.084719 272 256 Kuranotani 77.981532 269 257 Kuranotani 96.292275 271 258 Kuranotani 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Wadacho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuwaki 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Miyakubo 53.506904 242 254 Miyakubo 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Uga 121.19467 269 254 Uga 111.72703 270 254 Uga 136.07093 272 254 Uga 91.853673 272 255 Uga 72.084719 272 256 Uga 77.981532 269 257 Uga 96.292275 271 258 Uga 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Tomoura 53.506904 242 254 Tomoura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Fukui 121.19467 269 254 Fukui 111.72703 270 254 Fukui 136.07093 272 254 Fukui 91.853673 272 255 Fukui 72.084719 272 256 Fukui 77.981532 269 257 Fukui 96.292275 271 258 Fukui 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Aoya 118.2324 268 254 Aoya 90.540608 268 255 Aoya 91.853673 272 255 Aoya 72.084719 272 256 Aoya 78.245891 268 257 Aoya 77.981532 269 257 Aoya 96.292275 271 258 Aoya 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Hinozu 121.19467 269 254 Hinozu 111.72703 270 254 Hinozu 136.07093 272 254 Hinozu 91.853673 272 255 Hinozu 72.084719 272 256 Hinozu 77.981532 269 257 Hinozu 96.292275 271 258 Hinozu 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Sunamicho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kone 53.506904 242 254 Kone 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Saki 118.2324 268 254 Saki 90.540608 268 255 Saki 91.853673 272 255 Saki 72.084719 272 256 Saki 78.245891 268 257 Saki 77.981532 269 257 Saki 96.292275 271 258 Saki 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Setoda 53.506904 242 254 Setoda 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minami 121.19467 269 254 Minami 111.72703 270 254 Minami 136.07093 272 254 Minami 91.853673 272 255 Minami 72.084719 272 256 Minami 77.981532 269 257 Minami 96.292275 271 258 Minami 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Tako 82.589962 263 254 Tako 58.761116 263 255 Tako 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Oi 118.2324 268 254 Oi 90.540608 268 255 Oi 91.853673 272 255 Oi 72.084719 272 256 Oi 78.245891 268 257 Oi 77.981532 269 257 Oi 96.292275 271 258 Oi 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Kitabun 121.19467 269 254 Kitabun 111.72703 270 254 Kitabun 136.07093 272 254 Kitabun 91.853673 272 255 Kitabun 72.084719 272 256 Kitabun 77.981532 269 257 Kitabun 96.292275 271 258 Kitabun 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Nonami 58.761116 263 255 Nonami 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Utsuka 89.335964 269 255 Utsuka 91.853673 272 255 Utsuka 72.084719 272 256 Utsuka 77.981532 269 257 Utsuka 96.292275 271 258 Utsuka 63.004105 272 258 Utsuka 22.247848 272 259 22.247848 272 259 Chichii 89.335964 269 255 Chichii 91.853673 272 255 Chichii 72.084719 272 256 Chichii 77.981532 269 257 Chichii 96.292275 271 258 Chichii 63.004105 272 258 Chichii 22.247848 272 259 22.247848 272 259 Hobomi 89.335964 269 255 Hobomi 91.853673 272 255 Hobomi 72.084719 272 256 Hobomi 77.981532 269 257 Hobomi 96.292275 271 258 Hobomi 63.004105 272 258 Hobomi 22.247848 272 259 22.247848 272 259 Toyota 89.335964 269 255 Toyota 91.853673 272 255 Toyota 72.084719 272 256 Toyota 77.981532 269 257 Toyota 96.292275 271 258 Toyota 63.004105 272 258 Toyota 22.247848 272 259 22.247848 272 259 Nota 89.335964 269 255 Nota 91.853673 272 255 Nota 72.084719 272 256 Nota 77.981532 269 257 Nota 96.292275 271 258 Nota 63.004105 272 258 Nota 22.247848 272 259 22.247848 272 259 Chikumi 58.761116 263 255 Chikumi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Mambara 58.761116 263 255 Mambara 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Nagaoda 72.084719 272 256 Nagaoda 63.004105 272 258 Nagaoda 22.247848 272 259 Nagaoda 71.063169 272 260 Nagaoda 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Katae 57.606975 264 256 Katae 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yui 72.084719 272 256 Yui 17.898566 271 257 Yui 96.292275 271 258 Yui 63.004105 272 258 Yui 22.247848 272 259 Yui 149.12927 271 260 Yui 71.063169 272 260 Yui 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Fukura 72.084719 272 256 Fukura 63.004105 272 258 Fukura 22.247848 272 259 Fukura 71.063169 272 260 Fukura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Moriyama 57.606975 264 256 Moriyama 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Nagu 72.084719 272 256 Nagu 17.898566 271 257 Nagu 96.292275 271 258 Nagu 63.004105 272 258 Nagu 22.247848 272 259 Nagu 149.12927 271 260 Nagu 71.063169 272 260 Nagu 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Wataricho 57.606975 264 256 Wataricho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tonoecho 57.606975 264 256 Tonoecho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Otsugu 72.084719 272 256 Otsugu 17.898566 271 257 Otsugu 96.292275 271 258 Otsugu 63.004105 272 258 Otsugu 22.247848 272 259 Otsugu 149.12927 271 260 Otsugu 71.063169 272 260 Otsugu 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Watari 57.606975 264 256 Watari 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Shichirui 57.606975 264 256 Shichirui 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Shiro 72.084719 272 256 Shiro 63.004105 272 258 Shiro 22.247848 272 259 Shiro 71.063169 272 260 Shiro 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kumi 72.084719 272 256 Kumi 63.004105 272 258 Kumi 22.247848 272 259 Kumi 71.063169 272 260 Kumi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Naguchi 64.009701 272 257 Naguchi 113.24509 274 257 Naguchi 175.14191 275 257 Naguchi 63.004105 272 258 Naguchi 22.247848 272 259 Naguchi 71.063169 272 260 Naguchi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Minamigata 64.009701 272 257 Minamigata 113.24509 274 257 Minamigata 175.14191 275 257 Minamigata 63.004105 272 258 Minamigata 22.247848 272 259 Minamigata 71.063169 272 260 Minamigata 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamisato 17.898566 271 257 Kamisato 96.292275 271 258 Kamisato 63.004105 272 258 Kamisato 22.247848 272 259 Kamisato 149.12927 271 260 Kamisato 71.063169 272 260 Kamisato 101.71401 275 260 Kamisato 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Mukoyama 17.898566 271 257 Mukoyama 96.292275 271 258 Mukoyama 63.004105 272 258 Mukoyama 22.247848 272 259 Mukoyama 149.12927 271 260 Mukoyama 71.063169 272 260 Mukoyama 101.71401 275 260 Mukoyama 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Tsudo 74.580521 270 257 Tsudo 17.898566 271 257 Tsudo 99.890666 270 258 Tsudo 96.292275 271 258 Tsudo 63.004105 272 258 Tsudo 22.247848 272 259 Tsudo 149.12927 271 260 Tsudo 71.063169 272 260 Tsudo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Takenouchicho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Sakai-Minato 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Fukuura 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yoshizu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Koii 64.009701 272 257 Koii 113.24509 274 257 Koii 175.14191 275 257 Koii 63.004105 272 258 Koii 22.247848 272 259 Koii 71.063169 272 260 Koii 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kori 64.009701 272 257 Kori 113.24509 274 257 Kori 175.14191 275 257 Kori 63.004105 272 258 Kori 22.247848 272 259 Kori 71.063169 272 260 Kori 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 O-Shinozucho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kitagata 64.009701 272 257 Kitagata 113.24509 274 257 Kitagata 175.14191 275 257 Kitagata 63.004105 272 258 Kitagata 22.247848 272 259 Kitagata 71.063169 272 260 Kitagata 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Yamad 64.009701 272 257 Yamad 113.24509 274 257 Yamad 175.14191 275 257 Yamad 63.004105 272 258 Yamad 22.247848 272 259 Yamad 71.063169 272 260 Yamad 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kumozu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Utagi 17.898566 271 257 Utagi 96.292275 271 258 Utagi 63.004105 272 258 Utagi 22.247848 272 259 Utagi 149.12927 271 260 Utagi 71.063169 272 260 Utagi 101.71401 275 260 Utagi 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Igo 64.009701 272 257 Igo 113.24509 274 257 Igo 175.14191 275 257 Igo 63.004105 272 258 Igo 22.247848 272 259 Igo 71.063169 272 260 Igo 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamiguchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kamo 74.580521 270 257 Kamo 17.898566 271 257 Kamo 99.890666 270 258 Kamo 96.292275 271 258 Kamo 63.004105 272 258 Kamo 22.247848 272 259 Kamo 149.12927 271 260 Kamo 71.063169 272 260 Kamo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kambi 74.580521 270 257 Kambi 17.898566 271 257 Kambi 99.890666 270 258 Kambi 96.292275 271 258 Kambi 63.004105 272 258 Kambi 22.247848 272 259 Kambi 149.12927 271 260 Kambi 71.063169 272 260 Kambi 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Higuchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Goto 16.831275 262 260 Goto 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nishimura 64.009701 272 257 Nishimura 113.24509 274 257 Nishimura 175.14191 275 257 Nishimura 63.004105 272 258 Nishimura 22.247848 272 259 Nishimura 71.063169 272 260 Nishimura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Harada 96.292275 271 258 Harada 63.004105 272 258 Harada 22.247848 272 259 Harada 149.12927 271 260 Harada 71.063169 272 260 Harada 101.71401 275 260 Harada 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kamidani 61.276459 264 258 Kamidani 56.677483 264 259 56.677483 264 259 Mihonoseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonoseki 56.677483 264 259 56.677483 264 259 Ikeda 96.292275 271 258 Ikeda 63.004105 272 258 Ikeda 22.247848 272 259 Ikeda 149.12927 271 260 Ikeda 71.063169 272 260 Ikeda 101.71401 275 260 Ikeda 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Nakamura 63.004105 272 258 Nakamura 22.247848 272 259 Nakamura 71.063169 272 260 Nakamura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Nishida 96.292275 271 258 Nishida 63.004105 272 258 Nishida 22.247848 272 259 Nishida 149.12927 271 260 Nishida 71.063169 272 260 Nishida 101.71401 275 260 Nishida 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Mihonseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonseki 56.677483 264 259 56.677483 264 259 Minoura 99.890666 270 258 Minoura 96.292275 271 258 Minoura 63.004105 272 258 Minoura 22.247848 272 259 Minoura 149.12927 271 260 Minoura 71.063169 272 260 Minoura 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Abe 16.831275 262 260 Abe 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Gonya 63.004105 272 258 Gonya 22.247848 272 259 Gonya 71.063169 272 260 Gonya 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Misaki 99.890666 270 258 Misaki 96.292275 271 258 Misaki 63.004105 272 258 Misaki 22.247848 272 259 Misaki 149.12927 271 260 Misaki 71.063169 272 260 Misaki 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Araki 96.292275 271 258 Araki 63.004105 272 258 Araki 22.247848 272 259 Araki 149.12927 271 260 Araki 71.063169 272 260 Araki 101.71401 275 260 Araki 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Yonago 16.831275 262 260 Yonago 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Takei 96.292275 271 258 Takei 63.004105 272 258 Takei 22.247848 272 259 Takei 149.12927 271 260 Takei 71.063169 272 260 Takei 101.71401 275 260 Takei 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Sei 96.292275 271 258 Sei 63.004105 272 258 Sei 22.247848 272 259 Sei 149.12927 271 260 Sei 71.063169 272 260 Sei 101.71401 275 260 Sei 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Iibi 63.004105 272 258 Iibi 22.247848 272 259 Iibi 71.063169 272 260 Iibi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Togo 96.292275 271 258 Togo 63.004105 272 258 Togo 22.247848 272 259 Togo 149.12927 271 260 Togo 71.063169 272 260 Togo 101.71401 275 260 Togo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Iida 96.292275 271 258 Iida 63.004105 272 258 Iida 22.247848 272 259 Iida 149.12927 271 260 Iida 71.063169 272 260 Iida 101.71401 275 260 Iida 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Higashi-Fukuhara 16.831275 262 260 Higashi-Fukuhara 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Uzuki 63.004105 272 258 Uzuki 22.247848 272 259 Uzuki 71.063169 272 260 Uzuki 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kami-fukubara 16.831275 262 260 Kami-fukubara 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kaike-Onsen 16.831275 262 260 Kaike-Onsen 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Saigo 96.292275 271 258 Saigo 63.004105 272 258 Saigo 22.247848 272 259 Saigo 149.12927 271 260 Saigo 71.063169 272 260 Saigo 101.71401 275 260 Saigo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Inugu 123.16414 271 259 Inugu 22.247848 272 259 Inugu 149.12927 271 260 Inugu 71.063169 272 260 Inugu 101.71401 275 260 Inugu 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kama 123.16414 271 259 Kama 22.247848 272 259 Kama 149.12927 271 260 Kama 71.063169 272 260 Kama 101.71401 275 260 Kama 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Oku 123.16414 271 259 Oku 22.247848 272 259 Oku 149.12927 271 260 Oku 71.063169 272 260 Oku 101.71401 275 260 Oku 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kuzumo 16.831275 262 260 Kuzumo 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Soda 16.831275 262 260 Soda 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kaya 16.831275 262 260 Kaya 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kawaoka 16.831275 262 260 Kawaoka 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Odaka 16.831275 262 260 Odaka 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Sueyoshi 16.831275 262 260 Sueyoshi 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Muki 16.831275 262 260 Muki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Yodoe 16.831275 262 260 Yodoe 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nawa 17.849925 262 261 Nawa 34.655903 263 261 Nawa 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Kami Daison 17.849925 262 261 Kami Daison 34.655903 263 261 Kami Daison 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Shitatsubo 17.849925 262 261 Shitatsubo 34.655903 263 261 Shitatsubo 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Takahashi 17.849925 262 261 Takahashi 34.655903 263 261 Takahashi 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Nagano 17.849925 262 261 Nagano 34.655903 263 261 Nagano 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Uwaichi 17.849925 262 261 Uwaichi 34.655903 263 261 Uwaichi 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Akasaka 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Uematsu 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Hata 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Notsu 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Idekami 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Yawata 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Bessho 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Akasaki Ko 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Miyaki 39.254898 263 263 Miyaki 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Yabase 39.254898 263 263 Yabase 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Ho 39.254898 263 263 Ho 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Urayasu 39.254898 263 263 Urayasu 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Kogane 39.254898 263 263 Kogane 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Kanaya 37.089394 263 264 Kanaya 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Sugishita 37.089394 263 264 Sugishita 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Shimontane 37.089394 263 264 Shimontane 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Otani 37.089394 263 264 Otani 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Yura 37.089394 263 264 Yura 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Yurajuku 37.089394 263 264 Yurajuku 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Yurashuku 37.089394 263 264 Yurashuku 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Nishisono 37.089394 263 264 Nishisono 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Seto 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Kitano 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Yonesato 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Yumihara 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Ekita 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Koda 45.857399 263 266 Koda 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Shinden 45.857399 263 266 Shinden 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kaita 45.857399 263 266 Kaita 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Nagase 45.857399 263 266 Nagase 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Tajiri 45.857399 263 266 Tajiri 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Egita 45.857399 263 266 Egita 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kodota 45.857399 263 266 Kodota 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Shimo Asozu 45.857399 263 266 Shimo Asozu 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kami Asozu 45.857399 263 266 Kami Asozu 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Hashizu 45.857399 263 266 Hashizu 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Matsuzaki 44.868822 263 267 Matsuzaki 69.882882 264 267 Matsuzaki 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Hara 44.868822 263 267 Hara 69.882882 264 267 Hara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Urushihara 44.868822 263 267 Urushihara 69.882882 264 267 Urushihara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Tomari 44.868822 263 267 Tomari 69.882882 264 267 Tomari 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Narutake 44.868822 263 267 Narutake 69.882882 264 267 Narutake 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Yoshikawa 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Okuzaki 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/CalcInputDeck.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin/coastalImpact -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/ > /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/outCostalImpact.txt SELECT id, SHAPE_LENG,AsText(Geometry) FROM 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/mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/ (289, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Erdaogou 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Binhaicun 19.666559 309 24 19.666559 309 24 Tangjiahe 19.666559 309 24 19.666559 309 24 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 23.439165 311 24 23.439165 311 24 Lijiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Lijiapu 32.536843 305 26 32.536843 305 26 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 23.439165 311 24 Zhaojiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Zhaojiapu 32.536843 305 26 32.536843 305 26 Liuhongbo 9.4160888 308 24 Liuhongbo 32.536843 305 26 32.536843 305 26 Xujiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Xujiapu 32.536843 305 26 32.536843 305 26 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 2.2402331 315 27 Pehtang 3.998393 316 27 Pehtang 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 3.998393 316 27 Qingtuozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 3.998393 316 27 Caijiapu 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 Shuangqiaozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 Heiyanzi 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 8.895146 315 31 Beipu 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 9.3410776 314 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 Nancaoji 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 6.5440418 316 41 Yang-chiao 6.7658682 289 45 6.7658682 289 45 Yancangcheng 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Hsing-chuang 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Haitou 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Shiqiao 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Hsia-k'ou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Jiuliqi 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Che-wang 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 Tuanlin 2.4748921 324 50 Tuanlin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Fenshui 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 2.4748921 324 50 Dapuhe 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Andongwei 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 Xihenancun 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Xugou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Lanshantou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Taolekow 4.2500724 257 51 Taolekow 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Liujiazhai 7.0120592 258 52 Liujiazhai 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Dongxi Liandao 3.7698366 249 50 Dongxi Liandao 2.4063058 251 50 2.4063058 251 50 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 Guidizhai 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 Shandongpu 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Shijiusuo 7.0120592 258 52 Shijiusuo 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 Ch'ien-ma-fang 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 Qinhuangdao 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 Shanhaiguan 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Yanweigang 3.7995859 249 55 Yanweigang 2.1817413 247 57 2.1817413 247 57 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 Nanhai 9.4273718 328 55 9.4273718 328 55 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 5.8558936 263 55 5.8558936 263 55 Hutouya 2.0267187 287 55 2.0267187 287 55 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Xiahecheng 10.073142 263 56 10.073142 263 56 Zhangjialou 7.463872 265 59 Zhangjialou 38.636578 266 59 38.636578 266 59 Dayuan 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Hongshiya 4.0704735 272 62 Hongshiya 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Lingshanwei 6.2537308 267 61 6.2537308 267 61 Hsin-chuang 9.3603672 292 61 9.3603672 292 61 Houwan 6.7995416 268 62 Houwan 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Yantaiqian 6.2537308 267 61 6.2537308 267 61 Xianlang 6.7995416 268 62 Xianlang 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Qimudao 12.014129 293 61 12.014129 293 61 Liuduo 3.6349543 242 65 Liuduo 3.0238823 243 65 3.0238823 243 65 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 7.0709729 292 62 Ta-yu-chien 4.1783146 246 62 Ta-yu-chien 5.6590537 245 63 5.6590537 245 63 Beizhuang 18.338013 267 62 Beizhuang 6.7995416 268 62 Beizhuang 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Sifang 6.4712836 271 63 Sifang 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Chengyang 2.0228224 272 63 Chengyang 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Qingdao 6.4712836 271 63 Qingdao 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Fushansuo 11.126148 269 64 Fushansuo 24.269815 270 64 Fushansuo 19.271288 271 64 Fushansuo 2.5193449 272 64 Fushansuo 4.427021 272 65 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Huangshagang 12.410759 238 67 Huangshagang 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Shuangyangzha 14.317102 239 66 Shuangyangzha 3.3140068 240 66 Shuangyangzha 4.5126978 241 66 4.5126978 241 66 Ts'ang-k'ou 24.269815 270 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 19.271288 271 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 2.5193449 272 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 4.427021 272 65 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 19.271288 271 64 Hsien-chia-chai 2.5193449 272 64 Hsien-chia-chai 4.427021 272 65 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 T'ang-sheng-chiang 12.410759 238 67 T'ang-sheng-chiang 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Dongxiaohai 14.317102 239 66 Dongxiaohai 12.410759 238 67 Dongxiaohai 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Lu-kang 4.9192683 92 66 4.9192683 92 66 Xinyanggang 7.5299407 236 68 Xinyanggang 2.0820892 234 69 2.0820892 234 69 Shazikou 20.069832 269 66 Shazikou 11.033439 270 66 11.033439 270 66 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 Shahousuo 11.244679 335 70 Shahousuo 6.1154367 336 70 6.1154367 336 70 Ching-shui 11.849512 95 68 11.849512 95 68 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 Niejia 6.4326869 296 68 Niejia 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Hai huang 11.849512 95 68 11.849512 95 68 Wanggezhuang 22.958528 272 71 Wanggezhuang 6.6305521 273 71 Wanggezhuang 7.8042088 274 71 Wanggezhuang 2.1714545 275 71 Wanggezhuang 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 Beigou 6.4326869 296 68 Beigou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Yuan-li 11.849512 95 68 11.849512 95 68 Tung-hsiao 11.849512 95 68 11.849512 95 68 Aoshanwei 6.6305521 273 71 Aoshanwei 7.8042088 274 71 Aoshanwei 2.1714545 275 71 Aoshanwei 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Chang'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Lo-yu 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Xiabu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Jingliuwei 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 25.4412 184 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Banling 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 6.0252144 297 70 Dengzhou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Zhuangyuanqiao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Kaiyangtu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Changyinsha 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chao-feng-chen 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Qianduanjiawei 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 6.0252144 297 70 Penglai 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Chin-chia-k'ou 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Ling-hsia 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Huangwan 25.4412 184 73 Huangwan 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Longwan 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Lu-ching-chiang 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Gao'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Siqianjie 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dongtaihezha 8.3752368 226 73 8.3752368 226 73 Nantong 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Liulishe 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xiaodoumen 3.2494402 149 73 Xiaodoumen 61.424401 150 75 Xiaodoumen 58.30363 151 75 58.30363 151 75 Baixiang 3.2494402 149 73 Baixiang 61.424401 150 75 Baixiang 58.30363 151 75 58.30363 151 75 Shan-ch'ien 3.2494402 149 73 Shan-ch'ien 61.424401 150 75 Shan-ch'ien 58.30363 151 75 58.30363 151 75 Wangcun 2.1714545 275 71 Wangcun 12.805352 276 71 Wangcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Wali 7.8042088 274 71 Wali 2.1714545 275 71 Wali 12.805352 276 71 Wali 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Jiangtan 3.2494402 149 73 Jiangtan 61.424401 150 75 Jiangtan 58.30363 151 75 58.30363 151 75 Ganpu 25.4412 184 73 Ganpu 17.456245 185 73 Ganpu 4.6144463 187 75 Ganpu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Zhaoqiao 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 3.2494402 149 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 61.424401 150 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 58.30363 151 75 58.30363 151 75 Hsieh-t'ang 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Liu-tsao 21.476786 219 74 Liu-tsao 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Xingcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Haiyan 17.456245 185 73 Haiyan 4.6144463 187 75 Haiyan 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsia-chia-fou 3.2494402 149 73 Hsia-chia-fou 61.424401 150 75 Hsia-chia-fou 58.30363 151 75 Hsia-chia-fou 38.790019 152 76 38.790019 152 76 Changchuanba 25.4412 184 73 Changchuanba 17.456245 185 73 Changchuanba 4.6144463 187 75 Changchuanba 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Bixishi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Xizhoushi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsin-k'ai-kang 9.9643812 209 73 Hsin-k'ai-kang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Baizhuzhen 5.4299814 186 75 Baizhuzhen 4.6144463 187 75 Baizhuzhen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ch'eng-ao 3.2494402 149 73 Ch'eng-ao 61.424401 150 75 Ch'eng-ao 58.30363 151 75 Ch'eng-ao 38.790019 152 76 38.790019 152 76 Dituan 3.2494402 149 73 Dituan 61.424401 150 75 Dituan 58.30363 151 75 Dituan 38.790019 152 76 38.790019 152 76 Shih-ma-chuang 3.2494402 149 73 Shih-ma-chuang 61.424401 150 75 Shih-ma-chuang 58.30363 151 75 Shih-ma-chuang 38.790019 152 76 Shih-ma-chuang 49.926487 153 77 49.926487 153 77 Ta-shan 4.9173076 277 75 Ta-shan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Linshan 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Changqian 5.4299814 186 75 Changqian 4.6144463 187 75 Changqian 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Xitang 4.6144463 187 75 Xitang 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lao-wu-shih 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 21.476786 219 74 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Dashan 4.9173076 277 75 Dashan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Baiyan 38.790019 152 76 Baiyan 49.926487 153 77 Baiyan 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Baisha 61.424401 150 75 Baisha 58.30363 151 75 Baisha 38.790019 152 76 Baisha 49.926487 153 77 Baisha 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Da'an 9.9643812 209 73 Da'an 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 38.790019 152 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 49.926487 153 77 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 4.6144463 187 75 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ri'aitang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Fu-jung 49.926487 153 77 Fu-jung 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Laochangbu 9.9643812 209 73 Laochangbu 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chou-hung-ch'iu 2.4716733 184 74 Chou-hung-ch'iu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Cheng-chia-tai 4.6144463 187 75 Cheng-chia-tai 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Heng-pa-ts'un 2.4716733 184 74 Heng-pa-ts'un 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 Dajijia 14.503721 296 76 Dajijia 16.990276 296 77 Dajijia 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 P'u-ch'i 61.424401 150 75 P'u-ch'i 58.30363 151 75 P'u-ch'i 38.790019 152 76 P'u-ch'i 49.926487 153 77 P'u-ch'i 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Lo-ho-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiung-ting-yu 2.4716733 184 74 Hsiung-ting-yu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Zhapu 4.6144463 187 75 Zhapu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lixinzha 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qingjiang 38.790019 152 76 Qingjiang 49.926487 153 77 Qingjiang 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Zhangjiaxiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huangang 21.476786 219 74 Huangang 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 Xihuzui 39.375721 311 76 Xihuzui 10.211338 314 78 Xihuzui 12.188971 315 79 12.188971 315 79 Sanhezhen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Niu-ch'iao-shih 4.6144463 187 75 Niu-ch'iao-shih 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsiao-an-chieh 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Touyan 61.424401 150 75 Touyan 58.30363 151 75 58.30363 151 75 Dajing 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wei-chiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hu-chia-lu 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 Ku-hsien 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Chenyu 61.424401 150 75 Chenyu 58.30363 151 75 Chenyu 38.790019 152 76 Chenyu 49.926487 153 77 Chenyu 8.5062756 153 78 Chenyu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 Tieshan 61.438968 309 76 Tieshan 57.725596 309 77 Tieshan 59.312674 309 78 Tieshan 64.366144 309 79 Tieshan 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Hsing-hsing-chen 4.6144463 187 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Baixi 49.926487 153 77 Baixi 72.485656 154 77 Baixi 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chiu-ch'u-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Dujiaqiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chien-chen 7.6550516 218 76 7.6550516 218 76 Chou-chia-peng 7.4155752 188 76 7.4155752 188 76 Fou-ch'iao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Sanli 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hai-men-hsien 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huanshan 5.5698927 150 76 Huanshan 2.0429891 151 76 Huanshan 38.790019 152 76 Huanshan 49.926487 153 77 Huanshan 72.485656 154 77 Huanshan 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Fengcheng 3.4258447 278 76 Fengcheng 2.0684823 279 77 Fengcheng 6.2295642 280 79 6.2295642 280 79 Liujiazhai 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Ch'ing-lung-chiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qianjing 5.0762899 205 78 Qianjing 16.878731 204 79 Qianjing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 Fushan 19.563933 294 81 19.563933 294 81 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 32.548758 321 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.164329 322 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.497974 323 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.437812 324 77 Wang-chia-tun 28.796951 324 78 Wang-chia-tun 23.133033 324 79 Wang-chia-tun 13.338671 324 80 Wang-chia-tun 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 Lushun 57.589942 310 78 Lushun 10.211338 314 78 Lushun 39.563689 311 80 Lushun 62.579912 310 81 Lushun 47.633161 311 81 47.633161 311 81 Liuhe 16.878731 204 79 Liuhe 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Tiaobanqiao 5.0762899 205 78 Tiaobanqiao 16.878731 204 79 Tiaobanqiao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Xincun 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Kanmen 49.926487 153 77 Kanmen 8.5062756 153 78 Kanmen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Ch'ing-chiang 49.926487 153 77 Ch'ing-chiang 72.485656 154 77 Ch'ing-chiang 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Caopeng 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Fu-hsin-tsao 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Ch'ang-sha 5.9733643 218 77 5.9733643 218 77 Chumen 49.926487 153 77 Chumen 72.485656 154 77 Chumen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Wenqiao 49.926487 153 77 Wenqiao 72.485656 154 77 Wenqiao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Nankan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Dong'anzhen 15.928197 213 81 Dong'anzhen 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Jinshanwei 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Chenxing 16.878731 204 79 Chenxing 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Wan'an 5.0762899 205 78 Wan'an 16.878731 204 79 Wan'an 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Haiyanzhen 15.928197 213 81 Haiyanzhen 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 Chu-chi 13.195624 294 79 Chu-chi 19.563933 294 81 Chu-chi 8.1078418 293 82 8.1078418 293 82 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.336422 322 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 32.415091 323 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.796951 324 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.158743 325 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.133033 324 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 18.485006 325 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 13.338671 324 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 31.400401 321 78 Sanguanmiao 28.336422 322 78 Sanguanmiao 32.415091 323 78 Sanguanmiao 28.796951 324 78 Sanguanmiao 23.133033 324 79 Sanguanmiao 13.338671 324 80 Sanguanmiao 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-shan-tsui 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Shanyang 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 5.0762899 205 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 16.878731 204 79 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Meng-chiang-miao 5.0762899 205 78 Meng-chiang-miao 16.878731 204 79 Meng-chiang-miao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Hongxing 5.0762899 205 78 Hongxing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Beikan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 Yantai 13.195624 294 79 Yantai 19.563933 294 81 Yantai 8.1078418 293 82 8.1078418 293 82 Hsin-p'u 9.6093348 185 79 9.6093348 185 79 Ducun 16.878731 204 79 Ducun 4.9383975 204 80 Ducun 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 Zhifuzhen 19.563933 294 81 Zhifuzhen 8.1078418 293 82 Zhifuzhen 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 5.995365 315 80 Xinzhaizi 10.263241 316 81 Xinzhaizi 10.655565 317 81 Xinzhaizi 5.1844298 316 82 Xinzhaizi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Haiyou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 5.1811351 322 79 Wudao 9.738003 319 80 Wudao 6.8199729 321 80 Wudao 11.730245 319 81 Wudao 17.172111 319 82 Wudao 32.53914 320 82 Wudao 18.318481 319 83 18.318481 319 83 Chongming 16.878731 204 79 Chongming 7.4608971 205 79 Chongming 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 Shuishiying 28.152081 311 79 Shuishiying 57.731312 310 80 Shuishiying 39.563689 311 80 Shuishiying 62.579912 310 81 Shuishiying 47.633161 311 81 Shuishiying 64.441351 310 82 Shuishiying 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Lingmen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Aohuan 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Dalu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Shaliu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Caojing 12.151612 189 79 12.151612 189 79 Changzheng 16.878731 204 79 Changzheng 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 Cheefoo 19.563933 294 81 Cheefoo 8.1078418 293 82 Cheefoo 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 5.995365 315 80 Yingchengzi 10.263241 316 81 Yingchengzi 10.655565 317 81 Yingchengzi 5.1844298 316 82 Yingchengzi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Ko-ao-wang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Fang-ch'ien 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Huqiao 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 14.466696 203 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 4.907592 202 82 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Shih-she-chang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Dong'ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Guan'ao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Houjiazhen 16.878731 204 79 Houjiazhen 7.4608971 205 79 Houjiazhen 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 Qianqikuang 19.563933 294 81 Qianqikuang 8.1078418 293 82 Qianqikuang 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Ling-chiao-ch'en 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaojiang 41.209149 159 83 Jiaojiang 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Shan-shang-fang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Ch'uan-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 Jiaoliudao 11.730245 319 81 Jiaoliudao 17.172111 319 82 Jiaoliudao 32.53914 320 82 Jiaoliudao 18.318481 319 83 Jiaoliudao 35.730376 319 84 35.730376 319 84 Wudongzha 5.1131623 183 83 Wudongzha 9.1161185 184 83 Wudongzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Hsia-feng-ch'a 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Abulug 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Qiansuo 41.209149 159 83 Qiansuo 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Pai-chia-chuang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Panlong 14.466696 203 80 Panlong 4.9383975 204 80 Panlong 3.1855034 203 83 Panlong 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsia-jo-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsi-yen 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hua-shan-t'ou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chia-shih 41.209149 159 83 San-chia-shih 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Che-lin 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Dongdayang 4.907592 202 82 Dongdayang 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baoshan 14.466696 203 80 Baoshan 4.907592 202 82 Baoshan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Dongfeng 14.466696 203 80 Dongfeng 4.9383975 204 80 Dongfeng 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Donggangcun 15.928197 213 81 Donggangcun 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Qiganshi 4.7120089 280 80 Qiganshi 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 Wu-tao 11.730245 319 81 Wu-tao 17.172111 319 82 Wu-tao 32.53914 320 82 Wu-tao 18.318481 319 83 Wu-tao 35.730376 319 84 35.730376 319 84 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 Donggang 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Yeh-chia 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Ch'i-shih-chieh 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Ch'ang-yang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsueh-mou-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Taipingzha 5.1131623 183 83 Taipingzha 9.1161185 184 83 Taipingzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Xinmin 14.466696 203 80 Xinmin 4.9383975 204 80 Xinmin 3.1855034 203 83 Xinmin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ju-shan-k'ou 4.7120089 280 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 39.563689 311 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 62.579912 310 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 47.633161 311 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 64.441351 310 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Cabuluan 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cao'antou 4.907592 202 82 Cao'antou 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsin-k'ai-ho 2.1981926 203 81 Hsin-k'ai-ho 4.907592 202 82 Hsin-k'ai-ho 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 Mashanshangzhai 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ch'ing 41.209149 159 83 Chin-ch'ing 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Changjiang 2.1981926 203 81 Changjiang 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Xining 15.928197 213 81 Xining 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 10.655565 317 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 3.9836386 316 83 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Feng-p'u-ao 5.1131623 183 83 Feng-p'u-ao 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Ch'ien-chia-ch'iao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Catuguran 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Beishenjiazhai 4.907592 202 82 Beishenjiazhai 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Chayuan 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Youcheqiao 4.907592 202 82 Youcheqiao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 13.620834 328 84 Ma-chia-tun 4.2163928 329 86 4.2163928 329 86 Ch'iu-wang 5.1131623 183 83 Ch'iu-wang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 3.9836386 316 83 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Shangpan 41.209149 159 83 Shangpan 2.3471824 160 83 Shangpan 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Jiankangtang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Lusi 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 3.9836386 316 83 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Ch'ing-shui-hu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Su-chia 6.1446035 191 82 6.1446035 191 82 Muping 10.482945 292 83 Muping 16.021553 292 86 16.021553 292 86 Linao 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Shih-t'ang 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Sichalu 2.3471824 160 83 Sichalu 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Qianjin 4.907592 202 82 Qianjin 3.1855034 203 83 Qianjin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hai-yang-so 8.0972223 280 82 Hai-yang-so 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Songmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Nanbu 4.907592 202 82 Nanbu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsieh-fu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Lipu 3.8277706 163 85 Lipu 4.1670014 166 86 4.1670014 166 86 Bisagu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Liyang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Wantang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Yangyuan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gaodong 4.907592 202 82 Gaodong 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanhong 14.615235 279 82 Nanhong 8.0972223 280 82 Nanhong 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 Xinghaitun 15.459068 312 83 Xinghaitun 29.26988 313 86 Xinghaitun 9.8166156 314 86 9.8166156 314 86 Chien-t'iao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Panshi 4.907592 202 82 Panshi 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baishatan 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 3.9836386 316 83 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 3.9836386 316 83 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Aparri 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 San-chiao-t'ang 3.8277706 163 85 San-chiao-t'ang 4.1670014 166 86 4.1670014 166 86 Gulu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gangyan 3.1855034 203 83 Gangyan 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 Dal'niy 15.459068 312 83 Dal'niy 29.26988 313 86 Dal'niy 9.8166156 314 86 9.8166156 314 86 Alilinu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Daxingzhen 4.5413906 204 87 Daxingzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Gongjiazhen 9.5464842 212 83 Gongjiazhen 8.2518531 211 86 Gongjiazhen 5.3834567 210 87 5.3834567 210 87 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 38.89369 318 84 Gongjialu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanqinghe 4.5413906 204 87 Nanqinghe 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Dahu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chen-hai 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Dongxing 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hexing 3.1855034 203 83 Hexing 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 Dongshanbeitou 16.021553 292 86 Dongshanbeitou 16.98741 292 87 16.98741 292 87 Lao-yu-tang 7.1464408 191 84 Lao-yu-tang 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Ch'ang-chieh 61.646954 168 84 61.646954 168 84 Hsiang-hua 4.4113937 201 84 Hsiang-hua 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dong'an 7.8946614 211 84 Dong'an 8.2518531 211 86 Dong'an 5.3834567 210 87 Dong'an 4.5737854 209 88 4.5737854 209 88 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Punta 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cailu 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Bailonggang 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Qianwei 4.4113937 201 84 Qianwei 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 Shang-chuang 14.570182 292 85 Shang-chuang 16.021553 292 86 Shang-chuang 16.98741 292 87 16.98741 292 87 Zhenhai 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Ping'an 7.1464408 191 84 Ping'an 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Sizhoutou 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Yuansha 4.4113937 201 84 Yuansha 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsing-i-ts'un 7.8946614 211 84 Hsing-i-ts'un 8.2518531 211 86 Hsing-i-ts'un 5.3834567 210 87 Hsing-i-ts'un 4.5737854 209 88 4.5737854 209 88 Ch'iang-t'ou 9.4721285 170 89 Ch'iang-t'ou 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xianxiang 8.597725 175 88 Xianxiang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Shigaotang 4.8035103 180 86 Shigaotang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Jiangjia 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Wusi 6.0627425 191 85 Wusi 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Ch'en-chia 10.775334 200 85 Ch'en-chia 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Ch'iu-chia-chai 8.8782186 198 87 Ch'iu-chia-chai 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Fumin 10.775334 200 85 Fumin 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Dong'anzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Beiqigen 4.8035103 180 86 Beiqigen 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Tanglugang 5.3834567 210 87 Tanglugang 4.5737854 209 88 4.5737854 209 88 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 Jianggezhuang 16.021553 292 86 Jianggezhuang 16.98741 292 87 16.98741 292 87 Dingtang 7.84858 167 85 7.84858 167 85 Ligang 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Guoyuan 6.0627425 191 85 Guoyuan 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Fengle 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Niupeng 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Hsin-tsao-chen 4.5413906 204 87 Hsin-tsao-chen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Langnuankou 6.1199551 281 85 Langnuankou 4.9587606 282 87 Langnuankou 3.1296165 283 88 3.1296165 283 88 Yinyang 4.5413906 204 87 Yinyang 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Beilungang 4.8035103 180 86 Beilungang 5.0451305 181 86 Beilungang 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Lao-chiang 6.0394592 197 88 Lao-chiang 11.746561 193 89 Lao-chiang 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Xiaoguan 4.9587606 282 87 Xiaoguan 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 29.26988 313 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 23.386034 314 89 Dagushan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Sanshan 8.597725 175 88 Sanshan 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Donghai 6.8080325 191 86 Donghai 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Shuyuan 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 23.386034 314 89 Wanli 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 23.386034 314 89 Dongjiagou 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Daxu 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Daniwan 4.8035103 180 86 Daniwan 5.0451305 181 86 Daniwan 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 29.26988 313 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 23.386034 314 89 Nianyuwan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Zhuxi 8.597725 175 88 Zhuxi 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Danmen 9.4721285 170 89 Danmen 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xiaoli'ao 4.8035103 180 86 Xiaoli'ao 5.0451305 181 86 5.0451305 181 86 Xilangnuan 4.9587606 282 87 Xilangnuan 3.1296165 283 88 Xilangnuan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Hepu 10.516434 165 87 Hepu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Ch'ai-ch'iao 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 Huatong 4.6995199 332 89 Huatong 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Chiu-nan-t'ien 10.516434 165 87 Chiu-nan-t'ien 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Shihphu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 16.98741 292 87 Qiancang 8.597725 175 88 Qiancang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 Guizhou 6.2332251 332 88 Guizhou 10.634702 333 88 Guizhou 4.6995199 332 89 Guizhou 8.1513821 333 89 Guizhou 32.719378 332 90 Guizhou 43.369556 333 91 43.369556 333 91 Ch'en-chia-lu 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Wuleidao 9.0202245 281 88 Wuleidao 6.1302265 282 88 Wuleidao 3.1296165 283 88 Wuleidao 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Guoju 7.4258866 175 89 7.4258866 175 89 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Zeku 5.956488 282 89 Zeku 2.9754361 283 89 Zeku 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 Dalijia 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 Teng-sha-ho 13.870654 317 93 Teng-sha-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Chung-tse 37.812105 176 90 Chung-tse 5.4334006 177 90 Chung-tse 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Dinghai 14.431663 182 92 Dinghai 41.640815 178 93 Dinghai 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 21.521515 293 90 Chiao-t'ou 5.7902978 174 90 Chiao-t'ou 6.6960528 175 90 Chiao-t'ou 37.812105 176 90 Chiao-t'ou 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 Panyuchwan 43.369556 333 91 Panyuchwan 7.9845756 334 91 Panyuchwan 5.5322527 335 91 Panyuchwan 3.7448453 335 92 3.7448453 335 92 Ganlan 14.431663 182 92 Ganlan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Dongsha 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 Lu-chia-t'un 7.9845756 334 91 Lu-chia-t'un 5.5322527 335 91 Lu-chia-t'un 8.8660103 336 91 Lu-chia-t'un 3.7448453 335 92 Lu-chia-t'un 4.3393171 336 92 Lu-chia-t'un 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 7.9845756 334 91 Wangzhai 5.5322527 335 91 Wangzhai 8.8660103 336 91 Wangzhai 3.7448453 335 92 Wangzhai 4.3393171 336 92 Wangzhai 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Gaoting 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Litang 6.0665923 170 91 Litang 5.6681767 173 91 5.6681767 173 91 Nanfeng 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Jinghaiwei 15.213907 280 91 Jinghaiwei 9.4992308 281 91 Jinghaiwei 5.8361838 282 91 Jinghaiwei 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Da'ao 7.1140451 174 91 Da'ao 9.1525077 175 91 Da'ao 8.855008 177 91 8.855008 177 91 Huangshan 5.8361838 282 91 Huangshan 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 Zaobu 27.026601 293 93 Zaobu 18.963316 292 95 Zaobu 10.598257 291 96 10.598257 291 96 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Luomen 14.431663 182 92 Luomen 41.640815 178 93 Luomen 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Changtu 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Jen-ho-chi 12.273248 281 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.5358904 282 92 7.5358904 282 92 Ta-chan 14.431663 182 92 Ta-chan 41.640815 178 93 Ta-chan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 P'u-t'o 10.816907 177 93 P'u-t'o 41.640815 178 93 P'u-t'o 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Qiandao 15.566538 281 93 Qiandao 7.8003059 282 93 7.8003059 282 93 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 Wujiatun 13.870654 317 93 Wujiatun 6.2568556 318 93 Wujiatun 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 7.6443932 320 97 7.6443932 320 97 Ch'ih-shan-chi 16.853075 282 96 16.853075 282 96 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 Jiaxinzi 7.6443932 320 97 Jiaxinzi 12.836438 320 98 Jiaxinzi 46.554234 321 98 46.554234 321 98 Shidao 16.14937 281 94 Shidao 16.853075 282 96 16.853075 282 96 Laoshantun 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Xizhuang 18.963316 292 95 Xizhuang 10.598257 291 96 Xizhuang 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Ning-ching-so 16.853075 282 96 Ning-ching-so 13.836769 286 99 13.836769 286 99 Dazhuang 18.398227 281 95 Dazhuang 16.853075 282 96 16.853075 282 96 Jiurongcheng 10.598257 291 96 Jiurongcheng 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 8.7644452 321 99 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Wolongcun 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 19.266314 317 98 Fangshentun 12.836438 320 98 Fangshentun 13.275256 318 99 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 Fangshentun 13.39868 319 101 13.39868 319 101 Shengshan 37.840837 190 103 Shengshan 38.171205 191 103 Shengshan 28.43705 192 103 Shengshan 45.432781 189 104 Shengshan 43.684208 190 104 Shengshan 39.593077 191 104 Shengshan 35.588364 192 104 35.588364 192 104 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 Zhuanghe 7.5158755 323 104 Zhuanghe 4.1820704 323 105 Zhuanghe 30.237123 324 105 Zhuanghe 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 5.3016982 323 103 Dafangshen 7.5158755 323 104 Dafangshen 4.1820704 323 105 Dafangshen 30.237123 324 105 Dafangshen 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 7.5158755 323 104 Shishan 4.1820704 323 105 Shishan 30.237123 324 105 Shishan 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 10.749466 322 104 Wangjia 7.5158755 323 104 Wangjia 4.1820704 323 105 Wangjia 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 7.0071058 324 110 Nanjian 11.232284 324 113 Nanjian 2.9041663 325 113 2.9041663 325 113 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 17.53831 326 114 Huangtukan 15.816522 326 115 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 22.551549 327 116 Huangtukan 3.0258564 326 117 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 7.668749 325 117 Pei-ching-tzu 3.0258564 326 117 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 Dadong 2.6932739 326 124 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 3.3570784 325 122 Chogumsa 2.6192342 325 123 Chogumsa 4.8090197 325 125 4.8090197 325 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 3.3889949 326 125 Yongampo-ri 2.8026673 326 126 Yongampo-ri 16.828935 326 128 16.828935 326 128 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 4.8090197 325 125 Genjo 12.637426 325 126 Genjo 16.828935 326 128 16.828935 326 128 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 5.3139678 322 128 Yongsapo 8.7710941 323 128 Yongsapo 9.4064872 324 128 Yongsapo 7.2149272 322 129 Yongsapo 3.2745183 324 129 Yongsapo 3.9270985 321 130 Yongsapo 6.6077831 321 131 Yongsapo 8.1506313 322 131 Yongsapo 5.481458 323 131 Yongsapo 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Chandae-dong 67.952825 297 128 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 48.92898 298 129 Chandae-dong 38.636737 299 129 Chandae-dong 38.107732 300 129 Chandae-dong 56.892045 301 129 Chandae-dong 34.749838 300 130 Chandae-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Chandae-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Chandae-dong 33.314541 297 132 Chandae-dong 24.830385 298 132 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 63.31624 295 129 Kaju-dong 64.222239 296 129 Kaju-dong 63.668785 297 129 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 4.7590613 297 130 Kaju-dong 13.726467 298 130 Kaju-dong 16.283558 297 131 Kaju-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Kaju-dong 18.567548 296 132 Kaju-dong 33.314541 297 132 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 38.107732 300 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 34.749838 300 130 Ch'angam-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Ch'angam-dong 44.911389 303 130 Ch'angam-dong 42.219176 300 131 Ch'angam-dong 23.864916 301 131 Ch'angam-dong 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 20.322722 300 133 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 3.2745183 324 129 Changya-dong 5.481458 323 131 Changya-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 41.10869 309 131 Arang-dong 40.371133 310 131 Arang-dong 20.041426 309 132 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Arang-dong 17.458806 309 133 Arang-dong 22.606289 310 133 Arang-dong 17.803123 308 134 Arang-dong 13.296947 309 134 Arang-dong 8.2722777 310 134 8.2722777 310 134 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 2.8138241 306 131 Sogon-ni 22.711163 307 131 Sogon-ni 20.233065 304 132 Sogon-ni 22.175476 305 132 Sogon-ni 16.438775 306 132 Sogon-ni 6.7326396 307 132 Sogon-ni 2.9718768 304 133 Sogon-ni 4.9813939 305 133 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 4.1624577 307 133 Sogon-ni 14.042692 307 134 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.370203 300 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.322722 300 133 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 Monggumpo-ri 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 2.9718768 304 133 Ch'am-ch'on 4.9813939 305 133 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 6.7326396 307 132 Sagi-ri 8.0695346 308 132 Sagi-ri 4.1624577 307 133 Sagi-ri 8.4014419 308 133 Sagi-ri 14.042692 307 134 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Chosa-dong 17.458806 309 133 Chosa-dong 22.606289 310 133 Chosa-dong 15.884596 311 133 Chosa-dong 17.803123 308 134 Chosa-dong 13.296947 309 134 Chosa-dong 8.2722777 310 134 Chosa-dong 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 7.8538984 311 135 Chosa-dong 16.57922 310 136 Chosa-dong 7.6957089 310 137 Chosa-dong 13.50636 311 137 13.50636 311 137 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 Amdu-ri 13.110716 325 133 13.110716 325 133 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 4.1624577 307 133 Pungchon 8.4014419 308 133 Pungchon 14.042692 307 134 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 Hyu-dong 17.890888 297 136 Hyu-dong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Hang-ni 96.623511 239 134 96.623511 239 134 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 13.296947 309 134 An-ch'on 8.2722777 310 134 An-ch'on 2.5881107 307 135 An-ch'on 16.57922 310 136 An-ch'on 7.6957089 310 137 An-ch'on 7.5753806 310 138 7.5753806 310 138 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 Sondup'yong 17.890888 297 136 Sondup'yong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 17.890888 297 136 Sogang-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 19.267599 295 142 19.267599 295 142 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 5.7636397 322 138 Changp'o 44.567608 323 138 Changp'o 28.075365 322 139 Changp'o 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 28.075365 322 139 Yung-ni 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 Hwajin-ni 20.802088 317 139 Hwajin-ni 11.13778 318 140 11.13778 318 140 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 11.13778 318 140 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 8.9062797 297 146 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 15.178247 295 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 35.015504 297 148 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Chibuk 12.796815 252 149 12.796815 252 149 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 35.015504 297 148 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 9.6271908 284 147 Etsuu 27.647417 285 147 Etsuu 13.93856 286 147 Etsuu 28.085299 287 147 Etsuu 14.286725 288 147 Etsuu 42.246294 288 148 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Hwangdo 52.68561 271 147 Hwangdo 52.015145 272 147 Hwangdo 57.406962 273 147 Hwangdo 40.254339 274 147 Hwangdo 61.071724 275 147 Hwangdo 41.48292 275 148 Hwangdo 46.001713 275 149 Hwangdo 30.769436 275 150 Hwangdo 26.023157 275 151 26.023157 275 151 Doko-ri 12.796815 252 149 Doko-ri 21.810351 253 149 Doko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Doko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ant'ae 4.1033031 250 152 4.1033031 250 152 Och'ong 35.99735 269 148 Och'ong 42.348337 270 148 Och'ong 53.312852 271 148 Och'ong 52.760284 272 148 Och'ong 52.172978 273 148 Och'ong 59.378444 273 149 Och'ong 38.956148 273 150 Och'ong 24.548753 271 152 Och'ong 23.725931 272 152 Och'ong 35.515611 273 152 35.515611 273 152 Bunkai-ri 18.363187 254 148 Bunkai-ri 12.048456 255 148 Bunkai-ri 16.851478 255 149 Bunkai-ri 21.320522 254 150 Bunkai-ri 10.563465 255 150 Bunkai-ri 4.85565 255 151 Bunkai-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Ach'on 12.796815 252 149 Ach'on 21.810351 253 149 Ach'on 4.1033031 250 152 Ach'on 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 21.320522 254 150 Ikkum-ni 10.563465 255 150 Ikkum-ni 4.85565 255 151 Ikkum-ni 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Changgo 21.320522 254 150 Changgo 10.563465 255 150 Changgo 23.586617 256 150 Changgo 4.85565 255 151 Changgo 8.6752272 253 152 Changgo 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chogun-mal 12.795995 257 150 Chogun-mal 14.982607 258 150 Chogun-mal 16.037022 259 150 Chogun-mal 14.111078 257 151 Chogun-mal 7.5382908 258 151 Chogun-mal 13.58434 259 151 Chogun-mal 9.5205128 258 153 Chogun-mal 2.0395579 258 154 Chogun-mal 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Tengan-ri 6.7307922 254 151 Tengan-ri 4.85565 255 151 Tengan-ri 14.111078 257 151 Tengan-ri 7.5382908 258 151 Tengan-ri 7.7479813 258 152 Tengan-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Oejongsan 24.294911 278 151 Oejongsan 22.350351 279 151 Oejongsan 30.865036 280 151 Oejongsan 35.76981 281 151 Oejongsan 45.829966 282 151 Oejongsan 23.722503 282 152 Oejongsan 8.7245816 278 154 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 Anmal 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Soko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Soko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 Soko-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.5759047 296 153 Muji-ni 3.6487155 295 154 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Songnyong-ni 7.283544 257 152 Songnyong-ni 7.7479813 258 152 Songnyong-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Jindo 8.4904397 249 154 Jindo 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.5759047 296 153 Kyodo 3.6487155 295 154 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Aenang-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Aenang-ni 10.501459 251 153 Aenang-ni 14.054734 251 154 Aenang-ni 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Dongmun 13.622337 279 152 Dongmun 2.7457444 280 152 Dongmun 23.722503 282 152 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 Dongmun 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 23.722503 282 152 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 25.057613 285 153 Oe-dong 18.679295 284 154 Oe-dong 20.370363 285 154 Oe-dong 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 26.844518 285 155 Oe-dong 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Hwadong-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Hwadong-ni 10.501459 251 153 Hwadong-ni 9.3593266 252 153 Hwadong-ni 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Ch'al-tong 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'al-tong 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 4.0459529 289 153 Chawol-li 18.722716 290 153 Chawol-li 32.197626 289 154 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 24.938064 289 156 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 15.512703 277 153 Sinsong 11.15504 278 153 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 Pususan-dong 8.7542506 297 156 Pususan-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Chungjang 18.939911 275 153 Chungjang 19.490962 276 153 Chungjang 15.512703 277 153 Chungjang 11.15504 278 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 Chungjang 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Kan 17.058279 265 154 Kan 19.152435 266 154 Kan 37.328593 267 154 Kan 21.786611 268 154 Kan 25.060669 269 154 Kan 21.624888 268 155 Kan 18.647344 269 155 Kan 13.065519 268 156 Kan 15.272654 269 156 Kan 5.8870833 266 157 Kan 9.4156985 269 157 Kan 6.1827551 266 158 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 5.6885666 267 158 Tongmokp 10.937449 277 154 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 10.937449 277 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mogpo 8.4904397 249 154 Mogpo 14.054734 251 154 Mogpo 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 P'i-dong 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 Taeya 2.0395579 258 154 Taeya 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changdong 8.4904397 249 154 Changdong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chisa-ri 8.4904397 249 154 Chisa-ri 14.054734 251 154 Chisa-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 Changch'u-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Onmok 8.2578121 259 155 Onmok 4.6834766 260 155 Onmok 6.9462647 261 155 Onmok 6.8610422 262 155 Onmok 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 4.6834766 260 155 Changho 6.9462647 261 155 Changho 6.8610422 262 155 Changho 8.7681729 263 155 Changho 8.6657853 264 155 Changho 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 5.961837 263 156 Changho 7.7888463 264 156 Changho 2.0153163 263 157 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.8610422 262 155 Chongam 8.7681729 263 155 Chongam 8.6657853 264 155 Chongam 13.708281 265 155 Chongam 15.999725 266 155 Chongam 7.7888463 264 156 Chongam 10.168835 265 156 Chongam 9.5269236 266 156 Chongam 5.8870833 266 157 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Weolam-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Anjong 8.4344916 248 155 Anjong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 26.844518 285 155 Chogumjin-ni 10.688657 285 156 Chogumjin-ni 3.2321102 285 157 3.2321102 285 157 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 12.568597 274 157 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 11.650704 286 157 Hasambong 22.332942 287 157 Hasambong 9.4314594 286 158 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 Hasambong 16.390027 286 159 Hasambong 4.1419281 285 160 Hasambong 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Chonmak 2.0153163 263 157 Chonmak 8.1344753 265 157 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 10.115317 270 157 Aech'an-ni 9.1861162 271 157 Aech'an-ni 20.453098 272 157 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 4.4998898 274 158 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 14.372923 290 158 Chonghyon-dong 20.027044 289 159 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 Chonghyon-dong 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Changsin 2.0153163 263 157 Changsin 8.1344753 265 157 Changsin 5.8870833 266 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 5.6885666 267 158 Changsin 2.241903 267 159 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 2.4882243 268 158 Janghang 10.848643 269 158 Janghang 6.1226123 270 158 Janghang 5.1750682 271 158 Janghang 2.5792614 270 159 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 6.1827551 266 158 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 6.1827551 266 158 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 6.1226123 270 158 Okhu 2.5792614 270 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 5.9539673 290 160 Masan-ni 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.5792614 270 159 Gunsan 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 4.1419281 285 160 Chunghung-ni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 4.1419281 285 160 Kooni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 5.9539673 290 160 Wonha-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 5.9539673 290 160 Namyang 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Chamdu 4.0346637 247 165 4.0346637 247 165 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 4.0346637 247 165 Changjong-ni 13.369013 247 166 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 4.0346637 247 165 Changsu 13.369013 247 166 Changsu 9.261633 248 166 Changsu 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chinch'ang 4.0346637 247 165 Chinch'ang 13.369013 247 166 Chinch'ang 9.261633 248 166 Chinch'ang 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Aya-ri 13.369013 247 166 Aya-ri 9.261633 248 166 Aya-ri 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Ch'ongam 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Wonsan 18.792407 318 172 Wonsan 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Tongho-ri 25.508662 324 174 Tongho-ri 14.531539 325 174 Tongho-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Yongpo-ri 25.508662 324 174 Yongpo-ri 14.531539 325 174 Yongpo-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Songhung-ni 23.785546 322 173 Songhung-ni 14.531539 325 174 Songhung-ni 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Pongch'on 18.792407 318 172 Pongch'on 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Chungbang 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chakto-dong 14.531539 325 174 Chakto-dong 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Chabong 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 Kuge-ri 13.180096 317 175 Kuge-ri 9.3671151 317 176 9.3671151 317 176 Yeosu 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chukp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Hungsang-ni 23.221014 326 175 23.221014 326 175 Hangch'on 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Yongyon-ni 22.452733 326 176 Yongyon-ni 20.032461 327 176 Yongyon-ni 19.878387 327 177 Yongyon-ni 38.866655 326 178 Yongyon-ni 35.486548 327 179 Yongyon-ni 29.49569 328 179 Yongyon-ni 17.433934 329 179 Yongyon-ni 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Tongch-on 23.537237 316 177 Tongch-on 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Kuum-ni 26.656877 314 179 Kuum-ni 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Hongwon 29.49569 328 179 Hongwon 17.433934 329 179 Hongwon 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Hadajon-ni 26.656877 314 179 Hadajon-ni 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Yuktae-dong 24.445944 328 180 Yuktae-dong 30.921472 329 180 Yuktae-dong 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Changjon 38.393959 313 181 Changjon 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Gaken-ri 58.289958 313 182 Gaken-ri 64.710206 313 183 Gaken-ri 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Honam-ni 46.05045 328 182 Honam-ni 8.0039205 330 182 8.0039205 330 182 Hongsong 53.537643 312 183 Hongsong 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Soho-ri 60.993912 329 184 Soho-ri 23.762415 330 184 Soho-ri 14.066341 330 185 Soho-ri 12.608055 331 186 12.608055 331 186 Singhang 83.466108 329 185 Singhang 14.066341 330 185 Singhang 12.608055 331 186 12.608055 331 186 Kojin-ni 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Pongho-ri 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Chindu 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Changch'on 101.68137 304 189 101.68137 304 189 Masan 6.5417645 256 190 6.5417645 256 190 Yangyang 92.656554 302 190 92.656554 302 190 Ungcheon 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chaho 55.981306 331 187 Chaho 43.739011 332 189 Chaho 128.64132 331 190 Chaho 201.29485 331 191 Chaho 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Kuum-ni 43.739011 332 189 Kuum-ni 109.91747 332 191 Kuum-ni 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Jinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chuktori 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Hagwangjong-ni 92.656554 302 190 92.656554 302 190 Jangseunpo 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Jumunjin 88.499872 300 192 Jumunjin 96.754011 299 193 96.754011 299 193 Daiko 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Poktokkumi 77.245503 333 191 Poktokkumi 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Noksan 5.0314923 255 191 5.0314923 255 191 Tanchon 77.678648 334 192 77.678648 334 192 Gangneung 130.72343 298 194 Gangneung 142.14821 297 195 Gangneung 94.965767 295 196 94.965767 295 196 Kennan-ri 142.14821 297 195 Kennan-ri 94.965767 295 196 94.965767 295 196 Chungch'on 65.011648 335 194 Chungch'on 52.635641 336 195 52.635641 336 195 Mugho 94.965767 295 196 Mugho 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Samchok 70.964763 294 197 Samchok 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Haeundae 8.4793305 259 199 8.4793305 259 199 Samcheog 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Si-dong 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Gijang 8.4793305 259 199 8.4793305 259 199 Kuma 117.67533 291 199 Kuma 100.99595 290 200 Kuma 58.479251 287 201 Kuma 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Ulsan 31.978345 261 201 Ulsan 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Nasa 8.4793305 259 199 Nasa 78.013329 260 201 Nasa 31.978345 261 201 Nasa 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Haosan 58.479251 287 201 Haosan 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Imweonjin 100.99595 290 200 Imweonjin 58.479251 287 201 Imweonjin 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Heunghae 46.587638 274 201 Heunghae 17.033825 275 201 Heunghae 20.027861 271 202 Heunghae 37.226898 272 202 37.226898 272 202 Byeongyeong 31.978345 261 201 Byeongyeong 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Pohang 20.027861 271 202 Pohang 37.226898 272 202 37.226898 272 202 Ganggu 46.587638 274 201 Ganggu 17.033825 275 201 17.033825 275 201 Ulijin 106.41455 283 202 Ulijin 88.162087 285 202 Ulijin 85.309642 286 202 85.309642 286 202 Pyonggok-tong 77.981283 277 202 Pyonggok-tong 82.191999 278 202 Pyonggok-tong 66.223288 279 202 Pyonggok-tong 115.66766 280 203 Pyonggok-tong 109.51849 281 203 109.51849 281 203 Yeonghae 93.232853 276 202 Yeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Yeonghae 66.223288 279 202 Yeonghae 115.66766 280 203 115.66766 280 203 Chukpyon 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Mangyang-ni 106.41455 283 202 106.41455 283 202 Bangeojin 78.013329 260 201 Bangeojin 31.978345 261 201 Bangeojin 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Segae-dong 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Chugsan-dong 17.033825 275 201 17.033825 275 201 Pyeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Pyeonghae 66.223288 279 202 Pyeonghae 115.66766 280 203 Pyeonghae 109.51849 281 203 Pyeonghae 124.48957 282 203 124.48957 282 203 Chukchon 6.2203324 263 202 Chukchon 79.747847 263 203 Chukchon 63.573531 264 203 Chukchon 55.040343 265 203 Chukchon 111.34147 264 204 Chukchon 99.203069 265 204 Chukchon 95.09201 266 204 Chukchon 91.170309 267 204 91.170309 267 204 Gampo 55.040343 265 203 Gampo 6.655122 268 203 6.655122 268 203 Taech'on 20.027861 271 202 Taech'on 37.226898 272 202 37.226898 272 202 Guryongpo 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Namyang-dong 2179.4052 290 220 Namyang-dong 2084.0219 291 220 Namyang-dong 1937.6108 292 220 Namyang-dong 1785.7039 293 220 Namyang-dong 1591.7211 294 220 1591.7211 294 220 Namyang 2075.8262 290 221 Namyang 1897.4515 291 221 Namyang 1304.2365 292 221 Namyang 1666.7511 293 221 Namyang 2103.6251 294 221 2103.6251 294 221 Nari 2075.8262 290 221 Nari 1897.4515 291 221 Nari 1304.2365 292 221 Nari 1666.7511 293 221 Nari 2103.6251 294 221 2103.6251 294 221 Dodong 2143.7278 290 222 Dodong 1457.4611 291 222 Dodong 28.845367 292 222 Dodong 760.4324 293 222 Dodong 2171.8023 294 222 Dodong 2041.6499 294 225 Dodong 2160.5065 294 226 2160.5065 294 226 Higashi-fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kawajiri 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Tateishi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Furuichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kihado 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Hommura 119.19037 251 225 Hommura 125.03673 252 225 Hommura 117.15727 253 225 Hommura 91.670215 253 226 Hommura 36.227222 251 227 Hommura 51.904146 252 227 Hommura 62.811021 253 227 Hommura 76.023371 251 228 Hommura 65.446379 252 228 Hommura 67.188382 252 229 67.188382 252 229 Fukawa 25.254784 246 227 Fukawa 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Senzaki 25.254784 246 227 Senzaki 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Misumi-ichi 25.254784 246 227 Misumi-ichi 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Kayoi 25.254784 246 227 Kayoi 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Soto 69.179309 247 228 Soto 48.941218 247 229 Soto 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Sammiura 69.179309 247 228 Sammiura 48.941218 247 229 Sammiura 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Hagi 48.941218 247 229 Hagi 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Hommura 48.941218 247 229 Hommura 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Nako 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Kiyo 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Uta 20.137293 247 231 Uta 88.368792 250 231 Uta 83.779042 250 233 Uta 69.542137 250 234 Uta 48.31583 250 235 48.31583 250 235 Susa 55.069102 248 232 Susa 86.255886 250 232 Susa 92.4939 251 232 Susa 93.443639 252 232 Susa 96.781686 252 233 Susa 97.564128 252 234 Susa 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Esaki 74.069933 249 233 Esaki 83.779042 250 233 Esaki 90.998687 251 233 Esaki 90.529231 251 234 Esaki 48.31583 250 235 Esaki 87.564787 251 235 Esaki 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Takatsu 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Masuda 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Tsuda 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Misumi 55.604755 251 237 Misumi 86.230975 252 237 Misumi 112.80373 253 237 112.80373 253 237 Murotani 62.759955 252 238 Murotani 107.34727 253 238 Murotani 120.49405 254 239 120.49405 254 239 Chiwa 62.759955 252 238 Chiwa 107.34727 253 238 Chiwa 120.49405 254 239 120.49405 254 239 Hinashi 62.759955 252 238 Hinashi 107.34727 253 238 Hinashi 133.73524 255 238 Hinashi 113.63255 255 241 Hinashi 95.004958 255 242 95.004958 255 242 Tabase 44.788984 252 239 Tabase 96.372439 253 239 Tabase 120.49405 254 239 120.49405 254 239 Iwami-naganama 44.788984 252 239 Iwami-naganama 96.372439 253 239 Iwami-naganama 120.49405 254 239 Iwami-naganama 134.50477 255 239 Iwami-naganama 113.63255 255 241 Iwami-naganama 95.004958 255 242 Iwami-naganama 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Nagahama 44.788984 252 239 Nagahama 96.372439 253 239 Nagahama 120.49405 254 239 Nagahama 134.50477 255 239 Nagahama 113.63255 255 241 Nagahama 95.004958 255 242 Nagahama 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hamada 44.788984 252 239 Hamada 96.372439 253 239 Hamada 120.49405 254 239 Hamada 134.50477 255 239 Hamada 113.63255 255 241 Hamada 95.004958 255 242 Hamada 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Kami-Kurokawa 60.64226 253 240 Kami-Kurokawa 115.85467 254 240 Kami-Kurokawa 128.95952 255 240 Kami-Kurokawa 113.63255 255 241 Kami-Kurokawa 95.004958 255 242 Kami-Kurokawa 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shimoko 60.64226 253 240 Shimoko 115.85467 254 240 Shimoko 128.95952 255 240 Shimoko 137.47363 256 240 Shimoko 113.63255 255 241 Shimoko 136.50853 256 241 Shimoko 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Togane 60.64226 253 240 Togane 115.85467 254 240 Togane 128.95952 255 240 Togane 137.47363 256 240 Togane 113.63255 255 241 Togane 136.50853 256 241 Togane 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Okubo 60.64226 253 240 Okubo 115.85467 254 240 Okubo 128.95952 255 240 Okubo 137.47363 256 240 Okubo 113.63255 255 241 Okubo 136.50853 256 241 Okubo 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Odani 60.64226 253 240 Odani 115.85467 254 240 Odani 128.95952 255 240 Odani 113.63255 255 241 Odani 95.004958 255 242 Odani 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hashi 60.64226 253 240 Hashi 115.85467 254 240 Hashi 128.95952 255 240 Hashi 137.47363 256 240 Hashi 113.63255 255 241 Hashi 136.50853 256 241 Hashi 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Uyagawa 88.151072 254 241 Uyagawa 113.63255 255 241 Uyagawa 136.50853 256 241 Uyagawa 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shimo-Arifuko 88.151072 254 241 Shimo-Arifuko 113.63255 255 241 Shimo-Arifuko 136.50853 256 241 Shimo-Arifuko 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Tsunozu 88.151072 254 241 Tsunozu 113.63255 255 241 Tsunozu 136.50853 256 241 Tsunozu 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Waki 88.151072 254 241 Waki 113.63255 255 241 Waki 136.50853 256 241 Waki 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Gotsu 88.151072 254 241 Gotsu 113.63255 255 241 Gotsu 136.50853 256 241 Gotsu 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shioya 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Asari 95.004958 255 242 Asari 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Ichimura 95.004958 255 242 Ichimura 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hataguchi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Naka-Tsuchi 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Morimune 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Atada 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Jigozen 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Shimonohama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Miyajima 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kuromatsu 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hatsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hazum-Hongo 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Kohama 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Ichi 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Yunotsu 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Nakaji 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Itsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kami-Ida 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Nakagumi 76.080611 256 244 Nakagumi 108.16557 257 244 Nakagumi 135.47116 258 244 Nakagumi 96.867382 258 246 96.867382 258 246 Mino 3.2965007 245 246 Mino 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Omori 76.080611 256 244 Omori 108.16557 257 244 Omori 135.47116 258 244 Omori 136.60019 259 245 Omori 127.97669 259 246 Omori 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Korenaga 3.2965007 245 246 Korenaga 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nishita 76.080611 256 244 Nishita 108.16557 257 244 Nishita 135.47116 258 244 Nishita 96.867382 258 246 96.867382 258 246 Nimamachi 76.080611 256 244 Nimamachi 108.16557 257 244 Nimamachi 135.47116 258 244 Nimamachi 136.60019 259 245 Nimamachi 127.97669 259 246 Nimamachi 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Takuno 76.080611 256 244 Takuno 108.16557 257 244 Takuno 135.47116 258 244 Takuno 136.60019 259 245 Takuno 127.97669 259 246 Takuno 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Nakanohama 3.2965007 245 246 Nakanohama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Takunomachi 76.080611 256 244 Takunomachi 108.16557 257 244 Takunomachi 135.47116 258 244 Takunomachi 136.60019 259 245 Takunomachi 127.97669 259 246 Takunomachi 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Hata 3.2965007 245 246 Hata 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kanokawa 3.2965007 245 246 Kanokawa 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Osu 3.2965007 245 246 Osu 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakago 3.2965007 245 246 Nakago 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakamachi 3.2965007 245 246 Nakamachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiroshima 3.2965007 245 246 Hiroshima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tsukumo 3.2965007 245 246 Tsukumo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Oura 85.859273 257 245 Oura 127.196 258 245 Oura 136.60019 259 245 Oura 127.97669 259 246 Oura 102.98478 259 247 Oura 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Fukae 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Obara 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Oko 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Hira 85.859273 257 245 Hira 127.196 258 245 Hira 136.60019 259 245 Hira 127.97669 259 246 Hira 102.98478 259 247 Hira 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Umesako 3.2965007 245 246 Umesako 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kakinoura 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Yumbe 85.859273 257 245 Yumbe 127.196 258 245 Yumbe 136.60019 259 245 Yumbe 127.97669 259 246 Yumbe 102.98478 259 247 Yumbe 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Hitonose 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Torii 85.859273 257 245 Torii 127.196 258 245 Torii 136.60019 259 245 Torii 127.97669 259 246 Torii 102.98478 259 247 Torii 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Etajima 3.2965007 245 246 Etajima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kirikushi 3.2965007 245 246 Kirikushi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Okimi 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Koyo 3.2965007 245 246 Koyo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Yukitsune 85.859273 257 245 Yukitsune 127.196 258 245 Yukitsune 136.60019 259 245 Yukitsune 127.97669 259 246 Yukitsune 102.98478 259 247 Yukitsune 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Sugewa 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Kutemachi 96.867382 258 246 Kutemachi 127.97669 259 246 Kutemachi 102.98478 259 247 Kutemachi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Oda 96.867382 258 246 Oda 127.97669 259 246 Oda 102.98478 259 247 Oda 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Ryoshida 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kamigumi 3.2965007 245 246 Kamigumi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Sakioku 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Arikiyo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hamazaki 3.2965007 245 246 Hamazaki 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ondo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Fujinowaki 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Takasu 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hane 96.867382 258 246 Hane 127.97669 259 246 Hane 102.98478 259 247 Hane 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Kaita 3.2965007 245 246 Kaita 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Muroo 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Ideguchi 96.867382 258 246 Ideguchi 127.97669 259 246 Ideguchi 102.98478 259 247 Ideguchi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Hatami 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kaigoshi 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Karoto 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Okujo 3.2965007 245 246 Okujo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiradani 3.2965007 245 246 Hiradani 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kure 3.2965007 245 246 Kure 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Osako 4.7740481 243 248 Osako 29.86239 240 251 Osako 26.376706 242 251 Osako 72.875108 243 251 72.875108 243 251 Jin'yama 8.6907422 244 247 Jin'yama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tagimachi 12.538645 258 247 Tagimachi 102.98478 259 247 Tagimachi 122.62579 261 248 Tagimachi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Kushi-taki 12.538645 258 247 Kushi-taki 102.98478 259 247 Kushi-taki 122.62579 261 248 Kushi-taki 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Nakagori 12.538645 258 247 Nakagori 102.98478 259 247 Nakagori 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Harido 12.538645 258 247 Harido 102.98478 259 247 Harido 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Obama 42.40165 240 250 Obama 29.86239 240 251 29.86239 240 251 Hiromachi 8.6907422 244 247 Hiromachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Uryu 59.786272 259 248 Uryu 98.667583 260 248 Uryu 122.62579 261 248 Uryu 21.176113 259 249 Uryu 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Hatari 42.40165 240 250 Hatari 29.86239 240 251 Hatari 34.767233 241 252 34.767233 241 252 Hinomi-saki 59.786272 259 248 Hinomi-saki 98.667583 260 248 Hinomi-saki 122.62579 261 248 Hinomi-saki 21.176113 259 249 Hinomi-saki 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Mutsuki 42.40165 240 250 Mutsuki 29.86239 240 251 Mutsuki 34.767233 241 252 34.767233 241 252 Shimojima 4.7740481 243 248 Shimojima 29.86239 240 251 Shimojima 26.376706 242 251 Shimojima 72.875108 243 251 Shimojima 7.2322222 242 252 Shimojima 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Ojizo 4.7740481 243 248 Ojizo 29.86239 240 251 Ojizo 26.376706 242 251 Ojizo 72.875108 243 251 Ojizo 7.2322222 242 252 Ojizo 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Washigasu 42.40165 240 250 Washigasu 29.86239 240 251 29.86239 240 251 Jige 59.786272 259 248 Jige 98.667583 260 248 Jige 122.62579 261 248 Jige 21.176113 259 249 Jige 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Sagiura 59.786272 259 248 Sagiura 98.667583 260 248 Sagiura 122.62579 261 248 Sagiura 21.176113 259 249 Sagiura 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Taisha 59.786272 259 248 Taisha 98.667583 260 248 Taisha 122.62579 261 248 Taisha 21.176113 259 249 Taisha 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Saginoura 59.786272 259 248 Saginoura 98.667583 260 248 Saginoura 122.62579 261 248 Saginoura 21.176113 259 249 Saginoura 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Arakayacho 59.786272 259 248 Arakayacho 98.667583 260 248 Arakayacho 122.62579 261 248 Arakayacho 21.176113 259 249 Arakayacho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Ojimacho 59.786272 259 248 Ojimacho 98.667583 260 248 Ojimacho 122.62579 261 248 Ojimacho 21.176113 259 249 Ojimacho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Kawajiri 4.7740481 243 248 Kawajiri 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ebisu 59.786272 259 248 Ebisu 98.667583 260 248 Ebisu 122.62579 261 248 Ebisu 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Sannose 4.7740481 243 248 Sannose 29.86239 240 251 Sannose 26.376706 242 251 Sannose 72.875108 243 251 Sannose 7.2322222 242 252 Sannose 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Osaki-kami-jima 4.7740481 243 248 Osaki-kami-jima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Inomecho 21.176113 259 249 Inomecho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Harahata 4.3081145 243 249 Harahata 8.0319931 242 250 Harahata 26.376706 242 251 Harahata 72.875108 243 251 Harahata 7.2322222 242 252 Harahata 19.349629 243 252 Harahata 72.484521 242 253 Harahata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyazakari 4.3081145 243 249 Miyazakari 31.536176 241 250 Miyazakari 8.0319931 242 250 Miyazakari 41.929864 241 251 Miyazakari 26.376706 242 251 Miyazakari 72.875108 243 251 Miyazakari 7.2322222 242 252 Miyazakari 19.349629 243 252 Miyazakari 72.484521 242 253 Miyazakari 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Koyo 4.3081145 243 249 Koyo 31.536176 241 250 Koyo 8.0319931 242 250 Koyo 41.929864 241 251 Koyo 26.376706 242 251 Koyo 72.875108 243 251 Koyo 7.2322222 242 252 Koyo 19.349629 243 252 Koyo 72.484521 242 253 Koyo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Tado 4.3081145 243 249 Tado 31.536176 241 250 Tado 8.0319931 242 250 Tado 41.929864 241 251 Tado 26.376706 242 251 Tado 72.875108 243 251 Tado 7.2322222 242 252 Tado 19.349629 243 252 Tado 72.484521 242 253 Tado 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hiraki 4.3081145 243 249 Hiraki 8.0319931 242 250 Hiraki 26.376706 242 251 Hiraki 72.875108 243 251 Hiraki 7.2322222 242 252 Hiraki 19.349629 243 252 Hiraki 72.484521 242 253 Hiraki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchinoumi 4.3081145 243 249 Uchinoumi 8.0319931 242 250 Uchinoumi 26.376706 242 251 Uchinoumi 72.875108 243 251 Uchinoumi 7.2322222 242 252 Uchinoumi 19.349629 243 252 Uchinoumi 72.484521 242 253 Uchinoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oura 4.3081145 243 249 Oura 42.40165 240 250 Oura 29.86239 240 251 Oura 26.376706 242 251 Oura 72.875108 243 251 Oura 7.2322222 242 252 Oura 19.349629 243 252 Oura 72.484521 242 253 Oura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Upporoi 53.057323 260 249 Upporoi 42.2413 261 249 Upporoi 2.841304 260 250 Upporoi 89.136776 262 250 Upporoi 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Oi 53.057323 260 249 Oi 42.2413 261 249 Oi 2.841304 260 250 Oi 89.136776 262 250 Oi 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Mitsuguchi 4.3081145 243 249 Mitsuguchi 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsuguchi 26.376706 242 251 Mitsuguchi 72.875108 243 251 Mitsuguchi 7.2322222 242 252 Mitsuguchi 19.349629 243 252 Mitsuguchi 72.484521 242 253 Mitsuguchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozucho 21.176113 259 249 Kozucho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Horie 42.40165 240 250 Horie 29.86239 240 251 29.86239 240 251 Kami-Oda 72.875108 243 251 Kami-Oda 19.349629 243 252 Kami-Oda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hojo 42.40165 240 250 Hojo 29.86239 240 251 Hojo 34.767233 241 252 Hojo 39.500802 241 253 39.500802 241 253 Kazahaya 8.0319931 242 250 Kazahaya 26.376706 242 251 Kazahaya 72.875108 243 251 Kazahaya 7.2322222 242 252 Kazahaya 19.349629 243 252 Kazahaya 72.484521 242 253 Kazahaya 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kuchi-Ukacho 2.841304 260 250 Kuchi-Ukacho 89.136776 262 250 Kuchi-Ukacho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Komatsubara 8.0319931 242 250 Komatsubara 26.376706 242 251 Komatsubara 72.875108 243 251 Komatsubara 7.2322222 242 252 Komatsubara 19.349629 243 252 Komatsubara 72.484521 242 253 Komatsubara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchiura 42.40165 240 250 Uchiura 29.86239 240 251 Uchiura 26.376706 242 251 Uchiura 72.875108 243 251 Uchiura 7.2322222 242 252 Uchiura 19.349629 243 252 Uchiura 72.484521 242 253 Uchiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kanashi 72.875108 243 251 Kanashi 19.349629 243 252 Kanashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Asanamihar 42.40165 240 250 Asanamihar 29.86239 240 251 Asanamihar 26.376706 242 251 Asanamihar 7.2322222 242 252 Asanamihar 72.484521 242 253 Asanamihar 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Agejima 2.841304 260 250 Agejima 89.136776 262 250 Agejima 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Mitsu 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsu 26.376706 242 251 Mitsu 72.875108 243 251 Mitsu 7.2322222 242 252 Mitsu 19.349629 243 252 Mitsu 72.484521 242 253 Mitsu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 2.841304 260 250 Hama 89.136776 262 250 Hama 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Nada 2.841304 260 250 Nada 89.136776 262 250 Nada 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Kubi 42.40165 240 250 Kubi 29.86239 240 251 Kubi 26.376706 242 251 Kubi 72.875108 243 251 Kubi 7.2322222 242 252 Kubi 19.349629 243 252 Kubi 72.484521 242 253 Kubi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okitomo 29.86239 240 251 Okitomo 26.376706 242 251 Okitomo 72.875108 243 251 Okitomo 7.2322222 242 252 Okitomo 19.349629 243 252 Okitomo 72.484521 242 253 Okitomo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 29.86239 240 251 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 7.2322222 242 252 Hama 72.484521 242 253 Hama 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Ocho 29.86239 240 251 Ocho 26.376706 242 251 Ocho 72.875108 243 251 Ocho 7.2322222 242 252 Ocho 19.349629 243 252 Ocho 72.484521 242 253 Ocho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okushi 41.929864 241 251 Okushi 26.376706 242 251 Okushi 72.875108 243 251 Okushi 7.2322222 242 252 Okushi 19.349629 243 252 Okushi 72.484521 242 253 Okushi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Daicho 29.86239 240 251 Daicho 26.376706 242 251 Daicho 72.875108 243 251 Daicho 7.2322222 242 252 Daicho 19.349629 243 252 Daicho 72.484521 242 253 Daicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakaura 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Matsuo 29.86239 240 251 Matsuo 26.376706 242 251 Matsuo 7.2322222 242 252 Matsuo 72.484521 242 253 Matsuo 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Mitarai 29.86239 240 251 Mitarai 26.376706 242 251 Mitarai 72.875108 243 251 Mitarai 7.2322222 242 252 Mitarai 19.349629 243 252 Mitarai 72.484521 242 253 Mitarai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 72.875108 243 251 Hama 7.2322222 242 252 Hama 19.349629 243 252 Hama 72.484521 242 253 Hama 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Akashi 41.929864 241 251 Akashi 26.376706 242 251 Akashi 72.875108 243 251 Akashi 7.2322222 242 252 Akashi 19.349629 243 252 Akashi 72.484521 242 253 Akashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sukune 72.875108 243 251 Sukune 19.349629 243 252 Sukune 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Nakano 41.929864 241 251 Nakano 26.376706 242 251 Nakano 72.875108 243 251 Nakano 7.2322222 242 252 Nakano 19.349629 243 252 Nakano 72.484521 242 253 Nakano 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozakai 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Obe 24.619908 240 252 Obe 34.767233 241 252 Obe 7.2322222 242 252 Obe 19.349629 243 252 Obe 72.484521 242 253 Obe 53.506904 242 254 Obe 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Okiura 34.767233 241 252 Okiura 7.2322222 242 252 Okiura 19.349629 243 252 Okiura 72.484521 242 253 Okiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakata 24.619908 240 252 Sakata 34.767233 241 252 Sakata 7.2322222 242 252 Sakata 19.349629 243 252 Sakata 72.484521 242 253 Sakata 53.506904 242 254 Sakata 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Takehara 19.349629 243 252 Takehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kinoe 34.767233 241 252 Kinoe 7.2322222 242 252 Kinoe 19.349629 243 252 Kinoe 72.484521 242 253 Kinoe 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Onashi 19.349629 243 252 Onashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shiramizu 7.2322222 242 252 Shiramizu 19.349629 243 252 Shiramizu 72.484521 242 253 Shiramizu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oi 24.619908 240 252 Oi 34.767233 241 252 Oi 7.2322222 242 252 Oi 19.349629 243 252 Oi 72.484521 242 253 Oi 53.506904 242 254 Oi 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Takasakicho 19.349629 243 252 Takasakicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Ono 24.619908 240 252 Ono 34.767233 241 252 Ono 7.2322222 242 252 Ono 72.484521 242 253 Ono 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Takasaki 19.349629 243 252 Takasaki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Namikata 24.619908 240 252 Namikata 34.767233 241 252 Namikata 7.2322222 242 252 Namikata 19.349629 243 252 Namikata 72.484521 242 253 Namikata 53.506904 242 254 Namikata 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Munagata 34.767233 241 252 Munagata 7.2322222 242 252 Munagata 19.349629 243 252 Munagata 72.484521 242 253 Munagata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mitabe 164.86729 269 252 Mitabe 136.07093 272 254 Mitabe 91.853673 272 255 Mitabe 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Fukuda 19.349629 243 252 Fukuda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Dozen 164.86729 269 252 Dozen 136.07093 272 254 Dozen 91.853673 272 255 Dozen 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hasihama 24.619908 240 252 Hasihama 34.767233 241 252 Hasihama 7.2322222 242 252 Hasihama 19.349629 243 252 Hasihama 72.484521 242 253 Hasihama 53.506904 242 254 Hasihama 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuchisubo 34.767233 241 252 Kuchisubo 7.2322222 242 252 Kuchisubo 19.349629 243 252 Kuchisubo 72.484521 242 253 Kuchisubo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Aikamachi 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Kinehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Chinzaki 144.14125 269 253 Chinzaki 146.82765 270 253 Chinzaki 173.95197 272 253 Chinzaki 111.72703 270 254 Chinzaki 136.07093 272 254 Chinzaki 91.853673 272 255 Chinzaki 72.084719 272 256 Chinzaki 77.981532 269 257 77.981532 269 257 Etomo 91.852351 263 253 Etomo 98.315461 264 253 Etomo 82.589962 263 254 Etomo 58.761116 263 255 Etomo 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tadanoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Urago 144.14125 269 253 Urago 146.82765 270 253 Urago 173.95197 272 253 Urago 111.72703 270 254 Urago 136.07093 272 254 Urago 91.853673 272 255 Urago 72.084719 272 256 Urago 77.981532 269 257 77.981532 269 257 Higai 72.484521 242 253 Higai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyanoura 39.500802 241 253 Miyanoura 72.484521 242 253 Miyanoura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Terasu 91.852351 263 253 Terasu 98.315461 264 253 Terasu 82.589962 263 254 Terasu 58.761116 263 255 Terasu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tamagi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Imabari 39.500802 241 253 Imabari 72.484521 242 253 Imabari 53.506904 242 254 Imabari 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Sada-Miyauchi 91.852351 263 253 Sada-Miyauchi 98.315461 264 253 Sada-Miyauchi 82.589962 263 254 Sada-Miyauchi 58.761116 263 255 Sada-Miyauchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Funakoshi 144.14125 269 253 Funakoshi 146.82765 270 253 Funakoshi 173.95197 272 253 Funakoshi 111.72703 270 254 Funakoshi 136.07093 272 254 Funakoshi 91.853673 272 255 Funakoshi 72.084719 272 256 Funakoshi 77.981532 269 257 77.981532 269 257 Hashi 144.14125 269 253 Hashi 146.82765 270 253 Hashi 173.95197 272 253 Hashi 111.72703 270 254 Hashi 136.07093 272 254 Hashi 91.853673 272 255 Hashi 72.084719 272 256 Hashi 77.981532 269 257 77.981532 269 257 Inokuchi 72.484521 242 253 Inokuchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mukuna 39.500802 241 253 Mukuna 72.484521 242 253 Mukuna 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shimogumi 91.852351 263 253 Shimogumi 98.315461 264 253 Shimogumi 82.589962 263 254 Shimogumi 58.761116 263 255 Shimogumi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kitaura 39.500802 241 253 Kitaura 72.484521 242 253 Kitaura 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Sakai 72.484521 242 253 Sakai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Urumi 133.67207 268 253 Urumi 90.540608 268 255 Urumi 91.853673 272 255 Urumi 72.084719 272 256 Urumi 78.245891 268 257 Urumi 77.981532 269 257 77.981532 269 257 Niburi 133.67207 268 253 Niburi 90.540608 268 255 Niburi 91.853673 272 255 Niburi 72.084719 272 256 Niburi 78.245891 268 257 Niburi 77.981532 269 257 77.981532 269 257 Noji 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Go-Sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Hama-sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Ryomei 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minamiura 53.506904 242 254 Minamiura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Mitajiri 121.19467 269 254 Mitajiri 111.72703 270 254 Mitajiri 136.07093 272 254 Mitajiri 91.853673 272 255 Mitajiri 72.084719 272 256 Mitajiri 77.981532 269 257 Mitajiri 96.292275 271 258 Mitajiri 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Beppu 121.19467 269 254 Beppu 111.72703 270 254 Beppu 136.07093 272 254 Beppu 91.853673 272 255 Beppu 72.084719 272 256 Beppu 77.981532 269 257 Beppu 96.292275 271 258 Beppu 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Kori 118.2324 268 254 Kori 90.540608 268 255 Kori 91.853673 272 255 Kori 72.084719 272 256 Kori 78.245891 268 257 Kori 77.981532 269 257 Kori 96.292275 271 258 Kori 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Saiwaishinden 53.506904 242 254 Saiwaishinden 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Oyama 121.19467 269 254 Oyama 111.72703 270 254 Oyama 136.07093 272 254 Oyama 91.853673 272 255 Oyama 72.084719 272 256 Oyama 77.981532 269 257 Oyama 96.292275 271 258 Oyama 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Seto 53.506904 242 254 Seto 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Niregi 82.589962 263 254 Niregi 58.761116 263 255 Niregi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kuratani 121.19467 269 254 Kuratani 111.72703 270 254 Kuratani 136.07093 272 254 Kuratani 91.853673 272 255 Kuratani 72.084719 272 256 Kuratani 77.981532 269 257 Kuratani 96.292275 271 258 Kuratani 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Usuge 118.2324 268 254 Usuge 90.540608 268 255 Usuge 91.853673 272 255 Usuge 72.084719 272 256 Usuge 78.245891 268 257 Usuge 77.981532 269 257 Usuge 96.292275 271 258 Usuge 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Hama 82.589962 263 254 Hama 58.761116 263 255 Hama 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yosokuni 53.506904 242 254 Yosokuni 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuranotani 121.19467 269 254 Kuranotani 111.72703 270 254 Kuranotani 136.07093 272 254 Kuranotani 91.853673 272 255 Kuranotani 72.084719 272 256 Kuranotani 77.981532 269 257 Kuranotani 96.292275 271 258 Kuranotani 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Wadacho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuwaki 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Miyakubo 53.506904 242 254 Miyakubo 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Uga 121.19467 269 254 Uga 111.72703 270 254 Uga 136.07093 272 254 Uga 91.853673 272 255 Uga 72.084719 272 256 Uga 77.981532 269 257 Uga 96.292275 271 258 Uga 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Tomoura 53.506904 242 254 Tomoura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Fukui 121.19467 269 254 Fukui 111.72703 270 254 Fukui 136.07093 272 254 Fukui 91.853673 272 255 Fukui 72.084719 272 256 Fukui 77.981532 269 257 Fukui 96.292275 271 258 Fukui 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Aoya 118.2324 268 254 Aoya 90.540608 268 255 Aoya 91.853673 272 255 Aoya 72.084719 272 256 Aoya 78.245891 268 257 Aoya 77.981532 269 257 Aoya 96.292275 271 258 Aoya 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Hinozu 121.19467 269 254 Hinozu 111.72703 270 254 Hinozu 136.07093 272 254 Hinozu 91.853673 272 255 Hinozu 72.084719 272 256 Hinozu 77.981532 269 257 Hinozu 96.292275 271 258 Hinozu 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Sunamicho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kone 53.506904 242 254 Kone 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Saki 118.2324 268 254 Saki 90.540608 268 255 Saki 91.853673 272 255 Saki 72.084719 272 256 Saki 78.245891 268 257 Saki 77.981532 269 257 Saki 96.292275 271 258 Saki 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Setoda 53.506904 242 254 Setoda 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minami 121.19467 269 254 Minami 111.72703 270 254 Minami 136.07093 272 254 Minami 91.853673 272 255 Minami 72.084719 272 256 Minami 77.981532 269 257 Minami 96.292275 271 258 Minami 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Tako 82.589962 263 254 Tako 58.761116 263 255 Tako 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Oi 118.2324 268 254 Oi 90.540608 268 255 Oi 91.853673 272 255 Oi 72.084719 272 256 Oi 78.245891 268 257 Oi 77.981532 269 257 Oi 96.292275 271 258 Oi 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Kitabun 121.19467 269 254 Kitabun 111.72703 270 254 Kitabun 136.07093 272 254 Kitabun 91.853673 272 255 Kitabun 72.084719 272 256 Kitabun 77.981532 269 257 Kitabun 96.292275 271 258 Kitabun 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Nonami 58.761116 263 255 Nonami 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Utsuka 89.335964 269 255 Utsuka 91.853673 272 255 Utsuka 72.084719 272 256 Utsuka 77.981532 269 257 Utsuka 96.292275 271 258 Utsuka 63.004105 272 258 Utsuka 22.247848 272 259 22.247848 272 259 Chichii 89.335964 269 255 Chichii 91.853673 272 255 Chichii 72.084719 272 256 Chichii 77.981532 269 257 Chichii 96.292275 271 258 Chichii 63.004105 272 258 Chichii 22.247848 272 259 22.247848 272 259 Hobomi 89.335964 269 255 Hobomi 91.853673 272 255 Hobomi 72.084719 272 256 Hobomi 77.981532 269 257 Hobomi 96.292275 271 258 Hobomi 63.004105 272 258 Hobomi 22.247848 272 259 22.247848 272 259 Toyota 89.335964 269 255 Toyota 91.853673 272 255 Toyota 72.084719 272 256 Toyota 77.981532 269 257 Toyota 96.292275 271 258 Toyota 63.004105 272 258 Toyota 22.247848 272 259 22.247848 272 259 Nota 89.335964 269 255 Nota 91.853673 272 255 Nota 72.084719 272 256 Nota 77.981532 269 257 Nota 96.292275 271 258 Nota 63.004105 272 258 Nota 22.247848 272 259 22.247848 272 259 Chikumi 58.761116 263 255 Chikumi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Mambara 58.761116 263 255 Mambara 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Nagaoda 72.084719 272 256 Nagaoda 63.004105 272 258 Nagaoda 22.247848 272 259 Nagaoda 71.063169 272 260 Nagaoda 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Katae 57.606975 264 256 Katae 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yui 72.084719 272 256 Yui 17.898566 271 257 Yui 96.292275 271 258 Yui ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 09:15:08.084713 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== 63.004105 272 258 Yui 22.247848 272 259 Yui 149.12927 271 260 Yui 71.063169 272 260 Yui 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Fukura 72.084719 272 256 Fukura 63.004105 272 258 Fukura 22.247848 272 259 Fukura 71.063169 272 260 Fukura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Moriyama 57.606975 264 256 Moriyama 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Nagu 72.084719 272 256 Nagu 17.898566 271 257 Nagu 96.292275 271 258 Nagu 63.004105 272 258 Nagu 22.247848 272 259 Nagu 149.12927 271 260 Nagu 71.063169 272 260 Nagu 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Wataricho 57.606975 264 256 Wataricho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tonoecho 57.606975 264 256 Tonoecho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Otsugu 72.084719 272 256 Otsugu 17.898566 271 257 Otsugu 96.292275 271 258 Otsugu 63.004105 272 258 Otsugu 22.247848 272 259 Otsugu 149.12927 271 260 Otsugu 71.063169 272 260 Otsugu 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Watari 57.606975 264 256 Watari 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Shichirui 57.606975 264 256 Shichirui 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Shiro 72.084719 272 256 Shiro 63.004105 272 258 Shiro 22.247848 272 259 Shiro 71.063169 272 260 Shiro 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kumi 72.084719 272 256 Kumi 63.004105 272 258 Kumi 22.247848 272 259 Kumi 71.063169 272 260 Kumi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Naguchi 64.009701 272 257 Naguchi 113.24509 274 257 Naguchi 175.14191 275 257 Naguchi 63.004105 272 258 Naguchi 22.247848 272 259 Naguchi 71.063169 272 260 Naguchi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Minamigata 64.009701 272 257 Minamigata 113.24509 274 257 Minamigata 175.14191 275 257 Minamigata 63.004105 272 258 Minamigata 22.247848 272 259 Minamigata 71.063169 272 260 Minamigata 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamisato 17.898566 271 257 Kamisato 96.292275 271 258 Kamisato 63.004105 272 258 Kamisato 22.247848 272 259 Kamisato 149.12927 271 260 Kamisato 71.063169 272 260 Kamisato 101.71401 275 260 Kamisato 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Mukoyama 17.898566 271 257 Mukoyama 96.292275 271 258 Mukoyama 63.004105 272 258 Mukoyama 22.247848 272 259 Mukoyama 149.12927 271 260 Mukoyama 71.063169 272 260 Mukoyama 101.71401 275 260 Mukoyama 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Tsudo 74.580521 270 257 Tsudo 17.898566 271 257 Tsudo 99.890666 270 258 Tsudo 96.292275 271 258 Tsudo 63.004105 272 258 Tsudo 22.247848 272 259 Tsudo 149.12927 271 260 Tsudo 71.063169 272 260 Tsudo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Takenouchicho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Sakai-Minato 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Fukuura 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yoshizu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Koii 64.009701 272 257 Koii 113.24509 274 257 Koii 175.14191 275 257 Koii 63.004105 272 258 Koii 22.247848 272 259 Koii 71.063169 272 260 Koii 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kori 64.009701 272 257 Kori 113.24509 274 257 Kori 175.14191 275 257 Kori 63.004105 272 258 Kori 22.247848 272 259 Kori 71.063169 272 260 Kori 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 O-Shinozucho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kitagata 64.009701 272 257 Kitagata 113.24509 274 257 Kitagata 175.14191 275 257 Kitagata 63.004105 272 258 Kitagata 22.247848 272 259 Kitagata 71.063169 272 260 Kitagata 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Yamad 64.009701 272 257 Yamad 113.24509 274 257 Yamad 175.14191 275 257 Yamad 63.004105 272 258 Yamad 22.247848 272 259 Yamad 71.063169 272 260 Yamad 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kumozu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Utagi 17.898566 271 257 Utagi 96.292275 271 258 Utagi 63.004105 272 258 Utagi 22.247848 272 259 Utagi 149.12927 271 260 Utagi 71.063169 272 260 Utagi 101.71401 275 260 Utagi 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Igo 64.009701 272 257 Igo 113.24509 274 257 Igo 175.14191 275 257 Igo 63.004105 272 258 Igo 22.247848 272 259 Igo 71.063169 272 260 Igo 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamiguchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kamo 74.580521 270 257 Kamo 17.898566 271 257 Kamo 99.890666 270 258 Kamo 96.292275 271 258 Kamo 63.004105 272 258 Kamo 22.247848 272 259 Kamo 149.12927 271 260 Kamo 71.063169 272 260 Kamo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kambi 74.580521 270 257 Kambi 17.898566 271 257 Kambi 99.890666 270 258 Kambi 96.292275 271 258 Kambi 63.004105 272 258 Kambi 22.247848 272 259 Kambi 149.12927 271 260 Kambi 71.063169 272 260 Kambi 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Higuchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Goto 16.831275 262 260 Goto 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nishimura 64.009701 272 257 Nishimura 113.24509 274 257 Nishimura 175.14191 275 257 Nishimura 63.004105 272 258 Nishimura 22.247848 272 259 Nishimura 71.063169 272 260 Nishimura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Harada 96.292275 271 258 Harada 63.004105 272 258 Harada 22.247848 272 259 Harada 149.12927 271 260 Harada 71.063169 272 260 Harada 101.71401 275 260 Harada 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kamidani 61.276459 264 258 Kamidani 56.677483 264 259 56.677483 264 259 Mihonoseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonoseki 56.677483 264 259 56.677483 264 259 Ikeda 96.292275 271 258 Ikeda 63.004105 272 258 Ikeda 22.247848 272 259 Ikeda 149.12927 271 260 Ikeda 71.063169 272 260 Ikeda 101.71401 275 260 Ikeda 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Nakamura 63.004105 272 258 Nakamura 22.247848 272 259 Nakamura 71.063169 272 260 Nakamura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Nishida 96.292275 271 258 Nishida 63.004105 272 258 Nishida 22.247848 272 259 Nishida 149.12927 271 260 Nishida 71.063169 272 260 Nishida 101.71401 275 260 Nishida 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Mihonseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonseki 56.677483 264 259 56.677483 264 259 Minoura 99.890666 270 258 Minoura 96.292275 271 258 Minoura 63.004105 272 258 Minoura 22.247848 272 259 Minoura 149.12927 271 260 Minoura 71.063169 272 260 Minoura 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Abe 16.831275 262 260 Abe 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Gonya 63.004105 272 258 Gonya 22.247848 272 259 Gonya 71.063169 272 260 Gonya 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Misaki 99.890666 270 258 Misaki 96.292275 271 258 Misaki 63.004105 272 258 Misaki 22.247848 272 259 Misaki 149.12927 271 260 Misaki 71.063169 272 260 Misaki 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Araki 96.292275 271 258 Araki 63.004105 272 258 Araki 22.247848 272 259 Araki 149.12927 271 260 Araki 71.063169 272 260 Araki 101.71401 275 260 Araki 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Yonago 16.831275 262 260 Yonago 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Takei 96.292275 271 258 Takei 63.004105 272 258 Takei 22.247848 272 259 Takei 149.12927 271 260 Takei 71.063169 272 260 Takei 101.71401 275 260 Takei 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Sei 96.292275 271 258 Sei 63.004105 272 258 Sei 22.247848 272 259 Sei 149.12927 271 260 Sei 71.063169 272 260 Sei 101.71401 275 260 Sei 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Iibi 63.004105 272 258 Iibi 22.247848 272 259 Iibi 71.063169 272 260 Iibi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Togo 96.292275 271 258 Togo 63.004105 272 258 Togo 22.247848 272 259 Togo 149.12927 271 260 Togo 71.063169 272 260 Togo 101.71401 275 260 Togo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Iida 96.292275 271 258 Iida 63.004105 272 258 Iida 22.247848 272 259 Iida 149.12927 271 260 Iida 71.063169 272 260 Iida 101.71401 275 260 Iida 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Higashi-Fukuhara 16.831275 262 260 Higashi-Fukuhara 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Uzuki 63.004105 272 258 Uzuki 22.247848 272 259 Uzuki 71.063169 272 260 Uzuki 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kami-fukubara 16.831275 262 260 Kami-fukubara 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kaike-Onsen 16.831275 262 260 Kaike-Onsen 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Saigo 96.292275 271 258 Saigo 63.004105 272 258 Saigo 22.247848 272 259 Saigo 149.12927 271 260 Saigo 71.063169 272 260 Saigo 101.71401 275 260 Saigo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Inugu 123.16414 271 259 Inugu 22.247848 272 259 Inugu 149.12927 271 260 Inugu 71.063169 272 260 Inugu 101.71401 275 260 Inugu 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kama 123.16414 271 259 Kama 22.247848 272 259 Kama 149.12927 271 260 Kama 71.063169 272 260 Kama 101.71401 275 260 Kama 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Oku 123.16414 271 259 Oku 22.247848 272 259 Oku 149.12927 271 260 Oku 71.063169 272 260 Oku 101.71401 275 260 Oku 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kuzumo 16.831275 262 260 Kuzumo 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Soda 16.831275 262 260 Soda 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kaya 16.831275 262 260 Kaya 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kawaoka 16.831275 262 260 Kawaoka 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Odaka 16.831275 262 260 Odaka 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Sueyoshi 16.831275 262 260 Sueyoshi 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Muki 16.831275 262 260 Muki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Yodoe 16.831275 262 260 Yodoe 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nawa 17.849925 262 261 Nawa 34.655903 263 261 Nawa 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Kami Daison 17.849925 262 261 Kami Daison 34.655903 263 261 Kami Daison 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Shitatsubo 17.849925 262 261 Shitatsubo 34.655903 263 261 Shitatsubo 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Takahashi 17.849925 262 261 Takahashi 34.655903 263 261 Takahashi 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Nagano 17.849925 262 261 Nagano 34.655903 263 261 Nagano 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Uwaichi 17.849925 262 261 Uwaichi 34.655903 263 261 Uwaichi 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Akasaka 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Uematsu 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Hata 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Notsu 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Idekami 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Yawata 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Bessho 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Akasaki Ko 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Miyaki 39.254898 263 263 Miyaki 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Yabase 39.254898 263 263 Yabase 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Ho 39.254898 263 263 Ho 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Urayasu 39.254898 263 263 Urayasu 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Kogane 39.254898 263 263 Kogane 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Kanaya 37.089394 263 264 Kanaya 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Sugishita 37.089394 263 264 Sugishita 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Shimontane 37.089394 263 264 Shimontane 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Otani 37.089394 263 264 Otani 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Yura 37.089394 263 264 Yura 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Yurajuku 37.089394 263 264 Yurajuku 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Yurashuku 37.089394 263 264 Yurashuku 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Nishisono 37.089394 263 264 Nishisono 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Seto 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Kitano 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Yonesato 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Yumihara 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Ekita 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Koda 45.857399 263 266 Koda 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Shinden 45.857399 263 266 Shinden 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kaita 45.857399 263 266 Kaita 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Nagase 45.857399 263 266 Nagase 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Tajiri 45.857399 263 266 Tajiri 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Egita 45.857399 263 266 Egita 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kodota 45.857399 263 266 Kodota 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Shimo Asozu 45.857399 263 266 Shimo Asozu 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kami Asozu 45.857399 263 266 Kami Asozu 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Hashizu 45.857399 263 266 Hashizu 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Matsuzaki 44.868822 263 267 Matsuzaki 69.882882 264 267 Matsuzaki 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Hara 44.868822 263 267 Hara 69.882882 264 267 Hara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Urushihara 44.868822 263 267 Urushihara 69.882882 264 267 Urushihara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Tomari 44.868822 263 267 Tomari 69.882882 264 267 Tomari 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Narutake 44.868822 263 267 Narutake 69.882882 264 267 Narutake 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Yoshikawa 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Okuzaki 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in 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deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/ (625, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Jiazi 22.40734 71 1 Jiazi 13.09244 72 1 Jiazi 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Changqingwei 22.40734 71 1 Changqingwei 13.09244 72 1 Changqingwei 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 19.728532 72 3 Shenquan 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 6.7835538 74 4 6.7835538 74 4 Donghong 4.4844703 74 5 4.4844703 74 5 Jinghai 18.914914 73 6 Jinghai 17.571704 76 9 Jinghai 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Ch'ao-yang-hsien 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Haimen 17.571704 76 9 Haimen 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Shantou 8.4375967 78 11 Shantou 7.0718507 79 12 Shantou 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Dahao 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Aotou 8.4375967 78 11 Aotou 7.0718507 79 12 Aotou 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Daitou 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Guangao 19.161279 76 10 Guangao 12.697454 77 10 Guangao 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Siwei 7.0718507 79 12 Siwei 3.7670093 80 12 Siwei 6.6530483 82 14 6.6530483 82 14 Ch'ien-tung-hsu 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Qiandong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Jingzhou 6.6530483 82 14 Jingzhou 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanglong 12.30569 81 14 Huanglong 6.6530483 82 14 Huanglong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanggang 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Houzhai 14.158554 79 13 Houzhai 7.4188071 80 13 Houzhai 12.30569 81 14 Houzhai 6.6530483 82 14 Houzhai 6.391558 83 16 Houzhai 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Raoping 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Zhelin 6.6530483 82 14 Zhelin 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Shenao 12.310144 80 14 Shenao 12.30569 81 14 Shenao 6.6530483 82 14 Shenao 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Nanao 19.543308 79 15 Nanao 14.736534 80 15 Nanao 14.438193 81 15 Nanao 10.298399 82 15 Nanao 6.391558 83 16 Nanao 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Chelim 10.298399 82 15 Chelim 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Gongkou 6.391558 83 16 Gongkou 25.143746 84 16 25.143746 84 16 Sidu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Dongshan 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Ssu-tu 4.0256123 85 20 4.0256123 85 20 Gongqiancun 16.571469 82 19 Gongqiancun 12.984636 83 19 Gongqiancun 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chencheng 16.571469 82 19 Chencheng 12.984636 83 19 Chencheng 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Hsing-ch'en 4.0256123 85 20 Hsing-ch'en 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Chendai 4.0256123 85 20 Chendai 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Hsi-pu 12.984636 83 19 Hsi-pu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chengguanzhen 22.062022 84 22 Chengguanzhen 3.7540171 87 25 Chengguanzhen 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Erdaogou 9.4160888 308 24 Erdaogou 19.666559 309 24 Erdaogou 19.610813 310 24 Erdaogou 23.439165 311 24 Erdaogou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Binhaicun 19.666559 309 24 Binhaicun 19.610813 310 24 Binhaicun 23.439165 311 24 Binhaicun 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tangjiahe 19.666559 309 24 Tangjiahe 19.610813 310 24 Tangjiahe 23.439165 311 24 Tangjiahe 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 23.439165 311 24 Baishuitou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Lijiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Lijiapu 19.666559 309 24 19.666559 309 24 Guleitou 22.062022 84 22 Guleitou 3.7540171 87 25 Guleitou 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Gangkou 14.166745 86 25 Gangkou 3.7540171 87 25 Gangkou 7.1344484 88 25 Gangkou 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 Gaoshalingcun 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Zhaojiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Zhaojiapu 19.666559 309 24 19.666559 309 24 Liuhongbo 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Xujiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Hsia-mei 3.7540171 87 25 Hsia-mei 7.1344484 88 25 Hsia-mei 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 2.2402331 315 27 Pehtang 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Jiuzhen 10.293507 89 26 Jiuzhen 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Liu'ao 3.7540171 87 25 Liu'ao 7.1344484 88 25 Liu'ao 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Shentu 7.1344484 88 25 Shentu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Chihu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Fotan 8.2773537 91 29 Fotan 7.5801579 92 30 7.5801579 92 30 Fugong 9.1224387 93 31 Fugong 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 Shuangqiaozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Haicang 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Guankou 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Gangwei 9.1224387 93 31 Gangwei 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Songyu 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Hsing-lin 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Xucuo 9.1224387 93 31 Xucuo 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Gulangyu 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Xiamen 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Chen-hai 7.5801579 92 30 Chen-hai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Daomei 9.1224387 93 31 Daomei 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Dianqian 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Jiangtou 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Zhenhai 7.5801579 92 30 Zhenhai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 Heiyanzi 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Hecuo 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Liuwudian 2.7981704 97 31 Liuwudian 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 8.895146 315 31 Beipu 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Aotou 11.680956 96 33 Aotou 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Xindian 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 An-ting 12.486394 94 33 An-ting 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Ma-chiang 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 9.3410776 314 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Chin-men 12.486394 94 33 Chin-men 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Lianhe 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Ch'ing-hsu 15.995085 96 34 Ch'ing-hsu 4.474861 97 34 Ch'ing-hsu 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Shijing 4.474861 97 34 Shijing 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Chin-men Tao 11.81395 95 34 Chin-men Tao 15.995085 96 34 Chin-men Tao 4.474861 97 34 Chin-men Tao 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Yang-chai 11.81395 95 34 Yang-chai 15.995085 96 34 Yang-chai 4.474861 97 34 Yang-chai 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Anhai 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Tung-shih 37.719502 98 36 Tung-shih 3.88525 98 37 Tung-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 Nancaoji 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Weitou 16.40076 96 37 Weitou 3.88525 98 37 Weitou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Chin-ching 16.40076 96 37 Chin-ching 3.88525 98 37 Chin-ching 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Shih-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Yakou 3.88525 98 37 Yakou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Yongning 2.6544592 98 38 Yongning 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Shihu 19.961478 101 42 Shihu 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dongyuan 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Hsiang-chih 23.464508 99 41 Hsiang-chih 12.088851 100 41 Hsiang-chih 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Zhangban 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Fengting 19.992729 107 45 Fengting 40.385472 108 45 Fengting 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 6.5440418 316 41 Yang-chiao 6.7658682 289 45 6.7658682 289 45 Qian'an 19.961478 101 42 Qian'an 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dongsha 19.992729 107 45 Dongsha 40.385472 108 45 Dongsha 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Dawu 3.4065137 103 43 Dawu 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Chongwu 19.961478 101 42 Chongwu 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Lingchuan 19.992729 107 45 Lingchuan 40.385472 108 45 Lingchuan 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Fengwei 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hsiao-tso 12.914359 102 43 Hsiao-tso 3.4065137 103 43 Hsiao-tso 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Zhongmen 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hushi 40.385472 108 45 Hushi 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 P'u-hsi 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hanjiang 4.884141 111 49 Hanjiang 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Meizhou 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Yancangcheng 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Hsing-chuang 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Haitou 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Shiqiao 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Chiang-k'ou 4.884141 111 49 Chiang-k'ou 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Hsia-k'ou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Jiuliqi 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Daitou 26.365664 107 46 Daitou 51.854925 108 46 Daitou 26.166377 108 47 Daitou 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Che-wang 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 Tuanlin 2.4748921 324 50 Tuanlin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Fenshui 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Pinghai 26.166377 108 47 Pinghai 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 2.4748921 324 50 Dapuhe 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Yuxi 3.7875229 112 49 Yuxi 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Andongwei 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tangbian 4.884141 111 49 Tangbian 3.7875229 112 49 Tangbian 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 Xihenancun 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Xugou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Shicheng 6.7393053 107 48 Shicheng 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Lanshantou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Taolekow 4.2500724 257 51 Taolekow 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Jiangjing 4.884141 111 49 Jiangjing 3.7875229 112 49 Jiangjing 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Liujiazhai 7.0120592 258 52 Liujiazhai 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Dongxi Liandao 3.7698366 249 50 Dongxi Liandao 2.4063058 251 50 2.4063058 251 50 Nanri 18.09116 106 50 Nanri 7.0734505 107 50 Nanri 6.1359086 108 50 Nanri 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Longtian 4.547549 112 50 Longtian 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Gangtou 5.4590452 111 50 Gangtou 4.547549 112 50 Gangtou 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 Guidizhai 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Chu-kao-wan 60.854161 86 51 Chu-kao-wan 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 San Shah 3.150623 111 51 San Shah 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Guhuai 10.731328 116 55 Guhuai 9.6953481 117 55 Guhuai 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 Shandongpu 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Feng-kuei-li 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Gaoshan 20.832558 110 51 Gaoshan 3.150623 111 51 Gaoshan 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Fuye 21.813694 106 51 Fuye 4.2004307 109 51 Fuye 20.832558 110 51 20.832558 110 51 Shijiusuo 7.0120592 258 52 Shijiusuo 2.3352735 259 52 2.3352735 259 52 Ch'ang-an 60.854161 86 51 Ch'ang-an 58.867813 87 51 Ch'ang-an 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 P'eng-hu-erh-ts'un 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 Ch'ien-ma-fang 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Langqi 7.4873876 119 56 Langqi 2.4030428 121 56 Langqi 3.7675423 122 56 Langqi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chiang-t'ien 10.731328 116 55 Chiang-t'ien 9.6953481 117 55 Chiang-t'ien 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Changmen 2.4030428 121 56 Changmen 3.7675423 122 56 Changmen 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Ma-kung 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Ch'eng-ch'ien 58.147418 86 52 Ch'eng-ch'ien 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Chu-mu-shui 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 Qinhuangdao 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Chi-pei 58.147418 86 52 Chi-pei 72.156355 87 52 Chi-pei 55.671692 88 52 Chi-pei 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Tantou 5.5278715 118 55 Tantou 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Fengwo 7.4873876 119 56 Fengwo 2.4030428 121 56 Fengwo 3.7675423 122 56 Fengwo 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chang-chiang 9.6953481 117 55 Chang-chiang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Yunlong 7.4873876 119 56 Yunlong 2.4030428 121 56 Yunlong 3.7675423 122 56 Yunlong 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Tung-tai 3.7675423 122 56 Tung-tai 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chin-feng 5.5278715 118 55 Chin-feng 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Ta-ch'iu 7.8729078 109 53 Ta-ch'iu 11.298118 110 53 11.298118 110 53 Baisheng 2.4030428 121 56 Baisheng 3.7675423 122 56 Baisheng 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Mabi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Lung-men 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Guanban 3.7675423 122 56 Guanban 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Wuhang 9.6953481 117 55 Wuhang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Chien-chiang 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Beicuo 14.408223 110 55 Beicuo 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Guanjing 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Cao Yu 21.453363 109 54 21.453363 109 54 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 Shanhaiguan 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Qingfeng 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Yanweigang 3.7995859 249 55 Yanweigang 2.1817413 247 57 2.1817413 247 57 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 Nanhai 9.4273718 328 55 9.4273718 328 55 Pingtan 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Ting-hai 3.7675423 122 56 Ting-hai 6.73443 123 56 Ting-hai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 5.8558936 263 55 5.8558936 263 55 Hutouya 2.0267187 287 55 2.0267187 287 55 Anhai 16.488406 124 58 Anhai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Tung-ch'ung 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Xinan 6.1076887 128 59 6.1076887 128 59 Houtian 6.0111747 111 56 Houtian 9.2331172 115 56 Houtian 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Xiahecheng 10.073142 263 56 10.073142 263 56 Zhangjialou 7.463872 265 59 Zhangjialou 38.636578 266 59 38.636578 266 59 Dayuan 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 15.033168 120 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 7.1594537 121 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 12.384673 122 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Xiahu 49.118844 127 58 Xiahu 32.880177 127 59 Xiahu 6.1076887 128 59 Xiahu 14.317131 128 61 Xiahu 12.731007 129 61 Xiahu 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 6.3065462 130 62 Hanjiang 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Songcheng 3.3149429 131 62 Songcheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Da'ao 23.861571 126 59 Da'ao 14.317131 128 61 Da'ao 12.731007 129 61 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 3.3149429 131 62 Changchun 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Wuqu 6.3065462 130 62 Wuqu 3.3149429 131 62 Wuqu 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Hongshiya 4.0704735 272 62 Hongshiya 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Yung-lung 13.577678 79 61 Yung-lung 10.147977 80 61 Yung-lung 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Luxia 14.317131 128 61 Luxia 12.731007 129 61 Luxia 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Chiang-chun 13.577678 79 61 Chiang-chun 10.147977 80 61 10.147977 80 61 Lingshanwei 6.2537308 267 61 6.2537308 267 61 Fu-hsing 13.577678 79 61 Fu-hsing 10.147977 80 61 Fu-hsing 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Pu-tai 13.577678 79 61 Pu-tai 10.147977 80 61 Pu-tai 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Yacheng 5.0918143 132 62 Yacheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Chang-t'an 13.577678 79 61 Chang-t'an 10.147977 80 61 Chang-t'an 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Wu-nan 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Hsin-chuang 9.3603672 292 61 9.3603672 292 61 Chung-ch'i 17.818267 88 63 Chung-ch'i 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Houwan 6.7995416 268 62 Houwan 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Sansha 5.0918143 132 62 Sansha 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Yantaiqian 6.2537308 267 61 6.2537308 267 61 Xianlang 6.7995416 268 62 Xianlang 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Qimudao 12.014129 293 61 12.014129 293 61 Liuduo 3.6349543 242 65 Liuduo 3.0238823 243 65 3.0238823 243 65 San-hsing 17.818267 88 63 San-hsing 21.484342 89 63 San-hsing 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 T'ai-hsi 39.461745 90 62 T'ai-hsi 21.484342 89 63 T'ai-hsi 39.062347 90 63 T'ai-hsi 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 7.0709729 292 62 Ta-yu-chien 4.1783146 246 62 Ta-yu-chien 5.6590537 245 63 5.6590537 245 63 Beizhuang 18.338013 267 62 Beizhuang 6.7995416 268 62 Beizhuang 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Sha-shan 17.818267 88 63 Sha-shan 21.484342 89 63 Sha-shan 39.062347 90 63 Sha-shan 39.840433 91 63 Sha-shan 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Ch'ing-tao 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Wang-kung 17.818267 88 63 Wang-kung 21.484342 89 63 Wang-kung 39.062347 90 63 Wang-kung 39.840433 91 63 Wang-kung 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Sifang 6.4712836 271 63 Sifang 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Chengyang 2.0228224 272 63 Chengyang 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Huang-ch'i 5.9611803 134 64 Huang-ch'i 16.520509 136 65 Huang-ch'i 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Qingdao 6.4712836 271 63 Qingdao 8.8871129 273 63 8.8871129 273 63 Fushansuo 11.126148 269 64 Fushansuo 24.269815 270 64 Fushansuo 19.271288 271 64 Fushansuo 2.5193449 272 64 Fushansuo 4.427021 272 65 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Shacheng 16.520509 136 65 Shacheng 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Huangshagang 12.410759 238 67 Huangshagang 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Shuangyangzha 14.317102 239 66 Shuangyangzha 3.3140068 240 66 Shuangyangzha 4.5126978 241 66 4.5126978 241 66 Ts'ang-k'ou 24.269815 270 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 19.271288 271 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 2.5193449 272 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 4.427021 272 65 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 19.271288 271 64 Hsien-chia-chai 2.5193449 272 64 Hsien-chia-chai 4.427021 272 65 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Xiaguan 16.520509 136 65 16.520509 136 65 T'ang-sheng-chiang 12.410759 238 67 T'ang-sheng-chiang 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Dongxiaohai 14.317102 239 66 Dongxiaohai 12.410759 238 67 Dongxiaohai 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Lu-kang 15.016012 90 64 Lu-kang 44.911292 92 64 Lu-kang 10.707506 91 65 Lu-kang 4.9192683 92 66 4.9192683 92 66 Pucheng 16.520509 136 65 16.520509 136 65 Xinyanggang 7.5299407 236 68 Xinyanggang 2.0820892 234 69 2.0820892 234 69 Sha-fan-chieh 6.1811061 139 69 Sha-fan-chieh 9.5777037 139 70 Sha-fan-chieh 3.3968236 141 70 Sha-fan-chieh 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shazikou 20.069832 269 66 Shazikou 11.033439 270 66 11.033439 270 66 I-shan 3.3968236 141 70 I-shan 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 Shahousuo 11.244679 335 70 Shahousuo 6.1154367 336 70 6.1154367 336 70 Ching-shui 18.89506 94 67 Ching-shui 48.638053 95 67 Ching-shui 47.572319 96 67 Ching-shui 46.81908 96 68 46.81908 96 68 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 Niejia 6.4326869 296 68 Niejia 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Jinxiang 6.1811061 139 69 Jinxiang 9.5777037 139 70 Jinxiang 3.3968236 141 70 Jinxiang 24.330988 143 70 Jinxiang 2.0945312 143 71 2.0945312 143 71 Hai huang 18.89506 94 67 Hai huang 48.638053 95 67 Hai huang 47.572319 96 67 Hai huang 63.810636 97 67 Hai huang 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Gexiang 24.330988 143 70 Gexiang 2.0945312 143 71 2.0945312 143 71 Wanggezhuang 22.958528 272 71 Wanggezhuang 6.6305521 273 71 Wanggezhuang 7.8042088 274 71 Wanggezhuang 2.1714545 275 71 Wanggezhuang 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 Beigou 6.4326869 296 68 Beigou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Yuan-li 11.849512 95 68 Yuan-li 46.81908 96 68 Yuan-li 47.231968 97 68 Yuan-li 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Tung-hsiao 11.849512 95 68 Tung-hsiao 46.81908 96 68 Tung-hsiao 47.231968 97 68 Tung-hsiao 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Aoshanwei 6.6305521 273 71 Aoshanwei 7.8042088 274 71 Aoshanwei 2.1714545 275 71 Aoshanwei 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Chang'ao 17.697269 148 73 Chang'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Lo-yu 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Ch'i-ting 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Xiabu 17.697269 148 73 Xiabu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Jingliuwei 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 25.4412 184 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Banling 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 6.0252144 297 70 Dengzhou 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Zhuangyuanqiao 24.953155 147 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 17.697269 148 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Kaiyangtu 17.697269 148 73 Kaiyangtu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Changyinsha 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chao-feng-chen 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Qianduanjiawei 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 6.0252144 297 70 Penglai 3.3854309 297 71 3.3854309 297 71 Chin-chia-k'ou 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Ling-hsia 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Huangwan 25.4412 184 73 Huangwan 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Longwan 24.953155 147 73 Longwan 17.697269 148 73 Longwan 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Lu-ching-chiang 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Gao'ao 17.697269 148 73 Gao'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Siqianjie 24.953155 147 73 Siqianjie 17.697269 148 73 Siqianjie 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dongtaihezha 8.3752368 226 73 8.3752368 226 73 Nantong 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Liulishe 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xiaodoumen 24.953155 147 73 Xiaodoumen 17.697269 148 73 Xiaodoumen 3.2494402 149 73 Xiaodoumen 10.419949 148 75 Xiaodoumen 2.0500631 149 75 Xiaodoumen 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Baixiang 17.697269 148 73 Baixiang 3.2494402 149 73 Baixiang 10.419949 148 75 Baixiang 2.0500631 149 75 Baixiang 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Shan-ch'ien 17.697269 148 73 Shan-ch'ien 3.2494402 149 73 Shan-ch'ien 10.419949 148 75 Shan-ch'ien 2.0500631 149 75 Shan-ch'ien 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Wangcun 2.1714545 275 71 Wangcun 12.805352 276 71 Wangcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Wali 7.8042088 274 71 Wali 2.1714545 275 71 Wali 12.805352 276 71 Wali 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Jiangtan 24.953155 147 73 Jiangtan 17.697269 148 73 Jiangtan 3.2494402 149 73 Jiangtan 10.419949 148 75 Jiangtan 2.0500631 149 75 Jiangtan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ganpu 25.4412 184 73 Ganpu 17.456245 185 73 Ganpu 4.6144463 187 75 Ganpu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Zhaoqiao 9.9643812 209 73 9.9643812 209 73 Chu-nan 40.862512 100 71 Chu-nan 2.2544865 101 73 2.2544865 101 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 3.2494402 149 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 10.419949 148 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 2.0500631 149 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ch'ien-tzu-chiao 40.862512 100 71 Ch'ien-tzu-chiao 2.2544865 101 73 2.2544865 101 73 Hsieh-t'ang 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Liu-tsao 21.476786 219 74 Liu-tsao 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Xingcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Haiyan 17.456245 185 73 Haiyan 4.6144463 187 75 Haiyan 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsia-chia-fou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-chia-fou 3.2494402 149 73 Hsia-chia-fou 10.419949 148 75 Hsia-chia-fou 2.0500631 149 75 Hsia-chia-fou 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Changchuanba 25.4412 184 73 Changchuanba 17.456245 185 73 Changchuanba 4.6144463 187 75 Changchuanba 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Bixishi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Xizhoushi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsin-k'ai-kang 9.9643812 209 73 Hsin-k'ai-kang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Baizhuzhen 5.4299814 186 75 Baizhuzhen 4.6144463 187 75 Baizhuzhen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ch'eng-ao 3.2494402 149 73 Ch'eng-ao 2.0500631 149 75 Ch'eng-ao 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Dituan 17.697269 148 73 Dituan 3.2494402 149 73 Dituan 10.419949 148 75 Dituan 2.0500631 149 75 Dituan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Beilong 9.5466128 143 73 Beilong 5.9811912 144 73 Beilong 4.2607895 145 73 Beilong 2.0272748 146 73 2.0272748 146 73 Shih-ma-chuang 3.2494402 149 73 Shih-ma-chuang 2.0500631 149 75 Shih-ma-chuang 61.424401 150 75 Shih-ma-chuang 49.926487 153 77 49.926487 153 77 Ta-shan 4.9173076 277 75 Ta-shan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Linshan 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Changqian 5.4299814 186 75 Changqian 4.6144463 187 75 Changqian 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Xitang 4.6144463 187 75 Xitang 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lao-wu-shih 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 21.476786 219 74 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Dashan 4.9173076 277 75 Dashan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Baiyan 38.790019 152 76 Baiyan 49.926487 153 77 Baiyan 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Baisha 61.424401 150 75 Baisha 49.926487 153 77 Baisha 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Da'an 9.9643812 209 73 Da'an 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 38.790019 152 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 49.926487 153 77 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 4.6144463 187 75 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ri'aitang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Fu-jung 49.926487 153 77 Fu-jung 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Laochangbu 9.9643812 209 73 Laochangbu 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chou-hung-ch'iu 2.4716733 184 74 Chou-hung-ch'iu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Cheng-chia-tai 4.6144463 187 75 Cheng-chia-tai 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Heng-pa-ts'un 2.4716733 184 74 Heng-pa-ts'un 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 Dajijia 14.503721 296 76 Dajijia 16.990276 296 77 Dajijia 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 P'u-ch'i 61.424401 150 75 P'u-ch'i 49.926487 153 77 P'u-ch'i 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Lo-ho-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Kuan-yin 3.3316499 103 74 Kuan-yin 27.281443 107 78 27.281443 107 78 Hsiung-ting-yu 2.4716733 184 74 Hsiung-ting-yu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Zhapu 4.6144463 187 75 Zhapu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lixinzha 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qingjiang 38.790019 152 76 Qingjiang 49.926487 153 77 Qingjiang 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Zhangjiaxiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huangang 21.476786 219 74 Huangang 15.339498 218 75 15.339498 218 75 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 Xihuzui 39.375721 311 76 Xihuzui 10.211338 314 78 Xihuzui 12.188971 315 79 12.188971 315 79 Sanhezhen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Niu-ch'iao-shih 4.6144463 187 75 Niu-ch'iao-shih 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsiao-an-chieh 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Touyan 7.9364271 147 75 Touyan 10.419949 148 75 Touyan 2.0500631 149 75 Touyan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Banping 15.445253 145 75 Banping 6.6582175 146 75 Banping 7.9364271 147 75 Banping 10.419949 148 75 Banping 2.0500631 149 75 Banping 16.294285 148 78 Banping 10.201052 149 78 10.201052 149 78 Bei'ao 15.445253 145 75 Bei'ao 6.6582175 146 75 Bei'ao 7.9364271 147 75 Bei'ao 10.419949 148 75 Bei'ao 2.0500631 149 75 Bei'ao 16.294285 148 78 Bei'ao 10.201052 149 78 10.201052 149 78 Dajing 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wei-chiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hu-chia-lu 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 Ku-hsien 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Chenyu 2.0500631 149 75 Chenyu 61.424401 150 75 Chenyu 49.926487 153 77 Chenyu 8.5062756 153 78 Chenyu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 Tieshan 61.438968 309 76 Tieshan 57.725596 309 77 Tieshan 59.312674 309 78 Tieshan 64.366144 309 79 Tieshan 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Hsing-hsing-chen 4.6144463 187 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Baixi 49.926487 153 77 Baixi 72.485656 154 77 Baixi 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chiu-ch'u-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Dujiaqiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chien-chen 7.6550516 218 76 7.6550516 218 76 Chou-chia-peng 7.4155752 188 76 7.4155752 188 76 Fou-ch'iao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Sanli 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hai-men-hsien 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huanshan 5.5698927 150 76 Huanshan 49.926487 153 77 Huanshan 72.485656 154 77 Huanshan 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Fengcheng 3.4258447 278 76 Fengcheng 2.0684823 279 77 Fengcheng 6.2295642 280 79 6.2295642 280 79 Liujiazhai 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Ch'ing-lung-chiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qianjing 5.0762899 205 78 Qianjing 16.878731 204 79 Qianjing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 Fushan 19.563933 294 81 19.563933 294 81 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 32.548758 321 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.164329 322 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.497974 323 77 Wang-chia-tun 35.437812 324 77 Wang-chia-tun 28.796951 324 78 Wang-chia-tun 23.133033 324 79 Wang-chia-tun 13.338671 324 80 Wang-chia-tun 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 Lushun 57.589942 310 78 Lushun 10.211338 314 78 Lushun 39.563689 311 80 Lushun 62.579912 310 81 Lushun 47.633161 311 81 47.633161 311 81 Liuhe 16.878731 204 79 Liuhe 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Tiaobanqiao 5.0762899 205 78 Tiaobanqiao 16.878731 204 79 Tiaobanqiao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Xincun 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Kanmen 12.148678 150 77 Kanmen 16.272936 151 77 Kanmen 49.926487 153 77 Kanmen 8.5062756 153 78 Kanmen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Ch'ing-chiang 49.926487 153 77 Ch'ing-chiang 72.485656 154 77 Ch'ing-chiang 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Caopeng 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Fu-hsin-tsao 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Ch'ang-sha 5.9733643 218 77 5.9733643 218 77 Chumen 16.272936 151 77 Chumen 49.926487 153 77 Chumen 72.485656 154 77 Chumen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Wenqiao 49.926487 153 77 Wenqiao 72.485656 154 77 Wenqiao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chung-fu 27.281443 107 78 Chung-fu 18.124242 107 79 Chung-fu 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Nankan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Dong'anzhen 15.928197 213 81 Dong'anzhen 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Jinshanwei 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Chenxing 16.878731 204 79 Chenxing 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Wan'an 5.0762899 205 78 Wan'an 16.878731 204 79 Wan'an 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Haiyanzhen 15.928197 213 81 Haiyanzhen 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 Chu-chi 13.195624 294 79 Chu-chi 19.563933 294 81 Chu-chi 8.1078418 293 82 8.1078418 293 82 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.336422 322 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 32.415091 323 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.796951 324 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.158743 325 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.133033 324 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 18.485006 325 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 13.338671 324 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 San Juan 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 31.400401 321 78 Sanguanmiao 28.336422 322 78 Sanguanmiao 32.415091 323 78 Sanguanmiao 28.796951 324 78 Sanguanmiao 23.133033 324 79 Sanguanmiao 13.338671 324 80 Sanguanmiao 7.8201171 324 81 Sanguanmiao 32.53914 320 82 32.53914 320 82 Chin-shan-tsui 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Shanyang 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 5.0762899 205 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 16.878731 204 79 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Meng-chiang-miao 5.0762899 205 78 Meng-chiang-miao 16.878731 204 79 Meng-chiang-miao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Hongxing 5.0762899 205 78 Hongxing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Beikan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 Yantai 13.195624 294 79 Yantai 19.563933 294 81 Yantai 8.1078418 293 82 8.1078418 293 82 Hsin-p'u 9.6093348 185 79 9.6093348 185 79 Ducun 16.878731 204 79 Ducun 4.9383975 204 80 Ducun 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 Zhifuzhen 19.563933 294 81 Zhifuzhen 8.1078418 293 82 Zhifuzhen 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 5.995365 315 80 Xinzhaizi 10.263241 316 81 Xinzhaizi 10.655565 317 81 Xinzhaizi 5.1844298 316 82 Xinzhaizi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Haiyou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Fugu 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 5.1811351 322 79 Wudao 9.738003 319 80 Wudao 6.8199729 321 80 Wudao 11.730245 319 81 Wudao 17.172111 319 82 Wudao 32.53914 320 82 32.53914 320 82 Chongming 16.878731 204 79 Chongming 7.4608971 205 79 Chongming 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 Shuishiying 28.152081 311 79 Shuishiying 57.731312 310 80 Shuishiying 39.563689 311 80 Shuishiying 62.579912 310 81 Shuishiying 47.633161 311 81 Shuishiying 64.441351 310 82 Shuishiying 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Lingmen 9.2223275 153 79 Lingmen 3.9519262 152 82 Lingmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Aohuan 9.2223275 153 79 Aohuan 3.9519262 152 82 Aohuan 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Dalu 9.2223275 153 79 Dalu 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Shaliu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Caojing 12.151612 189 79 12.151612 189 79 Changzheng 16.878731 204 79 Changzheng 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 Cheefoo 19.563933 294 81 Cheefoo 8.1078418 293 82 Cheefoo 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 5.995365 315 80 Yingchengzi 10.263241 316 81 Yingchengzi 10.655565 317 81 Yingchengzi 5.1844298 316 82 Yingchengzi 3.9836386 316 83 3.9836386 316 83 Naguilian 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Ko-ao-wang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Fang-ch'ien 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chiang-tzu-p'ing 18.124242 107 79 Chiang-tzu-p'ing 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Huqiao 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 14.466696 203 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 4.907592 202 82 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Shih-she-chang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Dong'ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Guan'ao 9.2223275 153 79 Guan'ao 3.9519262 152 82 Guan'ao 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Houjiazhen 16.878731 204 79 Houjiazhen 7.4608971 205 79 Houjiazhen 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 Qianqikuang 19.563933 294 81 Qianqikuang 8.1078418 293 82 Qianqikuang 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Ling-chiao-ch'en 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaojiang 41.209149 159 83 Jiaojiang 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Shan-shang-fang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Tan-shui 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Ch'uan-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 Jiaoliudao 11.730245 319 81 Jiaoliudao 17.172111 319 82 Jiaoliudao 32.53914 320 82 Jiaoliudao 35.730376 319 84 Jiaoliudao 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Wudongzha 5.1131623 183 83 Wudongzha 9.1161185 184 83 Wudongzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Hsia-feng-ch'a 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Abulug 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Qiansuo 41.209149 159 83 Qiansuo 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Pai-chia-chuang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Panlong 14.466696 203 80 Panlong 4.9383975 204 80 Panlong 3.1855034 203 83 Panlong 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsia-jo-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsi-yen 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hua-shan-t'ou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chia-shih 41.209149 159 83 San-chia-shih 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Che-lin 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Dongdayang 4.907592 202 82 Dongdayang 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baoshan 14.466696 203 80 Baoshan 4.907592 202 82 Baoshan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Dongfeng 14.466696 203 80 Dongfeng 4.9383975 204 80 Dongfeng 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Donggangcun 15.928197 213 81 Donggangcun 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Qiganshi 4.7120089 280 80 Qiganshi 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 Wu-tao 11.730245 319 81 Wu-tao 17.172111 319 82 Wu-tao 32.53914 320 82 Wu-tao 35.730376 319 84 Wu-tao 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 Donggang 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Yeh-chia 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Ch'i-shih-chieh 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chih 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Ch'ang-yang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsueh-mou-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Taipingzha 5.1131623 183 83 Taipingzha 9.1161185 184 83 Taipingzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Xinmin 14.466696 203 80 Xinmin 4.9383975 204 80 Xinmin 3.1855034 203 83 Xinmin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ju-shan-k'ou 4.7120089 280 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 39.563689 311 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 62.579912 310 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 47.633161 311 81 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 64.441351 310 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 15.459068 312 83 15.459068 312 83 Cabuluan 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Cao'antou 4.907592 202 82 Cao'antou 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsin-k'ai-ho 2.1981926 203 81 Hsin-k'ai-ho 4.907592 202 82 Hsin-k'ai-ho 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 Mashanshangzhai 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ch'ing 41.209149 159 83 Chin-ch'ing 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Changjiang 2.1981926 203 81 Changjiang 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Xining 15.928197 213 81 Xining 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 10.655565 317 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 3.9836386 316 83 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 Gezhenpu 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Feng-p'u-ao 5.1131623 183 83 Feng-p'u-ao 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Ch'ien-chia-ch'iao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Catuguran 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Beishenjiazhai 4.907592 202 82 Beishenjiazhai 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Chayuan 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Youcheqiao 4.907592 202 82 Youcheqiao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 13.620834 328 84 Ma-chia-tun 4.2163928 329 86 4.2163928 329 86 Ch'iu-wang 5.1131623 183 83 Ch'iu-wang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 3.9836386 316 83 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 Dalian 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Shangpan 41.209149 159 83 Shangpan 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Jiankangtang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Lusi 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 3.9836386 316 83 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 Nanguanling 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Ch'ing-shui-hu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Su-chia 6.1446035 191 82 6.1446035 191 82 Muping 10.482945 292 83 Muping 16.021553 292 86 16.021553 292 86 Linao 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Shih-t'ang 3.9519262 152 82 Shih-t'ang 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Sichalu 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Qianjin 4.907592 202 82 Qianjin 3.1855034 203 83 Qianjin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hai-yang-so 8.0972223 280 82 Hai-yang-so 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Songmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Nanbu 4.907592 202 82 Nanbu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsieh-fu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Lipu 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Bisagu 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Liyang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Wantang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Yangyuan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gaodong 4.907592 202 82 Gaodong 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanhong 14.615235 279 82 Nanhong 8.0972223 280 82 Nanhong 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 Xinghaitun 15.459068 312 83 Xinghaitun 29.26988 313 86 Xinghaitun 9.8166156 314 86 9.8166156 314 86 Chien-t'iao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chin-shan 24.212938 109 82 Chin-shan 94.726282 110 84 Chin-shan 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Panshi 4.907592 202 82 Panshi 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baishatan 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 3.9836386 316 83 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 Dayandao 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 3.9836386 316 83 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Aparri 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 San-chiao-t'ang 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Gulu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gangyan 3.1855034 203 83 Gangyan 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 Dal'niy 15.459068 312 83 Dal'niy 29.26988 313 86 Dal'niy 9.8166156 314 86 9.8166156 314 86 Alilinu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Daxingzhen 4.5413906 204 87 Daxingzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Gongjiazhen 9.5464842 212 83 Gongjiazhen 8.2518531 211 86 Gongjiazhen 5.3834567 210 87 5.3834567 210 87 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 18.318481 319 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 Fu-chou-wan 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Wan-li 78.355792 110 83 Wan-li 94.726282 110 84 Wan-li 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Gongjialu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanqinghe 4.5413906 204 87 Nanqinghe 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 Dingguanzhai 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Dahu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chen-hai 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Dongxing 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hexing 3.1855034 203 83 Hexing 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 Dongshanbeitou 16.021553 292 86 Dongshanbeitou 16.98741 292 87 16.98741 292 87 Lao-yu-tang 7.1464408 191 84 Lao-yu-tang 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Ch'ang-chieh 61.646954 168 84 61.646954 168 84 Hsiang-hua 4.4113937 201 84 Hsiang-hua 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dong'an 7.8946614 211 84 Dong'an 8.2518531 211 86 Dong'an 5.3834567 210 87 Dong'an 4.5737854 209 88 4.5737854 209 88 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 Qianyangjiacun 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 18.261161 316 85 18.261161 316 85 Punta 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cailu 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Bailonggang 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Qianwei 4.4113937 201 84 Qianwei 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 Shang-chuang 14.570182 292 85 Shang-chuang 16.021553 292 86 Shang-chuang 16.98741 292 87 16.98741 292 87 Chi-lung 78.095275 109 85 Chi-lung 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Zhenhai 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Ping'an 7.1464408 191 84 Ping'an 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Sizhoutou 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Yuansha 4.4113937 201 84 Yuansha 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsing-i-ts'un 7.8946614 211 84 Hsing-i-ts'un 8.2518531 211 86 Hsing-i-ts'un 5.3834567 210 87 Hsing-i-ts'un 4.5737854 209 88 4.5737854 209 88 Ch'iang-t'ou 9.4721285 170 89 Ch'iang-t'ou 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xianxiang 8.597725 175 88 Xianxiang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Balza 14.661471 5 86 14.661471 5 86 Shigaotang 4.8035103 180 86 Shigaotang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Jiangjia 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Wusi 6.0627425 191 85 Wusi 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Ch'en-chia 10.775334 200 85 Ch'en-chia 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Ch'ang-t'an-li 78.095275 109 85 Ch'ang-t'an-li 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Ch'iu-chia-chai 8.8782186 198 87 Ch'iu-chia-chai 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Fumin 10.775334 200 85 Fumin 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Dong'anzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Tou-cheng 72.613429 101 88 Tou-cheng 90.66635 102 88 Tou-cheng 39.260628 103 88 39.260628 103 88 Chia-li-wan 30.464002 100 88 30.464002 100 88 Beiqigen 4.8035103 180 86 Beiqigen 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Tanglugang 5.3834567 210 87 Tanglugang 4.5737854 209 88 4.5737854 209 88 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 Jianggezhuang 16.021553 292 86 Jianggezhuang 16.98741 292 87 16.98741 292 87 Dingtang 7.84858 167 85 7.84858 167 85 Ligang 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Guoyuan 6.0627425 191 85 Guoyuan 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Fengle 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Niupeng 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Hsin-tsao-chen 4.5413906 204 87 Hsin-tsao-chen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Langnuankou 6.1199551 281 85 Langnuankou 4.9587606 282 87 Langnuankou 3.1296165 283 88 3.1296165 283 88 Yinyang 4.5413906 204 87 Yinyang 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Su-ao 30.464002 100 88 30.464002 100 88 Beilungang 4.8035103 180 86 Beilungang 5.0451305 181 86 Beilungang 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Lao-chiang 6.0394592 197 88 Lao-chiang 11.746561 193 89 Lao-chiang 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Xiaoguan 4.9587606 282 87 Xiaoguan 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 29.26988 313 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 23.386034 314 89 Dagushan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Sanshan 8.597725 175 88 Sanshan 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Donghai 6.8080325 191 86 Donghai 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Shuyuan 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 23.386034 314 89 Wanli 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 23.386034 314 89 Dongjiagou 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Daxu 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Daniwan 4.8035103 180 86 Daniwan 5.0451305 181 86 Daniwan 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 29.26988 313 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 23.386034 314 89 Nianyuwan 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Buguey 14.661471 5 86 Buguey 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Zhuxi 8.597725 175 88 Zhuxi 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Lao-tung 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Danmen 9.4721285 170 89 Danmen 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xiaoli'ao 4.8035103 180 86 Xiaoli'ao 5.0451305 181 86 5.0451305 181 86 Xilangnuan 4.9587606 282 87 Xilangnuan 3.1296165 283 88 Xilangnuan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Hepu 10.516434 165 87 Hepu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Ch'ai-ch'iao 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 Huatong 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Chiu-nan-t'ien 10.516434 165 87 Chiu-nan-t'ien 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Shihphu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 16.98741 292 87 Qiancang 8.597725 175 88 Qiancang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Fu-lien 39.260628 103 88 39.260628 103 88 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 Guizhou 6.2332251 332 88 Guizhou 10.634702 333 88 Guizhou 4.6995199 332 89 Guizhou 8.1513821 333 89 Guizhou 32.719378 332 90 Guizhou 4.6892478 333 90 Guizhou 43.369556 333 91 43.369556 333 91 Gonzaga 22.144727 5 88 Gonzaga 24.144903 5 89 Gonzaga 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Ch'en-chia-lu 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Wuleidao 9.0202245 281 88 Wuleidao 6.1302265 282 88 Wuleidao 3.1296165 283 88 Wuleidao 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Guoju 7.4258866 175 89 7.4258866 175 89 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Zeku 5.956488 282 89 Zeku 2.9754361 283 89 Zeku 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 Dalijia 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 Teng-sha-ho 13.870654 317 93 Teng-sha-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Bawa 24.144903 5 89 Bawa 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Cabiraoan 24.144903 5 89 Cabiraoan 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Chung-tse 37.812105 176 90 Chung-tse 5.4334006 177 90 Chung-tse 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Dinghai 14.431663 182 92 Dinghai 41.640815 178 93 Dinghai 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 21.521515 293 90 Chiao-t'ou 5.7902978 174 90 Chiao-t'ou 6.6960528 175 90 Chiao-t'ou 37.812105 176 90 Chiao-t'ou 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 Panyuchwan 4.6892478 333 90 Panyuchwan 9.8942845 335 90 Panyuchwan 43.369556 333 91 Panyuchwan 7.9845756 334 91 Panyuchwan 5.5322527 335 91 Panyuchwan 3.7448453 335 92 3.7448453 335 92 Ganlan 14.431663 182 92 Ganlan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Casambalangan 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 San Vincente 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Dongsha 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 Lu-chia-t'un 7.9845756 334 91 Lu-chia-t'un 5.5322527 335 91 Lu-chia-t'un 8.8660103 336 91 Lu-chia-t'un 3.7448453 335 92 Lu-chia-t'un 4.3393171 336 92 Lu-chia-t'un 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 7.9845756 334 91 Wangzhai 5.5322527 335 91 Wangzhai 8.8660103 336 91 Wangzhai 3.7448453 335 92 Wangzhai 4.3393171 336 92 Wangzhai 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Gaoting 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Litang 6.2692201 169 91 Litang 6.0665923 170 91 Litang 5.0002155 171 91 Litang 5.6681767 173 91 5.6681767 173 91 Nanfeng 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Jinghaiwei 15.213907 280 91 Jinghaiwei 9.4992308 281 91 Jinghaiwei 5.8361838 282 91 Jinghaiwei 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Da'ao 7.1140451 174 91 Da'ao 9.1525077 175 91 Da'ao 8.855008 177 91 8.855008 177 91 Huangshan 5.8361838 282 91 Huangshan 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 Zaobu 27.026601 293 93 Zaobu 18.963316 292 95 Zaobu 10.598257 291 96 10.598257 291 96 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Luomen 14.431663 182 92 Luomen 41.640815 178 93 Luomen 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Changtu 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Jen-ho-chi 12.273248 281 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.5358904 282 92 7.5358904 282 92 Ta-chan 14.431663 182 92 Ta-chan 41.640815 178 93 Ta-chan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 P'u-t'o 10.816907 177 93 P'u-t'o 41.640815 178 93 P'u-t'o 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Qiandao 15.566538 281 93 Qiandao 7.8003059 282 93 7.8003059 282 93 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 Wujiatun 13.870654 317 93 Wujiatun 6.2568556 318 93 Wujiatun 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 7.6443932 320 97 7.6443932 320 97 Ch'ih-shan-chi 16.853075 282 96 16.853075 282 96 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 Jiaxinzi 7.6443932 320 97 Jiaxinzi 12.836438 320 98 Jiaxinzi 46.554234 321 98 46.554234 321 98 Shidao 16.14937 281 94 Shidao 16.853075 282 96 16.853075 282 96 Laoshantun 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Xizhuang 18.963316 292 95 Xizhuang 10.598257 291 96 Xizhuang 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Ning-ching-so 16.853075 282 96 Ning-ching-so 13.836769 286 99 13.836769 286 99 Dazhuang 18.398227 281 95 Dazhuang 16.853075 282 96 16.853075 282 96 Jiurongcheng 10.598257 291 96 Jiurongcheng 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 8.7644452 321 99 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Wolongcun 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 19.266314 317 98 Fangshentun 12.836438 320 98 Fangshentun 13.275256 318 99 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 Fangshentun 13.39868 319 101 13.39868 319 101 Shengshan 37.840837 190 103 Shengshan 38.171205 191 103 Shengshan 28.43705 192 103 Shengshan 45.432781 189 104 Shengshan 43.684208 190 104 Shengshan 39.593077 191 104 Shengshan 35.588364 192 104 35.588364 192 104 Kubura 127.9115 97 106 Kubura 321.59536 98 106 Kubura 858.42707 99 106 858.42707 99 106 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 Zhuanghe 7.5158755 323 104 Zhuanghe 4.1820704 323 105 Zhuanghe 30.237123 324 105 Zhuanghe 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 5.3016982 323 103 Dafangshen 7.5158755 323 104 Dafangshen 4.1820704 323 105 Dafangshen 30.237123 324 105 Dafangshen 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 7.5158755 323 104 Shishan 4.1820704 323 105 Shishan 30.237123 324 105 Shishan 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 10.749466 322 104 Wangjia 7.5158755 323 104 Wangjia 4.1820704 323 105 Wangjia 9.9562786 323 106 9.9562786 323 106 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 7.0071058 324 110 Nanjian 11.232284 324 113 Nanjian 2.9041663 325 113 2.9041663 325 113 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 17.53831 326 114 Huangtukan 15.816522 326 115 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 22.551549 327 116 Huangtukan 3.0258564 326 117 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Sakiyama 203.57826 92 113 Sakiyama 72.627692 93 113 Sakiyama 302.0695 94 113 Sakiyama 699.64857 95 113 Sakiyama 1111.3887 96 113 Sakiyama 103.90006 92 116 Sakiyama 2.4595049 95 116 2.4595049 95 116 Hoshitate 333.96525 94 114 Hoshitate 413.40275 95 114 Hoshitate 1093.2539 97 114 Hoshitate 1268.8146 98 114 Hoshitate 2.4595049 95 116 2.4595049 95 116 Shirabaramitake 169.79837 92 115 Shirabaramitake 242.33275 93 115 Shirabaramitake 103.90006 92 116 103.90006 92 116 Honai 186.85737 94 115 Honai 80.362833 95 115 Honai 360.20269 96 115 Honai 1001.6358 97 115 Honai 1354.1759 98 115 Honai 2.4595049 95 116 Honai 89.209781 96 119 89.209781 96 119 Toyohara 103.90006 92 116 Toyohara 2.4595049 95 116 Toyohara 89.209781 96 119 89.209781 96 119 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 7.668749 325 117 Pei-ching-tzu 3.0258564 326 117 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Kobama 69.96834 93 118 Kobama 154.28997 97 118 Kobama 89.209781 96 119 Kobama 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Agarisuji 441.89003 91 118 Agarisuji 518.13912 92 118 Agarisuji 69.96834 93 118 Agarisuji 178.621 93 120 Agarisuji 14.096433 95 120 Agarisuji 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 Dadong 2.6932739 326 124 2.6932739 326 124 Ishigaki 178.621 93 120 Ishigaki 14.096433 95 120 Ishigaki 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Fubai 14.755579 94 121 Fubai 63.403 96 121 Fubai 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 3.3570784 325 122 Chogumsa 2.6192342 325 123 Chogumsa 4.8090197 325 125 Chogumsa 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Shirafu 557.31901 93 122 Shirafu 2.02093 94 122 Shirafu 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Ibarama 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Hirano 55.288835 97 123 Hirano 89.043398 97 125 89.043398 97 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 3.3889949 326 125 Yongampo-ri 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 4.8090197 325 125 Genjo 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 5.3139678 322 128 Yongsapo 8.7710941 323 128 Yongsapo 9.4064872 324 128 Yongsapo 7.2149272 322 129 Yongsapo 3.2745183 324 129 Yongsapo 3.9270985 321 130 Yongsapo 6.6077831 321 131 Yongsapo 8.1506313 322 131 Yongsapo 5.481458 323 131 Yongsapo 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Chandae-dong 67.952825 297 128 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 48.92898 298 129 Chandae-dong 38.636737 299 129 Chandae-dong 38.107732 300 129 Chandae-dong 56.892045 301 129 Chandae-dong 34.749838 300 130 Chandae-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Chandae-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Chandae-dong 33.314541 297 132 Chandae-dong 24.830385 298 132 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 63.31624 295 129 Kaju-dong 64.222239 296 129 Kaju-dong 63.668785 297 129 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 4.7590613 297 130 Kaju-dong 13.726467 298 130 Kaju-dong 16.283558 297 131 Kaju-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Kaju-dong 18.567548 296 132 Kaju-dong 33.314541 297 132 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 38.107732 300 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 34.749838 300 130 Ch'angam-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Ch'angam-dong 44.911389 303 130 Ch'angam-dong 42.219176 300 131 Ch'angam-dong 23.864916 301 131 Ch'angam-dong 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 20.322722 300 133 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 3.2745183 324 129 Changya-dong 5.481458 323 131 Changya-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 41.10869 309 131 Arang-dong 40.371133 310 131 Arang-dong 20.041426 309 132 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Arang-dong 17.458806 309 133 Arang-dong 22.606289 310 133 Arang-dong 17.803123 308 134 Arang-dong 13.296947 309 134 Arang-dong 8.2722777 310 134 8.2722777 310 134 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 2.8138241 306 131 Sogon-ni 22.711163 307 131 Sogon-ni 20.233065 304 132 Sogon-ni 22.175476 305 132 Sogon-ni 16.438775 306 132 Sogon-ni 6.7326396 307 132 Sogon-ni 2.9718768 304 133 Sogon-ni 4.9813939 305 133 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 4.1624577 307 133 Sogon-ni 14.042692 307 134 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.370203 300 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.322722 300 133 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 Monggumpo-ri 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 2.9718768 304 133 Ch'am-ch'on 4.9813939 305 133 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 6.7326396 307 132 Sagi-ri 8.0695346 308 132 Sagi-ri 4.1624577 307 133 Sagi-ri 8.4014419 308 133 Sagi-ri 14.042692 307 134 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Chosa-dong 17.458806 309 133 Chosa-dong 22.606289 310 133 Chosa-dong 15.884596 311 133 Chosa-dong 17.803123 308 134 Chosa-dong 13.296947 309 134 Chosa-dong 8.2722777 310 134 Chosa-dong 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 7.8538984 311 135 Chosa-dong 16.57922 310 136 Chosa-dong 7.6957089 310 137 Chosa-dong 13.50636 311 137 13.50636 311 137 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 Amdu-ri 13.110716 325 133 13.110716 325 133 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 4.1624577 307 133 Pungchon 8.4014419 308 133 Pungchon 14.042692 307 134 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 Hyu-dong 17.890888 297 136 Hyu-dong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Hang-ni 96.623511 239 134 96.623511 239 134 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 13.296947 309 134 An-ch'on 8.2722777 310 134 An-ch'on 2.5881107 307 135 An-ch'on 16.57922 310 136 An-ch'on 7.6957089 310 137 An-ch'on 7.5753806 310 138 7.5753806 310 138 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 Sondup'yong 17.890888 297 136 Sondup'yong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 17.890888 297 136 Sogang-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Kuninaka 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Ichimasui 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Karimata 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Sugama 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Hirara 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 19.267599 295 142 19.267599 295 142 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 5.7636397 322 138 Changp'o 44.567608 323 138 Changp'o 28.075365 322 139 Changp'o 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Arasato 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 28.075365 322 139 Yung-ni 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 Hwajin-ni 20.802088 317 139 Hwajin-ni 11.13778 318 140 11.13778 318 140 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Bora 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 11.13778 318 140 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 8.9062797 297 146 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 15.178247 295 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 35.015504 297 148 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Chibuk 12.796815 252 149 12.796815 252 149 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 35.015504 297 148 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 9.6271908 284 147 Etsuu 27.647417 285 147 Etsuu 13.93856 286 147 Etsuu 28.085299 287 147 Etsuu 14.286725 288 147 Etsuu 42.246294 288 148 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Hwangdo 52.68561 271 147 Hwangdo 52.015145 272 147 Hwangdo 57.406962 273 147 Hwangdo 40.254339 274 147 Hwangdo 61.071724 275 147 Hwangdo 41.48292 275 148 Hwangdo 46.001713 275 149 Hwangdo 30.769436 275 150 Hwangdo 26.023157 275 151 26.023157 275 151 Doko-ri 12.796815 252 149 Doko-ri 21.810351 253 149 Doko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Doko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ant'ae 4.1033031 250 152 4.1033031 250 152 Och'ong 35.99735 269 148 Och'ong 42.348337 270 148 Och'ong 53.312852 271 148 Och'ong 52.760284 272 148 Och'ong 52.172978 273 148 Och'ong 59.378444 273 149 Och'ong 38.956148 273 150 Och'ong 24.548753 271 152 Och'ong 23.725931 272 152 Och'ong 35.515611 273 152 35.515611 273 152 Bunkai-ri 18.363187 254 148 Bunkai-ri 12.048456 255 148 Bunkai-ri 16.851478 255 149 Bunkai-ri 21.320522 254 150 Bunkai-ri 10.563465 255 150 Bunkai-ri 4.85565 255 151 Bunkai-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Ach'on 12.796815 252 149 Ach'on 21.810351 253 149 Ach'on 4.1033031 250 152 Ach'on 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 21.320522 254 150 Ikkum-ni 10.563465 255 150 Ikkum-ni 4.85565 255 151 Ikkum-ni 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Changgo 21.320522 254 150 Changgo 10.563465 255 150 Changgo 23.586617 256 150 Changgo 4.85565 255 151 Changgo 8.6752272 253 152 Changgo 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chogun-mal 12.795995 257 150 Chogun-mal 14.982607 258 150 Chogun-mal 16.037022 259 150 Chogun-mal 14.111078 257 151 Chogun-mal 7.5382908 258 151 Chogun-mal 13.58434 259 151 Chogun-mal 9.5205128 258 153 Chogun-mal 2.0395579 258 154 Chogun-mal 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Tengan-ri 6.7307922 254 151 Tengan-ri 4.85565 255 151 Tengan-ri 14.111078 257 151 Tengan-ri 7.5382908 258 151 Tengan-ri 7.7479813 258 152 Tengan-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Oejongsan 24.294911 278 151 Oejongsan 22.350351 279 151 Oejongsan 30.865036 280 151 Oejongsan 35.76981 281 151 Oejongsan 45.829966 282 151 Oejongsan 23.722503 282 152 Oejongsan 8.7245816 278 154 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 Anmal 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Soko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Soko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 Soko-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.5759047 296 153 Muji-ni 3.6487155 295 154 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Songnyong-ni 7.283544 257 152 Songnyong-ni 7.7479813 258 152 Songnyong-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Jindo 8.4904397 249 154 Jindo 8.4344916 248 155 Jindo 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.5759047 296 153 Kyodo 3.6487155 295 154 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Aenang-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Aenang-ni 10.501459 251 153 Aenang-ni 14.054734 251 154 Aenang-ni 14.86806 251 155 Aenang-ni 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Dongmun 13.622337 279 152 Dongmun 2.7457444 280 152 Dongmun 23.722503 282 152 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 Dongmun 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 23.722503 282 152 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 25.057613 285 153 Oe-dong 18.679295 284 154 Oe-dong 20.370363 285 154 Oe-dong 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 26.844518 285 155 Oe-dong 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Hwadong-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Hwadong-ni 10.501459 251 153 Hwadong-ni 9.3593266 252 153 Hwadong-ni 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Ch'al-tong 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'al-tong 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 4.0459529 289 153 Chawol-li 18.722716 290 153 Chawol-li 32.197626 289 154 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 24.938064 289 156 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 15.512703 277 153 Sinsong 11.15504 278 153 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 Pususan-dong 8.7542506 297 156 Pususan-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Chungjang 18.939911 275 153 Chungjang 19.490962 276 153 Chungjang 15.512703 277 153 Chungjang 11.15504 278 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 Chungjang 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Kan 17.058279 265 154 Kan 19.152435 266 154 Kan 37.328593 267 154 Kan 21.786611 268 154 Kan 25.060669 269 154 Kan 21.624888 268 155 Kan 18.647344 269 155 Kan 13.065519 268 156 Kan 15.272654 269 156 Kan 5.8870833 266 157 Kan 9.4156985 269 157 Kan 6.1827551 266 158 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 5.6885666 267 158 Tongmokp 10.937449 277 154 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 10.937449 277 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mogpo 8.4904397 249 154 Mogpo 14.054734 251 154 Mogpo 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 P'i-dong 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 Taeya 2.0395579 258 154 Taeya 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changdong 8.4904397 249 154 Changdong 8.4344916 248 155 Changdong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chisa-ri 8.4904397 249 154 Chisa-ri 14.054734 251 154 Chisa-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 Changch'u-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Onmok 8.2578121 259 155 Onmok 4.6834766 260 155 Onmok 6.9462647 261 155 Onmok 6.8610422 262 155 Onmok 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 4.6834766 260 155 Changho 6.9462647 261 155 Changho 6.8610422 262 155 Changho 8.7681729 263 155 Changho 8.6657853 264 155 Changho 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 5.961837 263 156 Changho 7.7888463 264 156 Changho 2.0153163 263 157 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.8610422 262 155 Chongam 8.7681729 263 155 Chongam 8.6657853 264 155 Chongam 13.708281 265 155 Chongam 15.999725 266 155 Chongam 7.7888463 264 156 Chongam 10.168835 265 156 Chongam 9.5269236 266 156 Chongam 5.8870833 266 157 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Weolam-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Anjong 8.4344916 248 155 Anjong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 26.844518 285 155 Chogumjin-ni 10.688657 285 156 Chogumjin-ni 3.2321102 285 157 3.2321102 285 157 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 12.568597 274 157 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 11.650704 286 157 Hasambong 22.332942 287 157 Hasambong 9.4314594 286 158 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 Hasambong 16.390027 286 159 Hasambong 4.1419281 285 160 Hasambong 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Chonmak 2.0153163 263 157 Chonmak 8.1344753 265 157 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 10.115317 270 157 Aech'an-ni 9.1861162 271 157 Aech'an-ni 20.453098 272 157 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 