******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 15:55:12.477198 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ creating /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 15:55:12.516372 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file being created already, stopping /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/submitted_surge.txt removing submitted_surge ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 15:58:29.961382 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 15:58:29.989957 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file netcdf already existing : /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.00.tropical_cyclone.nc !!!removing submitted_surge ret= 0 False ============================================ processing netcdf file for running delft3d ============================================ 2. process netcdf files and run at 2020-07-28 15:58:29.994281 nt 12 ...creating forcing data TIF from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ... # times: 73 title: Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF - delft3d) np.amin(lon),np.amax(lon),np.amin(lat),np.amax(lat) -91.1299972534 -43.2599945068 5.0 36.9500007629 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/MAXVEL.jpg V Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF - delft3d) -91.1299972534 -43.2599945068 5.0 36.9500007629 680 454 680.0 454.0 savemap /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/MAXVEL.jpg calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/TIF_MAXVEL.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/ /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/ GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF delft3d28-07-2020 00:00& ..2.1 converting netcdf to txt... nt= 12 ************************* /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.00.tropical_cyclone.nc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/ -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 12 1 ...reprojecting netcdf on the calculation window for ... .....time 0 / 72 .....time 1 / 72 .....time 2 / 72 .....time 3 / 72 .....time 4 / 72 .....time 5 / 72 .....time 6 / 72 .....time 7 / 72 .....time 8 / 72 .....time 9 / 72 .....time 10 / 72 .....time 11 / 72 .....time 12 / 72 .....time 13 / 72 .....time 14 / 72 .....time 15 / 72 .....time 16 / 72 .....time 17 / 72 .....time 18 / 72 .....time 19 / 72 .....time 20 / 72 .....time 21 / 72 .....time 22 / 72 .....time 23 / 72 .....time 24 / 72 .....time 25 / 72 .....time 26 / 72 .....time 27 / 72 .....time 28 / 72 .....time 29 / 72 .....time 30 / 72 .....time 31 / 72 .....time 32 / 72 .....time 33 / 72 .....time 34 / 72 .....time 35 / 72 .....time 36 / 72 .....time 37 / 72 .....time 38 / 72 .....time 39 / 72 .....time 40 / 72 .....time 41 / 72 .....time 42 / 72 .....time 43 / 72 .....time 44 / 72 .....time 45 / 72 .....time 46 / 72 .....time 47 / 72 .....time 48 / 72 .....time 49 / 72 .....time 50 / 72 .....time 51 / 72 .....time 52 / 72 .....time 53 / 72 .....time 54 / 72 .....time 55 / 72 .....time 56 / 72 .....time 57 / 72 .....time 58 / 72 .....time 59 / 72 .....time 60 / 72 .....time 61 / 72 .....time 62 / 72 .....time 63 / 72 .....time 64 / 72 .....time 65 / 72 .....time 66 / 72 .....time 67 / 72 .....time 68 / 72 .....time 69 / 72 .....time 70 / 72 .....time 71 / 72 .....time 72 / 72 ...printing files header ...writing time 0 / 12 ...writing time 1 / 12 ...writing time 2 / 12 ...writing time 3 / 12 ...writing time 4 / 12 ...writing time 5 / 12 ...writing time 6 / 12 ...writing time 7 / 12 ...writing time 8 / 12 ...writing time 9 / 12 ...writing time 10 / 12 ...writing time 11 / 12 ...writing time 12 / 12 ************************* ..2.2 prepare files for run and launch... start= 1 ...initializing calculation for delft3d ...path: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/ run attributes lons=[-91.13, -43.26], lats=[5.0, 36.95], ni=719, nj=480, resolution=0.066578581363 decimal degrees (4.0 minutes) Set bathymetry create grid7 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/TIF_MAXVEL.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 0.073354 million >> 5. count the popolation in each cell and assign to the class and write to output in PP classifying 0 479 >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/popDensValues.xml TS 73354 (wind>17 and <=33) Turks and Caicos Islands, The Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Anguilla 17 and <=33]]> Turks and Caicos Islands, The Bahamas, British Virgin Islands, Anguilla TS 73354 48173 1 12209 12971 CAT. 1 0 (wind>33 and <=43) 33 and <=43]]> CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 (wind>43 and <=50) 43 and <=50]]> CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 (wind>50 and <=58) 50 and <=58]]> CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 (wind>58 and <=70) 58 and <=70]]> CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 (wind>70 and <=1000) 70 and <=1000]]> CAT. 5 0 path= /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/ -- Bathym file -- /mnt/output/SSCS//BATHYMETRY/OPER/gebco30d.nc Bathymetry done Set gridmn= (480, 719) 480 719 Grid done Set enc Enc done Set observation points...creating obs file calc_dir: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/ basename: calc Observation points done Set mdf mdf doneInput file size is 43200, 21600 0...10...20...30...40...50...60...70...80...90...100 - done. /home/critechuser/operational/bin -i -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/ Reading file: /home/critechuser/operational/bin/config.txt Line 1: **************** Line 2: *Output options Line 3: **************** Line 4: * Line 5: outTxt =false Line 6: * Line 7: outHTif_exec_SWAN =true Line 8: outHTif_exec_TILES=false Line 9: outHTif_post =false Line 10: * Line 11: outuvTif_exec_SWAN =true Line 12: outuvTif_exec_TILES=false Line 13: outuvTif_post =false Line 14: * Line 15: outBMP =false Line 16: outJPG =false Line 17: * Line 18: outGIF_exec_SWAN =true Line 19: outGIF_exec_TILES =false Line 20: outGIF_post_SWAN =false Line 21: outGIF_post_HYFLUX =true Line 22: outGIF_post_NAMIDANCE =true Line 23: outGIF_post_MOST =true Line 24: outGIF_post_CORR =false Line 25: #outGIF_post_EASYWAVE =true Line 26: * Line 27: checkWatchPoints_exec_SWAN =true Line 28: checkWatchPoints_exec_TILES=true Line 29: checkWatchPoints_post_SWAN =false Line 30: checkWatchPoints_post_HYFLUX =true Line 31: checkWatchPoints_post_NAMIDANCE =true Line 32: checkWatchPoints_post_MOST =true Line 33: checkWatchPoints_post_CORR =true Line 34: checkWatchPoints_post_EASYWAVE=true Line 35: * Line 36: outkml_exec_SWAN =true Line 37: outkml_exec_TILES =false Line 38: outkml_post_SWAN =false Line 39: outkml_post_HYFLUX =true Line 40: outkml_post_NAMIDANCE =true Line 41: outkml_post_MOST =true Line 42: outkml_post_CORR =false Line 43: * Line 44: outGifAnimation_exec =false Line 45: outGifAnimation_post =true Line 46: outGifAnimation_post_CORR=false Line 47: * Line 48: intermediateAnimation =false Line 49: intermediateAnimation_CORR =false Line 50: * Line 51: tifH2netcdf_exec_SWAN =true Line 52: tifH2netcdf_exec_TILES=false Line 53: tifH2netcdf_post_SWAN =false Line 54: tifH2netcdf_post_HYFLUX=true Line 55: tifH2netcdf_post_NAMIDANCE=true Line 56: tifH2netcdf_post_CORR=false Line 57: * Line 58: tifuv2netcdf =false Line 59: * Line 60: writeWPtxtFiles_exec_SWAN=true Line 61: writeWPtxtFiles_exec_TILES=true Line 62: writeWPtxtFiles_post_SWAN=false Line 63: writeWPtxtFiles_post_HYFLUX=true Line 64: writeWPtxtFiles_post_NAMIDANCE=true Line 65: writeWPtxtFiles_post_MOST=true Line 66: writeWPtxtFiles_post_CORR=true Line 67: * Line 68: inFormat =GTiff Line 69: inFormat_NAMIDANCE =netcdf Line 70: inFormat_MOST =netcdf_NOAA Line 71: inFormat_EASYWAVE =netcdf Line 72: * Line 73: outFormat =GTiff Line 74: outFormat_CORR =netcdf Line 75: outFormat_NAMIDANCE =netcdf Line 76: outFormat_MOST =netcdf_NOAA Line 77: outFormat_EASYWAVE =netcdf Line 78: * Line 79: tarFilesAndDelete =true Line 80: deleteAnimFiles =true Line 81: deleteAnimFiles_NAMIDANCE=false Line 82: deleteAnimFiles_MOST=false Line 83: * Line 84: outTTT_TILES=false Line 85: * Line 86: * HYFLUX flags Line 87: mapfmt = PCRaster Line 88: mapext = .map Line 89: outfmt = GTiff Line 90: outext = .tif Line 91: radius=6378388. Line 92: houtmin = 1e-7 Line 93: voutmin = 1e-7 End of Reading file: /home/critechuser/operational/bin/config.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin -i -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/ **** Start of file : /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt Line 1: ********************************************* Line 2: * Storm Surge input deck Line 3: ********************************************* Line 4: * General data Line 5: Title=GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF Storm Surge Calculation Line 6: * Line 7: DateTsunami= 01 Jan 2020 00:00 * bulDate is the date of the bulletin on which is based the time, Line 8: i.e. date of fromBul Line 9: idCalc=20200101.00 Line 10: * Line 11: * Last position at time * Line 12: Lat= -1 * degree Line 13: Lon= -1 * degree Line 14: Mag= 0 * Cyclone s Line 15: * Calculation parameters * Line 16: InTime= 0 * h Line 17: FinTime= 72 * h Line 18: Tsave= 60. * min Line 19: fanning=0.015 Line 20: * Line 21: faultform=-1 * modifica variab Line 22: * Line 23: * Grid parameters * Line 24: batgrid= 4.0 * min Line 25: lonmin=-91.13 Line 26: lonmax=-43.26 Line 27: latmin=5.0 Line 28: latmax=36.95 Line 29: bathymetry=GEBCO30 **** End of file : /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt ---| batmode = 3 gdal_translate -srcwin 10663 6364 5746 3836 /home/critechuser/operational/DATA/gebco30.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid//clipFile.tif *** Interpolating clipped bathymetry. Dataset /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid//clipFile.tif ncols=718, nrows=479 ix=10/718 ix=20/718 ix=30/718 ix=40/718 ix=50/718 ix=60/718 ix=70/718 ix=80/718 ix=90/718 ix=100/718 ix=110/718 ix=120/718 ix=130/718 ix=140/718 ix=150/718 ix=160/718 ix=170/718 ix=180/718 ix=190/718 ix=200/718 ix=210/718 ix=220/718 ix=230/718 ix=240/718 ix=250/718 ix=260/718 ix=270/718 ix=280/718 ix=290/718 ix=300/718 ix=310/718 ix=320/718 ix=330/718 ix=340/718 ix=350/718 ix=360/718 ix=370/718 ix=380/718 ix=390/718 ix=400/718 ix=410/718 ix=420/718 ix=430/718 ix=440/718 ix=450/718 ix=460/718 ix=470/718 ix=480/718 ix=490/718 ix=500/718 ix=510/718 ix=520/718 ix=530/718 ix=540/718 ix=550/718 ix=560/718 ix=570/718 ix=580/718 ix=590/718 ix=600/718 ix=610/718 ix=620/718 ix=630/718 ix=640/718 ix=650/718 ix=660/718 ix=670/718 ix=680/718 ix=690/718 ix=700/718 ix=710/718 Writing gdal file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid//bathymetry.tif with factor=-1.000000 Fault number 1 Calling Okada with depth=0.000000 ! calling gdal factor 1 Writing gdal file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid//deformation.tif with factor=1.000000 Writing gdal file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid//base.bmp with factor=-1.000000 End of programme /home/critechuser/operational/bin/preProcessing -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/ All done ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/config_d_hydro.xml in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/config_d_hydro.xml ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.mdf in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/calc.mdf ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.grd in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/calc.grd ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.enc in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/calc.enc ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.obs in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/calc.obs ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.dep in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/calc.dep ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh ****** SETTING DT ***** 1.0 start run ./run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh 10 launching case: /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/MPICH_INTEL/bin/mpiexec -np 10 /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/5740/bin/lnx64/flow2d3d/bin/d_hydro.exe config_d_hydro.xml MPI process number 000 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 003 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 006 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 007 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 008 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 009 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 001 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 002 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 004 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 005 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deltares, FLOW2D3D Version, May 3 2016, 09:52:23 libflow2d3d.so entry Flow2D3D::Run -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part I - Initialisation Time Dep. Data module... runid : calc Part II - Creating intermediate files... Part III - Initialisation of the Execution module... Part IV - Reading complete MD-file... Part V - Initialisation & checking input... Part VI - Initialisation & checking second part... Part VII - Initialisation output... Part VIII - Start Simulation... Time to finish 0s, 0.0% completed, time steps left 720 Time to finish 13m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 719 Time to finish 8m 16s, 0.3% completed, time steps left 718 Time to finish 6m 47s, 0.4% completed, time steps left 717 Time to finish 6m 12s, 0.6% completed, time steps left 716 Time to finish 5m 42s, 0.7% completed, time steps left 715 Time to finish 5m 29s, 0.8% completed, time steps left 714 Time to finish 5m 14s, 1.0% completed, time steps left 713 Time to finish 5m 2s, 1.1% completed, time steps left 712 Time to finish 4m 53s, 1.2% completed, time steps left 711 Time to finish 4m 47s, 1.4% completed, time steps left 710 Time to finish 4m 41s, 1.5% completed, time steps left 709 Time to finish 4m 39s, 1.7% completed, time steps left 708 Time to finish 4m 37s, 1.8% completed, time steps left 707 Time to finish 4m 33s, 1.9% completed, time steps left 706 Time to finish 4m 31s, 2.1% completed, time steps left 705 Time to finish 5m 1s, 2.2% completed, time steps left 704 Time to finish 4m 54s, 2.4% completed, time steps left 703 Time to finish 4m 48s, 2.5% completed, time steps left 702 Time to finish 4m 42s, 2.6% completed, time steps left 701 Time to finish 4m 38s, 2.8% completed, time steps left 700 Time to finish 4m 34s, 2.9% completed, time steps left 699 Time to finish 4m 29s, 3.1% completed, time steps left 698 Time to finish 4m 26s, 3.2% completed, time steps left 697 Time to finish 4m 23s, 3.3% completed, time steps left 696 Time to finish 4m 19s, 3.5% completed, time steps left 695 Time to finish 4m 15s, 3.6% completed, time steps left 694 Time to finish 4m 12s, 3.8% completed, time steps left 693 Time to finish 4m 9s, 3.9% completed, time steps left 692 Time to finish 4m 7s, 4.0% completed, time steps left 691 Time to finish 4m 4s, 4.2% completed, time steps left 690 Time to finish 4m 17s, 4.3% completed, time steps left 689 Time to finish 4m 14s, 4.4% completed, time steps left 688 Time to finish 4m 11s, 4.6% completed, time steps left 687 Time to finish 4m 9s, 4.7% completed, time steps left 686 Time to finish 4m 6s, 4.9% completed, time steps left 685 Time to finish 4m 5s, 5.0% completed, time steps left 684 Time to finish 4m 3s, 5.1% completed, time steps left 683 Time to finish 4m 1s, 5.3% completed, time steps left 682 Time to finish 3m 59s, 5.4% completed, time steps left 681 Time to finish 3m 57s, 5.6% completed, time steps left 680 Time to finish 3m 55s, 5.7% completed, time steps left 679 Time to finish 3m 54s, 5.8% completed, time steps left 678 Time to finish 3m 53s, 6.0% completed, time steps left 677 Time to finish 3m 51s, 6.1% completed, time steps left 676 Time to finish 3m 49s, 6.2% completed, time steps left 675 Time to finish 3m 56s, 6.4% completed, time steps left 674 Time to finish 3m 55s, 6.5% completed, time steps left 673 Time to finish 3m 53s, 6.7% completed, time steps left 672 Time to finish 3m 52s, 6.8% completed, time steps left 671 Time to finish 3m 50s, 6.9% completed, time steps left 670 Time to finish 3m 49s, 7.1% completed, time steps left 669 Time to finish 3m 48s, 7.2% completed, time steps left 668 Time to finish 3m 47s, 7.4% completed, time steps left 667 Time to finish 3m 46s, 7.5% completed, time steps left 666 Time to finish 3m 44s, 7.6% completed, time steps left 665 Time to finish 3m 43s, 7.8% completed, time steps left 664 Time to finish 3m 42s, 7.9% completed, time steps left 663 Time to finish 3m 41s, 8.1% completed, time steps left 662 Time to finish 3m 39s, 8.2% completed, time steps left 661 Time to finish 3m 39s, 8.3% completed, time steps left 660 Time to finish 3m 50s, 8.5% completed, time steps left 659 Time to finish 3m 48s, 8.6% completed, time steps left 658 Time to finish 3m 48s, 8.8% completed, time steps left 657 Time to finish 3m 47s, 8.9% completed, time steps left 656 Time to finish 3m 46s, 9.0% completed, time steps left 655 Time to finish 3m 45s, 9.2% completed, time steps left 654 Time to finish 3m 45s, 9.3% completed, time steps left 653 Time to finish 3m 44s, 9.4% completed, time steps left 652 Time to finish 3m 43s, 9.6% completed, time steps left 651 Time to finish 3m 42s, 9.7% completed, time steps left 650 Time to finish 3m 41s, 9.9% completed, time steps left 649 Time to finish 3m 40s, 10.0% completed, time steps left 648 Time to finish 3m 38s, 10.1% completed, time steps left 647 Time to finish 3m 38s, 10.3% completed, time steps left 646 Time to finish 3m 37s, 10.4% completed, time steps left 645 Time to finish 3m 42s, 10.6% completed, time steps left 644 Time to finish 3m 41s, 10.7% completed, time steps left 643 Time to finish 3m 41s, 10.8% completed, time steps left 642 Time to finish 3m 40s, 11.0% completed, time steps left 641 Time to finish 3m 39s, 11.1% completed, time steps left 640 Time to finish 3m 38s, 11.2% completed, time steps left 639 Time to finish 3m 37s, 11.4% completed, time steps left 638 Time to finish 3m 36s, 11.5% completed, time steps left 637 Time to finish 3m 36s, 11.7% completed, time steps left 636 Time to finish 3m 35s, 11.8% completed, time steps left 635 Time to finish 3m 34s, 11.9% completed, time steps left 634 Time to finish 3m 33s, 12.1% completed, time steps left 633 Time to finish 3m 32s, 12.2% completed, time steps left 632 Time to finish 3m 31s, 12.4% completed, time steps left 631 Time to finish 3m 31s, 12.5% completed, time steps left 630 Time to finish 3m 34s, 12.6% completed, time steps left 629 Time to finish 3m 33s, 12.8% completed, time steps left 628 Time to finish 3m 33s, 12.9% completed, time steps left 627 Time to finish 3m 32s, 13.1% completed, time steps left 626 Time to finish 3m 32s, 13.2% completed, time steps left 625 Time to finish 3m 31s, 13.3% completed, time steps left 624 Time to finish 3m 30s, 13.5% completed, time steps left 623 Time to finish 3m 30s, 13.6% completed, time steps left 622 Time to finish 3m 29s, 13.8% completed, time steps left 621 Time to finish 3m 28s, 13.9% completed, time steps left 620 Time to finish 3m 28s, 14.0% completed, time steps left 619 Time to finish 3m 27s, 14.2% completed, time steps left 618 Time to finish 3m 26s, 14.3% completed, time steps left 617 Time to finish 3m 26s, 14.4% completed, time steps left 616 Time to finish 3m 25s, 14.6% completed, time steps left 615 Time to finish 3m 28s, 14.7% completed, time steps left 614 Time to finish 3m 27s, 14.9% completed, time steps left 613 Time to finish 3m 27s, 15.0% completed, time steps left 612 Time to finish 3m 26s, 15.1% completed, time steps left 611 Time to finish 3m 26s, 15.3% completed, time steps left 610 Time to finish 3m 25s, 15.4% completed, time steps left 609 Time to finish 3m 24s, 15.6% completed, time steps left 608 Time to finish 3m 24s, 15.7% completed, time steps left 607 Time to finish 3m 23s, 15.8% completed, time steps left 606 Time to finish 3m 22s, 16.0% completed, time steps left 605 Time to finish 3m 22s, 16.1% completed, time steps left 604 Time to finish 3m 21s, 16.2% completed, time steps left 603 Time to finish 3m 21s, 16.4% completed, time steps left 602 Time to finish 3m 20s, 16.5% completed, time steps left 601 Time to finish 3m 19s, 16.7% completed, time steps left 600 Time to finish 3m 24s, 16.8% completed, time steps left 599 Time to finish 3m 23s, 16.9% completed, time steps left 598 Time to finish 3m 23s, 17.1% completed, time steps left 597 Time to finish 3m 22s, 17.2% completed, time steps left 596 Time to finish 3m 22s, 17.4% completed, time steps left 595 Time to finish 3m 21s, 17.5% completed, time steps left 594 Time to finish 3m 21s, 17.6% completed, time steps left 593 Time to finish 3m 20s, 17.8% completed, time steps left 592 Time to finish 3m 20s, 17.9% completed, time steps left 591 Time to finish 3m 19s, 18.1% completed, time steps left 590 Time to finish 3m 19s, 18.2% completed, time steps left 589 Time to finish 3m 18s, 18.3% completed, time steps left 588 Time to finish 3m 18s, 18.5% completed, time steps left 587 Time to finish 3m 18s, 18.6% completed, time steps left 586 Time to finish 3m 17s, 18.8% completed, time steps left 585 Time to finish 3m 20s, 18.9% completed, time steps left 584 Time to finish 3m 20s, 19.0% completed, time steps left 583 Time to finish 3m 20s, 19.2% completed, time steps left 582 Time to finish 3m 20s, 19.3% completed, time steps left 581 Time to finish 3m 20s, 19.4% completed, time steps left 580 Time to finish 3m 20s, 19.6% completed, time steps left 579 Time to finish 3m 20s, 19.7% completed, time steps left 578 Time to finish 3m 20s, 19.9% completed, time steps left 577 Time to finish 3m 20s, 20.0% completed, time steps left 576 Time to finish 3m 20s, 20.1% completed, time steps left 575 Time to finish 3m 19s, 20.3% completed, time steps left 574 Time to finish 3m 19s, 20.4% completed, time steps left 573 Time to finish 3m 19s, 20.6% completed, time steps left 572 Time to finish 3m 18s, 20.7% completed, time steps left 571 Time to finish 3m 18s, 20.8% completed, time steps left 570 Time to finish 3m 20s, 21.0% completed, time steps left 569 Time to finish 3m 19s, 21.1% completed, time steps left 568 Time to finish 3m 19s, 21.2% completed, time steps left 567 Time to finish 3m 18s, 21.4% completed, time steps left 566 Time to finish 3m 18s, 21.5% completed, time steps left 565 Time to finish 3m 17s, 21.7% completed, time steps left 564 Time to finish 3m 17s, 21.8% completed, time steps left 563 Time to finish 3m 16s, 21.9% completed, time steps left 562 Time to finish 3m 16s, 22.1% completed, time steps left 561 Time to finish 3m 15s, 22.2% completed, time steps left 560 Time to finish 3m 15s, 22.4% completed, time steps left 559 Time to finish 3m 14s, 22.5% completed, time steps left 558 Time to finish 3m 14s, 22.6% completed, time steps left 557 Time to finish 3m 13s, 22.8% completed, time steps left 556 Time to finish 3m 12s, 22.9% completed, time steps left 555 Time to finish 3m 14s, 23.1% completed, time steps left 554 Time to finish 3m 14s, 23.2% completed, time steps left 553 Time to finish 3m 14s, 23.3% completed, time steps left 552 Time to finish 3m 13s, 23.5% completed, time steps left 551 Time to finish 3m 13s, 23.6% completed, time steps left 550 Time to finish 3m 13s, 23.8% completed, time steps left 549 Time to finish 3m 12s, 23.9% completed, time steps left 548 Time to finish 3m 11s, 24.0% completed, time steps left 547 Time to finish 3m 11s, 24.2% completed, time steps left 546 Time to finish 3m 11s, 24.3% completed, time steps left 545 Time to finish 3m 10s, 24.4% completed, time steps left 544 Time to finish 3m 10s, 24.6% completed, time steps left 543 Time to finish 3m 10s, 24.7% completed, time steps left 542 Time to finish 3m 9s, 24.9% completed, time steps left 541 Time to finish 3m 9s, 25.0% completed, time steps left 540 Time to finish 3m 12s, 25.1% completed, time steps left 539 Time to finish 3m 11s, 25.3% completed, time steps left 538 Time to finish 3m 11s, 25.4% completed, time steps left 537 Time to finish 3m 11s, 25.6% completed, time steps left 536 Time to finish 3m 10s, 25.7% completed, time steps left 535 Time to finish 3m 10s, 25.8% completed, time steps left 534 Time to finish 3m 9s, 26.0% completed, time steps left 533 Time to finish 3m 8s, 26.1% completed, time steps left 532 Time to finish 3m 8s, 26.2% completed, time steps left 531 Time to finish 3m 7s, 26.4% completed, time steps left 530 Time to finish 3m 6s, 26.5% completed, time steps left 529 Time to finish 3m 6s, 26.7% completed, time steps left 528 Time to finish 3m 5s, 26.8% completed, time steps left 527 Time to finish 3m 5s, 26.9% completed, time steps left 526 Time to finish 3m 4s, 27.1% completed, time steps left 525 Time to finish 3m 6s, 27.2% completed, time steps left 524 Time to finish 3m 5s, 27.4% completed, time steps left 523 Time to finish 3m 4s, 27.5% completed, time steps left 522 Time to finish 3m 4s, 27.6% completed, time steps left 521 Time to finish 3m 3s, 27.8% completed, time steps left 520 Time to finish 3m 3s, 27.9% completed, time steps left 519 Time to finish 3m 3s, 28.1% completed, time steps left 518 Time to finish 3m 2s, 28.2% completed, time steps left 517 Time to finish 3m 2s, 28.3% completed, time steps left 516 Time to finish 3m 1s, 28.5% completed, time steps left 515 Time to finish 3m 1s, 28.6% completed, time steps left 514 Time to finish 3m 0s, 28.7% completed, time steps left 513 Time to finish 3m 0s, 28.9% completed, time steps left 512 Time to finish 2m 59s, 29.0% completed, time steps left 511 Time to finish 2m 59s, 29.2% completed, time steps left 510 Time to finish 3m 0s, 29.3% completed, time steps left 509 Time to finish 2m 59s, 29.4% completed, time steps left 508 Time to finish 2m 59s, 29.6% completed, time steps left 507 Time to finish 2m 58s, 29.7% completed, time steps left 506 Time to finish 2m 58s, 29.9% completed, time steps left 505 Time to finish 2m 57s, 30.0% completed, time steps left 504 Time to finish 2m 57s, 30.1% completed, time steps left 503 Time to finish 2m 56s, 30.3% completed, time steps left 502 Time to finish 2m 56s, 30.4% completed, time steps left 501 Time to finish 2m 55s, 30.6% completed, time steps left 500 Time to finish 2m 55s, 30.7% completed, time steps left 499 Time to finish 2m 54s, 30.8% completed, time steps left 498 Time to finish 2m 54s, 31.0% completed, time steps left 497 Time to finish 2m 54s, 31.1% completed, time steps left 496 Time to finish 2m 53s, 31.2% completed, time steps left 495 Time to finish 2m 54s, 31.4% completed, time steps left 494 Time to finish 2m 54s, 31.5% completed, time steps left 493 Time to finish 2m 54s, 31.7% completed, time steps left 492 Time to finish 2m 53s, 31.8% completed, time steps left 491 Time to finish 2m 53s, 31.9% completed, time steps left 490 Time to finish 2m 53s, 32.1% completed, time steps left 489 Time to finish 2m 52s, 32.2% completed, time steps left 488 Time to finish 2m 52s, 32.4% completed, time steps left 487 Time to finish 2m 51s, 32.5% completed, time steps left 486 Time to finish 2m 51s, 32.6% completed, time steps left 485 Time to finish 2m 51s, 32.8% completed, time steps left 484 Time to finish 2m 50s, 32.9% completed, time steps left 483 Time to finish 2m 50s, 33.1% completed, time steps left 482 Time to finish 2m 50s, 33.2% completed, time steps left 481 Time to finish 2m 49s, 33.3% completed, time steps left 480 Time to finish 2m 51s, 33.5% completed, time steps left 479 Time to finish 2m 51s, 33.6% completed, time steps left 478 Time to finish 2m 50s, 33.8% completed, time steps left 477 Time to finish 2m 50s, 33.9% completed, time steps left 476 Time to finish 2m 49s, 34.0% completed, time steps left 475 Time to finish 2m 49s, 34.2% completed, time steps left 474 Time to finish 2m 48s, 34.3% completed, time steps left 473 Time to finish 2m 48s, 34.4% completed, time steps left 472 Time to finish 2m 47s, 34.6% completed, time steps left 471 Time to finish 2m 47s, 34.7% completed, time steps left 470 Time to finish 2m 46s, 34.9% completed, time steps left 469 Time to finish 2m 46s, 35.0% completed, time steps left 468 Time to finish 2m 45s, 35.1% completed, time steps left 467 Time to finish 2m 45s, 35.3% completed, time steps left 466 Time to finish 2m 44s, 35.4% completed, time steps left 465 Time to finish 2m 45s, 35.6% completed, time steps left 464 Time to finish 2m 45s, 35.7% completed, time steps left 463 Time to finish 2m 44s, 35.8% completed, time steps left 462 Time to finish 2m 44s, 36.0% completed, time steps left 461 Time to finish 2m 44s, 36.1% completed, time steps left 460 Time to finish 2m 43s, 36.2% completed, time steps left 459 Time to finish 2m 43s, 36.4% completed, time steps left 458 Time to finish 2m 42s, 36.5% completed, time steps left 457 Time to finish 2m 42s, 36.7% completed, time steps left 456 Time to finish 2m 41s, 36.8% completed, time steps left 455 Time to finish 2m 41s, 36.9% completed, time steps left 454 Time to finish 2m 41s, 37.1% completed, time steps left 453 Time to finish 2m 40s, 37.2% completed, time steps left 452 Time to finish 2m 40s, 37.4% completed, time steps left 451 Time to finish 2m 39s, 37.5% completed, time steps left 450 Time to finish 2m 40s, 37.6% completed, time steps left 449 Time to finish 2m 40s, 37.8% completed, time steps left 448 Time to finish 2m 39s, 37.9% completed, time steps left 447 Time to finish 2m 39s, 38.1% completed, time steps left 446 Time to finish 2m 38s, 38.2% completed, time steps left 445 Time to finish 2m 38s, 38.3% completed, time steps left 444 Time to finish 2m 37s, 38.5% completed, time steps left 443 Time to finish 2m 37s, 38.6% completed, time steps left 442 Time to finish 2m 36s, 38.8% completed, time steps left 441 Time to finish 2m 36s, 38.9% completed, time steps left 440 Time to finish 2m 35s, 39.0% completed, time steps left 439 Time to finish 2m 35s, 39.2% completed, time steps left 438 Time to finish 2m 34s, 39.3% completed, time steps left 437 Time to finish 2m 34s, 39.4% completed, time steps left 436 Time to finish 2m 33s, 39.6% completed, time steps left 435 Time to finish 2m 34s, 39.7% completed, time steps left 434 Time to finish 2m 33s, 39.9% completed, time steps left 433 Time to finish 2m 33s, 40.0% completed, time steps left 432 Time to finish 2m 32s, 40.1% completed, time steps left 431 Time to finish 2m 32s, 40.3% completed, time steps left 430 Time to finish 2m 31s, 40.4% completed, time steps left 429 Time to finish 2m 31s, 40.6% completed, time steps left 428 Time to finish 2m 30s, 40.7% completed, time steps left 427 Time to finish 2m 30s, 40.8% completed, time steps left 426 Time to finish 2m 29s, 41.0% completed, time steps left 425 Time to finish 2m 29s, 41.1% completed, time steps left 424 Time to finish 2m 28s, 41.2% completed, time steps left 423 Time to finish 2m 28s, 41.4% completed, time steps left 422 Time to finish 2m 27s, 41.5% completed, time steps left 421 Time to finish 2m 27s, 41.7% completed, time steps left 420 Time to finish 2m 28s, 41.8% completed, time steps left 419 Time to finish 2m 27s, 41.9% completed, time steps left 418 Time to finish 2m 27s, 42.1% completed, time steps left 417 Time to finish 2m 26s, 42.2% completed, time steps left 416 Time to finish 2m 26s, 42.4% completed, time steps left 415 Time to finish 2m 25s, 42.5% completed, time steps left 414 Time to finish 2m 25s, 42.6% completed, time steps left 413 Time to finish 2m 25s, 42.8% completed, time steps left 412 Time to finish 2m 24s, 42.9% completed, time steps left 411 Time to finish 2m 24s, 43.1% completed, time steps left 410 Time to finish 2m 23s, 43.2% completed, time steps left 409 Time to finish 2m 23s, 43.3% completed, time steps left 408 Time to finish 2m 22s, 43.5% completed, time steps left 407 Time to finish 2m 22s, 43.6% completed, time steps left 406 Time to finish 2m 21s, 43.8% completed, time steps left 405 Time to finish 2m 22s, 43.9% completed, time steps left 404 Time to finish 2m 21s, 44.0% completed, time steps left 403 Time to finish 2m 21s, 44.2% completed, time steps left 402 Time to finish 2m 20s, 44.3% completed, time steps left 401 Time to finish 2m 20s, 44.4% completed, time steps left 400 Time to finish 2m 19s, 44.6% completed, time steps left 399 Time to finish 2m 19s, 44.7% completed, time steps left 398 Time to finish 2m 19s, 44.9% completed, time steps left 397 Time to finish 2m 18s, 45.0% completed, time steps left 396 Time to finish 2m 18s, 45.1% completed, time steps left 395 Time to finish 2m 17s, 45.3% completed, time steps left 394 Time to finish 2m 17s, 45.4% completed, time steps left 393 Time to finish 2m 16s, 45.6% completed, time steps left 392 Time to finish 2m 16s, 45.7% completed, time steps left 391 Time to finish 2m 15s, 45.8% completed, time steps left 390 Time to finish 2m 16s, 46.0% completed, time steps left 389 Time to finish 2m 15s, 46.1% completed, time steps left 388 Time to finish 2m 15s, 46.2% completed, time steps left 387 Time to finish 2m 15s, 46.4% completed, time steps left 386 Time to finish 2m 14s, 46.5% completed, time steps left 385 Time to finish 2m 14s, 46.7% completed, time steps left 384 Time to finish 2m 14s, 46.8% completed, time steps left 383 Time to finish 2m 14s, 46.9% completed, time steps left 382 Time to finish 2m 14s, 47.1% completed, time steps left 381 Time to finish 2m 14s, 47.2% completed, time steps left 380 Time to finish 2m 13s, 47.4% completed, time steps left 379 Time to finish 2m 13s, 47.5% completed, time steps left 378 Time to finish 2m 13s, 47.6% completed, time steps left 377 Time to finish 2m 12s, 47.8% completed, time steps left 376 Time to finish 2m 12s, 47.9% completed, time steps left 375 Time to finish 2m 12s, 48.1% completed, time steps left 374 Time to finish 2m 12s, 48.2% completed, time steps left 373 Time to finish 2m 12s, 48.3% completed, time steps left 372 Time to finish 2m 12s, 48.5% completed, time steps left 371 Time to finish 2m 11s, 48.6% completed, time steps left 370 Time to finish 2m 11s, 48.8% completed, time steps left 369 Time to finish 2m 11s, 48.9% completed, time steps left 368 Time to finish 2m 10s, 49.0% completed, time steps left 367 Time to finish 2m 10s, 49.2% completed, time steps left 366 Time to finish 2m 10s, 49.3% completed, time steps left 365 Time to finish 2m 9s, 49.4% completed, time steps left 364 Time to finish 2m 9s, 49.6% completed, time steps left 363 Time to finish 2m 9s, 49.7% completed, time steps left 362 Time to finish 2m 9s, 49.9% completed, time steps left 361 Time to finish 2m 8s, 50.0% completed, time steps left 360 Time to finish 2m 9s, 50.1% completed, time steps left 359 Time to finish 2m 9s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 358 Time to finish 2m 8s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 357 Time to finish 2m 8s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 356 Time to finish 2m 8s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 355 Time to finish 2m 7s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 354 Time to finish 2m 7s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 353 Time to finish 2m 6s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 352 Time to finish 2m 6s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 351 Time to finish 2m 6s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 350 Time to finish 2m 5s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 349 Time to finish 2m 5s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 348 Time to finish 2m 5s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 347 Time to finish 2m 4s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 346 Time to finish 2m 4s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 345 Time to finish 2m 4s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 344 Time to finish 2m 4s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 343 Time to finish 2m 4s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 342 Time to finish 2m 3s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 341 Time to finish 2m 3s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 340 Time to finish 2m 2s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 339 Time to finish 2m 2s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 338 Time to finish 2m 2s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 337 Time to finish 2m 1s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 336 Time to finish 2m 1s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 335 Time to finish 2m 0s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 334 Time to finish 2m 0s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 333 Time to finish 1m 59s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 332 Time to finish 1m 59s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 331 Time to finish 1m 59s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 330 Time to finish 1m 59s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 329 Time to finish 1m 58s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 328 Time to finish 1m 58s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 327 Time to finish 1m 57s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 326 Time to finish 1m 57s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 325 Time to finish 1m 56s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 324 Time to finish 1m 56s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 323 Time to finish 1m 56s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 322 Time to finish 1m 55s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 321 Time to finish 1m 55s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 320 Time to finish 1m 54s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 319 Time to finish 1m 54s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 318 Time to finish 1m 53s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 317 Time to finish 1m 53s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 316 Time to finish 1m 52s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 315 Time to finish 1m 53s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 314 Time to finish 1m 52s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 313 Time to finish 1m 52s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 312 Time to finish 1m 51s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 311 Time to finish 1m 51s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 310 Time to finish 1m 51s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 309 Time to finish 1m 50s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 308 Time to finish 1m 50s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 307 Time to finish 1m 49s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 306 Time to finish 1m 49s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 305 Time to finish 1m 48s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 304 Time to finish 1m 48s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 303 Time to finish 1m 48s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 302 Time to finish 1m 47s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 301 Time to finish 1m 47s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 300 Time to finish 1m 47s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 299 Time to finish 1m 47s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 298 Time to finish 1m 46s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 297 Time to finish 1m 46s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 296 Time to finish 1m 46s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 295 Time to finish 1m 45s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 294 Time to finish 1m 45s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 293 Time to finish 1m 45s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 292 Time to finish 1m 44s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 291 Time to finish 1m 44s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 290 Time to finish 1m 43s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 289 Time to finish 1m 43s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 288 Time to finish 1m 43s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 287 Time to finish 1m 42s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 286 Time to finish 1m 42s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 285 Time to finish 1m 42s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 284 Time to finish 1m 42s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 283 Time to finish 1m 41s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 282 Time to finish 1m 41s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 281 Time to finish 1m 41s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 280 Time to finish 1m 40s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 279 Time to finish 1m 40s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 278 Time to finish 1m 39s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 277 Time to finish 1m 39s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 276 Time to finish 1m 39s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 275 Time to finish 1m 38s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 274 Time to finish 1m 38s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 273 Time to finish 1m 38s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 272 Time to finish 1m 37s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 271 Time to finish 1m 37s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 270 Time to finish 1m 37s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 269 Time to finish 1m 37s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 268 Time to finish 1m 36s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 267 Time to finish 1m 36s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 266 Time to finish 1m 36s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 265 Time to finish 1m 35s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 264 Time to finish 1m 35s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 263 Time to finish 1m 35s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 262 Time to finish 1m 34s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 261 Time to finish 1m 34s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 260 Time to finish 1m 34s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 259 Time to finish 1m 33s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 258 Time to finish 1m 33s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 257 Time to finish 1m 33s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 256 Time to finish 1m 32s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 255 Time to finish 1m 32s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 254 Time to finish 1m 32s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 253 Time to finish 1m 32s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 252 Time to finish 1m 31s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 251 Time to finish 1m 31s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 250 Time to finish 1m 31s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 249 Time to finish 1m 30s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 248 Time to finish 1m 30s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 247 Time to finish 1m 30s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 246 Time to finish 1m 29s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 245 Time to finish 1m 29s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 244 Time to finish 1m 29s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 243 Time to finish 1m 28s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 242 Time to finish 1m 28s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 241 Time to finish 1m 28s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 240 Time to finish 1m 28s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 239 Time to finish 1m 27s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 238 Time to finish 1m 27s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 237 Time to finish 1m 27s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 236 Time to finish 1m 26s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 235 Time to finish 1m 26s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 234 Time to finish 1m 25s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 233 Time to finish 1m 25s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 232 Time to finish 1m 24s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 231 Time to finish 1m 24s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 230 Time to finish 1m 24s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 229 Time to finish 1m 23s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 228 Time to finish 1m 23s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 227 Time to finish 1m 22s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 226 Time to finish 1m 22s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 225 Time to finish 1m 22s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 224 Time to finish 1m 22s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 223 Time to finish 1m 21s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 222 Time to finish 1m 21s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 221 Time to finish 1m 20s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 220 Time to finish 1m 20s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 219 Time to finish 1m 20s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 218 Time to finish 1m 19s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 217 Time to finish 1m 19s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 216 Time to finish 1m 18s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 215 Time to finish 1m 18s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 214 Time to finish 1m 18s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 213 Time to finish 1m 17s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 212 Time to finish 1m 17s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 211 Time to finish 1m 16s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 210 Time to finish 1m 16s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 209 Time to finish 1m 16s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 208 Time to finish 1m 16s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 207 Time to finish 1m 15s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 206 Time to finish 1m 15s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 205 Time to finish 1m 14s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 204 Time to finish 1m 14s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 203 Time to finish 1m 14s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 202 Time to finish 1m 13s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 201 Time to finish 1m 13s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 200 Time to finish 1m 12s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 199 Time to finish 1m 12s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 198 Time to finish 1m 12s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 197 Time to finish 1m 11s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 196 Time to finish 1m 11s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 195 Time to finish 1m 11s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 194 Time to finish 1m 10s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 193 Time to finish 1m 10s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 192 Time to finish 1m 9s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 191 Time to finish 1m 9s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 190 Time to finish 1m 9s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 189 Time to finish 1m 8s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 188 Time to finish 1m 8s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 187 Time to finish 1m 7s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 186 Time to finish 1m 7s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 185 Time to finish 1m 7s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 184 Time to finish 1m 6s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 183 Time to finish 1m 6s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 182 Time to finish 1m 6s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 181 Time to finish 1m 5s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 180 Time to finish 1m 5s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 179 Time to finish 1m 5s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 178 Time to finish 1m 4s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 177 Time to finish 1m 4s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 176 Time to finish 1m 4s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 175 Time to finish 1m 3s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 174 Time to finish 1m 3s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 173 Time to finish 1m 2s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 172 Time to finish 1m 2s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 171 Time to finish 1m 2s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 170 Time to finish 1m 1s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 169 Time to finish 1m 1s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 168 Time to finish 1m 1s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 167 Time to finish 60s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 166 Time to finish 60s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 165 Time to finish 60s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 164 Time to finish 59s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 163 Time to finish 59s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 162 Time to finish 59s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 161 Time to finish 58s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 160 Time to finish 58s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 159 Time to finish 58s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 158 Time to finish 57s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 157 Time to finish 57s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 156 Time to finish 56s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 155 Time to finish 56s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 154 Time to finish 56s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 153 Time to finish 55s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 152 Time to 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time steps left 134 Time to finish 49s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 133 Time to finish 48s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 132 Time to finish 48s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 131 Time to finish 48s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 130 Time to finish 47s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 129 Time to finish 47s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 128 Time to finish 46s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 127 Time to finish 46s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 126 Time to finish 46s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 125 Time to finish 45s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 124 Time to finish 45s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 123 Time to finish 45s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 122 Time to finish 44s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 121 Time to finish 44s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 120 Time to finish 44s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 119 Time to finish 43s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 118 Time to finish 43s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 117 Time to finish 43s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 116 Time to finish 42s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 115 Time to finish 42s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 114 Time to finish 41s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 113 Time to finish 41s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 112 Time to finish 41s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 111 Time to finish 40s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 110 Time to finish 40s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 109 Time to finish 39s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 108 Time to finish 39s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 107 Time to finish 39s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 106 Time to finish 38s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 105 Time to finish 38s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 104 Time to finish 38s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 103 Time to finish 37s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 102 Time to finish 37s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 101 Time to finish 37s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 100 Time to finish 36s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 99 Time to finish 36s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 98 Time to finish 35s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 97 Time to finish 35s, 86.7% completed, time steps left 96 Time to finish 35s, 86.8% completed, time steps left 95 Time to finish 34s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 94 Time to finish 34s, 87.1% completed, time steps left 93 Time to finish 34s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 92 Time to finish 33s, 87.4% completed, time steps left 91 Time to finish 33s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 90 Time to finish 32s, 87.6% completed, time steps left 89 Time to finish 32s, 87.8% completed, time steps left 88 Time to finish 32s, 87.9% completed, time steps left 87 Time to finish 31s, 88.1% completed, time steps left 86 Time to finish 31s, 88.2% completed, time steps left 85 Time to finish 31s, 88.3% completed, time steps left 84 Time to finish 30s, 88.5% completed, time steps left 83 Time to finish 30s, 88.6% completed, time steps left 82 Time to finish 30s, 88.8% completed, time steps left 81 Time to finish 29s, 88.9% completed, time steps left 80 Time to finish 29s, 89.0% completed, time steps left 79 Time to finish 28s, 89.2% completed, time steps left 78 Time to finish 28s, 89.3% completed, time steps left 77 Time to finish 28s, 89.4% completed, time steps left 76 Time to finish 27s, 89.6% completed, time steps left 75 Time to finish 27s, 89.7% completed, time steps left 74 Time to finish 27s, 89.9% completed, time steps left 73 Time to finish 26s, 90.0% completed, time steps left 72 Time to finish 26s, 90.1% completed, time steps left 71 Time to finish 26s, 90.3% completed, time steps left 70 Time to finish 25s, 90.4% completed, time steps left 69 Time to finish 25s, 90.6% completed, time steps left 68 Time to finish 24s, 90.7% completed, time steps left 67 Time to finish 24s, 90.8% completed, time steps left 66 Time to finish 24s, 91.0% completed, time steps left 65 Time to finish 23s, 91.1% completed, time steps left 64 Time to finish 23s, 91.2% completed, time steps left 63 Time to finish 23s, 91.4% completed, time steps left 62 Time to finish 22s, 91.5% completed, time steps left 61 Time to finish 22s, 91.7% completed, time steps left 60 Time to finish 22s, 91.8% completed, time steps left 59 Time to finish 21s, 91.9% completed, time steps left 58 Time to finish 21s, 92.1% completed, time steps left 57 Time to finish 21s, 92.2% completed, time steps left 56 Time to finish 20s, 92.4% completed, time steps left 55 Time to finish 20s, 92.5% completed, time steps left 54 Time to finish 19s, 92.6% completed, time steps left 53 Time to finish 19s, 92.8% completed, time steps left 52 Time to finish 19s, 92.9% completed, time steps left 51 Time to finish 18s, 93.1% completed, time steps left 50 Time to finish 18s, 93.2% completed, time steps left 49 Time to finish 18s, 93.3% completed, time steps left 48 Time to finish 17s, 93.5% completed, time steps left 47 Time to finish 17s, 93.6% completed, time steps left 46 Time to finish 17s, 93.8% completed, time steps left 45 Time to finish 16s, 93.9% completed, time steps left 44 Time to finish 16s, 94.0% completed, time steps left 43 Time to finish 15s, 94.2% completed, time steps left 42 Time to finish 15s, 94.3% completed, time steps left 41 Time to finish 15s, 94.4% completed, time steps left 40 Time to finish 14s, 94.6% completed, time steps left 39 Time to finish 14s, 94.7% completed, time steps left 38 Time to finish 14s, 94.9% completed, time steps left 37 Time to finish 13s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 36 Time to finish 13s, 95.1% completed, time steps left 35 Time to finish 13s, 95.3% completed, time steps left 34 Time to finish 12s, 95.4% completed, time steps left 33 Time to finish 12s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 32 Time to finish 11s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 31 Time to finish 11s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 30 Time to finish 11s, 96.0% completed, time steps left 29 Time to finish 10s, 96.1% completed, time steps left 28 Time to finish 10s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 27 Time to finish 10s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 26 Time to finish 9s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 25 Time to finish 9s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 24 Time to finish 8s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 23 Time to finish 8s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 22 Time to finish 8s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 21 Time to finish 7s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 20 Time to finish 7s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 19 Time to finish 7s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 18 Time to finish 6s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 17 Time to finish 6s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 16 Time to finish 6s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 15 Time to finish 5s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 14 Time to finish 5s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 13 Time to finish 4s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 12 Time to finish 4s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 11 Time to finish 4s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 10 Time to finish 3s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 9 Time to finish 3s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 8 Time to finish 3s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 7 Time to finish 2s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 6 Time to finish 2s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 5 Time to finish 1s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 4 Time to finish 1s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 3 Time to finish 1s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 2 Time to finish 0s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINISHED Delft3D-FLOW runid : calc date, time : 2020-07-28, 18:04:55 SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 1 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 2 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 3 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 4 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 5 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 6 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 7 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 8 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 9 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 10 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D_Hydro [1595952295.515691] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1595952295.515938] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1595952295.515987] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1595952295.516804] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1595952295.516843] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1595952295.516897] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1595952295.517138] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1595952295.517171] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1595952295.517179] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1595952295.520656] >> d_hydro shutting down normally ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 16:05:08.352241 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ..2.3 finalize for current run ... 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 00:00:00 False delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/ (49, 480, 719) (480, 719) (480, 719) (480, 719) icell= 2 49691 Noham 3.956523 212 1 3.956523 212 1 Porfirio Diaz 3.956523 212 1 3.956523 212 1 Chenkan 3.956523 212 1 3.956523 212 1 Real de Salinas 3.2148863 237 10 Real de Salinas 8.814924 238 10 8.814924 238 10 Celestum 3.2148863 237 10 Celestum 8.814924 238 10 8.814924 238 10 Sisal 6.5189767 243 16 Sisal 5.9119319 243 17 5.9119319 243 17 Chelem 5.5967941 244 19 Chelem 2.2552286 244 20 2.2552286 244 20 Progreso 2.2552286 244 20 2.2552286 244 20 Corozo 19.790223 164 34 Corozo 9.9714109 165 34 9.9714109 165 34 Cabeza de Vaca 19.790223 164 34 Cabeza de Vaca 9.9714109 165 34 Cabeza de Vaca 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Baranca 19.790223 164 34 Baranca 9.9714109 165 34 Baranca 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 San Juan 19.790223 164 34 San Juan 9.9714109 165 34 San Juan 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Cocoli 19.790223 164 34 Cocoli 9.9714109 165 34 Cocoli 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Cattle Landing 9.9714109 165 34 9.9714109 165 34 Buena Vista 19.790223 164 34 Buena Vista 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Livingston 19.790223 164 34 Livingston 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Macho Creek 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Puerto Santo Tomas de Castilla 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 Punta Manabique 12.262579 163 36 12.262579 163 36 Puerto Barrios 12.262579 163 36 12.262579 163 36 Cambalache 12.262579 163 36 12.262579 163 36 New Haven 2.9259711 167 36 2.9259711 167 36 Piedra Parada 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 Corozo 18.376356 163 37 Corozo 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 La Graciosa 18.376356 163 37 La Graciosa 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 Machacal 18.376356 163 37 Machacal 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 Monkey River 5.1199961 168 39 Monkey River 4.8891027 169 39 4.8891027 169 39 San Francisco del Mar 76.747388 164 39 San Francisco del Mar 12.945509 162 42 12.945509 162 42 Alabama Wharf 17.087851 171 41 17.087851 171 41 Corozal 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Maya Beach 5.6677361 172 41 5.6677361 172 41 Chunox 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Gales Point 6.6017644 182 43 Gales Point 5.801753 184 43 Gales Point 5.9605918 185 43 5.9605918 185 43 Commerce Bight Village 26.449197 176 43 Commerce Bight Village 10.433443 180 44 10.433443 180 44 Mullins 6.6017644 182 43 Mullins 5.801753 184 43 5.801753 184 43 Chetumal 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Freetown Area 21.479763 175 43 21.479763 175 43 Ferguson Bank 5.801753 184 43 Ferguson Bank 5.9605918 185 43 5.9605918 185 43 Calderita 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Barra del Motagua 28.898 163 41 Barra del Motagua 12.945509 162 42 12.945509 162 42 Stann Creek Town 26.435863 177 44 Stann Creek Town 10.433443 180 44 10.433443 180 44 Cuyamel 12.945509 162 42 12.945509 162 42 Belize City 5.9605918 185 43 5.9605918 185 43 La Esperanza 55.256372 161 44 55.256372 161 44 Santeneja 3.1597407 201 43 3.1597407 201 43 Veracruz 139.41338 162 43 Veracruz 55.256372 161 44 Veracruz 209.52256 162 44 209.52256 162 44 Chachaguala 55.256372 161 44 Chachaguala 209.52256 162 44 Chachaguala 11.170074 163 48 11.170074 163 48 Dos Hermanas 4.44942 201 44 4.44942 201 44 Omoa 55.256372 161 44 Omoa 209.52256 162 44 Omoa 11.170074 163 48 11.170074 163 48 Calderas 7.8944442 204 45 7.8944442 204 45 San Pedro 7.6215914 192 46 San Pedro 6.3093115 193 46 6.3093115 193 46 Puerto Cortes 335.35921 163 46 Puerto Cortes 826.31318 164 46 Puerto Cortes 1027.2533 165 46 Puerto Cortes 48.325704 163 47 Puerto Cortes 732.81082 165 47 Puerto Cortes 11.170074 163 48 Puerto Cortes 96.798282 164 50 96.798282 164 50 El Porvenir 335.35921 163 46 El Porvenir 826.31318 164 46 El Porvenir 48.325704 163 47 El Porvenir 11.170074 163 48 El Porvenir 96.798282 164 50 96.798282 164 50 Bacalar Chico 9.5441914 195 47 Bacalar Chico 12.503824 196 47 Bacalar Chico 5.2069043 197 47 5.2069043 197 47 Baja Mar 48.325704 163 47 Baja Mar 732.81082 165 47 Baja Mar 11.170074 163 48 Baja Mar 96.798282 164 50 Baja Mar 63.993397 164 51 63.993397 164 51 Xcalak 5.2069043 197 47 Xcalak 8.5840076 200 47 Xcalak 2.0510589 201 47 2.0510589 201 47 Saraguama 11.170074 163 48 Saraguama 96.798282 164 50 Saraguama 63.993397 164 51 Saraguama 18.12473 164 52 18.12473 164 52 Ranas 184.39677 219 51 Ranas 171.72829 218 52 171.72829 218 52 El Tigre 96.798282 164 50 El Tigre 63.993397 164 51 El Tigre 18.12473 164 52 El Tigre 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Barra Ulua 1036.1287 165 49 Barra Ulua 96.798282 164 50 Barra Ulua 63.993397 164 51 Barra Ulua 18.12473 164 52 Barra Ulua 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Rio Tinto 96.798282 164 50 Rio Tinto 63.993397 164 51 Rio Tinto 18.12473 164 52 Rio Tinto 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Vigia Chico 107.85981 220 51 107.85981 220 51 San Juan 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Tela 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Colorado 19.558833 162 55 Colorado 35.566255 163 58 Colorado 37.275638 163 59 37.275638 163 59 Bella Vista 78.391788 163 57 Bella Vista 35.566255 163 58 Bella Vista 37.275638 163 59 Bella Vista 10.151999 162 60 Bella Vista 11.284492 162 61 11.284492 162 61 Cuero 35.566255 163 58 Cuero 37.275638 163 59 Cuero 10.151999 162 60 Cuero 11.284492 162 61 Cuero 7.5487393 162 62 7.5487393 162 62 Boca del Toro 37.275638 163 59 Boca del Toro 10.151999 162 60 Boca del Toro 11.284492 162 61 Boca del Toro 7.5487393 162 62 7.5487393 162 62 Los Cayitos 41.562843 164 60 Los Cayitos 29.120972 164 61 Los Cayitos 12.099813 164 62 12.099813 164 62 El Porvenir 11.284492 162 61 El Porvenir 7.5487393 162 62 7.5487393 162 62 Utila 12.099813 164 62 12.099813 164 62 La Ceiba 7.5487393 162 62 7.5487393 162 62 El Naranjo 26.322976 162 63 26.322976 162 63 Boca Vieja 26.322976 162 63 26.322976 162 63 Piedra Pintada 22.890458 162 64 Piedra Pintada 29.191137 163 64 29.191137 163 64 Agua Dulce 14.698676 162 65 14.698676 162 65 Quebrada Grande 11.469337 162 66 11.469337 162 66 Limera 8.2609071 162 68 8.2609071 162 68 Balfate 14.551239 163 69 14.551239 163 69 Rio Esteban 35.012615 164 71 Rio Esteban 24.786325 164 72 24.786325 164 72 Miranda 35.012615 164 71 Miranda 24.786325 164 72 24.786325 164 72 Betulia 24.786325 164 72 Betulia 57.947668 165 72 57.947668 165 72 Trujillo 12.561164 165 80 12.561164 165 80 Barranco Blanco 12.561164 165 80 12.561164 165 80 Barra de Chapagua 12.561164 165 80 12.561164 165 80 Santa Rosa Aguan 12.561164 165 80 12.561164 165 80 Baker 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Lynn Haven 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Beacon Beach 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Cove 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Cromanton 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Hiland Park 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Cedar Grove 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 San Blas 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Springfield 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Panama City 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Parker 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Tyndall AFB 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 College Station 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Old Callaway 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Callaway 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Cook 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Limon 15.864117 164 83 Limon 15.047392 163 85 15.047392 163 85 Davis Beach 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Allanton 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Farallones 15.047392 163 85 15.047392 163 85 Wetappo 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Mexico Beach 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Overstreet 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Iriona 32.232022 165 91 32.232022 165 91 La Puerta 32.232022 165 91 32.232022 165 91 Donel 32.232022 165 91 32.232022 165 91 Bruner 32.232022 165 91 32.232022 165 91 Tasbarraya 7.5812628 164 94 7.5812628 164 94 Baltimore 7.5812628 164 94 7.5812628 164 94 Rio Platano 2.9577837 162 98 2.9577837 162 98 Huarta 2.9577837 162 98 2.9577837 162 98 Tusi Cocal 2.9577837 162 98 2.9577837 162 98 Mocobila 2.9577837 162 98 2.9577837 162 98 Claura 17.60818 160 106 Claura 2.2549714 161 106 Claura 6.7702075 157 107 Claura 21.877464 159 107 21.877464 159 107 Patlaya 4.0328623 156 106 4.0328623 156 106 Uhi 4.0328623 156 106 4.0328623 156 106 Barra del Rio Maiz 4.0510696 95 109 4.0510696 95 109 Amerisco 4.0510696 95 109 4.0510696 95 109 Pusuaya 3.8229321 156 107 3.8229321 156 107 Buena Vista 19.729284 92 110 19.729284 92 110 Yahurabila 6.9576832 156 108 6.9576832 156 108 Barra Punta Gorda 9.0883758 96 110 Barra Punta Gorda 6.0392818 98 111 6.0392818 98 111 Fruta de Pan 27.902748 91 111 27.902748 91 111 Barra de Caratasca 2.0708653 155 109 Barra de Caratasca 5.9880266 155 110 Barra de Caratasca 7.9772983 154 111 Barra de Caratasca 2.0344973 154 112 2.0344973 154 112 America 27.902748 91 111 27.902748 91 111 Kukra Hill 12.924924 105 112 12.924924 105 112 El Bluff 8.9509929 103 112 El Bluff 12.923707 104 112 12.923707 104 112 Kaski 5.9880266 155 110 Kaski 7.9772983 154 111 Kaski 2.0344973 154 112 Kaski 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Haulover 4.9027765 108 112 4.9027765 108 112 Laguna de Perlas 4.9027765 108 112 4.9027765 108 112 Monkey Point 11.098847 97 111 Monkey Point 6.0392818 98 111 6.0392818 98 111 Dapat 7.9772983 154 111 Dapat 2.0344973 154 112 Dapat 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Barra 38.930854 86 114 Barra 46.457384 87 114 Barra 65.868549 88 114 65.868549 88 114 Colorado 38.930854 86 114 Colorado 46.457384 87 114 Colorado 65.868549 88 114 65.868549 88 114 Wankluma 6.9172523 121 114 Wankluma 9.949633 122 114 9.949633 122 114 Cauauira 7.9772983 154 111 Cauauira 2.0344973 154 112 Cauauira 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Tahuantla 14.993415 124 114 Tahuantla 13.951733 125 114 13.951733 125 114 Puerto Isabel 2.9535196 123 114 Puerto Isabel 14.993415 124 114 Puerto Isabel 13.951733 125 114 13.951733 125 114 Hualpasika 13.951733 125 114 13.951733 125 114 Tasbapauni 2.8058528 115 113 Tasbapauni 6.1077266 116 113 6.1077266 116 113 Wounta 12.94569 126 114 12.94569 126 114 Sandy Bay Sirpi 6.9172523 121 114 Sandy Bay Sirpi 11.960508 117 115 Sandy Bay Sirpi 11.987006 118 115 11.987006 118 115 Barra de Rio Grande 6.9172523 121 114 Barra de Rio Grande 11.960508 117 115 Barra de Rio Grande 11.987006 118 115 11.987006 118 115 Tay Lirila 2.0344973 154 112 Tay Lirila 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Coco Haulover 17.997542 128 115 Coco Haulover 19.007946 130 115 Coco Haulover 20.00359 131 115 Coco Haulover 32.14169 132 115 32.14169 132 115 Tortuguero 27.713966 84 115 Tortuguero 32.14597 85 115 Tortuguero 46.532964 82 116 Tortuguero 65.482763 83 116 65.482763 83 116 Set Net 3.0208561 110 113 Set Net 9.0106161 110 114 Set Net 2.0427294 114 114 2.0427294 114 114 Karata 32.14169 132 115 Karata 5.726151 136 117 5.726151 136 117 Huahua 20.00359 131 115 Huahua 32.14169 132 115 32.14169 132 115 Canco 12.247843 155 114 Canco 2.8246277 153 117 2.8246277 153 117 Siete 46.532964 82 116 Siete 65.482763 83 116 65.482763 83 116 Barra Kruta 12.247843 155 114 Barra Kruta 2.8246277 153 117 2.8246277 153 117 Lama Laya 36.177144 133 116 Lama Laya 5.726151 136 117 5.726151 136 117 Suerre 63.203515 81 117 Suerre 331.52961 81 118 331.52961 81 118 Jaloba 46.532964 82 116 46.532964 82 116 Aguas Claras 7.0706915 259 118 Aguas Claras 11.727225 260 118 11.727225 260 118 Puerto Cabezas 36.177144 133 116 Puerto Cabezas 5.726151 136 117 5.726151 136 117 Kanko 12.247843 155 114 Kanko 2.8246277 153 117 2.8246277 153 117 Parismina 63.203515 81 117 Parismina 331.52961 81 118 Parismina 13.683962 77 119 Parismina 56.828802 78 119 56.828802 78 119 San Rafael 101.45476 80 118 San Rafael 13.683962 77 119 San Rafael 56.828802 78 119 56.828802 78 119 Tuapi 30.983537 134 116 Tuapi 4.8145759 135 116 Tuapi 5.726151 136 117 5.726151 136 117 Goschen 13.683962 77 119 Goschen 56.828802 78 119 56.828802 78 119 Berta 13.683962 77 119 Berta 56.828802 78 119 56.828802 78 119 Crucira 4.8145759 135 116 Crucira 5.726151 136 117 Crucira 6.9157679 139 119 6.9157679 139 119 Raya 2.8246277 153 117 2.8246277 153 117 Almacen 7.0706915 259 118 Almacen 11.727225 260 118 11.727225 260 118 Ninayeri 4.1900277 144 118 Ninayeri 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Ledakura 4.1900277 144 118 Ledakura 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Clubki 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Cabo Gracias Viejo 7.0060431 147 118 Cabo Gracias Viejo 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Graytown 4.1900277 144 118 Graytown 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Hilda 13.683962 77 119 Hilda 56.828802 78 119 56.828802 78 119 Awastara 6.9157679 139 119 Awastara 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Irlaya 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Barmouth Oeste 13.683962 77 119 Barmouth Oeste 56.828802 78 119 56.828802 78 119 Catorce Millas 13.683962 77 119 Catorce Millas 56.828802 78 119 56.828802 78 119 Cabo Gracias a Dios 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Doce Millas 13.683962 77 119 Doce Millas 56.828802 78 119 56.828802 78 119 Guasimal 7.0706915 259 118 Guasimal 11.727225 260 118 Guasimal 5.4639359 261 121 Guasimal 6.7484584 262 121 6.7484584 262 121 Rio Madre 13.683962 77 119 Rio Madre 13.999784 76 120 Rio Madre 97.202899 76 121 Rio Madre 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Nueve Millas 13.683962 77 119 Nueve Millas 56.828802 78 119 56.828802 78 119 Cocal 13.683962 77 119 Cocal 13.999784 76 120 Cocal 97.202899 76 121 Cocal 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Sandoval 13.683962 77 119 Sandoval 13.999784 76 120 Sandoval 97.202899 76 121 Sandoval 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Buenos Aires 13.683962 77 119 Buenos Aires 13.999784 76 120 Buenos Aires 97.202899 76 121 Buenos Aires 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Portete 13.683962 77 119 Portete 13.999784 76 120 Portete 97.202899 76 121 Portete 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Nueva Castle 13.999784 76 120 Nueva Castle 97.202899 76 121 Nueva Castle 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Pueblo Nuevo 13.683962 77 119 Pueblo Nuevo 13.999784 76 120 Pueblo Nuevo 97.202899 76 121 Pueblo Nuevo 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Corn Island 43.054608 105 119 Corn Island 29.200547 106 119 Corn Island 29.880148 107 119 Corn Island 28.101954 108 119 Corn Island 21.99478 109 119 21.99478 109 119 Beverly 13.999784 76 120 Beverly 97.202899 76 121 Beverly 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Puerto Limon 13.683962 77 119 Puerto Limon 13.999784 76 120 Puerto Limon 97.202899 76 121 Puerto Limon 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Cieneguita 13.683962 77 119 Cieneguita 13.999784 76 120 Cieneguita 97.202899 76 121 Cieneguita 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Bolivia 93.423201 75 122 Bolivia 582.98175 75 124 582.98175 75 124 San Andres 93.423201 75 122 San Andres 582.98175 75 124 582.98175 75 124 San Clemente 51.098394 74 123 San Clemente 51.676032 73 124 San Clemente 156.4152 74 124 San Clemente 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Bonifacio 51.098394 74 123 Bonifacio 51.676032 73 124 Bonifacio 156.4152 74 124 Bonifacio 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Penhurst 51.098394 74 123 Penhurst 51.676032 73 124 Penhurst 156.4152 74 124 Penhurst 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Cahuita 51.676032 73 124 Cahuita 45.934385 72 125 Cahuita 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Comadre 51.676032 73 124 Comadre 45.934385 72 125 Comadre 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Catarata 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Patino 45.934385 72 125 Patino 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Hone Creek 45.934385 72 125 Hone Creek 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Nueva Gerona 2.0143817 253 127 2.0143817 253 127 Olivia 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Hotel Creek 45.934385 72 125 Hotel Creek 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Majana 9.2077015 264 125 9.2077015 264 125 Presidio Modelo 2.0143817 253 127 2.0143817 253 127 Cocles 45.934385 72 125 Cocles 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Puerto Viejo 45.934385 72 125 Puerto Viejo 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Suprimir Nombre Lugar 45.934385 72 125 Suprimir Nombre Lugar 113.41439 71 126 Suprimir Nombre Lugar 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Guanimar 9.2077015 264 125 9.2077015 264 125 Lugar Manzanillo 113.41439 71 126 Lugar Manzanillo 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Manzanillo 113.41439 71 126 Manzanillo 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Mata Limon 59.525805 70 127 Mata Limon 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Finca Buena Fe 59.525805 70 127 Finca Buena Fe 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Guabito 59.525805 70 127 Guabito 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 California 59.525805 70 127 California 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Changuinola 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Finca 61 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Puerta Ventura 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Milla Cinco 20.748205 67 132 Milla Cinco 62.580292 67 133 62.580292 67 133 Quebrada Pastores 28.259202 61 134 Quebrada Pastores 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Boca del Drago 32.121125 68 131 Boca del Drago 62.580292 67 133 62.580292 67 133 Ten Gat 28.259202 61 134 Ten Gat 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Ground Creek 32.121125 68 131 Ground Creek 62.580292 67 133 62.580292 67 133 Cano Claro 28.259202 61 134 Cano Claro 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Garza 28.259202 61 134 Garza 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Jack Point 2.8914509 62 134 Jack Point 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cerro Tapao 28.259202 61 134 Cerro Tapao 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Cilico Creek 28.259202 61 134 Cilico Creek 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Quebrada Marin 28.259202 61 134 Quebrada Marin 2.8914509 62 134 Quebrada Marin 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 El Bajo del Cedro 28.259202 61 134 El Bajo del Cedro 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Robalo 28.259202 61 134 Robalo 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 La Puerta del Diablo 28.259202 61 134 La Puerta del Diablo 2.8914509 62 134 La Puerta del Diablo 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Palma Real 28.259202 61 134 Palma Real 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 El Tapao 28.259202 61 134 El Tapao 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 El Bajo del Burro 28.259202 61 134 El Bajo del Burro 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Big Bight 32.121125 68 131 Big Bight 62.580292 67 133 Big Bight 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 La Gruta 32.121125 68 131 La Gruta 62.580292 67 133 La Gruta 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Isla Colon 32.121125 68 131 Isla Colon 62.580292 67 133 Isla Colon 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Lennond 20.748205 67 132 Lennond 62.580292 67 133 Lennond 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Botabite 2.8914509 62 134 Botabite 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Carretera Bocas 32.121125 68 131 Carretera Bocas 62.580292 67 133 Carretera Bocas 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cauchero 28.259202 61 134 Cauchero 2.8914509 62 134 Cauchero 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Miramar Arriba 28.259202 61 134 Miramar Arriba 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Bocas del Toro 20.748205 67 132 Bocas del Toro 62.580292 67 133 Bocas del Toro 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Big Creek 20.748205 67 132 Big Creek 62.580292 67 133 Big Creek 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Caremero 20.748205 67 132 Caremero 62.580292 67 133 Caremero 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Fish Creek 28.259202 61 134 Fish Creek 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 La Gloria 28.259202 61 134 La Gloria 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Solarte 20.748205 67 132 Solarte 62.580292 67 133 Solarte 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Aguacate 28.259202 61 134 Aguacate 2.8914509 62 134 Aguacate 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Bastimentos 20.748205 67 132 Bastimentos 62.580292 67 133 Bastimentos 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Short Cut 20.748205 67 132 Short Cut 62.580292 67 133 Short Cut 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Loma Partida 28.259202 61 134 Loma Partida 2.8914509 62 134 Loma Partida 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Jutica 20.748205 67 132 Jutica 62.580292 67 133 Jutica 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 New Guinea 62.580292 67 133 New Guinea 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cana Chiriquicito 28.259202 61 134 Cana Chiriquicito 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Macca Bite 2.8914509 62 134 Macca Bite 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Crawl Cay 28.259202 61 134 Crawl Cay 2.8914509 62 134 Crawl Cay 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Quebrada del Bajo 28.259202 61 134 Quebrada del Bajo 23.268379 60 135 23.268379 60 135 Buena Vista 28.259202 61 134 Buena Vista 2.8914509 62 134 Buena Vista 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Punta Laurel 28.259202 61 134 Punta Laurel 2.8914509 62 134 Punta Laurel 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cedar Creek 2.8914509 62 134 Cedar Creek 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Alberrys Creek 2.8914509 62 134 Alberrys Creek 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Mina de Carbon 28.259202 61 134 Mina de Carbon 2.8914509 62 134 Mina de Carbon 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Bella Vista 28.259202 61 134 Bella Vista 23.268379 60 135 Bella Vista 14.573558 60 138 14.573558 60 138 Boca de Daira 23.268379 60 135 Boca de Daira 14.573558 60 138 Boca de Daira 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Punta Sirain 32.00676 60 136 Punta Sirain 30.40214 61 136 Punta Sirain 14.573558 60 138 Punta Sirain 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Boca de Cricamola 32.00676 60 136 Boca de Cricamola 30.40214 61 136 Boca de Cricamola 14.573558 60 138 Boca de Cricamola 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Muturi 32.00676 60 136 Muturi 30.40214 61 136 Muturi 14.573558 60 138 Muturi 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Playa Gallinazo 32.00676 60 136 Playa Gallinazo 30.40214 61 136 Playa Gallinazo 14.573558 60 138 Playa Gallinazo 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Playa Bugori 32.00676 60 136 Playa Bugori 30.40214 61 136 Playa Bugori 14.573558 60 138 Playa Bugori 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Cusapin 18.578917 61 137 Cusapin 6.0632176 61 138 6.0632176 61 138 Punta Avispa 32.645441 60 137 Punta Avispa 14.573558 60 138 Punta Avispa 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Ensenada de Punta Avispa 32.645441 60 137 Ensenada de Punta Avispa 14.573558 60 138 Ensenada de Punta Avispa 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Secretario 32.645441 60 137 Secretario 14.573558 60 138 Secretario 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Tobobe 32.645441 60 137 Tobobe 14.573558 60 138 Tobobe 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Punta Nance 32.645441 60 137 Punta Nance 14.573558 60 138 Punta Nance 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Playa Grande 14.573558 60 138 Playa Grande 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Butchuqua 14.573558 60 138 Butchuqua 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Bogola 14.573558 60 138 Bogola 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Catavela 14.573558 60 138 Catavela 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Shark Hole Point 14.573558 60 138 Shark Hole Point 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Burari 14.573558 60 138 Burari 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Old Bess Point 14.573558 60 138 Old Bess Point 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Arreife Bruno 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Shingle Hill 1582.2502 111 139 1582.2502 111 139 Rio Canaveral 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Alto Harmony Hall 1582.2502 111 139 1582.2502 111 139 Orange Hill 1582.2502 111 139 1582.2502 111 139 Hill Top 1582.2502 111 139 1582.2502 111 139 Slave Hill 1725.8687 112 139 1725.8687 112 139 Atto Harmony Hall 1582.2502 111 139 1582.2502 111 139 San Luis 1582.2502 111 139 1582.2502 111 139 Obrero 1725.8687 112 139 1725.8687 112 139 Alligator Creek 54.375616 59 144 Alligator Creek 48.257226 58 145 48.257226 58 145 Cudjoe Key 2.452271 295 147 2.452271 295 147 Summerland Key 2.452271 295 147 2.452271 295 147 Isle of Palms 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Palm Valley Landing 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Jacksonville Beach 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Palm Valley 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Ponte Vedra Beach 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Aguadulce 1137.9772 123 144 Aguadulce 1227.4821 124 144 Aguadulce 1564.5538 125 144 Aguadulce 2277.311 126 144 Aguadulce 534.22487 125 145 Aguadulce 49.511837 126 147 49.511837 126 147 Morris Hill 1137.9772 123 144 Morris Hill 1227.4821 124 144 Morris Hill 1564.5538 125 144 Morris Hill 2277.311 126 144 Morris Hill 534.22487 125 145 Morris Hill 49.511837 126 147 49.511837 126 147 Sawgrass 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Franshua 1227.4821 124 144 Franshua 1564.5538 125 144 Franshua 2277.311 126 144 Franshua 534.22487 125 145 Franshua 49.511837 126 147 49.511837 126 147 Big Pine Key 2.452271 295 147 2.452271 295 147 Big Pine 2.452271 295 147 2.452271 295 147 Mickler Landing 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 South Ponte Vedra Beach 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Saint Augustine 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 La Chavela 48.257226 58 145 La Chavela 15.374653 57 149 15.374653 57 149 Anastasia 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Saint Augustine Beach 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Butler Beach 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Crescent Beach 16.981212 371 149 Crescent Beach 18.985458 369 150 18.985458 369 150 Summer Haven 16.981212 371 149 Summer Haven 16.94185 368 150 Summer Haven 18.985458 369 150 18.985458 369 150 Calovebora 60.575744 58 147 Calovebora 9.4214457 57 148 Calovebora 15.374653 57 149 15.374653 57 149 Palm Coast 16.94185 368 150 Palm Coast 18.985458 369 150 18.985458 369 150 Marineland 16.981212 371 149 Marineland 16.94185 368 150 Marineland 18.985458 369 150 18.985458 369 150 Bon Terra 16.981212 371 149 Bon Terra 16.94185 368 150 Bon Terra 18.985458 369 150 18.985458 369 150 Beverly Beach 16.94185 368 150 Beverly Beach 18.985458 369 150 18.985458 369 150 Flagler Beach 16.94185 368 150 Flagler Beach 18.985458 369 150 18.985458 369 150 Mound Grove 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Veraguas 40.353195 58 151 Veraguas 385.9133 59 151 Veraguas 938.92197 60 151 Veraguas 28.969339 58 152 Veraguas 3.1273644 59 155 3.1273644 59 155 Palmilla 81.907269 59 153 Palmilla 52.670304 59 154 Palmilla 3.1273644 59 155 3.1273644 59 155 Gator Field 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 Parris Island 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 Folly Field 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 Port Royal 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 Fort Fremont 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 Scott 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 Tropic 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Cape Canaveral 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Cocoa Beach 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Longwood 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 South Patrick Shores 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Satellite Beach 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Indian Harbour Beach 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Canova Beach 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Cocle del Norte 202.12773 61 156 Cocle del Norte 455.10929 62 156 Cocle del Norte 612.36532 63 156 Cocle del Norte 156.69428 62 157 Cocle del Norte 44.93937 62 158 Cocle del Norte 49.501126 63 159 Cocle del Norte 33.345442 62 160 33.345442 62 160 Frogmore 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 Cano Rey 202.12773 61 156 Cano Rey 455.10929 62 156 Cano Rey 612.36532 63 156 Cano Rey 156.69428 62 157 Cano Rey 44.93937 62 158 Cano Rey 49.501126 63 159 Cano Rey 33.345442 62 160 33.345442 62 160 Rock Harbor 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Bennetts Point 2.0628864 411 161 Bennetts Point 3.9749536 411 162 3.9749536 411 162 Key Largo 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Cedar Reef Villas 4.0459415 409 159 Cedar Reef Villas 3.9749536 411 162 3.9749536 411 162 Newport 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Diego 40.274989 62 159 Diego 49.501126 63 159 Diego 33.345442 62 160 Diego 17.63867 63 163 17.63867 63 163 Seabrook 2.0628864 411 161 Seabrook 3.9749536 411 162 Seabrook 6.8104679 412 163 6.8104679 412 163 Anglers Park 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Jewfish 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Garden Cove 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Indrio 5.2587707 336 163 5.2587707 336 163 Cutler Ridge 2.1428949 307 164 Cutler Ridge 2.0005296 308 164 Cutler Ridge 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Saint Lucie 5.2587707 336 163 5.2587707 336 163 Rockdale 2.1428949 307 164 Rockdale 2.0005296 308 164 Rockdale 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Howard 2.0005296 308 164 Howard 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Gold Key 2.2795368 303 162 Gold Key 2.1428949 307 164 2.1428949 307 164 Edisto Beach 3.0323279 410 161 Edisto Beach 5.7391312 410 162 Edisto Beach 3.9749536 411 162 Edisto Beach 6.8104679 412 163 Edisto Beach 9.048776 412 164 Edisto Beach 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Lakes by the Bay 2.1428949 307 164 Lakes by the Bay 2.0005296 308 164 Lakes by the Bay 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 North Key Largo 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Queens Cove 5.2587707 336 163 5.2587707 336 163 Cutler 2.1428949 307 164 Cutler 2.0005296 308 164 Cutler 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Miguel de la Borda 33.345442 62 160 Miguel de la Borda 17.63867 63 163 Miguel de la Borda 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Carysfort Yacht Harbor 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Pinecrest 2.0005296 308 164 Pinecrest 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Edisto Island 2.0628864 411 161 Edisto Island 3.9749536 411 162 Edisto Island 6.8104679 412 163 Edisto Island 9.048776 412 164 Edisto Island 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Freedman 2.0628864 411 161 Freedman 3.9749536 411 162 Freedman 6.8104679 412 163 Freedman 9.048776 412 164 Freedman 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Dynamite Docks 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Deering Bay 2.1428949 307 164 Deering Bay 2.0005296 308 164 Deering Bay 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Grayvik 2.2795368 303 162 Grayvik 2.1428949 307 164 2.1428949 307 164 Ankona 5.2587707 336 163 Ankona 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Coral Gables 2.0005296 308 164 Coral Gables 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Walton 5.2587707 336 163 Walton 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Cutter Bank 2.1428949 307 164 Cutter Bank 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Vista Hermosa 57.590837 63 161 Vista Hermosa 17.63867 63 163 Vista Hermosa 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Islandia 2.2795368 303 162 Islandia 2.1428949 307 164 2.1428949 307 164 Eden 5.2587707 336 163 Eden 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 South Bay Estates 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 El Salto 57.590837 63 161 El Salto 17.63867 63 163 El Salto 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 La Vigia 57.590837 63 161 La Vigia 17.63867 63 163 La Vigia 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Jensen Beach 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Bay Heights 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Liberty Square 2.9589212 310 164 2.9589212 310 164 Oakgrove 6.8104679 412 163 Oakgrove 9.048776 412 164 Oakgrove 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Hutchinson Island South 5.2587707 336 163 Hutchinson Island South 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Sewall's Point 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Port Sewall 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Chilar 28.647145 63 162 Chilar 57.23342 64 162 Chilar 17.63867 63 163 Chilar 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 El Portal 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Rockville 6.8104679 412 163 Rockville 9.048776 412 164 Rockville 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 El Charcon 28.647145 63 162 El Charcon 57.23342 64 162 El Charcon 17.63867 63 163 El Charcon 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Terminal del Plan 28.647145 63 162 Terminal del Plan 57.23342 64 162 Terminal del Plan 17.63867 63 163 Terminal del Plan 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 La Ensenada 28.647145 63 162 La Ensenada 57.23342 64 162 La Ensenada 17.63867 63 163 La Ensenada 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Port Salerno 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Bayshore 2.9589212 310 164 2.9589212 310 164 Biscayne Park 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 The Keyhole 2.1428949 307 164 The Keyhole 2.0005296 308 164 The Keyhole 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Miami Shores 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Seabrook Island 3.9749536 411 162 Seabrook Island 6.8104679 412 163 Seabrook Island 9.048776 412 164 Seabrook Island 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 North Miami 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Key Biscayne 2.0005296 308 164 Key Biscayne 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 San Souci Estates 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 North Bay 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Fisher Island 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Indian Creek 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 El Bendito 17.63867 63 163 El Bendito 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Bay Harbor Islands 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Miami Beach 2.9589212 310 164 2.9589212 310 164 Salud 17.63867 63 163 Salud 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Bal Harbour 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Surfside 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Camarones 17.63867 63 163 Camarones 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Atlantic Heights 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Nuevo Chagres 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Pueblo Nuevo 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Palmas Bellas 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Kiawah Island 9.048776 412 164 Kiawah Island 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Legareville 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Trascon 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Pina 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Bayfront 5.8760494 414 168 Bayfront 3.9800044 415 169 Bayfront 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Fort Sherman 43.263181 65 166 Fort Sherman 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Fuerte Sherman 43.263181 65 166 Fuerte Sherman 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Folly Beach 9.1978821 413 166 Folly Beach 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Charleston 3.9800044 415 169 Charleston 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Lakeview Of Lawton Bluff 5.8760494 414 168 Lakeview Of Lawton Bluff 3.9800044 415 169 Lakeview Of Lawton Bluff 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Centerville 5.8760494 414 168 Centerville 3.9800044 415 169 Centerville 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Secessionville 9.1978821 413 166 Secessionville 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Fort Johnson Estates 5.8760494 414 168 Fort Johnson Estates 3.9800044 415 169 Fort Johnson Estates 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Cristoba 43.263181 65 166 Cristoba 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Colon 43.263181 65 166 Colon 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Hobcaw Point 3.9800044 415 169 Hobcaw Point 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Rainbow City 56.152191 66 167 Rainbow City 66.506383 67 167 Rainbow City 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 The Groves 3.9800044 415 169 The Groves 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Coco Solo 56.152191 66 167 Coco Solo 66.506383 67 167 Coco Solo 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Mount Pleasant 3.9800044 415 169 Mount Pleasant 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Fort Moultrie 5.8760494 414 168 Fort Moultrie 3.9800044 415 169 Fort Moultrie 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Cativa 56.152191 66 167 Cativa 66.506383 67 167 Cativa 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Cassina Heights 3.9800044 415 169 Cassina Heights 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Bahia Las Minas 56.152191 66 167 Bahia Las Minas 66.506383 67 167 Bahia Las Minas 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Sullivan's Island 5.8760494 414 168 Sullivan's Island 3.9800044 415 169 Sullivan's Island 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Palmetto Fort 3.9800044 415 169 Palmetto Fort 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Sabanita 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Puerto Pilon 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Villa Alondra 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Island of Palms 3.9800044 415 169 Island of Palms 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Porcher Bluff 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Isle of Palms 3.9800044 415 169 Isle of Palms 5.5380051 416 169 Isle of Palms 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Maria Chiquita 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Ten Mile 5.5380051 416 169 Ten Mile 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Marco Antonio 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Guanche 26.776887 67 170 Guanche 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Iguanita 26.776887 67 170 26.776887 67 170 El Santo 2.0526181 265 173 2.0526181 265 173 Buenaventura 26.776887 67 170 Buenaventura 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Pertobelo 26.776887 67 170 Pertobelo 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Playa Blanca 26.776887 67 170 Playa Blanca 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Santa Isabel 26.776887 67 170 Santa Isabel 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Jose Pobre 26.776887 67 170 Jose Pobre 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 El Jato 2.0526181 265 173 2.0526181 265 173 Cacique 30.896328 68 171 Cacique 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Garrote 30.896328 68 171 Garrote 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Buck Hall 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 La Guayra 24.375049 69 172 La Guayra 59.328784 70 172 La Guayra 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 El Cano 24.375049 69 172 El Cano 59.328784 70 172 El Cano 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Tibwin 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Nombre de Dios 47.971469 70 173 Nombre de Dios 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 McCellanville 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Caibarien 2.0526181 265 173 2.0526181 265 173 McClellanville 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Viento Frio 42.889528 70 174 Viento Frio 16.903624 69 178 16.903624 69 178 Palenque 42.889528 70 174 Palenque 16.903624 69 178 16.903624 69 178 Miramar 43.768903 70 175 Miramar 51.618665 70 176 Miramar 24.030433 69 177 Miramar 16.903624 69 178 16.903624 69 178 Cuango 43.768903 70 175 Cuango 51.618665 70 176 Cuango 24.030433 69 177 Cuango 16.903624 69 178 16.903624 69 178 Playa Chiquita 43.768903 70 175 Playa Chiquita 51.618665 70 176 Playa Chiquita 24.030433 69 177 Playa Chiquita 16.903624 69 178 16.903624 69 178 Palmira 24.030433 69 177 Palmira 16.903624 69 178 16.903624 69 178 Caines 10.120416 426 181 10.120416 426 181 Clambank 10.120416 426 181 Clambank 5.6205074 427 181 5.6205074 427 181 Santa Isabel 24.030433 69 177 Santa Isabel 16.903624 69 178 16.903624 69 178 De Bordieu Colony 10.120416 426 181 De Bordieu Colony 5.6205074 427 181 5.6205074 427 181 Hagley Estates 10.120416 426 181 Hagley Estates 5.6205074 427 181 5.6205074 427 181 True Blue 10.120416 426 181 True Blue 5.6205074 427 181 True Blue 10.449973 427 182 True Blue 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Birds Nest 10.120416 426 181 Birds Nest 5.6205074 427 181 Birds Nest 10.449973 427 182 Birds Nest 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Chapel Creek 10.120416 426 181 Chapel Creek 5.6205074 427 181 Chapel Creek 10.449973 427 182 Chapel Creek 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Cocuye Abajo 16.903624 69 178 Cocuye Abajo 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Pawleys Island 10.120416 426 181 Pawleys Island 5.6205074 427 181 Pawleys Island 10.449973 427 182 Pawleys Island 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Parkersville 10.120416 426 181 Parkersville 5.6205074 427 181 Parkersville 10.449973 427 182 Parkersville 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Annieville 10.120416 426 181 Annieville 5.6205074 427 181 Annieville 10.449973 427 182 Annieville 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 North Litchfield Beach 10.120416 426 181 North Litchfield Beach 5.6205074 427 181 North Litchfield Beach 10.449973 427 182 North Litchfield Beach 7.0708018 428 182 North Litchfield Beach 8.7621194 428 183 North Litchfield Beach 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Piedra de Galera 19.359495 69 179 Piedra de Galera 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Huntington Marsh 10.120416 426 181 Huntington Marsh 5.6205074 427 181 Huntington Marsh 10.449973 427 182 Huntington Marsh 7.0708018 428 182 Huntington Marsh 8.7621194 428 183 Huntington Marsh 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Oak Hill 10.120416 426 181 Oak Hill 5.6205074 427 181 Oak Hill 10.449973 427 182 Oak Hill 7.0708018 428 182 Oak Hill 8.7621194 428 183 Oak Hill 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Tubuala 19.359495 69 179 Tubuala 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Murrells Inlet 10.120416 426 181 Murrells Inlet 5.6205074 427 181 Murrells Inlet 10.449973 427 182 Murrells Inlet 7.0708018 428 182 Murrells Inlet 8.7621194 428 183 Murrells Inlet 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Inlet Harbor 10.120416 426 181 Inlet Harbor 5.6205074 427 181 Inlet Harbor 10.449973 427 182 Inlet Harbor 7.0708018 428 182 Inlet Harbor 8.7621194 428 183 Inlet Harbor 8.2369975 429 183 Inlet Harbor 8.9982891 429 184 Inlet Harbor 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Mount Gilead 10.120416 426 181 Mount Gilead 5.6205074 427 181 Mount Gilead 10.449973 427 182 Mount Gilead 7.0708018 428 182 Mount Gilead 8.7621194 428 183 Mount Gilead 8.2369975 429 183 Mount Gilead 8.9982891 429 184 Mount Gilead 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Garden City 5.6205074 427 181 Garden City 10.449973 427 182 Garden City 7.0708018 428 182 Garden City 8.7621194 428 183 Garden City 8.2369975 429 183 Garden City 8.9982891 429 184 Garden City 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 El Porvenir 269.42136 70 180 El Porvenir 29.536432 69 181 El Porvenir 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Surfside Beach 5.6205074 427 181 Surfside Beach 10.449973 427 182 Surfside Beach 7.0708018 428 182 Surfside Beach 8.7621194 428 183 Surfside Beach 8.2369975 429 183 Surfside Beach 8.9982891 429 184 Surfside Beach 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Deer Track Villas 5.6205074 427 181 Deer Track Villas 10.449973 427 182 Deer Track Villas 7.0708018 428 182 Deer Track Villas 8.7621194 428 183 Deer Track Villas 8.2369975 429 183 Deer Track Villas 8.9982891 429 184 Deer Track Villas 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Crystal Lake 7.0708018 428 182 Crystal Lake 8.7621194 428 183 Crystal Lake 8.2369975 429 183 Crystal Lake 8.9982891 429 184 Crystal Lake 7.3830803 430 184 Crystal Lake 9.0103659 430 185 Crystal Lake 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Warsobtugua 29.536432 69 181 Warsobtugua 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Pebble Beach 7.0708018 428 182 Pebble Beach 8.7621194 428 183 Pebble Beach 8.2369975 429 183 Pebble Beach 8.9982891 429 184 Pebble Beach 7.3830803 430 184 Pebble Beach 9.0103659 430 185 Pebble Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Konig 7.0708018 428 182 Konig 8.7621194 428 183 Konig 8.2369975 429 183 Konig 8.9982891 429 184 Konig 7.3830803 430 184 Konig 9.0103659 430 185 Konig 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Myrtle Ridge 7.0708018 428 182 Myrtle Ridge 8.7621194 428 183 Myrtle Ridge 8.2369975 429 183 Myrtle Ridge 8.9982891 429 184 Myrtle Ridge 7.3830803 430 184 Myrtle Ridge 9.0103659 430 185 Myrtle Ridge 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Plantation Point 8.2369975 429 183 Plantation Point 8.9982891 429 184 Plantation Point 7.3830803 430 184 Plantation Point 9.0103659 430 185 Plantation Point 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Myrtle Beach 7.0708018 428 182 Myrtle Beach 8.7621194 428 183 Myrtle Beach 8.2369975 429 183 Myrtle Beach 8.9982891 429 184 Myrtle Beach 7.3830803 430 184 Myrtle Beach 9.0103659 430 185 Myrtle Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Ocean Forest 8.2369975 429 183 Ocean Forest 8.9982891 429 184 Ocean Forest 7.3830803 430 184 Ocean Forest 9.0103659 430 185 Ocean Forest 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Nusatupo 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Arcadian Shores 8.2369975 429 183 Arcadian Shores 8.9982891 429 184 Arcadian Shores 7.3830803 430 184 Arcadian Shores 9.0103659 430 185 Arcadian Shores 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Briarcliffe Acres 7.3830803 430 184 Briarcliffe Acres 9.0103659 430 185 Briarcliffe Acres 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Atlantic Beach 7.3830803 430 184 Atlantic Beach 9.0103659 430 185 Atlantic Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Ingram Beach 9.0103659 430 185 Ingram Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 North Myrtle Beach 9.0103659 430 185 North Myrtle Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Nixons Crossroads 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Cherry Grove Beach 9.0103659 430 185 Cherry Grove Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Creekside 9.0103659 430 185 Creekside 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Little River 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Rio Azucar 9.8506003 67 185 Rio Azucar 15.436449 67 186 15.436449 67 186 Calabash 9.014328 431 186 9.014328 431 186 Tupile 15.436449 67 186 15.436449 67 186 Shady Forest 9.9795043 431 187 Shady Forest 3.8765166 432 187 Shady Forest 7.9808039 432 188 Shady Forest 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Sunset Beach 9.9795043 431 187 Sunset Beach 3.8765166 432 187 Sunset Beach 7.9808039 432 188 Sunset Beach 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Sea Trail Plantation 9.9795043 431 187 Sea Trail Plantation 3.8765166 432 187 Sea Trail Plantation 7.9808039 432 188 Sea Trail Plantation 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Ticantiqui 6.9254791 67 188 Ticantiqui 41.122824 68 188 Ticantiqui 14.868587 67 190 14.868587 67 190 Ocean Isle Beach 10.908987 431 188 Ocean Isle Beach 7.9808039 432 188 Ocean Isle Beach 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Brick Landing 12.631848 431 189 Brick Landing 9.1957114 432 189 Brick Landing 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Aidirgandi 8.3977133 67 189 Aidirgandi 14.868587 67 190 Aidirgandi 15.963179 66 193 15.963179 66 193 Monogram 10.718986 432 190 Monogram 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Holden Beach 13.756222 431 190 Holden Beach 10.718986 432 190 Holden Beach 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Secession 11.085917 432 191 Secession 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Varnamtown 11.085917 432 191 Varnamtown 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Playon Chico 6.1332093 66 192 Playon Chico 15.963179 66 193 15.963179 66 193 San Ignacio de Tupile 15.963179 66 193 15.963179 66 193 Long Beach 14.110766 432 193 Long Beach 9.7318988 433 193 9.7318988 433 193 Saint James 14.110766 432 193 Saint James 9.7318988 433 193 9.7318988 433 193 Yaupon Beach 15.099446 431 194 15.099446 431 194 Caswell Beach 15.099446 431 194 15.099446 431 194 Coolvale 14.891147 432 194 Coolvale 9.8604956 433 194 9.8604956 433 194 Fort Caswell 14.224396 431 195 Fort Caswell 13.387183 431 199 13.387183 431 199 Southport 14.633023 432 195 14.633023 432 195 Bald Head Island 14.224396 431 195 Bald Head Island 13.387183 431 199 13.387183 431 199 Wakitupu 39.161279 65 195 Wakitupu 68.940863 62 199 68.940863 62 199 Old Town 11.286575 435 199 Old Town 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Kendall Chapel 13.064441 434 199 Kendall Chapel 11.286575 435 199 Kendall Chapel 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Ustupo 104.23505 64 197 Ustupo 117.66997 64 198 Ustupo 68.940863 62 199 68.940863 62 199 Sheephead Rock 13.605145 432 196 Sheephead Rock 12.987085 432 199 Sheephead Rock 6.1292506 436 199 Sheephead Rock 15.879527 432 200 Sheephead Rock 13.461642 436 200 13.461642 436 200 Silver Lake 11.286575 435 199 Silver Lake 6.1292506 436 199 Silver Lake 13.461642 436 200 13.461642 436 200 Kure Beach 6.0349515 433 196 Kure Beach 6.1292506 436 199 Kure Beach 13.461642 436 200 13.461642 436 200 Carolina Beach 6.0349515 433 196 Carolina Beach 6.1292506 436 199 Carolina Beach 13.461642 436 200 13.461642 436 200 Winter Park 6.1292506 436 199 Winter Park 13.461642 436 200 Winter Park 14.627247 436 201 14.627247 436 201 Myrtle Sound 13.064441 434 199 Myrtle Sound 11.286575 435 199 Myrtle Sound 6.1292506 436 199 Myrtle Sound 13.461642 436 200 Myrtle Sound 15.040647 435 201 Myrtle Sound 14.627247 436 201 14.627247 436 201 Myrtle Grove 11.286575 435 199 Myrtle Grove 6.1292506 436 199 Myrtle Grove 13.461642 436 200 Myrtle Grove 15.040647 435 201 Myrtle Grove 14.627247 436 201 14.627247 436 201 Masonboro 11.286575 435 199 Masonboro 6.1292506 436 199 Masonboro 13.461642 436 200 Masonboro 15.040647 435 201 Masonboro 14.627247 436 201 14.627247 436 201 Windemere 6.1292506 436 199 Windemere 13.461642 436 200 Windemere 14.627247 436 201 14.627247 436 201 Seagate 6.1292506 436 199 Seagate 13.461642 436 200 Seagate 14.627247 436 201 14.627247 436 201 Crown Haven 3.9450811 328 200 Crown Haven 18.678589 327 201 Crown Haven 2.3466465 328 201 Crown Haven 8.6812275 327 202 8.6812275 327 202 Mansukum 68.940863 62 199 68.940863 62 199 Napakanti 68.940863 62 199 68.940863 62 199 Fox Town 3.9450811 328 200 Fox Town 18.678589 327 201 Fox Town 2.3466465 328 201 Fox Town 8.6812275 327 202 8.6812275 327 202 Ogden 13.825602 437 200 Ogden 15.77786 437 201 Ogden 13.714928 438 201 Ogden 17.590233 437 202 17.590233 437 202 Wrightsville Beach 6.1292506 436 199 Wrightsville Beach 13.461642 436 200 Wrightsville Beach 14.627247 436 201 Wrightsville Beach 17.986962 436 202 17.986962 436 202 Bayshore 13.825602 437 200 Bayshore 15.77786 437 201 Bayshore 13.714928 438 201 Bayshore 17.590233 437 202 17.590233 437 202 Mamimulo 68.940863 62 199 68.940863 62 199 Mulatupo Sasardi 12.929873 60 201 Mulatupo Sasardi 51.19594 61 201 Mulatupo Sasardi 118.52653 59 202 Mulatupo Sasardi 565.27873 61 202 565.27873 61 202 Hampstead 13.714928 438 201 Hampstead 14.098778 438 202 Hampstead 17.448712 438 203 17.448712 438 203 Coetupo 12.929873 60 201 Coetupo 51.19594 61 201 Coetupo 118.52653 59 202 Coetupo 565.27873 61 202 Coetupo 126.3677 58 203 Coetupo 2.3817174 59 203 2.3817174 59 203 Cedar Harbor 3.9450811 328 200 Cedar Harbor 18.678589 327 201 Cedar Harbor 2.3466465 328 201 Cedar Harbor 8.6812275 327 202 Cedar Harbor 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 Kings Landing 13.714928 438 201 Kings Landing 14.098778 438 202 Kings Landing 17.448712 438 203 Kings Landing 16.95728 438 204 16.95728 438 204 Puerto Escoces 118.52653 59 202 Puerto Escoces 126.3677 58 203 Puerto Escoces 2.3817174 59 203 Puerto Escoces 33.691666 57 204 33.691666 57 204 Sukunya 118.52653 59 202 Sukunya 126.3677 58 203 Sukunya 2.3817174 59 203 Sukunya 33.691666 57 204 33.691666 57 204 Topsail Beach 13.714928 438 201 Topsail Beach 14.098778 438 202 Topsail Beach 17.448712 438 203 Topsail Beach 16.95728 438 204 16.95728 438 204 Sloop Point 12.62938 439 202 Sloop Point 14.03977 439 203 Sloop Point 14.906399 439 204 Sloop Point 18.947499 439 205 18.947499 439 205 Barlowes 12.62938 439 202 Barlowes 14.03977 439 203 Barlowes 14.906399 439 204 Barlowes 18.947499 439 205 18.947499 439 205 Carreto 118.52653 59 202 Carreto 126.3677 58 203 Carreto 2.3817174 59 203 Carreto 33.691666 57 204 Carreto 63.829624 56 205 63.829624 56 205 Surf City 12.62938 439 202 Surf City 14.03977 439 203 Surf City 14.906399 439 204 Surf City 18.947499 439 205 18.947499 439 205 Pito 33.691666 57 204 Pito 63.829624 56 205 63.829624 56 205 Cooper's Town 7.9335216 326 202 Cooper's Town 8.6812275 327 202 Cooper's Town 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 Ocean City Beach 12.571372 440 203 Ocean City Beach 14.024695 440 204 Ocean City Beach 15.356461 440 205 Ocean City Beach 15.861178 440 206 15.861178 440 206 Thomas Landing 12.571372 440 203 Thomas Landing 14.024695 440 204 Thomas Landing 15.356461 440 205 Thomas Landing 15.861178 440 206 Thomas Landing 14.782325 441 207 Thomas Landing 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Armila 33.691666 57 204 Armila 63.829624 56 205 63.829624 56 205 Norman Castle 3.9043984 326 203 Norman Castle 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 Blackwood Village 3.9043984 326 203 Blackwood Village 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 North Topsail Beach 12.571372 440 203 North Topsail Beach 14.024695 440 204 North Topsail Beach 15.356461 440 205 North Topsail Beach 15.861178 440 206 North Topsail Beach 14.782325 441 207 North Topsail Beach 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Sneads Ferry 10.251574 441 204 Sneads Ferry 13.066398 441 205 Sneads Ferry 13.60126 441 206 Sneads Ferry 14.782325 441 207 Sneads Ferry 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Chadwick Acres 10.251574 441 204 Chadwick Acres 13.066398 441 205 Chadwick Acres 13.60126 441 206 Chadwick Acres 14.782325 441 207 Chadwick Acres 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Sapzurro 63.829624 56 205 Sapzurro 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 Nassau 3.1938374 300 208 Nassau 2.0255695 301 208 2.0255695 301 208 Capitan 63.829624 56 205 Capitan 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 Pino Roa 63.829624 56 205 Pino Roa 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 Duck Creek 9.6800401 442 206 Duck Creek 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Acandi 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 San Jeronimo 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 Alley 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 Willis Landing 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Bear Creek 9.0604295 443 208 9.0604295 443 208 Brazalitta 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 La Goleta 36.30622 54 208 La Goleta 30.202015 51 211 30.202015 51 211 Swansboro 9.0604295 443 208 9.0604295 443 208 Mahoe Gardens 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 Trigana 42.209894 53 209 Trigana 30.202015 51 211 30.202015 51 211 Old Harbor 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 Villa Claret 42.096186 52 210 Villa Claret 30.202015 51 211 30.202015 51 211 Titumate 42.096186 52 210 Titumate 30.202015 51 211 30.202015 51 211 Bucks Corner 13.234873 444 210 Bucks Corner 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 La Gloria 30.202015 51 211 La Gloria 8.5102281 47 213 8.5102281 47 213 Cedar Point 14.189225 443 209 14.189225 443 209 Cape Carteret 14.189225 443 209 14.189225 443 209 Bogue 14.189225 443 209 14.189225 443 209 Santa Maria La Antigua 40.529822 50 212 Santa Maria La Antigua 8.5102281 47 213 8.5102281 47 213 Emerald Isle 14.189225 443 209 14.189225 443 209 Ocean 14.864039 443 210 14.864039 443 210 Indian Beach 14.864039 443 210 14.864039 443 210 Broad Creek 13.970374 444 211 Broad Creek 12.903322 444 212 Broad Creek 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Pueblo Nuevo 57.06412 52 212 Pueblo Nuevo 58.623814 53 212 Pueblo Nuevo 47.1789 54 212 Pueblo Nuevo 48.475926 52 213 Pueblo Nuevo 9.1218529 54 213 Pueblo Nuevo 2.0398498 55 213 Pueblo Nuevo 24.112698 52 214 Pueblo Nuevo 6.2087929 55 214 Pueblo Nuevo 2.5160899 55 215 2.5160899 55 215 Salter Path 15.996314 443 212 Salter Path 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Puerto Barrios 8.5102281 47 213 Puerto Barrios 12.046895 44 214 12.046895 44 214 Port Royal 5.2783928 194 214 5.2783928 194 214 Wildwood 14.974195 444 213 Wildwood 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Pine Knoll Shores 18.089114 443 213 Pine Knoll Shores 14.974195 444 213 Pine Knoll Shores 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Hollywood 14.974195 444 213 Hollywood 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Kingston 5.2783928 194 214 5.2783928 194 214 Necocli 33.949703 49 213 Necocli 49.771918 50 213 Necocli 33.199819 49 214 Necocli 16.62471 49 215 16.62471 49 215 Caiman Viejo 33.949703 49 213 Caiman Viejo 49.771918 50 213 Caiman Viejo 29.298747 48 214 29.298747 48 214 Tie 29.298747 48 214 Tie 17.998245 46 215 17.998245 46 215 Bachelor 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Punta de Piedra 29.298747 48 214 Punta de Piedra 17.998245 46 215 17.998245 46 215 El Tatumo 29.298747 48 214 29.298747 48 214 Carolina City 15.692898 444 214 Carolina City 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Atlantic Beach 17.872676 443 214 Atlantic Beach 15.692898 444 214 Atlantic Beach 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Puerto Cesar 12.046895 44 214 12.046895 44 214 Turbo 12.046895 44 214 12.046895 44 214 Crab Point Village 15.692898 444 214 Crab Point Village 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Mulatos 24.112698 52 214 Mulatos 6.2087929 55 214 Mulatos 2.5160899 55 215 2.5160899 55 215 Beaufort 14.949938 444 215 Beaufort 13.100931 445 215 13.100931 445 215 Morehead City 18.815585 443 215 Morehead City 14.949938 444 215 Morehead City 13.100931 445 215 13.100931 445 215 Zepata 2.5160899 55 215 2.5160899 55 215 Lenoxville 18.077681 443 216 Lenoxville 14.892269 444 216 Lenoxville 12.392884 445 216 12.392884 445 216 Damaquiel 8.4858378 55 216 8.4858378 55 216 Straits 14.892269 444 216 Straits 12.392884 445 216 12.392884 445 216 Harkers Island 17.674028 443 217 Harkers Island 16.037305 444 217 Harkers Island 2.4181467 445 218 Harkers Island 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Otway 16.037305 444 217 Otway 2.4181467 445 218 Otway 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Gloucester 16.037305 444 217 Gloucester 2.4181467 445 218 Gloucester 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Cape Lookout 20.337993 442 217 Cape Lookout 17.674028 443 217 Cape Lookout 16.037305 444 217 Cape Lookout 2.4181467 445 218 Cape Lookout 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Smyrna 16.037305 444 217 Smyrna 2.4181467 445 218 Smyrna 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 San Juan 9.1287591 56 217 San Juan 11.023467 57 219 11.023467 57 219 San Juan de Uraba 9.1287591 56 217 San Juan de Uraba 11.023467 57 219 11.023467 57 219 Marshallberg 16.037305 444 217 Marshallberg 2.4181467 445 218 Marshallberg 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Williston 2.4181467 445 218 Williston 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Davis 2.4181467 445 218 Davis 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Arboletes 11.023467 57 219 11.023467 57 219 Stacy 2.0081358 449 223 2.0081358 449 223 Masontown 2.0081358 449 223 2.0081358 449 223 Sealevel 2.0081358 449 223 2.0081358 449 223 Los Cordobas 11.023467 57 219 11.023467 57 219 Atlantic 2.0081358 449 223 2.0081358 449 223 Roe 2.0081358 449 223 2.0081358 449 223 Lola 2.0081358 449 223 2.0081358 449 223 Puerto Escondido 6.6216784 59 221 Puerto Escondido 9.2793372 60 222 Puerto Escondido 4.9858321 62 224 4.9858321 62 224 San Jose 6.6216784 59 221 San Jose 9.2793372 60 222 San Jose 4.9858321 62 224 4.9858321 62 224 Puerto Escondito 6.6216784 59 221 Puerto Escondito 9.2793372 60 222 Puerto Escondito 4.9858321 62 224 4.9858321 62 224 Cristo Rey 9.2793372 60 222 Cristo Rey 4.9858321 62 224 Cristo Rey 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Caserio Puerto Limon 40.009 64 222 Caserio Puerto Limon 35.914618 64 223 Caserio Puerto Limon 15.417482 64 224 Caserio Puerto Limon 7.9533372 64 225 7.9533372 64 225 Rio Cedro 9.2793372 60 222 Rio Cedro 4.9858321 62 224 Rio Cedro 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Santander de la Cruz 13.001937 61 222 Santander de la Cruz 25.237544 62 222 Santander de la Cruz 9.1263947 61 223 Santander de la Cruz 20.042577 63 223 Santander de la Cruz 4.9858321 62 224 Santander de la Cruz 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Providencia 13.001937 61 222 Providencia 25.237544 62 222 Providencia 9.1263947 61 223 Providencia 20.042577 63 223 Providencia 4.9858321 62 224 Providencia 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Broqueles 13.001937 61 222 Broqueles 25.237544 62 222 Broqueles 9.1263947 61 223 Broqueles 20.042577 63 223 Broqueles 4.9858321 62 224 Broqueles 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Monitos 16.12616 62 223 Monitos 20.042577 63 223 Monitos 4.9858321 62 224 Monitos 10.760125 63 224 Monitos 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Pueblito 16.12616 62 223 Pueblito 20.042577 63 223 Pueblito 4.9858321 62 224 Pueblito 10.760125 63 224 Pueblito 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Notecebes 16.12616 62 223 Notecebes 20.042577 63 223 Notecebes 4.9858321 62 224 Notecebes 10.760125 63 224 Notecebes 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 La Rada 16.12616 62 223 La Rada 20.042577 63 223 La Rada 4.9858321 62 224 La Rada 10.760125 63 224 La Rada 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Lynnwood 8.4502469 476 228 Lynnwood 8.9866759 477 228 Lynnwood 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Paso Nuevo 10.760125 63 224 Paso Nuevo 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Lynnhaven Shores 8.4502469 476 228 Lynnhaven Shores 8.9866759 477 228 Lynnhaven Shores 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Forest Hills 8.4502469 476 228 Forest Hills 8.9866759 477 228 Forest Hills 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Bay Island 8.4502469 476 228 Bay Island 8.9866759 477 228 Bay Island 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Back Bay 8.4502469 476 228 Back Bay 8.9866759 477 228 8.9866759 477 228 Creeds 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Linkhorn 8.4502469 476 228 Linkhorn 8.9866759 477 228 Linkhorn 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Alanton 8.4502469 476 228 Alanton 8.9866759 477 228 Alanton 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Pungo 8.4502469 476 228 Pungo 8.9866759 477 228 Pungo 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Currituck 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Atlantic Park 8.4502469 476 228 Atlantic Park 8.9866759 477 228 Atlantic Park 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Maple 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Dawley Corners 8.4502469 476 228 Dawley Corners 8.9866759 477 228 8.9866759 477 228 Dam Neck Corner 8.4502469 476 228 Dam Neck Corner 8.9866759 477 228 Dam Neck Corner 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Public Landing 2.316319 471 229 Public Landing 13.049792 475 229 13.049792 475 229 Campbells Landing 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Sigma 8.4502469 476 228 Sigma 8.9866759 477 228 Sigma 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Cavalier Park 8.4502469 476 228 Cavalier Park 8.9866759 477 228 Cavalier Park 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Quejimbra 7.9533372 64 225 Quejimbra 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Hill Landing 8.4502469 476 228 Hill Landing 8.9866759 477 228 8.9866759 477 228 Chiqui 7.9533372 64 225 Chiqui 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Barco 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Cielo Azul 7.9533372 64 225 Cielo Azul 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Virginia Beach 8.4502469 476 228 Virginia Beach 8.9866759 477 228 Virginia Beach 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Corys 2.316319 471 229 Corys 13.049792 475 229 13.049792 475 229 San Bernardo 13.692764 66 226 San Bernardo 21.761921 67 226 San Bernardo 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Coinjock 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Sandbridge Beach 8.4502469 476 228 Sandbridge Beach 8.9866759 477 228 Sandbridge Beach 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Waterlilly 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Knotts Island 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Bertha 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Aydlett 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Poplar Branch 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 False Cape Landing 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Grandy 7.0914813 470 230 7.0914813 470 230 Jarvisburg 7.0914813 470 230 7.0914813 470 230 El Islote 52.08717 70 227 El Islote 48.809728 70 228 El Islote 28.427212 70 230 El Islote 37.969855 72 231 El Islote 70.795535 73 231 70.795535 73 231 Powells Point 12.905114 468 231 Powells Point 10.441831 469 231 10.441831 469 231 Mamie 12.905114 468 231 Mamie 10.441831 469 231 10.441831 469 231 Corolla 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Mashoes 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Harbinger 12.905114 468 231 Harbinger 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Point Harbor 12.905114 468 231 Point Harbor 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Santa Catalina 8.3040277 67 228 Santa Catalina 14.797166 67 232 14.797166 67 232 Lake Worth 2.0159939 459 231 2.0159939 459 231 Caffys Inlet Hamlet 7.0914813 470 230 Caffys Inlet Hamlet 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 San Antero 28.436875 67 229 San Antero 14.797166 67 232 San Antero 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Bayberry Bluffs 12.905114 468 231 Bayberry Bluffs 10.441831 469 231 Bayberry Bluffs 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Hargraves Bench 12.905114 468 231 Hargraves Bench 10.441831 469 231 Hargraves Bench 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Stumpy Point 2.0159939 459 231 2.0159939 459 231 Southern Shores 12.905114 468 231 Southern Shores 10.441831 469 231 Southern Shores 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Bijadito 28.436875 67 229 Bijadito 14.797166 67 232 Bijadito 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Colington 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 El Penon 28.436875 67 229 El Penon 14.797166 67 232 El Penon 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Fort Raleigh City 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 El Porvenir 28.436875 67 229 El Porvenir 14.797166 67 232 El Porvenir 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 El Bobo 28.436875 67 229 El Bobo 14.797166 67 232 El Bobo 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Kitty Hawk 12.905114 468 231 Kitty Hawk 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Covenas 28.436875 67 229 Covenas 14.797166 67 232 Covenas 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Baru 90.276263 75 230 Baru 55.722777 77 230 Baru 50.949596 75 231 Baru 59.734206 75 232 Baru 37.681091 76 232 Baru 6.699567 77 232 Baru 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Covenitas 24.129931 67 230 Covenitas 35.754905 68 230 Covenitas 29.736569 68 231 Covenitas 14.797166 67 232 Covenitas 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Guayabal 24.129931 67 230 Guayabal 35.754905 68 230 Guayabal 29.736569 68 231 Guayabal 14.797166 67 232 Guayabal 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Punta Seca 24.129931 67 230 Punta Seca 35.754905 68 230 Punta Seca 29.736569 68 231 Punta Seca 14.797166 67 232 Punta Seca 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 California 14.875336 464 233 14.875336 464 233 Mother Vineyard 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Kill Devil Hills 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Croatan Shores 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Manteo 14.875336 464 233 14.875336 464 233 Wanchese 14.875336 464 233 14.875336 464 233 Rincon 35.290722 69 230 Rincon 28.427212 70 230 Rincon 37.969855 72 231 Rincon 70.795535 73 231 Rincon 22.958312 69 232 Rincon 11.381217 72 232 Rincon 11.872711 69 233 11.872711 69 233 Hacienda Petalaca 24.129931 67 230 Hacienda Petalaca 35.754905 68 230 Hacienda Petalaca 29.736569 68 231 Hacienda Petalaca 14.797166 67 232 Hacienda Petalaca 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Nags Head 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Pendales 5.6903472 77 231 Pendales 6.699567 77 232 Pendales 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Porto Nao 5.6903472 77 231 Porto Nao 6.699567 77 232 Porto Nao 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Majagual 10.003052 71 231 Majagual 37.969855 72 231 Majagual 70.795535 73 231 Majagual 11.381217 72 232 Majagual 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Whalebone 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Hiqueron 21.593164 70 231 Hiqueron 37.969855 72 231 Hiqueron 70.795535 73 231 Hiqueron 11.381217 72 232 11.381217 72 232 Puerto Viejo 19.642305 67 231 Puerto Viejo 29.736569 68 231 Puerto Viejo 14.797166 67 232 Puerto Viejo 22.958312 69 232 Puerto Viejo 7.8897966 68 233 Puerto Viejo 11.872711 69 233 11.872711 69 233 Zaragocilla 29.736569 68 231 Zaragocilla 21.593164 70 231 Zaragocilla 37.969855 72 231 Zaragocilla 22.958312 69 232 Zaragocilla 11.381217 72 232 Zaragocilla 7.8897966 68 233 Zaragocilla 11.872711 69 233 11.872711 69 233 Montemar 21.593164 70 231 Montemar 37.969855 72 231 Montemar 70.795535 73 231 Montemar 11.381217 72 232 11.381217 72 232 Libertad 10.003052 71 231 Libertad 37.969855 72 231 Libertad 70.795535 73 231 Libertad 11.381217 72 232 Libertad 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Polonia 5.6903472 77 231 Polonia 6.699567 77 232 Polonia 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Melilla 2.7486037 237 231 2.7486037 237 231 La Bulla 21.593164 70 231 La Bulla 37.969855 72 231 La Bulla 70.795535 73 231 La Bulla 11.381217 72 232 11.381217 72 232 Tierra Bomba 122.29773 79 231 Tierra Bomba 138.42583 80 231 Tierra Bomba 84.630361 79 232 Tierra Bomba 72.815598 80 232 Tierra Bomba 23.895681 80 233 Tierra Bomba 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Cenicita 37.969855 72 231 Cenicita 70.795535 73 231 Cenicita 11.381217 72 232 Cenicita 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Tolu 19.642305 67 231 Tolu 29.736569 68 231 Tolu 21.593164 70 231 Tolu 14.797166 67 232 Tolu 22.958312 69 232 Tolu 7.8897966 68 233 Tolu 11.872711 69 233 11.872711 69 233 Santa Ana 6.699567 77 232 Santa Ana 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Ararca 6.699567 77 232 Ararca 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Mompos 11.381217 72 232 Mompos 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Cano de Loro 47.988966 78 232 Cano de Loro 2.8312214 78 234 Cano de Loro 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 La Barces 32.255608 73 232 La Barces 38.957372 74 232 La Barces 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Labarce 32.255608 73 232 Labarce 38.957372 74 232 Labarce 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Buxton 10.556583 456 235 10.556583 456 235 Santa Maria 21.762318 68 232 Santa Maria 22.958312 69 232 Santa Maria 11.381217 72 232 Santa Maria 7.8897966 68 233 Santa Maria 11.872711 69 233 11.872711 69 233 Cartagena 84.630361 79 232 Cartagena 72.815598 80 232 Cartagena 23.895681 80 233 Cartagena 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Pasacaballo 6.699567 77 232 Pasacaballo 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Piedrecitas 37.681091 76 232 Piedrecitas 6.699567 77 232 Piedrecitas 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Faro 86.110065 81 232 Faro 147.85499 82 232 Faro 214.28992 83 233 Faro 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Avon 10.556583 456 235 Avon 10.241733 457 235 10.241733 457 235 Leticia 37.681091 76 232 Leticia 6.699567 77 232 Leticia 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Caserio El Cobado 59.734206 75 232 Caserio El Cobado 37.681091 76 232 Caserio El Cobado 6.699567 77 232 Caserio El Cobado 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Manzanillo del Mar 86.110065 81 232 Manzanillo del Mar 147.85499 82 232 Manzanillo del Mar 214.28992 83 233 Manzanillo del Mar 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Manzanillo 86.110065 81 232 Manzanillo 147.85499 82 232 Manzanillo 214.28992 83 233 Manzanillo 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Cobado 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Little Kinnakeet 10.556583 456 235 Little Kinnakeet 10.241733 457 235 10.241733 457 235 Puerto Cospique 23.895681 80 233 Puerto Cospique 2.8312214 78 234 Puerto Cospique 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Salvo 10.556583 456 235 Salvo 10.241733 457 235 10.241733 457 235 Steeple 10.556583 456 235 Steeple 10.241733 457 235 10.241733 457 235 Rodanthe 10.241733 457 235 10.241733 457 235 Puerto Tierrabaja 23.895681 80 233 Puerto Tierrabaja 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Arroyo de Piedra 18.581051 82 233 Arroyo de Piedra 214.28992 83 233 Arroyo de Piedra 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Hierbabuena 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Las Canoas 9.948111 83 234 Las Canoas 20.197542 85 235 Las Canoas 2.8402898 87 238 2.8402898 87 238 Arroyo Grande 7.627628 84 235 Arroyo Grande 20.197542 85 235 Arroyo Grande 2.8402898 87 238 2.8402898 87 238 Palmarito 7.627628 84 235 Palmarito 20.197542 85 235 Palmarito 2.8402898 87 238 2.8402898 87 238 Cairano 13.632357 86 236 Cairano 2.8402898 87 238 Cairano 9.8977952 88 239 Cairano 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Loma de Arena 13.632357 86 236 Loma de Arena 2.8402898 87 238 Loma de Arena 9.8977952 88 239 Loma de Arena 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Galerazamba 13.632357 86 236 Galerazamba 2.8402898 87 238 Galerazamba 9.8977952 88 239 Galerazamba 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Helenita 13.632357 86 236 Helenita 2.8402898 87 238 Helenita 9.8977952 88 239 Helenita 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Las Tres Marias 13.632357 86 236 Las Tres Marias 2.8402898 87 238 Las Tres Marias 9.8977952 88 239 Las Tres Marias 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Boca Tocino 6.014659 86 237 Boca Tocino 30.709757 88 237 Boca Tocino 2.8402898 87 238 Boca Tocino 9.8977952 88 239 Boca Tocino 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 San Vicente 2.8402898 87 238 San Vicente 9.8977952 88 239 San Vicente 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 San Diego 2.8402898 87 238 San Diego 9.8977952 88 239 San Diego 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Hacienda Manates 2.8402898 87 238 Hacienda Manates 9.8977952 88 239 Hacienda Manates 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Salina del Rey 2.8402898 87 238 Salina del Rey 9.8977952 88 239 Salina del Rey 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Salina de Rey 2.8402898 87 238 Salina de Rey 9.8977952 88 239 Salina de Rey 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Puerto Caiman 9.8977952 88 239 Puerto Caiman 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Puerto Colombia 10.359974 89 241 10.359974 89 241 Puerto Salgar 10.359974 89 241 10.359974 89 241 Maizal 10.359974 89 241 10.359974 89 241 La Playa 5.9651661 90 242 5.9651661 90 242 Cementos Caribe 5.9651661 90 242 5.9651661 90 242 Los Ladrones 76.124122 92 244 Los Ladrones 14.193674 91 247 14.193674 91 247 La Guardia 159.09957 92 245 La Guardia 56.920571 92 246 La Guardia 14.193674 91 247 14.193674 91 247 Hacienda Barravieja 155.89803 91 248 Hacienda Barravieja 4.3724586 90 249 4.3724586 90 249 Puebloviejo 25.603112 88 250 25.603112 88 250 Tasajera 25.603112 88 250 25.603112 88 250 Palmira 25.603112 88 250 25.603112 88 250 Isla del Rosario 25.603112 88 250 25.603112 88 250 Cienaga 78.129696 88 251 Cienaga 237.19685 89 251 237.19685 89 251 Hacienda Papare 247.97584 89 252 247.97584 89 252 Gaira 9.3568447 91 252 Gaira 8.0584224 91 253 8.0584224 91 253 La Elisa 12.371773 88 252 La Elisa 247.97584 89 252 247.97584 89 252 Bavaria 9.3568447 91 252 Bavaria 8.0584224 91 253 8.0584224 91 253 Taganga 191.43947 92 252 Taganga 617.47937 94 252 Taganga 57.314625 95 255 57.314625 95 255 Santa Marta 191.43947 92 252 Santa Marta 617.47937 94 252 Santa Marta 57.314625 95 255 57.314625 95 255 Mamatoco 9.3568447 91 252 Mamatoco 8.0584224 91 253 8.0584224 91 253 Balneario de Villa Concha 24.637543 92 253 Balneario de Villa Concha 135.19307 93 253 Balneario de Villa Concha 250.61897 94 253 Balneario de Villa Concha 238.64297 95 253 Balneario de Villa Concha 57.314625 95 255 57.314625 95 255 Neguanje 63.659507 95 254 Neguanje 57.314625 95 255 57.314625 95 255 El Coquito 379.26758 96 256 El Coquito 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 La Esmeralda 379.26758 96 256 La Esmeralda 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Canaveral 379.26758 96 256 Canaveral 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Los Naranjos 379.26758 96 256 Los Naranjos 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Mata de Platano 258.0576 96 257 Mata de Platano 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 La Poza 258.0576 96 257 La Poza 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Hacienda la Beatriz 258.0576 96 257 Hacienda la Beatriz 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Guschaca 258.0576 96 257 Guschaca 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Buritaca 295.33559 96 258 Buritaca 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Les Cayes 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Cacoq 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Don Diego 74.364408 95 260 Don Diego 142.29047 95 261 Don Diego 12.944257 94 264 12.944257 94 264 Cavaillon 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Calabolo 400.64643 94 261 Calabolo 142.29047 95 261 Calabolo 12.944257 94 264 Calabolo 12.735116 94 265 12.735116 94 265 Ile a Vache 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Saint-Louis-du-Sud 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Nevamar 349.46331 94 262 Nevamar 87.155123 95 262 Nevamar 12.944257 94 264 Nevamar 12.735116 94 265 12.735116 94 265 Rio Canas 12.944257 94 264 Rio Canas 12.735116 94 265 12.735116 94 265 Olga 12.944257 94 264 Olga 12.735116 94 265 12.735116 94 265 La Victoria 12.735116 94 265 12.735116 94 265 Dibulla 12.735116 94 265 12.735116 94 265 La Enea 14.786739 95 267 14.786739 95 267 Punta Guamachito 7.9024078 95 268 Punta Guamachito 4.8508366 98 272 4.8508366 98 272 Miragoane 14.535729 202 271 Miragoane 23.565166 202 272 23.565166 202 272 Camarones 6.8485811 96 269 Camarones 6.8908947 97 271 Camarones 6.8888047 98 271 Camarones 4.8508366 98 272 4.8508366 98 272 La Gloria 6.9454255 97 270 La Gloria 10.011052 98 270 La Gloria 6.8908947 97 271 La Gloria 6.8888047 98 271 La Gloria 4.8508366 98 272 La Gloria 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 El Horno 6.9454255 97 270 El Horno 10.011052 98 270 El Horno 6.8908947 97 271 El Horno 6.8888047 98 271 El Horno 4.8508366 98 272 El Horno 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Riohacha 6.8908947 97 271 Riohacha 6.8888047 98 271 Riohacha 4.8508366 98 272 Riohacha 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Petit-Goave 23.565166 202 272 23.565166 202 272 Pirpir 4.8508366 98 272 Pirpir 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Boucan a Lait 289.47271 204 276 Boucan a Lait 122.50526 206 276 Boucan a Lait 30.336896 204 277 Boucan a Lait 38.570523 205 277 Boucan a Lait 51.618804 206 277 51.618804 206 277 Juskare 8.7833306 99 273 Juskare 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Mayapo 8.7833306 99 273 Mayapo 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Arbol del Descanso 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Urachikarein 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Augier 27.781356 207 278 27.781356 207 278 El Pajaro 2.9030982 100 275 2.9030982 100 275 Shichepeho 2.9030982 100 275 2.9030982 100 275 Bellevue 30.336896 204 277 Bellevue 38.570523 205 277 Bellevue 42.827766 204 278 Bellevue 134.55644 205 278 Bellevue 140.85057 204 279 Bellevue 134.82185 204 280 Bellevue 110.54929 205 280 Bellevue 2.846156 204 281 2.846156 204 281 Arcahaie 38.570523 205 277 Arcahaie 51.618804 206 277 Arcahaie 134.55644 205 278 Arcahaie 134.29798 205 279 Arcahaie 110.54929 205 280 Arcahaie 32.540816 205 281 32.540816 205 281 Huattapo 44.564121 102 278 Huattapo 35.402658 102 279 Huattapo 28.066509 102 280 28.066509 102 280 Manaure Viejo 44.564121 102 278 Manaure Viejo 57.823005 104 278 Manaure Viejo 28.066509 102 280 28.066509 102 280 Shushirrara 35.402658 102 279 Shushirrara 28.066509 102 280 28.066509 102 280 Iturumahana 35.402658 102 279 Iturumahana 28.066509 102 280 28.066509 102 280 Aubry 140.85057 204 279 Aubry 134.82185 204 280 Aubry 110.54929 205 280 Aubry 2.846156 204 281 Aubry 13.994073 205 282 13.994073 205 282 Araurio 35.402658 102 279 Araurio 28.066509 102 280 28.066509 102 280 Puerto Aramatka 35.402658 102 279 Puerto Aramatka 28.066509 102 280 28.066509 102 280 Santa Rosa 28.066509 102 280 28.066509 102 280 Mausahu 28.066509 102 280 28.066509 102 280 Port-au-Prince 134.82185 204 280 Port-au-Prince 110.54929 205 280 Port-au-Prince 2.846156 204 281 Port-au-Prince 13.994073 205 282 13.994073 205 282 Jojoromahana 28.066509 102 280 28.066509 102 280 Auyama 7.9077034 103 281 Auyama 19.901937 104 281 Auyama 30.87108 105 281 Auyama 49.190003 103 282 Auyama 24.724947 105 282 24.724947 105 282 Cardon 49.190003 103 282 Cardon 24.724947 105 282 Cardon 2.7874786 106 284 2.7874786 106 284 Cap-Haitien 6.7526666 221 286 6.7526666 221 286 Kosinamahana 49.190003 103 282 Kosinamahana 24.724947 105 282 Kosinamahana 2.7874786 106 284 2.7874786 106 284 Carrizal 49.190003 103 282 Carrizal 24.724947 105 282 Carrizal 2.7874786 106 284 2.7874786 106 284 El Cabo 3.6915755 105 283 El Cabo 2.7874786 106 284 El Cabo 12.928346 109 287 12.928346 109 287 Amaiquiro 40.461846 104 283 Amaiquiro 3.6915755 105 283 Amaiquiro 2.7874786 106 284 2.7874786 106 284 Beliard 6.7526666 221 286 Beliard 4.6891889 221 287 4.6891889 221 287 Jumop 7.156194 96 288 Jumop 9.158363 97 288 Jumop 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Junain 49.334196 109 285 Junain 27.545817 109 286 Junain 12.928346 109 287 Junain 226.10324 108 288 Junain 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Calinatay 9.158363 97 288 Calinatay 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Los Filudos 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Molomana 9.158363 97 288 Molomana 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Sichipes 7.156194 96 288 Sichipes 9.158363 97 288 Sichipes 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 La Gloria 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Pararu 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Guayamulisira 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Neima 7.156194 96 288 Neima 9.158363 97 288 Neima 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Cojua 7.156194 96 288 Cojua 9.158363 97 288 Cojua 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Campamento 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Guarurtain 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 La Punta 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Paraguaipoa 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Los Aceitunitos 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Guichep 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Jautaipanou 9.158363 97 288 Jautaipanou 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Pichuasahi 27.545817 109 286 Pichuasahi 12.928346 109 287 Pichuasahi 226.10324 108 288 Pichuasahi 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Los Mochos 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Juruba 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Jasav 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Huauariuaha 27.545817 109 286 Huauariuaha 12.928346 109 287 Huauariuaha 226.10324 108 288 Huauariuaha 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Uluimana 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Jurulapa 9.158363 97 288 Jurulapa 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Campo Alegre 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Zulia Mar 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Kaurimahana 12.928346 109 287 Kaurimahana 226.10324 108 288 Kaurimahana 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Gualipana 9.158363 97 288 Gualipana 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Los Hermanitos 14.925551 94 289 Los Hermanitos 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Botoncillo 14.925551 94 289 Botoncillo 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Cojoro 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Caimare Chico 14.925551 94 289 Caimare Chico 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Caraipia 14.925551 94 289 Caraipia 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Boca Paijana 14.925551 94 289 Boca Paijana 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puertecitos 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Cardoncito 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puerto Guerrero 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Calle Ancha 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puerto Mara 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puerto Cardoncito 14.925551 94 289 Puerto Cardoncito 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 San Jose 226.10324 108 288 San Jose 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Paijana 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 La Esperanza 3.7245293 91 291 3.7245293 91 291 Guasapatu 10.104846 98 289 Guasapatu 9.5793775 99 289 9.5793775 99 289 Los Icacos 2.5332805 223 292 2.5332805 223 292 San Rafael 3.7245293 91 291 3.7245293 91 291 Las Cabimas 3.7245293 91 291 3.7245293 91 291 Las Delicias 2.0355001 90 293 2.0355001 90 293 Inosu 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Palachuou 10.104846 98 289 Palachuou 9.5793775 99 289 9.5793775 99 289 Potchoure 16.12569 98 290 Potchoure 7.2538087 99 290 7.2538087 99 290 Monte Cristi 2.5332805 223 292 2.5332805 223 292 El Toas 3.7245293 91 291 3.7245293 91 291 Zarrupiai 7.2538087 99 290 7.2538087 99 290 Cuzi 16.12569 98 290 Cuzi 7.2538087 99 290 7.2538087 99 290 San Carlos 3.7245293 91 291 3.7245293 91 291 Caserio Taroa 29.76622 112 295 29.76622 112 295 Morchipa 11.082524 99 292 Morchipa 39.288038 100 292 39.288038 100 292 Parsua 11.082524 99 292 Parsua 39.288038 100 292 39.288038 100 292 Maasichi 29.76622 112 295 Maasichi 13.930702 111 296 13.930702 111 296 Puerto Chimare 29.76622 112 295 Puerto Chimare 13.930702 111 296 13.930702 111 296 Guincua 2.2940825 100 295 2.2940825 100 295 Sabana Cruz 4.1506154 223 297 4.1506154 223 297 Tapuli 2.2940825 100 295 2.2940825 100 295 Makaraipaho 5.3603054 101 296 5.3603054 101 296 Castilletes 5.3603054 101 296 5.3603054 101 296 Puerto Estrella 29.76622 112 295 Puerto Estrella 13.930702 111 296 Puerto Estrella 14.068362 109 299 14.068362 109 299 Puerto Lopez 4.9849006 102 297 4.9849006 102 297 El Copey 4.1506154 223 297 4.1506154 223 297 Chichibacoa 23.060185 111 297 Chichibacoa 35.795373 111 298 Chichibacoa 14.068362 109 299 14.068362 109 299 Karasua 12.273862 103 298 12.273862 103 298 Guaguri 14.068362 109 299 Guaguri 6.1288335 105 300 6.1288335 105 300 Puerto Ingles 12.273862 103 298 12.273862 103 298 Punta Espada 12.423181 104 299 12.423181 104 299 San Agustin 10.029094 91 299 10.029094 91 299 Arroyo Hondo 9.9332141 92 301 9.9332141 92 301 Coneja 9.9332141 92 301 9.9332141 92 301 Canapo 8.0910822 92 302 Canapo 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 Caracubana 6.9888747 93 303 Caracubana 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 Antunez 6.9888747 93 303 Antunez 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 Yuquique 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 Santa Clara 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 El Suite 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 Puerto Gutierrez 10.05171 94 306 Puerto Gutierrez 17.881892 95 306 Puerto Gutierrez 8.0424691 94 307 Puerto Gutierrez 8.9582177 94 308 Puerto Gutierrez 7.7643788 94 309 7.7643788 94 309 Los Hatos 10.05171 94 306 Los Hatos 17.881892 95 306 Los Hatos 8.0424691 94 307 Los Hatos 8.9582177 94 308 Los Hatos 7.7643788 94 309 7.7643788 94 309 Baruche 10.05171 94 306 Baruche 17.881892 95 306 Baruche 8.0424691 94 307 Baruche 8.9582177 94 308 Baruche 7.7643788 94 309 7.7643788 94 309 Puerto Zazarida 8.0424691 94 307 Puerto Zazarida 8.9582177 94 308 Puerto Zazarida 7.7643788 94 309 7.7643788 94 309 Zazarida 8.9582177 94 308 Zazarida 7.7643788 94 309 7.7643788 94 309 Estanquecito 7.7643788 94 309 7.7643788 94 309 Cuajaracume 9.1018795 95 310 Cuajaracume 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Cauca 9.1018795 95 310 Cauca 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Codore Adentro 10.105922 95 311 Codore Adentro 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Hato Abajo 37.076816 102 311 37.076816 102 311 Los Taques 47.747343 100 311 47.747343 100 311 Ocorote 10.105922 95 311 Ocorote 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Adaro 29.835847 99 311 Adaro 50.923042 99 315 50.923042 99 315 El Rosario 41.292074 101 312 41.292074 101 312 El Cardon 20.411522 97 312 El Cardon 47.830451 97 315 47.830451 97 315 Punta Cardon 32.841873 98 312 Punta Cardon 48.547442 98 315 48.547442 98 315 Punto Fijo 35.711577 99 312 Punto Fijo 50.923042 99 315 50.923042 99 315 Conejal 26.707651 103 312 Conejal 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Rio Seco 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 La Macolla 26.532481 105 312 La Macolla 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Las Piedras 35.711577 99 312 Las Piedras 50.923042 99 315 50.923042 99 315 Guadalajara 25.972536 104 312 Guadalajara 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 La California 25.972536 104 312 La California 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Guanadito 42.97661 100 312 42.97661 100 312 Guaimu 25.972536 104 312 Guaimu 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Orejitas 25.972536 104 312 Orejitas 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Algodones 5.8037581 96 313 5.8037581 96 313 Tiguajada 22.728502 98 313 Tiguajada 48.547442 98 315 48.547442 98 315 Macama 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Arajo 5.8037581 96 313 5.8037581 96 313 La Boca 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Caujarito 22.728502 98 313 Caujarito 48.547442 98 315 48.547442 98 315 Las Cruces 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 El Vaquero 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Matacan 12.163806 98 314 Matacan 48.547442 98 315 48.547442 98 315 San Lorenzo 27.963171 107 314 San Lorenzo 7.2474253 107 315 7.2474253 107 315 Cayude 48.547442 98 315 48.547442 98 315 El Imujo 7.2474253 107 315 7.2474253 107 315 San Francisco 7.2474253 107 315 7.2474253 107 315 La Cienaga 7.2474253 107 315 7.2474253 107 315 Piedras Negras 16.666673 108 316 Piedras Negras 18.087434 107 319 Piedras Negras 15.00603 105 320 15.00603 105 320 Las Cumaraguas 16.666673 108 316 Las Cumaraguas 18.087434 107 319 Las Cumaraguas 15.00603 105 320 15.00603 105 320 Arroyo Salado 18.547532 215 320 18.547532 215 320 Santa Rita 18.087434 107 319 Santa Rita 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Azubure 18.087434 107 319 Azubure 15.00603 105 320 15.00603 105 320 Charaima 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Baraived 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Guayacan 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Nagua 18.547532 215 320 18.547532 215 320 El Hato 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Pedregalito 18.087434 107 319 Pedregalito 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Caduto 63.898929 97 319 Caduto 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Guasare Abajo 63.898929 97 319 Guasare Abajo 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Cujizal 29.994012 97 320 Cujizal 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Palencia 29.994012 97 320 Palencia 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Jagueicito 29.994012 97 320 Jagueicito 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 La Vela de Coro 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Playa Negra 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 El Carrizal 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Muaco 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Mataruca 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Taimetaima 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Cuji Leon 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Taratara 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Abra Grande 12.243246 215 326 12.243246 215 326 La Aguada 5.6998326 97 323 5.6998326 97 323 Los Robalos 12.243246 215 326 12.243246 215 326 Puente de Piedra 5.6998326 97 323 5.6998326 97 323 El Cerro 5.6998326 97 323 5.6998326 97 323 El Manglar 20.823879 98 324 El Manglar 39.362395 98 325 El Manglar 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 San Juan 20.823879 98 324 San Juan 39.362395 98 325 San Juan 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 La Soledad 20.823879 98 324 La Soledad 39.362395 98 325 La Soledad 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 Quebrada de Huto 20.823879 98 324 Quebrada de Huto 39.362395 98 325 Quebrada de Huto 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 La Cienega 20.823879 98 324 La Cienega 39.362395 98 325 La Cienega 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 Puerto Cumarebo 39.362395 98 325 Puerto Cumarebo 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 Samana 12.243246 215 326 12.243246 215 326 El Valle 12.243246 215 326 12.243246 215 326 Tucupido 39.362395 98 325 Tucupido 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 Santa Rita 39.362395 98 325 Santa Rita 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 Santa Rosa 39.362395 98 325 Santa Rosa 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 San Antonio 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 Capitan 29.480327 211 329 29.480327 211 329 Cienega Lejos 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 Topopero 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 Cieneguita 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 Balandra 12.243246 215 326 12.243246 215 326 Arroyo del Cabo 2.9005349 215 327 2.9005349 215 327 Boca de Ricoa 22.910784 98 327 Boca de Ricoa 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 El Desecho 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 San Pedrito 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Sabanas Altas 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Saladillo 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Viana 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Loma Grande 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Miches 29.480327 211 329 29.480327 211 329 La Montana de Hueque 40.601481 98 330 La Montana de Hueque 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Aguima 40.601481 98 330 Aguima 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 El Pozo 40.601481 98 330 El Pozo 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Coral 84.292238 98 331 Coral 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Campechano 84.292238 98 331 Campechano 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 El Guay 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Sauca 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Las Lisas 13.859929 210 334 13.859929 210 334 La Costa 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Pta Zamuro 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 El Encanto 18.246419 97 333 El Encanto 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 Isidro 18.246419 97 333 Isidro 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 Aguide 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 Hicacales 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 Maracara 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 Viento Suave 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 La Vigia 29.920591 95 339 La Vigia 26.240921 94 340 26.240921 94 340 Casa Venturia 29.920591 95 339 Casa Venturia 26.240921 94 340 Casa Venturia 12.626591 93 341 12.626591 93 341 Los Boquerones 29.920591 95 339 Los Boquerones 26.240921 94 340 Los Boquerones 12.626591 93 341 Los Boquerones 15.071105 92 342 15.071105 92 342 La Villa 26.240921 94 340 La Villa 12.626591 93 341 La Villa 15.071105 92 342 La Villa 14.704633 90 343 14.704633 90 343 El Manglar 26.240921 94 340 El Manglar 12.626591 93 341 El Manglar 15.071105 92 342 El Manglar 14.704633 90 343 14.704633 90 343 Tibana 20.067534 87 343 Tibana 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Tocuyo de la Costa 15.071105 92 342 Tocuyo de la Costa 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Sanare 20.018126 86 343 Sanare 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Cuara 20.067534 87 343 Cuara 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 El Cuatro 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 La Soledad 20.018126 86 343 La Soledad 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Santa Ana 20.018126 86 343 Santa Ana 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Playa Norte 15.071105 92 342 Playa Norte 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 El Muertico 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Tucacas 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Los Corales 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Las Empalizadas 15.071105 92 342 Las Empalizadas 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 La Luisa 20.018126 86 343 La Luisa 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 El Pasdero 20.067534 87 343 El Pasdero 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Las Delicias 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Pta. Brava 20.067534 87 343 Pta. Brava 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Chichiriviche 20.067534 87 343 Chichiriviche 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Morrocoy 20.018126 86 343 Morrocoy 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 San Rafael 20.018126 86 343 San Rafael 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Boca del Yaracuy 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Boca de Yaracuy 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Moron 31.977182 84 344 Moron 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Taborda 31.977182 84 344 Taborda 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 El Palito 31.977182 84 344 El Palito 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Goaigoaza 31.977182 84 344 Goaigoaza 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Sta. Rosa 31.977182 84 344 Sta. Rosa 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Puerto Cabello 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Sta. Lucia 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Pto Borburata 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Quizandal 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Ganango 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Flamenco 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Las Caneyes 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Patanemo 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Palermo 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Turiamo 46.745324 83 347 46.745324 83 347 San Nicolas 46.745324 83 347 46.745324 83 347 Independencia 68.619601 83 348 68.619601 83 348 Cata 64.758678 83 349 64.758678 83 349 Cuyagua 64.758678 83 349 64.758678 83 349 Aroa 319.02955 84 350 319.02955 84 350 Doraville 8.7430727 202 375 8.7430727 202 375 Dorado 8.7430727 202 375 8.7430727 202 375 Toa Baja 8.7430727 202 375 8.7430727 202 375 Ingenio 8.7430727 202 375 Ingenio 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Camino Delmar 8.7430727 202 375 Camino Delmar 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Sabana Seca 8.7430727 202 375 Sabana Seca 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Levittown 8.7430727 202 375 Levittown 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Enramada 8.7430727 202 375 Enramada 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Palo Seco 8.7430727 202 375 Palo Seco 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Las Palmas 8.7430727 202 375 Las Palmas 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Catano 8.7430727 202 375 Catano 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Jardines de Caparra 8.7430727 202 375 Jardines de Caparra 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 El Morro 8.7430727 202 375 El Morro 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Guaynabo 8.7430727 202 375 Guaynabo 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Vietnam 8.7430727 202 375 Vietnam 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Caparra Hills 8.7430727 202 375 Caparra Hills 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Puerta de Tierra 8.7430727 202 375 Puerta de Tierra 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Nemesio Canales 8.7430727 202 375 Nemesio Canales 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Condado 8.7430727 202 375 Condado 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Baldrich 8.7430727 202 375 Baldrich 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 San Juan 8.7430727 202 375 San Juan 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Punta Las Marias 8.7430727 202 375 Punta Las Marias 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Manuel A Perez 8.7430727 202 375 Manuel A Perez 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Biascoechea 8.7430727 202 375 Biascoechea 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Parque Isla Verde 8.7430727 202 375 Parque Isla Verde 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Country Club 8.7430727 202 375 Country Club 