4.4998898 274 158 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 14.372923 290 158 Chonghyon-dong 20.027044 289 159 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 Chonghyon-dong 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Changsin 2.0153163 263 157 Changsin 8.1344753 265 157 Changsin 5.8870833 266 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 5.6885666 267 158 Changsin 2.241903 267 159 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 2.4882243 268 158 Janghang 10.848643 269 158 Janghang 6.1226123 270 158 Janghang 5.1750682 271 158 Janghang 2.5792614 270 159 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 6.1827551 266 158 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 6.1827551 266 158 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 6.1226123 270 158 Okhu 2.5792614 270 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 5.9539673 290 160 Masan-ni 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.5792614 270 159 Gunsan 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 4.1419281 285 160 Chunghung-ni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 4.1419281 285 160 Kooni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 5.9539673 290 160 Wonha-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 5.9539673 290 160 Namyang 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Chamdu 4.0346637 247 165 4.0346637 247 165 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 4.0346637 247 165 Changjong-ni 13.369013 247 166 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 4.0346637 247 165 Changsu 13.369013 247 166 Changsu 9.261633 248 166 Changsu 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chinch'ang 4.0346637 247 165 Chinch'ang 13.369013 247 166 Chinch'ang 9.261633 248 166 Chinch'ang 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Aya-ri 13.369013 247 166 Aya-ri 9.261633 248 166 Aya-ri 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Ch'ongam 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Changdo-ri 5.839203 249 174 5.839203 249 174 Wonsan 18.792407 318 172 Wonsan 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Tongho-ri 25.508662 324 174 Tongho-ri 14.531539 325 174 Tongho-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Aech'o-ri 8.7810788 248 173 8.7810788 248 173 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Yongpo-ri 25.508662 324 174 Yongpo-ri 14.531539 325 174 Yongpo-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Songhung-ni 23.785546 322 173 Songhung-ni 14.531539 325 174 Songhung-ni 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anp'o 8.7810788 248 173 Anp'o 5.839203 249 174 Anp'o 9.6005619 249 175 Anp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Anp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Pongch'on 18.792407 318 172 Pongch'on 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Chungbang 4.5239592 250 175 Chungbang 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chakto-dong 14.531539 325 174 Chakto-dong 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Chabong 8.7810788 248 173 Chabong 5.839203 249 174 Chabong 9.6005619 249 175 Chabong 4.5239592 250 175 Chabong 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Ch'angch'on 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 Kuge-ri 13.180096 317 175 Kuge-ri 9.3671151 317 176 9.3671151 317 176 Yeosu 5.839203 249 174 Yeosu 9.6005619 249 175 Yeosu 4.5239592 250 175 Yeosu 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chukp'o 9.6005619 249 175 Chukp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Chukp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Hungsang-ni 23.221014 326 175 23.221014 326 175 Ando 9.6005619 249 175 9.6005619 249 175 Hangch'on 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Yongyon-ni 22.452733 326 176 Yongyon-ni 20.032461 327 176 Yongyon-ni 19.878387 327 177 Yongyon-ni 38.866655 326 178 Yongyon-ni 35.486548 327 179 Yongyon-ni 29.49569 328 179 Yongyon-ni 17.433934 329 179 Yongyon-ni 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Tongch-on 23.537237 316 177 Tongch-on 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Namhae 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Kuum-ni 26.656877 314 179 Kuum-ni 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Hongwon 29.49569 328 179 Hongwon 17.433934 329 179 Hongwon 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Hadajon-ni 26.656877 314 179 Hadajon-ni 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Yuktae-dong 24.445944 328 180 Yuktae-dong 30.921472 329 180 Yuktae-dong 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Cholge 16.620474 251 184 Cholge 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Changjon 38.393959 313 181 Changjon 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Chabup'o 16.620474 251 184 16.620474 251 184 Gaken-ri 58.289958 313 182 Gaken-ri 64.710206 313 183 Gaken-ri 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Honam-ni 46.05045 328 182 Honam-ni 8.0039205 330 182 8.0039205 330 182 Chop'o 16.620474 251 184 Chop'o 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Hongsong 53.537643 312 183 Hongsong 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Goseong 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Chamgae 16.620474 251 184 Chamgae 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Soho-ri 60.993912 329 184 Soho-ri 23.762415 330 184 Soho-ri 14.066341 330 185 Soho-ri 12.608055 331 186 12.608055 331 186 Irun 16.620474 251 184 Irun 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Singhang 83.466108 329 185 Singhang 14.066341 330 185 Singhang 12.608055 331 186 12.608055 331 186 Kojin-ni 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Pongho-ri 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Chindu 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Changch'on 101.68137 304 189 101.68137 304 189 Masan 6.5417645 256 190 6.5417645 256 190 Yangyang 92.656554 302 190 92.656554 302 190 Ungcheon 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chaho 55.981306 331 187 Chaho 43.739011 332 189 Chaho 128.64132 331 190 Chaho 201.29485 331 191 Chaho 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Kuum-ni 43.739011 332 189 Kuum-ni 109.91747 332 191 Kuum-ni 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Jinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chuktori 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Hagwangjong-ni 92.656554 302 190 92.656554 302 190 Jangseunpo 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Jumunjin 88.499872 300 192 Jumunjin 96.754011 299 193 96.754011 299 193 Daiko 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Poktokkumi 77.245503 333 191 Poktokkumi 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Noksan 5.0314923 255 191 5.0314923 255 191 Tanchon 77.678648 334 192 77.678648 334 192 Gangneung 130.72343 298 194 Gangneung 142.14821 297 195 Gangneung 94.965767 295 196 94.965767 295 196 Kennan-ri 142.14821 297 195 Kennan-ri 94.965767 295 196 94.965767 295 196 Chungch'on 65.011648 335 194 Chungch'on 52.635641 336 195 52.635641 336 195 Mugho 94.965767 295 196 Mugho 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Samchok 70.964763 294 197 Samchok 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Haeundae 8.4793305 259 199 8.4793305 259 199 Samcheog 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Si-dong 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Gijang 8.4793305 259 199 8.4793305 259 199 Kuma 117.67533 291 199 Kuma 100.99595 290 200 Kuma 58.479251 287 201 Kuma 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Ulsan 31.978345 261 201 Ulsan 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Nasa 8.4793305 259 199 Nasa 78.013329 260 201 Nasa 31.978345 261 201 Nasa 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Haosan 58.479251 287 201 Haosan 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Imweonjin 100.99595 290 200 Imweonjin 58.479251 287 201 Imweonjin 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Heunghae 46.587638 274 201 Heunghae 17.033825 275 201 Heunghae 20.027861 271 202 Heunghae 37.226898 272 202 37.226898 272 202 Byeongyeong 31.978345 261 201 Byeongyeong 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Pohang 20.027861 271 202 Pohang 37.226898 272 202 37.226898 272 202 Ganggu 46.587638 274 201 Ganggu 17.033825 275 201 17.033825 275 201 Ulijin 106.41455 283 202 Ulijin 88.162087 285 202 Ulijin 85.309642 286 202 85.309642 286 202 Pyonggok-tong 77.981283 277 202 Pyonggok-tong 82.191999 278 202 Pyonggok-tong 66.223288 279 202 Pyonggok-tong 115.66766 280 203 Pyonggok-tong 109.51849 281 203 109.51849 281 203 Yeonghae 93.232853 276 202 Yeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Yeonghae 66.223288 279 202 Yeonghae 115.66766 280 203 115.66766 280 203 Chukpyon 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Mangyang-ni 106.41455 283 202 106.41455 283 202 Bangeojin 78.013329 260 201 Bangeojin 31.978345 261 201 Bangeojin 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Segae-dong 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Chugsan-dong 17.033825 275 201 17.033825 275 201 Pyeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Pyeonghae 66.223288 279 202 Pyeonghae 115.66766 280 203 Pyeonghae 109.51849 281 203 Pyeonghae 124.48957 282 203 124.48957 282 203 Chukchon 6.2203324 263 202 Chukchon 79.747847 263 203 Chukchon 63.573531 264 203 Chukchon 55.040343 265 203 Chukchon 111.34147 264 204 Chukchon 99.203069 265 204 Chukchon 95.09201 266 204 Chukchon 91.170309 267 204 91.170309 267 204 Gampo 55.040343 265 203 Gampo 6.655122 268 203 6.655122 268 203 Taech'on 20.027861 271 202 Taech'on 37.226898 272 202 37.226898 272 202 Guryongpo 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Meihama 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Saitosaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuoka 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Mitoma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Kashii 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Harumachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Tsuyazaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Shingu 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukumamachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Namyang-dong 2179.4052 290 220 Namyang-dong 2084.0219 291 220 Namyang-dong 1937.6108 292 220 Namyang-dong 1785.7039 293 220 Namyang-dong 1591.7211 294 220 1591.7211 294 220 Namyang 2075.8262 290 221 Namyang 1897.4515 291 221 Namyang 1304.2365 292 221 Namyang 1666.7511 293 221 Namyang 2103.6251 294 221 2103.6251 294 221 Nari 2075.8262 290 221 Nari 1897.4515 291 221 Nari 1304.2365 292 221 Nari 1666.7511 293 221 Nari 2103.6251 294 221 2103.6251 294 221 Dodong 2143.7278 290 222 Dodong 1457.4611 291 222 Dodong 28.845367 292 222 Dodong 760.4324 293 222 Dodong 2171.8023 294 222 Dodong 2041.6499 294 225 Dodong 2160.5065 294 226 2160.5065 294 226 Higashi-fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kawajiri 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Tateishi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Furuichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kihado 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Hommura 119.19037 251 225 Hommura 125.03673 252 225 Hommura 117.15727 253 225 Hommura 91.670215 253 226 Hommura 36.227222 251 227 Hommura 51.904146 252 227 Hommura 62.811021 253 227 Hommura 76.023371 251 228 Hommura 65.446379 252 228 Hommura 67.188382 252 229 67.188382 252 229 Fukawa 25.254784 246 227 Fukawa 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Senzaki 25.254784 246 227 Senzaki 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Misumi-ichi 25.254784 246 227 Misumi-ichi 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Kayoi 25.254784 246 227 Kayoi 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Soto 69.179309 247 228 Soto 48.941218 247 229 Soto 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Sammiura 69.179309 247 228 Sammiura 48.941218 247 229 Sammiura 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Hagi 48.941218 247 229 Hagi 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Hommura 48.941218 247 229 Hommura 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Shimo-Tashima 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Niinauri 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Nako 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Haruguchi 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Kiyo 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Takanabe 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Uwae 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Uta 20.137293 247 231 Uta 88.368792 250 231 Uta 83.779042 250 233 Uta 69.542137 250 234 Uta 48.31583 250 235 48.31583 250 235 Tsuno 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Susa 55.069102 248 232 Susa 86.255886 250 232 Susa 92.4939 251 232 Susa 93.443639 252 232 Susa 96.781686 252 233 Susa 97.564128 252 234 Susa 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Esaki 74.069933 249 233 Esaki 83.779042 250 233 Esaki 90.998687 251 233 Esaki 90.529231 251 234 Esaki 48.31583 250 235 Esaki 87.564787 251 235 Esaki 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Takatsu 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Masuda 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Tsuda 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Misumi 55.604755 251 237 Misumi 86.230975 252 237 Misumi 112.80373 253 237 112.80373 253 237 Murotani 62.759955 252 238 Murotani 107.34727 253 238 Murotani 120.49405 254 239 120.49405 254 239 Chiwa 62.759955 252 238 Chiwa 107.34727 253 238 Chiwa 120.49405 254 239 120.49405 254 239 Hinashi 62.759955 252 238 Hinashi 107.34727 253 238 Hinashi 133.73524 255 238 Hinashi 113.63255 255 241 Hinashi 95.004958 255 242 95.004958 255 242 Tabase 44.788984 252 239 Tabase 96.372439 253 239 Tabase 120.49405 254 239 120.49405 254 239 Iwami-naganama 44.788984 252 239 Iwami-naganama 96.372439 253 239 Iwami-naganama 120.49405 254 239 Iwami-naganama 134.50477 255 239 Iwami-naganama 113.63255 255 241 Iwami-naganama 95.004958 255 242 Iwami-naganama 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Nagahama 44.788984 252 239 Nagahama 96.372439 253 239 Nagahama 120.49405 254 239 Nagahama 134.50477 255 239 Nagahama 113.63255 255 241 Nagahama 95.004958 255 242 Nagahama 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hamada 44.788984 252 239 Hamada 96.372439 253 239 Hamada 120.49405 254 239 Hamada 134.50477 255 239 Hamada 113.63255 255 241 Hamada 95.004958 255 242 Hamada 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Kami-Kurokawa 60.64226 253 240 Kami-Kurokawa 115.85467 254 240 Kami-Kurokawa 128.95952 255 240 Kami-Kurokawa 113.63255 255 241 Kami-Kurokawa 95.004958 255 242 Kami-Kurokawa 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shimoko 60.64226 253 240 Shimoko 115.85467 254 240 Shimoko 128.95952 255 240 Shimoko 137.47363 256 240 Shimoko 113.63255 255 241 Shimoko 136.50853 256 241 Shimoko 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Togane 60.64226 253 240 Togane 115.85467 254 240 Togane 128.95952 255 240 Togane 137.47363 256 240 Togane 113.63255 255 241 Togane 136.50853 256 241 Togane 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Okubo 60.64226 253 240 Okubo 115.85467 254 240 Okubo 128.95952 255 240 Okubo 137.47363 256 240 Okubo 113.63255 255 241 Okubo 136.50853 256 241 Okubo 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Odani 60.64226 253 240 Odani 115.85467 254 240 Odani 128.95952 255 240 Odani 113.63255 255 241 Odani 95.004958 255 242 Odani 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hashi 60.64226 253 240 Hashi 115.85467 254 240 Hashi 128.95952 255 240 Hashi 137.47363 256 240 Hashi 113.63255 255 241 Hashi 136.50853 256 241 Hashi 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Uyagawa 88.151072 254 241 Uyagawa 113.63255 255 241 Uyagawa 136.50853 256 241 Uyagawa 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shimo-Arifuko 88.151072 254 241 Shimo-Arifuko 113.63255 255 241 Shimo-Arifuko 136.50853 256 241 Shimo-Arifuko 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Nakatsuwara 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Fuju 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Tsunozu 88.151072 254 241 Tsunozu 113.63255 255 241 Tsunozu 136.50853 256 241 Tsunozu 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Aogi 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Midoro 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Waki 88.151072 254 241 Waki 113.63255 255 241 Waki 136.50853 256 241 Waki 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Tsuzu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Tsutsu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Otake 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Waki 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Kuba 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Gotsu 88.151072 254 241 Gotsu 113.63255 255 241 Gotsu 136.50853 256 241 Gotsu 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Imazu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Shioya 20.488224 243 244 Shioya 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Asari 95.004958 255 242 Asari 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hama 20.488224 243 244 Hama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Ichimura 95.004958 255 242 Ichimura 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hataguchi 20.488224 243 244 Hataguchi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Naka-Tsuchi 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Morimune 20.488224 243 244 Morimune 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Atada 20.488224 243 244 Atada 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Jigozen 20.488224 243 244 Jigozen 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Shimonohama 20.488224 243 244 Shimonohama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Miyajima 20.488224 243 244 Miyajima 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kuromatsu 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hatsukaichi 20.488224 243 244 Hatsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hazum-Hongo 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Kohama 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Ichi 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Yunotsu 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Nakaji 20.488224 243 244 Nakaji 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Itsukaichi 20.488224 243 244 Itsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kami-Ida 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Nakagumi 76.080611 256 244 Nakagumi 108.16557 257 244 Nakagumi 135.47116 258 244 Nakagumi 96.867382 258 246 96.867382 258 246 Mino 20.488224 243 244 Mino 3.2965007 245 246 Mino 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Omori 76.080611 256 244 Omori 108.16557 257 244 Omori 135.47116 258 244 Omori 136.60019 259 245 Omori 127.97669 259 246 Omori 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Korenaga 20.488224 243 244 Korenaga 3.2965007 245 246 Korenaga 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nishita 76.080611 256 244 Nishita 108.16557 257 244 Nishita 135.47116 258 244 Nishita 96.867382 258 246 96.867382 258 246 Nimamachi 76.080611 256 244 Nimamachi 108.16557 257 244 Nimamachi 135.47116 258 244 Nimamachi 136.60019 259 245 Nimamachi 127.97669 259 246 Nimamachi 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Takuno 76.080611 256 244 Takuno 108.16557 257 244 Takuno 135.47116 258 244 Takuno 136.60019 259 245 Takuno 127.97669 259 246 Takuno 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Nakanohama 20.488224 243 244 Nakanohama 3.2965007 245 246 Nakanohama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Takunomachi 76.080611 256 244 Takunomachi 108.16557 257 244 Takunomachi 135.47116 258 244 Takunomachi 136.60019 259 245 Takunomachi 127.97669 259 246 Takunomachi 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Hata 20.488224 243 244 Hata 3.2965007 245 246 Hata 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kanokawa 20.488224 243 244 Kanokawa 3.2965007 245 246 Kanokawa 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Osu 3.2965007 245 246 Osu 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakago 3.2965007 245 246 Nakago 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakamachi 3.2965007 245 246 Nakamachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiroshima 3.2965007 245 246 Hiroshima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tsukumo 3.2965007 245 246 Tsukumo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Oura 85.859273 257 245 Oura 127.196 258 245 Oura 136.60019 259 245 Oura 127.97669 259 246 Oura 102.98478 259 247 Oura 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Fukae 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Obara 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Oko 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Hira 85.859273 257 245 Hira 127.196 258 245 Hira 136.60019 259 245 Hira 127.97669 259 246 Hira 102.98478 259 247 Hira 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Umesako 3.2965007 245 246 Umesako 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kakinoura 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Yumbe 85.859273 257 245 Yumbe 127.196 258 245 Yumbe 136.60019 259 245 Yumbe 127.97669 259 246 Yumbe 102.98478 259 247 Yumbe 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Hitonose 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Torii 85.859273 257 245 Torii 127.196 258 245 Torii 136.60019 259 245 Torii 127.97669 259 246 Torii 102.98478 259 247 Torii 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Etajima 3.2965007 245 246 Etajima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kirikushi 3.2965007 245 246 Kirikushi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Okimi 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Koyo 3.2965007 245 246 Koyo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Yukitsune 85.859273 257 245 Yukitsune 127.196 258 245 Yukitsune 136.60019 259 245 Yukitsune 127.97669 259 246 Yukitsune 102.98478 259 247 Yukitsune 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Sugewa 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Kutemachi 96.867382 258 246 Kutemachi 127.97669 259 246 Kutemachi 102.98478 259 247 Kutemachi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Oda 96.867382 258 246 Oda 127.97669 259 246 Oda 102.98478 259 247 Oda 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Ryoshida 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kamigumi 3.2965007 245 246 Kamigumi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Sakioku 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Arikiyo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hamazaki 3.2965007 245 246 Hamazaki 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ondo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Fujinowaki 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Takasu 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hane 96.867382 258 246 Hane 127.97669 259 246 Hane 102.98478 259 247 Hane 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Kaita 3.2965007 245 246 Kaita 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Muroo 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Ideguchi 96.867382 258 246 Ideguchi 127.97669 259 246 Ideguchi 102.98478 259 247 Ideguchi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Hatami 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kaigoshi 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Karoto 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Okujo 3.2965007 245 246 Okujo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiradani 3.2965007 245 246 Hiradani 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kure 3.2965007 245 246 Kure 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Osako 4.7740481 243 248 Osako 29.86239 240 251 Osako 26.376706 242 251 Osako 72.875108 243 251 72.875108 243 251 Jin'yama 8.6907422 244 247 Jin'yama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tagimachi 12.538645 258 247 Tagimachi 102.98478 259 247 Tagimachi 122.62579 261 248 Tagimachi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Kushi-taki 12.538645 258 247 Kushi-taki 102.98478 259 247 Kushi-taki 122.62579 261 248 Kushi-taki 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Nakagori 12.538645 258 247 Nakagori 102.98478 259 247 Nakagori 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Harido 12.538645 258 247 Harido 102.98478 259 247 Harido 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Obama 42.40165 240 250 Obama 29.86239 240 251 29.86239 240 251 Hiromachi 8.6907422 244 247 Hiromachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Uryu 59.786272 259 248 Uryu 98.667583 260 248 Uryu 122.62579 261 248 Uryu 21.176113 259 249 Uryu 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Hatari 42.40165 240 250 Hatari 29.86239 240 251 Hatari 34.767233 241 252 34.767233 241 252 Hinomi-saki 59.786272 259 248 Hinomi-saki 98.667583 260 248 Hinomi-saki 122.62579 261 248 Hinomi-saki 21.176113 259 249 Hinomi-saki 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Mutsuki 42.40165 240 250 Mutsuki 29.86239 240 251 Mutsuki 34.767233 241 252 34.767233 241 252 Shimojima 4.7740481 243 248 Shimojima 29.86239 240 251 Shimojima 26.376706 242 251 Shimojima 72.875108 243 251 Shimojima 7.2322222 242 252 Shimojima 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Ojizo 4.7740481 243 248 Ojizo 29.86239 240 251 Ojizo 26.376706 242 251 Ojizo 72.875108 243 251 Ojizo 7.2322222 242 252 Ojizo 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Washigasu 42.40165 240 250 Washigasu 29.86239 240 251 29.86239 240 251 Jige 59.786272 259 248 Jige 98.667583 260 248 Jige 122.62579 261 248 Jige 21.176113 259 249 Jige 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Sagiura 59.786272 259 248 Sagiura 98.667583 260 248 Sagiura 122.62579 261 248 Sagiura 21.176113 259 249 Sagiura 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Taisha 59.786272 259 248 Taisha 98.667583 260 248 Taisha 122.62579 261 248 Taisha 21.176113 259 249 Taisha 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Saginoura 59.786272 259 248 Saginoura 98.667583 260 248 Saginoura 122.62579 261 248 Saginoura 21.176113 259 249 Saginoura 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Arakayacho 59.786272 259 248 Arakayacho 98.667583 260 248 Arakayacho 122.62579 261 248 Arakayacho 21.176113 259 249 Arakayacho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Ojimacho 59.786272 259 248 Ojimacho 98.667583 260 248 Ojimacho 122.62579 261 248 Ojimacho 21.176113 259 249 Ojimacho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Kawajiri 4.7740481 243 248 Kawajiri 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ebisu 59.786272 259 248 Ebisu 98.667583 260 248 Ebisu 122.62579 261 248 Ebisu 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Sannose 4.7740481 243 248 Sannose 29.86239 240 251 Sannose 26.376706 242 251 Sannose 72.875108 243 251 Sannose 7.2322222 242 252 Sannose 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Osaki-kami-jima 4.7740481 243 248 Osaki-kami-jima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Inomecho 21.176113 259 249 Inomecho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Harahata 4.3081145 243 249 Harahata 8.0319931 242 250 Harahata 26.376706 242 251 Harahata 72.875108 243 251 Harahata 7.2322222 242 252 Harahata 19.349629 243 252 Harahata 72.484521 242 253 Harahata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyazakari 4.3081145 243 249 Miyazakari 31.536176 241 250 Miyazakari 8.0319931 242 250 Miyazakari 41.929864 241 251 Miyazakari 26.376706 242 251 Miyazakari 72.875108 243 251 Miyazakari 7.2322222 242 252 Miyazakari 19.349629 243 252 Miyazakari 72.484521 242 253 Miyazakari 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Koyo 4.3081145 243 249 Koyo 31.536176 241 250 Koyo 8.0319931 242 250 Koyo 41.929864 241 251 Koyo 26.376706 242 251 Koyo 72.875108 243 251 Koyo 7.2322222 242 252 Koyo 19.349629 243 252 Koyo 72.484521 242 253 Koyo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Tado 4.3081145 243 249 Tado 31.536176 241 250 Tado 8.0319931 242 250 Tado 41.929864 241 251 Tado 26.376706 242 251 Tado 72.875108 243 251 Tado 7.2322222 242 252 Tado 19.349629 243 252 Tado 72.484521 242 253 Tado 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hiraki 4.3081145 243 249 Hiraki 8.0319931 242 250 Hiraki 26.376706 242 251 Hiraki 72.875108 243 251 Hiraki 7.2322222 242 252 Hiraki 19.349629 243 252 Hiraki 72.484521 242 253 Hiraki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchinoumi 4.3081145 243 249 Uchinoumi 8.0319931 242 250 Uchinoumi 26.376706 242 251 Uchinoumi 72.875108 243 251 Uchinoumi 7.2322222 242 252 Uchinoumi 19.349629 243 252 Uchinoumi 72.484521 242 253 Uchinoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oura 4.3081145 243 249 Oura 42.40165 240 250 Oura 29.86239 240 251 Oura 26.376706 242 251 Oura 72.875108 243 251 Oura 7.2322222 242 252 Oura 19.349629 243 252 Oura 72.484521 242 253 Oura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Upporoi 53.057323 260 249 Upporoi 42.2413 261 249 Upporoi 2.841304 260 250 Upporoi 89.136776 262 250 Upporoi 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Oi 53.057323 260 249 Oi 42.2413 261 249 Oi 2.841304 260 250 Oi 89.136776 262 250 Oi 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Mitsuguchi 4.3081145 243 249 Mitsuguchi 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsuguchi 26.376706 242 251 Mitsuguchi 72.875108 243 251 Mitsuguchi 7.2322222 242 252 Mitsuguchi 19.349629 243 252 Mitsuguchi 72.484521 242 253 Mitsuguchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozucho 21.176113 259 249 Kozucho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Horie 42.40165 240 250 Horie 29.86239 240 251 29.86239 240 251 Kami-Oda 72.875108 243 251 Kami-Oda 19.349629 243 252 Kami-Oda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hojo 42.40165 240 250 Hojo 29.86239 240 251 Hojo 34.767233 241 252 Hojo 39.500802 241 253 39.500802 241 253 Kazahaya 8.0319931 242 250 Kazahaya 26.376706 242 251 Kazahaya 72.875108 243 251 Kazahaya 7.2322222 242 252 Kazahaya 19.349629 243 252 Kazahaya 72.484521 242 253 Kazahaya 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kuchi-Ukacho 2.841304 260 250 Kuchi-Ukacho 89.136776 262 250 Kuchi-Ukacho 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Komatsubara 8.0319931 242 250 Komatsubara 26.376706 242 251 Komatsubara 72.875108 243 251 Komatsubara 7.2322222 242 252 Komatsubara 19.349629 243 252 Komatsubara 72.484521 242 253 Komatsubara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchiura 42.40165 240 250 Uchiura 29.86239 240 251 Uchiura 26.376706 242 251 Uchiura 72.875108 243 251 Uchiura 7.2322222 242 252 Uchiura 19.349629 243 252 Uchiura 72.484521 242 253 Uchiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kanashi 72.875108 243 251 Kanashi 19.349629 243 252 Kanashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Asanamihar 42.40165 240 250 Asanamihar 29.86239 240 251 Asanamihar 26.376706 242 251 Asanamihar 7.2322222 242 252 Asanamihar 72.484521 242 253 Asanamihar 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Agejima 2.841304 260 250 Agejima 89.136776 262 250 Agejima 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Mitsu 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsu 26.376706 242 251 Mitsu 72.875108 243 251 Mitsu 7.2322222 242 252 Mitsu 19.349629 243 252 Mitsu 72.484521 242 253 Mitsu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 2.841304 260 250 Hama 89.136776 262 250 Hama 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Nada 2.841304 260 250 Nada 89.136776 262 250 Nada 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Kubi 42.40165 240 250 Kubi 29.86239 240 251 Kubi 26.376706 242 251 Kubi 72.875108 243 251 Kubi 7.2322222 242 252 Kubi 19.349629 243 252 Kubi 72.484521 242 253 Kubi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okitomo 29.86239 240 251 Okitomo 26.376706 242 251 Okitomo 72.875108 243 251 Okitomo 7.2322222 242 252 Okitomo 19.349629 243 252 Okitomo 72.484521 242 253 Okitomo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 29.86239 240 251 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 7.2322222 242 252 Hama 72.484521 242 253 Hama 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Ocho 29.86239 240 251 Ocho 26.376706 242 251 Ocho 72.875108 243 251 Ocho 7.2322222 242 252 Ocho 19.349629 243 252 Ocho 72.484521 242 253 Ocho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okushi 41.929864 241 251 Okushi 26.376706 242 251 Okushi 72.875108 243 251 Okushi 7.2322222 242 252 Okushi 19.349629 243 252 Okushi 72.484521 242 253 Okushi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Daicho 29.86239 240 251 Daicho 26.376706 242 251 Daicho 72.875108 243 251 Daicho 7.2322222 242 252 Daicho 19.349629 243 252 Daicho 72.484521 242 253 Daicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakaura 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Matsuo 29.86239 240 251 Matsuo 26.376706 242 251 Matsuo 7.2322222 242 252 Matsuo 72.484521 242 253 Matsuo 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Mitarai 29.86239 240 251 Mitarai 26.376706 242 251 Mitarai 72.875108 243 251 Mitarai 7.2322222 242 252 Mitarai 19.349629 243 252 Mitarai 72.484521 242 253 Mitarai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 72.875108 243 251 Hama 7.2322222 242 252 Hama 19.349629 243 252 Hama 72.484521 242 253 Hama 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Akashi 41.929864 241 251 Akashi 26.376706 242 251 Akashi 72.875108 243 251 Akashi 7.2322222 242 252 Akashi 19.349629 243 252 Akashi 72.484521 242 253 Akashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sukune 72.875108 243 251 Sukune 19.349629 243 252 Sukune 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Nakano 41.929864 241 251 Nakano 26.376706 242 251 Nakano 72.875108 243 251 Nakano 7.2322222 242 252 Nakano 19.349629 243 252 Nakano 72.484521 242 253 Nakano 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozakai 66.238282 262 251 66.238282 262 251 Obe 24.619908 240 252 Obe 34.767233 241 252 Obe 7.2322222 242 252 Obe 19.349629 243 252 Obe 72.484521 242 253 Obe 53.506904 242 254 Obe 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Okiura 34.767233 241 252 Okiura 7.2322222 242 252 Okiura 19.349629 243 252 Okiura 72.484521 242 253 Okiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakata 24.619908 240 252 Sakata 34.767233 241 252 Sakata 7.2322222 242 252 Sakata 19.349629 243 252 Sakata 72.484521 242 253 Sakata 53.506904 242 254 Sakata 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Takehara 19.349629 243 252 Takehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kinoe 34.767233 241 252 Kinoe 7.2322222 242 252 Kinoe 19.349629 243 252 Kinoe 72.484521 242 253 Kinoe 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Onashi 19.349629 243 252 Onashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shiramizu 7.2322222 242 252 Shiramizu 19.349629 243 252 Shiramizu 72.484521 242 253 Shiramizu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oi 24.619908 240 252 Oi 34.767233 241 252 Oi 7.2322222 242 252 Oi 19.349629 243 252 Oi 72.484521 242 253 Oi 53.506904 242 254 Oi 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Takasakicho 19.349629 243 252 Takasakicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Ono 24.619908 240 252 Ono 34.767233 241 252 Ono 7.2322222 242 252 Ono 72.484521 242 253 Ono 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Takasaki 19.349629 243 252 Takasaki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Namikata 24.619908 240 252 Namikata 34.767233 241 252 Namikata 7.2322222 242 252 Namikata 19.349629 243 252 Namikata 72.484521 242 253 Namikata 53.506904 242 254 Namikata 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Munagata 34.767233 241 252 Munagata 7.2322222 242 252 Munagata 19.349629 243 252 Munagata 72.484521 242 253 Munagata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mitabe 164.86729 269 252 Mitabe 136.07093 272 254 Mitabe 91.853673 272 255 Mitabe 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Fukuda 19.349629 243 252 Fukuda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Dozen 164.86729 269 252 Dozen 136.07093 272 254 Dozen 91.853673 272 255 Dozen 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hasihama 24.619908 240 252 Hasihama 34.767233 241 252 Hasihama 7.2322222 242 252 Hasihama 19.349629 243 252 Hasihama 72.484521 242 253 Hasihama 53.506904 242 254 Hasihama 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuchisubo 34.767233 241 252 Kuchisubo 7.2322222 242 252 Kuchisubo 19.349629 243 252 Kuchisubo 72.484521 242 253 Kuchisubo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Aikamachi 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Kinehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Chinzaki 144.14125 269 253 Chinzaki 146.82765 270 253 Chinzaki 173.95197 272 253 Chinzaki 111.72703 270 254 Chinzaki 136.07093 272 254 Chinzaki 91.853673 272 255 Chinzaki 72.084719 272 256 Chinzaki 77.981532 269 257 77.981532 269 257 Etomo 91.852351 263 253 Etomo 98.315461 264 253 Etomo 82.589962 263 254 Etomo 58.761116 263 255 Etomo 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tadanoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Urago 144.14125 269 253 Urago 146.82765 270 253 Urago 173.95197 272 253 Urago 111.72703 270 254 Urago 136.07093 272 254 Urago 91.853673 272 255 Urago 72.084719 272 256 Urago 77.981532 269 257 77.981532 269 257 Higai 72.484521 242 253 Higai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyanoura 39.500802 241 253 Miyanoura 72.484521 242 253 Miyanoura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Terasu 91.852351 263 253 Terasu 98.315461 264 253 Terasu 82.589962 263 254 Terasu 58.761116 263 255 Terasu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tamagi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Imabari 39.500802 241 253 Imabari 72.484521 242 253 Imabari 53.506904 242 254 Imabari 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Sada-Miyauchi 91.852351 263 253 Sada-Miyauchi 98.315461 264 253 Sada-Miyauchi 82.589962 263 254 Sada-Miyauchi 58.761116 263 255 Sada-Miyauchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Funakoshi 144.14125 269 253 Funakoshi 146.82765 270 253 Funakoshi 173.95197 272 253 Funakoshi 111.72703 270 254 Funakoshi 136.07093 272 254 Funakoshi 91.853673 272 255 Funakoshi 72.084719 272 256 Funakoshi 77.981532 269 257 77.981532 269 257 Hashi 144.14125 269 253 Hashi 146.82765 270 253 Hashi 173.95197 272 253 Hashi 111.72703 270 254 Hashi 136.07093 272 254 Hashi 91.853673 272 255 Hashi 72.084719 272 256 Hashi 77.981532 269 257 77.981532 269 257 Inokuchi 72.484521 242 253 Inokuchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mukuna 39.500802 241 253 Mukuna 72.484521 242 253 Mukuna 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shimogumi 91.852351 263 253 Shimogumi 98.315461 264 253 Shimogumi 82.589962 263 254 Shimogumi 58.761116 263 255 Shimogumi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kitaura 39.500802 241 253 Kitaura 72.484521 242 253 Kitaura 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Sakai 72.484521 242 253 Sakai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Urumi 133.67207 268 253 Urumi 90.540608 268 255 Urumi 91.853673 272 255 Urumi 72.084719 272 256 Urumi 78.245891 268 257 Urumi 77.981532 269 257 77.981532 269 257 Niburi 133.67207 268 253 Niburi 90.540608 268 255 Niburi 91.853673 272 255 Niburi 72.084719 272 256 Niburi 78.245891 268 257 Niburi 77.981532 269 257 77.981532 269 257 Noji 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Go-Sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Hama-sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Ryomei 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minamiura 53.506904 242 254 Minamiura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Mitajiri 121.19467 269 254 Mitajiri 111.72703 270 254 Mitajiri 136.07093 272 254 Mitajiri 91.853673 272 255 Mitajiri 72.084719 272 256 Mitajiri 77.981532 269 257 Mitajiri 96.292275 271 258 Mitajiri 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Beppu 121.19467 269 254 Beppu 111.72703 270 254 Beppu 136.07093 272 254 Beppu 91.853673 272 255 Beppu 72.084719 272 256 Beppu 77.981532 269 257 Beppu 96.292275 271 258 Beppu 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Kori 118.2324 268 254 Kori 90.540608 268 255 Kori 91.853673 272 255 Kori 72.084719 272 256 Kori 78.245891 268 257 Kori 77.981532 269 257 Kori 96.292275 271 258 Kori 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Saiwaishinden 53.506904 242 254 Saiwaishinden 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Oyama 121.19467 269 254 Oyama 111.72703 270 254 Oyama 136.07093 272 254 Oyama 91.853673 272 255 Oyama 72.084719 272 256 Oyama 77.981532 269 257 Oyama 96.292275 271 258 Oyama 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Seto 53.506904 242 254 Seto 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Niregi 82.589962 263 254 Niregi 58.761116 263 255 Niregi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kuratani 121.19467 269 254 Kuratani 111.72703 270 254 Kuratani 136.07093 272 254 Kuratani 91.853673 272 255 Kuratani 72.084719 272 256 Kuratani 77.981532 269 257 Kuratani 96.292275 271 258 Kuratani 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Usuge 118.2324 268 254 Usuge 90.540608 268 255 Usuge 91.853673 272 255 Usuge 72.084719 272 256 Usuge 78.245891 268 257 Usuge 77.981532 269 257 Usuge 96.292275 271 258 Usuge 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Hama 82.589962 263 254 Hama 58.761116 263 255 Hama 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yosokuni 53.506904 242 254 Yosokuni 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuranotani 121.19467 269 254 Kuranotani 111.72703 270 254 Kuranotani 136.07093 272 254 Kuranotani 91.853673 272 255 Kuranotani 72.084719 272 256 Kuranotani 77.981532 269 257 Kuranotani 96.292275 271 258 Kuranotani 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Wadacho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuwaki 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Miyakubo 53.506904 242 254 Miyakubo 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Uga 121.19467 269 254 Uga 111.72703 270 254 Uga 136.07093 272 254 Uga 91.853673 272 255 Uga 72.084719 272 256 Uga 77.981532 269 257 Uga 96.292275 271 258 Uga 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Tomoura 53.506904 242 254 Tomoura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Fukui 121.19467 269 254 Fukui 111.72703 270 254 Fukui 136.07093 272 254 Fukui 91.853673 272 255 Fukui 72.084719 272 256 Fukui 77.981532 269 257 Fukui 96.292275 271 258 Fukui 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Aoya 118.2324 268 254 Aoya 90.540608 268 255 Aoya 91.853673 272 255 Aoya 72.084719 272 256 Aoya 78.245891 268 257 Aoya 77.981532 269 257 Aoya 96.292275 271 258 Aoya 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Hinozu 121.19467 269 254 Hinozu 111.72703 270 254 Hinozu 136.07093 272 254 Hinozu 91.853673 272 255 Hinozu 72.084719 272 256 Hinozu 77.981532 269 257 Hinozu 96.292275 271 258 Hinozu 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Sunamicho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kone 53.506904 242 254 Kone 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Saki 118.2324 268 254 Saki 90.540608 268 255 Saki 91.853673 272 255 Saki 72.084719 272 256 Saki 78.245891 268 257 Saki 77.981532 269 257 Saki 96.292275 271 258 Saki 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Setoda 53.506904 242 254 Setoda 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minami 121.19467 269 254 Minami 111.72703 270 254 Minami 136.07093 272 254 Minami 91.853673 272 255 Minami 72.084719 272 256 Minami 77.981532 269 257 Minami 96.292275 271 258 Minami 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Tako 82.589962 263 254 Tako 58.761116 263 255 Tako 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Oi 118.2324 268 254 Oi 90.540608 268 255 Oi 91.853673 272 255 Oi 72.084719 272 256 Oi 78.245891 268 257 Oi 77.981532 269 257 Oi 96.292275 271 258 Oi 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Kitabun 121.19467 269 254 Kitabun 111.72703 270 254 Kitabun 136.07093 272 254 Kitabun 91.853673 272 255 Kitabun 72.084719 272 256 Kitabun 77.981532 269 257 Kitabun 96.292275 271 258 Kitabun 63.004105 272 258 63.004105 272 258 Nonami 58.761116 263 255 Nonami 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Utsuka 89.335964 269 255 Utsuka 91.853673 272 255 Utsuka 72.084719 272 256 Utsuka 77.981532 269 257 Utsuka 96.292275 271 258 Utsuka 63.004105 272 258 Utsuka 22.247848 272 259 22.247848 272 259 Chichii 89.335964 269 255 Chichii 91.853673 272 255 Chichii 72.084719 272 256 Chichii 77.981532 269 257 Chichii 96.292275 271 258 Chichii 63.004105 272 258 Chichii 22.247848 272 259 22.247848 272 259 Hobomi 89.335964 269 255 Hobomi 91.853673 272 255 Hobomi 72.084719 272 256 Hobomi 77.981532 269 257 Hobomi 96.292275 271 258 Hobomi 63.004105 272 258 Hobomi 22.247848 272 259 22.247848 272 259 Toyota 89.335964 269 255 Toyota 91.853673 272 255 Toyota 72.084719 272 256 Toyota 77.981532 269 257 Toyota 96.292275 271 258 Toyota 63.004105 272 258 Toyota 22.247848 272 259 22.247848 272 259 Nota 89.335964 269 255 Nota 91.853673 272 255 Nota 72.084719 272 256 Nota 77.981532 269 257 Nota 96.292275 271 258 Nota 63.004105 272 258 Nota 22.247848 272 259 22.247848 272 259 Chikumi 58.761116 263 255 Chikumi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Mambara 58.761116 263 255 Mambara 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Nagaoda 72.084719 272 256 Nagaoda 63.004105 272 258 Nagaoda 22.247848 272 259 Nagaoda 71.063169 272 260 Nagaoda 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Katae 57.606975 264 256 Katae 61.355419 264 257 Katae 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yui 72.084719 272 256 Yui 17.898566 271 257 Yui 96.292275 271 258 Yui 63.004105 272 258 Yui 22.247848 272 259 Yui 149.12927 271 260 Yui 71.063169 272 260 Yui 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Fukura 72.084719 272 256 Fukura 63.004105 272 258 Fukura 22.247848 272 259 Fukura 71.063169 272 260 Fukura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Moriyama 57.606975 264 256 Moriyama 61.355419 264 257 Moriyama 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Nagu 72.084719 272 256 Nagu 17.898566 271 257 Nagu 96.292275 271 258 Nagu 63.004105 272 258 Nagu 22.247848 272 259 Nagu 149.12927 271 260 Nagu 71.063169 272 260 Nagu 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Wataricho 57.606975 264 256 Wataricho 61.355419 264 257 Wataricho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Tonoecho 57.606975 264 256 Tonoecho 61.355419 264 257 Tonoecho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Otsugu 72.084719 272 256 Otsugu 17.898566 271 257 Otsugu 96.292275 271 258 Otsugu 63.004105 272 258 Otsugu 22.247848 272 259 Otsugu 149.12927 271 260 Otsugu 71.063169 272 260 Otsugu 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Watari 57.606975 264 256 Watari 61.355419 264 257 Watari 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Shichirui 57.606975 264 256 Shichirui 61.355419 264 257 Shichirui 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Shiro 72.084719 272 256 Shiro 63.004105 272 258 Shiro 22.247848 272 259 Shiro 71.063169 272 260 Shiro 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kumi 72.084719 272 256 Kumi 63.004105 272 258 Kumi 22.247848 272 259 Kumi 71.063169 272 260 Kumi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Naguchi 64.009701 272 257 Naguchi 113.24509 274 257 Naguchi 175.14191 275 257 Naguchi 63.004105 272 258 Naguchi 22.247848 272 259 Naguchi 71.063169 272 260 Naguchi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Minamigata 64.009701 272 257 Minamigata 113.24509 274 257 Minamigata 175.14191 275 257 Minamigata 63.004105 272 258 Minamigata 22.247848 272 259 Minamigata 71.063169 272 260 Minamigata 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamisato 17.898566 271 257 Kamisato 96.292275 271 258 Kamisato 63.004105 272 258 Kamisato 22.247848 272 259 Kamisato 149.12927 271 260 Kamisato 71.063169 272 260 Kamisato 101.71401 275 260 Kamisato 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Mukoyama 17.898566 271 257 Mukoyama 96.292275 271 258 Mukoyama 63.004105 272 258 Mukoyama 22.247848 272 259 Mukoyama 149.12927 271 260 Mukoyama 71.063169 272 260 Mukoyama 101.71401 275 260 Mukoyama 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Tsudo 74.580521 270 257 Tsudo 17.898566 271 257 Tsudo 99.890666 270 258 Tsudo 96.292275 271 258 Tsudo 63.004105 272 258 Tsudo 22.247848 272 259 Tsudo 149.12927 271 260 Tsudo 71.063169 272 260 Tsudo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Takenouchicho 61.355419 264 257 Takenouchicho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Sakai-Minato 61.355419 264 257 Sakai-Minato 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Fukuura 61.355419 264 257 Fukuura 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yoshizu 61.355419 264 257 Yoshizu 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Koii 64.009701 272 257 Koii 113.24509 274 257 Koii 175.14191 275 257 Koii 63.004105 272 258 Koii 22.247848 272 259 Koii 71.063169 272 260 Koii 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kori 64.009701 272 257 Kori 113.24509 274 257 Kori 175.14191 275 257 Kori 63.004105 272 258 Kori 22.247848 272 259 Kori 71.063169 272 260 Kori 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 O-Shinozucho 61.355419 264 257 O-Shinozucho 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kitagata 64.009701 272 257 Kitagata 113.24509 274 257 Kitagata 175.14191 275 257 Kitagata 63.004105 272 258 Kitagata 22.247848 272 259 Kitagata 71.063169 272 260 Kitagata 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Yamad 64.009701 272 257 Yamad 113.24509 274 257 Yamad 175.14191 275 257 Yamad 63.004105 272 258 Yamad 22.247848 272 259 Yamad 71.063169 272 260 Yamad 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kumozu 61.355419 264 257 Kumozu 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Utagi 17.898566 271 257 Utagi 96.292275 271 258 Utagi 63.004105 272 258 Utagi 22.247848 272 259 Utagi 149.12927 271 260 Utagi 71.063169 272 260 Utagi 101.71401 275 260 Utagi 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Igo 64.009701 272 257 Igo 113.24509 274 257 Igo 175.14191 275 257 Igo 63.004105 272 258 Igo 22.247848 272 259 Igo 71.063169 272 260 Igo 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamiguchi 61.355419 264 257 Kamiguchi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kamo 74.580521 270 257 Kamo 17.898566 271 257 Kamo 99.890666 270 258 Kamo 96.292275 271 258 Kamo 63.004105 272 258 Kamo 22.247848 272 259 Kamo 149.12927 271 260 Kamo 71.063169 272 260 Kamo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kambi 74.580521 270 257 Kambi 17.898566 271 257 Kambi 99.890666 270 258 Kambi 96.292275 271 258 Kambi 63.004105 272 258 Kambi 22.247848 272 259 Kambi 149.12927 271 260 Kambi 71.063169 272 260 Kambi 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Higuchi 61.355419 264 257 Higuchi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Goto 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Nishimura 64.009701 272 257 Nishimura 113.24509 274 257 Nishimura 175.14191 275 257 Nishimura 63.004105 272 258 Nishimura 22.247848 272 259 Nishimura 71.063169 272 260 Nishimura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Harada 96.292275 271 258 Harada 63.004105 272 258 Harada 22.247848 272 259 Harada 149.12927 271 260 Harada 71.063169 272 260 Harada 101.71401 275 260 Harada 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kamidani 61.276459 264 258 Kamidani 56.677483 264 259 Kamidani 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Mihonoseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonoseki 56.677483 264 259 Mihonoseki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Ikeda 96.292275 271 258 Ikeda 63.004105 272 258 Ikeda 22.247848 272 259 Ikeda 149.12927 271 260 Ikeda 71.063169 272 260 Ikeda 101.71401 275 260 Ikeda 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Nakamura 63.004105 272 258 Nakamura 22.247848 272 259 Nakamura 71.063169 272 260 Nakamura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Nishida 96.292275 271 258 Nishida 63.004105 272 258 Nishida 22.247848 272 259 Nishida 149.12927 271 260 Nishida 71.063169 272 260 Nishida 101.71401 275 260 Nishida 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Mihonseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonseki 56.677483 264 259 Mihonseki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Minoura 99.890666 270 258 Minoura 96.292275 271 258 Minoura 63.004105 272 258 Minoura 22.247848 272 259 Minoura 149.12927 271 260 Minoura 71.063169 272 260 Minoura 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Abe 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Gonya 63.004105 272 258 Gonya 22.247848 272 259 Gonya 71.063169 272 260 Gonya 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Misaki 99.890666 270 258 Misaki 96.292275 271 258 Misaki 63.004105 272 258 Misaki 22.247848 272 259 Misaki 149.12927 271 260 Misaki 71.063169 272 260 Misaki 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Araki 96.292275 271 258 Araki 63.004105 272 258 Araki 22.247848 272 259 Araki 149.12927 271 260 Araki 71.063169 272 260 Araki 101.71401 275 260 Araki 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Yonago 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Takei 96.292275 271 258 Takei 63.004105 272 258 Takei 22.247848 272 259 Takei 149.12927 271 260 Takei 71.063169 272 260 Takei 101.71401 275 260 Takei 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Sei 96.292275 271 258 Sei 63.004105 272 258 Sei 22.247848 272 259 Sei 149.12927 271 260 Sei 71.063169 272 260 Sei 101.71401 275 260 Sei 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Iibi 63.004105 272 258 Iibi 22.247848 272 259 Iibi 71.063169 272 260 Iibi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Togo 96.292275 271 258 Togo 63.004105 272 258 Togo 22.247848 272 259 Togo 149.12927 271 260 Togo 71.063169 272 260 Togo 101.71401 275 260 Togo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Iida 96.292275 271 258 Iida 63.004105 272 258 Iida 22.247848 272 259 Iida 149.12927 271 260 Iida 71.063169 272 260 Iida 101.71401 275 260 Iida 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Higashi-Fukuhara 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Uzuki 63.004105 272 258 Uzuki 22.247848 272 259 Uzuki 71.063169 272 260 Uzuki 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kami-fukubara 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kaike-Onsen 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Saigo 96.292275 271 258 Saigo 63.004105 272 258 Saigo 22.247848 272 259 Saigo 149.12927 271 260 Saigo 71.063169 272 260 Saigo 101.71401 275 260 Saigo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Inugu 123.16414 271 259 Inugu 22.247848 272 259 Inugu 149.12927 271 260 Inugu 71.063169 272 260 Inugu 101.71401 275 260 Inugu 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kama 123.16414 271 259 Kama 22.247848 272 259 Kama 149.12927 271 260 Kama 71.063169 272 260 Kama 101.71401 275 260 Kama 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Oku 123.16414 271 259 Oku 22.247848 272 259 Oku 149.12927 271 260 Oku 71.063169 272 260 Oku 101.71401 275 260 Oku 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kuzumo 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Soda 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kaya 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Kawaoka 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Odaka 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Sueyoshi 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Muki 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Yodoe 16.831275 262 260 16.831275 262 260 Nawa 17.849925 262 261 Nawa 34.655903 263 261 Nawa 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Kami Daison 17.849925 262 261 Kami Daison 34.655903 263 261 Kami Daison 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Shitatsubo 17.849925 262 261 Shitatsubo 34.655903 263 261 Shitatsubo 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Takahashi 17.849925 262 261 Takahashi 34.655903 263 261 Takahashi 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Nagano 17.849925 262 261 Nagano 34.655903 263 261 Nagano 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Uwaichi 17.849925 262 261 Uwaichi 34.655903 263 261 Uwaichi 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Akasaka 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Uematsu 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Hata 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Notsu 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Idekami 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Yawata 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Bessho 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Akasaki Ko 38.59997 263 262 38.59997 263 262 Miyaki 39.254898 263 263 Miyaki 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Yabase 39.254898 263 263 Yabase 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Ho 39.254898 263 263 Ho 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Urayasu 39.254898 263 263 Urayasu 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Kogane 39.254898 263 263 Kogane 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Kanaya 37.089394 263 264 Kanaya 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Sugishita 37.089394 263 264 Sugishita 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Shimontane 37.089394 263 264 Shimontane 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Otani 37.089394 263 264 Otani 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Yura 37.089394 263 264 Yura 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Yurajuku 37.089394 263 264 Yurajuku 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Yurashuku 37.089394 263 264 Yurashuku 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Nishisono 37.089394 263 264 Nishisono 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Seto 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Kitano 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Yonesato 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Yumihara 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Ekita 44.64503 263 265 44.64503 263 265 Koda 45.857399 263 266 Koda 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Shinden 45.857399 263 266 Shinden 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kaita 45.857399 263 266 Kaita 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Nagase 45.857399 263 266 Nagase 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Tajiri 45.857399 263 266 Tajiri 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Egita 45.857399 263 266 Egita 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kodota 45.857399 263 266 Kodota 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Shimo Asozu 45.857399 263 266 Shimo Asozu 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kami Asozu 45.857399 263 266 Kami Asozu 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Hashizu 45.857399 263 266 Hashizu 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Matsuzaki 44.868822 263 267 Matsuzaki 69.882882 264 267 Matsuzaki 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Hara 44.868822 263 267 Hara 69.882882 264 267 Hara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Urushihara 44.868822 263 267 Urushihara 69.882882 264 267 Urushihara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Tomari 44.868822 263 267 Tomari 69.882882 264 267 Tomari 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Narutake 44.868822 263 267 Narutake 69.882882 264 267 Narutake 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Yoshikawa 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Okuzaki 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/CalcInputDeck.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin/coastalImpact -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ > /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/outCostalImpact.txt SELECT id, SHAPE_LENG,AsText(Geometry) FROM shoreline WHERE MBRContains(BuildMBR(116.0,18.0,134.0,40.5), geometry) 100 / 416 200 / 416 300 / 416 400 / 416 plottype GDACS drawing CoastalImpact /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ /mnt/output/SSCS/DATA/coastal.db 100 / 416 200 / 416 300 / 416 400 / 416 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000688/ECMWF/2020080400/all_inpData.txt /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000688/ECMWF/2020080400/all_inpData.txt ECMWF 1000688 trackfile 0 OUT_umax.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0000.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0024.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! ....remove.... calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/TIF_MAXVEL_END.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ /mnt/output/SSCS/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF delft3d from 31-07-2020 12:00 to 04-08-2020 00:00& start issueBulletin listWindows: folder0 : http://webcritech.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ModellingOutput/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/ folderFinal0 : http://webcritech.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ModellingOutput/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ savepath: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00// ******************************************************* * Case Completed * ******************************************************* Case starterd at: 2020-08-04 09:04:58.018154 UTC Cas completed at: 2020-08-04 09:18:30.191058 UTC **********E N D O F J O B*********************** 12 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/TIF_MAXVEL_END.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 1.988427 million >> 5. count the popolation in each cell and assign to the class and write to output in PP classifying 0 3486 >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popDensValues.xml TS 1911339 (wind>17 and <=33) North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan 17 and <=33]]> North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan TS 1911339 4119 1073081 733194 98321 2624 CAT. 1 0 (wind>33 and <=43) 33 and <=43]]> CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 (wind>43 and <=50) 43 and <=50]]> CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 (wind>50 and <=58) 50 and <=58]]> CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 (wind>58 and <=70) 58 and <=70]]> CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 (wind>70 and <=1000) 70 and <=1000]]> CAT. 5 0 ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 09:25:12.703789 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 8 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 12:55:12.006737 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ creating /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 12:55:12.070995 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 13:05:07.853996 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 13:05:07.916765 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 13:15:08.780008 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 13:15:08.840818 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 13:25:12.373630 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 13:25:12.444321 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 13:35:08.560756 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 13:35:08.617906 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 13:45:08.787629 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 13:45:08.845293 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 13:55:13.087912 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 13:55:13.152821 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 14:05:08.397329 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 14:05:08.453873 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 14:15:08.688271 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 14:15:08.744548 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 14:25:11.820641 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 14:25:11.880161 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 14:35:08.926567 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 14:35:08.990424 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 14:45:08.615737 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 14:45:08.676473 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 14:55:12.658810 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 14:55:12.717671 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 15:05:08.313794 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 15:05:08.373169 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 15:15:08.393740 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 15:15:08.459852 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 15:25:11.800609 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 15:25:11.858552 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 15:35:08.127295 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 15:35:08.188656 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 15:45:08.158603 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 15:45:08.212498 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 15:55:11.864765 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 15:55:11.924065 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 16:05:09.133410 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 16:05:09.196343 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 16:15:09.046247 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 16:15:09.101595 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 16:25:12.077819 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 16:25:12.133300 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 16:35:08.462706 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 16:35:08.524767 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 16:45:14.841896 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 16:45:14.993444 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 16:55:13.294926 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 16:55:13.351466 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 17:05:08.386271 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 17:05:08.446743 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 17:15:07.988322 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 17:15:08.049327 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 17:25:13.376353 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 17:25:13.431765 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 17:35:09.683836 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 17:35:09.783296 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 17:45:08.198763 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 17:45:08.254487 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 17:55:12.921588 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 17:55:12.979059 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 18:05:09.222911 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 18:05:09.282207 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 18:15:07.542785 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 18:15:07.625808 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 18:25:12.767751 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 18:25:12.815860 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 18:35:09.456446 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 18:35:09.510728 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 18:45:08.796659 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 18:45:08.840863 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 18:55:12.384645 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 18:55:12.442532 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 19:05:08.382589 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 19:05:08.438790 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 19:15:08.095592 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 19:15:08.149384 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 19:25:12.896456 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 19:25:12.957359 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 19:35:08.422829 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 19:35:08.483394 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 19:45:08.618598 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 19:45:08.669668 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 19:55:13.130854 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 19:55:13.191880 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 20:05:08.836354 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 20:05:08.892315 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 20:15:08.285667 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 20:15:08.353219 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 20:25:13.057319 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 20:25:13.123278 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 20:35:09.101151 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 20:35:09.157107 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 20:45:09.284195 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 20:45:09.339380 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/04/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 21:04:59.822657 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-04 21:04:59.875045 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file netcdf already existing : /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc !!!removing submitted_surge ret= 0 False ============================================ processing netcdf file for running delft3d ============================================ 2. process netcdf files and run at 2020-08-04 21:04:59.894050 ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 21:05:09.058736 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ 7 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/TIF_MAXVEL.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 0.08864 million >> 5. count the popolation in each cell and assign to the class and write to output in PP classifying 0 979 >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/popDensValues.xml TS 65035 (wind>17 and <=33) North Korea, South Korea, China 17 and <=33]]> North Korea, South Korea, China TS 65035 3481 59485 2069 CAT. 1 0 (wind>33 and <=43) 33 and <=43]]> CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 (wind>43 and <=50) 43 and <=50]]> CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 (wind>50 and <=58) 50 and <=58]]> CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 (wind>58 and <=70) 58 and <=70]]> CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 (wind>70 and <=1000) 70 and <=1000]]> CAT. 5 0 nt 72 ...creating forcing data TIF from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ... # times: 73 title: Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) np.amin(lon),np.amax(lon),np.amin(lat),np.amax(lat) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/MAXVEL.jpg V Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 255 319 255.0 319.0 savemap /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/MAXVEL.jpg calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/TIF_MAXVEL.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/ /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF delft3d04-08-2020 12:00& ..2.1 converting netcdf to txt... nt= 72 ************************* /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200804.12.tropical_cyclone.nc 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/ 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 72 1 ...reprojecting netcdf on the calculation window for ... .....time 0 / 72 .....time 1 / 72 .....time 2 / 72 .....time 3 / 72 .....time 4 / 72 .....time 5 / 72 .....time 6 / 72 .....time 7 / 72 .....time 8 / 72 .....time 9 / 72 .....time 10 / 72 .....time 11 / 72 .....time 12 / 72 .....time 13 / 72 .....time 14 / 72 .....time 15 / 72 .....time 16 / 72 .....time 17 / 72 .....time 18 / 72 .....time 19 / 72 .....time 20 / 72 .....time 21 / 72 .....time 22 / 72 .....time 23 / 72 .....time 24 / 72 .....time 25 / 72 .....time 26 / 72 .....time 27 / 72 .....time 28 / 72 .....time 29 / 72 .....time 30 / 72 .....time 31 / 72 .....time 32 / 72 .....time 33 / 72 .....time 34 / 72 .....time 35 / 72 .....time 36 / 72 .....time 37 / 72 .....time 38 / 72 .....time 39 / 72 .....time 40 / 72 .....time 41 / 72 .....time 42 / 72 .....time 43 / 72 .....time 44 / 72 .....time 45 / 72 .....time 46 / 72 .....time 47 / 72 .....time 48 / 72 .....time 49 / 72 .....time 50 / 72 .....time 51 / 72 .....time 52 / 72 .....time 53 / 72 .....time 54 / 72 .....time 55 / 72 .....time 56 / 72 .....time 57 / 72 .....time 58 / 72 .....time 59 / 72 .....time 60 / 72 .....time 61 / 72 .....time 62 / 72 .....time 63 / 72 .....time 64 / 72 .....time 65 / 72 .....time 66 / 72 .....time 67 / 72 .....time 68 / 72 .....time 69 / 72 .....time 70 / 72 .....time 71 / 72 .....time 72 / 72 ...printing files header ...writing time 0 / 72 ...writing time 1 / 72 ...writing time 2 / 72 ...writing time 3 / 72 ...writing time 4 / 72 ...writing time 5 / 72 ...writing time 6 / 72 ...writing time 7 / 72 ...writing time 8 / 72 ...writing time 9 / 72 ...writing time 10 / 72 ...writing time 11 / 72 ...writing time 12 / 72 ...writing time 13 / 72 ...writing time 14 / 72 ...writing time 15 / 72 ...writing time 16 / 72 ...writing time 17 / 72 ...writing time 18 / 72 ...writing time 19 / 72 ...writing time 20 / 72 ...writing time 21 / 72 ...writing time 22 / 72 ...writing time 23 / 72 ...writing time 24 / 72 ...writing time 25 / 72 ...writing time 26 / 72 ...writing time 27 / 72 ...writing time 28 / 72 ...writing time 29 / 72 ...writing time 30 / 72 ...writing time 31 / 72 ...writing time 32 / 72 ...writing time 33 / 72 ...writing time 34 / 72 ...writing time 35 / 72 ...writing time 36 / 72 ...writing time 37 / 72 ...writing time 38 / 72 ...writing time 39 / 72 ...writing time 40 / 72 ...writing time 41 / 72 ...writing time 42 / 72 ...writing time 43 / 72 ...writing time 44 / 72 ...writing time 45 / 72 ...writing time 46 / 72 ...writing time 47 / 72 ...writing time 48 / 72 ...writing time 49 / 72 ...writing time 50 / 72 ...writing time 51 / 72 ...writing time 52 / 72 ...writing time 53 / 72 ...writing time 54 / 72 ...writing time 55 / 72 ...writing time 56 / 72 ...writing time 57 / 72 ...writing time 58 / 72 ...writing time 59 / 72 ...writing time 60 / 72 ...writing time 61 / 72 ...writing time 62 / 72 ...writing time 63 / 72 ...writing time 64 / 72 ...writing time 65 / 72 ...writing time 66 / 72 ...writing time 67 / 72 ...writing time 68 / 72 ...writing time 69 / 72 ...writing time 70 / 72 ...writing time 71 / 72 ...writing time 72 / 72 ************************* ..2.2 prepare files for run and launch... start= 0 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/config_d_hydro.xml in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/config_d_hydro.xml ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.mdf in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/calc.mdf ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.grd in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/calc.grd ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.enc in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/calc.enc ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.obs in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/calc.obs ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.dep in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/calc.dep ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/tri-rst.calc.20200804.120000 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/tri-rst.restart.20200804.120000 ****** SETTING DT ***** 1.0 start run ./run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh 10 launching case: /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/MPICH_INTEL/bin/mpiexec -np 10 /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/5740/bin/lnx64/flow2d3d/bin/d_hydro.exe config_d_hydro.xml MPI process number 000 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 001 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 002 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 003 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 004 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 005 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 006 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 007 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 008 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 009 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deltares, FLOW2D3D Version, May 3 2016, 09:52:23 libflow2d3d.so entry Flow2D3D::Run -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part I - Initialisation Time Dep. Data module... runid : calc Part II - Creating intermediate files... Part III - Initialisation of the Execution module... Part IV - Reading complete MD-file... Part V - Initialisation & checking input... Part VI - Initialisation & checking second part... Part VII - Initialisation output... Part VIII - Start Simulation... Time to finish 0s, 0.0% completed, time steps left 4320 Time to finish 28m, 0.0% completed, time steps left 4319 Time to finish 17m, 0.0% completed, time steps left 4318 Time to finish 19m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4317 Time to finish 16m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4316 Time to finish 14m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4315 Time to finish 12m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4314 Time to finish 11m, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4313 Time to finish 11m, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4312 Time to finish 10m, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4311 Time to finish 9m 33s, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4310 Time to finish 9m 9s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4309 Time to finish 8m 50s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4308 Time to finish 8m 32s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4307 Time to finish 8m 22s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4306 Time to finish 8m 13s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4305 Time to finish 9m 20s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4304 Time to finish 9m 26s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4303 Time to finish 9m 22s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4302 Time to finish 9m 14s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4301 Time to finish 9m 9s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4300 Time to finish 8m 59s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4299 Time to finish 8m 47s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4298 Time to finish 8m 36s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4297 Time to finish 8m 30s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4296 Time to finish 8m 21s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4295 Time to finish 8m 14s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4294 Time to finish 8m 6s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4293 Time to finish 7m 59s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4292 Time to finish 7m 52s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4291 Time to finish 7m 45s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4290 Time to finish 8m 7s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4289 Time to finish 8m 1s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4288 Time to finish 8m 3s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4287 Time to finish 7m 58s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4286 Time to finish 7m 55s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4285 Time to finish 7m 50s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4284 Time to finish 7m 45s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4283 Time to finish 7m 42s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4282 Time to finish 7m 42s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4281 Time to finish 7m 39s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4280 Time to finish 7m 38s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4279 Time to finish 7m 36s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4278 Time to finish 7m 34s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4277 Time to finish 7m 33s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4276 Time to finish 7m 31s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4275 Time to finish 7m 52s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4274 Time to finish 7m 52s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4273 Time to finish 7m 50s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4272 Time to finish 7m 49s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4271 Time to finish 7m 47s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4270 Time to finish 7m 45s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4269 Time to finish 7m 44s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4268 Time to finish 7m 42s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4267 Time to finish 7m 40s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4266 Time to finish 7m 37s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4265 Time to finish 7m 34s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4264 Time to finish 7m 31s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4263 Time to finish 7m 29s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4262 Time to finish 7m 28s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4261 Time to finish 7m 26s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4260 Time to finish 7m 44s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4259 Time to finish 7m 42s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4258 Time to finish 7m 40s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4257 Time to finish 7m 38s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4256 Time to finish 7m 37s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4255 Time to finish 7m 35s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4254 Time to finish 7m 34s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4253 Time to finish 7m 33s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4252 Time to finish 7m 31s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4251 Time to finish 7m 30s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4250 Time to finish 7m 29s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4249 Time to finish 7m 28s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4248 Time to finish 7m 27s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4247 Time to finish 7m 26s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4246 Time to finish 7m 25s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4245 Time to finish 7m 36s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4244 Time to finish 7m 36s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4243 Time to finish 7m 35s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4242 Time to finish 7m 34s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4241 Time to finish 7m 33s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4240 Time to finish 7m 32s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4239 Time to finish 7m 30s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4238 Time to finish 7m 29s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4237 Time to finish 7m 27s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4236 Time to finish 7m 25s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4235 Time to finish 7m 23s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4234 Time to finish 7m 21s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4233 Time to finish 7m 20s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4232 Time to finish 7m 18s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4231 Time to finish 7m 16s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4230 Time to finish 7m 25s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4229 Time to finish 7m 24s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4228 Time to finish 7m 22s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4227 Time to finish 7m 20s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4226 Time to finish 7m 19s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4225 Time to finish 7m 17s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4224 Time to finish 7m 17s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4223 Time to finish 7m 15s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4222 Time to finish 7m 14s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4221 Time to finish 7m 13s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4220 Time to finish 7m 11s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4219 Time to finish 7m 10s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4218 Time to finish 7m 9s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4217 Time to finish 7m 7s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4216 Time to finish 7m 6s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4215 Time to finish 7m 18s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4214 Time to finish 7m 18s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4213 Time to finish 7m 17s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4212 Time to finish 7m 17s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4211 Time to finish 7m 16s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4210 Time to finish 7m 16s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4209 Time to finish 7m 16s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4208 Time to finish 7m 15s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4207 Time to finish 7m 15s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4206 Time to finish 7m 14s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4205 Time to finish 7m 14s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4204 Time to finish 7m 14s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4203 Time to finish 7m 12s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4202 Time to finish 7m 11s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4201 Time to finish 7m 10s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4200 Time to finish 7m 19s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4199 Time to finish 7m 17s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4198 Time to finish 7m 16s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4197 Time to finish 7m 15s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4196 Time to finish 7m 13s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4195 Time to finish 7m 12s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4194 Time to finish 7m 11s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4193 Time to finish 7m 10s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4192 Time to finish 7m 9s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4191 Time to finish 7m 7s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4190 Time to finish 7m 6s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4189 Time to finish 7m 5s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4188 Time to finish 7m 4s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4187 Time to finish 7m 3s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4186 Time to finish 7m 2s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4185 Time to finish 7m 7s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4184 Time to finish 7m 6s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4183 Time to finish 7m 5s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4182 Time to finish 7m 3s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4181 Time to finish 7m 3s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4180 Time to finish 7m 3s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4179 Time to finish 7m 2s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4178 Time to finish 7m 2s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4177 Time to finish 7m 2s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4176 Time to finish 7m 1s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4175 Time to finish 7m 1s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4174 Time to finish 7m 0s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4173 Time to finish 7m 0s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4172 Time to finish 7m 0s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4171 Time to finish 6m 59s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4170 Time to finish 7m 4s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4169 Time to finish 7m 4s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4168 Time to finish 7m 3s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4167 Time to finish 7m 2s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4166 Time to finish 7m 1s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4165 Time to finish 7m 0s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4164 Time to finish 6m 59s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4163 Time to finish 6m 58s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4162 Time to finish 6m 57s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4161 Time to finish 6m 56s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4160 Time to finish 6m 55s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4159 Time to finish 6m 54s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4158 Time to finish 6m 54s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4157 Time to finish 6m 53s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4156 Time to finish 6m 52s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4155 Time to finish 6m 57s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4154 Time to finish 6m 56s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4153 Time to finish 6m 56s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4152 Time to finish 6m 55s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4151 Time to finish 6m 55s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4150 Time to finish 6m 55s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4149 Time to finish 6m 54s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4148 Time to finish 6m 54s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4147 Time to finish 6m 53s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4146 Time to finish 6m 53s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4145 Time to finish 6m 53s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4144 Time to finish 6m 52s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4143 Time to finish 6m 52s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4142 Time to finish 6m 52s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4141 Time to finish 6m 52s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4140 Time to finish 6m 58s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4139 Time to finish 6m 58s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4138 Time to finish 6m 57s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4137 Time to finish 6m 56s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4136 Time to finish 6m 56s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4135 Time to finish 6m 55s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4134 Time to finish 6m 54s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4133 Time to finish 6m 54s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4132 Time to finish 6m 53s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4131 Time to finish 6m 52s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4130 Time to finish 6m 51s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4129 Time to finish 6m 50s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4128 Time to finish 6m 50s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4127 Time to finish 6m 49s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4126 Time to finish 6m 48s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4125 Time to finish 6m 51s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4124 Time to finish 6m 51s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4123 Time to finish 6m 50s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4122 Time to finish 6m 50s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4121 Time to finish 6m 49s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4120 Time to finish 6m 49s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4119 Time to finish 6m 48s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4118 Time to finish 6m 48s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4117 Time to finish 6m 48s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4116 Time to finish 6m 48s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4115 Time to finish 6m 48s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4114 Time to finish 6m 47s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4113 Time to finish 6m 47s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4112 Time to finish 6m 47s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4111 Time to finish 6m 47s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4110 Time to finish 6m 50s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4109 Time to finish 6m 50s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4108 Time to finish 6m 50s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4107 Time to finish 6m 49s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4106 Time to finish 6m 49s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4105 Time to finish 6m 49s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4104 Time to finish 6m 49s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4103 Time to finish 6m 48s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4102 Time to finish 6m 48s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4101 Time to finish 6m 47s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4100 Time to finish 6m 46s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4099 Time to finish 6m 46s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4098 Time to finish 6m 45s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4097 Time to finish 6m 45s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4096 Time to finish 6m 44s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4095 Time to finish 6m 48s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4094 Time to finish 6m 47s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4093 Time to finish 6m 46s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4092 Time to finish 6m 46s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4091 Time to finish 6m 46s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4090 Time to finish 6m 45s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4089 Time to finish 6m 45s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4088 Time to finish 6m 45s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4087 Time to finish 6m 44s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4086 Time to finish 6m 44s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4085 Time to finish 6m 43s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4084 Time to finish 6m 43s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4083 Time to finish 6m 42s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4082 Time to finish 6m 42s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4081 Time to finish 6m 41s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4080 Time to finish 6m 46s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4079 Time to finish 6m 46s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4078 Time to finish 6m 46s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4077 Time to finish 6m 45s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4076 Time to finish 6m 45s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4075 Time to finish 6m 45s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4074 Time to finish 6m 44s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4073 Time to finish 6m 44s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4072 Time to finish 6m 44s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4071 Time to finish 6m 44s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4070 Time to finish 6m 43s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4069 Time to finish 6m 43s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4068 Time to finish 6m 42s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4067 Time to finish 6m 41s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4066 Time to finish 6m 41s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4065 Time to finish 6m 43s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4064 Time to finish 6m 42s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4063 Time to finish 6m 42s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4062 Time to finish 6m 41s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4061 Time to finish 6m 40s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4060 Time to finish 6m 40s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4059 Time to finish 6m 39s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4058 Time to finish 6m 39s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4057 Time to finish 6m 38s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4056 Time to finish 6m 38s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4055 Time to finish 6m 38s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4054 Time to finish 6m 37s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4053 Time to finish 6m 37s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4052 Time to finish 6m 37s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4051 Time to finish 6m 36s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4050 Time to finish 6m 39s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4049 Time to finish 6m 39s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4048 Time to finish 6m 39s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4047 Time to finish 6m 39s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4046 Time to finish 6m 38s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4045 Time to finish 6m 38s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4044 Time to finish 6m 38s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4043 Time to finish 6m 38s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4042 Time to finish 6m 37s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4041 Time to finish 6m 37s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4040 Time to finish 6m 37s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4039 Time to finish 6m 37s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4038 Time to finish 6m 36s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4037 Time to finish 6m 36s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4036 Time to finish 6m 36s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4035 Time to finish 6m 38s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4034 Time to finish 6m 37s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4033 Time to finish 6m 37s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4032 Time to finish 6m 36s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4031 Time to finish 6m 36s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4030 Time to finish 6m 35s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4029 Time to finish 6m 35s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4028 Time to finish 6m 34s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4027 Time to finish 6m 34s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4026 Time to finish 6m 33s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4025 Time to finish 6m 33s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4024 Time to finish 6m 32s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4023 Time to finish 6m 32s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4022 Time to finish 6m 31s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4021 Time to finish 6m 31s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4020 Time to finish 6m 34s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4019 Time to finish 6m 34s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4018 Time to finish 6m 34s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4017 Time to finish 6m 34s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4016 Time to finish 6m 33s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4015 Time to finish 6m 33s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4014 Time to finish 6m 33s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4013 Time to finish 6m 33s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4012 Time to finish 6m 33s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4011 Time to finish 6m 32s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4010 Time to finish 6m 32s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4009 Time to finish 6m 32s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4008 Time to finish 6m 32s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4007 Time to finish 6m 31s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4006 Time to finish 6m 31s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4005 Time to finish 6m 33s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4004 Time to finish 6m 33s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4003 Time to finish 6m 33s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 4002 Time to finish 6m 33s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 4001 Time to finish 6m 32s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 4000 Time to finish 6m 32s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 3999 Time to finish 6m 31s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3998 Time to finish 6m 31s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3997 Time to finish 6m 30s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3996 Time to finish 6m 30s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3995 Time to finish 6m 29s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3994 Time to finish 6m 29s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3993 Time to finish 6m 28s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3992 Time to finish 6m 28s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3991 Time to finish 6m 28s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3990 Time to finish 6m 29s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3989 Time to finish 6m 29s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3988 Time to finish 6m 29s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3987 Time to finish 6m 28s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3986 Time to finish 6m 28s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3985 Time to finish 6m 28s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3984 Time to finish 6m 28s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3983 Time to finish 6m 27s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3982 Time to finish 6m 27s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3981 Time to finish 6m 27s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3980 Time to finish 6m 27s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3979 Time to finish 6m 26s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3978 Time to finish 6m 26s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3977 Time to finish 6m 26s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3976 Time to finish 6m 26s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3975 Time to finish 6m 28s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3974 Time to finish 6m 28s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3973 Time to finish 6m 28s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3972 Time to finish 6m 27s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3971 Time to finish 6m 27s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3970 Time to finish 6m 27s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3969 Time to finish 6m 27s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3968 Time to finish 6m 27s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3967 Time to finish 6m 26s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3966 Time to finish 6m 26s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3965 Time to finish 6m 26s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3964 Time to finish 6m 26s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3963 Time to finish 6m 25s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3962 Time to finish 6m 25s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3961 Time to finish 6m 24s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3960 Time to finish 6m 27s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3959 Time to finish 6m 26s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3958 Time to finish 6m 26s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3957 Time to finish 6m 25s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3956 Time to finish 6m 25s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3955 Time to finish 6m 25s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3954 Time to finish 6m 24s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3953 Time to finish 6m 24s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3952 Time to finish 6m 23s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3951 Time to finish 6m 23s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3950 Time to finish 6m 23s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3949 Time to finish 6m 22s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3948 Time to finish 6m 22s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3947 Time to finish 6m 22s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3946 Time to finish 6m 21s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3945 Time to finish 6m 23s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3944 Time to finish 6m 23s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3943 Time to finish 6m 23s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3942 Time to finish 6m 23s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3941 Time to finish 6m 22s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3940 Time to finish 6m 22s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3939 Time to finish 6m 26s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3938 Time to finish 6m 29s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3937 Time to finish 6m 33s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3936 Time to finish 6m 36s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3935 Time to finish 6m 44s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3934 Time to finish 6m 45s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3933 Time to finish 6m 55s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3932 Time to finish 6m 54s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3931 Time to finish 6m 54s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3930 Time to finish 6m 59s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3929 Time to finish 6m 58s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3928 Time to finish 6m 58s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3927 Time to finish 6m 57s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3926 Time to finish 6m 57s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3925 Time to finish 6m 57s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3924 Time to finish 6m 57s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3923 Time to finish 6m 57s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3922 Time to finish 6m 56s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3921 Time to finish 6m 56s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3920 Time to finish 6m 56s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3919 Time to finish 6m 55s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3918 Time to finish 6m 55s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3917 Time to finish 6m 54s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3916 Time to finish 6m 54s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3915 Time to finish 6m 55s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3914 Time to finish 6m 54s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3913 Time to finish 6m 54s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3912 Time to finish 6m 53s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3911 Time to finish 6m 53s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3910 Time to finish 6m 52s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3909 Time to finish 6m 52s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3908 Time to finish 6m 51s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3907 Time to finish 6m 51s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3906 Time to finish 6m 51s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3905 Time to finish 6m 50s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3904 Time to finish 6m 50s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3903 Time to finish 6m 49s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3902 Time to finish 6m 49s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3901 Time to finish 6m 48s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3900 Time to finish 6m 51s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3899 Time to finish 6m 51s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3898 Time to finish 6m 50s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3897 Time to finish 6m 50s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3896 Time to finish 6m 49s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3895 Time to finish 6m 49s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3894 Time to finish 6m 49s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3893 Time to finish 6m 48s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3892 Time to finish 6m 48s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3891 Time to finish 6m 48s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3890 Time to finish 6m 47s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3889 Time to finish 6m 47s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3888 Time to finish 6m 46s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3887 Time to finish 6m 46s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3886 Time to finish 6m 46s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3885 Time to finish 6m 54s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3884 Time to finish 6m 53s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3883 Time to finish 6m 53s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3882 Time to finish 6m 53s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3881 Time to finish 6m 52s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3880 Time to finish 6m 52s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3879 Time to finish 6m 52s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3878 Time to finish 6m 51s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3877 Time to finish 6m 51s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3876 Time to finish 6m 51s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3875 Time to finish 6m 50s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3874 Time to finish 6m 50s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3873 Time to finish 6m 49s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3872 Time to finish 6m 49s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3871 Time to finish 6m 49s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3870 Time to finish 6m 52s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3869 Time to finish 6m 51s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3868 Time to finish 6m 51s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3867 Time to finish 6m 51s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3866 Time to finish 6m 50s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3865 Time to finish 6m 50s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3864 Time to finish 6m 50s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3863 Time to finish 6m 49s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3862 Time to finish 6m 49s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3861 Time to finish 6m 49s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3860 Time to finish 6m 48s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3859 Time to finish 6m 52s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3858 Time to finish 6m 52s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3857 Time to finish 6m 52s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3856 Time to finish 6m 51s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3855 Time to finish 6m 55s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3854 Time to finish 6m 54s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3853 Time to finish 6m 54s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3852 Time to finish 6m 53s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3851 Time to finish 6m 53s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3850 Time to finish 6m 53s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3849 Time to finish 6m 52s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3848 Time to finish 6m 52s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3847 Time to finish 6m 52s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3846 Time to finish 6m 51s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3845 Time to finish 6m 51s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3844 Time to finish 6m 50s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3843 Time to finish 6m 50s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3842 Time to finish 6m 50s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3841 Time to finish 6m 49s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3840 Time to finish 6m 55s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3839 Time to finish 6m 54s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3838 Time to finish 6m 54s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3837 Time to finish 6m 54s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3836 Time to finish 6m 53s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3835 Time to finish 6m 53s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3834 Time to finish 6m 53s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3833 Time to finish 6m 52s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3832 Time to finish 6m 52s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3831 Time to finish 6m 52s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3830 Time to finish 6m 51s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3829 Time to finish 6m 51s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3828 Time to finish 6m 50s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3827 Time to finish 6m 50s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3826 Time to finish 6m 50s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3825 Time to finish 6m 52s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3824 Time to finish 6m 52s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3823 Time to finish 6m 51s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3822 Time to finish 6m 51s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3821 Time to finish 6m 51s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3820 Time to finish 6m 50s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3819 Time to finish 6m 50s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3818 Time to finish 6m 50s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3817 Time to finish 6m 49s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3816 Time to finish 6m 49s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3815 Time to finish 6m 48s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3814 Time to finish 6m 48s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3813 Time to finish 6m 48s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3812 Time to finish 6m 47s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3811 Time to finish 6m 47s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3810 Time to finish 6m 49s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3809 Time to finish 6m 48s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3808 Time to finish 6m 48s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3807 Time to finish 6m 48s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3806 Time to finish 6m 48s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3805 Time to finish 6m 47s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3804 Time to finish 6m 47s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3803 Time to finish 6m 46s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3802 Time to finish 6m 46s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3801 Time to finish 6m 46s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3800 Time to finish 6m 45s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3799 Time to finish 6m 45s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3798 Time to finish 6m 45s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3797 Time to finish 6m 44s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3796 Time to finish 6m 44s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3795 Time to finish 6m 46s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3794 Time to finish 6m 46s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3793 Time to finish 6m 46s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3792 Time to finish 6m 45s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3791 Time to finish 6m 45s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3790 Time to finish 6m 45s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3789 Time to finish 6m 44s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3788 Time to finish 6m 44s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3787 Time to finish 6m 44s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3786 Time to finish 6m 43s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3785 Time to finish 6m 43s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3784 Time to finish 6m 43s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3783 Time to finish 6m 42s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3782 Time to finish 6m 42s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3781 Time to finish 6m 42s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3780 Time to finish 6m 44s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3779 Time to finish 6m 44s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3778 Time to finish 6m 44s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3777 Time to finish 6m 43s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3776 Time to finish 6m 43s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3775 Time to finish 6m 43s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3774 Time to finish 6m 42s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3773 Time to finish 6m 42s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3772 Time to finish 6m 42s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3771 Time to finish 6m 41s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3770 Time to finish 6m 41s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3769 Time to finish 6m 40s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3768 Time to finish 6m 40s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3767 Time to finish 6m 40s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3766 Time to finish 6m 39s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3765 Time to finish 6m 41s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3764 Time to finish 6m 41s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3763 Time to finish 6m 41s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3762 Time to finish 6m 40s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3761 Time to finish 6m 40s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3760 Time to finish 6m 40s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3759 Time to finish 6m 39s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3758 Time to finish 6m 39s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3757 Time to finish 6m 39s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3756 Time to finish 6m 38s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3755 Time to finish 6m 38s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3754 Time to finish 6m 38s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3753 Time to finish 6m 37s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3752 Time to finish 6m 37s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3751 Time to finish 6m 37s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3750 Time to finish 6m 39s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3749 Time to finish 6m 38s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3748 Time to finish 6m 38s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3747 Time to finish 6m 38s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3746 Time to finish 6m 37s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3745 Time to finish 6m 37s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3744 Time to finish 6m 37s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3743 Time to finish 6m 37s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3742 Time to finish 6m 36s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3741 Time to finish 6m 36s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3740 Time to finish 6m 36s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3739 Time to finish 6m 35s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3738 Time to finish 6m 35s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3737 Time to finish 6m 35s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3736 Time to finish 6m 35s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3735 Time to finish 6m 36s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3734 Time to finish 6m 36s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3733 Time to finish 6m 36s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3732 Time to finish 6m 35s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3731 Time to finish 6m 35s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3730 Time to finish 6m 35s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3729 Time to finish 6m 34s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3728 Time to finish 6m 34s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3727 Time to finish 6m 34s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3726 Time to finish 6m 34s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3725 Time to finish 6m 33s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3724 Time to finish 6m 33s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3723 Time to finish 6m 33s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3722 Time to finish 6m 32s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3721 Time to finish 6m 32s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3720 Time to finish 6m 35s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3719 Time to finish 6m 34s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3718 Time to finish 6m 34s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3717 Time to finish 6m 34s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3716 Time to finish 6m 33s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3715 Time to finish 6m 33s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3714 Time to finish 6m 33s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3713 Time to finish 6m 33s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3712 Time to finish 6m 32s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3711 Time to finish 6m 32s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3710 Time to finish 6m 32s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3709 Time to finish 6m 32s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3708 Time to finish 6m 31s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3707 Time to finish 6m 31s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3706 Time to finish 6m 31s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3705 Time to finish 6m 32s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3704 Time to finish 6m 32s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3703 Time to finish 6m 32s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3702 Time to finish 6m 31s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3701 Time to finish 6m 31s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3700 Time to finish 6m 31s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3699 Time to finish 6m 30s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3698 Time to finish 6m 30s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3697 Time to finish 6m 30s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3696 Time to finish 6m 29s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3695 Time to finish 6m 29s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3694 Time to finish 6m 29s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3693 Time to finish 6m 29s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3692 Time to finish 6m 29s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3691 Time to finish 6m 28s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3690 Time to finish 6m 29s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3689 Time to finish 6m 29s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3688 Time to finish 6m 29s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3687 Time to finish 6m 29s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3686 Time to finish 6m 28s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3685 Time to finish 6m 28s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3684 Time to finish 6m 28s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3683 Time to finish 6m 27s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3682 Time to finish 6m 27s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3681 Time to finish 6m 27s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3680 Time to finish 6m 27s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3679 Time to finish 6m 26s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3678 Time to finish 6m 26s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3677 Time to finish 6m 26s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3676 Time to finish 6m 26s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3675 Time to finish 6m 26s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3674 Time to finish 6m 26s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3673 Time to finish 6m 26s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3672 Time to finish 6m 26s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3671 Time to finish 6m 25s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3670 Time to finish 6m 25s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3669 Time to finish 6m 25s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3668 Time to finish 6m 25s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3667 Time to finish 6m 24s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3666 Time to finish 6m 24s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3665 Time to finish 6m 24s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3664 Time to finish 6m 24s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3663 Time to finish 6m 24s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3662 Time to finish 6m 23s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3661 Time to finish 6m 23s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3660 Time to finish 6m 25s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3659 Time to finish 6m 25s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3658 Time to finish 6m 24s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3657 Time to finish 6m 24s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3656 Time to finish 6m 24s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3655 Time to finish 6m 23s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3654 Time to finish 6m 23s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3653 Time to finish 6m 23s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3652 Time to finish 6m 23s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3651 Time to finish 6m 23s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3650 Time to finish 6m 22s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3649 Time to finish 6m 22s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3648 Time to finish 6m 22s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3647 Time to finish 6m 22s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3646 Time to finish 6m 21s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3645 Time to finish 6m 22s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3644 Time to finish 6m 22s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3643 Time to finish 6m 22s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3642 Time to finish 6m 22s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3641 Time to finish 6m 21s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3640 Time to finish 6m 21s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3639 Time to finish 6m 21s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3638 Time to finish 6m 21s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3637 Time to finish 6m 20s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3636 Time to finish 6m 20s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3635 Time to finish 6m 20s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3634 Time to finish 6m 20s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3633 Time to finish 6m 19s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3632 Time to finish 6m 19s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3631 Time to finish 6m 19s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3630 Time to finish 6m 20s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3629 Time to finish 6m 20s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3628 Time to finish 6m 20s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3627 Time to finish 6m 19s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3626 Time to finish 6m 19s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3625 Time to finish 6m 19s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3624 Time to finish 6m 19s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3623 Time to finish 6m 18s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3622 Time to finish 6m 18s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3621 Time to finish 6m 18s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3620 Time to finish 6m 18s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3619 Time to finish 6m 17s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3618 Time to finish 6m 18s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3617 Time to finish 6m 17s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3616 Time to finish 6m 17s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3615 Time to finish 6m 18s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3614 Time to finish 6m 17s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3613 Time to finish 6m 17s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3612 Time to finish 6m 17s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3611 Time to finish 6m 17s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3610 Time to finish 6m 16s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3609 Time to finish 6m 16s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3608 Time to finish 6m 16s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3607 Time to finish 6m 16s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3606 Time to finish 6m 15s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3605 Time to finish 6m 15s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3604 Time to finish 6m 15s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3603 Time to finish 6m 15s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3602 Time to finish 6m 14s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3601 Time to finish 6m 14s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3600 Time to finish 6m 16s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3599 Time to finish 6m 16s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3598 Time to finish 6m 16s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3597 Time to finish 6m 15s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3596 Time to finish 6m 15s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3595 Time to finish 6m 15s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3594 Time to finish 6m 15s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3593 Time to finish 6m 14s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3592 Time to finish 6m 14s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3591 Time to finish 6m 14s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3590 Time to finish 6m 14s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3589 Time to finish 6m 14s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3588 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3587 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3586 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3585 Time to finish 6m 14s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3584 Time to finish 6m 14s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3583 Time to finish 6m 14s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3582 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3581 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3580 Time to finish 6m 13s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3579 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3578 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3577 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3576 Time to finish 6m 12s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3575 Time to finish 6m 11s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3574 Time to finish 6m 11s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3573 Time to finish 6m 11s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3572 Time to finish 6m 11s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3571 Time to finish 6m 10s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3570 Time to finish 6m 11s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3569 Time to finish 6m 11s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3568 Time to finish 6m 10s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3567 Time to finish 6m 10s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3566 Time to finish 6m 10s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3565 Time to finish 6m 10s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3564 Time to finish 6m 9s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3563 Time to finish 6m 9s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3562 Time to finish 6m 9s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3561 Time to finish 6m 9s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3560 Time to finish 6m 8s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3559 Time to finish 6m 8s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3558 Time to finish 6m 8s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3557 Time to finish 6m 8s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3556 Time to finish 6m 8s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3555 Time to finish 6m 8s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3554 Time to finish 6m 8s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3553 Time to finish 6m 8s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3552 Time to finish 6m 8s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3551 Time to finish 6m 8s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3550 Time to finish 6m 8s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3549 Time to finish 6m 7s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3548 Time to finish 6m 7s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3547 Time to finish 6m 7s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3546 Time to finish 6m 7s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3545 Time to finish 6m 6s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3544 Time to finish 6m 6s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3543 Time to finish 6m 6s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3542 Time to finish 6m 6s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3541 Time to finish 6m 5s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3540 Time to finish 6m 6s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3539 Time to finish 6m 6s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3538 Time to finish 6m 6s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3537 Time to finish 6m 6s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3536 Time to finish 6m 6s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3535 Time to finish 6m 5s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3534 Time to finish 6m 5s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3533 Time to finish 6m 5s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3532 Time to finish 6m 5s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3531 Time to finish 6m 5s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3530 Time to finish 6m 4s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3529 Time to finish 6m 4s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3528 Time to finish 6m 4s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3527 Time to finish 6m 4s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3526 Time to finish 6m 4s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3525 Time to finish 6m 4s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3524 Time to finish 6m 4s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3523 Time to finish 6m 4s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3522 Time to finish 6m 3s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3521 Time to finish 6m 3s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3520 Time to finish 6m 3s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3519 Time to finish 6m 3s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3518 Time to finish 6m 3s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3517 Time to finish 6m 3s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3516 Time to finish 6m 2s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3515 Time to finish 6m 2s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3514 Time to finish 6m 2s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3513 Time to finish 6m 2s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3512 Time to finish 6m 2s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3511 Time to finish 6m 1s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3510 Time to finish 6m 2s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3509 Time to finish 6m 2s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3508 Time to finish 6m 2s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3507 Time to finish 6m 1s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3506 Time to finish 6m 1s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3505 Time to finish 6m 1s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3504 Time to finish 6m 1s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3503 Time to finish 6m 1s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3502 Time to finish 6m 0s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3501 Time to finish 6m 0s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3500 Time to finish 6m 0s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3499 Time to finish 6m 0s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3498 Time to finish 6m 0s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3497 Time to finish 6m 0s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3496 Time to finish 5m 59s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3495 Time to finish 6m 0s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3494 Time to finish 6m 0s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3493 Time to finish 5m 59s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3492 Time to finish 5m 59s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3491 Time to finish 5m 59s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3490 Time to finish 5m 59s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3489 Time to finish 5m 58s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3488 Time to finish 5m 58s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3487 Time to finish 5m 58s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3486 Time to finish 5m 58s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3485 Time to finish 5m 58s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3484 Time to finish 5m 58s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3483 Time to finish 5m 57s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3482 Time to finish 5m 57s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3481 Time to finish 5m 57s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3480 Time to finish 5m 58s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3479 Time to finish 5m 58s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3478 Time to finish 5m 57s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3477 Time to finish 5m 57s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3476 Time to finish 5m 57s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3475 Time to finish 5m 57s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3474 Time to finish 5m 57s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3473 Time to finish 5m 56s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3472 Time to finish 5m 56s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3471 Time to finish 5m 56s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3470 Time to finish 5m 56s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3469 Time to finish 5m 56s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3468 Time to finish 5m 55s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3467 Time to finish 5m 55s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3466 Time to finish 5m 55s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3465 Time to finish 5m 55s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3464 Time to finish 5m 55s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3463 Time to finish 5m 55s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3462 Time to finish 5m 55s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3461 Time to finish 5m 54s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3460 Time to finish 5m 54s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3459 Time to finish 5m 54s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3458 Time to finish 5m 54s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3457 Time to finish 5m 53s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3456 Time to finish 5m 53s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3455 Time to finish 5m 53s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3454 Time to finish 5m 53s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3453 Time to finish 5m 53s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3452 Time to finish 5m 53s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3451 Time to finish 5m 53s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3450 Time to finish 5m 53s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3449 Time to finish 5m 53s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3448 Time to finish 5m 53s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3447 Time to finish 5m 53s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3446 Time to finish 5m 52s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3445 Time to finish 5m 52s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3444 Time to finish 5m 52s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3443 Time to finish 5m 52s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3442 Time to finish 5m 52s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3441 Time to finish 5m 51s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3440 Time to finish 5m 51s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3439 Time to finish 5m 51s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3438 Time to finish 5m 51s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3437 Time to finish 5m 51s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3436 Time to finish 5m 51s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3435 Time to finish 5m 51s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3434 Time to finish 5m 51s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3433 Time to finish 5m 51s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3432 Time to finish 5m 50s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3431 Time to finish 5m 50s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3430 Time to finish 5m 50s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3429 Time to finish 5m 50s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3428 Time to finish 5m 50s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3427 Time to finish 5m 49s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3426 Time to finish 5m 49s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3425 Time to finish 5m 49s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3424 Time to finish 5m 49s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3423 Time to finish 5m 48s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3422 Time to finish 5m 48s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3421 Time to finish 5m 48s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3420 Time to finish 5m 49s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3419 Time to finish 5m 49s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3418 Time to finish 5m 49s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3417 Time to finish 5m 49s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3416 Time to finish 5m 48s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3415 Time to finish 5m 48s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3414 Time to finish 5m 48s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3413 Time to finish 5m 48s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3412 Time to finish 5m 48s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3411 Time to finish 5m 47s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3410 Time to finish 5m 47s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3409 Time to finish 5m 47s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3408 Time to finish 5m 47s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3407 Time to finish 5m 47s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3406 Time to finish 5m 46s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3405 Time to finish 5m 47s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3404 Time to finish 5m 47s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3403 Time to finish 5m 47s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3402 Time to finish 5m 46s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3401 Time to finish 5m 46s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3400 Time to finish 5m 46s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3399 Time to finish 5m 46s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3398 Time to finish 5m 46s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3397 Time to finish 5m 45s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3396 Time to finish 5m 45s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3395 Time to finish 5m 45s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3394 Time to finish 5m 45s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3393 Time to finish 5m 44s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3392 Time to finish 5m 44s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3391 Time to finish 5m 44s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3390 Time to finish 5m 44s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3389 Time to finish 5m 44s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3388 Time to finish 5m 44s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3387 Time to finish 5m 44s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3386 Time to finish 5m 44s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3385 Time to finish 5m 44s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3384 Time to finish 5m 43s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3383 Time to finish 5m 43s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3382 Time to finish 5m 43s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3381 Time to finish 5m 43s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3380 Time to finish 5m 43s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3379 Time to finish 5m 42s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3378 Time to finish 5m 42s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3377 Time to finish 5m 42s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3376 Time to finish 5m 42s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3375 Time to finish 5m 42s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3374 Time to finish 5m 42s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3373 Time to finish 5m 42s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3372 Time to finish 5m 42s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3371 Time to finish 5m 42s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3370 Time to finish 5m 42s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3369 Time to finish 5m 41s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3368 Time to finish 5m 41s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3367 Time to finish 5m 41s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3366 Time to finish 5m 41s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3365 Time to finish 5m 41s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3364 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3363 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3362 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3361 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3360 Time to finish 5m 43s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3359 Time to finish 5m 42s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3358 Time to finish 5m 42s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3357 Time to finish 5m 42s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3356 Time to finish 5m 42s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3355 Time to finish 5m 42s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3354 Time to finish 5m 42s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3353 Time to finish 5m 41s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3352 Time to finish 5m 41s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3351 Time to finish 5m 41s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3350 Time to finish 5m 41s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3349 Time to finish 5m 41s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3348 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3347 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3346 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3345 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3344 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3343 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3342 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3341 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3340 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3339 Time to finish 5m 39s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3338 Time to finish 5m 41s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3337 Time to finish 5m 41s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3336 Time to finish 5m 41s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3335 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3334 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3333 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3332 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3331 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3330 Time to finish 5m 40s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3329 Time to finish 5m 40s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3328 Time to finish 5m 40s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3327 Time to finish 5m 40s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3326 Time to finish 5m 40s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3325 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3324 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3323 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3322 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3321 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3320 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3319 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3318 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3317 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3316 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3315 Time to finish 5m 40s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3314 Time to finish 5m 40s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3313 Time to finish 5m 40s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3312 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3311 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3310 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3309 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3308 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3307 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3306 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3305 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3304 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3303 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3302 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3301 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3300 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3299 Time to finish 5m 39s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3298 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3297 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3296 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3295 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3294 Time to finish 5m 38s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3293 Time to finish 5m 37s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3292 Time to finish 5m 37s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3291 Time to finish 5m 37s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3290 Time to finish 5m 37s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3289 Time to finish 5m 37s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3288 Time to finish 5m 36s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3287 Time to finish 5m 36s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3286 Time to finish 5m 36s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3285 Time to finish 5m 36s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3284 Time to finish 5m 36s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3283 Time to finish 5m 36s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3282 Time to finish 5m 36s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3281 Time to finish 5m 36s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3280 Time to finish 5m 36s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3279 Time to finish 5m 35s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3278 Time to finish 5m 35s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3277 Time to finish 5m 35s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3276 Time to finish 5m 35s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3275 Time to finish 5m 35s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3274 Time to finish 5m 35s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3273 Time to finish 5m 34s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3272 Time to finish 5m 34s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3271 Time to finish 5m 34s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3270 Time to finish 5m 35s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3269 Time to finish 5m 35s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3268 Time to finish 5m 34s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3267 Time to finish 5m 34s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3266 Time to finish 5m 34s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3265 Time to finish 5m 34s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3264 Time to finish 5m 34s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3263 Time to finish 5m 34s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3262 Time to finish 5m 33s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3261 Time to finish 5m 33s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3260 Time to finish 5m 33s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3259 Time to finish 5m 33s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3258 Time to finish 5m 32s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3257 Time to finish 5m 32s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3256 Time to finish 5m 32s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3255 Time to finish 5m 33s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3254 Time to finish 5m 32s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3253 Time to finish 5m 32s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3252 Time to finish 5m 32s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3251 Time to finish 5m 32s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3250 Time to finish 5m 32s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3249 Time to finish 5m 32s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3248 Time to finish 5m 32s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3247 Time to finish 5m 32s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3246 Time to finish 5m 31s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3245 Time to finish 5m 31s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3244 Time to finish 5m 31s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3243 Time to finish 5m 31s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3242 Time to finish 5m 31s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3241 Time to finish 5m 31s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3240 Time to finish 5m 31s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3239 Time to finish 5m 31s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3238 Time to finish 5m 31s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3237 Time to finish 5m 31s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3236 Time to finish 5m 31s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3235 Time to finish 5m 31s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3234 Time to finish 5m 30s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3233 Time to finish 5m 30s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3232 Time to finish 5m 30s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3231 Time to finish 5m 30s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3230 Time to finish 5m 30s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3229 Time to finish 5m 29s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3228 Time to finish 5m 29s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3227 Time to finish 5m 29s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3226 Time to finish 5m 29s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3225 Time to finish 5m 30s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3224 Time to finish 5m 29s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3223 Time to finish 5m 29s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3222 Time to finish 5m 29s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3221 Time to finish 5m 29s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3220 Time to finish 5m 29s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3219 Time to finish 5m 28s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3218 Time to finish 5m 28s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3217 Time to finish 5m 28s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3216 Time to finish 5m 28s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3215 Time to finish 5m 28s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3214 Time to finish 5m 28s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3213 Time to finish 5m 27s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3212 Time to finish 5m 27s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3211 Time to finish 5m 27s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3210 Time to finish 5m 27s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3209 Time to finish 5m 27s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3208 Time to finish 5m 27s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3207 Time to finish 5m 27s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3206 Time to finish 5m 27s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3205 Time to finish 5m 27s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3204 Time to finish 5m 26s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3203 Time to finish 5m 26s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3202 Time to finish 5m 26s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3201 Time to finish 5m 26s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3200 Time to finish 5m 26s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3199 Time to finish 5m 26s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3198 Time to finish 5m 25s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3197 Time to finish 5m 25s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3196 Time to finish 5m 25s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3195 Time to finish 5m 25s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3194 Time to finish 5m 25s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3193 Time to finish 5m 25s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3192 Time to finish 5m 25s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3191 Time to finish 5m 25s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3190 Time to finish 5m 25s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3189 Time to finish 5m 24s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3188 Time to finish 5m 24s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3187 Time to finish 5m 24s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3186 Time to finish 5m 24s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3185 Time to finish 5m 24s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3184 Time to finish 5m 24s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3183 Time to finish 5m 23s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3182 Time to finish 5m 23s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3181 Time to finish 5m 23s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3180 Time to finish 5m 24s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3179 Time to finish 5m 24s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3178 Time to finish 5m 23s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3177 Time to finish 5m 23s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3176 Time to finish 5m 23s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3175 Time to finish 5m 23s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3174 Time to finish 5m 23s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3173 Time to finish 5m 23s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3172 Time to finish 5m 22s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3171 Time to finish 5m 22s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3170 Time to finish 5m 22s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3169 Time to finish 5m 22s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3168 Time to finish 5m 22s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3167 Time to finish 5m 22s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3166 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3165 Time to finish 5m 22s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3164 Time to finish 5m 22s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3163 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3162 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3161 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3160 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3159 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3158 Time to finish 5m 21s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3157 Time to finish 5m 20s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3156 Time to finish 5m 20s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3155 Time to finish 5m 20s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3154 Time to finish 5m 20s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3153 Time to finish 5m 20s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3152 Time to finish 5m 20s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3151 Time to finish 5m 19s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3150 Time to finish 5m 20s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3149 Time to finish 5m 20s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3148 Time to finish 5m 19s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3147 Time to finish 5m 19s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3146 Time to finish 5m 19s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3145 Time to finish 5m 19s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3144 Time to finish 5m 19s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3143 Time to finish 5m 19s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3142 Time to finish 5m 18s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3141 Time to finish 5m 18s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3140 Time to finish 5m 18s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3139 Time to finish 5m 18s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3138 Time to finish 5m 18s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3137 Time to finish 5m 18s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3136 Time to finish 5m 18s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3135 Time to finish 5m 18s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3134 Time to finish 5m 18s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3133 Time to finish 5m 18s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3132 Time to finish 5m 18s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3131 Time to finish 5m 17s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3130 Time to finish 5m 17s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3129 Time to finish 5m 17s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3128 Time to finish 5m 17s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3127 Time to finish 5m 17s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3126 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3125 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3124 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3123 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3122 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3121 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3120 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3119 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3118 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3117 Time to finish 5m 16s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3116 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3115 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3114 Time to finish 5m 15s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3113 Time to finish 5m 15s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3112 Time to finish 5m 15s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3111 Time to finish 5m 14s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3110 Time to finish 5m 14s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3109 Time to finish 5m 14s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3108 Time to finish 5m 14s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3107 Time to finish 5m 14s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3106 Time to finish 5m 14s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3105 Time to finish 5m 14s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3104 Time to finish 5m 14s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3103 Time to finish 5m 14s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3102 Time to finish 5m 14s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3101 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3100 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3099 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3098 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3097 Time to finish 5m 13s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3096 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3095 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3094 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3093 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3092 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3091 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3090 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3089 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3088 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3087 Time to finish 5m 12s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3086 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3085 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3084 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3083 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3082 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3081 Time to finish 5m 11s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3080 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3079 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3078 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3077 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3076 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3075 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3074 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3073 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3072 Time to finish 5m 10s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3071 Time to finish 5m 9s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3070 Time to finish 5m 9s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3069 Time to finish 5m 9s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3068 Time to finish 5m 9s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3067 Time to finish 5m 9s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3066 Time to finish 5m 9s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3065 Time to finish 5m 9s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3064 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3063 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3062 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3061 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3060 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3059 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3058 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3057 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3056 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3055 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3054 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3053 Time to finish 5m 8s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3052 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3051 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3050 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3049 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3048 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3047 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3046 Time to finish 5m 6s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3045 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3044 Time to finish 5m 7s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3043 Time to finish 5m 6s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3042 Time to finish 5m 6s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3041 Time to finish 5m 6s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3040 Time to finish 5m 6s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3039 Time to finish 5m 6s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3038 Time to finish 5m 6s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3037 Time to finish 5m 5s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3036 Time to finish 5m 5s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3035 Time to finish 5m 5s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3034 Time to finish 5m 5s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3033 Time to finish 5m 5s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3032 Time to finish 5m 5s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3031 Time to finish 5m 5s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3030 Time to finish 5m 5s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3029 Time to finish 5m 5s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3028 Time to finish 5m 4s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3027 Time to finish 5m 4s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3026 Time to finish 5m 4s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3025 Time to finish 5m 4s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3024 Time to finish 5m 4s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3023 Time to finish 5m 4s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3022 Time to finish 5m 4s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3021 Time to finish 5m 4s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3020 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3019 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3018 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3017 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3016 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3015 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3014 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3013 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3012 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3011 Time to finish 5m 3s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3010 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3009 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3008 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3007 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3006 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3005 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3004 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3003 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3002 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3001 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 3000 Time to finish 5m 2s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2999 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2998 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2997 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2996 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2995 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2994 Time to finish 5m 1s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2993 Time to finish 5m 0s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2992 Time to finish 5m 0s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2991 Time to finish 5m 0s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2990 Time to finish 5m 0s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2989 Time to finish 5m 0s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2988 Time to finish 5m 0s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2987 Time to finish 5m 0s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2986 Time to finish 5m 0s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2985 Time to finish 5m 0s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2984 Time to finish 5m 0s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2983 Time to finish 5m 0s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2982 Time to finish 4m 59s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2981 Time to finish 4m 59s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2980 Time to finish 4m 59s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2979 Time to finish 4m 59s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2978 Time to finish 4m 59s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2977 Time to finish 4m 59s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2976 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2975 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2974 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2973 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2972 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2971 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2970 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2969 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2968 Time to finish 4m 58s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2967 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2966 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2965 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2964 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2963 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2962 Time to finish 4m 57s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2961 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2960 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2959 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2958 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2957 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2956 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2955 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2954 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2953 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2952 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2951 Time to finish 4m 56s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2950 Time to finish 4m 55s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2949 Time to finish 4m 55s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2948 Time to finish 4m 55s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2947 Time to finish 4m 55s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2946 Time to finish 4m 55s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2945 Time to finish 4m 55s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2944 Time to finish 4m 54s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2943 Time to finish 4m 54s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2942 Time to finish 4m 54s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2941 Time to finish 4m 54s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2940 Time to finish 4m 54s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2939 Time to finish 4m 54s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2938 Time to finish 4m 54s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2937 Time to finish 4m 54s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2936 Time to finish 4m 54s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2935 Time to finish 4m 54s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2934 Time to finish 4m 54s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2933 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2932 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2931 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2930 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2929 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2928 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2927 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2926 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2925 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2924 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2923 Time to finish 4m 53s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2922 Time to finish 4m 52s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2921 Time to finish 4m 52s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2920 Time to finish 4m 52s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2919 Time to finish 4m 52s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2918 Time to finish 4m 52s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2917 Time to finish 4m 52s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2916 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2915 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2914 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2913 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2912 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2911 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2910 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2909 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2908 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2907 Time to finish 4m 51s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2906 Time to finish 4m 50s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2905 Time to finish 4m 50s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2904 Time to finish 4m 50s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2903 Time to finish 4m 50s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2902 Time to finish 4m 50s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2901 Time to finish 4m 50s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2900 Time to finish 4m 49s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2899 Time to finish 4m 49s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2898 Time to finish 4m 49s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2897 Time to finish 4m 49s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2896 Time to finish 4m 49s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2895 Time to finish 4m 49s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2894 Time to finish 4m 49s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2893 Time to finish 4m 49s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2892 Time to finish 4m 49s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2891 Time to finish 4m 49s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2890 Time to finish 4m 49s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2889 Time to finish 4m 49s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2888 Time to finish 4m 48s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2887 Time to finish 4m 48s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2886 Time to finish 4m 48s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2885 Time to finish 4m 48s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2884 Time to finish 4m 48s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2883 Time to finish 4m 48s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2882 Time to finish 4m 47s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2881 Time to finish 4m 47s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2880 Time to finish 4m 48s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2879 Time to finish 4m 48s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2878 Time to finish 4m 47s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2877 Time to finish 4m 47s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2876 Time to finish 4m 47s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2875 Time to finish 4m 47s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2874 Time to finish 4m 47s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2873 Time to finish 4m 47s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2872 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2871 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2870 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2869 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2868 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2867 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2866 Time to finish 4m 45s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2865 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2864 Time to finish 4m 46s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2863 Time to finish 4m 45s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2862 Time to finish 4m 45s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2861 Time to finish 4m 45s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2860 Time to finish 4m 45s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2859 Time to finish 4m 45s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2858 Time to finish 4m 45s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2857 Time to finish 4m 45s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2856 Time to finish 4m 45s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2855 Time to finish 4m 44s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2854 Time to finish 4m 44s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2853 Time to finish 4m 44s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2852 Time to finish 4m 44s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2851 Time to finish 4m 44s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2850 Time to finish 4m 44s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2849 Time to finish 4m 44s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2848 Time to finish 4m 44s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2847 Time to finish 4m 44s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2846 Time to finish 4m 43s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2845 Time to finish 4m 43s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2844 Time to finish 4m 43s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2843 Time to finish 4m 43s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2842 Time to finish 4m 43s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2841 Time to finish 4m 43s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2840 Time to finish 4m 43s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2839 Time to finish 4m 42s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2838 Time to finish 4m 42s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2837 Time to finish 4m 42s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2836 Time to finish 4m 42s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2835 Time to finish 4m 42s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2834 Time to finish 4m 42s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2833 Time to finish 4m 42s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2832 Time to finish 4m 42s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2831 Time to finish 4m 41s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2830 Time to finish 4m 41s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2829 Time to finish 4m 41s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2828 Time to finish 4m 41s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2827 Time to finish 4m 41s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2826 Time to finish 4m 41s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2825 Time to finish 4m 41s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2824 Time to finish 4m 41s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2823 Time to finish 4m 40s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2822 Time to finish 4m 40s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2821 Time to finish 4m 40s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2820 Time to finish 4m 41s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2819 Time to finish 4m 40s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2818 Time to finish 4m 40s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2817 Time to finish 4m 40s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2816 Time to finish 4m 40s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2815 Time to finish 4m 40s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2814 Time to finish 4m 40s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2813 Time to finish 4m 40s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2812 Time to finish 4m 39s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2811 Time to finish 4m 39s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2810 Time to finish 4m 39s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2809 Time to finish 4m 39s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2808 Time to finish 4m 39s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2807 Time to finish 4m 39s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2806 Time to finish 4m 38s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2805 Time to finish 4m 39s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2804 Time to finish 4m 39s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2803 Time to finish 4m 38s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2802 Time to finish 4m 38s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2801 Time to finish 4m 38s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2800 Time to finish 4m 38s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2799 Time to finish 4m 38s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2798 Time to finish 4m 38s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2797 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2796 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2795 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2794 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2793 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2792 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2791 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2790 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2789 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2788 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2787 Time to finish 4m 37s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2786 Time to finish 4m 36s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2785 Time to finish 4m 36s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2784 Time to finish 4m 36s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2783 Time to finish 4m 36s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2782 Time to finish 4m 36s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2781 Time to finish 4m 36s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2780 Time to finish 4m 36s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2779 Time to finish 4m 35s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2778 Time to finish 4m 35s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2777 Time to finish 4m 35s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2776 Time to finish 4m 35s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2775 Time to finish 4m 35s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2774 Time to finish 4m 35s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2773 Time to finish 4m 35s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2772 Time to finish 4m 35s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2771 Time to finish 4m 35s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2770 Time to finish 4m 34s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2769 Time to finish 4m 34s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2768 Time to finish 4m 34s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2767 Time to finish 4m 34s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2766 Time to finish 4m 34s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2765 Time to finish 4m 34s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2764 Time to finish 4m 34s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2763 Time to finish 4m 34s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2762 Time to finish 4m 34s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2761 Time to finish 4m 33s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2760 Time to finish 4m 34s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2759 Time to finish 4m 34s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2758 Time to finish 4m 33s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2757 Time to finish 4m 33s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2756 Time to finish 4m 33s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2755 Time to finish 4m 33s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2754 Time to finish 4m 33s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2753 Time to finish 4m 33s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2752 Time to finish 4m 33s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2751 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2750 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2749 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2748 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2747 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2746 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2745 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2744 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2743 Time to finish 4m 32s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2742 Time to finish 4m 31s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2741 Time to finish 4m 31s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2740 Time to finish 4m 31s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2739 Time to finish 4m 31s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2738 Time to finish 4m 31s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2737 Time to finish 4m 31s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2736 Time to finish 4m 31s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2735 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2734 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2733 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2732 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2731 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2730 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2729 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2728 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2727 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2726 Time to finish 4m 30s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2725 Time to finish 4m 29s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2724 Time to finish 4m 29s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2723 Time to finish 4m 29s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2722 Time to finish 4m 29s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2721 Time to finish 4m 29s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2720 Time to finish 4m 29s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2719 Time to finish 4m 29s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2718 Time to finish 4m 29s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2717 Time to finish 4m 28s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2716 Time to finish 4m 28s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2715 Time to finish 4m 29s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2714 Time to finish 4m 28s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2713 Time to finish 4m 28s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2712 Time to finish 4m 28s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2711 Time to finish 4m 28s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2710 Time to finish 4m 28s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2709 Time to finish 4m 28s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2708 Time to finish 4m 28s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2707 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2706 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2705 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2704 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2703 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2702 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2701 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2700 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2699 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2698 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2697 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2696 Time to finish 4m 27s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2695 Time to finish 4m 26s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2694 Time to finish 4m 26s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2693 Time to finish 4m 26s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2692 Time to finish 4m 26s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2691 Time to finish 4m 26s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2690 Time to finish 4m 26s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2689 Time to finish 4m 26s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2688 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2687 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2686 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2685 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2684 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2683 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2682 Time to finish 4m 25s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2681 Time to finish 4m 25s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2680 Time to finish 4m 25s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2679 Time to finish 4m 25s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2678 Time to finish 4m 24s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2677 Time to finish 4m 24s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2676 Time to finish 4m 24s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2675 Time to finish 4m 24s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2674 Time to finish 4m 24s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2673 Time to finish 4m 24s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2672 Time to finish 4m 24s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2671 Time to finish 4m 23s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2670 Time to finish 4m 24s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2669 Time to finish 4m 24s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2668 Time to finish 4m 24s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2667 Time to finish 4m 23s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2666 Time to finish 4m 23s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2665 Time to finish 4m 23s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2664 Time to finish 4m 23s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2663 Time to finish 4m 23s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2662 Time to finish 4m 23s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2661 Time to finish 4m 23s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2660 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2659 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2658 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2657 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2656 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2655 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2654 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2653 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2652 Time to finish 4m 22s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2651 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2650 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2649 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2648 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2647 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2646 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2645 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2644 Time to finish 4m 21s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2643 Time to finish 4m 20s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2642 Time to finish 4m 20s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2641 Time to finish 4m 20s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2640 Time to finish 4m 20s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2639 Time to finish 4m 20s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2638 Time to finish 4m 20s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2637 Time to finish 4m 20s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2636 Time to finish 4m 20s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2635 Time to finish 4m 20s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2634 Time to finish 4m 20s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2633 Time to finish 4m 20s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2632 Time to finish 4m 19s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2631 Time to finish 4m 19s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2630 Time to finish 4m 19s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2629 Time to finish 4m 19s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2628 Time to finish 4m 19s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2627 Time to finish 4m 19s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2626 Time to finish 4m 19s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2625 Time to finish 4m 19s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2624 Time to finish 4m 19s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2623 Time to finish 4m 19s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2622 Time to finish 4m 18s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2621 Time to finish 4m 18s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2620 Time to finish 4m 18s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2619 Time to finish 4m 18s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2618 Time to finish 4m 18s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2617 Time to finish 4m 18s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2616 Time to finish 4m 18s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2615 Time to finish 4m 17s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2614 Time to finish 4m 17s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2613 Time to finish 4m 17s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2612 Time to finish 4m 17s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2611 Time to finish 4m 17s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2610 Time to finish 4m 17s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2609 Time to finish 4m 17s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2608 Time to finish 4m 17s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2607 Time to finish 4m 17s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2606 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2605 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2604 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2603 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2602 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2601 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2600 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2599 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2598 Time to finish 4m 16s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2597 Time to finish 4m 15s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2596 Time to finish 4m 15s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2595 Time to finish 4m 15s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2594 Time to finish 4m 15s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2593 Time to finish 4m 15s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2592 Time to finish 4m 15s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2591 Time to finish 4m 15s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2590 Time to finish 4m 15s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2589 Time to finish 4m 15s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2588 Time to finish 4m 15s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2587 Time to finish 4m 14s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2586 Time to finish 4m 14s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2585 Time to finish 4m 14s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2584 Time to finish 4m 14s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2583 Time to finish 4m 14s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2582 Time to finish 4m 14s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2581 Time to finish 4m 14s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2580 Time to finish 4m 14s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2579 Time to finish 4m 14s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2578 Time to finish 4m 14s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2577 Time to finish 4m 14s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2576 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2575 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2574 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2573 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2572 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2571 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2570 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2569 Time to finish 4m 13s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2568 Time to finish 4m 12s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2567 Time to finish 4m 12s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2566 Time to finish 4m 12s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2565 Time to finish 4m 12s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2564 Time to finish 4m 12s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2563 Time to finish 4m 12s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2562 Time to finish 4m 12s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2561 Time to finish 4m 12s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2560 Time to finish 4m 12s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2559 Time to finish 4m 11s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2558 Time to finish 4m 11s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2557 Time to finish 4m 11s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2556 Time to finish 4m 11s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2555 Time to finish 4m 11s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2554 Time to finish 4m 11s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2553 Time to finish 4m 11s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2552 Time to finish 4m 11s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2551 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2550 Time to finish 4m 11s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2549 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2548 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2547 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2546 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2545 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2544 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2543 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2542 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2541 Time to finish 4m 10s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2540 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2539 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2538 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2537 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2536 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2535 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2534 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2533 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2532 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2531 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2530 Time to finish 4m 9s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2529 Time to finish 4m 8s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2528 Time to finish 4m 8s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2527 Time to finish 4m 8s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2526 Time to finish 4m 8s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2525 Time to finish 4m 8s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2524 Time to finish 4m 8s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2523 Time to finish 4m 8s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2522 Time to finish 4m 7s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2521 Time to finish 4m 7s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2520 Time to finish 4m 8s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2519 Time to finish 4m 8s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2518 Time to finish 4m 7s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2517 Time to finish 4m 7s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2516 Time to finish 4m 7s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2515 Time to finish 4m 7s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2514 Time to finish 4m 7s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2513 Time to finish 4m 7s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2512 Time to finish 4m 7s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2511 Time to finish 4m 7s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2510 Time to finish 4m 7s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2509 Time to finish 4m 6s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2508 Time to finish 4m 6s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2507 Time to finish 4m 6s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2506 Time to finish 4m 6s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2505 Time to finish 4m 6s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2504 Time to finish 4m 6s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2503 Time to finish 4m 6s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2502 Time to finish 4m 6s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2501 Time to finish 4m 6s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2500 Time to finish 4m 5s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2499 Time to finish 4m 5s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2498 Time to finish 4m 5s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2497 Time to finish 4m 5s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2496 Time to finish 4m 5s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2495 Time to finish 4m 5s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2494 Time to finish 4m 5s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2493 Time to finish 4m 5s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2492 Time to finish 4m 5s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2491 Time to finish 4m 4s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2490 Time to finish 4m 5s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2489 Time to finish 4m 4s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2488 Time to finish 4m 4s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2487 Time to finish 4m 4s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2486 Time to finish 4m 4s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2485 Time to finish 4m 4s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2484 Time to finish 4m 4s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2483 Time to finish 4m 4s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2482 Time to finish 4m 4s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2481 Time to finish 4m 4s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2480 Time to finish 4m 4s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2479 Time to finish 4m 3s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2478 Time to finish 4m 3s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2477 Time to finish 4m 3s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2476 Time to finish 4m 3s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2475 Time to finish 4m 3s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2474 Time to finish 4m 3s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2473 Time to finish 4m 3s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2472 Time to finish 4m 3s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2471 Time to finish 4m 3s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2470 Time to finish 4m 3s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2469 Time to finish 4m 2s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2468 Time to finish 4m 2s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2467 Time to finish 4m 2s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2466 Time to finish 4m 2s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2465 Time to finish 4m 2s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2464 Time to finish 4m 2s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2463 Time to finish 4m 2s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2462 Time to finish 4m 2s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2461 Time to finish 4m 1s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2460 Time to finish 4m 2s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2459 Time to finish 4m 2s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2458 Time to finish 4m 2s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2457 Time to finish 4m 1s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2456 Time to finish 4m 1s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2455 Time to finish 4m 1s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2454 Time to finish 4m 1s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2453 Time to finish 4m 1s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2452 Time to finish 4m 1s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2451 Time to finish 4m 1s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2450 Time to finish 4m 1s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2449 Time to finish 4m 0s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2448 Time to finish 4m 0s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2447 Time to finish 4m 0s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2446 Time to finish 4m 0s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2445 Time to finish 4m 0s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2444 Time to finish 4m 0s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2443 Time to finish 4m 0s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2442 Time to finish 4m 0s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2441 Time to finish 4m 0s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2440 Time to finish 4m 0s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2439 Time to finish 3m 59s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2438 Time to finish 3m 59s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2437 Time to finish 3m 59s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2436 Time to finish 3m 59s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2435 Time to finish 3m 59s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2434 Time to finish 3m 59s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2433 Time to finish 3m 59s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2432 Time to finish 3m 59s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2431 Time to finish 3m 58s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2430 Time to finish 3m 59s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2429 Time to finish 3m 58s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2428 Time to finish 3m 58s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2427 Time to finish 3m 58s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2426 Time to finish 3m 58s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2425 Time to finish 3m 58s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2424 Time to finish 3m 58s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2423 Time to finish 3m 58s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2422 Time to finish 3m 58s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2421 Time to finish 3m 57s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2420 Time to finish 3m 57s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2419 Time to finish 3m 57s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2418 Time to finish 3m 57s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2417 Time to finish 3m 57s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2416 Time to finish 3m 57s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2415 Time to finish 3m 57s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2414 Time to finish 3m 57s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2413 Time to finish 3m 57s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2412 Time to finish 3m 57s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2411 Time to finish 3m 57s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2410 Time to finish 3m 56s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2409 Time to finish 3m 56s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2408 Time to finish 3m 56s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2407 Time to finish 3m 56s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2406 Time to finish 3m 56s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2405 Time to finish 3m 56s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2404 Time to finish 3m 56s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2403 Time to finish 3m 56s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2402 Time to finish 3m 55s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2401 Time to finish 3m 55s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2400 Time to finish 3m 55s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2399 Time to finish 3m 55s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2398 Time to finish 3m 55s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2397 Time to finish 3m 55s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2396 Time to finish 3m 55s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2395 Time to finish 3m 55s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2394 Time to finish 3m 55s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2393 Time to finish 3m 55s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2392 Time to finish 3m 55s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2391 Time to finish 3m 55s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2390 Time to finish 3m 54s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2389 Time to finish 3m 54s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2388 Time to finish 3m 54s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2387 Time to finish 3m 54s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2386 Time to finish 3m 54s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2385 Time to finish 3m 54s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2384 Time to finish 3m 54s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2383 Time to finish 3m 54s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2382 Time to finish 3m 54s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2381 Time to finish 3m 54s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2380 Time to finish 3m 53s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2379 Time to finish 3m 53s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2378 Time to finish 3m 53s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2377 Time to finish 3m 53s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2376 Time to finish 3m 53s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2375 Time to finish 3m 53s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2374 Time to finish 3m 53s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2373 Time to finish 3m 52s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2372 Time to finish 3m 52s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2371 Time to finish 3m 52s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2370 Time to finish 3m 52s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2369 Time to finish 3m 52s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2368 Time to finish 3m 52s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2367 Time to finish 3m 52s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2366 Time to finish 3m 52s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2365 Time to finish 3m 52s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2364 Time to finish 3m 52s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2363 Time to finish 3m 52s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2362 Time to finish 3m 51s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2361 Time to finish 3m 51s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2360 Time to finish 3m 51s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2359 Time to finish 3m 51s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2358 Time to finish 3m 51s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2357 Time to finish 3m 51s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2356 Time to finish 3m 51s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2355 Time to finish 3m 51s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2354 Time to finish 3m 51s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2353 Time to finish 3m 51s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2352 Time to finish 3m 50s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2351 Time to finish 3m 50s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2350 Time to finish 3m 50s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2349 Time to finish 3m 50s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2348 Time to finish 3m 50s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2347 Time to finish 3m 50s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2346 Time to finish 3m 50s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2345 Time to finish 3m 50s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2344 Time to finish 3m 49s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2343 Time to finish 3m 49s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2342 Time to finish 3m 49s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2341 Time to finish 3m 49s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2340 Time to finish 3m 49s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2339 Time to finish 3m 49s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2338 Time to finish 3m 49s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2337 Time to finish 3m 49s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2336 Time to finish 3m 49s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2335 Time to finish 3m 49s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2334 Time to finish 3m 49s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2333 Time to finish 3m 48s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2332 Time to finish 3m 48s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2331 Time to finish 3m 48s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2330 Time to finish 3m 48s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2329 Time to finish 3m 48s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2328 Time to finish 3m 48s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2327 Time to finish 3m 48s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2326 Time to finish 3m 48s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2325 Time to finish 3m 48s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2324 Time to finish 3m 48s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2323 Time to finish 3m 48s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2322 Time to finish 3m 47s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2321 Time to finish 3m 47s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2320 Time to finish 3m 47s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2319 Time to finish 3m 47s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2318 Time to finish 3m 47s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2317 Time to finish 3m 47s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2316 Time to finish 3m 47s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2315 Time to finish 3m 47s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2314 Time to finish 3m 46s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2313 Time to finish 3m 46s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2312 Time to finish 3m 46s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2311 Time to finish 3m 46s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2310 Time to finish 3m 46s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2309 Time to finish 3m 46s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2308 Time to finish 3m 46s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2307 Time to finish 3m 46s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2306 Time to finish 3m 46s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2305 Time to finish 3m 46s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2304 Time to finish 3m 45s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2303 Time to finish 3m 45s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2302 Time to finish 3m 45s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2301 Time to finish 3m 45s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2300 Time to finish 3m 45s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2299 Time to finish 3m 45s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2298 Time to finish 3m 45s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2297 Time to finish 3m 45s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2296 Time to finish 3m 44s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2295 Time to finish 3m 45s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2294 Time to finish 3m 44s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2293 Time to finish 3m 44s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2292 Time to finish 3m 44s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2291 Time to finish 3m 44s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2290 Time to finish 3m 44s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2289 Time to finish 3m 44s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2288 Time to finish 3m 44s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2287 Time to finish 3m 44s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2286 Time to finish 3m 44s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2285 Time to finish 3m 43s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2284 Time to finish 3m 43s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2283 Time to finish 3m 43s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2282 Time to finish 3m 43s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2281 Time to finish 3m 43s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2280 Time to finish 3m 43s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2279 Time to finish 3m 43s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2278 Time to finish 3m 43s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2277 Time to finish 3m 43s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2276 Time to finish 3m 43s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2275 Time to finish 3m 43s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2274 Time to finish 3m 42s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2273 Time to finish 3m 42s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2272 Time to finish 3m 42s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2271 Time to finish 3m 42s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2270 Time to finish 3m 42s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2269 Time to finish 3m 42s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2268 Time to finish 3m 42s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2267 Time to finish 3m 41s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2266 Time to finish 3m 41s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2265 Time to finish 3m 42s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2264 Time to finish 3m 41s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2263 Time to finish 3m 41s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2262 Time to finish 3m 41s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2261 Time to finish 3m 41s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2260 Time to finish 3m 41s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2259 Time to finish 3m 41s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2258 Time to finish 3m 41s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2257 Time to finish 3m 41s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2256 Time to finish 3m 40s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2255 Time to finish 3m 40s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2254 Time to finish 3m 40s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2253 Time to finish 3m 40s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2252 Time to finish 3m 40s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2251 Time to finish 3m 40s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2250 Time to finish 3m 40s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2249 Time to finish 3m 40s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2248 Time to finish 3m 40s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2247 Time to finish 3m 40s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2246 Time to finish 3m 39s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2245 Time to finish 3m 39s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2244 Time to finish 3m 39s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2243 Time to finish 3m 39s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2242 Time to finish 3m 39s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2241 Time to finish 3m 39s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2240 Time to finish 3m 39s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2239 Time to finish 3m 39s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2238 Time to finish 3m 38s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2237 Time to finish 3m 38s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2236 Time to finish 3m 38s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2235 Time to finish 3m 38s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2234 Time to finish 3m 38s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2233 Time to finish 3m 38s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2232 Time to finish 3m 38s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2231 Time to finish 3m 38s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2230 Time to finish 3m 38s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2229 Time to finish 3m 38s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2228 Time to finish 3m 38s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2227 Time to finish 3m 37s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2226 Time to finish 3m 37s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2225 Time to finish 3m 37s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2224 Time to finish 3m 37s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2223 Time to finish 3m 37s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2222 Time to finish 3m 37s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2221 Time to finish 3m 37s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2220 Time to finish 3m 37s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2219 Time to finish 3m 37s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2218 Time to finish 3m 37s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2217 Time to finish 3m 37s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2216 Time to finish 3m 37s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2215 Time to finish 3m 36s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2214 Time to finish 3m 36s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2213 Time to finish 3m 36s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2212 Time to finish 3m 36s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2211 Time to finish 3m 36s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2210 Time to finish 3m 36s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2209 Time to finish 3m 36s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2208 Time to finish 3m 36s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2207 Time to finish 3m 35s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2206 Time to finish 3m 35s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2205 Time to finish 3m 35s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2204 Time to finish 3m 35s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2203 Time to finish 3m 35s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2202 Time to finish 3m 35s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2201 Time to finish 3m 35s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2200 Time to finish 3m 35s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2199 Time to finish 3m 35s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2198 Time to finish 3m 35s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2197 Time to finish 3m 34s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2196 Time to finish 3m 34s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2195 Time to finish 3m 34s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2194 Time to finish 3m 34s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2193 Time to finish 3m 34s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2192 Time to finish 3m 34s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2191 Time to finish 3m 34s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2190 Time to finish 3m 34s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2189 Time to finish 3m 34s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2188 Time to finish 3m 34s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2187 Time to finish 3m 33s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2186 Time to finish 3m 33s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2185 Time to finish 3m 33s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2184 Time to finish 3m 33s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2183 Time to finish 3m 33s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2182 Time to finish 3m 33s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2181 Time to finish 3m 33s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2180 Time to finish 3m 33s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2179 Time to finish 3m 32s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2178 Time to finish 3m 32s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2177 Time to finish 3m 32s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2176 Time to finish 3m 32s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2175 Time to finish 3m 32s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2174 Time to finish 3m 32s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2173 Time to finish 3m 32s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2172 Time to finish 3m 32s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2171 Time to finish 3m 32s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2170 Time to finish 3m 32s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2169 Time to finish 3m 31s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2168 Time to finish 3m 31s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2167 Time to finish 3m 31s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2166 Time to finish 3m 31s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2165 Time to finish 3m 31s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2164 Time to finish 3m 31s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2163 Time to finish 3m 31s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2162 Time to finish 3m 31s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2161 Time to finish 3m 31s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2160 Time to finish 3m 31s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2159 Time to finish 3m 31s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2158 Time to finish 3m 31s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2157 Time to finish 3m 30s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2156 Time to finish 3m 30s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2155 Time to finish 3m 30s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2154 Time to finish 3m 30s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2153 Time to finish 3m 30s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2152 Time to finish 3m 30s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2151 Time to finish 3m 30s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2150 Time to finish 3m 30s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2149 Time to finish 3m 29s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2148 Time to finish 3m 29s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2147 Time to finish 3m 29s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2146 Time to finish 3m 29s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2145 Time to finish 3m 29s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2144 Time to finish 3m 29s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2143 Time to finish 3m 29s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2142 Time to finish 3m 29s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2141 Time to finish 3m 29s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2140 Time to finish 3m 29s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2139 Time to finish 3m 28s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2138 Time to finish 3m 28s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2137 Time to finish 3m 28s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2136 Time to finish 3m 28s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2135 Time to finish 3m 28s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2134 Time to finish 3m 28s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2133 Time to finish 3m 28s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2132 Time to finish 3m 28s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2131 Time to finish 3m 27s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2130 Time to finish 3m 28s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2129 Time to finish 3m 27s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2128 Time to finish 3m 27s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2127 Time to finish 3m 27s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2126 Time to finish 3m 27s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2125 Time to finish 3m 27s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2124 Time to finish 3m 27s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2123 Time to finish 3m 27s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2122 Time to finish 3m 27s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2121 Time to finish 3m 26s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2120 Time to finish 3m 26s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2119 Time to finish 3m 26s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2118 Time to finish 3m 26s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2117 Time to finish 3m 26s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2116 Time to finish 3m 26s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2115 Time to finish 3m 26s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2114 Time to finish 3m 26s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2113 Time to finish 3m 26s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2112 Time to finish 3m 26s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2111 Time to finish 3m 25s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2110 Time to finish 3m 25s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2109 Time to finish 3m 25s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2108 Time to finish 3m 25s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2107 Time to finish 3m 25s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2106 Time to finish 3m 25s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2105 Time to finish 3m 25s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2104 Time to finish 3m 25s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2103 Time to finish 3m 25s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2102 Time to finish 3m 24s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2101 Time to finish 3m 24s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2100 Time to finish 3m 25s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2099 Time to finish 3m 24s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2098 Time to finish 3m 24s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2097 Time to finish 3m 24s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2096 Time to finish 3m 24s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2095 Time to finish 3m 24s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2094 Time to finish 3m 24s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2093 Time to finish 3m 24s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2092 Time to finish 3m 24s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2091 Time to finish 3m 23s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2090 Time to finish 3m 23s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2089 Time to finish 3m 23s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2088 Time to finish 3m 23s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2087 Time to finish 3m 23s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2086 Time to finish 3m 23s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2085 Time to finish 3m 23s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2084 Time to finish 3m 23s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2083 Time to finish 3m 23s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2082 Time to finish 3m 23s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2081 Time to finish 3m 22s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2080 Time to finish 3m 22s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2079 Time to finish 3m 22s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2078 Time to finish 3m 22s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2077 Time to finish 3m 22s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2076 Time to finish 3m 22s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2075 Time to finish 3m 22s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2074 Time to finish 3m 22s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2073 Time to finish 3m 21s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2072 Time to finish 3m 21s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2071 Time to finish 3m 21s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2070 Time to finish 3m 21s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2069 Time to finish 3m 21s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2068 Time to finish 3m 21s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2067 Time to finish 3m 21s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2066 Time to finish 3m 21s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2065 Time to finish 3m 21s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2064 Time to finish 3m 21s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2063 Time to finish 3m 21s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2062 Time to finish 3m 20s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2061 Time to finish 3m 20s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2060 Time to finish 3m 20s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2059 Time to finish 3m 20s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2058 Time to finish 3m 20s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2057 Time to finish 3m 20s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2056 Time to finish 3m 20s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2055 Time to finish 3m 20s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2054 Time to finish 3m 20s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2053 Time to finish 3m 20s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2052 Time to finish 3m 19s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2051 Time to finish 3m 19s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2050 Time to finish 3m 19s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2049 Time to finish 3m 19s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2048 Time to finish 3m 19s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2047 Time to finish 3m 19s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2046 Time to finish 3m 19s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2045 Time to finish 3m 19s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2044 Time to finish 3m 18s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2043 Time to finish 3m 18s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2042 Time to finish 3m 18s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2041 Time to finish 3m 18s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2040 Time to finish 3m 18s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2039 Time to finish 3m 18s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2038 Time to finish 3m 18s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2037 Time to finish 3m 18s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2036 Time to finish 3m 18s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2035 Time to finish 3m 18s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2034 Time to finish 3m 18s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2033 Time to finish 3m 18s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2032 Time to finish 3m 17s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2031 Time to finish 3m 17s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2030 Time to finish 3m 17s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2029 Time to finish 3m 17s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2028 Time to finish 3m 17s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2027 Time to finish 3m 17s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2026 Time to finish 3m 17s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2025 Time to finish 3m 17s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2024 Time to finish 3m 17s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2023 Time to finish 3m 17s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2022 Time to finish 3m 16s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2021 Time to finish 3m 16s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2020 Time to finish 3m 16s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2019 Time to finish 3m 16s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2018 Time to finish 3m 16s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2017 Time to finish 3m 16s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2016 Time to finish 3m 16s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2015 Time to finish 3m 16s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2014 Time to finish 3m 15s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2013 Time to finish 3m 15s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2012 Time to finish 3m 15s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2011 Time to finish 3m 15s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2010 Time to finish 3m 15s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2009 Time to finish 3m 15s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2008 Time to finish 3m 15s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2007 Time to finish 3m 15s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2006 Time to finish 3m 15s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2005 Time to finish 3m 15s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2004 Time to finish 3m 15s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2003 Time to finish 3m 14s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 2002 Time to finish 3m 14s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 2001 Time to finish 3m 14s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 2000 Time to finish 3m 14s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 1999 Time to finish 3m 14s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1998 Time to finish 3m 14s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1997 Time to finish 3m 14s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1996 Time to finish 3m 14s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1995 Time to finish 3m 14s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1994 Time to finish 3m 14s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1993 Time to finish 3m 13s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1992 Time to finish 3m 13s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1991 Time to finish 3m 13s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1990 Time to finish 3m 13s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1989 Time to finish 3m 13s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1988 Time to finish 3m 13s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1987 Time to finish 3m 13s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1986 Time to finish 3m 13s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1985 Time to finish 3m 12s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1984 Time to finish 3m 12s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1983 Time to finish 3m 12s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1982 Time to finish 3m 12s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1981 Time to finish 3m 12s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1980 Time to finish 3m 12s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1979 Time to finish 3m 12s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1978 Time to finish 3m 12s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1977 Time to finish 3m 12s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1976 Time to finish 3m 12s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1975 Time to finish 3m 12s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1974 Time to finish 3m 11s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1973 Time to finish 3m 11s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1972 Time to finish 3m 11s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1971 Time to finish 3m 11s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1970 Time to finish 3m 11s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1969 Time to finish 3m 11s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1968 Time to finish 3m 11s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1967 Time to finish 3m 11s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1966 Time to finish 3m 11s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1965 Time to finish 3m 11s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1964 Time to finish 3m 10s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1963 Time to finish 3m 10s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1962 Time to finish 3m 10s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1961 Time to finish 3m 10s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1960 Time to finish 3m 10s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1959 Time to finish 3m 10s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1958 Time to finish 3m 10s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1957 Time to finish 3m 10s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1956 Time to finish 3m 10s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1955 Time to finish 3m 9s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1954 Time to finish 3m 9s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1953 Time to finish 3m 9s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1952 Time to finish 3m 9s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1951 Time to finish 3m 9s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1950 Time to finish 3m 9s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1949 Time to finish 3m 9s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1948 Time to finish 3m 9s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1947 Time to finish 3m 9s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1946 Time to finish 3m 9s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1945 Time to finish 3m 8s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1944 Time to finish 3m 8s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1943 Time to finish 3m 8s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1942 Time to finish 3m 8s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1941 Time to finish 3m 8s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1940 Time to finish 3m 8s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1939 Time to finish 3m 8s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1938 Time to finish 3m 8s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1937 Time to finish 3m 8s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1936 Time to finish 3m 7s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1935 Time to finish 3m 8s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1934 Time to finish 3m 7s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1933 Time to finish 3m 7s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1932 Time to finish 3m 7s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1931 Time to finish 3m 7s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1930 Time to finish 3m 7s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1929 Time to finish 3m 7s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1928 Time to finish 3m 7s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1927 Time to finish 3m 7s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1926 Time to finish 3m 7s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1925 Time to finish 3m 6s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1924 Time to finish 3m 6s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1923 Time to finish 3m 6s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1922 Time to finish 3m 6s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1921 Time to finish 3m 6s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1920 Time to finish 3m 6s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1919 Time to finish 3m 6s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1918 Time to finish 3m 6s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1917 Time to finish 3m 6s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1916 Time to finish 3m 6s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1915 Time to finish 3m 6s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1914 Time to finish 3m 5s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1913 Time to finish 3m 5s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1912 Time to finish 3m 5s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1911 Time to finish 3m 5s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1910 Time to finish 3m 5s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1909 Time to finish 3m 5s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1908 Time to finish 3m 5s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1907 Time to finish 3m 5s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1906 Time to finish 3m 5s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1905 Time to finish 3m 5s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1904 Time to finish 3m 5s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1903 Time to finish 3m 4s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1902 Time to finish 3m 4s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1901 Time to finish 3m 4s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1900 Time to finish 3m 4s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1899 Time to finish 3m 4s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1898 Time to finish 3m 4s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1897 Time to finish 3m 4s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1896 Time to finish 3m 4s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1895 Time to finish 3m 4s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1894 Time to finish 3m 3s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1893 Time to finish 3m 3s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1892 Time to finish 3m 3s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1891 Time to finish 3m 3s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1890 Time to finish 3m 3s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1889 Time to finish 3m 3s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1888 Time to finish 3m 3s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1887 Time to finish 3m 3s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1886 Time to finish 3m 3s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1885 Time to finish 3m 3s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1884 Time to finish 3m 2s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1883 Time to finish 3m 2s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1882 Time to finish 3m 2s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1881 Time to finish 3m 2s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1880 Time to finish 3m 2s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1879 Time to finish 3m 2s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1878 Time to finish 3m 2s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1877 Time to finish 3m 2s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1876 Time to finish 3m 2s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1875 Time to finish 3m 2s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1874 Time to finish 3m 2s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1873 Time to finish 3m 1s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1872 Time to finish 3m 1s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1871 Time to finish 3m 1s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1870 Time to finish 3m 1s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1869 Time to finish 3m 1s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1868 Time to finish 3m 1s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1867 Time to finish 3m 1s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1866 Time to finish 3m 1s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1865 Time to finish 3m 1s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1864 Time to finish 3m 0s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1863 Time to finish 3m 0s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1862 Time to finish 3m 0s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1861 Time to finish 3m 0s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1860 Time to finish 3m 0s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1859 Time to finish 3m 0s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1858 Time to finish 3m 0s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1857 Time to finish 3m 0s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1856 Time to finish 3m 0s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1855 Time to finish 3m 0s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1854 Time to finish 3m 0s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1853 Time to finish 2m 59s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1852 Time to finish 2m 59s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1851 Time to finish 2m 59s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1850 Time to finish 2m 59s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1849 Time to finish 2m 59s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1848 Time to finish 2m 59s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1847 Time to finish 2m 59s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1846 Time to finish 2m 59s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1845 Time to finish 2m 59s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1844 Time to finish 2m 59s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1843 Time to finish 2m 59s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1842 Time to finish 2m 58s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1841 Time to finish 2m 58s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1840 Time to finish 2m 58s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1839 Time to finish 2m 58s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1838 Time to finish 2m 58s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1837 Time to finish 2m 58s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1836 Time to finish 2m 58s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1835 Time to finish 2m 58s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1834 Time to finish 2m 58s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1833 Time to finish 2m 57s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1832 Time to finish 2m 57s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1831 Time to finish 2m 57s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1830 Time to finish 2m 57s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1829 Time to finish 2m 57s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1828 Time to finish 2m 57s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1827 Time to finish 2m 57s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1826 Time to finish 2m 57s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1825 Time to finish 2m 57s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1824 Time to finish 2m 57s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1823 Time to finish 2m 56s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1822 Time to finish 2m 56s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1821 Time to finish 2m 56s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1820 Time to finish 2m 56s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1819 Time to finish 2m 56s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1818 Time to finish 2m 56s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1817 Time to finish 2m 56s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1816 Time to finish 2m 56s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1815 Time to finish 2m 56s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1814 Time to finish 2m 56s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1813 Time to finish 2m 56s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1812 Time to finish 2m 55s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1811 Time to finish 2m 55s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1810 Time to finish 2m 55s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1809 Time to finish 2m 55s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1808 Time to finish 2m 55s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1807 Time to finish 2m 55s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1806 Time to finish 2m 55s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1805 Time to finish 2m 55s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1804 Time to finish 2m 55s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1803 Time to finish 2m 54s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1802 Time to finish 2m 54s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1801 Time to finish 2m 54s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1800 Time to finish 2m 54s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1799 Time to finish 2m 54s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1798 Time to finish 2m 54s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1797 Time to finish 2m 54s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1796 Time to finish 2m 54s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1795 Time to finish 2m 54s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1794 Time to finish 2m 54s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1793 Time to finish 2m 54s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1792 Time to finish 2m 53s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1791 Time to finish 2m 53s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1790 Time to finish 2m 53s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1789 Time to finish 2m 53s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1788 Time to finish 2m 53s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1787 Time to finish 2m 53s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1786 Time to finish 2m 53s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1785 Time to finish 2m 53s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1784 Time to finish 2m 53s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1783 Time to finish 2m 53s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1782 Time to finish 2m 53s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1781 Time to finish 2m 52s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1780 Time to finish 2m 52s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1779 Time to finish 2m 52s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1778 Time to finish 2m 52s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1777 Time to finish 2m 52s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1776 Time to finish 2m 52s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1775 Time to finish 2m 52s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1774 Time to finish 2m 52s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1773 Time to finish 2m 51s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1772 Time to finish 2m 51s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1771 Time to finish 2m 51s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1770 Time to finish 2m 51s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1769 Time to finish 2m 51s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1768 Time to finish 2m 51s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1767 Time to finish 2m 51s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1766 Time to finish 2m 51s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1765 Time to finish 2m 51s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1764 Time to finish 2m 51s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1763 Time to finish 2m 50s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1762 Time to finish 2m 50s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1761 Time to finish 2m 50s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1760 Time to finish 2m 50s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1759 Time to finish 2m 50s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1758 Time to finish 2m 50s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1757 Time to finish 2m 50s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1756 Time to finish 2m 50s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1755 Time to finish 2m 50s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1754 Time to finish 2m 50s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1753 Time to finish 2m 50s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1752 Time to finish 2m 49s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1751 Time to finish 2m 49s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1750 Time to finish 2m 49s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1749 Time to finish 2m 49s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1748 Time to finish 2m 49s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1747 Time to finish 2m 49s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1746 Time to finish 2m 49s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1745 Time to finish 2m 49s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1744 Time to finish 2m 48s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1743 Time to finish 2m 48s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1742 Time to finish 2m 48s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1741 Time to finish 2m 48s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1740 Time to finish 2m 48s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1739 Time to finish 2m 48s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1738 Time to finish 2m 48s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1737 Time to finish 2m 48s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1736 Time to finish 2m 48s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1735 Time to finish 2m 48s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1734 Time to finish 2m 48s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1733 Time to finish 2m 47s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1732 Time to finish 2m 47s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1731 Time to finish 2m 47s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1730 Time to finish 2m 47s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1729 Time to finish 2m 47s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1728 Time to finish 2m 47s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1727 Time to finish 2m 47s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1726 Time to finish 2m 47s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1725 Time to finish 2m 47s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1724 Time to finish 2m 47s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1723 Time to finish 2m 46s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1722 Time to finish 2m 46s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1721 Time to finish 2m 46s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1720 Time to finish 2m 46s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1719 Time to finish 2m 46s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1718 Time to finish 2m 46s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1717 Time to finish 2m 46s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1716 Time to finish 2m 46s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1715 Time to finish 2m 46s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1714 Time to finish 2m 46s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1713 Time to finish 2m 45s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1712 Time to finish 2m 45s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1711 Time to finish 2m 45s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1710 Time to finish 2m 45s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1709 Time to finish 2m 45s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1708 Time to finish 2m 45s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1707 Time to finish 2m 45s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1706 Time to finish 2m 45s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1705 Time to finish 2m 45s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1704 Time to finish 2m 45s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1703 Time to finish 2m 44s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1702 Time to finish 2m 44s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1701 Time to finish 2m 44s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1700 Time to finish 2m 44s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1699 Time to finish 2m 44s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1698 Time to finish 2m 44s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1697 Time to finish 2m 44s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1696 Time to finish 2m 44s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1695 Time to finish 2m 44s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1694 Time to finish 2m 44s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1693 Time to finish 2m 43s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1692 Time to finish 2m 43s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1691 Time to finish 2m 43s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1690 Time to finish 2m 43s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1689 Time to finish 2m 43s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1688 Time to finish 2m 43s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1687 Time to finish 2m 43s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1686 Time to finish 2m 43s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1685 Time to finish 2m 43s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1684 Time to finish 2m 42s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1683 Time to finish 2m 42s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1682 Time to finish 2m 42s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1681 Time to finish 2m 42s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1680 Time to finish 2m 42s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1679 Time to finish 2m 42s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1678 Time to finish 2m 42s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1677 Time to finish 2m 42s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1676 Time to finish 2m 42s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1675 Time to finish 2m 42s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1674 Time to finish 2m 41s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1673 Time to finish 2m 41s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1672 Time to finish 2m 41s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1671 Time to finish 2m 41s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1670 Time to finish 2m 41s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1669 Time to finish 2m 41s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1668 Time to finish 2m 41s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1667 Time to finish 2m 41s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1666 Time to finish 2m 41s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1665 Time to finish 2m 41s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1664 Time to finish 2m 40s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1663 Time to finish 2m 40s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1662 Time to finish 2m 40s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1661 Time to finish 2m 40s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1660 Time to finish 2m 40s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1659 Time to finish 2m 40s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1658 Time to finish 2m 40s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1657 Time to finish 2m 40s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1656 Time to finish 2m 40s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1655 Time to finish 2m 40s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1654 Time to finish 2m 39s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1653 Time to finish 2m 39s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1652 Time to finish 2m 39s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1651 Time to finish 2m 39s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1650 Time to finish 2m 39s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1649 Time to finish 2m 39s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1648 Time to finish 2m 39s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1647 Time to finish 2m 39s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1646 Time to finish 2m 39s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1645 Time to finish 2m 39s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1644 Time to finish 2m 38s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1643 Time to finish 2m 38s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1642 Time to finish 2m 38s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1641 Time to finish 2m 38s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1640 Time to finish 2m 38s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1639 Time to finish 2m 38s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1638 Time to finish 2m 38s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1637 Time to finish 2m 38s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1636 Time to finish 2m 37s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1635 Time to finish 2m 37s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1634 Time to finish 2m 37s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1633 Time to finish 2m 37s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1632 Time to finish 2m 37s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1631 Time to finish 2m 37s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1630 Time to finish 2m 37s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1629 Time to finish 2m 37s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1628 Time to finish 2m 37s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1627 Time to finish 2m 37s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1626 Time to finish 2m 36s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1625 Time to finish 2m 36s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1624 Time to finish 2m 36s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1623 Time to finish 2m 36s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1622 Time to finish 2m 36s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1621 Time to finish 2m 36s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1620 Time to finish 2m 36s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1619 Time to finish 2m 36s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1618 Time to finish 2m 36s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1617 Time to finish 2m 36s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1616 Time to finish 2m 36s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1615 Time to finish 2m 35s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1614 Time to finish 2m 35s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1613 Time to finish 2m 35s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1612 Time to finish 2m 35s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1611 Time to finish 2m 35s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1610 Time to finish 2m 35s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1609 Time to finish 2m 35s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1608 Time to finish 2m 35s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1607 Time to finish 2m 35s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1606 Time to finish 2m 35s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1605 Time to finish 2m 34s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1604 Time to finish 2m 34s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1603 Time to finish 2m 34s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1602 Time to finish 2m 34s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1601 Time to finish 2m 34s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1600 Time to finish 2m 34s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1599 Time to finish 2m 34s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1598 Time to finish 2m 34s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1597 Time to finish 2m 34s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1596 Time to finish 2m 34s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1595 Time to finish 2m 33s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1594 Time to finish 2m 33s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1593 Time to finish 2m 33s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1592 Time to finish 2m 33s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1591 Time to finish 2m 33s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1590 Time to finish 2m 33s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1589 Time to finish 2m 33s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1588 Time to finish 2m 33s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1587 Time to finish 2m 33s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1586 Time to finish 2m 33s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1585 Time to finish 2m 32s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1584 Time to finish 2m 32s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1583 Time to finish 2m 32s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1582 Time to finish 2m 32s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1581 Time to finish 2m 32s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1580 Time to finish 2m 32s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1579 Time to finish 2m 32s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1578 Time to finish 2m 32s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1577 Time to finish 2m 32s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1576 Time to finish 2m 31s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1575 Time to finish 2m 31s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1574 Time to finish 2m 31s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1573 Time to finish 2m 31s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1572 Time to finish 2m 31s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1571 Time to finish 2m 31s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1570 Time to finish 2m 31s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1569 Time to finish 2m 31s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1568 Time to finish 2m 31s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1567 Time to finish 2m 31s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1566 Time to finish 2m 30s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1565 Time to finish 2m 30s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1564 Time to finish 2m 30s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1563 Time to finish 2m 30s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1562 Time to finish 2m 30s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1561 Time to finish 2m 30s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1560 Time to finish 2m 30s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1559 Time to finish 2m 30s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1558 Time to finish 2m 30s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1557 Time to finish 2m 30s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1556 Time to finish 2m 30s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1555 Time to finish 2m 29s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1554 Time to finish 2m 29s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1553 Time to finish 2m 29s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1552 Time to finish 2m 29s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1551 Time to finish 2m 29s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1550 Time to finish 2m 29s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1549 Time to finish 2m 29s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1548 Time to finish 2m 29s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1547 Time to finish 2m 29s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1546 Time to finish 2m 28s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1545 Time to finish 2m 28s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1544 Time to finish 2m 28s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1543 Time to finish 2m 28s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1542 Time to finish 2m 28s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1541 Time to finish 2m 28s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1540 Time to finish 2m 28s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1539 Time to finish 2m 28s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1538 Time to finish 2m 28s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1537 Time to finish 2m 28s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1536 Time to finish 2m 27s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1535 Time to finish 2m 27s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1534 Time to finish 2m 27s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1533 Time to finish 2m 27s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1532 Time to finish 2m 27s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1531 Time to finish 2m 27s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1530 Time to finish 2m 27s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1529 Time to finish 2m 27s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1528 Time to finish 2m 27s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1527 Time to finish 2m 27s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1526 Time to finish 2m 27s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1525 Time to finish 2m 26s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1524 Time to finish 2m 26s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1523 Time to finish 2m 26s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1522 Time to finish 2m 26s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1521 Time to finish 2m 26s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1520 Time to finish 2m 26s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1519 Time to finish 2m 26s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1518 Time to finish 2m 26s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1517 Time to finish 2m 26s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1516 Time to finish 2m 25s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1515 Time to finish 2m 25s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1514 Time to finish 2m 25s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1513 Time to finish 2m 25s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1512 Time to finish 2m 25s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1511 Time to finish 2m 25s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1510 Time to finish 2m 25s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1509 Time to finish 2m 25s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1508 Time to finish 2m 25s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1507 Time to finish 2m 25s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1506 Time to finish 2m 24s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1505 Time to finish 2m 24s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1504 Time to finish 2m 24s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1503 Time to finish 2m 24s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1502 Time to finish 2m 24s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1501 Time to finish 2m 24s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1500 Time to finish 2m 24s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1499 Time to finish 2m 24s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1498 Time to finish 2m 24s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1497 Time to finish 2m 24s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1496 Time to finish 2m 23s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1495 Time to finish 2m 23s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1494 Time to finish 2m 23s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1493 Time to finish 2m 23s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1492 Time to finish 2m 23s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1491 Time to finish 2m 23s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1490 Time to finish 2m 23s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1489 Time to finish 2m 23s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1488 Time to finish 2m 23s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1487 Time to finish 2m 23s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1486 Time to finish 2m 22s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1485 Time to finish 2m 22s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1484 Time to finish 2m 22s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1483 Time to finish 2m 22s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1482 Time to finish 2m 22s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1481 Time to finish 2m 22s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1480 Time to finish 2m 22s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1479 Time to finish 2m 22s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1478 Time to finish 2m 22s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1477 Time to finish 2m 22s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1476 Time to finish 2m 21s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1475 Time to finish 2m 21s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1474 Time to finish 2m 21s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1473 Time to finish 2m 21s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1472 Time to finish 2m 21s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1471 Time to finish 2m 21s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1470 Time to finish 2m 21s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1469 Time to finish 2m 21s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1468 Time to finish 2m 21s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1467 Time to finish 2m 21s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1466 Time to finish 2m 20s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1465 Time to finish 2m 20s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1464 Time to finish 2m 20s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1463 Time to finish 2m 20s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1462 Time to finish 2m 20s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1461 Time to finish 2m 20s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1460 Time to finish 2m 20s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1459 Time to finish 2m 20s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1458 Time to finish 2m 20s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1457 Time to finish 2m 20s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1456 Time to finish 2m 19s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1455 Time to finish 2m 19s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1454 Time to finish 2m 19s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1453 Time to finish 2m 19s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1452 Time to finish 2m 19s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1451 Time to finish 2m 19s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1450 Time to finish 2m 19s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1449 Time to finish 2m 19s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1448 Time to finish 2m 19s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1447 Time to finish 2m 19s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1446 Time to finish 2m 18s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1445 Time to finish 2m 18s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1444 Time to finish 2m 18s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1443 Time to finish 2m 18s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1442 Time to finish 2m 18s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1441 Time to finish 2m 18s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1440 Time to finish 2m 18s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1439 Time to finish 2m 18s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1438 Time to finish 2m 18s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1437 Time to finish 2m 18s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1436 Time to finish 2m 17s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1435 Time to finish 2m 17s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1434 Time to finish 2m 17s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1433 Time to finish 2m 17s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1432 Time to finish 2m 17s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1431 Time to finish 2m 17s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1430 Time to finish 2m 17s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1429 Time to finish 2m 17s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1428 Time to finish 2m 17s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1427 Time to finish 2m 17s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1426 Time to finish 2m 16s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1425 Time to finish 2m 16s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1424 Time to finish 2m 16s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1423 Time to finish 2m 16s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1422 Time to finish 2m 16s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1421 Time to finish 2m 16s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1420 Time to finish 2m 16s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1419 Time to finish 2m 16s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1418 Time to finish 2m 16s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1417 Time to finish 2m 16s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1416 Time to finish 2m 16s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1415 Time to finish 2m 15s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1414 Time to finish 2m 15s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1413 Time to finish 2m 15s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1412 Time to finish 2m 15s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1411 Time to finish 2m 15s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1410 Time to finish 2m 15s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1409 Time to finish 2m 15s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1408 Time to finish 2m 15s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1407 Time to finish 2m 15s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1406 Time to finish 2m 15s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1405 Time to finish 2m 14s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1404 Time to finish 2m 14s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1403 Time to finish 2m 14s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1402 Time to finish 2m 14s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1401 Time to finish 2m 14s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1400 Time to finish 2m 14s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1399 Time to finish 2m 14s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1398 Time to finish 2m 14s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1397 Time to finish 2m 14s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1396 Time to finish 2m 13s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1395 Time to finish 2m 13s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1394 Time to finish 2m 13s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1393 Time to finish 2m 13s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1392 Time to finish 2m 13s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1391 Time to finish 2m 13s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1390 Time to finish 2m 13s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1389 Time to finish 2m 13s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1388 Time to finish 2m 13s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1387 Time to finish 2m 13s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1386 Time to finish 2m 13s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1385 Time to finish 2m 12s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1384 Time to finish 2m 12s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1383 Time to finish 2m 12s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1382 Time to finish 2m 12s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1381 Time to finish 2m 12s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1380 Time to finish 2m 12s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1379 Time to finish 2m 12s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1378 Time to finish 2m 12s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1377 Time to finish 2m 12s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1376 Time to finish 2m 12s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1375 Time to finish 2m 12s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1374 Time to finish 2m 11s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1373 Time to finish 2m 11s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1372 Time to finish 2m 11s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1371 Time to finish 2m 11s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1370 Time to finish 2m 11s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1369 Time to finish 2m 11s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1368 Time to finish 2m 11s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1367 Time to finish 2m 11s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1366 Time to finish 2m 11s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1365 Time to finish 2m 11s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1364 Time to finish 2m 11s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1363 Time to finish 2m 10s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1362 Time to finish 2m 10s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1361 Time to finish 2m 10s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1360 Time to finish 2m 10s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1359 Time to finish 2m 10s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1358 Time to finish 2m 10s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1357 Time to finish 2m 10s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1356 Time to finish 2m 10s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1355 Time to finish 2m 10s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1354 Time to finish 2m 10s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1353 Time to finish 2m 9s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1352 Time to finish 2m 9s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1351 Time to finish 2m 9s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1350 Time to finish 2m 9s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1349 Time to finish 2m 9s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1348 Time to finish 2m 9s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1347 Time to finish 2m 9s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1346 Time to finish 2m 9s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1345 Time to finish 2m 9s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1344 Time to finish 2m 9s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1343 Time to finish 2m 9s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1342 Time to finish 2m 8s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1341 Time to finish 2m 8s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1340 Time to finish 2m 8s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1339 Time to finish 2m 8s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1338 Time to finish 2m 8s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1337 Time to finish 2m 8s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1336 Time to finish 2m 8s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1335 Time to finish 2m 8s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1334 Time to finish 2m 8s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1333 Time to finish 2m 8s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1332 Time to finish 2m 8s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1331 Time to finish 2m 8s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1330 Time to finish 2m 7s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1329 Time to finish 2m 7s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1328 Time to finish 2m 7s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1327 Time to finish 2m 7s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1326 Time to finish 2m 7s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1325 Time to finish 2m 7s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1324 Time to finish 2m 7s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1323 Time to finish 2m 7s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1322 Time to finish 2m 7s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1321 Time to finish 2m 7s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1320 Time to finish 2m 7s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1319 Time to finish 2m 7s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1318 Time to finish 2m 6s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1317 Time to finish 2m 6s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1316 Time to finish 2m 6s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1315 Time to finish 2m 6s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1314 Time to finish 2m 6s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1313 Time to finish 2m 6s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1312 Time to finish 2m 6s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1311 Time to finish 2m 6s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1310 Time to finish 2m 6s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1309 Time to finish 2m 6s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1308 Time to finish 2m 5s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1307 Time to finish 2m 5s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1306 Time to finish 2m 5s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1305 Time to finish 2m 5s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1304 Time to finish 2m 5s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1303 Time to finish 2m 5s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1302 Time to finish 2m 5s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1301 Time to finish 2m 5s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1300 Time to finish 2m 5s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1299 Time to finish 2m 5s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1298 Time to finish 2m 5s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1297 Time to finish 2m 4s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1296 Time to finish 2m 4s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1295 Time to finish 2m 4s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1294 Time to finish 2m 4s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1293 Time to finish 2m 4s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1292 Time to finish 2m 4s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1291 Time to finish 2m 4s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1290 Time to finish 2m 4s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1289 Time to finish 2m 4s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1288 Time to finish 2m 4s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1287 Time to finish 2m 4s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1286 Time to finish 2m 4s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1285 Time to finish 2m 3s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1284 Time to finish 2m 3s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1283 Time to finish 2m 3s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1282 Time to finish 2m 3s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1281 Time to finish 2m 3s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1280 Time to finish 2m 3s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1279 Time to finish 2m 3s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1278 Time to finish 2m 3s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1277 Time to finish 2m 3s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1276 Time to finish 2m 2s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1275 Time to finish 2m 3s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1274 Time to finish 2m 2s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1273 Time to finish 2m 2s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1272 Time to finish 2m 2s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1271 Time to finish 2m 2s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1270 Time to finish 2m 2s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1269 Time to finish 2m 2s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1268 Time to finish 2m 2s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1267 Time to finish 2m 2s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1266 Time to finish 2m 2s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1265 Time to finish 2m 2s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1264 Time to finish 2m 1s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1263 Time to finish 2m 1s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1262 Time to finish 2m 1s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1261 Time to finish 2m 1s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1260 Time to finish 2m 1s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1259 Time to finish 2m 1s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1258 Time to finish 2m 1s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1257 Time to finish 2m 1s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1256 Time to finish 2m 1s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1255 Time to finish 2m 1s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1254 Time to finish 2m 1s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1253 Time to finish 2m 0s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1252 Time to finish 2m 0s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1251 Time to finish 2m 0s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1250 Time to finish 2m 0s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1249 Time to finish 2m 0s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1248 Time to finish 2m 0s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1247 Time to finish 2m 0s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1246 Time to finish 2m 0s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1245 Time to finish 2m 0s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1244 Time to finish 2m 0s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1243 Time to finish 2m 0s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1242 Time to finish 1m 59s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1241 Time to finish 1m 59s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1240 Time to finish 1m 59s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1239 Time to finish 1m 59s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1238 Time to finish 1m 59s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1237 Time to finish 1m 59s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1236 Time to finish 1m 59s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1235 Time to finish 1m 59s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1234 Time to finish 1m 59s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1233 Time to finish 1m 59s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1232 Time to finish 1m 59s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1231 Time to finish 1m 58s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1230 Time to finish 1m 58s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1229 Time to finish 1m 58s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1228 Time to finish 1m 58s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1227 Time to finish 1m 58s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1226 Time to finish 1m 58s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1225 Time to finish 1m 58s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1224 Time to finish 1m 58s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1223 Time to finish 1m 58s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1222 Time to finish 1m 58s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1221 Time to finish 1m 57s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1220 Time to finish 1m 57s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1219 Time to finish 1m 57s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1218 Time to finish 1m 57s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1217 Time to finish 1m 57s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1216 Time to finish 1m 57s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1215 Time to finish 1m 57s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1214 Time to finish 1m 57s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1213 Time to finish 1m 57s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1212 Time to finish 1m 57s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1211 Time to finish 1m 57s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1210 Time to finish 1m 56s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1209 Time to finish 1m 56s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1208 Time to finish 1m 56s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1207 Time to finish 1m 56s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1206 Time to finish 1m 56s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1205 Time to finish 1m 56s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1204 Time to finish 1m 56s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1203 Time to finish 1m 56s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1202 Time to finish 1m 56s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1201 Time to finish 1m 56s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1200 Time to finish 1m 56s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1199 Time to finish 1m 55s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1198 Time to finish 1m 55s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1197 Time to finish 1m 55s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1196 Time to finish 1m 55s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1195 Time to finish 1m 55s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1194 Time to finish 1m 55s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1193 Time to finish 1m 55s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1192 Time to finish 1m 55s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1191 Time to finish 1m 55s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1190 Time to finish 1m 55s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1189 Time to finish 1m 54s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1188 Time to finish 1m 54s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1187 Time to finish 1m 54s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1186 Time to finish 1m 54s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1185 Time to finish 1m 54s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1184 Time to finish 1m 54s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1183 Time to finish 1m 54s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1182 Time to finish 1m 54s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1181 Time to finish 1m 54s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1180 Time to finish 1m 54s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1179 Time to finish 1m 54s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1178 Time to finish 1m 53s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1177 Time to finish 1m 53s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1176 Time to finish 1m 53s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1175 Time to finish 1m 53s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1174 Time to finish 1m 53s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1173 Time to finish 1m 53s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1172 Time to finish 1m 53s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1171 Time to finish 1m 53s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1170 Time to finish 1m 53s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1169 Time to finish 1m 53s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1168 Time to finish 1m 53s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1167 Time to finish 1m 52s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1166 Time to finish 1m 52s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1165 Time to finish 1m 52s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1164 Time to finish 1m 52s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1163 Time to finish 1m 52s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1162 Time to finish 1m 52s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1161 Time to finish 1m 52s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1160 Time to finish 1m 52s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1159 Time to finish 1m 52s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1158 Time to finish 1m 52s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1157 Time to finish 1m 51s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1156 Time to finish 1m 51s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1155 Time to finish 1m 51s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1154 Time to finish 1m 51s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1153 Time to finish 1m 51s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1152 Time to finish 1m 51s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1151 Time to finish 1m 51s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1150 Time to finish 1m 51s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1149 Time to finish 1m 51s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1148 Time to finish 1m 51s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1147 Time to finish 1m 51s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1146 Time to finish 1m 50s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1145 Time to finish 1m 50s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1144 Time to finish 1m 50s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1143 Time to finish 1m 50s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1142 Time to finish 1m 50s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1141 Time to finish 1m 50s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1140 Time to finish 1m 50s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1139 Time to finish 1m 50s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1138 Time to finish 1m 50s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1137 Time to finish 1m 50s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1136 Time to finish 1m 50s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1135 Time to finish 1m 50s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1134 Time to finish 1m 50s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1133 Time to finish 1m 49s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1132 Time to finish 1m 49s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1131 Time to finish 1m 49s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1130 Time to finish 1m 49s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1129 Time to finish 1m 49s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1128 Time to finish 1m 49s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1127 Time to finish 1m 49s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1126 Time to finish 1m 49s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1125 Time to finish 1m 49s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1124 Time to finish 1m 49s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1123 Time to finish 1m 49s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1122 Time to finish 1m 48s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1121 Time to finish 1m 48s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1120 Time to finish 1m 48s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1119 Time to finish 1m 48s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1118 Time to finish 1m 48s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1117 Time to finish 1m 48s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1116 Time to finish 1m 48s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1115 Time to finish 1m 48s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1114 Time to finish 1m 48s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1113 Time to finish 1m 47s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1112 Time to finish 1m 47s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1111 Time to finish 1m 47s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1110 Time to finish 1m 47s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1109 Time to finish 1m 47s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1108 Time to finish 1m 47s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1107 Time to finish 1m 47s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1106 Time to finish 1m 47s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1105 Time to finish 1m 47s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1104 Time to finish 1m 47s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1103 Time to finish 1m 47s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1102 Time to finish 1m 46s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1101 Time to finish 1m 46s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1100 Time to finish 1m 46s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1099 Time to finish 1m 46s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1098 Time to finish 1m 46s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1097 Time to finish 1m 46s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1096 Time to finish 1m 46s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1095 Time to finish 1m 46s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1094 Time to finish 1m 46s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1093 Time to finish 1m 46s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1092 Time to finish 1m 46s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1091 Time to finish 1m 45s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1090 Time to finish 1m 45s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1089 Time to finish 1m 45s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1088 Time to finish 1m 45s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1087 Time to finish 1m 45s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1086 Time to finish 1m 45s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1085 Time to finish 1m 45s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1084 Time to finish 1m 45s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1083 Time to finish 1m 45s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1082 Time to finish 1m 45s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1081 Time to finish 1m 44s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1080 Time to finish 1m 45s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1079 Time to finish 1m 44s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1078 Time to finish 1m 44s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1077 Time to finish 1m 44s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1076 Time to finish 1m 44s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1075 Time to finish 1m 44s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1074 Time to finish 1m 44s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1073 Time to finish 1m 44s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1072 Time to finish 1m 44s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1071 Time to finish 1m 44s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1070 Time to finish 1m 44s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1069 Time to finish 1m 43s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1068 Time to finish 1m 43s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1067 Time to finish 1m 43s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1066 Time to finish 1m 43s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1065 Time to finish 1m 43s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1064 Time to finish 1m 43s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1063 Time to finish 1m 43s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1062 Time to finish 1m 43s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1061 Time to finish 1m 43s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1060 Time to finish 1m 43s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1059 Time to finish 1m 42s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1058 Time to finish 1m 42s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1057 Time to finish 1m 42s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1056 Time to finish 1m 42s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1055 Time to finish 1m 42s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1054 Time to finish 1m 42s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1053 Time to finish 1m 42s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1052 Time to finish 1m 42s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1051 Time to finish 1m 42s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1050 Time to finish 1m 42s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1049 Time to finish 1m 42s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1048 Time to finish 1m 41s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1047 Time to finish 1m 41s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1046 Time to finish 1m 41s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1045 Time to finish 1m 41s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1044 Time to finish 1m 41s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1043 Time to finish 1m 41s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1042 Time to finish 1m 41s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1041 Time to finish 1m 41s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1040 Time to finish 1m 41s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1039 Time to finish 1m 41s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1038 Time to finish 1m 40s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1037 Time to finish 1m 40s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1036 Time to finish 1m 40s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1035 Time to finish 1m 40s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1034 Time to finish 1m 40s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1033 Time to finish 1m 40s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1032 Time to finish 1m 40s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1031 Time to finish 1m 40s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1030 Time to finish 1m 40s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1029 Time to finish 1m 40s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1028 Time to finish 1m 40s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1027 Time to finish 1m 39s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1026 Time to finish 1m 39s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1025 Time to finish 1m 39s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1024 Time to finish 1m 39s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1023 Time to finish 1m 39s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1022 Time to finish 1m 39s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1021 Time to finish 1m 39s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1020 Time to finish 1m 39s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1019 Time to finish 1m 39s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1018 Time to finish 1m 39s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1017 Time to finish 1m 38s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1016 Time to finish 1m 38s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1015 Time to finish 1m 38s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1014 Time to finish 1m 38s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1013 Time to finish 1m 38s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1012 Time to finish 1m 38s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1011 Time to finish 1m 38s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1010 Time to finish 1m 38s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1009 Time to finish 1m 38s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1008 Time to finish 1m 38s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1007 Time to finish 1m 37s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1006 Time to finish 1m 37s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1005 Time to finish 1m 37s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1004 Time to finish 1m 37s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1003 Time to finish 1m 37s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1002 Time to finish 1m 37s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1001 Time to finish 1m 37s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 1000 Time to finish 1m 37s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 999 Time to finish 1m 37s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 998 Time to finish 1m 37s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 997 Time to finish 1m 37s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 996 Time to finish 1m 36s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 995 Time to finish 1m 36s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 994 Time to finish 1m 36s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 993 Time to finish 1m 36s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 992 Time to finish 1m 36s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 991 Time to finish 1m 36s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 990 Time to finish 1m 36s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 989 Time to finish 1m 36s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 988 Time to finish 1m 36s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 987 Time to finish 1m 36s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 986 Time to finish 1m 35s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 985 Time to finish 1m 35s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 984 Time to finish 1m 35s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 983 Time to finish 1m 35s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 982 Time to finish 1m 35s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 981 Time to finish 1m 35s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 980 Time to finish 1m 35s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 979 Time to finish 1m 35s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 978 Time to finish 1m 35s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 977 Time to finish 1m 35s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 976 Time to finish 1m 34s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 975 Time to finish 1m 34s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 974 Time to finish 1m 34s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 973 Time to finish 1m 34s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 972 Time to finish 1m 34s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 971 Time to finish 1m 34s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 970 Time to finish 1m 34s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 969 Time to finish 1m 34s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 968 Time to finish 1m 34s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 967 Time to finish 1m 34s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 966 Time to finish 1m 34s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 965 Time to finish 1m 33s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 964 Time to finish 1m 33s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 963 Time to finish 1m 33s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 962 Time to finish 1m 33s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 961 Time to finish 1m 33s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 960 Time to finish 1m 33s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 959 Time to finish 1m 33s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 958 Time to finish 1m 33s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 957 Time to finish 1m 33s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 956 Time to finish 1m 33s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 955 Time to finish 1m 33s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 954 Time to finish 1m 32s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 953 Time to finish 1m 32s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 952 Time to finish 1m 32s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 951 Time to finish 1m 32s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 950 Time to finish 1m 32s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 949 Time to finish 1m 32s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 948 Time to finish 1m 32s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 947 Time to finish 1m 32s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 946 Time to finish 1m 32s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 945 Time to finish 1m 32s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 944 Time to finish 1m 32s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 943 Time to finish 1m 31s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 942 Time to finish 1m 31s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 941 Time to finish 1m 31s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 940 Time to finish 1m 31s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 939 Time to finish 1m 31s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 938 Time to finish 1m 31s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 937 Time to finish 1m 31s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 936 Time to finish 1m 31s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 935 Time to finish 1m 31s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 934 Time to finish 1m 31s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 933 Time to finish 1m 30s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 932 Time to finish 1m 30s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 931 Time to finish 1m 30s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 930 Time to finish 1m 30s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 929 Time to finish 1m 30s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 928 Time to finish 1m 30s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 927 Time to finish 1m 30s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 926 Time to finish 1m 30s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 925 Time to finish 1m 30s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 924 Time to finish 1m 30s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 923 Time to finish 1m 30s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 922 Time to finish 1m 29s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 921 Time to finish 1m 29s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 920 Time to finish 1m 29s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 919 Time to finish 1m 29s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 918 Time to finish 1m 29s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 917 Time to finish 1m 29s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 916 Time to finish 1m 29s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 915 Time to finish 1m 29s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 914 Time to finish 1m 29s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 913 Time to finish 1m 29s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 912 Time to finish 1m 29s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 911 Time to finish 1m 28s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 910 Time to finish 1m 28s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 909 Time to finish 1m 28s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 908 Time to finish 1m 28s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 907 Time to finish 1m 28s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 906 Time to finish 1m 28s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 905 Time to finish 1m 28s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 904 Time to finish 1m 28s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 903 Time to finish 1m 28s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 902 Time to finish 1m 28s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 901 Time to finish 1m 28s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 900 Time to finish 1m 27s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 899 Time to finish 1m 27s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 898 Time to finish 1m 27s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 897 Time to finish 1m 27s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 896 Time to finish 1m 27s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 895 Time to finish 1m 27s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 894 Time to finish 1m 27s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 893 Time to finish 1m 27s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 892 Time to finish 1m 27s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 891 Time to finish 1m 27s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 890 Time to finish 1m 26s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 889 Time to finish 1m 26s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 888 Time to finish 1m 26s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 887 Time to finish 1m 26s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 886 Time to finish 1m 26s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 885 Time to finish 1m 26s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 884 Time to finish 1m 26s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 883 Time to finish 1m 26s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 882 Time to finish 1m 26s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 881 Time to finish 1m 26s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 880 Time to finish 1m 26s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 879 Time to finish 1m 25s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 878 Time to finish 1m 25s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 877 Time to finish 1m 25s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 876 Time to finish 1m 25s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 875 Time to finish 1m 25s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 874 Time to finish 1m 25s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 873 Time to finish 1m 25s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 872 Time to finish 1m 25s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 871 Time to finish 1m 25s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 870 Time to finish 1m 25s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 869 Time to finish 1m 24s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 868 Time to finish 1m 24s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 867 Time to finish 1m 24s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 866 Time to finish 1m 24s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 865 Time to finish 1m 24s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 864 Time to finish 1m 24s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 863 Time to finish 1m 24s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 862 Time to finish 1m 24s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 861 Time to finish 1m 24s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 860 Time to finish 1m 24s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 859 Time to finish 1m 23s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 858 Time to finish 1m 23s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 857 Time to finish 1m 23s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 856 Time to finish 1m 23s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 855 Time to finish 1m 23s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 854 Time to finish 1m 23s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 853 Time to finish 1m 23s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 852 Time to finish 1m 23s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 851 Time to finish 1m 23s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 850 Time to finish 1m 23s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 849 Time to finish 1m 22s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 848 Time to finish 1m 22s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 847 Time to finish 1m 22s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 846 Time to finish 1m 22s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 845 Time to finish 1m 22s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 844 Time to finish 1m 22s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 843 Time to finish 1m 22s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 842 Time to finish 1m 22s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 841 Time to finish 1m 22s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 840 Time to finish 1m 22s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 839 Time to finish 1m 22s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 838 Time to finish 1m 21s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 837 Time to finish 1m 21s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 836 Time to finish 1m 21s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 835 Time to finish 1m 21s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 834 Time to finish 1m 21s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 833 Time to finish 1m 21s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 832 Time to finish 1m 21s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 831 Time to finish 1m 21s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 830 Time to finish 1m 21s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 829 Time to finish 1m 21s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 828 Time to finish 1m 20s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 827 Time to finish 1m 20s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 826 Time to finish 1m 20s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 825 Time to finish 1m 20s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 824 Time to finish 1m 20s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 823 Time to finish 1m 20s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 822 Time to finish 1m 20s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 821 Time to finish 1m 20s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 820 Time to finish 1m 20s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 819 Time to finish 1m 20s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 818 Time to finish 1m 19s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 817 Time to finish 1m 19s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 816 Time to finish 1m 19s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 815 Time to finish 1m 19s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 814 Time to finish 1m 19s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 813 Time to finish 1m 19s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 812 Time to finish 1m 19s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 811 Time to finish 1m 19s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 810 Time to finish 1m 19s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 809 Time to finish 1m 19s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 808 Time to finish 1m 19s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 807 Time to finish 1m 18s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 806 Time to finish 1m 18s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 805 Time to finish 1m 18s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 804 Time to finish 1m 18s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 803 Time to finish 1m 18s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 802 Time to finish 1m 18s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 801 Time to finish 1m 18s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 800 Time to finish 1m 18s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 799 Time to finish 1m 18s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 798 Time to finish 1m 18s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 797 Time to finish 1m 17s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 796 Time to finish 1m 17s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 795 Time to finish 1m 17s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 794 Time to finish 1m 17s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 793 Time to finish 1m 17s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 792 Time to finish 1m 17s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 791 Time to finish 1m 17s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 790 Time to finish 1m 17s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 789 Time to finish 1m 17s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 788 Time to finish 1m 17s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 787 Time to finish 1m 17s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 786 Time to finish 1m 16s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 785 Time to finish 1m 16s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 784 Time to finish 1m 16s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 783 Time to finish 1m 16s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 782 Time to finish 1m 16s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 781 Time to finish 1m 16s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 780 Time to finish 1m 16s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 779 Time to finish 1m 16s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 778 Time to finish 1m 16s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 777 Time to finish 1m 16s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 776 Time to finish 1m 16s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 775 Time to finish 1m 15s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 774 Time to finish 1m 15s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 773 Time to finish 1m 15s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 772 Time to finish 1m 15s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 771 Time to finish 1m 15s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 770 Time to finish 1m 15s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 769 Time to finish 1m 15s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 768 Time to finish 1m 15s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 767 Time to finish 1m 15s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 766 Time to finish 1m 15s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 765 Time to finish 1m 14s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 764 Time to finish 1m 14s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 763 Time to finish 1m 14s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 762 Time to finish 1m 14s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 761 Time to finish 1m 14s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 760 Time to finish 1m 14s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 759 Time to finish 1m 14s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 758 Time to finish 1m 14s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 757 Time to finish 1m 14s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 756 Time to finish 1m 14s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 755 Time to finish 1m 14s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 754 Time to finish 1m 13s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 753 Time to finish 1m 13s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 752 Time to finish 1m 13s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 751 Time to finish 1m 13s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 750 Time to finish 1m 13s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 749 Time to finish 1m 13s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 748 Time to finish 1m 13s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 747 Time to finish 1m 13s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 746 Time to finish 1m 13s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 745 Time to finish 1m 13s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 744 Time to finish 1m 12s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 743 Time to finish 1m 12s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 742 Time to finish 1m 12s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 741 Time to finish 1m 12s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 740 Time to finish 1m 12s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 739 Time to finish 1m 12s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 738 Time to finish 1m 12s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 737 Time to finish 1m 12s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 736 Time to finish 1m 12s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 735 Time to finish 1m 12s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 734 Time to finish 1m 11s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 733 Time to finish 1m 11s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 732 Time to finish 1m 11s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 731 Time to finish 1m 11s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 730 Time to finish 1m 11s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 729 Time to finish 1m 11s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 728 Time to finish 1m 11s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 727 Time to finish 1m 11s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 726 Time to finish 1m 11s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 725 Time to finish 1m 11s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 724 Time to finish 1m 10s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 723 Time to finish 1m 10s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 722 Time to finish 1m 10s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 721 Time to finish 1m 10s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 720 Time to finish 1m 10s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 719 Time to finish 1m 10s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 718 Time to finish 1m 10s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 717 Time to finish 1m 10s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 716 Time to finish 1m 10s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 715 Time to finish 1m 10s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 714 Time to finish 1m 10s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 713 Time to finish 1m 9s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 712 Time to finish 1m 9s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 711 Time to finish 1m 9s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 710 Time to finish 1m 9s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 709 Time to finish 1m 9s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 708 Time to finish 1m 9s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 707 Time to finish 1m 9s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 706 Time to finish 1m 9s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 705 Time to finish 1m 9s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 704 Time to finish 1m 9s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 703 Time to finish 1m 8s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 702 Time to finish 1m 8s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 701 Time to finish 1m 8s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 700 Time to finish 1m 8s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 699 Time to finish 1m 8s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 698 Time to finish 1m 8s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 697 Time to finish 1m 8s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 696 Time to finish 1m 8s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 695 Time to finish 1m 8s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 694 Time to finish 1m 8s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 693 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 692 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 691 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 690 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 689 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 688 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 687 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 686 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 685 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 684 Time to finish 1m 7s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 683 Time to finish 1m 6s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 682 Time to finish 1m 6s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 681 Time to finish 1m 6s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 680 Time to finish 1m 6s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 679 Time to finish 1m 6s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 678 Time to finish 1m 6s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 677 Time to finish 1m 6s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 676 Time to finish 1m 6s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 675 Time to finish 1m 6s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 674 Time to finish 1m 6s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 673 Time to finish 1m 5s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 672 Time to finish 1m 5s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 671 Time to finish 1m 5s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 670 Time to finish 1m 5s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 669 Time to finish 1m 5s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 668 Time to finish 1m 5s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 667 Time to finish 1m 5s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 666 Time to finish 1m 5s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 665 Time to finish 1m 5s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 664 Time to finish 1m 5s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 663 Time to finish 1m 4s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 662 Time to finish 1m 4s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 661 Time to finish 1m 4s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 660 Time to finish 1m 4s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 659 Time to finish 1m 4s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 658 Time to finish 1m 4s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 657 Time to finish 1m 4s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 656 Time to finish 1m 4s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 655 Time to finish 1m 4s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 654 Time to finish 1m 4s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 653 Time to finish 1m 3s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 652 Time to finish 1m 3s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 651 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 650 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 649 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 648 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 647 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 646 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 645 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 644 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 643 Time to finish 1m 3s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 642 Time to finish 1m 2s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 641 Time to finish 1m 2s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 640 Time to finish 1m 2s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 639 Time to finish 1m 2s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 638 Time to finish 1m 2s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 637 Time to finish 1m 2s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 636 Time to finish 1m 2s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 635 Time to finish 1m 2s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 634 Time to finish 1m 2s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 633 Time to finish 1m 1s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 632 Time to finish 1m 1s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 631 Time to finish 1m 1s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 630 Time to finish 1m 1s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 629 Time to finish 1m 1s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 628 Time to finish 1m 1s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 627 Time to finish 1m 1s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 626 Time to finish 1m 1s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 625 Time to finish 1m 1s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 624 Time to finish 1m 1s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 623 Time to finish 1m 1s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 622 Time to finish 60s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 621 Time to finish 60s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 620 Time to finish 60s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 619 Time to finish 60s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 618 Time to finish 60s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 617 Time to finish 60s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 616 Time to finish 60s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 615 Time to finish 60s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 614 Time to finish 60s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 613 Time to finish 60s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 612 Time to finish 59s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 611 Time to finish 59s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 610 Time to finish 59s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 609 Time to finish 59s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 608 Time to finish 59s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 607 Time to finish 59s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 606 Time to finish 59s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 605 Time to finish 59s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 604 Time to finish 59s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 603 Time to finish 59s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 602 Time to finish 58s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 601 Time to finish 58s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 600 Time to finish 58s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 599 Time to finish 58s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 598 Time to finish 58s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 597 Time to finish 58s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 596 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Time to finish 24s, 94.3% completed, time steps left 245 Time to finish 24s, 94.4% completed, time steps left 244 Time to finish 24s, 94.4% completed, time steps left 243 Time to finish 23s, 94.4% completed, time steps left 242 Time to finish 23s, 94.4% completed, time steps left 241 Time to finish 23s, 94.4% completed, time steps left 240 Time to finish 23s, 94.5% completed, time steps left 239 Time to finish 23s, 94.5% completed, time steps left 238 Time to finish 23s, 94.5% completed, time steps left 237 Time to finish 23s, 94.5% completed, time steps left 236 Time to finish 23s, 94.6% completed, time steps left 235 Time to finish 23s, 94.6% completed, time steps left 234 Time to finish 23s, 94.6% completed, time steps left 233 Time to finish 22s, 94.6% completed, time steps left 232 Time to finish 22s, 94.7% completed, time steps left 231 Time to finish 22s, 94.7% completed, time steps left 230 Time to finish 22s, 94.7% completed, time steps left 229 Time to finish 22s, 94.7% completed, time steps left 228 Time to finish 22s, 94.7% completed, time steps left 227 Time to finish 22s, 94.8% completed, time steps left 226 Time to finish 22s, 94.8% completed, time steps left 225 Time to finish 22s, 94.8% completed, time steps left 224 Time to finish 22s, 94.8% completed, time steps left 223 Time to finish 21s, 94.9% completed, time steps left 222 Time to finish 21s, 94.9% completed, time steps left 221 Time to finish 21s, 94.9% completed, time steps left 220 Time to finish 21s, 94.9% completed, time steps left 219 Time to finish 21s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 218 Time to finish 21s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 217 Time to finish 21s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 216 Time to finish 21s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 215 Time to finish 21s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 214 Time to finish 21s, 95.1% completed, time steps left 213 Time to finish 21s, 95.1% completed, time steps left 212 Time to finish 20s, 95.1% completed, time steps left 211 Time to finish 20s, 95.1% completed, time steps left 210 Time to finish 20s, 95.2% completed, time steps left 209 Time to finish 20s, 95.2% completed, time steps left 208 Time to finish 20s, 95.2% completed, time steps left 207 Time to finish 20s, 95.2% completed, time steps left 206 Time to finish 20s, 95.3% completed, time steps left 205 Time to finish 20s, 95.3% completed, time steps left 204 Time to finish 20s, 95.3% completed, time steps left 203 Time to finish 20s, 95.3% completed, time steps left 202 Time to finish 19s, 95.3% completed, time steps left 201 Time to finish 19s, 95.4% completed, time steps left 200 Time to finish 19s, 95.4% completed, time steps left 199 Time to finish 19s, 95.4% completed, time steps left 198 Time to finish 19s, 95.4% completed, time steps left 197 Time to finish 19s, 95.5% completed, time steps left 196 Time to finish 19s, 95.5% completed, time steps left 195 Time to finish 19s, 95.5% completed, time steps left 194 Time to finish 19s, 95.5% completed, time steps left 193 Time to finish 19s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 192 Time to finish 18s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 191 Time to finish 18s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 190 Time to finish 18s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 189 Time to finish 18s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 188 Time to finish 18s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 187 Time to finish 18s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 186 Time to finish 18s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 185 Time to finish 18s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 184 Time to finish 18s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 183 Time to finish 18s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 182 Time to finish 17s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 181 Time to finish 17s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 180 Time to finish 17s, 95.9% completed, time steps left 179 Time to finish 17s, 95.9% completed, time steps left 178 Time to finish 17s, 95.9% completed, time steps left 177 Time to finish 17s, 95.9% completed, time steps left 176 Time to finish 17s, 95.9% completed, time steps left 175 Time to finish 17s, 96.0% completed, time steps left 174 Time to finish 17s, 96.0% completed, time steps left 173 Time to finish 17s, 96.0% completed, time steps left 172 Time to finish 17s, 96.0% completed, time steps left 171 Time to finish 16s, 96.1% completed, time steps left 170 Time to finish 16s, 96.1% completed, time steps left 169 Time to finish 16s, 96.1% completed, time steps left 168 Time to finish 16s, 96.1% completed, time steps left 167 Time to finish 16s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 166 Time to finish 16s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 165 Time to finish 16s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 164 Time to finish 16s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 163 Time to finish 16s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 162 Time to finish 16s, 96.3% completed, time steps left 161 Time to finish 15s, 96.3% completed, time steps left 160 Time to finish 15s, 96.3% completed, time steps left 159 Time to finish 15s, 96.3% completed, time steps left 158 Time to finish 15s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 157 Time to finish 15s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 156 Time to finish 15s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 155 Time to finish 15s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 154 Time to finish 15s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 153 Time to finish 15s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 152 Time to finish 15s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 151 Time to finish 14s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 150 Time to finish 14s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 149 Time to finish 14s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 148 Time to finish 14s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 147 Time to finish 14s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 146 Time to finish 14s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 145 Time to finish 14s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 144 Time to finish 14s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 143 Time to finish 14s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 142 Time to finish 14s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 141 Time to finish 14s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 140 Time to finish 13s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 139 Time to finish 13s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 138 Time to finish 13s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 137 Time to finish 13s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 136 Time to finish 13s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 135 Time to finish 13s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 134 Time to finish 13s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 133 Time to finish 13s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 132 Time to finish 13s, 97.0% completed, time steps left 131 Time to finish 13s, 97.0% completed, time steps left 130 Time to finish 12s, 97.0% completed, time steps left 129 Time to finish 12s, 97.0% completed, time steps left 128 Time to finish 12s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 127 Time to finish 12s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 126 Time to finish 12s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 125 Time to finish 12s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 124 Time to finish 12s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 123 Time to finish 12s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 122 Time to finish 12s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 121 Time to finish 12s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 120 Time to finish 11s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 119 Time to finish 11s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 118 Time to finish 11s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 117 Time to finish 11s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 116 Time to finish 11s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 115 Time to finish 11s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 114 Time to finish 11s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 113 Time to finish 11s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 112 Time to finish 11s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 111 Time to finish 11s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 110 Time to finish 11s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 109 Time to finish 10s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 108 Time to finish 10s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 107 Time to finish 10s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 106 Time to finish 10s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 105 Time to finish 10s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 104 Time to finish 10s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 103 Time to finish 10s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 102 Time to finish 10s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 101 Time to finish 10s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 100 Time to finish 10s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 99 Time to finish 9s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 98 Time to finish 9s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 97 Time to finish 9s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 96 Time to finish 9s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 95 Time to finish 9s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 94 Time to finish 9s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 93 Time to finish 9s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 92 Time to finish 9s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 91 Time to finish 9s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 90 Time to finish 9s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 89 Time to finish 8s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 88 Time to finish 8s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 87 Time to finish 8s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 86 Time to finish 8s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 85 Time to finish 8s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 84 Time to finish 8s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 83 Time to finish 8s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 82 Time to finish 8s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 81 Time to finish 8s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 80 Time to finish 8s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 79 Time to finish 8s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 78 Time to finish 7s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 77 Time to finish 7s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 76 Time to finish 7s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 75 Time to finish 7s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 74 Time to finish 7s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 73 Time to finish 7s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 72 Time to finish 7s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 71 Time to finish 7s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 70 Time to finish 7s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 69 Time to finish 7s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 68 Time to finish 6s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 67 Time to finish 6s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 66 Time to finish 6s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 65 Time to finish 6s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 64 Time to finish 6s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 63 Time to finish 6s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 62 Time to finish 6s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 61 Time to finish 6s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 60 Time to finish 6s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 59 Time to finish 6s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 58 Time to finish 6s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 57 Time to finish 5s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 56 Time to finish 5s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 55 Time to finish 5s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 54 Time to finish 5s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 53 Time to finish 5s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 52 Time to finish 5s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 51 Time to finish 5s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 50 Time to finish 5s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 49 Time to finish 5s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 48 Time to finish 5s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 47 Time to finish 4s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 46 Time to finish 4s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 45 Time to finish 4s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 44 Time to finish 4s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 43 Time to finish 4s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 42 Time to finish 4s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 41 Time to finish 4s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 40 Time to finish 4s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 39 Time to finish 4s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 38 Time to finish 4s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 37 Time to finish 3s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 36 Time to finish 3s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 35 Time to finish 3s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 34 Time to finish 3s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 33 Time to finish 3s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 32 Time to finish 3s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 31 Time to finish 3s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 30 Time to finish 3s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 29 Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 28 Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 27 Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 26 Time to finish 2s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 25 Time to finish 2s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 24 Time to finish 2s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 23 Time to finish 2s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 22 Time to finish 2s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 21 Time to finish 2s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 20 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 19 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 18 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 17 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 16 Time to finish 1s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 15 Time to finish 1s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 14 Time to finish 1s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 13 Time to finish 1s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 12 Time to finish 1s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 11 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 10 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 9 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 8 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 7 Time to finish 1s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 6 Time to finish 0s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 5 Time to finish 0s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 4 Time to finish 0s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 3 Time to finish 0s, 100.0% completed, time steps left 2 Time to finish 0s, 100.0% completed, time steps left 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINISHED Delft3D-FLOW runid : calc date, time : 2020-08-04, 23:12:41 SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 1 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 2 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 3 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 4 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 5 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 6 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 7 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 8 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 9 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 10 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D_Hydro [1596575561.217261] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596575561.217250] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596575561.217341] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596575561.217545] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596575561.217920] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596575561.217947] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596575561.218177] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596575561.218937] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596575561.219524] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596575561.229686] >> d_hydro shutting down normally ..2.3 finalize for current run ... 