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Carolina 8.7430727 202 375 Carolina 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Extension Vista Mar 8.7430727 202 375 Extension Vista Mar 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Campamento Pinones 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Arenas 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Loiza Aldea 12.283018 201 381 12.283018 201 381 Suarez 12.283018 201 381 12.283018 201 381 Vieques 12.283018 201 381 12.283018 201 381 Rio Grande 12.283018 201 381 12.283018 201 381 Hato Candal 12.283018 201 381 12.283018 201 381 Palmer 12.283018 201 381 12.283018 201 381 Punta Santiago 15.035454 198 383 Punta Santiago 13.016242 199 383 13.016242 199 383 Playa Fortuna 12.283018 201 381 Playa Fortuna 13.016242 199 383 Playa Fortuna 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Playa de Humacao 15.035454 198 383 Playa de Humacao 13.016242 199 383 13.016242 199 383 San Vicente 12.283018 201 381 San Vicente 13.016242 199 383 San Vicente 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Naguabo 15.035454 198 383 Naguabo 13.016242 199 383 Naguabo 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Luquillo 12.283018 201 381 Luquillo 13.016242 199 383 Luquillo 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Ramos 12.283018 201 381 Ramos 13.016242 199 383 Ramos 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Estacion Botija 15.035454 198 383 Estacion Botija 13.016242 199 383 Estacion Botija 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 El Banco 15.035454 198 383 El Banco 13.016242 199 383 El Banco 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Margarita 12.283018 201 381 Margarita 13.016242 199 383 Margarita 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Campamento Punta Lima 15.035454 198 383 Campamento Punta Lima 13.016242 199 383 Campamento Punta Lima 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Daguao 15.035454 198 383 Daguao 13.016242 199 383 Daguao 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Aguas Claras 12.283018 201 381 Aguas Claras 13.016242 199 383 Aguas Claras 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Convento 12.283018 201 381 Convento 13.016242 199 383 Convento 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Fajardo 12.283018 201 381 Fajardo 13.016242 199 383 Fajardo 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Ceiba 12.283018 201 381 Ceiba 13.016242 199 383 Ceiba 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Isidra 12.283018 201 381 Isidra 13.016242 199 383 Isidra 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Luis M. Cintron 12.283018 201 381 Luis M. Cintron 13.016242 199 383 Luis M. Cintron 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Roosevelt Roads 15.035454 198 383 Roosevelt Roads 13.016242 199 383 Roosevelt Roads 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Las Croabas 12.283018 201 381 Las Croabas 13.016242 199 383 Las Croabas 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Panapo 22.362932 78 385 22.362932 78 385 Hacienda Arcadia 15.035454 198 383 Hacienda Arcadia 13.016242 199 383 Hacienda Arcadia 17.594145 198 385 Hacienda Arcadia 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Esperanza 15.035454 198 383 Esperanza 13.122777 198 384 Esperanza 17.594145 198 385 Esperanza 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Isabel Segunda 15.035454 198 383 Isabel Segunda 13.016242 199 383 Isabel Segunda 17.594145 198 385 Isabel Segunda 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Santa Maria 15.035454 198 383 Santa Maria 13.016242 199 383 Santa Maria 17.594145 198 385 Santa Maria 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Vieques 15.035454 198 383 Vieques 13.016242 199 383 Vieques 17.594145 198 385 Vieques 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Uchire 22.362932 78 385 Uchire 5.6517228 77 387 5.6517228 77 387 Chavez 22.362932 78 385 Chavez 5.6517228 77 387 5.6517228 77 387 Culebra 17.594145 198 385 Culebra 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Cardoncito 5.6517228 77 387 5.6517228 77 387 San Ildefonso 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Unare 5.6517228 77 387 5.6517228 77 387 Puerto Piritu 9.6120391 77 389 9.6120391 77 389 Barrett 29.221543 201 395 29.221543 201 395 Charlotte Amalie 29.221543 201 395 29.221543 201 395 Enighed 29.221543 201 395 29.221543 201 395 Bellevue 29.221543 201 395 29.221543 201 395 El Jose 16.670541 77 391 El Jose 11.331941 77 392 El Jose 14.061336 77 393 El Jose 22.441928 77 394 El Jose 16.715968 77 395 16.715968 77 395 Mandal 29.221543 201 395 29.221543 201 395 Bolongo 29.221543 201 395 29.221543 201 395 Donoe 29.221543 201 395 29.221543 201 395 Benner 29.221543 201 395 Benner 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Contant 29.221543 201 395 Contant 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Adrian 29.221543 201 395 Adrian 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Fish Bay 29.221543 201 395 Fish Bay 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Belle Vue 29.221543 201 395 Belle Vue 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Annaberg 29.221543 201 395 Annaberg 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Bordeaux 29.221543 201 395 Bordeaux 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Calabash Boom 29.221543 201 395 Calabash Boom 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Hermitage 29.221543 201 395 Hermitage 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 El Morro de Barcelona 22.441928 77 394 El Morro de Barcelona 16.715968 77 395 El Morro de Barcelona 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 Barcelona 16.715968 77 395 Barcelona 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 East End 29.221543 201 395 East End 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Puerto la Cruz 16.715968 77 395 Puerto la Cruz 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 Road Town 6.5645921 202 396 Road Town 20.345331 203 400 20.345331 203 400 El Chaure 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 Pacham Town 6.5645921 202 396 Pacham Town 20.345331 203 400 20.345331 203 400 Arapo 37.100678 79 398 37.100678 79 398 Spanish Town 31.668994 202 398 Spanish Town 25.274004 203 399 Spanish Town 20.345331 203 400 20.345331 203 400 Tajerias 17.369158 91 402 Tajerias 2.7022141 91 403 2.7022141 91 403 Robledal 17.369158 91 402 Robledal 2.7022141 91 403 2.7022141 91 403 The Settlement 19.057428 204 400 19.057428 204 400 El Tunal 17.369158 91 402 El Tunal 2.7022141 91 403 2.7022141 91 403 San Francisco 17.369158 91 402 San Francisco 2.7022141 91 403 San Francisco 15.960578 88 405 San Francisco 41.827165 90 405 41.827165 90 405 El Horcon 17.369158 91 402 El Horcon 2.7022141 91 403 El Horcon 7.5439052 87 405 7.5439052 87 405 Pta de Araya 29.38326 85 404 Pta de Araya 34.674453 85 405 34.674453 85 405 El Rincon 29.38326 85 404 El Rincon 34.674453 85 405 34.674453 85 405 Punta Arenas 29.38326 85 404 Punta Arenas 34.674453 85 405 34.674453 85 405 Manicuare 29.38326 85 404 Manicuare 34.674453 85 405 Manicuare 39.544975 85 406 39.544975 85 406 Chacachacare 2.7022141 91 403 Chacachacare 7.5439052 87 405 Chacachacare 8.4075992 87 406 Chacachacare 2.7660836 87 407 Chacachacare 22.598831 88 407 22.598831 88 407 El Guamache 29.38326 85 404 El Guamache 34.674453 85 405 El Guamache 39.544975 85 406 El Guamache 35.045096 85 407 35.045096 85 407 Punta de Piedras 2.7022141 91 403 Punta de Piedras 7.5439052 87 405 Punta de Piedras 8.4075992 87 406 Punta de Piedras 2.7660836 87 407 Punta de Piedras 22.598831 88 407 22.598831 88 407 Piedras Negras 7.5439052 87 405 Piedras Negras 8.4075992 87 406 Piedras Negras 2.7660836 87 407 Piedras Negras 22.598831 88 407 22.598831 88 407 La Guardia 15.960578 88 405 La Guardia 41.827165 90 405 La Guardia 5.8702821 88 406 La Guardia 22.598831 88 407 La Guardia 22.31131 88 409 22.31131 88 409 San Pedro de Coche 34.674453 85 405 San Pedro de Coche 7.5439052 87 405 San Pedro de Coche 39.544975 85 406 San Pedro de Coche 35.045096 85 407 San Pedro de Coche 22.598831 88 407 San Pedro de Coche 8.749472 85 409 San Pedro de Coche 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 Altagracia 52.079478 90 406 Altagracia 10.084479 92 408 Altagracia 4.1232562 89 409 Altagracia 17.883962 92 410 17.883962 92 410 La Uva 39.544975 85 406 La Uva 35.045096 85 407 La Uva 22.598831 88 407 La Uva 8.749472 85 409 La Uva 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 El Yaque 31.099887 86 406 El Yaque 8.4075992 87 406 El Yaque 23.369602 86 407 El Yaque 22.598831 88 407 El Yaque 3.8364694 86 409 El Yaque 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 San Antonio 8.4075992 87 406 San Antonio 2.7660836 87 407 San Antonio 22.598831 88 407 San Antonio 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 Caimancito 39.544975 85 406 Caimancito 35.045096 85 407 Caimancito 20.71937 85 408 Caimancito 8.749472 85 409 8.749472 85 409 Guamache 39.544975 85 406 Guamache 35.045096 85 407 Guamache 22.598831 88 407 Guamache 8.749472 85 409 Guamache 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 Manzanillo 27.328157 92 407 Manzanillo 10.084479 92 408 Manzanillo 17.883962 92 410 17.883962 92 410 Paraguchi 27.328157 92 407 Paraguchi 10.084479 92 408 Paraguchi 4.1232562 89 409 Paraguchi 17.883962 92 410 17.883962 92 410 Porlamar 2.7660836 87 407 Porlamar 22.598831 88 407 Porlamar 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 Pampatar 8.2260783 88 408 Pampatar 22.31131 88 409 Pampatar 17.883962 92 410 17.883962 92 410 Ariota 20.71937 85 408 Ariota 8.749472 85 409 Ariota 13.055322 85 411 13.055322 85 411 No Alonso 13.055322 85 411 13.055322 85 411 Soledad 13.055322 85 411 13.055322 85 411 Cabo Blanco 26.327198 85 412 26.327198 85 412 La Esmeralda 21.082923 85 413 21.082923 85 413 Guaca 26.976556 85 414 26.976556 85 414 Carupano 12.808612 86 416 Carupano 18.050904 86 417 Carupano 20.462156 86 418 Carupano 23.442229 86 419 23.442229 86 419 Puerto Santo 18.050904 86 417 Puerto Santo 20.462156 86 418 Puerto Santo 23.442229 86 419 Puerto Santo 28.356568 86 421 28.356568 86 421 West End Village 19.590845 197 421 19.590845 197 421 Lowlands 19.590845 197 421 Lowlands 22.351165 197 422 Lowlands 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Rio Caribe 20.462156 86 418 Rio Caribe 23.442229 86 419 Rio Caribe 28.356568 86 421 Rio Caribe 32.23922 86 422 32.23922 86 422 Sandy Ground 19.590845 197 421 Sandy Ground 22.351165 197 422 Sandy Ground 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Marigot 19.590845 197 421 Marigot 22.351165 197 422 Marigot 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Blowing Point 19.590845 197 421 Blowing Point 22.351165 197 422 Blowing Point 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Koolbaai 19.590845 197 421 Koolbaai 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Concordia 19.590845 197 421 Concordia 22.351165 197 422 Concordia 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 St Louis 19.590845 197 421 St Louis 22.351165 197 422 St Louis 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 The Valley 19.590845 197 421 The Valley 22.351165 197 422 The Valley 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Fort Amsterdam 19.590845 197 421 Fort Amsterdam 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Dutch Cul de Sac 19.590845 197 421 Dutch Cul de Sac 22.351165 197 422 Dutch Cul de Sac 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Grand Case 19.590845 197 421 Grand Case 22.351165 197 422 Grand Case 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Colombier 19.590845 197 421 Colombier 22.351165 197 422 Colombier 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Philipsburg 19.590845 197 421 Philipsburg 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Orleans 19.590845 197 421 Orleans 22.351165 197 422 Orleans 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Point Blanche 19.590845 197 421 Point Blanche 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Anse Marcel 19.590845 197 421 Anse Marcel 22.351165 197 422 Anse Marcel 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 French Cul de Sac 19.590845 197 421 French Cul de Sac 22.351165 197 422 French Cul de Sac 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Green Cay 19.590845 197 421 Green Cay 22.351165 197 422 Green Cay 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Agua Fria 28.356568 86 421 Agua Fria 32.23922 86 422 32.23922 86 422 San Juan de las Galdonas 32.23922 86 422 San Juan de las Galdonas 5.4870454 83 426 5.4870454 83 426 Yaguaraparo 5.4870454 83 426 5.4870454 83 426 San Juan 45.088565 86 423 San Juan 46.473854 87 423 46.473854 87 423 Unare 40.770242 86 424 40.770242 86 424 Puerto Escondido 57.527298 87 426 57.527298 87 426 Irapa 5.4870454 83 426 5.4870454 83 426 Soro 6.1368317 81 428 6.1368317 81 428 Guiria 15.00425 82 430 Guiria 3.4870859 83 431 Guiria 14.882059 83 433 Guiria 10.959719 84 433 10.959719 84 433 Capure 2.0014997 77 431 Capure 2.747144 76 435 2.747144 76 435 Puerto de Hierro 3.4870859 83 431 Puerto de Hierro 14.882059 83 433 Puerto de Hierro 10.959719 84 433 10.959719 84 433 Macuro 29.343954 83 436 Macuro 19.608164 84 436 Macuro 111.13683 86 436 111.13683 86 436 Five Islands 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Jolly Harbour 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Bolans 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Fullarton 19.892698 75 437 Fullarton 2.932609 74 438 Fullarton 12.248407 74 440 12.248407 74 440 Jennings 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Ebenezer 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Runaway Bay 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Creekside 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Dickenson Bay 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Golden Grove 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Saint John's 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 John Hughes 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Boons Bay 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Cedar Grove 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Saint Johnston Village 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Potters Village 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Osbourn 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Coromandel Settlement 2.932609 74 438 Coromandel Settlement 12.248407 74 440 12.248407 74 440 Barnes Hill 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Pares 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Irois 46.720347 75 439 Irois 24.088649 75 440 Irois 2.4606248 76 440 Irois 10.58212 75 441 Irois 3.7883373 76 441 3.7883373 76 441 Saint George's 14.48764 107 443 Saint George's 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Betty's Hope 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Chatham 4.7586028 74 439 Chatham 12.248407 74 440 12.248407 74 440 Newfield 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 The Lance 14.48764 107 443 The Lance 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Willikies 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Prickley Bay 14.48764 107 443 14.48764 107 443 Victoria 14.48764 107 443 Victoria 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Half Moon Bay 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Point Fortin 2.4606248 76 440 Point Fortin 3.7883373 76 441 3.7883373 76 441 Thebaide 14.48764 107 443 Thebaide 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 La Retraite 24.963047 83 440 La Retraite 117.50389 87 440 La Retraite 15.997521 83 443 La Retraite 12.064236 84 443 La Retraite 7.7748754 85 443 La Retraite 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 San Francique 12.248407 74 440 12.248407 74 440 Grenville 14.48764 107 443 Grenville 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Parry Lands 3.7883373 76 441 3.7883373 76 441 Baie-Mahault 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 Los Bajos 19.854711 74 441 19.854711 74 441 Capesterre 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 Coolie Block 25.923306 84 442 Coolie Block 42.982348 86 442 Coolie Block 54.535257 87 442 Coolie Block 12.064236 84 443 Coolie Block 7.7748754 85 443 Coolie Block 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Dibe 16.872241 83 442 Dibe 15.997521 83 443 Dibe 12.064236 84 443 Dibe 7.7748754 85 443 Dibe 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Pointe-a-Pitre 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 Plaisance 24.574728 79 442 Plaisance 14.367832 79 443 Plaisance 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 Port-of-Spain 15.997521 83 443 Port-of-Spain 12.064236 84 443 Port-of-Spain 7.7748754 85 443 Port-of-Spain 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Argyle 15.610629 112 446 Argyle 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 California 14.367832 79 443 California 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 La Pastora 12.064236 84 443 La Pastora 7.7748754 85 443 La Pastora 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 San Fernando 14.367832 79 443 San Fernando 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 Palencho 19.738137 72 446 19.738137 72 446 Morne Diablo 21.756514 74 443 Morne Diablo 44.348359 74 444 44.348359 74 444 Carapichaima 30.14052 80 443 Carapichaima 22.674675 80 444 22.674675 80 444 L'Appelle 15.610629 112 446 L'Appelle 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 Ashton 15.610629 112 446 Ashton 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 Hermitage 14.367832 79 443 Hermitage 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 Cacandee Settlement 26.477363 81 443 Cacandee Settlement 5.2459494 81 444 5.2459494 81 444 Las Cuevas 44.745733 87 444 Las Cuevas 28.38076 87 446 28.38076 87 446 Engagement Umbrella 15.610629 112 446 Engagement Umbrella 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 Sainte-Anne 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 La Lune 33.344783 74 445 33.344783 74 445 Blanchisseuse 46.007437 87 445 Blanchisseuse 28.38076 87 446 28.38076 87 446 Matelot 29.01739 88 448 Matelot 32.70933 88 449 Matelot 26.364591 88 450 Matelot 30.507471 88 451 Matelot 13.985153 85 452 13.985153 85 452 Fort-de-France 5.4136125 146 453 5.4136125 146 453 Lower Manzanilla 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Grande Riviere 32.70933 88 449 Grande Riviere 26.364591 88 450 Grande Riviere 30.507471 88 451 Grande Riviere 13.985153 85 452 13.985153 85 452 Soburojo 19.314662 70 449 Soburojo 5.8861477 69 450 Soburojo 2.7257792 69 451 2.7257792 69 451 Lower Fishing Pond 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Salibea 11.244167 83 452 Salibea 7.7333748 84 452 7.7333748 84 452 Guayaguayare 39.510962 75 450 Guayaguayare 8.7007806 76 450 Guayaguayare 2.8916729 79 452 2.8916729 79 452 Saint Margaret 2.8916729 79 452 Saint Margaret 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Saint Joseph 2.8916729 79 452 Saint Joseph 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Rampanalgas 26.364591 88 450 Rampanalgas 30.507471 88 451 Rampanalgas 7.7333748 84 452 7.7333748 84 452 Lero 5.4136125 146 453 Lero 21.728829 145 454 21.728829 145 454 Fonds Panier 5.4136125 146 453 Fonds Panier 21.728829 145 454 21.728829 145 454 Redhead 30.507471 88 451 Redhead 13.985153 85 452 13.985153 85 452 Hyacinthe 5.4136125 146 453 Hyacinthe 21.728829 145 454 21.728829 145 454 La Esperanza 2.0183872 59 456 La Esperanza 2.0346929 60 456 2.0346929 60 456 Le Vauclin 21.728829 145 454 21.728829 145 454 Jotajana 2.0183872 59 456 Jotajana 13.569609 57 457 13.569609 57 457 Mount Pleasant 84.63746 90 453 Mount Pleasant 109.96896 90 454 Mount Pleasant 78.4625 90 455 Mount Pleasant 65.824154 90 456 65.824154 90 456 Scarborough 11.785092 91 454 Scarborough 59.103121 91 455 59.103121 91 455 Castara 11.42909 93 455 Castara 67.461504 92 456 67.461504 92 456 Belle Garden 91.633546 91 456 91.633546 91 456 Speyside 66.645547 92 457 66.645547 92 457 San Jose de Amacuro 4.1128084 54 459 4.1128084 54 459 Faro de Barima 4.1128084 54 459 Faro de Barima 2.227025 55 463 2.227025 55 463 La Linea 21.449445 52 469 21.449445 52 469 Hackney 6.0838593 40 487 Hackney 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Marlborough 9.3960115 39 488 Marlborough 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Bounty Hall 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Queenstown 2.0142961 33 490 2.0142961 33 490 Taymoutn Manor Place 2.0142961 33 490 2.0142961 33 490 Aurora 2.0216906 30 491 2.0216906 30 491 Anna Regina 2.0142961 33 490 Anna Regina 2.0303211 36 490 2.0303211 36 490 Hampton Court 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Suddie 2.0142961 33 490 2.0142961 33 490 Capoey 2.0142961 33 490 2.0142961 33 490 Maria Johanna 2.0216906 30 491 Maria Johanna 4.2796775 29 492 4.2796775 29 492 Caledonia 2.0216906 30 491 Caledonia 4.2796775 29 492 4.2796775 29 492 Parika 2.0216906 30 491 Parika 4.2796775 29 492 4.2796775 29 492 Leguan I 2.0216906 30 491 Leguan I 4.2796775 29 492 4.2796775 29 492 De Kinderen 2.0216906 30 491 De Kinderen 4.2796775 29 492 De Kinderen 2.0014258 28 494 2.0014258 28 494 Den Amstel 4.2796775 29 492 Den Amstel 2.0014258 28 494 2.0014258 28 494 Georgetown 2.0009563 29 493 Georgetown 2.0014258 28 494 Georgetown 2.9923384 28 496 2.9923384 28 496 Courida Park 2.0009563 29 493 Courida Park 2.0014258 28 494 Courida Park 2.9923384 28 496 2.9923384 28 496 Buxton 2.0014258 28 494 Buxton 2.9923384 28 496 Buxton 3.893256 27 498 3.893256 27 498 Belfield 2.9923384 28 496 Belfield 3.893256 27 498 Belfield 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Enmore 2.9923384 28 496 Enmore 3.893256 27 498 Enmore 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Helena 3.893256 27 498 Helena 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 De Kinderen 2.0092812 26 499 De Kinderen 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Perth 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Mahaicony 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Belladrum 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Weldaad 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Number Forty 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Onverwagt 3.5690224 23 503 3.5690224 23 503 Fort Wellington 3.5690224 23 503 3.5690224 23 503 Waterloo 2.0018811 21 504 Waterloo 4.5087237 22 504 4.5087237 22 504 Blairmont 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Everton 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Rosignol 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 New Amsterdam 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Fyrish 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Rosehall 5.3916816 20 508 Rosehall 5.5841235 19 509 5.5841235 19 509 Tarlogie Farm 5.3916816 20 508 Tarlogie Farm 5.5841235 19 509 5.5841235 19 509 Brighton 5.5841235 19 509 5.5841235 19 509 Goldspie 5.5841235 19 509 5.5841235 19 509 Number Forty-six 3.2349672 14 510 Number Forty-six 2.7620612 15 510 Number Forty-six 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Leeds 3.2349672 14 510 Leeds 2.7620612 15 510 Leeds 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Crabwood Creek 3.2349672 14 510 Crabwood Creek 2.7620612 15 510 2.7620612 15 510 Number Sixty-one 3.2349672 14 510 Number Sixty-one 2.7620612 15 510 Number Sixty-one 5.0044694 17 511 5.0044694 17 511 Number 80 3.2349672 14 510 Number 80 2.7620612 15 510 2.7620612 15 510 Corriverton 3.2349672 14 510 Corriverton 2.7620612 15 510 Corriverton 14.335455 15 512 14.335455 15 512 Nieuw Nickerie 3.2349672 14 510 Nieuw Nickerie 2.7620612 15 510 Nieuw Nickerie 14.335455 15 512 Nieuw Nickerie 5.5643558 16 514 5.5643558 16 514 Burnside 2.0315619 15 519 2.0315619 15 519 Totness 4.8842381 15 520 Totness 3.3624951 14 521 Totness 4.0506094 14 522 4.0506094 14 522 Hamilton 3.3624951 14 521 Hamilton 4.0506094 14 522 4.0506094 14 522 Coppenamepunt 2.5489581 14 526 Coppenamepunt 2.0034566 13 527 2.0034566 13 527 Pomona 7.3303553 15 538 Pomona 2.0086886 15 539 Pomona 2.1613711 15 540 2.1613711 15 540 Clevia 7.3303553 15 538 Clevia 2.0086886 15 539 Clevia 2.1613711 15 540 2.1613711 15 540 Nieuw Amsterdam 2.0086886 15 539 Nieuw Amsterdam 2.1613711 15 540 2.1613711 15 540 Geertruidenberg 2.0086886 15 539 Geertruidenberg 2.1613711 15 540 2.1613711 15 540 Langamankondre 4.0969154 13 555 Langamankondre 2.0000334 13 557 Langamankondre 4.2065643 13 558 4.2065643 13 558 Galibi 4.0969154 13 555 Galibi 2.0000334 13 557 Galibi 4.2065643 13 558 4.2065643 13 558 Les Hattes 2.0000334 13 557 Les Hattes 4.2065643 13 558 Les Hattes 11.561265 12 560 11.561265 12 560 Camp de Coswine 3.8343035 12 559 Camp de Coswine 11.561265 12 560 11.561265 12 560 Aouara 2.0000334 13 557 Aouara 4.2065643 13 558 Aouara 11.561265 12 560 11.561265 12 560 Organabo 9.4790912 10 564 Organabo 3.5461594 9 565 3.5461594 9 565 Fleche 9.4790912 10 564 Fleche 3.5461594 9 565 3.5461594 9 565 Mamaribo 3.5461594 9 565 3.5461594 9 565 Bellevue 17.767267 9 566 Bellevue 5.1391164 9 568 Bellevue 9.0325094 9 569 9.0325094 9 569 Iracoubo 6.6081705 9 567 Iracoubo 5.1391164 9 568 Iracoubo 9.0325094 9 569 9.0325094 9 569 Trou Poisson 5.1207339 8 570 5.1207339 8 570 Roche Brigandin 5.1207339 8 570 5.1207339 8 570 Sinnamary 4.9799731 8 571 Sinnamary 12.39989 7 572 12.39989 7 572 Kourou 10.969926 4 577 Kourou 3.1960244 4 578 3.1960244 4 578 Caussade 3.5236863 3 579 Caussade 5.9672381 2 580 5.9672381 2 580 Tonate 5.9672381 2 580 Tonate 2.3399299 1 581 2.3399299 1 581 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/CalcInputDeck.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin/coastalImpact -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/ > /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/outCostalImpact.txt SELECT id, SHAPE_LENG,AsText(Geometry) FROM shoreline WHERE MBRContains(BuildMBR(-91.13,5.0,-43.26,36.95), geometry) 100 / 463 200 / 463 300 / 463 400 / 463 plottype GDACS drawing CoastalImpact /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/ /mnt/output/SSCS/DATA/coastal.db 100 / 463 200 / 463 300 / 463 400 / 463 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/ GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000686/ECMWF/2020072800/all_inpData.txt error track file-->map without track ECMWF 1000686 trackfile 0 OUT_umax.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0000.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0024.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! ....remove.... case delft3d 2020-07-28 00:00:00 ret= 0 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ creating /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 16:06:54.168297 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= True forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available finalizing for TAT ... 2020-07-28 12:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 False delta 12 ...no further data (0, 480, 719) minusDays= 0.5 ... 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 True delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/ (49, 480, 719) (480, 719) (480, 719) (480, 719) icell= 2 49691 Noham 3.956523 212 1 3.956523 212 1 Porfirio Diaz 3.956523 212 1 3.956523 212 1 Chenkan 3.956523 212 1 3.956523 212 1 Real de Salinas 3.2148863 237 10 Real de Salinas 8.814924 238 10 8.814924 238 10 Celestum 3.2148863 237 10 Celestum 8.814924 238 10 8.814924 238 10 Sisal 6.5189767 243 16 Sisal 5.9119319 243 17 5.9119319 243 17 Chelem 5.5967941 244 19 Chelem 2.2552286 244 20 2.2552286 244 20 Progreso 2.2552286 244 20 2.2552286 244 20 Corozo 19.790223 164 34 Corozo 9.9714109 165 34 9.9714109 165 34 Cabeza de Vaca 19.790223 164 34 Cabeza de Vaca 9.9714109 165 34 Cabeza de Vaca 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Baranca 19.790223 164 34 Baranca 9.9714109 165 34 Baranca 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 San Juan 19.790223 164 34 San Juan 9.9714109 165 34 San Juan 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Cocoli 19.790223 164 34 Cocoli 9.9714109 165 34 Cocoli 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Cattle Landing 9.9714109 165 34 9.9714109 165 34 Buena Vista 19.790223 164 34 Buena Vista 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Livingston 19.790223 164 34 Livingston 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Macho Creek 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Puerto Santo Tomas de Castilla 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 Punta Manabique 12.262579 163 36 12.262579 163 36 Puerto Barrios 12.262579 163 36 12.262579 163 36 Cambalache 12.262579 163 36 12.262579 163 36 New Haven 2.9259711 167 36 2.9259711 167 36 Piedra Parada 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 Corozo 18.376356 163 37 Corozo 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 La Graciosa 18.376356 163 37 La Graciosa 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 Machacal 18.376356 163 37 Machacal 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 Monkey River 5.1199961 168 39 Monkey River 4.8891027 169 39 4.8891027 169 39 San Francisco del Mar 76.747388 164 39 San Francisco del Mar 12.945509 162 42 12.945509 162 42 Alabama Wharf 17.087851 171 41 17.087851 171 41 Corozal 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Maya Beach 5.6677361 172 41 5.6677361 172 41 Chunox 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Gales Point 6.6017644 182 43 Gales Point 5.801753 184 43 Gales Point 5.9605918 185 43 5.9605918 185 43 Commerce Bight Village 26.449197 176 43 Commerce Bight Village 10.433443 180 44 10.433443 180 44 Mullins 6.6017644 182 43 Mullins 5.801753 184 43 5.801753 184 43 Chetumal 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Freetown Area 21.479763 175 43 21.479763 175 43 Ferguson Bank 5.801753 184 43 Ferguson Bank 5.9605918 185 43 5.9605918 185 43 Calderita 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Barra del Motagua 28.898 163 41 Barra del Motagua 12.945509 162 42 12.945509 162 42 Stann Creek Town 26.435863 177 44 Stann Creek Town 10.433443 180 44 10.433443 180 44 Cuyamel 12.945509 162 42 12.945509 162 42 Belize City 5.9605918 185 43 5.9605918 185 43 La Esperanza 55.256372 161 44 55.256372 161 44 Santeneja 3.1597407 201 43 3.1597407 201 43 Veracruz 139.41338 162 43 Veracruz 55.256372 161 44 Veracruz 209.52256 162 44 209.52256 162 44 Chachaguala 55.256372 161 44 Chachaguala 209.52256 162 44 Chachaguala 11.170074 163 48 11.170074 163 48 Dos Hermanas 4.44942 201 44 4.44942 201 44 Omoa 55.256372 161 44 Omoa 209.52256 162 44 Omoa 11.170074 163 48 11.170074 163 48 Calderas 7.8944442 204 45 7.8944442 204 45 San Pedro 7.6215914 192 46 San Pedro 6.3093115 193 46 6.3093115 193 46 Puerto Cortes 335.35921 163 46 Puerto Cortes 826.31318 164 46 Puerto Cortes 1027.2533 165 46 Puerto Cortes 48.325704 163 47 Puerto Cortes 732.81082 165 47 Puerto Cortes 11.170074 163 48 Puerto Cortes 96.798282 164 50 96.798282 164 50 El Porvenir 335.35921 163 46 El Porvenir 826.31318 164 46 El Porvenir 48.325704 163 47 El Porvenir 11.170074 163 48 El Porvenir 96.798282 164 50 96.798282 164 50 Bacalar Chico 9.5441914 195 47 Bacalar Chico 12.503824 196 47 Bacalar Chico 5.2069043 197 47 5.2069043 197 47 Baja Mar 48.325704 163 47 Baja Mar 732.81082 165 47 Baja Mar 11.170074 163 48 Baja Mar 96.798282 164 50 Baja Mar 63.993397 164 51 63.993397 164 51 Xcalak 5.2069043 197 47 Xcalak 8.5840076 200 47 Xcalak 2.0510589 201 47 2.0510589 201 47 Saraguama 11.170074 163 48 Saraguama 96.798282 164 50 Saraguama 63.993397 164 51 Saraguama 18.12473 164 52 18.12473 164 52 Ranas 184.39677 219 51 Ranas 171.72829 218 52 171.72829 218 52 El Tigre 96.798282 164 50 El Tigre 63.993397 164 51 El Tigre 18.12473 164 52 El Tigre 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Barra Ulua 1036.1287 165 49 Barra Ulua 96.798282 164 50 Barra Ulua 63.993397 164 51 Barra Ulua 18.12473 164 52 Barra Ulua 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Rio Tinto 96.798282 164 50 Rio Tinto 63.993397 164 51 Rio Tinto 18.12473 164 52 Rio Tinto 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Vigia Chico 107.85981 220 51 107.85981 220 51 San Juan 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Tela 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Colorado 19.558833 162 55 Colorado 35.566255 163 58 Colorado 37.275638 163 59 37.275638 163 59 Bella Vista 78.391788 163 57 Bella Vista 35.566255 163 58 Bella Vista 37.275638 163 59 Bella Vista 10.151999 162 60 Bella Vista 11.284492 162 61 11.284492 162 61 Cuero 35.566255 163 58 Cuero 37.275638 163 59 Cuero 10.151999 162 60 Cuero 11.284492 162 61 Cuero 7.5487393 162 62 7.5487393 162 62 Boca del Toro 37.275638 163 59 Boca del Toro 10.151999 162 60 Boca del Toro 11.284492 162 61 Boca del Toro 7.5487393 162 62 7.5487393 162 62 Los Cayitos 41.562843 164 60 Los Cayitos 29.120972 164 61 Los Cayitos 12.099813 164 62 12.099813 164 62 El Porvenir 11.284492 162 61 El Porvenir 7.5487393 162 62 7.5487393 162 62 Utila 12.099813 164 62 12.099813 164 62 La Ceiba 7.5487393 162 62 7.5487393 162 62 El Naranjo 26.322976 162 63 26.322976 162 63 Boca Vieja 26.322976 162 63 26.322976 162 63 Piedra Pintada 22.890458 162 64 Piedra Pintada 29.191137 163 64 29.191137 163 64 Agua Dulce 14.698676 162 65 14.698676 162 65 Quebrada Grande 11.469337 162 66 11.469337 162 66 Limera 8.2609071 162 68 8.2609071 162 68 Balfate 14.551239 163 69 14.551239 163 69 Rio Esteban 35.012615 164 71 Rio Esteban 24.786325 164 72 24.786325 164 72 Miranda 35.012615 164 71 Miranda 24.786325 164 72 24.786325 164 72 Betulia 24.786325 164 72 Betulia 57.947668 165 72 57.947668 165 72 Trujillo 12.561164 165 80 12.561164 165 80 Barranco Blanco 12.561164 165 80 12.561164 165 80 Barra de Chapagua 12.561164 165 80 12.561164 165 80 Santa Rosa Aguan 12.561164 165 80 12.561164 165 80 Baker 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Lynn Haven 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Beacon Beach 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Cove 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Cromanton 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Hiland Park 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Cedar Grove 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 San Blas 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Springfield 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Panama City 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Parker 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Tyndall AFB 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 College Station 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Old Callaway 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Callaway 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Cook 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Limon 15.864117 164 83 Limon 15.047392 163 85 15.047392 163 85 Davis Beach 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Allanton 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Farallones 15.047392 163 85 15.047392 163 85 Wetappo 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Mexico Beach 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Overstreet 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Iriona 32.232022 165 91 32.232022 165 91 La Puerta 32.232022 165 91 32.232022 165 91 Donel 32.232022 165 91 32.232022 165 91 Bruner 32.232022 165 91 32.232022 165 91 Tasbarraya 7.5812628 164 94 7.5812628 164 94 Baltimore 7.5812628 164 94 7.5812628 164 94 Rio Platano 2.9577837 162 98 2.9577837 162 98 Huarta 2.9577837 162 98 2.9577837 162 98 Tusi Cocal 2.9577837 162 98 2.9577837 162 98 Mocobila 2.9577837 162 98 2.9577837 162 98 Claura 17.60818 160 106 Claura 2.2549714 161 106 Claura 6.7702075 157 107 Claura 21.877464 159 107 21.877464 159 107 Patlaya 4.0328623 156 106 4.0328623 156 106 Uhi 4.0328623 156 106 4.0328623 156 106 Barra del Rio Maiz 4.0510696 95 109 4.0510696 95 109 Amerisco 4.0510696 95 109 4.0510696 95 109 Pusuaya 3.8229321 156 107 3.8229321 156 107 Buena Vista 19.729284 92 110 19.729284 92 110 Yahurabila 6.9576832 156 108 6.9576832 156 108 Barra Punta Gorda 9.0883758 96 110 Barra Punta Gorda 6.0392818 98 111 6.0392818 98 111 Fruta de Pan 27.902748 91 111 27.902748 91 111 Barra de Caratasca 2.0708653 155 109 Barra de Caratasca 5.9880266 155 110 Barra de Caratasca 7.9772983 154 111 Barra de Caratasca 2.0344973 154 112 2.0344973 154 112 America 27.902748 91 111 27.902748 91 111 Kukra Hill 12.924924 105 112 12.924924 105 112 El Bluff 8.9509929 103 112 El Bluff 12.923707 104 112 12.923707 104 112 Kaski 5.9880266 155 110 Kaski 7.9772983 154 111 Kaski 2.0344973 154 112 Kaski 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Haulover 4.9027765 108 112 4.9027765 108 112 Laguna de Perlas 4.9027765 108 112 4.9027765 108 112 Monkey Point 11.098847 97 111 Monkey Point 6.0392818 98 111 6.0392818 98 111 Dapat 7.9772983 154 111 Dapat 2.0344973 154 112 Dapat 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Barra 38.930854 86 114 Barra 46.457384 87 114 Barra 65.868549 88 114 65.868549 88 114 Colorado 38.930854 86 114 Colorado 46.457384 87 114 Colorado 65.868549 88 114 65.868549 88 114 Wankluma 6.9172523 121 114 Wankluma 9.949633 122 114 9.949633 122 114 Cauauira 7.9772983 154 111 Cauauira 2.0344973 154 112 Cauauira 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Tahuantla 14.993415 124 114 Tahuantla 13.951733 125 114 13.951733 125 114 Puerto Isabel 2.9535196 123 114 Puerto Isabel 14.993415 124 114 Puerto Isabel 13.951733 125 114 13.951733 125 114 Hualpasika 13.951733 125 114 13.951733 125 114 Tasbapauni 2.8058528 115 113 Tasbapauni 6.1077266 116 113 6.1077266 116 113 Wounta 12.94569 126 114 12.94569 126 114 Sandy Bay Sirpi 6.9172523 121 114 Sandy Bay Sirpi 11.960508 117 115 Sandy Bay Sirpi 11.987006 118 115 11.987006 118 115 Barra de Rio Grande 6.9172523 121 114 Barra de Rio Grande 11.960508 117 115 Barra de Rio Grande 11.987006 118 115 11.987006 118 115 Tay Lirila 2.0344973 154 112 Tay Lirila 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Coco Haulover 17.997542 128 115 Coco Haulover 19.007946 130 115 Coco Haulover 20.00359 131 115 Coco Haulover 32.14169 132 115 32.14169 132 115 Tortuguero 27.713966 84 115 Tortuguero 32.14597 85 115 Tortuguero 46.532964 82 116 Tortuguero 65.482763 83 116 65.482763 83 116 Set Net 3.0208561 110 113 Set Net 9.0106161 110 114 Set Net 2.0427294 114 114 2.0427294 114 114 Karata 32.14169 132 115 Karata 5.726151 136 117 5.726151 136 117 Huahua 20.00359 131 115 Huahua 32.14169 132 115 32.14169 132 115 Canco 12.247843 155 114 Canco 2.8246277 153 117 2.8246277 153 117 Siete 46.532964 82 116 Siete 65.482763 83 116 65.482763 83 116 Barra Kruta 12.247843 155 114 Barra Kruta 2.8246277 153 117 2.8246277 153 117 Lama Laya 36.177144 133 116 Lama Laya 5.726151 136 117 5.726151 136 117 Suerre 63.203515 81 117 Suerre 331.52961 81 118 331.52961 81 118 Jaloba 46.532964 82 116 46.532964 82 116 Aguas Claras 7.0706915 259 118 Aguas Claras 11.727225 260 118 11.727225 260 118 Puerto Cabezas 36.177144 133 116 Puerto Cabezas 5.726151 136 117 5.726151 136 117 Kanko 12.247843 155 114 Kanko 2.8246277 153 117 2.8246277 153 117 Parismina 63.203515 81 117 Parismina 331.52961 81 118 Parismina 13.683962 77 119 Parismina 56.828802 78 119 56.828802 78 119 San Rafael 101.45476 80 118 San Rafael 13.683962 77 119 San Rafael 56.828802 78 119 56.828802 78 119 Tuapi 30.983537 134 116 Tuapi 4.8145759 135 116 Tuapi 5.726151 136 117 5.726151 136 117 Goschen 13.683962 77 119 Goschen 56.828802 78 119 56.828802 78 119 Berta 13.683962 77 119 Berta 56.828802 78 119 56.828802 78 119 Crucira 4.8145759 135 116 Crucira 5.726151 136 117 Crucira 6.9157679 139 119 6.9157679 139 119 Raya 2.8246277 153 117 2.8246277 153 117 Almacen 7.0706915 259 118 Almacen 11.727225 260 118 11.727225 260 118 Ninayeri 4.1900277 144 118 Ninayeri 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Ledakura 4.1900277 144 118 Ledakura 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Clubki 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Cabo Gracias Viejo 7.0060431 147 118 Cabo Gracias Viejo 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Graytown 4.1900277 144 118 Graytown 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Hilda 13.683962 77 119 Hilda 56.828802 78 119 56.828802 78 119 Awastara 6.9157679 139 119 Awastara 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Irlaya 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Barmouth Oeste 13.683962 77 119 Barmouth Oeste 56.828802 78 119 56.828802 78 119 Catorce Millas 13.683962 77 119 Catorce Millas 56.828802 78 119 56.828802 78 119 Cabo Gracias a Dios 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Doce Millas 13.683962 77 119 Doce Millas 56.828802 78 119 56.828802 78 119 Guasimal 7.0706915 259 118 Guasimal 11.727225 260 118 Guasimal 5.4639359 261 121 Guasimal 6.7484584 262 121 6.7484584 262 121 Rio Madre 13.683962 77 119 Rio Madre 13.999784 76 120 Rio Madre 97.202899 76 121 Rio Madre 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Nueve Millas 13.683962 77 119 Nueve Millas 56.828802 78 119 56.828802 78 119 Cocal 13.683962 77 119 Cocal 13.999784 76 120 Cocal 97.202899 76 121 Cocal 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Sandoval 13.683962 77 119 Sandoval 13.999784 76 120 Sandoval 97.202899 76 121 Sandoval 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Buenos Aires 13.683962 77 119 Buenos Aires 13.999784 76 120 Buenos Aires 97.202899 76 121 Buenos Aires 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Portete 13.683962 77 119 Portete 13.999784 76 120 Portete 97.202899 76 121 Portete 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Nueva Castle 13.999784 76 120 Nueva Castle 97.202899 76 121 Nueva Castle 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Pueblo Nuevo 13.683962 77 119 Pueblo Nuevo 13.999784 76 120 Pueblo Nuevo 97.202899 76 121 Pueblo Nuevo 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Corn Island 43.054608 105 119 Corn Island 29.200547 106 119 Corn Island 29.880148 107 119 Corn Island 28.101954 108 119 Corn Island 21.99478 109 119 21.99478 109 119 Beverly 13.999784 76 120 Beverly 97.202899 76 121 Beverly 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Puerto Limon 13.683962 77 119 Puerto Limon 13.999784 76 120 Puerto Limon 97.202899 76 121 Puerto Limon 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Cieneguita 13.683962 77 119 Cieneguita 13.999784 76 120 Cieneguita 97.202899 76 121 Cieneguita 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Bolivia 93.423201 75 122 Bolivia 582.98175 75 124 582.98175 75 124 San Andres 93.423201 75 122 San Andres 582.98175 75 124 582.98175 75 124 San Clemente 51.098394 74 123 San Clemente 51.676032 73 124 San Clemente 156.4152 74 124 San Clemente 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Bonifacio 51.098394 74 123 Bonifacio 51.676032 73 124 Bonifacio 156.4152 74 124 Bonifacio 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Penhurst 51.098394 74 123 Penhurst 51.676032 73 124 Penhurst 156.4152 74 124 Penhurst 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Cahuita 51.676032 73 124 Cahuita 45.934385 72 125 Cahuita 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Comadre 51.676032 73 124 Comadre 45.934385 72 125 Comadre 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Catarata 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Patino 45.934385 72 125 Patino 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Hone Creek 45.934385 72 125 Hone Creek 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Nueva Gerona 2.0143817 253 127 2.0143817 253 127 Olivia 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Hotel Creek 45.934385 72 125 Hotel Creek 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Majana 9.2077015 264 125 9.2077015 264 125 Presidio Modelo 2.0143817 253 127 2.0143817 253 127 Cocles 45.934385 72 125 Cocles 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Puerto Viejo 45.934385 72 125 Puerto Viejo 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Suprimir Nombre Lugar 45.934385 72 125 Suprimir Nombre Lugar 113.41439 71 126 Suprimir Nombre Lugar 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Guanimar 9.2077015 264 125 9.2077015 264 125 Lugar Manzanillo 113.41439 71 126 Lugar Manzanillo 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Manzanillo 113.41439 71 126 Manzanillo 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Mata Limon 59.525805 70 127 Mata Limon 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Finca Buena Fe 59.525805 70 127 Finca Buena Fe 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Guabito 59.525805 70 127 Guabito 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 California 59.525805 70 127 California 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Changuinola 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Finca 61 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Puerta Ventura 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Milla Cinco 20.748205 67 132 Milla Cinco 62.580292 67 133 62.580292 67 133 Quebrada Pastores 28.259202 61 134 Quebrada Pastores 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Boca del Drago 32.121125 68 131 Boca del Drago 62.580292 67 133 62.580292 67 133 Ten Gat 28.259202 61 134 Ten Gat 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Ground Creek 32.121125 68 131 Ground Creek 62.580292 67 133 62.580292 67 133 Cano Claro 28.259202 61 134 Cano Claro 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Garza 28.259202 61 134 Garza 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Jack Point 2.8914509 62 134 Jack Point 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cerro Tapao 28.259202 61 134 Cerro Tapao 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Cilico Creek 28.259202 61 134 Cilico Creek 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Quebrada Marin 28.259202 61 134 Quebrada Marin 2.8914509 62 134 Quebrada Marin 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 El Bajo del Cedro 28.259202 61 134 El Bajo del Cedro 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Robalo 28.259202 61 134 Robalo 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 La Puerta del Diablo 28.259202 61 134 La Puerta del Diablo 2.8914509 62 134 La Puerta del Diablo 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Palma Real 28.259202 61 134 Palma Real 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 El Tapao 28.259202 61 134 El Tapao 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 El Bajo del Burro 28.259202 61 134 El Bajo del Burro 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Big Bight 32.121125 68 131 Big Bight 62.580292 67 133 Big Bight 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 La Gruta 32.121125 68 131 La Gruta 62.580292 67 133 La Gruta 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Isla Colon 32.121125 68 131 Isla Colon 62.580292 67 133 Isla Colon 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Lennond 20.748205 67 132 Lennond 62.580292 67 133 Lennond 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Botabite 2.8914509 62 134 Botabite 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Carretera Bocas 32.121125 68 131 Carretera Bocas 62.580292 67 133 Carretera Bocas 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cauchero 28.259202 61 134 Cauchero 2.8914509 62 134 Cauchero 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Miramar Arriba 28.259202 61 134 Miramar Arriba 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Bocas del Toro 20.748205 67 132 Bocas del Toro 62.580292 67 133 Bocas del Toro 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Big Creek 20.748205 67 132 Big Creek 62.580292 67 133 Big Creek 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Caremero 20.748205 67 132 Caremero 62.580292 67 133 Caremero 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Fish Creek 28.259202 61 134 Fish Creek 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 La Gloria 28.259202 61 134 La Gloria 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Solarte 20.748205 67 132 Solarte 62.580292 67 133 Solarte 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Aguacate 28.259202 61 134 Aguacate 2.8914509 62 134 Aguacate 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Bastimentos 20.748205 67 132 Bastimentos 62.580292 67 133 Bastimentos 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Short Cut 20.748205 67 132 Short Cut 62.580292 67 133 Short Cut 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Loma Partida 28.259202 61 134 Loma Partida 2.8914509 62 134 Loma Partida 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Jutica 20.748205 67 132 Jutica 62.580292 67 133 Jutica 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 New Guinea 62.580292 67 133 New Guinea 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cana Chiriquicito 28.259202 61 134 Cana Chiriquicito 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Macca Bite 2.8914509 62 134 Macca Bite 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Crawl Cay 28.259202 61 134 Crawl Cay 2.8914509 62 134 Crawl Cay 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Quebrada del Bajo 28.259202 61 134 Quebrada del Bajo 23.268379 60 135 23.268379 60 135 Buena Vista 28.259202 61 134 Buena Vista 2.8914509 62 134 Buena Vista 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Punta Laurel 28.259202 61 134 Punta Laurel 2.8914509 62 134 Punta Laurel 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cedar Creek 2.8914509 62 134 Cedar Creek 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Alberrys Creek 2.8914509 62 134 Alberrys Creek 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Mina de Carbon 28.259202 61 134 Mina de Carbon 2.8914509 62 134 Mina de Carbon 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Bella Vista 28.259202 61 134 Bella Vista 23.268379 60 135 Bella Vista 14.573558 60 138 14.573558 60 138 Boca de Daira 23.268379 60 135 Boca de Daira 14.573558 60 138 Boca de Daira 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Punta Sirain 32.00676 60 136 Punta Sirain 30.40214 61 136 Punta Sirain 14.573558 60 138 Punta Sirain 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Boca de Cricamola 32.00676 60 136 Boca de Cricamola 30.40214 61 136 Boca de Cricamola 14.573558 60 138 Boca de Cricamola 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Muturi 32.00676 60 136 Muturi 30.40214 61 136 Muturi 14.573558 60 138 Muturi 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Playa Gallinazo 32.00676 60 136 Playa Gallinazo 30.40214 61 136 Playa Gallinazo 14.573558 60 138 Playa Gallinazo 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Playa Bugori 32.00676 60 136 Playa Bugori 30.40214 61 136 Playa Bugori 14.573558 60 138 Playa Bugori 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Cusapin 18.578917 61 137 Cusapin 6.0632176 61 138 6.0632176 61 138 Punta Avispa 32.645441 60 137 Punta Avispa 14.573558 60 138 Punta Avispa 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Ensenada de Punta Avispa 32.645441 60 137 Ensenada de Punta Avispa 14.573558 60 138 Ensenada de Punta Avispa 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Secretario 32.645441 60 137 Secretario 14.573558 60 138 Secretario 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Tobobe 32.645441 60 137 Tobobe 14.573558 60 138 Tobobe 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Punta Nance 32.645441 60 137 Punta Nance 14.573558 60 138 Punta Nance 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Playa Grande 14.573558 60 138 Playa Grande 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Butchuqua 14.573558 60 138 Butchuqua 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Bogola 14.573558 60 138 Bogola 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Catavela 14.573558 60 138 Catavela 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Shark Hole Point 14.573558 60 138 Shark Hole Point 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Burari 14.573558 60 138 Burari 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Old Bess Point 14.573558 60 138 Old Bess Point 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Arreife Bruno 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Shingle Hill 1582.2502 111 139 1582.2502 111 139 Rio Canaveral 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Alto Harmony Hall 1582.2502 111 139 1582.2502 111 139 Orange Hill 1582.2502 111 139 1582.2502 111 139 Hill Top 1582.2502 111 139 1582.2502 111 139 Slave Hill 1725.8687 112 139 1725.8687 112 139 Atto Harmony Hall 1582.2502 111 139 1582.2502 111 139 San Luis 1582.2502 111 139 1582.2502 111 139 Obrero 1725.8687 112 139 1725.8687 112 139 Alligator Creek 54.375616 59 144 Alligator Creek 48.257226 58 145 48.257226 58 145 Cudjoe Key 2.452271 295 147 2.452271 295 147 Summerland Key 2.452271 295 147 2.452271 295 147 Isle of Palms 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Palm Valley Landing 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Jacksonville Beach 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Palm Valley 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Ponte Vedra Beach 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Aguadulce 1137.9772 123 144 Aguadulce 1227.4821 124 144 Aguadulce 1564.5538 125 144 Aguadulce 2277.311 126 144 Aguadulce 534.22487 125 145 Aguadulce 49.511837 126 147 49.511837 126 147 Morris Hill 1137.9772 123 144 Morris Hill 1227.4821 124 144 Morris Hill 1564.5538 125 144 Morris Hill 2277.311 126 144 Morris Hill 534.22487 125 145 Morris Hill 49.511837 126 147 49.511837 126 147 Sawgrass 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Franshua 1227.4821 124 144 Franshua 1564.5538 125 144 Franshua 2277.311 126 144 Franshua 534.22487 125 145 Franshua 49.511837 126 147 49.511837 126 147 Big Pine Key 2.452271 295 147 2.452271 295 147 Big Pine 2.452271 295 147 2.452271 295 147 Mickler Landing 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 South Ponte Vedra Beach 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Saint Augustine 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 La Chavela 48.257226 58 145 La Chavela 15.374653 57 149 15.374653 57 149 Anastasia 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Saint Augustine Beach 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Butler Beach 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Crescent Beach 16.981212 371 149 Crescent Beach 18.985458 369 150 18.985458 369 150 Summer Haven 16.981212 371 149 Summer Haven 16.94185 368 150 Summer Haven 18.985458 369 150 18.985458 369 150 Calovebora 60.575744 58 147 Calovebora 9.4214457 57 148 Calovebora 15.374653 57 149 15.374653 57 149 Palm Coast 16.94185 368 150 Palm Coast 18.985458 369 150 18.985458 369 150 Marineland 16.981212 371 149 Marineland 16.94185 368 150 Marineland 18.985458 369 150 18.985458 369 150 Bon Terra 16.981212 371 149 Bon Terra 16.94185 368 150 Bon Terra 18.985458 369 150 18.985458 369 150 Beverly Beach 16.94185 368 150 Beverly Beach 18.985458 369 150 18.985458 369 150 Flagler Beach 16.94185 368 150 Flagler Beach 18.985458 369 150 18.985458 369 150 Mound Grove 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Veraguas 40.353195 58 151 Veraguas 385.9133 59 151 Veraguas 938.92197 60 151 Veraguas 28.969339 58 152 Veraguas 3.1273644 59 155 3.1273644 59 155 Palmilla 81.907269 59 153 Palmilla 52.670304 59 154 Palmilla 3.1273644 59 155 3.1273644 59 155 Gator Field 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 Parris Island 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 Folly Field 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 Port Royal 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 Fort Fremont 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 Scott 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 Tropic 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Cape Canaveral 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Cocoa Beach 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Longwood 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 South Patrick Shores 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Satellite Beach 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Indian Harbour Beach 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Canova Beach 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Cocle del Norte 202.12773 61 156 Cocle del Norte 455.10929 62 156 Cocle del Norte 612.36532 63 156 Cocle del Norte 156.69428 62 157 Cocle del Norte 44.93937 62 158 Cocle del Norte 49.501126 63 159 Cocle del Norte 33.345442 62 160 33.345442 62 160 Frogmore 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 Cano Rey 202.12773 61 156 Cano Rey 455.10929 62 156 Cano Rey 612.36532 63 156 Cano Rey 156.69428 62 157 Cano Rey 44.93937 62 158 Cano Rey 49.501126 63 159 Cano Rey 33.345442 62 160 33.345442 62 160 Rock Harbor 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Bennetts Point 2.0628864 411 161 Bennetts Point 3.9749536 411 162 3.9749536 411 162 Key Largo 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Cedar Reef Villas 4.0459415 409 159 Cedar Reef Villas 3.9749536 411 162 3.9749536 411 162 Newport 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Diego 40.274989 62 159 Diego 49.501126 63 159 Diego 33.345442 62 160 Diego 17.63867 63 163 17.63867 63 163 Seabrook 2.0628864 411 161 Seabrook 3.9749536 411 162 Seabrook 6.8104679 412 163 6.8104679 412 163 Anglers Park 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Jewfish 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Garden Cove 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Indrio 5.2587707 336 163 5.2587707 336 163 Cutler Ridge 2.1428949 307 164 Cutler Ridge 2.0005296 308 164 Cutler Ridge 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Saint Lucie 5.2587707 336 163 5.2587707 336 163 Rockdale 2.1428949 307 164 Rockdale 2.0005296 308 164 Rockdale 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Howard 2.0005296 308 164 Howard 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Gold Key 2.2795368 303 162 Gold Key 2.1428949 307 164 2.1428949 307 164 Edisto Beach 3.0323279 410 161 Edisto Beach 5.7391312 410 162 Edisto Beach 3.9749536 411 162 Edisto Beach 6.8104679 412 163 Edisto Beach 9.048776 412 164 Edisto Beach 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Lakes by the Bay 2.1428949 307 164 Lakes by the Bay 2.0005296 308 164 Lakes by the Bay 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 North Key Largo 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Queens Cove 5.2587707 336 163 5.2587707 336 163 Cutler 2.1428949 307 164 Cutler 2.0005296 308 164 Cutler 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Miguel de la Borda 33.345442 62 160 Miguel de la Borda 17.63867 63 163 Miguel de la Borda 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Carysfort Yacht Harbor 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Pinecrest 2.0005296 308 164 Pinecrest 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Edisto Island 2.0628864 411 161 Edisto Island 3.9749536 411 162 Edisto Island 6.8104679 412 163 Edisto Island 9.048776 412 164 Edisto Island 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Freedman 2.0628864 411 161 Freedman 3.9749536 411 162 Freedman 6.8104679 412 163 Freedman 9.048776 412 164 Freedman 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Dynamite Docks 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Deering Bay 2.1428949 307 164 Deering Bay 2.0005296 308 164 Deering Bay 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Grayvik 2.2795368 303 162 Grayvik 2.1428949 307 164 2.1428949 307 164 Ankona 5.2587707 336 163 Ankona 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Coral Gables 2.0005296 308 164 Coral Gables 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Walton 5.2587707 336 163 Walton 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Cutter Bank 2.1428949 307 164 Cutter Bank 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Vista Hermosa 57.590837 63 161 Vista Hermosa 17.63867 63 163 Vista Hermosa 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Islandia 2.2795368 303 162 Islandia 2.1428949 307 164 2.1428949 307 164 Eden 5.2587707 336 163 Eden 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 South Bay Estates 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 El Salto 57.590837 63 161 El Salto 17.63867 63 163 El Salto 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 La Vigia 57.590837 63 161 La Vigia 17.63867 63 163 La Vigia 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Jensen Beach 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Bay Heights 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Liberty Square 2.9589212 310 164 2.9589212 310 164 Oakgrove 6.8104679 412 163 Oakgrove 9.048776 412 164 Oakgrove 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Hutchinson Island South 5.2587707 336 163 Hutchinson Island South 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Sewall's Point 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Port Sewall 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Chilar 28.647145 63 162 Chilar 57.23342 64 162 Chilar 17.63867 63 163 Chilar 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 El Portal 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Rockville 6.8104679 412 163 Rockville 9.048776 412 164 Rockville 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 El Charcon 28.647145 63 162 El Charcon 57.23342 64 162 El Charcon 17.63867 63 163 El Charcon 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Terminal del Plan 28.647145 63 162 Terminal del Plan 57.23342 64 162 Terminal del Plan 17.63867 63 163 Terminal del Plan 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 La Ensenada 28.647145 63 162 La Ensenada 57.23342 64 162 La Ensenada 17.63867 63 163 La Ensenada 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Port Salerno 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Bayshore 2.9589212 310 164 2.9589212 310 164 Biscayne Park 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 The Keyhole 2.1428949 307 164 The Keyhole 2.0005296 308 164 The Keyhole 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Miami Shores 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Seabrook Island 3.9749536 411 162 Seabrook Island 6.8104679 412 163 Seabrook Island 9.048776 412 164 Seabrook Island 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 North Miami 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Key Biscayne 2.0005296 308 164 Key Biscayne 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 San Souci Estates 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 North Bay 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Fisher Island 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Indian Creek 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 El Bendito 17.63867 63 163 El Bendito 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Bay Harbor Islands 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Miami Beach 2.9589212 310 164 2.9589212 310 164 Salud 17.63867 63 163 Salud 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Bal Harbour 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Surfside 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Camarones 17.63867 63 163 Camarones 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Atlantic Heights 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Nuevo Chagres 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Pueblo Nuevo 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Palmas Bellas 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Kiawah Island 9.048776 412 164 Kiawah Island 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Legareville 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Trascon 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Pina 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Bayfront 5.8760494 414 168 Bayfront 3.9800044 415 169 Bayfront 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Fort Sherman 43.263181 65 166 Fort Sherman 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Fuerte Sherman 43.263181 65 166 Fuerte Sherman 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Folly Beach 9.1978821 413 166 Folly Beach 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Charleston 3.9800044 415 169 Charleston 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Lakeview Of Lawton Bluff 5.8760494 414 168 Lakeview Of Lawton Bluff 3.9800044 415 169 Lakeview Of Lawton Bluff 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Centerville 5.8760494 414 168 Centerville 3.9800044 415 169 Centerville 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Secessionville 9.1978821 413 166 Secessionville 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Fort Johnson Estates 5.8760494 414 168 Fort Johnson Estates 3.9800044 415 169 Fort Johnson Estates 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Cristoba 43.263181 65 166 Cristoba 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Colon 43.263181 65 166 Colon 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Hobcaw Point 3.9800044 415 169 Hobcaw Point 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Rainbow City 56.152191 66 167 Rainbow City 66.506383 67 167 Rainbow City 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 The Groves 3.9800044 415 169 The Groves 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Coco Solo 56.152191 66 167 Coco Solo 66.506383 67 167 Coco Solo 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Mount Pleasant 3.9800044 415 169 Mount Pleasant 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Fort Moultrie 5.8760494 414 168 Fort Moultrie 3.9800044 415 169 Fort Moultrie 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Cativa 56.152191 66 167 Cativa 66.506383 67 167 Cativa 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Cassina Heights 3.9800044 415 169 Cassina Heights 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Bahia Las Minas 56.152191 66 167 Bahia Las Minas 66.506383 67 167 Bahia Las Minas 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Sullivan's Island 5.8760494 414 168 Sullivan's Island 3.9800044 415 169 Sullivan's Island 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Palmetto Fort 3.9800044 415 169 Palmetto Fort 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Sabanita 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Puerto Pilon 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Villa Alondra 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Island of Palms 3.9800044 415 169 Island of Palms 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Porcher Bluff 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Isle of Palms 3.9800044 415 169 Isle of Palms 5.5380051 416 169 Isle of Palms 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Maria Chiquita 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Ten Mile 5.5380051 416 169 Ten Mile 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Marco Antonio 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Guanche 26.776887 67 170 Guanche 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Iguanita 26.776887 67 170 26.776887 67 170 El Santo 2.0526181 265 173 2.0526181 265 173 Buenaventura 26.776887 67 170 Buenaventura 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Pertobelo 26.776887 67 170 Pertobelo 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Playa Blanca 26.776887 67 170 Playa Blanca 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Santa Isabel 26.776887 67 170 Santa Isabel 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Jose Pobre 26.776887 67 170 Jose Pobre 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 El Jato 2.0526181 265 173 2.0526181 265 173 Cacique 30.896328 68 171 Cacique 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Garrote 30.896328 68 171 Garrote 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Buck Hall 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 La Guayra 24.375049 69 172 La Guayra 59.328784 70 172 La Guayra 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 El Cano 24.375049 69 172 El Cano 59.328784 70 172 El Cano 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Tibwin 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Nombre de Dios 47.971469 70 173 Nombre de Dios 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 McCellanville 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Caibarien 2.0526181 265 173 2.0526181 265 173 McClellanville 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Viento Frio 42.889528 70 174 Viento Frio 16.903624 69 178 16.903624 69 178 Palenque 42.889528 70 174 Palenque 16.903624 69 178 16.903624 69 178 Miramar 43.768903 70 175 Miramar 51.618665 70 176 Miramar 24.030433 69 177 Miramar 16.903624 69 178 16.903624 69 178 Cuango 43.768903 70 175 Cuango 51.618665 70 176 Cuango 24.030433 69 177 Cuango 16.903624 69 178 16.903624 69 178 Playa Chiquita 43.768903 70 175 Playa Chiquita 51.618665 70 176 Playa Chiquita 24.030433 69 177 Playa Chiquita 16.903624 69 178 16.903624 69 178 Palmira 24.030433 69 177 Palmira 16.903624 69 178 16.903624 69 178 Caines 10.120416 426 181 10.120416 426 181 Clambank 10.120416 426 181 Clambank 5.6205074 427 181 5.6205074 427 181 Santa Isabel 24.030433 69 177 Santa Isabel 16.903624 69 178 16.903624 69 178 De Bordieu Colony 10.120416 426 181 De Bordieu Colony 5.6205074 427 181 5.6205074 427 181 Hagley Estates 10.120416 426 181 Hagley Estates 5.6205074 427 181 5.6205074 427 181 True Blue 10.120416 426 181 True Blue 5.6205074 427 181 True Blue 10.449973 427 182 True Blue 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Birds Nest 10.120416 426 181 Birds Nest 5.6205074 427 181 Birds Nest 10.449973 427 182 Birds Nest 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Chapel Creek 10.120416 426 181 Chapel Creek 5.6205074 427 181 Chapel Creek 10.449973 427 182 Chapel Creek 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Cocuye Abajo 16.903624 69 178 Cocuye Abajo 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Pawleys Island 10.120416 426 181 Pawleys Island 5.6205074 427 181 Pawleys Island 10.449973 427 182 Pawleys Island 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Parkersville 10.120416 426 181 Parkersville 5.6205074 427 181 Parkersville 10.449973 427 182 Parkersville 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Annieville 10.120416 426 181 Annieville 5.6205074 427 181 Annieville 10.449973 427 182 Annieville 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 North Litchfield Beach 10.120416 426 181 North Litchfield Beach 5.6205074 427 181 North Litchfield Beach 10.449973 427 182 North Litchfield Beach 7.0708018 428 182 North Litchfield Beach 8.7621194 428 183 North Litchfield Beach 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Piedra de Galera 19.359495 69 179 Piedra de Galera 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Huntington Marsh 10.120416 426 181 Huntington Marsh 5.6205074 427 181 Huntington Marsh 10.449973 427 182 Huntington Marsh 7.0708018 428 182 Huntington Marsh 8.7621194 428 183 Huntington Marsh 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Oak Hill 10.120416 426 181 Oak Hill 5.6205074 427 181 Oak Hill 10.449973 427 182 Oak Hill 7.0708018 428 182 Oak Hill 8.7621194 428 183 Oak Hill 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Tubuala 19.359495 69 179 Tubuala 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Murrells Inlet 10.120416 426 181 Murrells Inlet 5.6205074 427 181 Murrells Inlet 10.449973 427 182 Murrells Inlet 7.0708018 428 182 Murrells Inlet 8.7621194 428 183 Murrells Inlet 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Inlet Harbor 10.120416 426 181 Inlet Harbor 5.6205074 427 181 Inlet Harbor 10.449973 427 182 Inlet Harbor 7.0708018 428 182 Inlet Harbor 8.7621194 428 183 Inlet Harbor 8.2369975 429 183 Inlet Harbor 8.9982891 429 184 Inlet Harbor 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Mount Gilead 10.120416 426 181 Mount Gilead 5.6205074 427 181 Mount Gilead 10.449973 427 182 Mount Gilead 7.0708018 428 182 Mount Gilead 8.7621194 428 183 Mount Gilead 8.2369975 429 183 Mount Gilead 8.9982891 429 184 Mount Gilead 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Garden City 5.6205074 427 181 Garden City 10.449973 427 182 Garden City 7.0708018 428 182 Garden City 8.7621194 428 183 Garden City 8.2369975 429 183 Garden City 8.9982891 429 184 Garden City 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 El Porvenir 269.42136 70 180 El Porvenir 29.536432 69 181 El Porvenir 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Surfside Beach 5.6205074 427 181 Surfside Beach 10.449973 427 182 Surfside Beach 7.0708018 428 182 Surfside Beach 8.7621194 428 183 Surfside Beach 8.2369975 429 183 Surfside Beach 8.9982891 429 184 Surfside Beach 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Deer Track Villas 5.6205074 427 181 Deer Track Villas 10.449973 427 182 Deer Track Villas 7.0708018 428 182 Deer Track Villas 8.7621194 428 183 Deer Track Villas 8.2369975 429 183 Deer Track Villas 8.9982891 429 184 Deer Track Villas 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Crystal Lake 7.0708018 428 182 Crystal Lake 8.7621194 428 183 Crystal Lake 8.2369975 429 183 Crystal Lake 8.9982891 429 184 Crystal Lake 7.3830803 430 184 Crystal Lake 9.0103659 430 185 Crystal Lake 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Warsobtugua 29.536432 69 181 Warsobtugua 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Pebble Beach 7.0708018 428 182 Pebble Beach 8.7621194 428 183 Pebble Beach 8.2369975 429 183 Pebble Beach 8.9982891 429 184 Pebble Beach 7.3830803 430 184 Pebble Beach 9.0103659 430 185 Pebble Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Konig 7.0708018 428 182 Konig 8.7621194 428 183 Konig 8.2369975 429 183 Konig 8.9982891 429 184 Konig 7.3830803 430 184 Konig 9.0103659 430 185 Konig 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Myrtle Ridge 7.0708018 428 182 Myrtle Ridge 8.7621194 428 183 Myrtle Ridge 8.2369975 429 183 Myrtle Ridge 8.9982891 429 184 Myrtle Ridge 7.3830803 430 184 Myrtle Ridge 9.0103659 430 185 Myrtle Ridge 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Plantation Point 8.2369975 429 183 Plantation Point 8.9982891 429 184 Plantation Point 7.3830803 430 184 Plantation Point 9.0103659 430 185 Plantation Point 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Myrtle Beach 7.0708018 428 182 Myrtle Beach 8.7621194 428 183 Myrtle Beach 8.2369975 429 183 Myrtle Beach 8.9982891 429 184 Myrtle Beach 7.3830803 430 184 Myrtle Beach 9.0103659 430 185 Myrtle Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Ocean Forest 8.2369975 429 183 Ocean Forest 8.9982891 429 184 Ocean Forest 7.3830803 430 184 Ocean Forest 9.0103659 430 185 Ocean Forest 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Nusatupo 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Arcadian Shores 8.2369975 429 183 Arcadian Shores 8.9982891 429 184 Arcadian Shores 7.3830803 430 184 Arcadian Shores 9.0103659 430 185 Arcadian Shores 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Briarcliffe Acres 7.3830803 430 184 Briarcliffe Acres 9.0103659 430 185 Briarcliffe Acres 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Atlantic Beach 7.3830803 430 184 Atlantic Beach 9.0103659 430 185 Atlantic Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Ingram Beach 9.0103659 430 185 Ingram Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 North Myrtle Beach 9.0103659 430 185 North Myrtle Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Nixons Crossroads 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Cherry Grove Beach 9.0103659 430 185 Cherry Grove Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Creekside 9.0103659 430 185 Creekside 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Little River 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Rio Azucar 9.8506003 67 185 Rio Azucar 15.436449 67 186 15.436449 67 186 Calabash 9.014328 431 186 9.014328 431 186 Tupile 15.436449 67 186 15.436449 67 186 Shady Forest 9.9795043 431 187 Shady Forest 3.8765166 432 187 Shady Forest 7.9808039 432 188 Shady Forest 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Sunset Beach 9.9795043 431 187 Sunset Beach 3.8765166 432 187 Sunset Beach 7.9808039 432 188 Sunset Beach 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Sea Trail Plantation 9.9795043 431 187 Sea Trail Plantation 3.8765166 432 187 Sea Trail Plantation 7.9808039 432 188 Sea Trail Plantation 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Ticantiqui 6.9254791 67 188 Ticantiqui 41.122824 68 188 Ticantiqui 14.868587 67 190 14.868587 67 190 Ocean Isle Beach 10.908987 431 188 Ocean Isle Beach 7.9808039 432 188 Ocean Isle Beach 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Brick Landing 12.631848 431 189 Brick Landing 9.1957114 432 189 Brick Landing 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Aidirgandi 8.3977133 67 189 Aidirgandi 14.868587 67 190 Aidirgandi 15.963179 66 193 15.963179 66 193 Monogram 10.718986 432 190 Monogram 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Holden Beach 13.756222 431 190 Holden Beach 10.718986 432 190 Holden Beach 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Secession 11.085917 432 191 Secession 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Varnamtown 11.085917 432 191 Varnamtown 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Playon Chico 6.1332093 66 192 Playon Chico 15.963179 66 193 15.963179 66 193 San Ignacio de Tupile 15.963179 66 193 15.963179 66 193 Long Beach 14.110766 432 193 Long Beach 9.7318988 433 193 9.7318988 433 193 Saint James 14.110766 432 193 Saint James 9.7318988 433 193 9.7318988 433 193 Yaupon Beach 15.099446 431 194 15.099446 431 194 Caswell Beach 15.099446 431 194 15.099446 431 194 Coolvale 14.891147 432 194 Coolvale 9.8604956 433 194 9.8604956 433 194 Fort Caswell 14.224396 431 195 Fort Caswell 13.387183 431 199 13.387183 431 199 Southport 14.633023 432 195 14.633023 432 195 Bald Head Island 14.224396 431 195 Bald Head Island 13.387183 431 199 13.387183 431 199 Wakitupu 39.161279 65 195 Wakitupu 68.940863 62 199 68.940863 62 199 Old Town 11.286575 435 199 Old Town 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Kendall Chapel 13.064441 434 199 Kendall Chapel 11.286575 435 199 Kendall Chapel 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Ustupo 104.23505 64 197 Ustupo 117.66997 64 198 Ustupo 68.940863 62 199 68.940863 62 199 Sheephead Rock 13.605145 432 196 Sheephead Rock 12.987085 432 199 Sheephead Rock 6.1292506 436 199 Sheephead Rock 15.879527 432 200 Sheephead Rock 13.461642 436 200 13.461642 436 200 Silver Lake 11.286575 435 199 Silver Lake 6.1292506 436 199 Silver Lake 13.461642 436 200 13.461642 436 200 Kure Beach 6.0349515 433 196 Kure Beach 6.1292506 436 199 Kure Beach 13.461642 436 200 13.461642 436 200 Carolina Beach 6.0349515 433 196 Carolina Beach 6.1292506 436 199 Carolina Beach 13.461642 436 200 13.461642 436 200 Winter Park 6.1292506 436 199 Winter Park 13.461642 436 200 Winter Park 14.627247 436 201 14.627247 436 201 Myrtle Sound 13.064441 434 199 Myrtle Sound 11.286575 435 199 Myrtle Sound 6.1292506 436 199 Myrtle Sound 13.461642 436 200 Myrtle Sound 15.040647 435 201 Myrtle Sound 14.627247 436 201 14.627247 436 201 Myrtle Grove 11.286575 435 199 Myrtle Grove 6.1292506 436 199 Myrtle Grove 13.461642 436 200 Myrtle Grove 15.040647 435 201 Myrtle Grove 14.627247 436 201 14.627247 436 201 Masonboro 11.286575 435 199 Masonboro 6.1292506 436 199 Masonboro 13.461642 436 200 Masonboro 15.040647 435 201 Masonboro 14.627247 436 201 14.627247 436 201 Windemere 6.1292506 436 199 Windemere 13.461642 436 200 Windemere 14.627247 436 201 14.627247 436 201 Seagate 6.1292506 436 199 Seagate 13.461642 436 200 Seagate 14.627247 436 201 14.627247 436 201 Crown Haven 3.9450811 328 200 Crown Haven 18.678589 327 201 Crown Haven 2.3466465 328 201 Crown Haven 8.6812275 327 202 8.6812275 327 202 Mansukum 68.940863 62 199 68.940863 62 199 Napakanti 68.940863 62 199 68.940863 62 199 Fox Town 3.9450811 328 200 Fox Town 18.678589 327 201 Fox Town 2.3466465 328 201 Fox Town 8.6812275 327 202 8.6812275 327 202 Ogden 13.825602 437 200 Ogden 15.77786 437 201 Ogden 13.714928 438 201 Ogden 17.590233 437 202 17.590233 437 202 Wrightsville Beach 6.1292506 436 199 Wrightsville Beach 13.461642 436 200 Wrightsville Beach 14.627247 436 201 Wrightsville Beach 17.986962 436 202 17.986962 436 202 Bayshore 13.825602 437 200 Bayshore 15.77786 437 201 Bayshore 13.714928 438 201 Bayshore 17.590233 437 202 17.590233 437 202 Mamimulo 68.940863 62 199 68.940863 62 199 Mulatupo Sasardi 12.929873 60 201 Mulatupo Sasardi 51.19594 61 201 Mulatupo Sasardi 118.52653 59 202 Mulatupo Sasardi 565.27873 61 202 565.27873 61 202 Hampstead 13.714928 438 201 Hampstead 14.098778 438 202 Hampstead 17.448712 438 203 17.448712 438 203 Coetupo 12.929873 60 201 Coetupo 51.19594 61 201 Coetupo 118.52653 59 202 Coetupo 565.27873 61 202 Coetupo 126.3677 58 203 Coetupo 2.3817174 59 203 2.3817174 59 203 Cedar Harbor 3.9450811 328 200 Cedar Harbor 18.678589 327 201 Cedar Harbor 2.3466465 328 201 Cedar Harbor 8.6812275 327 202 Cedar Harbor 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 Kings Landing 13.714928 438 201 Kings Landing 14.098778 438 202 Kings Landing 17.448712 438 203 Kings Landing 16.95728 438 204 16.95728 438 204 Puerto Escoces 118.52653 59 202 Puerto Escoces 126.3677 58 203 Puerto Escoces 2.3817174 59 203 Puerto Escoces 33.691666 57 204 33.691666 57 204 Sukunya 118.52653 59 202 Sukunya 126.3677 58 203 Sukunya 2.3817174 59 203 Sukunya 33.691666 57 204 33.691666 57 204 Topsail Beach 13.714928 438 201 Topsail Beach 14.098778 438 202 Topsail Beach 17.448712 438 203 Topsail Beach 16.95728 438 204 16.95728 438 204 Sloop Point 12.62938 439 202 Sloop Point 14.03977 439 203 Sloop Point 14.906399 439 204 Sloop Point 18.947499 439 205 18.947499 439 205 Barlowes 12.62938 439 202 Barlowes 14.03977 439 203 Barlowes 14.906399 439 204 Barlowes 18.947499 439 205 18.947499 439 205 Carreto 118.52653 59 202 Carreto 126.3677 58 203 Carreto 2.3817174 59 203 Carreto 33.691666 57 204 Carreto 63.829624 56 205 63.829624 56 205 Surf City 12.62938 439 202 Surf City 14.03977 439 203 Surf City 14.906399 439 204 Surf City 18.947499 439 205 18.947499 439 205 Pito 33.691666 57 204 Pito 63.829624 56 205 63.829624 56 205 Cooper's Town 7.9335216 326 202 Cooper's Town 8.6812275 327 202 Cooper's Town 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 Ocean City Beach 12.571372 440 203 Ocean City Beach 14.024695 440 204 Ocean City Beach 15.356461 440 205 Ocean City Beach 15.861178 440 206 15.861178 440 206 Thomas Landing 12.571372 440 203 Thomas Landing 14.024695 440 204 Thomas Landing 15.356461 440 205 Thomas Landing 15.861178 440 206 Thomas Landing 14.782325 441 207 Thomas Landing 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Armila 33.691666 57 204 Armila 63.829624 56 205 63.829624 56 205 Norman Castle 3.9043984 326 203 Norman Castle 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 Blackwood Village 3.9043984 326 203 Blackwood Village 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 North Topsail Beach 12.571372 440 203 North Topsail Beach 14.024695 440 204 North Topsail Beach 15.356461 440 205 North Topsail Beach 15.861178 440 206 North Topsail Beach 14.782325 441 207 North Topsail Beach 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Sneads Ferry 10.251574 441 204 Sneads Ferry 13.066398 441 205 Sneads Ferry 13.60126 441 206 Sneads Ferry 14.782325 441 207 Sneads Ferry 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Chadwick Acres 10.251574 441 204 Chadwick Acres 13.066398 441 205 Chadwick Acres 13.60126 441 206 Chadwick Acres 14.782325 441 207 Chadwick Acres 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Sapzurro 63.829624 56 205 Sapzurro 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 Nassau 3.1938374 300 208 Nassau 2.0255695 301 208 2.0255695 301 208 Capitan 63.829624 56 205 Capitan 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 Pino Roa 63.829624 56 205 Pino Roa 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 Duck Creek 9.6800401 442 206 Duck Creek 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Acandi 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 San Jeronimo 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 Alley 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 Willis Landing 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Bear Creek 9.0604295 443 208 9.0604295 443 208 Brazalitta 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 La Goleta 36.30622 54 208 La Goleta 30.202015 51 211 30.202015 51 211 Swansboro 9.0604295 443 208 9.0604295 443 208 Mahoe Gardens 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 Trigana 42.209894 53 209 Trigana 30.202015 51 211 30.202015 51 211 Old Harbor 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 Villa Claret 42.096186 52 210 Villa Claret 30.202015 51 211 30.202015 51 211 Titumate 42.096186 52 210 Titumate 30.202015 51 211 30.202015 51 211 Bucks Corner 13.234873 444 210 Bucks Corner 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 La Gloria 30.202015 51 211 La Gloria 8.5102281 47 213 8.5102281 47 213 Cedar Point 14.189225 443 209 14.189225 443 209 Cape Carteret 14.189225 443 209 14.189225 443 209 Bogue 14.189225 443 209 14.189225 443 209 Santa Maria La Antigua 40.529822 50 212 Santa Maria La Antigua 8.5102281 47 213 8.5102281 47 213 Emerald Isle 14.189225 443 209 14.189225 443 209 Ocean 14.864039 443 210 14.864039 443 210 Indian Beach 14.864039 443 210 14.864039 443 210 Broad Creek 13.970374 444 211 Broad Creek 12.903322 444 212 Broad Creek 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Pueblo Nuevo 57.06412 52 212 Pueblo Nuevo 58.623814 53 212 Pueblo Nuevo 47.1789 54 212 Pueblo Nuevo 48.475926 52 213 Pueblo Nuevo 9.1218529 54 213 Pueblo Nuevo 2.0398498 55 213 Pueblo Nuevo 24.112698 52 214 Pueblo Nuevo 6.2087929 55 214 Pueblo Nuevo 2.5160899 55 215 2.5160899 55 215 Salter Path 15.996314 443 212 Salter Path 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Puerto Barrios 8.5102281 47 213 Puerto Barrios 12.046895 44 214 12.046895 44 214 Port Royal 5.2783928 194 214 5.2783928 194 214 Wildwood 14.974195 444 213 Wildwood 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Pine Knoll Shores 18.089114 443 213 Pine Knoll Shores 14.974195 444 213 Pine Knoll Shores 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Hollywood 14.974195 444 213 Hollywood 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Kingston 5.2783928 194 214 5.2783928 194 214 Necocli 33.949703 49 213 Necocli 49.771918 50 213 Necocli 33.199819 49 214 Necocli 16.62471 49 215 16.62471 49 215 Caiman Viejo 33.949703 49 213 Caiman Viejo 49.771918 50 213 Caiman Viejo 29.298747 48 214 29.298747 48 214 Tie 29.298747 48 214 Tie 17.998245 46 215 17.998245 46 215 Bachelor 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Punta de Piedra 29.298747 48 214 Punta de Piedra 17.998245 46 215 17.998245 46 215 El Tatumo 29.298747 48 214 29.298747 48 214 Carolina City 15.692898 444 214 Carolina City 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Atlantic Beach 17.872676 443 214 Atlantic Beach 15.692898 444 214 Atlantic Beach 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Puerto Cesar 12.046895 44 214 12.046895 44 214 Turbo 12.046895 44 214 12.046895 44 214 Crab Point Village 15.692898 444 214 Crab Point Village 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Mulatos 24.112698 52 214 Mulatos 6.2087929 55 214 Mulatos 2.5160899 55 215 2.5160899 55 215 Beaufort 14.949938 444 215 Beaufort 13.100931 445 215 13.100931 445 215 Morehead City 18.815585 443 215 Morehead City 14.949938 444 215 Morehead City 13.100931 445 215 13.100931 445 215 Zepata 2.5160899 55 215 2.5160899 55 215 Lenoxville 18.077681 443 216 Lenoxville 14.892269 444 216 Lenoxville 12.392884 445 216 12.392884 445 216 Damaquiel 8.4858378 55 216 8.4858378 55 216 Straits 14.892269 444 216 Straits 12.392884 445 216 12.392884 445 216 Harkers Island 17.674028 443 217 Harkers Island 16.037305 444 217 Harkers Island 2.4181467 445 218 Harkers Island 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Otway 16.037305 444 217 Otway 2.4181467 445 218 Otway 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Gloucester 16.037305 444 217 Gloucester 2.4181467 445 218 Gloucester 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Cape Lookout 20.337993 442 217 Cape Lookout 17.674028 443 217 Cape Lookout 16.037305 444 217 Cape Lookout 2.4181467 445 218 Cape Lookout 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Smyrna 16.037305 444 217 Smyrna 2.4181467 445 218 Smyrna 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 San Juan 9.1287591 56 217 San Juan 11.023467 57 219 11.023467 57 219 San Juan de Uraba 9.1287591 56 217 San Juan de Uraba 11.023467 57 219 11.023467 57 219 Marshallberg 16.037305 444 217 Marshallberg 2.4181467 445 218 Marshallberg 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Williston 2.4181467 445 218 Williston 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Davis 2.4181467 445 218 Davis 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Arboletes 11.023467 57 219 11.023467 57 219 Stacy 2.0081358 449 223 2.0081358 449 223 Masontown 2.0081358 449 223 2.0081358 449 223 Sealevel 2.0081358 449 223 2.0081358 449 223 Los Cordobas 11.023467 57 219 11.023467 57 219 Atlantic 2.0081358 449 223 2.0081358 449 223 Roe 2.0081358 449 223 2.0081358 449 223 Lola 2.0081358 449 223 2.0081358 449 223 Puerto Escondido 6.6216784 59 221 Puerto Escondido 9.2793372 60 222 Puerto Escondido 4.9858321 62 224 4.9858321 62 224 San Jose 6.6216784 59 221 San Jose 9.2793372 60 222 San Jose 4.9858321 62 224 4.9858321 62 224 Puerto Escondito 6.6216784 59 221 Puerto Escondito 9.2793372 60 222 Puerto Escondito 4.9858321 62 224 4.9858321 62 224 Cristo Rey 9.2793372 60 222 Cristo Rey 4.9858321 62 224 Cristo Rey 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Caserio Puerto Limon 40.009 64 222 Caserio Puerto Limon 35.914618 64 223 Caserio Puerto Limon 15.417482 64 224 Caserio Puerto Limon 7.9533372 64 225 7.9533372 64 225 Rio Cedro 9.2793372 60 222 Rio Cedro 4.9858321 62 224 Rio Cedro 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Santander de la Cruz 13.001937 61 222 Santander de la Cruz 25.237544 62 222 Santander de la Cruz 9.1263947 61 223 Santander de la Cruz 20.042577 63 223 Santander de la Cruz 4.9858321 62 224 Santander de la Cruz 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Providencia 13.001937 61 222 Providencia 25.237544 62 222 Providencia 9.1263947 61 223 Providencia 20.042577 63 223 Providencia 4.9858321 62 224 Providencia 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Broqueles 13.001937 61 222 Broqueles 25.237544 62 222 Broqueles 9.1263947 61 223 Broqueles 20.042577 63 223 Broqueles 4.9858321 62 224 Broqueles 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Monitos 16.12616 62 223 Monitos 20.042577 63 223 Monitos 4.9858321 62 224 Monitos 10.760125 63 224 Monitos 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Pueblito 16.12616 62 223 Pueblito 20.042577 63 223 Pueblito 4.9858321 62 224 Pueblito 10.760125 63 224 Pueblito 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Notecebes 16.12616 62 223 Notecebes 20.042577 63 223 Notecebes 4.9858321 62 224 Notecebes 10.760125 63 224 Notecebes 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 La Rada 16.12616 62 223 La Rada 20.042577 63 223 La Rada 4.9858321 62 224 La Rada 10.760125 63 224 La Rada 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Lynnwood 8.4502469 476 228 Lynnwood 8.9866759 477 228 Lynnwood 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Paso Nuevo 10.760125 63 224 Paso Nuevo 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Lynnhaven Shores 8.4502469 476 228 Lynnhaven Shores 8.9866759 477 228 Lynnhaven Shores 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Forest Hills 8.4502469 476 228 Forest Hills 8.9866759 477 228 Forest Hills 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Bay Island 8.4502469 476 228 Bay Island 8.9866759 477 228 Bay Island 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Back Bay 8.4502469 476 228 Back Bay 8.9866759 477 228 8.9866759 477 228 Creeds 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Linkhorn 8.4502469 476 228 Linkhorn 8.9866759 477 228 Linkhorn 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Alanton 8.4502469 476 228 Alanton 8.9866759 477 228 Alanton 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Pungo 8.4502469 476 228 Pungo 8.9866759 477 228 Pungo 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Currituck 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Atlantic Park 8.4502469 476 228 Atlantic Park 8.9866759 477 228 Atlantic Park 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Maple 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Dawley Corners 8.4502469 476 228 Dawley Corners 8.9866759 477 228 8.9866759 477 228 Dam Neck Corner 8.4502469 476 228 Dam Neck Corner 8.9866759 477 228 Dam Neck Corner 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Public Landing 2.316319 471 229 Public Landing 13.049792 475 229 13.049792 475 229 Campbells Landing 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Sigma 8.4502469 476 228 Sigma 8.9866759 477 228 Sigma 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Cavalier Park 8.4502469 476 228 Cavalier Park 8.9866759 477 228 Cavalier Park 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Quejimbra 7.9533372 64 225 Quejimbra 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Hill Landing 8.4502469 476 228 Hill Landing 8.9866759 477 228 8.9866759 477 228 Chiqui 7.9533372 64 225 Chiqui 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Barco 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Cielo Azul 7.9533372 64 225 Cielo Azul 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Virginia Beach 8.4502469 476 228 Virginia Beach 8.9866759 477 228 Virginia Beach 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Corys 2.316319 471 229 Corys 13.049792 475 229 13.049792 475 229 San Bernardo 13.692764 66 226 San Bernardo 21.761921 67 226 San Bernardo 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Coinjock 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Sandbridge Beach 8.4502469 476 228 Sandbridge Beach 8.9866759 477 228 Sandbridge Beach 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Waterlilly 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Knotts Island 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Bertha 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Aydlett 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Poplar Branch 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 False Cape Landing 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Grandy 7.0914813 470 230 7.0914813 470 230 Jarvisburg 7.0914813 470 230 7.0914813 470 230 El Islote 52.08717 70 227 El Islote 48.809728 70 228 El Islote 28.427212 70 230 El Islote 37.969855 72 231 El Islote 70.795535 73 231 70.795535 73 231 Powells Point 12.905114 468 231 Powells Point 10.441831 469 231 10.441831 469 231 Mamie 12.905114 468 231 Mamie 10.441831 469 231 10.441831 469 231 Corolla 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Mashoes 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Harbinger 12.905114 468 231 Harbinger 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Point Harbor 12.905114 468 231 Point Harbor 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Santa Catalina 8.3040277 67 228 Santa Catalina 14.797166 67 232 14.797166 67 232 Lake Worth 2.0159939 459 231 2.0159939 459 231 Caffys Inlet Hamlet 7.0914813 470 230 Caffys Inlet Hamlet 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 San Antero 28.436875 67 229 San Antero 14.797166 67 232 San Antero 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Bayberry Bluffs 12.905114 468 231 Bayberry Bluffs 10.441831 469 231 Bayberry Bluffs 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Hargraves Bench 12.905114 468 231 Hargraves Bench 10.441831 469 231 Hargraves Bench 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Stumpy Point 2.0159939 459 231 2.0159939 459 231 Southern Shores 12.905114 468 231 Southern Shores 10.441831 469 231 Southern Shores 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Bijadito 28.436875 67 229 Bijadito 14.797166 67 232 Bijadito 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Colington 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 El Penon 28.436875 67 229 El Penon 14.797166 67 232 El Penon 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Fort Raleigh City 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 El Porvenir 28.436875 67 229 El Porvenir 14.797166 67 232 El Porvenir 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 El Bobo 28.436875 67 229 El Bobo 14.797166 67 232 El Bobo 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Kitty Hawk 12.905114 468 231 Kitty Hawk 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Covenas 28.436875 67 229 Covenas 14.797166 67 232 Covenas 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Baru 90.276263 75 230 Baru 55.722777 77 230 Baru 50.949596 75 231 Baru 59.734206 75 232 Baru 37.681091 76 232 Baru 6.699567 77 232 Baru 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Covenitas 24.129931 67 230 Covenitas 35.754905 68 230 Covenitas 29.736569 68 231 Covenitas 14.797166 67 232 Covenitas 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Guayabal 24.129931 67 230 Guayabal 35.754905 68 230 Guayabal 29.736569 68 231 Guayabal 14.797166 67 232 Guayabal 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Punta Seca 24.129931 67 230 Punta Seca 35.754905 68 230 Punta Seca 29.736569 68 231 Punta Seca 14.797166 67 232 Punta Seca 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 California 14.875336 464 233 14.875336 464 233 Mother Vineyard 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Kill Devil Hills 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Croatan Shores 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Manteo 14.875336 464 233 14.875336 464 233 Wanchese 14.875336 464 233 14.875336 464 233 Rincon 35.290722 69 230 Rincon 28.427212 70 230 Rincon 37.969855 72 231 Rincon 70.795535 73 231 Rincon 22.958312 69 232 Rincon 11.381217 72 232 Rincon 11.872711 69 233 11.872711 69 233 Hacienda Petalaca 24.129931 67 230 Hacienda Petalaca 35.754905 68 230 Hacienda Petalaca 29.736569 68 231 Hacienda Petalaca 14.797166 67 232 Hacienda Petalaca 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Nags Head 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Pendales 5.6903472 77 231 Pendales 6.699567 77 232 Pendales 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Porto Nao 5.6903472 77 231 Porto Nao 6.699567 77 232 Porto Nao 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Majagual 10.003052 71 231 Majagual 37.969855 72 231 Majagual 70.795535 73 231 Majagual 11.381217 72 232 Majagual 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Whalebone 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Hiqueron 21.593164 70 231 Hiqueron 37.969855 72 231 Hiqueron 70.795535 73 231 Hiqueron 11.381217 72 232 11.381217 72 232 Puerto Viejo 19.642305 67 231 Puerto Viejo 29.736569 68 231 Puerto Viejo 14.797166 67 232 Puerto Viejo 22.958312 69 232 Puerto Viejo 7.8897966 68 233 Puerto Viejo 11.872711 69 233 11.872711 69 233 Zaragocilla 29.736569 68 231 Zaragocilla 21.593164 70 231 Zaragocilla 37.969855 72 231 Zaragocilla 22.958312 69 232 Zaragocilla 11.381217 72 232 Zaragocilla 7.8897966 68 233 Zaragocilla 11.872711 69 233 11.872711 69 233 Montemar 21.593164 70 231 Montemar 37.969855 72 231 Montemar 70.795535 73 231 Montemar 11.381217 72 232 11.381217 72 232 Libertad 10.003052 71 231 Libertad 37.969855 72 231 Libertad 70.795535 73 231 Libertad 11.381217 72 232 Libertad 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Polonia 5.6903472 77 231 Polonia 6.699567 77 232 Polonia 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Melilla 2.7486037 237 231 2.7486037 237 231 La Bulla 21.593164 70 231 La Bulla 37.969855 72 231 La Bulla 70.795535 73 231 La Bulla 11.381217 72 232 11.381217 72 232 Tierra Bomba 122.29773 79 231 Tierra Bomba 138.42583 80 231 Tierra Bomba 84.630361 79 232 Tierra Bomba 72.815598 80 232 Tierra Bomba 23.895681 80 233 Tierra Bomba 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Cenicita 37.969855 72 231 Cenicita 70.795535 73 231 Cenicita 11.381217 72 232 Cenicita 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Tolu 19.642305 67 231 Tolu 29.736569 68 231 Tolu 21.593164 70 231 Tolu 14.797166 67 232 Tolu 22.958312 69 232 Tolu 7.8897966 68 233 Tolu 11.872711 69 233 11.872711 69 233 Santa Ana 6.699567 77 232 Santa Ana 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Ararca 6.699567 77 232 Ararca 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Mompos 11.381217 72 232 Mompos 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Cano de Loro 47.988966 78 232 Cano de Loro 2.8312214 78 234 Cano de Loro 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 La Barces 32.255608 73 232 La Barces 38.957372 74 232 La Barces 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Labarce 32.255608 73 232 Labarce 38.957372 74 232 Labarce 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Buxton 10.556583 456 235 10.556583 456 235 Santa Maria 21.762318 68 232 Santa Maria 22.958312 69 232 Santa Maria 11.381217 72 232 Santa Maria 7.8897966 68 233 Santa Maria 11.872711 69 233 11.872711 69 233 Cartagena 84.630361 79 232 Cartagena 72.815598 80 232 Cartagena 23.895681 80 233 Cartagena 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Pasacaballo 6.699567 77 232 Pasacaballo 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Piedrecitas 37.681091 76 232 Piedrecitas 6.699567 77 232 Piedrecitas 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Faro 86.110065 81 232 Faro 147.85499 82 232 Faro 214.28992 83 233 Faro 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Avon 10.556583 456 235 Avon 10.241733 457 235 10.241733 457 235 Leticia 37.681091 76 232 Leticia 6.699567 77 232 Leticia 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Caserio El Cobado 59.734206 75 232 Caserio El Cobado 37.681091 76 232 Caserio El Cobado 6.699567 77 232 Caserio El Cobado 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Manzanillo del Mar 86.110065 81 232 Manzanillo del Mar 147.85499 82 232 Manzanillo del Mar 214.28992 83 233 Manzanillo del Mar 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Manzanillo 86.110065 81 232 Manzanillo 147.85499 82 232 Manzanillo 214.28992 83 233 Manzanillo 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Cobado 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Little Kinnakeet 10.556583 456 235 Little Kinnakeet 10.241733 457 235 10.241733 457 235 Puerto Cospique 23.895681 80 233 Puerto Cospique 2.8312214 78 234 Puerto Cospique 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Salvo 10.556583 456 235 Salvo 10.241733 457 235 10.241733 457 235 Steeple 10.556583 456 235 Steeple 10.241733 457 235 10.241733 457 235 Rodanthe 10.241733 457 235 10.241733 457 235 Puerto Tierrabaja 23.895681 80 233 Puerto Tierrabaja 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Arroyo de Piedra 18.581051 82 233 Arroyo de Piedra 214.28992 83 233 Arroyo de Piedra 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Hierbabuena 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Las Canoas 9.948111 83 234 Las Canoas 20.197542 85 235 Las Canoas 2.8402898 87 238 2.8402898 87 238 Arroyo Grande 7.627628 84 235 Arroyo Grande 20.197542 85 235 Arroyo Grande 2.8402898 87 238 2.8402898 87 238 Palmarito 7.627628 84 235 Palmarito 20.197542 85 235 Palmarito 2.8402898 87 238 2.8402898 87 238 Cairano 13.632357 86 236 Cairano 2.8402898 87 238 Cairano 9.8977952 88 239 Cairano 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Loma de Arena 13.632357 86 236 Loma de Arena 2.8402898 87 238 Loma de Arena 9.8977952 88 239 Loma de Arena 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Galerazamba 13.632357 86 236 Galerazamba 2.8402898 87 238 Galerazamba 9.8977952 88 239 Galerazamba 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Helenita 13.632357 86 236 Helenita 2.8402898 87 238 Helenita 9.8977952 88 239 Helenita 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Las Tres Marias 13.632357 86 236 Las Tres Marias 2.8402898 87 238 Las Tres Marias 9.8977952 88 239 Las Tres Marias 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Boca Tocino 6.014659 86 237 Boca Tocino 30.709757 88 237 Boca Tocino 2.8402898 87 238 Boca Tocino 9.8977952 88 239 Boca Tocino 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 San Vicente 2.8402898 87 238 San Vicente 9.8977952 88 239 San Vicente 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 San Diego 2.8402898 87 238 San Diego 9.8977952 88 239 San Diego 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Hacienda Manates 2.8402898 87 238 Hacienda Manates 9.8977952 88 239 Hacienda Manates 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Salina del Rey 2.8402898 87 238 Salina del Rey 9.8977952 88 239 Salina del Rey 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Salina de Rey 2.8402898 87 238 Salina de Rey 9.8977952 88 239 Salina de Rey 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Puerto Caiman 9.8977952 88 239 Puerto Caiman 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Puerto Colombia 10.359974 89 241 10.359974 89 241 Puerto Salgar 10.359974 89 241 10.359974 89 241 Maizal 10.359974 89 241 10.359974 89 241 La Playa 5.9651661 90 242 5.9651661 90 242 Cementos Caribe 5.9651661 90 242 5.9651661 90 242 Los Ladrones 76.124122 92 244 Los Ladrones 14.193674 91 247 14.193674 91 247 La Guardia 159.09957 92 245 La Guardia 56.920571 92 246 La Guardia 14.193674 91 247 14.193674 91 247 Hacienda Barravieja 155.89803 91 248 Hacienda Barravieja 4.3724586 90 249 4.3724586 90 249 Puebloviejo 25.603112 88 250 25.603112 88 250 Tasajera 25.603112 88 250 25.603112 88 250 Palmira 25.603112 88 250 25.603112 88 250 Isla del Rosario 25.603112 88 250 25.603112 88 250 Cienaga 78.129696 88 251 Cienaga 237.19685 89 251 237.19685 89 251 Hacienda Papare 247.97584 89 252 247.97584 89 252 Gaira 9.3568447 91 252 Gaira 8.0584224 91 253 8.0584224 91 253 La Elisa 12.371773 88 252 La Elisa 247.97584 89 252 247.97584 89 252 Bavaria 9.3568447 91 252 Bavaria 8.0584224 91 253 8.0584224 91 253 Taganga 191.43947 92 252 Taganga 617.47937 94 252 Taganga 57.314625 95 255 57.314625 95 255 Santa Marta 191.43947 92 252 Santa Marta 617.47937 94 252 Santa Marta 57.314625 95 255 57.314625 95 255 Mamatoco 9.3568447 91 252 Mamatoco 8.0584224 91 253 8.0584224 91 253 Balneario de Villa Concha 24.637543 92 253 Balneario de Villa Concha 135.19307 93 253 Balneario de Villa Concha 250.61897 94 253 Balneario de Villa Concha 238.64297 95 253 Balneario de Villa Concha 57.314625 95 255 57.314625 95 255 Neguanje 63.659507 95 254 Neguanje 57.314625 95 255 57.314625 95 255 El Coquito 379.26758 96 256 El Coquito 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 La Esmeralda 379.26758 96 256 La Esmeralda 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Canaveral 379.26758 96 256 Canaveral 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Los Naranjos 379.26758 96 256 Los Naranjos 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Mata de Platano 258.0576 96 257 Mata de Platano 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 La Poza 258.0576 96 257 La Poza 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Hacienda la Beatriz 258.0576 96 257 Hacienda la Beatriz 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Guschaca 258.0576 96 257 Guschaca 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Buritaca 295.33559 96 258 Buritaca 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Les Cayes 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Cacoq 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Don Diego 74.364408 95 260 Don Diego 142.29047 95 261 Don Diego 12.944257 94 264 12.944257 94 264 Cavaillon 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Calabolo 400.64643 94 261 Calabolo 142.29047 95 261 Calabolo 12.944257 94 264 Calabolo 12.735116 94 265 12.735116 94 265 Ile a Vache 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Saint-Louis-du-Sud 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Nevamar 349.46331 94 262 Nevamar 87.155123 95 262 Nevamar 12.944257 94 264 Nevamar 12.735116 94 265 12.735116 94 265 Rio Canas 12.944257 94 264 Rio Canas 12.735116 94 265 12.735116 94 265 Olga 12.944257 94 264 Olga 12.735116 94 265 12.735116 94 265 La Victoria 12.735116 94 265 12.735116 94 265 Dibulla 12.735116 94 265 12.735116 94 265 La Enea 14.786739 95 267 14.786739 95 267 Punta Guamachito 7.9024078 95 268 Punta Guamachito 4.8508366 98 272 4.8508366 98 272 Miragoane 14.535729 202 271 Miragoane 23.565166 202 272 23.565166 202 272 Camarones 6.8485811 96 269 Camarones 6.8908947 97 271 Camarones 6.8888047 98 271 Camarones 4.8508366 98 272 4.8508366 98 272 La Gloria 6.9454255 97 270 La Gloria 10.011052 98 270 La Gloria 6.8908947 97 271 La Gloria 6.8888047 98 271 La Gloria 4.8508366 98 272 La Gloria 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 El Horno 6.9454255 97 270 El Horno 10.011052 98 270 El Horno 6.8908947 97 271 El Horno 6.8888047 98 271 El Horno 4.8508366 98 272 El Horno 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Riohacha 6.8908947 97 271 Riohacha 6.8888047 98 271 Riohacha 4.8508366 98 272 Riohacha 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Petit-Goave 23.565166 202 272 23.565166 202 272 Pirpir 4.8508366 98 272 Pirpir 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Boucan a Lait 289.47271 204 276 Boucan a Lait 122.50526 206 276 Boucan a Lait 30.336896 204 277 Boucan a Lait 38.570523 205 277 Boucan a Lait 51.618804 206 277 51.618804 206 277 Juskare 8.7833306 99 273 Juskare 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Mayapo 8.7833306 99 273 Mayapo 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Arbol del Descanso 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Urachikarein 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Augier 27.781356 207 278 27.781356 207 278 El Pajaro 2.9030982 100 275 2.9030982 100 275 Shichepeho 2.9030982 100 275 2.9030982 100 275 Bellevue 30.336896 204 277 Bellevue 38.570523 205 277 Bellevue 42.827766 204 278 Bellevue 134.55644 205 278 Bellevue 140.85057 204 279 Bellevue 134.82185 204 280 Bellevue 110.54929 205 280 Bellevue 2.846156 204 281 2.846156 204 281 Arcahaie 38.570523 205 277 Arcahaie 51.618804 206 277 Arcahaie 134.55644 205 278 Arcahaie 134.29798 205 279 Arcahaie 110.54929 205 280 Arcahaie 32.540816 205 281 32.540816 205 281 Huattapo 44.564121 102 278 Huattapo 35.402658 102 279 Huattapo 28.066509 102 280 28.066509 102 280 Manaure Viejo 44.564121 102 278 Manaure Viejo 57.823005 104 278 Manaure Viejo 28.066509 102 280 28.066509 102 280 Shushirrara 35.402658 102 279 Shushirrara 28.066509 102 280 28.066509 102 280 Iturumahana 35.402658 102 279 Iturumahana 28.066509 102 280 28.066509 102 280 Aubry 140.85057 204 279 Aubry 134.82185 204 280 Aubry 110.54929 205 280 Aubry 2.846156 204 281 Aubry 13.994073 205 282 13.994073 205 282 Araurio 35.402658 102 279 Araurio 28.066509 102 280 28.066509 102 280 Puerto Aramatka 35.402658 102 279 Puerto Aramatka 28.066509 102 280 28.066509 102 280 Santa Rosa 28.066509 102 280 28.066509 102 280 Mausahu 28.066509 102 280 28.066509 102 280 Port-au-Prince 134.82185 204 280 Port-au-Prince 110.54929 205 280 Port-au-Prince 2.846156 204 281 Port-au-Prince 13.994073 205 282 13.994073 205 282 Jojoromahana 28.066509 102 280 28.066509 102 280 Auyama 7.9077034 103 281 Auyama 19.901937 104 281 Auyama 30.87108 105 281 Auyama 49.190003 103 282 Auyama 24.724947 105 282 24.724947 105 282 Cardon 49.190003 103 282 Cardon 24.724947 105 282 Cardon 2.7874786 106 284 2.7874786 106 284 Cap-Haitien 6.7526666 221 286 6.7526666 221 286 Kosinamahana 49.190003 103 282 Kosinamahana 24.724947 105 282 Kosinamahana 2.7874786 106 284 2.7874786 106 284 Carrizal 49.190003 103 282 Carrizal 24.724947 105 282 Carrizal 2.7874786 106 284 2.7874786 106 284 El Cabo 3.6915755 105 283 El Cabo 2.7874786 106 284 El Cabo 12.928346 109 287 12.928346 109 287 Amaiquiro 40.461846 104 283 Amaiquiro 3.6915755 105 283 Amaiquiro 2.7874786 106 284 2.7874786 106 284 Beliard 6.7526666 221 286 Beliard 4.6891889 221 287 4.6891889 221 287 Jumop 7.156194 96 288 Jumop 9.158363 97 288 Jumop 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Junain 49.334196 109 285 Junain 27.545817 109 286 Junain 12.928346 109 287 Junain 226.10324 108 288 Junain 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Calinatay 9.158363 97 288 Calinatay 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Los Filudos 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Molomana 9.158363 97 288 Molomana 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Sichipes 7.156194 96 288 Sichipes 9.158363 97 288 Sichipes 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 La Gloria 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Pararu 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Guayamulisira 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Neima 7.156194 96 288 Neima 9.158363 97 288 Neima 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Cojua 7.156194 96 288 Cojua 9.158363 97 288 Cojua 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Campamento 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Guarurtain 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 La Punta 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Paraguaipoa 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Los Aceitunitos 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Guichep 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Jautaipanou 9.158363 97 288 Jautaipanou 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Pichuasahi 27.545817 109 286 Pichuasahi 12.928346 109 287 Pichuasahi 226.10324 108 288 Pichuasahi 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Los Mochos 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Juruba 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Jasav 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Huauariuaha 27.545817 109 286 Huauariuaha 12.928346 109 287 Huauariuaha 226.10324 108 288 Huauariuaha 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Uluimana 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Jurulapa 9.158363 97 288 Jurulapa 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Campo Alegre 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Zulia Mar 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Kaurimahana 12.928346 109 287 Kaurimahana 226.10324 108 288 Kaurimahana 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Gualipana 9.158363 97 288 Gualipana 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Los Hermanitos 14.925551 94 289 Los Hermanitos 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Botoncillo 14.925551 94 289 Botoncillo 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Cojoro 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Caimare Chico 14.925551 94 289 Caimare Chico 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Caraipia 14.925551 94 289 Caraipia 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Boca Paijana 14.925551 94 289 Boca Paijana 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puertecitos 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Cardoncito 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puerto Guerrero 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Calle Ancha 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puerto Mara 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puerto Cardoncito 14.925551 94 289 Puerto Cardoncito 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 San Jose 226.10324 108 288 San Jose 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Paijana 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 La Esperanza 3.7245293 91 291 3.7245293 91 291 Guasapatu 10.104846 98 289 Guasapatu 9.5793775 99 289 9.5793775 99 289 Los Icacos 2.5332805 223 292 2.5332805 223 292 San Rafael 3.7245293 91 291 3.7245293 91 291 Las Cabimas 3.7245293 91 291 3.7245293 91 291 Las Delicias 2.0355001 90 293 2.0355001 90 293 Inosu 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Palachuou 10.104846 98 289 Palachuou 9.5793775 99 289 9.5793775 99 289 Potchoure 16.12569 98 290 Potchoure 7.2538087 99 290 7.2538087 99 290 Monte Cristi 2.5332805 223 292 2.5332805 223 292 El Toas 3.7245293 91 291 3.7245293 91 291 Zarrupiai 7.2538087 99 290 7.2538087 99 290 Cuzi 16.12569 98 290 Cuzi 7.2538087 99 290 7.2538087 99 290 San Carlos 3.7245293 91 291 3.7245293 91 291 Caserio Taroa 29.76622 112 295 29.76622 112 295 Morchipa 11.082524 99 292 Morchipa 39.288038 100 292 39.288038 100 292 Parsua 11.082524 99 292 Parsua 39.288038 100 292 39.288038 100 292 Maasichi 29.76622 112 295 Maasichi 13.930702 111 296 13.930702 111 296 Puerto Chimare 29.76622 112 295 Puerto Chimare 13.930702 111 296 13.930702 111 296 Guincua 2.2940825 100 295 2.2940825 100 295 Sabana Cruz 4.1506154 223 297 4.1506154 223 297 Tapuli 2.2940825 100 295 2.2940825 100 295 Makaraipaho 5.3603054 101 296 5.3603054 101 296 Castilletes 5.3603054 101 296 5.3603054 101 296 Puerto Estrella 29.76622 112 295 Puerto Estrella 13.930702 111 296 Puerto Estrella 14.068362 109 299 14.068362 109 299 Puerto Lopez 4.9849006 102 297 4.9849006 102 297 El Copey 4.1506154 223 297 4.1506154 223 297 Chichibacoa 23.060185 111 297 Chichibacoa 35.795373 111 298 Chichibacoa 14.068362 109 299 14.068362 109 299 Karasua 12.273862 103 298 12.273862 103 298 Guaguri 14.068362 109 299 Guaguri 6.1288335 105 300 6.1288335 105 300 Puerto Ingles 12.273862 103 298 12.273862 103 298 Punta Espada 12.423181 104 299 12.423181 104 299 San Agustin 10.029094 91 299 10.029094 91 299 Arroyo Hondo 9.9332141 92 301 9.9332141 92 301 Coneja 9.9332141 92 301 9.9332141 92 301 Canapo 8.0910822 92 302 Canapo 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 Caracubana 6.9888747 93 303 Caracubana 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 Antunez 6.9888747 93 303 Antunez 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 Yuquique 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 Santa Clara 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 El Suite 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 Puerto Gutierrez 10.05171 94 306 Puerto Gutierrez 17.881892 95 306 Puerto Gutierrez 8.0424691 94 307 Puerto Gutierrez 8.9582177 94 308 Puerto Gutierrez 7.7643788 94 309 7.7643788 94 309 Los Hatos 10.05171 94 306 Los Hatos 17.881892 95 306 Los Hatos 8.0424691 94 307 Los Hatos 8.9582177 94 308 Los Hatos 7.7643788 94 309 7.7643788 94 309 Baruche 10.05171 94 306 Baruche 17.881892 95 306 Baruche 8.0424691 94 307 Baruche 8.9582177 94 308 Baruche 7.7643788 94 309 7.7643788 94 309 Puerto Zazarida 8.0424691 94 307 Puerto Zazarida 8.9582177 94 308 Puerto Zazarida 7.7643788 94 309 7.7643788 94 309 Zazarida 8.9582177 94 308 Zazarida 7.7643788 94 309 7.7643788 94 309 Estanquecito 7.7643788 94 309 7.7643788 94 309 Cuajaracume 9.1018795 95 310 Cuajaracume 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Cauca 9.1018795 95 310 Cauca 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Codore Adentro 10.105922 95 311 Codore Adentro 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Hato Abajo 37.076816 102 311 37.076816 102 311 Los Taques 47.747343 100 311 47.747343 100 311 Ocorote 10.105922 95 311 Ocorote 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Adaro 29.835847 99 311 Adaro 50.923042 99 315 50.923042 99 315 El Rosario 41.292074 101 312 41.292074 101 312 El Cardon 20.411522 97 312 El Cardon 47.830451 97 315 47.830451 97 315 Punta Cardon 32.841873 98 312 Punta Cardon 48.547442 98 315 48.547442 98 315 Punto Fijo 35.711577 99 312 Punto Fijo 50.923042 99 315 50.923042 99 315 Conejal 26.707651 103 312 Conejal 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Rio Seco 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 La Macolla 26.532481 105 312 La Macolla 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Las Piedras 35.711577 99 312 Las Piedras 50.923042 99 315 50.923042 99 315 Guadalajara 25.972536 104 312 Guadalajara 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 La California 25.972536 104 312 La California 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Guanadito 42.97661 100 312 42.97661 100 312 Guaimu 25.972536 104 312 Guaimu 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Orejitas 25.972536 104 312 Orejitas 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Algodones 5.8037581 96 313 5.8037581 96 313 Tiguajada 22.728502 98 313 Tiguajada 48.547442 98 315 48.547442 98 315 Macama 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Arajo 5.8037581 96 313 5.8037581 96 313 La Boca 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Caujarito 22.728502 98 313 Caujarito 48.547442 98 315 48.547442 98 315 Las Cruces 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 El Vaquero 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Matacan 12.163806 98 314 Matacan 48.547442 98 315 48.547442 98 315 San Lorenzo 27.963171 107 314 San Lorenzo 7.2474253 107 315 7.2474253 107 315 Cayude 48.547442 98 315 48.547442 98 315 El Imujo 7.2474253 107 315 7.2474253 107 315 San Francisco 7.2474253 107 315 7.2474253 107 315 La Cienaga 7.2474253 107 315 7.2474253 107 315 Piedras Negras 16.666673 108 316 Piedras Negras 18.087434 107 319 Piedras Negras 15.00603 105 320 15.00603 105 320 Las Cumaraguas 16.666673 108 316 Las Cumaraguas 18.087434 107 319 Las Cumaraguas 15.00603 105 320 15.00603 105 320 Arroyo Salado 18.547532 215 320 18.547532 215 320 Santa Rita 18.087434 107 319 Santa Rita 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Azubure 18.087434 107 319 Azubure 15.00603 105 320 15.00603 105 320 Charaima 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Baraived 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Guayacan 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Nagua 18.547532 215 320 18.547532 215 320 El Hato 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Pedregalito 18.087434 107 319 Pedregalito 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Caduto 63.898929 97 319 Caduto 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Guasare Abajo 63.898929 97 319 Guasare Abajo 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Cujizal 29.994012 97 320 Cujizal 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Palencia 29.994012 97 320 Palencia 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Jagueicito 29.994012 97 320 Jagueicito 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 La Vela de Coro 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Playa Negra 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 El Carrizal 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Muaco 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Mataruca 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Taimetaima 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Cuji Leon 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Taratara 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Abra Grande 12.243246 215 326 12.243246 215 326 La Aguada 5.6998326 97 323 5.6998326 97 323 Los Robalos 12.243246 215 326 12.243246 215 326 Puente de Piedra 5.6998326 97 323 5.6998326 97 323 El Cerro 5.6998326 97 323 5.6998326 97 323 El Manglar 20.823879 98 324 El Manglar 39.362395 98 325 El Manglar 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 San Juan 20.823879 98 324 San Juan 39.362395 98 325 San Juan 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 La Soledad 20.823879 98 324 La Soledad 39.362395 98 325 La Soledad 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 Quebrada de Huto 20.823879 98 324 Quebrada de Huto 39.362395 98 325 Quebrada de Huto 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 La Cienega 20.823879 98 324 La Cienega 39.362395 98 325 La Cienega 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 Puerto Cumarebo 39.362395 98 325 Puerto Cumarebo 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 Samana 12.243246 215 326 12.243246 215 326 El Valle 12.243246 215 326 12.243246 215 326 Tucupido 39.362395 98 325 Tucupido 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 Santa Rita 39.362395 98 325 Santa Rita 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 Santa Rosa 39.362395 98 325 Santa Rosa 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 San Antonio 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 Capitan 29.480327 211 329 29.480327 211 329 Cienega Lejos 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 Topopero 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 Cieneguita 8.4529362 98 326 8.4529362 98 326 Balandra 12.243246 215 326 12.243246 215 326 Arroyo del Cabo 2.9005349 215 327 2.9005349 215 327 Boca de Ricoa 22.910784 98 327 Boca de Ricoa 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 El Desecho 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 San Pedrito 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Sabanas Altas 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Saladillo 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Viana 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Loma Grande 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Miches 29.480327 211 329 29.480327 211 329 La Montana de Hueque 40.601481 98 330 La Montana de Hueque 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Aguima 40.601481 98 330 Aguima 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 El Pozo 40.601481 98 330 El Pozo 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Coral 84.292238 98 331 Coral 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Campechano 84.292238 98 331 Campechano 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 El Guay 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Sauca 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Las Lisas 13.859929 210 334 13.859929 210 334 La Costa 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Pta Zamuro 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 El Encanto 18.246419 97 333 El Encanto 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 Isidro 18.246419 97 333 Isidro 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 Aguide 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 Hicacales 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 Maracara 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 Viento Suave 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 La Vigia 29.920591 95 339 La Vigia 26.240921 94 340 26.240921 94 340 Casa Venturia 29.920591 95 339 Casa Venturia 26.240921 94 340 Casa Venturia 12.626591 93 341 12.626591 93 341 Los Boquerones 29.920591 95 339 Los Boquerones 26.240921 94 340 Los Boquerones 12.626591 93 341 Los Boquerones 15.071105 92 342 15.071105 92 342 La Villa 26.240921 94 340 La Villa 12.626591 93 341 La Villa 15.071105 92 342 La Villa 14.704633 90 343 14.704633 90 343 El Manglar 26.240921 94 340 El Manglar 12.626591 93 341 El Manglar 15.071105 92 342 El Manglar 14.704633 90 343 14.704633 90 343 Tibana 20.067534 87 343 Tibana 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Tocuyo de la Costa 15.071105 92 342 Tocuyo de la Costa 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Sanare 20.018126 86 343 Sanare 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Cuara 20.067534 87 343 Cuara 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 El Cuatro 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 La Soledad 20.018126 86 343 La Soledad 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Santa Ana 20.018126 86 343 Santa Ana 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Playa Norte 15.071105 92 342 Playa Norte 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 El Muertico 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Tucacas 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Los Corales 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Las Empalizadas 15.071105 92 342 Las Empalizadas 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 La Luisa 20.018126 86 343 La Luisa 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 El Pasdero 20.067534 87 343 El Pasdero 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Las Delicias 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Pta. Brava 20.067534 87 343 Pta. Brava 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Chichiriviche 20.067534 87 343 Chichiriviche 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Morrocoy 20.018126 86 343 Morrocoy 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 San Rafael 20.018126 86 343 San Rafael 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Boca del Yaracuy 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Boca de Yaracuy 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Moron 31.977182 84 344 Moron 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Taborda 31.977182 84 344 Taborda 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 El Palito 31.977182 84 344 El Palito 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Goaigoaza 31.977182 84 344 Goaigoaza 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Sta. Rosa 31.977182 84 344 Sta. Rosa 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Puerto Cabello 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Sta. Lucia 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Pto Borburata 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Quizandal 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Ganango 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Flamenco 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Las Caneyes 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Patanemo 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Palermo 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Turiamo 46.745324 83 347 46.745324 83 347 San Nicolas 46.745324 83 347 46.745324 83 347 Independencia 68.619601 83 348 68.619601 83 348 Cata 64.758678 83 349 64.758678 83 349 Cuyagua 64.758678 83 349 64.758678 83 349 Aroa 319.02955 84 350 319.02955 84 350 Doraville 8.7430727 202 375 8.7430727 202 375 Dorado 8.7430727 202 375 8.7430727 202 375 Toa Baja 8.7430727 202 375 8.7430727 202 375 Ingenio 8.7430727 202 375 Ingenio 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Camino Delmar 8.7430727 202 375 Camino Delmar 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Sabana Seca 8.7430727 202 375 Sabana Seca 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Levittown 8.7430727 202 375 Levittown 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Enramada 8.7430727 202 375 Enramada 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Palo Seco 8.7430727 202 375 Palo Seco 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Las Palmas 8.7430727 202 375 Las Palmas 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Catano 8.7430727 202 375 Catano 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Jardines de Caparra 8.7430727 202 375 Jardines de Caparra 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 El Morro 8.7430727 202 375 El Morro 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Guaynabo 8.7430727 202 375 Guaynabo 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Vietnam 8.7430727 202 375 Vietnam 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Caparra Hills 8.7430727 202 375 Caparra Hills 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Puerta de Tierra 8.7430727 202 375 Puerta de Tierra 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Nemesio Canales 8.7430727 202 375 Nemesio Canales 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Condado 8.7430727 202 375 Condado 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Baldrich 8.7430727 202 375 Baldrich 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 San Juan 8.7430727 202 375 San Juan 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Punta Las Marias 8.7430727 202 375 Punta Las Marias 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Manuel A Perez 8.7430727 202 375 Manuel A Perez 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Biascoechea 8.7430727 202 375 Biascoechea 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Parque Isla Verde 8.7430727 202 375 Parque Isla Verde 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Country Club 8.7430727 202 375 Country Club 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Carolina 8.7430727 202 375 Carolina 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Extension Vista Mar 8.7430727 202 375 Extension Vista Mar 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Campamento Pinones 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Arenas 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Loiza Aldea 12.283018 201 381 12.283018 201 381 Suarez 12.283018 201 381 12.283018 201 381 Vieques 12.283018 201 381 12.283018 201 381 Rio Grande 12.283018 201 381 12.283018 201 381 Hato Candal 12.283018 201 381 12.283018 201 381 Palmer 12.283018 201 381 12.283018 201 381 Punta Santiago 15.035454 198 383 Punta Santiago 13.016242 199 383 13.016242 199 383 Playa Fortuna 12.283018 201 381 Playa Fortuna 13.016242 199 383 Playa Fortuna 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Playa de Humacao 15.035454 198 383 Playa de Humacao 13.016242 199 383 13.016242 199 383 San Vicente 12.283018 201 381 San Vicente 13.016242 199 383 San Vicente 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Naguabo 15.035454 198 383 Naguabo 13.016242 199 383 Naguabo 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Luquillo 12.283018 201 381 Luquillo 13.016242 199 383 Luquillo 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Ramos 12.283018 201 381 Ramos 13.016242 199 383 Ramos 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Estacion Botija 15.035454 198 383 Estacion Botija 13.016242 199 383 Estacion Botija 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 El Banco 15.035454 198 383 El Banco 13.016242 199 383 El Banco 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Margarita 12.283018 201 381 Margarita 13.016242 199 383 Margarita 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Campamento Punta Lima 15.035454 198 383 Campamento Punta Lima 13.016242 199 383 Campamento Punta Lima 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Daguao 15.035454 198 383 Daguao 13.016242 199 383 Daguao 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Aguas Claras 12.283018 201 381 Aguas Claras 13.016242 199 383 Aguas Claras 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Convento 12.283018 201 381 Convento 13.016242 199 383 Convento 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Fajardo 12.283018 201 381 Fajardo 13.016242 199 383 Fajardo 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Ceiba 12.283018 201 381 Ceiba 13.016242 199 383 Ceiba 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Isidra 12.283018 201 381 Isidra 13.016242 199 383 Isidra 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Luis M. Cintron 12.283018 201 381 Luis M. Cintron 13.016242 199 383 Luis M. Cintron 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Roosevelt Roads 15.035454 198 383 Roosevelt Roads 13.016242 199 383 Roosevelt Roads 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Las Croabas 12.283018 201 381 Las Croabas 13.016242 199 383 Las Croabas 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Panapo 22.362932 78 385 22.362932 78 385 Hacienda Arcadia 15.035454 198 383 Hacienda Arcadia 13.016242 199 383 Hacienda Arcadia 17.594145 198 385 Hacienda Arcadia 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Esperanza 15.035454 198 383 Esperanza 13.122777 198 384 Esperanza 17.594145 198 385 Esperanza 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Isabel Segunda 15.035454 198 383 Isabel Segunda 13.016242 199 383 Isabel Segunda 17.594145 198 385 Isabel Segunda 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Santa Maria 15.035454 198 383 Santa Maria 13.016242 199 383 Santa Maria 17.594145 198 385 Santa Maria 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Vieques 15.035454 198 383 Vieques 13.016242 199 383 Vieques 17.594145 198 385 Vieques 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Uchire 22.362932 78 385 Uchire 5.6517228 77 387 5.6517228 77 387 Chavez 22.362932 78 385 Chavez 5.6517228 77 387 5.6517228 77 387 Culebra 17.594145 198 385 Culebra 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Cardoncito 5.6517228 77 387 5.6517228 77 387 San Ildefonso 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Unare 5.6517228 77 387 5.6517228 77 387 Puerto Piritu 9.6120391 77 389 9.6120391 77 389 Barrett 29.221543 201 395 29.221543 201 395 Charlotte Amalie 29.221543 201 395 29.221543 201 395 Enighed 29.221543 201 395 29.221543 201 395 Bellevue 29.221543 201 395 29.221543 201 395 El Jose 16.670541 77 391 El Jose 11.331941 77 392 El Jose 14.061336 77 393 El Jose 22.441928 77 394 El Jose 16.715968 77 395 16.715968 77 395 Mandal 29.221543 201 395 29.221543 201 395 Bolongo 29.221543 201 395 29.221543 201 395 Donoe 29.221543 201 395 29.221543 201 395 Benner 29.221543 201 395 Benner 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Contant 29.221543 201 395 Contant 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Adrian 29.221543 201 395 Adrian 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Fish Bay 29.221543 201 395 Fish Bay 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Belle Vue 29.221543 201 395 Belle Vue 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Annaberg 29.221543 201 395 Annaberg 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Bordeaux 29.221543 201 395 Bordeaux 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Calabash Boom 29.221543 201 395 Calabash Boom 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Hermitage 29.221543 201 395 Hermitage 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 El Morro de Barcelona 22.441928 77 394 El Morro de Barcelona 16.715968 77 395 El Morro de Barcelona 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 Barcelona 16.715968 77 395 Barcelona 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 East End 29.221543 201 395 East End 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Puerto la Cruz 16.715968 77 395 Puerto la Cruz 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 Road Town 6.5645921 202 396 Road Town 20.345331 203 400 20.345331 203 400 El Chaure 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 Pacham Town 6.5645921 202 396 Pacham Town 20.345331 203 400 20.345331 203 400 Arapo 37.100678 79 398 37.100678 79 398 Spanish Town 31.668994 202 398 Spanish Town 25.274004 203 399 Spanish Town 20.345331 203 400 20.345331 203 400 Tajerias 17.369158 91 402 Tajerias 2.7022141 91 403 2.7022141 91 403 Robledal 17.369158 91 402 Robledal 2.7022141 91 403 2.7022141 91 403 The Settlement 19.057428 204 400 19.057428 204 400 El Tunal 17.369158 91 402 El Tunal 2.7022141 91 403 2.7022141 91 403 San Francisco 17.369158 91 402 San Francisco 2.7022141 91 403 San Francisco 15.960578 88 405 San Francisco 41.827165 90 405 41.827165 90 405 El Horcon 17.369158 91 402 El Horcon 2.7022141 91 403 El Horcon 7.5439052 87 405 7.5439052 87 405 Pta de Araya 29.38326 85 404 Pta de Araya 34.674453 85 405 34.674453 85 405 El Rincon 29.38326 85 404 El Rincon 34.674453 85 405 34.674453 85 405 Punta Arenas 29.38326 85 404 Punta Arenas 34.674453 85 405 34.674453 85 405 Manicuare 29.38326 85 404 Manicuare 34.674453 85 405 Manicuare 39.544975 85 406 39.544975 85 406 Chacachacare 2.7022141 91 403 Chacachacare 7.5439052 87 405 Chacachacare 8.4075992 87 406 Chacachacare 2.7660836 87 407 Chacachacare 22.598831 88 407 22.598831 88 407 El Guamache 29.38326 85 404 El Guamache 34.674453 85 405 El Guamache 39.544975 85 406 El Guamache 35.045096 85 407 35.045096 85 407 Punta de Piedras 2.7022141 91 403 Punta de Piedras 7.5439052 87 405 Punta de Piedras 8.4075992 87 406 Punta de Piedras 2.7660836 87 407 Punta de Piedras 22.598831 88 407 22.598831 88 407 Piedras Negras 7.5439052 87 405 Piedras Negras 8.4075992 87 406 Piedras Negras 2.7660836 87 407 Piedras Negras 22.598831 88 407 22.598831 88 407 La Guardia 15.960578 88 405 La Guardia 41.827165 90 405 La Guardia 5.8702821 88 406 La Guardia 22.598831 88 407 La Guardia 22.31131 88 409 22.31131 88 409 San Pedro de Coche 34.674453 85 405 San Pedro de Coche 7.5439052 87 405 San Pedro de Coche 39.544975 85 406 San Pedro de Coche 35.045096 85 407 San Pedro de Coche 22.598831 88 407 San Pedro de Coche 8.749472 85 409 San Pedro de Coche 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 Altagracia 52.079478 90 406 Altagracia 10.084479 92 408 Altagracia 4.1232562 89 409 Altagracia 17.883962 92 410 17.883962 92 410 La Uva 39.544975 85 406 La Uva 35.045096 85 407 La Uva 22.598831 88 407 La Uva 8.749472 85 409 La Uva 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 El Yaque 31.099887 86 406 El Yaque 8.4075992 87 406 El Yaque 23.369602 86 407 El Yaque 22.598831 88 407 El Yaque 3.8364694 86 409 El Yaque 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 San Antonio 8.4075992 87 406 San Antonio 2.7660836 87 407 San Antonio 22.598831 88 407 San Antonio 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 Caimancito 39.544975 85 406 Caimancito 35.045096 85 407 Caimancito 20.71937 85 408 Caimancito 8.749472 85 409 8.749472 85 409 Guamache 39.544975 85 406 Guamache 35.045096 85 407 Guamache 22.598831 88 407 Guamache 8.749472 85 409 Guamache 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 Manzanillo 27.328157 92 407 Manzanillo 10.084479 92 408 Manzanillo 17.883962 92 410 17.883962 92 410 Paraguchi 27.328157 92 407 Paraguchi 10.084479 92 408 Paraguchi 4.1232562 89 409 Paraguchi 17.883962 92 410 17.883962 92 410 Porlamar 2.7660836 87 407 Porlamar 22.598831 88 407 Porlamar 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 Pampatar 8.2260783 88 408 Pampatar 22.31131 88 409 Pampatar 17.883962 92 410 17.883962 92 410 Ariota 20.71937 85 408 Ariota 8.749472 85 409 Ariota 13.055322 85 411 13.055322 85 411 No Alonso 13.055322 85 411 13.055322 85 411 Soledad 13.055322 85 411 13.055322 85 411 Cabo Blanco 26.327198 85 412 26.327198 85 412 La Esmeralda 21.082923 85 413 21.082923 85 413 Guaca 26.976556 85 414 26.976556 85 414 Carupano 12.808612 86 416 Carupano 18.050904 86 417 Carupano 20.462156 86 418 Carupano 23.442229 86 419 23.442229 86 419 Puerto Santo 18.050904 86 417 Puerto Santo 20.462156 86 418 Puerto Santo 23.442229 86 419 Puerto Santo 28.356568 86 421 28.356568 86 421 West End Village 19.590845 197 421 19.590845 197 421 Lowlands 19.590845 197 421 Lowlands 22.351165 197 422 Lowlands 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Rio Caribe 20.462156 86 418 Rio Caribe 23.442229 86 419 Rio Caribe 28.356568 86 421 Rio Caribe 32.23922 86 422 32.23922 86 422 Sandy Ground 19.590845 197 421 Sandy Ground 22.351165 197 422 Sandy Ground 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Marigot 19.590845 197 421 Marigot 22.351165 197 422 Marigot 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Blowing Point 19.590845 197 421 Blowing Point 22.351165 197 422 Blowing Point 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Koolbaai 19.590845 197 421 Koolbaai 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Concordia 19.590845 197 421 Concordia 22.351165 197 422 Concordia 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 St Louis 19.590845 197 421 St Louis 22.351165 197 422 St Louis 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 The Valley 19.590845 197 421 The Valley 22.351165 197 422 The Valley 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Fort Amsterdam 19.590845 197 421 Fort Amsterdam 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Dutch Cul de Sac 19.590845 197 421 Dutch Cul de Sac 22.351165 197 422 Dutch Cul de Sac 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Grand Case 19.590845 197 421 Grand Case 22.351165 197 422 Grand Case 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Colombier 19.590845 197 421 Colombier 22.351165 197 422 Colombier 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Philipsburg 19.590845 197 421 Philipsburg 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Orleans 19.590845 197 421 Orleans 22.351165 197 422 Orleans 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Point Blanche 19.590845 197 421 Point Blanche 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Anse Marcel 19.590845 197 421 Anse Marcel 22.351165 197 422 Anse Marcel 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 French Cul de Sac 19.590845 197 421 French Cul de Sac 22.351165 197 422 French Cul de Sac 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Green Cay 19.590845 197 421 Green Cay 22.351165 197 422 Green Cay 21.745836 198 422 21.745836 198 422 Agua Fria 28.356568 86 421 Agua Fria 32.23922 86 422 32.23922 86 422 San Juan de las Galdonas 32.23922 86 422 San Juan de las Galdonas 5.4870454 83 426 5.4870454 83 426 Yaguaraparo 5.4870454 83 426 5.4870454 83 426 San Juan 45.088565 86 423 San Juan 46.473854 87 423 46.473854 87 423 Unare 40.770242 86 424 40.770242 86 424 Puerto Escondido 57.527298 87 426 57.527298 87 426 Irapa 5.4870454 83 426 5.4870454 83 426 Soro 6.1368317 81 428 6.1368317 81 428 Guiria 15.00425 82 430 Guiria 3.4870859 83 431 Guiria 14.882059 83 433 Guiria 10.959719 84 433 10.959719 84 433 Capure 2.0014997 77 431 Capure 2.747144 76 435 2.747144 76 435 Puerto de Hierro 3.4870859 83 431 Puerto de Hierro 14.882059 83 433 Puerto de Hierro 10.959719 84 433 10.959719 84 433 Macuro 29.343954 83 436 Macuro 19.608164 84 436 Macuro 111.13683 86 436 111.13683 86 436 Five Islands 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Jolly Harbour 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Bolans 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Fullarton 19.892698 75 437 Fullarton 2.932609 74 438 Fullarton 12.248407 74 440 12.248407 74 440 Jennings 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Ebenezer 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Runaway Bay 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Creekside 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Dickenson Bay 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Golden Grove 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Saint John's 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 John Hughes 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Boons Bay 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Cedar Grove 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Saint Johnston Village 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Potters Village 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Osbourn 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Coromandel Settlement 2.932609 74 438 Coromandel Settlement 12.248407 74 440 12.248407 74 440 Barnes Hill 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Pares 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Irois 46.720347 75 439 Irois 24.088649 75 440 Irois 2.4606248 76 440 Irois 10.58212 75 441 Irois 3.7883373 76 441 3.7883373 76 441 Saint George's 14.48764 107 443 Saint George's 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Betty's Hope 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Chatham 4.7586028 74 439 Chatham 12.248407 74 440 12.248407 74 440 Newfield 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 The Lance 14.48764 107 443 The Lance 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Willikies 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Prickley Bay 14.48764 107 443 14.48764 107 443 Victoria 14.48764 107 443 Victoria 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Half Moon Bay 12.941802 183 440 12.941802 183 440 Point Fortin 2.4606248 76 440 Point Fortin 3.7883373 76 441 3.7883373 76 441 Thebaide 14.48764 107 443 Thebaide 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 La Retraite 24.963047 83 440 La Retraite 117.50389 87 440 La Retraite 15.997521 83 443 La Retraite 12.064236 84 443 La Retraite 7.7748754 85 443 La Retraite 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 San Francique 12.248407 74 440 12.248407 74 440 Grenville 14.48764 107 443 Grenville 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Parry Lands 3.7883373 76 441 3.7883373 76 441 Baie-Mahault 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 Los Bajos 19.854711 74 441 19.854711 74 441 Capesterre 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 Coolie Block 25.923306 84 442 Coolie Block 42.982348 86 442 Coolie Block 54.535257 87 442 Coolie Block 12.064236 84 443 Coolie Block 7.7748754 85 443 Coolie Block 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Dibe 16.872241 83 442 Dibe 15.997521 83 443 Dibe 12.064236 84 443 Dibe 7.7748754 85 443 Dibe 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Pointe-a-Pitre 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 Plaisance 24.574728 79 442 Plaisance 14.367832 79 443 Plaisance 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 Port-of-Spain 15.997521 83 443 Port-of-Spain 12.064236 84 443 Port-of-Spain 7.7748754 85 443 Port-of-Spain 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Argyle 15.610629 112 446 Argyle 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 California 14.367832 79 443 California 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 La Pastora 12.064236 84 443 La Pastora 7.7748754 85 443 La Pastora 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 San Fernando 14.367832 79 443 San Fernando 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 Palencho 19.738137 72 446 19.738137 72 446 Morne Diablo 21.756514 74 443 Morne Diablo 44.348359 74 444 44.348359 74 444 Carapichaima 30.14052 80 443 Carapichaima 22.674675 80 444 22.674675 80 444 L'Appelle 15.610629 112 446 L'Appelle 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 Ashton 15.610629 112 446 Ashton 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 Hermitage 14.367832 79 443 Hermitage 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 Cacandee Settlement 26.477363 81 443 Cacandee Settlement 5.2459494 81 444 5.2459494 81 444 Las Cuevas 44.745733 87 444 Las Cuevas 28.38076 87 446 28.38076 87 446 Engagement Umbrella 15.610629 112 446 Engagement Umbrella 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 Sainte-Anne 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 La Lune 33.344783 74 445 33.344783 74 445 Blanchisseuse 46.007437 87 445 Blanchisseuse 28.38076 87 446 28.38076 87 446 Matelot 29.01739 88 448 Matelot 32.70933 88 449 Matelot 26.364591 88 450 Matelot 30.507471 88 451 Matelot 13.985153 85 452 13.985153 85 452 Fort-de-France 5.4136125 146 453 5.4136125 146 453 Lower Manzanilla 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Grande Riviere 32.70933 88 449 Grande Riviere 26.364591 88 450 Grande Riviere 30.507471 88 451 Grande Riviere 13.985153 85 452 13.985153 85 452 Soburojo 19.314662 70 449 Soburojo 5.8861477 69 450 Soburojo 2.7257792 69 451 2.7257792 69 451 Lower Fishing Pond 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Salibea 11.244167 83 452 Salibea 7.7333748 84 452 7.7333748 84 452 Guayaguayare 39.510962 75 450 Guayaguayare 8.7007806 76 450 Guayaguayare 2.8916729 79 452 2.8916729 79 452 Saint Margaret 2.8916729 79 452 Saint Margaret 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Saint Joseph 2.8916729 79 452 Saint Joseph 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Rampanalgas 26.364591 88 450 Rampanalgas 30.507471 88 451 Rampanalgas 7.7333748 84 452 7.7333748 84 452 Lero 5.4136125 146 453 Lero 21.728829 145 454 21.728829 145 454 Fonds Panier 5.4136125 146 453 Fonds Panier 21.728829 145 454 21.728829 145 454 Redhead 30.507471 88 451 Redhead 13.985153 85 452 13.985153 85 452 Hyacinthe 5.4136125 146 453 Hyacinthe 21.728829 145 454 21.728829 145 454 La Esperanza 2.0183872 59 456 La Esperanza 2.0346929 60 456 2.0346929 60 456 Le Vauclin 21.728829 145 454 21.728829 145 454 Jotajana 2.0183872 59 456 Jotajana 13.569609 57 457 13.569609 57 457 Mount Pleasant 84.63746 90 453 Mount Pleasant 109.96896 90 454 Mount Pleasant 78.4625 90 455 Mount Pleasant 65.824154 90 456 65.824154 90 456 Scarborough 11.785092 91 454 Scarborough 59.103121 91 455 59.103121 91 455 Castara 11.42909 93 455 Castara 67.461504 92 456 67.461504 92 456 Belle Garden 91.633546 91 456 91.633546 91 456 Speyside 66.645547 92 457 66.645547 92 457 San Jose de Amacuro 4.1128084 54 459 4.1128084 54 459 Faro de Barima 4.1128084 54 459 Faro de Barima 2.227025 55 463 2.227025 55 463 La Linea 21.449445 52 469 21.449445 52 469 Hackney 6.0838593 40 487 Hackney 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Marlborough 9.3960115 39 488 Marlborough 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Bounty Hall 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Queenstown 2.0142961 33 490 2.0142961 33 490 Taymoutn Manor Place 2.0142961 33 490 2.0142961 33 490 Aurora 2.0216906 30 491 2.0216906 30 491 Anna Regina 2.0142961 33 490 Anna Regina 2.0303211 36 490 2.0303211 36 490 Hampton Court 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Suddie 2.0142961 33 490 2.0142961 33 490 Capoey 2.0142961 33 490 2.0142961 33 490 Maria Johanna 2.0216906 30 491 Maria Johanna 4.2796775 29 492 4.2796775 29 492 Caledonia 2.0216906 30 491 Caledonia 4.2796775 29 492 4.2796775 29 492 Parika 2.0216906 30 491 Parika 4.2796775 29 492 4.2796775 29 492 Leguan I 2.0216906 30 491 Leguan I 4.2796775 29 492 4.2796775 29 492 De Kinderen 2.0216906 30 491 De Kinderen 4.2796775 29 492 De Kinderen 2.0014258 28 494 2.0014258 28 494 Den Amstel 4.2796775 29 492 Den Amstel 2.0014258 28 494 2.0014258 28 494 Georgetown 2.0009563 29 493 Georgetown 2.0014258 28 494 Georgetown 2.9923384 28 496 2.9923384 28 496 Courida Park 2.0009563 29 493 Courida Park 2.0014258 28 494 Courida Park 2.9923384 28 496 2.9923384 28 496 Buxton 2.0014258 28 494 Buxton 2.9923384 28 496 Buxton 3.893256 27 498 3.893256 27 498 Belfield 2.9923384 28 496 Belfield 3.893256 27 498 Belfield 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Enmore 2.9923384 28 496 Enmore 3.893256 27 498 Enmore 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Helena 3.893256 27 498 Helena 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 De Kinderen 2.0092812 26 499 De Kinderen 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Perth 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Mahaicony 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Belladrum 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Weldaad 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Number Forty 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Onverwagt 3.5690224 23 503 3.5690224 23 503 Fort Wellington 3.5690224 23 503 3.5690224 23 503 Waterloo 2.0018811 21 504 Waterloo 4.5087237 22 504 4.5087237 22 504 Blairmont 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Everton 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Rosignol 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 New Amsterdam 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Fyrish 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Rosehall 5.3916816 20 508 Rosehall 5.5841235 19 509 5.5841235 19 509 Tarlogie Farm 5.3916816 20 508 Tarlogie Farm 5.5841235 19 509 5.5841235 19 509 Brighton 5.5841235 19 509 5.5841235 19 509 Goldspie 5.5841235 19 509 5.5841235 19 509 Number Forty-six 3.2349672 14 510 Number Forty-six 2.7620612 15 510 Number Forty-six 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Leeds 3.2349672 14 510 Leeds 2.7620612 15 510 Leeds 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Crabwood Creek 3.2349672 14 510 Crabwood Creek 2.7620612 15 510 2.7620612 15 510 Number Sixty-one 3.2349672 14 510 Number Sixty-one 2.7620612 15 510 Number Sixty-one 5.0044694 17 511 5.0044694 17 511 Number 80 3.2349672 14 510 Number 80 2.7620612 15 510 2.7620612 15 510 Corriverton 3.2349672 14 510 Corriverton 2.7620612 15 510 Corriverton 14.335455 15 512 14.335455 15 512 Nieuw Nickerie 3.2349672 14 510 Nieuw Nickerie 2.7620612 15 510 Nieuw Nickerie 14.335455 15 512 Nieuw Nickerie 5.5643558 16 514 5.5643558 16 514 Burnside 2.0315619 15 519 2.0315619 15 519 Totness 4.8842381 15 520 Totness 3.3624951 14 521 Totness 4.0506094 14 522 4.0506094 14 522 Hamilton 3.3624951 14 521 Hamilton 4.0506094 14 522 4.0506094 14 522 Coppenamepunt 2.5489581 14 526 Coppenamepunt 2.0034566 13 527 2.0034566 13 527 Pomona 7.3303553 15 538 Pomona 2.0086886 15 539 Pomona 2.1613711 15 540 2.1613711 15 540 Clevia 7.3303553 15 538 Clevia 2.0086886 15 539 Clevia 2.1613711 15 540 2.1613711 15 540 Nieuw Amsterdam 2.0086886 15 539 Nieuw Amsterdam 2.1613711 15 540 2.1613711 15 540 Geertruidenberg 2.0086886 15 539 Geertruidenberg 2.1613711 15 540 2.1613711 15 540 Langamankondre 4.0969154 13 555 Langamankondre 2.0000334 13 557 Langamankondre 4.2065643 13 558 4.2065643 13 558 Galibi 4.0969154 13 555 Galibi 2.0000334 13 557 Galibi 4.2065643 13 558 4.2065643 13 558 Les Hattes 2.0000334 13 557 Les Hattes 4.2065643 13 558 Les Hattes 11.561265 12 560 11.561265 12 560 Camp de Coswine 3.8343035 12 559 Camp de Coswine 11.561265 12 560 11.561265 12 560 Aouara 2.0000334 13 557 Aouara 4.2065643 13 558 Aouara 11.561265 12 560 11.561265 12 560 Organabo 9.4790912 10 564 Organabo 3.5461594 9 565 3.5461594 9 565 Fleche 9.4790912 10 564 Fleche 3.5461594 9 565 3.5461594 9 565 Mamaribo 3.5461594 9 565 3.5461594 9 565 Bellevue 17.767267 9 566 Bellevue 5.1391164 9 568 Bellevue 9.0325094 9 569 9.0325094 9 569 Iracoubo 6.6081705 9 567 Iracoubo 5.1391164 9 568 Iracoubo 9.0325094 9 569 9.0325094 9 569 Trou Poisson 5.1207339 8 570 5.1207339 8 570 Roche Brigandin 5.1207339 8 570 5.1207339 8 570 Sinnamary 4.9799731 8 571 Sinnamary 12.39989 7 572 12.39989 7 572 Kourou 10.969926 4 577 Kourou 3.1960244 4 578 3.1960244 4 578 Caussade 3.5236863 3 579 Caussade 5.9672381 2 580 5.9672381 2 580 Tonate 5.9672381 2 580 Tonate 2.3399299 1 581 2.3399299 1 581 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/CalcInputDeck.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin/coastalImpact -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ > /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/outCostalImpact.txt SELECT id, SHAPE_LENG,AsText(Geometry) FROM shoreline WHERE MBRContains(BuildMBR(-91.13,5.0,-43.26,36.95), geometry) 100 / 463 200 / 463 300 / 463 400 / 463 plottype GDACS drawing CoastalImpact /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ /mnt/output/SSCS/DATA/coastal.db 100 / 463 200 / 463 300 / 463 400 / 463 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000686/ECMWF/2020072800/all_inpData.txt error track file-->map without track ECMWF 1000686 trackfile 0 OUT_umax.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0000.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0024.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/TIF_MAXVEL_END.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ /mnt/output/SSCS/ GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF delft3d from 28-07-2020 00:00 to 28-07-2020 12:00& start issueBulletin listWindows: folder0 : http://webcritech.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ModellingOutput/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/ folderFinal0 : http://webcritech.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ModellingOutput/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ savepath: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12// ******************************************************* * Case Completed * ******************************************************* Case starterd at: 2020-07-28 15:58:29.961382 UTC Cas completed at: 2020-07-28 16:08:51.865371 UTC **********E N D O F J O B*********************** 12 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/TIF_MAXVEL_END.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 0.0 million >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popDensValues.xml TS 0 () TS 0 CAT. 1 0 () CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 () CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 () CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 () CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 () CAT. 5 0 ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 16:15:23.312869 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 16:15:23.339445 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 16:25:12.670280 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 16:25:12.705788 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 16:35:06.889650 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 16:35:06.923456 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 16:45:06.612811 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 16:45:06.646769 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 16:55:18.316483 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 16:55:18.353060 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 17:05:08.110307 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 17:05:08.146017 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 17:15:08.126994 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 17:15:08.158582 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 17:25:11.651801 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 17:25:11.687646 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 17:35:08.247129 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 17:35:08.290606 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 17:45:11.902038 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 17:45:11.933851 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 17:55:11.235862 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 17:55:11.274586 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 18:05:15.223368 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 18:05:15.268307 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 18:15:07.056679 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 18:15:07.093275 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 18:25:22.306270 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 18:25:22.338854 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 18:35:08.384833 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 18:35:08.419731 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 18:45:09.354495 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 18:45:09.385997 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 18:55:11.896741 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 18:55:11.938465 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 19:05:17.403256 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 19:05:17.449706 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 19:15:07.046291 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 19:15:07.083172 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 19:25:19.653306 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 19:25:19.706136 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 19:35:07.161367 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 19:35:07.188326 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 19:45:07.406622 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 19:45:07.438791 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 19:55:28.025262 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 19:55:28.062097 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 20:05:12.786986 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 20:05:12.819055 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 20:15:10.308006 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 20:15:10.347696 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 20:25:11.473907 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 20:25:11.507793 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 20:35:07.886330 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 20:35:07.936232 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 20:45:08.154737 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 20:45:08.196955 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/28/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 21:05:06.912350 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 21:05:06.942555 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file being created already, stopping /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/submitted_surge.txt removing submitted_surge ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 21:11:55.921109 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-28 21:11:55.953472 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...file netcdf already existing : /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc !!!removing submitted_surge ret= 0 False ============================================ processing netcdf file for running delft3d ============================================ 2. process netcdf files and run at 2020-07-28 21:11:56.053469 nt 72 ...creating forcing data TIF from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc ... # times: 73 title: Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF - delft3d) np.amin(lon),np.amax(lon),np.amin(lat),np.amax(lat) -91.1299972534 -43.2599945068 5.0 36.9500007629 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/MAXVEL.jpg V Wind Speed at sea level (GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF - delft3d) -91.1299972534 -43.2599945068 5.0 36.9500007629 680 454 680.0 454.0 savemap /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/MAXVEL.jpg calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/TIF_MAXVEL.