2020-08-04 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 False delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/ (289, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Erdaogou 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Binhaicun 19.666559 309 24 Binhaicun 23.439165 311 24 Binhaicun 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Tangjiahe 19.666559 309 24 Tangjiahe 23.439165 311 24 Tangjiahe 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 23.439165 311 24 Baishuitou 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Lijiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 Gaoshalingcun 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Zhaojiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Liuhongbo 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Xujiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 Dagu 18.882857 313 25 Dagu 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 18.882857 313 25 Tanggu 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 2.2402331 315 27 Pehtang 3.998393 316 27 Pehtang 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 3.998393 316 27 Qingtuozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 3.998393 316 27 Caijiapu 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 Shuangqiaozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 Heiyanzi 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 8.895146 315 31 Beipu 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 9.3410776 314 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 Nancaoji 2.0003162 315 38 Nancaoji 3.7314449 316 38 Nancaoji 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 Liu-tsan 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 Dazhuanghe 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 6.5440418 316 41 Yang-chiao 6.7658682 289 45 6.7658682 289 45 Hanjiang 4.884141 111 49 Hanjiang 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Yancangcheng 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Hsing-chuang 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Haitou 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Shiqiao 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Chiang-k'ou 4.884141 111 49 Chiang-k'ou 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Hsia-k'ou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Jiuliqi 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Daitou 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Che-wang 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 Tuanlin 13.48162 322 49 Tuanlin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Fenshui 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Pinghai 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 2.4748921 324 50 Dapuhe 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Yuxi 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Andongwei 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tangbian 4.884141 111 49 Tangbian 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 Xihenancun 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Xugou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Shicheng 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Lanshantou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Taolekow 4.2500724 257 51 4.2500724 257 51 Jiangjing 4.884141 111 49 Jiangjing 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Liujiazhai 7.0120592 258 52 7.0120592 258 52 Dongxi Liandao 3.7698366 249 50 Dongxi Liandao 2.4063058 251 50 2.4063058 251 50 Nanri 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Longtian 4.547549 112 50 4.547549 112 50 Gangtou 5.4590452 111 50 Gangtou 4.547549 112 50 4.547549 112 50 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 San Shah 3.150623 111 51 San Shah 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Gaoshan 20.832558 110 51 Gaoshan 3.150623 111 51 Gaoshan 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Fuye 20.832558 110 51 20.832558 110 51 Shijiusuo 7.0120592 258 52 7.0120592 258 52 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 9.9637259 327 54 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 Shanhaiguan 12.996902 329 58 12.996902 329 58 Yanweigang 3.7995859 249 55 Yanweigang 2.1817413 247 57 2.1817413 247 57 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 Nanhai 3.1789176 329 57 Nanhai 15.073959 328 58 Nanhai 12.996902 329 58 Nanhai 8.5678236 329 59 Nanhai 16.026875 330 59 16.026875 330 59 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 5.8558936 263 55 5.8558936 263 55 Hutouya 2.0267187 287 55 Hutouya 6.8491467 287 56 6.8491467 287 56 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 Wan-chia-t'un 13.614078 328 57 Wan-chia-t'un 3.1789176 329 57 Wan-chia-t'un 15.073959 328 58 Wan-chia-t'un 12.996902 329 58 Wan-chia-t'un 8.5678236 329 59 Wan-chia-t'un 16.026875 330 59 Wan-chia-t'un 2.1211945 330 60 2.1211945 330 60 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 13.614078 328 57 Qiangzili 3.1789176 329 57 Qiangzili 15.073959 328 58 Qiangzili 12.996902 329 58 Qiangzili 8.5678236 329 59 Qiangzili 16.026875 330 59 Qiangzili 2.1211945 330 60 2.1211945 330 60 Xiahecheng 10.073142 263 56 10.073142 263 56 Zhangjialou 7.463872 265 59 7.463872 265 59 Dayuan 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Hongshiya 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Lingshanwei 6.2537308 267 61 Lingshanwei 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Hsin-chuang 9.3603672 292 61 9.3603672 292 61 Houwan 6.7995416 268 62 Houwan 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Yantaiqian 6.2537308 267 61 Yantaiqian 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Xianlang 6.7995416 268 62 Xianlang 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Qimudao 12.014129 293 61 Qimudao 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Liuduo 3.6349543 242 65 3.6349543 242 65 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 7.0709729 292 62 Ta-yu-chien 4.1783146 246 62 4.1783146 246 62 Beizhuang 18.338013 267 62 Beizhuang 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 2.0228224 272 63 Ch'ing-tao 8.8871129 273 63 Ch'ing-tao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Sifang 6.4712836 271 63 Sifang 2.0228224 272 63 Sifang 8.8871129 273 63 Sifang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Chengyang 2.0228224 272 63 Chengyang 8.8871129 273 63 Chengyang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Qingdao 6.4712836 271 63 Qingdao 2.0228224 272 63 Qingdao 8.8871129 273 63 Qingdao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Fushansuo 11.126148 269 64 Fushansuo 19.271288 271 64 Fushansuo 2.5193449 272 64 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Huangshagang 12.410759 238 67 12.410759 238 67 Shuangyangzha 14.317102 239 66 Shuangyangzha 4.5126978 241 66 4.5126978 241 66 Ts'ang-k'ou 24.269815 270 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 19.271288 271 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 2.5193449 272 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 19.271288 271 64 Hsien-chia-chai 2.5193449 272 64 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 T'ang-sheng-chiang 12.410759 238 67 12.410759 238 67 Dongxiaohai 14.317102 239 66 14.317102 239 66 Xinyanggang 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Shazikou 20.069832 269 66 Shazikou 21.232042 269 67 Shazikou 26.667751 269 68 Shazikou 29.557382 269 69 Shazikou 27.534442 269 70 27.534442 269 70 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 Shahousuo 11.244679 335 70 11.244679 335 70 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 12.225514 296 67 Wanggezhuang 22.958528 272 71 Wanggezhuang 6.6305521 273 71 Wanggezhuang 7.8042088 274 71 Wanggezhuang 2.1714545 275 71 Wanggezhuang 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 12.225514 296 67 Aoshanwei 6.6305521 273 71 Aoshanwei 7.8042088 274 71 Aoshanwei 2.1714545 275 71 Aoshanwei 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Chiu-hsiang-chen 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 11.497985 297 72 11.497985 297 72 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 11.497985 297 72 11.497985 297 72 Chin-chia-k'ou 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Huangwan 25.4412 184 73 Huangwan 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Dongtaihezha 8.3752368 226 73 8.3752368 226 73 Liulishe 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Wangcun 2.1714545 275 71 Wangcun 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Wali 7.8042088 274 71 Wali 2.1714545 275 71 Wali 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Ganpu 25.4412 184 73 Ganpu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Hsieh-t'ang 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Liu-tsao 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xingcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Haiyan 17.456245 185 73 Haiyan 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Changchuanba 25.4412 184 73 Changchuanba 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Bixishi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Xizhoushi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsin-k'ai-kang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Baizhuzhen 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Ta-shan 4.9173076 277 75 Ta-shan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Linshan 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Changqian 5.4299814 186 75 Changqian 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Xitang 4.6144463 187 75 Xitang 2.5800153 188 75 Xitang 7.4155752 188 76 Xitang 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Lao-wu-shih 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Dashan 4.9173076 277 75 Dashan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Da'an 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 4.6144463 187 75 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 2.5800153 188 75 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 7.4155752 188 76 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Ri'aitang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Laochangbu 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chou-hung-ch'iu 2.4716733 184 74 Chou-hung-ch'iu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Cheng-chia-tai 4.6144463 187 75 Cheng-chia-tai 2.5800153 188 75 Cheng-chia-tai 7.4155752 188 76 Cheng-chia-tai 23.525967 188 77 Cheng-chia-tai 10.69716 188 78 Cheng-chia-tai 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Heng-pa-ts'un 2.4716733 184 74 Heng-pa-ts'un 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 Dajijia 17.458593 297 75 Dajijia 14.503721 296 76 Dajijia 16.990276 296 77 Dajijia 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 Lo-ho-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiung-ting-yu 2.4716733 184 74 Hsiung-ting-yu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Zhapu 4.6144463 187 75 Zhapu 2.5800153 188 75 Zhapu 7.4155752 188 76 Zhapu 23.525967 188 77 Zhapu 10.69716 188 78 Zhapu 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Lixinzha 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Zhangjiaxiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huangang 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 Xihuzui 47.743442 312 75 Xihuzui 44.199686 313 75 Xihuzui 22.593072 314 75 Xihuzui 32.925733 315 75 Xihuzui 37.061167 314 76 Xihuzui 25.426262 315 76 Xihuzui 16.387197 315 77 Xihuzui 10.211338 314 78 Xihuzui 12.188971 315 79 12.188971 315 79 Sanhezhen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Niu-ch'iao-shih 4.6144463 187 75 Niu-ch'iao-shih 2.5800153 188 75 Niu-ch'iao-shih 7.4155752 188 76 Niu-ch'iao-shih 23.525967 188 77 Niu-ch'iao-shih 10.69716 188 78 Niu-ch'iao-shih 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Hsiao-an-chieh 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Wei-chiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hu-chia-lu 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 Ku-hsien 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 Tieshan 57.945619 311 75 Tieshan 47.743442 312 75 Tieshan 44.199686 313 75 Tieshan 38.42566 313 76 38.42566 313 76 Hsing-hsing-chen 4.6144463 187 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 2.5800153 188 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 7.4155752 188 76 Hsing-hsing-chen 23.525967 188 77 Hsing-hsing-chen 10.69716 188 78 Hsing-hsing-chen 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Chiu-ch'u-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Dujiaqiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chien-chen 7.6550516 218 76 7.6550516 218 76 Chou-chia-peng 7.4155752 188 76 Chou-chia-peng 23.525967 188 77 Chou-chia-peng 10.69716 188 78 Chou-chia-peng 12.15896 189 78 Chou-chia-peng 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Fou-ch'iao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Sanli 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hai-men-hsien 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Fengcheng 3.4258447 278 76 Fengcheng 2.0684823 279 77 2.0684823 279 77 Liujiazhai 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Ch'ing-lung-chiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qianjing 5.0762899 205 78 Qianjing 16.878731 204 79 Qianjing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 Fushan 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 29.438258 320 78 Wang-chia-tun 4.4584824 320 79 Wang-chia-tun 22.803787 320 80 Wang-chia-tun 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 23.525967 188 77 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 10.69716 188 78 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 12.15896 189 78 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 14.339612 190 80 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 Lushun 3.0519991 314 77 Lushun 10.211338 314 78 10.211338 314 78 Liuhe 16.878731 204 79 Liuhe 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Tiaobanqiao 5.0762899 205 78 Tiaobanqiao 16.878731 204 79 Tiaobanqiao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Xincun 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Caopeng 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Fu-hsin-tsao 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Ch'ang-sha 5.9733643 218 77 5.9733643 218 77 Nankan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Dong'anzhen 15.928197 213 81 Dong'anzhen 11.95893 216 81 11.95893 216 81 Jinshanwei 12.15896 189 78 Jinshanwei 14.339612 190 80 Jinshanwei 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Chenxing 16.878731 204 79 Chenxing 4.9383975 204 80 Chenxing 4.907592 202 82 4.907592 202 82 Wan'an 5.0762899 205 78 Wan'an 16.878731 204 79 Wan'an 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Haiyanzhen 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 Chu-chi 13.195624 294 79 Chu-chi 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 5.1811351 322 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 4.4584824 320 79 Sanguanmiao 22.803787 320 80 Sanguanmiao 6.8199729 321 80 Sanguanmiao 32.53914 320 82 32.53914 320 82 Chin-shan-tsui 12.15896 189 78 Chin-shan-tsui 14.339612 190 80 Chin-shan-tsui 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Shanyang 12.15896 189 78 Shanyang 14.339612 190 80 Shanyang 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 5.0762899 205 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 16.878731 204 79 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Meng-chiang-miao 5.0762899 205 78 Meng-chiang-miao 16.878731 204 79 Meng-chiang-miao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Hongxing 5.0762899 205 78 Hongxing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Beikan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 Yantai 13.195624 294 79 Yantai 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Hsin-p'u 9.6093348 185 79 9.6093348 185 79 Ducun 16.878731 204 79 Ducun 4.9383975 204 80 Ducun 4.907592 202 82 Ducun 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 Zhifuzhen 17.93544 294 80 Zhifuzhen 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 11.129701 316 79 Xinzhaizi 12.273618 317 79 Xinzhaizi 13.14841 316 80 Xinzhaizi 11.288903 317 80 Xinzhaizi 10.263241 316 81 Xinzhaizi 10.655565 317 81 Xinzhaizi 5.1844298 316 82 Xinzhaizi 6.3229915 317 82 6.3229915 317 82 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 9.738003 319 80 Wudao 22.803787 320 80 Wudao 6.8199729 321 80 Wudao 11.730245 319 81 Wudao 17.172111 319 82 Wudao 32.53914 320 82 32.53914 320 82 Chongming 16.878731 204 79 Chongming 7.4608971 205 79 Chongming 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 Shuishiying 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Caojing 12.151612 189 79 Caojing 14.339612 190 80 Caojing 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Changzheng 16.878731 204 79 Changzheng 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 Cheefoo 17.93544 294 80 Cheefoo 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 11.129701 316 79 Yingchengzi 12.273618 317 79 Yingchengzi 13.14841 316 80 Yingchengzi 11.288903 317 80 Yingchengzi 10.263241 316 81 Yingchengzi 10.655565 317 81 Yingchengzi 5.1844298 316 82 Yingchengzi 6.3229915 317 82 6.3229915 317 82 Huqiao 14.339612 190 80 Huqiao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 14.466696 203 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 2.1981926 203 81 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 4.907592 202 82 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Houjiazhen 16.878731 204 79 Houjiazhen 7.4608971 205 79 Houjiazhen 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 Qianqikuang 17.93544 294 80 Qianqikuang 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 22.803787 320 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 Jiaoliudao 11.730245 319 81 Jiaoliudao 17.172111 319 82 Jiaoliudao 32.53914 320 82 Jiaoliudao 35.730376 319 84 Jiaoliudao 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Wudongzha 9.1161185 184 83 9.1161185 184 83 Abulug 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Panlong 14.466696 203 80 Panlong 4.9383975 204 80 Panlong 4.907592 202 82 Panlong 3.1855034 203 83 Panlong 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Che-lin 14.339612 190 80 Che-lin 7.7341116 191 81 Che-lin 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Dongdayang 4.907592 202 82 Dongdayang 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baoshan 14.466696 203 80 Baoshan 2.1981926 203 81 Baoshan 4.907592 202 82 Baoshan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Dongfeng 14.466696 203 80 Dongfeng 4.9383975 204 80 Dongfeng 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Donggangcun 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Qiganshi 4.7120089 280 80 Qiganshi 5.0342894 281 82 Qiganshi 7.3238534 281 84 7.3238534 281 84 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 22.803787 320 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 Wu-tao 11.730245 319 81 Wu-tao 17.172111 319 82 Wu-tao 32.53914 320 82 Wu-tao 35.730376 319 84 Wu-tao 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 13.338671 324 80 Taipingzha 9.1161185 184 83 9.1161185 184 83 Xinmin 14.466696 203 80 Xinmin 4.9383975 204 80 Xinmin 4.907592 202 82 Xinmin 3.1855034 203 83 Xinmin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ju-shan-k'ou 4.7120089 280 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.0342894 281 82 Ju-shan-k'ou 7.3238534 281 84 7.3238534 281 84 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 39.563689 311 80 39.563689 311 80 Cabuluan 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cao'antou 4.907592 202 82 Cao'antou 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsin-k'ai-ho 2.1981926 203 81 Hsin-k'ai-ho 4.907592 202 82 Hsin-k'ai-ho 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 Mashanshangzhai 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 Santang 15.055862 325 81 15.055862 325 81 Changjiang 2.1981926 203 81 Changjiang 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Xining 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 10.655565 317 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 6.3229915 317 82 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Feng-p'u-ao 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Ch'ien-chia-ch'iao 7.7341116 191 81 Ch'ien-chia-ch'iao 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Catuguran 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Beishenjiazhai 4.907592 202 82 Beishenjiazhai 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Youcheqiao 4.907592 202 82 Youcheqiao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 13.620834 328 84 Ma-chia-tun 11.090321 329 85 Ma-chia-tun 4.2163928 329 86 4.2163928 329 86 Ch'iu-wang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Lusi 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 6.3229915 317 82 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Ch'ing-shui-hu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Su-chia 6.1446035 191 82 Su-chia 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Muping 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Linao 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Qianjin 4.907592 202 82 Qianjin 3.1855034 203 83 Qianjin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hai-yang-so 8.0972223 280 82 Hai-yang-so 5.0342894 281 82 Hai-yang-so 7.3238534 281 84 7.3238534 281 84 Nanbu 4.907592 202 82 Nanbu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsieh-fu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Bisagu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Wantang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Yangyuan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gaodong 4.907592 202 82 Gaodong 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanhong 14.615235 279 82 Nanhong 8.0972223 280 82 Nanhong 5.0342894 281 82 Nanhong 7.3238534 281 84 7.3238534 281 84 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 Xinghaitun 29.26988 313 86 Xinghaitun 9.8166156 314 86 Xinghaitun 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Panshi 4.907592 202 82 Panshi 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baishatan 5.0342894 281 82 Baishatan 7.3238534 281 84 7.3238534 281 84 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 6.3229915 317 82 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Aparri 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Gulu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gangyan 3.1855034 203 83 Gangyan 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 Dal'niy 15.459068 312 83 Dal'niy 29.26988 313 86 Dal'niy 9.8166156 314 86 Dal'niy 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Alilinu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Daxingzhen 4.5413906 204 87 Daxingzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Gongjiazhen 9.5464842 212 83 9.5464842 212 83 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 Fu-chou-wan 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Gongjialu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanqinghe 4.5413906 204 87 Nanqinghe 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Dongxing 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hexing 3.1855034 203 83 Hexing 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Lao-yu-tang 7.1464408 191 84 Lao-yu-tang 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Hsiang-hua 4.4113937 201 84 Hsiang-hua 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dong'an 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Punta 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cailu 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Bailonggang 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Qianwei 4.4113937 201 84 Qianwei 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 Shang-chuang 16.98741 292 87 Shang-chuang 17.917704 292 88 17.917704 292 88 Ping'an 7.1464408 191 84 Ping'an 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Yuansha 4.4113937 201 84 Yuansha 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsing-i-ts'un 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Wusi 6.0627425 191 85 Wusi 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Ch'en-chia 10.775334 200 85 Ch'en-chia 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Ch'iu-chia-chai 8.8782186 198 87 8.8782186 198 87 Fumin 10.775334 200 85 Fumin 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Dong'anzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Tanglugang 5.3834567 210 87 Tanglugang 6.34959 206 89 6.34959 206 89 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 Jianggezhuang 16.021553 292 86 Jianggezhuang 16.98741 292 87 Jianggezhuang 17.917704 292 88 Jianggezhuang 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Guoyuan 6.0627425 191 85 Guoyuan 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Fengle 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Niupeng 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Hsin-tsao-chen 4.5413906 204 87 Hsin-tsao-chen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Langnuankou 6.1199551 281 85 Langnuankou 3.1296165 283 88 3.1296165 283 88 Yinyang 4.5413906 204 87 Yinyang 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Lao-chiang 6.0394592 197 88 Lao-chiang 11.746561 193 89 Lao-chiang 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Xiaoguan 4.9587606 282 87 Xiaoguan 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 29.26988 313 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Donghai 6.8080325 191 86 Donghai 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Shuyuan 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 29.26988 313 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Xilangnuan 4.9587606 282 87 Xilangnuan 3.1296165 283 88 Xilangnuan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 Huatong 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 Beidianzi 17.917704 292 88 Beidianzi 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 Guizhou 6.2332251 332 88 Guizhou 4.6995199 332 89 Guizhou 8.1513821 333 89 Guizhou 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Wuleidao 9.0202245 281 88 Wuleidao 6.1302265 282 88 Wuleidao 3.1296165 283 88 Wuleidao 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Guoju 28.771507 177 92 Guoju 41.640815 178 93 Guoju 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 Tiancun 20.982913 294 91 Tiancun 29.513482 293 92 Tiancun 27.026601 293 93 27.026601 293 93 Zeku 5.956488 282 89 Zeku 2.9754361 283 89 Zeku 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 Dalijia 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 Teng-sha-ho 13.870654 317 93 Teng-sha-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 Yuanyaocun 20.982913 294 91 Yuanyaocun 29.513482 293 92 Yuanyaocun 27.026601 293 93 27.026601 293 93 Chung-tse 28.771507 177 92 Chung-tse 41.640815 178 93 Chung-tse 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Dinghai 41.640815 178 93 Dinghai 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 Weihai 20.982913 294 91 Weihai 29.513482 293 92 Weihai 27.026601 293 93 27.026601 293 93 Chiao-t'ou 28.771507 177 92 Chiao-t'ou 41.640815 178 93 41.640815 178 93 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 Panyuchwan 5.5322527 335 91 Panyuchwan 3.7448453 335 92 3.7448453 335 92 Ganlan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 Lu-chia-t'un 7.9845756 334 91 Lu-chia-t'un 5.5322527 335 91 Lu-chia-t'un 3.7448453 335 92 Lu-chia-t'un 4.3393171 336 92 Lu-chia-t'un 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 7.9845756 334 91 Wangzhai 5.5322527 335 91 Wangzhai 3.7448453 335 92 Wangzhai 4.3393171 336 92 Wangzhai 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Jinghaiwei 15.213907 280 91 Jinghaiwei 9.4992308 281 91 Jinghaiwei 5.8361838 282 91 Jinghaiwei 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Da'ao 28.771507 177 92 Da'ao 41.640815 178 93 41.640815 178 93 Huangshan 5.8361838 282 91 Huangshan 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 Zaobu 27.026601 293 93 Zaobu 10.598257 291 96 10.598257 291 96 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Luomen 41.640815 178 93 Luomen 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Jen-ho-chi 12.273248 281 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.5358904 282 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.8003059 282 93 7.8003059 282 93 Ta-chan 41.640815 178 93 Ta-chan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 P'u-t'o 10.816907 177 93 P'u-t'o 41.640815 178 93 P'u-t'o 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Qiandao 15.566538 281 93 Qiandao 7.8003059 282 93 Qiandao 10.974932 283 97 10.974932 283 97 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 Wujiatun 13.870654 317 93 Wujiatun 6.2568556 318 93 Wujiatun 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Ch'ih-shan-chi 16.853075 282 96 Ch'ih-shan-chi 10.974932 283 97 10.974932 283 97 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 Jiaxinzi 46.554234 321 98 46.554234 321 98 Shidao 16.14937 281 94 Shidao 16.853075 282 96 Shidao 10.974932 283 97 10.974932 283 97 Laoshantun 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Xizhuang 18.963316 292 95 Xizhuang 10.598257 291 96 Xizhuang 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Ning-ching-so 16.853075 282 96 Ning-ching-so 10.974932 283 97 Ning-ching-so 15.0606 285 99 Ning-ching-so 13.836769 286 99 13.836769 286 99 Dazhuang 18.398227 281 95 Dazhuang 16.853075 282 96 Dazhuang 10.974932 283 97 Dazhuang 15.0606 285 99 15.0606 285 99 Jiurongcheng 10.598257 291 96 Jiurongcheng 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Wolongcun 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 19.266314 317 98 Fangshentun 12.836438 320 98 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 Fangshentun 13.39868 319 101 13.39868 319 101 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 Zhuanghe 7.5158755 323 104 Zhuanghe 4.1820704 323 105 Zhuanghe 30.237123 324 105 Zhuanghe 6.4962088 324 107 6.4962088 324 107 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 5.3016982 323 103 Dafangshen 10.749466 322 104 Dafangshen 7.5158755 323 104 Dafangshen 4.1820704 323 105 Dafangshen 30.237123 324 105 Dafangshen 6.4962088 324 107 6.4962088 324 107 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 7.5158755 323 104 Shishan 4.1820704 323 105 Shishan 30.237123 324 105 Shishan 6.4962088 324 107 6.4962088 324 107 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 10.749466 322 104 Wangjia 7.5158755 323 104 Wangjia 4.1820704 323 105 Wangjia 9.9562786 323 106 Wangjia 6.7388322 323 107 6.7388322 323 107 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 Anzishan 33.424868 326 111 33.424868 326 111 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 33.424868 326 111 33.424868 326 111 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 7.0071058 324 110 Nanjian 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 33.424868 326 111 Nanjian 6.1437471 326 112 6.1437471 326 112 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 15.816522 326 115 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 22.551549 327 116 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 22.551549 327 116 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 2.0039199 326 121 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 3.3570784 325 122 Chogumsa 2.6192342 325 123 Chogumsa 4.8090197 325 125 Chogumsa 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 3.3889949 326 125 Yongampo-ri 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 2.3245131 327 126 Yongampo-ri 16.828935 326 128 16.828935 326 128 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 4.8090197 325 125 Genjo 2.9019132 327 125 Genjo 2.3245131 327 126 Genjo 16.828935 326 128 16.828935 326 128 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 5.3139678 322 128 Yongsapo 7.2149272 322 129 Yongsapo 3.9270985 321 130 Yongsapo 6.6077831 321 131 Yongsapo 8.1506313 322 131 Yongsapo 5.481458 323 131 Yongsapo 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Chandae-dong 67.952825 297 128 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 48.92898 298 129 Chandae-dong 38.636737 299 129 Chandae-dong 56.892045 301 129 Chandae-dong 13.726467 298 130 Chandae-dong 34.749838 300 130 Chandae-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Chandae-dong 16.283558 297 131 Chandae-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Chandae-dong 33.314541 297 132 Chandae-dong 24.830385 298 132 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 63.31624 295 129 Kaju-dong 64.222239 296 129 Kaju-dong 63.668785 297 129 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 4.7590613 297 130 Kaju-dong 13.726467 298 130 Kaju-dong 45.70033 295 131 Kaju-dong 16.283558 297 131 Kaju-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Kaju-dong 18.567548 296 132 Kaju-dong 33.314541 297 132 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 34.749838 300 130 Ch'angam-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Ch'angam-dong 16.949776 302 130 Ch'angam-dong 44.911389 303 130 Ch'angam-dong 42.219176 300 131 Ch'angam-dong 23.864916 301 131 Ch'angam-dong 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 20.322722 300 133 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 5.481458 323 131 Changya-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 41.10869 309 131 Arang-dong 40.371133 310 131 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 17.458806 309 133 Arang-dong 22.606289 310 133 Arang-dong 13.296947 309 134 Arang-dong 8.2722777 310 134 8.2722777 310 134 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 2.8138241 306 131 Sogon-ni 22.711163 307 131 Sogon-ni 16.67789 303 132 Sogon-ni 20.233065 304 132 Sogon-ni 22.175476 305 132 Sogon-ni 16.438775 306 132 Sogon-ni 6.7326396 307 132 Sogon-ni 4.9813939 305 133 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 4.1624577 307 133 Sogon-ni 14.042692 307 134 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.370203 300 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.322722 300 133 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 Monggumpo-ri 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 2.9718768 304 133 Ch'am-ch'on 4.9813939 305 133 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 6.7326396 307 132 Sagi-ri 8.0695346 308 132 Sagi-ri 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 4.1624577 307 133 Sagi-ri 8.4014419 308 133 Sagi-ri 14.042692 307 134 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Chosa-dong 17.458806 309 133 Chosa-dong 22.606289 310 133 Chosa-dong 15.884596 311 133 Chosa-dong 13.296947 309 134 Chosa-dong 8.2722777 310 134 Chosa-dong 6.3796517 311 134 Chosa-dong 13.899396 310 135 Chosa-dong 7.8538984 311 135 Chosa-dong 16.57922 310 136 Chosa-dong 7.6957089 310 137 Chosa-dong 13.50636 311 137 13.50636 311 137 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 9.4330686 324 133 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 4.1624577 307 133 Pungchon 8.4014419 308 133 Pungchon 14.042692 307 134 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 Hyu-dong 17.890888 297 136 Hyu-dong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Hang-ni 96.623511 239 134 96.623511 239 134 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 13.296947 309 134 An-ch'on 8.2722777 310 134 An-ch'on 13.899396 310 135 An-ch'on 16.57922 310 136 An-ch'on 7.6957089 310 137 An-ch'on 7.5753806 310 138 7.5753806 310 138 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 Sondup'yong 17.890888 297 136 Sondup'yong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 17.890888 297 136 Sogang-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Chukhang 87.38565 252 136 87.38565 252 136 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 22.069283 319 140 Yung-ni 18.837876 319 141 18.837876 319 141 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 Hwajin-ni 20.802088 317 139 Hwajin-ni 19.473088 318 139 Hwajin-ni 11.13778 318 140 Hwajin-ni 22.069283 319 140 Hwajin-ni 18.837876 319 141 18.837876 319 141 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 Chungang-ni 22.069283 319 140 Chungang-ni 18.837876 319 141 18.837876 319 141 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 8.9062797 297 146 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Chehang-ni 34.120057 250 146 Chehang-ni 28.084955 251 146 Chehang-ni 26.495829 250 147 Chehang-ni 29.4564 251 147 Chehang-ni 28.577934 250 148 Chehang-ni 19.363829 251 148 19.363829 251 148 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Chibuk 17.419895 249 147 Chibuk 26.495829 250 147 Chibuk 29.4564 251 147 Chibuk 21.956516 252 147 Chibuk 19.363829 251 148 Chibuk 3.0825982 252 148 Chibuk 12.796815 252 149 Chibuk 11.590677 251 150 Chibuk 7.9765838 251 151 7.9765838 251 151 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 9.6271908 284 147 Etsuu 27.647417 285 147 Etsuu 13.93856 286 147 Etsuu 28.085299 287 147 Etsuu 14.286725 288 147 Etsuu 42.246294 288 148 Etsuu 4.9605756 287 149 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Hwangdo 52.68561 271 147 Hwangdo 52.015145 272 147 Hwangdo 57.406962 273 147 Hwangdo 40.254339 274 147 Hwangdo 61.071724 275 147 Hwangdo 41.48292 275 148 Hwangdo 46.001713 275 149 Hwangdo 30.769436 275 150 Hwangdo 26.023157 275 151 26.023157 275 151 Doko-ri 18.049495 249 148 Doko-ri 28.577934 250 148 Doko-ri 19.363829 251 148 Doko-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Doko-ri 12.796815 252 149 Doko-ri 21.810351 253 149 Doko-ri 11.590677 251 150 Doko-ri 7.9765838 251 151 Doko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 4.1033031 250 152 Ant'ae 28.351649 248 148 Ant'ae 18.049495 249 148 Ant'ae 28.577934 250 148 Ant'ae 22.172104 249 149 Ant'ae 12.91663 248 150 Ant'ae 32.156669 246 151 Ant'ae 12.487411 247 151 Ant'ae 29.732133 247 152 Ant'ae 6.734872 248 152 Ant'ae 4.1033031 250 152 4.1033031 250 152 Och'ong 35.99735 269 148 Och'ong 42.348337 270 148 Och'ong 53.312852 271 148 Och'ong 52.760284 272 148 Och'ong 52.172978 273 148 Och'ong 59.378444 273 149 Och'ong 38.956148 273 150 Och'ong 24.548753 271 152 Och'ong 23.725931 272 152 Och'ong 35.515611 273 152 35.515611 273 152 Bunkai-ri 19.363829 251 148 Bunkai-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Bunkai-ri 12.048456 255 148 Bunkai-ri 12.796815 252 149 Bunkai-ri 21.810351 253 149 Bunkai-ri 19.348215 254 149 Bunkai-ri 16.851478 255 149 Bunkai-ri 11.590677 251 150 Bunkai-ri 7.9765838 251 151 Bunkai-ri 4.85565 255 151 Bunkai-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Ach'on 22.172104 249 149 Ach'on 12.796815 252 149 Ach'on 21.810351 253 149 Ach'on 11.590677 251 150 Ach'on 7.9765838 251 151 Ach'on 4.1033031 250 152 4.1033031 250 152 Sep'o 26.95932 245 150 Sep'o 14.005564 246 150 Sep'o 23.360578 247 150 Sep'o 12.91663 248 150 Sep'o 32.156669 246 151 Sep'o 12.487411 247 151 Sep'o 29.732133 247 152 Sep'o 6.734872 248 152 Sep'o 15.413641 248 153 15.413641 248 153 Ikkum-ni 11.590677 251 150 Ikkum-ni 7.9765838 251 151 Ikkum-ni 4.85565 255 151 Ikkum-ni 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Changgo 10.200227 252 150 Changgo 10.563465 255 150 Changgo 23.586617 256 150 Changgo 4.85565 255 151 Changgo 8.6752272 253 152 Changgo 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chogun-mal 12.795995 257 150 Chogun-mal 14.982607 258 150 Chogun-mal 16.037022 259 150 Chogun-mal 14.111078 257 151 Chogun-mal 7.5382908 258 151 Chogun-mal 13.58434 259 151 Chogun-mal 9.5205128 258 153 Chogun-mal 12.540473 257 154 Chogun-mal 2.0395579 258 154 Chogun-mal 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Tengan-ri 6.7307922 254 151 Tengan-ri 4.85565 255 151 Tengan-ri 7.5382908 258 151 Tengan-ri 7.7479813 258 152 Tengan-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Oejongsan 24.294911 278 151 Oejongsan 22.350351 279 151 Oejongsan 30.865036 280 151 Oejongsan 35.76981 281 151 Oejongsan 45.829966 282 151 Oejongsan 23.722503 282 152 Oejongsan 6.7631004 279 153 Oejongsan 8.7245816 278 154 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 Anmal 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Joman-ri 10.549371 243 151 Joman-ri 46.638262 245 151 Joman-ri 32.156669 246 151 Joman-ri 12.487411 247 151 Joman-ri 29.732133 247 152 29.732133 247 152 Soko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Soko-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.5759047 296 153 Muji-ni 3.6487155 295 154 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Songnyong-ni 7.283544 257 152 Songnyong-ni 7.7479813 258 152 Songnyong-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Jindo 29.732133 247 152 Jindo 6.734872 248 152 Jindo 15.413641 248 153 Jindo 8.4904397 249 154 Jindo 8.4344916 248 155 Jindo 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.5759047 296 153 Kyodo 3.6487155 295 154 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Aenang-ni 29.732133 247 152 Aenang-ni 6.734872 248 152 Aenang-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Aenang-ni 8.4344916 248 155 Aenang-ni 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Dongmun 13.622337 279 152 Dongmun 2.7457444 280 152 Dongmun 23.722503 282 152 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 Dongmun 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 23.722503 282 152 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 2.064454 284 153 Oe-dong 25.057613 285 153 Oe-dong 18.679295 284 154 Oe-dong 20.370363 285 154 Oe-dong 26.844518 285 155 Oe-dong 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Hwadong-ni 6.734872 248 152 Hwadong-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Hwadong-ni 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Ch'al-tong 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'al-tong 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 4.0459529 289 153 Chawol-li 18.722716 290 153 Chawol-li 32.197626 289 154 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 24.938064 289 156 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 15.512703 277 153 Sinsong 11.15504 278 153 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 Pususan-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Chungjang 18.939911 275 153 Chungjang 19.490962 276 153 Chungjang 15.512703 277 153 Chungjang 11.15504 278 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 Chungjang 13.911663 275 157 Chungjang 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Kan 17.058279 265 154 Kan 19.152435 266 154 Kan 37.328593 267 154 Kan 21.786611 268 154 Kan 25.060669 269 154 Kan 21.624888 268 155 Kan 18.647344 269 155 Kan 13.065519 268 156 Kan 15.272654 269 156 Kan 5.8870833 266 157 Kan 9.4156985 269 157 Kan 6.1827551 266 158 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 Kan 10.848643 269 158 10.848643 269 158 Tongmokp 10.937449 277 154 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 10.937449 277 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mogpo 8.4904397 249 154 Mogpo 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 P'i-dong 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 Taeya 2.0395579 258 154 Taeya 3.5386389 259 154 Taeya 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changdong 8.4904397 249 154 Changdong 8.4344916 248 155 Changdong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chisa-ri 8.4904397 249 154 Chisa-ri 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 3.6487155 295 154 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Onmok 8.2578121 259 155 Onmok 4.6834766 260 155 Onmok 6.9462647 261 155 Onmok 6.8610422 262 155 Onmok 6.3000664 261 156 Onmok 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 4.6834766 260 155 Changho 6.9462647 261 155 Changho 6.8610422 262 155 Changho 8.7681729 263 155 Changho 8.6657853 264 155 Changho 6.3000664 261 156 Changho 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 5.961837 263 156 Changho 7.7888463 264 156 Changho 2.0153163 263 157 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.8610422 262 155 Chongam 8.7681729 263 155 Chongam 8.6657853 264 155 Chongam 13.708281 265 155 Chongam 15.999725 266 155 Chongam 7.7888463 264 156 Chongam 10.168835 265 156 Chongam 9.5269236 266 156 Chongam 2.0153163 263 157 Chongam 8.1344753 265 157 Chongam 5.8870833 266 157 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Weolam-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Bosei-ri 60.233942 240 155 Bosei-ri 14.672405 244 155 Bosei-ri 15.114194 244 156 Bosei-ri 6.0558519 244 157 Bosei-ri 20.889719 244 158 Bosei-ri 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Anjong 14.672405 244 155 Anjong 12.070416 245 155 Anjong 8.4344916 248 155 Anjong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 26.844518 285 155 Chogumjin-ni 10.688657 285 156 Chogumjin-ni 3.2321102 285 157 3.2321102 285 157 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 12.568597 274 157 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Katsuto 31.019528 242 156 Katsuto 17.62441 243 156 Katsuto 15.114194 244 156 Katsuto 9.121278 245 156 Katsuto 9.4869628 246 156 9.4869628 246 156 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 3.2321102 285 157 Hasambong 22.332942 287 157 Hasambong 9.4314594 286 158 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 Hasambong 16.390027 286 159 Hasambong 4.1419281 285 160 Hasambong 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Chonmak 2.0153163 263 157 Chonmak 8.1344753 265 157 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 10.115317 270 157 Aech'an-ni 9.1861162 271 157 Aech'an-ni 20.453098 272 157 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 4.4998898 274 158 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 14.372923 290 158 Chonghyon-dong 20.027044 289 159 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 Chonghyon-dong 21.66388 289 160 Chonghyon-dong 5.9539673 290 160 Chonghyon-dong 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Haenggan-ni 30.331149 242 157 Haenggan-ni 25.850023 243 157 Haenggan-ni 6.0558519 244 157 Haenggan-ni 20.889719 244 158 Haenggan-ni 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Changsin 2.0153163 263 157 Changsin 8.1344753 265 157 Changsin 5.8870833 266 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 2.241903 267 159 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Wando 14.709748 243 158 Wando 20.889719 244 158 Wando 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Bira-ri 14.709748 243 158 Bira-ri 20.889719 244 158 Bira-ri 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 2.4882243 268 158 Janghang 10.848643 269 158 Janghang 6.1226123 270 158 Janghang 5.1750682 271 158 Janghang 2.5792614 270 159 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 6.1827551 266 158 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 10.848643 269 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 6.1827551 266 158 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 10.848643 269 158 Okhu 6.1226123 270 158 Okhu 2.5792614 270 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 5.9539673 290 160 Masan-ni 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.5792614 270 159 Gunsan 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 4.1419281 285 160 Chunghung-ni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 4.1419281 285 160 Kooni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 5.9539673 290 160 Wonha-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 5.9539673 290 160 Namyang 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 13.369013 247 166 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 13.369013 247 166 Changsu 9.261633 248 166 Changsu 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chinch'ang 13.369013 247 166 Chinch'ang 9.261633 248 166 Chinch'ang 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Aya-ri 13.369013 247 166 Aya-ri 9.261633 248 166 Aya-ri 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Ch'ongam 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Beqlgyo 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Chungwa-ri 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Changdo-ri 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Wonsan 18.792407 318 172 Wonsan 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Tongho-ri 25.508662 324 174 Tongho-ri 14.531539 325 174 Tongho-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Yongpo-ri 25.508662 324 174 Yongpo-ri 14.531539 325 174 Yongpo-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Songhung-ni 23.785546 322 173 Songhung-ni 25.508662 324 174 Songhung-ni 14.531539 325 174 Songhung-ni 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Sangsin 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Wolp'yong 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Anp'o 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Pongch'on 18.792407 318 172 Pongch'on 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Chungbang 4.649772 251 173 Chungbang 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Chakto-dong 14.531539 325 174 Chakto-dong 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Chabong 6.5431578 250 176 Chabong 8.8629034 250 177 8.8629034 250 177 Ch'angch'on 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 Kuge-ri 24.425628 318 174 Kuge-ri 13.180096 317 175 13.180096 317 175 Yeosu 6.5431578 250 176 Yeosu 8.8629034 250 177 Yeosu 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Chukp'o 6.5431578 250 176 Chukp'o 8.8629034 250 177 Chukp'o 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Hungsang-ni 23.221014 326 175 23.221014 326 175 Hangch'on 6.5431578 250 176 Hangch'on 8.8629034 250 177 Hangch'on 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Yongyon-ni 22.452733 326 176 Yongyon-ni 20.032461 327 176 Yongyon-ni 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Tongch-on 23.537237 316 177 23.537237 316 177 Namhae 8.8629034 250 177 Namhae 13.692325 251 177 Namhae 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Kuum-ni 26.656877 314 179 Kuum-ni 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Hongwon 29.49569 328 179 Hongwon 17.433934 329 179 Hongwon 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Pit'o 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Samcheongpo 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Hadajon-ni 26.656877 314 179 Hadajon-ni 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Yuktae-dong 24.445944 328 180 Yuktae-dong 30.921472 329 180 Yuktae-dong 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Cholge 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Changjon 38.393959 313 181 Changjon 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Chabup'o 23.059552 251 182 Chabup'o 28.328886 251 183 28.328886 251 183 Gaken-ri 58.289958 313 182 Gaken-ri 53.537643 312 183 Gaken-ri 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Honam-ni 46.05045 328 182 Honam-ni 32.450534 329 182 Honam-ni 23.762415 330 184 23.762415 330 184 Chop'o 23.059552 251 182 Chop'o 28.328886 251 183 28.328886 251 183 Hongsong 53.537643 312 183 Hongsong 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Chamgae 28.328886 251 183 28.328886 251 183 Soho-ri 60.993912 329 184 Soho-ri 23.762415 330 184 23.762415 330 184 Singhang 83.466108 329 185 Singhang 14.066341 330 185 14.066341 330 185 Kojin-ni 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Pongho-ri 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Chindu 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Changch'on 101.68137 304 189 101.68137 304 189 Masan 6.5417645 256 190 6.5417645 256 190 Yangyang 92.656554 302 190 92.656554 302 190 Ungcheon 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chaho 55.981306 331 187 Chaho 201.29485 331 191 Chaho 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Kuum-ni 43.739011 332 189 Kuum-ni 95.850274 332 190 Kuum-ni 109.91747 332 191 Kuum-ni 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Jinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chuktori 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Hagwangjong-ni 92.656554 302 190 92.656554 302 190 Jangseunpo 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Jumunjin 88.499872 300 192 Jumunjin 96.754011 299 193 96.754011 299 193 Daiko 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Poktokkumi 77.245503 333 191 Poktokkumi 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Noksan 5.0314923 255 191 5.0314923 255 191 Tanchon 77.678648 334 192 Tanchon 157.44386 334 195 Tanchon 52.635641 336 195 52.635641 336 195 Gangneung 130.72343 298 194 Gangneung 142.14821 297 195 Gangneung 94.965767 295 196 94.965767 295 196 Amnam-dong 36.024781 254 193 Amnam-dong 12.905794 255 193 Amnam-dong 3.8541279 256 194 3.8541279 256 194 Kennan-ri 142.14821 297 195 Kennan-ri 94.965767 295 196 Kennan-ri 131.19609 293 198 131.19609 293 198 Busan 3.8541279 256 194 Busan 3.2593723 257 198 3.2593723 257 198 Chungch'on 65.011648 335 194 Chungch'on 52.635641 336 195 52.635641 336 195 Mugho 94.965767 295 196 Mugho 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Samchok 70.964763 294 197 Samchok 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Haeundae 53.983337 255 196 Haeundae 80.669186 255 197 Haeundae 38.86107 256 197 Haeundae 93.766914 255 198 Haeundae 82.884801 256 198 Haeundae 3.2593723 257 198 Haeundae 46.585141 258 199 Haeundae 8.4793305 259 199 8.4793305 259 199 Samcheog 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Si-dong 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Gijang 38.86107 256 197 Gijang 82.884801 256 198 Gijang 3.2593723 257 198 Gijang 46.585141 258 199 Gijang 8.4793305 259 199 8.4793305 259 199 Kuma 117.67533 291 199 Kuma 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Ulsan 31.978345 261 201 Ulsan 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Itose 82.579007 247 202 82.579007 247 202 Nasa 46.585141 258 199 Nasa 8.4793305 259 199 Nasa 31.978345 261 201 Nasa 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Haosan 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Imweonjin 100.99595 290 200 Imweonjin 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Heunghae 46.587638 274 201 Heunghae 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Saka 82.579007 247 202 82.579007 247 202 Byeongyeong 31.978345 261 201 Byeongyeong 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Pohang 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Ganggu 46.587638 274 201 46.587638 274 201 Susuna 82.579007 247 202 Susuna 61.786712 251 202 Susuna 70.129791 249 203 Susuna 55.437964 251 203 55.437964 251 203 Ulijin 106.41455 283 202 Ulijin 108.55845 284 202 Ulijin 88.162087 285 202 Ulijin 85.309642 286 202 85.309642 286 202 Pyonggok-tong 77.981283 277 202 Pyonggok-tong 82.191999 278 202 Pyonggok-tong 66.223288 279 202 66.223288 279 202 Yeonghae 93.232853 276 202 Yeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Yeonghae 66.223288 279 202 66.223288 279 202 Chukpyon 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Mangyang-ni 106.41455 283 202 Mangyang-ni 108.55845 284 202 108.55845 284 202 Bangeojin 78.013329 260 201 Bangeojin 31.978345 261 201 Bangeojin 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Segae-dong 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Chugsan-dong 17.033825 275 201 Chugsan-dong 66.223288 279 202 66.223288 279 202 Pyeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Pyeonghae 66.223288 279 202 Pyeonghae 124.48957 282 203 124.48957 282 203 Kin 82.579007 247 202 Kin 70.129791 249 203 70.129791 249 203 Furusato 82.579007 247 202 Furusato 61.786712 251 202 Furusato 70.129791 249 203 Furusato 55.437964 251 203 55.437964 251 203 Toyo 155.63812 252 200 Toyo 70.129791 249 203 Toyo 55.437964 251 203 55.437964 251 203 Chukchon 6.2203324 263 202 Chukchon 22.450068 264 202 22.450068 264 202 Gampo 55.040343 265 203 Gampo 48.556703 266 203 Gampo 43.615757 267 203 Gampo 6.655122 268 203 6.655122 268 203 Taech'on 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Guryongpo 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Namyang-dong 2179.4052 290 220 Namyang-dong 2084.0219 291 220 Namyang-dong 1937.6108 292 220 Namyang-dong 1785.7039 293 220 Namyang-dong 1591.7211 294 220 1591.7211 294 220 Namyang 2075.8262 290 221 Namyang 1897.4515 291 221 Namyang 1304.2365 292 221 Namyang 1666.7511 293 221 Namyang 2103.6251 294 221 2103.6251 294 221 Kita-kyushu 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Oyama 90.89725 246 221 Oyama 106.52849 247 221 Oyama 95.817357 247 222 Oyama 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Nari 2075.8262 290 221 Nari 1897.4515 291 221 Nari 1304.2365 292 221 Nari 1666.7511 293 221 Nari 2103.6251 294 221 2103.6251 294 221 Yoshimoura 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Murotsuura 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kottoi 43.462609 246 222 Kottoi 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Shimado 43.462609 246 222 Shimado 95.817357 247 222 Shimado 30.646305 246 224 Shimado 86.38903 247 226 86.38903 247 226 Dodong 2143.7278 290 222 Dodong 1457.4611 291 222 Dodong 28.845367 292 222 Dodong 760.4324 293 222 Dodong 2171.8023 294 222 Dodong 2160.5065 294 226 2160.5065 294 226 Yasuoka 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kanda 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Agawa 43.462609 246 222 Agawa 95.817357 247 222 Agawa 30.646305 246 224 Agawa 86.38903 247 226 86.38903 247 226 Shimonoseki 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kawashiri-misaki 43.462609 246 222 Kawashiri-misaki 95.817357 247 222 Kawashiri-misaki 109.05645 248 222 Kawashiri-misaki 95.104782 248 225 Kawashiri-misaki 92.201185 248 226 92.201185 248 226 Tsunemi 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Higashi-fukawa 90.645534 247 223 Higashi-fukawa 30.646305 246 224 Higashi-fukawa 86.38903 247 226 Higashi-fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kawajiri 90.645534 247 223 Kawajiri 105.22953 248 223 Kawajiri 95.104782 248 225 Kawajiri 92.201185 248 226 Kawajiri 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Chofu 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Moji 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Tateishi 30.646305 246 224 Tateishi 95.104782 248 225 Tateishi 92.201185 248 226 Tateishi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Furuichi 30.646305 246 224 Furuichi 86.38903 247 226 Furuichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kihado 89.562093 247 225 Kihado 86.38903 247 226 Kihado 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Hommura 103.14207 249 225 Hommura 108.2507 250 225 Hommura 119.19037 251 225 Hommura 125.03673 252 225 Hommura 109.73013 252 226 Hommura 91.670215 253 226 Hommura 51.904146 252 227 Hommura 62.811021 253 227 Hommura 76.023371 251 228 Hommura 65.446379 252 228 Hommura 67.188382 252 229 Hommura 93.145648 253 229 93.145648 253 229 Fukawa 86.38903 247 226 Fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Senzaki 86.38903 247 226 Senzaki 92.201185 248 226 Senzaki 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Misumi-ichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kayoi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Soto 69.179309 247 228 Soto 48.941218 247 229 Soto 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Sammiura 69.179309 247 228 Sammiura 84.051926 248 228 Sammiura 48.941218 247 229 Sammiura 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Hagi 48.941218 247 229 Hagi 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Hommura 48.941218 247 229 Hommura 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Nako 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Kiyo 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Uta 20.137293 247 231 Uta 88.368792 250 231 Uta 83.779042 250 233 Uta 69.542137 250 234 Uta 48.31583 250 235 48.31583 250 235 Susa 55.069102 248 232 Susa 79.552681 249 232 Susa 86.255886 250 232 Susa 92.4939 251 232 Susa 93.443639 252 232 Susa 96.781686 252 233 Susa 97.564128 252 234 97.564128 252 234 Esaki 74.069933 249 233 Esaki 83.779042 250 233 Esaki 90.998687 251 233 Esaki 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Takatsu 26.521006 250 236 Takatsu 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Masuda 26.521006 250 236 Masuda 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Tsuda 26.521006 250 236 Tsuda 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Misumi 55.604755 251 237 Misumi 86.230975 252 237 Misumi 112.80373 253 237 Misumi 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Murotani 62.759955 252 238 Murotani 107.34727 253 238 Murotani 126.28386 254 238 Murotani 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Chiwa 62.759955 252 238 Chiwa 107.34727 253 238 Chiwa 126.28386 254 238 Chiwa 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Hinashi 62.759955 252 238 Hinashi 107.34727 253 238 Hinashi 126.28386 254 238 Hinashi 133.73524 255 238 Hinashi 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Tabase 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Iwami-naganama 44.788984 252 239 Iwami-naganama 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Nagahama 44.788984 252 239 Nagahama 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hamada 44.788984 252 239 Hamada 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Kami-Kurokawa 60.64226 253 240 Kami-Kurokawa 115.85467 254 240 Kami-Kurokawa 128.95952 255 240 Kami-Kurokawa 113.63255 255 241 Kami-Kurokawa 95.004958 255 242 Kami-Kurokawa 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shimoko 60.64226 253 240 Shimoko 115.85467 254 240 Shimoko 128.95952 255 240 Shimoko 137.47363 256 240 Shimoko 136.50853 256 241 Shimoko 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Togane 60.64226 253 240 Togane 115.85467 254 240 Togane 128.95952 255 240 Togane 137.47363 256 240 Togane 136.50853 256 241 Togane 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Okubo 60.64226 253 240 Okubo 115.85467 254 240 Okubo 128.95952 255 240 Okubo 137.47363 256 240 Okubo 136.50853 256 241 Okubo 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Odani 60.64226 253 240 Odani 115.85467 254 240 Odani 128.95952 255 240 Odani 113.63255 255 241 Odani 95.004958 255 242 Odani 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hashi 60.64226 253 240 Hashi 115.85467 254 240 Hashi 128.95952 255 240 Hashi 137.47363 256 240 Hashi 136.50853 256 241 Hashi 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Uyagawa 88.151072 254 241 Uyagawa 113.63255 255 241 Uyagawa 136.50853 256 241 Uyagawa 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shimo-Arifuko 88.151072 254 241 Shimo-Arifuko 113.63255 255 241 Shimo-Arifuko 136.50853 256 241 Shimo-Arifuko 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Tsunozu 88.151072 254 241 Tsunozu 113.63255 255 241 Tsunozu 136.50853 256 241 Tsunozu 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Waki 88.151072 254 241 Waki 113.63255 255 241 Waki 136.50853 256 241 Waki 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Gotsu 88.151072 254 241 Gotsu 113.63255 255 241 Gotsu 136.50853 256 241 Gotsu 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shioya 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Asari 95.004958 255 242 Asari 115.67638 256 242 Asari 137.13152 257 242 Asari 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Ichimura 95.004958 255 242 Ichimura 115.67638 256 242 Ichimura 137.13152 257 242 Ichimura 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hataguchi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Naka-Tsuchi 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Morimune 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Atada 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Jigozen 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Shimonohama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Miyajima 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kuromatsu 37.836619 255 243 Kuromatsu 12.538645 258 247 12.538645 258 247 Hatsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hazum-Hongo 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Kohama 37.836619 255 243 Kohama 12.538645 258 247 12.538645 258 247 Ichi 37.836619 255 243 Ichi 12.538645 258 247 12.538645 258 247 Yunotsu 37.836619 255 243 Yunotsu 12.538645 258 247 12.538645 258 247 Nakaji 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Itsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kami-Ida 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Nakagumi 76.080611 256 244 Nakagumi 108.16557 257 244 Nakagumi 135.47116 258 244 Nakagumi 127.196 258 245 Nakagumi 96.867382 258 246 Nakagumi 12.538645 258 247 12.538645 258 247 Mino 3.2965007 245 246 Mino 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Omori 76.080611 256 244 Omori 108.16557 257 244 Omori 135.47116 258 244 Omori 143.45926 259 244 Omori 136.60019 259 245 Omori 127.97669 259 246 Omori 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Korenaga 3.2965007 245 246 Korenaga 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nishita 76.080611 256 244 Nishita 108.16557 257 244 Nishita 135.47116 258 244 Nishita 127.196 258 245 Nishita 96.867382 258 246 Nishita 12.538645 258 247 12.538645 258 247 Nimamachi 76.080611 256 244 Nimamachi 108.16557 257 244 Nimamachi 135.47116 258 244 Nimamachi 143.45926 259 244 Nimamachi 136.60019 259 245 Nimamachi 127.97669 259 246 Nimamachi 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Takuno 76.080611 256 244 Takuno 108.16557 257 244 Takuno 135.47116 258 244 Takuno 143.45926 259 244 Takuno 136.60019 259 245 Takuno 127.97669 259 246 Takuno 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Nakanohama 3.2965007 245 246 Nakanohama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Takunomachi 76.080611 256 244 Takunomachi 108.16557 257 244 Takunomachi 135.47116 258 244 Takunomachi 143.45926 259 244 Takunomachi 136.60019 259 245 Takunomachi 127.97669 259 246 Takunomachi 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Hata 3.2965007 245 246 Hata 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kanokawa 3.2965007 245 246 Kanokawa 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hashirajima 2.1518934 242 248 2.1518934 242 248 Ihota 51.856313 241 249 51.856313 241 249 Osu 3.2965007 245 246 Osu 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakago 3.2965007 245 246 Nakago 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakamachi 3.2965007 245 246 Nakamachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiroshima 3.2965007 245 246 Hiroshima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tsukumo 3.2965007 245 246 Tsukumo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Oura 85.859273 257 245 Oura 127.196 258 245 Oura 136.60019 259 245 Oura 127.97669 259 246 Oura 102.98478 259 247 Oura 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Fukae 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Obara 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Oko 2.1518934 242 248 Oko 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Hira 85.859273 257 245 Hira 127.196 258 245 Hira 136.60019 259 245 Hira 127.97669 259 246 Hira 137.14329 260 246 Hira 102.98478 259 247 Hira 124.39472 260 247 Hira 98.667583 260 248 Hira 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Umesako 3.2965007 245 246 Umesako 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kakinoura 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Yumbe 85.859273 257 245 Yumbe 127.196 258 245 Yumbe 136.60019 259 245 Yumbe 127.97669 259 246 Yumbe 102.98478 259 247 Yumbe 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Hitonose 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Torii 85.859273 257 245 Torii 127.196 258 245 Torii 136.60019 259 245 Torii 127.97669 259 246 Torii 137.14329 260 246 Torii 102.98478 259 247 Torii 124.39472 260 247 Torii 98.667583 260 248 Torii 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Etajima 3.2965007 245 246 Etajima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kirikushi 3.2965007 245 246 Kirikushi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Okimi 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Koyo 3.2965007 245 246 Koyo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Yukitsune 85.859273 257 245 Yukitsune 127.196 258 245 Yukitsune 136.60019 259 245 Yukitsune 127.97669 259 246 Yukitsune 102.98478 259 247 Yukitsune 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Sugewa 2.1518934 242 248 Sugewa 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Kutemachi 96.867382 258 246 Kutemachi 127.97669 259 246 Kutemachi 137.14329 260 246 Kutemachi 102.98478 259 247 Kutemachi 124.39472 260 247 Kutemachi 98.667583 260 248 Kutemachi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Oda 96.867382 258 246 Oda 127.97669 259 246 Oda 102.98478 259 247 Oda 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Ryoshida 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kamigumi 3.2965007 245 246 Kamigumi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Sakioku 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Arikiyo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hamazaki 3.2965007 245 246 Hamazaki 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ondo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Fujinowaki 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Takasu 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hane 96.867382 258 246 Hane 127.97669 259 246 Hane 137.14329 260 246 Hane 102.98478 259 247 Hane 124.39472 260 247 Hane 98.667583 260 248 Hane 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Kaita 3.2965007 245 246 Kaita 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Muroo 2.1518934 242 248 Muroo 4.7740481 243 248 Muroo 42.40165 240 250 42.40165 240 250 Ideguchi 96.867382 258 246 Ideguchi 127.97669 259 246 Ideguchi 137.14329 260 246 Ideguchi 102.98478 259 247 Ideguchi 124.39472 260 247 Ideguchi 98.667583 260 248 Ideguchi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Hatami 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kaigoshi 2.1518934 242 248 Kaigoshi 4.7740481 243 248 Kaigoshi 42.40165 240 250 42.40165 240 250 Karoto 2.1518934 242 248 Karoto 4.7740481 243 248 Karoto 42.40165 240 250 42.40165 240 250 Okujo 3.2965007 245 246 Okujo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiradani 3.2965007 245 246 Hiradani 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kure 3.2965007 245 246 Kure 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Osako 2.1518934 242 248 Osako 4.7740481 243 248 Osako 42.40165 240 250 Osako 29.86239 240 251 Osako 41.929864 241 251 Osako 26.376706 242 251 Osako 72.875108 243 251 72.875108 243 251 Jin'yama 8.6907422 244 247 Jin'yama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tagimachi 12.538645 258 247 Tagimachi 102.98478 259 247 Tagimachi 124.39472 260 247 Tagimachi 98.667583 260 248 Tagimachi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Kushi-taki 12.538645 258 247 Kushi-taki 102.98478 259 247 Kushi-taki 124.39472 260 247 Kushi-taki 98.667583 260 248 Kushi-taki 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Nakagori 12.538645 258 247 Nakagori 102.98478 259 247 Nakagori 124.39472 260 247 Nakagori 98.667583 260 248 Nakagori 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Harido 12.538645 258 247 Harido 102.98478 259 247 Harido 124.39472 260 247 Harido 98.667583 260 248 Harido 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Obama 51.856313 241 249 Obama 42.40165 240 250 Obama 29.86239 240 251 Obama 41.929864 241 251 41.929864 241 251 Hiromachi 8.6907422 244 247 Hiromachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Uryu 59.786272 259 248 Uryu 98.667583 260 248 Uryu 21.176113 259 249 Uryu 66.238282 262 251 Uryu 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Hatari 51.856313 241 249 Hatari 42.40165 240 250 Hatari 29.86239 240 251 Hatari 41.929864 241 251 Hatari 34.767233 241 252 34.767233 241 252 Hinomi-saki 59.786272 259 248 Hinomi-saki 98.667583 260 248 Hinomi-saki 21.176113 259 249 Hinomi-saki 66.238282 262 251 Hinomi-saki 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Mutsuki 51.856313 241 249 Mutsuki 42.40165 240 250 Mutsuki 29.86239 240 251 Mutsuki 41.929864 241 251 Mutsuki 34.767233 241 252 34.767233 241 252 Shimojima 2.1518934 242 248 Shimojima 4.7740481 243 248 Shimojima 42.40165 240 250 Shimojima 29.86239 240 251 Shimojima 41.929864 241 251 Shimojima 26.376706 242 251 Shimojima 72.875108 243 251 Shimojima 19.349629 243 252 Shimojima 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Ojizo 2.1518934 242 248 Ojizo 4.7740481 243 248 Ojizo 42.40165 240 250 Ojizo 29.86239 240 251 Ojizo 41.929864 241 251 Ojizo 26.376706 242 251 Ojizo 72.875108 243 251 Ojizo 19.349629 243 252 Ojizo 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Washigasu 42.40165 240 250 Washigasu 29.86239 240 251 Washigasu 24.619908 240 252 24.619908 240 252 Jige 59.786272 259 248 Jige 98.667583 260 248 Jige 21.176113 259 249 Jige 66.238282 262 251 Jige 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Sagiura 59.786272 259 248 Sagiura 98.667583 260 248 Sagiura 21.176113 259 249 Sagiura 66.238282 262 251 Sagiura 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Taisha 59.786272 259 248 Taisha 98.667583 260 248 Taisha 21.176113 259 249 Taisha 66.238282 262 251 Taisha 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Saginoura 59.786272 259 248 Saginoura 98.667583 260 248 Saginoura 21.176113 259 249 Saginoura 66.238282 262 251 Saginoura 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Arakayacho 59.786272 259 248 Arakayacho 98.667583 260 248 Arakayacho 21.176113 259 249 Arakayacho 66.238282 262 251 Arakayacho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Ojimacho 59.786272 259 248 Ojimacho 98.667583 260 248 Ojimacho 21.176113 259 249 Ojimacho 66.238282 262 251 Ojimacho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Kawajiri 2.1518934 242 248 Kawajiri 4.7740481 243 248 Kawajiri 3.0574294 245 248 Kawajiri 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Ebisu 59.786272 259 248 Ebisu 98.667583 260 248 Ebisu 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Sannose 2.1518934 242 248 Sannose 4.7740481 243 248 Sannose 42.40165 240 250 Sannose 29.86239 240 251 Sannose 41.929864 241 251 Sannose 26.376706 242 251 Sannose 72.875108 243 251 Sannose 19.349629 243 252 Sannose 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Osaki-kami-jima 2.1518934 242 248 Osaki-kami-jima 4.7740481 243 248 Osaki-kami-jima 3.0574294 245 248 Osaki-kami-jima 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Inomecho 21.176113 259 249 Inomecho 66.238282 262 251 Inomecho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Harahata 16.64552 242 249 Harahata 8.0319931 242 250 Harahata 26.376706 242 251 Harahata 72.875108 243 251 Harahata 19.349629 243 252 Harahata 8.7747184 244 252 Harahata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyazakari 51.856313 241 249 Miyazakari 16.64552 242 249 Miyazakari 31.536176 241 250 Miyazakari 41.929864 241 251 Miyazakari 26.376706 242 251 Miyazakari 72.875108 243 251 Miyazakari 19.349629 243 252 Miyazakari 8.7747184 244 252 Miyazakari 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Koyo 51.856313 241 249 Koyo 16.64552 242 249 Koyo 31.536176 241 250 Koyo 41.929864 241 251 Koyo 26.376706 242 251 Koyo 72.875108 243 251 Koyo 19.349629 243 252 Koyo 8.7747184 244 252 Koyo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Tado 51.856313 241 249 Tado 16.64552 242 249 Tado 31.536176 241 250 Tado 41.929864 241 251 Tado 26.376706 242 251 Tado 72.875108 243 251 Tado 19.349629 243 252 Tado 8.7747184 244 252 Tado 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hiraki 16.64552 242 249 Hiraki 8.0319931 242 250 Hiraki 26.376706 242 251 Hiraki 72.875108 243 251 Hiraki 19.349629 243 252 Hiraki 8.7747184 244 252 Hiraki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchinoumi 16.64552 242 249 Uchinoumi 8.0319931 242 250 Uchinoumi 26.376706 242 251 Uchinoumi 72.875108 243 251 Uchinoumi 19.349629 243 252 Uchinoumi 8.7747184 244 252 Uchinoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oura 51.856313 241 249 Oura 16.64552 242 249 Oura 42.40165 240 250 Oura 29.86239 240 251 Oura 41.929864 241 251 Oura 26.376706 242 251 Oura 72.875108 243 251 Oura 19.349629 243 252 Oura 8.7747184 244 252 Oura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Upporoi 53.057323 260 249 Upporoi 2.841304 260 250 Upporoi 66.238282 262 251 Upporoi 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Oi 53.057323 260 249 Oi 2.841304 260 250 Oi 66.238282 262 251 Oi 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Mitsuguchi 16.64552 242 249 Mitsuguchi 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsuguchi 26.376706 242 251 Mitsuguchi 72.875108 243 251 Mitsuguchi 19.349629 243 252 Mitsuguchi 8.7747184 244 252 Mitsuguchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozucho 21.176113 259 249 Kozucho 66.238282 262 251 Kozucho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Horie 42.40165 240 250 Horie 29.86239 240 251 Horie 24.619908 240 252 24.619908 240 252 Kami-Oda 72.875108 243 251 Kami-Oda 19.349629 243 252 Kami-Oda 8.7747184 244 252 Kami-Oda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hojo 42.40165 240 250 Hojo 29.86239 240 251 Hojo 41.929864 241 251 Hojo 34.767233 241 252 Hojo 39.500802 241 253 39.500802 241 253 Kazahaya 8.0319931 242 250 Kazahaya 26.376706 242 251 Kazahaya 72.875108 243 251 Kazahaya 19.349629 243 252 Kazahaya 8.7747184 244 252 Kazahaya 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kuchi-Ukacho 2.841304 260 250 Kuchi-Ukacho 66.238282 262 251 Kuchi-Ukacho 14.514249 262 252 Kuchi-Ukacho 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Komatsubara 8.0319931 242 250 Komatsubara 26.376706 242 251 Komatsubara 72.875108 243 251 Komatsubara 19.349629 243 252 Komatsubara 8.7747184 244 252 Komatsubara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchiura 42.40165 240 250 Uchiura 29.86239 240 251 Uchiura 41.929864 241 251 Uchiura 26.376706 242 251 Uchiura 72.875108 243 251 Uchiura 19.349629 243 252 Uchiura 8.7747184 244 252 Uchiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kanashi 72.875108 243 251 Kanashi 19.349629 243 252 Kanashi 8.7747184 244 252 Kanashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Asanamihar 42.40165 240 250 Asanamihar 29.86239 240 251 Asanamihar 41.929864 241 251 Asanamihar 26.376706 242 251 Asanamihar 34.767233 241 252 Asanamihar 7.2322222 242 252 Asanamihar 72.484521 242 253 72.484521 242 253 Agejima 2.841304 260 250 Agejima 66.238282 262 251 Agejima 14.514249 262 252 Agejima 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Mitsu 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsu 26.376706 242 251 Mitsu 72.875108 243 251 Mitsu 19.349629 243 252 Mitsu 8.7747184 244 252 Mitsu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 2.841304 260 250 Hama 66.238282 262 251 Hama 14.514249 262 252 Hama 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Nada 2.841304 260 250 Nada 66.238282 262 251 Nada 14.514249 262 252 Nada 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Kubi 42.40165 240 250 Kubi 29.86239 240 251 Kubi 41.929864 241 251 Kubi 26.376706 242 251 Kubi 72.875108 243 251 Kubi 19.349629 243 252 Kubi 8.7747184 244 252 Kubi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okitomo 29.86239 240 251 Okitomo 41.929864 241 251 Okitomo 26.376706 242 251 Okitomo 72.875108 243 251 Okitomo 19.349629 243 252 Okitomo 8.7747184 244 252 Okitomo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 29.86239 240 251 Hama 41.929864 241 251 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 34.767233 241 252 Hama 7.2322222 242 252 Hama 72.484521 242 253 72.484521 242 253 Ocho 29.86239 240 251 Ocho 41.929864 241 251 Ocho 26.376706 242 251 Ocho 72.875108 243 251 Ocho 19.349629 243 252 Ocho 8.7747184 244 252 Ocho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okushi 41.929864 241 251 Okushi 26.376706 242 251 Okushi 72.875108 243 251 Okushi 19.349629 243 252 Okushi 8.7747184 244 252 Okushi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Daicho 29.86239 240 251 Daicho 41.929864 241 251 Daicho 26.376706 242 251 Daicho 72.875108 243 251 Daicho 19.349629 243 252 Daicho 8.7747184 244 252 Daicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakaura 66.238282 262 251 Sakaura 14.514249 262 252 Sakaura 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Matsuo 29.86239 240 251 Matsuo 41.929864 241 251 Matsuo 26.376706 242 251 Matsuo 34.767233 241 252 Matsuo 7.2322222 242 252 Matsuo 72.484521 242 253 72.484521 242 253 Mitarai 29.86239 240 251 Mitarai 41.929864 241 251 Mitarai 26.376706 242 251 Mitarai 72.875108 243 251 Mitarai 19.349629 243 252 Mitarai 8.7747184 244 252 Mitarai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 72.875108 243 251 Hama 19.349629 243 252 Hama 8.7747184 244 252 Hama 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Akashi 41.929864 241 251 Akashi 26.376706 242 251 Akashi 72.875108 243 251 Akashi 19.349629 243 252 Akashi 8.7747184 244 252 Akashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sukune 72.875108 243 251 Sukune 19.349629 243 252 Sukune 8.7747184 244 252 Sukune 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Nakano 41.929864 241 251 Nakano 26.376706 242 251 Nakano 72.875108 243 251 Nakano 19.349629 243 252 Nakano 8.7747184 244 252 Nakano 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozakai 66.238282 262 251 Kozakai 14.514249 262 252 Kozakai 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Obe 24.619908 240 252 Obe 34.767233 241 252 Obe 7.2322222 242 252 Obe 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Okiura 34.767233 241 252 Okiura 7.2322222 242 252 Okiura 19.349629 243 252 Okiura 8.7747184 244 252 Okiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakata 24.619908 240 252 Sakata 34.767233 241 252 Sakata 7.2322222 242 252 Sakata 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Takehara 19.349629 243 252 Takehara 8.7747184 244 252 Takehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kinoe 34.767233 241 252 Kinoe 7.2322222 242 252 Kinoe 19.349629 243 252 Kinoe 8.7747184 244 252 Kinoe 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Onashi 19.349629 243 252 Onashi 8.7747184 244 252 Onashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shiramizu 7.2322222 242 252 Shiramizu 19.349629 243 252 Shiramizu 8.7747184 244 252 Shiramizu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oi 24.619908 240 252 Oi 34.767233 241 252 Oi 7.2322222 242 252 Oi 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Takasakicho 19.349629 243 252 Takasakicho 8.7747184 244 252 Takasakicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Ono 24.619908 240 252 Ono 34.767233 241 252 Ono 7.2322222 242 252 Ono 72.484521 242 253 72.484521 242 253 Takasaki 19.349629 243 252 Takasaki 8.7747184 244 252 Takasaki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Namikata 24.619908 240 252 Namikata 34.767233 241 252 Namikata 7.2322222 242 252 Namikata 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Munagata 34.767233 241 252 Munagata 7.2322222 242 252 Munagata 19.349629 243 252 Munagata 8.7747184 244 252 Munagata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mitabe 164.86729 269 252 Mitabe 144.14125 269 253 Mitabe 166.69498 271 253 Mitabe 173.95197 272 253 Mitabe 121.19467 269 254 Mitabe 82.069765 271 254 Mitabe 136.07093 272 254 Mitabe 91.853673 272 255 Mitabe 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Fukuda 19.349629 243 252 Fukuda 8.7747184 244 252 Fukuda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Dozen 164.86729 269 252 Dozen 144.14125 269 253 Dozen 166.69498 271 253 Dozen 173.95197 272 253 Dozen 121.19467 269 254 Dozen 82.069765 271 254 Dozen 136.07093 272 254 Dozen 91.853673 272 255 Dozen 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hasihama 24.619908 240 252 Hasihama 34.767233 241 252 Hasihama 7.2322222 242 252 Hasihama 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Kuchisubo 34.767233 241 252 Kuchisubo 7.2322222 242 252 Kuchisubo 19.349629 243 252 Kuchisubo 8.7747184 244 252 Kuchisubo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Aikamachi 14.514249 262 252 Aikamachi 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Kinehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Chinzaki 144.14125 269 253 Chinzaki 166.69498 271 253 Chinzaki 173.95197 272 253 Chinzaki 121.19467 269 254 Chinzaki 82.069765 271 254 Chinzaki 136.07093 272 254 Chinzaki 91.853673 272 255 Chinzaki 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Etomo 91.852351 263 253 Etomo 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Tadanoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Urago 144.14125 269 253 Urago 166.69498 271 253 Urago 173.95197 272 253 Urago 121.19467 269 254 Urago 82.069765 271 254 Urago 136.07093 272 254 Urago 91.853673 272 255 Urago 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Higai 72.484521 242 253 Higai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyanoura 39.500802 241 253 Miyanoura 72.484521 242 253 Miyanoura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Terasu 91.852351 263 253 Terasu 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Tamagi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Imabari 39.500802 241 253 Imabari 72.484521 242 253 Imabari 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Sada-Miyauchi 91.852351 263 253 Sada-Miyauchi 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Funakoshi 144.14125 269 253 Funakoshi 166.69498 271 253 Funakoshi 173.95197 272 253 Funakoshi 121.19467 269 254 Funakoshi 82.069765 271 254 Funakoshi 136.07093 272 254 Funakoshi 91.853673 272 255 Funakoshi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hashi 144.14125 269 253 Hashi 166.69498 271 253 Hashi 173.95197 272 253 Hashi 121.19467 269 254 Hashi 82.069765 271 254 Hashi 136.07093 272 254 Hashi 91.853673 272 255 Hashi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Inokuchi 72.484521 242 253 Inokuchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mukuna 39.500802 241 253 Mukuna 72.484521 242 253 Mukuna 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shimogumi 91.852351 263 253 Shimogumi 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Kitaura 39.500802 241 253 Kitaura 72.484521 242 253 72.484521 242 253 Sakai 72.484521 242 253 Sakai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Urumi 133.67207 268 253 Urumi 118.2324 268 254 Urumi 90.540608 268 255 Urumi 91.853673 272 255 Urumi 72.084719 272 256 Urumi 78.245891 268 257 78.245891 268 257 Niburi 133.67207 268 253 Niburi 118.2324 268 254 Niburi 90.540608 268 255 Niburi 91.853673 272 255 Niburi 72.084719 272 256 Niburi 78.245891 268 257 78.245891 268 257 Noji 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Go-Sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Hama-sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Ryomei 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minamiura 53.506904 242 254 Minamiura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Mitajiri 121.19467 269 254 Mitajiri 82.069765 271 254 Mitajiri 136.07093 272 254 Mitajiri 91.853673 272 255 Mitajiri 72.084719 272 256 Mitajiri 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Beppu 121.19467 269 254 Beppu 82.069765 271 254 Beppu 136.07093 272 254 Beppu 91.853673 272 255 Beppu 72.084719 272 256 Beppu 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Kori 118.2324 268 254 Kori 90.540608 268 255 Kori 91.853673 272 255 Kori 72.084719 272 256 Kori 78.245891 268 257 Kori 79.941012 268 258 79.941012 268 258 Saiwaishinden 53.506904 242 254 Saiwaishinden 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Oyama 121.19467 269 254 Oyama 82.069765 271 254 Oyama 136.07093 272 254 Oyama 91.853673 272 255 Oyama 72.084719 272 256 Oyama 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Seto 53.506904 242 254 Seto 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Niregi 82.589962 263 254 Niregi 61.276459 264 258 61.276459 264 258 Kuratani 121.19467 269 254 Kuratani 82.069765 271 254 Kuratani 136.07093 272 254 Kuratani 91.853673 272 255 Kuratani 72.084719 272 256 Kuratani 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Usuge 118.2324 268 254 Usuge 90.540608 268 255 Usuge 91.853673 272 255 Usuge 72.084719 272 256 Usuge 78.245891 268 257 Usuge 79.941012 268 258 79.941012 268 258 Hama 82.589962 263 254 Hama 61.276459 264 258 61.276459 264 258 Yosokuni 53.506904 242 254 Yosokuni 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuranotani 121.19467 269 254 Kuranotani 82.069765 271 254 Kuranotani 136.07093 272 254 Kuranotani 91.853673 272 255 Kuranotani 72.084719 272 256 Kuranotani 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Wadacho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuwaki 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Miyakubo 53.506904 242 254 Miyakubo 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Uga 121.19467 269 254 Uga 82.069765 271 254 Uga 136.07093 272 254 Uga 91.853673 272 255 Uga 72.084719 272 256 Uga 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Tomoura 53.506904 242 254 Tomoura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Fukui 121.19467 269 254 Fukui 82.069765 271 254 Fukui 136.07093 272 254 Fukui 91.853673 272 255 Fukui 72.084719 272 256 Fukui 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Aoya 118.2324 268 254 Aoya 90.540608 268 255 Aoya 91.853673 272 255 Aoya 72.084719 272 256 Aoya 78.245891 268 257 Aoya 79.941012 268 258 79.941012 268 258 Hinozu 121.19467 269 254 Hinozu 82.069765 271 254 Hinozu 136.07093 272 254 Hinozu 91.853673 272 255 Hinozu 72.084719 272 256 Hinozu 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Sunamicho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kone 53.506904 242 254 Kone 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Saki 118.2324 268 254 Saki 90.540608 268 255 Saki 91.853673 272 255 Saki 72.084719 272 256 Saki 78.245891 268 257 Saki 79.941012 268 258 79.941012 268 258 Setoda 53.506904 242 254 Setoda 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minami 121.19467 269 254 Minami 82.069765 271 254 Minami 136.07093 272 254 Minami 91.853673 272 255 Minami 72.084719 272 256 Minami 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Tako 82.589962 263 254 Tako 61.276459 264 258 61.276459 264 258 Oi 118.2324 268 254 Oi 90.540608 268 255 Oi 91.853673 272 255 Oi 72.084719 272 256 Oi 78.245891 268 257 Oi 79.941012 268 258 79.941012 268 258 Kitabun 121.19467 269 254 Kitabun 82.069765 271 254 Kitabun 136.07093 272 254 Kitabun 91.853673 272 255 Kitabun 72.084719 272 256 Kitabun 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Nonami 58.761116 263 255 Nonami 61.276459 264 258 Nonami 56.677483 264 259 56.677483 264 259 Utsuka 89.335964 269 255 Utsuka 91.853673 272 255 Utsuka 72.084719 272 256 Utsuka 76.997991 269 258 Utsuka 105.13588 269 259 Utsuka 130.05385 270 259 130.05385 270 259 Chichii 89.335964 269 255 Chichii 91.853673 272 255 Chichii 72.084719 272 256 Chichii 76.997991 269 258 Chichii 105.13588 269 259 Chichii 130.05385 270 259 130.05385 270 259 Hobomi 89.335964 269 255 Hobomi 91.853673 272 255 Hobomi 72.084719 272 256 Hobomi 76.997991 269 258 Hobomi 105.13588 269 259 Hobomi 130.05385 270 259 130.05385 270 259 Toyota 89.335964 269 255 Toyota 91.853673 272 255 Toyota 72.084719 272 256 Toyota 76.997991 269 258 Toyota 105.13588 269 259 Toyota 130.05385 270 259 130.05385 270 259 Nota 89.335964 269 255 Nota 91.853673 272 255 Nota 72.084719 272 256 Nota 76.997991 269 258 Nota 105.13588 269 259 Nota 130.05385 270 259 130.05385 270 259 Chikumi 58.761116 263 255 Chikumi 61.276459 264 258 Chikumi 56.677483 264 259 56.677483 264 259 Mambara 58.761116 263 255 Mambara 61.276459 264 258 Mambara 56.677483 264 259 56.677483 264 259 Nagaoda 72.084719 272 256 Nagaoda 112.79156 275 258 Nagaoda 22.247848 272 259 Nagaoda 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Katae 57.606975 264 256 Katae 61.355419 264 257 Katae 61.276459 264 258 Katae 56.677483 264 259 Katae 16.831275 262 260 Katae 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Yui 72.084719 272 256 Yui 112.79156 275 258 Yui 22.247848 272 259 Yui 149.12927 271 260 149.12927 271 260 Fukura 72.084719 272 256 Fukura 112.79156 275 258 Fukura 22.247848 272 259 Fukura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Moriyama 57.606975 264 256 Moriyama 61.355419 264 257 Moriyama 61.276459 264 258 Moriyama 56.677483 264 259 Moriyama 16.831275 262 260 Moriyama 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nagu 72.084719 272 256 Nagu 112.79156 275 258 Nagu 22.247848 272 259 Nagu 149.12927 271 260 149.12927 271 260 Wataricho 57.606975 264 256 Wataricho 61.355419 264 257 Wataricho 61.276459 264 258 Wataricho 56.677483 264 259 Wataricho 16.831275 262 260 Wataricho 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Tonoecho 57.606975 264 256 Tonoecho 61.355419 264 257 Tonoecho 61.276459 264 258 Tonoecho 56.677483 264 259 Tonoecho 16.831275 262 260 Tonoecho 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Otsugu 72.084719 272 256 Otsugu 112.79156 275 258 Otsugu 22.247848 272 259 Otsugu 149.12927 271 260 149.12927 271 260 Watari 57.606975 264 256 Watari 61.355419 264 257 Watari 61.276459 264 258 Watari 56.677483 264 259 Watari 16.831275 262 260 Watari 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Shichirui 57.606975 264 256 Shichirui 61.355419 264 257 Shichirui 61.276459 264 258 Shichirui 56.677483 264 259 Shichirui 16.831275 262 260 Shichirui 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Shiro 72.084719 272 256 Shiro 112.79156 275 258 Shiro 22.247848 272 259 Shiro 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kumi 72.084719 272 256 Kumi 112.79156 275 258 Kumi 22.247848 272 259 Kumi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Naguchi 64.009701 272 257 Naguchi 84.450975 273 257 Naguchi 112.79156 275 258 Naguchi 22.247848 272 259 Naguchi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Minamigata 64.009701 272 257 Minamigata 84.450975 273 257 Minamigata 112.79156 275 258 Minamigata 22.247848 272 259 Minamigata 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamisato 17.898566 271 257 Kamisato 64.009701 272 257 Kamisato 84.450975 273 257 Kamisato 112.79156 275 258 Kamisato 22.247848 272 259 Kamisato 149.12927 271 260 Kamisato 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Mukoyama 17.898566 271 257 Mukoyama 64.009701 272 257 Mukoyama 84.450975 273 257 Mukoyama 112.79156 275 258 Mukoyama 22.247848 272 259 Mukoyama 149.12927 271 260 Mukoyama 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Tsudo 74.580521 270 257 Tsudo 84.450975 273 257 Tsudo 99.890666 270 258 Tsudo 130.05385 270 259 Tsudo 145.65687 270 260 145.65687 270 260 Takenouchicho 61.355419 264 257 Takenouchicho 61.276459 264 258 Takenouchicho 56.677483 264 259 Takenouchicho 16.831275 262 260 Takenouchicho 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Sakai-Minato 61.355419 264 257 Sakai-Minato 61.276459 264 258 Sakai-Minato 56.677483 264 259 Sakai-Minato 16.831275 262 260 Sakai-Minato 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Fukuura 61.355419 264 257 Fukuura 61.276459 264 258 Fukuura 56.677483 264 259 Fukuura 16.831275 262 260 Fukuura 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Yoshizu 61.355419 264 257 Yoshizu 61.276459 264 258 Yoshizu 56.677483 264 259 Yoshizu 16.831275 262 260 Yoshizu 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Koii 64.009701 272 257 Koii 84.450975 273 257 Koii 112.79156 275 258 Koii 22.247848 272 259 Koii 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kori 64.009701 272 257 Kori 84.450975 273 257 Kori 112.79156 275 258 Kori 22.247848 272 259 Kori 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 O-Shinozucho 61.355419 264 257 O-Shinozucho 61.276459 264 258 O-Shinozucho 56.677483 264 259 O-Shinozucho 16.831275 262 260 O-Shinozucho 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kitagata 64.009701 272 257 Kitagata 84.450975 273 257 Kitagata 112.79156 275 258 Kitagata 22.247848 272 259 Kitagata 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Yamad 64.009701 272 257 Yamad 84.450975 273 257 Yamad 112.79156 275 258 Yamad 22.247848 272 259 Yamad 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kumozu 61.355419 264 257 Kumozu 61.276459 264 258 Kumozu 56.677483 264 259 Kumozu 16.831275 262 260 Kumozu 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Utagi 17.898566 271 257 Utagi 64.009701 272 257 Utagi 84.450975 273 257 Utagi 112.79156 275 258 Utagi 22.247848 272 259 Utagi 149.12927 271 260 Utagi 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Igo 64.009701 272 257 Igo 84.450975 273 257 Igo 112.79156 275 258 Igo 22.247848 272 259 Igo 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamiguchi 61.355419 264 257 Kamiguchi 61.276459 264 258 Kamiguchi 56.677483 264 259 Kamiguchi 16.831275 262 260 Kamiguchi 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kamo 74.580521 270 257 Kamo 84.450975 273 257 Kamo 99.890666 270 258 Kamo 130.05385 270 259 Kamo 145.65687 270 260 145.65687 270 260 Kambi 74.580521 270 257 Kambi 84.450975 273 257 Kambi 99.890666 270 258 Kambi 130.05385 270 259 Kambi 145.65687 270 260 145.65687 270 260 Higuchi 61.355419 264 257 Higuchi 61.276459 264 258 Higuchi 56.677483 264 259 Higuchi 16.831275 262 260 Higuchi 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Goto 16.831275 262 260 Goto 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nishimura 64.009701 272 257 Nishimura 84.450975 273 257 Nishimura 112.79156 275 258 Nishimura 22.247848 272 259 Nishimura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Harada 96.292275 271 258 Harada 112.79156 275 258 Harada 22.247848 272 259 Harada 149.12927 271 260 Harada 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kamidani 61.276459 264 258 Kamidani 56.677483 264 259 Kamidani 16.831275 262 260 Kamidani 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Mihonoseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonoseki 56.677483 264 259 Mihonoseki 16.831275 262 260 Mihonoseki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Ikeda 96.292275 271 258 Ikeda 112.79156 275 258 Ikeda 22.247848 272 259 Ikeda 149.12927 271 260 Ikeda 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Nakamura 63.004105 272 258 Nakamura 112.79156 275 258 Nakamura 22.247848 272 259 Nakamura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Nishida 96.292275 271 258 Nishida 112.79156 275 258 Nishida 22.247848 272 259 Nishida 149.12927 271 260 Nishida 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Mihonseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonseki 56.677483 264 259 Mihonseki 16.831275 262 260 Mihonseki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Minoura 99.890666 270 258 Minoura 130.05385 270 259 Minoura 145.65687 270 260 Minoura 166.99124 270 262 166.99124 270 262 Abe 16.831275 262 260 Abe 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Gonya 63.004105 272 258 Gonya 112.79156 275 258 Gonya 22.247848 272 259 Gonya 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Misaki 99.890666 270 258 Misaki 130.05385 270 259 Misaki 145.65687 270 260 Misaki 166.99124 270 262 166.99124 270 262 Araki 96.292275 271 258 Araki 112.79156 275 258 Araki 22.247848 272 259 Araki 149.12927 271 260 Araki 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Yonago 16.831275 262 260 Yonago 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Takei 96.292275 271 258 Takei 112.79156 275 258 Takei 22.247848 272 259 Takei 149.12927 271 260 Takei 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Sei 96.292275 271 258 Sei 112.79156 275 258 Sei 22.247848 272 259 Sei 149.12927 271 260 Sei 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Iibi 63.004105 272 258 Iibi 112.79156 275 258 Iibi 22.247848 272 259 Iibi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Togo 96.292275 271 258 Togo 112.79156 275 258 Togo 22.247848 272 259 Togo 149.12927 271 260 Togo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Iida 96.292275 271 258 Iida 112.79156 275 258 Iida 22.247848 272 259 Iida 149.12927 271 260 Iida 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Higashi-Fukuhara 16.831275 262 260 Higashi-Fukuhara 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Uzuki 63.004105 272 258 Uzuki 112.79156 275 258 Uzuki 22.247848 272 259 Uzuki 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kami-fukubara 16.831275 262 260 Kami-fukubara 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kaike-Onsen 16.831275 262 260 Kaike-Onsen 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Saigo 96.292275 271 258 Saigo 112.79156 275 258 Saigo 22.247848 272 259 Saigo 149.12927 271 260 Saigo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Inugu 123.16414 271 259 Inugu 22.247848 272 259 Inugu 149.12927 271 260 Inugu 160.1488 271 261 Inugu 170.09492 271 263 Inugu 155.17309 272 263 155.17309 272 263 Kama 123.16414 271 259 Kama 22.247848 272 259 Kama 149.12927 271 260 Kama 160.1488 271 261 Kama 170.09492 271 263 Kama 155.17309 272 263 155.17309 272 263 Oku 123.16414 271 259 Oku 22.247848 272 259 Oku 149.12927 271 260 Oku 160.1488 271 261 Oku 170.09492 271 263 Oku 155.17309 272 263 155.17309 272 263 Kuzumo 16.831275 262 260 Kuzumo 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Soda 16.831275 262 260 Soda 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kaya 16.831275 262 260 Kaya 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kawaoka 16.831275 262 260 Kawaoka 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Odaka 16.831275 262 260 Odaka 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Sueyoshi 16.831275 262 260 Sueyoshi 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Muki 16.831275 262 260 Muki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Yodoe 16.831275 262 260 Yodoe 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nawa 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Kami Daison 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Shitatsubo 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Takahashi 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Nagano 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Uwaichi 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Akasaka 38.59997 263 262 Akasaka 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Uematsu 38.59997 263 262 Uematsu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Hata 38.59997 263 262 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263 265 Kanaya 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Ichii 23.070462 246 268 23.070462 246 268 Sugishita 37.089394 263 264 Sugishita 44.64503 263 265 Sugishita 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Shimontane 37.089394 263 264 Shimontane 44.64503 263 265 Shimontane 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Otani 37.089394 263 264 Otani 44.64503 263 265 Otani 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yura 37.089394 263 264 Yura 44.64503 263 265 Yura 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Maragume 23.070462 246 268 23.070462 246 268 Yurajuku 37.089394 263 264 Yurajuku 44.64503 263 265 Yurajuku 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yurashuku 37.089394 263 264 Yurashuku 44.64503 263 265 Yurashuku 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Nishisono 37.089394 263 264 Nishisono 44.64503 263 265 Nishisono 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Seto 44.64503 263 265 Seto 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kitano 44.64503 263 265 Kitano 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yonesato 44.64503 263 265 Yonesato 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Simotui 23.070462 246 268 Simotui 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Yumihara 44.64503 263 265 Yumihara 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Ajino 23.070462 246 268 Ajino 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Utazu 23.070462 246 268 Utazu 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Ekita 44.64503 263 265 Ekita 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Koda 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Shinden 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kaita 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Nagase 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Sakaide 23.070462 246 268 Sakaide 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Tajiri 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Egita 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kodota 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Shimo Asozu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kami Asozu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Hashizu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Oyabu 23.070462 246 268 Oyabu 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Matsuzaki 44.868822 263 267 Matsuzaki 69.882882 264 267 Matsuzaki 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Hara 44.868822 263 267 Hara 69.882882 264 267 Hara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Urushihara 44.868822 263 267 Urushihara 69.882882 264 267 Urushihara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Uno 23.070462 246 268 Uno 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Tomari 44.868822 263 267 Tomari 69.882882 264 267 Tomari 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Tamano 23.070462 246 268 Tamano 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Narutake 44.868822 263 267 Narutake 69.882882 264 267 Narutake 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Yuturiha 23.070462 246 268 Yuturiha 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Yoshikawa 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Okuzaki 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in 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OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! ....remove.... case delft3d 2020-08-04 12:00:00 ret= 0 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False finalizing for TAT ... 2020-08-04 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 False delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/ (289, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Erdaogou 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Binhaicun 19.666559 309 24 Binhaicun 23.439165 311 24 Binhaicun 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Tangjiahe 19.666559 309 24 Tangjiahe 23.439165 311 24 Tangjiahe 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 23.439165 311 24 Baishuitou 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Lijiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 Gaoshalingcun 18.882857 313 25 18.882857 313 25 Zhaojiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Liuhongbo 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Xujiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 Dagu 18.882857 313 25 Dagu 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 18.882857 313 25 Tanggu 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 2.2402331 315 27 Pehtang 3.998393 316 27 Pehtang 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 3.998393 316 27 Qingtuozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 3.998393 316 27 Caijiapu 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 Shuangqiaozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 Heiyanzi 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 8.895146 315 31 Beipu 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 9.3410776 314 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 Nancaoji 2.0003162 315 38 Nancaoji 3.7314449 316 38 Nancaoji 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 Liu-tsan 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 Dazhuanghe 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 6.5440418 316 41 Yang-chiao 6.7658682 289 45 6.7658682 289 45 Hanjiang 4.884141 111 49 Hanjiang 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Yancangcheng 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Hsing-chuang 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Haitou 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Shiqiao 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Chiang-k'ou 4.884141 111 49 Chiang-k'ou 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Hsia-k'ou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Jiuliqi 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Daitou 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Che-wang 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 Tuanlin 13.48162 322 49 Tuanlin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Fenshui 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Pinghai 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 2.4748921 324 50 Dapuhe 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Yuxi 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Andongwei 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tangbian 4.884141 111 49 Tangbian 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 Xihenancun 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Xugou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Shicheng 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Lanshantou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Taolekow 4.2500724 257 51 4.2500724 257 51 Jiangjing 4.884141 111 49 Jiangjing 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Liujiazhai 7.0120592 258 52 7.0120592 258 52 Dongxi Liandao 3.7698366 249 50 Dongxi Liandao 2.4063058 251 50 2.4063058 251 50 Nanri 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Longtian 4.547549 112 50 4.547549 112 50 Gangtou 5.4590452 111 50 Gangtou 4.547549 112 50 4.547549 112 50 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 San Shah 3.150623 111 51 San Shah 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Gaoshan 20.832558 110 51 Gaoshan 3.150623 111 51 Gaoshan 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Fuye 20.832558 110 51 20.832558 110 51 Shijiusuo 7.0120592 258 52 7.0120592 258 52 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 9.9637259 327 54 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 Shanhaiguan 12.996902 329 58 12.996902 329 58 Yanweigang 3.7995859 249 55 Yanweigang 2.1817413 247 57 2.1817413 247 57 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 Nanhai 3.1789176 329 57 Nanhai 15.073959 328 58 Nanhai 12.996902 329 58 Nanhai 8.5678236 329 59 Nanhai 16.026875 330 59 16.026875 330 59 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 5.8558936 263 55 5.8558936 263 55 Hutouya 2.0267187 287 55 Hutouya 6.8491467 287 56 6.8491467 287 56 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 Wan-chia-t'un 13.614078 328 57 Wan-chia-t'un 3.1789176 329 57 Wan-chia-t'un 15.073959 328 58 Wan-chia-t'un 12.996902 329 58 Wan-chia-t'un 8.5678236 329 59 Wan-chia-t'un 16.026875 330 59 Wan-chia-t'un 2.1211945 330 60 2.1211945 330 60 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 13.614078 328 57 Qiangzili 3.1789176 329 57 Qiangzili 15.073959 328 58 Qiangzili 12.996902 329 58 Qiangzili 8.5678236 329 59 Qiangzili 16.026875 330 59 Qiangzili 2.1211945 330 60 2.1211945 330 60 Xiahecheng 10.073142 263 56 10.073142 263 56 Zhangjialou 7.463872 265 59 7.463872 265 59 Dayuan 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Hongshiya 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Lingshanwei 6.2537308 267 61 Lingshanwei 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Hsin-chuang 9.3603672 292 61 9.3603672 292 61 Houwan 6.7995416 268 62 Houwan 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Yantaiqian 6.2537308 267 61 Yantaiqian 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Xianlang 6.7995416 268 62 Xianlang 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Qimudao 12.014129 293 61 Qimudao 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Liuduo 3.6349543 242 65 3.6349543 242 65 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 7.0709729 292 62 Ta-yu-chien 4.1783146 246 62 4.1783146 246 62 Beizhuang 18.338013 267 62 Beizhuang 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 2.0228224 272 63 Ch'ing-tao 8.8871129 273 63 Ch'ing-tao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Sifang 6.4712836 271 63 Sifang 2.0228224 272 63 Sifang 8.8871129 273 63 Sifang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Chengyang 2.0228224 272 63 Chengyang 8.8871129 273 63 Chengyang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Qingdao 6.4712836 271 63 Qingdao 2.0228224 272 63 Qingdao 8.8871129 273 63 Qingdao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Fushansuo 11.126148 269 64 Fushansuo 19.271288 271 64 Fushansuo 2.5193449 272 64 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Huangshagang 12.410759 238 67 12.410759 238 67 Shuangyangzha 14.317102 239 66 Shuangyangzha 4.5126978 241 66 4.5126978 241 66 Ts'ang-k'ou 24.269815 270 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 19.271288 271 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 2.5193449 272 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 19.271288 271 64 Hsien-chia-chai 2.5193449 272 64 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 T'ang-sheng-chiang 12.410759 238 67 12.410759 238 67 Dongxiaohai 14.317102 239 66 14.317102 239 66 Xinyanggang 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Shazikou 20.069832 269 66 Shazikou 21.232042 269 67 Shazikou 26.667751 269 68 Shazikou 29.557382 269 69 Shazikou 27.534442 269 70 27.534442 269 70 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 Shahousuo 11.244679 335 70 11.244679 335 70 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 12.225514 296 67 Wanggezhuang 22.958528 272 71 Wanggezhuang 6.6305521 273 71 Wanggezhuang 7.8042088 274 71 Wanggezhuang 2.1714545 275 71 Wanggezhuang 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 12.225514 296 67 Aoshanwei 6.6305521 273 71 Aoshanwei 7.8042088 274 71 Aoshanwei 2.1714545 275 71 Aoshanwei 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Chiu-hsiang-chen 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 11.497985 297 72 11.497985 297 72 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 11.497985 297 72 11.497985 297 72 Chin-chia-k'ou 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Huangwan 25.4412 184 73 Huangwan 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Dongtaihezha 8.3752368 226 73 8.3752368 226 73 Liulishe 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Wangcun 2.1714545 275 71 Wangcun 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Wali 7.8042088 274 71 Wali 2.1714545 275 71 Wali 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Ganpu 25.4412 184 73 Ganpu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Hsieh-t'ang 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Liu-tsao 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xingcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Haiyan 17.456245 185 73 Haiyan 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Changchuanba 25.4412 184 73 Changchuanba 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Bixishi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Xizhoushi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsin-k'ai-kang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Baizhuzhen 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Ta-shan 4.9173076 277 75 Ta-shan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Linshan 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Changqian 5.4299814 186 75 Changqian 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Xitang 4.6144463 187 75 Xitang 2.5800153 188 75 Xitang 7.4155752 188 76 Xitang 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Lao-wu-shih 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Dashan 4.9173076 277 75 Dashan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Da'an 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 4.6144463 187 75 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 2.5800153 188 75 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 7.4155752 188 76 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Ri'aitang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Laochangbu 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chou-hung-ch'iu 2.4716733 184 74 Chou-hung-ch'iu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Cheng-chia-tai 4.6144463 187 75 Cheng-chia-tai 2.5800153 188 75 Cheng-chia-tai 7.4155752 188 76 Cheng-chia-tai 23.525967 188 77 Cheng-chia-tai 10.69716 188 78 Cheng-chia-tai 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Heng-pa-ts'un 2.4716733 184 74 Heng-pa-ts'un 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 Dajijia 17.458593 297 75 Dajijia 14.503721 296 76 Dajijia 16.990276 296 77 Dajijia 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 Lo-ho-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiung-ting-yu 2.4716733 184 74 Hsiung-ting-yu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Zhapu 4.6144463 187 75 Zhapu 2.5800153 188 75 Zhapu 7.4155752 188 76 Zhapu 23.525967 188 77 Zhapu 10.69716 188 78 Zhapu 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Lixinzha 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Zhangjiaxiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huangang 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 Xihuzui 47.743442 312 75 Xihuzui 44.199686 313 75 Xihuzui 22.593072 314 75 Xihuzui 32.925733 315 75 Xihuzui 37.061167 314 76 Xihuzui 25.426262 315 76 Xihuzui 16.387197 315 77 Xihuzui 10.211338 314 78 Xihuzui 12.188971 315 79 12.188971 315 79 Sanhezhen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Niu-ch'iao-shih 4.6144463 187 75 Niu-ch'iao-shih 2.5800153 188 75 Niu-ch'iao-shih 7.4155752 188 76 Niu-ch'iao-shih 23.525967 188 77 Niu-ch'iao-shih 10.69716 188 78 Niu-ch'iao-shih 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Hsiao-an-chieh 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Wei-chiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hu-chia-lu 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 Ku-hsien 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 Tieshan 57.945619 311 75 Tieshan 47.743442 312 75 Tieshan 44.199686 313 75 Tieshan 38.42566 313 76 38.42566 313 76 Hsing-hsing-chen 4.6144463 187 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 2.5800153 188 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 7.4155752 188 76 Hsing-hsing-chen 23.525967 188 77 Hsing-hsing-chen 10.69716 188 78 Hsing-hsing-chen 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Chiu-ch'u-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Dujiaqiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chien-chen 7.6550516 218 76 7.6550516 218 76 Chou-chia-peng 7.4155752 188 76 Chou-chia-peng 23.525967 188 77 Chou-chia-peng 10.69716 188 78 Chou-chia-peng 12.15896 189 78 Chou-chia-peng 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Fou-ch'iao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Sanli 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hai-men-hsien 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Fengcheng 3.4258447 278 76 Fengcheng 2.0684823 279 77 2.0684823 279 77 Liujiazhai 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Ch'ing-lung-chiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qianjing 5.0762899 205 78 Qianjing 16.878731 204 79 Qianjing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 Fushan 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 29.438258 320 78 Wang-chia-tun 4.4584824 320 79 Wang-chia-tun 22.803787 320 80 Wang-chia-tun 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 23.525967 188 77 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 10.69716 188 78 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 12.15896 189 78 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 14.339612 190 80 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 Lushun 3.0519991 314 77 Lushun 10.211338 314 78 10.211338 314 78 Liuhe 16.878731 204 79 Liuhe 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Tiaobanqiao 5.0762899 205 78 Tiaobanqiao 16.878731 204 79 Tiaobanqiao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Xincun 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Caopeng 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Fu-hsin-tsao 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Ch'ang-sha 5.9733643 218 77 5.9733643 218 77 Nankan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Dong'anzhen 15.928197 213 81 Dong'anzhen 11.95893 216 81 11.95893 216 81 Jinshanwei 12.15896 189 78 Jinshanwei 14.339612 190 80 Jinshanwei 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Chenxing 16.878731 204 79 Chenxing 4.9383975 204 80 Chenxing 4.907592 202 82 4.907592 202 82 Wan'an 5.0762899 205 78 Wan'an 16.878731 204 79 Wan'an 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Haiyanzhen 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 Chu-chi 13.195624 294 79 Chu-chi 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 5.1811351 322 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 4.4584824 320 79 Sanguanmiao 22.803787 320 80 Sanguanmiao 6.8199729 321 80 Sanguanmiao 32.53914 320 82 32.53914 320 82 Chin-shan-tsui 12.15896 189 78 Chin-shan-tsui 14.339612 190 80 Chin-shan-tsui 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Shanyang 12.15896 189 78 Shanyang 14.339612 190 80 Shanyang 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 5.0762899 205 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 16.878731 204 79 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Meng-chiang-miao 5.0762899 205 78 Meng-chiang-miao 16.878731 204 79 Meng-chiang-miao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Hongxing 5.0762899 205 78 Hongxing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Beikan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 Yantai 13.195624 294 79 Yantai 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Hsin-p'u 9.6093348 185 79 9.6093348 185 79 Ducun 16.878731 204 79 Ducun 4.9383975 204 80 Ducun 4.907592 202 82 Ducun 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 Zhifuzhen 17.93544 294 80 Zhifuzhen 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 11.129701 316 79 Xinzhaizi 12.273618 317 79 Xinzhaizi 13.14841 316 80 Xinzhaizi 11.288903 317 80 Xinzhaizi 10.263241 316 81 Xinzhaizi 10.655565 317 81 Xinzhaizi 5.1844298 316 82 Xinzhaizi 6.3229915 317 82 6.3229915 317 82 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 9.738003 319 80 Wudao 22.803787 320 80 Wudao 6.8199729 321 80 Wudao 11.730245 319 81 Wudao 17.172111 319 82 Wudao 32.53914 320 82 32.53914 320 82 Chongming 16.878731 204 79 Chongming 7.4608971 205 79 Chongming 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 Shuishiying 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Caojing 12.151612 189 79 Caojing 14.339612 190 80 Caojing 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Changzheng 16.878731 204 79 Changzheng 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 Cheefoo 17.93544 294 80 Cheefoo 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 11.129701 316 79 Yingchengzi 12.273618 317 79 Yingchengzi 13.14841 316 80 Yingchengzi 11.288903 317 80 Yingchengzi 10.263241 316 81 Yingchengzi 10.655565 317 81 Yingchengzi 5.1844298 316 82 Yingchengzi 6.3229915 317 82 6.3229915 317 82 Huqiao 14.339612 190 80 Huqiao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 14.466696 203 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 2.1981926 203 81 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 4.907592 202 82 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Houjiazhen 16.878731 204 79 Houjiazhen 7.4608971 205 79 Houjiazhen 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 Qianqikuang 17.93544 294 80 Qianqikuang 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 22.803787 320 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 Jiaoliudao 11.730245 319 81 Jiaoliudao 17.172111 319 82 Jiaoliudao 32.53914 320 82 Jiaoliudao 35.730376 319 84 Jiaoliudao 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Wudongzha 9.1161185 184 83 9.1161185 184 83 Abulug 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Panlong 14.466696 203 80 Panlong 4.9383975 204 80 Panlong 4.907592 202 82 Panlong 3.1855034 203 83 Panlong 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Che-lin 14.339612 190 80 Che-lin 7.7341116 191 81 Che-lin 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Dongdayang 4.907592 202 82 Dongdayang 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baoshan 14.466696 203 80 Baoshan 2.1981926 203 81 Baoshan 4.907592 202 82 Baoshan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Dongfeng 14.466696 203 80 Dongfeng 4.9383975 204 80 Dongfeng 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Donggangcun 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Qiganshi 4.7120089 280 80 Qiganshi 5.0342894 281 82 Qiganshi 7.3238534 281 84 7.3238534 281 84 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 22.803787 320 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 Wu-tao 11.730245 319 81 Wu-tao 17.172111 319 82 Wu-tao 32.53914 320 82 Wu-tao 35.730376 319 84 Wu-tao 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 13.338671 324 80 Taipingzha 9.1161185 184 83 9.1161185 184 83 Xinmin 14.466696 203 80 Xinmin 4.9383975 204 80 Xinmin 4.907592 202 82 Xinmin 3.1855034 203 83 Xinmin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ju-shan-k'ou 4.7120089 280 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.0342894 281 82 Ju-shan-k'ou 7.3238534 281 84 7.3238534 281 84 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 39.563689 311 80 39.563689 311 80 Cabuluan 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cao'antou 4.907592 202 82 Cao'antou 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsin-k'ai-ho 2.1981926 203 81 Hsin-k'ai-ho 4.907592 202 82 Hsin-k'ai-ho 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 Mashanshangzhai 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 Santang 15.055862 325 81 15.055862 325 81 Changjiang 2.1981926 203 81 Changjiang 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Xining 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 10.655565 317 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 6.3229915 317 82 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Feng-p'u-ao 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Ch'ien-chia-ch'iao 7.7341116 191 81 Ch'ien-chia-ch'iao 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Catuguran 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Beishenjiazhai 4.907592 202 82 Beishenjiazhai 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Youcheqiao 4.907592 202 82 Youcheqiao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 13.620834 328 84 Ma-chia-tun 11.090321 329 85 Ma-chia-tun 4.2163928 329 86 4.2163928 329 86 Ch'iu-wang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Lusi 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 6.3229915 317 82 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Ch'ing-shui-hu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Su-chia 6.1446035 191 82 Su-chia 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Muping 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Linao 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Qianjin 4.907592 202 82 Qianjin 3.1855034 203 83 Qianjin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hai-yang-so 8.0972223 280 82 Hai-yang-so 5.0342894 281 82 Hai-yang-so 7.3238534 281 84 7.3238534 281 84 Nanbu 4.907592 202 82 Nanbu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsieh-fu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Bisagu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Wantang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Yangyuan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gaodong 4.907592 202 82 Gaodong 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanhong 14.615235 279 82 Nanhong 8.0972223 280 82 Nanhong 5.0342894 281 82 Nanhong 7.3238534 281 84 7.3238534 281 84 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 Xinghaitun 29.26988 313 86 Xinghaitun 9.8166156 314 86 Xinghaitun 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Panshi 4.907592 202 82 Panshi 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baishatan 5.0342894 281 82 Baishatan 7.3238534 281 84 7.3238534 281 84 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 6.3229915 317 82 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Aparri 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Gulu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gangyan 3.1855034 203 83 Gangyan 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 Dal'niy 15.459068 312 83 Dal'niy 29.26988 313 86 Dal'niy 9.8166156 314 86 Dal'niy 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Alilinu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Daxingzhen 4.5413906 204 87 Daxingzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Gongjiazhen 9.5464842 212 83 9.5464842 212 83 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 Fu-chou-wan 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Gongjialu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanqinghe 4.5413906 204 87 Nanqinghe 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Dongxing 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hexing 3.1855034 203 83 Hexing 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Lao-yu-tang 7.1464408 191 84 Lao-yu-tang 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Hsiang-hua 4.4113937 201 84 Hsiang-hua 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dong'an 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Punta 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cailu 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Bailonggang 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Qianwei 4.4113937 201 84 Qianwei 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 Shang-chuang 16.98741 292 87 Shang-chuang 17.917704 292 88 17.917704 292 88 Ping'an 7.1464408 191 84 Ping'an 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Yuansha 4.4113937 201 84 Yuansha 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsing-i-ts'un 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Wusi 6.0627425 191 85 Wusi 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Ch'en-chia 10.775334 200 85 Ch'en-chia 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Ch'iu-chia-chai 8.8782186 198 87 8.8782186 198 87 Fumin 10.775334 200 85 Fumin 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Dong'anzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Tanglugang 5.3834567 210 87 Tanglugang 6.34959 206 89 6.34959 206 89 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 Jianggezhuang 16.021553 292 86 Jianggezhuang 16.98741 292 87 Jianggezhuang 17.917704 292 88 Jianggezhuang 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Guoyuan 6.0627425 191 85 Guoyuan 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Fengle 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Niupeng 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Hsin-tsao-chen 4.5413906 204 87 Hsin-tsao-chen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Langnuankou 6.1199551 281 85 Langnuankou 3.1296165 283 88 3.1296165 283 88 Yinyang 4.5413906 204 87 Yinyang 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Lao-chiang 6.0394592 197 88 Lao-chiang 11.746561 193 89 Lao-chiang 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Xiaoguan 4.9587606 282 87 Xiaoguan 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 29.26988 313 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Donghai 6.8080325 191 86 Donghai 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Shuyuan 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 29.26988 313 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Xilangnuan 4.9587606 282 87 Xilangnuan 3.1296165 283 88 Xilangnuan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 Huatong 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 Beidianzi 17.917704 292 88 Beidianzi 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 Guizhou 6.2332251 332 88 Guizhou 4.6995199 332 89 Guizhou 8.1513821 333 89 Guizhou 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Wuleidao 9.0202245 281 88 Wuleidao 6.1302265 282 88 Wuleidao 3.1296165 283 88 Wuleidao 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Guoju 28.771507 177 92 Guoju 41.640815 178 93 Guoju 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 Tiancun 20.982913 294 91 Tiancun 29.513482 293 92 Tiancun 27.026601 293 93 27.026601 293 93 Zeku 5.956488 282 89 Zeku 2.9754361 283 89 Zeku 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 Dalijia 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 Teng-sha-ho 13.870654 317 93 Teng-sha-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 Yuanyaocun 20.982913 294 91 Yuanyaocun 29.513482 293 92 Yuanyaocun 27.026601 293 93 27.026601 293 93 Chung-tse 28.771507 177 92 Chung-tse 41.640815 178 93 Chung-tse 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Dinghai 41.640815 178 93 Dinghai 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 Weihai 20.982913 294 91 Weihai 29.513482 293 92 Weihai 27.026601 293 93 27.026601 293 93 Chiao-t'ou 28.771507 177 92 Chiao-t'ou 41.640815 178 93 41.640815 178 93 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 Panyuchwan 5.5322527 335 91 Panyuchwan 3.7448453 335 92 3.7448453 335 92 Ganlan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 Lu-chia-t'un 7.9845756 334 91 Lu-chia-t'un 5.5322527 335 91 Lu-chia-t'un 3.7448453 335 92 Lu-chia-t'un 4.3393171 336 92 Lu-chia-t'un 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 7.9845756 334 91 Wangzhai 5.5322527 335 91 Wangzhai 3.7448453 335 92 Wangzhai 4.3393171 336 92 Wangzhai 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Jinghaiwei 15.213907 280 91 Jinghaiwei 9.4992308 281 91 Jinghaiwei 5.8361838 282 91 Jinghaiwei 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Da'ao 28.771507 177 92 Da'ao 41.640815 178 93 41.640815 178 93 Huangshan 5.8361838 282 91 Huangshan 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 Zaobu 27.026601 293 93 Zaobu 10.598257 291 96 10.598257 291 96 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Luomen 41.640815 178 93 Luomen 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Jen-ho-chi 12.273248 281 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.5358904 282 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.8003059 282 93 7.8003059 282 93 Ta-chan 41.640815 178 93 Ta-chan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 P'u-t'o 10.816907 177 93 P'u-t'o 41.640815 178 93 P'u-t'o 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Qiandao 15.566538 281 93 Qiandao 7.8003059 282 93 Qiandao 10.974932 283 97 10.974932 283 97 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 Wujiatun 13.870654 317 93 Wujiatun 6.2568556 318 93 Wujiatun 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Ch'ih-shan-chi 16.853075 282 96 Ch'ih-shan-chi 10.974932 283 97 10.974932 283 97 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 Jiaxinzi 46.554234 321 98 46.554234 321 98 Shidao 16.14937 281 94 Shidao 16.853075 282 96 Shidao 10.974932 283 97 10.974932 283 97 Laoshantun 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Xizhuang 18.963316 292 95 Xizhuang 10.598257 291 96 Xizhuang 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Ning-ching-so 16.853075 282 96 Ning-ching-so 10.974932 283 97 Ning-ching-so 15.0606 285 99 Ning-ching-so 13.836769 286 99 13.836769 286 99 Dazhuang 18.398227 281 95 Dazhuang 16.853075 282 96 Dazhuang 10.974932 283 97 Dazhuang 15.0606 285 99 15.0606 285 99 Jiurongcheng 10.598257 291 96 Jiurongcheng 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Wolongcun 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 19.266314 317 98 Fangshentun 12.836438 320 98 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 Fangshentun 13.39868 319 101 13.39868 319 101 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 Zhuanghe 7.5158755 323 104 Zhuanghe 4.1820704 323 105 Zhuanghe 30.237123 324 105 Zhuanghe 6.4962088 324 107 6.4962088 324 107 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 5.3016982 323 103 Dafangshen 10.749466 322 104 Dafangshen 7.5158755 323 104 Dafangshen 4.1820704 323 105 Dafangshen 30.237123 324 105 Dafangshen 6.4962088 324 107 6.4962088 324 107 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 7.5158755 323 104 Shishan 4.1820704 323 105 Shishan 30.237123 324 105 Shishan 6.4962088 324 107 6.4962088 324 107 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 10.749466 322 104 Wangjia 7.5158755 323 104 Wangjia 4.1820704 323 105 Wangjia 9.9562786 323 106 Wangjia 6.7388322 323 107 6.7388322 323 107 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 Anzishan 33.424868 326 111 33.424868 326 111 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 33.424868 326 111 33.424868 326 111 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 7.0071058 324 110 Nanjian 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 33.424868 326 111 Nanjian 6.1437471 326 112 6.1437471 326 112 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 15.816522 326 115 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 22.551549 327 116 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 22.551549 327 116 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 2.0039199 326 121 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 3.3570784 325 122 Chogumsa 2.6192342 325 123 Chogumsa 4.8090197 325 125 Chogumsa 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 3.3889949 326 125 Yongampo-ri 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 2.3245131 327 126 Yongampo-ri 16.828935 326 128 16.828935 326 128 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 4.8090197 325 125 Genjo 2.9019132 327 125 Genjo 2.3245131 327 126 Genjo 16.828935 326 128 16.828935 326 128 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 5.3139678 322 128 Yongsapo 7.2149272 322 129 Yongsapo 3.9270985 321 130 Yongsapo 6.6077831 321 131 Yongsapo 8.1506313 322 131 Yongsapo 5.481458 323 131 Yongsapo 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Chandae-dong 67.952825 297 128 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 48.92898 298 129 Chandae-dong 38.636737 299 129 Chandae-dong 56.892045 301 129 Chandae-dong 13.726467 298 130 Chandae-dong 34.749838 300 130 Chandae-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Chandae-dong 16.283558 297 131 Chandae-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Chandae-dong 33.314541 297 132 Chandae-dong 24.830385 298 132 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 63.31624 295 129 Kaju-dong 64.222239 296 129 Kaju-dong 63.668785 297 129 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 4.7590613 297 130 Kaju-dong 13.726467 298 130 Kaju-dong 45.70033 295 131 Kaju-dong 16.283558 297 131 Kaju-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Kaju-dong 18.567548 296 132 Kaju-dong 33.314541 297 132 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 34.749838 300 130 Ch'angam-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Ch'angam-dong 16.949776 302 130 Ch'angam-dong 44.911389 303 130 Ch'angam-dong 42.219176 300 131 Ch'angam-dong 23.864916 301 131 Ch'angam-dong 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 20.322722 300 133 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 5.481458 323 131 Changya-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 41.10869 309 131 Arang-dong 40.371133 310 131 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 17.458806 309 133 Arang-dong 22.606289 310 133 Arang-dong 13.296947 309 134 Arang-dong 8.2722777 310 134 8.2722777 310 134 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 2.8138241 306 131 Sogon-ni 22.711163 307 131 Sogon-ni 16.67789 303 132 Sogon-ni 20.233065 304 132 Sogon-ni 22.175476 305 132 Sogon-ni 16.438775 306 132 Sogon-ni 6.7326396 307 132 Sogon-ni 4.9813939 305 133 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 4.1624577 307 133 Sogon-ni 14.042692 307 134 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.370203 300 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.322722 300 133 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 Monggumpo-ri 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 2.9718768 304 133 Ch'am-ch'on 4.9813939 305 133 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 6.7326396 307 132 Sagi-ri 8.0695346 308 132 Sagi-ri 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 4.1624577 307 133 Sagi-ri 8.4014419 308 133 Sagi-ri 14.042692 307 134 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Chosa-dong 17.458806 309 133 Chosa-dong 22.606289 310 133 Chosa-dong 15.884596 311 133 Chosa-dong 13.296947 309 134 Chosa-dong 8.2722777 310 134 Chosa-dong 6.3796517 311 134 Chosa-dong 13.899396 310 135 Chosa-dong 7.8538984 311 135 Chosa-dong 16.57922 310 136 Chosa-dong 7.6957089 310 137 Chosa-dong 13.50636 311 137 13.50636 311 137 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 9.4330686 324 133 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 4.1624577 307 133 Pungchon 8.4014419 308 133 Pungchon 14.042692 307 134 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 Hyu-dong 17.890888 297 136 Hyu-dong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Hang-ni 96.623511 239 134 96.623511 239 134 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 13.296947 309 134 An-ch'on 8.2722777 310 134 An-ch'on 13.899396 310 135 An-ch'on 16.57922 310 136 An-ch'on 7.6957089 310 137 An-ch'on 7.5753806 310 138 7.5753806 310 138 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 Sondup'yong 17.890888 297 136 Sondup'yong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 17.890888 297 136 Sogang-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Chukhang 87.38565 252 136 87.38565 252 136 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 22.069283 319 140 Yung-ni 18.837876 319 141 18.837876 319 141 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 Hwajin-ni 20.802088 317 139 Hwajin-ni 19.473088 318 139 Hwajin-ni 11.13778 318 140 Hwajin-ni 22.069283 319 140 Hwajin-ni 18.837876 319 141 18.837876 319 141 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 Chungang-ni 22.069283 319 140 Chungang-ni 18.837876 319 141 18.837876 319 141 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 8.9062797 297 146 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Chehang-ni 34.120057 250 146 Chehang-ni 28.084955 251 146 Chehang-ni 26.495829 250 147 Chehang-ni 29.4564 251 147 Chehang-ni 28.577934 250 148 Chehang-ni 19.363829 251 148 19.363829 251 148 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Chibuk 17.419895 249 147 Chibuk 26.495829 250 147 Chibuk 29.4564 251 147 Chibuk 21.956516 252 147 Chibuk 19.363829 251 148 Chibuk 3.0825982 252 148 Chibuk 12.796815 252 149 Chibuk 11.590677 251 150 Chibuk 7.9765838 251 151 7.9765838 251 151 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 9.6271908 284 147 Etsuu 27.647417 285 147 Etsuu 13.93856 286 147 Etsuu 28.085299 287 147 Etsuu 14.286725 288 147 Etsuu 42.246294 288 148 Etsuu 4.9605756 287 149 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Hwangdo 52.68561 271 147 Hwangdo 52.015145 272 147 Hwangdo 57.406962 273 147 Hwangdo 40.254339 274 147 Hwangdo 61.071724 275 147 Hwangdo 41.48292 275 148 Hwangdo 46.001713 275 149 Hwangdo 30.769436 275 150 Hwangdo 26.023157 275 151 26.023157 275 151 Doko-ri 18.049495 249 148 Doko-ri 28.577934 250 148 Doko-ri 19.363829 251 148 Doko-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Doko-ri 12.796815 252 149 Doko-ri 21.810351 253 149 Doko-ri 11.590677 251 150 Doko-ri 7.9765838 251 151 Doko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 4.1033031 250 152 Ant'ae 28.351649 248 148 Ant'ae 18.049495 249 148 Ant'ae 28.577934 250 148 Ant'ae 22.172104 249 149 Ant'ae 12.91663 248 150 Ant'ae 32.156669 246 151 Ant'ae 12.487411 247 151 Ant'ae 29.732133 247 152 Ant'ae 6.734872 248 152 Ant'ae 4.1033031 250 152 4.1033031 250 152 Och'ong 35.99735 269 148 Och'ong 42.348337 270 148 Och'ong 53.312852 271 148 Och'ong 52.760284 272 148 Och'ong 52.172978 273 148 Och'ong 59.378444 273 149 Och'ong 38.956148 273 150 Och'ong 24.548753 271 152 Och'ong 23.725931 272 152 Och'ong 35.515611 273 152 35.515611 273 152 Bunkai-ri 19.363829 251 148 Bunkai-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Bunkai-ri 12.048456 255 148 Bunkai-ri 12.796815 252 149 Bunkai-ri 21.810351 253 149 Bunkai-ri 19.348215 254 149 Bunkai-ri 16.851478 255 149 Bunkai-ri 11.590677 251 150 Bunkai-ri 7.9765838 251 151 Bunkai-ri 4.85565 255 151 Bunkai-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Ach'on 22.172104 249 149 Ach'on 12.796815 252 149 Ach'on 21.810351 253 149 Ach'on 11.590677 251 150 Ach'on 7.9765838 251 151 Ach'on 4.1033031 250 152 4.1033031 250 152 Sep'o 26.95932 245 150 Sep'o 14.005564 246 150 Sep'o 23.360578 247 150 Sep'o 12.91663 248 150 Sep'o 32.156669 246 151 Sep'o 12.487411 247 151 Sep'o 29.732133 247 152 Sep'o 6.734872 248 152 Sep'o 15.413641 248 153 15.413641 248 153 Ikkum-ni 11.590677 251 150 Ikkum-ni 7.9765838 251 151 Ikkum-ni 4.85565 255 151 Ikkum-ni 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Changgo 10.200227 252 150 Changgo 10.563465 255 150 Changgo 23.586617 256 150 Changgo 4.85565 255 151 Changgo 8.6752272 253 152 Changgo 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chogun-mal 12.795995 257 150 Chogun-mal 14.982607 258 150 Chogun-mal 16.037022 259 150 Chogun-mal 14.111078 257 151 Chogun-mal 7.5382908 258 151 Chogun-mal 13.58434 259 151 Chogun-mal 9.5205128 258 153 Chogun-mal 12.540473 257 154 Chogun-mal 2.0395579 258 154 Chogun-mal 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Tengan-ri 6.7307922 254 151 Tengan-ri 4.85565 255 151 Tengan-ri 7.5382908 258 151 Tengan-ri 7.7479813 258 152 Tengan-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Oejongsan 24.294911 278 151 Oejongsan 22.350351 279 151 Oejongsan 30.865036 280 151 Oejongsan 35.76981 281 151 Oejongsan 45.829966 282 151 Oejongsan 23.722503 282 152 Oejongsan 6.7631004 279 153 Oejongsan 8.7245816 278 154 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 Anmal 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Joman-ri 10.549371 243 151 Joman-ri 46.638262 245 151 Joman-ri 32.156669 246 151 Joman-ri 12.487411 247 151 Joman-ri 29.732133 247 152 29.732133 247 152 Soko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Soko-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.5759047 296 153 Muji-ni 3.6487155 295 154 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Songnyong-ni 7.283544 257 152 Songnyong-ni 7.7479813 258 152 Songnyong-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Jindo 29.732133 247 152 Jindo 6.734872 248 152 Jindo 15.413641 248 153 Jindo 8.4904397 249 154 Jindo 8.4344916 248 155 Jindo 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.5759047 296 153 Kyodo 3.6487155 295 154 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Aenang-ni 29.732133 247 152 Aenang-ni 6.734872 248 152 Aenang-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Aenang-ni 8.4344916 248 155 Aenang-ni 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Dongmun 13.622337 279 152 Dongmun 2.7457444 280 152 Dongmun 23.722503 282 152 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 Dongmun 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 23.722503 282 152 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 2.064454 284 153 Oe-dong 25.057613 285 153 Oe-dong 18.679295 284 154 Oe-dong 20.370363 285 154 Oe-dong 26.844518 285 155 Oe-dong 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Hwadong-ni 6.734872 248 152 Hwadong-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Hwadong-ni 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Ch'al-tong 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'al-tong 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 4.0459529 289 153 Chawol-li 18.722716 290 153 Chawol-li 32.197626 289 154 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 24.938064 289 156 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 15.512703 277 153 Sinsong 11.15504 278 153 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 Pususan-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Chungjang 18.939911 275 153 Chungjang 19.490962 276 153 Chungjang 15.512703 277 153 Chungjang 11.15504 278 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 Chungjang 13.911663 275 157 Chungjang 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Kan 17.058279 265 154 Kan 19.152435 266 154 Kan 37.328593 267 154 Kan 21.786611 268 154 Kan 25.060669 269 154 Kan 21.624888 268 155 Kan 18.647344 269 155 Kan 13.065519 268 156 Kan 15.272654 269 156 Kan 5.8870833 266 157 Kan 9.4156985 269 157 Kan 6.1827551 266 158 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 Kan 10.848643 269 158 10.848643 269 158 Tongmokp 10.937449 277 154 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 10.937449 277 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mogpo 8.4904397 249 154 Mogpo 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 P'i-dong 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 Taeya 2.0395579 258 154 Taeya 3.5386389 259 154 Taeya 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changdong 8.4904397 249 154 Changdong 8.4344916 248 155 Changdong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chisa-ri 8.4904397 249 154 Chisa-ri 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 3.6487155 295 154 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Onmok 8.2578121 259 155 Onmok 4.6834766 260 155 Onmok 6.9462647 261 155 Onmok 6.8610422 262 155 Onmok 6.3000664 261 156 Onmok 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 4.6834766 260 155 Changho 6.9462647 261 155 Changho 6.8610422 262 155 Changho 8.7681729 263 155 Changho 8.6657853 264 155 Changho 6.3000664 261 156 Changho 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 5.961837 263 156 Changho 7.7888463 264 156 Changho 2.0153163 263 157 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.8610422 262 155 Chongam 8.7681729 263 155 Chongam 8.6657853 264 155 Chongam 13.708281 265 155 Chongam 15.999725 266 155 Chongam 7.7888463 264 156 Chongam 10.168835 265 156 Chongam 9.5269236 266 156 Chongam 2.0153163 263 157 Chongam 8.1344753 265 157 Chongam 5.8870833 266 157 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Weolam-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Bosei-ri 60.233942 240 155 Bosei-ri 14.672405 244 155 Bosei-ri 15.114194 244 156 Bosei-ri 6.0558519 244 157 Bosei-ri 20.889719 244 158 Bosei-ri 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Anjong 14.672405 244 155 Anjong 12.070416 245 155 Anjong 8.4344916 248 155 Anjong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 26.844518 285 155 Chogumjin-ni 10.688657 285 156 Chogumjin-ni 3.2321102 285 157 3.2321102 285 157 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 12.568597 274 157 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Katsuto 31.019528 242 156 Katsuto 17.62441 243 156 Katsuto 15.114194 244 156 Katsuto 9.121278 245 156 Katsuto 9.4869628 246 156 9.4869628 246 156 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 3.2321102 285 157 Hasambong 22.332942 287 157 Hasambong 9.4314594 286 158 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 Hasambong 16.390027 286 159 Hasambong 4.1419281 285 160 Hasambong 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Chonmak 2.0153163 263 157 Chonmak 8.1344753 265 157 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 10.115317 270 157 Aech'an-ni 9.1861162 271 157 Aech'an-ni 20.453098 272 157 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 4.4998898 274 158 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 14.372923 290 158 Chonghyon-dong 20.027044 289 159 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 Chonghyon-dong 21.66388 289 160 Chonghyon-dong 5.9539673 290 160 Chonghyon-dong 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Haenggan-ni 30.331149 242 157 Haenggan-ni 25.850023 243 157 Haenggan-ni 6.0558519 244 157 Haenggan-ni 20.889719 244 158 Haenggan-ni 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Changsin 2.0153163 263 157 Changsin 8.1344753 265 157 Changsin 5.8870833 266 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 2.241903 267 159 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Wando 14.709748 243 158 Wando 20.889719 244 158 Wando 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Bira-ri 14.709748 243 158 Bira-ri 20.889719 244 158 Bira-ri 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 2.4882243 268 158 Janghang 10.848643 269 158 Janghang 6.1226123 270 158 Janghang 5.1750682 271 158 Janghang 2.5792614 270 159 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 6.1827551 266 158 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 10.848643 269 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 6.1827551 266 158 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 10.848643 269 158 Okhu 6.1226123 270 158 Okhu 2.5792614 270 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 5.9539673 290 160 Masan-ni 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.5792614 270 159 Gunsan 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 4.1419281 285 160 Chunghung-ni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 4.1419281 285 160 Kooni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 5.9539673 290 160 Wonha-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 5.9539673 290 160 Namyang 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 13.369013 247 166 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 13.369013 247 166 Changsu 9.261633 248 166 Changsu 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chinch'ang 13.369013 247 166 Chinch'ang 9.261633 248 166 Chinch'ang 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Aya-ri 13.369013 247 166 Aya-ri 9.261633 248 166 Aya-ri 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Ch'ongam 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Beqlgyo 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Chungwa-ri 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Changdo-ri 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Wonsan 18.792407 318 172 Wonsan 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Tongho-ri 25.508662 324 174 Tongho-ri 14.531539 325 174 Tongho-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Yongpo-ri 25.508662 324 174 Yongpo-ri 14.531539 325 174 Yongpo-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Songhung-ni 23.785546 322 173 Songhung-ni 25.508662 324 174 Songhung-ni 14.531539 325 174 Songhung-ni 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Sangsin 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Wolp'yong 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Anp'o 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Pongch'on 18.792407 318 172 Pongch'on 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Chungbang 4.649772 251 173 Chungbang 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Chakto-dong 14.531539 325 174 Chakto-dong 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Chabong 6.5431578 250 176 Chabong 8.8629034 250 177 8.8629034 250 177 Ch'angch'on 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 Kuge-ri 24.425628 318 174 Kuge-ri 13.180096 317 175 13.180096 317 175 Yeosu 6.5431578 250 176 Yeosu 8.8629034 250 177 Yeosu 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Chukp'o 6.5431578 250 176 Chukp'o 8.8629034 250 177 Chukp'o 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Hungsang-ni 23.221014 326 175 23.221014 326 175 Hangch'on 6.5431578 250 176 Hangch'on 8.8629034 250 177 Hangch'on 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Yongyon-ni 22.452733 326 176 Yongyon-ni 20.032461 327 176 Yongyon-ni 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Tongch-on 23.537237 316 177 23.537237 316 177 Namhae 8.8629034 250 177 Namhae 13.692325 251 177 Namhae 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Kuum-ni 26.656877 314 179 Kuum-ni 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Hongwon 29.49569 328 179 Hongwon 17.433934 329 179 Hongwon 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Pit'o 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Samcheongpo 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Hadajon-ni 26.656877 314 179 Hadajon-ni 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Yuktae-dong 24.445944 328 180 Yuktae-dong 30.921472 329 180 Yuktae-dong 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Cholge 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Changjon 38.393959 313 181 Changjon 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Chabup'o 23.059552 251 182 Chabup'o 28.328886 251 183 28.328886 251 183 Gaken-ri 58.289958 313 182 Gaken-ri 53.537643 312 183 Gaken-ri 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Honam-ni 46.05045 328 182 Honam-ni 32.450534 329 182 Honam-ni 23.762415 330 184 23.762415 330 184 Chop'o 23.059552 251 182 Chop'o 28.328886 251 183 28.328886 251 183 Hongsong 53.537643 312 183 Hongsong 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Chamgae 28.328886 251 183 28.328886 251 183 Soho-ri 60.993912 329 184 Soho-ri 23.762415 330 184 23.762415 330 184 Singhang 83.466108 329 185 Singhang 14.066341 330 185 14.066341 330 185 Kojin-ni 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Pongho-ri 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Chindu 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Changch'on 101.68137 304 189 101.68137 304 189 Masan 6.5417645 256 190 6.5417645 256 190 Yangyang 92.656554 302 190 92.656554 302 190 Ungcheon 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chaho 55.981306 331 187 Chaho 201.29485 331 191 Chaho 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Kuum-ni 43.739011 332 189 Kuum-ni 95.850274 332 190 Kuum-ni 109.91747 332 191 Kuum-ni 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Jinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chuktori 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Hagwangjong-ni 92.656554 302 190 92.656554 302 190 Jangseunpo 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Jumunjin 88.499872 300 192 Jumunjin 96.754011 299 193 96.754011 299 193 Daiko 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Poktokkumi 77.245503 333 191 Poktokkumi 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Noksan 5.0314923 255 191 5.0314923 255 191 Tanchon 77.678648 334 192 Tanchon 157.44386 334 195 Tanchon 52.635641 336 195 52.635641 336 195 Gangneung 130.72343 298 194 Gangneung 142.14821 297 195 Gangneung 94.965767 295 196 94.965767 295 196 Amnam-dong 36.024781 254 193 Amnam-dong 12.905794 255 193 Amnam-dong 3.8541279 256 194 3.8541279 256 194 Kennan-ri 142.14821 297 195 Kennan-ri 94.965767 295 196 Kennan-ri 131.19609 293 198 131.19609 293 198 Busan 3.8541279 256 194 Busan 3.2593723 257 198 3.2593723 257 198 Chungch'on 65.011648 335 194 Chungch'on 52.635641 336 195 52.635641 336 195 Mugho 94.965767 295 196 Mugho 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Samchok 70.964763 294 197 Samchok 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Haeundae 53.983337 255 196 Haeundae 80.669186 255 197 Haeundae 38.86107 256 197 Haeundae 93.766914 255 198 Haeundae 82.884801 256 198 Haeundae 3.2593723 257 198 Haeundae 46.585141 258 199 Haeundae 8.4793305 259 199 8.4793305 259 199 Samcheog 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Si-dong 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Gijang 38.86107 256 197 Gijang 82.884801 256 198 Gijang 3.2593723 257 198 Gijang 46.585141 258 199 Gijang 8.4793305 259 199 8.4793305 259 199 Kuma 117.67533 291 199 Kuma 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Ulsan 31.978345 261 201 Ulsan 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Itose 82.579007 247 202 82.579007 247 202 Nasa 46.585141 258 199 Nasa 8.4793305 259 199 Nasa 31.978345 261 201 Nasa 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Haosan 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Imweonjin 100.99595 290 200 Imweonjin 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Heunghae 46.587638 274 201 Heunghae 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Saka 82.579007 247 202 82.579007 247 202 Byeongyeong 31.978345 261 201 Byeongyeong 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Pohang 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Ganggu 46.587638 274 201 46.587638 274 201 Susuna 82.579007 247 202 Susuna 61.786712 251 202 Susuna 70.129791 249 203 Susuna 55.437964 251 203 55.437964 251 203 Ulijin 106.41455 283 202 Ulijin 108.55845 284 202 Ulijin 88.162087 285 202 Ulijin 85.309642 286 202 85.309642 286 202 Pyonggok-tong 77.981283 277 202 Pyonggok-tong 82.191999 278 202 Pyonggok-tong 66.223288 279 202 66.223288 279 202 Yeonghae 93.232853 276 202 Yeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Yeonghae 66.223288 279 202 66.223288 279 202 Chukpyon 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Mangyang-ni 106.41455 283 202 Mangyang-ni 108.55845 284 202 108.55845 284 202 Bangeojin 78.013329 260 201 Bangeojin 31.978345 261 201 Bangeojin 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Segae-dong 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Chugsan-dong 17.033825 275 201 Chugsan-dong 66.223288 279 202 66.223288 279 202 Pyeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Pyeonghae 66.223288 279 202 Pyeonghae 124.48957 282 203 124.48957 282 203 Kin 82.579007 247 202 Kin 70.129791 249 203 70.129791 249 203 Furusato 82.579007 247 202 Furusato 61.786712 251 202 Furusato 70.129791 249 203 Furusato 55.437964 251 203 55.437964 251 203 Toyo 155.63812 252 200 Toyo 70.129791 249 203 Toyo 55.437964 251 203 55.437964 251 203 Chukchon 6.2203324 263 202 Chukchon 22.450068 264 202 22.450068 264 202 Gampo 55.040343 265 203 Gampo 48.556703 266 203 Gampo 43.615757 267 203 Gampo 6.655122 268 203 6.655122 268 203 Taech'on 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Guryongpo 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Namyang-dong 2179.4052 290 220 Namyang-dong 2084.0219 291 220 Namyang-dong 1937.6108 292 220 Namyang-dong 1785.7039 293 220 Namyang-dong 1591.7211 294 220 1591.7211 294 220 Namyang 2075.8262 290 221 Namyang 1897.4515 291 221 Namyang 1304.2365 292 221 Namyang 1666.7511 293 221 Namyang 2103.6251 294 221 2103.6251 294 221 Kita-kyushu 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Oyama 90.89725 246 221 Oyama 106.52849 247 221 Oyama 95.817357 247 222 Oyama 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Nari 2075.8262 290 221 Nari 1897.4515 291 221 Nari 1304.2365 292 221 Nari 1666.7511 293 221 Nari 2103.6251 294 221 2103.6251 294 221 Yoshimoura 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Murotsuura 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kottoi 43.462609 246 222 Kottoi 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Shimado 43.462609 246 222 Shimado 95.817357 247 222 Shimado 30.646305 246 224 Shimado 86.38903 247 226 86.38903 247 226 Dodong 2143.7278 290 222 Dodong 1457.4611 291 222 Dodong 28.845367 292 222 Dodong 760.4324 293 222 Dodong 2171.8023 294 222 Dodong 2160.5065 294 226 2160.5065 294 226 Yasuoka 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kanda 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Agawa 43.462609 246 222 Agawa 95.817357 247 222 Agawa 30.646305 246 224 Agawa 86.38903 247 226 86.38903 247 226 Shimonoseki 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kawashiri-misaki 43.462609 246 222 Kawashiri-misaki 95.817357 247 222 Kawashiri-misaki 109.05645 248 222 Kawashiri-misaki 95.104782 248 225 Kawashiri-misaki 92.201185 248 226 92.201185 248 226 Tsunemi 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Higashi-fukawa 90.645534 247 223 Higashi-fukawa 30.646305 246 224 Higashi-fukawa 86.38903 247 226 Higashi-fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kawajiri 90.645534 247 223 Kawajiri 105.22953 248 223 Kawajiri 95.104782 248 225 Kawajiri 92.201185 248 226 Kawajiri 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Chofu 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Moji 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Tateishi 30.646305 246 224 Tateishi 95.104782 248 225 Tateishi 92.201185 248 226 Tateishi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Furuichi 30.646305 246 224 Furuichi 86.38903 247 226 Furuichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kihado 89.562093 247 225 Kihado 86.38903 247 226 Kihado 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Hommura 103.14207 249 225 Hommura 108.2507 250 225 Hommura 119.19037 251 225 Hommura 125.03673 252 225 Hommura 109.73013 252 226 Hommura 91.670215 253 226 Hommura 51.904146 252 227 Hommura 62.811021 253 227 Hommura 76.023371 251 228 Hommura 65.446379 252 228 Hommura 67.188382 252 229 Hommura 93.145648 253 229 93.145648 253 229 Fukawa 86.38903 247 226 Fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Senzaki 86.38903 247 226 Senzaki 92.201185 248 226 Senzaki 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Misumi-ichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kayoi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Soto 69.179309 247 228 Soto 48.941218 247 229 Soto 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Sammiura 69.179309 247 228 Sammiura 84.051926 248 228 Sammiura 48.941218 247 229 Sammiura 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Hagi 48.941218 247 229 Hagi 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Hommura 48.941218 247 229 Hommura 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Nako 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Kiyo 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Uta 20.137293 247 231 Uta 88.368792 250 231 Uta 83.779042 250 233 Uta 69.542137 250 234 Uta 48.31583 250 235 48.31583 250 235 Susa 55.069102 248 232 Susa 79.552681 249 232 Susa 86.255886 250 232 Susa 92.4939 251 232 Susa 93.443639 252 232 Susa 96.781686 252 233 Susa 97.564128 252 234 97.564128 252 234 Esaki 74.069933 249 233 Esaki 83.779042 250 233 Esaki 90.998687 251 233 Esaki 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Takatsu 26.521006 250 236 Takatsu 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Masuda 26.521006 250 236 Masuda 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Tsuda 26.521006 250 236 Tsuda 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Misumi 55.604755 251 237 Misumi 86.230975 252 237 Misumi 112.80373 253 237 Misumi 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Murotani 62.759955 252 238 Murotani 107.34727 253 238 Murotani 126.28386 254 238 Murotani 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Chiwa 62.759955 252 238 Chiwa 107.34727 253 238 Chiwa 126.28386 254 238 Chiwa 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Hinashi 62.759955 252 238 Hinashi 107.34727 253 238 Hinashi 126.28386 254 238 Hinashi 133.73524 255 238 Hinashi 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Tabase 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Iwami-naganama 44.788984 252 239 Iwami-naganama 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Nagahama 44.788984 252 239 Nagahama 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hamada 44.788984 252 239 Hamada 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Kami-Kurokawa 60.64226 253 240 Kami-Kurokawa 115.85467 254 240 Kami-Kurokawa 128.95952 255 240 Kami-Kurokawa 113.63255 255 241 Kami-Kurokawa 95.004958 255 242 Kami-Kurokawa 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shimoko 60.64226 253 240 Shimoko 115.85467 254 240 Shimoko 128.95952 255 240 Shimoko 137.47363 256 240 Shimoko 136.50853 256 241 Shimoko 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Togane 60.64226 253 240 Togane 115.85467 254 240 Togane 128.95952 255 240 Togane 137.47363 256 240 Togane 136.50853 256 241 Togane 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Okubo 60.64226 253 240 Okubo 115.85467 254 240 Okubo 128.95952 255 240 Okubo 137.47363 256 240 Okubo 136.50853 256 241 Okubo 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Odani 60.64226 253 240 Odani 115.85467 254 240 Odani 128.95952 255 240 Odani 113.63255 255 241 Odani 95.004958 255 242 Odani 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hashi 60.64226 253 240 Hashi 115.85467 254 240 Hashi 128.95952 255 240 Hashi 137.47363 256 240 Hashi 136.50853 256 241 Hashi 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Uyagawa 88.151072 254 241 Uyagawa 113.63255 255 241 Uyagawa 136.50853 256 241 Uyagawa 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shimo-Arifuko 88.151072 254 241 Shimo-Arifuko 113.63255 255 241 Shimo-Arifuko 136.50853 256 241 Shimo-Arifuko 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Tsunozu 88.151072 254 241 Tsunozu 113.63255 255 241 Tsunozu 136.50853 256 241 Tsunozu 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Waki 88.151072 254 241 Waki 113.63255 255 241 Waki 136.50853 256 241 Waki 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Gotsu 88.151072 254 241 Gotsu 113.63255 255 241 Gotsu 136.50853 256 241 Gotsu 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shioya 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Asari 95.004958 255 242 Asari 115.67638 256 242 Asari 137.13152 257 242 Asari 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Ichimura 95.004958 255 242 Ichimura 115.67638 256 242 Ichimura 137.13152 257 242 Ichimura 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hataguchi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Naka-Tsuchi 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Morimune 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Atada 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Jigozen 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Shimonohama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Miyajima 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kuromatsu 37.836619 255 243 Kuromatsu 12.538645 258 247 12.538645 258 247 Hatsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hazum-Hongo 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Kohama 37.836619 255 243 Kohama 12.538645 258 247 12.538645 258 247 Ichi 37.836619 255 243 Ichi 12.538645 258 247 12.538645 258 247 Yunotsu 37.836619 255 243 Yunotsu 12.538645 258 247 12.538645 258 247 Nakaji 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Itsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kami-Ida 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Nakagumi 76.080611 256 244 Nakagumi 108.16557 257 244 Nakagumi 135.47116 258 244 Nakagumi 127.196 258 245 Nakagumi 96.867382 258 246 Nakagumi 12.538645 258 247 12.538645 258 247 Mino 3.2965007 245 246 Mino 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Omori 76.080611 256 244 Omori 108.16557 257 244 Omori 135.47116 258 244 Omori 143.45926 259 244 Omori 136.60019 259 245 Omori 127.97669 259 246 Omori 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Korenaga 3.2965007 245 246 Korenaga 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nishita 76.080611 256 244 Nishita 108.16557 257 244 Nishita 135.47116 258 244 Nishita 127.196 258 245 Nishita 96.867382 258 246 Nishita 12.538645 258 247 12.538645 258 247 Nimamachi 76.080611 256 244 Nimamachi 108.16557 257 244 Nimamachi 135.47116 258 244 Nimamachi 143.45926 259 244 Nimamachi 136.60019 259 245 Nimamachi 127.97669 259 246 Nimamachi 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Takuno 76.080611 256 244 Takuno 108.16557 257 244 Takuno 135.47116 258 244 Takuno 143.45926 259 244 Takuno 136.60019 259 245 Takuno 127.97669 259 246 Takuno 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Nakanohama 3.2965007 245 246 Nakanohama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Takunomachi 76.080611 256 244 Takunomachi 108.16557 257 244 Takunomachi 135.47116 258 244 Takunomachi 143.45926 259 244 Takunomachi 136.60019 259 245 Takunomachi 127.97669 259 246 Takunomachi 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Hata 3.2965007 245 246 Hata 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kanokawa 3.2965007 245 246 Kanokawa 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hashirajima 2.1518934 242 248 2.1518934 242 248 Ihota 51.856313 241 249 51.856313 241 249 Osu 3.2965007 245 246 Osu 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakago 3.2965007 245 246 Nakago 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakamachi 3.2965007 245 246 Nakamachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiroshima 3.2965007 245 246 Hiroshima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tsukumo 3.2965007 245 246 Tsukumo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Oura 85.859273 257 245 Oura 127.196 258 245 Oura 136.60019 259 245 Oura 127.97669 259 246 Oura 102.98478 259 247 Oura 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Fukae 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Obara 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Oko 2.1518934 242 248 Oko 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Hira 85.859273 257 245 Hira 127.196 258 245 Hira 136.60019 259 245 Hira 127.97669 259 246 Hira 137.14329 260 246 Hira 102.98478 259 247 Hira 124.39472 260 247 Hira 98.667583 260 248 Hira 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Umesako 3.2965007 245 246 Umesako 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kakinoura 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Yumbe 85.859273 257 245 Yumbe 127.196 258 245 Yumbe 136.60019 259 245 Yumbe 127.97669 259 246 Yumbe 102.98478 259 247 Yumbe 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Hitonose 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Torii 85.859273 257 245 Torii 127.196 258 245 Torii 136.60019 259 245 Torii 127.97669 259 246 Torii 137.14329 260 246 Torii 102.98478 259 247 Torii 124.39472 260 247 Torii 98.667583 260 248 Torii 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Etajima 3.2965007 245 246 Etajima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kirikushi 3.2965007 245 246 Kirikushi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Okimi 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Koyo 3.2965007 245 246 Koyo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Yukitsune 85.859273 257 245 Yukitsune 127.196 258 245 Yukitsune 136.60019 259 245 Yukitsune 127.97669 259 246 Yukitsune 102.98478 259 247 Yukitsune 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Sugewa 2.1518934 242 248 Sugewa 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Kutemachi 96.867382 258 246 Kutemachi 127.97669 259 246 Kutemachi 137.14329 260 246 Kutemachi 102.98478 259 247 Kutemachi 124.39472 260 247 Kutemachi 98.667583 260 248 Kutemachi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Oda 96.867382 258 246 Oda 127.97669 259 246 Oda 102.98478 259 247 Oda 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Ryoshida 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kamigumi 3.2965007 245 246 Kamigumi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Sakioku 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Arikiyo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hamazaki 3.2965007 245 246 Hamazaki 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ondo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Fujinowaki 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Takasu 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hane 96.867382 258 246 Hane 127.97669 259 246 Hane 137.14329 260 246 Hane 102.98478 259 247 Hane 124.39472 260 247 Hane 98.667583 260 248 Hane 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Kaita 3.2965007 245 246 Kaita 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Muroo 2.1518934 242 248 Muroo 4.7740481 243 248 Muroo 42.40165 240 250 42.40165 240 250 Ideguchi 96.867382 258 246 Ideguchi 127.97669 259 246 Ideguchi 137.14329 260 246 Ideguchi 102.98478 259 247 Ideguchi 124.39472 260 247 Ideguchi 98.667583 260 248 Ideguchi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Hatami 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kaigoshi 2.1518934 242 248 Kaigoshi 4.7740481 243 248 Kaigoshi 42.40165 240 250 42.40165 240 250 Karoto 2.1518934 242 248 Karoto 4.7740481 243 248 Karoto 42.40165 240 250 42.40165 240 250 Okujo 3.2965007 245 246 Okujo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiradani 3.2965007 245 246 Hiradani 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kure 3.2965007 245 246 Kure 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Osako 2.1518934 242 248 Osako 4.7740481 243 248 Osako 42.40165 240 250 Osako 29.86239 240 251 Osako 41.929864 241 251 Osako 26.376706 242 251 Osako 72.875108 243 251 72.875108 243 251 Jin'yama 8.6907422 244 247 Jin'yama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tagimachi 12.538645 258 247 Tagimachi 102.98478 259 247 Tagimachi 124.39472 260 247 Tagimachi 98.667583 260 248 Tagimachi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Kushi-taki 12.538645 258 247 Kushi-taki 102.98478 259 247 Kushi-taki 124.39472 260 247 Kushi-taki 98.667583 260 248 Kushi-taki 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Nakagori 12.538645 258 247 Nakagori 102.98478 259 247 Nakagori 124.39472 260 247 Nakagori 98.667583 260 248 Nakagori 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Harido 12.538645 258 247 Harido 102.98478 259 247 Harido 124.39472 260 247 Harido 98.667583 260 248 Harido 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Obama 51.856313 241 249 Obama 42.40165 240 250 Obama 29.86239 240 251 Obama 41.929864 241 251 41.929864 241 251 Hiromachi 8.6907422 244 247 Hiromachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Uryu 59.786272 259 248 Uryu 98.667583 260 248 Uryu 21.176113 259 249 Uryu 66.238282 262 251 Uryu 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Hatari 51.856313 241 249 Hatari 42.40165 240 250 Hatari 29.86239 240 251 Hatari 41.929864 241 251 Hatari 34.767233 241 252 34.767233 241 252 Hinomi-saki 59.786272 259 248 Hinomi-saki 98.667583 260 248 Hinomi-saki 21.176113 259 249 Hinomi-saki 66.238282 262 251 Hinomi-saki 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Mutsuki 51.856313 241 249 Mutsuki 42.40165 240 250 Mutsuki 29.86239 240 251 Mutsuki 41.929864 241 251 Mutsuki 34.767233 241 252 34.767233 241 252 Shimojima 2.1518934 242 248 Shimojima 4.7740481 243 248 Shimojima 42.40165 240 250 Shimojima 29.86239 240 251 Shimojima 41.929864 241 251 Shimojima 26.376706 242 251 Shimojima 72.875108 243 251 Shimojima 19.349629 243 252 Shimojima 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Ojizo 2.1518934 242 248 Ojizo 4.7740481 243 248 Ojizo 42.40165 240 250 Ojizo 29.86239 240 251 Ojizo 41.929864 241 251 Ojizo 26.376706 242 251 Ojizo 72.875108 243 251 Ojizo 19.349629 243 252 Ojizo 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Washigasu 42.40165 240 250 Washigasu 29.86239 240 251 Washigasu 24.619908 240 252 24.619908 240 252 Jige 59.786272 259 248 Jige 98.667583 260 248 Jige 21.176113 259 249 Jige 66.238282 262 251 Jige 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Sagiura 59.786272 259 248 Sagiura 98.667583 260 248 Sagiura 21.176113 259 249 Sagiura 66.238282 262 251 Sagiura 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Taisha 59.786272 259 248 Taisha 98.667583 260 248 Taisha 21.176113 259 249 Taisha 66.238282 262 251 Taisha 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Saginoura 59.786272 259 248 Saginoura 98.667583 260 248 Saginoura 21.176113 259 249 Saginoura 66.238282 262 251 Saginoura 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Arakayacho 59.786272 259 248 Arakayacho 98.667583 260 248 Arakayacho 21.176113 259 249 Arakayacho 66.238282 262 251 Arakayacho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Ojimacho 59.786272 259 248 Ojimacho 98.667583 260 248 Ojimacho 21.176113 259 249 Ojimacho 66.238282 262 251 Ojimacho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Kawajiri 2.1518934 242 248 Kawajiri 4.7740481 243 248 Kawajiri 3.0574294 245 248 Kawajiri 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Ebisu 59.786272 259 248 Ebisu 98.667583 260 248 Ebisu 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Sannose 2.1518934 242 248 Sannose 4.7740481 243 248 Sannose 42.40165 240 250 Sannose 29.86239 240 251 Sannose 41.929864 241 251 Sannose 26.376706 242 251 Sannose 72.875108 243 251 Sannose 19.349629 243 252 Sannose 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Osaki-kami-jima 2.1518934 242 248 Osaki-kami-jima 4.7740481 243 248 Osaki-kami-jima 3.0574294 245 248 Osaki-kami-jima 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Inomecho 21.176113 259 249 Inomecho 66.238282 262 251 Inomecho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Harahata 16.64552 242 249 Harahata 8.0319931 242 250 Harahata 26.376706 242 251 Harahata 72.875108 243 251 Harahata 19.349629 243 252 Harahata 8.7747184 244 252 Harahata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyazakari 51.856313 241 249 Miyazakari 16.64552 242 249 Miyazakari 31.536176 241 250 Miyazakari 41.929864 241 251 Miyazakari 26.376706 242 251 Miyazakari 72.875108 243 251 Miyazakari 19.349629 243 252 Miyazakari 8.7747184 244 252 Miyazakari 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Koyo 51.856313 241 249 Koyo 16.64552 242 249 Koyo 31.536176 241 250 Koyo 41.929864 241 251 Koyo 26.376706 242 251 Koyo 72.875108 243 251 Koyo 19.349629 243 252 Koyo 8.7747184 244 252 Koyo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Tado 51.856313 241 249 Tado 16.64552 242 249 Tado 31.536176 241 250 Tado 41.929864 241 251 Tado 26.376706 242 251 Tado 72.875108 243 251 Tado 19.349629 243 252 Tado 8.7747184 244 252 Tado 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hiraki 16.64552 242 249 Hiraki 8.0319931 242 250 Hiraki 26.376706 242 251 Hiraki 72.875108 243 251 Hiraki 19.349629 243 252 Hiraki 8.7747184 244 252 Hiraki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchinoumi 16.64552 242 249 Uchinoumi 8.0319931 242 250 Uchinoumi 26.376706 242 251 Uchinoumi 72.875108 243 251 Uchinoumi 19.349629 243 252 Uchinoumi 8.7747184 244 252 Uchinoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oura 51.856313 241 249 Oura 16.64552 242 249 Oura 42.40165 240 250 Oura 29.86239 240 251 Oura 41.929864 241 251 Oura 26.376706 242 251 Oura 72.875108 243 251 Oura 19.349629 243 252 Oura 8.7747184 244 252 Oura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Upporoi 53.057323 260 249 Upporoi 2.841304 260 250 Upporoi 66.238282 262 251 Upporoi 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Oi 53.057323 260 249 Oi 2.841304 260 250 Oi 66.238282 262 251 Oi 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Mitsuguchi 16.64552 242 249 Mitsuguchi 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsuguchi 26.376706 242 251 Mitsuguchi 72.875108 243 251 Mitsuguchi 19.349629 243 252 Mitsuguchi 8.7747184 244 252 Mitsuguchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozucho 21.176113 259 249 Kozucho 66.238282 262 251 Kozucho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Horie 42.40165 240 250 Horie 29.86239 240 251 Horie 24.619908 240 252 24.619908 240 252 Kami-Oda 72.875108 243 251 Kami-Oda 19.349629 243 252 Kami-Oda 8.7747184 244 252 Kami-Oda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hojo 42.40165 240 250 Hojo 29.86239 240 251 Hojo 41.929864 241 251 Hojo 34.767233 241 252 Hojo 39.500802 241 253 39.500802 241 253 Kazahaya 8.0319931 242 250 Kazahaya 26.376706 242 251 Kazahaya 72.875108 243 251 Kazahaya 19.349629 243 252 Kazahaya 8.7747184 244 252 Kazahaya 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kuchi-Ukacho 2.841304 260 250 Kuchi-Ukacho 66.238282 262 251 Kuchi-Ukacho 14.514249 262 252 Kuchi-Ukacho 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Komatsubara 8.0319931 242 250 Komatsubara 26.376706 242 251 Komatsubara 72.875108 243 251 Komatsubara 19.349629 243 252 Komatsubara 8.7747184 244 252 Komatsubara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchiura 42.40165 240 250 Uchiura 29.86239 240 251 Uchiura 41.929864 241 251 Uchiura 26.376706 242 251 Uchiura 72.875108 243 251 Uchiura 19.349629 243 252 Uchiura 8.7747184 244 252 Uchiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kanashi 72.875108 243 251 Kanashi 19.349629 243 252 Kanashi 8.7747184 244 252 Kanashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Asanamihar 42.40165 240 250 Asanamihar 29.86239 240 251 Asanamihar 41.929864 241 251 Asanamihar 26.376706 242 251 Asanamihar 34.767233 241 252 Asanamihar 7.2322222 242 252 Asanamihar 72.484521 242 253 72.484521 242 253 Agejima 2.841304 260 250 Agejima 66.238282 262 251 Agejima 14.514249 262 252 Agejima 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Mitsu 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsu 26.376706 242 251 Mitsu 72.875108 243 251 Mitsu 19.349629 243 252 Mitsu 8.7747184 244 252 Mitsu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 2.841304 260 250 Hama 66.238282 262 251 Hama 14.514249 262 252 Hama 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Nada 2.841304 260 250 Nada 66.238282 262 251 Nada 14.514249 262 252 Nada 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Kubi 42.40165 240 250 Kubi 29.86239 240 251 Kubi 41.929864 241 251 Kubi 26.376706 242 251 Kubi 72.875108 243 251 Kubi 19.349629 243 252 Kubi 8.7747184 244 252 Kubi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okitomo 29.86239 240 251 Okitomo 41.929864 241 251 Okitomo 26.376706 242 251 Okitomo 72.875108 243 251 Okitomo 19.349629 243 252 Okitomo 8.7747184 244 252 Okitomo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 29.86239 240 251 Hama 41.929864 241 251 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 34.767233 241 252 Hama 7.2322222 242 252 Hama 72.484521 242 253 72.484521 242 253 Ocho 29.86239 240 251 Ocho 41.929864 241 251 Ocho 26.376706 242 251 Ocho 72.875108 243 251 Ocho 19.349629 243 252 Ocho 8.7747184 244 252 Ocho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okushi 41.929864 241 251 Okushi 26.376706 242 251 Okushi 72.875108 243 251 Okushi 19.349629 243 252 Okushi 8.7747184 244 252 Okushi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Daicho 29.86239 240 251 Daicho 41.929864 241 251 Daicho 26.376706 242 251 Daicho 72.875108 243 251 Daicho 19.349629 243 252 Daicho 8.7747184 244 252 Daicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakaura 66.238282 262 251 Sakaura 14.514249 262 252 Sakaura 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Matsuo 29.86239 240 251 Matsuo 41.929864 241 251 Matsuo 26.376706 242 251 Matsuo 34.767233 241 252 Matsuo 7.2322222 242 252 Matsuo 72.484521 242 253 72.484521 242 253 Mitarai 29.86239 240 251 Mitarai 41.929864 241 251 Mitarai 26.376706 242 251 Mitarai 72.875108 243 251 Mitarai 19.349629 243 252 Mitarai 8.7747184 244 252 Mitarai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 72.875108 243 251 Hama 19.349629 243 252 Hama 8.7747184 244 252 Hama 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Akashi 41.929864 241 251 Akashi 26.376706 242 251 Akashi 72.875108 243 251 Akashi 19.349629 243 252 Akashi 8.7747184 244 252 Akashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sukune 72.875108 243 251 Sukune 19.349629 243 252 Sukune 8.7747184 244 252 Sukune 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Nakano 41.929864 241 251 Nakano 26.376706 242 251 Nakano 72.875108 243 251 Nakano 19.349629 243 252 Nakano 8.7747184 244 252 Nakano 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozakai 66.238282 262 251 Kozakai 14.514249 262 252 Kozakai 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Obe 24.619908 240 252 Obe 34.767233 241 252 Obe 7.2322222 242 252 Obe 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Okiura 34.767233 241 252 Okiura 7.2322222 242 252 Okiura 19.349629 243 252 Okiura 8.7747184 244 252 Okiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakata 24.619908 240 252 Sakata 34.767233 241 252 Sakata 7.2322222 242 252 Sakata 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Takehara 19.349629 243 252 Takehara 8.7747184 244 252 Takehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kinoe 34.767233 241 252 Kinoe 7.2322222 242 252 Kinoe 19.349629 243 252 Kinoe 8.7747184 244 252 Kinoe 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Onashi 19.349629 243 252 Onashi 8.7747184 244 252 Onashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shiramizu 7.2322222 242 252 Shiramizu 19.349629 243 252 Shiramizu 8.7747184 244 252 Shiramizu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oi 24.619908 240 252 Oi 34.767233 241 252 Oi 7.2322222 242 252 Oi 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Takasakicho 19.349629 243 252 Takasakicho 8.7747184 244 252 Takasakicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Ono 24.619908 240 252 Ono 34.767233 241 252 Ono 7.2322222 242 252 Ono 72.484521 242 253 72.484521 242 253 Takasaki 19.349629 243 252 Takasaki 8.7747184 244 252 Takasaki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Namikata 24.619908 240 252 Namikata 34.767233 241 252 Namikata 7.2322222 242 252 Namikata 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Munagata 34.767233 241 252 Munagata 7.2322222 242 252 Munagata 19.349629 243 252 Munagata 8.7747184 244 252 Munagata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mitabe 164.86729 269 252 Mitabe 144.14125 269 253 Mitabe 166.69498 271 253 Mitabe 173.95197 272 253 Mitabe 121.19467 269 254 Mitabe 82.069765 271 254 Mitabe 136.07093 272 254 Mitabe 91.853673 272 255 Mitabe 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Fukuda 19.349629 243 252 Fukuda 8.7747184 244 252 Fukuda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Dozen 164.86729 269 252 Dozen 144.14125 269 253 Dozen 166.69498 271 253 Dozen 173.95197 272 253 Dozen 121.19467 269 254 Dozen 82.069765 271 254 Dozen 136.07093 272 254 Dozen 91.853673 272 255 Dozen 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hasihama 24.619908 240 252 Hasihama 34.767233 241 252 Hasihama 7.2322222 242 252 Hasihama 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Kuchisubo 34.767233 241 252 Kuchisubo 7.2322222 242 252 Kuchisubo 19.349629 243 252 Kuchisubo 8.7747184 244 252 Kuchisubo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Aikamachi 14.514249 262 252 Aikamachi 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Kinehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Chinzaki 144.14125 269 253 Chinzaki 166.69498 271 253 Chinzaki 173.95197 272 253 Chinzaki 121.19467 269 254 Chinzaki 82.069765 271 254 Chinzaki 136.07093 272 254 Chinzaki 91.853673 272 255 Chinzaki 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Etomo 91.852351 263 253 Etomo 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Tadanoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Urago 144.14125 269 253 Urago 166.69498 271 253 Urago 173.95197 272 253 Urago 121.19467 269 254 Urago 82.069765 271 254 Urago 136.07093 272 254 Urago 91.853673 272 255 Urago 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Higai 72.484521 242 253 Higai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyanoura 39.500802 241 253 Miyanoura 72.484521 242 253 Miyanoura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Terasu 91.852351 263 253 Terasu 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Tamagi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Imabari 39.500802 241 253 Imabari 72.484521 242 253 Imabari 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Sada-Miyauchi 91.852351 263 253 Sada-Miyauchi 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Funakoshi 144.14125 269 253 Funakoshi 166.69498 271 253 Funakoshi 173.95197 272 253 Funakoshi 121.19467 269 254 Funakoshi 82.069765 271 254 Funakoshi 136.07093 272 254 Funakoshi 91.853673 272 255 Funakoshi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hashi 144.14125 269 253 Hashi 166.69498 271 253 Hashi 173.95197 272 253 Hashi 121.19467 269 254 Hashi 82.069765 271 254 Hashi 136.07093 272 254 Hashi 91.853673 272 255 Hashi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Inokuchi 72.484521 242 253 Inokuchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mukuna 39.500802 241 253 Mukuna 72.484521 242 253 Mukuna 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shimogumi 91.852351 263 253 Shimogumi 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Kitaura 39.500802 241 253 Kitaura 72.484521 242 253 72.484521 242 253 Sakai 72.484521 242 253 Sakai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Urumi 133.67207 268 253 Urumi 118.2324 268 254 Urumi 90.540608 268 255 Urumi 91.853673 272 255 Urumi 72.084719 272 256 Urumi 78.245891 268 257 78.245891 268 257 Niburi 133.67207 268 253 Niburi 118.2324 268 254 Niburi 90.540608 268 255 Niburi 91.853673 272 255 Niburi 72.084719 272 256 Niburi 78.245891 268 257 78.245891 268 257 Noji 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Go-Sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Hama-sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Ryomei 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minamiura 53.506904 242 254 Minamiura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Mitajiri 121.19467 269 254 Mitajiri 82.069765 271 254 Mitajiri 136.07093 272 254 Mitajiri 91.853673 272 255 Mitajiri 72.084719 272 256 Mitajiri 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Beppu 121.19467 269 254 Beppu 82.069765 271 254 Beppu 136.07093 272 254 Beppu 91.853673 272 255 Beppu 72.084719 272 256 Beppu 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Kori 118.2324 268 254 Kori 90.540608 268 255 Kori 91.853673 272 255 Kori 72.084719 272 256 Kori 78.245891 268 257 Kori 79.941012 268 258 79.941012 268 258 Saiwaishinden 53.506904 242 254 Saiwaishinden 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Oyama 121.19467 269 254 Oyama 82.069765 271 254 Oyama 136.07093 272 254 Oyama 91.853673 272 255 Oyama 72.084719 272 256 Oyama 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Seto 53.506904 242 254 Seto 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Niregi 82.589962 263 254 Niregi 61.276459 264 258 61.276459 264 258 Kuratani 121.19467 269 254 Kuratani 82.069765 271 254 Kuratani 136.07093 272 254 Kuratani 91.853673 272 255 Kuratani 72.084719 272 256 Kuratani 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Usuge 118.2324 268 254 Usuge 90.540608 268 255 Usuge 91.853673 272 255 Usuge 72.084719 272 256 Usuge 78.245891 268 257 Usuge 79.941012 268 258 79.941012 268 258 Hama 82.589962 263 254 Hama 61.276459 264 258 61.276459 264 258 Yosokuni 53.506904 242 254 Yosokuni 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuranotani 121.19467 269 254 Kuranotani 82.069765 271 254 Kuranotani 136.07093 272 254 Kuranotani 91.853673 272 255 Kuranotani 72.084719 272 256 Kuranotani 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Wadacho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuwaki 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Miyakubo 53.506904 242 254 Miyakubo 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Uga 121.19467 269 254 Uga 82.069765 271 254 Uga 136.07093 272 254 Uga 91.853673 272 255 Uga 72.084719 272 256 Uga 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Tomoura 53.506904 242 254 Tomoura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Fukui 121.19467 269 254 Fukui 82.069765 271 254 Fukui 136.07093 272 254 Fukui 91.853673 272 255 Fukui 72.084719 272 256 Fukui 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Aoya 118.2324 268 254 Aoya 90.540608 268 255 Aoya 91.853673 272 255 Aoya 72.084719 272 256 Aoya 78.245891 268 257 Aoya 79.941012 268 258 79.941012 268 258 Hinozu 121.19467 269 254 Hinozu 82.069765 271 254 Hinozu 136.07093 272 254 Hinozu 91.853673 272 255 Hinozu 72.084719 272 256 Hinozu 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Sunamicho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kone 53.506904 242 254 Kone 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Saki 118.2324 268 254 Saki 90.540608 268 255 Saki 91.853673 272 255 Saki 72.084719 272 256 Saki 78.245891 268 257 Saki 79.941012 268 258 79.941012 268 258 Setoda 53.506904 242 254 Setoda 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minami 121.19467 269 254 Minami 82.069765 271 254 Minami 136.07093 272 254 Minami 91.853673 272 255 Minami 72.084719 272 256 Minami 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Tako 82.589962 263 254 Tako 61.276459 264 258 61.276459 264 258 Oi 118.2324 268 254 Oi 90.540608 268 255 Oi 91.853673 272 255 Oi 72.084719 272 256 Oi 78.245891 268 257 Oi 79.941012 268 258 79.941012 268 258 Kitabun 121.19467 269 254 Kitabun 82.069765 271 254 Kitabun 136.07093 272 254 Kitabun 91.853673 272 255 Kitabun 72.084719 272 256 Kitabun 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Nonami 58.761116 263 255 Nonami 61.276459 264 258 Nonami 56.677483 264 259 56.677483 264 259 Utsuka 89.335964 269 255 Utsuka 91.853673 272 255 Utsuka 72.084719 272 256 Utsuka 76.997991 269 258 Utsuka 105.13588 269 259 Utsuka 130.05385 270 259 130.05385 270 259 Chichii 89.335964 269 255 Chichii 91.853673 272 255 Chichii 72.084719 272 256 Chichii 76.997991 269 258 Chichii 105.13588 269 259 Chichii 130.05385 270 259 130.05385 270 259 Hobomi 89.335964 269 255 Hobomi 91.853673 272 255 Hobomi 72.084719 272 256 Hobomi 76.997991 269 258 Hobomi 105.13588 269 259 Hobomi 130.05385 270 259 130.05385 270 259 Toyota 89.335964 269 255 Toyota 91.853673 272 255 Toyota 72.084719 272 256 Toyota 76.997991 269 258 Toyota 105.13588 269 259 Toyota 130.05385 270 259 130.05385 270 259 Nota 89.335964 269 255 Nota 91.853673 272 255 Nota 72.084719 272 256 Nota 76.997991 269 258 Nota 105.13588 269 259 Nota 130.05385 270 259 130.05385 270 259 Chikumi 58.761116 263 255 Chikumi 61.276459 264 258 Chikumi 56.677483 264 259 56.677483 264 259 Mambara 58.761116 263 255 Mambara 61.276459 264 258 Mambara 56.677483 264 259 56.677483 264 259 Nagaoda 72.084719 272 256 Nagaoda 112.79156 275 258 Nagaoda 22.247848 272 259 Nagaoda 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Katae 57.606975 264 256 Katae 61.355419 264 257 Katae 61.276459 264 258 Katae 56.677483 264 259 Katae 16.831275 262 260 Katae 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Yui 72.084719 272 256 Yui 112.79156 275 258 Yui 22.247848 272 259 Yui 149.12927 271 260 149.12927 271 260 Fukura 72.084719 272 256 Fukura 112.79156 275 258 Fukura 22.247848 272 259 Fukura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Moriyama 57.606975 264 256 Moriyama 61.355419 264 257 Moriyama 61.276459 264 258 Moriyama 56.677483 264 259 Moriyama 16.831275 262 260 Moriyama 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nagu 72.084719 272 256 Nagu 112.79156 275 258 Nagu 22.247848 272 259 Nagu 149.12927 271 260 149.12927 271 260 Wataricho 57.606975 264 256 Wataricho 61.355419 264 257 Wataricho 61.276459 264 258 Wataricho 56.677483 264 259 Wataricho 16.831275 262 260 Wataricho 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Tonoecho 57.606975 264 256 Tonoecho 61.355419 264 257 Tonoecho 61.276459 264 258 Tonoecho 56.677483 264 259 Tonoecho 16.831275 262 260 Tonoecho 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Otsugu 72.084719 272 256 Otsugu 112.79156 275 258 Otsugu 22.247848 272 259 Otsugu 149.12927 271 260 149.12927 271 260 Watari 57.606975 264 256 Watari 61.355419 264 257 Watari 61.276459 264 258 Watari 56.677483 264 259 Watari 16.831275 262 260 Watari 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Shichirui 57.606975 264 256 Shichirui 61.355419 264 257 Shichirui 61.276459 264 258 Shichirui 56.677483 264 259 Shichirui 16.831275 262 260 Shichirui 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Shiro 72.084719 272 256 Shiro 112.79156 275 258 Shiro 22.247848 272 259 Shiro 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kumi 72.084719 272 256 Kumi 112.79156 275 258 Kumi 22.247848 272 259 Kumi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Naguchi 64.009701 272 257 Naguchi 84.450975 273 257 Naguchi 112.79156 275 258 Naguchi 22.247848 272 259 Naguchi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Minamigata 64.009701 272 257 Minamigata 84.450975 273 257 Minamigata 112.79156 275 258 Minamigata 22.247848 272 259 Minamigata 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamis******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 21:15:08.858433 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ato 17.898566 271 257 Kamisato 64.009701 272 257 Kamisato 84.450975 273 257 Kamisato 112.79156 275 258 Kamisato 22.247848 272 259 Kamisato 149.12927 271 260 Kamisato 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Mukoyama 17.898566 271 257 Mukoyama 64.009701 272 257 Mukoyama 84.450975 273 257 Mukoyama 112.79156 275 258 Mukoyama 22.247848 272 259 Mukoyama 149.12927 271 260 Mukoyama 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Tsudo 74.580521 270 257 Tsudo 84.450975 273 257 Tsudo 99.890666 270 258 Tsudo 130.05385 270 259 Tsudo 145.65687 270 260 145.65687 270 260 Takenouchicho 61.355419 264 257 Takenouchicho 61.276459 264 258 Takenouchicho 56.677483 264 259 Takenouchicho 16.831275 262 260 Takenouchicho 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Sakai-Minato 61.355419 264 257 Sakai-Minato 61.276459 264 258 Sakai-Minato 56.677483 264 259 Sakai-Minato 16.831275 262 260 Sakai-Minato 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Fukuura 61.355419 264 257 Fukuura 61.276459 264 258 Fukuura 56.677483 264 259 Fukuura 16.831275 262 260 Fukuura 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Yoshizu 61.355419 264 257 Yoshizu 61.276459 264 258 Yoshizu 56.677483 264 259 Yoshizu 16.831275 262 260 Yoshizu 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Koii 64.009701 272 257 Koii 84.450975 273 257 Koii 112.79156 275 258 Koii 22.247848 272 259 Koii 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kori 64.009701 272 257 Kori 84.450975 273 257 Kori 112.79156 275 258 Kori 22.247848 272 259 Kori 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 O-Shinozucho 61.355419 264 257 O-Shinozucho 61.276459 264 258 O-Shinozucho 56.677483 264 259 O-Shinozucho 16.831275 262 260 O-Shinozucho 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kitagata 64.009701 272 257 Kitagata 84.450975 273 257 Kitagata 112.79156 275 258 Kitagata 22.247848 272 259 Kitagata 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Yamad 64.009701 272 257 Yamad 84.450975 273 257 Yamad 112.79156 275 258 Yamad 22.247848 272 259 Yamad 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kumozu 61.355419 264 257 Kumozu 61.276459 264 258 Kumozu 56.677483 264 259 Kumozu 16.831275 262 260 Kumozu 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Utagi 17.898566 271 257 Utagi 64.009701 272 257 Utagi 84.450975 273 257 Utagi 112.79156 275 258 Utagi 22.247848 272 259 Utagi 149.12927 271 260 Utagi 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Igo 64.009701 272 257 Igo 84.450975 273 257 Igo 112.79156 275 258 Igo 22.247848 272 259 Igo 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamiguchi 61.355419 264 257 Kamiguchi 61.276459 264 258 Kamiguchi 56.677483 264 259 Kamiguchi 16.831275 262 260 Kamiguchi 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kamo 74.580521 270 257 Kamo 84.450975 273 257 Kamo 99.890666 270 258 Kamo 130.05385 270 259 Kamo 145.65687 270 260 145.65687 270 260 Kambi 74.580521 270 257 Kambi 84.450975 273 257 Kambi 99.890666 270 258 Kambi 130.05385 270 259 Kambi 145.65687 270 260 145.65687 270 260 Higuchi 61.355419 264 257 Higuchi 61.276459 264 258 Higuchi 56.677483 264 259 Higuchi 16.831275 262 260 Higuchi 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Goto 16.831275 262 260 Goto 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nishimura 64.009701 272 257 Nishimura 84.450975 273 257 Nishimura 112.79156 275 258 Nishimura 22.247848 272 259 Nishimura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Harada 96.292275 271 258 Harada 112.79156 275 258 Harada 22.247848 272 259 Harada 149.12927 271 260 Harada 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kamidani 61.276459 264 258 Kamidani 56.677483 264 259 Kamidani 16.831275 262 260 Kamidani 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Mihonoseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonoseki 56.677483 264 259 Mihonoseki 16.831275 262 260 Mihonoseki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Ikeda 96.292275 271 258 Ikeda 112.79156 275 258 Ikeda 22.247848 272 259 Ikeda 149.12927 271 260 Ikeda 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Nakamura 63.004105 272 258 Nakamura 112.79156 275 258 Nakamura 22.247848 272 259 Nakamura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Nishida 96.292275 271 258 Nishida 112.79156 275 258 Nishida 22.247848 272 259 Nishida 149.12927 271 260 Nishida 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Mihonseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonseki 56.677483 264 259 Mihonseki 16.831275 262 260 Mihonseki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Minoura 99.890666 270 258 Minoura 130.05385 270 259 Minoura 145.65687 270 260 Minoura 166.99124 270 262 166.99124 270 262 Abe 16.831275 262 260 Abe 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Gonya 63.004105 272 258 Gonya 112.79156 275 258 Gonya 22.247848 272 259 Gonya 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Misaki 99.890666 270 258 Misaki 130.05385 270 259 Misaki 145.65687 270 260 Misaki 166.99124 270 262 166.99124 270 262 Araki 96.292275 271 258 Araki 112.79156 275 258 Araki 22.247848 272 259 Araki 149.12927 271 260 Araki 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Yonago 16.831275 262 260 Yonago 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Takei 96.292275 271 258 Takei 112.79156 275 258 Takei 22.247848 272 259 Takei 149.12927 271 260 Takei 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Sei 96.292275 271 258 Sei 112.79156 275 258 Sei 22.247848 272 259 Sei 149.12927 271 260 Sei 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Iibi 63.004105 272 258 Iibi 112.79156 275 258 Iibi 22.247848 272 259 Iibi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Togo 96.292275 271 258 Togo 112.79156 275 258 Togo 22.247848 272 259 Togo 149.12927 271 260 Togo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Iida 96.292275 271 258 Iida 112.79156 275 258 Iida 22.247848 272 259 Iida 149.12927 271 260 Iida 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Higashi-Fukuhara 16.831275 262 260 Higashi-Fukuhara 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Uzuki 63.004105 272 258 Uzuki 112.79156 275 258 Uzuki 22.247848 272 259 Uzuki 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kami-fukubara 16.831275 262 260 Kami-fukubara 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kaike-Onsen 16.831275 262 260 Kaike-Onsen 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Saigo 96.292275 271 258 Saigo 112.79156 275 258 Saigo 22.247848 272 259 Saigo 149.12927 271 260 Saigo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Inugu 123.16414 271 259 Inugu 22.247848 272 259 Inugu 149.12927 271 260 Inugu 160.1488 271 261 Inugu 170.09492 271 263 Inugu 155.17309 272 263 155.17309 272 263 Kama 123.16414 271 259 Kama 22.247848 272 259 Kama 149.12927 271 260 Kama 160.1488 271 261 Kama 170.09492 271 263 Kama 155.17309 272 263 155.17309 272 263 Oku 123.16414 271 259 Oku 22.247848 272 259 Oku 149.12927 271 260 Oku 160.1488 271 261 Oku 170.09492 271 263 Oku 155.17309 272 263 155.17309 272 263 Kuzumo 16.831275 262 260 Kuzumo 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Soda 16.831275 262 260 Soda 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kaya 16.831275 262 260 Kaya 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kawaoka 16.831275 262 260 Kawaoka 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Odaka 16.831275 262 260 Odaka 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Sueyoshi 16.831275 262 260 Sueyoshi 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Muki 16.831275 262 260 Muki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Yodoe 16.831275 262 260 Yodoe 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nawa 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Kami Daison 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Shitatsubo 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Takahashi 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Nagano 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Uwaichi 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Akasaka 38.59997 263 262 Akasaka 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Uematsu 38.59997 263 262 Uematsu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Hata 38.59997 263 262 Hata 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Notsu 38.59997 263 262 Notsu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Idekami 38.59997 263 262 Idekami 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yawata 38.59997 263 262 Yawata 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Bessho 38.59997 263 262 Bessho 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Akasaki Ko 38.59997 263 262 Akasaki Ko 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Miyaki 39.254898 263 263 Miyaki 37.089394 263 264 Miyaki 44.64503 263 265 Miyaki 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yabase 39.254898 263 263 Yabase 37.089394 263 264 Yabase 44.64503 263 265 Yabase 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Ho 39.254898 263 263 Ho 37.089394 263 264 Ho 44.64503 263 265 Ho 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Urayasu 39.254898 263 263 Urayasu 37.089394 263 264 Urayasu 44.64503 263 265 Urayasu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kogane 39.254898 263 263 Kogane 37.089394 263 264 Kogane 44.64503 263 265 Kogane 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kanaya 37.089394 263 264 Kanaya 44.64503 263 265 Kanaya 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Ichii 23.070462 246 268 23.070462 246 268 Sugishita 37.089394 263 264 Sugishita 44.64503 263 265 Sugishita 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Shimontane 37.089394 263 264 Shimontane 44.64503 263 265 Shimontane 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Otani 37.089394 263 264 Otani 44.64503 263 265 Otani 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yura 37.089394 263 264 Yura 44.64503 263 265 Yura 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Maragume 23.070462 246 268 23.070462 246 268 Yurajuku 37.089394 263 264 Yurajuku 44.64503 263 265 Yurajuku 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yurashuku 37.089394 263 264 Yurashuku 44.64503 263 265 Yurashuku 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Nishisono 37.089394 263 264 Nishisono 44.64503 263 265 Nishisono 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Seto 44.64503 263 265 Seto 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kitano 44.64503 263 265 Kitano 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yonesato 44.64503 263 265 Yonesato 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Simotui 23.070462 246 268 Simotui 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Yumihara 44.64503 263 265 Yumihara 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Ajino 23.070462 246 268 Ajino 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Utazu 23.070462 246 268 Utazu 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Ekita 44.64503 263 265 Ekita 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Koda 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Shinden 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kaita 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Nagase 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Sakaide 23.070462 246 268 Sakaide 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Tajiri 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Egita 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kodota 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Shimo Asozu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kami Asozu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Hashizu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Oyabu 23.070462 246 268 Oyabu 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Matsuzaki 44.868822 263 267 Matsuzaki 69.882882 264 267 Matsuzaki 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Hara 44.868822 263 267 Hara 69.882882 264 267 Hara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Urushihara 44.868822 263 267 Urushihara 69.882882 264 267 Urushihara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Uno 23.070462 246 268 Uno 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Tomari 44.868822 263 267 Tomari 69.882882 264 267 Tomari 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Tamano 23.070462 246 268 Tamano 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Narutake 44.868822 263 267 Narutake 69.882882 264 267 Narutake 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Yuturiha 23.070462 246 268 Yuturiha 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Yoshikawa 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Okuzaki 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/bathymetry.tif ...copying 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/mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/trim-calc.nc ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/trim-calc.nc ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/ (673, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Jiazi 22.40734 71 1 Jiazi 13.09244 72 1 Jiazi 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Changqingwei 22.40734 71 1 Changqingwei 13.09244 72 1 Changqingwei 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 19.728532 72 3 Shenquan 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 6.7835538 74 4 6.7835538 74 4 Donghong 4.4844703 74 5 4.4844703 74 5 Jinghai 18.914914 73 6 Jinghai 17.571704 76 9 Jinghai 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Ch'ao-yang-hsien 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Haimen 17.571704 76 9 Haimen 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Shantou 8.4375967 78 11 Shantou 7.0718507 79 12 Shantou 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Dahao 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Aotou 8.4375967 78 11 Aotou 7.0718507 79 12 Aotou 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Daitou 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Guangao 19.161279 76 10 Guangao 12.697454 77 10 Guangao 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Siwei 7.0718507 79 12 Siwei 3.7670093 80 12 Siwei 6.6530483 82 14 6.6530483 82 14 Ch'ien-tung-hsu 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Qiandong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Jingzhou 6.6530483 82 14 Jingzhou 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanglong 12.30569 81 14 Huanglong 6.6530483 82 14 Huanglong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanggang 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Houzhai 14.158554 79 13 Houzhai 7.4188071 80 13 Houzhai 12.30569 81 14 Houzhai 6.6530483 82 14 Houzhai 6.391558 83 16 Houzhai 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Raoping 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Zhelin 6.6530483 82 14 Zhelin 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Shenao 12.310144 80 14 Shenao 12.30569 81 14 Shenao 6.6530483 82 14 Shenao 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Nanao 19.543308 79 15 Nanao 14.736534 80 15 Nanao 14.438193 81 15 Nanao 10.298399 82 15 Nanao 6.391558 83 16 Nanao 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Chelim 10.298399 82 15 Chelim 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Gongkou 6.391558 83 16 Gongkou 25.143746 84 16 25.143746 84 16 Sidu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Dongshan 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Ssu-tu 4.0256123 85 20 4.0256123 85 20 Gongqiancun 16.571469 82 19 Gongqiancun 12.984636 83 19 Gongqiancun 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chencheng 16.571469 82 19 Chencheng 12.984636 83 19 Chencheng 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Hsing-ch'en 4.0256123 85 20 Hsing-ch'en 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Chendai 4.0256123 85 20 Chendai 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Hsi-pu 12.984636 83 19 Hsi-pu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chengguanzhen 22.062022 84 22 Chengguanzhen 3.7540171 87 25 Chengguanzhen 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Erdaogou 9.4160888 308 24 Erdaogou 19.666559 309 24 Erdaogou 19.610813 310 24 Erdaogou 23.439165 311 24 Erdaogou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Binhaicun 19.666559 309 24 Binhaicun 19.610813 310 24 Binhaicun 23.439165 311 24 Binhaicun 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tangjiahe 19.666559 309 24 Tangjiahe 19.610813 310 24 Tangjiahe 23.439165 311 24 Tangjiahe 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 23.439165 311 24 Baishuitou 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Lijiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Lijiapu 19.666559 309 24 19.666559 309 24 Guleitou 22.062022 84 22 Guleitou 3.7540171 87 25 Guleitou 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Gangkou 14.166745 86 25 Gangkou 3.7540171 87 25 Gangkou 7.1344484 88 25 Gangkou 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 Gaoshalingcun 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Zhaojiapu 9.4160888 308 24 Zhaojiapu 19.666559 309 24 19.666559 309 24 Liuhongbo 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Xujiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Hsia-mei 3.7540171 87 25 Hsia-mei 7.1344484 88 25 Hsia-mei 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 2.2402331 315 27 Pehtang 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Jiuzhen 10.293507 89 26 Jiuzhen 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Liu'ao 3.7540171 87 25 Liu'ao 7.1344484 88 25 Liu'ao 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Shentu 7.1344484 88 25 Shentu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Chihu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Fotan 8.2773537 91 29 Fotan 7.5801579 92 30 7.5801579 92 30 Fugong 9.1224387 93 31 Fugong 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 Shuangqiaozi 9.7314958 317 28 9.7314958 317 28 Haicang 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Guankou 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Gangwei 9.1224387 93 31 Gangwei 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Songyu 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Hsing-lin 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Xucuo 9.1224387 93 31 Xucuo 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Gulangyu 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Xiamen 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Chen-hai 7.5801579 92 30 Chen-hai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Daomei 