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/ /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/ GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF delft3d28-07-2020 12:00& ..2.1 converting netcdf to txt... nt= 72 ************************* /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200728.12.tropical_cyclone.nc 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/ -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 72 1 ...reprojecting netcdf on the calculation window for ... .....time 0 / 72 .....time 1 / 72 .....time 2 / 72 .....time 3 / 72 .....time 4 / 72 .....time 5 / 72 .....time 6 / 72 .....time 7 / 72 .....time 8 / 72 .....time 9 / 72 .....time 10 / 72 .....time 11 / 72 .....time 12 / 72 .....time 13 / 72 .....time 14 / 72 .....time 15 / 72 .....time 16 / 72 .....time 17 / 72 .....time 18 / 72 .....time 19 / 72 .....time 20 / 72 .....time 21 / 72 .....time 22 / 72 .....time 23 / 72 .....time 24 / 72 .....time 25 / 72 .....time 26 / 72 .....time 27 / 72 .....time 28 / 72 .....time 29 / 72 .....time 30 / 72 .....time 31 / 72 .....time 32 / 72 .....time 33 / 72 .....time 34 / 72 .....time 35 / 72 .....time 36 / 72 .....time 37 / 72 .....time 38 / 72 .....time 39 / 72 .....time 40 / 72 .....time 41 / 72 .....time 42 / 72 .....time 43 / 72 .....time 44 / 72 .....time 45 / 72 .....time 46 / 72 .....time 47 / 72 .....time 48 / 72 .....time 49 / 72 .....time 50 / 72 .....time 51 / 72 .....time 52 / 72 .....time 53 / 72 .....time 54 / 72 .....time 55 / 72 .....time 56 / 72 .....time 57 / 72 .....time 58 / 72 .....time 59 / 72 .....time 60 / 72 .....time 61 / 72 .....time 62 / 72 .....time 63 / 72 .....time 64 / 72 .....time 65 / 72 .....time 66 / 72 .....time 67 / 72 .....time 68 / 72 .....time 69 / 72 .....time 70 / 72 .....time 71 / 72 .....time 72 / 72 ...printing files header ...writing time 0 / 72 ...writing time 1 / 72 ...writing time 2 / 72 ...writing time 3 / 72 ...writing time 4 / 72 ...writing time 5 / 72 ...writing time 6 / 72 ...writing time 7 / 72 ...writing time 8 / 72 ...writing time 9 / 72 ...writing time 10 / 72 ...writing time 11 / 72 ...writing time 12 / 72 ...writing time 13 / 72 ...writing time 14 / 72 ...writing time 15 / 72 ...writing time 16 / 72 ...writing time 17 / 72 ...writing time 18 / 72 ...writing time 19 / 72 ...writing time 20 / 72 ...writing time 21 / 72 ...writing time 22 / 72 ...writing time 23 / 72 ...writing time 24 / 72 ...writing time 25 / 72 ...writing time 26 / 72 ...writing time 27 / 72 ...writing time 28 / 72 ...writing time 29 / 72 ...writing time 30 / 72 ...writing time 31 / 72 ...writing time 32 / 72 ...writing time 33 / 72 ...writing time 34 / 72 ...writing time 35 / 72 ...writing time 36 / 72 ...writing time 37 / 72 ...writing time 38 / 72 ...writing time 39 / 72 ...writing time 40 / 72 ...writing time 41 / 72 ...writing time 42 / 72 ...writing time 43 / 72 ...writing time 44 / 72 ...writing time 45 / 72 ...writing time 46 / 72 ...writing time 47 / 72 ...writing time 48 / 72 ...writing time 49 / 72 ...writing time 50 / 72 ...writing time 51 / 72 ...writing time 52 / 72 ...writing time 53 / 72 ...writing time 54 / 72 ...writing time 55 / 72 ...writing time 56 / 72 ...writing time 57 / 72 ...writing time 58 / 72 ...writing time 59 / 72 ...writing time 60 / 72 ...writing time 61 / 72 ...writing time 62 / 72 ...writing time 63 / 72 ...writing time 64 / 72 ...writing time 65 / 72 ...writing time 66 / 72 ...writing time 67 / 72 ...writing time 68 / 72 ...writing time 69 / 72 ...writing time 70 / 72 ...writing time 71 / 72 ...writing time 72 / 72 ************************* ..2.2 prepare files for run and launch... start= 0 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/config_d_hydro.xml in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/config_d_hydro.xml ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.mdf in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/calc.mdf ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.grd in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/calc.grd ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.enc in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/calc.enc ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.obs in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/calc.obs ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/calc.dep in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/calc.dep ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/tri-rst.calc.20200728.120000 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/tri-rst.restart.20200728.120000 ****** SETTING DT ***** 1.0 start run ./run_flow2d3d_H-Tsunami.sh 10 launching case: /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/MPICH_INTEL/bin/mpiexec -np 10 /home/critechuser/DELFT3D/INTEL/5740/bin/lnx64/flow2d3d/bin/d_hydro.exe config_d_hydro.xml MPI process number 000 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 001 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 002 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 003 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 004 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 005 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 006 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 007 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 008 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami MPI process number 009 has host unknown and is running on processor H-Tsunami -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deltares, FLOW2D3D Version, May 3 2016, 09:52:23 libflow2d3d.so entry Flow2D3D::Run -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part I - Initialisation Time Dep. Data module... runid : calc Part II - Creating intermediate files... Part III - Initialisation of the Execution module... Part IV - Reading complete MD-file... 7 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/TIF_MAXVEL.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 0.131296 million >> 5. count the popolation in each cell and assign to the class and write to output in PP classifying 0 733 >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/popDensValues.xml TS 131296 (wind>17 and <=33) The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands, British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Saint Martin, Sint Maarten, Saint Barthelemy 17 and <=33]]> The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands, British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Saint Martin, Sint Maarten, Saint Barthelemy TS 131296 11 49070 31511 25937 16086 1118 296 7267 CAT. 1 0 (wind>33 and <=43) 33 and <=43]]> CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 (wind>43 and <=50) 43 and <=50]]> CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 (wind>50 and <=58) 50 and <=58]]> CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 (wind>58 and <=70) 58 and <=70]]> CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 (wind>70 and <=1000) 70 and <=1000]]> CAT. 5 0 Part V - Initialisation & checking input... Part VI - Initialisation & checking second part... Part VII - Initialisation output... Part VIII - Start Simulation... Time to finish 0s, 0.0% completed, time steps left 4320 Time to finish 1h 34m, 0.0% completed, time steps left 4319 Time to finish 56m, 0.0% completed, time steps left 4318 Time to finish 43m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4317 Time to finish 37m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4316 Time to finish 33m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4315 Time to finish 31m, 0.1% completed, time steps left 4314 Time to finish 29m, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4313 Time to finish 28m, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4312 Time to finish 26m, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4311 Time to finish 26m, 0.2% completed, time steps left 4310 Time to finish 25m, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4309 Time to finish 24m, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4308 Time to finish 24m, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4307 Time to finish 23m, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4306 Time to finish 23m, 0.3% completed, time steps left 4305 Time to finish 26m, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4304 Time to finish 26m, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4303 Time to finish 25m, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4302 Time to finish 25m, 0.4% completed, time steps left 4301 Time to finish 25m, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4300 Time to finish 24m, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4299 Time to finish 24m, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4298 Time to finish 24m, 0.5% completed, time steps left 4297 Time to finish 24m, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4296 Time to finish 23m, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4295 Time to finish 23m, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4294 Time to finish 23m, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4293 Time to finish 23m, 0.6% completed, time steps left 4292 Time to finish 22m, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4291 Time to finish 22m, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4290 Time to finish 24m, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4289 Time to finish 23m, 0.7% completed, time steps left 4288 Time to finish 23m, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4287 Time to finish 23m, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4286 Time to finish 23m, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4285 Time to finish 23m, 0.8% completed, time steps left 4284 Time to finish 22m, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4283 Time to finish 22m, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4282 Time to finish 22m, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4281 Time to finish 22m, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4280 Time to finish 22m, 0.9% completed, time steps left 4279 Time to finish 22m, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4278 Time to finish 22m, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4277 Time to finish 21m, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4276 Time to finish 21m, 1.0% completed, time steps left 4275 Time to finish 22m, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4274 Time to finish 22m, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4273 Time to finish 22m, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4272 Time to finish 22m, 1.1% completed, time steps left 4271 Time to finish 22m, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4270 Time to finish 22m, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4269 Time to finish 22m, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4268 Time to finish 22m, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4267 Time to finish 22m, 1.2% completed, time steps left 4266 Time to finish 22m, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4265 Time to finish 21m, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4264 Time to finish 21m, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4263 Time to finish 21m, 1.3% completed, time steps left 4262 Time to finish 21m, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4261 Time to finish 21m, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4260 Time to finish 22m, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4259 Time to finish 22m, 1.4% completed, time steps left 4258 Time to finish 22m, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4257 Time to finish 22m, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4256 Time to finish 22m, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4255 Time to finish 22m, 1.5% completed, time steps left 4254 Time to finish 22m, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4253 Time to finish 22m, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4252 Time to finish 21m, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4251 Time to finish 21m, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4250 Time to finish 21m, 1.6% completed, time steps left 4249 Time to finish 21m, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4248 Time to finish 21m, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4247 Time to finish 21m, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4246 Time to finish 21m, 1.7% completed, time steps left 4245 Time to finish 22m, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4244 Time to finish 21m, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4243 Time to finish 21m, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4242 Time to finish 21m, 1.8% completed, time steps left 4241 Time to finish 21m, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4240 Time to finish 21m, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4239 Time to finish 21m, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4238 Time to finish 21m, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4237 Time to finish 21m, 1.9% completed, time steps left 4236 Time to finish 21m, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4235 Time to finish 21m, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4234 Time to finish 21m, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4233 Time to finish 21m, 2.0% completed, time steps left 4232 Time to finish 21m, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4231 Time to finish 21m, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4230 Time to finish 21m, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4229 Time to finish 21m, 2.1% completed, time steps left 4228 Time to finish 21m, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4227 Time to finish 21m, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4226 Time to finish 21m, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4225 Time to finish 21m, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4224 Time to finish 21m, 2.2% completed, time steps left 4223 Time to finish 21m, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4222 Time to finish 21m, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4221 Time to finish 21m, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4220 Time to finish 21m, 2.3% completed, time steps left 4219 Time to finish 21m, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4218 Time to finish 21m, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4217 Time to finish 21m, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4216 Time to finish 21m, 2.4% completed, time steps left 4215 Time to finish 21m, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4214 Time to finish 21m, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4213 Time to finish 21m, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4212 Time to finish 21m, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4211 Time to finish 21m, 2.5% completed, time steps left 4210 Time to finish 21m, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4209 Time to finish 21m, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4208 Time to finish 21m, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4207 Time to finish 21m, 2.6% completed, time steps left 4206 Time to finish 21m, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4205 Time to finish 21m, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4204 Time to finish 21m, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4203 Time to finish 21m, 2.7% completed, time steps left 4202 Time to finish 21m, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4201 Time to finish 21m, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4200 Time to finish 21m, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4199 Time to finish 21m, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4198 Time to finish 21m, 2.8% completed, time steps left 4197 Time to finish 21m, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4196 Time to finish 21m, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4195 Time to finish 21m, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4194 Time to finish 21m, 2.9% completed, time steps left 4193 Time to finish 21m, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4192 Time to finish 21m, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4191 Time to finish 21m, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4190 Time to finish 21m, 3.0% completed, time steps left 4189 Time to finish 21m, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4188 Time to finish 21m, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4187 Time to finish 21m, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4186 Time to finish 21m, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4185 Time to finish 21m, 3.1% completed, time steps left 4184 Time to finish 21m, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4183 Time to finish 21m, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4182 Time to finish 21m, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4181 Time to finish 21m, 3.2% completed, time steps left 4180 Time to finish 21m, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4179 Time to finish 21m, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4178 Time to finish 21m, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4177 Time to finish 21m, 3.3% completed, time steps left 4176 Time to finish 21m, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4175 Time to finish 21m, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4174 Time to finish 21m, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4173 Time to finish 21m, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4172 Time to finish 21m, 3.4% completed, time steps left 4171 Time to finish 21m, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4170 Time to finish 21m, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4169 Time to finish 21m, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4168 Time to finish 21m, 3.5% completed, time steps left 4167 Time to finish 21m, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4166 Time to finish 21m, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4165 Time to finish 21m, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4164 Time to finish 21m, 3.6% completed, time steps left 4163 Time to finish 21m, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4162 Time to finish 20m, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4161 Time to finish 20m, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4160 Time to finish 20m, 3.7% completed, time steps left 4159 Time to finish 20m, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4158 Time to finish 20m, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4157 Time to finish 20m, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4156 Time to finish 20m, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4155 Time to finish 21m, 3.8% completed, time steps left 4154 Time to finish 20m, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4153 Time to finish 20m, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4152 Time to finish 20m, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4151 Time to finish 20m, 3.9% completed, time steps left 4150 Time to finish 20m, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4149 Time to finish 20m, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4148 Time to finish 20m, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4147 Time to finish 20m, 4.0% completed, time steps left 4146 Time to finish 20m, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4145 Time to finish 20m, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4144 Time to finish 20m, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4143 Time to finish 20m, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4142 Time to finish 20m, 4.1% completed, time steps left 4141 Time to finish 20m, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4140 Time to finish 20m, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4139 Time to finish 20m, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4138 Time to finish 20m, 4.2% completed, time steps left 4137 Time to finish 20m, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4136 Time to finish 20m, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4135 Time to finish 20m, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4134 Time to finish 20m, 4.3% completed, time steps left 4133 Time to finish 20m, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4132 Time to finish 20m, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4131 Time to finish 20m, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4130 Time to finish 20m, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4129 Time to finish 20m, 4.4% completed, time steps left 4128 Time to finish 20m, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4127 Time to finish 20m, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4126 Time to finish 20m, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4125 Time to finish 20m, 4.5% completed, time steps left 4124 Time to finish 20m, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4123 Time to finish 20m, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4122 Time to finish 20m, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4121 Time to finish 20m, 4.6% completed, time steps left 4120 Time to finish 20m, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4119 Time to finish 20m, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4118 Time to finish 20m, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4117 Time to finish 20m, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4116 Time to finish 20m, 4.7% completed, time steps left 4115 Time to finish 20m, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4114 Time to finish 20m, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4113 Time to finish 20m, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4112 Time to finish 20m, 4.8% completed, time steps left 4111 Time to finish 20m, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4110 Time to finish 20m, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4109 Time to finish 20m, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4108 Time to finish 20m, 4.9% completed, time steps left 4107 Time to finish 20m, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4106 Time to finish 20m, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4105 Time to finish 20m, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4104 Time to finish 20m, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4103 Time to finish 20m, 5.0% completed, time steps left 4102 Time to finish 20m, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4101 Time to finish 20m, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4100 Time to finish 20m, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4099 Time to finish 20m, 5.1% completed, time steps left 4098 ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 21:15:08.439362 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Time to finish 20m, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4097 Time to finish 20m, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4096 Time to finish 20m, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4095 Time to finish 20m, 5.2% completed, time steps left 4094 Time to finish 20m, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4093 Time to finish 20m, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4092 Time to finish 20m, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4091 Time to finish 20m, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4090 Time to finish 20m, 5.3% completed, time steps left 4089 Time to finish 20m, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4088 Time to finish 20m, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4087 Time to finish 20m, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4086 Time to finish 20m, 5.4% completed, time steps left 4085 Time to finish 20m, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4084 Time to finish 20m, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4083 Time to finish 20m, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4082 Time to finish 20m, 5.5% completed, time steps left 4081 Time to finish 20m, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4080 Time to finish 20m, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4079 Time to finish 20m, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4078 Time to finish 20m, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4077 Time to finish 20m, 5.6% completed, time steps left 4076 Time to finish 20m, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4075 Time to finish 20m, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4074 Time to finish 20m, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4073 Time to finish 20m, 5.7% completed, time steps left 4072 Time to finish 20m, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4071 Time to finish 20m, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4070 Time to finish 20m, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4069 Time to finish 20m, 5.8% completed, time steps left 4068 Time to finish 20m, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4067 Time to finish 20m, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4066 Time to finish 20m, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4065 Time to finish 20m, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4064 Time to finish 20m, 5.9% completed, time steps left 4063 Time to finish 20m, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4062 Time to finish 20m, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4061 Time to finish 20m, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4060 Time to finish 20m, 6.0% completed, time steps left 4059 Time to finish 20m, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4058 Time to finish 20m, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4057 Time to finish 20m, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4056 Time to finish 20m, 6.1% completed, time steps left 4055 Time to finish 19m, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4054 Time to finish 19m, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4053 Time to finish 19m, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4052 Time to finish 19m, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4051 Time to finish 19m, 6.2% completed, time steps left 4050 Time to finish 20m, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4049 Time to finish 20m, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4048 Time to finish 20m, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4047 Time to finish 20m, 6.3% completed, time steps left 4046 Time to finish 19m, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4045 Time to finish 19m, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4044 Time to finish 19m, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4043 Time to finish 19m, 6.4% completed, time steps left 4042 Time to finish 19m, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4041 Time to finish 19m, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4040 Time to finish 19m, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4039 Time to finish 19m, 6.5% completed, time steps left 4038 Time to finish 19m, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4037 Time to finish 19m, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4036 Time to finish 19m, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4035 Time to finish 19m, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4034 Time to finish 19m, 6.6% completed, time steps left 4033 Time to finish 19m, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4032 Time to finish 19m, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4031 Time to finish 19m, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4030 Time to finish 19m, 6.7% completed, time steps left 4029 Time to finish 19m, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4028 Time to finish 19m, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4027 Time to finish 19m, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4026 Time to finish 19m, 6.8% completed, time steps left 4025 Time to finish 19m, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4024 Time to finish 19m, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4023 Time to finish 19m, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4022 Time to finish 19m, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4021 Time to finish 19m, 6.9% completed, time steps left 4020 Time to finish 19m, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4019 Time to finish 19m, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4018 Time to finish 19m, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4017 Time to finish 19m, 7.0% completed, time steps left 4016 Time to finish 19m, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4015 Time to finish 19m, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4014 Time to finish 19m, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4013 Time to finish 19m, 7.1% completed, time steps left 4012 Time to finish 19m, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4011 Time to finish 19m, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4010 Time to finish 19m, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4009 Time to finish 19m, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4008 Time to finish 19m, 7.2% completed, time steps left 4007 Time to finish 19m, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4006 Time to finish 19m, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4005 Time to finish 19m, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4004 Time to finish 19m, 7.3% completed, time steps left 4003 Time to finish 19m, 7.4% completed, time steps left 4002 Time to finish 19m, 7.4% completed, time steps left 4001 Time to finish 19m, 7.4% completed, time steps left 4000 Time to finish 19m, 7.4% completed, time steps left 3999 Time to finish 19m, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3998 Time to finish 19m, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3997 Time to finish 19m, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3996 Time to finish 19m, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3995 Time to finish 19m, 7.5% completed, time steps left 3994 Time to finish 19m, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3993 Time to finish 19m, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3992 Time to finish 19m, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3991 Time to finish 19m, 7.6% completed, time steps left 3990 Time to finish 19m, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3989 Time to finish 19m, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3988 Time to finish 19m, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3987 Time to finish 19m, 7.7% completed, time steps left 3986 Time to finish 19m, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3985 Time to finish 19m, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3984 Time to finish 19m, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3983 Time to finish 19m, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3982 Time to finish 19m, 7.8% completed, time steps left 3981 Time to finish 19m, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3980 Time to finish 19m, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3979 Time to finish 19m, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3978 Time to finish 19m, 7.9% completed, time steps left 3977 Time to finish 19m, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3976 Time to finish 19m, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3975 Time to finish 19m, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3974 Time to finish 19m, 8.0% completed, time steps left 3973 Time to finish 19m, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3972 Time to finish 19m, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3971 Time to finish 19m, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3970 Time to finish 19m, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3969 Time to finish 19m, 8.1% completed, time steps left 3968 Time to finish 19m, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3967 Time to finish 19m, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3966 Time to finish 19m, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3965 Time to finish 19m, 8.2% completed, time steps left 3964 Time to finish 19m, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3963 Time to finish 19m, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3962 Time to finish 19m, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3961 Time to finish 19m, 8.3% completed, time steps left 3960 Time to finish 19m, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3959 Time to finish 19m, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3958 Time to finish 19m, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3957 Time to finish 19m, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3956 Time to finish 19m, 8.4% completed, time steps left 3955 Time to finish 19m, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3954 Time to finish 19m, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3953 Time to finish 19m, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3952 Time to finish 19m, 8.5% completed, time steps left 3951 Time to finish 19m, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3950 Time to finish 19m, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3949 Time to finish 19m, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3948 Time to finish 19m, 8.6% completed, time steps left 3947 Time to finish 19m, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3946 Time to finish 19m, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3945 Time to finish 19m, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3944 Time to finish 19m, 8.7% completed, time steps left 3943 Time to finish 19m, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3942 Time to finish 19m, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3941 Time to finish 19m, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3940 Time to finish 19m, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3939 Time to finish 19m, 8.8% completed, time steps left 3938 Time to finish 19m, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3937 Time to finish 19m, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3936 Time to finish 19m, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3935 Time to finish 19m, 8.9% completed, time steps left 3934 Time to finish 19m, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3933 Time to finish 19m, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3932 Time to finish 18m, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3931 Time to finish 18m, 9.0% completed, time steps left 3930 Time to finish 19m, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3929 Time to finish 19m, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3928 Time to finish 19m, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3927 Time to finish 19m, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3926 Time to finish 19m, 9.1% completed, time steps left 3925 Time to finish 19m, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3924 Time to finish 19m, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3923 Time to finish 19m, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3922 Time to finish 18m, 9.2% completed, time steps left 3921 Time to finish 18m, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3920 Time to finish 18m, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3919 Time to finish 18m, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3918 Time to finish 18m, 9.3% completed, time steps left 3917 Time to finish 18m, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3916 Time to finish 18m, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3915 Time to finish 19m, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3914 Time to finish 18m, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3913 Time to finish 18m, 9.4% completed, time steps left 3912 Time to finish 18m, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3911 Time to finish 18m, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3910 Time to finish 18m, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3909 Time to finish 18m, 9.5% completed, time steps left 3908 Time to finish 18m, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3907 Time to finish 18m, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3906 Time to finish 18m, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3905 Time to finish 18m, 9.6% completed, time steps left 3904 Time to finish 18m, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3903 Time to finish 18m, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3902 Time to finish 18m, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3901 Time to finish 18m, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3900 Time to finish 18m, 9.7% completed, time steps left 3899 Time to finish 18m, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3898 Time to finish 18m, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3897 Time to finish 18m, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3896 Time to finish 18m, 9.8% completed, time steps left 3895 Time to finish 18m, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3894 Time to finish 18m, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3893 Time to finish 18m, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3892 Time to finish 18m, 9.9% completed, time steps left 3891 Time to finish 18m, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3890 Time to finish 18m, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3889 Time to finish 18m, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3888 Time to finish 18m, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3887 Time to finish 18m, 10.0% completed, time steps left 3886 Time to finish 18m, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3885 Time to finish 18m, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3884 Time to finish 18m, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3883 Time to finish 18m, 10.1% completed, time steps left 3882 Time to finish 18m, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3881 Time to finish 18m, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3880 Time to finish 18m, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3879 Time to finish 18m, 10.2% completed, time steps left 3878 Time to finish 18m, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3877 Time to finish 18m, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3876 Time to finish 18m, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3875 Time to finish 18m, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3874 Time to finish 18m, 10.3% completed, time steps left 3873 Time to finish 18m, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3872 Time to finish 18m, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3871 Time to finish 18m, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3870 Time to finish 18m, 10.4% completed, time steps left 3869 Time to finish 18m, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3868 Time to finish 18m, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3867 Time to finish 18m, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3866 Time to finish 18m, 10.5% completed, time steps left 3865 Time to finish 18m, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3864 Time to finish 18m, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3863 Time to finish 18m, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3862 Time to finish 18m, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3861 Time to finish 18m, 10.6% completed, time steps left 3860 Time to finish 18m, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3859 Time to finish 18m, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3858 Time to finish 18m, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3857 Time to finish 18m, 10.7% completed, time steps left 3856 Time to finish 18m, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3855 Time to finish 18m, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3854 Time to finish 18m, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3853 Time to finish 18m, 10.8% completed, time steps left 3852 Time to finish 18m, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3851 Time to finish 18m, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3850 Time to finish 18m, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3849 Time to finish 18m, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3848 Time to finish 18m, 10.9% completed, time steps left 3847 Time to finish 18m, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3846 Time to finish 18m, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3845 Time to finish 18m, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3844 Time to finish 18m, 11.0% completed, time steps left 3843 Time to finish 18m, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3842 Time to finish 18m, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3841 Time to finish 18m, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3840 Time to finish 18m, 11.1% completed, time steps left 3839 Time to finish 18m, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3838 Time to finish 18m, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3837 Time to finish 18m, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3836 Time to finish 18m, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3835 Time to finish 18m, 11.2% completed, time steps left 3834 Time to finish 18m, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3833 Time to finish 18m, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3832 Time to finish 18m, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3831 Time to finish 18m, 11.3% completed, time steps left 3830 Time to finish 18m, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3829 Time to finish 18m, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3828 Time to finish 18m, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3827 Time to finish 18m, 11.4% completed, time steps left 3826 Time to finish 18m, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3825 Time to finish 18m, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3824 Time to finish 18m, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3823 Time to finish 18m, 11.5% completed, time steps left 3822 Time to finish 18m, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3821 Time to finish 18m, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3820 Time to finish 18m, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3819 Time to finish 18m, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3818 Time to finish 18m, 11.6% completed, time steps left 3817 Time to finish 18m, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3816 Time to finish 18m, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3815 Time to finish 18m, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3814 Time to finish 18m, 11.7% completed, time steps left 3813 Time to finish 18m, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3812 Time to finish 18m, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3811 Time to finish 18m, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3810 Time to finish 18m, 11.8% completed, time steps left 3809 Time to finish 18m, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3808 Time to finish 18m, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3807 Time to finish 18m, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3806 Time to finish 18m, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3805 Time to finish 18m, 11.9% completed, time steps left 3804 Time to finish 18m, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3803 Time to finish 18m, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3802 Time to finish 18m, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3801 Time to finish 18m, 12.0% completed, time steps left 3800 Time to finish 18m, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3799 Time to finish 18m, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3798 Time to finish 18m, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3797 Time to finish 18m, 12.1% completed, time steps left 3796 Time to finish 18m, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3795 Time to finish 18m, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3794 Time to finish 18m, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3793 Time to finish 18m, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3792 Time to finish 18m, 12.2% completed, time steps left 3791 Time to finish 18m, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3790 Time to finish 18m, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3789 Time to finish 18m, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3788 Time to finish 18m, 12.3% completed, time steps left 3787 Time to finish 18m, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3786 Time to finish 18m, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3785 Time to finish 18m, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3784 Time to finish 18m, 12.4% completed, time steps left 3783 Time to finish 18m, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3782 Time to finish 18m, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3781 Time to finish 18m, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3780 Time to finish 18m, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3779 Time to finish 18m, 12.5% completed, time steps left 3778 Time to finish 18m, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3777 Time to finish 18m, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3776 Time to finish 18m, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3775 Time to finish 18m, 12.6% completed, time steps left 3774 Time to finish 18m, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3773 Time to finish 18m, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3772 Time to finish 18m, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3771 Time to finish 18m, 12.7% completed, time steps left 3770 Time to finish 18m, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3769 Time to finish 18m, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3768 Time to finish 18m, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3767 Time to finish 18m, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3766 Time to finish 18m, 12.8% completed, time steps left 3765 Time to finish 18m, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3764 Time to finish 18m, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3763 Time to finish 18m, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3762 Time to finish 18m, 12.9% completed, time steps left 3761 Time to finish 18m, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3760 Time to finish 18m, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3759 Time to finish 18m, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3758 Time to finish 18m, 13.0% completed, time steps left 3757 Time to finish 18m, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3756 Time to finish 18m, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3755 Time to finish 18m, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3754 Time to finish 18m, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3753 Time to finish 18m, 13.1% completed, time steps left 3752 Time to finish 18m, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3751 Time to finish 18m, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3750 Time to finish 18m, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3749 Time to finish 18m, 13.2% completed, time steps left 3748 Time to finish 18m, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3747 Time to finish 18m, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3746 Time to finish 18m, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3745 Time to finish 18m, 13.3% completed, time steps left 3744 Time to finish 18m, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3743 Time to finish 18m, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3742 Time to finish 18m, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3741 Time to finish 18m, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3740 Time to finish 18m, 13.4% completed, time steps left 3739 Time to finish 18m, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3738 Time to finish 18m, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3737 Time to finish 18m, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3736 Time to finish 18m, 13.5% completed, time steps left 3735 Time to finish 18m, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3734 Time to finish 18m, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3733 Time to finish 18m, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3732 Time to finish 18m, 13.6% completed, time steps left 3731 Time to finish 18m, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3730 Time to finish 18m, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3729 Time to finish 18m, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3728 Time to finish 18m, 13.7% completed, time steps left 3727 Time to finish 18m, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3726 Time to finish 18m, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3725 Time to finish 18m, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3724 Time to finish 18m, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3723 Time to finish 18m, 13.8% completed, time steps left 3722 Time to finish 18m, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3721 Time to finish 18m, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3720 Time to finish 18m, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3719 Time to finish 18m, 13.9% completed, time steps left 3718 Time to finish 18m, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3717 Time to finish 18m, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3716 Time to finish 18m, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3715 Time to finish 18m, 14.0% completed, time steps left 3714 Time to finish 18m, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3713 Time to finish 18m, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3712 Time to finish 18m, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3711 Time to finish 18m, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3710 Time to finish 18m, 14.1% completed, time steps left 3709 Time to finish 18m, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3708 Time to finish 18m, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3707 Time to finish 18m, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3706 Time to finish 18m, 14.2% completed, time steps left 3705 Time to finish 18m, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3704 Time to finish 18m, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3703 Time to finish 18m, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3702 Time to finish 18m, 14.3% completed, time steps left 3701 Time to finish 18m, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3700 Time to finish 18m, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3699 Time to finish 18m, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3698 Time to finish 18m, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3697 Time to finish 18m, 14.4% completed, time steps left 3696 Time to finish 18m, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3695 Time to finish 17m, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3694 Time to finish 17m, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3693 Time to finish 17m, 14.5% completed, time steps left 3692 Time to finish 17m, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3691 Time to finish 17m, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3690 Time to finish 18m, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3689 Time to finish 18m, 14.6% completed, time steps left 3688 Time to finish 17m, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3687 Time to finish 17m, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3686 Time to finish 17m, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3685 Time to finish 17m, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3684 Time to finish 17m, 14.7% completed, time steps left 3683 Time to finish 17m, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3682 Time to finish 17m, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3681 Time to finish 17m, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3680 Time to finish 17m, 14.8% completed, time steps left 3679 Time to finish 17m, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3678 Time to finish 17m, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3677 Time to finish 17m, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3676 Time to finish 17m, 14.9% completed, time steps left 3675 Time to finish 17m, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3674 Time to finish 17m, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3673 Time to finish 17m, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3672 Time to finish 17m, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3671 Time to finish 17m, 15.0% completed, time steps left 3670 Time to finish 17m, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3669 Time to finish 17m, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3668 Time to finish 17m, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3667 Time to finish 17m, 15.1% completed, time steps left 3666 Time to finish 17m, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3665 Time to finish 17m, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3664 Time to finish 17m, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3663 Time to finish 17m, 15.2% completed, time steps left 3662 Time to finish 17m, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3661 Time to finish 17m, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3660 Time to finish 17m, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3659 Time to finish 17m, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3658 Time to finish 17m, 15.3% completed, time steps left 3657 Time to finish 17m, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3656 Time to finish 17m, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3655 Time to finish 17m, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3654 Time to finish 17m, 15.4% completed, time steps left 3653 Time to finish 17m, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3652 Time to finish 17m, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3651 Time to finish 17m, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3650 Time to finish 17m, 15.5% completed, time steps left 3649 Time to finish 17m, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3648 Time to finish 17m, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3647 Time to finish 17m, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3646 Time to finish 17m, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3645 Time to finish 17m, 15.6% completed, time steps left 3644 Time to finish 17m, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3643 Time to finish 17m, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3642 Time to finish 17m, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3641 Time to finish 17m, 15.7% completed, time steps left 3640 Time to finish 17m, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3639 Time to finish 17m, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3638 Time to finish 17m, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3637 Time to finish 17m, 15.8% completed, time steps left 3636 Time to finish 17m, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3635 Time to finish 17m, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3634 Time to finish 17m, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3633 Time to finish 17m, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3632 Time to finish 17m, 15.9% completed, time steps left 3631 Time to finish 17m, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3630 Time to finish 17m, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3629 Time to finish 17m, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3628 Time to finish 17m, 16.0% completed, time steps left 3627 Time to finish 17m, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3626 Time to finish 17m, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3625 Time to finish 17m, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3624 Time to finish 17m, 16.1% completed, time steps left 3623 Time to finish 17m, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3622 Time to finish 17m, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3621 Time to finish 17m, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3620 Time to finish 17m, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3619 Time to finish 17m, 16.2% completed, time steps left 3618 Time to finish 17m, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3617 Time to finish 17m, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3616 Time to finish 17m, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3615 Time to finish 17m, 16.3% completed, time steps left 3614 Time to finish 17m, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3613 Time to finish 17m, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3612 Time to finish 17m, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3611 Time to finish 17m, 16.4% completed, time steps left 3610 Time to finish 17m, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3609 Time to finish 17m, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3608 Time to finish 17m, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3607 Time to finish 17m, 16.5% completed, time steps left 3606 Time to finish 17m, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3605 Time to finish 17m, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3604 Time to finish 17m, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3603 Time to finish 17m, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3602 Time to finish 17m, 16.6% completed, time steps left 3601 Time to finish 17m, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3600 Time to finish 17m, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3599 Time to finish 17m, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3598 Time to finish 17m, 16.7% completed, time steps left 3597 Time to finish 17m, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3596 Time to finish 17m, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3595 Time to finish 17m, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3594 Time to finish 17m, 16.8% completed, time steps left 3593 Time to finish 17m, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3592 Time to finish 17m, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3591 Time to finish 17m, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3590 Time to finish 17m, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3589 Time to finish 17m, 16.9% completed, time steps left 3588 Time to finish 17m, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3587 Time to finish 17m, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3586 Time to finish 17m, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3585 Time to finish 17m, 17.0% completed, time steps left 3584 Time to finish 17m, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3583 Time to finish 17m, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3582 Time to finish 17m, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3581 Time to finish 17m, 17.1% completed, time steps left 3580 Time to finish 17m, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3579 Time to finish 17m, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3578 Time to finish 17m, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3577 Time to finish 17m, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3576 Time to finish 17m, 17.2% completed, time steps left 3575 Time to finish 17m, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3574 Time to finish 17m, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3573 Time to finish 17m, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3572 Time to finish 17m, 17.3% completed, time steps left 3571 Time to finish 17m, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3570 Time to finish 17m, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3569 Time to finish 17m, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3568 Time to finish 17m, 17.4% completed, time steps left 3567 Time to finish 17m, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3566 Time to finish 17m, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3565 Time to finish 17m, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3564 Time to finish 17m, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3563 Time to finish 17m, 17.5% completed, time steps left 3562 Time to finish 17m, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3561 Time to finish 17m, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3560 Time to finish 17m, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3559 Time to finish 17m, 17.6% completed, time steps left 3558 Time to finish 17m, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3557 Time to finish 17m, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3556 Time to finish 17m, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3555 Time to finish 17m, 17.7% completed, time steps left 3554 Time to finish 17m, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3553 Time to finish 17m, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3552 Time to finish 17m, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3551 Time to finish 17m, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3550 Time to finish 17m, 17.8% completed, time steps left 3549 Time to finish 17m, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3548 Time to finish 17m, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3547 Time to finish 17m, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3546 Time to finish 17m, 17.9% completed, time steps left 3545 Time to finish 17m, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3544 Time to finish 17m, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3543 Time to finish 17m, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3542 Time to finish 17m, 18.0% completed, time steps left 3541 Time to finish 17m, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3540 Time to finish 17m, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3539 Time to finish 17m, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3538 Time to finish 17m, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3537 Time to finish 17m, 18.1% completed, time steps left 3536 Time to finish 17m, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3535 Time to finish 17m, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3534 Time to finish 17m, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3533 Time to finish 17m, 18.2% completed, time steps left 3532 Time to finish 17m, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3531 Time to finish 17m, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3530 Time to finish 17m, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3529 Time to finish 17m, 18.3% completed, time steps left 3528 Time to finish 17m, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3527 Time to finish 17m, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3526 Time to finish 17m, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3525 Time to finish 17m, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3524 Time to finish 17m, 18.4% completed, time steps left 3523 Time to finish 17m, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3522 Time to finish 17m, 18.5% completed, time steps left 3521 Time to finish 17m, 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left 3039 Time to finish 14m, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3038 Time to finish 14m, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3037 Time to finish 14m, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3036 Time to finish 14m, 29.7% completed, time steps left 3035 Time to finish 14m, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3034 Time to finish 14m, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3033 Time to finish 14m, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3032 Time to finish 14m, 29.8% completed, time steps left 3031 Time to finish 14m, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3030 Time to finish 14m, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3029 Time to finish 14m, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3028 Time to finish 14m, 29.9% completed, time steps left 3027 Time to finish 14m, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3026 Time to finish 14m, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3025 Time to finish 14m, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3024 Time to finish 14m, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3023 Time to finish 14m, 30.0% completed, time steps left 3022 Time 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30.5% completed, time steps left 3004 Time to finish 14m, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3003 Time to finish 14m, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3002 Time to finish 14m, 30.5% completed, time steps left 3001 Time to finish 14m, 30.6% completed, time steps left 3000 Time to finish 14m, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2999 Time to finish 14m, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2998 Time to finish 14m, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2997 Time to finish 14m, 30.6% completed, time steps left 2996 Time to finish 14m, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2995 Time to finish 14m, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2994 Time to finish 14m, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2993 Time to finish 14m, 30.7% completed, time steps left 2992 Time to finish 14m, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2991 Time to finish 14m, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2990 Time to finish 14m, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2989 Time to finish 14m, 30.8% completed, time steps left 2988 Time to finish 14m, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2987 Time to finish 14m, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2986 Time to finish 14m, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2985 Time to finish 14m, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2984 Time to finish 14m, 30.9% completed, time steps left 2983 Time to finish 14m, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2982 Time to finish 14m, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2981 Time to finish 14m, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2980 Time to finish 14m, 31.0% completed, time steps left 2979 Time to finish 14m, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2978 Time to finish 14m, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2977 Time to finish 14m, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2976 Time to finish 14m, 31.1% completed, time steps left 2975 Time to finish 14m, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2974 Time to finish 14m, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2973 Time to finish 14m, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2972 Time to finish 14m, 31.2% completed, time steps left 2971 Time to finish 14m, 31.2% completed, 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completed, time steps left 2901 Time to finish 13m, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2900 Time to finish 13m, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2899 Time to finish 13m, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2898 Time to finish 13m, 32.9% completed, time steps left 2897 Time to finish 13m, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2896 Time to finish 13m, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2895 Time to finish 13m, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2894 Time to finish 13m, 33.0% completed, time steps left 2893 Time to finish 13m, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2892 Time to finish 13m, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2891 Time to finish 13m, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2890 Time to finish 13m, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2889 Time to finish 13m, 33.1% completed, time steps left 2888 Time to finish 13m, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2887 Time to finish 13m, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2886 Time to finish 13m, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2885 Time to finish 13m, 33.2% completed, time steps left 2884 Time to finish 13m, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2883 Time to finish 13m, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2882 Time to finish 13m, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2881 Time to finish 13m, 33.3% completed, time steps left 2880 Time to finish 13m, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2879 Time to finish 13m, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2878 Time to finish 13m, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2877 Time to finish 13m, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2876 Time to finish 13m, 33.4% completed, time steps left 2875 Time to finish 13m, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2874 Time to finish 13m, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2873 Time to finish 13m, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2872 Time to finish 13m, 33.5% completed, time steps left 2871 Time to finish 13m, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2870 Time to finish 13m, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2869 Time to finish 13m, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2868 Time to finish 13m, 33.6% completed, time steps left 2867 Time to finish 13m, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2866 Time to finish 13m, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2865 Time to finish 13m, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2864 Time to finish 13m, 33.7% completed, time steps left 2863 Time to finish 13m, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2862 Time to finish 13m, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2861 Time to finish 13m, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2860 Time to finish 13m, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2859 Time to finish 13m, 33.8% completed, time steps left 2858 Time to finish 13m, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2857 Time to finish 13m, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2856 Time to finish 13m, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2855 Time to finish 13m, 33.9% completed, time steps left 2854 Time to finish 13m, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2853 Time to finish 13m, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2852 Time to finish 13m, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2851 Time to finish 13m, 34.0% completed, time steps left 2850 Time to finish 13m, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2849 Time to finish 13m, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2848 Time to finish 13m, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2847 Time to finish 13m, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2846 Time to finish 13m, 34.1% completed, time steps left 2845 Time to finish 13m, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2844 Time to finish 13m, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2843 Time to finish 13m, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2842 Time to finish 13m, 34.2% completed, time steps left 2841 Time to finish 13m, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2840 Time to finish 13m, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2839 Time to finish 13m, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2838 Time to finish 13m, 34.3% completed, time steps left 2837 Time to finish 13m, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2836 Time to finish 13m, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2835 Time to finish 13m, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2834 Time to finish 13m, 34.4% completed, time steps left 2833 Time to finish 13m, 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left 2781 Time to finish 13m, 35.6% completed, time steps left 2780 Time to finish 13m, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2779 Time to finish 13m, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2778 Time to finish 13m, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2777 Time to finish 13m, 35.7% completed, time steps left 2776 Time to finish 13m, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2775 Time to finish 13m, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2774 Time to finish 13m, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2773 Time to finish 13m, 35.8% completed, time steps left 2772 Time to finish 13m, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2771 Time to finish 13m, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2770 Time to finish 13m, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2769 Time to finish 13m, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2768 Time to finish 13m, 35.9% completed, time steps left 2767 Time to finish 13m, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2766 Time to finish 13m, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2765 Time to finish 13m, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2764 Time to finish 13m, 36.0% completed, time steps left 2763 Time to finish 13m, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2762 Time to finish 13m, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2761 Time to finish 13m, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2760 Time to finish 13m, 36.1% completed, time steps left 2759 Time to finish 13m, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2758 Time to finish 13m, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2757 Time to finish 13m, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2756 Time to finish 13m, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2755 Time to finish 13m, 36.2% completed, time steps left 2754 Time to finish 13m, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2753 Time to finish 13m, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2752 Time to finish 13m, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2751 Time to finish 13m, 36.3% completed, time steps left 2750 Time to finish 13m, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2749 Time to finish 13m, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2748 Time to finish 13m, 36.4% completed, time steps left 2747 Time to finish 13m, 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completed, time steps left 2729 Time to finish 13m, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2728 Time to finish 13m, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2727 Time to finish 13m, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2726 Time to finish 13m, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2725 Time to finish 13m, 36.9% completed, time steps left 2724 Time to finish 13m, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2723 Time to finish 13m, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2722 Time to finish 13m, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2721 Time to finish 13m, 37.0% completed, time steps left 2720 Time to finish 13m, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2719 Time to finish 13m, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2718 Time to finish 13m, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2717 Time to finish 13m, 37.1% completed, time steps left 2716 Time to finish 13m, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2715 Time to finish 13m, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2714 Time to finish 13m, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2713 Time to finish 13m, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2712 Time to finish 13m, 37.2% completed, time steps left 2711 Time to finish 13m, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2710 Time to finish 13m, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2709 Time to finish 13m, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2708 Time to finish 13m, 37.3% completed, time steps left 2707 Time to finish 13m, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2706 Time to finish 13m, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2705 Time to finish 13m, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2704 Time to finish 13m, 37.4% completed, time steps left 2703 Time to finish 13m, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2702 Time to finish 13m, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2701 Time to finish 13m, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2700 Time to finish 13m, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2699 Time to finish 13m, 37.5% completed, time steps left 2698 Time to finish 13m, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2697 Time to finish 13m, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2696 Time to finish 13m, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2695 Time to finish 13m, 37.6% completed, time steps left 2694 Time to finish 13m, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2693 Time to finish 13m, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2692 Time to finish 13m, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2691 Time to finish 13m, 37.7% completed, time steps left 2690 Time to finish 13m, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2689 Time to finish 13m, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2688 Time to finish 13m, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2687 Time to finish 13m, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2686 Time to finish 13m, 37.8% completed, time steps left 2685 Time to finish 13m, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2684 Time to finish 13m, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2683 Time to finish 13m, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2682 Time to finish 13m, 37.9% completed, time steps left 2681 Time to finish 13m, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2680 Time to finish 13m, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2679 Time to finish 13m, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2678 Time to finish 12m, 38.0% completed, time steps left 2677 Time to finish 12m, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2676 Time to finish 12m, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2675 Time to finish 12m, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2674 Time to finish 12m, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2673 Time to finish 12m, 38.1% completed, time steps left 2672 Time to finish 12m, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2671 Time to finish 12m, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2670 Time to finish 12m, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2669 Time to finish 12m, 38.2% completed, time steps left 2668 Time to finish 12m, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2667 Time to finish 12m, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2666 Time to finish 12m, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2665 Time to finish 12m, 38.3% completed, time steps left 2664 Time to finish 12m, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2663 Time to finish 12m, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2662 Time to finish 12m, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2661 Time to finish 12m, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2660 Time to finish 12m, 38.4% completed, time steps left 2659 Time to finish 12m, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2658 Time to finish 12m, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2657 Time to finish 12m, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2656 Time to finish 12m, 38.5% completed, time steps left 2655 Time to finish 12m, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2654 Time to finish 12m, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2653 Time to finish 12m, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2652 Time to finish 12m, 38.6% completed, time steps left 2651 Time to finish 12m, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2650 Time to finish 12m, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2649 Time to finish 12m, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2648 Time to finish 12m, 38.7% completed, time steps left 2647 Time to finish 12m, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2646 Time to finish 12m, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2645 Time to finish 12m, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2644 Time to finish 12m, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2643 Time to finish 12m, 38.8% completed, time steps left 2642 Time to finish 12m, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2641 Time to finish 12m, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2640 Time to finish 12m, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2639 Time to finish 12m, 38.9% completed, time steps left 2638 Time to finish 12m, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2637 Time to finish 12m, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2636 Time to finish 12m, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2635 Time to finish 12m, 39.0% completed, time steps left 2634 Time to finish 12m, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2633 Time to finish 12m, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2632 Time to finish 12m, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2631 Time to finish 12m, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2630 Time to finish 12m, 39.1% completed, time steps left 2629 Time to finish 12m, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2628 Time to finish 12m, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2627 Time to finish 12m, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2626 Time to finish 12m, 39.2% completed, time steps left 2625 Time to finish 12m, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2624 Time to finish 12m, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2623 Time to finish 12m, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2622 Time to finish 12m, 39.3% completed, time steps left 2621 Time to finish 12m, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2620 Time to finish 12m, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2619 Time to finish 12m, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2618 Time to finish 12m, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2617 Time to finish 12m, 39.4% completed, time steps left 2616 Time to finish 12m, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2615 Time to finish 12m, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2614 Time to finish 12m, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2613 Time to finish 12m, 39.5% completed, time steps left 2612 Time to finish 12m, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2611 Time to finish 12m, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2610 Time to finish 12m, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2609 Time to finish 12m, 39.6% completed, time steps left 2608 Time to finish 12m, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2607 Time to finish 12m, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2606 Time to finish 12m, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2605 Time to finish 12m, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2604 Time to finish 12m, 39.7% completed, time steps left 2603 Time to finish 12m, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2602 Time to finish 12m, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2601 Time to finish 12m, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2600 Time to finish 12m, 39.8% completed, time steps left 2599 Time to finish 12m, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2598 Time to finish 12m, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2597 Time to finish 12m, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2596 Time to finish 12m, 39.9% completed, time steps left 2595 Time to finish 12m, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2594 Time to finish 12m, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2593 Time to finish 12m, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2592 Time to finish 12m, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2591 Time to finish 12m, 40.0% completed, time steps left 2590 Time to finish 12m, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2589 Time to finish 12m, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2588 Time to finish 12m, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2587 Time to finish 12m, 40.1% completed, time steps left 2586 Time to finish 12m, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2585 Time to finish 12m, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2584 Time to finish 12m, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2583 Time to finish 12m, 40.2% completed, time steps left 2582 Time to finish 12m, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2581 Time to finish 12m, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2580 Time to finish 12m, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2579 Time to finish 12m, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2578 Time to finish 12m, 40.3% completed, time steps left 2577 Time to finish 12m, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2576 Time to finish 12m, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2575 Time to finish 12m, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2574 Time to finish 12m, 40.4% completed, time steps left 2573 Time to finish 12m, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2572 Time to finish 12m, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2571 Time to finish 12m, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2570 Time to finish 12m, 40.5% completed, time steps left 2569 Time to finish 12m, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2568 Time to finish 12m, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2567 Time to finish 12m, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2566 Time to finish 12m, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2565 Time to finish 12m, 40.6% completed, time steps left 2564 Time to finish 12m, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2563 Time to finish 12m, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2562 Time to finish 12m, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2561 Time to finish 12m, 40.7% completed, time steps left 2560 Time to finish 12m, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2559 Time to finish 12m, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2558 Time to finish 12m, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2557 Time to finish 12m, 40.8% completed, time steps left 2556 Time to finish 12m, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2555 Time to finish 12m, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2554 Time to finish 12m, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2553 Time to finish 12m, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2552 Time to finish 12m, 40.9% completed, time steps left 2551 Time to finish 12m, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2550 Time to finish 12m, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2549 Time to finish 12m, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2548 Time to finish 12m, 41.0% completed, time steps left 2547 Time to finish 12m, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2546 Time to finish 12m, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2545 Time to finish 12m, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2544 Time to finish 12m, 41.1% completed, time steps left 2543 Time to finish 12m, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2542 Time to finish 12m, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2541 Time to finish 12m, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2540 Time to finish 12m, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2539 Time to finish 12m, 41.2% completed, time steps left 2538 Time to finish 12m, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2537 Time to finish 12m, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2536 Time to finish 12m, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2535 Time to finish 12m, 41.3% completed, time steps left 2534 Time to finish 12m, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2533 Time to finish 12m, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2532 Time to finish 12m, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2531 Time to finish 12m, 41.4% completed, time steps left 2530 Time to finish 12m, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2529 Time to finish 12m, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2528 Time to finish 12m, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2527 Time to finish 12m, 41.5% completed, time steps left 2526 Time to finish 12m, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2525 Time to finish 12m, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2524 Time to finish 12m, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2523 Time to finish 12m, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2522 Time to finish 12m, 41.6% completed, time steps left 2521 Time to finish 12m, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2520 Time to finish 12m, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2519 Time to finish 12m, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2518 Time to finish 12m, 41.7% completed, time steps left 2517 Time to finish 12m, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2516 Time to finish 12m, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2515 Time to finish 12m, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2514 Time to finish 12m, 41.8% completed, time steps left 2513 Time to finish 12m, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2512 Time to finish 12m, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2511 Time to finish 12m, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2510 Time to finish 12m, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2509 Time to finish 12m, 41.9% completed, time steps left 2508 Time to finish 12m, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2507 Time to finish 12m, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2506 Time to finish 12m, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2505 Time to finish 12m, 42.0% completed, time steps left 2504 Time to finish 12m, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2503 Time to finish 12m, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2502 Time to finish 12m, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2501 Time to finish 12m, 42.1% completed, time steps left 2500 Time to finish 12m, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2499 Time to finish 12m, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2498 Time to finish 12m, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2497 Time to finish 12m, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2496 Time to finish 12m, 42.2% completed, time steps left 2495 Time to finish 12m, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2494 Time to finish 12m, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2493 Time to finish 12m, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2492 Time to finish 12m, 42.3% completed, time steps left 2491 Time to finish 12m, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2490 Time to finish 12m, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2489 Time to finish 12m, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2488 Time to finish 12m, 42.4% completed, time steps left 2487 Time to finish 12m, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2486 Time to finish 12m, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2485 Time to finish 12m, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2484 Time to finish 12m, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2483 Time to finish 11m, 42.5% completed, time steps left 2482 Time to finish 11m, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2481 Time to finish 11m, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2480 Time to finish 11m, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2479 Time to finish 11m, 42.6% completed, time steps left 2478 Time to finish 11m, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2477 Time to finish 11m, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2476 Time to finish 11m, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2475 Time to finish 11m, 42.7% completed, time steps left 2474 Time to finish 11m, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2473 Time to finish 11m, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2472 Time to finish 11m, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2471 Time to finish 11m, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2470 Time to finish 11m, 42.8% completed, time steps left 2469 Time to finish 11m, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2468 Time to finish 11m, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2467 Time to finish 11m, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2466 Time to finish 11m, 42.9% completed, time steps left 2465 Time to finish 11m, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2464 Time to finish 11m, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2463 Time to finish 11m, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2462 Time to finish 11m, 43.0% completed, time steps left 2461 Time to finish 11m, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2460 Time to finish 11m, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2459 Time to finish 11m, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2458 Time to finish 11m, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2457 Time to finish 11m, 43.1% completed, time steps left 2456 Time to finish 11m, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2455 Time to finish 11m, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2454 Time to finish 11m, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2453 Time to finish 11m, 43.2% completed, time steps left 2452 Time to finish 11m, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2451 Time to finish 11m, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2450 Time to finish 11m, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2449 Time to finish 11m, 43.3% completed, time steps left 2448 Time to finish 11m, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2447 Time to finish 11m, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2446 Time to finish 11m, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2445 Time to finish 11m, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2444 Time to finish 11m, 43.4% completed, time steps left 2443 Time to finish 11m, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2442 Time to finish 11m, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2441 Time to finish 11m, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2440 Time to finish 11m, 43.5% completed, time steps left 2439 Time to finish 11m, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2438 Time to finish 11m, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2437 Time to finish 11m, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2436 Time to finish 11m, 43.6% completed, time steps left 2435 Time to finish 11m, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2434 Time to finish 11m, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2433 Time to finish 11m, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2432 Time to finish 11m, 43.7% completed, time steps left 2431 Time to finish 11m, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2430 Time to finish 11m, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2429 Time to finish 11m, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2428 Time to finish 11m, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2427 Time to finish 11m, 43.8% completed, time steps left 2426 Time to finish 11m, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2425 Time to finish 11m, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2424 Time to finish 11m, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2423 Time to finish 11m, 43.9% completed, time steps left 2422 Time to finish 11m, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2421 Time to finish 11m, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2420 Time to finish 11m, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2419 Time to finish 11m, 44.0% completed, time steps left 2418 Time to finish 11m, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2417 Time to finish 11m, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2416 Time to finish 11m, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2415 Time to finish 11m, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2414 Time to finish 11m, 44.1% completed, time steps left 2413 Time to finish 11m, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2412 Time to finish 11m, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2411 Time to finish 11m, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2410 Time to finish 11m, 44.2% completed, time steps left 2409 Time to finish 11m, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2408 Time to finish 11m, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2407 Time to finish 11m, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2406 Time to finish 11m, 44.3% completed, time steps left 2405 Time to finish 11m, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2404 Time to finish 11m, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2403 Time to finish 11m, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2402 Time to finish 11m, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2401 Time to finish 11m, 44.4% completed, time steps left 2400 Time to finish 11m, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2399 Time to finish 11m, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2398 Time to finish 11m, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2397 Time to finish 11m, 44.5% completed, time steps left 2396 Time to finish 11m, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2395 Time to finish 11m, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2394 Time to finish 11m, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2393 Time to finish 11m, 44.6% completed, time steps left 2392 Time to finish 11m, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2391 Time to finish 11m, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2390 Time to finish 11m, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2389 Time to finish 11m, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2388 Time to finish 11m, 44.7% completed, time steps left 2387 Time to finish 11m, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2386 Time to finish 11m, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2385 Time to finish 11m, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2384 Time to finish 11m, 44.8% completed, time steps left 2383 Time to finish 11m, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2382 Time to finish 11m, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2381 Time to finish 11m, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2380 Time to finish 11m, 44.9% completed, time steps left 2379 Time to finish 11m, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2378 Time to finish 11m, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2377 Time to finish 11m, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2376 Time to finish 11m, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2375 Time to finish 11m, 45.0% completed, time steps left 2374 Time to finish 11m, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2373 Time to finish 11m, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2372 Time to finish 11m, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2371 Time to finish 11m, 45.1% completed, time steps left 2370 Time to finish 11m, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2369 Time to finish 11m, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2368 Time to finish 11m, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2367 Time to finish 11m, 45.2% completed, time steps left 2366 Time to finish 11m, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2365 Time to finish 11m, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2364 Time to finish 11m, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2363 Time to finish 11m, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2362 Time to finish 11m, 45.3% completed, time steps left 2361 Time to finish 11m, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2360 Time to finish 11m, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2359 Time to finish 11m, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2358 Time to finish 11m, 45.4% completed, time steps left 2357 Time to finish 11m, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2356 Time to finish 11m, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2355 Time to finish 11m, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2354 Time to finish 11m, 45.5% completed, time steps left 2353 Time to finish 11m, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2352 Time to finish 11m, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2351 Time to finish 11m, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2350 Time to finish 11m, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2349 Time to finish 11m, 45.6% completed, time steps left 2348 Time to finish 11m, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2347 Time to finish 11m, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2346 Time to finish 11m, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2345 Time to finish 11m, 45.7% completed, time steps left 2344 Time to finish 11m, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2343 Time to finish 11m, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2342 Time to finish 11m, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2341 Time to finish 11m, 45.8% completed, time steps left 2340 Time to finish 11m, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2339 Time to finish 11m, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2338 Time to finish 11m, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2337 Time to finish 11m, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2336 Time to finish 11m, 45.9% completed, time steps left 2335 Time to finish 11m, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2334 Time to finish 11m, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2333 Time to finish 11m, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2332 Time to finish 11m, 46.0% completed, time steps left 2331 Time to finish 11m, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2330 Time to finish 11m, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2329 Time to finish 11m, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2328 Time to finish 11m, 46.1% completed, time steps left 2327 Time to finish 11m, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2326 Time to finish 11m, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2325 Time to finish 11m, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2324 Time to finish 11m, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2323 Time to finish 11m, 46.2% completed, time steps left 2322 Time to finish 11m, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2321 Time to finish 11m, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2320 Time to finish 11m, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2319 Time to finish 11m, 46.3% completed, time steps left 2318 Time to finish 11m, 46.4% completed, time steps left 2317 Time to finish 11m, 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completed, time steps left 2299 Time to finish 11m, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2298 Time to finish 11m, 46.8% completed, time steps left 2297 Time to finish 11m, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2296 Time to finish 11m, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2295 Time to finish 11m, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2294 Time to finish 11m, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2293 Time to finish 11m, 46.9% completed, time steps left 2292 Time to finish 11m, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2291 Time to finish 11m, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2290 Time to finish 11m, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2289 Time to finish 11m, 47.0% completed, time steps left 2288 Time to finish 11m, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2287 Time to finish 11m, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2286 Time to finish 11m, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2285 Time to finish 11m, 47.1% completed, time steps left 2284 Time to finish 11m, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2283 Time to finish 11m, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2282 Time to finish 11m, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2281 Time to finish 11m, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2280 Time to finish 11m, 47.2% completed, time steps left 2279 Time to finish 11m, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2278 Time to finish 11m, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2277 Time to finish 11m, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2276 Time to finish 11m, 47.3% completed, time steps left 2275 Time to finish 11m, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2274 Time to finish 11m, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2273 Time to finish 11m, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2272 Time to finish 11m, 47.4% completed, time steps left 2271 Time to finish 11m, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2270 Time to finish 11m, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2269 Time to finish 11m, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2268 Time to finish 11m, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2267 Time to finish 11m, 47.5% completed, time steps left 2266 Time to finish 11m, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2265 Time to finish 11m, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2264 Time to finish 11m, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2263 Time to finish 11m, 47.6% completed, time steps left 2262 Time to finish 11m, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2261 Time to finish 10m, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2260 Time to finish 10m, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2259 Time to finish 10m, 47.7% completed, time steps left 2258 Time to finish 10m, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2257 Time to finish 10m, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2256 Time to finish 10m, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2255 Time to finish 10m, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2254 Time to finish 10m, 47.8% completed, time steps left 2253 Time to finish 10m, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2252 Time to finish 10m, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2251 Time to finish 10m, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2250 Time to finish 10m, 47.9% completed, time steps left 2249 Time to finish 10m, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2248 Time to finish 10m, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2247 Time to finish 10m, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2246 Time to finish 10m, 48.0% completed, time steps left 2245 Time to finish 10m, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2244 Time to finish 10m, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2243 Time to finish 10m, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2242 Time to finish 10m, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2241 Time to finish 10m, 48.1% completed, time steps left 2240 Time to finish 10m, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2239 Time to finish 10m, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2238 Time to finish 10m, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2237 Time to finish 10m, 48.2% completed, time steps left 2236 Time to finish 10m, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2235 Time to finish 10m, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2234 Time to finish 10m, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2233 Time to finish 10m, 48.3% completed, time steps left 2232 Time to finish 10m, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2231 Time to finish 10m, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2230 Time to finish 10m, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2229 Time to finish 10m, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2228 Time to finish 10m, 48.4% completed, time steps left 2227 Time to finish 10m, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2226 Time to finish 10m, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2225 Time to finish 10m, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2224 Time to finish 10m, 48.5% completed, time steps left 2223 Time to finish 10m, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2222 Time to finish 10m, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2221 Time to finish 10m, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2220 Time to finish 10m, 48.6% completed, time steps left 2219 Time to finish 10m, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2218 Time to finish 10m, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2217 Time to finish 10m, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2216 Time to finish 10m, 48.7% completed, time steps left 2215 Time to finish 10m, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2214 Time to finish 10m, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2213 Time to finish 10m, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2212 Time to finish 10m, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2211 Time to finish 10m, 48.8% completed, time steps left 2210 Time to finish 10m, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2209 Time to finish 10m, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2208 Time to finish 10m, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2207 Time to finish 10m, 48.9% completed, time steps left 2206 Time to finish 10m, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2205 Time to finish 10m, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2204 Time to finish 10m, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2203 Time to finish 10m, 49.0% completed, time steps left 2202 Time to finish 10m, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2201 Time to finish 10m, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2200 Time to finish 10m, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2199 Time to finish 10m, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2198 Time to finish 10m, 49.1% completed, time steps left 2197 Time to finish 10m, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2196 Time to finish 10m, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2195 Time to finish 10m, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2194 Time to finish 10m, 49.2% completed, time steps left 2193 Time to finish 10m, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2192 Time to finish 10m, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2191 Time to finish 10m, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2190 Time to finish 10m, 49.3% completed, time steps left 2189 Time to finish 10m, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2188 Time to finish 10m, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2187 Time to finish 10m, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2186 Time to finish 10m, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2185 Time to finish 10m, 49.4% completed, time steps left 2184 Time to finish 10m, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2183 Time to finish 10m, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2182 Time to finish 10m, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2181 Time to finish 10m, 49.5% completed, time steps left 2180 Time to finish 10m, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2179 Time to finish 10m, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2178 Time to finish 10m, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2177 Time to finish 10m, 49.6% completed, time steps left 2176 Time to finish 10m, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2175 Time to finish 10m, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2174 Time to finish 10m, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2173 Time to finish 10m, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2172 Time to finish 10m, 49.7% completed, time steps left 2171 Time to finish 10m, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2170 Time to finish 10m, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2169 Time to finish 10m, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2168 Time to finish 10m, 49.8% completed, time steps left 2167 Time to finish 10m, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2166 Time to finish 10m, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2165 Time to finish 10m, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2164 Time to finish 10m, 49.9% completed, time steps left 2163 Time to finish 10m, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2162 Time to finish 10m, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2161 Time to finish 10m, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2160 Time to finish 10m, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2159 Time to finish 10m, 50.0% completed, time steps left 2158 Time to finish 10m, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2157 Time to finish 10m, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2156 Time to finish 10m, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2155 Time to finish 10m, 50.1% completed, time steps left 2154 Time to finish 10m, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2153 Time to finish 10m, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2152 Time to finish 10m, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2151 Time to finish 10m, 50.2% completed, time steps left 2150 Time to finish 10m, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2149 Time to finish 10m, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2148 Time to finish 10m, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2147 Time to finish 10m, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2146 Time to finish 9m 59s, 50.3% completed, time steps left 2145 Time to finish 10m, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2144 Time to finish 10m, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2143 Time to finish 9m 59s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2142 Time to finish 9m 59s, 50.4% completed, time steps left 2141 Time to finish 9m 59s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2140 Time to finish 9m 59s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2139 Time to finish 9m 58s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2138 Time to finish 9m 58s, 50.5% completed, time steps left 2137 Time to finish 9m 58s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2136 Time to finish 9m 57s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2135 Time to finish 9m 57s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2134 Time to finish 9m 56s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2133 Time to finish 9m 56s, 50.6% completed, time steps left 2132 Time to finish 9m 56s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2131 Time to finish 9m 55s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2130 Time to finish 9m 56s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2129 Time to finish 9m 55s, 50.7% completed, time steps left 2128 Time to finish 9m 55s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2127 Time to finish 9m 55s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2126 Time to finish 9m 54s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2125 Time to finish 9m 54s, 50.8% completed, time steps left 2124 Time to finish 9m 54s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2123 Time to finish 9m 53s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2122 Time to finish 9m 53s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2121 Time to finish 9m 53s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2120 Time to finish 9m 52s, 50.9% completed, time steps left 2119 Time to finish 9m 52s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2118 Time to finish 9m 52s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2117 Time to finish 9m 51s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2116 Time to finish 9m 51s, 51.0% completed, time steps left 2115 Time to finish 9m 51s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2114 Time to finish 9m 51s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2113 Time to finish 9m 50s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2112 Time to finish 9m 50s, 51.1% completed, time steps left 2111 Time to finish 9m 50s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2110 Time to finish 9m 49s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2109 Time to finish 9m 49s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2108 Time to finish 9m 49s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2107 Time to finish 9m 48s, 51.2% completed, time steps left 2106 Time to finish 9m 48s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2105 Time to finish 9m 48s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2104 Time to finish 9m 47s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2103 Time to finish 9m 47s, 51.3% completed, time steps left 2102 Time to finish 9m 47s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2101 Time to finish 9m 46s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2100 Time to finish 9m 47s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2099 Time to finish 9m 47s, 51.4% completed, time steps left 2098 Time to finish 9m 46s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2097 Time to finish 9m 46s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2096 Time to finish 9m 46s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2095 Time to finish 9m 45s, 51.5% completed, time steps left 2094 Time to finish 9m 45s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2093 Time to finish 9m 45s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2092 Time to finish 9m 44s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2091 Time to finish 9m 44s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2090 Time to finish 9m 44s, 51.6% completed, time steps left 2089 Time to finish 9m 43s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2088 Time to finish 9m 43s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2087 Time to finish 9m 43s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2086 Time to finish 9m 42s, 51.7% completed, time steps left 2085 Time to finish 9m 43s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2084 Time to finish 9m 42s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2083 Time to finish 9m 42s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2082 Time to finish 9m 42s, 51.8% completed, time steps left 2081 Time to finish 9m 41s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2080 Time to finish 9m 41s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2079 Time to finish 9m 41s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2078 Time to finish 9m 40s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2077 Time to finish 9m 40s, 51.9% completed, time steps left 2076 Time to finish 9m 40s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2075 Time to finish 9m 39s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2074 Time to finish 9m 39s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2073 Time to finish 9m 38s, 52.0% completed, time steps left 2072 Time to finish 9m 38s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2071 Time to finish 9m 38s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2070 Time to finish 9m 38s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2069 Time to finish 9m 38s, 52.1% completed, time steps left 2068 Time to finish 9m 37s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2067 Time to finish 9m 37s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2066 Time to finish 9m 37s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2065 Time to finish 9m 36s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2064 Time to finish 9m 36s, 52.2% completed, time steps left 2063 Time to finish 9m 36s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2062 Time to finish 9m 35s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2061 Time to finish 9m 35s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2060 Time to finish 9m 35s, 52.3% completed, time steps left 2059 Time to finish 9m 34s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2058 Time to finish 9m 34s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2057 Time to finish 9m 34s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2056 Time to finish 9m 33s, 52.4% completed, time steps left 2055 Time to finish 9m 33s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2054 Time to finish 9m 33s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2053 Time to finish 9m 33s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2052 Time to finish 9m 32s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2051 Time to finish 9m 32s, 52.5% completed, time steps left 2050 Time to finish 9m 32s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2049 Time to finish 9m 31s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2048 Time to finish 9m 31s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2047 Time to finish 9m 31s, 52.6% completed, time steps left 2046 Time to finish 9m 30s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2045 Time to finish 9m 30s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2044 Time to finish 9m 30s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2043 Time to finish 9m 29s, 52.7% completed, time steps left 2042 Time to finish 9m 29s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2041 Time to finish 9m 29s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2040 Time to finish 9m 29s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2039 Time to finish 9m 29s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2038 Time to finish 9m 28s, 52.8% completed, time steps left 2037 Time to finish 9m 28s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2036 Time to finish 9m 28s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2035 Time to finish 9m 27s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2034 Time to finish 9m 27s, 52.9% completed, time steps left 2033 Time to finish 9m 27s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2032 Time to finish 9m 26s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2031 Time to finish 9m 26s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2030 Time to finish 9m 26s, 53.0% completed, time steps left 2029 Time to finish 9m 25s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2028 Time to finish 9m 25s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2027 Time to finish 9m 25s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2026 Time to finish 9m 24s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2025 Time to finish 9m 24s, 53.1% completed, time steps left 2024 Time to finish 9m 24s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2023 Time to finish 9m 24s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2022 Time to finish 9m 23s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2021 Time to finish 9m 23s, 53.2% completed, time steps left 2020 Time to finish 9m 23s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2019 Time to finish 9m 22s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2018 Time to finish 9m 22s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2017 Time to finish 9m 22s, 53.3% completed, time steps left 2016 Time to finish 9m 21s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2015 Time to finish 9m 21s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2014 Time to finish 9m 21s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2013 Time to finish 9m 20s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2012 Time to finish 9m 20s, 53.4% completed, time steps left 2011 Time to finish 9m 20s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2010 Time to finish 9m 20s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2009 Time to finish 9m 20s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2008 Time to finish 9m 19s, 53.5% completed, time steps left 2007 Time to finish 9m 19s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2006 Time to finish 9m 19s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2005 Time to finish 9m 18s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2004 Time to finish 9m 18s, 53.6% completed, time steps left 2003 Time to finish 9m 18s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 2002 Time to finish 9m 17s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 2001 Time to finish 9m 17s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 2000 Time to finish 9m 16s, 53.7% completed, time steps left 1999 Time to finish 9m 16s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1998 Time to finish 9m 16s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1997 Time to finish 9m 15s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1996 Time to finish 9m 15s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1995 Time to finish 9m 15s, 53.8% completed, time steps left 1994 Time to finish 9m 15s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1993 Time to finish 9m 15s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1992 Time to finish 9m 14s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1991 Time to finish 9m 14s, 53.9% completed, time steps left 1990 Time to finish 9m 14s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1989 Time to finish 9m 13s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1988 Time to finish 9m 13s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1987 Time to finish 9m 13s, 54.0% completed, time steps left 1986 Time to finish 9m 12s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1985 Time to finish 9m 12s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1984 Time to finish 9m 12s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1983 Time to finish 9m 11s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1982 Time to finish 9m 11s, 54.1% completed, time steps left 1981 Time to finish 9m 11s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1980 Time to finish 9m 11s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1979 Time to finish 9m 11s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1978 Time to finish 9m 10s, 54.2% completed, time steps left 1977 Time to finish 9m 10s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1976 Time to finish 9m 10s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1975 Time to finish 9m 9s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1974 Time to finish 9m 9s, 54.3% completed, time steps left 1973 Time to finish 9m 9s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1972 Time to finish 9m 8s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1971 Time to finish 9m 8s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1970 Time to finish 9m 8s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1969 Time to finish 9m 7s, 54.4% completed, time steps left 1968 Time to finish 9m 7s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1967 Time to finish 9m 7s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1966 Time to finish 9m 7s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1965 Time to finish 9m 7s, 54.5% completed, time steps left 1964 Time to finish 9m 7s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1963 Time to finish 9m 6s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1962 Time to finish 9m 6s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1961 Time to finish 9m 6s, 54.6% completed, time steps left 1960 Time to finish 9m 5s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1959 Time to finish 9m 5s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1958 Time to finish 9m 5s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1957 Time to finish 9m 5s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1956 Time to finish 9m 4s, 54.7% completed, time steps left 1955 Time to finish 9m 4s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1954 Time to finish 9m 4s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1953 Time to finish 9m 3s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1952 Time to finish 9m 3s, 54.8% completed, time steps left 1951 Time to finish 9m 3s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1950 Time to finish 9m 3s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1949 Time to finish 9m 3s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1948 Time to finish 9m 2s, 54.9% completed, time steps left 1947 Time to finish 9m 2s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1946 Time to finish 9m 2s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1945 Time to finish 9m 2s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1944 Time to finish 9m 1s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1943 Time to finish 9m 1s, 55.0% completed, time steps left 1942 Time to finish 9m 1s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1941 Time to finish 9m 0s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1940 Time to finish 9m 0s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1939 Time to finish 8m 59s, 55.1% completed, time steps left 1938 Time to finish 8m 59s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1937 Time to finish 8m 59s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1936 Time to finish 8m 59s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1935 Time to finish 9m 0s, 55.2% completed, time steps left 1934 Time to finish 9m 0s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1933 Time to finish 9m 0s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1932 Time to finish 8m 59s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1931 Time to finish 8m 59s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1930 Time to finish 8m 59s, 55.3% completed, time steps left 1929 Time to finish 8m 58s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1928 Time to finish 8m 58s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1927 Time to finish 8m 59s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1926 Time to finish 8m 58s, 55.4% completed, time steps left 1925 Time to finish 8m 58s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1924 Time to finish 8m 58s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1923 Time to finish 8m 57s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1922 Time to finish 8m 57s, 55.5% completed, time steps left 1921 Time to finish 8m 57s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1920 Time to finish 8m 58s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1919 Time to finish 8m 58s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1918 Time to finish 8m 57s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1917 Time to finish 8m 57s, 55.6% completed, time steps left 1916 Time to finish 8m 57s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1915 ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 21:25:18.303387 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Time to finish 8m 56s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1914 Time to finish 8m 56s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1913 Time to finish 8m 56s, 55.7% completed, time steps left 1912 Time to finish 8m 55s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1911 Time to finish 8m 55s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1910 Time to finish 8m 55s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1909 Time to finish 8m 54s, 55.8% completed, time steps left 1908 Time to finish 8m 54s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1907 Time to finish 8m 54s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1906 Time to finish 8m 53s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1905 Time to finish 8m 54s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1904 Time to finish 8m 53s, 55.9% completed, time steps left 1903 Time to finish 8m 53s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1902 Time to finish 8m 53s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1901 Time to finish 8m 52s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1900 Time to finish 8m 52s, 56.0% completed, time steps left 1899 Time to finish 8m 51s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1898 Time to finish 8m 51s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1897 Time to finish 8m 51s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1896 Time to finish 8m 50s, 56.1% completed, time steps left 1895 Time to finish 8m 50s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1894 Time to finish 8m 50s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1893 Time to finish 8m 49s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1892 Time to finish 8m 49s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1891 Time to finish 8m 49s, 56.2% completed, time steps left 1890 Time to finish 8m 49s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1889 Time to finish 8m 49s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1888 Time to finish 8m 48s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1887 Time to finish 8m 48s, 56.3% completed, time steps left 1886 Time to finish 8m 47s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1885 Time to finish 8m 47s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1884 Time to finish 8m 47s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1883 Time to finish 8m 46s, 56.4% completed, time steps left 1882 Time to finish 8m 46s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1881 Time to finish 8m 46s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1880 Time to finish 8m 45s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1879 Time to finish 8m 45s, 56.5% completed, time steps left 1878 Time to finish 8m 45s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1877 Time to finish 8m 44s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1876 Time to finish 8m 44s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1875 Time to finish 8m 45s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1874 Time to finish 8m 45s, 56.6% completed, time steps left 1873 Time to finish 8m 44s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1872 Time to finish 8m 44s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1871 Time to finish 8m 44s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1870 Time to finish 8m 43s, 56.7% completed, time steps left 1869 Time to finish 8m 43s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1868 Time to finish 8m 42s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1867 Time to finish 8m 42s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1866 Time to finish 8m 42s, 56.8% completed, time steps left 1865 Time to finish 8m 41s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1864 Time to finish 8m 41s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1863 Time to finish 8m 41s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1862 Time to finish 8m 40s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1861 Time to finish 8m 40s, 56.9% completed, time steps left 1860 Time to finish 8m 40s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1859 Time to finish 8m 40s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1858 Time to finish 8m 40s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1857 Time to finish 8m 40s, 57.0% completed, time steps left 1856 Time to finish 8m 39s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1855 Time to finish 8m 39s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1854 Time to finish 8m 39s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1853 Time to finish 8m 38s, 57.1% completed, time steps left 1852 Time to finish 8m 38s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1851 Time to finish 8m 38s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1850 Time to finish 8m 38s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1849 Time to finish 8m 37s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1848 Time to finish 8m 37s, 57.2% completed, time steps left 1847 Time to finish 8m 37s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1846 Time to finish 8m 36s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1845 Time to finish 8m 37s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1844 Time to finish 8m 36s, 57.3% completed, time steps left 1843 Time to finish 8m 36s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1842 Time to finish 8m 36s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1841 Time to finish 8m 35s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1840 Time to finish 8m 35s, 57.4% completed, time steps left 1839 Time to finish 8m 35s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1838 Time to finish 8m 34s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1837 Time to finish 8m 34s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1836 Time to finish 8m 34s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1835 Time to finish 8m 33s, 57.5% completed, time steps left 1834 Time to finish 8m 33s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1833 Time to finish 8m 33s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1832 Time to finish 8m 32s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1831 Time to finish 8m 32s, 57.6% completed, time steps left 1830 Time to finish 8m 32s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1829 Time to finish 8m 32s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1828 Time to finish 8m 32s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1827 Time to finish 8m 31s, 57.7% completed, time steps left 1826 Time to finish 8m 31s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1825 Time to finish 8m 30s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1824 Time to finish 8m 30s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1823 Time to finish 8m 30s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1822 Time to finish 8m 29s, 57.8% completed, time steps left 1821 Time to finish 8m 29s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1820 Time to finish 8m 29s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1819 Time to finish 8m 28s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1818 Time to finish 8m 28s, 57.9% completed, time steps left 1817 Time to finish 8m 28s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1816 Time to finish 8m 27s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1815 Time to finish 8m 28s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1814 Time to finish 8m 27s, 58.0% completed, time steps left 1813 Time to finish 8m 27s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1812 Time to finish 8m 27s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1811 Time to finish 8m 26s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1810 Time to finish 8m 26s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1809 Time to finish 8m 26s, 58.1% completed, time steps left 1808 Time to finish 8m 25s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1807 Time to finish 8m 25s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1806 Time to finish 8m 25s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1805 Time to finish 8m 24s, 58.2% completed, time steps left 1804 Time to finish 8m 24s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1803 Time to finish 8m 24s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1802 Time to finish 8m 23s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1801 Time to finish 8m 23s, 58.3% completed, time steps left 1800 Time to finish 8m 23s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1799 Time to finish 8m 23s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1798 Time to finish 8m 23s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1797 Time to finish 8m 22s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1796 Time to finish 8m 22s, 58.4% completed, time steps left 1795 Time to finish 8m 22s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1794 Time to finish 8m 21s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1793 Time to finish 8m 21s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1792 Time to finish 8m 21s, 58.5% completed, time steps left 1791 Time to finish 8m 20s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1790 Time to finish 8m 20s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1789 Time to finish 8m 20s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1788 Time to finish 8m 19s, 58.6% completed, time steps left 1787 Time to finish 8m 19s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1786 Time to finish 8m 19s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1785 Time to finish 8m 19s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1784 Time to finish 8m 18s, 58.7% completed, time steps left 1783 Time to finish 8m 18s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1782 Time to finish 8m 18s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1781 Time to finish 8m 17s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1780 Time to finish 8m 17s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1779 Time to finish 8m 17s, 58.8% completed, time steps left 1778 Time to finish 8m 16s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1777 Time to finish 8m 16s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1776 Time to finish 8m 16s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1775 Time to finish 8m 15s, 58.9% completed, time steps left 1774 Time to finish 8m 15s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1773 Time to finish 8m 15s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1772 Time to finish 8m 14s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1771 Time to finish 8m 14s, 59.0% completed, time steps left 1770 Time to finish 8m 14s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1769 Time to finish 8m 14s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1768 Time to finish 8m 13s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1767 Time to finish 8m 13s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1766 Time to finish 8m 13s, 59.1% completed, time steps left 1765 Time to finish 8m 12s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1764 Time to finish 8m 12s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1763 Time to finish 8m 12s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1762 Time to finish 8m 11s, 59.2% completed, time steps left 1761 Time to finish 8m 11s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1760 Time to finish 8m 11s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1759 Time to finish 8m 10s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1758 Time to finish 8m 10s, 59.3% completed, time steps left 1757 Time to finish 8m 10s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1756 Time to finish 8m 9s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1755 Time to finish 8m 10s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1754 Time to finish 8m 9s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1753 Time to finish 8m 9s, 59.4% completed, time steps left 1752 Time to finish 8m 9s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1751 Time to finish 8m 8s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1750 Time to finish 8m 8s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1749 Time to finish 8m 8s, 59.5% completed, time steps left 1748 Time to finish 8m 7s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1747 Time to finish 8m 7s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1746 Time to finish 8m 7s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1745 Time to finish 8m 6s, 59.6% completed, time steps left 1744 Time to finish 8m 6s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1743 Time to finish 8m 6s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1742 Time to finish 8m 5s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1741 Time to finish 8m 5s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1740 Time to finish 8m 5s, 59.7% completed, time steps left 1739 Time to finish 8m 5s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1738 Time to finish 8m 5s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1737 Time to finish 8m 4s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1736 Time to finish 8m 4s, 59.8% completed, time steps left 1735 Time to finish 8m 4s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1734 Time to finish 8m 3s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1733 Time to finish 8m 3s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1732 Time to finish 8m 2s, 59.9% completed, time steps left 1731 Time to finish 8m 2s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1730 Time to finish 8m 2s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1729 Time to finish 8m 1s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1728 Time to finish 8m 1s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1727 Time to finish 8m 1s, 60.0% completed, time steps left 1726 Time to finish 8m 0s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1725 Time to finish 8m 1s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1724 Time to finish 8m 0s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1723 Time to finish 8m 0s, 60.1% completed, time steps left 1722 Time to finish 7m 59s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1721 Time to finish 7m 59s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1720 Time to finish 7m 59s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1719 Time to finish 7m 58s, 60.2% completed, time steps left 1718 Time to finish 7m 58s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1717 Time to finish 7m 58s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1716 Time to finish 7m 57s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1715 Time to finish 7m 57s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1714 Time to finish 7m 57s, 60.3% completed, time steps left 1713 Time to finish 7m 56s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1712 Time to finish 7m 56s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1711 Time to finish 7m 56s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1710 Time to finish 7m 56s, 60.4% completed, time steps left 1709 Time to finish 7m 55s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1708 Time to finish 7m 55s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1707 Time to finish 7m 55s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1706 Time to finish 7m 54s, 60.5% completed, time steps left 1705 Time to finish 7m 54s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1704 Time to finish 7m 54s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1703 Time to finish 7m 53s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1702 Time to finish 7m 53s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1701 Time to finish 7m 53s, 60.6% completed, time steps left 1700 Time to finish 7m 52s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1699 Time to finish 7m 52s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1698 Time to finish 7m 52s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1697 Time to finish 7m 51s, 60.7% completed, time steps left 1696 Time to finish 7m 51s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1695 Time to finish 7m 51s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1694 Time to finish 7m 51s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1693 Time to finish 7m 50s, 60.8% completed, time steps left 1692 Time to finish 7m 50s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1691 Time to finish 7m 50s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1690 Time to finish 7m 49s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1689 Time to finish 7m 49s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1688 Time to finish 7m 49s, 60.9% completed, time steps left 1687 Time to finish 7m 48s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1686 Time to finish 7m 48s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1685 Time to finish 7m 48s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1684 Time to finish 7m 47s, 61.0% completed, time steps left 1683 Time to finish 7m 47s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1682 Time to finish 7m 47s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1681 Time to finish 7m 46s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1680 Time to finish 7m 47s, 61.1% completed, time steps left 1679 Time to finish 7m 46s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1678 Time to finish 7m 46s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1677 Time to finish 7m 46s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1676 Time to finish 7m 45s, 61.2% completed, time steps left 1675 Time to finish 7m 45s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1674 Time to finish 7m 45s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1673 Time to finish 7m 45s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1672 Time to finish 7m 44s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1671 Time to finish 7m 44s, 61.3% completed, time steps left 1670 Time to finish 7m 44s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1669 Time to finish 7m 43s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1668 Time to finish 7m 43s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1667 Time to finish 7m 43s, 61.4% completed, time steps left 1666 Time to finish 7m 42s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1665 Time to finish 7m 43s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1664 Time to finish 7m 43s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1663 Time to finish 7m 43s, 61.5% completed, time steps left 1662 Time to finish 7m 42s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1661 Time to finish 7m 42s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1660 Time to finish 7m 42s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1659 Time to finish 7m 41s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1658 Time to finish 7m 41s, 61.6% completed, time steps left 1657 Time to finish 7m 41s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1656 Time to finish 7m 40s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1655 Time to finish 7m 40s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1654 Time to finish 7m 40s, 61.7% completed, time steps left 1653 Time to finish 7m 39s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1652 Time to finish 7m 39s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1651 Time to finish 7m 39s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1650 Time to finish 7m 39s, 61.8% completed, time steps left 1649 Time to finish 7m 39s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1648 Time to finish 7m 38s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1647 Time to finish 7m 38s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1646 Time to finish 7m 38s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1645 Time to finish 7m 37s, 61.9% completed, time steps left 1644 Time to finish 7m 37s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1643 Time to finish 7m 37s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1642 Time to finish 7m 36s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1641 Time to finish 7m 36s, 62.0% completed, time steps left 1640 Time to finish 7m 36s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1639 Time to finish 7m 35s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1638 Time to finish 7m 35s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1637 Time to finish 7m 34s, 62.1% completed, time steps left 1636 Time to finish 7m 34s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1635 Time to finish 7m 34s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1634 Time to finish 7m 34s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1633 Time to finish 7m 34s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1632 Time to finish 7m 33s, 62.2% completed, time steps left 1631 Time to finish 7m 33s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1630 Time to finish 7m 33s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1629 Time to finish 7m 32s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1628 Time to finish 7m 32s, 62.3% completed, time steps left 1627 Time to finish 7m 32s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1626 Time to finish 7m 31s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1625 Time to finish 7m 31s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1624 Time to finish 7m 31s, 62.4% completed, time steps left 1623 Time to finish 7m 31s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1622 Time to finish 7m 31s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1621 Time to finish 7m 32s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1620 Time to finish 7m 35s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1619 Time to finish 7m 35s, 62.5% completed, time steps left 1618 Time to finish 7m 34s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1617 Time to finish 7m 34s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1616 Time to finish 7m 34s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1615 Time to finish 7m 33s, 62.6% completed, time steps left 1614 Time to finish 7m 33s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1613 Time to finish 7m 33s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1612 Time to finish 7m 32s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1611 Time to finish 7m 32s, 62.7% completed, time steps left 1610 Time to finish 7m 32s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1609 Time to finish 7m 31s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1608 Time to finish 7m 31s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1607 Time to finish 7m 31s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1606 Time to finish 7m 30s, 62.8% completed, time steps left 1605 Time to finish 7m 30s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1604 Time to finish 7m 30s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1603 Time to finish 7m 30s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1602 Time to finish 7m 29s, 62.9% completed, time steps left 1601 Time to finish 7m 29s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1600 Time to finish 7m 29s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1599 Time to finish 7m 28s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1598 Time to finish 7m 28s, 63.0% completed, time steps left 1597 Time to finish 7m 28s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1596 Time to finish 7m 27s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1595 Time to finish 7m 27s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1594 Time to finish 7m 27s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1593 Time to finish 7m 26s, 63.1% completed, time steps left 1592 Time to finish 7m 26s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1591 Time to finish 7m 26s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1590 Time to finish 7m 26s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1589 Time to finish 7m 25s, 63.2% completed, time steps left 1588 Time to finish 7m 25s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1587 Time to finish 7m 25s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1586 Time to finish 7m 24s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1585 Time to finish 7m 24s, 63.3% completed, time steps left 1584 Time to finish 7m 24s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1583 Time to finish 7m 23s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1582 Time to finish 7m 23s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1581 Time to finish 7m 23s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1580 Time to finish 7m 22s, 63.4% completed, time steps left 1579 Time to finish 7m 22s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1578 Time to finish 7m 22s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1577 Time to finish 7m 21s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1576 Time to finish 7m 21s, 63.5% completed, time steps left 1575 Time to finish 7m 21s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1574 Time to finish 7m 21s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1573 Time to finish 7m 20s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1572 Time to finish 7m 20s, 63.6% completed, time steps left 1571 Time to finish 7m 20s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1570 Time to finish 7m 19s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1569 Time to finish 7m 19s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1568 Time to finish 7m 19s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1567 Time to finish 7m 18s, 63.7% completed, time steps left 1566 Time to finish 7m 18s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1565 Time to finish 7m 18s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1564 Time to finish 7m 17s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1563 Time to finish 7m 17s, 63.8% completed, time steps left 1562 Time to finish 7m 17s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1561 Time to finish 7m 16s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1560 Time to finish 7m 16s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1559 Time to finish 7m 16s, 63.9% completed, time steps left 1558 Time to finish 7m 16s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1557 Time to finish 7m 16s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1556 Time to finish 7m 15s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1555 Time to finish 7m 15s, 64.0% completed, time steps left 1554 Time to finish 7m 15s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1553 Time to finish 7m 14s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1552 Time to finish 7m 14s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1551 Time to finish 7m 14s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1550 Time to finish 7m 13s, 64.1% completed, time steps left 1549 Time to finish 7m 13s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1548 Time to finish 7m 13s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1547 Time to finish 7m 12s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1546 Time to finish 7m 12s, 64.2% completed, time steps left 1545 Time to finish 7m 20s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1544 Time to finish 7m 20s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1543 Time to finish 7m 19s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1542 Time to finish 7m 19s, 64.3% completed, time steps left 1541 Time to finish 7m 19s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1540 Time to finish 7m 18s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1539 Time to finish 7m 18s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1538 Time to finish 7m 18s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1537 Time to finish 7m 17s, 64.4% completed, time steps left 1536 Time to finish 7m 17s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1535 Time to finish 7m 17s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1534 Time to finish 7m 16s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1533 Time to finish 7m 16s, 64.5% completed, time steps left 1532 Time to finish 7m 16s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1531 Time to finish 7m 15s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1530 Time to finish 7m 16s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1529 Time to finish 7m 15s, 64.6% completed, time steps left 1528 Time to finish 7m 15s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1527 Time to finish 7m 15s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1526 Time to finish 7m 14s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1525 Time to finish 7m 14s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1524 Time to finish 7m 14s, 64.7% completed, time steps left 1523 Time to finish 7m 13s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1522 Time to finish 7m 13s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1521 Time to finish 7m 13s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1520 Time to finish 7m 12s, 64.8% completed, time steps left 1519 Time to finish 7m 12s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1518 Time to finish 7m 12s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1517 Time to finish 7m 11s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1516 Time to finish 7m 11s, 64.9% completed, time steps left 1515 Time to finish 7m 12s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1514 Time to finish 7m 11s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1513 Time to finish 7m 11s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1512 Time to finish 7m 11s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1511 Time to finish 7m 10s, 65.0% completed, time steps left 1510 Time to finish 7m 10s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1509 Time to finish 7m 10s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1508 Time to finish 7m 9s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1507 Time to finish 7m 9s, 65.1% completed, time steps left 1506 Time to finish 7m 9s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1505 Time to finish 7m 8s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1504 Time to finish 7m 8s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1503 Time to finish 7m 8s, 65.2% completed, time steps left 1502 Time to finish 7m 7s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1501 Time to finish 7m 7s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1500 Time to finish 7m 7s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1499 Time to finish 7m 7s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1498 Time to finish 7m 7s, 65.3% completed, time steps left 1497 Time to finish 7m 6s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1496 Time to finish 7m 6s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1495 Time to finish 7m 6s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1494 Time to finish 7m 5s, 65.4% completed, time steps left 1493 Time to finish 7m 5s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1492 Time to finish 7m 5s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1491 Time to finish 7m 4s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1490 Time to finish 7m 4s, 65.5% completed, time steps left 1489 Time to finish 7m 4s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1488 Time to finish 7m 3s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1487 Time to finish 7m 3s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1486 Time to finish 7m 3s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1485 Time to finish 7m 3s, 65.6% completed, time steps left 1484 Time to finish 7m 2s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1483 Time to finish 7m 2s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1482 Time to finish 7m 2s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1481 Time to finish 7m 1s, 65.7% completed, time steps left 1480 Time to finish 7m 1s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1479 Time to finish 7m 1s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1478 Time to finish 7m 0s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1477 Time to finish 7m 0s, 65.8% completed, time steps left 1476 Time to finish 7m 0s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1475 Time to finish 6m 59s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1474 Time to finish 6m 59s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1473 Time to finish 6m 59s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1472 Time to finish 6m 58s, 65.9% completed, time steps left 1471 Time to finish 6m 58s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1470 Time to finish 6m 58s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1469 Time to finish 6m 58s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1468 Time to finish 6m 57s, 66.0% completed, time steps left 1467 Time to finish 6m 57s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1466 Time to finish 6m 57s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1465 Time to finish 6m 57s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1464 Time to finish 6m 56s, 66.1% completed, time steps left 1463 Time to finish 6m 56s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1462 Time to finish 6m 56s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1461 Time to finish 6m 55s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1460 Time to finish 6m 55s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1459 Time to finish 6m 55s, 66.2% completed, time steps left 1458 Time to finish 6m 54s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1457 Time to finish 6m 54s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1456 Time to finish 6m 54s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1455 Time to finish 6m 54s, 66.3% completed, time steps left 1454 Time to finish 6m 53s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1453 Time to finish 6m 53s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1452 Time to finish 6m 53s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1451 Time to finish 6m 52s, 66.4% completed, time steps left 1450 Time to finish 6m 52s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1449 Time to finish 6m 52s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1448 Time to finish 6m 51s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1447 Time to finish 6m 51s, 66.5% completed, time steps left 1446 Time to finish 6m 51s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1445 Time to finish 6m 50s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1444 Time to finish 6m 50s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1443 Time to finish 6m 50s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1442 Time to finish 6m 49s, 66.6% completed, time steps left 1441 Time to finish 6m 49s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1440 Time to finish 6m 49s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1439 Time to finish 6m 49s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1438 Time to finish 6m 49s, 66.7% completed, time steps left 1437 Time to finish 6m 48s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1436 Time to finish 6m 48s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1435 Time to finish 6m 48s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1434 Time to finish 6m 47s, 66.8% completed, time steps left 1433 Time to finish 6m 47s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1432 Time to finish 6m 47s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1431 Time to finish 6m 46s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1430 Time to finish 6m 46s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1429 Time to finish 6m 46s, 66.9% completed, time steps left 1428 Time to finish 6m 45s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1427 Time to finish 6m 45s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1426 Time to finish 6m 45s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1425 Time to finish 6m 45s, 67.0% completed, time steps left 1424 Time to finish 6m 44s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1423 Time to finish 6m 44s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1422 Time to finish 6m 44s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1421 Time to finish 6m 43s, 67.1% completed, time steps left 1420 Time to finish 6m 43s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1419 Time to finish 6m 43s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1418 Time to finish 6m 42s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1417 Time to finish 6m 42s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1416 Time to finish 6m 42s, 67.2% completed, time steps left 1415 Time to finish 6m 42s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1414 Time to finish 6m 41s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1413 Time to finish 6m 41s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1412 Time to finish 6m 41s, 67.3% completed, time steps left 1411 Time to finish 6m 40s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1410 Time to finish 6m 40s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1409 Time to finish 6m 40s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1408 Time to finish 6m 40s, 67.4% completed, time steps left 1407 Time to finish 6m 39s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1406 Time to finish 6m 39s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1405 Time to finish 6m 39s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1404 Time to finish 6m 38s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1403 Time to finish 6m 38s, 67.5% completed, time steps left 1402 Time to finish 6m 38s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1401 Time to finish 6m 37s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1400 Time to finish 6m 37s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1399 Time to finish 6m 37s, 67.6% completed, time steps left 1398 Time to finish 6m 36s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1397 Time to finish 6m 36s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1396 Time to finish 6m 36s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1395 Time to finish 6m 36s, 67.7% completed, time steps left 1394 Time to finish 6m 35s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1393 Time to finish 6m 35s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1392 Time to finish 6m 35s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1391 Time to finish 6m 34s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1390 Time to finish 6m 34s, 67.8% completed, time steps left 1389 Time to finish 6m 34s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1388 Time to finish 6m 33s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1387 Time to finish 6m 33s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1386 Time to finish 6m 33s, 67.9% completed, time steps left 1385 Time to finish 6m 32s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1384 Time to finish 6m 32s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1383 Time to finish 6m 32s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1382 Time to finish 6m 31s, 68.0% completed, time steps left 1381 Time to finish 6m 31s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1380 Time to finish 6m 31s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1379 Time to finish 6m 31s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1378 Time to finish 6m 31s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1377 Time to finish 6m 30s, 68.1% completed, time steps left 1376 Time to finish 6m 30s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1375 Time to finish 6m 30s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1374 Time to finish 6m 29s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1373 Time to finish 6m 29s, 68.2% completed, time steps left 1372 Time to finish 6m 29s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1371 Time to finish 6m 28s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1370 Time to finish 6m 28s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1369 Time to finish 6m 28s, 68.3% completed, time steps left 1368 Time to finish 6m 27s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1367 Time to finish 6m 27s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1366 Time to finish 6m 27s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1365 Time to finish 6m 27s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1364 Time to finish 6m 26s, 68.4% completed, time steps left 1363 Time to finish 6m 26s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1362 Time to finish 6m 26s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1361 Time to finish 6m 25s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1360 Time to finish 6m 25s, 68.5% completed, time steps left 1359 Time to finish 6m 25s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1358 Time to finish 6m 24s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1357 Time to finish 6m 24s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1356 Time to finish 6m 24s, 68.6% completed, time steps left 1355 Time to finish 6m 24s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1354 Time to finish 6m 23s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1353 Time to finish 6m 23s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1352 Time to finish 6m 23s, 68.7% completed, time steps left 1351 Time to finish 6m 22s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1350 Time to finish 6m 22s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1349 Time to finish 6m 22s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1348 Time to finish 6m 22s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1347 Time to finish 6m 21s, 68.8% completed, time steps left 1346 Time to finish 6m 21s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1345 Time to finish 6m 21s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1344 Time to finish 6m 20s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1343 Time to finish 6m 20s, 68.9% completed, time steps left 1342 Time to finish 6m 20s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1341 Time to finish 6m 19s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1340 Time to finish 6m 19s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1339 Time to finish 6m 19s, 69.0% completed, time steps left 1338 Time to finish 6m 18s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1337 Time to finish 6m 18s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1336 Time to finish 6m 18s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1335 Time to finish 6m 18s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1334 Time to finish 6m 17s, 69.1% completed, time steps left 1333 Time to finish 6m 17s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1332 Time to finish 6m 17s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1331 Time to finish 6m 16s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1330 Time to finish 6m 16s, 69.2% completed, time steps left 1329 Time to finish 6m 16s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1328 Time to finish 6m 16s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1327 Time to finish 6m 15s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1326 Time to finish 6m 15s, 69.3% completed, time steps left 1325 Time to finish 6m 15s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1324 Time to finish 6m 14s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1323 Time to finish 6m 14s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1322 Time to finish 6m 14s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1321 Time to finish 6m 13s, 69.4% completed, time steps left 1320 Time to finish 6m 13s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1319 Time to finish 6m 13s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1318 Time to finish 6m 13s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1317 Time to finish 6m 12s, 69.5% completed, time steps left 1316 Time to finish 6m 12s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1315 Time to finish 6m 12s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1314 Time to finish 6m 11s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1313 Time to finish 6m 11s, 69.6% completed, time steps left 1312 Time to finish 6m 11s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1311 Time to finish 6m 11s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1310 Time to finish 6m 10s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1309 Time to finish 6m 10s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1308 Time to finish 6m 10s, 69.7% completed, time steps left 1307 Time to finish 6m 9s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1306 Time to finish 6m 9s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1305 Time to finish 6m 9s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1304 Time to finish 6m 9s, 69.8% completed, time steps left 1303 Time to finish 6m 8s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1302 Time to finish 6m 8s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1301 Time to finish 6m 8s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1300 Time to finish 6m 7s, 69.9% completed, time steps left 1299 Time to finish 6m 7s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1298 Time to finish 6m 7s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1297 Time to finish 6m 6s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1296 Time to finish 6m 6s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1295 Time to finish 6m 6s, 70.0% completed, time steps left 1294 Time to finish 6m 5s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1293 Time to finish 6m 5s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1292 Time to finish 6m 5s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1291 Time to finish 6m 4s, 70.1% completed, time steps left 1290 Time to finish 6m 4s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1289 Time to finish 6m 4s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1288 Time to finish 6m 4s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1287 Time to finish 6m 3s, 70.2% completed, time steps left 1286 Time to finish 6m 3s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1285 Time to finish 6m 3s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1284 Time to finish 6m 2s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1283 Time to finish 6m 2s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1282 Time to finish 6m 2s, 70.3% completed, time steps left 1281 Time to finish 6m 1s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1280 Time to finish 6m 1s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1279 Time to finish 6m 1s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1278 Time to finish 6m 1s, 70.4% completed, time steps left 1277 Time to finish 6m 0s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1276 Time to finish 6m 0s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1275 Time to finish 6m 0s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1274 Time to finish 6m 0s, 70.5% completed, time steps left 1273 Time to finish 5m 59s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1272 Time to finish 5m 59s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1271 Time to finish 5m 59s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1270 Time to finish 5m 58s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1269 Time to finish 5m 58s, 70.6% completed, time steps left 1268 Time to finish 5m 58s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1267 Time to finish 5m 57s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1266 Time to finish 5m 57s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1265 Time to finish 5m 57s, 70.7% completed, time steps left 1264 Time to finish 5m 56s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1263 Time to finish 5m 56s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1262 Time to finish 5m 56s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1261 Time to finish 5m 55s, 70.8% completed, time steps left 1260 Time to finish 5m 56s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1259 Time to finish 5m 55s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1258 Time to finish 5m 55s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1257 Time to finish 5m 55s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1256 Time to finish 5m 54s, 70.9% completed, time steps left 1255 Time to finish 5m 54s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1254 Time to finish 5m 54s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1253 Time to finish 5m 53s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1252 Time to finish 5m 53s, 71.0% completed, time steps left 1251 Time to finish 5m 53s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1250 Time to finish 5m 52s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1249 Time to finish 5m 52s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1248 Time to finish 5m 52s, 71.1% completed, time steps left 1247 Time to finish 5m 51s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1246 Time to finish 5m 51s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1245 Time to finish 5m 51s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1244 Time to finish 5m 51s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1243 Time to finish 5m 50s, 71.2% completed, time steps left 1242 Time to finish 5m 50s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1241 Time to finish 5m 50s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1240 Time to finish 5m 50s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1239 Time to finish 5m 49s, 71.3% completed, time steps left 1238 Time to finish 5m 49s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1237 Time to finish 5m 49s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1236 Time to finish 5m 48s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1235 Time to finish 5m 48s, 71.4% completed, time steps left 1234 Time to finish 5m 48s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1233 Time to finish 5m 47s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1232 Time to finish 5m 47s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1231 Time to finish 5m 47s, 71.5% completed, time steps left 1230 Time to finish 5m 47s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1229 Time to finish 5m 46s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1228 Time to finish 5m 46s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1227 Time to finish 5m 46s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1226 Time to finish 5m 45s, 71.6% completed, time steps left 1225 Time to finish 5m 45s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1224 Time to finish 5m 45s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1223 Time to finish 5m 44s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1222 Time to finish 5m 44s, 71.7% completed, time steps left 1221 Time to finish 5m 44s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1220 Time to finish 5m 44s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1219 Time to finish 5m 43s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1218 Time to finish 5m 43s, 71.8% completed, time steps left 1217 Time to finish 5m 43s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1216 Time to finish 5m 42s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1215 Time to finish 5m 42s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1214 Time to finish 5m 42s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1213 Time to finish 5m 42s, 71.9% completed, time steps left 1212 Time to finish 5m 41s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1211 Time to finish 5m 41s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1210 Time to finish 5m 41s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1209 Time to finish 5m 40s, 72.0% completed, time steps left 1208 Time to finish 5m 40s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1207 Time to finish 5m 40s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1206 Time to finish 5m 39s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1205 Time to finish 5m 39s, 72.1% completed, time steps left 1204 Time to finish 5m 39s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1203 Time to finish 5m 39s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1202 Time to finish 5m 38s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1201 Time to finish 5m 38s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1200 Time to finish 5m 38s, 72.2% completed, time steps left 1199 Time to finish 5m 38s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1198 Time to finish 5m 37s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1197 Time to finish 5m 37s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1196 Time to finish 5m 37s, 72.3% completed, time steps left 1195 Time to finish 5m 36s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1194 Time to finish 5m 36s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1193 Time to finish 5m 36s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1192 Time to finish 5m 35s, 72.4% completed, time steps left 1191 Time to finish 5m 35s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1190 Time to finish 5m 35s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1189 Time to finish 5m 35s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1188 Time to finish 5m 34s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1187 Time to finish 5m 34s, 72.5% completed, time steps left 1186 Time to finish 5m 34s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1185 Time to finish 5m 34s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1184 Time to finish 5m 33s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1183 Time to finish 5m 33s, 72.6% completed, time steps left 1182 Time to finish 5m 33s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1181 Time to finish 5m 32s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1180 Time to finish 5m 32s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1179 Time to finish 5m 32s, 72.7% completed, time steps left 1178 Time to finish 5m 31s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1177 Time to finish 5m 31s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1176 Time to finish 5m 31s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1175 Time to finish 5m 30s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1174 Time to finish 5m 30s, 72.8% completed, time steps left 1173 Time to finish 5m 30s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1172 Time to finish 5m 29s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1171 Time to finish 5m 29s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1170 Time to finish 5m 29s, 72.9% completed, time steps left 1169 Time to finish 5m 29s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1168 Time to finish 5m 28s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1167 Time to finish 5m 28s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1166 Time to finish 5m 28s, 73.0% completed, time steps left 1165 Time to finish 5m 28s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1164 Time to finish 5m 27s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1163 Time to finish 5m 27s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1162 Time to finish 5m 27s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1161 Time to finish 5m 26s, 73.1% completed, time steps left 1160 Time to finish 5m 26s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1159 Time to finish 5m 26s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1158 Time to finish 5m 25s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1157 Time to finish 5m 25s, 73.2% completed, time steps left 1156 Time to finish 5m 25s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1155 Time to finish 5m 25s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1154 Time to finish 5m 24s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1153 Time to finish 5m 24s, 73.3% completed, time steps left 1152 Time to finish 5m 24s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1151 Time to finish 5m 23s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1150 Time to finish 5m 23s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1149 Time to finish 5m 23s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1148 Time to finish 5m 23s, 73.4% completed, time steps left 1147 Time to finish 5m 22s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1146 Time to finish 5m 22s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1145 Time to finish 5m 22s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1144 Time to finish 5m 21s, 73.5% completed, time steps left 1143 Time to finish 5m 21s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1142 Time to finish 5m 21s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1141 Time to finish 5m 20s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1140 Time to finish 5m 20s, 73.6% completed, time steps left 1139 Time to finish 5m 20s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1138 Time to finish 5m 20s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1137 Time to finish 5m 20s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1136 Time to finish 5m 19s, 73.7% completed, time steps left 1135 Time to finish 5m 19s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1134 Time to finish 5m 19s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1133 Time to finish 5m 18s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1132 Time to finish 5m 18s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1131 Time to finish 5m 18s, 73.8% completed, time steps left 1130 Time to finish 5m 17s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1129 Time to finish 5m 17s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1128 Time to finish 5m 17s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1127 Time to finish 5m 16s, 73.9% completed, time steps left 1126 Time to finish 5m 16s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1125 Time to finish 5m 16s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1124 Time to finish 5m 16s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1123 Time to finish 5m 15s, 74.0% completed, time steps left 1122 Time to finish 5m 15s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1121 Time to finish 5m 15s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1120 Time to finish 5m 14s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1119 Time to finish 5m 14s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1118 Time to finish 5m 14s, 74.1% completed, time steps left 1117 Time to finish 5m 14s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1116 Time to finish 5m 13s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1115 Time to finish 5m 13s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1114 Time to finish 5m 13s, 74.2% completed, time steps left 1113 Time to finish 5m 12s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1112 Time to finish 5m 12s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1111 Time to finish 5m 12s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1110 Time to finish 5m 12s, 74.3% completed, time steps left 1109 Time to finish 5m 11s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1108 Time to finish 5m 11s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1107 Time to finish 5m 11s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1106 Time to finish 5m 10s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1105 Time to finish 5m 10s, 74.4% completed, time steps left 1104 Time to finish 5m 10s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1103 Time to finish 5m 9s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1102 Time to finish 5m 9s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1101 Time to finish 5m 9s, 74.5% completed, time steps left 1100 Time to finish 5m 9s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1099 Time to finish 5m 8s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1098 Time to finish 5m 8s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1097 Time to finish 5m 8s, 74.6% completed, time steps left 1096 Time to finish 5m 7s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1095 Time to finish 5m 7s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1094 Time to finish 5m 7s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1093 Time to finish 5m 7s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1092 Time to finish 5m 6s, 74.7% completed, time steps left 1091 Time to finish 5m 6s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1090 Time to finish 5m 6s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1089 Time to finish 5m 5s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1088 Time to finish 5m 5s, 74.8% completed, time steps left 1087 Time to finish 5m 5s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1086 Time to finish 5m 4s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1085 Time to finish 5m 4s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1084 Time to finish 5m 4s, 74.9% completed, time steps left 1083 Time to finish 5m 4s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1082 Time to finish 5m 3s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1081 Time to finish 5m 3s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1080 Time to finish 5m 3s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1079 Time to finish 5m 3s, 75.0% completed, time steps left 1078 Time to finish 5m 2s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1077 Time to finish 5m 2s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1076 Time to finish 5m 2s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1075 Time to finish 5m 1s, 75.1% completed, time steps left 1074 Time to finish 5m 1s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1073 Time to finish 5m 1s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1072 Time to finish 5m 1s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1071 Time to finish 5m 0s, 75.2% completed, time steps left 1070 Time to finish 5m 0s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1069 Time to finish 5m 0s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1068 Time to finish 4m 59s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1067 Time to finish 4m 59s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1066 Time to finish 4m 59s, 75.3% completed, time steps left 1065 Time to finish 4m 59s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1064 Time to finish 4m 58s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1063 Time to finish 4m 58s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1062 Time to finish 4m 58s, 75.4% completed, time steps left 1061 Time to finish 4m 57s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1060 Time to finish 4m 57s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1059 Time to finish 4m 57s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1058 Time to finish 4m 56s, 75.5% completed, time steps left 1057 Time to finish 4m 56s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1056 Time to finish 4m 56s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1055 Time to finish 4m 55s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1054 Time to finish 4m 55s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1053 Time to finish 4m 55s, 75.6% completed, time steps left 1052 Time to finish 4m 55s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1051 Time to finish 4m 54s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1050 Time to finish 4m 54s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1049 Time to finish 4m 54s, 75.7% completed, time steps left 1048 Time to finish 4m 54s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1047 Time to finish 4m 53s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1046 Time to finish 4m 53s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1045 Time to finish 4m 53s, 75.8% completed, time steps left 1044 Time to finish 4m 52s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1043 Time to finish 4m 52s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1042 Time to finish 4m 52s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1041 Time to finish 4m 51s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1040 Time to finish 4m 51s, 75.9% completed, time steps left 1039 Time to finish 4m 51s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1038 Time to finish 4m 51s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1037 Time to finish 4m 50s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1036 Time to finish 4m 50s, 76.0% completed, time steps left 1035 Time to finish 4m 50s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1034 Time to finish 4m 50s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1033 Time to finish 4m 49s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1032 Time to finish 4m 49s, 76.1% completed, time steps left 1031 Time to finish 4m 49s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1030 Time to finish 4m 48s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1029 Time to finish 4m 48s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1028 Time to finish 4m 48s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1027 Time to finish 4m 47s, 76.2% completed, time steps left 1026 Time to finish 4m 47s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1025 Time to finish 4m 47s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1024 Time to finish 4m 46s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1023 Time to finish 4m 46s, 76.3% completed, time steps left 1022 Time to finish 4m 46s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1021 Time to finish 4m 46s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1020 Time to finish 4m 46s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1019 Time to finish 4m 45s, 76.4% completed, time steps left 1018 Time to finish 4m 45s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1017 Time to finish 4m 45s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1016 Time to finish 4m 44s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1015 Time to finish 4m 44s, 76.5% completed, time steps left 1014 Time to finish 4m 44s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1013 Time to finish 4m 43s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1012 Time to finish 4m 43s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1011 Time to finish 4m 43s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1010 Time to finish 4m 43s, 76.6% completed, time steps left 1009 Time to finish 4m 42s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1008 Time to finish 4m 42s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1007 Time to finish 4m 42s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1006 Time to finish 4m 41s, 76.7% completed, time steps left 1005 Time to finish 4m 41s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1004 Time to finish 4m 41s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1003 Time to finish 4m 41s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1002 Time to finish 4m 40s, 76.8% completed, time steps left 1001 Time to finish 4m 40s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 1000 Time to finish 4m 40s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 999 Time to finish 4m 39s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 998 Time to finish 4m 39s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 997 Time to finish 4m 39s, 76.9% completed, time steps left 996 Time to finish 4m 39s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 995 Time to finish 4m 38s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 994 Time to finish 4m 38s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 993 Time to finish 4m 38s, 77.0% completed, time steps left 992 Time to finish 4m 37s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 991 Time to finish 4m 37s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 990 Time to finish 4m 37s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 989 Time to finish 4m 37s, 77.1% completed, time steps left 988 Time to finish 4m 36s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 987 Time to finish 4m 36s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 986 Time to finish 4m 36s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 985 Time to finish 4m 35s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 984 Time to finish 4m 35s, 77.2% completed, time steps left 983 Time to finish 4m 35s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 982 Time to finish 4m 34s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 981 Time to finish 4m 34s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 980 Time to finish 4m 34s, 77.3% completed, time steps left 979 Time to finish 4m 34s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 978 Time to finish 4m 33s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 977 Time to finish 4m 33s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 976 Time to finish 4m 33s, 77.4% completed, time steps left 975 Time to finish 4m 33s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 974 Time to finish 4m 32s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 973 Time to finish 4m 32s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 972 Time to finish 4m 32s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 971 Time to finish 4m 31s, 77.5% completed, time steps left 970 Time to finish 4m 31s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 969 Time to finish 4m 31s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 968 Time to finish 4m 30s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 967 Time to finish 4m 30s, 77.6% completed, time steps left 966 Time to finish 4m 30s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 965 Time to finish 4m 29s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 964 Time to finish 4m 29s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 963 Time to finish 4m 29s, 77.7% completed, time steps left 962 Time to finish 4m 29s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 961 Time to finish 4m 28s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 960 Time to finish 4m 28s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 959 Time to finish 4m 28s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 958 Time to finish 4m 28s, 77.8% completed, time steps left 957 Time to finish 4m 27s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 956 Time to finish 4m 27s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 955 Time to finish 4m 27s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 954 Time to finish 4m 26s, 77.9% completed, time steps left 953 Time to finish 4m 26s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 952 Time to finish 4m 26s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 951 Time to finish 4m 26s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 950 Time to finish 4m 25s, 78.0% completed, time steps left 949 Time to finish 4m 25s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 948 Time to finish 4m 25s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 947 Time to finish 4m 24s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 946 Time to finish 4m 24s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 945 Time to finish 4m 24s, 78.1% completed, time steps left 944 Time to finish 4m 24s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 943 Time to finish 4m 23s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 942 Time to finish 4m 23s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 941 Time to finish 4m 23s, 78.2% completed, time steps left 940 Time to finish 4m 22s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 939 Time to finish 4m 22s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 938 Time to finish 4m 22s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 937 Time to finish 4m 22s, 78.3% completed, time steps left 936 Time to finish 4m 21s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 935 Time to finish 4m 21s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 934 Time to finish 4m 21s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 933 Time to finish 4m 20s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 932 Time to finish 4m 20s, 78.4% completed, time steps left 931 Time to finish 4m 20s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 930 Time to finish 4m 20s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 929 Time to finish 4m 19s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 928 Time to finish 4m 19s, 78.5% completed, time steps left 927 Time to finish 4m 19s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 926 Time to finish 4m 18s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 925 Time to finish 4m 18s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 924 Time to finish 4m 18s, 78.6% completed, time steps left 923 Time to finish 4m 18s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 922 Time to finish 4m 17s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 921 Time to finish 4m 17s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 920 Time to finish 4m 17s, 78.7% completed, time steps left 919 Time to finish 4m 16s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 918 Time to finish 4m 16s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 917 Time to finish 4m 16s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 916 Time to finish 4m 15s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 915 Time to finish 4m 15s, 78.8% completed, time steps left 914 Time to finish 4m 15s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 913 Time to finish 4m 15s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 912 Time to finish 4m 14s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 911 Time to finish 4m 14s, 78.9% completed, time steps left 910 Time to finish 4m 14s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 909 Time to finish 4m 13s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 908 Time to finish 4m 13s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 907 Time to finish 4m 13s, 79.0% completed, time steps left 906 Time to finish 4m 13s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 905 Time to finish 4m 12s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 904 Time to finish 4m 12s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 903 Time to finish 4m 12s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 902 Time to finish 4m 11s, 79.1% completed, time steps left 901 Time to finish 4m 11s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 900 Time to finish 4m 11s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 899 Time to finish 4m 11s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 898 Time to finish 4m 10s, 79.2% completed, time steps left 897 Time to finish 4m 10s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 896 Time to finish 4m 10s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 895 Time to finish 4m 10s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 894 Time to finish 4m 9s, 79.3% completed, time steps left 893 Time to finish 4m 9s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 892 Time to finish 4m 9s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 891 Time to finish 4m 8s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 890 Time to finish 4m 8s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 889 Time to finish 4m 8s, 79.4% completed, time steps left 888 Time to finish 4m 7s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 887 Time to finish 4m 7s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 886 Time to finish 4m 7s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 885 Time to finish 4m 7s, 79.5% completed, time steps left 884 Time to finish 4m 6s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 883 Time to finish 4m 6s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 882 Time to finish 4m 6s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 881 Time to finish 4m 6s, 79.6% completed, time steps left 880 Time to finish 4m 5s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 879 Time to finish 4m 5s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 878 Time to finish 4m 5s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 877 Time to finish 4m 4s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 876 Time to finish 4m 4s, 79.7% completed, time steps left 875 Time to finish 4m 4s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 874 Time to finish 4m 3s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 873 Time to finish 4m 3s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 872 Time to finish 4m 3s, 79.8% completed, time steps left 871 Time to finish 4m 3s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 870 Time to finish 4m 2s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 869 Time to finish 4m 2s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 868 Time to finish 4m 2s, 79.9% completed, time steps left 867 Time to finish 4m 2s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 866 Time to finish 4m 1s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 865 Time to finish 4m 1s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 864 Time to finish 4m 1s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 863 Time to finish 4m 0s, 80.0% completed, time steps left 862 Time to finish 4m 0s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 861 Time to finish 4m 0s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 860 Time to finish 3m 59s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 859 Time to finish 3m 59s, 80.1% completed, time steps left 858 Time to finish 3m 59s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 857 Time to finish 3m 59s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 856 Time to finish 3m 58s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 855 Time to finish 3m 58s, 80.2% completed, time steps left 854 Time to finish 3m 58s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 853 Time to finish 3m 58s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 852 Time to finish 3m 57s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 851 Time to finish 3m 57s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 850 Time to finish 3m 57s, 80.3% completed, time steps left 849 Time to finish 3m 56s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 848 Time to finish 3m 56s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 847 Time to finish 3m 56s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 846 Time to finish 3m 55s, 80.4% completed, time steps left 845 Time to finish 3m 55s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 844 Time to finish 3m 55s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 843 Time to finish 3m 55s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 842 Time to finish 3m 54s, 80.5% completed, time steps left 841 Time to finish 3m 54s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 840 Time to finish 3m 54s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 839 Time to finish 3m 54s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 838 Time to finish 3m 53s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 837 Time to finish 3m 53s, 80.6% completed, time steps left 836 Time to finish 3m 53s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 835 Time to finish 3m 53s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 834 Time to finish 3m 52s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 833 Time to finish 3m 52s, 80.7% completed, time steps left 832 Time to finish 3m 52s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 831 Time to finish 3m 51s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 830 Time to finish 3m 51s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 829 Time to finish 3m 51s, 80.8% completed, time steps left 828 Time to finish 3m 50s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 827 Time to finish 3m 50s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 826 Time to finish 3m 50s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 825 Time to finish 3m 50s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 824 Time to finish 3m 49s, 80.9% completed, time steps left 823 Time to finish 3m 49s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 822 Time to finish 3m 49s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 821 Time to finish 3m 48s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 820 Time to finish 3m 48s, 81.0% completed, time steps left 819 Time to finish 3m 48s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 818 Time to finish 3m 48s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 817 Time to finish 3m 47s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 816 Time to finish 3m 47s, 81.1% completed, time steps left 815 Time to finish 3m 47s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 814 Time to finish 3m 46s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 813 Time to finish 3m 46s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 812 Time to finish 3m 46s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 811 Time to finish 3m 46s, 81.2% completed, time steps left 810 Time to finish 3m 45s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 809 Time to finish 3m 45s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 808 Time to finish 3m 45s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 807 Time to finish 3m 45s, 81.3% completed, time steps left 806 Time to finish 3m 44s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 805 Time to finish 3m 44s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 804 Time to finish 3m 44s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 803 Time to finish 3m 43s, 81.4% completed, time steps left 802 Time to finish 3m 43s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 801 Time to finish 3m 43s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 800 Time to finish 3m 42s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 799 Time to finish 3m 42s, 81.5% completed, time steps left 798 Time to finish 3m 42s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 797 Time to finish 3m 42s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 796 Time to finish 3m 41s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 795 Time to finish 3m 41s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 794 Time to finish 3m 41s, 81.6% completed, time steps left 793 Time to finish 3m 41s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 792 Time to finish 3m 40s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 791 Time to finish 3m 40s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 790 Time to finish 3m 40s, 81.7% completed, time steps left 789 Time to finish 3m 39s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 788 Time to finish 3m 39s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 787 Time to finish 3m 39s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 786 Time to finish 3m 38s, 81.8% completed, time steps left 785 Time to finish 3m 38s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 784 Time to finish 3m 38s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 783 Time to finish 3m 38s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 782 Time to finish 3m 37s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 781 Time to finish 3m 37s, 81.9% completed, time steps left 780 Time to finish 3m 37s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 779 Time to finish 3m 37s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 778 Time to finish 3m 36s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 777 Time to finish 3m 36s, 82.0% completed, time steps left 776 Time to finish 3m 36s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 775 Time to finish 3m 35s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 774 Time to finish 3m 35s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 773 Time to finish 3m 35s, 82.1% completed, time steps left 772 Time to finish 3m 35s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 771 Time to finish 3m 34s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 770 Time to finish 3m 34s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 769 Time to finish 3m 34s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 768 Time to finish 3m 33s, 82.2% completed, time steps left 767 Time to finish 3m 33s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 766 Time to finish 3m 33s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 765 Time to finish 3m 33s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 764 Time to finish 3m 32s, 82.3% completed, time steps left 763 Time to finish 3m 32s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 762 Time to finish 3m 32s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 761 Time to finish 3m 31s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 760 Time to finish 3m 31s, 82.4% completed, time steps left 759 Time to finish 3m 31s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 758 Time to finish 3m 31s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 757 Time to finish 3m 30s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 756 Time to finish 3m 30s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 755 Time to finish 3m 30s, 82.5% completed, time steps left 754 Time to finish 3m 29s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 753 Time to finish 3m 29s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 752 Time to finish 3m 29s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 751 Time to finish 3m 29s, 82.6% completed, time steps left 750 Time to finish 3m 28s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 749 Time to finish 3m 28s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 748 Time to finish 3m 28s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 747 Time to finish 3m 28s, 82.7% completed, time steps left 746 Time to finish 3m 27s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 745 Time to finish 3m 27s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 744 Time to finish 3m 27s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 743 Time to finish 3m 26s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 742 Time to finish 3m 26s, 82.8% completed, time steps left 741 Time to finish 3m 26s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 740 Time to finish 3m 25s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 739 Time to finish 3m 25s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 738 Time to finish 3m 25s, 82.9% completed, time steps left 737 Time to finish 3m 25s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 736 Time to finish 3m 24s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 735 Time to finish 3m 24s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 734 Time to finish 3m 24s, 83.0% completed, time steps left 733 Time to finish 3m 24s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 732 Time to finish 3m 23s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 731 Time to finish 3m 23s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 730 Time to finish 3m 23s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 729 Time to finish 3m 22s, 83.1% completed, time steps left 728 Time to finish 3m 22s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 727 Time to finish 3m 22s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 726 Time to finish 3m 21s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 725 Time to finish 3m 21s, 83.2% completed, time steps left 724 Time to finish 3m 21s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 723 Time to finish 3m 21s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 722 Time to finish 3m 20s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 721 Time to finish 3m 20s, 83.3% completed, time steps left 720 Time to finish 3m 20s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 719 Time to finish 3m 20s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 718 Time to finish 3m 19s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 717 Time to finish 3m 19s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 716 Time to finish 3m 19s, 83.4% completed, time steps left 715 Time to finish 3m 18s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 714 Time to finish 3m 18s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 713 Time to finish 3m 18s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 712 Time to finish 3m 18s, 83.5% completed, time steps left 711 Time to finish 3m 17s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 710 Time to finish 3m 17s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 709 Time to finish 3m 17s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 708 Time to finish 3m 16s, 83.6% completed, time steps left 707 Time to finish 3m 16s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 706 Time to finish 3m 16s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 705 Time to finish 3m 16s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 704 Time to finish 3m 15s, 83.7% completed, time steps left 703 Time to finish 3m 15s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 702 Time to finish 3m 15s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 701 Time to finish 3m 15s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 700 Time to finish 3m 14s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 699 Time to finish 3m 14s, 83.8% completed, time steps left 698 Time to finish 3m 14s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 697 Time to finish 3m 13s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 696 Time to finish 3m 13s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 695 Time to finish 3m 13s, 83.9% completed, time steps left 694 Time to finish 3m 12s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 693 Time to finish 3m 12s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 692 Time to finish 3m 12s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 691 Time to finish 3m 12s, 84.0% completed, time steps left 690 Time to finish 3m 11s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 689 Time to finish 3m 11s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 688 Time to finish 3m 11s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 687 Time to finish 3m 11s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 686 Time to finish 3m 10s, 84.1% completed, time steps left 685 Time to finish 3m 10s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 684 Time to finish 3m 10s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 683 Time to finish 3m 9s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 682 Time to finish 3m 9s, 84.2% completed, time steps left 681 Time to finish 3m 9s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 680 Time to finish 3m 9s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 679 Time to finish 3m 8s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 678 Time to finish 3m 8s, 84.3% completed, time steps left 677 Time to finish 3m 8s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 676 Time to finish 3m 7s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 675 Time to finish 3m 7s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 674 Time to finish 3m 7s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 673 Time to finish 3m 7s, 84.4% completed, time steps left 672 Time to finish 3m 6s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 671 Time to finish 3m 6s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 670 Time to finish 3m 6s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 669 Time to finish 3m 5s, 84.5% completed, time steps left 668 Time to finish 3m 5s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 667 Time to finish 3m 5s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 666 Time to finish 3m 5s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 665 Time to finish 3m 4s, 84.6% completed, time steps left 664 Time to finish 3m 4s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 663 Time to finish 3m 4s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 662 Time to finish 3m 3s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 661 Time to finish 3m 3s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 660 Time to finish 3m 3s, 84.7% completed, time steps left 659 Time to finish 3m 3s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 658 Time to finish 3m 2s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 657 Time to finish 3m 2s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 656 Time to finish 3m 2s, 84.8% completed, time steps left 655 Time to finish 3m 2s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 654 Time to finish 3m 1s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 653 Time to finish 3m 1s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 652 Time to finish 3m 1s, 84.9% completed, time steps left 651 Time to finish 3m 0s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 650 Time to finish 3m 0s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 649 Time to finish 3m 0s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 648 Time to finish 3m 0s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 647 Time to finish 2m 59s, 85.0% completed, time steps left 646 Time to finish 2m 59s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 645 Time to finish 2m 59s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 644 Time to finish 2m 58s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 643 Time to finish 2m 58s, 85.1% completed, time steps left 642 Time to finish 2m 58s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 641 Time to finish 2m 58s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 640 Time to finish 2m 57s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 639 Time to finish 2m 57s, 85.2% completed, time steps left 638 Time to finish 2m 57s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 637 Time to finish 2m 56s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 636 Time to finish 2m 56s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 635 Time to finish 2m 56s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 634 Time to finish 2m 56s, 85.3% completed, time steps left 633 Time to finish 2m 55s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 632 Time to finish 2m 55s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 631 Time to finish 2m 55s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 630 Time to finish 2m 55s, 85.4% completed, time steps left 629 Time to finish 2m 54s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 628 Time to finish 2m 54s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 627 Time to finish 2m 54s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 626 Time to finish 2m 53s, 85.5% completed, time steps left 625 Time to finish 2m 53s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 624 Time to finish 2m 53s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 623 Time to finish 2m 52s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 622 Time to finish 2m 52s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 621 Time to finish 2m 52s, 85.6% completed, time steps left 620 Time to finish 2m 52s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 619 Time to finish 2m 51s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 618 Time to finish 2m 51s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 617 Time to finish 2m 51s, 85.7% completed, time steps left 616 Time to finish 2m 50s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 615 Time to finish 2m 50s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 614 Time to finish 2m 50s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 613 Time to finish 2m 50s, 85.8% completed, time steps left 612 Time to finish 2m 49s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 611 Time to finish 2m 49s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 610 Time to finish 2m 49s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 609 Time to finish 2m 49s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 608 Time to finish 2m 48s, 85.9% completed, time steps left 607 Time to finish 2m 48s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 606 Time to finish 2m 48s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 605 Time to finish 2m 47s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 604 Time to finish 2m 47s, 86.0% completed, time steps left 603 Time to finish 2m 47s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 602 Time to finish 2m 47s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 601 Time to finish 2m 46s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 600 Time to finish 2m 46s, 86.1% completed, time steps left 599 Time to finish 2m 46s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 598 Time to finish 2m 45s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 597 Time to finish 2m 45s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 596 Time to finish 2m 45s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 595 Time to finish 2m 45s, 86.2% completed, time steps left 594 Time to finish 2m 44s, 86.3% completed, time steps left 593 Time to finish 2m 44s, 86.3% completed, time steps left 592 Time to finish 2m 44s, 86.3% completed, time steps left 591 Time to finish 2m 43s, 86.3% completed, time steps left 590 Time to finish 2m 43s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 589 Time to finish 2m 43s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 588 Time to finish 2m 43s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 587 Time to finish 2m 42s, 86.4% completed, time steps left 586 Time to finish 2m 42s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 585 Time to finish 2m 42s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 584 Time to finish 2m 42s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 583 Time to finish 2m 41s, 86.5% completed, time steps left 582 Time to finish 2m 41s, 86.6% completed, time steps left 581 Time to finish 2m 41s, 86.6% completed, time steps left 580 Time to finish 2m 40s, 86.6% completed, time steps left 579 Time to finish 2m 40s, 86.6% completed, time steps left 578 Time to finish 2m 40s, 86.6% completed, time steps left 577 Time to finish 2m 40s, 86.7% completed, time steps left 576 Time to finish 2m 39s, 86.7% completed, time steps left 575 Time to finish 2m 39s, 86.7% completed, time steps left 574 Time to finish 2m 39s, 86.7% completed, time steps left 573 Time to finish 2m 38s, 86.8% completed, time steps left 572 Time to finish 2m 38s, 86.8% completed, time steps left 571 Time to finish 2m 38s, 86.8% completed, time steps left 570 Time to finish 2m 38s, 86.8% completed, time steps left 569 Time to finish 2m 37s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 568 Time to finish 2m 37s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 567 Time to finish 2m 37s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 566 Time to finish 2m 36s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 565 Time to finish 2m 36s, 86.9% completed, time steps left 564 Time to finish 2m 36s, 87.0% completed, time steps left 563 Time to finish 2m 36s, 87.0% completed, time steps left 562 Time to finish 2m 35s, 87.0% completed, time steps left 561 Time to finish 2m 35s, 87.0% completed, time steps left 560 Time to finish 2m 35s, 87.1% completed, time steps left 559 Time to finish 2m 34s, 87.1% completed, time steps left 558 Time to finish 2m 34s, 87.1% completed, time steps left 557 Time to finish 2m 34s, 87.1% completed, time steps left 556 Time to finish 2m 34s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 555 Time to finish 2m 33s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 554 Time to finish 2m 33s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 553 Time to finish 2m 33s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 552 Time to finish 2m 33s, 87.2% completed, time steps left 551 Time to finish 2m 32s, 87.3% completed, time steps left 550 Time to finish 2m 32s, 87.3% completed, time steps left 549 Time to finish 2m 32s, 87.3% completed, time steps left 548 Time to finish 2m 31s, 87.3% completed, time steps left 547 Time to finish 2m 31s, 87.4% completed, time steps left 546 Time to finish 2m 31s, 87.4% completed, time steps left 545 Time to finish 2m 31s, 87.4% completed, time steps left 544 Time to finish 2m 30s, 87.4% completed, time steps left 543 Time to finish 2m 30s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 542 Time to finish 2m 30s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 541 Time to finish 2m 29s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 540 Time to finish 2m 29s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 539 Time to finish 2m 29s, 87.5% completed, time steps left 538 Time to finish 2m 29s, 87.6% completed, time steps left 537 Time to finish 2m 28s, 87.6% completed, time steps left 536 Time to finish 2m 28s, 87.6% completed, time steps left 535 Time to finish 2m 28s, 87.6% completed, time steps left 534 Time to finish 2m 27s, 87.7% completed, time steps left 533 Time to finish 2m 27s, 87.7% completed, time steps left 532 Time to finish 2m 27s, 87.7% completed, time steps left 531 Time to finish 2m 27s, 87.7% completed, time steps left 530 Time to finish 2m 26s, 87.8% completed, time steps left 529 Time to finish 2m 26s, 87.8% completed, time steps left 528 Time to finish 2m 26s, 87.8% completed, time steps left 527 Time to finish 2m 25s, 87.8% completed, time steps left 526 Time to finish 2m 25s, 87.8% completed, time steps left 525 Time to finish 2m 25s, 87.9% completed, time steps left 524 Time to finish 2m 25s, 87.9% completed, time steps left 523 Time to finish 2m 24s, 87.9% completed, time steps left 522 Time to finish 2m 24s, 87.9% completed, time steps left 521 Time to finish 2m 24s, 88.0% completed, time steps left 520 Time to finish 2m 24s, 88.0% completed, time steps left 519 Time to finish 2m 23s, 88.0% completed, time steps left 518 Time to finish 2m 23s, 88.0% completed, time steps left 517 Time to finish 2m 23s, 88.1% completed, time steps left 516 Time to finish 2m 22s, 88.1% completed, time steps left 515 Time to finish 2m 22s, 88.1% completed, time steps left 514 Time to finish 2m 22s, 88.1% completed, time steps left 513 Time to finish 2m 22s, 88.1% completed, time steps left 512 Time to finish 2m 21s, 88.2% completed, time steps left 511 Time to finish 2m 21s, 88.2% completed, time steps left 510 Time to finish 2m 21s, 88.2% completed, time steps left 509 Time to finish 2m 21s, 88.2% completed, time steps left 508 Time to finish 2m 20s, 88.3% completed, time steps left 507 Time to finish 2m 20s, 88.3% completed, time steps left 506 Time to finish 2m 20s, 88.3% completed, time steps left 505 Time to finish 2m 19s, 88.3% completed, time steps left 504 Time to finish 2m 19s, 88.4% completed, time steps left 503 Time to finish 2m 19s, 88.4% completed, time steps left 502 Time to finish 2m 18s, 88.4% completed, time steps left 501 Time to finish 2m 18s, 88.4% completed, time steps left 500 Time to finish 2m 18s, 88.4% completed, time steps left 499 Time to finish 2m 18s, 88.5% completed, time steps left 498 Time to finish 2m 17s, 88.5% completed, time steps left 497 Time to finish 2m 17s, 88.5% completed, time steps left 496 Time to finish 2m 17s, 88.5% completed, time steps left 495 Time to finish 2m 17s, 88.6% completed, time steps left 494 Time to finish 2m 16s, 88.6% completed, time steps left 493 Time to finish 2m 16s, 88.6% completed, time steps left 492 Time to finish 2m 16s, 88.6% completed, time steps left 491 Time to finish 2m 15s, 88.7% completed, time steps left 490 Time to finish 2m 15s, 88.7% completed, time steps left 489 Time to finish 2m 15s, 88.7% completed, time steps left 488 Time to finish 2m 15s, 88.7% completed, time steps left 487 Time to finish 2m 14s, 88.8% completed, time steps left 486 Time to finish 2m 14s, 88.8% completed, time steps left 485 Time to finish 2m 14s, 88.8% completed, time steps left 484 Time to finish 2m 13s, 88.8% completed, time steps left 483 Time to finish 2m 13s, 88.8% completed, time steps left 482 Time to finish 2m 13s, 88.9% completed, time steps left 481 Time to finish 2m 13s, 88.9% completed, time steps left 480 Time to finish 2m 12s, 88.9% completed, time steps left 479 Time to finish 2m 12s, 88.9% completed, time steps left 478 Time to finish 2m 12s, 89.0% completed, time steps left 477 Time to finish 2m 12s, 89.0% completed, time steps left 476 Time to finish 2m 11s, 89.0% completed, time steps left 475 Time to finish 2m 11s, 89.0% completed, time steps left 474 Time to finish 2m 11s, 89.1% completed, time steps left 473 Time to finish 2m 10s, 89.1% completed, time steps left 472 Time to finish 2m 10s, 89.1% completed, time steps left 471 Time to finish 2m 10s, 89.1% completed, time steps left 470 Time to finish 2m 10s, 89.1% completed, time steps left 469 Time to finish 2m 9s, 89.2% completed, time steps left 468 Time to finish 2m 9s, 89.2% completed, time steps left 467 Time to finish 2m 9s, 89.2% completed, time steps left 466 Time to finish 2m 8s, 89.2% completed, time steps left 465 Time to finish 2m 8s, 89.3% completed, time steps left 464 Time to finish 2m 8s, 89.3% completed, time steps left 463 Time to finish 2m 8s, 89.3% completed, time steps left 462 Time to finish 2m 7s, 89.3% completed, time steps left 461 Time to finish 2m 7s, 89.4% completed, time steps left 460 Time to finish 2m 7s, 89.4% completed, time steps left 459 Time to finish 2m 6s, 89.4% completed, time steps left 458 Time to finish 2m 6s, 89.4% completed, time steps left 457 Time to finish 2m 6s, 89.4% completed, time steps left 456 Time to finish 2m 6s, 89.5% completed, time steps left 455 Time to finish 2m 5s, 89.5% completed, time steps left 454 Time to finish 2m 5s, 89.5% completed, time steps left 453 Time to finish 2m 5s, 89.5% completed, time steps left 452 Time to finish 2m 4s, 89.6% completed, time steps left 451 Time to finish 2m 4s, 89.6% completed, time steps left 450 Time to finish 2m 4s, 89.6% completed, time steps left 449 Time to finish 2m 4s, 89.6% completed, time steps left 448 Time to finish 2m 3s, 89.7% completed, time steps left 447 Time to finish 2m 3s, 89.7% completed, time steps left 446 Time to finish 2m 3s, 89.7% completed, time steps left 445 Time to finish 2m 3s, 89.7% completed, time steps left 444 Time to finish 2m 2s, 89.7% completed, time steps left 443 Time to finish 2m 2s, 89.8% completed, time steps left 442 Time to finish 2m 2s, 89.8% completed, time steps left 441 Time to finish 2m 1s, 89.8% completed, time steps left 440 Time to finish 2m 1s, 89.8% completed, time steps left 439 Time to finish 2m 1s, 89.9% completed, time steps left 438 Time to finish 2m 1s, 89.9% completed, time steps left 437 Time to finish 2m 0s, 89.9% completed, time steps left 436 Time to finish 2m 0s, 89.9% completed, time steps left 435 Time to finish 2m 0s, 90.0% completed, time steps left 434 Time to finish 2m 0s, 90.0% completed, time steps left 433 Time to finish 1m 59s, 90.0% completed, time steps left 432 Time to finish 1m 59s, 90.0% completed, time steps left 431 Time to finish 1m 59s, 90.0% completed, time steps left 430 Time to finish 1m 58s, 90.1% completed, time steps left 429 Time to finish 1m 58s, 90.1% completed, time steps left 428 Time to finish 1m 58s, 90.1% completed, time steps left 427 Time to finish 1m 58s, 90.1% completed, time steps left 426 Time to finish 1m 57s, 90.2% completed, time steps left 425 Time to finish 1m 57s, 90.2% completed, time steps left 424 Time to finish 1m 57s, 90.2% completed, time steps left 423 Time to finish 1m 56s, 90.2% completed, time steps left 422 Time to finish 1m 56s, 90.3% completed, time steps left 421 Time to finish 1m 56s, 90.3% completed, time steps left 420 Time to finish 1m 56s, 90.3% completed, time steps left 419 Time to finish 1m 55s, 90.3% completed, time steps left 418 Time to finish 1m 55s, 90.3% completed, time steps left 417 Time to finish 1m 55s, 90.4% completed, time steps left 416 Time to finish 1m 55s, 90.4% completed, time steps left 415 Time to finish 1m 54s, 90.4% completed, time steps left 414 Time to finish 1m 54s, 90.4% completed, time steps left 413 Time to finish 1m 54s, 90.5% completed, time steps left 412 Time to finish 1m 53s, 90.5% completed, time steps left 411 Time to finish 1m 53s, 90.5% completed, time steps left 410 Time to finish 1m 53s, 90.5% completed, time steps left 409 Time to finish 1m 53s, 90.6% completed, time steps left 408 Time to finish 1m 52s, 90.6% completed, time steps left 407 Time to finish 1m 52s, 90.6% completed, time steps left 406 Time to finish 1m 52s, 90.6% completed, time steps left 405 Time to finish 1m 51s, 90.6% completed, time steps left 404 Time to finish 1m 51s, 90.7% completed, time steps left 403 Time to finish 1m 51s, 90.7% completed, time steps left 402 Time to finish 1m 51s, 90.7% completed, time steps left 401 Time to finish 1m 50s, 90.7% completed, time steps left 400 Time to finish 1m 50s, 90.8% completed, time steps left 399 Time to finish 1m 50s, 90.8% completed, time steps left 398 Time to finish 1m 50s, 90.8% completed, time steps left 397 Time to finish 1m 49s, 90.8% completed, time steps left 396 Time to finish 1m 49s, 90.9% completed, time steps left 395 Time to finish 1m 49s, 90.9% completed, time steps left 394 Time to finish 1m 48s, 90.9% completed, time steps left 393 Time to finish 1m 48s, 90.9% completed, time steps left 392 Time to finish 1m 48s, 90.9% completed, time steps left 391 Time to finish 1m 48s, 91.0% completed, time steps left 390 Time to finish 1m 47s, 91.0% completed, time steps left 389 Time to finish 1m 47s, 91.0% completed, time steps left 388 Time to finish 1m 47s, 91.0% completed, time steps left 387 Time to finish 1m 46s, 91.1% completed, time steps left 386 Time to finish 1m 46s, 91.1% completed, time steps left 385 Time to finish 1m 46s, 91.1% completed, time steps left 384 Time to finish 1m 46s, 91.1% completed, time steps left 383 Time to finish 1m 45s, 91.2% completed, time steps left 382 Time to finish 1m 45s, 91.2% completed, time steps left 381 Time to finish 1m 45s, 91.2% completed, time steps left 380 Time to finish 1m 45s, 91.2% completed, time steps left 379 Time to finish 1m 44s, 91.2% completed, time steps left 378 Time to finish 1m 44s, 91.3% completed, time steps left 377 Time to finish 1m 44s, 91.3% completed, time steps left 376 Time to finish 1m 43s, 91.3% completed, time steps left 375 Time to finish 1m 43s, 91.3% completed, time steps left 374 Time to finish 1m 43s, 91.4% completed, time steps left 373 Time to finish 1m 43s, 91.4% completed, time steps left 372 Time to finish 1m 42s, 91.4% completed, time steps left 371 Time to finish 1m 42s, 91.4% completed, time steps left 370 Time to finish 1m 42s, 91.5% completed, time steps left 369 Time to finish 1m 42s, 91.5% completed, time steps left 368 Time to finish 1m 41s, 91.5% completed, time steps left 367 Time to finish 1m 41s, 91.5% completed, time steps left 366 Time to finish 1m 41s, 91.6% completed, time steps left 365 Time to finish 1m 40s, 91.6% completed, time steps left 364 Time to finish 1m 40s, 91.6% completed, time steps left 363 Time to finish 1m 40s, 91.6% completed, time steps left 362 Time to finish 1m 40s, 91.6% completed, time steps left 361 Time to finish 1m 39s, 91.7% completed, time steps left 360 Time to finish 1m 39s, 91.7% completed, time steps left 359 Time to finish 1m 39s, 91.7% completed, time steps left 358 Time to finish 1m 39s, 91.7% completed, time steps left 357 Time to finish 1m 38s, 91.8% completed, time steps left 356 Time to finish 1m 38s, 91.8% completed, time steps left 355 Time to finish 1m 38s, 91.8% completed, time steps left 354 Time to finish 1m 37s, 91.8% completed, time steps left 353 Time to finish 1m 37s, 91.9% completed, time steps left 352 Time to finish 1m 37s, 91.9% completed, time steps left 351 Time to finish 1m 37s, 91.9% completed, time steps left 350 Time to finish 1m 36s, 91.9% completed, time steps left 349 Time to finish 1m 36s, 91.9% completed, time steps left 348 Time to finish 1m 36s, 92.0% completed, time steps left 347 Time to finish 1m 36s, 92.0% completed, time steps left 346 Time to finish 1m 35s, 92.0% completed, time steps left 345 Time to finish 1m 35s, 92.0% completed, time steps left 344 Time to finish 1m 35s, 92.1% completed, time steps left 343 Time to finish 1m 34s, 92.1% completed, time steps left 342 Time to finish 1m 34s, 92.1% completed, time steps left 341 Time to finish 1m 34s, 92.1% completed, time steps left 340 Time to finish 1m 34s, 92.2% completed, time steps left 339 Time to finish 1m 33s, 92.2% completed, time steps left 338 Time to finish 1m 33s, 92.2% completed, time steps left 337 Time to finish 1m 33s, 92.2% completed, time steps left 336 Time to finish 1m 32s, 92.2% completed, time steps left 335 Time to finish 1m 32s, 92.3% completed, time steps left 334 Time to finish 1m 32s, 92.3% completed, time steps left 333 Time to finish 1m 32s, 92.3% completed, time steps left 332 Time to finish 1m 31s, 92.3% completed, time steps left 331 Time to finish 1m 31s, 92.4% completed, time steps left 330 Time to finish 1m 31s, 92.4% completed, time steps left 329 Time to finish 1m 31s, 92.4% completed, time steps left 328 Time to finish 1m 30s, 92.4% completed, time steps left 327 Time to finish 1m 30s, 92.5% completed, time steps left 326 Time to finish 1m 30s, 92.5% completed, time steps left 325 Time to finish 1m 29s, 92.5% completed, time steps left 324 Time to finish 1m 29s, 92.5% completed, time steps left 323 Time to finish 1m 29s, 92.5% completed, time steps left 322 Time to finish 1m 29s, 92.6% completed, time steps left 321 Time to finish 1m 28s, 92.6% completed, time steps left 320 Time to finish 1m 28s, 92.6% completed, time steps left 319 Time to finish 1m 28s, 92.6% completed, time steps left 318 Time to finish 1m 27s, 92.7% completed, time steps left 317 Time to finish 1m 27s, 92.7% completed, time steps left 316 Time to finish 1m 27s, 92.7% completed, time steps left 315 Time to finish 1m 27s, 92.7% completed, time steps left 314 Time to finish 1m 26s, 92.8% completed, time steps left 313 Time to finish 1m 26s, 92.8% completed, time steps left 312 Time to finish 1m 26s, 92.8% completed, time steps left 311 Time to finish 1m 26s, 92.8% completed, time steps left 310 Time to finish 1m 25s, 92.8% completed, time steps left 309 Time to finish 1m 25s, 92.9% completed, time steps left 308 Time to finish 1m 25s, 92.9% completed, time steps left 307 Time to finish 1m 24s, 92.9% completed, time steps left 306 Time to finish 1m 24s, 92.9% completed, time steps left 305 Time to finish 1m 24s, 93.0% completed, time steps left 304 Time to finish 1m 24s, 93.0% completed, time steps left 303 Time to finish 1m 23s, 93.0% completed, time steps left 302 Time to finish 1m 23s, 93.0% completed, time steps left 301 Time to finish 1m 23s, 93.1% completed, time steps left 300 Time to finish 1m 23s, 93.1% completed, time steps left 299 Time to finish 1m 22s, 93.1% completed, time steps left 298 Time to finish 1m 22s, 93.1% completed, time steps left 297 Time to finish 1m 22s, 93.1% completed, time steps left 296 Time to finish 1m 21s, 93.2% completed, time steps left 295 Time to finish 1m 21s, 93.2% completed, time steps left 294 Time to finish 1m 21s, 93.2% completed, time steps left 293 Time to finish 1m 21s, 93.2% completed, time steps left 292 Time to finish 1m 20s, 93.3% completed, time steps left 291 Time to finish 1m 20s, 93.3% completed, time steps left 290 Time to finish 1m 20s, 93.3% completed, time steps left 289 Time to finish 1m 19s, 93.3% completed, time steps left 288 Time to finish 1m 19s, 93.4% completed, time steps left 287 Time to finish 1m 19s, 93.4% completed, time steps left 286 Time to finish 1m 19s, 93.4% completed, time steps left 285 Time to finish 1m 18s, 93.4% completed, time steps left 284 Time to finish 1m 18s, 93.4% completed, time steps left 283 Time to finish 1m 18s, 93.5% completed, time steps left 282 Time to finish 1m 18s, 93.5% completed, time steps left 281 Time to finish 1m 17s, 93.5% completed, time steps left 280 Time to finish 1m 17s, 93.5% completed, time steps left 279 Time to finish 1m 17s, 93.6% completed, time steps left 278 Time to finish 1m 16s, 93.6% completed, time steps left 277 Time to finish 1m 16s, 93.6% completed, time steps left 276 Time to finish 1m 16s, 93.6% completed, time steps left 275 Time to finish 1m 16s, 93.7% completed, time steps left 274 Time to finish 1m 15s, 93.7% completed, time steps left 273 Time to finish 1m 15s, 93.7% completed, time steps left 272 Time to finish 1m 15s, 93.7% completed, time steps left 271 Time to finish 1m 15s, 93.8% completed, time steps left 270 Time to finish 1m 14s, 93.8% completed, time steps left 269 Time to finish 1m 14s, 93.8% completed, time steps left 268 Time to finish 1m 14s, 93.8% completed, time steps left 267 Time to finish 1m 13s, 93.8% completed, time steps left 266 Time to finish 1m 13s, 93.9% completed, time steps left 265 Time to finish 1m 13s, 93.9% completed, time steps left 264 Time to finish 1m 13s, 93.9% completed, time steps left 263 Time to finish 1m 12s, 93.9% completed, time steps left 262 Time to finish 1m 12s, 94.0% completed, time steps left 261 Time to finish 1m 12s, 94.0% completed, time steps left 260 Time to finish 1m 12s, 94.0% completed, time steps left 259 Time to finish 1m 11s, 94.0% completed, time steps left 258 Time to finish 1m 11s, 94.1% completed, time steps left 257 Time to finish 1m 11s, 94.1% completed, time steps left 256 Time to finish 1m 10s, 94.1% completed, time steps left 255 Time to finish 1m 10s, 94.1% completed, time steps left 254 Time to finish 1m 10s, 94.1% completed, time steps left 253 Time to finish 1m 10s, 94.2% completed, time steps left 252 Time to finish 1m 9s, 94.2% completed, time steps left 251 Time to finish 1m 9s, 94.2% completed, time steps left 250 Time to finish 1m 9s, 94.2% completed, time steps left 249 Time to finish 1m 8s, 94.3% completed, time steps left 248 Time to finish 1m 8s, 94.3% completed, time steps left 247 Time to finish 1m 8s, 94.3% completed, time steps left 246 Time to finish 1m 8s, 94.3% completed, time steps left 245 Time to finish 1m 7s, 94.4% completed, time steps left 244 Time to finish 1m 7s, 94.4% completed, time steps left 243 Time to finish 1m 7s, 94.4% completed, time steps left 242 Time to finish 1m 7s, 94.4% completed, time steps left 241 Time to finish 1m 6s, 94.4% completed, time steps left 240 Time to finish 1m 6s, 94.5% completed, time steps left 239 Time to finish 1m 6s, 94.5% completed, time steps left 238 Time to finish 1m 5s, 94.5% completed, time steps left 237 Time to finish 1m 5s, 94.5% completed, time steps left 236 Time to finish 1m 5s, 94.6% completed, time steps left 235 Time to finish 1m 5s, 94.6% completed, time steps left 234 Time to finish 1m 4s, 94.6% completed, time steps left 233 Time to finish 1m 4s, 94.6% completed, time steps left 232 Time to finish 1m 4s, 94.7% completed, time steps left 231 Time to finish 1m 4s, 94.7% completed, time steps left 230 Time to finish 1m 3s, 94.7% completed, time steps left 229 Time to finish 1m 3s, 94.7% completed, time steps left 228 Time to finish 1m 3s, 94.7% completed, time steps left 227 Time to finish 1m 2s, 94.8% completed, time steps left 226 Time to finish 1m 2s, 94.8% completed, time steps left 225 Time to finish 1m 2s, 94.8% completed, time steps left 224 Time to finish 1m 2s, 94.8% completed, time steps left 223 Time to finish 1m 1s, 94.9% completed, time steps left 222 Time to finish 1m 1s, 94.9% completed, time steps left 221 Time to finish 1m 1s, 94.9% completed, time steps left 220 Time to finish 60s, 94.9% completed, time steps left 219 Time to finish 60s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 218 Time to finish 60s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 217 Time to finish 60s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 216 Time to finish 59s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 215 Time to finish 59s, 95.0% completed, time steps left 214 Time to finish 59s, 95.1% completed, time steps left 213 Time to finish 59s, 95.1% completed, time steps left 212 Time to finish 58s, 95.1% completed, time steps left 211 Time to finish 58s, 95.1% completed, time steps left 210 Time to finish 58s, 95.2% completed, time steps left 209 Time to finish 57s, 95.2% completed, time steps left 208 Time to finish 57s, 95.2% completed, time steps left 207 Time to finish 57s, 95.2% completed, time steps left 206 Time to finish 57s, 95.3% completed, time steps left 205 Time to finish 56s, 95.3% completed, time steps left 204 Time to finish 56s, 95.3% completed, time steps left 203 Time to finish 56s, 95.3% completed, time steps left 202 Time to finish 55s, 95.3% completed, time steps left 201 Time to finish 55s, 95.4% completed, time steps left 200 Time to finish 55s, 95.4% completed, time steps left 199 Time to finish 55s, 95.4% completed, time steps left 198 Time to finish 54s, 95.4% completed, time steps left 197 Time to finish 54s, 95.5% completed, time steps left 196 Time to finish 54s, 95.5% completed, time steps left 195 Time to finish 54s, 95.5% completed, time steps left 194 Time to finish 53s, 95.5% completed, time steps left 193 Time to finish 53s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 192 Time to finish 53s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 191 Time to finish 52s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 190 Time to finish 52s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 189 Time to finish 52s, 95.6% completed, time steps left 188 Time to finish 52s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 187 Time to finish 51s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 186 Time to finish 51s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 185 Time to finish 51s, 95.7% completed, time steps left 184 Time to finish 51s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 183 Time to finish 50s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 182 Time to finish 50s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 181 Time to finish 50s, 95.8% completed, time steps left 180 Time to finish 49s, 95.9% completed, time steps left 179 Time to finish 49s, 95.9% completed, time steps left 178 Time to finish 49s, 95.9% completed, time steps left 177 Time to finish 49s, 95.9% completed, time steps left 176 Time to finish 48s, 95.9% completed, time steps left 175 Time to finish 48s, 96.0% completed, time steps left 174 Time to finish 48s, 96.0% completed, time steps left 173 Time to finish 47s, 96.0% completed, time steps left 172 Time to finish 47s, 96.0% completed, time steps left 171 Time to finish 47s, 96.1% completed, time steps left 170 Time to finish 47s, 96.1% completed, time steps left 169 Time to finish 46s, 96.1% completed, time steps left 168 Time to finish 46s, 96.1% completed, time steps left 167 Time to finish 46s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 166 Time to finish 46s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 165 Time to finish 45s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 164 Time to finish 45s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 163 Time to finish 45s, 96.2% completed, time steps left 162 Time to finish 44s, 96.3% completed, time steps left 161 Time to finish 44s, 96.3% completed, time steps left 160 Time to finish 44s, 96.3% completed, time steps left 159 Time to finish 44s, 96.3% completed, time steps left 158 Time to finish 43s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 157 Time to finish 43s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 156 Time to finish 43s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 155 Time to finish 43s, 96.4% completed, time steps left 154 Time to finish 42s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 153 Time to finish 42s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 152 Time to finish 42s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 151 Time to finish 41s, 96.5% completed, time steps left 150 Time to finish 41s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 149 Time to finish 41s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 148 Time to finish 41s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 147 Time to finish 40s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 146 Time to finish 40s, 96.6% completed, time steps left 145 Time to finish 40s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 144 Time to finish 39s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 143 Time to finish 39s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 142 Time to finish 39s, 96.7% completed, time steps left 141 Time to finish 39s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 140 Time to finish 38s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 139 Time to finish 38s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 138 Time to finish 38s, 96.8% completed, time steps left 137 Time to finish 38s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 136 Time to finish 37s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 135 Time to finish 37s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 134 Time to finish 37s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 133 Time to finish 36s, 96.9% completed, time steps left 132 Time to finish 36s, 97.0% completed, time steps left 131 Time to finish 36s, 97.0% completed, time steps left 130 Time to finish 36s, 97.0% completed, time steps left 129 Time to finish 35s, 97.0% completed, time steps left 128 Time to finish 35s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 127 Time to finish 35s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 126 Time to finish 34s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 125 Time to finish 34s, 97.1% completed, time steps left 124 Time to finish 34s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 123 Time to finish 34s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 122 Time to finish 33s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 121 Time to finish 33s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 120 Time to finish 33s, 97.2% completed, time steps left 119 Time to finish 33s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 118 Time to finish 32s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 117 Time to finish 32s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 116 Time to finish 32s, 97.3% completed, time steps left 115 Time to finish 31s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 114 Time to finish 31s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 113 Time to finish 31s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 112 Time to finish 31s, 97.4% completed, time steps left 111 Time to finish 30s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 110 Time to finish 30s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 109 Time to finish 30s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 108 Time to finish 30s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 107 Time to finish 29s, 97.5% completed, time steps left 106 Time to finish 29s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 105 Time to finish 29s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 104 Time to finish 28s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 103 Time to finish 28s, 97.6% completed, time steps left 102 Time to finish 28s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 101 Time to finish 28s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 100 Time to finish 27s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 99 Time to finish 27s, 97.7% completed, time steps left 98 Time to finish 27s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 97 Time to finish 26s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 96 Time to finish 26s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 95 Time to finish 26s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 94 Time to finish 26s, 97.8% completed, time steps left 93 Time to finish 25s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 92 Time to finish 25s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 91 Time to finish 25s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 90 Time to finish 25s, 97.9% completed, time steps left 89 Time to finish 24s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 88 Time to finish 24s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 87 Time to finish 24s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 86 Time to finish 23s, 98.0% completed, time steps left 85 Time to finish 23s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 84 Time to finish 23s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 83 Time to finish 23s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 82 Time to finish 22s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 81 Time to finish 22s, 98.1% completed, time steps left 80 Time to finish 22s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 79 Time to finish 22s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 78 Time to finish 21s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 77 Time to finish 21s, 98.2% completed, time steps left 76 Time to finish 21s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 75 Time to finish 20s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 74 Time to finish 20s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 73 Time to finish 20s, 98.3% completed, time steps left 72 Time to finish 20s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 71 Time to finish 19s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 70 Time to finish 19s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 69 Time to finish 19s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 68 Time to finish 18s, 98.4% completed, time steps left 67 Time to finish 18s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 66 Time to finish 18s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 65 Time to finish 18s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 64 Time to finish 17s, 98.5% completed, time steps left 63 Time to finish 17s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 62 Time to finish 17s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 61 Time to finish 17s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 60 Time to finish 16s, 98.6% completed, time steps left 59 Time to finish 16s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 58 Time to finish 16s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 57 Time to finish 15s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 56 Time to finish 15s, 98.7% completed, time steps left 55 Time to finish 15s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 54 Time to finish 15s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 53 Time to finish 14s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 52 Time to finish 14s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 51 Time to finish 14s, 98.8% completed, time steps left 50 Time to finish 14s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 49 Time to finish 13s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 48 Time to finish 13s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 47 Time to finish 13s, 98.9% completed, time steps left 46 Time to finish 12s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 45 Time to finish 12s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 44 Time to finish 12s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 43 Time to finish 12s, 99.0% completed, time steps left 42 Time to finish 11s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 41 Time to finish 11s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 40 Time to finish 11s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 39 Time to finish 10s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 38 Time to finish 10s, 99.1% completed, time steps left 37 Time to finish 10s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 36 Time to finish 10s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 35 Time to finish 9s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 34 Time to finish 9s, 99.2% completed, time steps left 33 Time to finish 9s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 32 Time to finish 9s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 31 Time to finish 8s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 30 Time to finish 8s, 99.3% completed, time steps left 29 Time to finish 8s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 28 Time to finish 7s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 27 Time to finish 7s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 26 Time to finish 7s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 25 Time to finish 7s, 99.4% completed, time steps left 24 Time to finish 6s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 23 Time to finish 6s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 22 Time to finish 6s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 21 Time to finish 6s, 99.5% completed, time steps left 20 Time to finish 5s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 19 Time to finish 5s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 18 Time to finish 5s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 17 Time to finish 4s, 99.6% completed, time steps left 16 Time to finish 4s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 15 Time to finish 4s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 14 Time to finish 4s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 13 Time to finish 3s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 12 Time to finish 3s, 99.7% completed, time steps left 11 Time to finish 3s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 10 Time to finish 2s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 9 Time to finish 2s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 8 Time to finish 2s, 99.8% completed, time steps left 7 Time to finish 2s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 6 Time to finish 1s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 5 Time to finish 1s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 4 Time to finish 1s, 99.9% completed, time steps left 3 Time to finish 1s, 100.0% completed, time steps left 2 Time to finish 0s, 100.0% completed, time steps left 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FINISHED Delft3D-FLOW runid : calc date, time : 2020-07-28, 23:33:55 SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 1 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 2 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 3 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 4 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 5 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 6 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 7 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 8 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 9 0 errors and 0 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUMMARY FOR PARTITION : 10 *** WARNING Station lies outside the computational domain 0 errors and 1 warnings returning to main program from domain calc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ D_Hydro [1595972035.608844] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1595972035.610810] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1595972035.611221] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1595972035.611429] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1595972035.611513] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1595972035.611691] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1595972035.612138] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1595972035.613968] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1595972035.614308] >> d_hydro shutting down normally D_Hydro [1595972035.614520] >> d_hydro shutting down normally ..2.3 finalize for current run ... 2020-07-28 12:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 False delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/ (289, 480, 719) (480, 719) (480, 719) (480, 719) icell= 2 49691 Noham 3.956523 212 1 3.956523 212 1 Porfirio Diaz 3.956523 212 1 3.956523 212 1 Chenkan 3.956523 212 1 3.956523 212 1 Hoquel 4.5412124 214 4 Hoquel 3.7273131 215 4 3.7273131 215 4 Champoton 4.5412124 214 4 Champoton 3.7273131 215 4 3.7273131 215 4 Haltunchen 4.0920582 215 5 4.0920582 215 5 Seybaplaya 6.1127802 217 5 6.1127802 217 5 Cocodrie 2.0189805 364 8 2.0189805 364 8 Campeche 4.3730878 222 7 4.3730878 222 7 Balantanche 2.0203208 225 8 2.0203208 225 8 Neyac 4.7463283 228 8 Neyac 4.4686784 229 8 Neyac 2.8450798 231 8 Neyac 2.498163 232 8 2.498163 232 8 Valton 7.280172 230 8 Valton 2.8450798 231 8 Valton 2.498163 232 8 Valton 3.8800975 233 8 3.8800975 233 8 Guerrero 7.9483597 232 9 Guerrero 3.5320092 233 9 3.5320092 233 9 Real de Salinas 4.0364802 234 9 4.0364802 234 9 Celestum 2.5998826 236 9 2.5998826 236 9 Sisal 5.9119319 243 17 5.9119319 243 17 Chelem 6.1587069 245 21 6.1587069 245 21 Progreso 6.1587069 245 21 6.1587069 245 21 Pixoy 18.460766 246 28 18.460766 246 28 Henderson Point 3.0768204 379 30 3.0768204 379 30 De Lisle 3.0768204 379 30 3.0768204 379 30 Telchac Puerto 18.460766 246 28 18.460766 246 28 Pass Christian 3.0768204 379 30 3.0768204 379 30 Cuevas 3.0768204 379 30 Cuevas 3.922253 379 31 Cuevas 2.989001 380 31 2.989001 380 31 White Harbor 3.0768204 379 30 White Harbor 3.922253 379 31 White Harbor 2.989001 380 31 2.989001 380 31 Long Beach 3.0768204 379 30 Long Beach 3.922253 379 31 Long Beach 2.989001 380 31 2.989001 380 31 Chabihau 18.460766 246 28 18.460766 246 28 Gulfport 3.0768204 379 30 Gulfport 3.922253 379 31 Gulfport 2.989001 380 31 Gulfport 2.97627 380 32 Gulfport 2.0272333 380 33 2.0272333 380 33 Mississippi City 3.0768204 379 30 Mississippi City 3.922253 379 31 Mississippi City 2.989001 380 31 Mississippi City 2.97627 380 32 Mississippi City 2.0272333 380 33 2.0272333 380 33 Handsboro 3.0768204 379 30 Handsboro 3.922253 379 31 Handsboro 2.989001 380 31 Handsboro 2.97627 380 32 Handsboro 2.0272333 380 33 Handsboro 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Corozo 19.790223 164 34 19.790223 164 34 Loraine 2.989001 380 31 Loraine 2.97627 380 32 Loraine 2.0272333 380 33 Loraine 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Wool Market 2.989001 380 31 Wool Market 2.97627 380 32 Wool Market 2.0272333 380 33 Wool Market 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Edgewater Park 3.0768204 379 30 Edgewater Park 3.922253 379 31 Edgewater Park 2.989001 380 31 Edgewater Park 2.97627 380 32 Edgewater Park 2.0272333 380 33 Edgewater Park 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Beauvoir 3.0768204 379 30 Beauvoir 3.922253 379 31 Beauvoir 2.989001 380 31 Beauvoir 2.97627 380 32 Beauvoir 2.0272333 380 33 Beauvoir 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Cabeza de Vaca 19.790223 164 34 Cabeza de Vaca 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Cedar Lake 2.989001 380 31 Cedar Lake 2.97627 380 32 Cedar Lake 2.0272333 380 33 Cedar Lake 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Baranca 19.790223 164 34 Baranca 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Biloxi 3.922253 379 31 Biloxi 2.989001 380 31 Biloxi 2.97627 380 32 Biloxi 2.0272333 380 33 Biloxi 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 D'Iberville 3.922253 379 31 D'Iberville 2.989001 380 31 D'Iberville 2.97627 380 32 D'Iberville 2.0272333 380 33 D'Iberville 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 San Juan 19.790223 164 34 San Juan 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Saint Martin 3.9548922 379 32 Saint Martin 2.97627 380 32 Saint Martin 2.0272333 380 33 Saint Martin 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Ocean Springs 3.9548922 379 32 Ocean Springs 2.97627 380 32 Ocean Springs 2.0272333 380 33 Ocean Springs 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Cocoli 19.790223 164 34 Cocoli 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Gulf Hills 4.0010565 379 33 Gulf Hills 2.0272333 380 33 Gulf Hills 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Cattle Landing 9.9714109 165 34 9.9714109 165 34 Buena Vista 19.790223 164 34 Buena Vista 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Gulf Park Estates 7.8977005 378 34 Gulf Park Estates 4.8365259 379 34 Gulf Park Estates 2.0741777 380 34 Gulf Park Estates 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Livingston 19.790223 164 34 Livingston 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Macho Creek 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Hilda 3.9603314 379 35 Hilda 2.004649 380 35 Hilda 2.0675438 380 37 2.0675438 380 37 Gautier 3.9603314 379 35 Gautier 2.004649 380 35 Gautier 2.0675438 380 37 2.0675438 380 37 Puerto Santo Tomas de Castilla 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 Punta Manabique 12.262579 163 36 12.262579 163 36 Puerto Barrios 12.262579 163 36 12.262579 163 36 Cambalache 12.262579 163 36 12.262579 163 36 New Haven 2.9259711 167 36 2.9259711 167 36 Piedra Parada 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 Corozo 18.376356 163 37 18.376356 163 37 La Graciosa 18.376356 163 37 18.376356 163 37 Pascagoula 7.0273232 378 37 Pascagoula 4.0490978 379 37 Pascagoula 2.0675438 380 37 2.0675438 380 37 Machacal 18.376356 163 37 18.376356 163 37 Moss Point 4.0490978 379 37 Moss Point 2.0675438 380 37 2.0675438 380 37 Monkey River 5.1199961 168 39 Monkey River 4.8891027 169 39 4.8891027 169 39 San Francisco del Mar 76.747388 164 39 76.747388 164 39 Alabama Wharf 17.087851 171 41 Alabama Wharf 5.6677361 172 41 Alabama Wharf 10.711107 173 42 Alabama Wharf 11.119712 174 42 11.119712 174 42 Corozal 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Maya Beach 5.6677361 172 41 Maya Beach 10.711107 173 42 Maya Beach 11.119712 174 42 11.119712 174 42 Chunox 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Gales Point 6.6017644 182 43 6.6017644 182 43 Commerce Bight Village 26.449197 176 43 Commerce Bight Village 10.433443 180 44 10.433443 180 44 Mullins 6.6017644 182 43 6.6017644 182 43 Chetumal 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Freetown Area 21.479763 175 43 Freetown Area 26.449197 176 43 26.449197 176 43 Ferguson Bank 5.801753 184 43 5.801753 184 43 Calderita 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Bayou La Batre 3.937699 379 41 3.937699 379 41 Coden 3.937699 379 41 3.937699 379 41 Barra del Motagua 12.945509 162 42 12.945509 162 42 Nelson 4.0566189 379 42 4.0566189 379 42 Stann Creek Town 26.435863 177 44 Stann Creek Town 7.8047592 178 44 Stann Creek Town 3.0471418 179 44 Stann Creek Town 10.433443 180 44 10.433443 180 44 Cuyamel 12.945509 162 42 12.945509 162 42 Belize City 5.9605918 185 43 5.9605918 185 43 Dauphin Island 9.9442268 378 43 Dauphin Island 2.0289686 379 43 Dauphin Island 2.0086016 381 47 2.0086016 381 47 Delchamps 2.0289686 379 43 Delchamps 2.0086016 381 47 2.0086016 381 47 Santeneja 3.1597407 201 43 3.1597407 201 43 Heron Bay 9.9442268 378 43 Heron Bay 2.0289686 379 43 Heron Bay 2.0086016 381 47 2.0086016 381 47 Alabama Port 9.9442268 378 43 Alabama Port 2.0289686 379 43 Alabama Port 2.0086016 381 47 2.0086016 381 47 Bayleys Corner 3.0015172 380 46 Bayleys Corner 2.0047237 381 46 Bayleys Corner 2.0086016 381 47 Bayleys Corner 2.0058617 384 47 2.0058617 384 47 Mon Louis 2.0289686 379 43 Mon Louis 2.0086016 381 47 2.0086016 381 47 Navco 3.0557686 382 46 Navco 3.9756131 382 47 Navco 2.0058617 384 47 2.0058617 384 47 Bellefontaine 3.0015172 380 46 Bellefontaine 2.0047237 381 46 Bellefontaine 2.0086016 381 47 Bellefontaine 2.0058617 384 47 2.0058617 384 47 Mertz 2.0058617 384 47 Mertz 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Chickasaw 2.0058617 384 47 Chickasaw 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Cox 3.0557686 382 46 Cox 3.9756131 382 47 Cox 2.0058617 384 47 Cox 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Mobile 2.0058617 384 47 Mobile 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Fort Gaines 16.904222 377 44 Fort Gaines 11.868748 378 44 Fort Gaines 3.9105765 379 46 Fort Gaines 2.0047237 381 46 Fort Gaines 2.0086016 381 47 Fort Gaines 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Magazine 2.0058617 384 47 Magazine 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Dos Hermanas 4.44942 201 44 Dos Hermanas 3.2257853 202 44 Dos Hermanas 4.986488 203 44 4.986488 203 44 Fort Morgan 8.9350285 378 45 Fort Morgan 3.9105765 379 46 3.9105765 379 46 Calderas 7.8944442 204 45 7.8944442 204 45 Battles Wharf 3.0015172 380 46 Battles Wharf 2.0047237 381 46 Battles Wharf 2.0086016 381 47 Battles Wharf 2.0058617 384 47 Battles Wharf 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Blakeley 2.0058617 384 47 Blakeley 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Bridgehead 2.0058617 384 47 Bridgehead 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Darling Landing 3.9105765 379 46 Darling Landing 2.0047237 381 46 Darling Landing 2.0086016 381 47 Darling Landing 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Jackson Oak 3.0557686 382 46 Jackson Oak 3.9756131 382 47 Jackson Oak 2.0058617 384 47 Jackson Oak 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Park City 3.0557686 382 46 Park City 3.9756131 382 47 Park City 2.0058617 384 47 Park City 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Bryant Landing 3.9105765 379 46 Bryant Landing 2.0047237 381 46 Bryant Landing 2.0086016 381 47 Bryant Landing 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Fairhope 2.0047237 381 46 Fairhope 2.0086016 381 47 Fairhope 2.0058617 384 47 Fairhope 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Point Clear 3.0015172 380 46 Point Clear 2.0047237 381 46 Point Clear 2.0086016 381 47 Point Clear 2.0058617 384 47 Point Clear 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Houstonville 3.0015172 380 46 Houstonville 2.0047237 381 46 Houstonville 2.0086016 381 47 Houstonville 2.0058617 384 47 Houstonville 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Montrose 2.0047237 381 46 Montrose 2.0086016 381 47 Montrose 2.0058617 384 47 Montrose 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Buzbee Landing 2.0058617 384 47 Buzbee Landing 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Seacliff 2.0047237 381 46 Seacliff 2.0086016 381 47 Seacliff 2.0058617 384 47 Seacliff 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Daphne 3.0557686 382 46 Daphne 3.9756131 382 47 Daphne 2.0058617 384 47 Daphne 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Foots Landing 3.9105765 379 46 Foots Landing 2.0047237 381 46 Foots Landing 2.0086016 381 47 Foots Landing 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Spanish Fort 2.0058617 384 47 Spanish Fort 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Gulf Highlands 2.9692501 379 47 Gulf Highlands 2.0655749 379 48 2.0655749 379 48 Barnwell 2.9692501 379 47 Barnwell 2.0086016 381 47 Barnwell 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Xcalak 2.0510589 201 47 2.0510589 201 47 Cedar Grove 2.9692501 379 47 Cedar Grove 2.0655749 379 48 2.0655749 379 48 Turkey Branch 2.9692501 379 47 Turkey Branch 2.0086016 381 47 Turkey Branch 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Gasque 11.977169 378 48 Gasque 2.0655749 379 48 Gasque 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Yupon 2.0655749 379 48 Yupon 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Magnolia Springs 2.0655749 379 48 Magnolia Springs 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Ranas 184.39677 219 51 184.39677 219 51 Oyster Bay 8.2307527 378 49 Oyster Bay 2.0015056 379 49 2.0015056 379 49 El Tigre 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Bon Secaur 8.2307527 378 49 Bon Secaur 2.0015056 379 49 2.0015056 379 49 Barra Ulua 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Oak 8.2307527 378 49 Oak 2.0015056 379 49 2.0015056 379 49 Gulf Shores 8.2307527 378 49 Gulf Shores 2.0015056 379 49 2.0015056 379 49 Rio Tinto 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Vigia Chico 107.85981 220 51 107.85981 220 51 San Juan 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Tela 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 West Pensacola 5.0091024 381 60 West Pensacola 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Sanders Beach 5.0091024 381 60 Sanders Beach 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Pensacola 5.0091024 381 60 Pensacola 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Goulding 5.0091024 381 60 Goulding 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Bella Vista 11.284492 162 61 11.284492 162 61 Ferry Pass 5.0091024 381 60 Ferry Pass 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Riverview 5.0091024 381 60 Riverview 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Gulf Breeze 5.0091024 381 60 Gulf Breeze 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Gaberonne 5.0091024 381 60 Gaberonne 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Floridatown 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Yniestra 5.0091024 381 60 Yniestra 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Pace 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Gulf Beach 5.0091024 381 60 Gulf Beach 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Villa Sabine 5.0091024 381 60 Villa Sabine 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Mulat 5.0091024 381 60 Mulat 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Cuero 11.284492 162 61 11.284492 162 61 Avalon Beach 5.0091024 381 60 Avalon Beach 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Oriole Beach 5.0091024 381 60 Oriole Beach 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Galt City 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Tiger Point 5.0091024 381 60 Tiger Point 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Boca del Toro 11.284492 162 61 11.284492 162 61 Milton 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Bagdad 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 East Milton 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Woodlawn Beach 5.0091024 381 60 Woodlawn Beach 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Ward Basin 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Pine Bluff 5.0091024 381 60 Pine Bluff 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 El Porvenir 11.284492 162 61 11.284492 162 61 Holley 4.0362348 381 61 4.0362348 381 61 East Bay 3.1743513 382 62 3.1743513 382 62 La Ceiba 7.5487393 162 62 7.5487393 162 62 Navarre 3.1743513 382 62 3.1743513 382 62 Chacmuchuch 2.3230004 243 65 2.3230004 243 65 Cancun 2.3230004 243 65 2.3230004 243 65 Puerto Juarez 2.3230004 243 65 2.3230004 243 65 Limera 12.158828 162 71 12.158828 162 71 Balfate 12.158828 162 71 12.158828 162 71 Miramar Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Mullet Creek 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Four Mile Village 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Turquoise Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Rio Esteban 12.158828 162 71 12.158828 162 71 Grosh 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Dune Allen Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Miranda 12.158828 162 71 12.158828 162 71 Santa Rosa Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Santa Rosa 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Blue Mountain Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Portland 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Bay View 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Grayton Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Fluffy Landing 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Freeport 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Seagrove Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Choctaw 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Bunker 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Alys Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Gulf Resort Beach 16.887793 376 81 Gulf Resort Beach 4.8450163 378 81 4.8450163 378 81 Lullwater Beach 16.887793 376 81 Lullwater Beach 4.8450163 378 81 4.8450163 378 81 West Bay 4.8450163 378 81 4.8450163 378 81 Bahama Beach 16.887793 376 81 Bahama Beach 4.8450163 378 81 4.8450163 378 81 Gulf Beach 16.887793 376 81 Gulf Beach 4.8450163 378 81 4.8450163 378 81 Panama City Beach 16.887793 376 81 Panama City Beach 4.8450163 378 81 4.8450163 378 81 Edgewater Gulf Beach 16.887793 376 81 Edgewater Gulf Beach 4.8450163 378 81 Edgewater Gulf Beach 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Long Beach Resort 16.887793 376 81 Long Beach Resort 4.8450163 378 81 Long Beach Resort 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Gulf Lagoon Beach 16.887793 376 81 Gulf Lagoon Beach 4.8450163 378 81 Gulf Lagoon Beach 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Biltmore Beach 16.887793 376 81 Biltmore Beach 4.8450163 378 81 Biltmore Beach 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Lower Grand Lagoon 16.887793 376 81 Lower Grand Lagoon 4.8450163 378 81 Lower Grand Lagoon 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Upper Grand Lagoon 16.887793 376 81 Upper Grand Lagoon 4.8450163 378 81 Upper Grand Lagoon 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Magnolia Beach 16.887793 376 81 Magnolia Beach 4.8450163 378 81 Magnolia Beach 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Pretty Bayou 16.887793 376 81 Pretty Bayou 4.8450163 378 81 Pretty Bayou 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Baker 16.887793 376 81 Baker 4.8450163 378 81 Baker 3.947788 377 82 Baker 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Lynn Haven 16.887793 376 81 Lynn Haven 4.8450163 378 81 Lynn Haven 3.947788 377 82 Lynn Haven 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Beacon Beach 16.887793 376 81 Beacon Beach 4.8450163 378 81 Beacon Beach 3.947788 377 82 Beacon Beach 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Cove 16.887793 376 81 Cove 4.8450163 378 81 Cove 3.947788 377 82 Cove 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Southport 4.8450163 378 81 Southport 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Cromanton 16.887793 376 81 Cromanton 4.8450163 378 81 Cromanton 3.947788 377 82 Cromanton 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Hiland Park 16.887793 376 81 Hiland Park 4.8450163 378 81 Hiland Park 3.947788 377 82 Hiland Park 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Cedar Grove 16.887793 376 81 Cedar Grove 4.8450163 378 81 Cedar Grove 3.947788 377 82 Cedar Grove 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 San Blas 16.887793 376 81 San Blas 4.8450163 378 81 San Blas 3.947788 377 82 San Blas 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Springfield 16.887793 376 81 Springfield 4.8450163 378 81 Springfield 3.947788 377 82 Springfield 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Panama City 16.887793 376 81 Panama City 4.8450163 378 81 Panama City 3.947788 377 82 Panama City 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Parker 16.887793 376 81 Parker 4.8450163 378 81 Parker 3.947788 377 82 Parker 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Tyndall AFB 16.887793 376 81 Tyndall AFB 4.8450163 378 81 Tyndall AFB 3.947788 377 82 Tyndall AFB 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Resota Beach 4.8450163 378 81 Resota Beach 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 College Station 16.887793 376 81 College Station 4.8450163 378 81 College Station 3.947788 377 82 College Station 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Old Callaway 16.887793 376 81 Old Callaway 4.8450163 378 81 Old Callaway 3.947788 377 82 Old Callaway 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Callaway 16.887793 376 81 Callaway 4.8450163 378 81 Callaway 3.947788 377 82 Callaway 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Bayou George 4.8450163 378 81 Bayou George 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Cook 20.999244 375 82 Cook 2.8482421 376 82 Cook 3.947788 377 82 Cook 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Davis Beach 21.00154 374 83 Davis Beach 8.9723032 375 83 Davis Beach 8.0287536 374 84 Davis Beach 2.117595 376 84 Davis Beach 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Allanton 21.00154 374 83 Allanton 8.9723032 375 83 Allanton 8.0287536 374 84 Allanton 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Wetappo 8.0287536 374 84 Wetappo 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Mexico Beach 16.080196 373 84 Mexico Beach 8.0287536 374 84 Mexico Beach 2.117595 376 84 Mexico Beach 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Overstreet 16.080196 373 84 Overstreet 8.0287536 374 84 Overstreet 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Beacon Hill 16.080196 373 84 Beacon Hill 8.0287536 374 84 Beacon Hill 7.0307208 373 85 Beacon Hill 3.8766398 374 85 Beacon Hill 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Highland View 11.053043 372 85 Highland View 7.0307208 373 85 Highland View 3.8766398 374 85 Highland View 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Port Saint Joe 11.053043 372 85 Port Saint Joe 7.0307208 373 85 Port Saint Joe 3.8766398 374 85 Port Saint Joe 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Milltown 11.053043 372 85 Milltown 7.0307208 373 85 Milltown 3.8766398 374 85 Milltown 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Oak Grove 8.8642007 372 86 Oak Grove 4.6678503 373 86 Oak Grove 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Ward Ridge 8.8642007 372 86 Ward Ridge 4.6678503 373 86 Ward Ridge 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 McNeils 8.8642007 372 86 McNeils 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Indian Pass 4.225882 371 87 Indian Pass 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Thirteen Mile 4.225882 371 87 Thirteen Mile 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Odena 4.225882 371 87 Odena 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Eleven Mile 2.1298989 369 92 Eleven Mile 2.0011398 370 92 2.0011398 370 92 Nine Mile 2.1298989 369 92 Nine Mile 2.0011398 370 92 2.0011398 370 92 Tilton 2.1298989 369 92 Tilton 2.0011398 370 92 Tilton 2.0214886 371 93 2.0214886 371 93 Franklin 2.1298989 369 92 Franklin 2.0011398 370 92 Franklin 2.0214886 371 93 2.0214886 371 93 Apalachicola 2.1298989 369 92 Apalachicola 2.0011398 370 92 Apalachicola 2.0214886 371 93 2.0214886 371 93 Eastpoint 7.9918434 369 93 Eastpoint 2.0084532 370 93 Eastpoint 2.0214886 371 93 Eastpoint 3.9450263 372 97 3.9450263 372 97 Yent Place 2.0339147 371 95 Yent Place 2.119213 371 96 Yent Place 6.9051231 371 97 Yent Place 3.9450263 372 97 3.9450263 372 97 Carrabelle 2.0339147 371 95 Carrabelle 2.119213 371 96 Carrabelle 6.9051231 371 97 Carrabelle 3.9450263 372 97 Carrabelle 12.016209 371 99 Carrabelle 3.9432097 372 99 Carrabelle 3.9479624 373 99 3.9479624 373 99 Lanark Village 2.119213 371 96 Lanark Village 6.9051231 371 97 Lanark Village 3.9450263 372 97 Lanark Village 12.016209 371 99 Lanark Village 3.9432097 372 99 Lanark Village 3.9479624 373 99 3.9479624 373 99 Big Blackjack Landing 3.9450263 372 97 Big Blackjack Landing 3.9432097 372 99 Big Blackjack Landing 3.9479624 373 99 3.9479624 373 99 Surf 3.9479624 373 99 Surf 2.1113907 373 101 Surf 3.9376516 373 103 Surf 3.9704297 374 103 Surf 3.024295 375 103 Surf 2.0398238 376 103 2.0398238 376 103 Panacea 3.9479624 373 99 Panacea 2.1113907 373 101 Panacea 3.9376516 373 103 Panacea 3.9704297 374 103 Panacea 3.024295 375 103 Panacea 2.0398238 376 103 2.0398238 376 103 Medart 3.9704297 374 103 Medart 3.024295 375 103 Medart 2.0398238 376 103 2.0398238 376 103 Sun N Sand Beaches 3.9432097 372 99 Sun N Sand Beaches 3.9479624 373 99 Sun N Sand Beaches 2.1113907 373 101 Sun N Sand Beaches 6.8822001 372 102 Sun N Sand Beaches 10.023959 372 103 Sun N Sand Beaches 3.9376516 373 103 Sun N Sand Beaches 3.9704297 374 103 Sun N Sand Beaches 3.024295 375 103 Sun N Sand Beaches 2.0398238 376 103 2.0398238 376 103 Skipper 3.9704297 374 103 Skipper 3.024295 375 103 Skipper 2.0398238 376 103 2.0398238 376 103 Live Oak Island 3.9704297 374 103 Live Oak Island 3.024295 375 103 Live Oak Island 2.0398238 376 103 Live Oak Island 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Hyde Park 3.024295 375 103 Hyde Park 2.0398238 376 103 Hyde Park 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Wakulla Beach 3.9704297 374 103 Wakulla Beach 3.024295 375 103 Wakulla Beach 2.0398238 376 103 Wakulla Beach 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Saint Marks 3.024295 375 103 Saint Marks 2.0398238 376 103 Saint Marks 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Port Leon 3.024295 375 103 Port Leon 2.0398238 376 103 Port Leon 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Newport 2.0398238 376 103 Newport 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Plum Orchard 3.024295 375 103 Plum Orchard 2.0398238 376 103 Plum Orchard 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Claura 17.60818 160 106 Claura 6.7702075 157 107 Claura 2.1430217 158 108 2.1430217 158 108 Patlaya 4.0328623 156 106 4.0328623 156 106 Mandalay 3.0051474 375 105 Mandalay 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Uhi 4.0328623 156 106 4.0328623 156 106 Barra del Rio Maiz 4.0510696 95 109 4.0510696 95 109 Amerisco 4.0510696 95 109 4.0510696 95 109 Pusuaya 3.8229321 156 107 Pusuaya 2.1430217 158 108 2.1430217 158 108 Buena Vista 19.729284 92 110 19.729284 92 110 Yahurabila 6.9576832 156 108 Yahurabila 2.1430217 158 108 2.1430217 158 108 Barra Punta Gorda 9.0883758 96 110 Barra Punta Gorda 6.0392818 98 111 6.0392818 98 111 Fruta de Pan 27.902748 91 111 27.902748 91 111 Barra de Caratasca 2.0708653 155 109 Barra de Caratasca 2.0344973 154 112 2.0344973 154 112 America 27.902748 91 111 27.902748 91 111 Kukra Hill 12.924924 105 112 Kukra Hill 13.124884 106 112 Kukra Hill 7.9650346 107 112 Kukra Hill 4.9027765 108 112 Kukra Hill 10.002603 109 113 10.002603 109 113 El Bluff 8.9509929 103 112 El Bluff 12.924924 105 112 El Bluff 13.124884 106 112 El Bluff 7.9650346 107 112 7.9650346 107 112 Kaski 5.9880266 155 110 Kaski 7.9772983 154 111 Kaski 2.0344973 154 112 Kaski 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Haulover 4.9027765 108 112 Haulover 10.002603 109 113 Haulover 3.0208561 110 113 3.0208561 110 113 Laguna de Perlas 4.9027765 108 112 Laguna de Perlas 10.002603 109 113 Laguna de Perlas 3.0208561 110 113 3.0208561 110 113 Monkey Point 11.098847 97 111 Monkey Point 6.0392818 98 111 6.0392818 98 111 Dapat 7.9772983 154 111 Dapat 2.0344973 154 112 Dapat 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Dekle Beach 7.0215238 371 111 Dekle Beach 4.9739704 372 111 Dekle Beach 2.0001172 373 111 2.0001172 373 111 Keaton Beach 7.9718304 370 111 Keaton Beach 7.0215238 371 111 Keaton Beach 4.9739704 372 111 Keaton Beach 2.0001172 373 111 2.0001172 373 111 Barra 38.930854 86 114 Barra 46.457384 87 114 Barra 27.713966 84 115 27.713966 84 115 Colorado 38.930854 86 114 Colorado 46.457384 87 114 Colorado 27.713966 84 115 27.713966 84 115 Wankluma 6.9172523 121 114 Wankluma 2.9535196 123 114 2.9535196 123 114 Cauauira 7.9772983 154 111 Cauauira 2.0344973 154 112 Cauauira 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Tahuantla 14.993415 124 114 14.993415 124 114 Puerto Isabel 2.9535196 123 114 2.9535196 123 114 Fish Creek 7.9718304 370 111 Fish Creek 7.0215238 371 111 Fish Creek 4.9739704 372 111 Fish Creek 2.0001172 373 111 2.0001172 373 111 Hualpasika 13.951733 125 114 Hualpasika 12.94569 126 114 Hualpasika 6.8499676 127 114 6.8499676 127 114 Tasbapauni 2.8058528 115 113 Tasbapauni 6.1077266 116 113 6.1077266 116 113 Wounta 12.94569 126 114 Wounta 6.8499676 127 114 Wounta 19.007946 130 115 19.007946 130 115 Sandy Bay Sirpi 6.9172523 121 114 6.9172523 121 114 Barra de Rio Grande 6.9172523 121 114 6.9172523 121 114 Tay Lirila 2.0344973 154 112 Tay Lirila 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Coco Haulover 17.997542 128 115 Coco Haulover 19.011486 129 115 Coco Haulover 19.007946 130 115 19.007946 130 115 Tortuguero 27.713966 84 115 27.713966 84 115 Set Net 3.0208561 110 113 Set Net 2.0427294 114 114 2.0427294 114 114 Dallus Creek Landing 5.9760805 369 113 Dallus Creek Landing 2.9719404 370 113 Dallus Creek Landing 2.0002292 371 113 Dallus Creek Landing 3.0349556 370 114 Dallus Creek Landing 3.0482382 369 115 3.0482382 369 115 Karata 32.14169 132 115 Karata 4.8145759 135 116 4.8145759 135 116 Huahua 20.00359 131 115 Huahua 4.8145759 135 116 4.8145759 135 116 Canco 12.247843 155 114 Canco 2.8246277 153 117 2.8246277 153 117 Siete 46.532964 82 116 46.532964 82 116 Barra Kruta 12.247843 155 114 Barra Kruta 2.8246277 153 117 2.8246277 153 117 Lama Laya 36.177144 133 116 Lama Laya 4.8145759 135 116 4.8145759 135 116 Suerre 63.203515 81 117 Suerre 101.45476 80 118 101.45476 80 118 Steinhatchee 4.9885289 368 114 Steinhatchee 4.0594644 369 114 Steinhatchee 3.0349556 370 114 Steinhatchee 3.0482382 369 115 3.0482382 369 115 Jaloba 46.532964 82 116 46.532964 82 116 Aguas Claras 7.0706915 259 118 Aguas Claras 11.727225 260 118 11.727225 260 118 Puerto Cabezas 36.177144 133 116 Puerto Cabezas 4.8145759 135 116 4.8145759 135 116 Jena 4.9885289 368 114 Jena 4.0594644 369 114 Jena 3.0349556 370 114 Jena 3.0482382 369 115 3.0482382 369 115 Kanko 12.247843 155 114 Kanko 2.8246277 153 117 2.8246277 153 117 Parismina 63.203515 81 117 Parismina 101.45476 80 118 Parismina 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 San Rafael 101.45476 80 118 San Rafael 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Tuapi 30.983537 134 116 Tuapi 4.8145759 135 116 4.8145759 135 116 Goschen 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Berta 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Crucira 4.8145759 135 116 4.8145759 135 116 Raya 2.8246277 153 117 Raya 5.747836 149 119 5.747836 149 119 Horseshoe Beach 6.0074898 364 116 Horseshoe Beach 3.0068964 365 116 Horseshoe Beach 2.0074406 366 116 Horseshoe Beach 2.9821477 365 117 Horseshoe Beach 2.0000059 366 117 Horseshoe Beach 2.0015254 364 119 Horseshoe Beach 2.0035929 364 120 2.0035929 364 120 Almacen 7.0706915 259 118 Almacen 11.727225 260 118 11.727225 260 118 Ninayeri 4.1900277 144 118 Ninayeri 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Ledakura 4.1900277 144 118 Ledakura 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Clubki 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Cabo Gracias Viejo 7.0060431 147 118 Cabo Gracias Viejo 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Graytown 4.1900277 144 118 Graytown 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Hilda 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Awastara 6.9157679 139 119 Awastara 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Irlaya 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Barmouth Oeste 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Shired Island 4.0030722 364 117 Shired Island 2.9821477 365 117 Shired Island 2.0000059 366 117 Shired Island 2.0015254 364 119 Shired Island 2.0035929 364 120 2.0035929 364 120 Catorce Millas 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Cabo Gracias a Dios 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Doce Millas 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Guasimal 7.0706915 259 118 Guasimal 11.727225 260 118 Guasimal 5.4639359 261 121 Guasimal 6.7484584 262 121 6.7484584 262 121 Rio Madre 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Nueve Millas 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Suwannee 3.0176862 363 118 Suwannee 2.9990327 363 119 Suwannee 2.0015254 364 119 Suwannee 2.0035929 364 120 2.0035929 364 120 Cocal 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Sandoval 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Buenos Aires 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Portete 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Nueva Castle 13.999784 76 120 13.999784 76 120 Cedar Key 8.0192113 360 119 Cedar Key 4.9889807 361 119 Cedar Key 3.9940954 362 119 Cedar Key 2.9990327 363 119 Cedar Key 2.0015254 364 119 Cedar Key 2.0035929 364 120 Cedar Key 2.092477 362 121 Cedar Key 4.0018102 360 122 Cedar Key 2.9995698 360 123 2.9995698 360 123 Pueblo Nuevo 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Corn Island 43.054608 105 119 Corn Island 29.200547 106 119 Corn Island 29.880148 107 119 Corn Island 28.101954 108 119 Corn Island 21.99478 109 119 21.99478 109 119 Beverly 13.999784 76 120 13.999784 76 120 Puerto Limon 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Cieneguita 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Bolivia 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 San Andres 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Sumner 5.033089 361 120 Sumner 2.0184048 362 120 Sumner 2.0035929 364 120 Sumner 2.092477 362 121 Sumner 2.0075724 362 124 2.0075724 362 124 San Clemente 51.098394 74 123 San Clemente 156.4152 74 124 San Clemente 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Bonifacio 51.098394 74 123 Bonifacio 156.4152 74 124 Bonifacio 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Penhurst 51.098394 74 123 Penhurst 156.4152 74 124 Penhurst 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Cahuita 51.676032 73 124 Cahuita 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Indian Shores 13.099778 341 122 Indian Shores 10.054651 342 122 Indian Shores 9.083567 343 122 Indian Shores 11.036551 344 122 Indian Shores 10.966082 345 122 Indian Shores 9.0191051 345 123 Indian Shores 6.0462917 345 124 Indian Shores 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 Indian Rocks Beach 13.099778 341 122 Indian Rocks Beach 10.054651 342 122 Indian Rocks Beach 9.083567 343 122 Indian Rocks Beach 11.036551 344 122 Indian Rocks Beach 10.966082 345 122 Indian Rocks Beach 9.0191051 345 123 Indian Rocks Beach 6.0462917 345 124 Indian Rocks Beach 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 Belleair Beach 10.054651 342 122 Belleair Beach 9.083567 343 122 Belleair Beach 11.036551 344 122 Belleair Beach 10.966082 345 122 Belleair Beach 9.964911 346 122 Belleair Beach 8.0200994 346 123 Belleair Beach 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 Redington Shores 14.039703 340 122 Redington Shores 13.099778 341 122 Redington Shores 10.054651 342 122 Redington Shores 9.083567 343 122 Redington Shores 11.036551 344 122 Redington Shores 6.900832 344 123 Redington Shores 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Harbor Bluffs 9.9716339 341 123 Harbor Bluffs 8.0748578 342 123 Harbor Bluffs 6.1367691 343 123 Harbor Bluffs 6.900832 344 123 Harbor Bluffs 9.0191051 345 123 Harbor Bluffs 6.0462917 345 124 Harbor Bluffs 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 North Redington Beach 9.9655929 340 123 North Redington Beach 9.9716339 341 123 North Redington Beach 8.0748578 342 123 North Redington Beach 6.1367691 343 123 North Redington Beach 6.900832 344 123 North Redington Beach 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Comadre 51.676032 73 124 Comadre 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Belleair Bluffs 8.0748578 342 123 Belleair Bluffs 6.1367691 343 123 Belleair Bluffs 6.900832 344 123 Belleair Bluffs 9.0191051 345 123 Belleair Bluffs 8.0200994 346 123 Belleair Bluffs 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 Belleair 8.0748578 342 123 Belleair 6.1367691 343 123 Belleair 6.900832 344 123 Belleair 9.0191051 345 123 Belleair 8.0200994 346 123 Belleair 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 Redington Beach 9.9655929 340 123 Redington Beach 9.9716339 341 123 Redington Beach 8.0748578 342 123 Redington Beach 6.1367691 343 123 Redington Beach 6.900832 344 123 Redington Beach 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Catarata 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Baskin 9.9716339 341 123 Baskin 8.0748578 342 123 Baskin 6.1367691 343 123 Baskin 6.900832 344 123 Baskin 9.0191051 345 123 Baskin 6.0462917 345 124 Baskin 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 Patino 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Hone Creek 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Oakhurst Shores 9.9655929 340 123 Oakhurst Shores 9.9716339 341 123 Oakhurst Shores 8.0748578 342 123 Oakhurst Shores 6.1367691 343 123 Oakhurst Shores 6.900832 344 123 Oakhurst Shores 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Nueva Gerona 2.0143817 253 127 2.0143817 253 127 Olivia 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Walsingham 9.9716339 341 123 Walsingham 8.0748578 342 123 Walsingham 6.1367691 343 123 Walsingham 6.900832 344 123 Walsingham 9.0191051 345 123 Walsingham 6.0462917 345 124 Walsingham 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 Madeira Beach 9.9655929 340 123 Madeira Beach 9.9716339 341 123 Madeira Beach 8.0748578 342 123 Madeira Beach 6.1367691 343 123 Madeira Beach 6.900832 344 123 Madeira Beach 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Hotel Creek 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Seminole 9.9655929 340 123 Seminole 9.9716339 341 123 Seminole 8.0748578 342 123 Seminole 6.1367691 343 123 Seminole 6.900832 344 123 Seminole 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Largo 9.9716339 341 123 Largo 8.0748578 342 123 Largo 6.1367691 343 123 Largo 6.900832 344 123 Largo 9.0191051 345 123 Largo 6.0462917 345 124 Largo 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 Anclote 9.0191051 345 123 Anclote 8.0200994 346 123 Anclote 6.9460425 347 123 Anclote 6.005362 348 123 Anclote 5.0319274 349 123 Anclote 2.0297294 349 124 Anclote 2.0000213 349 125 2.0000213 349 125 Crystal Beach 6.900832 344 123 Crystal Beach 9.0191051 345 123 Crystal Beach 8.0200994 346 123 Crystal Beach 6.9460425 347 123 Crystal Beach 6.005362 348 123 Crystal Beach 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Clearwater 8.0748578 342 123 Clearwater 6.1367691 343 123 Clearwater 6.900832 344 123 Clearwater 9.0191051 345 123 Clearwater 8.0200994 346 123 Clearwater 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 Ozona 6.900832 344 123 Ozona 9.0191051 345 123 Ozona 8.0200994 346 123 Ozona 6.9460425 347 123 Ozona 6.005362 348 123 Ozona 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Bay Pines 9.9655929 340 123 Bay Pines 9.9716339 341 123 Bay Pines 8.0748578 342 123 Bay Pines 6.1367691 343 123 Bay Pines 6.900832 344 123 Bay Pines 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Majana 5.309207 263 124 5.309207 263 124 Dunedin 6.1367691 343 123 Dunedin 6.900832 344 123 Dunedin 9.0191051 345 123 Dunedin 8.0200994 346 123 Dunedin 6.9460425 347 123 Dunedin 2.0366123 347 124 Dunedin 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Treasure Island 11.121159 339 123 Treasure Island 9.9655929 340 123 Treasure Island 9.9716339 341 123 Treasure Island 8.0748578 342 123 Treasure Island 6.1367691 343 123 Treasure Island 4.0692761 343 124 4.0692761 343 124 Cove Springs 9.0191051 345 123 Cove Springs 8.0200994 346 123 Cove Springs 6.9460425 347 123 Cove Springs 6.005362 348 123 Cove Springs 5.0319274 349 123 Cove Springs 2.0297294 349 124 Cove Springs 2.0000213 349 125 2.0000213 349 125 Palm Harbor 6.900832 344 123 Palm Harbor 9.0191051 345 123 Palm Harbor 8.0200994 346 123 Palm Harbor 6.9460425 347 123 Palm Harbor 6.005362 348 123 Palm Harbor 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Presidio Modelo 2.0143817 253 127 2.0143817 253 127 Port Inglis 2.0192626 358 124 Port Inglis 3.006288 359 124 Port Inglis 2.0075724 362 124 2.0075724 362 124 Tarpon Springs 6.0462917 345 124 Tarpon Springs 4.0308671 346 124 Tarpon Springs 2.0366123 347 124 Tarpon Springs 2.0297294 349 124 Tarpon Springs 2.0000213 349 125 2.0000213 349 125 The Jungle 8.9878049 340 124 The Jungle 7.0121209 341 124 The Jungle 5.0184445 342 124 The Jungle 4.0692761 343 124 The Jungle 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Cocles 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Beacon Square 4.0308671 346 124 Beacon Square 2.0366123 347 124 Beacon Square 2.0297294 349 124 Beacon Square 2.9843296 350 124 2.9843296 350 124 Puerto Viejo 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Yankeetown 2.0192626 358 124 Yankeetown 3.006288 359 124 Yankeetown 2.0075724 362 124 2.0075724 362 124 Gulf Harbors 4.0308671 346 124 Gulf Harbors 2.0366123 347 124 Gulf Harbors 2.0297294 349 124 Gulf Harbors 2.9843296 350 124 2.9843296 350 124 Bahia Shores 9.0740463 339 124 Bahia Shores 8.9878049 340 124 Bahia Shores 7.0121209 341 124 Bahia Shores 5.0184445 342 124 Bahia Shores 4.0692761 343 124 Bahia Shores 2.9062878 341 128 2.9062878 341 128 Curlew 5.0033204 344 124 Curlew 6.0462917 345 124 Curlew 4.0308671 346 124 Curlew 2.0366123 347 124 Curlew 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Holiday 4.0308671 346 124 Holiday 2.0366123 347 124 Holiday 2.0297294 349 124 Holiday 2.9843296 350 124 2.9843296 350 124 Mecca 4.0692761 343 124 Mecca 5.0033204 344 124 Mecca 6.0462917 345 124 Mecca 4.0308671 346 124 Mecca 2.0366123 347 124 Mecca 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Coachman 5.0184445 342 124 Coachman 4.0692761 343 124 Coachman 5.0033204 344 124 Coachman 6.0462917 345 124 Coachman 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 New Port Richey 2.0366123 347 124 New Port Richey 2.0297294 349 124 New Port Richey 2.9843296 350 124 New Port Richey 3.9905846 351 124 New Port Richey 2.0000996 351 125 New Port Richey 2.0003606 351 126 2.0003606 351 126 Saint Petersburg Beach 9.0740463 339 124 Saint Petersburg Beach 8.9878049 340 124 Saint Petersburg Beach 7.0121209 341 124 Saint Petersburg Beach 5.0184445 342 124 Saint Petersburg Beach 4.0692761 343 124 Saint Petersburg Beach 2.9062878 341 128 2.9062878 341 128 Fort De Soto 10.979921 337 124 Fort De Soto 10.889523 338 124 Fort De Soto 9.0740463 339 124 Fort De Soto 8.9878049 340 124 Fort De Soto 7.0121209 341 124 Fort De Soto 5.9865411 341 125 Fort De Soto 2.0034694 339 128 Fort De Soto 7.0806698 340 128 Fort De Soto 2.9062878 341 128 2.9062878 341 128 Lake Shore Estates 5.0033204 344 124 Lake Shore Estates 6.0462917 345 124 Lake Shore Estates 4.0308671 346 124 Lake Shore Estates 2.0366123 347 124 Lake Shore Estates 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Cross Bayou 7.0121209 341 124 Cross Bayou 5.0184445 342 124 Cross Bayou 4.0692761 343 124 Cross Bayou 5.0033204 344 124 Cross Bayou 6.0462917 345 124 Cross Bayou 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 Anna Maria 12.991109 336 124 Anna Maria 10.979921 337 124 Anna Maria 10.889523 338 124 Anna Maria 9.0740463 339 124 Anna Maria 8.9878049 340 124 Anna Maria 7.0048563 340 125 Anna Maria 5.9376953 339 127 Anna Maria 2.0416405 340 127 Anna Maria 2.0034694 339 128 Anna Maria 7.0806698 340 128 7.0806698 340 128 Pasadena 9.0740463 339 124 Pasadena 8.9878049 340 124 Pasadena 7.0121209 341 124 Pasadena 5.0184445 342 124 Pasadena 4.0692761 343 124 Pasadena 2.9062878 341 128 2.9062878 341 128 Tierra Verde 10.889523 338 124 Tierra Verde 9.0740463 339 124 Tierra Verde 8.9878049 340 124 Tierra Verde 7.0121209 341 124 Tierra Verde 5.0184445 342 124 Tierra Verde 2.0034694 339 128 Tierra Verde 7.0806698 340 128 Tierra Verde 2.9062878 341 128 2.9062878 341 128 Elfers 4.0308671 346 124 Elfers 2.0366123 347 124 Elfers 2.0297294 349 124 Elfers 2.9843296 350 124 2.9843296 350 124 Holmes Beach 12.991109 336 124 Holmes Beach 10.979921 337 124 Holmes Beach 10.889523 338 124 Holmes Beach 9.0740463 339 124 Holmes Beach 11.037977 339 125 Holmes Beach 8.5416132 339 126 Holmes Beach 5.9376953 339 127 Holmes Beach 2.0034694 339 128 2.0034694 339 128 Kenneth City 8.9878049 340 124 Kenneth City 7.0121209 341 124 Kenneth City 5.0184445 342 124 Kenneth City 4.0692761 343 124 Kenneth City 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Highpoint 5.0184445 342 124 Highpoint 4.0692761 343 124 Highpoint 5.0033204 344 124 Highpoint 6.0462917 345 124 Highpoint 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 Bayview 5.0184445 342 124 Bayview 4.0692761 343 124 Bayview 5.0033204 344 124 Bayview 6.0462917 345 124 Bayview 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 Gulfport 9.0740463 339 124 Gulfport 8.9878049 340 124 Gulfport 7.0121209 341 124 Gulfport 5.0184445 342 124 Gulfport 4.0692761 343 124 Gulfport 2.9062878 341 128 2.9062878 341 128 Dellwood 4.0692761 343 124 Dellwood 5.0033204 344 124 Dellwood 6.0462917 345 124 Dellwood 4.0308671 346 124 Dellwood 2.0366123 347 124 Dellwood 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Ilexhurst 12.991109 336 124 Ilexhurst 10.979921 337 124 Ilexhurst 10.889523 338 124 Ilexhurst 9.0740463 339 124 Ilexhurst 11.037977 339 125 Ilexhurst 8.5416132 339 126 Ilexhurst 5.9376953 339 127 Ilexhurst 2.0034694 339 128 2.0034694 339 128 Hudson 2.0297294 349 124 Hudson 2.9843296 350 124 Hudson 3.9905846 351 124 Hudson 2.9719082 352 124 Hudson 2.0000996 351 125 Hudson 2.0003606 351 126 2.0003606 351 126 Bridgeport 4.0692761 343 124 Bridgeport 5.0033204 344 124 Bridgeport 6.0462917 345 124 Bridgeport 4.0308671 346 124 Bridgeport 2.0366123 347 124 Bridgeport 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Safety Harbor 4.0692761 343 124 Safety Harbor 5.0033204 344 124 Safety Harbor 6.0462917 345 124 Safety Harbor 4.0308671 346 124 Safety Harbor 2.0366123 347 124 Safety Harbor 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 New Port Richey East 2.1381384 347 125 New Port Richey East 2.0000213 349 125 New Port Richey East 2.0000996 351 125 New Port Richey East 2.0003606 351 126 2.0003606 351 126 Suprimir Nombre Lugar 45.934385 72 125 Suprimir Nombre Lugar 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Saint Petersburg 11.037977 339 125 Saint Petersburg 7.0048563 340 125 Saint Petersburg 5.9865411 341 125 Saint Petersburg 2.0034694 339 128 Saint Petersburg 7.0806698 340 128 Saint Petersburg 2.9062878 341 128 Saint Petersburg 4.0457776 341 129 Saint Petersburg 3.1145943 342 129 3.1145943 342 129 Jasmine Estates 2.1381384 347 125 Jasmine Estates 2.0000213 349 125 Jasmine Estates 2.0000996 351 125 Jasmine Estates 2.0003606 351 126 2.0003606 351 126 Bayway 11.037977 339 125 Bayway 7.0048563 340 125 Bayway 5.9865411 341 125 Bayway 2.0034694 339 128 Bayway 7.0806698 340 128 Bayway 2.9062878 341 128 Bayway 4.0457776 341 129 Bayway 3.1145943 342 129 3.1145943 342 129 Bayonet Point 2.0000213 349 125 Bayonet Point 2.0000996 351 125 Bayonet Point 2.0003606 351 126 2.0003606 351 126 Longbeach 12.08649 335 125 Longbeach 12.066684 336 125 Longbeach 9.0447328 337 125 Longbeach 5.2031983 338 125 Longbeach 4.0019432 338 126 Longbeach 2.8779331 338 127 Longbeach 2.0022239 338 128 2.0022239 338 128 Oldsmar 2.2129517 345 125 Oldsmar 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Cortez 12.08649 335 125 Cortez 12.066684 336 125 Cortez 9.0447328 337 125 Cortez 5.2031983 338 125 Cortez 11.037977 339 125 Cortez 8.5416132 339 126 Cortez 5.9376953 339 127 Cortez 2.0034694 339 128 2.0034694 339 128 Hernando Beach 2.0000213 349 125 Hernando Beach 2.0000996 351 125 Hernando Beach 2.0003606 351 126 Hernando Beach 2.0000018 353 126 Hernando Beach 2.1354198 353 127 2.1354198 353 127 Lakewood Estates 11.037977 339 125 Lakewood Estates 7.0048563 340 125 Lakewood Estates 5.9865411 341 125 Lakewood Estates 2.0034694 339 128 Lakewood Estates 7.0806698 340 128 Lakewood Estates 2.9062878 341 128 Lakewood Estates 4.0457776 341 129 Lakewood Estates 3.1145943 342 129 3.1145943 342 129 Aripeka 2.0000213 349 125 Aripeka 2.0000996 351 125 Aripeka 2.0003606 351 126 Aripeka 2.0000018 353 126 Aripeka 2.1354198 353 127 2.1354198 353 127 Feather Sound 5.9865411 341 125 Feather Sound 2.2129517 345 125 Feather Sound 3.1145943 342 129 3.1145943 342 129 Guanimar 9.2077015 264 125 9.2077015 264 125 Ozello 2.0000004 355 125 Ozello 2.0000019 357 125 Ozello 2.0006529 358 125 Ozello 2.0040147 359 125 2.0040147 359 125 Lugar Manzanillo 113.41439 71 126 Lugar Manzanillo 798.1787 71 128 Lugar Manzanillo 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Santa Fe 3.8424895 252 128 3.8424895 252 128 Manzanillo 113.41439 71 126 Manzanillo 798.1787 71 128 Manzanillo 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Weeki Wachee Gardens 2.0000996 351 125 Weeki Wachee Gardens 2.0000004 355 125 Weeki Wachee Gardens 2.0000019 354 126 Weeki Wachee Gardens 2.0000025 355 126 Weeki Wachee Gardens 2.069185 354 127 Weeki Wachee Gardens 2.0696028 355 127 2.0696028 355 127 Bayport 2.0000996 351 125 Bayport 2.0000004 355 125 Bayport 2.0000019 354 126 Bayport 2.0000025 355 126 Bayport 2.069185 354 127 Bayport 2.0696028 355 127 2.0696028 355 127 Rio Vista 7.0048563 340 125 Rio Vista 5.9865411 341 125 Rio Vista 7.0806698 340 128 Rio Vista 2.9062878 341 128 Rio Vista 4.0457776 341 129 Rio Vista 3.1145943 342 129 3.1145943 342 129 Longboat Key 12.08649 335 125 Longboat Key 12.066684 336 125 Longboat Key 9.0447328 337 125 Longboat Key 5.2031983 338 125 Longboat Key 4.0019432 338 126 Longboat Key 2.8779331 338 127 Longboat Key 2.0022239 338 128 2.0022239 338 128 Palma Sola 12.066684 336 125 Palma Sola 9.0447328 337 125 Palma Sola 5.2031983 338 125 Palma Sola 11.037977 339 125 Palma Sola 7.0048563 340 125 Palma Sola 5.9376953 339 127 Palma Sola 2.0416405 340 127 Palma Sola 2.0034694 339 128 Palma Sola 7.0806698 340 128 7.0806698 340 128 Mata Limon 59.525805 70 127 Mata Limon 34.114172 69 129 Mata Limon 231.19058 69 130 231.19058 69 130 Homosassa 2.0000025 355 126 Homosassa 2.0730772 357 126 2.0730772 357 126 West Bradenton 11.029217 335 126 West Bradenton 7.9736135 336 126 West Bradenton 7.0615781 337 126 West Bradenton 4.0019432 338 126 West Bradenton 8.5416132 339 126 West Bradenton 5.9376953 339 127 West Bradenton 2.0034694 339 128 2.0034694 339 128 Terra Mana 7.9736135 336 126 Terra Mana 7.0615781 337 126 Terra Mana 4.0019432 338 126 Terra Mana 8.5416132 339 126 Terra Mana 5.9376953 339 127 Terra Mana 2.0416405 340 127 Terra Mana 2.0034694 339 128 Terra Mana 7.0806698 340 128 7.0806698 340 128 Shore Acres 2.0416405 340 127 Shore Acres 7.0806698 340 128 Shore Acres 2.9062878 341 128 Shore Acres 4.0457776 341 129 Shore Acres 3.1145943 342 129 Shore Acres 2.0451771 342 130 Shore Acres 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Crystal River 2.0730772 357 126 2.0730772 357 126 Paradise Point 2.0730772 357 126 2.0730772 357 126 Finca Buena Fe 59.525805 70 127 Finca Buena Fe 34.114172 69 129 Finca Buena Fe 231.19058 69 130 231.19058 69 130 Guabito 59.525805 70 127 Guabito 34.114172 69 129 Guabito 231.19058 69 130 231.19058 69 130 California 59.525805 70 127 California 34.114172 69 129 California 231.19058 69 130 231.19058 69 130 Cutlers 2.0730772 357 126 2.0730772 357 126 South Bradenton 11.029217 335 126 South Bradenton 7.9736135 336 126 South Bradenton 7.0615781 337 126 South Bradenton 4.0019432 338 126 South Bradenton 8.5416132 339 126 South Bradenton 5.9376953 339 127 South Bradenton 2.0034694 339 128 2.0034694 339 128 Terra Ceia 7.0615781 337 126 Terra Ceia 4.0019432 338 126 Terra Ceia 8.5416132 339 126 Terra Ceia 5.9376953 339 127 Terra Ceia 2.0416405 340 127 Terra Ceia 2.0034694 339 128 Terra Ceia 7.0806698 340 128 Terra Ceia 2.9062878 341 128 Terra Ceia 4.0457776 341 129 4.0457776 341 129 Bayshore Gardens 12.943032 334 126 Bayshore Gardens 11.029217 335 126 Bayshore Gardens 7.9736135 336 126 Bayshore Gardens 7.0615781 337 126 Bayshore Gardens 4.0019432 338 126 Bayshore Gardens 2.8779331 338 127 Bayshore Gardens 2.0022239 338 128 2.0022239 338 128 Town 'n' Country 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Bradenton 7.9736135 336 126 Bradenton 7.0615781 337 126 Bradenton 4.0019432 338 126 Bradenton 8.5416132 339 126 Bradenton 5.9376953 339 127 Bradenton 2.0416405 340 127 Bradenton 2.0034694 339 128 Bradenton 7.0806698 340 128 7.0806698 340 128 Chassahowitzka 2.0000019 354 126 Chassahowitzka 2.0000025 355 126 Chassahowitzka 2.0730772 357 126 2.0730772 357 126 Palmetto 7.9736135 336 126 Palmetto 7.0615781 337 126 Palmetto 4.0019432 338 126 Palmetto 8.5416132 339 126 Palmetto 5.9376953 339 127 Palmetto 2.0416405 340 127 Palmetto 2.0034694 339 128 Palmetto 7.0806698 340 128 7.0806698 340 128 Whitfield 12.943032 334 126 Whitfield 11.029217 335 126 Whitfield 7.9736135 336 126 Whitfield 7.0615781 337 126 Whitfield 4.0019432 338 126 Whitfield 2.8779331 338 127 Whitfield 2.0022239 338 128 2.0022239 338 128 Sarasota Beach 10.077788 334 127 Sarasota Beach 9.014939 335 127 Sarasota Beach 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Memphis 2.8779331 338 127 Memphis 5.9376953 339 127 Memphis 2.0416405 340 127 Memphis 2.0034694 339 128 Memphis 7.0806698 340 128 7.0806698 340 128 Siesta 10.077788 334 127 Siesta 9.014939 335 127 Siesta 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 West Samoset 9.014939 335 127 West Samoset 2.8779331 338 127 West Samoset 5.9376953 339 127 West Samoset 2.0034694 339 128 2.0034694 339 128 Rubonia 2.8779331 338 127 Rubonia 5.9376953 339 127 Rubonia 2.0416405 340 127 Rubonia 2.0034694 339 128 Rubonia 7.0806698 340 128 Rubonia 2.9062878 341 128 Rubonia 4.0457776 341 129 4.0457776 341 129 Fort Lonely 2.8779331 338 127 Fort Lonely 5.9376953 339 127 Fort Lonely 2.0416405 340 127 Fort Lonely 2.0034694 339 128 Fort Lonely 7.0806698 340 128 Fort Lonely 2.9062878 341 128 Fort Lonely 4.0457776 341 129 Fort Lonely 3.1145943 342 129 Fort Lonely 2.0451771 342 130 2.0451771 342 130 Siesta Key 10.077788 334 127 Siesta Key 9.014939 335 127 Siesta Key 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Tallevast 10.077788 334 127 Tallevast 9.014939 335 127 Tallevast 2.8779331 338 127 Tallevast 2.0022239 338 128 2.0022239 338 128 Sarasota 10.077788 334 127 Sarasota 9.014939 335 127 Sarasota 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 South Sarasota 10.077788 334 127 South Sarasota 9.014939 335 127 South Sarasota 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Point O'Rocks 10.077788 334 127 Point O'Rocks 9.014939 335 127 Point O'Rocks 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Sunset Beach 3.1145943 342 129 Sunset Beach 2.0451771 342 130 Sunset Beach 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Gillette 2.8779331 338 127 Gillette 5.9376953 339 127 Gillette 2.0416405 340 127 Gillette 2.0034694 339 128 Gillette 7.0806698 340 128 Gillette 2.9062878 341 128 Gillette 4.0457776 341 129 4.0457776 341 129 North Sarasota 10.077788 334 127 North Sarasota 9.014939 335 127 North Sarasota 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Valroy 2.8779331 338 127 Valroy 5.9376953 339 127 Valroy 2.0416405 340 127 Valroy 2.0034694 339 128 Valroy 7.0806698 340 128 Valroy 2.9062878 341 128 Valroy 4.0457776 341 129 Valroy 3.1145943 342 129 Valroy 2.0451771 342 130 2.0451771 342 130 Ridge Wood Heights 10.077788 334 127 Ridge Wood Heights 9.014939 335 127 Ridge Wood Heights 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Southgate 10.077788 334 127 Southgate 9.014939 335 127 Southgate 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Gulf Gate Estates 10.077788 334 127 Gulf Gate Estates 9.014939 335 127 Gulf Gate Estates 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 South Gate Ridge 10.077788 334 127 South Gate Ridge 9.014939 335 127 South Gate Ridge 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Vamo 10.077788 334 127 Vamo 9.014939 335 127 9.014939 335 127 Osprey 9.082859 334 128 9.082859 334 128 Changuinola 34.114172 69 129 Changuinola 231.19058 69 130 Changuinola 32.121125 68 131 32.121125 68 131 Sun City 2.0022239 338 128 Sun City 2.0034694 339 128 Sun City 7.0806698 340 128 Sun City 2.9062878 341 128 Sun City 4.0457776 341 129 Sun City 3.1145943 342 129 Sun City 2.0451771 342 130 2.0451771 342 130 Finca 61 34.114172 69 129 Finca 61 231.19058 69 130 Finca 61 32.121125 68 131 32.121125 68 131 Nokomis 9.082859 334 128 9.082859 334 128 Laurel 9.082859 334 128 9.082859 334 128 Gulf City 2.0022239 338 128 Gulf City 2.0034694 339 128 Gulf City 7.0806698 340 128 Gulf City 2.9062878 341 128 Gulf City 4.0457776 341 129 Gulf City 3.1145943 342 129 Gulf City 2.0451771 342 130 2.0451771 342 130 Puerta Ventura 34.114172 69 129 Puerta Ventura 231.19058 69 130 Puerta Ventura 32.121125 68 131 32.121125 68 131 Milla Cinco 20.748205 67 132 Milla Cinco 62.580292 67 133 62.580292 67 133 Apollo Beach 4.0457776 341 129 Apollo Beach 3.1145943 342 129 Apollo Beach 2.0451771 342 130 Apollo Beach 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Palm 3.1145943 342 129 Palm 2.0451771 342 130 Palm 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Adamsville 4.0457776 341 129 Adamsville 3.1145943 342 129 Adamsville 2.0451771 342 130 Adamsville 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Gibsonton 4.0457776 341 129 Gibsonton 3.1145943 342 129 Gibsonton 2.0451771 342 130 Gibsonton 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Quebrada Pastores 28.259202 61 134 Quebrada Pastores 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Boca del Drago 32.121125 68 131 32.121125 68 131 Ten Gat 28.259202 61 134 Ten Gat 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Ground Creek 32.121125 68 131 32.121125 68 131 Cano Claro 28.259202 61 134 Cano Claro 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Garza 28.259202 61 134 Garza 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Jack Point 2.8914509 62 134 Jack Point 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cerro Tapao 28.259202 61 134 Cerro Tapao 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Cilico Creek 28.259202 61 134 Cilico Creek 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Quebrada Marin 28.259202 61 134 Quebrada Marin 2.8914509 62 134 Quebrada Marin 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 El Bajo del Cedro 28.259202 61 134 El Bajo del Cedro 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Robalo 28.259202 61 134 Robalo 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 La Puerta del Diablo 28.259202 61 134 La Puerta del Diablo 2.8914509 62 134 La Puerta del Diablo 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Palma Real 28.259202 61 134 Palma Real 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 El Tapao 28.259202 61 134 El Tapao 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 El Bajo del Burro 28.259202 61 134 El Bajo del Burro 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Big Bight 32.121125 68 131 Big Bight 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 La Gruta 32.121125 68 131 La Gruta 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Isla Colon 32.121125 68 131 Isla Colon 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Lennond 20.748205 67 132 Lennond 62.580292 67 133 Lennond 194.05435 67 134 Lennond 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Botabite 2.8914509 62 134 Botabite 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Carretera Bocas 32.121125 68 131 Carretera Bocas 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cauchero 28.259202 61 134 Cauchero 2.8914509 62 134 Cauchero 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Miramar Arriba 28.259202 61 134 Miramar Arriba 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Bocas del Toro 20.748205 67 132 Bocas del Toro 62.580292 67 133 Bocas del Toro 194.05435 67 134 Bocas del Toro 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Big Creek 20.748205 67 132 Big Creek 62.580292 67 133 Big Creek 194.05435 67 134 Big Creek 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Caremero 20.748205 67 132 Caremero 62.580292 67 133 Caremero 194.05435 67 134 Caremero 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Fish Creek 28.259202 61 134 Fish Creek 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 La Gloria 28.259202 61 134 La Gloria 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Solarte 20.748205 67 132 Solarte 62.580292 67 133 Solarte 194.05435 67 134 Solarte 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Aguacate 28.259202 61 134 Aguacate 2.8914509 62 134 Aguacate 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Bastimentos 20.748205 67 132 Bastimentos 62.580292 67 133 Bastimentos 194.05435 67 134 Bastimentos 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Short Cut 20.748205 67 132 Short Cut 62.580292 67 133 Short Cut 194.05435 67 134 Short Cut 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Loma Partida 28.259202 61 134 Loma Partida 2.8914509 62 134 Loma Partida 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Jutica 20.748205 67 132 Jutica 62.580292 67 133 Jutica 194.05435 67 134 Jutica 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 New Guinea 62.580292 67 133 New Guinea 194.05435 67 134 New Guinea 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cana Chiriquicito 28.259202 61 134 Cana Chiriquicito 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Macca Bite 2.8914509 62 134 Macca Bite 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Crawl Cay 28.259202 61 134 Crawl Cay 2.8914509 62 134 Crawl Cay 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Quebrada del Bajo 28.259202 61 134 Quebrada del Bajo 23.268379 60 135 23.268379 60 135 Buena Vista 28.259202 61 134 Buena Vista 2.8914509 62 134 Buena Vista 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Punta Laurel 28.259202 61 134 Punta Laurel 2.8914509 62 134 Punta Laurel 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cedar Creek 2.8914509 62 134 Cedar Creek 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Pine Island Center 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Alberrys Creek 2.8914509 62 134 Alberrys Creek 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Flamingo Bay 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Sanibel 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Mina de Carbon 28.259202 61 134 Mina de Carbon 2.8914509 62 134 Mina de Carbon 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Saint James City 2.4986394 322 137 Saint James City 4.2297534 321 138 4.2297534 321 138 Matlacha 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Ybel 2.4986394 322 137 Ybel 4.2297534 321 138 4.2297534 321 138 Bella Vista 28.259202 61 134 Bella Vista 23.268379 60 135 23.268379 60 135 Fort Myers Beach 2.4986394 322 137 Fort Myers Beach 4.2297534 321 138 4.2297534 321 138 Boca de Daira 23.268379 60 135 Boca de Daira 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Punta Rassa 2.4986394 322 137 Punta Rassa 4.2297534 321 138 Punta Rassa 4.2707236 320 139 Punta Rassa 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Iona 2.4986394 322 137 Iona 4.2297534 321 138 Iona 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Harlem Heights 2.4986394 322 137 Harlem Heights 4.2297534 321 138 Harlem Heights 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Punta Sirain 32.00676 60 136 Punta Sirain 14.573558 60 138 Punta Sirain 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Boca de Cricamola 32.00676 60 136 Boca de Cricamola 14.573558 60 138 Boca de Cricamola 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Muturi 32.00676 60 136 Muturi 14.573558 60 138 Muturi 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 McGregor 2.4986394 322 137 McGregor 4.2297534 321 138 McGregor 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Playa Gallinazo 32.00676 60 136 Playa Gallinazo 14.573558 60 138 Playa Gallinazo 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Lochmoor Waterway Estates 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Playa Bugori 32.00676 60 136 Playa Bugori 14.573558 60 138 Playa Bugori 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Cypress Lake 2.4986394 322 137 Cypress Lake 4.2297534 321 138 Cypress Lake 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Biggar 2.4986394 