9.1224387 93 31 Daomei 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Dianqian 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Jiangtou 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Zhenhai 7.5801579 92 30 Zhenhai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 Heiyanzi 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Hecuo 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Liuwudian 2.7981704 97 31 Liuwudian 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 8.895146 315 31 Beipu 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Aotou 11.680956 96 33 Aotou 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Xindian 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 An-ting 12.486394 94 33 An-ting 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Ma-chiang 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Chin-men 12.486394 94 33 Chin-men 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Lianhe 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Ch'ing-hsu 15.995085 96 34 Ch'ing-hsu 4.474861 97 34 Ch'ing-hsu 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Shijing 4.474861 97 34 Shijing 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Chin-men Tao 11.81395 95 34 Chin-men Tao 15.995085 96 34 Chin-men Tao 4.474861 97 34 Chin-men Tao 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Yang-chai 11.81395 95 34 Yang-chai 15.995085 96 34 Yang-chai 4.474861 97 34 Yang-chai 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Anhai 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Tung-shih 37.719502 98 36 Tung-shih 3.88525 98 37 Tung-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 Nancaoji 2.0003162 315 38 Nancaoji 3.7314449 316 38 Nancaoji 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Weitou 16.40076 96 37 Weitou 3.88525 98 37 Weitou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Chin-ching 16.40076 96 37 Chin-ching 3.88525 98 37 Chin-ching 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Shih-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Yakou 3.88525 98 37 Yakou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 Liu-tsan 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Yongning 2.6544592 98 38 Yongning 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 Dazhuanghe 3.8697362 317 39 3.8697362 317 39 Shihu 19.961478 101 42 Shihu 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dongyuan 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Hsiang-chih 23.464508 99 41 Hsiang-chih 12.088851 100 41 Hsiang-chih 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Zhangban 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Fengting 19.992729 107 45 Fengting 40.385472 108 45 Fengting 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 6.5440418 316 41 Yang-chiao 6.7658682 289 45 6.7658682 289 45 Qian'an 19.961478 101 42 Qian'an 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dongsha 19.992729 107 45 Dongsha 40.385472 108 45 Dongsha 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Dawu 3.4065137 103 43 Dawu 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Chongwu 19.961478 101 42 Chongwu 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Lingchuan 19.992729 107 45 Lingchuan 40.385472 108 45 Lingchuan 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Fengwei 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hsiao-tso 12.914359 102 43 Hsiao-tso 3.4065137 103 43 Hsiao-tso 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Zhongmen 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hushi 40.385472 108 45 Hushi 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 P'u-hsi 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hanjiang 4.884141 111 49 Hanjiang 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Meizhou 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Yancangcheng 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Hsing-chuang 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Haitou 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Shiqiao 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Chiang-k'ou 4.884141 111 49 Chiang-k'ou 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Hsia-k'ou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Jiuliqi 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Daitou 26.365664 107 46 Daitou 51.854925 108 46 Daitou 26.166377 108 47 Daitou 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Che-wang 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 Tuanlin 13.48162 322 49 Tuanlin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Fenshui 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Pinghai 26.166377 108 47 Pinghai 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 2.4748921 324 50 Dapuhe 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Yuxi 3.7875229 112 49 Yuxi 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Andongwei 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tangbian 4.884141 111 49 Tangbian 3.7875229 112 49 Tangbian 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 Xihenancun 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Xugou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Shicheng 6.7393053 107 48 Shicheng 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Lanshantou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Taolekow 4.2500724 257 51 4.2500724 257 51 Jiangjing 4.884141 111 49 Jiangjing 3.7875229 112 49 Jiangjing 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Liujiazhai 7.0120592 258 52 7.0120592 258 52 Dongxi Liandao 3.7698366 249 50 Dongxi Liandao 2.4063058 251 50 2.4063058 251 50 Nanri 18.09116 106 50 Nanri 7.0734505 107 50 Nanri 6.1359086 108 50 Nanri 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Longtian 4.547549 112 50 Longtian 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Gangtou 5.4590452 111 50 Gangtou 4.547549 112 50 Gangtou 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Chu-kao-wan 60.854161 86 51 Chu-kao-wan 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 San Shah 3.150623 111 51 San Shah 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Guhuai 10.731328 116 55 Guhuai 9.6953481 117 55 Guhuai 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Feng-kuei-li 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Gaoshan 20.832558 110 51 Gaoshan 3.150623 111 51 Gaoshan 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Fuye 21.813694 106 51 Fuye 4.2004307 109 51 Fuye 20.832558 110 51 20.832558 110 51 Shijiusuo 7.0120592 258 52 7.0120592 258 52 Ch'ang-an 60.854161 86 51 Ch'ang-an 58.867813 87 51 Ch'ang-an 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 P'eng-hu-erh-ts'un 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 Ch'ien-ma-fang 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Langqi 7.4873876 119 56 Langqi 2.4030428 121 56 Langqi 3.7675423 122 56 Langqi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chiang-t'ien 10.731328 116 55 Chiang-t'ien 9.6953481 117 55 Chiang-t'ien 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Changmen 2.4030428 121 56 Changmen 3.7675423 122 56 Changmen 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Ma-kung 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Ch'eng-ch'ien 58.147418 86 52 Ch'eng-ch'ien 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Chu-mu-shui 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 Qinhuangdao 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Chi-pei 58.147418 86 52 Chi-pei 72.156355 87 52 Chi-pei 55.671692 88 52 Chi-pei 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Tantou 5.5278715 118 55 Tantou 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Fengwo 7.4873876 119 56 Fengwo 2.4030428 121 56 Fengwo 3.7675423 122 56 Fengwo 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chang-chiang 9.6953481 117 55 Chang-chiang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Yunlong 7.4873876 119 56 Yunlong 2.4030428 121 56 Yunlong 3.7675423 122 56 Yunlong 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Tung-tai 3.7675423 122 56 Tung-tai 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chin-feng 5.5278715 118 55 Chin-feng 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Ta-ch'iu 7.8729078 109 53 Ta-ch'iu 11.298118 110 53 11.298118 110 53 Baisheng 2.4030428 121 56 Baisheng 3.7675423 122 56 Baisheng 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Mabi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Lung-men 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Guanban 3.7675423 122 56 Guanban 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Wuhang 9.6953481 117 55 Wuhang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Chien-chiang 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Beicuo 14.408223 110 55 Beicuo 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Guanjing 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Cao Yu 21.453363 109 54 21.453363 109 54 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 Shanhaiguan 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Qingfeng 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Yanweigang 3.7995859 249 55 Yanweigang 2.1817413 247 57 2.1817413 247 57 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 Nanhai 9.4273718 328 55 9.4273718 328 55 Pingtan 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Ting-hai 3.7675423 122 56 Ting-hai 6.73443 123 56 Ting-hai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 5.8558936 263 55 5.8558936 263 55 Hutouya 2.0267187 287 55 Hutouya 6.8491467 287 56 6.8491467 287 56 Anhai 16.488406 124 58 Anhai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Tung-ch'ung 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Xinan 6.1076887 128 59 6.1076887 128 59 Houtian 6.0111747 111 56 Houtian 9.2331172 115 56 Houtian 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 Wan-chia-t'un 3.1789176 329 57 Wan-chia-t'un 8.5678236 329 59 Wan-chia-t'un 16.026875 330 59 Wan-chia-t'un 2.1211945 330 60 2.1211945 330 60 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 3.1789176 329 57 Qiangzili 8.5678236 329 59 Qiangzili 16.026875 330 59 Qiangzili 2.1211945 330 60 2.1211945 330 60 Xiahecheng 10.073142 263 56 10.073142 263 56 Zhangjialou 7.463872 265 59 7.463872 265 59 Dayuan 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 15.033168 120 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 7.1594537 121 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 12.384673 122 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Xiahu 49.118844 127 58 Xiahu 32.880177 127 59 Xiahu 6.1076887 128 59 Xiahu 14.317131 128 61 Xiahu 12.731007 129 61 Xiahu 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 6.3065462 130 62 Hanjiang 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Songcheng 3.3149429 131 62 Songcheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Da'ao 23.861571 126 59 Da'ao 14.317131 128 61 Da'ao 12.731007 129 61 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 3.3149429 131 62 Changchun 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Wuqu 6.3065462 130 62 Wuqu 3.3149429 131 62 Wuqu 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Hongshiya 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Yung-lung 13.577678 79 61 Yung-lung 10.147977 80 61 Yung-lung 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Luxia 14.317131 128 61 Luxia 12.731007 129 61 Luxia 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Chiang-chun 13.577678 79 61 Chiang-chun 10.147977 80 61 10.147977 80 61 Lingshanwei 6.2537308 267 61 Lingshanwei 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Fu-hsing 13.577678 79 61 Fu-hsing 10.147977 80 61 Fu-hsing 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Pu-tai 13.577678 79 61 Pu-tai 10.147977 80 61 Pu-tai 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Yacheng 5.0918143 132 62 Yacheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Chang-t'an 13.577678 79 61 Chang-t'an 10.147977 80 61 Chang-t'an 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Wu-nan 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Hsin-chuang 9.3603672 292 61 9.3603672 292 61 Chung-ch'i 17.818267 88 63 Chung-ch'i 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Houwan 6.7995416 268 62 Houwan 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Sansha 5.0918143 132 62 Sansha 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Yantaiqian 6.2537308 267 61 Yantaiqian 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Xianlang 6.7995416 268 62 Xianlang 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Qimudao 12.014129 293 61 Qimudao 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Liuduo 3.6349543 242 65 3.6349543 242 65 San-hsing 17.818267 88 63 San-hsing 21.484342 89 63 San-hsing 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 T'ai-hsi 39.461745 90 62 T'ai-hsi 21.484342 89 63 T'ai-hsi 39.062347 90 63 T'ai-hsi 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 7.0709729 292 62 Ta-yu-chien 4.1783146 246 62 4.1783146 246 62 Beizhuang 18.338013 267 62 Beizhuang 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Sha-shan 17.818267 88 63 Sha-shan 21.484342 89 63 Sha-shan 39.062347 90 63 Sha-shan 39.840433 91 63 Sha-shan 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Ch'ing-tao 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 2.0228224 272 63 Ch'ing-tao 8.8871129 273 63 Ch'ing-tao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Wang-kung 17.818267 88 63 Wang-kung 21.484342 89 63 Wang-kung 39.062347 90 63 Wang-kung 39.840433 91 63 Wang-kung 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Sifang 6.4712836 271 63 Sifang 2.0228224 272 63 Sifang 8.8871129 273 63 Sifang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Chengyang 2.0228224 272 63 Chengyang 8.8871129 273 63 Chengyang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 6.5918041 293 63 Huang-ch'i 5.9611803 134 64 Huang-ch'i 16.520509 136 65 Huang-ch'i 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Qingdao 6.4712836 271 63 Qingdao 2.0228224 272 63 Qingdao 8.8871129 273 63 Qingdao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Fushansuo 11.126148 269 64 Fushansuo 19.271288 271 64 Fushansuo 2.5193449 272 64 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Shacheng 16.520509 136 65 Shacheng 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Huangshagang 12.410759 238 67 12.410759 238 67 Shuangyangzha 14.317102 239 66 Shuangyangzha 4.5126978 241 66 4.5126978 241 66 Ts'ang-k'ou 24.269815 270 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 19.271288 271 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 2.5193449 272 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 19.271288 271 64 Hsien-chia-chai 2.5193449 272 64 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Xiaguan 16.520509 136 65 16.520509 136 65 T'ang-sheng-chiang 12.410759 238 67 12.410759 238 67 Dongxiaohai 14.317102 239 66 14.317102 239 66 Lu-kang 15.016012 90 64 Lu-kang 44.911292 92 64 Lu-kang 10.707506 91 65 Lu-kang 4.9192683 92 66 4.9192683 92 66 Pucheng 16.520509 136 65 16.520509 136 65 Xinyanggang 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Sha-fan-chieh 6.1811061 139 69 Sha-fan-chieh 9.5777037 139 70 Sha-fan-chieh 3.3968236 141 70 Sha-fan-chieh 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shazikou 20.069832 269 66 Shazikou 21.232042 269 67 Shazikou 26.667751 269 68 Shazikou 29.557382 269 69 Shazikou 27.534442 269 70 27.534442 269 70 I-shan 3.3968236 141 70 I-shan 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 Shahousuo 11.244679 335 70 11.244679 335 70 Ching-shui 18.89506 94 67 Ching-shui 48.638053 95 67 Ching-shui 47.572319 96 67 Ching-shui 46.81908 96 68 46.81908 96 68 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 12.225514 296 67 Jinxiang 6.1811061 139 69 Jinxiang 9.5777037 139 70 Jinxiang 3.3968236 141 70 Jinxiang 24.330988 143 70 Jinxiang 2.0945312 143 71 2.0945312 143 71 Hai huang 18.89506 94 67 Hai huang 48.638053 95 67 Hai huang 47.572319 96 67 Hai huang 63.810636 97 67 Hai huang 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Gexiang 24.330988 143 70 Gexiang 2.0945312 143 71 2.0945312 143 71 Wanggezhuang 22.958528 272 71 Wanggezhuang 6.6305521 273 71 Wanggezhuang 7.8042088 274 71 Wanggezhuang 2.1714545 275 71 Wanggezhuang 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 12.225514 296 67 Yuan-li 11.849512 95 68 Yuan-li 46.81908 96 68 Yuan-li 47.231968 97 68 Yuan-li 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Tung-hsiao 11.849512 95 68 Tung-hsiao 46.81908 96 68 Tung-hsiao 47.231968 97 68 Tung-hsiao 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Aoshanwei 6.6305521 273 71 Aoshanwei 7.8042088 274 71 Aoshanwei 2.1714545 275 71 Aoshanwei 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Chang'ao 17.697269 148 73 Chang'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Ch'i-ting 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Xiabu 17.697269 148 73 Xiabu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 25.4412 184 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Banling 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 11.497985 297 72 11.497985 297 72 Zhuangyuanqiao 24.953155 147 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 17.697269 148 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Kaiyangtu 17.697269 148 73 Kaiyangtu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 11.497985 297 72 11.497985 297 72 Chin-chia-k'ou 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Ling-hsia 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Huangwan 25.4412 184 73 Huangwan 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Longwan 24.953155 147 73 Longwan 17.697269 148 73 Longwan 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Gao'ao 17.697269 148 73 Gao'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Siqianjie 24.953155 147 73 Siqianjie 17.697269 148 73 Siqianjie 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dongtaihezha 8.3752368 226 73 8.3752368 226 73 Liulishe 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xiaodoumen 24.953155 147 73 Xiaodoumen 17.697269 148 73 Xiaodoumen 3.2494402 149 73 Xiaodoumen 10.419949 148 75 Xiaodoumen 2.0500631 149 75 Xiaodoumen 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Baixiang 17.697269 148 73 Baixiang 3.2494402 149 73 Baixiang 10.419949 148 75 Baixiang 2.0500631 149 75 Baixiang 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Shan-ch'ien 17.697269 148 73 Shan-ch'ien 3.2494402 149 73 Shan-ch'ien 10.419949 148 75 Shan-ch'ien 2.0500631 149 75 Shan-ch'ien 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Wangcun 2.1714545 275 71 Wangcun 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Wali 7.8042088 274 71 Wali 2.1714545 275 71 Wali 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Jiangtan 24.953155 147 73 Jiangtan 17.697269 148 73 Jiangtan 3.2494402 149 73 Jiangtan 10.419949 148 75 Jiangtan 2.0500631 149 75 Jiangtan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ganpu 25.4412 184 73 Ganpu 17.456245 185 73 Ganpu 4.6144463 187 75 Ganpu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Chu-nan 40.862512 100 71 Chu-nan 2.2544865 101 73 2.2544865 101 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 3.2494402 149 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 10.419949 148 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 2.0500631 149 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ch'ien-tzu-chiao 40.862512 100 71 Ch'ien-tzu-chiao 2.2544865 101 73 2.2544865 101 73 Hsieh-t'ang 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Liu-tsao 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xingcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Haiyan 17.456245 185 73 Haiyan 4.6144463 187 75 Haiyan 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsia-chia-fou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-chia-fou 3.2494402 149 73 Hsia-chia-fou 10.419949 148 75 Hsia-chia-fou 2.0500631 149 75 Hsia-chia-fou 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Changchuanba 25.4412 184 73 Changchuanba 17.456245 185 73 Changchuanba 4.6144463 187 75 Changchuanba 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Bixishi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Xizhoushi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsin-k'ai-kang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Baizhuzhen 5.4299814 186 75 Baizhuzhen 4.6144463 187 75 Baizhuzhen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ch'eng-ao 3.2494402 149 73 Ch'eng-ao 2.0500631 149 75 Ch'eng-ao 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Dituan 17.697269 148 73 Dituan 3.2494402 149 73 Dituan 10.419949 148 75 Dituan 2.0500631 149 75 Dituan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Beilong 9.5466128 143 73 Beilong 5.9811912 144 73 Beilong 4.2607895 145 73 Beilong 2.0272748 146 73 2.0272748 146 73 Shih-ma-chuang 3.2494402 149 73 Shih-ma-chuang 2.0500631 149 75 Shih-ma-chuang 61.424401 150 75 Shih-ma-chuang 49.926487 153 77 49.926487 153 77 Ta-shan 4.9173076 277 75 Ta-shan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Linshan 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Changqian 5.4299814 186 75 Changqian 4.6144463 187 75 Changqian 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Xitang 4.6144463 187 75 Xitang 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lao-wu-shih 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Dashan 4.9173076 277 75 Dashan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Baiyan 38.790019 152 76 Baiyan 49.926487 153 77 Baiyan 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Baisha 61.424401 150 75 Baisha 49.926487 153 77 Baisha 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Da'an 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 38.790019 152 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 49.926487 153 77 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 4.6144463 187 75 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ri'aitang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Fu-jung 49.926487 153 77 Fu-jung 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Laochangbu 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chou-hung-ch'iu 2.4716733 184 74 Chou-hung-ch'iu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Cheng-chia-tai 4.6144463 187 75 Cheng-chia-tai 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Heng-pa-ts'un 2.4716733 184 74 Heng-pa-ts'un 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 Dajijia 17.458593 297 75 Dajijia 14.503721 296 76 Dajijia 16.990276 296 77 Dajijia 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 P'u-ch'i 61.424401 150 75 P'u-ch'i 49.926487 153 77 P'u-ch'i 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Lo-ho-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Kuan-yin 3.3316499 103 74 Kuan-yin 27.281443 107 78 27.281443 107 78 Hsiung-ting-yu 2.4716733 184 74 Hsiung-ting-yu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Zhapu 4.6144463 187 75 Zhapu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lixinzha 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qingjiang 38.790019 152 76 Qingjiang 49.926487 153 77 Qingjiang 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Zhangjiaxiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huangang 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 Xihuzui 47.743442 312 75 Xihuzui 44.199686 313 75 Xihuzui 22.593072 314 75 Xihuzui 32.925733 315 75 Xihuzui 37.061167 314 76 Xihuzui 25.426262 315 76 Xihuzui 16.387197 315 77 Xihuzui 10.211338 314 78 Xihuzui 12.188971 315 79 12.188971 315 79 Sanhezhen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Niu-ch'iao-shih 4.6144463 187 75 Niu-ch'iao-shih 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsiao-an-chieh 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Touyan 7.9364271 147 75 Touyan 10.419949 148 75 Touyan 2.0500631 149 75 Touyan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Banping 15.445253 145 75 Banping 6.6582175 146 75 Banping 7.9364271 147 75 Banping 10.419949 148 75 Banping 2.0500631 149 75 Banping 16.294285 148 78 Banping 10.201052 149 78 10.201052 149 78 Bei'ao 15.445253 145 75 Bei'ao 6.6582175 146 75 Bei'ao 7.9364271 147 75 Bei'ao 10.419949 148 75 Bei'ao 2.0500631 149 75 Bei'ao 16.294285 148 78 Bei'ao 10.201052 149 78 10.201052 149 78 Dajing 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wei-chiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hu-chia-lu 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 Ku-hsien 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Chenyu 2.0500631 149 75 Chenyu 61.424401 150 75 Chenyu 49.926487 153 77 Chenyu 8.5062756 153 78 Chenyu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 Tieshan 57.945619 311 75 Tieshan 47.743442 312 75 Tieshan 44.199686 313 75 Tieshan 38.42566 313 76 38.42566 313 76 Hsing-hsing-chen 4.6144463 187 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Baixi 49.926487 153 77 Baixi 72.485656 154 77 Baixi 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chiu-ch'u-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Dujiaqiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chien-chen 7.6550516 218 76 7.6550516 218 76 Chou-chia-peng 7.4155752 188 76 7.4155752 188 76 Fou-ch'iao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Sanli 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hai-men-hsien 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huanshan 5.5698927 150 76 Huanshan 49.926487 153 77 Huanshan 72.485656 154 77 Huanshan 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Fengcheng 3.4258447 278 76 Fengcheng 2.0684823 279 77 2.0684823 279 77 Liujiazhai 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Ch'ing-lung-chiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qianjing 5.0762899 205 78 Qianjing 16.878731 204 79 Qianjing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 Fushan 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 29.438258 320 78 Wang-chia-tun 4.4584824 320 79 Wang-chia-tun 22.803787 320 80 Wang-chia-tun 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 Lushun 3.0519991 314 77 Lushun 10.211338 314 78 10.211338 314 78 Liuhe 16.878731 204 79 Liuhe 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Tiaobanqiao 5.0762899 205 78 Tiaobanqiao 16.878731 204 79 Tiaobanqiao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Xincun 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Kanmen 12.148678 150 77 Kanmen 16.272936 151 77 Kanmen 49.926487 153 77 Kanmen 8.5062756 153 78 Kanmen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Ch'ing-chiang 49.926487 153 77 Ch'ing-chiang 72.485656 154 77 Ch'ing-chiang 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Caopeng 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Fu-hsin-tsao 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Ch'ang-sha 5.9733643 218 77 5.9733643 218 77 Chumen 16.272936 151 77 Chumen 49.926487 153 77 Chumen 72.485656 154 77 Chumen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Wenqiao 49.926487 153 77 Wenqiao 72.485656 154 77 Wenqiao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chung-fu 27.281443 107 78 Chung-fu 18.124242 107 79 Chung-fu 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Nankan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Dong'anzhen 15.928197 213 81 Dong'anzhen 11.95893 216 81 11.95893 216 81 Jinshanwei 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Chenxing 16.878731 204 79 Chenxing 4.9383975 204 80 Chenxing 4.907592 202 82 4.907592 202 82 Wan'an 5.0762899 205 78 Wan'an 16.878731 204 79 Wan'an 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Haiyanzhen 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 Chu-chi 13.195624 294 79 Chu-chi 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 5.1811351 322 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 San Juan 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 4.4584824 320 79 Sanguanmiao 22.803787 320 80 Sanguanmiao 6.8199729 321 80 Sanguanmiao 32.53914 320 82 32.53914 320 82 Chin-shan-tsui 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Shanyang 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 5.0762899 205 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 16.878731 204 79 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Meng-chiang-miao 5.0762899 205 78 Meng-chiang-miao 16.878731 204 79 Meng-chiang-miao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Hongxing 5.0762899 205 78 Hongxing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Beikan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 Yantai 13.195624 294 79 Yantai 17.93544 294 80 17.93544 294 80 Hsin-p'u 9.6093348 185 79 9.6093348 185 79 Ducun 16.878731 204 79 Ducun 4.9383975 204 80 Ducun 4.907592 202 82 Ducun 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 Zhifuzhen 17.93544 294 80 Zhifuzhen 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 11.129701 316 79 Xinzhaizi 12.273618 317 79 Xinzhaizi 13.14841 316 80 Xinzhaizi 11.288903 317 80 Xinzhaizi 10.263241 316 81 Xinzhaizi 10.655565 317 81 Xinzhaizi 5.1844298 316 82 Xinzhaizi 6.3229915 317 82 6.3229915 317 82 Haiyou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Fugu 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 9.738003 319 80 Wudao 22.803787 320 80 Wudao 6.8199729 321 80 Wudao 11.730245 319 81 Wudao 17.172111 319 82 Wudao 32.53914 320 82 32.53914 320 82 Chongming 16.878731 204 79 Chongming 7.4608971 205 79 Chongming 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 Shuishiying 28.152081 311 79 28.152081 311 79 Lingmen 9.2223275 153 79 Lingmen 3.9519262 152 82 Lingmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Aohuan 9.2223275 153 79 Aohuan 3.9519262 152 82 Aohuan 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Dalu 9.2223275 153 79 Dalu 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Shaliu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Caojing 12.151612 189 79 12.151612 189 79 Changzheng 16.878731 204 79 Changzheng 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 Cheefoo 17.93544 294 80 Cheefoo 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 11.129701 316 79 Yingchengzi 12.273618 317 79 Yingchengzi 13.14841 316 80 Yingchengzi 11.288903 317 80 Yingchengzi 10.263241 316 81 Yingchengzi 10.655565 317 81 Yingchengzi 5.1844298 316 82 Yingchengzi 6.3229915 317 82 6.3229915 317 82 Naguilian 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Ko-ao-wang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Fang-ch'ien 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chiang-tzu-p'ing 18.124242 107 79 Chiang-tzu-p'ing 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Huqiao 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 14.466696 203 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 2.1981926 203 81 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 4.907592 202 82 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Shih-she-chang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Dong'ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Guan'ao 9.2223275 153 79 Guan'ao 3.9519262 152 82 Guan'ao 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Houjiazhen 16.878731 204 79 Houjiazhen 7.4608971 205 79 Houjiazhen 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 Qianqikuang 17.93544 294 80 Qianqikuang 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Ling-chiao-ch'en 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaojiang 41.209149 159 83 Jiaojiang 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Shan-shang-fang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Tan-shui 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Ch'uan-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 22.803787 320 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 Jiaoliudao 11.730245 319 81 Jiaoliudao 17.172111 319 82 Jiaoliudao 32.53914 320 82 Jiaoliudao 35.730376 319 84 Jiaoliudao 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Wudongzha 5.1131623 183 83 Wudongzha 9.1161185 184 83 Wudongzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Hsia-feng-ch'a 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Abulug 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Qiansuo 41.209149 159 83 Qiansuo 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Pai-chia-chuang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Panlong 14.466696 203 80 Panlong 4.9383975 204 80 Panlong 4.907592 202 82 Panlong 3.1855034 203 83 Panlong 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsia-jo-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsi-yen 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hua-shan-t'ou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chia-shih 41.209149 159 83 San-chia-shih 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Che-lin 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Dongdayang 4.907592 202 82 Dongdayang 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baoshan 14.466696 203 80 Baoshan 2.1981926 203 81 Baoshan 4.907592 202 82 Baoshan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Dongfeng 14.466696 203 80 Dongfeng 4.9383975 204 80 Dongfeng 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Donggangcun 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Qiganshi 4.7120089 280 80 Qiganshi 5.0342894 281 82 Qiganshi 7.3238534 281 84 7.3238534 281 84 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 22.803787 320 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 Wu-tao 11.730245 319 81 Wu-tao 17.172111 319 82 Wu-tao 32.53914 320 82 Wu-tao 35.730376 319 84 Wu-tao 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 13.338671 324 80 Yeh-chia 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Ch'i-shih-chieh 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chih 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Ch'ang-yang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsueh-mou-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Taipingzha 5.1131623 183 83 Taipingzha 9.1161185 184 83 Taipingzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Xinmin 14.466696 203 80 Xinmin 4.9383975 204 80 Xinmin 4.907592 202 82 Xinmin 3.1855034 203 83 Xinmin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ju-shan-k'ou 4.7120089 280 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.0342894 281 82 Ju-shan-k'ou 7.3238534 281 84 7.3238534 281 84 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 39.563689 311 80 39.563689 311 80 Cabuluan 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Cao'antou 4.907592 202 82 Cao'antou 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsin-k'ai-ho 2.1981926 203 81 Hsin-k'ai-ho 4.907592 202 82 Hsin-k'ai-ho 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 Mashanshangzhai 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 Santang 15.055862 325 81 15.055862 325 81 Chin-ch'ing 41.209149 159 83 Chin-ch'ing 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Changjiang 2.1981926 203 81 Changjiang 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Xining 15.928197 213 81 15.928197 213 81 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 10.655565 317 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 6.3229915 317 82 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Feng-p'u-ao 5.1131623 183 83 Feng-p'u-ao 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Ch'ien-chia-ch'iao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Catuguran 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Beishenjiazhai 4.907592 202 82 Beishenjiazhai 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Chayuan 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Youcheqiao 4.907592 202 82 Youcheqiao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 13.620834 328 84 Ma-chia-tun 11.090321 329 85 Ma-chia-tun 4.2163928 329 86 4.2163928 329 86 Ch'iu-wang 5.1131623 183 83 Ch'iu-wang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Shangpan 41.209149 159 83 Shangpan 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Jiankangtang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Lusi 16.539531 212 82 16.539531 212 82 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 6.3229915 317 82 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Ch'ing-shui-hu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Su-chia 6.1446035 191 82 6.1446035 191 82 Muping 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Linao 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Shih-t'ang 3.9519262 152 82 Shih-t'ang 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Sichalu 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Qianjin 4.907592 202 82 Qianjin 3.1855034 203 83 Qianjin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hai-yang-so 8.0972223 280 82 Hai-yang-so 5.0342894 281 82 Hai-yang-so 7.3238534 281 84 7.3238534 281 84 Songmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Nanbu 4.907592 202 82 Nanbu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsieh-fu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Lipu 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Bisagu 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Liyang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Wantang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Yangyuan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gaodong 4.907592 202 82 Gaodong 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanhong 14.615235 279 82 Nanhong 8.0972223 280 82 Nanhong 5.0342894 281 82 Nanhong 7.3238534 281 84 7.3238534 281 84 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 Xinghaitun 29.26988 313 86 Xinghaitun 9.8166156 314 86 Xinghaitun 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Chien-t'iao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chin-shan 24.212938 109 82 Chin-shan 94.726282 110 84 Chin-shan 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Panshi 4.907592 202 82 Panshi 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baishatan 5.0342894 281 82 Baishatan 7.3238534 281 84 7.3238534 281 84 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 6.3229915 317 82 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Aparri 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 San-chiao-t'ang 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Gulu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gangyan 3.1855034 203 83 Gangyan 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 Dal'niy 15.459068 312 83 Dal'niy 29.26988 313 86 Dal'niy 9.8166156 314 86 Dal'niy 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Alilinu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Daxingzhen 4.5413906 204 87 Daxingzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Gongjiazhen 9.5464842 212 83 9.5464842 212 83 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 Fu-chou-wan 14.393153 320 84 14.393153 320 84 Wan-li 78.355792 110 83 Wan-li 94.726282 110 84 Wan-li 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Gongjialu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanqinghe 4.5413906 204 87 Nanqinghe 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Dahu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chen-hai 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Dongxing 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hexing 3.1855034 203 83 Hexing 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Lao-yu-tang 7.1464408 191 84 Lao-yu-tang 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Ch'ang-chieh 61.646954 168 84 61.646954 168 84 Hsiang-hua 4.4113937 201 84 Hsiang-hua 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dong'an 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Punta 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cailu 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Bailonggang 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Qianwei 4.4113937 201 84 Qianwei 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 Shang-chuang 16.98741 292 87 Shang-chuang 17.917704 292 88 17.917704 292 88 Chi-lung 78.095275 109 85 Chi-lung 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Zhenhai 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Ping'an 7.1464408 191 84 Ping'an 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Sizhoutou 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Yuansha 4.4113937 201 84 Yuansha 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsing-i-ts'un 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Ch'iang-t'ou 9.4721285 170 89 Ch'iang-t'ou 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xianxiang 8.597725 175 88 Xianxiang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Balza 14.661471 5 86 14.661471 5 86 Shigaotang 4.8035103 180 86 Shigaotang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Jiangjia 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Wusi 6.0627425 191 85 Wusi 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Ch'en-chia 10.775334 200 85 Ch'en-chia 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Ch'ang-t'an-li 78.095275 109 85 Ch'ang-t'an-li 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Ch'iu-chia-chai 8.8782186 198 87 8.8782186 198 87 Fumin 10.775334 200 85 Fumin 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Dong'anzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Tou-cheng 72.613429 101 88 Tou-cheng 90.66635 102 88 Tou-cheng 39.260628 103 88 39.260628 103 88 Chia-li-wan 30.464002 100 88 30.464002 100 88 Beiqigen 4.8035103 180 86 Beiqigen 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Tanglugang 5.3834567 210 87 Tanglugang 6.34959 206 89 6.34959 206 89 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 Jianggezhuang 16.021553 292 86 Jianggezhuang 16.98741 292 87 Jianggezhuang 17.917704 292 88 Jianggezhuang 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Dingtang 7.84858 167 85 7.84858 167 85 Ligang 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Guoyuan 6.0627425 191 85 Guoyuan 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Fengle 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Niupeng 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Hsin-tsao-chen 4.5413906 204 87 Hsin-tsao-chen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Langnuankou 6.1199551 281 85 Langnuankou 3.1296165 283 88 3.1296165 283 88 Yinyang 4.5413906 204 87 Yinyang 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Su-ao 30.464002 100 88 30.464002 100 88 Beilungang 4.8035103 180 86 Beilungang 5.0451305 181 86 Beilungang 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Lao-chiang 6.0394592 197 88 Lao-chiang 11.746561 193 89 Lao-chiang 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Xiaoguan 4.9587606 282 87 Xiaoguan 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 29.26988 313 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Sanshan 8.597725 175 88 Sanshan 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Donghai 6.8080325 191 86 Donghai 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Shuyuan 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Daxu 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Daniwan 4.8035103 180 86 Daniwan 5.0451305 181 86 Daniwan 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 29.26988 313 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Buguey 14.661471 5 86 Buguey 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Zhuxi 8.597725 175 88 Zhuxi 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Lao-tung 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Danmen 9.4721285 170 89 Danmen 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xiaoli'ao 4.8035103 180 86 Xiaoli'ao 5.0451305 181 86 5.0451305 181 86 Xilangnuan 4.9587606 282 87 Xilangnuan 3.1296165 283 88 Xilangnuan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Hepu 10.516434 165 87 Hepu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Ch'ai-ch'iao 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 Huatong 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Chiu-nan-t'ien 10.516434 165 87 Chiu-nan-t'ien 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Shihphu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 Beidianzi 17.917704 292 88 Beidianzi 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Qiancang 8.597725 175 88 Qiancang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Fu-lien 39.260628 103 88 39.260628 103 88 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 Guizhou 6.2332251 332 88 Guizhou 4.6995199 332 89 Guizhou 8.1513821 333 89 Guizhou 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Gonzaga 22.144727 5 88 Gonzaga 24.144903 5 89 Gonzaga 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Ch'en-chia-lu 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Wuleidao 9.0202245 281 88 Wuleidao 6.1302265 282 88 Wuleidao 3.1296165 283 88 Wuleidao 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Guoju 7.4258866 175 89 7.4258866 175 89 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 Tiancun 20.982913 294 91 Tiancun 29.513482 293 92 Tiancun 27.026601 293 93 27.026601 293 93 Zeku 5.956488 282 89 Zeku 2.9754361 283 89 Zeku 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 Dalijia 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 Teng-sha-ho 13.870654 317 93 Teng-sha-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Bawa 24.144903 5 89 Bawa 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 Yuanyaocun 20.982913 294 91 Yuanyaocun 29.513482 293 92 Yuanyaocun 27.026601 293 93 27.026601 293 93 Cabiraoan 24.144903 5 89 Cabiraoan 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Chung-tse 37.812105 176 90 Chung-tse 5.4334006 177 90 Chung-tse 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Dinghai 14.431663 182 92 Dinghai 41.640815 178 93 Dinghai 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 Weihai 20.982913 294 91 Weihai 29.513482 293 92 Weihai 27.026601 293 93 27.026601 293 93 Chiao-t'ou 5.7902978 174 90 Chiao-t'ou 6.6960528 175 90 Chiao-t'ou 37.812105 176 90 Chiao-t'ou 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 Panyuchwan 5.5322527 335 91 Panyuchwan 3.7448453 335 92 3.7448453 335 92 Ganlan 14.431663 182 92 Ganlan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Casambalangan 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 San Vincente 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Dongsha 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 Lu-chia-t'un 7.9845756 334 91 Lu-chia-t'un 5.5322527 335 91 Lu-chia-t'un 3.7448453 335 92 Lu-chia-t'un 4.3393171 336 92 Lu-chia-t'un 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 7.9845756 334 91 Wangzhai 5.5322527 335 91 Wangzhai 3.7448453 335 92 Wangzhai 4.3393171 336 92 Wangzhai 23.467625 336 93 23.467625 336 93 Gaoting 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Litang 6.2692201 169 91 Litang 6.0665923 170 91 Litang 5.0002155 171 91 Litang 5.6681767 173 91 5.6681767 173 91 Nanfeng 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Jinghaiwei 15.213907 280 91 Jinghaiwei 9.4992308 281 91 Jinghaiwei 5.8361838 282 91 Jinghaiwei 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Da'ao 7.1140451 174 91 Da'ao 9.1525077 175 91 Da'ao 8.855008 177 91 8.855008 177 91 Huangshan 5.8361838 282 91 Huangshan 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 Zaobu 27.026601 293 93 Zaobu 10.598257 291 96 10.598257 291 96 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 Ch'ing-shui-ho 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Luomen 14.431663 182 92 Luomen 41.640815 178 93 Luomen 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Changtu 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Jen-ho-chi 12.273248 281 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.5358904 282 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.8003059 282 93 7.8003059 282 93 Ta-chan 14.431663 182 92 Ta-chan 41.640815 178 93 Ta-chan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 P'u-t'o 10.816907 177 93 P'u-t'o 41.640815 178 93 P'u-t'o 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Qiandao 15.566538 281 93 Qiandao 7.8003059 282 93 Qiandao 10.974932 283 97 10.974932 283 97 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 Wujiatun 13.870654 317 93 Wujiatun 6.2568556 318 93 Wujiatun 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Ch'ih-shan-chi 16.853075 282 96 Ch'ih-shan-chi 10.974932 283 97 10.974932 283 97 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 Jiaxinzi 46.554234 321 98 46.554234 321 98 Shidao 16.14937 281 94 Shidao 16.853075 282 96 Shidao 10.974932 283 97 10.974932 283 97 Laoshantun 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Xizhuang 18.963316 292 95 Xizhuang 10.598257 291 96 Xizhuang 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Ning-ching-so 16.853075 282 96 Ning-ching-so 10.974932 283 97 Ning-ching-so 15.0606 285 99 Ning-ching-so 13.836769 286 99 13.836769 286 99 Dazhuang 18.398227 281 95 Dazhuang 16.853075 282 96 Dazhuang 10.974932 283 97 Dazhuang 15.0606 285 99 15.0606 285 99 Jiurongcheng 10.598257 291 96 Jiurongcheng 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Wolongcun 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 19.266314 317 98 Fangshentun 12.836438 320 98 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 6.7260334 319 99 Kubura 127.9115 97 106 Kubura 321.59536 98 106 Kubura 858.42707 99 106 858.42707 99 106 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 10.749466 322 104 Wangjia 7.5158755 323 104 Wangjia 4.1820704 323 105 Wangjia 9.9562786 323 106 Wangjia 6.7388322 323 107 6.7388322 323 107 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 7.0071058 324 110 Nanjian 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 6.1437471 326 112 6.1437471 326 112 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 22.551549 327 116 Huangtukan 3.0258564 326 117 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Sakiyama 203.57826 92 113 Sakiyama 72.627692 93 113 Sakiyama 302.0695 94 113 Sakiyama 699.64857 95 113 Sakiyama 1111.3887 96 113 Sakiyama 103.90006 92 116 Sakiyama 2.4595049 95 116 2.4595049 95 116 Hoshitate 333.96525 94 114 Hoshitate 413.40275 95 114 Hoshitate 1093.2539 97 114 Hoshitate 1268.8146 98 114 Hoshitate 2.4595049 95 116 2.4595049 95 116 Shirabaramitake 169.79837 92 115 Shirabaramitake 242.33275 93 115 Shirabaramitake 103.90006 92 116 103.90006 92 116 Honai 186.85737 94 115 Honai 80.362833 95 115 Honai 360.20269 96 115 Honai 1001.6358 97 115 Honai 1354.1759 98 115 Honai 2.4595049 95 116 Honai 89.209781 96 119 89.209781 96 119 Toyohara 103.90006 92 116 Toyohara 2.4595049 95 116 Toyohara 89.209781 96 119 89.209781 96 119 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 22.551549 327 116 Pei-ching-tzu 3.0258564 326 117 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Kobama 69.96834 93 118 Kobama 154.28997 97 118 Kobama 89.209781 96 119 Kobama 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Agarisuji 441.89003 91 118 Agarisuji 518.13912 92 118 Agarisuji 69.96834 93 118 Agarisuji 178.621 93 120 Agarisuji 14.096433 95 120 Agarisuji 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 Dadong 2.0012454 326 122 Dadong 2.6932739 326 124 2.6932739 326 124 Ishigaki 178.621 93 120 Ishigaki 14.096433 95 120 Ishigaki 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Fubai 14.755579 94 121 Fubai 63.403 96 121 Fubai 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 2.0039199 326 121 Chogumsa 2.0012454 326 122 Chogumsa 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 3.3889949 326 125 Chogumsa 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Shirafu 557.31901 93 122 Shirafu 2.02093 94 122 Shirafu 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Ibarama 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Hirano 55.288835 97 123 Hirano 89.043398 97 125 89.043398 97 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 3.3889949 326 125 Yongampo-ri 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 3.3889949 326 125 Genjo 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 5.3139678 322 128 Yongsapo 7.2149272 322 129 Yongsapo 3.9270985 321 130 Yongsapo 6.6077831 321 131 Yongsapo 8.1506313 322 131 Yongsapo 5.481458 323 131 Yongsapo 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Chandae-dong 67.952825 297 128 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 48.92898 298 129 Chandae-dong 38.636737 299 129 Chandae-dong 56.892045 301 129 Chandae-dong 13.726467 298 130 Chandae-dong 34.749838 300 130 Chandae-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Chandae-dong 16.283558 297 131 Chandae-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Chandae-dong 33.314541 297 132 Chandae-dong 24.830385 298 132 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 63.31624 295 129 Kaju-dong 64.222239 296 129 Kaju-dong 63.668785 297 129 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 4.7590613 297 130 Kaju-dong 13.726467 298 130 Kaju-dong 45.70033 295 131 Kaju-dong 16.283558 297 131 Kaju-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Kaju-dong 18.567548 296 132 Kaju-dong 33.314541 297 132 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 34.749838 300 130 Ch'angam-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Ch'angam-dong 16.949776 302 130 Ch'angam-dong 44.911389 303 130 Ch'angam-dong 42.219176 300 131 Ch'angam-dong 23.864916 301 131 Ch'angam-dong 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 20.322722 300 133 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 5.481458 323 131 Changya-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 41.10869 309 131 Arang-dong 40.371133 310 131 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 17.458806 309 133 Arang-dong 22.606289 310 133 Arang-dong 13.296947 309 134 Arang-dong 8.2722777 310 134 8.2722777 310 134 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 2.8138241 306 131 Sogon-ni 22.711163 307 131 Sogon-ni 16.67789 303 132 Sogon-ni 20.233065 304 132 Sogon-ni 22.175476 305 132 Sogon-ni 16.438775 306 132 Sogon-ni 6.7326396 307 132 Sogon-ni 4.9813939 305 133 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 4.1624577 307 133 Sogon-ni 14.042692 307 134 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.370203 300 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.322722 300 133 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 Monggumpo-ri 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 2.9718768 304 133 Ch'am-ch'on 4.9813939 305 133 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 6.7326396 307 132 Sagi-ri 8.0695346 308 132 Sagi-ri 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 4.1624577 307 133 Sagi-ri 8.4014419 308 133 Sagi-ri 14.042692 307 134 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Chosa-dong 17.458806 309 133 Chosa-dong 22.606289 310 133 Chosa-dong 15.884596 311 133 Chosa-dong 13.296947 309 134 Chosa-dong 8.2722777 310 134 Chosa-dong 6.3796517 311 134 Chosa-dong 13.899396 310 135 Chosa-dong 7.8538984 311 135 Chosa-dong 16.57922 310 136 Chosa-dong 7.6957089 310 137 Chosa-dong 13.50636 311 137 13.50636 311 137 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 9.4330686 324 133 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 4.1624577 307 133 Pungchon 8.4014419 308 133 Pungchon 14.042692 307 134 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 Hyu-dong 17.890888 297 136 Hyu-dong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Hang-ni 96.623511 239 134 96.623511 239 134 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 13.296947 309 134 An-ch'on 8.2722777 310 134 An-ch'on 13.899396 310 135 An-ch'on 16.57922 310 136 An-ch'on 7.6957089 310 137 An-ch'on 7.5753806 310 138 7.5753806 310 138 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 Sondup'yong 17.890888 297 136 Sondup'yong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 17.890888 297 136 Sogang-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Kuninaka 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Chukhang 87.38565 252 136 87.38565 252 136 Ichimasui 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Karimata 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Sugama 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Hirara 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Arasato 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 22.069283 319 140 Yung-ni 18.837876 319 141 18.837876 319 141 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 Hwajin-ni 20.802088 317 139 Hwajin-ni 19.473088 318 139 Hwajin-ni 11.13778 318 140 Hwajin-ni 22.069283 319 140 Hwajin-ni 18.837876 319 141 18.837876 319 141 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Bora 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 Chungang-ni 22.069283 319 140 Chungang-ni 18.837876 319 141 18.837876 319 141 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 8.9062797 297 146 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Chehang-ni 34.120057 250 146 Chehang-ni 28.084955 251 146 Chehang-ni 26.495829 250 147 Chehang-ni 29.4564 251 147 Chehang-ni 28.577934 250 148 Chehang-ni 19.363829 251 148 19.363829 251 148 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Chibuk 17.419895 249 147 Chibuk 26.495829 250 147 Chibuk 29.4564 251 147 Chibuk 21.956516 252 147 Chibuk 19.363829 251 148 Chibuk 3.0825982 252 148 Chibuk 12.796815 252 149 Chibuk 11.590677 251 150 Chibuk 7.9765838 251 151 7.9765838 251 151 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 9.6271908 284 147 Etsuu 27.647417 285 147 Etsuu 13.93856 286 147 Etsuu 28.085299 287 147 Etsuu 14.286725 288 147 Etsuu 42.246294 288 148 Etsuu 4.9605756 287 149 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Hwangdo 52.68561 271 147 Hwangdo 52.015145 272 147 Hwangdo 57.406962 273 147 Hwangdo 40.254339 274 147 Hwangdo 61.071724 275 147 Hwangdo 41.48292 275 148 Hwangdo 46.001713 275 149 Hwangdo 30.769436 275 150 Hwangdo 26.023157 275 151 26.023157 275 151 Doko-ri 18.049495 249 148 Doko-ri 28.577934 250 148 Doko-ri 19.363829 251 148 Doko-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Doko-ri 12.796815 252 149 Doko-ri 21.810351 253 149 Doko-ri 11.590677 251 150 Doko-ri 7.9765838 251 151 Doko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 4.1033031 250 152 Ant'ae 28.351649 248 148 Ant'ae 18.049495 249 148 Ant'ae 28.577934 250 148 Ant'ae 22.172104 249 149 Ant'ae 12.91663 248 150 Ant'ae 32.156669 246 151 Ant'ae 12.487411 247 151 Ant'ae 29.732133 247 152 Ant'ae 6.734872 248 152 Ant'ae 4.1033031 250 152 4.1033031 250 152 Och'ong 35.99735 269 148 Och'ong 42.348337 270 148 Och'ong 53.312852 271 148 Och'ong 52.760284 272 148 Och'ong 52.172978 273 148 Och'ong 59.378444 273 149 Och'ong 38.956148 273 150 Och'ong 24.548753 271 152 Och'ong 23.725931 272 152 Och'ong 35.515611 273 152 35.515611 273 152 Bunkai-ri 19.363829 251 148 Bunkai-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Bunkai-ri 12.048456 255 148 Bunkai-ri 12.796815 252 149 Bunkai-ri 21.810351 253 149 Bunkai-ri 19.348215 254 149 Bunkai-ri 16.851478 255 149 Bunkai-ri 11.590677 251 150 Bunkai-ri 7.9765838 251 151 Bunkai-ri 4.85565 255 151 Bunkai-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Ach'on 22.172104 249 149 Ach'on 12.796815 252 149 Ach'on 21.810351 253 149 Ach'on 11.590677 251 150 Ach'on 7.9765838 251 151 Ach'on 4.1033031 250 152 4.1033031 250 152 Sep'o 26.95932 245 150 Sep'o 14.005564 246 150 Sep'o 23.360578 247 150 Sep'o 12.91663 248 150 Sep'o 32.156669 246 151 Sep'o 12.487411 247 151 Sep'o 29.732133 247 152 Sep'o 6.734872 248 152 Sep'o 15.413641 248 153 15.413641 248 153 Ikkum-ni 11.590677 251 150 Ikkum-ni 7.9765838 251 151 Ikkum-ni 4.85565 255 151 Ikkum-ni 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Changgo 10.200227 252 150 Changgo 10.563465 255 150 Changgo 23.586617 256 150 Changgo 4.85565 255 151 Changgo 8.6752272 253 152 Changgo 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chogun-mal 12.795995 257 150 Chogun-mal 14.982607 258 150 Chogun-mal 16.037022 259 150 Chogun-mal 14.111078 257 151 Chogun-mal 7.5382908 258 151 Chogun-mal 13.58434 259 151 Chogun-mal 9.5205128 258 153 Chogun-mal 12.540473 257 154 Chogun-mal 2.0395579 258 154 Chogun-mal 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Tengan-ri 6.7307922 254 151 Tengan-ri 4.85565 255 151 Tengan-ri 7.5382908 258 151 Tengan-ri 7.7479813 258 152 Tengan-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Oejongsan 24.294911 278 151 Oejongsan 22.350351 279 151 Oejongsan 30.865036 280 151 Oejongsan 35.76981 281 151 Oejongsan 45.829966 282 151 Oejongsan 23.722503 282 152 Oejongsan 6.7631004 279 153 Oejongsan 8.7245816 278 154 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 Anmal 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Joman-ri 10.549371 243 151 Joman-ri 46.638262 245 151 Joman-ri 32.156669 246 151 Joman-ri 12.487411 247 151 Joman-ri 29.732133 247 152 29.732133 247 152 Soko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Soko-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.5759047 296 153 Muji-ni 3.6487155 295 154 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Songnyong-ni 7.283544 257 152 Songnyong-ni 7.7479813 258 152 Songnyong-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Jindo 29.732133 247 152 Jindo 6.734872 248 152 Jindo 15.413641 248 153 Jindo 8.4904397 249 154 Jindo 8.4344916 248 155 Jindo 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.5759047 296 153 Kyodo 3.6487155 295 154 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Aenang-ni 29.732133 247 152 Aenang-ni 6.734872 248 152 Aenang-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Aenang-ni 8.4344916 248 155 Aenang-ni 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Dongmun 13.622337 279 152 Dongmun 2.7457444 280 152 Dongmun 23.722503 282 152 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 Dongmun 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Oe-dong 23.722503 282 152 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 2.064454 284 153 Oe-dong 25.057613 285 153 Oe-dong 18.679295 284 154 Oe-dong 20.370363 285 154 Oe-dong 26.844518 285 155 Oe-dong 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Hwadong-ni 6.734872 248 152 Hwadong-ni 4.1033031 250 152 Hwadong-ni 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Ch'al-tong 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'al-tong 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 4.0459529 289 153 Chawol-li 18.722716 290 153 Chawol-li 32.197626 289 154 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 24.938064 289 156 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 15.512703 277 153 Sinsong 11.15504 278 153 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 Pususan-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Chungjang 18.939911 275 153 Chungjang 19.490962 276 153 Chungjang 15.512703 277 153 Chungjang 11.15504 278 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 Chungjang 13.911663 275 157 Chungjang 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Kan 17.058279 265 154 Kan 19.152435 266 154 Kan 37.328593 267 154 Kan 21.786611 268 154 Kan 25.060669 269 154 Kan 21.624888 268 155 Kan 18.647344 269 155 Kan 13.065519 268 156 Kan 15.272654 269 156 Kan 5.8870833 266 157 Kan 9.4156985 269 157 Kan 6.1827551 266 158 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 Kan 10.848643 269 158 10.848643 269 158 Tongmokp 10.937449 277 154 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 10.937449 277 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mogpo 8.4904397 249 154 Mogpo 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 P'i-dong 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 Taeya 2.0395579 258 154 Taeya 3.5386389 259 154 Taeya 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changdong 8.4904397 249 154 Changdong 8.4344916 248 155 Changdong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chisa-ri 8.4904397 249 154 Chisa-ri 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 3.6487155 295 154 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Onmok 8.2578121 259 155 Onmok 4.6834766 260 155 Onmok 6.9462647 261 155 Onmok 6.8610422 262 155 Onmok 6.3000664 261 156 Onmok 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 4.6834766 260 155 Changho 6.9462647 261 155 Changho 6.8610422 262 155 Changho 8.7681729 263 155 Changho 8.6657853 264 155 Changho 6.3000664 261 156 Changho 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 5.961837 263 156 Changho 7.7888463 264 156 Changho 2.0153163 263 157 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.8610422 262 155 Chongam 8.7681729 263 155 Chongam 8.6657853 264 155 Chongam 13.708281 265 155 Chongam 15.999725 266 155 Chongam 7.7888463 264 156 Chongam 10.168835 265 156 Chongam 9.5269236 266 156 Chongam 2.0153163 263 157 Chongam 8.1344753 265 157 Chongam 5.8870833 266 157 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Weolam-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Bosei-ri 60.233942 240 155 Bosei-ri 14.672405 244 155 Bosei-ri 15.114194 244 156 Bosei-ri 6.0558519 244 157 Bosei-ri 20.889719 244 158 Bosei-ri 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Anjong 14.672405 244 155 Anjong 12.070416 245 155 Anjong 8.4344916 248 155 Anjong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 26.844518 285 155 Chogumjin-ni 10.688657 285 156 Chogumjin-ni 3.2321102 285 157 3.2321102 285 157 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 12.568597 274 157 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Katsuto 31.019528 242 156 Katsuto 17.62441 243 156 Katsuto 15.114194 244 156 Katsuto 9.121278 245 156 Katsuto 9.4869628 246 156 9.4869628 246 156 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 3.2321102 285 157 Hasambong 22.332942 287 157 Hasambong 9.4314594 286 158 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 Hasambong 16.390027 286 159 Hasambong 4.1419281 285 160 Hasambong 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Chonmak 2.0153163 263 157 Chonmak 8.1344753 265 157 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 10.115317 270 157 Aech'an-ni 9.1861162 271 157 Aech'an-ni 20.453098 272 157 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 4.4998898 274 158 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 14.372923 290 158 Chonghyon-dong 20.027044 289 159 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 Chonghyon-dong 21.66388 289 160 Chonghyon-dong 5.9539673 290 160 Chonghyon-dong 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Haenggan-ni 30.331149 242 157 Haenggan-ni 25.850023 243 157 Haenggan-ni 6.0558519 244 157 Haenggan-ni 20.889719 244 158 Haenggan-ni 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Changsin 2.0153163 263 157 Changsin 8.1344753 265 157 Changsin 5.8870833 266 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 2.241903 267 159 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Wando 14.709748 243 158 Wando 20.889719 244 158 Wando 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Bira-ri 14.709748 243 158 Bira-ri 20.889719 244 158 Bira-ri 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 2.4882243 268 158 Janghang 10.848643 269 158 Janghang 6.1226123 270 158 Janghang 5.1750682 271 158 Janghang 2.5792614 270 159 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 6.1827551 266 158 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 10.848643 269 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 6.1827551 266 158 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 10.848643 269 158 Okhu 6.1226123 270 158 Okhu 2.5792614 270 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 5.9539673 290 160 Masan-ni 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.5792614 270 159 Gunsan 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 4.1419281 285 160 Chunghung-ni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 4.1419281 285 160 Kooni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 5.9539673 290 160 Wonha-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 5.9539673 290 160 Namyang 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Chamdu 4.0346637 247 165 4.0346637 247 165 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 4.0346637 247 165 Changjong-ni 13.369013 247 166 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 4.0346637 247 165 Changsu 13.369013 247 166 Changsu 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chinch'ang 4.0346637 247 165 Chinch'ang 13.369013 247 166 Chinch'ang 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Aya-ri 13.369013 247 166 Aya-ri 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Ch'ongam 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Beqlgyo 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Chungwa-ri 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Changdo-ri 4.6308641 252 172 Changdo-ri 5.839203 249 174 5.839203 249 174 Wonsan 18.792407 318 172 Wonsan 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Tongho-ri 25.508662 324 174 Tongho-ri 14.531539 325 174 Tongho-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Aech'o-ri 8.7810788 248 173 8.7810788 248 173 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Yongpo-ri 25.508662 324 174 Yongpo-ri 14.531539 325 174 Yongpo-ri 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Songhung-ni 23.785546 322 173 Songhung-ni 25.508662 324 174 Songhung-ni 14.531539 325 174 Songhung-ni 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Sangsin 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Wolp'yong 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Anp'o 4.6308641 252 172 Anp'o 5.839203 249 174 Anp'o 9.6005619 249 175 Anp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Anp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Pongch'on 18.792407 318 172 Pongch'on 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Chungbang 4.649772 251 173 Chungbang 4.5239592 250 175 Chungbang 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chakto-dong 14.531539 325 174 Chakto-dong 12.137672 326 174 12.137672 326 174 Chabong 8.7810788 248 173 Chabong 5.839203 249 174 Chabong 9.6005619 249 175 Chabong 4.5239592 250 175 Chabong 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Ch'angch'on 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 Kuge-ri 24.425628 318 174 Kuge-ri 13.180096 317 175 13.180096 317 175 Yeosu 5.839203 249 174 Yeosu 9.6005619 249 175 Yeosu 4.5239592 250 175 Yeosu 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chukp'o 9.6005619 249 175 Chukp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Chukp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Hungsang-ni 23.221014 326 175 23.221014 326 175 Ando 9.6005619 249 175 9.6005619 249 175 Hangch'on 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Yongyon-ni 22.452733 326 176 Yongyon-ni 20.032461 327 176 Yongyon-ni 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Tongch-on 23.537237 316 177 23.537237 316 177 Namhae 8.8629034 250 177 Namhae 13.692325 251 177 Namhae 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Kuum-ni 26.656877 314 179 Kuum-ni 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Hongwon 29.49569 328 179 Hongwon 17.433934 329 179 Hongwon 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Pit'o 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Samcheongpo 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Hadajon-ni 26.656877 314 179 Hadajon-ni 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Yuktae-dong 24.445944 328 180 Yuktae-dong 30.921472 329 180 Yuktae-dong 6.5649757 330 180 6.5649757 330 180 Cholge 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Changjon 38.393959 313 181 Changjon 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Chabup'o 23.059552 251 182 Chabup'o 28.328886 251 183 28.328886 251 183 Gaken-ri 58.289958 313 182 Gaken-ri 53.537643 312 183 Gaken-ri 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Honam-ni 46.05045 328 182 Honam-ni 32.450534 329 182 Honam-ni 23.762415 330 184 23.762415 330 184 Chop'o 23.059552 251 182 Chop'o 28.328886 251 183 Chop'o 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Hongsong 53.537643 312 183 Hongsong 27.907402 311 184 27.907402 311 184 Goseong 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Chamgae 28.328886 251 183 Chamgae 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Soho-ri 60.993912 329 184 Soho-ri 23.762415 330 184 23.762415 330 184 Irun 16.620474 251 184 Irun 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Singhang 83.466108 329 185 Singhang 14.066341 330 185 14.066341 330 185 Kojin-ni 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Pongho-ri 35.710709 307 187 35.710709 307 187 Chindu 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Changch'on 101.68137 304 189 101.68137 304 189 Masan 6.5417645 256 190 6.5417645 256 190 Yangyang 92.656554 302 190 92.656554 302 190 Ungcheon 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chaho 55.981306 331 187 Chaho 201.29485 331 191 Chaho 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Kuum-ni 43.739011 332 189 Kuum-ni 95.850274 332 190 Kuum-ni 109.91747 332 191 Kuum-ni 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Jinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chuktori 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Hagwangjong-ni 92.656554 302 190 92.656554 302 190 Jangseunpo 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Jumunjin 88.499872 300 192 Jumunjin 96.754011 299 193 96.754011 299 193 Daiko 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Poktokkumi 77.245503 333 191 Poktokkumi 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Noksan 5.0314923 255 191 5.0314923 255 191 Tanchon 77.678648 334 192 Tanchon 157.44386 334 195 Tanchon 52.635641 336 195 52.635641 336 195 Gangneung 130.72343 298 194 Gangneung 142.14821 297 195 Gangneung 94.965767 295 196 94.965767 295 196 Amnam-dong 36.024781 254 193 Amnam-dong 12.905794 255 193 Amnam-dong 3.8541279 256 194 3.8541279 256 194 Kennan-ri 142.14821 297 195 Kennan-ri 94.965767 295 196 Kennan-ri 131.19609 293 198 131.19609 293 198 Busan 3.8541279 256 194 Busan 3.2593723 257 198 3.2593723 257 198 Chungch'on 65.011648 335 194 Chungch'on 52.635641 336 195 52.635641 336 195 Mugho 94.965767 295 196 Mugho 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Samchok 70.964763 294 197 Samchok 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Haeundae 53.983337 255 196 Haeundae 80.669186 255 197 Haeundae 38.86107 256 197 Haeundae 93.766914 255 198 Haeundae 82.884801 256 198 Haeundae 3.2593723 257 198 Haeundae 46.585141 258 199 Haeundae 8.4793305 259 199 8.4793305 259 199 Samcheog 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Si-dong 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Gijang 38.86107 256 197 Gijang 82.884801 256 198 Gijang 3.2593723 257 198 Gijang 46.585141 258 199 Gijang 8.4793305 259 199 8.4793305 259 199 Kuma 117.67533 291 199 Kuma 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Ulsan 31.978345 261 201 Ulsan 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Itose 82.579007 247 202 82.579007 247 202 Nasa 46.585141 258 199 Nasa 8.4793305 259 199 Nasa 31.978345 261 201 Nasa 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Haosan 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Imweonjin 100.99595 290 200 Imweonjin 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Heunghae 46.587638 274 201 Heunghae 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Saka 82.579007 247 202 82.579007 247 202 Byeongyeong 31.978345 261 201 Byeongyeong 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Pohang 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Ganggu 46.587638 274 201 46.587638 274 201 Susuna 82.579007 247 202 Susuna 61.786712 251 202 Susuna 70.129791 249 203 Susuna 55.437964 251 203 55.437964 251 203 Ulijin 106.41455 283 202 Ulijin 108.55845 284 202 Ulijin 88.162087 285 202 Ulijin 85.309642 286 202 85.309642 286 202 Pyonggok-tong 77.981283 277 202 Pyonggok-tong 82.191999 278 202 Pyonggok-tong 66.223288 279 202 66.223288 279 202 Yeonghae 93.232853 276 202 Yeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Yeonghae 66.223288 279 202 66.223288 279 202 Chukpyon 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Mangyang-ni 106.41455 283 202 Mangyang-ni 108.55845 284 202 108.55845 284 202 Bangeojin 78.013329 260 201 Bangeojin 31.978345 261 201 Bangeojin 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Segae-dong 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Chugsan-dong 17.033825 275 201 Chugsan-dong 66.223288 279 202 66.223288 279 202 Pyeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Pyeonghae 66.223288 279 202 Pyeonghae 124.48957 282 203 124.48957 282 203 Kin 82.579007 247 202 Kin 70.129791 249 203 70.129791 249 203 Furusato 82.579007 247 202 Furusato 61.786712 251 202 Furusato 70.129791 249 203 Furusato 55.437964 251 203 55.437964 251 203 Toyo 155.63812 252 200 Toyo 70.129791 249 203 Toyo 55.437964 251 203 55.437964 251 203 Chukchon 6.2203324 263 202 Chukchon 22.450068 264 202 22.450068 264 202 Gampo 55.040343 265 203 Gampo 48.556703 266 203 Gampo 43.615757 267 203 Gampo 6.655122 268 203 6.655122 268 203 Taech'on 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Guryongpo 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Meihama 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Saitosaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuoka 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Mitoma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Kashii 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Harumachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Tsuyazaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Shingu 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukumamachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Namyang-dong 2179.4052 290 220 Namyang-dong 2084.0219 291 220 Namyang-dong 1937.6108 292 220 Namyang-dong 1785.7039 293 220 Namyang-dong 1591.7211 294 220 1591.7211 294 220 Namyang 2075.8262 290 221 Namyang 1897.4515 291 221 Namyang 1304.2365 292 221 Namyang 1666.7511 293 221 Namyang 2103.6251 294 221 2103.6251 294 221 Kita-kyushu 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Oyama 90.89725 246 221 Oyama 106.52849 247 221 Oyama 95.817357 247 222 Oyama 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Nari 2075.8262 290 221 Nari 1897.4515 291 221 Nari 1304.2365 292 221 Nari 1666.7511 293 221 Nari 2103.6251 294 221 2103.6251 294 221 Yoshimoura 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Murotsuura 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kottoi 43.462609 246 222 Kottoi 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Shimado 43.462609 246 222 Shimado 95.817357 247 222 Shimado 30.646305 246 224 Shimado 86.38903 247 226 86.38903 247 226 Dodong 2143.7278 290 222 Dodong 1457.4611 291 222 Dodong 28.845367 292 222 Dodong 760.4324 293 222 Dodong 2171.8023 294 222 Dodong 2160.5065 294 226 2160.5065 294 226 Yasuoka 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kanda 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Agawa 43.462609 246 222 Agawa 95.817357 247 222 Agawa 30.646305 246 224 Agawa 86.38903 247 226 86.38903 247 226 Shimonoseki 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kawashiri-misaki 43.462609 246 222 Kawashiri-misaki 95.817357 247 222 Kawashiri-misaki 109.05645 248 222 Kawashiri-misaki 95.104782 248 225 Kawashiri-misaki 92.201185 248 226 92.201185 248 226 Tsunemi 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Higashi-fukawa 90.645534 247 223 Higashi-fukawa 30.646305 246 224 Higashi-fukawa 86.38903 247 226 Higashi-fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kawajiri 90.645534 247 223 Kawajiri 105.22953 248 223 Kawajiri 95.104782 248 225 Kawajiri 92.201185 248 226 Kawajiri 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Chofu 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Moji 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Tateishi 30.646305 246 224 Tateishi 95.104782 248 225 Tateishi 92.201185 248 226 Tateishi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Furuichi 30.646305 246 224 Furuichi 86.38903 247 226 Furuichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kihado 89.562093 247 225 Kihado 86.38903 247 226 Kihado 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Hommura 103.14207 249 225 Hommura 108.2507 250 225 Hommura 119.19037 251 225 Hommura 125.03673 252 225 Hommura 109.73013 252 226 Hommura 91.670215 253 226 Hommura 51.904146 252 227 Hommura 62.811021 253 227 Hommura 76.023371 251 228 Hommura 65.446379 252 228 Hommura 67.188382 252 229 Hommura 93.145648 253 229 93.145648 253 229 Fukawa 86.38903 247 226 Fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Senzaki 86.38903 247 226 Senzaki 92.201185 248 226 Senzaki 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Misumi-ichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kayoi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Soto 69.179309 247 228 Soto 48.941218 247 229 Soto 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Sammiura 69.179309 247 228 Sammiura 84.051926 248 228 Sammiura 48.941218 247 229 Sammiura 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Hagi 48.941218 247 229 Hagi 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Hommura 48.941218 247 229 Hommura 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Shimo-Tashima 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Niinauri 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Nako 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Haruguchi 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Kiyo 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Takanabe 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Uwae 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Uta 20.137293 247 231 Uta 88.368792 250 231 Uta 83.779042 250 233 Uta 69.542137 250 234 Uta 48.31583 250 235 48.31583 250 235 Tsuno 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Susa 55.069102 248 232 Susa 79.552681 249 232 Susa 86.255886 250 232 Susa 92.4939 251 232 Susa 93.443639 252 232 Susa 96.781686 252 233 Susa 97.564128 252 234 97.564128 252 234 Esaki 74.069933 249 233 Esaki 83.779042 250 233 Esaki 90.998687 251 233 Esaki 26.521006 250 236 26.521006 250 236 Takatsu 26.521006 250 236 Takatsu 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Masuda 26.521006 250 236 Masuda 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Tsuda 26.521006 250 236 Tsuda 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Misumi 55.604755 251 237 Misumi 86.230975 252 237 Misumi 112.80373 253 237 Misumi 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Murotani 62.759955 252 238 Murotani 107.34727 253 238 Murotani 126.28386 254 238 Murotani 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Chiwa 62.759955 252 238 Chiwa 107.34727 253 238 Chiwa 126.28386 254 238 Chiwa 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Hinashi 62.759955 252 238 Hinashi 107.34727 253 238 Hinashi 126.28386 254 238 Hinashi 133.73524 255 238 Hinashi 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Tabase 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Iwami-naganama 44.788984 252 239 Iwami-naganama 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Nagahama 44.788984 252 239 Nagahama 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hamada 44.788984 252 239 Hamada 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Kami-Kurokawa 60.64226 253 240 Kami-Kurokawa 115.85467 254 240 Kami-Kurokawa 128.95952 255 240 Kami-Kurokawa 113.63255 255 241 Kami-Kurokawa 95.004958 255 242 Kami-Kurokawa 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shimoko 60.64226 253 240 Shimoko 115.85467 254 240 Shimoko 128.95952 255 240 Shimoko 137.47363 256 240 Shimoko 136.50853 256 241 Shimoko 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Togane 60.64226 253 240 Togane 115.85467 254 240 Togane 128.95952 255 240 Togane 137.47363 256 240 Togane 136.50853 256 241 Togane 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Okubo 60.64226 253 240 Okubo 115.85467 254 240 Okubo 128.95952 255 240 Okubo 137.47363 256 240 Okubo 136.50853 256 241 Okubo 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Odani 60.64226 253 240 Odani 115.85467 254 240 Odani 128.95952 255 240 Odani 113.63255 255 241 Odani 95.004958 255 242 Odani 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hashi 60.64226 253 240 Hashi 115.85467 254 240 Hashi 128.95952 255 240 Hashi 137.47363 256 240 Hashi 136.50853 256 241 Hashi 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Uyagawa 88.151072 254 241 Uyagawa 113.63255 255 241 Uyagawa 136.50853 256 241 Uyagawa 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shimo-Arifuko 88.151072 254 241 Shimo-Arifuko 113.63255 255 241 Shimo-Arifuko 136.50853 256 241 Shimo-Arifuko 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Nakatsuwara 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Fuju 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Tsunozu 88.151072 254 241 Tsunozu 113.63255 255 241 Tsunozu 136.50853 256 241 Tsunozu 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Aogi 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Midoro 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Waki 88.151072 254 241 Waki 113.63255 255 241 Waki 136.50853 256 241 Waki 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Tsuzu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Tsutsu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Otake 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Waki 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Kuba 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Gotsu 88.151072 254 241 Gotsu 113.63255 255 241 Gotsu 136.50853 256 241 Gotsu 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Imazu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Shioya 20.488224 243 244 Shioya 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Asari 95.004958 255 242 Asari 115.67638 256 242 Asari 137.13152 257 242 Asari 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hama 20.488224 243 244 Hama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Ichimura 95.004958 255 242 Ichimura 115.67638 256 242 Ichimura 137.13152 257 242 Ichimura 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hataguchi 20.488224 243 244 Hataguchi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Naka-Tsuchi 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Morimune 20.488224 243 244 Morimune 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Atada 20.488224 243 244 Atada 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Jigozen 20.488224 243 244 Jigozen 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Shimonohama 20.488224 243 244 Shimonohama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Miyajima 20.488224 243 244 Miyajima 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kuromatsu 37.836619 255 243 Kuromatsu 12.538645 258 247 12.538645 258 247 Hatsukaichi 20.488224 243 244 Hatsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hazum-Hongo 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Kohama 37.836619 255 243 Kohama 12.538645 258 247 12.538645 258 247 Ichi 37.836619 255 243 Ichi 12.538645 258 247 12.538645 258 247 Yunotsu 37.836619 255 243 Yunotsu 12.538645 258 247 12.538645 258 247 Nakaji 20.488224 243 244 Nakaji 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Itsukaichi 20.488224 243 244 Itsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kami-Ida 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Nakagumi 76.080611 256 244 Nakagumi 108.16557 257 244 Nakagumi 135.47116 258 244 Nakagumi 127.196 258 245 Nakagumi 96.867382 258 246 Nakagumi 12.538645 258 247 12.538645 258 247 Mino 20.488224 243 244 Mino 3.2965007 245 246 Mino 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Omori 76.080611 256 244 Omori 108.16557 257 244 Omori 135.47116 258 244 Omori 143.45926 259 244 Omori 136.60019 259 245 Omori 127.97669 259 246 Omori 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Korenaga 20.488224 243 244 Korenaga 3.2965007 245 246 Korenaga 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nishita 76.080611 256 244 Nishita 108.16557 257 244 Nishita 135.47116 258 244 Nishita 127.196 258 245 Nishita 96.867382 258 246 Nishita 12.538645 258 247 12.538645 258 247 Nimamachi 76.080611 256 244 Nimamachi 108.16557 257 244 Nimamachi 135.47116 258 244 Nimamachi 143.45926 259 244 Nimamachi 136.60019 259 245 Nimamachi 127.97669 259 246 Nimamachi 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Takuno 76.080611 256 244 Takuno 108.16557 257 244 Takuno 135.47116 258 244 Takuno 143.45926 259 244 Takuno 136.60019 259 245 Takuno 127.97669 259 246 Takuno 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Nakanohama 20.488224 243 244 Nakanohama 3.2965007 245 246 Nakanohama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Takunomachi 76.080611 256 244 Takunomachi 108.16557 257 244 Takunomachi 135.47116 258 244 Takunomachi 143.45926 259 244 Takunomachi 136.60019 259 245 Takunomachi 127.97669 259 246 Takunomachi 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Hata 20.488224 243 244 Hata 3.2965007 245 246 Hata 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kanokawa 20.488224 243 244 Kanokawa 3.2965007 245 246 Kanokawa 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hashirajima 2.1518934 242 248 2.1518934 242 248 Ihota 51.856313 241 249 51.856313 241 249 Osu 3.2965007 245 246 Osu 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakago 3.2965007 245 246 Nakago 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakamachi 3.2965007 245 246 Nakamachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiroshima 3.2965007 245 246 Hiroshima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tsukumo 3.2965007 245 246 Tsukumo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Oura 85.859273 257 245 Oura 127.196 258 245 Oura 136.60019 259 245 Oura 127.97669 259 246 Oura 102.98478 259 247 Oura 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Fukae 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Obara 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Oko 2.1518934 242 248 Oko 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Hira 85.859273 257 245 Hira 127.196 258 245 Hira 136.60019 259 245 Hira 127.97669 259 246 Hira 137.14329 260 246 Hira 102.98478 259 247 Hira 124.39472 260 247 Hira 98.667583 260 248 Hira 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Umesako 3.2965007 245 246 Umesako 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kakinoura 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Yumbe 85.859273 257 245 Yumbe 127.196 258 245 Yumbe 136.60019 259 245 Yumbe 127.97669 259 246 Yumbe 102.98478 259 247 Yumbe 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Hitonose 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Torii 85.859273 257 245 Torii 127.196 258 245 Torii 136.60019 259 245 Torii 127.97669 259 246 Torii 137.14329 260 246 Torii 102.98478 259 247 Torii 124.39472 260 247 Torii 98.667583 260 248 Torii 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Etajima 3.2965007 245 246 Etajima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kirikushi 3.2965007 245 246 Kirikushi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Okimi 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Koyo 3.2965007 245 246 Koyo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Yukitsune 85.859273 257 245 Yukitsune 127.196 258 245 Yukitsune 136.60019 259 245 Yukitsune 127.97669 259 246 Yukitsune 102.98478 259 247 Yukitsune 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Sugewa 2.1518934 242 248 Sugewa 4.7740481 243 248 4.7740481 243 248 Kutemachi 96.867382 258 246 Kutemachi 127.97669 259 246 Kutemachi 137.14329 260 246 Kutemachi 102.98478 259 247 Kutemachi 124.39472 260 247 Kutemachi 98.667583 260 248 Kutemachi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Oda 96.867382 258 246 Oda 127.97669 259 246 Oda 102.98478 259 247 Oda 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Ryoshida 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kamigumi 3.2965007 245 246 Kamigumi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Sakioku 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Arikiyo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hamazaki 3.2965007 245 246 Hamazaki 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ondo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Fujinowaki 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Takasu 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hane 96.867382 258 246 Hane 127.97669 259 246 Hane 137.14329 260 246 Hane 102.98478 259 247 Hane 124.39472 260 247 Hane 98.667583 260 248 Hane 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Kaita 3.2965007 245 246 Kaita 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Muroo 2.1518934 242 248 Muroo 4.7740481 243 248 Muroo 42.40165 240 250 42.40165 240 250 Ideguchi 96.867382 258 246 Ideguchi 127.97669 259 246 Ideguchi 137.14329 260 246 Ideguchi 102.98478 259 247 Ideguchi 124.39472 260 247 Ideguchi 98.667583 260 248 Ideguchi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Hatami 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kaigoshi 2.1518934 242 248 Kaigoshi 4.7740481 243 248 Kaigoshi 42.40165 240 250 42.40165 240 250 Karoto 2.1518934 242 248 Karoto 4.7740481 243 248 Karoto 42.40165 240 250 42.40165 240 250 Okujo 3.2965007 245 246 Okujo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiradani 3.2965007 245 246 Hiradani 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kure 3.2965007 245 246 Kure 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Osako 2.1518934 242 248 Osako 4.7740481 243 248 Osako 42.40165 240 250 Osako 29.86239 240 251 Osako 41.929864 241 251 Osako 26.376706 242 251 Osako 72.875108 243 251 72.875108 243 251 Jin'yama 8.6907422 244 247 Jin'yama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tagimachi 12.538645 258 247 Tagimachi 102.98478 259 247 Tagimachi 124.39472 260 247 Tagimachi 98.667583 260 248 Tagimachi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Kushi-taki 12.538645 258 247 Kushi-taki 102.98478 259 247 Kushi-taki 124.39472 260 247 Kushi-taki 98.667583 260 248 Kushi-taki 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Nakagori 12.538645 258 247 Nakagori 102.98478 259 247 Nakagori 124.39472 260 247 Nakagori 98.667583 260 248 Nakagori 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Harido 12.538645 258 247 Harido 102.98478 259 247 Harido 124.39472 260 247 Harido 98.667583 260 248 Harido 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Obama 51.856313 241 249 Obama 42.40165 240 250 Obama 29.86239 240 251 Obama 41.929864 241 251 41.929864 241 251 Hiromachi 8.6907422 244 247 Hiromachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Uryu 59.786272 259 248 Uryu 98.667583 260 248 Uryu 21.176113 259 249 Uryu 66.238282 262 251 Uryu 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Hatari 51.856313 241 249 Hatari 42.40165 240 250 Hatari 29.86239 240 251 Hatari 41.929864 241 251 Hatari 34.767233 241 252 34.767233 241 252 Hinomi-saki 59.786272 259 248 Hinomi-saki 98.667583 260 248 Hinomi-saki 21.176113 259 249 Hinomi-saki 66.238282 262 251 Hinomi-saki 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Mutsuki 51.856313 241 249 Mutsuki 42.40165 240 250 Mutsuki 29.86239 240 251 Mutsuki 41.929864 241 251 Mutsuki 34.767233 241 252 34.767233 241 252 Shimojima 2.1518934 242 248 Shimojima 4.7740481 243 248 Shimojima 42.40165 240 250 Shimojima 29.86239 240 251 Shimojima 41.929864 241 251 Shimojima 26.376706 242 251 Shimojima 72.875108 243 251 Shimojima 19.349629 243 252 Shimojima 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Ojizo 2.1518934 242 248 Ojizo 4.7740481 243 248 Ojizo 42.40165 240 250 Ojizo 29.86239 240 251 Ojizo 41.929864 241 251 Ojizo 26.376706 242 251 Ojizo 72.875108 243 251 Ojizo 19.349629 243 252 Ojizo 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Washigasu 42.40165 240 250 Washigasu 29.86239 240 251 Washigasu 24.619908 240 252 24.619908 240 252 Jige 59.786272 259 248 Jige 98.667583 260 248 Jige 21.176113 259 249 Jige 66.238282 262 251 Jige 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Sagiura 59.786272 259 248 Sagiura 98.667583 260 248 Sagiura 21.176113 259 249 Sagiura 66.238282 262 251 Sagiura 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Taisha 59.786272 259 248 Taisha 98.667583 260 248 Taisha 21.176113 259 249 Taisha 66.238282 262 251 Taisha 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Saginoura 59.786272 259 248 Saginoura 98.667583 260 248 Saginoura 21.176113 259 249 Saginoura 66.238282 262 251 Saginoura 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Arakayacho 59.786272 259 248 Arakayacho 98.667583 260 248 Arakayacho 21.176113 259 249 Arakayacho 66.238282 262 251 Arakayacho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Ojimacho 59.786272 259 248 Ojimacho 98.667583 260 248 Ojimacho 21.176113 259 249 Ojimacho 66.238282 262 251 Ojimacho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Kawajiri 2.1518934 242 248 Kawajiri 4.7740481 243 248 Kawajiri 3.0574294 245 248 Kawajiri 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Ebisu 59.786272 259 248 Ebisu 98.667583 260 248 Ebisu 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Sannose 2.1518934 242 248 Sannose 4.7740481 243 248 Sannose 42.40165 240 250 Sannose 29.86239 240 251 Sannose 41.929864 241 251 Sannose 26.376706 242 251 Sannose 72.875108 243 251 Sannose 19.349629 243 252 Sannose 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Osaki-kami-jima 2.1518934 242 248 Osaki-kami-jima 4.7740481 243 248 Osaki-kami-jima 3.0574294 245 248 Osaki-kami-jima 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Inomecho 21.176113 259 249 Inomecho 66.238282 262 251 Inomecho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Harahata 16.64552 242 249 Harahata 8.0319931 242 250 Harahata 26.376706 242 251 Harahata 72.875108 243 251 Harahata 19.349629 243 252 Harahata 8.7747184 244 252 Harahata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyazakari 51.856313 241 249 Miyazakari 16.64552 242 249 Miyazakari 31.536176 241 250 Miyazakari 41.929864 241 251 Miyazakari 26.376706 242 251 Miyazakari 72.875108 243 251 Miyazakari 19.349629 243 252 Miyazakari 8.7747184 244 252 Miyazakari 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Koyo 51.856313 241 249 Koyo 16.64552 242 249 Koyo 31.536176 241 250 Koyo 41.929864 241 251 Koyo 26.376706 242 251 Koyo 72.875108 243 251 Koyo 19.349629 243 252 Koyo 8.7747184 244 252 Koyo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Tado 51.856313 241 249 Tado 16.64552 242 249 Tado 31.536176 241 250 Tado 41.929864 241 251 Tado 26.376706 242 251 Tado 72.875108 243 251 Tado 19.349629 243 252 Tado 8.7747184 244 252 Tado 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hiraki 16.64552 242 249 Hiraki 8.0319931 242 250 Hiraki 26.376706 242 251 Hiraki 72.875108 243 251 Hiraki 19.349629 243 252 Hiraki 8.7747184 244 252 Hiraki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchinoumi 16.64552 242 249 Uchinoumi 8.0319931 242 250 Uchinoumi 26.376706 242 251 Uchinoumi 72.875108 243 251 Uchinoumi 19.349629 243 252 Uchinoumi 8.7747184 244 252 Uchinoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oura 51.856313 241 249 Oura 16.64552 242 249 Oura 42.40165 240 250 Oura 29.86239 240 251 Oura 41.929864 241 251 Oura 26.376706 242 251 Oura 72.875108 243 251 Oura 19.349629 243 252 Oura 8.7747184 244 252 Oura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Upporoi 53.057323 260 249 Upporoi 2.841304 260 250 Upporoi 66.238282 262 251 Upporoi 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Oi 53.057323 260 249 Oi 2.841304 260 250 Oi 66.238282 262 251 Oi 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Mitsuguchi 16.64552 242 249 Mitsuguchi 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsuguchi 26.376706 242 251 Mitsuguchi 72.875108 243 251 Mitsuguchi 19.349629 243 252 Mitsuguchi 8.7747184 244 252 Mitsuguchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozucho 21.176113 259 249 Kozucho 66.238282 262 251 Kozucho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Horie 42.40165 240 250 Horie 29.86239 240 251 Horie 24.619908 240 252 24.619908 240 252 Kami-Oda 72.875108 243 251 Kami-Oda 19.349629 243 252 Kami-Oda 8.7747184 244 252 Kami-Oda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hojo 42.40165 240 250 Hojo 29.86239 240 251 Hojo 41.929864 241 251 Hojo 34.767233 241 252 Hojo 39.500802 241 253 39.500802 241 253 Kazahaya 8.0319931 242 250 Kazahaya 26.376706 242 251 Kazahaya 72.875108 243 251 Kazahaya 19.349629 243 252 Kazahaya 8.7747184 244 252 Kazahaya 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kuchi-Ukacho 2.841304 260 250 Kuchi-Ukacho 66.238282 262 251 Kuchi-Ukacho 14.514249 262 252 Kuchi-Ukacho 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Komatsubara 8.0319931 242 250 Komatsubara 26.376706 242 251 Komatsubara 72.875108 243 251 Komatsubara 19.349629 243 252 Komatsubara 8.7747184 244 252 Komatsubara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchiura 42.40165 240 250 Uchiura 29.86239 240 251 Uchiura 41.929864 241 251 Uchiura 26.376706 242 251 Uchiura 72.875108 243 251 Uchiura 19.349629 243 252 Uchiura 8.7747184 244 252 Uchiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kanashi 72.875108 243 251 Kanashi 19.349629 243 252 Kanashi 8.7747184 244 252 Kanashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Asanamihar 42.40165 240 250 Asanamihar 29.86239 240 251 Asanamihar 41.929864 241 251 Asanamihar 26.376706 242 251 Asanamihar 34.767233 241 252 Asanamihar 7.2322222 242 252 Asanamihar 72.484521 242 253 72.484521 242 253 Agejima 2.841304 260 250 Agejima 66.238282 262 251 Agejima 14.514249 262 252 Agejima 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Mitsu 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsu 26.376706 242 251 Mitsu 72.875108 243 251 Mitsu 19.349629 243 252 Mitsu 8.7747184 244 252 Mitsu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 2.841304 260 250 Hama 66.238282 262 251 Hama 14.514249 262 252 Hama 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Nada 2.841304 260 250 Nada 66.238282 262 251 Nada 14.514249 262 252 Nada 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Kubi 42.40165 240 250 Kubi 29.86239 240 251 Kubi 41.929864 241 251 Kubi 26.376706 242 251 Kubi 72.875108 243 251 Kubi 19.349629 243 252 Kubi 8.7747184 244 252 Kubi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okitomo 29.86239 240 251 Okitomo 41.929864 241 251 Okitomo 26.376706 242 251 Okitomo 72.875108 243 251 Okitomo 19.349629 243 252 Okitomo 8.7747184 244 252 Okitomo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 29.86239 240 251 Hama 41.929864 241 251 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 34.767233 241 252 Hama 7.2322222 242 252 Hama 72.484521 242 253 72.484521 242 253 Ocho 29.86239 240 251 Ocho 41.929864 241 251 Ocho 26.376706 242 251 Ocho 72.875108 243 251 Ocho 19.349629 243 252 Ocho 8.7747184 244 252 Ocho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okushi 41.929864 241 251 Okushi 26.376706 242 251 Okushi 72.875108 243 251 Okushi 19.349629 243 252 Okushi 8.7747184 244 252 Okushi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Daicho 29.86239 240 251 Daicho 41.929864 241 251 Daicho 26.376706 242 251 Daicho 72.875108 243 251 Daicho 19.349629 243 252 Daicho 8.7747184 244 252 Daicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakaura 66.238282 262 251 Sakaura 14.514249 262 252 Sakaura 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Matsuo 29.86239 240 251 Matsuo 41.929864 241 251 Matsuo 26.376706 242 251 Matsuo 34.767233 241 252 Matsuo 7.2322222 242 252 Matsuo 72.484521 242 253 72.484521 242 253 Mitarai 29.86239 240 251 Mitarai 41.929864 241 251 Mitarai 26.376706 242 251 Mitarai 72.875108 243 251 Mitarai 19.349629 243 252 Mitarai 8.7747184 244 252 Mitarai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 72.875108 243 251 Hama 19.349629 243 252 Hama 8.7747184 244 252 Hama 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Akashi 41.929864 241 251 Akashi 26.376706 242 251 Akashi 72.875108 243 251 Akashi 19.349629 243 252 Akashi 8.7747184 244 252 Akashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sukune 72.875108 243 251 Sukune 19.349629 243 252 Sukune 8.7747184 244 252 Sukune 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Nakano 41.929864 241 251 Nakano 26.376706 242 251 Nakano 72.875108 243 251 Nakano 19.349629 243 252 Nakano 8.7747184 244 252 Nakano 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozakai 66.238282 262 251 Kozakai 14.514249 262 252 Kozakai 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Obe 24.619908 240 252 Obe 34.767233 241 252 Obe 7.2322222 242 252 Obe 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Okiura 34.767233 241 252 Okiura 7.2322222 242 252 Okiura 19.349629 243 252 Okiura 8.7747184 244 252 Okiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakata 24.619908 240 252 Sakata 34.767233 241 252 Sakata 7.2322222 242 252 Sakata 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Takehara 19.349629 243 252 Takehara 8.7747184 244 252 Takehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kinoe 34.767233 241 252 Kinoe 7.2322222 242 252 Kinoe 19.349629 243 252 Kinoe 8.7747184 244 252 Kinoe 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Onashi 19.349629 243 252 Onashi 8.7747184 244 252 Onashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shiramizu 7.2322222 242 252 Shiramizu 19.349629 243 252 Shiramizu 8.7747184 244 252 Shiramizu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oi 24.619908 240 252 Oi 34.767233 241 252 Oi 7.2322222 242 252 Oi 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Takasakicho 19.349629 243 252 Takasakicho 8.7747184 244 252 Takasakicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Ono 24.619908 240 252 Ono 34.767233 241 252 Ono 7.2322222 242 252 Ono 72.484521 242 253 72.484521 242 253 Takasaki 19.349629 243 252 Takasaki 8.7747184 244 252 Takasaki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Namikata 24.619908 240 252 Namikata 34.767233 241 252 Namikata 7.2322222 242 252 Namikata 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Munagata 34.767233 241 252 Munagata 7.2322222 242 252 Munagata 19.349629 243 252 Munagata 8.7747184 244 252 Munagata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mitabe 164.86729 269 252 Mitabe 144.14125 269 253 Mitabe 166.69498 271 253 Mitabe 173.95197 272 253 Mitabe 121.19467 269 254 Mitabe 82.069765 271 254 Mitabe 136.07093 272 254 Mitabe 91.853673 272 255 Mitabe 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Fukuda 19.349629 243 252 Fukuda 8.7747184 244 252 Fukuda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Dozen 164.86729 269 252 Dozen 144.14125 269 253 Dozen 166.69498 271 253 Dozen 173.95197 272 253 Dozen 121.19467 269 254 Dozen 82.069765 271 254 Dozen 136.07093 272 254 Dozen 91.853673 272 255 Dozen 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hasihama 24.619908 240 252 Hasihama 34.767233 241 252 Hasihama 7.2322222 242 252 Hasihama 19.349629 243 252 19.349629 243 252 Kuchisubo 34.767233 241 252 Kuchisubo 7.2322222 242 252 Kuchisubo 19.349629 243 252 Kuchisubo 8.7747184 244 252 Kuchisubo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Aikamachi 14.514249 262 252 Aikamachi 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Kinehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Chinzaki 144.14125 269 253 Chinzaki 166.69498 271 253 Chinzaki 173.95197 272 253 Chinzaki 121.19467 269 254 Chinzaki 82.069765 271 254 Chinzaki 136.07093 272 254 Chinzaki 91.853673 272 255 Chinzaki 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Etomo 91.852351 263 253 Etomo 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Tadanoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Urago 144.14125 269 253 Urago 166.69498 271 253 Urago 173.95197 272 253 Urago 121.19467 269 254 Urago 82.069765 271 254 Urago 136.07093 272 254 Urago 91.853673 272 255 Urago 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Higai 72.484521 242 253 Higai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyanoura 39.500802 241 253 Miyanoura 72.484521 242 253 Miyanoura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Terasu 91.852351 263 253 Terasu 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Tamagi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Imabari 39.500802 241 253 Imabari 72.484521 242 253 Imabari 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Sada-Miyauchi 91.852351 263 253 Sada-Miyauchi 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Funakoshi 144.14125 269 253 Funakoshi 166.69498 271 253 Funakoshi 173.95197 272 253 Funakoshi 121.19467 269 254 Funakoshi 82.069765 271 254 Funakoshi 136.07093 272 254 Funakoshi 91.853673 272 255 Funakoshi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hashi 144.14125 269 253 Hashi 166.69498 271 253 Hashi 173.95197 272 253 Hashi 121.19467 269 254 Hashi 82.069765 271 254 Hashi 136.07093 272 254 Hashi 91.853673 272 255 Hashi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Inokuchi 72.484521 242 253 Inokuchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mukuna 39.500802 241 253 Mukuna 72.484521 242 253 Mukuna 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shimogumi 91.852351 263 253 Shimogumi 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Kitaura 39.500802 241 253 Kitaura 72.484521 242 253 72.484521 242 253 Sakai 72.484521 242 253 Sakai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Urumi 133.67207 268 253 Urumi 118.2324 268 254 Urumi 90.540608 268 255 Urumi 91.853673 272 255 Urumi 72.084719 272 256 Urumi 78.245891 268 257 78.245891 268 257 Niburi 133.67207 268 253 Niburi 118.2324 268 254 Niburi 90.540608 268 255 Niburi 91.853673 272 255 Niburi 72.084719 272 256 Niburi 78.245891 268 257 78.245891 268 257 Noji 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Go-Sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Hama-sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Ryomei 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minamiura 53.506904 242 254 Minamiura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Mitajiri 121.19467 269 254 Mitajiri 82.069765 271 254 Mitajiri 136.07093 272 254 Mitajiri 91.853673 272 255 Mitajiri 72.084719 272 256 Mitajiri 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Beppu 121.19467 269 254 Beppu 82.069765 271 254 Beppu 136.07093 272 254 Beppu 91.853673 272 255 Beppu 72.084719 272 256 Beppu 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Kori 118.2324 268 254 Kori 90.540608 268 255 Kori 91.853673 272 255 Kori 72.084719 272 256 Kori 78.245891 268 257 Kori 79.941012 268 258 79.941012 268 258 Saiwaishinden 53.506904 242 254 Saiwaishinden 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Oyama 121.19467 269 254 Oyama 82.069765 271 254 Oyama 136.07093 272 254 Oyama 91.853673 272 255 Oyama 72.084719 272 256 Oyama 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Seto 53.506904 242 254 Seto 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Niregi 82.589962 263 254 Niregi 61.276459 264 258 61.276459 264 258 Kuratani 121.19467 269 254 Kuratani 82.069765 271 254 Kuratani 136.07093 272 254 Kuratani 91.853673 272 255 Kuratani 72.084719 272 256 Kuratani 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Usuge 118.2324 268 254 Usuge 90.540608 268 255 Usuge 91.853673 272 255 Usuge 72.084719 272 256 Usuge 78.245891 268 257 Usuge 79.941012 268 258 79.941012 268 258 Hama 82.589962 263 254 Hama 61.276459 264 258 61.276459 264 258 Yosokuni 53.506904 242 254 Yosokuni 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuranotani 121.19467 269 254 Kuranotani 82.069765 271 254 Kuranotani 136.07093 272 254 Kuranotani 91.853673 272 255 Kuranotani 72.084719 272 256 Kuranotani 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Wadacho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuwaki 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Miyakubo 53.506904 242 254 Miyakubo 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Uga 121.19467 269 254 Uga 82.069765 271 254 Uga 136.07093 272 254 Uga 91.853673 272 255 Uga 72.084719 272 256 Uga 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Tomoura 53.506904 242 254 Tomoura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Fukui 121.19467 269 254 Fukui 82.069765 271 254 Fukui 136.07093 272 254 Fukui 91.853673 272 255 Fukui 72.084719 272 256 Fukui 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Aoya 118.2324 268 254 Aoya 90.540608 268 255 Aoya 91.853673 272 255 Aoya 72.084719 272 256 Aoya 78.245891 268 257 Aoya 79.941012 268 258 79.941012 268 258 Hinozu 121.19467 269 254 Hinozu 82.069765 271 254 Hinozu 136.07093 272 254 Hinozu 91.853673 272 255 Hinozu 72.084719 272 256 Hinozu 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Sunamicho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kone 53.506904 242 254 Kone 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Saki 118.2324 268 254 Saki 90.540608 268 255 Saki 91.853673 272 255 Saki 72.084719 272 256 Saki 78.245891 268 257 Saki 79.941012 268 258 79.941012 268 258 Setoda 53.506904 242 254 Setoda 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minami 121.19467 269 254 Minami 82.069765 271 254 Minami 136.07093 272 254 Minami 91.853673 272 255 Minami 72.084719 272 256 Minami 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Tako 82.589962 263 254 Tako 61.276459 264 258 61.276459 264 258 Oi 118.2324 268 254 Oi 90.540608 268 255 Oi 91.853673 272 255 Oi 72.084719 272 256 Oi 78.245891 268 257 Oi 79.941012 268 258 79.941012 268 258 Kitabun 121.19467 269 254 Kitabun 82.069765 271 254 Kitabun 136.07093 272 254 Kitabun 91.853673 272 255 Kitabun 72.084719 272 256 Kitabun 76.997991 269 258 76.997991 269 258 Nonami 58.761116 263 255 Nonami 61.276459 264 258 Nonami 56.677483 264 259 56.677483 264 259 Utsuka 89.335964 269 255 Utsuka 91.853673 272 255 Utsuka 72.084719 272 256 Utsuka 76.997991 269 258 Utsuka 105.13588 269 259 Utsuka 130.05385 270 259 130.05385 270 259 Chichii 89.335964 269 255 Chichii 91.853673 272 255 Chichii 72.084719 272 256 Chichii 76.997991 269 258 Chichii 105.13588 269 259 Chichii 130.05385 270 259 130.05385 270 259 Hobomi 89.335964 269 255 Hobomi 91.853673 272 255 Hobomi 72.084719 272 256 Hobomi 76.997991 269 258 Hobomi 105.13588 269 259 Hobomi 130.05385 270 259 130.05385 270 259 Toyota 89.335964 269 255 Toyota 91.853673 272 255 Toyota 72.084719 272 256 Toyota 76.997991 269 258 Toyota 105.13588 269 259 Toyota 130.05385 270 259 130.05385 270 259 Nota 89.335964 269 255 Nota 91.853673 272 255 Nota 72.084719 272 256 Nota 76.997991 269 258 Nota 105.13588 269 259 Nota 130.05385 270 259 130.05385 270 259 Chikumi 58.761116 263 255 Chikumi 61.276459 264 258 Chikumi 56.677483 264 259 56.677483 264 259 Mambara 58.761116 263 255 Mambara 61.276459 264 258 Mambara 56.677483 264 259 56.677483 264 259 Nagaoda 72.084719 272 256 Nagaoda 112.79156 275 258 Nagaoda 22.247848 272 259 Nagaoda 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Katae 57.606975 264 256 Katae 61.355419 264 257 Katae 61.276459 264 258 Katae 56.677483 264 259 Katae 16.831275 262 260 Katae 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Yui 72.084719 272 256 Yui 112.79156 275 258 Yui 22.247848 272 259 Yui 149.12927 271 260 149.12927 271 260 Fukura 72.084719 272 256 Fukura 112.79156 275 258 Fukura 22.247848 272 259 Fukura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Moriyama 57.606975 264 256 Moriyama 61.355419 264 257 Moriyama 61.276459 264 258 Moriyama 56.677483 264 259 Moriyama 16.831275 262 260 Moriyama 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nagu 72.084719 272 256 Nagu 112.79156 275 258 Nagu 22.247848 272 259 Nagu 149.12927 271 260 149.12927 271 260 Wataricho 57.606975 264 256 Wataricho 61.355419 264 257 Wataricho 61.276459 264 258 Wataricho 56.677483 264 259 Wataricho 16.831275 262 260 Wataricho 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Tonoecho 57.606975 264 256 Tonoecho 61.355419 264 257 Tonoecho 61.276459 264 258 Tonoecho 56.677483 264 259 Tonoecho 16.831275 262 260 Tonoecho 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Otsugu 72.084719 272 256 Otsugu 112.79156 275 258 Otsugu 22.247848 272 259 Otsugu 149.12927 271 260 149.12927 271 260 Watari 57.606975 264 256 Watari 61.355419 264 257 Watari 61.276459 264 258 Watari 56.677483 264 259 Watari 16.831275 262 260 Watari 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Shichirui 57.606975 264 256 Shichirui 61.355419 264 257 Shichirui 61.276459 264 258 Shichirui 56.677483 264 259 Shichirui 16.831275 262 260 Shichirui 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Shiro 72.084719 272 256 Shiro 112.79156 275 258 Shiro 22.247848 272 259 Shiro 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kumi 72.084719 272 256 Kumi 112.79156 275 258 Kumi 22.247848 272 259 Kumi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Naguchi 64.009701 272 257 Naguchi 84.450975 273 257 Naguchi 112.79156 275 258 Naguchi 22.247848 272 259 Naguchi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Minamigata 64.009701 272 257 Minamigata 84.450975 273 257 Minamigata 112.79156 275 258 Minamigata 22.247848 272 259 Minamigata 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamisato 17.898566 271 257 Kamisato 64.009701 272 257 Kamisato 84.450975 273 257 Kamisato 112.79156 275 258 Kamisato 22.247848 272 259 Kamisato 149.12927 271 260 Kamisato 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Mukoyama 17.898566 271 257 Mukoyama 64.009701 272 257 Mukoyama 84.450975 273 257 Mukoyama 112.79156 275 258 Mukoyama 22.247848 272 259 Mukoyama 149.12927 271 260 Mukoyama 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Tsudo 74.580521 270 257 Tsudo 84.450975 273 257 Tsudo 99.890666 270 258 Tsudo 130.05385 270 259 Tsudo 145.65687 270 260 145.65687 270 260 Takenouchicho 61.355419 264 257 Takenouchicho 61.276459 264 258 Takenouchicho 56.677483 264 259 Takenouchicho 16.831275 262 260 Takenouchicho 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Sakai-Minato 61.355419 264 257 Sakai-Minato 61.276459 264 258 Sakai-Minato 56.677483 264 259 Sakai-Minato 16.831275 262 260 Sakai-Minato 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Fukuura 61.355419 264 257 Fukuura 61.276459 264 258 Fukuura 56.677483 264 259 Fukuura 16.831275 262 260 Fukuura 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Yoshizu 61.355419 264 257 Yoshizu 61.276459 264 258 Yoshizu 56.677483 264 259 Yoshizu 16.831275 262 260 Yoshizu 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Koii 64.009701 272 257 Koii 84.450975 273 257 Koii 112.79156 275 258 Koii 22.247848 272 259 Koii 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kori 64.009701 272 257 Kori 84.450975 273 257 Kori 112.79156 275 258 Kori 22.247848 272 259 Kori 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 O-Shinozucho 61.355419 264 257 O-Shinozucho 61.276459 264 258 O-Shinozucho 56.677483 264 259 O-Shinozucho 16.831275 262 260 O-Shinozucho 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kitagata 64.009701 272 257 Kitagata 84.450975 273 257 Kitagata 112.79156 275 258 Kitagata 22.247848 272 259 Kitagata 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Yamad 64.009701 272 257 Yamad 84.450975 273 257 Yamad 112.79156 275 258 Yamad 22.247848 272 259 Yamad 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kumozu 61.355419 264 257 Kumozu 61.276459 264 258 Kumozu 56.677483 264 259 Kumozu 16.831275 262 260 Kumozu 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Utagi 17.898566 271 257 Utagi 64.009701 272 257 Utagi 84.450975 273 257 Utagi 112.79156 275 258 Utagi 22.247848 272 259 Utagi 149.12927 271 260 Utagi 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Igo 64.009701 272 257 Igo 84.450975 273 257 Igo 112.79156 275 258 Igo 22.247848 272 259 Igo 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamiguchi 61.355419 264 257 Kamiguchi 61.276459 264 258 Kamiguchi 56.677483 264 259 Kamiguchi 16.831275 262 260 Kamiguchi 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kamo 74.580521 270 257 Kamo 84.450975 273 257 Kamo 99.890666 270 258 Kamo 130.05385 270 259 Kamo 145.65687 270 260 145.65687 270 260 Kambi 74.580521 270 257 Kambi 84.450975 273 257 Kambi 99.890666 270 258 Kambi 130.05385 270 259 Kambi 145.65687 270 260 145.65687 270 260 Higuchi 61.355419 264 257 Higuchi 61.276459 264 258 Higuchi 56.677483 264 259 Higuchi 16.831275 262 260 Higuchi 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Goto 16.831275 262 260 Goto 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nishimura 64.009701 272 257 Nishimura 84.450975 273 257 Nishimura 112.79156 275 258 Nishimura 22.247848 272 259 Nishimura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Harada 96.292275 271 258 Harada 112.79156 275 258 Harada 22.247848 272 259 Harada 149.12927 271 260 Harada 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kamidani 61.276459 264 258 Kamidani 56.677483 264 259 Kamidani 16.831275 262 260 Kamidani 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Mihonoseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonoseki 56.677483 264 259 Mihonoseki 16.831275 262 260 Mihonoseki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Ikeda 96.292275 271 258 Ikeda 112.79156 275 258 Ikeda 22.247848 272 259 Ikeda 149.12927 271 260 Ikeda 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Nakamura 63.004105 272 258 Nakamura 112.79156 275 258 Nakamura 22.247848 272 259 Nakamura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Nishida 96.292275 271 258 Nishida 112.79156 275 258 Nishida 22.247848 272 259 Nishida 149.12927 271 260 Nishida 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Mihonseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonseki 56.677483 264 259 Mihonseki 16.831275 262 260 Mihonseki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Minoura 99.890666 270 258 Minoura 130.05385 270 259 Minoura 145.65687 270 260 Minoura 166.99124 270 262 166.99124 270 262 Abe 16.831275 262 260 Abe 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Gonya 63.004105 272 258 Gonya 112.79156 275 258 Gonya 22.247848 272 259 Gonya 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Misaki 99.890666 270 258 Misaki 130.05385 270 259 Misaki 145.65687 270 260 Misaki 166.99124 270 262 166.99124 270 262 Araki 96.292275 271 258 Araki 112.79156 275 258 Araki 22.247848 272 259 Araki 149.12927 271 260 Araki 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Yonago 16.831275 262 260 Yonago 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Takei 96.292275 271 258 Takei 112.79156 275 258 Takei 22.247848 272 259 Takei 149.12927 271 260 Takei 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Sei 96.292275 271 258 Sei 112.79156 275 258 Sei 22.247848 272 259 Sei 149.12927 271 260 Sei 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Iibi 63.004105 272 258 Iibi 112.79156 275 258 Iibi 22.247848 272 259 Iibi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Togo 96.292275 271 258 Togo 112.79156 275 258 Togo 22.247848 272 259 Togo 149.12927 271 260 Togo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Iida 96.292275 271 258 Iida 112.79156 275 258 Iida 22.247848 272 259 Iida 149.12927 271 260 Iida 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Higashi-Fukuhara 16.831275 262 260 Higashi-Fukuhara 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Uzuki 63.004105 272 258 Uzuki 112.79156 275 258 Uzuki 22.247848 272 259 Uzuki 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kami-fukubara 16.831275 262 260 Kami-fukubara 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kaike-Onsen 16.831275 262 260 Kaike-Onsen 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Saigo 96.292275 271 258 Saigo 112.79156 275 258 Saigo 22.247848 272 259 Saigo 149.12927 271 260 Saigo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Inugu 123.16414 271 259 Inugu 22.247848 272 259 Inugu 149.12927 271 260 Inugu 160.1488 271 261 Inugu 170.09492 271 263 Inugu 155.17309 272 263 155.17309 272 263 Kama 123.16414 271 259 Kama 22.247848 272 259 Kama 149.12927 271 260 Kama 160.1488 271 261 Kama 170.09492 271 263 Kama 155.17309 272 263 155.17309 272 263 Oku 123.16414 271 259 Oku 22.247848 272 259 Oku 149.12927 271 260 Oku 160.1488 271 261 Oku 170.09492 271 263 Oku 155.17309 272 263 155.17309 272 263 Kuzumo 16.831275 262 260 Kuzumo 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Soda 16.831275 262 260 Soda 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kaya 16.831275 262 260 Kaya 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kawaoka 16.831275 262 260 Kawaoka 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Odaka 16.831275 262 260 Odaka 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Sueyoshi 16.831275 262 260 Sueyoshi 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Muki 16.831275 262 260 Muki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Yodoe 16.831275 262 260 Yodoe 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nawa 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Kami Daison 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Shitatsubo 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Takahashi 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Nagano 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Uwaichi 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Akasaka 38.59997 263 262 Akasaka 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Uematsu 38.59997 263 262 Uematsu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Hata 38.59997 263 262 Hata 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Notsu 38.59997 263 262 Notsu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Idekami 38.59997 263 262 Idekami 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yawata 38.59997 263 262 Yawata 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Bessho 38.59997 263 262 Bessho 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Akasaki Ko 38.59997 263 262 Akasaki Ko 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Miyaki 39.254898 263 263 Miyaki 37.089394 263 264 Miyaki 44.64503 263 265 Miyaki 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yabase 39.254898 263 263 Yabase 37.089394 263 264 Yabase 44.64503 263 265 Yabase 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Ho 39.254898 263 263 Ho 37.089394 263 264 Ho 44.64503 263 265 Ho 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Urayasu 39.254898 263 263 Urayasu 37.089394 263 264 Urayasu 44.64503 263 265 Urayasu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kogane 39.254898 263 263 Kogane 37.089394 263 264 Kogane 44.64503 263 265 Kogane 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kanaya 37.089394 263 264 Kanaya 44.64503 263 265 Kanaya 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Ichii 23.070462 246 268 23.070462 246 268 Sugishita 37.089394 263 264 Sugishita 44.64503 263 265 Sugishita 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Shimontane 37.089394 263 264 Shimontane 44.64503 263 265 Shimontane 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Otani 37.089394 263 264 Otani 44.64503 263 265 Otani 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yura 37.089394 263 264 Yura 44.64503 263 265 Yura 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Maragume 23.070462 246 268 23.070462 246 268 Yurajuku 37.089394 263 264 Yurajuku 44.64503 263 265 Yurajuku 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yurashuku 37.089394 263 264 Yurashuku 44.64503 263 265 Yurashuku 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Nishisono 37.089394 263 264 Nishisono 44.64503 263 265 Nishisono 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Seto 44.64503 263 265 Seto 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kitano 44.64503 263 265 Kitano 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yonesato 44.64503 263 265 Yonesato 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Simotui 23.070462 246 268 Simotui 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Yumihara 44.64503 263 265 Yumihara 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Ajino 23.070462 246 268 Ajino 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Utazu 23.070462 246 268 Utazu 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Ekita 44.64503 263 265 Ekita 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Koda 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Shinden 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kaita 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Nagase 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Sakaide 23.070462 246 268 Sakaide 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Tajiri 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Egita 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kodota 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Shimo Asozu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kami Asozu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Hashizu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Oyabu 23.070462 246 268 Oyabu 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Matsuzaki 44.868822 263 267 Matsuzaki 69.882882 264 267 Matsuzaki 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Hara 44.868822 263 267 Hara 69.882882 264 267 Hara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Urushihara 44.868822 263 267 Urushihara 69.882882 264 267 Urushihara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Uno 23.070462 246 268 Uno 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Tomari 44.868822 263 267 Tomari 69.882882 264 267 Tomari 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Tamano 23.070462 246 268 Tamano 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Narutake 44.868822 263 267 Narutake 69.882882 264 267 Narutake 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Yuturiha 23.070462 246 268 Yuturiha 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Yoshikawa 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Okuzaki 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/CalcInputDeck.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin/coastalImpact -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ > /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/outCostalImpact.txt SELECT id, SHAPE_LENG,AsText(Geometry) FROM shoreline WHERE MBRContains(BuildMBR(116.0,18.0,134.0,40.5), geometry) 100 / 423 200 / 423 300 / 423 400 / 423 plottype GDACS drawing CoastalImpact /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ /mnt/output/SSCS/DATA/coastal.db 100 / 423 200 / 423 300 / 423 400 / 423 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000688/ECMWF/2020080412/all_inpData.txt /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000688/ECMWF/2020080412/all_inpData.txt ECMWF 1000688 trackfile 0 OUT_umax.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0000.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0024.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! ....remove.... calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/TIF_MAXVEL_END.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ /mnt/output/SSCS/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF delft3d from 31-07-2020 12:00 to 04-08-2020 12:00& start issueBulletin listWindows: folder0 : http://webcritech.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ModellingOutput/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/ folderFinal0 : http://webcritech.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ModellingOutput/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ savepath: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12// ******************************************************* * Case Completed * ******************************************************* Case starterd at: 2020-08-04 21:04:59.822657 UTC Cas completed at: 2020-08-04 21:18:07.101318 UTC **********E N D O F J O B*********************** 12 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/TIF_MAXVEL_END.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 1.23763 million >> 5. count the popolation in each cell and assign to the class and write to output in PP classifying 0 3480 >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popDensValues.xml TS 1160542 (wind>17 and <=33) North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan 17 and <=33]]> North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan TS 1160542 8369 318034 733194 98321 2624 CAT. 1 0 (wind>33 and <=43) 33 and <=43]]> CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 (wind>43 and <=50) 43 and <=50]]> CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 (wind>50 and <=58) 50 and <=58]]> CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 (wind>58 and <=70) 58 and <=70]]> CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 (wind>70 and <=1000) 70 and <=1000]]> CAT. 5 0 ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 21:25:13.161743 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-04 21:35:08.234806 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-04 12:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 9 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 00:55:12.504588 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ creating /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 00:55:12.563397 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 01:05:10.550039 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 01:05:10.667165 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 01:15:08.504169 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 01:15:08.559721 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 01:25:14.377844 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 01:25:14.484973 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 01:35:09.653917 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 01:35:09.715260 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 01:45:09.338326 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 01:45:09.399776 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 01:55:12.078474 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 01:55:12.132384 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 02:05:08.944701 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 02:05:09.011006 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 02:15:09.229822 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 02:15:09.291698 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 02:25:13.473176 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 02:25:13.531693 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 02:35:08.827599 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 02:35:08.888550 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 02:45:08.564912 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 02:45:08.644154 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 02:55:13.096380 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 02:55:13.157644 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 03:05:07.945067 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 03:05:08.011516 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 03:15:08.460921 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 03:15:08.521168 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 03:25:12.326264 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 03:25:12.390709 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 03:35:09.724347 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 03:35:09.788902 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 03:45:08.847951 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 03:45:08.900275 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 03:55:12.694115 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 03:55:12.762060 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 04:05:09.470124 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 04:05:09.538729 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 04:15:07.810169 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 04:15:07.859614 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 04:25:13.245763 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 04:25:13.304685 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 04:35:08.827571 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 04:35:08.888235 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 04:45:09.789269 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 04:45:09.835930 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 04:55:12.862910 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 04:55:12.923914 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 05:05:08.243348 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 05:05:08.299403 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 05:15:09.705756 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 05:15:09.778273 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 05:25:12.482366 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 05:25:12.534832 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 05:35:09.110792 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 05:35:09.170198 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 05:45:08.621150 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 05:45:08.679984 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 05:55:13.286753 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 05:55:13.336938 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 06:05:08.074237 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 06:05:08.128661 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 06:15:09.120845 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 06:15:09.177276 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 06:25:12.006107 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 06:25:12.063249 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 06:35:08.613039 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 06:35:08.663795 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 06:45:07.922397 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 06:45:07.971565 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 06:55:18.474657 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 06:55:18.522666 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 07:05:09.313323 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 07:05:09.357992 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 07:15:08.586024 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 07:15:08.630649 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 07:25:12.473465 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 07:25:12.523406 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 07:35:08.984784 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 07:35:09.034239 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 07:45:09.629067 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 07:45:09.699493 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 07:55:13.326433 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 07:55:13.414627 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 08:05:08.055062 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 08:05:08.104910 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 08:15:09.914286 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 08:15:09.965511 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 08:25:13.237677 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 08:25:13.297026 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 08:35:09.658470 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 08:35:09.726526 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/08/05/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 08:55:27.361239 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-08-05 08:55:27.430736 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file netcdf already existing : /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc !!!removing submitted_surge ret= 0 False ============================================ processing netcdf file for running delft3d ============================================ 2. process netcdf files and run at 2020-08-05 08:55:27.435746 ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 08:56:25.035275 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ nt 72 ...creating forcing data TIF from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ... # times: 73 title: Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) np.amin(lon),np.amax(lon),np.amin(lat),np.amax(lat) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/MAXVEL.jpg V Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF - delft3d) 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 255 319 255.0 319.0 savemap /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/MAXVEL.jpg calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/TIF_MAXVEL.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/ /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF delft3d05-08-2020 00:00& ..2.1 converting netcdf to txt... nt= 72 ************************* /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/netcdf/20200805.00.tropical_cyclone.nc 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/ 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 72 1 ...reprojecting netcdf on the calculation window for ... .....time 0 / 72 .....time 1 / 72 .....time 2 / 72 .....time 3 / 72 .....time 4 / 72 .....time 5 / 72 .....time 6 / 72 .....time 7 / 72 .....time 8 / 72 .....time 9 / 72 .....time 10 / 72 .....time 11 / 72 .....time 12 / 72 .....time 13 / 72 .....time 14 / 72 .....time 15 / 72 .....time 16 / 72 .....time 17 / 72 .....time 18 / 72 .....time 19 / 72 .....time 20 / 72 .....time 21 / 72 .....time 22 / 72 .....time 23 / 72 .....time 24 / 72 .....time 25 / 72 .....time 26 / 72 .....time 27 / 72 .....time 28 / 72 .....time 29 / 72 .....time 30 / 72 .....time 31 / 72 .....time 32 / 72 .....time 33 / 72 .....time 34 / 72 .....time 35 / 72 .....time 36 / 72 .....time 37 / 72 .....time 38 / 72 .....time 39 / 72 .....time 40 / 72 .....time 41 / 72 .....time 42 / 72 .....time 43 / 72 .....time 44 / 72 .....time 45 / 72 .....time 46 / 72 .....time 47 / 72 .....time 48 / 72 .....time 49 / 72 .....time 50 / 72 .....time 51 / 72 .....time 52 / 72 .....time 53 / 72 .....time 54 / 72 .....time 55 / 72 .....time 56 / 72 .....time 57 / 72 .....time 58 / 72 .....time 59 / 72 .....time 60 / 72 .....time 61 / 72 .....time 62 / 72 .....time 63 / 72 .....time 64 / 72 .....time 65 / 72 .....time 66 / 72 .....time 67 / 72 .....time 68 / 72 .....time 69 / 72 .....time 70 / 72 .....time 71 / 72 .....time 72 / 72 ...printing files header ...writing time 0 / 72 ...writing time 1 / 72 ...writing time 2 / 72 ...writing time 3 / 72 ...writing time 4 / 72 ...writing time 5 / 72 ...writing time 6 / 72 ...writing time 7 / 72 ...writing time 8 / 72 ...writing time 9 / 72 ...writing time 10 / 72 ...writing time 11 / 72 ...writing time 12 / 72 ...writing time 13 / 72 ...writing time 14 / 72 ...writing time 15 / 72 ...writing time 16 / 72 ...writing time 17 / 72 ...writing time 18 / 72 ...writing time 19 / 72 ...writing time 20 / 72 ...writing time 21 / 72 ...writing time 22 / 72 ...writing time 23 / 72 ...writing time 24 / 72 ...writing time 25 / 72 ...writing time 26 / 72 ...writing time 27 / 72 ...writing time 28 / 72 ...writing time 29 / 72 ...writing time 30 / 72 ...writing time 31 / 72 ...writing time 32 / 72 ...writing time 33 / 72 ...writing time 34 / 72 ...writing time 35 / 72 ...writing time 36 / 72 ...writing time 37 / 72 ...writing time 38 / 72 ...writing time 39 / 72 ...writing time 40 / 72 ...writing time 41 / 72 ...writing time 42 / 72 ...writing time 43 / 72 ...writing time 44 / 72 ...writing time 45 / 72 ...writing time 46 / 72 ...writing time 47 / 72 ...writing time 48 / 72 ...writing time 49 / 72 ...writing time 50 / 72 ...writing time 51 / 72 ...writing time 52 / 72 ...writing time 53 / 72 ...writing time 54 / 72 ...writing time 55 / 72 ...writing time 56 / 72 ...writing time 57 / 72 ...writing time 58 / 72 ...writing time 59 / 72 ...writing time 60 / 72 ...writing time 61 / 72 ...writing time 62 / 72 ...writing time 63 / 72 ...writing time 64 / 72 ...writing time 65 / 72 ...writing time 66 / 72 ...writing time 67 / 72 ...writing time 68 / 72 ...writing time 69 / 72 ...writing time 70 / 72 ...writing time 71 / 72 ...writing time 72 / 72 ************************* ..2.2 prepare files for run and launch... start= 0 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/config_d_hydro.xml in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/config_d_hydro.xml ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.mdf in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/calc.mdf ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.grd in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/calc.grd ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.enc in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/calc.enc ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.obs in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/calc.obs ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.dep in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/calc.dep ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/tri-rst.calc.20200805.000000 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/tri-rst.restart.20200805.000000 ****** SETTING DT ***** 1.0 start run ./run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh 10 launching case: /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/MPICH_INTEL/bin/mpiexec -np 10 /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/5740/bin/lnx64/flow2d3d/bin/d_hydro.exe config_d_hydro.xml 7 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/TIF_MAXVEL.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 0.028984 million >> 5. count the popolation in each cell and assign to the class and write to output in PP classifying 0 300 >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/popDensValues.xml TS 5379 (wind>17 and <=33) South Korea 17 and <=33]]> South Korea TS 5379 5379 CAT. 1 0 (wind>33 and <=43) 33 and <=43]]> CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 (wind>43 and <=50) 43 and <=50]]> CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 (wind>50 and <=58) 50 and <=58]]> CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 (wind>58 and <=70) 58 and <=70]]> CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 (wind>70 and <=1000) 70 and <=1000]]> CAT. 5 0 MPI process number 000 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 001 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 002 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 003 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 004 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 005 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 006 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 007 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 008 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 009 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deltares, FLOW2D3D Version, May 3 2016, 09:52:23 libflow2d3d.so entry Flow2D3D::Run -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part I - Initialisation Time Dep. Data module... runid : calc Part II - Creating intermediate files... Part III - Initialisation of the Execution module... Part IV - Reading complete MD-file... Part V - Initialisation & checking input... Part VI - Initialisation & checking second part... Part VII - Initialisation output... Part VIII - Start Simulation... Time to finish 0s, 0.0% completed, time steps left 4320 Time to finish 17m, 0.0% completed, time steps left 4319 Time to finish 13m, 0.0% completed, time steps left 4318 Time to finish 11m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4317 Time to finish 10m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4316 Time to finish 9m 41s, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4315 Time to finish 9m 39s, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4314 Time to finish 9m 48s, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4313 Time to finish 9m 40s, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4312 Time to finish 9m 41s, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4311 Time to finish 9m 36s, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4310 Time to finish 9m 34s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4309 Time to finish 9m 30s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4308 Time to finish 9m 33s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4307 Time to finish 9m 31s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4306 Time to finish 9m 24s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4305 Time to finish 10m, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4304 Time to finish 10m, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4303 Time to finish 10m, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4302 Time to finish 10m, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4301 Time to finish 9m 57s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4300 Time to finish 9m 56s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4299 Time to finish 9m 50s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4298 Time to finish 9m 45s, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4297 Time to finish 9m 40s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4296 Time to finish 9m 35s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4295 Time to finish 9m 29s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4294 Time to finish 9m 22s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4293 Time to finish 9m 14s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4292 Time to finish 9m 7s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4291 Time to finish 9m 0s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4290 Time to finish 9m 31s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4289 Time to finish 9m 38s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4288 Time to finish 9m 31s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4287 Time to finish 9m 25s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4286 Time to finish 9m 18s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4285 Time to finish 9m 13s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4284 Time to finish 9m 7s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4283 Time to finish 9m 2s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4282 Time to finish 8m 59s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4281 Time to finish 8m 56s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4280 Time to finish 8m 55s, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4279 Time to finish 8m 54s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4278 Time to finish 8m 53s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4277 Time to finish 8m 51s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4276 Time to finish 8m 49s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4275 Time to finish 9m 10s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4274 Time to finish 9m 8s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4273 Time to finish 9m 6s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4272 Time to finish 9m 3s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4271 Time to finish 9m 1s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4270 Time to finish 8m 59s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4269 Time to finish 8m 55s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4268 Time to finish 8m 53s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4267 Time to finish 8m 50s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4266 Time to finish 8m 48s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4265 Time to finish 8m 45s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4264 Time to finish 8m 44s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4263 Time to finish 8m 41s, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4262 Time to finish 8m 38s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4261 Time to finish 8m 36s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4260 Time to finish 9m 3s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4259 Time to finish 9m 2s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4258 Time to finish 9m 1s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4257 Time to finish 8m 58s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4256 Time to finish 8m 56s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4255 Time to finish 8m 53s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4254 Time to finish 8m 52s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4253 Time to finish 8m 51s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4252 Time to finish 8m 50s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4251 Time to finish 8m 49s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4250 Time to finish 8m 47s, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4249 Time to finish 8m 45s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4248 Time to finish 8m 43s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4247 Time to finish 8m 41s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4246 Time to finish 8m 39s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4245 Time to finish 8m 49s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4244 Time to finish 8m 48s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4243 Time to finish 8m 46s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4242 Time to finish 8m 45s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4241 Time to finish 8m 45s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4240 Time to finish 8m 43s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4239 Time to finish 8m 41s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4238 Time to finish 8m 39s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4237 Time to finish 8m 38s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4236 Time to finish 8m 38s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4235 Time to finish 8m 37s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4234 Time to finish 8m 37s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4233 Time to finish 8m 36s, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4232 Time to finish 8m 35s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4231 Time to finish 8m 34s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4230 Time to finish 8m 45s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4229 Time to finish 8m 45s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4228 Time to finish 8m 44s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4227 Time to finish 8m 42s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4226 Time to finish 8m 39s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4225 Time to finish 8m 38s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4224 Time to finish 8m 36s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4223 Time to finish 8m 34s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4222 Time to finish 8m 32s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4221 Time to finish 8m 31s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4220 Time to finish 8m 29s, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4219 Time to finish 8m 28s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4218 Time to finish 8m 26s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4217 Time to finish 8m 24s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4216 Time to finish 8m 23s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4215 Time to finish 8m 31s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4214 Time to finish 8m 30s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4213 Time to finish 8m 28s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4212 Time to finish 8m 27s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4211 Time to finish 8m 25s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4210 Time to finish 8m 30s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4209 Time to finish 8m 28s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4208 Time to finish 8m 28s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4207 Time to finish 8m 27s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4206 Time to finish 8m 26s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4205 Time to finish 8m 25s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4204 Time to finish 8m 25s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4203 Time to finish 8m 24s, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4202 Time to finish 8m 22s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4201 Time to finish 8m 21s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4200 Time to finish 8m 32s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4199 Time to finish 8m 32s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4198 Time to finish 8m 31s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4197 Time to finish 8m 31s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4196 Time to finish 8m 31s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4195 Time to finish 8m 31s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4194 Time to finish 8m 30s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4193 Time to finish 8m 29s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4192 Time to finish 8m 28s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4191 Time to finish 8m 27s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4190 Time to finish 8m 26s, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4189 Time to finish 8m 24s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4188 Time to finish 8m 23s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4187 Time to finish 8m 21s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4186 Time to finish 8m 20s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4185 Time to finish 8m 25s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4184 Time to finish 8m 25s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4183 Time to finish 8m 24s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4182 Time to finish 8m 22s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4181 Time to finish 8m 22s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4180 Time to finish 8m 21s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4179 Time to finish 8m 20s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4178 Time to finish 8m 19s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4177 Time to finish 8m 18s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4176 Time to finish 8m 17s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4175 Time to finish 8m 16s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4174 Time to finish 8m 15s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4173 Time to finish 8m 14s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4172 Time to finish 8m 13s, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4171 Time to finish 8m 11s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4170 Time to finish 8m 16s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4169 Time to finish 8m 15s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4168 Time to finish 8m 15s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4167 Time to finish 8m 15s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4166 Time to finish 8m 14s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4165 Time to finish 8m 14s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4164 Time to finish 8m 12s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4163 Time to finish 8m 11s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4162 Time to finish 8m 10s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4161 Time to finish 8m 9s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4160 Time to finish 8m 9s, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4159 Time to finish 8m 8s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4158 Time to finish 8m 8s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4157 Time to finish 8m 7s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4156 Time to finish 8m 7s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4155 Time to finish 8m 11s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4154 Time to finish 8m 10s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4153 Time to finish 8m 9s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4152 Time to finish 8m 9s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4151 Time to finish 8m 8s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4150 Time to finish 8m 7s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4149 Time to finish 8m 7s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4148 Time to finish 8m 7s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4147 Time to finish 8m 6s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4146 Time to finish 8m 5s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4145 Time to finish 8m 5s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4144 Time to finish 8m 4s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4143 Time to finish 8m 4s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4142 Time to finish 8m 3s, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4141 Time to finish 8m 3s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4140 Time to finish 8m 9s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4139 Time to finish 8m 8s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4138 Time to finish 8m 8s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4137 Time to finish 8m 7s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4136 Time to finish 8m 8s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4135 Time to finish 8m 8s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4134 Time to finish 8m 7s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4133 Time to finish 8m 7s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4132 Time to finish 8m 7s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4131 Time to finish 8m 7s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4130 Time to finish 8m 6s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4129 Time to finish 8m 6s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4128 Time to finish 8m 6s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4127 Time to finish 8m 5s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4126 Time to finish 8m 5s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4125 Time to finish 8m 11s, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4124 Time to finish 8m 10s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4123 Time to finish 8m 10s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4122 Time to finish 8m 9s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4121 Time to finish 8m 9s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4120 Time to finish 8m 9s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4119 Time to finish 8m 9s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4118 Time to finish 8m 9s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4117 Time to finish 8m 9s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4116 Time to finish 8m 9s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4115 Time to finish 8m 9s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4114 Time to finish 8m 9s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4113 Time to finish 8m 9s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4112 Time to finish 8m 9s, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4111 Time to finish 8m 10s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4110 Time to finish 8m 15s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4109 Time to finish 8m 14s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4108 Time to finish 8m 14s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4107 Time to finish 8m 13s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4106 Time to finish 8m 12s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4105 Time to finish 8m 11s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4104 Time to finish 8m 11s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4103 Time to finish 8m 10s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4102 Time to finish 8m 10s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4101 Time to finish 8m 9s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4100 Time to finish 8m 9s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4099 Time to finish 8m 8s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4098 Time to finish 8m 8s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4097 Time to finish 8m 7s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4096 Time to finish 8m 6s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4095 Time to finish 8m 11s, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4094 Time to finish 8m 11s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4093 Time to finish 8m 10s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4092 Time to finish 8m 10s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4091 Time to finish 8m 10s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4090 Time to finish 8m 10s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4089 Time to finish 8m 10s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4088 Time to finish 8m 11s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4087 Time to finish 8m 10s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4086 Time to finish 8m 11s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4085 Time to finish 8m 11s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4084 Time to finish 8m 11s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4083 Time to finish 8m 10s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4082 Time to finish 8m 9s, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4081 Time to finish 8m 9s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4080 Time to finish 8m 14s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4079 Time to finish 8m 13s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4078 Time to finish 8m 12s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4077 Time to finish 8m 12s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4076 Time to finish 8m 12s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4075 Time to finish 8m 11s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4074 Time to finish 8m 11s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4073 Time to finish 8m 11s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4072 Time to finish 8m 10s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4071 Time to finish 8m 10s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4070 Time to finish 8m 9s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4069 Time to finish 8m 9s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4068 Time to finish 8m 9s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4067 Time to finish 8m 8s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4066 Time to finish 8m 7s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4065 Time to finish 8m 10s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4064 Time to finish 8m 10s, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4063 Time to finish 8m 9s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4062 Time to finish 8m 9s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4061 Time to finish 8m 8s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4060 Time to finish 8m 8s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4059 Time to finish 8m 8s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4058 Time to finish 8m 8s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4057 Time to finish 8m 7s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4056 Time to finish 8m 6s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4055 Time to finish 8m 6s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4054 Time to finish 8m 5s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4053 Time to finish 8m 4s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4052 Time to finish 8m 4s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4051 Time to finish 8m 3s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4050 Time to finish 8m 5s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4049 Time to finish 8m 4s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4048 Time to finish 8m 4s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4047 Time to finish 8m 3s, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4046 Time to finish 8m 2s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4045 Time to finish 8m 2s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4044 Time to finish 8m 1s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4043 Time to finish 8m 1s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4042 Time to finish 8m 0s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4041 Time to finish 7m 59s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4040 Time to finish 7m 58s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4039 Time to finish 7m 58s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4038 Time to finish 7m 57s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4037 Time to finish 7m 57s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4036 Time to finish 7m 56s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4035 Time to finish 7m 58s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4034 Time to finish 7m 58s, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4033 Time to finish 7m 57s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4032 Time to finish 7m 57s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4031 Time to finish 7m 56s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4030 Time to finish 7m 56s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4029 Time to finish 7m 55s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4028 Time to finish 7m 55s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4027 Time to finish 7m 55s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4026 Time to finish 7m 54s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4025 Time to finish 7m 54s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4024 Time to finish 7m 53s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4023 Time to finish 7m 52s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4022 Time to finish 7m 52s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4021 Time to finish 7m 51s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4020 Time to finish 7m 54s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4019 Time to finish 7m 54s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4018 Time to finish 7m 53s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4017 Time to finish 7m 53s, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4016 Time to finish 7m 52s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4015 Time to finish 7m 52s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4014 Time to finish 7m 51s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4013 Time to finish 7m 51s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4012 Time to finish 7m 50s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4011 Time to finish 7m 50s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4010 Time to finish 7m 50s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4009 Time to finish 7m 49s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4008 Time to finish 7m 49s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4007 Time to finish 7m 48s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4006 Time to finish 7m 48s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4005 Time to finish 7m 49s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4004 Time to finish 7m 49s, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4003 Time to finish 7m 49s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 4002 Time to finish 7m 49s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 4001 Time to finish 7m 48s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 4000 Time to finish 7m 48s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 3999 Time to finish 7m 47s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3998 Time to finish 7m 47s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3997 Time to finish 7m 47s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3996 Time to finish 7m 46s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3995 Time to finish 7m 46s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3994 Time to finish 7m 45s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3993 Time to finish 7m 45s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3992 Time to finish 7m 44s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3991 Time to finish 7m 44s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3990 Time to finish 7m 47s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3989 Time to finish 7m 47s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3988 Time to finish 7m 47s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3987 Time to finish 7m 46s, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3986 Time to finish 7m 45s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3985 Time to finish 7m 45s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3984 Time to finish 7m 44s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3983 Time to finish 7m 44s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3982 Time to finish 7m 43s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3981 Time to finish 7m 43s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3980 Time to finish 7m 42s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3979 Time to finish 7m 41s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3978 Time to finish 7m 41s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3977 Time to finish 7m 40s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3976 Time to finish 7m 40s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3975 Time to finish 7m 42s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3974 Time to finish 7m 42s, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3973 Time to finish 7m 41s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3972 Time to finish 7m 41s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3971 Time to finish 7m 40s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3970 Time to finish 7m 39s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3969 Time to finish 7m 39s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3968 Time to finish 7m 38s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3967 Time to finish 7m 38s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3966 Time to finish 7m 37s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3965 Time to finish 7m 37s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3964 Time to finish 7m 36s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3963 Time to finish 7m 36s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3962 Time to finish 7m 36s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3961 Time to finish 7m 35s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3960 Time to finish 7m 40s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3959 Time to finish 7m 39s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3958 Time to finish 7m 39s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3957 Time to finish 7m 38s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3956 Time to finish 7m 38s, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3955 Time to finish 7m 37s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3954 Time to finish 7m 37s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3953 Time to finish 7m 37s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3952 Time to finish 7m 36s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3951 Time to finish 7m 36s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3950 Time to finish 7m 36s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3949 Time to finish 7m 35s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3948 Time to finish 7m 35s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3947 Time to finish 7m 34s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3946 Time to finish 7m 34s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3945 Time to finish 7m 36s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3944 Time to finish 7m 35s, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3943 Time to finish 7m 35s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3942 Time to finish 7m 35s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3941 Time to finish 7m 34s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3940 Time to finish 7m 34s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3939 Time to finish 7m 34s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3938 Time to finish 7m 34s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3937 Time to finish 7m 33s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3936 Time to finish 7m 33s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3935 Time to finish 7m 32s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3934 Time to finish 7m 32s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3933 Time to finish 7m 31s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3932 Time to finish 7m 31s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3931 Time to finish 7m 30s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3930 Time to finish 7m 32s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3929 Time to finish 7m 32s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3928 Time to finish 7m 31s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3927 Time to finish 7m 31s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3926 Time to finish 7m 30s, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3925 Time to finish 7m 30s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3924 Time to finish 7m 29s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3923 Time to finish 7m 29s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3922 Time to finish 7m 28s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3921 Time to finish 7m 28s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3920 Time to finish 7m 27s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3919 Time to finish 7m 27s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3918 Time to finish 7m 26s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3917 Time to finish 7m 26s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3916 Time to finish 7m 26s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3915 Time to finish 7m 27s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3914 Time to finish 7m 27s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3913 Time to finish 7m 27s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3912 Time to finish 7m 26s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3911 Time to finish 7m 26s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3910 Time to finish 7m 26s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3909 Time to finish 7m 26s, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3908 Time to finish 7m 25s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3907 Time to finish 7m 25s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3906 Time to finish 7m 25s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3905 Time to finish 7m 25s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3904 Time to finish 7m 24s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3903 Time to finish 7m 24s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3902 Time to finish 7m 23s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3901 Time to finish 7m 23s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3900 Time to finish 7m 25s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3899 Time to finish 7m 25s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3898 Time to finish 7m 25s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3897 Time to finish 7m 24s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3896 Time to finish 7m 24s, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3895 Time to finish 7m 23s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3894 Time to finish 7m 23s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3893 Time to finish 7m 23s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3892 Time to finish 7m 22s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3891 Time to finish 7m 22s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3890 Time to finish 7m 22s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3889 Time to finish 7m 21s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3888 Time to finish 7m 21s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3887 Time to finish 7m 21s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3886 Time to finish 7m 20s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3885 Time to finish 7m 22s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3884 Time to finish 7m 21s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3883 Time to finish 7m 21s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3882 Time to finish 7m 20s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3881 Time to finish 7m 20s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3880 Time to finish 7m 19s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3879 Time to finish 7m 19s, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3878 Time to finish 7m 19s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3877 Time to finish 7m 18s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3876 Time to finish 7m 18s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3875 Time to finish 7m 17s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3874 Time to finish 7m 17s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3873 Time to finish 7m 17s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3872 Time to finish 7m 16s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3871 Time to finish 7m 16s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3870 Time to finish 7m 17s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3869 Time to finish 7m 17s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3868 Time to finish 7m 17s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3867 Time to finish 7m 16s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3866 Time to finish 7m 16s, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3865 Time to finish 7m 15s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3864 Time to finish 7m 15s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3863 Time to finish 7m 14s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3862 Time to finish 7m 14s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3861 Time to finish 7m 14s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3860 Time to finish 7m 13s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3859 Time to finish 7m 13s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3858 Time to finish 7m 12s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3857 Time to finish 7m 12s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3856 Time to finish 7m 12s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3855 Time to finish 7m 13s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3854 Time to finish 7m 12s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3853 Time to finish 7m 12s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3852 Time to finish 7m 12s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3851 Time to finish 7m 11s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3850 Time to finish 7m 11s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3849 Time to finish 7m 11s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3848 Time to finish 7m 10s, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3847 Time to finish 7m 10s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3846 Time to finish 7m 9s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3845 Time to finish 7m 9s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3844 Time to finish 7m 9s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3843 Time to finish 7m 8s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3842 Time to finish 7m 8s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3841 Time to finish 7m 7s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3840 Time to finish 7m 9s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3839 Time to finish 7m 9s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3838 Time to finish 7m 8s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3837 Time to finish 7m 8s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3836 Time to finish 7m 8s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3835 Time to finish 7m 7s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3834 Time to finish 7m 7s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3833 Time to finish 7m 6s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3832 Time to finish 7m 6s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3831 Time to finish 7m 5s, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3830 Time to finish 7m 5s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3829 Time to finish 7m 5s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3828 Time to finish 7m 4s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3827 Time to finish 7m 4s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3826 Time to finish 7m 3s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3825 Time to finish 7m 5s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3824 Time to finish 7m 4s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3823 Time to finish 7m 4s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3822 Time to finish 7m 4s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3821 Time to finish 7m 3s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3820 Time to finish 7m 3s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3819 Time to finish 7m 2s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3818 Time to finish 7m 2s, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3817 Time to finish 7m 2s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3816 Time to finish 7m 1s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3815 Time to finish 7m 1s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3814 Time to finish 7m 1s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3813 Time to finish 7m 0s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3812 Time to finish 7m 0s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3811 Time to finish 7m 0s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3810 Time to finish 7m 1s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3809 Time to finish 7m 1s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3808 Time to finish 7m 0s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3807 Time to finish 7m 0s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3806 Time to finish 6m 59s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3805 Time to finish 6m 59s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3804 Time to finish 6m 58s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3803 Time to finish 6m 58s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3802 Time to finish 6m 58s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3801 Time to finish 6m 57s, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3800 Time to finish 6m 57s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3799 Time to finish 6m 56s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3798 Time to finish 6m 56s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3797 Time to finish 6m 56s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3796 Time to finish 6m 55s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3795 Time to finish 6m 57s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3794 Time to finish 6m 56s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3793 Time to finish 6m 56s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3792 Time to finish 6m 56s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3791 Time to finish 6m 55s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3790 Time to finish 6m 55s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3789 Time to finish 6m 55s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3788 Time to finish 6m 55s, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3787 Time to finish 6m 54s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3786 Time to finish 6m 54s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3785 Time to finish 6m 54s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3784 Time to finish 6m 54s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3783 Time to finish 6m 53s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3782 Time to finish 6m 53s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3781 Time to finish 6m 53s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3780 Time to finish 6m 55s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3779 Time to finish 6m 55s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3778 Time to finish 6m 54s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3777 Time to finish 6m 54s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3776 Time to finish 6m 54s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3775 Time to finish 6m 53s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3774 Time to finish 6m 53s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3773 Time to finish 6m 53s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3772 Time to finish 6m 52s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3771 Time to finish 6m 52s, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3770 Time to finish 6m 52s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3769 Time to finish 6m 51s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3768 Time to finish 6m 51s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3767 Time to finish 6m 51s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3766 Time to finish 6m 51s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3765 Time to finish 6m 52s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3764 Time to finish 6m 51s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3763 Time to finish 6m 51s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3762 Time to finish 6m 51s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3761 Time to finish 6m 51s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3760 Time to finish 6m 51s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3759 Time to finish 6m 50s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3758 Time to finish 6m 50s, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3757 Time to finish 6m 50s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3756 Time to finish 6m 50s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3755 Time to finish 6m 50s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3754 Time to finish 6m 49s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3753 Time to finish 6m 49s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3752 Time to finish 6m 49s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3751 Time to finish 6m 49s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3750 Time to finish 6m 50s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3749 Time to finish 6m 50s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3748 Time to finish 6m 50s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3747 Time to finish 6m 49s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3746 Time to finish 6m 49s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3745 Time to finish 6m 49s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3744 Time to finish 6m 49s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3743 Time to finish 6m 48s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3742 Time to finish 6m 48s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3741 Time to finish 6m 48s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3740 Time to finish 6m 47s, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3739 Time to finish 6m 47s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3738 Time to finish 6m 47s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3737 Time to finish 6m 47s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3736 Time to finish 6m 46s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3735 Time to finish 6m 48s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3734 Time to finish 6m 47s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3733 Time to finish 6m 47s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3732 Time to finish 6m 47s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3731 Time to finish 6m 47s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3730 Time to finish 6m 47s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3729 Time to finish 6m 47s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3728 Time to finish 6m 46s, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3727 Time to finish 6m 46s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3726 Time to finish 6m 46s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3725 Time to finish 6m 46s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3724 Time to finish 6m 45s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3723 Time to finish 6m 45s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3722 Time to finish 6m 45s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3721 Time to finish 6m 45s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3720 Time to finish 6m 47s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3719 Time to finish 6m 47s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3718 Time to finish 6m 46s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3717 Time to finish 6m 46s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3716 Time to finish 6m 46s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3715 Time to finish 6m 46s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3714 Time to finish 6m 45s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3713 Time to finish 6m 45s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3712 Time to finish 6m 44s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3711 Time to finish 6m 44s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3710 Time to finish 6m 44s, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3709 Time to finish 6m 44s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3708 Time to finish 6m 43s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3707 Time to finish 6m 43s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3706 Time to finish 6m 43s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3705 Time to finish 6m 44s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3704 Time to finish 6m 44s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3703 Time to finish 6m 43s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3702 Time to finish 6m 43s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3701 Time to finish 6m 43s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3700 Time to finish 6m 43s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3699 Time to finish 6m 43s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3698 Time to finish 6m 42s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3697 Time to finish 6m 42s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3696 Time to finish 6m 42s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3695 Time to finish 6m 42s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3694 Time to finish 6m 41s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3693 Time to finish 6m 41s, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3692 Time to finish 6m 41s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3691 Time to finish 6m 41s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3690 Time to finish 6m 42s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3689 Time to finish 6m 42s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3688 Time to finish 6m 42s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3687 Time to finish 6m 41s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3686 Time to finish 6m 41s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3685 Time to finish 6m 41s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3684 Time to finish 6m 41s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3683 Time to finish 6m 41s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3682 Time to finish 6m 40s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3681 Time to finish 6m 40s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3680 Time to finish 6m 40s, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3679 Time to finish 6m 40s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3678 Time to finish 6m 40s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3677 Time to finish 6m 39s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3676 Time to finish 6m 39s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3675 Time to finish 6m 40s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3674 Time to finish 6m 39s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3673 Time to finish 6m 39s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3672 Time to finish 6m 39s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3671 Time to finish 6m 39s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3670 Time to finish 6m 38s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3669 Time to finish 6m 38s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3668 Time to finish 6m 38s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3667 Time to finish 6m 38s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3666 Time to finish 6m 37s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3665 Time to finish 6m 37s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3664 Time to finish 6m 37s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3663 Time to finish 6m 37s, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3662 Time to finish 6m 36s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3661 Time to finish 6m 36s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3660 Time to finish 6m 37s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3659 Time to finish 6m 37s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3658 Time to finish 6m 37s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3657 Time to finish 6m 37s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3656 Time to finish 6m 37s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3655 Time to finish 6m 36s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3654 Time to finish 6m 36s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3653 Time to finish 6m 36s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3652 Time to finish 6m 36s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3651 Time to finish 6m 36s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3650 Time to finish 6m 36s, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3649 Time to finish 6m 35s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3648 Time to finish 6m 35s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3647 Time to finish 6m 