322 137 Biggar 4.2297534 321 138 Biggar 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Cusapin 18.578917 61 137 Cusapin 6.0632176 61 138 6.0632176 61 138 Punta Avispa 32.645441 60 137 Punta Avispa 14.573558 60 138 Punta Avispa 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Whiskey Creek 2.4986394 322 137 Whiskey Creek 4.2297534 321 138 Whiskey Creek 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Pine Manor 2.4986394 322 137 Pine Manor 4.2297534 321 138 Pine Manor 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Villas 2.4986394 322 137 Villas 4.2297534 321 138 Villas 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Ensenada de Punta Avispa 32.645441 60 137 Ensenada de Punta Avispa 14.573558 60 138 Ensenada de Punta Avispa 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Forest Island Park 2.4986394 322 137 Forest Island Park 4.2297534 321 138 Forest Island Park 4.2707236 320 139 Forest Island Park 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Page Park 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Fort Myers Villas 2.4986394 322 137 Fort Myers Villas 4.2297534 321 138 Fort Myers Villas 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Fort Myers 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Secretario 32.645441 60 137 Secretario 14.573558 60 138 Secretario 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Coconut 2.4986394 322 137 Coconut 4.2297534 321 138 Coconut 4.2707236 320 139 Coconut 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Tobobe 32.645441 60 137 Tobobe 14.573558 60 138 Tobobe 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Punta Nance 32.645441 60 137 Punta Nance 14.573558 60 138 Punta Nance 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Bonita Shores 4.2297534 321 138 Bonita Shores 4.2707236 320 139 Bonita Shores 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Playa Grande 14.573558 60 138 Playa Grande 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Estero 4.2297534 321 138 Estero 4.2707236 320 139 Estero 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Naples Park 4.2297534 321 138 Naples Park 4.2707236 320 139 Naples Park 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Gulf Harbor 4.2297534 321 138 Gulf Harbor 4.2707236 320 139 Gulf Harbor 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 North Naples 4.2707236 320 139 4.2707236 320 139 Pelican Bay 4.2707236 320 139 4.2707236 320 139 Council 4.2297534 321 138 Council 4.2707236 320 139 Council 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Butchuqua 14.573558 60 138 Butchuqua 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Bogola 14.573558 60 138 Bogola 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Catavela 14.573558 60 138 Catavela 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Shark Hole Point 14.573558 60 138 Shark Hole Point 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Burari 14.573558 60 138 Burari 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Old Bess Point 14.573558 60 138 Old Bess Point 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Arreife Bruno 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Shell Island 2.2536835 313 143 2.2536835 313 143 Isles of Capri 2.2536835 313 143 2.2536835 313 143 Marco 2.2536835 313 143 2.2536835 313 143 Shingle Hill 1582.2502 111 139 Shingle Hill 746.19486 111 142 746.19486 111 142 Rio Canaveral 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Alto Harmony Hall 1582.2502 111 139 Alto Harmony Hall 746.19486 111 142 746.19486 111 142 Orange Hill 1582.2502 111 139 Orange Hill 746.19486 111 142 746.19486 111 142 Hill Top 1582.2502 111 139 Hill Top 746.19486 111 142 746.19486 111 142 Slave Hill 1725.8687 112 139 1725.8687 112 139 Atto Harmony Hall 1582.2502 111 139 Atto Harmony Hall 746.19486 111 142 746.19486 111 142 San Luis 1582.2502 111 139 San Luis 746.19486 111 142 746.19486 111 142 Obrero 1725.8687 112 139 1725.8687 112 139 Old Marco Junction 2.2536835 313 143 2.2536835 313 143 Caxambas 2.2536835 313 143 2.2536835 313 143 Big Coppitt Key 12.59328 296 140 Big Coppitt Key 8.9199338 296 141 Big Coppitt Key 6.7759884 296 142 6.7759884 296 142 Goodland 2.2536835 313 143 2.2536835 313 143 Grocery Place 2.2536835 313 143 Grocery Place 2.3798705 312 145 2.3798705 312 145 Bay Point 8.9199338 296 141 Bay Point 6.7759884 296 142 6.7759884 296 142 Perky 8.9199338 296 141 Perky 13.27766 297 141 Perky 12.063301 297 142 Perky 8.9543656 297 143 Perky 6.8030947 297 144 6.8030947 297 144 Alligator Creek 54.375616 59 144 Alligator Creek 48.257226 58 145 48.257226 58 145 Dismal Key 2.2536835 313 143 Dismal Key 2.3798705 312 145 2.3798705 312 145 Pirates Cove 6.7759884 296 142 Pirates Cove 12.063301 297 142 Pirates Cove 8.9543656 297 143 Pirates Cove 6.8030947 297 144 6.8030947 297 144 Black Hammock 3.9841195 381 146 Black Hammock 3.7915207 382 146 Black Hammock 10.061979 383 146 Black Hammock 9.06725 384 146 Black Hammock 5.9651265 385 146 5.9651265 385 146 Back Landing 6.9268442 390 147 Back Landing 3.0511946 391 147 Back Landing 2.9525011 392 147 2.9525011 392 147 Dungeness 9.06725 384 146 Dungeness 5.9651265 385 146 Dungeness 7.851715 386 146 Dungeness 4.9211768 387 146 Dungeness 2.9493821 388 146 Dungeness 6.8529666 388 147 6.8529666 388 147 Stafford 5.9651265 385 146 Stafford 7.851715 386 146 Stafford 4.9211768 387 146 Stafford 2.9493821 388 146 Stafford 2.0102973 389 146 2.0102973 389 146 Greyfield 9.06725 384 146 Greyfield 5.9651265 385 146 Greyfield 7.851715 386 146 Greyfield 4.9211768 387 146 Greyfield 2.9493821 388 146 Greyfield 6.8529666 388 147 6.8529666 388 147 Amelia City 3.7915207 382 146 Amelia City 10.061979 383 146 Amelia City 9.06725 384 146 Amelia City 5.9651265 385 146 Amelia City 7.851715 386 146 7.851715 386 146 Fernandina Beach 10.061979 383 146 Fernandina Beach 9.06725 384 146 Fernandina Beach 5.9651265 385 146 Fernandina Beach 7.851715 386 146 Fernandina Beach 4.9211768 387 146 4.9211768 387 146 Cudjoe Key 8.9543656 297 143 Cudjoe Key 6.8030947 297 144 6.8030947 297 144 Franklintown 3.9841195 381 146 Franklintown 3.7915207 382 146 Franklintown 10.061979 383 146 Franklintown 9.06725 384 146 Franklintown 5.9651265 385 146 5.9651265 385 146 American Beach 3.9841195 381 146 American Beach 3.7915207 382 146 American Beach 10.061979 383 146 American Beach 9.06725 384 146 American Beach 5.9651265 385 146 5.9651265 385 146 Summerland Key 8.9543656 297 143 Summerland Key 6.8030947 297 144 6.8030947 297 144 Mayport 3.9841195 381 146 Mayport 3.7915207 382 146 Mayport 10.061979 383 146 10.061979 383 146 Isle of Palms 3.9841195 381 146 3.9841195 381 146 Oak Harbor 3.9841195 381 146 Oak Harbor 3.7915207 382 146 3.7915207 382 146 High Point 4.9211768 387 146 High Point 2.9493821 388 146 High Point 2.0102973 389 146 2.0102973 389 146 East Mayport 3.9841195 381 146 East Mayport 3.7915207 382 146 3.7915207 382 146 Epworth Acres 6.9268442 390 147 Epworth Acres 3.0511946 391 147 Epworth Acres 2.9525011 392 147 2.9525011 392 147 Palm Valley Landing 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Atlantic Beach 3.9841195 381 146 Atlantic Beach 3.7915207 382 146 3.7915207 382 146 Saint Simons 6.9268442 390 147 Saint Simons 3.0511946 391 147 Saint Simons 2.9525011 392 147 2.9525011 392 147 Jacksonville Beach 3.9841195 381 146 3.9841195 381 146 Everglades City 4.1247937 311 144 Everglades City 2.0230417 312 144 Everglades City 2.3798705 312 145 2.3798705 312 145 Palm Valley 12.976391 377 147 Palm Valley 16.137741 380 147 16.137741 380 147 Ponte Vedra Beach 12.976391 377 147 Ponte Vedra Beach 16.137741 380 147 16.137741 380 147 The Meadows 6.9268442 390 147 The Meadows 3.0511946 391 147 The Meadows 2.9525011 392 147 2.9525011 392 147 Blackbanks 3.0511946 391 147 Blackbanks 2.9525011 392 147 Blackbanks 2.0090741 395 148 2.0090741 395 148 Sawgrass 12.976391 377 147 Sawgrass 16.137741 380 147 16.137741 380 147 Harrington 3.0511946 391 147 Harrington 2.9525011 392 147 Harrington 2.0090741 395 148 2.0090741 395 148 Big Pine Key 6.8030947 297 144 6.8030947 297 144 Plantation Island 4.184002 310 144 Plantation Island 4.1247937 311 144 Plantation Island 2.0230417 312 144 Plantation Island 3.9772822 310 145 Plantation Island 2.3798705 312 145 2.3798705 312 145 Big Pine 2.024058 296 145 Big Pine 2.452271 295 147 2.452271 295 147 German Village 3.0511946 391 147 German Village 2.9525011 392 147 German Village 2.0090741 395 148 German Village 7.9404209 394 149 German Village 7.0149097 395 149 7.0149097 395 149 Mickler Landing 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Chokoloskee 3.9772822 310 145 Chokoloskee 2.3798705 312 145 2.3798705 312 145 Sea Island 3.0511946 391 147 Sea Island 2.9525011 392 147 Sea Island 2.0090741 395 148 Sea Island 7.9404209 394 149 Sea Island 7.0149097 395 149 7.0149097 395 149 Casa Cola 14.971483 374 148 Casa Cola 16.008907 372 149 16.008907 372 149 Araquey 14.971483 374 148 Araquey 16.008907 372 149 16.008907 372 149 South Ponte Vedra Beach 12.976391 377 147 South Ponte Vedra Beach 14.971483 374 148 14.971483 374 148 Saint Augustine 14.971483 374 148 Saint Augustine 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Villano Beach 14.971483 374 148 Villano Beach 16.008907 372 149 16.008907 372 149 La Chavela 48.257226 58 145 48.257226 58 145 Anastasia 14.971483 374 148 Anastasia 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Sapelo Island 2.0090741 395 148 Sapelo Island 7.9404209 394 149 Sapelo Island 7.0149097 395 149 Sapelo Island 3.8973773 396 149 Sapelo Island 7.0981454 398 149 7.0981454 398 149 Saint Augustine Beach 14.971483 374 148 Saint Augustine Beach 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Butler Beach 14.971483 374 148 Butler Beach 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Thomas Landing 7.0981454 398 149 Thomas Landing 2.1242507 399 150 2.1242507 399 150 Chatham 3.9951738 309 146 Chatham 3.1042852 309 147 3.1042852 309 147 Crescent Beach 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Raccoon Bluff 2.0090741 395 148 Raccoon Bluff 7.0149097 395 149 Raccoon Bluff 3.8973773 396 149 Raccoon Bluff 7.0981454 398 149 Raccoon Bluff 2.1242507 399 150 2.1242507 399 150 Summer Haven 16.981212 371 149 Summer Haven 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Calovebora 60.575744 58 147 Calovebora 480.24886 59 147 Calovebora 9.4214457 57 148 Calovebora 15.374653 57 149 15.374653 57 149 Palm Coast 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Marineland 16.981212 371 149 Marineland 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Cardenas 2.6506599 271 150 2.6506599 271 150 Leon Hamilton Place 4.2234396 306 147 Leon Hamilton Place 3.0002437 306 148 Leon Hamilton Place 2.2510527 307 149 2.2510527 307 149 Bon Terra 16.981212 371 149 Bon Terra 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Walter Hamilton Place 4.2234396 306 147 Walter Hamilton Place 3.0002437 306 148 Walter Hamilton Place 2.2510527 307 149 2.2510527 307 149 Beverly Beach 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Flagler Beach 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Mound Grove 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Marathon 2.0012903 296 150 2.0012903 296 150 Burnside View 3.04743 402 152 3.04743 402 152 Ormond-by-the-Sea 17.003432 366 151 17.003432 366 151 Marathon Shores 2.0012903 296 150 2.0012903 296 150 Ellinor Village 17.003432 366 151 17.003432 366 151 Key Colony Beach 2.0012903 296 150 2.0012903 296 150 Ortona 17.003432 366 151 17.003432 366 151 The Landings 3.04743 402 152 3.04743 402 152 Valhalla 2.0012903 296 150 2.0012903 296 150 Wilmington Island 7.7788544 403 154 7.7788544 403 154 Veraguas 40.353195 58 151 Veraguas 385.9133 59 151 Veraguas 938.92197 60 151 Veraguas 28.969339 58 152 Veraguas 52.670304 59 154 52.670304 59 154 Daufuskie Landing 9.4037254 404 155 9.4037254 404 155 Cooper River Landing 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Fort Screven 7.7788544 403 154 7.7788544 403 154 Tybee Island 7.7788544 403 154 7.7788544 403 154 South Beach Villas 9.4037254 404 155 9.4037254 404 155 Greenwood Forest 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Calibogue Cay 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Laurel Bay 2.3199291 410 157 2.3199291 410 157 Palmilla 81.907269 59 153 Palmilla 52.670304 59 154 52.670304 59 154 Spanish Wells 2.1907022 406 155 2.1907022 406 155 Bay Pines 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Sea Pines Plantation 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Broad River Bluff 4.6466952 409 157 Broad River Bluff 2.3199291 410 157 2.3199291 410 157 Hickory Bluff 2.1907022 406 155 2.1907022 406 155 Shell Point 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Forest Beach 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Hilton Head Island 2.1907022 406 155 2.1907022 406 155 Long Cove Plantation 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Burton 4.6466952 409 157 Burton 2.3199291 410 157 2.3199291 410 157 Seabrook Landing 4.0345357 407 157 Seabrook Landing 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Battery Marina Village 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Bram Landing 2.1907022 406 155 2.1907022 406 155 Palmetto Dunes 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Hilton Head Plantation 4.0345357 407 157 Hilton Head Plantation 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Gator Field 2.1907022 406 155 2.1907022 406 155 Parris Island 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Folly Field 2.1907022 406 155 2.1907022 406 155 Port Royal 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Fort Fremont 4.0345357 407 157 Fort Fremont 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Scott 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Tropic 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Cape Canaveral 9.9193271 349 158 Cape Canaveral 7.9410786 350 158 7.9410786 350 158 Cocoa Beach 9.9193271 349 158 Cocoa Beach 7.9410786 350 158 7.9410786 350 158 Melbourne Beach 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 Longwood 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 South Patrick Shores 9.9193271 349 158 South Patrick Shores 7.9410786 350 158 7.9410786 350 158 Satellite Beach 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Indian Harbour Beach 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Canova Beach 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Cocle del Norte 202.12773 61 156 Cocle del Norte 455.10929 62 156 Cocle del Norte 612.36532 63 156 Cocle del Norte 48.942108 61 157 Cocle del Norte 40.274989 62 159 Cocle del Norte 33.345442 62 160 33.345442 62 160 Frogmore 4.6466952 409 157 Frogmore 2.3199291 410 157 Frogmore 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 Indialantic 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 Cano Rey 202.12773 61 156 Cano Rey 455.10929 62 156 Cano Rey 612.36532 63 156 Cano Rey 48.942108 61 157 Cano Rey 40.274989 62 159 Cano Rey 33.345442 62 160 33.345442 62 160 Valkaria 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 Grant 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 Melbourne Shores 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 Evans Pines 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 Ballard Pines 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 La Conchita 2.5237025 271 161 2.5237025 271 161 Cummings 14.937363 344 160 14.937363 344 160 Rock Harbor 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Bennetts Point 2.0628864 411 161 2.0628864 411 161 Key Largo 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Cedar Reef Villas 4.0459415 409 159 Cedar Reef Villas 2.0628864 411 161 2.0628864 411 161 Newport 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Orchid 14.937363 344 160 14.937363 344 160 Diego 40.274989 62 159 Diego 33.345442 62 160 33.345442 62 160 Seabrook 2.0628864 411 161 2.0628864 411 161 Anglers Park 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Jewfish 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Garden Cove 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Indrio 5.2587707 336 163 5.2587707 336 163 Cutler Ridge 2.1428949 307 164 Cutler Ridge 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Saint Lucie 5.2587707 336 163 5.2587707 336 163 Rockdale 2.1428949 307 164 Rockdale 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Howard 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Gold Key 2.2795368 303 162 Gold Key 2.1428949 307 164 2.1428949 307 164 Edisto Beach 3.0323279 410 161 Edisto Beach 2.0628864 411 161 2.0628864 411 161 Lakes by the Bay 2.1428949 307 164 Lakes by the Bay 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 North Key Largo 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Queens Cove 5.2587707 336 163 5.2587707 336 163 Cutler 2.1428949 307 164 Cutler 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Miguel de la Borda 33.345442 62 160 Miguel de la Borda 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Carysfort Yacht Harbor 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Pinecrest 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Carahatas 2.5237025 271 161 2.5237025 271 161 Edisto Island 2.0628864 411 161 2.0628864 411 161 Freedman 2.0628864 411 161 2.0628864 411 161 Dynamite Docks 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Deering Bay 2.1428949 307 164 Deering Bay 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Grayvik 2.2795368 303 162 Grayvik 2.1428949 307 164 2.1428949 307 164 Ankona 5.2587707 336 163 Ankona 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Coral Gables 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Walton 5.2587707 336 163 Walton 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Cutter Bank 2.1428949 307 164 Cutter Bank 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Vista Hermosa 57.590837 63 161 Vista Hermosa 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Islandia 2.2795368 303 162 Islandia 2.1428949 307 164 2.1428949 307 164 Eden 5.2587707 336 163 Eden 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 South Bay Estates 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 El Salto 57.590837 63 161 El Salto 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 La Vigia 57.590837 63 161 La Vigia 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Jensen Beach 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Bay Heights 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Liberty Square 2.9589212 310 164 2.9589212 310 164 Oakgrove 6.8104679 412 163 Oakgrove 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Hutchinson Island South 5.2587707 336 163 Hutchinson Island South 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Sewall's Point 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Port Sewall 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Chilar 28.647145 63 162 Chilar 17.63867 63 163 Chilar 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 El Portal 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Rockville 6.8104679 412 163 Rockville 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 El Charcon 28.647145 63 162 El Charcon 17.63867 63 163 El Charcon 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Terminal del Plan 28.647145 63 162 Terminal del Plan 17.63867 63 163 Terminal del Plan 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 La Ensenada 28.647145 63 162 La Ensenada 17.63867 63 163 La Ensenada 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Port Salerno 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Bayshore 2.9589212 310 164 2.9589212 310 164 Biscayne Park 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 The Keyhole 2.1428949 307 164 The Keyhole 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Miami Shores 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Seabrook Island 3.9749536 411 162 3.9749536 411 162 North Miami 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Key Biscayne 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 San Souci Estates 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 North Bay 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Fisher Island 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Indian Creek 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 El Bendito 17.63867 63 163 El Bendito 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Bay Harbor Islands 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Miami Beach 2.9589212 310 164 2.9589212 310 164 Salud 17.63867 63 163 Salud 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Bal Harbour 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Surfside 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Camarones 17.63867 63 163 Camarones 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Atlantic Heights 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Nuevo Chagres 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Pueblo Nuevo 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Palmas Bellas 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Kiawah Island 9.048776 412 164 Kiawah Island 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Legareville 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Trascon 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Pina 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 La Isabela 3.2491192 270 166 La Isabela 6.6165709 270 168 6.6165709 270 168 Bayfront 5.8760494 414 168 5.8760494 414 168 Fort Sherman 43.263181 65 166 Fort Sherman 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Fuerte Sherman 43.263181 65 166 Fuerte Sherman 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Folly Beach 9.1978821 413 166 9.1978821 413 166 Charleston 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Lakeview Of Lawton Bluff 5.8760494 414 168 5.8760494 414 168 Centerville 5.8760494 414 168 5.8760494 414 168 Secessionville 9.1978821 413 166 9.1978821 413 166 Fort Johnson Estates 5.8760494 414 168 5.8760494 414 168 Cristoba 43.263181 65 166 Cristoba 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Colon 43.263181 65 166 Colon 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Hobcaw Point 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Rainbow City 56.152191 66 167 Rainbow City 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 The Groves 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Coco Solo 56.152191 66 167 Coco Solo 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Mount Pleasant 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Fort Moultrie 5.8760494 414 168 5.8760494 414 168 Cativa 56.152191 66 167 Cativa 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Cassina Heights 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Bahia Las Minas 56.152191 66 167 Bahia Las Minas 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Sullivan's Island 5.8760494 414 168 5.8760494 414 168 Palmetto Fort 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Sabanita 18.74393 66 168 Sabanita 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Puerto Pilon 18.74393 66 168 Puerto Pilon 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Villa Alondra 18.74393 66 168 Villa Alondra 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Island of Palms 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Porcher Bluff 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Isle of Palms 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Maria Chiquita 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Ten Mile 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Marco Antonio 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Guanche 26.776887 67 170 Guanche 61.856463 68 170 Guanche 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Iguanita 26.776887 67 170 Iguanita 61.856463 68 170 61.856463 68 170 El Santo 3.6227769 267 171 El Santo 2.0526181 265 173 2.0526181 265 173 Buenaventura 26.776887 67 170 Buenaventura 61.856463 68 170 Buenaventura 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Pertobelo 26.776887 67 170 Pertobelo 61.856463 68 170 Pertobelo 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Playa Blanca 26.776887 67 170 Playa Blanca 61.856463 68 170 Playa Blanca 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Santa Isabel 26.776887 67 170 Santa Isabel 61.856463 68 170 Santa Isabel 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Jose Pobre 26.776887 67 170 Jose Pobre 61.856463 68 170 Jose Pobre 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 El Jato 2.0526181 265 173 2.0526181 265 173 Cacique 30.896328 68 171 Cacique 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Garrote 30.896328 68 171 Garrote 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Buck Hall 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 La Guayra 24.375049 69 172 La Guayra 42.889528 70 174 La Guayra 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 El Cano 24.375049 69 172 El Cano 42.889528 70 174 El Cano 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 Tibwin 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Nombre de Dios 47.971469 70 173 Nombre de Dios 329.40892 71 173 Nombre de Dios 42.889528 70 174 Nombre de Dios 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 McCellanville 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Caibarien 2.0526181 265 173 2.0526181 265 173 McClellanville 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Dolores 2.4849441 263 175 2.4849441 263 175 Viento Frio 42.889528 70 174 Viento Frio 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 Palenque 42.889528 70 174 Palenque 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 Miramar 43.768903 70 175 Miramar 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 Cuango 43.768903 70 175 Cuango 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 Belle Isle Estates 2.6456778 422 179 Belle Isle Estates 2.3856863 423 179 2.3856863 423 179 Playa Chiquita 43.768903 70 175 Playa Chiquita 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 Friendfield 2.3856863 423 179 Friendfield 8.2891398 424 180 Friendfield 6.1144927 425 180 6.1144927 425 180 Denny Corner 2.6456778 422 179 Denny Corner 2.3856863 423 179 Denny Corner 8.2891398 424 180 Denny Corner 6.1144927 425 180 6.1144927 425 180 Simon Bolivar 2.1524696 262 177 2.1524696 262 177 Palmira 24.030433 69 177 Palmira 16.903624 69 178 Palmira 29.536432 69 181 29.536432 69 181 Caines 2.6456778 422 179 Caines 2.3856863 423 179 Caines 8.2891398 424 180 Caines 6.1144927 425 180 Caines 10.120416 426 181 10.120416 426 181 Quarantine 2.1662258 421 177 Quarantine 2.3856863 423 179 Quarantine 8.2891398 424 180 Quarantine 6.1144927 425 180 6.1144927 425 180 Clambank 2.3856863 423 179 Clambank 8.2891398 424 180 Clambank 6.1144927 425 180 Clambank 10.120416 426 181 Clambank 5.6205074 427 181 5.6205074 427 181 Santa Isabel 24.030433 69 177 Santa Isabel 16.903624 69 178 Santa Isabel 29.536432 69 181 29.536432 69 181 De Bordieu Colony 2.3856863 423 179 De Bordieu Colony 8.2891398 424 180 De Bordieu Colony 6.1144927 425 180 De Bordieu Colony 10.120416 426 181 De Bordieu Colony 5.6205074 427 181 5.6205074 427 181 Hagley Estates 8.2891398 424 180 Hagley Estates 6.1144927 425 180 Hagley Estates 10.120416 426 181 Hagley Estates 5.6205074 427 181 5.6205074 427 181 True Blue 8.2891398 424 180 True Blue 6.1144927 425 180 True Blue 10.120416 426 181 True Blue 5.6205074 427 181 True Blue 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Birds Nest 8.2891398 424 180 Birds Nest 6.1144927 425 180 Birds Nest 10.120416 426 181 Birds Nest 5.6205074 427 181 Birds Nest 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Chapel Creek 6.1144927 425 180 Chapel Creek 10.120416 426 181 Chapel Creek 5.6205074 427 181 Chapel Creek 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Cocuye Abajo 16.903624 69 178 Cocuye Abajo 29.536432 69 181 Cocuye Abajo 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Pawleys Island 8.2891398 424 180 Pawleys Island 6.1144927 425 180 Pawleys Island 10.120416 426 181 Pawleys Island 5.6205074 427 181 Pawleys Island 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Parkersville 6.1144927 425 180 Parkersville 10.120416 426 181 Parkersville 5.6205074 427 181 Parkersville 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Annieville 6.1144927 425 180 Annieville 10.120416 426 181 Annieville 5.6205074 427 181 Annieville 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 North Litchfield Beach 6.1144927 425 180 North Litchfield Beach 10.120416 426 181 North Litchfield Beach 5.6205074 427 181 North Litchfield Beach 7.0708018 428 182 North Litchfield Beach 8.7621194 428 183 North Litchfield Beach 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Piedra de Galera 19.359495 69 179 Piedra de Galera 29.536432 69 181 Piedra de Galera 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Huntington Marsh 10.120416 426 181 Huntington Marsh 5.6205074 427 181 Huntington Marsh 7.0708018 428 182 Huntington Marsh 8.7621194 428 183 Huntington Marsh 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Oak Hill 10.120416 426 181 Oak Hill 5.6205074 427 181 Oak Hill 7.0708018 428 182 Oak Hill 8.7621194 428 183 Oak Hill 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Tubuala 19.359495 69 179 Tubuala 29.536432 69 181 Tubuala 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Murrells Inlet 10.120416 426 181 Murrells Inlet 5.6205074 427 181 Murrells Inlet 7.0708018 428 182 Murrells Inlet 8.7621194 428 183 Murrells Inlet 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Inlet Harbor 10.120416 426 181 Inlet Harbor 5.6205074 427 181 Inlet Harbor 7.0708018 428 182 Inlet Harbor 8.7621194 428 183 Inlet Harbor 8.2369975 429 183 Inlet Harbor 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Mount Gilead 10.120416 426 181 Mount Gilead 5.6205074 427 181 Mount Gilead 7.0708018 428 182 Mount Gilead 8.7621194 428 183 Mount Gilead 8.2369975 429 183 Mount Gilead 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Garden City 5.6205074 427 181 Garden City 7.0708018 428 182 Garden City 8.7621194 428 183 Garden City 8.2369975 429 183 Garden City 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 El Porvenir 269.42136 70 180 El Porvenir 29.536432 69 181 El Porvenir 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Surfside Beach 5.6205074 427 181 Surfside Beach 7.0708018 428 182 Surfside Beach 8.7621194 428 183 Surfside Beach 8.2369975 429 183 Surfside Beach 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Deer Track Villas 5.6205074 427 181 Deer Track Villas 7.0708018 428 182 Deer Track Villas 8.7621194 428 183 Deer Track Villas 8.2369975 429 183 Deer Track Villas 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Crystal Lake 7.0708018 428 182 Crystal Lake 8.7621194 428 183 Crystal Lake 8.2369975 429 183 Crystal Lake 7.3830803 430 184 Crystal Lake 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Warsobtugua 29.536432 69 181 Warsobtugua 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Pebble Beach 7.0708018 428 182 Pebble Beach 8.7621194 428 183 Pebble Beach 8.2369975 429 183 Pebble Beach 7.3830803 430 184 Pebble Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Konig 7.0708018 428 182 Konig 8.7621194 428 183 Konig 8.2369975 429 183 Konig 7.3830803 430 184 Konig 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Myrtle Ridge 7.0708018 428 182 Myrtle Ridge 8.7621194 428 183 Myrtle Ridge 8.2369975 429 183 Myrtle Ridge 7.3830803 430 184 Myrtle Ridge 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Plantation Point 8.2369975 429 183 Plantation Point 7.3830803 430 184 Plantation Point 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Myrtle Beach 7.0708018 428 182 Myrtle Beach 8.7621194 428 183 Myrtle Beach 8.2369975 429 183 Myrtle Beach 7.3830803 430 184 Myrtle Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Holmes Rock 2.0002529 324 186 2.0002529 324 186 Ocean Forest 8.2369975 429 183 Ocean Forest 7.3830803 430 184 Ocean Forest 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Nusatupo 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Punta Alegre 4.1239268 261 183 4.1239268 261 183 Pueblo Punta Alegre 4.1239268 261 183 4.1239268 261 183 Arcadian Shores 8.2369975 429 183 Arcadian Shores 7.3830803 430 184 Arcadian Shores 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Southwest Point 2.0002529 324 186 2.0002529 324 186 Hawksbill 2.0002529 324 186 2.0002529 324 186 Briarcliffe Acres 7.3830803 430 184 Briarcliffe Acres 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Atlantic Beach 7.3830803 430 184 Atlantic Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Hunters 2.0002529 324 186 2.0002529 324 186 Ingram Beach 9.0103659 430 185 Ingram Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 North Myrtle Beach 9.0103659 430 185 North Myrtle Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Nixons Crossroads 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Freeport 2.0002529 324 186 2.0002529 324 186 Cherry Grove Beach 9.0103659 430 185 Cherry Grove Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Creekside 9.0103659 430 185 Creekside 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Little River 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Rio Azucar 9.8506003 67 185 Rio Azucar 15.436449 67 186 15.436449 67 186 Calabash 9.014328 431 186 Calabash 3.8765166 432 187 Calabash 7.9808039 432 188 7.9808039 432 188 Tupile 15.436449 67 186 15.436449 67 186 Shady Forest 9.9795043 431 187 Shady Forest 3.8765166 432 187 Shady Forest 7.9808039 432 188 Shady Forest 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Sunset Beach 9.9795043 431 187 Sunset Beach 3.8765166 432 187 Sunset Beach 7.9808039 432 188 Sunset Beach 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Sea Trail Plantation 9.9795043 431 187 Sea Trail Plantation 3.8765166 432 187 Sea Trail Plantation 7.9808039 432 188 Sea Trail Plantation 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Ticantiqui 6.9254791 67 188 6.9254791 67 188 Ocean Isle Beach 10.908987 431 188 Ocean Isle Beach 7.9808039 432 188 Ocean Isle Beach 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 El Socorro 12.878862 259 190 12.878862 259 190 Brick Landing 12.631848 431 189 Brick Landing 9.1957114 432 189 Brick Landing 10.718986 432 190 Brick Landing 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Aidirgandi 8.3977133 67 189 8.3977133 67 189 Monogram 10.718986 432 190 Monogram 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Holden Beach 13.756222 431 190 Holden Beach 10.718986 432 190 Holden Beach 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Secession 11.085917 432 191 Secession 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Varnamtown 11.085917 432 191 Varnamtown 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Playon Chico 6.1332093 66 192 Playon Chico 15.963179 66 193 15.963179 66 193 Little London 53.579931 198 196 53.579931 198 196 San Ignacio de Tupile 15.963179 66 193 15.963179 66 193 Long Beach 14.110766 432 193 Long Beach 9.7318988 433 193 9.7318988 433 193 Savanna la Mar 53.579931 198 196 53.579931 198 196 Saint James 14.110766 432 193 Saint James 9.7318988 433 193 9.7318988 433 193 Yaupon Beach 15.099446 431 194 Yaupon Beach 14.891147 432 194 Yaupon Beach 9.8604956 433 194 9.8604956 433 194 Caswell Beach 15.099446 431 194 Caswell Beach 14.891147 432 194 Caswell Beach 9.8604956 433 194 9.8604956 433 194 Coolvale 14.891147 432 194 Coolvale 9.8604956 433 194 9.8604956 433 194 Fort Caswell 14.224396 431 195 Fort Caswell 14.633023 432 195 Fort Caswell 10.77266 433 195 10.77266 433 195 Southport 14.633023 432 195 Southport 10.77266 433 195 10.77266 433 195 Bald Head Island 14.224396 431 195 Bald Head Island 14.633023 432 195 Bald Head Island 10.77266 433 195 10.77266 433 195 Wakitupu 39.161279 65 195 Wakitupu 70.426236 65 196 Wakitupu 117.66997 64 198 117.66997 64 198 Hermanos Fernandez 41.91291 255 198 Hermanos Fernandez 66.544695 254 199 66.544695 254 199 Old Town 11.286575 435 199 Old Town 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Kendall Chapel 13.064441 434 199 Kendall Chapel 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Ustupo 104.23505 64 197 Ustupo 117.66997 64 198 117.66997 64 198 Sheephead Rock 13.605145 432 196 Sheephead Rock 6.0349515 433 196 6.0349515 433 196 Montego Bay 12.461232 203 200 12.461232 203 200 Silver Lake 11.286575 435 199 Silver Lake 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Kure Beach 6.0349515 433 196 6.0349515 433 196 Carolina Beach 6.0349515 433 196 6.0349515 433 196 Winter Park 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Myrtle Sound 13.064441 434 199 Myrtle Sound 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Myrtle Grove 11.286575 435 199 Myrtle Grove 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Masonboro 11.286575 435 199 Masonboro 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Black River 18.214313 193 197 Black River 320.79128 194 197 Black River 34.985531 194 198 Black River 7.9664283 195 198 Black River 26.821031 194 199 26.821031 194 199 Windemere 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Seagate 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Crown Haven 18.678589 327 201 Crown Haven 2.3466465 328 201 Crown Haven 8.6812275 327 202 8.6812275 327 202 Mansukum 68.940863 62 199 Mansukum 61.846233 62 200 Mansukum 12.929873 60 201 12.929873 60 201 Napakanti 68.940863 62 199 Napakanti 61.846233 62 200 Napakanti 12.929873 60 201 12.929873 60 201 Fox Town 18.678589 327 201 Fox Town 2.3466465 328 201 Fox Town 8.6812275 327 202 8.6812275 327 202 Ogden 13.825602 437 200 Ogden 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Wrightsville Beach 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Bayshore 13.825602 437 200 Bayshore 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Mamimulo 68.940863 62 199 Mamimulo 61.846233 62 200 Mamimulo 12.929873 60 201 12.929873 60 201 Mulatupo Sasardi 12.929873 60 201 12.929873 60 201 Palmacity 66.544695 254 199 66.544695 254 199 Hampstead 13.714928 438 201 Hampstead 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Coetupo 12.929873 60 201 12.929873 60 201 Southfield 470.19515 191 200 Southfield 11.626763 193 200 Southfield 117.66938 192 201 Southfield 45.373573 192 202 Southfield 26.564949 192 203 Southfield 61.494331 191 204 61.494331 191 204 Falmouth 12.461232 203 200 12.461232 203 200 Cedar Harbor 18.678589 327 201 Cedar Harbor 2.3466465 328 201 Cedar Harbor 8.6812275 327 202 Cedar Harbor 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 Kings Landing 13.714928 438 201 Kings Landing 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Puerto Escoces 118.52653 59 202 Puerto Escoces 126.3677 58 203 Puerto Escoces 33.691666 57 204 33.691666 57 204 Versailles 105.37316 253 200 Versailles 2.000571 257 200 Versailles 2.2884815 256 201 2.2884815 256 201 Sukunya 118.52653 59 202 Sukunya 126.3677 58 203 Sukunya 33.691666 57 204 33.691666 57 204 Topsail Beach 13.714928 438 201 Topsail Beach 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Sloop Point 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Barlowes 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Carreto 118.52653 59 202 Carreto 126.3677 58 203 Carreto 33.691666 57 204 33.691666 57 204 Alligator Pond 103.64158 191 202 Alligator Pond 45.373573 192 202 Alligator Pond 26.564949 192 203 Alligator Pond 61.494331 191 204 Alligator Pond 142.17964 192 205 142.17964 192 205 Surf City 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Columbia 2.2763855 252 203 2.2763855 252 203 Pito 33.691666 57 204 33.691666 57 204 Cooper's Town 7.9335216 326 202 Cooper's Town 8.6812275 327 202 Cooper's Town 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 Ocean City Beach 12.571372 440 203 12.571372 440 203 Thomas Landing 12.571372 440 203 12.571372 440 203 Armila 33.691666 57 204 33.691666 57 204 Norman Castle 3.9043984 326 203 Norman Castle 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 Blackwood Village 3.9043984 326 203 Blackwood Village 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 North Topsail Beach 12.571372 440 203 12.571372 440 203 Sneads Ferry 10.251574 441 204 Sneads Ferry 13.066398 441 205 Sneads Ferry 9.6800401 442 206 Sneads Ferry 14.782325 441 207 Sneads Ferry 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Chadwick Acres 10.251574 441 204 Chadwick Acres 13.066398 441 205 Chadwick Acres 9.6800401 442 206 Chadwick Acres 14.782325 441 207 Chadwick Acres 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Sapzurro 63.829624 56 205 63.829624 56 205 Nassau 2.0255695 301 208 2.0255695 301 208 Capitan 63.829624 56 205 63.829624 56 205 Pilon 3381.2238 221 207 Pilon 1288.5259 222 207 Pilon 3836.0167 221 208 Pilon 1572.9513 222 208 Pilon 4650.9175 221 209 Pilon 2477.6056 222 209 2477.6056 222 209 Pino Roa 63.829624 56 205 63.829624 56 205 Duck Creek 9.6800401 442 206 Duck Creek 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Acandi 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 San Jeronimo 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 Alley 220.97513 191 206 Alley 167.65228 192 206 Alley 13.410833 190 210 Alley 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 Willis Landing 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 La Marca del Portillo 1288.5259 222 207 La Marca del Portillo 1572.9513 222 208 La Marca del Portillo 2477.6056 222 209 La Marca del Portillo 2659.7541 222 210 La Marca del Portillo 2691.4413 222 211 2691.4413 222 211 Bear Creek 9.0604295 443 208 9.0604295 443 208 Brazalitta 195.73604 191 207 Brazalitta 13.410833 190 210 Brazalitta 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 La Goleta 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 Swansboro 9.0604295 443 208 9.0604295 443 208 Mahoe Gardens 69.622109 191 208 Mahoe Gardens 27.077771 190 209 Mahoe Gardens 13.410833 190 210 Mahoe Gardens 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 Trigana 42.209894 53 209 Trigana 42.096186 52 210 42.096186 52 210 Old Harbor 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 Villa Claret 42.096186 52 210 Villa Claret 33.949703 49 213 33.949703 49 213 Titumate 42.096186 52 210 Titumate 33.949703 49 213 33.949703 49 213 Bucks Corner 13.234873 444 210 Bucks Corner 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 La Gloria 30.202015 51 211 La Gloria 8.5102281 47 213 8.5102281 47 213 Cedar Point 14.189225 443 209 Cedar Point 13.234873 444 210 Cedar Point 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Cape Carteret 14.189225 443 209 Cape Carteret 13.234873 444 210 Cape Carteret 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Bogue 14.189225 443 209 Bogue 13.234873 444 210 Bogue 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Santa Maria La Antigua 40.529822 50 212 Santa Maria La Antigua 8.5102281 47 213 8.5102281 47 213 Emerald Isle 14.189225 443 209 Emerald Isle 13.234873 444 210 Emerald Isle 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Ocean 14.864039 443 210 Ocean 13.234873 444 210 Ocean 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Indian Beach 14.864039 443 210 Indian Beach 13.234873 444 210 Indian Beach 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Broad Creek 13.970374 444 211 Broad Creek 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Pueblo Nuevo 57.06412 52 212 Pueblo Nuevo 58.623814 53 212 Pueblo Nuevo 48.475926 52 213 Pueblo Nuevo 9.1218529 54 213 Pueblo Nuevo 24.112698 52 214 Pueblo Nuevo 6.2087929 55 214 Pueblo Nuevo 2.5160899 55 215 2.5160899 55 215 Salter Path 15.996314 443 212 Salter Path 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Cuevas del Turquino 2421.3225 222 212 Cuevas del Turquino 3132.2462 222 213 Cuevas del Turquino 3403.651 222 214 Cuevas del Turquino 3972.5201 222 215 3972.5201 222 215 Puerto Barrios 8.5102281 47 213 Puerto Barrios 12.046895 44 214 12.046895 44 214 Port Royal 4.9861134 192 212 4.9861134 192 212 Wildwood 14.974195 444 213 Wildwood 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Pine Knoll Shores 18.089114 443 213 Pine Knoll Shores 14.974195 444 213 Pine Knoll Shores 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Hollywood 14.974195 444 213 Hollywood 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Kingston 5.2783928 194 214 5.2783928 194 214 Necocli 33.949703 49 213 Necocli 16.62471 49 215 16.62471 49 215 Caiman Viejo 33.949703 49 213 Caiman Viejo 29.298747 48 214 29.298747 48 214 Tie 29.298747 48 214 Tie 17.998245 46 215 17.998245 46 215 Bachelor 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Corral de Rio 3403.651 222 214 Corral de Rio 3972.5201 222 215 3972.5201 222 215 Punta de Piedra 29.298747 48 214 Punta de Piedra 17.998245 46 215 17.998245 46 215 El Tatumo 29.298747 48 214 29.298747 48 214 Carolina City 15.692898 444 214 Carolina City 5.703813 445 214 Carolina City 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Atlantic Beach 17.872676 443 214 Atlantic Beach 15.692898 444 214 Atlantic Beach 5.703813 445 214 Atlantic Beach 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Puerto Cesar 12.046895 44 214 12.046895 44 214 Turbo 12.046895 44 214 12.046895 44 214 Crab Point Village 15.692898 444 214 Crab Point Village 5.703813 445 214 Crab Point Village 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Mulatos 24.112698 52 214 Mulatos 6.2087929 55 214 Mulatos 2.5160899 55 215 2.5160899 55 215 Beaufort 14.949938 444 215 Beaufort 13.100931 445 215 Beaufort 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Morehead City 18.815585 443 215 Morehead City 14.949938 444 215 Morehead City 13.100931 445 215 Morehead City 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Zepata 2.5160899 55 215 2.5160899 55 215 Lenoxville 18.077681 443 216 Lenoxville 14.892269 444 216 Lenoxville 12.392884 445 216 Lenoxville 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Damaquiel 8.4858378 55 216 8.4858378 55 216 Straits 14.892269 444 216 Straits 12.392884 445 216 Straits 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Harkers Island 17.674028 443 217 Harkers Island 16.037305 444 217 Harkers Island 2.4181467 445 218 Harkers Island 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Otway 16.037305 444 217 Otway 2.4181467 445 218 Otway 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Gloucester 16.037305 444 217 Gloucester 2.4181467 445 218 Gloucester 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Cape Lookout 20.337993 442 217 Cape Lookout 17.674028 443 217 Cape Lookout 16.037305 444 217 Cape Lookout 2.4181467 445 218 Cape Lookout 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Smyrna 16.037305 444 217 Smyrna 2.4181467 445 218 Smyrna 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 San Juan 9.1287591 56 217 San Juan 22.441774 57 217 San Juan 11.023467 57 219 11.023467 57 219 San Juan de Uraba 9.1287591 56 217 San Juan de Uraba 22.441774 57 217 San Juan de Uraba 11.023467 57 219 11.023467 57 219 Marshallberg 16.037305 444 217 Marshallberg 2.4181467 445 218 Marshallberg 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Williston 2.4181467 445 218 Williston 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Davis 2.4181467 445 218 Davis 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Arboletes 11.023467 57 219 Arboletes 9.2793372 60 222 9.2793372 60 222 Chivirico 4572.0473 222 219 Chivirico 2364.9331 223 220 2364.9331 223 220 Los Cordobas 11.023467 57 219 Los Cordobas 9.2793372 60 222 9.2793372 60 222 Puerto Escondido 6.6216784 59 221 Puerto Escondido 9.2793372 60 222 Puerto Escondido 9.1263947 61 223 Puerto Escondido 4.9858321 62 224 4.9858321 62 224 San Jose 6.6216784 59 221 San Jose 9.2793372 60 222 San Jose 9.1263947 61 223 San Jose 4.9858321 62 224 4.9858321 62 224 Puerto Escondito 6.6216784 59 221 Puerto Escondito 9.2793372 60 222 Puerto Escondito 9.1263947 61 223 Puerto Escondito 4.9858321 62 224 4.9858321 62 224 Cristo Rey 9.2793372 60 222 Cristo Rey 9.1263947 61 223 Cristo Rey 4.9858321 62 224 Cristo Rey 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Caserio Puerto Limon 40.009 64 222 Caserio Puerto Limon 35.914618 64 223 Caserio Puerto Limon 15.417482 64 224 Caserio Puerto Limon 7.9533372 64 225 Caserio Puerto Limon 10.590046 65 225 10.590046 65 225 Rio Cedro 9.2793372 60 222 Rio Cedro 9.1263947 61 223 Rio Cedro 4.9858321 62 224 Rio Cedro 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Santander de la Cruz 13.001937 61 222 Santander de la Cruz 36.88924 63 222 Santander de la Cruz 9.1263947 61 223 Santander de la Cruz 4.9858321 62 224 Santander de la Cruz 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Providencia 13.001937 61 222 Providencia 36.88924 63 222 Providencia 9.1263947 61 223 Providencia 4.9858321 62 224 Providencia 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Broqueles 13.001937 61 222 Broqueles 36.88924 63 222 Broqueles 9.1263947 61 223 Broqueles 4.9858321 62 224 Broqueles 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Monitos 16.12616 62 223 Monitos 20.042577 63 223 Monitos 4.9858321 62 224 Monitos 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Pueblito 16.12616 62 223 Pueblito 20.042577 63 223 Pueblito 4.9858321 62 224 Pueblito 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Notecebes 16.12616 62 223 Notecebes 20.042577 63 223 Notecebes 4.9858321 62 224 Notecebes 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 La Rada 16.12616 62 223 La Rada 20.042577 63 223 La Rada 4.9858321 62 224 La Rada 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Lynnwood 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Paso Nuevo 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Lynnhaven Shores 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Forest Hills 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Bay Island 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Back Bay 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Creeds 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Linkhorn 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Alexander 4.8745324 281 227 4.8745324 281 227 Alanton 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Pungo 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Currituck 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Atlantic Park 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Maple 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Dawley Corners 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Dam Neck Corner 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Public Landing 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Campbells Landing 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Rolleville 4.8745324 281 227 4.8745324 281 227 Sigma 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Cavalier Park 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Quejimbra 7.9533372 64 225 Quejimbra 10.590046 65 225 10.590046 65 225 Hill Landing 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Chiqui 7.9533372 64 225 Chiqui 10.590046 65 225 10.590046 65 225 Barco 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Cielo Azul 7.9533372 64 225 Cielo Azul 10.590046 65 225 10.590046 65 225 Virginia Beach 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Corys 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 San Bernardo 13.692764 66 226 San Bernardo 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Coinjock 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Stevenston 4.8745324 281 227 4.8745324 281 227 Sandbridge Beach 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Waterlilly 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Knotts Island 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Bertha 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Aydlett 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Poplar Branch 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 False Cape Landing 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Grandy 7.0914813 470 230 Grandy 12.905114 468 231 Grandy 11.123847 470 231 11.123847 470 231 Cinco Reales 4014.3057 223 227 Cinco Reales 3042.5838 223 228 Cinco Reales 2793.0083 223 229 Cinco Reales 2544.8324 223 230 2544.8324 223 230 Jarvisburg 7.0914813 470 230 Jarvisburg 12.905114 468 231 Jarvisburg 11.123847 470 231 11.123847 470 231 El Islote 52.08717 70 227 El Islote 28.427212 70 230 El Islote 24.391765 72 230 El Islote 21.593164 70 231 21.593164 70 231 Antonio Macea 4014.3057 223 227 Antonio Macea 3042.5838 223 228 Antonio Macea 2793.0083 223 229 Antonio Macea 2544.8324 223 230 2544.8324 223 230 Powells Point 12.905114 468 231 12.905114 468 231 Moss Town 2.275248 278 230 2.275248 278 230 Mamie 12.905114 468 231 12.905114 468 231 Corolla 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Santiago de Cuba 4014.3057 223 227 Santiago de Cuba 3042.5838 223 228 Santiago de Cuba 2793.0083 223 229 Santiago de Cuba 2544.8324 223 230 2544.8324 223 230 Mashoes 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Harbinger 12.905114 468 231 Harbinger 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Point Harbor 12.905114 468 231 Point Harbor 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 George Town 2.275248 278 230 2.275248 278 230 Santa Catalina 8.3040277 67 228 Santa Catalina 24.129931 67 230 Santa Catalina 19.642305 67 231 Santa Catalina 14.797166 67 232 14.797166 67 232 Caffys Inlet Hamlet 7.0914813 470 230 Caffys Inlet Hamlet 12.905114 468 231 Caffys Inlet Hamlet 11.123847 470 231 Caffys Inlet Hamlet 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 San Antero 28.436875 67 229 San Antero 24.129931 67 230 San Antero 19.642305 67 231 San Antero 14.797166 67 232 San Antero 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Bayberry Bluffs 12.905114 468 231 Bayberry Bluffs 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Hargraves Bench 12.905114 468 231 Hargraves Bench 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Duncan Town 5.4755339 258 229 Duncan Town 3.8104477 259 229 Duncan Town 15.052011 260 229 15.052011 260 229 Southern Shores 12.905114 468 231 Southern Shores 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Bijadito 28.436875 67 229 Bijadito 24.129931 67 230 Bijadito 19.642305 67 231 Bijadito 14.797166 67 232 Bijadito 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Colington 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 El Penon 28.436875 67 229 El Penon 24.129931 67 230 El Penon 19.642305 67 231 El Penon 14.797166 67 232 El Penon 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Fort Raleigh City 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Puerto Siboney 2450.2395 222 229 Puerto Siboney 2793.0083 223 229 Puerto Siboney 2544.8324 223 230 Puerto Siboney 2917.6017 222 231 Puerto Siboney 2912.4382 222 232 Puerto Siboney 2509.5829 222 233 2509.5829 222 233 El Porvenir 28.436875 67 229 El Porvenir 24.129931 67 230 El Porvenir 19.642305 67 231 El Porvenir 14.797166 67 232 El Porvenir 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 El Bobo 28.436875 67 229 El Bobo 24.129931 67 230 El Bobo 19.642305 67 231 El Bobo 14.797166 67 232 El Bobo 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Kitty Hawk 12.905114 468 231 Kitty Hawk 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Forbes Hill 2.275248 278 230 2.275248 278 230 Covenas 28.436875 67 229 Covenas 24.129931 67 230 Covenas 19.642305 67 231 Covenas 14.797166 67 232 Covenas 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Baru 90.276263 75 230 Baru 83.569038 76 230 Baru 50.949596 75 231 Baru 5.6903472 77 231 Baru 59.734206 75 232 Baru 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Covenitas 24.129931 67 230 Covenitas 19.642305 67 231 Covenitas 14.797166 67 232 Covenitas 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Guayabal 24.129931 67 230 Guayabal 19.642305 67 231 Guayabal 14.797166 67 232 Guayabal 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Punta Seca 24.129931 67 230 Punta Seca 19.642305 67 231 Punta Seca 14.797166 67 232 Punta Seca 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Mother Vineyard 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Kill Devil Hills 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Croatan Shores 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Rincon 35.290722 69 230 Rincon 29.944823 69 231 Rincon 21.593164 70 231 Rincon 22.958312 69 232 Rincon 13.567565 70 232 Rincon 11.872711 69 233 11.872711 69 233 Hacienda Petalaca 24.129931 67 230 Hacienda Petalaca 19.642305 67 231 Hacienda Petalaca 14.797166 67 232 Hacienda Petalaca 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Nags Head 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Pendales 5.6903472 77 231 Pendales 6.699567 77 232 Pendales 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Porto Nao 5.6903472 77 231 Porto Nao 6.699567 77 232 Porto Nao 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Majagual 10.003052 71 231 Majagual 11.381217 72 232 11.381217 72 232 Whalebone 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Hiqueron 21.593164 70 231 Hiqueron 13.567565 70 232 13.567565 70 232 Puerto Viejo 19.642305 67 231 Puerto Viejo 14.797166 67 232 Puerto Viejo 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Zaragocilla 29.736569 68 231 Zaragocilla 21.762318 68 232 Zaragocilla 13.567565 70 232 Zaragocilla 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Montemar 21.593164 70 231 Montemar 13.567565 70 232 13.567565 70 232 Libertad 10.003052 71 231 Libertad 11.381217 72 232 11.381217 72 232 Polonia 5.6903472 77 231 Polonia 6.699567 77 232 Polonia 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Melilla 2.7486037 237 231 2.7486037 237 231 La Bulla 21.593164 70 231 La Bulla 13.567565 70 232 13.567565 70 232 Tierra Bomba 122.29773 79 231 Tierra Bomba 138.42583 80 231 Tierra Bomba 23.895681 80 233 Tierra Bomba 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Cenicita 37.969855 72 231 Cenicita 11.381217 72 232 11.381217 72 232 Tolu 19.642305 67 231 Tolu 14.797166 67 232 Tolu 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Santa Ana 6.699567 77 232 Santa Ana 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Ararca 6.699567 77 232 Ararca 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Mompos 11.381217 72 232 11.381217 72 232 Cano de Loro 47.988966 78 232 Cano de Loro 2.8312214 78 234 Cano de Loro 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 La Barces 32.255608 73 232 La Barces 38.957372 74 232 La Barces 59.734206 75 232 La Barces 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Labarce 32.255608 73 232 Labarce 38.957372 74 232 Labarce 59.734206 75 232 Labarce 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Santa Maria 21.762318 68 232 Santa Maria 13.567565 70 232 Santa Maria 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Cartagena 84.630361 79 232 Cartagena 23.895681 80 233 Cartagena 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Pasacaballo 6.699567 77 232 Pasacaballo 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Piedrecitas 37.681091 76 232 Piedrecitas 6.699567 77 232 Piedrecitas 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Faro 86.110065 81 232 Faro 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Leticia 37.681091 76 232 Leticia 6.699567 77 232 Leticia 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Sigua 2461.9112 221 232 Sigua 2912.4382 222 232 Sigua 2374.4308 221 233 Sigua 2269.7504 221 234 Sigua 2334.7844 222 234 Sigua 2263.7335 222 235 2263.7335 222 235 Caserio El Cobado 59.734206 75 232 Caserio El Cobado 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Manzanillo del Mar 86.110065 81 232 Manzanillo del Mar 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Manzanillo 86.110065 81 232 Manzanillo 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Cobado 9.8279381 75 233 Cobado 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Puerto Cospique 23.895681 80 233 Puerto Cospique 2.8312214 78 234 Puerto Cospique 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Puerto Tierrabaja 23.895681 80 233 Puerto Tierrabaja 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Arroyo de Piedra 18.581051 82 233 Arroyo de Piedra 214.28992 83 233 Arroyo de Piedra 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Hierbabuena 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Las Canoas 9.948111 83 234 Las Canoas 6.014659 86 237 6.014659 86 237 Barrederas 47.673634 236 236 47.673634 236 236 El Palmar 47.673634 236 236 47.673634 236 236 Arroyo Grande 7.627628 84 235 Arroyo Grande 6.014659 86 237 6.014659 86 237 Palmarito 7.627628 84 235 Palmarito 6.014659 86 237 6.014659 86 237 Cairano 13.632357 86 236 Cairano 6.014659 86 237 Cairano 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Loma de Arena 13.632357 86 236 Loma de Arena 6.014659 86 237 Loma de Arena 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Galerazamba 13.632357 86 236 Galerazamba 45.525635 89 236 Galerazamba 6.014659 86 237 Galerazamba 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Helenita 13.632357 86 236 Helenita 6.014659 86 237 Helenita 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Las Tres Marias 13.632357 86 236 Las Tres Marias 6.014659 86 237 Las Tres Marias 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Boca Tocino 6.014659 86 237 Boca Tocino 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 San Vicente 2.8402898 87 238 San Vicente 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 San Diego 2.8402898 87 238 San Diego 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Hacienda Manates 2.8402898 87 238 Hacienda Manates 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Boqueron 946.75457 223 238 946.75457 223 238 Salina del Rey 2.8402898 87 238 Salina del Rey 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Salina de Rey 2.8402898 87 238 Salina de Rey 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Puerto Caiman 9.8977952 88 239 Puerto Caiman 343.94587 91 239 Puerto Caiman 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Puerto Colombia 10.359974 89 241 Puerto Colombia 738.1399 92 241 Puerto Colombia 181.27283 91 242 Puerto Colombia 9.959075 91 243 Puerto Colombia 159.09957 92 245 159.09957 92 245 Puerto Salgar 10.359974 89 241 Puerto Salgar 738.1399 92 241 Puerto Salgar 181.27283 91 242 Puerto Salgar 9.959075 91 243 Puerto Salgar 159.09957 92 245 159.09957 92 245 Maizal 10.359974 89 241 Maizal 738.1399 92 241 Maizal 1061.0129 93 241 Maizal 181.27283 91 242 Maizal 768.7809 93 242 Maizal 9.959075 91 243 Maizal 159.09957 92 245 159.09957 92 245 La Playa 5.9651661 90 242 La Playa 181.27283 91 242 La Playa 9.959075 91 243 La Playa 159.09957 92 245 159.09957 92 245 Cementos Caribe 5.9651661 90 242 Cementos Caribe 181.27283 91 242 Cementos Caribe 9.959075 91 243 Cementos Caribe 159.09957 92 245 159.09957 92 245 San Antonio del Sur 667.55463 224 243 San Antonio del Sur 1402.8237 224 244 San Antonio del Sur 1851.4407 224 245 San Antonio del Sur 1964.1124 224 246 1964.1124 224 246 Los Ladrones 76.124122 92 244 Los Ladrones 159.09957 92 245 Los Ladrones 14.193674 91 247 14.193674 91 247 Imias 1851.4407 224 245 Imias 1964.1124 224 246 1964.1124 224 246 La Guardia 159.09957 92 245 La Guardia 14.193674 91 247 La Guardia 4.3724586 90 249 4.3724586 90 249 Cayo Guin 1350.7065 233 250 1350.7065 233 250 Paso de Toa 1350.7065 233 250 Paso de Toa 709.12598 231 251 709.12598 231 251 Baracoa 709.12598 231 251 709.12598 231 251 Cajo Babo 2106.1765 224 248 Cajo Babo 1086.8595 225 248 1086.8595 225 248 Hacienda Barravieja 155.89803 91 248 Hacienda Barravieja 4.3724586 90 249 4.3724586 90 249 Mata 709.12598 231 251 Mata 826.16586 231 252 Mata 458.96077 230 253 458.96077 230 253 Jauco 1794.2235 224 250 Jauco 918.64863 225 250 918.64863 225 250 Puebloviejo 25.603112 88 250 Puebloviejo 61.551574 89 250 Puebloviejo 8.9001063 90 250 8.9001063 90 250 Tasajera 25.603112 88 250 Tasajera 61.551574 89 250 Tasajera 8.9001063 90 250 8.9001063 90 250 Palmira 25.603112 88 250 Palmira 61.551574 89 250 Palmira 8.9001063 90 250 8.9001063 90 250 Isla del Rosario 25.603112 88 250 Isla del Rosario 61.551574 89 250 Isla del Rosario 8.9001063 90 250 8.9001063 90 250 Montecristo 975.59047 225 251 Montecristo 638.96277 225 253 Montecristo 116.27685 229 255 116.27685 229 255 Sabana 709.12598 231 251 Sabana 826.16586 231 252 Sabana 458.96077 230 253 Sabana 116.27685 229 255 116.27685 229 255 Cienaga 78.129696 88 251 Cienaga 237.19685 89 251 237.19685 89 251 Hacienda Papare 247.97584 89 252 247.97584 89 252 Gaira 9.3568447 91 252 9.3568447 91 252 La Elisa 12.371773 88 252 La Elisa 247.97584 89 252 247.97584 89 252 Bavaria 9.3568447 91 252 9.3568447 91 252 Taganga 191.43947 92 252 Taganga 24.637543 92 253 24.637543 92 253 Santa Marta 191.43947 92 252 Santa Marta 24.637543 92 253 24.637543 92 253 Mamatoco 9.3568447 91 252 9.3568447 91 252 Maisi 458.96077 230 253 Maisi 116.27685 229 255 116.27685 229 255 Balneario de Villa Concha 24.637543 92 253 24.637543 92 253 Neguanje 63.659507 95 254 Neguanje 57.314625 95 255 Neguanje 682.69662 97 258 682.69662 97 258 El Coquito 379.26758 96 256 El Coquito 833.61077 97 256 El Coquito 603.95258 97 257 El Coquito 682.69662 97 258 El Coquito 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 La Esmeralda 379.26758 96 256 La Esmeralda 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Canaveral 379.26758 96 256 Canaveral 833.61077 97 256 Canaveral 603.95258 97 257 Canaveral 682.69662 97 258 Canaveral 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Port Salut 10.877251 197 260 10.877251 197 260 Los Naranjos 379.26758 96 256 Los Naranjos 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Mata de Platano 258.0576 96 257 Mata de Platano 295.33559 96 258 Mata de Platano 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 La Poza 258.0576 96 257 La Poza 295.33559 96 258 La Poza 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Hacienda la Beatriz 258.0576 96 257 Hacienda la Beatriz 295.33559 96 258 Hacienda la Beatriz 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Guschaca 258.0576 96 257 Guschaca 295.33559 96 258 Guschaca 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Saint-Jean 10.877251 197 260 10.877251 197 260 Carrefour Meridien 10.877251 197 260 10.877251 197 260 Buritaca 295.33559 96 258 Buritaca 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Les Cayes 10.877251 197 260 Les Cayes 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Cacoq 10.877251 197 260 Cacoq 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Don Diego 74.364408 95 260 Don Diego 400.64643 94 261 Don Diego 142.29047 95 261 Don Diego 87.155123 95 262 Don Diego 159.29505 94 263 Don Diego 24.385556 95 263 Don Diego 67.943071 95 264 67.943071 95 264 Matthew Town 638.79069 237 260 Matthew Town 310.64624 237 262 Matthew Town 303.12515 237 263 Matthew Town 291.26377 238 263 Matthew Town 44.084967 239 263 Matthew Town 45.59939 239 264 45.59939 239 264 Cavaillon 10.877251 197 260 Cavaillon 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Calabolo 400.64643 94 261 Calabolo 142.29047 95 261 Calabolo 400.71675 96 261 Calabolo 87.155123 95 262 Calabolo 159.29505 94 263 Calabolo 24.385556 95 263 Calabolo 67.943071 95 264 Calabolo 12.735116 94 265 Calabolo 57.495786 95 265 57.495786 95 265 Ile a Vache 8.394522 197 261 Ile a Vache 7.5094507 197 262 Ile a Vache 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Saint-Louis-du-Sud 7.5094507 197 262 Saint-Louis-du-Sud 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Nevamar 349.46331 94 262 Nevamar 87.155123 95 262 Nevamar 159.29505 94 263 Nevamar 24.385556 95 263 Nevamar 67.943071 95 264 Nevamar 12.735116 94 265 Nevamar 57.495786 95 265 Nevamar 21.410667 94 266 Nevamar 29.777138 95 266 29.777138 95 266 Fatgunt 1774.4007 219 263 Fatgunt 2040.9486 220 263 Fatgunt 1703.1147 221 263 Fatgunt 1750.1013 222 263 Fatgunt 1618.7709 223 263 1618.7709 223 263 Rio Canas 12.944257 94 264 Rio Canas 67.943071 95 264 Rio Canas 12.735116 94 265 Rio Canas 57.495786 95 265 Rio Canas 21.410667 94 266 Rio Canas 29.777138 95 266 Rio Canas 14.786739 95 267 Rio Canas 30.310829 96 267 Rio Canas 7.9024078 95 268 7.9024078 95 268 Aquin 287.16212 197 264 Aquin 23.579482 198 266 Aquin 8.9181757 198 267 Aquin 14.448615 198 268 14.448615 198 268 La Plateforme 1757.75 218 264 La Plateforme 1792.1742 219 264 La Plateforme 1247.2403 220 264 La Plateforme 1122.811 221 264 1122.811 221 264 Olga 12.944257 94 264 Olga 67.943071 95 264 Olga 12.735116 94 265 Olga 57.495786 95 265 Olga 21.410667 94 266 Olga 29.777138 95 266 Olga 14.786739 95 267 Olga 30.310829 96 267 Olga 7.9024078 95 268 7.9024078 95 268 Mole-Saint-Nicolas 1247.2403 220 264 Mole-Saint-Nicolas 1122.811 221 264 Mole-Saint-Nicolas 1435.6189 222 264 Mole-Saint-Nicolas 1371.4315 223 264 Mole-Saint-Nicolas 2718.2249 224 264 2718.2249 224 264 Quartier 357.22205 197 265 Quartier 23.579482 198 266 Quartier 8.9181757 198 267 Quartier 14.448615 198 268 Quartier 595.75825 197 269 Quartier 3.4116067 198 269 3.4116067 198 269 La Victoria 12.735116 94 265 La Victoria 57.495786 95 265 La Victoria 21.410667 94 266 La Victoria 29.777138 95 266 La Victoria 14.786739 95 267 La Victoria 30.310829 96 267 La Victoria 7.9024078 95 268 7.9024078 95 268 Dibulla 12.735116 94 265 Dibulla 57.495786 95 265 Dibulla 21.410667 94 266 Dibulla 29.777138 95 266 Dibulla 14.786739 95 267 Dibulla 30.310829 96 267 Dibulla 7.9024078 95 268 7.9024078 95 268 Coquille 585.38096 196 266 Coquille 539.11279 197 266 Coquille 23.579482 198 266 Coquille 8.9181757 198 267 Coquille 14.448615 198 268 Coquille 1313.83 196 269 Coquille 595.75825 197 269 Coquille 3.4116067 198 269 Coquille 1563.4994 196 270 Coquille 450.83874 197 270 450.83874 197 270 La Enea 14.786739 95 267 La Enea 30.310829 96 267 La Enea 7.9024078 95 268 7.9024078 95 268 Almacenes 1396.3775 224 267 Almacenes 1463.5263 225 267 Almacenes 1492.7785 225 268 Almacenes 1133.6552 225 270 1133.6552 225 270 Jean Rabel 1396.3775 224 267 Jean Rabel 1463.5263 225 267 Jean Rabel 1492.7785 225 268 Jean Rabel 1133.6552 225 270 1133.6552 225 270 Trou Louis 1118.3367 205 271 1118.3367 205 271 Punta Guamachito 7.9024078 95 268 7.9024078 95 268 Laborieux 1302.429 196 268 Laborieux 779.45728 197 268 Laborieux 14.448615 198 268 Laborieux 1313.83 196 269 Laborieux 595.75825 197 269 Laborieux 3.4116067 198 269 Laborieux 1563.4994 196 270 Laborieux 450.83874 197 270 Laborieux 1580.8756 196 271 Laborieux 351.6534 197 271 Laborieux 424.97611 197 272 424.97611 197 272 Miragoane 1563.0716 203 273 1563.0716 203 273 Trou des Hommes 1118.3367 205 271 Trou des Hommes 1191.2433 205 272 Trou des Hommes 1010.9087 205 273 1010.9087 205 273 La Cayenne 1315.0662 211 273 1315.0662 211 273 Camarones 6.8485811 96 269 Camarones 6.8908947 97 271 6.8908947 97 271 Nan Boeuf 1118.3367 205 271 Nan Boeuf 1696.8476 204 272 Nan Boeuf 1191.2433 205 272 Nan Boeuf 1580.4378 204 273 Nan Boeuf 1217.5063 204 274 1217.5063 204 274 La Gloria 6.9454255 97 270 La Gloria 10.011052 98 270 La Gloria 11.099076 99 270 La Gloria 6.8908947 97 271 La Gloria 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Cote de Fer 1563.4994 196 270 Cote de Fer 450.83874 197 270 Cote de Fer 1580.8756 196 271 Cote de Fer 351.6534 197 271 Cote de Fer 424.97611 197 272 424.97611 197 272 El Horno 6.9454255 97 270 El Horno 10.011052 98 270 El Horno 11.099076 99 270 El Horno 6.8908947 97 271 El Horno 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Etroits 1246.6107 209 274 Etroits 898.45999 210 274 Etroits 1048.9206 208 275 Etroits 833.77492 209 275 833.77492 209 275 Nan-Mangot 1118.3367 205 271 Nan-Mangot 1191.2433 205 272 Nan-Mangot 1010.9087 205 273 Nan-Mangot 449.93162 205 274 Nan-Mangot 9.1268625 205 275 9.1268625 205 275 Riohacha 6.8908947 97 271 Riohacha 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Petit-Goave 1563.0716 203 273 Petit-Goave 1214.6835 203 274 1214.6835 203 274 Dupuis 372.38463 224 272 Dupuis 761.14283 225 272 Dupuis 349.09104 226 272 Dupuis 1269.2169 227 272 Dupuis 1964.9919 228 272 Dupuis 9.8494335 224 274 Dupuis 120.06898 225 275 120.06898 225 275 Pirpir 4.8508366 98 272 Pirpir 7.9684447 99 272 Pirpir 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Port-de-Paix 372.38463 224 272 Port-de-Paix 761.14283 225 272 Port-de-Paix 349.09104 226 272 Port-de-Paix 147.16929 224 273 Port-de-Paix 80.282812 225 273 Port-de-Paix 9.8494335 224 274 Port-de-Paix 120.06898 225 275 120.06898 225 275 Boucan a Lait 1580.4378 204 273 Boucan a Lait 1217.5063 204 274 Boucan a Lait 753.68714 204 275 Boucan a Lait 289.47271 204 276 Boucan a Lait 27.479522 205 276 Boucan a Lait 122.50526 206 276 Boucan a Lait 38.570523 205 277 38.570523 205 277 Voute I'Eglise 147.16929 224 273 Voute I'Eglise 80.282812 225 273 Voute I'Eglise 1717.7064 228 273 Voute I'Eglise 9.8494335 224 274 Voute I'Eglise 120.06898 225 275 120.06898 225 275 Juskare 8.7833306 99 273 Juskare 3.4908501 99 274 Juskare 10.959204 101 277 10.959204 101 277 Mayapo 8.7833306 99 273 Mayapo 3.4908501 99 274 Mayapo 10.959204 101 277 10.959204 101 277 Fond Goriose 147.16929 224 273 Fond Goriose 80.282812 225 273 Fond Goriose 9.8494335 224 274 Fond Goriose 120.06898 225 275 120.06898 225 275 Arbol del Descanso 3.4908501 99 274 Arbol del Descanso 10.959204 101 277 10.959204 101 277 Dugazon 646.08907 211 274 646.08907 211 274 Urachikarein 3.4908501 99 274 Urachikarein 10.959204 101 277 10.959204 101 277 Bainet 1100.0761 196 274 Bainet 1082.4723 196 275 Bainet 1463.2783 196 276 Bainet 301.84617 197 276 Bainet 1947.9149 196 277 Bainet 2351.7805 196 278 2351.7805 196 278 Saint Louis du Nord 9.8494335 224 274 Saint Louis du Nord 120.06898 225 275 120.06898 225 275 Augier 1246.6107 209 274 Augier 898.45999 210 274 Augier 646.08907 211 274 Augier 1048.9206 208 275 Augier 833.77492 209 275 Augier 731.57784 207 276 Augier 27.781356 207 278 27.781356 207 278 Saint-Marc 898.45999 210 274 Saint-Marc 646.08907 211 274 Saint-Marc 133.08005 210 275 133.08005 210 275 Gonaives 6.116642 215 275 6.116642 215 275 Au Source Nord 29.981635 213 275 Au Source Nord 12.672621 214 275 12.672621 214 275 El Pajaro 2.9030982 100 275 El Pajaro 10.959204 101 277 10.959204 101 277 Shichepeho 2.9030982 100 275 Shichepeho 10.959204 101 277 10.959204 101 277 Aux Plains 120.06898 225 275 120.06898 225 275 Ca Malor 1082.4723 196 275 Ca Malor 1463.2783 196 276 Ca Malor 301.84617 197 276 Ca Malor 1947.9149 196 277 Ca Malor 2351.7805 196 278 2351.7805 196 278 Jacmel 1947.9149 196 277 Jacmel 2351.7805 196 278 2351.7805 196 278 Bellevue 49.586973 203 277 Bellevue 30.336896 204 277 Bellevue 38.570523 205 277 Bellevue 134.55644 205 278 Bellevue 140.85057 204 279 Bellevue 110.54929 205 280 Bellevue 2.846156 204 281 2.846156 204 281 Arcahaie 38.570523 205 277 Arcahaie 134.55644 205 278 Arcahaie 134.29798 205 279 Arcahaie 110.54929 205 280 Arcahaie 32.540816 205 281 32.540816 205 281 Huattapo 44.564121 102 278 Huattapo 55.285029 103 278 Huattapo 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Barque 258.48223 224 278 Barque 154.41944 223 280 Barque 15.830201 222 282 15.830201 222 282 Manaure Viejo 44.564121 102 278 Manaure Viejo 55.285029 103 278 Manaure Viejo 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Carrefour Raymond 2351.7805 196 278 2351.7805 196 278 Shushirrara 35.402658 102 279 Shushirrara 7.9077034 103 281 Shushirrara 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Iturumahana 35.402658 102 279 Iturumahana 7.9077034 103 281 Iturumahana 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Aubry 140.85057 204 279 Aubry 110.54929 205 280 Aubry 2.846156 204 281 Aubry 13.994073 205 282 13.994073 205 282 Araurio 35.402658 102 279 Araurio 7.9077034 103 281 Araurio 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Puerto Aramatka 35.402658 102 279 Puerto Aramatka 7.9077034 103 281 Puerto Aramatka 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Santa Rosa 28.066509 102 280 Santa Rosa 47.330635 103 280 Santa Rosa 7.9077034 103 281 Santa Rosa 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Mausahu 28.066509 102 280 Mausahu 47.330635 103 280 Mausahu 7.9077034 103 281 Mausahu 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Port-au-Prince 134.82185 204 280 Port-au-Prince 110.54929 205 280 Port-au-Prince 2.846156 204 281 Port-au-Prince 13.994073 205 282 13.994073 205 282 Marigot 2920.7214 196 280 Marigot 1363.4561 197 280 1363.4561 197 280 Jojoromahana 28.066509 102 280 Jojoromahana 47.330635 103 280 Jojoromahana 7.9077034 103 281 Jojoromahana 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Lombard 154.41944 223 280 Lombard 15.830201 222 282 15.830201 222 282 Auyama 7.9077034 103 281 Auyama 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Cardon 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Adieu au Monde 3870.9961 196 282 3870.9961 196 282 Cap-Haitien 15.830201 222 282 Cap-Haitien 6.7526666 221 286 6.7526666 221 286 Kosinamahana 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Carrizal 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 El Cabo 3.6915755 105 283 3.6915755 105 283 Amaiquiro 40.461846 104 283 40.461846 104 283 Beliard 19.642297 222 283 Beliard 6.7526666 221 286 6.7526666 221 286 Belle-Anse 2102.978 197 284 Belle-Anse 42.945484 197 288 42.945484 197 288 Jumop 7.156194 96 288 7.156194 96 288 Junain 12.928346 109 287 Junain 226.10324 108 288 Junain 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Kew 45.28336 253 289 45.28336 253 289 Calinatay 9.158363 97 288 9.158363 97 288 Los Filudos 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Molomana 9.158363 97 288 9.158363 97 288 Sichipes 7.156194 96 288 7.156194 96 288 La Gloria 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Pararu 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Guayamulisira 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Neima 7.156194 96 288 7.156194 96 288 Cojua 7.156194 96 288 7.156194 96 288 Campamento 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Guarurtain 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 La Punta 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Paraguaipoa 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Los Aceitunitos 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Guichep 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Jautaipanou 9.158363 97 288 9.158363 97 288 Pichuasahi 12.928346 109 287 Pichuasahi 226.10324 108 288 Pichuasahi 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Los Mochos 3.846642 95 288 Los Mochos 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Juruba 3.846642 95 288 Juruba 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Jasav 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Bottle Creek 45.28336 253 289 45.28336 253 289 Huauariuaha 12.928346 109 287 Huauariuaha 226.10324 108 288 Huauariuaha 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Uluimana 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Jurulapa 9.158363 97 288 9.158363 97 288 Campo Alegre 3.846642 95 288 Campo Alegre 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Zulia Mar 3.846642 95 288 Zulia Mar 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Kaurimahana 12.928346 109 287 Kaurimahana 226.10324 108 288 Kaurimahana 238.6798 108 289 Kaurimahana 20.889317 111 290 Kaurimahana 2.8747357 111 291 2.8747357 111 291 Anse a Cochon 3788.1889 195 287 Anse a Cochon 2127.4357 196 287 Anse a Cochon 166.82681 197 287 Anse a Cochon 42.945484 197 288 42.945484 197 288 Gualipana 9.158363 97 288 9.158363 97 288 Los Hermanitos 14.925551 94 289 Los Hermanitos 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Botoncillo 14.925551 94 289 Botoncillo 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Cojoro 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Caimare Chico 14.925551 94 289 Caimare Chico 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Caraipia 14.925551 94 289 Caraipia 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Boca Paijana 14.925551 94 289 Boca Paijana 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puertecitos 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Cardoncito 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puerto Guerrero 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Conch Bar 45.28336 253 289 45.28336 253 289 Calle Ancha 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puerto Mara 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puerto Cardoncito 14.925551 94 289 Puerto Cardoncito 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 San Jose 226.10324 108 288 San Jose 238.6798 108 289 San Jose 20.889317 111 290 San Jose 2.8747357 111 291 2.8747357 111 291 Paijana 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 La Esperanza 3.7245293 91 291 La Esperanza 7.9618872 91 293 7.9618872 91 293 Pedernales 2342.0478 193 289 Pedernales 337.66821 195 289 Pedernales 65.079641 196 289 Pedernales 6.7890567 195 291 6.7890567 195 291 Guasapatu 10.104846 98 289 10.104846 98 289 San Rafael 3.7245293 91 291 San Rafael 7.9618872 91 293 7.9618872 91 293 Las Cabimas 3.7245293 91 291 Las Cabimas 7.9618872 91 293 7.9618872 91 293 Las Delicias 2.0355001 90 293 2.0355001 90 293 Bahia Hondita 20.889317 111 290 Bahia Hondita 2.8747357 111 291 2.8747357 111 291 Inosu 238.6798 108 289 Inosu 20.889317 111 290 Inosu 2.8747357 111 291 2.8747357 111 291 Palachuou 10.104846 98 289 10.104846 98 289 Cabo Rojo 1893.7369 191 290 Cabo Rojo 1515.6396 192 290 Cabo Rojo 1019.6243 193 290 Cabo Rojo 346.46226 194 290 Cabo Rojo 26.44916 195 290 Cabo Rojo 6.7890567 195 291 6.7890567 195 291 Potchoure 16.12569 98 290 16.12569 98 290 Monte Cristi 19.686705 224 294 19.686705 224 294 El Toas 3.7245293 91 291 El Toas 7.9618872 91 293 7.9618872 91 293 Zarrupiai 7.2538087 99 290 7.2538087 99 290 Cuzi 16.12569 98 290 16.12569 98 290 El Triunfo 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 San Carlos 3.7245293 91 291 San Carlos 7.9618872 91 293 7.9618872 91 293 Caserio Taroa 2.8747357 111 291 2.8747357 111 291 Punto Miranda 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Morchipa 11.082524 99 292 11.082524 99 292 El Aceituno 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Punta de Palmas 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Parsua 11.082524 99 292 11.082524 99 292 Haticos del Sur 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Punta de Leiva 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 El Cucharal 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Los Jobitos 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Jaguecito 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 El Canito 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 El Caiman 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Altagracia 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Las Playitas 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Maasichi 13.930702 111 296 13.930702 111 296 Bella Vista 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Jaguey de Vera 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Ancon de Iturbe 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Ancon de Iturre 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Gutierrez 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Puerto Chimare 13.930702 111 296 13.930702 111 296 Guincua 2.2940825 100 295 2.2940825 100 295 Sabana Cruz 19.686705 224 294 Sabana Cruz 27.013513 224 295 Sabana Cruz 4.1506154 223 297 4.1506154 223 297 Tapuli 2.2940825 100 295 2.2940825 100 295 Makaraipaho 5.3603054 101 296 5.3603054 101 296 Colinia Agricola Juancho 46.413382 191 297 Colinia Agricola Juancho 224.01794 192 298 Colinia Agricola Juancho 577.5866 193 299 577.5866 193 299 Castilletes 5.3603054 101 296 5.3603054 101 296 Puerto Estrella 13.930702 111 296 Puerto Estrella 14.068362 109 299 14.068362 109 299 Puerto Lopez 4.9849006 102 297 4.9849006 102 297 El Copey 16.468592 224 296 El Copey 4.1506154 223 297 4.1506154 223 297 Enriquillo 46.413382 191 297 Enriquillo 224.01794 192 298 Enriquillo 577.5866 193 299 577.5866 193 299 Chichibacoa 23.060185 111 297 Chichibacoa 14.068362 109 299 14.068362 109 299 Karasua 12.273862 103 298 12.273862 103 298 Guaguri 14.068362 109 299 Guaguri 6.1288335 105 300 6.1288335 105 300 Puerto Ingles 12.273862 103 298 12.273862 103 298 Paraiso 577.5866 193 299 577.5866 193 299 Punta Espada 12.423181 104 299 12.423181 104 299 La Cienaga 2604.8259 194 301 La Cienaga 15.16576 198 301 15.16576 198 301 Barahona 15.16576 198 301 15.16576 198 301 Cambronal 207.40712 223 299 Cambronal 26.971337 224 302 26.971337 224 302 San Agustin 10.029094 91 299 10.029094 91 299 El Curro 15.16576 198 301 15.16576 198 301 Luperon 874.88399 225 300 Luperon 1293.5354 225 301 Luperon 26.971337 224 302 26.971337 224 302 Arroyo Hondo 9.9332141 92 301 9.9332141 92 301 Coneja 9.9332141 92 301 9.9332141 92 301 Canapo 8.0910822 92 302 8.0910822 92 302 Los Negros 604.93354 198 302 Los Negros 63.697788 199 302 Los Negros 11.936746 200 305 11.936746 200 305 Bajo Hondo 613.28338 224 303 Bajo Hondo 2345.7804 225 303 Bajo Hondo 2307.848 225 304 Bajo Hondo 2224.875 225 305 Bajo Hondo 391.6352 223 306 391.6352 223 306 Caracubana 6.9888747 93 303 6.9888747 93 303 Antunez 6.9888747 93 303 6.9888747 93 303 Yuquique 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 Santa Clara 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 El Suite 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 Puerto Plata 1295.7892 224 305 Puerto Plata 391.6352 223 306 Puerto Plata 2306.0785 224 309 2306.0785 224 309 Puerto Gutierrez 10.05171 94 306 10.05171 94 306 Agua Clara 34.580915 200 306 Agua Clara 33.926905 200 307 Agua Clara 30.019225 201 307 30.019225 201 307 Los Hatos 10.05171 94 306 10.05171 94 306 Baruche 10.05171 94 306 10.05171 94 306 Sosua 1047.7173 223 307 Sosua 1666.9619 223 308 Sosua 1440.4409 223 309 Sosua 1829.9617 223 310 1829.9617 223 310 Puerto Zazarida 8.0424691 94 307 Puerto Zazarida 8.9582177 94 308 8.9582177 94 308 Las Calderas 15.306792 198 311 15.306792 198 311 Zazarida 8.9582177 94 308 8.9582177 94 308 Estanquecito 7.7643788 94 309 7.7643788 94 309 Sabaneta de Yasica 427.51142 222 309 Sabaneta de Yasica 345.71988 222 310 Sabaneta de Yasica 725.31779 222 311 Sabaneta de Yasica 42.422949 220 313 42.422949 220 313 Cuajaracume 9.1018795 95 310 Cuajaracume 10.105922 95 311 Cuajaracume 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Cauca 9.1018795 95 310 Cauca 10.105922 95 311 Cauca 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Codore Adentro 10.105922 95 311 Codore Adentro 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Hato Abajo 37.076816 102 311 37.076816 102 311 Los Taques 47.747343 100 311 Los Taques 31.762552 101 311 Los Taques 42.97661 100 312 42.97661 100 312 Ocorote 10.105922 95 311 Ocorote 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Adaro 29.835847 99 311 29.835847 99 311 El Rosario 41.292074 101 312 El Rosario 27.958168 101 313 27.958168 101 313 El Cardon 20.411522 97 312 20.411522 97 312 Punta Cardon 32.841873 98 312 32.841873 98 312 Punto Fijo 35.711577 99 312 Punto Fijo 50.923042 99 315 50.923042 99 315 Conejal 26.707651 103 312 26.707651 103 312 Rio Seco 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 La Macolla 26.532481 105 312 La Macolla 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Las Piedras 35.711577 99 312 Las Piedras 50.923042 99 315 50.923042 99 315 Guadalajara 25.972536 104 312 25.972536 104 312 La California 25.972536 104 312 25.972536 104 312 Guanadito 42.97661 100 312 42.97661 100 312 Guaimu 25.972536 104 312 25.972536 104 312 Magante 217.74007 221 312 Magante 42.422949 220 313 42.422949 220 313 Orejitas 25.972536 104 312 25.972536 104 312 Algodones 5.8037581 96 313 Algodones 18.709875 96 314 18.709875 96 314 Tiguajada 22.728502 98 313 22.728502 98 313 Macama 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Arajo 5.8037581 96 313 Arajo 18.709875 96 314 18.709875 96 314 La Boca 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Caujarito 22.728502 98 313 22.728502 98 313 Las Cruces 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 El Vaquero 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Matacan 12.163806 98 314 Matacan 48.547442 98 315 Matacan 50.923042 99 315 50.923042 99 315 Rio San Juan 104.77125 220 314 104.77125 220 314 San Lorenzo 27.963171 107 314 San Lorenzo 7.2474253 107 315 7.2474253 107 315 Arashi 84.379917 113 314 84.379917 113 314 Bubali 84.379917 113 314 84.379917 113 314 Palm Beach 84.379917 113 314 84.379917 113 314 Washington 84.379917 113 314 84.379917 113 314 Tanki Flip 84.379917 113 314 84.379917 113 314 Ponton 84.379917 113 314 84.379917 113 314 Cayude 48.547442 98 315 Cayude 50.923042 99 315 50.923042 99 315 El Imujo 7.2474253 107 315 El Imujo 18.087434 107 319 18.087434 107 319 San Francisco 7.2474253 107 315 San Francisco 18.087434 107 319 18.087434 107 319 La Cienaga 7.2474253 107 315 La Cienaga 18.087434 107 319 18.087434 107 319 Abreu 243.67211 220 315 Abreu 837.60478 221 315 Abreu 2400.6962 222 315 Abreu 2886.8779 222 316 Abreu 2978.449 222 317 Abreu 265.48576 218 319 265.48576 218 319 Santa Cruz 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Savaneta 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Piedras Negras 18.087434 107 319 Piedras Negras 15.00603 105 320 15.00603 105 320 Cura Cabai 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Brasil 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Sint Nicolaas 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Fontein 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Las Cumaraguas 18.087434 107 319 Las Cumaraguas 15.00603 105 320 15.00603 105 320 Arroyo Salado 265.48576 218 319 Arroyo Salado 18.547532 215 320 18.547532 215 320 El Higo de las Tres Piernas 1405.6189 221 316 El Higo de las Tres Piernas 1211.5292 221 317 El Higo de las Tres Piernas 1655.6519 221 318 El Higo de las Tres Piernas 265.48576 218 319 265.48576 218 319 Juwana Morto 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Santa Rita 18.087434 107 319 Santa Rita 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Azubure 18.087434 107 319 Azubure 15.00603 105 320 15.00603 105 320 Charaima 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Baraived 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Guayacan 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Nagua 265.48576 218 319 Nagua 18.547532 215 320 18.547532 215 320 El Hato 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Pedregalito 18.087434 107 319 Pedregalito 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Caduto 63.898929 97 319 Caduto 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Guasare Abajo 63.898929 97 319 Guasare Abajo 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Cujizal 29.994012 97 320 Cujizal 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Palencia 29.994012 97 320 Palencia 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Jagueicito 29.994012 97 320 Jagueicito 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Sanchez 107.7104 215 321 Sanchez 19.075338 215 323 Sanchez 2.0386583 215 324 2.0386583 215 324 La Vela de Coro 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Playa Negra 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 El Carrizal 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Muaco 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Mataruca 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Taimetaima 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Cuji Leon 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Taratara 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Abra Grande 281.6243 215 322 Abra Grande 1148.6575 216 322 Abra Grande 1623.827 217 322 Abra Grande 19.075338 215 323 Abra Grande 2.0386583 215 324 Abra Grande 12.243246 215 326 12.243246 215 326 La Aguada 5.6998326 97 323 5.6998326 97 323 Los Robalos 19.075338 215 323 Los Robalos 2.0386583 215 324 Los Robalos 12.243246 215 326 Los Robalos 11.855724 211 327 11.855724 211 327 Puente de Piedra 5.6998326 97 323 5.6998326 97 323 El Cerro 5.6998326 97 323 5.6998326 97 323 El Manglar 20.823879 98 324 El Manglar 22.910784 98 327 22.910784 98 327 San Juan 20.823879 98 324 San Juan 22.910784 98 327 22.910784 98 327 La Soledad 20.823879 98 324 La Soledad 22.910784 98 327 22.910784 98 327 Sabana de la Mar 25.963205 212 326 Sabana de la Mar 11.855724 211 327 11.855724 211 327 Quebrada de Huto 20.823879 98 324 Quebrada de Huto 22.910784 98 327 22.910784 98 327 La Cienega 20.823879 98 324 La Cienega 22.910784 98 327 22.910784 98 327 Puerto Cumarebo 39.362395 98 325 Puerto Cumarebo 28.353801 99 325 Puerto Cumarebo 8.4529362 98 326 Puerto Cumarebo 22.910784 98 327 Puerto Cumarebo 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Samana 2.7842164 215 325 Samana 25.963205 212 326 Samana 12.243246 215 326 Samana 11.855724 211 327 11.855724 211 327 El Valle 2.7842164 215 325 El Valle 25.963205 212 326 El Valle 12.243246 215 326 12.243246 215 326 Tucupido 39.362395 98 325 Tucupido 28.353801 99 325 Tucupido 8.4529362 98 326 Tucupido 22.910784 98 327 Tucupido 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 San Pedro de Macoris 68.923957 201 329 68.923957 201 329 Santa Rita 39.362395 98 325 Santa Rita 28.353801 99 325 Santa Rita 8.4529362 98 326 Santa Rita 22.910784 98 327 Santa Rita 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Santa Rosa 39.362395 98 325 Santa Rosa 28.353801 99 325 Santa Rosa 8.4529362 98 326 Santa Rosa 22.910784 98 327 Santa Rosa 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 San Antonio 8.4529362 98 326 San Antonio 22.910784 98 327 San Antonio 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Capitan 25.963205 212 326 Capitan 11.855724 211 327 11.855724 211 327 Cienega Lejos 8.4529362 98 326 Cienega Lejos 22.910784 98 327 Cienega Lejos 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Topopero 8.4529362 98 326 Topopero 22.910784 98 327 Topopero 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Cieneguita 8.4529362 98 326 Cieneguita 22.910784 98 327 Cieneguita 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Balandra 25.963205 212 326 Balandra 12.243246 215 326 Balandra 11.855724 211 327 11.855724 211 327 Arroyo del Cabo 18.476091 212 327 Arroyo del Cabo 2.9005349 215 327 2.9005349 215 327 El Soco 68.923957 201 329 68.923957 201 329 Boca de Ricoa 22.910784 98 327 Boca de Ricoa 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 El Desecho 93.037966 99 328 El Desecho 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 San Pedrito 93.037966 99 328 San Pedrito 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Sabanas Altas 93.037966 99 328 Sabanas Altas 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Saladillo 93.037966 99 328 Saladillo 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Cumayasa 68.923957 201 329 68.923957 201 329 Viana 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Dorp Sint Willebrordus 360.19356 106 333 360.19356 106 333 Loma Grande 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Miches 29.480327 211 329 Miches 2.6752055 210 331 2.6752055 210 331 La Montana de Hueque 40.601481 98 330 40.601481 98 330 Aguima 40.601481 98 330 40.601481 98 330 Boka Sami 1274.8068 105 330 Boka Sami 1308.1017 105 331 Boka Sami 1196.9192 105 332 Boka Sami 929.79066 105 333 Boka Sami 835.8538 105 334 835.8538 105 334 El Pozo 40.601481 98 330 40.601481 98 330 La Romana 750.47191 199 332 La Romana 761.64365 199 333 La Romana 159.38744 200 333 La Romana 182.56435 200 334 182.56435 200 334 Coral 84.292238 98 331 Coral 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Campechano 84.292238 98 331 Campechano 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Willemstad 1371.3503 104 331 Willemstad 1269.0497 104 332 Willemstad 1204.1299 104 333 1204.1299 104 333 Brievengat 1308.1017 105 331 Brievengat 1196.9192 105 332 Brievengat 929.79066 105 333 Brievengat 835.8538 105 334 835.8538 105 334 El Guay 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Sauca 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Montan'i Rei 1269.0497 104 332 Montan'i Rei 1204.1299 104 333 1204.1299 104 333 Las Lisas 39.008142 211 333 Las Lisas 13.859929 210 334 13.859929 210 334 La Costa 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Santa Catharina 1196.9192 105 332 Santa Catharina 929.79066 105 333 Santa Catharina 835.8538 105 334 835.8538 105 334 Pta Zamuro 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Bahahibe 955.78898 198 332 Bahahibe 890.53003 198 333 Bahahibe 761.64365 199 333 Bahahibe 159.38744 200 333 Bahahibe 182.56435 200 334 182.56435 200 334 Newport 1204.1299 104 333 1204.1299 104 333 El Encanto 18.246419 97 333 El Encanto 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 Isidro 18.246419 97 333 Isidro 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 La Palmilla 590.90245 197 334 La Palmilla 612.49042 198 334 La Palmilla 487.59703 199 334 La Palmilla 182.56435 200 334 La Palmilla 222.4624 198 338 222.4624 198 338 Mano Juan 979.60446 195 334 Mano Juan 599.44913 196 334 Mano Juan 487.59703 199 334 Mano Juan 332.0838 196 336 Mano Juan 594.9248 195 337 Mano Juan 198.16109 196 337 Mano Juan 525.44014 195 338 Mano Juan 11.933117 196 338 Mano Juan 222.4624 198 338 222.4624 198 338 Aguide 49.380343 97 335 Aguide 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 La Vacama 36.388498 210 335 36.388498 210 335 Hicacales 49.380343 97 335 Hicacales 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 El Algibe 405.93229 196 335 El Algibe 20.028699 197 335 El Algibe 123.31123 198 335 El Algibe 332.0838 196 336 El Algibe 198.16109 196 337 El Algibe 11.933117 196 338 El Algibe 222.4624 198 338 222.4624 198 338 Maracara 49.380343 97 335 Maracara 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 Boca de Yuma 239.90119 199 338 239.90119 199 338 Viento Suave 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 La Vigia 29.920591 95 339 29.920591 95 339 El Macao 95.485824 208 338 El Macao 112.05735 206 341 112.05735 206 341 Casa Venturia 29.920591 95 339 29.920591 95 339 Los Boquerones 29.920591 95 339 29.920591 95 339 El Cabo 239.90119 199 338 El Cabo 5.3723395 202 341 5.3723395 202 341 Bavaro 95.485824 208 338 Bavaro 112.05735 206 341 Bavaro 29.693683 205 342 29.693683 205 342 La Villa 4.8675068 93 340 La Villa 14.704633 90 343 14.704633 90 343 El Manglar 4.8675068 93 340 El Manglar 14.704633 90 343 14.704633 90 343 Tibana 20.067534 87 343 Tibana 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Tocuyo de la Costa 15.071105 92 342 Tocuyo de la Costa 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Sanare 20.018126 86 343 Sanare 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Cuara 20.067534 87 343 Cuara 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 El Cuatro 20.888265 85 343 El Cuatro 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Punta Cabo 183.79055 201 341 Punta Cabo 5.3723395 202 341 5.3723395 202 341 La Soledad 20.018126 86 343 La Soledad 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Cabo Engano 5.3723395 202 341 5.3723395 202 341 Santa Ana 20.018126 86 343 Santa Ana 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Playa Norte 15.071105 92 342 Playa Norte 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Rincon 113.05591 108 344 113.05591 108 344 El Muertico 20.888265 85 343 El Muertico 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Tucacas 20.888265 85 343 Tucacas 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Los Corales 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Las Empalizadas 15.071105 92 342 Las Empalizadas 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 La Luisa 20.018126 86 343 La Luisa 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 El Pasdero 20.067534 87 343 El Pasdero 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Las Delicias 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Pta. Brava 20.067534 87 343 Pta. Brava 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Chichiriviche 20.067534 87 343 Chichiriviche 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Kralendijk 113.05591 108 344 113.05591 108 344 Morrocoy 20.018126 86 343 Morrocoy 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 San Rafael 20.018126 86 343 San Rafael 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Leeuwarden 113.05591 108 344 113.05591 108 344 Boca del Yaracuy 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Boca de Yaracuy 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Bricat 113.05591 108 344 113.05591 108 344 Moron 31.977182 84 344 31.977182 84 344 Taborda 31.977182 84 344 31.977182 84 344 El Palito 31.977182 84 344 31.977182 84 344 Goaigoaza 31.977182 84 344 31.977182 84 344 Sta. Rosa 31.977182 84 344 31.977182 84 344 Puerto Cabello 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Sta. Lucia 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Pto Borburata 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Quizandal 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Ganango 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Flamenco 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Las Caneyes 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Patanemo 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Palermo 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Turiamo 46.745324 83 347 46.745324 83 347 San Nicolas 46.745324 83 347 46.745324 83 347 Independencia 68.619601 83 348 68.619601 83 348 Cata 64.758678 83 349 64.758678 83 349 Cuyagua 64.758678 83 349 64.758678 83 349 Aroa 179.23444 83 350 Aroa 319.02955 84 350 319.02955 84 350 Sta. Barbara 491.21444 84 352 Sta. Barbara 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Choroni 491.21444 84 352 Choroni 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Pto. Colombia 541.99787 85 351 Pto. Colombia 754.7346 85 352 Pto. Colombia 804.46095 85 353 804.46095 85 353 Puerto Colombia 491.21444 84 352 Puerto Colombia 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Sta Apolonia 491.21444 84 352 Sta Apolonia 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Payares 491.21444 84 352 Payares 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Chuao 491.21444 84 352 Chuao 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Cepe 491.21444 84 352 Cepe 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Tuja 497.30054 84 353 Tuja 804.46095 85 353 804.46095 85 353 El Jabillal 566.97475 84 354 El Jabillal 709.24724 84 355 709.24724 84 355 Puerto Maya 566.97475 84 354 Puerto Maya 852.58805 85 354 852.58805 85 354 Puerto Cruz 709.24724 84 355 Puerto Cruz 1044.5918 85 355 1044.5918 85 355 Puerto La Cruz 709.24724 84 355 Puerto La Cruz 1044.5918 85 355 1044.5918 85 355 Los Rastrojos 709.24724 84 355 709.24724 84 355 Caguita 709.24724 84 355 Caguita 1044.5918 85 355 1044.5918 85 355 Petaquirito 1040.0259 85 356 1040.0259 85 356 Centro Puntas 243.88859 198 356 Centro Puntas 446.86019 199 356 Centro Puntas 818.34489 200 356 Centro Puntas 1634.4355 202 356 Centro Puntas 206.47704 198 358 Centro Puntas 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 Rincon 243.88859 198 356 Rincon 446.86019 199 356 Rincon 818.34489 200 356 Rincon 1634.4355 202 356 Rincon 206.47704 198 358 Rincon 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 Las Tres Palos 1040.0259 85 356 1040.0259 85 356 Chichiriviche 1040.0259 85 356 1040.0259 85 356 Centro Calvache 274.22941 198 357 Centro Calvache 582.72476 199 357 Centro Calvache 692.88479 200 357 Centro Calvache 206.47704 198 358 Centro Calvache 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 Matias 274.22941 198 357 Matias 582.72476 199 357 Matias 692.88479 200 357 Matias 206.47704 198 358 Matias 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 La Tosca 9.9895756 197 357 9.9895756 197 357 El Combate 1152.621 193 357 El Combate 423.27369 193 358 El Combate 12.415876 195 358 El Combate 9.8811551 196 358 El Combate 4.752057 195 359 El Combate 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Santa Rosa 981.6361 85 357 981.6361 85 357 Rojo Cabo 2529.0329 192 357 Rojo Cabo 2050.0091 192 358 Rojo Cabo 12.415876 195 358 Rojo Cabo 9.8811551 196 358 Rojo Cabo 4.752057 195 359 Rojo Cabo 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Aguada 582.72476 199 357 Aguada 692.88479 200 357 Aguada 394.18872 199 358 Aguada 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 La Playa 9.9895756 197 357 9.9895756 197 357 Belvedere 68.269232 194 357 Belvedere 13.465988 194 358 Belvedere 12.415876 195 358 Belvedere 9.8811551 196 358 Belvedere 4.752057 195 359 Belvedere 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Uricao 981.6361 85 357 981.6361 85 357 Pole Ojea 1152.621 193 357 Pole Ojea 423.27369 193 358 Pole Ojea 12.415876 195 358 Pole Ojea 9.8811551 196 358 Pole Ojea 4.752057 195 359 Pole Ojea 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Guaniquilla 68.269232 194 357 Guaniquilla 13.465988 194 358 Guaniquilla 12.415876 195 358 Guaniquilla 9.8811551 196 358 Guaniquilla 4.752057 195 359 Guaniquilla 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Las Corozas 274.22941 198 357 Las Corozas 582.72476 199 357 Las Corozas 692.88479 200 357 Las Corozas 206.47704 198 358 Las Corozas 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 El Guaramo 981.6361 85 357 981.6361 85 357 Boqueron 1152.621 193 357 Boqueron 423.27369 193 358 Boqueron 12.415876 195 358 Boqueron 9.8811551 196 358 Boqueron 4.752057 195 359 Boqueron 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Conde Avila 9.8866001 195 357 Conde Avila 12.415876 195 358 Conde Avila 9.8811551 196 358 Conde Avila 4.752057 195 359 4.752057 195 359 Cornelia 9.8866001 195 357 Cornelia 12.415876 195 358 Cornelia 9.8811551 196 358 Cornelia 4.752057 195 359 4.752057 195 359 Mani 9.9895756 197 357 9.9895756 197 357 Coloso 394.18872 199 358 Coloso 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Brisas de Mal 9.8811551 196 358 9.8811551 196 358 Victoria 394.18872 199 358 Victoria 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Delicias 13.465988 194 358 Delicias 12.415876 195 358 Delicias 9.8811551 196 358 Delicias 4.752057 195 359 Delicias 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Guanajibo Castillo 12.415876 195 358 Guanajibo Castillo 9.8811551 196 358 Guanajibo Castillo 4.752057 195 359 4.752057 195 359 Malecon 9.8811551 196 358 9.8811551 196 358 Aguadilla 394.18872 199 358 Aguadilla 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Cerrillos 12.415876 195 358 Cerrillos 9.8811551 196 358 Cerrillos 4.752057 195 359 4.752057 195 359 Cabo Rojo 13.465988 194 358 Cabo Rojo 12.415876 195 358 Cabo Rojo 9.8811551 196 358 Cabo Rojo 4.752057 195 359 Cabo Rojo 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Camaceyes 16.26219 200 358 Camaceyes 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Betances 423.27369 193 358 Betances 12.415876 195 358 Betances 9.8811551 196 358 Betances 4.752057 195 359 Betances 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Cuesta de las Piedras 9.8811551 196 358 9.8811551 196 358 Mayagnez 9.8811551 196 358 9.8811551 196 358 Colonia Dolores 18.825026 197 358 Colonia Dolores 206.47704 198 358 Colonia Dolores 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 La Soledad 18.825026 197 358 La Soledad 206.47704 198 358 La Soledad 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 Caban 16.26219 200 358 Caban 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Ponce de Leon 9.8811551 196 358 9.8811551 196 358 Villa Benni 12.415876 195 358 Villa Benni 9.8811551 196 358 Villa Benni 4.752057 195 359 4.752057 195 359 Arenales 16.26219 200 358 Arenales 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Guanabana 423.27369 193 358 Guanabana 12.415876 195 358 Guanabana 9.8811551 196 358 Guanabana 4.752057 195 359 Guanabana 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Corrales 16.26219 200 358 Corrales 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Taguao 728.66374 86 358 Taguao 279.87143 86 360 Taguao 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 San Antonio 16.26219 200 358 San Antonio 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Maguayo 192.97336 193 359 Maguayo 4.752057 195 359 Maguayo 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Rafael Hernandez 26.693023 201 359 Rafael Hernandez 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Jobos 26.693023 201 359 Jobos 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Mamo 279.87143 86 360 Mamo 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 Finca Juanita 192.97336 193 359 Finca Juanita 4.752057 195 359 Finca Juanita 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 La Parguera 192.97336 193 359 La Parguera 4.752057 195 359 La Parguera 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Isabela 39.297774 203 360 Isabela 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Sol y Mar 39.297774 203 360 Sol y Mar 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Pedro Garcia 279.87143 86 360 Pedro Garcia 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 Maiquetia 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 San Jose 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 Quebradillas 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Ensenada 60.498477 193 361 Ensenada 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Cariaco 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 Fuig 60.498477 193 361 Fuig 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Guanica 60.498477 193 361 Guanica 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 San Jose de Galipan 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 El Tumbao 60.498477 193 361 El Tumbao 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Maria Antonia 274.80872 193 362 Maria Antonia 12.482482 194 362 12.482482 194 362 La Guaira 258.19352 86 362 258.19352 86 362 Balneario de Cana Gorda 1446.0221 192 362 Balneario de Cana Gorda 274.80872 193 362 Balneario de Cana Gorda 12.482482 194 362 12.482482 194 362 Palomar 121.48106 203 362 Palomar 501.27666 203 363 Palomar 489.4387 203 364 489.4387 203 364 Membrillo 121.48106 203 362 Membrillo 501.27666 203 363 Membrillo 489.4387 203 364 489.4387 203 364 Campamento Borinquen 274.80872 193 362 Campamento Borinquen 12.482482 194 362 12.482482 194 362 San Julian 258.19352 86 362 258.19352 86 362 Alianza 121.48106 203 362 Alianza 501.27666 203 363 Alianza 489.4387 203 364 489.4387 203 364 Parode Agua 258.19352 86 362 258.19352 86 362 Camuy 121.48106 203 362 Camuy 501.27666 203 363 Camuy 489.4387 203 364 489.4387 203 364 Media Quijada 274.80872 193 362 Media Quijada 12.482482 194 362 12.482482 194 362 Juan Diaz 258.19352 86 362 258.19352 86 362 Cambalache 274.80872 193 362 Cambalache 12.482482 194 362 12.482482 194 362 Hatillo 501.27666 203 363 Hatillo 489.4387 203 364 Hatillo 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Indios 547.65348 193 363 Indios 29.761708 194 364 29.761708 194 364 Los Aguacates 230.18453 86 367 230.18453 86 367 Lechuga 501.27666 203 363 Lechuga 489.4387 203 364 Lechuga 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Carmen de Uria 230.18453 86 367 230.18453 86 367 Guayanilla 547.65348 193 363 Guayanilla 29.761708 194 364 29.761708 194 364 El Faro 547.65348 193 363 El Faro 29.761708 194 364 29.761708 194 364 Carrizales 501.27666 203 363 Carrizales 489.4387 203 364 Carrizales 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Corcovado 501.27666 203 363 Corcovado 489.4387 203 364 Corcovado 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Magas Arriba 547.65348 193 363 Magas Arriba 29.761708 194 364 29.761708 194 364 Cueva de Uria 230.18453 86 367 230.18453 86 367 Salto de Uria 230.18453 86 367 230.18453 86 367 Las Cunetas 489.4387 203 364 Las Cunetas 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Barranca 489.4387 203 364 Barranca 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 La Planta 230.18453 86 367 230.18453 86 367 Piedra de Moler 230.18453 86 367 230.18453 86 367 Guaypao 687.80445 193 364 Guaypao 29.761708 194 364 29.761708 194 364 Arecibo 489.4387 203 364 Arecibo 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Higuillales 489.4387 203 364 Higuillales 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Tallaboa 687.80445 193 364 Tallaboa 29.761708 194 364 29.761708 194 364 Miguelena 230.18453 86 367 Miguelena 72.414512 85 369 72.414512 85 369 Jarealito 681.56759 203 366 Jarealito 551.53539 203 367 Jarealito 477.88392 203 369 477.88392 203 369 Domingo Ruiz 681.56759 203 366 Domingo Ruiz 551.53539 203 367 Domingo Ruiz 477.88392 203 369 477.88392 203 369 La Cortada 230.18453 86 367 La Cortada 72.414512 85 369 72.414512 85 369 La Haciendita 230.18453 86 367 La Haciendita 72.414512 85 369 72.414512 85 369 El Roque 61.662311 103 367 61.662311 103 367 Tuque 880.81847 193 365 Tuque 176.9684 194 365 Tuque 24.816778 194 369 24.816778 194 369 Anare 230.18453 86 367 Anare 72.414512 85 369 72.414512 85 369 Amalia Marin 880.81847 193 365 Amalia Marin 176.9684 194 365 Amalia Marin 24.816778 194 369 24.816778 194 369 Clausells 880.81847 193 365 Clausells 176.9684 194 365 Clausells 24.816778 194 369 24.816778 194 369 Ponce 941.58871 193 366 Ponce 120.1061 194 366 Ponce 24.816778 194 369 Ponce 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Islote 681.56759 203 366 Islote 551.53539 203 367 Islote 477.88392 203 369 Islote 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Santa Cruz 941.58871 193 366 Santa Cruz 120.1061 194 366 Santa Cruz 24.816778 194 369 Santa Cruz 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Altavista 941.58871 193 366 Altavista 120.1061 194 366 Altavista 24.816778 194 369 Altavista 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Colonia Vacacional 230.18453 86 367 Colonia Vacacional 72.414512 85 369 72.414512 85 369 Quinta Esperanza 1489.5673 192 366 Quinta Esperanza 941.58871 193 366 Quinta Esperanza 120.1061 194 366 Quinta Esperanza 24.816778 194 369 Quinta Esperanza 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Calzada 941.58871 193 366 Calzada 120.1061 194 366 Calzada 24.816778 194 369 Calzada 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Garrochales 681.56759 203 366 Garrochales 551.53539 203 367 Garrochales 477.88392 203 369 Garrochales 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Buyones 757.2647 193 367 Buyones 22.561773 194 368 Buyones 24.816778 194 369 Buyones 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Barceloneta 551.53539 203 367 Barceloneta 477.88392 203 369 Barceloneta 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 La Boca 551.53539 203 367 La Boca 477.88392 203 369 La Boca 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Capitanejo 757.2647 193 367 Capitanejo 22.561773 194 368 Capitanejo 24.816778 194 369 Capitanejo 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Boca Chica 757.2647 193 367 Boca Chica 22.561773 194 368 Boca Chica 24.816778 194 369 Boca Chica 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Osma 230.18453 86 367 Osma 72.414512 85 369 72.414512 85 369 La Luisa 551.53539 203 367 La Luisa 477.88392 203 369 La Luisa 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Pastillo 757.2647 193 367 Pastillo 22.561773 194 368 Pastillo 24.816778 194 369 Pastillo 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Tierras Nuevas Poniente 467.56218 203 368 Tierras Nuevas Poniente 477.88392 203 369 Tierras Nuevas Poniente 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Oritapo 72.414512 85 369 Oritapo 96.038785 85 372 96.038785 85 372 Campo Alegre 467.56218 203 368 Campo Alegre 477.88392 203 369 Campo Alegre 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Todasana 72.414512 85 369 Todasana 96.038785 85 372 96.038785 85 372 Bizarreta 298.74693 193 368 Bizarreta 22.561773 194 368 Bizarreta 24.816778 194 369 Bizarreta 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Playita Cortada 298.74693 193 368 Playita Cortada 22.561773 194 368 Playita Cortada 24.816778 194 369 Playita Cortada 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Coto Norte 467.56218 203 368 Coto Norte 477.88392 203 369 Coto Norte 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Las Ollas 14.579901 193 369 Las Ollas 24.816778 194 369 Las Ollas 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Urama 72.414512 85 369 Urama 96.038785 85 372 96.038785 85 372 Sandin 477.88392 203 369 Sandin 441.73981 203 370 Sandin 587.93676 203 373 587.93676 203 373 Santa Isabel 943.38434 192 369 Santa Isabel 14.579901 193 369 Santa Isabel 24.816778 194 369 Santa Isabel 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Los Naranjos 477.88392 203 369 Los Naranjos 441.73981 203 370 Los Naranjos 587.93676 203 373 587.93676 203 373 La Virginia 72.414512 85 369 La Virginia 96.038785 85 372 96.038785 85 372 Jauca 943.38434 192 369 Jauca 14.579901 193 369 Jauca 24.816778 194 369 Jauca 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Sabana 441.73981 203 370 Sabana 587.93676 203 373 587.93676 203 373 Caruao 66.025803 85 371 Caruao 96.038785 85 372 Caruao 66.428783 85 374 66.428783 85 374 Ceiba 441.73981 203 370 Ceiba 587.93676 203 373 587.93676 203 373 Parcelas Penuelas 27.934904 193 370 Parcelas Penuelas 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Brenas 441.73981 203 370 Brenas 587.93676 203 373 587.93676 203 373 Las Ochenta 27.934904 193 370 Las Ochenta 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Chuspa 66.025803 85 371 Chuspa 96.038785 85 372 Chuspa 66.428783 85 374 66.428783 85 374 San Antonio 441.73981 203 370 San Antonio 587.93676 203 373 587.93676 203 373 Salinas 27.934904 193 370 Salinas 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Doraville 468.94718 203 371 Doraville 1130.1097 204 371 Doraville 587.93676 203 373 Doraville 8.7430727 202 375 8.7430727 202 375 Dorado 468.94718 203 371 Dorado 1130.1097 204 371 Dorado 587.93676 203 373 Dorado 8.7430727 202 375 8.7430727 202 375 Esperanza 651.69458 192 371 Esperanza 29.869629 193 371 Esperanza 30.068368 193 372 Esperanza 9.5599163 194 372 9.5599163 194 372 Toa Baja 468.94718 203 371 Toa Baja 1130.1097 204 371 Toa Baja 587.93676 203 373 Toa Baja 8.7430727 202 375 8.7430727 202 375 Central Aguirre 404.30791 192 372 Central Aguirre 30.068368 193 372 Central Aguirre 9.5599163 194 372 9.5599163 194 372 Coqui 30.068368 193 372 Coqui 9.5599163 194 372 9.5599163 194 372 Ingenio 502.70338 203 372 Ingenio 1102.9925 204 372 Ingenio 587.93676 203 373 Ingenio 8.7430727 202 375 Ingenio 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 San Felipe 404.30791 192 372 San Felipe 30.068368 193 372 San Felipe 9.5599163 194 372 9.5599163 194 372 Camino Delmar 502.70338 203 372 Camino Delmar 1102.9925 204 372 Camino Delmar 587.93676 203 373 Camino Delmar 8.7430727 202 375 Camino Delmar 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Sabana Seca 502.70338 203 372 Sabana Seca 587.93676 203 373 Sabana Seca 8.7430727 202 375 Sabana Seca 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Villodas 30.068368 193 372 Villodas 9.5599163 194 372 9.5599163 194 372 Levittown 502.70338 203 372 Levittown 1102.9925 204 372 Levittown 587.93676 203 373 Levittown 8.7430727 202 375 Levittown 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Chirimena 96.038785 85 372 Chirimena 66.428783 85 374 Chirimena 8.9758489 82 376 Chirimena 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Chipumena 96.038785 85 372 Chipumena 66.428783 85 374 Chipumena 8.9758489 82 376 Chipumena 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Jobos 404.30791 192 372 Jobos 30.068368 193 372 Jobos 9.5599163 194 372 9.5599163 194 372 Enramada 502.70338 203 372 Enramada 587.93676 203 373 Enramada 8.7430727 202 375 Enramada 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Palo Seco 587.93676 203 373 Palo Seco 8.7430727 202 375 Palo Seco 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Las Palmas 587.93676 203 373 Las Palmas 8.7430727 202 375 Las Palmas 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Reunion 711.71586 192 373 Reunion 23.677518 193 373 Reunion 26.759668 193 374 Reunion 818.96076 192 375 Reunion 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Guaical 8.9758489 82 376 Guaical 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Catano 587.93676 203 373 Catano 8.7430727 202 375 Catano 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Flores 122.45624 85 373 Flores 66.428783 85 374 Flores 8.9758489 82 376 Flores 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Jardines de Caparra 587.93676 203 373 Jardines de Caparra 8.7430727 202 375 Jardines de Caparra 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 El Aguasal 8.9758489 82 376 El Aguasal 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 El Morro 587.93676 203 373 El Morro 8.7430727 202 375 El Morro 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Guayama 23.677518 193 373 Guayama 26.759668 193 374 Guayama 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Carenero 122.45624 85 373 Carenero 66.428783 85 374 Carenero 8.9758489 82 376 Carenero 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Guaynabo 587.93676 203 373 Guaynabo 8.7430727 202 375 Guaynabo 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Playita Machete 711.71586 192 373 Playita Machete 23.677518 193 373 Playita Machete 26.759668 193 374 Playita Machete 818.96076 192 375 Playita Machete 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Vietnam 587.93676 203 373 Vietnam 8.7430727 202 375 Vietnam 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Higuerote 8.9758489 82 376 Higuerote 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Caparra Hills 587.93676 203 373 Caparra Hills 8.7430727 202 375 Caparra Hills 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Puerta de Tierra 587.93676 203 373 Puerta de Tierra 8.7430727 202 375 Puerta de Tierra 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Buche 122.45624 85 373 Buche 66.428783 85 374 Buche 8.9758489 82 376 Buche 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Green Hills 26.759668 193 374 Green Hills 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Corazon 26.759668 193 374 Corazon 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Sotillo 8.9758489 82 376 Sotillo 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Nemesio Canales 589.00024 203 374 Nemesio Canales 8.7430727 202 375 Nemesio Canales 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Condado 589.00024 203 374 Condado 8.7430727 202 375 Condado 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Baldrich 589.00024 203 374 Baldrich 8.7430727 202 375 Baldrich 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Arroyo 779.74483 192 374 Arroyo 26.759668 193 374 Arroyo 818.96076 192 375 Arroyo 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Boca Vieja 8.9758489 82 376 Boca Vieja 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Buena Vista 26.759668 193 374 Buena Vista 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 San Juan 589.00024 203 374 San Juan 8.7430727 202 375 San Juan 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Punta Las Marias 589.00024 203 374 Punta Las Marias 8.7430727 202 375 Punta Las Marias 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Manuel A Perez 589.00024 203 374 Manuel A Perez 8.7430727 202 375 Manuel A Perez 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Palmas 23.627635 193 375 Palmas 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Pueblo Nuevo 8.9758489 82 376 8.9758489 82 376 Biascoechea 8.7430727 202 375 Biascoechea 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Patillas 23.627635 193 375 Patillas 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Parque Isla Verde 8.7430727 202 375 Parque Isla Verde 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Country Club 8.7430727 202 375 Country Club 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Providencia 23.627635 193 375 Providencia 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Lamboglia 23.627635 193 375 Lamboglia 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Paparo 8.9758489 82 376 Paparo 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Carolina 8.7430727 202 375 Carolina 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Extension Vista Mar 8.7430727 202 375 Extension Vista Mar 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Recio 617.24465 193 376 617.24465 193 376 Campamento Pinones 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Palo Seco 617.24465 193 376 617.24465 193 376 Zalazar 8.9758489 82 376 8.9758489 82 376 Arenas 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Maunabo 617.24465 193 376 617.24465 193 376 Emajagua 1311.1461 193 377 Emajagua 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Loiza Aldea 26.34828 202 377 Loiza Aldea 47.844145 202 378 47.844145 202 378 Yabucoa 251.5071 194 377 Yabucoa 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 El Negro 1311.1461 193 377 El Negro 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Suarez 26.34828 202 377 Suarez 47.844145 202 378 47.844145 202 378 Comunas 251.5071 194 377 Comunas 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Candelero Arriba 251.5071 194 377 Candelero Arriba 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Vieques 26.34828 202 377 Vieques 47.844145 202 378 47.844145 202 378 Playa de Guayanes 1233.6378 194 378 Playa de Guayanes 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Rio Grande 47.844145 202 378 Rio Grande 19.164301 201 382 19.164301 201 382 Rio Abajo 929.50883 195 380 Rio Abajo 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Buena Vista 929.50883 195 380 Buena Vista 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Palmas del Mar 1233.6378 194 378 Palmas del Mar 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Hato Candal 47.844145 202 378 Hato Candal 19.164301 201 382 19.164301 201 382 Bajandas 929.50883 195 380 Bajandas 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Palmer 47.844145 202 378 Palmer 19.164301 201 382 19.164301 201 382 Las Cruces 25.810782 81 378 Las Cruces 18.87636 80 379 Las Cruces 20.388911 79 381 20.388911 79 381 Punta Santiago 929.50883 195 380 Punta Santiago 6.4188991 197 381 Punta Santiago 15.035454 198 383 Punta Santiago 13.016242 199 383 13.016242 199 383 Playa Fortuna 82.588409 202 379 Playa Fortuna 19.164301 201 382 Playa Fortuna 13.016242 199 383 Playa Fortuna 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Arenas 18.87636 80 379 Arenas 20.388911 79 381 20.388911 79 381 Playa de Humacao 929.50883 195 380 Playa de Humacao 6.4188991 197 381 Playa de Humacao 15.035454 198 383 Playa de Humacao 13.016242 199 383 13.016242 199 383 San Vicente 82.588409 202 379 San Vicente 19.164301 201 382 San Vicente 15.035454 198 383 San Vicente 13.016242 199 383 San Vicente 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Naguabo 37.449005 196 381 Naguabo 6.4188991 197 381 Naguabo 15.035454 198 383 Naguabo 13.016242 199 383 Naguabo 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Luquillo 82.588409 202 379 Luquillo 19.164301 201 382 Luquillo 13.016242 199 383 Luquillo 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Ramos 82.588409 202 379 Ramos 19.164301 201 382 Ramos 15.035454 198 383 Ramos 13.016242 199 383 Ramos 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Estacion Botija 37.449005 196 381 Estacion Botija 6.4188991 197 381 Estacion Botija 15.035454 198 383 Estacion Botija 13.016242 199 383 Estacion Botija 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 El Banco 37.449005 196 381 El Banco 6.4188991 197 381 El Banco 15.035454 198 383 El Banco 13.016242 199 383 El Banco 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Margarita 82.588409 202 379 Margarita 19.164301 201 382 Margarita 15.035454 198 383 Margarita 13.016242 199 383 Margarita 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Campamento Punta Lima 37.449005 196 381 Campamento Punta Lima 6.4188991 197 381 Campamento Punta Lima 15.035454 198 383 Campamento Punta Lima 13.016242 199 383 Campamento Punta Lima 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Daguao 37.449005 196 381 Daguao 6.4188991 197 381 Daguao 15.035454 198 383 Daguao 13.016242 199 383 Daguao 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Aguas Claras 6.4188991 197 381 Aguas Claras 19.164301 201 382 Aguas Claras 15.035454 198 383 Aguas Claras 13.016242 199 383 Aguas Claras 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Convento 95.085237 202 380 Convento 12.283018 201 381 Convento 19.164301 201 382 Convento 15.035454 198 383 Convento 13.016242 199 383 Convento 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Fajardo 95.085237 202 380 Fajardo 12.283018 201 381 Fajardo 19.164301 201 382 Fajardo 15.035454 198 383 Fajardo 13.016242 199 383 Fajardo 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 El Coco 3.4985097 79 380 El Coco 20.388911 79 381 20.388911 79 381 Ceiba 6.4188991 197 381 Ceiba 19.164301 201 382 Ceiba 15.035454 198 383 Ceiba 13.016242 199 383 Ceiba 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Isidra 95.085237 202 380 Isidra 12.283018 201 381 Isidra 19.164301 201 382 Isidra 15.035454 198 383 Isidra 13.016242 199 383 Isidra 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Luis M. Cintron 6.4188991 197 381 Luis M. Cintron 19.164301 201 382 Luis M. Cintron 15.035454 198 383 Luis M. Cintron 13.016242 199 383 Luis M. Cintron 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Roosevelt Roads 37.449005 196 381 Roosevelt Roads 6.4188991 197 381 Roosevelt Roads 15.035454 198 383 Roosevelt Roads 13.016242 199 383 Roosevelt Roads 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Las Croabas 12.283018 201 381 Las Croabas 19.164301 201 382 Las Croabas 15.035454 198 383 Las Croabas 13.016242 199 383 Las Croabas 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Panapo 38.555624 79 382 Panapo 7.1424644 78 383 Panapo 14.503361 78 384 14.503361 78 384 Hacienda Arcadia 1725.3539 195 382 Hacienda Arcadia 691.52259 196 382 Hacienda Arcadia 14.437228 197 382 Hacienda Arcadia 15.035454 198 383 Hacienda Arcadia 13.016242 199 383 13.016242 199 383 Esperanza 2105.1582 194 383 Esperanza 15.035454 198 383 Esperanza 13.122777 198 384 Esperanza 17.594145 198 385 17.594145 198 385 Isabel Segunda 1429.6233 195 383 Isabel Segunda 9.976013 196 383 Isabel Segunda 15.035454 198 383 Isabel Segunda 13.016242 199 383 13.016242 199 383 Santa Maria 1429.6233 195 383 Santa Maria 9.976013 196 383 Santa Maria 15.035454 198 383 Santa Maria 13.016242 199 383 13.016242 199 383 Vieques 1429.6233 195 383 Vieques 9.976013 196 383 Vieques 15.035454 198 383 Vieques 13.016242 199 383 13.016242 199 383 Uchire 14.503361 78 384 Uchire 5.6517228 77 387 5.6517228 77 387 Chavez 14.503361 78 384 Chavez 5.6517228 77 387 5.6517228 77 387 Culebra 17.594145 198 385 17.594145 198 385 Cardoncito 28.305979 78 386 Cardoncito 5.6517228 77 387 Cardoncito 9.6120391 77 389 Cardoncito 17.152468 77 390 17.152468 77 390 San Ildefonso 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Unare 5.6517228 77 387 Unare 9.6120391 77 389 Unare 17.152468 77 390 17.152468 77 390 Puerto Piritu 9.6120391 77 389 Puerto Piritu 17.152468 77 390 Puerto Piritu 14.061336 77 393 14.061336 77 393 Adelphi 25.465918 199 390 Adelphi 34.428595 200 390 34.428595 200 390 Neltjeberg 25.465918 199 390 Neltjeberg 34.428595 200 390 34.428595 200 390 Cabritaberg 25.465918 199 390 Cabritaberg 34.428595 200 390 34.428595 200 390 Barrett 32.277902 199 391 Barrett 19.851201 200 391 Barrett 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 Charlotte Amalie 32.277902 199 391 Charlotte Amalie 19.851201 200 391 Charlotte Amalie 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 Enighed 32.277902 199 391 Enighed 19.851201 200 391 Enighed 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 Bellevue 32.277902 199 391 Bellevue 19.851201 200 391 Bellevue 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 El Jose 16.670541 77 391 El Jose 14.061336 77 393 14.061336 77 393 Mandal 32.277902 199 391 Mandal 19.851201 200 391 Mandal 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 Bolongo 32.277902 199 391 Bolongo 19.851201 200 391 Bolongo 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 Donoe 32.277902 199 391 Donoe 19.851201 200 391 Donoe 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 Butler Bay 5.1864334 190 394 Butler Bay 499.01271 189 395 Butler Bay 2.7557436 190 395 Butler Bay 916.46895 189 396 916.46895 189 396 Hams Bay 5.1864334 190 394 Hams Bay 499.01271 189 395 Hams Bay 2.7557436 190 395 Hams Bay 916.46895 189 396 916.46895 189 396 Camporico 1315.014 188 394 Camporico 871.68323 188 395 Camporico 1578.6329 188 396 1578.6329 188 396 Benner 32.494773 199 392 Benner 25.045477 200 392 25.045477 200 392 Jolly Hill 5.1864334 190 394 Jolly Hill 499.01271 189 395 Jolly Hill 2.7557436 190 395 Jolly Hill 916.46895 189 396 916.46895 189 396 Annaly 5.1864334 190 394 Annaly 499.01271 189 395 Annaly 2.7557436 190 395 Annaly 916.46895 189 396 916.46895 189 396 Carlton 1315.014 188 394 Carlton 871.68323 188 395 Carlton 1578.6329 188 396 1578.6329 188 396 Allandale 5.1864334 190 394 Allandale 499.01271 189 395 Allandale 2.7557436 190 395 Allandale 916.46895 189 396 916.46895 189 396 Fountain 5.1864334 190 394 Fountain 499.01271 189 395 Fountain 2.7557436 190 395 Fountain 916.46895 189 396 Fountain 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Bettys Hope 1315.014 188 394 Bettys Hope 871.68323 188 395 Bettys Hope 1578.6329 188 396 Bettys Hope 1805.8453 188 397 1805.8453 188 397 North Star 5.1864334 190 394 North Star 499.01271 189 395 North Star 2.7557436 190 395 North Star 916.46895 189 396 North Star 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Upper Love 5.1864334 190 394 Upper Love 499.01271 189 395 Upper Love 2.7557436 190 395 Upper Love 916.46895 189 396 Upper Love 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Negro Bay 5.1864334 190 394 Negro Bay 499.01271 189 395 Negro Bay 2.7557436 190 395 Negro Bay 916.46895 189 396 Negro Bay 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Hermitage 5.1864334 190 394 Hermitage 499.01271 189 395 Hermitage 2.7557436 190 395 Hermitage 916.46895 189 396 Hermitage 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Belvedere 5.1864334 190 394 Belvedere 2.7557436 190 395 Belvedere 735.37532 190 397 735.37532 190 397 Bethlehem Old Work 5.1864334 190 394 Bethlehem Old Work 499.01271 189 395 Bethlehem Old Work 2.7557436 190 395 Bethlehem Old Work 916.46895 189 396 Bethlehem Old Work 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Contant 35.343119 199 393 Contant 37.288983 201 393 37.288983 201 393 Libanon Hill 5.1864334 190 394 Libanon Hill 499.01271 189 395 Libanon Hill 2.7557436 190 395 Libanon Hill 916.46895 189 396 Libanon Hill 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Anguilla 5.1864334 190 394 Anguilla 499.01271 189 395 Anguilla 2.7557436 190 395 Anguilla 916.46895 189 396 Anguilla 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Clairmont 5.1864334 190 394 Clairmont 2.7557436 190 395 Clairmont 735.37532 190 397 735.37532 190 397 Clifton Hill 5.1864334 190 394 Clifton Hill 499.01271 189 395 Clifton Hill 2.7557436 190 395 Clifton Hill 916.46895 189 396 Clifton Hill 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Bonne Esperance 5.1864334 190 394 Bonne Esperance 499.01271 189 395 Bonne Esperance 2.7557436 190 395 Bonne Esperance 916.46895 189 396 Bonne Esperance 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Adrian 35.343119 199 393 Adrian 37.288983 201 393 37.288983 201 393 Fish Bay 35.343119 199 393 Fish Bay 37.288983 201 393 37.288983 201 393 Montpellier 5.1864334 190 394 Montpellier 499.01271 189 395 Montpellier 2.7557436 190 395 Montpellier 916.46895 189 396 Montpellier 1059.5325 189 397 Montpellier 1046.0329 189 398 Montpellier 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Diamond 5.1864334 190 394 Diamond 499.01271 189 395 Diamond 2.7557436 190 395 Diamond 916.46895 189 396 Diamond 1059.5325 189 397 Diamond 1046.0329 189 398 Diamond 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 5.1864334 190 394 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 499.01271 189 395 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 2.7557436 190 395 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 916.46895 189 396 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 1059.5325 189 397 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 1046.0329 189 398 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Belle Vue 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Bellevue 5.1864334 190 394 Bellevue 499.01271 189 395 Bellevue 2.7557436 190 395 Bellevue 916.46895 189 396 Bellevue 1059.5325 189 397 Bellevue 1046.0329 189 398 Bellevue 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Annaberg 28.644213 199 394 Annaberg 34.138177 199 395 Annaberg 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Annas Hope 5.1864334 190 394 Annas Hope 499.01271 189 395 Annas Hope 2.7557436 190 395 Annas Hope 916.46895 189 396 Annas Hope 1059.5325 189 397 Annas Hope 1046.0329 189 398 Annas Hope 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Bordeaux 28.644213 199 394 Bordeaux 34.138177 199 395 Bordeaux 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Christiansted 5.1864334 190 394 Christiansted 499.01271 189 395 Christiansted 2.7557436 190 395 Christiansted 916.46895 189 396 Christiansted 1059.5325 189 397 Christiansted 1046.0329 189 398 Christiansted 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Bugbyhole 5.1864334 190 394 Bugbyhole 499.01271 189 395 Bugbyhole 2.7557436 190 395 Bugbyhole 916.46895 189 396 Bugbyhole 1059.5325 189 397 Bugbyhole 1046.0329 189 398 Bugbyhole 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Calabash Boom 28.644213 199 394 Calabash Boom 34.138177 199 395 Calabash Boom 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Hermitage 28.644213 199 394 Hermitage 34.138177 199 395 Hermitage 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 El Morro de Barcelona 22.441928 77 394 El Morro de Barcelona 16.715968 77 395 El Morro de Barcelona 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 Barcelona 16.715968 77 395 Barcelona 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 Butzberg 499.01271 189 395 Butzberg 2.7557436 190 395 Butzberg 916.46895 189 396 Butzberg 1059.5325 189 397 Butzberg 1046.0329 189 398 Butzberg 87.50558 192 398 Butzberg 1317.3216 189 399 1317.3216 189 399 Fareham 499.01271 189 395 Fareham 2.7557436 190 395 Fareham 916.46895 189 396 Fareham 1059.5325 189 397 Fareham 1046.0329 189 398 Fareham 87.50558 192 398 Fareham 1317.3216 189 399 1317.3216 189 399 East End 34.138177 199 395 East End 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Puerto la Cruz 16.715968 77 395 Puerto la Cruz 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 Carden 499.01271 189 395 Carden 2.7557436 190 395 Carden 916.46895 189 396 Carden 1059.5325 189 397 Carden 1046.0329 189 398 Carden 87.50558 192 398 Carden 1317.3216 189 399 1317.3216 189 399 Cotton Grove 499.01271 189 395 Cotton Grove 2.7557436 190 395 Cotton Grove 916.46895 189 396 Cotton Grove 1059.5325 189 397 Cotton Grove 1046.0329 189 398 Cotton Grove 87.50558 192 398 Cotton Grove 1317.3216 189 399 1317.3216 189 399 Road Town 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Cotton Valley 916.46895 189 396 Cotton Valley 1059.5325 189 397 Cotton Valley 1046.0329 189 398 Cotton Valley 87.50558 192 398 Cotton Valley 1317.3216 189 399 Cotton Valley 2128.1267 189 400 2128.1267 189 400 El Chaure 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 Knight 916.46895 189 396 Knight 1059.5325 189 397 Knight 1046.0329 189 398 Knight 87.50558 192 398 Knight 1317.3216 189 399 Knight 2128.1267 189 400 2128.1267 189 400 Pacham Town 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Arapo 37.100678 79 398 37.100678 79 398 Spanish Town 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Santa Fe 104.08156 79 399 Santa Fe 77.053359 81 399 77.053359 81 399 Tajerias 390.28288 88 399 Tajerias 486.85275 88 400 Tajerias 344.25732 88 401 Tajerias 274.33301 88 402 Tajerias 54.514677 89 402 Tajerias 2.7022141 91 403 2.7022141 91 403 Robledal 390.28288 88 399 Robledal 486.85275 88 400 Robledal 344.25732 88 401 Robledal 274.33301 88 402 Robledal 54.514677 89 402 Robledal 2.7022141 91 403 2.7022141 91 403 Yaguaracual 83.652157 79 400 Yaguaracual 75.480526 80 400 Yaguaracual 613.48779 82 403 613.48779 82 403 The Settlement 216.0191 206 403 216.0191 206 403 Barbacoas 83.652157 79 400 Barbacoas 75.480526 80 400 Barbacoas 613.48779 82 403 613.48779 82 403 El Tunal 530.0994 89 400 El Tunal 204.31507 89 401 El Tunal 54.514677 89 402 El Tunal 2.7022141 91 403 2.7022141 91 403 San Francisco 344.25732 88 401 San Francisco 274.33301 88 402 San Francisco 54.514677 89 402 San Francisco 2.7022141 91 403 San Francisco 41.827165 90 405 41.827165 90 405 El Horcon 181.9925 87 401 El Horcon 344.25732 88 401 El Horcon 132.12622 87 402 El Horcon 2.7022141 91 403 El Horcon 7.5439052 87 405 7.5439052 87 405 Pta de Araya 1043.6232 82 401 Pta de Araya 613.48779 82 403 Pta de Araya 65.508304 86 403 Pta de Araya 29.38326 85 404 Pta de Araya 34.674453 85 405 34.674453 85 405 El Rincon 1043.6232 82 401 El Rincon 613.48779 82 403 El Rincon 65.508304 86 403 El Rincon 29.38326 85 404 El Rincon 34.674453 85 405 34.674453 85 405 Punta Arenas 187.6636 81 401 Punta Arenas 1043.6232 82 401 Punta Arenas 613.48779 82 403 Punta Arenas 29.38326 85 404 Punta Arenas 34.674453 85 405 34.674453 85 405 Manicuare 871.00947 82 402 Manicuare 533.5352 83 402 Manicuare 613.48779 82 403 Manicuare 29.38326 85 404 Manicuare 34.674453 85 405 Manicuare 39.544975 85 406 39.544975 85 406 Cumana 871.00947 82 402 Cumana 533.5352 83 402 Cumana 613.48779 82 403 613.48779 82 403 Chacachacare 13.449984 87 403 Chacachacare 2.9530695 89 403 Chacachacare 2.7022141 91 403 Chacachacare 7.5439052 87 405 Chacachacare 8.4075992 87 406 Chacachacare 2.7660836 87 407 2.7660836 87 407 El Guamache 613.48779 82 403 El Guamache 65.508304 86 403 El Guamache 29.38326 85 404 El Guamache 34.674453 85 405 El Guamache 39.544975 85 406 El Guamache 35.045096 85 407 35.045096 85 407 El Penon 613.48779 82 403 613.48779 82 403 Punta de Piedras 13.449984 87 403 Punta de Piedras 2.9530695 89 403 Punta de Piedras 2.7022141 91 403 Punta de Piedras 7.5439052 87 405 Punta de Piedras 8.4075992 87 406 Punta de Piedras 2.7660836 87 407 2.7660836 87 407 Piedras Negras 30.673788 88 404 Piedras Negras 2.8964898 89 404 Piedras Negras 7.5439052 87 405 Piedras Negras 8.4075992 87 406 Piedras Negras 2.7660836 87 407 2.7660836 87 407 La Guardia 15.960578 88 405 La Guardia 41.827165 90 405 La Guardia 5.8702821 88 406 La Guardia 22.598831 88 407 La Guardia 8.2260783 88 408 La Guardia 22.31131 88 409 22.31131 88 409 San Pedro de Coche 34.674453 85 405 San Pedro de Coche 7.5439052 87 405 San Pedro de Coche 39.544975 85 406 San Pedro de Coche 35.045096 85 407 San Pedro de Coche 20.71937 85 408 San Pedro de Coche 8.749472 85 409 8.749472 85 409 Altagracia 52.079478 90 406 Altagracia 10.084479 92 408 Altagracia 4.1232562 89 409 Altagracia 18.294517 89 410 18.294517 89 410 La Uva 39.544975 85 406 La Uva 35.045096 85 407 La Uva 20.71937 85 408 La Uva 8.749472 85 409 8.749472 85 409 El Yaque 31.099887 86 406 El Yaque 8.4075992 87 406 El Yaque 23.369602 86 407 El Yaque 3.8364694 86 409 El Yaque 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 San Antonio 8.4075992 87 406 San Antonio 2.7660836 87 407 San Antonio 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 Caimancito 39.544975 85 406 Caimancito 35.045096 85 407 Caimancito 20.71937 85 408 Caimancito 8.749472 85 409 8.749472 85 409 Guamache 39.544975 85 406 Guamache 35.045096 85 407 Guamache 20.71937 85 408 Guamache 8.749472 85 409 8.749472 85 409 Manzanillo 27.328157 92 407 Manzanillo 10.084479 92 408 Manzanillo 17.883962 92 410 17.883962 92 410 Paraguchi 27.328157 92 407 Paraguchi 10.084479 92 408 Paraguchi 4.1232562 89 409 Paraguchi 18.294517 89 410 18.294517 89 410 Porlamar 2.7660836 87 407 Porlamar 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 Pampatar 8.2260783 88 408 Pampatar 22.31131 88 409 22.31131 88 409 Ariota 20.71937 85 408 Ariota 8.749472 85 409 8.749472 85 409 No Alonso 13.055322 85 411 13.055322 85 411 Soledad 13.055322 85 411 13.055322 85 411 Cabo Blanco 26.327198 85 412 Cabo Blanco 30.205509 85 415 30.205509 85 415 La Esmeralda 21.082923 85 413 La Esmeralda 26.976556 85 414 La Esmeralda 30.205509 85 415 30.205509 85 415 Guaca 26.976556 85 414 Guaca 30.205509 85 415 30.205509 85 415 Carupano 12.808612 86 416 Carupano 18.050904 86 417 18.050904 86 417 Windward Side 21.234522 187 416 21.234522 187 416 Puerto Santo 18.050904 86 417 18.050904 86 417 West End Village 708.75761 196 417 West End Village 248.3262 196 419 248.3262 196 419 Lowlands 1050.765 194 418 Lowlands 878.05956 194 419 Lowlands 255.82619 195 420 Lowlands 20.039997 196 422 Lowlands 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Rio Caribe 20.462156 86 418 20.462156 86 418 Sandy Ground 1050.765 194 418 Sandy Ground 878.05956 194 419 Sandy Ground 255.82619 195 420 Sandy Ground 20.039997 196 422 Sandy Ground 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Marigot 878.05956 194 419 Marigot 255.82619 195 420 Marigot 20.039997 196 422 Marigot 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Blowing Point 248.3262 196 419 Blowing Point 20.039997 196 422 Blowing Point 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Koolbaai 902.30771 193 419 Koolbaai 255.82619 195 420 Koolbaai 20.039997 196 422 Koolbaai 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Concordia 878.05956 194 419 Concordia 255.82619 195 420 Concordia 20.039997 196 422 Concordia 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 St Louis 878.05956 194 419 St Louis 255.82619 195 420 St Louis 20.039997 196 422 St Louis 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 The Valley 248.3262 196 419 The Valley 20.039997 196 422 The Valley 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Fort Amsterdam 902.30771 193 419 Fort Amsterdam 255.82619 195 420 Fort Amsterdam 20.039997 196 422 Fort Amsterdam 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Dutch Cul de Sac 878.05956 194 419 Dutch Cul de Sac 255.82619 195 420 Dutch Cul de Sac 20.039997 196 422 Dutch Cul de Sac 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Grand Case 878.05956 194 419 Grand Case 255.82619 195 420 Grand Case 20.039997 196 422 Grand Case 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Colombier 878.05956 194 419 Colombier 255.82619 195 420 Colombier 20.039997 196 422 Colombier 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Philipsburg 902.30771 193 419 Philipsburg 255.82619 195 420 Philipsburg 20.039997 196 422 Philipsburg 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Orleans 878.05956 194 419 Orleans 255.82619 195 420 Orleans 20.039997 196 422 Orleans 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Point Blanche 902.30771 193 419 Point Blanche 255.82619 195 420 Point Blanche 20.039997 196 422 Point Blanche 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Anse Marcel 570.3636 195 419 Anse Marcel 248.3262 196 419 Anse Marcel 255.82619 195 420 Anse Marcel 20.039997 196 422 Anse Marcel 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 French Cul de Sac 570.3636 195 419 French Cul de Sac 248.3262 196 419 French Cul de Sac 255.82619 195 420 French Cul de Sac 20.039997 196 422 French Cul de Sac 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Green Cay 606.32488 194 420 Green Cay 255.82619 195 420 Green Cay 20.039997 196 422 Green Cay 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Oranjestad 428.47394 185 420 Oranjestad 495.18994 185 421 Oranjestad 459.83252 185 422 Oranjestad 482.09884 185 423 482.09884 185 423 Agua Fria 28.356568 86 421 Agua Fria 45.088565 86 423 45.088565 86 423 Gustavia 730.90579 191 422 Gustavia 35.431137 195 423 35.431137 195 423 San Juan de las Galdonas 32.23922 86 422 San Juan de las Galdonas 45.088565 86 423 San Juan de las Galdonas 5.4870454 83 426 5.4870454 83 426 Newton Ground 498.9627 184 422 Newton Ground 459.83252 185 422 Newton Ground 636.28459 184 423 Newton Ground 22.966833 184 426 22.966833 184 426 Fig Tree 612.46586 183 422 Fig Tree 459.83252 185 422 Fig Tree 712.63411 183 423 Fig Tree 568.16109 183 425 Fig Tree 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Saint Paul's 498.9627 184 422 Saint Paul's 459.83252 185 422 Saint Paul's 636.28459 184 423 Saint Paul's 22.966833 184 426 22.966833 184 426 Sandy Point 612.46586 183 422 Sandy Point 459.83252 185 422 Sandy Point 712.63411 183 423 Sandy Point 568.16109 183 425 Sandy Point 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Yaguaraparo 5.4870454 83 426 5.4870454 83 426 Half Way Tree 712.63411 183 423 Half Way Tree 568.16109 183 425 Half Way Tree 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Dieppe Bay Town 636.28459 184 423 Dieppe Bay Town 22.966833 184 426 22.966833 184 426 Middle Island 712.63411 183 423 Middle Island 568.16109 183 425 Middle Island 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Saddlers 636.28459 184 423 Saddlers 22.966833 184 426 22.966833 184 426 Challengers 951.0313 182 423 Challengers 860.51943 182 424 Challengers 903.10439 182 425 Challengers 602.03568 182 426 Challengers 99.128292 182 427 99.128292 182 427 Trinity 951.0313 182 423 Trinity 860.51943 182 424 Trinity 903.10439 182 425 Trinity 602.03568 182 426 Trinity 99.128292 182 427 99.128292 182 427 San Juan 45.088565 86 423 45.088565 86 423 Tabernacle 636.28459 184 423 Tabernacle 22.966833 184 426 22.966833 184 426 Phillips 622.11053 183 424 Phillips 568.16109 183 425 Phillips 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Boyd's 860.51943 182 424 Boyd's 903.10439 182 425 Boyd's 602.03568 182 426 Boyd's 99.128292 182 427 99.128292 182 427 Mansion 627.53955 184 424 Mansion 388.76797 184 425 Mansion 22.966833 184 426 22.966833 184 426 Molineux 622.11053 183 424 Molineux 568.16109 183 425 Molineux 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Unare 40.770242 86 424 40.770242 86 424 Lodge 622.11053 183 424 Lodge 568.16109 183 425 Lodge 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Ottley's 622.11053 183 424 Ottley's 568.16109 183 425 Ottley's 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Basseterre 860.51943 182 424 Basseterre 903.10439 182 425 Basseterre 602.03568 182 426 Basseterre 99.128292 182 427 99.128292 182 427 Canyon 622.11053 183 424 Canyon 568.16109 183 425 Canyon 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Keys 622.11053 183 424 Keys 568.16109 183 425 Keys 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Charlestown 995.11765 180 425 Charlestown 878.72879 181 425 Charlestown 771.83744 180 426 Charlestown 453.69482 181 426 Charlestown 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Nelson's Spring 771.83744 180 426 Nelson's Spring 453.69482 181 426 Nelson's Spring 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Cotton Ground 771.83744 180 426 Cotton Ground 453.69482 181 426 Cotton Ground 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Jessup's Village 771.83744 180 426 Jessup's Village 453.69482 181 426 Jessup's Village 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Westbury 453.69482 181 426 Westbury 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Fig Tree 771.83744 180 426 Fig Tree 453.69482 181 426 Fig Tree 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Puerto Escondido 57.527298 87 426 Puerto Escondido 71.604484 88 426 Puerto Escondido 70.72141 87 427 Puerto Escondido 69.039205 88 428 Puerto Escondido 72.058168 88 429 Puerto Escondido 83.110386 87 430 83.110386 87 430 Newcastle 453.69482 181 426 Newcastle 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Fountain 453.69482 181 426 Fountain 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Irapa 5.4870454 83 426 5.4870454 83 426 Taylors Pleasure 771.83744 180 426 Taylors Pleasure 453.69482 181 426 Taylors Pleasure 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Hanley's Road 771.83744 180 426 Hanley's Road 453.69482 181 426 Hanley's Road 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Hick's Village 453.69482 181 426 Hick's Village 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Zion 678.2325 180 427 Zion 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Brink Kiln 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 New River 678.2325 180 427 New River 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Butlers 678.2325 180 427 Butlers 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Soro 6.1368317 81 428 Soro 6.1410419 82 428 6.1410419 82 428 Guiria 15.00425 82 430 15.00425 82 430 Capure 2.0014997 77 431 2.0014997 77 431 Puerto de Hierro 3.4870859 83 431 3.4870859 83 431 Old Town 794.07696 174 431 Old Town 1132.61 175 431 1132.61 175 431 Olveston 794.07696 174 431 Olveston 1132.61 175 431 1132.61 175 431 Elberton 794.07696 174 431 Elberton 1132.61 175 431 1132.61 175 431 Saint Peter's 926.27596 175 432 Saint Peter's 1009.2684 176 432 Saint Peter's 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Woodlands 753.50303 174 432 Woodlands 926.27596 175 432 Woodlands 1009.2684 176 432 Woodlands 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Salem 753.50303 174 432 Salem 926.27596 175 432 Salem 1009.2684 176 432 Salem 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Weekes 753.50303 174 432 Weekes 926.27596 175 432 Weekes 1009.2684 176 432 Weekes 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Firth 753.50303 174 432 Firth 926.27596 175 432 Firth 1009.2684 176 432 Firth 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Cud Joe Head 753.50303 174 432 Cud Joe Head 926.27596 175 432 Cud Joe Head 1009.2684 176 432 Cud Joe Head 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Davy Hill 926.27596 175 432 Davy Hill 1009.2684 176 432 Davy Hill 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Plymouth 921.1015 173 432 Plymouth 753.50303 174 432 Plymouth 926.27596 175 432 Plymouth 1009.2684 176 432 Plymouth 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Molyneaux 753.50303 174 432 Molyneaux 926.27596 175 432 Molyneaux 1009.2684 176 432 Molyneaux 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Saint John's 926.27596 175 432 Saint John's 1009.2684 176 432 Saint John's 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Windy Hill 753.50303 174 432 Windy Hill 926.27596 175 432 Windy Hill 1009.2684 176 432 Windy Hill 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Lookout 926.27596 175 432 Lookout 1009.2684 176 432 Lookout 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Blakes 926.27596 175 432 Blakes 1009.2684 176 432 Blakes 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Tuitts 753.50303 174 432 Tuitts 926.27596 175 432 Tuitts 1009.2684 176 432 Tuitts 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Bramble Village 753.50303 174 432 Bramble Village 926.27596 175 432 Bramble Village 1009.2684 176 432 Bramble Village 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Long Ground 753.50303 174 432 Long Ground 926.27596 175 432 Long Ground 1009.2684 176 432 Long Ground 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Bethnal 837.50604 174 433 Bethnal 783.71496 175 433 Bethnal 46.962435 176 433 Bethnal 431.31609 177 433 431.31609 177 433 Macuro 29.343954 83 436 29.343954 83 436 Five Islands 31.560581 180 437 Five Islands 11.320239 181 437 Five Islands 19.017182 182 437 Five Islands 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Jolly Harbour 609.01839 179 437 Jolly Harbour 19.017182 182 437 Jolly Harbour 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Bolans 609.01839 179 437 Bolans 19.017182 182 437 Bolans 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Fullarton 19.892698 75 437 Fullarton 2.932609 74 438 2.932609 74 438 Urlings 773.83515 178 437 Urlings 609.01839 179 437 Urlings 19.017182 182 437 Urlings 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Jennings 609.01839 179 437 Jennings 19.017182 182 437 Jennings 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Ebenezer 609.01839 179 437 Ebenezer 19.017182 182 437 Ebenezer 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Runaway Bay 31.560581 180 437 Runaway Bay 11.320239 181 437 Runaway Bay 19.017182 182 437 Runaway Bay 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Creekside 609.01839 179 437 Creekside 19.017182 182 437 Creekside 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Dickenson Bay 31.560581 180 437 Dickenson Bay 11.320239 181 437 Dickenson Bay 19.017182 182 437 Dickenson Bay 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Golden Grove 609.01839 179 437 Golden Grove 19.017182 182 437 Golden Grove 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Saint John's 31.560581 180 437 Saint John's 11.320239 181 437 Saint John's 19.017182 182 437 Saint John's 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 John Hughes 683.49084 179 438 John Hughes 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Boons Bay 16.232231 180 438 Boons Bay 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Cedar Grove 16.232231 180 438 Cedar Grove 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Saint Johnston Village 16.232231 180 438 Saint Johnston Village 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Codrington 33.355261 187 438 Codrington 19.599028 188 438 Codrington 16.353065 188 439 Codrington 225.93912 189 439 Codrington 12.378895 189 441 12.378895 189 441 Potters Village 683.49084 179 438 Potters Village 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Osbourn 16.232231 180 438 Osbourn 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Coromandel Settlement 2.932609 74 438 2.932609 74 438 Barnes Hill 16.232231 180 438 Barnes Hill 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Falmouth Harbour 747.47134 178 438 Falmouth Harbour 683.49084 179 438 Falmouth Harbour 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 La Pointe-Noire 1457.6129 167 438 La Pointe-Noire 1011.7014 168 438 La Pointe-Noire 1008.9656 171 439 La Pointe-Noire 157.7955 171 440 157.7955 171 440 Bouillante 1696.031 165 438 Bouillante 1580.9212 166 438 Bouillante 1457.6129 167 438 Bouillante 1011.7014 168 438 1011.7014 168 438 Bas Vent 1011.7014 168 438 Bas Vent 1234.9831 172 438 Bas Vent 1008.9656 171 439 Bas Vent 1069.2155 172 439 Bas Vent 157.7955 171 440 157.7955 171 440 Cobbs Cross 747.47134 178 438 Cobbs Cross 683.49084 179 438 Cobbs Cross 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 English Harbour 747.47134 178 438 English Harbour 683.49084 179 438 English Harbour 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Pares 679.29346 179 439 Pares 20.483335 182 442 20.483335 182 442 Irois 46.720347 75 439 46.720347 75 439 Saint George's 31.070681 105 439 Saint George's 14.48764 107 443 Saint George's 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Betty's Hope 679.29346 179 439 Betty's Hope 20.483335 182 442 20.483335 182 442 Chatham 4.7586028 74 439 4.7586028 74 439 Newfield 679.29346 179 439 Newfield 20.483335 182 442 20.483335 182 442 The Lance 31.070681 105 439 The Lance 14.48764 107 443 The Lance 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Basse-Terre 1377.6372 163 439 Basse-Terre 1400.3798 164 439 Basse-Terre 1394.964 165 439 Basse-Terre 1327.0687 166 439 Basse-Terre 1150.5161 167 439 1150.5161 167 439 Willikies 679.29346 179 439 Willikies 20.483335 182 442 20.483335 182 442 Prickley Bay 31.070681 105 439 Prickley Bay 14.48764 107 443 14.48764 107 443 Saint-Claude 1377.6372 163 439 Saint-Claude 1400.3798 164 439 Saint-Claude 1394.964 165 439 Saint-Claude 1327.0687 166 439 Saint-Claude 1150.5161 167 439 1150.5161 167 439 Victoria 14.48764 107 443 Victoria 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Half Moon Bay 762.38632 179 440 Half Moon Bay 20.483335 182 442 20.483335 182 442 Point Fortin 2.4606248 76 440 2.4606248 76 440 Thebaide 14.48764 107 443 Thebaide 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 La Retraite 24.963047 83 440 La Retraite 15.997521 83 443 La Retraite 7.7748754 85 443 La Retraite 10.912959 83 444 La Retraite 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 San Francique 12.248407 74 440 12.248407 74 440 Le Bourg 1828.7467 161 440 Le Bourg 1637.561 162 440 Le Bourg 1370.1978 163 440 Le Bourg 1063.2298 164 440 Le Bourg 793.9919 165 440 Le Bourg 183.16046 164 444 Le Bourg 264.72439 165 444 264.72439 165 444 Grenville 14.48764 107 443 Grenville 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Parry Lands 3.7883373 76 441 3.7883373 76 441 Baie-Mahault 16.460262 171 441 Baie-Mahault 52.138378 167 444 Baie-Mahault 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 Los Bajos 19.854711 74 441 Los Bajos 10.58212 75 441 Los Bajos 3.7883373 76 441 3.7883373 76 441 Capesterre 292.4756 164 441 Capesterre 183.16046 164 444 Capesterre 264.72439 165 444 Capesterre 157.06973 166 444 Capesterre 52.138378 167 444 Capesterre 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 Coolie Block 25.923306 84 442 Coolie Block 12.064236 84 443 Coolie Block 7.7748754 85 443 Coolie Block 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Dibe 16.872241 83 442 Dibe 15.997521 83 443 Dibe 7.7748754 85 443 Dibe 10.912959 83 444 Dibe 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Pointe-a-Pitre 157.06973 166 444 Pointe-a-Pitre 52.138378 167 444 Pointe-a-Pitre 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 Port-Louis 152.97135 171 442 152.97135 171 442 Plaisance 24.574728 79 442 Plaisance 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 Port-of-Spain 15.997521 83 443 Port-of-Spain 7.7748754 85 443 Port-of-Spain 10.912959 83 444 Port-of-Spain 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Argyle 37.271263 111 445 Argyle 15.610629 112 446 Argyle 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 California 14.367832 79 443 California 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 La Pastora 12.064236 84 443 La Pastora 7.7748754 85 443 La Pastora 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Saint-Jacques 217.78232 171 443 Saint-Jacques 292.88737 172 443 Saint-Jacques 384.33487 173 443 Saint-Jacques 378.5898 174 443 Saint-Jacques 248.19525 173 446 Saint-Jacques 759.7154 171 447 759.7154 171 447 San Fernando 14.367832 79 443 San Fernando 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 Portsmouth 2159.522 156 443 Portsmouth 1703.8212 158 443 Portsmouth 1758.4674 159 443 Portsmouth 1658.0454 160 443 1658.0454 160 443 Palencho 19.738137 72 446 19.738137 72 446 Morne Diablo 21.756514 74 443 21.756514 74 443 Baroui 2368.9373 154 443 Baroui 2169.2863 155 443 Baroui 2159.522 156 443 Baroui 1703.8212 158 443 Baroui 1934.8966 155 444 Baroui 1350.3581 156 444 1350.3581 156 444 Carapichaima 30.14052 80 443 Carapichaima 22.674675 80 444 Carapichaima 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 L'Appelle 37.271263 111 445 L'Appelle 15.610629 112 446 L'Appelle 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 Ashton 15.610629 112 446 Ashton 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 Hermitage 14.367832 79 443 Hermitage 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 Cacandee Settlement 26.477363 81 443 Cacandee Settlement 7.7748754 85 443 Cacandee Settlement 10.912959 83 444 Cacandee Settlement 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Las Cuevas 44.745733 87 444 Las Cuevas 46.007437 87 445 Las Cuevas 28.38076 87 446 Las Cuevas 29.01739 88 448 29.01739 88 448 Engagement Umbrella 37.271263 111 445 Engagement Umbrella 15.610629 112 446 Engagement Umbrella 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 Roseau 2423.4533 152 444 Roseau 2204.5203 153 444 Roseau 2192.4355 154 444 Roseau 1934.8966 155 444 Roseau 1350.3581 156 444 1350.3581 156 444 Sainte-Anne 157.06973 166 444 Sainte-Anne 52.138378 167 444 Sainte-Anne 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 Scotts Head 2346.0299 151 444 Scotts Head 2423.4533 152 444 Scotts Head 2204.5203 153 444 Scotts Head 2192.4355 154 444 Scotts Head 1934.8966 155 444 1934.8966 155 444 Moule 86.984738 168 446 Moule 7.5412454 168 447 7.5412454 168 447 La Lune 33.344783 74 445 La Lune 33.000046 74 446 La Lune 3.2590609 76 447 3.2590609 76 447 Canouan 11.332037 114 446 11.332037 114 446 Dubuc 2272.4445 152 445 Dubuc 1949.7275 153 445 Dubuc 1588.8837 154 445 Dubuc 1161.4095 155 445 Dubuc 502.70098 156 445 502.70098 156 445 Blanchisseuse 46.007437 87 445 Blanchisseuse 28.38076 87 446 Blanchisseuse 29.01739 88 448 Blanchisseuse 32.70933 88 449 32.70933 88 449 Marigot 502.70098 156 445 Marigot 176.30817 160 445 Marigot 90.181221 159 448 90.181221 159 448 Saint-Louis 245.06747 162 445 Saint-Louis 162.28296 163 445 Saint-Louis 129.96741 164 445 Saint-Louis 230.57169 165 445 Saint-Louis 388.90112 166 445 Saint-Louis 519.28324 166 446 Saint-Louis 8.4886315 165 448 8.4886315 165 448 Grand-Bourg 719.85259 161 445 Grand-Bourg 245.06747 162 445 Grand-Bourg 162.28296 163 445 Grand-Bourg 129.96741 164 445 Grand-Bourg 230.57169 165 445 Grand-Bourg 8.4886315 165 448 8.4886315 165 448 Castle Bruce 581.3787 154 446 Castle Bruce 702.91085 155 449 Castle Bruce 435.29509 156 449 Castle Bruce 207.74543 157 449 Castle Bruce 1044.959 155 450 Castle Bruce 1008.761 156 450 Castle Bruce 824.31269 157 450 824.31269 157 450 Kingstown 2.6771181 123 450 2.6771181 123 450 La Plaine 635.79767 153 446 La Plaine 829.58066 153 448 La Plaine 1044.959 155 450 La Plaine 1008.761 156 450 La Plaine 824.31269 157 450 824.31269 157 450 Chateaubelair 2.6771181 123 450 2.6771181 123 450 Union 41.571696 120 449 Union 29.316637 118 450 29.316637 118 450 Capesterre 739.5804 161 447 Capesterre 414.06726 162 447 Capesterre 75.353936 163 447 Capesterre 81.210594 165 447 Capesterre 8.4886315 165 448 8.4886315 165 448 Calliaqua 41.571696 120 449 Calliaqua 2.6771181 123 450 2.6771181 123 450 Mustique 36.735896 116 448 36.735896 116 448 Sainte Pierre 2179.729 146 447 Sainte Pierre 2156.8762 147 447 Sainte Pierre 2173.3672 148 447 2173.3672 148 447 Fancy 2.6771181 123 450 2.6771181 123 450 Matelot 29.01739 88 448 Matelot 32.70933 88 449 Matelot 26.364591 88 450 Matelot 13.985153 85 452 13.985153 85 452 Georgetown 2.6771181 123 450 2.6771181 123 450 Basse-Pointe 1575.3622 146 448 Basse-Pointe 1103.6117 147 448 Basse-Pointe 1351.1368 148 448 Basse-Pointe 1844.8369 149 448 Basse-Pointe 2004.1197 150 448 Basse-Pointe 63.88579 148 452 63.88579 148 452 Fort-de-France 5.4136125 146 453 5.4136125 146 453 Grande Anse 60.605706 167 449 Grande Anse 26.108418 168 449 26.108418 168 449 Soufriere 21.339049 131 453 21.339049 131 453 Lower Manzanilla 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Grande Riviere 32.70933 88 449 Grande Riviere 26.364591 88 450 Grande Riviere 13.985153 85 452 13.985153 85 452 Soburojo 19.314662 70 449 Soburojo 5.8861477 69 450 5.8861477 69 450 Lower Fishing Pond 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Salibea 11.244167 83 452 Salibea 7.7333748 84 452 7.7333748 84 452 Guayaguayare 39.510962 75 450 Guayaguayare 8.7007806 76 450 Guayaguayare 2.8916729 79 452 2.8916729 79 452 Point du Nord 10.009413 168 450 Point du Nord 118.24756 169 450 118.24756 169 450 Saint Margaret 2.8916729 79 452 Saint Margaret 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Saint Joseph 2.8916729 79 452 Saint Joseph 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Rampanalgas 26.364591 88 450 Rampanalgas 7.7333748 84 452 7.7333748 84 452 Castries 35.183306 133 454 35.183306 133 454 Lero 63.88579 148 452 Lero 5.4136125 146 453 Lero 17.968397 147 453 17.968397 147 453 Fonds Panier 5.4136125 146 453 5.4136125 146 453 Redhead 30.507471 88 451 Redhead 13.985153 85 452 13.985153 85 452 Vieux Fort 21.339049 131 453 Vieux Fort 35.183306 133 454 35.183306 133 454 Cap Estate 71.539598 136 454 71.539598 136 454 Anbre 21.339049 131 453 Anbre 35.183306 133 454 35.183306 133 454 Hyacinthe 5.4136125 146 453 Hyacinthe 17.968397 147 453 17.968397 147 453 Bosquet d'Or 35.183306 133 454 35.183306 133 454 La Esperanza 2.0183872 59 456 La Esperanza 2.0346929 60 456 2.0346929 60 456 Sainte-Anne 7.2046339 143 455 7.2046339 143 455 Le Vauclin 21.728829 145 454 21.728829 145 454 Jotajana 2.0183872 59 456 Jotajana 13.569609 57 457 13.569609 57 457 Mount Pleasant 84.63746 90 453 Mount Pleasant 11.785092 91 454 11.785092 91 454 Scarborough 11.785092 91 454 11.785092 91 454 Castara 11.42909 93 455 Castara 67.461504 92 456 Castara 66.645547 92 457 66.645547 92 457 Belle Garden 91.633546 91 456 91.633546 91 456 Speyside 66.645547 92 457 66.645547 92 457 San Jose de Amacuro 4.1128084 54 459 4.1128084 54 459 Faro de Barima 4.1128084 54 459 Faro de Barima 2.227025 55 463 2.227025 55 463 La Linea 21.449445 52 469 21.449445 52 469 Hackney 6.0838593 40 487 Hackney 9.3960115 39 488 Hackney 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Marlborough 9.3960115 39 488 Marlborough 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Bounty Hall 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Queenstown 2.0142961 33 490 Queenstown 2.0025694 31 491 2.0025694 31 491 Taymoutn Manor Place 2.0142961 33 490 Taymoutn Manor Place 2.0025694 31 491 2.0025694 31 491 Aurora 2.0216906 30 491 2.0216906 30 491 Anna Regina 2.0142961 33 490 Anna Regina 2.0303211 36 490 2.0303211 36 490 Hampton Court 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Suddie 2.0142961 33 490 Suddie 2.0216906 30 491 2.0216906 30 491 Capoey 2.0142961 33 490 Capoey 2.0025694 31 491 2.0025694 31 491 Maria Johanna 2.0216906 30 491 2.0216906 30 491 Caledonia 2.0216906 30 491 2.0216906 30 491 Parika 2.0216906 30 491 2.0216906 30 491 Leguan I 2.0216906 30 491 2.0216906 30 491 De Kinderen 2.0216906 30 491 2.0216906 30 491 Den Amstel 4.2796775 29 492 4.2796775 29 492 Georgetown 2.0009563 29 493 Georgetown 2.0014258 28 494 Georgetown 2.9923384 28 496 Georgetown 4.0015666 28 497 4.0015666 28 497 Courida Park 2.0009563 29 493 Courida Park 2.0014258 28 494 Courida Park 2.9923384 28 496 Courida Park 4.0015666 28 497 4.0015666 28 497 Buxton 2.0014258 28 494 Buxton 2.9923384 28 496 Buxton 4.0015666 28 497 Buxton 3.893256 27 498 3.893256 27 498 Belfield 2.9923384 28 496 Belfield 4.0015666 28 497 Belfield 3.893256 27 498 3.893256 27 498 Enmore 2.9923384 28 496 Enmore 4.0015666 28 497 Enmore 3.893256 27 498 3.893256 27 498 Helena 3.893256 27 498 3.893******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 21:35:07.932645 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ 256 27 498 De Kinderen 2.0092812 26 499 2.0092812 26 499 Perth 4.6054468 24 500 Perth 3.9832839 24 502 3.9832839 24 502 Mahaicony 4.6054468 24 500 Mahaicony 3.9832839 24 502 3.9832839 24 502 Belladrum 4.6054468 24 500 Belladrum 3.9832839 24 502 Belladrum 3.5690224 23 503 3.5690224 23 503 Weldaad 4.6054468 24 500 Weldaad 3.9832839 24 502 Weldaad 3.5690224 23 503 3.5690224 23 503 Number Forty 4.6054468 24 500 Number Forty 3.9832839 24 502 Number Forty 3.5690224 23 503 3.5690224 23 503 Onverwagt 3.5690224 23 503 3.5690224 23 503 Fort Wellington 3.5690224 23 503 3.5690224 23 503 Waterloo 2.0018811 21 504 Waterloo 4.5087237 22 504 4.5087237 22 504 Blairmont 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Everton 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Rosignol 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 New Amsterdam 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Fyrish 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Rosehall 5.3916816 20 508 Rosehall 5.5841235 19 509 5.5841235 19 509 Tarlogie Farm 5.3916816 20 508 Tarlogie Farm 5.5841235 19 509 Tarlogie Farm 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Brighton 5.5841235 19 509 Brighton 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Goldspie 5.5841235 19 509 Goldspie 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Number Forty-six 3.2349672 14 510 Number Forty-six 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Leeds 3.2349672 14 510 Leeds 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Crabwood Creek 3.2349672 14 510 3.2349672 14 510 Number Sixty-one 3.2349672 14 510 Number Sixty-one 5.0044694 17 511 5.0044694 17 511 Number 80 3.2349672 14 510 3.2349672 14 510 Corriverton 3.2349672 14 510 Corriverton 14.335455 15 512 14.335455 15 512 Nieuw Nickerie 3.2349672 14 510 Nieuw Nickerie 14.335455 15 512 Nieuw Nickerie 5.5643558 16 514 5.5643558 16 514 Burnside 2.0315619 15 519 2.0315619 15 519 Totness 4.8842381 15 520 4.8842381 15 520 Hamilton 3.3624951 14 521 3.3624951 14 521 Coppenamepunt 2.5489581 14 526 Coppenamepunt 2.0034566 13 527 2.0034566 13 527 Pomona 7.3303553 15 538 Pomona 2.0086886 15 539 Pomona 2.1613711 15 540 Pomona 3.4414184 16 542 3.4414184 16 542 Clevia 7.3303553 15 538 Clevia 2.0086886 15 539 Clevia 2.1613711 15 540 2.1613711 15 540 Nieuw Amsterdam 2.0086886 15 539 Nieuw Amsterdam 2.1613711 15 540 Nieuw Amsterdam 3.4414184 16 542 3.4414184 16 542 Geertruidenberg 2.0086886 15 539 Geertruidenberg 2.1613711 15 540 2.1613711 15 540 Langamankondre 4.0969154 13 555 Langamankondre 2.0000334 13 557 2.0000334 13 557 Galibi 4.0969154 13 555 Galibi 2.0000334 13 557 Galibi 3.8343035 12 559 3.8343035 12 559 Les Hattes 2.0000334 13 557 Les Hattes 3.8343035 12 559 3.8343035 12 559 Camp de Coswine 3.8343035 12 559 3.8343035 12 559 Aouara 2.0000334 13 557 Aouara 3.8343035 12 559 3.8343035 12 559 Organabo 9.4790912 10 564 Organabo 3.5461594 9 565 3.5461594 9 565 Fleche 9.4790912 10 564 Fleche 3.5461594 9 565 3.5461594 9 565 Mamaribo 3.5461594 9 565 Mamaribo 9.0325094 9 569 9.0325094 9 569 Bellevue 17.767267 9 566 Bellevue 6.6081705 9 567 Bellevue 9.0325094 9 569 9.0325094 9 569 Iracoubo 6.6081705 9 567 Iracoubo 9.0325094 9 569 9.0325094 9 569 Trou Poisson 5.1207339 8 570 5.1207339 8 570 Roche Brigandin 5.1207339 8 570 5.1207339 8 570 Sinnamary 4.9799731 8 571 Sinnamary 12.39989 7 572 12.39989 7 572 Kourou 10.969926 4 577 10.969926 4 577 Caussade 3.5236863 3 579 Caussade 5.9672381 2 580 5.9672381 2 580 Tonate 5.9672381 2 580 Tonate 2.3399299 1 581 2.3399299 1 581 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/CalcInputDeck.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin/coastalImpact -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/ > /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/outCostalImpact.txt SELECT id, SHAPE_LENG,AsText(Geometry) FROM shoreline WHERE MBRContains(BuildMBR(-91.13,5.0,-43.26,36.95), geometry) 100 / 558 200 / 558 300 / 558 400 / 558 500 / 558 plottype GDACS drawing CoastalImpact /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/ /mnt/output/SSCS/DATA/coastal.db 100 / 558 200 / 558 300 / 558 400 / 558 500 / 558 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/ GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000686/ECMWF/2020072812/all_inpData.txt error track file-->map without track ECMWF 1000686 trackfile 0 OUT_umax.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0000.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0024.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! ....remove.... case delft3d 2020-07-28 12:00:00 ret= 0 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False finalizing for TAT ... 2020-07-28 12:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 False delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/ (289, 480, 719) (480, 719) (480, 719) (480, 719) icell= 2 49691 Noham 3.956523 212 1 3.956523 212 1 Porfirio Diaz 3.956523 212 1 3.956523 212 1 Chenkan 3.956523 212 1 3.956523 212 1 Hoquel 4.5412124 214 4 Hoquel 3.7273131 215 4 3.7273131 215 4 Champoton 4.5412124 214 4 Champoton 3.7273131 215 4 3.7273131 215 4 Haltunchen 4.0920582 215 5 4.0920582 215 5 Seybaplaya 6.1127802 217 5 6.1127802 217 5 Cocodrie 2.0189805 364 8 2.0189805 364 8 Campeche 4.3730878 222 7 4.3730878 222 7 Balantanche 2.0203208 225 8 2.0203208 225 8 Neyac 4.7463283 228 8 Neyac 4.4686784 229 8 Neyac 2.8450798 231 8 Neyac 2.498163 232 8 2.498163 232 8 Valton 7.280172 230 8 Valton 2.8450798 231 8 Valton 2.498163 232 8 Valton 3.8800975 233 8 3.8800975 233 8 Guerrero 7.9483597 232 9 Guerrero 3.5320092 233 9 3.5320092 233 9 Real de Salinas 4.0364802 234 9 4.0364802 234 9 Celestum 2.5998826 236 9 2.5998826 236 9 Sisal 5.9119319 243 17 5.9119319 243 17 Chelem 6.1587069 245 21 6.1587069 245 21 Progreso 6.1587069 245 21 6.1587069 245 21 Pixoy 18.460766 246 28 18.460766 246 28 Henderson Point 3.0768204 379 30 3.0768204 379 30 De Lisle 3.0768204 379 30 3.0768204 379 30 Telchac Puerto 18.460766 246 28 18.460766 246 28 Pass Christian 3.0768204 379 30 3.0768204 379 30 Cuevas 3.0768204 379 30 Cuevas 3.922253 379 31 Cuevas 2.989001 380 31 2.989001 380 31 White Harbor 3.0768204 379 30 White Harbor 3.922253 379 31 White Harbor 2.989001 380 31 2.989001 380 31 Long Beach 3.0768204 379 30 Long Beach 3.922253 379 31 Long Beach 2.989001 380 31 2.989001 380 31 Chabihau 18.460766 246 28 18.460766 246 28 Gulfport 3.0768204 379 30 Gulfport 3.922253 379 31 Gulfport 2.989001 380 31 Gulfport 2.97627 380 32 Gulfport 2.0272333 380 33 2.0272333 380 33 Mississippi City 3.0768204 379 30 Mississippi City 3.922253 379 31 Mississippi City 2.989001 380 31 Mississippi City 2.97627 380 32 Mississippi City 2.0272333 380 33 2.0272333 380 33 Handsboro 3.0768204 379 30 Handsboro 3.922253 379 31 Handsboro 2.989001 380 31 Handsboro 2.97627 380 32 Handsboro 2.0272333 380 33 Handsboro 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Corozo 19.790223 164 34 19.790223 164 34 Loraine 2.989001 380 31 Loraine 2.97627 380 32 Loraine 2.0272333 380 33 Loraine 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Wool Market 2.989001 380 31 Wool Market 2.97627 380 32 Wool Market 2.0272333 380 33 Wool Market 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Edgewater Park 3.0768204 379 30 Edgewater Park 3.922253 379 31 Edgewater Park 2.989001 380 31 Edgewater Park 2.97627 380 32 Edgewater Park 2.0272333 380 33 Edgewater Park 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Beauvoir 3.0768204 379 30 Beauvoir 3.922253 379 31 Beauvoir 2.989001 380 31 Beauvoir 2.97627 380 32 Beauvoir 2.0272333 380 33 Beauvoir 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Cabeza de Vaca 19.790223 164 34 Cabeza de Vaca 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Cedar Lake 2.989001 380 31 Cedar Lake 2.97627 380 32 Cedar Lake 2.0272333 380 33 Cedar Lake 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Baranca 19.790223 164 34 Baranca 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Biloxi 3.922253 379 31 Biloxi 2.989001 380 31 Biloxi 2.97627 380 32 Biloxi 2.0272333 380 33 Biloxi 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 D'Iberville 3.922253 379 31 D'Iberville 2.989001 380 31 D'Iberville 2.97627 380 32 D'Iberville 2.0272333 380 33 D'Iberville 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 San Juan 19.790223 164 34 San Juan 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Saint Martin 3.9548922 379 32 Saint Martin 2.97627 380 32 Saint Martin 2.0272333 380 33 Saint Martin 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Ocean Springs 3.9548922 379 32 Ocean Springs 2.97627 380 32 Ocean Springs 2.0272333 380 33 Ocean Springs 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Cocoli 19.790223 164 34 Cocoli 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Gulf Hills 4.0010565 379 33 Gulf Hills 2.0272333 380 33 Gulf Hills 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Cattle Landing 9.9714109 165 34 9.9714109 165 34 Buena Vista 19.790223 164 34 Buena Vista 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Gulf Park Estates 7.8977005 378 34 Gulf Park Estates 4.8365259 379 34 Gulf Park Estates 2.0741777 380 34 Gulf Park Estates 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Livingston 19.790223 164 34 Livingston 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Macho Creek 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Hilda 3.9603314 379 35 Hilda 2.004649 380 35 Hilda 2.0675438 380 37 2.0675438 380 37 Gautier 3.9603314 379 35 Gautier 2.004649 380 35 Gautier 2.0675438 380 37 2.0675438 380 37 Puerto Santo Tomas de Castilla 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 Punta Manabique 12.262579 163 36 12.262579 163 36 Puerto Barrios 12.262579 163 36 12.262579 163 36 Cambalache 12.262579 163 36 12.262579 163 36 New Haven 2.9259711 167 36 2.9259711 167 36 Piedra Parada 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 Corozo 18.376356 163 37 18.376356 163 37 La Graciosa 18.376356 163 37 18.376356 163 37 Pascagoula 7.0273232 378 37 Pascagoula 4.0490978 379 37 Pascagoula 2.0675438 380 37 2.0675438 380 37 Machacal 18.376356 163 37 18.376356 163 37 Moss Point 4.0490978 379 37 Moss Point 2.0675438 380 37 2.0675438 380 37 Monkey River 5.1199961 168 39 Monkey River 4.8891027 169 39 4.8891027 169 39 San Francisco del Mar 76.747388 164 39 76.747388 164 39 Alabama Wharf 17.087851 171 41 Alabama Wharf 5.6677361 172 41 Alabama Wharf 10.711107 173 42 Alabama Wharf 11.119712 174 42 11.119712 174 42 Corozal 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Maya Beach 5.6677361 172 41 Maya Beach 10.711107 173 42 Maya Beach 11.119712 174 42 11.119712 174 42 Chunox 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Gales Point 6.6017644 182 43 6.6017644 182 43 Commerce Bight Village 26.449197 176 43 Commerce Bight Village 10.433443 180 44 10.433443 180 44 Mullins 6.6017644 182 43 6.6017644 182 43 Chetumal 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Freetown Area 21.479763 175 43 Freetown Area 26.449197 176 43 26.449197 176 43 Ferguson Bank 5.801753 184 43 5.801753 184 43 Calderita 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Bayou La Batre 3.937699 379 41 3.937699 379 41 Coden 3.937699 379 41 3.937699 379 41 Barra del Motagua 12.945509 162 42 12.945509 162 42 Nelson 4.0566189 379 42 4.0566189 379 42 Stann Creek Town 26.435863 177 44 Stann Creek Town 7.8047592 178 44 Stann Creek Town 3.0471418 179 44 Stann Creek Town 10.433443 180 44 10.433443 180 44 Cuyamel 12.945509 162 42 12.945509 162 42 Belize City 5.9605918 185 43 5.9605918 185 43 Dauphin Island 9.9442268 378 43 Dauphin Island 2.0289686 379 43 Dauphin Island 2.0086016 381 47 2.0086016 381 47 Delchamps 2.0289686 379 43 Delchamps 2.0086016 381 47 2.0086016 381 47 Santeneja 3.1597407 201 43 3.1597407 201 43 Heron Bay 9.9442268 378 43 Heron Bay 2.0289686 379 43 Heron Bay 2.0086016 381 47 2.0086016 381 47 Alabama Port 9.9442268 378 43 Alabama Port 2.0289686 379 43 Alabama Port 2.0086016 381 47 2.0086016 381 47 Bayleys Corner 3.0015172 380 46 Bayleys Corner 2.0047237 381 46 Bayleys Corner 2.0086016 381 47 Bayleys Corner 2.0058617 384 47 2.0058617 384 47 Mon Louis 2.0289686 379 43 Mon Louis 2.0086016 381 47 2.0086016 381 47 Navco 3.0557686 382 46 Navco 3.9756131 382 47 Navco 2.0058617 384 47 2.0058617 384 47 Bellefontaine 3.0015172 380 46 Bellefontaine 2.0047237 381 46 Bellefontaine 2.0086016 381 47 Bellefontaine 2.0058617 384 47 2.0058617 384 47 Mertz 2.0058617 384 47 Mertz 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Chickasaw 2.0058617 384 47 Chickasaw 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Cox 3.0557686 382 46 Cox 3.9756131 382 47 Cox 2.0058617 384 47 Cox 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Mobile 2.0058617 384 47 Mobile 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Fort Gaines 16.904222 377 44 Fort Gaines 11.868748 378 44 Fort Gaines 3.9105765 379 46 Fort Gaines 2.0047237 381 46 Fort Gaines 2.0086016 381 47 Fort Gaines 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Magazine 2.0058617 384 47 Magazine 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Dos Hermanas 4.44942 201 44 Dos Hermanas 3.2257853 202 44 Dos Hermanas 4.986488 203 44 4.986488 203 44 Fort Morgan 8.9350285 378 45 Fort Morgan 3.9105765 379 46 3.9105765 379 46 Calderas 7.8944442 204 45 7.8944442 204 45 Battles Wharf 3.0015172 380 46 Battles Wharf 2.0047237 381 46 Battles Wharf 2.0086016 381 47 Battles Wharf 2.0058617 384 47 Battles Wharf 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Blakeley 2.0058617 384 47 Blakeley 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Bridgehead 2.0058617 384 47 Bridgehead 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Darling Landing 3.9105765 379 46 Darling Landing 2.0047237 381 46 Darling Landing 2.0086016 381 47 Darling Landing 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Jackson Oak 3.0557686 382 46 Jackson Oak 3.9756131 382 47 Jackson Oak 2.0058617 384 47 Jackson Oak 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Park City 3.0557686 382 46 Park City 3.9756131 382 47 Park City 2.0058617 384 47 Park City 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Bryant Landing 3.9105765 379 46 Bryant Landing 2.0047237 381 46 Bryant Landing 2.0086016 381 47 Bryant Landing 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Fairhope 2.0047237 381 46 Fairhope 2.0086016 381 47 Fairhope 2.0058617 384 47 Fairhope 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Point Clear 3.0015172 380 46 Point Clear 2.0047237 381 46 Point Clear 2.0086016 381 47 Point Clear 2.0058617 384 47 Point Clear 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Houstonville 3.0015172 380 46 Houstonville 2.0047237 381 46 Houstonville 2.0086016 381 47 Houstonville 2.0058617 384 47 Houstonville 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Montrose 2.0047237 381 46 Montrose 2.0086016 381 47 Montrose 2.0058617 384 47 Montrose 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Buzbee Landing 2.0058617 384 47 Buzbee Landing 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Seacliff 2.0047237 381 46 Seacliff 2.0086016 381 47 Seacliff 2.0058617 384 47 Seacliff 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Daphne 3.0557686 382 46 Daphne 3.9756131 382 47 Daphne 2.0058617 384 47 Daphne 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Foots Landing 3.9105765 379 46 Foots Landing 2.0047237 381 46 Foots Landing 2.0086016 381 47 Foots Landing 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Spanish Fort 2.0058617 384 47 Spanish Fort 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Gulf Highlands 2.9692501 379 47 Gulf Highlands 2.0655749 379 48 2.0655749 379 48 Barnwell 2.9692501 379 47 Barnwell 2.0086016 381 47 Barnwell 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Xcalak 2.0510589 201 47 2.0510589 201 47 Cedar Grove 2.9692501 379 47 Cedar Grove 2.0655749 379 48 2.0655749 379 48 Turkey Branch 2.9692501 379 47 Turkey Branch 2.0086016 381 47 Turkey Branch 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Gasque 11.977169 378 48 Gasque 2.0655749 379 48 Gasque 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Yupon 2.0655749 379 48 Yupon 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Magnolia Springs 2.0655749 379 48 Magnolia Springs 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Ranas 184.39677 219 51 184.39677 219 51 Oyster Bay 8.2307527 378 49 Oyster Bay 2.0015056 379 49 2.0015056 379 49 El Tigre 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Bon Secaur 8.2307527 378 49 Bon Secaur 2.0015056 379 49 2.0015056 379 49 Barra Ulua 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Oak 8.2307527 378 49 Oak 2.0015056 379 49 2.0015056 379 49 Gulf Shores 8.2307527 378 49 Gulf Shores 2.0015056 379 49 2.0015056 379 49 Rio Tinto 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Vigia Chico 107.85981 220 51 107.85981 220 51 San Juan 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Tela 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 West Pensacola 5.0091024 381 60 West Pensacola 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Sanders Beach 5.0091024 381 60 Sanders Beach 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Pensacola 5.0091024 381 60 Pensacola 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Goulding 5.0091024 381 60 Goulding 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Bella Vista 11.284492 162 61 11.284492 162 61 Ferry Pass 5.0091024 381 60 Ferry Pass 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Riverview 5.0091024 381 60 Riverview 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Gulf Breeze 5.0091024 381 60 Gulf Breeze 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Gaberonne 5.0091024 381 60 Gaberonne 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Floridatown 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Yniestra 5.0091024 381 60 Yniestra 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Pace 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Gulf Beach 5.0091024 381 60 Gulf Beach 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Villa Sabine 5.0091024 381 60 Villa Sabine 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Mulat 5.0091024 381 60 Mulat 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Cuero 11.284492 162 61 11.284492 162 61 Avalon Beach 5.0091024 381 60 Avalon Beach 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Oriole Beach 5.0091024 381 60 Oriole Beach 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Galt City 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Tiger Point 5.0091024 381 60 Tiger Point 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Boca del Toro 11.284492 162 61 11.284492 162 61 Milton 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Bagdad 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 East Milton 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Woodlawn Beach 5.0091024 381 60 Woodlawn Beach 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Ward Basin 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Pine Bluff 5.0091024 381 60 Pine Bluff 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 El Porvenir 11.284492 162 61 11.284492 162 61 Holley 4.0362348 381 61 4.0362348 381 61 East Bay 3.1743513 382 62 3.1743513 382 62 La Ceiba 7.5487393 162 62 7.5487393 162 62 Navarre 3.1743513 382 62 3.1743513 382 62 Chacmuchuch 2.3230004 243 65 2.3230004 243 65 Cancun 2.3230004 243 65 2.3230004 243 65 Puerto Juarez 2.3230004 243 65 2.3230004 243 65 Limera 12.158828 162 71 12.158828 162 71 Balfate 12.158828 162 71 12.158828 162 71 Miramar Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Mullet Creek 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Four Mile Village 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Turquoise Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Rio Esteban 12.158828 162 71 12.158828 162 71 Grosh 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Dune Allen Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Miranda 12.158828 162 71 12.158828 162 71 Santa Rosa Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Santa Rosa 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Blue Mountain Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Portland 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Bay View 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Grayton Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Fluffy Landing 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Freeport 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Seagrove Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Choctaw 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Bunker 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Alys Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Gulf Resort Beach 16.887793 376 81 Gulf Resort Beach 4.8450163 378 81 4.8450163 378 81 Lullwater Beach 16.887793 376 81 Lullwater Beach 4.8450163 378 81 4.8450163 378 81 West Bay 4.8450163 378 81 4.8450163 378 81 Bahama Beach 16.887793 376 81 Bahama Beach 4.8450163 378 81 4.8450163 378 81 Gulf Beach 16.887793 376 81 Gulf Beach 4.8450163 378 81 4.8450163 378 81 Panama City Beach 16.887793 376 81 Panama City Beach 4.8450163 378 81 4.8450163 378 81 Edgewater Gulf Beach 16.887793 376 81 Edgewater Gulf Beach 4.8450163 378 81 Edgewater Gulf Beach 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Long Beach Resort 16.887793 376 81 Long Beach Resort 4.8450163 378 81 Long Beach Resort 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Gulf Lagoon Beach 16.887793 376 81 Gulf Lagoon Beach 4.8450163 378 81 Gulf Lagoon Beach 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Biltmore Beach 16.887793 376 81 Biltmore Beach 4.8450163 378 81 Biltmore Beach 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Lower Grand Lagoon 16.887793 376 81 Lower Grand Lagoon 4.8450163 378 81 Lower Grand Lagoon 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Upper Grand Lagoon 16.887793 376 81 Upper Grand Lagoon 4.8450163 378 81 Upper Grand Lagoon 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Magnolia Beach 16.887793 376 81 Magnolia Beach 4.8450163 378 81 Magnolia Beach 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Pretty Bayou 16.887793 376 81 Pretty Bayou 4.8450163 378 81 Pretty Bayou 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Baker 16.887793 376 81 Baker 4.8450163 378 81 Baker 3.947788 377 82 Baker 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Lynn Haven 16.887793 376 81 Lynn Haven 4.8450163 378 81 Lynn Haven 3.947788 377 82 Lynn Haven 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Beacon Beach 16.887793 376 81 Beacon Beach 4.8450163 378 81 Beacon Beach 3.947788 377 82 Beacon Beach 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Cove 16.887793 376 81 Cove 4.8450163 378 81 Cove 3.947788 377 82 Cove 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Southport 4.8450163 378 81 Southport 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Cromanton 16.887793 376 81 Cromanton 4.8450163 378 81 Cromanton 3.947788 377 82 Cromanton 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Hiland Park 16.887793 376 81 Hiland Park 4.8450163 378 81 Hiland Park 3.947788 377 82 Hiland Park 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Cedar Grove 16.887793 376 81 Cedar Grove 4.8450163 378 81 Cedar Grove 3.947788 377 82 Cedar Grove 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 San Blas 16.887793 376 81 San Blas 4.8450163 378 81 San Blas 3.947788 377 82 San Blas 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Springfield 16.887793 376 81 Springfield 4.8450163 378 81 Springfield 3.947788 377 82 Springfield 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Panama City 16.887793 376 81 Panama City 4.8450163 378 81 Panama City 3.947788 377 82 Panama City 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Parker 16.887793 376 81 Parker 4.8450163 378 81 Parker 3.947788 377 82 Parker 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Tyndall AFB 16.887793 376 81 Tyndall AFB 4.8450163 378 81 Tyndall AFB 3.947788 377 82 Tyndall AFB 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Resota Beach 4.8450163 378 81 Resota Beach 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 College Station 16.887793 376 81 College Station 4.8450163 378 81 College Station 3.947788 377 82 College Station 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Old Callaway 16.887793 376 81 Old Callaway 4.8450163 378 81 Old Callaway 3.947788 377 82 Old Callaway 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Callaway 16.887793 376 81 Callaway 4.8450163 378 81 Callaway 3.947788 377 82 Callaway 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Bayou George 4.8450163 378 81 Bayou George 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Cook 20.999244 375 82 Cook 2.8482421 376 82 Cook 3.947788 377 82 Cook 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Davis Beach 21.00154 374 83 Davis Beach 8.9723032 375 83 Davis Beach 8.0287536 374 84 Davis Beach 2.117595 376 84 Davis Beach 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Allanton 21.00154 374 83 Allanton 8.9723032 375 83 Allanton 8.0287536 374 84 Allanton 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Wetappo 8.0287536 374 84 Wetappo 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Mexico Beach 16.080196 373 84 Mexico Beach 8.0287536 374 84 Mexico Beach 2.117595 376 84 Mexico Beach 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Overstreet 16.080196 373 84 Overstreet 8.0287536 374 84 Overstreet 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Beacon Hill 16.080196 373 84 Beacon Hill 8.0287536 374 84 Beacon Hill 7.0307208 373 85 Beacon Hill 3.8766398 374 85 Beacon Hill 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Highland View 11.053043 372 85 Highland View 7.0307208 373 85 Highland View 3.8766398 374 85 Highland View 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Port Saint Joe 11.053043 372 85 Port Saint Joe 7.0307208 373 85 Port Saint Joe 3.8766398 374 85 Port Saint Joe 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Milltown 11.053043 372 85 Milltown 7.0307208 373 85 Milltown 3.8766398 374 85 Milltown 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Oak Grove 8.8642007 372 86 Oak Grove 4.6678503 373 86 Oak Grove 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Ward Ridge 8.8642007 372 86 Ward Ridge 4.6678503 373 86 Ward Ridge 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 McNeils 8.8642007 372 86 McNeils 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Indian Pass 4.225882 371 87 Indian Pass 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Thirteen Mile 4.225882 371 87 Thirteen Mile 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Odena 4.225882 371 87 Odena 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Eleven Mile 2.1298989 369 92 Eleven Mile 2.0011398 370 92 2.0011398 370 92 Nine Mile 2.1298989 369 92 Nine Mile 2.0011398 370 92 2.0011398 370 92 Tilton 2.1298989 369 92 Tilton 2.0011398 370 92 Tilton 2.0214886 371 93 2.0214886 371 93 Franklin 2.1298989 369 92 Franklin 2.0011398 370 92 Franklin 2.0214886 371 93 2.0214886 371 93 Apalachicola 2.1298989 369 92 Apalachicola 2.0011398 370 92 Apalachicola 2.0214886 371 93 2.0214886 371 93 Eastpoint 7.9918434 369 93 Eastpoint 2.0084532 370 93 Eastpoint 2.0214886 371 93 Eastpoint 3.9450263 372 97 3.9450263 372 97 Yent Place 2.0339147 371 95 Yent Place 2.119213 371 96 Yent Place 6.9051231 371 97 Yent Place 3.9450263 372 97 3.9450263 372 97 Carrabelle 2.0339147 371 95 Carrabelle 2.119213 371 96 Carrabelle 6.9051231 371 97 Carrabelle 3.9450263 372 97 Carrabelle 12.016209 371 99 Carrabelle 3.9432097 372 99 Carrabelle 3.9479624 373 99 3.9479624 373 99 Lanark Village 2.119213 371 96 Lanark Village 6.9051231 371 97 Lanark Village 3.9450263 372 97 Lanark Village 12.016209 371 99 Lanark Village 3.9432097 372 99 Lanark Village 3.9479624 373 99 3.9479624 373 99 Big Blackjack Landing 3.9450263 372 97 Big Blackjack Landing 3.9432097 372 99 Big Blackjack Landing 3.9479624 373 99 3.9479624 373 99 Surf 3.9479624 373 99 Surf 2.1113907 373 101 Surf 3.9376516 373 103 Surf 3.9704297 374 103 Surf 3.024295 375 103 Surf 2.0398238 376 103 2.0398238 376 103 Panacea 3.9479624 373 99 Panacea 2.1113907 373 101 Panacea 3.9376516 373 103 Panacea 3.9704297 374 103 Panacea 3.024295 375 103 Panacea 2.0398238 376 103 2.0398238 376 103 Medart 3.9704297 374 103 Medart 3.024295 375 103 Medart 2.0398238 376 103 2.0398238 376 103 Sun N Sand Beaches 3.9432097 372 99 Sun N Sand Beaches 3.9479624 373 99 Sun N Sand Beaches 2.1113907 373 101 Sun N Sand Beaches 6.8822001 372 102 Sun N Sand Beaches 10.023959 372 103 Sun N Sand Beaches 3.9376516 373 103 Sun N Sand Beaches 3.9704297 374 103 Sun N Sand Beaches 3.024295 375 103 Sun N Sand Beaches 2.0398238 376 103 2.0398238 376 103 Skipper 3.9704297 374 103 Skipper 3.024295 375 103 Skipper 2.0398238 376 103 2.0398238 376 103 Live Oak Island 3.9704297 374 103 Live Oak Island 3.024295 375 103 Live Oak Island 2.0398238 376 103 Live Oak Island 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Hyde Park 3.024295 375 103 Hyde Park 2.0398238 376 103 Hyde Park 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Wakulla Beach 3.9704297 374 103 Wakulla Beach 3.024295 375 103 Wakulla Beach 2.0398238 376 103 Wakulla Beach 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Saint Marks 3.024295 375 103 Saint Marks 2.0398238 376 103 Saint Marks 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Port Leon 3.024295 375 103 Port Leon 2.0398238 376 103 Port Leon 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Newport 2.0398238 376 103 Newport 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Plum Orchard 3.024295 375 103 Plum Orchard 2.0398238 376 103 Plum Orchard 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Claura 17.60818 160 106 Claura 6.7702075 157 107 Claura 2.1430217 158 108 2.1430217 158 108 Patlaya 4.0328623 156 106 4.0328623 156 106 Mandalay 3.0051474 375 105 Mandalay 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Uhi 4.0328623 156 106 4.0328623 156 106 Barra del Rio Maiz 4.0510696 95 109 4.0510696 95 109 Amerisco 4.0510696 95 109 4.0510696 95 109 Pusuaya 3.8229321 156 107 Pusuaya 2.1430217 158 108 2.1430217 158 108 Buena Vista 19.729284 92 110 19.729284 92 110 Yahurabila 6.9576832 156 108 Yahurabila 2.1430217 158 108 2.1430217 158 108 Barra Punta Gorda 9.0883758 96 110 Barra Punta Gorda 6.0392818 98 111 6.0392818 98 111 Fruta de Pan 27.902748 91 111 27.902748 91 111 Barra de Caratasca 2.0708653 155 109 Barra de Caratasca 2.0344973 154 112 2.0344973 154 112 America 27.902748 91 111 27.902748 91 111 Kukra Hill 12.924924 105 112 Kukra Hill 13.124884 106 112 Kukra Hill 7.9650346 107 112 Kukra Hill 4.9027765 108 112 Kukra Hill 10.002603 109 113 10.002603 109 113 El Bluff 8.9509929 103 112 El Bluff 12.924924 105 112 El Bluff 13.124884 106 112 El Bluff 7.9650346 107 112 7.9650346 107 112 Kaski 5.9880266 155 110 Kaski 7.9772983 154 111 Kaski 2.0344973 154 112 Kaski 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Haulover 4.9027765 108 112 Haulover 10.002603 109 113 Haulover 3.0208561 110 113 3.0208561 110 113 Laguna de Perlas 4.9027765 108 112 Laguna de Perlas 10.002603 109 113 Laguna de Perlas 3.0208561 110 113 3.0208561 110 113 Monkey Point 11.098847 97 111 Monkey Point 6.0392818 98 111 6.0392818 98 111 Dapat 7.9772983 154 111 Dapat 2.0344973 154 112 Dapat 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Dekle Beach 7.0215238 371 111 Dekle Beach 4.9739704 372 111 Dekle Beach 2.0001172 373 111 2.0001172 373 111 Keaton Beach 7.9718304 370 111 Keaton Beach 7.0215238 371 111 Keaton Beach 4.9739704 372 111 Keaton Beach 2.0001172 373 111 2.0001172 373 111 Barra 38.930854 86 114 Barra 46.457384 87 114 Barra 27.713966 84 115 27.713966 84 115 Colorado 38.930854 86 114 Colorado 46.457384 87 114 Colorado 27.713966 84 115 27.713966 84 115 Wankluma 6.9172523 121 114 Wankluma 2.9535196 123 114 2.9535196 123 114 Cauauira 7.9772983 154 111 Cauauira 2.0344973 154 112 Cauauira 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Tahuantla 14.993415 124 114 14.993415 124 114 Puerto Isabel 2.9535196 123 114 2.9535196 123 114 Fish Creek 7.9718304 370 111 Fish Creek 7.0215238 371 111 Fish Creek 4.9739704 372 111 Fish Creek 2.0001172 373 111 2.0001172 373 111 Hualpasika 13.951733 125 114 Hualpasika 12.94569 126 114 Hualpasika 6.8499676 127 114 6.8499676 127 114 Tasbapauni 2.8058528 115 113 Tasbapauni 6.1077266 116 113 6.1077266 116 113 Wounta 12.94569 126 114 Wounta 6.8499676 127 114 Wounta 19.007946 130 115 19.007946 130 115 Sandy Bay Sirpi 6.9172523 121 114 6.9172523 121 114 Barra de Rio Grande 6.9172523 121 114 6.9172523 121 114 Tay Lirila 2.0344973 154 112 Tay Lirila 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Coco Haulover 17.997542 128 115 Coco Haulover 19.011486 129 115 Coco Haulover 19.007946 130 115 19.007946 130 115 Tortuguero 27.713966 84 115 27.713966 84 115 Set Net 3.0208561 110 113 Set Net 2.0427294 114 114 2.0427294 114 114 Dallus Creek Landing 5.9760805 369 113 Dallus Creek Landing 2.9719404 370 113 Dallus Creek Landing 2.0002292 371 113 Dallus Creek Landing 3.0349556 370 114 Dallus Creek Landing 3.0482382 369 115 3.0482382 369 115 Karata 32.14169 132 115 Karata 4.8145759 135 116 4.8145759 135 116 Huahua 20.00359 131 115 Huahua 4.8145759 135 116 4.8145759 135 116 Canco 12.247843 155 114 Canco 2.8246277 153 117 2.8246277 153 117 Siete 46.532964 82 116 46.532964 82 116 Barra Kruta 12.247843 155 114 Barra Kruta 2.8246277 153 117 2.8246277 153 117 Lama Laya 36.177144 133 116 Lama Laya 4.8145759 135 116 4.8145759 135 116 Suerre 63.203515 81 117 Suerre 101.45476 80 118 101.45476 80 118 Steinhatchee 4.9885289 368 114 Steinhatchee 4.0594644 369 114 Steinhatchee 3.0349556 370 114 Steinhatchee 3.0482382 369 115 3.0482382 369 115 Jaloba 46.532964 82 116 46.532964 82 116 Aguas Claras 7.0706915 259 118 Aguas Claras 11.727225 260 118 11.727225 260 118 Puerto Cabezas 36.177144 133 116 Puerto Cabezas 4.8145759 135 116 4.8145759 135 116 Jena 4.9885289 368 114 Jena 4.0594644 369 114 Jena 3.0349556 370 114 Jena 3.0482382 369 115 3.0482382 369 115 Kanko 12.247843 155 114 Kanko 2.8246277 153 117 2.8246277 153 117 Parismina 63.203515 81 117 Parismina 101.45476 80 118 Parismina 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 San Rafael 101.45476 80 118 San Rafael 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Tuapi 30.983537 134 116 Tuapi 4.8145759 135 116 4.8145759 135 116 Goschen 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Berta 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Crucira 4.8145759 135 116 4.8145759 135 116 Raya 2.8246277 153 117 Raya 5.747836 149 119 5.747836 149 119 Horseshoe Beach 6.0074898 364 116 Horseshoe Beach 3.0068964 365 116 Horseshoe Beach 2.0074406 366 116 Horseshoe Beach 2.9821477 365 117 Horseshoe Beach 2.0000059 366 117 Horseshoe Beach 2.0015254 364 119 Horseshoe Beach 2.0035929 364 120 2.0035929 364 120 Almacen 7.0706915 259 118 Almacen 11.727225 260 118 11.727225 260 118 Ninayeri 4.1900277 144 118 Ninayeri 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Ledakura 4.1900277 144 118 Ledakura 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Clubki 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Cabo Gracias Viejo 7.0060431 147 118 Cabo Gracias Viejo 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Graytown 4.1900277 144 118 Graytown 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Hilda 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Awastara 6.9157679 139 119 Awastara 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Irlaya 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Barmouth Oeste 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Shired Island 4.0030722 364 117 Shired Island 2.9821477 365 117 Shired Island 2.0000059 366 117 Shired Island 2.0015254 364 119 Shired Island 2.0035929 364 120 2.0035929 364 120 Catorce Millas 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Cabo Gracias a Dios 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Doce Millas 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Guasimal 7.0706915 259 118 Guasimal 11.727225 260 118 Guasimal 5.4639359 261 121 Guasimal 6.7484584 262 121 6.7484584 262 121 Rio Madre 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Nueve Millas 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Suwannee 3.0176862 363 118 Suwannee 2.9990327 363 119 Suwannee 2.0015254 364 119 Suwannee 2.0035929 364 120 2.0035929 364 120 Cocal 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Sandoval 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Buenos Aires 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Portete 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Nueva Castle 13.999784 76 120 13.999784 76 120 Cedar Key 8.0192113 360 119 Cedar Key 4.9889807 361 119 Cedar Key 3.9940954 362 119 Cedar Key 2.9990327 363 119 Cedar Key 2.0015254 364 119 Cedar Key 2.0035929 364 120 Cedar Key 2.092477 362 121 Cedar Key 4.0018102 360 122 Cedar Key 2.9995698 360 123 2.9995698 360 123 Pueblo Nuevo 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Corn Island 43.054608 105 119 Corn Island 29.200547 106 119 Corn Island 29.880148 107 119 Corn Island 28.101954 108 119 Corn Island 21.99478 109 119 21.99478 109 119 Beverly 13.999784 76 120 13.999784 76 120 Puerto Limon 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Cieneguita 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Bolivia 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 San Andres 93.423201 75 122 93.423201 75 122 Sumner 5.033089 361 120 Sumner 2.0184048 362 120 Sumner 2.0035929 364 120 Sumner 2.092477 362 121 Sumner 2.0075724 362 124 2.0075724 362 124 San Clemente 51.098394 74 123 San Clemente 156.4152 74 124 San Clemente 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Bonifacio 51.098394 74 123 Bonifacio 156.4152 74 124 Bonifacio 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Penhurst 51.098394 74 123 Penhurst 156.4152 74 124 Penhurst 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Cahuita 51.676032 73 124 Cahuita 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Indian Shores 13.099778 341 122 Indian Shores 10.054651 342 122 Indian Shores 9.083567 343 122 Indian Shores 11.036551 344 122 Indian Shores 10.966082 345 122 Indian Shores 9.0191051 345 123 Indian Shores 6.0462917 345 124 Indian Shores 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 Indian Rocks Beach 13.099778 341 122 Indian Rocks Beach 10.054651 342 122 Indian Rocks Beach 9.083567 343 122 Indian Rocks Beach 11.036551 344 122 Indian Rocks Beach 10.966082 345 122 Indian Rocks Beach 9.0191051 345 123 Indian Rocks Beach 6.0462917 345 124 Indian Rocks Beach 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 Belleair Beach 10.054651 342 122 Belleair Beach 9.083567 343 122 Belleair Beach 11.036551 344 122 Belleair Beach 10.966082 345 122 Belleair Beach 9.964911 346 122 Belleair Beach 8.0200994 346 123 Belleair Beach 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 Redington Shores 14.039703 340 122 Redington Shores 13.099778 341 122 Redington Shores 10.054651 342 122 Redington Shores 9.083567 343 122 Redington Shores 11.036551 344 122 Redington Shores 6.900832 344 123 Redington Shores 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Harbor Bluffs 9.9716339 341 123 Harbor Bluffs 8.0748578 342 123 Harbor Bluffs 6.1367691 343 123 Harbor Bluffs 6.900832 344 123 Harbor Bluffs 9.0191051 345 123 Harbor Bluffs 6.0462917 345 124 Harbor Bluffs 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 North Redington Beach 9.9655929 340 123 North Redington Beach 9.9716339 341 123 North Redington Beach 8.0748578 342 123 North Redington Beach 6.1367691 343 123 North Redington Beach 6.900832 344 123 North Redington Beach 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Comadre 51.676032 73 124 Comadre 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Belleair Bluffs 8.0748578 342 123 Belleair Bluffs 6.1367691 343 123 Belleair Bluffs 6.900832 344 123 Belleair Bluffs 9.0191051 345 123 Belleair Bluffs 8.0200994 346 123 Belleair Bluffs 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 Belleair 8.0748578 342 123 Belleair 6.1367691 343 123 Belleair 6.900832 344 123 Belleair 9.0191051 345 123 Belleair 8.0200994 346 123 Belleair 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 Redington Beach 9.9655929 340 123 Redington Beach 9.9716339 341 123 Redington Beach 8.0748578 342 123 Redington Beach 6.1367691 343 123 Redington Beach 6.900832 344 123 Redington Beach 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Catarata 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Baskin 9.9716339 341 123 Baskin 8.0748578 342 123 Baskin 6.1367691 343 123 Baskin 6.900832 344 123 Baskin 9.0191051 345 123 Baskin 6.0462917 345 124 Baskin 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 Patino 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Hone Creek 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Oakhurst Shores 9.9655929 340 123 Oakhurst Shores 9.9716339 341 123 Oakhurst Shores 8.0748578 342 123 Oakhurst Shores 6.1367691 343 123 Oakhurst Shores 6.900832 344 123 Oakhurst Shores 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Nueva Gerona 2.0143817 253 127 2.0143817 253 127 Olivia 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Walsingham 9.9716339 341 123 Walsingham 8.0748578 342 123 Walsingham 6.1367691 343 123 Walsingham 6.900832 344 123 Walsingham 9.0191051 345 123 Walsingham 6.0462917 345 124 Walsingham 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 Madeira Beach 9.9655929 340 123 Madeira Beach 9.9716339 341 123 Madeira Beach 8.0748578 342 123 Madeira Beach 6.1367691 343 123 Madeira Beach 6.900832 344 123 Madeira Beach 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Hotel Creek 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Seminole 9.9655929 340 123 Seminole 9.9716339 341 123 Seminole 8.0748578 342 123 Seminole 6.1367691 343 123 Seminole 6.900832 344 123 Seminole 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Largo 9.9716339 341 123 Largo 8.0748578 342 123 Largo 6.1367691 343 123 Largo 6.900832 344 123 Largo 9.0191051 345 123 Largo 6.0462917 345 124 Largo 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 Anclote 9.0191051 345 123 Anclote 8.0200994 346 123 Anclote 6.9460425 347 123 Anclote 6.005362 348 123 Anclote 5.0319274 349 123 Anclote 2.0297294 349 124 Anclote 2.0000213 349 125 2.0000213 349 125 Crystal Beach 6.900832 344 123 Crystal Beach 9.0191051 345 123 Crystal Beach 8.0200994 346 123 Crystal Beach 6.9460425 347 123 Crystal Beach 6.005362 348 123 Crystal Beach 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Clearwater 8.0748578 342 123 Clearwater 6.1367691 343 123 Clearwater 6.900832 344 123 Clearwater 9.0191051 345 123 Clearwater 8.0200994 346 123 Clearwater 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 Ozona 6.900832 344 123 Ozona 9.0191051 345 123 Ozona 8.0200994 346 123 Ozona 6.9460425 347 123 Ozona 6.005362 348 123 Ozona 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Bay Pines 9.9655929 340 123 Bay Pines 9.9716339 341 123 Bay Pines 8.0748578 342 123 Bay Pines 6.1367691 343 123 Bay Pines 6.900832 344 123 Bay Pines 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Majana 5.309207 263 124 5.309207 263 124 Dunedin 6.1367691 343 123 Dunedin 6.900832 344 123 Dunedin 9.0191051 345 123 Dunedin 8.0200994 346 123 Dunedin 6.9460425 347 123 Dunedin 2.0366123 347 124 Dunedin 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Treasure Island 11.121159 339 123 Treasure Island 9.9655929 340 123 Treasure Island 9.9716339 341 123 Treasure Island 8.0748578 342 123 Treasure Island 6.1367691 343 123 Treasure Island 4.0692761 343 124 4.0692761 343 124 Cove Springs 9.0191051 345 123 Cove Springs 8.0200994 346 123 Cove Springs 6.9460425 347 123 Cove Springs 6.005362 348 123 Cove Springs 5.0319274 349 123 Cove Springs 2.0297294 349 124 Cove Springs 2.0000213 349 125 2.0000213 349 125 Palm Harbor 6.900832 344 123 Palm Harbor 9.0191051 345 123 Palm Harbor 8.0200994 346 123 Palm Harbor 6.9460425 347 123 Palm Harbor 6.005362 348 123 Palm Harbor 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Presidio Modelo 2.0143817 253 127 2.0143817 253 127 Port Inglis 2.0192626 358 124 Port Inglis 3.006288 359 124 Port Inglis 2.0075724 362 124 2.0075724 362 124 Tarpon Springs 6.0462917 345 124 Tarpon Springs 4.0308671 346 124 Tarpon Springs 2.0366123 347 124 Tarpon Springs 2.0297294 349 124 Tarpon Springs 2.0000213 349 125 2.0000213 349 125 The Jungle 8.9878049 340 124 The Jungle 7.0121209 341 124 The Jungle 5.0184445 342 124 The Jungle 4.0692761 343 124 The Jungle 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Cocles 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Beacon Square 4.0308671 346 124 Beacon Square 2.0366123 347 124 Beacon Square 2.0297294 349 124 Beacon Square 2.9843296 350 124 2.9843296 350 124 Puerto Viejo 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Yankeetown 2.0192626 358 124 Yankeetown 3.006288 359 124 Yankeetown 2.0075724 362 124 2.0075724 362 124 Gulf Harbors 4.0308671 346 124 Gulf Harbors 2.0366123 347 124 Gulf Harbors 2.0297294 349 124 Gulf Harbors 2.9843296 350 124 2.9843296 350 124 Bahia Shores 9.0740463 339 124 Bahia Shores 8.9878049 340 124 Bahia Shores 7.0121209 341 124 Bahia Shores 5.0184445 342 124 Bahia Shores 4.0692761 343 124 Bahia Shores 2.9062878 341 128 2.9062878 341 128 Curlew 5.0033204 344 124 Curlew 6.0462917 345 124 Curlew 4.0308671 346 124 Curlew 2.0366123 347 124 Curlew 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Holiday 4.0308671 346 124 Holiday 2.0366123 347 124 Holiday 2.0297294 349 124 Holiday 2.9843296 350 124 2.9843296 350 124 Mecca 4.0692761 343 124 Mecca 5.0033204 344 124 Mecca 6.0462917 345 124 Mecca 4.0308671 346 124 Mecca 2.0366123 347 124 Mecca 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Coachman 5.0184445 342 124 Coachman 4.0692761 343 124 Coachman 5.0033204 344 124 Coachman 6.0462917 345 124 Coachman 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 New Port Richey 2.0366123 347 124 New Port Richey 2.0297294 349 124 New Port Richey 2.9843296 350 124 New Port Richey 3.9905846 351 124 New Port Richey 2.0000996 351 125 New Port Richey 2.0003606 351 126 2.0003606 351 126 Saint Petersburg Beach 9.0740463 339 124 Saint Petersburg Beach 8.9878049 340 124 Saint Petersburg Beach 7.0121209 341 124 Saint Petersburg Beach 5.0184445 342 124 Saint Petersburg Beach 4.0692761 343 124 Saint Petersburg Beach 2.9062878 341 128 2.9062878 341 128 Fort De Soto 10.979921 337 124 Fort De Soto 10.889523 338 124 Fort De Soto 9.0740463 339 124 Fort De Soto 8.9878049 340 124 Fort De Soto 7.0121209 341 124 Fort De Soto 5.9865411 341 125 Fort De Soto 2.0034694 339 128 Fort De Soto 7.0806698 340 128 Fort De Soto 2.9062878 341 128 2.9062878 341 128 Lake Shore Estates 5.0033204 344 124 Lake Shore Estates 6.0462917 345 124 Lake Shore Estates 4.0308671 346 124 Lake Shore Estates 2.0366123 347 124 Lake Shore Estates 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Cross Bayou 7.0121209 341 124 Cross Bayou 5.0184445 342 124 Cross Bayou 4.0692761 343 124 Cross Bayou 5.0033204 344 124 Cross Bayou 6.0462917 345 124 Cross Bayou 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 Anna Maria 12.991109 336 124 Anna Maria 10.979921 337 124 Anna Maria 10.889523 338 124 Anna Maria 9.0740463 339 124 Anna Maria 8.9878049 340 124 Anna Maria 7.0048563 340 125 Anna Maria 5.9376953 339 127 Anna Maria 2.0416405 340 127 Anna Maria 2.0034694 339 128 Anna Maria 7.0806698 340 128 7.0806698 340 128 Pasadena 9.0740463 339 124 Pasadena 8.9878049 340 124 Pasadena 7.0121209 341 124 Pasadena 5.0184445 342 124 Pasadena 4.0692761 343 124 Pasadena 2.9062878 341 128 2.9062878 341 128 Tierra Verde 10.889523 338 124 Tierra Verde 9.0740463 339 124 Tierra Verde 8.9878049 340 124 Tierra Verde 7.0121209 341 124 Tierra Verde 5.0184445 342 124 Tierra Verde 2.0034694 339 128 Tierra Verde 7.0806698 340 128 Tierra Verde 2.9062878 341 128 2.9062878 341 128 Elfers 4.0308671 346 124 Elfers 2.0366123 347 124 Elfers 2.0297294 349 124 Elfers 2.9843296 350 124 2.9843296 350 124 Holmes Beach 12.991109 336 124 Holmes Beach 10.979921 337 124 Holmes Beach 10.889523 338 124 Holmes Beach 9.0740463 339 124 Holmes Beach 11.037977 339 125 Holmes Beach 8.5416132 339 126 Holmes Beach 5.9376953 339 127 Holmes Beach 2.0034694 339 128 2.0034694 339 128 Kenneth City 8.9878049 340 124 Kenneth City 7.0121209 341 124 Kenneth City 5.0184445 342 124 Kenneth City 4.0692761 343 124 Kenneth City 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Highpoint 5.0184445 342 124 Highpoint 4.0692761 343 124 Highpoint 5.0033204 344 124 Highpoint 6.0462917 345 124 Highpoint 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 Bayview 5.0184445 342 124 Bayview 4.0692761 343 124 Bayview 5.0033204 344 124 Bayview 6.0462917 345 124 Bayview 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 Gulfport 9.0740463 339 124 Gulfport 8.9878049 340 124 Gulfport 7.0121209 341 124 Gulfport 5.0184445 342 124 Gulfport 4.0692761 343 124 Gulfport 2.9062878 341 128 2.9062878 341 128 Dellwood 4.0692761 343 124 Dellwood 5.0033204 344 124 Dellwood 6.0462917 345 124 Dellwood 4.0308671 346 124 Dellwood 2.0366123 347 124 Dellwood 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Ilexhurst 12.991109 336 124 Ilexhurst 10.979921 337 124 Ilexhurst 10.889523 338 124 Ilexhurst 9.0740463 339 124 Ilexhurst 11.037977 339 125 Ilexhurst 8.5416132 339 126 Ilexhurst 5.9376953 339 127 Ilexhurst 2.0034694 339 128 2.0034694 339 128 Hudson 2.0297294 349 124 Hudson 2.9843296 350 124 Hudson 3.9905846 351 124 Hudson 2.9719082 352 124 Hudson 2.0000996 351 125 Hudson 2.0003606 351 126 2.0003606 351 126 Bridgeport 4.0692761 343 124 Bridgeport 5.0033204 344 124 Bridgeport 6.0462917 345 124 Bridgeport 4.0308671 346 124 Bridgeport 2.0366123 347 124 Bridgeport 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Safety Harbor 4.0692761 343 124 Safety Harbor 5.0033204 344 124 Safety Harbor 6.0462917 345 124 Safety Harbor 4.0308671 346 124 Safety Harbor 2.0366123 347 124 Safety Harbor 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 New Port Richey East 2.1381384 347 125 New Port Richey East 2.0000213 349 125 New Port Richey East 2.0000996 351 125 New Port Richey East 2.0003606 351 126 2.0003606 351 126 Suprimir Nombre Lugar 45.934385 72 125 Suprimir Nombre Lugar 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Saint Petersburg 11.037977 339 125 Saint Petersburg 7.0048563 340 125 Saint Petersburg 5.9865411 341 125 Saint Petersburg 2.0034694 339 128 Saint Petersburg 7.0806698 340 128 Saint Petersburg 2.9062878 341 128 Saint Petersburg 4.0457776 341 129 Saint Petersburg 3.1145943 342 129 3.1145943 342 129 Jasmine Estates 2.1381384 347 125 Jasmine Estates 2.0000213 349 125 Jasmine Estates 2.0000996 351 125 Jasmine Estates 2.0003606 351 126 2.0003606 351 126 Bayway 11.037977 339 125 Bayway 7.0048563 340 125 Bayway 5.9865411 341 125 Bayway 2.0034694 339 128 Bayway 7.0806698 340 128 Bayway 2.9062878 341 128 Bayway 4.0457776 341 129 Bayway 3.1145943 342 129 3.1145943 342 129 Bayonet Point 2.0000213 349 125 Bayonet Point 2.0000996 351 125 Bayonet Point 2.0003606 351 126 2.0003606 351 126 Longbeach 12.08649 335 125 Longbeach 12.066684 336 125 Longbeach 9.0447328 337 125 Longbeach 5.2031983 338 125 Longbeach 4.0019432 338 126 Longbeach 2.8779331 338 127 Longbeach 2.0022239 338 128 2.0022239 338 128 Oldsmar 2.2129517 345 125 Oldsmar 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Cortez 12.08649 335 125 Cortez 12.066684 336 125 Cortez 9.0447328 337 125 Cortez 5.2031983 338 125 Cortez 11.037977 339 125 Cortez 8.5416132 339 126 Cortez 5.9376953 339 127 Cortez 2.0034694 339 128 2.0034694 339 128 Hernando Beach 2.0000213 349 125 Hernando Beach 2.0000996 351 125 Hernando Beach 2.0003606 351 126 Hernando Beach 2.0000018 353 126 Hernando Beach 2.1354198 353 127 2.1354198 353 127 Lakewood Estates 11.037977 339 125 Lakewood Estates 7.0048563 340 125 Lakewood Estates 5.9865411 341 125 Lakewood Estates 2.0034694 339 128 Lakewood Estates 7.0806698 340 128 Lakewood Estates 2.9062878 341 128 Lakewood Estates 4.0457776 341 129 Lakewood Estates 3.1145943 342 129 3.1145943 342 129 Aripeka 2.0000213 349 125 Aripeka 2.0000996 351 125 Aripeka 2.0003606 351 126 Aripeka 2.0000018 353 126 Aripeka 2.1354198 353 127 2.1354198 353 127 Feather Sound 5.9865411 341 125 Feather Sound 2.2129517 345 125 Feather Sound 3.1145943 342 129 3.1145943 342 129 Guanimar 9.2077015 264 125 9.2077015 264 125 Ozello 2.0000004 355 125 Ozello 2.0000019 357 125 Ozello 2.0006529 358 125 Ozello 2.0040147 359 125 2.0040147 359 125 Lugar Manzanillo 113.41439 71 126 Lugar Manzanillo 798.1787 71 128 Lugar Manzanillo 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Santa Fe 3.8424895 252 128 3.8424895 252 128 Manzanillo 113.41439 71 126 Manzanillo 798.1787 71 128 Manzanillo 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Weeki Wachee Gardens 2.0000996 351 125 Weeki Wachee Gardens 2.0000004 355 125 Weeki Wachee Gardens 2.0000019 354 126 Weeki Wachee Gardens 2.0000025 355 126 Weeki Wachee Gardens 2.069185 354 127 Weeki Wachee Gardens 2.0696028 355 127 2.0696028 355 127 Bayport 2.0000996 351 125 Bayport 2.0000004 355 125 Bayport 2.0000019 354 126 Bayport 2.0000025 355 126 Bayport 2.069185 354 127 Bayport 2.0696028 355 127 2.0696028 355 127 Rio Vista 7.0048563 340 125 Rio Vista 5.9865411 341 125 Rio Vista 7.0806698 340 128 Rio Vista 2.9062878 341 128 Rio Vista 4.0457776 341 129 Rio Vista 3.1145943 342 129 3.1145943 342 129 Longboat Key 12.08649 335 125 Longboat Key 12.066684 336 125 Longboat Key 9.0447328 337 125 Longboat Key 5.2031983 338 125 Longboat Key 4.0019432 338 126 Longboat Key 2.8779331 338 127 Longboat Key 2.0022239 338 128 2.0022239 338 128 Palma Sola 12.066684 336 125 Palma Sola 9.0447328 337 125 Palma Sola 5.2031983 338 125 Palma Sola 11.037977 339 125 Palma Sola 7.0048563 340 125 Palma Sola 5.9376953 339 127 Palma Sola 2.0416405 340 127 Palma Sola 2.0034694 339 128 Palma Sola 7.0806698 340 128 7.0806698 340 128 Mata Limon 59.525805 70 127 Mata Limon 34.114172 69 129 Mata Limon 231.19058 69 130 231.19058 69 130 Homosassa 2.0000025 355 126 Homosassa 2.0730772 357 126 2.0730772 357 126 West Bradenton 11.029217 335 126 West Bradenton 7.9736135 336 126 West Bradenton 7.0615781 337 126 West Bradenton 4.0019432 338 126 West Bradenton 8.5416132 339 126 West Bradenton 5.9376953 339 127 West Bradenton 2.0034694 339 128 2.0034694 339 128 Terra Mana 7.9736135 336 126 Terra Mana 7.0615781 337 126 Terra Mana 4.0019432 338 126 Terra Mana 8.5416132 339 126 Terra Mana 5.9376953 339 127 Terra Mana 2.0416405 340 127 Terra Mana 2.0034694 339 128 Terra Mana 7.0806698 340 128 7.0806698 340 128 Shore Acres 2.0416405 340 127 Shore Acres 7.0806698 340 128 Shore Acres 2.9062878 341 128 Shore Acres 4.0457776 341 129 Shore Acres 3.1145943 342 129 Shore Acres 2.0451771 342 130 Shore Acres 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Crystal River 2.0730772 357 126 2.0730772 357 126 Paradise Point 2.0730772 357 126 2.0730772 357 126 Finca Buena Fe 59.525805 70 127 Finca Buena Fe 34.114172 69 129 Finca Buena Fe 231.19058 69 130 231.19058 69 130 Guabito 59.525805 70 127 Guabito 34.114172 69 129 Guabito 231.19058 69 130 231.19058 69 130 California 59.525805 70 127 California 34.114172 69 129 California 231.19058 69 130 231.19058 69 130 Cutlers 2.0730772 357 126 2.0730772 357 126 South Bradenton 11.029217 335 126 South Bradenton 7.9736135 336 126 South Bradenton 7.0615781 337 126 South Bradenton 4.0019432 338 126 South Bradenton 8.5416132 339 126 South Bradenton 5.9376953 339 127 South Bradenton 2.0034694 339 128 2.0034694 339 128 Terra Ceia 7.0615781 337 126 Terra Ceia 4.0019432 338 126 Terra Ceia 8.5416132 339 126 Terra Ceia 5.9376953 339 127 Terra Ceia 2.0416405 340 127 Terra Ceia 2.0034694 339 128 Terra Ceia 7.0806698 340 128 Terra Ceia 2.9062878 341 128 Terra Ceia 4.0457776 341 129 4.0457776 341 129 Bayshore Gardens 12.943032 334 126 Bayshore Gardens 11.029217 335 126 Bayshore Gardens 7.9736135 336 126 Bayshore Gardens 7.0615781 337 126 Bayshore Gardens 4.0019432 338 126 Bayshore Gardens 2.8779331 338 127 Bayshore Gardens 2.0022239 338 128 2.0022239 338 128 Town 'n' Country 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Bradenton 7.9736135 336 126 Bradenton 7.0615781 337 126 Bradenton 4.0019432 338 126 Bradenton 8.5416132 339 126 Bradenton 5.9376953 339 127 Bradenton 2.0416405 340 127 Bradenton 2.0034694 339 128 Bradenton 7.0806698 340 128 7.0806698 340 128 Chassahowitzka 2.0000019 354 126 Chassahowitzka 2.0000025 355 126 Chassahowitzka 2.0730772 357 126 2.0730772 357 126 Palmetto 7.9736135 336 126 Palmetto 7.0615781 337 126 Palmetto 4.0019432 338 126 Palmetto 8.5416132 339 126 Palmetto 5.9376953 339 127 Palmetto 2.0416405 340 127 Palmetto 2.0034694 339 128 Palmetto 7.0806698 340 128 7.0806698 340 128 Whitfield 12.943032 334 126 Whitfield 11.029217 335 126 Whitfield 7.9736135 336 126 Whitfield 7.0615781 337 126 Whitfield 4.0019432 338 126 Whitfield 2.8779331 338 127 Whitfield 2.0022239 338 128 2.0022239 338 128 Sarasota Beach 10.077788 334 127 Sarasota Beach 9.014939 335 127 Sarasota Beach 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Memphis 2.8779331 338 127 Memphis 5.9376953 339 127 Memphis 2.0416405 340 127 Memphis 2.0034694 339 128 Memphis 7.0806698 340 128 7.0806698 340 128 Siesta 10.077788 334 127 Siesta 9.014939 335 127 Siesta 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 West Samoset 9.014939 335 127 West Samoset 2.8779331 338 127 West Samoset 5.9376953 339 127 West Samoset 2.0034694 339 128 2.0034694 339 128 Rubonia 2.8779331 338 127 Rubonia 5.9376953 339 127 Rubonia 2.0416405 340 127 Rubonia 2.0034694 339 128 Rubonia 7.0806698 340 128 Rubonia 2.9062878 341 128 Rubonia 4.0457776 341 129 4.0457776 341 129 Fort Lonely 2.8779331 338 127 Fort Lonely 5.9376953 339 127 Fort Lonely 2.0416405 340 127 Fort Lonely 2.0034694 339 128 Fort Lonely 7.0806698 340 128 Fort Lonely 2.9062878 341 128 Fort Lonely 4.0457776 341 129 Fort Lonely 3.1145943 342 129 Fort Lonely 2.0451771 342 130 2.0451771 342 130 Siesta Key 10.077788 334 127 Siesta Key 9.014939 335 127 Siesta Key 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Tallevast 10.077788 334 127 Tallevast 9.014939 335 127 Tallevast 2.8779331 338 127 Tallevast 2.0022239 338 128 2.0022239 338 128 Sarasota 10.077788 334 127 Sarasota 9.014939 335 127 Sarasota 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 South Sarasota 10.077788 334 127 South Sarasota 9.014939 335 127 South Sarasota 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Point O'Rocks 10.077788 334 127 Point O'Rocks 9.014939 335 127 Point O'Rocks 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Sunset Beach 3.1145943 342 129 Sunset Beach 2.0451771 342 130 Sunset Beach 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Gillette 2.8779331 338 127 Gillette 5.9376953 339 127 Gillette 2.0416405 340 127 Gillette 2.0034694 339 128 Gillette 7.0806698 340 128 Gillette 2.9062878 341 128 Gillette 4.0457776 341 129 4.0457776 341 129 North Sarasota 10.077788 334 127 North Sarasota 9.014939 335 127 North Sarasota 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Valroy 2.8779331 338 127 Valroy 5.9376953 339 127 Valroy 2.0416405 340 127 Valroy 2.0034694 339 128 Valroy 7.0806698 340 128 Valroy 2.9062878 341 128 Valroy 4.0457776 341 129 Valroy 3.1145943 342 129 Valroy 2.0451771 342 130 2.0451771 342 130 Ridge Wood Heights 10.077788 334 127 Ridge Wood Heights 9.014939 335 127 Ridge Wood Heights 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Southgate 10.077788 334 127 Southgate 9.014939 335 127 Southgate 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Gulf Gate Estates 10.077788 334 127 Gulf Gate Estates 9.014939 335 127 Gulf Gate Estates 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 South Gate Ridge 10.077788 334 127 South Gate Ridge 9.014939 335 127 South Gate Ridge 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Vamo 10.077788 334 127 Vamo 9.014939 335 127 9.014939 335 127 Osprey 9.082859 334 128 9.082859 334 128 Changuinola 34.114172 69 129 Changuinola 231.19058 69 130 Changuinola 32.121125 68 131 32.121125 68 131 Sun City 2.0022239 338 128 Sun City 2.0034694 339 128 Sun City 7.0806698 340 128 Sun City 2.9062878 341 128 Sun City 4.0457776 341 129 Sun City 3.1145943 342 129 Sun City 2.0451771 342 130 2.0451771 342 130 Finca 61 34.114172 69 129 Finca 61 231.19058 69 130 Finca 61 32.121125 68 131 32.121125 68 131 Nokomis 9.082859 334 128 9.082859 334 128 Laurel 9.082859 334 128 9.082859 334 128 Gulf City 2.0022239 338 128 Gulf City 2.0034694 339 128 Gulf City 7.0806698 340 128 Gulf City 2.9062878 341 128 Gulf City 4.0457776 341 129 Gulf City 3.1145943 342 129 Gulf City 2.0451771 342 130 2.0451771 342 130 Puerta Ventura 34.114172 69 129 Puerta Ventura 231.19058 69 130 Puerta Ventura 32.121125 68 131 32.121125 68 131 Milla Cinco 20.748205 67 132 Milla Cinco 62.580292 67 133 62.580292 67 133 Apollo Beach 4.0457776 341 129 Apollo Beach 3.1145943 342 129 Apollo Beach 2.0451771 342 130 Apollo Beach 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Palm 3.1145943 342 129 Palm 2.0451771 342 130 Palm 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Adamsville 4.0457776 341 129 Adamsville 3.1145943 342 129 Adamsville 2.0451771 342 130 Adamsville 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Gibsonton 4.0457776 341 129 Gibsonton 3.1145943 342 129 Gibsonton 2.0451771 342 130 Gibsonton 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Quebrada Pastores 28.259202 61 134 Quebrada Pastores 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Boca del Drago 32.121125 68 131 32.121125 68 131 Ten Gat 28.259202 61 134 Ten Gat 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Ground Creek 32.121125 68 131 32.121125 68 131 Cano Claro 28.259202 61 134 Cano Claro 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Garza 28.259202 61 134 Garza 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Jack Point 2.8914509 62 134 Jack Point 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cerro Tapao 28.259202 61 134 Cerro Tapao 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Cilico Creek 28.259202 61 134 Cilico Creek 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Quebrada Marin 28.259202 61 134 Quebrada Marin 2.8914509 62 134 Quebrada Marin 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 El Bajo del Cedro 28.259202 61 134 El Bajo del Cedro 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Robalo 28.259202 61 134 Robalo 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 La Puerta del Diablo 28.259202 61 134 La Puerta del Diablo 2.8914509 62 134 La Puerta del Diablo 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Palma Real 28.259202 61 134 Palma Real 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 El Tapao 28.259202 61 134 El Tapao 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 El Bajo del Burro 28.259202 61 134 El Bajo del Burro 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Big Bight 32.121125 68 131 Big Bight 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 La Gruta 32.121125 68 131 La Gruta 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Isla Colon 32.121125 68 131 Isla Colon 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Lennond 20.748205 67 132 Lennond 62.580292 67 133 Lennond 194.05435 67 134 Lennond 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Botabite 2.8914509 62 134 Botabite 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Carretera Bocas 32.121125 68 131 Carretera Bocas 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cauchero 28.259202 61 134 Cauchero 2.8914509 62 134 Cauchero 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Miramar Arriba 28.259202 61 134 Miramar Arriba 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Bocas del Toro 20.748205 67 132 Bocas del Toro 62.580292 67 133 Bocas del Toro 194.05435 67 134 Bocas del Toro 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Big Creek 20.748205 67 132 Big Creek 62.580292 67 133 Big Creek 194.05435 67 134 Big Creek 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Caremero 20.748205 67 132 Caremero 62.580292 67 133 Caremero 194.05435 67 134 Caremero 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Fish Creek 28.259202 61 134 Fish Creek 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 La Gloria 28.259202 61 134 La Gloria 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Solarte 20.748205 67 132 Solarte 62.580292 67 133 Solarte 194.05435 67 134 Solarte 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Aguacate 28.259202 61 134 Aguacate 2.8914509 62 134 Aguacate 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Bastimentos 20.748205 67 132 Bastimentos 62.580292 67 133 Bastimentos 194.05435 67 134 Bastimentos 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Short Cut 20.748205 67 132 Short Cut 62.580292 67 133 Short Cut 194.05435 67 134 Short Cut 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Loma Partida 28.259202 61 134 Loma Partida 2.8914509 62 134 Loma Partida 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Jutica 20.748205 67 132 Jutica 62.580292 67 133 Jutica 194.05435 67 134 Jutica 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 New Guinea 62.580292 67 133 New Guinea 194.05435 67 134 New Guinea 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cana Chiriquicito 28.259202 61 134 Cana Chiriquicito 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Macca Bite 2.8914509 62 134 Macca Bite 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Crawl Cay 28.259202 61 134 Crawl Cay 2.8914509 62 134 Crawl Cay 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Quebrada del Bajo 28.259202 61 134 Quebrada del Bajo 23.268379 60 135 23.268379 60 135 Buena Vista 28.259202 61 134 Buena Vista 2.8914509 62 134 Buena Vista 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Punta Laurel 28.259202 61 134 Punta Laurel 2.8914509 62 134 Punta Laurel 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cedar Creek 2.8914509 62 134 Cedar Creek 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Pine Island Center 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Alberrys Creek 2.8914509 62 134 Alberrys Creek 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Flamingo Bay 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Sanibel 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Mina de Carbon 28.259202 61 134 Mina de Carbon 2.8914509 62 134 Mina de Carbon 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Saint James City 2.4986394 322 137 Saint James City 4.2297534 321 138 4.2297534 321 138 Matlacha 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Ybel 2.4986394 322 137 Ybel 4.2297534 321 138 4.2297534 321 138 Bella Vista 28.259202 61 134 Bella Vista 23.268379 60 135 23.268379 60 135 Fort Myers Beach 2.4986394 322 137 Fort Myers Beach 4.2297534 321 138 4.2297534 321 138 Boca de Daira 23.268379 60 135 Boca de Daira 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Punta Rassa 2.4986394 322 137 Punta Rassa 4.2297534 321 138 Punta Rassa 4.2707236 320 139 Punta Rassa 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Iona 2.4986394 322 137 Iona 4.2297534 321 138 Iona 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Harlem Heights 2.4986394 322 137 Harlem Heights 4.2297534 321 138 Harlem Heights 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Punta Sirain 32.00676 60 136 Punta Sirain 14.573558 60 138 Punta Sirain 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Boca de Cricamola 32.00676 60 136 Boca de Cricamola 14.573558 60 138 Boca de Cricamola 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Muturi 32.00676 60 136 Muturi 14.573558 60 138 Muturi 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 McGregor 2.4986394 322 137 McGregor 4.2297534 321 138 McGregor 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Playa Gallinazo 32.00676 60 136 Playa Gallinazo 14.573558 60 138 Playa Gallinazo 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Lochmoor Waterway Estates 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Playa Bugori 32.00676 60 136 Playa Bugori 14.573558 60 138 Playa Bugori 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Cypress Lake 2.4986394 322 137 Cypress Lake 4.2297534 321 138 Cypress Lake 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Biggar 2.4986394 322 137 Biggar 4.2297534 321 138 Biggar 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Cusapin 18.578917 61 137 Cusapin 6.0632176 61 138 6.0632176 61 138 Punta Avispa 32.645441 60 137 Punta Avispa 14.573558 60 138 Punta Avispa 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Whiskey Creek 2.4986394 322 137 Whiskey Creek 4.2297534 321 138 Whiskey Creek 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Pine Manor 2.4986394 322 137 Pine Manor 4.2297534 321 138 Pine Manor 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Villas 2.4986394 322 137 Villas 4.2297534 321 138 Villas 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Ensenada de Punta Avispa 32.645441 60 137 Ensenada de Punta Avispa 14.573558 60 138 Ensenada de Punta Avispa 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Forest Island Park 2.4986394 322 137 Forest Island Park 4.2297534 321 138 Forest Island Park 4.2707236 320 139 Forest Island Park 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Page Park 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Fort Myers Villas 2.4986394 322 137 Fort Myers Villas 4.2297534 321 138 Fort Myers Villas 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Fort Myers 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Secretario 32.645441 60 137 Secretario 14.573558 60 138 Secretario 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Coconut 2.4986394 322 137 Coconut 4.2297534 321 138 Coconut 4.2707236 320 139 Coconut 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Tobobe 32.645441 60 137 Tobobe 14.573558 60 138 Tobobe 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Punta Nance 32.645441 60 137 Punta Nance 14.573558 60 138 Punta Nance 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Bonita Shores 4.2297534 321 138 Bonita Shores 4.2707236 320 139 Bonita Shores 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Playa Grande 14.573558 60 138 Playa Grande 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Estero 4.2297534 321 138 Estero 4.2707236 320 139 Estero 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Naples Park 4.2297534 321 138 Naples Park 4.2707236 320 139 Naples Park 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Gulf Harbor 4.2297534 321 138 Gulf Harbor 4.2707236 320 139 Gulf Harbor 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 North Naples 4.2707236 320 139 4.2707236 320 139 Pelican Bay 4.2707236 320 139 4.2707236 320 139 Council 4.2297534 321 138 Council 4.2707236 320 139 Council 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Butchuqua 14.573558 60 138 Butchuqua 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Bogola 14.573558 60 138 Bogola 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Catavela 14.573558 60 138 Catavela 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Shark Hole Point 14.573558 60 138 Shark Hole Point 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Burari 14.573558 60 138 Burari 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Old Bess Point 14.573558 60 138 Old Bess Point 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Arreife Bruno 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Shell Island 2.2536835 313 143 2.2536835 313 143 Isles of Capri 2.2536835 313 143 2.2536835 313 143 Marco 2.2536835 313 143 2.2536835 313 143 Shingle Hill 1582.2502 111 139 Shingle Hill 746.19486 111 142 746.19486 111 142 Rio Canaveral 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Alto Harmony Hall 1582.2502 111 139 Alto Harmony Hall 746.19486 111 142 746.19486 111 142 Orange Hill 1582.2502 111 139 Orange Hill 746.19486 111 142 746.19486 111 142 Hill Top 1582.2502 111 139 Hill Top 746.19486 111 142 746.19486 111 142 Slave Hill 1725.8687 112 139 1725.8687 112 139 Atto Harmony Hall 1582.2502 111 139 Atto Harmony Hall 746.19486 111 142 746.19486 111 142 San Luis 1582.2502 111 139 San Luis 746.19486 111 142 746.19486 111 142 Obrero 1725.8687 112 139 1725.8687 112 139 Old Marco Junction 2.2536835 313 143 2.2536835 313 143 Caxambas 2.2536835 313 143 2.2536835 313 143 Big Coppitt Key 12.59328 296 140 Big Coppitt Key 8.9199338 296 141 Big Coppitt Key 6.7759884 296 142 6.7759884 296 142 Goodland 2.2536835 313 143 2.2536835 313 143 Grocery Place 2.2536835 313 143 Grocery Place 2.3798705 312 145 2.3798705 312 145 Bay Point 8.9199338 296 141 Bay Point 6.7759884 296 142 6.7759884 296 142 Perky 8.9199338 296 141 Perky 13.27766 297 141 Perky 12.063301 297 142 Perky 8.9543656 297 143 Perky 6.8030947 297 144 6.8030947 297 144 Alligator Creek 54.375616 59 144 Alligator Creek 48.257226 58 145 48.257226 58 145 Dismal Key 2.2536835 313 143 Dismal Key 2.3798705 312 145 2.3798705 312 145 Pirates Cove 6.7759884 296 142 Pirates Cove 12.063301 297 142 Pirates Cove 8.9543656 297 143 Pirates Cove 6.8030947 297 144 6.8030947 297 144 Black Hammock 3.9841195 381 146 Black Hammock 3.7915207 382 146 Black Hammock 10.061979 383 146 Black Hammock 9.06725 384 146 Black Hammock 5.9651265 385 146 5.9651265 385 146 Back Landing 6.9268442 390 147 Back Landing 3.0511946 391 147 Back Landing 2.9525011 392 147 2.9525011 392 147 Dungeness 9.06725 384 146 Dungeness 5.9651265 385 146 Dungeness 7.851715 386 146 Dungeness 4.9211768 387 146 Dungeness 2.9493821 388 146 Dungeness 6.8529666 388 147 6.8529666 388 147 Stafford 5.9651265 385 146 Stafford 7.851715 386 146 Stafford 4.9211768 387 146 Stafford 2.9493821 388 146 Stafford 2.0102973 389 146 2.0102973 389 146 Greyfield 9.06725 384 146 Greyfield 5.9651265 385 146 Greyfield 7.851715 386 146 Greyfield 4.9211768 387 146 Greyfield 2.9493821 388 146 Greyfield 6.8529666 388 147 6.8529666 388 147 Amelia City 3.7915207 382 146 Amelia City 10.061979 383 146 Amelia City 9.06725 384 146 Amelia City 5.9651265 385 146 Amelia City 7.851715 386 146 7.851715 386 146 Fernandina Beach 10.061979 383 146 Fernandina Beach 9.06725 384 146 Fernandina Beach 5.9651265 385 146 Fernandina Beach 7.851715 386 146 Fernandina Beach 4.9211768 387 146 4.9211768 387 146 Cudjoe Key 8.9543656 297 143 Cudjoe Key 6.8030947 297 144 6.8030947 297 144 Franklintown 3.9841195 381 146 Franklintown 3.7915207 382 146 Franklintown 10.061979 383 146 Franklintown 9.06725 384 146 Franklintown 5.9651265 385 146 5.9651265 385 146 American Beach 3.9841195 381 146 American Beach 3.7915207 382 146 American Beach 10.061979 383 146 American Beach 9.06725 384 146 American Beach 5.9651265 385 146 5.9651265 385 146 Summerland Key 8.9543656 297 143 Summerland Key 6.8030947 297 144 6.8030947 297 144 Mayport 3.9841195 381 146 Mayport 3.7915207 382 146 Mayport 10.061979 383 146 10.061979 383 146 Isle of Palms 3.9841195 381 146 3.9841195 381 146 Oak Harbor 3.9841195 381 146 Oak Harbor 3.7915207 382 146 3.7915207 382 146 High Point 4.9211768 387 146 High Point 2.9493821 388 146 High Point 2.0102973 389 146 2.0102973 389 146 East Mayport 3.9841195 381 146 East Mayport 3.7915207 382 146 3.7915207 382 146 Epworth Acres 6.9268442 390 147 Epworth Acres 3.0511946 391 147 Epworth Acres 2.9525011 392 147 2.9525011 392 147 Palm Valley Landing 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Atlantic Beach 3.9841195 381 146 Atlantic Beach 3.7915207 382 146 3.7915207 382 146 Saint Simons 6.9268442 390 147 Saint Simons 3.0511946 391 147 Saint Simons 2.9525011 392 147 2.9525011 392 147 Jacksonville Beach 3.9841195 381 146 3.9841195 381 146 Everglades City 4.1247937 311 144 Everglades City 2.0230417 312 144 Everglades City 2.3798705 312 145 2.3798705 312 145 Palm Valley 12.976391 377 147 Palm Valley 16.137741 380 147 16.137741 380 147 Ponte Vedra Beach 12.976391 377 147 Ponte Vedra Beach 16.137741 380 147 16.137741 380 147 The Meadows 6.9268442 390 147 The Meadows 3.0511946 391 147 The Meadows 2.9525011 392 147 2.9525011 392 147 Blackbanks 3.0511946 391 147 Blackbanks 2.9525011 392 147 Blackbanks 2.0090741 395 148 2.0090741 395 148 Sawgrass 12.976391 377 147 Sawgrass 16.137741 380 147 16.137741 380 147 Harrington 3.0511946 391 147 Harrington 2.9525011 392 147 Harrington 2.0090741 395 148 2.0090741 395 148 Big Pine Key 6.8030947 297 144 6.8030947 297 144 Plantation Island 4.184002 310 144 Plantation Island 4.1247937 311 144 Plantation Island 2.0230417 312 144 Plantation Island 3.9772822 310 145 Plantation Island 2.3798705 312 145 2.3798705 312 145 Big Pine 2.024058 296 145 Big Pine 2.452271 295 147 2.452271 295 147 German Village 3.0511946 391 147 German Village 2.9525011 392 147 German Village 2.0090741 395 148 German Village 7.9404209 394 149 German Village 7.0149097 395 149 7.0149097 395 149 Mickler Landing 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Chokoloskee 3.9772822 310 145 Chokoloskee 2.3798705 312 145 2.3798705 312 145 Sea Island 3.0511946 391 147 Sea Island 2.9525011 392 147 Sea Island 2.0090741 395 148 Sea Island 7.9404209 394 149 Sea Island 7.0149097 395 149 7.0149097 395 149 Casa Cola 14.971483 374 148 Casa Cola 16.008907 372 149 16.008907 372 149 Araquey 14.971483 374 148 Araquey 16.008907 372 149 16.008907 372 149 South Ponte Vedra Beach 12.976391 377 147 South Ponte Vedra Beach 14.971483 374 148 14.971483 374 148 Saint Augustine 14.971483 374 148 Saint Augustine 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Villano Beach 14.971483 374 148 Villano Beach 16.008907 372 149 16.008907 372 149 La Chavela 48.257226 58 145 48.257226 58 145 Anastasia 14.971483 374 148 Anastasia 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Sapelo Island 2.0090741 395 148 Sapelo Island 7.9404209 394 149 Sapelo Island 7.0149097 395 149 Sapelo Island 3.8973773 396 149 Sapelo Island 7.0981454 398 149 7.0981454 398 149 Saint Augustine Beach 14.971483 374 148 Saint Augustine Beach 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Butler Beach 14.971483 374 148 Butler Beach 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Thomas Landing 7.0981454 398 149 Thomas Landing 2.1242507 399 150 2.1242507 399 150 Chatham 3.9951738 309 146 Chatham 3.1042852 309 147 3.1042852 309 147 Crescent Beach 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Raccoon Bluff 2.0090741 395 148 Raccoon Bluff 7.0149097 395 149 Raccoon Bluff 3.8973773 396 149 Raccoon Bluff 7.0981454 398 149 Raccoon Bluff 2.1242507 399 150 2.1242507 399 150 Summer Haven 16.981212 371 149 Summer Haven 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Calovebora 60.575744 58 147 Calovebora 480.24886 59 147 Calovebora 9.4214457 57 148 Calovebora 15.374653 57 149 15.374653 57 149 Palm Coast 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Marineland 16.981212 371 149 Marineland 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Cardenas 2.6506599 271 150 2.6506599 271 150 Leon Hamilton Place 4.2234396 306 147 Leon Hamilton Place 3.0002437 306 148 Leon Hamilton Place 2.2510527 307 149 2.2510527 307 149 Bon Terra 16.981212 371 149 Bon Terra 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Walter Hamilton Place 4.2234396 306 147 Walter Hamilton Place 3.0002437 306 148 Walter Hamilton Place 2.2510527 307 149 2.2510527 307 149 Beverly Beach 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Flagler Beach 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Mound Grove 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Marathon 2.0012903 296 150 2.0012903 296 150 Burnside View 3.04743 402 152 3.04743 402 152 Ormond-by-the-Sea 17.003432 366 151 17.003432 366 151 Marathon Shores 2.0012903 296 150 2.0012903 296 150 Ellinor Village 17.003432 366 151 17.003432 366 151 Key Colony Beach 2.0012903 296 150 2.0012903 296 150 Ortona 17.003432 366 151 17.003432 366 151 The Landings 3.04743 402 152 3.04743 402 152 Valhalla 2.0012903 296 150 2.0012903 296 150 Wilmington Island 7.7788544 403 154 7.7788544 403 154 Veraguas 40.353195 58 151 Veraguas 385.9133 59 151 Veraguas 938.92197 60 151 Veraguas 28.969339 58 152 Veraguas 52.670304 59 154 52.670304 59 154 Daufuskie Landing 9.4037254 404 155 9.4037254 404 155 Cooper River Landing 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Fort Screven 7.7788544 403 154 7.7788544 403 154 Tybee Island 7.7788544 403 154 7.7788544 403 154 South Beach Villas 9.4037254 404 155 9.4037254 404 155 Greenwood Forest 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Calibogue Cay 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Laurel Bay 2.3199291 410 157 2.3199291 410 157 Palmilla 81.907269 59 153 Palmilla 52.670304 59 154 52.670304 59 154 Spanish Wells 2.1907022 406 155 2.1907022 406 155 Bay Pines 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Sea Pines Plantation 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Broad River Bluff 4.6466952 409 157 Broad River Bluff 2.3199291 410 157 2.3199291 410 157 Hickory Bluff 2.1907022 406 155 2.1907022 406 155 Shell Point 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Forest Beach 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Hilton Head Island 2.1907022 406 155 2.1907022 406 155 Long Cove Plantation 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Burton 4.6466952 409 157 Burton 2.3199291 410 157 2.3199291 410 157 Seabrook Landing 4.0345357 407 157 Seabrook Landing 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Battery Marina Village 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Bram Landing 2.1907022 406 155 2.1907022 406 155 Palmetto Dunes 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Hilton Head Plantation 4.0345357 407 157 Hilton Head Plantation 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Gator Field 2.1907022 406 155 2.1907022 406 155 Parris Island 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Folly Field 2.1907022 406 155 2.1907022 406 155 Port Royal 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Fort Fremont 4.0345357 407 157 Fort Fremont 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Scott 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Tropic 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Cape Canaveral 9.9193271 349 158 Cape Canaveral 7.9410786 350 158 7.9410786 350 158 Cocoa Beach 9.9193271 349 158 Cocoa Beach 7.9410786 350 158 7.9410786 350 158 Melbourne Beach 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 Longwood 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 South Patrick Shores 9.9193271 349 158 South Patrick Shores 7.9410786 350 158 7.9410786 350 158 Satellite Beach 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Indian Harbour Beach 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Canova Beach 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Cocle del Norte 202.12773 61 156 Cocle del Norte 455.10929 62 156 Cocle del Norte 612.36532 63 156 Cocle del Norte 48.942108 61 157 Cocle del Norte 40.274989 62 159 Cocle del Norte 33.345442 62 160 33.345442 62 160 Frogmore 4.6466952 409 157 Frogmore 2.3199291 410 157 Frogmore 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 Indialantic 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 Cano Rey 202.12773 61 156 Cano Rey 455.10929 62 156 Cano Rey 612.36532 63 156 Cano Rey 48.942108 61 157 Cano Rey 40.274989 62 159 Cano Rey 33.345442 62 160 33.345442 62 160 Valkaria 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 Grant 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 Melbourne Shores 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 Evans Pines 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 Ballard Pines 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 La Conchita 2.5237025 271 161 2.5237025 271 161 Cummings 14.937363 344 160 14.937363 344 160 Rock Harbor 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Bennetts Point 2.0628864 411 161 2.0628864 411 161 Key Largo 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Cedar Reef Villas 4.0459415 409 159 Cedar Reef Villas 2.0628864 411 161 2.0628864 411 161 Newport 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Orchid 14.937363 344 160 14.937363 344 160 Diego 40.274989 62 159 Diego 33.345442 62 160 33.345442 62 160 Seabrook 2.0628864 411 161 2.0628864 411 161 Anglers Park 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Jewfish 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Garden Cove 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Indrio 5.2587707 336 163 5.2587707 336 163 Cutler Ridge 2.1428949 307 164 Cutler Ridge 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Saint Lucie 5.2587707 336 163 5.2587707 336 163 Rockdale 2.1428949 307 164 Rockdale 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Howard 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Gold Key 2.2795368 303 162 Gold Key 2.1428949 307 164 2.1428949 307 164 Edisto Beach 3.0323279 410 161 Edisto Beach 2.0628864 411 161 2.0628864 411 161 Lakes by the Bay 2.1428949 307 164 Lakes by the Bay 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 North Key Largo 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Queens Cove 5.2587707 336 163 5.2587707 336 163 Cutler 2.1428949 307 164 Cutler 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Miguel de la Borda 33.345442 62 160 Miguel de la Borda 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Carysfort Yacht Harbor 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Pinecrest 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Carahatas 2.5237025 271 161 2.5237025 271 161 Edisto Island 2.0628864 411 161 2.0628864 411 161 Freedman 2.0628864 411 161 2.0628864 411 161 Dynamite Docks 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Deering Bay 2.1428949 307 164 Deering Bay 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Grayvik 2.2795368 303 162 Grayvik 2.1428949 307 164 2.1428949 307 164 Ankona 5.2587707 336 163 Ankona 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Coral Gables 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Walton 5.2587707 336 163 Walton 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Cutter Bank 2.1428949 307 164 Cutter Bank 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Vista Hermosa 57.590837 63 161 Vista Hermosa 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Islandia 2.2795368 303 162 Islandia 2.1428949 307 164 2.1428949 307 164 Eden 5.2587707 336 163 Eden 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 South Bay Estates 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 El Salto 57.590837 63 161 El Salto 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 La Vigia 57.590837 63 161 La Vigia 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Jensen Beach 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Bay Heights 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Liberty Square 2.9589212 310 164 2.9589212 310 164 Oakgrove 6.8104679 412 163 Oakgrove 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Hutchinson Island South 5.2587707 336 163 Hutchinson Island South 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Sewall's Point 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Port Sewall 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Chilar 28.647145 63 162 Chilar 17.63867 63 163 Chilar 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 El Portal 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Rockville 6.8104679 412 163 Rockville 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 El Charcon 28.647145 63 162 El Charcon 17.63867 63 163 El Charcon 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Terminal del Plan 28.647145 63 162 Terminal del Plan 17.63867 63 163 Terminal del Plan 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 La Ensenada 28.647145 63 162 La Ensenada 17.63867 63 163 La Ensenada 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Port Salerno 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Bayshore 2.9589212 310 164 2.9589212 310 164 Biscayne Park 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 The Keyhole 2.1428949 307 164 The Keyhole 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Miami Shores 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Seabrook Island 3.9749536 411 162 3.9749536 411 162 North Miami 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Key Biscayne 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 San Souci Estates 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 North Bay 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Fisher Island 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Indian Creek 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 El Bendito 17.63867 63 163 El Bendito 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Bay Harbor Islands 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Miami Beach 2.9589212 310 164 2.9589212 310 164 Salud 17.63867 63 163 Salud 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Bal Harbour 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Surfside 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Camarones 17.63867 63 163 Camarones 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Atlantic Heights 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Nuevo Chagres 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Pueblo Nuevo 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Palmas Bellas 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Kiawah Island 9.048776 412 164 Kiawah Island 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Legareville 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Trascon 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Pina 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 La Isabela 3.2491192 270 166 La Isabela 6.6165709 270 168 6.6165709 270 168 Bayfront 5.8760494 414 168 5.8760494 414 168 Fort Sherman 43.263181 65 166 Fort Sherman 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Fuerte Sherman 43.263181 65 166 Fuerte Sherman 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Folly Beach 9.1978821 413 166 9.1978821 413 166 Charleston 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Lakeview Of Lawton Bluff 5.8760494 414 168 5.8760494 414 168 Centerville 5.8760494 414 168 5.8760494 414 168 Secessionville 9.1978821 413 166 9.1978821 413 166 Fort Johnson Estates 5.8760494 414 168 5.8760494 414 168 Cristoba 43.263181 65 166 Cristoba 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Colon 43.263181 65 166 Colon 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Hobcaw Point 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Rainbow City 56.152191 66 167 Rainbow City 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 The Groves 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Coco Solo 56.152191 66 167 Coco Solo 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Mount Pleasant 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Fort Moultrie 5.8760494 414 168 5.8760494 414 168 Cativa 56.152191 66 167 Cativa 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Cassina Heights 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Bahia Las Minas 56.152191 66 167 Bahia Las Minas 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Sullivan's Island 5.8760494 414 168 5.8760494 414 168 Palmetto Fort 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Sabanita 18.74393 66 168 Sabanita 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Puerto Pilon 18.74393 66 168 Puerto Pilon 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Villa Alondra 18.74393 66 168 Villa Alondra 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Island of Palms 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Porcher Bluff 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Isle of Palms 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Maria Chiquita 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Ten Mile 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Marco Antonio 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Guanche 26.776887 67 170 Guanche 61.856463 68 170 Guanche 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Iguanita 26.776887 67 170 Iguanita 61.856463 68 170 61.856463 68 170 El Santo 3.6227769 267 171 El Santo 2.0526181 265 173 2.0526181 265 173 Buenaventura 26.776887 67 170 Buenaventura 61.856463 68 170 Buenaventura 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Pertobelo 26.776887 67 170 Pertobelo 61.856463 68 170 Pertobelo 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Playa Blanca 26.776887 67 170 Playa Blanca 61.856463 68 170 Playa Blanca 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Santa Isabel 26.776887 67 170 Santa Isabel 61.856463 68 170 Santa Isabel 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Jose Pobre 26.776887 67 170 Jose Pobre 61.856463 68 170 Jose Pobre 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 El Jato 2.0526181 265 173 2.0526181 265 173 Cacique 30.896328 68 171 Cacique 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Garrote 30.896328 68 171 Garrote 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Buck Hall 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 La Guayra 24.375049 69 172 La Guayra 42.889528 70 174 La Guayra 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 El Cano 24.375049 69 172 El Cano 42.889528 70 174 El Cano 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 Tibwin 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Nombre de Dios 47.971469 70 173 Nombre de Dios 329.40892 71 173 Nombre de Dios 42.889528 70 174 Nombre de Dios 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 McCellanville 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Caibarien 2.0526181 265 173 2.0526181 265 173 McClellanville 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Dolores 2.4849441 263 175 2.4849441 263 175 Viento Frio 42.889528 70 174 Viento Frio 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 Palenque 42.889528 70 174 Palenque 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 Miramar 43.768903 70 175 Miramar 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 Cuango 43.768903 70 175 Cuango 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 Belle Isle Estates 2.6456778 422 179 Belle Isle Estates 2.3856863 423 179 2.3856863 423 179 Playa Chiquita 43.768903 70 175 Playa Chiquita 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 Friendfield 2.3856863 423 179 Friendfield 8.2891398 424 180 Friendfield 6.1144927 425 180 6.1144927 425 180 Denny Corner 2.6456778 422 179 Denny Corner 2.3856863 423 179 Denny Corner 8.2891398 424 180 Denny Corner 6.1144927 425 180 6.1144927 425 180 Simon Bolivar 2.1524696 262 177 2.1524696 262 177 Palmira 24.030433 69 177 Palmira 16.903624 69 178 Palmira 29.536432 69 181 29.536432 69 181 Caines 2.6456778 422 179 Caines 2.3856863 423 179 Caines 8.2891398 424 180 Caines 6.1144927 425 180 Caines 10.120416 426 181 10.120416 426 181 Quarantine 2.1662258 421 177 Quarantine 2.3856863 423 179 Quarantine 8.2891398 424 180 Quarantine 6.1144927 425 180 6.1144927 425 180 Clambank 2.3856863 423 179 Clambank 8.2891398 424 180 Clambank 6.1144927 425 180 Clambank 10.120416 426 181 Clambank 5.6205074 427 181 5.6205074 427 181 Santa Isabel 24.030433 69 177 Santa Isabel 16.903624 69 178 Santa Isabel 29.536432 69 181 29.536432 69 181 De Bordieu Colony 2.3856863 423 179 De Bordieu Colony 8.2891398 424 180 De Bordieu Colony 6.1144927 425 180 De Bordieu Colony 10.120416 426 181 De Bordieu Colony 5.6205074 427 181 5.6205074 427 181 Hagley Estates 8.2891398 424 180 Hagley Estates 6.1144927 425 180 Hagley Estates 10.120416 426 181 Hagley Estates 5.6205074 427 181 5.6205074 427 181 True Blue 8.2891398 424 180 True Blue 6.1144927 425 180 True Blue 10.120416 426 181 True Blue 5.6205074 427 181 True Blue 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Birds Nest 8.2891398 424 180 Birds Nest 6.1144927 425 180 Birds Nest 10.120416 426 181 Birds Nest 5.6205074 427 181 Birds Nest 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Chapel Creek 6.1144927 425 180 Chapel Creek 10.120416 426 181 Chapel Creek 5.6205074 427 181 Chapel Creek 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Cocuye Abajo 16.903624 69 178 Cocuye Abajo 29.536432 69 181 Cocuye Abajo 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Pawleys Island 8.2891398 424 180 Pawleys Island 6.1144927 425 180 Pawleys Island 10.120416 426 181 Pawleys Island 5.6205074 427 181 Pawleys Island 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Parkersville 6.1144927 425 180 Parkersville 10.120416 426 181 Parkersville 5.6205074 427 181 Parkersville 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Annieville 6.1144927 425 180 Annieville 10.120416 426 181 Annieville 5.6205074 427 181 Annieville 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 North Litchfield Beach 6.1144927 425 180 North Litchfield Beach 10.120416 426 181 North Litchfield Beach 5.6205074 427 181 North Litchfield Beach 7.0708018 428 182 North Litchfield Beach 8.7621194 428 183 North Litchfield Beach 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Piedra de Galera 19.359495 69 179 Piedra de Galera 29.536432 69 181 Piedra de Galera 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Huntington Marsh 10.120416 426 181 Huntington Marsh 5.6205074 427 181 Huntington Marsh 7.0708018 428 182 Huntington Marsh 8.7621194 428 183 Huntington Marsh 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Oak Hill 10.120416 426 181 Oak Hill 5.6205074 427 181 Oak Hill 7.0708018 428 182 Oak Hill 8.7621194 428 183 Oak Hill 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Tubuala 19.359495 69 179 Tubuala 29.536432 69 181 Tubuala 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Murrells Inlet 10.120416 426 181 Murrells Inlet 5.6205074 427 181 Murrells Inlet 7.0708018 428 182 Murrells Inlet 8.7621194 428 183 Murrells Inlet 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Inlet Harbor 10.120416 426 181 Inlet Harbor 5.6205074 427 181 Inlet Harbor 7.0708018 428 182 Inlet Harbor 8.7621194 428 183 Inlet Harbor 8.2369975 429 183 Inlet Harbor 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Mount Gilead 10.120416 426 181 Mount Gilead 5.6205074 427 181 Mount Gilead 7.0708018 428 182 Mount Gilead 8.7621194 428 183 Mount Gilead 8.2369975 429 183 Mount Gilead 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Garden City 5.6205074 427 181 Garden City 7.0708018 428 182 Garden City 8.7621194 428 183 Garden City 8.2369975 429 183 Garden City 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 El Porvenir 269.42136 70 180 El Porvenir 29.536432 69 181 El Porvenir 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Surfside Beach 5.6205074 427 181 Surfside Beach 7.0708018 428 182 Surfside Beach 8.7621194 428 183 Surfside Beach 8.2369975 429 183 Surfside Beach 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Deer Track Villas 5.6205074 427 181 Deer Track Villas 7.0708018 428 182 Deer Track Villas 8.7621194 428 183 Deer Track Villas 8.2369975 429 183 Deer Track Villas 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Crystal Lake 7.0708018 428 182 Crystal Lake 8.7621194 428 183 Crystal Lake 8.2369975 429 183 Crystal Lake 7.3830803 430 184 Crystal Lake 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Warsobtugua 29.536432 69 181 Warsobtugua 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Pebble Beach 7.0708018 428 182 Pebble Beach 8.7621194 428 183 Pebble Beach 8.2369975 429 183 Pebble Beach 7.3830803 430 184 Pebble Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Konig 7.0708018 428 182 Konig 8.7621194 428 183 Konig 8.2369975 429 183 Konig 7.3830803 430 184 Konig 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Myrtle Ridge 7.0708018 428 182 Myrtle Ridge 8.7621194 428 183 Myrtle Ridge 8.2369975 429 183 Myrtle Ridge 7.3830803 430 184 Myrtle Ridge 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Plantation Point 8.2369975 429 183 Plantation Point 7.3830803 430 184 Plantation Point 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Myrtle Beach 7.0708018 428 182 Myrtle Beach 8.7621194 428 183 Myrtle Beach 8.2369975 429 183 Myrtle Beach 7.3830803 430 184 Myrtle Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Holmes Rock 2.0002529 324 186 2.0002529 324 186 Ocean Forest 8.2369975 429 183 Ocean Forest 7.3830803 430 184 Ocean Forest 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Nusatupo 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Punta Alegre 4.1239268 261 183 4.1239268 261 183 Pueblo Punta Alegre 4.1239268 261 183 4.1239268 261 183 Arcadian Shores 8.2369975 429 183 Arcadian Shores 7.3830803 430 184 Arcadian Shores 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Southwest Point 2.0002529 324 186 2.0002529 324 186 Hawksbill 2.0002529 324 186 2.0002529 324 186 Briarcliffe Acres 7.3830803 430 184 Briarcliffe Acres 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Atlantic Beach 7.3830803 430 184 Atlantic Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Hunters 2.0002529 324 186 2.0002529 324 186 Ingram Beach 9.0103659 430 185 Ingram Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 North Myrtle Beach 9.0103659 430 185 North Myrtle Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Nixons Crossroads 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Freeport 2.0002529 324 186 2.0002529 324 186 Cherry Grove Beach 9.0103659 430 185 Cherry Grove Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Creekside 9.0103659 430 185 Creekside 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Little River 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Rio Azucar 9.8506003 67 185 Rio Azucar 15.436449 67 186 15.436449 67 186 Calabash 9.014328 431 186 Calabash 3.8765166 432 187 Calabash 7.9808039 432 188 7.9808039 432 188 Tupile 15.436449 67 186 15.436449 67 186 Shady Forest 9.9795043 431 187 Shady Forest 3.8765166 432 187 Shady Forest 7.9808039 432 188 Shady Forest 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Sunset Beach 9.9795043 431 187 Sunset Beach 3.8765166 432 187 Sunset Beach 7.9808039 432 188 Sunset Beach 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Sea Trail Plantation 9.9795043 431 187 Sea Trail Plantation 3.8765166 432 187 Sea Trail Plantation 7.9808039 432 188 Sea Trail Plantation 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Ticantiqui 6.9254791 67 188 6.9254791 67 188 Ocean Isle Beach 10.908987 431 188 Ocean Isle Beach 7.9808039 432 188 Ocean Isle Beach 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 El Socorro 12.878862 259 190 12.878862 259 190 Brick Landing 12.631848 431 189 Brick Landing 9.1957114 432 189 Brick Landing 10.718986 432 190 Brick Landing 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Aidirgandi 8.3977133 67 189 8.3977133 67 189 Monogram 10.718986 432 190 Monogram 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Holden Beach 13.756222 431 190 Holden Beach 10.718986 432 190 Holden Beach 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Secession 11.085917 432 191 Secession 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Varnamtown 11.085917 432 191 Varnamtown 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Playon Chico 6.1332093 66 192 Playon Chico 15.963179 66 193 15.963179 66 193 Little London 53.579931 198 196 53.579931 198 196 San Ignacio de Tupile 15.963179 66 193 15.963179 66 193 Long Beach 14.110766 432 193 Long Beach 9.7318988 433 193 9.7318988 433 193 Savanna la Mar 53.579931 198 196 53.579931 198 196 Saint James 14.110766 432 193 Saint James 9.7318988 433 193 9.7318988 433 193 Yaupon Beach 15.099446 431 194 Yaupon Beach 14.891147 432 194 Yaupon Beach 9.8604956 433 194 9.8604956 433 194 Caswell Beach 15.099446 431 194 Caswell Beach 14.891147 432 194 Caswell Beach 9.8604956 433 194 9.8604956 433 194 Coolvale 14.891147 432 194 Coolvale 9.8604956 433 194 9.8604956 433 194 Fort Caswell 14.224396 431 195 Fort Caswell 14.633023 432 195 Fort Caswell 10.77266 433 195 10.77266 433 195 Southport 14.633023 432 195 Southport 10.77266 433 195 10.77266 433 195 Bald Head Island 14.224396 431 195 Bald Head Island 14.633023 432 195 Bald Head Island 10.77266 433 195 10.77266 433 195 Wakitupu 39.161279 65 195 Wakitupu 70.426236 65 196 Wakitupu 117.66997 64 198 117.66997 64 198 Hermanos Fernandez 41.91291 255 198 Hermanos Fernandez 66.544695 254 199 66.544695 254 199 Old Town 11.286575 435 199 Old Town 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Kendall Chapel 13.064441 434 199 Kendall Chapel 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Ustupo 104.23505 64 197 Ustupo 117.66997 64 198 117.66997 64 198 Sheephead Rock 13.605145 432 196 Sheephead Rock 6.0349515 433 196 6.0349515 433 196 Montego Bay 12.461232 203 200 12.461232 203 200 Silver Lake 11.286575 435 199 Silver Lake 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Kure Beach 6.0349515 433 196 6.0349515 433 196 Carolina Beach 6.0349515 433 196 6.0349515 433 196 Winter Park 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Myrtle Sound 13.064441 434 199 Myrtle Sound 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Myrtle Grove 11.286575 435 199 Myrtle Grove 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Masonboro 11.286575 435 199 Masonboro 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Black River 18.214313 193 197 Black River 320.79128 194 197 Black River 34.985531 194 198 Black River 7.9664283 195 198 Black River 26.821031 194 199 26.821031 194 199 Windemere 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Seagate 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Crown Haven 18.678589 327 201 Crown Haven 2.3466465 328 201 Crown Haven 8.6812275 327 202 8.6812275 327 202 Mansukum 68.940863 62 199 Mansukum 61.846233 62 200 Mansukum 12.929873 60 201 12.929873 60 201 Napakanti 68.940863 62 199 Napakanti 61.846233 62 200 Napakanti 12.929873 60 201 12.929873 60 201 Fox Town 18.678589 327 201 Fox Town 2.3466465 328 201 Fox Town 8.6812275 327 202 8.6812275 327 202 Ogden 13.825602 437 200 Ogden 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Wrightsville Beach 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Bayshore 13.825602 437 200 Bayshore 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Mamimulo 68.940863 62 199 Mamimulo 61.846233 62 200 Mamimulo 12.929873 60 201 12.929873 60 201 Mulatupo Sasardi 12.929873 60 201 12.929873 60 201 Palmacity 66.544695 254 199 66.544695 254 199 Hampstead 13.714928 438 201 Hampstead 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Coetupo 12.929873 60 201 12.929873 60 201 Southfield 470.19515 191 200 Southfield 11.626763 193 200 Southfield 117.66938 192 201 Southfield 45.373573 192 202 Southfield 26.564949 192 203 Southfield 61.494331 191 204 61.494331 191 204 Falmouth 12.461232 203 200 12.461232 203 200 Cedar Harbor 18.678589 327 201 Cedar Harbor 2.3466465 328 201 Cedar Harbor 8.6812275 327 202 Cedar Harbor 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 Kings Landing 13.714928 438 201 Kings Landing 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Puerto Escoces 118.52653 59 202 Puerto Escoces 126.3677 58 203 Puerto Escoces 33.691666 57 204 33.691666 57 204 Versailles 105.37316 253 200 Versailles 2.000571 257 200 Versailles 2.2884815 256 201 2.2884815 256 201 Sukunya 118.52653 59 202 Sukunya 126.3677 58 203 Sukunya 33.691666 57 204 33.691666 57 204 Topsail Beach 13.714928 438 201 Topsail Beach 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Sloop Point 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Barlowes 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Carreto 118.52653 59 202 Carreto 126.3677 58 203 Carreto 33.691666 57 204 33.691666 57 204 Alligator Pond 103.64158 191 202 Alligator Pond 45.373573 192 202 Alligator Pond 26.564949 192 203 Alligator Pond 61.494331 191 204 Alligator Pond 142.17964 192 205 142.17964 192 205 Surf City 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Columbia 2.2763855 252 203 2.2763855 252 203 Pito 33.691666 57 204 33.691666 57 204 Cooper's Town 7.9335216 326 202 Cooper's Town 8.6812275 327 202 Cooper's Town 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 Ocean City Beach 12.571372 440 203 12.571372 440 203 Thomas Landing 12.571372 440 203 12.571372 440 203 Armila 33.691666 57 204 33.691666 57 204 Norman Castle 3.9043984 326 203 Norman Castle 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 Blackwood Village 3.9043984 326 203 Blackwood Village 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 North Topsail Beach 12.571372 440 203 12.571372 440 203 Sneads Ferry 10.251574 441 204 Sneads Ferry 13.066398 441 205 Sneads Ferry 9.6800401 442 206 Sneads Ferry 14.782325 441 207 Sneads Ferry 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Chadwick Acres 10.251574 441 204 Chadwick Acres 13.066398 441 205 Chadwick Acres 9.6800401 442 206 Chadwick Acres 14.782325 441 207 Chadwick Acres 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Sapzurro 63.829624 56 205 63.829624 56 205 Nassau 2.0255695 301 208 2.0255695 301 208 Capitan 63.829624 56 205 63.829624 56 205 Pilon 3381.2238 221 207 Pilon 1288.5259 222 207 Pilon 3836.0167 221 208 Pilon 1572.9513 222 208 Pilon 4650.9175 221 209 Pilon 2477.6056 222 209 2477.6056 222 209 Pino Roa 63.829624 56 205 63.829624 56 205 Duck Creek 9.6800401 442 206 Duck Creek 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Acandi 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 San Jeronimo 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 Alley 220.97513 191 206 Alley 167.65228 192 206 Alley 13.410833 190 210 Alley 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 Willis Landing 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 La Marca del Portillo 1288.5259 222 207 La Marca del Portillo 1572.9513 222 208 La Marca del Portillo 2477.6056 222 209 La Marca del Portillo 2659.7541 222 210 La Marca del Portillo 2691.4413 222 211 2691.4413 222 211 Bear Creek 9.0604295 443 208 9.0604295 443 208 Brazalitta 195.73604 191 207 Brazalitta 13.410833 190 210 Brazalitta 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 La Goleta 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 Swansboro 9.0604295 443 208 9.0604295 443 208 Mahoe Gardens 69.622109 191 208 Mahoe Gardens 27.077771 190 209 Mahoe Gardens 13.410833 190 210 Mahoe Gardens 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 Trigana 42.209894 53 209 Trigana 42.096186 52 210 42.096186 52 210 Old Harbor 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 Villa Claret 42.096186 52 210 Villa Claret 33.949703 49 213 33.949703 49 213 Titumate 42.096186 52 210 Titumate 33.949703 49 213 33.949703 49 213 Bucks Corner 13.234873 444 210 Bucks Corner 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 La Gloria 30.202015 51 211 La Gloria 8.5102281 47 213 8.5102281 47 213 Cedar Point 14.189225 443 209 Cedar Point 13.234873 444 210 Cedar Point 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Cape Carteret 14.189225 443 209 Cape Carteret 13.234873 444 210 Cape Carteret 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Bogue 14.189225 443 209 Bogue 13.234873 444 210 Bogue 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Santa Maria La Antigua 40.529822 50 212 Santa Maria La Antigua 8.5102281 47 213 8.5102281 47 213 Emerald Isle 14.189225 443 209 Emerald Isle 13.234873 444 210 Emerald Isle 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Ocean 14.864039 443 210 Ocean 13.234873 444 210 Ocean 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Indian Beach 14.864039 443 210 Indian Beach 13.234873 444 210 Indian Beach 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Broad Creek 13.970374 444 211 Broad Creek 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Pueblo Nuevo 57.06412 52 212 Pueblo Nuevo 58.623814 53 212 Pueblo Nuevo 48.475926 52 213 Pueblo Nuevo 9.1218529 54 213 Pueblo Nuevo 24.112698 52 214 Pueblo Nuevo 6.2087929 55 214 Pueblo Nuevo 2.5160899 55 215 2.5160899 55 215 Salter Path 15.996314 443 212 Salter Path 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Cuevas del Turquino 2421.3225 222 212 Cuevas del Turquino 3132.2462 222 213 Cuevas del Turquino 3403.651 222 214 Cuevas del Turquino 3972.5201 222 215 3972.5201 222 215 Puerto Barrios 8.5102281 47 213 Puerto Barrios 12.046895 44 214 12.046895 44 214 Port Royal 4.9861134 192 212 4.9861134 192 212 Wildwood 14.974195 444 213 Wildwood 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Pine Knoll Shores 18.089114 443 213 Pine Knoll Shores 14.974195 444 213 Pine Knoll Shores 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Hollywood 14.974195 444 213 Hollywood 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Kingston 5.2783928 194 214 5.2783928 194 214 Necocli 33.949703 49 213 Necocli 16.62471 49 215 16.62471 49 215 Caiman Viejo 33.949703 49 213 Caiman Viejo 29.298747 48 214 29.298747 48 214 Tie 29.298747 48 214 Tie 17.998245 46 215 17.998245 46 215 Bachelor 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Corral de Rio 3403.651 222 214 Corral de Rio 3972.5201 222 215 3972.5201 222 215 Punta de Piedra 29.298747 48 214 Punta de Piedra 17.998245 46 215 17.998245 46 215 El Tatumo 29.298747 48 214 29.298747 48 214 Carolina City 15.692898 444 214 Carolina City 5.703813 445 214 Carolina City 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Atlantic Beach 17.872676 443 214 Atlantic Beach 15.692898 444 214 Atlantic Beach 5.703813 445 214 Atlantic Beach 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Puerto Cesar 12.046895 44 214 12.046895 44 214 Turbo 12.046895 44 214 12.046895 44 214 Crab Point Village 15.692898 444 214 Crab Point Village 5.703813 445 214 Crab Point Village 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Mulatos 24.112698 52 214 Mulatos 6.2087929 55 214 Mulatos 2.5160899 55 215 2.5160899 55 215 Beaufort 14.949938 444 215 Beaufort 13.100931 445 215 Beaufort 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Morehead City 18.815585 443 215 Morehead City 14.949938 444 215 Morehead City 13.100931 445 215 Morehead City 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Zepata 2.5160899 55 215 2.5160899 55 215 Lenoxville 18.077681 443 216 Lenoxville 14.892269 444 216 Lenoxville 12.392884 445 216 Lenoxville 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Damaquiel 8.4858378 55 216 8.4858378 55 216 Straits 14.892269 444 216 Straits 12.392884 445 216 Straits 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Harkers Island 17.674028 443 217 Harkers Island 16.037305 444 217 Harkers Island 2.4181467 445 218 Harkers Island 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Otway 16.037305 444 217 Otway 2.4181467 445 218 Otway 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Gloucester 16.037305 444 217 Gloucester 2.4181467 445 218 Gloucester 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Cape Lookout 20.337993 442 217 Cape Lookout 17.674028 443 217 Cape Lookout 16.037305 444 217 Cape Lookout 2.4181467 445 218 Cape Lookout 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Smyrna 16.037305 444 217 Smyrna 2.4181467 445 218 Smyrna 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 San Juan 9.1287591 56 217 San Juan 22.441774 57 217 San Juan 11.023467 57 219 11.023467 57 219 San Juan de Uraba 9.1287591 56 217 San Juan de Uraba 22.441774 57 217 San Juan de Uraba 11.023467 57 219 11.023467 57 219 Marshallberg 16.037305 444 217 Marshallberg 2.4181467 445 218 Marshallberg 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Williston 2.4181467 445 218 Williston 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Davis 2.4181467 445 218 Davis 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Arboletes 11.023467 57 219 Arboletes 9.2793372 60 222 9.2793372 60 222 Chivirico 4572.0473 222 219 Chivirico 2364.9331 223 220 2364.9331 223 220 Los Cordobas 11.023467 57 219 Los Cordobas 9.2793372 60 222 9.2793372 60 222 Puerto Escondido 6.6216784 59 221 Puerto Escondido 9.2793372 60 222 Puerto Escondido 9.1263947 61 223 Puerto Escondido 4.9858321 62 224 4.9858321 62 224 San Jose 6.6216784 59 221 San Jose 9.2793372 60 222 San Jose 9.1263947 61 223 San Jose 4.9858321 62 224 4.9858321 62 224 Puerto Escondito 6.6216784 59 221 Puerto Escondito 9.2793372 60 222 Puerto Escondito 9.1263947 61 223 Puerto Escondito 4.9858321 62 224 4.9858321 62 224 Cristo Rey 9.2793372 60 222 Cristo Rey 9.1263947 61 223 Cristo Rey 4.9858321 62 224 Cristo Rey 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Caserio Puerto Limon 40.009 64 222 Caserio Puerto Limon 35.914618 64 223 Caserio Puerto Limon 15.417482 64 224 Caserio Puerto Limon 7.9533372 64 225 Caserio Puerto Limon 10.590046 65 225 10.590046 65 225 Rio Cedro 9.2793372 60 222 Rio Cedro 9.1263947 61 223 Rio Cedro 4.9858321 62 224 Rio Cedro 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Santander de la Cruz 13.001937 61 222 Santander de la Cruz 36.88924 63 222 Santander de la Cruz 9.1263947 61 223 Santander de la Cruz 4.9858321 62 224 Santander de la Cruz 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Providencia 13.001937 61 222 Providencia 36.88924 63 222 Providencia 9.1263947 61 223 Providencia 4.9858321 62 224 Providencia 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Broqueles 13.001937 61 222 Broqueles 36.88924 63 222 Broqueles 9.1263947 61 223 Broqueles 4.9858321 62 224 Broqueles 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Monitos 16.12616 62 223 Monitos 20.042577 63 223 Monitos 4.9858321 62 224 Monitos 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Pueblito 16.12616 62 223 Pueblito 20.042577 63 223 Pueblito 4.9858321 62 224 Pueblito 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Notecebes 16.12616 62 223 Notecebes 20.042577 63 223 Notecebes 4.9858321 62 224 Notecebes 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 La Rada 16.12616 62 223 La Rada 20.042577 63 223 La Rada 4.9858321 62 224 La Rada 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Lynnwood 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Paso Nuevo 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Lynnhaven Shores 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Forest Hills 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Bay Island 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Back Bay 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Creeds 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Linkhorn 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Alexander 4.8745324 281 227 4.8745324 281 227 Alanton 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Pungo 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Currituck 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Atlantic Park 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Maple 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Dawley Corners 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Dam Neck Corner 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Public Landing 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Campbells Landing 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Rolleville 4.8745324 281 227 4.8745324 281 227 Sigma 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Cavalier Park 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Quejimbra 7.9533372 64 225 Quejimbra 10.590046 65 225 10.590046 65 225 Hill Landing 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Chiqui 7.9533372 64 225 Chiqui 10.590046 65 225 10.590046 65 225 Barco 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Cielo Azul 7.9533372 64 225 Cielo Azul 10.590046 65 225 10.590046 65 225 Virginia Beach 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Corys 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 San Bernardo 13.692764 66 226 San Bernardo 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Coinjock 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Stevenston 4.8745324 281 227 4.8745324 281 227 Sandbridge Beach 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Waterlilly 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Knotts Island 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Bertha 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Aydlett 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Poplar Branch 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 False Cape Landing 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Grandy 7.0914813 470 230 Grandy 12.905114 468 231 Grandy 11.123847 470 231 11.123847 470 231 Cinco Reales 4014.3057 223 227 Cinco Reales 3042.5838 223 228 Cinco Reales 2793.0083 223 229 Cinco Reales 2544.8324 223 230 2544.8324 223 230 Jarvisburg 7.0914813 470 230 Jarvisburg 12.905114 468 231 Jarvisburg 11.123847 470 231 11.123847 470 231 El Islote 52.08717 70 227 El Islote 28.427212 70 230 El Islote 24.391765 72 230 El Islote 21.593164 70 231 21.593164 70 231 Antonio Macea 4014.3057 223 227 Antonio Macea 3042.5838 223 228 Antonio Macea 2793.0083 223 229 Antonio Macea 2544.8324 223 230 2544.8324 223 230 Powells Point 12.905114 468 231 12.905114 468 231 Moss Town 2.275248 278 230 2.275248 278 230 Mamie 12.905114 468 231 12.905114 468 231 Corolla 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Santiago de Cuba 4014.3057 223 227 Santiago de Cuba 3042.5838 223 228 Santiago de Cuba 2793.0083 223 229 Santiago de Cuba 2544.8324 223 230 2544.8324 223 230 Mashoes 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Harbinger 12.905114 468 231 Harbinger 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Point Harbor 12.905114 468 231 Point Harbor 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 George Town 2.275248 278 230 2.275248 278 230 Santa Catalina 8.3040277 67 228 Santa Catalina 24.129931 67 230 Santa Catalina 19.642305 67 231 Santa Catalina 14.797166 67 232 14.797166 67 232 Caffys Inlet Hamlet 7.0914813 470 230 Caffys Inlet Hamlet 12.905114 468 231 Caffys Inlet Hamlet 11.123847 470 231 Caffys Inlet Hamlet 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 San Antero 28.436875 67 229 San Antero 24.129931 67 230 San Antero 19.642305 67 231 San Antero 14.797166 67 232 San Antero 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Bayberry Bluffs 12.905114 468 231 Bayberry Bluffs 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Hargraves Bench 12.905114 468 231 Hargraves Bench 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Duncan Town 5.4755339 258 229 Duncan Town 3.8104477 259 229 Duncan Town 15.052011 260 229 15.052011 260 229 Southern Shores 12.905114 468 231 Southern Shores 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Bijadito 28.436875 67 229 Bijadito 24.129931 67 230 Bijadito 19.642305 67 231 Bijadito 14.797166 67 232 Bijadito 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Colington 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 El Penon 28.436875 67 229 El Penon 24.129931 67 230 El Penon 19.642305 67 231 El Penon 14.797166 67 232 El Penon 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Fort Raleigh City 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Puerto Siboney 2450.2395 222 229 Puerto Siboney 2793.0083 223 229 Puerto Siboney 2544.8324 223 230 Puerto Siboney 2917.6017 222 231 Puerto Siboney 2912.4382 222 232 Puerto Siboney 2509.5829 222 233 2509.5829 222 233 El Porvenir 28.436875 67 229 El Porvenir 24.129931 67 230 El Porvenir 19.642305 67 231 El Porvenir 14.797166 67 232 El Porvenir 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 El Bobo 28.436875 67 229 El Bobo 24.129931 67 230 El Bobo 19.642305 67 231 El Bobo 14.797166 67 232 El Bobo 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Kitty Hawk 12.905114 468 231 Kitty Hawk 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Forbes Hill 2.275248 278 230 2.275248 278 230 Covenas 28.436875 67 229 Covenas 24.129931 67 230 Covenas 19.642305 67 231 Covenas 14.797166 67 232 Covenas 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Baru 90.276263 75 230 Baru 83.569038 76 230 Baru 50.949596 75 231 Baru 5.6903472 77 231 Baru 59.734206 75 232 Baru 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Covenitas 24.129931 67 230 Covenitas 19.642305 67 231 Covenitas 14.797166 67 232 Covenitas 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Guayabal 24.129931 67 230 Guayabal 19.642305 67 231 Guayabal 14.797166 67 232 Guayabal 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Punta Seca 24.129931 67 230 Punta Seca 19.642305 67 231 Punta Seca 14.797166 67 232 Punta Seca 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Mother Vineyard 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Kill Devil Hills 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Croatan Shores 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Rincon 35.290722 69 230 Rincon 29.944823 69 231 Rincon 21.593164 70 231 Rincon 22.958312 69 232 Rincon 13.567565 70 232 Rincon 11.872711 69 233 11.872711 69 233 Hacienda Petalaca 24.129931 67 230 Hacienda Petalaca 19.642305 67 231 Hacienda Petalaca 14.797166 67 232 Hacienda Petalaca 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Nags Head 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Pendales 5.6903472 77 231 Pendales 6.699567 77 232 Pendales 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Porto Nao 5.6903472 77 231 Porto Nao 6.699567 77 232 Porto Nao 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Majagual 10.003052 71 231 Majagual 11.381217 72 232 11.381217 72 232 Whalebone 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Hiqueron 21.593164 70 231 Hiqueron 13.567565 70 232 13.567565 70 232 Puerto Viejo 19.642305 67 231 Puerto Viejo 14.797166 67 232 Puerto Viejo 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Zaragocilla 29.736569 68 231 Zaragocilla 21.762318 68 232 Zaragocilla 13.567565 70 232 Zaragocilla 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Montemar 21.593164 70 231 Montemar 13.567565 70 232 13.567565 70 232 Libertad 10.003052 71 231 Libertad 11.381217 72 232 11.381217 72 232 Polonia 5.6903472 77 231 Polonia 6.699567 77 232 Polonia 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Melilla 2.7486037 237 231 2.7486037 237 231 La Bulla 21.593164 70 231 La Bulla 13.567565 70 232 13.567565 70 232 Tierra Bomba 122.29773 79 231 Tierra Bomba 138.42583 80 231 Tierra Bomba 23.895681 80 233 Tierra Bomba 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Cenicita 37.969855 72 231 Cenicita 11.381217 72 232 11.381217 72 232 Tolu 19.642305 67 231 Tolu 14.797166 67 232 Tolu 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Santa Ana 6.699567 77 232 Santa Ana 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Ararca 6.699567 77 232 Ararca 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Mompos 11.381217 72 232 11.381217 72 232 Cano de Loro 47.988966 78 232 Cano de Loro 2.8312214 78 234 Cano de Loro 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 La Barces 32.255608 73 232 La Barces 38.957372 74 232 La Barces 59.734206 75 232 La Barces 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Labarce 32.255608 73 232 Labarce 38.957372 74 232 Labarce 59.734206 75 232 Labarce 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Santa Maria 21.762318 68 232 Santa Maria 13.567565 70 232 Santa Maria 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Cartagena 84.630361 79 232 Cartagena 23.895681 80 233 Cartagena 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Pasacaballo 6.699567 77 232 Pasacaballo 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Piedrecitas 37.681091 76 232 Piedrecitas 6.699567 77 232 Piedrecitas 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Faro 86.110065 81 232 Faro 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Leticia 37.681091 76 232 Leticia 6.699567 77 232 Leticia 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Sigua 2461.9112 221 232 Sigua 2912.4382 222 232 Sigua 2374.4308 221 233 Sigua 2269.7504 221 234 Sigua 2334.7844 222 234 Sigua 2263.7335 222 235 2263.7335 222 235 Caserio El Cobado 59.734206 75 232 Caserio El Cobado 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Manzanillo del Mar 86.110065 81 232 Manzanillo del Mar 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Manzanillo 86.110065 81 232 Manzanillo 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Cobado 9.8279381 75 233 Cobado 6.1135872 77 233 6.1135872 77 233 Puerto Cospique 23.895681 80 233 Puerto Cospique 2.8312214 78 234 Puerto Cospique 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Puerto Tierrabaja 23.895681 80 233 Puerto Tierrabaja 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Arroyo de Piedra 18.581051 82 233 Arroyo de Piedra 214.28992 83 233 Arroyo de Piedra 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Hierbabuena 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Las Canoas 9.948111 83 234 Las Canoas 6.014659 86 237 6.014659 86 237 Barrederas 47.673634 236 236 47.673634 236 236 El Palmar 47.673634 236 236 47.673634 236 236 Arroyo Grande 7.627628 84 235 Arroyo Grande 6.014659 86 237 6.014659 86 237 Palmarito 7.627628 84 235 Palmarito 6.014659 86 237 6.014659 86 237 Cairano 13.632357 86 236 Cairano 6.014659 86 237 Cairano 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Loma de Arena 13.632357 86 236 Loma de Arena 6.014659 86 237 Loma de Arena 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Galerazamba 13.632357 86 236 Galerazamba 45.525635 89 236 Galerazamba 6.014659 86 237 Galerazamba 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Helenita 13.632357 86 236 Helenita 6.014659 86 237 Helenita 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Las Tres Marias 13.632357 86 236 Las Tres Marias 6.014659 86 237 Las Tres Marias 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Boca Tocino 6.014659 86 237 Boca Tocino 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 San Vicente 2.8402898 87 238 San Vicente 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 San Diego 2.8402898 87 238 San Diego 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Hacienda Manates 2.8402898 87 238 Hacienda Manates 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Boqueron 946.75457 223 238 946.75457 223 238 Salina del Rey 2.8402898 87 238 Salina del Rey 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Salina de Rey 2.8402898 87 238 Salina de Rey 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Puerto Caiman 9.8977952 88 239 Puerto Caiman 343.94587 91 239 Puerto Caiman 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Puerto Colombia 10.359974 89 241 Puerto Colombia 738.1399 92 241 Puerto Colombia 181.27283 91 242 Puerto Colombia 9.959075 91 243 Puerto Colombia 159.09957 92 245 159.09957 92 245 Puerto Salgar 10.359974 89 241 Puerto Salgar 738.1399 92 241 Puerto Salgar 181.27283 91 242 Puerto Salgar 9.959075 91 243 Puerto Salgar 159.09957 92 245 159.09957 92 245 Maizal 10.359974 89 241 Maizal 738.1399 92 241 Maizal 1061.0129 93 241 Maizal 181.27283 91 242 Maizal 768.7809 93 242 Maizal 9.959075 91 243 Maizal 159.09957 92 245 159.09957 92 245 La Playa 5.9651661 90 242 La Playa 181.27283 91 242 La Playa 9.959075 91 243 La Playa 159.09957 92 245 159.09957 92 245 Cementos Caribe 5.9651661 90 242 Cementos Caribe 181.27283 91 242 Cementos Caribe 9.959075 91 243 Cementos Caribe 159.09957 92 245 159.09957 92 245 San Antonio del Sur 667.55463 224 243 San Antonio del Sur 1402.8237 224 244 San Antonio del Sur 1851.4407 224 245 San Antonio del Sur 1964.1124 224 246 1964.1124 224 246 Los Ladrones 76.124122 92 244 Los Ladrones 159.09957 92 245 Los Ladrones 14.193674 91 247 14.193674 91 247 Imias 1851.4407 224 245 Imias 1964.1124 224 246 1964.1124 224 246 La Guardia 159.09957 92 245 La Guardia 14.193674 91 247 La Guardia 4.3724586 90 249 4.3724586 90 249 Cayo Guin 1350.7065 233 250 1350.7065 233 250 Paso de Toa 1350.7065 233 250 Paso de Toa 709.12598 231 251 709.12598 231 251 Baracoa 709.12598 231 251 709.12598 231 251 Cajo Babo 2106.1765 224 248 Cajo Babo 1086.8595 225 248 1086.8595 225 248 Hacienda Barravieja 155.89803 91 248 Hacienda Barravieja 4.3724586 90 249 4.3724586 90 249 Mata 709.12598 231 251 Mata 826.16586 231 252 Mata 458.96077 230 253 458.96077 230 253 Jauco 1794.2235 224 250 Jauco 918.64863 225 250 918.64863 225 250 Puebloviejo 25.603112 88 250 Puebloviejo 61.551574 89 250 Puebloviejo 8.9001063 90 250 8.9001063 90 250 Tasajera 25.603112 88 250 Tasajera 61.551574 89 250 Tasajera 8.9001063 90 250 8.9001063 90 250 Palmira 25.603112 88 250 Palmira 61.551574 89 250 Palmira 8.9001063 90 250 8.9001063 90 250 Isla del Rosario 25.603112 88 250 Isla del Rosario 61.551574 89 250 Isla del Rosario 8.9001063 90 250 8.9001063 90 250 Montecristo 975.59047 225 251 Montecristo 638.96277 225 253 Montecristo 116.27685 229 255 116.27685 229 255 Sabana 709.12598 231 251 Sabana 826.16586 231 252 Sabana 458.96077 230 253 Sabana 116.27685 229 255 116.27685 229 255 Cienaga 78.129696 88 251 Cienaga 237.19685 89 251 237.19685 89 251 Hacienda Papare 247.97584 89 252 247.97584 89 252 Gaira 9.3568447 91 252 9.3568447 91 252 La Elisa 12.371773 88 252 La Elisa 247.97584 89 252 247.97584 89 252 Bavaria 9.3568447 91 252 9.3568447 91 252 Taganga 191.43947 92 252 Taganga 24.637543 92 253 24.637543 92 253 Santa Marta 191.43947 92 252 Santa Marta 24.637543 92 253 24.637543 92 253 Mamatoco 9.3568447 91 252 9.3568447 91 252 Maisi 458.96077 230 253 Maisi 116.27685 229 255 116.27685 229 255 Balneario de Villa Concha 24.637543 92 253 24.637543 92 253 Neguanje 63.659507 95 254 Neguanje 57.314625 95 255 Neguanje 682.69662 97 258 682.69662 97 258 El Coquito 379.26758 96 256 El Coquito 833.61077 97 256 El Coquito 603.95258 97 257 El Coquito 682.69662 97 258 El Coquito 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 La Esmeralda 379.26758 96 256 La Esmeralda 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Canaveral 379.26758 96 256 Canaveral 833.61077 97 256 Canaveral 603.95258 97 257 Canaveral 682.69662 97 258 Canaveral 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Port Salut 10.877251 197 260 10.877251 197 260 Los Naranjos 379.26758 96 256 Los Naranjos 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Mata de Platano 258.0576 96 257 Mata de Platano 295.33559 96 258 Mata de Platano 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 La Poza 258.0576 96 257 La Poza 295.33559 96 258 La Poza 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Hacienda la Beatriz 258.0576 96 257 Hacienda la Beatriz 295.33559 96 258 Hacienda la Beatriz 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Guschaca 258.0576 96 257 Guschaca 295.33559 96 258 Guschaca 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Saint-Jean 10.877251 197 260 10.877251 197 260 Carrefour Meridien 10.877251 197 260 10.877251 197 260 Buritaca 295.33559 96 258 Buritaca 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Les Cayes 10.877251 197 260 Les Cayes 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Cacoq 10.877251 197 260 Cacoq 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Don Diego 74.364408 95 260 Don Diego 400.64643 94 261 Don Diego 142.29047 95 261 Don Diego 87.155123 95 262 Don Diego 159.29505 94 263 Don Diego 24.385556 95 263 Don Diego 67.943071 95 264 67.943071 95 264 Matthew Town 638.79069 237 260 Matthew Town 310.64624 237 262 Matthew Town 303.12515 237 263 Matthew Town 291.26377 238 263 Matthew Town 44.084967 239 263 Matthew Town 45.59939 239 264 45.59939 239 264 Cavaillon 10.877251 197 260 Cavaillon 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Calabolo 400.64643 94 261 Calabolo 142.29047 95 261 Calabolo 400.71675 96 261 Calabolo 87.155123 95 262 Calabolo 159.29505 94 263 Calabolo 24.385556 95 263 Calabolo 67.943071 95 264 Calabolo 12.735116 94 265 Calabolo 57.495786 95 265 57.495786 95 265 Ile a Vache 8.394522 197 261 Ile a Vache 7.5094507 197 262 Ile a Vache 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Saint-Louis-du-Sud 7.5094507 197 262 Saint-Louis-du-Sud 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Nevamar 349.46331 94 262 Nevamar 87.155123 95 262 Nevamar 159.29505 94 263 Nevamar 24.385556 95 263 Nevamar 67.943071 95 264 Nevamar 12.735116 94 265 Nevamar 57.495786 95 265 Nevamar 21.410667 94 266 Nevamar 29.777138 95 266 29.777138 95 266 Fatgunt 1774.4007 219 263 Fatgunt 2040.9486 220 263 Fatgunt 1703.1147 221 263 Fatgunt 1750.1013 222 263 Fatgunt 1618.7709 223 263 1618.7709 223 263 Rio Canas 12.944257 94 264 Rio Canas 67.943071 95 264 Rio Canas 12.735116 94 265 Rio Canas 57.495786 95 265 Rio Canas 21.410667 94 266 Rio Canas 29.777138 95 266 Rio Canas 14.786739 95 267 Rio Canas 30.310829 96 267 Rio Canas 7.9024078 95 268 7.9024078 95 268 Aquin 287.16212 197 264 Aquin 23.579482 198 266 Aquin 8.9181757 198 267 Aquin 14.448615 198 268 14.448615 198 268 La Plateforme 1757.75 218 264 La Plateforme 1792.1742 219 264 La Plateforme 1247.2403 220 264 La Plateforme 1122.811 221 264 1122.811 221 264 Olga 12.944257 94 264 Olga 67.943071 95 264 Olga 12.735116 94 265 Olga 57.495786 95 265 Olga 21.410667 94 266 Olga 29.777138 95 266 Olga 14.786739 95 267 Olga 30.310829 96 267 Olga 7.9024078 95 268 7.9024078 95 268 Mole-Saint-Nicolas 1247.2403 220 264 Mole-Saint-Nicolas 1122.811 221 264 Mole-Saint-Nicolas 1435.6189 222 264 Mole-Saint-Nicolas 1371.4315 223 264 Mole-Saint-Nicolas 2718.2249 224 264 2718.2249 224 264 Quartier 357.22205 197 265 Quartier 23.579482 198 266 Quartier 8.9181757 198 267 Quartier 14.448615 198 268 Quartier 595.75825 197 269 Quartier 3.4116067 198 269 3.4116067 198 269 La Victoria 12.735116 94 265 La Victoria 57.495786 95 265 La Victoria 21.410667 94 266 La Victoria 29.777138 95 266 La Victoria 14.786739 95 267 La Victoria 30.310829 96 267 La Victoria 7.9024078 95 268 7.9024078 95 268 Dibulla 12.735116 94 265 Dibulla 57.495786 95 265 Dibulla 21.410667 94 266 Dibulla 29.777138 95 266 Dibulla 14.786739 95 267 Dibulla 30.310829 96 267 Dibulla 7.9024078 95 268 7.9024078 95 268 Coquille 585.38096 196 266 Coquille 539.11279 197 266 Coquille 23.579482 198 266 Coquille 8.9181757 198 267 Coquille 14.448615 198 268 Coquille 1313.83 196 269 Coquille 595.75825 197 269 Coquille 3.4116067 198 269 Coquille 1563.4994 196 270 Coquille 450.83874 197 270 450.83874 197 270 La Enea 14.786739 95 267 La Enea 30.310829 96 267 La Enea 7.9024078 95 268 7.9024078 95 268 Almacenes 1396.3775 224 267 Almacenes 1463.5263 225 267 Almacenes 1492.7785 225 268 Almacenes 1133.6552 225 270 1133.6552 225 270 Jean Rabel 1396.3775 224 267 Jean Rabel 1463.5263 225 267 Jean Rabel 1492.7785 225 268 Jean Rabel 1133.6552 225 270 1133.6552 225 270 Trou Louis 1118.3367 205 271 1118.3367 205 271 Punta Guamachito 7.9024078 95 268 7.9024078 95 268 Laborieux 1302.429 196 268 Laborieux 779.45728 197 268 Laborieux 14.448615 198 268 Laborieux 1313.83 196 269 Laborieux 595.75825 197 269 Laborieux 3.4116067 198 269 Laborieux 1563.4994 196 270 Laborieux 450.83874 197 270 Laborieux 1580.8756 196 271 Laborieux 351.6534 197 271 Laborieux 424.97611 197 272 424.97611 197 272 Miragoane 1563.0716 203 273 1563.0716 203 273 Trou des Hommes 1118.3367 205 271 Trou des Hommes 1191.2433 205 272 Trou des Hommes 1010.9087 205 273 1010.9087 205 273 La Cayenne 1315.0662 211 273 1315.0662 211 273 Camarones 6.8485811 96 269 Camarones 6.8908947 97 271 6.8908947 97 271 Nan Boeuf 1118.3367 205 271 Nan Boeuf 1696.8476 204 272 Nan Boeuf 1191.2433 205 272 Nan Boeuf 1580.4378 204 273 Nan Boeuf 1217.5063 204 274 1217.5063 204 274 La Gloria 6.9454255 97 270 La Gloria 10.011052 98 270 La Gloria 11.099076 99 270 La Gloria 6.8908947 97 271 La Gloria 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Cote de Fer 1563.4994 196 270 Cote de Fer 450.83874 197 270 Cote de Fer 1580.8756 196 271 Cote de Fer 351.6534 197 271 Cote de Fer 424.97611 197 272 424.97611 197 272 El Horno 6.9454255 97 270 El Horno 10.011052 98 270 El Horno 11.099076 99 270 El Horno 6.8908947 97 271 El Horno 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Etroits 1246.6107 209 274 Etroits 898.45999 210 274 Etroits 1048.9206 208 275 Etroits 833.77492 209 275 833.77492 209 275 Nan-Mangot 1118.3367 205 271 Nan-Mangot 1191.2433 205 272 Nan-Mangot 1010.9087 205 273 Nan-Mangot 449.93162 205 274 Nan-Mangot 9.1268625 205 275 9.1268625 205 275 Riohacha 6.8908947 97 271 Riohacha 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Petit-Goave 1563.0716 203 273 Petit-Goave 1214.6835 203 274 1214.6835 203 274 Dupuis 372.38463 224 272 Dupuis 761.14283 225 272 Dupuis 349.09104 226 272 Dupuis 1269.2169 227 272 Dupuis 1964.9919 228 272 Dupuis 9.8494335 224 274 Dupuis 120.06898 225 275 120.06898 225 275 Pirpir 4.8508366 98 272 Pirpir 7.9684447 99 272 Pirpir 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Port-de-Paix 372.38463 224 272 Port-de-Paix 761.14283 225 272 Port-de-Paix 349.09104 226 272 Port-de-Paix 147.16929 224 273 Port-de-Paix 80.282812 225 273 Port-de-Paix 9.8494335 224 274 Port-de-Paix 120.06898 225 275 120.06898 225 275 Boucan a Lait 1580.4378 204 273 Boucan a Lait 1217.5063 204 274 Boucan a Lait 753.68714 204 275 Boucan a Lait 289.47271 204 276 Boucan a Lait 27.479522 205 276 Boucan a Lait 122.50526 206 276 Boucan a Lait 38.570523 205 277 38.570523 205 277 Voute I'Eglise 147.16929 224 273 Voute I'Eglise 80.282812 225 273 Voute I'Eglise 1717.7064 228 273 Voute I'Eglise 9.8494335 224 274 Voute I'Eglise 120.06898 225 275 120.06898 225 275 Juskare 8.7833306 99 273 Juskare 3.4908501 99 274 Juskare 10.959204 101 277 10.959204 101 277 Mayapo 8.7833306 99 273 Mayapo 3.4908501 99 274 Mayapo 10.959204 101 277 10.959204 101 277 Fond Goriose 147.16929 224 273 Fond Goriose 80.282812 225 273 Fond Goriose 9.8494335 224 274 Fond Goriose 120.06898 225 275 120.06898 225 275 Arbol del Descanso 3.4908501 99 274 Arbol del Descanso 10.959204 101 277 10.959204 101 277 Dugazon 646.08907 211 274 646.08907 211 274 Urachikarein 3.4908501 99 274 Urachikarein 10.959204 101 277 10.959204 101 277 Bainet 1100.0761 196 274 Bainet 1082.4723 196 275 Bainet 1463.2783 196 276 Bainet 301.84617 197 276 Bainet 1947.9149 196 277 Bainet 2351.7805 196 278 2351.7805 196 278 Saint Louis du Nord 9.8494335 224 274 Saint Louis du Nord 120.06898 225 275 120.06898 225 275 Augier 1246.6107 209 274 Augier 898.45999 210 274 Augier 646.08907 211 274 Augier 1048.9206 208 275 Augier 833.77492 209 275 Augier 731.57784 207 276 Augier 27.781356 207 278 27.781356 207 278 Saint-Marc 898.45999 210 274 Saint-Marc 646.08907 211 274 Saint-Marc 133.08005 210 275 133.08005 210 275 Gonaives 6.116642 215 275 6.116642 215 275 Au Source Nord 29.981635 213 275 Au Source Nord 12.672621 214 275 12.672621 214 275 El Pajaro 2.9030982 100 275 El Pajaro 10.959204 101 277 10.959204 101 277 Shichepeho 2.9030982 100 275 Shichepeho 10.959204 101 277 10.959204 101 277 Aux Plains 120.06898 225 275 120.06898 225 275 Ca Malor 1082.4723 196 275 Ca Malor 1463.2783 196 276 Ca Malor 301.84617 197 276 Ca Malor 1947.9149 196 277 Ca Malor 2351.7805 196 278 2351.7805 196 278 Jacmel 1947.9149 196 277 Jacmel 2351.7805 196 278 2351.7805 196 278 Bellevue 49.586973 203 277 Bellevue 30.336896 204 277 Bellevue 38.570523 205 277 Bellevue 134.55644 205 278 Bellevue 140.85057 204 279 Bellevue 110.54929 205 280 Bellevue 2.846156 204 281 2.846156 204 281 Arcahaie 38.570523 205 277 Arcahaie 134.55644 205 278 Arcahaie 134.29798 205 279 Arcahaie 110.54929 205 280 Arcahaie 32.540816 205 281 32.540816 205 281 Huattapo 44.564121 102 278 Huattapo 55.285029 103 278 Huattapo 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Barque 258.48223 224 278 Barque 154.41944 223 280 Barque 15.830201 222 282 15.830201 222 282 Manaure Viejo 44.564121 102 278 Manaure Viejo 55.285029 103 278 Manaure Viejo 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Carrefour Raymond 2351.7805 196 278 2351.7805 196 278 Shushirrara 35.402658 102 279 Shushirrara 7.9077034 103 281 Shushirrara 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Iturumahana 35.402658 102 279 Iturumahana 7.9077034 103 281 Iturumahana 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Aubry 140.85057 204 279 Aubry 110.54929 205 280 Aubry 2.846156 204 281 Aubry 13.994073 205 282 13.994073 205 282 Araurio 35.402658 102 279 Araurio 7.9077034 103 281 Araurio 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Puerto Aramatka 35.402658 102 279 Puerto Aramatka 7.9077034 103 281 Puerto Aramatka 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Santa Rosa 28.066509 102 280 Santa Rosa 47.330635 103 280 Santa Rosa 7.9077034 103 281 Santa Rosa 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Mausahu 28.066509 102 280 Mausahu 47.330635 103 280 Mausahu 7.9077034 103 281 Mausahu 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Port-au-Prince 134.82185 204 280 Port-au-Prince 110.54929 205 280 Port-au-Prince 2.846156 204 281 Port-au-Prince 13.994073 205 282 13.994073 205 282 Marigot 2920.7214 196 280 Marigot 1363.4561 197 280 1363.4561 197 280 Jojoromahana 28.066509 102 280 Jojoromahana 47.330635 103 280 Jojoromahana 7.9077034 103 281 Jojoromahana 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Lombard 154.41944 223 280 Lombard 15.830201 222 282 15.830201 222 282 Auyama 7.9077034 103 281 Auyama 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Cardon 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Adieu au Monde 3870.9961 196 282 3870.9961 196 282 Cap-Haitien 15.830201 222 282 Cap-Haitien 6.7526666 221 286 6.7526666 221 286 Kosinamahana 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Carrizal 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 El Cabo 3.6915755 105 283 3.6915755 105 283 Amaiquiro 40.461846 104 283 40.461846 104 283 Beliard 19.642297 222 283 Beliard 6.7526666 221 286 6.7526666 221 286 Belle-Anse 2102.978 197 284 Belle-Anse 42.945484 197 288 42.945484 197 288 Jumop 7.156194 96 288 7.156194 96 288 Junain 12.928346 109 287 Junain 226.10324 108 288 Junain 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Kew 45.28336 253 289 45.28336 253 289 Calinatay 9.158363 97 288 9.158363 97 288 Los Filudos 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Molomana 9.158363 97 288 9.158363 97 288 Sichipes 7.156194 96 288 7.156194 96 288 La Gloria 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Pararu 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Guayamulisira 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Neima 7.156194 96 288 7.156194 96 288 Cojua 7.156194 96 288 7.156194 96 288 Campamento 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Guarurtain 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 La Punta 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Paraguaipoa 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Los Aceitunitos 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Guichep 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Jautaipanou 9.158363 97 288 9.158363 97 288 Pichuasahi 12.928346 109 287 Pichuasahi 226.10324 108 288 Pichuasahi 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Los Mochos 3.846642 95 288 Los Mochos 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Juruba 3.846642 95 288 Juruba 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Jasav 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Bottle Creek 45.28336 253 289 45.28336 253 289 Huauariuaha 12.928346 109 287 Huauariuaha 226.10324 108 288 Huauariuaha 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Uluimana 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Jurulapa 9.158363 97 288 9.158363 97 288 Campo Alegre 3.846642 95 288 Campo Alegre 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Zulia Mar 3.846642 95 288 Zulia Mar 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Kaurimahana 12.928346 109 287 Kaurimahana 226.10324 108 288 Kaurimahana 238.6798 108 289 Kaurimahana 20.889317 111 290 Kaurimahana 2.8747357 111 291 2.8747357 111 291 Anse a Cochon 3788.1889 195 287 Anse a Cochon 2127.4357 196 287 Anse a Cochon 166.82681 197 287 Anse a Cochon 42.945484 197 288 42.945484 197 288 Gualipana 9.158363 97 288 9.158363 97 288 Los Hermanitos 14.925551 94 289 Los Hermanitos 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Botoncillo 14.925551 94 289 Botoncillo 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Cojoro 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Caimare Chico 14.925551 94 289 Caimare Chico 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Caraipia 14.925551 94 289 Caraipia 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Boca Paijana 14.925551 94 289 Boca Paijana 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puertecitos 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Cardoncito 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puerto Guerrero 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Conch Bar 45.28336 253 289 45.28336 253 289 Calle Ancha 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puerto Mara 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puerto Cardoncito 14.925551 94 289 Puerto Cardoncito 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 San Jose 226.10324 108 288 San Jose 238.6798 108 289 San Jose 20.889317 111 290 San Jose 2.8747357 111 291 2.8747357 111 291 Paijana 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 La Esperanza 3.7245293 91 291 La Esperanza 7.9618872 91 293 7.9618872 91 293 Pedernales 2342.0478 193 289 Pedernales 337.66821 195 289 Pedernales 65.079641 196 289 Pedernales 6.7890567 195 291 6.7890567 195 291 Guasapatu 10.104846 98 289 10.104846 98 289 San Rafael 3.7245293 91 291 San Rafael 7.9618872 91 293 7.9618872 91 293 Las Cabimas 3.7245293 91 291 Las Cabimas 7.9618872 91 293 7.9618872 91 293 Las Delicias 2.0355001 90 293 2.0355001 90 293 Bahia Hondita 20.889317 111 290 Bahia Hondita 2.8747357 111 291 2.8747357 111 291 Inosu 238.6798 108 289 Inosu 20.889317 111 290 Inosu 2.8747357 111 291 2.8747357 111 291 Palachuou 10.104846 98 289 10.104846 98 289 Cabo Rojo 1893.7369 191 290 Cabo Rojo 1515.6396 192 290 Cabo Rojo 1019.6243 193 290 Cabo Rojo 346.46226 194 290 Cabo Rojo 26.44916 195 290 Cabo Rojo 6.7890567 195 291 6.7890567 195 291 Potchoure 16.12569 98 290 16.12569 98 290 Monte Cristi 19.686705 224 294 19.686705 224 294 El Toas 3.7245293 91 291 El Toas 7.9618872 91 293 7.9618872 91 293 Zarrupiai 7.2538087 99 290 7.2538087 99 290 Cuzi 16.12569 98 290 16.12569 98 290 El Triunfo 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 San Carlos 3.7245293 91 291 San Carlos 7.9618872 91 293 7.9618872 91 293 Caserio Taroa 2.8747357 111 291 2.8747357 111 291 Punto Miranda 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Morchipa 11.082524 99 292 11.082524 99 292 El Aceituno 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Punta de Palmas 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Parsua 11.082524 99 292 11.082524 99 292 Haticos del Sur 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Punta de Leiva 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 El Cucharal 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Los Jobitos 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Jaguecito 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 El Canito 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 El Caiman 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Altagracia 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Las Playitas 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Maasichi 13.930702 111 296 13.930702 111 296 Bella Vista 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Jaguey de Vera 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Ancon de Iturbe 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Ancon de Iturre 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Gutierrez 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Puerto Chimare 13.930702 111 296 13.930702 111 296 Guincua 2.2940825 100 295 2.2940825 100 295 Sabana Cruz 19.686705 224 294 Sabana Cruz 27.013513 224 295 Sabana Cruz 4.1506154 223 297 4.1506154 223 297 Tapuli 2.2940825 100 295 2.2940825 100 295 Makaraipaho 5.3603054 101 296 5.3603054 101 296 Colinia Agricola Juancho 46.413382 191 297 Colinia Agricola Juancho 224.01794 192 298 Colinia Agricola Juancho 577.5866 193 299 577.5866 193 299 Castilletes 5.3603054 101 296 5.3603054 101 296 Puerto Estrella 13.930702 111 296 Puerto Estrella 14.068362 109 299 14.068362 109 299 Puerto Lopez 4.9849006 102 297 4.9849006 102 297 El Copey 16.468592 224 296 El Copey 4.1506154 223 297 4.1506154 223 297 Enriquillo 46.413382 191 297 Enriquillo 224.01794 192 298 Enriquillo 577.5866 193 299 577.5866 193 299 Chichibacoa 23.060185 111 297 Chichibacoa 14.068362 109 299 14.068362 109 299 Karasua 12.273862 103 298 12.273862 103 298 Guaguri 14.068362 109 299 Guaguri 6.1288335 105 300 6.1288335 105 300 Puerto Ingles 12.273862 103 298 12.273862 103 298 Paraiso 577.5866 193 299 577.5866 193 299 Punta Espada 12.423181 104 299 12.423181 104 299 La Cienaga 2604.8259 194 301 La Cienaga 15.16576 198 301 15.16576 198 301 Barahona 15.16576 198 301 15.16576 198 301 Cambronal 207.40712 223 299 Cambronal 26.971337 224 302 26.971337 224 302 San Agustin 10.029094 91 299 10.029094 91 299 El Curro 15.16576 198 301 15.16576 198 301 Luperon 874.88399 225 300 Luperon 1293.5354 225 301 Luperon 26.971337 224 302 26.971337 224 302 Arroyo Hondo 9.9332141 92 301 9.9332141 92 301 Coneja 9.9332141 92 301 9.9332141 92 301 Canapo 8.0910822 92 302 8.0910822 92 302 Los Negros 604.93354 198 302 Los Negros 63.697788 199 302 Los Negros 11.936746 200 305 11.936746 200 305 Bajo Hondo 613.28338 224 303 Bajo Hondo 2345.7804 225 303 Bajo Hondo 2307.848 225 304 Bajo Hondo 2224.875 225 305 Bajo Hondo 391.6352 223 306 391.6352 223 306 Caracubana 6.9888747 93 303 6.9888747 93 303 Antunez 6.9888747 93 303 6.9888747 93 303 Yuquique 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 Santa Clara 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 El Suite 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 Puerto Plata 1295.7892 224 305 Puerto Plata 391.6352 223 306 Puerto Plata 2306.0785 224 309 2306.0785 224 309 Puerto Gutierrez 10.05171 94 306 10.05171 94 306 Agua Clara 34.580915 200 306 Agua Clara 33.926905 200 307 Agua Clara 30.019225 201 307 30.019225 201 307 Los Hatos 10.05171 94 306 10.05171 94 306 Baruche 10.05171 94 306 10.05171 94 306 Sosua 1047.7173 223 307 Sosua 1666.9619 223 308 Sosua 1440.4409 223 309 Sosua 1829.9617 223 310 1829.9617 223 310 Puerto Zazarida 8.0424691 94 307 Puerto Zazarida 8.9582177 94 308 8.9582177 94 308 Las Calderas 15.306792 198 311 15.306792 198 311 Zazarida 8.9582177 94 308 8.9582177 94 308 Estanquecito 7.7643788 94 309 7.7643788 94 309 Sabaneta de Yasica 427.51142 222 309 Sabaneta de Yasica 345.71988 222 310 Sabaneta de Yasica 725.31779 222 311 Sabaneta de Yasica 42.422949 220 313 42.422949 220 313 Cuajaracume 9.1018795 95 310 Cuajaracume 10.105922 95 311 Cuajaracume 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Cauca 9.1018795 95 310 Cauca 10.105922 95 311 Cauca 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Codore Adentro 10.105922 95 311 Codore Adentro 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Hato Abajo 37.076816 102 311 37.076816 102 311 Los Taques 47.747343 100 311 Los Taques 31.762552 101 311 Los Taques 42.97661 100 312 42.97661 100 312 Ocorote 10.105922 95 311 Ocorote 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Adaro 29.835847 99 311 29.835847 99 311 El Rosario 41.292074 101 312 El Rosario 27.958168 101 313 27.958168 101 313 El Cardon 20.411522 97 312 20.411522 97 312 Punta Cardon 32.841873 98 312 32.841873 98 312 Punto Fijo 35.711577 99 312 Punto Fijo 50.923042 99 315 50.923042 99 315 Conejal 26.707651 103 312 26.707651 103 312 Rio Seco 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 La Macolla 26.532481 105 312 La Macolla 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Las Piedras 35.711577 99 312 Las Piedras 50.923042 99 315 50.923042 99 315 Guadalajara 25.972536 104 312 25.972536 104 312 La California 25.972536 104 312 25.972536 104 312 Guanadito 42.97661 100 312 42.97661 100 312 Guaimu 25.972536 104 312 25.972536 104 312 Magante 217.74007 221 312 Magante 42.422949 220 313 42.422949 220 313 Orejitas 25.972536 104 312 25.972536 104 312 Algodones 5.8037581 96 313 Algodones 18.709875 96 314 18.709875 96 314 Tiguajada 22.728502 98 313 22.728502 98 313 Macama 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Arajo 5.8037581 96 313 Arajo 18.709875 96 314 18.709875 96 314 La Boca 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Caujarito 22.728502 98 313 22.728502 98 313 Las Cruces 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 El Vaquero 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Matacan 12.163806 98 314 Matacan 48.547442 98 315 Matacan 50.923042 99 315 50.923042 99 315 Rio San Juan 104.77125 220 314 104.77125 220 314 San Lorenzo 27.963171 107 314 San Lorenzo 7.2474253 107 315 7.2474253 107 315 Arashi 84.379917 113 314 84.379917 113 314 Bubali 84.379917 113 314 84.379917 113 314 Palm Beach 84.379917 113 314 84.379917 113 314 Washington 84.379917 113 314 84.379917 113 314 Tanki Flip 84.379917 113 314 84.379917 113 314 Ponton 84.379917 113 314 84.379917 113 314 Cayude 48.547442 98 315 Cayude 50.923042 99 315 50.923042 99 315 El Imujo 7.2474253 107 315 El Imujo 18.087434 107 319 18.087434 107 319 San Francisco 7.2474253 107 315 San Francisco 18.087434 107 319 18.087434 107 319 La Cienaga 7.2474253 107 315 La Cienaga 18.087434 107 319 18.087434 107 319 Abreu 243.67211 220 315 Abreu 837.60478 221 315 Abreu 2400.6962 222 315 Abreu 2886.8779 222 316 Abreu 2978.449 222 317 Abreu 265.48576 218 319 265.48576 218 319 Santa Cruz 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Savaneta 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Piedras Negras 18.087434 107 319 Piedras Negras 15.00603 105 320 15.00603 105 320 Cura Cabai 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Brasil 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Sint Nicolaas 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Fontein 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Las Cumaraguas 18.087434 107 319 Las Cumaraguas 15.00603 105 320 15.00603 105 320 Arroyo Salado 265.48576 218 319 Arroyo Salado 18.547532 215 320 18.547532 215 320 El Higo de las Tres Piernas 1405.6189 221 316 El Higo de las Tres Piernas 1211.5292 221 317 El Higo de las Tres Piernas 1655.6519 221 318 El Higo de las Tres Piernas 265.48576 218 319 265.48576 218 319 Juwana Morto 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Santa Rita 18.087434 107 319 Santa Rita 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Azubure 18.087434 107 319 Azubure 15.00603 105 320 15.00603 105 320 Charaima 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Baraived 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Guayacan 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Nagua 265.48576 218 319 Nagua 18.547532 215 320 18.547532 215 320 El Hato 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Pedregalito 18.087434 107 319 Pedregalito 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Caduto 63.898929 97 319 Caduto 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Guasare Abajo 63.898929 97 319 Guasare Abajo 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Cujizal 29.994012 97 320 Cujizal 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Palencia 29.994012 97 320 Palencia 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Jagueicito 29.994012 97 320 Jagueicito 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Sanchez 107.7104 215 321 Sanchez 19.075338 215 323 Sanchez 2.0386583 215 324 2.0386583 215 324 La Vela de Coro 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Playa Negra 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 El Carrizal 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Muaco 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Mataruca 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Taimetaima 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Cuji Leon 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Taratara 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Abra Grande 281.6243 215 322 Abra Grande 1148.6575 216 322 Abra Grande 1623.827 217 322 Abra Grande 19.075338 215 323 Abra Grande 2.0386583 215 324 Abra Grande 12.243246 215 326 12.243246 215 326 La Aguada 5.6998326 97 323 5.6998326 97 323 Los Robalos 19.075338 215 323 Los Robalos 2.0386583 215 324 Los Robalos 12.243246 215 326 Los Robalos 11.855724 211 327 11.855724 211 327 Puente de Piedra 5.6998326 97 323 5.6998326 97 323 El Cerro 5.6998326 97 323 5.6998326 97 323 El Manglar 20.823879 98 324 El Manglar 22.910784 98 327 22.910784 98 327 San Juan 20.823879 98 324 San Juan 22.910784 98 327 22.910784 98 327 La Soledad 20.823879 98 324 La Soledad 22.910784 98 327 22.910784 98 327 Sabana de la Mar 25.963205 212 326 Sabana de la Mar 11.855724 211 327 11.855724 211 327 Quebrada de Huto 20.823879 98 324 Quebrada de Huto 22.910784 98 327 22.910784 98 327 La Cienega 20.823879 98 324 La Cienega 22.910784 98 327 22.910784 98 327 Puerto Cumarebo 39.362395 98 325 Puerto Cumarebo 28.353801 99 325 Puerto Cumarebo 8.4529362 98 326 Puerto Cumarebo 22.910784 98 327 Puerto Cumarebo 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Samana 2.7842164 215 325 Samana 25.963205 212 326 Samana 12.243246 215 326 Samana 11.855724 211 327 11.855724 211 327 El Valle 2.7842164 215 325 El Valle 25.963205 212 326 El Valle 12.243246 215 326 12.243246 215 326 Tucupido 39.362395 98 325 Tucupido 28.353801 99 325 Tucupido 8.4529362 98 326 Tucupido 22.910784 98 327 Tucupido 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 San Pedro de Macoris 68.923957 201 329 68.923957 201 329 Santa Rita 39.362395 98 325 Santa Rita 28.353801 99 325 Santa Rita 8.4529362 98 326 Santa Rita 22.910784 98 327 Santa Rita 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Santa Rosa 39.362395 98 325 Santa Rosa 28.353801 99 325 Santa Rosa 8.4529362 98 326 Santa Rosa 22.910784 98 327 Santa Rosa 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 San Antonio 8.4529362 98 326 San Antonio 22.910784 98 327 San Antonio 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Capitan 25.963205 212 326 Capitan 11.855724 211 327 11.855724 211 327 Cienega Lejos 8.4529362 98 326 Cienega Lejos 22.910784 98 327 Cienega Lejos 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Topopero 8.4529362 98 326 Topopero 22.910784 98 327 Topopero 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Cieneguita 8.4529362 98 326 Cieneguita 22.910784 98 327 Cieneguita 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Balandra 25.963205 212 326 Balandra 12.243246 215 326 Balandra 11.855724 211 327 11.855724 211 327 Arroyo del Cabo 18.476091 212 327 Arroyo del Cabo 2.9005349 215 327 2.9005349 215 327 El Soco 68.923957 201 329 68.923957 201 329 Boca de Ricoa 22.910784 98 327 Boca de Ricoa 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 El Desecho 93.037966 99 328 El Desecho 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 San Pedrito 93.037966 99 328 San Pedrito 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Sabanas Altas 93.037966 99 328 Sabanas Altas 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Saladillo 93.037966 99 328 Saladillo 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Cumayasa 68.923957 201 329 68.923957 201 329 Viana 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Dorp Sint Willebrordus 360.19356 106 333 360.19356 106 333 Loma Grande 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Miches 29.480327 211 329 Miches 2.6752055 210 331 2.6752055 210 331 La Montana de Hueque 40.601481 98 330 40.601481 98 330 Aguima 40.601481 98 330 40.601481 98 330 Boka Sami 1274.8068 105 330 Boka Sami 1308.1017 105 331 Boka Sami 1196.9192 105 332 Boka Sami 929.79066 105 333 Boka Sami 835.8538 105 334 835.8538 105 334 El Pozo 40.601481 98 330 40.601481 98 330 La Romana 750.47191 199 332 La Romana 761.64365 199 333 La Romana 159.38744 200 333 La Romana 182.56435 200 334 182.56435 200 334 Coral 84.292238 98 331 Coral 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Campechano 84.292238 98 331 Campechano 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Willemstad 1371.3503 104 331 Willemstad 1269.0497 104 332 Willemstad 1204.1299 104 333 1204.1299 104 333 Brievengat 1308.1017 105 331 Brievengat 1196.9192 105 332 Brievengat 929.79066 105 333 Brievengat 835.8538 105 334 835.8538 105 334 El Guay 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Sauca 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Montan'i Rei 1269.0497 104 332 Montan'i Rei 1204.1299 104 333 1204.1299 104 333 Las Lisas 39.008142 211 333 Las Lisas 13.859929 210 334 13.859929 