35s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3646 Time to finish 6m 35s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3645 Time to finish 6m 36s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3644 Time to finish 6m 36s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3643 Time to finish 6m 35s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3642 Time to finish 6m 35s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3641 Time to finish 6m 35s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3640 Time to finish 6m 35s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3639 Time to finish 6m 35s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3638 Time to finish 6m 35s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3637 Time to finish 6m 34s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3636 Time to finish 6m 34s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3635 Time to finish 6m 34s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3634 Time to finish 6m 34s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3633 Time to finish 6m 34s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3632 Time to finish 6m 34s, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3631 Time to finish 6m 33s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3630 Time to finish 6m 34s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3629 Time to finish 6m 34s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3628 Time to finish 6m 34s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3627 Time to finish 6m 34s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3626 Time to finish 6m 33s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3625 Time to finish 6m 33s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3624 Time to finish 6m 33s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3623 Time to finish 6m 33s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3622 Time to finish 6m 33s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3621 Time to finish 6m 32s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3620 Time to finish 6m 32s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3619 Time to finish 6m 32s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3618 Time to finish 6m 32s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3617 Time to finish 6m 32s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3616 Time to finish 6m 32s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3615 Time to finish 6m 32s, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3614 Time to finish 6m 32s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3613 Time to finish 6m 32s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3612 Time to finish 6m 32s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3611 Time to finish 6m 32s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3610 Time to finish 6m 31s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3609 Time to finish 6m 31s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3608 Time to finish 6m 31s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3607 Time to finish 6m 31s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3606 Time to finish 6m 31s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3605 Time to finish 6m 31s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3604 Time to finish 6m 30s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3603 Time to finish 6m 30s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3602 Time to finish 6m 30s, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3601 Time to finish 6m 30s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3600 Time to finish 6m 31s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3599 Time to finish 6m 31s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3598 Time to finish 6m 31s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3597 Time to finish 6m 31s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3596 Time to finish 6m 31s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3595 Time to finish 6m 31s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3594 Time to finish 6m 30s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3593 Time to finish 6m 30s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3592 Time to finish 6m 30s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3591 Time to finish 6m 30s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3590 Time to finish 6m 30s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3589 Time to finish 6m 29s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3588 Time to finish 6m 29s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3587 Time to finish 6m 29s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3586 Time to finish 6m 29s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3585 Time to finish 6m 30s, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3584 Time to finish 6m 30s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3583 Time to finish 6m 30s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3582 Time to finish 6m 30s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3581 Time to finish 6m 29s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3580 Time to finish 6m 29s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3579 Time to finish 6m 29s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3578 Time to finish 6m 29s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3577 Time to finish 6m 29s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3576 Time to finish 6m 29s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3575 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3574 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3573 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3572 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3571 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3570 Time to finish 6m 29s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3569 Time to finish 6m 29s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3568 Time to finish 6m 29s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3567 Time to finish 6m 29s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3566 Time to finish 6m 29s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3565 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3564 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3563 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3562 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3561 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3560 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3559 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3558 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3557 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3556 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3555 Time to finish 6m 29s, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3554 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3553 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3552 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3551 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3550 Time to finish 6m 28s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3549 Time to finish 6m 27s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3548 Time to finish 6m 27s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3547 Time to finish 6m 27s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3546 Time to finish 6m 27s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3545 Time to finish 6m 27s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3544 Time to finish 6m 26s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3543 Time to finish 6m 26s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3542 Time to finish 6m 26s, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3541 Time to finish 6m 26s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3540 Time to finish 6m 28s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3539 Time to finish 6m 27s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3538 Time to finish 6m 27s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3537 Time to finish 6m 27s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3536 Time to finish 6m 27s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3535 Time to finish 6m 27s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3534 Time to finish 6m 26s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3533 Time to finish 6m 26s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3532 Time to finish 6m 26s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3531 Time to finish 6m 26s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3530 Time to finish 6m 25s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3529 Time to finish 6m 25s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3528 Time to finish 6m 25s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3527 Time to finish 6m 25s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3526 Time to finish 6m 24s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3525 Time to finish 6m 25s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3524 Time to finish 6m 25s, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3523 Time to finish 6m 25s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3522 Time to finish 6m 25s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3521 Time to finish 6m 25s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3520 Time to finish 6m 24s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3519 Time to finish 6m 24s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3518 Time to finish 6m 24s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3517 Time to finish 6m 24s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3516 Time to finish 6m 24s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 3515 Time to finish 6m 24s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3514 Time to finish 6m 24s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3513 Time to finish 6m 24s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3512 Time to finish 6m 24s, 18.7% completed, time steps left 3511 Time to finish 6m 24s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3510 Time to finish 6m 25s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3509 Time to finish 6m 24s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3508 Time to finish 6m 24s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3507 Time to finish 6m 24s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 3506 Time to finish 6m 24s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3505 Time to finish 6m 24s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3504 Time to finish 6m 23s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3503 Time to finish 6m 23s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 3502 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3501 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3500 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3499 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 3498 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3497 Time to finish 6m 22s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3496 Time to finish 6m 22s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3495 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3494 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.1% completed, time steps left 3493 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3492 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3491 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3490 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 3489 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3488 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3487 Time to finish 6m 22s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3486 Time to finish 6m 22s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 3485 Time to finish 6m 22s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3484 Time to finish 6m 24s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3483 Time to finish 6m 24s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3482 Time to finish 6m 24s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3481 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 3480 Time to finish 6m 25s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3479 Time to finish 6m 25s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3478 Time to finish 6m 25s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3477 Time to finish 6m 24s, 19.5% completed, time steps left 3476 Time to finish 6m 24s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3475 Time to finish 6m 24s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3474 Time to finish 6m 24s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3473 Time to finish 6m 24s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 3472 Time to finish 6m 24s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3471 Time to finish 6m 24s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3470 Time to finish 6m 24s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3469 Time to finish 6m 24s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3468 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 3467 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3466 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3465 Time to finish 6m 24s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3464 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.8% completed, time steps left 3463 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3462 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3461 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3460 Time to finish 6m 23s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 3459 Time to finish 6m 23s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3458 Time to finish 6m 23s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3457 Time to finish 6m 23s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3456 Time to finish 6m 23s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3455 Time to finish 6m 23s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 3454 Time to finish 6m 23s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3453 Time to finish 6m 23s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3452 Time to finish 6m 23s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3451 Time to finish 6m 23s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 3450 Time to finish 6m 26s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3449 Time to finish 6m 26s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3448 Time to finish 6m 25s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3447 Time to finish 6m 25s, 20.2% completed, time steps left 3446 Time to finish 6m 25s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3445 Time to finish 6m 25s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3444 Time to finish 6m 25s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3443 Time to finish 6m 25s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3442 Time to finish 6m 25s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 3441 Time to finish 6m 25s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3440 Time to finish 6m 24s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3439 Time to finish 6m 24s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3438 Time to finish 6m 24s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 3437 Time to finish 6m 24s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3436 Time to finish 6m 23s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3435 Time to finish 6m 24s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3434 Time to finish 6m 24s, 20.5% completed, time steps left 3433 Time to finish 6m 24s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3432 Time to finish 6m 24s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3431 Time to finish 6m 24s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3430 Time to finish 6m 24s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3429 Time to finish 6m 23s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 3428 Time to finish 6m 23s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3427 Time to finish 6m 23s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3426 Time to finish 6m 23s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3425 Time to finish 6m 23s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 3424 Time to finish 6m 23s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3423 Time to finish 6m 23s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3422 Time to finish 6m 22s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3421 Time to finish 6m 22s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 3420 Time to finish 6m 24s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3419 Time to finish 6m 24s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3418 Time to finish 6m 24s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3417 Time to finish 6m 24s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3416 Time to finish 6m 24s, 20.9% completed, time steps left 3415 Time to finish 6m 24s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3414 Time to finish 6m 24s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3413 Time to finish 6m 23s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3412 Time to finish 6m 23s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 3411 Time to finish 6m 23s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3410 Time to finish 6m 23s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3409 Time to finish 6m 23s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3408 Time to finish 6m 23s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 3407 Time to finish 6m 23s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3406 Time to finish 6m 24s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3405 Time to finish 6m 25s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3404 Time to finish 6m 25s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3403 Time to finish 6m 24s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 3402 Time to finish 6m 24s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3401 Time to finish 6m 24s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3400 Time to finish 6m 24s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3399 Time to finish 6m 23s, 21.3% completed, time steps left 3398 Time to finish 6m 23s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3397 Time to finish 6m 23s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3396 Time to finish 6m 23s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3395 Time to finish 6m 23s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 3394 Time to finish 6m 23s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3393 Time to finish 6m 22s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3392 Time to finish 6m 22s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3391 Time to finish 6m 22s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 3390 Time to finish 6m 23s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3389 Time to finish 6m 22s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3388 Time to finish 6m 22s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3387 Time to finish 6m 22s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3386 Time to finish 6m 22s, 21.6% completed, time steps left 3385 Time to finish 6m 21s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3384 Time to finish 6m 21s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3383 Time to finish 6m 21s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3382 Time to finish 6m 21s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 3381 Time to finish 6m 21s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3380 Time to finish 6m 20s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3379 Time to finish 6m 20s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3378 Time to finish 6m 20s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 3377 Time to finish 6m 20s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3376 Time to finish 6m 20s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3375 Time to finish 6m 20s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3374 Time to finish 6m 20s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3373 Time to finish 6m 20s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 3372 Time to finish 6m 20s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3371 Time to finish 6m 20s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3370 Time to finish 6m 20s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3369 Time to finish 6m 20s, 22.0% completed, time steps left 3368 Time to finish 6m 20s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3367 Time to finish 6m 20s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3366 Time to finish 6m 20s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3365 Time to finish 6m 20s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 3364 Time to finish 6m 20s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3363 Time to finish 6m 20s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3362 Time to finish 6m 19s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3361 Time to finish 6m 19s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3360 Time to finish 6m 20s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 3359 Time to finish 6m 20s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3358 Time to finish 6m 20s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3357 Time to finish 6m 20s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3356 Time to finish 6m 19s, 22.3% completed, time steps left 3355 Time to finish 6m 19s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3354 Time to finish 6m 19s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3353 Time to finish 6m 19s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3352 Time to finish 6m 19s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 3351 Time to finish 6m 18s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3350 Time to finish 6m 18s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3349 Time to finish 6m 18s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3348 Time to finish 6m 18s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3347 Time to finish 6m 18s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 3346 Time to finish 6m 18s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3345 Time to finish 6m 18s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3344 Time to finish 6m 18s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3343 Time to finish 6m 18s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 3342 Time to finish 6m 18s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3341 Time to finish 6m 18s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3340 Time to finish 6m 17s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3339 Time to finish 6m 17s, 22.7% completed, time steps left 3338 Time to finish 6m 17s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3337 Time to finish 6m 17s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3336 Time to finish 6m 17s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3335 Time to finish 6m 17s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3334 Time to finish 6m 16s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 3333 Time to finish 6m 16s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3332 Time to finish 6m 16s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3331 Time to finish 6m 16s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3330 Time to finish 6m 17s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 3329 Time to finish 6m 16s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3328 Time to finish 6m 16s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3327 Time to finish 6m 16s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3326 Time to finish 6m 16s, 23.0% completed, time steps left 3325 Time to finish 6m 15s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3324 Time to finish 6m 15s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3323 Time to finish 6m 15s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3322 Time to finish 6m 15s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3321 Time to finish 6m 15s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 3320 Time to finish 6m 15s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3319 Time to finish 6m 14s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3318 Time to finish 6m 14s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3317 Time to finish 6m 14s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 3316 Time to finish 6m 14s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3315 Time to finish 6m 15s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3314 Time to finish 6m 15s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3313 Time to finish 6m 15s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 3312 Time to finish 6m 14s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3311 Time to finish 6m 14s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3310 Time to finish 6m 14s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3309 Time to finish 6m 14s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3308 Time to finish 6m 14s, 23.4% completed, time steps left 3307 Time to finish 6m 14s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3306 Time to finish 6m 13s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3305 Time to finish 6m 13s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3304 Time to finish 6m 13s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 3303 Time to finish 6m 13s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3302 Time to finish 6m 12s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3301 Time to finish 6m 12s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3300 Time to finish 6m 13s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 3299 Time to finish 6m 13s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3298 Time to finish 6m 13s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3297 Time to finish 6m 13s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3296 Time to finish 6m 12s, 23.7% completed, time steps left 3295 Time to finish 6m 12s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3294 Time to finish 6m 12s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3293 Time to finish 6m 12s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3292 Time to finish 6m 12s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3291 Time to finish 6m 11s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 3290 Time to finish 6m 11s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3289 Time to finish 6m 11s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3288 Time to finish 6m 11s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3287 Time to finish 6m 11s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 3286 Time to finish 6m 11s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3285 Time to finish 6m 11s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3284 Time to finish 6m 11s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3283 Time to finish 6m 11s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 3282 Time to finish 6m 11s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3281 Time to finish 6m 11s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3280 Time to finish 6m 11s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3279 Time to finish 6m 10s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3278 Time to finish 6m 10s, 24.1% completed, time steps left 3277 Time to finish 6m 10s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3276 Time to finish 6m 10s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3275 Time to finish 6m 10s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3274 Time to finish 6m 9s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 3273 Time to finish 6m 9s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3272 Time to finish 6m 9s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3271 Time to finish 6m 9s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3270 Time to finish 6m 9s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 3269 Time to finish 6m 9s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3268 Time to finish 6m 9s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3267 Time to finish 6m 9s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3266 Time to finish 6m 8s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3265 Time to finish 6m 8s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 3264 Time to finish 6m 8s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3263 Time to finish 6m 8s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3262 Time to finish 6m 8s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3261 Time to finish 6m 8s, 24.5% completed, time steps left 3260 Time to finish 6m 8s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3259 Time to finish 6m 8s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3258 Time to finish 6m 7s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3257 Time to finish 6m 7s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 3256 Time to finish 6m 7s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3255 Time to finish 6m 8s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3254 Time to finish 6m 7s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3253 Time to finish 6m 7s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3252 Time to finish 6m 7s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 3251 Time to finish 6m 7s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3250 Time to finish 6m 6s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3249 Time to finish 6m 6s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3248 Time to finish 6m 6s, 24.8% completed, time steps left 3247 Time to finish 6m 6s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3246 Time to finish 6m 6s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3245 Time to finish 6m 5s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3244 Time to finish 6m 5s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 3243 Time to finish 6m 5s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3242 Time to finish 6m 5s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3241 Time to finish 6m 5s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3240 Time to finish 6m 5s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3239 Time to finish 6m 5s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 3238 Time to finish 6m 5s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3237 Time to finish 6m 5s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3236 Time to finish 6m 5s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3235 Time to finish 6m 5s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 3234 Time to finish 6m 4s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3233 Time to finish 6m 4s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3232 Time to finish 6m 4s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3231 Time to finish 6m 4s, 25.2% completed, time steps left 3230 Time to finish 6m 4s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3229 Time to finish 6m 3s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3228 Time to finish 6m 3s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3227 Time to finish 6m 3s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3226 Time to finish 6m 3s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 3225 Time to finish 6m 3s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3224 Time to finish 6m 3s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3223 Time to finish 6m 3s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3222 Time to finish 6m 3s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 3221 Time to finish 6m 2s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3220 Time to finish 6m 2s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3219 Time to finish 6m 2s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3218 Time to finish 6m 2s, 25.5% completed, time steps left 3217 Time to finish 6m 1s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3216 Time to finish 6m 1s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3215 Time to finish 6m 1s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3214 Time to finish 6m 1s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3213 Time to finish 6m 1s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 3212 Time to finish 6m 0s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3211 Time to finish 6m 0s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3210 Time to finish 6m 1s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3209 Time to finish 6m 1s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 3208 Time to finish 6m 0s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3207 Time to finish 6m 0s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3206 Time to finish 6m 0s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3205 Time to finish 6m 0s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 3204 Time to finish 6m 0s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3203 Time to finish 5m 59s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3202 Time to finish 5m 59s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3201 Time to finish 5m 59s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3200 Time to finish 5m 59s, 25.9% completed, time steps left 3199 Time to finish 5m 58s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3198 Time to finish 5m 58s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3197 Time to finish 5m 58s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3196 Time to finish 5m 58s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 3195 Time to finish 5m 58s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3194 Time to finish 5m 58s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3193 Time to finish 5m 58s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3192 Time to finish 5m 58s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 3191 Time to finish 5m 57s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3190 Time to finish 5m 57s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3189 Time to finish 5m 57s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3188 Time to finish 5m 57s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3187 Time to finish 5m 57s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 3186 Time to finish 5m 57s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3185 Time to finish 5m 56s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3184 Time to finish 5m 56s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3183 Time to finish 5m 56s, 26.3% completed, time steps left 3182 Time to finish 5m 56s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3181 Time to finish 5m 56s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3180 Time to finish 5m 57s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3179 Time to finish 5m 56s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 3178 Time to finish 5m 56s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3177 Time to finish 5m 56s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3176 Time to finish 5m 56s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3175 Time to finish 5m 56s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 3174 Time to finish 5m 55s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3173 Time to finish 5m 55s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3172 Time to finish 5m 55s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3171 Time to finish 5m 55s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3170 Time to finish 5m 54s, 26.6% completed, time steps left 3169 Time to finish 5m 54s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3168 Time to finish 5m 54s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3167 Time to finish 5m 54s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3166 Time to finish 5m 53s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 3165 Time to finish 5m 54s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3164 Time to finish 5m 54s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3163 Time to finish 5m 53s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3162 Time to finish 5m 53s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 3161 Time to finish 5m 53s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3160 Time to finish 5m 53s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3159 Time to finish 5m 53s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3158 Time to finish 5m 53s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3157 Time to finish 5m 52s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 3156 Time to finish 5m 52s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3155 Time to finish 5m 52s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3154 Time to finish 5m 52s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3153 Time to finish 5m 52s, 27.0% completed, time steps left 3152 Time to finish 5m 51s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3151 Time to finish 5m 51s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3150 Time to finish 5m 52s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3149 Time to finish 5m 51s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 3148 Time to finish 5m 51s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3147 Time to finish 5m 51s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3146 Time to finish 5m 51s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3145 Time to finish 5m 51s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3144 Time to finish 5m 50s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 3143 Time to finish 5m 50s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3142 Time to finish 5m 50s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3141 Time to finish 5m 50s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3140 Time to finish 5m 49s, 27.3% completed, time steps left 3139 Time to finish 5m 49s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3138 Time to finish 5m 49s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3137 Time to finish 5m 49s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3136 Time to finish 5m 49s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 3135 Time to finish 5m 49s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3134 Time to finish 5m 49s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3133 Time to finish 5m 49s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3132 Time to finish 5m 48s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3131 Time to finish 5m 48s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 3130 Time to finish 5m 48s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3129 Time to finish 5m 48s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3128 Time to finish 5m 48s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3127 Time to finish 5m 48s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 3126 Time to finish 5m 47s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3125 Time to finish 5m 47s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3124 Time to finish 5m 47s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3123 Time to finish 5m 47s, 27.7% completed, time steps left 3122 Time to finish 5m 47s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3121 Time to finish 5m 46s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3120 Time to finish 5m 47s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3119 Time to finish 5m 47s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3118 Time to finish 5m 46s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 3117 Time to finish 5m 46s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3116 Time to finish 5m 46s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3115 Time to finish 5m 46s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3114 Time to finish 5m 46s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 3113 Time to finish 5m 45s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3112 Time to finish 5m 45s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3111 Time to finish 5m 45s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3110 Time to finish 5m 45s, 28.0% completed, time steps left 3109 Time to finish 5m 45s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3108 Time to finish 5m 44s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3107 Time to finish 5m 44s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3106 Time to finish 5m 44s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3105 Time to finish 5m 44s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 3104 Time to finish 5m 44s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3103 Time to finish 5m 44s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3102 Time to finish 5m 44s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3101 Time to finish 5m 44s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 3100 Time to finish 5m 44s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3099 Time to finish 5m 43s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3098 Time to finish 5m 43s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3097 Time to finish 5m 43s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 3096 Time to finish 5m 43s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3095 Time to finish 5m 43s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3094 Time to finish 5m 43s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3093 Time to finish 5m 42s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3092 Time to finish 5m 42s, 28.4% completed, time steps left 3091 Time to finish 5m 42s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3090 Time to finish 5m 42s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3089 Time to finish 5m 42s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3088 Time to finish 5m 42s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 3087 Time to finish 5m 42s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3086 Time to finish 5m 41s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3085 Time to finish 5m 41s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3084 Time to finish 5m 41s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 3083 Time to finish 5m 41s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3082 Time to finish 5m 40s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3081 Time to finish 5m 40s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3080 Time to finish 5m 40s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3079 Time to finish 5m 40s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 3078 Time to finish 5m 40s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3077 Time to finish 5m 40s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3076 Time to finish 5m 39s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3075 Time to finish 5m 40s, 28.8% completed, time steps left 3074 Time to finish 5m 39s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3073 Time to finish 5m 39s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3072 Time to finish 5m 39s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3071 Time to finish 5m 39s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 3070 Time to finish 5m 39s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3069 Time to finish 5m 39s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3068 Time to finish 5m 38s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3067 Time to finish 5m 38s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 3066 Time to finish 5m 38s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3065 Time to finish 5m 38s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3064 Time to finish 5m 38s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3063 Time to finish 5m 38s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3062 Time to finish 5m 38s, 29.1% completed, time steps left 3061 Time to finish 5m 37s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3060 Time to finish 5m 38s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3059 Time to finish 5m 38s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3058 Time to finish 5m 37s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 3057 Time to finish 5m 37s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3056 Time to finish 5m 37s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3055 Time to finish 5m 37s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3054 Time to finish 5m 36s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 3053 Time to finish 5m 36s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3052 Time to finish 5m 36s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3051 Time to finish 5m 36s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3050 Time to finish 5m 36s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3049 Time to finish 5m 36s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 3048 Time to finish 5m 35s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3047 Time to finish 5m 35s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3046 Time to finish 5m 35s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3045 Time to finish 5m 35s, 29.5% completed, time steps left 3044 Time to finish 5m 35s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3043 Time to finish 5m 35s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3042 Time to finish 5m 35s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3041 Time to finish 5m 35s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 3040 Time to finish 5m 34s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3039 Time to finish 5m 34s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3038 Time to finish 5m 34s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3037 Time to finish 5m 34s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3036 Time to finish 5m 34s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3035 Time to finish 5m 34s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3034 Time to finish 5m 33s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3033 Time to finish 5m 33s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3032 Time to finish 5m 33s, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3031 Time to finish 5m 33s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3030 Time to finish 5m 33s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3029 Time to finish 5m 33s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3028 Time to finish 5m 33s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3027 Time to finish 5m 33s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3026 Time to finish 5m 32s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3025 Time to finish 5m 32s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3024 Time to finish 5m 32s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3023 Time to finish 5m 32s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3022 Time to finish 5m 31s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3021 Time to finish 5m 31s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3020 Time to finish 5m 31s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3019 Time to finish 5m 31s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 3018 Time to finish 5m 31s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3017 Time to finish 5m 31s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3016 Time to finish 5m 30s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3015 Time to finish 5m 31s, 30.2% completed, time steps left 3014 Time to finish 5m 30s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3013 Time to finish 5m 30s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3012 Time to finish 5m 30s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3011 Time to finish 5m 30s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3010 Time to finish 5m 30s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 3009 Time to finish 5m 30s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3008 Time to finish 5m 30s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3007 Time to finish 5m 29s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3006 Time to finish 5m 29s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 3005 Time to finish 5m 29s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3004 Time to finish 5m 29s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3003 Time to finish 5m 29s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3002 Time to finish 5m 29s, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3001 Time to finish 5m 28s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 3000 Time to finish 5m 29s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2999 Time to finish 5m 29s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2998 Time to finish 5m 29s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2997 Time to finish 5m 28s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2996 Time to finish 5m 28s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2995 Time to finish 5m 28s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2994 Time to finish 5m 28s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2993 Time to finish 5m 28s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2992 Time to finish 5m 28s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2991 Time to finish 5m 27s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2990 Time to finish 5m 27s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2989 Time to finish 5m 27s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2988 Time to finish 5m 27s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2987 Time to finish 5m 27s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2986 Time to finish 5m 27s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2985 Time to finish 5m 27s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2984 Time to finish 5m 27s, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2983 Time to finish 5m 27s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2982 Time to finish 5m 26s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2981 Time to finish 5m 26s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2980 Time to finish 5m 26s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2979 Time to finish 5m 26s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2978 Time to finish 5m 26s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2977 Time to finish 5m 26s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2976 Time to finish 5m 25s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2975 Time to finish 5m 25s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2974 Time to finish 5m 25s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2973 Time to finish 5m 25s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2972 Time to finish 5m 25s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2971 Time to finish 5m 25s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2970 Time to finish 5m 25s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2969 Time to finish 5m 25s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2968 Time to finish 5m 25s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2967 Time to finish 5m 24s, 31.3% completed, time steps left 2966 Time to finish 5m 24s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2965 Time to finish 5m 24s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2964 Time to finish 5m 24s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2963 Time to finish 5m 24s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 2962 Time to finish 5m 24s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2961 Time to finish 5m 23s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2960 Time to finish 5m 23s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2959 Time to finish 5m 23s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 2958 Time to finish 5m 23s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2957 Time to finish 5m 23s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2956 Time to finish 5m 23s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2955 Time to finish 5m 23s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2954 Time to finish 5m 23s, 31.6% completed, time steps left 2953 Time to finish 5m 23s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2952 Time to finish 5m 23s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2951 Time to finish 5m 23s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2950 Time to finish 5m 23s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 2949 Time to finish 5m 22s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2948 Time to finish 5m 22s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2947 Time to finish 5m 22s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2946 Time to finish 5m 22s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 2945 Time to finish 5m 22s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2944 Time to finish 5m 22s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2943 Time to finish 5m 22s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2942 Time to finish 5m 21s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2941 Time to finish 5m 21s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 2940 Time to finish 5m 22s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2939 Time to finish 5m 22s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2938 Time to finish 5m 22s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2937 Time to finish 5m 22s, 32.0% completed, time steps left 2936 Time to finish 5m 21s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2935 Time to finish 5m 21s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2934 Time to finish 5m 21s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2933 Time to finish 5m 21s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 2932 Time to finish 5m 21s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2931 Time to finish 5m 21s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2930 Time to finish 5m 21s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2929 Time to finish 5m 21s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2928 Time to finish 5m 21s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 2927 Time to finish 5m 20s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2926 Time to finish 5m 20s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2925 Time to finish 5m 21s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2924 Time to finish 5m 21s, 32.3% completed, time steps left 2923 Time to finish 5m 21s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2922 Time to finish 5m 21s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2921 Time to finish 5m 21s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2920 Time to finish 5m 20s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 2919 Time to finish 5m 20s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2918 Time to finish 5m 20s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2917 Time to finish 5m 20s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2916 Time to finish 5m 20s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2915 Time to finish 5m 20s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 2914 Time to finish 5m 20s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2913 Time to finish 5m 20s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2912 Time to finish 5m 19s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2911 Time to finish 5m 19s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 2910 Time to finish 5m 20s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2909 Time to finish 5m 20s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2908 Time to finish 5m 20s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2907 Time to finish 5m 20s, 32.7% completed, time steps left 2906 Time to finish 5m 20s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2905 Time to finish 5m 19s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2904 Time to finish 5m 19s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2903 Time to finish 5m 19s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2902 Time to finish 5m 19s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 2901 Time to finish 5m 19s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2900 Time to finish 5m 19s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2899 Time to finish 5m 19s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2898 Time to finish 5m 19s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2897 Time to finish 5m 19s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2896 Time to finish 5m 19s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2895 Time to finish 5m 19s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2894 Time to finish 5m 19s, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2893 Time to finish 5m 19s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2892 Time to finish 5m 19s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2891 Time to finish 5m 19s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2890 Time to finish 5m 19s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2889 Time to finish 5m 18s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2888 Time to finish 5m 18s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2887 Time to finish 5m 18s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2886 Time to finish 5m 18s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2885 Time to finish 5m 18s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2884 Time to finish 5m 18s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2883 Time to finish 5m 18s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2882 Time to finish 5m 17s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2881 Time to finish 5m 17s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2880 Time to finish 5m 18s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2879 Time to finish 5m 18s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2878 Time to finish 5m 18s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2877 Time to finish 5m 18s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2876 Time to finish 5m 18s, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2875 Time to finish 5m 18s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2874 Time to finish 5m 17s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2873 Time to finish 5m 17s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2872 Time to finish 5m 17s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2871 Time to finish 5m 17s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2870 Time to finish 5m 17s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2869 Time to finish 5m 17s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2868 Time to finish 5m 16s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2867 Time to finish 5m 16s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2866 Time to finish 5m 16s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2865 Time to finish 5m 16s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2864 Time to finish 5m 16s, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2863 Time to finish 5m 16s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2862 Time to finish 5m 16s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2861 Time to finish 5m 16s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2860 Time to finish 5m 16s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2859 Time to finish 5m 16s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2858 Time to finish 5m 16s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2857 Time to finish 5m 16s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2856 Time to finish 5m 16s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2855 Time to finish 5m 16s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2854 Time to finish 5m 16s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2853 Time to finish 5m 16s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2852 Time to finish 5m 16s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2851 Time to finish 5m 16s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2850 Time to finish 5m 17s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2849 Time to finish 5m 17s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2848 Time to finish 5m 16s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2847 Time to finish 5m 16s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2846 Time to finish 5m 16s, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2845 Time to finish 5m 16s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2844 Time to finish 5m 16s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2843 Time to finish 5m 16s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2842 Time to finish 5m 15s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2841 Time to finish 5m 15s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2840 Time to finish 5m 15s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2839 Time to finish 5m 15s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2838 Time to finish 5m 15s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2837 Time to finish 5m 15s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2836 Time to finish 5m 14s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2835 Time to finish 5m 15s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2834 Time to finish 5m 15s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2833 Time to finish 5m 15s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2832 Time to finish 5m 14s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2831 Time to finish 5m 14s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2830 Time to finish 5m 14s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2829 Time to finish 5m 14s, 34.5% completed, time steps left 2828 Time to finish 5m 14s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2827 Time to finish 5m 14s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2826 Time to finish 5m 14s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2825 Time to finish 5m 13s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 2824 Time to finish 5m 13s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2823 Time to finish 5m 13s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2822 Time to finish 5m 13s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2821 Time to finish 5m 13s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2820 Time to finish 5m 13s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 2819 Time to finish 5m 13s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2818 Time to finish 5m 13s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2817 Time to finish 5m 13s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2816 Time to finish 5m 13s, 34.8% completed, time steps left 2815 Time to finish 5m 13s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2814 Time to finish 5m 12s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2813 Time to finish 5m 12s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2812 Time to finish 5m 12s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 2811 Time to finish 5m 12s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2810 Time to finish 5m 12s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2809 Time to finish 5m 12s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2808 Time to finish 5m 12s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2807 Time to finish 5m 11s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 2806 Time to finish 5m 11s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2805 Time to finish 5m 12s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2804 Time to finish 5m 12s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2803 Time to finish 5m 11s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 2802 Time to finish 5m 11s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2801 Time to finish 5m 11s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2800 Time to finish 5m 11s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2799 Time to finish 5m 11s, 35.2% completed, time steps left 2798 Time to finish 5m 11s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2797 Time to finish 5m 11s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2796 Time to finish 5m 11s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2795 Time to finish 5m 10s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2794 Time to finish 5m 10s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 2793 Time to finish 5m 10s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2792 Time to finish 5m 10s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2791 Time to finish 5m 10s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2790 Time to finish 5m 10s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 2789 Time to finish 5m 10s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2788 Time to finish 5m 10s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2787 Time to finish 5m 10s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2786 Time to finish 5m 10s, 35.5% completed, time steps left 2785 Time to finish 5m 9s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2784 Time to finish 5m 9s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2783 Time to finish 5m 9s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2782 Time to finish 5m 9s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2781 Time to finish 5m 9s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2780 Time to finish 5m 9s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2779 Time to finish 5m 9s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2778 Time to finish 5m 8s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2777 Time to finish 5m 8s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2776 Time to finish 5m 8s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2775 Time to finish 5m 8s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2774 Time to finish 5m 8s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2773 Time to finish 5m 8s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2772 Time to finish 5m 8s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2771 Time to finish 5m 8s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2770 Time to finish 5m 8s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2769 Time to finish 5m 8s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2768 Time to finish 5m 8s, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2767 Time to finish 5m 8s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2766 Time to finish 5m 8s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2765 Time to finish 5m 7s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2764 Time to finish 5m 7s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2763 Time to finish 5m 7s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2762 Time to finish 5m 7s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2761 Time to finish 5m 7s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2760 Time to finish 5m 7s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2759 Time to finish 5m 7s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2758 Time to finish 5m 7s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2757 Time to finish 5m 7s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2756 Time to finish 5m 7s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2755 Time to finish 5m 7s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2754 Time to finish 5m 7s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2753 Time to finish 5m 7s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2752 Time to finish 5m 6s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2751 Time to finish 5m 6s, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2750 Time to finish 5m 6s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2749 Time to finish 5m 6s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2748 Time to finish 5m 6s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2747 Time to finish 5m 6s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2746 Time to finish 5m 6s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2745 Time to finish 5m 6s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2744 Time to finish 5m 6s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2743 Time to finish 5m 6s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 2742 Time to finish 5m 5s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2741 Time to finish 5m 5s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2740 Time to finish 5m 5s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2739 Time to finish 5m 5s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2738 Time to finish 5m 5s, 36.6% completed, time steps left 2737 Time to finish 5m 5s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2736 Time to finish 5m 5s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2735 Time to finish 5m 4s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2734 Time to finish 5m 4s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 2733 Time to finish 5m 4s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2732 Time to finish 5m 4s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2731 Time to finish 5m 4s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2730 Time to finish 5m 4s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 2729 Time to finish 5m 4s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2728 Time to finish 5m 4s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2727 Time to finish 5m 4s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2726 Time to finish 5m 4s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2725 Time to finish 5m 4s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2724 Time to finish 5m 4s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2723 Time to finish 5m 4s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2722 Time to finish 5m 4s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2721 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2720 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2719 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2718 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2717 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2716 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2715 Time to finish 5m 4s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2714 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2713 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2712 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2711 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2710 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2709 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2708 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2707 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2706 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2705 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2704 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2703 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2702 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2701 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2700 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2699 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2698 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2697 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2696 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2695 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2694 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2693 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2692 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2691 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2690 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2689 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2688 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2687 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2686 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2685 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2684 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2683 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2682 Time to finish 5m 3s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2681 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2680 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2679 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2678 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2677 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2676 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2675 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2674 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2673 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2672 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2671 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2670 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2669 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2668 Time to finish 5m 3s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2667 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2666 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2665 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2664 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2663 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2662 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2661 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2660 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2659 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2658 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2657 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2656 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2655 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2654 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2653 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2652 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2651 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2650 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2649 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2648 Time to finish 5m 1s, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2647 Time to finish 5m 1s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2646 Time to finish 5m 1s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2645 Time to finish 5m 1s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2644 Time to finish 5m 1s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2643 Time to finish 5m 1s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2642 Time to finish 5m 1s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2641 Time to finish 5m 1s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2640 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2639 Time to finish 5m 2s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2638 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2637 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2636 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2635 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2634 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2633 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2632 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2631 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2630 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2629 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2628 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2627 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2626 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2625 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2624 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2623 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2622 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2621 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2620 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2619 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2618 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2617 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2616 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2615 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2614 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2613 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2612 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2611 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2610 Time to finish 5m 2s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2609 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2608 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2607 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2606 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2605 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2604 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2603 Time to finish 5m 1s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2602 Time to finish 5m 0s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2601 Time to finish 5m 0s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2600 Time to finish 5m 0s, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2599 Time to finish 5m 0s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2598 Time to finish 5m 0s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2597 Time to finish 5m 0s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2596 Time to finish 5m 0s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2595 Time to finish 5m 0s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2594 Time to finish 4m 59s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2593 Time to finish 4m 59s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2592 Time to finish 4m 59s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2591 Time to finish 4m 59s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2590 Time to finish 4m 59s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2589 Time to finish 4m 59s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2588 Time to finish 4m 59s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2587 Time to finish 4m 59s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2586 Time to finish 4m 59s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2585 Time to finish 4m 58s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2584 Time to finish 4m 58s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2583 Time to finish 4m 58s, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2582 Time to finish 4m 58s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2581 Time to finish 4m 58s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2580 Time to finish 4m 58s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2579 Time to finish 4m 58s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2578 Time to finish 4m 58s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2577 Time to finish 4m 58s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2576 Time to finish 4m 58s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2575 Time to finish 4m 57s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2574 Time to finish 4m 57s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2573 Time to finish 4m 57s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2572 Time to finish 4m 57s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2571 Time to finish 4m 57s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2570 Time to finish 4m 57s, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2569 Time to finish 4m 57s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2568 Time to finish 4m 57s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2567 Time to finish 4m 56s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2566 Time to finish 4m 56s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2565 Time to finish 4m 57s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2564 Time to finish 4m 56s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2563 Time to finish 4m 56s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2562 Time to finish 4m 56s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2561 Time to finish 4m 56s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2560 Time to finish 4m 56s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2559 Time to finish 4m 56s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2558 Time to finish 4m 55s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2557 Time to finish 4m 55s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2556 Time to finish 4m 55s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2555 Time to finish 4m 55s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2554 Time to finish 4m 55s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2553 Time to finish 4m 55s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2552 Time to finish 4m 55s, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2551 Time to finish 4m 54s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2550 Time to finish 4m 55s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2549 Time to finish 4m 54s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2548 Time to finish 4m 54s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2547 Time to finish 4m 54s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2546 Time to finish 4m 54s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2545 Time to finish 4m 54s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2544 Time to finish 4m 54s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2543 Time to finish 4m 54s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2542 Time to finish 4m 53s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2541 Time to finish 4m 53s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2540 Time to finish 4m 53s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2539 Time to finish 4m 53s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2538 Time to finish 4m 53s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2537 Time to finish 4m 53s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2536 Time to finish 4m 53s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2535 Time to finish 4m 53s, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2534 Time to finish 4m 53s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2533 Time to finish 4m 53s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2532 Time to finish 4m 53s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2531 Time to finish 4m 53s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2530 Time to finish 4m 53s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2529 Time to finish 4m 53s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2528 Time to finish 4m 53s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2527 Time to finish 4m 53s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2526 Time to finish 4m 53s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2525 Time to finish 4m 52s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2524 Time to finish 4m 52s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2523 Time to finish 4m 52s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2522 Time to finish 4m 52s, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2521 Time to finish 4m 52s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2520 Time to finish 4m 52s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2519 Time to finish 4m 52s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2518 Time to finish 4m 52s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2517 Time to finish 4m 52s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2516 Time to finish 4m 52s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2515 Time to finish 4m 52s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2514 Time to finish 4m 51s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2513 Time to finish 4m 51s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2512 Time to finish 4m 51s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2511 Time to finish 4m 51s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2510 Time to finish 4m 51s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2509 Time to finish 4m 51s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2508 Time to finish 4m 51s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2507 Time to finish 4m 51s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2506 Time to finish 4m 50s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2505 Time to finish 4m 51s, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2504 Time to finish 4m 51s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2503 Time to finish 4m 50s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2502 Time to finish 4m 50s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2501 Time to finish 4m 50s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2500 Time to finish 4m 50s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2499 Time to finish 4m 50s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2498 Time to finish 4m 50s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2497 Time to finish 4m 50s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2496 Time to finish 4m 50s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2495 Time to finish 4m 49s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2494 Time to finish 4m 49s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2493 Time to finish 4m 49s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2492 Time to finish 4m 49s, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2491 Time to finish 4m 49s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2490 Time to finish 4m 49s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2489 Time to finish 4m 49s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2488 Time to finish 4m 49s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2487 Time to finish 4m 49s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2486 Time to finish 4m 49s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2485 Time to finish 4m 49s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2484 Time to finish 4m 49s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2483 Time to finish 4m 49s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2482 Time to finish 4m 49s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2481 Time to finish 4m 48s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2480 Time to finish 4m 48s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2479 Time to finish 4m 48s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2478 Time to finish 4m 48s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2477 Time to finish 4m 48s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2476 Time to finish 4m 48s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2475 Time to finish 4m 48s, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2474 Time to finish 4m 48s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2473 Time to finish 4m 48s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2472 Time to finish 4m 47s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2471 Time to finish 4m 47s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2470 Time to finish 4m 47s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2469 Time to finish 4m 47s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2468 Time to finish 4m 47s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2467 Time to finish 4m 47s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2466 Time to finish 4m 46s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2465 Time to finish 4m 46s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2464 Time to finish 4m 46s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2463 Time to finish 4m 46s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2462 Time to finish 4m 46s, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2461 Time to finish 4m 46s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2460 Time to finish 4m 46s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2459 Time to finish 4m 46s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2458 Time to finish 4m 46s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2457 Time to finish 4m 46s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2456 Time to finish 4m 45s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2455 Time to finish 4m 45s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2454 Time to finish 4m 45s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2453 Time to finish 4m 45s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2452 Time to finish 4m 45s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2451 Time to finish 4m 45s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2450 Time to finish 4m 45s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2449 Time to finish 4m 45s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2448 Time to finish 4m 44s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2447 Time to finish 4m 44s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2446 Time to finish 4m 44s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2445 Time to finish 4m 44s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2444 Time to finish 4m 44s, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2443 Time to finish 4m 44s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2442 Time to finish 4m 44s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2441 Time to finish 4m 44s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2440 Time to finish 4m 44s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2439 Time to finish 4m 44s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2438 Time to finish 4m 44s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2437 Time to finish 4m 44s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2436 Time to finish 4m 43s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2435 Time to finish 4m 43s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2434 Time to finish 4m 43s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2433 Time to finish 4m 43s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2432 Time to finish 4m 43s, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2431 Time to finish 4m 43s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2430 Time to finish 4m 43s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2429 Time to finish 4m 43s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2428 Time to finish 4m 43s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2427 Time to finish 4m 43s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2426 Time to finish 4m 43s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2425 Time to finish 4m 42s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2424 Time to finish 4m 42s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2423 Time to finish 4m 42s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2422 Time to finish 4m 42s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2421 Time to finish 4m 42s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2420 Time to finish 4m 42s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2419 Time to finish 4m 42s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2418 Time to finish 4m 42s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2417 Time to finish 4m 42s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2416 Time to finish 4m 41s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2415 Time to finish 4m 42s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2414 Time to finish 4m 41s, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2413 Time to finish 4m 41s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2412 Time to finish 4m 41s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2411 Time to finish 4m 41s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2410 Time to finish 4m 41s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2409 Time to finish 4m 41s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2408 Time to finish 4m 41s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2407 Time to finish 4m 41s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2406 Time to finish 4m 40s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2405 Time to finish 4m 40s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2404 Time to finish 4m 40s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2403 Time to finish 4m 40s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2402 Time to finish 4m 40s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2401 Time to finish 4m 40s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2400 Time to finish 4m 40s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2399 Time to finish 4m 40s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2398 Time to finish 4m 40s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2397 Time to finish 4m 40s, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2396 Time to finish 4m 39s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2395 Time to finish 4m 39s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2394 Time to finish 4m 39s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2393 Time to finish 4m 39s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2392 Time to finish 4m 39s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2391 Time to finish 4m 39s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2390 Time to finish 4m 39s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2389 Time to finish 4m 38s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2388 Time to finish 4m 38s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2387 Time to finish 4m 38s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2386 Time to finish 4m 38s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2385 Time to finish 4m 39s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2384 Time to finish 4m 38s, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2383 Time to finish 4m 38s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2382 Time to finish 4m 38s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2381 Time to finish 4m 38s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2380 Time to finish 4m 38s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2379 Time to finish 4m 38s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2378 Time to finish 4m 37s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2377 Time to finish 4m 37s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2376 Time to finish 4m 37s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2375 Time to finish 4m 37s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2374 Time to finish 4m 37s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2373 Time to finish 4m 37s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2372 Time to finish 4m 37s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2371 Time to finish 4m 37s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2370 Time to finish 4m 37s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2369 Time to finish 4m 37s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2368 Time to finish 4m 36s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2367 Time to finish 4m 36s, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2366 Time to finish 4m 36s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2365 Time to finish 4m 37s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2364 Time to finish 4m 36s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2363 Time to finish 4m 36s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2362 Time to finish 4m 36s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2361 Time to finish 4m 36s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2360 Time to finish 4m 36s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2359 Time to finish 4m 36s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2358 Time to finish 4m 36s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2357 Time to finish 4m 36s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2356 Time to finish 4m 35s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2355 Time to finish 4m 35s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2354 Time to finish 4m 35s, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2353 Time to finish 4m 35s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2352 Time to finish 4m 35s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2351 Time to finish 4m 35s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2350 Time to finish 4m 35s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2349 Time to finish 4m 35s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2348 Time to finish 4m 34s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2347 Time to finish 4m 34s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2346 Time to finish 4m 34s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2345 Time to finish 4m 34s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2344 Time to finish 4m 34s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2343 Time to finish 4m 34s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2342 Time to finish 4m 33s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2341 Time to finish 4m 33s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2340 Time to finish 4m 33s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2339 Time to finish 4m 33s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2338 Time to finish 4m 33s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2337 Time to finish 4m 33s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2336 Time to finish 4m 33s, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2335 Time to finish 4m 33s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2334 Time to finish 4m 33s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2333 Time to finish 4m 33s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2332 Time to finish 4m 32s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2331 Time to finish 4m 32s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2330 Time to finish 4m 32s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2329 Time to finish 4m 32s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2328 Time to finish 4m 32s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2327 Time to finish 4m 32s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2326 Time to finish 4m 31s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2325 Time to finish 4m 32s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2324 Time to finish 4m 31s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2323 Time to finish 4m 31s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2322 Time to finish 4m 31s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2321 Time to finish 4m 31s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2320 Time to finish 4m 31s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2319 Time to finish 4m 31s, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2318 Time to finish 4m 30s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2317 Time to finish 4m 30s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2316 Time to finish 4m 30s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2315 Time to finish 4m 30s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2314 Time to finish 4m 30s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2313 Time to finish 4m 30s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2312 Time to finish 4m 29s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2311 Time to finish 4m 29s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 2310 Time to finish 4m 29s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2309 Time to finish 4m 29s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2308 Time to finish 4m 29s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2307 Time to finish 4m 29s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2306 Time to finish 4m 29s, 46.6% completed, time steps left 2305 Time to finish 4m 29s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2304 Time to finish 4m 28s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2303 Time to finish 4m 28s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2302 Time to finish 4m 28s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 2301 Time to finish 4m 28s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2300 Time to finish 4m 28s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2299 Time to finish 4m 28s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2298 Time to finish 4m 27s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2297 Time to finish 4m 27s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2296 Time to finish 4m 27s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2295 Time to finish 4m 27s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2294 Time to finish 4m 27s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2293 Time to finish 4m 27s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2292 Time to finish 4m 27s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2291 Time to finish 4m 26s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2290 Time to finish 4m 26s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2289 Time to finish 4m 26s, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2288 Time to finish 4m 26s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2287 Time to finish 4m 26s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2286 Time to finish 4m 26s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2285 Time to finish 4m 26s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2284 Time to finish 4m 25s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2283 Time to finish 4m 25s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2282 Time to finish 4m 25s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2281 Time to finish 4m 25s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2280 Time to finish 4m 25s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2279 Time to finish 4m 25s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2278 Time to finish 4m 25s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2277 Time to finish 4m 25s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2276 Time to finish 4m 25s, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2275 Time to finish 4m 25s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2274 Time to finish 4m 24s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2273 Time to finish 4m 24s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2272 Time to finish 4m 24s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2271 Time to finish 4m 24s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2270 Time to finish 4m 24s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2269 Time to finish 4m 24s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2268 Time to finish 4m 23s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2267 Time to finish 4m 23s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2266 Time to finish 4m 23s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2265 Time to finish 4m 23s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2264 Time to finish 4m 23s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2263 Time to finish 4m 23s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2262 Time to finish 4m 23s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2261 Time to finish 4m 23s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2260 Time to finish 4m 23s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2259 Time to finish 4m 22s, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2258 Time to finish 4m 22s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2257 Time to finish 4m 22s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2256 Time to finish 4m 22s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2255 Time to finish 4m 22s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2254 Time to finish 4m 22s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2253 Time to finish 4m 22s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2252 Time to finish 4m 21s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2251 Time to finish 4m 21s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2250 Time to finish 4m 21s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2249 Time to finish 4m 21s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2248 Time to finish 4m 21s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2247 Time to finish 4m 21s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2246 Time to finish 4m 21s, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2245 Time to finish 4m 21s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2244 Time to finish 4m 20s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2243 Time to finish 4m 20s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2242 Time to finish 4m 20s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2241 Time to finish 4m 20s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2240 Time to finish 4m 20s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2239 Time to finish 4m 20s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2238 Time to finish 4m 19s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2237 Time to finish 4m 19s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2236 Time to finish 4m 19s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2235 Time to finish 4m 19s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2234 Time to finish 4m 19s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2233 Time to finish 4m 19s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2232 Time to finish 4m 19s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2231 Time to finish 4m 19s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2230 Time to finish 4m 18s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2229 Time to finish 4m 18s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2228 Time to finish 4m 18s, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2227 Time to finish 4m 18s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2226 Time to finish 4m 18s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2225 Time to finish 4m 18s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2224 Time to finish 4m 18s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2223 Time to finish 4m 17s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2222 Time to finish 4m 17s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2221 Time to finish 4m 17s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2220 Time to finish 4m 17s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2219 Time to finish 4m 17s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2218 Time to finish 4m 17s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2217 Time to finish 4m 17s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2216 Time to finish 4m 17s, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2215 Time to finish 4m 16s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2214 Time to finish 4m 16s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2213 Time to finish 4m 16s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2212 Time to finish 4m 16s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2211 Time to finish 4m 16s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2210 Time to finish 4m 16s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2209 Time to finish 4m 16s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2208 Time to finish 4m 15s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2207 Time to finish 4m 15s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2206 Time to finish 4m 15s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2205 Time to finish 4m 15s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2204 Time to finish 4m 15s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2203 Time to finish 4m 15s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2202 Time to finish 4m 15s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2201 Time to finish 4m 14s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2200 Time to finish 4m 14s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2199 Time to finish 4m 14s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2198 Time to finish 4m 14s, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2197 Time to finish 4m 14s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2196 Time to finish 4m 14s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2195 Time to finish 4m 14s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2194 Time to finish 4m 13s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2193 Time to finish 4m 13s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2192 Time to finish 4m 13s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2191 Time to finish 4m 13s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2190 Time to finish 4m 13s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2189 Time to finish 4m 13s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2188 Time to finish 4m 13s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2187 Time to finish 4m 13s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2186 Time to finish 4m 13s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2185 Time to finish 4m 12s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2184 Time to finish 4m 12s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2183 Time to finish 4m 12s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2182 Time to finish 4m 12s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2181 Time to finish 4m 12s, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2180 Time to finish 4m 12s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2179 Time to finish 4m 12s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2178 Time to finish 4m 11s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2177 Time to finish 4m 11s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2176 Time to finish 4m 11s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2175 Time to finish 4m 11s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2174 Time to finish 4m 11s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2173 Time to finish 4m 11s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2172 Time to finish 4m 11s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2171 Time to finish 4m 10s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2170 Time to finish 4m 10s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2169 Time to finish 4m 10s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2168 Time to finish 4m 10s, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2167 Time to finish 4m 10s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2166 Time to finish 4m 10s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2165 Time to finish 4m 10s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2164 Time to finish 4m 9s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2163 Time to finish 4m 9s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2162 Time to finish 4m 9s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2161 Time to finish 4m 9s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2160 Time to finish 4m 9s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2159 Time to finish 4m 9s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2158 Time to finish 4m 9s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2157 Time to finish 4m 9s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2156 Time to finish 4m 9s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2155 Time to finish 4m 9s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2154 Time to finish 4m 8s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2153 Time to finish 4m 8s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2152 Time to finish 4m 8s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2151 Time to finish 4m 8s, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2150 Time to finish 4m 8s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2149 Time to finish 4m 8s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2148 Time to finish 4m 7s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2147 Time to finish 4m 7s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2146 Time to finish 4m 7s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2145 Time to finish 4m 7s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2144 Time to finish 4m 7s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2143 Time to finish 4m 7s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2142 Time to finish 4m 7s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2141 Time to finish 4m 7s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2140 Time to finish 4m 6s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2139 Time to finish 4m 6s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2138 Time to finish 4m 6s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2137 Time to finish 4m 6s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2136 Time to finish 4m 6s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2135 Time to finish 4m 6s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2134 Time to finish 4m 5s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2133 Time to finish 4m 5s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2132 Time to finish 4m 5s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2131 Time to finish 4m 5s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2130 Time to finish 4m 5s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2129 Time to finish 4m 5s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2128 Time to finish 4m 5s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2127 Time to finish 4m 5s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2126 Time to finish 4m 5s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2125 Time to finish 4m 5s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2124 Time to finish 4m 4s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2123 Time to finish 4m 4s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2122 Time to finish 4m 4s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2121 Time to finish 4m 4s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2120 Time to finish 4m 4s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2119 Time to finish 4m 4s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2118 Time to finish 4m 3s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2117 Time to finish 4m 3s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2116 Time to finish 4m 3s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2115 Time to finish 4m 3s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2114 Time to finish 4m 3s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2113 Time to finish 4m 3s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2112 Time to finish 4m 3s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2111 Time to finish 4m 3s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2110 Time to finish 4m 2s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2109 Time to finish 4m 2s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2108 Time to finish 4m 2s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2107 Time to finish 4m 2s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2106 Time to finish 4m 2s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2105 Time to finish 4m 2s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2104 Time to finish 4m 2s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2103 Time to finish 4m 1s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2102 Time to finish 4m 1s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2101 Time to finish 4m 1s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2100 Time to finish 4m 1s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2099 Time to finish 4m 1s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2098 Time to finish 4m 1s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2097 Time to finish 4m 1s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2096 Time to finish 4m 1s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2095 Time to finish 4m 1s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2094 Time to finish 4m 0s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2093 Time to finish 4m 0s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2092 Time to finish 4m 0s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2091 Time to finish 4m 0s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2090 Time to finish 4m 0s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2089 Time to finish 4m 0s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2088 Time to finish 4m 0s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2087 Time to finish 3m 59s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2086 Time to finish 3m 59s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2085 Time to finish 3m 59s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2084 Time to finish 3m 59s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2083 Time to finish 3m 59s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2082 Time to finish 3m 59s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2081 Time to finish 3m 59s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2080 Time to finish 3m 59s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2079 Time to finish 3m 59s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2078 Time to finish 3m 58s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2077 Time to finish 3m 58s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2076 Time to finish 3m 58s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2075 Time to finish 3m 58s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2074 Time to finish 3m 58s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2073 Time to finish 3m 58s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2072 Time to finish 3m 58s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2071 Time to finish 3m 57s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2070 Time to finish 3m 57s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2069 Time to finish 3m 57s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2068 Time to finish 3m 57s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2067 Time to finish 3m 57s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2066 Time to finish 3m 57s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2065 Time to finish 3m 57s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2064 Time to finish 3m 57s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2063 Time to finish 3m 57s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2062 Time to finish 3m 57s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2061 Time to finish 3m 56s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2060 Time to finish 3m 56s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2059 Time to finish 3m 56s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2058 Time to finish 3m 56s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2057 Time to finish 3m 56s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2056 Time to finish 3m 56s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2055 Time to finish 3m 56s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2054 Time to finish 3m 56s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2053 Time to finish 3m 56s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2052 Time to finish 3m 55s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2051 Time to finish 3m 55s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2050 Time to finish 3m 55s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2049 Time to finish 3m 55s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2048 Time to finish 3m 55s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2047 Time to finish 3m 55s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2046 Time to finish 3m 55s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2045 Time to finish 3m 54s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2044 Time to finish 3m 54s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2043 Time to finish 3m 54s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2042 Time to finish 3m 54s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2041 Time to finish 3m 54s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2040 Time to finish 3m 54s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2039 Time to finish 3m 54s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2038 Time to finish 3m 54s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2037 Time to finish 3m 54s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2036 Time to finish 3m 54s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2035 Time to finish 3m 53s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2034 Time to finish 3m 53s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2033 Time to finish 3m 53s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2032 Time to finish 3m 53s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2031 Time to finish 3m 53s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2030 Time to finish 3m 53s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2029 Time to finish 3m 52s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2028 Time to finish 3m 52s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2027 Time to finish 3m 52s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2026 Time to finish 3m 52s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2025 Time to finish 3m 52s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2024 Time to finish 3m 52s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2023 Time to finish 3m 52s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2022 Time to finish 3m 52s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2021 Time to finish 3m 52s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2020 Time to finish 3m 51s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2019 Time to finish 3m 51s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2018 Time to finish 3m 51s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2017 Time to finish 3m 51s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2016 Time to finish 3m 51s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2015 Time to finish 3m 51s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2014 Time to finish 3m 51s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2013 Time to finish 3m 50s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2012 Time to finish 3m 50s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2011 Time to finish 3m 50s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2010 Time to finish 3m 50s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2009 Time to finish 3m 50s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2008 Time to finish 3m 50s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2007 Time to finish 3m 50s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2006 Time to finish 3m 50s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2005 Time to finish 3m 50s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2004 Time to finish 3m 49s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2003 Time to finish 3m 49s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 2002 Time to finish 3m 49s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 2001 Time to finish 3m 49s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 2000 Time to finish 3m 49s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 1999 Time to finish 3m 49s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1998 Time to finish 3m 49s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1997 Time to finish 3m 49s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1996 Time to finish 3m 48s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1995 Time to finish 3m 48s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1994 Time to finish 3m 48s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1993 Time to finish 3m 48s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1992 Time to finish 3m 48s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1991 Time to finish 3m 48s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1990 Time to finish 3m 48s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1989 Time to finish 3m 48s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1988 Time to finish 3m 48s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1987 Time to finish 3m 47s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1986 Time to finish 3m 47s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1985 Time to finish 3m 47s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1984 Time to finish 3m 47s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1983 Time to finish 3m 47s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1982 Time to finish 3m 47s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1981 Time to finish 3m 47s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1980 Time to finish 3m 47s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1979 Time to finish 3m 47s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1978 Time to finish 3m 47s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1977 Time to finish 3m 46s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1976 Time to finish 3m 46s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1975 Time to finish 3m 46s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1974 Time to finish 3m 46s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1973 Time to finish 3m 46s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1972 Time to finish 3m 46s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1971 Time to finish 3m 46s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1970 Time to finish 3m 46s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1969 Time to finish 3m 45s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1968 Time to finish 3m 45s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1967 Time to finish 3m 45s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1966 Time to finish 3m 45s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1965 Time to finish 3m 45s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1964 Time to finish 3m 45s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1963 Time to finish 3m 45s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1962 Time to finish 3m 45s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1961 Time to finish 3m 45s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1960 Time to finish 3m 44s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1959 Time to finish 3m 44s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1958 Time to finish 3m 44s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1957 Time to finish 3m 44s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1956 Time to finish 3m 44s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1955 Time to finish 3m 44s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1954 Time to finish 3m 44s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1953 Time to finish 3m 44s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1952 Time to finish 3m 43s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1951 Time to finish 3m 43s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1950 Time to finish 3m 43s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1949 Time to finish 3m 43s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1948 Time to finish 3m 43s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1947 Time to finish 3m 43s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1946 Time to finish 3m 43s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1945 Time to finish 3m 43s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1944 Time to finish 3m 43s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1943 Time to finish 3m 43s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1942 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1941 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1940 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1939 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1938 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1937 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1936 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1935 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1934 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1933 Time to finish 3m 42s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1932 Time to finish 3m 41s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1931 Time to finish 3m 41s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1930 Time to finish 3m 41s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1929 Time to finish 3m 41s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1928 Time to finish 3m 41s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1927 Time to finish 3m 41s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1926 Time to finish 3m 41s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1925 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1924 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1923 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1922 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1921 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1920 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1919 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1918 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1917 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1916 Time to finish 3m 40s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1915 Time to finish 3m 39s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1914 Time to finish 3m 39s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1913 Time to finish 3m 39s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1912 Time to finish 3m 39s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1911 Time to finish 3m 39s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1910 Time to finish 3m 39s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1909 Time to finish 3m 39s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1908 Time to finish 3m 38s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1907 Time to finish 3m 38s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1906 Time to finish 3m 38s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1905 Time to finish 3m 38s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1904 Time to finish 3m 38s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1903 Time to finish 3m 38s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1902 Time to finish 3m 38s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1901 Time to finish 3m 38s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1900 Time to finish 3m 38s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1899 Time to finish 3m 37s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1898 Time to finish 3m 37s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1897 Time to finish 3m 37s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1896 Time to finish 3m 37s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1895 Time to finish 3m 37s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1894 Time to finish 3m 37s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1893 Time to finish 3m 37s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1892 Time to finish 3m 37s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1891 Time to finish 3m 36s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1890 Time to finish 3m 36s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1889 Time to finish 3m 36s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1888 Time to finish 3m 36s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1887 Time to finish 3m 36s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1886 Time to finish 3m 36s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1885 Time to finish 3m 36s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1884 Time to finish 3m 36s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1883 Time to finish 3m 36s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1882 Time to finish 3m 35s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1881 Time to finish 3m 35s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1880 Time to finish 3m 35s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1879 Time to finish 3m 35s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1878 Time to finish 3m 35s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1877 Time to finish 3m 35s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1876 Time to finish 3m 35s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1875 Time to finish 3m 35s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1874 Time to finish 3m 35s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1873 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1872 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1871 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1870 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1869 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1868 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1867 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1866 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1865 Time to finish 3m 34s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1864 Time to finish 3m 33s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1863 Time to finish 3m 33s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1862 Time to finish 3m 33s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1861 Time to finish 3m 33s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1860 Time to finish 3m 33s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1859 Time to finish 3m 33s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1858 Time to finish 3m 33s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1857 Time to finish 3m 33s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1856 Time to finish 3m 33s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1855 Time to finish 3m 33s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1854 Time to finish 3m 32s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1853 Time to finish 3m 32s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1852 Time to finish 3m 32s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1851 Time to finish 3m 32s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1850 Time to finish 3m 32s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1849 Time to finish 3m 32s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1848 Time to finish 3m 32s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1847 Time to finish 3m 32s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1846 Time to finish 3m 31s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1845 Time to finish 3m 31s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1844 Time to finish 3m 31s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1843 Time to finish 3m 31s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1842 Time to finish 3m 31s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1841 Time to finish 3m 31s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1840 Time to finish 3m 31s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1839 Time to finish 3m 31s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1838 Time to finish 3m 30s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1837 Time to finish 3m 30s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1836 Time to finish 3m 30s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1835 Time to finish 3m 30s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1834 Time to finish 3m 30s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1833 Time to finish 3m 30s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1832 Time to finish 3m 30s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1831 Time to finish 3m 30s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1830 Time to finish 3m 30s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1829 Time to finish 3m 29s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1828 Time to finish 3m 29s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1827 Time to finish 3m 29s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1826 Time to finish 3m 29s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1825 Time to finish 3m 29s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1824 Time to finish 3m 29s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1823 Time to finish 3m 29s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1822 Time to finish 3m 29s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1821 Time to finish 3m 28s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1820 Time to finish 3m 28s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1819 Time to finish 3m 28s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1818 Time to finish 3m 28s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1817 Time to finish 3m 28s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1816 Time to finish 3m 28s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1815 Time to finish 3m 28s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1814 Time to finish 3m 28s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1813 Time to finish 3m 28s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1812 Time to finish 3m 27s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1811 Time to finish 3m 27s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1810 Time to finish 3m 27s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1809 Time to finish 3m 27s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1808 Time to finish 3m 27s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1807 Time to finish 3m 27s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1806 Time to finish 3m 27s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1805 Time to finish 3m 27s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1804 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1803 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1802 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1801 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1800 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1799 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1798 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1797 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1796 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1795 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1794 Time to finish 3m 26s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1793 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1792 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1791 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1790 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1789 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1788 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1787 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1786 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1785 Time to finish 3m 25s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1784 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1783 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1782 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1781 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1780 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1779 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1778 Time to finish 3m 24s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1777 Time to finish 3m 23s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1776 Time to finish 3m 23s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1775 Time to finish 3m 23s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1774 Time to finish 3m 23s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1773 Time to finish 3m 23s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1772 Time to finish 3m 23s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1771 Time to finish 3m 23s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1770 Time to finish 3m 23s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1769 Time to finish 3m 23s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1768 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1767 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1766 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1765 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1764 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1763 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1762 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1761 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1760 Time to finish 3m 22s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1759 Time to finish 3m 21s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1758 Time to finish 3m 21s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1757 Time to finish 3m 21s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1756 Time to finish 3m 21s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1755 Time to finish 3m 21s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1754 Time to finish 3m 21s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1753 Time to finish 3m 21s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1752 Time to finish 3m 21s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1751 Time to finish 3m 21s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1750 Time to finish 3m 20s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1749 Time to finish 3m 20s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1748 Time to finish 3m 20s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1747 Time to finish 3m 20s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1746 Time to finish 3m 20s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1745 Time to finish 3m 20s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1744 Time to finish 3m 20s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1743 Time to finish 3m 20s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1742 Time to finish 3m 20s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1741 Time to finish 3m 19s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1740 Time to finish 3m 20s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1739 Time to finish 3m 19s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1738 Time to finish 3m 19s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1737 Time to finish 3m 19s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1736 Time to finish 3m 19s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1735 Time to finish 3m 19s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1734 Time to finish 3m 19s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1733 Time to finish 3m 19s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1732 Time to finish 3m 19s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1731 Time to finish 3m 18s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1730 Time to finish 3m 18s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1729 Time to finish 3m 18s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1728 Time to finish 3m 18s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1727 Time to finish 3m 18s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1726 Time to finish 3m 18s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1725 Time to finish 3m 18s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1724 Time to finish 3m 18s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1723 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1722 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1721 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1720 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1719 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1718 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1717 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1716 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1715 Time to finish 3m 17s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1714 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1713 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1712 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1711 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1710 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1709 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1708 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1707 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1706 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1705 Time to finish 3m 16s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1704 Time to finish 3m 15s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1703 Time to finish 3m 15s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1702 Time to finish 3m 15s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1701 Time to finish 3m 15s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1700 Time to finish 3m 15s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1699 Time to finish 3m 15s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1698 Time to finish 3m 15s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1697 Time to finish 3m 15s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1696 Time to finish 3m 14s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1695 Time to finish 3m 14s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1694 Time to finish 3m 14s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1693 Time to finish 3m 14s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1692 Time to finish 3m 14s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1691 Time to finish 3m 14s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1690 Time to finish 3m 14s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1689 Time to finish 3m 14s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1688 Time to finish 3m 14s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1687 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1686 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1685 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1684 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1683 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1682 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1681 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1680 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1679 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1678 Time to finish 3m 13s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1677 Time to finish 3m 12s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1676 Time to finish 3m 12s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1675 Time to finish 3m 12s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1674 Time to finish 3m 12s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1673 Time to finish 3m 12s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1672 Time to finish 3m 12s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1671 Time to finish 3m 12s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1670 Time to finish 3m 12s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1669 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1668 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1667 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1666 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1665 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1664 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1663 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1662 Time to finish 3m 11s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1661 Time to finish 3m 10s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1660 Time to finish 3m 10s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1659 Time to finish 3m 10s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1658 Time to finish 3m 10s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1657 Time to finish 3m 10s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1656 Time to finish 3m 10s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1655 Time to finish 3m 10s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1654 Time to finish 3m 10s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1653 Time to finish 3m 9s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1652 Time to finish 3m 9s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1651 Time to finish 3m 9s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1650 Time to finish 3m 9s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1649 Time to finish 3m 9s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1648 Time to finish 3m 9s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1647 Time to finish 3m 9s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1646 Time to finish 3m 9s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1645 Time to finish 3m 9s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1644 Time to finish 3m 9s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1643 Time to finish 3m 9s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1642 Time to finish 3m 8s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1641 Time to finish 3m 8s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1640 Time to finish 3m 8s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1639 Time to finish 3m 8s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1638 Time to finish 3m 8s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1637 Time to finish 3m 8s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1636 Time to finish 3m 8s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1635 Time to finish 3m 8s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1634 Time to finish 3m 8s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1633 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1632 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1631 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1630 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1629 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1628 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1627 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1626 Time to finish 3m 7s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1625 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1624 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1623 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1622 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1621 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1620 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1619 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1618 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1617 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1616 Time to finish 3m 6s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1615 Time to finish 3m 5s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1614 Time to finish 3m 5s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1613 Time to finish 3m 5s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1612 Time to finish 3m 5s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1611 Time to finish 3m 5s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1610 Time to finish 3m 5s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1609 Time to finish 3m 5s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1608 Time to finish 3m 4s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1607 Time to finish 3m 4s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1606 Time to finish 3m 4s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1605 Time to finish 3m 4s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1604 Time to finish 3m 4s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1603 Time to finish 3m 4s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1602 Time to finish 3m 4s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1601 Time to finish 3m 4s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1600 Time to finish 3m 4s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1599 Time to finish 3m 3s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1598 Time to finish 3m 3s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1597 Time to finish 3m 3s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1596 Time to finish 3m 3s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1595 Time to finish 3m 3s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1594 Time to finish 3m 3s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1593 Time to finish 3m 3s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1592 Time to finish 3m 3s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1591 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1590 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1589 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1588 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1587 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1586 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1585 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1584 Time to finish 3m 2s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1583 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1582 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1581 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1580 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1579 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1578 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1577 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1576 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1575 Time to finish 3m 1s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1574 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1573 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1572 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1571 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1570 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1569 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1568 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1567 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1566 Time to finish 3m 0s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1565 Time to finish 2m 59s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1564 Time to finish 2m 59s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1563 Time to finish 2m 59s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1562 Time to finish 2m 59s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1561 Time to finish 2m 59s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1560 Time to finish 2m 59s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1559 Time to finish 2m 59s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1558 Time to finish 2m 59s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1557 Time to finish 2m 59s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1556 Time to finish 2m 58s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1555 Time to finish 2m 58s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1554 Time to finish 2m 58s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1553 Time to finish 2m 58s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1552 Time to finish 2m 58s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1551 Time to finish 2m 58s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1550 Time to finish 2m 58s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1549 Time to finish 2m 58s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1548 Time to finish 2m 57s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1547 Time to finish 2m 57s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1546 Time to finish 2m 57s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1545 Time to finish 2m 57s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1544 Time to finish 2m 57s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1543 Time to finish 2m 57s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1542 Time to finish 2m 57s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1541 Time to finish 2m 57s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1540 Time to finish 2m 57s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1539 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1538 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1537 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1536 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1535 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1534 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1533 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1532 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1531 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1530 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1529 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1528 Time to finish 2m 56s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1527 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1526 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1525 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1524 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1523 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1522 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1521 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1520 Time to finish 2m 55s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1519 Time to finish 2m 54s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1518 Time to finish 2m 54s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1517 Time to finish 2m 54s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1516 Time to finish 2m 54s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1515 Time to finish 2m 54s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1514 Time to finish 2m 54s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1513 Time to finish 2m 54s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1512 Time to finish 2m 54s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1511 Time to finish 2m 54s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1510 Time to finish 2m 53s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1509 Time to finish 2m 53s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1508 Time to finish 2m 53s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1507 Time to finish 2m 53s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1506 Time to finish 2m 53s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1505 Time to finish 2m 53s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1504 Time to finish 2m 53s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1503 Time to finish 2m 53s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1502 Time to finish 2m 53s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1501 Time to finish 2m 52s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1500 Time to finish 2m 52s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1499 Time to finish 2m 52s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1498 Time to finish 2m 52s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1497 Time to finish 2m 52s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1496 Time to finish 2m 52s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1495 Time to finish 2m 52s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1494 Time to finish 2m 52s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1493 Time to finish 2m 52s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1492 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1491 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1490 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1489 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1488 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1487 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1486 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1485 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1484 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1483 Time to finish 2m 51s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1482 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1481 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1480 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1479 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1478 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1477 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1476 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1475 Time to finish 2m 50s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1474 Time to finish 2m 49s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1473 Time to finish 2m 49s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1472 Time to finish 2m 49s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1471 Time to finish 2m 49s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1470 Time to finish 2m 49s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1469 Time to finish 2m 49s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1468 Time to finish 2m 49s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1467 Time to finish 2m 49s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1466 Time to finish 2m 49s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1465 Time to finish 2m 49s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1464 Time to finish 2m 48s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1463 Time to finish 2m 48s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1462 Time to finish 2m 48s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1461 Time to finish 2m 48s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1460 Time to finish 2m 48s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1459 Time to finish 2m 48s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1458 Time to finish 2m 48s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1457 Time to finish 2m 47s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1456 Time to finish 2m 47s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1455 Time to finish 2m 47s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1454 Time to finish 2m 47s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1453 Time to finish 2m 47s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1452 Time to finish 2m 47s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1451 Time to finish 2m 47s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1450 Time to finish 2m 47s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1449 Time to finish 2m 47s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1448 Time to finish 2m 46s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1447 Time to finish 2m 46s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1446 Time to finish 2m 46s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1445 Time to finish 2m 46s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1444 Time to finish 2m 46s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1443 Time to finish 2m 46s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1442 Time to finish 2m 46s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1441 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1440 Time to finish 2m 46s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1439 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1438 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1437 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1436 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1435 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1434 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1433 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1432 Time to finish 2m 45s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1431 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1430 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1429 Time to finish 2m 44s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1428 Time to finish 2m 44s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1427 Time to finish 2m 44s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1426 Time to finish 2m 44s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1425 Time to finish 2m 44s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1424 Time to finish 2m 44s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1423 Time to finish 2m 44s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1422 Time to finish 2m 43s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1421 Time to finish 2m 43s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1420 Time to finish 2m 43s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1419 Time to finish 2m 43s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1418 Time to finish 2m 43s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1417 Time to finish 2m 43s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1416 Time to finish 2m 43s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1415 Time to finish 2m 42s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1414 Time to finish 2m 42s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1413 Time to finish 2m 42s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1412 Time to finish 2m 42s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1411 Time to finish 2m 42s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1410 Time to finish 2m 42s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1409 Time to finish 2m 42s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1408 Time to finish 2m 42s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1407 Time to finish 2m 42s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1406 Time to finish 2m 41s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1405 Time to finish 2m 41s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1404 Time to finish 2m 41s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1403 Time to finish 2m 41s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1402 Time to finish 2m 41s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1401 Time to finish 2m 41s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1400 Time to finish 2m 41s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1399 Time to finish 2m 41s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1398 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1397 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1396 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1395 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1394 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1393 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1392 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1391 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1390 Time to finish 2m 40s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1389 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1388 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1387 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1386 Time to finish 2m 39s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1385 Time to finish 2m 39s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1384 Time to finish 2m 39s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1383 Time to finish 2m 39s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1382 Time to finish 2m 39s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1381 Time to finish 2m 38s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1380 Time to finish 2m 38s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1379 Time to finish 2m 38s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1378 Time to finish 2m 38s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1377 Time to finish 2m 38s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1376 Time to finish 2m 38s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1375 Time to finish 2m 38s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1374 Time to finish 2m 38s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1373 Time to finish 2m 38s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1372 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1371 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1370 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1369 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1368 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1367 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1366 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1365 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1364 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1363 Time to finish 2m 37s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1362 Time to finish 2m 36s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1361 Time to finish 2m 36s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1360 Time to finish 2m 36s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1359 Time to finish 2m 36s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1358 Time to finish 2m 36s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1357 Time to finish 2m 36s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1356 Time to finish 2m 36s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1355 Time to finish 2m 36s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1354 Time to finish 2m 36s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1353 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1352 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1351 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1350 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1349 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1348 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1347 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1346 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1345 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1344 Time to finish 2m 35s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1343 Time to finish 2m 34s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1342 Time to finish 2m 34s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1341 Time to finish 2m 34s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1340 Time to finish 2m 34s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1339 Time to finish 2m 34s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1338 Time to finish 2m 34s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1337 Time to finish 2m 34s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1336 Time to finish 2m 34s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1335 Time to finish 2m 34s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1334 Time to finish 2m 34s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1333 Time to finish 2m 34s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1332 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1331 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1330 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1329 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1328 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1327 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1326 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1325 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1324 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1323 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1322 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1321 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1320 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1319 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1318 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1317 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1316 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1315 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1314 Time to finish 2m 33s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1313 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1312 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1311 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1310 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1309 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1308 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1307 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1306 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1305 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1304 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1303 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1302 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1301 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1300 Time to finish 2m 32s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1299 Time to finish 2m 32s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1298 Time to finish 2m 32s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1297 Time to finish 2m 32s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1296 Time to finish 2m 32s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1295 Time to finish 2m 32s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1294 Time to finish 2m 32s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1293 Time to finish 2m 31s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1292 Time to finish 2m 31s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1291 Time to finish 2m 31s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1290 Time to finish 2m 31s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1289 Time to finish 2m 31s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1288 Time to finish 2m 31s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1287 Time to finish 2m 31s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1286 Time to finish 2m 31s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1285 Time to finish 2m 31s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1284 Time to finish 2m 31s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1283 Time to finish 2m 30s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1282 Time to finish 2m 30s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1281 Time to finish 2m 30s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1280 Time to finish 2m 30s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1279 Time to finish 2m 30s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1278 Time to finish 2m 30s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1277 Time to finish 2m 30s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1276 Time to finish 2m 30s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1275 Time to finish 2m 30s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1274 Time to finish 2m 29s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1273 Time to finish 2m 29s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1272 Time to finish 2m 29s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1271 Time to finish 2m 29s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1270 Time to finish 2m 29s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1269 Time to finish 2m 29s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1268 Time to finish 2m 29s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1267 Time to finish 2m 29s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1266 Time to finish 2m 29s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1265 Time to finish 2m 28s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1264 Time to finish 2m 28s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1263 Time to finish 2m 28s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1262 Time to finish 2m 28s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1261 Time to finish 2m 28s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1260 Time to finish 2m 28s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1259 Time to finish 2m 28s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1258 Time to finish 2m 28s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1257 Time to finish 2m 28s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1256 Time to finish 2m 28s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1255 Time to finish 2m 27s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1254 Time to finish 2m 27s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1253 Time to finish 2m 27s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1252 Time to finish 2m 27s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1251 Time to finish 2m 27s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1250 Time to finish 2m 27s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1249 Time to finish 2m 27s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1248 Time to finish 2m 27s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1247 Time to finish 2m 26s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1246 Time to finish 2m 26s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1245 Time to finish 2m 26s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1244 Time to finish 2m 26s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1243 Time to finish 2m 26s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1242 Time to finish 2m 26s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1241 Time to finish 2m 26s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1240 Time to finish 2m 26s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1239 Time to finish 2m 26s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1238 Time to finish 2m 25s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1237 Time to finish 2m 25s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1236 Time to finish 2m 25s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1235 Time to finish 2m 25s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1234 Time to finish 2m 25s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1233 Time to finish 2m 25s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1232 Time to finish 2m 25s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1231 Time to finish 2m 25s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1230 Time to finish 2m 25s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1229 Time to finish 2m 25s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1228 Time to finish 2m 24s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1227 Time to finish 2m 24s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1226 Time to finish 2m 24s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1225 Time to finish 2m 24s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1224 Time to finish 2m 24s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1223 Time to finish 2m 24s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1222 Time to finish 2m 24s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1221 Time to finish 2m 24s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1220 Time to finish 2m 23s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1219 Time to finish 2m 23s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1218 Time to finish 2m 23s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1217 Time to finish 2m 23s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1216 Time to finish 2m 23s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1215 Time to finish 2m 23s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1214 Time to finish 2m 23s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1213 Time to finish 2m 23s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1212 Time to finish 2m 22s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1211 Time to finish 2m 22s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1210 Time to finish 2m 22s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1209 Time to finish 2m 22s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1208 Time to finish 2m 22s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1207 Time to finish 2m 22s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1206 Time to finish 2m 22s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1205 Time to finish 2m 22s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1204 Time to finish 2m 22s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1203 Time to finish 2m 21s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1202 Time to finish 2m 21s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1201 Time to finish 2m 21s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1200 Time to finish 2m 21s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1199 Time to finish 2m 21s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1198 Time to finish 2m 21s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1197 Time to finish 2m 21s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1196 Time to finish 2m 21s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1195 Time to finish 2m 21s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1194 Time to finish 2m 20s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1193 Time to finish 2m 20s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1192 Time to finish 2m 20s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1191 Time to finish 2m 20s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1190 Time to finish 2m 20s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1189 Time to finish 2m 20s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1188 Time to finish 2m 20s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1187 Time to finish 2m 20s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1186 Time to finish 2m 19s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1185 Time to finish 2m 19s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1184 Time to finish 2m 19s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1183 Time to finish 2m 19s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1182 Time to finish 2m 19s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1181 Time to finish 2m 19s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1180 Time to finish 2m 19s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1179 Time to finish 2m 19s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1178 Time to finish 2m 19s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1177 Time to finish 2m 18s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1176 Time to finish 2m 18s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1175 Time to finish 2m 18s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1174 Time to finish 2m 18s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1173 Time to finish 2m 18s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1172 Time to finish 2m 18s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1171 Time to finish 2m 18s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1170 Time to finish 2m 18s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1169 Time to finish 2m 18s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1168 Time to finish 2m 17s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1167 Time to finish 2m 17s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1166 Time to finish 2m 17s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1165 Time to finish 2m 17s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1164 Time to finish 2m 17s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1163 Time to finish 2m 17s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1162 Time to finish 2m 17s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1161 Time to finish 2m 17s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1160 Time to finish 2m 16s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1159 Time to finish 2m 16s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1158 Time to finish 2m 16s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1157 Time to finish 2m 16s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1156 Time to finish 2m 16s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1155 Time to finish 2m 16s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1154 Time to finish 2m 16s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1153 Time to finish 2m 16s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1152 Time to finish 2m 16s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1151 Time to finish 2m 15s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1150 Time to finish 2m 15s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1149 Time to finish 2m 15s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1148 Time to finish 2m 15s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1147 Time to finish 2m 15s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1146 Time to finish 2m 15s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1145 Time to finish 2m 15s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1144 Time to finish 2m 15s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1143 Time to finish 2m 14s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1142 Time to finish 2m 14s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1141 Time to finish 2m 14s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1140 Time to finish 2m 14s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1139 Time to finish 2m 14s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1138 Time to finish 2m 14s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1137 Time to finish 2m 14s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1136 Time to finish 2m 14s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1135 Time to finish 2m 14s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1134 Time to finish 2m 13s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1133 Time to finish 2m 13s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1132 Time to finish 2m 13s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1131 Time to finish 2m 13s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1130 Time to finish 2m 13s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1129 Time to finish 2m 13s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1128 Time to finish 2m 13s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1127 Time to finish 2m 13s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1126 Time to finish 2m 12s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1125 Time to finish 2m 12s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1124 Time to finish 2m 12s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1123 Time to finish 2m 12s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1122 Time to finish 2m 12s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1121 Time to finish 2m 12s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1120 Time to finish 2m 12s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1119 Time to finish 2m 12s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1118 Time to finish 2m 12s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1117 Time to finish 2m 11s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1116 Time to finish 2m 11s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1115 Time to finish 2m 11s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1114 Time to finish 2m 11s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1113 Time to finish 2m 11s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1112 Time to finish 2m 11s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1111 Time to finish 2m 11s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1110 Time to finish 2m 11s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1109 Time to finish 2m 10s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1108 Time to finish 2m 10s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1107 Time to finish 2m 10s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1106 Time to finish 2m 10s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1105 Time to finish 2m 10s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1104 Time to finish 2m 10s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1103 Time to finish 2m 10s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1102 Time to finish 2m 10s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1101 Time to finish 2m 9s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1100 Time to finish 2m 9s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1099 Time to finish 2m 9s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1098 Time to finish 2m 9s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1097 Time to finish 2m 9s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1096 Time to finish 2m 9s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1095 Time to finish 2m 9s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1094 Time to finish 2m 9s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1093 Time to finish 2m 9s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1092 Time to finish 2m 8s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1091 Time to finish 2m 8s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1090 Time to finish 2m 8s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1089 Time to finish 2m 8s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1088 Time to finish 2m 8s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1087 Time to finish 2m 8s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1086 Time to finish 2m 8s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1085 Time to finish 2m 8s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1084 Time to finish 2m 7s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1083 Time to finish 2m 7s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1082 Time to finish 2m 7s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1081 Time to finish 2m 7s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1080 Time to finish 2m 7s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1079 Time to finish 2m 7s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1078 Time to finish 2m 7s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1077 Time to finish 2m 7s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1076 Time to finish 2m 7s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1075 Time to finish 2m 7s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1074 Time to finish 2m 6s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1073 Time to finish 2m 6s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1072 Time to finish 2m 6s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1071 Time to finish 2m 6s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1070 Time to finish 2m 6s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1069 Time to finish 2m 6s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1068 Time to finish 2m 6s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1067 Time to finish 2m 6s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1066 Time to finish 2m 5s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1065 Time to finish 2m 5s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1064 Time to finish 2m 5s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1063 Time to finish 2m 5s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1062 Time to finish 2m 5s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1061 Time to finish 2m 5s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1060 Time to finish 2m 5s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1059 Time to finish 2m 5s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1058 Time to finish 2m 4s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1057 Time to finish 2m 4s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1056 Time to finish 2m 4s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1055 Time to finish 2m 4s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1054 Time to finish 2m 4s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1053 Time to finish 2m 4s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1052 Time to finish 2m 4s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1051 Time to finish 2m 4s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1050 Time to finish 2m 4s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1049 Time to finish 2m 3s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1048 Time to finish 2m 3s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1047 Time to finish 2m 3s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1046 Time to finish 2m 3s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1045 Time to finish 2m 3s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1044 Time to finish 2m 3s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1043 Time to finish 2m 3s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1042 Time to finish 2m 3s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1041 Time to finish 2m 2s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1040 Time to finish 2m 2s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1039 Time to finish 2m 2s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1038 Time to finish 2m 2s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1037 Time to finish 2m 2s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1036 Time to finish 2m 2s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1035 Time to finish 2m 2s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1034 Time to finish 2m 2s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1033 Time to finish 2m 2s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1032 Time to finish 2m 1s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1031 Time to finish 2m 1s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1030 Time to finish 2m 1s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1029 Time to finish 2m 1s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1028 Time to finish 2m 1s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1027 Time to finish 2m 1s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1026 Time to finish 2m 1s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1025 Time to finish 2m 1s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1024 Time to finish 2m 0s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1023 Time to finish 2m 0s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1022 Time to finish 2m 0s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1021 Time to finish 2m 0s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1020 Time to finish 2m 0s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1019 Time to finish 2m 0s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1018 Time to finish 2m 0s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1017 Time to finish 2m 0s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1016 Time to finish 1m 59s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1015 Time to finish 1m 59s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1014 Time to finish 1m 59s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1013 Time to finish 1m 59s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1012 Time to finish 1m 59s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1011 Time to finish 1m 59s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1010 Time to finish 1m 59s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1009 Time to finish 1m 59s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1008 Time to finish 1m 58s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1007 Time to finish 1m 58s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1006 Time to finish 1m 58s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1005 Time to finish 1m 58s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1004 Time to finish 1m 58s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1003 Time to finish 1m 58s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1002 Time to finish 1m 58s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1001 Time to finish 1m 58s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 1000 Time to finish 1m 58s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 999 Time to finish 1m 57s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 998 Time to finish 1m 57s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 997 Time to finish 1m 57s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 996 Time to finish 1m 57s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 995 Time to finish 1m 57s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 994 Time to finish 1m 57s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 993 Time to finish 1m 57s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 992 Time to finish 1m 57s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 991 Time to finish 1m 56s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 990 Time to finish 1m 56s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 989 Time to finish 1m 56s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 988 Time to finish 1m 56s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 987 Time to finish 1m 56s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 986 Time to finish 1m 56s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 985 Time to finish 1m 56s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 984 Time to finish 1m 56s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 983 Time to finish 1m 55s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 982 Time to finish 1m 55s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 981 Time to finish 1m 55s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 980 Time to finish 1m 55s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 979 Time to finish 1m 55s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 978 Time to finish 1m 55s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 977 Time to finish 1m 55s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 976 Time to finish 1m 55s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 975 Time to finish 1m 55s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 974 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 973 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 972 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 971 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 970 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 969 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 968 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 967 Time to finish 1m 54s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 966 Time to finish 1m 53s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 965 Time to finish 1m 53s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 964 Time to finish 1m 53s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 963 Time to finish 1m 53s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 962 Time to finish 1m 53s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 961 Time to finish 1m 53s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 960 Time to finish 1m 53s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 959 Time to finish 1m 53s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 958 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 957 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 956 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 955 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 954 Time to finish 1m 52s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 953 Time to finish 1m 52s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 952 Time to finish 1m 52s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 951 Time to finish 1m 52s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 950 Time to finish 1m 51s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 949 Time to finish 1m 51s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 948 Time to finish 1m 51s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 947 Time to finish 1m 51s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 946 Time to finish 1m 51s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 945 Time to finish 1m 51s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 944 Time to finish 1m 51s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 943 Time to finish 1m 51s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 942 Time to finish 1m 51s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 941 Time to finish 1m 50s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 940 Time to finish 1m 50s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 939 Time to finish 1m 50s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 938 Time to finish 1m 50s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 937 Time to finish 1m 50s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 936 Time to finish 1m 50s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 935 Time to finish 1m 50s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 934 Time to finish 1m 50s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 933 Time to finish 1m 49s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 932 Time to finish 1m 49s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 931 Time to finish 1m 49s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 930 Time to finish 1m 49s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 929 Time to finish 1m 49s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 928 Time to finish 1m 49s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 927 Time to finish 1m 49s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 926 Time to finish 1m 49s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 925 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 924 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 923 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 922 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 921 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 920 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 919 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 918 Time to finish 1m 48s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 917 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 916 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 915 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 914 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 913 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 912 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 911 Time to finish 1m 47s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 910 Time to finish 1m 47s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 909 Time to finish 1m 46s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 908 Time to finish 1m 46s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 907 Time to finish 1m 46s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 906 Time to finish 1m 46s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 905 Time to finish 1m 46s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 904 Time to finish 1m 46s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 903 Time to finish 1m 46s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 902 Time to finish 1m 46s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 901 Time to finish 1m 45s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 900 Time to finish 1m 45s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 899 Time to finish 1m 45s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 898 Time to finish 1m 45s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 897 Time to finish 1m 45s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 896 Time to finish 1m 45s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 895 Time to finish 1m 45s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 894 Time to finish 1m 45s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 893 Time to finish 1m 45s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 892 Time to finish 1m 44s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 891 Time to finish 1m 44s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 890 Time to finish 1m 44s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 889 Time to finish 1m 44s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 888 Time to finish 1m 44s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 887 Time to finish 1m 44s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 886 Time to finish 1m 44s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 885 Time to finish 1m 44s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 884 Time to finish 1m 43s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 883 Time to finish 1m 43s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 882 Time to finish 1m 43s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 881 Time to finish 1m 43s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 880 Time to finish 1m 43s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 879 Time to finish 1m 43s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 878 Time to finish 1m 43s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 877 Time to finish 1m 43s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 876 Time to finish 1m 43s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 875 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 874 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 873 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 872 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 871 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 870 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 869 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 868 Time to finish 1m 42s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 867 Time to finish 1m 41s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 866 Time to finish 1m 41s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 865 Time to finish 1m 41s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 864 Time to finish 1m 41s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 863 Time to finish 1m 41s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 862 Time to finish 1m 41s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 861 Time to finish 1m 41s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 860 Time to finish 1m 41s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 859 Time to finish 1m 40s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 858 Time to finish 1m 40s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 857 Time to finish 1m 40s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 856 Time to finish 1m 40s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 855 Time to finish 1m 40s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 854 Time to finish 1m 40s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 853 Time to finish 1m 40s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 852 Time to finish 1m 40s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 851 Time to finish 1m 40s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 850 Time to finish 1m 39s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 849 Time to finish 1m 39s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 848 Time to finish 1m 39s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 847 Time to finish 1m 39s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 846 Time to finish 1m 39s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 845 Time to finish 1m 39s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 844 Time to finish 1m 39s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 843 Time to finish 1m 39s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 842 Time to finish 1m 38s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 841 Time to finish 1m 38s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 840 Time to finish 1m 38s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 839 Time to finish 1m 38s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 838 Time to finish 1m 38s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 837 Time to finish 1m 38s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 836 Time to finish 1m 38s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 835 Time to finish 1m 38s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 834 Time to finish 1m 38s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 833 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 832 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 831 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 830 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 829 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 828 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 827 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 826 Time to finish 1m 37s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 825 Time to finish 1m 36s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 824 Time to finish 1m 36s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 823 Time to finish 1m 36s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 822 Time to finish 1m 36s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 821 Time to finish 1m 36s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 820 Time to finish 1m 36s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 819 Time to finish 1m 36s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 818 Time to finish 1m 36s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 817 Time to finish 1m 35s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 816 Time to finish 1m 35s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 815 Time to finish 1m 35s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 814 Time to finish 1m 35s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 813 Time to finish 1m 35s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 812 Time to finish 1m 35s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 811 Time to finish 1m 35s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 810 Time to finish 1m 35s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 809 Time to finish 1m 35s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 808 Time to finish 1m 34s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 807 Time to finish 1m 34s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 806 Time to finish 1m 34s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 805 Time to finish 1m 34s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 804 Time to finish 1m 34s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 803 Time to finish 1m 34s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 802 Time to finish 1m 34s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 801 Time to finish 1m 34s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 800 Time to finish 1m 33s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 799 Time to finish 1m 33s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 798 Time to finish 1m 33s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 797 Time to finish 1m 33s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 796 Time to finish 1m 33s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 795 Time to finish 1m 33s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 794 Time to finish 1m 33s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 793 Time to finish 1m 33s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 792 Time to finish 1m 33s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 791 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 790 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 789 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 788 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 787 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 786 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 785 Time to finish 1m 32s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 784 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 783 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 782 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 781 Time to finish 1m 31s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 780 Time to finish 1m 31s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 779 Time to finish 1m 31s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 778 Time to finish 1m 31s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 777 Time to finish 1m 31s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 776 Time to finish 1m 31s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 775 Time to finish 1m 31s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 774 Time to finish 1m 30s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 773 Time to finish 1m 30s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 772 Time to finish 1m 30s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 771 Time to finish 1m 30s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 770 Time to finish 1m 30s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 769 Time to finish 1m 30s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 768 Time to finish 1m 30s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 767 Time to finish 1m 30s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 766 Time to finish 1m 29s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 765 Time to finish 1m 29s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 764 Time to finish 1m 29s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 763 Time to finish 1m 29s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 762 Time to finish 1m 29s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 761 Time to finish 1m 29s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 760 Time to finish 1m 29s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 759 Time to finish 1m 29s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 758 Time to finish 1m 29s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 757 Time to finish 1m 28s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 756 Time to finish 1m 28s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 755 Time to finish 1m 28s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 754 Time to finish 1m 28s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 753 Time to finish 1m 28s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 752 Time to finish 1m 28s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 751 Time to finish 1m 28s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 750 Time to finish 1m 28s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 749 Time to finish 1m 28s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 748 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 747 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 746 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 745 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 744 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 743 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 742 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 741 Time to finish 1m 27s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 740 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 739 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 738 Time to finish 1m 26s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 737 Time to finish 1m 26s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 736 Time to finish 1m 26s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 735 Time to finish 1m 26s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 734 Time to finish 1m 26s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 733 Time to finish 1m 26s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 732 Time to finish 1m 26s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 731 Time to finish 1m 25s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 730 Time to finish 1m 25s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 729 Time to finish 1m 25s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 728 Time to finish 1m 25s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 727 Time to finish 1m 25s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 726 Time to finish 1m 25s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 725 Time to finish 1m 25s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 724 Time to finish 1m 25s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 723 Time to finish 1m 25s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 722 Time to finish 1m 24s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 721 Time to finish 1m 24s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 720 Time to finish 1m 24s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 719 Time to finish 1m 24s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 718 Time to finish 1m 24s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 717 Time to finish 1m 24s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 716 Time to finish 1m 24s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 715 Time to finish 1m 24s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 714 Time to finish 1m 24s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 713 Time to finish 1m 23s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 712 Time to finish 1m 23s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 711 Time to finish 1m 23s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 710 Time to finish 1m 23s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 709 Time to finish 1m 23s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 708 Time to finish 1m 23s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 707 Time to finish 1m 23s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 706 Time to finish 1m 23s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 705 Time to finish 1m 23s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 704 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 703 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 702 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 701 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 700 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 699 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 698 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 697 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 696 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 695 Time to finish 1m 22s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 694 Time to finish 1m 21s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 693 Time to finish 1m 21s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 692 Time to finish 1m 21s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 691 Time to finish 1m 21s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 690 Time to finish 1m 21s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 689 Time to finish 1m 21s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 688 Time to finish 1m 21s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 687 Time to finish 1m 21s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 686 Time to finish 1m 21s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 685 Time to finish 1m 21s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 684 Time to finish 1m 21s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 683 Time to finish 1m 20s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 682 Time to finish 1m 20s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 681 Time to finish 1m 20s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 680 Time to finish 1m 20s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 679 Time to finish 1m 20s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 678 Time to finish 1m 20s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 677 Time to finish 1m 20s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 676 Time to finish 1m 20s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 675 Time to finish 1m 20s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 674 Time to finish 1m 20s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 673 Time to finish 1m 19s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 672 Time to finish 1m 19s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 671 Time to finish 1m 19s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 670 Time to finish 1m 19s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 669 Time to finish 1m 19s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 668 Time to finish 1m 19s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 667 Time to finish 1m 19s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 666 Time to finish 1m 19s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 665 Time to finish 1m 18s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 664 Time to finish 1m 18s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 663 Time to finish 1m 18s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 662 Time to finish 1m 18s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 661 Time to finish 1m 18s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 660 Time to finish 1m 18s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 659 Time to finish 1m 18s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 658 Time to finish 1m 18s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 657 Time to finish 1m 18s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 656 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 655 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 654 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 653 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 652 Time to finish 1m 17s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 651 Time to finish 1m 17s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 650 Time to finish 1m 17s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 649 Time to finish 1m 17s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 648 Time to finish 1m 16s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 647 Time to finish 1m 16s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 646 Time to finish 1m 16s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 645 Time to finish 1m 16s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 644 Time to finish 1m 16s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 643 Time to finish 1m 16s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 642 Time to finish 1m 16s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 641 Time to finish 1m 16s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 640 Time to finish 1m 16s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 639 Time to finish 1m 15s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 638 Time to finish 1m 15s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 637 Time to finish 1m 15s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 636 Time to finish 1m 15s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 635 Time to finish 1m 15s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 634 Time to finish 1m 15s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 633 Time to finish 1m 15s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 632 Time to finish 1m 15s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 631 Time to finish 1m 15s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 630 Time to finish 1m 14s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 629 Time to finish 1m 14s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 628 Time to finish 1m 14s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 627 Time to finish 1m 14s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 626 Time to finish 1m 14s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 625 Time to finish 1m 14s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 624 Time to finish 1m 14s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 623 Time to finish 1m 14s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 622 Time to finish 1m 14s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 621 Time to finish 1m 13s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 620 Time to finish 1m 13s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 619 Time to finish 1m 13s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 618 Time to finish 1m 13s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 617 Time to finish 1m 13s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 616 Time to finish 1m 13s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 615 Time to finish 1m 13s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 614 Time to finish 1m 13s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 613 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 612 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 611 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 610 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 609 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 608 Time to finish 1m 12s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 607 Time to finish 1m 12s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 606 Time to finish 1m 12s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 605 Time to finish 1m 12s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 604 Time to finish 1m 11s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 603 Time to finish 1m 11s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 602 Time to finish 1m 11s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 601 Time to finish 1m 11s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 600 Time to finish 1m 11s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 599 Time to finish 1m 11s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 598 Time to finish 1m 11s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 597 Time to finish 1m 11s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 596 Time to finish 1m 10s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 595 Time to finish 1m 10s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 594 Time to finish 1m 10s, 86.3% completed, time steps left 593 Time to finish 1m 10s, 86.3% completed, time steps left 592 Time to finish 1m 10s, 86.3% completed, time steps left 591 Time to finish 1m 10s, 86.3% completed, time steps left 590 Time to finish 1m 10s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 589 Time to finish 1m 10s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 588 Time to finish 1m 10s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 587 Time to finish 1m 9s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 586 Time to finish 1m 9s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 585 Time to finish 1m 9s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 584 Time to finish 1m 9s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 583 Time to finish 1m 9s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 582 Time to finish 1m 9s, 86.6% completed, time steps left 581 Time to finish 1m 9s, 86.6% completed, 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finish 24s, 95.4% completed, time steps left 197 Time to finish 23s, 95.5% completed, time steps left 196 Time to finish 23s, 95.5% completed, time steps left 195 Time to finish 23s, 95.5% completed, time steps left 194 Time to finish 23s, 95.5% completed, time steps left 193 Time to finish 23s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 192 Time to finish 23s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 191 Time to finish 23s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 190 Time to finish 23s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 189 Time to finish 22s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 188 Time to finish 22s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 187 Time to finish 22s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 186 Time to finish 22s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 185 Time to finish 22s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 184 Time to finish 22s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 183 Time to finish 22s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 182 Time to finish 22s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 181 Time to finish 21s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 180 Time to finish 21s, 95.9% completed, time steps left 179 Time to finish 21s, 95.9% completed, time steps left 178 Time to finish 21s, 95.9% completed, time steps left 177 Time to finish 21s, 95.9% completed, time steps left 176 Time to finish 21s, 95.9% completed, time steps left 175 Time to finish 21s, 96.0% completed, time steps left 174 Time to finish 21s, 96.0% completed, time steps left 173 Time to finish 21s, 96.0% completed, time steps left 172 Time to finish 20s, 96.0% completed, time steps left 171 Time to finish 20s, 96.1% completed, time steps left 170 Time to finish 20s, 96.1% completed, time steps left 169 Time to finish 20s, 96.1% completed, time steps left 168 Time to finish 20s, 96.1% completed, time steps left 167 Time to finish 20s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 166 Time to finish 20s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 165 Time to finish 20s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 164 Time to finish 19s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 163 Time to finish 19s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 162 Time to finish 19s, 96.3% completed, time steps left 161 Time to finish 19s, 96.3% completed, time steps left 160 Time to finish 19s, 96.3% completed, time steps left 159 Time to finish 19s, 96.3% completed, time steps left 158 Time to finish 19s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 157 Time to finish 19s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 156 Time to finish 18s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 155 Time to finish 18s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 154 Time to finish 18s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 153 Time to finish 18s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 152 Time to finish 18s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 151 Time to finish 18s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 150 Time to finish 18s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 149 Time to finish 18s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 148 Time to finish 18s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 147 Time to finish 17s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 146 Time to finish 17s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 145 Time to finish 17s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 144 Time to finish 17s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 143 Time to finish 17s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 142 Time to finish 17s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 141 Time to finish 17s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 140 Time to finish 17s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 139 Time to finish 16s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 138 Time to finish 16s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 137 Time to finish 16s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 136 Time to finish 16s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 135 Time to finish 16s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 134 Time to finish 16s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 133 Time to finish 16s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 132 Time to finish 16s, 97.0% completed, time steps left 131 Time to finish 15s, 97.0% completed, time steps left 130 Time to finish 15s, 97.0% completed, time steps left 129 Time to finish 15s, 97.0% completed, time steps left 128 Time to finish 15s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 127 Time to finish 15s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 126 Time to finish 15s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 125 Time to finish 15s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 124 Time to finish 15s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 123 Time to finish 15s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 122 Time to finish 14s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 121 Time to finish 14s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 120 Time to finish 14s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 119 Time to finish 14s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 118 Time to finish 14s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 117 Time to finish 14s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 116 Time to finish 14s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 115 Time to finish 14s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 114 Time to finish 13s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 113 Time to finish 13s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 112 Time to finish 13s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 111 Time to finish 13s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 110 Time to finish 13s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 109 Time to finish 13s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 108 Time to finish 13s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 107 Time to finish 13s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 106 Time to finish 12s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 105 Time to finish 12s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 104 Time to finish 12s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 103 Time to finish 12s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 102 Time to finish 12s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 101 Time to finish 12s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 100 Time to finish 12s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 99 Time to finish 12s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 98 Time to finish 12s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 97 Time to finish 11s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 96 Time to finish 11s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 95 Time to finish 11s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 94 Time to finish 11s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 93 Time to finish 11s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 92 Time to finish 11s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 91 Time to finish 11s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 90 Time to finish 11s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 89 Time to finish 11s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 88 Time to finish 11s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 87 Time to finish 11s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 86 Time to finish 10s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 85 Time to finish 10s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 84 Time to finish 10s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 83 Time to finish 10s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 82 Time to finish 10s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 81 Time to finish 10s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 80 Time to finish 10s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 79 Time to finish 10s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 78 Time to finish 9s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 77 Time to finish 9s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 76 Time to finish 9s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 75 Time to finish 9s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 74 Time to finish 9s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 73 Time to finish 9s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 72 Time to finish 9s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 71 Time to finish 9s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 70 Time to finish 9s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 69 Time to finish 9s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 68 Time to finish 8s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 67 Time to finish 8s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 66 Time to finish 8s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 65 Time to finish 8s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 64 Time to finish 8s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 63 Time to finish 8s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 62 Time to finish 8s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 61 Time to finish 8s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 60 Time to finish 7s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 59 Time to finish 7s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 58 Time to finish 7s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 57 Time to finish 7s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 56 Time to finish 7s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 55 Time to finish 7s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 54 Time to finish 7s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 53 Time to finish 7s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 52 Time to finish 6s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 51 Time to finish 6s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 50 Time to finish 6s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 49 Time to finish 6s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 48 Time to finish 6s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 47 Time to finish 6s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 46 Time to finish 6s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 45 Time to finish 6s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 44 Time to finish 6s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 43 Time to finish 5s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 42 Time to finish 5s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 41 Time to finish 5s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 40 Time to finish 5s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 39 Time to finish 5s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 38 Time to finish 5s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 37 Time to finish 5s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 36 Time to finish 5s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 35 Time to finish 4s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 34 Time to finish 4s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 33 Time to finish 4s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 32 Time to finish 4s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 31 Time to finish 4s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 30 ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 09:06:18.529699 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours Time to finish 4s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 29 rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours Time to finish 4s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 28 rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours Time to finish 4s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 27 rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 26 Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 25 rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours Time to finish 3s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 24 rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Time to finish 3s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 23 Time to finish 3s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 22 Time to finish 3s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 21 Time to finish 3s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 20 Time to finish 3s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 19 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 18 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 17 Time to finish 2s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 16 Time to finish 2s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 15 Time to finish 2s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 14 Time to finish 2s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 13 Time to finish 2s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 12 Time to finish 2s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 11 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 10 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 9 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 8 Time to finish 1s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 7 Time to finish 1s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 6 Time to finish 1s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 5 Time to finish 1s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 4 Time to finish 0s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 3 Time to finish 0s, 100.0% completed, time steps left 2 Time to finish 0s, 100.0% completed, time steps left 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINISHED Delft3D-FLOW runid : calc date, time : 2020-08-05, 11:06:50 SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 1 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 2 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 3 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 4 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 5 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 6 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 7 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 8 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 9 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 10 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D_Hydro [1596618410.622374] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596618410.622697] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596618410.622621] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596618410.622882] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596618410.622866] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596618410.623447] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596618410.623570] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596618410.623582] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596618410.625284] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1596618410.630317] >> d_hydro shutting down normally ..2.3 finalize for current run ... 2020-08-05 00:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 False delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/ (289, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Erdaogou 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Binhaicun 19.666559 309 24 Binhaicun 19.610813 310 24 19.610813 310 24 Tangjiahe 19.666559 309 24 Tangjiahe 19.610813 310 24 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 19.610813 310 24 Lijiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 23.439165 311 24 Zhaojiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Liuhongbo 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Xujiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 2.2402331 315 27 Pehtang 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 Heiyanzi 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 8.895146 315 31 Beipu 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 9.3410776 314 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 8.1249051 315 36 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 6.5440418 316 41 Yang-chiao 6.7658682 289 45 6.7658682 289 45 Yancangcheng 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Hsing-chuang 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Haitou 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Shiqiao 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Hsia-k'ou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Jiuliqi 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Che-wang 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 Tuanlin 13.48162 322 49 Tuanlin 2.4748921 324 50 2.4748921 324 50 Fenshui 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 2.4748921 324 50 2.4748921 324 50 Andongwei 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 2.4748921 324 50 Xugou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Lanshantou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Taolekow 4.2500724 257 51 4.2500724 257 51 Liujiazhai 7.0120592 258 52 7.0120592 258 52 Dongxi Liandao 3.7698366 249 50 Dongxi Liandao 2.4063058 251 50 Dongxi Liandao 3.3571967 250 53 Dongxi Liandao 2.0769093 249 54 2.0769093 249 54 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Shijiusuo 7.0120592 258 52 7.0120592 258 52 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 Ch'ien-ma-fang 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 Shanhaiguan 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Yanweigang 3.7995859 249 55 Yanweigang 2.1817413 247 57 2.1817413 247 57 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 Nanhai 9.4273718 328 55 9.4273718 328 55 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 5.8558936 263 55 5.8558936 263 55 Hutouya 2.0267187 287 55 2.0267187 287 55 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Xiahecheng 10.073142 263 56 10.073142 263 56 Zhangjialou 7.463872 265 59 7.463872 265 59 Dayuan 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Hongshiya 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Lingshanwei 6.2537308 267 61 Lingshanwei 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Hsin-chuang 9.3603672 292 61 Hsin-chuang 12.014129 293 61 Hsin-chuang 12.997511 294 61 12.997511 294 61 Houwan 6.7995416 268 62 Houwan 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Yantaiqian 6.2537308 267 61 Yantaiqian 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Xianlang 6.7995416 268 62 Xianlang 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Qimudao 12.014129 293 61 Qimudao 12.997511 294 61 Qimudao 14.473726 295 61 Qimudao 16.196943 296 61 Qimudao 16.596236 297 61 16.596236 297 61 Liuduo 3.6349543 242 65 3.6349543 242 65 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 Huangshanguan 11.083768 293 62 Huangshanguan 11.868902 294 62 Huangshanguan 13.992018 295 62 13.992018 295 62 Ta-yu-chien 4.1783146 246 62 4.1783146 246 62 Beizhuang 18.338013 267 62 Beizhuang 6.7995416 268 62 Beizhuang 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 2.0228224 272 63 Ch'ing-tao 8.8871129 273 63 Ch'ing-tao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Sifang 6.4712836 271 63 Sifang 2.0228224 272 63 Sifang 8.8871129 273 63 Sifang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Chengyang 2.0228224 272 63 Chengyang 8.8871129 273 63 Chengyang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 Beima 9.4647169 294 63 Beima 17.022284 295 63 Beima 15.492343 296 63 15.492343 296 63 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 9.4647169 294 63 Longkou 17.022284 295 63 Longkou 15.492343 296 63 15.492343 296 63 Qingdao 6.4712836 271 63 Qingdao 2.0228224 272 63 Qingdao 8.8871129 273 63 Qingdao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Fushansuo 11.126148 269 64 Fushansuo 2.5193449 272 64 Fushansuo 4.427021 272 65 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Huangshagang 12.410759 238 67 Huangshagang 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Shuangyangzha 14.317102 239 66 Shuangyangzha 3.3140068 240 66 3.3140068 240 66 Ts'ang-k'ou 24.269815 270 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 19.271288 271 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 2.5193449 272 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 4.427021 272 65 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 19.271288 271 64 Hsien-chia-chai 2.5193449 272 64 Hsien-chia-chai 4.427021 272 65 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 T'ang-sheng-chiang 12.410759 238 67 T'ang-sheng-chiang 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Dongxiaohai 14.317102 239 66 Dongxiaohai 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Xinyanggang 7.5299407 236 68 Xinyanggang 2.0820892 234 69 2.0820892 234 69 Shazikou 20.069832 269 66 Shazikou 21.232042 269 67 Shazikou 26.667751 269 68 Shazikou 29.557382 269 69 Shazikou 27.534442 269 70 27.534442 269 70 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 32.329881 335 69 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 Niejia 15.08473 298 67 15.08473 298 67 Wanggezhuang 22.958528 272 71 Wanggezhuang 6.6305521 273 71 Wanggezhuang 7.8042088 274 71 Wanggezhuang 2.1714545 275 71 Wanggezhuang 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 Beigou 15.08473 298 67 15.08473 298 67 Aoshanwei 6.6305521 273 71 Aoshanwei 7.8042088 274 71 Aoshanwei 2.1714545 275 71 Aoshanwei 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Chiu-hsiang-chen 25.4412 184 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 10.773334 298 69 Dengzhou 6.0252144 297 70 Dengzhou 10.207871 298 70 Dengzhou 9.6202231 299 70 Dengzhou 11.497985 297 72 11.497985 297 72 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 10.773334 298 69 Penglai 6.0252144 297 70 Penglai 10.207871 298 70 Penglai 9.6202231 299 70 Penglai 11.497985 297 72 11.497985 297 72 Chin-chia-k'ou 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Huangwan 25.4412 184 73 Huangwan 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Dongtaihezha 8.3752368 226 73 8.3752368 226 73 Liulishe 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Wangcun 2.1714545 275 71 Wangcun 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Wali 7.8042088 274 71 Wali 2.1714545 275 71 Wali 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Ganpu 25.4412 184 73 Ganpu 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Hsieh-t'ang 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Liu-tsao 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xingcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Haiyan 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Changchuanba 25.4412 184 73 Changchuanba 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Bixishi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Xizhoushi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsin-k'ai-kang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Baizhuzhen 5.4299814 186 75 Baizhuzhen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ta-shan 4.9173076 277 75 Ta-shan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Linshan 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Changqian 5.4299814 186 75 Changqian 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Xitang 4.6144463 187 75 Xitang 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lao-wu-shih 11.875192 206 76 Lao-wu-shih 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Dashan 4.9173076 277 75 Dashan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Da'an 11.875192 206 76 Da'an 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 4.6144463 187 75 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ri'aitang 11.875192 206 76 Ri'aitang 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Laochangbu 11.875192 206 76 Laochangbu 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Chou-hung-ch'iu 2.4716733 184 74 Chou-hung-ch'iu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Cheng-chia-tai 4.6144463 187 75 Cheng-chia-tai 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Heng-pa-ts'un 2.4716733 184 74 Heng-pa-ts'un 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 Dajijia 14.503721 296 76 Dajijia 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 Lo-ho-chen 11.875192 206 76 Lo-ho-chen 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Hsiung-ting-yu 2.4716733 184 74 Hsiung-ting-yu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Zhapu 4.6144463 187 75 Zhapu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lixinzha 11.875192 206 76 Lixinzha 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Zhangjiaxiang 11.875192 206 76 Zhangjiaxiang 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Huangang 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 Xihuzui 47.743442 312 75 Xihuzui 44.199686 313 75 Xihuzui 22.593072 314 75 Xihuzui 32.925733 315 75 32.925733 315 75 Sanhezhen 11.875192 206 76 Sanhezhen 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Niu-ch'iao-shih 4.6144463 187 75 Niu-ch'iao-shih 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsiao-an-chieh 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Wei-chiao 11.875192 206 76 Wei-chiao 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Hu-chia-lu 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 Ku-hsien 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 Tieshan 57.569361 310 75 Tieshan 57.945619 311 75 Tieshan 47.743442 312 75 Tieshan 44.199686 313 75 44.199686 313 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 4.6144463 187 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Chiu-ch'u-chen 11.875192 206 76 Chiu-ch'u-chen 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Dujiaqiao 11.875192 206 76 Dujiaqiao 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Chien-chen 7.6550516 218 76 7.6550516 218 76 Chou-chia-peng 7.4155752 188 76 7.4155752 188 76 Fou-ch'iao 11.875192 206 76 Fou-ch'iao 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Sanli 11.875192 206 76 Sanli 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Hai-men-hsien 11.875192 206 76 Hai-men-hsien 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Fengcheng 3.4258447 278 76 Fengcheng 2.0684823 279 77 2.0684823 279 77 Liujiazhai 11.875192 206 76 Liujiazhai 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Ch'ing-lung-chiang 11.875192 206 76 Ch'ing-lung-chiang 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Qianjing 5.0762899 205 78 Qianjing 16.878731 204 79 Qianjing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 32.548758 321 77 Wang-chia-tun 29.438258 320 78 Wang-chia-tun 31.400401 321 78 Wang-chia-tun 28.336422 322 78 Wang-chia-tun 32.415091 323 78 Wang-chia-tun 28.796951 324 78 Wang-chia-tun 5.1811351 322 79 Wang-chia-tun 23.133033 324 79 Wang-chia-tun 13.338671 324 80 Wang-chia-tun 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 Lushun 3.0519991 314 77 Lushun 10.211338 314 78 10.211338 314 78 Liuhe 16.878731 204 79 Liuhe 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Tiaobanqiao 5.0762899 205 78 Tiaobanqiao 16.878731 204 79 Tiaobanqiao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Xincun 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Caopeng 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Fu-hsin-tsao 15.928197 213 81 Fu-hsin-tsao 21.075985 214 81 21.075985 214 81 Ch'ang-sha 5.9733643 218 77 5.9733643 218 77 Nankan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Dong'anzhen 15.928197 213 81 Dong'anzhen 21.075985 214 81 Dong'anzhen 5.1456271 215 81 Dong'anzhen 11.95893 216 81 11.95893 216 81 Jinshanwei 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Chenxing 16.878731 204 79 Chenxing 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Wan'an 5.0762899 205 78 Wan'an 16.878731 204 79 Wan'an 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Haiyanzhen 15.928197 213 81 Haiyanzhen 21.075985 214 81 21.075985 214 81 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 Chu-chi 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.336422 322 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 32.415091 323 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.796951 324 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 5.1811351 322 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.133033 324 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 13.338671 324 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 31.400401 321 78 Sanguanmiao 28.336422 322 78 Sanguanmiao 32.415091 323 78 Sanguanmiao 28.796951 324 78 Sanguanmiao 5.1811351 322 79 Sanguanmiao 23.133033 324 79 Sanguanmiao 13.338671 324 80 Sanguanmiao 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-shan-tsui 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Shanyang 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 5.0762899 205 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 16.878731 204 79 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Meng-chiang-miao 5.0762899 205 78 Meng-chiang-miao 16.878731 204 79 Meng-chiang-miao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Hongxing 5.0762899 205 78 Hongxing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Beikan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 Yantai 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Ducun 16.878731 204 79 Ducun 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 Zhifuzhen 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 11.129701 316 79 Xinzhaizi 12.273618 317 79 Xinzhaizi 5.1844298 316 82 5.1844298 316 82 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 5.1811351 322 79 5.1811351 322 79 Chongming 16.878731 204 79 Chongming 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 55.605209 310 79 Caojing 12.151612 189 79 12.151612 189 79 Changzheng 16.878731 204 79 Changzheng 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 Cheefoo 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 11.129701 316 79 Yingchengzi 12.273618 317 79 Yingchengzi 5.1844298 316 82 5.1844298 316 82 Huqiao 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 14.466696 203 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 2.1981926 203 81 2.1981926 203 81 Houjiazhen 16.878731 204 79 Houjiazhen 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 Qianqikuang 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Panlong 14.466696 203 80 Panlong 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Che-lin 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Dongdayang 4.907592 202 82 4.907592 202 82 Baoshan 14.466696 203 80 Baoshan 2.1981926 203 81 2.1981926 203 81 Dongfeng 14.466696 203 80 Dongfeng 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Donggangcun 15.928197 213 81 Donggangcun 9.5464842 212 83 Donggangcun 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Qiganshi 4.7120089 280 80 Qiganshi 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 Donggang 7.8201171 324 81 Donggang 13.620834 328 84 13.620834 328 84 Xinmin 14.466696 203 80 Xinmin 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 4.7120089 280 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 39.563689 311 80 39.563689 311 80 Cao'antou 4.907592 202 82 4.907592 202 82 Hsin-k'ai-ho 2.1981926 203 81 2.1981926 203 81 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 Mashanshangzhai 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Changjiang 2.1981926 203 81 2.1981926 203 81 Xining 15.928197 213 81 Xining 9.5464842 212 83 Xining 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 10.655565 317 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Ch'ien-chia-ch'iao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Beishenjiazhai 4.907592 202 82 4.907592 202 82 Youcheqiao 4.907592 202 82 Youcheqiao 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 14.940887 328 83 Ma-chia-tun 13.620834 328 84 Ma-chia-tun 4.2163928 329 86 4.2163928 329 86 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Lusi 16.539531 212 82 Lusi 9.5464842 212 83 Lusi 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Su-chia 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Muping 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Qianjin 4.907592 202 82 Qianjin 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Hai-yang-so 8.0972223 280 82 Hai-yang-so 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Nanbu 4.907592 202 82 Nanbu 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Yangyuan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gaodong 4.907592 202 82 4.907592 202 82 Nanhong 14.615235 279 82 Nanhong 8.0972223 280 82 Nanhong 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 52.1369 311 82 Panshi 4.907592 202 82 Panshi 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Baishatan 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Gulu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gangyan 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 56.880607 311 83 Gongjiazhen 9.5464842 212 83 Gongjiazhen 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 18.318481 319 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 38.89369 318 84 Gongjialu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Dongxing 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hexing 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Lao-yu-tang 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Hsiang-hua 4.4113937 201 84 Hsiang-hua 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dong'an 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Cailu 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Bailonggang 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Qianwei 4.4113937 201 84 Qianwei 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 14.744342 292 84 Ping'an 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Yuansha 4.4113937 201 84 Yuansha 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsing-i-ts'un 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Ch'en-chia 10.775334 200 85 Ch'en-chia 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Fumin 10.775334 200 85 Fumin 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Tanglugang 5.3834567 210 87 5.3834567 210 87 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 14.570182 292 85 Fengle 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Niupeng 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Langnuankou 6.1199551 281 85 Langnuankou 3.1296165 283 88 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 4.9587606 282 87 Xiaoguan 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Xilangnuan 4.9587606 282 87 Xilangnuan 3.1296165 283 88 Xilangnuan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 4.3923145 329 87 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 16.98741 292 87 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 2.1625192 331 88 Wuleidao 9.0202245 281 88 Wuleidao 6.1302265 282 88 Wuleidao 3.1296165 283 88 Wuleidao 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Guoju 28.771507 177 92 Guoju 10.816907 177 93 Guoju 41.640815 178 93 Guoju 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Zeku 5.956488 282 89 Zeku 2.9754361 283 89 Zeku 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 8.4064301 316 91 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Chung-tse 28.771507 177 92 Chung-tse 10.816907 177 93 Chung-tse 41.640815 178 93 Chung-tse 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Dinghai 41.640815 178 93 Dinghai 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 21.521515 293 90 Chiao-t'ou 28.771507 177 92 Chiao-t'ou 10.816907 177 93 Chiao-t'ou 41.640815 178 93 Chiao-t'ou 6.314646 178 94 6.314646 178 94 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Ganlan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 43.369556 333 91 Jinghaiwei 15.213907 280 91 Jinghaiwei 9.4992308 281 91 Jinghaiwei 5.8361838 282 91 Jinghaiwei 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Da'ao 28.771507 177 92 Da'ao 10.816907 177 93 Da'ao 41.640815 178 93 Da'ao 6.314646 178 94 6.314646 178 94 Huangshan 5.8361838 282 91 Huangshan 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Luomen 41.640815 178 93 Luomen 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Jen-ho-chi 12.273248 281 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.5358904 282 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.8003059 282 93 Jen-ho-chi 23.623298 281 96 Jen-ho-chi 16.853075 282 96 16.853075 282 96 Ta-chan 41.640815 178 93 Ta-chan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 P'u-t'o 10.816907 177 93 P'u-t'o 41.640815 178 93 P'u-t'o 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Qiandao 15.566538 281 93 Qiandao 7.8003059 282 93 Qiandao 23.623298 281 96 Qiandao 16.853075 282 96 Qiandao 22.261497 282 97 Qiandao 10.974932 283 97 10.974932 283 97 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 17.040036 316 93 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Ch'ih-shan-chi 16.853075 282 96 Ch'ih-shan-chi 22.261497 282 97 Ch'ih-shan-chi 10.974932 283 97 Ch'ih-shan-chi 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Shidao 16.14937 281 94 Shidao 18.398227 281 95 Shidao 23.623298 281 96 Shidao 16.853075 282 96 Shidao 22.261497 282 97 Shidao 10.974932 283 97 Shidao 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Laoshantun 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Xizhuang 18.963316 292 95 Xizhuang 10.598257 291 96 Xizhuang 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Ning-ching-so 16.853075 282 96 Ning-ching-so 22.261497 282 97 Ning-ching-so 10.974932 283 97 Ning-ching-so 2.918996 284 98 Ning-ching-so 18.710073 284 99 Ning-ching-so 15.0606 285 99 Ning-ching-so 13.836769 286 99 13.836769 286 99 Dazhuang 18.398227 281 95 Dazhuang 23.623298 281 96 Dazhuang 16.853075 282 96 Dazhuang 22.261497 282 97 Dazhuang 10.974932 283 97 Dazhuang 2.918996 284 98 Dazhuang 18.710073 284 99 Dazhuang 15.0606 285 99 15.0606 285 99 Jiurongcheng 10.598257 291 96 Jiurongcheng 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 8.7644452 321 99 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Wolongcun 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 6.7260334 319 99 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 10.749466 322 104 Wangjia 7.5158755 323 104 Wangjia 4.1820704 323 105 4.1820704 323 105 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 43.471441 326 113 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 22.551549 327 116 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 22.551549 327 116 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 Dadong 2.0012454 326 122 Dadong 2.6932739 326 124 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 2.0039199 326 121 Chogumsa 2.0012454 326 122 Chogumsa 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 2.9019132 327 125 Genjo 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 5.3139678 322 128 Yongsapo 8.7710941 323 128 Yongsapo 7.2149272 322 129 Yongsapo 8.247528 323 129 Yongsapo 15.644561 325 129 Yongsapo 3.9270985 321 130 Yongsapo 6.6077831 321 131 Yongsapo 8.1506313 322 131 Yongsapo 5.481458 323 131 Yongsapo 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Chandae-dong 67.952825 297 128 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 48.92898 298 129 Chandae-dong 38.636737 299 129 Chandae-dong 38.107732 300 129 Chandae-dong 56.892045 301 129 Chandae-dong 34.749838 300 130 Chandae-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Chandae-dong 16.283558 297 131 Chandae-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Chandae-dong 33.314541 297 132 Chandae-dong 24.830385 298 132 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 63.31624 295 129 Kaju-dong 64.222239 296 129 Kaju-dong 63.668785 297 129 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 4.7590613 297 130 Kaju-dong 16.283558 297 131 Kaju-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Kaju-dong 18.567548 296 132 Kaju-dong 33.314541 297 132 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 38.107732 300 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 34.749838 300 130 Ch'angam-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Ch'angam-dong 16.949776 302 130 Ch'angam-dong 44.911389 303 130 Ch'angam-dong 23.864916 301 131 Ch'angam-dong 16.008163 302 131 Ch'angam-dong 19.200451 303 131 Ch'angam-dong 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 20.322722 300 133 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 15.644561 325 129 Changya-dong 5.481458 323 131 Changya-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 68.086418 308 131 Arang-dong 41.10869 309 131 Arang-dong 40.371133 310 131 Arang-dong 20.041426 309 132 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Arang-dong 17.458806 309 133 Arang-dong 22.606289 310 133 Arang-dong 14.042692 307 134 Arang-dong 17.803123 308 134 Arang-dong 13.296947 309 134 Arang-dong 8.2722777 310 134 8.2722777 310 134 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 21.953468 305 131 Sogon-ni 2.8138241 306 131 Sogon-ni 22.711163 307 131 Sogon-ni 20.233065 304 132 Sogon-ni 22.175476 305 132 Sogon-ni 16.438775 306 132 Sogon-ni 6.7326396 307 132 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 4.1624577 307 133 Sogon-ni 14.042692 307 134 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 16.008163 302 131 Monggumpo-ri 19.200451 303 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.579912 304 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.370203 300 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.322722 300 133 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 Monggumpo-ri 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 2.9718768 304 133 Ch'am-ch'on 4.9813939 305 133 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 6.7326396 307 132 Sagi-ri 8.0695346 308 132 Sagi-ri 4.1624577 307 133 Sagi-ri 8.4014419 308 133 Sagi-ri 14.042692 307 134 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Chosa-dong 17.458806 309 133 Chosa-dong 22.606289 310 133 Chosa-dong 14.042692 307 134 Chosa-dong 17.803123 308 134 Chosa-dong 13.296947 309 134 Chosa-dong 8.2722777 310 134 Chosa-dong 6.3796517 311 134 Chosa-dong 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 7.8538984 311 135 Chosa-dong 16.57922 310 136 Chosa-dong 7.6957089 310 137 Chosa-dong 13.50636 311 137 13.50636 311 137 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 9.4330686 324 133 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 4.1624577 307 133 Pungchon 8.4014419 308 133 Pungchon 14.042692 307 134 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 Hyu-dong 17.890888 297 136 Hyu-dong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Hang-ni 96.623511 239 134 96.623511 239 134 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 13.296947 309 134 An-ch'on 8.2722777 310 134 An-ch'on 2.5881107 307 135 An-ch'on 16.57922 310 136 An-ch'on 7.6957089 310 137 An-ch'on 7.5753806 310 138 7.5753806 310 138 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 Choyang-ni 10.859643 322 136 Choyang-ni 8.0548766 322 137 Choyang-ni 18.259714 323 137 Choyang-ni 5.7636397 322 138 Choyang-ni 28.075365 322 139 28.075365 322 139 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 Sondup'yong 17.890888 297 136 Sondup'yong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 17.890888 297 136 Sogang-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 3.9592761 296 138 Sogang-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 3.9592761 296 138 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 7.624715 295 139 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 15.802247 295 141 Changdae 19.267599 295 142 19.267599 295 142 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 5.7636397 322 138 Changp'o 28.075365 322 139 Changp'o 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 22.069283 319 140 Yung-ni 18.837876 319 141 18.837876 319 141 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 21.891651 316 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 11.13778 318 140 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 8.9062797 297 146 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 15.178247 295 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Chehang-ni 44.279905 247 146 Chehang-ni 41.831123 249 146 Chehang-ni 28.084955 251 146 Chehang-ni 33.873111 247 147 Chehang-ni 17.419895 249 147 Chehang-ni 26.495829 250 147 Chehang-ni 29.4564 251 147 Chehang-ni 18.049495 249 148 Chehang-ni 28.577934 250 148 Chehang-ni 19.363829 251 148 Chehang-ni 22.172104 249 149 22.172104 249 149 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 2.4021282 296 150 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Chibuk 40.201486 248 147 Chibuk 17.419895 249 147 Chibuk 26.495829 250 147 Chibuk 29.4564 251 147 Chibuk 21.956516 252 147 Chibuk 28.577934 250 148 Chibuk 19.363829 251 148 Chibuk 3.0825982 252 148 Chibuk 12.796815 252 149 Chibuk 11.590677 251 150 Chibuk 2.0501242 252 151 2.0501242 252 151 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 2.4021282 296 150 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 9.6271908 284 147 Etsuu 27.647417 285 147 Etsuu 13.93856 286 147 Etsuu 28.085299 287 147 Etsuu 14.286725 288 147 Etsuu 42.246294 288 148 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Hwangdo 52.68561 271 147 Hwangdo 52.015145 272 147 Hwangdo 57.406962 273 147 Hwangdo 40.254339 274 147 Hwangdo 61.071724 275 147 Hwangdo 41.48292 275 148 Hwangdo 46.001713 275 149 Hwangdo 30.769436 275 150 Hwangdo 26.023157 275 151 26.023157 275 151 Doko-ri 18.049495 249 148 Doko-ri 28.577934 250 148 Doko-ri 19.363829 251 148 Doko-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Doko-ri 21.03612 253 148 Doko-ri 12.796815 252 149 Doko-ri 21.810351 253 149 Doko-ri 11.590677 251 150 Doko-ri 2.0501242 252 151 Doko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Doko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ant'ae 30.989565 246 148 Ant'ae 26.922179 247 148 Ant'ae 28.351649 248 148 Ant'ae 18.049495 249 148 Ant'ae 28.577934 250 148 Ant'ae 35.13929 248 149 Ant'ae 22.172104 249 149 Ant'ae 23.360578 247 150 Ant'ae 12.91663 248 150 Ant'ae 12.487411 247 151 Ant'ae 29.732133 247 152 Ant'ae 6.734872 248 152 6.734872 248 152 Och'ong 35.99735 269 148 Och'ong 42.348337 270 148 Och'ong 53.312852 271 148 Och'ong 52.760284 272 148 Och'ong 52.172978 273 148 Och'ong 49.575677 272 149 Och'ong 59.378444 273 149 Och'ong 33.280567 272 150 Och'ong 38.956148 273 150 Och'ong 26.781251 272 151 Och'ong 24.548753 271 152 Och'ong 23.725931 272 152 Och'ong 35.515611 273 152 35.515611 273 152 Bunkai-ri 19.363829 251 148 Bunkai-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Bunkai-ri 21.03612 253 148 Bunkai-ri 18.363187 254 148 Bunkai-ri 12.048456 255 148 Bunkai-ri 16.851478 255 149 Bunkai-ri 21.320522 254 150 Bunkai-ri 10.563465 255 150 Bunkai-ri 6.7307922 254 151 Bunkai-ri 4.85565 255 151 Bunkai-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Ach'on 22.172104 249 149 Ach'on 12.796815 252 149 Ach'on 21.810351 253 149 Ach'on 11.590677 251 150 Ach'on 2.0501242 252 151 Ach'on 4.1033031 250 152 Ach'on 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Sep'o 26.95932 245 150 Sep'o 14.005564 246 150 Sep'o 23.360578 247 150 Sep'o 12.91663 248 150 Sep'o 12.487411 247 151 Sep'o 29.732133 247 152 Sep'o 6.734872 248 152 Sep'o 15.413641 248 153 15.413641 248 153 Ikkum-ni 11.590677 251 150 Ikkum-ni 21.320522 254 150 Ikkum-ni 10.563465 255 150 Ikkum-ni 6.7307922 254 151 Ikkum-ni 4.85565 255 151 Ikkum-ni 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Changgo 10.200227 252 150 Changgo 21.320522 254 150 Changgo 10.563465 255 150 Changgo 23.586617 256 150 Changgo 4.85565 255 151 Changgo 8.6752272 253 152 Changgo 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chogun-mal 12.795995 257 150 Chogun-mal 14.982607 258 150 Chogun-mal 16.037022 259 150 Chogun-mal 14.111078 257 151 Chogun-mal 7.5382908 258 151 Chogun-mal 13.58434 259 151 Chogun-mal 12.540473 257 154 Chogun-mal 2.0395579 258 154 Chogun-mal 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Tengan-ri 6.7307922 254 151 Tengan-ri 4.85565 255 151 Tengan-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Oejongsan 24.294911 278 151 Oejongsan 22.350351 279 151 Oejongsan 30.865036 280 151 Oejongsan 35.76981 281 151 Oejongsan 45.829966 282 151 Oejongsan 23.722503 282 152 Oejongsan 11.15504 278 153 Oejongsan 6.7631004 279 153 Oejongsan 8.7245816 278 154 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 Anmal 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Joman-ri 10.549371 243 151 Joman-ri 46.638262 245 151 Joman-ri 32.156669 246 151 Joman-ri 12.487411 247 151 Joman-ri 29.732133 247 152 29.732133 247 152 Soko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Soko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 Soko-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.5759047 296 153 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Songnyong-ni 7.283544 257 152 Songnyong-ni 7.7479813 258 152 Songnyong-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Jindo 29.732133 247 152 Jindo 6.734872 248 152 Jindo 15.413641 248 153 Jindo 8.4904397 249 154 Jindo 8.4344916 248 155 Jindo 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.5759047 296 153 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Aenang-ni 29.732133 247 152 Aenang-ni 6.734872 248 152 Aenang-ni 15.413641 248 153 Aenang-ni 2.6564384 250 153 Aenang-ni 10.501459 251 153 Aenang-ni 14.054734 251 154 Aenang-ni 8.4344916 248 155 Aenang-ni 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Dongmun 13.622337 279 152 Dongmun 2.7457444 280 152 Dongmun 23.722503 282 152 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.7631004 279 153 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Oe-dong 23.722503 282 152 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 25.057613 285 153 Oe-dong 20.370363 285 154 Oe-dong 26.844518 285 155 Oe-dong 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Hwadong-ni 6.734872 248 152 Hwadong-ni 15.413641 248 153 Hwadong-ni 2.6564384 250 153 Hwadong-ni 10.501459 251 153 Hwadong-ni 14.054734 251 154 Hwadong-ni 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Ch'al-tong 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'al-tong 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 18.722716 290 153 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 24.938064 289 156 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 15.512703 277 153 Sinsong 11.15504 278 153 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 Pususan-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Chungjang 18.939911 275 153 Chungjang 19.490962 276 153 Chungjang 15.512703 277 153 Chungjang 11.15504 278 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 Chungjang 13.911663 275 157 Chungjang 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Kan 17.058279 265 154 Kan 19.152435 266 154 Kan 37.328593 267 154 Kan 21.786611 268 154 Kan 25.060669 269 154 Kan 21.624888 268 155 Kan 18.647344 269 155 Kan 9.5269236 266 156 Kan 13.065519 268 156 Kan 15.272654 269 156 Kan 5.8870833 266 157 Kan 9.4156985 269 157 Kan 6.1827551 266 158 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 5.6885666 267 158 Tongmokp 10.937449 277 154 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 10.937449 277 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mogpo 8.4904397 249 154 Mogpo 14.054734 251 154 Mogpo 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 P'i-dong 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 Taeya 2.0395579 258 154 Taeya 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changdong 8.4904397 249 154 Changdong 8.4344916 248 155 Changdong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chisa-ri 8.4904397 249 154 Chisa-ri 14.054734 251 154 Chisa-ri 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 Changch'u-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Onmok 8.2578121 259 155 Onmok 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 4.6834766 260 155 Changho 6.8610422 262 155 Changho 8.7681729 263 155 Changho 8.6657853 264 155 Changho 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 5.961837 263 156 Changho 7.7888463 264 156 Changho 2.0153163 263 157 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.8610422 262 155 Chongam 8.7681729 263 155 Chongam 8.6657853 264 155 Chongam 13.708281 265 155 Chongam 15.999725 266 155 Chongam 10.168835 265 156 Chongam 9.5269236 266 156 Chongam 5.8870833 266 157 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Weolam-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Bosei-ri 60.233942 240 155 Bosei-ri 36.131164 242 155 Bosei-ri 25.700363 243 155 Bosei-ri 14.672405 244 155 Bosei-ri 15.114194 244 156 Bosei-ri 6.0558519 244 157 Bosei-ri 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Anjong 14.672405 244 155 Anjong 12.070416 245 155 Anjong 8.4344916 248 155 Anjong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 26.844518 285 155 Chogumjin-ni 10.688657 285 156 Chogumjin-ni 3.2321102 285 157 3.2321102 285 157 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 12.568597 274 157 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Katsuto 31.019528 242 156 Katsuto 17.62441 243 156 Katsuto 15.114194 244 156 Katsuto 9.121278 245 156 Katsuto 9.4869628 246 156 9.4869628 246 156 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 11.650704 286 157 Hasambong 22.332942 287 157 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 Hasambong 16.390027 286 159 Hasambong 4.1419281 285 160 Hasambong 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Chonmak 2.0153163 263 157 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 10.115317 270 157 Aech'an-ni 9.1861162 271 157 Aech'an-ni 20.453098 272 157 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 4.4998898 274 158 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 20.027044 289 159 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 Chonghyon-dong 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Haenggan-ni 40.648667 241 157 Haenggan-ni 30.331149 242 157 Haenggan-ni 25.850023 243 157 Haenggan-ni 6.0558519 244 157 Haenggan-ni 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Changsin 2.0153163 263 157 Changsin 5.8870833 266 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 2.241903 267 159 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Wando 14.709748 243 158 Wando 20.889719 244 158 Wando 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Bira-ri 14.709748 243 158 Bira-ri 20.889719 244 158 Bira-ri 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 2.4882243 268 158 Janghang 10.848643 269 158 Janghang 6.1226123 270 158 Janghang 5.1750682 271 158 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 6.1827551 266 158 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 6.1827551 266 158 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 6.1226123 270 158 Okhu 2.241903 267 159 Okhu 2.5792614 270 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 5.9539673 290 160 Masan-ni 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.5792614 270 159 Gunsan 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 4.1419281 285 160 Chunghung-ni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 4.1419281 285 160 Kooni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 5.9539673 290 160 Wonha-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 5.9539673 290 160 Namyang 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changji-dong 24.06647 244 160 24.06647 244 160 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Chamdu 4.0346637 247 165 4.0346637 247 165 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 4.0346637 247 165 Changjong-ni 13.369013 247 166 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 4.0346637 247 165 Changsu 13.369013 247 166 Changsu 9.261633 248 166 Changsu 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chinch'ang 4.0346637 247 165 Chinch'ang 13.369013 247 166 Chinch'ang 9.261633 248 166 Chinch'ang 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Aya-ri 13.369013 247 166 Aya-ri 9.261633 248 166 Aya-ri 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Ch'ongam 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Beqlgyo 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Chungwa-ri 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Changdo-ri 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Wonsan 18.792407 318 172 Wonsan 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Tongho-ri 25.508662 324 174 Tongho-ri 14.531539 325 174 14.531539 325 174 Aech'o-ri 7.624059 247 171 7.624059 247 171 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Yongpo-ri 25.508662 324 174 Yongpo-ri 14.531539 325 174 14.531539 325 174 Songhung-ni 23.785546 322 173 Songhung-ni 25.508662 324 174 Songhung-ni 14.531539 325 174 14.531539 325 174 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Sangsin 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Wolp'yong 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Anp'o 4.6308641 252 172 Anp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Pongch'on 18.792407 318 172 Pongch'on 6.6323313 317 173 Pongch'on 13.180096 317 175 13.180096 317 175 Chungbang 10.667542 250 173 Chungbang 4.649772 251 173 Chungbang 4.5239592 250 175 Chungbang 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chakto-dong 14.531539 325 174 14.531539 325 174 Chabong 10.667542 250 173 Chabong 4.5239592 250 175 Chabong 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Ch'angch'on 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 Kuge-ri 13.180096 317 175 13.180096 317 175 Yeosu 4.5239592 250 175 Yeosu 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chukp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Chukp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Hungsang-ni 23.221014 326 175 Hungsang-ni 20.032461 327 176 Hungsang-ni 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Hangch'on 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Yongyon-ni 22.452733 326 176 Yongyon-ni 20.032461 327 176 Yongyon-ni 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Tongch-on 23.537237 316 177 Tongch-on 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Namhae 8.8629034 250 177 Namhae 13.692325 251 177 Namhae 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Kuum-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Hongwon 29.49569 328 179 Hongwon 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Pit'o 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Samcheongpo 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Hadajon-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Yuktae-dong 24.445944 328 180 Yuktae-dong 30.921472 329 180 Yuktae-dong 6.9651835 330 181 6.9651835 330 181 Cholge 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Changjon 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Chabup'o 28.328886 251 183 28.328886 251 183 Gaken-ri 58.289958 313 182 Gaken-ri 27.907402 311 184 Gaken-ri 102.04898 310 186 102.04898 310 186 Honam-ni 46.05045 328 182 Honam-ni 32.450534 329 182 Honam-ni 8.0039205 330 182 8.0039205 330 182 Chop'o 28.328886 251 183 28.328886 251 183 Hongsong 53.537643 312 183 Hongsong 27.907402 311 184 Hongsong 102.04898 310 186 Hongsong 72.685148 308 187 72.685148 308 187 Chamgae 28.328886 251 183 28.328886 251 183 Soho-ri 60.993912 329 184 Soho-ri 23.762415 330 184 23.762415 330 184 Singhang 83.466108 329 185 Singhang 14.066341 330 185 Singhang 12.608055 331 186 12.608055 331 186 Kojin-ni 35.710709 307 187 Kojin-ni 72.685148 308 187 Kojin-ni 101.68137 304 189 101.68137 304 189 Pongho-ri 35.710709 307 187 Pongho-ri 101.68137 304 189 101.68137 304 189 Chindu 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Changch'on 101.68137 304 189 101.68137 304 189 Masan 6.5417645 256 190 6.5417645 256 190 Yangyang 92.656554 302 190 92.656554 302 190 Ungcheon 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chaho 55.981306 331 187 Chaho 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Kuum-ni 43.739011 332 189 Kuum-ni 95.850274 332 190 Kuum-ni 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Jinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chuktori 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Hagwangjong-ni 92.656554 302 190 92.656554 302 190 Jangseunpo 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Jumunjin 88.499872 300 192 Jumunjin 96.754011 299 193 96.754011 299 193 Daiko 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Poktokkumi 77.245503 333 191 Poktokkumi 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Noksan 5.0314923 255 191 5.0314923 255 191 Tanchon 77.678648 334 192 77.678648 334 192 Gangneung 130.72343 298 194 130.72343 298 194 Amnam-dong 36.024781 254 193 Amnam-dong 12.905794 255 193 12.905794 255 193 Kennan-ri 142.14821 297 195 Kennan-ri 94.965767 295 196 Kennan-ri 131.19609 293 198 131.19609 293 198 Busan 10.990972 255 194 Busan 3.8541279 256 194 3.8541279 256 194 Chungch'on 65.011648 335 194 Chungch'on 97.095265 335 195 Chungch'on 52.635641 336 195 Chungch'on 264.15186 335 198 264.15186 335 198 Mugho 94.965767 295 196 Mugho 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Samchok 70.964763 294 197 Samchok 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Haeundae 53.983337 255 196 Haeundae 82.884801 256 198 Haeundae 3.2593723 257 198 Haeundae 8.4793305 259 199 8.4793305 259 199 Samcheog 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Si-dong 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Gijang 38.86107 256 197 Gijang 82.884801 256 198 Gijang 3.2593723 257 198 Gijang 8.4793305 259 199 8.4793305 259 199 Kuma 117.67533 291 199 Kuma 58.479251 287 201 Kuma 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Shitaru 62.526886 250 201 62.526886 250 201 Kechi 83.11249 246 202 83.11249 246 202 Ulsan 31.978345 261 201 Ulsan 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Itose 83.11249 246 202 83.11249 246 202 Nasa 46.585141 258 199 Nasa 8.4793305 259 199 Nasa 78.013329 260 201 Nasa 31.978345 261 201 Nasa 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Haosan 58.479251 287 201 Haosan 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Imweonjin 100.99595 290 200 Imweonjin 58.479251 287 201 Imweonjin 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Heunghae 46.587638 274 201 Heunghae 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Saka 83.11249 246 202 83.11249 246 202 Byeongyeong 31.978345 261 201 Byeongyeong 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Pohang 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 O-funakoshi 83.11249 246 202 83.11249 246 202 Ganggu 46.587638 274 201 46.587638 274 201 Susuna 62.526886 250 201 Susuna 82.579007 247 202 Susuna 70.129791 249 203 Susuna 67.511586 250 203 67.511586 250 203 Ulijin 106.41455 283 202 Ulijin 108.55845 284 202 Ulijin 88.162087 285 202 Ulijin 85.309642 286 202 85.309642 286 202 Pyonggok-tong 77.981283 277 202 Pyonggok-tong 82.191999 278 202 Pyonggok-tong 109.51849 281 203 109.51849 281 203 Yeonghae 93.232853 276 202 Yeonghae 77.981283 277 202 Yeonghae 82.191999 278 202 82.191999 278 202 Chukpyon 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Mangyang-ni 106.41455 283 202 Mangyang-ni 108.55845 284 202 108.55845 284 202 Bangeojin 78.013329 260 201 Bangeojin 31.978345 261 201 Bangeojin 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Segae-dong 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Chugsan-dong 17.033825 275 201 Chugsan-dong 82.191999 278 202 82.191999 278 202 Pyeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Pyeonghae 109.51849 281 203 Pyeonghae 124.48957 282 203 124.48957 282 203 Kin 62.526886 250 201 Kin 83.11249 246 202 Kin 70.129791 249 203 Kin 67.511586 250 203 67.511586 250 203 Furusato 62.526886 250 201 Furusato 82.579007 247 202 Furusato 70.129791 249 203 Furusato 67.511586 250 203 67.511586 250 203 Toyo 155.63812 252 200 Toyo 126.31135 252 201 Toyo 89.563303 252 202 Toyo 70.129791 249 203 Toyo 67.511586 250 203 67.511586 250 203 Chukchon 6.2203324 263 202 Chukchon 55.040343 265 203 Chukchon 48.556703 266 203 Chukchon 43.615757 267 203 43.615757 267 203 Gampo 55.040343 265 203 Gampo 48.556703 266 203 Gampo 43.615757 267 203 Gampo 6.655122 268 203 6.655122 268 203 Taech'on 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Guryongpo 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Keya 17.026297 235 214 17.026297 235 214 Maebaru 17.026297 235 214 17.026297 235 214 Nishinoura 17.026297 235 214 17.026297 235 214 Meihama 17.026297 235 214 Meihama 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Saitosaki 17.026297 235 214 Saitosaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuoka 17.026297 235 214 Fukuoka 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Mitoma 17.026297 235 214 Mitoma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Kashii 7.8483091 234 215 Kashii 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Harumachi 7.8483091 234 215 Harumachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Tsuyazaki 7.8483091 234 215 Tsuyazaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Shingu 7.8483091 234 215 Shingu 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukumamachi 7.8483091 234 215 Fukumamachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuma 7.8483091 234 215 Fukuma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Kanesaki 22.19865 236 216 Kanesaki 13.179578 238 219 13.179578 238 219 Ashiya 13.179578 238 219 Ashiya 6.5656168 239 222 6.5656168 239 222 Namyang-dong 2179.4052 290 220 Namyang-dong 2084.0219 291 220 Namyang-dong 1937.6108 292 220 Namyang-dong 1785.7039 293 220 Namyang-dong 1591.7211 294 220 1591.7211 294 220 Namyang 2075.8262 290 221 Namyang 1897.4515 291 221 Namyang 1304.2365 292 221 Namyang 1666.7511 293 221 Namyang 2103.6251 294 221 2103.6251 294 221 Kita-kyushu 6.5656168 239 222 Kita-kyushu 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Oyama 87.233251 244 221 Oyama 90.89725 246 221 Oyama 106.52849 247 221 Oyama 95.817357 247 222 Oyama 90.645534 247 223 Oyama 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Nari 2075.8262 290 221 Nari 1897.4515 291 221 Nari 1304.2365 292 221 Nari 1666.7511 293 221 Nari 2103.6251 294 221 2103.6251 294 221 Yoshimoura 6.5656168 239 222 Yoshimoura 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Murotsuura 6.5656168 239 222 Murotsuura 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kottoi 43.462609 246 222 Kottoi 76.81795 246 223 Kottoi 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Shimado 43.462609 246 222 Shimado 95.817357 247 222 Shimado 90.645534 247 223 Shimado 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Dodong 2143.7278 290 222 Dodong 1457.4611 291 222 Dodong 28.845367 292 222 Dodong 760.4324 293 222 Dodong 2171.8023 294 222 Dodong 2041.6499 294 225 Dodong 2160.5065 294 226 2160.5065 294 226 Yasuoka 6.5656168 239 222 Yasuoka 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kanda 6.5656168 239 222 Kanda 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kogushi 18.35524 240 223 Kogushi 9.8971847 241 223 Kogushi 2.0350869 240 226 2.0350869 240 226 Agawa 43.462609 246 222 Agawa 95.817357 247 222 Agawa 90.645534 247 223 Agawa 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Shimonoseki 6.5656168 239 222 Shimonoseki 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kawashiri-misaki 43.462609 246 222 Kawashiri-misaki 95.817357 247 222 Kawashiri-misaki 109.05645 248 222 Kawashiri-misaki 105.22953 248 223 Kawashiri-misaki 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Tsunemi 6.5656168 239 222 Tsunemi 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Higashi-fukawa 76.81795 246 223 Higashi-fukawa 90.645534 247 223 Higashi-fukawa 30.646305 246 224 Higashi-fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Yukuhashi 2.8852712 237 225 2.8852712 237 225 Kawajiri 76.81795 246 223 Kawajiri 90.645534 247 223 Kawajiri 105.22953 248 223 Kawajiri 30.646305 246 224 Kawajiri 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Chofu 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Moji 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kagawa 7.6594997 239 226 Kagawa 2.0350869 240 226 2.0350869 240 226 Tateishi 30.646305 246 224 Tateishi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Tabe 7.6594997 239 226 Tabe 2.0350869 240 226 2.0350869 240 226 Habu 7.3599144 238 226 Habu 2.0350869 240 226 2.0350869 240 226 Furuichi 30.646305 246 224 Furuichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kihado 89.562093 247 225 Kihado 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Hommura 103.14207 249 225 Hommura 108.2507 250 225 Hommura 119.19037 251 225 Hommura 125.03673 252 225 Hommura 117.15727 253 225 Hommura 109.73013 252 226 Hommura 91.670215 253 226 Hommura 51.904146 252 227 Hommura 76.023371 251 228 Hommura 65.446379 252 228 Hommura 93.145648 253 229 93.145648 253 229 Fukawa 86.38903 247 226 Fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Senzaki 86.38903 247 226 Senzaki 92.201185 248 226 Senzaki 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Ube 4.8012472 239 227 4.8012472 239 227 Misumi-ichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kayoi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Soto 69.179309 247 228 69.179309 247 228 Sammiura 69.179309 247 228 69.179309 247 228 Hagi 48.941218 247 229 Hagi 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Hommura 48.941218 247 229 Hommura 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Nako 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Kiyo 32.544346 246 230 Kiyo 88.368792 250 231 Kiyo 86.255886 250 232 Kiyo 83.779042 250 233 Kiyo 69.542137 250 234 69.542137 250 234 Uta 20.137293 247 231 Uta 88.368792 250 231 Uta 86.255886 250 232 Uta 83.779042 250 233 Uta 69.542137 250 234 Uta 48.31583 250 235 48.31583 250 235 Susa 55.069102 248 232 Susa 79.552681 249 232 Susa 86.255886 250 232 Susa 92.4939 251 232 Susa 93.443639 252 232 Susa 96.781686 252 233 96.781686 252 233 Esaki 74.069933 249 233 Esaki 83.779042 250 233 Esaki 90.998687 251 233 Esaki 48.31583 250 235 Esaki 55.604755 251 237 55.604755 251 237 Takatsu 26.521006 250 236 Takatsu 98.256777 252 236 Takatsu 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Masuda 26.521006 250 236 Masuda 98.256777 252 236 Masuda 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Tsuda 26.521006 250 236 Tsuda 98.256777 252 236 Tsuda 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Misumi 55.604755 251 237 Misumi 112.80373 253 237 Misumi 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Murotani 62.759955 252 238 Murotani 107.34727 253 238 Murotani 126.28386 254 238 Murotani 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Chiwa 62.759955 252 238 Chiwa 107.34727 253 238 Chiwa 126.28386 254 238 Chiwa 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Hinashi 62.759955 252 238 Hinashi 107.34727 253 238 Hinashi 126.28386 254 238 Hinashi 133.73524 255 238 Hinashi 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Tabase 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Iwami-naganama 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Nagahama 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Hamada 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Kami-Kurokawa 60.64226 253 240 Kami-Kurokawa 115.85467 254 240 Kami-Kurokawa 128.95952 255 240 Kami-Kurokawa 113.63255 255 241 Kami-Kurokawa 95.004958 255 242 Kami-Kurokawa 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shimoko 60.64226 253 240 Shimoko 115.85467 254 240 Shimoko 128.95952 255 240 Shimoko 137.47363 256 240 Shimoko 113.63255 255 241 Shimoko 136.50853 256 241 Shimoko 115.67638 256 242 Shimoko 37.836619 255 243 Shimoko 94.807198 256 243 Shimoko 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Hirao 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Togane 60.64226 253 240 Togane 115.85467 254 240 Togane 128.95952 255 240 Togane 137.47363 256 240 Togane 113.63255 255 241 Togane 136.50853 256 241 Togane 115.67638 256 242 Togane 37.836619 255 243 Togane 94.807198 256 243 Togane 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Okuni 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Murotsu 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Okubo 60.64226 253 240 Okubo 115.85467 254 240 Okubo 128.95952 255 240 Okubo 137.47363 256 240 Okubo 113.63255 255 241 Okubo 136.50853 256 241 Okubo 115.67638 256 242 Okubo 37.836619 255 243 Okubo 94.807198 256 243 Okubo 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Odani 60.64226 253 240 Odani 115.85467 254 240 Odani 128.95952 255 240 Odani 113.63255 255 241 Odani 95.004958 255 242 Odani 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hashi 60.64226 253 240 Hashi 115.85467 254 240 Hashi 128.95952 255 240 Hashi 137.47363 256 240 Hashi 113.63255 255 241 Hashi 136.50853 256 241 Hashi 115.67638 256 242 Hashi 37.836619 255 243 Hashi 94.807198 256 243 Hashi 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Yanai 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Uyagawa 88.151072 254 241 Uyagawa 113.63255 255 241 Uyagawa 136.50853 256 241 Uyagawa 115.67638 256 242 Uyagawa 37.836619 255 243 Uyagawa 94.807198 256 243 Uyagawa 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Shimo-Arifuko 88.151072 254 241 Shimo-Arifuko 113.63255 255 241 Shimo-Arifuko 136.50853 256 241 Shimo-Arifuko 115.67638 256 242 Shimo-Arifuko 37.836619 255 243 Shimo-Arifuko 94.807198 256 243 Shimo-Arifuko 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Nakatsuwara 24.95177 242 244 Nakatsuwara 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Komatsu 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Fuju 6.9491931 239 244 Fuju 24.95177 242 244 Fuju 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Tsunozu 88.151072 254 241 Tsunozu 113.63255 255 241 Tsunozu 136.50853 256 241 Tsunozu 115.67638 256 242 Tsunozu 37.836619 255 243 Tsunozu 94.807198 256 243 Tsunozu 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Aogi 6.9491931 239 244 Aogi 24.95177 242 244 Aogi 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Midoro 24.95177 242 244 Midoro 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Waki 88.151072 254 241 Waki 113.63255 255 241 Waki 136.50853 256 241 Waki 115.67638 256 242 Waki 137.13152 257 242 Waki 126.64215 257 243 Waki 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Obatake 6.9491931 239 244 Obatake 24.95177 242 244 24.95177 242 244 Tsuzu 6.9491931 239 244 Tsuzu 24.95177 242 244 Tsuzu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Tsutsu 6.9491931 239 244 Tsutsu 24.95177 242 244 Tsutsu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Yu 6.9491931 239 244 Yu 24.95177 242 244 24.95177 242 244 Otake 24.95177 242 244 Otake 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Waki 24.95177 242 244 Waki 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Kuba 24.95177 242 244 Kuba 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Gotsu 88.151072 254 241 Gotsu 113.63255 255 241 Gotsu 136.50853 256 241 Gotsu 115.67638 256 242 Gotsu 137.13152 257 242 Gotsu 126.64215 257 243 Gotsu 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Imazu 24.95177 242 244 Imazu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Izui 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Shioya 24.95177 242 244 Shioya 20.488224 243 244 Shioya 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kuka 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Asari 95.004958 255 242 Asari 115.67638 256 242 Asari 137.13152 257 242 Asari 126.64215 257 243 Asari 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Hama 24.95177 242 244 Hama 20.488224 243 244 Hama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Ichimura 95.004958 255 242 Ichimura 115.67638 256 242 Ichimura 137.13152 257 242 Ichimura 126.64215 257 243 Ichimura 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Hataguchi 20.488224 243 244 Hataguchi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Naka-Tsuchi 37.836619 255 243 Naka-Tsuchi 94.807198 256 243 Naka-Tsuchi 126.64215 257 243 Naka-Tsuchi 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Doi 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Morimune 20.488224 243 244 Morimune 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Atada 24.95177 242 244 Atada 20.488224 243 244 Atada 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Jigozen 20.488224 243 244 Jigozen 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Shimonohama 24.95177 242 244 Shimonohama 20.488224 243 244 Shimonohama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Miyajima 24.95177 242 244 Miyajima 20.488224 243 244 Miyajima 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kuromatsu 37.836619 255 243 Kuromatsu 94.807198 256 243 Kuromatsu 126.64215 257 243 Kuromatsu 108.16557 257 244 Kuromatsu 135.47116 258 244 135.47116 258 244 Hatsukaichi 20.488224 243 244 Hatsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hazum-Hongo 37.836619 255 243 Hazum-Hongo 94.807198 256 243 Hazum-Hongo 126.64215 257 243 Hazum-Hongo 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Kohama 37.836619 255 243 Kohama 94.807198 256 243 Kohama 126.64215 257 243 Kohama 108.16557 257 244 Kohama 135.47116 258 244 135.47116 258 244 Ichi 37.836619 255 243 Ichi 94.807198 256 243 Ichi 126.64215 257 243 Ichi 108.16557 257 244 Ichi 135.47116 258 244 135.47116 258 244 Yunotsu 37.836619 255 243 Yunotsu 94.807198 256 243 Yunotsu 126.64215 257 243 Yunotsu 108.16557 257 244 Yunotsu 135.47116 258 244 135.47116 258 244 Nakaji 20.488224 243 244 Nakaji 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Isaki 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Itsukaichi 20.488224 243 244 Itsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kami-Ida 37.836619 255 243 Kami-Ida 94.807198 256 243 Kami-Ida 126.64215 257 243 Kami-Ida 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Nakagumi 76.080611 256 244 Nakagumi 108.16557 257 244 Nakagumi 135.47116 258 244 135.47116 258 244 Mino 24.95177 242 244 Mino 20.488224 243 244 Mino 3.2965007 245 246 Mino 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Omori 76.080611 256 244 Omori 108.16557 257 244 Omori 135.47116 258 244 Omori 127.97669 259 246 Omori 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Korenaga 24.95177 242 244 Korenaga 20.488224 243 244 Korenaga 3.2965007 245 246 Korenaga 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nishita 76.080611 256 244 Nishita 108.16557 257 244 Nishita 135.47116 258 244 135.47116 258 244 Nimamachi 76.080611 256 244 Nimamachi 108.16557 257 244 Nimamachi 135.47116 258 244 Nimamachi 127.97669 259 246 Nimamachi 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Takuno 76.080611 256 244 Takuno 108.16557 257 244 Takuno 135.47116 258 244 Takuno 127.97669 259 246 Takuno 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Nakanohama 24.95177 242 244 Nakanohama 20.488224 243 244 Nakanohama 3.2965007 245 246 Nakanohama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Takunomachi 76.080611 256 244 Takunomachi 108.16557 257 244 Takunomachi 135.47116 258 244 Takunomachi 127.97669 259 246 Takunomachi 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Hata 24.95177 242 244 Hata 20.488224 243 244 Hata 3.2965007 245 246 Hata 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kanokawa 24.95177 242 244 Kanokawa 20.488224 243 244 Kanokawa 3.2965007 245 246 Kanokawa 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hashirajima 6.9491931 239 244 Hashirajima 24.95177 242 244 Hashirajima 2.1518934 242 248 2.1518934 242 248 Ihota 13.537907 241 248 Ihota 48.444654 240 249 Ihota 51.856313 241 249 51.856313 241 249 Osu 28.221174 242 245 Osu 19.425895 243 245 Osu 3.2965007 245 246 Osu 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakago 28.221174 242 245 Nakago 19.425895 243 245 Nakago 3.2965007 245 246 Nakago 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakamachi 28.221174 242 245 Nakamachi 19.425895 243 245 Nakamachi 3.2965007 245 246 Nakamachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiroshima 19.425895 243 245 Hiroshima 3.2965007 245 246 Hiroshima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tsukumo 28.221174 242 245 Tsukumo 19.425895 243 245 Tsukumo 3.2965007 245 246 Tsukumo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Oura 85.859273 257 245 Oura 127.196 258 245 Oura 136.60019 259 245 Oura 127.97669 259 246 Oura 102.98478 259 247 Oura 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Fukae 28.221174 242 245 Fukae 19.425895 243 245 Fukae 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Obara 28.221174 242 245 Obara 19.425895 243 245 Obara 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Oko 28.221174 242 245 Oko 19.425895 243 245 19.425895 243 245 Hira 85.859273 257 245 Hira 127.196 258 245 Hira 136.60019 259 245 Hira 127.97669 259 246 Hira 102.98478 259 247 Hira 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Umesako 28.221174 242 245 Umesako 19.425895 243 245 Umesako 3.2965007 245 246 Umesako 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kakinoura 28.221174 242 245 Kakinoura 19.425895 243 245 Kakinoura 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Yumbe 85.859273 257 245 Yumbe 127.196 258 245 Yumbe 136.60019 259 245 Yumbe 127.97669 259 246 Yumbe 102.98478 259 247 Yumbe 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Hitonose 28.221174 242 245 Hitonose 19.425895 243 245 Hitonose 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Torii 85.859273 257 245 Torii 127.196 258 245 Torii 136.60019 259 245 Torii 127.97669 259 246 Torii 102.98478 259 247 Torii 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Etajima 28.221174 242 245 Etajima 19.425895 243 245 Etajima 3.2965007 245 246 Etajima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kirikushi 28.221174 242 245 Kirikushi 19.425895 243 245 Kirikushi 3.2965007 245 246 Kirikushi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Okimi 28.221174 242 245 Okimi 19.425895 243 245 Okimi 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Koyo 28.221174 242 245 Koyo 19.425895 243 245 Koyo 3.2965007 245 246 Koyo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Yukitsune 85.859273 257 245 Yukitsune 127.196 258 245 Yukitsune 136.60019 259 245 Yukitsune 127.97669 259 246 Yukitsune 102.98478 259 247 Yukitsune 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Sugewa 28.221174 242 245 Sugewa 19.425895 243 245 19.425895 243 245 Kutemachi 96.867382 258 246 Kutemachi 127.97669 259 246 Kutemachi 102.98478 259 247 Kutemachi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Oda 96.867382 258 246 Oda 127.97669 259 246 Oda 102.98478 259 247 Oda 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Ryoshida 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kamigumi 3.2965007 245 246 Kamigumi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Sakioku 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Arikiyo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hamazaki 3.2965007 245 246 Hamazaki 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ondo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Fujinowaki 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Takasu 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hane 96.867382 258 246 Hane 127.97669 259 246 Hane 102.98478 259 247 Hane 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Kaita 3.2965007 245 246 Kaita 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Muroo 13.537907 241 248 Muroo 2.1518934 242 248 Muroo 4.3081145 243 249 Muroo 42.40165 240 250 Muroo 31.536176 241 250 31.536176 241 250 Ideguchi 96.867382 258 246 Ideguchi 127.97669 259 246 Ideguchi 102.98478 259 247 Ideguchi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Hatami 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kaigoshi 13.537907 241 248 Kaigoshi 2.1518934 242 248 Kaigoshi 4.3081145 243 249 Kaigoshi 42.40165 240 250 Kaigoshi 31.536176 241 250 31.536176 241 250 Karoto 13.537907 241 248 Karoto 2.1518934 242 248 Karoto 4.3081145 243 249 Karoto 42.40165 240 250 Karoto 31.536176 241 250 31.536176 241 250 Okujo 3.2965007 245 246 Okujo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiradani 3.2965007 245 246 Hiradani 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kure 3.2965007 245 246 Kure 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Osako 13.537907 241 248 Osako 2.1518934 242 248 Osako 4.3081145 243 249 Osako 42.40165 240 250 Osako 31.536176 241 250 Osako 29.86239 240 251 Osako 72.875108 243 251 72.875108 243 251 Jin'yama 8.6907422 244 247 Jin'yama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tagimachi 12.538645 258 247 Tagimachi 102.98478 259 247 Tagimachi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Kushi-taki 12.538645 258 247 Kushi-taki 102.98478 259 247 Kushi-taki 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Nakagori 12.538645 258 247 Nakagori 102.98478 259 247 Nakagori 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Harido 12.538645 258 247 Harido 102.98478 259 247 Harido 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Obama 13.537907 241 248 Obama 48.444654 240 249 Obama 51.856313 241 249 Obama 42.40165 240 250 Obama 31.536176 241 250 Obama 29.86239 240 251 29.86239 240 251 Hiromachi 8.6907422 244 247 Hiromachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Uryu 59.786272 259 248 Uryu 21.176113 259 249 Uryu 66.238282 262 251 Uryu 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Hatari 13.537907 241 248 Hatari 48.444654 240 249 Hatari 51.856313 241 249 Hatari 42.40165 240 250 Hatari 31.536176 241 250 Hatari 29.86239 240 251 Hatari 24.619908 240 252 Hatari 34.767233 241 252 34.767233 241 252 Hinomi-saki 59.786272 259 248 Hinomi-saki 21.176113 259 249 Hinomi-saki 66.238282 262 251 Hinomi-saki 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Mutsuki 13.537907 241 248 Mutsuki 48.444654 240 249 Mutsuki 51.856313 241 249 Mutsuki 42.40165 240 250 Mutsuki 31.536176 241 250 Mutsuki 29.86239 240 251 Mutsuki 24.619908 240 252 Mutsuki 34.767233 241 252 34.767233 241 252 Shimojima 13.537907 241 248 Shimojima 2.1518934 242 248 Shimojima 4.3081145 243 249 Shimojima 42.40165 240 250 Shimojima 31.536176 241 250 Shimojima 29.86239 240 251 Shimojima 72.875108 243 251 Shimojima 19.349629 243 252 Shimojima 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Ojizo 13.537907 241 248 Ojizo 2.1518934 242 248 Ojizo 4.3081145 243 249 Ojizo 42.40165 240 250 Ojizo 31.536176 241 250 Ojizo 29.86239 240 251 Ojizo 72.875108 243 251 Ojizo 19.349629 243 252 Ojizo 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Washigasu 48.444654 240 249 Washigasu 42.40165 240 250 Washigasu 29.86239 240 251 Washigasu 24.619908 240 252 24.619908 240 252 Jige 59.786272 259 248 Jige 21.176113 259 249 Jige 66.238282 262 251 Jige 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Sagiura 59.786272 259 248 Sagiura 21.176113 259 249 Sagiura 66.238282 262 251 Sagiura 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Taisha 59.786272 259 248 Taisha 21.176113 259 249 Taisha 66.238282 262 251 Taisha 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Saginoura 59.786272 259 248 Saginoura 21.176113 259 249 Saginoura 66.238282 262 251 Saginoura 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Arakayacho 59.786272 259 248 Arakayacho 21.176113 259 249 Arakayacho 66.238282 262 251 Arakayacho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Ojimacho 59.786272 259 248 Ojimacho 21.176113 259 249 Ojimacho 66.238282 262 251 Ojimacho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Kawajiri 13.537907 241 248 Kawajiri 2.1518934 242 248 Kawajiri 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ebisu 59.786272 259 248 Ebisu 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Sannose 13.537907 241 248 Sannose 2.1518934 242 248 Sannose 4.3081145 243 249 Sannose 42.40165 240 250 Sannose 31.536176 241 250 Sannose 29.86239 240 251 Sannose 72.875108 243 251 Sannose 19.349629 243 252 Sannose 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Osaki-kami-jima 13.537907 241 248 Osaki-kami-jima 2.1518934 242 248 Osaki-kami-jima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Inomecho 21.176113 259 249 Inomecho 66.238282 262 251 Inomecho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Harahata 16.64552 242 249 Harahata 4.3081145 243 249 Harahata 8.0319931 242 250 Harahata 26.376706 242 251 Harahata 72.875108 243 251 Harahata 19.349629 243 252 Harahata 8.7747184 244 252 Harahata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyazakari 51.856313 241 249 Miyazakari 16.64552 242 249 Miyazakari 4.3081145 243 249 Miyazakari 31.536176 241 250 Miyazakari 41.929864 241 251 Miyazakari 26.376706 242 251 Miyazakari 72.875108 243 251 Miyazakari 19.349629 243 252 Miyazakari 8.7747184 244 252 Miyazakari 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Koyo 51.856313 241 249 Koyo 16.64552 242 249 Koyo 4.3081145 243 249 Koyo 31.536176 241 250 Koyo 41.929864 241 251 Koyo 26.376706 242 251 Koyo 72.875108 243 251 Koyo 19.349629 243 252 Koyo 8.7747184 244 252 Koyo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Tado 51.856313 241 249 Tado 16.64552 242 249 Tado 4.3081145 243 249 Tado 31.536176 241 250 Tado 41.929864 241 251 Tado 26.376706 242 251 Tado 72.875108 243 251 Tado 19.349629 243 252 Tado 8.7747184 244 252 Tado 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hiraki 16.64552 242 249 Hiraki 4.3081145 243 249 Hiraki 8.0319931 242 250 Hiraki 26.376706 242 251 Hiraki 72.875108 243 251 Hiraki 19.349629 243 252 Hiraki 8.7747184 244 252 Hiraki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchinoumi 16.64552 242 249 Uchinoumi 4.3081145 243 249 Uchinoumi 8.0319931 242 250 Uchinoumi 26.376706 242 251 Uchinoumi 72.875108 243 251 Uchinoumi 19.349629 243 252 Uchinoumi 8.7747184 244 252 Uchinoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oura 48.444654 240 249 Oura 51.856313 241 249 Oura 16.64552 242 249 Oura 4.3081145 243 249 Oura 42.40165 240 250 Oura 31.536176 241 250 Oura 29.86239 240 251 Oura 72.875108 243 251 Oura 19.349629 243 252 Oura 8.7747184 244 252 Oura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Upporoi 53.057323 260 249 Upporoi 42.2413 261 249 Upporoi 2.841304 260 250 Upporoi 66.238282 262 251 Upporoi 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Oi 53.057323 260 249 Oi 42.2413 261 249 Oi 2.841304 260 250 Oi 66.238282 262 251 Oi 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Mitsuguchi 16.64552 242 249 Mitsuguchi 4.3081145 243 249 Mitsuguchi 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsuguchi 26.376706 242 251 Mitsuguchi 72.875108 243 251 Mitsuguchi 19.349629 243 252 Mitsuguchi 8.7747184 244 252 Mitsuguchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozucho 21.176113 259 249 Kozucho 66.238282 262 251 Kozucho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Horie 48.444654 240 249 Horie 42.40165 240 250 Horie 29.86239 240 251 Horie 24.619908 240 252 24.619908 240 252 Kami-Oda 72.875108 243 251 Kami-Oda 19.349629 243 252 Kami-Oda 8.7747184 244 252 Kami-Oda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hojo 42.40165 240 250 Hojo 31.536176 241 250 Hojo 29.86239 240 251 Hojo 24.619908 240 252 Hojo 34.767233 241 252 Hojo 39.500802 241 253 39.500802 241 253 Kazahaya 8.0319931 242 250 Kazahaya 26.376706 242 251 Kazahaya 72.875108 243 251 Kazahaya 19.349629 243 252 Kazahaya 8.7747184 244 252 Kazahaya 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kuchi-Ukacho 2.841304 260 250 Kuchi-Ukacho 66.238282 262 251 Kuchi-Ukacho 14.514249 262 252 Kuchi-Ukacho 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Komatsubara 8.0319931 242 250 Komatsubara 26.376706 242 251 Komatsubara 72.875108 243 251 Komatsubara 19.349629 243 252 Komatsubara 8.7747184 244 252 Komatsubara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchiura 42.40165 240 250 Uchiura 31.536176 241 250 Uchiura 29.86239 240 251 Uchiura 72.875108 243 251 Uchiura 19.349629 243 252 Uchiura 8.7747184 244 252 Uchiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kanashi 72.875108 243 251 Kanashi 19.349629 243 252 Kanashi 8.7747184 244 252 Kanashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Asanamihar 42.40165 240 250 Asanamihar 31.536176 241 250 Asanamihar 29.86239 240 251 Asanamihar 24.619908 240 252 Asanamihar 34.767233 241 252 Asanamihar 7.2322222 242 252 Asanamihar 39.500802 241 253 Asanamihar 72.484521 242 253 Asanamihar 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Agejima 2.841304 260 250 Agejima 66.238282 262 251 Agejima 14.514249 262 252 Agejima 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Mitsu 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsu 26.376706 242 251 Mitsu 72.875108 243 251 Mitsu 19.349629 243 252 Mitsu 8.7747184 244 252 Mitsu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 2.841304 260 250 Hama 66.238282 262 251 Hama 14.514249 262 252 Hama 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Nada 2.841304 260 250 Nada 66.238282 262 251 Nada 14.514249 262 252 Nada 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Kubi 42.40165 240 250 Kubi 31.536176 241 250 Kubi 29.86239 240 251 Kubi 72.875108 243 251 Kubi 19.349629 243 252 Kubi 8.7747184 244 252 Kubi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okitomo 29.86239 240 251 Okitomo 72.875108 243 251 Okitomo 19.349629 243 252 Okitomo 8.7747184 244 252 Okitomo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 29.86239 240 251 Hama 24.619908 240 252 Hama 34.767233 241 252 Hama 7.2322222 242 252 Hama 39.500802 241 253 Hama 72.484521 242 253 Hama 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Ocho 29.86239 240 251 Ocho 72.875108 243 251 Ocho 19.349629 243 252 Ocho 8.7747184 244 252 Ocho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okushi 41.929864 241 251 Okushi 26.376706 242 251 Okushi 72.875108 243 251 Okushi 19.349629 243 252 Okushi 8.7747184 244 252 Okushi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Daicho 29.86239 240 251 Daicho 72.875108 243 251 Daicho 19.349629 243 252 Daicho 8.7747184 244 252 Daicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakaura 66.238282 262 251 Sakaura 14.514249 262 252 Sakaura 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Matsuo 29.86239 240 251 Matsuo 24.619908 240 252 Matsuo 34.767233 241 252 Matsuo 7.2322222 242 252 Matsuo 39.500802 241 253 Matsuo 72.484521 242 253 Matsuo 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Mitarai 29.86239 240 251 Mitarai 72.875108 243 251 Mitarai 19.349629 243 252 Mitarai 8.7747184 244 252 Mitarai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 72.875108 243 251 Hama 19.349629 243 252 Hama 8.7747184 244 252 Hama 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Akashi 41.929864 241 251 Akashi 26.376706 242 251 Akashi 72.875108 243 251 Akashi 19.349629 243 252 Akashi 8.7747184 244 252 Akashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sukune 72.875108 243 251 Sukune 19.349629 243 252 Sukune 8.7747184 244 252 Sukune 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Nakano 41.929864 241 251 Nakano 26.376706 242 251 Nakano 72.875108 243 251 Nakano 19.349629 243 252 Nakano 8.7747184 244 252 Nakano 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozakai 66.238282 262 251 Kozakai 14.514249 262 252 Kozakai 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Obe 24.619908 240 252 Obe 34.767233 241 252 Obe 7.2322222 242 252 Obe 19.349629 243 252 Obe 72.484521 242 253 Obe 53.506904 242 254 Obe 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Okiura 34.767233 241 252 Okiura 7.2322222 242 252 Okiura 19.349629 243 252 Okiura 8.7747184 244 252 Okiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakata 24.619908 240 252 Sakata 34.767233 241 252 Sakata 7.2322222 242 252 Sakata 19.349629 243 252 Sakata 72.484521 242 253 Sakata 53.506904 242 254 Sakata 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Takehara 19.349629 243 252 Takehara 8.7747184 244 252 Takehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kinoe 34.767233 241 252 Kinoe 7.2322222 242 252 Kinoe 19.349629 243 252 Kinoe 8.7747184 244 252 Kinoe 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Onashi 19.349629 243 252 Onashi 8.7747184 244 252 Onashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shiramizu 7.2322222 242 252 Shiramizu 19.349629 243 252 Shiramizu 8.7747184 244 252 Shiramizu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oi 24.619908 240 252 Oi 34.767233 241 252 Oi 7.2322222 242 252 Oi 19.349629 243 252 Oi 72.484521 242 253 Oi 53.506904 242 254 Oi 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Takasakicho 19.349629 243 252 Takasakicho 8.7747184 244 252 Takasakicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Ono 24.619908 240 252 Ono 34.767233 241 252 Ono 7.2322222 242 252 Ono 39.500802 241 253 Ono 72.484521 242 253 Ono 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Takasaki 19.349629 243 252 Takasaki 8.7747184 244 252 Takasaki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Namikata 24.619908 240 252 Namikata 34.767233 241 252 Namikata 7.2322222 242 252 Namikata 19.349629 243 252 Namikata 72.484521 242 253 Namikata 53.506904 242 254 Namikata 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Munagata 34.767233 241 252 Munagata 7.2322222 242 252 Munagata 19.349629 243 252 Munagata 8.7747184 244 252 Munagata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mitabe 164.86729 269 252 Mitabe 144.14125 269 253 Mitabe 121.19467 269 254 Mitabe 89.335964 269 255 Mitabe 91.853673 272 255 Mitabe 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Fukuda 19.349629 243 252 Fukuda 8.7747184 244 252 Fukuda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Dozen 164.86729 269 252 Dozen 144.14125 269 253 Dozen 121.19467 269 254 Dozen 89.335964 269 255 Dozen 91.853673 272 255 Dozen 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hasihama 24.619908 240 252 Hasihama 34.767233 241 252 Hasihama 7.2322222 242 252 Hasihama 19.349629 243 252 Hasihama 72.484521 242 253 Hasihama 53.506904 242 254 Hasihama 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuchisubo 34.767233 241 252 Kuchisubo 7.2322222 242 252 Kuchisubo 19.349629 243 252 Kuchisubo 8.7747184 244 252 Kuchisubo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Aikamachi 14.514249 262 252 Aikamachi 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Kinehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Chinzaki 144.14125 269 253 Chinzaki 121.19467 269 254 Chinzaki 89.335964 269 255 Chinzaki 91.853673 272 255 Chinzaki 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Etomo 91.852351 263 253 Etomo 98.315461 264 253 Etomo 82.589962 263 254 Etomo 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tadanoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Urago 144.14125 269 253 Urago 121.19467 269 254 Urago 89.335964 269 255 Urago 91.853673 272 255 Urago 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Higai 72.484521 242 253 Higai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyanoura 39.500802 241 253 Miyanoura 72.484521 242 253 Miyanoura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Terasu 91.852351 263 253 Terasu 98.315461 264 253 Terasu 82.589962 263 254 Terasu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tamagi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Imabari 39.500802 241 253 Imabari 72.484521 242 253 Imabari 53.506904 242 254 Imabari 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Sada-Miyauchi 91.852351 263 253 Sada-Miyauchi 98.315461 264 253 Sada-Miyauchi 82.589962 263 254 Sada-Miyauchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Funakoshi 144.14125 269 253 Funakoshi 121.19467 269 254 Funakoshi 89.335964 269 255 Funakoshi 91.853673 272 255 Funakoshi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hashi 144.14125 269 253 Hashi 121.19467 269 254 Hashi 89.335964 269 255 Hashi 91.853673 272 255 Hashi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Inokuchi 72.484521 242 253 Inokuchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mukuna 39.500802 241 253 Mukuna 72.484521 242 253 Mukuna 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shimogumi 91.852351 263 253 Shimogumi 98.315461 264 253 Shimogumi 82.589962 263 254 Shimogumi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kitaura 39.500802 241 253 Kitaura 72.484521 242 253 Kitaura 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Sakai 72.484521 242 253 Sakai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Urumi 133.67207 268 253 Urumi 118.2324 268 254 Urumi 91.853673 272 255 Urumi 72.963233 268 256 Urumi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Niburi 133.67207 268 253 Niburi 118.2324 268 254 Niburi 91.853673 272 255 Niburi 72.963233 268 256 Niburi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Noji 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Go-Sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Hama-sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Ryomei 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minamiura 53.506904 242 254 Minamiura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Mitajiri 121.19467 269 254 Mitajiri 89.335964 269 255 Mitajiri 91.853673 272 255 Mitajiri 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Beppu 121.19467 269 254 Beppu 89.335964 269 255 Beppu 91.853673 272 255 Beppu 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Kori 118.2324 268 254 Kori 91.853673 272 255 Kori 72.963233 268 256 Kori 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Saiwaishinden 53.506904 242 254 Saiwaishinden 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Oyama 121.19467 269 254 Oyama 89.335964 269 255 Oyama 91.853673 272 255 Oyama 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Seto 53.506904 242 254 Seto 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Niregi 82.589962 263 254 Niregi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kuratani 121.19467 269 254 Kuratani 89.335964 269 255 Kuratani 91.853673 272 255 Kuratani 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Usuge 118.2324 268 254 Usuge 91.853673 272 255 Usuge 72.963233 268 256 Usuge 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hama 82.589962 263 254 Hama 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yosokuni 53.506904 242 254 Yosokuni 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuranotani 121.19467 269 254 Kuranotani 89.335964 269 255 Kuranotani 91.853673 272 255 Kuranotani 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Wadacho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuwaki 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Miyakubo 53.506904 242 254 Miyakubo 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Uga 121.19467 269 254 Uga 89.335964 269 255 Uga 91.853673 272 255 Uga 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Tomoura 53.506904 242 254 Tomoura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Fukui 121.19467 269 254 Fukui 89.335964 269 255 Fukui 91.853673 272 255 Fukui 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Aoya 118.2324 268 254 Aoya 91.853673 272 255 Aoya 72.963233 268 256 Aoya 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hinozu 121.19467 269 254 Hinozu 89.335964 269 255 Hinozu 91.853673 272 255 Hinozu 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Sunamicho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kone 53.506904 242 254 Kone 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Saki 118.2324 268 254 Saki 91.853673 272 255 Saki 72.963233 268 256 Saki 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Setoda 53.506904 242 254 Setoda 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minami 121.19467 269 254 Minami 89.335964 269 255 Minami 91.853673 272 255 Minami 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Tako 82.589962 263 254 Tako 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Oi 118.2324 268 254 Oi 91.853673 272 255 Oi 72.963233 268 256 Oi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Kitabun 121.19467 269 254 Kitabun 89.335964 269 255 Kitabun 91.853673 272 255 Kitabun 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Nonami 58.761116 263 255 Nonami 57.606975 264 256 Nonami 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Utsuka 89.335964 269 255 Utsuka 91.853673 272 255 Utsuka 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Chichii 89.335964 269 255 Chichii 91.853673 272 255 Chichii 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hobomi 89.335964 269 255 Hobomi 91.853673 272 255 Hobomi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Toyota 89.335964 269 255 Toyota 91.853673 272 255 Toyota 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Nota 89.335964 269 255 Nota 91.853673 272 255 Nota 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Chikumi 58.761116 263 255 Chikumi 57.606975 264 256 Chikumi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Mambara 58.761116 263 255 Mambara 57.606975 264 256 Mambara 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Nagaoda 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Katae 57.606975 264 256 Katae 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yui 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Fukura 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Moriyama 57.606975 264 256 Moriyama 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Nagu 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Wataricho 57.606975 264 256 Wataricho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tonoecho 57.606975 264 256 Tonoecho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Otsugu 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Watari 57.606975 264 256 Watari 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Shichirui 57.606975 264 256 Shichirui 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Shiro 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Kumi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Naguchi 64.009701 272 257 Naguchi 112.79156 275 258 Naguchi 68.997896 275 259 Naguchi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Minamigata 64.009701 272 257 Minamigata 112.79156 275 258 Minamigata 68.997896 275 259 Minamigata 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamisato 17.898566 271 257 Kamisato 64.009701 272 257 Kamisato 112.79156 275 258 Kamisato 68.997896 275 259 Kamisato 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Mukoyama 17.898566 271 257 Mukoyama 64.009701 272 257 Mukoyama 112.79156 275 258 Mukoyama 68.997896 275 259 Mukoyama 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Tsudo 74.580521 270 257 Tsudo 64.009701 272 257 Tsudo 145.65687 270 260 Tsudo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Takenouchicho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Sakai-Minato 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Fukuura 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yoshizu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Koii 64.009701 272 257 Koii 112.79156 275 258 Koii 68.997896 275 259 Koii 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kori 64.009701 272 257 Kori 112.79156 275 258 Kori 68.997896 275 259 Kori 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 O-Shinozucho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kitagata 64.009701 272 257 Kitagata 112.79156 275 258 Kitagata 68.997896 275 259 Kitagata 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Yamad 64.009701 272 257 Yamad 112.79156 275 258 Yamad 68.997896 275 259 Yamad 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kumozu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Utagi 17.898566 271 257 Utagi 64.009701 272 257 Utagi 112.79156 275 258 Utagi 68.997896 275 259 Utagi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Igo 64.009701 272 257 Igo 112.79156 275 258 Igo 68.997896 275 259 Igo 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamiguchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kamo 74.580521 270 257 Kamo 64.009701 272 257 Kamo 145.65687 270 260 Kamo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kambi 74.580521 270 257 Kambi 64.009701 272 257 Kambi 145.65687 270 260 Kambi 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Higuchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Goto 16.831275 262 260 Goto 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nishimura 64.009701 272 257 Nishimura 112.79156 275 258 Nishimura 68.997896 275 259 Nishimura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Harada 96.292275 271 258 Harada 63.004105 272 258 Harada 112.79156 275 258 Harada 68.997896 275 259 Harada 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamidani 61.276459 264 258 Kamidani 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Mihonoseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonoseki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Ikeda 96.292275 271 258 Ikeda 63.004105 272 258 Ikeda 112.79156 275 258 Ikeda 68.997896 275 259 Ikeda 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Nakamura 63.004105 272 258 Nakamura 112.79156 275 258 Nakamura 68.997896 275 259 Nakamura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Nishida 96.292275 271 258 Nishida 63.004105 272 258 Nishida 112.79156 275 258 Nishida 68.997896 275 259 Nishida 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Mihonseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonseki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Minoura 99.890666 270 258 Minoura 145.65687 270 260 Minoura 160.1488 271 261 Minoura 166.99124 270 262 166.99124 270 262 Abe 16.831275 262 260 Abe 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Gonya 63.004105 272 258 Gonya 112.79156 275 258 Gonya 68.997896 275 259 Gonya 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Misaki 99.890666 270 258 Misaki 145.65687 270 260 Misaki 160.1488 271 261 Misaki 166.99124 270 262 166.99124 270 262 Araki 96.292275 271 258 Araki 63.004105 272 258 Araki 112.79156 275 258 Araki 68.997896 275 259 Araki 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Yonago 16.831275 262 260 Yonago 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Takei 96.292275 271 258 Takei 63.004105 272 258 Takei 112.79156 275 258 Takei 68.997896 275 259 Takei 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Sei 96.292275 271 258 Sei 63.004105 272 258 Sei 112.79156 275 258 Sei 68.997896 275 259 Sei 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Iibi 63.004105 272 258 Iibi 112.79156 275 258 Iibi 68.997896 275 259 Iibi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Togo 96.292275 271 258 Togo 63.004105 272 258 Togo 112.79156 275 258 Togo 68.997896 275 259 Togo 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Iida 96.292275 271 258 Iida 63.004105 272 258 Iida 112.79156 275 258 Iida 68.997896 275 259 Iida 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Higashi-Fukuhara 16.831275 262 260 Higashi-Fukuhara 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Uzuki 63.004105 272 258 Uzuki 112.79156 275 258 Uzuki 68.997896 275 259 Uzuki 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kami-fukubara 16.831275 262 260 Kami-fukubara 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kaike-Onsen 16.831275 262 260 Kaike-Onsen 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Saigo 96.292275 271 258 Saigo 63.004105 272 258 Saigo 112.79156 275 258 Saigo 68.997896 275 259 Saigo 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Inugu 123.16414 271 259 Inugu 68.997896 275 259 Inugu 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kama 123.16414 271 259 Kama 68.997896 275 259 Kama 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Oku 123.16414 271 259 Oku 68.997896 275 259 Oku 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kuzumo 16.831275 262 260 Kuzumo 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Soda 16.831275 262 260 Soda 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kaya 16.831275 262 260 Kaya 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kawaoka 16.831275 262 260 Kawaoka 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Odaka 16.831275 262 260 Odaka 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Sueyoshi 16.831275 262 260 Sueyoshi 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Muki 16.831275 262 260 Muki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Yodoe 16.831275 262 260 Yodoe 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nawa 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Kami Daison 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Shitatsubo 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Takahashi 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Nagano 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Uwaichi 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Akasaka 38.59997 263 262 Akasaka 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Uematsu 38.59997 263 262 Uematsu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Hata 38.59997 263 262 Hata 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Notsu 38.59997 263 262 Notsu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Idekami 38.59997 263 262 Idekami 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yawata 38.59997 263 262 Yawata 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Bessho 38.59997 263 262 Bessho 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Akasaki Ko 38.59997 263 262 Akasaki Ko 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Miyaki 39.254898 263 263 Miyaki 37.089394 263 264 Miyaki 44.64503 263 265 Miyaki 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yabase 39.254898 263 263 Yabase 37.089394 263 264 Yabase 44.64503 263 265 Yabase 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Ho 39.254898 263 263 Ho 37.089394 263 264 Ho 44.64503 263 265 Ho 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Urayasu 39.254898 263 263 Urayasu 37.089394 263 264 Urayasu 44.64503 263 265 Urayasu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kogane 39.254898 263 263 Kogane 37.089394 263 264 Kogane 44.64503 263 265 Kogane 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kanaya 37.089394 263 264 Kanaya 44.64503 263 265 Kanaya 45.857399 263 266 Kanaya 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Ichii 23.070462 246 268 23.070462 246 268 Sugishita 37.089394 263 264 Sugishita 44.64503 263 265 Sugishita 45.857399 263 266 Sugishita 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Shimontane 37.089394 263 264 Shimontane 44.64503 263 265 Shimontane 45.857399 263 266 Shimontane 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Otani 37.089394 263 264 Otani 44.64503 263 265 Otani 45.857399 263 266 Otani 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Yura 37.089394 263 264 Yura 44.64503 263 265 Yura 45.857399 263 266 Yura 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Maragume 23.070462 246 268 23.070462 246 268 Yurajuku 37.089394 263 264 Yurajuku 44.64503 263 265 Yurajuku 45.857399 263 266 Yurajuku 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Yurashuku 37.089394 263 264 Yurashuku 44.64503 263 265 Yurashuku 45.857399 263 266 Yurashuku 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Nishisono 37.089394 263 264 Nishisono 44.64503 263 265 Nishisono 45.857399 263 266 Nishisono 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Seto 44.64503 263 265 Seto 45.857399 263 266 Seto 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kitano 44.64503 263 265 Kitano 45.857399 263 266 Kitano 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Yonesato 44.64503 263 265 Yonesato 45.857399 263 266 Yonesato 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Simotui 23.070462 246 268 Simotui 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Yumihara 44.64503 263 265 Yumihara 45.857399 263 266 Yumihara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Ajino 23.070462 246 268 Ajino 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Utazu 23.070462 246 268 Utazu 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Ekita 44.64503 263 265 Ekita 45.857399 263 266 Ekita 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Koda 45.857399 263 266 Koda 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Shinden 45.857399 263 266 Shinden 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kaita 45.857399 263 266 Kaita 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Nagase 45.857399 263 266 Nagase 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Sakaide 23.070462 246 268 Sakaide 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Tajiri 45.857399 263 266 Tajiri 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Egita 45.857399 263 266 Egita 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kodota 45.857399 263 266 Kodota 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Shimo Asozu 45.857399 263 266 Shimo Asozu 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kami Asozu 45.857399 263 266 Kami Asozu 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Hashizu 45.857399 263 266 Hashizu 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Oyabu 23.070462 246 268 Oyabu 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Matsuzaki 44.868822 263 267 Matsuzaki 69.882882 264 267 Matsuzaki 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Hara 44.868822 263 267 Hara 69.882882 264 267 Hara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Urushihara 44.868822 263 267 Urushihara 69.882882 264 267 Urushihara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Uno 23.070462 246 268 Uno 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Tomari 44.868822 263 267 Tomari 69.882882 264 267 Tomari 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Tamano 23.070462 246 268 Tamano 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Narutake 44.868822 263 267 Narutake 69.882882 264 267 Narutake 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Yuturiha 23.070462 246 268 Yuturiha 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Yoshikawa 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Okuzaki 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/CalcInputDeck.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin/coastalImpact -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/ > /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/outCostalImpact.txt SELECT id, SHAPE_LENG,AsText(Geometry) FROM shoreline WHERE MBRContains(BuildMBR(116.0,18.0,134.0,40.5), geometry) 100 / 292 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/mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/ (289, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Erdaogou 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Binhaicun 19.666559 309 24 Binhaicun 19.610813 310 24 19.610813 310 24 Tangjiahe 19.666559 309 24 Tangjiahe 19.610813 310 24 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 19.610813 310 24 Lijiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 23.439165 311 24 Zhaojiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Liuhongbo 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Xujiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 2.2402331 315 27 Pehtang 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 Heiyanzi 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 8.895146 315 31 Beipu 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 9.3410776 314 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 8.1249051 315 36 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 6.5440418 316 41 Yang-chiao 6.7658682 289 45 6.7658682 289 45 Yancangcheng 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Hsing-chuang 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Haitou 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Shiqiao 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Hsia-k'ou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Jiuliqi 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Che-wang 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 Tuanlin 13.48162 322 49 Tuanlin 2.4748921 324 50 2.4748921 324 50 Fenshui 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 2.4748921 324 50 2.4748921 324 50 Andongwei 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 2.4748921 324 50 Xugou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Lanshantou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Taolekow 4.2500724 257 51 4.2500724 257 51 Liujiazhai 7.0120592 258 52 7.0120592 258 52 Dongxi Liandao 3.7698366 249 50 Dongxi Liandao 2.4063058 251 50 Dongxi Liandao 3.3571967 250 53 Dongxi Liandao 2.0769093 249 54 2.0769093 249 54 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Shijiusuo 7.0120592 258 52 7.0120592 258 52 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 Ch'ien-ma-fang 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 Shanhaiguan 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Yanweigang 3.7995859 249 55 Yanweigang 2.1817413 247 57 2.1817413 247 57 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 Nanhai 9.4273718 328 55 9.4273718 328 55 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 5.8558936 263 55 5.8558936 263 55 Hutouya 2.0267187 287 55 2.0267187 287 55 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Xiahecheng 10.073142 263 56 10.073142 263 56 Zhangjialou 7.463872 265 59 7.463872 265 59 Dayuan 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Hongshiya 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Lingshanwei 6.2537308 267 61 Lingshanwei 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Hsin-chuang 9.3603672 292 61 Hsin-chuang 12.014129 293 61 Hsin-chuang 12.997511 294 61 12.997511 294 61 Houwan 6.7995416 268 62 Houwan 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Yantaiqian 6.2537308 267 61 Yantaiqian 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Xianlang 6.7995416 268 62 Xianlang 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Qimudao 12.014129 293 61 Qimudao 12.997511 294 61 Qimudao 14.473726 295 61 Qimudao 16.196943 296 61 Qimudao 16.596236 297 61 16.596236 297 61 Liuduo 3.6349543 242 65 3.6349543 242 65 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 Huangshanguan 11.083768 293 62 Huangshanguan 11.868902 294 62 Huangshanguan 13.992018 295 62 13.992018 295 62 Ta-yu-chien 4.1783146 246 62 4.1783146 246 62 Beizhuang 18.338013 267 62 Beizhuang 6.7995416 268 62 Beizhuang 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 2.0228224 272 63 Ch'ing-tao 8.8871129 273 63 Ch'ing-tao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Sifang 6.4712836 271 63 Sifang 2.0228224 272 63 Sifang 8.8871129 273 63 Sifang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Chengyang 2.0228224 272 63 Chengyang 8.8871129 273 63 Chengyang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 Beima 9.4647169 294 63 Beima 17.022284 295 63 Beima 15.492343 296 63 15.492343 296 63 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 9.4647169 294 63 Longkou 17.022284 295 63 Longkou 15.492343 296 63 15.492343 296 63 Qingdao 6.4712836 271 63 Qingdao 2.0228224 272 63 Qingdao 8.8871129 273 63 Qingdao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Fushansuo 11.126148 269 64 Fushansuo 2.5193449 272 64 Fushansuo 4.427021 272 65 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Huangshagang 12.410759 238 67 Huangshagang 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Shuangyangzha 14.317102 239 66 Shuangyangzha 3.3140068 240 66 3.3140068 240 66 Ts'ang-k'ou 24.269815 270 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 19.271288 271 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 2.5193449 272 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 4.427021 272 65 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 19.271288 271 64 Hsien-chia-chai 2.5193449 272 64 Hsien-chia-chai 4.427021 272 65 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 T'ang-sheng-chiang 12.410759 238 67 T'ang-sheng-chiang 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Dongxiaohai 14.317102 239 66 Dongxiaohai 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Xinyanggang 7.5299407 236 68 Xinyanggang 2.0820892 234 69 2.0820892 234 69 Shazikou 20.069832 269 66 Shazikou 21.232042 269 67 Shazikou 26.667751 269 68 Shazikou 29.557382 269 69 Shazikou 27.534442 269 70 27.534442 269 70 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 32.329881 335 69 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 Niejia 15.08473 298 67 15.08473 298 67 Wanggezhuang 22.958528 272 71 Wanggezhuang 6.6305521 273 71 Wanggezhuang 7.8042088 274 71 Wanggezhuang 2.1714545 275 71 Wanggezhuang 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 Beigou 15.08473 298 67 15.08473 298 67 Aoshanwei 6.6305521 273 71 Aoshanwei 7.8042088 274 71 Aoshanwei 2.1714545 275 71 Aoshanwei 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Chiu-hsiang-chen 25.4412 184 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 10.773334 298 69 Dengzhou 6.0252144 297 70 Dengzhou 10.207871 298 70 Dengzhou 9.6202231 299 70 Dengzhou 11.497985 297 72 11.497985 297 72 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 10.773334 298 69 Penglai 6.0252144 297 70 Penglai 10.207871 298 70 Penglai 9.6202231 299 70 Penglai 11.497985 297 72 11.497985 297 72 Chin-chia-k'ou 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Huangwan 25.4412 184 73 Huangwan 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Dongtaihezha 8.3752368 226 73 8.3752368 226 73 Liulishe 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Wangcun 2.1714545 275 71 Wangcun 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Wali 7.8042088 274 71 Wali 2.1714545 275 71 Wali 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Ganpu 25.4412 184 73 Ganpu 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Hsieh-t'ang 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Liu-tsao 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xingcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Haiyan 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Changchuanba 25.4412 184 73 Changchuanba 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Bixishi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Xizhoushi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsin-k'ai-kang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Baizhuzhen 5.4299814 186 75 Baizhuzhen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ta-shan 4.9173076 277 75 Ta-shan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Linshan 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Changqian 5.4299814 186 75 Changqian 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Xitang 4.6144463 187 75 Xitang 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lao-wu-shih 11.875192 206 76 Lao-wu-shih 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Dashan 4.9173076 277 75 Dashan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Da'an 11.875192 206 76 Da'an 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 4.6144463 187 75 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ri'aitang 11.875192 206 76 Ri'aitang 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Laochangbu 11.875192 206 76 Laochangbu 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Chou-hung-ch'iu 2.4716733 184 74 Chou-hung-ch'iu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Cheng-chia-tai 4.6144463 187 75 Cheng-chia-tai 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Heng-pa-ts'un 2.4716733 184 74 Heng-pa-ts'un 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 Dajijia 14.503721 296 76 Dajijia 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 Lo-ho-chen 11.875192 206 76 Lo-ho-chen 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Hsiung-ting-yu 2.4716733 184 74 Hsiung-ting-yu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Zhapu 4.6144463 187 75 Zhapu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lixinzha 11.875192 206 76 Lixinzha 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Zhangjiaxiang 11.875192 206 76 Zhangjiaxiang 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Huangang 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 Xihuzui 47.743442 312 75 Xihuzui 44.199686 313 75 Xihuzui 22.593072 314 75 Xihuzui 32.925733 315 75 32.925733 315 75 Sanhezhen 11.875192 206 76 Sanhezhen 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Niu-ch'iao-shih 4.6144463 187 75 Niu-ch'iao-shih 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsiao-an-chieh 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Wei-chiao 11.875192 206 76 Wei-chiao 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Hu-chia-lu 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 Ku-hsien 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 Tieshan 57.569361 310 75 Tieshan 57.945619 311 75 Tieshan 47.743442 312 75 Tieshan 44.199686 313 75 44.199686 313 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 4.6144463 187 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Chiu-ch'u-chen 11.875192 206 76 Chiu-ch'u-chen 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Dujiaqiao 11.875192 206 76 Dujiaqiao 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Chien-chen 7.6550516 218 76 7.6550516 218 76 Chou-chia-peng 7.4155752 188 76 7.4155752 188 76 Fou-ch'iao 11.875192 206 76 Fou-ch'iao 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Sanli 11.875192 206 76 Sanli 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Hai-men-hsien 11.875192 206 76 Hai-men-hsien 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Fengcheng 3.4258447 278 76 Fengcheng 2.0684823 279 77 2.0684823 279 77 Liujiazhai 11.875192 206 76 Liujiazhai 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Ch'ing-lung-chiang 11.875192 206 76 Ch'ing-lung-chiang 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Qianjing 5.0762899 205 78 Qianjing 16.878731 204 79 Qianjing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 32.548758 321 77 Wang-chia-tun 29.438258 320 78 Wang-chia-tun 31.400401 321 78 Wang-chia-tun 28.336422 322 78 Wang-chia-tun 32.415091 323 78 Wang-chia-tun 28.796951 324 78 Wang-chia-tun 5.1811351 322 79 Wang-chia-tun 23.133033 324 79 Wang-chia-tun 13.338671 324 80 Wang-chia-tun 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 Lushun 3.0519991 314 77 Lushun 10.211338 314 78 10.211338 314 78 Liuhe 16.878731 204 79 Liuhe 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Tiaobanqiao 5.0762899 205 78 Tiaobanqiao 16.878731 204 79 Tiaobanqiao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Xincun 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Caopeng 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Fu-hsin-tsao 15.928197 213 81 Fu-hsin-tsao 21.075985 214 81 21.075985 214 81 Ch'ang-sha 5.9733643 218 77 5.9733643 218 77 Nankan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Dong'anzhen 15.928197 213 81 Dong'anzhen 21.075985 214 81 Dong'anzhen 5.1456271 215 81 Dong'anzhen 11.95893 216 81 11.95893 216 81 Jinshanwei 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Chenxing 16.878731 204 79 Chenxing 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Wan'an 5.0762899 205 78 Wan'an 16.878731 204 79 Wan'an 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Haiyanzhen 15.928197 213 81 Haiyanzhen 21.075985 214 81 21.075985 214 81 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 Chu-chi 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.336422 322 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 32.415091 323 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.796951 324 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 5.1811351 322 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.133033 324 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 13.338671 324 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 31.400401 321 78 Sanguanmiao 28.336422 322 78 Sanguanmiao 32.415091 323 78 Sanguanmiao 28.796951 324 78 Sanguanmiao 5.1811351 322 79 Sanguanmiao 23.133033 324 79 Sanguanmiao 13.338671 324 80 Sanguanmiao 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-shan-tsui 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Shanyang 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 5.0762899 205 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 16.878731 204 79 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Meng-chiang-miao 5.0762899 205 78 Meng-chiang-miao 16.878731 204 79 Meng-chiang-miao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Hongxing 5.0762899 205 78 Hongxing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Beikan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 Yantai 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Ducun 16.878731 204 79 Ducun 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 Zhifuzhen 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 11.129701 316 79 Xinzhaizi 12.273618 317 79 Xinzhaizi 5.1844298 316 82 5.1844298 316 82 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 5.1811351 322 79 5.1811351 322 79 Chongming 16.878731 204 79 Chongming 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 55.605209 310 79 Caojing 12.151612 189 79 12.151612 189 79 Changzheng 16.878731 204 79 Changzheng 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 Cheefoo 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 11.129701 316 79 Yingchengzi 12.273618 317 79 Yingchengzi 5.1844298 316 82 5.1844298 316 82 Huqiao 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 14.466696 203 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 2.1981926 203 81 2.1981926 203 81 Houjiazhen 16.878731 204 79 Houjiazhen 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 Qianqikuang 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Panlong 14.466696 203 80 Panlong 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Che-lin 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Dongdayang 4.907592 202 82 4.907592 202 82 Baoshan 14.466696 203 80 Baoshan 2.1981926 203 81 2.1981926 203 81 Dongfeng 14.466696 203 80 Dongfeng 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Donggangcun 15.928197 213 81 Donggangcun 9.5464842 212 83 Donggangcun 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Qiganshi 4.7120089 280 80 Qiganshi 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 Donggang 7.8201171 324 81 Donggang 13.620834 328 84 13.620834 328 84 Xinmin 14.466696 203 80 Xinmin 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 4.7120089 280 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 39.563689 311 80 39.563689 311 80 Cao'antou 4.907592 202 82 4.907592 202 82 Hsin-k'ai-ho 2.1981926 203 81 2.1981926 203 81 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 Mashanshangzhai 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Changjiang 2.1981926 203 81 2.1981926 203 81 Xining 15.928197 213 81 Xining 9.5464842 212 83 Xining 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 10.655565 317 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Ch'ien-chia-ch'iao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Beishenjiazhai 4.907592 202 82 4.907592 202 82 Youcheqiao 4.907592 202 82 Youcheqiao 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 14.940887 328 83 Ma-chia-tun 13.620834 328 84 Ma-chia-tun 4.2163928 329 86 4.2163928 329 86 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Lusi 16.539531 212 82 Lusi 9.5464842 212 83 Lusi 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Su-chia 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Muping 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Qianjin 4.907592 202 82 Qianjin 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Hai-yang-so 8.0972223 280 82 Hai-yang-so 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Nanbu 4.907592 202 82 Nanbu 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Yangyuan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gaodong 4.907592 202 82 4.907592 202 82 Nanhong 14.615235 279 82 Nanhong 8.0972223 280 82 Nanhong 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 52.1369 311 82 Panshi 4.907592 202 82 Panshi 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Baishatan 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Gulu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gangyan 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 56.880607 311 83 Gongjiazhen 9.5464842 212 83 Gongjiazhen 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 18.318481 319 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 38.89369 318 84 Gongjialu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Dongxing 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hexing 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Lao-yu-tang 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Hsiang-hua 4.4113937 201 84 Hsiang-hua 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dong'an 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Cailu 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Bailonggang 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Qianwei 4.4113937 201 84 Qianwei 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 14.744342 292 84 Ping'an 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Yuansha 4.4113937 201 84 Yuansha 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsing-i-ts'un 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Ch'en-chia 10.775334 200 85 Ch'en-chia 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Fumin 10.775334 200 85 Fumin 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Tanglugang 5.3834567 210 87 5.3834567 210 87 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 14.570182 292 85 Fengle 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Niupeng 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Langnuankou 6.1199551 281 85 Langnuankou 3.1296165 283 88 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 4.9587606 282 87 Xiaoguan 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Xilangnuan 4.9587606 282 87 Xilangnuan 3.1296165 283 88 Xilangnuan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 4.3923145 329 87 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 16.98741 292 87 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 2.1625192 331 88 Wuleidao 9.0202245 281 88 Wuleidao 6.1302265 282 88 Wuleidao 3.1296165 283 88 Wuleidao 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Guoju 28.771507 177 92 Guoju 10.816907 177 93 Guoju 41.640815 178 93 Guoju 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Zeku 5.956488 282 89 Zeku 2.9754361 283 89 Zeku 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 8.4064301 316 91 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Chung-tse 28.771507 177 92 Chung-tse 10.816907 177 93 Chung-tse 41.640815 178 93 Chung-tse 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Dinghai 41.640815 178 93 Dinghai 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 21.521515 293 90 Chiao-t'ou 28.771507 177 92 Chiao-t'ou 10.816907 177 93 Chiao-t'ou 41.640815 178 93 Chiao-t'ou 6.314646 178 94 6.314646 178 94 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Ganlan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 43.369556 333 91 Jinghaiwei 15.213907 280 91 Jinghaiwei 9.4992308 281 91 Jinghaiwei 5.8361838 282 91 Jinghaiwei 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Da'ao 28.771507 177 92 Da'ao 10.816907 177 93 Da'ao 41.640815 178 93 Da'ao 6.314646 178 94 6.314646 178 94 Huangshan 5.8361838 282 91 Huangshan 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Luomen 41.640815 178 93 Luomen 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Jen-ho-chi 12.273248 281 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.5358904 282 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.8003059 282 93 Jen-ho-chi 23.623298 281 96 Jen-ho-chi 16.853075 282 96 16.853075 282 96 Ta-chan 41.640815 178 93 Ta-chan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 P'u-t'o 10.816907 177 93 P'u-t'o 41.640815 178 93 P'u-t'o 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Qiandao 15.566538 281 93 Qiandao 7.8003059 282 93 Qiandao 23.623298 281 96 Qiandao 16.853075 282 96 Qiandao 22.261497 282 97 Qiandao 10.974932 283 97 10.974932 283 97 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 17.040036 316 93 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Ch'ih-shan-chi 16.853075 282 96 Ch'ih-shan-chi 22.261497 282 97 Ch'ih-shan-chi 10.974932 283 97 Ch'ih-shan-chi 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Shidao 16.14937 281 94 Shidao 18.398227 281 95 Shidao 23.623298 281 96 Shidao 16.853075 282 96 Shidao 22.261497 282 97 Shidao 10.974932 283 97 Shidao 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Laoshantun 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Xizhuang 18.963316 292 95 Xizhuang 10.598257 291 96 Xizhuang 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Ning-ching-so 16.853075 282 96 Ning-ching-so 22.261497 282 97 Ning-ching-so 10.974932 283 97 Ning-ching-so 2.918996 284 98 Ning-ching-so 18.710073 284 99 Ning-ching-so 15.0606 285 99 Ning-ching-so 13.836769 286 99 13.836769 286 99 Dazhuang 18.398227 281 95 Dazhuang 23.623298 281 96 Dazhuang 16.853075 282 96 Dazhuang 22.261497 282 97 Dazhuang 10.974932 283 97 Dazhuang 2.918996 284 98 Dazhuang 18.710073 284 99 Dazhuang 15.0606 285 99 15.0606 285 99 Jiurongcheng 10.598257 291 96 Jiurongcheng 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 8.7644452 321 99 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Wolongcun 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 6.7260334 319 99 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 10.749466 322 104 Wangjia 7.5158755 323 104 Wangjia 4.1820704 323 105 4.1820704 323 105 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 43.471441 326 113 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 22.551549 327 116 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 22.551549 327 116 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 Dadong 2.0012454 326 122 Dadong 2.6932739 326 124 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 2.0039199 326 121 Chogumsa 2.0012454 326 122 Chogumsa 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 Anmin 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 2.9019132 327 125 Genjo 2.3245131 327 126 2.3245131 327 126 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 5.3139678 322 128 Yongsapo 8.7710941 323 128 Yongsapo 7.2149272 322 129 Yongsapo 8.247528 323 129 Yongsapo 15.644561 325 129 Yongsapo 3.9270985 321 130 Yongsapo 6.6077831 321 131 Yongsapo 8.1506313 322 131 Yongsapo 5.481458 323 131 Yongsapo 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Chandae-dong 67.952825 297 128 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 48.92898 298 129 Chandae-dong 38.636737 299 129 Chandae-dong 38.107732 300 129 Chandae-dong 56.892045 301 129 Chandae-dong 34.749838 300 130 Chandae-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Chandae-dong 16.283558 297 131 Chandae-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Chandae-dong 33.314541 297 132 Chandae-dong 24.830385 298 132 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 63.31624 295 129 Kaju-dong 64.222239 296 129 Kaju-dong 63.668785 297 129 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 4.7590613 297 130 Kaju-dong 16.283558 297 131 Kaju-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Kaju-dong 18.567548 296 132 Kaju-dong 33.314541 297 132 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 38.107732 300 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 34.749838 300 130 Ch'angam-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Ch'angam-dong 16.949776 302 130 Ch'angam-dong 44.911389 303 130 Ch'angam-dong 23.864916 301 131 Ch'angam-dong 16.008163 302 131 Ch'angam-dong 19.200451 303 131 Ch'angam-dong 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 20.322722 300 133 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 15.644561 325 129 Changya-dong 5.481458 323 131 Changya-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 68.086418 308 131 Arang-dong 41.10869 309 131 Arang-dong 40.371133 310 131 Arang-dong 20.041426 309 132 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Arang-dong 17.458806 309 133 Arang-dong 22.606289 310 133 Arang-dong 14.042692 307 134 Arang-dong 17.803123 308 134 Arang-dong 13.296947 309 134 Arang-dong 8.2722777 310 134 8.2722777 310 134 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 21.953468 305 131 Sogon-ni 2.8138241 306 131 Sogon-ni 22.711163 307 131 Sogon-ni 20.233065 304 132 Sogon-ni 22.175476 305 132 Sogon-ni 16.438775 306 132 Sogon-ni 6.7326396 307 132 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 4.1624577 307 133 Sogon-ni 14.042692 307 134 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 8.6037931 324 131 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 16.008163 302 131 Monggumpo-ri 19.200451 303 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.579912 304 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.370203 300 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.322722 300 133 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 Monggumpo-ri 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 2.9718768 304 133 Ch'am-ch'on 4.9813939 305 133 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 6.7326396 307 132 Sagi-ri 8.0695346 308 132 Sagi-ri 4.1624577 307 133 Sagi-ri 8.4014419 308 133 Sagi-ri 14.042692 307 134 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Chosa-dong 17.458806 309 133 Chosa-dong 22.606289 310 133 Chosa-dong 14.042692 307 134 Chosa-dong 17.803123 308 134 Chosa-dong 13.296947 309 134 Chosa-dong 8.2722777 310 134 Chosa-dong 6.3796517 311 134 Chosa-dong 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 7.8538984 311 135 Chosa-dong 16.57922 310 136 Chosa-dong 7.6957089 310 137 Chosa-dong 13.50636 311 137 13.50636 311 137 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 9.4330686 324 133 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 4.1624577 307 133 Pungchon 8.4014419 308 133 Pungchon 14.042692 307 134 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 Hyu-dong 17.890888 297 136 Hyu-dong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Hang-ni 96.623511 239 134 96.623511 239 134 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 13.296947 309 134 An-ch'on 8.2722777 310 134 An-ch'on 2.5881107 307 135 An-ch'on 16.57922 310 136 An-ch'on 7.6957089 310 137 An-ch'on 7.5753806 310 138 7.5753806 310 138 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 Choyang-ni 10.859643 322 136 Choyang-ni 8.0548766 322 137 Choyang-ni 18.259714 323 137 Choyang-ni 5.7636397 322 138 Choyang-ni 28.075365 322 139 28.075365 322 139 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 Sondup'yong 17.890888 297 136 Sondup'yong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 17.890888 297 136 Sogang-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 3.9592761 296 138 Sogang-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 3.9592761 296 138 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 7.624715 295 139 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 15.802247 295 141 Changdae 19.267599 295 142 19.267599 295 142 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 5.7636397 322 138 Changp'o 28.075365 322 139 Changp'o 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 22.069283 319 140 Yung-ni 18.837876 319 141 18.837876 319 141 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 21.891651 316 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 11.13778 318 140 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 8.9062797 297 146 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 15.178247 295 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Chehang-ni 44.279905 247 146 Chehang-ni 41.831123 249 146 Chehang-ni 28.084955 251 146 Chehang-ni 33.873111 247 147 Chehang-ni 17.419895 249 147 Chehang-ni 26.495829 250 147 Chehang-ni 29.4564 251 147 Chehang-ni 18.049495 249 148 Chehang-ni 28.577934 250 148 Chehang-ni 19.363829 251 148 Chehang-ni 22.172104 249 149 22.172104 249 149 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 2.4021282 296 150 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Chibuk 40.201486 248 147 Chibuk 17.419895 249 147 Chibuk 26.495829 250 147 Chibuk 29.4564 251 147 Chibuk 21.956516 252 147 Chibuk 28.577934 250 148 Chibuk 19.363829 251 148 Chibuk 3.0825982 252 148 Chibuk 12.796815 252 149 Chibuk 11.590677 251 150 Chibuk 2.0501242 252 151 2.0501242 252 151 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 2.4021282 296 150 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 9.6271908 284 147 Etsuu 27.647417 285 147 Etsuu 13.93856 286 147 Etsuu 28.085299 287 147 Etsuu 14.286725 288 147 Etsuu 42.246294 288 148 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Hwangdo 52.68561 271 147 Hwangdo 52.015145 272 147 Hwangdo 57.406962 273 147 Hwangdo 40.254339 274 147 Hwangdo 61.071724 275 147 Hwangdo 41.48292 275 148 Hwangdo 46.001713 275 149 Hwangdo 30.769436 275 150 Hwangdo 26.023157 275 151 26.023157 275 151 Doko-ri 18.049495 249 148 Doko-ri 28.577934 250 148 Doko-ri 19.363829 251 148 Doko-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Doko-ri 21.03612 253 148 Doko-ri 12.796815 252 149 Doko-ri 21.810351 253 149 Doko-ri 11.590677 251 150 Doko-ri 2.0501242 252 151 Doko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Doko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ant'ae 30.989565 246 148 Ant'ae 26.922179 247 148 Ant'ae 28.351649 248 148 Ant'ae 18.049495 249 148 Ant'ae 28.577934 250 148 Ant'ae 35.13929 248 149 Ant'ae 22.172104 249 149 Ant'ae 23.360578 247 150 Ant'ae 12.91663 248 150 Ant'ae 12.487411 247 151 Ant'ae 29.732133 247 152 Ant'ae 6.734872 248 152 6.734872 248 152 Och'ong 35.99735 269 148 Och'ong 42.348337 270 148 Och'ong 53.312852 271 148 Och'ong 52.760284 272 148 Och'ong 52.172978 273 148 Och'ong 49.575677 272 149 Och'ong 59.378444 273 149 Och'ong 33.280567 272 150 Och'ong 38.956148 273 150 Och'ong 26.781251 272 151 Och'ong 24.548753 271 152 Och'ong 23.725931 272 152 Och'ong 35.515611 273 152 35.515611 273 152 Bunkai-ri 19.363829 251 148 Bunkai-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Bunkai-ri 21.03612 253 148 Bunkai-ri 18.363187 254 148 Bunkai-ri 12.048456 255 148 Bunkai-ri 16.851478 255 149 Bunkai-ri 21.320522 254 150 Bunkai-ri 10.563465 255 150 Bunkai-ri 6.7307922 254 151 Bunkai-ri 4.85565 255 151 Bunkai-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Ach'on 22.172104 249 149 Ach'on 12.796815 252 149 Ach'on 21.810351 253 149 Ach'on 11.590677 251 150 Ach'on 2.0501242 252 151 Ach'on 4.1033031 250 152 Ach'on 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Sep'o 26.95932 245 150 Sep'o 14.005564 246 150 Sep'o 23.360578 247 150 Sep'o 12.91663 248 150 Sep'o 12.487411 247 151 Sep'o 29.732133 247 152 Sep'o 6.734872 248 152 Sep'o 15.413641 248 153 15.413641 248 153 Ikkum-ni 11.590677 251 150 Ikkum-ni 21.320522 254 150 Ikkum-ni 10.563465 255 150 Ikkum-ni 6.7307922 254 151 Ikkum-ni 4.85565 255 151 Ikkum-ni 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Changgo 10.200227 252 150 Changgo 21.320522 254 150 Changgo 10.563465 255 150 Changgo 23.586617 256 150 Changgo 4.85565 255 151 Changgo 8.6752272 253 152 Changgo 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chogun-mal 12.795995 257 150 Chogun-mal 14.982607 258 150 Chogun-mal 16.037022 259 150 Chogun-mal 14.111078 257 151 Chogun-mal 7.5382908 258 151 Chogun-mal 13.58434 259 151 Chogun-mal 12.540473 257 154 Chogun-mal 2.0395579 258 154 Chogun-mal 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Tengan-ri 6.7307922 254 151 Tengan-ri 4.85565 255 151 Tengan-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Oejongsan 24.294911 278 151 Oejongsan 22.350351 279 151 Oejongsan 30.865036 280 151 Oejongsan 35.76981 281 151 Oejongsan 45.829966 282 151 Oejongsan 23.722503 282 152 Oejongsan 11.15504 278 153 Oejongsan 6.7631004 279 153 Oejongsan 8.7245816 278 154 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 Anmal 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Joman-ri 10.549371 243 151 Joman-ri 46.638262 245 151 Joman-ri 32.156669 246 151 Joman-ri 12.487411 247 151 Joman-ri 29.732133 247 152 29.732133 247 152 Soko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Soko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 Soko-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.5759047 296 153 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Songnyong-ni 7.283544 257 152 Songnyong-ni 7.7479813 258 152 Songnyong-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Jindo 29.732133 247 152 Jindo 6.734872 248 152 Jindo 15.413641 248 153 Jindo 8.4904397 249 154 Jindo 8.4344916 248 155 Jindo 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.5759047 296 153 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Aenang-ni 29.732133 247 152 Aenang-ni 6.734872 248 152 Aenang-ni 15.413641 248 153 Aenang-ni 2.6564384 250 153 Aenang-ni 10.501459 251 153 Aenang-ni 14.054734 251 154 Aenang-ni 8.4344916 248 155 Aenang-ni 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Dongmun 13.622337 279 152 Dongmun 2.7457444 280 152 Dongmun 23.722503 282 152 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.7631004 279 153 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Oe-dong 23.722503 282 152 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 25.057613 285 153 Oe-dong 20.370363 285 154 Oe-dong 26.844518 285 155 Oe-dong 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Hwadong-ni 6.734872 248 152 Hwadong-ni 15.413641 248 153 Hwadong-ni 2.6564384 250 153 Hwadong-ni 10.501459 251 153 Hwadong-ni 14.054734 251 154 Hwadong-ni 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Ch'al-tong 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'al-tong 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 18.722716 290 153 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 24.938064 289 156 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 15.512703 277 153 Sinsong 11.15504 278 153 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 Pususan-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Chungjang 18.939911 275 153 Chungjang 19.490962 276 153 Chungjang 15.512703 277 153 Chungjang 11.15504 278 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 Chungjang 13.911663 275 157 Chungjang 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Kan 17.058279 265 154 Kan 19.152435 266 154 Kan 37.328593 267 154 Kan 21.786611 268 154 Kan 25.060669 269 154 Kan 21.624888 268 155 Kan 18.647344 269 155 Kan 9.5269236 266 156 Kan 13.065519 268 156 Kan 15.272654 269 156 Kan 5.8870833 266 157 Kan 9.4156985 269 157 Kan 6.1827551 266 158 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 5.6885666 267 158 Tongmokp 10.937449 277 154 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 10.937449 277 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mogpo 8.4904397 249 154 Mogpo 14.054734 251 154 Mogpo 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 P'i-dong 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 Taeya 2.0395579 258 154 Taeya 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changdong 8.4904397 249 154 Changdong 8.4344916 248 155 Changdong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chisa-ri 8.4904397 249 154 Chisa-ri 14.054734 251 154 Chisa-ri 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 Changch'u-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Onmok 8.2578121 259 155 Onmok 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 4.6834766 260 155 Changho 6.8610422 262 155 Changho 8.7681729 263 155 Changho 8.6657853 264 155 Changho 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 5.961837 263 156 Changho 7.7888463 264 156 Changho 2.0153163 263 157 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.8610422 262 155 Chongam 8.7681729 263 155 Chongam 8.6657853 264 155 Chongam 13.708281 265 155 Chongam 15.999725 266 155 Chongam 10.168835 265 156 Chongam 9.5269236 266 156 Chongam 5.8870833 266 157 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Weolam-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Bosei-ri 60.233942 240 155 Bosei-ri 36.131164 242 155 Bosei-ri 25.700363 243 155 Bosei-ri 14.672405 244 155 Bosei-ri 15.114194 244 156 Bosei-ri 6.0558519 244 157 Bosei-ri 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Anjong 14.672405 244 155 Anjong 12.070416 245 155 Anjong 8.4344916 248 155 Anjong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 26.844518 285 155 Chogumjin-ni 10.688657 285 156 Chogumjin-ni 3.2321102 285 157 3.2321102 285 157 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 12.568597 274 157 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Katsuto 31.019528 242 156 Katsuto 17.62441 243 156 Katsuto 15.114194 244 156 Katsuto 9.121278 245 156 Katsuto 9.4869628 246 156 9.4869628 246 156 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 11.650704 286 157 Hasambong 22.332942 287 157 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 Hasambong 16.390027 286 159 Hasambong 4.1419281 285 160 Hasambong 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Chonmak 2.0153163 263 157 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 10.115317 270 157 Aech'an-ni 9.1861162 271 157 Aech'an-ni 20.453098 272 157 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 4.4998898 274 158 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 20.027044 289 159 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 Chonghyon-dong 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Haenggan-ni 40.648667 241 157 Haenggan-ni 30.331149 242 157 Haenggan-ni 25.850023 243 157 Haenggan-ni 6.0558519 244 157 Haenggan-ni 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Changsin 2.0153163 263 157 Changsin 5.8870833 266 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 2.241903 267 159 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Wando 14.709748 243 158 Wando 20.889719 244 158 Wando 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Bira-ri 14.709748 243 158 Bira-ri 20.889719 244 158 Bira-ri 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 2.4882243 268 158 Janghang 10.848643 269 158 Janghang 6.1226123 270 158 Janghang 5.1750682 271 158 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 6.1827551 266 158 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 6.1827551 266 158 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 6.1226123 270 158 Okhu 2.241903 267 159 Okhu 2.5792614 270 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 5.9539673 290 160 Masan-ni 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.5792614 270 159 Gunsan 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 4.1419281 285 160 Chunghung-ni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 4.1419281 285 160 Kooni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 5.9539673 290 160 Wonha-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 5.9539673 290 160 Namyang 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changji-dong 24.06647 244 160 24.06647 244 160 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Chamdu 4.0346637 247 165 4.0346637 247 165 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 4.0346637 247 165 Changjong-ni 13.369013 247 166 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 4.0346637 247 165 Changsu 13.369013 247 166 Changsu 9.261633 248 166 Changsu 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Chinch'ang 4.0346637 247 165 Chinch'ang 13.369013 247 166 Chinch'ang 9.261633 248 166 Chinch'ang 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Aya-ri 13.369013 247 166 Aya-ri 9.261633 248 166 Aya-ri 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Ch'ongam 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Beqlgyo 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Chungwa-ri 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Changdo-ri 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Wonsan 18.792407 318 172 Wonsan 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Tongho-ri 25.508662 324 174 Tongho-ri 14.531539 325 174 14.531539 325 174 Aech'o-ri 7.624059 247 171 7.624059 247 171 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Yongpo-ri 25.508662 324 174 Yongpo-ri 14.531539 325 174 14.531539 325 174 Songhung-ni 23.785546 322 173 Songhung-ni 25.508662 324 174 Songhung-ni 14.531539 325 174 14.531539 325 174 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Sangsin 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Wolp'yong 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Anp'o 4.6308641 252 172 Anp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Pongch'on 18.792407 318 172 Pongch'on 6.6323313 317 173 Pongch'on 13.180096 317 175 13.180096 317 175 Chungbang 10.667542 250 173 Chungbang 4.649772 251 173 Chungbang 4.5239592 250 175 Chungbang 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chakto-dong 14.531539 325 174 14.531539 325 174 Chabong 10.667542 250 173 Chabong 4.5239592 250 175 Chabong 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Ch'angch'on 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 Kuge-ri 13.180096 317 175 13.180096 317 175 Yeosu 4.5239592 250 175 Yeosu 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chukp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Chukp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Hungsang-ni 23.221014 326 175 Hungsang-ni 20.032461 327 176 Hungsang-ni 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Hangch'on 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Yongyon-ni 22.452733 326 176 Yongyon-ni 20.032461 327 176 Yongyon-ni 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Tongch-on 23.537237 316 177 Tongch-on 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Namhae 8.8629034 250 177 Namhae 13.692325 251 177 Namhae 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Kuum-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Hongwon 29.49569 328 179 Hongwon 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Pit'o 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Samcheongpo 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Hadajon-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Yuktae-dong 24.445944 328 180 Yuktae-dong 30.921472 329 180 Yuktae-dong 6.9651835 330 181 6.9651835 330 181 Cholge 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Changjon 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Chabup'o 28.328886 251 183 28.328886 251 183 Gaken-ri 58.289958 313 182 Gaken-ri 27.907402 311 184 Gaken-ri 102.04898 310 186 102.04898 310 186 Honam-ni 46.05045 328 182 Honam-ni 32.450534 329 182 Honam-ni 8.0039205 330 182 8.0039205 330 182 Chop'o 28.328886 251 183 28.328886 251 183 Hongsong 53.537643 312 183 Hongsong 27.907402 311 184 Hongsong 102.04898 310 186 Hongsong 72.685148 308 187 72.685148 308 187 Chamgae 28.328886 251 183 28.328886 251 183 Soho-ri 60.993912 329 184 Soho-ri 23.762415 330 184 23.762415 330 184 Singhang 83.466108 329 185 Singhang 14.066341 330 185 Singhang 12.608055 331 186 12.608055 331 186 Kojin-ni 35.710709 307 187 Kojin-ni 72.685148 308 187 Kojin-ni 101.68137 304 189 101.68137 304 189 Pongho-ri 35.710709 307 187 Pongho-ri 101.68137 304 189 101.68137 304 189 Chindu 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Changch'on 101.68137 304 189 101.68137 304 189 Masan 6.5417645 256 190 6.5417645 256 190 Yangyang 92.656554 302 190 92.656554 302 190 Ungcheon 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chaho 55.981306 331 187 Chaho 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Kuum-ni 43.739011 332 189 Kuum-ni 95.850274 332 190 Kuum-ni 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Jinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chuktori 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Hagwangjong-ni 92.656554 302 190 92.656554 302 190 Jangseunpo 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Jumunjin 88.499872 300 192 Jumunjin 96.754011 299 193 96.754011 299 193 Daiko 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Poktokkumi 77.245503 333 191 Poktokkumi 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Noksan 5.0314923 255 191 5.0314923 255 191 Tanchon 77.678648 334 192 77.678648 334 192 Gangneung 130.72343 298 194 130.72343 298 194 Amnam-dong 36.024781 254 193 Amnam-dong 12.905794 255 193 12.905794 255 193 Kennan-ri 142.14821 297 195 Kennan-ri 94.965767 295 196 Kennan-ri 131.19609 293 198 131.19609 293 198 Busan 10.990972 255 194 Busan 3.8541279 256 194 3.8541279 256 194 Chungch'on 65.011648 335 194 Chungch'on 97.095265 335 195 Chungch'on 52.635641 336 195 Chungch'on 264.15186 335 198 264.15186 335 198 Mugho 94.965767 295 196 Mugho 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Samchok 70.964763 294 197 Samchok 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Haeundae 53.983337 255 196 Haeundae 82.884801 256 198 Haeundae 3.2593723 257 198 Haeundae 8.4793305 259 199 8.4793305 259 199 Samcheog 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Si-dong 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Gijang 38.86107 256 197 Gijang 82.884801 256 198 Gijang 3.2593723 257 198 Gijang 8.4793305 259 199 8.4793305 259 199 Kuma 117.67533 291 199 Kuma 58.479251 287 201 Kuma 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Shitaru 62.526886 250 201 62.526886 250 201 Kechi 83.11249 246 202 83.11249 246 202 Ulsan 31.978345 261 201 Ulsan 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Itose 83.11249 246 202 83.11249 246 202 Nasa 46.585141 258 199 Nasa 8.4793305 259 199 Nasa 78.013329 260 201 Nasa 31.978345 261 201 Nasa 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Haosan 58.479251 287 201 Haosan 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Imweonjin 100.99595 290 200 Imweonjin 58.479251 287 201 Imweonjin 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Heunghae 46.587638 274 201 Heunghae 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Saka 83.11249 246 202 83.11249 246 202 Byeongyeong 31.978345 261 201 Byeongyeong 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Pohang 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 O-funakoshi 83.11249 246 202 83.11249 246 202 Ganggu 46.587638 274 201 46.587638 274 201 Susuna 62.526886 250 201 Susuna 82.579007 247 202 Susuna 70.129791 249 203 Susuna 67.511586 250 203 67.511586 250 203 Ulijin 106.41455 283 202 Ulijin 108.55845 284 202 Ulijin 88.162087 285 202 Ulijin 85.309642 286 202 85.309642 286 202 Pyonggok-tong 77.981283 277 202 Pyonggok-tong 82.191999 278 202 Pyonggok-tong 109.51849 281 203 109.51849 281 203 Yeonghae 93.232853 276 202 Yeonghae 77.981283 277 202 Yeonghae 82.191999 278 202 82.191999 278 202 Chukpyon 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Mangyang-ni 106.41455 283 202 Mangyang-ni 108.55845 284 202 108.55845 284 202 Bangeojin 78.013329 260 201 Bangeojin 31.978345 261 201 Bangeojin 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Segae-dong 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Chugsan-dong 17.033825 275 201 Chugsan-dong 82.191999 278 202 82.191999 278 202 Pyeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Pyeonghae 109.51849 281 203 Pyeonghae 124.48957 282 203 124.48957 282 203 Kin 62.526886 250 201 Kin 83.11249 246 202 Kin 70.129791 249 203 Kin 67.511586 250 203 67.511586 250 203 Furusato 62.526886 250 201 Furusato 82.579007 247 202 Furusato 70.129791 249 203 Furusato 67.511586 250 203 67.511586 250 203 Toyo 155.63812 252 200 Toyo 126.31135 252 201 Toyo 89.563303 252 202 Toyo 70.129791 249 203 Toyo 67.511586 250 203 67.511586 250 203 Chukchon 6.2203324 263 202 Chukchon 55.040343 265 203 Chukchon 48.556703 266 203 Chukchon 43.615757 267 203 43.615757 267 203 Gampo 55.040343 265 203 Gampo 48.556703 266 203 Gampo 43.615757 267 203 Gampo 6.655122 268 203 6.655122 268 203 Taech'on 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Guryongpo 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Keya 17.026297 235 214 17.026297 235 214 Maebaru 17.026297 235 214 17.026297 235 214 Nishinoura 17.026297 235 214 17.026297 235 214 Meihama 17.026297 235 214 Meihama 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Saitosaki 17.026297 235 214 Saitosaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuoka 17.026297 235 214 Fukuoka 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Mitoma 17.026297 235 214 Mitoma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Kashii 7.8483091 234 215 Kashii 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Harumachi 7.8483091 234 215 Harumachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Tsuyazaki 7.8483091 234 215 Tsuyazaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Shingu 7.8483091 234 215 Shingu 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukumamachi 7.8483091 234 215 Fukumamachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuma 7.8483091 234 215 Fukuma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Kanesaki 22.19865 236 216 Kanesaki 13.179578 238 219 13.179578 238 219 Ashiya 13.179578 238 219 Ashiya 6.5656168 239 222 6.5656168 239 222 Namyang-dong 2179.4052 290 220 Namyang-dong 2084.0219 291 220 Namyang-dong 1937.6108 292 220 Namyang-dong 1785.7039 293 220 Namyang-dong 1591.7211 294 220 1591.7211 294 220 Namyang 2075.8262 290 221 Namyang 1897.4515 291 221 Namyang 1304.2365 292 221 Namyang 1666.7511 293 221 Namyang 2103.6251 294 221 2103.6251 294 221 Kita-kyushu 6.5656168 239 222 Kita-kyushu 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Oyama 87.233251 244 221 Oyama 90.89725 246 221 Oyama 106.52849 247 221 Oyama 95.817357 247 222 Oyama 90.645534 247 223 Oyama 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Nari 2075.8262 290 221 Nari 1897.4515 291 221 Nari 1304.2365 292 221 Nari 1666.7511 293 221 Nari 2103.6251 294 221 2103.6251 294 221 Yoshimoura 6.5656168 239 222 Yoshimoura 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Murotsuura 