210 334 La Costa 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Santa Catharina 1196.9192 105 332 Santa Catharina 929.79066 105 333 Santa Catharina 835.8538 105 334 835.8538 105 334 Pta Zamuro 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Bahahibe 955.78898 198 332 Bahahibe 890.53003 198 333 Bahahibe 761.64365 199 333 Bahahibe 159.38744 200 333 Bahahibe 182.56435 200 334 182.56435 200 334 Newport 1204.1299 104 333 1204.1299 104 333 El Encanto 18.246419 97 333 El Encanto 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 Isidro 18.246419 97 333 Isidro 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 La Palmilla 590.90245 197 334 La Palmilla 612.49042 198 334 La Palmilla 487.59703 199 334 La Palmilla 182.56435 200 334 La Palmilla 222.4624 198 338 222.4624 198 338 Mano Juan 979.60446 195 334 Mano Juan 599.44913 196 334 Mano Juan 487.59703 199 334 Mano Juan 332.0838 196 336 Mano Juan 594.9248 195 337 Mano Juan 198.16109 196 337 Mano Juan 525.44014 195 338 Mano Juan 11.933117 196 338 Mano Juan 222.4624 198 338 222.4624 198 338 Aguide 49.380343 97 335 Aguide 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 La Vacama 36.388498 210 335 36.388498 210 335 Hicacales 49.380343 97 335 Hicacales 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 El Algibe 405.93229 196 335 El Algibe 20.028699 197 335 El Algibe 123.31123 198 335 El Algibe 332.0838 196 336 El Algibe 198.16109 196 337 El Algibe 11.933117 196 338 El Algibe 222.4624 198 338 222.4624 198 338 Maracara 49.380343 97 335 Maracara 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 Boca de Yuma 239.90119 199 338 239.90119 199 338 Viento Suave 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 La Vigia 29.920591 95 339 29.920591 95 339 El Macao 95.485824 208 338 El Macao 112.05735 206 341 112.05735 206 341 Casa Venturia 29.920591 95 339 29.920591 95 339 Los Boquerones 29.920591 95 339 29.920591 95 339 El Cabo 239.90119 199 338 El Cabo 5.3723395 202 341 5.3723395 202 341 Bavaro 95.485824 208 338 Bavaro 112.05735 206 341 Bavaro 29.693683 205 342 29.693683 205 342 La Villa 4.8675068 93 340 La Villa 14.704633 90 343 14.704633 90 343 El Manglar 4.8675068 93 340 El Manglar 14.704633 90 343 14.704633 90 343 Tibana 20.067534 87 343 Tibana 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Tocuyo de la Costa 15.071105 92 342 Tocuyo de la Costa 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Sanare 20.018126 86 343 Sanare 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Cuara 20.067534 87 343 Cuara 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 El Cuatro 20.888265 85 343 El Cuatro 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Punta Cabo 183.79055 201 341 Punta Cabo 5.3723395 202 341 5.3723395 202 341 La Soledad 20.018126 86 343 La Soledad 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Cabo Engano 5.3723395 202 341 5.3723395 202 341 Santa Ana 20.018126 86 343 Santa Ana 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Playa Norte 15.071105 92 342 Playa Norte 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Rincon 113.05591 108 344 113.05591 108 344 El Muertico 20.888265 85 343 El Muertico 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Tucacas 20.888265 85 343 Tucacas 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Los Corales 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Las Empalizadas 15.071105 92 342 Las Empalizadas 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 La Luisa 20.018126 86 343 La Luisa 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 El Pasdero 20.067534 87 343 El Pasdero 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Las Delicias 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Pta. Brava 20.067534 87 343 Pta. Brava 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Chichiriviche 20.067534 87 343 Chichiriviche 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Kralendijk 113.05591 108 344 113.05591 108 344 Morrocoy 20.018126 86 343 Morrocoy 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 San Rafael 20.018126 86 343 San Rafael 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Leeuwarden 113.05591 108 344 113.05591 108 344 Boca del Yaracuy 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Boca de Yaracuy 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Bricat 113.05591 108 344 113.05591 108 344 Moron 31.977182 84 344 31.977182 84 344 Taborda 31.977182 84 344 31.977182 84 344 El Palito 31.977182 84 344 31.977182 84 344 Goaigoaza 31.977182 84 344 31.977182 84 344 Sta. Rosa 31.977182 84 344 31.977182 84 344 Puerto Cabello 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Sta. Lucia 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Pto Borburata 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Quizandal 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Ganango 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Flamenco 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Las Caneyes 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Patanemo 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Palermo 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Turiamo 46.745324 83 347 46.745324 83 347 San Nicolas 46.745324 83 347 46.745324 83 347 Independencia 68.619601 83 348 68.619601 83 348 Cata 64.758678 83 349 64.758678 83 349 Cuyagua 64.758678 83 349 64.758678 83 349 Aroa 179.23444 83 350 Aroa 319.02955 84 350 319.02955 84 350 Sta. Barbara 491.21444 84 352 Sta. Barbara 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Choroni 491.21444 84 352 Choroni 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Pto. Colombia 541.99787 85 351 Pto. Colombia 754.7346 85 352 Pto. Colombia 804.46095 85 353 804.46095 85 353 Puerto Colombia 491.21444 84 352 Puerto Colombia 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Sta Apolonia 491.21444 84 352 Sta Apolonia 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Payares 491.21444 84 352 Payares 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Chuao 491.21444 84 352 Chuao 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Cepe 491.21444 84 352 Cepe 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Tuja 497.30054 84 353 Tuja 804.46095 85 353 804.46095 85 353 El Jabillal 566.97475 84 354 El Jabillal 709.24724 84 355 709.24724 84 355 Puerto Maya 566.97475 84 354 Puerto Maya 852.58805 85 354 852.58805 85 354 Puerto Cruz 709.24724 84 355 Puerto Cruz 1044.5918 85 355 1044.5918 85 355 Puerto La Cruz 709.24724 84 355 Puerto La Cruz 1044.5918 85 355 1044.5918 85 355 Los Rastrojos 709.24724 84 355 709.24724 84 355 Caguita 709.24724 84 355 Caguita 1044.5918 85 355 1044.5918 85 355 Petaquirito 1040.0259 85 356 1040.0259 85 356 Centro Puntas 243.88859 198 356 Centro Puntas 446.86019 199 356 Centro Puntas 818.34489 200 356 Centro Puntas 1634.4355 202 356 Centro Puntas 206.47704 198 358 Centro Puntas 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 Rincon 243.88859 198 356 Rincon 446.86019 199 356 Rincon 818.34489 200 356 Rincon 1634.4355 202 356 Rincon 206.47704 198 358 Rincon 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 Las Tres Palos 1040.0259 85 356 1040.0259 85 356 Chichiriviche 1040.0259 85 356 1040.0259 85 356 Centro Calvache 274.22941 198 357 Centro Calvache 582.72476 199 357 Centro Calvache 692.88479 200 357 Centro Calvache 206.47704 198 358 Centro Calvache 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 Matias 274.22941 198 357 Matias 582.72476 199 357 Matias 692.88479 200 357 Matias 206.47704 198 358 Matias 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 La Tosca 9.9895756 197 357 9.9895756 197 357 El Combate 1152.621 193 357 El Combate 423.27369 193 358 El Combate 12.415876 195 358 El Combate 9.8811551 196 358 El Combate 4.752057 195 359 El Combate 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Santa Rosa 981.6361 85 357 981.6361 85 357 Rojo Cabo 2529.0329 192 357 Rojo Cabo 2050.0091 192 358 Rojo Cabo 12.415876 195 358 Rojo Cabo 9.8811551 196 358 Rojo Cabo 4.752057 195 359 Rojo Cabo 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Aguada 582.72476 199 357 Aguada 692.88479 200 357 Aguada 394.18872 199 358 Aguada 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 La Playa 9.9895756 197 357 9.9895756 197 357 Belvedere 68.269232 194 357 Belvedere 13.465988 194 358 Belvedere 12.415876 195 358 Belvedere 9.8811551 196 358 Belvedere 4.752057 195 359 Belvedere 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Uricao 981.6361 85 357 981.6361 85 357 Pole Ojea 1152.621 193 357 Pole Ojea 423.27369 193 358 Pole Ojea 12.415876 195 358 Pole Ojea 9.8811551 196 358 Pole Ojea 4.752057 195 359 Pole Ojea 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Guaniquilla 68.269232 194 357 Guaniquilla 13.465988 194 358 Guaniquilla 12.415876 195 358 Guaniquilla 9.8811551 196 358 Guaniquilla 4.752057 195 359 Guaniquilla 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Las Corozas 274.22941 198 357 Las Corozas 582.72476 199 357 Las Corozas 692.88479 200 357 Las Corozas 206.47704 198 358 Las Corozas 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 El Guaramo 981.6361 85 357 981.6361 85 357 Boqueron 1152.621 193 357 Boqueron 423.27369 193 358 Boqueron 12.415876 195 358 Boqueron 9.8811551 196 358 Boqueron 4.752057 195 359 Boqueron 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Conde Avila 9.8866001 195 357 Conde Avila 12.415876 195 358 Conde Avila 9.8811551 196 358 Conde Avila 4.752057 195 359 4.752057 195 359 Cornelia 9.8866001 195 357 Cornelia 12.415876 195 358 Cornelia 9.8811551 196 358 Cornelia 4.752057 195 359 4.752057 195 359 Mani 9.9895756 197 357 9.9895756 197 357 Coloso 394.18872 199 358 Coloso 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Brisas de Mal 9.8811551 196 358 9.8811551 196 358 Victoria 394.18872 199 358 Victoria 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Delicias 13.465988 194 358 Delicias 12.415876 195 358 Delicias 9.8811551 196 358 Delicias 4.752057 195 359 Delicias 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Guanajibo Castillo 12.415876 195 358 Guanajibo Castillo 9.8811551 196 358 Guanajibo Castillo 4.752057 195 359 4.752057 195 359 Malecon 9.8811551 196 358 9.8811551 196 358 Aguadilla 394.18872 199 358 Aguadilla 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Cerrillos 12.415876 195 358 Cerrillos 9.8811551 196 358 Cerrillos 4.752057 195 359 4.752057 195 359 Cabo Rojo 13.465988 194 358 Cabo Rojo 12.415876 195 358 Cabo Rojo 9.8811551 196 358 Cabo Rojo 4.752057 195 359 Cabo Rojo 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Camaceyes 16.26219 200 358 Camaceyes 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Betances 423.27369 193 358 Betances 12.415876 195 358 Betances 9.8811551 196 358 Betances 4.752057 195 359 Betances 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Cuesta de las Piedras 9.8811551 196 358 9.8811551 196 358 Mayagnez 9.8811551 196 358 9.8811551 196 358 Colonia Dolores 18.825026 197 358 Colonia Dolores 206.47704 198 358 Colonia Dolores 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 La Soledad 18.825026 197 358 La Soledad 206.47704 198 358 La Soledad 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 Caban 16.26219 200 358 Caban 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Ponce de Leon 9.8811551 196 358 9.8811551 196 358 Villa Benni 12.415876 195 358 Villa Benni 9.8811551 196 358 Villa Benni 4.752057 195 359 4.752057 195 359 Arenales 16.26219 200 358 Arenales 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Guanabana 423.27369 193 358 Guanabana 12.415876 195 358 Guanabana 9.8811551 196 358 Guanabana 4.752057 195 359 Guanabana 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Corrales 16.26219 200 358 Corrales 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Taguao 728.66374 86 358 Taguao 279.87143 86 360 Taguao 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 San Antonio 16.26219 200 358 San Antonio 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Maguayo 192.97336 193 359 Maguayo 4.752057 195 359 Maguayo 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Rafael Hernandez 26.693023 201 359 Rafael Hernandez 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Jobos 26.693023 201 359 Jobos 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Mamo 279.87143 86 360 Mamo 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 Finca Juanita 192.97336 193 359 Finca Juanita 4.752057 195 359 Finca Juanita 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 La Parguera 192.97336 193 359 La Parguera 4.752057 195 359 La Parguera 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Isabela 39.297774 203 360 Isabela 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Sol y Mar 39.297774 203 360 Sol y Mar 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Pedro Garcia 279.87143 86 360 Pedro Garcia 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 Maiquetia 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 San Jose 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 Quebradillas 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Ensenada 60.498477 193 361 Ensenada 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Cariaco 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 Fuig 60.498477 193 361 Fuig 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Guanica 60.498477 193 361 Guanica 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 San Jose de Galipan 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 El Tumbao 60.498477 193 361 El Tumbao 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Maria Antonia 274.80872 193 362 Maria Antonia 12.482482 194 362 12.482482 194 362 La Guaira 258.19352 86 362 258.19352 86 362 Balneario de Cana Gorda 1446.0221 192 362 Balneario de Cana Gorda 274.80872 193 362 Balneario de Cana Gorda 12.482482 194 362 12.482482 194 362 Palomar 121.48106 203 362 Palomar 501.27666 203 363 Palomar 489.4387 203 364 489.4387 203 364 Membrillo 121.48106 203 362 Membrillo 501.27666 203 363 Membrillo 489.4387 203 364 489.4387 203 364 Campamento Borinquen 274.80872 193 362 Campamento Borinquen 12.482482 194 362 12.482482 194 362 San Julian 258.19352 86 362 258.19352 86 362 Alianza 121.48106 203 362 Alianza 501.27666 203 363 Alianza 489.4387 203 364 489.4387 203 364 Parode Agua 258.19352 86 362 258.19352 86 362 Camuy 121.48106 203 362 Camuy 501.27666 203 363 Camuy 489.4387 203 364 489.4387 203 364 Media Quijada 274.80872 193 362 Media Quijada 12.482482 194 362 12.482482 194 362 Juan Diaz 258.19352 86 362 258.19352 86 362 Cambalache 274.80872 193 362 Cambalache 12.482482 194 362 12.482482 194 362 Hatillo 501.27666 203 363 Hatillo 489.4387 203 364 Hatillo 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Indios 547.65348 193 363 Indios 29.761708 194 364 29.761708 194 364 Los Aguacates 230.18453 86 367 230.18453 86 367 Lechuga 501.27666 203 363 Lechuga 489.4387 203 364 Lechuga 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Carmen de Uria 230.18453 86 367 230.18453 86 367 Guayanilla 547.65348 193 363 Guayanilla 29.761708 194 364 29.761708 194 364 El Faro 547.65348 193 363 El Faro 29.761708 194 364 29.761708 194 364 Carrizales 501.27666 203 363 Carrizales 489.4387 203 364 Carrizales 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Corcovado 501.27666 203 363 Corcovado 489.4387 203 364 Corcovado 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Magas Arriba 547.65348 193 363 Magas Arriba 29.761708 194 364 29.761708 194 364 Cueva de Uria 230.18453 86 367 230.18453 86 367 Salto de Uria 230.18453 86 367 230.18453 86 367 Las Cunetas 489.4387 203 364 Las Cunetas 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Barranca 489.4387 203 364 Barranca 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 La Planta 230.18453 86 367 230.18453 86 367 Piedra de Moler 230.18453 86 367 230.18453 86 367 Guaypao 687.80445 193 364 Guaypao 29.761708 194 364 29.761708 194 364 Arecibo 489.4387 203 364 Arecibo 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Higuillales 489.4387 203 364 Higuillales 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Tallaboa 687.80445 193 364 Tallaboa 29.761708 194 364 29.761708 194 364 Miguelena 230.18453 86 367 Miguelena 72.414512 85 369 72.414512 85 369 Jarealito 681.56759 203 366 Jarealito 551.53539 203 367 Jarealito 477.88392 203 369 477.88392 203 369 Domingo Ruiz 681.56759 203 366 Domingo Ruiz 551.53539 203 367 Domingo Ruiz 477.88392 203 369 477.88392 203 369 La Cortada 230.18453 86 367 La Cortada 72.414512 85 369 72.414512 85 369 La Haciendita 230.18453 86 367 La Haciendita 72.414512 85 369 72.414512 85 369 El Roque 61.662311 103 367 61.662311 103 367 Tuque 880.81847 193 365 Tuque 176.9684 194 365 Tuque 24.816778 194 369 24.816778 194 369 Anare 230.18453 86 367 Anare 72.414512 85 369 72.414512 85 369 Amalia Marin 880.81847 193 365 Amalia Marin 176.9684 194 365 Amalia Marin 24.816778 194 369 24.816778 194 369 Clausells 880.81847 193 365 Clausells 176.9684 194 365 Clausells 24.816778 194 369 24.816778 194 369 Ponce 941.58871 193 366 Ponce 120.1061 194 366 Ponce 24.816778 194 369 Ponce 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Islote 681.56759 203 366 Islote 551.53539 203 367 Islote 477.88392 203 369 Islote 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Santa Cruz 941.58871 193 366 Santa Cruz 120.1061 194 366 Santa Cruz 24.816778 194 369 Santa Cruz 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Altavista 941.58871 193 366 Altavista 120.1061 194 366 Altavista 24.816778 194 369 Altavista 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Colonia Vacacional 230.18453 86 367 Colonia Vacacional 72.414512 85 369 72.414512 85 369 Quinta Esperanza 1489.5673 192 366 Quinta Esperanza 941.58871 193 366 Quinta Esperanza 120.1061 194 366 Quinta Esperanza 24.816778 194 369 Quinta Esperanza 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Calzada 941.58871 193 366 Calzada 120.1061 194 366 Calzada 24.816778 194 369 Calzada 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Garrochales 681.56759 203 366 Garrochales 551.53539 203 367 Garrochales 477.88392 203 369 Garrochales 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Buyones 757.2647 193 367 Buyones 22.561773 194 368 Buyones 24.816778 194 369 Buyones 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Barceloneta 551.53539 203 367 Barceloneta 477.88392 203 369 Barceloneta 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 La Boca 551.53539 203 367 La Boca 477.88392 203 369 La Boca 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Capitanejo 757.2647 193 367 Capitanejo 22.561773 194 368 Capitanejo 24.816778 194 369 Capitanejo 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Boca Chica 757.2647 193 367 Boca Chica 22.561773 194 368 Boca Chica 24.816778 194 369 Boca Chica 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Osma 230.18453 86 367 Osma 72.414512 85 369 72.414512 85 369 La Luisa 551.53539 203 367 La Luisa 477.88392 203 369 La Luisa 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Pastillo 757.2647 193 367 Pastillo 22.561773 194 368 Pastillo 24.816778 194 369 Pastillo 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Tierras Nuevas Poniente 467.56218 203 368 Tierras Nuevas Poniente 477.88392 203 369 Tierras Nuevas Poniente 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Oritapo 72.414512 85 369 Oritapo 96.038785 85 372 96.038785 85 372 Campo Alegre 467.56218 203 368 Campo Alegre 477.88392 203 369 Campo Alegre 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Todasana 72.414512 85 369 Todasana 96.038785 85 372 96.038785 85 372 Bizarreta 298.74693 193 368 Bizarreta 22.561773 194 368 Bizarreta 24.816778 194 369 Bizarreta 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Playita Cortada 298.74693 193 368 Playita Cortada 22.561773 194 368 Playita Cortada 24.816778 194 369 Playita Cortada 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Coto Norte 467.56218 203 368 Coto Norte 477.88392 203 369 Coto Norte 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Las Ollas 14.579901 193 369 Las Ollas 24.816778 194 369 Las Ollas 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Urama 72.414512 85 369 Urama 96.038785 85 372 96.038785 85 372 Sandin 477.88392 203 369 Sandin 441.73981 203 370 Sandin 587.93676 203 373 587.93676 203 373 Santa Isabel 943.38434 192 369 Santa Isabel 14.579901 193 369 Santa Isabel 24.816778 194 369 Santa Isabel 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Los Naranjos 477.88392 203 369 Los Naranjos 441.73981 203 370 Los Naranjos 587.93676 203 373 587.93676 203 373 La Virginia 72.414512 85 369 La Virginia 96.038785 85 372 96.038785 85 372 Jauca 943.38434 192 369 Jauca 14.579901 193 369 Jauca 24.816778 194 369 Jauca 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Sabana 441.73981 203 370 Sabana 587.93676 203 373 587.93676 203 373 Caruao 66.025803 85 371 Caruao 96.038785 85 372 Caruao 66.428783 85 374 66.428783 85 374 Ceiba 441.73981 203 370 Ceiba 587.93676 203 373 587.93676 203 373 Parcelas Penuelas 27.934904 193 370 Parcelas Penuelas 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Brenas 441.73981 203 370 Brenas 587.93676 203 373 587.93676 203 373 Las Ochenta 27.934904 193 370 Las Ochenta 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Chuspa 66.025803 85 371 Chuspa 96.038785 85 372 Chuspa 66.428783 85 374 66.428783 85 374 San Antonio 441.73981 203 370 San Antonio 587.93676 203 373 587.93676 203 373 Salinas 27.934904 193 370 Salinas 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Doraville 468.94718 203 371 Doraville 1130.1097 204 371 Doraville 587.93676 203 373 Doraville 8.7430727 202 375 8.7430727 202 375 Dorado 468.94718 203 371 Dorado 1130.1097 204 371 Dorado 587.93676 203 373 Dorado 8.7430727 202 375 8.7430727 202 375 Esperanza 651.69458 192 371 Esperanza 29.869629 193 371 Esperanza 30.068368 193 372 Esperanza 9.5599163 194 372 9.5599163 194 372 Toa Baja 468.94718 203 371 Toa Baja 1130.1097 204 371 Toa Baja 587.93676 203 373 Toa Baja 8.7430727 202 375 8.7430727 202 375 Central Aguirre 404.30791 192 372 Central Aguirre 30.068368 193 372 Central Aguirre 9.5599163 194 372 9.5599163 194 372 Coqui 30.068368 193 372 Coqui 9.5599163 194 372 9.5599163 194 372 Ingenio 502.70338 203 372 Ingenio 1102.9925 204 372 Ingenio 587.93676 203 373 Ingenio 8.7430727 202 375 Ingenio 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 San Felipe 404.30791 192 372 San Felipe 30.068368 193 372 San Felipe 9.5599163 194 372 9.5599163 194 372 Camino Delmar 502.70338 203 372 Camino Delmar 1102.9925 204 372 Camino Delmar 587.93676 203 373 Camino Delmar 8.7430727 202 375 Camino Delmar 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Sabana Seca 502.70338 203 372 Sabana Seca 587.93676 203 373 Sabana Seca 8.7430727 202 375 Sabana Seca 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Villodas 30.068368 193 372 Villodas 9.5599163 194 372 9.5599163 194 372 Levittown 502.70338 203 372 Levittown 1102.9925 204 372 Levittown 587.93676 203 373 Levittown 8.7430727 202 375 Levittown 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Chirimena 96.038785 85 372 Chirimena 66.428783 85 374 Chirimena 8.9758489 82 376 Chirimena 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Chipumena 96.038785 85 372 Chipumena 66.428783 85 374 Chipumena 8.9758489 82 376 Chipumena 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Jobos 404.30791 192 372 Jobos 30.068368 193 372 Jobos 9.5599163 194 372 9.5599163 194 372 Enramada 502.70338 203 372 Enramada 587.93676 203 373 Enramada 8.7430727 202 375 Enramada 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Palo Seco 587.93676 203 373 Palo Seco 8.7430727 202 375 Palo Seco 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Las Palmas 587.93676 203 373 Las Palmas 8.7430727 202 375 Las Palmas 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Reunion 711.71586 192 373 Reunion 23.677518 193 373 Reunion 26.759668 193 374 Reunion 818.96076 192 375 Reunion 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Guaical 8.9758489 82 376 Guaical 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Catano 587.93676 203 373 Catano 8.7430727 202 375 Catano 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Flores 122.45624 85 373 Flores 66.428783 85 374 Flores 8.9758489 82 376 Flores 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Jardines de Caparra 587.93676 203 373 Jardines de Caparra 8.7430727 202 375 Jardines de Caparra 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 El Aguasal 8.9758489 82 376 El Aguasal 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 El Morro 587.93676 203 373 El Morro 8.7430727 202 375 El Morro 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Guayama 23.677518 193 373 Guayama 26.759668 193 374 Guayama 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Carenero 122.45624 85 373 Carenero 66.428783 85 374 Carenero 8.9758489 82 376 Carenero 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Guaynabo 587.93676 203 373 Guaynabo 8.7430727 202 375 Guaynabo 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Playita Machete 711.71586 192 373 Playita Machete 23.677518 193 373 Playita Machete 26.759668 193 374 Playita Machete 818.96076 192 375 Playita Machete 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Vietnam 587.93676 203 373 Vietnam 8.7430727 202 375 Vietnam 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Higuerote 8.9758489 82 376 Higuerote 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Caparra Hills 587.93676 203 373 Caparra Hills 8.7430727 202 375 Caparra Hills 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Puerta de Tierra 587.93676 203 373 Puerta de Tierra 8.7430727 202 375 Puerta de Tierra 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Buche 122.45624 85 373 Buche 66.428783 85 374 Buche 8.9758489 82 376 Buche 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Green Hills 26.759668 193 374 Green Hills 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Corazon 26.759668 193 374 Corazon 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Sotillo 8.9758489 82 376 Sotillo 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Nemesio Canales 589.00024 203 374 Nemesio Canales 8.7430727 202 375 Nemesio Canales 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Condado 589.00024 203 374 Condado 8.7430727 202 375 Condado 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Baldrich 589.00024 203 374 Baldrich 8.7430727 202 375 Baldrich 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Arroyo 779.74483 192 374 Arroyo 26.759668 193 374 Arroyo 818.96076 192 375 Arroyo 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Boca Vieja 8.9758489 82 376 Boca Vieja 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Buena Vista 26.759668 193 374 Buena Vista 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 San Juan 589.00024 203 374 San Juan 8.7430727 202 375 San Juan 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Punta Las Marias 589.00024 203 374 Punta Las Marias 8.7430727 202 375 Punta Las Marias 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Manuel A Perez 589.00024 203 374 Manuel A Perez 8.7430727 202 375 Manuel A Perez 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Palmas 23.627635 193 375 Palmas 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Pueblo Nuevo 8.9758489 82 376 8.9758489 82 376 Biascoechea 8.7430727 202 375 Biascoechea 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Patillas 23.627635 193 375 Patillas 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Parque Isla Verde 8.7430727 202 375 Parque Isla Verde 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Country Club 8.7430727 202 375 Country Club 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Providencia 23.627635 193 375 Providencia 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Lamboglia 23.627635 193 375 Lamboglia 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Paparo 8.9758489 82 376 Paparo 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Carolina 8.7430727 202 375 Carolina 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Extension Vista Mar 8.7430727 202 375 Extension Vista Mar 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Recio 617.24465 193 376 617.24465 193 376 Campamento Pinones 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Palo Seco 617.24465 193 376 617.24465 193 376 Zalazar 8.9758489 82 376 8.9758489 82 376 Arenas 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Maunabo 617.24465 193 376 617.24465 193 376 Emajagua 1311.1461 193 377 Emajagua 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Loiza Aldea 26.34828 202 377 Loiza Aldea 47.844145 202 378 47.844145 202 378 Yabucoa 251.5071 194 377 Yabucoa 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 El Negro 1311.1461 193 377 El Negro 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Suarez 26.34828 202 377 Suarez 47.844145 202 378 47.844145 202 378 Comunas 251.5071 194 377 Comunas 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Candelero Arriba 251.5071 194 377 Candelero Arriba 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Vieques 26.34828 202 377 Vieques 47.844145 202 378 47.844145 202 378 Playa de Guayanes 1233.6378 194 378 Playa de Guayanes 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Rio Grande 47.844145 202 378 Rio Grande 19.164301 201 382 19.164301 201 382 Rio Abajo 929.50883 195 380 Rio Abajo 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Buena Vista 929.50883 195 380 Buena Vista 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Palmas del Mar 1233.6378 194 378 Palmas del Mar 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Hato Candal 47.844145 202 378 Hato Candal 19.164301 201 382 19.164301 201 382 Bajandas 929.50883 195 380 Bajandas 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Palmer 47.844145 202 378 Palmer 19.164301 201 382 19.164301 201 382 Las Cruces 25.810782 81 378 Las Cruces 18.87636 80 379 Las Cruces 20.388911 79 381 20.388911 79 381 Punta Santiago 929.50883 195 380 Punta Santiago 6.4188991 197 381 Punta Santiago 15.035454 198 383 Punta Santiago 13.016242 199 383 13.016242 199 383 Playa Fortuna 82.588409 202 379 Playa Fortuna 19.164301 201 382 Playa Fortuna 13.016242 199 383 Playa Fortuna 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Arenas 18.87636 80 379 Arenas 20.388911 79 381 20.388911 79 381 Playa de Humacao 929.50883 195 380 Playa de Humacao 6.4188991 197 381 Playa de Humacao 15.035454 198 383 Playa de Humacao 13.016242 199 383 13.016242 199 383 San Vicente 82.588409 202 379 San Vicente 19.164301 201 382 San Vicente 15.035454 198 383 San Vicente 13.016242 199 383 San Vicente 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Naguabo 37.449005 196 381 Naguabo 6.4188991 197 381 Naguabo 15.035454 198 383 Naguabo 13.016242 199 383 Naguabo 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Luquillo 82.588409 202 379 Luquillo 19.164301 201 382 Luquillo 13.016242 199 383 Luquillo 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Ramos 82.588409 202 379 Ramos 19.164301 201 382 Ramos 15.035454 198 383 Ramos 13.016242 199 383 Ramos 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Estacion Botija 37.449005 196 381 Estacion Botija 6.4188991 197 381 Estacion Botija 15.035454 198 383 Estacion Botija 13.016242 199 383 Estacion Botija 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 El Banco 37.449005 196 381 El Banco 6.4188991 197 381 El Banco 15.035454 198 383 El Banco 13.016242 199 383 El Banco 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Margarita 82.588409 202 379 Margarita 19.164301 201 382 Margarita 15.035454 198 383 Margarita 13.016242 199 383 Margarita 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Campamento Punta Lima 37.449005 196 381 Campamento Punta Lima 6.4188991 197 381 Campamento Punta Lima 15.035454 198 383 Campamento Punta Lima 13.016242 199 383 Campamento Punta Lima 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Daguao 37.449005 196 381 Daguao 6.4188991 197 381 Daguao 15.035454 198 383 Daguao 13.016242 199 383 Daguao 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Aguas Claras 6.4188991 197 381 Aguas Claras 19.164301 201 382 Aguas Claras 15.035454 198 383 Aguas Claras 13.016242 199 383 Aguas Claras 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Convento 95.085237 202 380 Convento 12.283018 201 381 Convento 19.164301 201 382 Convento 15.035454 198 383 Convento 13.016242 199 383 Convento 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Fajardo 95.085237 202 380 Fajardo 12.283018 201 381 Fajardo 19.164301 201 382 Fajardo 15.035454 198 383 Fajardo 13.016242 199 383 Fajardo 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 El Coco 3.4985097 79 380 El Coco 20.388911 79 381 20.388911 79 381 Ceiba 6.4188991 197 381 Ceiba 19.164301 201 382 Ceiba 15.035454 198 383 Ceiba 13.016242 199 383 Ceiba 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Isidra 95.085237 202 380 Isidra 12.283018 201 381 Isidra 19.164301 201 382 Isidra 15.035454 198 383 Isidra 13.016242 199 383 Isidra 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Luis M. Cintron 6.4188991 197 381 Luis M. Cintron 19.164301 201 382 Luis M. Cintron 15.035454 198 383 Luis M. Cintron 13.016242 199 383 Luis M. Cintron 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Roosevelt Roads 37.449005 196 381 Roosevelt Roads 6.4188991 197 381 Roosevelt Roads 15.035454 198 383 Roosevelt Roads 13.016242 199 383 Roosevelt Roads 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Las Croabas 12.283018 201 381 Las Croabas 19.164301 201 382 Las Croabas 15.035454 198 383 Las Croabas 13.016242 199 383 Las Croabas 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Panapo 38.555624 79 382 Panapo 7.1424644 78 383 Panapo 14.503361 78 384 14.503361 78 384 Hacienda Arcadia 1725.3539 195 382 Hacienda Arcadia 691.52259 196 382 Hacienda Arcadia 14.437228 197 382 Hacienda Arcadia 15.035454 198 383 Hacienda Arcadia 13.016242 199 383 13.016242 199 383 Esperanza 2105.1582 194 383 Esperanza 15.035454 198 383 Esperanza 13.122777 198 384 Esperanza 17.594145 198 385 17.594145 198 385 Isabel Segunda 1429.6233 195 383 Isabel Segunda 9.976013 196 383 Isabel Segunda 15.035454 198 383 Isabel Segunda 13.016242 199 383 13.016242 199 383 Santa Maria 1429.6233 195 383 Santa Maria 9.976013 196 383 Santa Maria 15.035454 198 383 Santa Maria 13.016242 199 383 13.016242 199 383 Vieques 1429.6233 195 383 Vieques 9.976013 196 383 Vieques 15.035454 198 383 Vieques 13.016242 199 383 13.016242 199 383 Uchire 14.503361 78 384 Uchire 5.6517228 77 387 5.6517228 77 387 Chavez 14.503361 78 384 Chavez 5.6517228 77 387 5.6517228 77 387 Culebra 17.594145 198 385 17.594145 198 385 Cardoncito 28.305979 78 386 Cardoncito 5.6517228 77 387 Cardoncito 9.6120391 77 389 Cardoncito 17.152468 77 390 17.152468 77 390 San Ildefonso 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Unare 5.6517228 77 387 Unare 9.6120391 77 389 Unare 17.152468 77 390 17.152468 77 390 Puerto Piritu 9.6120391 77 389 Puerto Piritu 17.152468 77 390 Puerto Piritu 14.061336 77 393 14.061336 77 393 Adelphi 25.465918 199 390 Adelphi 34.428595 200 390 34.428595 200 390 Neltjeberg 25.465918 199 390 Neltjeberg 34.428595 200 390 34.428595 200 390 Cabritaberg 25.465918 199 390 Cabritaberg 34.428595 200 390 34.428595 200 390 Barrett 32.277902 199 391 Barrett 19.851201 200 391 Barrett 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 Charlotte Amalie 32.277902 199 391 Charlotte Amalie 19.851201 200 391 Charlotte Amalie 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 Enighed 32.277902 199 391 Enighed 19.851201 200 391 Enighed 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 Bellevue 32.277902 199 391 Bellevue 19.851201 200 391 Bellevue 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 El Jose 16.670541 77 391 El Jose 14.061336 77 393 14.061336 77 393 Mandal 32.277902 199 391 Mandal 19.851201 200 391 Mandal 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 Bolongo 32.277902 199 391 Bolongo 19.851201 200 391 Bolongo 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 Donoe 32.277902 199 391 Donoe 19.851201 200 391 Donoe 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 Butler Bay 5.1864334 190 394 Butler Bay 499.01271 189 395 Butler Bay 2.7557436 190 395 Butler Bay 916.46895 189 396 916.46895 189 396 Hams Bay 5.1864334 190 394 Hams Bay 499.01271 189 395 Hams Bay 2.7557436 190 395 Hams Bay 916.46895 189 396 916.46895 189 396 Camporico 1315.014 188 394 Camporico 871.68323 188 395 Camporico 1578.6329 188 396 1578.6329 188 396 Benner 32.494773 199 392 Benner 25.045477 200 392 25.045477 200 392 Jolly Hill 5.1864334 190 394 Jolly Hill 499.01271 189 395 Jolly Hill 2.7557436 190 395 Jolly Hill 916.46895 189 396 916.46895 189 396 Annaly 5.1864334 190 394 Annaly 499.01271 189 395 Annaly 2.7557436 190 395 Annaly 916.46895 189 396 916.46895 189 396 Carlton 1315.014 188 394 Carlton 871.68323 188 395 Carlton 1578.6329 188 396 1578.6329 188 396 Allandale 5.1864334 190 394 Allandale 499.01271 189 395 Allandale 2.7557436 190 395 Allandale 916.46895 189 396 916.46895 189 396 Fountain 5.1864334 190 394 Fountain 499.01271 189 395 Fountain 2.7557436 190 395 Fountain 916.46895 189 396 Fountain 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Bettys Hope 1315.014 188 394 Bettys Hope 871.68323 188 395 Bettys Hope 1578.6329 188 396 Bettys Hope 1805.8453 188 397 1805.8453 188 397 North Star 5.1864334 190 394 North Star 499.01271 189 395 North Star 2.7557436 190 395 North Star 916.46895 189 396 North Star 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Upper Love 5.1864334 190 394 Upper Love 499.01271 189 395 Upper Love 2.7557436 190 395 Upper Love 916.46895 189 396 Upper Love 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Negro Bay 5.1864334 190 394 Negro Bay 499.01271 189 395 Negro Bay 2.7557436 190 395 Negro Bay 916.46895 189 396 Negro Bay 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Hermitage 5.1864334 190 394 Hermitage 499.01271 189 395 Hermitage 2.7557436 190 395 Hermitage 916.46895 189 396 Hermitage 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Belvedere 5.1864334 190 394 Belvedere 2.7557436 190 395 Belvedere 735.37532 190 397 735.37532 190 397 Bethlehem Old Work 5.1864334 190 394 Bethlehem Old Work 499.01271 189 395 Bethlehem Old Work 2.7557436 190 395 Bethlehem Old Work 916.46895 189 396 Bethlehem Old Work 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Contant 35.343119 199 393 Contant 37.288983 201 393 37.288983 201 393 Libanon Hill 5.1864334 190 394 Libanon Hill 499.01271 189 395 Libanon Hill 2.7557436 190 395 Libanon Hill 916.46895 189 396 Libanon Hill 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Anguilla 5.1864334 190 394 Anguilla 499.01271 189 395 Anguilla 2.7557436 190 395 Anguilla 916.46895 189 396 Anguilla 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Clairmont 5.1864334 190 394 Clairmont 2.7557436 190 395 Clairmont 735.37532 190 397 735.37532 190 397 Clifton Hill 5.1864334 190 394 Clifton Hill 499.01271 189 395 Clifton Hill 2.7557436 190 395 Clifton Hill 916.46895 189 396 Clifton Hill 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Bonne Esperance 5.1864334 190 394 Bonne Esperance 499.01271 189 395 Bonne Esperance 2.7557436 190 395 Bonne Esperance 916.46895 189 396 Bonne Esperance 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Adrian 35.343119 199 393 Adrian 37.288983 201 393 37.288983 201 393 Fish Bay 35.343119 199 393 Fish Bay 37.288983 201 393 37.288983 201 393 Montpellier 5.1864334 190 394 Montpellier 499.01271 189 395 Montpellier 2.7557436 190 395 Montpellier 916.46895 189 396 Montpellier 1059.5325 189 397 Montpellier 1046.0329 189 398 Montpellier 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Diamond 5.1864334 190 394 Diamond 499.01271 189 395 Diamond 2.7557436 190 395 Diamond 916.46895 189 396 Diamond 1059.5325 189 397 Diamond 1046.0329 189 398 Diamond 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 5.1864334 190 394 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 499.01271 189 395 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 2.7557436 190 395 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 916.46895 189 396 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 1059.5325 189 397 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 1046.0329 189 398 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Belle Vue 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Bellevue 5.1864334 190 394 Bellevue 499.01271 189 395 Bellevue 2.7557436 190 395 Bellevue 916.46895 189 396 Bellevue 1059.5325 189 397 Bellevue 1046.0329 189 398 Bellevue 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Annaberg 28.644213 199 394 Annaberg 34.138177 199 395 Annaberg 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Annas Hope 5.1864334 190 394 Annas Hope 499.01271 189 395 Annas Hope 2.7557436 190 395 Annas Hope 916.46895 189 396 Annas Hope 1059.5325 189 397 Annas Hope 1046.0329 189 398 Annas Hope 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Bordeaux 28.644213 199 394 Bordeaux 34.138177 199 395 Bordeaux 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Christiansted 5.1864334 190 394 Christiansted 499.01271 189 395 Christiansted 2.7557436 190 395 Christiansted 916.46895 189 396 Christiansted 1059.5325 189 397 Christiansted 1046.0329 189 398 Christiansted 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Bugbyhole 5.1864334 190 394 Bugbyhole 499.01271 189 395 Bugbyhole 2.7557436 190 395 Bugbyhole 916.46895 189 396 Bugbyhole 1059.5325 189 397 Bugbyhole 1046.0329 189 398 Bugbyhole 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Calabash Boom 28.644213 199 394 Calabash Boom 34.138177 199 395 Calabash Boom 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Hermitage 28.644213 199 394 Hermitage 34.138177 199 395 Hermitage 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 El Morro de Barcelona 22.441928 77 394 El Morro de Barcelona 16.715968 77 395 El Morro de Barcelona 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 Barcelona 16.715968 77 395 Barcelona 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 Butzberg 499.01271 189 395 Butzberg 2.7557436 190 395 Butzberg 916.46895 189 396 Butzberg 1059.5325 189 397 Butzberg 1046.0329 189 398 Butzberg 87.50558 192 398 Butzberg 1317.3216 189 399 1317.3216 189 399 Fareham 499.01271 189 395 Fareham 2.7557436 190 395 Fareham 916.46895 189 396 Fareham 1059.5325 189 397 Fareham 1046.0329 189 398 Fareham 87.50558 192 398 Fareham 1317.3216 189 399 1317.3216 189 399 East End 34.138177 199 395 East End 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Puerto la Cruz 16.715968 77 395 Puerto la Cruz 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 Carden 499.01271 189 395 Carden 2.7557436 190 395 Carden 916.46895 189 396 Carden 1059.5325 189 397 Carden 1046.0329 189 398 Carden 87.50558 192 398 Carden 1317.3216 189 399 1317.3216 189 399 Cotton Grove 499.01271 189 395 Cotton Grove 2.7557436 190 395 Cotton Grove 916.46895 189 396 Cotton Grove 1059.5325 189 397 Cotton Grove 1046.0329 189 398 Cotton Grove 87.50558 192 398 Cotton Grove 1317.3216 189 399 1317.3216 189 399 Road Town 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Cotton Valley 916.46895 189 396 Cotton Valley 1059.5325 189 397 Cotton Valley 1046.0329 189 398 Cotton Valley 87.50558 192 398 Cotton Valley 1317.3216 189 399 Cotton Valley 2128.1267 189 400 2128.1267 189 400 El Chaure 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 Knight 916.46895 189 396 Knight 1059.5325 189 397 Knight 1046.0329 189 398 Knight 87.50558 192 398 Knight 1317.3216 189 399 Knight 2128.1267 189 400 2128.1267 189 400 Pacham Town 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Arapo 37.100678 79 398 37.100678 79 398 Spanish Town 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Santa Fe 104.08156 79 399 Santa Fe 77.053359 81 399 77.053359 81 399 Tajerias 390.28288 88 399 Tajerias 486.85275 88 400 Tajerias 344.25732 88 401 Tajerias 274.33301 88 402 Tajerias 54.514677 89 402 Tajerias 2.7022141 91 403 2.7022141 91 403 Robledal 390.28288 88 399 Robledal 486.85275 88 400 Robledal 344.25732 88 401 Robledal 274.33301 88 402 Robledal 54.514677 89 402 Robledal 2.7022141 91 403 2.7022141 91 403 Yaguaracual 83.652157 79 400 Yaguaracual 75.480526 80 400 Yaguaracual 613.48779 82 403 613.48779 82 403 The Settlement 216.0191 206 403 216.0191 206 403 Barbacoas 83.652157 79 400 Barbacoas 75.480526 80 400 Barbacoas 613.48779 82 403 613.48779 82 403 El Tunal 530.0994 89 400 El Tunal 204.31507 89 401 El Tunal 54.514677 89 402 El Tunal 2.7022141 91 403 2.7022141 91 403 San Francisco 344.25732 88 401 San Francisco 274.33301 88 402 San Francisco 54.514677 89 402 San Francisco 2.7022141 91 403 San Francisco 41.827165 90 405 41.827165 90 405 El Horcon 181.9925 87 401 El Horcon 344.25732 88 401 El Horcon 132.12622 87 402 El Horcon 2.7022141 91 403 El Horcon 7.5439052 87 405 7.5439052 87 405 Pta de Araya 1043.6232 82 401 Pta de Araya 613.48779 82 403 Pta de Araya 65.508304 86 403 Pta de Araya 29.38326 85 404 Pta de Araya 34.674453 85 405 34.674453 85 405 El Rincon 1043.6232 82 401 El Rincon 613.48779 82 403 El Rincon 65.508304 86 403 El Rincon 29.38326 85 404 El Rincon 34.674453 85 405 34.674453 85 405 Punta Arenas 187.6636 81 401 Punta Arenas 1043.6232 82 401 Punta Arenas 613.48779 82 403 Punta Arenas 29.38326 85 404 Punta Arenas 34.674453 85 405 34.674453 85 405 Manicuare 871.00947 82 402 Manicuare 533.5352 83 402 Manicuare 613.48779 82 403 Manicuare 29.38326 85 404 Manicuare 34.674453 85 405 Manicuare 39.544975 85 406 39.544975 85 406 Cumana 871.00947 82 402 Cumana 533.5352 83 402 Cumana 613.48779 82 403 613.48779 82 403 Chacachacare 13.449984 87 403 Chacachacare 2.9530695 89 403 Chacachacare 2.7022141 91 403 Chacachacare 7.5439052 87 405 Chacachacare 8.4075992 87 406 Chacachacare 2.7660836 87 407 2.7660836 87 407 El Guamache 613.48779 82 403 El Guamache 65.508304 86 403 El Guamache 29.38326 85 404 El Guamache 34.674453 85 405 El Guamache 39.544975 85 406 El Guamache 35.045096 85 407 35.045096 85 407 El Penon 613.48779 82 403 613.48779 82 403 Punta de Piedras 13.449984 87 403 Punta de Piedras 2.9530695 89 403 Punta de Piedras 2.7022141 91 403 Punta de Piedras 7.5439052 87 405 Punta de Piedras 8.4075992 87 406 Punta de Piedras 2.7660836 87 407 2.7660836 87 407 Piedras Negras 30.673788 88 404 Piedras Negras 2.8964898 89 404 Piedras Negras 7.5439052 87 405 Piedras Negras 8.4075992 87 406 Piedras Negras 2.7660836 87 407 2.7660836 87 407 La Guardia 15.960578 88 405 La Guardia 41.827165 90 405 La Guardia 5.8702821 88 406 La Guardia 22.598831 88 407 La Guardia 8.2260783 88 408 La Guardia 22.31131 88 409 22.31131 88 409 San Pedro de Coche 34.674453 85 405 San Pedro de Coche 7.5439052 87 405 San Pedro de Coche 39.544975 85 406 San Pedro de Coche 35.045096 85 407 San Pedro de Coche 20.71937 85 408 San Pedro de Coche 8.749472 85 409 8.749472 85 409 Altagracia 52.079478 90 406 Altagracia 10.084479 92 408 Altagracia 4.1232562 89 409 Altagracia 18.294517 89 410 18.294517 89 410 La Uva 39.544975 85 406 La Uva 35.045096 85 407 La Uva 20.71937 85 408 La Uva 8.749472 85 409 8.749472 85 409 El Yaque 31.099887 86 406 El Yaque 8.4075992 87 406 El Yaque 23.369602 86 407 El Yaque 3.8364694 86 409 El Yaque 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 San Antonio 8.4075992 87 406 San Antonio 2.7660836 87 407 San Antonio 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 Caimancito 39.544975 85 406 Caimancito 35.045096 85 407 Caimancito 20.71937 85 408 Caimancito 8.749472 85 409 8.749472 85 409 Guamache 39.544975 85 406 Guamache 35.045096 85 407 Guamache 20.71937 85 408 Guamache 8.749472 85 409 8.749472 85 409 Manzanillo 27.328157 92 407 Manzanillo 10.084479 92 408 Manzanillo 17.883962 92 410 17.883962 92 410 Paraguchi 27.328157 92 407 Paraguchi 10.084479 92 408 Paraguchi 4.1232562 89 409 Paraguchi 18.294517 89 410 18.294517 89 410 Porlamar 2.7660836 87 407 Porlamar 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 Pampatar 8.2260783 88 408 Pampatar 22.31131 88 409 22.31131 88 409 Ariota 20.71937 85 408 Ariota 8.749472 85 409 8.749472 85 409 No Alonso 13.055322 85 411 13.055322 85 411 Soledad 13.055322 85 411 13.055322 85 411 Cabo Blanco 26.327198 85 412 Cabo Blanco 30.205509 85 415 30.205509 85 415 La Esmeralda 21.082923 85 413 La Esmeralda 26.976556 85 414 La Esmeralda 30.205509 85 415 30.205509 85 415 Guaca 26.976556 85 414 Guaca 30.205509 85 415 30.205509 85 415 Carupano 12.808612 86 416 Carupano 18.050904 86 417 18.050904 86 417 Windward Side 21.234522 187 416 21.234522 187 416 Puerto Santo 18.050904 86 417 18.050904 86 417 West End Village 708.75761 196 417 West End Village 248.3262 196 419 248.3262 196 419 Lowlands 1050.765 194 418 Lowlands 878.05956 194 419 Lowlands 255.82619 195 420 Lowlands 20.039997 196 422 Lowlands 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Rio Caribe 20.462156 86 418 20.462156 86 418 Sandy Ground 1050.765 194 418 Sandy Ground 878.05956 194 419 Sandy Ground 255.82619 195 420 Sandy Ground 20.039997 196 422 Sandy Ground 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Marigot 878.05956 194 419 Marigot 255.82619 195 420 Marigot 20.039997 196 422 Marigot 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Blowing Point 248.3262 196 419 Blowing Point 20.039997 196 422 Blowing Point 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Koolbaai 902.30771 193 419 Koolbaai 255.82619 195 420 Koolbaai 20.039997 196 422 Koolbaai 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Concordia 878.05956 194 419 Concordia 255.82619 195 420 Concordia 20.039997 196 422 Concordia 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 St Louis 878.05956 194 419 St Louis 255.82619 195 420 St Louis 20.039997 196 422 St Louis 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 The Valley 248.3262 196 419 The Valley 20.039997 196 422 The Valley 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Fort Amsterdam 902.30771 193 419 Fort Amsterdam 255.82619 195 420 Fort Amsterdam 20.039997 196 422 Fort Amsterdam 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Dutch Cul de Sac 878.05956 194 419 Dutch Cul de Sac 255.82619 195 420 Dutch Cul de Sac 20.039997 196 422 Dutch Cul de Sac 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Grand Case 878.05956 194 419 Grand Case 255.82619 195 420 Grand Case 20.039997 196 422 Grand Case 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Colombier 878.05956 194 419 Colombier 255.82619 195 420 Colombier 20.039997 196 422 Colombier 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Philipsburg 902.30771 193 419 Philipsburg 255.82619 195 420 Philipsburg 20.039997 196 422 Philipsburg 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Orleans 878.05956 194 419 Orleans 255.82619 195 420 Orleans 20.039997 196 422 Orleans 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Point Blanche 902.30771 193 419 Point Blanche 255.82619 195 420 Point Blanche 20.039997 196 422 Point Blanche 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Anse Marcel 570.3636 195 419 Anse Marcel 248.3262 196 419 Anse Marcel 255.82619 195 420 Anse Marcel 20.039997 196 422 Anse Marcel 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 French Cul de Sac 570.3636 195 419 French Cul de Sac 248.3262 196 419 French Cul de Sac 255.82619 195 420 French Cul de Sac 20.039997 196 422 French Cul de Sac 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Green Cay 606.32488 194 420 Green Cay 255.82619 195 420 Green Cay 20.039997 196 422 Green Cay 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Oranjestad 428.47394 185 420 Oranjestad 495.18994 185 421 Oranjestad 459.83252 185 422 Oranjestad 482.09884 185 423 482.09884 185 423 Agua Fria 28.356568 86 421 Agua Fria 45.088565 86 423 45.088565 86 423 Gustavia 730.90579 191 422 Gustavia 35.431137 195 423 35.431137 195 423 San Juan de las Galdonas 32.23922 86 422 San Juan de las Galdonas 45.088565 86 423 San Juan de las Galdonas 5.4870454 83 426 5.4870454 83 426 Newton Ground 498.9627 184 422 Newton Ground 459.83252 185 422 Newton Ground 636.28459 184 423 Newton Ground 22.966833 184 426 22.966833 184 426 Fig Tree 612.46586 183 422 Fig Tree 459.83252 185 422 Fig Tree 712.63411 183 423 Fig Tree 568.16109 183 425 Fig Tree 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Saint Paul's 498.9627 184 422 Saint Paul's 459.83252 185 422 Saint Paul's 636.28459 184 423 Saint Paul's 22.966833 184 426 22.966833 184 426 Sandy Point 612.46586 183 422 Sandy Point 459.83252 185 422 Sandy Point 712.63411 183 423 Sandy Point 568.16109 183 425 Sandy Point 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Yaguaraparo 5.4870454 83 426 5.4870454 83 426 Half Way Tree 712.63411 183 423 Half Way Tree 568.16109 183 425 Half Way Tree 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Dieppe Bay Town 636.28459 184 423 Dieppe Bay Town 22.966833 184 426 22.966833 184 426 Middle Island 712.63411 183 423 Middle Island 568.16109 183 425 Middle Island 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Saddlers 636.28459 184 423 Saddlers 22.966833 184 426 22.966833 184 426 Challengers 951.0313 182 423 Challengers 860.51943 182 424 Challengers 903.10439 182 425 Challengers 602.03568 182 426 Challengers 99.128292 182 427 99.128292 182 427 Trinity 951.0313 182 423 Trinity 860.51943 182 424 Trinity 903.10439 182 425 Trinity 602.03568 182 426 Trinity 99.128292 182 427 99.128292 182 427 San Juan 45.088565 86 423 45.088565 86 423 Tabernacle 636.28459 184 423 Tabernacle 22.966833 184 426 22.966833 184 426 Phillips 622.11053 183 424 Phillips 568.16109 183 425 Phillips 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Boyd's 860.51943 182 424 Boyd's 903.10439 182 425 Boyd's 602.03568 182 426 Boyd's 99.128292 182 427 99.128292 182 427 Mansion 627.53955 184 424 Mansion 388.76797 184 425 Mansion 22.966833 184 426 22.966833 184 426 Molineux 622.11053 183 424 Molineux 568.16109 183 425 Molineux 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Unare 40.770242 86 424 40.770242 86 424 Lodge 622.11053 183 424 Lodge 568.16109 183 425 Lodge 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Ottley's 622.11053 183 424 Ottley's 568.16109 183 425 Ottley's 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Basseterre 860.51943 182 424 Basseterre 903.10439 182 425 Basseterre 602.03568 182 426 Basseterre 99.128292 182 427 99.128292 182 427 Canyon 622.11053 183 424 Canyon 568.16109 183 425 Canyon 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Keys 622.11053 183 424 Keys 568.16109 183 425 Keys 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Charlestown 995.11765 180 425 Charlestown 878.72879 181 425 Charlestown 771.83744 180 426 Charlestown 453.69482 181 426 Charlestown 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Nelson's Spring 771.83744 180 426 Nelson's Spring 453.69482 181 426 Nelson's Spring 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Cotton Ground 771.83744 180 426 Cotton Ground 453.69482 181 426 Cotton Ground 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Jessup's Village 771.83744 180 426 Jessup's Village 453.69482 181 426 Jessup's Village 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Westbury 453.69482 181 426 Westbury 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Fig Tree 771.83744 180 426 Fig Tree 453.69482 181 426 Fig Tree 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Puerto Escondido 57.527298 87 426 Puerto Escondido 71.604484 88 426 Puerto Escondido 70.72141 87 427 Puerto Escondido 69.039205 88 428 Puerto Escondido 72.058168 88 429 Puerto Escondido 83.110386 87 430 83.110386 87 430 Newcastle 453.69482 181 426 Newcastle 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Fountain 453.69482 181 426 Fountain 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Irapa 5.4870454 83 426 5.4870454 83 426 Taylors Pleasure 771.83744 180 426 Taylors Pleasure 453.69482 181 426 Taylors Pleasure 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Hanley's Road 771.83744 180 426 Hanley's Road 453.69482 181 426 Hanley's Road 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Hick's Village 453.69482 181 426 Hick's Village 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Zion 678.2325 180 427 Zion 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Brink Kiln 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 New River 678.2325 180 427 New River 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Butlers 678.2325 180 427 Butlers 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Soro 6.1368317 81 428 Soro 6.1410419 82 428 6.1410419 82 428 Guiria 15.00425 82 430 15.00425 82 430 Capure 2.0014997 77 431 2.0014997 77 431 Puerto de Hierro 3.4870859 83 431 3.4870859 83 431 Old Town 794.07696 174 431 Old Town 1132.61 175 431 1132.61 175 431 Olveston 794.07696 174 431 Olveston 1132.61 175 431 1132.61 175 431 Elberton 794.07696 174 431 Elberton 1132.61 175 431 1132.61 175 431 Saint Peter's 926.27596 175 432 Saint Peter's 1009.2684 176 432 Saint Peter's 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Woodlands 753.50303 174 432 Woodlands 926.27596 175 432 Woodlands 1009.2684 176 432 Woodlands 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Salem 753.50303 174 432 Salem 926.27596 175 432 Salem 1009.2684 176 432 Salem 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Weekes 753.50303 174 432 Weekes 926.27596 175 432 Weekes 1009.2684 176 432 Weekes 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Firth 753.50303 174 432 Firth 926.27596 175 432 Firth 1009.2684 176 432 Firth 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Cud Joe Head 753.50303 174 432 Cud Joe Head 926.27596 175 432 Cud Joe Head 1009.2684 176 432 Cud Joe Head 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Davy Hill 926.27596 175 432 Davy Hill 1009.2684 176 432 Davy Hill 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Plymouth 921.1015 173 432 Plymouth 753.50303 174 432 Plymouth 926.27596 175 432 Plymouth 1009.2684 176 432 Plymouth 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Molyneaux 753.50303 174 432 Molyneaux 926.27596 175 432 Molyneaux 1009.2684 176 432 Molyneaux 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Saint John's 926.27596 175 432 Saint John's 1009.2684 176 432 Saint John's 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Windy Hill 753.50303 174 432 Windy Hill 926.27596 175 432 Windy Hill 1009.2684 176 432 Windy Hill 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Lookout 926.27596 175 432 Lookout 1009.2684 176 432 Lookout 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Blakes 926.27596 175 432 Blakes 1009.2684 176 432 Blakes 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Tuitts 753.50303 174 432 Tuitts 926.27596 175 432 Tuitts 1009.2684 176 432 Tuitts 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Bramble Village 753.50303 174 432 Bramble Village 926.27596 175 432 Bramble Village 1009.2684 176 432 Bramble Village 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Long Ground 753.50303 174 432 Long Ground 926.27596 175 432 Long Ground 1009.2684 176 432 Long Ground 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Bethnal 837.50604 174 433 Bethnal 783.71496 175 433 Bethnal 46.962435 176 433 Bethnal 431.31609 177 433 431.31609 177 433 Macuro 29.343954 83 436 29.343954 83 436 Five Islands 31.560581 180 437 Five Islands 11.320239 181 437 Five Islands 19.017182 182 437 Five Islands 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Jolly Harbour 609.01839 179 437 Jolly Harbour 19.017182 182 437 Jolly Harbour 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Bolans 609.01839 179 437 Bolans 19.017182 182 437 Bolans 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Fullarton 19.892698 75 437 Fullarton 2.932609 74 438 2.932609 74 438 Urlings 773.83515 178 437 Urlings 609.01839 179 437 Urlings 19.017182 182 437 Urlings 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Jennings 609.01839 179 437 Jennings 19.017182 182 437 Jennings 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Ebenezer 609.01839 179 437 Ebenezer 19.017182 182 437 Ebenezer 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Runaway Bay 31.560581 180 437 Runaway Bay 11.320239 181 437 Runaway Bay 19.017182 182 437 Runaway Bay 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Creekside 609.01839 179 437 Creekside 19.017182 182 437 Creekside 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Dickenson Bay 31.560581 180 437 Dickenson Bay 11.320239 181 437 Dickenson Bay 19.017182 182 437 Dickenson Bay 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Golden Grove 609.01839 179 437 Golden Grove 19.017182 182 437 Golden Grove 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Saint John's 31.560581 180 437 Saint John's 11.320239 181 437 Saint John's 19.017182 182 437 Saint John's 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 John Hughes 683.49084 179 438 John Hughes 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Boons Bay 16.232231 180 438 Boons Bay 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Cedar Grove 16.232231 180 438 Cedar Grove 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Saint Johnston Village 16.232231 180 438 Saint Johnston Village 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Codrington 33.355261 187 438 Codrington 19.599028 188 438 Codrington 16.353065 188 439 Codrington 225.93912 189 439 Codrington 12.378895 189 441 12.378895 189 441 Potters Village 683.49084 179 438 Potters Village 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Osbourn 16.232231 180 438 Osbourn 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Coromandel Settlement 2.932609 74 438 2.932609 74 438 Barnes Hill 16.232231 180 438 Barnes Hill 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Falmouth Harbour 747.47134 178 438 Falmouth Harbour 683.49084 179 438 Falmouth Harbour 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 La Pointe-Noire 1457.6129 167 438 La Pointe-Noire 1011.7014 168 438 La Pointe-Noire 1008.9656 171 439 La Pointe-Noire 157.7955 171 440 157.7955 171 440 Bouillante 1696.031 165 438 Bouillante 1580.9212 166 438 Bouillante 1457.6129 167 438 Bouillante 1011.7014 168 438 1011.7014 168 438 Bas Vent 1011.7014 168 438 Bas Vent 1234.9831 172 438 Bas Vent 1008.9656 171 439 Bas Vent 1069.2155 172 439 Bas Vent 157.7955 171 440 157.7955 171 440 Cobbs Cross 747.47134 178 438 Cobbs Cross 683.49084 179 438 Cobbs Cross 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 English Harbour 747.47134 178 438 English Harbour 683.49084 179 438 English Harbour 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Pares 679.29346 179 439 Pares 20.483335 182 442 20.483335 182 442 Irois 46.720347 75 439 46.720347 75 439 Saint George's 31.070681 105 439 Saint George's 14.48764 107 443 Saint George's 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Betty's Hope 679.29346 179 439 Betty's Hope 20.483335 182 442 20.483335 182 442 Chatham 4.7586028 74 439 4.7586028 74 439 Newfield 679.29346 179 439 Newfield 20.483335 182 442 20.483335 182 442 The Lance 31.070681 105 439 The Lance 14.48764 107 443 The Lance 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Basse-Terre 1377.6372 163 439 Basse-Terre 1400.3798 164 439 Basse-Terre 1394.964 165 439 Basse-Terre 1327.0687 166 439 Basse-Terre 1150.5161 167 439 1150.5161 167 439 Willikies 679.29346 179 439 Willikies 20.483335 182 442 20.483335 182 442 Prickley Bay 31.070681 105 439 Prickley Bay 14.48764 107 443 14.48764 107 443 Saint-Claude 1377.6372 163 439 Saint-Claude 1400.3798 164 439 Saint-Claude 1394.964 165 439 Saint-Claude 1327.0687 166 439 Saint-Claude 1150.5161 167 439 1150.5161 167 439 Victoria 14.48764 107 443 Victoria 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Half Moon Bay 762.38632 179 440 Half Moon Bay 20.483335 182 442 20.483335 182 442 Point Fortin 2.4606248 76 440 2.4606248 76 440 Thebaide 14.48764 107 443 Thebaide 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 La Retraite 24.963047 83 440 La Retraite 15.997521 83 443 La Retraite 7.7748754 85 443 La Retraite 10.912959 83 444 La Retraite 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 San Francique 12.248407 74 440 12.248407 74 440 Le Bourg 1828.7467 161 440 Le Bourg 1637.561 162 440 Le Bourg 1370.1978 163 440 Le Bourg 1063.2298 164 440 Le Bourg 793.9919 165 440 Le Bourg 183.16046 164 444 Le Bourg 264.72439 165 444 264.72439 165 444 Grenville 14.48764 107 443 Grenville 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Parry Lands 3.7883373 76 441 3.7883373 76 441 Baie-Mahault 16.460262 171 441 Baie-Mahault 52.138378 167 444 Baie-Mahault 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 Los Bajos 19.854711 74 441 Los Bajos 10.58212 75 441 Los Bajos 3.7883373 76 441 3.7883373 76 441 Capesterre 292.4756 164 441 Capesterre 183.16046 164 444 Capesterre 264.72439 165 444 Capesterre 157.06973 166 444 Capesterre 52.138378 167 444 Capesterre 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 Coolie Block 25.923306 84 442 Coolie Block 12.064236 84 443 Coolie Block 7.7748754 85 443 Coolie Block 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Dibe 16.872241 83 442 Dibe 15.997521 83 443 Dibe 7.7748754 85 443 Dibe 10.912959 83 444 Dibe 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Pointe-a-Pitre 157.06973 166 444 Pointe-a-Pitre 52.138378 167 444 Pointe-a-Pitre 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 Port-Louis 152.97135 171 442 152.97135 171 442 Plaisance 24.574728 79 442 Plaisance 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 Port-of-Spain 15.997521 83 443 Port-of-Spain 7.7748754 85 443 Port-of-Spain 10.912959 83 444 Port-of-Spain 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Argyle 37.271263 111 445 Argyle 15.610629 112 446 Argyle 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 California 14.367832 79 443 California 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 La Pastora 12.064236 84 443 La Pastora 7.7748754 85 443 La Pastora 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Saint-Jacques 217.78232 171 443 Saint-Jacques 292.88737 172 443 Saint-Jacques 384.33487 173 443 Saint-Jacques 378.5898 174 443 Saint-Jacques 248.19525 173 446 Saint-Jacques 759.7154 171 447 759.7154 171 447 San Fernando 14.367832 79 443 San Fernando 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 Portsmouth 2159.522 156 443 Portsmouth 1703.8212 158 443 Portsmouth 1758.4674 159 443 Portsmouth 1658.0454 160 443 1658.0454 160 443 Palencho 19.738137 72 446 19.738137 72 446 Morne Diablo 21.756514 74 443 21.756514 74 443 Baroui 2368.9373 154 443 Baroui 2169.2863 155 443 Baroui 2159.522 156 443 Baroui 1703.8212 158 443 Baroui 1934.8966 155 444 Baroui 1350.3581 156 444 1350.3581 156 444 Carapichaima 30.14052 80 443 Carapichaima 22.674675 80 444 Carapichaima 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 L'Appelle 37.271263 111 445 L'Appelle 15.610629 112 446 L'Appelle 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 Ashton 15.610629 112 446 Ashton 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 Hermitage 14.367832 79 443 Hermitage 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 Cacandee Settlement 26.477363 81 443 Cacandee Settlement 7.7748754 85 443 Cacandee Settlement 10.912959 83 444 Cacandee Settlement 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Las Cuevas 44.745733 87 444 Las Cuevas 46.007437 87 445 Las Cuevas 28.38076 87 446 Las Cuevas 29.01739 88 448 29.01739 88 448 Engagement Umbrella 37.271263 111 445 Engagement Umbrella 15.610629 112 446 Engagement Umbrella 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 Roseau 2423.4533 152 444 Roseau 2204.5203 153 444 Roseau 2192.4355 154 444 Roseau 1934.8966 155 444 Roseau 1350.3581 156 444 1350.3581 156 444 Sainte-Anne 157.06973 166 444 Sainte-Anne 52.138378 167 444 Sainte-Anne 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 Scotts Head 2346.0299 151 444 Scotts Head 2423.4533 152 444 Scotts Head 2204.5203 153 444 Scotts Head 2192.4355 154 444 Scotts Head 1934.8966 155 444 1934.8966 155 444 Moule 86.984738 168 446 Moule 7.5412454 168 447 7.5412454 168 447 La Lune 33.344783 74 445 La Lune 33.000046 74 446 La Lune 3.2590609 76 447 3.2590609 76 447 Canouan 11.332037 114 446 11.332037 114 446 Dubuc 2272.4445 152 445 Dubuc 1949.7275 153 445 Dubuc 1588.8837 154 445 Dubuc 1161.4095 155 445 Dubuc 502.70098 156 445 502.70098 156 445 Blanchisseuse 46.007437 87 445 Blanchisseuse 28.38076 87 446 Blanchisseuse 29.01739 88 448 Blanchisseuse 32.70933 88 449 32.70933 88 449 Marigot 502.70098 156 445 Marigot 176.30817 160 445 Marigot 90.181221 159 448 90.181221 159 448 Saint-Louis 245.06747 162 445 Saint-Louis 162.28296 163 445 Saint-Louis 129.96741 164 445 Saint-Louis 230.57169 165 445 Saint-Louis 388.90112 166 445 Saint-Louis 519.28324 166 446 Saint-Louis 8.4886315 165 448 8.4886315 165 448 Grand-Bourg 719.85259 161 445 Grand-Bourg 245.06747 162 445 Grand-Bourg 162.28296 163 445 Grand-Bourg 129.96741 164 445 Grand-Bourg 230.57169 165 445 Grand-Bourg 8.4886315 165 448 8.4886315 165 448 Castle Bruce 581.3787 154 446 Castle Bruce 702.91085 155 449 Castle Bruce 435.29509 156 449 Castle Bruce 207.74543 157 449 Castle Bruce 1044.959 155 450 Castle Bruce 1008.761 156 450 Castle Bruce 824.31269 157 450 824.31269 157 450 Kingstown 2.6771181 123 450 2.6771181 123 450 La Plaine 635.79767 153 446 La Plaine 829.58066 153 448 La Plaine 1044.959 155 450 La Plaine 1008.761 156 450 La Plaine 824.31269 157 450 824.31269 157 450 Chateaubelair 2.6771181 123 450 2.6771181 123 450 Union 41.571696 120 449 Union 29.316637 118 450 29.316637 118 450 Capesterre 739.5804 161 447 Capesterre 414.06726 162 447 Capesterre 75.353936 163 447 Capesterre 81.210594 165 447 Capesterre 8.4886315 165 448 8.4886315 165 448 Calliaqua 41.571696 120 449 Calliaqua 2.6771181 123 450 2.6771181 123 450 Mustique 36.735896 116 448 36.735896 116 448 Sainte Pierre 2179.729 146 447 Sainte Pierre 2156.8762 147 447 Sainte Pierre 2173.3672 148 447 2173.3672 148 447 Fancy 2.6771181 123 450 2.6771181 123 450 Matelot 29.01739 88 448 Matelot 32.70933 88 449 Matelot 26.364591 88 450 Matelot 13.985153 85 452 13.985153 85 452 Georgetown 2.6771181 123 450 2.6771181 123 450 Basse-Pointe 1575.3622 146 448 Basse-Pointe 1103.6117 147 448 Basse-Pointe 1351.1368 148 448 Basse-Pointe 1844.8369 149 448 Basse-Pointe 2004.1197 150 448 Basse-Pointe 63.88579 148 452 63.88579 148 452 Fort-de-France 5.4136125 146 453 5.4136125 146 453 Grande Anse 60.605706 167 449 Grande Anse 26.108418 168 449 26.108418 168 449 Soufriere 21.339049 131 453 21.339049 131 453 Lower Manzanilla 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Grande Riviere 32.70933 88 449 Grande Riviere 26.364591 88 450 Grande Riviere 13.985153 85 452 13.985153 85 452 Soburojo 19.314662 70 449 Soburojo 5.8861477 69 450 5.8861477 69 450 Lower Fishing Pond 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Salibea 11.244167 83 452 Salibea 7.7333748 84 452 7.7333748 84 452 Guayaguayare 39.510962 75 450 Guayaguayare 8.7007806 76 450 Guayaguayare 2.8916729 79 452 2.8916729 79 452 Point du Nord 10.009413 168 450 Point du Nord 118.24756 169 450 118.24756 169 450 Saint Margaret 2.8916729 79 452 Saint Margaret 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Saint Joseph 2.8916729 79 452 Saint Joseph 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Rampanalgas 26.364591 88 450 Rampanalgas 7.7333748 84 452 7.7333748 84 452 Castries 35.183306 133 454 35.183306 133 454 Lero 63.88579 148 452 Lero 5.4136125 146 453 Lero 17.968397 147 453 17.968397 147 453 Fonds Panier 5.4136125 146 453 5.4136125 146 453 Redhead 30.507471 88 451 Redhead 13.985153 85 452 13.985153 85 452 Vieux Fort 21.339049 131 453 Vieux Fort 35.183306 133 454 35.183306 133 454 Cap Estate 71.539598 136 454 71.539598 136 454 Anbre 21.339049 131 453 Anbre 35.183306 133 454 35.183306 133 454 Hyacinthe 5.4136125 146 453 Hyacinthe 17.968397 147 453 17.968397 147 453 Bosquet d'Or 35.183306 133 454 35.183306 133 454 La Esperanza 2.0183872 59 456 La Esperanza 2.0346929 60 456 2.0346929 60 456 Sainte-Anne 7.2046339 143 455 7.2046339 143 455 Le Vauclin 21.728829 145 454 21.728829 145 454 Jotajana 2.0183872 59 456 Jotajana 13.569609 57 457 13.569609 57 457 Mount Pleasant 84.63746 90 453 Mount Pleasant 11.785092 91 454 11.785092 91 454 Scarborough 11.785092 91 454 11.785092 91 454 Castara 11.42909 93 455 Castara 67.461504 92 456 Castara 66.645547 92 457 66.645547 92 457 Belle Garden 91.633546 91 456 91.633546 91 456 Speyside 66.645547 92 457 66.645547 92 457 San Jose de Amacuro 4.1128084 54 459 4.1128084 54 459 Faro de Barima 4.1128084 54 459 Faro de Barima 2.227025 55 463 2.227025 55 463 La Linea 21.449445 52 469 21.449445 52 469 Hackney 6.0838593 40 487 Hackney 9.3960115 39 488 Hackney 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Marlborough 9.3960115 39 488 Marlborough 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Bounty Hall 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Queenstown 2.0142961 33 490 Queenstown 2.0025694 31 491 2.0025694 31 491 Taymoutn Manor Place 2.0142961 33 490 Taymoutn Manor Place 2.0025694 31 491 2.0025694 31 491 Aurora 2.0216906 30 491 2.0216906 30 491 Anna Regina 2.0142961 33 490 Anna Regina 2.0303211 36 490 2.0303211 36 490 Hampton Court 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Suddie 2.0142961 33 490 Suddie 2.0216906 30 491 2.0216906 30 491 Capoey 2.0142961 33 490 Capoey 2.0025694 31 491 2.0025694 31 491 Maria Johanna 2.0216906 30 491 2.0216906 30 491 Caledonia 2.0216906 30 491 2.0216906 30 491 Parika 2.0216906 30 491 2.0216906 30 491 Leguan I 2.0216906 30 491 2.0216906 30 491 De Kinderen 2.0216906 30 491 2.0216906 30 491 Den Amstel 4.2796775 29 492 4.2796775 29 492 Georgetown 2.0009563 29 493 Georgetown 2.0014258 28 494 Georgetown 2.9923384 28 496 Georgetown 4.0015666 28 497 4.0015666 28 497 Courida Park 2.0009563 29 493 Courida Park 2.0014258 28 494 Courida Park 2.9923384 28 496 Courida Park 4.0015666 28 497 4.0015666 28 497 Buxton 2.0014258 28 494 Buxton 2.9923384 28 496 Buxton 4.0015666 28 497 Buxton 3.893256 27 498 3.893256 27 498 Belfield 2.9923384 28 496 Belfield 4.0015666 28 497 Belfield 3.893256 27 498 3.893256 27 498 Enmore 2.9923384 28 496 Enmore 4.0015666 28 497 Enmore 3.893256 27 498 3.893256 27 498 Helena 3.893256 27 498 3.893256 27 498 De Kinderen 2.0092812 26 499 2.0092812 26 499 Perth 4.6054468 24 500 Perth 3.9832839 24 502 3.9832839 24 502 Mahaicony 4.6054468 24 500 Mahaicony 3.9832839 24 502 3.9832839 24 502 Belladrum 4.6054468 24 500 Belladrum 3.9832839 24 502 Belladrum 3.5690224 23 503 3.5690224 23 503 Weldaad 4.6054468 24 500 Weldaad 3.9832839 24 502 Weldaad 3.5690224 23 503 3.5690224 23 503 Number Forty 4.6054468 24 500 Number Forty 3.9832839 24 502 Number Forty 3.5690224 23 503 3.5690224 23 503 Onverwagt 3.5690224 23 503 3.5690224 23 503 Fort Wellington 3.5690224 23 503 3.5690224 23 503 Waterloo 2.0018811 21 504 Waterloo 4.5087237 22 504 4.5087237 22 504 Blairmont 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Everton 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Rosignol 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 New Amsterdam 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Fyrish 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Rosehall 5.3916816 20 508 Rosehall 5.5841235 19 509 5.5841235 19 509 Tarlogie Farm 5.3916816 20 508 Tarlogie Farm 5.5841235 19 509 Tarlogie Farm 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Brighton 5.5841235 19 509 Brighton 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Goldspie 5.5841235 19 509 Goldspie 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Number Forty-six 3.2349672 14 510 Number Forty-six 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Leeds 3.2349672 14 510 Leeds 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Crabwood Creek 3.2349672 14 510 3.2349672 14 510 Number Sixty-one 3.2349672 14 510 Number Sixty-one 5.0044694 17 511 5.0044694 17 511 Number 80 3.2349672 14 510 3.2349672 14 510 Corriverton 3.2349672 14 510 Corriverton 14.335455 15 512 14.335455 15 512 Nieuw Nickerie 3.2349672 14 510 Nieuw Nickerie 14.335455 15 512 Nieuw Nickerie 5.5643558 16 514 5.5643558 16 514 Burnside 2.0315619 15 519 2.0315619 15 519 Totness 4.8842381 15 520 4.8842381 15 520 Hamilton 3.3624951 14 521 3.3624951 14 521 Coppenamepunt 2.5489581 14 526 Coppenamepunt 2.0034566 13 527 2.0034566 13 527 Pomona 7.3303553 15 538 Pomona 2.0086886 15 539 Pomona 2.1613711 15 540 Pomona 3.4414184 16 542 3.4414184 16 542 Clevia 7.3303553 15 538 Clevia 2.0086886 15 539 Clevia 2.1613711 15 540 2.1613711 15 540 Nieuw Amsterdam 2.0086886 15 539 Nieuw Amsterdam 2.1613711 15 540 Nieuw Amsterdam 3.4414184 16 542 3.4414184 16 542 Geertruidenberg 2.0086886 15 539 Geertruidenberg 2.1613711 15 540 2.1613711 15 540 Langamankondre 4.0969154 13 555 Langamankondre 2.0000334 13 557 2.0000334 13 557 Galibi 4.0969154 13 555 Galibi 2.0000334 13 557 Galibi 3.8343035 12 559 3.8343035 12 559 Les Hattes 2.0000334 13 557 Les Hattes 3.8343035 12 559 3.8343035 12 559 Camp de Coswine 3.8343035 12 559 3.8343035 12 559 Aouara 2.0000334 13 557 Aouara 3.8343035 12 559 3.8343035 12 559 Organabo 9.4790912 10 564 Organabo 3.5461594 9 565 3.5461594 9 565 Fleche 9.4790912 10 564 Fleche 3.5461594 9 565 3.5461594 9 565 Mamaribo 3.5461594 9 565 Mamaribo 9.0325094 9 569 9.0325094 9 569 Bellevue 17.767267 9 566 Bellevue 6.6081705 9 567 Bellevue 9.0325094 9 569 9.0325094 9 569 Iracoubo 6.6081705 9 567 Iracoubo 9.0325094 9 569 9.0325094 9 569 Trou Poisson 5.1207339 8 570 5.1207339 8 570 Roche Brigandin 5.1207339 8 570 5.1207339 8 570 Sinnamary 4.9799731 8 571 Sinnamary 12.39989 7 572 12.39989 7 572 Kourou 10.969926 4 577 10.969926 4 577 Caussade 3.5236863 3 579 Caussade 5.9672381 2 580 5.9672381 2 580 Tonate 5.9672381 2 580 Tonate 2.3399299 1 581 2.3399299 1 581 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/CalcInputDeck.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin/coastalImpact -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/ > /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/outCostalImpact.txt SELECT id, SHAPE_LENG,AsText(Geometry) FROM shoreline WHERE MBRContains(BuildMBR(-91.13,5.0,-43.26,36.95), geometry) 100 / 558 200 / 558 300 / 558 400 / 558 500 / 558 plottype GDACS drawing CoastalImpact /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/ /mnt/output/SSCS/DATA/coastal.db 100 / 558 200 / 558 300 / 558 400 / 558 500 / 558 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/ GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000686/ECMWF/2020072812/all_inpData.txt error track file-->map without track ECMWF 1000686 trackfile 0 OUT_umax.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0000.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0024.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! minusDays= 0.5 ... 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 True delta 12 ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.00/trim-calc.nc ...getting deltah data from: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/trim-calc.nc ...adding data >deltah from last set: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/ (337, 480, 719) (480, 719) (480, 719) (480, 719) icell= 2 49691 Noham 3.956523 212 1 3.956523 212 1 Porfirio Diaz 3.956523 212 1 3.956523 212 1 Chenkan 3.956523 212 1 3.956523 212 1 Hoquel 4.5412124 214 4 Hoquel 3.7273131 215 4 3.7273131 215 4 Champoton 4.5412124 214 4 Champoton 3.7273131 215 4 3.7273131 215 4 Haltunchen 4.0920582 215 5 4.0920582 215 5 Seybaplaya 6.1127802 217 5 6.1127802 217 5 Cocodrie 2.0189805 364 8 2.0189805 364 8 Campeche 4.3730878 222 7 4.3730878 222 7 Balantanche 2.0203208 225 8 2.0203208 225 8 Neyac 4.7463283 228 8 Neyac 4.4686784 229 8 Neyac 2.8450798 231 8 Neyac 2.498163 232 8 2.498163 232 8 Valton 7.280172 230 8 Valton 2.8450798 231 8 Valton 2.498163 232 8 Valton 3.8800975 233 8 3.8800975 233 8 Guerrero 7.9483597 232 9 Guerrero 3.5320092 233 9 3.5320092 233 9 Real de Salinas 4.0364802 234 9 4.0364802 234 9 Celestum 2.5998826 236 9 2.5998826 236 9 Sisal 6.5189767 243 16 Sisal 5.9119319 243 17 5.9119319 243 17 Chelem 5.5967941 244 19 Chelem 2.2552286 244 20 2.2552286 244 20 Progreso 2.2552286 244 20 2.2552286 244 20 Pixoy 18.460766 246 28 18.460766 246 28 Henderson Point 3.0768204 379 30 3.0768204 379 30 De Lisle 3.0768204 379 30 3.0768204 379 30 Telchac Puerto 18.460766 246 28 18.460766 246 28 Pass Christian 3.0768204 379 30 3.0768204 379 30 Cuevas 3.0768204 379 30 Cuevas 3.922253 379 31 Cuevas 2.989001 380 31 2.989001 380 31 White Harbor 3.0768204 379 30 White Harbor 3.922253 379 31 White Harbor 2.989001 380 31 2.989001 380 31 Long Beach 3.0768204 379 30 Long Beach 3.922253 379 31 Long Beach 2.989001 380 31 2.989001 380 31 Chabihau 18.460766 246 28 18.460766 246 28 Gulfport 3.0768204 379 30 Gulfport 3.922253 379 31 Gulfport 2.989001 380 31 Gulfport 2.97627 380 32 Gulfport 2.0272333 380 33 2.0272333 380 33 Mississippi City 3.0768204 379 30 Mississippi City 3.922253 379 31 Mississippi City 2.989001 380 31 Mississippi City 2.97627 380 32 Mississippi City 2.0272333 380 33 2.0272333 380 33 Handsboro 3.0768204 379 30 Handsboro 3.922253 379 31 Handsboro 2.989001 380 31 Handsboro 2.97627 380 32 Handsboro 2.0272333 380 33 Handsboro 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Corozo 19.790223 164 34 Corozo 9.9714109 165 34 9.9714109 165 34 Loraine 2.989001 380 31 Loraine 2.97627 380 32 Loraine 2.0272333 380 33 Loraine 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Wool Market 2.989001 380 31 Wool Market 2.97627 380 32 Wool Market 2.0272333 380 33 Wool Market 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Edgewater Park 3.0768204 379 30 Edgewater Park 3.922253 379 31 Edgewater Park 2.989001 380 31 Edgewater Park 2.97627 380 32 Edgewater Park 2.0272333 380 33 Edgewater Park 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Beauvoir 3.0768204 379 30 Beauvoir 3.922253 379 31 Beauvoir 2.989001 380 31 Beauvoir 2.97627 380 32 Beauvoir 2.0272333 380 33 Beauvoir 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Cabeza de Vaca 19.790223 164 34 Cabeza de Vaca 9.9714109 165 34 Cabeza de Vaca 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Cedar Lake 2.989001 380 31 Cedar Lake 2.97627 380 32 Cedar Lake 2.0272333 380 33 Cedar Lake 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Baranca 19.790223 164 34 Baranca 9.9714109 165 34 Baranca 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Biloxi 3.922253 379 31 Biloxi 2.989001 380 31 Biloxi 2.97627 380 32 Biloxi 2.0272333 380 33 Biloxi 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 D'Iberville 3.922253 379 31 D'Iberville 2.989001 380 31 D'Iberville 2.97627 380 32 D'Iberville 2.0272333 380 33 D'Iberville 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 San Juan 19.790223 164 34 San Juan 9.9714109 165 34 San Juan 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Saint Martin 3.9548922 379 32 Saint Martin 2.97627 380 32 Saint Martin 2.0272333 380 33 Saint Martin 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Ocean Springs 3.9548922 379 32 Ocean Springs 2.97627 380 32 Ocean Springs 2.0272333 380 33 Ocean Springs 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Cocoli 19.790223 164 34 Cocoli 9.9714109 165 34 Cocoli 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Gulf Hills 4.0010565 379 33 Gulf Hills 2.0272333 380 33 Gulf Hills 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Cattle Landing 9.9714109 165 34 9.9714109 165 34 Buena Vista 19.790223 164 34 Buena Vista 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Gulf Park Estates 7.8977005 378 34 Gulf Park Estates 4.8365259 379 34 Gulf Park Estates 2.0741777 380 34 Gulf Park Estates 2.3618646 381 34 2.3618646 381 34 Livingston 19.790223 164 34 Livingston 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Macho Creek 7.9238403 163 35 7.9238403 163 35 Hilda 3.9603314 379 35 Hilda 2.004649 380 35 Hilda 2.0675438 380 37 2.0675438 380 37 Gautier 3.9603314 379 35 Gautier 2.004649 380 35 Gautier 2.0675438 380 37 2.0675438 380 37 Puerto Santo Tomas de Castilla 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 Punta Manabique 12.262579 163 36 12.262579 163 36 Puerto Barrios 12.262579 163 36 12.262579 163 36 Cambalache 12.262579 163 36 12.262579 163 36 New Haven 2.9259711 167 36 2.9259711 167 36 Piedra Parada 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 Corozo 18.376356 163 37 Corozo 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 La Graciosa 18.376356 163 37 La Graciosa 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 Pascagoula 7.0273232 378 37 Pascagoula 4.0490978 379 37 Pascagoula 2.0675438 380 37 2.0675438 380 37 Machacal 18.376356 163 37 Machacal 11.098992 162 38 11.098992 162 38 Moss Point 4.0490978 379 37 Moss Point 2.0675438 380 37 2.0675438 380 37 Monkey River 5.1199961 168 39 Monkey River 4.8891027 169 39 4.8891027 169 39 San Francisco del Mar 76.747388 164 39 San Francisco del Mar 12.945509 162 42 12.945509 162 42 Alabama Wharf 17.087851 171 41 17.087851 171 41 Corozal 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Maya Beach 5.6677361 172 41 5.6677361 172 41 Chunox 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Gales Point 6.6017644 182 43 Gales Point 5.801753 184 43 Gales Point 5.9605918 185 43 5.9605918 185 43 Commerce Bight Village 26.449197 176 43 Commerce Bight Village 10.433443 180 44 10.433443 180 44 Mullins 6.6017644 182 43 Mullins 5.801753 184 43 5.801753 184 43 Chetumal 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Freetown Area 21.479763 175 43 21.479763 175 43 Ferguson Bank 5.801753 184 43 Ferguson Bank 5.9605918 185 43 5.9605918 185 43 Calderita 4.3085166 201 42 4.3085166 201 42 Bayou La Batre 3.937699 379 41 3.937699 379 41 Coden 3.937699 379 41 3.937699 379 41 Barra del Motagua 28.898 163 41 Barra del Motagua 12.945509 162 42 12.945509 162 42 Nelson 4.0566189 379 42 4.0566189 379 42 Stann Creek Town 26.435863 177 44 Stann Creek Town 10.433443 180 44 10.433443 180 44 Cuyamel 12.945509 162 42 12.945509 162 42 Belize City 5.9605918 185 43 5.9605918 185 43 Dauphin Island 9.9442268 378 43 Dauphin Island 2.0289686 379 43 Dauphin Island 2.0086016 381 47 2.0086016 381 47 Delchamps 2.0289686 379 43 Delchamps 2.0086016 381 47 2.0086016 381 47 La Esperanza 55.256372 161 44 55.256372 161 44 Santeneja 3.1597407 201 43 3.1597407 201 43 Heron Bay 9.9442268 378 43 Heron Bay 2.0289686 379 43 Heron Bay 2.0086016 381 47 2.0086016 381 47 Alabama Port 9.9442268 378 43 Alabama Port 2.0289686 379 43 Alabama Port 2.0086016 381 47 2.0086016 381 47 Bayleys Corner 3.0015172 380 46 Bayleys Corner 2.0047237 381 46 Bayleys Corner 2.0086016 381 47 Bayleys Corner 2.0058617 384 47 2.0058617 384 47 Veracruz 139.41338 162 43 Veracruz 55.256372 161 44 Veracruz 209.52256 162 44 209.52256 162 44 Mon Louis 2.0289686 379 43 Mon Louis 2.0086016 381 47 2.0086016 381 47 Navco 3.0557686 382 46 Navco 3.9756131 382 47 Navco 2.0058617 384 47 2.0058617 384 47 Bellefontaine 3.0015172 380 46 Bellefontaine 2.0047237 381 46 Bellefontaine 2.0086016 381 47 Bellefontaine 2.0058617 384 47 2.0058617 384 47 Mertz 2.0058617 384 47 Mertz 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Chickasaw 2.0058617 384 47 Chickasaw 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Cox 3.0557686 382 46 Cox 3.9756131 382 47 Cox 2.0058617 384 47 Cox 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Mobile 2.0058617 384 47 Mobile 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Fort Gaines 16.904222 377 44 Fort Gaines 11.868748 378 44 Fort Gaines 3.9105765 379 46 Fort Gaines 2.0047237 381 46 Fort Gaines 2.0086016 381 47 Fort Gaines 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Chachaguala 55.256372 161 44 Chachaguala 209.52256 162 44 Chachaguala 11.170074 163 48 11.170074 163 48 Magazine 2.0058617 384 47 Magazine 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Dos Hermanas 4.44942 201 44 4.44942 201 44 Omoa 55.256372 161 44 Omoa 209.52256 162 44 Omoa 11.170074 163 48 11.170074 163 48 Fort Morgan 8.9350285 378 45 Fort Morgan 3.9105765 379 46 3.9105765 379 46 Calderas 7.8944442 204 45 7.8944442 204 45 San Pedro 7.6215914 192 46 San Pedro 6.3093115 193 46 6.3093115 193 46 Puerto Cortes 335.35921 163 46 Puerto Cortes 826.31318 164 46 Puerto Cortes 1027.2533 165 46 Puerto Cortes 48.325704 163 47 Puerto Cortes 732.81082 165 47 Puerto Cortes 11.170074 163 48 Puerto Cortes 96.798282 164 50 96.798282 164 50 El Porvenir 335.35921 163 46 El Porvenir 826.31318 164 46 El Porvenir 48.325704 163 47 El Porvenir 11.170074 163 48 El Porvenir 96.798282 164 50 96.798282 164 50 Battles Wharf 3.0015172 380 46 Battles Wharf 2.0047237 381 46 Battles Wharf 2.0086016 381 47 Battles Wharf 2.0058617 384 47 Battles Wharf 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Blakeley 2.0058617 384 47 Blakeley 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Bridgehead 2.0058617 384 47 Bridgehead 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Darling Landing 3.9105765 379 46 Darling Landing 2.0047237 381 46 Darling Landing 2.0086016 381 47 Darling Landing 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Jackson Oak 3.0557686 382 46 Jackson Oak 3.9756131 382 47 Jackson Oak 2.0058617 384 47 Jackson Oak 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Park City 3.0557686 382 46 Park City 3.9756131 382 47 Park City 2.0058617 384 47 Park City 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Bryant Landing 3.9105765 379 46 Bryant Landing 2.0047237 381 46 Bryant Landing 2.0086016 381 47 Bryant Landing 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Fairhope 2.0047237 381 46 Fairhope 2.0086016 381 47 Fairhope 2.0058617 384 47 Fairhope 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Point Clear 3.0015172 380 46 Point Clear 2.0047237 381 46 Point Clear 2.0086016 381 47 Point Clear 2.0058617 384 47 Point Clear 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Houstonville 3.0015172 380 46 Houstonville 2.0047237 381 46 Houstonville 2.0086016 381 47 Houstonville 2.0058617 384 47 Houstonville 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Montrose 2.0047237 381 46 Montrose 2.0086016 381 47 Montrose 2.0058617 384 47 Montrose 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Buzbee Landing 2.0058617 384 47 Buzbee Landing 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Seacliff 2.0047237 381 46 Seacliff 2.0086016 381 47 Seacliff 2.0058617 384 47 Seacliff 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Daphne 3.0557686 382 46 Daphne 3.9756131 382 47 Daphne 2.0058617 384 47 Daphne 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Foots Landing 3.9105765 379 46 Foots Landing 2.0047237 381 46 Foots Landing 2.0086016 381 47 Foots Landing 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Spanish Fort 2.0058617 384 47 Spanish Fort 3.8426083 384 48 3.8426083 384 48 Gulf Highlands 2.9692501 379 47 Gulf Highlands 2.0655749 379 48 2.0655749 379 48 Barnwell 2.9692501 379 47 Barnwell 2.0086016 381 47 Barnwell 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Bacalar Chico 9.5441914 195 47 Bacalar Chico 12.503824 196 47 Bacalar Chico 5.2069043 197 47 5.2069043 197 47 Baja Mar 48.325704 163 47 Baja Mar 732.81082 165 47 Baja Mar 11.170074 163 48 Baja Mar 96.798282 164 50 Baja Mar 63.993397 164 51 63.993397 164 51 Xcalak 5.2069043 197 47 Xcalak 8.5840076 200 47 Xcalak 2.0510589 201 47 2.0510589 201 47 Cedar Grove 2.9692501 379 47 Cedar Grove 2.0655749 379 48 2.0655749 379 48 Turkey Branch 2.9692501 379 47 Turkey Branch 2.0086016 381 47 Turkey Branch 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Gasque 11.977169 378 48 Gasque 2.0655749 379 48 Gasque 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Yupon 2.0655749 379 48 Yupon 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Saraguama 11.170074 163 48 Saraguama 96.798282 164 50 Saraguama 63.993397 164 51 Saraguama 18.12473 164 52 18.12473 164 52 Magnolia Springs 2.0655749 379 48 Magnolia Springs 2.9326705 381 48 2.9326705 381 48 Ranas 184.39677 219 51 184.39677 219 51 Oyster Bay 8.2307527 378 49 Oyster Bay 2.0015056 379 49 2.0015056 379 49 El Tigre 96.798282 164 50 El Tigre 63.993397 164 51 El Tigre 18.12473 164 52 El Tigre 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Bon Secaur 8.2307527 378 49 Bon Secaur 2.0015056 379 49 2.0015056 379 49 Barra Ulua 1036.1287 165 49 Barra Ulua 96.798282 164 50 Barra Ulua 63.993397 164 51 Barra Ulua 18.12473 164 52 Barra Ulua 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Oak 8.2307527 378 49 Oak 2.0015056 379 49 2.0015056 379 49 Gulf Shores 8.2307527 378 49 Gulf Shores 2.0015056 379 49 2.0015056 379 49 Rio Tinto 96.798282 164 50 Rio Tinto 63.993397 164 51 Rio Tinto 18.12473 164 52 Rio Tinto 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Vigia Chico 107.85981 220 51 107.85981 220 51 San Juan 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Tela 12.243156 163 53 12.243156 163 53 Colorado 19.558833 162 55 Colorado 35.566255 163 58 Colorado 37.275638 163 59 37.275638 163 59 West Pensacola 5.0091024 381 60 West Pensacola 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Sanders Beach 5.0091024 381 60 Sanders Beach 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Pensacola 5.0091024 381 60 Pensacola 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Goulding 5.0091024 381 60 Goulding 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Bella Vista 78.391788 163 57 Bella Vista 35.566255 163 58 Bella Vista 37.275638 163 59 Bella Vista 10.151999 162 60 Bella Vista 11.284492 162 61 11.284492 162 61 Ferry Pass 5.0091024 381 60 Ferry Pass 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Riverview 5.0091024 381 60 Riverview 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Gulf Breeze 5.0091024 381 60 Gulf Breeze 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Gaberonne 5.0091024 381 60 Gaberonne 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Floridatown 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Yniestra 5.0091024 381 60 Yniestra 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Pace 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Gulf Beach 5.0091024 381 60 Gulf Beach 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Villa Sabine 5.0091024 381 60 Villa Sabine 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Mulat 5.0091024 381 60 Mulat 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Cuero 35.566255 163 58 Cuero 37.275638 163 59 Cuero 10.151999 162 60 Cuero 11.284492 162 61 Cuero 7.5487393 162 62 7.5487393 162 62 Avalon Beach 5.0091024 381 60 Avalon Beach 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Oriole Beach 5.0091024 381 60 Oriole Beach 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Galt City 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Tiger Point 5.0091024 381 60 Tiger Point 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Boca del Toro 37.275638 163 59 Boca del Toro 10.151999 162 60 Boca del Toro 11.284492 162 61 Boca del Toro 7.5487393 162 62 7.5487393 162 62 Milton 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Bagdad 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 East Milton 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Woodlawn Beach 5.0091024 381 60 Woodlawn Beach 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Ward Basin 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Pine Bluff 5.0091024 381 60 Pine Bluff 3.0793093 382 60 3.0793093 382 60 Los Cayitos 41.562843 164 60 Los Cayitos 29.120972 164 61 Los Cayitos 12.099813 164 62 12.099813 164 62 El Porvenir 11.284492 162 61 El Porvenir 7.5487393 162 62 7.5487393 162 62 Holley 4.0362348 381 61 4.0362348 381 61 East Bay 3.1743513 382 62 3.1743513 382 62 Utila 12.099813 164 62 12.099813 164 62 La Ceiba 7.5487393 162 62 7.5487393 162 62 Navarre 3.1743513 382 62 3.1743513 382 62 Chacmuchuch 2.3230004 243 65 2.3230004 243 65 Cancun 2.3230004 243 65 2.3230004 243 65 Puerto Juarez 2.3230004 243 65 2.3230004 243 65 El Naranjo 26.322976 162 63 26.322976 162 63 Boca Vieja 26.322976 162 63 26.322976 162 63 Piedra Pintada 22.890458 162 64 Piedra Pintada 29.191137 163 64 29.191137 163 64 Agua Dulce 14.698676 162 65 14.698676 162 65 Quebrada Grande 11.469337 162 66 11.469337 162 66 Limera 8.2609071 162 68 Limera 12.158828 162 71 12.158828 162 71 Balfate 14.551239 163 69 Balfate 12.158828 162 71 12.158828 162 71 Miramar Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Mullet Creek 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Four Mile Village 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Turquoise Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Rio Esteban 12.158828 162 71 12.158828 162 71 Grosh 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Dune Allen Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Miranda 12.158828 162 71 12.158828 162 71 Santa Rosa Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Santa Rosa 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Blue Mountain Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Portland 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Bay View 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Betulia 24.786325 164 72 Betulia 57.947668 165 72 57.947668 165 72 Grayton Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Fluffy Landing 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Freeport 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Seagrove Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Choctaw 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Bunker 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Alys Beach 2.9020293 381 74 2.9020293 381 74 Trujillo 12.561164 165 80 12.561164 165 80 Gulf Resort Beach 16.887793 376 81 Gulf Resort Beach 4.8450163 378 81 4.8450163 378 81 Lullwater Beach 16.887793 376 81 Lullwater Beach 4.8450163 378 81 4.8450163 378 81 Barranco Blanco 12.561164 165 80 12.561164 165 80 West Bay 4.8450163 378 81 4.8450163 378 81 Bahama Beach 16.887793 376 81 Bahama Beach 4.8450163 378 81 4.8450163 378 81 Gulf Beach 16.887793 376 81 Gulf Beach 4.8450163 378 81 4.8450163 378 81 Panama City Beach 16.887793 376 81 Panama City Beach 4.8450163 378 81 4.8450163 378 81 Edgewater Gulf Beach 16.887793 376 81 Edgewater Gulf Beach 4.8450163 378 81 Edgewater Gulf Beach 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Long Beach Resort 16.887793 376 81 Long Beach Resort 4.8450163 378 81 Long Beach Resort 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Gulf Lagoon Beach 16.887793 376 81 Gulf Lagoon Beach 4.8450163 378 81 Gulf Lagoon Beach 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Barra de Chapagua 12.561164 165 80 12.561164 165 80 Biltmore Beach 16.887793 376 81 Biltmore Beach 4.8450163 378 81 Biltmore Beach 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Lower Grand Lagoon 16.887793 376 81 Lower Grand Lagoon 4.8450163 378 81 Lower Grand Lagoon 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Upper Grand Lagoon 16.887793 376 81 Upper Grand Lagoon 4.8450163 378 81 Upper Grand Lagoon 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Magnolia Beach 16.887793 376 81 Magnolia Beach 4.8450163 378 81 Magnolia Beach 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Santa Rosa Aguan 12.561164 165 80 12.561164 165 80 Pretty Bayou 16.887793 376 81 Pretty Bayou 4.8450163 378 81 Pretty Bayou 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Baker 16.887793 376 81 Baker 4.8450163 378 81 Baker 3.947788 377 82 Baker 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Lynn Haven 16.887793 376 81 Lynn Haven 4.8450163 378 81 Lynn Haven 3.947788 377 82 Lynn Haven 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Beacon Beach 16.887793 376 81 Beacon Beach 4.8450163 378 81 Beacon Beach 3.947788 377 82 Beacon Beach 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Cove 16.887793 376 81 Cove 4.8450163 378 81 Cove 3.947788 377 82 Cove 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Southport 4.8450163 378 81 Southport 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Cromanton 16.887793 376 81 Cromanton 4.8450163 378 81 Cromanton 3.947788 377 82 Cromanton 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Hiland Park 16.887793 376 81 Hiland Park 4.8450163 378 81 Hiland Park 3.947788 377 82 Hiland Park 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Cedar Grove 16.887793 376 81 Cedar Grove 4.8450163 378 81 Cedar Grove 3.947788 377 82 Cedar Grove 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 San Blas 16.887793 376 81 San Blas 4.8450163 378 81 San Blas 3.947788 377 82 San Blas 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Springfield 16.887793 376 81 Springfield 4.8450163 378 81 Springfield 3.947788 377 82 Springfield 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Panama City 16.887793 376 81 Panama City 4.8450163 378 81 Panama City 3.947788 377 82 Panama City 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Parker 16.887793 376 81 Parker 4.8450163 378 81 Parker 3.947788 377 82 Parker 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Tyndall AFB 16.887793 376 81 Tyndall AFB 4.8450163 378 81 Tyndall AFB 3.947788 377 82 Tyndall AFB 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Resota Beach 4.8450163 378 81 Resota Beach 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 College Station 16.887793 376 81 College Station 4.8450163 378 81 College Station 3.947788 377 82 College Station 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Old Callaway 16.887793 376 81 Old Callaway 4.8450163 378 81 Old Callaway 3.947788 377 82 Old Callaway 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Callaway 16.887793 376 81 Callaway 4.8450163 378 81 Callaway 3.947788 377 82 Callaway 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Bayou George 4.8450163 378 81 Bayou George 3.947788 377 82 3.947788 377 82 Cook 20.999244 375 82 Cook 2.8482421 376 82 Cook 3.947788 377 82 Cook 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Limon 15.864117 164 83 Limon 15.047392 163 85 15.047392 163 85 Davis Beach 21.00154 374 83 Davis Beach 8.9723032 375 83 Davis Beach 8.0287536 374 84 Davis Beach 2.117595 376 84 Davis Beach 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Allanton 21.00154 374 83 Allanton 8.9723032 375 83 Allanton 8.0287536 374 84 Allanton 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Farallones 15.047392 163 85 15.047392 163 85 Wetappo 8.0287536 374 84 Wetappo 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Mexico Beach 16.080196 373 84 Mexico Beach 8.0287536 374 84 Mexico Beach 2.117595 376 84 Mexico Beach 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Overstreet 16.080196 373 84 Overstreet 8.0287536 374 84 Overstreet 2.117595 376 84 2.117595 376 84 Beacon Hill 16.080196 373 84 Beacon Hill 8.0287536 374 84 Beacon Hill 7.0307208 373 85 Beacon Hill 3.8766398 374 85 Beacon Hill 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Highland View 11.053043 372 85 Highland View 7.0307208 373 85 Highland View 3.8766398 374 85 Highland View 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Port Saint Joe 11.053043 372 85 Port Saint Joe 7.0307208 373 85 Port Saint Joe 3.8766398 374 85 Port Saint Joe 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Milltown 11.053043 372 85 Milltown 7.0307208 373 85 Milltown 3.8766398 374 85 Milltown 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Oak Grove 8.8642007 372 86 Oak Grove 4.6678503 373 86 Oak Grove 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Ward Ridge 8.8642007 372 86 Ward Ridge 4.6678503 373 86 Ward Ridge 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 McNeils 8.8642007 372 86 McNeils 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Indian Pass 4.225882 371 87 Indian Pass 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Iriona 32.232022 165 91 32.232022 165 91 Thirteen Mile 4.225882 371 87 Thirteen Mile 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 Odena 4.225882 371 87 Odena 6.0641615 372 87 6.0641615 372 87 La Puerta 32.232022 165 91 32.232022 165 91 Eleven Mile 2.1298989 369 92 Eleven Mile 2.0011398 370 92 2.0011398 370 92 Nine Mile 2.1298989 369 92 Nine Mile 2.0011398 370 92 2.0011398 370 92 Donel 32.232022 165 91 32.232022 165 91 Tilton 2.1298989 369 92 Tilton 2.0011398 370 92 Tilton 2.0214886 371 93 2.0214886 371 93 Franklin 2.1298989 369 92 Franklin 2.0011398 370 92 Franklin 2.0214886 371 93 2.0214886 371 93 Apalachicola 2.1298989 369 92 Apalachicola 2.0011398 370 92 Apalachicola 2.0214886 371 93 2.0214886 371 93 Bruner 32.232022 165 91 32.232022 165 91 Tasbarraya 7.5812628 164 94 7.5812628 164 94 Eastpoint 7.9918434 369 93 Eastpoint 2.0084532 370 93 Eastpoint 2.0214886 371 93 Eastpoint 3.9450263 372 97 3.9450263 372 97 Baltimore 7.5812628 164 94 7.5812628 164 94 Yent Place 2.0339147 371 95 Yent Place 2.119213 371 96 Yent Place 6.9051231 371 97 Yent Place 3.9450263 372 97 3.9450263 372 97 Rio Platano 2.9577837 162 98 2.9577837 162 98 Carrabelle 2.0339147 371 95 Carrabelle 2.119213 371 96 Carrabelle 6.9051231 371 97 Carrabelle 3.9450263 372 97 Carrabelle 12.016209 371 99 Carrabelle 3.9432097 372 99 Carrabelle 3.9479624 373 99 3.9479624 373 99 Huarta 2.9577837 162 98 2.9577837 162 98 Lanark Village 2.119213 371 96 Lanark Village 6.9051231 371 97 Lanark Village 3.9450263 372 97 Lanark Village 12.016209 371 99 Lanark Village 3.9432097 372 99 Lanark Village 3.9479624 373 99 3.9479624 373 99 Big Blackjack Landing 3.9450263 372 97 Big Blackjack Landing 3.9432097 372 99 Big Blackjack Landing 3.9479624 373 99 3.9479624 373 99 Tusi Cocal 2.9577837 162 98 2.9577837 162 98 Mocobila 2.9577837 162 98 2.9577837 162 98 Surf 3.9479624 373 99 Surf 2.1113907 373 101 Surf 3.9376516 373 103 Surf 3.9704297 374 103 Surf 3.024295 375 103 Surf 2.0398238 376 103 2.0398238 376 103 Panacea 3.9479624 373 99 Panacea 2.1113907 373 101 Panacea 3.9376516 373 103 Panacea 3.9704297 374 103 Panacea 3.024295 375 103 Panacea 2.0398238 376 103 2.0398238 376 103 Medart 3.9704297 374 103 Medart 3.024295 375 103 Medart 2.0398238 376 103 2.0398238 376 103 Sun N Sand Beaches 3.9432097 372 99 Sun N Sand Beaches 3.9479624 373 99 Sun N Sand Beaches 2.1113907 373 101 Sun N Sand Beaches 6.8822001 372 102 Sun N Sand Beaches 10.023959 372 103 Sun N Sand Beaches 3.9376516 373 103 Sun N Sand Beaches 3.9704297 374 103 Sun N Sand Beaches 3.024295 375 103 Sun N Sand Beaches 2.0398238 376 103 2.0398238 376 103 Skipper 3.9704297 374 103 Skipper 3.024295 375 103 Skipper 2.0398238 376 103 2.0398238 376 103 Live Oak Island 3.9704297 374 103 Live Oak Island 3.024295 375 103 Live Oak Island 2.0398238 376 103 Live Oak Island 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Hyde Park 3.024295 375 103 Hyde Park 2.0398238 376 103 Hyde Park 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Wakulla Beach 3.9704297 374 103 Wakulla Beach 3.024295 375 103 Wakulla Beach 2.0398238 376 103 Wakulla Beach 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Saint Marks 3.024295 375 103 Saint Marks 2.0398238 376 103 Saint Marks 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Port Leon 3.024295 375 103 Port Leon 2.0398238 376 103 Port Leon 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Newport 2.0398238 376 103 Newport 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Plum Orchard 3.024295 375 103 Plum Orchard 2.0398238 376 103 Plum Orchard 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Claura 17.60818 160 106 Claura 2.2549714 161 106 Claura 6.7702075 157 107 Claura 21.877464 159 107 Claura 2.1430217 158 108 2.1430217 158 108 Patlaya 4.0328623 156 106 4.0328623 156 106 Mandalay 3.0051474 375 105 Mandalay 2.3707577 376 105 2.3707577 376 105 Uhi 4.0328623 156 106 4.0328623 156 106 Barra del Rio Maiz 4.0510696 95 109 4.0510696 95 109 Amerisco 4.0510696 95 109 4.0510696 95 109 Pusuaya 3.8229321 156 107 Pusuaya 2.1430217 158 108 2.1430217 158 108 Buena Vista 19.729284 92 110 19.729284 92 110 Yahurabila 6.9576832 156 108 Yahurabila 2.1430217 158 108 2.1430217 158 108 Barra Punta Gorda 9.0883758 96 110 Barra Punta Gorda 6.0392818 98 111 6.0392818 98 111 Fruta de Pan 27.902748 91 111 27.902748 91 111 Barra de Caratasca 2.0708653 155 109 Barra de Caratasca 2.0344973 154 112 2.0344973 154 112 America 27.902748 91 111 27.902748 91 111 Kukra Hill 12.924924 105 112 Kukra Hill 4.9027765 108 112 Kukra Hill 10.002603 109 113 10.002603 109 113 El Bluff 8.9509929 103 112 El Bluff 12.923707 104 112 12.923707 104 112 Kaski 5.9880266 155 110 Kaski 7.9772983 154 111 Kaski 2.0344973 154 112 Kaski 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Haulover 4.9027765 108 112 Haulover 10.002603 109 113 Haulover 3.0208561 110 113 3.0208561 110 113 Laguna de Perlas 4.9027765 108 112 Laguna de Perlas 10.002603 109 113 Laguna de Perlas 3.0208561 110 113 3.0208561 110 113 Monkey Point 11.098847 97 111 Monkey Point 6.0392818 98 111 6.0392818 98 111 Dapat 7.9772983 154 111 Dapat 2.0344973 154 112 Dapat 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Dekle Beach 7.0215238 371 111 Dekle Beach 4.9739704 372 111 Dekle Beach 2.0001172 373 111 2.0001172 373 111 Keaton Beach 7.9718304 370 111 Keaton Beach 7.0215238 371 111 Keaton Beach 4.9739704 372 111 Keaton Beach 2.0001172 373 111 2.0001172 373 111 Barra 38.930854 86 114 Barra 46.457384 87 114 Barra 65.868549 88 114 65.868549 88 114 Colorado 38.930854 86 114 Colorado 46.457384 87 114 Colorado 65.868549 88 114 65.868549 88 114 Wankluma 6.9172523 121 114 Wankluma 2.9535196 123 114 2.9535196 123 114 Cauauira 7.9772983 154 111 Cauauira 2.0344973 154 112 Cauauira 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Tahuantla 14.993415 124 114 14.993415 124 114 Puerto Isabel 2.9535196 123 114 2.9535196 123 114 Fish Creek 7.9718304 370 111 Fish Creek 7.0215238 371 111 Fish Creek 4.9739704 372 111 Fish Creek 2.0001172 373 111 2.0001172 373 111 Hualpasika 13.951733 125 114 Hualpasika 12.94569 126 114 Hualpasika 6.8499676 127 114 6.8499676 127 114 Tasbapauni 2.8058528 115 113 Tasbapauni 6.1077266 116 113 6.1077266 116 113 Wounta 12.94569 126 114 Wounta 6.8499676 127 114 Wounta 19.007946 130 115 19.007946 130 115 Sandy Bay Sirpi 6.9172523 121 114 6.9172523 121 114 Barra de Rio Grande 6.9172523 121 114 6.9172523 121 114 Tay Lirila 2.0344973 154 112 Tay Lirila 12.247843 155 114 12.247843 155 114 Coco Haulover 17.997542 128 115 Coco Haulover 19.011486 129 115 Coco Haulover 19.007946 130 115 19.007946 130 115 Tortuguero 27.713966 84 115 Tortuguero 32.14597 85 115 Tortuguero 46.532964 82 116 Tortuguero 65.482763 83 116 65.482763 83 116 Set Net 3.0208561 110 113 Set Net 2.0427294 114 114 2.0427294 114 114 Dallus Creek Landing 5.9760805 369 113 Dallus Creek Landing 2.9719404 370 113 Dallus Creek Landing 2.0002292 371 113 Dallus Creek Landing 3.0349556 370 114 Dallus Creek Landing 3.0482382 369 115 3.0482382 369 115 Karata 32.14169 132 115 Karata 4.8145759 135 116 4.8145759 135 116 Huahua 20.00359 131 115 Huahua 4.8145759 135 116 4.8145759 135 116 Canco 12.247843 155 114 Canco 2.8246277 153 117 2.8246277 153 117 Siete 46.532964 82 116 Siete 65.482763 83 116 65.482763 83 116 Barra Kruta 12.247843 155 114 Barra Kruta 2.8246277 153 117 2.8246277 153 117 Lama Laya 36.177144 133 116 Lama Laya 4.8145759 135 116 4.8145759 135 116 Suerre 63.203515 81 117 Suerre 331.52961 81 118 331.52961 81 118 Steinhatchee 4.9885289 368 114 Steinhatchee 4.0594644 369 114 Steinhatchee 3.0349556 370 114 Steinhatchee 3.0482382 369 115 3.0482382 369 115 Jaloba 46.532964 82 116 46.532964 82 116 Aguas Claras 7.0706915 259 118 Aguas Claras 11.727225 260 118 11.727225 260 118 Puerto Cabezas 36.177144 133 116 Puerto Cabezas 4.8145759 135 116 4.8145759 135 116 Jena 4.9885289 368 114 Jena 4.0594644 369 114 Jena 3.0349556 370 114 Jena 3.0482382 369 115 3.0482382 369 115 Kanko 12.247843 155 114 Kanko 2.8246277 153 117 2.8246277 153 117 Parismina 63.203515 81 117 Parismina 331.52961 81 118 Parismina 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 San Rafael 101.45476 80 118 San Rafael 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Tuapi 30.983537 134 116 Tuapi 4.8145759 135 116 4.8145759 135 116 Goschen 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Berta 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Crucira 4.8145759 135 116 4.8145759 135 116 Raya 2.8246277 153 117 2.8246277 153 117 Horseshoe Beach 6.0074898 364 116 Horseshoe Beach 3.0068964 365 116 Horseshoe Beach 2.0074406 366 116 Horseshoe Beach 2.9821477 365 117 Horseshoe Beach 2.0000059 366 117 Horseshoe Beach 2.0015254 364 119 Horseshoe Beach 2.0035929 364 120 2.0035929 364 120 Almacen 7.0706915 259 118 Almacen 11.727225 260 118 11.727225 260 118 Ninayeri 4.1900277 144 118 Ninayeri 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Ledakura 4.1900277 144 118 Ledakura 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Clubki 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Cabo Gracias Viejo 7.0060431 147 118 Cabo Gracias Viejo 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Graytown 4.1900277 144 118 Graytown 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Hilda 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Awastara 6.9157679 139 119 Awastara 2.6980084 140 119 2.6980084 140 119 Irlaya 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Barmouth Oeste 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Shired Island 4.0030722 364 117 Shired Island 2.9821477 365 117 Shired Island 2.0000059 366 117 Shired Island 2.0015254 364 119 Shired Island 2.0035929 364 120 2.0035929 364 120 Catorce Millas 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Cabo Gracias a Dios 3.8170593 148 118 3.8170593 148 118 Doce Millas 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Guasimal 7.0706915 259 118 Guasimal 11.727225 260 118 Guasimal 5.4639359 261 121 Guasimal 6.7484584 262 121 6.7484584 262 121 Rio Madre 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Nueve Millas 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Suwannee 3.0176862 363 118 Suwannee 2.9990327 363 119 Suwannee 2.0015254 364 119 Suwannee 2.0035929 364 120 2.0035929 364 120 Cocal 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Sandoval 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Buenos Aires 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Portete 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Nueva Castle 13.999784 76 120 13.999784 76 120 Cedar Key 8.0192113 360 119 Cedar Key 4.9889807 361 119 Cedar Key 3.9940954 362 119 Cedar Key 2.9990327 363 119 Cedar Key 2.0015254 364 119 Cedar Key 2.0035929 364 120 Cedar Key 2.092477 362 121 Cedar Key 4.0018102 360 122 Cedar Key 2.9995698 360 123 2.9995698 360 123 Pueblo Nuevo 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Corn Island 43.054608 105 119 Corn Island 29.200547 106 119 Corn Island 29.880148 107 119 Corn Island 28.101954 108 119 Corn Island 21.99478 109 119 21.99478 109 119 Beverly 13.999784 76 120 13.999784 76 120 Puerto Limon 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Cieneguita 13.683962 77 119 13.683962 77 119 Bolivia 93.423201 75 122 Bolivia 582.98175 75 124 582.98175 75 124 San Andres 93.423201 75 122 San Andres 582.98175 75 124 582.98175 75 124 Sumner 5.033089 361 120 Sumner 2.0184048 362 120 Sumner 2.0035929 364 120 Sumner 2.092477 362 121 Sumner 2.0075724 362 124 2.0075724 362 124 San Clemente 51.098394 74 123 San Clemente 51.676032 73 124 San Clemente 156.4152 74 124 San Clemente 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Bonifacio 51.098394 74 123 Bonifacio 51.676032 73 124 Bonifacio 156.4152 74 124 Bonifacio 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Penhurst 51.098394 74 123 Penhurst 51.676032 73 124 Penhurst 156.4152 74 124 Penhurst 45.934385 72 125 45.934385 72 125 Cahuita 51.676032 73 124 Cahuita 45.934385 72 125 Cahuita 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Indian Shores 13.099778 341 122 Indian Shores 10.054651 342 122 Indian Shores 9.083567 343 122 Indian Shores 11.036551 344 122 Indian Shores 10.966082 345 122 Indian Shores 9.0191051 345 123 Indian Shores 6.0462917 345 124 Indian Shores 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 Indian Rocks Beach 13.099778 341 122 Indian Rocks Beach 10.054651 342 122 Indian Rocks Beach 9.083567 343 122 Indian Rocks Beach 11.036551 344 122 Indian Rocks Beach 10.966082 345 122 Indian Rocks Beach 9.0191051 345 123 Indian Rocks Beach 6.0462917 345 124 Indian Rocks Beach 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 Belleair Beach 10.054651 342 122 Belleair Beach 9.083567 343 122 Belleair Beach 11.036551 344 122 Belleair Beach 10.966082 345 122 Belleair Beach 9.964911 346 122 Belleair Beach 8.0200994 346 123 Belleair Beach 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 Redington Shores 14.039703 340 122 Redington Shores 13.099778 341 122 Redington Shores 10.054651 342 122 Redington Shores 9.083567 343 122 Redington Shores 11.036551 344 122 Redington Shores 6.900832 344 123 Redington Shores 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Harbor Bluffs 9.9716339 341 123 Harbor Bluffs 8.0748578 342 123 Harbor Bluffs 6.1367691 343 123 Harbor Bluffs 6.900832 344 123 Harbor Bluffs 9.0191051 345 123 Harbor Bluffs 6.0462917 345 124 Harbor Bluffs 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 North Redington Beach 9.9655929 340 123 North Redington Beach 9.9716339 341 123 North Redington Beach 8.0748578 342 123 North Redington Beach 6.1367691 343 123 North Redington Beach 6.900832 344 123 North Redington Beach 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Comadre 51.676032 73 124 Comadre 45.934385 72 125 Comadre 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Belleair Bluffs 8.0748578 342 123 Belleair Bluffs 6.1367691 343 123 Belleair Bluffs 6.900832 344 123 Belleair Bluffs 9.0191051 345 123 Belleair Bluffs 8.0200994 346 123 Belleair Bluffs 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 Belleair 8.0748578 342 123 Belleair 6.1367691 343 123 Belleair 6.900832 344 123 Belleair 9.0191051 345 123 Belleair 8.0200994 346 123 Belleair 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 Redington Beach 9.9655929 340 123 Redington Beach 9.9716339 341 123 Redington Beach 8.0748578 342 123 Redington Beach 6.1367691 343 123 Redington Beach 6.900832 344 123 Redington Beach 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Catarata 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Baskin 9.9716339 341 123 Baskin 8.0748578 342 123 Baskin 6.1367691 343 123 Baskin 6.900832 344 123 Baskin 9.0191051 345 123 Baskin 6.0462917 345 124 Baskin 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 Patino 45.934385 72 125 Patino 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Hone Creek 45.934385 72 125 Hone Creek 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Oakhurst Shores 9.9655929 340 123 Oakhurst Shores 9.9716339 341 123 Oakhurst Shores 8.0748578 342 123 Oakhurst Shores 6.1367691 343 123 Oakhurst Shores 6.900832 344 123 Oakhurst Shores 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Nueva Gerona 2.0143817 253 127 2.0143817 253 127 Olivia 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Walsingham 9.9716339 341 123 Walsingham 8.0748578 342 123 Walsingham 6.1367691 343 123 Walsingham 6.900832 344 123 Walsingham 9.0191051 345 123 Walsingham 6.0462917 345 124 Walsingham 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 Madeira Beach 9.9655929 340 123 Madeira Beach 9.9716339 341 123 Madeira Beach 8.0748578 342 123 Madeira Beach 6.1367691 343 123 Madeira Beach 6.900832 344 123 Madeira Beach 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Hotel Creek 45.934385 72 125 Hotel Creek 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Seminole 9.9655929 340 123 Seminole 9.9716339 341 123 Seminole 8.0748578 342 123 Seminole 6.1367691 343 123 Seminole 6.900832 344 123 Seminole 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Largo 9.9716339 341 123 Largo 8.0748578 342 123 Largo 6.1367691 343 123 Largo 6.900832 344 123 Largo 9.0191051 345 123 Largo 6.0462917 345 124 Largo 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 Anclote 9.0191051 345 123 Anclote 8.0200994 346 123 Anclote 6.9460425 347 123 Anclote 6.005362 348 123 Anclote 5.0319274 349 123 Anclote 2.0297294 349 124 Anclote 2.0000213 349 125 2.0000213 349 125 Crystal Beach 6.900832 344 123 Crystal Beach 9.0191051 345 123 Crystal Beach 8.0200994 346 123 Crystal Beach 6.9460425 347 123 Crystal Beach 6.005362 348 123 Crystal Beach 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Clearwater 8.0748578 342 123 Clearwater 6.1367691 343 123 Clearwater 6.900832 344 123 Clearwater 9.0191051 345 123 Clearwater 8.0200994 346 123 Clearwater 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 Ozona 6.900832 344 123 Ozona 9.0191051 345 123 Ozona 8.0200994 346 123 Ozona 6.9460425 347 123 Ozona 6.005362 348 123 Ozona 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Bay Pines 9.9655929 340 123 Bay Pines 9.9716339 341 123 Bay Pines 8.0748578 342 123 Bay Pines 6.1367691 343 123 Bay Pines 6.900832 344 123 Bay Pines 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Majana 5.309207 263 124 5.309207 263 124 Dunedin 6.1367691 343 123 Dunedin 6.900832 344 123 Dunedin 9.0191051 345 123 Dunedin 8.0200994 346 123 Dunedin 6.9460425 347 123 Dunedin 2.0366123 347 124 Dunedin 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Treasure Island 11.121159 339 123 Treasure Island 9.9655929 340 123 Treasure Island 9.9716339 341 123 Treasure Island 8.0748578 342 123 Treasure Island 6.1367691 343 123 Treasure Island 4.0692761 343 124 4.0692761 343 124 Cove Springs 9.0191051 345 123 Cove Springs 8.0200994 346 123 Cove Springs 6.9460425 347 123 Cove Springs 6.005362 348 123 Cove Springs 5.0319274 349 123 Cove Springs 2.0297294 349 124 Cove Springs 2.0000213 349 125 2.0000213 349 125 Palm Harbor 6.900832 344 123 Palm Harbor 9.0191051 345 123 Palm Harbor 8.0200994 346 123 Palm Harbor 6.9460425 347 123 Palm Harbor 6.005362 348 123 Palm Harbor 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Presidio Modelo 2.0143817 253 127 2.0143817 253 127 Port Inglis 2.0192626 358 124 Port Inglis 3.006288 359 124 Port Inglis 2.0075724 362 124 2.0075724 362 124 Tarpon Springs 6.0462917 345 124 Tarpon Springs 4.0308671 346 124 Tarpon Springs 2.0366123 347 124 Tarpon Springs 2.0297294 349 124 Tarpon Springs 2.0000213 349 125 2.0000213 349 125 The Jungle 8.9878049 340 124 The Jungle 7.0121209 341 124 The Jungle 5.0184445 342 124 The Jungle 4.0692761 343 124 The Jungle 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Cocles 45.934385 72 125 Cocles 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Beacon Square 4.0308671 346 124 Beacon Square 2.0366123 347 124 Beacon Square 2.0297294 349 124 Beacon Square 2.9843296 350 124 2.9843296 350 124 Puerto Viejo 45.934385 72 125 Puerto Viejo 113.41439 71 126 113.41439 71 126 Yankeetown 2.0192626 358 124 Yankeetown 3.006288 359 124 Yankeetown 2.0075724 362 124 2.0075724 362 124 Gulf Harbors 4.0308671 346 124 Gulf Harbors 2.0366123 347 124 Gulf Harbors 2.0297294 349 124 Gulf Harbors 2.9843296 350 124 2.9843296 350 124 Bahia Shores 9.0740463 339 124 Bahia Shores 8.9878049 340 124 Bahia Shores 7.0121209 341 124 Bahia Shores 5.0184445 342 124 Bahia Shores 4.0692761 343 124 Bahia Shores 2.9062878 341 128 2.9062878 341 128 Curlew 5.0033204 344 124 Curlew 6.0462917 345 124 Curlew 4.0308671 346 124 Curlew 2.0366123 347 124 Curlew 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Holiday 4.0308671 346 124 Holiday 2.0366123 347 124 Holiday 2.0297294 349 124 Holiday 2.9843296 350 124 2.9843296 350 124 Mecca 4.0692761 343 124 Mecca 5.0033204 344 124 Mecca 6.0462917 345 124 Mecca 4.0308671 346 124 Mecca 2.0366123 347 124 Mecca 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Coachman 5.0184445 342 124 Coachman 4.0692761 343 124 Coachman 5.0033204 344 124 Coachman 6.0462917 345 124 Coachman 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 New Port Richey 2.0366123 347 124 New Port Richey 2.0297294 349 124 New Port Richey 2.9843296 350 124 New Port Richey 3.9905846 351 124 New Port Richey 2.0000996 351 125 New Port Richey 2.0003606 351 126 2.0003606 351 126 Saint Petersburg Beach 9.0740463 339 124 Saint Petersburg Beach 8.9878049 340 124 Saint Petersburg Beach 7.0121209 341 124 Saint Petersburg Beach 5.0184445 342 124 Saint Petersburg Beach 4.0692761 343 124 Saint Petersburg Beach 2.9062878 341 128 2.9062878 341 128 Fort De Soto 10.979921 337 124 Fort De Soto 10.889523 338 124 Fort De Soto 9.0740463 339 124 Fort De Soto 8.9878049 340 124 Fort De Soto 7.0121209 341 124 Fort De Soto 5.9865411 341 125 Fort De Soto 2.0034694 339 128 Fort De Soto 7.0806698 340 128 Fort De Soto 2.9062878 341 128 2.9062878 341 128 Lake Shore Estates 5.0033204 344 124 Lake Shore Estates 6.0462917 345 124 Lake Shore Estates 4.0308671 346 124 Lake Shore Estates 2.0366123 347 124 Lake Shore Estates 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Cross Bayou 7.0121209 341 124 Cross Bayou 5.0184445 342 124 Cross Bayou 4.0692761 343 124 Cross Bayou 5.0033204 344 124 Cross Bayou 6.0462917 345 124 Cross Bayou 2.2129517 345 125 2.2129517 345 125 Anna Maria 12.991109 336 124 Anna Maria 10.979921 337 124 Anna Maria 10.889523 338 124 Anna Maria 9.0740463 339 124 Anna Maria 8.9878049 340 124 Anna Maria 7.0048563 340 125 Anna Maria 5.9376953 339 127 Anna Maria 2.0416405 340 127 Anna Maria 2.0034694 339 128 Anna Maria 7.0806698 340 128 7.0806698 340 128 Pasadena 9.0740463 339 124 Pasadena 8.9878049 340 124 Pasadena 7.0121209 341 124 Pasadena 5.0184445 342 124 Pasadena 4.0692761 343 124 Pasadena 2.9062878 341 128 2.9062878 341 128 Tierra Verde 10.889523 338 124 Tierra Verde 9.0740463 339 124 Tierra Verde 8.9878049 340 124 Tierra Verde 7.0121209 341 124 Tierra Verde 5.0184445 342 124 Tierra Verde 2.0034694 339 128 Tierra Verde 7.0806698 340 128 Tierra Verde 2.9062878 341 128 2.9062878 341 128 Elfers 4.0308671 346 124 Elfers 2.0366123 347 124 Elfers 2.0297294 349 124 Elfers 2.9843296 350 124 2.9843296 350 124 Holmes Beach 12.991109 336 124 Holmes Beach 10.979921 337 124 Holmes Beach 10.889523 338 124 Holmes Beach 9.0740463 339 124 Holmes Beach 11.037977 339 125 Holmes Beach 8.5416132 339 126 Holmes Beach 5.9376953 339 127 Holmes Beach 2.0034694 339 128 2.0034694 339 128 Kenneth City 8.9878049 340 124 Kenneth City 7.0121209 341 124 Kenneth City 5.0184445 342 124 Kenneth City 4.0692761 343 124 Kenneth City 5.0033204 344 124 5.0033204 344 124 Highpoint 5.0184445 342 124 Highpoint 4.0692761 343 124 Highpoint 5.0033204 344 124 Highpoint 6.0462917 345 124 Highpoint 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 Bayview 5.0184445 342 124 Bayview 4.0692761 343 124 Bayview 5.0033204 344 124 Bayview 6.0462917 345 124 Bayview 4.0308671 346 124 4.0308671 346 124 Gulfport 9.0740463 339 124 Gulfport 8.9878049 340 124 Gulfport 7.0121209 341 124 Gulfport 5.0184445 342 124 Gulfport 4.0692761 343 124 Gulfport 2.9062878 341 128 2.9062878 341 128 Dellwood 4.0692761 343 124 Dellwood 5.0033204 344 124 Dellwood 6.0462917 345 124 Dellwood 4.0308671 346 124 Dellwood 2.0366123 347 124 Dellwood 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Ilexhurst 12.991109 336 124 Ilexhurst 10.979921 337 124 Ilexhurst 10.889523 338 124 Ilexhurst 9.0740463 339 124 Ilexhurst 11.037977 339 125 Ilexhurst 8.5416132 339 126 Ilexhurst 5.9376953 339 127 Ilexhurst 2.0034694 339 128 2.0034694 339 128 Hudson 2.0297294 349 124 Hudson 2.9843296 350 124 Hudson 3.9905846 351 124 Hudson 2.9719082 352 124 Hudson 2.0000996 351 125 Hudson 2.0003606 351 126 2.0003606 351 126 Bridgeport 4.0692761 343 124 Bridgeport 5.0033204 344 124 Bridgeport 6.0462917 345 124 Bridgeport 4.0308671 346 124 Bridgeport 2.0366123 347 124 Bridgeport 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Safety Harbor 4.0692761 343 124 Safety Harbor 5.0033204 344 124 Safety Harbor 6.0462917 345 124 Safety Harbor 4.0308671 346 124 Safety Harbor 2.0366123 347 124 Safety Harbor 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 New Port Richey East 2.1381384 347 125 New Port Richey East 2.0000213 349 125 New Port Richey East 2.0000996 351 125 New Port Richey East 2.0003606 351 126 2.0003606 351 126 Suprimir Nombre Lugar 45.934385 72 125 Suprimir Nombre Lugar 113.41439 71 126 Suprimir Nombre Lugar 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Saint Petersburg 11.037977 339 125 Saint Petersburg 7.0048563 340 125 Saint Petersburg 5.9865411 341 125 Saint Petersburg 2.0034694 339 128 Saint Petersburg 7.0806698 340 128 Saint Petersburg 2.9062878 341 128 Saint Petersburg 4.0457776 341 129 Saint Petersburg 3.1145943 342 129 3.1145943 342 129 Jasmine Estates 2.1381384 347 125 Jasmine Estates 2.0000213 349 125 Jasmine Estates 2.0000996 351 125 Jasmine Estates 2.0003606 351 126 2.0003606 351 126 Bayway 11.037977 339 125 Bayway 7.0048563 340 125 Bayway 5.9865411 341 125 Bayway 2.0034694 339 128 Bayway 7.0806698 340 128 Bayway 2.9062878 341 128 Bayway 4.0457776 341 129 Bayway 3.1145943 342 129 3.1145943 342 129 Bayonet Point 2.0000213 349 125 Bayonet Point 2.0000996 351 125 Bayonet Point 2.0003606 351 126 2.0003606 351 126 Longbeach 12.08649 335 125 Longbeach 12.066684 336 125 Longbeach 9.0447328 337 125 Longbeach 5.2031983 338 125 Longbeach 4.0019432 338 126 Longbeach 2.8779331 338 127 Longbeach 2.0022239 338 128 2.0022239 338 128 Oldsmar 2.2129517 345 125 Oldsmar 2.1381384 347 125 2.1381384 347 125 Cortez 12.08649 335 125 Cortez 12.066684 336 125 Cortez 9.0447328 337 125 Cortez 5.2031983 338 125 Cortez 11.037977 339 125 Cortez 8.5416132 339 126 Cortez 5.9376953 339 127 Cortez 2.0034694 339 128 2.0034694 339 128 Hernando Beach 2.0000213 349 125 Hernando Beach 2.0000996 351 125 Hernando Beach 2.0003606 351 126 Hernando Beach 2.0000018 353 126 Hernando Beach 2.1354198 353 127 2.1354198 353 127 Lakewood Estates 11.037977 339 125 Lakewood Estates 7.0048563 340 125 Lakewood Estates 5.9865411 341 125 Lakewood Estates 2.0034694 339 128 Lakewood Estates 7.0806698 340 128 Lakewood Estates 2.9062878 341 128 Lakewood Estates 4.0457776 341 129 Lakewood Estates 3.1145943 342 129 3.1145943 342 129 Aripeka 2.0000213 349 125 Aripeka 2.0000996 351 125 Aripeka 2.0003606 351 126 Aripeka 2.0000018 353 126 Aripeka 2.1354198 353 127 2.1354198 353 127 Feather Sound 5.9865411 341 125 Feather Sound 2.2129517 345 125 Feather Sound 3.1145943 342 129 3.1145943 342 129 Guanimar 9.2077015 264 125 9.2077015 264 125 Ozello 2.0000004 355 125 Ozello 2.0000019 357 125 Ozello 2.0006529 358 125 Ozello 2.0040147 359 125 2.0040147 359 125 Lugar Manzanillo 113.41439 71 126 Lugar Manzanillo 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Santa Fe 3.8424895 252 128 3.8424895 252 128 Manzanillo 113.41439 71 126 Manzanillo 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Weeki Wachee Gardens 2.0000996 351 125 Weeki Wachee Gardens 2.0000004 355 125 Weeki Wachee Gardens 2.0000019 354 126 Weeki Wachee Gardens 2.0000025 355 126 Weeki Wachee Gardens 2.069185 354 127 Weeki Wachee Gardens 2.0696028 355 127 2.0696028 355 127 Bayport 2.0000996 351 125 Bayport 2.0000004 355 125 Bayport 2.0000019 354 126 Bayport 2.0000025 355 126 Bayport 2.069185 354 127 Bayport 2.0696028 355 127 2.0696028 355 127 Rio Vista 7.0048563 340 125 Rio Vista 5.9865411 341 125 Rio Vista 7.0806698 340 128 Rio Vista 2.9062878 341 128 Rio Vista 4.0457776 341 129 Rio Vista 3.1145943 342 129 3.1145943 342 129 Longboat Key 12.08649 335 125 Longboat Key 12.066684 336 125 Longboat Key 9.0447328 337 125 Longboat Key 5.2031983 338 125 Longboat Key 4.0019432 338 126 Longboat Key 2.8779331 338 127 Longboat Key 2.0022239 338 128 2.0022239 338 128 Palma Sola 12.066684 336 125 Palma Sola 9.0447328 337 125 Palma Sola 5.2031983 338 125 Palma Sola 11.037977 339 125 Palma Sola 7.0048563 340 125 Palma Sola 5.9376953 339 127 Palma Sola 2.0416405 340 127 Palma Sola 2.0034694 339 128 Palma Sola 7.0806698 340 128 7.0806698 340 128 Mata Limon 59.525805 70 127 Mata Limon 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Homosassa 2.0000025 355 126 Homosassa 2.0730772 357 126 2.0730772 357 126 West Bradenton 11.029217 335 126 West Bradenton 7.9736135 336 126 West Bradenton 7.0615781 337 126 West Bradenton 4.0019432 338 126 West Bradenton 8.5416132 339 126 West Bradenton 5.9376953 339 127 West Bradenton 2.0034694 339 128 2.0034694 339 128 Terra Mana 7.9736135 336 126 Terra Mana 7.0615781 337 126 Terra Mana 4.0019432 338 126 Terra Mana 8.5416132 339 126 Terra Mana 5.9376953 339 127 Terra Mana 2.0416405 340 127 Terra Mana 2.0034694 339 128 Terra Mana 7.0806698 340 128 7.0806698 340 128 Shore Acres 2.0416405 340 127 Shore Acres 7.0806698 340 128 Shore Acres 2.9062878 341 128 Shore Acres 4.0457776 341 129 Shore Acres 3.1145943 342 129 Shore Acres 2.0451771 342 130 Shore Acres 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Crystal River 2.0730772 357 126 2.0730772 357 126 Paradise Point 2.0730772 357 126 2.0730772 357 126 Finca Buena Fe 59.525805 70 127 Finca Buena Fe 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Guabito 59.525805 70 127 Guabito 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 California 59.525805 70 127 California 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Cutlers 2.0730772 357 126 2.0730772 357 126 South Bradenton 11.029217 335 126 South Bradenton 7.9736135 336 126 South Bradenton 7.0615781 337 126 South Bradenton 4.0019432 338 126 South Bradenton 8.5416132 339 126 South Bradenton 5.9376953 339 127 South Bradenton 2.0034694 339 128 2.0034694 339 128 Terra Ceia 7.0615781 337 126 Terra Ceia 4.0019432 338 126 Terra Ceia 8.5416132 339 126 Terra Ceia 5.9376953 339 127 Terra Ceia 2.0416405 340 127 Terra Ceia 2.0034694 339 128 Terra Ceia 7.0806698 340 128 Terra Ceia 2.9062878 341 128 Terra Ceia 4.0457776 341 129 4.0457776 341 129 Bayshore Gardens 12.943032 334 126 Bayshore Gardens 11.029217 335 126 Bayshore Gardens 7.9736135 336 126 Bayshore Gardens 7.0615781 337 126 Bayshore Gardens 4.0019432 338 126 Bayshore Gardens 2.8779331 338 127 Bayshore Gardens 2.0022239 338 128 2.0022239 338 128 Town 'n' Country 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Bradenton 7.9736135 336 126 Bradenton 7.0615781 337 126 Bradenton 4.0019432 338 126 Bradenton 8.5416132 339 126 Bradenton 5.9376953 339 127 Bradenton 2.0416405 340 127 Bradenton 2.0034694 339 128 Bradenton 7.0806698 340 128 7.0806698 340 128 Chassahowitzka 2.0000019 354 126 Chassahowitzka 2.0000025 355 126 Chassahowitzka 2.0730772 357 126 2.0730772 357 126 Palmetto 7.9736135 336 126 Palmetto 7.0615781 337 126 Palmetto 4.0019432 338 126 Palmetto 8.5416132 339 126 Palmetto 5.9376953 339 127 Palmetto 2.0416405 340 127 Palmetto 2.0034694 339 128 Palmetto 7.0806698 340 128 7.0806698 340 128 Whitfield 12.943032 334 126 Whitfield 11.029217 335 126 Whitfield 7.9736135 336 126 Whitfield 7.0615781 337 126 Whitfield 4.0019432 338 126 Whitfield 2.8779331 338 127 Whitfield 2.0022239 338 128 2.0022239 338 128 Sarasota Beach 10.077788 334 127 Sarasota Beach 9.014939 335 127 Sarasota Beach 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Memphis 2.8779331 338 127 Memphis 5.9376953 339 127 Memphis 2.0416405 340 127 Memphis 2.0034694 339 128 Memphis 7.0806698 340 128 7.0806698 340 128 Siesta 10.077788 334 127 Siesta 9.014939 335 127 Siesta 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 West Samoset 9.014939 335 127 West Samoset 2.8779331 338 127 West Samoset 5.9376953 339 127 West Samoset 2.0034694 339 128 2.0034694 339 128 Rubonia 2.8779331 338 127 Rubonia 5.9376953 339 127 Rubonia 2.0416405 340 127 Rubonia 2.0034694 339 128 Rubonia 7.0806698 340 128 Rubonia 2.9062878 341 128 Rubonia 4.0457776 341 129 4.0457776 341 129 Fort Lonely 2.8779331 338 127 Fort Lonely 5.9376953 339 127 Fort Lonely 2.0416405 340 127 Fort Lonely 2.0034694 339 128 Fort Lonely 7.0806698 340 128 Fort Lonely 2.9062878 341 128 Fort Lonely 4.0457776 341 129 Fort Lonely 3.1145943 342 129 Fort Lonely 2.0451771 342 130 2.0451771 342 130 Siesta Key 10.077788 334 127 Siesta Key 9.014939 335 127 Siesta Key 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Tallevast 10.077788 334 127 Tallevast 9.014939 335 127 Tallevast 2.8779331 338 127 Tallevast 2.0022239 338 128 2.0022239 338 128 Sarasota 10.077788 334 127 Sarasota 9.014939 335 127 Sarasota 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 South Sarasota 10.077788 334 127 South Sarasota 9.014939 335 127 South Sarasota 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Point O'Rocks 10.077788 334 127 Point O'Rocks 9.014939 335 127 Point O'Rocks 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Sunset Beach 3.1145943 342 129 Sunset Beach 2.0451771 342 130 Sunset Beach 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Gillette 2.8779331 338 127 Gillette 5.9376953 339 127 Gillette 2.0416405 340 127 Gillette 2.0034694 339 128 Gillette 7.0806698 340 128 Gillette 2.9062878 341 128 Gillette 4.0457776 341 129 4.0457776 341 129 North Sarasota 10.077788 334 127 North Sarasota 9.014939 335 127 North Sarasota 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Valroy 2.8779331 338 127 Valroy 5.9376953 339 127 Valroy 2.0416405 340 127 Valroy 2.0034694 339 128 Valroy 7.0806698 340 128 Valroy 2.9062878 341 128 Valroy 4.0457776 341 129 Valroy 3.1145943 342 129 Valroy 2.0451771 342 130 2.0451771 342 130 Ridge Wood Heights 10.077788 334 127 Ridge Wood Heights 9.014939 335 127 Ridge Wood Heights 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Southgate 10.077788 334 127 Southgate 9.014939 335 127 Southgate 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Gulf Gate Estates 10.077788 334 127 Gulf Gate Estates 9.014939 335 127 Gulf Gate Estates 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 South Gate Ridge 10.077788 334 127 South Gate Ridge 9.014939 335 127 South Gate Ridge 2.1161158 336 128 2.1161158 336 128 Vamo 10.077788 334 127 Vamo 9.014939 335 127 9.014939 335 127 Osprey 9.082859 334 128 9.082859 334 128 Changuinola 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Sun City 2.0022239 338 128 Sun City 2.0034694 339 128 Sun City 7.0806698 340 128 Sun City 2.9062878 341 128 Sun City 4.0457776 341 129 Sun City 3.1145943 342 129 Sun City 2.0451771 342 130 2.0451771 342 130 Finca 61 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Nokomis 9.082859 334 128 9.082859 334 128 Laurel 9.082859 334 128 9.082859 334 128 Gulf City 2.0022239 338 128 Gulf City 2.0034694 339 128 Gulf City 7.0806698 340 128 Gulf City 2.9062878 341 128 Gulf City 4.0457776 341 129 Gulf City 3.1145943 342 129 Gulf City 2.0451771 342 130 2.0451771 342 130 Puerta Ventura 34.114172 69 129 34.114172 69 129 Milla Cinco 20.748205 67 132 Milla Cinco 62.580292 67 133 62.580292 67 133 Apollo Beach 4.0457776 341 129 Apollo Beach 3.1145943 342 129 Apollo Beach 2.0451771 342 130 Apollo Beach 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Palm 3.1145943 342 129 Palm 2.0451771 342 130 Palm 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Adamsville 4.0457776 341 129 Adamsville 3.1145943 342 129 Adamsville 2.0451771 342 130 Adamsville 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Gibsonton 4.0457776 341 129 Gibsonton 3.1145943 342 129 Gibsonton 2.0451771 342 130 Gibsonton 2.0153372 343 130 2.0153372 343 130 Quebrada Pastores 28.259202 61 134 Quebrada Pastores 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Boca del Drago 32.121125 68 131 Boca del Drago 62.580292 67 133 62.580292 67 133 Ten Gat 28.259202 61 134 Ten Gat 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Ground Creek 32.121125 68 131 Ground Creek 62.580292 67 133 62.580292 67 133 Cano Claro 28.259202 61 134 Cano Claro 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Garza 28.259202 61 134 Garza 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Jack Point 2.8914509 62 134 Jack Point 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cerro Tapao 28.259202 61 134 Cerro Tapao 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Cilico Creek 28.259202 61 134 Cilico Creek 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Quebrada Marin 28.259202 61 134 Quebrada Marin 2.8914509 62 134 Quebrada Marin 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 El Bajo del Cedro 28.259202 61 134 El Bajo del Cedro 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Robalo 28.259202 61 134 Robalo 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 La Puerta del Diablo 28.259202 61 134 La Puerta del Diablo 2.8914509 62 134 La Puerta del Diablo 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Palma Real 28.259202 61 134 Palma Real 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 El Tapao 28.259202 61 134 El Tapao 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 El Bajo del Burro 28.259202 61 134 El Bajo del Burro 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Big Bight 32.121125 68 131 Big Bight 62.580292 67 133 Big Bight 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 La Gruta 32.121125 68 131 La Gruta 62.580292 67 133 La Gruta 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Isla Colon 32.121125 68 131 Isla Colon 62.580292 67 133 Isla Colon 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Lennond 20.748205 67 132 Lennond 62.580292 67 133 Lennond 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Botabite 2.8914509 62 134 Botabite 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Carretera Bocas 32.121125 68 131 Carretera Bocas 62.580292 67 133 Carretera Bocas 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cauchero 28.259202 61 134 Cauchero 2.8914509 62 134 Cauchero 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Miramar Arriba 28.259202 61 134 Miramar Arriba 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Bocas del Toro 20.748205 67 132 Bocas del Toro 62.580292 67 133 Bocas del Toro 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Big Creek 20.748205 67 132 Big Creek 62.580292 67 133 Big Creek 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Caremero 20.748205 67 132 Caremero 62.580292 67 133 Caremero 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Fish Creek 28.259202 61 134 Fish Creek 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 La Gloria 28.259202 61 134 La Gloria 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Solarte 20.748205 67 132 Solarte 62.580292 67 133 Solarte 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Aguacate 28.259202 61 134 Aguacate 2.8914509 62 134 Aguacate 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Bastimentos 20.748205 67 132 Bastimentos 62.580292 67 133 Bastimentos 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Short Cut 20.748205 67 132 Short Cut 62.580292 67 133 Short Cut 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Loma Partida 28.259202 61 134 Loma Partida 2.8914509 62 134 Loma Partida 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Jutica 20.748205 67 132 Jutica 62.580292 67 133 Jutica 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 New Guinea 62.580292 67 133 New Guinea 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cana Chiriquicito 28.259202 61 134 Cana Chiriquicito 2.8914509 62 134 2.8914509 62 134 Macca Bite 2.8914509 62 134 Macca Bite 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Crawl Cay 28.259202 61 134 Crawl Cay 2.8914509 62 134 Crawl Cay 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Quebrada del Bajo 28.259202 61 134 Quebrada del Bajo 23.268379 60 135 23.268379 60 135 Buena Vista 28.259202 61 134 Buena Vista 2.8914509 62 134 Buena Vista 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Punta Laurel 28.259202 61 134 Punta Laurel 2.8914509 62 134 Punta Laurel 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Cedar Creek 2.8914509 62 134 Cedar Creek 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Pine Island Center 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Alberrys Creek 2.8914509 62 134 Alberrys Creek 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Flamingo Bay 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Sanibel 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Mina de Carbon 28.259202 61 134 Mina de Carbon 2.8914509 62 134 Mina de Carbon 2.9804706 64 135 2.9804706 64 135 Saint James City 2.4986394 322 137 Saint James City 4.2297534 321 138 4.2297534 321 138 Matlacha 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Ybel 2.4986394 322 137 Ybel 4.2297534 321 138 4.2297534 321 138 Bella Vista 28.259202 61 134 Bella Vista 23.268379 60 135 23.268379 60 135 Fort Myers Beach 2.4986394 322 137 Fort Myers Beach 4.2297534 321 138 4.2297534 321 138 Boca de Daira 23.268379 60 135 Boca de Daira 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Punta Rassa 2.4986394 322 137 Punta Rassa 4.2297534 321 138 Punta Rassa 4.2707236 320 139 Punta Rassa 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Iona 2.4986394 322 137 Iona 4.2297534 321 138 Iona 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Harlem Heights 2.4986394 322 137 Harlem Heights 4.2297534 321 138 Harlem Heights 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Punta Sirain 32.00676 60 136 Punta Sirain 14.573558 60 138 Punta Sirain 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Boca de Cricamola 32.00676 60 136 Boca de Cricamola 14.573558 60 138 Boca de Cricamola 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Muturi 32.00676 60 136 Muturi 14.573558 60 138 Muturi 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 McGregor 2.4986394 322 137 McGregor 4.2297534 321 138 McGregor 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Playa Gallinazo 32.00676 60 136 Playa Gallinazo 14.573558 60 138 Playa Gallinazo 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Lochmoor Waterway Estates 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Playa Bugori 32.00676 60 136 Playa Bugori 14.573558 60 138 Playa Bugori 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Cypress Lake 2.4986394 322 137 Cypress Lake 4.2297534 321 138 Cypress Lake 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Biggar 2.4986394 322 137 Biggar 4.2297534 321 138 Biggar 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Cusapin 18.578917 61 137 Cusapin 6.0632176 61 138 6.0632176 61 138 Punta Avispa 32.645441 60 137 Punta Avispa 14.573558 60 138 Punta Avispa 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Whiskey Creek 2.4986394 322 137 Whiskey Creek 4.2297534 321 138 Whiskey Creek 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Pine Manor 2.4986394 322 137 Pine Manor 4.2297534 321 138 Pine Manor 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Villas 2.4986394 322 137 Villas 4.2297534 321 138 Villas 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Ensenada de Punta Avispa 32.645441 60 137 Ensenada de Punta Avispa 14.573558 60 138 Ensenada de Punta Avispa 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Forest Island Park 2.4986394 322 137 Forest Island Park 4.2297534 321 138 Forest Island Park 4.2707236 320 139 Forest Island Park 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Page Park 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Fort Myers Villas 2.4986394 322 137 Fort Myers Villas 4.2297534 321 138 Fort Myers Villas 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Fort Myers 2.4986394 322 137 2.4986394 322 137 Secretario 32.645441 60 137 Secretario 14.573558 60 138 Secretario 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Coconut 2.4986394 322 137 Coconut 4.2297534 321 138 Coconut 4.2707236 320 139 Coconut 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Tobobe 32.645441 60 137 Tobobe 14.573558 60 138 Tobobe 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Punta Nance 32.645441 60 137 Punta Nance 14.573558 60 138 Punta Nance 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Bonita Shores 4.2297534 321 138 Bonita Shores 4.2707236 320 139 Bonita Shores 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Playa Grande 14.573558 60 138 Playa Grande 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Estero 4.2297534 321 138 Estero 4.2707236 320 139 Estero 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Naples Park 4.2297534 321 138 Naples Park 4.2707236 320 139 Naples Park 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Gulf Harbor 4.2297534 321 138 Gulf Harbor 4.2707236 320 139 Gulf Harbor 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 North Naples 4.2707236 320 139 4.2707236 320 139 Pelican Bay 4.2707236 320 139 4.2707236 320 139 Council 4.2297534 321 138 Council 4.2707236 320 139 Council 2.1475735 321 139 2.1475735 321 139 Butchuqua 14.573558 60 138 Butchuqua 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Bogola 14.573558 60 138 Bogola 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Catavela 14.573558 60 138 Catavela 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Shark Hole Point 14.573558 60 138 Shark Hole Point 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Burari 14.573558 60 138 Burari 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Old Bess Point 14.573558 60 138 Old Bess Point 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Arreife Bruno 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Shell Island 2.2536835 313 143 2.2536835 313 143 Isles of Capri 2.2536835 313 143 2.2536835 313 143 Marco 2.2536835 313 143 2.2536835 313 143 Shingle Hill 1582.2502 111 139 1582.2502 111 139 Rio Canaveral 6.0038652 60 139 6.0038652 60 139 Alto Harmony Hall 1582.2502 111 139 1582.2502 111 139 Orange Hill 1582.2502 111 139 1582.2502 111 139 Hill Top 1582.2502 111 139 1582.2502 111 139 Slave Hill 1725.8687 112 139 1725.8687 112 139 Atto Harmony Hall 1582.2502 111 139 1582.2502 111 139 San Luis 1582.2502 111 139 1582.2502 111 139 Obrero 1725.8687 112 139 1725.8687 112 139 Old Marco Junction 2.2536835 313 143 2.2536835 313 143 Caxambas 2.2536835 313 143 2.2536835 313 143 Big Coppitt Key 12.59328 296 140 Big Coppitt Key 8.9199338 296 141 Big Coppitt Key 6.7759884 296 142 6.7759884 296 142 Goodland 2.2536835 313 143 2.2536835 313 143 Grocery Place 2.2536835 313 143 Grocery Place 2.3798705 312 145 2.3798705 312 145 Bay Point 8.9199338 296 141 Bay Point 6.7759884 296 142 6.7759884 296 142 Perky 8.9199338 296 141 Perky 13.27766 297 141 Perky 12.063301 297 142 Perky 8.9543656 297 143 Perky 6.8030947 297 144 6.8030947 297 144 Alligator Creek 54.375616 59 144 Alligator Creek 48.257226 58 145 48.257226 58 145 Dismal Key 2.2536835 313 143 Dismal Key 2.3798705 312 145 2.3798705 312 145 Pirates Cove 6.7759884 296 142 Pirates Cove 12.063301 297 142 Pirates Cove 8.9543656 297 143 Pirates Cove 6.8030947 297 144 6.8030947 297 144 Black Hammock 3.9841195 381 146 Black Hammock 3.7915207 382 146 Black Hammock 10.061979 383 146 Black Hammock 9.06725 384 146 Black Hammock 5.9651265 385 146 5.9651265 385 146 Back Landing 6.9268442 390 147 Back Landing 3.0511946 391 147 Back Landing 2.9525011 392 147 2.9525011 392 147 Dungeness 9.06725 384 146 Dungeness 5.9651265 385 146 Dungeness 7.851715 386 146 Dungeness 4.9211768 387 146 Dungeness 2.9493821 388 146 Dungeness 6.8529666 388 147 6.8529666 388 147 Stafford 5.9651265 385 146 Stafford 7.851715 386 146 Stafford 4.9211768 387 146 Stafford 2.9493821 388 146 Stafford 2.0102973 389 146 2.0102973 389 146 Greyfield 9.06725 384 146 Greyfield 5.9651265 385 146 Greyfield 7.851715 386 146 Greyfield 4.9211768 387 146 Greyfield 2.9493821 388 146 Greyfield 6.8529666 388 147 6.8529666 388 147 Amelia City 3.7915207 382 146 Amelia City 10.061979 383 146 Amelia City 9.06725 384 146 Amelia City 5.9651265 385 146 Amelia City 7.851715 386 146 7.851715 386 146 Fernandina Beach 10.061979 383 146 Fernandina Beach 9.06725 384 146 Fernandina Beach 5.9651265 385 146 Fernandina Beach 7.851715 386 146 Fernandina Beach 4.9211768 387 146 4.9211768 387 146 Cudjoe Key 8.9543656 297 143 Cudjoe Key 6.8030947 297 144 6.8030947 297 144 Franklintown 3.9841195 381 146 Franklintown 3.7915207 382 146 Franklintown 10.061979 383 146 Franklintown 9.06725 384 146 Franklintown 5.9651265 385 146 5.9651265 385 146 American Beach 3.9841195 381 146 American Beach 3.7915207 382 146 American Beach 10.061979 383 146 American Beach 9.06725 384 146 American Beach 5.9651265 385 146 5.9651265 385 146 Summerland Key 8.9543656 297 143 Summerland Key 6.8030947 297 144 6.8030947 297 144 Mayport 3.9841195 381 146 Mayport 3.7915207 382 146 Mayport 10.061979 383 146 10.061979 383 146 Isle of Palms 3.9841195 381 146 3.9841195 381 146 Oak Harbor 3.9841195 381 146 Oak Harbor 3.7915207 382 146 3.7915207 382 146 High Point 4.9211768 387 146 High Point 2.9493821 388 146 High Point 2.0102973 389 146 2.0102973 389 146 East Mayport 3.9841195 381 146 East Mayport 3.7915207 382 146 3.7915207 382 146 Epworth Acres 6.9268442 390 147 Epworth Acres 3.0511946 391 147 Epworth Acres 2.9525011 392 147 2.9525011 392 147 Palm Valley Landing 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Atlantic Beach 3.9841195 381 146 Atlantic Beach 3.7915207 382 146 3.7915207 382 146 Saint Simons 6.9268442 390 147 Saint Simons 3.0511946 391 147 Saint Simons 2.9525011 392 147 2.9525011 392 147 Jacksonville Beach 3.9841195 381 146 3.9841195 381 146 Everglades City 4.1247937 311 144 Everglades City 2.0230417 312 144 Everglades City 2.3798705 312 145 2.3798705 312 145 Palm Valley 12.976391 377 147 Palm Valley 16.137741 380 147 16.137741 380 147 Ponte Vedra Beach 12.976391 377 147 Ponte Vedra Beach 16.137741 380 147 16.137741 380 147 Aguadulce 1137.9772 123 144 Aguadulce 1227.4821 124 144 Aguadulce 1564.5538 125 144 Aguadulce 2277.311 126 144 Aguadulce 534.22487 125 145 Aguadulce 49.511837 126 147 49.511837 126 147 The Meadows 6.9268442 390 147 The Meadows 3.0511946 391 147 The Meadows 2.9525011 392 147 2.9525011 392 147 Morris Hill 1137.9772 123 144 Morris Hill 1227.4821 124 144 Morris Hill 1564.5538 125 144 Morris Hill 2277.311 126 144 Morris Hill 534.22487 125 145 Morris Hill 49.511837 126 147 49.511837 126 147 Blackbanks 3.0511946 391 147 Blackbanks 2.9525011 392 147 Blackbanks 2.0090741 395 148 2.0090741 395 148 Sawgrass 12.976391 377 147 Sawgrass 16.137741 380 147 16.137741 380 147 Franshua 1227.4821 124 144 Franshua 1564.5538 125 144 Franshua 2277.311 126 144 Franshua 534.22487 125 145 Franshua 49.511837 126 147 49.511837 126 147 Harrington 3.0511946 391 147 Harrington 2.9525011 392 147 Harrington 2.0090741 395 148 2.0090741 395 148 Big Pine Key 6.8030947 297 144 6.8030947 297 144 Plantation Island 4.184002 310 144 Plantation Island 4.1247937 311 144 Plantation Island 2.0230417 312 144 Plantation Island 3.9772822 310 145 Plantation Island 2.3798705 312 145 2.3798705 312 145 Big Pine 2.024058 296 145 Big Pine 2.452271 295 147 2.452271 295 147 German Village 3.0511946 391 147 German Village 2.9525011 392 147 German Village 2.0090741 395 148 German Village 7.9404209 394 149 German Village 7.0149097 395 149 7.0149097 395 149 Mickler Landing 12.976391 377 147 12.976391 377 147 Chokoloskee 3.9772822 310 145 Chokoloskee 2.3798705 312 145 2.3798705 312 145 Sea Island 3.0511946 391 147 Sea Island 2.9525011 392 147 Sea Island 2.0090741 395 148 Sea Island 7.9404209 394 149 Sea Island 7.0149097 395 149 7.0149097 395 149 Casa Cola 14.971483 374 148 Casa Cola 16.008907 372 149 16.008907 372 149 Araquey 14.971483 374 148 Araquey 16.008907 372 149 16.008907 372 149 South Ponte Vedra Beach 12.976391 377 147 South Ponte Vedra Beach 14.971483 374 148 14.971483 374 148 Saint Augustine 14.971483 374 148 Saint Augustine 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Villano Beach 14.971483 374 148 Villano Beach 16.008907 372 149 16.008907 372 149 La Chavela 48.257226 58 145 La Chavela 15.374653 57 149 15.374653 57 149 Anastasia 14.971483 374 148 Anastasia 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Sapelo Island 2.0090741 395 148 Sapelo Island 7.9404209 394 149 Sapelo Island 7.0149097 395 149 Sapelo Island 3.8973773 396 149 Sapelo Island 7.0981454 398 149 7.0981454 398 149 Saint Augustine Beach 14.971483 374 148 Saint Augustine Beach 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Butler Beach 14.971483 374 148 Butler Beach 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Thomas Landing 7.0981454 398 149 Thomas Landing 2.1242507 399 150 2.1242507 399 150 Chatham 3.9951738 309 146 Chatham 3.1042852 309 147 3.1042852 309 147 Crescent Beach 16.981212 371 149 16.981212 371 149 Raccoon Bluff 2.0090741 395 148 Raccoon Bluff 7.0149097 395 149 Raccoon Bluff 3.8973773 396 149 Raccoon Bluff 7.0981454 398 149 Raccoon Bluff 2.1242507 399 150 2.1242507 399 150 Summer Haven 16.981212 371 149 Summer Haven 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Calovebora 60.575744 58 147 Calovebora 9.4214457 57 148 Calovebora 15.374653 57 149 15.374653 57 149 Palm Coast 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Marineland 16.981212 371 149 Marineland 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Cardenas 2.6506599 271 150 2.6506599 271 150 Leon Hamilton Place 4.2234396 306 147 Leon Hamilton Place 3.0002437 306 148 Leon Hamilton Place 2.2510527 307 149 2.2510527 307 149 Bon Terra 16.981212 371 149 Bon Terra 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Walter Hamilton Place 4.2234396 306 147 Walter Hamilton Place 3.0002437 306 148 Walter Hamilton Place 2.2510527 307 149 2.2510527 307 149 Beverly Beach 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Flagler Beach 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Mound Grove 16.94185 368 150 16.94185 368 150 Marathon 2.0012903 296 150 2.0012903 296 150 Burnside View 3.04743 402 152 3.04743 402 152 Ormond-by-the-Sea 17.003432 366 151 17.003432 366 151 Marathon Shores 2.0012903 296 150 2.0012903 296 150 Ellinor Village 17.003432 366 151 17.003432 366 151 Key Colony Beach 2.0012903 296 150 2.0012903 296 150 Ortona 17.003432 366 151 17.003432 366 151 The Landings 3.04743 402 152 3.04743 402 152 Valhalla 2.0012903 296 150 2.0012903 296 150 Wilmington Island 7.7788544 403 154 7.7788544 403 154 Veraguas 40.353195 58 151 Veraguas 385.9133 59 151 Veraguas 938.92197 60 151 Veraguas 28.969339 58 152 Veraguas 3.1273644 59 155 3.1273644 59 155 Daufuskie Landing 9.4037254 404 155 9.4037254 404 155 Cooper River Landing 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Fort Screven 7.7788544 403 154 7.7788544 403 154 Tybee Island 7.7788544 403 154 7.7788544 403 154 South Beach Villas 9.4037254 404 155 9.4037254 404 155 Greenwood Forest 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Calibogue Cay 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Laurel Bay 2.3199291 410 157 2.3199291 410 157 Palmilla 81.907269 59 153 Palmilla 52.670304 59 154 Palmilla 3.1273644 59 155 3.1273644 59 155 Spanish Wells 2.1907022 406 155 2.1907022 406 155 Bay Pines 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Sea Pines Plantation 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Broad River Bluff 4.6466952 409 157 Broad River Bluff 2.3199291 410 157 2.3199291 410 157 Hickory Bluff 2.1907022 406 155 2.1907022 406 155 Shell Point 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Forest Beach 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Hilton Head Island 2.1907022 406 155 2.1907022 406 155 Long Cove Plantation 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Burton 4.6466952 409 157 Burton 2.3199291 410 157 2.3199291 410 157 Seabrook Landing 4.0345357 407 157 Seabrook Landing 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Battery Marina Village 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Bram Landing 2.1907022 406 155 2.1907022 406 155 Palmetto Dunes 4.8014453 405 155 4.8014453 405 155 Hilton Head Plantation 4.0345357 407 157 Hilton Head Plantation 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Gator Field 2.1907022 406 155 2.1907022 406 155 Parris Island 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Folly Field 2.1907022 406 155 2.1907022 406 155 Port Royal 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Fort Fremont 4.0345357 407 157 Fort Fremont 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Scott 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 Tropic 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Cape Canaveral 9.9193271 349 158 Cape Canaveral 7.9410786 350 158 7.9410786 350 158 Cocoa Beach 9.9193271 349 158 Cocoa Beach 7.9410786 350 158 7.9410786 350 158 Melbourne Beach 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 Longwood 3.1772536 408 157 3.1772536 408 157 South Patrick Shores 9.9193271 349 158 South Patrick Shores 7.9410786 350 158 7.9410786 350 158 Satellite Beach 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Indian Harbour Beach 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Canova Beach 9.9193271 349 158 9.9193271 349 158 Cocle del Norte 202.12773 61 156 Cocle del Norte 455.10929 62 156 Cocle del Norte 612.36532 63 156 Cocle del Norte 156.69428 62 157 Cocle del Norte 44.93937 62 158 Cocle del Norte 49.501126 63 159 Cocle del Norte 33.345442 62 160 33.345442 62 160 Frogmore 4.6466952 409 157 Frogmore 2.3199291 410 157 Frogmore 4.0459415 409 159 4.0459415 409 159 Indialantic 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 Cano Rey 202.12773 61 156 Cano Rey 455.10929 62 156 Cano Rey 612.36532 63 156 Cano Rey 156.69428 62 157 Cano Rey 44.93937 62 158 Cano Rey 49.501126 63 159 Cano Rey 33.345442 62 160 33.345442 62 160 Valkaria 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 Grant 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 Melbourne Shores 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 Evans Pines 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 Ballard Pines 15.975296 346 159 15.975296 346 159 La Conchita 2.5237025 271 161 2.5237025 271 161 Cummings 14.937363 344 160 14.937363 344 160 Rock Harbor 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Bennetts Point 2.0628864 411 161 2.0628864 411 161 Key Largo 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Cedar Reef Villas 4.0459415 409 159 Cedar Reef Villas 2.0628864 411 161 2.0628864 411 161 Newport 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Orchid 14.937363 344 160 14.937363 344 160 Diego 40.274989 62 159 Diego 49.501126 63 159 Diego 33.345442 62 160 Diego 17.63867 63 163 17.63867 63 163 Seabrook 2.0628864 411 161 2.0628864 411 161 Anglers Park 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Jewfish 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Garden Cove 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Indrio 5.2587707 336 163 5.2587707 336 163 Cutler Ridge 2.1428949 307 164 Cutler Ridge 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Saint Lucie 5.2587707 336 163 5.2587707 336 163 Rockdale 2.1428949 307 164 Rockdale 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Howard 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Gold Key 2.2795368 303 162 Gold Key 2.1428949 307 164 2.1428949 307 164 Edisto Beach 3.0323279 410 161 Edisto Beach 2.0628864 411 161 2.0628864 411 161 Lakes by the Bay 2.1428949 307 164 Lakes by the Bay 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 North Key Largo 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Queens Cove 5.2587707 336 163 5.2587707 336 163 Cutler 2.1428949 307 164 Cutler 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Miguel de la Borda 33.345442 62 160 Miguel de la Borda 17.63867 63 163 Miguel de la Borda 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Carysfort Yacht Harbor 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Pinecrest 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Carahatas 2.5237025 271 161 2.5237025 271 161 Edisto Island 2.0628864 411 161 2.0628864 411 161 Freedman 2.0628864 411 161 2.0628864 411 161 Dynamite Docks 2.2795368 303 162 2.2795368 303 162 Deering Bay 2.1428949 307 164 Deering Bay 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Grayvik 2.2795368 303 162 Grayvik 2.1428949 307 164 2.1428949 307 164 Ankona 5.2587707 336 163 Ankona 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Coral Gables 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Walton 5.2587707 336 163 Walton 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Cutter Bank 2.1428949 307 164 Cutter Bank 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Vista Hermosa 57.590837 63 161 Vista Hermosa 17.63867 63 163 Vista Hermosa 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Islandia 2.2795368 303 162 Islandia 2.1428949 307 164 2.1428949 307 164 Eden 5.2587707 336 163 Eden 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 South Bay Estates 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 El Salto 57.590837 63 161 El Salto 17.63867 63 163 El Salto 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 La Vigia 57.590837 63 161 La Vigia 17.63867 63 163 La Vigia 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Jensen Beach 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Bay Heights 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Liberty Square 2.9589212 310 164 2.9589212 310 164 Oakgrove 6.8104679 412 163 Oakgrove 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Hutchinson Island South 5.2587707 336 163 Hutchinson Island South 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Sewall's Point 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Port Sewall 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Chilar 28.647145 63 162 Chilar 57.23342 64 162 Chilar 17.63867 63 163 Chilar 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 El Portal 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Rockville 6.8104679 412 163 Rockville 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 El Charcon 28.647145 63 162 El Charcon 57.23342 64 162 El Charcon 17.63867 63 163 El Charcon 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Terminal del Plan 28.647145 63 162 Terminal del Plan 57.23342 64 162 Terminal del Plan 17.63867 63 163 Terminal del Plan 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 La Ensenada 28.647145 63 162 La Ensenada 57.23342 64 162 La Ensenada 17.63867 63 163 La Ensenada 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Port Salerno 7.8642358 334 164 7.8642358 334 164 Bayshore 2.9589212 310 164 2.9589212 310 164 Biscayne Park 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 The Keyhole 2.1428949 307 164 The Keyhole 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 Miami Shores 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Seabrook Island 3.9749536 411 162 3.9749536 411 162 North Miami 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Key Biscayne 2.0005296 308 164 2.0005296 308 164 San Souci Estates 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 North Bay 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Fisher Island 2.9348458 309 164 2.9348458 309 164 Indian Creek 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 El Bendito 17.63867 63 163 El Bendito 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Bay Harbor Islands 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Miami Beach 2.9589212 310 164 2.9589212 310 164 Salud 17.63867 63 163 Salud 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Bal Harbour 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Surfside 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Camarones 17.63867 63 163 Camarones 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Atlantic Heights 4.1384038 311 165 4.1384038 311 165 Nuevo Chagres 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Pueblo Nuevo 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Palmas Bellas 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Kiawah Island 9.048776 412 164 Kiawah Island 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Legareville 2.2675532 413 164 2.2675532 413 164 Trascon 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 Pina 5.5965481 63 164 5.5965481 63 164 La Isabela 3.2491192 270 166 La Isabela 6.6165709 270 168 6.6165709 270 168 Bayfront 5.8760494 414 168 5.8760494 414 168 Fort Sherman 43.263181 65 166 Fort Sherman 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Fuerte Sherman 43.263181 65 166 Fuerte Sherman 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Folly Beach 9.1978821 413 166 9.1978821 413 166 Charleston 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Lakeview Of Lawton Bluff 5.8760494 414 168 5.8760494 414 168 Centerville 5.8760494 414 168 5.8760494 414 168 Secessionville 9.1978821 413 166 9.1978821 413 166 Fort Johnson Estates 5.8760494 414 168 5.8760494 414 168 Cristoba 43.263181 65 166 Cristoba 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Colon 43.263181 65 166 Colon 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Hobcaw Point 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Rainbow City 56.152191 66 167 Rainbow City 66.506383 67 167 Rainbow City 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 The Groves 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Coco Solo 56.152191 66 167 Coco Solo 66.506383 67 167 Coco Solo 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Mount Pleasant 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Fort Moultrie 5.8760494 414 168 5.8760494 414 168 Cativa 56.152191 66 167 Cativa 66.506383 67 167 Cativa 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Cassina Heights 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Bahia Las Minas 56.152191 66 167 Bahia Las Minas 66.506383 67 167 Bahia Las Minas 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Sullivan's Island 5.8760494 414 168 5.8760494 414 168 Palmetto Fort 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Sabanita 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Puerto Pilon 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Villa Alondra 18.74393 66 168 18.74393 66 168 Island of Palms 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Porcher Bluff 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Isle of Palms 3.9800044 415 169 3.9800044 415 169 Maria Chiquita 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Ten Mile 5.5380051 416 169 5.5380051 416 169 Marco Antonio 48.273733 67 169 48.273733 67 169 Guanche 26.776887 67 170 Guanche 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Iguanita 26.776887 67 170 26.776887 67 170 El Santo 3.6227769 267 171 El Santo 2.0526181 265 173 2.0526181 265 173 Buenaventura 26.776887 67 170 Buenaventura 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Pertobelo 26.776887 67 170 Pertobelo 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Playa Blanca 26.776887 67 170 Playa Blanca 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Santa Isabel 26.776887 67 170 Santa Isabel 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Jose Pobre 26.776887 67 170 Jose Pobre 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 El Jato 2.0526181 265 173 2.0526181 265 173 Cacique 30.896328 68 171 Cacique 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Garrote 30.896328 68 171 Garrote 42.889528 70 174 42.889528 70 174 Buck Hall 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 La Guayra 24.375049 69 172 La Guayra 59.328784 70 172 La Guayra 42.889528 70 174 La Guayra 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 El Cano 24.375049 69 172 El Cano 59.328784 70 172 El Cano 42.889528 70 174 El Cano 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 Tibwin 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Nombre de Dios 47.971469 70 173 Nombre de Dios 42.889528 70 174 Nombre de Dios 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 McCellanville 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Caibarien 2.0526181 265 173 2.0526181 265 173 McClellanville 2.0401649 419 173 2.0401649 419 173 Dolores 2.4849441 263 175 2.4849441 263 175 Viento Frio 42.889528 70 174 Viento Frio 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 Palenque 42.889528 70 174 Palenque 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 Miramar 43.768903 70 175 Miramar 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 Cuango 43.768903 70 175 Cuango 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 Belle Isle Estates 2.6456778 422 179 Belle Isle Estates 2.3856863 423 179 2.3856863 423 179 Playa Chiquita 43.768903 70 175 Playa Chiquita 17.978784 69 176 17.978784 69 176 Friendfield 2.3856863 423 179 Friendfield 8.2891398 424 180 Friendfield 6.1144927 425 180 6.1144927 425 180 Denny Corner 2.6456778 422 179 Denny Corner 2.3856863 423 179 Denny Corner 8.2891398 424 180 Denny Corner 6.1144927 425 180 6.1144927 425 180 Simon Bolivar 2.1524696 262 177 2.1524696 262 177 Palmira 24.030433 69 177 Palmira 16.903624 69 178 16.903624 69 178 Caines 2.6456778 422 179 Caines 2.3856863 423 179 Caines 8.2891398 424 180 Caines 6.1144927 425 180 Caines 10.120416 426 181 10.120416 426 181 Quarantine 2.1662258 421 177 Quarantine 2.3856863 423 179 Quarantine 8.2891398 424 180 Quarantine 6.1144927 425 180 6.1144927 425 180 Clambank 2.3856863 423 179 Clambank 8.2891398 424 180 Clambank 6.1144927 425 180 Clambank 10.120416 426 181 Clambank 5.6205074 427 181 5.6205074 427 181 Santa Isabel 24.030433 69 177 Santa Isabel 16.903624 69 178 16.903624 69 178 De Bordieu Colony 2.3856863 423 179 De Bordieu Colony 8.2891398 424 180 De Bordieu Colony 6.1144927 425 180 De Bordieu Colony 10.120416 426 181 De Bordieu Colony 5.6205074 427 181 5.6205074 427 181 Hagley Estates 8.2891398 424 180 Hagley Estates 6.1144927 425 180 Hagley Estates 10.120416 426 181 Hagley Estates 5.6205074 427 181 5.6205074 427 181 True Blue 8.2891398 424 180 True Blue 6.1144927 425 180 True Blue 10.120416 426 181 True Blue 5.6205074 427 181 True Blue 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Birds Nest 8.2891398 424 180 Birds Nest 6.1144927 425 180 Birds Nest 10.120416 426 181 Birds Nest 5.6205074 427 181 Birds Nest 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Chapel Creek 6.1144927 425 180 Chapel Creek 10.120416 426 181 Chapel Creek 5.6205074 427 181 Chapel Creek 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Cocuye Abajo 16.903624 69 178 Cocuye Abajo 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Pawleys Island 8.2891398 424 180 Pawleys Island 6.1144927 425 180 Pawleys Island 10.120416 426 181 Pawleys Island 5.6205074 427 181 Pawleys Island 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Parkersville 6.1144927 425 180 Parkersville 10.120416 426 181 Parkersville 5.6205074 427 181 Parkersville 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 Annieville 6.1144927 425 180 Annieville 10.120416 426 181 Annieville 5.6205074 427 181 Annieville 7.0708018 428 182 7.0708018 428 182 North Litchfield Beach 6.1144927 425 180 North Litchfield Beach 10.120416 426 181 North Litchfield Beach 5.6205074 427 181 North Litchfield Beach 7.0708018 428 182 North Litchfield Beach 8.7621194 428 183 North Litchfield Beach 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Piedra de Galera 19.359495 69 179 Piedra de Galera 29.536432 69 181 Piedra de Galera 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Huntington Marsh 10.120416 426 181 Huntington Marsh 5.6205074 427 181 Huntington Marsh 7.0708018 428 182 Huntington Marsh 8.7621194 428 183 Huntington Marsh 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Oak Hill 10.120416 426 181 Oak Hill 5.6205074 427 181 Oak Hill 7.0708018 428 182 Oak Hill 8.7621194 428 183 Oak Hill 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Tubuala 19.359495 69 179 Tubuala 29.536432 69 181 Tubuala 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Murrells Inlet 10.120416 426 181 Murrells Inlet 5.6205074 427 181 Murrells Inlet 7.0708018 428 182 Murrells Inlet 8.7621194 428 183 Murrells Inlet 8.2369975 429 183 8.2369975 429 183 Inlet Harbor 10.120416 426 181 Inlet Harbor 5.6205074 427 181 Inlet Harbor 7.0708018 428 182 Inlet Harbor 8.7621194 428 183 Inlet Harbor 8.2369975 429 183 Inlet Harbor 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Mount Gilead 10.120416 426 181 Mount Gilead 5.6205074 427 181 Mount Gilead 7.0708018 428 182 Mount Gilead 8.7621194 428 183 Mount Gilead 8.2369975 429 183 Mount Gilead 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Garden City 5.6205074 427 181 Garden City 7.0708018 428 182 Garden City 8.7621194 428 183 Garden City 8.2369975 429 183 Garden City 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 El Porvenir 269.42136 70 180 El Porvenir 29.536432 69 181 El Porvenir 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Surfside Beach 5.6205074 427 181 Surfside Beach 7.0708018 428 182 Surfside Beach 8.7621194 428 183 Surfside Beach 8.2369975 429 183 Surfside Beach 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Deer Track Villas 5.6205074 427 181 Deer Track Villas 7.0708018 428 182 Deer Track Villas 8.7621194 428 183 Deer Track Villas 8.2369975 429 183 Deer Track Villas 7.3830803 430 184 7.3830803 430 184 Crystal Lake 7.0708018 428 182 Crystal Lake 8.7621194 428 183 Crystal Lake 8.2369975 429 183 Crystal Lake 7.3830803 430 184 Crystal Lake 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Warsobtugua 29.536432 69 181 Warsobtugua 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Pebble Beach 7.0708018 428 182 Pebble Beach 8.7621194 428 183 Pebble Beach 8.2369975 429 183 Pebble Beach 7.3830803 430 184 Pebble Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Konig 7.0708018 428 182 Konig 8.7621194 428 183 Konig 8.2369975 429 183 Konig 7.3830803 430 184 Konig 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Myrtle Ridge 7.0708018 428 182 Myrtle Ridge 8.7621194 428 183 Myrtle Ridge 8.2369975 429 183 Myrtle Ridge 7.3830803 430 184 Myrtle Ridge 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Plantation Point 8.2369975 429 183 Plantation Point 7.3830803 430 184 Plantation Point 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Myrtle Beach 7.0708018 428 182 Myrtle Beach 8.7621194 428 183 Myrtle Beach 8.2369975 429 183 Myrtle Beach 7.3830803 430 184 Myrtle Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Holmes Rock 2.0002529 324 186 2.0002529 324 186 Ocean Forest 8.2369975 429 183 Ocean Forest 7.3830803 430 184 Ocean Forest 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Nusatupo 5.2348371 67 182 5.2348371 67 182 Punta Alegre 4.1239268 261 183 4.1239268 261 183 Pueblo Punta Alegre 4.1239268 261 183 4.1239268 261 183 Arcadian Shores 8.2369975 429 183 Arcadian Shores 7.3830803 430 184 Arcadian Shores 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Southwest Point 2.0002529 324 186 2.0002529 324 186 Hawksbill 2.0002529 324 186 2.0002529 324 186 Briarcliffe Acres 7.3830803 430 184 Briarcliffe Acres 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Atlantic Beach 7.3830803 430 184 Atlantic Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Hunters 2.0002529 324 186 2.0002529 324 186 Ingram Beach 9.0103659 430 185 Ingram Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 North Myrtle Beach 9.0103659 430 185 North Myrtle Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Nixons Crossroads 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Freeport 2.0002529 324 186 2.0002529 324 186 Cherry Grove Beach 9.0103659 430 185 Cherry Grove Beach 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Creekside 9.0103659 430 185 Creekside 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Little River 4.8797816 431 185 4.8797816 431 185 Rio Azucar 9.8506003 67 185 Rio Azucar 15.436449 67 186 15.436449 67 186 Calabash 9.014328 431 186 Calabash 3.8765166 432 187 Calabash 7.9808039 432 188 7.9808039 432 188 Tupile 15.436449 67 186 15.436449 67 186 Shady Forest 9.9795043 431 187 Shady Forest 3.8765166 432 187 Shady Forest 7.9808039 432 188 Shady Forest 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Sunset Beach 9.9795043 431 187 Sunset Beach 3.8765166 432 187 Sunset Beach 7.9808039 432 188 Sunset Beach 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Sea Trail Plantation 9.9795043 431 187 Sea Trail Plantation 3.8765166 432 187 Sea Trail Plantation 7.9808039 432 188 Sea Trail Plantation 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Ticantiqui 6.9254791 67 188 6.9254791 67 188 Ocean Isle Beach 10.908987 431 188 Ocean Isle Beach 7.9808039 432 188 Ocean Isle Beach 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 El Socorro 12.878862 259 190 12.878862 259 190 Brick Landing 12.631848 431 189 Brick Landing 9.1957114 432 189 Brick Landing 10.718986 432 190 Brick Landing 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Aidirgandi 8.3977133 67 189 Aidirgandi 14.868587 67 190 Aidirgandi 15.963179 66 193 15.963179 66 193 Monogram 10.718986 432 190 Monogram 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Holden Beach 13.756222 431 190 Holden Beach 10.718986 432 190 Holden Beach 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Secession 11.085917 432 191 Secession 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Varnamtown 11.085917 432 191 Varnamtown 7.5222339 433 191 7.5222339 433 191 Playon Chico 6.1332093 66 192 Playon Chico 15.963179 66 193 15.963179 66 193 Little London 53.579931 198 196 53.579931 198 196 San Ignacio de Tupile 15.963179 66 193 15.963179 66 193 Long Beach 14.110766 432 193 Long Beach 9.7318988 433 193 9.7318988 433 193 Savanna la Mar 53.579931 198 196 53.579931 198 196 Saint James 14.110766 432 193 Saint James 9.7318988 433 193 9.7318988 433 193 Yaupon Beach 15.099446 431 194 Yaupon Beach 14.891147 432 194 Yaupon Beach 9.8604956 433 194 9.8604956 433 194 Caswell Beach 15.099446 431 194 Caswell Beach 14.891147 432 194 Caswell Beach 9.8604956 433 194 9.8604956 433 194 Coolvale 14.891147 432 194 Coolvale 9.8604956 433 194 9.8604956 433 194 Fort Caswell 14.224396 431 195 Fort Caswell 14.633023 432 195 Fort Caswell 10.77266 433 195 10.77266 433 195 Southport 14.633023 432 195 Southport 10.77266 433 195 10.77266 433 195 Bald Head Island 14.224396 431 195 Bald Head Island 14.633023 432 195 Bald Head Island 10.77266 433 195 10.77266 433 195 Wakitupu 39.161279 65 195 Wakitupu 68.940863 62 199 68.940863 62 199 Hermanos Fernandez 41.91291 255 198 Hermanos Fernandez 66.544695 254 199 66.544695 254 199 Old Town 11.286575 435 199 Old Town 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Kendall Chapel 13.064441 434 199 Kendall Chapel 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Ustupo 104.23505 64 197 Ustupo 117.66997 64 198 Ustupo 68.940863 62 199 68.940863 62 199 Sheephead Rock 13.605145 432 196 Sheephead Rock 6.0349515 433 196 6.0349515 433 196 Montego Bay 12.461232 203 200 12.461232 203 200 Silver Lake 11.286575 435 199 Silver Lake 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Kure Beach 6.0349515 433 196 6.0349515 433 196 Carolina Beach 6.0349515 433 196 6.0349515 433 196 Winter Park 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Myrtle Sound 13.064441 434 199 Myrtle Sound 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Myrtle Grove 11.286575 435 199 Myrtle Grove 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Masonboro 11.286575 435 199 Masonboro 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Black River 18.214313 193 197 Black River 320.79128 194 197 Black River 34.985531 194 198 Black River 7.9664283 195 198 Black River 26.821031 194 199 26.821031 194 199 Windemere 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Seagate 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Crown Haven 3.9450811 328 200 Crown Haven 18.678589 327 201 Crown Haven 2.3466465 328 201 Crown Haven 8.6812275 327 202 8.6812275 327 202 Mansukum 68.940863 62 199 68.940863 62 199 Napakanti 68.940863 62 199 68.940863 62 199 Fox Town 3.9450811 328 200 Fox Town 18.678589 327 201 Fox Town 2.3466465 328 201 Fox Town 8.6812275 327 202 8.6812275 327 202 Ogden 13.825602 437 200 Ogden 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Wrightsville Beach 6.1292506 436 199 6.1292506 436 199 Bayshore 13.825602 437 200 Bayshore 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Mamimulo 68.940863 62 199 68.940863 62 199 Mulatupo Sasardi 12.929873 60 201 12.929873 60 201 Palmacity 66.544695 254 199 66.544695 254 199 Hampstead 13.714928 438 201 Hampstead 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Coetupo 12.929873 60 201 Coetupo 126.3677 58 203 Coetupo 2.3817174 59 203 2.3817174 59 203 Southfield 470.19515 191 200 Southfield 11.626763 193 200 Southfield 117.66938 192 201 Southfield 45.373573 192 202 Southfield 26.564949 192 203 Southfield 61.494331 191 204 61.494331 191 204 Falmouth 12.461232 203 200 12.461232 203 200 Cedar Harbor 3.9450811 328 200 Cedar Harbor 18.678589 327 201 Cedar Harbor 2.3466465 328 201 Cedar Harbor 8.6812275 327 202 Cedar Harbor 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 Kings Landing 13.714928 438 201 Kings Landing 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Puerto Escoces 118.52653 59 202 Puerto Escoces 126.3677 58 203 Puerto Escoces 2.3817174 59 203 Puerto Escoces 33.691666 57 204 33.691666 57 204 Versailles 105.37316 253 200 Versailles 2.000571 257 200 Versailles 2.2884815 256 201 2.2884815 256 201 Sukunya 118.52653 59 202 Sukunya 126.3677 58 203 Sukunya 2.3817174 59 203 Sukunya 33.691666 57 204 33.691666 57 204 Topsail Beach 13.714928 438 201 Topsail Beach 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Sloop Point 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Barlowes 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Carreto 118.52653 59 202 Carreto 126.3677 58 203 Carreto 2.3817174 59 203 Carreto 33.691666 57 204 Carreto 63.829624 56 205 63.829624 56 205 Alligator Pond 103.64158 191 202 Alligator Pond 45.373573 192 202 Alligator Pond 26.564949 192 203 Alligator Pond 61.494331 191 204 Alligator Pond 142.17964 192 205 142.17964 192 205 Surf City 12.62938 439 202 12.62938 439 202 Columbia 2.2763855 252 203 2.2763855 252 203 Pito 33.691666 57 204 Pito 63.829624 56 205 63.829624 56 205 Cooper's Town 7.9335216 326 202 Cooper's Town 8.6812275 327 202 Cooper's Town 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 Ocean City Beach 12.571372 440 203 12.571372 440 203 Thomas Landing 12.571372 440 203 12.571372 440 203 Armila 33.691666 57 204 Armila 63.829624 56 205 63.829624 56 205 Norman Castle 3.9043984 326 203 Norman Castle 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 Blackwood Village 3.9043984 326 203 Blackwood Village 6.9564443 327 203 6.9564443 327 203 North Topsail Beach 12.571372 440 203 12.571372 440 203 Sneads Ferry 10.251574 441 204 Sneads Ferry 13.066398 441 205 Sneads Ferry 9.6800401 442 206 Sneads Ferry 14.782325 441 207 Sneads Ferry 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Chadwick Acres 10.251574 441 204 Chadwick Acres 13.066398 441 205 Chadwick Acres 9.6800401 442 206 Chadwick Acres 14.782325 441 207 Chadwick Acres 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Sapzurro 63.829624 56 205 Sapzurro 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 Nassau 3.1938374 300 208 Nassau 2.0255695 301 208 2.0255695 301 208 Capitan 63.829624 56 205 Capitan 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 Pilon 3381.2238 221 207 Pilon 1288.5259 222 207 Pilon 3836.0167 221 208 Pilon 1572.9513 222 208 Pilon 4650.9175 221 209 Pilon 2477.6056 222 209 2477.6056 222 209 Pino Roa 63.829624 56 205 Pino Roa 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 Duck Creek 9.6800401 442 206 Duck Creek 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 Acandi 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 San Jeronimo 36.30622 54 208 36.30622 54 208 Alley 220.97513 191 206 Alley 167.65228 192 206 Alley 13.410833 190 210 Alley 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 Willis Landing 12.030626 442 207 12.030626 442 207 La Marca del Portillo 1288.5259 222 207 La Marca del Portillo 1572.9513 222 208 La Marca del Portillo 2477.6056 222 209 La Marca del Portillo 2659.7541 222 210 La Marca del Portillo 2691.4413 222 211 2691.4413 222 211 Bear Creek 9.0604295 443 208 9.0604295 443 208 Brazalitta 195.73604 191 207 Brazalitta 13.410833 190 210 Brazalitta 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 La Goleta 36.30622 54 208 La Goleta 30.202015 51 211 30.202015 51 211 Swansboro 9.0604295 443 208 9.0604295 443 208 Mahoe Gardens 69.622109 191 208 Mahoe Gardens 27.077771 190 209 Mahoe Gardens 13.410833 190 210 Mahoe Gardens 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 Trigana 42.209894 53 209 Trigana 30.202015 51 211 30.202015 51 211 Old Harbor 15.594032 192 210 15.594032 192 210 Villa Claret 42.096186 52 210 Villa Claret 30.202015 51 211 30.202015 51 211 Titumate 42.096186 52 210 Titumate 30.202015 51 211 30.202015 51 211 Bucks Corner 13.234873 444 210 Bucks Corner 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 La Gloria 30.202015 51 211 La Gloria 8.5102281 47 213 8.5102281 47 213 Cedar Point 14.189225 443 209 14.189225 443 209 Cape Carteret 14.189225 443 209 14.189225 443 209 Bogue 14.189225 443 209 14.189225 443 209 Santa Maria La Antigua 40.529822 50 212 Santa Maria La Antigua 8.5102281 47 213 8.5102281 47 213 Emerald Isle 14.189225 443 209 14.189225 443 209 Ocean 14.864039 443 210 14.864039 443 210 Indian Beach 14.864039 443 210 14.864039 443 210 Broad Creek 13.970374 444 211 Broad Creek 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Pueblo Nuevo 57.06412 52 212 Pueblo Nuevo 58.623814 53 212 Pueblo Nuevo 47.1789 54 212 Pueblo Nuevo 48.475926 52 213 Pueblo Nuevo 9.1218529 54 213 Pueblo Nuevo 2.0398498 55 213 Pueblo Nuevo 24.112698 52 214 Pueblo Nuevo 6.2087929 55 214 Pueblo Nuevo 2.5160899 55 215 2.5160899 55 215 Salter Path 15.996314 443 212 Salter Path 2.8366582 445 212 2.8366582 445 212 Cuevas del Turquino 2421.3225 222 212 Cuevas del Turquino 3132.2462 222 213 Cuevas del Turquino 3403.651 222 214 Cuevas del Turquino 3972.5201 222 215 3972.5201 222 215 Puerto Barrios 8.5102281 47 213 Puerto Barrios 12.046895 44 214 12.046895 44 214 Port Royal 4.9861134 192 212 Port Royal 5.2783928 194 214 5.2783928 194 214 Wildwood 14.974195 444 213 Wildwood 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Pine Knoll Shores 18.089114 443 213 Pine Knoll Shores 14.974195 444 213 Pine Knoll Shores 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Hollywood 14.974195 444 213 Hollywood 5.703813 445 214 5.703813 445 214 Kingston 5.2783928 194 214 5.2783928 194 214 Necocli 33.949703 49 213 Necocli 49.771918 50 213 Necocli 33.199819 49 214 Necocli 16.62471 49 215 16.62471 49 215 Caiman Viejo 33.949703 49 213 Caiman Viejo 49.771918 50 213 Caiman Viejo 29.298747 48 214 29.298747 48 214 Tie 29.298747 48 214 Tie 17.998245 46 215 17.998245 46 215 Bachelor 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Corral de Rio 3403.651 222 214 Corral de Rio 3972.5201 222 215 3972.5201 222 215 Punta de Piedra 29.298747 48 214 Punta de Piedra 17.998245 46 215 17.998245 46 215 El Tatumo 29.298747 48 214 29.298747 48 214 Carolina City 15.692898 444 214 Carolina City 5.703813 445 214 Carolina City 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Atlantic Beach 17.872676 443 214 Atlantic Beach 15.692898 444 214 Atlantic Beach 5.703813 445 214 Atlantic Beach 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Puerto Cesar 12.046895 44 214 12.046895 44 214 Turbo 12.046895 44 214 12.046895 44 214 Crab Point Village 15.692898 444 214 Crab Point Village 5.703813 445 214 Crab Point Village 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Mulatos 24.112698 52 214 Mulatos 6.2087929 55 214 Mulatos 2.5160899 55 215 2.5160899 55 215 Beaufort 14.949938 444 215 Beaufort 13.100931 445 215 Beaufort 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Morehead City 18.815585 443 215 Morehead City 14.949938 444 215 Morehead City 13.100931 445 215 Morehead City 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Zepata 2.5160899 55 215 2.5160899 55 215 Lenoxville 18.077681 443 216 Lenoxville 14.892269 444 216 Lenoxville 12.392884 445 216 Lenoxville 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Damaquiel 8.4858378 55 216 8.4858378 55 216 Straits 14.892269 444 216 Straits 12.392884 445 216 Straits 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Harkers Island 17.674028 443 217 Harkers Island 16.037305 444 217 Harkers Island 2.4181467 445 218 Harkers Island 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Otway 16.037305 444 217 Otway 2.4181467 445 218 Otway 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Gloucester 16.037305 444 217 Gloucester 2.4181467 445 218 Gloucester 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Cape Lookout 20.337993 442 217 Cape Lookout 17.674028 443 217 Cape Lookout 16.037305 444 217 Cape Lookout 2.4181467 445 218 Cape Lookout 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Smyrna 16.037305 444 217 Smyrna 2.4181467 445 218 Smyrna 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 San Juan 9.1287591 56 217 San Juan 11.023467 57 219 11.023467 57 219 San Juan de Uraba 9.1287591 56 217 San Juan de Uraba 11.023467 57 219 11.023467 57 219 Marshallberg 16.037305 444 217 Marshallberg 2.4181467 445 218 Marshallberg 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Williston 2.4181467 445 218 Williston 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Davis 2.4181467 445 218 Davis 2.3665926 446 218 2.3665926 446 218 Arboletes 11.023467 57 219 11.023467 57 219 Stacy 2.0081358 449 223 2.0081358 449 223 Masontown 2.0081358 449 223 2.0081358 449 223 Chivirico 4572.0473 222 219 Chivirico 2364.9331 223 220 2364.9331 223 220 Sealevel 2.0081358 449 223 2.0081358 449 223 Los Cordobas 11.023467 57 219 11.023467 57 219 Atlantic 2.0081358 449 223 2.0081358 449 223 Roe 2.0081358 449 223 2.0081358 449 223 Lola 2.0081358 449 223 2.0081358 449 223 Puerto Escondido 6.6216784 59 221 Puerto Escondido 9.2793372 60 222 Puerto Escondido 9.1263947 61 223 Puerto Escondido 4.9858321 62 224 4.9858321 62 224 San Jose 6.6216784 59 221 San Jose 9.2793372 60 222 San Jose 9.1263947 61 223 San Jose 4.9858321 62 224 4.9858321 62 224 Puerto Escondito 6.6216784 59 221 Puerto Escondito 9.2793372 60 222 Puerto Escondito 9.1263947 61 223 Puerto Escondito 4.9858321 62 224 4.9858321 62 224 Cristo Rey 9.2793372 60 222 Cristo Rey 9.1263947 61 223 Cristo Rey 4.9858321 62 224 Cristo Rey 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Caserio Puerto Limon 40.009 64 222 Caserio Puerto Limon 35.914618 64 223 Caserio Puerto Limon 15.417482 64 224 Caserio Puerto Limon 7.9533372 64 225 Caserio Puerto Limon 10.590046 65 225 10.590046 65 225 Rio Cedro 9.2793372 60 222 Rio Cedro 9.1263947 61 223 Rio Cedro 4.9858321 62 224 Rio Cedro 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Santander de la Cruz 13.001937 61 222 Santander de la Cruz 25.237544 62 222 Santander de la Cruz 9.1263947 61 223 Santander de la Cruz 4.9858321 62 224 Santander de la Cruz 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Providencia 13.001937 61 222 Providencia 25.237544 62 222 Providencia 9.1263947 61 223 Providencia 4.9858321 62 224 Providencia 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Broqueles 13.001937 61 222 Broqueles 25.237544 62 222 Broqueles 9.1263947 61 223 Broqueles 4.9858321 62 224 Broqueles 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Monitos 16.12616 62 223 Monitos 20.042577 63 223 Monitos 4.9858321 62 224 Monitos 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Pueblito 16.12616 62 223 Pueblito 20.042577 63 223 Pueblito 4.9858321 62 224 Pueblito 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Notecebes 16.12616 62 223 Notecebes 20.042577 63 223 Notecebes 4.9858321 62 224 Notecebes 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 La Rada 16.12616 62 223 La Rada 20.042577 63 223 La Rada 4.9858321 62 224 La Rada 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Lynnwood 8.4502469 476 228 Lynnwood 8.9866759 477 228 Lynnwood 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Paso Nuevo 10.760125 63 224 10.760125 63 224 Lynnhaven Shores 8.4502469 476 228 Lynnhaven Shores 8.9866759 477 228 Lynnhaven Shores 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Forest Hills 8.4502469 476 228 Forest Hills 8.9866759 477 228 Forest Hills 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Bay Island 8.4502469 476 228 Bay Island 8.9866759 477 228 Bay Island 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Back Bay 8.4502469 476 228 Back Bay 8.9866759 477 228 8.9866759 477 228 Creeds 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Linkhorn 8.4502469 476 228 Linkhorn 8.9866759 477 228 Linkhorn 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Alexander 4.8745324 281 227 4.8745324 281 227 Alanton 8.4502469 476 228 Alanton 8.9866759 477 228 Alanton 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Pungo 8.4502469 476 228 Pungo 8.9866759 477 228 Pungo 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Currituck 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Atlantic Park 8.4502469 476 228 Atlantic Park 8.9866759 477 228 Atlantic Park 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Maple 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Dawley Corners 8.4502469 476 228 Dawley Corners 8.9866759 477 228 8.9866759 477 228 Dam Neck Corner 8.4502469 476 228 Dam Neck Corner 8.9866759 477 228 Dam Neck Corner 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Public Landing 2.316319 471 229 Public Landing 13.049792 475 229 13.049792 475 229 Campbells Landing 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Rolleville 4.8745324 281 227 4.8745324 281 227 Sigma 8.4502469 476 228 Sigma 8.9866759 477 228 Sigma 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Cavalier Park 8.4502469 476 228 Cavalier Park 8.9866759 477 228 Cavalier Park 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Quejimbra 7.9533372 64 225 Quejimbra 10.590046 65 225 Quejimbra 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Hill Landing 8.4502469 476 228 Hill Landing 8.9866759 477 228 8.9866759 477 228 Chiqui 7.9533372 64 225 Chiqui 10.590046 65 225 Chiqui 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Barco 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Cielo Azul 7.9533372 64 225 Cielo Azul 10.590046 65 225 Cielo Azul 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Virginia Beach 8.4502469 476 228 Virginia Beach 8.9866759 477 228 Virginia Beach 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Corys 2.316319 471 229 Corys 13.049792 475 229 13.049792 475 229 San Bernardo 13.692764 66 226 San Bernardo 6.9617476 66 227 6.9617476 66 227 Coinjock 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Stevenston 4.8745324 281 227 4.8745324 281 227 Sandbridge Beach 8.4502469 476 228 Sandbridge Beach 8.9866759 477 228 Sandbridge Beach 12.052126 478 228 12.052126 478 228 Waterlilly 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Knotts Island 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Bertha 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Aydlett 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Poplar Branch 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 False Cape Landing 8.4502469 476 228 8.4502469 476 228 Grandy 7.0914813 470 230 7.0914813 470 230 Cinco Reales 4014.3057 223 227 Cinco Reales 3042.5838 223 228 Cinco Reales 2793.0083 223 229 Cinco Reales 2544.8324 223 230 2544.8324 223 230 Jarvisburg 7.0914813 470 230 7.0914813 470 230 El Islote 52.08717 70 227 El Islote 48.809728 70 228 El Islote 28.427212 70 230 El Islote 21.593164 70 231 El Islote 37.969855 72 231 El Islote 70.795535 73 231 70.795535 73 231 Antonio Macea 4014.3057 223 227 Antonio Macea 3042.5838 223 228 Antonio Macea 2793.0083 223 229 Antonio Macea 2544.8324 223 230 2544.8324 223 230 Powells Point 12.905114 468 231 Powells Point 10.441831 469 231 10.441831 469 231 Moss Town 2.275248 278 230 2.275248 278 230 Mamie 12.905114 468 231 Mamie 10.441831 469 231 10.441831 469 231 Corolla 2.316319 471 229 2.316319 471 229 Santiago de Cuba 4014.3057 223 227 Santiago de Cuba 3042.5838 223 228 Santiago de Cuba 2793.0083 223 229 Santiago de Cuba 2544.8324 223 230 2544.8324 223 230 Mashoes 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Harbinger 12.905114 468 231 Harbinger 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Point Harbor 12.905114 468 231 Point Harbor 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 George Town 2.275248 278 230 2.275248 278 230 Santa Catalina 8.3040277 67 228 Santa Catalina 24.129931 67 230 Santa Catalina 19.642305 67 231 Santa Catalina 14.797166 67 232 14.797166 67 232 Lake Worth 2.0159939 459 231 2.0159939 459 231 Caffys Inlet Hamlet 7.0914813 470 230 Caffys Inlet Hamlet 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 San Antero 28.436875 67 229 San Antero 24.129931 67 230 San Antero 19.642305 67 231 San Antero 14.797166 67 232 San Antero 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Bayberry Bluffs 12.905114 468 231 Bayberry Bluffs 10.441831 469 231 Bayberry Bluffs 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Hargraves Bench 12.905114 468 231 Hargraves Bench 10.441831 469 231 Hargraves Bench 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Stumpy Point 2.0159939 459 231 2.0159939 459 231 Duncan Town 5.4755339 258 229 Duncan Town 3.8104477 259 229 Duncan Town 15.052011 260 229 15.052011 260 229 Southern Shores 12.905114 468 231 Southern Shores 10.441831 469 231 Southern Shores 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Bijadito 28.436875 67 229 Bijadito 24.129931 67 230 Bijadito 19.642305 67 231 Bijadito 14.797166 67 232 Bijadito 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Colington 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 El Penon 28.436875 67 229 El Penon 24.129931 67 230 El Penon 19.642305 67 231 El Penon 14.797166 67 232 El Penon 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Fort Raleigh City 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Puerto Siboney 2450.2395 222 229 Puerto Siboney 2793.0083 223 229 Puerto Siboney 2544.8324 223 230 Puerto Siboney 2917.6017 222 231 Puerto Siboney 2912.4382 222 232 Puerto Siboney 2509.5829 222 233 2509.5829 222 233 El Porvenir 28.436875 67 229 El Porvenir 24.129931 67 230 El Porvenir 19.642305 67 231 El Porvenir 14.797166 67 232 El Porvenir 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 El Bobo 28.436875 67 229 El Bobo 24.129931 67 230 El Bobo 19.642305 67 231 El Bobo 14.797166 67 232 El Bobo 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Kitty Hawk 12.905114 468 231 Kitty Hawk 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Forbes Hill 2.275248 278 230 2.275248 278 230 Covenas 28.436875 67 229 Covenas 24.129931 67 230 Covenas 19.642305 67 231 Covenas 14.797166 67 232 Covenas 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Baru 90.276263 75 230 Baru 55.722777 77 230 Baru 50.949596 75 231 Baru 59.734206 75 232 Baru 37.681091 76 232 Baru 6.699567 77 232 Baru 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Covenitas 24.129931 67 230 Covenitas 19.642305 67 231 Covenitas 14.797166 67 232 Covenitas 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Guayabal 24.129931 67 230 Guayabal 19.642305 67 231 Guayabal 14.797166 67 232 Guayabal 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Punta Seca 24.129931 67 230 Punta Seca 19.642305 67 231 Punta Seca 14.797166 67 232 Punta Seca 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 California 14.875336 464 233 14.875336 464 233 Mother Vineyard 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Kill Devil Hills 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Croatan Shores 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Manteo 14.875336 464 233 14.875336 464 233 Wanchese 14.875336 464 233 14.875336 464 233 Rincon 35.290722 69 230 Rincon 28.427212 70 230 Rincon 21.593164 70 231 Rincon 37.969855 72 231 Rincon 70.795535 73 231 Rincon 22.958312 69 232 Rincon 13.567565 70 232 Rincon 11.872711 69 233 11.872711 69 233 Hacienda Petalaca 24.129931 67 230 Hacienda Petalaca 19.642305 67 231 Hacienda Petalaca 14.797166 67 232 Hacienda Petalaca 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Nags Head 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Pendales 5.6903472 77 231 Pendales 6.699567 77 232 Pendales 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Porto Nao 5.6903472 77 231 Porto Nao 6.699567 77 232 Porto Nao 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Majagual 10.003052 71 231 Majagual 37.969855 72 231 Majagual 70.795535 73 231 Majagual 11.381217 72 232 Majagual 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Whalebone 14.848701 466 232 14.848701 466 232 Hiqueron 21.593164 70 231 Hiqueron 37.969855 72 231 Hiqueron 70.795535 73 231 Hiqueron 13.567565 70 232 13.567565 70 232 Puerto Viejo 19.642305 67 231 Puerto Viejo 14.797166 67 232 Puerto Viejo 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Zaragocilla 29.736569 68 231 Zaragocilla 21.762318 68 232 Zaragocilla 13.567565 70 232 Zaragocilla 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Montemar 21.593164 70 231 Montemar 37.969855 72 231 Montemar 70.795535 73 231 Montemar 13.567565 70 232 13.567565 70 232 Libertad 10.003052 71 231 Libertad 37.969855 72 231 Libertad 70.795535 73 231 Libertad 11.381217 72 232 Libertad 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Polonia 5.6903472 77 231 Polonia 6.699567 77 232 Polonia 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Melilla 2.7486037 237 231 2.7486037 237 231 La Bulla 21.593164 70 231 La Bulla 37.969855 72 231 La Bulla 70.795535 73 231 La Bulla 13.567565 70 232 13.567565 70 232 Tierra Bomba 122.29773 79 231 Tierra Bomba 138.42583 80 231 Tierra Bomba 84.630361 79 232 Tierra Bomba 72.815598 80 232 Tierra Bomba 23.895681 80 233 Tierra Bomba 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Cenicita 37.969855 72 231 Cenicita 70.795535 73 231 Cenicita 11.381217 72 232 Cenicita 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Tolu 19.642305 67 231 Tolu 14.797166 67 232 Tolu 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Santa Ana 6.699567 77 232 Santa Ana 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Ararca 6.699567 77 232 Ararca 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Mompos 11.381217 72 232 Mompos 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Cano de Loro 47.988966 78 232 Cano de Loro 2.8312214 78 234 Cano de Loro 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 La Barces 32.255608 73 232 La Barces 38.957372 74 232 La Barces 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Labarce 32.255608 73 232 Labarce 38.957372 74 232 Labarce 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Buxton 10.556583 456 235 10.556583 456 235 Santa Maria 21.762318 68 232 Santa Maria 13.567565 70 232 Santa Maria 7.8897966 68 233 7.8897966 68 233 Cartagena 84.630361 79 232 Cartagena 72.815598 80 232 Cartagena 23.895681 80 233 Cartagena 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Pasacaballo 6.699567 77 232 Pasacaballo 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Piedrecitas 37.681091 76 232 Piedrecitas 6.699567 77 232 Piedrecitas 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Faro 86.110065 81 232 Faro 147.85499 82 232 Faro 214.28992 83 233 Faro 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Avon 10.556583 456 235 Avon 10.241733 457 235 10.241733 457 235 Leticia 37.681091 76 232 Leticia 6.699567 77 232 Leticia 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Sigua 2461.9112 221 232 Sigua 2912.4382 222 232 Sigua 2374.4308 221 233 Sigua 2269.7504 221 234 Sigua 2334.7844 222 234 Sigua 2263.7335 222 235 2263.7335 222 235 Caserio El Cobado 59.734206 75 232 Caserio El Cobado 37.681091 76 232 Caserio El Cobado 6.699567 77 232 Caserio El Cobado 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Manzanillo del Mar 86.110065 81 232 Manzanillo del Mar 147.85499 82 232 Manzanillo del Mar 214.28992 83 233 Manzanillo del Mar 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Manzanillo 86.110065 81 232 Manzanillo 147.85499 82 232 Manzanillo 214.28992 83 233 Manzanillo 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Cobado 9.8279381 75 233 9.8279381 75 233 Little Kinnakeet 10.556583 456 235 Little Kinnakeet 10.241733 457 235 10.241733 457 235 Puerto Cospique 23.895681 80 233 Puerto Cospique 2.8312214 78 234 Puerto Cospique 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Salvo 10.556583 456 235 Salvo 10.241733 457 235 10.241733 457 235 Steeple 10.556583 456 235 Steeple 10.241733 457 235 10.241733 457 235 Rodanthe 10.241733 457 235 10.241733 457 235 Puerto Tierrabaja 23.895681 80 233 Puerto Tierrabaja 13.89129 80 234 13.89129 80 234 Arroyo de Piedra 18.581051 82 233 Arroyo de Piedra 214.28992 83 233 Arroyo de Piedra 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Hierbabuena 6.9814946 82 234 6.9814946 82 234 Las Canoas 9.948111 83 234 Las Canoas 20.197542 85 235 Las Canoas 2.8402898 87 238 2.8402898 87 238 Barrederas 47.673634 236 236 47.673634 236 236 El Palmar 47.673634 236 236 47.673634 236 236 Arroyo Grande 7.627628 84 235 Arroyo Grande 20.197542 85 235 Arroyo Grande 2.8402898 87 238 2.8402898 87 238 Palmarito 7.627628 84 235 Palmarito 20.197542 85 235 Palmarito 2.8402898 87 238 2.8402898 87 238 Cairano 13.632357 86 236 Cairano 2.8402898 87 238 Cairano 9.8977952 88 239 Cairano 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Loma de Arena 13.632357 86 236 Loma de Arena 2.8402898 87 238 Loma de Arena 9.8977952 88 239 Loma de Arena 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Galerazamba 13.632357 86 236 Galerazamba 2.8402898 87 238 Galerazamba 9.8977952 88 239 Galerazamba 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Helenita 13.632357 86 236 Helenita 2.8402898 87 238 Helenita 9.8977952 88 239 Helenita 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Las Tres Marias 13.632357 86 236 Las Tres Marias 2.8402898 87 238 Las Tres Marias 9.8977952 88 239 Las Tres Marias 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Boca Tocino 6.014659 86 237 Boca Tocino 30.709757 88 237 Boca Tocino 2.8402898 87 238 Boca Tocino 9.8977952 88 239 Boca Tocino 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 San Vicente 2.8402898 87 238 San Vicente 9.8977952 88 239 San Vicente 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 San Diego 2.8402898 87 238 San Diego 9.8977952 88 239 San Diego 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Hacienda Manates 2.8402898 87 238 Hacienda Manates 9.8977952 88 239 Hacienda Manates 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Boqueron 946.75457 223 238 946.75457 223 238 Salina del Rey 2.8402898 87 238 Salina del Rey 9.8977952 88 239 Salina del Rey 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Salina de Rey 2.8402898 87 238 Salina de Rey 9.8977952 88 239 Salina de Rey 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Puerto Caiman 9.8977952 88 239 Puerto Caiman 7.1542228 88 240 7.1542228 88 240 Puerto Colombia 10.359974 89 241 10.359974 89 241 Puerto Salgar 10.359974 89 241 10.359974 89 241 Maizal 10.359974 89 241 10.359974 89 241 La Playa 5.9651661 90 242 5.9651661 90 242 Cementos Caribe 5.9651661 90 242 5.9651661 90 242 San Antonio del Sur 667.55463 224 243 San Antonio del Sur 1402.8237 224 244 San Antonio del Sur 1851.4407 224 245 San Antonio del Sur 1964.1124 224 246 1964.1124 224 246 Los Ladrones 76.124122 92 244 Los Ladrones 14.193674 91 247 14.193674 91 247 Imias 1851.4407 224 245 Imias 1964.1124 224 246 1964.1124 224 246 La Guardia 159.09957 92 245 La Guardia 56.920571 92 246 La Guardia 14.193674 91 247 14.193674 91 247 Cayo Guin 1350.7065 233 250 1350.7065 233 250 Paso de Toa 1350.7065 233 250 Paso de Toa 709.12598 231 251 709.12598 231 251 Baracoa 709.12598 231 251 709.12598 231 251 Cajo Babo 2106.1765 224 248 Cajo Babo 1086.8595 225 248 1086.8595 225 248 Hacienda Barravieja 155.89803 91 248 Hacienda Barravieja 4.3724586 90 249 4.3724586 90 249 Mata 709.12598 231 251 Mata 826.16586 231 252 Mata 458.96077 230 253 458.96077 230 253 Jauco 1794.2235 224 250 Jauco 918.64863 225 250 918.64863 225 250 Puebloviejo 25.603112 88 250 25.603112 88 250 Tasajera 25.603112 88 250 25.603112 88 250 Palmira 25.603112 88 250 25.603112 88 250 Isla del Rosario 25.603112 88 250 25.603112 88 250 Montecristo 975.59047 225 251 Montecristo 638.96277 225 253 Montecristo 116.27685 229 255 116.27685 229 255 Sabana 709.12598 231 251 Sabana 826.16586 231 252 Sabana 458.96077 230 253 Sabana 116.27685 229 255 116.27685 229 255 Cienaga 78.129696 88 251 Cienaga 237.19685 89 251 237.19685 89 251 Hacienda Papare 247.97584 89 252 247.97584 89 252 Gaira 9.3568447 91 252 Gaira 8.0584224 91 253 8.0584224 91 253 La Elisa 12.371773 88 252 La Elisa 247.97584 89 252 247.97584 89 252 Bavaria 9.3568447 91 252 Bavaria 8.0584224 91 253 8.0584224 91 253 Taganga 191.43947 92 252 Taganga 617.47937 94 252 Taganga 57.314625 95 255 57.314625 95 255 Santa Marta 191.43947 92 252 Santa Marta 617.47937 94 252 Santa Marta 57.314625 95 255 57.314625 95 255 Mamatoco 9.3568447 91 252 Mamatoco 8.0584224 91 253 8.0584224 91 253 Maisi 458.96077 230 253 Maisi 116.27685 229 255 116.27685 229 255 Balneario de Villa Concha 24.637543 92 253 Balneario de Villa Concha 135.19307 93 253 Balneario de Villa Concha 250.61897 94 253 Balneario de Villa Concha 238.64297 95 253 Balneario de Villa Concha 57.314625 95 255 57.314625 95 255 Neguanje 63.659507 95 254 Neguanje 57.314625 95 255 57.314625 95 255 El Coquito 379.26758 96 256 El Coquito 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 La Esmeralda 379.26758 96 256 La Esmeralda 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Canaveral 379.26758 96 256 Canaveral 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Port Salut 10.877251 197 260 10.877251 197 260 Los Naranjos 379.26758 96 256 Los Naranjos 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Mata de Platano 258.0576 96 257 Mata de Platano 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 La Poza 258.0576 96 257 La Poza 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Hacienda la Beatriz 258.0576 96 257 Hacienda la Beatriz 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Guschaca 258.0576 96 257 Guschaca 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Saint-Jean 10.877251 197 260 10.877251 197 260 Carrefour Meridien 10.877251 197 260 10.877251 197 260 Buritaca 295.33559 96 258 Buritaca 8.1093511 95 259 8.1093511 95 259 Les Cayes 10.877251 197 260 Les Cayes 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Cacoq 10.877251 197 260 Cacoq 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Don Diego 74.364408 95 260 Don Diego 142.29047 95 261 Don Diego 12.944257 94 264 12.944257 94 264 Matthew Town 638.79069 237 260 Matthew Town 310.64624 237 262 Matthew Town 303.12515 237 263 Matthew Town 291.26377 238 263 Matthew Town 44.084967 239 263 Matthew Town 45.59939 239 264 45.59939 239 264 Cavaillon 10.877251 197 260 Cavaillon 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Calabolo 400.64643 94 261 Calabolo 142.29047 95 261 Calabolo 12.944257 94 264 Calabolo 12.735116 94 265 12.735116 94 265 Ile a Vache 8.394522 197 261 Ile a Vache 7.5094507 197 262 Ile a Vache 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Saint-Louis-du-Sud 7.5094507 197 262 Saint-Louis-du-Sud 8.6824513 197 263 8.6824513 197 263 Nevamar 349.46331 94 262 Nevamar 87.155123 95 262 Nevamar 12.944257 94 264 Nevamar 12.735116 94 265 12.735116 94 265 Fatgunt 1774.4007 219 263 Fatgunt 2040.9486 220 263 Fatgunt 1703.1147 221 263 Fatgunt 1750.1013 222 263 Fatgunt 1618.7709 223 263 1618.7709 223 263 Rio Canas 12.944257 94 264 Rio Canas 12.735116 94 265 12.735116 94 265 Aquin 287.16212 197 264 Aquin 23.579482 198 266 Aquin 8.9181757 198 267 Aquin 14.448615 198 268 14.448615 198 268 La Plateforme 1757.75 218 264 La Plateforme 1792.1742 219 264 La Plateforme 1247.2403 220 264 La Plateforme 1122.811 221 264 1122.811 221 264 Olga 12.944257 94 264 Olga 12.735116 94 265 12.735116 94 265 Mole-Saint-Nicolas 1247.2403 220 264 Mole-Saint-Nicolas 1122.811 221 264 Mole-Saint-Nicolas 1435.6189 222 264 Mole-Saint-Nicolas 1371.4315 223 264 Mole-Saint-Nicolas 2718.2249 224 264 2718.2249 224 264 Quartier 357.22205 197 265 Quartier 23.579482 198 266 Quartier 8.9181757 198 267 Quartier 14.448615 198 268 Quartier 595.75825 197 269 Quartier 3.4116067 198 269 3.4116067 198 269 La Victoria 12.735116 94 265 12.735116 94 265 Dibulla 12.735116 94 265 12.735116 94 265 Coquille 585.38096 196 266 Coquille 539.11279 197 266 Coquille 23.579482 198 266 Coquille 8.9181757 198 267 Coquille 14.448615 198 268 Coquille 1313.83 196 269 Coquille 595.75825 197 269 Coquille 3.4116067 198 269 Coquille 1563.4994 196 270 Coquille 450.83874 197 270 450.83874 197 270 La Enea 14.786739 95 267 14.786739 95 267 Almacenes 1396.3775 224 267 Almacenes 1463.5263 225 267 Almacenes 1492.7785 225 268 Almacenes 1133.6552 225 270 1133.6552 225 270 Jean Rabel 1396.3775 224 267 Jean Rabel 1463.5263 225 267 Jean Rabel 1492.7785 225 268 Jean Rabel 1133.6552 225 270 1133.6552 225 270 Trou Louis 1118.3367 205 271 1118.3367 205 271 Punta Guamachito 7.9024078 95 268 Punta Guamachito 4.8508366 98 272 4.8508366 98 272 Laborieux 1302.429 196 268 Laborieux 779.45728 197 268 Laborieux 14.448615 198 268 Laborieux 1313.83 196 269 Laborieux 595.75825 197 269 Laborieux 3.4116067 198 269 Laborieux 1563.4994 196 270 Laborieux 450.83874 197 270 Laborieux 1580.8756 196 271 Laborieux 351.6534 197 271 Laborieux 424.97611 197 272 424.97611 197 272 Miragoane 14.535729 202 271 Miragoane 23.565166 202 272 23.565166 202 272 Trou des Hommes 1118.3367 205 271 Trou des Hommes 1191.2433 205 272 Trou des Hommes 1010.9087 205 273 1010.9087 205 273 La Cayenne 1315.0662 211 273 1315.0662 211 273 Camarones 6.8485811 96 269 Camarones 6.8908947 97 271 Camarones 6.8888047 98 271 Camarones 4.8508366 98 272 4.8508366 98 272 Nan Boeuf 1118.3367 205 271 Nan Boeuf 1696.8476 204 272 Nan Boeuf 1191.2433 205 272 Nan Boeuf 1580.4378 204 273 Nan Boeuf 1217.5063 204 274 1217.5063 204 274 La Gloria 6.9454255 97 270 La Gloria 10.011052 98 270 La Gloria 6.8908947 97 271 La Gloria 6.8888047 98 271 La Gloria 4.8508366 98 272 La Gloria 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Cote de Fer 1563.4994 196 270 Cote de Fer 450.83874 197 270 Cote de Fer 1580.8756 196 271 Cote de Fer 351.6534 197 271 Cote de Fer 424.97611 197 272 424.97611 197 272 El Horno 6.9454255 97 270 El Horno 10.011052 98 270 El Horno 6.8908947 97 271 El Horno 6.8888047 98 271 El Horno 4.8508366 98 272 El Horno 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Etroits 1246.6107 209 274 Etroits 898.45999 210 274 Etroits 1048.9206 208 275 Etroits 833.77492 209 275 833.77492 209 275 Nan-Mangot 1118.3367 205 271 Nan-Mangot 1191.2433 205 272 Nan-Mangot 1010.9087 205 273 Nan-Mangot 449.93162 205 274 Nan-Mangot 9.1268625 205 275 9.1268625 205 275 Riohacha 6.8908947 97 271 Riohacha 6.8888047 98 271 Riohacha 4.8508366 98 272 Riohacha 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Petit-Goave 23.565166 202 272 23.565166 202 272 Dupuis 372.38463 224 272 Dupuis 761.14283 225 272 Dupuis 349.09104 226 272 Dupuis 1269.2169 227 272 Dupuis 1964.9919 228 272 Dupuis 9.8494335 224 274 Dupuis 120.06898 225 275 120.06898 225 275 Pirpir 4.8508366 98 272 Pirpir 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Port-de-Paix 372.38463 224 272 Port-de-Paix 761.14283 225 272 Port-de-Paix 349.09104 226 272 Port-de-Paix 147.16929 224 273 Port-de-Paix 80.282812 225 273 Port-de-Paix 9.8494335 224 274 Port-de-Paix 120.06898 225 275 120.06898 225 275 Boucan a Lait 1580.4378 204 273 Boucan a Lait 1217.5063 204 274 Boucan a Lait 753.68714 204 275 Boucan a Lait 289.47271 204 276 Boucan a Lait 27.479522 205 276 Boucan a Lait 122.50526 206 276 Boucan a Lait 38.570523 205 277 Boucan a Lait 51.618804 206 277 51.618804 206 277 Voute I'Eglise 147.16929 224 273 Voute I'Eglise 80.282812 225 273 Voute I'Eglise 1717.7064 228 273 Voute I'Eglise 9.8494335 224 274 Voute I'Eglise 120.06898 225 275 120.06898 225 275 Juskare 8.7833306 99 273 Juskare 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Mayapo 8.7833306 99 273 Mayapo 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Fond Goriose 147.16929 224 273 Fond Goriose 80.282812 225 273 Fond Goriose 9.8494335 224 274 Fond Goriose 120.06898 225 275 120.06898 225 275 Arbol del Descanso 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Dugazon 646.08907 211 274 646.08907 211 274 Urachikarein 3.4908501 99 274 3.4908501 99 274 Bainet 1100.0761 196 274 Bainet 1082.4723 196 275 Bainet 1463.2783 196 276 Bainet 301.84617 197 276 Bainet 1947.9149 196 277 Bainet 2351.7805 196 278 2351.7805 196 278 Saint Louis du Nord 9.8494335 224 274 Saint Louis du Nord 120.06898 225 275 120.06898 225 275 Augier 1246.6107 209 274 Augier 898.45999 210 274 Augier 646.08907 211 274 Augier 1048.9206 208 275 Augier 833.77492 209 275 Augier 731.57784 207 276 Augier 27.781356 207 278 27.781356 207 278 Saint-Marc 898.45999 210 274 Saint-Marc 646.08907 211 274 Saint-Marc 133.08005 210 275 133.08005 210 275 Gonaives 6.116642 215 275 6.116642 215 275 Au Source Nord 29.981635 213 275 Au Source Nord 12.672621 214 275 12.672621 214 275 El Pajaro 2.9030982 100 275 2.9030982 100 275 Shichepeho 2.9030982 100 275 2.9030982 100 275 Aux Plains 120.06898 225 275 120.06898 225 275 Ca Malor 1082.4723 196 275 Ca Malor 1463.2783 196 276 Ca Malor 301.84617 197 276 Ca Malor 1947.9149 196 277 Ca Malor 2351.7805 196 278 2351.7805 196 278 Jacmel 1947.9149 196 277 Jacmel 2351.7805 196 278 2351.7805 196 278 Bellevue 49.586973 203 277 Bellevue 30.336896 204 277 Bellevue 38.570523 205 277 Bellevue 42.827766 204 278 Bellevue 134.55644 205 278 Bellevue 140.85057 204 279 Bellevue 134.82185 204 280 Bellevue 110.54929 205 280 Bellevue 2.846156 204 281 2.846156 204 281 Arcahaie 38.570523 205 277 Arcahaie 51.618804 206 277 Arcahaie 134.55644 205 278 Arcahaie 134.29798 205 279 Arcahaie 110.54929 205 280 Arcahaie 32.540816 205 281 32.540816 205 281 Huattapo 44.564121 102 278 Huattapo 55.285029 103 278 Huattapo 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Barque 258.48223 224 278 Barque 154.41944 223 280 Barque 15.830201 222 282 15.830201 222 282 Manaure Viejo 44.564121 102 278 Manaure Viejo 55.285029 103 278 Manaure Viejo 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Carrefour Raymond 2351.7805 196 278 2351.7805 196 278 Shushirrara 35.402658 102 279 Shushirrara 7.9077034 103 281 Shushirrara 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Iturumahana 35.402658 102 279 Iturumahana 7.9077034 103 281 Iturumahana 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Aubry 140.85057 204 279 Aubry 134.82185 204 280 Aubry 110.54929 205 280 Aubry 2.846156 204 281 Aubry 13.994073 205 282 13.994073 205 282 Araurio 35.402658 102 279 Araurio 7.9077034 103 281 Araurio 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Puerto Aramatka 35.402658 102 279 Puerto Aramatka 7.9077034 103 281 Puerto Aramatka 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Santa Rosa 28.066509 102 280 Santa Rosa 47.330635 103 280 Santa Rosa 7.9077034 103 281 Santa Rosa 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Mausahu 28.066509 102 280 Mausahu 47.330635 103 280 Mausahu 7.9077034 103 281 Mausahu 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Port-au-Prince 134.82185 204 280 Port-au-Prince 110.54929 205 280 Port-au-Prince 2.846156 204 281 Port-au-Prince 13.994073 205 282 13.994073 205 282 Marigot 2920.7214 196 280 Marigot 1363.4561 197 280 1363.4561 197 280 Jojoromahana 28.066509 102 280 Jojoromahana 47.330635 103 280 Jojoromahana 7.9077034 103 281 Jojoromahana 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Lombard 154.41944 223 280 Lombard 15.830201 222 282 15.830201 222 282 Auyama 7.9077034 103 281 Auyama 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Cardon 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Adieu au Monde 3870.9961 196 282 3870.9961 196 282 Cap-Haitien 15.830201 222 282 Cap-Haitien 6.7526666 221 286 6.7526666 221 286 Kosinamahana 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 Carrizal 49.190003 103 282 49.190003 103 282 El Cabo 3.6915755 105 283 El Cabo 2.7874786 106 284 El Cabo 12.928346 109 287 12.928346 109 287 Amaiquiro 40.461846 104 283 40.461846 104 283 Beliard 19.642297 222 283 Beliard 6.7526666 221 286 Beliard 4.6891889 221 287 4.6891889 221 287 Belle-Anse 2102.978 197 284 Belle-Anse 42.945484 197 288 42.945484 197 288 Jumop 7.156194 96 288 7.156194 96 288 Junain 49.334196 109 285 Junain 27.545817 109 286 Junain 12.928346 109 287 Junain 226.10324 108 288 Junain 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Kew 45.28336 253 289 45.28336 253 289 Calinatay 9.158363 97 288 9.158363 97 288 Los Filudos 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Molomana 9.158363 97 288 9.158363 97 288 Sichipes 7.156194 96 288 7.156194 96 288 La Gloria 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Pararu 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Guayamulisira 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Neima 7.156194 96 288 7.156194 96 288 Cojua 7.156194 96 288 7.156194 96 288 Campamento 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Guarurtain 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 La Punta 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Paraguaipoa 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Los Aceitunitos 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Guichep 3.846642 95 288 3.846642 95 288 Jautaipanou 9.158363 97 288 9.158363 97 288 Pichuasahi 27.545817 109 286 Pichuasahi 12.928346 109 287 Pichuasahi 226.10324 108 288 Pichuasahi 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Los Mochos 3.846642 95 288 Los Mochos 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Juruba 3.846642 95 288 Juruba 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Jasav 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Bottle Creek 45.28336 253 289 45.28336 253 289 Huauariuaha 27.545817 109 286 Huauariuaha 12.928346 109 287 Huauariuaha 226.10324 108 288 Huauariuaha 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Uluimana 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Jurulapa 9.158363 97 288 9.158363 97 288 Campo Alegre 3.846642 95 288 Campo Alegre 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Zulia Mar 3.846642 95 288 Zulia Mar 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Kaurimahana 12.928346 109 287 Kaurimahana 226.10324 108 288 Kaurimahana 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Anse a Cochon 3788.1889 195 287 Anse a Cochon 2127.4357 196 287 Anse a Cochon 166.82681 197 287 Anse a Cochon 42.945484 197 288 42.945484 197 288 Gualipana 9.158363 97 288 9.158363 97 288 Los Hermanitos 14.925551 94 289 Los Hermanitos 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Botoncillo 14.925551 94 289 Botoncillo 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Cojoro 9.0659706 98 288 9.0659706 98 288 Caimare Chico 14.925551 94 289 Caimare Chico 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Caraipia 14.925551 94 289 Caraipia 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Boca Paijana 14.925551 94 289 Boca Paijana 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puertecitos 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Cardoncito 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puerto Guerrero 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Conch Bar 45.28336 253 289 45.28336 253 289 Calle Ancha 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puerto Mara 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 Puerto Cardoncito 14.925551 94 289 Puerto Cardoncito 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 San Jose 226.10324 108 288 San Jose 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Paijana 5.9735473 92 290 5.9735473 92 290 La Esperanza 3.7245293 91 291 La Esperanza 7.9618872 91 293 7.9618872 91 293 Pedernales 2342.0478 193 289 Pedernales 337.66821 195 289 Pedernales 65.079641 196 289 Pedernales 6.7890567 195 291 6.7890567 195 291 Guasapatu 10.104846 98 289 10.104846 98 289 Los Icacos 2.5332805 223 292 2.5332805 223 292 San Rafael 3.7245293 91 291 San Rafael 7.9618872 91 293 7.9618872 91 293 Las Cabimas 3.7245293 91 291 Las Cabimas 7.9618872 91 293 7.9618872 91 293 Las Delicias 2.0355001 90 293 2.0355001 90 293 Bahia Hondita 20.889317 111 290 Bahia Hondita 2.8747357 111 291 2.8747357 111 291 Inosu 238.6798 108 289 238.6798 108 289 Palachuou 10.104846 98 289 10.104846 98 289 Cabo Rojo 1893.7369 191 290 Cabo Rojo 1515.6396 192 290 Cabo Rojo 1019.6243 193 290 Cabo Rojo 346.46226 194 290 Cabo Rojo 26.44916 195 290 Cabo Rojo 6.7890567 195 291 6.7890567 195 291 Potchoure 16.12569 98 290 16.12569 98 290 Monte Cristi 2.5332805 223 292 2.5332805 223 292 El Toas 3.7245293 91 291 El Toas 7.9618872 91 293 7.9618872 91 293 Zarrupiai 7.2538087 99 290 7.2538087 99 290 Cuzi 16.12569 98 290 16.12569 98 290 El Triunfo 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 San Carlos 3.7245293 91 291 San Carlos 7.9618872 91 293 7.9618872 91 293 Caserio Taroa 2.8747357 111 291 2.8747357 111 291 Punto Miranda 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Morchipa 11.082524 99 292 11.082524 99 292 El Aceituno 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Punta de Palmas 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Parsua 11.082524 99 292 11.082524 99 292 Haticos del Sur 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Punta de Leiva 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 El Cucharal 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Los Jobitos 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Jaguecito 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 El Canito 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 El Caiman 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Altagracia 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Las Playitas 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Maasichi 29.76622 112 295 Maasichi 13.930702 111 296 13.930702 111 296 Bella Vista 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Jaguey de Vera 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Ancon de Iturbe 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Ancon de Iturre 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Gutierrez 5.8137271 87 295 5.8137271 87 295 Puerto Chimare 29.76622 112 295 Puerto Chimare 13.930702 111 296 13.930702 111 296 Guincua 2.2940825 100 295 2.2940825 100 295 Sabana Cruz 19.686705 224 294 Sabana Cruz 27.013513 224 295 Sabana Cruz 4.1506154 223 297 4.1506154 223 297 Tapuli 2.2940825 100 295 2.2940825 100 295 Makaraipaho 5.3603054 101 296 5.3603054 101 296 Colinia Agricola Juancho 46.413382 191 297 Colinia Agricola Juancho 224.01794 192 298 Colinia Agricola Juancho 577.5866 193 299 577.5866 193 299 Castilletes 5.3603054 101 296 5.3603054 101 296 Puerto Estrella 29.76622 112 295 Puerto Estrella 13.930702 111 296 Puerto Estrella 14.068362 109 299 14.068362 109 299 Puerto Lopez 4.9849006 102 297 4.9849006 102 297 El Copey 16.468592 224 296 El Copey 4.1506154 223 297 4.1506154 223 297 Enriquillo 46.413382 191 297 Enriquillo 224.01794 192 298 Enriquillo 577.5866 193 299 577.5866 193 299 Chichibacoa 23.060185 111 297 Chichibacoa 14.068362 109 299 14.068362 109 299 Karasua 12.273862 103 298 12.273862 103 298 Guaguri 14.068362 109 299 Guaguri 6.1288335 105 300 6.1288335 105 300 Puerto Ingles 12.273862 103 298 12.273862 103 298 Paraiso 577.5866 193 299 577.5866 193 299 Punta Espada 12.423181 104 299 12.423181 104 299 La Cienaga 2604.8259 194 301 La Cienaga 15.16576 198 301 15.16576 198 301 Barahona 15.16576 198 301 15.16576 198 301 Cambronal 207.40712 223 299 Cambronal 26.971337 224 302 26.971337 224 302 San Agustin 10.029094 91 299 10.029094 91 299 El Curro 15.16576 198 301 15.16576 198 301 Luperon 874.88399 225 300 Luperon 1293.5354 225 301 Luperon 26.971337 224 302 26.971337 224 302 Arroyo Hondo 9.9332141 92 301 9.9332141 92 301 Coneja 9.9332141 92 301 9.9332141 92 301 Canapo 8.0910822 92 302 8.0910822 92 302 Los Negros 604.93354 198 302 Los Negros 63.697788 199 302 Los Negros 11.936746 200 305 11.936746 200 305 Bajo Hondo 613.28338 224 303 Bajo Hondo 2345.7804 225 303 Bajo Hondo 2307.848 225 304 Bajo Hondo 2224.875 225 305 Bajo Hondo 391.6352 223 306 391.6352 223 306 Caracubana 6.9888747 93 303 6.9888747 93 303 Antunez 6.9888747 93 303 6.9888747 93 303 Yuquique 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 Santa Clara 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 El Suite 5.5225616 93 304 5.5225616 93 304 Puerto Plata 1295.7892 224 305 Puerto Plata 391.6352 223 306 Puerto Plata 2306.0785 224 309 2306.0785 224 309 Puerto Gutierrez 10.05171 94 306 10.05171 94 306 Agua Clara 34.580915 200 306 Agua Clara 33.926905 200 307 Agua Clara 30.019225 201 307 30.019225 201 307 Los Hatos 10.05171 94 306 10.05171 94 306 Baruche 10.05171 94 306 10.05171 94 306 Sosua 1047.7173 223 307 Sosua 1666.9619 223 308 Sosua 1440.4409 223 309 Sosua 1829.9617 223 310 1829.9617 223 310 Puerto Zazarida 8.0424691 94 307 Puerto Zazarida 8.9582177 94 308 8.9582177 94 308 Las Calderas 15.306792 198 311 15.306792 198 311 Zazarida 8.9582177 94 308 8.9582177 94 308 Estanquecito 7.7643788 94 309 7.7643788 94 309 Sabaneta de Yasica 427.51142 222 309 Sabaneta de Yasica 345.71988 222 310 Sabaneta de Yasica 725.31779 222 311 Sabaneta de Yasica 42.422949 220 313 42.422949 220 313 Cuajaracume 9.1018795 95 310 Cuajaracume 10.105922 95 311 Cuajaracume 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Cauca 9.1018795 95 310 Cauca 10.105922 95 311 Cauca 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Codore Adentro 10.105922 95 311 Codore Adentro 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Hato Abajo 37.076816 102 311 37.076816 102 311 Los Taques 47.747343 100 311 Los Taques 31.762552 101 311 Los Taques 42.97661 100 312 42.97661 100 312 Ocorote 10.105922 95 311 Ocorote 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 Adaro 29.835847 99 311 29.835847 99 311 El Rosario 41.292074 101 312 El Rosario 27.958168 101 313 27.958168 101 313 El Cardon 20.411522 97 312 20.411522 97 312 Punta Cardon 32.841873 98 312 32.841873 98 312 Punto Fijo 35.711577 99 312 Punto Fijo 50.923042 99 315 50.923042 99 315 Conejal 26.707651 103 312 26.707651 103 312 Rio Seco 6.9983991 95 312 6.9983991 95 312 La Macolla 26.532481 105 312 La Macolla 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Las Piedras 35.711577 99 312 Las Piedras 50.923042 99 315 50.923042 99 315 Guadalajara 25.972536 104 312 Guadalajara 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 La California 25.972536 104 312 La California 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Guanadito 42.97661 100 312 42.97661 100 312 Guaimu 25.972536 104 312 Guaimu 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Magante 217.74007 221 312 Magante 42.422949 220 313 42.422949 220 313 Orejitas 25.972536 104 312 Orejitas 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Algodones 5.8037581 96 313 Algodones 18.709875 96 314 18.709875 96 314 Tiguajada 22.728502 98 313 22.728502 98 313 Macama 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Arajo 5.8037581 96 313 Arajo 18.709875 96 314 18.709875 96 314 La Boca 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Caujarito 22.728502 98 313 22.728502 98 313 Las Cruces 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 El Vaquero 4.834828 105 313 4.834828 105 313 Matacan 12.163806 98 314 Matacan 48.547442 98 315 Matacan 50.923042 99 315 50.923042 99 315 Rio San Juan 104.77125 220 314 104.77125 220 314 San Lorenzo 27.963171 107 314 San Lorenzo 7.2474253 107 315 7.2474253 107 315 Arashi 84.379917 113 314 84.379917 113 314 Bubali 84.379917 113 314 84.379917 113 314 Palm Beach 84.379917 113 314 84.379917 113 314 Washington 84.379917 113 314 84.379917 113 314 Tanki Flip 84.379917 113 314 84.379917 113 314 Ponton 84.379917 113 314 84.379917 113 314 Cayude 48.547442 98 315 Cayude 50.923042 99 315 50.923042 99 315 El Imujo 7.2474253 107 315 El Imujo 18.087434 107 319 18.087434 107 319 San Francisco 7.2474253 107 315 San Francisco 18.087434 107 319 18.087434 107 319 La Cienaga 7.2474253 107 315 La Cienaga 18.087434 107 319 18.087434 107 319 Abreu 243.67211 220 315 Abreu 837.60478 221 315 Abreu 2400.6962 222 315 Abreu 2886.8779 222 316 Abreu 2978.449 222 317 Abreu 265.48576 218 319 265.48576 218 319 Santa Cruz 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Savaneta 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Piedras Negras 16.666673 108 316 Piedras Negras 18.087434 107 319 Piedras Negras 15.00603 105 320 15.00603 105 320 Cura Cabai 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Brasil 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Sint Nicolaas 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Fontein 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Las Cumaraguas 16.666673 108 316 Las Cumaraguas 18.087434 107 319 Las Cumaraguas 15.00603 105 320 15.00603 105 320 Arroyo Salado 265.48576 218 319 Arroyo Salado 18.547532 215 320 18.547532 215 320 El Higo de las Tres Piernas 1405.6189 221 316 El Higo de las Tres Piernas 1211.5292 221 317 El Higo de las Tres Piernas 1655.6519 221 318 El Higo de las Tres Piernas 265.48576 218 319 265.48576 218 319 Juwana Morto 614.56914 112 320 614.56914 112 320 Santa Rita 18.087434 107 319 Santa Rita 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Azubure 18.087434 107 319 Azubure 15.00603 105 320 15.00603 105 320 Charaima 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Baraived 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Guayacan 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Nagua 265.48576 218 319 Nagua 18.547532 215 320 18.547532 215 320 El Hato 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Pedregalito 18.087434 107 319 Pedregalito 6.0135145 103 320 6.0135145 103 320 Caduto 63.898929 97 319 Caduto 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Guasare Abajo 63.898929 97 319 Guasare Abajo 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Cujizal 29.994012 97 320 Cujizal 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Palencia 29.994012 97 320 Palencia 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Jagueicito 29.994012 97 320 Jagueicito 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Sanchez 107.7104 215 321 Sanchez 19.075338 215 323 Sanchez 2.0386583 215 324 2.0386583 215 324 La Vela de Coro 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Playa Negra 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 El Carrizal 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Muaco 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Mataruca 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Taimetaima 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Cuji Leon 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Taratara 9.8108491 98 322 9.8108491 98 322 Abra Grande 281.6243 215 322 Abra Grande 1148.6575 216 322 Abra Grande 1623.827 217 322 Abra Grande 19.075338 215 323 Abra Grande 2.0386583 215 324 Abra Grande 12.243246 215 326 12.243246 215 326 La Aguada 5.6998326 97 323 5.6998326 97 323 Los Robalos 19.075338 215 323 Los Robalos 2.0386583 215 324 Los Robalos 12.243246 215 326 Los Robalos 11.855724 211 327 11.855724 211 327 Puente de Piedra 5.6998326 97 323 5.6998326 97 323 El Cerro 5.6998326 97 323 5.6998326 97 323 El Manglar 20.823879 98 324 El Manglar 22.910784 98 327 22.910784 98 327 San Juan 20.823879 98 324 San Juan 22.910784 98 327 22.910784 98 327 La Soledad 20.823879 98 324 La Soledad 22.910784 98 327 22.910784 98 327 Sabana de la Mar 25.963205 212 326 Sabana de la Mar 11.855724 211 327 11.855724 211 327 Quebrada de Huto 20.823879 98 324 Quebrada de Huto 22.910784 98 327 22.910784 98 327 La Cienega 20.823879 98 324 La Cienega 22.910784 98 327 22.910784 98 327 Puerto Cumarebo 39.362395 98 325 Puerto Cumarebo 28.353801 99 325 Puerto Cumarebo 8.4529362 98 326 Puerto Cumarebo 22.910784 98 327 Puerto Cumarebo 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Samana 2.7842164 215 325 Samana 25.963205 212 326 Samana 12.243246 215 326 Samana 11.855724 211 327 11.855724 211 327 El Valle 2.7842164 215 325 El Valle 25.963205 212 326 El Valle 12.243246 215 326 12.243246 215 326 Tucupido 39.362395 98 325 Tucupido 28.353801 99 325 Tucupido 8.4529362 98 326 Tucupido 22.910784 98 327 Tucupido 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 San Pedro de Macoris 68.923957 201 329 68.923957 201 329 Santa Rita 39.362395 98 325 Santa Rita 28.353801 99 325 Santa Rita 8.4529362 98 326 Santa Rita 22.910784 98 327 Santa Rita 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Santa Rosa 39.362395 98 325 Santa Rosa 28.353801 99 325 Santa Rosa 8.4529362 98 326 Santa Rosa 22.910784 98 327 Santa Rosa 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 San Antonio 8.4529362 98 326 San Antonio 22.910784 98 327 San Antonio 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Capitan 25.963205 212 326 Capitan 11.855724 211 327 11.855724 211 327 Cienega Lejos 8.4529362 98 326 Cienega Lejos 22.910784 98 327 Cienega Lejos 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Topopero 8.4529362 98 326 Topopero 22.910784 98 327 Topopero 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Cieneguita 8.4529362 98 326 Cieneguita 22.910784 98 327 Cieneguita 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Balandra 25.963205 212 326 Balandra 12.243246 215 326 Balandra 11.855724 211 327 11.855724 211 327 Arroyo del Cabo 18.476091 212 327 Arroyo del Cabo 2.9005349 215 327 2.9005349 215 327 El Soco 68.923957 201 329 68.923957 201 329 Boca de Ricoa 22.910784 98 327 Boca de Ricoa 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 El Desecho 93.037966 99 328 El Desecho 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 San Pedrito 93.037966 99 328 San Pedrito 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Sabanas Altas 93.037966 99 328 Sabanas Altas 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Saladillo 93.037966 99 328 Saladillo 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Cumayasa 68.923957 201 329 68.923957 201 329 Viana 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Dorp Sint Willebrordus 360.19356 106 333 360.19356 106 333 Loma Grande 20.61249 98 329 20.61249 98 329 Miches 29.480327 211 329 Miches 2.6752055 210 331 2.6752055 210 331 La Montana de Hueque 40.601481 98 330 40.601481 98 330 Aguima 40.601481 98 330 40.601481 98 330 Boka Sami 1274.8068 105 330 Boka Sami 1308.1017 105 331 Boka Sami 1196.9192 105 332 Boka Sami 929.79066 105 333 Boka Sami 835.8538 105 334 835.8538 105 334 El Pozo 40.601481 98 330 40.601481 98 330 La Romana 750.47191 199 332 La Romana 761.64365 199 333 La Romana 159.38744 200 333 La Romana 182.56435 200 334 182.56435 200 334 Coral 84.292238 98 331 Coral 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Campechano 84.292238 98 331 Campechano 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Willemstad 1371.3503 104 331 Willemstad 1269.0497 104 332 Willemstad 1204.1299 104 333 1204.1299 104 333 Brievengat 1308.1017 105 331 Brievengat 1196.9192 105 332 Brievengat 929.79066 105 333 Brievengat 835.8538 105 334 835.8538 105 334 El Guay 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Sauca 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Montan'i Rei 1269.0497 104 332 Montan'i Rei 1204.1299 104 333 1204.1299 104 333 Las Lisas 39.008142 211 333 Las Lisas 13.859929 210 334 13.859929 210 334 La Costa 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Santa Catharina 1196.9192 105 332 Santa Catharina 929.79066 105 333 Santa Catharina 835.8538 105 334 835.8538 105 334 Pta Zamuro 18.693361 97 332 18.693361 97 332 Bahahibe 955.78898 198 332 Bahahibe 890.53003 198 333 Bahahibe 761.64365 199 333 Bahahibe 159.38744 200 333 Bahahibe 182.56435 200 334 182.56435 200 334 Newport 1204.1299 104 333 1204.1299 104 333 El Encanto 18.246419 97 333 El Encanto 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 Isidro 18.246419 97 333 Isidro 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 La Palmilla 590.90245 197 334 La Palmilla 612.49042 198 334 La Palmilla 487.59703 199 334 La Palmilla 182.56435 200 334 La Palmilla 222.4624 198 338 222.4624 198 338 Mano Juan 979.60446 195 334 Mano Juan 599.44913 196 334 Mano Juan 487.59703 199 334 Mano Juan 332.0838 196 336 Mano Juan 594.9248 195 337 Mano Juan 198.16109 196 337 Mano Juan 525.44014 195 338 Mano Juan 11.933117 196 338 Mano Juan 222.4624 198 338 222.4624 198 338 Aguide 49.380343 97 335 Aguide 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 La Vacama 36.388498 210 335 36.388498 210 335 Hicacales 49.380343 97 335 Hicacales 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 El Algibe 405.93229 196 335 El Algibe 20.028699 197 335 El Algibe 123.31123 198 335 El Algibe 332.0838 196 336 El Algibe 198.16109 196 337 El Algibe 11.933117 196 338 El Algibe 222.4624 198 338 222.4624 198 338 Maracara 49.380343 97 335 Maracara 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 Boca de Yuma 239.90119 199 338 239.90119 199 338 Viento Suave 6.5849281 96 337 6.5849281 96 337 La Vigia 29.920591 95 339 29.920591 95 339 El Macao 95.485824 208 338 El Macao 112.05735 206 341 112.05735 206 341 Casa Venturia 29.920591 95 339 29.920591 95 339 Los Boquerones 29.920591 95 339 29.920591 95 339 El Cabo 239.90119 199 338 El Cabo 5.3723395 202 341 5.3723395 202 341 Bavaro 95.485824 208 338 Bavaro 112.05735 206 341 Bavaro 29.693683 205 342 29.693683 205 342 La Villa 4.8675068 93 340 La Villa 14.704633 90 343 14.704633 90 343 El Manglar 4.8675068 93 340 El Manglar 14.704633 90 343 14.704633 90 343 Tibana 20.067534 87 343 Tibana 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Tocuyo de la Costa 15.071105 92 342 Tocuyo de la Costa 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Sanare 20.018126 86 343 Sanare 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Cuara 20.067534 87 343 Cuara 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 El Cuatro 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Punta Cabo 183.79055 201 341 Punta Cabo 5.3723395 202 341 5.3723395 202 341 La Soledad 20.018126 86 343 La Soledad 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Cabo Engano 5.3723395 202 341 5.3723395 202 341 Santa Ana 20.018126 86 343 Santa Ana 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Playa Norte 15.071105 92 342 Playa Norte 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Rincon 113.05591 108 344 113.05591 108 344 El Muertico 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Tucacas 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Los Corales 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Las Empalizadas 15.071105 92 342 Las Empalizadas 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 La Luisa 20.018126 86 343 La Luisa 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 El Pasdero 20.067534 87 343 El Pasdero 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Las Delicias 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Pta. Brava 20.067534 87 343 Pta. Brava 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Chichiriviche 20.067534 87 343 Chichiriviche 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Kralendijk 113.05591 108 344 113.05591 108 344 Morrocoy 20.018126 86 343 Morrocoy 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 San Rafael 20.018126 86 343 San Rafael 11.673886 89 343 11.673886 89 343 Leeuwarden 113.05591 108 344 113.05591 108 344 Boca del Yaracuy 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Boca de Yaracuy 20.888265 85 343 20.888265 85 343 Bricat 113.05591 108 344 113.05591 108 344 Moron 31.977182 84 344 Moron 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Taborda 31.977182 84 344 Taborda 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 El Palito 31.977182 84 344 El Palito 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Goaigoaza 31.977182 84 344 Goaigoaza 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Sta. Rosa 31.977182 84 344 Sta. Rosa 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Puerto Cabello 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Sta. Lucia 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Pto Borburata 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Quizandal 35.865134 83 345 35.865134 83 345 Ganango 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Flamenco 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Las Caneyes 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Patanemo 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Palermo 38.183275 83 346 38.183275 83 346 Turiamo 46.745324 83 347 46.745324 83 347 San Nicolas 46.745324 83 347 46.745324 83 347 Independencia 68.619601 83 348 68.619601 83 348 Cata 64.758678 83 349 64.758678 83 349 Cuyagua 64.758678 83 349 64.758678 83 349 Aroa 179.23444 83 350 Aroa 319.02955 84 350 319.02955 84 350 Sta. Barbara 491.21444 84 352 Sta. Barbara 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Choroni 491.21444 84 352 Choroni 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Pto. Colombia 541.99787 85 351 Pto. Colombia 754.7346 85 352 Pto. Colombia 804.46095 85 353 804.46095 85 353 Puerto Colombia 491.21444 84 352 Puerto Colombia 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Sta Apolonia 491.21444 84 352 Sta Apolonia 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Payares 491.21444 84 352 Payares 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Chuao 491.21444 84 352 Chuao 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Cepe 491.21444 84 352 Cepe 497.30054 84 353 497.30054 84 353 Tuja 497.30054 84 353 Tuja 804.46095 85 353 804.46095 85 353 El Jabillal 566.97475 84 354 El Jabillal 709.24724 84 355 709.24724 84 355 Puerto Maya 566.97475 84 354 Puerto Maya 852.58805 85 354 852.58805 85 354 Puerto Cruz 709.24724 84 355 Puerto Cruz 1044.5918 85 355 1044.5918 85 355 Puerto La Cruz 709.24724 84 355 Puerto La Cruz 1044.5918 85 355 1044.5918 85 355 Los Rastrojos 709.24724 84 355 709.24724 84 355 Caguita 709.24724 84 355 Caguita 1044.5918 85 355 1044.5918 85 355 Petaquirito 1040.0259 85 356 1040.0259 85 356 Centro Puntas 243.88859 198 356 Centro Puntas 446.86019 199 356 Centro Puntas 818.34489 200 356 Centro Puntas 1634.4355 202 356 Centro Puntas 206.47704 198 358 Centro Puntas 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 Rincon 243.88859 198 356 Rincon 446.86019 199 356 Rincon 818.34489 200 356 Rincon 1634.4355 202 356 Rincon 206.47704 198 358 Rincon 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 Las Tres Palos 1040.0259 85 356 1040.0259 85 356 Chichiriviche 1040.0259 85 356 1040.0259 85 356 Centro Calvache 274.22941 198 357 Centro Calvache 582.72476 199 357 Centro Calvache 692.88479 200 357 Centro Calvache 206.47704 198 358 Centro Calvache 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 Matias 274.22941 198 357 Matias 582.72476 199 357 Matias 692.88479 200 357 Matias 206.47704 198 358 Matias 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 La Tosca 9.9895756 197 357 9.9895756 197 357 El Combate 1152.621 193 357 El Combate 423.27369 193 358 El Combate 12.415876 195 358 El Combate 9.8811551 196 358 El Combate 4.752057 195 359 El Combate 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Santa Rosa 981.6361 85 357 981.6361 85 357 Rojo Cabo 2529.0329 192 357 Rojo Cabo 2050.0091 192 358 Rojo Cabo 12.415876 195 358 Rojo Cabo 9.8811551 196 358 Rojo Cabo 4.752057 195 359 Rojo Cabo 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Aguada 582.72476 199 357 Aguada 692.88479 200 357 Aguada 394.18872 199 358 Aguada 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 La Playa 9.9895756 197 357 9.9895756 197 357 Belvedere 68.269232 194 357 Belvedere 13.465988 194 358 Belvedere 12.415876 195 358 Belvedere 9.8811551 196 358 Belvedere 4.752057 195 359 Belvedere 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Uricao 981.6361 85 357 981.6361 85 357 Pole Ojea 1152.621 193 357 Pole Ojea 423.27369 193 358 Pole Ojea 12.415876 195 358 Pole Ojea 9.8811551 196 358 Pole Ojea 4.752057 195 359 Pole Ojea 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Guaniquilla 68.269232 194 357 Guaniquilla 13.465988 194 358 Guaniquilla 12.415876 195 358 Guaniquilla 9.8811551 196 358 Guaniquilla 4.752057 195 359 Guaniquilla 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Las Corozas 274.22941 198 357 Las Corozas 582.72476 199 357 Las Corozas 692.88479 200 357 Las Corozas 206.47704 198 358 Las Corozas 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 El Guaramo 981.6361 85 357 981.6361 85 357 Boqueron 1152.621 193 357 Boqueron 423.27369 193 358 Boqueron 12.415876 195 358 Boqueron 9.8811551 196 358 Boqueron 4.752057 195 359 Boqueron 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Conde Avila 9.8866001 195 357 Conde Avila 12.415876 195 358 Conde Avila 9.8811551 196 358 Conde Avila 4.752057 195 359 4.752057 195 359 Cornelia 9.8866001 195 357 Cornelia 12.415876 195 358 Cornelia 9.8811551 196 358 Cornelia 4.752057 195 359 4.752057 195 359 Mani 9.9895756 197 357 9.9895756 197 357 Coloso 394.18872 199 358 Coloso 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Brisas de Mal 9.8811551 196 358 9.8811551 196 358 Victoria 394.18872 199 358 Victoria 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Delicias 13.465988 194 358 Delicias 12.415876 195 358 Delicias 9.8811551 196 358 Delicias 4.752057 195 359 Delicias 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Guanajibo Castillo 12.415876 195 358 Guanajibo Castillo 9.8811551 196 358 Guanajibo Castillo 4.752057 195 359 4.752057 195 359 Malecon 9.8811551 196 358 9.8811551 196 358 Aguadilla 394.18872 199 358 Aguadilla 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Cerrillos 12.415876 195 358 Cerrillos 9.8811551 196 358 Cerrillos 4.752057 195 359 4.752057 195 359 Cabo Rojo 13.465988 194 358 Cabo Rojo 12.415876 195 358 Cabo Rojo 9.8811551 196 358 Cabo Rojo 4.752057 195 359 Cabo Rojo 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Camaceyes 16.26219 200 358 Camaceyes 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Betances 423.27369 193 358 Betances 12.415876 195 358 Betances 9.8811551 196 358 Betances 4.752057 195 359 Betances 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Cuesta de las Piedras 9.8811551 196 358 9.8811551 196 358 Mayagnez 9.8811551 196 358 9.8811551 196 358 Colonia Dolores 18.825026 197 358 Colonia Dolores 206.47704 198 358 Colonia Dolores 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 La Soledad 18.825026 197 358 La Soledad 206.47704 198 358 La Soledad 394.18872 199 358 394.18872 199 358 Caban 16.26219 200 358 Caban 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Ponce de Leon 9.8811551 196 358 9.8811551 196 358 Villa Benni 12.415876 195 358 Villa Benni 9.8811551 196 358 Villa Benni 4.752057 195 359 4.752057 195 359 Arenales 16.26219 200 358 Arenales 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Guanabana 423.27369 193 358 Guanabana 12.415876 195 358 Guanabana 9.8811551 196 358 Guanabana 4.752057 195 359 Guanabana 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Corrales 16.26219 200 358 Corrales 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Taguao 728.66374 86 358 Taguao 279.87143 86 360 Taguao 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 San Antonio 16.26219 200 358 San Antonio 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Maguayo 192.97336 193 359 Maguayo 4.752057 195 359 Maguayo 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Rafael Hernandez 26.693023 201 359 Rafael Hernandez 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Jobos 26.693023 201 359 Jobos 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Mamo 279.87143 86 360 Mamo 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 Finca Juanita 192.97336 193 359 Finca Juanita 4.752057 195 359 Finca Juanita 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 La Parguera 192.97336 193 359 La Parguera 4.752057 195 359 La Parguera 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Isabela 39.297774 203 360 Isabela 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Sol y Mar 39.297774 203 360 Sol y Mar 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Pedro Garcia 279.87143 86 360 Pedro Garcia 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 Maiquetia 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 San Jose 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 Quebradillas 39.968647 203 361 39.968647 203 361 Ensenada 60.498477 193 361 Ensenada 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Cariaco 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 Fuig 60.498477 193 361 Fuig 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Guanica 60.498477 193 361 Guanica 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 San Jose de Galipan 273.67105 86 361 273.67105 86 361 El Tumbao 60.498477 193 361 El Tumbao 8.6881333 194 361 8.6881333 194 361 Maria Antonia 274.80872 193 362 Maria Antonia 12.482482 194 362 12.482482 194 362 La Guaira 258.19352 86 362 258.19352 86 362 Balneario de Cana Gorda 1446.0221 192 362 Balneario de Cana Gorda 274.80872 193 362 Balneario de Cana Gorda 12.482482 194 362 12.482482 194 362 Palomar 121.48106 203 362 Palomar 501.27666 203 363 Palomar 489.4387 203 364 489.4387 203 364 Membrillo 121.48106 203 362 Membrillo 501.27666 203 363 Membrillo 489.4387 203 364 489.4387 203 364 Campamento Borinquen 274.80872 193 362 Campamento Borinquen 12.482482 194 362 12.482482 194 362 San Julian 258.19352 86 362 258.19352 86 362 Alianza 121.48106 203 362 Alianza 501.27666 203 363 Alianza 489.4387 203 364 489.4387 203 364 Parode Agua 258.19352 86 362 258.19352 86 362 Camuy 121.48106 203 362 Camuy 501.27666 203 363 Camuy 489.4387 203 364 489.4387 203 364 Media Quijada 274.80872 193 362 Media Quijada 12.482482 194 362 12.482482 194 362 Juan Diaz 258.19352 86 362 258.19352 86 362 Cambalache 274.80872 193 362 Cambalache 12.482482 194 362 12.482482 194 362 Hatillo 501.27666 203 363 Hatillo 489.4387 203 364 Hatillo 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Indios 547.65348 193 363 Indios 29.761708 194 364 29.761708 194 364 Los Aguacates 230.18453 86 367 230.18453 86 367 Lechuga 501.27666 203 363 Lechuga 489.4387 203 364 Lechuga 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Carmen de Uria 230.18453 86 367 230.18453 86 367 Guayanilla 547.65348 193 363 Guayanilla 29.761708 194 364 29.761708 194 364 El Faro 547.65348 193 363 El Faro 29.761708 194 364 29.761708 194 364 Carrizales 501.27666 203 363 Carrizales 489.4387 203 364 Carrizales 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Corcovado 501.27666 203 363 Corcovado 489.4387 203 364 Corcovado 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Magas Arriba 547.65348 193 363 Magas Arriba 29.761708 194 364 29.761708 194 364 Cueva de Uria 230.18453 86 367 230.18453 86 367 Salto de Uria 230.18453 86 367 230.18453 86 367 Las Cunetas 489.4387 203 364 Las Cunetas 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Barranca 489.4387 203 364 Barranca 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 La Planta 230.18453 86 367 230.18453 86 367 Piedra de Moler 230.18453 86 367 230.18453 86 367 Guaypao 687.80445 193 364 Guaypao 29.761708 194 364 29.761708 194 364 Arecibo 489.4387 203 364 Arecibo 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Higuillales 489.4387 203 364 Higuillales 551.53539 203 367 551.53539 203 367 Tallaboa 687.80445 193 364 Tallaboa 29.761708 194 364 29.761708 194 364 Miguelena 230.18453 86 367 Miguelena 72.414512 85 369 72.414512 85 369 Jarealito 681.56759 203 366 Jarealito 551.53539 203 367 Jarealito 477.88392 203 369 477.88392 203 369 Domingo Ruiz 681.56759 203 366 Domingo Ruiz 551.53539 203 367 Domingo Ruiz 477.88392 203 369 477.88392 203 369 La Cortada 230.18453 86 367 La Cortada 72.414512 85 369 72.414512 85 369 La Haciendita 230.18453 86 367 La Haciendita 72.414512 85 369 72.414512 85 369 El Roque 61.662311 103 367 61.662311 103 367 Tuque 880.81847 193 365 Tuque 176.9684 194 365 Tuque 24.816778 194 369 24.816778 194 369 Anare 230.18453 86 367 Anare 72.414512 85 369 72.414512 85 369 Amalia Marin 880.81847 193 365 Amalia Marin 176.9684 194 365 Amalia Marin 24.816778 194 369 24.816778 194 369 Clausells 880.81847 193 365 Clausells 176.9684 194 365 Clausells 24.816778 194 369 24.816778 194 369 Ponce 941.58871 193 366 Ponce 120.1061 194 366 Ponce 24.816778 194 369 Ponce 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Islote 681.56759 203 366 Islote 551.53539 203 367 Islote 477.88392 203 369 Islote 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Santa Cruz 941.58871 193 366 Santa Cruz 120.1061 194 366 Santa Cruz 24.816778 194 369 Santa Cruz 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Altavista 941.58871 193 366 Altavista 120.1061 194 366 Altavista 24.816778 194 369 Altavista 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Colonia Vacacional 230.18453 86 367 Colonia Vacacional 72.414512 85 369 72.414512 85 369 Quinta Esperanza 1489.5673 192 366 Quinta Esperanza 941.58871 193 366 Quinta Esperanza 120.1061 194 366 Quinta Esperanza 24.816778 194 369 Quinta Esperanza 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Calzada 941.58871 193 366 Calzada 120.1061 194 366 Calzada 24.816778 194 369 Calzada 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Garrochales 681.56759 203 366 Garrochales 551.53539 203 367 Garrochales 477.88392 203 369 Garrochales 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Buyones 757.2647 193 367 Buyones 22.561773 194 368 Buyones 24.816778 194 369 Buyones 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Barceloneta 551.53539 203 367 Barceloneta 477.88392 203 369 Barceloneta 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 La Boca 551.53539 203 367 La Boca 477.88392 203 369 La Boca 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Capitanejo 757.2647 193 367 Capitanejo 22.561773 194 368 Capitanejo 24.816778 194 369 Capitanejo 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Boca Chica 757.2647 193 367 Boca Chica 22.561773 194 368 Boca Chica 24.816778 194 369 Boca Chica 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Osma 230.18453 86 367 Osma 72.414512 85 369 72.414512 85 369 La Luisa 551.53539 203 367 La Luisa 477.88392 203 369 La Luisa 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Pastillo 757.2647 193 367 Pastillo 22.561773 194 368 Pastillo 24.816778 194 369 Pastillo 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Tierras Nuevas Poniente 467.56218 203 368 Tierras Nuevas Poniente 477.88392 203 369 Tierras Nuevas Poniente 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Oritapo 72.414512 85 369 Oritapo 96.038785 85 372 96.038785 85 372 Campo Alegre 467.56218 203 368 Campo Alegre 477.88392 203 369 Campo Alegre 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Todasana 72.414512 85 369 Todasana 96.038785 85 372 96.038785 85 372 Bizarreta 298.74693 193 368 Bizarreta 22.561773 194 368 Bizarreta 24.816778 194 369 Bizarreta 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Playita Cortada 298.74693 193 368 Playita Cortada 22.561773 194 368 Playita Cortada 24.816778 194 369 Playita Cortada 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Coto Norte 467.56218 203 368 Coto Norte 477.88392 203 369 Coto Norte 441.73981 203 370 441.73981 203 370 Las Ollas 14.579901 193 369 Las Ollas 24.816778 194 369 Las Ollas 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Urama 72.414512 85 369 Urama 96.038785 85 372 96.038785 85 372 Sandin 477.88392 203 369 Sandin 441.73981 203 370 Sandin 587.93676 203 373 587.93676 203 373 Santa Isabel 943.38434 192 369 Santa Isabel 14.579901 193 369 Santa Isabel 24.816778 194 369 Santa Isabel 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Los Naranjos 477.88392 203 369 Los Naranjos 441.73981 203 370 Los Naranjos 587.93676 203 373 587.93676 203 373 La Virginia 72.414512 85 369 La Virginia 96.038785 85 372 96.038785 85 372 Jauca 943.38434 192 369 Jauca 14.579901 193 369 Jauca 24.816778 194 369 Jauca 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Sabana 441.73981 203 370 Sabana 587.93676 203 373 587.93676 203 373 Caruao 66.025803 85 371 Caruao 96.038785 85 372 Caruao 66.428783 85 374 66.428783 85 374 Ceiba 441.73981 203 370 Ceiba 587.93676 203 373 587.93676 203 373 Parcelas Penuelas 27.934904 193 370 Parcelas Penuelas 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Brenas 441.73981 203 370 Brenas 587.93676 203 373 587.93676 203 373 Las Ochenta 27.934904 193 370 Las Ochenta 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Chuspa 66.025803 85 371 Chuspa 96.038785 85 372 Chuspa 66.428783 85 374 66.428783 85 374 San Antonio 441.73981 203 370 San Antonio 587.93676 203 373 587.93676 203 373 Salinas 27.934904 193 370 Salinas 6.3080332 194 370 6.3080332 194 370 Doraville 468.94718 203 371 Doraville 1130.1097 204 371 Doraville 587.93676 203 373 Doraville 8.7430727 202 375 8.7430727 202 375 Dorado 468.94718 203 371 Dorado 1130.1097 204 371 Dorado 587.93676 203 373 Dorado 8.7430727 202 375 8.7430727 202 375 Esperanza 651.69458 192 371 Esperanza 29.869629 193 371 Esperanza 30.068368 193 372 Esperanza 9.5599163 194 372 9.5599163 194 372 Toa Baja 468.94718 203 371 Toa Baja 1130.1097 204 371 Toa Baja 587.93676 203 373 Toa Baja 8.7430727 202 375 8.7430727 202 375 Central Aguirre 404.30791 192 372 Central Aguirre 30.068368 193 372 Central Aguirre 9.5599163 194 372 9.5599163 194 372 Coqui 30.068368 193 372 Coqui 9.5599163 194 372 9.5599163 194 372 Ingenio 502.70338 203 372 Ingenio 1102.9925 204 372 Ingenio 587.93676 203 373 Ingenio 8.7430727 202 375 Ingenio 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 San Felipe 404.30791 192 372 San Felipe 30.068368 193 372 San Felipe 9.5599163 194 372 9.5599163 194 372 Camino Delmar 502.70338 203 372 Camino Delmar 1102.9925 204 372 Camino Delmar 587.93676 203 373 Camino Delmar 8.7430727 202 375 Camino Delmar 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Sabana Seca 502.70338 203 372 Sabana Seca 587.93676 203 373 Sabana Seca 8.7430727 202 375 Sabana Seca 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Villodas 30.068368 193 372 Villodas 9.5599163 194 372 9.5599163 194 372 Levittown 502.70338 203 372 Levittown 1102.9925 204 372 Levittown 587.93676 203 373 Levittown 8.7430727 202 375 Levittown 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Chirimena 96.038785 85 372 Chirimena 66.428783 85 374 Chirimena 8.9758489 82 376 Chirimena 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Chipumena 96.038785 85 372 Chipumena 66.428783 85 374 Chipumena 8.9758489 82 376 Chipumena 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Jobos 404.30791 192 372 Jobos 30.068368 193 372 Jobos 9.5599163 194 372 9.5599163 194 372 Enramada 502.70338 203 372 Enramada 587.93676 203 373 Enramada 8.7430727 202 375 Enramada 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Palo Seco 587.93676 203 373 Palo Seco 8.7430727 202 375 Palo Seco 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Las Palmas 587.93676 203 373 Las Palmas 8.7430727 202 375 Las Palmas 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Reunion 711.71586 192 373 Reunion 23.677518 193 373 Reunion 26.759668 193 374 Reunion 818.96076 192 375 Reunion 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Guaical 8.9758489 82 376 Guaical 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Catano 587.93676 203 373 Catano 8.7430727 202 375 Catano 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Flores 122.45624 85 373 Flores 66.428783 85 374 Flores 8.9758489 82 376 Flores 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Jardines de Caparra 587.93676 203 373 Jardines de Caparra 8.7430727 202 375 Jardines de Caparra 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 El Aguasal 8.9758489 82 376 El Aguasal 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 El Morro 587.93676 203 373 El Morro 8.7430727 202 375 El Morro 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Guayama 23.677518 193 373 Guayama 26.759668 193 374 Guayama 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Carenero 122.45624 85 373 Carenero 66.428783 85 374 Carenero 8.9758489 82 376 Carenero 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Guaynabo 587.93676 203 373 Guaynabo 8.7430727 202 375 Guaynabo 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Playita Machete 711.71586 192 373 Playita Machete 23.677518 193 373 Playita Machete 26.759668 193 374 Playita Machete 818.96076 192 375 Playita Machete 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Vietnam 587.93676 203 373 Vietnam 8.7430727 202 375 Vietnam 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Higuerote 8.9758489 82 376 Higuerote 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Caparra Hills 587.93676 203 373 Caparra Hills 8.7430727 202 375 Caparra Hills 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Puerta de Tierra 587.93676 203 373 Puerta de Tierra 8.7430727 202 375 Puerta de Tierra 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Buche 122.45624 85 373 Buche 66.428783 85 374 Buche 8.9758489 82 376 Buche 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Green Hills 26.759668 193 374 Green Hills 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Corazon 26.759668 193 374 Corazon 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Sotillo 8.9758489 82 376 Sotillo 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Nemesio Canales 589.00024 203 374 Nemesio Canales 8.7430727 202 375 Nemesio Canales 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Condado 589.00024 203 374 Condado 8.7430727 202 375 Condado 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Baldrich 589.00024 203 374 Baldrich 8.7430727 202 375 Baldrich 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Arroyo 779.74483 192 374 Arroyo 26.759668 193 374 Arroyo 818.96076 192 375 Arroyo 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Boca Vieja 8.9758489 82 376 Boca Vieja 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Buena Vista 26.759668 193 374 Buena Vista 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 San Juan 589.00024 203 374 San Juan 8.7430727 202 375 San Juan 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Punta Las Marias 589.00024 203 374 Punta Las Marias 8.7430727 202 375 Punta Las Marias 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Manuel A Perez 589.00024 203 374 Manuel A Perez 8.7430727 202 375 Manuel A Perez 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Palmas 23.627635 193 375 Palmas 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Pueblo Nuevo 8.9758489 82 376 8.9758489 82 376 Biascoechea 8.7430727 202 375 Biascoechea 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Patillas 23.627635 193 375 Patillas 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Parque Isla Verde 8.7430727 202 375 Parque Isla Verde 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Country Club 8.7430727 202 375 Country Club 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Providencia 23.627635 193 375 Providencia 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Lamboglia 23.627635 193 375 Lamboglia 3.9021044 194 375 3.9021044 194 375 Paparo 8.9758489 82 376 Paparo 14.676879 83 376 14.676879 83 376 Carolina 8.7430727 202 375 Carolina 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Extension Vista Mar 8.7430727 202 375 Extension Vista Mar 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Recio 617.24465 193 376 617.24465 193 376 Campamento Pinones 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Palo Seco 617.24465 193 376 617.24465 193 376 Zalazar 8.9758489 82 376 8.9758489 82 376 Arenas 16.284605 202 376 16.284605 202 376 Maunabo 617.24465 193 376 617.24465 193 376 Emajagua 1311.1461 193 377 Emajagua 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Loiza Aldea 26.34828 202 377 Loiza Aldea 47.844145 202 378 47.844145 202 378 Yabucoa 251.5071 194 377 Yabucoa 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 El Negro 1311.1461 193 377 El Negro 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Suarez 26.34828 202 377 Suarez 47.844145 202 378 47.844145 202 378 Comunas 251.5071 194 377 Comunas 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Candelero Arriba 251.5071 194 377 Candelero Arriba 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Vieques 26.34828 202 377 Vieques 47.844145 202 378 47.844145 202 378 Playa de Guayanes 1233.6378 194 378 Playa de Guayanes 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Rio Grande 47.844145 202 378 Rio Grande 19.164301 201 382 19.164301 201 382 Rio Abajo 929.50883 195 380 Rio Abajo 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Buena Vista 929.50883 195 380 Buena Vista 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Palmas del Mar 1233.6378 194 378 Palmas del Mar 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Hato Candal 47.844145 202 378 Hato Candal 19.164301 201 382 19.164301 201 382 Bajandas 929.50883 195 380 Bajandas 6.4188991 197 381 6.4188991 197 381 Palmer 47.844145 202 378 Palmer 19.164301 201 382 19.164301 201 382 Las Cruces 25.810782 81 378 Las Cruces 18.87636 80 379 Las Cruces 20.388911 79 381 20.388911 79 381 Punta Santiago 929.50883 195 380 Punta Santiago 6.4188991 197 381 Punta Santiago 15.035454 198 383 Punta Santiago 13.016242 199 383 13.016242 199 383 Playa Fortuna 82.588409 202 379 Playa Fortuna 19.164301 201 382 Playa Fortuna 13.016242 199 383 Playa Fortuna 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Arenas 18.87636 80 379 Arenas 20.388911 79 381 20.388911 79 381 Playa de Humacao 929.50883 195 380 Playa de Humacao 6.4188991 197 381 Playa de Humacao 15.035454 198 383 Playa de Humacao 13.016242 199 383 13.016242 199 383 San Vicente 82.588409 202 379 San Vicente 19.164301 201 382 San Vicente 15.035454 198 383 San Vicente 13.016242 199 383 San Vicente 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Naguabo 37.449005 196 381 Naguabo 6.4188991 197 381 Naguabo 15.035454 198 383 Naguabo 13.016242 199 383 Naguabo 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Luquillo 82.588409 202 379 Luquillo 19.164301 201 382 Luquillo 13.016242 199 383 Luquillo 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Ramos 82.588409 202 379 Ramos 19.164301 201 382 Ramos 15.035454 198 383 Ramos 13.016242 199 383 Ramos 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Estacion Botija 37.449005 196 381 Estacion Botija 6.4188991 197 381 Estacion Botija 15.035454 198 383 Estacion Botija 13.016242 199 383 Estacion Botija 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 El Banco 37.449005 196 381 El Banco 6.4188991 197 381 El Banco 15.035454 198 383 El Banco 13.016242 199 383 El Banco 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Margarita 82.588409 202 379 Margarita 19.164301 201 382 Margarita 15.035454 198 383 Margarita 13.016242 199 383 Margarita 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Campamento Punta Lima 37.449005 196 381 Campamento Punta Lima 6.4188991 197 381 Campamento Punta Lima 15.035454 198 383 Campamento Punta Lima 13.016242 199 383 Campamento Punta Lima 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Daguao 37.449005 196 381 Daguao 6.4188991 197 381 Daguao 15.035454 198 383 Daguao 13.016242 199 383 Daguao 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Aguas Claras 6.4188991 197 381 Aguas Claras 19.164301 201 382 Aguas Claras 15.035454 198 383 Aguas Claras 13.016242 199 383 Aguas Claras 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Convento 95.085237 202 380 Convento 12.283018 201 381 Convento 19.164301 201 382 Convento 15.035454 198 383 Convento 13.016242 199 383 Convento 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Fajardo 95.085237 202 380 Fajardo 12.283018 201 381 Fajardo 19.164301 201 382 Fajardo 15.035454 198 383 Fajardo 13.016242 199 383 Fajardo 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 El Coco 3.4985097 79 380 El Coco 20.388911 79 381 20.388911 79 381 Ceiba 6.4188991 197 381 Ceiba 19.164301 201 382 Ceiba 15.035454 198 383 Ceiba 13.016242 199 383 Ceiba 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Isidra 95.085237 202 380 Isidra 12.283018 201 381 Isidra 19.164301 201 382 Isidra 15.035454 198 383 Isidra 13.016242 199 383 Isidra 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Luis M. Cintron 6.4188991 197 381 Luis M. Cintron 19.164301 201 382 Luis M. Cintron 15.035454 198 383 Luis M. Cintron 13.016242 199 383 Luis M. Cintron 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Roosevelt Roads 37.449005 196 381 Roosevelt Roads 6.4188991 197 381 Roosevelt Roads 15.035454 198 383 Roosevelt Roads 13.016242 199 383 Roosevelt Roads 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Las Croabas 12.283018 201 381 Las Croabas 19.164301 201 382 Las Croabas 15.035454 198 383 Las Croabas 13.016242 199 383 Las Croabas 11.411055 200 383 11.411055 200 383 Panapo 38.555624 79 382 Panapo 7.1424644 78 383 Panapo 14.503361 78 384 14.503361 78 384 Hacienda Arcadia 1725.3539 195 382 Hacienda Arcadia 691.52259 196 382 Hacienda Arcadia 14.437228 197 382 Hacienda Arcadia 15.035454 198 383 Hacienda Arcadia 13.016242 199 383 Hacienda Arcadia 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Esperanza 2105.1582 194 383 Esperanza 15.035454 198 383 Esperanza 13.122777 198 384 Esperanza 17.594145 198 385 Esperanza 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Isabel Segunda 1429.6233 195 383 Isabel Segunda 9.976013 196 383 Isabel Segunda 15.035454 198 383 Isabel Segunda 13.016242 199 383 Isabel Segunda 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Santa Maria 1429.6233 195 383 Santa Maria 9.976013 196 383 Santa Maria 15.035454 198 383 Santa Maria 13.016242 199 383 Santa Maria 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Vieques 1429.6233 195 383 Vieques 9.976013 196 383 Vieques 15.035454 198 383 Vieques 13.016242 199 383 Vieques 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Uchire 14.503361 78 384 Uchire 5.6517228 77 387 5.6517228 77 387 Chavez 14.503361 78 384 Chavez 5.6517228 77 387 5.6517228 77 387 Culebra 17.594145 198 385 Culebra 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Cardoncito 28.305979 78 386 Cardoncito 5.6517228 77 387 Cardoncito 9.6120391 77 389 Cardoncito 17.152468 77 390 17.152468 77 390 San Ildefonso 23.079737 198 386 23.079737 198 386 Unare 5.6517228 77 387 Unare 9.6120391 77 389 Unare 17.152468 77 390 17.152468 77 390 Puerto Piritu 9.6120391 77 389 Puerto Piritu 17.152468 77 390 Puerto Piritu 14.061336 77 393 14.061336 77 393 Adelphi 25.465918 199 390 Adelphi 34.428595 200 390 34.428595 200 390 Neltjeberg 25.465918 199 390 Neltjeberg 34.428595 200 390 34.428595 200 390 Cabritaberg 25.465918 199 390 Cabritaberg 34.428595 200 390 34.428595 200 390 Barrett 32.277902 199 391 Barrett 19.851201 200 391 Barrett 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 Charlotte Amalie 32.277902 199 391 Charlotte Amalie 19.851201 200 391 Charlotte Amalie 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 Enighed 32.277902 199 391 Enighed 19.851201 200 391 Enighed 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 Bellevue 32.277902 199 391 Bellevue 19.851201 200 391 Bellevue 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 El Jose 16.670541 77 391 El Jose 14.061336 77 393 14.061336 77 393 Mandal 32.277902 199 391 Mandal 19.851201 200 391 Mandal 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 Bolongo 32.277902 199 391 Bolongo 19.851201 200 391 Bolongo 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 Donoe 32.277902 199 391 Donoe 19.851201 200 391 Donoe 10.868865 201 391 10.868865 201 391 Butler Bay 5.1864334 190 394 Butler Bay 499.01271 189 395 Butler Bay 2.7557436 190 395 Butler Bay 916.46895 189 396 916.46895 189 396 Hams Bay 5.1864334 190 394 Hams Bay 499.01271 189 395 Hams Bay 2.7557436 190 395 Hams Bay 916.46895 189 396 916.46895 189 396 Camporico 1315.014 188 394 Camporico 871.68323 188 395 Camporico 1578.6329 188 396 1578.6329 188 396 Benner 32.494773 199 392 Benner 25.045477 200 392 Benner 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Jolly Hill 5.1864334 190 394 Jolly Hill 499.01271 189 395 Jolly Hill 2.7557436 190 395 Jolly Hill 916.46895 189 396 916.46895 189 396 Annaly 5.1864334 190 394 Annaly 499.01271 189 395 Annaly 2.7557436 190 395 Annaly 916.46895 189 396 916.46895 189 396 Carlton 1315.014 188 394 Carlton 871.68323 188 395 Carlton 1578.6329 188 396 1578.6329 188 396 Allandale 5.1864334 190 394 Allandale 499.01271 189 395 Allandale 2.7557436 190 395 Allandale 916.46895 189 396 916.46895 189 396 Fountain 5.1864334 190 394 Fountain 499.01271 189 395 Fountain 2.7557436 190 395 Fountain 916.46895 189 396 Fountain 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Bettys Hope 1315.014 188 394 Bettys Hope 871.68323 188 395 Bettys Hope 1578.6329 188 396 Bettys Hope 1805.8453 188 397 1805.8453 188 397 North Star 5.1864334 190 394 North Star 499.01271 189 395 North Star 2.7557436 190 395 North Star 916.46895 189 396 North Star 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Upper Love 5.1864334 190 394 Upper Love 499.01271 189 395 Upper Love 2.7557436 190 395 Upper Love 916.46895 189 396 Upper Love 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Negro Bay 5.1864334 190 394 Negro Bay 499.01271 189 395 Negro Bay 2.7557436 190 395 Negro Bay 916.46895 189 396 Negro Bay 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Hermitage 5.1864334 190 394 Hermitage 499.01271 189 395 Hermitage 2.7557436 190 395 Hermitage 916.46895 189 396 Hermitage 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Belvedere 5.1864334 190 394 Belvedere 2.7557436 190 395 Belvedere 735.37532 190 397 735.37532 190 397 Bethlehem Old Work 5.1864334 190 394 Bethlehem Old Work 499.01271 189 395 Bethlehem Old Work 2.7557436 190 395 Bethlehem Old Work 916.46895 189 396 Bethlehem Old Work 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Contant 35.343119 199 393 Contant 37.288983 201 393 Contant 29.221543 201 395 Contant 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Libanon Hill 5.1864334 190 394 Libanon Hill 499.01271 189 395 Libanon Hill 2.7557436 190 395 Libanon Hill 916.46895 189 396 Libanon Hill 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Anguilla 5.1864334 190 394 Anguilla 499.01271 189 395 Anguilla 2.7557436 190 395 Anguilla 916.46895 189 396 Anguilla 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Clairmont 5.1864334 190 394 Clairmont 2.7557436 190 395 Clairmont 735.37532 190 397 735.37532 190 397 Clifton Hill 5.1864334 190 394 Clifton Hill 499.01271 189 395 Clifton Hill 2.7557436 190 395 Clifton Hill 916.46895 189 396 Clifton Hill 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Bonne Esperance 5.1864334 190 394 Bonne Esperance 499.01271 189 395 Bonne Esperance 2.7557436 190 395 Bonne Esperance 916.46895 189 396 Bonne Esperance 1059.5325 189 397 1059.5325 189 397 Adrian 35.343119 199 393 Adrian 37.288983 201 393 Adrian 29.221543 201 395 Adrian 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Fish Bay 35.343119 199 393 Fish Bay 37.288983 201 393 Fish Bay 29.221543 201 395 Fish Bay 6.5645921 202 396 6.5645921 202 396 Montpellier 5.1864334 190 394 Montpellier 499.01271 189 395 Montpellier 2.7557436 190 395 Montpellier 916.46895 189 396 Montpellier 1059.5325 189 397 Montpellier 1046.0329 189 398 Montpellier 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Diamond 5.1864334 190 394 Diamond 499.01271 189 395 Diamond 2.7557436 190 395 Diamond 916.46895 189 396 Diamond 1059.5325 189 397 Diamond 1046.0329 189 398 Diamond 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 5.1864334 190 394 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 499.01271 189 395 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 2.7557436 190 395 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 916.46895 189 396 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 1059.5325 189 397 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 1046.0329 189 398 Jerusalem and Figtree Hill 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Belle Vue 29.221543 201 395 Belle Vue 6.5645921 202 396 Belle Vue 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Bellevue 5.1864334 190 394 Bellevue 499.01271 189 395 Bellevue 2.7557436 190 395 Bellevue 916.46895 189 396 Bellevue 1059.5325 189 397 Bellevue 1046.0329 189 398 Bellevue 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Annaberg 28.644213 199 394 Annaberg 34.138177 199 395 Annaberg 29.221543 201 395 Annaberg 6.5645921 202 396 Annaberg 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Annas Hope 5.1864334 190 394 Annas Hope 499.01271 189 395 Annas Hope 2.7557436 190 395 Annas Hope 916.46895 189 396 Annas Hope 1059.5325 189 397 Annas Hope 1046.0329 189 398 Annas Hope 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Bordeaux 28.644213 199 394 Bordeaux 34.138177 199 395 Bordeaux 29.221543 201 395 Bordeaux 6.5645921 202 396 Bordeaux 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Christiansted 5.1864334 190 394 Christiansted 499.01271 189 395 Christiansted 2.7557436 190 395 Christiansted 916.46895 189 396 Christiansted 1059.5325 189 397 Christiansted 1046.0329 189 398 Christiansted 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Bugbyhole 5.1864334 190 394 Bugbyhole 499.01271 189 395 Bugbyhole 2.7557436 190 395 Bugbyhole 916.46895 189 396 Bugbyhole 1059.5325 189 397 Bugbyhole 1046.0329 189 398 Bugbyhole 87.50558 192 398 87.50558 192 398 Calabash Boom 28.644213 199 394 Calabash Boom 34.138177 199 395 Calabash Boom 29.221543 201 395 Calabash Boom 6.5645921 202 396 Calabash Boom 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Hermitage 28.644213 199 394 Hermitage 34.138177 199 395 Hermitage 29.221543 201 395 Hermitage 6.5645921 202 396 Hermitage 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 El Morro de Barcelona 22.441928 77 394 El Morro de Barcelona 16.715968 77 395 El Morro de Barcelona 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 Barcelona 16.715968 77 395 Barcelona 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 Butzberg 499.01271 189 395 Butzberg 2.7557436 190 395 Butzberg 916.46895 189 396 Butzberg 1059.5325 189 397 Butzberg 1046.0329 189 398 Butzberg 87.50558 192 398 Butzberg 1317.3216 189 399 1317.3216 189 399 Fareham 499.01271 189 395 Fareham 2.7557436 190 395 Fareham 916.46895 189 396 Fareham 1059.5325 189 397 Fareham 1046.0329 189 398 Fareham 87.50558 192 398 Fareham 1317.3216 189 399 1317.3216 189 399 East End 34.138177 199 395 East End 29.221543 201 395 East End 6.5645921 202 396 East End 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Puerto la Cruz 16.715968 77 395 Puerto la Cruz 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 Carden 499.01271 189 395 Carden 2.7557436 190 395 Carden 916.46895 189 396 Carden 1059.5325 189 397 Carden 1046.0329 189 398 Carden 87.50558 192 398 Carden 1317.3216 189 399 1317.3216 189 399 Cotton Grove 499.01271 189 395 Cotton Grove 2.7557436 190 395 Cotton Grove 916.46895 189 396 Cotton Grove 1059.5325 189 397 Cotton Grove 1046.0329 189 398 Cotton Grove 87.50558 192 398 Cotton Grove 1317.3216 189 399 1317.3216 189 399 Road Town 6.5645921 202 396 Road Town 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Cotton Valley 916.46895 189 396 Cotton Valley 1059.5325 189 397 Cotton Valley 1046.0329 189 398 Cotton Valley 87.50558 192 398 Cotton Valley 1317.3216 189 399 Cotton Valley 2128.1267 189 400 2128.1267 189 400 El Chaure 3.7607589 77 396 3.7607589 77 396 Knight 916.46895 189 396 Knight 1059.5325 189 397 Knight 1046.0329 189 398 Knight 87.50558 192 398 Knight 1317.3216 189 399 Knight 2128.1267 189 400 2128.1267 189 400 Pacham Town 6.5645921 202 396 Pacham Town 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Arapo 37.100678 79 398 37.100678 79 398 Spanish Town 14.190108 201 398 14.190108 201 398 Santa Fe 104.08156 79 399 Santa Fe 77.053359 81 399 77.053359 81 399 Tajerias 390.28288 88 399 Tajerias 486.85275 88 400 Tajerias 344.25732 88 401 Tajerias 274.33301 88 402 Tajerias 54.514677 89 402 Tajerias 2.7022141 91 403 2.7022141 91 403 Robledal 390.28288 88 399 Robledal 486.85275 88 400 Robledal 344.25732 88 401 Robledal 274.33301 88 402 Robledal 54.514677 89 402 Robledal 2.7022141 91 403 2.7022141 91 403 Yaguaracual 83.652157 79 400 Yaguaracual 75.480526 80 400 Yaguaracual 613.48779 82 403 613.48779 82 403 The Settlement 19.057428 204 400 19.057428 204 400 Barbacoas 83.652157 79 400 Barbacoas 75.480526 80 400 Barbacoas 613.48779 82 403 613.48779 82 403 El Tunal 530.0994 89 400 El Tunal 204.31507 89 401 El Tunal 54.514677 89 402 El Tunal 2.7022141 91 403 2.7022141 91 403 San Francisco 344.25732 88 401 San Francisco 274.33301 88 402 San Francisco 54.514677 89 402 San Francisco 2.7022141 91 403 San Francisco 41.827165 90 405 41.827165 90 405 El Horcon 181.9925 87 401 El Horcon 344.25732 88 401 El Horcon 132.12622 87 402 El Horcon 2.7022141 91 403 El Horcon 7.5439052 87 405 7.5439052 87 405 Pta de Araya 1043.6232 82 401 Pta de Araya 613.48779 82 403 Pta de Araya 65.508304 86 403 Pta de Araya 29.38326 85 404 Pta de Araya 34.674453 85 405 34.674453 85 405 El Rincon 1043.6232 82 401 El Rincon 613.48779 82 403 El Rincon 65.508304 86 403 El Rincon 29.38326 85 404 El Rincon 34.674453 85 405 34.674453 85 405 Punta Arenas 187.6636 81 401 Punta Arenas 1043.6232 82 401 Punta Arenas 613.48779 82 403 Punta Arenas 29.38326 85 404 Punta Arenas 34.674453 85 405 34.674453 85 405 Manicuare 871.00947 82 402 Manicuare 533.5352 83 402 Manicuare 613.48779 82 403 Manicuare 29.38326 85 404 Manicuare 34.674453 85 405 Manicuare 39.544975 85 406 39.544975 85 406 Cumana 871.00947 82 402 Cumana 533.5352 83 402 Cumana 613.48779 82 403 613.48779 82 403 Chacachacare 13.449984 87 403 Chacachacare 2.9530695 89 403 Chacachacare 2.7022141 91 403 Chacachacare 7.5439052 87 405 Chacachacare 8.4075992 87 406 Chacachacare 2.7660836 87 407 2.7660836 87 407 El Guamache 613.48779 82 403 El Guamache 65.508304 86 403 El Guamache 29.38326 85 404 El Guamache 34.674453 85 405 El Guamache 39.544975 85 406 El Guamache 35.045096 85 407 35.045096 85 407 El Penon 613.48779 82 403 613.48779 82 403 Punta de Piedras 13.449984 87 403 Punta de Piedras 2.9530695 89 403 Punta de Piedras 2.7022141 91 403 Punta de Piedras 7.5439052 87 405 Punta de Piedras 8.4075992 87 406 Punta de Piedras 2.7660836 87 407 2.7660836 87 407 Piedras Negras 30.673788 88 404 Piedras Negras 2.8964898 89 404 Piedras Negras 7.5439052 87 405 Piedras Negras 8.4075992 87 406 Piedras Negras 2.7660836 87 407 2.7660836 87 407 La Guardia 15.960578 88 405 La Guardia 41.827165 90 405 La Guardia 5.8702821 88 406 La Guardia 22.598831 88 407 La Guardia 22.31131 88 409 22.31131 88 409 San Pedro de Coche 34.674453 85 405 San Pedro de Coche 7.5439052 87 405 San Pedro de Coche 39.544975 85 406 San Pedro de Coche 35.045096 85 407 San Pedro de Coche 20.71937 85 408 San Pedro de Coche 8.749472 85 409 8.749472 85 409 Altagracia 52.079478 90 406 Altagracia 10.084479 92 408 Altagracia 4.1232562 89 409 Altagracia 17.883962 92 410 17.883962 92 410 La Uva 39.544975 85 406 La Uva 35.045096 85 407 La Uva 20.71937 85 408 La Uva 8.749472 85 409 8.749472 85 409 El Yaque 31.099887 86 406 El Yaque 8.4075992 87 406 El Yaque 23.369602 86 407 El Yaque 3.8364694 86 409 El Yaque 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 San Antonio 8.4075992 87 406 San Antonio 2.7660836 87 407 San Antonio 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 Caimancito 39.544975 85 406 Caimancito 35.045096 85 407 Caimancito 20.71937 85 408 Caimancito 8.749472 85 409 8.749472 85 409 Guamache 39.544975 85 406 Guamache 35.045096 85 407 Guamache 20.71937 85 408 Guamache 8.749472 85 409 8.749472 85 409 Manzanillo 27.328157 92 407 Manzanillo 10.084479 92 408 Manzanillo 17.883962 92 410 17.883962 92 410 Paraguchi 27.328157 92 407 Paraguchi 10.084479 92 408 Paraguchi 4.1232562 89 409 Paraguchi 17.883962 92 410 17.883962 92 410 Porlamar 2.7660836 87 407 Porlamar 11.116469 87 409 11.116469 87 409 Pampatar 8.2260783 88 408 Pampatar 22.31131 88 409 Pampatar 17.883962 92 410 17.883962 92 410 Ariota 20.71937 85 408 Ariota 8.749472 85 409 Ariota 13.055322 85 411 13.055322 85 411 No Alonso 13.055322 85 411 13.055322 85 411 Soledad 13.055322 85 411 13.055322 85 411 Cabo Blanco 26.327198 85 412 26.327198 85 412 La Esmeralda 21.082923 85 413 21.082923 85 413 Guaca 26.976556 85 414 Guaca 30.205509 85 415 30.205509 85 415 Carupano 12.808612 86 416 Carupano 18.050904 86 417 18.050904 86 417 Windward Side 21.234522 187 416 21.234522 187 416 Puerto Santo 18.050904 86 417 18.050904 86 417 West End Village 708.75761 196 417 West End Village 248.3262 196 419 248.3262 196 419 Lowlands 1050.765 194 418 Lowlands 878.05956 194 419 Lowlands 255.82619 195 420 Lowlands 20.039997 196 422 Lowlands 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Rio Caribe 20.462156 86 418 Rio Caribe 23.442229 86 419 Rio Caribe 28.356568 86 421 Rio Caribe 32.23922 86 422 32.23922 86 422 Sandy Ground 1050.765 194 418 Sandy Ground 878.05956 194 419 Sandy Ground 255.82619 195 420 Sandy Ground 20.039997 196 422 Sandy Ground 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Marigot 878.05956 194 419 Marigot 255.82619 195 420 Marigot 20.039997 196 422 Marigot 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Blowing Point 248.3262 196 419 Blowing Point 20.039997 196 422 Blowing Point 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Koolbaai 902.30771 193 419 Koolbaai 255.82619 195 420 Koolbaai 20.039997 196 422 Koolbaai 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Concordia 878.05956 194 419 Concordia 255.82619 195 420 Concordia 20.039997 196 422 Concordia 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 St Louis 878.05956 194 419 St Louis 255.82619 195 420 St Louis 20.039997 196 422 St Louis 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 The Valley 248.3262 196 419 The Valley 20.039997 196 422 The Valley 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Fort Amsterdam 902.30771 193 419 Fort Amsterdam 255.82619 195 420 Fort Amsterdam 20.039997 196 422 Fort Amsterdam 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Dutch Cul de Sac 878.05956 194 419 Dutch Cul de Sac 255.82619 195 420 Dutch Cul de Sac 20.039997 196 422 Dutch Cul de Sac 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Grand Case 878.05956 194 419 Grand Case 255.82619 195 420 Grand Case 20.039997 196 422 Grand Case 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Colombier 878.05956 194 419 Colombier 255.82619 195 420 Colombier 20.039997 196 422 Colombier 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Philipsburg 902.30771 193 419 Philipsburg 255.82619 195 420 Philipsburg 20.039997 196 422 Philipsburg 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Orleans 878.05956 194 419 Orleans 255.82619 195 420 Orleans 20.039997 196 422 Orleans 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Point Blanche 902.30771 193 419 Point Blanche 255.82619 195 420 Point Blanche 20.039997 196 422 Point Blanche 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Anse Marcel 570.3636 195 419 Anse Marcel 248.3262 196 419 Anse Marcel 255.82619 195 420 Anse Marcel 20.039997 196 422 Anse Marcel 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 French Cul de Sac 570.3636 195 419 French Cul de Sac 248.3262 196 419 French Cul de Sac 255.82619 195 420 French Cul de Sac 20.039997 196 422 French Cul de Sac 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Green Cay 606.32488 194 420 Green Cay 255.82619 195 420 Green Cay 20.039997 196 422 Green Cay 22.351165 197 422 22.351165 197 422 Oranjestad 428.47394 185 420 Oranjestad 495.18994 185 421 Oranjestad 459.83252 185 422 Oranjestad 482.09884 185 423 482.09884 185 423 Agua Fria 28.356568 86 421 Agua Fria 32.23922 86 422 32.23922 86 422 Gustavia 730.90579 191 422 Gustavia 35.431137 195 423 35.431137 195 423 San Juan de las Galdonas 32.23922 86 422 San Juan de las Galdonas 5.4870454 83 426 5.4870454 83 426 Newton Ground 498.9627 184 422 Newton Ground 459.83252 185 422 Newton Ground 636.28459 184 423 Newton Ground 22.966833 184 426 22.966833 184 426 Fig Tree 612.46586 183 422 Fig Tree 459.83252 185 422 Fig Tree 712.63411 183 423 Fig Tree 568.16109 183 425 Fig Tree 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Saint Paul's 498.9627 184 422 Saint Paul's 459.83252 185 422 Saint Paul's 636.28459 184 423 Saint Paul's 22.966833 184 426 22.966833 184 426 Sandy Point 612.46586 183 422 Sandy Point 459.83252 185 422 Sandy Point 712.63411 183 423 Sandy Point 568.16109 183 425 Sandy Point 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Yaguaraparo 5.4870454 83 426 5.4870454 83 426 Half Way Tree 712.63411 183 423 Half Way Tree 568.16109 183 425 Half Way Tree 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Dieppe Bay Town 636.28459 184 423 Dieppe Bay Town 22.966833 184 426 22.966833 184 426 Middle Island 712.63411 183 423 Middle Island 568.16109 183 425 Middle Island 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Saddlers 636.28459 184 423 Saddlers 22.966833 184 426 22.966833 184 426 Challengers 951.0313 182 423 Challengers 860.51943 182 424 Challengers 903.10439 182 425 Challengers 602.03568 182 426 Challengers 99.128292 182 427 99.128292 182 427 Trinity 951.0313 182 423 Trinity 860.51943 182 424 Trinity 903.10439 182 425 Trinity 602.03568 182 426 Trinity 99.128292 182 427 99.128292 182 427 San Juan 45.088565 86 423 San Juan 46.473854 87 423 46.473854 87 423 Tabernacle 636.28459 184 423 Tabernacle 22.966833 184 426 22.966833 184 426 Phillips 622.11053 183 424 Phillips 568.16109 183 425 Phillips 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Boyd's 860.51943 182 424 Boyd's 903.10439 182 425 Boyd's 602.03568 182 426 Boyd's 99.128292 182 427 99.128292 182 427 Mansion 627.53955 184 424 Mansion 388.76797 184 425 Mansion 22.966833 184 426 22.966833 184 426 Molineux 622.11053 183 424 Molineux 568.16109 183 425 Molineux 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Unare 40.770242 86 424 40.770242 86 424 Lodge 622.11053 183 424 Lodge 568.16109 183 425 Lodge 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Ottley's 622.11053 183 424 Ottley's 568.16109 183 425 Ottley's 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Basseterre 860.51943 182 424 Basseterre 903.10439 182 425 Basseterre 602.03568 182 426 Basseterre 99.128292 182 427 99.128292 182 427 Canyon 622.11053 183 424 Canyon 568.16109 183 425 Canyon 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Keys 622.11053 183 424 Keys 568.16109 183 425 Keys 413.32025 183 426 413.32025 183 426 Charlestown 995.11765 180 425 Charlestown 878.72879 181 425 Charlestown 771.83744 180 426 Charlestown 453.69482 181 426 Charlestown 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Nelson's Spring 771.83744 180 426 Nelson's Spring 453.69482 181 426 Nelson's Spring 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Cotton Ground 771.83744 180 426 Cotton Ground 453.69482 181 426 Cotton Ground 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Jessup's Village 771.83744 180 426 Jessup's Village 453.69482 181 426 Jessup's Village 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Westbury 453.69482 181 426 Westbury 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Fig Tree 771.83744 180 426 Fig Tree 453.69482 181 426 Fig Tree 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Puerto Escondido 57.527298 87 426 Puerto Escondido 83.110386 87 430 83.110386 87 430 Newcastle 453.69482 181 426 Newcastle 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Fountain 453.69482 181 426 Fountain 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Irapa 5.4870454 83 426 5.4870454 83 426 Taylors Pleasure 771.83744 180 426 Taylors Pleasure 453.69482 181 426 Taylors Pleasure 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Hanley's Road 771.83744 180 426 Hanley's Road 453.69482 181 426 Hanley's Road 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Hick's Village 453.69482 181 426 Hick's Village 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Zion 678.2325 180 427 Zion 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Brink Kiln 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 New River 678.2325 180 427 New River 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Butlers 678.2325 180 427 Butlers 282.49097 181 427 282.49097 181 427 Soro 6.1368317 81 428 Soro 6.1410419 82 428 6.1410419 82 428 Guiria 15.00425 82 430 15.00425 82 430 Capure 2.0014997 77 431 2.0014997 77 431 Puerto de Hierro 3.4870859 83 431 3.4870859 83 431 Old Town 794.07696 174 431 Old Town 1132.61 175 431 1132.61 175 431 Olveston 794.07696 174 431 Olveston 1132.61 175 431 1132.61 175 431 Elberton 794.07696 174 431 Elberton 1132.61 175 431 1132.61 175 431 Saint Peter's 926.27596 175 432 Saint Peter's 1009.2684 176 432 Saint Peter's 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Woodlands 753.50303 174 432 Woodlands 926.27596 175 432 Woodlands 1009.2684 176 432 Woodlands 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Salem 753.50303 174 432 Salem 926.27596 175 432 Salem 1009.2684 176 432 Salem 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Weekes 753.50303 174 432 Weekes 926.27596 175 432 Weekes 1009.2684 176 432 Weekes 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Firth 753.50303 174 432 Firth 926.27596 175 432 Firth 1009.2684 176 432 Firth 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Cud Joe Head 753.50303 174 432 Cud Joe Head 926.27596 175 432 Cud Joe Head 1009.2684 176 432 Cud Joe Head 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Davy Hill 926.27596 175 432 Davy Hill 1009.2684 176 432 Davy Hill 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Plymouth 921.1015 173 432 Plymouth 753.50303 174 432 Plymouth 926.27596 175 432 Plymouth 1009.2684 176 432 Plymouth 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Molyneaux 753.50303 174 432 Molyneaux 926.27596 175 432 Molyneaux 1009.2684 176 432 Molyneaux 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Saint John's 926.27596 175 432 Saint John's 1009.2684 176 432 Saint John's 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Windy Hill 753.50303 174 432 Windy Hill 926.27596 175 432 Windy Hill 1009.2684 176 432 Windy Hill 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Lookout 926.27596 175 432 Lookout 1009.2684 176 432 Lookout 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Blakes 926.27596 175 432 Blakes 1009.2684 176 432 Blakes 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Tuitts 753.50303 174 432 Tuitts 926.27596 175 432 Tuitts 1009.2684 176 432 Tuitts 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Bramble Village 753.50303 174 432 Bramble Village 926.27596 175 432 Bramble Village 1009.2684 176 432 Bramble Village 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Long Ground 753.50303 174 432 Long Ground 926.27596 175 432 Long Ground 1009.2684 176 432 Long Ground 842.60982 177 432 842.60982 177 432 Bethnal 837.50604 174 433 Bethnal 783.71496 175 433 Bethnal 46.962435 176 433 Bethnal 431.31609 177 433 431.31609 177 433 Macuro 29.343954 83 436 29.343954 83 436 Five Islands 31.560581 180 437 Five Islands 11.320239 181 437 Five Islands 19.017182 182 437 Five Islands 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Jolly Harbour 609.01839 179 437 Jolly Harbour 19.017182 182 437 Jolly Harbour 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Bolans 609.01839 179 437 Bolans 19.017182 182 437 Bolans 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Fullarton 19.892698 75 437 Fullarton 2.932609 74 438 Fullarton 12.248407 74 440 12.248407 74 440 Urlings 773.83515 178 437 Urlings 609.01839 179 437 Urlings 19.017182 182 437 Urlings 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Jennings 609.01839 179 437 Jennings 19.017182 182 437 Jennings 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Ebenezer 609.01839 179 437 Ebenezer 19.017182 182 437 Ebenezer 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Runaway Bay 31.560581 180 437 Runaway Bay 11.320239 181 437 Runaway Bay 19.017182 182 437 Runaway Bay 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Creekside 609.01839 179 437 Creekside 19.017182 182 437 Creekside 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Dickenson Bay 31.560581 180 437 Dickenson Bay 11.320239 181 437 Dickenson Bay 19.017182 182 437 Dickenson Bay 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Golden Grove 609.01839 179 437 Golden Grove 19.017182 182 437 Golden Grove 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Saint John's 31.560581 180 437 Saint John's 11.320239 181 437 Saint John's 19.017182 182 437 Saint John's 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 John Hughes 683.49084 179 438 John Hughes 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Boons Bay 16.232231 180 438 Boons Bay 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Cedar Grove 16.232231 180 438 Cedar Grove 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Saint Johnston Village 16.232231 180 438 Saint Johnston Village 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Codrington 33.355261 187 438 Codrington 19.599028 188 438 Codrington 16.353065 188 439 Codrington 225.93912 189 439 Codrington 12.378895 189 441 12.378895 189 441 Potters Village 683.49084 179 438 Potters Village 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Osbourn 16.232231 180 438 Osbourn 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Coromandel Settlement 2.932609 74 438 Coromandel Settlement 12.248407 74 440 12.248407 74 440 Barnes Hill 16.232231 180 438 Barnes Hill 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Falmouth Harbour 747.47134 178 438 Falmouth Harbour 683.49084 179 438 Falmouth Harbour 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 La Pointe-Noire 1457.6129 167 438 La Pointe-Noire 1011.7014 168 438 La Pointe-Noire 1008.9656 171 439 La Pointe-Noire 157.7955 171 440 157.7955 171 440 Bouillante 1696.031 165 438 Bouillante 1580.9212 166 438 Bouillante 1457.6129 167 438 Bouillante 1011.7014 168 438 1011.7014 168 438 Bas Vent 1011.7014 168 438 Bas Vent 1234.9831 172 438 Bas Vent 1008.9656 171 439 Bas Vent 1069.2155 172 439 Bas Vent 157.7955 171 440 157.7955 171 440 Cobbs Cross 747.47134 178 438 Cobbs Cross 683.49084 179 438 Cobbs Cross 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 English Harbour 747.47134 178 438 English Harbour 683.49084 179 438 English Harbour 7.6883078 182 438 7.6883078 182 438 Pares 679.29346 179 439 Pares 20.483335 182 442 20.483335 182 442 Irois 46.720347 75 439 Irois 2.4606248 76 440 Irois 10.58212 75 441 Irois 3.7883373 76 441 3.7883373 76 441 Saint George's 31.070681 105 439 Saint George's 14.48764 107 443 Saint George's 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Betty's Hope 679.29346 179 439 Betty's Hope 20.483335 182 442 20.483335 182 442 Chatham 4.7586028 74 439 Chatham 12.248407 74 440 12.248407 74 440 Newfield 679.29346 179 439 Newfield 20.483335 182 442 20.483335 182 442 The Lance 31.070681 105 439 The Lance 14.48764 107 443 The Lance 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Basse-Terre 1377.6372 163 439 Basse-Terre 1400.3798 164 439 Basse-Terre 1394.964 165 439 Basse-Terre 1327.0687 166 439 Basse-Terre 1150.5161 167 439 1150.5161 167 439 Willikies 679.29346 179 439 Willikies 20.483335 182 442 20.483335 182 442 Prickley Bay 31.070681 105 439 Prickley Bay 14.48764 107 443 14.48764 107 443 Saint-Claude 1377.6372 163 439 Saint-Claude 1400.3798 164 439 Saint-Claude 1394.964 165 439 Saint-Claude 1327.0687 166 439 Saint-Claude 1150.5161 167 439 1150.5161 167 439 Victoria 14.48764 107 443 Victoria 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Half Moon Bay 762.38632 179 440 Half Moon Bay 20.483335 182 442 20.483335 182 442 Point Fortin 2.4606248 76 440 Point Fortin 3.7883373 76 441 3.7883373 76 441 Thebaide 14.48764 107 443 Thebaide 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 La Retraite 24.963047 83 440 La Retraite 15.997521 83 443 La Retraite 7.7748754 85 443 La Retraite 10.912959 83 444 La Retraite 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 San Francique 12.248407 74 440 12.248407 74 440 Le Bourg 1828.7467 161 440 Le Bourg 1637.561 162 440 Le Bourg 1370.1978 163 440 Le Bourg 1063.2298 164 440 Le Bourg 793.9919 165 440 Le Bourg 183.16046 164 444 Le Bourg 264.72439 165 444 264.72439 165 444 Grenville 14.48764 107 443 Grenville 7.2842136 108 443 7.2842136 108 443 Parry Lands 3.7883373 76 441 3.7883373 76 441 Baie-Mahault 16.460262 171 441 Baie-Mahault 52.138378 167 444 Baie-Mahault 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 Los Bajos 19.854711 74 441 19.854711 74 441 Capesterre 292.4756 164 441 Capesterre 183.16046 164 444 Capesterre 264.72439 165 444 Capesterre 157.06973 166 444 Capesterre 52.138378 167 444 Capesterre 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 Coolie Block 25.923306 84 442 Coolie Block 12.064236 84 443 Coolie Block 7.7748754 85 443 Coolie Block 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Dibe 16.872241 83 442 Dibe 15.997521 83 443 Dibe 7.7748754 85 443 Dibe 10.912959 83 444 Dibe 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Pointe-a-Pitre 157.06973 166 444 Pointe-a-Pitre 52.138378 167 444 Pointe-a-Pitre 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 Port-Louis 152.97135 171 442 152.97135 171 442 Plaisance 24.574728 79 442 Plaisance 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 Port-of-Spain 15.997521 83 443 Port-of-Spain 7.7748754 85 443 Port-of-Spain 10.912959 83 444 Port-of-Spain 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Argyle 37.271263 111 445 Argyle 15.610629 112 446 Argyle 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 California 14.367832 79 443 California 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 La Pastora 12.064236 84 443 La Pastora 7.7748754 85 443 La Pastora 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Saint-Jacques 217.78232 171 443 Saint-Jacques 292.88737 172 443 Saint-Jacques 384.33487 173 443 Saint-Jacques 378.5898 174 443 Saint-Jacques 248.19525 173 446 Saint-Jacques 759.7154 171 447 759.7154 171 447 San Fernando 14.367832 79 443 San Fernando 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 Portsmouth 2159.522 156 443 Portsmouth 1703.8212 158 443 Portsmouth 1758.4674 159 443 Portsmouth 1658.0454 160 443 1658.0454 160 443 Palencho 19.738137 72 446 19.738137 72 446 Morne Diablo 21.756514 74 443 Morne Diablo 44.348359 74 444 44.348359 74 444 Baroui 2368.9373 154 443 Baroui 2169.2863 155 443 Baroui 2159.522 156 443 Baroui 1703.8212 158 443 Baroui 1934.8966 155 444 Baroui 1350.3581 156 444 1350.3581 156 444 Carapichaima 30.14052 80 443 Carapichaima 22.674675 80 444 Carapichaima 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 L'Appelle 37.271263 111 445 L'Appelle 15.610629 112 446 L'Appelle 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 Ashton 15.610629 112 446 Ashton 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 Hermitage 14.367832 79 443 Hermitage 3.2033154 79 444 3.2033154 79 444 Cacandee Settlement 26.477363 81 443 Cacandee Settlement 7.7748754 85 443 Cacandee Settlement 10.912959 83 444 Cacandee Settlement 6.9090286 84 444 6.9090286 84 444 Las Cuevas 44.745733 87 444 Las Cuevas 46.007437 87 445 Las Cuevas 28.38076 87 446 Las Cuevas 29.01739 88 448 29.01739 88 448 Engagement Umbrella 37.271263 111 445 Engagement Umbrella 15.610629 112 446 Engagement Umbrella 7.6121246 113 446 7.6121246 113 446 Roseau 2423.4533 152 444 Roseau 2204.5203 153 444 Roseau 2192.4355 154 444 Roseau 1934.8966 155 444 Roseau 1350.3581 156 444 1350.3581 156 444 Sainte-Anne 157.06973 166 444 Sainte-Anne 52.138378 167 444 Sainte-Anne 16.620003 168 444 16.620003 168 444 Scotts Head 2346.0299 151 444 Scotts Head 2423.4533 152 444 Scotts Head 2204.5203 153 444 Scotts Head 2192.4355 154 444 Scotts Head 1934.8966 155 444 1934.8966 155 444 Moule 86.984738 168 446 Moule 7.5412454 168 447 7.5412454 168 447 La Lune 33.344783 74 445 33.344783 74 445 Canouan 11.332037 114 446 11.332037 114 446 Dubuc 2272.4445 152 445 Dubuc 1949.7275 153 445 Dubuc 1588.8837 154 445 Dubuc 1161.4095 155 445 Dubuc 502.70098 156 445 502.70098 156 445 Blanchisseuse 46.007437 87 445 Blanchisseuse 28.38076 87 446 Blanchisseuse 29.01739 88 448 Blanchisseuse 32.70933 88 449 32.70933 88 449 Marigot 502.70098 156 445 Marigot 176.30817 160 445 Marigot 90.181221 159 448 90.181221 159 448 Saint-Louis 245.06747 162 445 Saint-Louis 162.28296 163 445 Saint-Louis 129.96741 164 445 Saint-Louis 230.57169 165 445 Saint-Louis 388.90112 166 445 Saint-Louis 519.28324 166 446 Saint-Louis 8.4886315 165 448 8.4886315 165 448 Grand-Bourg 719.85259 161 445 Grand-Bourg 245.06747 162 445 Grand-Bourg 162.28296 163 445 Grand-Bourg 129.96741 164 445 Grand-Bourg 230.57169 165 445 Grand-Bourg 8.4886315 165 448 8.4886315 165 448 Castle Bruce 581.3787 154 446 Castle Bruce 702.91085 155 449 Castle Bruce 435.29509 156 449 Castle Bruce 207.74543 157 449 Castle Bruce 1044.959 155 450 Castle Bruce 1008.761 156 450 Castle Bruce 824.31269 157 450 824.31269 157 450 Kingstown 2.6771181 123 450 2.6771181 123 450 La Plaine 635.79767 153 446 La Plaine 829.58066 153 448 La Plaine 1044.959 155 450 La Plaine 1008.761 156 450 La Plaine 824.31269 157 450 824.31269 157 450 Chateaubelair 2.6771181 123 450 2.6771181 123 450 Union 41.571696 120 449 Union 29.316637 118 450 29.316637 118 450 Capesterre 739.5804 161 447 Capesterre 414.06726 162 447 Capesterre 75.353936 163 447 Capesterre 81.210594 165 447 Capesterre 8.4886315 165 448 8.4886315 165 448 Calliaqua 41.571696 120 449 Calliaqua 2.6771181 123 450 2.6771181 123 450 Mustique 36.735896 116 448 36.735896 116 448 Sainte Pierre 2179.729 146 447 Sainte Pierre 2156.8762 147 447 Sainte Pierre 2173.3672 148 447 2173.3672 148 447 Fancy 2.6771181 123 450 2.6771181 123 450 Matelot 29.01739 88 448 Matelot 32.70933 88 449 Matelot 26.364591 88 450 Matelot 13.985153 85 452 13.985153 85 452 Georgetown 2.6771181 123 450 2.6771181 123 450 Basse-Pointe 1575.3622 146 448 Basse-Pointe 1103.6117 147 448 Basse-Pointe 1351.1368 148 448 Basse-Pointe 1844.8369 149 448 Basse-Pointe 2004.1197 150 448 Basse-Pointe 63.88579 148 452 63.88579 148 452 Fort-de-France 5.4136125 146 453 5.4136125 146 453 Grande Anse 60.605706 167 449 Grande Anse 26.108418 168 449 26.108418 168 449 Soufriere 21.339049 131 453 21.339049 131 453 Lower Manzanilla 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Grande Riviere 32.70933 88 449 Grande Riviere 26.364591 88 450 Grande Riviere 13.985153 85 452 13.985153 85 452 Soburojo 19.314662 70 449 Soburojo 5.8861477 69 450 Soburojo 2.7257792 69 451 2.7257792 69 451 Lower Fishing Pond 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Salibea 11.244167 83 452 Salibea 7.7333748 84 452 7.7333748 84 452 Guayaguayare 39.510962 75 450 Guayaguayare 8.7007806 76 450 Guayaguayare 2.8916729 79 452 2.8916729 79 452 Point du Nord 10.009413 168 450 Point du Nord 118.24756 169 450 118.24756 169 450 Saint Margaret 2.8916729 79 452 Saint Margaret 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Saint Joseph 2.8916729 79 452 Saint Joseph 8.1107363 81 452 8.1107363 81 452 Rampanalgas 26.364591 88 450 Rampanalgas 7.7333748 84 452 7.7333748 84 452 Castries 35.183306 133 454 35.183306 133 454 Lero 63.88579 148 452 Lero 5.4136125 146 453 Lero 17.968397 147 453 17.968397 147 453 Fonds Panier 5.4136125 146 453 5.4136125 146 453 Redhead 30.507471 88 451 Redhead 13.985153 85 452 13.985153 85 452 Vieux Fort 21.339049 131 453 Vieux Fort 35.183306 133 454 35.183306 133 454 Cap Estate 71.539598 136 454 71.539598 136 454 Anbre 21.339049 131 453 Anbre 35.183306 133 454 35.183306 133 454 Hyacinthe 5.4136125 146 453 Hyacinthe 17.968397 147 453 17.968397 147 453 Bosquet d'Or 35.183306 133 454 35.183306 133 454 La Esperanza 2.0183872 59 456 La Esperanza 2.0346929 60 456 2.0346929 60 456 Sainte-Anne 7.2046339 143 455 7.2046339 143 455 Le Vauclin 21.728829 145 454 21.728829 145 454 Jotajana 2.0183872 59 456 Jotajana 13.569609 57 457 13.569609 57 457 Mount Pleasant 84.63746 90 453 Mount Pleasant 109.96896 90 454 Mount Pleasant 11.785092 91 454 Mount Pleasant 78.4625 90 455 Mount Pleasant 65.824154 90 456 65.824154 90 456 Scarborough 11.785092 91 454 11.785092 91 454 Castara 11.42909 93 455 Castara 67.461504 92 456 67.461504 92 456 Belle Garden 91.633546 91 456 91.633546 91 456 Speyside 66.645547 92 457 66.645547 92 457 San Jose de Amacuro 4.1128084 54 459 4.1128084 54 459 Faro de Barima 4.1128084 54 459 Faro de Barima 2.227025 55 463 2.227025 55 463 La Linea 21.449445 52 469 21.449445 52 469 Hackney 6.0838593 40 487 Hackney 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Marlborough 9.3960115 39 488 Marlborough 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Bounty Hall 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Queenstown 2.0142961 33 490 2.0142961 33 490 Taymoutn Manor Place 2.0142961 33 490 2.0142961 33 490 Aurora 2.0216906 30 491 2.0216906 30 491 Anna Regina 2.0142961 33 490 Anna Regina 2.0303211 36 490 2.0303211 36 490 Hampton Court 7.6347193 37 489 7.6347193 37 489 Suddie 2.0142961 33 490 2.0142961 33 490 Capoey 2.0142961 33 490 2.0142961 33 490 Maria Johanna 2.0216906 30 491 Maria Johanna 4.2796775 29 492 4.2796775 29 492 Caledonia 2.0216906 30 491 Caledonia 4.2796775 29 492 4.2796775 29 492 Parika 2.0216906 30 491 Parika 4.2796775 29 492 4.2796775 29 492 Leguan I 2.0216906 30 491 Leguan I 4.2796775 29 492 4.2796775 29 492 De Kinderen 2.0216906 30 491 De Kinderen 4.2796775 29 492 De Kinderen 2.0014258 28 494 2.0014258 28 494 Den Amstel 4.2796775 29 492 Den Amstel 2.0014258 28 494 2.0014258 28 494 Georgetown 2.0009563 29 493 Georgetown 2.0014258 28 494 Georgetown 2.9923384 28 496 2.9923384 28 496 Courida Park 2.0009563 29 493 Courida Park 2.0014258 28 494 Courida Park 2.9923384 28 496 2.9923384 28 496 Buxton 2.0014258 28 494 Buxton 2.9923384 28 496 Buxton 3.893256 27 498 3.893256 27 498 Belfield 2.9923384 28 496 Belfield 3.893256 27 498 Belfield 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Enmore 2.9923384 28 496 Enmore 3.893256 27 498 Enmore 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Helena 3.893256 27 498 Helena 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 De Kinderen 2.0092812 26 499 De Kinderen 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Perth 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Mahaicony 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Belladrum 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Weldaad 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Number Forty 4.6054468 24 500 4.6054468 24 500 Onverwagt 3.5690224 23 503 3.5690224 23 503 Fort Wellington 3.5690224 23 503 3.5690224 23 503 Waterloo 2.0018811 21 504 Waterloo 4.5087237 22 504 4.5087237 22 504 Blairmont 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Everton 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Rosignol 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 New Amsterdam 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Fyrish 2.0018811 21 504 2.0018811 21 504 Rosehall 5.3916816 20 508 Rosehall 5.5841235 19 509 5.5841235 19 509 Tarlogie Farm 5.3916816 20 508 Tarlogie Farm 5.5841235 19 509 Tarlogie Farm 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Brighton 5.5841235 19 509 Brighton 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Goldspie 5.5841235 19 509 Goldspie 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Number Forty-six 3.2349672 14 510 Number Forty-six 2.7620612 15 510 Number Forty-six 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Leeds 3.2349672 14 510 Leeds 2.7620612 15 510 Leeds 4.5748731 18 510 4.5748731 18 510 Crabwood Creek 3.2349672 14 510 Crabwood Creek 2.7620612 15 510 2.7620612 15 510 Number Sixty-one 3.2349672 14 510 Number Sixty-one 2.7620612 15 510 Number Sixty-one 5.0044694 17 511 5.0044694 17 511 Number 80 3.2349672 14 510 Number 80 2.7620612 15 510 2.7620612 15 510 Corriverton 3.2349672 14 510 Corriverton 2.7620612 15 510 Corriverton 14.335455 15 512 14.335455 15 512 Nieuw Nickerie 3.2349672 14 510 Nieuw Nickerie 2.7620612 15 510 Nieuw Nickerie 14.335455 15 512 Nieuw Nickerie 5.5643558 16 514 5.5643558 16 514 Burnside 2.0315619 15 519 2.0315619 15 519 Totness 4.8842381 15 520 Totness 3.3624951 14 521 Totness 4.0506094 14 522 4.0506094 14 522 Hamilton 3.3624951 14 521 Hamilton 4.0506094 14 522 4.0506094 14 522 Coppenamepunt 2.5489581 14 526 Coppenamepunt 2.0034566 13 527 2.0034566 13 527 Pomona 7.3303553 15 538 Pomona 2.0086886 15 539 Pomona 2.1613711 15 540 Pomona 3.4414184 16 542 3.4414184 16 542 Clevia 7.3303553 15 538 Clevia 2.0086886 15 539 Clevia 2.1613711 15 540 2.1613711 15 540 Nieuw Amsterdam 2.0086886 15 539 Nieuw Amsterdam 2.1613711 15 540 Nieuw Amsterdam 3.4414184 16 542 3.4414184 16 542 Geertruidenberg 2.0086886 15 539 Geertruidenberg 2.1613711 15 540 2.1613711 15 540 Langamankondre 4.0969154 13 555 Langamankondre 2.0000334 13 557 Langamankondre 4.2065643 13 558 4.2065643 13 558 Galibi 4.0969154 13 555 Galibi 2.0000334 13 557 Galibi 4.2065643 13 558 4.2065643 13 558 Les Hattes 2.0000334 13 557 Les Hattes 4.2065643 13 558 Les Hattes 11.561265 12 560 11.561265 12 560 Camp de Coswine 3.8343035 12 559 Camp de Coswine 11.561265 12 560 11.561265 12 560 Aouara 2.0000334 13 557 Aouara 4.2065643 13 558 Aouara 11.561265 12 560 11.561265 12 560 Organabo 9.4790912 10 564 Organabo 3.5461594 9 565 3.5461594 9 565 Fleche 9.4790912 10 564 Fleche 3.5461594 9 565 3.5461594 9 565 Mamaribo 3.5461594 9 565 3.5461594 9 565 Bellevue 17.767267 9 566 Bellevue 5.1391164 9 568 Bellevue 9.0325094 9 569 9.0325094 9 569 Iracoubo 6.6081705 9 567 Iracoubo 5.1391164 9 568 Iracoubo 9.0325094 9 569 9.0325094 9 569 Trou Poisson 5.1207339 8 570 5.1207339 8 570 Roche Brigandin 5.1207339 8 570 5.1207339 8 570 Sinnamary 4.9799731 8 571 Sinnamary 12.39989 7 572 12.39989 7 572 Kourou 10.969926 4 577 Kourou 3.1960244 4 578 3.1960244 4 578 Caussade 3.5236863 3 579 Caussade 5.9672381 2 580 5.9672381 2 580 Tonate 5.9672381 2 580 Tonate 2.3399299 1 581 2.3399299 1 581 ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/bathymetry.tif in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/bathymetry.tif ...copying /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/grid/CalcInputDeck.txt in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/CalcInputDeck.txt /home/critechuser/operational/bin/coastalImpact -i /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/CalcInputDeck.txt -o /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ > /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/outCostalImpact.txt SELECT id, SHAPE_LENG,AsText(Geometry) FROM shoreline WHERE MBRContains(BuildMBR(-91.13,5.0,-43.26,36.95), geometry) 100 / 573 200 / 573 300 / 573 400 / 573 500 / 573 plottype GDACS drawing CoastalImpact /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ /mnt/output/SSCS/DATA/coastal.db 100 / 573 200 / 573 300 / 573 400 / 573 500 / 573 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF /mnt/output/GDACS/TC/TCTrack/1000686/ECMWF/2020072812/all_inpData.txt error track file-->map without track ECMWF 1000686 trackfile 0 OUT_umax.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0000.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0024.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0048.jpg OUT_u10x00u10y0072.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0000.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0024.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0048.jpg OUT_TIF_H_0072.jpg ...writing netcdf... ....NETCDF_H remove files!!!!! ....remove.... calling this command : python /mnt/output/SSCS/scripts/classify.py exec /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/TIF_MAXVEL_END.tif /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ /mnt/output/SSCS/ GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF delft3d from 28-07-2020 00:00 to 28-07-2020 12:00& start issueBulletin listWindows: folder0 : http://webcritech.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ModellingOutput/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12/ folderFinal0 : http://webcritech.jrc.ec.europa.eu/ModellingOutput/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/ savepath: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200728.12// ******************************************************* * Case Completed * ******************************************************* Case starterd at: 2020-07-28 21:11:55.921109 UTC Cas completed at: 2020-07-28 21:42:10.197688 UTC **********E N D O F J O B*********************** 12 Input file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/TIF_MAXVEL_END.tif PopFile: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popfile_clipped.tif country: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/countryfile_clipped.tif popCellSize= 0.00833333333333 projection= GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]] >> 1. resample the vmax file to the resolution and proj of pop density 0.00833333333333 deg >> 2. read the charactristics of the input file >> 3. extract a piece of landscan corresponding to the required bounding box >> 3a. extract a piece of countries corresponding to the required bounding box and resolution/proj of pop density >> 4. classify the vmax file creating another array of values classified file /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popfile_clipped.tif v>vmin sum pixels= 0.121493 million >> 5. count the popolation in each cell and assign to the class and write to output in PP classifying 0 643 >> 6. print output in /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/final/popDensValues.xml TS 121493 (wind>17 and <=33) The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands, British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Saint Barthelemy 17 and <=33]]> The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands, British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Saint Barthelemy TS 121493 41 49070 29423 20919 14773 7267 CAT. 1 0 (wind>33 and <=43) 33 and <=43]]> CAT. 1 0 CAT. 2 0 (wind>43 and <=50) 43 and <=50]]> CAT. 2 0 CAT. 3 0 (wind>50 and <=58) 50 and <=58]]> CAT. 3 0 CAT. 4 0 (wind>58 and <=70) 58 and <=70]]> CAT. 4 0 CAT. 5 0 (wind>70 and <=1000) 70 and <=1000]]> CAT. 5 0 ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 21:45:07.645286 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 21:55:11.563715 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 22:05:07.241786 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 22:15:07.827663 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 22:25:11.948491 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 22:35:07.355998 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 22:45:08.202152 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 22:55:11.776128 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 23:05:09.184692 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 23:15:08.731470 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 23:25:16.800248 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 23:35:11.704165 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 23:45:09.370623 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-28 23:55:12.010448 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 00:05:07.179093 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 00:15:08.474816 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 00:25:12.056497 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 00:35:07.307593 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 00:45:08.323382 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 00:55:10.899327 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 01:05:07.125777 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 01:15:07.497402 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 01:25:23.702028 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 01:35:07.434800 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 01:45:08.079988 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 01:55:11.230195 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 02:05:07.670526 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 02:15:07.717421 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 02:25:11.216571 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 02:35:07.970975 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 02:45:11.564610 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 03:05:08.217784 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 03:15:07.008513 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 03:25:12.714475 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 03:35:12.410043 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 03:45:07.220435 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 04:15:06.831238 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 04:25:12.108842 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 04:35:08.988129 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 04:45:08.202036 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 04:55:11.121366 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 05:05:08.428589 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 05:15:07.797352 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 05:25:12.303215 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 05:35:07.917842 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 05:45:07.723501 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 05:55:11.410143 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 06:05:07.884925 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-29 00:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 3 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-29 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-29 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-29 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-29 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ creating /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/delft3d/20200729.00/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-29 06:05:07.930203 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200729.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/29/20200729.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/29/20200729.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 06:15:09.796706 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-29 00:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 3 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 06:15:09.797532 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-29 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-29 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-29 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-29 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-29 06:15:09.854678 rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200729.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/29/20200729.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/29/20200729.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 06:25:30.480597 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 06:25:30.479903 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-29 00:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 3 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-29 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-29 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-29 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-29 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-29 06:25:30.534690 ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200729.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/29/20200729.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/29/20200729.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 06:35:11.731169 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-29 00:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 3 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 06:35:11.731187 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-29 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-29 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-29 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-29 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-29 06:35:11.793447 rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200729.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/29/20200729.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/29/20200729.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 06:45:07.376583 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 06:45:07.376962 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-29 00:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 3 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 12 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-29 00:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-29 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-29 00:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-29 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ ============================================ process meteo ============================================ 1. process meteo, starting at 2020-07-29 06:45:07.410882 rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ..1.1 calling ECMWF_2_netcdf... ...ready to create the netcdf file: /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/netcdf/20200729.00.tropical_cyclone.nc ...opening grib file /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/29/20200729.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ...no data in /mnt/input/grib/2020/07/29/20200729.00.tropical_cyclone.grib ret= -4 True removing submitted_surge ret= -4 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False meteo file not yet available ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 06:55:15.581055 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 07:05:07.368841 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 07:15:08.817031 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 07:25:12.105893 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 07:35:07.986703 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 07:45:08.184723 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ============================================================== ******************************************************* * Storm Surge Calculation System (SSCS) * ******************************************************* Now is : 2020-07-29 07:55:11.801153 UTC inp1= 20200728.00 ncores= 10 submitting calc 2020-07-28 00:00:00 2020-07-28 12:00:00 delft3d -91.13 -43.26 5.0 36.95 4.0 ECMWF 72 15 True GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF 6 1 False False 10 20200728.00 ndt: 2 running case from 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 h start= 1 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 00:00:00 for 12 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 00:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False running case from 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 h start= 0 rundate,ncores= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 10 RUNNING 2020-07-28 12:00:00 for 72 hours rundate= 2020-07-28 12:00:00 /mnt/output/SSCS/2020/GDACS/1000686/1_ECMWF/ Nothing to do, case already completed ret= -3 newcase= False forceFinal= False forceBulletin= False ==============================================================