6.5656168 239 222 Murotsuura 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kottoi 43.462609 246 222 Kottoi 76.81795 246 223 Kottoi 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Shimado 43.462609 246 222 Shimado 95.817357 247 222 Shimado 90.645534 247 223 Shimado 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Dodong 2143.7278 290 222 Dodong 1457.4611 291 222 Dodong 28.845367 292 222 Dodong 760.4324 293 222 Dodong 2171.8023 294 222 Dodong 2041.6499 294 225 Dodong 2160.5065 294 226 2160.5065 294 226 Yasuoka 6.5656168 239 222 Yasuoka 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kanda 6.5656168 239 222 Kanda 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kogushi 18.35524 240 223 Kogushi 9.8971847 241 223 Kogushi 2.0350869 240 226 2.0350869 240 226 Agawa 43.462609 246 222 Agawa 95.817357 247 222 Agawa 90.645534 247 223 Agawa 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Shimonoseki 6.5656168 239 222 Shimonoseki 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kawashiri-misaki 43.462609 246 222 Kawashiri-misaki 95.817357 247 222 Kawashiri-misaki 109.05645 248 222 Kawashiri-misaki 105.22953 248 223 Kawashiri-misaki 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Tsunemi 6.5656168 239 222 Tsunemi 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Higashi-fukawa 76.81795 246 223 Higashi-fukawa 90.645534 247 223 Higashi-fukawa 30.646305 246 224 Higashi-fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Yukuhashi 2.8852712 237 225 2.8852712 237 225 Kawajiri 76.81795 246 223 Kawajiri 90.645534 247 223 Kawajiri 105.22953 248 223 Kawajiri 30.646305 246 224 Kawajiri 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Chofu 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Moji 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kagawa 7.6594997 239 226 Kagawa 2.0350869 240 226 2.0350869 240 226 Tateishi 30.646305 246 224 Tateishi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Tabe 7.6594997 239 226 Tabe 2.0350869 240 226 2.0350869 240 226 Habu 7.3599144 238 226 Habu 2.0350869 240 226 2.0350869 240 226 Furuichi 30.646305 246 224 Furuichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kihado 89.562093 247 225 Kihado 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Hommura 103.14207 249 225 Hommura 108.2507 250 225 Hommura 119.19037 251 225 Hommura 125.03673 252 225 Hommura 117.15727 253 225 Hommura 109.73013 252 226 Hommura 91.670215 253 226 Hommura 51.904146 252 227 Hommura 76.023371 251 228 Hommura 65.446379 252 228 Hommura 93.145648 253 229 93.145648 253 229 Fukawa 86.38903 247 226 Fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Senzaki 86.38903 247 226 Senzaki 92.201185 248 226 Senzaki 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Ube 4.8012472 239 227 4.8012472 239 227 Misumi-ichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kayoi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Soto 69.179309 247 228 69.179309 247 228 Sammiura 69.179309 247 228 69.179309 247 228 Hagi 48.941218 247 229 Hagi 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Hommura 48.941218 247 229 Hommura 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Nako 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Kiyo 32.544346 246 230 Kiyo 88.368792 250 231 Kiyo 86.255886 250 232 Kiyo 83.779042 250 233 Kiyo 69.542137 250 234 69.542137 250 234 Uta 20.137293 247 231 Uta 88.368792 250 231 Uta 86.255886 250 232 Uta 83.779042 250 233 Uta 69.542137 250 234 Uta 48.31583 250 235 48.31583 250 235 Susa 55.069102 248 232 Susa 79.552681 249 232 Susa 86.255886 250 232 Susa 92.4939 251 232 Susa 93.443639 252 232 Susa 96.781686 252 233 96.781686 252 233 Esaki 74.069933 249 233 Esaki 83.779042 250 233 Esaki 90.998687 251 233 Esaki 48.31583 250 235 Esaki 55.604755 251 237 55.604755 251 237 Takatsu 26.521006 250 236 Takatsu 98.256777 252 236 Takatsu 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Masuda 26.521006 250 236 Masuda 98.256777 252 236 Masuda 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Tsuda 26.521006 250 236 Tsuda 98.256777 252 236 Tsuda 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Misumi 55.604755 251 237 Misumi 112.80373 253 237 Misumi 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Murotani 62.759955 252 238 Murotani 107.34727 253 238 Murotani 126.28386 254 238 Murotani 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Chiwa 62.759955 252 238 Chiwa 107.34727 253 238 Chiwa 126.28386 254 238 Chiwa 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Hinashi 62.759955 252 238 Hinashi 107.34727 253 238 Hinashi 126.28386 254 238 Hinashi 133.73524 255 238 Hinashi 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Tabase 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Iwami-naganama 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Nagahama 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Hamada 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Kami-Kurokawa 60.64226 253 240 Kami-Kurokawa 115.85467 254 240 Kami-Kurokawa 128.95952 255 240 Kami-Kurokawa 113.63255 255 241 Kami-Kurokawa 95.004958 255 242 Kami-Kurokawa 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shimoko 60.64226 253 240 Shimoko 115.85467 254 240 Shimoko 128.95952 255 240 Shimoko 137.47363 256 240 Shimoko 113.63255 255 241 Shimoko 136.50853 256 241 Shimoko 115.67638 256 242 Shimoko 37.836619 255 243 Shimoko 94.807198 256 243 Shimoko 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Hirao 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Togane 60.64226 253 240 Togane 115.85467 254 240 Togane 128.95952 255 240 Togane 137.47363 256 240 Togane 113.63255 255 241 Togane 136.50853 256 241 Togane 115.67638 256 242 Togane 37.836619 255 243 Togane 94.807198 256 243 Togane 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Okuni 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Murotsu 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Okubo 60.64226 253 240 Okubo 115.85467 254 240 Okubo 128.95952 255 240 Okubo 137.47363 256 240 Okubo 113.63255 255 241 Okubo 136.50853 256 241 Okubo 115.67638 256 242 Okubo 37.836619 255 243 Okubo 94.807198 256 243 Okubo 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Odani 60.64226 253 240 Odani 115.85467 254 240 Odani 128.95952 255 240 Odani 113.63255 255 241 Odani 95.004958 255 242 Odani 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hashi 60.64226 253 240 Hashi 115.85467 254 240 Hashi 128.95952 255 240 Hashi 137.47363 256 240 Hashi 113.63255 255 241 Hashi 136.50853 256 241 Hashi 115.67638 256 242 Hashi 37.836619 255 243 Hashi 94.807198 256 243 Hashi 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Yanai 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Uyagawa 88.151072 254 241 Uyagawa 113.63255 255 241 Uyagawa 136.50853 256 241 Uyagawa 115.67638 256 242 Uyagawa 37.836619 255 243 Uyagawa 94.807198 256 243 Uyagawa 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Shimo-Arifuko 88.151072 254 241 Shimo-Arifuko 113.63255 255 241 Shimo-Arifuko 136.50853 256 241 Shimo-Arifuko 115.67638 256 242 Shimo-Arifuko 37.836619 255 243 Shimo-Arifuko 94.807198 256 243 Shimo-Arifuko 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Nakatsuwara 24.95177 242 244 Nakatsuwara 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Komatsu 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Fuju 6.9491931 239 244 Fuju 24.95177 242 244 Fuju 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Tsunozu 88.151072 254 241 Tsunozu 113.63255 255 241 Tsunozu 136.50853 256 241 Tsunozu 115.67638 256 242 Tsunozu 37.836619 255 243 Tsunozu 94.807198 256 243 Tsunozu 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Aogi 6.9491931 239 244 Aogi 24.95177 242 244 Aogi 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Midoro 24.95177 242 244 Midoro 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Waki 88.151072 254 241 Waki 113.63255 255 241 Waki 136.50853 256 241 Waki 115.67638 256 242 Waki 137.13152 257 242 Waki 126.64215 257 243 Waki 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Obatake 6.9491931 239 244 Obatake 24.95177 242 244 24.95177 242 244 Tsuzu 6.9491931 239 244 Tsuzu 24.95177 242 244 Tsuzu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Tsutsu 6.9491931 239 244 Tsutsu 24.95177 242 244 Tsutsu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Yu 6.9491931 239 244 Yu 24.95177 242 244 24.95177 242 244 Otake 24.95177 242 244 Otake 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Waki 24.95177 242 244 Waki 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Kuba 24.95177 242 244 Kuba 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Gotsu 88.151072 254 241 Gotsu 113.63255 255 241 Gotsu 136.50853 256 241 Gotsu 115.67638 256 242 Gotsu 137.13152 257 242 Gotsu 126.64215 257 243 Gotsu 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Imazu 24.95177 242 244 Imazu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Izui 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Shioya 24.95177 242 244 Shioya 20.488224 243 244 Shioya 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kuka 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Asari 95.004958 255 242 Asari 115.67638 256 242 Asari 137.13152 257 242 Asari 126.64215 257 243 Asari 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Hama 24.95177 242 244 Hama 20.488224 243 244 Hama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Ichimura 95.004958 255 242 Ichimura 115.67638 256 242 Ichimura 137.13152 257 242 Ichimura 126.64215 257 243 Ichimura 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Hataguchi 20.488224 243 244 Hataguchi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Naka-Tsuchi 37.836619 255 243 Naka-Tsuchi 94.807198 256 243 Naka-Tsuchi 126.64215 257 243 Naka-Tsuchi 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Doi 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Morimune 20.488224 243 244 Morimune 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Atada 24.95177 242 244 Atada 20.488224 243 244 Atada 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Jigozen 20.488224 243 244 Jigozen 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Shimonohama 24.95177 242 244 Shimonohama 20.488224 243 244 Shimonohama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Miyajima 24.95177 242 244 Miyajima 20.488224 243 244 Miyajima 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kuromatsu 37.836619 255 243 Kuromatsu 94.807198 256 243 Kuromatsu 126.64215 257 243 Kuromatsu 108.16557 257 244 Kuromatsu 135.47116 258 244 135.47116 258 244 Hatsukaichi 20.488224 243 244 Hatsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hazum-Hongo 37.836619 255 243 Hazum-Hongo 94.807198 256 243 Hazum-Hongo 126.64215 257 243 Hazum-Hongo 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Kohama 37.836619 255 243 Kohama 94.807198 256 243 Kohama 126.64215 257 243 Kohama 108.16557 257 244 Kohama 135.47116 258 244 135.47116 258 244 Ichi 37.836619 255 243 Ichi 94.807198 256 243 Ichi 126.64215 257 243 Ichi 108.16557 257 244 Ichi 135.47116 258 244 135.47116 258 244 Yunotsu 37.836619 255 243 Yunotsu 94.807198 256 243 Yunotsu 126.64215 257 243 Yunotsu 108.16557 257 244 Yunotsu 135.47116 258 244 135.47116 258 244 Nakaji 20.488224 243 244 Nakaji 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Isaki 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Itsukaichi 20.488224 243 244 Itsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kami-Ida 37.836619 255 243 Kami-Ida 94.807198 256 243 Kami-Ida 126.64215 257 243 Kami-Ida 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Nakagumi 76.080611 256 244 Nakagumi 108.16557 257 244 Nakagumi 135.47116 258 244 135.47116 258 244 Mino 24.95177 242 244 Mino 20.488224 243 244 Mino 3.2965007 245 246 Mino 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Omori 76.080611 256 244 Omori 108.16557 257 244 Omori 135.47116 258 244 Omori 127.97669 259 246 Omori 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Korenaga 24.95177 242 244 Korenaga 20.488224 243 244 Korenaga 3.2965007 245 246 Korenaga 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nishita 76.080611 256 244 Nishita 108.16557 257 244 Nishita 135.47116 258 244 135.47116 258 244 Nimamachi 76.080611 256 244 Nimamachi 108.16557 257 244 Nimamachi 135.47116 258 244 Nimamachi 127.97669 259 246 Nimamachi 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Takuno 76.080611 256 244 Takuno 108.16557 257 244 Takuno 135.47116 258 244 Takuno 127.97669 259 246 Takuno 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Nakanohama 24.95177 242 244 Nakanohama 20.488224 243 244 Nakanohama 3.2965007 245 246 Nakanohama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Takunomachi 76.080611 256 244 Takunomachi 108.16557 257 244 Takunomachi 135.47116 258 244 Takunomachi 127.97669 259 246 Takunomachi 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Hata 24.95177 242 244 Hata 20.488224 243 244 Hata 3.2965007 245 246 Hata 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kanokawa 24.95177 242 244 Kanokawa 20.488224 243 244 Kanokawa 3.2965007 245 246 Kanokawa 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hashirajima 6.9491931 239 244 Hashirajima 24.95177 242 244 Hashirajima 2.1518934 242 248 2.1518934 242 248 Ihota 13.537907 241 248 Ihota 48.444654 240 249 Ihota 51.856313 241 249 51.856313 241 249 Osu 28.221174 242 245 Osu 19.425895 243 245 Osu 3.2965007 245 246 Osu 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakago 28.221174 242 245 Nakago 19.425895 243 245 Nakago 3.2965007 245 246 Nakago 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakamachi 28.221174 242 245 Nakamachi 19.425895 243 245 Nakamachi 3.2965007 245 246 Nakamachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiroshima 19.425895 243 245 Hiroshima 3.2965007 245 246 Hiroshima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tsukumo 28.221174 242 245 Tsukumo 19.425895 243 245 Tsukumo 3.2965007 245 246 Tsukumo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Oura 85.859273 257 245 Oura 127.196 258 245 Oura 136.60019 259 245 Oura 127.97669 259 246 Oura 102.98478 259 247 Oura 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Fukae 28.221174 242 245 Fukae 19.425895 243 245 Fukae 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Obara 28.221174 242 245 Obara 19.425895 243 245 Obara 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Oko 28.221174 242 245 Oko 19.425895 243 245 19.425895 243 245 Hira 85.859273 257 245 Hira 127.196 258 245 Hira 136.60019 259 245 Hira 127.97669 259 246 Hira 102.98478 259 247 Hira 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Umesako 28.221174 242 245 Umesako 19.425895 243 245 Umesako 3.2965007 245 246 Umesako 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kakinoura 28.221174 242 245 Kakinoura 19.425895 243 245 Kakinoura 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Yumbe 85.859273 257 245 Yumbe 127.196 258 245 Yumbe 136.60019 259 245 Yumbe 127.97669 259 246 Yumbe 102.98478 259 247 Yumbe 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Hitonose 28.221174 242 245 Hitonose 19.425895 243 245 Hitonose 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Torii 85.859273 257 245 Torii 127.196 258 245 Torii 136.60019 259 245 Torii 127.97669 259 246 Torii 102.98478 259 247 Torii 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Etajima 28.221174 242 245 Etajima 19.425895 243 245 Etajima 3.2965007 245 246 Etajima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kirikushi 28.221174 242 245 Kirikushi 19.425895 243 245 Kirikushi 3.2965007 245 246 Kirikushi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Okimi 28.221174 242 245 Okimi 19.425895 243 245 Okimi 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Koyo 28.221174 242 245 Koyo 19.425895 243 245 Koyo 3.2965007 245 246 Koyo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Yukitsune 85.859273 257 245 Yukitsune 127.196 258 245 Yukitsune 136.60019 259 245 Yukitsune 127.97669 259 246 Yukitsune 102.98478 259 247 Yukitsune 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Sugewa 28.221174 242 245 Sugewa 19.425895 243 245 19.425895 243 245 Kutemachi 96.867382 258 246 Kutemachi 127.97669 259 246 Kutemachi 102.98478 259 247 Kutemachi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Oda 96.867382 258 246 Oda 127.97669 259 246 Oda 102.98478 259 247 Oda 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Ryoshida 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kamigumi 3.2965007 245 246 Kamigumi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Sakioku 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Arikiyo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hamazaki 3.2965007 245 246 Hamazaki 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ondo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Fujinowaki 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Takasu 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hane 96.867382 258 246 Hane 127.97669 259 246 Hane 102.98478 259 247 Hane 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Kaita 3.2965007 245 246 Kaita 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Muroo 13.537907 241 248 Muroo 2.1518934 242 248 Muroo 4.3081145 243 249 Muroo 42.40165 240 250 Muroo 31.536176 241 250 31.536176 241 250 Ideguchi 96.867382 258 246 Ideguchi 127.97669 259 246 Ideguchi 102.98478 259 247 Ideguchi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Hatami 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kaigoshi 13.537907 241 248 Kaigoshi 2.1518934 242 248 Kaigoshi 4.3081145 243 249 Kaigoshi 42.40165 240 250 Kaigoshi 31.536176 241 250 31.536176 241 250 Karoto 13.537907 241 248 Karoto 2.1518934 242 248 Karoto 4.3081145 243 249 Karoto 42.40165 240 250 Karoto 31.536176 241 250 31.536176 241 250 Okujo 3.2965007 245 246 Okujo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiradani 3.2965007 245 246 Hiradani 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kure 3.2965007 245 246 Kure 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Osako 13.537907 241 248 Osako 2.1518934 242 248 Osako 4.3081145 243 249 Osako 42.40165 240 250 Osako 31.536176 241 250 Osako 29.86239 240 251 Osako 72.875108 243 251 72.875108 243 251 Jin'yama 8.6907422 244 247 Jin'yama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tagimachi 12.538645 258 247 Tagimachi 102.98478 259 247 Tagimachi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Kushi-taki 12.538645 258 247 Kushi-taki 102.98478 259 247 Kushi-taki 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Nakagori 12.538645 258 247 Nakagori 102.98478 259 247 Nakagori 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Harido 12.538645 258 247 Harido 102.98478 259 247 Harido 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Obama 13.537907 241 248 Obama 48.444654 240 249 Obama 51.856313 241 249 Obama 42.40165 240 250 Obama 31.536176 241 250 Obama 29.86239 240 251 29.86239 240 251 Hiromachi 8.6907422 244 247 Hiromachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Uryu 59.786272 259 248 Uryu 21.176113 259 249 Uryu 66.238282 262 251 Uryu 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Hatari 13.537907 241 248 Hatari 48.444654 240 249 Hatari 51.856313 241 249 Hatari 42.40165 240 250 Hatari 31.536176 241 250 Hatari 29.86239 240 251 Hatari 24.619908 240 252 Hatari 34.767233 241 252 34.767233 241 252 Hinomi-saki 59.786272 259 248 Hinomi-saki 21.176113 259 249 Hinomi-saki 66.238282 262 251 Hinomi-saki 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Mutsuki 13.537907 241 248 Mutsuki 48.444654 240 249 Mutsuki 51.856313 241 249 Mutsuki 42.40165 240 250 Mutsuki 31.536176 241 250 Mutsuki 29.86239 240 251 Mutsuki 24.619908 240 252 Mutsuki 34.767233 241 252 34.767233 241 252 Shimojima 13.537907 241 248 Shimojima 2.1518934 242 248 Shimojima 4.3081145 243 249 Shimojima 42.40165 240 250 Shimojima 31.536176 241 250 Shimojima 29.86239 240 251 Shimojima 72.875108 243 251 Shimojima 19.349629 243 252 Shimojima 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Ojizo 13.537907 241 248 Ojizo 2.1518934 242 248 Ojizo 4.3081145 243 249 Ojizo 42.40165 240 250 Ojizo 31.536176 241 250 Ojizo 29.86239 240 251 Ojizo 72.875108 243 251 Ojizo 19.349629 243 252 Ojizo 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Washigasu 48.444654 240 249 Washigasu 42.40165 240 250 Washigasu 29.86239 240 251 Washigasu 24.619908 240 252 24.619908 240 252 Jige 59.786272 259 248 Jige 21.176113 259 249 Jige 66.238282 262 251 Jige 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Sagiura 59.786272 259 248 Sagiura 21.176113 259 249 Sagiura 66.238282 262 251 Sagiura 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Taisha 59.786272 259 248 Taisha 21.176113 259 249 Taisha 66.238282 262 251 Taisha 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Saginoura 59.786272 259 248 Saginoura 21.176113 259 249 Saginoura 66.238282 262 251 Saginoura 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Arakayacho 59.786272 259 248 Arakayacho 21.176113 259 249 Arakayacho 66.238282 262 251 Arakayacho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Ojimacho 59.786272 259 248 Ojimacho 21.176113 259 249 Ojimacho 66.238282 262 251 Ojimacho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Kawajiri 13.537907 241 248 Kawajiri 2.1518934 242 248 Kawajiri 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ebisu 59.786272 259 248 Ebisu 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Sannose 13.537907 241 248 Sannose 2.1518934 242 248 Sannose 4.3081145 243 249 Sannose 42.40165 240 250 Sannose 31.536176 241 250 Sannose 29.86239 240 251 Sannose 72.875108 243 251 Sannose 19.349629 243 252 Sannose 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Osaki-kami-jima 13.537907 241 248 Osaki-kami-jima 2.1518934 242 248 Osaki-kami-jima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Inomecho 21.176113 259 249 Inomecho 66.238282 262 251 Inomecho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Harahata 16.64552 242 249 Harahata 4.3081145 243 249 Harahata 8.0319931 242 250 Harahata 26.376706 242 251 Harahata 72.875108 243 251 Harahata 19.349629 243 252 Harahata 8.7747184 244 252 Harahata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyazakari 51.856313 241 249 Miyazakari 16.64552 242 249 Miyazakari 4.3081145 243 249 Miyazakari 31.536176 241 250 Miyazakari 41.929864 241 251 Miyazakari 26.376706 242 251 Miyazakari 72.875108 243 251 Miyazakari 19.349629 243 252 Miyazakari 8.7747184 244 252 Miyazakari 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Koyo 51.856313 241 249 Koyo 16.64552 242 249 Koyo 4.3081145 243 249 Koyo 31.536176 241 250 Koyo 41.929864 241 251 Koyo 26.376706 242 251 Koyo 72.875108 243 251 Koyo 19.349629 243 252 Koyo 8.7747184 244 252 Koyo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Tado 51.856313 241 249 Tado 16.64552 242 249 Tado 4.3081145 243 249 Tado 31.536176 241 250 Tado 41.929864 241 251 Tado 26.376706 242 251 Tado 72.875108 243 251 Tado 19.349629 243 252 Tado 8.7747184 244 252 Tado 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hiraki 16.64552 242 249 Hiraki 4.3081145 243 249 Hiraki 8.0319931 242 250 Hiraki 26.376706 242 251 Hiraki 72.875108 243 251 Hiraki 19.349629 243 252 Hiraki 8.7747184 244 252 Hiraki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchinoumi 16.64552 242 249 Uchinoumi 4.3081145 243 249 Uchinoumi 8.0319931 242 250 Uchinoumi 26.376706 242 251 Uchinoumi 72.875108 243 251 Uchinoumi 19.349629 243 252 Uchinoumi 8.7747184 244 252 Uchinoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oura 48.444654 240 249 Oura 51.856313 241 249 Oura 16.64552 242 249 Oura 4.3081145 243 249 Oura 42.40165 240 250 Oura 31.536176 241 250 Oura 29.86239 240 251 Oura 72.875108 243 251 Oura 19.349629 243 252 Oura 8.7747184 244 252 Oura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Upporoi 53.057323 260 249 Upporoi 42.2413 261 249 Upporoi 2.841304 260 250 Upporoi 66.238282 262 251 Upporoi 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Oi 53.057323 260 249 Oi 42.2413 261 249 Oi 2.841304 260 250 Oi 66.238282 262 251 Oi 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Mitsuguchi 16.64552 242 249 Mitsuguchi 4.3081145 243 249 Mitsuguchi 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsuguchi 26.376706 242 251 Mitsuguchi 72.875108 243 251 Mitsuguchi 19.349629 243 252 Mitsuguchi 8.7747184 244 252 Mitsuguchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozucho 21.176113 259 249 Kozucho 66.238282 262 251 Kozucho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Horie 48.444654 240 249 Horie 42.40165 240 250 Horie 29.86239 240 251 Horie 24.619908 240 252 24.619908 240 252 Kami-Oda 72.875108 243 251 Kami-Oda 19.349629 243 252 Kami-Oda 8.7747184 244 252 Kami-Oda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hojo 42.40165 240 250 Hojo 31.536176 241 250 Hojo 29.86239 240 251 Hojo 24.619908 240 252 Hojo 34.767233 241 252 Hojo 39.500802 241 253 39.500802 241 253 Kazahaya 8.0319931 242 250 Kazahaya 26.376706 242 251 Kazahaya 72.875108 243 251 Kazahaya 19.349629 243 252 Kazahaya 8.7747184 244 252 Kazahaya 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kuchi-Ukacho 2.841304 260 250 Kuchi-Ukacho 66.238282 262 251 Kuchi-Ukacho 14.514249 262 252 Kuchi-Ukacho 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Komatsubara 8.0319931 242 250 Komatsubara 26.376706 242 251 Komatsubara 72.875108 243 251 Komatsubara 19.349629 243 252 Komatsubara 8.7747184 244 252 Komatsubara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchiura 42.40165 240 250 Uchiura 31.536176 241 250 Uchiura 29.86239 240 251 Uchiura 72.875108 243 251 Uchiura 19.349629 243 252 Uchiura 8.7747184 244 252 Uchiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kanashi 72.875108 243 251 Kanashi 19.349629 243 252 Kanashi 8.7747184 244 252 Kanashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Asanamihar 42.40165 240 250 Asanamihar 31.536176 241 250 Asanamihar 29.86239 240 251 Asanamihar 24.619908 240 252 Asanamihar 34.767233 241 252 Asanamihar 7.2322222 242 252 Asanamihar 39.500802 241 253 Asanamihar 72.484521 242 253 Asanamihar 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Agejima 2.841304 260 250 Agejima 66.238282 262 251 Agejima 14.514249 262 252 Agejima 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Mitsu 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsu 26.376706 242 251 Mitsu 72.875108 243 251 Mitsu 19.349629 243 252 Mitsu 8.7747184 244 252 Mitsu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 2.841304 260 250 Hama 66.238282 262 251 Hama 14.514249 262 252 Hama 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Nada 2.841304 260 250 Nada 66.238282 262 251 Nada 14.514249 262 252 Nada 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Kubi 42.40165 240 250 Kubi 31.536176 241 250 Kubi 29.86239 240 251 Kubi 72.875108 243 251 Kubi 19.349629 243 252 Kubi 8.7747184 244 252 Kubi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okitomo 29.86239 240 251 Okitomo 72.875108 243 251 Okitomo 19.349629 243 252 Okitomo 8.7747184 244 252 Okitomo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 29.86239 240 251 Hama 24.619908 240 252 Hama 34.767233 241 252 Hama 7.2322222 242 252 Hama 39.500802 241 253 Hama 72.484521 242 253 Hama 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Ocho 29.86239 240 251 Ocho 72.875108 243 251 Ocho 19.349629 243 252 Ocho 8.7747184 244 252 Ocho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okushi 41.929864 241 251 Okushi 26.376706 242 251 Okushi 72.875108 243 251 Okushi 19.349629 243 252 Okushi 8.7747184 244 252 Okushi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Daicho 29.86239 240 251 Daicho 72.875108 243 251 Daicho 19.349629 243 252 Daicho 8.7747184 244 252 Daicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakaura 66.238282 262 251 Sakaura 14.514249 262 252 Sakaura 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Matsuo 29.86239 240 251 Matsuo 24.619908 240 252 Matsuo 34.767233 241 252 Matsuo 7.2322222 242 252 Matsuo 39.500802 241 253 Matsuo 72.484521 242 253 Matsuo 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Mitarai 29.86239 240 251 Mitarai 72.875108 243 251 Mitarai 19.349629 243 252 Mitarai 8.7747184 244 252 Mitarai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 72.875108 243 251 Hama 19.349629 243 252 Hama 8.7747184 244 252 Hama 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Akashi 41.929864 241 251 Akashi 26.376706 242 251 Akashi 72.875108 243 251 Akashi 19.349629 243 252 Akashi 8.7747184 244 252 Akashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sukune 72.875108 243 251 Sukune 19.349629 243 252 Sukune 8.7747184 244 252 Sukune 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Nakano 41.929864 241 251 Nakano 26.376706 242 251 Nakano 72.875108 243 251 Nakano 19.349629 243 252 Nakano 8.7747184 244 252 Nakano 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozakai 66.238282 262 251 Kozakai 14.514249 262 252 Kozakai 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Obe 24.619908 240 252 Obe 34.767233 241 252 Obe 7.2322222 242 252 Obe 19.349629 243 252 Obe 72.484521 242 253 Obe 53.506904 242 254 Obe 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Okiura 34.767233 241 252 Okiura 7.2322222 242 252 Okiura 19.349629 243 252 Okiura 8.7747184 244 252 Okiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakata 24.619908 240 252 Sakata 34.767233 241 252 Sakata 7.2322222 242 252 Sakata 19.349629 243 252 Sakata 72.484521 242 253 Sakata 53.506904 242 254 Sakata 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Takehara 19.349629 243 252 Takehara 8.7747184 244 252 Takehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kinoe 34.767233 241 252 Kinoe 7.2322222 242 252 Kinoe 19.349629 243 252 Kinoe 8.7747184 244 252 Kinoe 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Onashi 19.349629 243 252 Onashi 8.7747184 244 252 Onashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shiramizu 7.2322222 242 252 Shiramizu 19.349629 243 252 Shiramizu 8.7747184 244 252 Shiramizu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oi 24.619908 240 252 Oi 34.767233 241 252 Oi 7.2322222 242 252 Oi 19.349629 243 252 Oi 72.484521 242 253 Oi 53.506904 242 254 Oi 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Takasakicho 19.349629 243 252 Takasakicho 8.7747184 244 252 Takasakicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Ono 24.619908 240 252 Ono 34.767233 241 252 Ono 7.2322222 242 252 Ono 39.500802 241 253 Ono 72.484521 242 253 Ono 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Takasaki 19.349629 243 252 Takasaki 8.7747184 244 252 Takasaki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Namikata 24.619908 240 252 Namikata 34.767233 241 252 Namikata 7.2322222 242 252 Namikata 19.349629 243 252 Namikata 72.484521 242 253 Namikata 53.506904 242 254 Namikata 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Munagata 34.767233 241 252 Munagata 7.2322222 242 252 Munagata 19.349629 243 252 Munagata 8.7747184 244 252 Munagata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mitabe 164.86729 269 252 Mitabe 144.14125 269 253 Mitabe 121.19467 269 254 Mitabe 89.335964 269 255 Mitabe 91.853673 272 255 Mitabe 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Fukuda 19.349629 243 252 Fukuda 8.7747184 244 252 Fukuda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Dozen 164.86729 269 252 Dozen 144.14125 269 253 Dozen 121.19467 269 254 Dozen 89.335964 269 255 Dozen 91.853673 272 255 Dozen 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hasihama 24.619908 240 252 Hasihama 34.767233 241 252 Hasihama 7.2322222 242 252 Hasihama 19.349629 243 252 Hasihama 72.484521 242 253 Hasihama 53.506904 242 254 Hasihama 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuchisubo 34.767233 241 252 Kuchisubo 7.2322222 242 252 Kuchisubo 19.349629 243 252 Kuchisubo 8.7747184 244 252 Kuchisubo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Aikamachi 14.514249 262 252 Aikamachi 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Kinehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Chinzaki 144.14125 269 253 Chinzaki 121.19467 269 254 Chinzaki 89.335964 269 255 Chinzaki 91.853673 272 255 Chinzaki 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Etomo 91.852351 263 253 Etomo 98.315461 264 253 Etomo 82.589962 263 254 Etomo 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tadanoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Urago 144.14125 269 253 Urago 121.19467 269 254 Urago 89.335964 269 255 Urago 91.853673 272 255 Urago 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Higai 72.484521 242 253 Higai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyanoura 39.500802 241 253 Miyanoura 72.484521 242 253 Miyanoura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Terasu 91.852351 263 253 Terasu 98.315461 264 253 Terasu 82.589962 263 254 Terasu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tamagi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Imabari 39.500802 241 253 Imabari 72.484521 242 253 Imabari 53.506904 242 254 Imabari 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Sada-Miyauchi 91.852351 263 253 Sada-Miyauchi 98.315461 264 253 Sada-Miyauchi 82.589962 263 254 Sada-Miyauchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Funakoshi 144.14125 269 253 Funakoshi 121.19467 269 254 Funakoshi 89.335964 269 255 Funakoshi 91.853673 272 255 Funakoshi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hashi 144.14125 269 253 Hashi 121.19467 269 254 Hashi 89.335964 269 255 Hashi 91.853673 272 255 Hashi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Inokuchi 72.484521 242 253 Inokuchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mukuna 39.500802 241 253 Mukuna 72.484521 242 253 Mukuna 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shimogumi 91.852351 263 253 Shimogumi 98.315461 264 253 Shimogumi 82.589962 263 254 Shimogumi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kitaura 39.500802 241 253 Kitaura 72.484521 242 253 Kitaura 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Sakai 72.484521 242 253 Sakai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Urumi 133.67207 268 253 Urumi 118.2324 268 254 Urumi 91.853673 272 255 Urumi 72.963233 268 256 Urumi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Niburi 133.67207 268 253 Niburi 118.2324 268 254 Niburi 91.853673 272 255 Niburi 72.963233 268 256 Niburi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Noji 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Go-Sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Hama-sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Ryomei 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minamiura 53.506904 242 254 Minamiura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Mitajiri 121.19467 269 254 Mitajiri 89.335964 269 255 Mitajiri 91.853673 272 255 Mitajiri 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Beppu 121.19467 269 254 Beppu 89.335964 269 255 Beppu 91.853673 272 255 Beppu 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Kori 118.2324 268 254 Kori 91.853673 272 255 Kori 72.963233 268 256 Kori 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Saiwaishinden 53.506904 242 254 Saiwaishinden 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Oyama 121.19467 269 254 Oyama 89.335964 269 255 Oyama 91.853673 272 255 Oyama 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Seto 53.506904 242 254 Seto 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Niregi 82.589962 263 254 Niregi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kuratani 121.19467 269 254 Kuratani 89.335964 269 255 Kuratani 91.853673 272 255 Kuratani 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Usuge 118.2324 268 254 Usuge 91.853673 272 255 Usuge 72.963233 268 256 Usuge 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hama 82.589962 263 254 Hama 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yosokuni 53.506904 242 254 Yosokuni 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuranotani 121.19467 269 254 Kuranotani 89.335964 269 255 Kuranotani 91.853673 272 255 Kuranotani 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Wadacho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuwaki 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Miyakubo 53.506904 242 254 Miyakubo 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Uga 121.19467 269 254 Uga 89.335964 269 255 Uga 91.853673 272 255 Uga 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Tomoura 53.506904 242 254 Tomoura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Fukui 121.19467 269 254 Fukui 89.335964 269 255 Fukui 91.853673 272 255 Fukui 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Aoya 118.2324 268 254 Aoya 91.853673 272 255 Aoya 72.963233 268 256 Aoya 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hinozu 121.19467 269 254 Hinozu 89.335964 269 255 Hinozu 91.853673 272 255 Hinozu 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Sunamicho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kone 53.506904 242 254 Kone 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Saki 118.2324 268 254 Saki 91.853673 272 255 Saki 72.963233 268 256 Saki 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Setoda 53.506904 242 254 Setoda 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minami 121.19467 269 254 Minami 89.335964 269 255 Minami 91.853673 272 255 Minami 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Tako 82.589962 263 254 Tako 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Oi 118.2324 268 254 Oi 91.853673 272 255 Oi 72.963233 268 256 Oi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Kitabun 121.19467 269 254 Kitabun 89.335964 269 255 Kitabun 91.853673 272 255 Kitabun 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Nonami 58.761116 263 255 Nonami 57.606975 264 256 Nonami 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Utsuka 89.335964 269 255 Utsuka 91.853673 272 255 Utsuka 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Chichii 89.335964 269 255 Chichii 91.853673 272 255 Chichii 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hobomi 89.335964 269 255 Hobomi 91.853673 272 255 Hobomi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Toyota 89.335964 269 255 Toyota 91.853673 272 255 Toyota 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Nota 89.335964 269 255 Nota 91.853673 272 255 Nota 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Chikumi 58.761116 263 255 Chikumi 57.606975 264 256 Chikumi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Mambara 58.761116 263 255 Mambara 57.606975 264 256 Mambara 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Nagaoda 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Katae 57.606975 264 256 Katae 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yui 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Fukura 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Moriyama 57.606975 264 256 Moriyama 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Nagu 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Wataricho 57.606975 264 256 Wataricho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tonoecho 57.606975 264 256 Tonoecho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Otsugu 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Watari 57.606975 264 256 Watari 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Shichirui 57.606975 264 256 Shichirui 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Shiro 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Kumi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Naguchi 64.009701 272 257 Naguchi 112.79156 275 258 Naguchi 68.997896 275 259 Naguchi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Minamigata 64.009701 272 257 Minamigata 112.79156 275 258 Minamigata 68.997896 275 259 Minamigata 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamisato 17.898566 271 257 Kamisato 64.009701 272 257 Kamisato 112.79156 275 258 Kamisato 68.997896 275 259 Kamisato 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Mukoyama 17.898566 271 257 Mukoyama 64.009701 272 257 Mukoyama 112.79156 275 258 Mukoyama 68.997896 275 259 Mukoyama 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Tsudo 74.580521 270 257 Tsudo 64.009701 272 257 Tsudo 145.65687 270 260 Tsudo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Takenouchicho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Sakai-Minato 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Fukuura 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yoshizu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Koii 64.009701 272 257 Koii 112.79156 275 258 Koii 68.997896 275 259 Koii 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kori 64.009701 272 257 Kori 112.79156 275 258 Kori 68.997896 275 259 Kori 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 O-Shinozucho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kitagata 64.009701 272 257 Kitagata 112.79156 275 258 Kitagata 68.997896 275 259 Kitagata 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Yamad 64.009701 272 257 Yamad 112.79156 275 258 Yamad 68.997896 275 259 Yamad 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kumozu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Utagi 17.898566 271 257 Utagi 64.009701 272 257 Utagi 112.79156 275 258 Utagi 68.997896 275 259 Utagi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Igo 64.009701 272 257 Igo 112.79156 275 258 Igo 68.997896 275 259 Igo 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamiguchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kamo 74.580521 270 257 Kamo 64.009701 272 257 Kamo 145.65687 270 260 Kamo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kambi 74.580521 270 257 Kambi 64.009701 272 257 Kambi 145.65687 270 260 Kambi 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Higuchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Goto 16.831275 262 260 Goto 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nishimura 64.009701 272 257 Nishimura 112.79156 275 258 Nishimura 68.997896 275 259 Nishimura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Harada 96.292275 271 258 Harada 63.004105 272 258 Harada 112.79156 275 258 Harada 68.997896 275 259 Harada 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamidani 61.276459 264 258 Kamidani 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Mihonoseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonoseki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Ikeda 96.292275 271 258 Ikeda 63.004105 272 258 Ikeda 112.79156 275 258 Ikeda 68.997896 275 259 Ikeda 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Nakamura 63.004105 272 258 Nakamura 112.79156 275 258 Nakamura 68.997896 275 259 Nakamura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Nishida 96.292275 271 258 Nishida 63.004105 272 258 Nishida 112.79156 275 258 Nishida 68.997896 275 259 Nishida 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Mihonseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonseki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Minoura 99.890666 270 258 Minoura 145.65687 270 260 Minoura 160.1488 271 261 Minoura 166.99124 270 262 166.99124 270 262 Abe 16.831275 262 260 Abe 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Gonya 63.004105 272 258 Gonya 112.79156 275 258 Gonya 68.997896 275 259 Gonya 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Misaki 99.890666 270 258 Misaki 145.65687 270 260 Misaki 160.1488 271 261 Misaki 166.99124 270 262 166.99124 270 262 Araki 96.292275 271 258 Araki 63.004105 272 258 Araki 112.79156 275 258 Araki 68.997896 275 259 Araki 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Yonago 16.831275 262 260 Yonago 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Takei 96.292275 271 258 Takei 63.004105 272 258 Takei 112.79156 275 258 Takei 68.997896 275 259 Takei 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Sei 96.292275 271 258 Sei 63.004105 272 258 Sei 112.79156 275 258 Sei 68.997896 275 259 Sei 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Iibi 63.004105 272 258 Iibi 112.79156 275 258 Iibi 68.997896 275 259 Iibi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Togo 96.292275 271 258 Togo 63.004105 272 258 Togo 112.79156 275 258 Togo 68.997896 275 259 Togo 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Iida 96.292275 271 258 Iida 63.004105 272 258 Iida 112.79156 275 258 Iida 68.997896 275 259 Iida 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Higashi-Fukuhara 16.831275 262 260 Higashi-Fukuhara 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Uzuki 63.004105 272 258 Uzuki 112.79156 275 258 Uzuki 68.997896 275 259 Uzuki 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kami-fukubara 16.831275 262 260 Kami-fukubara 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kaike-Onsen 16.831275 262 260 Kaike-Onsen 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Saigo 96.292275 271 258 Saigo 63.004105 272 258 Saigo 112.79156 275 258 Saigo 68.997896 275 259 Saigo 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Inugu 123.16414 271 259 Inugu 68.997896 275 259 Inugu 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kama 123.16414 271 259 Kama 68.997896 275 259 Kama 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Oku 123.16414 271 259 Oku 68.997896 275 259 Oku 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kuzumo 16.831275 262 260 Kuzumo 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Soda 16.831275 262 260 Soda 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kaya 16.831275 262 260 Kaya 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kawaoka 16.831275 262 260 Kawaoka 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Odaka 16.831275 262 260 Odaka 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Sueyoshi 16.831275 262 260 Sueyoshi 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Muki 16.831275 262 260 Muki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Yodoe 16.831275 262 260 Yodoe 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nawa 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Kami Daison 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Shitatsubo 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Takahashi 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Nagano 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Uwaichi 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Akasaka 38.59997 263 262 Akasaka 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Uematsu 38.59997 263 262 Uematsu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Hata 38.59997 263 262 Hata 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Notsu 38.59997 263 262 Notsu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Idekami 38.59997 263 262 Idekami 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yawata 38.59997 263 262 Yawata 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Bessho 38.59997 263 262 Bessho 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Akasaki Ko 38.59997 263 262 Akasaki Ko 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Miyaki 39.254898 263 263 Miyaki 37.089394 263 264 Miyaki 44.64503 263 265 Miyaki 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yabase 39.254898 263 263 Yabase 37.089394 263 264 Yabase 44.64503 263 265 Yabase 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Ho 39.254898 263 263 Ho 37.089394 263 264 Ho 44.64503 263 265 Ho 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Urayasu 39.254898 263 263 Urayasu 37.089394 263 264 Urayasu 44.64503 263 265 Urayasu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kogane 39.254898 263 263 Kogane 37.089394 263 264 Kogane 44.64503 263 265 Kogane 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kanaya 37.089394 263 264 Kanaya 44.64503 263 265 Kanaya 45.857399 263 266 Kanaya 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Ichii 23.070462 246 268 23.070462 246 268 Sugishita 37.089394 263 264 Sugishita 44.64503 263 265 Sugishita 45.857399 263 266 Sugishita 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Shimontane 37.089394 263 264 Shimontane 44.64503 263 265 Shimontane 45.857399 263 266 Shimontane 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Otani 37.089394 263 264 Otani 44.64503 263 265 Otani 45.857399 263 266 Otani 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Yura 37.089394 263 264 Yura 44.64503 263 265 Yura 45.857399 263 266 Yura 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Maragume 23.070462 246 268 23.070462 246 268 Yurajuku 37.089394 263 264 Yurajuku 44.64503 263 265 Yurajuku 45.857399 263 266 Yurajuku 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Yurashuku 37.089394 263 264 Yurashuku 44.64503 263 265 Yurashuku 45.857399 263 266 Yurashuku 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Nishisono 37.089394 263 264 Nishisono 44.64503 263 265 Nishisono 45.857399 263 266 Nishisono 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Seto 44.64503 263 265 Seto 45.857399 263 266 Seto 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kitano 44.64503 263 265 Kitano 45.857399 263 266 Kitano 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Yonesato 44.64503 263 265 Yonesato 45.857399 263 266 Yonesato 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Simotui 23.070462 246 268 Simotui 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Yumihara 44.64503 263 265 Yumihara 45.857399 263 266 Yumihara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Ajino 23.070462 246 268 Ajino 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Utazu 23.070462 246 268 Utazu 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Ekita 44.64503 263 265 Ekita 45.857399 263 266 Ekita 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Koda 45.857399 263 266 Koda 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Shinden 45.857399 263 266 Shinden 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kaita 45.857399 263 266 Kaita 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Nagase 45.857399 263 266 Nagase 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Sakaide 23.070462 246 268 Sakaide 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Tajiri 45.857399 263 266 Tajiri 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Egita 45.857399 263 266 Egita 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kodota 45.857399 263 266 Kodota 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Shimo Asozu 45.857399 263 266 Shimo Asozu 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kami Asozu 45.857399 263 266 Kami Asozu 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Hashizu 45.857399 263 266 Hashizu 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Oyabu 23.070462 246 268 Oyabu 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Matsuzaki 44.868822 263 267 Matsuzaki 69.882882 264 267 Matsuzaki 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Hara 44.868822 263 267 Hara 69.882882 264 267 Hara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Urushihara 44.868822 263 267 Urushihara 69.882882 264 267 Urushihara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Uno 23.070462 246 268 Uno 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Tomari 44.868822 263 267 Tomari 69.882882 264 267 Tomari 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Tamano 23.070462 246 268 Tamano 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Narutake 44.868822 263 267 Narutake 69.882882 264 267 Narutake 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Yuturiha 23.070462 246 268 Yuturiha 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Yoshikawa 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Okuzaki 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/bathymetry.tif ...copying 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OUT_umax.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0000.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0024.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! minusDays= 4.5 ... 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 True delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200731.12/trim-calc.nc ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.00/trim-calc.nc ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200801.12/trim-calc.nc ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.00/trim-calc.nc ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200802.12/trim-calc.nc ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.00/trim-calc.nc ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200803.12/trim-calc.nc ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.00/trim-calc.nc ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200804.12/trim-calc.nc ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/ (721, 338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) (338, 271) icell= 2 49691 Jiazi 22.40734 71 1 Jiazi 13.09244 72 1 Jiazi 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Changqingwei 22.40734 71 1 Changqingwei 13.09244 72 1 Changqingwei 4.6277289 73 3 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 19.728532 72 3 Shenquan 4.6277289 73 3 Shenquan 6.7835538 74 4 6.7835538 74 4 Donghong 4.4844703 74 5 4.4844703 74 5 Jinghai 18.914914 73 6 Jinghai 17.571704 76 9 Jinghai 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Ch'ao-yang-hsien 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Haimen 17.571704 76 9 Haimen 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Shantou 8.4375967 78 11 Shantou 7.0718507 79 12 Shantou 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Dahao 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Aotou 8.4375967 78 11 Aotou 7.0718507 79 12 Aotou 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Daitou 11.231968 77 9 11.231968 77 9 Guangao 19.161279 76 10 Guangao 12.697454 77 10 Guangao 3.7670093 80 12 3.7670093 80 12 Siwei 7.0718507 79 12 Siwei 3.7670093 80 12 Siwei 6.6530483 82 14 6.6530483 82 14 Ch'ien-tung-hsu 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Qiandong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Jingzhou 6.6530483 82 14 Jingzhou 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanglong 12.30569 81 14 Huanglong 6.6530483 82 14 Huanglong 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Huanggang 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Houzhai 14.158554 79 13 Houzhai 7.4188071 80 13 Houzhai 12.30569 81 14 Houzhai 6.6530483 82 14 Houzhai 6.391558 83 16 Houzhai 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Raoping 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Zhelin 6.6530483 82 14 Zhelin 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Shenao 12.310144 80 14 Shenao 12.30569 81 14 Shenao 6.6530483 82 14 Shenao 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Nanao 19.543308 79 15 Nanao 14.736534 80 15 Nanao 14.438193 81 15 Nanao 10.298399 82 15 Nanao 6.391558 83 16 Nanao 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Chelim 10.298399 82 15 Chelim 71.906351 84 15 71.906351 84 15 Gongkou 6.391558 83 16 Gongkou 25.143746 84 16 25.143746 84 16 Sidu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Dongshan 10.889946 83 17 10.889946 83 17 Ssu-tu 4.0256123 85 20 4.0256123 85 20 Gongqiancun 16.571469 82 19 Gongqiancun 12.984636 83 19 Gongqiancun 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chencheng 16.571469 82 19 Chencheng 12.984636 83 19 Chencheng 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Hsing-ch'en 4.0256123 85 20 Hsing-ch'en 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Chendai 4.0256123 85 20 Chendai 17.554813 85 23 17.554813 85 23 Hsi-pu 12.984636 83 19 Hsi-pu 3.1956037 84 19 3.1956037 84 19 Chengguanzhen 22.062022 84 22 Chengguanzhen 3.7540171 87 25 Chengguanzhen 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Erdaogou 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Binhaicun 19.666559 309 24 Binhaicun 19.610813 310 24 19.610813 310 24 Tangjiahe 19.666559 309 24 Tangjiahe 19.610813 310 24 19.610813 310 24 Baishuitou 19.610813 310 24 19.610813 310 24 Lijiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Guleitou 22.062022 84 22 Guleitou 3.7540171 87 25 Guleitou 7.1344484 88 25 7.1344484 88 25 Gangkou 14.166745 86 25 Gangkou 3.7540171 87 25 Gangkou 7.1344484 88 25 Gangkou 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Gaoshalingcun 23.439165 311 24 23.439165 311 24 Zhaojiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Liuhongbo 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Xujiapu 9.4160888 308 24 9.4160888 308 24 Dagu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Tanggu 2.0007161 312 25 2.0007161 312 25 Hsia-mei 3.7540171 87 25 Hsia-mei 7.1344484 88 25 Hsia-mei 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Pehtang 5.6954966 314 27 Pehtang 2.2402331 315 27 Pehtang 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Jiuzhen 10.293507 89 26 Jiuzhen 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Liu'ao 3.7540171 87 25 Liu'ao 7.1344484 88 25 Liu'ao 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Qingtuozi 2.2402331 315 27 Qingtuozi 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Caijiapu 2.2402331 315 27 Caijiapu 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Shentu 7.1344484 88 25 Shentu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Chihu 32.199367 90 26 32.199367 90 26 Fotan 8.2773537 91 29 Fotan 7.5801579 92 30 7.5801579 92 30 Fugong 9.1224387 93 31 Fugong 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Shuangqiaozi 3.998393 316 27 3.998393 316 27 Haicang 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Guankou 2.7981704 97 31 2.7981704 97 31 Gangwei 9.1224387 93 31 Gangwei 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Songyu 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Hsing-lin 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Xucuo 9.1224387 93 31 Xucuo 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Bijiaquan 4.0379515 316 29 Bijiaquan 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Gulangyu 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Xiamen 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Chen-hai 7.5801579 92 30 Chen-hai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Daomei 9.1224387 93 31 Daomei 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Dianqian 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Jiangtou 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Zhenhai 7.5801579 92 30 Zhenhai 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Heiyanzi 3.3331067 316 30 Heiyanzi 2.0574275 317 30 2.0574275 317 30 Hecuo 3.3501788 96 31 3.3501788 96 31 Zhangzhuangzi 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Liuwudian 2.7981704 97 31 Liuwudian 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Beipu 12.041535 314 31 Beipu 8.895146 315 31 Beipu 25.711465 317 32 25.711465 317 32 Aotou 11.680956 96 33 Aotou 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Xindian 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 An-ting 12.486394 94 33 An-ting 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Ma-chiang 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 16.915237 313 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 9.3410776 314 33 Hei-yang-ho-pao 4.4217633 315 33 4.4217633 315 33 Chin-men 12.486394 94 33 Chin-men 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Lianhe 11.518433 98 33 11.518433 98 33 Ch'ing-hsu 15.995085 96 34 Ch'ing-hsu 4.474861 97 34 Ch'ing-hsu 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Shijing 4.474861 97 34 Shijing 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Chin-men Tao 11.81395 95 34 Chin-men Tao 15.995085 96 34 Chin-men Tao 4.474861 97 34 Chin-men Tao 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Yang-chai 11.81395 95 34 Yang-chai 15.995085 96 34 Yang-chai 4.474861 97 34 Yang-chai 34.935424 98 34 34.935424 98 34 Anhai 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Tung-shih 37.719502 98 36 Tung-shih 3.88525 98 37 Tung-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Nancaoji 8.1249051 315 36 8.1249051 315 36 Weitou 16.40076 96 37 Weitou 3.88525 98 37 Weitou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Chin-ching 16.40076 96 37 Chin-ching 3.88525 98 37 Chin-ching 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Shih-shih 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Yakou 3.88525 98 37 Yakou 10.305049 99 37 10.305049 99 37 Liu-tsan 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Yongning 2.6544592 98 38 Yongning 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dazhuanghe 3.7314449 316 38 3.7314449 316 38 Shihu 19.961478 101 42 Shihu 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dongyuan 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Hsiang-chih 23.464508 99 41 Hsiang-chih 12.088851 100 41 Hsiang-chih 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Zhangban 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Fengting 19.992729 107 45 Fengting 40.385472 108 45 Fengting 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Daqinghe 2.0984143 315 41 Daqinghe 6.5440418 316 41 6.5440418 316 41 Yang-chiao 6.7658682 289 45 6.7658682 289 45 Qian'an 19.961478 101 42 Qian'an 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Dongsha 19.992729 107 45 Dongsha 40.385472 108 45 Dongsha 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Dawu 3.4065137 103 43 Dawu 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Chongwu 19.961478 101 42 Chongwu 6.4812559 102 42 6.4812559 102 42 Lingchuan 19.992729 107 45 Lingchuan 40.385472 108 45 Lingchuan 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 Fengwei 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hsiao-tso 12.914359 102 43 Hsiao-tso 3.4065137 103 43 Hsiao-tso 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Zhongmen 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hushi 40.385472 108 45 Hushi 98.135065 109 45 98.135065 109 45 P'u-hsi 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Hanjiang 4.884141 111 49 Hanjiang 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 P'u-hsi-ch'eng 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Meizhou 11.886261 106 45 11.886261 106 45 Yancangcheng 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Hsing-chuang 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Haitou 23.186493 252 48 23.186493 252 48 Shiqiao 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Chiang-k'ou 4.884141 111 49 Chiang-k'ou 3.7875229 112 49 3.7875229 112 49 Hsia-k'ou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Jiuliqi 24.730519 253 48 24.730519 253 48 Daitou 26.365664 107 46 Daitou 51.854925 108 46 Daitou 26.166377 108 47 Daitou 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Che-wang 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tuanlin 3.5553451 321 49 Tuanlin 13.48162 322 49 Tuanlin 2.4748921 324 50 2.4748921 324 50 Fenshui 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Pinghai 26.166377 108 47 Pinghai 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Dapuhe 5.0929623 323 50 Dapuhe 2.4748921 324 50 2.4748921 324 50 Yuxi 3.7875229 112 49 Yuxi 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Andongwei 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Tangbian 4.884141 111 49 Tangbian 3.7875229 112 49 Tangbian 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Xihenancun 2.4748921 324 50 2.4748921 324 50 Xugou 21.052187 251 48 21.052187 251 48 Shicheng 6.7393053 107 48 Shicheng 4.884141 111 49 4.884141 111 49 Lanshantou 4.3282092 254 48 4.3282092 254 48 Taolekow 4.2500724 257 51 4.2500724 257 51 Jiangjing 4.884141 111 49 Jiangjing 3.7875229 112 49 Jiangjing 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Liujiazhai 7.0120592 258 52 7.0120592 258 52 Dongxi Liandao 3.7698366 249 50 Dongxi Liandao 2.4063058 251 50 Dongxi Liandao 3.3571967 250 53 Dongxi Liandao 2.0769093 249 54 2.0769093 249 54 Nanri 18.09116 106 50 Nanri 7.0734505 107 50 Nanri 6.1359086 108 50 Nanri 9.0630546 110 50 9.0630546 110 50 Longtian 4.547549 112 50 Longtian 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Gangtou 5.4590452 111 50 Gangtou 4.547549 112 50 Gangtou 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Hsiao-po-ho-chai 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Beidaihehaibin 2.0881419 325 50 2.0881419 325 50 Guidizhai 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Chu-kao-wan 60.854161 86 51 Chu-kao-wan 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 San Shah 3.150623 111 51 San Shah 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Guhuai 10.731328 116 55 Guhuai 9.6953481 117 55 Guhuai 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Shandongpu 22.703977 326 51 22.703977 326 51 Feng-kuei-li 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Gaoshan 20.832558 110 51 Gaoshan 3.150623 111 51 Gaoshan 10.627915 112 51 10.627915 112 51 Fuye 21.813694 106 51 Fuye 4.2004307 109 51 Fuye 20.832558 110 51 20.832558 110 51 Shijiusuo 7.0120592 258 52 7.0120592 258 52 Ch'ang-an 60.854161 86 51 Ch'ang-an 58.867813 87 51 Ch'ang-an 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 P'eng-hu-erh-ts'un 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Ch'ien-ma-fang 9.9637259 327 54 Ch'ien-ma-fang 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Langqi 7.4873876 119 56 Langqi 2.4030428 121 56 Langqi 3.7675423 122 56 Langqi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chiang-t'ien 10.731328 116 55 Chiang-t'ien 9.6953481 117 55 Chiang-t'ien 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Changmen 2.4030428 121 56 Changmen 3.7675423 122 56 Changmen 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Ma-kung 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Ch'eng-ch'ien 58.147418 86 52 Ch'eng-ch'ien 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Chu-mu-shui 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Qinhuangdao 5.642133 326 52 5.642133 326 52 Chi-pei 58.147418 86 52 Chi-pei 72.156355 87 52 Chi-pei 55.671692 88 52 Chi-pei 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Tantou 5.5278715 118 55 Tantou 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Fengwo 7.4873876 119 56 Fengwo 2.4030428 121 56 Fengwo 3.7675423 122 56 Fengwo 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chang-chiang 9.6953481 117 55 Chang-chiang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Yunlong 7.4873876 119 56 Yunlong 2.4030428 121 56 Yunlong 3.7675423 122 56 Yunlong 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Tung-tai 3.7675423 122 56 Tung-tai 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Chin-feng 5.5278715 118 55 Chin-feng 3.7675423 122 56 3.7675423 122 56 Ta-ch'iu 7.8729078 109 53 Ta-ch'iu 11.298118 110 53 11.298118 110 53 Baisheng 2.4030428 121 56 Baisheng 3.7675423 122 56 Baisheng 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Mabi 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Lung-men 3.4162099 85 55 3.4162099 85 55 Guanban 3.7675423 122 56 Guanban 6.73443 123 56 6.73443 123 56 Wuhang 9.6953481 117 55 Wuhang 5.5278715 118 55 5.5278715 118 55 Chien-chiang 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Beicuo 14.408223 110 55 Beicuo 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Guanjing 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Cao Yu 21.453363 109 54 21.453363 109 54 Shanhaiguan 9.9637259 327 54 Shanhaiguan 5.2521402 328 54 5.2521402 328 54 Qingfeng 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Yanweigang 3.7995859 249 55 Yanweigang 2.1817413 247 57 2.1817413 247 57 Nanhai 12.323748 327 55 Nanhai 9.4273718 328 55 9.4273718 328 55 Pingtan 8.1494594 114 55 8.1494594 114 55 Ting-hai 3.7675423 122 56 Ting-hai 6.73443 123 56 Ting-hai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Hsia-ho-ch'eng 5.8558936 263 55 5.8558936 263 55 Hutouya 2.0267187 287 55 2.0267187 287 55 Anhai 16.488406 124 58 Anhai 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Tung-ch'ung 22.355512 126 58 22.355512 126 58 Xinan 6.1076887 128 59 6.1076887 128 59 Houtian 6.0111747 111 56 Houtian 9.2331172 115 56 Houtian 19.80841 115 57 19.80841 115 57 Wan-chia-t'un 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Qiangzili 11.833441 328 56 11.833441 328 56 Xiahecheng 10.073142 263 56 10.073142 263 56 Zhangjialou 7.463872 265 59 7.463872 265 59 Dayuan 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Tsang-shang 2.3497869 288 57 2.3497869 288 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 15.033168 120 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 7.1594537 121 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 12.384673 122 57 Ch'ang-t'an-wo 14.298635 123 57 14.298635 123 57 Xiahu 49.118844 127 58 Xiahu 32.880177 127 59 Xiahu 6.1076887 128 59 Xiahu 14.317131 128 61 Xiahu 12.731007 129 61 Xiahu 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 6.3065462 130 62 Hanjiang 3.3149429 131 62 Hanjiang 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Songcheng 3.3149429 131 62 Songcheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Da'ao 23.861571 126 59 Da'ao 14.317131 128 61 Da'ao 12.731007 129 61 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 12.731007 129 61 Changchun 3.3149429 131 62 Changchun 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Wuqu 6.3065462 130 62 Wuqu 3.3149429 131 62 Wuqu 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Hongshiya 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Yung-lung 13.577678 79 61 Yung-lung 10.147977 80 61 Yung-lung 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Luxia 14.317131 128 61 Luxia 12.731007 129 61 Luxia 3.3149429 131 62 3.3149429 131 62 Chiang-chun 13.577678 79 61 Chiang-chun 10.147977 80 61 10.147977 80 61 Lingshanwei 6.2537308 267 61 Lingshanwei 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Fu-hsing 13.577678 79 61 Fu-hsing 10.147977 80 61 Fu-hsing 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Pu-tai 13.577678 79 61 Pu-tai 10.147977 80 61 Pu-tai 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Yacheng 5.0918143 132 62 Yacheng 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Chang-t'an 13.577678 79 61 Chang-t'an 10.147977 80 61 Chang-t'an 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Wu-nan 2.5021121 81 62 2.5021121 81 62 Hsin-chuang 9.3603672 292 61 Hsin-chuang 12.014129 293 61 Hsin-chuang 12.997511 294 61 12.997511 294 61 Chung-ch'i 17.818267 88 63 Chung-ch'i 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Houwan 6.7995416 268 62 Houwan 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Sansha 5.0918143 132 62 Sansha 2.2784232 133 62 2.2784232 133 62 Yantaiqian 6.2537308 267 61 Yantaiqian 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Xianlang 6.7995416 268 62 Xianlang 4.0704735 272 62 4.0704735 272 62 Qimudao 12.014129 293 61 Qimudao 12.997511 294 61 Qimudao 14.473726 295 61 Qimudao 16.196943 296 61 Qimudao 16.596236 297 61 16.596236 297 61 Liuduo 3.6349543 242 65 3.6349543 242 65 San-hsing 17.818267 88 63 San-hsing 21.484342 89 63 San-hsing 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 T'ai-hsi 39.461745 90 62 T'ai-hsi 21.484342 89 63 T'ai-hsi 39.062347 90 63 T'ai-hsi 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Huangshanguan 7.0709729 292 62 Huangshanguan 11.083768 293 62 Huangshanguan 11.868902 294 62 Huangshanguan 13.992018 295 62 13.992018 295 62 Ta-yu-chien 4.1783146 246 62 Ta-yu-chien 5.6590537 245 63 5.6590537 245 63 Beizhuang 18.338013 267 62 Beizhuang 6.7995416 268 62 Beizhuang 6.4712836 271 63 6.4712836 271 63 Sha-shan 17.818267 88 63 Sha-shan 21.484342 89 63 Sha-shan 39.062347 90 63 Sha-shan 39.840433 91 63 Sha-shan 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Ch'ing-tao 6.4712836 271 63 Ch'ing-tao 2.0228224 272 63 Ch'ing-tao 8.8871129 273 63 Ch'ing-tao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Wang-kung 17.818267 88 63 Wang-kung 21.484342 89 63 Wang-kung 39.062347 90 63 Wang-kung 39.840433 91 63 Wang-kung 2.7854318 88 64 2.7854318 88 64 Sifang 6.4712836 271 63 Sifang 2.0228224 272 63 Sifang 8.8871129 273 63 Sifang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Chengyang 2.0228224 272 63 Chengyang 8.8871129 273 63 Chengyang 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Beima 6.5918041 293 63 Beima 9.4647169 294 63 Beima 17.022284 295 63 Beima 15.492343 296 63 15.492343 296 63 Longkou 6.5918041 293 63 Longkou 9.4647169 294 63 Longkou 17.022284 295 63 Longkou 15.492343 296 63 15.492343 296 63 Huang-ch'i 5.9611803 134 64 Huang-ch'i 16.520509 136 65 Huang-ch'i 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Qingdao 6.4712836 271 63 Qingdao 2.0228224 272 63 Qingdao 8.8871129 273 63 Qingdao 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Fushansuo 11.126148 269 64 Fushansuo 2.5193449 272 64 Fushansuo 4.427021 272 65 Fushansuo 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Shacheng 16.520509 136 65 Shacheng 6.4179121 135 66 6.4179121 135 66 Huangshagang 12.410759 238 67 Huangshagang 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Shuangyangzha 14.317102 239 66 Shuangyangzha 3.3140068 240 66 3.3140068 240 66 Ts'ang-k'ou 24.269815 270 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 19.271288 271 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 2.5193449 272 64 Ts'ang-k'ou 4.427021 272 65 Ts'ang-k'ou 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Hsien-chia-chai 19.271288 271 64 Hsien-chia-chai 2.5193449 272 64 Hsien-chia-chai 4.427021 272 65 Hsien-chia-chai 6.2086642 273 65 6.2086642 273 65 Xiaguan 16.520509 136 65 16.520509 136 65 T'ang-sheng-chiang 12.410759 238 67 T'ang-sheng-chiang 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Dongxiaohai 14.317102 239 66 Dongxiaohai 7.5299407 236 68 7.5299407 236 68 Lu-kang 15.016012 90 64 Lu-kang 44.911292 92 64 Lu-kang 10.707506 91 65 Lu-kang 4.9192683 92 66 4.9192683 92 66 Pucheng 16.520509 136 65 16.520509 136 65 Xinyanggang 7.5299407 236 68 Xinyanggang 2.0820892 234 69 2.0820892 234 69 Sha-fan-chieh 6.1811061 139 69 Sha-fan-chieh 9.5777037 139 70 Sha-fan-chieh 3.3968236 141 70 Sha-fan-chieh 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shazikou 20.069832 269 66 Shazikou 21.232042 269 67 Shazikou 26.667751 269 68 Shazikou 29.557382 269 69 Shazikou 27.534442 269 70 27.534442 269 70 I-shan 3.3968236 141 70 I-shan 24.330988 143 70 24.330988 143 70 Shahousuo 32.329881 335 69 32.329881 335 69 Ching-shui 18.89506 94 67 Ching-shui 48.638053 95 67 Ching-shui 47.572319 96 67 Ching-shui 46.81908 96 68 46.81908 96 68 Niejia 12.225514 296 67 Niejia 15.08473 298 67 15.08473 298 67 Jinxiang 6.1811061 139 69 Jinxiang 9.5777037 139 70 Jinxiang 3.3968236 141 70 Jinxiang 24.330988 143 70 Jinxiang 2.0945312 143 71 2.0945312 143 71 Hai huang 18.89506 94 67 Hai huang 48.638053 95 67 Hai huang 47.572319 96 67 Hai huang 63.810636 97 67 Hai huang 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Gexiang 24.330988 143 70 Gexiang 2.0945312 143 71 2.0945312 143 71 Wanggezhuang 22.958528 272 71 Wanggezhuang 6.6305521 273 71 Wanggezhuang 7.8042088 274 71 Wanggezhuang 2.1714545 275 71 Wanggezhuang 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Beigou 12.225514 296 67 Beigou 15.08473 298 67 15.08473 298 67 Yuan-li 11.849512 95 68 Yuan-li 46.81908 96 68 Yuan-li 47.231968 97 68 Yuan-li 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Tung-hsiao 11.849512 95 68 Tung-hsiao 46.81908 96 68 Tung-hsiao 47.231968 97 68 Tung-hsiao 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Aoshanwei 6.6305521 273 71 Aoshanwei 7.8042088 274 71 Aoshanwei 2.1714545 275 71 Aoshanwei 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Chang'ao 17.697269 148 73 Chang'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Ch'i-ting 41.814635 97 69 41.814635 97 69 Xiabu 17.697269 148 73 Xiabu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 25.4412 184 73 Chiu-hsiang-chen 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Banling 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dengzhou 6.7060874 297 69 Dengzhou 10.773334 298 69 Dengzhou 6.0252144 297 70 Dengzhou 10.207871 298 70 Dengzhou 9.6202231 299 70 Dengzhou 11.497985 297 72 11.497985 297 72 Zhuangyuanqiao 24.953155 147 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 17.697269 148 73 Zhuangyuanqiao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Kaiyangtu 17.697269 148 73 Kaiyangtu 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Penglai 6.7060874 297 69 Penglai 10.773334 298 69 Penglai 6.0252144 297 70 Penglai 10.207871 298 70 Penglai 9.6202231 299 70 Penglai 11.497985 297 72 11.497985 297 72 Chin-chia-k'ou 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Ling-hsia 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Huangwan 25.4412 184 73 Huangwan 17.456245 185 73 17.456245 185 73 Longwan 24.953155 147 73 Longwan 17.697269 148 73 Longwan 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Gao'ao 17.697269 148 73 Gao'ao 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Siqianjie 24.953155 147 73 Siqianjie 17.697269 148 73 Siqianjie 3.2494402 149 73 3.2494402 149 73 Dongtaihezha 8.3752368 226 73 8.3752368 226 73 Liulishe 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xiaodoumen 24.953155 147 73 Xiaodoumen 17.697269 148 73 Xiaodoumen 3.2494402 149 73 Xiaodoumen 10.419949 148 75 Xiaodoumen 2.0500631 149 75 Xiaodoumen 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Baixiang 17.697269 148 73 Baixiang 3.2494402 149 73 Baixiang 10.419949 148 75 Baixiang 2.0500631 149 75 Baixiang 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Shan-ch'ien 17.697269 148 73 Shan-ch'ien 3.2494402 149 73 Shan-ch'ien 10.419949 148 75 Shan-ch'ien 2.0500631 149 75 Shan-ch'ien 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Wangcun 2.1714545 275 71 Wangcun 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Wali 7.8042088 274 71 Wali 2.1714545 275 71 Wali 12.805352 276 71 12.805352 276 71 Jiangtan 24.953155 147 73 Jiangtan 17.697269 148 73 Jiangtan 3.2494402 149 73 Jiangtan 10.419949 148 75 Jiangtan 2.0500631 149 75 Jiangtan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ganpu 25.4412 184 73 Ganpu 17.456245 185 73 Ganpu 4.6144463 187 75 Ganpu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Chu-nan 40.862512 100 71 Chu-nan 2.2544865 101 73 2.2544865 101 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 3.2494402 149 73 Hsia-fou-t'ou 10.419949 148 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 2.0500631 149 75 Hsia-fou-t'ou 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Ch'ien-tzu-chiao 40.862512 100 71 Ch'ien-tzu-chiao 2.2544865 101 73 2.2544865 101 73 Hsieh-t'ang 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Liu-tsao 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xingcun 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Haiyan 17.456245 185 73 Haiyan 4.6144463 187 75 Haiyan 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsia-chia-fou 17.697269 148 73 Hsia-chia-fou 3.2494402 149 73 Hsia-chia-fou 10.419949 148 75 Hsia-chia-fou 2.0500631 149 75 Hsia-chia-fou 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Changchuanba 25.4412 184 73 Changchuanba 17.456245 185 73 Changchuanba 4.6144463 187 75 Changchuanba 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Bixishi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Xizhoushi 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsin-k'ai-kang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Baizhuzhen 5.4299814 186 75 Baizhuzhen 4.6144463 187 75 Baizhuzhen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ch'eng-ao 3.2494402 149 73 Ch'eng-ao 2.0500631 149 75 Ch'eng-ao 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Dituan 17.697269 148 73 Dituan 3.2494402 149 73 Dituan 10.419949 148 75 Dituan 2.0500631 149 75 Dituan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Beilong 9.5466128 143 73 Beilong 5.9811912 144 73 Beilong 4.2607895 145 73 Beilong 2.0272748 146 73 2.0272748 146 73 Shih-ma-chuang 3.2494402 149 73 Shih-ma-chuang 2.0500631 149 75 Shih-ma-chuang 61.424401 150 75 Shih-ma-chuang 49.926487 153 77 49.926487 153 77 Ta-shan 4.9173076 277 75 Ta-shan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Linshan 25.4412 184 73 25.4412 184 73 Changqian 5.4299814 186 75 Changqian 4.6144463 187 75 Changqian 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Xitang 4.6144463 187 75 Xitang 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lao-wu-shih 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsiao-yang-k'ou 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Dashan 4.9173076 277 75 Dashan 26.671514 278 75 26.671514 278 75 Baiyan 38.790019 152 76 Baiyan 49.926487 153 77 Baiyan 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Baisha 61.424401 150 75 Baisha 49.926487 153 77 Baisha 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Da'an 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 38.790019 152 76 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 49.926487 153 77 Hsu-ch'ien-ts'un 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 4.6144463 187 75 Wai-wang-chuang-ch'iao 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Ri'aitang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Fu-jung 49.926487 153 77 Fu-jung 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Laochangbu 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chou-hung-ch'iu 2.4716733 184 74 Chou-hung-ch'iu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Cheng-chia-tai 4.6144463 187 75 Cheng-chia-tai 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Heng-pa-ts'un 2.4716733 184 74 Heng-pa-ts'un 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Dajijia 30.075156 297 74 Dajijia 14.503721 296 76 Dajijia 15.361803 295 78 15.361803 295 78 P'u-ch'i 61.424401 150 75 P'u-ch'i 49.926487 153 77 P'u-ch'i 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Lo-ho-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Kuan-yin 3.3316499 103 74 Kuan-yin 27.281443 107 78 27.281443 107 78 Hsiung-ting-yu 2.4716733 184 74 Hsiung-ting-yu 3.9082677 185 74 3.9082677 185 74 Zhapu 4.6144463 187 75 Zhapu 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Lixinzha 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qingjiang 38.790019 152 76 Qingjiang 49.926487 153 77 Qingjiang 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Zhangjiaxiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huangang 21.476786 219 74 21.476786 219 74 Xihuzui 57.945619 311 75 Xihuzui 47.743442 312 75 Xihuzui 44.199686 313 75 Xihuzui 22.593072 314 75 Xihuzui 32.925733 315 75 32.925733 315 75 Sanhezhen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Niu-ch'iao-shih 4.6144463 187 75 Niu-ch'iao-shih 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Hsiao-an-chieh 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Touyan 7.9364271 147 75 Touyan 10.419949 148 75 Touyan 2.0500631 149 75 Touyan 61.424401 150 75 61.424401 150 75 Banping 15.445253 145 75 Banping 6.6582175 146 75 Banping 7.9364271 147 75 Banping 10.419949 148 75 Banping 2.0500631 149 75 Banping 16.294285 148 78 Banping 10.201052 149 78 10.201052 149 78 Bei'ao 15.445253 145 75 Bei'ao 6.6582175 146 75 Bei'ao 7.9364271 147 75 Bei'ao 10.419949 148 75 Bei'ao 2.0500631 149 75 Bei'ao 16.294285 148 78 Bei'ao 10.201052 149 78 10.201052 149 78 Dajing 72.485656 154 77 72.485656 154 77 Wei-chiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hu-chia-lu 5.4299814 186 75 5.4299814 186 75 Ku-hsien 15.361803 295 78 Ku-hsien 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Chenyu 2.0500631 149 75 Chenyu 61.424401 150 75 Chenyu 49.926487 153 77 Chenyu 8.5062756 153 78 Chenyu 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Tieshan 65.913351 309 75 Tieshan 57.569361 310 75 Tieshan 57.945619 311 75 Tieshan 47.743442 312 75 Tieshan 44.199686 313 75 44.199686 313 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 4.6144463 187 75 Hsing-hsing-chen 2.5800153 188 75 2.5800153 188 75 Baixi 49.926487 153 77 Baixi 72.485656 154 77 Baixi 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chiu-ch'u-chen 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Dujiaqiao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Chien-chen 7.6550516 218 76 7.6550516 218 76 Chou-chia-peng 7.4155752 188 76 7.4155752 188 76 Fou-ch'iao 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Sanli 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Hai-men-hsien 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Huanshan 5.5698927 150 76 Huanshan 49.926487 153 77 Huanshan 72.485656 154 77 Huanshan 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Fengcheng 3.4258447 278 76 Fengcheng 2.0684823 279 77 2.0684823 279 77 Liujiazhai 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Ch'ing-lung-chiang 11.875192 206 76 11.875192 206 76 Qianjing 5.0762899 205 78 Qianjing 16.878731 204 79 Qianjing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Fushan 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Wang-chia-tun 25.041454 320 77 Wang-chia-tun 32.548758 321 77 Wang-chia-tun 29.438258 320 78 Wang-chia-tun 31.400401 321 78 Wang-chia-tun 28.336422 322 78 Wang-chia-tun 32.415091 323 78 Wang-chia-tun 28.796951 324 78 Wang-chia-tun 5.1811351 322 79 Wang-chia-tun 23.133033 324 79 Wang-chia-tun 13.338671 324 80 Wang-chia-tun 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ssu-niang-ch'iao 23.525967 188 77 23.525967 188 77 Lushun 60.563683 310 77 Lushun 3.0519991 314 77 Lushun 10.211338 314 78 10.211338 314 78 Liuhe 16.878731 204 79 Liuhe 4.9383975 204 80 4.9383975 204 80 Tiaobanqiao 5.0762899 205 78 Tiaobanqiao 16.878731 204 79 Tiaobanqiao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Xincun 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Kanmen 12.148678 150 77 Kanmen 16.272936 151 77 Kanmen 49.926487 153 77 Kanmen 8.5062756 153 78 Kanmen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Ch'ing-chiang 49.926487 153 77 Ch'ing-chiang 72.485656 154 77 Ch'ing-chiang 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Caopeng 8.2596783 206 77 8.2596783 206 77 Fu-hsin-tsao 15.928197 213 81 Fu-hsin-tsao 21.075985 214 81 21.075985 214 81 Ch'ang-sha 5.9733643 218 77 5.9733643 218 77 Chumen 16.272936 151 77 Chumen 49.926487 153 77 Chumen 72.485656 154 77 Chumen 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Wenqiao 49.926487 153 77 Wenqiao 72.485656 154 77 Wenqiao 9.2223275 153 79 9.2223275 153 79 Chung-fu 27.281443 107 78 Chung-fu 18.124242 107 79 Chung-fu 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Nankan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Dong'anzhen 15.928197 213 81 Dong'anzhen 21.075985 214 81 Dong'anzhen 5.1456271 215 81 Dong'anzhen 11.95893 216 81 11.95893 216 81 Jinshanwei 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Chenxing 16.878731 204 79 Chenxing 4.9383975 204 80 Chenxing 4.907592 202 82 4.907592 202 82 Wan'an 5.0762899 205 78 Wan'an 16.878731 204 79 Wan'an 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Haiyanzhen 15.928197 213 81 Haiyanzhen 21.075985 214 81 21.075985 214 81 Chu-chi 15.361803 295 78 Chu-chi 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 31.400401 321 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.336422 322 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 32.415091 323 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 28.796951 324 78 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 5.1811351 322 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 23.133033 324 79 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 13.338671 324 80 Ch'ang-ling-tzu 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 San Juan 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Sanguanmiao 29.438258 320 78 Sanguanmiao 31.400401 321 78 Sanguanmiao 28.336422 322 78 Sanguanmiao 32.415091 323 78 Sanguanmiao 28.796951 324 78 Sanguanmiao 5.1811351 322 79 Sanguanmiao 23.133033 324 79 Sanguanmiao 13.338671 324 80 Sanguanmiao 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-shan-tsui 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Shanyang 12.15896 189 78 12.15896 189 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 5.0762899 205 78 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 16.878731 204 79 Hsi-san-chiang-k'ou 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Meng-chiang-miao 5.0762899 205 78 Meng-chiang-miao 16.878731 204 79 Meng-chiang-miao 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Hongxing 5.0762899 205 78 Hongxing 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Beikan 5.0134007 217 79 5.0134007 217 79 Yantai 15.361803 295 78 Yantai 13.195624 294 79 13.195624 294 79 Hsin-p'u 9.6093348 185 79 9.6093348 185 79 Ducun 16.878731 204 79 Ducun 4.9383975 204 80 Ducun 4.907592 202 82 Ducun 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Zhifuzhen 13.195624 294 79 Zhifuzhen 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Xinzhaizi 12.188971 315 79 Xinzhaizi 11.129701 316 79 Xinzhaizi 12.273618 317 79 Xinzhaizi 5.1844298 316 82 5.1844298 316 82 Haiyou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Fugu 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Wudao 16.63765 319 79 Wudao 5.1811351 322 79 5.1811351 322 79 Chongming 16.878731 204 79 Chongming 7.4608971 205 79 Chongming 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Shuishiying 55.605209 310 79 55.605209 310 79 Lingmen 9.2223275 153 79 Lingmen 3.9519262 152 82 Lingmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Aohuan 9.2223275 153 79 Aohuan 3.9519262 152 82 Aohuan 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Dalu 9.2223275 153 79 Dalu 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Shaliu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Caojing 12.151612 189 79 12.151612 189 79 Changzheng 16.878731 204 79 Changzheng 7.4608971 205 79 7.4608971 205 79 Cheefoo 13.195624 294 79 Cheefoo 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Yingchengzi 12.188971 315 79 Yingchengzi 11.129701 316 79 Yingchengzi 12.273618 317 79 Yingchengzi 5.1844298 316 82 5.1844298 316 82 Naguilian 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Ko-ao-wang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Fang-ch'ien 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chiang-tzu-p'ing 18.124242 107 79 Chiang-tzu-p'ing 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Huqiao 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 14.466696 203 80 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 2.1981926 203 81 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 4.907592 202 82 Sheng-chia-ch'iao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Shih-she-chang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Dong'ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Guan'ao 9.2223275 153 79 Guan'ao 3.9519262 152 82 Guan'ao 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Houjiazhen 16.878731 204 79 Houjiazhen 7.4608971 205 79 Houjiazhen 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Qianqikuang 13.195624 294 79 Qianqikuang 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Ling-chiao-ch'en 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaojiang 41.209149 159 83 Jiaojiang 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Shan-shang-fang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Tan-shui 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Ch'uan-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Jiaoliudao 9.738003 319 80 Jiaoliudao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Wudongzha 5.1131623 183 83 Wudongzha 9.1161185 184 83 Wudongzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Hsia-feng-ch'a 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Abulug 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Qiansuo 41.209149 159 83 Qiansuo 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Pai-chia-chuang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Panlong 14.466696 203 80 Panlong 4.9383975 204 80 Panlong 4.907592 202 82 Panlong 3.1855034 203 83 Panlong 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsia-jo-ao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsi-yen 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hua-shan-t'ou 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chia-shih 41.209149 159 83 San-chia-shih 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Che-lin 14.339612 190 80 14.339612 190 80 Dongdayang 4.907592 202 82 Dongdayang 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baoshan 14.466696 203 80 Baoshan 2.1981926 203 81 Baoshan 4.907592 202 82 Baoshan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Dongfeng 14.466696 203 80 Dongfeng 4.9383975 204 80 Dongfeng 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Donggangcun 15.928197 213 81 Donggangcun 9.5464842 212 83 Donggangcun 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Qiganshi 4.7120089 280 80 Qiganshi 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Wu-tao 9.738003 319 80 Wu-tao 6.8199729 321 80 6.8199729 321 80 Donggang 13.338671 324 80 Donggang 7.8201171 324 81 Donggang 13.620834 328 84 13.620834 328 84 Yeh-chia 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Ch'i-shih-chieh 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 San-chih 14.470222 107 80 14.470222 107 80 Ch'ang-yang-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Hsueh-mou-ts'un 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Taipingzha 5.1131623 183 83 Taipingzha 9.1161185 184 83 Taipingzha 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Xinmin 14.466696 203 80 Xinmin 4.9383975 204 80 Xinmin 4.907592 202 82 Xinmin 3.1855034 203 83 Xinmin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Ju-shan-k'ou 4.7120089 280 80 Ju-shan-k'ou 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 57.731312 310 80 Hsiao-p'ing-tao 39.563689 311 80 39.563689 311 80 Cabuluan 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Cao'antou 4.907592 202 82 Cao'antou 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsin-k'ai-ho 2.1981926 203 81 Hsin-k'ai-ho 4.907592 202 82 Hsin-k'ai-ho 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Mashanshangzhai 8.1078418 293 82 Mashanshangzhai 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Santang 7.8201171 324 81 7.8201171 324 81 Chin-ch'ing 41.209149 159 83 Chin-ch'ing 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Changjiang 2.1981926 203 81 Changjiang 3.1855034 203 83 3.1855034 203 83 Xining 15.928197 213 81 Xining 9.5464842 212 83 Xining 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Gezhenpu 10.263241 316 81 Gezhenpu 10.655565 317 81 Gezhenpu 5.1844298 316 82 Gezhenpu 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Feng-p'u-ao 5.1131623 183 83 Feng-p'u-ao 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Ch'ien-chia-ch'iao 7.7341116 191 81 7.7341116 191 81 Catuguran 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Beishenjiazhai 4.907592 202 82 Beishenjiazhai 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Chayuan 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Youcheqiao 4.907592 202 82 Youcheqiao 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Ma-chia-tun 5.1173799 325 82 Ma-chia-tun 14.940887 328 83 Ma-chia-tun 13.620834 328 84 Ma-chia-tun 4.2163928 329 86 4.2163928 329 86 Ch'iu-wang 5.1131623 183 83 Ch'iu-wang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Dalian 5.1844298 316 82 Dalian 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Shangpan 41.209149 159 83 Shangpan 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Jiankangtang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Lusi 16.539531 212 82 Lusi 9.5464842 212 83 Lusi 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Nanguanling 5.1844298 316 82 Nanguanling 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Ch'ing-shui-hu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Su-chia 6.1446035 191 82 6.1446035 191 82 Muping 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Linao 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Shih-t'ang 3.9519262 152 82 Shih-t'ang 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Sichalu 2.3471824 160 83 2.3471824 160 83 Qianjin 4.907592 202 82 Qianjin 3.1855034 203 83 Qianjin 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hai-yang-so 8.0972223 280 82 Hai-yang-so 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Songmen 6.8956706 154 82 6.8956706 154 82 Nanbu 4.907592 202 82 Nanbu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hsieh-fu 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Lipu 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Bisagu 29.899367 7 82 29.899367 7 82 Liyang 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Wantang 4.4749719 182 84 4.4749719 182 84 Yangyuan 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gaodong 4.907592 202 82 Gaodong 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanhong 14.615235 279 82 Nanhong 8.0972223 280 82 Nanhong 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Xinghaitun 52.1369 311 82 52.1369 311 82 Chien-t'iao 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chin-shan 24.212938 109 82 Chin-shan 94.726282 110 84 Chin-shan 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Panshi 4.907592 202 82 Panshi 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Baishatan 5.0342894 281 82 5.0342894 281 82 Dayandao 5.1844298 316 82 Dayandao 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Houyantun 5.1844298 316 82 Houyantun 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Aparri 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 San-chiao-t'ang 3.8277706 163 85 3.8277706 163 85 Gulu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Gangyan 3.1855034 203 83 Gangyan 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dal'niy 56.880607 311 83 56.880607 311 83 Alilinu 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Daxingzhen 4.5413906 204 87 Daxingzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Gongjiazhen 9.5464842 212 83 Gongjiazhen 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Fu-chou-wan 11.071899 318 83 Fu-chou-wan 18.318481 319 83 Fu-chou-wan 38.89369 318 84 38.89369 318 84 Wan-li 78.355792 110 83 Wan-li 94.726282 110 84 Wan-li 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Gongjialu 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Nanqinghe 4.5413906 204 87 Nanqinghe 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Dingguanzhai 3.9836386 316 83 Dingguanzhai 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Dahu 11.191198 168 83 11.191198 168 83 Chen-hai 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Dongxing 5.2178071 201 83 5.2178071 201 83 Hexing 3.1855034 203 83 Hexing 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dongshanbeitou 10.482945 292 83 10.482945 292 83 Lao-yu-tang 7.1464408 191 84 Lao-yu-tang 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Ch'ang-chieh 61.646954 168 84 61.646954 168 84 Hsiang-hua 4.4113937 201 84 Hsiang-hua 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Dong'an 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Qianyangjiacun 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Jinzhou 15.503652 316 84 15.503652 316 84 Punta 20.300164 6 84 20.300164 6 84 Cailu 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Bailonggang 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Qianwei 4.4113937 201 84 Qianwei 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Shang-chuang 14.744342 292 84 14.744342 292 84 Chi-lung 78.095275 109 85 Chi-lung 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Zhenhai 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Ping'an 7.1464408 191 84 Ping'an 2.5604646 192 84 2.5604646 192 84 Sizhoutou 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Yuansha 4.4113937 201 84 Yuansha 10.222302 202 84 10.222302 202 84 Hsing-i-ts'un 7.8946614 211 84 7.8946614 211 84 Ch'iang-t'ou 9.4721285 170 89 Ch'iang-t'ou 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xianxiang 8.597725 175 88 Xianxiang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Baishuijing 22.526704 319 85 22.526704 319 85 Balza 14.661471 5 86 14.661471 5 86 Shigaotang 4.8035103 180 86 Shigaotang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Jiangjia 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Wusi 6.0627425 191 85 Wusi 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Ch'en-chia 10.775334 200 85 Ch'en-chia 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Ch'ang-t'an-li 78.095275 109 85 Ch'ang-t'an-li 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Ch'iu-chia-chai 8.8782186 198 87 8.8782186 198 87 Fumin 10.775334 200 85 Fumin 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Dong'anzhen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Tou-cheng 72.613429 101 88 Tou-cheng 90.66635 102 88 Tou-cheng 39.260628 103 88 39.260628 103 88 Chia-li-wan 30.464002 100 88 30.464002 100 88 Beiqigen 4.8035103 180 86 Beiqigen 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Tanglugang 5.3834567 210 87 Tanglugang 6.34959 206 89 6.34959 206 89 Jianggezhuang 14.570182 292 85 14.570182 292 85 Dingtang 7.84858 167 85 7.84858 167 85 Ligang 4.9311393 181 85 4.9311393 181 85 Guoyuan 6.0627425 191 85 Guoyuan 5.2100513 192 85 5.2100513 192 85 Fengle 10.775334 200 85 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 10.775334 200 85 Hsin-min 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Niupeng 12.974838 202 85 12.974838 202 85 Hsin-tsao-chen 4.5413906 204 87 Hsin-tsao-chen 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Langnuankou 6.1199551 281 85 Langnuankou 3.1296165 283 88 3.1296165 283 88 Yinyang 4.5413906 204 87 Yinyang 3.5635341 205 87 3.5635341 205 87 Su-ao 30.464002 100 88 30.464002 100 88 Beilungang 4.8035103 180 86 Beilungang 5.0451305 181 86 Beilungang 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Lao-chiang 6.0394592 197 88 Lao-chiang 11.746561 193 89 Lao-chiang 3.7528473 194 89 3.7528473 194 89 Xiaoguan 4.9587606 282 87 Xiaoguan 3.1296165 283 88 Xiaoguan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dagushan 41.345126 312 86 Dagushan 9.8166156 314 86 Dagushan 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Sanshan 8.597725 175 88 Sanshan 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Donghai 6.8080325 191 86 Donghai 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Shuyuan 6.0074063 192 86 6.0074063 192 86 Wanli 9.8166156 314 86 Wanli 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Dongjiagou 9.8166156 314 86 Dongjiagou 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Daxu 8.597725 175 88 8.597725 175 88 Daniwan 4.8035103 180 86 Daniwan 5.0451305 181 86 Daniwan 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Nianyuwan 41.345126 312 86 Nianyuwan 9.8166156 314 86 Nianyuwan 3.9477531 315 86 3.9477531 315 86 Buguey 14.661471 5 86 Buguey 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Zhuxi 8.597725 175 88 Zhuxi 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Lao-tung 78.286222 108 86 78.286222 108 86 Danmen 9.4721285 170 89 Danmen 15.486557 171 89 15.486557 171 89 Xiaoli'ao 4.8035103 180 86 Xiaoli'ao 5.0451305 181 86 5.0451305 181 86 Xilangnuan 4.9587606 282 87 Xilangnuan 3.1296165 283 88 Xilangnuan 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Hepu 10.516434 165 87 Hepu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Ch'ai-ch'iao 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Huatong 4.3923145 329 87 4.3923145 329 87 Chiu-nan-t'ien 10.516434 165 87 Chiu-nan-t'ien 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Shihphu 5.8263342 167 87 5.8263342 167 87 Beidianzi 16.98741 292 87 16.98741 292 87 Qiancang 8.597725 175 88 Qiancang 5.9404856 176 88 5.9404856 176 88 Fu-lien 39.260628 103 88 39.260628 103 88 Guizhou 2.1625192 331 88 2.1625192 331 88 Gonzaga 22.144727 5 88 Gonzaga 24.144903 5 89 Gonzaga 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Ch'en-chia-lu 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Wuleidao 9.0202245 281 88 Wuleidao 6.1302265 282 88 Wuleidao 3.1296165 283 88 Wuleidao 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Guoju 7.4258866 175 89 7.4258866 175 89 Tiancun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Zeku 5.956488 282 89 Zeku 2.9754361 283 89 Zeku 23.238766 284 90 23.238766 284 90 Dalijia 14.86056 315 89 14.86056 315 89 Teng-sha-ho 8.4064301 316 91 8.4064301 316 91 Bawa 24.144903 5 89 Bawa 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Yuanyaocun 16.577474 292 89 16.577474 292 89 Cabiraoan 24.144903 5 89 Cabiraoan 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Chung-tse 37.812105 176 90 Chung-tse 5.4334006 177 90 Chung-tse 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Dinghai 14.431663 182 92 Dinghai 41.640815 178 93 Dinghai 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Weihai 21.521515 293 90 21.521515 293 90 Chiao-t'ou 5.7902978 174 90 Chiao-t'ou 6.6960528 175 90 Chiao-t'ou 37.812105 176 90 Chiao-t'ou 5.4334006 177 90 5.4334006 177 90 Panyuchwan 32.719378 332 90 32.719378 332 90 Ganlan 14.431663 182 92 Ganlan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Casambalangan 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 San Vincente 20.064327 5 90 20.064327 5 90 Dongsha 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Lu-chia-t'un 43.369556 333 91 43.369556 333 91 Wangzhai 43.369556 333 91 43.369556 333 91 Gaoting 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Litang 6.2692201 169 91 Litang 6.0665923 170 91 Litang 5.0002155 171 91 Litang 5.6681767 173 91 5.6681767 173 91 Nanfeng 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Jinghaiwei 15.213907 280 91 Jinghaiwei 9.4992308 281 91 Jinghaiwei 5.8361838 282 91 Jinghaiwei 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Da'ao 7.1140451 174 91 Da'ao 9.1525077 175 91 Da'ao 8.855008 177 91 8.855008 177 91 Huangshan 5.8361838 282 91 Huangshan 7.2656026 283 91 7.2656026 283 91 Zaobu 29.513482 293 92 29.513482 293 92 Ch'ing-shui-ho 6.2568556 318 93 6.2568556 318 93 Luomen 14.431663 182 92 Luomen 41.640815 178 93 Luomen 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Changtu 14.431663 182 92 14.431663 182 92 Jen-ho-chi 12.273248 281 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.5358904 282 92 Jen-ho-chi 7.8003059 282 93 Jen-ho-chi 23.623298 281 96 Jen-ho-chi 16.853075 282 96 16.853075 282 96 Ta-chan 14.431663 182 92 Ta-chan 41.640815 178 93 Ta-chan 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 P'u-t'o 10.816907 177 93 P'u-t'o 41.640815 178 93 P'u-t'o 4.3375407 179 93 4.3375407 179 93 Qiandao 15.566538 281 93 Qiandao 7.8003059 282 93 Qiandao 23.623298 281 96 Qiandao 16.853075 282 96 Qiandao 22.261497 282 97 Qiandao 10.974932 283 97 10.974932 283 97 Wujiatun 19.384493 315 93 Wujiatun 17.040036 316 93 17.040036 316 93 Pikou 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Ch'ih-shan-chi 16.853075 282 96 Ch'ih-shan-chi 22.261497 282 97 Ch'ih-shan-chi 10.974932 283 97 Ch'ih-shan-chi 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Jiaxinzi 19.965156 319 94 19.965156 319 94 Shidao 16.14937 281 94 Shidao 18.398227 281 95 Shidao 23.623298 281 96 Shidao 16.853075 282 96 Shidao 22.261497 282 97 Shidao 10.974932 283 97 Shidao 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Laoshantun 2.918996 284 98 2.918996 284 98 Xizhuang 18.963316 292 95 Xizhuang 10.598257 291 96 Xizhuang 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Ning-ching-so 16.853075 282 96 Ning-ching-so 22.261497 282 97 Ning-ching-so 10.974932 283 97 Ning-ching-so 2.918996 284 98 Ning-ching-so 18.710073 284 99 Ning-ching-so 15.0606 285 99 Ning-ching-so 13.836769 286 99 13.836769 286 99 Dazhuang 18.398227 281 95 Dazhuang 23.623298 281 96 Dazhuang 16.853075 282 96 Dazhuang 22.261497 282 97 Dazhuang 10.974932 283 97 Dazhuang 2.918996 284 98 Dazhuang 18.710073 284 99 Dazhuang 15.0606 285 99 15.0606 285 99 Jiurongcheng 10.598257 291 96 Jiurongcheng 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Xiaogangnantou 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 Dashijiapo 2.134831 291 97 2.134831 291 97 K'an-tzu 46.554234 321 98 K'an-tzu 8.7644452 321 99 K'an-tzu 20.716553 322 100 20.716553 322 100 Wolongcun 17.371456 291 98 17.371456 291 98 Fangshentun 29.089033 316 98 Fangshentun 6.7260334 319 99 6.7260334 319 99 Kubura 127.9115 97 106 Kubura 321.59536 98 106 Kubura 858.42707 99 106 858.42707 99 106 Zhuanghe 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Dafangshen 11.882043 321 103 Dafangshen 3.3721523 322 103 Dafangshen 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Shishan 5.3016982 323 103 5.3016982 323 103 Wangjia 24.081672 319 104 Wangjia 17.168656 320 104 Wangjia 9.6923136 321 104 Wangjia 10.749466 322 104 Wangjia 7.5158755 323 104 Wangjia 4.1820704 323 105 4.1820704 323 105 Anzishan 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Ch'ing-tui-tzu 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Nanjian 11.762029 323 110 Nanjian 7.0071058 324 110 Nanjian 44.964793 326 110 44.964793 326 110 Huangtukan 43.471441 326 113 Huangtukan 53.364176 327 115 Huangtukan 22.551549 327 116 Huangtukan 3.0258564 326 117 Huangtukan 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Sakiyama 203.57826 92 113 Sakiyama 72.627692 93 113 Sakiyama 302.0695 94 113 Sakiyama 699.64857 95 113 Sakiyama 1111.3887 96 113 Sakiyama 103.90006 92 116 Sakiyama 2.4595049 95 116 2.4595049 95 116 Hoshitate 333.96525 94 114 Hoshitate 413.40275 95 114 Hoshitate 1093.2539 97 114 Hoshitate 1268.8146 98 114 Hoshitate 2.4595049 95 116 2.4595049 95 116 Shirabaramitake 169.79837 92 115 Shirabaramitake 242.33275 93 115 Shirabaramitake 103.90006 92 116 103.90006 92 116 Honai 186.85737 94 115 Honai 80.362833 95 115 Honai 360.20269 96 115 Honai 1001.6358 97 115 Honai 1354.1759 98 115 Honai 2.4595049 95 116 Honai 89.209781 96 119 89.209781 96 119 Toyohara 103.90006 92 116 Toyohara 2.4595049 95 116 Toyohara 89.209781 96 119 89.209781 96 119 Pei-ching-tzu 4.7506113 325 116 Pei-ching-tzu 22.551549 327 116 Pei-ching-tzu 3.0258564 326 117 Pei-ching-tzu 34.824867 327 117 34.824867 327 117 Kobama 69.96834 93 118 Kobama 154.28997 97 118 Kobama 89.209781 96 119 Kobama 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Agarisuji 441.89003 91 118 Agarisuji 518.13912 92 118 Agarisuji 69.96834 93 118 Agarisuji 178.621 93 120 Agarisuji 14.096433 95 120 Agarisuji 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Dadong 2.0039199 326 121 Dadong 2.0012454 326 122 Dadong 2.6932739 326 124 2.6932739 326 124 Ishigaki 178.621 93 120 Ishigaki 14.096433 95 120 Ishigaki 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Fubai 14.755579 94 121 Fubai 63.403 96 121 Fubai 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Chogumsa 4.4324064 325 121 Chogumsa 2.0039199 326 121 Chogumsa 2.0012454 326 122 Chogumsa 2.6932739 326 124 Chogumsa 3.3889949 326 125 Chogumsa 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Shirafu 557.31901 93 122 Shirafu 2.02093 94 122 Shirafu 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Ibarama 2.5664988 95 122 2.5664988 95 122 Hirano 55.288835 97 123 Hirano 89.043398 97 125 89.043398 97 125 Anmin 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongampo-ri 2.6932739 326 124 Yongampo-ri 3.3889949 326 125 Yongampo-ri 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Genjo 2.6932739 326 124 Genjo 3.3889949 326 125 Genjo 2.9019132 327 125 2.9019132 327 125 Yongsapo 2.9664513 321 128 Yongsapo 5.3139678 322 128 Yongsapo 8.7710941 323 128 Yongsapo 9.4064872 324 128 Yongsapo 3.2745183 324 129 Yongsapo 15.644561 325 129 Yongsapo 5.481458 323 131 Yongsapo 8.6037931 324 131 Yongsapo 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Chandae-dong 67.952825 297 128 Chandae-dong 65.747769 298 128 Chandae-dong 54.411176 299 128 Chandae-dong 63.898788 300 128 Chandae-dong 65.754827 301 128 Chandae-dong 48.92898 298 129 Chandae-dong 38.636737 299 129 Chandae-dong 38.107732 300 129 Chandae-dong 56.892045 301 129 Chandae-dong 34.749838 300 130 Chandae-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Chandae-dong 16.283558 297 131 Chandae-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Chandae-dong 33.314541 297 132 Chandae-dong 24.830385 298 132 Chandae-dong 46.762439 299 132 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 63.31624 295 129 Kaju-dong 64.222239 296 129 Kaju-dong 63.668785 297 129 Kaju-dong 48.92898 298 129 Kaju-dong 38.636737 299 129 Kaju-dong 4.7590613 297 130 Kaju-dong 16.283558 297 131 Kaju-dong 6.9809642 298 131 Kaju-dong 18.567548 296 132 Kaju-dong 33.314541 297 132 Kaju-dong 24.830385 298 132 Kaju-dong 46.762439 299 132 Kaju-dong 24.856205 299 133 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 38.636737 299 129 Ch'angam-dong 38.107732 300 129 Ch'angam-dong 56.892045 301 129 Ch'angam-dong 41.827425 302 129 Ch'angam-dong 53.977469 303 129 Ch'angam-dong 34.749838 300 130 Ch'angam-dong 6.4593471 301 130 Ch'angam-dong 16.949776 302 130 Ch'angam-dong 44.911389 303 130 Ch'angam-dong 23.864916 301 131 Ch'angam-dong 16.008163 302 131 Ch'angam-dong 19.200451 303 131 Ch'angam-dong 46.762439 299 132 Ch'angam-dong 24.856205 299 133 Ch'angam-dong 20.322722 300 133 Ch'angam-dong 8.5835091 301 133 8.5835091 301 133 Changya-dong 8.247528 323 129 Changya-dong 3.2745183 324 129 Changya-dong 15.644561 325 129 Changya-dong 5.481458 323 131 Changya-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Changya-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Ansan-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Ansan-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Arang-dong 48.258552 306 130 Arang-dong 51.785737 307 130 Arang-dong 41.92628 308 130 Arang-dong 28.73795 309 130 Arang-dong 23.861979 310 130 Arang-dong 68.086418 308 131 Arang-dong 41.10869 309 131 Arang-dong 40.371133 310 131 Arang-dong 20.041426 309 132 Arang-dong 31.883651 310 132 Arang-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Arang-dong 17.458806 309 133 Arang-dong 22.606289 310 133 Arang-dong 14.042692 307 134 Arang-dong 17.803123 308 134 Arang-dong 13.296947 309 134 Arang-dong 8.2722777 310 134 8.2722777 310 134 Sogon-ni 19.200451 303 131 Sogon-ni 12.579912 304 131 Sogon-ni 21.953468 305 131 Sogon-ni 2.8138241 306 131 Sogon-ni 22.711163 307 131 Sogon-ni 20.233065 304 132 Sogon-ni 22.175476 305 132 Sogon-ni 16.438775 306 132 Sogon-ni 6.7326396 307 132 Sogon-ni 16.22582 306 133 Sogon-ni 4.1624577 307 133 Sogon-ni 14.042692 307 134 Sogon-ni 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Sinmi-dong 6.6077831 321 131 Sinmi-dong 8.1506313 322 131 Sinmi-dong 5.481458 323 131 Sinmi-dong 8.6037931 324 131 Sinmi-dong 19.453847 325 132 19.453847 325 132 Monggumpo-ri 42.219176 300 131 Monggumpo-ri 23.864916 301 131 Monggumpo-ri 16.008163 302 131 Monggumpo-ri 19.200451 303 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.579912 304 131 Monggumpo-ri 12.370203 300 132 Monggumpo-ri 20.322722 300 133 Monggumpo-ri 8.5835091 301 133 Monggumpo-ri 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Ch'am-ch'on 16.67789 303 132 Ch'am-ch'on 20.233065 304 132 Ch'am-ch'on 22.175476 305 132 Ch'am-ch'on 16.438775 306 132 Ch'am-ch'on 2.9718768 304 133 Ch'am-ch'on 4.9813939 305 133 Ch'am-ch'on 16.22582 306 133 16.22582 306 133 Sagi-ri 20.233065 304 132 Sagi-ri 22.175476 305 132 Sagi-ri 16.438775 306 132 Sagi-ri 6.7326396 307 132 Sagi-ri 8.0695346 308 132 Sagi-ri 4.1624577 307 133 Sagi-ri 8.4014419 308 133 Sagi-ri 14.042692 307 134 Sagi-ri 17.803123 308 134 Sagi-ri 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 4.1624577 307 133 Chosa-dong 8.4014419 308 133 Chosa-dong 17.458806 309 133 Chosa-dong 22.606289 310 133 Chosa-dong 14.042692 307 134 Chosa-dong 17.803123 308 134 Chosa-dong 13.296947 309 134 Chosa-dong 8.2722777 310 134 Chosa-dong 6.3796517 311 134 Chosa-dong 2.5881107 307 135 Chosa-dong 7.8538984 311 135 Chosa-dong 16.57922 310 136 Chosa-dong 7.6957089 310 137 Chosa-dong 13.50636 311 137 13.50636 311 137 Sanggun-dong 20.322722 300 133 Sanggun-dong 8.5835091 301 133 Sanggun-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Amdu-ri 9.4330686 324 133 9.4330686 324 133 Pungchon 2.9718768 304 133 Pungchon 4.9813939 305 133 Pungchon 16.22582 306 133 Pungchon 4.1624577 307 133 Pungchon 8.4014419 308 133 Pungchon 14.042692 307 134 Pungchon 17.803123 308 134 Pungchon 2.5881107 307 135 2.5881107 307 135 Hyu-dong 23.243217 297 134 Hyu-dong 36.440004 298 134 Hyu-dong 14.928938 299 134 Hyu-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Hyu-dong 2.1832035 301 134 Hyu-dong 17.890888 297 136 Hyu-dong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Chungga-dong 14.928938 299 134 Chungga-dong 9.3842703 300 134 Chungga-dong 2.1832035 301 134 2.1832035 301 134 Hang-ni 96.623511 239 134 96.623511 239 134 An-ch'on 14.042692 307 134 An-ch'on 17.803123 308 134 An-ch'on 13.296947 309 134 An-ch'on 8.2722777 310 134 An-ch'on 2.5881107 307 135 An-ch'on 16.57922 310 136 An-ch'on 7.6957089 310 137 An-ch'on 7.5753806 310 138 7.5753806 310 138 Choyang-ni 2.3800803 322 135 Choyang-ni 34.369154 324 135 34.369154 324 135 Sondup'yong 21.573105 298 135 Sondup'yong 7.3877235 300 135 Sondup'yong 17.890888 297 136 Sondup'yong 4.7356655 297 137 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 21.573105 298 135 Sogang-ni 7.3877235 300 135 Sogang-ni 17.890888 297 136 Sogang-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Sogang-ni 3.9592761 296 138 Sogang-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Kuninaka 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Chukhang 87.38565 252 136 87.38565 252 136 Ichimasui 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Karimata 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Sugama 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Hirara 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Chung-ni 11.394591 296 137 Chung-ni 4.7356655 297 137 Chung-ni 3.9592761 296 138 Chung-ni 9.8661774 296 139 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 29.517253 294 138 Changdae 14.694453 295 138 Changdae 3.9592761 296 138 Changdae 7.624715 295 139 Changdae 9.8661774 296 139 Changdae 15.802247 295 141 Changdae 19.267599 295 142 19.267599 295 142 Changp'o 7.759222 321 138 Changp'o 5.7636397 322 138 Changp'o 44.567608 323 138 Changp'o 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Arasato 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Ongjin 9.8661774 296 139 Ongjin 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Yung-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Yung-ni 5.8961564 320 139 Yung-ni 28.075365 322 139 Yung-ni 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Hwajin-ni 21.891651 316 139 Hwajin-ni 20.802088 317 139 Hwajin-ni 19.473088 318 139 Hwajin-ni 9.4494461 319 139 Hwajin-ni 5.8961564 320 139 Hwajin-ni 15.181629 320 140 Hwajin-ni 12.974002 320 141 12.974002 320 141 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 28.075365 322 139 Unhaktong-Namso-ri 27.534403 322 140 27.534403 322 140 Bora 15.123984 103 139 15.123984 103 139 Sogimdok 46.859901 294 140 Sogimdok 38.410316 294 141 Sogimdok 15.802247 295 141 Sogimdok 19.267599 295 142 Sogimdok 26.033507 295 143 Sogimdok 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Sigyo-ri 46.859901 294 140 Sigyo-ri 38.410316 294 141 Sigyo-ri 15.802247 295 141 Sigyo-ri 19.267599 295 142 Sigyo-ri 26.033507 295 143 Sigyo-ri 4.2635498 296 143 4.2635498 296 143 Chungang-ni 11.13778 318 140 Chungang-ni 22.069283 319 140 Chungang-ni 15.181629 320 140 Chungang-ni 12.974002 320 141 12.974002 320 141 Changsu-ri 19.267599 295 142 Changsu-ri 26.033507 295 143 Changsu-ri 4.2635498 296 143 Changsu-ri 8.0250839 296 145 Changsu-ri 4.7058301 297 145 Changsu-ri 8.9062797 297 146 Changsu-ri 3.5133482 298 146 Changsu-ri 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Aesan-dong 4.2635498 296 143 Aesan-dong 8.0250839 296 145 Aesan-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Aesan-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Aesan-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Aesan-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Haeju 3.5133482 298 146 Haeju 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Sanyonp'yong 9.017629 292 144 Sanyonp'yong 11.858717 293 144 Sanyonp'yong 16.043677 294 144 Sanyonp'yong 19.979583 295 144 Sanyonp'yong 18.046339 295 145 Sanyonp'yong 8.0250839 296 145 Sanyonp'yong 7.1984597 296 146 Sanyonp'yong 15.178247 295 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.020769 296 147 Sanyonp'yong 2.5262984 296 148 2.5262984 296 148 Haech'ang-dong 4.7058301 297 145 Haech'ang-dong 8.9062797 297 146 Haech'ang-dong 3.5133482 298 146 Haech'ang-dong 5.9667203 299 146 5.9667203 299 146 Chehang-ni 44.279905 247 146 Chehang-ni 41.831123 249 146 Chehang-ni 28.084955 251 146 Chehang-ni 33.873111 247 147 Chehang-ni 17.419895 249 147 Chehang-ni 26.495829 250 147 Chehang-ni 29.4564 251 147 Chehang-ni 18.049495 249 148 Chehang-ni 28.577934 250 148 Chehang-ni 19.363829 251 148 Chehang-ni 22.172104 249 149 22.172104 249 149 On-dong 5.1034185 294 146 On-dong 6.6027836 295 146 On-dong 7.1984597 296 146 On-dong 8.9062797 297 146 On-dong 3.5133482 298 146 On-dong 17.70219 298 147 On-dong 2.4021282 296 150 On-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Chibuk 40.201486 248 147 Chibuk 17.419895 249 147 Chibuk 26.495829 250 147 Chibuk 29.4564 251 147 Chibuk 21.956516 252 147 Chibuk 28.577934 250 148 Chibuk 19.363829 251 148 Chibuk 3.0825982 252 148 Chibuk 12.796815 252 149 Chibuk 11.590677 251 150 Chibuk 2.0501242 252 151 2.0501242 252 151 Choam-dong 2.020769 296 147 Choam-dong 17.70219 298 147 Choam-dong 2.4021282 296 150 Choam-dong 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Etsuu 9.6271908 284 147 Etsuu 27.647417 285 147 Etsuu 13.93856 286 147 Etsuu 28.085299 287 147 Etsuu 14.286725 288 147 Etsuu 42.246294 288 148 Etsuu 14.690072 288 149 Etsuu 36.842576 288 150 Etsuu 13.69891 288 151 13.69891 288 151 Hwangdo 52.68561 271 147 Hwangdo 52.015145 272 147 Hwangdo 57.406962 273 147 Hwangdo 40.254339 274 147 Hwangdo 61.071724 275 147 Hwangdo 41.48292 275 148 Hwangdo 46.001713 275 149 Hwangdo 30.769436 275 150 Hwangdo 26.023157 275 151 26.023157 275 151 Doko-ri 18.049495 249 148 Doko-ri 28.577934 250 148 Doko-ri 19.363829 251 148 Doko-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Doko-ri 21.03612 253 148 Doko-ri 12.796815 252 149 Doko-ri 21.810351 253 149 Doko-ri 11.590677 251 150 Doko-ri 2.0501242 252 151 Doko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Doko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ant'ae 30.989565 246 148 Ant'ae 26.922179 247 148 Ant'ae 28.351649 248 148 Ant'ae 18.049495 249 148 Ant'ae 28.577934 250 148 Ant'ae 35.13929 248 149 Ant'ae 22.172104 249 149 Ant'ae 23.360578 247 150 Ant'ae 12.91663 248 150 Ant'ae 12.487411 247 151 Ant'ae 29.732133 247 152 Ant'ae 6.734872 248 152 6.734872 248 152 Och'ong 35.99735 269 148 Och'ong 42.348337 270 148 Och'ong 53.312852 271 148 Och'ong 52.760284 272 148 Och'ong 52.172978 273 148 Och'ong 49.575677 272 149 Och'ong 59.378444 273 149 Och'ong 33.280567 272 150 Och'ong 38.956148 273 150 Och'ong 26.781251 272 151 Och'ong 24.548753 271 152 Och'ong 23.725931 272 152 Och'ong 35.515611 273 152 35.515611 273 152 Bunkai-ri 19.363829 251 148 Bunkai-ri 3.0825982 252 148 Bunkai-ri 21.03612 253 148 Bunkai-ri 18.363187 254 148 Bunkai-ri 12.048456 255 148 Bunkai-ri 16.851478 255 149 Bunkai-ri 21.320522 254 150 Bunkai-ri 10.563465 255 150 Bunkai-ri 6.7307922 254 151 Bunkai-ri 4.85565 255 151 Bunkai-ri 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'onggye-ri 2.018464 295 149 Ch'onggye-ri 2.0001423 295 150 Ch'onggye-ri 2.4021282 296 150 Ch'onggye-ri 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Ach'on 22.172104 249 149 Ach'on 12.796815 252 149 Ach'on 21.810351 253 149 Ach'on 11.590677 251 150 Ach'on 2.0501242 252 151 Ach'on 4.1033031 250 152 Ach'on 8.6752272 253 152 8.6752272 253 152 Sep'o 26.95932 245 150 Sep'o 14.005564 246 150 Sep'o 23.360578 247 150 Sep'o 12.91663 248 150 Sep'o 12.487411 247 151 Sep'o 29.732133 247 152 Sep'o 6.734872 248 152 Sep'o 15.413641 248 153 15.413641 248 153 Ikkum-ni 11.590677 251 150 Ikkum-ni 21.320522 254 150 Ikkum-ni 10.563465 255 150 Ikkum-ni 6.7307922 254 151 Ikkum-ni 4.85565 255 151 Ikkum-ni 8.6752272 253 152 Ikkum-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chondang-ni 2.0001423 295 150 Chondang-ni 2.4021282 296 150 Chondang-ni 17.591521 297 150 17.591521 297 150 Changgo 10.200227 252 150 Changgo 21.320522 254 150 Changgo 10.563465 255 150 Changgo 23.586617 256 150 Changgo 4.85565 255 151 Changgo 8.6752272 253 152 Changgo 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chogun-mal 12.795995 257 150 Chogun-mal 14.982607 258 150 Chogun-mal 16.037022 259 150 Chogun-mal 14.111078 257 151 Chogun-mal 7.5382908 258 151 Chogun-mal 13.58434 259 151 Chogun-mal 12.540473 257 154 Chogun-mal 2.0395579 258 154 Chogun-mal 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Tengan-ri 6.7307922 254 151 Tengan-ri 4.85565 255 151 Tengan-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Oejongsan 24.294911 278 151 Oejongsan 22.350351 279 151 Oejongsan 30.865036 280 151 Oejongsan 35.76981 281 151 Oejongsan 45.829966 282 151 Oejongsan 23.722503 282 152 Oejongsan 11.15504 278 153 Oejongsan 6.7631004 279 153 Oejongsan 8.7245816 278 154 Oejongsan 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Anmal 11.469689 293 151 Anmal 5.4650281 295 151 Anmal 14.521966 296 151 Anmal 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Joman-ri 10.549371 243 151 Joman-ri 46.638262 245 151 Joman-ri 32.156669 246 151 Joman-ri 12.487411 247 151 Joman-ri 29.732133 247 152 29.732133 247 152 Soko-ri 4.1033031 250 152 Soko-ri 8.6752272 253 152 Soko-ri 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Muji-ni 7.2343729 294 152 Muji-ni 5.456393 294 153 Muji-ni 3.9278442 295 153 Muji-ni 3.5759047 296 153 Muji-ni 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Songnyong-ni 7.283544 257 152 Songnyong-ni 7.7479813 258 152 Songnyong-ni 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Jindo 29.732133 247 152 Jindo 6.734872 248 152 Jindo 15.413641 248 153 Jindo 8.4904397 249 154 Jindo 8.4344916 248 155 Jindo 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Kyodo 7.2343729 294 152 Kyodo 5.456393 294 153 Kyodo 3.9278442 295 153 Kyodo 3.5759047 296 153 Kyodo 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Aenang-ni 29.732133 247 152 Aenang-ni 6.734872 248 152 Aenang-ni 15.413641 248 153 Aenang-ni 2.6564384 250 153 Aenang-ni 10.501459 251 153 Aenang-ni 14.054734 251 154 Aenang-ni 8.4344916 248 155 Aenang-ni 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Dongmun 13.622337 279 152 Dongmun 2.7457444 280 152 Dongmun 23.722503 282 152 Dongmun 22.686944 283 152 Dongmun 6.7631004 279 153 Dongmun 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Oe-dong 23.722503 282 152 Oe-dong 22.686944 283 152 Oe-dong 49.176975 284 152 Oe-dong 25.088514 285 152 Oe-dong 25.057613 285 153 Oe-dong 20.370363 285 154 Oe-dong 26.844518 285 155 Oe-dong 10.688657 285 156 10.688657 285 156 Hwadong-ni 6.734872 248 152 Hwadong-ni 15.413641 248 153 Hwadong-ni 2.6564384 250 153 Hwadong-ni 10.501459 251 153 Hwadong-ni 14.054734 251 154 Hwadong-ni 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Ch'al-tong 8.6752272 253 152 Ch'al-tong 4.5439559 254 153 4.5439559 254 153 Chawol-li 37.536819 286 152 Chawol-li 16.535901 287 152 Chawol-li 4.8098994 289 152 Chawol-li 22.01446 290 152 Chawol-li 18.722716 290 153 Chawol-li 14.699954 290 154 Chawol-li 3.750044 290 155 Chawol-li 24.938064 289 156 Chawol-li 4.4696613 290 156 4.4696613 290 156 Sinsong 15.512703 277 153 Sinsong 11.15504 278 153 Sinsong 6.7631004 279 153 Sinsong 8.7245816 278 154 Sinsong 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Pususan-dong 3.5759047 296 153 Pususan-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Chungjang 18.939911 275 153 Chungjang 19.490962 276 153 Chungjang 15.512703 277 153 Chungjang 11.15504 278 153 Chungjang 6.7631004 279 153 Chungjang 8.7245816 278 154 Chungjang 6.5131903 279 154 Chungjang 13.911663 275 157 Chungjang 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Kan 17.058279 265 154 Kan 19.152435 266 154 Kan 37.328593 267 154 Kan 21.786611 268 154 Kan 25.060669 269 154 Kan 21.624888 268 155 Kan 18.647344 269 155 Kan 9.5269236 266 156 Kan 13.065519 268 156 Kan 15.272654 269 156 Kan 5.8870833 266 157 Kan 9.4156985 269 157 Kan 6.1827551 266 158 Kan 5.6885666 267 158 5.6885666 267 158 Tongmokp 10.937449 277 154 Tongmokp 8.7245816 278 154 Tongmokp 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mongmal 10.937449 277 154 Mongmal 8.7245816 278 154 Mongmal 6.5131903 279 154 6.5131903 279 154 Mogpo 8.4904397 249 154 Mogpo 14.054734 251 154 Mogpo 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 P'i-dong 2.7531991 253 154 2.7531991 253 154 Taeya 2.0395579 258 154 Taeya 3.5386389 259 154 3.5386389 259 154 Samch'on 3.0299677 292 154 Samch'on 3.6487155 295 154 Samch'on 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Changdong 8.4904397 249 154 Changdong 8.4344916 248 155 Changdong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chisa-ri 8.4904397 249 154 Chisa-ri 14.054734 251 154 Chisa-ri 8.4344916 248 155 8.4344916 248 155 Changch'u-dong 3.6487155 295 154 Changch'u-dong 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Sosan 2.9970076 283 155 2.9970076 283 155 Onmok 8.2578121 259 155 Onmok 5.0866135 262 156 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 4.6834766 260 155 Changho 6.8610422 262 155 Changho 8.7681729 263 155 Changho 8.6657853 264 155 Changho 5.0866135 262 156 Changho 5.961837 263 156 Changho 7.7888463 264 156 Changho 2.0153163 263 157 Changho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Chongam 6.8610422 262 155 Chongam 8.7681729 263 155 Chongam 8.6657853 264 155 Chongam 13.708281 265 155 Chongam 15.999725 266 155 Chongam 10.168835 265 156 Chongam 9.5269236 266 156 Chongam 5.8870833 266 157 Chongam 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Kanghwa 7.6387753 294 155 7.6387753 294 155 Weolam-ri 14.86806 251 155 14.86806 251 155 Songch'on 4.0820096 276 155 Songch'on 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Bosei-ri 60.233942 240 155 Bosei-ri 36.131164 242 155 Bosei-ri 25.700363 243 155 Bosei-ri 14.672405 244 155 Bosei-ri 15.114194 244 156 Bosei-ri 6.0558519 244 157 Bosei-ri 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Anjong 14.672405 244 155 Anjong 12.070416 245 155 Anjong 8.4344916 248 155 Anjong 12.392431 247 156 12.392431 247 156 Chogumjin-ni 2.9970076 283 155 Chogumjin-ni 26.844518 285 155 Chogumjin-ni 10.688657 285 156 Chogumjin-ni 3.2321102 285 157 3.2321102 285 157 Haksong-ni 5.9296763 274 156 Haksong-ni 4.4986342 275 156 Haksong-ni 12.568597 274 157 Haksong-ni 13.911663 275 157 Haksong-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Katsuto 31.019528 242 156 Katsuto 17.62441 243 156 Katsuto 15.114194 244 156 Katsuto 9.121278 245 156 Katsuto 9.4869628 246 156 9.4869628 246 156 Hasambong 10.688657 285 156 Hasambong 17.539177 286 156 Hasambong 16.953998 287 156 Hasambong 11.650704 286 157 Hasambong 22.332942 287 157 Hasambong 15.476757 287 158 Hasambong 16.390027 286 159 Hasambong 4.1419281 285 160 Hasambong 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Chonmak 2.0153163 263 157 Chonmak 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Aech'an-ni 10.115317 270 157 Aech'an-ni 9.1861162 271 157 Aech'an-ni 20.453098 272 157 Aech'an-ni 10.3408 273 157 Aech'an-ni 12.568597 274 157 Aech'an-ni 4.4998898 274 158 4.4998898 274 158 Chonghyon-dong 22.332942 287 157 Chonghyon-dong 9.3195274 289 157 Chonghyon-dong 19.173566 290 157 Chonghyon-dong 4.1877498 291 157 Chonghyon-dong 20.027044 289 159 Chonghyon-dong 5.3185053 291 159 Chonghyon-dong 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Taechon-ni 12.568597 274 157 Taechon-ni 13.911663 275 157 Taechon-ni 12.059017 276 157 12.059017 276 157 Amsil 2.324515 297 157 2.324515 297 157 Haenggan-ni 40.648667 241 157 Haenggan-ni 30.331149 242 157 Haenggan-ni 25.850023 243 157 Haenggan-ni 6.0558519 244 157 Haenggan-ni 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Changsin 2.0153163 263 157 Changsin 5.8870833 266 157 Changsin 20.163965 263 158 Changsin 2.241903 267 159 Changsin 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Dangjin 4.1419281 285 160 4.1419281 285 160 Incheon 14.372923 290 158 Incheon 5.3185053 291 159 Incheon 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Cwangcheon 11.665079 275 158 11.665079 275 158 Wando 14.709748 243 158 Wando 20.889719 244 158 Wando 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Bira-ri 14.709748 243 158 Bira-ri 20.889719 244 158 Bira-ri 2.077602 244 159 2.077602 244 159 Tsuruho 20.163965 263 158 20.163965 263 158 Janghang 2.4882243 268 158 Janghang 10.848643 269 158 Janghang 6.1226123 270 158 Janghang 5.1750682 271 158 Janghang 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Kikkan-ri 6.1827551 266 158 Kikkan-ri 5.6885666 267 158 Kikkan-ri 2.241903 267 159 Kikkan-ri 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Okhu 6.1827551 266 158 Okhu 5.6885666 267 158 Okhu 6.1226123 270 158 Okhu 2.241903 267 159 Okhu 2.5792614 270 159 Okhu 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Masan-ni 16.390027 286 159 Masan-ni 20.027044 289 159 Masan-ni 21.66388 289 160 Masan-ni 5.9539673 290 160 Masan-ni 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Gunsan 2.241903 267 159 Gunsan 2.5792614 270 159 Gunsan 2.6359434 271 159 2.6359434 271 159 Chunghung-ni 16.390027 286 159 Chunghung-ni 4.1419281 285 160 Chunghung-ni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Ihwa-ri 5.3185053 291 159 Ihwa-ri 12.749936 292 159 12.749936 292 159 Kooni 16.390027 286 159 Kooni 4.1419281 285 160 Kooni 3.9684399 286 160 3.9684399 286 160 Wonha-ri 21.66388 289 160 Wonha-ri 5.9539673 290 160 Wonha-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Namyang 3.9684399 286 160 Namyang 21.66388 289 160 Namyang 5.9539673 290 160 Namyang 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changji-dong 24.06647 244 160 24.06647 244 160 Bankei 24.223502 267 160 24.223502 267 160 Chamdu 4.0346637 247 165 4.0346637 247 165 Banhei-ri 21.791291 289 161 21.791291 289 161 Changjong-ni 4.0346637 247 165 Changjong-ni 13.369013 247 166 Changjong-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Changsu 4.0346637 247 165 Changsu 13.369013 247 166 Changsu 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chinch'ang 4.0346637 247 165 Chinch'ang 13.369013 247 166 Chinch'ang 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Aya-ri 13.369013 247 166 Aya-ri 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Ch'ongam 9.261633 248 166 9.261633 248 166 Chijung-ni 5.0925078 247 167 5.0925078 247 167 Beqlgyo 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Chungwa-ri 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Bumpyo 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Munchon 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Anhung-ni 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Changdo-ri 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Wonsan 18.792407 318 172 Wonsan 6.6323313 317 173 6.6323313 317 173 Tongho-ri 25.508662 324 174 Tongho-ri 14.531539 325 174 14.531539 325 174 Aech'o-ri 7.624059 247 171 Aech'o-ri 8.7810788 248 173 8.7810788 248 173 Sin-ch'on 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Yongpo-ri 25.508662 324 174 Yongpo-ri 14.531539 325 174 14.531539 325 174 Songhung-ni 23.785546 322 173 Songhung-ni 25.508662 324 174 Songhung-ni 14.531539 325 174 14.531539 325 174 Kalgoch'i-ri 10.873658 320 171 10.873658 320 171 Sangsin 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Wolp'yong 4.6308641 252 172 4.6308641 252 172 Anp'o 4.6308641 252 172 Anp'o 9.6005619 249 175 Anp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Anp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Pongch'on 18.792407 318 172 Pongch'on 6.6323313 317 173 Pongch'on 13.180096 317 175 13.180096 317 175 Chungbang 10.667542 250 173 Chungbang 4.649772 251 173 Chungbang 4.5239592 250 175 Chungbang 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chakto-dong 14.531539 325 174 14.531539 325 174 Chabong 8.7810788 248 173 Chabong 10.667542 250 173 Chabong 5.839203 249 174 Chabong 9.6005619 249 175 Chabong 4.5239592 250 175 Chabong 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Ch'angch'on 13.692325 251 177 13.692325 251 177 Kuge-ri 4.8124172 317 174 Kuge-ri 13.180096 317 175 13.180096 317 175 Yeosu 5.839203 249 174 Yeosu 9.6005619 249 175 Yeosu 4.5239592 250 175 Yeosu 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Chukp'o 9.6005619 249 175 Chukp'o 4.5239592 250 175 Chukp'o 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Hungsang-ni 23.221014 326 175 Hungsang-ni 20.032461 327 176 Hungsang-ni 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Ando 9.6005619 249 175 9.6005619 249 175 Hangch'on 6.5431578 250 176 6.5431578 250 176 Yongyon-ni 22.452733 326 176 Yongyon-ni 20.032461 327 176 Yongyon-ni 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Tongch-on 23.537237 316 177 Tongch-on 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Namhae 8.8629034 250 177 Namhae 13.692325 251 177 Namhae 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Kuum-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Hongwon 29.49569 328 179 Hongwon 17.433934 329 179 17.433934 329 179 Pit'o 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Samcheongpo 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Hadajon-ni 26.656877 314 179 26.656877 314 179 Yuktae-dong 24.445944 328 180 Yuktae-dong 30.921472 329 180 Yuktae-dong 6.9651835 330 181 6.9651835 330 181 Cholge 9.9727668 252 181 9.9727668 252 181 Changjon 38.393959 313 181 38.393959 313 181 Chabup'o 28.328886 251 183 28.328886 251 183 Gaken-ri 58.289958 313 182 Gaken-ri 27.907402 311 184 Gaken-ri 102.04898 310 186 102.04898 310 186 Honam-ni 46.05045 328 182 Honam-ni 32.450534 329 182 Honam-ni 8.0039205 330 182 8.0039205 330 182 Chop'o 28.328886 251 183 Chop'o 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Hongsong 53.537643 312 183 Hongsong 27.907402 311 184 Hongsong 102.04898 310 186 Hongsong 72.685148 308 187 72.685148 308 187 Goseong 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Chamgae 28.328886 251 183 Chamgae 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Soho-ri 60.993912 329 184 Soho-ri 23.762415 330 184 23.762415 330 184 Irun 16.620474 251 184 Irun 7.4792745 252 184 7.4792745 252 184 Singhang 83.466108 329 185 Singhang 14.066341 330 185 Singhang 12.608055 331 186 12.608055 331 186 Kojin-ni 35.710709 307 187 Kojin-ni 72.685148 308 187 Kojin-ni 101.68137 304 189 101.68137 304 189 Pongho-ri 35.710709 307 187 Pongho-ri 101.68137 304 189 101.68137 304 189 Chindu 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Changch'on 101.68137 304 189 101.68137 304 189 Masan 6.5417645 256 190 6.5417645 256 190 Yangyang 92.656554 302 190 92.656554 302 190 Ungcheon 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chaho 55.981306 331 187 Chaho 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Kuum-ni 43.739011 332 189 Kuum-ni 95.850274 332 190 Kuum-ni 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Jinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chuktori 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Hagwangjong-ni 92.656554 302 190 92.656554 302 190 Jangseunpo 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Chinhae 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Jumunjin 88.499872 300 192 Jumunjin 96.754011 299 193 96.754011 299 193 Daiko 9.982393 255 190 9.982393 255 190 Poktokkumi 77.245503 333 191 Poktokkumi 49.534727 334 191 49.534727 334 191 Noksan 5.0314923 255 191 5.0314923 255 191 Tanchon 77.678648 334 192 77.678648 334 192 Gangneung 130.72343 298 194 130.72343 298 194 Amnam-dong 36.024781 254 193 Amnam-dong 12.905794 255 193 12.905794 255 193 Kennan-ri 142.14821 297 195 Kennan-ri 94.965767 295 196 Kennan-ri 131.19609 293 198 131.19609 293 198 Busan 10.990972 255 194 Busan 3.8541279 256 194 3.8541279 256 194 Chungch'on 65.011648 335 194 Chungch'on 97.095265 335 195 Chungch'on 52.635641 336 195 Chungch'on 264.15186 335 198 264.15186 335 198 Mugho 94.965767 295 196 Mugho 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Samchok 70.964763 294 197 Samchok 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Haeundae 53.983337 255 196 Haeundae 82.884801 256 198 Haeundae 3.2593723 257 198 Haeundae 8.4793305 259 199 8.4793305 259 199 Samcheog 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Si-dong 108.84852 292 198 108.84852 292 198 Gijang 38.86107 256 197 Gijang 82.884801 256 198 Gijang 3.2593723 257 198 Gijang 8.4793305 259 199 8.4793305 259 199 Kuma 117.67533 291 199 Kuma 58.479251 287 201 Kuma 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Shitaru 62.526886 250 201 62.526886 250 201 Kechi 83.11249 246 202 83.11249 246 202 Ulsan 31.978345 261 201 Ulsan 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Itose 83.11249 246 202 83.11249 246 202 Nasa 46.585141 258 199 Nasa 8.4793305 259 199 Nasa 78.013329 260 201 Nasa 31.978345 261 201 Nasa 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Haosan 58.479251 287 201 Haosan 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Imweonjin 100.99595 290 200 Imweonjin 58.479251 287 201 Imweonjin 56.51479 288 201 56.51479 288 201 Heunghae 46.587638 274 201 Heunghae 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Saka 83.11249 246 202 83.11249 246 202 Byeongyeong 31.978345 261 201 Byeongyeong 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Pohang 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 O-funakoshi 83.11249 246 202 83.11249 246 202 Ganggu 46.587638 274 201 46.587638 274 201 Susuna 62.526886 250 201 Susuna 82.579007 247 202 Susuna 70.129791 249 203 Susuna 67.511586 250 203 67.511586 250 203 Ulijin 106.41455 283 202 Ulijin 108.55845 284 202 Ulijin 88.162087 285 202 Ulijin 85.309642 286 202 85.309642 286 202 Pyonggok-tong 77.981283 277 202 Pyonggok-tong 82.191999 278 202 Pyonggok-tong 109.51849 281 203 109.51849 281 203 Yeonghae 93.232853 276 202 Yeonghae 77.981283 277 202 Yeonghae 82.191999 278 202 82.191999 278 202 Chukpyon 58.479251 287 201 58.479251 287 201 Mangyang-ni 106.41455 283 202 Mangyang-ni 108.55845 284 202 108.55845 284 202 Bangeojin 78.013329 260 201 Bangeojin 31.978345 261 201 Bangeojin 10.874241 262 201 10.874241 262 201 Segae-dong 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Chugsan-dong 17.033825 275 201 Chugsan-dong 82.191999 278 202 82.191999 278 202 Pyeonghae 82.191999 278 202 Pyeonghae 109.51849 281 203 Pyeonghae 124.48957 282 203 124.48957 282 203 Kin 62.526886 250 201 Kin 83.11249 246 202 Kin 70.129791 249 203 Kin 67.511586 250 203 67.511586 250 203 Furusato 62.526886 250 201 Furusato 82.579007 247 202 Furusato 70.129791 249 203 Furusato 67.511586 250 203 67.511586 250 203 Toyo 155.63812 252 200 Toyo 126.31135 252 201 Toyo 89.563303 252 202 Toyo 70.129791 249 203 Toyo 67.511586 250 203 67.511586 250 203 Chukchon 6.2203324 263 202 Chukchon 55.040343 265 203 Chukchon 48.556703 266 203 Chukchon 43.615757 267 203 43.615757 267 203 Gampo 55.040343 265 203 Gampo 48.556703 266 203 Gampo 43.615757 267 203 Gampo 6.655122 268 203 6.655122 268 203 Taech'on 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Guryongpo 20.027861 271 202 20.027861 271 202 Keya 17.026297 235 214 17.026297 235 214 Maebaru 17.026297 235 214 17.026297 235 214 Nishinoura 17.026297 235 214 17.026297 235 214 Meihama 17.026297 235 214 Meihama 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Saitosaki 17.026297 235 214 Saitosaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuoka 17.026297 235 214 Fukuoka 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Mitoma 17.026297 235 214 Mitoma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Kashii 7.8483091 234 215 Kashii 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Harumachi 7.8483091 234 215 Harumachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Tsuyazaki 7.8483091 234 215 Tsuyazaki 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Shingu 7.8483091 234 215 Shingu 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukumamachi 7.8483091 234 215 Fukumamachi 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Fukuma 7.8483091 234 215 Fukuma 2.7295772 234 216 2.7295772 234 216 Kanesaki 22.19865 236 216 Kanesaki 13.179578 238 219 13.179578 238 219 Ashiya 13.179578 238 219 Ashiya 6.5656168 239 222 6.5656168 239 222 Namyang-dong 2179.4052 290 220 Namyang-dong 2084.0219 291 220 Namyang-dong 1937.6108 292 220 Namyang-dong 1785.7039 293 220 Namyang-dong 1591.7211 294 220 1591.7211 294 220 Namyang 2075.8262 290 221 Namyang 1897.4515 291 221 Namyang 1304.2365 292 221 Namyang 1666.7511 293 221 Namyang 2103.6251 294 221 2103.6251 294 221 Kita-kyushu 6.5656168 239 222 Kita-kyushu 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Oyama 87.233251 244 221 Oyama 90.89725 246 221 Oyama 106.52849 247 221 Oyama 95.817357 247 222 Oyama 90.645534 247 223 Oyama 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Nari 2075.8262 290 221 Nari 1897.4515 291 221 Nari 1304.2365 292 221 Nari 1666.7511 293 221 Nari 2103.6251 294 221 2103.6251 294 221 Yoshimoura 6.5656168 239 222 Yoshimoura 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Murotsuura 6.5656168 239 222 Murotsuura 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kottoi 43.462609 246 222 Kottoi 76.81795 246 223 Kottoi 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Shimado 43.462609 246 222 Shimado 95.817357 247 222 Shimado 90.645534 247 223 Shimado 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Dodong 2143.7278 290 222 Dodong 1457.4611 291 222 Dodong 28.845367 292 222 Dodong 760.4324 293 222 Dodong 2171.8023 294 222 Dodong 2041.6499 294 225 Dodong 2160.5065 294 226 2160.5065 294 226 Yasuoka 6.5656168 239 222 Yasuoka 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kanda 6.5656168 239 222 Kanda 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kogushi 18.35524 240 223 Kogushi 9.8971847 241 223 Kogushi 2.0350869 240 226 2.0350869 240 226 Agawa 43.462609 246 222 Agawa 95.817357 247 222 Agawa 90.645534 247 223 Agawa 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Shimonoseki 6.5656168 239 222 Shimonoseki 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kawashiri-misaki 43.462609 246 222 Kawashiri-misaki 95.817357 247 222 Kawashiri-misaki 109.05645 248 222 Kawashiri-misaki 105.22953 248 223 Kawashiri-misaki 30.646305 246 224 30.646305 246 224 Tsunemi 6.5656168 239 222 Tsunemi 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Higashi-fukawa 76.81795 246 223 Higashi-fukawa 90.645534 247 223 Higashi-fukawa 30.646305 246 224 Higashi-fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Yukuhashi 2.8852712 237 225 2.8852712 237 225 Kawajiri 76.81795 246 223 Kawajiri 90.645534 247 223 Kawajiri 105.22953 248 223 Kawajiri 30.646305 246 224 Kawajiri 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Chofu 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Moji 15.658021 239 223 15.658021 239 223 Kagawa 7.6594997 239 226 Kagawa 2.0350869 240 226 2.0350869 240 226 Tateishi 30.646305 246 224 Tateishi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Tabe 7.6594997 239 226 Tabe 2.0350869 240 226 2.0350869 240 226 Habu 7.3599144 238 226 Habu 2.0350869 240 226 2.0350869 240 226 Furuichi 30.646305 246 224 Furuichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kihado 89.562093 247 225 Kihado 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Hommura 103.14207 249 225 Hommura 108.2507 250 225 Hommura 119.19037 251 225 Hommura 125.03673 252 225 Hommura 117.15727 253 225 Hommura 109.73013 252 226 Hommura 91.670215 253 226 Hommura 51.904146 252 227 Hommura 76.023371 251 228 Hommura 65.446379 252 228 Hommura 93.145648 253 229 93.145648 253 229 Fukawa 86.38903 247 226 Fukawa 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Senzaki 86.38903 247 226 Senzaki 92.201185 248 226 Senzaki 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Ube 4.8012472 239 227 4.8012472 239 227 Misumi-ichi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Kayoi 25.254784 246 227 25.254784 246 227 Soto 69.179309 247 228 69.179309 247 228 Sammiura 69.179309 247 228 69.179309 247 228 Hagi 48.941218 247 229 Hagi 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Hommura 48.941218 247 229 Hommura 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Shimo-Tashima 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Niinauri 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Nako 32.544346 246 230 32.544346 246 230 Haruguchi 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Kiyo 32.544346 246 230 Kiyo 88.368792 250 231 Kiyo 86.255886 250 232 Kiyo 83.779042 250 233 Kiyo 69.542137 250 234 69.542137 250 234 Takanabe 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Uwae 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Uta 20.137293 247 231 Uta 88.368792 250 231 Uta 86.255886 250 232 Uta 83.779042 250 233 Uta 69.542137 250 234 Uta 48.31583 250 235 48.31583 250 235 Tsuno 5.9764263 211 233 5.9764263 211 233 Susa 55.069102 248 232 Susa 79.552681 249 232 Susa 86.255886 250 232 Susa 92.4939 251 232 Susa 93.443639 252 232 Susa 96.781686 252 233 96.781686 252 233 Esaki 74.069933 249 233 Esaki 83.779042 250 233 Esaki 90.998687 251 233 Esaki 48.31583 250 235 Esaki 55.604755 251 237 55.604755 251 237 Takatsu 26.521006 250 236 Takatsu 98.256777 252 236 Takatsu 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Masuda 26.521006 250 236 Masuda 98.256777 252 236 Masuda 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Tsuda 26.521006 250 236 Tsuda 98.256777 252 236 Tsuda 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Misumi 55.604755 251 237 Misumi 112.80373 253 237 Misumi 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Murotani 62.759955 252 238 Murotani 107.34727 253 238 Murotani 126.28386 254 238 Murotani 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Chiwa 62.759955 252 238 Chiwa 107.34727 253 238 Chiwa 126.28386 254 238 Chiwa 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Hinashi 62.759955 252 238 Hinashi 107.34727 253 238 Hinashi 126.28386 254 238 Hinashi 133.73524 255 238 Hinashi 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Tabase 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Iwami-naganama 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Nagahama 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Hamada 44.788984 252 239 44.788984 252 239 Kami-Kurokawa 60.64226 253 240 Kami-Kurokawa 115.85467 254 240 Kami-Kurokawa 128.95952 255 240 Kami-Kurokawa 113.63255 255 241 Kami-Kurokawa 95.004958 255 242 Kami-Kurokawa 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Shimoko 60.64226 253 240 Shimoko 115.85467 254 240 Shimoko 128.95952 255 240 Shimoko 137.47363 256 240 Shimoko 113.63255 255 241 Shimoko 136.50853 256 241 Shimoko 115.67638 256 242 Shimoko 37.836619 255 243 Shimoko 94.807198 256 243 Shimoko 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Hirao 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Togane 60.64226 253 240 Togane 115.85467 254 240 Togane 128.95952 255 240 Togane 137.47363 256 240 Togane 113.63255 255 241 Togane 136.50853 256 241 Togane 115.67638 256 242 Togane 37.836619 255 243 Togane 94.807198 256 243 Togane 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Okuni 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Murotsu 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Okubo 60.64226 253 240 Okubo 115.85467 254 240 Okubo 128.95952 255 240 Okubo 137.47363 256 240 Okubo 113.63255 255 241 Okubo 136.50853 256 241 Okubo 115.67638 256 242 Okubo 37.836619 255 243 Okubo 94.807198 256 243 Okubo 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Odani 60.64226 253 240 Odani 115.85467 254 240 Odani 128.95952 255 240 Odani 113.63255 255 241 Odani 95.004958 255 242 Odani 37.836619 255 243 37.836619 255 243 Hashi 60.64226 253 240 Hashi 115.85467 254 240 Hashi 128.95952 255 240 Hashi 137.47363 256 240 Hashi 113.63255 255 241 Hashi 136.50853 256 241 Hashi 115.67638 256 242 Hashi 37.836619 255 243 Hashi 94.807198 256 243 Hashi 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Yanai 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Uyagawa 88.151072 254 241 Uyagawa 113.63255 255 241 Uyagawa 136.50853 256 241 Uyagawa 115.67638 256 242 Uyagawa 37.836619 255 243 Uyagawa 94.807198 256 243 Uyagawa 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Shimo-Arifuko 88.151072 254 241 Shimo-Arifuko 113.63255 255 241 Shimo-Arifuko 136.50853 256 241 Shimo-Arifuko 115.67638 256 242 Shimo-Arifuko 37.836619 255 243 Shimo-Arifuko 94.807198 256 243 Shimo-Arifuko 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Nakatsuwara 24.95177 242 244 Nakatsuwara 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Komatsu 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Fuju 6.9491931 239 244 Fuju 24.95177 242 244 Fuju 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Tsunozu 88.151072 254 241 Tsunozu 113.63255 255 241 Tsunozu 136.50853 256 241 Tsunozu 115.67638 256 242 Tsunozu 37.836619 255 243 Tsunozu 94.807198 256 243 Tsunozu 76.080611 256 244 76.080611 256 244 Aogi 6.9491931 239 244 Aogi 24.95177 242 244 Aogi 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Midoro 24.95177 242 244 Midoro 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Waki 88.151072 254 241 Waki 113.63255 255 241 Waki 136.50853 256 241 Waki 115.67638 256 242 Waki 137.13152 257 242 Waki 126.64215 257 243 Waki 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Obatake 6.9491931 239 244 Obatake 24.95177 242 244 24.95177 242 244 Tsuzu 6.9491931 239 244 Tsuzu 24.95177 242 244 Tsuzu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Tsutsu 6.9491931 239 244 Tsutsu 24.95177 242 244 Tsutsu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Yu 6.9491931 239 244 Yu 24.95177 242 244 24.95177 242 244 Otake 24.95177 242 244 Otake 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Waki 24.95177 242 244 Waki 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Kuba 24.95177 242 244 Kuba 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Gotsu 88.151072 254 241 Gotsu 113.63255 255 241 Gotsu 136.50853 256 241 Gotsu 115.67638 256 242 Gotsu 137.13152 257 242 Gotsu 126.64215 257 243 Gotsu 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Imazu 24.95177 242 244 Imazu 20.488224 243 244 20.488224 243 244 Izui 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Shioya 24.95177 242 244 Shioya 20.488224 243 244 Shioya 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kuka 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Asari 95.004958 255 242 Asari 115.67638 256 242 Asari 137.13152 257 242 Asari 126.64215 257 243 Asari 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Hama 24.95177 242 244 Hama 20.488224 243 244 Hama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Ichimura 95.004958 255 242 Ichimura 115.67638 256 242 Ichimura 137.13152 257 242 Ichimura 126.64215 257 243 Ichimura 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Hataguchi 20.488224 243 244 Hataguchi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Naka-Tsuchi 37.836619 255 243 Naka-Tsuchi 94.807198 256 243 Naka-Tsuchi 126.64215 257 243 Naka-Tsuchi 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Doi 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Morimune 20.488224 243 244 Morimune 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Atada 24.95177 242 244 Atada 20.488224 243 244 Atada 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Jigozen 20.488224 243 244 Jigozen 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Shimonohama 24.95177 242 244 Shimonohama 20.488224 243 244 Shimonohama 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Miyajima 24.95177 242 244 Miyajima 20.488224 243 244 Miyajima 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kuromatsu 37.836619 255 243 Kuromatsu 94.807198 256 243 Kuromatsu 126.64215 257 243 Kuromatsu 108.16557 257 244 Kuromatsu 135.47116 258 244 135.47116 258 244 Hatsukaichi 20.488224 243 244 Hatsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Hazum-Hongo 37.836619 255 243 Hazum-Hongo 94.807198 256 243 Hazum-Hongo 126.64215 257 243 Hazum-Hongo 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Kohama 37.836619 255 243 Kohama 94.807198 256 243 Kohama 126.64215 257 243 Kohama 108.16557 257 244 Kohama 135.47116 258 244 135.47116 258 244 Ichi 37.836619 255 243 Ichi 94.807198 256 243 Ichi 126.64215 257 243 Ichi 108.16557 257 244 Ichi 135.47116 258 244 135.47116 258 244 Yunotsu 37.836619 255 243 Yunotsu 94.807198 256 243 Yunotsu 126.64215 257 243 Yunotsu 108.16557 257 244 Yunotsu 135.47116 258 244 135.47116 258 244 Nakaji 20.488224 243 244 Nakaji 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Isaki 6.9491931 239 244 6.9491931 239 244 Itsukaichi 20.488224 243 244 Itsukaichi 3.2965007 245 246 3.2965007 245 246 Kami-Ida 37.836619 255 243 Kami-Ida 94.807198 256 243 Kami-Ida 126.64215 257 243 Kami-Ida 108.16557 257 244 108.16557 257 244 Nakagumi 76.080611 256 244 Nakagumi 108.16557 257 244 Nakagumi 135.47116 258 244 135.47116 258 244 Mino 24.95177 242 244 Mino 20.488224 243 244 Mino 3.2965007 245 246 Mino 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Omori 76.080611 256 244 Omori 108.16557 257 244 Omori 135.47116 258 244 Omori 127.97669 259 246 Omori 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Korenaga 24.95177 242 244 Korenaga 20.488224 243 244 Korenaga 3.2965007 245 246 Korenaga 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nishita 76.080611 256 244 Nishita 108.16557 257 244 Nishita 135.47116 258 244 135.47116 258 244 Nimamachi 76.080611 256 244 Nimamachi 108.16557 257 244 Nimamachi 135.47116 258 244 Nimamachi 127.97669 259 246 Nimamachi 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Takuno 76.080611 256 244 Takuno 108.16557 257 244 Takuno 135.47116 258 244 Takuno 127.97669 259 246 Takuno 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Nakanohama 24.95177 242 244 Nakanohama 20.488224 243 244 Nakanohama 3.2965007 245 246 Nakanohama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Takunomachi 76.080611 256 244 Takunomachi 108.16557 257 244 Takunomachi 135.47116 258 244 Takunomachi 127.97669 259 246 Takunomachi 102.98478 259 247 102.98478 259 247 Hata 24.95177 242 244 Hata 20.488224 243 244 Hata 3.2965007 245 246 Hata 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kanokawa 24.95177 242 244 Kanokawa 20.488224 243 244 Kanokawa 3.2965007 245 246 Kanokawa 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hashirajima 6.9491931 239 244 Hashirajima 24.95177 242 244 Hashirajima 2.1518934 242 248 2.1518934 242 248 Ihota 13.537907 241 248 Ihota 48.444654 240 249 Ihota 51.856313 241 249 51.856313 241 249 Osu 28.221174 242 245 Osu 19.425895 243 245 Osu 3.2965007 245 246 Osu 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakago 28.221174 242 245 Nakago 19.425895 243 245 Nakago 3.2965007 245 246 Nakago 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Nakamachi 28.221174 242 245 Nakamachi 19.425895 243 245 Nakamachi 3.2965007 245 246 Nakamachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiroshima 19.425895 243 245 Hiroshima 3.2965007 245 246 Hiroshima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tsukumo 28.221174 242 245 Tsukumo 19.425895 243 245 Tsukumo 3.2965007 245 246 Tsukumo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Oura 85.859273 257 245 Oura 127.196 258 245 Oura 136.60019 259 245 Oura 127.97669 259 246 Oura 102.98478 259 247 Oura 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Fukae 28.221174 242 245 Fukae 19.425895 243 245 Fukae 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Obara 28.221174 242 245 Obara 19.425895 243 245 Obara 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Oko 28.221174 242 245 Oko 19.425895 243 245 19.425895 243 245 Hira 85.859273 257 245 Hira 127.196 258 245 Hira 136.60019 259 245 Hira 127.97669 259 246 Hira 102.98478 259 247 Hira 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Umesako 28.221174 242 245 Umesako 19.425895 243 245 Umesako 3.2965007 245 246 Umesako 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kakinoura 28.221174 242 245 Kakinoura 19.425895 243 245 Kakinoura 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Yumbe 85.859273 257 245 Yumbe 127.196 258 245 Yumbe 136.60019 259 245 Yumbe 127.97669 259 246 Yumbe 102.98478 259 247 Yumbe 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Hitonose 28.221174 242 245 Hitonose 19.425895 243 245 Hitonose 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Torii 85.859273 257 245 Torii 127.196 258 245 Torii 136.60019 259 245 Torii 127.97669 259 246 Torii 102.98478 259 247 Torii 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Etajima 28.221174 242 245 Etajima 19.425895 243 245 Etajima 3.2965007 245 246 Etajima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kirikushi 28.221174 242 245 Kirikushi 19.425895 243 245 Kirikushi 3.2965007 245 246 Kirikushi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Okimi 28.221174 242 245 Okimi 19.425895 243 245 Okimi 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Koyo 28.221174 242 245 Koyo 19.425895 243 245 Koyo 3.2965007 245 246 Koyo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Yukitsune 85.859273 257 245 Yukitsune 127.196 258 245 Yukitsune 136.60019 259 245 Yukitsune 127.97669 259 246 Yukitsune 102.98478 259 247 Yukitsune 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Sugewa 28.221174 242 245 Sugewa 19.425895 243 245 19.425895 243 245 Kutemachi 96.867382 258 246 Kutemachi 127.97669 259 246 Kutemachi 102.98478 259 247 Kutemachi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Oda 96.867382 258 246 Oda 127.97669 259 246 Oda 102.98478 259 247 Oda 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Ryoshida 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kamigumi 3.2965007 245 246 Kamigumi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Sakioku 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Arikiyo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hamazaki 3.2965007 245 246 Hamazaki 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ondo 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Fujinowaki 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Takasu 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Hane 96.867382 258 246 Hane 127.97669 259 246 Hane 102.98478 259 247 Hane 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Kaita 3.2965007 245 246 Kaita 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Muroo 13.537907 241 248 Muroo 2.1518934 242 248 Muroo 4.3081145 243 249 Muroo 42.40165 240 250 Muroo 31.536176 241 250 31.536176 241 250 Ideguchi 96.867382 258 246 Ideguchi 127.97669 259 246 Ideguchi 102.98478 259 247 Ideguchi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Hatami 8.6907422 244 247 8.6907422 244 247 Kaigoshi 13.537907 241 248 Kaigoshi 2.1518934 242 248 Kaigoshi 4.3081145 243 249 Kaigoshi 42.40165 240 250 Kaigoshi 31.536176 241 250 31.536176 241 250 Karoto 13.537907 241 248 Karoto 2.1518934 242 248 Karoto 4.3081145 243 249 Karoto 42.40165 240 250 Karoto 31.536176 241 250 31.536176 241 250 Okujo 3.2965007 245 246 Okujo 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Hiradani 3.2965007 245 246 Hiradani 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Kure 3.2965007 245 246 Kure 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Osako 13.537907 241 248 Osako 2.1518934 242 248 Osako 4.3081145 243 249 Osako 42.40165 240 250 Osako 31.536176 241 250 Osako 29.86239 240 251 Osako 72.875108 243 251 72.875108 243 251 Jin'yama 8.6907422 244 247 Jin'yama 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Tagimachi 12.538645 258 247 Tagimachi 102.98478 259 247 Tagimachi 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Kushi-taki 12.538645 258 247 Kushi-taki 102.98478 259 247 Kushi-taki 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Nakagori 12.538645 258 247 Nakagori 102.98478 259 247 Nakagori 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Harido 12.538645 258 247 Harido 102.98478 259 247 Harido 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Obama 13.537907 241 248 Obama 48.444654 240 249 Obama 51.856313 241 249 Obama 42.40165 240 250 Obama 31.536176 241 250 Obama 29.86239 240 251 29.86239 240 251 Hiromachi 8.6907422 244 247 Hiromachi 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Uryu 59.786272 259 248 Uryu 21.176113 259 249 Uryu 66.238282 262 251 Uryu 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Hatari 13.537907 241 248 Hatari 48.444654 240 249 Hatari 51.856313 241 249 Hatari 42.40165 240 250 Hatari 31.536176 241 250 Hatari 29.86239 240 251 Hatari 24.619908 240 252 Hatari 34.767233 241 252 34.767233 241 252 Hinomi-saki 59.786272 259 248 Hinomi-saki 21.176113 259 249 Hinomi-saki 66.238282 262 251 Hinomi-saki 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Mutsuki 13.537907 241 248 Mutsuki 48.444654 240 249 Mutsuki 51.856313 241 249 Mutsuki 42.40165 240 250 Mutsuki 31.536176 241 250 Mutsuki 29.86239 240 251 Mutsuki 24.619908 240 252 Mutsuki 34.767233 241 252 34.767233 241 252 Shimojima 13.537907 241 248 Shimojima 2.1518934 242 248 Shimojima 4.3081145 243 249 Shimojima 42.40165 240 250 Shimojima 31.536176 241 250 Shimojima 29.86239 240 251 Shimojima 72.875108 243 251 Shimojima 19.349629 243 252 Shimojima 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Ojizo 13.537907 241 248 Ojizo 2.1518934 242 248 Ojizo 4.3081145 243 249 Ojizo 42.40165 240 250 Ojizo 31.536176 241 250 Ojizo 29.86239 240 251 Ojizo 72.875108 243 251 Ojizo 19.349629 243 252 Ojizo 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Washigasu 48.444654 240 249 Washigasu 42.40165 240 250 Washigasu 29.86239 240 251 Washigasu 24.619908 240 252 24.619908 240 252 Jige 59.786272 259 248 Jige 21.176113 259 249 Jige 66.238282 262 251 Jige 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Sagiura 59.786272 259 248 Sagiura 21.176113 259 249 Sagiura 66.238282 262 251 Sagiura 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Taisha 59.786272 259 248 Taisha 21.176113 259 249 Taisha 66.238282 262 251 Taisha 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Saginoura 59.786272 259 248 Saginoura 21.176113 259 249 Saginoura 66.238282 262 251 Saginoura 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Arakayacho 59.786272 259 248 Arakayacho 21.176113 259 249 Arakayacho 66.238282 262 251 Arakayacho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Ojimacho 59.786272 259 248 Ojimacho 21.176113 259 249 Ojimacho 66.238282 262 251 Ojimacho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Kawajiri 13.537907 241 248 Kawajiri 2.1518934 242 248 Kawajiri 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Ebisu 59.786272 259 248 Ebisu 21.176113 259 249 21.176113 259 249 Sannose 13.537907 241 248 Sannose 2.1518934 242 248 Sannose 4.3081145 243 249 Sannose 42.40165 240 250 Sannose 31.536176 241 250 Sannose 29.86239 240 251 Sannose 72.875108 243 251 Sannose 19.349629 243 252 Sannose 8.7747184 244 252 8.7747184 244 252 Osaki-kami-jima 13.537907 241 248 Osaki-kami-jima 2.1518934 242 248 Osaki-kami-jima 3.0574294 245 248 3.0574294 245 248 Inomecho 21.176113 259 249 Inomecho 66.238282 262 251 Inomecho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Harahata 16.64552 242 249 Harahata 4.3081145 243 249 Harahata 8.0319931 242 250 Harahata 26.376706 242 251 Harahata 72.875108 243 251 Harahata 19.349629 243 252 Harahata 8.7747184 244 252 Harahata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyazakari 51.856313 241 249 Miyazakari 16.64552 242 249 Miyazakari 4.3081145 243 249 Miyazakari 31.536176 241 250 Miyazakari 41.929864 241 251 Miyazakari 26.376706 242 251 Miyazakari 72.875108 243 251 Miyazakari 19.349629 243 252 Miyazakari 8.7747184 244 252 Miyazakari 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Koyo 51.856313 241 249 Koyo 16.64552 242 249 Koyo 4.3081145 243 249 Koyo 31.536176 241 250 Koyo 41.929864 241 251 Koyo 26.376706 242 251 Koyo 72.875108 243 251 Koyo 19.349629 243 252 Koyo 8.7747184 244 252 Koyo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Tado 51.856313 241 249 Tado 16.64552 242 249 Tado 4.3081145 243 249 Tado 31.536176 241 250 Tado 41.929864 241 251 Tado 26.376706 242 251 Tado 72.875108 243 251 Tado 19.349629 243 252 Tado 8.7747184 244 252 Tado 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hiraki 16.64552 242 249 Hiraki 4.3081145 243 249 Hiraki 8.0319931 242 250 Hiraki 26.376706 242 251 Hiraki 72.875108 243 251 Hiraki 19.349629 243 252 Hiraki 8.7747184 244 252 Hiraki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchinoumi 16.64552 242 249 Uchinoumi 4.3081145 243 249 Uchinoumi 8.0319931 242 250 Uchinoumi 26.376706 242 251 Uchinoumi 72.875108 243 251 Uchinoumi 19.349629 243 252 Uchinoumi 8.7747184 244 252 Uchinoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oura 48.444654 240 249 Oura 51.856313 241 249 Oura 16.64552 242 249 Oura 4.3081145 243 249 Oura 42.40165 240 250 Oura 31.536176 241 250 Oura 29.86239 240 251 Oura 72.875108 243 251 Oura 19.349629 243 252 Oura 8.7747184 244 252 Oura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Upporoi 53.057323 260 249 Upporoi 42.2413 261 249 Upporoi 2.841304 260 250 Upporoi 66.238282 262 251 Upporoi 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Oi 53.057323 260 249 Oi 42.2413 261 249 Oi 2.841304 260 250 Oi 66.238282 262 251 Oi 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Mitsuguchi 16.64552 242 249 Mitsuguchi 4.3081145 243 249 Mitsuguchi 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsuguchi 26.376706 242 251 Mitsuguchi 72.875108 243 251 Mitsuguchi 19.349629 243 252 Mitsuguchi 8.7747184 244 252 Mitsuguchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozucho 21.176113 259 249 Kozucho 66.238282 262 251 Kozucho 14.514249 262 252 14.514249 262 252 Horie 48.444654 240 249 Horie 42.40165 240 250 Horie 29.86239 240 251 Horie 24.619908 240 252 24.619908 240 252 Kami-Oda 72.875108 243 251 Kami-Oda 19.349629 243 252 Kami-Oda 8.7747184 244 252 Kami-Oda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hojo 42.40165 240 250 Hojo 31.536176 241 250 Hojo 29.86239 240 251 Hojo 24.619908 240 252 Hojo 34.767233 241 252 Hojo 39.500802 241 253 39.500802 241 253 Kazahaya 8.0319931 242 250 Kazahaya 26.376706 242 251 Kazahaya 72.875108 243 251 Kazahaya 19.349629 243 252 Kazahaya 8.7747184 244 252 Kazahaya 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kuchi-Ukacho 2.841304 260 250 Kuchi-Ukacho 66.238282 262 251 Kuchi-Ukacho 14.514249 262 252 Kuchi-Ukacho 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Komatsubara 8.0319931 242 250 Komatsubara 26.376706 242 251 Komatsubara 72.875108 243 251 Komatsubara 19.349629 243 252 Komatsubara 8.7747184 244 252 Komatsubara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Uchiura 42.40165 240 250 Uchiura 31.536176 241 250 Uchiura 29.86239 240 251 Uchiura 72.875108 243 251 Uchiura 19.349629 243 252 Uchiura 8.7747184 244 252 Uchiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kanashi 72.875108 243 251 Kanashi 19.349629 243 252 Kanashi 8.7747184 244 252 Kanashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Asanamihar 42.40165 240 250 Asanamihar 31.536176 241 250 Asanamihar 29.86239 240 251 Asanamihar 24.619908 240 252 Asanamihar 34.767233 241 252 Asanamihar 7.2322222 242 252 Asanamihar 39.500802 241 253 Asanamihar 72.484521 242 253 Asanamihar 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Agejima 2.841304 260 250 Agejima 66.238282 262 251 Agejima 14.514249 262 252 Agejima 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Mitsu 8.0319931 242 250 Mitsu 26.376706 242 251 Mitsu 72.875108 243 251 Mitsu 19.349629 243 252 Mitsu 8.7747184 244 252 Mitsu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 2.841304 260 250 Hama 66.238282 262 251 Hama 14.514249 262 252 Hama 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Nada 2.841304 260 250 Nada 66.238282 262 251 Nada 14.514249 262 252 Nada 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Kubi 42.40165 240 250 Kubi 31.536176 241 250 Kubi 29.86239 240 251 Kubi 72.875108 243 251 Kubi 19.349629 243 252 Kubi 8.7747184 244 252 Kubi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okitomo 29.86239 240 251 Okitomo 72.875108 243 251 Okitomo 19.349629 243 252 Okitomo 8.7747184 244 252 Okitomo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 29.86239 240 251 Hama 24.619908 240 252 Hama 34.767233 241 252 Hama 7.2322222 242 252 Hama 39.500802 241 253 Hama 72.484521 242 253 Hama 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Ocho 29.86239 240 251 Ocho 72.875108 243 251 Ocho 19.349629 243 252 Ocho 8.7747184 244 252 Ocho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Okushi 41.929864 241 251 Okushi 26.376706 242 251 Okushi 72.875108 243 251 Okushi 19.349629 243 252 Okushi 8.7747184 244 252 Okushi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Daicho 29.86239 240 251 Daicho 72.875108 243 251 Daicho 19.349629 243 252 Daicho 8.7747184 244 252 Daicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakaura 66.238282 262 251 Sakaura 14.514249 262 252 Sakaura 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Matsuo 29.86239 240 251 Matsuo 24.619908 240 252 Matsuo 34.767233 241 252 Matsuo 7.2322222 242 252 Matsuo 39.500802 241 253 Matsuo 72.484521 242 253 Matsuo 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Mitarai 29.86239 240 251 Mitarai 72.875108 243 251 Mitarai 19.349629 243 252 Mitarai 8.7747184 244 252 Mitarai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Hama 26.376706 242 251 Hama 72.875108 243 251 Hama 19.349629 243 252 Hama 8.7747184 244 252 Hama 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Akashi 41.929864 241 251 Akashi 26.376706 242 251 Akashi 72.875108 243 251 Akashi 19.349629 243 252 Akashi 8.7747184 244 252 Akashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sukune 72.875108 243 251 Sukune 19.349629 243 252 Sukune 8.7747184 244 252 Sukune 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Nakano 41.929864 241 251 Nakano 26.376706 242 251 Nakano 72.875108 243 251 Nakano 19.349629 243 252 Nakano 8.7747184 244 252 Nakano 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kozakai 66.238282 262 251 Kozakai 14.514249 262 252 Kozakai 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Obe 24.619908 240 252 Obe 34.767233 241 252 Obe 7.2322222 242 252 Obe 19.349629 243 252 Obe 72.484521 242 253 Obe 53.506904 242 254 Obe 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Okiura 34.767233 241 252 Okiura 7.2322222 242 252 Okiura 19.349629 243 252 Okiura 8.7747184 244 252 Okiura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Sakata 24.619908 240 252 Sakata 34.767233 241 252 Sakata 7.2322222 242 252 Sakata 19.349629 243 252 Sakata 72.484521 242 253 Sakata 53.506904 242 254 Sakata 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Takehara 19.349629 243 252 Takehara 8.7747184 244 252 Takehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Kinoe 34.767233 241 252 Kinoe 7.2322222 242 252 Kinoe 19.349629 243 252 Kinoe 8.7747184 244 252 Kinoe 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Onashi 19.349629 243 252 Onashi 8.7747184 244 252 Onashi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shiramizu 7.2322222 242 252 Shiramizu 19.349629 243 252 Shiramizu 8.7747184 244 252 Shiramizu 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Oi 24.619908 240 252 Oi 34.767233 241 252 Oi 7.2322222 242 252 Oi 19.349629 243 252 Oi 72.484521 242 253 Oi 53.506904 242 254 Oi 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Takasakicho 19.349629 243 252 Takasakicho 8.7747184 244 252 Takasakicho 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Ono 24.619908 240 252 Ono 34.767233 241 252 Ono 7.2322222 242 252 Ono 39.500802 241 253 Ono 72.484521 242 253 Ono 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Takasaki 19.349629 243 252 Takasaki 8.7747184 244 252 Takasaki 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Namikata 24.619908 240 252 Namikata 34.767233 241 252 Namikata 7.2322222 242 252 Namikata 19.349629 243 252 Namikata 72.484521 242 253 Namikata 53.506904 242 254 Namikata 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Munagata 34.767233 241 252 Munagata 7.2322222 242 252 Munagata 19.349629 243 252 Munagata 8.7747184 244 252 Munagata 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mitabe 164.86729 269 252 Mitabe 144.14125 269 253 Mitabe 121.19467 269 254 Mitabe 89.335964 269 255 Mitabe 91.853673 272 255 Mitabe 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Fukuda 19.349629 243 252 Fukuda 8.7747184 244 252 Fukuda 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Dozen 164.86729 269 252 Dozen 144.14125 269 253 Dozen 121.19467 269 254 Dozen 89.335964 269 255 Dozen 91.853673 272 255 Dozen 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hasihama 24.619908 240 252 Hasihama 34.767233 241 252 Hasihama 7.2322222 242 252 Hasihama 19.349629 243 252 Hasihama 72.484521 242 253 Hasihama 53.506904 242 254 Hasihama 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuchisubo 34.767233 241 252 Kuchisubo 7.2322222 242 252 Kuchisubo 19.349629 243 252 Kuchisubo 8.7747184 244 252 Kuchisubo 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Aikamachi 14.514249 262 252 Aikamachi 82.589962 263 254 82.589962 263 254 Kinehara 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Chinzaki 144.14125 269 253 Chinzaki 121.19467 269 254 Chinzaki 89.335964 269 255 Chinzaki 91.853673 272 255 Chinzaki 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Etomo 91.852351 263 253 Etomo 98.315461 264 253 Etomo 82.589962 263 254 Etomo 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tadanoumi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Urago 144.14125 269 253 Urago 121.19467 269 254 Urago 89.335964 269 255 Urago 91.853673 272 255 Urago 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Higai 72.484521 242 253 Higai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Miyanoura 39.500802 241 253 Miyanoura 72.484521 242 253 Miyanoura 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Terasu 91.852351 263 253 Terasu 98.315461 264 253 Terasu 82.589962 263 254 Terasu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tamagi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Imabari 39.500802 241 253 Imabari 72.484521 242 253 Imabari 53.506904 242 254 Imabari 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Sada-Miyauchi 91.852351 263 253 Sada-Miyauchi 98.315461 264 253 Sada-Miyauchi 82.589962 263 254 Sada-Miyauchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Funakoshi 144.14125 269 253 Funakoshi 121.19467 269 254 Funakoshi 89.335964 269 255 Funakoshi 91.853673 272 255 Funakoshi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hashi 144.14125 269 253 Hashi 121.19467 269 254 Hashi 89.335964 269 255 Hashi 91.853673 272 255 Hashi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Inokuchi 72.484521 242 253 Inokuchi 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Mukuna 39.500802 241 253 Mukuna 72.484521 242 253 Mukuna 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Shimogumi 91.852351 263 253 Shimogumi 98.315461 264 253 Shimogumi 82.589962 263 254 Shimogumi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kitaura 39.500802 241 253 Kitaura 72.484521 242 253 Kitaura 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Sakai 72.484521 242 253 Sakai 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Urumi 133.67207 268 253 Urumi 118.2324 268 254 Urumi 91.853673 272 255 Urumi 72.963233 268 256 Urumi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Niburi 133.67207 268 253 Niburi 118.2324 268 254 Niburi 91.853673 272 255 Niburi 72.963233 268 256 Niburi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Noji 30.437579 244 253 30.437579 244 253 Go-Sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Hama-sakurai 53.506904 242 254 53.506904 242 254 Ryomei 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minamiura 53.506904 242 254 Minamiura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Mitajiri 121.19467 269 254 Mitajiri 89.335964 269 255 Mitajiri 91.853673 272 255 Mitajiri 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Beppu 121.19467 269 254 Beppu 89.335964 269 255 Beppu 91.853673 272 255 Beppu 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Kori 118.2324 268 254 Kori 91.853673 272 255 Kori 72.963233 268 256 Kori 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Saiwaishinden 53.506904 242 254 Saiwaishinden 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Oyama 121.19467 269 254 Oyama 89.335964 269 255 Oyama 91.853673 272 255 Oyama 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Seto 53.506904 242 254 Seto 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Niregi 82.589962 263 254 Niregi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kuratani 121.19467 269 254 Kuratani 89.335964 269 255 Kuratani 91.853673 272 255 Kuratani 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Usuge 118.2324 268 254 Usuge 91.853673 272 255 Usuge 72.963233 268 256 Usuge 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hama 82.589962 263 254 Hama 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yosokuni 53.506904 242 254 Yosokuni 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuranotani 121.19467 269 254 Kuranotani 89.335964 269 255 Kuranotani 91.853673 272 255 Kuranotani 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Wadacho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kuwaki 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Miyakubo 53.506904 242 254 Miyakubo 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Uga 121.19467 269 254 Uga 89.335964 269 255 Uga 91.853673 272 255 Uga 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Tomoura 53.506904 242 254 Tomoura 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Fukui 121.19467 269 254 Fukui 89.335964 269 255 Fukui 91.853673 272 255 Fukui 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Aoya 118.2324 268 254 Aoya 91.853673 272 255 Aoya 72.963233 268 256 Aoya 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hinozu 121.19467 269 254 Hinozu 89.335964 269 255 Hinozu 91.853673 272 255 Hinozu 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Sunamicho 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Kone 53.506904 242 254 Kone 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Saki 118.2324 268 254 Saki 91.853673 272 255 Saki 72.963233 268 256 Saki 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Setoda 53.506904 242 254 Setoda 31.374916 243 254 31.374916 243 254 Minami 121.19467 269 254 Minami 89.335964 269 255 Minami 91.853673 272 255 Minami 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Tako 82.589962 263 254 Tako 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Oi 118.2324 268 254 Oi 91.853673 272 255 Oi 72.963233 268 256 Oi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Kitabun 121.19467 269 254 Kitabun 89.335964 269 255 Kitabun 91.853673 272 255 Kitabun 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Nonami 58.761116 263 255 Nonami 57.606975 264 256 Nonami 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Utsuka 89.335964 269 255 Utsuka 91.853673 272 255 Utsuka 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Chichii 89.335964 269 255 Chichii 91.853673 272 255 Chichii 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Hobomi 89.335964 269 255 Hobomi 91.853673 272 255 Hobomi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Toyota 89.335964 269 255 Toyota 91.853673 272 255 Toyota 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Nota 89.335964 269 255 Nota 91.853673 272 255 Nota 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Chikumi 58.761116 263 255 Chikumi 57.606975 264 256 Chikumi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Mambara 58.761116 263 255 Mambara 57.606975 264 256 Mambara 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Nagaoda 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Katae 57.606975 264 256 Katae 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yui 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Fukura 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Moriyama 57.606975 264 256 Moriyama 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Nagu 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Wataricho 57.606975 264 256 Wataricho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Tonoecho 57.606975 264 256 Tonoecho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Otsugu 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Watari 57.606975 264 256 Watari 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Shichirui 57.606975 264 256 Shichirui 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Shiro 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Kumi 72.084719 272 256 72.084719 272 256 Naguchi 64.009701 272 257 Naguchi 112.79156 275 258 Naguchi 68.997896 275 259 Naguchi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Minamigata 64.009701 272 257 Minamigata 112.79156 275 258 Minamigata 68.997896 275 259 Minamigata 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamisato 17.898566 271 257 Kamisato 64.009701 272 257 Kamisato 112.79156 275 258 Kamisato 68.997896 275 259 Kamisato 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Mukoyama 17.898566 271 257 Mukoyama 64.009701 272 257 Mukoyama 112.79156 275 258 Mukoyama 68.997896 275 259 Mukoyama 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Tsudo 74.580521 270 257 Tsudo 64.009701 272 257 Tsudo 145.65687 270 260 Tsudo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Takenouchicho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Sakai-Minato 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Fukuura 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Yoshizu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Koii 64.009701 272 257 Koii 112.79156 275 258 Koii 68.997896 275 259 Koii 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kori 64.009701 272 257 Kori 112.79156 275 258 Kori 68.997896 275 259 Kori 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 O-Shinozucho 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kitagata 64.009701 272 257 Kitagata 112.79156 275 258 Kitagata 68.997896 275 259 Kitagata 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Yamad 64.009701 272 257 Yamad 112.79156 275 258 Yamad 68.997896 275 259 Yamad 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kumozu 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Utagi 17.898566 271 257 Utagi 64.009701 272 257 Utagi 112.79156 275 258 Utagi 68.997896 275 259 Utagi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Igo 64.009701 272 257 Igo 112.79156 275 258 Igo 68.997896 275 259 Igo 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamiguchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Kamo 74.580521 270 257 Kamo 64.009701 272 257 Kamo 145.65687 270 260 Kamo 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Kambi 74.580521 270 257 Kambi 64.009701 272 257 Kambi 145.65687 270 260 Kambi 160.1488 271 261 160.1488 271 261 Higuchi 61.355419 264 257 61.355419 264 257 Goto 16.831275 262 260 Goto 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nishimura 64.009701 272 257 Nishimura 112.79156 275 258 Nishimura 68.997896 275 259 Nishimura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Harada 96.292275 271 258 Harada 63.004105 272 258 Harada 112.79156 275 258 Harada 68.997896 275 259 Harada 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kamidani 61.276459 264 258 Kamidani 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Mihonoseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonoseki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Ikeda 96.292275 271 258 Ikeda 63.004105 272 258 Ikeda 112.79156 275 258 Ikeda 68.997896 275 259 Ikeda 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Nakamura 63.004105 272 258 Nakamura 112.79156 275 258 Nakamura 68.997896 275 259 Nakamura 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Nishida 96.292275 271 258 Nishida 63.004105 272 258 Nishida 112.79156 275 258 Nishida 68.997896 275 259 Nishida 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Mihonseki 61.276459 264 258 Mihonseki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Minoura 99.890666 270 258 Minoura 145.65687 270 260 Minoura 160.1488 271 261 Minoura 166.99124 270 262 166.99124 270 262 Abe 16.831275 262 260 Abe 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Gonya 63.004105 272 258 Gonya 112.79156 275 258 Gonya 68.997896 275 259 Gonya 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Misaki 99.890666 270 258 Misaki 145.65687 270 260 Misaki 160.1488 271 261 Misaki 166.99124 270 262 166.99124 270 262 Araki 96.292275 271 258 Araki 63.004105 272 258 Araki 112.79156 275 258 Araki 68.997896 275 259 Araki 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Yonago 16.831275 262 260 Yonago 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Takei 96.292275 271 258 Takei 63.004105 272 258 Takei 112.79156 275 258 Takei 68.997896 275 259 Takei 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Sei 96.292275 271 258 Sei 63.004105 272 258 Sei 112.79156 275 258 Sei 68.997896 275 259 Sei 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Iibi 63.004105 272 258 Iibi 112.79156 275 258 Iibi 68.997896 275 259 Iibi 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Togo 96.292275 271 258 Togo 63.004105 272 258 Togo 112.79156 275 258 Togo 68.997896 275 259 Togo 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Iida 96.292275 271 258 Iida 63.004105 272 258 Iida 112.79156 275 258 Iida 68.997896 275 259 Iida 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Higashi-Fukuhara 16.831275 262 260 Higashi-Fukuhara 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Uzuki 63.004105 272 258 Uzuki 112.79156 275 258 Uzuki 68.997896 275 259 Uzuki 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kami-fukubara 16.831275 262 260 Kami-fukubara 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kaike-Onsen 16.831275 262 260 Kaike-Onsen 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Saigo 96.292275 271 258 Saigo 63.004105 272 258 Saigo 112.79156 275 258 Saigo 68.997896 275 259 Saigo 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Inugu 123.16414 271 259 Inugu 68.997896 275 259 Inugu 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kama 123.16414 271 259 Kama 68.997896 275 259 Kama 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Oku 123.16414 271 259 Oku 68.997896 275 259 Oku 101.71401 275 260 101.71401 275 260 Kuzumo 16.831275 262 260 Kuzumo 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Soda 16.831275 262 260 Soda 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kaya 16.831275 262 260 Kaya 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Kawaoka 16.831275 262 260 Kawaoka 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Odaka 16.831275 262 260 Odaka 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Sueyoshi 16.831275 262 260 Sueyoshi 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Muki 16.831275 262 260 Muki 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Yodoe 16.831275 262 260 Yodoe 33.695075 263 260 33.695075 263 260 Nawa 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Kami Daison 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Shitatsubo 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Takahashi 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Nagano 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Uwaichi 17.849925 262 261 17.849925 262 261 Akasaka 38.59997 263 262 Akasaka 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Uematsu 38.59997 263 262 Uematsu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Hata 38.59997 263 262 Hata 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Notsu 38.59997 263 262 Notsu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Idekami 38.59997 263 262 Idekami 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yawata 38.59997 263 262 Yawata 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Bessho 38.59997 263 262 Bessho 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Akasaki Ko 38.59997 263 262 Akasaki Ko 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Miyaki 39.254898 263 263 Miyaki 37.089394 263 264 Miyaki 44.64503 263 265 Miyaki 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Yabase 39.254898 263 263 Yabase 37.089394 263 264 Yabase 44.64503 263 265 Yabase 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Ho 39.254898 263 263 Ho 37.089394 263 264 Ho 44.64503 263 265 Ho 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Urayasu 39.254898 263 263 Urayasu 37.089394 263 264 Urayasu 44.64503 263 265 Urayasu 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kogane 39.254898 263 263 Kogane 37.089394 263 264 Kogane 44.64503 263 265 Kogane 45.857399 263 266 45.857399 263 266 Kanaya 37.089394 263 264 Kanaya 44.64503 263 265 Kanaya 45.857399 263 266 Kanaya 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Ichii 23.070462 246 268 23.070462 246 268 Sugishita 37.089394 263 264 Sugishita 44.64503 263 265 Sugishita 45.857399 263 266 Sugishita 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Shimontane 37.089394 263 264 Shimontane 44.64503 263 265 Shimontane 45.857399 263 266 Shimontane 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Otani 37.089394 263 264 Otani 44.64503 263 265 Otani 45.857399 263 266 Otani 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Yura 37.089394 263 264 Yura 44.64503 263 265 Yura 45.857399 263 266 Yura 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Maragume 23.070462 246 268 23.070462 246 268 Yurajuku 37.089394 263 264 Yurajuku 44.64503 263 265 Yurajuku 45.857399 263 266 Yurajuku 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Yurashuku 37.089394 263 264 Yurashuku 44.64503 263 265 Yurashuku 45.857399 263 266 Yurashuku 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Nishisono 37.089394 263 264 Nishisono 44.64503 263 265 Nishisono 45.857399 263 266 Nishisono 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Seto 44.64503 263 265 Seto 45.857399 263 266 Seto 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kitano 44.64503 263 265 Kitano 45.857399 263 266 Kitano 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Yonesato 44.64503 263 265 Yonesato 45.857399 263 266 Yonesato 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Simotui 23.070462 246 268 Simotui 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Yumihara 44.64503 263 265 Yumihara 45.857399 263 266 Yumihara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Ajino 23.070462 246 268 Ajino 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Utazu 23.070462 246 268 Utazu 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Ekita 44.64503 263 265 Ekita 45.857399 263 266 Ekita 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Koda 45.857399 263 266 Koda 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Shinden 45.857399 263 266 Shinden 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kaita 45.857399 263 266 Kaita 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Nagase 45.857399 263 266 Nagase 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Sakaide 23.070462 246 268 Sakaide 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Tajiri 45.857399 263 266 Tajiri 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Egita 45.857399 263 266 Egita 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kodota 45.857399 263 266 Kodota 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Shimo Asozu 45.857399 263 266 Shimo Asozu 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Kami Asozu 45.857399 263 266 Kami Asozu 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Hashizu 45.857399 263 266 Hashizu 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Oyabu 23.070462 246 268 Oyabu 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Matsuzaki 44.868822 263 267 Matsuzaki 69.882882 264 267 Matsuzaki 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Hara 44.868822 263 267 Hara 69.882882 264 267 Hara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Urushihara 44.868822 263 267 Urushihara 69.882882 264 267 Urushihara 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Uno 23.070462 246 268 Uno 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Tomari 44.868822 263 267 Tomari 69.882882 264 267 Tomari 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Tamano 23.070462 246 268 Tamano 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Narutake 44.868822 263 267 Narutake 69.882882 264 267 Narutake 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Yuturiha 23.070462 246 268 Yuturiha 20.485379 246 269 20.485379 246 269 Yoshikawa 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 Okuzaki 49.401096 263 268 49.401096 263 268 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/CalcInputDeck.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin/coastalImpact -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ > /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/outCostalImpact.txt SELECT id, SHAPE_LENG,AsText(Geometry) FROM shoreline WHERE MBRContains(BuildMBR(116.0,18.0,134.0,40.5), geometry) 100 / 425 200 / 425 300 / 425 400 / 425 plottype GDACS drawing CoastalImpact /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ /mnt/output/SSCS/DATA/coastal.db 100 / 425 200 / 425 300 / 425 400 / 425 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000688/ECMWF/2020080500/all_inpData.txt /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000688/ECMWF/2020080500/all_inpData.txt ECMWF 1000688 trackfile 0 OUT_umax.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0000.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0024.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! ....remove.... calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/TIF_MAXVEL_END.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ /mnt/output/SSCS/ GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF delft3d from 31-07-2020 12:00 to 05-08-2020 00:00& start issueBulletin listWindows: folder0 : http://webcritech.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ModellingOutput/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00/ folderFinal0 : http://webcritech.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ModellingOutput/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ savepath: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/20200805.00// ******************************************************* * Case Completed * ******************************************************* Case starterd at: 2020-08-05 08:55:27.361239 UTC Cas completed at: 2020-08-05 09:12:45.491521 UTC **********E N D O F J O B*********************** 12 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/TIF_MAXVEL_END.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 0.918457 million >> 5. count the popolation in each cell and assign to the class and write to output in PP classifying 0 2599 >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popDensValues.xml TS 841369 (wind>17 and <=33) South Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan 17 and <=33]]> South Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan TS 841369 7230 733194 98321 2624 CAT. 1 0 (wind>33 and <=43) 33 and <=43]]> CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 (wind>43 and <=50) 43 and <=50]]> CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 (wind>50 and <=58) 50 and <=58]]> CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 (wind>58 and <=70) 58 and <=70]]> CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 (wind>70 and <=1000) 70 and <=1000]]> CAT. 5 0 ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 09:15:09.031498 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-08-05 09:25:13.817284 UTC inp1= 20200731.12 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-31 12:00:00 2020-08-05 00:00:00 delft3d 116.0 134.0 18.0 40.5 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200731.12 ndt: 10 running case from 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-31 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-31 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-01 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-01 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-02 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-02 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-03 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-03 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-04 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-08-04 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-08-05 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-08-05 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000688/2_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ==============================================================